Workers’ Compensation Act
Division of WorkersCompensation
Jared Polis, Governor
Joe Barela, Executive Director
Paul Tauriello, Director
The Rules of Procedure
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Copies of the Workers’ Compensation Act
can be obtained from:
Division of Workers’ Compensation
633 17th Street
Denver, CO 80202-3660
This portion of the Colorado Revised Statutes, reprinted with the permission of the Committee on Legal Services in
accordance with section 2-5-118, C.R.S., is an unofficial publication of Colorado Revised Statutes.
Reference should always be made to the official set of statutes published and enacted pursuant to article 5 of title 2,
Colorado Revised Statutes, on questions involving legal interpretations or when litigation is involved.
An index to the Act prepared by the Division of Workers’ Compensation can be found at the end of this
Table of Contents
ARTICLE 14.5 - Cost Containment .............................................................................................................................. 1
ARTICLE 40 - General Provisions ................................................................................................................................ 3
ARTICLE 41 - Coverage and Liability ......................................................................................................................... 9
ARTICLE 42 Benefits .............................................................................................................................................. 18
ARTICLE 43 - Procedure ............................................................................................................................................ 34
ARTICLE 44 - Insurance............................................................................................................................................. 58
ARTICLE 45 - Pinnacol Assurance............................................................................................................................. 66
ARTICLE 46 - Specific Insurance Funds .................................................................................................................... 72
ARTICLE 47 - Administration .................................................................................................................................... 77
ARTICLE 55 - Workers' Compensation Classification Appeals Board ...................................................................... 81
ARTICLE 67 Colorado Uninsured Employer Act .................................................................................................... 83
Cost Containment
8-14.5-101. Short title. This article shall be known
d may be cited as the "Workers' Compensation Cost
Containment Act".
8-14.5-102. Legislative declaration. The general
assembly hereby finds and declares that any adjustments to
premiums for workers' compensation insurance be granted on
the basis of equity, rate adequacy, fairness, and insurer
compliance with Colorado insurance rating laws. The general
assembly further finds and declares that notwithstanding the
granting of different rates to insureds for their experience
modification, participation in return-to-work programs, and
premium volume discounts not exceeding fifteen percent, any
other premium adjustments should be principally weighted in
a manner primarily encouraging the adoption and successful
implementation by insureds of effective workplace safety
programs mainly encompassing risk management and medical
cost containment procedures.
8-14.5-103. Definitions. As used in this article,
unless the context otherwise requires:
(1) "Approved program" means a cost containment
or risk management program approved by the board.
(2) "Board" means the workers' compensation cost
containment board established pursuant to section 8-14.5-104.
(3) "Certified program" means a cost containment or
risk management program which has been implemented for a
period of at least one year and certified by the board.
(3.5) "Commissioner" means the insurance
commissioner, appointed pursuant to section 10-1-104, C.R.S.
(4) "Department" means the department of labor and
(5) "Director" means the director of the division.
(6) "Division" means the division of workers'
compensation in the department of labor and employment.
(7) "High risk employer" means any employer
classified in the upper ten percent of the insurance rate
schedule in the Colorado workers' compensation insurance
(8) "Managed care" shall have the meaning set forth
in section 8-42-101 (3.6)(p)(I)(B).
(9) "Workplace safety program" means those
programs offered by insurance carriers authorized to do
business in this state for purposes of workers' compensation
insurance policies and implemented by employers to promote
cost containment and risk management of workplace safety
8-14.5-104. Creation of board. (1) There is hereby
created in the division the workers' compensation cost
containment board, to be composed of seven members: The
commissioner of insurance, the chief executive officer of
Pinnacol Assurance, and five members appointed by the
governor and confirmed by the senate. Appointed members of
the board shall be chosen among the following: Employers or
their designated representatives engaged in businesses having
workers' compensation insurance rates in the upper five
percent of the rate schedule, actuaries or executives with risk
management experience in the insurance industry, or
employers who have demonstrated good risk management
experience with respect to their workers' compensation
(2) The board shall exercise its powers and perform
its functions under the department and the director of the
division as if the same were transferred to the department by a
type 2 transfer, as such transfer is defined in the
"Administrative Organization Act of 1968", article 1 of title
24, C.R.S.
(3) The appointed members of the board shall serv
terms of three years and may be reappointed; except that,
of the members first appointed, two shall serve for terms of
three years; two shall serve for terms of two years, and one
shall serve for a term of one year. The chief executive officer
of Pinnacol Assurance and the commissioner of insurance shall
serve continuously.
(4) Members of the board shall receive no
compensation but shall be reimbursed for actual and necessary
traveling and subsistence expenses incurred in the
performance of their official duties as members of the board.
8-14.5-105. Powers and duties of board -
rules. (1) The board shall have the following powers and
(a) To establish model cost containment and ris
anagement programs for selected classifications in the upper
ten percent of the insurance rate schedule under the Colorado
workers' compensation insurance program;
(b) To adopt standards for the approval of particular
cost containment and risk management programs submitted by
community, technical, or local district colleges or by
employers in those selected high risk classifications;
(c) To receive, evaluate, and certify cost containment
and risk management programs implemented by community,
technical, or local district colleges or by employers in those
selected high risk classifications for a period of at least one
(d) To promote cost containment and ris
management training by community, technical, or local district
colleges, employers, groups of employers, or trade
(e) To review annually the classifications in the
upper ten percent of the insurance rate schedule under the
Colorado workers' compensation insurance program for
inclusion in the cost containment program;
(f) To set the qualifications for technical personnel to
assist community, technical, and local district colleges and
employers in establishing risk management and cost
containment programs;
(g) To disseminate information regarding the types
of workers' compensation insurance policies available;
(h) To adopt such rules and regulations as may be
necessary to carry out the purposes of this article.
8-14.5-106. Duties of director. (1) The director
shall have the following powers and duties:
a) To provide technical advice to the board;
(b) To provide technical advice and assistance to
community, technical, or local district colleges, employers,
groups of employers, or trade associations with respect to the
To Index
development and implementation of cost containment and risk
management programs;
(c) To publish, as may be appropriate, documents
relating to the development and implementation of cost
containment and risk management programs;
(d) To maintain records of all proceedings of the
board, including the evaluation of proposals for cost
containment and risk management programs submitted by
employers and by community, technical, or local district
(e) To maintain records of all employers and
community, technical, or local district colleges with certified
8-14.5-107. Cost containment certification. Any
employer complying with an approved program for at least one
year may present evidence of such compliance to the board and
petition the board to certify its program. The names of such
certified employers shall be made available on a periodic basis
to bona fide insurance carriers on file with the division.
8-14.5-107.5. Workplace safety programs - study
by commissioner. (1) The commissioner shall undertake a
full study of current workplace safety, risk management, and
cost containment programs offered by insurers, including
Pinnacol Assurance, a review and analysis of the various
incentives used by insurers to obtain policyholder
participation, including any premium adjustment programs in
use, and shall evaluate other possible programs and incentives
that could be used by insurers to expand workplace safety
programs and reward policyholder participation. The
commissioner shall consult with the Colorado department of
labor and employment in conducting the study. Such study,
review and analysis, and evaluation shall include but not be
limited to the following:
(a) Whether or not by a date certain, all insurers
including Pinnacol Assurance issuing workers' compensation
insurance policies in this state shall offer all insureds in the ten
most populous counties a managed care plan featuring a
designated medical provider;
(b) Whether or not by a date certain, if it is in the best
interest of employers and employees, all insurers including
Pinnacol Assurance issuing workers' compensation insurance
policies in this state shall offer to all or some selected classes
of insureds some type of basic workplace safety program;
(c) Whether or not the board or the commissioner
should continue providing certification of workplace safety
programs or whether such certification should be provided by
insurers for insureds;
(d) Whether or not by July 1, 1995, the commissioner
should promulgate regulations concerning the granting of
premium adjustments for an insured's participation and
implementation of a basic workplace safety program or
managed care program;
(e) The participation by insureds in existing
workplace safety programs offered by insurers and the
methods by which insurers offer such programs;
(f) Insurer compliance with deductible provisions;
(g) Insurer compliance with the provisions of part 4
of article 4 of title 10, C.R.S., regarding the current design and
use of any premium adjustment, rate deviation, premium
discount, retro-rate, scheduled adjustment, or other type of
financial plan and their effect on the fairness and
reasonableness of rates for those insureds not qualifying for
experience or schedule rating;
(h) The efficacy of reducing the premium dollar
volume needed for an insured to become experience rated;
(i) A cost benefit analysis of implementation of
workplace safety programs.
(2) (a) Repealed.
(b) Insurers shall make all necessary information and
records pertaining to workplace safety programs of such
insurers available to the commissioner in carrying out the
study required by subsection (1) of this section. The reasonable
costs of such study shall be borne by insurers, including
Pinnacol Assurance, as determined by the commissioner based
on the total cost of such study.
8-14.5-108. Cost containment fund - creation. All
moneys collected for cost containment pursuant to section 8-
14.5-109 or 8-44-112 (1)(b)(III) shall be transmitted to the
state treasurer who shall credit the same to the cost
containment fund, which fund is hereby created. All moneys
credited to said fund and all interest earned thereon shall be
subject to appropriation by the general assembly to pay the
direct and indirect costs of the cost containment program, and
said moneys shall remain in such fund for such purposes and
shall not revert to the general fund or any other fund.
8-14.5-109. Grants-in-aid - cooperative
agreements. The division may receive grants-in-aid from any
agency of the United States and may cooperate and enter into
agreements with any agency of the United States, any agency
of any other state, and any other agency of this state or its
political subdivisions, for the purpose of carrying out the
provisions of this article.
8-14.5-110. Repeal of article. (Repealed)
To Index
General Provisions
8-40-101. Short title. Articles 40 to 47 of this title
shall be known and may be cited as the "Workers'
Compensation Act of Colorado".
8-40-102. Legislative declaration. (1) It is the
intent of the general assembly that the "Workers'
Compensation Act of Colorado" be interpreted so as to assure
the quick and efficient delivery of disability and medical
benefits to injured workers at a reasonable cost to employers,
without the necessity of any litigation, recognizing that the
workers' compensation system in Colorado is based on a
mutual renunciation of common law rights and defenses by
employers and employees alike.
(2) The general assembly hereby finds that the
determination of whether an individual is an employee for
purposes of the "Workers' Compensation Act of Colorado" is
subject to a great deal of speculation and litigation. It is the
intent of the general assembly to provide an easily
ascertainable standard for determining whether an individual
is an employee. In order to further this objective, the test for
determining whether an individual is an employee for the
purposes of the "Workers' Compensation Act of Colorado"
shall be based on the nine criteria found in section 8-40-202
(2)(b)(II) which shall supersede the common law. The fact that
an individual performs services exclusively or primarily for
another shall not be conclusive evidence that the individual is
an employee.
8-40-201. Definitions. As used in articles 40 to 47 of
this title, unless the context otherwise requires:
(1) "Accident" means an unforeseen event occurring
without the will or design of the person whose mere act causes
it; an unexpected, unusual, or undesigned occurrence; or the
effect of an unknown cause or, the cause, being known, an
unprecedented consequence of it.
(2) "Accident", "injury", or "injuries" includes
disability or death resulting from accident or occupational
disease as defined in subsection (14) of this section.
(2.5) Repealed.
(3) "Board" means the board of directors of Pinnacol
(3.4) "Chief executive officer" means the chief
executive officer of Pinnacol Assurance.
(3.5) Repealed.
(3.6) "Claimant" means a person who either:
(a) Receives benefits under articles 40 to 47 of this
title; or
(b) Has or asserts, in any administrative or judicia
orum or in any communication with the director, the division,
or an employer, insurer, or self-insured employer, a right to
receive such benefits.
(4) "Division" means the division of workers'
compensation in the department of labor and employment.
(5) "Director" means the director of the division of
workers' compensation.
(6) "Employee" has the meaning set forth in section
8-40-202 and the scope of such term is set forth in section 8-
(7) "Employer" has the meaning set forth in section
8-40-203 and the scope of such term is set forth in section 8-
(8) "Employment" means any trade, occupation, job,
position, or process of manufacture or any method of carrying
on any trade, occupation, job, position, or process of
manufacture in which any person may be engaged; except that
it shall not include participation in a ridesharing arrangement,
as defined in section 39-22-509 (1)(a)(II), C.R.S., and
participation in such a ridesharing arrangement shall not affect
the wages paid to or hours or conditions of employment of an
employee; nor shall it include the employee's participation in a
voluntary recreational activity or program, regardless of
whether the employer promoted, sponsored, or supported the
recreational activity or program.
(9) "Examiner" means one of the industrial claim
appeals examiners appointed to the industrial claim appeals
panel in the industrial claim appeals office.
(10) "Executive director" means the executiv
rector of the department of labor and employment.
(11) (Deleted by amendment, L. 2002, p. 1882, § 27,
effective July 1, 2002.)
(11.5) "Maximum medical improvement" means a
point in time when any medically determinable physical or
mental impairment as a result of injury has become stable and
when no further treatment is reasonably expected to improve
the condition. The requirement for future medical maintenance
which will not significantly improve the condition or the
possibility of improvement or deterioration resulting from the
passage of time shall not affect a finding of maximum medical
improvement. The possibility of improvement or deterioration
resulting from the passage of time alone shall not affect a
finding of maximum medical improvement.
(12) "Mediation" means a process through which
arties involved in a dispute concerning matters arising under
articles 40 to 47 of this title meet with a mediator to discuss
such matter or matters, defining and articulating the issues and
their positions on such issues, with a goal of resolving such
dispute or disputes.
(13) "Mediator" means an individual who is trained
to assist disputants in reaching a mutually acceptable
resolution of their disputes through the identification and
evaluation of alternatives.
(13.5) Repealed.
(14) "Occupational disease" means a disease which
results directly from the employment or the conditions under
which work was performed, which can be seen to have
followed as a natural incident of the work and as a result of the
exposure occasioned by the nature of the employment, and
which can be fairly traced to the employment as a proximate
cause and which does not come from a hazard to which the
worker would have been equally exposed outside of the
To Index
(15) "Order" means and includes any decision,
finding and award, direction, rule, regulation, or other
determination arrived at by the director or an administrative
law judge.
(15.5) "Overpayment" means money received by a
claimant that exceeds the amount that should have been paid,
or which the claimant was not entitled to receive, or which
results in duplicate benefits because of offsets that reduce
disability or death benefits payable under said articles. For an
overpayment to result, it is not necessary that the overpayment
exist at the time the claimant received disability or death
benefits under said articles.
(16) "Panel" means the industrial claim appeals
panel that conducts administrative appellate review pursuant
to articles 40 to 47 of this title.
(16.5) (a) "Permanent total disability" means the
employee is unable to earn any wages in the same or other
employment. Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this
subsection (16.5), the burden of proof shall be on the employee
to prove that the employee is unable to earn any wages in the
same or other employment.
(b) Total loss of or total loss of use of both hands, or
both arms, or both feet, or both legs, or both eyes, or any two
thereof shall create a rebuttable presumption of permanent
total disability. "Total loss of use" shall be a medical
determination, based upon objective findings, made by an
independent medical examiner who is a level II accredited
physician in the appropriate field.
(17) "Place of employment" means every place
whether indoors, outdoors, or underground and the premises,
workplaces, works, and plants appertaining thereto or used in
connection therewith where either temporarily or permanently
any industry, trade, or business is carried on; or where any
process or operation directly or indirectly relating to any
industry, trade, or business is carried on; or where any person
is directly or indirectly employed by another for direct or
indirect gain or profit.
(18) "State" includes any state or territory of the
United States, the District of Columbia, and any province of
(18.5) "Temporary help contracting firm" means any
person who is in the business of employing individuals and,
for compensation from a third party, providing those
individuals to perform work for the third party, under the
supervision of the third party.
(19) (a) "Wages" shall be construed to mean the
money rate at which the services rendered are recompensed
under the contract of hire in force at the time of the injury,
either express or implied.
(b) The term "wages" includes the amount of the
employee's cost of continuing the employer's group health
insurance plan and, upon termination of the continuation, the
employee's cost of conversion to a similar or lesser insurance
plan, and gratuities reported to the federal internal revenue
service by or for the worker for purposes of filing federal
income tax returns and the reasonable value of board, rent,
housing, and lodging received from the employer, the
reasonable value of which shall be fixed and determined from
the facts by the division in each particular case, but does not
include any similar advantage or fringe benefit not specifically
enumerated in this subsection (19). If, after the injury, the
employer continues to pay any advantage or fringe benefit
specifically enumerated in this subsection (19), including the
cost of health insurance coverage or the cost of the conversion
of health insurance coverage, that advantage or benefit shall
not be included in the determination of the employee's wages
so long as the employer continues to make payment. Medicaid
and other indigent health care programs are not health
insurance plans for the purposes of this section.
(c) No per diem payment shall be considered wages
under this subsection (19) unless it is also considered wages
for federal income tax purposes.
8-40-202. Employee. (1) "Employee" means:
(a) (I) (A) Every person in the service of the state, or
of any county, city, town, or irrigation, drainage, or school
district or any other taxing district therein, or of any public
institution or administrative board thereof under any
appointment or contract of hire, express or implied; and every
elective official of the state, or of any county, city, town, or
irrigation, drainage, or school district or any other taxing
district therein, or of any public institution or administrative
board thereof; and every member of the military forces of the
state of Colorado while engaged in active service on behalf of
the state under orders from competent authority. Police
officers and firefighters who are regularly employed shall be
deemed employees within the meaning of this paragraph (a),
as shall also sheriffs and deputy sheriffs, regularly employed,
and all persons called to serve upon any posse in pursuance of
the provisions of section 30-10-516, C.R.S., during the period
of their service upon such posse, and all members of volunteer
fire departments, including any person receiving a retirement
pension under section 31-30-1122, C.R.S., who serves as an
active volunteer firefighter of a fire department subsequent to
retirement pursuant to section 31-30-1132, C.R.S., or any
person ordered by the chief or a designee of the chief's at the
scene of an emergency or during the period of an emergency
to become a member of that department for the duration of an
emergency, and to perform the duties of a firefighter, and only
if the person who is so ordered reports any claim within ten
days of the cessation of the emergency, volunteer rescue teams
or groups, volunteer disaster teams, volunteer ambulance
teams or groups, and volunteer search teams in any county,
city, town, municipality, or legally organized fire protection
district or ambulance district in the state of Colorado, and all
members of the civil air patrol, Colorado wing, while said
persons are actually performing duties as volunteer firefighters
or as members of such volunteer rescue teams or groups,
volunteer disaster teams, volunteer ambulance teams or
groups, or volunteer search teams or as members of the civil
air patrol, Colorado wing, and while engaged in organized
drills, practice, or training necessary or proper for the
performance of such duties. Members of volunteer police
departments, volunteer police reserves, and volunteer police
teams or groups in any county, city, town, or municipality,
while actually performing duties as volunteer police officers,
may be deemed employees within the meaning of this
paragraph (a) at the option of the governing body of such
county or municipality.
(B) Notwithstanding the provisions of sub-
subparagraph (A) of this subparagraph (I), any elected or
To Index
appointed official of any county, city, town, or irrigation,
drainage, or school district or taxing district who receives no
compensation for service rendered as such an official, other
than reimbursement of actual expenses, may be deemed not to
be an employee within the meaning of this paragraph (a) at the
option of the governing body of such county, city, town, or
district. The option to exclude such officials as employees
within the meaning of this paragraph (a) may be exercised as
to any category of officials or as to any combination of
categories of officials. Any such option may be exercised for
any policy year by the filing of a statement with the division
not less than forty-five days before the start of the policy year
for which the option is to be exercised. If such a statement is
in effect as to any category of such uncompensated officials,
no official in said category shall be deemed an employee
within the meaning of this paragraph (a). The governing body
shall notify each official of such action promptly at the time
such election to exclude is exercised.
(II) The rate of compensation of such persons
accidentally injured, or, if killed, the rate of compensation for
their dependents, while serving upon such posse or as
volunteer firefighters or as members of such volunteer police
departments, volunteer police reserves, or volunteer police
teams or groups or as members of such volunteer rescue teams
or groups, volunteer disaster teams, volunteer ambulance
teams or groups, or volunteer search teams or as members of
the civil air patrol, Colorado wing, and of every nonsalaried
person in the service of the state, or of any county, city, town,
or irrigation, drainage, or school district therein, or of any
public institution or administrative board thereof under any
appointment or contract of hire, express or implied, including
nonsalaried elective officials of the state, and of all members
of the military forces of the state of Colorado shall be at the
maximum rate provided by articles 40 to 47 of this title; except
that this subparagraph (II) shall apply to an official described
in sub-subparagraph (B) of subparagraph (I) of this paragraph
(a) only if no statement exercising the option to exclude such
official as an employee within the meaning of this paragraph
(a) is in effect.
(III) Any person who, as part of a rehabilitation
program of the department of human or social services of any
county or city and county, is placed with a private employer
for the purpose of training or learning trades or occupations is
deemed while so engaged to be an employee of such private
employer. Any person who receives a work experience
assignment to a position in any department or agency of any
county or municipality, in any school district, in the office of
any state agency or political subdivision thereof, or in any
private for profit or any nonprofit agency pursuant to the
provisions of part 7 of article 2 of title 26, is deemed while so
assigned to be an employee of the respective department,
agency, office, political subdivision, private for profit or
nonprofit agency, or school district to which said person is
assigned or, if so negotiated between the county and the entity
to which the person is assigned, of the county arranging the
work experience assignment. Any person who receives a work
experience assignment to a position in any federal office or
agency pursuant to part 7 of article 2 of title 26, is deemed
while so assigned to be an employee of the county arranging
the work experience assignment. The rate of compensation for
such persons if accidentally injured or, if killed, for their
dependents is based upon the wages normally paid in the
community in which they reside for the type of work in which
they are engaged at the time of such injury or death; except
that, if any such person is a minor, compensation to such minor
for permanent disability, if any, or death benefits to such
minor's dependents must be paid at the maximum rate of
compensation payable under articles 40 to 47 of this title 8 at
the time of the determination of such disability or of such
(IV) Except as provided in section 8-40-301 (3) and
section 8-40-302 (7)(a), any person who may at any time be
receiving training under any work or job training or
rehabilitation program sponsored by any department, board,
commission, or institution of the state of Colorado or of any
county, city and county, city, town, school district, or private
or parochial school or college and who, as part of any such
work or job training or rehabilitation program of any
department, board, commission, or institution of the state of
Colorado or of any county, city and county, city, town, school
district, or private or parochial school or college, is placed with
any employer for the purpose of training or learning trades or
occupations shall be deemed while so engaged to be an
employee of the respective department, board, commission, or
institution of the state of Colorado or of the county, city and
county, city, town, school district, or private or parochial
school or college sponsoring such training or rehabilitation
program unless the following conditions are met, in which case
the placed person shall be deemed an employee of the
employer with whom he or she is placed:
(A) The sponsoring entity and the employer agree
that the employer shall cover the placed person under the
employer's workers' compensation insurance;
(B) The employer does in fact insure and keep
insured its liability for workers' compensation as provided in
articles 40 to 47 of this title and does in fact cover the placed
person under such insurance; and
(C) With respect to agreements between sponsoring
entities and employers entered into after April 1, 1991, the
employer has been provided with notice of the provisions of
this subparagraph (IV) and of subparagraphs (V) and (VI) of
this paragraph (a).
(V) In the event a person placed with an employer is
deemed an employee of the employer pursuant to
subparagraph (IV) of this paragraph (a), the sponsoring entity
shall not be subject to any liability for or on account of the
death of or personal injury to the person so placed. In the event
such person is deemed an employee of the sponsoring entity
pursuant to the said subparagraph (IV), the employer shall not
be subject to any liability for or on account of the death of or
personal injury to the person and shall not be required to carry
workers' compensation insurance or to pay premiums for
workers' compensation insurance with respect to the person.
(VI) The rate of compensation for a person placed
pursuant to subparagraph (IV) of this paragraph (a) if
accidentally injured or, if killed, for dependents of such person
shall be based upon the wages normally paid in the community
in which such person resides or in the community where said
work or job training or rehabilitation program is being
conducted for the type of work in which the person is engaged
To Index
at the time of such injury or death, as determined by the
director; except that, if any such person is a minor,
compensation for such minor for permanent disability, if any,
or death benefits to such minor's dependents shall be paid at
the maximum rate of compensation payable under articles 40
to 47 of this title at the time of the determination of such
disability or death.
(b) Every person in the service of any person,
association of persons, firm, or private corporation, including
any public service corporation, personal representative,
assignee, trustee, or receiver, under any contract of hire,
express or implied, including aliens and also including minors,
whether lawfully or unlawfully employed, who for the purpose
of articles 40 to 47 of this title are considered the same and
have the same power of contracting with respect to their
employment as adult employees, but not including any persons
who are expressly excluded from articles 40 to 47 of this title
or whose employment is but casual and not in the usual course
of the trade, business, profession, or occupation of the
employer. The following persons shall also be deemed
employees and entitled to benefits at the maximum rate
provided by said articles, and, in the event of injury or death,
their dependents shall likewise be entitled to such maximum
benefits, if and when the association, team, group, or
organization to which they belong has elected to become
subject to articles 40 to 47 of this title and has insured its
liability under said articles: All members of privately
organized volunteer fire departments, volunteer rescue teams
or groups, volunteer disaster teams, volunteer ambulance
teams or groups, and volunteer search teams and organizations
while performing their respective duties as members of such
privately organized volunteer fire departments, volunteer
rescue teams or groups, volunteer disaster teams, volunteer
ambulance teams or groups, and volunteer search teams and
organizations and while engaged in organized drills, practice,
or training necessary or proper for the performance of their
respective duties.
(2) (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of this
section, any individual who performs services for pay for
another shall be deemed to be an employee, irrespective of
whether the common-law relationship of master and servant
exists, unless such individual is free from control and direction
in the performance of the service, both under the contract for
performance of service and in fact and such individual is
customarily engaged in an independent trade, occupation,
profession, or business related to the service performed. For
purposes of this section, the degree of control exercised by the
person for whom the service is performed over the
performance of the service or over the individual performing
the service shall not be considered if such control is exercised
pursuant to the requirements of any state or federal statute or
(b) (I) To prove that an individual is engaged in an
independent trade, occupation, profession, or business and is
free from control and direction in the performance of the
service, the individual and the person for whom services are
performed may show by a preponderance of the evidence that
the conditions set forth in paragraph (a) of this subsection (2)
have been satisfied. The parties may also prove independence
through a written document.
(II) To prove independence it must be shown that the
person for whom services are performed does not:
(A) Require the individual to work exclusively for
the person for whom services are performed; except that the
individual may choose to work exclusively for such person for
a finite period of time specified in the document;
(B) Establish a quality standard for the individual;
except that the person may provide plans and specifications
regarding the work but cannot oversee the actual work or
instruct the individual as to how the work will be performed;
(C) Pay a salary or at an hourly rate instead of at a
fixed or contract rate;
(D) Terminate the work of the service provider
during the contract period unless such service provider violates
the terms of the contract or fails to produce a result that meets
the specifications of the contract;
(E) Provide more than minimal training for the
(F) Provide tools or benefits to the individual; except
that materials and equipment may be supplied;
(G) Dictate the time of performance; except that a
completion schedule and a range of negotiated and mutually
agreeable work hours may be established;
(H) Pay the service provider personally instead of
making checks payable to the trade or business name of such
service provider; and
(I) Combine the business operations of the person for
whom service is provided in any way with the business
operations of the service provider instead of maintaining all
such operations separately and distinctly.
(III) A document may satisfy the requirements of this
paragraph (b) if such document demonstrates by a
preponderance of the evidence the existence of the factors
listed in subparagraph (II) of this paragraph (b) as are
appropriate to the parties' situation. The existence of any one
of these factors is not conclusive evidence that the individual
is an employee.
(IV) If the parties use a written document pursuant to
this paragraph (b), such document must be signed by both
parties and may be the contract for performance of service or
a separate document. Such document shall create a rebuttable
presumption of an independent contractor relationship
between the parties where such document contains a
disclosure, in type which is larger than the other provisions in
the document or in bold-faced or underlined type, that the
independent contractor is not entitled to workers'
compensation benefits and that the independent contractor is
obligated to pay federal and state income tax on any moneys
earned pursuant to the contract relationship. All signatures on
any such document must be duly notarized.
(V) If the parties use a written document pursuant to
this paragraph (b) and one of the parties is a professional whose
license to practice a particular occupation under the laws of the
state of Colorado requires such professional to exercise a
supervisory function with regard to an entire project such
supervisory role shall not affect such professional's status as
part of the independent contractor relationship.
(c) Nothing in this section shall be construed to
conflict with section 8-40-301 or to relieve any obligations
imposed pursuant thereto.
To Index
(d) Nothing in this section shall be construed to
remove the claimant's burden of proving the existence of an
employer-employee relationship for purposes of receiving
benefits pursuant to articles 40 to 47 of this title.
(e) (I) Notwithstanding any other provision of this
section, a written agreement between a nonprofit youth sports
organization and a coach, specifying that the coach is an
independent contractor and not an employee of the nonprofit
youth sports organization and otherwise satisfying the
requirements of this paragraph (e), shall be conclusive
evidence that the relationship between the nonprofit youth
sports organization and the coach is an independent contractor
relationship rather than an employment relationship and that
the nonprofit youth sports organization is not obligated to
secure compensation for the coach in accordance with the
"Workers' Compensation Act of Colorado".
(II) The written agreement shall contain a disclosure,
in bold-faced, underlined, or large type, in a conspicuous
location, and acknowledged by the parties by signature,
initials, or other means demonstrating that the parties have read
and understand the disclosure, indicating that the coach:
(A) Is an independent contractor and not an
employee of the nonprofit youth sports organization;
(B) Is not entitled to workers' compensation benefits
in connection with his or her contract with the nonprofit youth
sports organization; and
(C) Is obligated to pay federal and state income tax
on any moneys paid pursuant to the contract for coaching
services and that the nonprofit youth sports organization will
not withhold any amounts from the coach for purposes of
satisfying the coach's income tax liability.
(III) A written agreement between a nonprofit youth
sports organization and a coach in accordance with this
paragraph (e) shall not be conclusive evidence of an
independent contractor relationship for purposes of any civil
action instituted by a third party.
(IV) As used in this paragraph (e), "nonprofit youth
sports organization" means an organization that is exempt
from federal taxation under section 501 (c)(3) of the federal
"Internal Revenue Code of 1986", as amended, and is primarily
engaged in conducting organized sports programs for persons
under twenty-one years of age.
(3) Notwithstanding any other provision of this
section, "employee" includes a person who participates in a
property tax work-off program established pursuant to article
3.7 of title 39, C.R.S.
8-40-203. Employer. (1) "Employer" means:
(a) The state, and every county, city, town, and
irrigation, drainage, and school district and all other taxing
districts therein, and all public institutions and administrative
boards thereof without regard to the number of persons in the
service of any such public employer. All such public
employers shall be at all times subject to the compensation
provisions of articles 40 to 47 of this title.
(b) Every person, association of persons, firm, and
private corporation, including any public service corporation,
personal representative, assignee, trustee, or receiver, who has
one or more persons engaged in the same business or
employment, except as otherwise expressly provided in
articles 40 to 47 of this title, in service under any contract of
hire, express or implied.
(c) Repealed.
8-40-301. Scope of term "employee" -
definition. (1) (a) "Employee" excludes any person employed
by a passenger tramway area operator, as defined in section
12-150-103 (1), or other employer, while participating in
recreational activity, who at such time is relieved of and is not
performing any duties of employment, regardless of whether
such person is utilizing, by discount or otherwise, a pass,
ticket, license, permit, or other device as an emolument of
(b) (I) "Employee" excludes any person employed
by an out-of-state employer performing incidental work in
Colorado where the employee is covered at the time of injury
under the workers' compensation act of another state regardless
of where the contract for employment was created.
(II) For purposes of this section, "incidental work"
means work that is randomly or fortuitously in Colorado.
(III) This section only applies to a workers'
compensation act of another state that includes a reciprocal
provision exempting Colorado employers from liability under
the other state's act for incidental work.
(2) "Employee" excludes any person who is a
licensed real estate sales agent or a licensed real estate broker
associated with another real estate broker if:
(a) Substantially all of the sales agent's or associated
broker's remuneration from real estate brokerage is derived
from real estate commissions; and
(b) The services of the sales agent or associated
broker are performed under a written contract specifying that
the sales agent or associated broker is an independent
contractor; and
(c) Such contract provides that the sales agent or
associated broker shall not be treated as an employee for
federal income tax purposes.
(3) (a) Notwithstanding the provisions of section 8-
40-202 (1)(a)(IV), "employee" excludes any person who is
confined to a city or county jail or any department of
corrections facility as an inmate and who, as a part of such
confinement, is working, performing services, or participating
in a training or rehabilitation or work release program; except
that "employee" includes an inmate of a department of
corrections facility or a city, county, or city and county jail who
is working, performing services, or participating in a training,
rehabilitation, or work release program that has been certified
by the federal prison industry enhancement certification
program pursuant to the federal "Justice System Improvement
Act of 1979", 18 U.S.C. sec. 1761 (c). For the purposes of
articles 40 to 47 of this title, an inmate participating in a
program certified by the federal prison industry enhancement
certification program is an employee of that certified program,
which certified program shall carry workers' compensation
insurance pursuant to articles 40 to 47 of this title. No inmate
participating in a certified program shall be deemed to be an
employee of the state, city, county, or city and county that
To Index
owns, operates, or contracts for the operation of the facility or
jail in which the inmate is incarcerated.
(b) The provisions of paragraph (a) of this subsection
(3) do not apply to an inmate who is working for a private
employer under a contract of hire wherein the private employer
is required to maintain workers' compensation insurance for its
employees pursuant to articles 40 to 47 of this title. Such
inmate shall be an employee of such private employer for
purposes of articles 40 to 47 of this title.
(c) The provisions of paragraph (a) of this subsection
(3) do not apply to an inmate working for a joint venture
established pursuant to the provisions of section 17-24-119 or
17-24-121, C.R.S. Such inmate shall be an employee of such
joint venture for purposes of articles 40 to 47 of this title.
(d) The provisions of paragraph (a) of this subsection
(3) do not apply to an inmate working for a private person or
entity pursuant to the provisions of section 17-24-122, C.R.S.
Such inmate shall be an employee of such private person or
entity for purposes of articles 40 to 47 of this title.
(4) "Employee" excludes any person who volunteers
time or services for a ski area operator, as defined in section
33-44-103 (7), C.R.S., or for a ski area sponsored program or
activity, notwithstanding the fact that such person may receive
noncash remuneration for such person or such person's
designee in conjunction with such person's status as a
volunteer. No contract of hire, express or implied, is created
between any volunteer pursuant to this section and a ski area
operator. Notice shall be given to such volunteer in writing that
the volunteering of time or services under this subsection (4)
does not constitute employment for purposes of the "Workers'
Compensation Act of Colorado" and that such person is not
entitled to benefits pursuant to said act.
(5) "Employee" excludes any person who is working
as a driver under a lease agreement pursuant to section 40-
11.5-102, C.R.S., with a common carrier or contract carrier.
(6) Any person working as a driver with a common
carrier or contract carrier as described in this section shall be
eligible for and shall be offered workers' compensation
insurance coverage by Pinnacol Assurance or similar coverage
consistent with the requirements set forth in section 40-11.5-
102 (5), C.R.S.
(7) Persons who provide host home services as part
of residential services and supports, as described in section
25.5-10-206 (1)(e), C.R.S., for an eligible person, as defined
in section 25.5-6-403 (2)(a), C.R.S., pursuant to the "Home-
and Community-based Services for Persons with
Developmental Disabilities Act", part 4 of article 6 of title
25.5, C.R.S., and pursuant to a contract with a community-
centered board designated pursuant to section 25.5-10-209,
C.R.S., or a contract with a service agency as defined in section
25.5-10-202, C.R.S., shall not be considered employees of the
community-centered board or the service agency.
(8) For the purposes of articles 40 to 47 of this title
8, "employee" excludes any person who performs services for
more than one employer at a race meet as defined by section
44-32-102 (20), or at a horse track as defined by section 44-
32-102 (8).
(9) Notwithstanding any other provision of this
section, "employee" includes a person who participates in a
property tax work-off program established pursuant to article
3.7 of title 39, C.R.S.
8-40-302. Scope of term "employer".
(1) Repealed.
(2) Articles 40 to 47 of this title are not intended to
apply to employees of eleemosynary, charitable, fraternal,
religious, or social employers who are elected or appointed to
serve in an advisory capacity and receive an annual salary or
an amount not in excess of seven hundred fifty dollars and are
not otherwise subject to the "Workers' Compensation Act of
(3) Articles 40 to 47 of this title are not intended to
apply to employers of casual farm and ranch labor or
employers of persons who do casual maintenance, repair,
remodeling, yard, lawn, tree, or shrub planting or trimming, or
similar work about the place of business, trade, or profession
of the employer if such employers have no other employees
subject to said articles 40 to 47, if such employments are casual
and are not within the course of the trade, business, or
profession of said employers, if the amounts expended for
wages paid by the employers to casual persons employed to do
maintenance, repair, remodeling, yard, lawn, tree, or shrub
planting or trimming, or similar work about the place of
business, trade, or profession of the employer do not exceed
the sum of two thousand dollars for any calendar year, and if
the amounts expended for wages by the employer of casual
farm and ranch labor do not exceed the sum of two thousand
dollars for any calendar year.
(4) Articles 40 to 47 of this title are not intended to
apply to employers of persons who do domestic work or
maintenance, repair, remodeling, yard, lawn, tree, or shrub
planting or trimming, or similar work about the private home
of the employer if such employers have no other employees
subject to said articles 40 to 47 and if such employments are
not within the course of the trade, business, or profession of
said employers. This exemption shall not apply to such
employers if the persons who perform the work are regularly
employed by such employers on a full-time basis. For purposes
of this subsection (4), "full-time" means work performed for
forty hours or more a week or on five days or more a week.
(5) (a) Any employer excluded under this section
may elect to accept the provisions of articles 40 to 47 of this
title by purchasing and keeping in force a policy of workers'
compensation insurance covering said employees.
(b) Notwithstanding any other provision of articles
40 to 47 of this title, any working general partner or sole
proprietor actively engaged in the business may elect to be
included by endorsement as an employee of the insured and
shall be entitled to elect coverage regardless of whether such
working general partner or sole proprietor employs any other
person under any contract of hire.
(6) Articles 40 to 47 of this title are intended to apply
to officers of agricultural corporations; but effective July 1,
1977, any such agricultural corporation may elect to reject the
provisions of articles 40 to 47 of this title for any or all of said
(7) (a) Any employer, as defined in section 8-40-
203, who enters into a bona fide cooperative education or
student internship program sponsored by an educational
institution for the purpose of providing on-the-job training for
To Index
students shall be deemed an employer of such students for the
purposes of workers' compensation and liability insurance
pursuant to articles 40 to 47 of this title.
(b) If the student placed in an on-the-job training
program does not receive any pay or remuneration from the
employer, the educational institution sponsoring the student in
the cooperative education or student internship program shall
insure the student through the institution's workers'
compensation and liability insurance or enter into negotiations
with the employer for the purpose of arriving at a reasonable
level of compensation to the employer for the employer's
expense of providing workers' compensation and liability
insurance while such student is participating in on-the-job
training with said employer. This paragraph (b) shall not apply
to a student teacher participating in a program authorized
pursuant to article 62 of title 22, C.R.S.
(c) As used in this subsection (7), "cooperative
education or student internship program" means a program
sponsored by an educational institution in which a student is
taught through a coordinated combination of specialized in-
the-school instruction provided through an educational
institution by qualified teachers and on-the-job training
provided through a local business, agency, or organization or
any governmental agency in cooperation with the educational
Coverage and Liability
8-41-101. Assumption of risk - negligence of employee or
fellow servant. (1) In an action to recover damages for a
personal injury sustained by an employee while engaged in the
line of duty, or for death resulting from personal injuries so
sustained, in which recovery is sought upon the ground of want
of ordinary care of the employer, or of the officer, agent, or
servant of the employer, it shall not be a defense:
(a) That the employee, either expressly or impliedly,
assumed the risk of the hazard complained of as due to the
employer's negligence;
(b) That the injury or death was caused, in whole or
in part, by the want of ordinary care of a fellow servant;
(c) That the injury or death was caused, in whole or
in part, by the want of ordinary care of the injured employee
where such want of care was not willful.
8-41-102. Liability of employer complying. An
employer who has complied with the provisions of articles 40
to 47 of this title, including the provisions relating to insurance,
shall not be subject to the provisions of section 8-41-101; nor
shall such employer or the insurance carrier, if any, insuring
the employer's liability under said articles be subject to any
other liability for the death of or personal injury to any
employee, except as provided in said articles; and all causes of
action, actions at law, suits in equity, proceedings, and
statutory and common law rights and remedies for and on
account of such death of or personal injury to any such
employee and accruing to any person are abolished except as
provided in said articles.
8-41-103. Availability of common-law defenses. If
an employer has complied with the provisions of articles 40 to
47 of this title, including the provisions thereof relating to
insurance, and an action is brought against such employer or
such employer's insurance carrier to recover damages for
personal injuries or death sustained by an employee who has
elected not to come under said articles, such employer and such
employer's insurance carrier shall have all the defenses to the
action which they would have had if said articles and part 2 of
article 2 of this title had not been enacted.
8-41-104. Acceptance as surrender of other
remedies. An election under the provisions of section 8-40-
302 (5) and in compliance with the provisions of articles 40 to
47 of this title, including the provisions for insurance, shall be
construed to be a surrender by the employer, such employer's
insurance carrier, and the employee of their rights to any
method, form, or amount of compensation or determination
thereof or to any cause of action, action at law, suit in equity,
or statutory or common-law right, remedy, or proceeding for
or on account of such personal injuries or death of such
employee other than as provided in said articles, and shall be
an acceptance of all the provisions of said articles, and shall
bind the employee personally, and, for compensation for such
employee's death, the employee's personal representatives,
surviving spouse, and next of kin, as well as the employer, such
To Index
employer's insurance carrier, and those conducting their
business during bankruptcy or insolvency.
8-41-201. Not applicable to common carriers. The
provisions of articles 40 to 47 of this title shall not apply to
common carriers by railroad but shall apply to all other
employers as defined in said articles engaged in intrastate or
interstate commerce, or both, except those employers, other
than the Colorado division of civil air patrol, for whom a rule
of liability is established by the laws of the United States.
8-41-202. Rejection of coverage by corporate
officers and others. (1) Notwithstanding any provisions of
articles 40 to 47 of this title to the contrary, a corporate officer
of a corporation or a member of a limited liability company
may elect to reject the provisions of articles 40 to 47 of this
title. If so elected, said corporate officer or member shall
provide written notice on a form approved by the division
through a rule promulgated by the director of such election to
the worker's compensation insurer of the employing
corporation or company, if any, by certified mail. If there is no
workers' compensation insurance company, the notice shall be
provided to the division by certified mail. Such notice shall
become effective the day following receipt of said notice by
the insurer or the division.
(2) A corporate officer's or member's election to
reject the provisions of articles 40 to 47 of this title shall
continue in effect so long as the corporation's or company's
insurance policy is in effect or until said officer or member, by
written notice to the insurer, revokes the election to reject said
(3) Nothing in this section shall be construed to limit
the responsibility of corporations or limited liability
companies to provide coverage for their employees as required
under articles 40 to 47 of this title. An election to reject
coverage pursuant to this section may not be made a condition
of employment.
(4) For the purposes of this section:
(a) "Corporate officer" means the chairperson of the
board, president, vice-president, secretary, or treasurer who is
an owner of at least ten percent of the stock of the corporation
and who controls, supervises, or manages the business affairs
of the corporation, as attested to by the secretary of the
corporation at the time of the election.
(b) "Member" means an owner of at least ten percent
of the membership interest of the limited liability company at
all times and who controls, supervises, or manages the
business affairs of the limited liability company.
8-41-203. Negligence of stranger - remedies -
subrogation - actions - compromise. (1) (a) If any employee
entitled to compensation under articles 40 to 47 of this title is
injured or killed by the negligence or wrong of another not in
the same employ, such injured employee or, in case of death,
such employee's dependents, may take compensation under
said articles and may also pursue a remedy against the other
person to recover any damages in excess of the compensation
available under said articles.
(b) The payment of compensation pursuant to
articles 40 to 47 of this title shall operate as and be an
assignment of the cause of action against such other person to
Pinnacol Assurance, the medical disaster insurance fund, the
major medical insurance fund, or the subsequent injury fund,
if compensation is payable from said funds, and otherwise to
the person, association, corporation, or insurance carrier liable
for the payment of such compensation. Said insurance carrier
shall not be entitled to recover any sum in excess of the amount
of compensation for which said carrier is liable under said
articles to the injured employee, but to that extent said carrier
shall be subrogated to the rights of the injured employee
against said third party causing the injury. If the injured
employee proceeds against such other person, then Pinnacol
Assurance, the medical disaster insurance fund, the major
medical insurance fund, the subsequent injury fund, or such
other person, association, corporation, or insurance carrier, as
the case may be, shall contribute only the deficiency, if any,
between the amount of the recovery against such other person
actually collected and the compensation provided by said
articles in such case.
(c) The right of subrogation provided by this section
shall apply to and include all compensation and all medical,
hospital, dental, funeral, and other benefits and expenses to
which the employee or, if the employee is deceased, the
employee's dependents are entitled under the provisions of said
articles, including parts 2 and 3 of article 46 of this title, or for
which the employee's employer or insurance carrier is liable or
has assumed liability.
(d) The assigned and subrogated cause of action
provided by this section, together with the right to recover
future benefits:
(I) Shall extend to all moneys collected from the
third party causing the injury for all:
(A) Economic damages; and
(B) Physical impairment and disfigurement
damages; except that, to the extent the trier of fact makes a
separate award for disfigurement damages, the right of the
beneficiary of the assigned interest to recover from such
disfigurement damages shall be limited to the amount the
beneficiary of the assigned interest paid, or is obligated to pay,
in disfigurement damages pursuant to articles 40 to 47 of this
title; and
(II) Shall not extend to moneys collected for
noneconomic damages awarded for pain and suffering,
inconvenience, emotional stress, or impairment of quality of
(e) (I) Except as otherwise provided in subparagraph
(II) of this paragraph (e), the amount of the assigned and
subrogated cause of action shall be reduced by an amount
equal to the reasonable attorney fees and costs paid by the
injured employee or, if the employee is deceased, the
employee's dependents, in pursuing the recovery of the
assigned and subrogated cause of action and the collection of
such recovery.
(II) If the beneficiary of the assigned and subrogated
cause of action elects to independently pursue such assigned
cause of action, any recovery by such beneficiary shall not be
reduced by any attorney fees and costs incurred by the
employee. If the beneficiary of the assigned and subrogated
To Index
cause of action elects to intervene within ninety days after
receiving the notice required by paragraph (c) of subsection (4)
of this section, any recovery by such beneficiary shall not be
reduced by any attorney fees and costs incurred by the
employee. If such beneficiary elects to intervene after the
expiration of such ninety-day period, the court may reduce the
beneficiary's recovery by a reasonable amount for any attorney
fees and costs incurred by the employee after the end of such
ninety-day period and before receiving notice that the
beneficiary intends to intervene.
(f) Nothing in this section shall be construed as
limiting in any way the right of the injured employee to take
compensation under articles 40 to 47 of this title and also
proceed against the third party causing the injury to recover
any damages in excess of the subrogation rights described in
this section.
(2) Such a cause of action assigned to Pinnacol
Assurance may be prosecuted or compromised by it. A
compromise of any such cause of action by the employee or, if
the employee is deceased, the employee's dependents at an
amount less than the compensation provided for by articles 40
to 47 of this title shall be made only with the written approval
of the chief executive officer of Pinnacol Assurance, if the
deficiency of compensation would be payable from the
Pinnacol Assurance fund, and otherwise with the written
approval of the person, association, corporation, or insurance
carrier liable to pay the same. Such written approval shall not
be unreasonably withheld. Failure to obtain such written
approval shall entitle the party responsible for paying workers'
compensation benefits to be reimbursed for all benefits paid
from, and offset any future liability under articles 40 to 47 of
this title against, the entire proceeds recovered without any
credit for reasonable attorney fees and costs as provided in
paragraph (e) of subsection (1) of this section. If such approval
is not obtained, the employee or, if the employee is deceased,
the employee's dependents shall not be liable for any plaintiff's
attorney fees for the third-party recovery on that portion of any
recovery equal to the assigned and subrogated interest and are
not subject to any action for refusal to pay such plaintiff's
attorney fees resulting from the third-party case.
(3) If an employee is killed by the negligence or
wrong of another not in the same employ and the dependents
of such employee who are entitled to compensation under
articles 40 to 47 of this title are minors, the decision to pursue
or compromise any claim against a third party shall be made
by such minor or shall be made on the minor's behalf by a
parent of such minor or by the minor's next friend or duly
appointed guardian, as the director of the division of workers'
compensation may determine by rule in each case. Once such
decision is made, the person who made the decision shall also
bear the responsibility to provide all notices required by this
(4) (a) (I) If the employee or, if the employee is
deceased, the employee's dependents make a demand upon or
a request of a person or entity not in the same employ as the
employee to seek recovery for damages arising from actions of
such other person or entity, the employee or dependents shall
also give written notice, within ten days, to the division of
workers' compensation and to all parties who may be
responsible for paying benefits to the employee or dependents
under articles 40 to 47 of this title.
(II) If the party responsible for paying workers'
compensation benefits under articles 40 to 47 of this title to the
employee or, if the employee is deceased, the employee's
dependents, makes a demand upon or a request of a person or
entity not in the same employ as the employee to seek recovery
for damages arising from actions of the other person or entity,
the party responsible for paying the workers' compensation
benefits shall also give written notice, within ten days, to the
division of workers' compensation and to the employee or, if
the employee is deceased, to the employee's dependents.
(III) The notice requirements of this paragraph (a)
shall not apply to demands or requests seeking the recovery of
medical payments only, and not seeking the recovery of any
other type of damage or loss.
(b) The notice required by this subsection (4) shall
contain the following:
(I) A description of the claim;
(II) The names and addresses of any and all other
persons believed to be negligent;
(III) The name and address of any attorney
representing the employee or dependents;
(IV) The name and address of any attorney
representing other persons believed to be negligent; and
(V) The name, address, and telephone number of the
insurance company or third-party administrator.
(c) (I) Except as provided in subparagraph (II) of this
paragraph (c), at least twenty days before commencing a
lawsuit or arbitration proceeding to recover damages arising
from actions of another person or entity, the party initiating
such lawsuit or arbitration shall give written notice to all
parties who may be responsible for paying benefits to the
employee or dependents under articles 40 to 47 of this title and
to the employee or, if the employee is deceased, the employee's
dependents. Such notice shall contain all of the information set
out in paragraph (b) of this subsection (4) and shall be
accompanied by a draft copy of the complaint.
(II) If any applicable statutory limitation period
would expire before such twenty days have passed, the party
initiating such lawsuit or arbitration may file or serve the
complaint, or otherwise act to toll the running of such
limitation period, before such twenty days have passed. The
party initiating the lawsuit or arbitration shall provide the
notice required by subparagraph (I) of this paragraph (c) within
twenty days after commencing such action.
(d) If the employee or dependents fail to provide the
written notice required pursuant to subparagraph (I) of
paragraph (a) of this subsection (4):
(I) The party responsible for paying workers'
compensation benefits shall be entitled to reimbursement from
all moneys collected from the third party for all economic
damages and for all physical impairment and disfigurement
damages, without any credit for reasonable attorney fees as
provided in paragraph (e) of subsection (1) of this section. If
the trier of fact makes a separate award for disfigurement
damages, reimbursement from such disfigurement damage
award shall be limited to the amount the party paying workers'
compensation benefits paid, or is obligated to pay, in
disfigurement damages pursuant to articles 40 to 47 of this
To Index
title. Such rights shall not extend to moneys collected for
noneconomic damages awarded for pain and suffering,
inconvenience, emotional stress, or impairment of quality of
(II) The employee or dependents shall not be liable
for any plaintiff's attorney fees for the third-party recovery on
that portion of any recovery equal to the assigned and
subrogated interest and are not subject to any action for refusal
to pay such plaintiff's attorney fees resulting from the third-
party case.
(e) If the party responsible for paying workers'
compensation benefits under articles 40 to 47 of this title fails
to provide the written notice required pursuant to subparagraph
(II) of paragraph (a) of this subsection (4), the amount of the
claim shall be reduced by fifty dollars for each day such notice
was not given to the employee or, if the employee is deceased,
the employee's dependents, in an amount not to exceed twenty
percent of the amount of the total assigned interest at the time
such notice should have been given. The failure to provide
such notice shall be a reassignment of a portion of the claim to
the employee or, if the employee is deceased, the employee's
dependents, in an amount equal to the penalty.
8-41-204. Injury outside of state - benefits in
accordance with state law. If an employee who has been
hired or is regularly employed in this state receives personal
injuries in an accident or an occupational disease arising out of
and in the course of such employment outside of this state, the
employee, or such employee's dependents in case of death,
shall be entitled to compensation according to the law of this
state. This provision shall apply only to those injuries received
by the employee within six months after leaving this state,
unless, prior to the expiration of such six-month period, the
employer has filed with the division notice that the employer
has elected to extend such coverage for a greater period of
8-41-205. Waiver of compensation by employee -
approval required - exception. No waiver of compensation
or medical benefits by an employee for aggravation of any
preexisting condition or disease shall be allowed under articles
40 to 47 of this title. This section, however, shall not invalidate
any such waiver so filed and approved prior to March 1, 1977,
under the provisions of the "Colorado Occupational Disease
Disability Act", which was repealed effective September 1,
8-41-206. Disability beginning five years after
injury. Any disability beginning more than five years after the
date of injury shall be conclusively presumed not to be due to
the injury, except in cases of disability or death resulting from
exposure to radioactive materials, substances, or machines or
to fissionable materials, or any type of malignancy caused
thereby, or from poisoning by uranium or its compounds, or
from asbestosis, silicosis, or anthracosis.
8-41-207. Death after two years. In case death
occurs more than two years after the date of receiving any
injury, such death shall be prima facie presumed not to be due
to such injury; such presumption shall not apply in cases of
silicosis, asbestosis, anthracosis, or disability or death resulting
from exposure to radioactive materials, substances, or
machines or to fissionable materials, or any type of malignancy
caused thereby, or from poisoning by uranium or its
compounds. In all other cases, such presumption may be
rebutted by competent evidence.
8-41-208. Coverage for job-related exposure to or
contraction of hepatitis C. (1) The exposure to or
contraction of hepatitis C by a firefighter, emergency services
provider, or peace officer, as described in section 16-2.5-101,
C.R.S., shall be presumed to be within the course and scope of
employment if the following conditions are satisfied:
(a) A baseline test shall be provided by the employer,
or if insured, by the insurer, to be performed within five days
after the employee reports the on-the-job exposure. The
employee must report the exposure within two days after the
employee knew or reasonably should have known of the
(b) The baseline test establishes that the employee
was not infected with hepatitis C at the time of the on-the-job
(c) The employee complies with reasonable and
necessary medical procedures set forth in section 8-42-101
(d) The employee is determined to have hepatitis C
within twenty-four months after the on-the-job exposure to the
known or possible source.
(2) The exposure to or contraction of hepatitis C by
a firefighter, emergency services provider, or peace officer, as
described in section 16-2.5-101, C.R.S., shall not be deemed
to be within the course and scope of employment if an
employer or insurer shows by a preponderance of the evidence
that such exposure or contraction did not occur on the job.
8-41-209. Coverage for occupational diseases
contracted by firefighters. (1) Death, disability, or
impairment of health of a firefighter of any political
subdivision who has completed five or more years of
employment as a firefighter, caused by cancer of the brain,
skin, digestive system, hematological system, or genitourinary
system and resulting from his or her employment as a
firefighter, shall be considered an occupational disease.
(2) Any condition or impairment of health described
in subsection (1) of this section:
(a) Shall be presumed to result from a firefighter's
employment if, at the time of becoming a firefighter or
thereafter, the firefighter underwent a physical examination
that failed to reveal substantial evidence of such condition or
impairment of health that preexisted his or her employment as
a firefighter; and
(b) Shall not be deemed to result from the
firefighter's employment if the firefighter's employer or insurer
shows by a preponderance of the medical evidence that such
condition or impairment did not occur on the job.
(3) Repealed.
(4) An employer who participates in the voluntary
firefighter cancer benefits program created in part 4 of article
5 of title 29 is not subject to this section unless the employer
ends participation in that program.
8-41-210. Coverage for property tax work-off
program participants. Notwithstanding any provision of law
to the contrary, a governmental entity or private nonprofit or
for-profit entity that has a contract with a governmental entity
that is self-insured under articles 40 to 47 of this title may
purchase workers' compensation insurance from any insurer
To Index
authorized to transact the business of workers' compensation
insurance in this state for the express purpose of covering
participants in the property tax work-off program established
pursuant to article 3.7 of title 39, C.R.S.
8-41-211. Transportation network company
drivers - rules. On June 5, 2014, the director, upon
consideration of existing Colorado statutory and case law, may
by rule determine whether or not transportation network
companies have an obligation under existing Colorado law to
provide or offer for purchase workers' compensation insurance
coverage to transportation network company drivers.
8-41-212. Exemptions - laws of other state
furnish exclusive remedy - definitions. (1) An employee
who was hired or is regularly employed outside of Colorado
by an out-of-state employer and the out-of-state employer of
the employee are exempt from articles 40 to 47 of this title 8
while the employee is temporarily working for the out-of-state
employer within Colorado if:
(a) The out-of-state employer has furnished
coverage pursuant to the workers' compensation laws of the
state in which the employee was hired or is regularly
employed, which coverage applies to the employee while
temporarily working in Colorado; and
(b) The state in which the employee is furnished
(I) Is contiguous to Colorado; and
(II) Recognizes this section and provides the same
exemption from the application of its workers' compensation
laws for Colorado employers whose employees are
temporarily working in the contiguous state.
(2) For an out-of-state employee and out-of-state
employer to which this section applies, the benefits provided
under the workers' compensation laws of the state in which the
employee is furnished coverage are the exclusive remedy
against the out-of-state employer for any injury, whether
resulting in death or not, that the employee incurs while
working for the out-of-state employer in Colorado.
(3) The division may enter into an agreement with
any workers' compensation division or similar agency of a
contiguous state to promulgate rules consistent with this
section to carry out the extraterritorial application of the
workers' compensation or similar law of the agreeing state.
(4) Nothing in this section contravenes the legal
obligations of Colorado employers to provide workers'
compensation to their employees in compliance with articles
40 to 47 of this title 8.
(5) As used in this section:
(a) "Out-of-state employer" means an employer that
is domiciled in another state.
(b) "Temporarily" or "temporarily working" means:
(I) A period of sustained work that does not exceed
six months; or
(II) Engaging in the interstate movement of goods
or commodities.
8-41-301. Conditions of recovery - definitions -
repeal. (1) The right to the compensation provided for in
articles 40 to 47 of this title, in lieu of any other liability to any
person for any personal injury or death resulting therefrom,
shall obtain in all cases where the following conditions occur:
(a) Where, at the time of the injury, both employer
and employee are subject to the provisions of said articles and
where the employer has complied with the provisions thereof
regarding insurance;
(b) Where, at the time of the injury, the employee is
performing service arising out of and in the course of the
employee's employment;
(c) Where the injury or death is proximately caused
by an injury or occupational disease arising out of and in the
course of the employee's employment and is not intentionally
(2) (a) [Editor's note: This version of paragraph
(a) is effective until July 1, 2018.] A claim of mental
impairment must be proven by evidence supported by the
testimony of a licensed physician or psychologist. For
purposes of this subsection (2), "mental impairment" means a
recognized, permanent disability arising from an accidental
injury arising out of and in the course of employment when the
accidental injury involves no physical injury and consists of a
psychologically traumatic event that is generally outside of a
worker's usual experience and would evoke significant
symptoms of distress in a worker in similar circumstances. A
mental impairment shall not be considered to arise out of and
in the course of employment if it results from a disciplinary
action, work evaluation, job transfer, lay-off, demotion,
promotion, termination, retirement, or similar action taken in
good faith by the employer. The mental impairment that is the
basis of the claim shall have arisen primarily from the
claimant's then occupation and place of employment in order
to be compensable.
(2) (a) [Editor's note: This version of paragraph
(a) is effective July 1, 2018.] A claim of mental impairment
must be proven by evidence supported by the testimony of a
licensed psychiatrist or psychologist. A mental impairment
shall not be considered to arise out of and in the course of
employment if it results from a disciplinary action, work
evaluation, job transfer, lay-off, demotion, promotion,
termination, retirement, or similar action taken in good faith
by the employer. The mental impairment that is the basis of the
claim must have arisen primarily from the claimant's then
occupation and place of employment in order to be
(a.5) (I) For purposes of this subsection (2), "mental
impairment" also includes a disability arising from an
accidental physical injury that leads to a recognized permanent
psychological disability.
(II) This subsection (2)(a.5) is repealed, effective
July 1, 2018.
(b) Notwithstanding any other provision of articles
40 to 47 of this title, where a claim is by reason of mental
impairment, the claimant shall be limited to twelve weeks of
medical impairment benefits, which shall be in an amount not
less than one hundred fifty dollars per week and not more than
fifty percent of the state average weekly wage, inclusive of any
temporary disability benefits; except that this limitation shall
not apply to any victim of a crime of violence, without regard
to the intent of the perpetrator of the crime, nor to the victim
To Index
of a physical injury or occupational disease that causes
neurological brain damage; and nothing in this section shall
limit the determination of the percentage of impairment
pursuant to section 8-42-107 (8) for the purposes of
establishing the applicable cap on benefits pursuant to section
(c) The claim of mental impairment cannot be based,
in whole or in part, upon facts and circumstances that are
common to all fields of employment.
(d) The mental impairment which is the basis of the
claim must be, in and of itself, either sufficient to render the
employee temporarily or permanently disabled from pursuing
the occupation from which the claim arose or to require
medical or psychological treatment.
(3) [Editor's note: Subsection (3) is effective July
1, 2018.] For the purposes of this section:
(a) "Mental impairment" means a recognized,
permanent disability arising from an accidental injury arising
out of and in the course of employment when the accidental
injury involves no physical injury and consists of a
psychologically traumatic event. "Mental impairment" also
includes a disability arising from an accidental physical injury
that leads to a recognized permanent psychological disability.
(b) (I) "Psychologically traumatic event" means an
event that is generally outside of a worker's usual experience
and would evoke significant symptoms of distress in a worker
in similar circumstances.
(II) "Psychologically traumatic event" also includes
an event that is within a worker's usual experience only when
the worker is diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder by
a licensed psychiatrist or psychologist after the worker
experienced exposure to one or more of the following events:
(A) The worker is the subject of an attempt by
another person to cause the worker serious bodily injury or
death through the use of deadly force, and the worker
reasonably believes the worker is the subject of the attempt;
(B) The worker visually witnesses a death, or the
immediate aftermath of the death, of one or more people as the
result of a violent event; or
(C) The worker repeatedly visually witnesses the
serious bodily injury, or the immediate aftermath of the serious
bodily injury, of one or more people as the result of the
intentional act of another person or an accident.
(c) "Serious bodily injury" means bodily injury that,
either at the time of the actual injury or a later time, involves a
substantial risk of death, a substantial risk of serious permanent
disfigurement, or a substantial risk of protracted loss or
impairment of the function of any part or organ of the body.
8-41-302. Scope of terms - "accident" - "injury" -
"occupational disease". (1) "Accident", "injury", and
"occupational disease" shall not be construed to include
disability or death caused by or resulting from mental or
emotional stress unless it is shown by competent evidence that
such mental or emotional stress is proximately caused solely
by hazards to which the worker would not have been equally
exposed outside the employment.
(2) "Accident", "injury", and "occupational disease"
shall not be construed to include disability or death caused by
heart attack unless it is shown by competent evidence that such
heart attack was proximately caused by an unusual exertion
arising out of and within the course of the employment.
8-41-303. Loaning employer liable for
compensation. Where an employer, who has accepted the
provisions of articles 40 to 47 of this title and has complied
therewith, loans the service of any of the employer's employees
who have accepted the provisions of said articles to any third
person, the employer shall be liable for any compensation
thereafter for any injuries or death of said employee as
provided in said articles, unless it appears from the evidence in
said case that said loaning constitutes a new contract of hire,
express or implied, between the employee whose services were
loaned and the person to whom the employee was loaned.
8-41-304. Last employer liable -
exception. (1) Where compensation is payable for an
occupational disease, the employer in whose employment the
employee was last injuriously exposed to the hazards of such
disease and suffered a substantial permanent aggravation
thereof and the insurance carrier, if any, on the risk when such
employee was last so exposed under such employer shall alone
be liable therefor, without right to contribution from any prior
employer or insurance carrier. In the case of silicosis,
asbestosis, or anthracosis, the only employer and insurance
carrier liable shall be the last employer in whose employment
the employee was last exposed to harmful quantities of silicon
dioxide (SiO
) dust, asbestos dust, or coal dust on each of at
least sixty days or more and the insurance carrier, if any, on
the risk when the employee was last so exposed under such
(2) In any case where an employee of an employer
becomes disabled from silicosis, asbestosis, anthracosis, or
poisoning or disease caused by exposure to radioactive
materials, substances, or machines or to fissionable materials,
or any type of malignancy caused thereby, or in the event death
results from silicosis, asbestosis, anthracosis, or poisoning or
disease caused by exposure to radioactive materials,
substances, or machines or to fissionable materials, or any type
of malignancy caused thereby, and, if such employee has been
injuriously exposed to such diseases while in the employ of
another employer during the employee's lifetime, the last
employer or that employer's insurance carrier, if any, shall be
liable for compensation and medical benefits as provided by
articles 40 to 47 of this title, including funeral expenses and
death benefits.
8-41-401. Lessor contractor-out deemed
employer - liability - recovery. (1) (a) (I) Any person,
company, or corporation operating or engaged in or
conducting any business by leasing or contracting out any part
or all of the work thereof to any lessee, sublessee, contractor,
or subcontractor, irrespective of the number of employees
engaged in such work, shall be construed to be an employer as
defined in articles 40 to 47 of this title and shall be liable as
provided in said articles to pay compensation for injury or
death resulting therefrom to said lessees, sublessees,
contractors, and subcontractors and their employees or
To Index
employees' dependents, except as otherwise provided in
subsection (3) of this section.
(II) Notwithstanding subparagraph (I) of this
paragraph (a) and any other provision of law to the contrary, it
is presumed that a buyer of goods is not liable as a statutory
employer when a lessee, sublessee, contractor, or
subcontractor, or their employee who is delivering the goods
to the buyer injures himself or herself while not on the buyer's
premises. The presumption may be overcome by a showing
that the lessee, sublessee, contractor, or subcontractor, or their
employee was performing a job function that would normally
be performed by an employee of the buyer of the goods being
delivered. Nothing in this subparagraph (II) creates a
presumption of a statutory employer-employee relationship
when an injury occurs on the buyer's premises.
(III) For the purposes of this section, a "statutory
employer" is an employer who is responsible to pay workers'
compensation benefits pursuant to subparagraph (I) of this
paragraph (a).
(a.5) The general assembly hereby finds and
determines that the decision of the Colorado court of appeals
in the case of Newsom v. Frank M. Hall & Co., No. 02CA1375
(February 26, 2004), in which the court held that an
independent contractor may be an entity other than a natural
person, did not accurately reflect the intent of the general
assembly when it passed Senate Bill 93-132 and Senate Bill
95-072. The general assembly hereby declares that the term
"individual", as used in this section and in section 8-40-202,
means a natural person.
(b) The employer, before commencing said work,
shall insure and keep insured against all liability as provided
in said articles, and such lessee, sublessee, contractor, or
subcontractor, as well as any employee thereof, shall be
deemed employees as defined in said articles. The employer
shall be entitled to recover the cost of such insurance from said
lessee, sublessee, contractor, or subcontractor and may
withhold and deduct the same from the contract price or any
royalties or other money due, owing, or to become due said
lessee, sublessee, contractor, or subcontractor.
(2) If said lessee, sublessee, contractor, or
subcontractor is also an employer in the doing of such work
and, before commencing such work, insures and keeps insured
its liability for compensation as provided in articles 40 to 47 of
this title, neither said lessee, sublessee, contractor, or
subcontractor, its employees, or its insurer shall have any right
of contribution or action of any kind, including actions under
section 8-41-203, against the person, company, or corporation
operating or engaged in or conducting any business by leasing
or contracting out any part or all of the work thereof, or against
its employees, servants, or agents.
(3) Notwithstanding any provision of this section or
section 8-41-402 to the contrary, any individual who is
excluded from the definition of employee pursuant to section
8-40-202 (2), or a working general partner or sole proprietor
who is not covered under a policy of workers' compensation
insurance, or a corporate officer or member of a limited
liability company who executes and files an election to reject
coverage under section 8-41-202 (1) shall not have any cause
of action of any kind under articles 40 to 47 of this title.
Nothing in this section shall be construed to restrict the right
of any such individual to elect to proceed against a third party
in accordance with the provisions of section 8-41-203. The
total amount of damages recoverable pursuant to any cause of
action resulting from a work-related injury brought by such
individual that would otherwise have been compensable under
articles 40 to 47 of this title shall not exceed fifteen thousand
dollars, except in any cause of action brought against another
not in the same employ.
(4) (a) Notwithstanding any provision of this section
to the contrary, any person, company, or corporation who
contracts with a landowner or lessee of a farm or ranch to
perform a specified farming or ranching operation shall, prior
to entering into such contract, provide for and maintain, for the
period of such contract, workers' compensation coverage
pursuant to articles 40 to 47 of this title covering all the
employees and laborers to be utilized under such contract.
Proof of such coverage on forms or certificates issued by the
insurer shall be provided to the person, company, or
corporation contracting for the labor prior to performing such
(b) Any person, company, or corporation contracting
with a landowner or lessee of a farm or ranch to provide a
specified farming or ranching operation who fails to provide
coverage pursuant to subsection (1) of this section or who fails
to maintain such coverage for the term of the contract is guilty
of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be
punished by imprisonment in the county jail for not more than
sixty days, or by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars,
or by both such fine and imprisonment.
(c) Notwithstanding any provision of this section to
the contrary, no person, company, or corporation contracting
with a landowner or lessee of a farm or ranch operation to
perform a specified farming or ranching operation nor any
employee of such person, company, or corporation required to
be covered by workers' compensation pursuant to this
subsection (4) shall have any right of contribution from, or any
action of any kind, including actions under section 8-41-203,
against, the person, company, or corporation contracting to
have such agricultural labor performed.
(d) (I) If any person, company, or corporation
contracting to provide labor to perform specified farming or
ranching operations and required to provide workers'
compensation coverage pursuant to articles 40 to 47 of this title
fails to provide such coverage and the person, company, or
corporation for whom the labor is provided incurs any liability
thereby, the person, company, or corporation providing the
labor shall be subject to a cause of action for said liability and
for reasonable attorney fees.
(II) If the person, company, or corporation for whom
the labor for the performance of a specified farming or
ranching operation is provided is sued by the injured
employee, said person, company, or corporation may join the
person, company, or corporation providing the labor as a third-
party defendant in lieu of filing an independent action.
(5) The provisions of this section shall not apply to
licensed real estate brokers and licensed real estate sales
agents, as regulated in article 10 of title 12, who are excluded
from the definition of employee pursuant to section 8-40-301
To Index
(6) Notwithstanding any provision of this section to
the contrary, any person, company, or corporation operating a
commercial vehicle as defined in section 42-4-235 (1)(a),
C.R.S., who holds oneself or itself out as an independent
contractor only to perform for-hire transportation, including
loading and unloading, and who contracts to perform a specific
transportation job, transportation task, or transportation
delivery for another person, company, or corporation is not
entering into an employee and employer relationship for
purposes of workers' compensation coverage pursuant to
articles 40 to 47 of this title. Nothing in this subsection (6) shall
be construed to prohibit a determination that an individual is
excluded from the definition of employee pursuant to section
8-40-202 (2) if such individual is operating a commercial
vehicle as defined in section 42-4-235 (1)(a), C.R.S.
(7) This section shall not apply to any person
excluded from the definition of "employee" pursuant to section
8-40-301 (5) or (7).
8-41-402. Repairs to real property - exception for
liability of occupant of residential real property. (1) Every
person, company, or corporation owning any real property or
improvements thereon and contracting out any work done on
and to said property to any contractor, subcontractor, or person
who hires or uses employees in the doing of such work shall
be deemed to be an employer under the terms of articles 40 to
47 of this title. Every such contractor, subcontractor, or person,
as well as such contractor's, subcontractor's, and person's
employees, shall be deemed to be an employee, and such
employer shall be liable as provided in said articles to pay
compensation for injury or death resulting therefrom to said
contractor, subcontractor, or person and said employees or
employees' dependents and, before commencing said work,
shall insure and keep insured all liability as provided in said
articles. Such employer shall be entitled to recover the cost of
such insurance from said contractor, subcontractor, or person
and may withhold and deduct the same from the contract price
or any royalties or other money due, owing, or to become due
to said contractor, subcontractor, or person. Articles 40 to 47
of this title shall not apply to the owner or occupant, or both,
of residential real property which meets the definition of a
"qualified residence" under section 163 (h)(4)(A) of the federal
"Internal Revenue Code of 1986", as amended, who contracts
out any work done to the property, unless the person
performing the work is otherwise an employee of the owner or
occupant, or both, of the property.
(2) If said contractor, subcontractor, or person doing
or undertaking to do any work for an owner of property, as
provided in subsection (1) of this section, is also an employer
in the doing of such work and, before commencing such work,
insures and keeps insured all liability for compensation as
provided in articles 40 to 47 of this title, neither said contractor,
subcontractor, or person nor any employees or insurers thereof
shall have any right of contribution or action of any kind,
including actions under section 8-41-203, against the person,
company, or corporation owning real property and
improvements thereon which contracts out work done on said
property, or against its employees, servants, or agents.
(3) (Deleted by amendment, L. 91, p. 1295, § 9,
effective July 1, 1991.)
8-41-403. Exemption of certain lessors of real
property. (1) The provisions of this part 4 shall not apply to
any lessor or sublessor of real property who rents or leases real
property to any lessee or sublessee for the purpose of
conducting the business of such lessee or sublessee, whether
as a franchise holder, independent agent, or consignee or in any
other separate capacity and whether or not such person is an
employer, as defined in section 8-40-203, but in no event
where such lessee or sublessee is an employee, as defined in
section 8-40-202.
(2) No such lessee or sublessee, or any employee or
insurer thereof, shall have any right of contribution from or
action against such lessor or sublessor under articles 40 to 47
of this title.
(3) The provisions of this part 4 shall not apply to any
lessor or sublessor of real property who leases or rents real
property to any lessee or sublessee for the purpose of
conducting any agricultural production business of such lessee
or sublessee, and no such lessee or sublessee, or any employee
or insurer thereof, shall have any right of contribution from or
action against such lessor or sublessor under articles 40 to 47
of this title.
8-41-404. Construction work - proof of coverage
required - violation - penalty - definitions. (1) (a) Except as
otherwise provided in subsection (4) of this section, every
person performing construction work on a construction site
shall be covered by workers' compensation insurance, and a
person who contracts for the performance of construction work
on a construction site shall either provide, pursuant to articles
40 to 47 of this title, workers' compensation coverage for, or
require proof of workers' compensation coverage from, every
person with whom he or she has a direct contract to perform
construction work on the construction site.
(b) A site owner, general contractor, or other person
who is not a direct party to a contract for construction work
shall not be held liable under subsection (3) of this section
solely as a result of the person's ownership interest or general
supervisory role in a construction project.
(c) Any person who contracts for the performance of
construction work on a construction site and who exercises due
diligence by either providing workers' compensation coverage
as required by this section or requiring proof of workers'
compensation coverage as required by this section from every
person with whom he or she has a direct contract to perform
construction work on the construction site shall not be liable
under subsection (3) of this section.
(2) If the parties to a contract that includes
construction work agree that part of the contract price shall be
withheld to cover workers' compensation premiums for
coverage required under this section, the premiums shall be
calculated based only on that portion of the contract price that
represents the labor portion of the contract.
(3) A violation of subsection (1) of this section is
punishable by an administrative fine imposed pursuant to
section 8-43-409 (1)(b). The division shall transmit revenues
collected through the imposition of fines pursuant to this
section to the state treasurer, who shall credit them to the
Colorado uninsured employer fund created in section 8-67-
(4) (a) This section shall not apply to:
To Index
(I) An owner or occupant, or both, of residential real
property that meets the definition of a "qualified residence"
under section 163 (h)(4)(A) of the federal "Internal Revenue
Code of 1986", as amended, who contracts out any work done
to the real property, unless the person performing the work is
otherwise an employee of the owner or occupant, or both, of
the real property;
(II) An owner or occupant of real property who hires
a person or persons specifically to do routine repair and
maintenance on the real property of such owner or occupant;
(III) An independent contractor, who is a natural
person, who has formed a corporation pursuant to section 7-
102-103, C.R.S., or a limited liability company pursuant to
section 7-80-203, C.R.S., and who has rejected workers'
compensation coverage pursuant to section 8-41-202;
(IV) Corporate officers and members of a limited
liability company who have rejected workers' compensation
coverage pursuant to section 8-41-202;
(V) A partner in a partnership who has filed a
certificate of limited partnership pursuant to section 7-62-201,
C.R.S., a partnership registration statement pursuant to section
7-60-144 or 7-64-1002, C.R.S., or a statement of trade name
pursuant to section 7-71-103, C.R.S., and has filed with the
division a form, approved by the director, rejecting workers'
compensation; or
(VI) A sole proprietor who has filed a statement of
trade name pursuant to section 7-71-103, C.R.S., and has filed
with the division a form, approved by the director, rejecting
workers' compensation.
(b) Nothing in this section shall be construed to limit
the responsibility of corporations, limited liability companies,
partnerships, or sole proprietorships to provide coverage for
their employees as required under articles 40 to 47 of this title.
(5) As used in this section:
(a) "Construction site" means a location where a
structure that is attached or will be attached to real property is
constructed, altered, or remodeled.
(b) "Construction work" includes all or any part of
the construction, alteration, or remodeling of a structure.
"Construction work" does not include surveying, engineering,
examination, or inspection of a construction site or the delivery
of materials to a construction site.
(c) "Proof of workers' compensation coverage"
includes a certificate or other written confirmation, issued by
the insurer or authorized agent of the insurer, of the existence
of workers' compensation coverage in force during the period
of the performance of construction work on the construction
8-41-501. Persons presumed wholly
dependent. (1) For the purposes of articles 40 to 47 of this
title, the following described persons shall be presumed to be
wholly dependent (however, such presumption may be
rebutted by competent evidence):
(a) Widow or widower, unless it is shown that she or
he was voluntarily separated and living apart from the spouse
at the time of the injury or death or was not dependent in whole
or in part on the deceased for support;
(a.5) A person who is designated in a designated
beneficiary agreement for purposes of receiving workers'
compensation benefits in accordance with the provisions of
article 22 of title 15, C.R.S., unless it is shown that the
designated beneficiary was voluntarily separated and living
apart from the other designated beneficiary at the time of the
injury or death or was not dependent in whole or in part on the
deceased for support;
(b) Minor children of the deceased under the age of
eighteen years, including posthumous or legally adopted
(c) Minor children of the deceased who are eighteen
years or over and under the age of twenty-one years if it is
shown that:
(I) At the time of the decedent's death they were
actually dependent upon the deceased for support; and
(II) Either at the time of the decedent's death or at the
time they attained the age of eighteen years they were engaged
in courses of study as full-time students at any accredited
school. The period of presumed dependency of such persons
shall continue until they attain the age of twenty-one years or
until they cease to be engaged in courses of study as full-time
students at an accredited school, whichever occurs first.
8-41-502. Other dependents - temporary
dependency. Except as otherwise provided in section 8-41-
501 (1)(c), a child eighteen years of age or over and a mother,
father, grandmother, grandfather, sister, brother, or grandchild
who was wholly or partially supported by the deceased
employee at the time of death and for a reasonable period of
time immediately prior thereto is considered an actual
dependent. To be entitled to compensation, such dependents,
except as provided in section 8-41-501 (1)(c), must prove that
they were incapable of or actually disabled from earning their
own living. If said incapacity or disability is temporary only,
compensation shall be paid only during the period of such
temporary incapacity or disability.
8-41-503. Dependency and extent determined -
how. (1) Dependents and the extent of their dependency shall
be determined as of the date of the injury to the injured
employee, and the right to death benefits shall become fixed as
of said date irrespective of any subsequent change in
conditions except as provided in section 8-41-501 (1)(c).
Death benefits shall be directly payable to the dependents
entitled thereto or to such person legally entitled thereto as the
director may designate.
(2) In case an employee or claimant entitled to
compensation dies leaving dependents, any accrued and
unpaid portion of the compensation or benefits up to the time
of the death of such employee or claimant shall be paid to such
dependents as may be ordered by the director and not to the
legal representative as such of said decedent. In case the
injured employee or claimant leaves no dependents, the
director may order the application of any accrued and unpaid
benefits up to the time of the death of such employee or
claimant paid upon the expenses of the last sickness or funeral
of such decedent, the preference in such payment to be to
funeral expenses.
To Index
(3) In case an injured employee or dependent of a
deceased employee entitled to benefits under articles 40 to 47
of this title is declared incompetent or insane, any benefits
accrued or to accrue may be paid to the conservator of the
estate, if any, or to any dependents, or to the party or institution
having custody of the person of such injured employee or
dependent of a deceased employee as may be ordered by the
director in the director's discretion.
8-41-504. Action by injured employee -
dependents not parties in interest. No dependent of an
injured employee, during the life of the employee, shall be
deemed a party in interest to any proceeding by said employee
for the enforcement of any claim for compensation nor with
respect to any settlement thereof by said employee.
8-41-505. Minor children. A minor child of a
deceased putative father is entitled to compensation when it is
proved to the satisfaction of the director that the father, during
his lifetime, has acknowledged the child as his and has
regularly contributed to his or her support and maintenance for
a reasonable period of time prior to his death.
8-42-101. Employer must furnish medical aid -
approval of plan - fee schedule - contracting for treatment
- no recovery from employee - medical treatment
guidelines - accreditation of physicians and other medical
providers - rules - repeal. (1) (a) Every employer, regardless
of said employer's method of insurance, shall furnish such
medical, surgical, dental, nursing, and hospital treatment,
medical, hospital, and surgical supplies, crutches, and
apparatus as may reasonably be needed at the time of the injury
or occupational disease and thereafter during the disability to
cure and relieve the employee from the effects of the injury.
(b) In all cases where the injury results in the loss of
a member or part of the employee's body, loss of teeth, loss of
vision or hearing, or damage to an existing prosthetic device,
the employer shall furnish within the limits of the medical
benefits provided in paragraph (a) of this subsection (1)
artificial members, glasses, hearing aids, braces, and other
external prosthetic devices, including dentures, which are
reasonably required to replace or improve the function of each
member or part of the body or prosthetic device so affected or
to improve the employee's vision or hearing. The employee
may petition the division for a replacement of any artificial
member, glasses, hearing aid, brace, or other external
prosthetic device, including dentures, upon grounds that the
employee has undergone an anatomical change since the
previous device was furnished or for other good cause shown,
that the anatomical change or good cause is directly related to
and caused by the injury, and that the replacement is necessary
to improve the function of each member or part of the body so
affected or to relieve pain and discomfort. Implants or devices
necessary to regulate the operation of, or to replace, with
implantable devices, internal organs or structures of the body
may be replaced when the authorized treating physician deems
it necessary. Every employer subject to the terms and
provisions of articles 40 to 47 of this title must insure against
liability for the medical, surgical, and hospital expenses
provided for in this article, unless permission is given by the
director to such employer to operate under a medical plan, as
set forth in subsection (2) of this section.
(c) In any case in which a firefighter, emergency
medical services provider, or peace officer, as described in
section 16-2.5-101, C.R.S., is exposed during the course and
within the scope of employment to a known or possible source
of hepatitis C, the employer, or if insured, the insurer, shall, at
their expense, provide for baseline testing within the period of
time specified in section 8-41-208 (1)(a) to determine whether
the employee was free of hepatitis C at the time of the on-the-
job exposure. The employer, or if insured, the insurer, shall pay
for all reasonable and necessary medical procedures and
treatment for exposure to hepatitis C during the period of time
set forth in section 8-41-208 (1)(d).
(2) Every such plan, which is agreed to between the
employer and employee, for the furnishing of medical,
surgical, and hospital treatment, whether or not the employee
is to pay any part of the expense of such treatment, before
being put into effect, shall receive the approval of the director.
The director has full power to formulate the terms and
To Index
conditions under which any such plan may operate and the
essentials thereof, and at any time the director may order
modifications or changes in any such plan or withdraw prior
approval thereof. No plan shall be approved by the director
which relieves the employer from the burden of assuming and
paying for any part of the medical, surgical, and hospital
services and supplies required.
(3) (a) (I) The director shall establish a schedule
fixing the fees for which all surgical, hospital, dental, nursing,
vocational rehabilitation, and medical services, whether
related to treatment or not, pertaining to injured employees
under this section shall be compensated. It is unlawful, void,
and unenforceable as a debt for any physician, chiropractor,
hospital, person, expert witness, reviewer, evaluator, or
institution to contract with, bill, or charge any party for
services, rendered in connection with injuries coming within
the purview of this article or an applicable fee schedule, which
are or may be in excess of said fee schedule unless such
charges are approved by the director. Fee schedules shall be
reviewed on or before July 1 of each year by the director, and
appropriate health care practitioners shall be given a
reasonable opportunity to be heard as required pursuant to
section 24-4-103, C.R.S., prior to fixing the fees, impairment
rating guidelines, which shall be based on the revised third
edition of the "American Medical Association Guides to the
Evaluation of Permanent Impairment", in effect as of July 1,
1991, and medical treatment guidelines and utilization
standards. Fee schedules established pursuant to this
subparagraph (I) shall take effect on January 1. The director
shall promulgate rules concerning reporting requirements,
penalties for failure to report correctly or in a timely manner,
utilization control requirements for services provided under
this section, and the accreditation process in subsection (3.6)
of this section. The fee schedule shall apply to all surgical,
hospital, dental, nursing, vocational rehabilitation, and
medical services and to expert witness, expert reviewer, or
expert evaluator services, whether related to treatment or not,
provided after any final order, final admission, or full or partial
settlement of the claim.
(II) Notwithstanding the provisions of subparagraph
(I) of this paragraph (a) the fees set forth in the schedule
established pursuant to subparagraph (I) of this paragraph (a)
shall be those fees in effect immediately prior to July 1, 1991,
and such fees shall remain in effect until July 1, 1995.
(III) Notwithstanding the provisions of subparagraph
(I) of this paragraph (a), until the impairment rating guidelines
and medical treatment guidelines and utilization standards
required by subparagraph (I) of this paragraph (a) and
subsection (3.5) of this section are adopted and level I
accreditation is received, compensation for fees for
chiropractic treatments shall not be made more than ninety
days after the first of such treatments nor after the twelfth such
treatment, whichever first occurs, unless the chiropractor has
received level I accreditation.
(b) Medical treatment guidelines and utilization
standards, developed by the director, shall be used by health
care practitioners for compliance with this section.
(3.5) (a) (I) (A) "Physician" means, for the purposes
of the level I and level II accreditation programs, a physician
licensed under the "Colorado Medical Practice Act". For the
purposes of level I accreditation only and not level II
accreditation, "physician" means a dentist licensed under the
"Dental Practice Act", article 220 of title 12; a podiatrist
licensed under article 290 of title 12; and a chiropractor
licensed under article 215 of title 12.
(B) A physician assistant licensed under the
"Colorado Medical Practice Act", article 240 of title 12, may
receive level I accreditation. In order for a level I accredited
physician assistant to perform medical services requiring level
I accreditation, a level I accredited physician must delegate the
performance of those medical services to the level I accredited
physician assistant.
(C) A physician shall not be deemed accredited
under either level I or level II solely by reason of being
(D) An advanced practice nurse with prescriptive
authority pursuant to section 12-38-111.6 may receive level I
accreditation for purposes of receiving one hundred percent
reimbursement under the medical fee schedule created in
accordance with subsection (3) of this section.
(E) Nothing in this subsection (3.5)(a) grants any
person other than a physician licensed under the "Colorado
Medical Practice Act" the authority to determine that no
permanent medical impairment has resulted from the injury
pursuant to subsection (3.6)(b) of this section or that a claimant
has attained maximum medical improvement pursuant to
section 8-42-107 (8)(b)(I).
(II) The director shall promulgate rules establishing
a system for the determination of medical treatment guidelines
and utilization standards and medical impairment rating
guidelines for impairment ratings as a percent of the whole
person or affected body part based on the revised third edition
of the "American Medical Association Guides to the
Evaluation of Permanent Impairment", in effect as of July 1,
(b) A medical impairment rating system shall be
maintained by the director.
(c) (I) This subsection (3.5) is repealed, effective
September 1, 2025.
(II) Prior to such repeal the accreditation process
created by this subsection (3.5) and subsection (3.6) of this
section shall be reviewed as provided for in section 24-34-104,
(3.6) The two-tier accreditation system shall
comprise the following programs:
(a) (I) A program establishing the accreditation
requirements for physicians providing primary care to patients
who have, as a result of their injury, been unable to return to
work for more than three working days, referred to in this
section as "time-loss injuries", which program shall be
voluntary except in the case of chiropractors, for whom it shall
be mandatory, and which shall be known as level I
accreditation; and
(II) A program establishing the accreditation
requirements for physicians providing impairment evaluation
of injured workers, which program shall be known as level II
(b) A physician who provides impairment evaluation
of injured workers shall complete and must have received
accreditation under the level II accreditation program.
To Index
However, the authorized treating physician providing primary
care need not be level II accredited to determine that no
permanent medical impairment has resulted from the injury.
Specialists who do not render primary care to injured workers
and who do not perform impairment evaluations do not require
accreditation. The facility where a physician provides such
services cannot be accredited.
(c) Both the level I and level II accreditation
programs shall be implemented and available to physicians.
All physicians who are required to be accredited shall
complete the level II accreditation program or programs.
(d) The level I and level II accreditation programs
shall operate in such a manner that the costs of the program are
fully met by registration fees paid by the physicians. The
registration fee for each program must cover the cost of all
accreditation course work and materials.
(e) The accreditation system shall be established so
as to provide physicians with an understanding of the
administrative, legal, and medical roles and in such a manner
that accreditation is accessible to every licensed physician,
with consideration of specialty and geographic diversity.
(f) Initial accreditation shall be for a three-year
period and may be renewed for successive three-year periods.
The director by regulation may determine any additional
training program required prior to accreditation renewal.
(g) The director shall, upon good cause shown,
revoke the accreditation of any physician who violates the
provisions of this subsection (3.6) or any rule promulgated by
the director pursuant to this subsection (3.6), following a
hearing on the merits before an administrative law judge,
subject to review by the industrial claim appeals office and the
court of appeals, in accordance with all applicable provisions
of article 43 of this title.
(h) If a physician whose accreditation has been
revoked submits a claim for payment for services rendered
subsequent to such revocation, the physician shall be
considered in violation of section 10-1-128, C.R.S., and
neither an insurance carrier nor a self-insured employer shall
be under any obligation to pay such claim.
(i) A physician who provides treatment for nontime
loss injuries need not be accredited to be reimbursed for the
costs of such treatment pursuant to the provisions of the
"Workers' Compensation Act of Colorado".
(j) (Deleted by amendment, L. 96, p. 151, § 2,
effective July 1, 1996.)
(k) The division shall make available to insurers,
claimants, and employers a list of all accredited physicians and
a list of all physicians whose accreditation has been revoked.
Such lists shall be updated on a monthly basis.
(l) The registration fees collected pursuant to
paragraph (d) of this subsection (3.6) shall be transmitted to
the state treasurer, who shall credit the same to the physicians
accreditation program cash fund, which is hereby created in
the state treasury. Moneys in the physicians accreditation
program cash fund are hereby continuously appropriated for
the payment of the direct costs of providing the level I and
level II accreditation courses and materials.
(m) All administrative costs associated with the level
I and level II accreditation programs shall be paid out of the
workers' compensation cash fund in accordance with
appropriations made pursuant to section 8-44-112 (7).
(n) The director shall contract with the medical
school of the university of Colorado for the services of a
medical director to advise the director on issues of
accreditation, impairment rating guidelines, medical treatment
guidelines and utilization standards, and case management and
to consult with the director on peer review activities as
specified in this subsection (3.6) and section 8-43-501. The
medical director shall be a medical doctor licensed to practice
in this state with experience in occupational medicine. The
director may contract with an appropriate private organization
that meets the definition of a quality improvement organization
as set forth in 42 U.S.C. sec. 1320c-1 to conduct peer review
activities under this subsection (3.6) and section 8-43-501 and
to recommend whether or not adverse action is warranted.
(o) Except as provided in this subsection (3.6),
neither an insurance carrier nor a self-insured employer or
injured worker shall be liable for costs incurred for an
impairment evaluation rendered by a physician where there is
a determination of permanent medical impairment if such
physician is not level II accredited pursuant to the provisions
of this subsection (3.6).
(p) (I) For purposes of this paragraph (p):
(A) "Case management" means a system developed
by the insurance carrier in which the carrier shall assign a
person knowledgeable in workers' compensation health care to
communicate with the employer, employee, and treating
physician to assure that appropriate and timely medical care is
being provided.
(B) "Managed care" means the provision of medical
services through a recognized organization authorized under
the provisions of parts 1, 3, and 4 of article 16 of title 10,
C.R.S., or a network of medical providers accredited to
practice workers' compensation under this subsection (3.6).
(II) Every employer or its insurance carrier shall
offer at least managed care or medical case management in the
counties of Denver, Adams, Jefferson, Arapahoe, Douglas,
Boulder, Larimer, Weld, El Paso, Pueblo, and Mesa and shall
offer medical case management in all other counties of the
(q) The division is authorized to accept moneys from
any governmental unit as well as grants, gifts, and donations
from individuals, private organizations, and foundations;
except that no grant, gift, or donation may be accepted by the
division if it is subject to conditions which are inconsistent
with this article or any other laws of this state or which require
expenditures from the workers' compensation cash fund which
have not been approved by the general assembly. All moneys
accepted by the division shall be transmitted to the state
treasurer for credit to the workers' compensation cash fund.
(r) (I) This subsection (3.6) is repealed, effective
September 1, 2025.
(II) Prior to such repeal the accreditation process
created by subsection (3.5) of this section and this subsection
(3.6) shall be reviewed as provided for in section 24-34-104,
(3.7) On and after July 1, 1991, all physical
impairment ratings used under articles 40 to 47 of this title
shall be based on the revised third edition of the "American
To Index
Medical Association Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent
Impairment", in effect as of July 1, 1991. For purposes of
determining levels of medical impairment pursuant to articles
40 to 47 of this title a physician shall not render a medical
impairment rating based on chronic pain without anatomic or
physiologic correlation. Anatomic correlation must be based
on objective findings.
(4) Once there has been an admission of liability or
the entry of a final order finding that an employer or insurance
carrier is liable for the payment of an employee's medical costs
or fees, a medical provider shall under no circumstances seek
to recover such costs or fees from the employee.
(5) If any party files an application for hearing on
whether the claimant is entitled to medical maintenance
benefits recommended by an authorized treating physician that
are unpaid and contested, and any requested medical
maintenance benefit is admitted fewer than twenty days before
the hearing or ordered after application for hearing is filed, the
court shall award the claimant all reasonable costs incurred in
pursuing the medical benefit. Such costs do not include
attorney fees.
(6) (a) If an employer receives notice of injury and
the employer or, if insured, the employer's insurance carrier,
after notice of the injury, fails to furnish reasonable and
necessary medical treatment to the injured worker for a claim
that is admitted or found to be compensable, the employer or
carrier shall reimburse the claimant, or any insurer or
governmental program that pays for related medical treatment,
for the costs of reasonable and necessary treatment that was
provided. An employer, insurer, carrier, or provider may not
recover the cost of care from a claimant where the employer or
carrier has furnished medical treatment except in the case of
(b) If a claimant has paid for medical treatment that
is admitted or found to be compensable and that costs more
than the amount specified in the workers' compensation fee
schedule, the employer or, if insured, the employer's insurance
carrier, shall reimburse the claimant for the full amount paid.
The employer or carrier is entitled to reimbursement from the
medical providers for the amount in excess of the amount
specified in the worker's compensation fee schedule.
8-42-102. Basis of compensation - "wages"
defined - average weekly wage - "at the time of injury"
clarified. (1) The average weekly wage of an injured
employee shall be taken as the basis upon which to compute
compensation payments.
(2) Average weekly wages for the purpose of
computing benefits provided in articles 40 to 47 of this title,
except as provided in this section, shall be calculated upon the
monthly, weekly, daily, hourly, or other remuneration which
the injured or deceased employee was receiving at the time of
the injury, and in the following manner; except that any portion
of such remuneration representing a per diem payment shall be
excluded from the calculation unless such payment is
considered wages for federal income tax purposes:
(a) Where the employee is being paid by the month
for services under a contract of hire, the weekly wage shall be
determined by multiplying the monthly wage or salary at the
time of the accident by twelve and dividing by fifty-two.
(b) Where the employee is being paid by the week
for services under a contract of hire, said weekly remuneration
at the time of the injury shall be deemed to be the weekly wage
for the purposes of articles 40 to 47 of this title.
(c) Where the employee is rendering service on a per
diem basis, the weekly wage shall be determined by
multiplying the daily wage by the number of days and fractions
of days in the week during which the employee under a
contract of hire was working at the time of the injury or would
have worked if the injury had not intervened.
(d) Where the employee is being paid by the hour,
the weekly wage shall be determined by multiplying the hourly
rate by the number of hours in a day during which the
employee was working at the time of the injury or would have
worked if the injury had not intervened, to determine the daily
wage; then the weekly wage shall be determined from said
daily wage in the manner set forth in paragraph (c) of this
subsection (2).
(e) Where the employee is paid on a piecework,
tonnage, commission, or basis other than a monthly, weekly,
daily, or hourly wage and where the employment is but casual
and in the usual course of the trade, business, profession, or
occupation of his employer, the total amount earned by the
injured or killed employee in the twelve months preceding the
injury shall be computed, which sum shall be divided by the
number of pay periods the injured person was employed during
the twelve months immediately preceding the injury, and the
result thus ascertained shall be considered the average wage of
said employee per pay period.
(f) Where the employee is being paid by the mile, the
weekly wage shall be determined by multiplying the rate per
mile by the average number of miles per day the employee
drove in the service of the employer in the sixty working days
immediately preceding the date of the injury, to arrive at a
daily wage; then the weekly wage shall be determined from the
said daily wage in the manner set forth in paragraph (c) of this
subsection (2). If, on the date of the injury, the employee has
worked for the employer less than sixty days, the average daily
wage shall be based on the average miles driven per working
day during such period.
(3) Where the foregoing methods of computing the
average weekly wage of the employee, by reason of the nature
of the employment or the fact that the injured employee has
not worked a sufficient length of time to enable earnings to be
fairly computed thereunder or has been ill or has been self-
employed or for any other reason, will not fairly compute the
average weekly wage, the division, in each particular case,
may compute the average weekly wage of said employee in
such other manner and by such other method as will, in the
opinion of the director based upon the facts presented, fairly
determine such employee's average weekly wage.
(4) Where an employee is a minor and the disability
is temporary, the average weekly wage of such minor shall be
determined by the division as in cases of disability of adults.
Where the disability of such minor is permanent or if benefits
under articles 40 to 47 of this title accrue because of the death
of such minor, compensation to said minor or death benefits to
said minor's dependents shall be paid at the maximum rate of
compensation payable under said articles at the time of the
determination of such permanency or of such death.
To Index
(5) (a) The general assembly hereby finds that the
phrase "at the time of injury" in subsection (2) of this section
refers to the date of the employee's accident. When subsection
(2) of this section is used to determine a worker's average
weekly wage, the wage on the date of the accident shall be
(b) Nothing in this subsection (5) alters the discretion
of the division or the director to fairly determine a worker's
average weekly wage in accordance with subsection (3) of this
8-42-103. Disability indemnity payable as wages -
period of disability. (1) If the injury or occupational disease
causes disability, a disability indemnity shall be payable as
wages pursuant to section 8-42-105 (2)(a) subject to the
following limitations:
(a) If the period of disability does not last longer than
three days from the day the employee leaves work as a result
of the injury, no disability indemnity shall be recoverable
except the disbursement provided in articles 40 to 47 of this
title for medical, surgical, nursing, and hospital services,
apparatus, and supplies, nor in any case unless the division has
actual knowledge of the injury or is notified thereof within the
period specified in said articles.
(b) If the period of disability lasts longer than two
weeks from the day the injured employee leaves work as the
result of the injury, disability indemnity shall be recoverable
from the day the injured employee leaves work.
(c) (I) In cases where it is determined that periodic
disability benefits granted by the federal "Old-Age, Survivors,
and Disability Insurance Amendments of 1965", Pub.L. 89-97,
are payable to an individual and the individual's dependents,
the aggregate benefits payable for temporary total disability,
temporary partial disability, and permanent total disability
pursuant to this section shall be reduced, but not below zero,
by an amount equal as nearly as practical to one-half the
federal periodic benefits; but, if the federal "Old-Age,
Survivors, and Disability Insurance Amendments of 1965",
Pub.L. 89-97, is amended to provide for a reduction of an
individual's disability benefits thereunder because of
compensation benefits payable under articles 40 to 47 of this
title, the reduction of compensation benefits provided in said
articles shall be decreased by an amount equal to the federal
reduction. Upon request of the insurer or employer, the
employee shall apply for such federal periodic disability
benefits and respond to requests from the insurer or employer
as to the status of such application. Failure to comply with this
section constitutes cause for suspension of benefits.
(II) In cases where it is determined that periodic
benefits granted by the federal old-age, survivors, and
disability insurance act or employer-paid retirement benefits
are payable to an individual and the individual's dependents,
the aggregate benefits payable for permanent total disability
pursuant to this section shall be reduced, but not below zero:
(A) By an amount equal as nearly as practical to one-
half such federal benefits; except that this reduction for the
periodic benefits granted by the federal old-age, survivors, and
disability insurance act shall not exceed the reduction specified
in subparagraph (I) of this paragraph (c) for the periodic
disability benefits payable to an individual;
(B) By an amount determined as a percentage of the
employer-paid retirement benefits, said percentage to be
determined by a weighted average of the employer's
contributions during the period of covered employment
divided by the total contributions during the period of covered
employment; except that in permanent total disability cases all
contributions made by the employer pursuant to a collective
bargaining agreement with the employee's representative shall
be considered to have been made by the employee.
(II.5) In cases where an employer does not
participate in federal old-age, survivors, and disability
insurance, and it is determined that employer-paid retirement
benefits are payable to an individual and the individual's
dependents, the aggregate benefits payable for permanent total
disability pursuant to this section shall be reduced, but not
below zero by an amount determined as a percentage of the
employer-paid retirement benefits, said percentage to be
determined by a weighted average of the employer's
contributions during the period of covered employment
divided by the total contributions during the period of covered
(III) Notwithstanding sub-subparagraph (A) of
subparagraph (II) of this paragraph (c), if the federal "Old-Age,
Survivors, and Disability Insurance Amendments of 1965",
Pub.L. 89-97, is amended to provide for a reduction of an
individual's periodic benefits thereunder because of
compensation benefits payable under articles 40 to 47 of this
title, the reduction of compensation benefits provided in said
articles shall be decreased by an amount equal to the federal
(IV) The provisions of subparagraphs (II) and (III) of
this paragraph (c) shall apply only if the injury on which the
award for permanent total disability was based occurred after
the claimant reached forty-five years of age.
(d) (I) In cases where it is determined that periodic
disability benefits are payable to an employee under a pension
or disability plan financed in whole or in part by the employer,
hereinafter called "employer pension or disability plan", the
aggregate benefits payable for temporary total disability,
temporary partial disability, and permanent total disability
pursuant to this section shall be reduced, but not below zero,
by an amount equal as nearly as practical to the employer
pension or disability plan benefits, with the following
(A) Where the employee has contributed to the
employer pension or disability plan, benefits shall be reduced
under this section only in an amount proportional to the
employer's percentage of total contributions to the employer
pension or disability plan.
(B) Where the employer pension or disability plan
provides by its terms that benefits are precluded thereunder in
whole or in part if benefits are awarded under articles 40 to 47
of this title, the reduction provided in this paragraph (d) shall
not be applicable to the extent of the amount so precluded.
(II) Upon request of the insurer or employer, the
employee shall apply for such periodic disability benefits and
respond to requests from the insurer or employer as to the
status of such application. Failure to comply with this section
shall be cause for suspension of benefits.
To Index
(III) The provisions of this paragraph (d) shall apply
to a disability pension paid pursuant to article 30.5 or 31 of title
31, C.R.S.; except that said reduction shall not reduce the
combined weekly disability benefits below a sum equal to one
hundred percent of the state average weekly wage as defined
in section 8-47-106 and applicable to the year in which the
weekly disability benefits are being paid.
(IV) If the disability benefits awarded pursuant to
articles 40 to 47 of this title are paid in a lump sum pursuant to
section 8-43-406, the weekly benefit attributed to such
workers' compensation benefits, for the purpose of calculating
the combined weekly disability benefit specified in
subparagraph (III) of this paragraph (d), shall be calculated by
assuming that the employee is receiving the weekly disability
benefits payments such employee would have received had
such weekly disability payments not been reduced and paid as
a lump sum.
(e) In cases where it is determined that periodic
disability benefits are payable to an individual and said
individual's dependents pursuant to a workers' compensation
act of another state or of the federal government, the aggregate
benefits payable for temporary total disability, temporary
partial disability, permanent partial disability, and permanent
total disability pursuant to this section shall be reduced, but not
below zero, by an amount equal to the benefits payable
pursuant to such other workers' compensation act.
(f) In cases where it is determined that
unemployment compensation benefits are payable to an
employee, the aggregate benefits payable for permanent total
disability pursuant to this section shall be reduced, but not
below zero, by an amount equal as nearly as practical to such
unemployment compensation benefits. In cases where it is
determined that unemployment insurance benefits are payable
to an employee, compensation for temporary disability shall be
reduced, but not below zero, by the amount of unemployment
insurance benefits received, unless the unemployment
insurance amount has already been reduced by the temporary
disability benefit amount and except that temporary total
disability shall not be reduced by unemployment insurance
benefits received pursuant to section 8-73-112.
(g) In cases where it is determined that a temporarily
disabled employee is responsible for termination of
employment, the resulting wage loss shall not be attributable
to the on-the-job injury.
(h) Unless the offset provisions of section 29-5-403
(10) have already been taken, in cases where it is determined
that a firefighter has received an award of benefits for a cancer
diagnosis pursuant to section 29-5-403 (3)(b) to (3)(k), the
aggregate benefits payable for temporary total disability,
temporary partial disability, permanent partial disability, and
permanent total disability shall be reduced, but not below zero,
by an amount equal to the total amount of such cancer
diagnosis benefits. In cases where it is determined that a
covered individual has received cosmetic disfigurement
benefits pursuant to section 29-5-403 (4)(b), benefits for
disfigurement payable pursuant to section 8-42-108 shall be
reduced, but not below zero, by an amount equal to such
cosmetic disfigurement benefits.
(2) Within fifteen days after receipt of written notice
by the employer or, if insured, the employer's workers'
compensation insurance carrier or third-party administrator of
the termination of a fringe benefit or advantage enumerated in
section 8-40-201 (19)(b), and the effective date of the
termination and cost of conversion, the employer or, if insured,
the employer's workers' compensation insurance carrier or
third-party administrator shall recalculate the applicable
average weekly wage and begin payment of benefits in
accordance with the recalculation with interest beginning on
the date the benefit was terminated.
8-42-104. Effect of previous injury or
compensation. (1) The fact that an employee has suffered a
previous disability or impairment or received compensation
therefor shall not preclude compensation for a later injury or
for death, but, in determining compensation benefits payable
for the later injury or death, the employee's average weekly
earnings at the time of the later injury shall be used in
determining the compensation payable to the employee or such
employee's dependents. Notwithstanding any other provision
of articles 40 to 47 of this title, no claimant may receive
concurrent permanent total disability awards from injuries
occurring in this state or any other state.
(2) (Deleted by amendment, L. 2008, p. 1676, § 2,
effective July 1, 2008.)
(3) An employee's temporary total disability,
temporary partial disability, or medical benefits shall not be
reduced based on a previous injury.
(4) An employee's recovery of permanent total
disability shall not be reduced when the disability is the result
of work-related injury or work-related injury combined with
genetic, congenital, or similar conditions; except that this
subsection (4) shall not apply to reductions in recovery or
apportionments allowed pursuant to the Colorado supreme
court's decision in the case denominated Anderson v.
Brinkhoff, 859 P.2d 819 (Colo. 1993).
(5) In cases of permanent medical impairment, the
employee's award or settlement shall be reduced:
(a) When an employee has suffered more than one
permanent medical impairment to the same body part and has
received an award or settlement under the "Workers'
Compensation Act of Colorado" or a similar act from another
state. The permanent medical impairment rating applicable to
the previous injury to the same body part, established by award
or settlement, shall be deducted from the permanent medical
impairment rating for the subsequent injury to the same body
(b) When an employee has a nonwork-related
previous permanent medical impairment to the same body part
that has been identified, treated, and, at the time of the
subsequent compensable injury, is independently disabling.
The percentage of the nonwork-related permanent medical
impairment existing at the time of the subsequent injury to the
same body part shall be deducted from the permanent medical
impairment rating for the subsequent compensable injury.
(6) Nothing in this section shall be construed to
preclude employers or insurers from seeking contribution or
reimbursement, as permitted by law, from other employers or
insurers for benefits paid to or for an injured employee as long
as the employee's benefits are not reduced or otherwise
affected by such contribution or reimbursement.
To Index
8-42-105. Temporary total disability. (1) In case
of temporary total disability of more than three regular
working days' duration, the employee shall receive sixty-six
and two-thirds percent of said employee's average weekly
wages so long as such disability is total, not to exceed a
maximum of ninety-one percent of the state average weekly
wage per week. Except where vocational rehabilitation is
offered and accepted as provided in section 8-42-111 (3),
temporary total disability payments shall cease upon the
occurrence of any of the events enumerated in subsection (3)
of this section. If vocational rehabilitation is offered and
accepted, any party may at any time terminate vocational
rehabilitation upon fourteen days' written notice to the other
parties and the director. For purposes of this section,
termination of vocational rehabilitation shall be the same as if
vocational rehabilitation had never been offered and accepted,
and the employer or insurance carrier shall not be entitled to
recover any temporary total disability benefits paid during the
period that vocational rehabilitation was provided.
(2) (a) The first installment of compensation shall be
paid no later than the date that liability for the claim is admitted
by the insurance carrier or self-insured employer. If the
insurance carrier or self-insured employer denies liability for
the claim, the claimant may request an expedited hearing on
the issue of compensability if the application is filed within
forty-five days after the date of mailing of the notice of contest.
The director shall set any such expedited matter for hearing
within forty days after the date of the application, when the
issue is liability for the disease or injury. The time schedule for
such an expedited hearing is subject to the extensions set forth
in section 8-43-209. If a claimant elects not to request an
expedited hearing pursuant to this paragraph (a), the time
schedule for hearing the matter shall be as set forth in section
8-43-209. Compensation shall be paid at least once every two
weeks, except where the director determines that payment in
installments should be made at some other interval. The
director may by rule convert monthly benefit schedules to
weekly or other periodic schedules.
(b) Temporary disability compensation is not due
and payable for any period of time for which the insurer or self-
insured employer has requested from the employee's attending
physician verification of the employee's inability to work
resulting from the claimed injury or disease and the physician
cannot verify the employee's inability to work, unless the
employee has been unable to receive treatment for reasons
beyond the employee's control. Failure of the physician to
submit such verification, through no fault of the employee,
shall not affect the payment of temporary disability
compensation under this section.
(c) If an employee fails to appear at an appointment
with the employee's attending physician, the insurer or self-
insured employer shall notify the employee by certified mail
that temporary disability benefits may be suspended after the
employee fails to appear at a rescheduled appointment. If the
employee fails to appear at a rescheduled appointment, the
insurer or self-insured employer may, without a prior hearing,
suspend payment of temporary disability benefits to the
employee until the employee appears at a subsequent
rescheduled appointment.
(d) If the insurer or self-insured employer has
requested and failed to receive from the employee's attending
physician verification of the employee's inability to work
resulting from the claimed injury or disease, medical services
provided by the attending physician are not compensable until
the attending physician submits such verification.
(3) Temporary total disability benefits shall continue
until the first occurrence of any one of the following:
(a) The employee reaches maximum medical
(b) The employee returns to regular or modified
(c) The attending physician gives the employee a
written release to return to regular employment; or
(d) (I) The attending physician gives the employee a
written release to return to modified employment, such
employment is offered to the employee in writing, and the
employee fails to begin such employment.
(II) In the case of employment by a temporary help
contracting firm, once the employee has received one written
offer of modified employment meeting the requirements of
subparagraph (III) of this paragraph (d), the employee shall be
deemed to be on notice that modified employment is available.
Subsequent offers of modified employment need not be in
writing so long as the job requirements of such modified
employment are within the restrictions given the employee by
the employee's attending physician and the employee is
allowed a period of at least twenty-four hours, not including
any part of a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, within which
to respond to any such offer.
(III) A written offer of modified employment under
subparagraph (II) of this paragraph (d) shall clearly state:
(A) That future offers of employment need not be in
(B) The policy of the temporary help contracting
firm regarding how and when employees are expected to learn
of such future offers; and
(C) That benefits under this section will be
terminated if an employee fails to respond to an offer of
modified employment.
(4) (a) In cases where it is determined that a
temporarily disabled employee is responsible for termination
of employment, the resulting wage loss shall not be attributable
to the on-the-job injury.
(b) The claimant's refusal to accept an offer of
modified employment under either of the following conditions
does not constitute responsibility for termination:
(I) The offer of modified employment would require
the claimant to travel a distance of greater than fifty miles one
way more than the claimant's preinjury commute; or
(II) An administrative law judge determines that the
claimant's rejection of the offer of modified employment was
reasonable considering the totality of the claimant's
circumstances, including accounting for:
(A) The consequences of the industrial injury;
(B) The financial hardship that would be imposed on
the claimant in order to accept the offer of modified
employment; or
To Index
(C) Any other reasons that would, in the opinion of
the administrative law judge, make it impracticable for the
claimant to accept the offer of modified employment.
(c) The circumstances described in paragraph (b) of
this subsection (4) are not exhaustive.
8-42-106. Temporary partial disability. (1) In
case of temporary partial disability, the employee shall receive
sixty-six and two-thirds percent of the difference between the
employee's average weekly wage at the time of the injury and
the employee's average weekly wage during the continuance
of the temporary partial disability, not to exceed a maximum
of ninety-one percent of the state average weekly wage per
week. Temporary partial disability shall be paid at least once
every two weeks.
(2) Temporary partial disability payments shall
continue until the first occurrence of either one of the
(a) The employee reaches maximum medical
improvement; or
(b) (I) The attending physician gives the employee a
written release to return to modified employment, such
employment is offered to the employee in writing, and the
employee fails to begin such employment.
(II) In the case of employment by a temporary help
contracting firm, once the employee has received one written
offer of modified employment meeting the requirements of
subparagraph (III) of this paragraph (b), the employee shall be
deemed to be on notice that modified employment is available.
Subsequent offers of modified employment need not be in
writing so long as the job requirements of such modified
employment are within the restrictions given the employee by
the employee's attending physician and the employee is
allowed a period of at least twenty-four hours, not including
any part of a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, within which
to respond to any such offer.
(III) A written offer of modified employment under
subparagraph (II) of this paragraph (b) shall clearly state:
(A) That future offers of employment need not be in
(B) The policy of the temporary help contracting
firm regarding how and when employees are expected to learn
of such future offers; and
(C) That benefits under this section will be
terminated if an employee fails to respond to an offer of
modified employment.
8-42-107. Permanent partial disability benefits -
schedule - medical impairment benefits - how
determined. (1) Benefits available. (a) When an injury
results in permanent medical impairment, and the employee
has an injury or injuries enumerated in the schedule set forth
in subsection (2) of this section, the employee shall be limited
to medical impairment benefits as specified in subsection (2)
of this section.
(b) When an injury results in permanent medical
impairment and the employee has an injury or injuries not on
the schedule specified in subsection (2) of this section, the
employee shall be limited to medical impairment benefits as
specified in subsection (8) of this section.
(2) Scheduled injuries. In case an injury results in a
loss set forth in the following schedule, the injured employee,
in addition to compensation to be paid for temporary disability,
shall receive compensation for the period as specified:
(a) The loss of an arm at the shoulder
208 weeks
(a.5) The loss of an arm above the hand
including the wrist
208 weeks
(b) (Deleted by amendment, L. 94, p. 2002, §
4, effective July 1, 1994.)
(c) The loss of a hand below the wrist
104 weeks
(d) The loss of a thumb and the metacarpal
bone thereof
50 weeks
(e) The loss of a thumb at the proximal joint
35 weeks
(f) The loss of a thumb at the second or distal
18 weeks
(g) The loss of an index finger and the
metacarpal bone thereof
26 weeks
(h) The loss of an index finger at the proximal
18 weeks
(i) Loss of an index finger at the second joint
13 weeks
(j) Loss of an index finger at the distal joint
9 weeks
(k) Loss of a second finger and the metacarpal
bone thereof
18 weeks
(l) Loss of a middle finger at the proximal joint
13 weeks
(m) Loss of a middle finger at the second joint
9 weeks
(n) Loss of a middle finger at the distal joint
5 weeks
(o) Loss of a third or ring finger and the
metacarpal bone thereof
11 weeks
(p) Loss of a ring finger at the proximal joint
7 weeks
(q) Loss of a ring finger at the second joint
7 weeks
(r) Loss of a ring finger at the distal joint
4 weeks
(s) Loss of a little finger and the metacarpal
bone thereof
13 weeks
(t) Loss of a little finger at the proximal joint
9 weeks
(u) Loss of a little finger at the second joint
9 weeks
(v) Loss of a little finger at the distal joint
4 weeks
(w) Loss of a leg at the hip joint or so near
thereto as to
preclude the use of an artificial limb
208 weeks
(w.5) The loss of a leg above the foot
including the ankle
208 weeks
(x) (Deleted by amendment, L. 94, p. 2002, §
4, effective July 1, 1994.)
(y) The loss of a foot below the ankle
104 weeks
(z) The loss of a great toe with the metatarsal
bone thereof
26 weeks
(aa) The loss of a great toe at the proximal
18 weeks
(bb) The loss of a great toe at the second or
distal joint
9 weeks
(cc) The loss of any other toe with the
metatarsal bone thereof
11 weeks
(dd) The loss of any other toe at the proximal
4 weeks
(ee) The loss of any other toe at the second or
distal joint
4 weeks
To Index
(ff) The loss of a tooth
6 weeks
(gg) Total blindness of one eye
104 weeks
(hh) Total deafness of both ears
139 weeks
(ii) Total deafness of one ear
35 weeks
(jj) Where worker prior to injury has suffered
a total loss of hearing in one ear, and as a result
of the accident loses total hearing in remaining
139 weeks
(3) Temporary disability terminates as to injuries
coming under any provision of this section upon the
occurrence of any of the events enumerated in section 8-42-
105 (3).
(4) For the purpose of this schedule, permanent and
complete paralysis of any member as the proximate result of
accidental injury shall be deemed equivalent to the loss
(5) If amputation is made between any two joints
mentioned in this schedule, except amputation between the
knee and the hip joint, the resulting loss shall be estimated as
if the amputation had been made at the joint nearest thereto. If
any portion of the bone of the distal joint of any finger, thumb,
or toe is amputated, the amount paid therefor shall be the
amount allowed for amputation at said distal joint.
(6) (a) The amounts specified in subsections (1) to
(5) of this section shall be at the compensation rate of one
hundred seventy-six dollars per week.
(b) On July 1, 2000, and on each succeeding July 1
thereafter, the compensation rate established in this subsection
(6) shall be modified for claims arising on and after such date
by the same percentage increase or decrease as the state
average weekly wage as determined by the director when the
director establishes the state average weekly wage pursuant to
section 8-47-106.
(7) (a) When an injured employee sustains two or
more injuries coming under this schedule, the disabilities
specified in subsections (1) to (5) of this section shall be added,
and the injured employee shall receive the sum total thereof;
except that, where the injury results in the loss or partial loss
of use of the index finger and thumb of the same hand or of
more than two digits of any one hand or foot, the disability, in
the discretion of the director, may be compensated on the basis
of the partial loss of use of said hand or foot, measured
respectively from the wrist or ankle.
(b) (I) The general assembly finds, determines, and
declares that the rating organization that studied the impact of
the changes in Senate Bill 91-218, enacted at the first regular
session of the fifty-eighth general assembly, assumed that
scheduled injuries would remain on the schedule and
nonscheduled injuries would be compensated as medical
impairment benefits. Therefore, the general assembly finds,
determines, and declares that the purpose of changing the
provisions of subparagraph (II) of this paragraph (b), as
amended by House Bill 99-1157, enacted at the first regular
session of the sixty-second general assembly, is to clarify that
scheduled injuries shall be compensated as provided on the
schedule and nonscheduled injuries shall be compensated as
medical impairment benefits, and that, when an injured worker
sustains both scheduled and nonscheduled injuries, the losses
shall be compensated on the schedule for scheduled injuries
and the nonscheduled injuries shall be compensated as medical
impairment benefits. The general assembly further determines
and declares that mental or emotional stress shall be
compensated pursuant to section 8-41-301 (2) and shall not be
combined with a scheduled or a nonscheduled injury.
(II) Except as provided in subsection (8) of this
section, where an injury causes the loss of, loss of use of, or
partial loss of use of any member specified in the foregoing
schedule, the amount of permanent partial disability shall be
the proportionate share of the amount stated in the above
schedule for the total loss of a member, and such amount shall
be in addition to compensation for temporary disability. Where
an injury causes a loss set forth in the schedule in subsection
(2) of this section and a loss set forth for medical impairment
benefits in subsection (8) of this section, the loss set forth in
the schedule found in said subsection (2) shall be compensated
solely on the basis of such schedule and the loss set forth in
said subsection (8) shall be compensated solely on the basis for
such medical impairment benefits specified in said subsection
(III) Mental or emotional stress shall be compensated
pursuant to section 8-41-301 (2) and shall not be combined
with a scheduled or a nonscheduled injury, except for the
purposes of calculating a claimant's impairment rating to
determine the applicable cap for benefits pursuant to section 8-
(8) Medical impairment benefits - determination
of MMI for scheduled and nonscheduled injuries.
(a) When an injury results in permanent medical impairment
not set forth in the schedule in subsection (2) of this section,
the employee shall be limited to medical impairment benefits
calculated as provided in this subsection (8). The procedures
for determination of maximum medical improvement set forth
in paragraph (b) of this subsection (8) shall be available in
cases of injuries set forth in the schedule in subsection (2) of
this section and also in cases of injuries that are not set forth in
said schedule.
(b) (I) An authorized treating physician shall make a
determination as to when the injured employee reaches
maximum medical improvement as defined in section 8-40-
201 (11.5).
(II) If either party disputes a determination by an
authorized treating physician on the question of whether the
injured worker has or has not reached maximum medical
improvement, an independent medical examiner may be
selected in accordance with section 8-42-107.2; except that, if
an authorized treating physician has not determined that the
employee has reached maximum medical improvement, the
employer or insurer may only request the selection of an
independent medical examiner if all of the following
conditions are met:
(A) At least twenty-four months have passed since
the date of injury;
(B) A party has requested in writing that an
authorized treating physician determine whether the employee
has reached maximum medical improvement;
(C) Such authorized treating physician has not
determined that the employee has reached maximum medical
improvement; and
To Index
(D) A physician other than such authorized treating
physician has determined that the employee has reached
maximum medical improvement.
(III) Notwithstanding paragraph (c) of this
subsection (8), if the independent medical examiner selected
pursuant to subparagraph (II) of this paragraph (b) finds that
the injured worker has reached maximum medical
improvement, the independent medical examiner shall also
determine the injured worker's permanent medical impairment
rating. The finding regarding maximum medical improvement
and permanent medical impairment of an independent medical
examiner in a dispute arising under subparagraph (II) of this
paragraph (b) may be overcome only by clear and convincing
evidence. A hearing on this matter shall not take place until the
finding of the independent medical examiner has been filed
with the division.
(b.5) When an authorized treating physician
providing primary care who is not accredited under the level II
accreditation program pursuant to section 8-42-101 (3.5)
makes a determination that an employee has reached
maximum medical improvement, the following procedures
shall apply:
(I) (A) If the employee is not a state resident upon
reaching maximum medical improvement, such physician
shall, within twenty days after the determination of maximum
medical improvement, determine whether the employee has
sustained any permanent impairment. If the employee has
sustained any permanent impairment, such physician shall
conduct such tests as are required by the revised third edition
of the "American Medical Association Guides to the
Evaluation of Permanent Impairment" to determine such
employee's medical impairment rating and shall transmit to the
self-insured employer or insurer all test results and all relevant
medical information.
(B) However, if the employee chooses not to have
the authorized treating physician perform such tests, or if the
information is not transmitted in a timely manner, the self-
insured employer or insurer shall arrange and pay for the
employee to return to Colorado for examination, testing, and
rating, at the expense of the self-insured employer or insurer.
If the employee refuses to return to Colorado for examination,
no permanent disability benefits shall be awarded.
(C) The self-insured employer or insurer shall,
within twenty days after receipt of the medical information
described in sub-subparagraph (A) of this subparagraph (I),
appoint a level II accredited physician to determine the
employee's medical impairment rating. If the employee was
treated by an authorized level II accredited physician in
Colorado for the same injury for which a medical impairment
rating is being sought, the self-insured employer or insurer
shall request such physician to determine the claimant's
medical impairment rating. At the same time as such rating is
transmitted to the self-insured employer or insurer, the level II
physician shall transmit a copy of the same to the authorized
treating physician and the employee.
(D) If the employee, insurer, or self-insured
employer disputes a medical impairment rating, including a
finding that there is no medical impairment, made pursuant to
sub-subparagraph (A) of this subparagraph (I), the parties to
the dispute may select an independent medical examiner in
accordance with section 8-42-107.2 to review the rating. The
cost of such independent medical examination shall be borne
by the requesting party. The finding of such independent
medical examiner shall be overcome only by clear and
convincing evidence. Any review by an independent medical
examiner shall be based on the employee's written medical
records only, without further examination, unless a party to the
dispute requests that such review include a physical
examination by the independent medical examiner. Except
when the provisions of section 8-42-107.2 (5)(b) apply, the
party requesting a physical examination shall pay all additional
costs, including, if applicable, the reasonable cost of returning
the employee to Colorado.
(II) If the employee is a state resident, such physician
shall, within twenty days after the determination of maximum
medical improvement, determine whether the employee has
sustained any permanent impairment. If the employee has
sustained any permanent impairment, such physician shall
refer such employee to a level II accredited physician for a
medical impairment rating, which shall be based on the revised
third edition of the "American Medical Association Guides to
the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment". If the referral is not
timely made by the authorized treating physician, the insurer
or self-insured employer shall refer the employee to a level II
accredited physician within forty days after the determination
of maximum medical improvement. If the employee, insurer,
or self-insured employer disputes the finding regarding
permanent medical impairment, including a finding that there
is no permanent medical impairment, the parties to the dispute
may select an independent medical examiner in accordance
with section 8-42-107.2. The finding of any such independent
medical examiner shall be overcome only by clear and
convincing evidence.
(c) When the injured employee's date of maximum
medical improvement has been determined pursuant to
subparagraph (I) of paragraph (b) of this subsection (8), and
there is a determination that permanent medical impairment
has resulted from the injury, the authorized treating physician
shall determine a medical impairment rating as a percentage of
the whole person based on the revised third edition of the
"American Medical Association Guides to the Evaluation of
Permanent Impairment", in effect as of July 1, 1991. Except
for a determination by the authorized treating physician
providing primary care that no permanent medical impairment
has resulted from the injury, any physician who determines a
medical impairment rating shall have received accreditation
under the level II accreditation program pursuant to section 8-
42-101. For purposes of determining levels of medical
impairment, the physician shall not render a medical
impairment rating based on chronic pain without anatomic or
physiologic correlation. Anatomic correlation must be based
on objective findings. If either party disputes the authorized
treating physician's finding of medical impairment, including
a finding that there is no permanent medical impairment, the
parties may select an independent medical examiner in
accordance with section 8-42-107.2. The finding of the
independent medical examiner may be overcome only by clear
and convincing evidence. A hearing on this matter shall not
take place until the finding of the independent medical
examiner has been filed with the division.
To Index
(c.5) When an injury results in the total loss or total
loss of use of an arm at the shoulder, a forearm at the elbow, a
hand at the wrist, a leg at the hip or so near thereto as to
preclude the use of an artificial limb, the loss of a leg at or
above the knee where the stump remains sufficient to permit
the use of an artificial limb, a foot at the ankle, an eye, or a
combination of any such losses, the benefits for such loss shall
be determined pursuant to this subsection (8).
(d) Medical impairment benefits shall be determined
by multiplying the medical impairment rating determined
pursuant to paragraph (c) of this subsection (8) by the age
factor determined pursuant to paragraph (e) of this subsection
(8) and by four hundred weeks and shall be calculated at the
temporary total disability rate specified in section 8-42-105.
Up to ten thousand dollars of the total amount of any such
award or scheduled award shall be automatically paid in a
lump sum less the discount as calculated in section 8-43-406
upon the injured employee's written request to the employer
or, if insured, to the employer's insurance carrier. The
remaining periodic payments of any such award, after
subtracting the total amount of the lump sum requested by the
employee without subtracting the discount calculated in
section 8-43-406, shall be paid at the temporary total disability
rate but not less than one hundred fifty dollars per week and
not more than fifty percent of the state average weekly wage,
beginning on the date of maximum medical improvement.
(e) The age factor for use in calculating medical
impairment benefits pursuant to this subsection (8) is as
60 or older
(f) In all claims in which an authorized treating
physician recommends medical benefits after maximum
medical improvement, and there is no contrary medical
opinion in the record, the employer shall, in a final admission
of liability, admit liability for related reasonable and necessary
medical benefits by an authorized treating physician.
8-42-107.2. Selection of independent medical
examiner - procedure - time - disclosures regarding
physician relationships with insurers, self-insured
employers, or claimants - rules - applicability. (1) This
section governs the selection of an independent medical
examiner, also referred to in this section as an "IME", to
resolve disputes arising under section 8-42-107.
(2) (a) (I) Except as otherwise provided in
subparagraph (II) of this paragraph (a), the time for selection
of an IME commences as follows, depending on which party
initiates the dispute:
(A) For the claimant, the time for selection of an IME
commences with the date of mailing of a final admission of
liability by the insurer or self-insured employer that includes
an impairment rating issued in accordance with section 8-42-
(B) For the insurer or self-insured employer, the time
for selection of an IME commences with the date on which the
disputed finding or determination is mailed or physically
delivered to the insurer or self-insured employer.
(II) If, as of the date on which the time for selection
of an IME would otherwise commence, a medical condition is
not yet ratable because of a provision in the medical treatment
guidelines or in the revised third edition of the "American
Medical Association Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent
Impairment", the time for selection of an IME shall commence
on the date on which an impairment rating is mailed or
physically delivered.
(b) If any party disputes a finding or determination
of the authorized treating physician, such party shall request
the selection of an IME. The requesting party shall notify all
other parties in writing of the request, on a form prescribed by
the division by rule, and shall propose one or more acceptable
candidates for the purpose of entering into negotiations for the
selection of an IME. Such notice and proposal is effective upon
mailing via United States mail, first-class postage paid,
addressed to the division and to the last-known address of each
of the other parties. Unless such notice and proposal are given
within thirty days after the date of mailing of the final
admission of liability or the date of mailing or delivery of the
disputed finding or determination, as applicable pursuant to
paragraph (a) of this subsection (2), the authorized treating
physician's findings and determinations shall be binding on all
parties and on the division.
(c) If the insurer or self-insured employer requests an
IME and the examination is conducted before the insurer or
self-insured employer admits liability pursuant to section 8-43-
203 (2)(b), the claimant may not request a second independent
medical examination on that issue but may appeal the IME's
decision, as set forth in section 8-43-203 (2)(b)(II).
(3) (a) Upon receiving the requesting party's notice
and proposal pursuant to subsection (2) of this section, the
other parties have until the end of the thirtieth day after the date
of mailing of such notice and proposal within which to
negotiate and select an IME. If the parties agree on an IME on
or before such thirtieth day, the requesting party shall promptly
notify the IME in writing that he or she has been selected. If,
within such time, the parties are unable to agree or the
requesting party receives no response to the notice and
proposal, the insurer or self-insured employer shall give
To Index
written notice of such fact to the division within thirty days via
United States mail, first-class postage paid. The division shall
then, within ten days after receiving such written notice, select
three physicians by a revolving selection process established
by the division from the list of physicians maintained by the
division. The division shall administer the list in such fashion
as to ensure that the names of candidates to serve as IME in
each pending case remain confidential until the IME is
selected. The director of the division shall promulgate rules to
implement the process of selecting a panel of three physicians
from which the parties may select a physician to conduct a
division independent medical examination. The selection of a
physician panel shall be based on various factors, including,
but not limited to, the designation by rule of the fields of
specialization authorized to perform independent medical
examinations for conditions listed under each medical
treatment guideline and measures to prevent the over-
utilization of physicians or specialists. The requesting party
shall have the opportunity to strike one of the three physicians
from the list, followed by the opposing party who shall then be
given the opportunity to strike one physician from the list. The
remaining IME physician shall be designated by the division
to conduct the IME. If one or neither party strikes a physician
from the list, the division shall select the physician to conduct
the IME from the remaining physicians on the list.
(b) Upon selection of the IME, the insurance carrier
shall provide to the IME and all other parties a complete copy
of all medical records in its possession pertaining to the subject
injury, postmarked or hand-delivered within fourteen days
prior to the independent medical examination. If the insurance
carrier or its representative fails to timely submit such medical
records, the claimant may request that the division cancel the
independent medical examination or the claimant may submit
all the medical records he or she has available within ten days
prior to the independent medical examination, or as otherwise
arranged by the division with the IME. If the claimant submits
medical records, the defaulting party may supplement such
records pursuant to rules of the division. This paragraph (b)
shall not be construed to prohibit an independent medical
examination from being rescheduled.
(c) Any supplemental medical records shall be
prepared according to the rules of the division and shall be
submitted to the IME and all other parties no later than seven
days prior to the independent medical examination.
(d) (I) The IME shall neither contact any of the
authorized treating physicians or any examining or reviewing
physician nor request a claimant to undergo repeat testing
when the testing results were valid and the IME has resolved
any disparity in testing results.
(II) Subparagraph (I) of this paragraph (d), as
enacted by Senate Bill 09-168, enacted in 2009, is declared to
be procedural and was intended to and shall apply to all
workers' compensation claims, regardless of the date the claim
was filed.
(3.5) (a) Prior to making a determination to strike a
physician from the list of IME physicians provided by the
division in accordance with paragraph (a) of subsection (3) of
this section, a party may request and shall be entitled to obtain
and review a summary disclosure pertaining to any business,
financial, employment, or advisory relationship between a
listed physician, or any entity affiliated with the physician, and
the insurer, self-insured employer, or claimant who is a party
to the claim. The party shall not be required to make its
determination to strike a physician from the list until he or she
has received and has had a reasonable opportunity to review
the summary disclosure.
(b) The director shall adopt rules as necessary to
implement this subsection (3.5). At a minimum, the rules shall:
(I) Require physicians to disclose the requested
business, financial, employment, or advisory relationship
information in a summarized format;
(II) Detail the form and manner in which the
summary disclosure is to be provided;
(III) Set parameters regarding the period within
which a requesting party is allowed to review the summary
disclosure prior to making a determination to strike a physician
from the list; and
(IV) Prohibit a physician who fails to disclose the
requested summarized information from conducting an
independent medical examination until he or she complies with
the request.
(4) (a) Upon receipt of the IME's report, the division
has five business days to review the report and either:
(I) Issue a notice to all parties that the division has
received the IME's report; or
(II) Notify the IME of any deficiencies in the report
by letter and send copies to all parties.
(b) Upon notification of any deficiencies identified
in the IME's report, the IME has twenty days to remedy the
deficiencies and resubmit the report. After the report has been
resubmitted, the division shall comply with paragraph (a) of
this subsection (4). If the IME fails to timely respond to the
notification of deficiencies, the division shall issue a notice
that it has received the IME's report and the insurer or self-
insured employer shall comply with paragraph (c) of this
subsection (4).
(c) Within twenty days after the date of the mailing
of the division's notice that it has received the IME's report, the
insurer or self-insured employer shall either file its admission
of liability pursuant to section 8-43-203 or request a hearing
before the division contesting one or more of the IME's
findings or determinations contained in such report.
(5) (a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this
subsection (5), the requesting party shall advance the full cost
of the independent medical examination to the IME at least ten
days before the appointed time for the examination.
(b) A claimant who has established that he or she is
indigent shall receive an independent medical examination
without having to advance the cost to the independent medical
examiner. The director of the division of workers'
compensation shall promulgate rules to establish a procedure
to determine indigence.
(6) This section was enacted by House Bill 98-1062,
as enacted at the second regular session of the sixty-first
general assembly, as a remedial statute and is procedural in
nature. The purpose of this section is to improve and simplify
remedies already existing for the enforcement of rights and the
redress of injuries under the workers' compensation laws of
Colorado. This section effected procedures related to the
selection of an IME and shall be applicable to all open cases
To Index
with a date of injury on or after July 1, 1991, for which a
division IME has not been requested, pursuant to section 8-42-
8-42-107.5. Limits on temporary disability
payments and permanent partial disability payments. No
claimant whose impairment rating is twenty-five percent or
less may receive more than seventy-five thousand dollars from
combined temporary disability payments and permanent
partial disability payments. No claimant whose impairment
rating is greater than twenty-five percent may receive more
than one hundred fifty thousand dollars from combined
temporary disability payments and permanent partial disability
payments. For the purposes of this section, any mental
impairment rating shall be combined with the physical
impairment rating to establish a claimant's impairment rating
for determining the applicable cap. For injuries sustained on
and after January 1, 2012, the director shall adjust these limits
on the amount of compensation for combined temporary
disability payments and permanent partial disability payments
on July 1, 2011, and each July 1 thereafter, by the percentage
of adjustment made by the director to the state average weekly
wage pursuant to section 8-47-106.
8-42-107.6. Premium dividend for employing
injured employees. The commissioner of insurance shall
include within the premium dividends specified in rules and
regulations promulgated pursuant to section 10-4-408 (5),
C.R.S., a premium dividend of up to ten percent if an employer
reemploys injured employees at their preinjury wages
including any wage increases to which such employees would
have been entitled had the employee not been injured. The total
amount of the premium dividend shall be determined on a pro
rata basis, taking into account the total number of employees
injured during the period of time the insurance policy was in
effect and the total number of injured employees who have
sustained permanent partial disability as a result of their
injuries and who have been rehired by such employer.
8-42-108. Disfigurement - additional
compensation. (1) If an employee is seriously, permanently
disfigured about the head, face, or parts of the body normally
exposed to public view, in addition to all other compensation
benefits provided in this article and except as provided in
subsection (2) of this section, the director may allow
compensation not to exceed four thousand dollars to the
employee who suffers such disfigurement.
(2) If an employee sustains any of the following
disfigurements, the director may allow up to eight thousand
dollars as compensation to the employee in addition to all other
compensation benefits provided in this article other than
compensation allowed under subsection (1) of this section:
(a) Extensive facial scars or facial burn scars;
(b) Extensive body scars or burn scars; or
(c) Stumps due to loss or partial loss of limbs.
(3) The director shall adjust the limits on the amount
of compensation for disfigurement specified in this section on
July 1, 2008, and each July 1 thereafter by the percentage of
adjustment made by the director to the state average weekly
wage pursuant to section 8-47-106.
8-42-109. Added compensation for additional
injuries. Where an injured employee sustains an injury
covered by sections 8-42-107, 8-42-108, and 8-46-101 but in
addition thereto receives other injuries which are sufficient in
their nature to alone cause temporary total disability, said
employee shall receive, in addition to the amounts specified in
said schedule, compensation for temporary total disability as
long as said disability is found to exist as a result of said other
8-42-110. Permanent partial disability - how
determined. (Repealed)
8-42-111. Award for permanent total
disability. (1) In cases of permanent total disability, the award
shall be sixty-six and two-thirds percent of the average weekly
wages of the injured employee and shall continue until death
of such person so totally disabled but not in excess of the
weekly maximum benefits specified in this article for injuries
causing temporary total disability.
(2) (Deleted by amendment, L. 91, p. 1313, § 19,
effective July 1, 1991.)
(3) A disabled employee capable of rehabilitation
which would enable the employee to earn any wages in the
same or other employment, who refuses an offer of
employment by the same or other employer or an offer of
vocational rehabilitation paid for by the employer shall not be
awarded permanent total disability.
(4) For injuries occurring on and after July 1, 1991,
and before July 1, 1994, the average weekly wage of injured
employees used for computing compensation paid for awards
pursuant to subsection (1) of this section shall be increased by
two percent per year effective July 1 of each year, and such
increased compensation shall be payable for the subsequent
twelve months.
(5) Repealed.
8-42-112. Acts of employees reducing
compensation. (1) The compensation provided for in articles
40 to 47 of this title shall be reduced fifty percent:
(a) Where injury is caused by the willful failure of
the employee to use safety devices provided by the employer;
(b) Where injury results from the employee's willful
failure to obey any reasonable rule adopted by the employer
for the safety of the employee; or
(c) (Deleted by amendment, L. 99, p. 581, § 2,
effective July 1, 1999.)
(d) Where the employee willfully misleads an
employer concerning the employee's physical ability to
perform the job, and the employee is subsequently injured on
the job as a result of the physical ability about which the
employee willfully misled the employer. Notwithstanding any
other provisions of articles 40 to 47 of this title, the provisions
of this paragraph (d) shall apply in addition to any other
penalty that may be imposed under section 8-43-402.
(2) In the event the claimant or dependent is
receiving periodic disability benefits for which a reduction in
Colorado workers' compensation benefits has been made
pursuant to section 8-42-103, the fifty percent reduction
provided for in subsection (1) of this section shall be computed
according to the rate of benefits received by the claimant or
dependent after, and not before, such other reduction has been
(3) An admission of liability reducing compensation
under this section must include a statement by a representative
To Index
of the employer listing the specific facts on which the
reduction is based.
(4) If the insurer or self-insured employer admits
liability for the claim, any party may request an expedited
hearing on the issue of whether the employer or insurer may
reduce compensation under this section if the application for
hearing is filed within forty-five days after the date of the
admission reducing compensation under this section. The
director shall set any expedited matter for hearing within sixty
days after the date of the application. The time schedule for an
expedited hearing is subject to the extensions set forth in
section 8-43-209. If the party elects not to request an expedited
hearing under this subsection (4), the time schedule for hearing
the matter is as set forth in section 8-43-209.
(5) Nothing in this section limits the right of a party
to submit evidence at a hearing scheduled under this section or
section 8-43-209.
(6) Nothing in this section precludes a party from
requesting a hearing pursuant to the time schedule set forth in
section 8-43-209.
8-42-112.5. Limitation on payments - use of
controlled substances. (1) Nonmedical benefits otherwise
payable to an injured worker are reduced fifty percent where
the injury results from the presence in the worker's system,
during working hours, of controlled substances, as defined in
section 18-18-102 (5), C.R.S., that are not medically
prescribed or of a blood alcohol level at or above 0.10 percent,
or at or above an applicable lower level as set forth by federal
statute or regulation, as evidenced by a forensic drug or alcohol
test conducted by a medical facility or laboratory licensed or
certified to conduct such tests. A duplicate sample from any
test conducted must be preserved and made available to the
worker for purposes of a second test to be conducted at the
worker's expense. If the test indicates the presence of such
substances or of alcohol at such level, it is presumed that the
employee was intoxicated and that the injury was due to the
intoxication. This presumption may be overcome by clear and
convincing evidence.
(2) As used in this section, "nonmedical benefits"
means all benefits provided for in articles 40 to 47 of this title
other than disbursements for medical, surgical, nursing, and
hospital services, apparatus, and supplies.
8-42-113. Limitations on payments to prisoners -
incentives to sheriffs and department of
corrections. (1) Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary except as provided in subsection (4) of this
section, any individual who is otherwise entitled to benefits
under articles 40 to 47 of this title shall neither receive nor be
entitled to such benefits for any week following conviction
during which such individual is confined in a jail, prison, or
any department of corrections facility.
(1.5) (a) In the event the identifying information
transmitted to the department of labor and employment
pursuant to section 17-26-118.5 (2), C.R.S., results in the
termination of workers' compensation benefits pursuant to
subsection (1) of this section, the employer or the insurance
carrier, if any, shall pay to the sheriff a reward equal to ten
percent of one week's benefit to which the ineligible individual
would otherwise be eligible to receive.
(b) An individual who is ineligible pursuant to
subsection (1) of this section shall repay to the employer or the
insurance carrier, if any, any amounts received while not
(2) After such individual's release from confinement,
the individual shall be restored to the same position with
respect to entitlement to benefits under articles 40 to 47 of this
title as said individual would otherwise have enjoyed at the
point in time of such release from confinement. However,
except as provided in subsection (3) of this section, said
individual shall not be able to recover, recoup, or otherwise be
retroactively entitled to any of the benefits to which the
individual would have been entitled without the limitation
specified in subsection (1) of this section.
(3) If upon appeal such conviction is overturned,
such individual shall be entitled to recover the benefits to
which such individual would have been entitled except for the
operation of subsection (1) of this section.
(4) This section shall not apply to benefits under
articles 40 to 47 of this title to which an inmate of a department
of corrections facility or a city, county, or city and county jail
is entitled for injury or occupational disease arising out of and
in the course of the inmate working, performing services, or
participating in a training, rehabilitation, or work release
program that has been certified by the federal prison industry
enhancement certification program pursuant to the federal
"Justice System Improvement Act of 1979", 18 U.S.C. sec.
1761 (c). The inmate shall be entitled to benefits in accordance
with section 8-40-301 (3)(a).
8-42-113.5. Recovery of overpayments - notice
required. (1) If a claimant has received an award for the
payment of disability benefits or a death benefit under articles
40 to 47 of this title and also receives any payment, award, or
entitlement to benefits under the federal old-age, survivors,
and disability insurance act, an employer-paid retirement
benefit plan, or any other plan, program, or source for which
the original disability benefits or death benefit is required to be
reduced pursuant to said articles, but which were not reflected
in the calculation of such disability benefits or death benefit:
(a) Within twenty calendar days after learning of
such payment, award, or entitlement, the claimant, or the legal
representative of a claimant who is a minor, shall give written
notice of the payment, award, or entitlement to the employer
or, if the employer is insured, to the employer's insurer. If the
claimant or legal representative gives such notice, any
overpayment that resulted from the failure to make the
appropriate reduction in the original calculation of such
disability benefits or death benefit shall be recovered by the
employer or insurer in installments at the same rate as, or a
lower rate than, the rate at which the overpayments were made.
Such recovery shall reduce the disability benefits or death
benefit payable after all other applicable reductions have been
(b) If the claimant or legal representative of a
claimant who is a minor was receiving benefits in excess of the
amounts that should have been paid under articles 40 to 47 of
this title and failed to give the notice required by paragraph (a)
of this subsection (1), the employer or insurer is authorized to
cease all disability or death benefit payments immediately until
the overpayments have been recovered in full.
To Index
(b.5) (I) After the filing of a final admission of
liability, except in cases of fraud, any attempt to recover an
overpayment shall be asserted within one year after the time
the requester knew of the existence of the overpayment.
(II) Subparagraph (I) of this paragraph (b.5), as
enacted by Senate Bill 09-168, enacted in 2009, is declared to
be procedural and was intended to and shall apply to all
workers' compensation claims, regardless of the date the claim
was filed.
(c) If for any reason recovery of overpayments as
contemplated in paragraph (a) or (b) of this subsection (1) is
not practicable, the employer or insurer is authorized to seek
an order for repayment.
(d) When an overpayment is repaid to the insurer, the
insurer shall credit the losses on the claim and report the
corrected losses to the insurance rating organization on the
next scheduled report for purposes of the employer's
experience modification.
8-42-114. Death benefits. In case of death, the
dependents of the deceased entitled thereto shall receive as
compensation or death benefits sixty-six and two-thirds
percent of the deceased employee's average weekly wages, not
to exceed a maximum of ninety-one percent of the state
average weekly wage per week for accidents occurring on or
after July 1, 1989, and not less than a minimum of twenty-five
percent of the applicable maximum per week. In cases where
it is determined that periodic death benefits granted by the
federal old age, survivors, and disability insurance act or a
workers' compensation act of another state or of the federal
government are payable to an individual and the individual's
dependents, the aggregate benefits payable for death pursuant
to this section shall be reduced, but not below zero, by an
amount equal to fifty percent of such periodic benefits.
8-42-115. Death from injury - benefits. (1) In case
death proximately results from the injury, the benefits shall be
in the amount and to the persons following:
(a) If there are no dependents, compensation shall be
limited to the expenses provided for medical, hospital, and
funeral expense of the deceased, together with such sums as
may have accrued or been paid to the deceased during the
deceased's lifetime for disability, and any amount or payment
which is due under section 8-46-101.
(b) If there are wholly dependent persons at the time
of death, the payment shall be in accordance with the
provisions of section 8-42-114.
(c) If there are partially dependent persons at the time
of death, the payment shall not exceed sixty-six and two-thirds
percent of the average weekly wages, subject to the limitations
of articles 40 to 47 of this title as to maximum and minimum
weekly amounts, to continue for such period after the date of
death as is required to pay, at the weekly rate, the total amount
awarded by the director to be paid to such partially dependent
8-42-116. When death not proximate result -
benefits. (1) If death occurs to an injured employee, other
than as a proximate result of any injury, before disability
indemnity ceases and the deceased leaves persons wholly
dependent upon the deceased for support, death benefits shall
be as follows:
(a) Where the injury proximately caused permanent
total disability, the death benefit shall consist of the unpaid and
unaccrued portion of the permanent total disability benefit
which the employee would have received had the employee
lived until receiving compensation at the employee's regular
rate for a period of six years.
(b) Where the injury proximately caused permanent
partial disability, the death benefit shall consist of the unpaid
and unaccrued portion of the permanent partial disability
benefit which the employee would have received had he lived.
8-42-117. Benefits to partial dependents. (1) If
death occurs to an injured employee, other than as a proximate
result of the injury, before disability indemnity ceases and the
deceased leaves persons partially dependent upon the deceased
for support, death benefits shall be as follows:
(a) Where the injury proximately caused permanent
total disability, the death benefit shall consist of that proportion
of the unpaid and unaccrued portion of the permanent total
disability benefit which the employee would have received had
the employee lived until said employee had received
compensation at the employee's regular rate for a period of six
years as the amount devoted by the deceased to the support of
such persons for the year immediately prior to the injury bears
to the total income of the persons during said year.
(b) Where the injury caused permanent partial
disability, the death benefit shall consist of that proportion of
the unpaid and unaccrued portion of the permanent partial
disability benefit which the employee would have received if
the employee had lived as the amount devoted by the deceased
to the support of such persons for the year immediately prior
to the injury bears to the total income of the persons during
said year.
8-42-118. Applicability of repeal of death benefits
to nonresident dependents. The repeal of section 8-50-114,
as said section existed prior to July 1, 1983, shall not affect the
payments of death benefits which are being paid before July 1,
8-42-119. Partial dependents -
compensation. Partial dependents shall be entitled to receive
only that portion of the benefits provided for those wholly
dependent which the average amount of the wages regularly
contributed by the deceased to such partial dependents at and
for a reasonable time immediately prior to the injury bore to
the total income of the dependents during the same time. The
director has power and discretion to determine the proper
elements to be considered as income of said dependents in each
particular case. Where there are persons both wholly
dependent and partially dependent, only those wholly
dependent shall be entitled to compensation.
8-42-120. Termination of right to benefits. Death
benefits shall be paid to a dependent widow or widower for life
or until remarriage, and, if there are no dependent children, as
defined in section 8-41-501 (1)(b) and (1)(c), at the time of
remarriage, a two-year lump-sum benefit without discount,
less any lump sums previously paid, shall be paid to such
widow or widower. Death benefits shall terminate upon the
happening of any of the following contingencies and shall
thereupon survive to the remaining dependents, if any: Upon
the death of any dependent; when a child or brother or sister of
the deceased reaches the age of eighteen years, except as
To Index
otherwise provided in sections 8-41-501 (1)(b) and (1)(c) and
8-41-502; and upon the expiration of six years from the date of
the death of the injured employee in the case of partial
8-42-121. Director to determine and apportion
benefits. Death benefits shall be paid to such one or more of
the dependents of the decedent, for the benefit of all the
dependents entitled to such compensation, as may be
determined by the director, who may apportion the benefits
among such dependents in such manner as the director may
deem just and equitable. Payment to a dependent subsequent
in right may be made, if the director deems it proper, which
payment shall operate to discharge all other claims therefor.
The dependents or persons to whom benefits are paid shall
apply the same to the use of the several beneficiaries thereof
according to their respective claims upon the decedent for
support in compliance with the finding and direction of the
8-42-122. Minor dependents - safeguarding
payments. In all cases of death where the dependents are
minor children, it shall be sufficient for the surviving spouse
or a friend to make application and claim on behalf of the
minor children. The director, for the purpose of protecting the
rights and interests of any dependents whom the director
deems incapable of fully protecting their own interests, may
deposit the payments in any type of account in state or national
banks insured by the federal deposit insurance corporation or
its successor, savings and loan associations that are insured by
the federal deposit insurance corporation or its successor, or
credit unions that are insured by the national credit union share
insurance fund and may otherwise provide for the manner and
method of safeguarding the payments due such dependents in
such manner as the director sees fit.
8-42-123. Burial expenses. When, as a proximate
result of an injury, death occurs to an injured employee, there
shall be paid in one lump sum within thirty days after death a
sum not to exceed seven thousand dollars for reasonable
funeral and burial expenses. Said sum may be paid to the
undertaker, cemetery, or any other person who has paid the
funeral and burial costs, if the director so orders. If the
employee leaves no dependents, compensation shall be limited
to said sum and the compensation, if any, which has accrued
to date of death and the medical, surgical, and hospital
expenses provided in articles 40 to 47 of this title. If the
deceased employee leaves dependents, said sum shall be paid
in addition to all other sums of compensation provided for in
this article.
8-42-124. Assignability and exemption of claims -
payment to employers - when. (1) Except for amounts due
under court-ordered support or for a judgment for a debt for
fraudulently obtained public assistance, fraudulently obtained
overpayments of public assistance, or excess public assistance
paid for which the recipient was ineligible, claims for
compensation or benefits due, or any proceeds thereof, under
articles 40 to 47 of this title shall not be assigned, released, or
commuted except as provided in said articles and shall be
exempt from all claims of creditors and from levy, execution,
and attachment or other remedy or recovery or collection of a
debt, which exemption may not be waived.
(2) The power given in any power of attorney or
other authority from any injured employee or the dependents
of any killed employee purporting to authorize any other
person to receive, be paid, or receipt for any compensation
benefits awarded any such claimant shall be wholly void and
illegal and of no force and effect; except that:
(a) Any employer who is subject to the provisions of
articles 40 to 47 of this title and who, by separate agreement,
working agreement, contract of hire, or any other procedure,
continues to pay a sum in excess of the temporary total
disability benefits prescribed by articles 40 to 47 of this title to
any employee temporarily disabled as a result of any injury
arising out of and in the course of such employee's
employment and has not charged the employee with any
earned vacation leave, sick leave, or other similar benefits shall
be reimbursed if insured by an insurance carrier or shall take
credit if self-insured to the extent of all moneys that such
employee may be eligible to receive as compensation or
benefits for temporary partial or temporary total disability
under the provisions of said articles, subject to the approval of
the director. If the employee is injured while under a fixed
duration contract of employment, all salary and wages paid
pursuant to that contract shall be prorated over the duration of
the contract in determining whether in any given week the
employer paid a sum in excess of the temporary total disability
(b) This subsection (2) shall not apply to an attorney
licensed to practice law in this state and acting in accordance
with a power of attorney given by the claimant solely for the
purpose of distributing funds pursuant to an admission of
liability or an order of the division.
(3) Such payments shall be paid directly to the
employer during the period of time that such employer
continues to pay a sum in excess of the temporary total
disability benefits prescribed by articles 40 to 47 of this title
and has not charged any earned vacation leave, sick leave, or
other similar benefits to any employee so disabled and for so
long as such employee is eligible for temporary disability
benefits under the provisions of articles 40 to 47 of this title.
The payment of such moneys to an employer shall constitute
the payment of compensation or benefits to the employee in
accordance with the provisions of section 8-42-103.
(4) When the payment by an employer to any such
disabled employee is reduced to a sum equal to or less than the
temporary total disability benefits prescribed by articles 40 to
47 of this title, or when the employer has charged the employee
with any earned vacation leave, sick leave, or other similar
benefits for any reason, the rights of the employee to receive
direct payment of any award for temporary partial or
temporary total disability that said employee may be entitled
to on and after the effective date of such reduction shall be
reinstated in accordance with the provisions of articles 40 to
47 of this title.
(5) Any employer subject to the provisions of articles
40 to 47 of this title and otherwise qualifying for direct
payment of employee benefits as provided in this section shall
notify the division and the insurance carrier of such employer's
eligibility to receive such moneys. The director shall approve
such direct payment after the filing of such information by the
employer as the director may require.
To Index
(6) Nothing in this section shall be construed to limit
in any way the right of any employee to full payment of any
award which may be granted to said employee for permanent
partial or permanent total disability under the provisions of
articles 40 to 47 of this title; except that benefits for permanent
total disability and permanent partial disability shall be subject
to wage assignment or income assignment as wages pursuant
to section 14-14-102 (9), C.R.S., and subject to garnishment as
earnings pursuant to section 13-54.5-101 (2)(b), C.R.S., and
subject to administrative lien and attachment pursuant to
section 26-13-122, C.R.S., for purposes of enforcement of
court-ordered child support and subject to garnishment as
earnings pursuant to sections 13-54-104 (1)(b)(IV) and 13-
54.5-101 (2)(d), C.R.S., for purposes of enforcement of a
judgment for a debt for fraudulently obtained public
assistance, fraudulently obtained overpayments of public
assistance, or excess public assistance paid for which the
recipient was ineligible.
(7) Following an injury, any injured employee may
authorize in writing the continuation of any payroll deduction
which the employee had authorized or could have authorized
before the injury, which authorization shall be legal and may
be honored by the employer to the extent that proceeds of
compensation of claims are available to the employer or are
made available to the employer by the employer's insurance
carrier for this purpose until the authorization is revoked in
writing by the injured employee.
(8) If any employer who pays to an injured employee
a sum in excess of the temporary total disability benefits
prescribed by articles 40 to 47 of this title and who has not
charged the employee with any earned vacation leave, sick
leave, or other similar benefits seeks to have assigned the
compensation benefits otherwise due the injured employee as
provided in this section, the employer shall notify the
employee of said request at the same time the employer makes
the request of the director or insurance carrier or both.
8-42-125. Data gathering on workers'
compensation system. The governor and the leader of the
opposing party in the house of representatives and the leader
of the opposing party in the senate shall contract with a person
or entity for obtaining information on the workers'
compensation system. The person or entity gathering the
information shall work solely at the unanimous direction of the
governor and the opposition leadership. Issues or topics that
will be subject to the information gathering process shall be
determined by unanimous decision of the governor and the
opposition leadership. The contractor for the gathering of the
information shall have complete access to all records of and
files in the division of workers' compensation and the office of
administrative courts. Such contractor shall guarantee that any
information gathered on any individual shall be kept
8-43-101. Record of injuries - occupational
disease - reported to division - rules. (1) Every employer
shall keep a record of all injuries that result in fatality to, or
permanent physical impairment of, or lost time from work for
the injured employee in excess of three shifts or calendar days
and the contraction by an employee of an occupational disease
that has been listed by the director by rule. Within ten days
after notice or knowledge that an employee has contracted
such an occupational disease, or the occurrence of a
permanently physically impairing injury, or lost-time injury to
an employee, or immediately in the case of a fatality, the
employer shall, upon forms prescribed by the division for that
purpose, report said occupational disease, permanently
physically impairing injury, lost-time injury, or fatality to the
division. The report shall contain such information as shall be
required by the director.
(2) Unless exempted by the director pursuant to rule
because of a small number of filings or a showing of financial
hardship, beginning July 1, 2006, reports submitted pursuant
to this section shall be submitted in an electronic format as
determined by the director. Exposure to an injurious substance
as defined by the director by rule and injuries to employees
that result in no more than three days' or three shifts' loss of
time from work, or no permanent physical impairment, or no
fatality to the employee shall be reported by the employer only
to the insurer of said employer's workers' compensation
insurance liability, which injuries and exposure the insurer
shall report only by monthly summary form to or as otherwise
requested by the division.
8-43-102. Notice to employer of injury - notice to
employees of requirement - failure to report. (1) (a) Every
employee who sustains an injury resulting from an accident
shall notify said employee's employer in writing of the injury
within four days of the occurrence of the injury. If the
employee is physically or mentally unable to provide said
notice, the employee's foreman, superintendent, manager, or
any other person in charge who has notice of said injury shall
submit such written notice to the employer. Any other person
who has notice of said injury may submit a written notice to
the said person in charge or to the employer, and in that event
the injured employee shall be relieved of the obligation to give
such notice. Otherwise, if said employee fails to report said
injury in writing, said employee may lose up to one day's
compensation for each day's failure to so report. If, at the time
of said injury, the employer has failed to display the notice
specified in paragraph (b) of this subsection (1), the time
period allotted to the employee shall be tolled for the duration
of such failure.
(b) Every employer shall display at all times in a
prominent place on the workplace premises a printed card with
a minimum height of fourteen inches and a width of eleven
inches with each letter to be a minimum of one-half inch in
height, which shall read as follows:
To Index
8-43-102 (1), COLORADO REVISED
(1.5) (a) Every employee of an employer who has
permission to be its own insurance carrier pursuant to section
8-44-201 or of an employer who participates in a public entity
self-insurance pool pursuant to section 8-44-204 who sustains
an injury resulting from an accident shall notify his employer
in writing of said injury within four working days of the
occurrence of the injury, unless the employer, or the
employee's foreman, superintendent, or manager has written
notice of said injury. If the employee is physically or mentally
unable to provide said notice, the employee's foreman,
superintendent, or manager, or any other person in charge who
has written notice of said injury, shall submit such written
notice to the employer. If said employee fails to report said
injury in writing, such employee may lose up to one day's
compensation for each day's failure to so report. Any other
person who has notice of said injury may submit a written
notice to the employer which report shall relieve the injured
employee from reporting the accident. Any employer receiving
written notice of an injury pursuant to this subsection (1.5)
shall affix thereon the date and time of receipt of such notice
and shall make a copy of such notice available to the injured
employee within two working days following receipt of such
(b) Every employer who has permission to be its own
insurance carrier pursuant to section 8-44-201 or who
participates in a public entity self-insurance pool pursuant to
section 8-44-204 shall display at all times in a prominent place
on the workplace premises a printed card with a minimum
height of fourteen inches and a width of eleven inches with
each letter to be a minimum of one-half inch in height, which
shall read as follows:
8-43-102 (1.5), COLORADO REVISED
(2) Written notice of the contraction of an
occupational disease shall be given to the employer by the
affected employee or by someone on behalf of the affected
employee within thirty days after the first distinct
manifestation thereof. In the event of death from such
occupational disease, written notice thereof shall be given to
the employer within thirty days after such death. Failure to
give either of such notices shall be deemed waived unless
objection is made at a hearing on the claim prior to any award
or decision thereon. Actual knowledge by an employer in
whose employment an employee was last injuriously exposed
to an occupational disease of the contraction of such disease
by such employee and of exposure to the conditions causing it
shall be deemed notice of its contraction. If the notice required
in this section is not given as provided and within the time
fixed, the director may reduce the compensation that would
otherwise have been payable in such manner and to such extent
as the director deems just, reasonable, and proper under the
existing circumstances.
8-43-103. Notice of injury - time limit. (1) Notice
of an injury, for which compensation and benefits are payable,
shall be given by the employer to the division and insurance
carrier, unless the employer is self-insured, within ten days
after the injury, and, in case of the death of any employee
resulting from any such injury or any accident in which three
or more employees are injured, the employer shall give
immediate notice thereof to the director. If no such notice is
given by the employer, as required by articles 40 to 47 of this
title, such notice may be given by any person. Any notice
required to be filed by an injured employee or, if deceased, by
said employee's dependents may be made and filed by anyone
on behalf of such claimant and shall be considered as done by
such claimant if not specifically disclaimed or objected to by
such claimant in writing filed with the division within a
reasonable time. Such notice shall be in writing and upon
forms prescribed by the division for that purpose and served
upon the division by delivering to, or by mailing by registered
mail two copies thereof addressed to, the division at its office
in Denver, Colorado. Upon receipt of such notice from a
To Index
claimant, the division shall immediately mail one copy thereof
to said employer or said employer's agent or insurance carrier.
(2) The director and administrative law judges
employed by the office of administrative courts shall have
jurisdiction at all times to hear and determine and make
findings and awards on all cases of injury for which
compensation or benefits are provided by articles 40 to 47 of
this title. Except in cases of disability or death resulting from
exposure to radioactive materials, substances, or machines or
to fissionable materials, or any type of malignancy caused
thereby, or from poisoning by uranium or its compounds, or
from asbestosis, silicosis, and anthracosis, the right to
compensation and benefits provided by said articles shall be
barred unless, within two years after the injury or after death
resulting therefrom, a notice claiming compensation is filed
with the division. This limitation shall not apply to any
claimant to whom compensation has been paid or if it is
established to the satisfaction of the director within three years
after the injury or death that a reasonable excuse exists for the
failure to file such notice claiming compensation and if the
employer's rights have not been prejudiced thereby, and the
furnishing of medical, surgical, or hospital treatment by the
employer shall not be considered payment of compensation or
benefits within the meaning of this section; but, in all cases in
which the employer has been given notice of an injury and
fails, neglects, or refuses to report said injury to the division as
required by the provisions of said articles, this statute of
limitations shall not begin to run against the claim of the
injured employee or said employee's dependents in the event
of death until the required report has been filed with the
(3) In cases of disability or death resulting from
exposure to radioactive materials, substances, or machines or
to fissionable materials, or any type of malignancy caused
thereby, or from poisoning by uranium or its compounds, or
from asbestosis, silicosis, or anthracosis, the right to
compensation and benefits shall be barred unless, within five
years after the commencement of disability or death, a notice
claiming compensation is filed with the division.
8-43-104. Electronic filings - rules. (1) The
rejection for technical errors by the division of any document,
form, or notice that is filed electronically shall not affect the
validity of the notice to the claimant or any other party.
(2) The director may promulgate rules concerning
electronic filing of documents, forms, or notices in accordance
with article 4 of title 24, C.R.S. Such rules shall be consistent
with any policies, standards, and guidelines set forth by the
office of information technology, created in section 24-37.5-
103, C.R.S.
8-43-201. Disputes arising under "Workers'
Compensation Act of Colorado". (1) The director and
administrative law judges employed by the office of
administrative courts in the department of personnel shall have
original jurisdiction to hear and decide all matters arising
under articles 40 to 47 of this title; except that the following
principles shall apply: A claimant in a workers' compensation
claim shall have the burden of proving entitlement to benefits
by a preponderance of the evidence; the facts in a workers'
compensation case shall not be interpreted liberally in favor of
either the rights of the injured worker or the rights of the
employer; a workers' compensation case shall be decided on
its merits; and a party seeking to modify an issue determined
by a general or final admission, a summary order, or a full
order shall bear the burden of proof for any such modification.
(2) The amendments made to subsection (1) of this
section by Senate Bill 09-168, enacted in 2009, are declared to
be procedural and were intended to and shall apply to all
workers' compensation claims, regardless of the date the claim
was filed.
(3) It is appropriate for the director or an
administrative law judge to consider the medical treatment
guidelines adopted under section 8-42-101 (3) in determining
whether certain medical treatment is reasonable, necessary,
and related to an industrial injury or occupational disease. The
director or administrative law judge is not required to utilize
the medical treatment guidelines as the sole basis for such
8-43-202. Director may refer taking of evidence in
cases to appropriate officials of other states. The director,
after notice to the parties in interest, may refer the taking of
any evidence to any commission, court, or board administering
in another state the compensation laws thereof, and such
commission, court, or board of such other state, after notifying
the parties in interest of the time and place of holding such
hearing, shall hold hearings and take such evidence in the same
manner and by the officers as authorized by the laws of such
state, and all such proceedings shall be certified and return
thereof made as prescribed by the director.
8-43-203. Notice concerning liability - notice to
claimants - notice of rights and claims process -
rules. (1) (a) The employer or, if insured, the employer's
insurance carrier shall notify in writing the division and the
injured employee or, if deceased, the decedent's dependents
within twenty days after a report is, or should have been, filed
with the division pursuant to section 8-43-101, whether
liability is admitted or contested; except that, for the purpose
of this section, any knowledge on the part of the employer, if
insured, is not knowledge on the part of the insurance carrier.
The employer or the employer's insurance carrier may notify
the division electronically. Unless exempted by the director
pursuant to rule because of a small number of filings or a
showing of financial hardship, beginning July 1, 2006, all
notices of contest shall be filed electronically. The rejection of
an electronically filed notice by the division for a technical
error shall not affect the validity of the notice to the claimant.
If the insurance carrier or self-insured employer denies liability
for the claim, the claimant may request an expedited hearing
on the issue of compensability if the application therefor is
filed within forty-five days after the date of mailing of the
notice of contest. The director shall set any such expedited
matter for hearing within sixty days after the date of the
application, when the issue is liability for the disease or injury.
The time schedule for such an expedited hearing is subject to
the extensions set forth in section 8-43-209. If a claimant elects
not to request an expedited hearing pursuant to this subsection
To Index
(1), the time schedule for hearing the matter shall be as set forth
in section 8-43-209.
(b) The written notice given pursuant to this
subsection (1) shall include a specific reference to the
claimant's obligations under section 8-42-113.5.
(1.5) (Deleted by amendment, L. 92, p. 1825, § 4,
effective April 29, 1992.)
(2) (a) If such notice is not filed as provided in
subsection (1) of this section, the employer or, if insured, the
employer's insurance carrier, as the case may be, may become
liable to the claimant, if the claimant is successful on the claim
for compensation, for up to one day's compensation for each
day's failure to so notify; except that the employer or, if
insured, the employer's insurance carrier shall not be liable for
more than the aggregate amount of three hundred sixty-five
days' compensation for failure to timely admit or deny liability.
Fifty percent of any penalty paid pursuant to this subsection
(2) shall be paid to the subsequent injury fund, created in
section 8-46-101, and fifty percent to the claimant.
(b) (I) If the employer or, if insured, the employer's
insurance carrier admits liability, such notice shall specify the
amount of compensation to be paid, to whom compensation
will be paid, the period for which compensation will be paid,
and the disability for which compensation will be paid, and
payment thereon shall be made immediately.
(II) (A) An admission of liability for final payment
of compensation must include a statement that this is the final
admission by the workers' compensation insurance carrier in
the case, that the claimant may contest this admission if the
claimant feels entitled to more compensation, to whom the
claimant should provide written objection, and notice to the
claimant that the case will be automatically closed as to the
issues admitted in the final admission if the claimant does not,
within thirty days after the date of the final admission, contest
the final admission in writing and request a hearing on any
disputed issues that are ripe for hearing, including the selection
of an independent medical examiner pursuant to section 8-42-
107.2 if an independent medical examination has not already
been conducted. If an independent medical examination is
requested pursuant to section 8-42-107.2, the claimant is not
required to file a request for hearing on disputed issues that are
ripe for hearing until the division's independent medical
examination process is terminated for any reason. Any issue
for which a hearing or an application for a hearing is pending
at the time that the final admission of liability is filed shall
proceed to the hearing without the need for the applicant to
refile an application for hearing on the issue. This information
must also be included in the admission of liability for final
payment of compensation. The respondents have twenty days
after the date of mailing of the notice from the division of the
receipt of the IME's report to file an admission or to file an
application for hearing. The claimant has thirty days after the
date respondents file the admission or application for hearing
to file an application for hearing, or a response to the
respondents' application for hearing, as applicable, on any
disputed issues that are ripe for hearing. The revised final
admission, if any, must contain the statement required by this
subparagraph (II), and the provisions relating to contesting the
revised final admission apply. When the final admission is
predicated upon medical reports, the reports must accompany
the final admission.
(B) The amendments made to sub-subparagraph (A)
of this subparagraph (II) by Senate Bill 09-168, enacted in
2009, are declared to be procedural and were intended to and
shall apply to all workers' compensation claims, regardless of
the date the claim was filed.
(c) No penalty may be assessed under this subsection
(2) for failure to timely admit or deny liability if a request for
such penalty is filed more than seven years after the alleged
violation. The division shall retain original claim records filed
with the division for at least seven years after closure of the
case. Seven years after a case is closed, the records may only
be used for reopening a settlement on the grounds of fraud or
mutual mistake of material fact.
(d) Once a case is closed pursuant to this subsection
(2), the issues closed may only be reopened pursuant to section
8-43-303. Upon proper showing in writing made within said
times fixed therefor, the director may extend the time for filing
such admission of liability or notice of contest, but not
exceeding ten days at any one time. Hearings may be set to
determine any matter, but, if any liability is admitted,
payments shall continue according to admitted liability.
(3) In addition to any other notice required by this
section, at the time that the employer or, if insured, the
employer's insurance carrier provides the notice required by
subsection (1) of this section, the employer or insurance carrier
shall provide to the claimant a brochure written in easily
understood language, in a form developed by the director after
consultation with employers, insurance carriers, and
representatives of injured workers, describing the claims
process and informing the claimant of his or her rights. If the
claimant has previously authorized the employer or, if insured,
the employer's insurance carrier to communicate with the
claimant through electronic transmission, the brochure may be
sent to the claimant electronically. The brochure shall, at a
minimum, contain the following information:
(a) Who the claimant may contact with questions
concerning the claim, the claims process, and assistance with
the claim, including:
(I) The insurance carrier or employer;
(II) The division and the website for the division;
(III) The office of administrative courts and the
website for the office; and
(IV) An attorney hired at the expense of the claimant;
(b) The claimant's right to receive medical care for
work-related injuries or occupational diseases paid for by the
employer or the employer's insurance carrier including:
(I) That most claimants have a right to choose from
a list of at least two different doctors;
(II) That most claimants have a right to change
doctors one time within ninety days after the injury and all
claimants have the right to request a change of doctor at other
times under certain other circumstances;
(III) The claimant's doctor's right to refer the
claimant to other medical providers and specialists to provide
the reasonable and necessary medical care that the claimant's
work-related injuries or illness require;
(IV) The claimant's right to discuss with his or her
doctor who should be present during a claimant's medical
To Index
appointment, and the right to refuse to have a nurse case
manager employed on the claimant's claim present at the
claimant's medical appointment;
(V) The claimant's right to see and have copies of all
of the claimant's medical records related to the medical care
the claimant received for his or her work-related injury or
(VI) The claimant's right to seek medical care and
medical opinions about the claimant's work-related injury at
the claimant's own expense;
(VII) The claimant's right to a medical examination
by a doctor chosen by the claimant or by the division at the
claimant's expense;
(VIII) The claimant's right to a permanent
impairment evaluation after the claimant's treating doctors
determine that the claimant has reached maximum medical
improvement; and
(IX) The claimant's right to be informed whether
medical care after maximum medical improvement will be
provided and to receive reasonable continued medical care if it
is necessary to maintain maximum medical improvement;
(c) A description of the claimant's right to receive
benefit payments, including the claimant's right to receive:
(I) Wage replacement payments in the form of
temporary total disability payments or temporary partial
disability payments;
(II) Permanent impairment benefits if the claimant is
left with a permanent impairment as a result of a work-related
injury or disease;
(III) Disfigurement payments for permanent scarring
or disfigurement caused by the claimant's work-related injury
or surgery required because of the claimant's work-related
injury; and
(IV) Mileage expenses for travel to and from work-
related medical care and to and from pharmacies to obtain
medical prescriptions for work-related medical care;
(d) A description of how the claims process works,
(I) The claimant's right to file a claim for workers'
compensation with the division within two years after the date
of the claimant's injury or occupational disease;
(II) The claimant's right to receive a general
admission of liability or notice of contest once the claim has
been properly reported to the division;
(III) The claimant's right to verify that the claimant's
average weekly wage payments for temporary total disability
have been properly calculated by the claimant's employer or
the employer's insurance carrier;
(IV) The claimant's right to prehearings and hearings
on disputed issues;
(V) The claimant's right to present evidence, testify,
introduce medical and other records, present witnesses, and
make arguments at any hearing;
(VI) The claimant's right to object to and request a
hearing on any final admission of liability within thirty days
after the mailing of the admission in order to retain certain
(VII) The claimant's right to challenge a finding of
an impairment rating or maximum medical improvement in a
final admission of liability within thirty days after the mailing
of the admission in order to retain certain rights;
(VIII) The claimant's right to pursue penalties for
violations of the law including late payment of benefits or
improper refusal to pay benefits;
(IX) The claimant's right, subject to certain
requirements, to reopen a claim within six years after the date
of the injury or illness or within two years after the date of the
last receipt of medical or wage benefits; and
(X) A description of other rights conferred upon a
claimant pursuant to law or rule.
(4) Within fifteen days after the mailing of a written
request for a copy of the claim file, the employer or, if insured,
the employer's insurance carrier or third-party administrator
shall provide to the claimant or his or her representative a
complete copy of the claim file that includes all medical
records, pleadings, correspondence, investigation files,
investigation reports, witness statements, information
addressing designation of the authorized treating physician,
and wage and fringe benefit information for the twelve months
leading up to the date of injury and thereafter, regardless of the
format. If a privilege or other protection is claimed for any
materials, the materials must be detailed in an accompanying
privilege log.
8-43-204. Settlements - rules. (1) An injured
employee may settle all or part of any claim for compensation,
benefits, penalties, or interest. If such settlement provides by
its terms that the employee's claim or award shall not be
reopened, such settlement shall not be subject to being
reopened under any provisions of articles 40 to 47 of this title
other than on the ground of fraud or mutual mistake of material
(2) Such a settlement shall be in writing and shall be
signed by a representative of the employer or insurer and
signed and sworn to by the injured employee. For claims that
have a settlement amount of seventy-five thousand dollars or
more, a written notice of the settlement agreement shall be
provided to the employer.
(3) The settlement shall be reviewed in person with
the injured employee and approved in writing by an
administrative law judge or the director of the division prior to
the finalization of such settlement. The settlement shall be filed
with the division as a part of the injured employee's permanent
(4) If an employee owes child support and a
garnishment has been filed pursuant to section 13-54.5-101,
C.R.S., or the state child support enforcement agency has filed
a notice of administrative lien and attachment pursuant to
section 26-13-122, C.R.S., with the insurer or self-insured
employer, all proceeds of any award, lump sum settlement, and
the indemnity portion of any structured settlement shall be
subject to said garnishment or administrative lien and
attachment. Proceeds up to the amount of the garnishment or
administrative lien and attachment shall be paid as directed on
the notice to the obligee or to the state child support
enforcement agency on behalf of the obligee to whom support
is owed.
(5) If an employee owes a debt for which a writ is
issued as a result of a judgment for fraudulently obtained
public assistance, fraudulently obtained overpayments of
To Index
public assistance, or excess public assistance paid for which
the recipient was ineligible and a garnishment has been filed
pursuant to section 13-54-104 or 13-54.5-101 with the insurer
or self-insured employer, all proceeds of any award, lump sum
settlement, and the indemnity portion of any structured
settlement are subject to the garnishment. Proceeds up to the
amount of the garnishment shall be paid as directed by the
county department of human or social services responsible for
administering the state public assistance programs.
(6) To aid in settlement, the director shall review
mortality tables from the United States government and private
industry and issue rules establishing a single life expectancy
table on July 1 in every even-numbered year, commencing July
1, 2010. The director may adopt current mortality tables used
by medicare. Nothing in this subsection (6) shall be construed
to limit the use of rated ages.
(7) Any lump sum payable as a full or partial
settlement shall be paid to the claimant or the claimant's
attorney within fifteen calendar days after the date the
executed settlement order is received by the carrier or the
noninsured or self-insured employer.
(8) The director shall adopt rules as necessary to
implement the procedure to review and approve settlement
documents. At a minimum, the rules must:
(a) Allow a represented claimant to submit
settlement documents for approval by electronic mail;
(b) Provide for the approval of settlement documents
if the claimant's signature is not an original but is notarized;
(c) Require the division to electronically mail to
counsel of record, or to the insurance carrier or self-insured
employer if not represented, a copy of the division's order
approving the settlement agreement of the parties.
8-43-205. Mediation. (1) Any party involved in a
claim arising under articles 40 to 47 of this title may request
mediation services by filing a request for mediation services
with the division. However, mediation shall be entirely
voluntary and shall not be conducted without the consent of all
parties to the claim. If a request for mediation services is made
after an application for a hearing has been filed, the
administrative law judge hearing the dispute shall approve, on
motion of the parties, the submission of the dispute to
mediation prior to hearing the matter. An application for
mediation services shall be filed on a form prescribed by the
director. Upon receiving the application for mediation
services, the director shall cause a mediation conference to
occur within thirty days thereafter. At a mediation conference,
the claimant may be represented by the claimant, counsel, or
any other agent of the claimant's choice. Mediators need not be
(2) Mediation proceedings conducted pursuant to
this section shall be considered to be settlement negotiations
and are confidential. No admission, representation, or
statement made in the course of such mediation proceedings
that is not otherwise subject to discovery or otherwise
obtainable under the procedures established in articles 40 to 47
of this title shall be admissible as evidence or subject to
discovery under said articles. No mediator who participates in
mediation proceedings conducted pursuant to this section shall
be compelled or permitted to testify about any matter discussed
or revealed during such proceedings in any other proceeding
under articles 40 to 47 of this title.
(3) The division shall develop a program to
implement the provisions of this section. Such program shall
be a simple, nonadversarial method for the mediation of
disputes arising under articles 40 to 47 of this title. Such
program shall provide for the use of neutral mediators and the
conduct of proceedings in an informal setting. The director
shall adopt rules and regulations to implement such program.
8-43-206. Settlement conference
procedures. (1) Any employee, insurer, or employer, if self-
insured, involved in a dispute arising under articles 40 to 47 of
this title may request settlement conference services from the
director or the office of administrative courts in the department
of personnel. However, such settlement procedures are
optional and entirely voluntary, and no such procedures shall
be conducted without the consent of both parties to the dispute.
(2) Settlement conferences shall be conducted by a
settlement conference officer who may be a prehearing
administrative law judge or an administrative law judge in the
office of administrative courts in the department of personnel
appointed pursuant to section 24-30-1003, C.R.S., and
assigned to hear disputes arising under articles 40 to 47 of this
title. The parties may agree on the selection of a settlement
conference officer; except that such officer shall not be the
administrative law judge who is regularly assigned to hear the
employee's case. If the parties fail to agree on the selection of
such officer, they may apply to the director or to the office of
administrative courts for the designation of a settlement
conference officer who shall not be the administrative law
judge who is regularly assigned to hear the employee's case.
(3) Settlement conference proceedings conducted
pursuant to this section shall be considered to be settlement
negotiations and are confidential. No admission,
representation, or statement made in the course of such
settlement conference proceedings that is not otherwise subject
to discovery or otherwise obtainable under the procedures
established in articles 40 to 47 of this title shall be admissible
as evidence or subject to discovery under said articles. No
settlement conference officer who participates in settlement
conference proceedings conducted pursuant to this section
shall be compelled or permitted to testify about any matter
discussed or revealed during such proceedings in any other
proceeding under articles 40 to 47 of this title.
(4) The executive director of the department of
personnel shall adopt rules and regulations to implement the
provisions of this section. Such rules and regulations shall be
consistent with the provisions of section 8-43-204.
(5) The director of the division of workers'
compensation shall adopt rules and regulations to implement
the provisions of this section. Such rules and regulations shall
be consistent with the provisions of section 8-43-204.
8-43-206.5. Right to binding arbitration for
resolution of disputes under articles 40 to 47. At any time
prior to a hearing, the parties may agree to submit any dispute
under articles 40 to 47 of this title to binding arbitration. Said
arbitration shall be by an administrative law judge of the
parties' choice or pursuant to arbitration procedures as
provided by the Colorado rules of civil procedure. Any
arbitration award pursuant to the provisions of this section
To Index
shall be binding upon the parties, and no other procedure
contained in this article shall be available to the parties for the
further review of such award.
8-43-207. Hearings. (1) Hearings shall be held to
determine any controversy concerning any issue arising under
articles 40 to 47 of this title. In connection with hearings, the
director and administrative law judges are empowered to:
(a) In the name of the division, issue subpoenas for
witnesses and documentary evidence which shall be served in
the same manner as subpoenas in the district court;
(b) Administer oaths;
(c) Make evidentiary rulings;
(d) Limit or exclude cumulative or repetitive proof or
(e) Upon written motion and for good cause shown,
permit parties to engage in discovery; except that permission
need not be sought if each party is represented by an attorney.
The director or administrative law judge may rule on discovery
matters and impose the sanctions provided in the rules of civil
procedure in the district courts for willful failure to comply
with permitted discovery.
(f) Upon written motion and for good cause shown,
conduct prehearing conferences for the settlement or
simplification of issues;
(g) Dispose of procedural requests upon written
motion or on written briefs or oral arguments as determined
(h) Control the course of the hearing and the conduct
of persons in the hearing room;
(i) Upon written motion and for good cause shown,
grant reasonable extensions of time for the taking of any action
contained in this article;
(j) Upon good cause shown, adjourn any hearing to a
later date for the taking of additional evidence;
(k) Issue orders;
(l) Appoint guardians ad litem, as appropriate, in
matters involving dependents' claims, and assess the
reasonable fees and costs, therefore, from one or more of the
(m) Determine the competency of witnesses who
testify in a workers' compensation hearing or proceeding and
the competency of parties that have entered into settlement
agreements pursuant to section 8-43-204. Such competency
determinations shall only be for the purpose of the particular
workers' compensation proceeding.
(n) Dismiss all issues in the case except as to
resolved issues and except as to benefits already received,
upon thirty days notice to all the parties, for failure to prosecute
the case unless good cause is shown why such issues should
not be dismissed. For purposes of this paragraph (n), it shall be
deemed a failure to prosecute if there has been no activity by
the parties in the case for a period of at least six months.
(o) Set aside all or any part of any fee for medical
services rendered pursuant to articles 40 to 47 of this title if an
administrative law judge determines after a hearing that, based
upon a review of the medical necessity and appropriateness of
care provided pursuant to said articles, any such fee is
excessive or that the treatment rendered was not necessary or
appropriate under the circumstances. If all or part of any fee
for medical services is set aside pursuant to this paragraph (o),
the provider of any such services shall not contract with, bill,
or charge the claimant for such fees and shall not attempt in
any way to collect any such charges from the claimant. No fee
for medical services shall be set aside pursuant to this
paragraph (o) if the treatment was authorized in writing by the
insurer or employer.
(p) Impose the sanctions provided in the Colorado
rules of civil procedure, except for civil contempt pursuant to
rule 107 thereof, for willful failure to comply with any order
of an administrative law judge issued pursuant to articles 40 to
47 of this title;
(q) Require repayment of overpayments.
8-43-207.5. Prehearing
conferences. (1) Notwithstanding any provision of articles 40
to 47 of this title to the contrary, at any time not less than ten
days prior to the formal adjudication on the record of any issue
before the director or an administrative law judge in the office
of administrative courts, any party to a claim may request a
prehearing conference before a prehearing administrative law
judge in the division of workers' compensation for the speedy
resolution of or simplification of any issues and to determine
the general readiness of remaining issues for formal
adjudication on the record. The issues addressed in such
prehearing conference shall be limited to: Ripeness of legal,
but not factual, issues for formal adjudication on the record
before the director or an administrative law judge in the office
of administrative courts; discovery matters; and evidentiary
disputes. The filing of an application for hearing with the office
of administrative courts shall not be a prerequisite to a request
for a prehearing conference under this section. The director
and the administrative law judges in the office of
administrative courts may also request a prehearing conference
under this section.
(2) "Prehearing administrative law judge" means a
qualified person appointed by the director pursuant to section
8-47-101 to preside over prehearing conferences pursuant to
this section, to approve settlements pursuant to section 8-43-
204, to conduct settlement conferences pursuant to section 8-
43-206, and to conduct arbitrations pursuant to section 8-43-
206.5. Such prehearing administrative law judges shall have
authority to: Order any party to participate in a prehearing
conference; issue interlocutory orders; issue subpoenas in the
name of the division for production of documentary evidence
which shall be served in the same manner as subpoenas in the
district court; make evidentiary rulings; permit parties to cause
depositions to be taken; determine the competency of any party
to a claim to enter into a settlement agreement; and strike the
application for hearing of a party for failure to comply with
any provision of this section.
(3) An order entered by a prehearing administrative
law judge shall be an order of the director and binding on the
parties. Such an order shall be interlocutory. Prehearing
conferences need not be held on the record; however, any party
to a claim may request in advance that a record be made of the
prehearing conference, either taken verbatim by a court
reporter provided and paid for by the requesting party or
electronically recorded by the division.
(4) The director shall adopt rules and regulations as
may be necessary to implement the provisions of this section.
To Index
8-43-208. Investigations. (1) For the purpose of
making any investigation with regard to any matter
contemplated by the provisions of articles 40 to 47 of this title,
the director shall have power to appoint, with the approval of
the executive director by an order in writing, any competent
person as an agent whose duties shall be prescribed in such
(2) (Deleted by amendment, L. 94, p. 1876, § 7,
effective June 1, 1994.)
(3) The director may conduct any number of such
investigations contemporaneously through different agents.
8-43-209. Time schedule for hearings -
establishment. (1) Hearings must commence within one
hundred twenty days from the date of the notice of setting by
the director pursuant to section 8-43-211 (2)(a) or of the date
shown on the certificate of service accompanying the request,
notice, or application by a party or the party's attorney pursuant
to section 8-43-211 (2)(b) or (2)(c). Upon agreement of the
parties, an administrative law judge shall grant one extension
of time, not exceeding sixty days, to commence the hearing.
(2) One extension of time to commence the hearing
of no more than sixty days may be granted by an administrative
law judge upon written request by any party to the case and for
good cause shown, in the following cases: When pulmonary
lung disease, cancer, cardiovascular disease, or stroke is
alleged as the cause of the disability; when the subsequent
injury fund is a party; when permanent total disability is
alleged; upon agreement of the parties; or when
compensability of the injury is contested. In all other cases,
extensions of time to commence the hearing of no more than
twenty days may be granted by an administrative law judge
upon written request by any party to the case and for good
cause shown.
(3) Once the hearing is commenced, the
administrative law judge may, for good cause shown, continue
the hearing to a date certain to take additional testimony, to file
an additional medical report, to file the transcript of a
deposition, or to file a position statement. Except upon the
agreement of all parties or for good cause shown, a
continuance to complete a hearing shall not exceed thirty
calendar days.
8-43-210. Evidence. Notwithstanding section 24-4-
105, C.R.S., the Colorado rules of evidence and requirements
of proof for civil nonjury cases in the district courts shall apply
in all hearings; except that medical and hospital records,
physicians' reports, vocational reports, and records of the
employer are admissible as evidence and can be filed in the
record as evidence without formal identification if relevant to
any issue in the case. Depositions may be substituted for
testimony upon good cause shown. Convictions for alcohol-
related offenses, pursuant to titles 18 and 42, C.R.S., the
transcripts of proceedings leading to such convictions, and the
court files relating to such convictions may be admissible in all
hearings conducted under the "Workers' Compensation Act of
Colorado", articles 40 to 47 of this title, where such conviction
resulted from the same occurrence, accident, or injury
occurring on the job that forms the basis for the workers'
compensation claim. All relevant medical records, vocational
reports, expert witness reports, and employer records shall be
exchanged with all other parties at least twenty days prior to
the hearing date.
8-43-211. Notice - request for hearing. (1) At least
thirty days before any hearing, the office of administrative
courts in the department of personnel shall send written notice
to all parties by regular or electronic mail or by facsimile. The
notice must:
(a) Give the time, date, and place of the hearing;
(b) Inform the parties that they must be prepared to
present their evidence concerning the issues to be heard;
(c) Inform the parties that they have the right to be
represented by an attorney or other person of their choice at the
(2) Hearings shall be set by the office of
administrative courts in the department of personnel within
eighty to one hundred twenty days after any of the following
(a) The director sets any issue for hearing. The
director may expedite the hearing for good cause shown.
(b) Any party requests a hearing on issues ripe for
adjudication by filing a written request with the office of
administrative courts in the department of personnel on forms
provided by the office. The request shall be mailed to all
parties at the time they are filed with the office of
administrative courts. After the filing of the requests, the office
of administrative courts in the department of personnel shall
set the matter for hearing insofar as is practicable in the order
in which requests are received by the office of administrative
(c) Any party or the attorney of such party sends
notice to set a hearing on issues ripe for adjudication to
opposing parties or their attorneys. The director of the office
of administrative courts shall determine the place and time or
times during which settings can be made. At such setting, the
party requesting the setting shall submit a completed request
for hearing form. Any notice to set shall be mailed to opposing
parties at least ten days prior to the setting date.
(3) If an attorney requests a hearing or files a notice
to set a hearing on an issue that is not ripe for adjudication at
the time the request or filing is made, the attorney may be
assessed the reasonable attorney fees and costs of the opposing
party in preparing for the hearing or setting. The requesting
party must prove its attempt to have an unripe issue stricken
by a prehearing administrative law judge to request fees or
costs. Requested fees or costs incurred after a prehearing
conference may only be awarded if they are directly caused by
the listing of the unripe issue.
(4) Except in claims in which compensability is
contested or a hearing is requested in response to a final
admission of liability or to overcome a conclusion in a
division-sponsored independent medical examination, the
party filing an application for a hearing shall certify on the
application that the party attempted to resolve with the other
parties all issues listed in the application for a hearing.
8-43-212. Compulsion of testimony. When any
person upon whom a subpoena issued in the name of the
division has been served fails or refuses to appear, the party
who requested the subpoena may apply to the district court in
the county in which the person served resides for an order
compelling attendance before the division of the witness or the
To Index
production of the documents subpoenaed. Violation of such an
order shall be treated as contempt of the court issuing the order.
8-43-213. Transcripts. (1) All testimony and
argument of all hearings held pursuant to section 8-43-207
concerning any issue arising under articles 40 to 47 of this title
shall either be taken verbatim by a hearing reporter or shall be
electronically recorded by the division.
(2) Any party in interest may order a transcript at any
time from a hearing reporter, a court reporter provided by any
party, or, if the hearing is recorded, from the division. For
purposes of a petition to review, a transcript shall be all
testimony taken that is relevant to the issue being appealed. In
the preparation of transcripts, hearing reporters shall give
preference to transcripts as part of the record in a petition to
review; except that all transcripts shall be prepared and filed
with the office of administrative courts within twenty-five
working days after the date they were ordered. Hearing
reporters shall be paid for transcripts and copies at the rate set
by the supreme court for reporters in courts of record. If a court
reporter is unable to meet the time limit specified in this
section, any party, at its own expense, or the administrative law
judge may contract with another court reporter to ensure the
timely preparation of transcripts.
(3) Upon a satisfactory showing to the director in
writing that a party petitioning to review is indigent and unable
to pay for the preparation of the transcript, the director may
order a transcript to be prepared at the division's expense, and,
if the transcript was prepared by a hearing reporter, the division
shall pay the hearing reporter the fee therefor.
(4) When a transcript is ordered as part of the record
on a petition to review, the original of the transcript shall be
filed with the division where it shall be available to all parties
in interest.
8-43-214. Transcript certified - evidence. A
transcribed copy of the evidence and proceedings, or any
specific part thereof, of any investigation or hearing which was
prepared at the direction of the director shall be certified by the
hearing reporter, or the division if the hearing was recorded, to
be a true and correct transcript of the testimony on the
investigation or hearing of a particular witness, or a specific
part thereof, carefully compared to original notes or to the
original recording, and to be a correct statement of the
evidence and proceedings had on such investigation or
hearing. A transcribed copy which is so certified may be
received as evidence by the director, the panel, and any court
with the same effect as if the person who prepared the
transcript were present and testified to the facts so certified.
8-43-215. Orders. (1) No more than fifteen
working days after the conclusion of a hearing, the
administrative law judge or director shall issue a written order
allowing or denying the claim. The written order must either
be a summary order or a full order. A full order must contain
specific findings of fact and conclusions of law. If
compensation benefits are granted, the written order must
specify the amounts thereof, the disability for which
compensation benefits are granted, by whom and to whom
such benefits are to be paid, and the method and time of the
payments. A certificate of mailing and a copy of the written
order shall be served by regular or electronic mail or by
facsimile to each of the parties in interest or their
representatives, the original of which is a part of the records in
the case. If an administrative law judge has issued a summary
order, a party dissatisfied with the order may make a written
request for a full order within ten working days after the date
of mailing of the summary order. The request is a prerequisite
to review under section 8-43-301. If a request for a full order
is made, the administrative law judge has ten working days
after receipt of the request to issue the order. A full order shall
be entered as the final award of the administrative law judge
or director subject to review as provided in this article.
(2) Repealed.
8-43-216. Frivolous claims for compensation -
repeal. (Repealed)
8-43-217. Claims management - legislative
declaration. The general assembly hereby finds, determines,
and declares that active management of workers' compensation
claims should be practiced in order to expedite and simplify
the processing of claims, reduce litigation, and better serve the
8-43-218. Authority of director. (1) The director
shall have authority to appoint claims managers to review,
audit, and close cases, to educate, inform, and assist the public
as to the workers' compensation system, to promote speedy and
uncomplicated problem resolution of workers' compensation
matters, and to otherwise manage claims.
(2) The director may require any party to a workers'
compensation claim to attend, cooperate, and comply with the
efforts of claims managers in managing claims or complaints
received by the division.
(3) Any party willfully refusing to cooperate or
comply with claims management efforts of the division shall
be subject to the penalty provisions set forth in section 8-43-
304 and to the denial or vacation of a hearing date.
(4) Any violation of any provision of this section
shall be cause for the rejection of an application for hearing or
a response thereto until such time as the violation is cured.
8-43-219. Not a limitation on rights or
privileges. Nothing in section 8-43-217 or 8-43-218 shall be
construed to limit any party's rights or privileges as provided
by law.
8-43-220. Injured worker exit survey. (1) Upon
closure of a claim, each insurer shall survey the claimant or, if
deceased, the decedent's dependents regarding the claimant's
satisfaction with the insurer for claims that are reported to the
division pursuant to section 8-43-101. The survey shall be
conducted in a form and manner as prescribed by the director.
The director shall develop the form and manner of the survey
with input from insurers that provide workers' compensation
policies pursuant to articles 40 to 55 of this title, and with the
least administrative burden as possible. The survey shall
include questions regarding courtesy, promptness of medical
care, promptness of handling the claim, promptness of
resolving the claim, and overall satisfaction with the
experience with the insurer. An employer or an insurer shall
not take disciplinary action or otherwise retaliate against a
claimant or his or her dependents for completing the survey.
(2) The insurer shall report the survey results
annually to the division. The director shall post the results of
the surveys on the division's website.
To Index
8-43-301. Petitions to review. (1) Any order,
corrected order, or supplemental order is final unless a petition
to review or appeal has been filed in accordance with this
(2) Any party dissatisfied with an order that requires
any party to pay a penalty or benefits or denies a claimant any
benefit or penalty may file a petition to review with the
division, if the order was entered by the director, or at the
Denver office of the office of administrative courts in the
department of personnel, if the order was entered by an
administrative law judge, and serve the same by mail on all the
parties. The petition shall be filed within twenty days after the
date of the certificate of mailing of the order, and, unless so
filed, the order shall be final. The petition to review may be
filed by mail, and shall be deemed filed upon the date of
mailing, as determined by the certificate of mailing, if the
certificate of mailing indicates that the petition to review was
mailed to the division or to the Denver office of the office of
administrative courts in the department of personnel, as
appropriate. The petition to review shall be in writing and shall
set forth in detail the particular errors and objections of the
petitioner. A petitioner shall, at the same time, order any
transcript relied upon for the petition to review, arrange with
the hearing reporter to pay for the same, and notify opposing
parties of the transcript ordered. Opposing parties shall have
twenty days after the date of the certificate of mailing of the
petition to review to order any other transcript not ordered by
the petitioner and arrange with the hearing reporter to pay for
the same.
(3) If transcripts of hearings are ordered as part of the
record in a petition to review, the director or administrative law
judge cannot rule on the petition until the transcripts are lodged
with the division.
(4) When the record upon which a petition to review
has been filed is complete, the parties shall be notified in
writing. The petitioner shall have twenty days after the date of
the certificate of mailing of the notice to file a brief in support
of the petition. The opposing parties shall have twenty days
after the date of the certificate of mailing of the petitioner's
brief to file briefs in opposition thereto. After the briefs are
filed or the time for filing has run, the director or
administrative law judge shall have thirty days to enter a
supplemental order or transmit the file to the industrial claim
appeals office for review.
(5) In ruling on a petition to review, the director or
administrative law judge may issue a supplemental order
labeled as such limited to the matters raised in the petition to
review, and, as to those matters, the director or administrative
law judge may amend or alter the original order or set the
matter for further hearing. In any event, if it has not already
been done, the administrative law judge or director, following
a petition to review an order, shall make findings of fact and
conclusions of law necessary to support such order.
(6) A party dissatisfied with a supplemental order
may file a petition for review by the panel. The petition shall
be filed with the division if the supplemental order was issued
by the director or at the Denver office of the office of
administrative courts in the department of personnel if the
supplemental order was issued by an administrative law judge.
The petition shall be filed within twenty days after the date of
the certificate of mailing of the supplemental order. The
petition shall be in writing, shall set forth in detail the
particular errors and objections relied upon, and shall be
accompanied by a brief in support thereof. The petition and
brief shall be mailed by petitioner to all other parties at the time
the petition is filed. All parties, except the petitioner, shall be
deemed opposing parties and shall have twenty days after the
date of the certificate of mailing of the petition and brief to file
with the division or the Denver office of the office of
administrative courts, as appropriate, briefs in opposition to the
(7) When any petition for review by the panel is
filed, the division or the Denver office of the office of
administrative courts shall, when all briefs are submitted to the
division or the Denver office of the office of administrative
courts or within fifteen days after the date briefs were due,
certify and transmit the record to the industrial claim appeals
office along with the petitions and briefs. The division or the
Denver office of the office of administrative courts, as
appropriate, shall simultaneously send notice to the parties
including the date that the record has been transmitted to the
industrial claim appeals office.
(8) The industrial claim appeals office shall have
sixty days after receipt of the certified record to enter its order.
The panel may issue a summary order affirming the order of
the administrative law judge or director. The panel may
correct, set aside, or remand any order but only upon the
following grounds: That the findings of fact are not sufficient
to permit appellate review; that conflicts in the evidence are
not resolved in the record; that the findings of fact are not
supported by the evidence; that the findings of fact do not
support the order; or that the award or denial of benefits is not
supported by applicable law. If the findings of fact entered by
the director or administrative law judge are supported by
substantial evidence, they shall not be altered by the panel.
(9) The panel shall have the power to issue such
procedural orders as may be necessary to carry out its appellate
review under subsection (7) of this section, including but not
limited to, orders concerning completion of the record and
filing of briefs. In those cases where the parties file a stipulated
motion requesting that consideration of the appeal be deferred
pending ongoing settlement negotiations, the panel may extend
the time for entry of its order up to a maximum of thirty days.
(10) The panel's order must be mailed to all parties
of record. Any party dissatisfied with the panel's order has
twenty-one days after the date of the certificate of mailing of
such order to commence an action for judicial review in the
court of appeals.
(11) If the panel has failed to enter its order within
sixty days of the receipt of the certified record, the order of the
director or administrative law judge is deemed the order of the
panel and final unless, within thirty-five days after the end of
the sixty-day period, the petitioner commences an action for
judicial review in the court of appeals. If the panel has not
acted on the sixtieth day, the industrial claim appeals office
shall send a written notice to all parties stating that the parties
To Index
have thirty-five days after the date of the certificate of mailing
of the notice to commence such an action.
(12) If a petition to review is filed, a hearing may be
held and orders entered on any other issue in the case during
the pendency of the petition to review. If the order which is
under petition to review concerns compensability, orders
entered on these later issues are final and appealable when
entered, but not enforceable until the review of the order on
compensability is completed.
(13) If the order which is under petition to review
does not concern compensability, but concerns the respective
liability of two or more employers or insurance carriers, and
the injury or illness was found compensable in a hearing held
pursuant to section 8-43-215, the employer or insurance carrier
found liable by the director or administrative law judge shall
pay benefits in accordance with the order under review until
the review process is completed, at which time it shall be
reimbursed by the other employer or carrier if reimbursement
is necessary to comply with the final order.
(14) The signature of an attorney on a petition to
review or brief in support thereof constitutes a certificate by
the attorney that such attorney has read the petition or brief;
that, to the best of the attorney's knowledge, information, or
belief formed after reasonable inquiry, it is well grounded in
fact and is warranted by existing law or a good faith argument
for the extension, modification, or reversal of existing law, and
that it is not interposed for any improper purpose, such as to
harass, cause delay, or unnecessarily increase the cost of
litigation. If a petition or brief is signed in violation of this
subsection (14), the director, the administrative law judge, or
the panel shall award reasonable attorney fees and costs to the
party incurring the fees and costs as a result of the improper
8-43-302. Corrected orders. (1) The director, an
administrative law judge, or the panel may issue a corrected
(a) At any time within thirty days after the entry of
an order, to correct any clerical errors in the order. Clerical
errors are grammatical or computational errors.
(b) At any time within thirty days of the entry of an
order, to correct any errors caused by mistake or inadvertence.
(2) Any order corrected for clerical error, mistake, or
inadvertence shall be labeled "corrected order" and mailed by
the division. Any corrected order may be appealed in the
manner provided in this article for any other order.
8-43-303. Reopening. (1) At any time within six
years after the date of injury, the director or an administrative
law judge may, after notice to all parties, review and reopen
any award on the ground of fraud, an overpayment, an error, a
mistake, or a change in condition, except for those settlements
entered into pursuant to section 8-43-204 in which the claimant
waived all right to reopen an award; but a settlement may be
reopened at any time on the ground of fraud or mutual mistake
of material fact. Upon a prima facie showing that the claimant
received overpayments, the award shall be reopened solely as
to overpayments and repayment shall be ordered. In cases
involving the circumstances described in section 8-42-113.5,
recovery of overpayments shall be ordered in accordance with
said section. If an award is reopened on grounds of an error, a
mistake, or a change in condition, compensation and medical
benefits previously ordered may be ended, diminished,
maintained, or increased. No such reopening shall affect the
earlier award as to moneys already paid except in cases of
fraud or overpayment. Any order entered under this subsection
(1) shall be subject to review in the same manner as other
(2) (a) At any time within two years after the date the
last temporary or permanent disability benefits or dependent
benefits excluding medical benefits become due or payable,
the director or an administrative law judge may, after notice to
all parties, review and reopen an award on the ground of fraud,
an overpayment, an error, a mistake, or a change in condition,
except for those settlements entered into pursuant to section 8-
43-204 in which the claimant waived all right to reopen an
award; but a settlement may be reopened at any time on the
ground of fraud or mutual mistake of material fact. Upon a
prima facie showing that the claimant received overpayments,
the award shall be reopened solely as to overpayments and
repayment shall be ordered. In cases involving the
circumstances described in section 8-42-113.5, recovery of
overpayments shall be ordered in accordance with said section.
If an award is reopened under this paragraph (a) on grounds of
an error, a mistake, or a change in condition, compensation and
medical benefits previously ordered may be ended,
diminished, maintained, or increased. No such reopening shall
affect the earlier award as to moneys already paid except in
cases of fraud or overpayment. Any order entered under this
paragraph (a) shall be subject to review in the same manner as
other orders.
(b) At any time within two years after the date the
last medical benefits become due and payable, the director or
an administrative law judge may, after notice to all parties,
review and reopen an award only as to medical benefits on the
ground of an error, a mistake, or a change in condition, except
for those settlements entered into pursuant to section 8-43-204
in which the claimant waived all right to reopen an award; but
a settlement may be reopened at any time on the ground of
fraud or mutual mistake of material fact. If an award is
reopened under this paragraph (b), medical benefits previously
ordered may be ended, diminished, maintained, or increased.
No such reopening shall affect the earlier award as to moneys
already paid. Any order entered under this paragraph (b) shall
be subject to review in the same manner as other orders.
(3) In cases where a claimant is determined to be
permanently totally disabled, any such case may be reopened
at any time to determine if the claimant has returned to
employment. If the claimant has returned to employment and
is earning in excess of four thousand dollars per year or has
participated in activities which indicate that the claimant has
the ability to return to employment, such claimant's permanent
total disability award shall cease and the claimant shall not be
entitled to further permanent total disability benefits as a result
of the injury or occupational disease which led to the original
permanent total disability award. Any subsequent permanent
partial disability benefits awarded for the same injury or
occupational disease shall be decreased by the amount of
permanent total disability benefits previously received by the
To Index
(4) The party attempting to reopen an issue or claim
shall bear the burden of proof as to any issues sought to be
8-43-304. Violations - penalty - offset for benefits
obtained through fraud - rules. (1) Any employer or insurer,
or any officer or agent of either, or any employee, or any other
person who violates articles 40 to 47 of this title 8, or does any
act prohibited thereby, or fails or refuses to perform any duty
lawfully enjoined within the time prescribed by the director or
panel, for which no penalty has been specifically provided, or
fails, neglects, or refuses to obey any lawful order made by the
director or panel or any judgment or decree made by any court
as provided by the articles shall be subject to such order being
reduced to judgment by a court of competent jurisdiction and
shall also be punished by a fine of not more than one thousand
dollars per day for each offense, to be apportioned, in whole or
part, at the discretion of the director or administrative law
judge, between the aggrieved party and the Colorado
uninsured employer fund created in section 8-67-105; except
that the amount apportioned to the aggrieved party shall be a
minimum of twenty-five percent of any penalty assessed.
(1.5) (a) (I) An insurer who knowingly or repeatedly
violates any provision of articles 40 to 47 of this title shall be
subject to a fine as determined by the director. If necessary, the
director may conduct a hearing or may refer the matter to the
office of administrative courts for the entry of findings of fact.
The director shall promulgate rules that specify, with respect
to an insurer's willful or repeated violations that are subject to
this subsection (1.5):
(A) The circumstances pursuant to which the director
may issue an order imposing a fine; and
(B) Criteria for determining the amount of the fine.
(II) If the division determines, as part of a
compliance audit of an insurer or self-insured pool, that an
injury or occupational disease was not reported to the division
within the time specified in sections 8-43-101 and 8-43-103
because the insurer or self-insured pool did not have notice or
knowledge of the injury, occupational disease, or fatality
within a period of time that would allow the information to be
reported to the division within the time specified in sections 8-
43-101 and 8-43-103, the director shall not impose a fine for
late reporting under this subsection (1.5). The director may
impose a fine under this subsection (1.5) for late reporting
under sections 8-43-101 and 8-43-103 as part of findings from
a compliance audit if the director finds that the late reporting
constituted a knowing or repeated pattern of noncompliance
with the reporting requirements of sections 8-43-101 and 8-43-
103 and was not caused by the insurer or self-insured pool's
lack of notice or knowledge of the injury, occupational disease,
or fatality within a period of time that would allow the
information to be reported to the division within the time
specified in sections 8-43-101 and 8-43-103.
(b) Fines imposed pursuant to this subsection (1.5)
on or after July 1, 2018, shall be transmitted to the state
treasurer, who shall credit the fines to the Colorado uninsured
employer fund created in section 8-67-105.
(2) An insurer or self-insured employer may take a
credit or offset of previously paid workers' compensation
benefits or payments against any further workers'
compensation benefits or payments due a worker when the
worker admits to having obtained the previously paid benefits
or payments through fraud, or a civil judgment or criminal
conviction is entered against the worker for having obtained
the previously paid benefits through fraud. Benefits or
payments obtained through fraud by a worker shall not be
included in any data used for rate-making or individual
employer rating or dividend calculations by any insurer or by
Pinnacol Assurance.
(3) The director and each administrative law judge
shall report to the division each time a penalty is imposed
pursuant to this section. Each such report shall include the
amount of the penalty, the name of the administrative law
judge awarding the penalty, if applicable, and the name of the
offending party.
(4) In any application for hearing for any penalty
pursuant to subsection (1) of this section, the applicant shall
state with specificity the grounds on which the penalty is being
asserted. After the date of mailing of such an application, an
alleged violator shall have twenty days to cure the violation. If
the violator cures the violation within such twenty-day period,
and the party seeking such penalty fails to prove by clear and
convincing evidence that the alleged violator knew or
reasonably should have known such person was in violation,
no penalty shall be assessed. The curing of the violation within
the twenty-day period shall not establish that the violator knew
or should have known that such person was in violation.
(5) A request for penalties shall be filed with the
director or administrative law judge within one year after the
date that the requesting party first knew or reasonably should
have known the facts giving rise to a possible penalty.
8-43-304.5. Penalties in rate-making. For purposes
of rate-making under sections 10-4-401, 10-4-402, and 10-4-
403, C.R.S., insurers shall not include, nor shall the insurance
commissioner consider, any penalties paid under section 8-43-
304 or any damages awarded in suits founded upon breach of
duty in handling a claim for compensation under section 8-41-
8-43-305. Each day separate offense. Every day
during which any employer or insurer, or officer or agent of
either, or any employee, or any other person fails to comply
with any lawful order of an administrative law judge, the
director, or the panel or fails to perform any duty imposed by
articles 40 to 47 of this title shall constitute a separate and
distinct violation thereof. In any action brought to enforce the
same or to enforce any penalty provided for in said articles,
such violation shall be considered cumulative and may be
joined in such action.
8-43-306. Collection of fines, penalties, and
overpayments. (1) A certified copy of any final order of the
director or an administrative law judge ordering the payment
of any penalty or repayment of overpayments pursuant to
articles 40 to 47 of this title may be filed with the clerk of the
district court of any county in this state at any time after the
period of time provided by articles 40 to 47 of this title for
appeal or seeking review of the order has passed without
appeal or review being sought or, if appeal or review is sought,
after the order has been finally affirmed and all appellate
remedies and all opportunities for review have been exhausted.
The party filing the order shall at the same time file a certificate
to the effect that the time for appeal or review has passed
To Index
without appeal or review being undertaken or that the order has
been finally affirmed with all appellate remedies and all
opportunities for review having been exhausted. The clerk of
the district court shall record the order and the filing party's
certificate in the judgment book of said court and entry thereof
made in the judgment docket, and it shall thenceforth have all
the effect of a judgment of the district court, and execution may
issue thereon out of said court as in other cases. Any such order
may be filed by and in the name of the director or by and in the
name of the party in the worker's compensation action who was
injured by the violation of any provision of articles 40 to 47 of
this title or who was found to be entitled to repayment of
overpayments under said articles.
(2) All penalties, when collected, are payable to the
division and transmitted through the state treasurer for credit
to the Colorado uninsured employer fund created in section 8-
8-43-307. Appeals to court of appeals. (1) The
final order of the director or the panel shall constitute the final
order of the division. Any person in interest, including
Pinnacol Assurance, being dissatisfied with any final order of
the division, may commence an action in the court of appeals
against the industrial claim appeals office as defendant to
modify or vacate any such order on the grounds set forth in
section 8-43-308.
(2) All such actions shall have precedence over any
civil cause of a different nature pending in such court, and the
court of appeals shall always be deemed open for the trial
thereof, and such actions shall be tried and determined by the
court of appeals in the manner provided for other civil actions.
(3) (Deleted by amendment, L. 95, p. 235, § 3,
effective April 17, 1995.)
(4) In any case before the court of appeals pursuant
to this section, the court may apply the sanctions of rule 38 of
the Colorado appellate rules if the court finds such application
to be appropriate.
8-43-308. Causes for setting aside award. Upon
hearing the action, the court of appeals may affirm or set aside
such order, but only upon the following grounds: That the
findings of fact are not sufficient to permit appellate review;
that conflicts in the evidence are not resolved in the record;
that the findings of fact are not supported by the evidence; that
the findings of fact do not support the order; or that the award
or denial of benefits is not supported by applicable law. If the
findings of fact entered by the director or administrative law
judge are supported by substantial evidence, they shall not be
altered by the court of appeals.
8-43-309. Actions in court tried within thirty
days. Any such action commenced in the court of appeals to
set aside or modify any order shall be heard within thirty days
after issue shall be joined, unless continued on order of the
court for good cause shown. No continuance shall be for longer
than thirty days at one time.
8-43-310. Error disregarded unless
prejudicial. The appeal shall be upon the record returned to
the court by the industrial claim appeals office. Upon the
hearing of any such action, the court shall disregard any
irregularity or error of the director or the panel unless it
affirmatively appears that the party complaining was damaged
8-43-311. Court record transmitted to industrial
claim appeals office - when. It is the duty of the clerk of the
court of appeals, without order of court or application of the
panel, to transmit the record in any case to the industrial claim
appeals office within twenty-five days after the order or
judgment of the court unless in the meantime further appellate
review is granted by the supreme court. If the supreme court
grants further appellate review, the clerk shall return the record
immediately upon receipt of remittitur from the supreme court,
unless the order of the supreme court requires further action by
the court of appeals, and then within twenty-five days after
such further action.
8-43-312. Court may remand case or order entry
of award. Upon setting aside of any order, the court may
recommit the controversy and remand the record in the case
for further hearing or proceedings by the director,
administrative law judge, or panel, or it may order entry of a
proper award upon the findings as the nature of the case shall
demand. In no event shall such order for award be for a greater
amount of compensation than allowed by articles 40 to 47 of
this title, or in any manner conflict with the provisions thereof.
8-43-313. Summary review by supreme
court. Any affected party dissatisfied with the decision of the
court of appeals may seek review by writ of certiorari in the
supreme court. If the supreme court reviews the judgment of
the court of appeals, such review shall be limited to a summary
review of questions of law. Any such action shall be advanced
upon the calendar of the supreme court, and a final decision
shall be rendered within sixty days after the date the supreme
court grants further appellate review. The director, an
administrative law judge, the industrial claim appeals office,
or any other aggrieved party shall not be required to file any
undertaking or other security upon review by the supreme
8-43-314. Fees - costs - duty of district attorneys
and attorney general. No fee shall be charged by the clerk of
any court for the performance of any official service required
by articles 40 to 47 of this title. On proceedings to review any
order or award, costs as between the parties shall be allowed
in the discretion of the court, but no costs shall be taxed against
said director or industrial claim appeals office. In any action
for the review of any order or award and upon any review
thereof by the supreme court, it is the duty of the district
attorney in the county wherein said action is pending, or of the
attorney general if requested by the director or industrial claim
appeals office, to appear on behalf of either or both, whether
any other party defendant should have appeared or been
represented in the action.
8-43-315. Witnesses and testimony - mileage - fees
- costs. (1) The director or any agent, deputy, or
administrative law judge may issue subpoenas to compel the
attendance of witnesses or parties and the production of books,
papers, or records and to administer oaths. Any person who
serves a subpoena shall receive the same fee as the sheriff.
Each witness who is subpoenaed on behalf of the director and
who appears in obedience thereto shall receive for attendance
the fees and mileage provided for witnesses in civil cases in
the district court, which are audited and paid from the state
treasury in the same manner as other expenses are audited and
paid, upon the presentation of a proper voucher approved by
To Index
the director. The director has the discretion to assess the cost
of attendance and mileage of witnesses subpoenaed by either
party to any proceeding against another party to the proceeding
when, in the director's judgment, the necessity of subpoenaing
the witnesses arises out of the raising of any incompetent,
irrelevant, or sham issues by the other party.
(2) The director, an agent, deputy, or administrative
law judge of the division, or an administrative law judge from
the office of administrative courts, may, upon a showing of
good cause, order the attendance at a hearing or deposition of
any party, or of an officer, director, employee, or agent of any
party, who is located in another state. A witness so ordered
shall appear as indicated in the order or shall be available by
telephone at the time and place set forth in the order.
(3) If a party or an officer, director, employee, or
agent of a party fails, in the absence of a reasonable excuse, to
obey an order issued pursuant to subsection (2) of this section,
the party, officer, director, employee, or agent is liable for
penalties as specified in section 8-43-304 (1).
8-43-316. Appearance by officer for closely held
entity. An officer of a closely held entity as defined in section
13-1-127 (1)(a) may appear on behalf of any such closely held
entity, which has obtained coverage as required by articles 40
to 47 of this title 8 in proceedings authorized under the
"Workers' Compensation Act of Colorado", articles 40 to 47 of
this title 8, where the amount at issue does not exceed ten
thousand dollars, except in proceedings before the industrial
claim appeals office under this part 3, appeals to the court of
appeals under section 8-43-307, and summary reviews by the
supreme court under section 8-43-313.
8-43-317. Service of documents. All documents
that are required to be exchanged under articles 40 to 47 of this
title shall be transmitted or served in the same manner or by
the same means to all required recipients.
8-43-318. Remand of case or order - time limit for
further proceedings consistent with ruling on appeal. If a
case or order is appealed to the panel, the court of appeals, or
the supreme court, and the case or order is remanded with
directions, the director, administrative law judge, or panel, as
the case may be, shall issue an order consistent with those
directions within thirty days from receipt of the remand. The
remanding tribunal has continuing jurisdiction to enforce the
remand order.
8-43-401. District attorney or attorney of division
to act for director or office - penalties for failure of insurer
to pay benefits. (1) Upon the request of the director or the
industrial claim appeals office, the district attorney of any
district or any attorney-at-law employed by the division shall
institute and prosecute the necessary actions or proceedings for
the enforcement of any of the provisions of articles 40 to 47 of
this title, or any award or order of the director, an
administrative law judge, or the industrial claim appeals office,
or for the recovery of any money due to Pinnacol Assurance,
or any penalty provided in said articles, and shall defend in like
manner all suits, actions, or proceedings brought against the
director, an administrative law judge, or the industrial claim
appeals office.
(2) (a) After all appeals have been exhausted or in
cases where there have been no appeals, all insurers and self-
insured employers shall pay benefits within thirty days after
any benefits are due. If any insurer or self-insured employer
knowingly delays payment of medical benefits for more than
thirty days or knowingly stops payments, such insurer or self-
insured employer shall pay a penalty of eight percent of the
amount of wrongfully withheld benefits; except that no penalty
is due if the insurer or self-insured employer proves that the
delay was the result of excusable neglect. If any insurer or self-
insured employer willfully withholds permanent partial
disability benefits within thirty days of when due, the insurer
or self-insured employer shall pay a penalty to the division of
ten percent of the amount of such benefits due. The penalties
shall be apportioned, in whole or part, at the discretion of the
director or administrative law judge, among the aggrieved
party, the medical services provider, and the workers'
compensation cash fund created in section 8-44-112 (7)(a).
(b) All money collected as penalties by the division
pursuant to this subsection (2) shall be transmitted to the state
treasurer, who shall credit it to the Colorado uninsured
employer fund created in section 8-67-105.
8-43-401.5. Financial incentives to deny or delay
claim or medical care - prohibition - penalties. (1) No
insurer, employee or contractor of an insurer, self-insured
employer, employee or contractor of a self-insured employer,
health care provider, or employee or contractor of a health care
provider treating an injured worker under the provisions of
articles 40 to 47 of this title shall pay or receive any form of
financial remuneration that is based on any of the following:
(a) The number of days to maximum medical
(b) The rate of claims approval or denial;
(c) The number of medical procedures, diagnostic
procedures, or treatment appointments approved; or
(d) Any other criteria designed or intended to
encourage a violation of any provision of articles 40 to 47 of
this title.
(2) (a) Payment of remuneration in violation of this
section constitutes an unfair act or practice in the business of
insurance, and the insurer or self-insured employer who pays
or directs the payment of the remuneration shall be subject to
penalties in accordance with part 11 of article 3 of title 10,
(b) In addition to, or as an alternative to, any
penalties imposed pursuant to paragraph (a) of this subsection
(2), an insurer or self-insured employer who is found to have
violated subsection (1) of this section may be subject to fines
as determined by the director pursuant to section 8-43-304
(3) Nothing in this section:
(a) Restricts or limits the ability of a claims adjuster
or employee or contracted claims personnel to investigate,
detect, or prevent fraud; or
(b) Limits the payment or receipt of financial
incentives for any other lawful purpose.
To Index
8-43-402. False statement - felony. If, for the
purpose of obtaining any order, benefit, award, compensation,
or payment under the provisions of articles 40 to 47 of this title,
either for self-gain or for the benefit of any other person,
anyone willfully makes a false statement or representation
material to the claim, such person commits a class 5 felony and
shall be punished as provided in section 18-1.3-401, C.R.S.,
and shall forfeit all right to compensation under said articles
upon conviction of such offense.
8-43-403. Attorney fees. (1) No contingent fee
shall be applied to any medical benefits that have been
previously incurred and will be paid to the claimant or directly
to the medical care provider, in a permanent disability award,
either by admission or settlement. In the event that medical
benefits are the only contested issue, the fee agreement shall
provide for reasonable fees calculated on a per-hour basis or,
subject to approval by the director, may provide for a
contingent fee not to exceed the limitations imposed by this
section. On unappealed contested cases, a contingent fee
exceeding twenty percent of the amount of contested benefits
shall be presumed to be unreasonable. At the request of either
an employee or the employee's attorney, the director shall
determine what portion of the benefits awarded were
contested, or the reasonableness of the fee charged by such
attorney, or both. At the request of the employer or its
insurance carrier or the attorney for either of them, the director
shall determine the reasonableness of the fee charged by the
attorney for the insurance carrier. No request for determination
of the reasonableness of fees shall be considered by the
director if received later than one hundred eighty days after the
issuance of the final order, judgment, or opinion disposing of
the last material issue in the case and the expiration of any right
to review or appeal therefrom. In making this determination,
the director shall consider fees normally charged by attorneys
for cases requiring the same amount of time and skill and may
decrease or increase the fee payable to such attorney. If the
director finds that a review by the industrial claim appeals
office or an appeal to the court of appeals or to the supreme
court was perfected or if the director finds that such attorney
reasonably devoted an extraordinary amount of time to the
case, the director may award or approve a contingent fee or
other fee in a percentage or amount that exceeds twenty
percent of the amount of contested benefits. In determining the
reasonableness of fees charged by an attorney for an employer
or employer's insurance carrier, the director shall compare the
fees of such attorney with the fees charged by the claimant's
attorney in the same case and shall not approve an amount
substantially greater than the reasonable amount charged by
the said claimant's attorney or, if the claimant did not prevail,
the reasonable amount the said claimant's attorney would have
charged had the claimant prevailed, unless the director finds,
based on a showing by the attorney for the employer or carrier,
that higher fees are objectively justifiable. Legal costs not
found reasonable shall not be allowed as an expense in fixing
premium rates by the commissioner of insurance.
(2) Any attorney who represents any party in a
workers' compensation case shall provide the party with a
written fee agreement which sets forth, in full, the attorney's
specific fee arrangement, including the criteria upon which the
attorney bases his hourly or set fee and the circumstances in
which any modifications or adjustments to such fee will be
made, and specifying whether the client will be charged for the
attorney's expenses or advances made by the attorney on behalf
of the party, including without limitation costs of copying,
research, telephone calls, postage, and any other expenses
incident to the litigation which the attorney may be ethically
bound to undertake on behalf of the party pursuant to law or
pursuant to any court rule including the code of professional
responsibility as adopted by the supreme court of Colorado.
Contingent fee agreements shall be in conformity with all
applicable provisions of the said code or of rules of the
supreme court, and, in addition, such agreements shall set forth
the provisions of this section in easy to understand language in
at least ten-point bold-faced type. No such fee agreement may
be enforced against any party unless it complies with the
requirements of this section and is signed by both parties. Any
attempt by an attorney who intentionally does not comply with
this section and who seeks to enforce a fee agreement which
does not comply with the requirements of this section shall be
presumed to be a violation of the code of professional
responsibility as adopted by the supreme court of Colorado.
(3) Repealed.
8-43-404. Examination - refusal - personal
responsibility - physicians to testify and furnish results -
injured worker right to select treating physicians - injured
worker right to third-party communications - definitions -
rules. (1) (a) If in case of injury the right to compensation
under articles 40 to 47 of this title exists in favor of an
employee, upon the written request of the employee's
employer or the insurer carrying such risk, the employee shall
from time to time submit to examination by a physician or
surgeon or to a vocational evaluation, which shall be provided
and paid for by the employer or insurer, and the employee shall
likewise submit to examination from time to time by any
regular physician selected and paid for by the division.
(b) (I) At least three business days in advance of an
examination under paragraph (a) of this subsection (1), if
requested by the claimant, the employer or insurer shall pay to
the claimant the claimant's estimated expenses of attending the
examination, including transportation, mileage, food, and
hotel costs. In addition, if the claimant verifies that he or she
will incur uncompensated wage losses as a result of attending
the examination, the employer or insurer shall reimburse the
claimant at the rate of seventy-five dollars per day. Failure to
provide payment in accordance with this subparagraph (I)
constitutes grounds for the claimant to refuse to attend the
(II) If an employer pays estimated expenses under
this paragraph (b) and the claimant does not attend the
examination, the employer or insurer may recover the costs
paid for the employee's expenses from future indemnity
(2) (a) The employee shall be entitled to have a
physician, provided and paid for by the employee, present at
any such examination. If an employee is examined by a
chiropractor at the request of the employer, the employee shall
be entitled to have a chiropractor provided and paid for by the
employee present at any such examination. After any
examination conducted under this section, the examiner shall
prepare a written report giving a description of the examination
To Index
performed, the written documents or any other materials
reviewed, and all findings or conclusions of the examiner. The
employee shall be entitled to receive from the examining
physician or chiropractor a copy of any report that the
physician or chiropractor makes to the employer, insurer, or
division upon the examination, and the copy shall be furnished
to the employee at the same time it is furnished to the
employer, insurer, or division. The employee shall also be
entitled to receive reports from any physician selected by the
employer to treat the employee upon the same terms and
conditions and at the same time the reports are furnished by the
physician to the employer. All such examinations shall be
recorded in audio in their entirety and retained by the
examining physician until requested by any party. Prior to
commencing the audio recording, the examining physician
shall disclose to the employee the fact that the exam is being
recorded. If requested, an exact copy of the recording shall be
provided to the parties. Nothing in this subsection (2) shall be
construed to prevent any party to the claim from making an
audio recording of the examination. The division shall
promulgate rules regarding such recordings that shall include
provisions for the protection of the audio recordings and the
privacy of information contained in such recordings. The
employer shall be entitled to receive reports from any
physician or chiropractor selected by the employee to treat or
examine the employee in connection with such injury upon the
same terms and at the same time the reports are furnished by
the physician or chiropractor to the employee.
(b) The amendments made to paragraph (a) of this
subsection (2) by Senate Bill 09-168, enacted in 2009, are
declared to be procedural and were intended to and shall apply
to all workers' compensation claims, regardless of the date the
claim was filed.
(3) So long as the employee, after written request by
the employer or insurer, refuses to submit to medical
examination or vocational evaluation or in any way obstructs
the same, all right to collect, or to begin or maintain any
proceeding for the collection of, compensation shall be
suspended. If the employee refuses to submit to such
examination after direction by the director or any agent,
referee, or administrative law judge of the division appointed
pursuant to section 8-43-208 (1) or in any way obstructs the
same, all right to weekly indemnity which accrues and
becomes payable during the period of such refusal or
obstruction shall be barred. If any employee persists in any
unsanitary or injurious practice which tends to imperil or retard
recovery or refuses to submit to such medical or surgical
treatment or vocational evaluation as is reasonably essential to
promote recovery, the director shall have the discretion to
reduce or suspend the compensation of any such injured
(4) Any physician or chiropractor who makes or is
present at any such examination may be required to testify as
to the results thereof. Any physician or chiropractor having
attended an employee in a professional capacity may be
required to testify before the division when it so directs. A
physician or chiropractor will not be required to disclose
confidential communications imparted to said physician or
chiropractor for the purpose of treatment and which are
unnecessary to a proper understanding of the case.
(5) (a) (I) (A) In all cases of injury, the employer or
insurer shall provide a list of at least four physicians or four
corporate medical providers or at least two physicians and two
corporate medical providers or a combination thereof where
available, in the first instance, from which list an injured
employee may select the physician who attends the injured
employee. At least one of the four designated physicians or
corporate medical providers offered must be at a distinct
location from the other three designated physicians or
corporate medical providers without common ownership. If
there are not at least two physicians or corporate medical
providers at distinct locations without common ownership
within thirty miles of the employer's place of business, then an
employer may designate physicians or corporate medical
providers at the same location or with shared ownership
interests. Upon request by an interested party to the workers'
compensation claim, a designated provider on the employer's
list shall provide a list of ownership interests and employment
relationships, if any, to the requesting party within five days of
the receipt of the request. If the services of a physician are not
tendered at the time of injury, the employee shall have the right
to select a physician or chiropractor. For purposes of this
section, "corporate medical provider" means a medical
organization in business as a sole proprietorship, professional
corporation, or partnership.
(B) If there are fewer than four physicians or
corporate medical providers within thirty miles of the
employer's place of business who are willing to treat an injured
employee, the employer or insurer may instead designate one
physician or one corporate medical provider, and
subparagraphs (III) and (IV) of this paragraph (a) shall not
apply. A physician is presumed willing to treat injured workers
unless he or she indicates to the employer or insurer to the
(C) If there are more than three physicians or
corporate medical providers, but fewer than nine physicians or
corporate medical providers within thirty miles of the
employer's place of business who are willing to treat an injured
employee, the employer or insurer may instead designate two
physicians or two corporate medical providers or any
combination thereof. The two designated providers shall be at
two distinct locations without common ownership. If there are
not two providers at two distinct locations without common
ownership within thirty miles of the employer's place of
business, then an employer may designate two providers at the
same location or with shared ownership interests. Upon
request by an interested party to the workers' compensation
claim, a designated provider on the employer's list shall
provide a list of ownership interests and employment
relationships, if any, to the requesting party within five days of
the receipt of the request.
(D) Except as otherwise provided by sub-
subparagraph (E) of this subparagraph (I), any party may
request an expedited hearing on the issue of whether the
employer or insurer provided a list in compliance with this
subsection (5) if the application for expedited hearing is filed
within forty-five days after the claimant provides notice of the
injury to the employer.
(E) If the insurer or self-insured employer admits
liability for the claim, any party may request an expedited
To Index
hearing on the issue of whether the employer or insurer
provided a list in compliance with this subsection (5) if the
application for expedited hearing is filed within forty-five days
after the initial admission of liability for the claim. The director
shall set any expedited matter for hearing within sixty days
after the date of the application. The time schedule for an
expedited hearing is subject to the extensions set forth in
section 8-43-209. If the party elects not to request an expedited
hearing under this subsection (5), the time schedule for hearing
the matter is as set forth in section 8-43-209.
(II) (A) If the employer is a health care provider or a
governmental entity that currently has its own occupational
health care provider system, the employer may designate
health care providers from within its own system and is not
required to provide an alternative physician or corporate
medical provider from outside its own system.
(B) If the employer has its own on-site health care
facility, the employer may designate such on-site health care
facility as the authorized treating physician, but the employer
shall comply with subparagraph (III) of this paragraph (a). For
purposes of this sub-subparagraph (B), "on-site health care
facility" means an entity that meets all applicable state
requirements to provide health care services on the employer's
(III) An employee may obtain a one-time change in
the designated authorized treating physician under this section
by providing notice that meets the following requirements:
(A) The notice is provided within ninety days after
the date of the injury, but before the injured worker reaches
maximum medical improvement;
(B) The notice is in writing and submitted on a form
designated by the director. The notice provided in this
subparagraph (III) shall also simultaneously serve as a request
and authorization to the initially authorized treating physician
to release all relevant medical records to the newly authorized
treating physician.
(C) The notice is directed to the insurance carrier or
to the employer's authorized representative, if self-insured, and
to the initially authorized treating physician and is deposited in
the United States mail or hand-delivered to the employer, who
shall notify the insurance carrier, if necessary, and the initially
authorized treating physician;
(D) The new physician is on the employer's
designated list or provides medical services for a designated
corporate medical provider on the list;
(E) The transfer of medical care does not pose a
threat to the health or safety of the injured employee;
(F) An insurance carrier, or an employer's authorized
representative if the employer is self-insured, shall track how
often injured employees change their authorized treating
physician pursuant to this subparagraph (III) and shall report
such information to the division upon request.
(IV) (A) When an injured employee changes his or
her designated authorized treating physician, the newly
authorized treating physician shall make a reasonable effort to
avoid any unnecessary duplication of medical services.
(B) The originally authorized treating physician shall
send all medical records in his or her possession pertaining to
the injured employee to the newly authorized treating
physician within seven calendar days after receiving a request
for medical records from the newly authorized treating
(C) The originally authorized treating physician shall
continue as the authorized treating physician for the injured
employee until the injured employee's initial visit with the
newly authorized treating physician, at which time the
treatment relationship with the initially authorized treating
physician shall terminate.
(D) The opinion of the originally authorized treating
physician regarding work restrictions and return to work shall
control unless and until such opinion is expressly modified by
the newly authorized treating physician.
(E) The newly authorized treating physician shall be
presumed to have consented to treat the injured employee
unless the newly authorized treating physician expressly
refuses in writing within five days after the date of the notice
to change authorized treating physicians. If the newly
authorized treating physician refuses to treat the injured
employee, the employee may return to the employer to request
an alternative authorized treating physician. If the employer
does not provide an alternative authorized treating physician
within five days after the employee's request, rules established
by the division shall control.
(V) If the authorized treating physician moves from
one facility to another, or from one corporate medical provider
to another, an injured employee may continue care with the
authorized treating physician, and the original facility or
corporate medical provider shall provide the injured
employee's medical records to the authorized treating
physician within seven days after receipt of a request for
medical records from the authorized treating physician.
(VI) (A) In addition to the one-time change of
physician allowed in subparagraph (III) of this paragraph (a),
upon written request to the insurance carrier or to the
employer's authorized representative if self-insured, an injured
employee may procure written permission to have a personal
physician or chiropractor treat the employee. The written
request must be completed on a form that is prescribed by the
director. If permission is neither granted nor refused within
twenty days after the date of the certificate of service of the
request form, the employer or insurance carrier shall be
deemed to have waived any objection to the employee's
request. Objection shall be in writing on a form prescribed by
the director and shall be served on the employee or, if
represented, the employee's authorized representative within
twenty days after the date of the certificate of service of the
request form. An insurance carrier, or an employer's authorized
representative if self-insured, shall track how often an injured
employee requests to change his or her physician and how
often such change is granted or denied and shall report such
information to the division upon request. Upon the proper
showing to the division, the employee may procure the
division's permission at any time to have a physician of the
employee's selection treat the employee, and in any
nonsurgical case the employee, with such permission, in lieu
of medical aid, may procure any nonmedical treatment
recognized by the laws of this state as legal. The practitioner
administering the treatment shall receive fees under the
medical provisions of articles 40 to 47 of this title as specified
by the division.
To Index
(B) If an injured employee is permitted to change
physicians under sub-subparagraph (A) of this subparagraph
(VI) resulting in a new authorized treating physician who will
provide primary care for the injury, then the previously
authorized treating physician providing primary care shall
continue as the authorized treating physician providing
primary care for the injured employee until the injured
employee's initial visit with the newly authorized treating
physician, at which time the treatment relationship with the
previously authorized treating physician providing primary
care is terminated.
(C) Nothing in this subparagraph (VI) precludes any
former authorized treating physician from performing an
examination under subsection (1) of this section.
(D) If an injured employee is permitted to change
physicians pursuant to sub-subparagraph (A) of this
subparagraph (VI) resulting in a new authorized treating
physician who will provide primary care for the injury, then
the opinion of the previously authorized treating physician
providing primary care regarding work restrictions and return
to work controls unless that opinion is expressly modified by
the newly authorized treating physician.
(b) Any private insurer or self-insured employer
acting as its own insurance carrier as provided in section 8-44-
201 providing workers' compensation coverage shall pay for
chiropractic care as provided in paragraph (a) of this
subsection (5).
(c) A treating physician shall not communicate with
the employer or insurer of an injured worker regarding that
injured worker unless:
(I) The injured worker is present for the
communication; or
(II) The treating physician makes an accurate written
record of the communication, containing all relevant and
material information that was communicated, and provides the
injured worker access to the writing in the same manner as
medical records disclosures as required by director rules.
(6) Application or prosecution of a claim for benefits
shall be a waiver of any privilege concerning communications
relating to all medical issues raised by the claim, for the
purposes of a utilization review conducted pursuant to section
(7) An employer or insurer shall not be liable for
treatment provided pursuant to article 285 of title 12, unless
such treatment has been prescribed by an authorized treating
(8) Upon request by an employee who has not
reached maximum medical improvement and whose
authorized treating physician is not level II accredited, an
insurer or self-insured employer shall select a level II
accredited physician as the authorized treating physician.
(9) (a) Health care services provided shall be deemed
authorized if the claim is found to be compensable when:
(I) Compensability of a claim is initially denied;
(II) The services of the physician selected by the
employer are not tendered at the time of the injury; and
(III) The injured worker is treated:
(A) At a public health facility in the state;
(B) At a public health facility within one hundred
fifty miles of the residence of the injured worker; or
(C) Through a publicly funded program.
(b) A claimant shall not be liable for payment for
treatment by the provider under this subsection (9) if the
treatment is reasonably needed and related to the injury.
(10) (a) If an authorized physician refuses to provide
medical treatment to an injured employee or discharges an
injured employee from medical care for nonmedical reasons
when the injured employee requires medical treatment to cure
or relieve the effects of the work injury, then the physician
shall, within three business days from the refusal or discharge,
provide written notice of the refusal or discharge by certified
mail, return receipt requested, to the injured employee and the
insurer or self-insured employer. The notice must explain the
reasons for the refusal or discharge and must offer to transfer
the injured employee's medical records to any new authorized
physician upon receipt of a signed authorization to do so from
the injured employee. The director or any administrative law
judge of the office of administrative courts has jurisdiction to
resolve disputes regarding whether a refusal to provide
medical treatment or a discharge from medical care was for
medical or nonmedical reasons.
(b) If the insurer or self-insured employer receives
written notice pursuant to paragraph (a) of this subsection (10),
or if the insurer or self-insured employer and the authorized
treating physician receive written notice by certified mail,
return receipt requested, from the injured employee or the
injured employee's legal representative that an authorized
physician refused to provide medical treatment to the injured
employee or discharged the injured employee from medical
care for nonmedical reasons when such injured employee
requires medical treatment to cure or relieve the effects of the
work injury, and there is no other authorized physician willing
to provide medical treatment, then the insurer or self-insured
employer shall, within fifteen calendar days from receiving the
written notice, designate a new authorized physician willing to
provide medical treatment. If the insurer or self-insured
employer fails to designate a new physician pursuant to this
paragraph (b), then the injured employee may select the
physician who attends to the injured employee.
8-43-405. Payment as discharge of liability -
conflicting claims. Payment of death benefits to one or more
dependents shall protect and discharge to that extent all
compensation under articles 40 to 47 of this title unless and
until any other person claiming to be a dependent has given the
division notice of said person's claim and until the division has
notified the employer or the employer's insurance carrier of
such claim. In such case, the director or an administrative law
judge shall determine the respective rights of said rival
claimants, and thereafter such death benefits shall be paid to
such dependents as the director or the administrative law judge
may find so entitled under the provisions of said articles.
8-43-406. Compensation in lump sum. (1) At any
time after six months have elapsed from the date of injury, the
claimant may elect to take all or any part of the compensation
awarded in a lump sum by sending written notice of the
election and the amount of benefits requested to the carrier or
the noninsured or self-insured employer. The carrier or self-
insured employer shall file the calculation of the lump sum due
and notice that the lump sum has been paid to the claimant
within ten days after the election. When the claimant is
To Index
unrepresented, the director shall calculate amounts to be paid
based on the present worth of partial payments, considering
interest at four percent per annum, and less a deduction for the
contingency of death. The director shall make the method of
calculation of lump sums available to all parties at all times,
including posting the information on the division's website.
Neither the director nor an administrative law judge shall in
any way attempt to condition the lump sum payment on the
claimant waiving the right to pursue permanent total disability
(2) If a claimant who has been awarded
compensation is the injured worker or the sole dependent of a
deceased injured worker, the aggregate of all lump sums
granted to the claimant must not exceed eighty thousand eight
hundred sixty-eight dollars and ten cents.
(3) If a claimant who has been awarded
compensation is one of multiple dependents of a deceased
injured worker, the aggregate of all lump sums granted to the
claimant must be a proportionate share, as determined by the
director or administrative law judge, of an amount not to
exceed one hundred sixty-one thousand seven hundred thirty-
four dollars and fifteen cents.
(4) For injuries sustained on or after January 1, 2014,
the director shall adjust the lump-sum limits set forth in
subsections (2) and (3) of this section on July 1, 2014, and each
July 1 thereafter, by the percentage of the adjustment made by
the director to the state average weekly wage pursuant to
section 8-47-106. A claimant who has received compensation
under this section is not entitled to any further compensation
under this section related to the claim as a result of an
adjustment by the director pursuant to this subsection (4).
8-43-407. Election to waive vocational
rehabilitation benefits and become subject to permanent
partial disability provisions. In all cases arising under
articles 40 to 47 of this title prior to July 1, 1987, the employee,
the employer, and, if insured, the insurance carrier may elect,
upon unanimous agreement, in writing to waive vocational
rehabilitation which was awarded pursuant to section 8-49-101
as it existed prior to July 1, 1987, and become subject to the
permanent partial disability provisions pursuant to section 8-
42-110, as said section existed prior to July 1, 1991. Such
election shall be made in a form prescribed by the director and
shall not affect payments made prior to the filing of such
agreement. Failure to agree to the options available under the
provisions of this section shall not be evidence of bad faith in
any future litigation by either party.
8-43-408. Default of employer - additional
liability. (1) If an employer is subject to articles 40 to 47 of
this title 8 and, at the time of an injury, has not complied with
the insurance provisions of those articles or has allowed the
required insurance to terminate, or has not effected a renewal
thereof, the employee, if injured, or, if killed, the employee's
dependents may claim the compensation and benefits provided
in those articles.
(2) In all cases where compensation is awarded
under the terms of this section, the director or an administrative
law judge of the division shall compute and require the
employer to pay to a trustee designated by the director or
administrative law judge an amount equal to the present value
of all unpaid compensation or benefits computed at the rate of
four percent per annum; or, in lieu thereof, such employer,
within ten days after the date of such order, shall file a bond
with the director or administrative law judge signed by two or
more responsible sureties to be approved by the director or by
some surety company authorized to do business within the
state of Colorado. The bond shall be in such form and amount
as prescribed and fixed by the director and shall guarantee the
payment of the compensation or benefits as awarded. The
filing of any appeal, including a petition for review, shall not
relieve the employer of the obligation under this subsection (2)
to pay the designated sum to a trustee or to file a bond with the
director or administrative law judge.
(3) A certified copy of any award of the director,
administrative law judge, or panel ordering the payment of
compensation entered in such case may be filed with the clerk
of the district court of any county in this state at any time after
the order of the administrative law judge awarding
compensation, and the same shall be recorded by said clerk in
the judgment book of said court and entry thereof made in the
judgment docket, and it shall thenceforth have all the effect of
a judgment of the district court, and execution may issue
thereon out of said court as in other cases. Upon the reversal,
setting aside, modification, or vacation of said order or award
and upon payment to the trustee or furnishing of bond in
accordance with the terms of this section, then, upon
certification thereof by the director, administrative law judge,
or panel, said record in the judgment book and the entry in the
judgment docket shall be vacated, and any execution thereon
shall be recalled.
(4) Any employer who fails to comply with a lawful
order or judgment issued pursuant to subsection (2) or (3) of
this section is liable to the employee, if injured, or, if killed,
said employee's dependents, in addition to the amount in the
order or judgment, for an amount equal to fifty percent of such
order or judgment or one thousand dollars, whichever is
greater, plus reasonable attorney fees incurred after entry of a
judgment or order.
(5) In addition to any compensation paid or ordered
in accordance with this section or articles 40 to 47 of this title
8, an employer who is not in compliance with the insurance
provisions of those articles at the time an employee suffers a
compensable injury or occupational disease shall pay an
amount equal to twenty-five percent of the compensation or
benefits to which the employee is entitled to the Colorado
uninsured employer fund created in section 8-67-105.
(6) An employer who fails to comply with a lawful
order or judgment issued pursuant to subsection (2) or (3) of
this section shall be ordered to pay an amount equal to twenty-
five percent of the compensation or benefits to which the
employee is entitled to the Colorado uninsured employer fund
created in section 8-67-105 in addition to any other amount
ordered pursuant to this section or articles 40 to 47 of this title
8-43-409. Defaulting employers - penalties -
enjoined from continuing business - fines - procedure -
definition - repeal. (1) An employer subject to the terms and
provisions of articles 40 to 47 of this title who fails to insure
or to keep the insurance required by such articles in force,
allows the insurance to lapse, or fails to effect a renewal of the
insurance shall not continue business operations while such
To Index
default in effective insurance continues. Upon receiving
information that an employer is in default of its insurance
obligations, the director shall investigate and, if the
information can be substantiated, shall notify the employer of
the opportunity to request a prehearing conference on the issue
of default. As part of the director's investigation, the director
may verify that all employees of that employer are insured
through the employer's workers' compensation plan. The
director may forward any workers' compensation coverage
issue to the employer's workers' compensation carrier for
further investigation by the carrier. Thereafter, if necessary,
the director may set the issue of the employer's default for
hearing in accordance with hearing time schedule and
procedures set forth in articles 40 to 47 of this title and rules
promulgated by the director. Upon a finding that the employer
is in default of its insurance obligations, the director shall take
either or both of the following actions:
(a) Order the employer in default to cease and desist
immediately from continuing its business operations during
the period such default continues;
(b) For every day that the employer fails or has failed
to insure or to keep the insurance required by articles 40 to 47
of this title in force, allows or has allowed the insurance to
lapse, or fails or has failed to effect a renewal of such coverage,
impose a fine of:
(I) Not more than two hundred fifty dollars for an
initial violation; or
(II) Not less than two hundred fifty dollars or more
than five hundred dollars for a second and any subsequent
violation. For purposes of this subparagraph (II) only, if an
employer has been fined pursuant to subparagraph (I) of this
paragraph (b) and the director determines that substantially the
same people or entities were involved in forming a subsequent
employer, the initial violation referred to in subparagraph (I)
of this paragraph (b) shall be deemed to have already occurred
with regard to violations committed by the subsequent
(1.5) (a) A violation that occurs more than seven
years after the date the preceding violation ended is subject to
a fine up to the maximum amount permitted pursuant to
subsection (1)(b)(I) of this section.
(b) After any fines have been imposed pursuant to
subsection (1)(b)(I) or (1)(b)(II) of this section, the director has
the discretion to enter into a settlement agreement and accept
as consideration an amount less than the minimum fine
allowed by subsection (1)(b)(II) of this section.
(c) Notwithstanding articles 40 to 47 of this title 8,
fines pursuant to this section may be imposed only for periods
that take place no more than three years prior to the date an
employer is notified by the division of a potential violation of
the requirements of articles 40 to 47 of this title 8.
(d) This subsection (1.5) is repealed, effective July 1,
2022. Before its repeal, this subsection (1.5) is scheduled for
review in accordance with section 24-34-104.
(2) A cease-and-desist order issued or fine imposed
by the director under subsection (1) of this section shall include
specific findings of fact that reflect:
(a) The employer received notice of a hearing, when
(b) The employer employs employees for whom it
must carry workers' compensation insurance under the
provisions of articles 40 to 47 of this title;
(c) The employer does not or did not have a policy of
workers' compensation insurance in effect; and
(d) The employer continues or continued to operate
its business in the absence of such coverage.
(3) Notwithstanding any other provision of articles
40 to 47 of this title, after the entry of a cease and desist order
and upon the request of the director, the attorney general shall
immediately institute proceedings for injunctive relief against
the employer in the district court of any county in this state
where such employer does business. In any such district court
proceeding, a certified copy of any cease and desist order
entered by the director in accordance with the provisions of
subsection (1) of this section based upon evidence in the record
shall be prima facie evidence of the facts found in such record.
Such injunctive relief may include the issuance of a temporary
restraining order under rule 65 of the Colorado rules of civil
procedure, which order shall enjoin the employer from
continuing its business operations until it has procured the
required insurance or has posted adequate security with the
court pending the procurement of such insurance. The court, in
its discretion, shall determine the amount that shall constitute
adequate security.
(4) The issuance of an order to cease and desist, the
imposition of a fine pursuant to subsection (1) of this section,
or the issuance of an order for injunctive relief against an
employer for failure to insure or to keep insurance in force as
required by articles 40 to 47 of this title shall be the penalty for
such failure within the meaning of section 8-43-304 (1) and
such penalty shall be in addition to the increase in benefits that
section 8-43-408 requires.
(5) The director or administrative law judge shall
report to the division each time a fine is imposed pursuant to
subsection (1) of this section. Each such report shall include
the amount of the fine and the name of the offending party.
(6) A certified copy of any final order of the director
ordering the payment of a fine imposed pursuant to subsection
(1) of this section may be filed with the clerk of the district
court of any county in this state at any time after the period of
time provided by articles 40 to 47 of this title for appeal or
seeking review of the order has passed without appeal or
review being sought or, if appeal or review is sought, after the
order has been finally affirmed and all appellate remedies and
all opportunities for review have been exhausted. The party
filing the order shall at the same time file a certificate to the
effect that the time for appeal or review has passed without
appeal or review being undertaken or that the order has been
finally affirmed with all appellate remedies and all
opportunities for review having been exhausted. The clerk of
the district court shall record the order and the filing party's
certificate in the judgment book of the court and entry thereof
made in the judgment docket, and it shall thereafter have all
the effect of and constitute a judgment of the district court, and
execution may issue thereon from said court as in other cases.
Any such order may be filed by and in the name of the director.
(7) Fines collected pursuant to this section on or after
July 1, 2018, shall be transmitted to the state treasurer, who
To Index
shall credit the total amount of the fine to the Colorado
uninsured employer fund, created in section 8-67-105.
(8) For the purposes of this section, "construction
site" means a location where a structure that is attached or will
be attached to real property is constructed, altered, or
8-43-410. Right to compensation operates as lien -
interest on award. (1) The right of compensation granted by
articles 40 to 47 of this title and any awards made thereunder
shall have the same preference or lien without limit of amount
against the assets of the employer or the employer's insurer or
both as may be allowed by law for a claim for unpaid wages
for labor.
(2) Every employer or insurance carrier of an
employer shall pay interest at the rate of eight percent per
annum upon all sums not paid upon the date fixed by the award
of the director or administrative law judge for the payment
thereof or the date the employer or insurance carrier became
aware of an injury, whichever date is later. Upon application
and satisfactory showing to the director or administrative law
judge of the valid reasons therefor, said director or
administrative law judge, upon such terms or conditions as the
director or administrative law judge may determine, may
relieve such employer or insurer from the payment of interest
after the date of the order therefor; and proof that payment of
the amount fixed has been offered or tendered to the person
designated by the award shall be such sufficient valid reason.
8-43-501. Utilization review process - legislative
declaration - cash fund. (1) The general assembly hereby
finds and determines that insurers and self-insured employers
should be required to pay for all medical services pursuant to
this article which may be reasonably needed at the time of an
injury or occupational disease to cure and relieve an employee
from the effects of an on-the-job injury. However, insurers and
self-insured employers should not be liable to pay for care
unrelated to a compensable injury or services which are not
reasonably necessary or not reasonably appropriate according
to accepted professional standards. The general assembly,
therefore, hereby declares that the purpose of the utilization
review process authorized in this section is to provide a
mechanism to review and remedy services rendered pursuant
to this article which may not be reasonably necessary or
reasonably appropriate according to accepted professional
(2) (a) An insurer, self-insured employer, or claimant
may request a review of services rendered pursuant to this
article by a health care provider. Requests for utilization
review shall be submitted on forms promulgated by the
director by rule. At the time of submission of a review request,
the requester shall pay the division a fee prescribed by the
director by rule. Such fee shall cover the division's
administrative costs and the costs of compensating utilization
review committee members. If a claimant is successful in a
utilization review case brought pursuant to this section, the
division shall reimburse the fee charged pursuant to this
paragraph (a) and assess it against the insurer or self-insured
employer. The state treasurer shall credit fees collected
pursuant to this section to the utilization review cash fund,
which fund is hereby created. Moneys in the utilization review
cash fund are continuously appropriated to the division for the
purpose of administering the utilization review program and
may not revert to the general fund at the end of any fiscal year.
The division shall mail to any claimant, insurer, or self-insured
employer a notice that a case is to be reviewed and that the
claimant may be examined as a result of such review. The
claimant, insurer, or self-insured employer has thirty days from
the date of mailing of such notice to examine the medical
records submitted by the party who requested the review and
may add medical records to the utilization review file that the
party believes may be relevant to the utilization review. The
division shall maintain a special file for utilization review
cases. Such file shall be accessible only to interested parties in
a utilization review case and shall not otherwise be open to any
(b) Prior to submitting a request for a utilization
review pursuant to this section, an insurer, self-insured
employer, or claimant shall hire a licensed medical
professional to review the services rendered in the case. A
report of the review shall be submitted with all necessary
medical records, reports, and the request for utilization review.
(c) A claimant may request a utilization review
pursuant to this section if the claimant has been refused a
request pursuant to section 8-43-404 (5) to have a personal
physician or chiropractor attend the claimant. A claimant
requesting a utilization review pursuant to this paragraph (c)
shall file the request on forms promulgated by the director by
rule and shall pay the fee required by paragraph (a) of this
subsection (2).
(d) For purposes of this section only, "medical
records" means documents and transcripts of information
obtained from a patient or his or her medical professional that
are related to the patient's medical diagnosis, treatment, and
(e) When an insurer, self-insured employer, or
claimant requests utilization review, no other party shall
request a hearing pursuant to section 8-43-207 until the
utilization review proceedings have become final, if such
hearing request concerns issues about a change of physician or
whether treatment is medically necessary and appropriate.
(f) Once a utilization review proceeding has become
final and no longer subject to appeal, the final disposition of
the issues in such proceeding shall be binding on the parties
and preclude a contrary ruling on such issues in a subsequent
hearing under section 8-43-207 unless a preponderance of
evidence is shown.
(3) (a) The director, with input from the medical
director serving pursuant to section 8-42-101 (3.6)(n), shall
appoint members of utilization review committees for
purposes of this section and section 8-42-101 (3.6). The
director shall establish committees based on the different areas
of health care practice for which requests for utilization review
may be made. The director shall establish the qualifications for
members of the different committees and the areas of health
care practice in which each such committee shall conduct
requested utilization reviews. Cases of requested utilization
To Index
review shall be referred to committees appointed pursuant to
this subsection (3) by the director based upon the areas of
health care practice for which each committee is appointed.
(b) Each committee established pursuant to
paragraph (a) of this subsection (3) shall be composed of three
members. Committee members shall be compensated for their
time by the division out of moneys in the utilization review
cash fund, created in paragraph (a) of subsection (2) of this
section. Any member of a committee appointed pursuant to
this subsection (3) shall be immune from criminal liability and
from suit in any civil action brought by any person based upon
an action of such a committee, if such member acts in good
faith within the scope of the function of the committee, has
made reasonable effort to obtain the facts of the matter as to
which action is taken, and acts in the reasonable belief that the
action taken is warranted by the facts. The immunity provided
by this paragraph (b) shall extend to any person participating
in good faith in any investigative proceeding pursuant to this
(c) (I) For each case, a committee may recommend
by majority vote of such committee that no change be ordered
or that a change of provider be ordered.
(II) A committee may also, by unanimous vote,
recommend that the director order that payment for fees
charged for services in the case be retroactively denied.
(III) A committee may also, by unanimous vote,
recommend that the director order that a physician's
accreditation status under section 8-42-101 (3.6) be revoked.
(d) In preparing and issuing an order in any case, the
director shall review and give great weight to the reports and
recommendations of the committee.
(e) In appropriate cases pursuant to this section and
section 8-42-101 (3.6), the director may order that an insurer,
employer, or self-insured employer be permitted to deny
reimbursement to a provider for any medical care or services
rendered to a claimant; and such order may be effective for up
to three years. Bills for services rendered during the effective
period of any such order shall be unenforceable and shall not
result in any debt of the claimant. In deciding whether to issue
any such order, the director shall give great weight to the fact
(I) The provider has, within any two-year period,
been the subject of two or more orders removing the provider
from the role of authorized treating physician; or
(II) The provider has, within any two-year period,
been the subject of two or more orders retroactively denying
the payment of the provider's fees; or
(III) The provider has, within any two-year period,
been the subject of two or more orders either retroactively
denying the payment of the provider's fees or removing the
provider from the role of authorized treating physician.
(4) If the director orders pursuant to subsection (3) of
this section that a change of provider be made in a case or that
the physician's accreditation status be revoked, the claimant,
insurer, or self-insured employer shall have seven days from
receipt of the director's order in which to agree upon a level I
provider. If the claimant, insurer, or self-insured employer can
not reach agreement within the seven day time period, the
director shall select three providers. A new provider shall be
chosen from the three providers so selected by the party who
was successful in the request for review. If no appeal is filed,
the successful party shall notify the division of the name of the
new provider within seven days of the selection of the three
potential providers. If the new health care provider is not
selected within such seven days, the director shall select the
(5) (a) Any party, including the health care provider,
may appeal to an administrative law judge for review of an
order specifying that no change occur or that a change of
provider be made with respect to a case. Such review shall be
limited to the record on appeal. The findings of a utilization
review committee regarding the change of provider in a case
shall be afforded great weight by the administrative law judge
in any proceeding. A party disputing the finding of such
utilization review committee shall have the burden of
overcoming the finding by clear and convincing evidence.
(b) If the director has entered an order specifying that
the payment of fees in the case be retroactively denied, or
permitting an insurer, employer, or self-insured employer to
deny payments for medical services or care rendered pursuant
to subsection (3)(e) of this section, the health care provider
may request a de novo hearing before an administrative law
judge by filing an application for hearing within thirty days
from the date of the certificate of mailing of the order. In a
hearing held pursuant to this paragraph (b), the record upon
which the director based the order shall be admissible in
evidence. The findings of the utilization review committee
regarding the retroactive denial of payment of fees in a case
shall be afforded great weight by the administrative law judge
in any proceeding. A party disputing the finding of such
utilization review committee shall have the burden of
overcoming the finding by clear and convincing evidence.
(c) Any appeal filed pursuant to this subsection (5)
must be filed within forty days from the date of the certificate
of mailing of the director's order.
(d) Any party dissatisfied with an order entered by an
administrative law judge pursuant to paragraph (a) of this
subsection (5) may file a petition to review the order pursuant
to section 8-43-301.
(e) (Deleted by amendment, L. 91, p. 1326, § 43,
effective July 1, 1991.)
8-43-502. Independent medical
examinations. (1) The director shall maintain a list of
physicians which shall be known as the medical review panel.
The director shall utilize public and private resources as are
available and appropriate in determining standards and
qualifications for the medical review panel members. It shall
be the duty of the medical review panel to perform independent
medical examinations at the request of the director or an
administrative law judge.
(2) Any party to a workers' compensation proceeding
has the right to obtain an independent medical examination
with the physician selected by the director from the medical
review panel. The requesting party, when submitting a request
for the independent medical evaluation, shall specify the
professional specialty of the physician to be selected by the
director to perform the independent medical examination. The
director shall select, through a revolving selection process
established by the department, the physician from the medical
review panel to perform the examination. The cost of such
To Index
independent medical examination shall be borne by the
requesting party. In no instance shall the independent
examining physician become the authorized treating
(3) Whenever the director or an administrative law
judge deems it necessary to assist in resolving any issue of
medical fact or opinion, the director or administrative law
judge shall cause the employee to be examined by a physician
or physicians from the medical review panel. The director or
the administrative law judge shall have the authority and
discretion to charge the cost of such examination to the
employer or, if insured, the employer's insurance carrier.
Transportation expenses and all expenses necessary,
reasonable, and incidental to such examination shall be
included in the cost of such examination.
(4) Nothing in this section shall preclude any party
from obtaining an independent medical examination from a
physician who is not a member of the medical review panel.
(5) Upon written request of the employer, or if
insured, the insurer, the employee shall submit to a reasonable
number of independent medical examinations as provided for
in this section. The employee shall be entitled to have a
physician, provided and paid for by such employee, present at
any such independent medical examination. The employee
shall be entitled to receive from the independent examining
physician a copy of any report which said physician makes to
the employer, insurer, or the division. Said copy shall be
furnished to the employee at the same time it is furnished to
the employer, insurer, or division.
(6) Members of the medical review panel and any
person acting as a consultant, witness, or complainant shall be
immune from liability in any civil action brought against said
person for acts occurring while the person was acting as a panel
member, consultant, witness, or complainant, respectively, if
such person was acting in good faith within the scope of the
respective capacity, made a reasonable effort to obtain the facts
of the matter as to which action was taken, and acted in the
reasonable belief that the action taken by such person was
warranted by the facts.
(7) Any physician determining an impairment rating
on an injured worker pursuant to this title shall be immune
from civil liability in any action brought by any person based
on said impairment rating, absent the showing of malice or bad
faith on the part of the rating physician.
8-43-503. Utilization review of health care
providers. (1) The general assembly hereby finds and
determines that health care providers that provide medical care
or health care services that are not reasonably necessary or not
reasonably appropriate according to accepted professional
standards should not be allowed to provide such services to
workers' compensation claimants. The general assembly,
therefore, hereby declares that the purpose of the utilization
review process authorized in this section is to provide a
mechanism to review medical care or health care services
rendered pursuant to this article that may not be reasonably
necessary or reasonably appropriate according to accepted
professional standards and to provide a mechanism to prevent
such health care providers from providing medical care or
health care services.
(2) The provisions relating to the procedures for
utilization review found in section 8-43-501 (2), (3), (4),
(5)(a), (5)(c), and (5)(d) shall apply to utilization review under
this section. A unanimous vote by the committee created in
section 8-43-501 (3) shall be required for a recommendation to
the director that a health care provider not be allowed to
provide medical care or health care services to claimants.
(3) Employers, insurers, claimants, or their
representatives shall not dictate to any physician the type or
duration of treatment or degree of physical impairment.
Nothing in this subsection (3) shall be construed to abrogate
any managed care or cost containment measures authorized in
articles 40 to 47 of this title.
8-43-601. Short title. This part 6 shall be known and
may be cited as the "Provider Review and Disclosure Act".
8-43-602. Legislative declaration. The general
assembly finds, determines, and declares that insurer
performance programs are used in marketing, sales, and other
efforts, and, as such, may impact an employer's selection of an
authorized health care provider. To protect patients,
employers, and providers, and to avoid improper profiling, all
performance programs must be fair, objective, consistently
applied, and accord providers due process. Consistent with
these goals, performance programs should align incentives not
only with efficient operations, but also with cost-effective,
high-quality care. Accordingly, the general assembly finds that
requiring minimum standards and full disclosure of
performance program data and methodologies will help
improve the quality and efficiency of health care delivered to
Colorado workers.
8-43-603. Definitions. As used in this part 6, unless
the context otherwise requires:
(1) "Insurer" means an entity that provides workers'
compensation insurance coverage required by article 44 of this
title, including any third-party insurer or self-insured
(2) "Methodology" means the method by which an
assessment or measurement is determined, including
algorithms or studies, evaluation of data, application of
guidelines, or performance measures.
(3) "Patient" means a person who qualifies for health
care benefits under articles 40 to 47 of this title.
(4) "Performance program" means any program,
system, or process through which an insurer rates or recognizes
the cost, efficiency, quality, or other assessment or
measurement of a provider's care, whether through awards,
payments, assignment, or characterization or representation
that is disclosed to patients, other providers, employers, or the
(5) "Provider" means a physician licensed under the
"Colorado Medical Practice Act", article 240 of title 12, or a
clinic that provides health care pursuant to articles 40 to 47 of
this title 8.
8-43-604. Performance programs. (1) All
performance programs shall include, at a minimum:
To Index
(a) A quality of care component that is satisfied by
using standard treatment guidelines promulgated by the
director pursuant to section 8-42-101 or evidence-based
administrative, operational, or clinical performance measures
that improve care;
(b) A clear representation of the weight given to the
quality of care component in comparison with other factors,
which weight shall be equal to or greater than any other factor;
(c) If a performance program includes an employer
satisfaction element, a patient satisfaction element, which shall
be weighted equal to or greater than the employer satisfaction
(d) Statistical analyses that are objective, accurate,
valid, reliable, and verifiable;
(e) A period of assessment of data, pertinent to the
performance program, which shall be updated at appropriate
(f) If claims data are used, accurate claims data
appropriately attributed to the provider. When reasonably
available, the insurer shall use aggregated data from other
insurers to supplement its own claims data.
(g) The provider's responsibility for health care
decisions and the financial consequences of those decisions,
which shall be fairly and accurately attributed to the provider.
(2) Performance program results shall be reported to
each provider reviewed in the program and shall include
comparison of the provider's results to the results of the
provider's peers.
(3) Any disclosure to patients, other providers,
employers, or the public of the results of a performance
program shall be accompanied by a conspicuous disclaimer
written in bold-faced type stating that the information is
intended only as a guide, should not be the sole factor in
selecting a provider, has a risk of error, and should be
discussed with the provider.
8-43-605. Due process. (1) At least forty-five days
before disclosing the results of a performance program, an
insurer shall give a provider written notice of the availability
of the provider's individual result, specific instructions on how
the provider can access the result, and a description of the
implications to the provider. The written notice shall describe
the procedures by which the provider may request:
(a) The information required to be disclosed under
subsection (2) of this section; and
(b) An appeal of the result pursuant to subsection (3)
of this section.
(2) (a) Within ten business days after receiving a
request by or on behalf of a provider, an insurer shall disclose,
in a manner that is reasonably understandable and that allows
the provider to verify the data against his or her records, the
methodology and all data upon which a provider's performance
program result was calculated, with sufficient detail to allow
the provider to determine the effect of the methodology on the
data reviewed.
(b) An insurer shall not use the "Uniform Trade
Secrets Act", article 74 of title 7, C.R.S., to avoid compliance
with this section.
(3) Insurers shall establish procedures for providers
to appeal the results of a performance program. Such
procedures, in addition to the disclosures and the written notice
furnished, shall provide:
(a) A reasonable method by which the provider may
submit notice of the desire to appeal;
(b) The name, title, qualifications, and relationship to
the insurer of any person responsible for deciding the appeal,
who shall be authorized to uphold, modify, or reject results or
require additional action to ensure that results are fair,
reasonable, accurate, and comply with the requirements of this
part 6;
(c) An opportunity for a provider to submit or have
considered corrected data or other information relevant to the
results or the appropriateness of the methodology used. If
requested, a provider may appear at a face-to-face meeting
with those responsible for the appeal decision at a location
reasonably convenient to the provider or by teleconference.
The provider shall submit in writing any corrected data or
information in advance of the meeting.
(d) The provider's right to be assisted by a
representative, including an attorney;
(e) A detailed written decision regarding the appeal
that states the reasons for upholding, modifying, or rejecting
the appeal;
(f) Resolution of the appeal within forty-five days
after the date upon which the data and methodology are
disclosed unless otherwise agreed to by the parties to the
appeal; and
(g) A stay on the implementation, use, and disclosure
of and action upon the individual results of the performance
program until the appeal and any subsequent hearing requested
pursuant to section 8-43-207 has become final.
8-43-606. Enforcement. (1) An insurer shall not
limit, by contract or other means, the right of a provider to
enforce this part 6.
(2) This part 6 may be enforced through a hearing
pursuant to section 8-43-207 or in a civil action, and any
remedies at law and in equity are available.
(3) A violation of this part 6 constitutes an unfair or
deceptive act or practice under part 11 of article 3 of title 10,
8-43-607. Filing with director. At least thirty days
before implementing any new or amended performance
program, an insurer shall file a detailed description of the
performance program with the director.
To Index
8-44-101. Insurance requirements. (1) Any
employer subject to the provisions of articles 40 to 47 of this
title shall secure compensation for all employees in one or
more of the following ways, which shall be deemed to be
compliance with the insurance requirements of said articles:
(a) By insuring and keeping insured the payment of
such compensation in the Pinnacol Assurance fund;
(b) By insuring and keeping insured the payment of
such compensation with any stock or mutual corporation
authorized to transact the business of workers' compensation
insurance in this state. If insurance is effected in such stock or
mutual corporation, the employer or insurer shall forthwith file
with the division, in form prescribed by it, a notice specifying
the name of the insured and the insurer, the business and place
of business of the insured, the effective and termination dates
of the policy, and, when requested, a copy of the contract or
policy of insurance.
(c) By procuring a self-insurance permit from the
executive director as provided in section 8-44-201, except for
public entity pools as described in section 8-44-204 (3), which
shall procure self-insurance certificates of authority from the
commissioner of insurance as provided in section 8-44-204;
(d) By procuring a self-insurance certificate of
authority from the commissioner of insurance as provided in
section 8-44-205.
(2) It shall be unlawful, except as provided in
sections 8-41-401 and 8-41-402, for any employer, regardless
of the method of insurance, to require an employee to pay all
or any part of the cost of such insurance.
(3) (a) (I) Except as otherwise provided in
subparagraph (II) of this paragraph (a), all public entities in the
state shall insure and keep insured the payment of
compensation by electing one of the methods provided in
subsection (1) of this section. A public entity having an insured
payroll of less than one million dollars annually shall not be
eligible for self-insurance; except that public entities forming
a pool pursuant to section 8-44-204 (3) shall be eligible if the
total of all the payrolls of the public entities in the pool exceeds
the required minimum.
(II) Any public entity in the state that is participating
in the federal prison industry enhancement certification
program pursuant to the federal "Justice System Improvement
Act of 1979", 18 U.S.C. sec. 1761 (c), shall insure and keep
insured the payment of compensation by electing one of the
methods provided in subsection (1) of this section; except that
the method for insuring the participants of such program need
not be the same method selected by the public entity pursuant
to subparagraph (I) of this paragraph (a).
(b) For purposes of this subsection (3), the
department of human services, by virtue of the self-insurance
program established pursuant to section 8-44-203, shall be
considered a public entity of the state.
8-44-102. Contract for insurance subject to
workers' compensation act. (1) Every contract for the
insurance of compensation and benefits as provided in articles
40 to 47 of this title or against liability therefor is subject to
articles 40 to 47 of this title, and all provisions in the contract
for insurance inconsistent with those articles are void. Any
contract of insurance issued under articles 40 to 47 of this title
by any insurance carrier, including stock and mutual
corporations and Pinnacol Assurance, may include and cover
any liability of the employer on account of personal injuries
sustained by or death resulting therefrom to any employee.
(2) (a) (I) Except as specified in subparagraph (III)
of this paragraph (a), every carrier providing workers'
compensation insurance that is authorized to conduct business
in Colorado shall submit an annual report to the commissioner
of insurance listing any policy forms as may be requested by
the commissioner. The listing must be submitted no later than
July 1 of each year and must contain a certification by an
officer of the carrier that, to the best of the officer's knowledge,
each policy form in use complies with Colorado law. The
commissioner shall determine the necessary elements of the
(II) (A) An advisory organization as defined in
section 10-4-402 (1), C.R.S., or a rating organization as
defined in section 10-4-402 (3), C.R.S., shall submit an annual
report to the commissioner of insurance listing any policy
forms as may be requested by the commissioner. The listing
must be submitted no later than July 1 of each year and must
contain a certification by an officer of the organization that, to
the best of the officer's knowledge, each policy form listed
complies with Colorado law. The commissioner shall
determine the necessary elements of the certification.
(B) As used in this section, "form" may include any
endorsement, rider, letter, notice, or other document affecting
an insurance policy or contract issued or delivered to any
policyholder in Colorado.
(III) If a carrier uses, in their entirety and without
modification, forms prepared by an advisory organization as
defined in section 10-4-402 (1), C.R.S., or a rating
organization as defined in section 10-4-402 (3), C.R.S., the
carrier shall notify the commissioner of insurance that it adopts
the annual report filed by the advisory organization or rating
organization under subparagraph (II) of this paragraph (a) and,
if it so notifies the commissioner, it need not submit the
certification required by subparagraph (I) of this paragraph (a).
If a carrier uses forms that deviate from the forms listed by the
advisory organization or rating organization, or if it uses forms
other than those listed by the advisory organization or rating
organization, the carrier shall submit the annual listing of
forms and certification as required by subparagraph (I) of this
paragraph (a).
(b) In addition to submitting the documentation
required under paragraph (a) of this subsection (2) and except
as specified in subparagraph (III) of this paragraph (b):
(I) Every carrier providing workers' compensation
insurance that is authorized to conduct business in Colorado,
every advisory organization as defined in section 10-4-402 (1),
C.R.S., and every rating organization as defined in section 10-
4-402 (3), C.R.S., shall submit to the commissioner a list of
any new or revised policy forms as may be requested by the
To Index
commissioner at least thirty-one days before a carrier uses the
forms. Unless a carrier notifies the division of insurance
otherwise, policy forms submitted on behalf of a member of an
advisory organization or rating organization are deemed to be
automatically adopted by the carrier without modification.
(II) The listing must also contain a certification by an
officer of the carrier or an officer of the advisory or rating
organization that, to the best of the officer's knowledge, each
new or revised policy form, endorsement, rider, letter, notice,
or other document proposed to be used complies with
Colorado law. The commissioner shall determine the
necessary elements of the certification.
(III) If an advisory organization or rating
organization certifies a form as required by subparagraph (II)
of this paragraph (b) and a carrier is a member of that
organization and uses the form in its entirety, the carrier need
not list that form as required by subparagraph (I) of this
paragraph (b) or submit a certification for that form as required
by subparagraph (II) of this paragraph (b).
(c) The commissioner may examine and investigate
workers' compensation carriers authorized to conduct business
in Colorado to determine whether workers' compensation
policy forms, as may be requested by the commissioner,
comply with the certification of the carrier and statutory
8-44-103. Insurers to file system of rating -
approval. Every insurance carrier authorized to transact
business in this state that insures employers against liability for
compensation under the provisions of articles 40 to 47 of this
title shall file with the commissioner of insurance its
classification of risks, any premiums relating thereto, and any
subsequent proposed classification of risks and premiums,
together with all rates and any systems of rating.
8-44-104. Cutting rates - rebates - penalty. Every
insurance carrier that writes compensation insurance shall
write insurance at the rates filed with the commissioner of
insurance. The cutting of rates, rebating, or any other method
whereby, directly or indirectly, any employer is given the
benefit of or obtains a rate lower than that approved by the
commissioner of insurance is prohibited. The commissioner of
insurance may suspend the license of any insurance carrier,
agent, or broker who violates any provision of this section.
Also, any insurance carrier, any employer, or any officer,
agent, or employee thereof who violates any provision of this
section is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction
thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not more than one
hundred dollars for each such violation.
8-44-105. Provisions of policies - primary liability
- notice of injury. Every contract insuring against liability for
compensation or insurance policy evidencing the same shall
contain a clause to the effect that the insurance carrier shall be
directly and primarily liable to the employee and, in the event
of death, to said employee's dependents to pay compensation,
if any, for which the employer is liable, thereby discharging to
the extent of such payment the obligations of the employer to
the employee; that, as between the employee and the insurance
carrier, notice or knowledge of the occurrence of the injury on
the part of the employer shall be deemed notice or knowledge,
as the case may be, on the part of the insurance carrier; that
jurisdiction of the employer, for the purpose of articles 40 to
47 of this title, shall be jurisdiction of the insurance carrier; and
that the insurance carrier, in all things, shall be bound by and
subject to the orders, findings, decisions, or awards rendered
against the employer under the provisions of said articles. Such
policy shall also provide that the employee shall have a first
lien upon any amount which becomes owing to the employer
from the insurance carrier, and the insurance carrier shall pay
the same directly to the employee or the employee's
dependents, thereby discharging to the extent of such payment
the obligation of the employer to the employee. The policy
shall not contain any provisions relieving the insurance carrier
from payment when the employer becomes legally incapable
or insolvent or is discharged in bankruptcy or otherwise during
the period that the policy is in operation or the compensation
remains owing.
8-44-106. Insurer violation - suspension or
revocation of license. If any insurance carrier intentionally,
knowingly, or willfully violates any of the provisions of
articles 40 to 47 of this title, the commissioner of insurance, on
the request of the director, shall suspend or revoke the license
or authority of such carrier to do a compensation business in
this state.
8-44-107. Right of insurer to examine books of
employer. Any insurance carrier operating under the workers'
compensation act may apply to the commissioner of insurance
for permission to examine any of the books, payrolls, or other
documents of any employer insured by such carrier or of any
contractor, subcontractor, lessee, sublessee, or person covered
by the employer's compensation insurance to determine the
amount of wage expenditure of such employer or of any
contractor, subcontractor, lessee, sublessee, or person during
any period that such insureds were insured by the insurance
carrier. The commissioner of insurance may grant such carrier
authority in writing to make the investigation or may appoint
any agents of the division of insurance to conduct the
8-44-108. Repayments for
misclassifications. (1) Every insurance carrier authorized to
transact business in this state, including Pinnacol Assurance,
which insures employers against liability for compensation
under the provisions of articles 40 to 47 of this title, is
authorized to charge and collect any amount of money that
should have been included in premiums paid by an insured but
were not included in such premiums as a result of job
misclassification. Upon written request by the employer, the
issue of whether a job misclassification occurred shall be
determined in writing by the insurance company. The
employer's request shall be made within thirty working days
after the anniversary date of the policy or the date of receipt by
the employer of notice of a change in job classification. The
insurance company's determination shall be made within thirty
days after receipt of the employer's written request. An
employer may appeal any determination of an insurance
company made pursuant to this subsection (1) to the workers'
compensation classification appeals board, pursuant to section
8-55-102. If it is determined that a job misclassification
occurred and that such misclassification was caused by the
failure of the insured to provide accurate or complete data in
order to determine the proper classification as requested by the
insurance carrier, the repayment may be collected during the
To Index
term of the contract for such insurance plus an additional
reasonable time not to exceed twelve months.
(2) Any employer who has purchased insurance
against liability for compensation under the provisions of
articles 40 to 47 of this title is authorized to recover any
amount of money which should not have been included in
premiums paid by the employer but which were included in
such premiums as a result of job misclassification. The
repayment may be collected during the term of the contract for
such insurance plus an additional reasonable time not to
exceed twelve months.
8-44-109. Notice - change in rate by classification
- policyholder's right to appeal classifications - availability
of medical case management services. (1) Any insurance
carrier authorized to transact business in this state, including
Pinnacol Assurance, which insures employers against liability
for compensation under the provisions of articles 40 to 47 of
this title, shall supply information regarding a change in the
rate by classification to any insured employer, if such
employer has requested that such information be supplied.
Such information shall be supplied within thirty days
following release of such information to such insurer by the
authorized rating organization and following approval of such
rate change by the division of insurance. As soon as reasonably
possible after the division of insurance's approval of a change
in rate by classification, the authorized rating organization
shall disseminate notice of such approval and change in rate.
(2) Every insurance carrier authorized to transact
business in Colorado, including Pinnacol Assurance, which
insures employers against liability for compensation under the
provisions of articles 40 to 47 of this title, shall clearly and
conspicuously inform policyholders of their rights to appeal
employee classification designations, the procedures to be
used for such an appeal, and the types of medical case
management that the carrier has available to employees to
promote medical cost containment.
8-44-110. Notice of cancellation. Every insurance
carrier authorized to transact business in this state, including
Pinnacol Assurance, which insures employers against liability
for compensation under the provisions of articles 40 to 47 of
this title, shall notify any employer insured by the carrier or
Pinnacol Assurance, and any agent or representative of such
employer, if applicable, by certified mail of any cancellation
of such employer's insurance coverage. Such notice shall be
sent at least thirty days prior to the effective date of the
cancellation of the insurance. However, if the cancellation is
based on one or more of the following reasons, then such
notice may be sent less than thirty days prior to the effective
date of the cancellation of the insurance: Fraud, material
misrepresentation, nonpayment of premium, or any other
reason approved by the commissioner of insurance.
8-44-111. Workers' compensation insurance -
deductibles - definition. (1) (a) Any employer may agree, as
a condition of any contract for the insurance of compensation
and benefits as provided in articles 40 to 47 of this title or
against liability therefor, to pay an amount not to exceed the
split point approved by the commissioner of insurance per
claim toward the total amount of any claim payable under
articles 40 to 47 of this title. The amount of premium to be paid
by an employer who agrees to pay such deductible shall be
reduced based upon such deductible in an amount determined
by the insurance carrier.
(b) As used in this subsection (1), "split point" means
the amount of each loss approved by the commissioner of
insurance that an insurer may apply as the primary loss in each
workers' compensation claim. The full amount of primary
losses counts in each employer's experience modification
calculation that determines the employer's percentage credit or
surcharge on workers' compensation coverage. The loss
amount above the split point is excess loss and constitutes part
of each employer's experience modification calculation.
(c) Nothing in this section abrogates an employer's
responsibility to pay the full amount of any compensation and
benefits due under articles 40 to 47 of this title. It is a violation
of this title for an employer or, if insured, the insurer to require
any employee to pay any part of the compensation and benefits
due under articles 40 to 47 of this title.
(d) It is a violation of this title for an employer or, if
insured, the insurer to require an employee to use any other
type of insurance, regardless of whether it is provided as a
benefit of employment, or any other employment benefit, to
pay any portion of any compensation and benefits due under
articles 40 to 47 of this title.
(e) Nothing in this subsection (1) allows a carrier to
stop offering no-deductible policies.
(1.5) Whenever any insurer, including Pinnacol
Assurance created in section 8-45-101, issues a workers'
compensation policy in this state, and annually thereafter, the
insurer must issue a policy including the deductible provision
if requested by the insured employer; except that the
commissioner shall promulgate rules establishing criteria to
allow the insurer to deny a deductible policy to an employer
based on financial inability to reimburse the insurer for the
deductible plan selected.
(2) The existence of an insurance contract with a
deductible or the fact of payment as a result of a deductible
shall not affect the requirement of an employer to report an
injury or death to the division as required in section 8-43-103
(3) The deductible amounts paid by any employer
under the provisions of this section shall be excluded from
consideration by insurance carriers authorized to transact
business in Colorado, including Pinnacol Assurance, which
insures employers against liability for compensation under the
provisions of articles 40 to 47 of this title, in establishing the
modification factors based upon experience used by such
insurance carriers to determine premiums. For purposes of
experience modifications, medical only claims shall be
calculated in the same manner as claims with indemnity
(4) Every insurance carrier authorized to transact
business in Colorado, including Pinnacol Assurance, which
insures employers against liability for compensation under the
provisions of articles 40 to 47 of this title, shall clearly and
conspicuously inform policyholders of the availability of the
deductible option specified in subsection (1) of this section.
8-44-112. Surcharge on workers' compensation
insurance premiums - workers' compensation cash
fund. (1) (a) Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 10-3-
209 (1)(c) and 10-6-128 (3), C.R.S., for the purpose of
To Index
offsetting the direct and indirect costs of the administration of
the workers' compensation system, every person, partnership,
association, and corporation, whether organized under the laws
of this state or of any other state or country, every mutual
company or association, every captive insurance company, and
every other insurance carrier, including Pinnacol Assurance,
insuring employers in this state against liability for personal
injury to their employees or death caused thereby under the
provisions of the "Workers' Compensation Act of Colorado"
shall, as provided in this section, pay a surcharge upon the
premiums received, whether in cash or not, in this state, or on
account of business done in this state, for such insurance in this
state, at a rate established by the director by rule, which
surcharge shall be reviewed and adjusted annually based upon
appropriations made for the direct and indirect costs of the
administration of the workers' compensation system, as
provided in subsection (7) of this section. Such insurance
carriers shall be credited with all cancelled or returned
premiums actually refunded during the year of such insurance.
(b) (I) For the purpose of funding the direct and
indirect costs of the activities of the division related to the
"Workers' Compensation Cost Containment Act", article 14.5
of this title, there shall be added to the surcharge imposed
pursuant to paragraph (a) of this subsection (1) an increment
not to exceed three-hundredths of one percent upon the
premiums received, said surcharge to be reviewed and adjusted
annually and paid over to the division in the same manner as
specified in this section for the surcharge.
(II) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this
section, no employer acting as a self-insurer under the
provisions of the "Workers' Compensation Act of Colorado"
shall be subject to the increment added to the surcharge
pursuant to subparagraph (I) of this paragraph (b).
(III) All moneys collected pursuant to subparagraph
(I) of this paragraph (b) shall be transmitted to the state
treasurer, who shall credit the same to the cost containment
fund, created in section 8-14.5-108.
(2) Every such insurance carrier shall, on July 1,
1987, and semiannually thereafter, make a return, verified by
affidavits of its president and secretary, or other chief officers
or agents, to the division of workers' compensation, stating the
amount of all such premiums received and credits granted
during the period covered by such return. Every insurance
carrier required to make such return shall file the same with the
division within thirty days after the close of the period covered
thereby and shall, at the same time, pay to the division of
workers' compensation a surcharge ascertained as provided in
subsection (1) of this section, less return premiums on
cancelled policies.
(3) Every employer acting as a self-insurer under the
provisions of the "Workers' Compensation Act of Colorado"
shall, under oath, report to the division of workers'
compensation the business payroll in such form as may be
prescribed by the director and at the times in this section
provided for premium reports by insurance companies in
subsection (2) of this section. The division shall assess against
such payroll a surcharge for the purposes of this section
ascertained as provided in subsection (2) of this section on the
basic premiums chargeable against the same or most similar
industry or business taken from the manual insurance rates,
including any discount or experience modification allowed,
chargeable by the Pinnacol Assurance fund, and, upon receipt
of notice from the division of workers' compensation of the
surcharge so assessed, every such self-insurer shall, within
thirty days after the receipt of such notice, pay to the division
of workers' compensation the surcharge so assessed.
(4) If any such insurance carrier or self-insurer fails
or refuses to make the return required by this article, the
director shall assess the surcharge against such insurance
carrier or self-insurer at the rate provided for in this section on
such amount of premium as the director may deem just, and
the proceedings thereof shall be the same as if the return had
been made.
(5) If any such insurance carrier or self-insurer
withdraws from business in this state before the surcharge falls
due as provided in this section, or fails or neglects to pay such
surcharge, the director shall at once proceed to collect the
same; and the director is authorized to employ such legal
processes as may be necessary for that purpose. Suit shall be
brought by the director in any of the courts of this state having
(6) The director, in the enforcement of this section,
shall have all of the powers granted to said director in the
"Workers' Compensation Act of Colorado", and any insurance
carrier or self-insurer violating any of the provisions of this
section, or failing to pay the surcharge imposed in this section,
is guilty of violation of said act and subject to the penalties
therein prescribed.
(7) (a) All moneys collected pursuant to this section
shall be transmitted to the state treasurer, who shall credit the
same to the workers' compensation cash fund, which fund is
hereby created. The moneys in the workers' compensation cash
fund shall be subject to annual appropriation by the general
assembly for the direct and indirect costs of the administration
of the "Workers' Compensation Act of Colorado", articles 40
to 47 of this title. Any interest earned on the investment or
deposit of moneys in the workers' compensation cash fund
shall remain in the fund and shall not revert to the general fund
of the state at the end of any fiscal year.
(b) Notwithstanding any provision of paragraph (a)
of this subsection (7) to the contrary, on March 5, 2003, the
state treasurer shall deduct six million dollars from the
workers' compensation cash fund and transfer such sum to the
general fund.
(c) Notwithstanding any provision of paragraph (a)
of this subsection (7) to the contrary, on March 30, 2009, the
state treasurer shall deduct fifteen million seven hundred
thousand dollars from the workers' compensation cash fund
and transfer such sum to the general fund.
(d) The workers' compensation cash fund is exempt
from the limitations set forth in section 24-75-402.
8-44-113. Data from insurance carriers and self-
insured employers related to workers' compensation -
studies related to workers' compensation system.
8-44-114. Determination of premium. The amount
of the premium to be paid by an employer for a contract of
insurance of compensation and benefits as provided in articles
40 to 47 of this title or against liability therefor shall be on the
basis of the annual expenditure of money by said employer for
To Index
the services of persons engaged in such employer's
employment; except that no portion of such expenditure
representing a per diem payment shall be considered unless
such payment is considered wages for federal income tax
8-44-115. Calculation of premium - motor vehicle
accidents. (1) The amount by which an employer's
experience rating is modified, if at all, as the result of a motor
vehicle accident in which an employee is injured or killed shall
be reduced in accordance with this section if:
(a) The employee is entitled to benefits under articles
40 to 47 of this title; and
(b) The accident was not caused, wholly or in part,
by the employee or the employer; and
(c) The use of a motor vehicle is not an integral part
of the employer's business, as determined under rules
promulgated by the commissioner of insurance under section
10-4-408 (5)(e), C.R.S.
(2) (a) Any modification of an employer's
experience rating resulting from an accident described in
subsection (1) of this section shall reflect the deduction of a
loss limitation, the amount of which shall be determined by the
commissioner of insurance under rules adopted pursuant to
section 10-4-408 (5)(e), C.R.S.
(b) All loss experience remaining after deduction of
the loss limitation referred to in paragraph (a) of this
subsection (2) shall be distributed among all workers'
compensation classifications in use in the state as determined
by the commissioner of insurance. For purposes of such
distribution, classifications of businesses of which use of a
motor vehicle is an integral part may be treated differently
from classifications of businesses of which use of a motor
vehicle is not an integral part.
(3) This section applies to all insurers, including
Pinnacol Assurance created in section 8-45-101, offering
workers' compensation insurance under articles 40 to 47 of this
title. The provisions of this section shall be disclosed to all
policyholders annually.
8-44-116. Reversionary interests in indemnity
benefits prohibited. No provision in a contract for insurance
regulated by this article or any contract ancillary to such a
contract, including specifically a contract setting up an annuity
for indemnity benefits, shall establish a reversionary interest in
the insurer for the indemnity benefits. Any such provision is
void and unenforceable as against public policy.
8-44-201. Employer as own insurance carrier -
revocation of permission. (1) The executive director has the
discretion to grant to any employer who has accepted the
provisions of articles 40 to 47 of this title permission to be its
own insurance carrier for the payment of the compensation and
benefits provided by said articles. Such permission may be
granted by the executive director after the filing by an
employer of such statement and the giving of such information
as may be required by the executive director. The executive
director has the sole power to prescribe the rules, regulations,
orders, terms, and conditions upon which said permit shall be
granted or continued. Permission for self-insurance may be
revoked at any time by the executive director, and the
employer, upon notice of revocation, shall immediately insure
otherwise all liability.
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (1)
of this section, the executive director shall not prescribe or
apply security requirements in granting or continuing
permission for the self-insurance program of the department of
human services established pursuant to section 8-44-203 but
shall provide instead for alternatives to such security
requirements including trust funds, surety bonds, excess
insurance, or other security acceptable to the executive
director. The alternative security requirements provided by this
subsection (2) shall apply only to claims arising on or after July
1, 1985, and before July 1, 1990. The trust fund in existence
on May 24, 1990, pursuant to the trust agreement between the
department of human services, a third party administrator, and
the state treasurer, dated June 27, 1985, shall remain in
existence through June 30, 1990.
(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (1)
of this section, the executive director shall not prescribe or
apply security requirements in continuing permission for an
employer which is acting as its own insurance carrier on July
1, 1986, which are in excess of those security requirements in
effect on July 1, 1986, unless there is a substantial change in
the economic condition or potential liability of such employer.
(4) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (1)
of this section, the executive director shall not prescribe or
apply security requirements in granting or continuing
permission for a self-insurance program established by the
state pursuant to section 24-30-1510.7, C.R.S.
8-44-202. Workers' compensation self-insurance
fund - created. (1) The executive director shall establish and
collect such fees as the executive director determines are
necessary to administer this section, which fees shall not
supplant funding for any other function of the department of
labor and employment. The fees established pursuant to this
subsection (1) shall not exceed two thousand dollars for an
initial application or for an annual review of any employer
acting as a self-insurer under this section.
(2) The executive director shall transmit any moneys
received pursuant to subsection (1) of this section to the state
treasurer, who shall place such moneys in the workers'
compensation self-insurance fund, which fund is hereby
created. The general assembly shall make appropriations from
such fund for the purposes of administering this section.
8-44-203. Department of human services - self-
insurance program. The general assembly hereby finds and
declares that a program shall be established by the department
of human services and the department of labor and
employment to provide for a self-insurance program for the
department of human services, which shall apply only to
claims arising on or after July 1, 1985, and before July 1, 1990.
8-44-204. Public entities - self-insurance
authorized for workers' compensation - pooled insurance -
definition. (1) "Public entity", as used in this section, means
and includes any county, municipality, school district, and any
other type of district or authority organized pursuant to law.
(2) A public entity may, after receiving permission
pursuant to section 8-44-101 (1)(c), act as its own insurance
To Index
carrier for compensation and benefits. Any public entity other
than a school district may establish and maintain an insurance
reserve fund for self-insurance purposes and may include in
the annual tax levy of the public entity such amounts as are
determined by its governing body to be necessary for the uses
and purposes of the insurance reserve fund, subject to the
limitations imposed by section 29-1-301, C.R.S. School
districts may establish and maintain an insurance reserve fund
in accordance with the provisions of section 22-45-103 (1)(e),
C.R.S., using moneys allocated thereto pursuant to the
provisions of section 22-54-105 (2), C.R.S. In the event that a
public entity has no annual tax levy, it may appropriate from
any unexpended balance in the general fund such amounts as
the governing body shall deem necessary for the purposes and
uses of the insurance reserve fund.
(3) Public entities may cooperate with one another to
form a self-insurance pool to provide the insurance coverage
required by this article for the cooperating public entities. Any
such insurance pool shall be formed pursuant to the provisions
of part 2 of article 1 of title 29, C.R.S. The provisions of
articles 10.5 and 47 of title 11, C.R.S., shall apply to moneys
of such self-insurance pool.
(4) [Editor's note: This version of subsection (4) is
effective until January 1, 2018.] Any self-insurance pool
authorized by subsection (3) of this section shall not be
construed to be an insurance company nor otherwise subject to
the provisions of the laws of this state regulating insurance or
insurance companies; except that the pool shall comply with
the applicable provisions of sections 10-1-203 and 10-1-204
(1) to (5) and (10), C.R.S.
(4) [Editor's note: This version of subsection (4) is
effective January 1, 2018.] Any self-insurance pool
authorized by subsection (3) of this section shall not be
construed to be an insurance company nor otherwise subject to
the laws of this state regulating insurance or insurance
companies; except that the pool shall comply with the
applicable provisions of sections 10-1-203 and 10-1-204 (1) to
(5) Prior to the formation of a self-insurance pool,
there shall be submitted to the commissioner of insurance a
complete written proposal of the pool's operation, including,
but not limited to, the administration, claims adjusting,
membership, plan for reinsurance, and capitalization of the
pool. The commissioner shall review the proposal within thirty
days after receipt to assure that proper insurance techniques
and procedures are included in the proposal. After such review,
the commissioner shall have the right to approve or disapprove
the proposal. If the commissioner approves the proposal, the
commissioner shall issue a certificate of authority. The costs
of such review shall be paid by the public entities desiring to
form such a pool.
(6) Each self-insurance pool for public entities
created in this state shall file, with the commissioner of
insurance on or before March 30 of each year, a written report
in a form prescribed by the commissioner, signed and verified
by its chief executive officer as to its condition.
(7) The commissioner of insurance, or any person
authorized by the commissioner of insurance, shall conduct an
insurance examination at least once a year to determine that
proper underwriting techniques and sound funding, loss
reserves, and claims procedures are being followed. This
examination shall be paid for by the self-insurance pool out of
its funds at the same rate as provided for foreign insurance
companies under section 10-1-204 (9), C.R.S.
(8) (a) The certificate of authority issued to a public
entity under this section may be revoked or suspended by the
commissioner of insurance for any of the following reasons:
(I) Insolvency or impairment;
(II) Refusal or failure to submit an annual report as
required by subsection (6) of this section;
(III) Failure to comply with the provisions of its own
ordinances, resolutions, contracts, or other conditions relating
to the self-insurance pool;
(IV) Failure to submit to examination or any legal
obligation relative thereto;
(V) Refusal to pay the cost of examination as
required by subsection (7) of this section;
(VI) Use of methods which, although not otherwise
specifically proscribed by law, nevertheless render the
operation of the self-insurance pool hazardous, or its condition
unsound, to the public;
(VII) Failure to otherwise comply with the law of
this state, if such failure renders the operation of the self-
insurance pool hazardous to the public.
(b) If the commissioner of insurance finds upon
examination, hearing, or other evidence that any participating
public entity has committed any of the acts specified in
paragraph (a) of this subsection (8) or any act otherwise
prohibited in this section, the commissioner may suspend or
revoke such certificate of authority if the commissioner deems
it in the best interest of the public. Notice of any revocation
shall be published in one or more daily newspapers in Denver
which have a general state circulation. Before suspending or
revoking any certificate of authority of a public entity, the
commissioner shall grant the public entity fifteen days in
which to show cause why such action should not be taken.
(9) (a) Any self-insurance pool organized pursuant to
this section may invest in securities meeting the investment
requirements established in part 6 of article 75 of title 24,
C.R.S., and may also invest in membership claim deductibles
and in any other security or other investment authorized for
such pools by the commissioner of insurance.
(b) Any public entity which is a member of a self-
insurance pool which is organized pursuant to this section or
any instrumentality formed by two or more of such members
may invest in subordinated debentures issued by such self-
insurance pool.
(10) In addition to workers' compensation coverage
pursuant to subsection (3) of this section, a self-insurance pool
authorized by subsection (3) of this section may provide
property coverage pursuant to section 29-13-102, C.R.S., and
liability coverage pursuant to section 24-10-115.5, C.R.S.
8-44-205. Employers - self-insurance pools
authorized for workers' compensation -
definition. (1) "Employers", as used in this section, means a
bona fide trade or professional association or two or more
employers which are engaged in the same or similar type of
business or are members of the same bona fide trade or
professional association.
To Index
(2) Employers may cooperate with one another to
form a self-insurance pool to provide the insurance coverage
required by this article for cooperating employers.
(3) [Editor's note: This version of subsection (3) is
effective until January 1, 2018.] Any self-insurance pool
authorized by subsection (2) of this section shall not be
construed to be an insurance company nor otherwise subject to
the provisions of the laws of this state regulating insurance or
insurance companies; except that the pool shall comply with
the applicable provisions of sections 10-1-203 and 10-1-204
(1) to (5) and (10), C.R.S., and shall be subject to proceedings
authorized by part 5 of article 3 of title 10, C.R.S.
(3) [Editor's note: This version of subsection (3) is
effective January 1, 2018.] Any self-insurance pool
authorized by subsection (2) of this section shall not be
construed to be an insurance company nor otherwise subject to
the laws of this state regulating insurance or insurance
companies; except that the pool shall comply with the
applicable provisions of sections 10-1-203 and 10-1-204 (1) to
(5), and is subject to proceedings authorized by part 5 of article
3 of title 10.
(4) Prior to the formation of a self-insurance pool,
there shall be submitted to the commissioner of insurance a
complete written proposal of the pool's operation, including,
but not limited to, the administration, claims adjusting,
membership, plan for reinsurance, capitalization of the pool,
and risk management programs. The commissioner shall
review the proposal within forty-five days after receipt to
assure that proper insurance techniques and procedures are
included in the proposal. After such review, the commissioner
shall have the right to approve or disapprove the proposal. If
the commissioner of insurance has not disapproved the
proposal within ninety days of receipt of the proposal, such
proposal shall be deemed approved. If the commissioner
approves the proposal, the commissioner shall issue a
certificate of authority. The costs of such review shall be paid
by the employers desiring to form such a pool.
(5) Each self-insurance pool for employers created in
this state shall file with the commissioner of insurance, on or
before March 30 of each year, a written report in a form
prescribed by the commissioner, signed and verified by its
chief executive officer as to its condition.
(6) The commissioner of insurance, or the
commissioner's designee, shall conduct an insurance
examination at least once a year to determine that proper
underwriting techniques and sound funding, loss reserves, and
claims procedures are being followed. This examination shall
be paid for by the self-insurance pool out of its funds at the
same rate as provided for foreign insurance companies under
section 10-1-204 (9), C.R.S.
(7) (a) The certificate of authority issued to an
employer self-insurance pool under this section may be
revoked or suspended by the commissioner of insurance for
any of the following reasons:
(I) Insolvency or impairment;
(II) Refusal or failure to submit an annual report as
required by subsection (5) of this section;
(III) Failure to comply with the provisions of its own
rules, resolutions, contracts, or other conditions relating to the
self-insurance pool;
(IV) Failure to submit to examination or any legal
obligation relative thereto;
(V) Refusal to pay the cost of examination as
required by subsection (6) of this section;
(VI) Use of methods which, although not otherwise
specifically proscribed by law, nevertheless render the
operation of the self-insurance pool hazardous, or its condition
unsound, to the public;
(VII) Failure to otherwise comply with the law of
this state, if such failure renders the operation of the self-
insurance pool hazardous to the public.
(b) If the commissioner of insurance finds upon
examination, hearing, or other evidence that any participating
employer self-insurance pool has committed any of the acts
specified in paragraph (a) of this subsection (7) or any act
otherwise prohibited in this section, the commissioner may
suspend or revoke such certificate of authority if the
commissioner deems it in the best interest of the public. Notice
of any revocation shall be published in one or more daily
newspapers in Denver which have a general state circulation.
Before suspending or revoking any certificate of authority of
an employer self-insurance pool, the commissioner shall grant
the employer self-insurance pool fifteen days in which to show
cause why such action should not be taken.
(8) The commissioner of insurance may supervise or
rehabilitate an employer self-insurance pool pursuant to the
provisions of parts 4 and 5 of article 3 of title 10, C.R.S., for
any of the following reasons:
(a) Insolvency or impairment;
(b) Failure to comply with the provisions of its own
rules, resolutions, contracts, or other conditions relating to the
self-insurance pool;
(c) Failure to submit to examination or any legal
obligation relative thereto;
(d) Use of methods which, although not otherwise
specifically proscribed by law, nevertheless render the
operation of the self-insurance pool hazardous, or its condition
unsound, to the public;
(e) Failure to otherwise comply with the law of this
state, if such failure renders the operation of the self-insurance
pool hazardous to the public.
(9) The commissioner of insurance may promulgate
reasonable rules and regulations necessary to effectuate the
purposes of this section.
(10) Any self-insurance pool or any trust which
provides insurance coverage for purposes of articles 40 to 47
of this title which is in existence and is operating prior to July
10, 1987, is not subject to the requirements of this section and
may continue to operate such pool or trust as authorized by
(11) Each self-insurance pool created under this
section shall establish a trust fund, on an annual basis, to
provide payment of the total workers' compensation loss cost
incurred by all pool members within each given year.
Aggregate excess insurance shall be provided by each self-
insurance pool to the statutory limit of coverage, attaching at
the maximum amount of each annual trust fund balance, or, in
lieu thereof, the commissioner of insurance shall set other
security standards which assure payment of workers'
To Index
compensation in the event that a self-insurance pool disbands
or defaults.
8-44-206. Guaranty fund - immediate payment
fund - special funds board - creation. (1) The general
assembly hereby finds and declares that benefits awarded
under articles 40 to 47 of this title to claimants employed by
self-insurers may be unreasonably delayed or not paid at all if
receipt of the proceeds of the bond required of the self-insurer
is delayed or if the self-insurer declares bankruptcy or has
insufficient reserves to cover the claim. The general assembly
further finds and declares that the creation of an immediate
payment fund and a guaranty fund will assure prompt and
complete payment of benefits awarded to such claimants.
(2) Creation of special funds board - duties.
(a) For the purposes of carrying out this section, there is
hereby created a special funds board which shall exercise its
powers and perform its duties and functions as specified in this
subsection (2) under the department of labor and employment
as if the same were transferred to the department by a type 2
transfer as such transfer is defined in the "Administrative
Organization Act of 1968", article 1 of title 24, C.R.S. Said
board shall be composed of five members: Four members who
are managers or employees of self-insured employers in good
standing, two of whom shall demonstrate knowledge of risk
management and finance, and the executive director.
(b) With the exception of the executive director, the
board members shall be appointed by the governor and
approved by the senate. The terms of the members of the board
first appointed shall be four years, three years, two years, and
one year, respectively. Thereafter, the term for each appointed
board member shall be four years. Members of the board may
be reappointed and the executive director shall serve
(c) The members of the board shall receive no
compensation but shall be reimbursed for actual and necessary
traveling and subsistence expenses incurred in the
performance of their duties as members of the board.
(d) (I) The board shall determine the assessments to
be made pursuant to subsections (3) and (4) of this section and
shall determine the qualifications and requirements for any
claims administrators hired to adjust the claims of a self-
insurer who fails to meet his obligations with respect to
benefits awarded pursuant to articles 40 to 47 of this title.
(II) The board shall also participate, in an advisory
capacity only, in matters concerning the granting or
termination of self-insurance permits and the setting of
security requirements.
(3) Immediate payment fund - assessments -
creation of fund. (a) The board shall impose an assessment
upon each employer self-insured under section 8-44-201.
Assessments under this subsection (3) shall be based upon a
ratio equal to the self-insured employer's paid workers'
compensation medical and indemnity losses for the most
recent self-insurance permit year divided by the aggregate sum
of paid medical and indemnity losses by all self-insured
employers for that year. Such losses shall be determined on
July 1, 1990, for the most recently completed permit year, and
on the first day of July for each year thereafter until the
minimum fund balance has been reached. Contributions to the
fund shall not be assets of the self-insured employer.
(b) (I) All moneys received by the executive director
pursuant to this subsection (3) shall be deposited in the state
treasury in the immediate payment fund, which fund is hereby
created, and all moneys credited to such fund shall be used
solely for the administration and payment of benefits to
employees pursuant to this section. The general assembly shall
make annual appropriations out of such fund for the
administration of the fund. The moneys in such fund for the
payment of benefits are hereby continuously appropriated to
the department for payment of such benefits. Any moneys not
utilized in the fund shall not revert to the general fund.
(II) The minimum fund balance shall be three
hundred thousand dollars, to be assessed during the first three
years at the rate of one hundred thousand dollars annually.
Interest shall accrue to the fund to a maximum fund balance of
one million dollars. Thereafter, the fund balance shall be
maintained at one million dollars by refunding the excess
funds to each self-insured employer, on a pro rata basis, based
on that employer's contribution.
(4) Guaranty fund - assessments - creation of
fund. (a) When the board determines that existing security
held by an employer self-insured under section 8-44-201 is
insufficient to meet its existing liability for workers'
compensation benefits, the board shall impose an assessment
on each self-insured employer. The assessment shall be based
on a ratio which equals each self-insured employer's paid
workers' compensation medical and indemnity losses for the
most recent self-insurance permit year divided by the
aggregate sum of paid medical and indemnity losses by all self-
insured employers for that year. If necessary, the executive
director may direct the board to make an annual assessment
thereafter until such time as the present value of the guaranty
fund, created in paragraph (b) of this subsection (4), equals the
total liability for workers' compensation benefits which are in
excess of the security held by the defaulting self-insured
(b) (I) All moneys received by the executive director
pursuant to this subsection (4) shall be deposited in the state
treasury in the guaranty fund, which fund is hereby created.
Such moneys credited to the fund shall be used solely for the
administration and payment of benefits to employees pursuant
to this section. The general assembly shall make annual
appropriations out of such fund for the administration of the
fund. The moneys in such fund for the payment of benefits are
hereby continuously appropriated to the department for
payment of such benefits. Any moneys not utilized in the fund
shall not revert to the general fund.
(II) All interest shall accrue to the fund. No amounts
shall be refunded until all liability in excess of security held by
self-insured employers has been discharged and until the dates
imposing limitations on actions, as specified in sections 8-43-
103 and 8-43-303 have passed. When those conditions have
been met, the remaining moneys in the fund shall be refunded
to each self-insured employer, on a pro rata basis, based on that
employer's contribution.
(c) Public entities self-insuring under section 8-44-
201 shall be exempt from and shall not participate in this
subsection (4).
(5) The department shall select any claims
administrators required under this section based on the
To Index
qualifications and requirements established by the board. For
the purpose of contracting for such services, the department
shall not be subject to articles 101 to 114 of title 24, C.R.S.
Pinnacol Assurance
8-45-101. Pinnacol Assurance - creation - powers
and duties. (1) There is hereby created Pinnacol Assurance,
which shall be a political subdivision of the state and shall
operate as a domestic mutual insurance company except as
otherwise provided by law. Pinnacol Assurance shall not be an
agency of state government, nor shall it be subject to
administrative direction by any state agency except as
provided in this article, and except for the purposes of the
"Colorado Governmental Immunity Act", article 10 of title 24,
C.R.S. Pinnacol Assurance shall not be dissolved except by the
general assembly. Section 10-12-411, C.R.S., shall not apply
to Pinnacol Assurance.
(2) (a) The powers of Pinnacol Assurance shall be
vested in the board of directors of Pinnacol Assurance, which
shall have nine members. The members of the board shall be
appointed by the governor with the consent of the senate. Of
the nine members, four shall be employers whose liability
under articles 40 to 47 of this title is insured by Pinnacol
Assurance with one of such employers to be a farmer or
rancher. Three of the nine members shall be employees of
employers whose liability under articles 40 to 47 of this title is
insured by Pinnacol Assurance. One of the nine members shall
be experienced in the management and operation of insurance
companies as defined in section 10-1-102 (6), C.R.S. Such
member shall not concurrently serve as an owner, a
shareholder, an officer, an employee, an agent of, or in any
other capacity with any business which competes with
Pinnacol Assurance. One of the nine members shall be
experienced in finance or investments, but shall not be an
employer whose liability under articles 40 to 47 of this title is
insured by Pinnacol Assurance. The term of office for each
such member shall be five years. The appointees may serve on
a temporary basis if the senate is not in session when they are
appointed until the senate is in session and is able to confirm
such appointments. Vacancies on the board shall be filled by
appointment of the governor for the remainder of any
unexpired terms. The board shall elect a chairman annually
from its membership.
(b) The members of the board who were serving as
of January 1, 2002, shall continue to serve until the completion
of each member's term. New members of the board shall be
appointed pursuant to paragraph (a) of this subsection (2).
(c) The board shall have the powers, rights, and
duties as set forth in this article and otherwise provided by law.
(3) Members of the board shall be compensated one
hundred forty dollars per diem plus their actual and necessary
expenses. Per diem compensation, not to exceed thirty days in
any calendar year, shall be paid only when the board is
transacting official business.
(4) On and after July 1, 2002, the powers, duties, and
functions formerly exercised by the Colorado compensation
insurance authority may be exercised by Pinnacol Assurance.
(5) The board shall:
(a) (I) Appoint the chief executive officer of
Pinnacol Assurance who shall serve under contract and
appoint, hire, or delegate the authority to hire such other staff
To Index
as may be necessary to carry out the duties of Pinnacol
(II) If an executive officer of Pinnacol Assurance is
appointed pursuant to subparagraph (I) of this paragraph (a)
and such executive officer appoints, hires, or delegates duties
to any other staff necessary to carry out the duties of Pinnacol
Assurance, and the executive officer or other staff receives
total compensation, including bonuses or deferred
compensation, in an amount equal to or greater than one
hundred fifty thousand dollars annually, such compensation
information shall be a public record.
(b) Develop and approve an annual budget;
(c) Establish general policies and procedures for the
operation and administration of Pinnacol Assurance;
(d) (Deleted by amendment, L. 2002, p. 1865, § 1,
effective July 1, 2002.)
(e) Promulgate policies and procedures that establish
the basis by which employer premiums payable to Pinnacol
Assurance are determined. The board may establish different
rates for employers who meet the requirements established by
the board for any classification after complying with the
requirements of part 4 of article 4 of title 10, C.R.S., so long as
those rates are not excessive, inadequate, or unfairly
(f) Offer to provide workers' compensation insurance
and employer's liability insurance covering any liability of
Colorado employers on account of personal injuries sustained
by, or the death of, any employee. Nothing in this article shall
be interpreted to permit Pinnacol Assurance to provide any
other type of insurance or to provide insurance to employers
that are not Colorado employers. Pinnacol Assurance shall not
refuse to insure any Colorado employer or cancel any
insurance policy due to the risk of loss or amount of premium,
except as otherwise provided in this title.
(g) Review and streamline administrative
(h) Oversee the operations and make necessary
personnel changes;
(i) Review the investigative procedures and
implement changes to expedite investigations;
(j) Review and recommend legislation pertaining to
workers' compensation in articles 40 to 47 of this title and to
clarify legal concepts related thereto;
(k) Review the method of calculation of the
experience modification factor with the object of providing
maximum incentives for job safety;
(l) Establish general policies and procedures by rule
and regulation concerning medical care cost containment
practices under articles 40 to 47 of this title; and
(m) Post the date, time, and location of each board
meeting on the Pinnacol Assurance website at least seven
calendar days prior to the scheduled meeting.
(6) Article 4 of title 24, C.R.S., shall not apply to the
promulgation of any policies or procedures authorized by
subsection (5) of this section.
(7) Pinnacol Assurance may sell services, including
but not limited to medical bill processing, that are developed
pursuant to its powers under this article.
(8) Employees of Pinnacol Assurance shall be
exempt from the state personnel system but shall, by
acceptance of employment, be subject to the provisions of
article 51 of title 24, C.R.S. Pinnacol Assurance shall provide
for the deduction of employer and employee contributions
from salary and for payment to the association of such
deductions and for any other payments that would be due from
a state employer.
(9) Notwithstanding any provision of law to the
contrary, the claim files of injured employees, the policy files
of employers, and all business records relating to the
determination of rates that are not required to be disclosed by
any other insurance company shall not be subject to the
provisions of part 2 of article 72 of title 24, C.R.S.
(10) With respect to meetings of Pinnacol
Assurance, matters relating to the claim files of injured
employees and policy files of employers shall not be subject to
the provisions of part 4 of article 6 of title 24, C.R.S.
(11) Pinnacol Assurance may enter into cooperative
arrangements with any public or private entity for the purpose
of carrying out its powers, duties, and functions. Nothing in
this section shall require or be interpreted to require an
employer to provide health insurance coverage for its
(12) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection
(1) of this section, upon the attainment of a reasonable surplus
as set forth in section 8-45-111, the "Colorado Governmental
Immunity Act", article 10 of title 24, C.R.S., shall not apply to
Pinnacol Assurance.
(13) Any member of the board who owns at least ten
percent of an entity that enters into a contract with Pinnacol
Assurance shall disclose the board member's ownership
interest in the entity. This disclosure shall be a public record.
8-45-102. Pinnacol Assurance fund created -
control of fund. (1) There is hereby created in the state
treasury a fund, to be known as the Pinnacol Assurance fund,
for the benefit of injured and the dependents of killed
employees, which shall be administered in accordance with the
provisions of this article by the board. Such administration
shall be without liability on the part of the state, beyond the
amount of said fund, constituted as provided in this article. The
state shall have no liability for the solvency or financial
condition of the fund.
(2) The chief executive officer is vested with full
power and jurisdiction over the administration of Pinnacol
Assurance and may appoint such subordinate officers as may
be necessary for the efficient operation of Pinnacol Assurance
and may do and perform all things, whether specifically
designated in this article or in addition thereto, that are
necessary or convenient in the exercise of any power or
jurisdiction over Pinnacol Assurance in the administration
thereof under the provisions of this article as fully and
completely as the head of a private insurance company might
or could do, subject, however, to all the provisions of this
article and other applicable law.
(3) Control of all moneys in the Pinnacol Assurance
fund shall be transferred to the board, which shall administer
the fund and use such moneys for the purposes of this article.
(4) The Pinnacol Assurance fund shall be a
continuing fund and shall consist of all premiums received and
paid into said fund for compensation insurance, all property
and securities acquired by and through the use of moneys
To Index
belonging to said fund, and all interest earned upon moneys
belonging to said fund and deposited or invested. Said fund
shall be applicable to the payment of the salaries of the
employees of the fund and to its other operating expenses and
to the payment of losses sustained or liabilities incurred under
the contracts or policies of insurance issued by Pinnacol
Assurance in accordance with the provisions of articles 40 to
47 of this title. All moneys in the fund previously known as the
Colorado compensation insurance authority fund shall be
transferred into the Pinnacol Assurance fund on July 1, 2002.
(5) The moneys in the Pinnacol Assurance fund shall
be continuously available for the purposes of this article and
shall not be transferred to or revert to the general fund of the
state at the end of any fiscal year. All revenues, moneys, and
assets of Pinnacol Assurance belong solely to Pinnacol
Assurance. The state of Colorado has no claim to nor any
interest in such revenues, moneys, and assets and shall not
borrow, appropriate, or direct payments from such revenues,
moneys, and assets for any purpose.
8-45-103. Board to fix rates - chief executive
officer to administer rates - sue and be sued - personal
liability limited. (1) The board shall have full power and it is
its duty to fix and determine the rates to be charged by Pinnacol
Assurance for compensation insurance.
(2) The chief executive officer shall manage and
conduct all business and affairs in relation to the rates to be
charged by Pinnacol Assurance for compensation insurance
which shall be conducted in the name of Pinnacol Assurance,
and in that name, without any other name, title, or authority,
the chief executive officer may:
(a) (I) Sue and be sued in all the courts of this state,
or of any other state, or of the United States, and in actions
arising out of any act, deed, matter, or thing made, omitted,
entered into, done, or suffered in connection with Pinnacol
Assurance and the administration, management, or conduct of
the business or affairs relating thereto; and the chief executive
officer shall be authorized to employ counsel to represent
Pinnacol Assurance in any action.
(II) Nothing in this paragraph (a) shall be construed
to waive any provisions of the "Colorado Governmental
Immunity Act", article 10 of title 24, C.R.S., nor shall it be
construed to waive immunity of the state of Colorado from suit
in federal court, guaranteed by the eleventh amendment to the
constitution of the United States.
(b) The chief executive officer shall not, nor shall
any officer or employee of Pinnacol Assurance, or entities or
parties with whom it contracts for services, be personally liable
in a private capacity for or on account of any act done or
omitted or contract or other obligation entered into or
undertaken in an official capacity in good faith and without
intent to defraud in connection with the administration,
management, or conduct of Pinnacol Assurance, its business,
or other affairs relating thereto.
(c) (Deleted by amendment, L. 2002, p. 1870, § 3,
effective July 1, 2002.)
8-45-104. Blanks furnished by state. (Repealed)
8-45-105. Places of employment classified -
amount of premiums. (1) The board may classify the places
of employment of employers insured by Pinnacol Assurance
into classes in accordance with the nature of the business in
which they are engaged and the probable hazard or risk of
injury to their employees. It shall determine the amount of the
premiums that such employers shall pay to Pinnacol
Assurance, and may prescribe in what manner such premiums
shall be paid, and may change the amount thereof both in
respect to any or all of such employers as circumstances may
require, and the condition of their respective plants,
establishments, or places of work in respect to the safety of
their employees may justify. All such premiums shall be levied
on a basis that shall be fair, equitable, and just as among such
(2) (Deleted by amendment, L. 2002, p. 1871, § 5,
effective July 1, 2002.)
8-45-106. Insurance at cost - board may impose
surcharges. (1) It is the duty of the board, in the exercise of
the powers and discretion conferred upon it by articles 40 to
47 of this title, ultimately to fix and maintain, for each class of
occupation, the lowest possible rates of premium consistent
with the maintenance of a solvent Pinnacol Assurance fund,
and the creation and maintenance of a reasonable surplus after
the payment of legitimate claims for injury and death, that may
be authorized to be paid from the Pinnacol Assurance fund for
the benefit of injured and dependents of killed employees.
(2) The board may impose a premium surcharge, not
to exceed an additional fifty percent, for up to twelve
continuous months, as a condition precedent to insure or
reinsure an employer whose policy was canceled or terminated
by any insurer for reasons of fraud or intentional
misrepresentation of a material fact; except that, if an employer
disputes the imposition of such surcharge, the employer may
make a complaint to the commissioner of insurance. If the
commissioner of insurance determines that the board, in
imposing a premium surcharge, has engaged in any conduct in
violation of part 11 of article 3 of title 10, C.R.S., the
commissioner may take any action the commissioner deems
appropriate and authorized by law.
8-45-107. Basis of rates - reserve -
surplus. (1) The rates shall be the percentage of the payroll of
any employer that, on the average, shall produce a sufficient
sum to:
(a) Carry all claims to maturity such that the rates
shall be based upon the reserve and not upon the assessment
(b) Produce a reasonable surplus as provided in
articles 40 to 47 of this title, cover the catastrophe hazard, and
ensure the payment to employees and their dependents of the
compensation provided in said articles.
(2) In determining the amount of reserve to be laid
aside to meet deferred payments according to awards, such
reserve may be ascertained by finding the present worth of
such deferred medical and indemnity payments calculated at a
rate of interest not higher than six percent per annum, and such
calculations of disability indemnity benefits shall be made
according to a table of mortality not lower than the American
experience table of mortality and, in the discretion of the
board, by such other and further methods as will result in the
establishment of adequate reserves.
(3) The amounts raised for the Pinnacol Assurance
fund shall ultimately become neither more nor less than
necessary to make the fund self-supporting, which includes the
To Index
attainment and maintenance of an adequate surplus as
determined in accordance with section 8-45-111, and the
premiums or rates levied for such purpose shall be subject to
readjustment from time to time by the board as may become
8-45-108. Intentional misrepresentation by
employer. (Repealed)
8-45-109. Rate schedules posted. (Repealed)
8-45-110. Board to keep accounts - readjustment
by board of rates. (Repealed)
8-45-111. Portions of premiums paid carried to
surplus. The board shall set aside such proportion as it may
deem necessary of the earned premiums paid into the Pinnacol
Assurance fund, as a contribution to the surplus of the fund.
8-45-112. Amendment of rates - distribution to
policyholders. The board may amend at any time the rates for
any class. No contract of insurance between Pinnacol
Assurance and any employer shall be in effect until a policy or
binder has been actually issued by the board and the premium
therefor paid as and when required by this article. Not less
often than once a year the chief executive officer shall tabulate
the earned premiums paid by policyholders of Pinnacol
Assurance. Should the experience of the Pinnacol Assurance
fund show a credit balance and after payment of all amounts
that have fallen due because of operating expenses, injury, or
death, and after setting aside proper reserves, the board shall
distribute such credit balance to the policyholders who have a
balance to their credit in proportion to the premium paid and
losses incurred by each such policyholder during the preceding
insurance period. In the event any such policyholder fails to
renew a policy with Pinnacol Assurance for the period
following the period in which said dividends were earned, said
policyholder shall be entitled to said credit dividend if such
policy is terminated in good standing. In the event an employer
actually discontinues business, said employer's policy shall be
cancelled, and the dividend, if any, when ascertained, shall be
returned to the employer.
8-45-113. New policies issued - when. Pinnacol
Assurance shall not be required to issue a new policy of
insurance to an employer until all moneys due Pinnacol
Assurance have been paid, all premiums have been paid on all
cancelled policies, and the employer has complied with all
provisions of such cancelled policies.
8-45-114. Adjustment of premiums. (Repealed)
8-45-115. Determination of premium - payment
in advance - deductibles. (Repealed)
8-45-116. Reinsurance. (Repealed)
8-45-117. Regulation by commissioner of
insurance. (1) Pinnacol Assurance is subject to regulation by
the commissioner of insurance as provided in:
(a) Part 11 of article 3 of title 10, C.R.S., pertaining
to unfair competition and deceptive practices;
(b) Part 4 of article 4 of title 10, C.R.S., pertaining to
rate regulation; however, if the pure premium rates used by
Pinnacol Assurance are the national council on compensation
insurance rates previously approved by the commissioner of
insurance, Pinnacol Assurance may use different pure
premium rates for employers who meet the requirements
established by the board of directors after complying with the
requirements of part 4 of article 4 of title 10, C.R.S.,
concerning type II insurers;
(c) Sections 24-31-104.5, C.R.S.; 10-1-108 (7), 10-
1-109, and 10-1-102, except subsections (3) and (6), C.R.S.;
10-1-205 (1) to (6) and (8), C.R.S.; 10-3-109, C.R.S., except
for the publication requirements; 10-3-128, C.R.S.; 10-3-202,
C.R.S.; 10-3-207, C.R.S.; 10-3-208, C.R.S.; 10-3-231, C.R.S.;
10-3-239, C.R.S.; and parts 7 and 8 of article 3 of title 10,
C.R.S., except as these sections are inconsistent with this
(2) (Deleted by amendment, L. 97, p. 936, § 5,
effective May 21, 1997.)
(3) Nothing in this section shall be construed to
subject Pinnacol Assurance to any premium tax assessed
pursuant to title 10, C.R.S.
(4) The cost of examinations performed in
accordance with section 8-45-121 (4) shall be billed by the
commissioner to Pinnacol Assurance at prevailing hourly rates
based upon time records kept by the commissioner. Any such
payment received by the commissioner is hereby appropriated
to the division of insurance in addition to any other funds
appropriated for its normal operation.
(5) At such time as a reasonable surplus of the
Pinnacol Assurance fund is reached pursuant to section 8-45-
111, Pinnacol Assurance shall be subject to regulation by the
commissioner of insurance as provided in section 10-1-205 (7)
and part 4 of article 3 of title 10, C.R.S., to the extent consistent
with the provisions of this article.
(6) Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 8-45-
102 (1) and 8-45-118, upon the attainment of a reasonable
surplus as set forth in section 8-45-111 and verified by audit
and examination performed in accordance with section 8-45-
121, all of the moneys in the Pinnacol Assurance fund shall be
transferred out of the state treasury and into the custody of the
board of Pinnacol Assurance. The board shall thereafter
control the investment of the fund pursuant to the requirements
set forth in part 2 of article 3 of title 10, C.R.S.
(7) Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 8-45-
102 (1) and 8-45-118, upon the transfer of the moneys in the
Pinnacol Assurance fund in accordance with subsection (6) of
this section, the board of Pinnacol Assurance shall make all
disbursements, and such disbursements shall not be made upon
state warrants.
(8) Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 8-45-
102 (1) and 8-45-119, upon the transfer of the moneys in the
Pinnacol Assurance fund in accordance with subsection (6) of
this section, the state treasurer shall not be required to give any
bond as custodian of the Pinnacol Assurance fund.
(9) After the transfer of the moneys in the Pinnacol
Assurance fund in accordance with subsection (6) of this
section, if the commissioner of insurance places Pinnacol
Assurance under direct supervision pursuant to the provisions
of section 10-3-405, C.R.S., the moneys in the Pinnacol
Assurance fund may be transferred back to the custody of the
state treasury pursuant to sections 8-45-102 (1), 8-45-118, and
8-45-119, and the state treasurer shall control the investment
of the fund pursuant to section 8-45-120. The transfer of funds
shall be under such conditions and within such time period as
the state treasurer and the commissioner of insurance deem
To Index
(10) Pinnacol Assurance shall not acquire or control
any other insurer.
8-45-118. Treasurer custodian of fund -
disbursements. (1) The state treasurer shall be the custodian
of the Pinnacol Assurance fund, and all disbursements
therefrom shall be paid either by the state treasurer upon
warrants drawn in accordance with law upon vouchers issued
by the board upon order of the chief executive officer, or by or
under the direction of the chief executive officer in such other
manner as the state treasurer may approve. In every case
occurring in which a warrant has been drawn in accordance
with law against the state treasurer upon vouchers issued by
the board for payment of any sum of money from the Pinnacol
Assurance fund, or when another form of payment has been
made from such fund by or under the direction of the chief
executive officer, and the time within which said warrant or
other form of payment shall be presented for payment in order
to be valid has not been stamped, printed, or written across the
face thereof, or otherwise specified, and a period of six months
has elapsed since the issuance of such warrant or other form of
payment, during which no person entitled thereto, or the
proceeds thereof, has presented the same to the state treasurer
for payment, or appeared to claim the funds so authorized to
be paid from the hands of the state treasurer or the chief
executive officer, such warrant or other form of payment may
in the discretion of the chief executive officer be posted for
cancellation, and thereafter cancelled and set aside.
(2) In every such case in which it is proposed to
cancel any such warrant, the chief executive officer shall cause
a notice to be drawn in duplicate, with a description of said
warrant containing the amount, number, date of issuance, and
name of payee, and shall cause one copy of said notice to be
posted in a conspicuous place that is open to the public in the
office of said board and one copy to be delivered to the state
treasurer. If, at the end of one month after the posting of such
notice and the delivery of a copy to the state treasurer, such
warrant is not presented for payment and no person entitled to
the proceeds thereof appears to claim the funds so authorized
to be paid in said warrant, said warrant may be cancelled as
provided in this section.
(3) (a) The state treasurer shall, upon the request of
the chief executive officer, transfer any such funds held to the
credit of or for the payment of such warrant back to the credit
of the Pinnacol Assurance fund. Except as otherwise provided
in paragraph (b) of this subsection (3), if at any time thereafter
application shall be made for the reissuance of such warrant,
the same may be reissued, if the claim that it represents appears
to be valid and still outstanding. Such reissued warrant shall be
made payable from the moneys on deposit in the Pinnacol
Assurance fund and shall be made payable to the person
entitled to the proceeds thereof.
(b) For warrants issued on or after August 6, 2003,
the funds transferred pursuant to paragraph (a) of this
subsection (3) shall be subject to the provisions of the
"Unclaimed Property Act", article 13 of title 38, C.R.S., and
for purposes of this paragraph (b), Pinnacol Assurance shall be
considered an insurance company as defined in section 38-13-
102 (6.5), C.R.S.
(4) Except as provided in section 8-45-117, the
powers and discretion granted in this section to the chief
executive officer and the state treasurer shall obtain in all cases
relating to the warrants or other forms of payment drawn on
the Pinnacol Assurance fund, anything to the contrary in any
statute notwithstanding.
8-45-119. State treasurer to give separate bond as
custodian. (1) The state treasurer shall give a separate and
additional bond in such amount as may be fixed by the board
with sureties to be approved by the governor, conditioned for
the faithful performance of the state treasurer's duties as
custodian of the Pinnacol Assurance fund, and as custodian of
all the bonds, warrants, investments, and moneys of, or
belonging to, said Pinnacol Assurance fund, subject to all
provisions of law governing bonds of the state treasurer. The
premium on said bond shall be paid out of the earnings of the
Pinnacol Assurance fund.
(2) The state treasurer shall give a separate and
additional bond in such amount as may be fixed by the
executive director of the department of labor and employment
with sureties to be approved by the governor, conditioned for
the faithful performance of the state treasurer's duties as
custodian of the funds under the jurisdiction of the director of
the division of workers' compensation, and as custodian of all
the bonds, warrants, investments, and moneys of, or belonging
to, the funds under the jurisdiction of the director of the
division of workers' compensation, subject to all provisions of
law governing bonds of the state treasurer. The premium on
said bond shall be paid out of the earnings of the funds under
the jurisdiction of the director of the division of workers'
compensation on a pro rata basis.
8-45-120. State treasurer to invest
funds. (1) Except as provided in subsection (2) of this section,
the state treasurer, after consulting with the board of directors
or the board's designated committee as to the overall direction
of the portfolio, shall invest any portion of the Pinnacol
Assurance fund, including its surplus or reserves, which is not
needed for immediate use. Such moneys may be invested in
the types of investments authorized in sections 24-36-109, 24-
36-112, and 24-36-113, C.R.S. Such moneys may also be
invested in common and preferred stock in the same manner as
a domestic insurance company pursuant to section 10-3-226,
C.R.S. The state treasurer shall determine the appropriate
percentage of the fund, not to exceed one hundred percent of
the surplus, to be invested in common and preferred stock and
the appropriate level of risk for such investments. The state
treasurer may make such investments in the form of mutual
funds and may contract with private professional fund
managers and employ portfolio managers.
(2) Subject to approval by the board, the chief
executive officer may authorize and direct the state treasurer
to invest a portion of the funds in the Pinnacol Assurance fund
for the purchase of real property, to house, contain, and
maintain the offices and operational facilities of Pinnacol
Assurance as may be deemed necessary to accommodate its
immediate and reasonably anticipated future needs. The chief
executive officer is authorized to purchase such real property,
buildings, and improvements thereon. Title to such real
property, buildings, and improvements thereon shall vest in
Pinnacol Assurance, and such assets shall be a part of the
Pinnacol Assurance fund. The chief executive officer may
lease or rent space not needed for the immediate requirements
To Index
of Pinnacol Assurance in such real property to other public
agencies or private businesses. Moneys received from such
rental or lease of space and moneys appropriated by the general
assembly for rental or lease of space in such real property shall
be deposited with the state treasurer for credit to the Pinnacol
Assurance fund. The chief executive officer shall not sell or
otherwise dispose of any property, buildings, or improvements
thereon so acquired, without consent of the board, and the
moneys received from such sale or disposition shall be credited
to the account of the Pinnacol Assurance fund.
(3) Repealed.
8-45-121. Visitation of fund by commissioner of
insurance - annual audit - examination. (1) Pinnacol
Assurance shall be open to visitation by the commissioner of
insurance at all reasonable times, and the commissioner of
insurance shall require from the chief executive officer reports
as to the condition of Pinnacol Assurance, as required by law
to be made by other insurance carriers doing business in this
state insofar as applicable to Pinnacol Assurance.
(2) The state auditor shall conduct an annual
financial audit of Pinnacol Assurance. In conducting such
audits, the state auditor may employ a firm of auditors and
actuaries, or both, with the necessary specialized knowledge
and experience. The cost of the annual audit shall be paid from
the operating funds of Pinnacol Assurance. The state auditor
shall report his or her findings from such audits, along with any
comments and recommendations, to the governor, the general
assembly, the executive director of the department of labor and
employment, and the commissioner of insurance. The state
auditor has continuing authority to conduct performance audits
of Pinnacol Assurance as the state auditor deems appropriate.
The cost of performance audits shall be paid from the operating
funds of Pinnacol Assurance.
(3) (Deleted by amendment, L. 2002, p. 1879, § 20,
effective July 1, 2002.)
(4) At least once every three years, the commissioner
of insurance shall conduct an examination of the fund, to be
conducted in the same manner as an examination of a private
insurance carrier. With respect to the examination, section 10-
1-204 applies. The commissioner of insurance shall transmit a
copy of the commissioner's examination to the state auditor.
8-45-122. Annual report. (1) The chief executive
officer of Pinnacol Assurance shall submit an annual report to
the governor; the business affairs and labor committee of the
house of representatives; the business, labor, and technology
committee of the senate; and the health and human services
committees of the house of representatives and the senate, or
their successor committees, reporting on the business
operations, resources, and liabilities of the Pinnacol Assurance
(2) The report required in subsection (1) of this
section shall include the following information for the previous
calendar year:
(a) The number of policies held by Pinnacol
(b) The total assets of Pinnacol Assurance;
(c) The amount of reserves;
(d) The amount of surplus;
(e) The number of claims filed;
(f) The number of claims admitted or contested
within the twenty-day period pursuant to section 8-43-203,
specifying the number of contested claims that are medical
only and those that are indemnity claims;
(g) The number of medical procedures denied;
(h) The amount of total compensation each executive
officer or staff member receives, including bonuses or deferred
(i) The amount spent on commissions;
(j) The amount paid to trade associations for
marketing fees;
(k) All information relating to bonus programs; and
(l) Any other information the chief executive officer
deems relevant to the report.
8-45-123. Change of names - direction to
revisor. The revisor of statutes is authorized to change all
references to the Colorado compensation insurance authority
in the "Workers' Compensation Act of Colorado" and
everywhere else a reference is contained in the Colorado
Revised Statutes to Pinnacol Assurance and to change all
references to the Colorado compensation insurance authority
fund in the "Workers' Compensation Act of Colorado" and
everywhere else a reference is contained in the Colorado
Revised Statutes to the Pinnacol Assurance fund.
8-45-124. Review of cost-effectiveness of use of
national council on compensation insurance by the
authority. (Repealed)
8-45-125. Legislative interim committee on
operation of Pinnacol Assurance - creation - members -
study - report - repeal. (Repealed)
To Index
Specific Insurance Funds
8-46-101. Subsequent injury fund. (1) (a) In a
case where an employee has previously sustained permanent
partial industrial disability and in a subsequent injury sustains
additional permanent partial industrial disability and it is
shown that the combined industrial disabilities render the
employee permanently and totally incapable of steady gainful
employment and incapable of rehabilitation to steady gainful
employment, then the employer in whose employ the
employee sustained such subsequent injury shall be liable only
for that portion of the employee's industrial disability
attributable to said subsequent injury, and the balance of
compensation due such employee on account of permanent
total disability shall be paid from the subsequent injury fund as
is provided in this section.
(b) (I) In addition to such compensation and after the
completion of the payments therefor, the employee shall
continue to receive compensation at said employee's
established compensation rate for permanent total disability
until death out of a special fund to be known as the subsequent
injury fund, hereby created for such purpose. The subsequent
injury fund shall be funded pursuant to the provisions of
section 8-46-102.
(II) The unrestricted year-end balance of the
subsequent injury fund, created pursuant to subparagraph (I)
of this paragraph (b), for the 1991-92 fiscal year shall
constitute a reserve, as defined in section 24-77-102 (12),
C.R.S., and, for purposes of section 24-77-103, C.R.S.:
(A) Any moneys credited to the subsequent injury
fund in any subsequent fiscal year shall be included in state
fiscal year spending, as defined in section 24-77-102 (17),
C.R.S.; and
(B) Any transfers or expenditures from the
subsequent injury fund in any subsequent fiscal year shall not
be included in state fiscal year spending, as defined in section
24-77-102 (17), C.R.S., for such fiscal year.
(1.5) Notwithstanding any provision of this section
to the contrary, on May 1, 2003, the state treasurer shall deduct
twenty million dollars from the subsequent injury fund and
transfer such sum to the general fund.
(1.7) Notwithstanding any provision of this section
to the contrary, on March 30, 2009, the state treasurer shall
deduct twenty-six million five hundred thousand dollars from
the subsequent injury fund and transfer such sum to the general
(2) If an employee entitled to additional benefits, as
provided in this section, obtains employment while receiving
compensation from the subsequent injury fund, such employee
shall be compensated out of said fund at the rate of one-half of
said employee's average weekly wage loss, subject to the
maximum and minimum provisions of the workers'
compensation act, during such period of employment.
(3) In case payment is or has been made under the
provisions of this section and dependency later is shown or if
payment is made by mistake or inadvertence or under such
circumstances that justice requires a refund thereof, the
division is authorized to refund such payment to the employer
or, if insured, the employer's insurance carrier.
(4) (a) The sums provided for the subsequent injury
fund created by this section shall be used to pay the costs
related to the administration of the fund and to make such
compensation payments as may be required by the provisions
of articles 40 to 47 of this title.
(b) Moneys in the subsequent injury fund are
continuously appropriated to the division for the payment of
benefits as provided in this section and legal fees.
(5) The director shall administer and conduct all
matters involving the subsequent injury fund in the name of
the division, and, in that name and without any other name,
title, or authority, the director may:
(a) (I) Sue and be sued in all the courts of this state,
of any other state, or of the United States and in actions arising
out of any act, deed, matter, or thing made, omitted, entered
into, done, or suffered in connection with the subsequent injury
fund and the administration or conduct of matters relating
thereto, including the authority to employ counsel to represent
the fund in any action.
(II) Nothing in this paragraph (a) shall be construed
to waive any provisions of the "Colorado Governmental
Immunity Act", article 10 of title 24, C.R.S., nor shall it be
construed to waive immunity of the state of Colorado from suit
in federal court, guaranteed by the eleventh amendment to the
constitution of the United States.
(b) Make and enter into contracts or obligations
relating to the subsequent injury fund as authorized or
permitted under the provisions of articles 40 to 47 of this title,
but neither the director nor any officer or employee of the
division shall be personally liable in any private capacity for
or on account of any act done or omitted or contract or other
obligation entered into or undertaken in an official capacity in
good faith and without intent to defraud in connection with the
administration or conduct of the subsequent injury fund, its
business, or other affairs relating thereto.
8-46-102. Funding for subsequent injury fund
and major medical insurance fund. (1) (a) For every
compensable injury resulting in death wherein there are no
persons either wholly or partially dependent upon the
deceased, the employer or the employer's insurance carrier, if
any, shall pay to the division the sum of twenty thousand
dollars, not to exceed one hundred percent of the death benefit,
to be transmitted to the state treasurer, as custodian, and
credited by the state treasurer to the Colorado uninsured
employer fund created in section 8-67-105. In the event that
there are only partially dependent persons dependent upon the
deceased, the employer or the employer's insurance carrier, if
any, shall first pay such benefits to such partial dependents and
shall transmit the balance of the sum of twenty thousand
dollars to the state treasurer, as custodian, who shall credit the
same to the Colorado uninsured employer fund.
(b) In the event that the deceased is a minor with no
persons either wholly or partially dependent upon the
deceased, the employer or the employer's insurance carrier, if
any, shall pay to the parents of the deceased the sum of fifteen
thousand dollars, not to exceed one hundred percent of the
death benefit. In the event that there are no surviving parents,
To Index
the employer or the employer's insurance carrier, if any, shall
pay such benefits to the division, to be transmitted to the state
treasurer, as custodian, and credited by the state treasurer to
the subsequent injury fund. In the event that there are persons
only partially dependent upon the deceased, the employer or
the employer's insurance carrier, if any, shall first pay such
benefits to such partially dependent persons and shall pay the
balance to the surviving parents of the deceased, or in the event
that there are no surviving parents, the remaining balance shall
be paid to the division, to be transmitted to the state treasurer,
as custodian, who shall credit the same to the subsequent injury
(c) For injuries sustained on or after July 1, 2018, and
on each July 1 thereafter, the director shall adjust the amount
paid to the Colorado uninsured employer fund in this
subsection (1) by the percentage of the adjustment made by the
director to the state weekly wage pursuant to section 8-47-106.
(2) (a) (I) Notwithstanding sections 10-3-209 (1)(c)
and 10-6-128 (3), C.R.S., for the purpose of funding the
financial liabilities of the subsequent injury fund pursuant to
this section and of the major medical insurance fund pursuant
to section 8-46-202, every person, partnership, association,
and corporation, whether organized under the laws of this state
or of any other state or country, every mutual company or
association, every captive insurance company, and every other
insurance carrier, including Pinnacol Assurance, insuring
employers in this state against liability for personal injury to
their employees or death caused thereby under the provisions
of articles 40 to 47 of this title shall, as provided in this
subsection (2), be levied a tax upon the premiums received in
this state, whether or not in cash, or on account of business
done in this state for such insurance in this state at a rate
determined by the director to generate sufficient revenue for
claim payments and direct and indirect costs of administration
that are anticipated to be submitted in the following state fiscal
year for which such funds are liable. In determining the rate,
the director shall, in addition to revenue for claim payments
and direct and indirect costs of administration that are
anticipated to be due in the following state fiscal year, maintain
a cash balance in both the major medical insurance fund and
the subsequent injury fund of an amount of otherwise
unrestricted revenues equal to approximately one year's worth
of claim payments and direct and indirect administrative costs.
Such insurance carriers shall be credited with all cancelled or
returned premiums actually refunded during the year of such
(II) Repealed.
(b) Every such insurance carrier shall, on July 1,
1988, and semiannually thereafter, make a return, verified by
affidavits of its president and its secretary or by affidavits of
its other chief officers or agents, to the division, stating the
amount of all such premiums received and credits granted
during the period covered by such return. Every insurance
carrier required to make such return shall file the same with the
division within thirty days after the close of the period covered
thereby and shall, at the same time, pay to the division a tax
ascertained as provided in paragraph (a) of this subsection (2),
less return premiums on cancelled policies.
(c) Every employer acting as a self-insurer under the
provisions of articles 40 to 47 of this title shall, under oath,
report to the division the employer's payroll in such form as
may be prescribed by the director and at the times specified for
premium reports by insurance companies in paragraph (b) of
this subsection (2). The division shall assess against such
payroll a tax for the purposes of paragraph (b) of this
subsection (2) on the basic premiums chargeable against the
same or most similar industry or business taken from the
manual insurance rates, including any discount or experience
modification allowed, chargeable by Pinnacol Assurance, and,
upon receipt of notice from the division of the tax so assessed,
every such self-insurer shall, within thirty days after the receipt
of such notice, pay to the division the tax so assessed.
(d) If any such insurance carrier or self-insurer fails
or refuses to make the return or report required by paragraph
(b) or (c) of this subsection (2), the director shall assess the tax
against such insurance carrier or self-insurer at the rate
provided for in this subsection (2) on such amount of premium
as the director may deem just, and the proceedings thereof shall
be the same as if the return had been made.
(e) If any such insurance carrier or self-insurer
withdraws from business in this state before the tax provided
for in this subsection (2) falls due as provided in this section,
or fails or neglects to pay such tax, the director shall proceed
at once to collect the same; and the director is authorized to
employ such legal processes as may be necessary for that
purpose. Suit shall be brought by the director in any of the
courts of this state having jurisdiction.
(f) The director, in the enforcement of this subsection
(2), shall have all of the powers granted in articles 40 to 47 of
this title, and any insurance carrier or self-insurer who violates
any of the provisions of this subsection (2) or fails to pay the
tax thereby imposed is guilty of a violation of said articles and
shall be subject to the penalties therein prescribed.
(g) All moneys collected pursuant to this subsection
(2) shall be transmitted to the state treasurer, as custodian, who
shall credit the same to the subsequent injury fund and to the
major medical insurance fund as determined by the director in
accordance with subsection (3) of this section. Any interest
earned on the investment or deposit of moneys in said funds
shall remain in the funds and shall not revert to the general
fund of the state at the end of any fiscal year.
(3) (a) As determined by the director, a portion of the
revenue received each year pursuant to subsection (2) of this
section shall be deposited into the subsequent injury fund,
established in section 8-46-101 (1)(b), and a portion shall be
deposited into the major medical insurance fund, established
in section 8-46-202 (1). In addition, the director may move
revenue between the funds when the director determines that
doing so is necessary. The director shall continue to establish
a surcharge rate pursuant to subsection (2) of this section until
the balance in both such funds is sufficient to meet the future
claim payments plus the amount necessary to pay the direct
and indirect costs of administration of the funds, at which time
the surcharge rate established in paragraph (a) of subsection
(2) of this section shall be reduced to zero.
(b) For the purpose of determining the proper
allocation of the surcharge and making the estimates
contemplated in paragraph (a) of this subsection (3), the
director shall contract for the services of qualified private
To Index
8-46-103. State treasurer to invest funds. (1) The
state treasurer shall invest any portion of the subsequent injury
fund, including its surplus and reserves, which the division
determines is not needed for immediate use. All interest earned
upon such invested portion shall be credited to the fund and
used for the same purposes and in the same manner as other
moneys in the fund. Such moneys may be invested in the types
of investments authorized in sections 24-36-109, 24-36-112,
and 24-36-113, C.R.S.
(2) Repealed.
8-46-104. Closure of fund. No cases shall be
accepted into the subsequent injury fund for injuries occurring
on or after July 1, 1993, or for occupational diseases occurring
on or after April 1, 1994. When all payments have been made
for all cases accepted into the fund, any remaining balance
shall revert to the general fund.
8-46-105. Calculation of premium - permanent
total disability - employer may request
examination. (1) Effective July 1, 1993, in any case in which
an employee previously has sustained permanent partial
disability and, in a subsequent injury, sustains additional
permanent partial disability and it is shown that the combined
industrial disabilities render the employee permanently and
totally disabled, then the premiums of the employer in whose
employ the employee sustained such subsequent injury shall
be determined only on the basis of the impairment rating for
such subsequent injury and not on the basis of the employee's
permanent total disability. If such employer disputes the
impairment rating for the subsequent injury, the employer shall
request an independent medical examination pursuant to the
procedures set forth in section 8-42-107.2. The finding of the
independent medical examiner regarding the impairment
rating may be overcome only by clear and convincing
evidence. The total cost of the employee's permanent total
disability shall not be considered in determining the
employer's premiums, but shall be considered by the
commissioner of insurance in setting rates.
(2) In any case in which an employee becomes
disabled by an occupational disease and the employer is liable
for benefits pursuant to section 8-41-304 (2), then the
premiums of the employer in whose employ the employee
became disabled shall be determined only on the basis of the
impairment rating for the portion of the occupational disease
attributable to such employer and not on the basis of the
combination of such portion and any prior impairment
resulting from such occupational disease. For the purposes of
premium calculations, if such employer disputes the
impairment rating for the occupational disease, the employer
shall request an independent medical examination pursuant to
the procedures set forth in section 8-42-107.2. The finding of
the independent medical examiner regarding the impairment
rating may be overcome only by clear and convincing
evidence. The total cost of the employee's occupational disease
shall not be considered in determining the employer's
premiums, but shall be considered by the commissioner of
insurance in setting rates.
8-46-106. Abatement of taxes - independent
review of fund. The funding provisions of section 8-46-102,
including the provisions relating to the assessment and levying
of taxes, shall cease to be effective when an independent
actuary, retained by the division for such purpose, determines
that the fund has sufficient resources to pay benefits for
injuries occurring prior to July 1, 1993, and occupational
diseases occurring prior to April 1, 1994.
8-46-107. Report to general assembly and
governor. (Repealed)
8-46-108. Legislative council study of subsequent
injury fund. (Repealed)
8-46-109. Legislative declaration - claims
management. (1) The general assembly finds and declares
that the purpose of this section is to provide for prompt,
efficient, and fair settlement of all pending claims and the
closure of both the subsequent injury fund and the major
medical insurance fund as soon as is practicable.
(2) As necessary to augment the division's regular
staff, the director shall contract for the services of qualified
specialists in the area of settlements, who shall, on the
director's behalf, negotiate for and enter into settlements of
claims of the subsequent injury fund and the major medical
insurance fund for present value whenever possible.
(3) Repealed.
8-46-201. Short title. This part 2 shall be known and
may be cited as the "Colorado Major Medical Insurance Fund
8-46-202. Major medical insurance fund - tax
imposed - returns. (1) (a) There is hereby established a major
medical insurance fund to defray medical, surgical, dental,
hospital, nursing, and drug expenses and expenses for medical,
hospital, and surgical supplies, crutches, apparatus, and
vocational rehabilitation, which shall include tuition, fees,
transportation, and weekly maintenance equivalent to that
which the employee would receive under section 8-42-105 for
the period of time that the employee is attending a vocational
rehabilitation course, which expenses are in excess of those
provided under the "Workers' Compensation Act of Colorado"
for employees who have established their entitlement to
disability benefits under said act, whether necessary to
promote recovery, alleviate pain, or reduce disability.
(b) The unrestricted year-end balance of the major
medical insurance fund, created pursuant to paragraph (a) of
this subsection (1), for the 1991-92 fiscal year shall constitute
a reserve, as defined in section 24-77-102 (12), C.R.S., and,
for purposes of section 24-77-103, C.R.S.:
(I) Any moneys credited to the major medical
insurance fund in any subsequent fiscal year shall be included
in state fiscal year spending, as defined in section 24-77-102
(17), C.R.S., for such fiscal year; and
(II) Any transfers or expenditures from the major
medical insurance fund in any subsequent fiscal year shall not
be included in state fiscal year spending, as defined in section
24-77-102 (17), C.R.S., for such fiscal year.
(c) Moneys in the major medical insurance fund are
continuously appropriated to the division for the payment of
benefits as provided in this section and legal fees.
To Index
(1.5) (a) Notwithstanding any provision of this
section to the contrary, on May 1, 2003, the state treasurer shall
deduct one hundred fifty million dollars from the major
medical insurance fund and transfer such sum to the general
(b) On July 1, 2003, the state controller shall transfer
ten million dollars from the general fund to the major medical
insurance fund.
(1.6) Notwithstanding any provision of this section
to the contrary, on March 30, 2009, the state treasurer shall
deduct sixty-nine million five hundred thousand dollars from
the major medical insurance fund and transfer such sum to the
general fund.
(1.7) Notwithstanding any provision of this section
to the contrary, on March 31, 2010, the state treasurer shall
deduct twenty-six million five hundred thousand dollars from
the major medical insurance fund and transfer such sum to the
general fund.
(1.8) Notwithstanding any provision of this section
to the contrary, on June 30, 2011, the state treasurer shall
deduct ten million dollars from the major medical insurance
fund and transfer such sum to the general fund.
(2) The director shall administer the major medical
insurance fund and is hereby given jurisdiction to enforce the
provisions of this article. The director shall administer and
conduct all matters involving the major medical insurance fund
in the name of the division, and, in that name and without any
other name, title, or authority, the director may:
(a) (I) Sue and be sued in all the courts of this state,
of any other state, or of the United States and in actions arising
out of any act, deed, matter, or thing made, omitted, entered
into, done, or suffered in connection with the major medical
insurance fund and the administration or conduct of matters
relating thereto, including the authority to employ counsel to
represent the fund in any action.
(II) Nothing in this paragraph (a) shall be construed
to waive any provisions of the "Colorado Governmental
Immunity Act", article 10 of title 24, C.R.S., nor shall it be
construed to waive immunity of the state of Colorado from suit
in federal court, guaranteed by the eleventh amendment to the
constitution of the United States.
(b) Make and enter into contracts or obligations
relating to the major medical insurance fund as authorized or
permitted under the provisions of articles 40 to 47 of this title,
but neither the director nor any officer or employee of the
division shall be personally liable in any private capacity for
or on account of any act done or omitted or contract or other
obligation entered into or undertaken in an official capacity in
good faith and without intent to defraud in connection with the
administration or conduct of the major medical insurance fund,
its business, or other affairs relating thereto;
(c) Contract with physicians, surgeons, and hospitals
for medical and surgical treatment, services and supplies,
crutches and apparatus, and the care and nursing of injured
persons entitled to benefits from said fund and, in addition,
may contract for medical, surgical, hospital, and nursing
services and supplies in excess of the amount and period
otherwise limited in this article if said director determines that
the contracting of such extra medical, surgical, hospital, and
nursing services and supplies will reduce the period of
disability for which said fund would be liable for the payment
and compensation.
(3) to (5) Repealed.
8-46-203. Failure to make returns. (Repealed)
8-46-204. Use of funds limited. (Repealed)
8-46-205. Collection of taxes due. If any such
insurance carrier or self-insurer withdraws from business in
this state before the tax falls due as provided in this part 2, or
fails or neglects to pay such tax, the director shall at once
proceed to collect the same; and the director is authorized to
employ such legal processes as may be necessary for that
purpose. Suit shall be brought by the director in any of the
courts of this state having jurisdiction.
8-46-206. Enforcement powers - violations. The
director, in the enforcement of this article, shall have all of the
powers granted in the "Workers' Compensation Act of
Colorado", and any insurance carrier or self-insurer violating
any of the provisions of this article, or failing to pay the tax
imposed in this article, is guilty of violation of said act and
subject to the penalties therein prescribed.
8-46-207. Receipt and disbursement of moneys.
8-46-208. Applications - awards. (1) Payments
from the major medical insurance fund shall be awarded by the
director only after an application therefor has been filed by a
claimant employee, the claimant's employer, or such
employer's insurance carrier, or one on their behalf, for
admission to the fund, in any case where the limits of liability
provided under section 8-42-101 have been exhausted.
(2) Following the filing of an application, the
director shall approve or disapprove the expenditure of further
sums of money from the major medical insurance fund and in
so doing may rely upon medical reports contained in the case
file if the director deems them adequate, or the director may
rely upon recommendations of the medical director, appointed
pursuant to section 8-1-103, or the director may appoint a
medical panel of not more than three medical experts to see
and examine the applicant, each of whom shall render a report
to the director, advising whether or not such expenditure of
further sums of money will promote recovery, alleviate pain,
or reduce disability, suggesting the form and manner of such
treatment or services and suggesting the reasonable cost
thereof. The director, in every case in which an award is made
from this fund, shall review said case at such time as the total
medical expenditures, including those expended under section
8-42-101, shall reach fifteen thousand dollars and at each ten
thousand dollars increment thereafter to determine and enter
an order regarding continuation or cessation of further
payments from said fund.
(3) The director shall award, and the state treasurer
shall pay from the major medical insurance fund, the
reasonable fees and expenses of the appointed members of the
medical panel when such procedure is used by the director.
8-46-209. Credit for reduced disability - when. In
any determination of permanent disability, the employer or the
employer's insurance carrier shall receive any credit or benefit
for the reduction of disability of any claimant employee under
the "Workers' Compensation Act of Colorado" directly
attributable to a compensable accident or disease when such
To Index
reduction of disability is accomplished by expenditures from
the major medical insurance fund.
8-46-210. State treasurer to invest funds. (1) The
state treasurer shall invest any portion of the major medical
insurance fund, including its surplus and reserves, which the
director of the division of workers' compensation determines
is not needed for immediate use. All interest earned upon such
invested portion shall be credited to the fund and used for the
same purposes and in the same manner as other moneys in the
fund. Such moneys may be invested in the types of investments
authorized in sections 24-36-109, 24-36-112, and 24-36-113,
(2) Repealed.
8-46-211. Abatement of tax - when. (Repealed)
8-46-212. Closure of fund. Effective July 1, 1981,
no further cases shall be accepted into the major medical
insurance fund for injuries or occupational diseases occurring
after that date, nor shall any cases be transferred from the
medical disaster insurance fund to the major medical insurance
8-46-301. Short title. This part 3 shall be known and
may be cited as the "Colorado Medical Disaster Insurance
Fund Act".
8-46-302. Medical disaster insurance fund - tax
imposed - returns. (1) There is hereby established a medical
disaster insurance fund to defray medical, surgical, hospital,
nursing, and drug expenses in excess of those provided under
the "Workers' Compensation Act of Colorado" for employees
who have established their entitlement to disability benefits
under said act, whether necessary to promote recovery,
alleviate pain, or reduce disability.
(2) The director shall administer the medical disaster
insurance fund and is hereby given jurisdiction to enforce the
provisions of this part 3. The director shall approve or
disapprove admissions to the Colorado medical disaster
insurance fund.
8-46-303. Use of funds limited. (1) All funds
received by the division under the provisions of this article
shall be used solely to pay the costs related to the
administration of the medical disaster insurance fund and to
defray the cost of medical, surgical, and hospital expenses
necessary to effect the recovery, alleviate pain, or reduce the
disability of employees who have established their entitlement
to disability benefits under the "Workers' Compensation Act
of Colorado" in accordance with and subject to the provisions
of such act.
(2) Moneys in the medical disaster insurance fund
are continuously appropriated to the division for the payment
of benefits as provided in this section and legal fees.
8-46-304. Enforcement powers -
violations. (1) The director, in the enforcement of this article,
shall have all of the powers granted in the "Workers'
Compensation Act of Colorado", articles 40 to 47 of this title,
and any insurance carrier or self-insurer violating any of the
provisions of this article is guilty of a violation of said act and
shall be subject to the penalties therein prescribed.
(2) The director shall administer and conduct all
matters involving the medical disaster insurance fund in the
name of the division, and, in that name and without any other
name, title, or authority, the director may:
(a) (I) Sue and be sued in all courts of this state, of
any other state, or of the United States and in actions arising
out of any act, deed, matter, or thing made, omitted, entered
into, done, or suffered in connection with the medical disaster
insurance fund and the administration or conduct of matters
relating thereto, including the authority to employ counsel to
represent the fund in any action.
(II) Nothing in this paragraph (a) shall be construed
to waive any provisions of the "Colorado Governmental
Immunity Act", article 10 of title 24, C.R.S., nor shall it be
construed to waive immunity of the state of Colorado from suit
in federal court, guaranteed by the eleventh amendment to the
constitution of the United States.
(b) Make and enter into contracts or obligations
relating to the medical disaster insurance fund as authorized or
permitted under the provisions of articles 40 to 47 of this title,
but neither the director nor any officer or employee of the
division shall be personally liable in any private capacity for
or on account of any act done or omitted or contract or other
obligation entered into or undertaken in an official capacity in
good faith and without intent to defraud in connection with the
administration or conduct of the medical disaster insurance
fund, its business, or other affairs relating thereto;
(c) Contract with physicians, surgeons, and hospitals
for medical and surgical treatment, services and supplies,
crutches and apparatus, and the care and nursing of injured
persons entitled to benefits from said fund and, in addition,
may contract for medical, surgical, hospital, and nursing
services and supplies in excess of the amount and period
otherwise limited in this article if said director determines that
the contracting of such extra medical, surgical, hospital, and
nursing services and supplies will reduce the period of
disability for which said fund would be liable for the payment
and compensation.
8-46-305. Receipt and disbursement of
moneys. All moneys collected by the division pursuant to the
provisions of this part 3 shall be transmitted to the state
treasurer who shall deposit the same to the credit of the medical
disaster insurance fund, and all disbursements therefrom shall
be paid by the state treasurer in accordance with and subject to
final awards of the director, as provided in this article.
8-46-306. Applications - medical panel - awards -
limitations. (1) Payments from the medical disaster insurance
fund shall be awarded by the director only after an application
therefor has been filed by a claimant employee, the claimant's
employer, or such employer's insurance carrier, or one on their
behalf, and approved by the director for admission to the fund,
in any case where the limits of liability provided under section
8-42-101 have been exhausted.
(2) The director shall, in every case where an
application for payments from the medical disaster insurance
fund is filed, immediately, after receipt of such application,
appoint a medical panel of three medical experts to see and
examine the applicant, each of whom shall render a report to
To Index
the director, advising whether or not the expenditure of further
sums of money will promote recovery, alleviate pain, or reduce
disability, suggesting the form and manner of further treatment
or services and suggesting the reasonable cost thereof.
(3) The director, upon receipt of reports from each of
the medical experts appointed in accordance with subsection
(2) of this section, shall either deny the application or award
payments from the medical disaster insurance fund, based
upon such reports and as nearly as possible in accordance with
the majority opinion and suggestions of the medical panel.
(4) In making payment awards from the medical
disaster insurance fund, the director shall be limited in any one
case to the sum of fifty-five thousand dollars, less any amounts
of money expended by the employer or the employer's
insurance carrier for medical, surgical, or hospital services and
the costs of any prosthetic devices, or the reasonable value of
any such services or devices furnished by the employer or the
employer's insurance carrier.
(5) The director shall award, and the state treasurer
shall pay from the medical disaster insurance fund, the
reasonable fees and expenses of the appointed members of the
medical panel.
8-46-307. Credit for reduced disability -
when. (1) In any determination of permanent disability, the
employer or the employer's insurance carrier shall receive no
credit or benefit for the reduction of disability of any claimant
employee under the "Workers' Compensation Act of
Colorado" directly attributable to a compensable accident or
disease when such reduction of disability is accomplished by
expenditures from the medical disaster insurance fund, unless
it shall have been determined by a preponderance of the
(a) That the claimant employee had refused hospital,
surgical, and medical services under the "Workers'
Compensation Act of Colorado" necessary to reduce the
employee's disability voluntarily offered by the employer; or
(b) That the claimant employee had reached
maximum improvement as determined by the director prior to
the filing of the application for payments from the medical
disaster insurance fund.
8-46-308. State treasurer to invest funds. (1) The
state treasurer shall invest any portion of the medical disaster
insurance fund, including its surplus and reserves, which the
director determines is not needed for immediate use. All
interest earned upon such invested portion shall be credited to
the fund and used for the same purposes and in the same
manner as other moneys in the fund. Such moneys may be
invested in the types of investments authorized in sections 24-
36-109, 24-36-112, and 24-36-113, C.R.S.
(2) Repealed.
8-46-309. Authority to utilize other
revenue. Revenues obtained from the tax imposed pursuant to
section 8-46-102 (2)(a) may be used, in the discretion of the
director, for the purpose of paying the costs incurred pursuant
to this article.
8-47-101. Division of workers' compensation -
creation - powers, duties, and functions - transfer of
functions - change of statutory references. (1) There is
hereby created the division of workers' compensation in the
department of labor and employment. Pursuant to section 13
of article XII of the state constitution, the executive director of
the department of labor and employment shall appoint the
director of the division of workers' compensation, and the
director shall appoint such employees as are necessary to carry
out the duties and exercise the powers conferred by law upon
the division of workers' compensation and the director.
(2) The director and the division of workers'
compensation shall enforce and administer the provisions of
the "Workers' Compensation Act of Colorado", articles 40 to
47 of this title, as provided in said articles and the provisions
of article 14.5 of this title.
(3) (a) The division of workers' compensation shall,
on and after July 1, 1991, execute, administer, perform, and
enforce the rights, powers, duties, functions, and obligations
vested in the division of labor prior to July 1, 1991, concerning
the duties and functions transferred to the division of workers'
compensation. On July 1, 1991, all employees of the division
of labor whose principal duties are concerned with the duties
and functions transferred to the division of workers'
compensation and whose employment in the division of
workers' compensation is deemed necessary by the executive
director of the department of labor and employment to carry
out the purposes of this article 47 shall be transferred to the
division of workers' compensation and shall become
employees thereof. The employees shall retain all rights to the
state personnel system and retirement benefits under the laws
of this state, and their services shall be deemed to have been
continuous. All transfers and any abolishment of positions in
the state personnel system shall be made and processed in
accordance with state personnel system laws and rules.
(b) Repealed.
(c) Whenever the division of labor is referred to or
designated by any contract or other document in connection
with the duties and functions transferred to the division of
workers' compensation, such reference or designation is
deemed to apply to the division of workers' compensation. All
contracts entered into by the division of labor prior to July 1,
1991, in connection with the duties and functions transferred
to the division of workers' compensation, are hereby validated,
with the division of workers' compensation succeeding to all
the rights and obligations of such contracts. Any
appropriations of funds from prior fiscal years open to satisfy
obligations incurred under such contracts are hereby
transferred and appropriated to the division of workers'
compensation for the payment of such obligations.
(d) (I) Repealed.
(II) At the discretion of the state auditor, the state
auditor may conduct or cause to be conducted a performance
review of the administrative law judges in the office of
To Index
administrative courts who hear cases under articles 40 to 47 of
this title. The review must include, but is not limited to, the
following topics: The time elapsed from the date of hearing
until decisions are rendered by the administrative law judges;
the time elapsed from the point at which the file is complete
and the case is ready for order until the decision is rendered by
the administrative law judges; the number of decisions that are
reversed upon appeal to the industrial claim appeals panel and
to the court of appeals respectively; the workload or number of
cases assigned to each administrative law judge; and the public
perception of the quality of the performance of the office of
administrative courts with respect to matters arising under the
"Workers' Compensation Act of Colorado".
(4) Repealed.
(5) On and after July 1, 1991, when any provision of
articles 40 to 47 of this title 8 refers to the division of labor,
said law shall be construed as referring to the division of
workers' compensation.
(6) The revisor of statutes is authorized to change all
references to the director of the division of labor standards and
statistics and the division of labor standards and statistics in
articles 14.5 and 40 to 47 of this title to refer to the director of
the division of workers' compensation and the division of
workers' compensation.
8-47-102. Director to enforce orders. If any person
fails or refuses to comply with an order of the director, or to
obey any subpoena issued by the director or agents of the
division, or to furnish the statistics, data, and information
required to be furnished to the division by the provisions of
articles 40 to 47 of this title, or refuses to permit an inspection
as provided in said articles, or being in attendance refuses to
be sworn or examined, or to answer a question, or to produce
a book or paper when ordered to do so by the director or any
of the deputies, agents, or referees of the division, the director
may apply to the district court, upon proof by affidavit of the
facts, for an order, returnable in not less than three days nor
more than five days, directing such person to show cause
before the district court which made the order why such person
should not be committed to jail. Upon the return of such order,
the district court shall examine under oath such person and
give the person an opportunity to be heard. If the court
determines that the person has refused without legal excuse in
any one of the foregoing matters, it may commit the offender
to jail forthwith by warrant, there to remain until the person
submits to do the act which said person was required to do or
until said person is discharged according to law.
8-47-103. Orders of director or appeals office -
validity. All orders of the director or industrial claim appeals
office shall be valid and in force and prima facie reasonable
and lawful until found otherwise in an action brought for that
purpose, pursuant to the provisions of articles 40 to 47 of this
title, or until altered or revoked by the director or industrial
claim appeals office, as the case may be.
8-47-104. Orders and awards - technical
objections. Substantial compliance with the requirements of
articles 40 to 47 of this title shall be sufficient to give effect to
the orders or awards of the director or industrial claim appeals
office, and they shall not be declared inoperative, illegal, or
void for any omission of a technical nature in respect thereto.
8-47-105. Deposit on unpaid compensation or
benefits - trust fund - surplus. (1) The director has the
discretion, at any time, any provisions in articles 40 to 47 of
this title to the contrary notwithstanding, to compute and
require to be paid to the division, to be held by it in trust, an
amount equal to the present value of all unpaid compensation
or other benefits in any case computed at the rate of four
percent per annum. Such action may be taken after a finding
by the director as to the insolvency, the threatened insolvency,
or any other condition or danger which may cause the loss of,
or which has delayed or may impede, hinder, or delay prompt
payment of, compensation or benefits by any insurance carrier
or employer. The action and finding of the director shall not be
subject to review, and the director shall not be required to give
any notice of hearing or hold any hearing prior to taking such
action or making such finding.
(2) All moneys so paid in shall constitute a separate
trust fund in the office of the state treasurer, and, after any such
payment is so ordered, the employer or insurance carrier shall
thereupon be discharged from any further liability under such
award for which payment is made to the extent of the payment
made, and the payment of the award shall then be assumed to
the extent of payment made by the special trust fund so created.
If, for any reason, a beneficiary's right to the compensation
awarded and ordered paid into said special trust fund ceases,
lapses, or in any manner terminates by virtue of the terms and
provisions of articles 40 to 47 of this title so that a surplus not
surviving or accruing to any other beneficiary remains in said
trust fund of the amount ordered paid into it on behalf of the
beneficiary, the insurance carrier or employer who has made
said payment shall be entitled to a refund of the present value
of said surplus, if any, computed at the rate of four percent per
annum. The state treasurer shall invest any portion of the
special trust fund, including its surplus and reserves, which the
director determines is not needed for immediate use.
8-47-106. State average weekly wage - method of
computation. The state average weekly wage shall be
established by the director annually on or before July 1 of each
year. The state average weekly wage shall be determined from
the average weekly earnings referenced in section 8-73-102
(1), computed by the division in June on the basis of the most
recent available figures, and applicable to the ensuing twelve
months beginning July 1. Such state average weekly wage
shall automatically form the basis for establishing maximum
benefits under the "Workers' Compensation Act of Colorado"
as of 12:01 a.m., July 1, 1974, and at each succeeding time and
date annually thereafter.
8-47-107. Adoption of rules. The director has the
power to adopt reasonable and proper rules relative to the
administration of articles 40 to 47 of this title and proper rules
to govern proceedings and hearings of the division, and the
director has the discretion to amend the rules from time to time.
No such rule shall limit the jurisdiction of an administrative
law judge in the office of administrative courts to hear and
decide all matters arising under articles 40 to 47 of this title;
except that in any matter where the director has issued an order
to enforce a provision of the "Workers' Compensation Act of
Colorado", an administrative law judge in the office of
administrative courts shall not hear and decide the same matter
To Index
while it is pending before the director. The rules shall be
promulgated in accordance with section 24-4-103, C.R.S.
8-47-108. Workers' compensation study - report
to general assembly. (Repealed)
8-47-109. Report to general assembly. (Repealed)
8-47-110. Public officers to enforce orders -
furnish information. It is the duty of all officers and
employees of the state, counties, and municipalities, upon the
request of the director, to enforce in their respective
departments all lawful orders of the director insofar as the
same may be applicable and consistent with the general duties
of such officers and employees. It is also their duty to make to
the director such reports as the director may require concerning
matters within their knowledge pertaining to the purposes of
articles 40 to 47 of this title and to furnish the director such
facts, data, statistics, and information as, from time to time,
may come to them pertaining to the purposes of said articles
and the duties of the division thereunder, and particularly all
information coming to their knowledge respecting the
condition of all places of employment subject to the provisions
of said articles with regard to the health, protection, and safety
of employees and the hazard of risk of such places of
8-47-111. Division efforts to ensure employer
compliance with workers' compensation coverage
requirements - legislative declaration. (1) The general
assembly finds, determines, and declares that it is in the best
interests of the public to assure that all employers who fall
under the provisions of articles 40 to 47 of this title have in
effect current policies of insurance or self-insurance for
workers' compensation liability.
(2) In order to implement the declaration in
subsection (1) of this section, the division shall develop a
procedure for verifying whether or not all employers doing
business in the state of Colorado comply with the requirements
of article 44 of this title. This procedure must include cross-
referencing employer records of the division of unemployment
insurance and the division of workers' compensation. Upon
identifying employers that are not in compliance with article
44 of this title, the division, with the assistance and cooperation
of the attorney general, shall use all available means under
articles 40 to 47 of this title to ensure compliance. Every
insurance carrier authorized to transact business in this state,
including Pinnacol Assurance, which insures employers
against liability for compensation under the provisions of
articles 40 to 47 of this title, shall furnish the division, upon
request, all information required by it to accomplish the
purposes of this section.
8-47-112. Division website - procedures to file
complaints. The director shall clearly post on the division's
website the procedure for an injured worker to follow to file a
complaint with the division regarding any issue over which the
director or his or her designee has authority to pursue, settle,
or enforce pursuant to articles 40 to 47 of this title.
8-47-201. Information to division - blanks -
verification. Every employer receiving from the division any
blanks with directions to fill out the same or requests for
information required for the purposes of articles 40 to 47 of
this title shall properly fill out the blanks and furnish the
information so requested fully and correctly. The director may
require that any information requested by the division be
verified under oath and may fix the time within which said
information shall be returned.
8-47-202. Information furnished to division -
confidential use. Every employer shall furnish the division,
upon request, all information required by it to accomplish the
purposes of articles 40 to 47 of this title. The information shall
be for the confidential use of the division, unless otherwise
ordered by the director, and shall not be open to the public nor
used in any court or any action or proceeding pending therein,
unless the director is a party to such action or proceeding.
8-47-203. Access to files, records, and
orders. (1) Notwithstanding the provisions of section 8-47-
202, the filing of a claim for compensation is deemed to be a
limited waiver of the doctor-patient privilege to persons who
are necessary to resolve the claim. Access to claim files
maintained by the division will be permitted only as follows:
(a) Workers' compensation claim files shall be
available for inspection upon request by the parties to the
claim, including the claimant, the employer, and the insurer or
their attorneys or other designated representatives. The parties
to a claim may review other claim files relating to the said
(b) Persons who are not parties to a claim, or their
attorneys or designated representatives, and who wish to
inspect or obtain information from claim files may submit a
request to inspect a particular file, stating the purpose for such
inspection. The director may disallow such requests if the
purpose of the inspection is to further commercial interests or
to disseminate information to nonparties. Any such request
shall be considered and determined by the division within
seventy-two hours.
(c) (I) The director may permit access to other
governmental entities only as required for the performance of
their official duties and only if those official duties relate to
enforcement of provisions of articles 40 to 47 of this title;
except that the department of revenue may access results of
any inquiry made by the division to determine whether an
employer has any liability pursuant to articles 22 to 29 of title
39, C.R.S. As used in this subparagraph (I), "enforcement"
includes duties of governmental entities involved in the
administration of the provisions of articles 40 to 47 of this title
or if such duties relate to the enforcement of child support
under section 26-13-122, C.R.S. This provision is not intended
to restrict the rights of persons otherwise provided for in
articles 40 to 47 of this title to inspect and copy files.
(II) The general assembly intends that any contract,
agreement, or any other means to transfer information between
the department of labor and employment and any other
governmental entity related to access to claim files in effect
prior to May 27, 1997, shall be conformed to the provisions of
To Index
this paragraph (c), as amended, or terminated as authorized by
(III) Notwithstanding articles 40 to 47 of this title 8,
the director may provide information to the Colorado
uninsured employer board created in section 8-67-106, as
necessary, to exercise its powers and duties.
(d) Persons entitled to review claim files may obtain
copies upon payment of the fee set by the division. Such
persons shall not disseminate information contained in those
files except as required to resolve the claim, or as permitted by
the director, or as permitted by law.
(e) Claimants may waive the protection of this
statute by executing a waiver for the release of information.
The waiver must be dated and will be effective for ninety days
(2) All orders entered by the director or an
administrative law judge pursuant to articles 40 to 47 of this
title shall be made available by the division for inspection or
copying for a fee reflecting actual costs; except that the name
and other identifying information concerning the claimant and
employer shall be excised.
8-47-203.3. Release of location information
concerning individuals with outstanding felony arrest
warrants. (1) Notwithstanding any provision of state law to
the contrary and to the extent allowable under federal law, at
the request of the Colorado bureau of investigation, the
division shall provide the bureau with information concerning
the location of any person whose name appears in the division's
records who is the subject of an outstanding felony arrest
warrant. Upon receipt of such information, it shall be the
responsibility of the bureau to provide appropriate law
enforcement agencies with location information obtained from
the division. Location information provided pursuant to this
section shall be used solely for law enforcement purposes. The
division and the bureau shall determine and employ the most
cost-effective method for obtaining and providing location
information pursuant to this section. Neither the division nor
its employees or agents shall be liable in civil action for
providing information in accordance with the provisions of this
subsection (1).
(2) As used in subsection (1) of this section, "law
enforcement agency" means any agency of the state or its
political subdivisions that is responsible for enforcing the laws
of this state. "Law enforcement agency" includes but is not
limited to any police department, sheriff's department, district
attorney's office, the office of the state attorney general, and
the Colorado bureau of investigation.
8-47-204. Employees of division -
qualifications. The executive director has the power to
employ, pursuant to section 13 of article XII of the state
constitution, such deputies, experts, statisticians, accountants,
inspectors, clerks, and other employees as may be necessary to
carry out the provisions of articles 40 to 47 of this title or to
perform the duties and exercise the powers conferred by law
upon the division.
8-47-205. Salaries of employees of division. All
deputies, statisticians, accountants, clerks, experts, and other
employees of the division shall receive such compensation as
may be fixed by law. The salaries so fixed shall be paid
monthly from the fund appropriated for the use of the division
after approval by the director.
8-47-206. Employees of division - bonds. Such
employees of the division as shall be directed by the director
shall furnish surety company bonds in such sum as may be
fixed by the director, the premiums therefor to be paid as other
expenses of the division are paid.
8-47-207. Collection of statistics. The director or
any agents of the division may enter into any place of
employment for the purpose of collecting facts and statistics,
examining the provisions made for the health, protection, and
safety of the employees, and bringing to the attention of every
employer any rule, order, or requirement of the division, or any
law, or any failure on the part of any employer to comply
8-47-208. Records of employers open to
inspection of division. All books, records, and payrolls of
employers or of any contractor, subcontractor, lessee,
sublessee, or person showing or reflecting in any way upon the
amount of wage expenditure of such employers, contractor,
subcontractor, lessee, sublessee, or person and all other facts,
data, and statistics appertaining to the purposes of this article
shall always be open for inspection by the director or any
agents of the division for the purpose of ascertaining the
correctness of the reported wage expenditure, number of
persons employed, and such other information as may be
necessary for the uses and purposes of the division in the
administration of the "Workers' Compensation Act of
8-47-209. Expenses of division. All expenses
incurred by the division pursuant to the provisions of the
"Workers' Compensation Act of Colorado" shall be paid from
funds appropriated for the use of the division upon claims
therefor which shall be itemized and sworn to by the person
who incurred the same. The claims shall be allowed by the
director subject to the approval of the controller. The traveling
expenses of the director or of any employees of the division,
incurred while on business of the division outside of the state
of Colorado, shall be paid in the manner aforesaid, but only
when such expenses are authorized in advance by the
controller to be incurred by the division.
To Index
Workers' Compensation
Classification Appeals Board
8-55-101. Workers' compensation classification
appeals board - creation. (1) There is hereby created, in the
division of insurance in the department of regulatory agencies,
the workers' compensation classification appeals board. The
board shall hear grievances brought by employers against
insurers and Pinnacol Assurance concerning the calculation of
experience modification factors and classification assignment
decisions. The board shall consist of five voting members,
each of whom shall be knowledgeable about workers'
compensation classification and experience modification
factors, and one nonvoting member, as follows:
(a) Two members shall be either salaried employees
of an insurance company that issues workers' compensation
insurance policies in this state or representatives of Pinnacol
Assurance. Such two members shall not both represent
Pinnacol Assurance or the same insurance company. In
addition, one person shall be selected to serve as an alternate
member to represent the interests of the insurance industry or
Pinnacol Assurance. The alternate shall represent such
interests in the event the primary member recuses himself or
(b) One member, who shall be a nonvoting member,
shall be an employee of a workers' compensation rating
organization functioning under the provisions of section 10-4-
408, C.R.S. The workers' compensation rating organization
shall serve as a technical resource for the board.
(c) Three members shall represent private
employers. Each private employer member shall be
knowledgeable with respect to workers' compensation
insurance, rules, and classifications, and shall be familiar with
the business environment and community in this state. No
private employer member shall be an employee of an insurance
company, insurance broker, insurance agent, law firm, actuary,
Pinnacol Assurance, or any association of such entities or
persons. All private employer board memberships shall be held
in the name of an individual. At least one private employer
member shall represent the construction industry.
(2) The private employer members and the members
representing insurers and Pinnacol Assurance shall be
appointed by the commissioner of insurance. The workers'
compensation rating organization representative shall be
appointed by the chief executive officer of such organization
or by another officer designated to make such appointment.
The commissioner may solicit a list of nominees from any
interested party before making such appointments. The
commissioner shall immediately notify the workers'
compensation rating organization concerning the identity of
any appointees.
(3) Each member shall serve one three-year term,
and, in addition:
(a) (Deleted by amendment, L. 2002, p. 1889, § 46,
effective July 1, 2002.)
(b) A private employer member or member
representing the insurance industry or Pinnacol Assurance may
serve a second consecutive three-year term; and
(c) The member representing the workers'
compensation rating organization may be reappointed without
(4) Any vacancy on the board shall be filled for the
unexpired term in the same manner as the original
appointment. The member appointed to fill such vacancy shall
be from the same category described in subsection (1) of this
section as the member vacating the position.
(5) Members of the board shall serve without
compensation, but their reasonable expenses incurred when
performing their duties as board members shall be reimbursed
from the workers' compensation cash fund created in section
8-44-112 (7). Such expenses shall be limited to travel, food,
and lodging expenses.
(6) Members of the board, in their capacity as
members, shall be immune from liability in all claims for
injury that lie in tort or could lie in tort, regardless of whether
that may be the type of action or the form of relief chosen by
the claimant.
8-55-102. Right to appeal - notice of appeal
procedures. An employer may appeal to the workers'
compensation classification appeals board any issue
concerning the calculation of experience modification factors
and classification assignment decisions under the workers'
compensation laws of this state by filing written notice with
said board within thirty days after the employer has exhausted
all appeal review procedures provided by the insurance
company. Every insurance carrier authorized to transact
business in this state, including Pinnacol Assurance, shall
provide employers with a written copy or summary of their
appeal procedures, together with a written notice of the
availability of an appeal under this article, at the beginning of
each policy year and when notice is provided to the employer
of a change in experience modification factors or job
8-55-103. Hearings - conflicts of interest. (1) The
board shall commence each term on January 1 of each year and
shall terminate each term on December 31.
(2) At the beginning of each term the board shall
either in person or by teleconference:
(a) Elect a chair who shall be responsible for
conducting each hearing;
(b) Appoint the member representing the workers'
compensation rating organization as secretary; and
(c) Establish such organizational and procedural
rules as are deemed necessary.
(3) The board shall meet as needed and in accordance
with the following:
(a) The board shall schedule a hearing within thirty
days after receipt of an appeal.
(b) The board shall provide written notice of a
hearing to the appellant, the insurer, and the workers'
compensation rating organization within thirty days after
receipt of an appeal, but not less than ten days before the
(c) A hearing shall be conducted only if a quorum of
the board is present, either in person or by teleconference. A
quorum shall consist of a simple majority of the voting
members, including at least two private sector members.
To Index
(d) Any decision of the board shall be by majority
vote of the voting members who are present at the hearing.
(e) A member's vote shall be cast only by such
(f) If a board member has a conflict of interest with
respect to any matter scheduled for hearing before the board,
such member shall recuse himself or herself from any
discussion and decisions on said matter unless, after full
disclosure of the facts giving rise to such conflict, all parties to
the appeal agree to waive such conflict. For purposes of this
paragraph (f), a member shall be deemed to have a conflict of
interest if such member:
(I) Has a conflict that would call into question such
member's ability to render an unbiased decision; and
(II) Is associated with either party to the appeal. A
member is "associated" with a party to an appeal if:
(A) The member and the party to the appeal are
involved in a common business enterprise or are members of a
controlled group, as defined in section 1563(a) of the federal
"Internal Revenue Code of 1986", as amended; or
(B) The member has a familial relationship with the
party to the appeal.
(g) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (f)
of this subsection (3), the member representing the workers'
compensation rating organization shall not be deemed to have
a conflict of interest with respect to any appeal based solely on
his or her affiliation with his or her organization.
(4) The secretary of the board shall carry out the
administrative functions of the board and shall be responsible
for providing notice of, preparing the agenda for, and
arranging the facilities for each hearing and meeting. The
secretary shall also prepare a memorandum after each hearing
that includes the vote of the board. Such memoranda shall be
signed by the chair of the board and, each month, the secretary
shall deliver copies of that month's memoranda to the workers'
compensation rating organization.
8-55-104. Review of board decisions. (1) A
decision of the board shall be final and not subject to appeal
unless the employer, insurance company, or Pinnacol
Assurance provides written notice to the office of the
commissioner of insurance, who shall determine whether a job
misclassification occurred, as required pursuant to section 8-
44-108. An employer may hold disputed premium amounts in
abeyance from the date an appeal is filed pursuant to section
8-55-102 until the later of:
(a) The date a final decision is made by the board
concerning such appeal; or
(b) The date of any written decision of the
commissioner of insurance issued pursuant to subsection (3) of
this section.
(2) Each employer, insurance company, or Pinnacol
Assurance, as the case may be, shall be advised of the right to
appeal to the office of the commissioner of insurance.
(3) An employer, insurance company, or Pinnacol
Assurance shall provide written notice of an appeal to the
commissioner of insurance within thirty days after the date of
the board's decision. The commissioner shall review any
decision of the board properly appealed pursuant to this section
and shall provide a written decision within thirty days after the
request for such review.
(4) Any employer that holds disputed premium
amounts in abeyance pursuant to subsection (1) of this section
and loses its appeal shall pay the disputed premium amount
plus interest at the rate of one percent of such disputed amount
per month. Such interest shall accrue from the date of the
premium rate increase to the date of payment.
8-55-105. Repeal of article. (1) This article is
repealed, effective July 1, 2021.
(2) Prior to said repeal, the workers' compensation
classification appeals board shall be reviewed as provided in
section 24-34-104, C.R.S.
To Index
Colorado Uninsured Employer Act
8-67-101. Short title. The short title of this article 67
is the "Colorado Uninsured Employer Act".
8-67-102. Legislative declaration. (1) The general
assembly hereby finds and declares that the purpose of this
article 67 is to provide a mechanism for the payment of
covered claims to workers injured while employed by
employers who have failed to obtain and maintain the required
workers' compensation insurance and to avoid excessive delay
in payment and financial loss to injured workers.
(2) Therefore, it is the intent of the general assembly
to require employers to maintain workers' compensation
insurance and that the requirement be vigorously enforced in
order to protect compliant employers from those who would
gain a competitive advantage at the expense of the safety and
well-being of employees.
8-67-103. Definitions. As used in this article 67,
unless the context otherwise requires:
(1) "Board" means the uninsured employer board
created in section 8-67-106.
(2) "Covered claim" means a claim for benefits
resulting from an injury occurring on or after January 1, 2020,
that has been adjudicated to be compensable, for which the
employer has been determined to be uninsured, and for which
the employer has failed to pay the full amount of benefits as
(3) "Department" means the department of labor and
(4) "Director" means the director of the division of
workers' compensation.
(5) "Division" means the division of workers'
compensation in the department of labor and employment.
(6) "Fund" means the Colorado uninsured employer
8-67-104. Exclusions. (1) The following persons
may not recover compensation or other benefits from the fund:
(a) A partner in a partnership or an owner of a sole
(b) A director or officer of a corporation;
(c) A member or manager of a limited liability
(d) An individual who was responsible for obtaining
and maintaining the employer's workers' compensation
insurance coverage and who failed to do so;
(e) An individual who was eligible to be covered
under a workers' compensation insurance policy and
voluntarily rejected the coverage under section 8-41-202, 8-
41-404 (4)(a)(V), or 8-41-404 (4)(a)(VI);
(f) An individual who is not an "employee" as
defined in sections 8-40-202 and 8-40-301 or who is otherwise
ineligible to receive benefits under articles 40 to 47 of this title
8-67-105. Colorado uninsured employer
fund. (1) The Colorado uninsured employer fund is hereby
created in the state treasury. A board of directors established
under section 8-67-106 shall administer the fund under a plan
of operation established under section 8-67-108.
(2) (a) The money collected for the fund pursuant to
articles 40 to 47 of this title 8 shall be transmitted to the state
treasurer, who shall credit the money to the fund. The money
credited to the fund and all interest earned thereon are hereby
continuously appropriated for the payment of the direct costs
of administering the program, including benefits paid pursuant
to this article 67 and payments to third parties retained
pursuant to this article 67.
(b) The internal staffing costs, not including
payments to third parties contracted by the board, associated
with uninsured employer programs shall be paid out of the
workers' compensation cash fund in accordance with
appropriations made pursuant to section 8-44-112 (7).
(c) The fund consists of:
(I) Civil penalties, fines, and other revenue collected
by the division and specifically allocated to the fund pursuant
to articles 40 to 47 of this title 8;
(II) Any public or private gifts, grants, or donations
to the fund received by the department;
(III) Any appropriations made to the fund; and
(IV) Earned interest, which the state treasurer shall
deposit in the fund.
(d) The department may use revenues in the fund for
benefits to be paid out of the fund pursuant to this article 67 as
well as administrative costs of the board.
(e) The money in the fund:
(I) Shall remain in the fund and not be credited or
transferred to the general fund at the end of any fiscal year;
(II) Is exempt from section 24-75-402; and
(III) Is not subject to annual appropriation by the
general assembly.
(3) No later than June 1, 2022, the state auditor shall
conduct or cause to be conducted a performance audit of the
Colorado uninsured employer fund.
8-67-106. Creation of board. (1) There is hereby
created in the division the uninsured employer board,
consisting of the director of the division or the director's
representative and four members appointed by the governor
and confirmed by the senate. Appointed members of the board
must include at least one individual to represent each of the
(a) Employers;
(b) Labor organizations;
(c) Insurers; and
(d) Attorney representatives of injured workers.
(2) The board shall exercise its powers and perform
its functions under the department and the director as if the
board were transferred to the department by a type 2 transfer,
as such transfer is defined in the "Administrative Organization
Act of 1968", article 1 of title 24.
(3) The appointed members of the board shall serve
for terms of three years and may be reappointed; except that,
of the members first appointed, one shall serve for an initial
term of three years, two shall serve for initial terms of two
To Index
years, and one shall serve for an initial term of one year. A
member may serve no more than three consecutive terms.
(4) Members of the board are not entitled to
compensation for their services but shall be reimbursed for
actual and necessary traveling and expenses incurred in the
performance of their official duties as members of the board.
8-67-107. Powers of the board - rules. (1) The
board has the following powers and duties:
(a) To establish standards and criteria for payment of
benefits from the fund;
(b) To set minimum and maximum benefit rates;
except that benefits paid by the fund shall not exceed the
maximum allowed under articles 40 to 47 of this title 8 or set
forth by order of the director. Minimum benefit rates shall be
at the level required by articles 40 to 47 of this title 8 unless
the fund lacks sufficient money as determined by the board. If
benefits are paid below the amount mandated by articles 40 to
47 of this title 8, benefits shall be prioritized and paid as
(I) Medical benefits;
(II) Funeral benefits;
(III) Temporary disability;
(IV) Death benefits;
(V) Permanent total disability;
(VI) Permanent partial disability;
(VII) Disfigurement.
(c) To adjust claims, which may be performed by
contracting with any appropriate entities designated as third-
party administrators. Designation of a third-party
administrator is subject to the approval of the director.
(d) To pay the expenses of the board as authorized by
this section;
(e) To disseminate information regarding the fund;
(f) To adopt rules as necessary to carry out the
purposes of this article 67, including rules regarding admission
to the fund and payment of benefits in order to ensure the
financial stability of the fund;
(g) To investigate claims brought for benefits and to
adjust, compromise, settle, and pay covered claims to the
extent permitted by statute and rule; to deny payment of
benefits from the fund of all other claims and to review
settlements, releases, and final orders to which the uninsured
employer and injured worker were parties; and to determine
the extent to which such settlements, releases, and orders may
effect eligibility for benefits.
(2) The board may:
(a) Employ or retain persons as necessary to handle
claims and perform other duties of the board;
(b) Intervene as a party before any court or
administrative tribunal in this state that has jurisdiction over an
uninsured employer or other party potentially responsible for
payment of benefits;
(c) Negotiate and become a party to contracts as
necessary to carry out the purposes of this article 67;
(d) Perform other acts necessary or proper to
effectuate the purposes of this article 67;
(e) Purchase or otherwise obtain insurance and
reinsurance policies to limit the liability of the fund for
payment of benefits under this article 67; and
(f) Deny entry to the fund or payment of benefits if
the underlying claim appears to be premised on fraudulent
8-67-108. Plan of operation - rules. (1) The board
shall, by rule, adopt a plan of operation and any amendments
necessary or suitable to assure the fair, reasonable, and
equitable administration of the fund.
(2) If the board fails to adopt a plan of operation on
or before September 1, 2018, the director shall, after notice and
hearing, adopt and promulgate reasonable rules as necessary
or advisable to effectuate this article 67. The rules shall
continue in force until modified or superseded by the board.
(3) The plan of operation shall:
(a) Establish the procedures by which all the powers
and duties of the board under section 8-67-107 will be
(b) Establish the amount and method of reimbursing
members of the board under section 8-67-106 (4);
(c) Establish procedures by which claims may be
filed with the board, including establishing acceptable forms
of proof of covered claims;
(d) Establish procedures for pursuing actions against
uninsured employers pursuant to section 8-67-110;
(e) Establish regular places and times for meetings of
the board;
(f) Establish procedures for maintaining records of
all financial transactions of the board;
(g) Contain additional provisions necessary or
proper for the execution of the powers and duties of the board;
(h) Establish procedures for contracting with third-
party administrators to administer claims paid by the fund.
8-67-109. Effect of benefits. (1) Notwithstanding
this section or articles 40 to 47 of this title 8, a person seeking
benefits under this article 67 from the fund is deemed to have
assigned his or her rights under articles 40 to 47 of this title 8
to the board to the extent of the benefits paid by the fund. Every
injured worker seeking the protection of this article 67 shall
cooperate with the board to the same extent as he or she would
have been required to cooperate with the employer.
(2) If an employer has no insurance and fails to pay
the full amount of benefits as required by articles 40 to 47 of
this title 8, the injured worker may apply to the board for
payment of the compensation benefits, including medical
benefits, to which the injured worker is entitled, to be paid
from the fund. Benefits to which the injured worker is entitled
from the fund do not include any penalties assessed against the
(3) The board has the right to appear as a creditor in
a bankruptcy proceeding involving an uninsured employer
who has been found liable to an injured worker admitted to the
(4) The receiver, liquidator, or statutory successor of
an uninsured employer is bound by settlements of covered
claims with the board. The court having jurisdiction shall grant
such claims priority equal to that which the injured worker
would have been entitled in the absence of this article 67
against the assets of the employer. The expenses of the board
shall be accorded the same priority as the liquidator's expenses.
To Index
(5) Upon the acceptance of a claim into the fund, the
board shall record, as provided by subsection (6) of this
section, a certificate prepared and furnished by the division
showing the date on which the claim was filed, the date of the
injury, the name and last-known address of the employer
against whom it was filed, the names and last-known addresses
of the employer's principals, and the fact that the employer has
not secured the payment of compensation as required. Upon
recording, the certificate constitutes a valid lien against the
assets of the employer and its principals in favor of the fund
for the whole amount that may be due as compensation. Any
lien secured pursuant to this article 67 has priority in the order
filed. The board shall serve a copy of the certificate upon the
employer and its principals.
(6) The certificate constituting a lien in favor of the
fund must be filed in the following offices:
(a) The offices of the county clerks of the counties in
which the principals of the defendant employer reside;
(b) The office of the county clerk of the county in
which the defendant employer has its principal place of
business; and
(c) The offices of the county clerks in the counties
where the employer's property is located.
(7) If an uninsured employer becomes insolvent, the
board may convert all future payments of workers'
compensation weekly benefits, medical expenses, or other
payments pursuant to articles 40 to 47 of this title 8 to a present
lump sum. The board shall fix the lump sum of probable future
medical expenses and weekly compensation benefits, or other
benefits payable pursuant to articles 40 to 47 of this title 8,
capitalized at their present value upon the basis of interest at
the rate of four percent per annum. The board shall then file
with the receiver or liquidator of an insolvent employer the
statement of the lump sum, which shall preserve the rights of
the board against the assets of the insolvent employer. The
employer is discharged from all further liability for the
commuted workers' compensation claim upon payment of the
present lump sum to either the injured worker or, subject to
approval by the board, to a licensed insurer for purchase of an
annuity or other periodic payment plan for the benefit of the
injured worker.
(8) Payment from the fund does not relieve the
obligation of the employer to pay benefits as required by
articles 40 to 47 of this title 8 to the injured worker; except that
any benefits due to the injured worker will be reduced by the
amount of the benefits paid by the fund to the injured worker.
All benefits required pursuant to articles 40 to 47 of this title 8
remain the liability of the employer.
8-67-110. Collection of benefit
reimbursements. (1) The board shall institute practices and
procedures as it deems necessary to collect any money due the
fund in the form of reimbursement for benefits paid from the
fund to an injured worker.
(2) The board, in its role as guardian of fund dollars,
is exempt from section 24-30-202.4. If the board determines
an account to be uncollectible, the account may be referred to
the controller for collection. Reasonable fees for collection, as
determined by the board and the controller, shall be added to
the amount of debt. The debtor is liable for repayment of the
total of the amount of outstanding debt plus the collection fee.
All money collected by the controller shall be returned to the
fund; except that all fees collected shall be retained by the
controller. If less than the full amount is collected, the
controller shall retain only a proportionate share of the
collection fee.
(3) If, after due notice, an employer defaults in the
repayment of any benefits paid by the fund to an injured
worker on that employer's behalf, the board may seek
collection from the employer by instituting a civil action,
which shall include the right of attachment in the name of the
fund. Court costs shall not be charged to the board, but any
employer against whom judgment is taken shall be charged
with all costs of the action. All costs collected by the fund shall
be paid into the registry of the court.
(4) The board may employ counsel and other
personnel necessary to collect reimbursements as described in
this section.
8-67-111. Payment of benefits. (1) Benefits paid
under this article 67 are treated as benefits paid by an insurer
or self-insured employer under articles 40 to 47 of this title 8.
(2) A person having a single claim against multiple
employers is not entitled to receive benefits unless each of the
liable employers is uninsured.
(3) When paying benefits, the board is entitled to
claim any reduction of benefits, to claim overpayments, or to
make any other adjustments allowed under articles 40 to 47 of
this title 8.
(4) Benefits awarded under this article 67 must be
reduced by any benefits paid by the uninsured employer.
8-67-112. Medical benefits. (1) Medical benefits
paid under this article 67 are treated as benefits paid by an
insurer or self-insured employer under articles 40 to 47 of this
title 8.
(2) Upon acceptance of a claim for benefits from the
fund, the board may designate a new authorized treating
physician. Application to the fund shall be deemed as
acceptance by the injured worker of the new designated
physician if the designation is made. The previously
authorized treating physician providing primary care shall
continue as the authorized treating physician providing
primary care for the injured employee until the injured
employee's initial visit with the newly authorized treating
physician, at which time the treatment relationship with the
previously authorized treating physician providing primary
care is terminated.
(3) Notwithstanding articles 40 to 47 of this title 8,
the board is permitted to negotiate rates of reimbursement for
medical providers.
8-67-113. Procedure. (1) A controversy
concerning any issue arising under this section shall be
resolved through hearings in accordance with sections 8-43-
207 and 8-43-207.5. In any such hearing, a decision of the
board to deny benefits may only be set aside upon a showing
of abuse of discretion.
(2) The division shall notify the board of any claim
determined or suspected to be uninsured, either at the time of
filing or otherwise. Upon the notification, the board is
permitted to join the claim as a party upon written notice to all
other parties.
To Index
(3) A hearing must not proceed on the issue of lack
of coverage without the board having been notified and
provided an opportunity to join the claim as a party.
(4) The board, its agents, or employees have no
liability for any action taken against them for the performance
of their duties under this article 67.
To Index
ABROGATION OF DEFENSES ...................................................................... 8-41-101(1)......................................................................................... 9
ACCEPTANCE OF ACT .................................................................................. 8-41-104 ............................................................................................. 9
arising out of employment ............................................................................... 8-41-301(1)(b), (c)
............................................................................ 13
benefits (see BENEFITS)
definition .......................................................................................................... 8-40-201(1), (2)
.................................................................................. 3
heart attack ....................................................................................................... 8-41-302(2)....................................................................................... 14
report by employee .......................................................................................... 8-43-102(1)(a) .................................................................................. 34
report by employer ........................................................................................... 8-43-101(1)....................................................................................... 34
stress ................................................................................................................ 8-41-302(1)....................................................................................... 14
ACCREDITATION PROGRAM ..................................................................... 8-42-101(3.6)(a) ............................................................................... 19
accessibility of program ................................................................................... 8-42-101(3.6)(e) ............................................................................... 20
costs ................................................................................................................. 8-42-101(3.6)(d), (m) ....................................................................... 20
facilities ........................................................................................................... 8-42-101(3.6)(b) ............................................................................... 19
list of accredited physicians ............................................................................. 8-42-101(3.6)(k) ............................................................................... 20
non-lost time injuries ....................................................................................... 8-42-101(3.6)(i) ................................................................................ 20
physician assistant ........................................................................................... 8-42-101(3.5)(a)(I)(B) ...................................................................... 19
physician defined ............................................................................................. 8-42-101(3.5)(a)(I)(A) ...................................................................... 19
Level I .......................................................................................................... 8-42-101(3.6)(a)(I) ........................................................................... 19
Level II ........................................................................................................ 8-42-101(3.6)(a)(II) .......................................................................... 19
impairment ratings if not Level II accredited ........................................... 8-42-101(3.6)(o) ............................................................................... 20
not level II accredited............................................................................... 8-42-107(8)(b.5) ............................................................................... 27
registration fees ................................................................................................ 8-42-101(3.6)(l) ................................................................................ 20
review of program ............................................................................................ 8-42-101(3.6)(r)(II) .......................................................................... 20
revocation of accreditation ............................................................................... 8-42-101(3.6)(g), 8-43-501(3)(c)(III)(4) .................................... 20, 55
time of accreditation ........................................................................................ 8-42-101(3.6)(f) ................................................................................ 20
ACCRUED COMPENSATION ON DEATH.................................................. 8-41-503(2)....................................................................................... 17
abolished .......................................................................................................... 8-41-102
............................................................................................. 9
(see Office of Administrative Courts) ........................................................... 24-30-1001
appeals from, to Industrial Claim Appeals Panel ............................................. 8-43-301(6)
....................................................................................... 43
appointment ..................................................................................................... 24-30-1003
determine competency of witnesses & parties to settlement ............................ 8-43-207(1)(m), 8-43-207.5(2) ......................................................... 40
dismiss issues ................................................................................................... 8-43-207(1)(n) .................................................................................. 40
guardians ad litem, appoint .............................................................................. 8-43-207(1)(l) ................................................................................... 40
jurisdiction ....................................................................................................... 8-43-207(1)(m) ................................................................................. 40
order of (see ORDER)
power and authority ......................................................................................... 8-43-207(1)
....................................................................................... 40
report on penalties imposed ............................................................................. 8-43-304(3)....................................................................................... 45
require repayment of overpayments ................................................................. 8-43-207(1)(q) .................................................................................. 40
review by Industrial Claim Appeals Panel ....................................................... 8-43-301(6)....................................................................................... 43
subpoenas......................................................................................................... 8-43-207.5(2).................................................................................... 40
ADMISSION OF LIABILITY .......................................................................... 8-43-203(1)(a) .................................................................................. 36
compensation information requirements .......................................................... 8-43-203(2)(b)(I) .............................................................................. 37
contest final admission..................................................................................... 8-43-203(2)(b)(II)(A) ....................................................................... 37
filed after Division Independent Medical Examination ................................... 8-42-107.2(4)(a), 8-43-203(2)(b)(II)(A) ..................................... 29, 37
AGGRIEVED PARTY for apportionment of fines ........................................... 8-43-304(1), 8-43-401(2)(a)
....................................................... 45, 47
conviction, evidence ........................................................................................ 8-43-210 ........................................................................................... 41
reducing compensation .................................................................................... 8-42-112.5(1).................................................................................... 31
ALIEN ................................................................................................................ 8-40-202(1)(b) .................................................................................... 6
8-40-202(1)(a)(VI)(b) ......................................................................... 6
contract capacity ..............................................................................................
impairment rating guidelines ........................................................................... 8-42-101(3)(a)(I) .............................................................................. 19
medical impairment ratings.............................................................................. 8-42-107(8)(c) .................................................................................. 27
physical impairment ratings ............................................................................. 8-42-101(3.7).................................................................................... 20
AMPUTATION ................................................................................................. 8-42-107(5), 8-42-107(8)(c.5) .................................................... 26, 28
ANNUITY .......................................................................................................... 8-44-116 ........................................................................................... 62
to Court of Appeals .......................................................................................... 8-43-307 thru 312 ............................................................................. 46
Find what you were looking for?
costs ......................................................................................................... 8-43-314 ........................................................................................... 46
by division ....................................................................................................... 8-43-301(7) ....................................................................................... 43
error disregarded ...................................................................................... 8-43-310 ........................................................................................... 46
fees ........................................................................................................... 8-43-314 ........................................................................................... 46
grounds .................................................................................................... 8-43-308 ........................................................................................... 46
heard in 30 days ....................................................................................... 8-43-309 ........................................................................................... 46
precedence ............................................................................................... 8-43-307(2) ....................................................................................... 46
remand ..................................................................................................... 8-43-312 ........................................................................................... 46
time for filing ........................................................................................... 8-43-301(10) ..................................................................................... 43
when panel fails to act .............................................................................. 8-43-301(11) ..................................................................................... 43
of utilization review process ............................................................................ 8-43-501(5)(a) .................................................................................. 55
to director or administrative law judge ............................................................ 8-43-301(2) ....................................................................................... 43
briefs, time for filing ................................................................................ 8-43-301(4) ....................................................................................... 43
petition to review, time for filing ............................................................. 8-43-301(2) ....................................................................................... 43
supplemental orders ................................................................................. 8-43-301(4), (5) ................................................................................ 43
transcript, ordering ................................................................................... 8-43-301(2) ....................................................................................... 43
to Industrial Claim Appeals Panel .................................................................... 8-43-301(6) ....................................................................................... 43
briefs, time for filing ................................................................................ 8-43-301(6) ....................................................................................... 43
multiple employers ................................................................................... 8-43-301(13) ..................................................................................... 44
order, time for entering ............................................................................ 8-43-301(8) ....................................................................................... 43
petition for review .................................................................................... 8-43-301(6) ....................................................................................... 43
power to alter findings ............................................................................. 8-43-301(8) ....................................................................................... 43
procedural orders ..................................................................................... 8-43-301(9) ....................................................................................... 43
record, transmittal .................................................................................... 8-43-301(7) ....................................................................................... 43
remand ..................................................................................................... 8-43-318 ........................................................................................... 47
to Supreme Court ............................................................................................. 8-43-313 ........................................................................................... 46
transcripts ................................................................................................. 8-43-213(3) ....................................................................................... 42
after IME .......................................................................................................... 8-42-107.2(4), 8-43-203(2)(b)(II) ............................................... 29, 37
claims management - application for hearing - rejection of ............................. 8-43-218(4) ....................................................................................... 42
de novo utilization review ................................................................................ 8-43-501(5)(b) .................................................................................. 55
expedited hearing ............................................................................................. 8-42-105(2)(a), 8-43-203(1)(a) ................................................... 24, 36
for penalty ........................................................................................................ 8-43-304(4) ....................................................................................... 45
request for mediation after ............................................................................... 8-43-205(1) ....................................................................................... 39
APPOINTED OFFICIALS ............................................................................... 8-40-202(1)(a)(I)(A) ........................................................................... 4
death ................................................................................................................. 8-42-121
........................................................................................... 33
diseases ............................................................................................................ 8-41-304(2) ....................................................................................... 14
permanent total ................................................................................................ 8-46-105(1) ....................................................................................... 74
previous disability ............................................................................................ 8-42-104(5) ....................................................................................... 23
recovery ........................................................................................................... 8-42-104(6) ....................................................................................... 23
APPORTION PENALTIES .............................................................................. 8-43-304(1) ....................................................................................... 45
ARBITRATION, right to ................................................................................... 8-43-206.5 ........................................................................................ 39
ARISING OUT OF EMPLOYMENT .............................................................. 8-41-301(1)(b), (c) ............................................................................ 13
ARTIFICIAL LIMB .......................................................................................... 8-42-101(1)(b) .................................................................................. 18
ASSIGNABILITY OF COMPENSATION...................................................... 8-42-124(1), (6) .......................................................................... 33, 34
ASSUMPTION OF RISK .................................................................................. 8-41-101(1) ......................................................................................... 9
ATTACHMENT OF COMPENSATION ........................................................ 8-42-124(1), (6) .......................................................................... 33, 34
ATTORNEY FEES ............................................................................................ 8-43-403(1) ....................................................................................... 48
determination of reasonableness ...................................................................... 8-43-403(1) ....................................................................................... 48
limits ................................................................................................................ 8-43-403(1) ....................................................................................... 48
submission of fee agreement ............................................................................ 8-43-403(2) ....................................................................................... 48
frivolous appeal ................................................................................................ 8-43-301(14) ..................................................................................... 44
improper actions .............................................................................................. 8-43-301(14) ..................................................................................... 44
no lien .............................................................................................................. 8-42-124(1) ....................................................................................... 33
power of attorney, distributing funds ............................................................... 8-42-124(2)(b) .................................................................................. 33
subrogation ...................................................................................................... 8-41-203(1)(e), 8-41-203(4)(d) .............................................. 10, 11-12
unripe issues ..................................................................................................... 8-43-211(3) ....................................................................................... 41
ATTORNEY GENERAL, acting for Industrial Claim Appeals Panel
or director ......................................................................................................... 8-43-401(1)
....................................................................................... 47
COBRA recalculation ...................................................................................... 8-42-103(2)
....................................................................................... 23
computations .................................................................................................... 8-42-102(3) ....................................................................................... 21
employee's........................................................................................................ 8-42-102(2) ....................................................................................... 21
later injury ........................................................................................................ 8-42-104(1) ....................................................................................... 23
minor ................................................................................................................ 8-42-102(4) ....................................................................................... 21
Find what you were looking for?
recalculate upon termination of fringe benefit ................................................. 8-42-103(2)....................................................................................... 23
state ................................................................................................................. 8-47-106 ........................................................................................... 78
TTD, TPD, and PTD rate cannot exceed 91% of SAWW ............................... 8-42-105(1)....................................................................................... 24
wages, “at the time of injury” .......................................................................... 8-42-102(5)(a) .................................................................................. 22
administrative law judge issue ......................................................................... 8-43-207(1)(k)
.................................................................................. 40
defined ............................................................................................................. 8-40-201(15)....................................................................................... 4
director issue .................................................................................................... 8-43-207(1)(k) .................................................................................. 40
error disregarded .............................................................................................. 8-43-310 ........................................................................................... 46
garnishment or administrative lien ................................................................... 8-43-204(4)....................................................................................... 38
notice ............................................................................................................... 8-43-215(1)....................................................................................... 42
technical omission ........................................................................................... 8-47-104 ........................................................................................... 78
BENEFITS AND COMPENSATION .............................................................. 8-42-101 thru 124
........................................................................ 18-33
accrued at death ............................................................................................... 8-41-503(2)....................................................................................... 17
acts of employee reducing ............................................................................... 8-42-112(1)....................................................................................... 30
failure to obey safety rules ........................................................................... 8-42-112(1)(b) .................................................................................. 30
to use safety devices .................................................................................... 8-42-112(1)(a) .................................................................................. 30
intoxication .................................................................................................. 8-42-112.5(1).................................................................................... 31
admission of denial of liability for ................................................................... 8-43-203(1)(a) .................................................................................. 36
time limits .................................................................................................... 8-43-203(1)(a) .................................................................................. 36
penalty ......................................................................................................... 8-43-203(2)....................................................................................... 37
amputation ....................................................................................................... 8-42-107(1)(a) .................................................................................. 25
assignability ..................................................................................................... 8-42-124(1), 8-43-204(1) ........................................................... 33, 38
attachment, exempt from ................................................................................. 8-42-124(1)....................................................................................... 33
attorney fees ..................................................................................................... 8-43-403(1)....................................................................................... 48
assigned ........................................................................................................... 8-42-124(1)....................................................................................... 33
basis for wages ................................................................................................. 8-42-102(1)....................................................................................... 21
cap ................................................................................................................. 8-42-107.5 ........................................................................................ 30
cease benefits to recover overpayments ........................................................... 8-42-113.5(1)(b) ............................................................................... 31
claims ............................................................................................................... 8-43-103(1)....................................................................................... 35
filing of by other than claimant .................................................................... 8-43-103(1)....................................................................................... 35
nonassignable and exempt ........................................................................... 8-42-124(1)....................................................................................... 33
notice of ....................................................................................................... 8-43-103(1)....................................................................................... 35
conditions of recovery ..................................................................................... 8-41-301(1)....................................................................................... 13
continued payment of wages, effect ................................................................. 8-42-124(1)....................................................................................... 33
death (see DEATH BENEFITS)
decrease for permanent total able to return to employment ............................. 8-43-303(3)
....................................................................................... 44
disfigurement ................................................................................................... 8-42-108(1)....................................................................................... 30
average weekly wage
how computed .......................................................................................... 8-42-102(2)
....................................................................................... 21
exceptional cases...................................................................................... 8-42-102(3)....................................................................................... 21
minor ........................................................................................................ 8-42-102(4)....................................................................................... 21
previous injury ......................................................................................... 8-42-104(1)....................................................................................... 23
first installment paid ........................................................................................ 8-42-105(2)(a) .................................................................................. 24
fraud ................................................................................................................. 8-43-304(2)....................................................................................... 45
incompetent ..................................................................................................... 8-41-503(3)....................................................................................... 18
insanity of dependent ....................................................................................... 8-41-503(3)....................................................................................... 18
interest charged on ........................................................................................... 8-43-410(2)....................................................................................... 54
levy, exempt from ............................................................................................ 8-42-124(1)....................................................................................... 33
lien for ............................................................................................................. 8-43-410(1)....................................................................................... 54
limit ................................................................................................................. 8-42-107.5 ........................................................................................ 30
lump sums ........................................................................................................ 8-43-406(1)....................................................................................... 51
garnishment or administrative lien ............................................................... 8-43-204(4)....................................................................................... 38
medical, surgical, hospital................................................................................ 8-42-101(1)(a) .................................................................................. 18
after MMI .................................................................................................... 8-42-107(8)(f) ................................................................................... 28
nonmedical treatment ................................................................................... 8-43-404(1)....................................................................................... 48
physician or surgeon examine ...................................................................... 8-43-404(1)....................................................................................... 48
willful delay of payment .............................................................................. 8-43-401(2)(a) .................................................................................. 47
mental .............................................................................................................. 8-41-301(2)....................................................................................... 13
non-assignable ................................................................................................. 8-42-124(1)....................................................................................... 33
notice of injury-time limit ................................................................................ 8-43-103(1)....................................................................................... 35
offset, social security & pension plan .............................................................. 8-42-103(1)(c)(I), (d)(I) .................................................................... 22
offset for fraud ................................................................................................. 8-43-304(2)....................................................................................... 45
Find what you were looking for?
overpayment, recovery of ................................................................................ 8-42-113.5(1) .................................................................................... 31
payment after appeals ...................................................................................... 8-43-401(2)(a) .................................................................................. 47
permanent partial disability (also see DISABILITY) ..................................... 8-42-107(1)(a) .................................................................................. 25
compensation rate modified ......................................................................... 8-42-107(6)(b) .................................................................................. 26
limits on combined temporary and permanent partial payments .................. 8-42-107.5 ........................................................................................ 30
nonscheduled injuries (medical impairment benefits) .................................. 8-42-107(8) ....................................................................................... 26
scheduled injuries......................................................................................... 8-42-107(2) ....................................................................................... 25
wage assignment .......................................................................................... 8-42-124(6) ....................................................................................... 34
willful delay of payment .............................................................................. 8-43-401(2)(a) .................................................................................. 47
permanent total disability ................................................................................. 8-42-111(1) ....................................................................................... 30
award ceases ................................................................................................ 8-43-303(1) ....................................................................................... 44
calculation of premium ................................................................................ 8-46-105(1) ....................................................................................... 75
capable of rehabilitation ............................................................................... 8-42-111(3) ....................................................................................... 30
increases in compensation ............................................................................ 8-42-111(4) ....................................................................................... 31
paid for life................................................................................................... 8-42-111(1) ....................................................................................... 30
reopening ..................................................................................................... 8-43-303(3) ....................................................................................... 44
refusal of work or voc rehab ........................................................................ 8-42-111(3) ....................................................................................... 30
wage assignment .......................................................................................... 8-42-124(6) ....................................................................................... 34
power of attorney, distributing funds ............................................................... 8-42-124(2)(b) .................................................................................. 33
power of attorney to collect, void .................................................................... 8-42-124(2) ....................................................................................... 33
previous disability or impairment .................................................................... 8-42-104(1) ....................................................................................... 23
prisoner repay if ineligible ............................................................................... 8-42-113(1.5)(b) ............................................................................... 31
rate (later injury) .............................................................................................. 8-42-104(1) ....................................................................................... 23
calculation .................................................................................................... 8-42-112(2)
....................................................................................... 30
controlled substance ..................................................................................... 8-42-112.5(1) .................................................................................... 31
intoxication .................................................................................................. 8-42-112.5(1) .................................................................................... 31
misleads employer ....................................................................................... 8-42-112(1)(d) .................................................................................. 30
non-use of safety device ............................................................................... 8-42-112(1)(a) .................................................................................. 30
safety rule violation ...................................................................................... 8-42-112(1)(b) .................................................................................. 30
statutory offsets ............................................................................................ 8-42-103(1)(c), (d), (e), (f) ......................................................... 22, 23
unemployment benefits ................................................................................ 8-42-103(1)(f) ................................................................................... 23
release .............................................................................................................. 8-42-124(1) ....................................................................................... 33
retirement benefits ........................................................................................... 8-42-103(1)(c)(II) ............................................................................. 22
settlement ......................................................................................................... 8-43-204(1) ....................................................................................... 38
garnishment or administrative lien ............................................................... 8-43-204(4) ....................................................................................... 38
social security .................................................................................................. 8-42-103(1)(c)(I) .............................................................................. 22
specific injuries ................................................................................................ 8-42-107(1)(a) .................................................................................. 25
additional compensation for additional injuries ........................................... 8-42-109 ........................................................................................... 30
amputation between joints ........................................................................... 8-42-107(5) ....................................................................................... 26
dental treatment ............................................................................................ 8-42-101(1)(a), (b) ............................................................................ 18
disfigurement ............................................................................................... 8-42-108(1) ....................................................................................... 30
paralysis ....................................................................................................... 8-42-107(4) ....................................................................................... 26
permanent partial, in lieu of ......................................................................... 8-42-107(8) ....................................................................................... 26
remain on schedule ...................................................................................... 8-42-107(7)(b) .................................................................................. 26
total loss of body part ................................................................................... 8-42-107(8)(c.5) ............................................................................... 28
two losses, added ......................................................................................... 8-42-107(7) ....................................................................................... 26
weekly amounts, limits ................................................................................ 8-42-107(6) ....................................................................................... 26
suspension for failure to apply for benefits ...................................................... 8-42-103(1)(d)(II) ............................................................................. 22
teeth, injury to, dental benefits ......................................................................... 8-42-101(1)(a), (b) ............................................................................ 18
temporary ......................................................................................................... 8-42-105(1), 8-42-106(1) ............................................................ 24, 25
temporary partial disability .............................................................................. 8-42-106(1) ....................................................................................... 25
ceases ........................................................................................................... 8-42-106(2) ....................................................................................... 25
temporary total disability ................................................................................. 8-42-105(1) ....................................................................................... 24
additional ..................................................................................................... 8-42-109 ........................................................................................... 30
ceases ........................................................................................................... 8-42-105(1) ....................................................................................... 24
limit .............................................................................................................. 8-42-107.5 ........................................................................................ 30
suspended, fail to appear at rescheduled appointment ................................. 8-42-105(2)(c) .................................................................................. 24
termination, when permitted ........................................................................ 8-42-105(3) ....................................................................................... 24
termination for refusal to accept modified employment--exceptions ........... 8-42-105(4)(b) & (c) ................................................................... 24, 25
time limits ........................................................................................................ 8-43-103(1) ....................................................................................... 35
after appeals ................................................................................................. 8-43-401(2)(a) .................................................................................. 47
dental treatment ............................................................................................ 8-42-101(1)(a), (b) ............................................................................ 18
disability indemnity ..................................................................................... 8-42-105(1) ....................................................................................... 24
disability periods
commencement of .................................................................................... 8-42-103(1)
....................................................................................... 22
new disability ........................................................................................... 8-41-206 ........................................................................................... 12
Find what you were looking for?
schedule of specific .................................................................................. 8-42-107(1)(a) .................................................................................. 25
time of payment ............................................................................................... 8-42-105(2)(a) .................................................................................. 24
trust fund for payments .................................................................................... 8-47-105(1)....................................................................................... 78
unaccrued, at death .......................................................................................... 8-42-116(1), 8-42-117 ...................................................................... 32
unemployment ................................................................................................. 8-42-103(1)(f) ................................................................................... 23
unpaid, deposit required, when ........................................................................ 8-47-105(1)....................................................................................... 78
verification of inability to work ....................................................................... 8-42-105(2)(b) .................................................................................. 24
wages, basis of ................................................................................................. 8-42-102(1)....................................................................................... 21
waiting period .................................................................................................. 8-42-103(1)(b) .................................................................................. 22
BOARD AND LODGING ................................................................................. 8-40-201(19)(b) .................................................................................. 4
BOND, non-insured ............................................................................................. 8-43-408(2)....................................................................................... 52
BOOKS, right to examine ................................................................................... 8-44-107, 8-47-208 ..................................................................... 59, 80
BRIEFS ............................................................................................................... 8-43-301(4)....................................................................................... 43
BROCHURE describing claims process/rights. ................................................. 8-43-203(3)....................................................................................... 37
cured violation ............................................................................................. 8-43-304(4)
....................................................................................... 45
Division independent medical examination
impairment rating ..................................................................................... 8-42-107(8)(c), 8-46-105(1)
....................................................... 27, 75
maximum medical improvement.............................................................. 8-42-107(8)(b), (b.5) .................................................................. 26, 27
employer/employee relationship .................................................................. 8-40-202(2)(b)(V)(d) .......................................................................... 7
finding of utilization review committee ....................................................... 8-43-501(5)....................................................................................... 55
generally ...................................................................................................... 8-43-201(1)....................................................................................... 36
injury due to intoxication ............................................................................. 8-42-112.5(1).................................................................................... 31
permanent total disability ............................................................................. 8-40-201(16.5)(a) ............................................................................... 4
preponderance of evidence .......................................................................... 8-40-202(2)(b) .................................................................................... 6
conditions of independent trade ........................................................... 8-40-202(2)(b) .................................................................................... 6
credit for reduced disability ................................................................. 8-46-307(1)....................................................................................... 77
entitlement to benefits .......................................................................... 8-43-201(1)....................................................................................... 36
final disposition of utilization review. .................................................. 8-43-501(2)....................................................................................... 54
BURIAL EXPENSES ........................................................................................ 8-42-123 ........................................................................................... 33
average weekly wage ....................................................................................... 8-42-102(2)
....................................................................................... 21
death benefits ................................................................................................... 8-42-114 ........................................................................................... 32
permanent total ................................................................................................ 8-42-111(1)....................................................................................... 30
safety rule ........................................................................................................ 8-42-112(1)....................................................................................... 30
reductions combined .................................................................................... 8-42-112(2)....................................................................................... 30
scheduled impairment rate ............................................................................... 8-42-107(6)....................................................................................... 26
temporary total disability ................................................................................. 8-42-105(1)....................................................................................... 24
temporary partial disability .............................................................................. 8-42-106(1)....................................................................................... 25
whole person impairment ................................................................................. 8-42-107(8)(d) .................................................................................. 28
CAP ON BENEFITS ......................................................................................... 8-42-107.5 ........................................................................................ 30
CARRIERS, common by railroad ...................................................................... 8-41-201 ........................................................................................... 10
CASE MANAGEMENT.................................................................................... 8-42-101(3.6)(p)(I)(A)...................................................................... 20
CASUAL LABOR .............................................................................................. 8-40-302(3), (4) .................................................................................. 8
CEASE AND DESIST ....................................................................................... 8-43-409(1) thru (4) .......................................................................... 52
prima facie ....................................................................................................... 8-43-409(3)....................................................................................... 53
CERTIORARI ................................................................................................... 8-43-313 ........................................................................................... 46
CHANGE OF CONDITION ............................................................................. 8-43-303(1)....................................................................................... 44
dependent ......................................................................................................... 8-41-501(1)(b), (c)............................................................................ 17
illegitimate ....................................................................................................... 8-41-505 ........................................................................................... 18
CHILD SUPPORT............................................................................................. 8-42-124(1), (6), 8-43-204(4) ............................................... 33, 34, 38
accreditation ..................................................................................................... 8-42-101(3.6)(a)(I)
........................................................................... 19
treatment limits ................................................................................................ 8-42-101(3)(a)(III)............................................................................ 19
defined ............................................................................................................. 8-40-201(3.6)...................................................................................... 3
reimbursement of medical expenses ................................................................ 8-42-101(6)....................................................................................... 21
CLAIM FILE ..................................................................................................... 8-43-203(4)....................................................................................... 38
application for hearing, rejection of ................................................................. 8-43-218(4)....................................................................................... 42
director to appoint managers ............................................................................ 8-43-218(1)....................................................................................... 42
legislative declaration ...................................................................................... 8-43-217 ........................................................................................... 42
penalty for failure to cooperate with ................................................................ 8-43-218(3)....................................................................................... 42
Find what you were looking for?
rejection of ....................................................................................................... 8-43-218(4) ....................................................................................... 42
response to application for hearing, rejection of .............................................. 8-43-218(4) ....................................................................................... 42
appeals board ................................................................................................... 8-55-101(1)
....................................................................................... 81
premiums ......................................................................................................... 8-44-103 ........................................................................................... 59
risks ................................................................................................................. 8-44-103, 8-45-105(1) ................................................................ 59, 68
cured violation ................................................................................................. 8-43-304(4)
....................................................................................... 45
Division independent medical examination
impairment rating ......................................................................................... 8-42-107(8)(c), 8-46-105(1)
....................................................... 27, 75
maximum medical improvement .................................................................. 8-42-107(8)(b), (b.5)................................................................... 26, 27
twenty-four months ...................................................................................... 8-42-107(8)(b)(III) ........................................................................... 27
finding of utilization review committee ........................................................... 8-43-501(5) ....................................................................................... 55
injury due to intoxication ................................................................................. 8-42-112.5(1) .................................................................................... 31
CLOSING CASES ............................................................................................. 8-43-203(2) ....................................................................................... 37
COBRA, fringe benefits………………………………………………………… 8-40-201(19)(b) .................................................................................. 4
average weekly wage recalculation .................................................................. 8-42-103(2) ....................................................................................... 23
by railroad ........................................................................................................ 8-41-201 ........................................................................................... 10
coverage offered .............................................................................................. 8-40-301(6) ......................................................................................... 8
employee excludes ........................................................................................... 8-40-301(5) ......................................................................................... 8
intrastate ........................................................................................................... 8-41-201 ........................................................................................... 10
interstate ........................................................................................................... 8-41-201 ........................................................................................... 10
statutory employment exclusion ...................................................................... 8-41-401(7) ....................................................................................... 16
COMMON LAW DEFENSES .......................................................................... 8-41-103 ............................................................................................. 9
minor .............................................................................................................. 8-40-202(1)(a)(III) .............................................................................. 5
student ............................................................................................................ 8-40-202(1)(a)(III), 8-40-202(1)(a)(VI)....................................... 5, 5-6
volunteer .......................................................................................................... 8-40-202(1)(a)(II) ............................................................................... 5
TO SETTLEMENT ....................................................................................... 8-43-207(1)(m) ................................................................................. 40
CONDITIONS OF RECOVERY, MENTAL IMPAIRMENT....................... 8-41-301(2) ....................................................................................... 13
applicability ..................................................................................................... 8-41-404(1), (4) ................................................................................ 16
definitions as used in section ........................................................................... 8-41-404(5) ....................................................................................... 17
proof of coverage required ............................................................................... 8-41-404(1) ....................................................................................... 16
violations.......................................................................................................... 8-41-404(3) ....................................................................................... 16
CONTEMPT ...................................................................................................... 8-47-102 ........................................................................................... 78
expedited hearing ............................................................................................. 8-42-105(2)(a), 8-43-203(1) ....................................................... 24, 36
notice of ........................................................................................................... 8-43-203(1) ....................................................................................... 36
CONTRACT, capacity ....................................................................................... 8-40-202(1)(a)(VI)(b) ......................................................................... 6
CONTRACTORS AND LESSEES ................................................................... 8-41-401(1)(a)(I) thru 403 ........................................................... 14-16
agricultural ....................................................................................................... 8-41-403(3) ....................................................................................... 16
exemption ........................................................................................................ 8-41-401 thru 403 ........................................................................ 14-16
for-hire transportation ...................................................................................... 8-41-401(6) ....................................................................................... 16
owner insure, in default of real estate .............................................................. 8-41-401, 401(5), 402 ........................................................... 14, 15, 16
right against defaulting contractor/lessee ......................................................... 8-41-401 thru 403 ........................................................................ 14-16
subcontractors and sublessees .......................................................................... 8-41-401, 8-41-402 ..................................................................... 14, 16
CONTRACTOR, insurer may examine books of ............................................... 8-44-107 ........................................................................................... 59
CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES ...................................................................... 8-42-112.5(1) .................................................................................... 31
CORPORATE OFFICERS ............................................................................... 8-41-202(1) ....................................................................................... 10
COST CONTAINMENT, premium ................................................................... 8-14.5-101 thru 109 ......................................................................... 1-2
board ................................................................................................................ 8-14.5-104 .......................................................................................... 1
certification ...................................................................................................... 8-14.5-107 .......................................................................................... 2
defined ............................................................................................................. 8-14.5-103 .......................................................................................... 1
director duties .................................................................................................. 8-14.5-106 .......................................................................................... 1
surcharge on premiums .................................................................................... 8-44-112(1)(b) .................................................................................. 61
COST OF LIVING, increase on permanent total ............................................... 8-42-111(4) ....................................................................................... 31
COSTS, court ...................................................................................................... 8-43-314 ........................................................................................... 46
transcripts, fees for ........................................................................................... 8-43-213(3) ....................................................................................... 42
witnesses .......................................................................................................... 8-43-315(1) ....................................................................................... 46
COURSE OF EMPLOYMENT ........................................................................ 8-41-301(1)(b), (c) ............................................................................ 13
COURT OF APPEALS, review of Industrial Claim Appeals
Panel decision .................................................................................................. 8-43-301(10) ..................................................................................... 43
CO-WORKER, negligence of ............................................................................ 8-41-101(1)(b) .................................................................................... 9
CRIME OF VIOLENCE, mental impairment ................................................... 8-41-301(2)(b) ............................................................................. 13-14
Find what you were looking for?
CURE, penalties .................................................................................................. 8-43-304(4)....................................................................................... 45
CUSTODIAN, bond of ....................................................................................... 8-45-119(1)....................................................................................... 70
DAMAGES, if otherwise compensable .............................................................. 8-41-401(3)
....................................................................................... 15
DATA GATHERING ........................................................................................ 8-42-125 ........................................................................................... 34
DEATH, accrued benefits-disposition ................................................................ 8-41-503(1), 8-42-115(1)(a) ....................................................... 17, 32
after two years, presumption ............................................................................ 8-41-207 ........................................................................................... 12
DEATH BENEFITS .......................................................................................... 8-41-501(1) thru 505, 8-42-114 thru 123.......................... 17-18, 32-33
apportionment .................................................................................................. 8-42-121 ........................................................................................... 33
burial expenses................................................................................................. 8-42-123 ........................................................................................... 33
claims for, not assignable ................................................................................. 8-42-124(1)....................................................................................... 33
death after two years ........................................................................................ 8-41-207 ........................................................................................... 12
death not proximate result ............................................................................... 8-42-116(1)....................................................................................... 32
permanent partial ......................................................................................... 8-42-116(1)(b), 8-42-117(1)(b) ........................................................ 32
permanent total ............................................................................................ 8-42-116(1)(a), 8-42-117(1)(a) ......................................................... 32
death a proximate result ................................................................................... 8-42-115(1)....................................................................................... 32
no dependents .............................................................................................. 8-42-115(1)(a), 8-46-102(1)(a) ................................................... 32, 72
partial dependents ........................................................................................ 8-42-115(1)(c), 8-42-119, 8-46-102(1)(a), (b) ............................ 32, 72
whole dependents ......................................................................................... 8-42-114 thru 123, 8-42-115(1)(b) ........................................ 32-33, 32
dependents (see DEPENDENTS)
exemption of .................................................................................................... 8-42-124(1)
....................................................................................... 33
funeral benefits ................................................................................................ 8-42-123 ........................................................................................... 33
lien on assets of employer and insurer ............................................................. 8-43-410(1)....................................................................................... 54
lump sum payment ........................................................................................... 8-43-406(1)....................................................................................... 51
garnishment or administrative lien ............................................................... 8-43-204(4)....................................................................................... 38
maximum, minimum ........................................................................................ 8-42-114 ........................................................................................... 32
minor, deceased ............................................................................................... 8-46-102(1)(b) .................................................................................. 72
notice of ........................................................................................................... 8-43-103(1)....................................................................................... 35
time limit...................................................................................................... 8-43-103(1)....................................................................................... 35
overpayment, recovery of ................................................................................ 8-42-113.5(1).................................................................................... 31
payment of
conflicting claims ......................................................................................... 8-43-405
........................................................................................... 51
discharge of liability .................................................................................... 8-43-405 ........................................................................................... 51
minor dependents ......................................................................................... 8-42-122 ........................................................................................... 33
parents .......................................................................................................... 8-46-102(1)(b) .................................................................................. 72
period of time ................................................................................................... 8-42-114 ........................................................................................... 31
remarriage ........................................................................................................ 8-42-120 ........................................................................................... 32
survival of shares to other dependents ............................................................. 8-42-120 ........................................................................................... 32
termination of rights ........................................................................................ 8-42-120 ........................................................................................... 32
minor ............................................................................................................ 8-42-120 ........................................................................................... 32
trust fund for payments .................................................................................... 8-47-105(1)....................................................................................... 78
unpaid, deposit required, when ........................................................................ 8-47-105(1)....................................................................................... 78
weekly amount ................................................................................................. 8-42-114 ........................................................................................... 32
DEATHS, reported.............................................................................................. 8-43-103(1)....................................................................................... 35
DEFENSES ........................................................................................................ 8-41-101(1)......................................................................................... 9
abrogated ......................................................................................................... 8-41-101(1)......................................................................................... 9
assumption of risk ............................................................................................ 8-41-101(1)......................................................................................... 9
accident ............................................................................................................ 8-40-201(1)......................................................................................... 3
case management ............................................................................................. 8-42-101(3.6)(p)(I)(A)...................................................................... 20
claimant ........................................................................................................... 8-40-201(3.6)...................................................................................... 3
corporate officer............................................................................................... 8-41-202(4)(a) .................................................................................. 10
cost containment .............................................................................................. 8-14.5-103 .......................................................................................... 1
director ............................................................................................................. 8-40-201(5)......................................................................................... 3
disease.............................................................................................................. 8-40-201(14), 8-41-302(1) ........................................................... 3, 14
employee .......................................................................................................... 8-40-201(6), 8-40-202, 8-40-301(1) ........................................... 3, 4, 7
charitable, fraternal, religious ...................................................................... 8-40-302(2)
......................................................................................... 8
city ............................................................................................................... 8-40-203(1)(a) .................................................................................... 7
corporation ................................................................................................... 8-40-203(1)(b) .................................................................................... 7
county .......................................................................................................... 8-40-203(1)(a) .................................................................................... 7
drainage district ........................................................................................... 8-40-203(1)(a) .................................................................................... 7
farms and ranches ........................................................................................ 8-40-302(3)......................................................................................... 8
irrigation district .......................................................................................... 8-40-203(1)(a) .................................................................................... 7
private person............................................................................................... 8-40-203(1)(b) .................................................................................... 7
public institutions ......................................................................................... 8-40-203(1)(a) .................................................................................... 7
Find what you were looking for?
school district ............................................................................................... 8-40-203(1)(a) .................................................................................... 7
state .............................................................................................................. 8-40-203(1)(a) .................................................................................... 7
town ............................................................................................................. 8-40-203(1)(a) .................................................................................... 7
employment ..................................................................................................... 8-40-201(8) ......................................................................................... 3
for accreditation program ................................................................................. 8-42-101(3.5)(a)(I)(A) ...................................................................... 19
heart attack ....................................................................................................... 8-41-302(2) ....................................................................................... 14
independent contractor ..................................................................................... 8-41-401(3) ....................................................................................... 15
Industrial Claim Appeals Panel ........................................................................ 8-40-201(16) ....................................................................................... 4
injury ................................................................................................................ 8-40-201(2), 8-41-302(1) .............................................................. 3, 14
limited liability company member ................................................................... 8-41-202(4)(b) .................................................................................. 10
managed care ................................................................................................... 8-42-101(3.6)(p)(I)(B) ...................................................................... 20
maximum medical improvement (MMI) .......................................................... 8-40-201(11.5) .................................................................................... 3
mediation ......................................................................................................... 8-40-201(12) ....................................................................................... 3
medical records for utilization review .............................................................. 8-43-501(2)(d) .................................................................................. 54
medical treatment guidelines............................................................................ 8-42-101(3)(b) .................................................................................. 19
mental impairment ........................................................................................... 8-41-301(2) thru (3) .......................................................................... 13
non-medical benefits ........................................................................................ 8-42-112.5(2) .................................................................................... 31
occupational disease......................................................................................... 8-40-201(14), 8-41-302(2) ............................................................ 3, 14
order ................................................................................................................. 8-40-201(15) ....................................................................................... 4
overpayment .................................................................................................... 8-40-201(15.5) .................................................................................... 4
per diem ........................................................................................................... 8-40-201(19)(c) .................................................................................. 4
permanent total disability ................................................................................. 8-40-201(16.5) .................................................................................... 4
physician .......................................................................................................... 8-42-101(3.5)(a)(I)(A) ...................................................................... 19
place of employment ........................................................................................ 8-40-201(17) ....................................................................................... 4
psychologically traumatic event ....................................................................... 8-41-301(3) ....................................................................................... 14
serious bodily injury ........................................................................................ 8-41-301(3) ....................................................................................... 14
statutory employer ........................................................................................... 8-41-401(1)(a)(III) ............................................................................ 15
temporary help contracting firm ....................................................................... 8-40-201(18.5) .................................................................................... 4
wages ............................................................................................................... 8-40-201(19) ....................................................................................... 4
DENTIST ............................................................................................................ 8-42-101(3.5)(a)(I) ........................................................................... 19
adopted children ............................................................................................... 8-41-501(1)(b)
.................................................................................. 17
determined as of date of accident ..................................................................... 8-41-503(1) ....................................................................................... 17
funeral benefits ................................................................................................ 8-42-123 ........................................................................................... 33
illegitimate children ......................................................................................... 8-41-505 ........................................................................................... 18
posthumous children ........................................................................................ 8-41-501(1)(b) .................................................................................. 17
actual ................................................................................................................ 8-41-502 ........................................................................................... 17
brother .............................................................................................................. 8-41-502 ........................................................................................... 17
children ............................................................................................................ 8-41-501(1)(b), (c) ............................................................................ 17
adopted ......................................................................................................... 8-41-501(1)(b), (c) ............................................................................ 17
guardian ad litem.......................................................................................... 8-43-207(1)(l) ................................................................................... 40
illegitimate ................................................................................................... 8-41-505 ........................................................................................... 18
minor, safeguarding payments ..................................................................... 8-42-122 ........................................................................................... 33
posthumous .................................................................................................. 8-41-501(1)(b) .................................................................................. 17
designated beneficiary ..................................................................................... 8-41-501(1)(a.5) ............................................................................... 17
compensation, rate and amount ........................................................................ 8-42-114, 8-42-115(1) ...................................................................... 32
determination of ............................................................................................... 8-41-503(1) ....................................................................................... 17
father ................................................................................................................ 8-41-502 ........................................................................................... 17
grandfather ....................................................................................................... 8-41-502 ........................................................................................... 17
grandmother ..................................................................................................... 8-41-502 ........................................................................................... 17
lump sum maximum ........................................................................................ 8-43-406(2) ....................................................................................... 52
minors .............................................................................................................. 8-41-501(1)(b), (c), 8-42-122 ..................................................... 17, 33
mother .............................................................................................................. 8-41-502 ........................................................................................... 17
none ................................................................................................................. 8-46-102(1)(b) .................................................................................. 72
partial ............................................................................................................... 8-42-119 ........................................................................................... 32
death not proximate result ............................................................................ 8-42-117 ........................................................................................... 32
parties of interest .............................................................................................. 8-41-504 ........................................................................................... 18
presumed .......................................................................................................... 8-41-501(1) ....................................................................................... 17
remarriage ........................................................................................................ 8-42-120 ........................................................................................... 32
sister ................................................................................................................. 8-41-502 ........................................................................................... 17
student under 21 ............................................................................................... 8-41-501(1)(c) .................................................................................. 17
subrogation ...................................................................................................... 8-41-203(3) ....................................................................................... 11
termination ....................................................................................................... 8-42-120 ........................................................................................... 32
wholly dependent compensation ...................................................................... 8-41-501(1) ....................................................................................... 17
DEPOSITIONS .................................................................................................. 8-43-207.5(2), 8-43-210 ............................................................. 40, 41
for testimony .................................................................................................... 8-43-210 ........................................................................................... 41
Find what you were looking for?
adopt rules........................................................................................................ 8-47-107 ........................................................................................... 78
allow expenses ................................................................................................. 8-47-209 ........................................................................................... 80
appoint utilization review committees ............................................................. 8-43-501(3)(a) .................................................................................. 54
approve medical plan ....................................................................................... 8-42-101(2)....................................................................................... 18
approve settlements ......................................................................................... 8-43-204(3)....................................................................................... 38
approve salaries ............................................................................................... 8-47-205 ........................................................................................... 80
attorney fees allowed by .................................................................................. 8-43-403(1)....................................................................................... 48
collect statistics ................................................................................................ 8-47-207 ........................................................................................... 80
compel attendance ........................................................................................... 8-43-315(1)....................................................................................... 46
cost containment duties .................................................................................... 8-14.5-106(1)...................................................................................... 1
defined ............................................................................................................. 8-40-201(5)......................................................................................... 3
determine and apportion benefits ..................................................................... 8-42-121 ........................................................................................... 33
district attorney to appear for appeal ................................................................ 8-43-314 ........................................................................................... 46
employer shall furnish information to .............................................................. 8-47-201 ........................................................................................... 79
enforce act........................................................................................................ 8-47-101(1)....................................................................................... 77
enforcement of orders ...................................................................................... 8-43-401(1), 8-47-102 ................................................................ 47, 78
enter place of employment ............................................................................... 8-47-207 ........................................................................................... 80
establish time schedule for hearings ................................................................ 8-43-209(1)....................................................................................... 41
examine provisions for health and safety ......................................................... 8-47-207 ........................................................................................... 80
excess fee approval .......................................................................................... 8-42-101(3)(a)(I) .............................................................................. 19
hearings (see HEARINGS)
impose fine, failure to insure ........................................................................... 8-43-409(1)(b)
.................................................................................. 53
inspect records of employer ............................................................................. 8-47-208 ........................................................................................... 80
investigations by .............................................................................................. 8-43-208(1)....................................................................................... 41
orders of, enforcement ..................................................................................... 8-47-102 ........................................................................................... 78
application to district court .......................................................................... 8-47-102 ........................................................................................... 78
commitment to jail ....................................................................................... 8-47-102 ........................................................................................... 78
matters pending before the director .............................................................. 8-47-107 ........................................................................................... 78
prima facie valid .......................................................................................... 8-47-103 ........................................................................................... 78
public officers to enforce ............................................................................. 8-47-103 ........................................................................................... 78
substantial compliance with Act .................................................................. 8-47-104 ........................................................................................... 78
technical objections...................................................................................... 8-47-104 ........................................................................................... 78
state average weekly wage ............................................................................... 8-47-106 ........................................................................................... 78
validity of orders .............................................................................................. 8-47-103 ........................................................................................... 78
prima facie valid .......................................................................................... 8-47-103 ........................................................................................... 78
technical objections...................................................................................... 8-47-104 ........................................................................................... 78
claim for, time limit ......................................................................................... 8-43-103(1)
....................................................................................... 35
continued payment of wages, effect ................................................................. 8-42-124(1)....................................................................................... 33
injuries, multiple .............................................................................................. 8-42-109, 8-46-101(1)(a) ............................................................ 30, 72
paralysis ........................................................................................................... 8-42-107(4)....................................................................................... 26
permanent partial ............................................................................................. 8-42-107(1)(a) .................................................................................. 25
scheduled injuries ........................................................................................ 8-42-107(2)....................................................................................... 25
whole person injuries (medical impairment) ................................................ 8-42-107(8)....................................................................................... 26
presumption, after 5 years ................................................................................ 8-41-206 ........................................................................................... 12
permanent total, defined, award ....................................................................... 8-40-201(16.5), 8-42-111(1)......................................................... 4, 30
previous ........................................................................................................... 8-42-104(1)....................................................................................... 23
subsequent injury ............................................................................................. 8-46-101(1)(a) .................................................................................. 72
temporary disability ......................................................................................... 8-42-105(1), 8-42-106(1) ........................................................... 24, 25
termination of............................................................................................... 8-42-105(3), 8-42-106(2), 8-42-107(3) ................................ 24, 25, 26
total, permanent ............................................................................................... 8-42-111(1)....................................................................................... 30
what constitutes
disfigurement ............................................................................................... 8-42-108(1)
....................................................................................... 30
permanent total award .................................................................................. 8-42-111(1)....................................................................................... 30
specific ......................................................................................................... 8-42-107(1)(a) .................................................................................. 25
subsequent injury ......................................................................................... 8-46-101(1)(a) .................................................................................. 72
temporary partial .......................................................................................... 8-42-106(1)....................................................................................... 25
temporary total ............................................................................................. 8-42-105(1)....................................................................................... 24
offset ................................................................................................................ 8-42-103(1)(d)
.................................................................................. 22
notice to insurer ............................................................................................... 8-42-113.5(1).................................................................................... 31
DISCIPLINARY ACTION, mental condition................................................... 8-41-301(2).................................................................................. 13-14
DISCOVERY ..................................................................................................... 8-43-207(1)(e) .................................................................................. 40
DISEASE, defined .............................................................................................. 8-40-201(14)....................................................................................... 3
last employer .................................................................................................... 8-41-304(1)....................................................................................... 14
last exposure .................................................................................................... 8-41-304(1)....................................................................................... 14
Find what you were looking for?
DISFIGUREMENT ........................................................................................... 8-42-108(1) ....................................................................................... 30
DISTRICT ATTORNEY, act for director or
Industrial Claim Appeals Panel. ....................................................................... 8-43-401(1)
....................................................................................... 47
DIVISION IME (see INDEPENDENT MEDICAL EXAMINATION) ......... 8-42-107.2(1) .................................................................................... 28
creation ............................................................................................................ 8-47-101(1)
, 24-1-121(3)(d) ............................................................. 77
defined ............................................................................................................. 8-40-201(4) ......................................................................................... 3
disputes submitted to........................................................................................ 8-43-201(1) ....................................................................................... 36
duties ................................................................................................................ 8-47-101(1) ....................................................................................... 77
employees of
bonds ............................................................................................................ 8-47-206
........................................................................................... 80
how appointed .............................................................................................. 8-47-204 ........................................................................................... 80
qualifications ................................................................................................ 8-47-204 ........................................................................................... 80
salaries ......................................................................................................... 8-47-205 ........................................................................................... 80
employer shall furnish information .................................................................. 8-47-202 ........................................................................................... 79
employer to file admission or denial ................................................................ 8-43-203(1) ....................................................................................... 36
expenses of ....................................................................................................... 8-47-209 ........................................................................................... 80
files, access to .................................................................................................. 8-42-125, 8-47-203(1) ................................................................ 34, 79
gifts, grants and donations ............................................................................... 8-42-101(3.6)(q) ............................................................................... 20
insurer to file admission or denial .................................................................... 8-43-203(1) ....................................................................................... 36
retain original claim records ............................................................................ 8-43-203(2)(c) .................................................................................. 37
verify insurance compliance ............................................................................ 8-47-111 ........................................................................................... 79
website, to file a complaint .............................................................................. 8-47-112 ........................................................................................... 79
DOMESTIC EMPLOYEES .............................................................................. 8-40-302(4) ......................................................................................... 8
ELECTED OFFICIALS .................................................................................... 8-40-202(1)(a)(I)(A)
........................................................................... 4
ELECTION OF REMEDIES ............................................................................ 8-41-203(1)(a) .................................................................................. 10
ELECTION TO ACCEPT COMPENSATION ............................................... 8-41-104 ............................................................................................. 9
EMOTIONAL STRESS .................................................................................... 8-41-301(2) ....................................................................................... 13
impairment not combined ................................................................................ 8-42-107(7)(b) .................................................................................. 26
acceptance of Act, surrender of other remedies ............................................... 8-41-104
............................................................................................. 9
action by, dependents not parties in interest ..................................................... 8-41-504 ........................................................................................... 18
alien ................................................................................................................. 8-40-202(1)(b) .................................................................................... 6
casual ............................................................................................................... 8-40-202(1)(b) .................................................................................... 6
compensation of, where employer not insured ................................................. 8-43-408(1) ....................................................................................... 52
contractor ......................................................................................................... 8-41-401(1), (2) .......................................................................... 14, 15
deductions ........................................................................................................ 8-42-124(7) ....................................................................................... 34
defined ............................................................................................................. 8-40-201(6), 8-40-202(1), 8-40-301(1) ....................................... 3, 4, 7
domestic employee........................................................................................... 8-40-302(4) ......................................................................................... 8
driver, under P.U.C. lease agreement ............................................................... 8-40-301(5) ......................................................................................... 8
elected or appointed official ............................................................................. 8-40-202(1)(a)(I)(B) ........................................................................ 4-5
farm labor ......................................................................................................... 8-40-302(3) ......................................................................................... 8
horse track........................................................................................................ 8-40-301(8) ......................................................................................... 8
host home services ........................................................................................... 8-40-301(7) ......................................................................................... 8
incompetent ...................................................................................................... 8-41-503(3) ....................................................................................... 18
independent truck driver .................................................................................. 8-41-401(6) ....................................................................................... 16
injured, submit to examination ......................................................................... 8-43-404(1)(a) .................................................................................. 48
injuries by third party, election ........................................................................ 8-41-203(1)(a) .................................................................................. 10
inmate exception .............................................................................................. 8-40-301(3)(a) .................................................................................... 7
interstate common carrier................................................................................. 8-41-201 ........................................................................................... 10
lessee ................................................................................................................ 8-41-401, 8-41-403(1) ................................................................ 14, 16
loaned by employer .......................................................................................... 8-40-202(1)(a)(III-IV), 8-41-303 .................................................. 4, 14
minors .............................................................................................................. 8-40-202(1)(b) .................................................................................... 6
nonprofit youth sports organization ................................................................. 8-40-202(2)(e)(I) ................................................................................ 7
participation in recreational activity ................................................................. 8-40-201(8) ......................................................................................... 3
payment of insurance ....................................................................................... 8-44-101(2) ....................................................................................... 58
property tax work-off program......................................................................... 8-40-202(3), 8-40-301(9), 8-41-210 ......................................... 7, 8, 12
race meet .......................................................................................................... 8-40-301(8) ......................................................................................... 8
railroad ............................................................................................................. 8-41-201 ........................................................................................... 10
real estate, agent or broker ............................................................................... 8-40-301(2) ......................................................................................... 7
report injury ..................................................................................................... 8-43-102(1)(a) .................................................................................. 34
ski area volunteers............................................................................................ 8-40-301(4) ......................................................................................... 8
volunteers ......................................................................................................... 8-40-202(1)(a)(I)(A) ........................................................................... 4
EMPLOYEES OF DIVISION OF WORKERS’ COMPENSATION ........... 8-47-204 ........................................................................................... 80
Find what you were looking for?
bonds................................................................................................................ 8-47-206 ........................................................................................... 80
salaries ............................................................................................................. 8-47-205 ........................................................................................... 80
agricultural corporation officers....................................................................... 8-40-302(6)......................................................................................... 8
books and records, insurer may examine ......................................................... 8-44-107 ........................................................................................... 59
buyer of goods excluded .................................................................................. 8-41-401(1)(a)(II) ............................................................................. 15
charitable/fraternal/religious ............................................................................ 8-40-302(2)......................................................................................... 8
contractor ......................................................................................................... 8-41-401(1)(a)(II), 8-41-402(1) .................................................. 15, 16
defined ............................................................................................................. 8-40-201(7), 8-40-203(1) ................................................................ 3,7
display of notice ............................................................................................... 8-43-102(1)(b), (1.5) .................................................................. 34, 35
domestic employees ......................................................................................... 8-40-302(4)......................................................................................... 8
duty to offer case management or managed care ............................................. 8-42-101(3.6)(p)(II) .......................................................................... 20
farm or ranch ................................................................................................... 8-41-401(4)....................................................................................... 15
fine, no insurance ............................................................................................. 8-43-409(1)(b) .................................................................................. 53
furnish information to division ........................................................................ 8-47-202 ........................................................................................... 79
director may fix time in which to ................................................................. 8-47-201 ........................................................................................... 79
may require under oath ................................................................................ 8-47-201 ........................................................................................... 79
homeowner ...................................................................................................... 8-40-302(4)......................................................................................... 8
independent contractor, defined ....................................................................... 8-40-202(2), 8-41-401(3) ............................................................. 6, 15
information must furnish ................................................................................. 8-47-102 ........................................................................................... 78
insurance, failure to obtain
certified copy of order filed ......................................................................... 8-43-408(3)
....................................................................................... 52
enjoined from continuing business............................................................... 8-43-409(1)....................................................................................... 52
failure to pay judgment ................................................................................ 8-43-408(4)....................................................................................... 52
file bond ....................................................................................................... 8-43-408(2)....................................................................................... 52
fine ............................................................................................................... 8-43-409(1)(b) .................................................................................. 53
judgment ...................................................................................................... 8-43-408(3)....................................................................................... 52
monetary penalty ......................................................................................... 8-43-409(1)(b) .................................................................................. 53
penalty ......................................................................................................... 8-43-408(1)....................................................................................... 52
procedure ..................................................................................................... 8-43-408(2), (3) ................................................................................ 52
insurance requirements .................................................................................... 8-44-101(1)....................................................................................... 58
keep records of injuries .................................................................................... 8-43-101(1)....................................................................................... 34
lessee................................................................................................................ 8-41-401(1)(a)(I), 8-41-403(1) ................................................... 14, 16
liability of ........................................................................................................ 8-41-102 ............................................................................................. 9
loaned employee .......................................................................................... 8-41-303 ........................................................................................... 14
loaning services ........................................................................................... 8-41-303 ........................................................................................... 14
loaning ............................................................................................................. 8-41-303 ........................................................................................... 14
medical aid, etc. furnished by .......................................................................... 8-42-101(1)(a) .................................................................................. 18
insurance liability for ................................................................................... 8-44-101(1)....................................................................................... 58
misclassifications ............................................................................................. 8-44-108(2)....................................................................................... 60
not insured (see FAILURE TO INSURE)
notice to, of injury ............................................................................................ 8-43-102(1)(a)
.................................................................................. 34
notice to, of settlement ..................................................................................... 8-40-301(1)(b), 8-41-212 ............................................................. 7, 13
out of state ....................................................................................................... 8-41-212 ........................................................................................... 13
property owner contracting out ........................................................................ 8-41-402(1)....................................................................................... 16
exemptions of............................................................................................... 8-41-403(1)....................................................................................... 16
liable for insurance....................................................................................... 8-41-402(1)....................................................................................... 16
records of, open to inspection .......................................................................... 8-47-208 ........................................................................................... 80
self-insurance ................................................................................................... 8-44-201(1) thru 205 ................................................................... 62-63
pool .............................................................................................................. 8-44-205(1) thru (11) ................................................................... 63-64
rehabilitation ............................................................................................ 8-44-205(8)....................................................................................... 64
trade or professional association ...................................................................... 8-44-205(1)....................................................................................... 63
trust fund for payments .................................................................................... 8-47-105(1)....................................................................................... 78
EMPLOYMENT, defined .................................................................................. 8-40-201(8)......................................................................................... 3
arising out of .................................................................................................... 8-41-301(1)(b) .................................................................................. 13
modified ........................................................................................................... 8-42-105(3)(d), 8-42-106(2)(b)(I) .............................................. 24, 25
temporary help contracting firm ...................................................................... 8-42-105(3)(d)(I), 8-42-106(2)(b)(II) ......................................... 24, 25
termination of, resulting wage loss .................................................................. 8-42-105(4)(a) .................................................................................. 24
ERROR, reopening for ....................................................................................... 8-43-303(1)
....................................................................................... 44
EVIDENCE ........................................................................................................ 8-43-210 ........................................................................................... 41
EXAMINATION, by physicians ........................................................................ 8-43-404(1)(a) .................................................................................. 48
exchange .......................................................................................................... 8-43-210 ........................................................................................... 41
EXCLUSIVE REMEDY ................................................................................... 8-41-104 ............................................................................................. 9
EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, Dept. of Labor and Employment
appoint employees ........................................................................................... 8-47-204
........................................................................................... 80
fix bond for custodian of funds ........................................................................ 8-45-119(2)....................................................................................... 70
Find what you were looking for?
EXPENSES OF DIVISION OF WORKERS’ COMPENSATION ................ 8-47-209 ........................................................................................... 80
compensation (50% increased compensation).................................................. 8-43-408(1)
....................................................................................... 52
bond to secure .............................................................................................. 8-43-408(2) ....................................................................................... 52
deposit with trustee ...................................................................................... 8-43-408(2) ....................................................................................... 52
failure to pay judgment ................................................................................ 8-43-408(4) ....................................................................................... 52
procedure to secure judgment ...................................................................... 8-43-408(3) ....................................................................................... 52
fine . ................................................................................................................. 8-43-409(1)(b) .................................................................................. 53
injunction against carrying on business ........................................................... 8-43-409(1) ....................................................................................... 52
lien ................................................................................................................... 8-43-410(1) ....................................................................................... 54
monetary penalty .............................................................................................. 8-43-409(1)(b) .................................................................................. 53
trust fund for payment ...................................................................................... 8-47-105(1) ....................................................................................... 78
uninsured employer fund ................................................................................. 8-67-101 ........................................................................................... 83
FAILURE TO PROSECUTE ........................................................................... 8-43-207(1)(n) .................................................................................. 40
FAILURE TO REPORT INJURY ................................................................... 8-43-102(1)(a) .................................................................................. 34
FALSE STATEMENT ....................................................................................... 8-43-402 ........................................................................................... 48
willfully misleads employer ............................................................................. 8-42-112(1)(d) .................................................................................. 30
FARM AND RANCH LABOR ......................................................................... 8-40-302(3), 8-41-401(4) .............................................................. 8, 15
benefits ............................................................................................................. 8-41-501(1) ....................................................................................... 17
employer report ................................................................................................ 8-43-101(1) ....................................................................................... 34
attorney ............................................................................................................ 8-43-403(1) ....................................................................................... 48
chiropractic ...................................................................................................... 8-42-101(3)(a)(III) ............................................................................ 19
excess of fee schedule ...................................................................................... 8-42-101(3)(a)(I) .............................................................................. 19
expert witness, expert reviewer, expert evaluator ............................................ 8-42-101(3)(a)(I) .............................................................................. 19
medical and hospital ........................................................................................ 8-42-101(3)(a)(I) .............................................................................. 19
freeze on ....................................................................................................... 8-42-101(3)(a)(II) ............................................................................. 19
set aside as excessive or unnecessary ........................................................... 8-43-207(1)(o) .................................................................................. 40
transcripts ......................................................................................................... 8-43-213(2) ....................................................................................... 42
vocational rehabilitation ................................................................................... 8-42-101(3)(a)(I) .............................................................................. 19
witness ............................................................................................................. 8-43-315(1) ....................................................................................... 46
FEE SCHEDULE ............................................................................................... 8-42-101(3)(a)(I) .............................................................................. 19
FELLOW SERVANT, negligence of................................................................. 8-41-101(1)(b) .................................................................................... 9
false statement.................................................................................................. 8-43-402 ........................................................................................... 48
inspection of ..................................................................................................... 8-42-125, 8-47-203(1) ................................................................ 34, 79
law enforcement ............................................................................................... 8-47-203.3 ........................................................................................ 80
FINAL ADMISSION ......................................................................................... 8-43-203(2)(b)(II)(A) ....................................................................... 37
action to set aside (see APPEAL)
administrative law judge’s ............................................................................... 8-43-215(1)
....................................................................................... 42
final, when ....................................................................................................... 8-43-215(1) ....................................................................................... 42
Industrial Claim Appeals Panel. ....................................................................... 8-43-301(8), (9), (10)........................................................................ 43
multiple employers........................................................................................... 8-43-301(13) ..................................................................................... 44
cancer ............................................................................................................... 8-41-209 ........................................................................................... 12
cancer trust ....................................................................................................... 8-42-103(1)(h) .................................................................................. 23
coverage for occupational diseases .................................................................. 8-41-208(1), 209 ............................................................................... 12
hepatitis C ........................................................................................................ 8-42-101(1)(c) .................................................................................. 18
voluntary firefighter cancer program ............................................................... 8-41-209(4) ....................................................................................... 12
volunteer .......................................................................................................... 8-40-202(1)(a)(I)(A) ........................................................................... 4
FOR-HIRE TRANSPORTATION ................................................................... 8-41-401(6) ....................................................................................... 16
FRANCHISE HOLDER .................................................................................... 8-41-403(1) ....................................................................................... 16
offset benefits paid ........................................................................................... 8-43-304(2) ....................................................................................... 45
penalty ............................................................................................................. 8-43-402 ........................................................................................... 48
recalculation of wage within 15 days of termination ....................................... 8-42-103(2) ....................................................................................... 23
FULL DUTY RELEASE, ends temporary disability ......................................... 8-42-105(3)(c) .................................................................................. 24
FUNERAL EXPENSES ..................................................................................... 8-42-123 ........................................................................................... 33
accrued compensation ...................................................................................... 8-41-503(2) ....................................................................................... 17
Find what you were looking for?
GARNISHMENT ............................................................................................... 8-42-124(1), (6), 8-43-204(4) ............................................... 33, 34, 38
GENERAL PARTNER, coverage ..................................................................... 8-40-302(5)(b) .................................................................................... 8
GLASSES ........................................................................................................... 8-42-101(1)(b), 8-42-101(2) ............................................................. 18
GRATUITIES .................................................................................................... 8-40-201(19)(b) .................................................................................. 4
GUARANTY FUND .......................................................................................... 8-44-206(1)....................................................................................... 65
GUARDIAN AD LITEM, appoint..................................................................... 8-43-207(1)(l) ................................................................................... 40
HEALTH INSURANCE.................................................................................... 8-40-201(19)(b)
.................................................................................. 4
HEARING AIDS ................................................................................................ 8-42-101(1)(b) .................................................................................. 18
adjournment of ................................................................................................. 8-43-207(1)(j) ................................................................................... 40
administrative law judge, conduct ................................................................... 8-43-207(1)....................................................................................... 40
order ............................................................................................................. 8-43-215(1)....................................................................................... 42
review by Industrial Claim Appeals Panel ................................................... 8-43-301(6-11) ................................................................................. 43
after Division independent medical examination report .................................. 8-42-107.2(4), 8-43-203(2) ........................................................ 29, 37
application of either party, on .......................................................................... 8-43-211(2)(b) .................................................................................. 41
award, appeal ................................................................................................... 8-43-301(1)....................................................................................... 43
before whom held ............................................................................................ 8-43-202 ........................................................................................... 36
commission of another state ......................................................................... 8-43-202 ........................................................................................... 36
conduct of ........................................................................................................ 8-43-207(1)(h) .................................................................................. 40
continuance ...................................................................................................... 8-43-209(3)....................................................................................... 41
depositions ....................................................................................................... 8-43-207.5(2), 8-43-210 ............................................................. 40, 41
director may hold ............................................................................................. 8-43-201(1)....................................................................................... 36
jurisdiction ................................................................................................... 8-43-103(2)....................................................................................... 36
during appeals .................................................................................................. 8-43-301(12)..................................................................................... 44
employer default insurance obligations ........................................................... 8-43-409(1)....................................................................................... 52
evidence ........................................................................................................... 8-43-210 ........................................................................................... 41
expedited .......................................................................................................... 8-42-105(2)(a), 8-43-203(1)(a), 8-43-211(2)(a) ................... 24, 36, 41
notice of contest ........................................................................................... 8-43-203(1)(a) .................................................................................. 37
physician choice ........................................................................................... 8-43-404(5)(a)(I)(D) ......................................................................... 49
safety rule .................................................................................................... 8-42-112(4)....................................................................................... 31
extension of hearing date ................................................................................. 8-43-209(1), (2) ................................................................................ 41
false statement ................................................................................................. 8-43-402 ........................................................................................... 48
issue ripe for adjudication ................................................................................ 8-43-211(2)(b) .................................................................................. 41
including selection of an IME ...................................................................... 8-43-203(2)....................................................................................... 37
limit for hearing date........................................................................................ 8-43-209(1)....................................................................................... 41
medical treatment guidelines ........................................................................... 8-43-201(3)....................................................................................... 36
notice of ........................................................................................................... 8-43-211(1)....................................................................................... 41
notice to set mailed .......................................................................................... 8-43-211(2)(c) .................................................................................. 41
orders, time limit .............................................................................................. 8-43-215(1)....................................................................................... 42
pending utilization review................................................................................ 8-43-501(2)(e) .................................................................................. 54
reporters ........................................................................................................... 8-43-213(2)....................................................................................... 42
time for completion .......................................................................................... 8-43-215(1)....................................................................................... 42
time schedule establishment ............................................................................ 8-43-209(1)....................................................................................... 41
transcript of proceedings .................................................................................. 8-43-213(1)....................................................................................... 42
time for filing ............................................................................................... 8-43-213(2)....................................................................................... 42
utilization review de novo ................................................................................ 8-43-501(5)....................................................................................... 55
failure to appear at ....................................................................................... 8-43-212
........................................................................................... 41
fees ............................................................................................................... 8-43-315(1)....................................................................................... 46
HEART ATTACK ............................................................................................. 8-41-302(2)....................................................................................... 14
baseline testing ................................................................................................ 8-41-208(1) (a), (b), 8-42-101(1)(c) ........................................... 12, 18
coverage for exposure, contraction .................................................................. 8-41-208(1)....................................................................................... 12
non-emergency provider exposure ................................................................... 8-41-208(2)....................................................................................... 12
HOMEOWNER ................................................................................................. 8-40-302(4), 8-41-402(1) ............................................................. 8, 16
home office ...................................................................................................... 8-40-302(3)......................................................................................... 8
HOSPITAL TREATMENT .............................................................................. 8-42-101(1)(a) .................................................................................. 18
employee .......................................................................................................... 8-40-301(7)......................................................................................... 8
statutory employ
ment exclusion .....................................................................
8-41-401(7)....................................................................................... 16
ILLEGITIMATE MINOR CHILDREN.......................................................... 8-41-505
........................................................................................... 18
IMMEDIATE PAYMENT FUND .................................................................... 8-44-206(1)....................................................................................... 65
Find what you were looking for?
employer .......................................................................................................... 8-41-102 ............................................................................................. 9
from suit ........................................................................................................... 8-41-104 ............................................................................................. 9
basis ................................................................................................................. 8-42-101(3)(a)(I) .............................................................................. 19
chronic pain ..................................................................................................... 8-42-101(3.7) .................................................................................... 20
not combined.................................................................................................... 8-42-107(7) ....................................................................................... 26
not level II accredited ....................................................................................... 8-42-107(8)(b.5) ............................................................................... 27
who may provide ............................................................................................. 8-42-101(3.6)(b) ............................................................................... 19
IMPLANTABLE DEVICE ............................................................................... 8-42-101(1)(b) .................................................................................. 18
inmate as employee .......................................................................................... 8-40-301(3)
......................................................................................... 7
limitation on payments ..................................................................................... 8-42-113(1) ....................................................................................... 31
INCOME ASSIGNMENT ................................................................................. 8-42-124(6), 8-43-204(4) ............................................................ 34, 38
INCOMPETENT CLAIMANT OR DEPENDENT ........................................ 8-41-503(3) ....................................................................................... 18
INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR, defined ..................................................... 8-40-202(2), 8-41-401(3) .............................................................. 6, 15
common carrier ................................................................................................ 8-40-301(5), (6) .................................................................................. 8
factors .............................................................................................................. 8-40-202(2)(b) .................................................................................... 6
nonprofit youth sports organization coach ....................................................... 8-40-202(2)(e)(I) ................................................................................ 7
rebuttable presumption ..................................................................................... 8-40-202(2)(a) .................................................................................... 6
Division IME (DIME) .................................................................................... 8-42-107(8)(b), (b.5), 8-43-502(1) ....................................... 26, 27, 55
after report file admission or request hearing ............................................... 8-42-107.2(4)(c), 8-43-203(2) .................................................... 29, 37
applicability ................................................................................................. 8-42-107.2(6) .................................................................................... 29
contact with treating physician ..................................................................... 8-42-107.2(3)(d)(I) ........................................................................... 29
cost ............................................................................................................... 8-42-107.2(5), 8-43-502(2) ......................................................... 29, 55
immunity from liability ................................................................................ 8-43-502(6) ....................................................................................... 56
indigency ...................................................................................................... 8-42-107.2(5) .................................................................................... 29
negotiate selection of ................................................................................... 8-42-107.2(3) .................................................................................... 28
medical records ............................................................................................ 8-42-107.2(3) .................................................................................... 28
mileage, travel cost reimbursement .............................................................. 8-43-404(1) ....................................................................................... 48
panel ............................................................................................................. 8-42-107.2(3) .................................................................................... 28
physician selection ....................................................................................... 8-43-502(2) ....................................................................................... 55
request for disclosure of information by a listed examiner ......................... 8-42-107.2(3.5)(a), (b) ...................................................................... 29
selection of examiner ................................................................................... 8-42-107.2(2) .................................................................................... 28
twenty-four months to request DIME to determine MMI ............................ 8-42-107(8)(b)(II) .......................................................................... 26
Non Division IME
audio recording ............................................................................................ 8-43-404(2)(a) .................................................................................. 48
evaluation ..................................................................................................... 8-43-404(1)(a) .................................................................................. 48
refusal of examination .................................................................................. 8-43-404(3) ....................................................................................... 49
transportation, mileage, food, hotel costs ..................................................... 8-43-404(1) ....................................................................................... 48
wage loss ...................................................................................................... 8-43-404(1)(b) .................................................................................. 48
written report ................................................................................................ 8-43-404(2)(a) .................................................................................. 48
INDIVIDUAL EMPLOYER, coverage ............................................................. 8-44-102(1) ....................................................................................... 58
appeal to court of appeals................................................................................. 8-43-301(10) ..................................................................................... 43
defined ............................................................................................................. 8-40-201(16) ....................................................................................... 4
examiner defined .............................................................................................. 8-40-201(9) ......................................................................................... 3
grounds ............................................................................................................ 8-43-301(8) ....................................................................................... 43
orders ............................................................................................................... 8-47-103 ........................................................................................... 78
error disregarded .......................................................................................... 8-43-310 ........................................................................................... 46
extend time for entry .................................................................................... 8-43-301(9) ....................................................................................... 43
failure to issue timely order.......................................................................... 8-43-301(11) ..................................................................................... 43
prima facie reasonable and valid .................................................................. 8-47-103 ........................................................................................... 78
procedural orders ......................................................................................... 8-43-301(9) ....................................................................................... 43
sixty days to enter order ............................................................................... 8-43-301(8) ....................................................................................... 43
technical objections ...................................................................................... 8-47-104 ........................................................................................... 78
INFORMATION, employers must furnish ........................................................ 8-47-102 ........................................................................................... 78
INJURIOUS PRACTICE .................................................................................. 8-43-404(3) ....................................................................................... 48
arising out of employment ............................................................................... 8-41-301(1)
....................................................................................... 13
conditions of recovery for ................................................................................ 8-41-301(1) ....................................................................................... 13
defenses, abrogation of ................................................................................ 8-41-101(1) ......................................................................................... 9
defenses, available when .............................................................................. 8-41-103 ............................................................................................. 9
defined ............................................................................................................. 8-40-201(1), (2) .................................................................................. 3
emotional stress ................................................................................................ 8-41-301(1) ....................................................................................... 13
employee submit to examination ..................................................................... 8-43-404(1) ....................................................................................... 48
Find what you were looking for?
employer, keep record of ................................................................................. 8-43-101(1)....................................................................................... 34
report to division, time limit ........................................................................ 8-43-101(1)....................................................................................... 34
deaths ....................................................................................................... 8-43-101(1), 103 ......................................................................... 34, 35
heart attack ....................................................................................................... 8-41-302(2)....................................................................................... 14
liability of employer ........................................................................................ 8-41-102 ............................................................................................. 9
contractor ..................................................................................................... 8-41-401(1)(a)(I) .............................................................................. 14
lessor ............................................................................................................ 8-41-401(1)(a)(I), 403 ................................................................ 14, 16
owner ........................................................................................................... 8-41-402(1)....................................................................................... 16
loss of members, specific ................................................................................. 8-42-107(1)(a) .................................................................................. 25
mental, emotional, psychological..................................................................... 8-41-301(2)....................................................................................... 13
negligence of third party, election .................................................................... 8-41-203(1)(a) .................................................................................. 10
subrogation of insurer .................................................................................. 8-41-203(1)(a) .................................................................................. 10
out of state ....................................................................................................... 8-41-204 ........................................................................................... 12
reports to division ............................................................................................ 8-43-101(1)....................................................................................... 34
to employer .................................................................................................. 8-43-102(1)(a) .................................................................................. 34
benefit payment to ........................................................................................... 8-42-113(1)
....................................................................................... 31
employee .......................................................................................................... 8-40-301(3)(a) .................................................................................... 7
inmate exception .............................................................................................. 8-40-301(3)(a), 8-42-113(4) ......................................................... 7, 31
repay benefits if ineligible ............................................................................... 8-42-113(1.5)(b) ............................................................................... 31
determine competency of witnesses and parties............................................... 8-43-207(1)(m) ................................................................................. 40
payments .......................................................................................................... 8-41-503(3)....................................................................................... 18
books, payrolls, records ................................................................................... 8-47-208 ........................................................................................... 80
workers’ compensation files ............................................................................ 8-42-125, 8-47-203(1) ................................................................ 34, 79
law enforcement............................................................................................... 8-47-203.3 ........................................................................................ 80
annual report, policies ...................................................................................... 8-44-102(2)
....................................................................................... 58
cancellation, notice of ...................................................................................... 8-44-110 ........................................................................................... 60
classification, notice of appeal rights ............................................................... 8-44-109(2)....................................................................................... 60
classification, notice of change in rate ............................................................. 8-44-109(1)....................................................................................... 60
classification of risks filed with commissioner of insurance ............................ 8-44-103 ........................................................................................... 59
compensation exclusive remedy ...................................................................... 8-41-104 ............................................................................................. 9
contract for, subject to Act ............................................................................... 8-44-102(1)....................................................................................... 58
form of, commissioner of insurance prescribe ............................................. 8-44-102(1)....................................................................................... 58
void when .................................................................................................... 8-44-102(1)....................................................................................... 58
credit losses, overpayment repaid .................................................................... 8-42-113.5(1).................................................................................... 31
cutting or rebating rates, prohibited ................................................................. 8-44-104 ........................................................................................... 59
penalty ......................................................................................................... 8-44-104 ........................................................................................... 59
deductibles ....................................................................................................... 8-44-111(1)(a) .................................................................................. 60
employee payment of insurance ....................................................................... 8-44-101(2)....................................................................................... 58
employer, defaulting in, enjoined .................................................................... 8-43-409(1)....................................................................................... 52
compensation increased ............................................................................... 8-43-408(1)....................................................................................... 52
fine ............................................................................................................... 8-43-409(1)(b) .................................................................................. 53
Federal Prison Industry Enhancement Certification Program .......................... 8-44-101(3)(a)(II) ............................................................................. 58
liability of lessor or contractor out ................................................................... 8-41-401(1)(a)(I) .............................................................................. 14
of owner contracting out .............................................................................. 8-41-402(1)....................................................................................... 16
medical aid ....................................................................................................... 8-42-101(1)(a) .................................................................................. 18
methods of
public entities pools ..................................................................................... 8-44-204(1)
....................................................................................... 62
self-insurance ............................................................................................... 8-44-101(1)....................................................................................... 58
self-insurance pools ..................................................................................... 8-44-205(1)....................................................................................... 63
state authority............................................................................................... 8-44-101(1)....................................................................................... 58
stock or mutual companies ........................................................................... 8-44-101(1)....................................................................................... 58
misclassifications, repayments for ................................................................... 8-44-108(1)....................................................................................... 59
non-insurance (see FAILURE TO INSURE)
notice of insurance ........................................................................................... 8-44-101(1)(b)
.................................................................................. 58
out of state exemption ...................................................................................... 8-41-212 ........................................................................................... 13
overpayment repaid, credit losses .................................................................... 8-42-113.5(1).................................................................................... 31
Pinnacol Assurance
cancellation of policy ................................................................................... 8-45-101(1); 8-45-112, 113
........................................................ 66, 69
shall not refuse to insure .............................................................................. 8-45-101(5)(f) ................................................................................... 67
approve form ................................................................................................ 8-44-102(1)
....................................................................................... 58
cancellation .................................................................................................. 8-44-110 ........................................................................................... 60
Find what you were looking for?
essential provisions ...................................................................................... 8-44-105 ........................................................................................... 59
notice to division .......................................................................................... 8-44-101(1) ....................................................................................... 58
subject to Act ............................................................................................... 8-44-102(1) ....................................................................................... 58
premium dividend ............................................................................................ 8-42-107.6 ........................................................................................ 30
property tax work-off program......................................................................... 8-40-202(3), 8-40-301(9), 8-41-210 ......................................... 7, 8, 12
public entities ................................................................................................... 8-44-101(3) ....................................................................................... 58
approved by commissioner of insurance ...................................................... 8-44-104 ........................................................................................... 59
cutting or rebating prohibited ....................................................................... 8-44-104 ........................................................................................... 59
not include penalties or damages ................................................................. 8-43-304.5 ........................................................................................ 45
rebating prohibited ....................................................................................... 8-44-104 ........................................................................................... 59
system of filed .............................................................................................. 8-44-103 ........................................................................................... 59
requirements .................................................................................................... 8-44-101(1) ....................................................................................... 58
revisionary interests prohibited ........................................................................ 8-44-116 ........................................................................................... 62
self-insurance ................................................................................................... 8-44-101(1), 8-44-201 thru 205 ............................................. 58, 62-63
bankruptcy or insufficient reserves .............................................................. 8-44-206(1) ....................................................................................... 65
definitions .................................................................................................... 8-44-204(1) ....................................................................................... 62
fund audit ..................................................................................................... 8-44-204(7), 8-44-205(6) ............................................................ 63, 64
guaranty fund ............................................................................................... 8-44-206(1) ....................................................................................... 65
guaranty fund assessment ............................................................................. 8-44-206(4) ....................................................................................... 65
initial application ......................................................................................... 8-44-202 ........................................................................................... 62
notice of injury to employer ......................................................................... 8-43-102(1.5) .................................................................................... 35
pools ............................................................................................................. 8-44-204(3) thru (7), 8-44-205(1) ..................................................... 63
approval ................................................................................................... 8-44-204(5), 8-44-205(5) ............................................................ 63, 64
other insurance ......................................................................................... 8-44-204(10) ............................................................................... 63, 64
public entities ............................................................................................... 8-44-204(1) ....................................................................................... 62
reserve fund.................................................................................................. 8-44-204(2) ....................................................................................... 62
revocation .................................................................................................... 8-44-204(8), 8-44-205(7) ............................................................ 63, 64
securities investment .................................................................................... 8-44-204(9) ....................................................................................... 63
trust fund, pools ........................................................................................... 8-44-205(11) ..................................................................................... 64
surcharge on premiums .................................................................................... 8-44-112(1)(a) .................................................................................. 60
uninsured (see FAILURE TO INSURE)
annual report, policies ...................................................................................... 8-44-102(2)
....................................................................................... 58
classification, notice of appeal rights ............................................................... 8-44-109(2) ....................................................................................... 60
cutting rates, penalty ........................................................................................ 8-44-104 ........................................................................................... 59
deposits to secure future payments of
compensation ............................................................................................... 8-47-105(1)
....................................................................................... 78
duty to offer case management
or managed care ........................................................................................... 8-42-101(3.6)(p)(II)
.......................................................................... 20
file system of rating ......................................................................................... 8-44-103 ........................................................................................... 59
insurance filed with division ............................................................................ 8-44-101(1) ....................................................................................... 58
liability to employee ........................................................................................ 8-44-105 ........................................................................................... 59
mutual liability company, may be .................................................................... 8-44-101(1) ....................................................................................... 58
notice of injury to employer is notice to........................................................... 8-44-105 ........................................................................................... 59
rebates by, penalty ........................................................................................... 8-44-104 ........................................................................................... 59
revocation of license ........................................................................................ 8-44-106 ........................................................................................... 59
right to examine books of employer ................................................................. 8-44-107 ........................................................................................... 59
INTENTIONALLY SELF-INFLICTED INJURIES ...................................... 8-41-301(1)(c)
.................................................................................. 13
INTEREST ......................................................................................................... 8-43-410(2) ....................................................................................... 54
INTERN .............................................................................................................. 8-40-302(7)(a) .................................................................................... 8
INTERPRETATION OF ACT ......................................................................... 8-43-201(1) ....................................................................................... 36
INTOXICATION OF EMPLOYEE ................................................................. 8-42-112.5(1)
.................................................................................... 31
INVESTIGATIONS ........................................................................................... 8-43-208(1) ....................................................................................... 41
JAIL, payments to prisoners ............................................................................... 8-42-113(1)
....................................................................................... 31
JOB OFFER, ends temporary disability ............................................................. 8-42-105(3) ....................................................................................... 24
JOB TRAINING ................................................................................................ 8-40-202(1)(a)(IV) ............................................................................. 5
JUDGMENT ...................................................................................................... 8-43-408(3) ....................................................................................... 52
JURISDICTION, injury out of state .................................................................. 8-41-204 ........................................................................................... 12
LAST INJURIOUS EXPOSURE ...................................................................... 8-41-304(1)
....................................................................................... 14
Find what you were looking for?
claims management ......................................................................................... 8-43-217
........................................................................................... 42
cost containment .............................................................................................. 8-14.5-102 .......................................................................................... 1
employee defined ............................................................................................. 8-40-102(2)......................................................................................... 3
employers have insurance in effect .................................................................. 8-47-111 ........................................................................................... 79
settlement of subsequent injury and major medical insurance claims .............. 8-46-109 ........................................................................................... 74
utilization review ............................................................................................. 8-43-501(1)....................................................................................... 54
uninsured employer fund ................................................................................. 8-67-102 ........................................................................................... 83
Workers’ Compensation Act ............................................................................ 8-40-102(1)......................................................................................... 3
books and records, insurer may examine ......................................................... 8-44-107 ........................................................................................... 59
deemed employer, must insure, when .............................................................. 8-41-401 ........................................................................................... 14
LESSOR, statutory employer .............................................................................. 8-41-401 ........................................................................................... 14
LIEN AGAINST BENEFITS ............................................................................ 8-42-124(6), 8-43-204(4) ........................................................... 34, 38
LIEN AGAINST EMPLOYER OR INSURER ............................................... 8-43-410(1), 8-44-105, 8-67-109(5) ..................................... 54, 59, 85
claim for benefits ............................................................................................. 8-43-103(1)
....................................................................................... 35
LIMITED LIABILITY MEMBER .................................................................. 8-41-202(1)....................................................................................... 10
LOANED EMPLOYEE .................................................................................... 8-40-202(1)(a)(III).............................................................................. 5
LOANING SERVICES ..................................................................................... 8-41-303 ........................................................................................... 14
LUMP SUMS ..................................................................................................... 8-43-406(1)....................................................................................... 51
garnishment or administrative lien ................................................................... 8-43-204(4)....................................................................................... 38
maximum ......................................................................................................... 8-43-406(2)....................................................................................... 52
may not be conditioned on waiver of permanent total benefits........................ 8-43-406(1)....................................................................................... 51
settlements, timely payment of ........................................................................ 8-43-204(7)....................................................................................... 39
$10,000 ............................................................................................................ 8-42-107(8)(d) .................................................................................. 28
MAJOR MEDICAL INSURANCE FUND ...................................................... 8-46-201 thru 212
........................................................................ 74-76
closure of fund ................................................................................................. 8-46-212 ........................................................................................... 76
MANAGED CARE, defined .............................................................................. 8-42-101(3.6)(p)(I) ........................................................................... 20
MAXIMUM MEDICAL IMPROVEMENT (MMI), defined ......................... 8-40-201(11.5) .................................................................................... 3
date determined by physician ........................................................................... 8-42-107(8)(b) .................................................................................. 26
independent medical examination .................................................................... 8-42-107(8)....................................................................................... 26
medical benefits after MMI ............................................................................. 8-42-107(8)(f) ................................................................................... 28
temporary partial terminates ............................................................................ 8-42-106(2)(a) .................................................................................. 25
temporary total terminates ............................................................................... 8-42-105(3)(a) .................................................................................. 24
application procedures ..................................................................................... 8-43-205(1)....................................................................................... 39
defined ............................................................................................................. 8-40-201(12)....................................................................................... 3
representation of parties ................................................................................... 8-43-205(1)....................................................................................... 39
time limit for conference .................................................................................. 8-43-205(1)....................................................................................... 39
MEDIATORS, defined ....................................................................................... 8-40-201(13)....................................................................................... 3
MEDICAL BENEFITS ..................................................................................... 8-42-101(1)(a) .................................................................................. 18
after MMI ........................................................................................................ 8-42-107(8)(f) ................................................................................... 28
apparatus .......................................................................................................... 8-42-101(1)(a) .................................................................................. 18
bill for payment for services after
loss of accreditation ..................................................................................... 8-42-101(3.6)(h) ............................................................................... 20
change of physician ......................................................................................... 8-43-404(5)....................................................................................... 49
chiropractic treatments, limit ........................................................................... 8-42-101(3)(a)(III)............................................................................ 19
costs paid by claimant ...................................................................................... 8-42-101(4)....................................................................................... 21
deemed authorized for services provided ......................................................... 8-43-404(9)....................................................................................... 51
dental ............................................................................................................... 8-42-101(1)(b) .................................................................................. 18
dictating care .................................................................................................... 8-43-503(3)....................................................................................... 56
employee may change physicians .................................................................... 8-43-404(5)....................................................................................... 49
employer furnish .............................................................................................. 8-42-101(1)(a) .................................................................................. 18
at time of injury ........................................................................................... 8-43-404(5)....................................................................................... 49
examination rights, refusal ............................................................................... 8-43-404(3)....................................................................................... 48
fees, set aside ................................................................................................... 8-43-207(1)(o) .................................................................................. 40
fees, withheld ................................................................................................... 8-42-105(2)(d) .................................................................................. 24
full duty release................................................................................................ 8-42-105(3)(c) .................................................................................. 24
implantable devices ......................................................................................... 8-42-101(1)(b) .................................................................................. 18
independent medical examination .................................................................... 8-42-107(8), 8-43-502(1) ........................................................... 26, 55
liability for authorized ..................................................................................... 8-43-404(7)....................................................................................... 51
Major Medical Fund ........................................................................................ 8-46-201 thru 212 ........................................................................ 74-76
Medical Disaster Insurance Fund ..................................................................... 8-46-301 thru 309 ........................................................................ 76-77
Find what you were looking for?
medical fees ..................................................................................................... 8-42-101(3) ....................................................................................... 19
missed appointment ......................................................................................... 8-42-105(2)(c) .................................................................................. 24
mutual plan of employer and employee ........................................................... 8-42-101(2) ....................................................................................... 18
no recovery from employee ............................................................................. 8-42-101(4) ....................................................................................... 21
privilege waived ............................................................................................... 8-43-404(6) ....................................................................................... 51
prosthetic device .............................................................................................. 8-42-101(1)(b) .................................................................................. 18
reasonably needed ............................................................................................ 8-42-101(1)(a) .................................................................................. 18
refusal .............................................................................................................. 8-43-404(3) ....................................................................................... 48
reimbursement of medical expenses ................................................................ 8-42-101(6) ....................................................................................... 21
reopening ......................................................................................................... 8-43-303(2) ....................................................................................... 44
reports, evidence .............................................................................................. 8-43-210 ........................................................................................... 41
schedule of fees ................................................................................................ 8-42-101(3) ....................................................................................... 19
suspension of compensation ............................................................................. 8-43-404(3) ....................................................................................... 48
utilization review process................................................................................. 8-43-501(1) ....................................................................................... 54
verification off work ........................................................................................ 8-42-105(2)(d) .................................................................................. 24
waiver of privilege ........................................................................................... 8-47-203(1) ....................................................................................... 79
willful delay of payment .................................................................................. 8-43-401(2)(a) .................................................................................. 47
advises on appointment of utilization review committees ................................ 8-43-501(3)(a) .................................................................................. 54
appointment ..................................................................................................... 8-42-101(3.6)(n) ............................................................................... 20
contracts for peer review .................................................................................. 8-42-101(3.6)(n) ............................................................................... 20
duties ................................................................................................................ 8-42-101(3.6)(n) ............................................................................... 20
qualifications .................................................................................................... 8-42-101(3.6)(n) ............................................................................... 20
MEDICAL DISASTER INSURANCE FUND ................................................. 8-46-301 thru 309 ........................................................................ 76-77
administrative law judge consideration ............................................................ 8-43-201(3)
....................................................................................... 36
required use ...................................................................................................... 8-42-101(3)(b) .................................................................................. 19
combined to determine cap .............................................................................. 8-41-301(2), 8-42-107(7)(b)(III), 8-42-107.5 ....................... 13, 26, 30
conditions of recovery ...................................................................................... 8-41-301(2) ....................................................................................... 13
crime of violence ............................................................................................. 8-41-301(2)(b) ............................................................................. 13-14
impairment not combined ................................................................................ 8-42-107(7)(b) .................................................................................. 26
not combined with physical impairments ......................................................... 8-42-107(7)(b) .................................................................................. 26
admitted but contested ..................................................................................... 8-42-101(5)
....................................................................................... 21
average weekly wage, children ........................................................................ 8-42-102(4) ....................................................................................... 21
compensation rate ............................................................................................ 8-40-202(1)(a)(III), 8-42-102(4) ................................................... 5, 21
deceased, death benefits to ............................................................................... 8-46-102(1)(b) .................................................................................. 72
illegitimate ................................................................................................... 8-41-505
........................................................................................... 18
presumed ...................................................................................................... 8-41-501(1)(b), (c) ............................................................................ 17
employees ........................................................................................................ 8-40-202(1)(b) .................................................................................... 6
safeguarding payments of ................................................................................ 8-42-122 ........................................................................................... 33
subrogation ...................................................................................................... 8-41-203(3) ....................................................................................... 11
students ............................................................................................................ 8-41-501(1)(c) .................................................................................. 17
termination of benefits ..................................................................................... 8-42-120 ........................................................................................... 32
MISTAKE, reopening claim ............................................................................... 8-43-303(1) ....................................................................................... 44
MODIFIED EMPLOYMENT .......................................................................... 8-42-105(3)(b), (d) and (4)(b) & (c), 8-42-106(2)(b)(I) .............. 24, 25
refusal .............................................................................................................. 8-42-105(4)(b) .................................................................................. 24
MORTALITY TABLES, setting reserves, use of .............................................. 8-45-107(2) ....................................................................................... 68
MOTION ............................................................................................................ 8-43-207(1)(g) .................................................................................. 40
MOTOR VEHICLE ACCIDENTS, calculation of premium ........................... 8-44-115(1) ....................................................................................... 62
MUTUAL LIABILITY COMPANY ................................................................ 8-44-101(1)(b) .................................................................................. 58
of employee ..................................................................................................... 8-41-101(1)
......................................................................................... 9
of stranger ........................................................................................................ 8-41-203(1)(a) .................................................................................. 10
NON-MEDICAL BENEFITS, defined .............................................................. 8-42-112.5(2)
.................................................................................... 31
NONRESIDENT DEPENDENT, applicability of appeal.................................. 8-42-118 ........................................................................................... 32
by employee, to employer, of injury ................................................................ 8-43-102(1)(a) .................................................................................. 34
by employer, to carrier, of injury ..................................................................... 8-43-103(1) ....................................................................................... 35
Find what you were looking for?
of hearing ......................................................................................................... 8-43-211(1)....................................................................................... 41
of issuance of policy ........................................................................................ 8-44-101(1)(b) .................................................................................. 58
of occupational disease .................................................................................... 8-43-102(2)....................................................................................... 35
of request for IME ........................................................................................... 8-42-107.2(2)(b) ............................................................................... 28
to employer of settlement ................................................................................ 8-43-204(2)....................................................................................... 38
to set................................................................................................................. 8-43-211(2)....................................................................................... 41
NOTICE OF CONTEST ................................................................................... 8-43-203(1)(a) .................................................................................. 36
aggravation ...................................................................................................... 8-41-304(1)
....................................................................................... 14
coverage for firefighters ................................................................................... 8-41-209(1)....................................................................................... 12
definition .......................................................................................................... 8-40-201(14)....................................................................................... 3
scope of term ................................................................................................... 8-41-302(1)....................................................................................... 14
OFFENSES, penalty ........................................................................................... 8-43-304(1)....................................................................................... 45
OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE COURTS.................................................. 24-30-1001
age greater than 45 ........................................................................................... 8-42-103(1)(c)(IV)
........................................................................... 22
controlled substances ....................................................................................... 8-42-112.5(1).................................................................................... 31
disability plan/ insurance ................................................................................. 8-42-103(1)(d) .................................................................................. 22
firefighter cancer trust ...................................................................................... 8-42-103(1)(h) .................................................................................. 23
fraud ................................................................................................................. 8-43-304(2)....................................................................................... 45
intoxication ...................................................................................................... 8-42-112.5(1).................................................................................... 31
misleads employer ........................................................................................... 8-42-112(1)(d) .................................................................................. 30
payroll deductions ............................................................................................ 8-42-124(7)....................................................................................... 34
pension plan ..................................................................................................... 8-42-103(1)(d) .................................................................................. 22
retirement benefits ........................................................................................... 8-42-103(1)(c)(II) ............................................................................. 22
safety rule ........................................................................................................ 8-42-112(1)....................................................................................... 30
social security .................................................................................................. 8-42-103(1)(c)(I) .............................................................................. 22
unemployment benefits .................................................................................... 8-42-103(1)(f) ................................................................................... 23
WC benefits other jurisdiction ......................................................................... 8-42-103(1)(e), 8-42-114 ............................................................ 23, 32
administrative law judge issue ......................................................................... 8-43-207(1)(k), 8-43-215(1) ....................................................... 40, 42
corrected order ................................................................................................. 8-43-302(1)....................................................................................... 44
defined ............................................................................................................. 8-40-201(15)....................................................................................... 4
director issue .................................................................................................... 8-43-207(1)(k), 8-43-215(1) ....................................................... 40, 42
false statement, fraud ....................................................................................... 8-43-402 ........................................................................................... 48
final order, administrative law judge or director .............................................. 8-43-215(1)....................................................................................... 42
Industrial Claim Appeals Office ...................................................................... 8-43-301(8) thru (11) ........................................................................ 43
not enforceable................................................................................................. 8-43-301(12)..................................................................................... 44
prehearing ........................................................................................................ 8-43-207.5(3).................................................................................... 40
prima facie valid .............................................................................................. 8-47-103 ........................................................................................... 78
request for full order ........................................................................................ 8-43-215(1)....................................................................................... 42
summary order ................................................................................................. 8-43-215(1)....................................................................................... 42
technical omission ........................................................................................... 8-47-104 ........................................................................................... 78
time for issuing ................................................................................................ 8-43-215(1)....................................................................................... 42
written findings of fact ..................................................................................... 8-43-215(1)....................................................................................... 42
OTHER STATES............................................................................................... 8-41-212 ........................................................................................... 13
collection of ..................................................................................................... 8-43-306(1)....................................................................................... 45
defined ............................................................................................................. 8-40-201(15.5) .................................................................................... 4
hearing ............................................................................................................. 8-43-207(1)(q) .................................................................................. 40
inmate .............................................................................................................. 8-42-113(1.5)(b) ............................................................................... 31
notice of claimant obligations .......................................................................... 8-43-203(1)(a) .................................................................................. 36
recovery of ....................................................................................................... 8-42-113.5(1).................................................................................... 31
reopen for ......................................................................................................... 8-43-303(1)....................................................................................... 44
social security benefits ..................................................................................... 8-42-113.5(1).................................................................................... 31
PAIN, not render impairment rating based on ..................................................... 8-42-101(3.7)
.................................................................................... 20
PARALYSIS....................................................................................................... 8-42-107(4)....................................................................................... 26
deceased minor, death benefits to .................................................................... 8-46-102(1)(b)
.................................................................................. 72
PARTIAL DEPENDENTS ................................................................................ 8-42-119 ........................................................................................... 32
Find what you were looking for?
PARTY IN INTEREST, dependent of employee .............................................. 8-41-504 ........................................................................................... 18
PAYROLLS OF EMPLOYER, examination by insurer, division .................... 8-44-107, 8-47-208 ..................................................................... 59, 80
admission, failure to file................................................................................... 8-43-203(2)
....................................................................................... 37
application for hearing ..................................................................................... 8-43-304(4) ....................................................................................... 45
collection of ..................................................................................................... 8-43-306(1) ....................................................................................... 45
cure violation ................................................................................................... 8-43-304(4) ....................................................................................... 45
each day separate offense ................................................................................. 8-43-305 ........................................................................................... 45
failure to cooperate with claims management .................................................. 8-43-218(3) ....................................................................................... 42
failure to insure ................................................................................................ 8-43-408(1) ....................................................................................... 52
fine for ......................................................................................................... 8-43-409(1)(b) .................................................................................. 53
general ............................................................................................................. 8-43-304(1) ....................................................................................... 45
in rate making .................................................................................................. 8-43-304.5 ........................................................................................ 45
injurious practice .............................................................................................. 8-43-404(3) ....................................................................................... 48
injury, failure of employee to report ................................................................ 8-43-102(1)(a) .................................................................................. 34
insure, failure to ............................................................................................... 8-43-408(1) ....................................................................................... 52
judgment, failure to pay ................................................................................... 8-43-408(1) ....................................................................................... 52
notice of contest, failure to file ........................................................................ 8-43-203(2) ....................................................................................... 37
payable to ......................................................................................................... 8-43-306(2) ....................................................................................... 46
refusal of examination ...................................................................................... 8-43-404(3) ....................................................................................... 48
report on fine imposed ..................................................................................... 8-43-409(5) ....................................................................................... 53
report on penalties imposed ............................................................................. 8-43-304(3) ....................................................................................... 45
request for ........................................................................................................ 8-43-304(5) ....................................................................................... 45
subpoena, failure to obey ................................................................................. 8-47-102 ........................................................................................... 78
time limit .......................................................................................................... 8-43-304(5) ....................................................................................... 45
untimely payment after appeals ....................................................................... 8-43-401(2)(a) .................................................................................. 47
violation of Act ................................................................................................ 8-43-304(1) ....................................................................................... 45
willful or repeated violations ........................................................................... 8-43-304(1.5) .................................................................................... 45
PENSION PLAN, effect on compensation ......................................................... 8-42-103(1)(d) .................................................................................. 22
PER DIEM computation ..................................................................................... 8-42-102(2)(c) .................................................................................. 21
defined ............................................................................................................. 8-40-201(19)(c) .................................................................................. 4
premium ........................................................................................................... 8-44-114 ........................................................................................... 61
additional injury ............................................................................................... 8-42-109
........................................................................................... 30
amputation ....................................................................................................... 8-42-107(5) ....................................................................................... 26
combining whole and scheduled impairments ................................................. 8-42-107(7)(b) .................................................................................. 26
death ................................................................................................................. 8-42-116(1), 8-42-117(1) .................................................................. 32
minor ................................................................................................................ 8-42-102(4) ....................................................................................... 21
not combined.................................................................................................... 8-42-107(7) ....................................................................................... 26
permanent partial disability
age factors .................................................................................................... 8-42-107(8)(e) .................................................................................. 28
assignability ................................................................................................. 8-42-124(6) ....................................................................................... 34
compensation rate modified ......................................................................... 8-42-107(6) ....................................................................................... 26
determination of ........................................................................................... 8-42-107(1)(a) .................................................................................. 25
limit .............................................................................................................. 8-42-107(6) ....................................................................................... 26
scheduled injuries......................................................................................... 8-42-107(1)(a) .................................................................................. 25
whole person impairments ........................................................................... 8-42-107(1)(b) .................................................................................. 25
permanent total disability ................................................................................. 8-42-111(1) ....................................................................................... 30
assignability ................................................................................................. 8-42-124(6) ....................................................................................... 34
capable of rehabilitation ............................................................................... 8-42-111(3) ....................................................................................... 30
cost of living increase .................................................................................. 8-42-111(4) ....................................................................................... 30
defined ......................................................................................................... 8-40-201(16.5) .................................................................................... 4
offset, age greater than 45 ............................................................................ 8-42-103(1)(c)(IV) ........................................................................... 22
paid for life................................................................................................... 8-42-111(1) ....................................................................................... 30
rebuttable presumption ................................................................................. 8-40-201(16.5)(b) ............................................................................... 4
reopening ..................................................................................................... 8-43-303(3) ....................................................................................... 44
previous............................................................................................................ 8-42-104(5) ....................................................................................... 23
rate paid ........................................................................................................... 8-42-107(6) ....................................................................................... 26
benefits cap ...................................................................................................... 8-42-107.5 ........................................................................................ 30
mental .............................................................................................................. 8-41-301(2)(b) .................................................................................. 13
mental limitations ............................................................................................ 8-41-301(2)(b) .................................................................................. 13
out of state ........................................................................................................ 8-42-107(8)(b.5)(I) ........................................................................... 27
briefs ................................................................................................................ 8-43-301(4) ....................................................................................... 43
to Court of Appeals .......................................................................................... 8-43-301(10) ..................................................................................... 43
supplemental order ........................................................................................... 8-43-301(5) ....................................................................................... 43
Find what you were looking for?
time to file ........................................................................................................ 8-43-301(2)....................................................................................... 43
to Industrial Claim Appeals Panel. .................................................................. 8-43-301(6)....................................................................................... 43
accreditation (see accreditation)....................................................................... 8-42-101(3.6)
.................................................................................... 19
attending, required to testify ............................................................................ 8-43-404(4)....................................................................................... 49
change of physician ......................................................................................... 8-43-404(5)(a)(III) thru (VI) ............................................................ 50
utilization review ......................................................................................... 8-43-501(4)....................................................................................... 55
claims for routine loss injuries ......................................................................... 8-42-101(3.6)(a)(I) ........................................................................... 19
claims for services, after revocation................................................................. 8-42-101(3.6)(h) ............................................................................... 20
communication with employer ........................................................................ 8-43-404(5)(c) .................................................................................. 51
defined ............................................................................................................. 8-42-101(3.5)(a)(I)(A) ...................................................................... 19
expedited hearing ............................................................................................. 8-43-404(5)(a)(1)(D) ........................................................................ 49
insurer not liable for unauthorized treatment ................................................... 8-43-404(7)....................................................................................... 51
level I
change of physician ..................................................................................... 8-43-404(8)
....................................................................................... 51
list of accredited physicians ............................................................................. 8-42-101(3.6)(k) ............................................................................... 20
moves to another facility .................................................................................. 8-43-404(5)(a)(V) ............................................................................. 50
one-time change notification ............................................................................ 8-43-404(5)(a)(III)............................................................................ 50
on-site facility .................................................................................................. 8-43-404(5)(a)(II)(B) ........................................................................ 50
refusal to provide treatment ............................................................................. 8-43-404(10)..................................................................................... 51
revocation of accreditation ............................................................................... 8-42-101(3.6)(g) ............................................................................... 20
selection ........................................................................................................... 8-43-404(5)(a)(I)(A) ......................................................................... 49
annual report .................................................................................................... 8-45-122(1)
....................................................................................... 71
audit and examination of .................................................................................. 8-45-121(2)....................................................................................... 71
defined ......................................................................................................... 8-40-201(3)
......................................................................................... 3
fix rates ........................................................................................................ 8-45-103(1)....................................................................................... 68
members....................................................................................................... 8-45-101(2)....................................................................................... 66
per diem compensation ................................................................................ 8-45-101(3)....................................................................................... 66
powers, rights, duties ................................................................................... 8-45-101(2)(c), 8-45-101(5) ........................................................ 65-66
cancellation of policy ....................................................................................... 8-45-112, 113 ................................................................................... 69
chief executive officer, defined ........................................................................ 8-40-201(3.4)...................................................................................... 3
contracts of insurance .................................................................................. 8-45-103(2)....................................................................................... 68
contracts of insurance ...................................................................................... 8-44-101(1)(b), 8-44-102(1), 8-44-104, 8-45-103(2)(b) 58, 58, 59, 68
custodian of, State Treasurer ............................................................................ 8-45-118(1)....................................................................................... 70
invest funds .................................................................................................. 8-45-120(1)....................................................................................... 70
defined ............................................................................................................. 8-45-102(1)....................................................................................... 67
disbursements .................................................................................................. 8-45-118(1)....................................................................................... 70
employees ........................................................................................................ 8-45-101(8)....................................................................................... 67
established ....................................................................................................... 8-45-102(1)....................................................................................... 67
insurance at cost ............................................................................................... 8-45-106(1)....................................................................................... 68
rates charged ................................................................................................ 8-45-107(1)....................................................................................... 68
investment of funds .......................................................................................... 8-45-120(1)....................................................................................... 70
office and employees ....................................................................................... 8-45-102(1)....................................................................................... 67
on discontinuing business ................................................................................ 8-45-112 ........................................................................................... 69
places of employment, classification of ........................................................... 8-45-105(1)....................................................................................... 68
policy, new....................................................................................................... 8-45-113 ........................................................................................... 69
classification of employment ....................................................................... 8-45-105(1)
....................................................................................... 68
manner of payment ...................................................................................... 8-45-105(1)....................................................................................... 68
rates, amendment of ..................................................................................... 8-45-112 ........................................................................................... 69
basis of ..................................................................................................... 8-45-107(1)....................................................................................... 68
surcharge .................................................................................................. 8-45-106(1)....................................................................................... 68
refuse to insure, shall not ................................................................................. 8-45-101(5)(f) ................................................................................... 67
regulation by commissioner of insurance ........................................................ 8-45-117(1)....................................................................................... 69
suits as to ......................................................................................................... 8-45-103(2)....................................................................................... 68
surplus.............................................................................................................. 8-45-107(1)....................................................................................... 68
amount of ..................................................................................................... 8-45-111 ........................................................................................... 69
credit balance to policyholder ...................................................................... 8-45-112 ........................................................................................... 69
plan for ......................................................................................................... 8-45-111 ........................................................................................... 69
portions of premiums set aside..................................................................... 8-45-111 ........................................................................................... 69
transfer of moneys to board ......................................................................... 8-45-117(6)....................................................................................... 69
classification .................................................................................................... 8-45-105(1)
....................................................................................... 68
defined ............................................................................................................. 8-40-201(17)....................................................................................... 4
PODIATRIST .................................................................................................... 8-42-101(3.5)(a)(I)(A) ...................................................................... 19
Find what you were looking for?
POSSES, sheriff’s ............................................................................................... 8-40-202(1)(a)(I)(A)
........................................................................... 4
POSTHUMOUS CHILDREN ........................................................................... 8-41-501(1)(b) .................................................................................. 17
distributing funds ............................................................................................. 8-42-124(2)(b) .................................................................................. 33
void ................................................................................................................. 8-42-124(2) ....................................................................................... 33
administrative law judge, authority .................................................................. 8-43-207.5(2)
.................................................................................... 40
default of insurance obligation issue ................................................................ 8-43-409(1) ....................................................................................... 52
issues ................................................................................................................ 8-43-207.5(1) .................................................................................... 40
jurisdiction ....................................................................................................... 8-43-207.5(1) .................................................................................... 40
order ................................................................................................................. 8-43-207.5(3) .................................................................................... 40
procedure ......................................................................................................... 8-43-207.5(1) .................................................................................... 40
record of ........................................................................................................... 8-43-207.5(3) .................................................................................... 40
settlements ....................................................................................................... 8-43-206(1) ....................................................................................... 39
time limits ........................................................................................................ 8-43-207.5(1) .................................................................................... 40
PREMIUM COST CONTAINMENT (see COST CONTAINMENT) .......... 8-14.5-101 thru 109 ......................................................................... 1-2
surcharge on premiums .................................................................................... 8-44-112(1)(b) .................................................................................. 61
approved by Commissioner ............................................................................. 8-44-104
........................................................................................... 59
based on payroll ............................................................................................... 8-45-107(1) ....................................................................................... 68
calculation for motor vehicle accidents ............................................................ 8-44-115(1) ....................................................................................... 62
calculation for occupations disease .................................................................. 8-46-105(2) ....................................................................................... 74
calculation for permanent total disability ......................................................... 8-46-105(1) ....................................................................................... 74
classification, notice of change
in rate ........................................................................................................... 8-44-109(1)
....................................................................................... 60
deductibles ....................................................................................................... 8-44-111(1)(a) .................................................................................. 60
misclassifications, repayments for ................................................................... 8-44-108(1) ....................................................................................... 59
multiple injuries, calculation ............................................................................ 8-46-105(1) ....................................................................................... 74
occupational disease, calculation ..................................................................... 8-46-105(2) ....................................................................................... 74
per diem consideration ..................................................................................... 8-44-114 ........................................................................................... 61
places of employment, classification of ........................................................... 8-45-105(1) ....................................................................................... 68
premium cost containment program ................................................................. 8-44-112(1)(b) .................................................................................. 61
report and payment timeframes ........................................................................ 8-44-112(2) thru (3) .......................................................................... 61
surcharge .......................................................................................................... 8-44-112(1)(a) .................................................................................. 60
conditions of independent trade ....................................................................... 8-40-202(2)(b)
.................................................................................... 6
credit for reduced disability ............................................................................. 8-46-307(1) ....................................................................................... 77
entitlement to benefits ...................................................................................... 8-43-201(1) ....................................................................................... 36
final disposition of utilization review. .............................................................. 8-43-501(2) ....................................................................................... 54
AFFECTING COMPENSATION ................................................................ 8-42-104(1)
....................................................................................... 23
cease and desist order ....................................................................................... 8-43-409(3)
....................................................................................... 53
death after 2 years ............................................................................................ 8-41-207 ........................................................................................... 12
employee .......................................................................................................... 8-40-301(3) ......................................................................................... 7
independent contractor ..................................................................................... 8-40-202(2)(b) .................................................................................... 6
limitations on payments ................................................................................... 8-42-113(1) ....................................................................................... 31
orders ............................................................................................................... 8-47-103 ........................................................................................... 78
repay benefits if ineligible ................................................................................ 8-42-113(1.5)(b) ............................................................................... 31
damage to ......................................................................................................... 8-42-101(1)(b)
.................................................................................. 18
petition for additional device ........................................................................... 8-42-101(1)(b) .................................................................................. 18
definitions ........................................................................................................ 8-43-603(1) ....................................................................................... 56
due process ....................................................................................................... 8-43-605 ........................................................................................... 57
enforcement ..................................................................................................... 8-43-606 ........................................................................................... 57
filling with director .......................................................................................... 8-43-607 ........................................................................................... 57
legislative declaration ...................................................................................... 8-43-602 ........................................................................................... 56
performance programs ..................................................................................... 8-43-604(1) ....................................................................................... 56
QUALIFIED RESIDENCE ............................................................................... 8-41-402(1)
....................................................................................... 16
Find what you were looking for?
disabled from exposure to ................................................................................ 8-41-304(2)....................................................................................... 14
time limits ........................................................................................................ 8-41-206 ........................................................................................... 12
RAILROADS ..................................................................................................... 8-41-201 ........................................................................................... 10
RATED AGE...................................................................................................... 8-43-204(6)....................................................................................... 39
approved by commissioner of insurance .......................................................... 8-44-104
........................................................................................... 59
basis of for premiums of Pinnacol Assurance. ................................................. 8-45-107(1)....................................................................................... 68
not include penalties or damages ..................................................................... 8-43-304.5 ........................................................................................ 45
REAL ESTATE, agent or broker ....................................................................... 8-40-301(2), 8-41-401(5) ............................................................. 7, 15
REAL PROPERTY, repairs............................................................................... 8-41-402(1)....................................................................................... 16
REASONABLE AND NECESSARY MEDICAL TREATMENT ................. 8-42-101(1)(a) .................................................................................. 18
REBATES .......................................................................................................... 8-44-104 ........................................................................................... 59
attorney fee agreement, violation of Code of Professional Responsibility ....... 8-43-403(2)....................................................................................... 48
attorneys fee, unreasonable .............................................................................. 8-43-403(1)....................................................................................... 48
cancer, firefighter ............................................................................................. 8-41-209(1)....................................................................................... 12
death, after two years ....................................................................................... 8-41-207 ........................................................................................... 12
deliverer of goods ............................................................................................ 8-41-401(1)(a)(II) ............................................................................. 15
dependents ....................................................................................................... 8-41-501(1)....................................................................................... 17
disability, after five years ................................................................................. 8-41-206 ........................................................................................... 12
hepatitis C ........................................................................................................ 8-41-208(1)....................................................................................... 12
independent contractor relationship ................................................................. 8-40-202(2)(a) .................................................................................... 6
intoxication ...................................................................................................... 8-42-112.5(1).................................................................................... 31
occupational disease, firefighter ...................................................................... 8-41-209(1)....................................................................................... 12
permanent total disability ................................................................................. 8-40-201(16.5)(b) ............................................................................... 4
physician consent to treat employee ................................................................ 8-43-404(5)(a)(I)(B), 8-43-404(5)(a)(IV)(E) .............................. 49, 50
youth sports coach ........................................................................................... 8-40-202(2)(e)(1)................................................................................ 7
RECIPROCITY ................................................................................................. 8-41-212 ........................................................................................... 13
access to workers’ compensation files ............................................................. 8-42-125, 8-47-203(1) ................................................................ 34, 79
employer .......................................................................................................... 8-44-107, 8-47-208 ..................................................................... 59, 80
retention of claim records ................................................................................ 8-43-203(2)(c) .................................................................................. 37
RECORDS OF PROCEEDINGS ..................................................................... 8-43-311 ........................................................................................... 46
transcribed ....................................................................................................... 8-43-213(1)....................................................................................... 41
RECOVERY OF OVERPAYMENT ............................................................... 8-42-113.5(1).................................................................................... 31
collection of overpayment................................................................................ 8-43-306(1)....................................................................................... 45
hearing ............................................................................................................. 8-43-207(1)(q) .................................................................................. 40
notice to claimant of obligations ...................................................................... 8-43-203(1)(a) .................................................................................. 36
reopen award .................................................................................................... 8-43-303(1)....................................................................................... 44
RECREATIONAL ACTIVITY, of employee .................................................. 8-40-201(8), 8-40-301(1) ............................................................... 3, 7
REEMPLOYMENT OF WORKERS, premium dividend ............................... 8-42-107.6 ........................................................................................ 30
agricultural corporations .................................................................................. 8-40-302(6)
......................................................................................... 8
appointed official ............................................................................................. 8-40-202(1)(a)(I)(B) ........................................................................... 4
corporate officers ............................................................................................. 8-41-202(1)....................................................................................... 10
limited liability member ................................................................................... 8-41-202(1)....................................................................................... 10
RELEASE OF CLAIM ..................................................................................... 8-42-124(1), 8-43-204(1) ........................................................... 33, 38
REMEDIES, surrender of ................................................................................... 8-41-104 ............................................................................................. 9
REMARRIAGE ................................................................................................. 8-42-120 ........................................................................................... 32
REOPEN ............................................................................................................ 8-43-303(1)....................................................................................... 44
burden of proof ................................................................................................ 8-43-303(4)....................................................................................... 45
medical benefits ............................................................................................... 8-43-303(2)(b) .................................................................................. 44
overpayments ................................................................................................... 8-43-303(1)....................................................................................... 44
permanent total ................................................................................................ 8-43-303(3)....................................................................................... 44
settlement ......................................................................................................... 8-43-204(1)....................................................................................... 38
employee report injury to employer ................................................................. 8-43-102(1)(a) .................................................................................. 34
employer report injury to division ................................................................... 8-43-101(1)....................................................................................... 34
of penalties imposed ........................................................................................ 8-43-304(3)....................................................................................... 45
of physicians, etc., as evidence ........................................................................ 8-43-210 ........................................................................................... 41
REQUIREMENT TO HAVE INSURANCE ................................................... 8-44-101(1)....................................................................................... 58
RESIDENTIAL REAL PROPERTY ............................................................... 8-41-402(1)....................................................................................... 16
RESPONSIBLE FOR TERMINATION .......................................................... 8-42-103(1)(g), 8-42-105(4)(a) .................................................. 23, 24
Find what you were looking for?
offset ................................................................................................................ 8-42-103(1)(c)(II) ............................................................................. 22
notice to insurer ............................................................................................... 8-42-113.5(1) .................................................................................... 31
PERA ............................................................................................................... 8-42-103(1)(c)(II.5) .......................................................................... 22
received through collective bargaining agreement ........................................... 8-42-103(1)(c)(II)(B) ........................................................................ 22
REVERSIONARY INTERESTS ...................................................................... 8-44-116 ........................................................................................... 62
bills for payment ............................................................................................... 8-42-101(3.6)(h) ............................................................................... 20
certificate of authority
public entity ................................................................................................. 8-44-204(8)
....................................................................................... 63
self-insurance pool ....................................................................................... 8-44-205(7) ....................................................................................... 64
corporate officer or member election to reject ................................................. 8-41-202(2) ....................................................................................... 10
license of insurer .............................................................................................. 8-44-106 ........................................................................................... 59
orders valid until .............................................................................................. 8-47-103 ........................................................................................... 78
payroll deduction ............................................................................................. 8-42-124(7) ....................................................................................... 34
physician accreditation ..................................................................................... 8-42-101(3.6)(g) ............................................................................... 20
utilization review committee recommend .................................................... 8-43-501(3)(c)(III) ............................................................................ 55
self-insurance permit ........................................................................................ 8-44-201(1) ....................................................................................... 62
REWARD TO SHERIFF .................................................................................. 8-42-113(1.5)(a) ............................................................................... 31
RIDESHARING, employment ........................................................................... 8-40-201(8) ......................................................................................... 3
RISKS, classification of ...................................................................................... 8-44-103 ........................................................................................... 59
director adopts.................................................................................................. 8-47-107 ........................................................................................... 78
for medical treatment guidelines and impairment ratings ................................ 8-42-101(3.5)(a)(II) .......................................................................... 19
SAFETY DEVICE, failure to use ....................................................................... 8-42-112(1)(a)
.................................................................................. 30
employer statement .......................................................................................... 8-42-112(3)
....................................................................................... 30
expedited hearing ............................................................................................. 8-42-112(4) ....................................................................................... 31
reduction computed .......................................................................................... 8-42-112(2) ....................................................................................... 30
violation of ....................................................................................................... 8-42-112(1)(b) .................................................................................. 30
SALARY CONTINUATION ............................................................................ 8-42-124(2)(a), (3), (4), (8).......................................................... 33-34
SANCTIONS ...................................................................................................... 8-43-207(1)(p) .................................................................................. 40
SCHEDULE OF SPECIFIC INJURIES .......................................................... 8-42-107(1)(b) .................................................................................. 25
not combined.................................................................................................... 8-42-107(7) ....................................................................................... 26
rate paid ........................................................................................................... 8-42-107(6) ....................................................................................... 26
SELECTION OF AN IME ................................................................................ 8-42-107.2(1)
.................................................................................... 28
procedural ........................................................................................................ 8-42-107.2(6) .................................................................................... 29
SELF-INFLICTED INJURIES......................................................................... 8-41-301(1)(c) .................................................................................. 13
SERVICE OF DOCUMENTS .......................................................................... 8-43-317
........................................................................................... 47
SERVICE OF PROCESS .................................................................................. 8-43-315(1) ....................................................................................... 46
SERVICES, loaning ........................................................................................... 8-41-303 ........................................................................................... 14
SETTLEMENT .................................................................................................. 8-43-204(1) ....................................................................................... 38
competency determination ............................................................................... 8-43-207(1)(m) ................................................................................. 40
conference procedures ..................................................................................... 8-43-206(1) ....................................................................................... 39
garnishment or administrative lien ................................................................... 8-43-204(4) ....................................................................................... 38
notice of, to employer ...................................................................................... 8-43-204(2) ....................................................................................... 38
reopen, fraud or mutual mistake of material fact ............................................. 8-43-204(1), 8-43-303(1) ............................................................ 38, 44
timely payment ................................................................................................ 8-43-204(7) ....................................................................................... 39
use of mortality tables ...................................................................................... 8-43-204(6) ....................................................................................... 39
as employees .................................................................................................... 8-40-202(1)(a)(I)(A) ........................................................................... 4
reward to .......................................................................................................... 8-42-113(1.5)(a) ............................................................................... 31
serve subpoena ................................................................................................. 8-43-315(1) ....................................................................................... 46
SILICOSIS ......................................................................................................... 8-41-304(1) ....................................................................................... 14
SKI AREA VOLUNTEER ................................................................................ 8-40-301(4) ......................................................................................... 8
effect on compensation .................................................................................... 8-42-103(1)(c)(I), 8-42-114 ........................................................ 22, 32
notice to insurer ............................................................................................... 8-42-113.5(1) .................................................................................... 31
SOLE PROPRIETOR, coverage ....................................................................... 8-40-302(5) ......................................................................................... 8
SPECIFIC FINDINGS ...................................................................................... 8-43-215(1) ....................................................................................... 42
SPECIAL FUNDS BOARD, creation, duties .................................................... 8-44-206(2) ....................................................................................... 65
STATE AVERAGE WEEKLY WAGE ........................................................... 8-47-106 ........................................................................................... 78
max. TTD, TPD, and PTD rate cannot exceed 91% of SAWW ....................... 8-42-105(1), 8-42-106(1), 8-42-111(1) ................................. 24, 25, 30
used to modify disfigurement rate .................................................................... 8-42-108(3) ....................................................................................... 30
Find what you were looking for?
used to modify scheduled compensation rate ................................................... 8-42-107(6)(b) .................................................................................. 26
used to set limit on combined temporary and perm. partial awards ................. 8-42-107.5 ........................................................................................ 30
bonds................................................................................................................ 8-45-119(1)
....................................................................................... 70
invest funds ...................................................................................................... 8-45-120, 8-46-103, 210, 308 ......................................... 70, 74, 76, 77
claim within 2 years ......................................................................................... 8-43-103(2)....................................................................................... 36
death after 2 years ............................................................................................ 8-41-207 ........................................................................................... 12
disability after 5 years ...................................................................................... 8-41-206 ........................................................................................... 12
exposure, 5 years ............................................................................................. 8-43-103(3)....................................................................................... 36
filing of penalty request ................................................................................... 8-43-203(2)(c) .................................................................................. 37
reasonable excuse, 3 years ............................................................................... 8-43-103(2)....................................................................................... 36
reopen .............................................................................................................. 8-43-303(1)....................................................................................... 44
STATUTORY EMPLOYER............................................................................. 8-41-401(1)(a)(I) .............................................................................. 14
cost of insurance .............................................................................................. 8-41-401(1)(b) .................................................................................. 15
exclusion for independent contractor ............................................................... 8-41-401(3)....................................................................................... 15
compensation rate ............................................................................................ 8-40-202(1)(a)(VI)
.......................................................................... 5-6
contract capacity .............................................................................................. 8-40-202(1)(a)(VI)(b) ......................................................................... 6
dependent ......................................................................................................... 8-41-501(1)(c) .................................................................................. 17
intern program ................................................................................................. 8-40-302(7)(a) .................................................................................... 8
work study ....................................................................................................... 8-40-202(1)(a)(IV) thru (V)................................................................ 5
director issue .................................................................................................... 8-43-207(1)(a)
.................................................................................. 40
fee for service of .............................................................................................. 8-43-315(1)....................................................................................... 46
issuance of ....................................................................................................... 8-43-315(1)....................................................................................... 46
penalty for failure to appear ............................................................................. 8-43-315(3)....................................................................................... 47
service of ......................................................................................................... 8-43-315(1)....................................................................................... 46
witness, failure to appear ................................................................................. 8-43-212 ........................................................................................... 41
witness fees and mileage .................................................................................. 8-43-315(1)....................................................................................... 46
SUBROGATION ............................................................................................... 8-41-203(1)(a) .................................................................................. 10
attorney fees ..................................................................................................... 8-41-203(1)(e), 8-41-203(4)(d) .................................................. 10, 11
future benefits .................................................................................................. 8-41-203(1)(d) .................................................................................. 10
litigation notice ................................................................................................ 8-41-203(4)(a) ............................................................................. 11-12
non-economic damages .................................................................................... 8-41-203(1)(d) .................................................................................. 10
recovery ........................................................................................................... 8-41-203(1) thru (4) ..................................................................... 10-11
settlement demand notice ................................................................................. 8-41-203(4)(a) ............................................................................. 11-12
SUBSEQUENT INJURY .................................................................................. 8-42-104(5)....................................................................................... 23
abatement of taxes ........................................................................................... 8-46-106
........................................................................................... 74
closure of fund ................................................................................................. 8-46-104 ........................................................................................... 74
SUPPLEMENTAL ORDER ............................................................................. 8-43-301(5)....................................................................................... 43
SUPPORT PAYMENTS ................................................................................... 8-42-124(1), (6), 8-43-204(4) ............................................... 33, 34, 38
SUPREME COURT, review Court of Appeals decision ................................... 8-43-313 ........................................................................................... 46
allocation to subsequent injury and major medical insurance funds ................ 8-46-102(2)(a)(I) .............................................................................. 72
failure to pay ...... ............................................................................................. 8-44-112(4) thru (6) .......................................................................... 61
premium cost containment ............................................................................... 8-44-112(1)(b)(I) .............................................................................. 61
purpose ............................................................................................................ 8-44-112(1)(a) .................................................................................. 60
report and payment timeframes ...................................................................... 8-44-112(2) thru (3) .......................................................................... 61
SURGICAL SUPPLIES .................................................................................... 8-42-101(1)(a) .................................................................................. 18
SURRENDER OF REMEDIES ........................................................................ 8-41-104 ............................................................................................. 9
SURVEY upon closure of claim ......................................................................... 8-43-220(1)....................................................................................... 42
SUSPENSION OF LICENSE, insurer .............................................................. 8-44-106 ........................................................................................... 59
TECHNICALITIES, orders not void ................................................................. 8-47-104
........................................................................................... 78
TEMPORARY DISABILITY ........................................................................... 8-42-103(1), 105(1) thru 106(1) ............................................ 22, 24-25
Find what you were looking for?
definition .......................................................................................................... 8-40-201(18.5) .................................................................................... 4
termination of temporary total ......................................................................... 8-42-105(3)(d)(I) .............................................................................. 24
termination of temporary partial ...................................................................... 8-42-106(2)(b)(II) ............................................................................. 25
death benefits ................................................................................................... 8-42-120 ........................................................................................... 32
employment, resulting wage loss ..................................................................... 8-42-103(1)(g), 8-42-105(4) ....................................................... 23, 24
for cause ........................................................................................................... 8-42-103(1)(g), 8-42-105(4) ....................................................... 23, 24
temporary disability ......................................................................................... 8-42-105(3) ....................................................................................... 24
vocational rehabilitation ................................................................................... 8-42-105(1) ....................................................................................... 24
THIRD PERSON LIABILITY ......................................................................... 8-41-203(1)(a) .................................................................................. 10
limit damages ................................................................................................... 8-41-401(3) ....................................................................................... 15
admit or contest liability .................................................................................. 8-43-203(1)(a)
.................................................................................. 36
appeal (see APPEAL)
C.C.I.A. cancellation of policy......................................................................... 8-45-113
........................................................................................... 69
claim for compensation .................................................................................... 8-43-103(2) ....................................................................................... 36
compensation, commencement ........................................................................ 8-42-103(1) ....................................................................................... 22
contest or admit liability .................................................................................. 8-43-203(1)(a) .................................................................................. 36
cure violation ................................................................................................... 8-43-304(4) ....................................................................................... 45
death, after two years, presumption ................................................................. 8-41-207 ........................................................................................... 12
dependency, when rights determined ............................................................... 8-41-503(1) ....................................................................................... 17
dependent make claim ...................................................................................... 8-43-103(1) ....................................................................................... 35
disability after five years, presumption ............................................................ 8-41-206 ........................................................................................... 12
employee claim compensation ......................................................................... 8-43-103(2) ....................................................................................... 36
employee report injury ..................................................................................... 8-43-102(1)(a) .................................................................................. 34
employer, defaulting, file bond ........................................................................ 8-43-408(2) ....................................................................................... 52
report injury ................................................................................................. 8-43-101(1) ....................................................................................... 34
other information ..................................................................................... 8-43-103(1) ....................................................................................... 35
failure to admit or contest ................................................................................ 8-43-203(2) ....................................................................................... 37
filing of penalty request ................................................................................... 8-43-203(2)(c) .................................................................................. 37
reported by employee ................................................................................... 8-43-102(1)(a) .................................................................................. 34
penalty ...................................................................................................... 8-43-102(1)(a) .................................................................................. 34
reported by employer ................................................................................... 8-43-101(1) ....................................................................................... 34
insurer, admit or contest liability ..................................................................... 8-43-203(1)(a) .................................................................................. 36
file notice of insurance ................................................................................. 8-44-101(1)(b) .................................................................................. 58
lump sums, application for ............................................................................... 8-43-406(1) ....................................................................................... 51
notice to insurer of award................................................................................. 8-42-113.5(1) .................................................................................... 31
request for penalties ......................................................................................... 8-43-304(5) ....................................................................................... 45
request selection of an IME ............................................................................. 8-42-107.2(2)(b) ............................................................................... 28
waiting period, commencement of benefits ..................................................... 8-42-103(1)(a), (b) ............................................................................ 22
amendment of compensation rates ................................................................... 8-45-112
........................................................................................... 69
information or reports from employer .............................................................. 8-47-201 ........................................................................................... 79
Court of Appeals transmit record ................................................................... 8-43-311
........................................................................................... 46
employer notify director of fatal injury .......................................................... 8-43-103(1) ....................................................................................... 35
employer notify director of injury of 3 or more ............................................. 8-43-103(1) ....................................................................................... 35
four days
employee report injury to employer ............................................................... 8-43-102(1)(a)
.................................................................................. 34
five days
division review of IME .................................................................................. 8-42-107.2(4)(a)
............................................................................... 29
notice to parties of application for lump sum ................................................. 8-43-406(1) ....................................................................................... 51
upon showing to District Court of refusal to comply with
order or testify, show cause order returnable ............................................ 8-47-102
........................................................................................... 78
ten days
advance cost of IME ...................................................................................... 8-42-107.2(5) .................................................................................... 29
director may extend time for filing admission or denial ................................ 8-43-203(2)(d) .................................................................................. 37
employers notify division of compensable injury .......................................... 8-43-101(1), 8-43-103(1) ............................................................ 34, 35
non-insured employer’s bond for compensation filed .................................... 8-43-408(2) ....................................................................................... 52
notice to set mailed ........................................................................................ 8-43-211(2)(c) .................................................................................. 41
prehearing jurisdiction prior formal adjudication ........................................... 8-43-207.5(1) .................................................................................... 40
fourteen days
disability indemnity payable from the date of loss ......................................... 8-42-103(1)(b)
.................................................................................. 22
terminate vocational rehabilitation ................................................................. 8-42-105(1) ....................................................................................... 24
fifteen days
division transmit record ................................................................................. 8-43-301(7)
....................................................................................... 43
Find what you were looking for?
insurer provide copy of claim file .................................................................. 8-43-203(4)....................................................................................... 38
lump sum settlement payable ......................................................................... 8-43-204(7)....................................................................................... 39
public entity show cause ................................................................................ 8-44-204(8)....................................................................................... 63
recalculate AWW and pay at adjusted rate .................................................... 8-42-103(2)....................................................................................... 23
self-insured pools show cause ........................................................................ 8-44-205(7)....................................................................................... 64
twenty days
admit or deny liability .................................................................................... 8-43-203(1)(a)
.................................................................................. 36
admission for contested medical maintenance < 20 days before hearing ....... 8-42-101(5)....................................................................................... 21
cure violation ................................................................................................. 8-43-304(4)....................................................................................... 45
determine permanent impairment .................................................................. 8-42-107(8)(b.5)(I)(A)...................................................................... 27
evidence exchange ......................................................................................... 8-43-210 ........................................................................................... 41
extension hearing date in certain cases .......................................................... 8-43-209(2)....................................................................................... 41
extension of hearing date ............................................................................... 8-43-209(2)....................................................................................... 41
file admission or request hearing after IME ................................................... 8-42-107.2(4)(c) ............................................................................... 29
file briefs ........................................................................................................ 8-43-301(4)....................................................................................... 43
first installment paid ...................................................................................... 8-42-105(2)(a) .................................................................................. 24
notice to insurer of award .............................................................................. 8-42-113.5(1)(a) ............................................................................... 31
petition to review ........................................................................................... 8-43-301(6)....................................................................................... 43
request change of physician ........................................................................... 8-43-404(5)....................................................................................... 49
revision of deficiencies in Division independent
medical examination report .......................................................................... 8-42-107.2(4)
.................................................................................... 29
twenty-one days
Court of Appeals action commenced ............................................................. 8-43-301(10)
..................................................................................... 43
twenty-five days
Court of Appeals return Industrial Claim Appeals Panel records .................. 8-43-311
........................................................................................... 46
filing of transcript .......................................................................................... 8-43-213(2)....................................................................................... 42
thirty days
contest final admission................................................................................... 8-43-203(2)(b)(II) ............................................................................. 37
corrected order ............................................................................................... 8-43-302(1)....................................................................................... 44
funeral benefits paid....................................................................................... 8-42-123 ........................................................................................... 33
heard by Court of Appeals ............................................................................. 8-43-309 ........................................................................................... 46
Industrial Claim Appeals Panel extend order entry........................................ 8-43-301(9)....................................................................................... 43
negotiate selection of an IME ........................................................................ 8-42-107.2(3).................................................................................... 28
notice of cancellation of policy ...................................................................... 8-44-110 ........................................................................................... 60
notice of cancellation of warrant .................................................................... 8-45-118(2)....................................................................................... 70
notice of failure to prosecute .......................................................................... 8-43-207(1)(n) .................................................................................. 40
notice of hearing ............................................................................................ 8-43-211(1)....................................................................................... 41
notice of occupational disease
or death from occupational disease ............................................................ 8-43-102(2)
....................................................................................... 35
mediation conference ..................................................................................... 8-43-205(1)....................................................................................... 39
payment of benefits after appeals ................................................................... 8-43-401(2)(a) .................................................................................. 47
request selection of an IME ........................................................................... 8-42-107.2(2)(b) ............................................................................... 28
supplemental order ......................................................................................... 8-43-301(4)....................................................................................... 43
written order .................................................................................................. 8-43-215(1)....................................................................................... 42
thirty-five days
to commence action for review absent panel order ........................................ 8-43-301(11)
..................................................................................... 43
forty days
utilization review appeal ................................................................................ 8-43-501(5)(c)
.................................................................................. 55
forty-five days
request expedited hearing .............................................................................. 8-42-105(2)(a), 8-43-203(1)(a)
................................................... 24, 36
sixty days
Industrial Claim Appeals Panel .................................................................... 8-43-301(8), (11)
.............................................................................. 43
exposure to harmful quantities ..................................................................... 8-41-304(1)....................................................................................... 14
extension hearing date in certain cases ........................................................ 8-43-209(1)....................................................................................... 41
set expedited hearing ................................................................................... 8-43-203(1)(a) .................................................................................. 36
Supreme Court final decision ....................................................................... 8-43-313 ........................................................................................... 46
ninety days
chiropractic treatments ................................................................................. 8-42-101(3)(a)(III)
............................................................................ 19
one-time change in designated physician ..................................................... 8-43-404(5)(a)(III)(A) ...................................................................... 50
waiver of release of information .................................................................. 8-47-203(1)(e) .................................................................................. 80
one hundred twenty days
hearing completed ........................................................................................ 8-43-209(1)
....................................................................................... 41
six months
extraterritorial provisions apply
unless extended ........................................................................................ 8-41-204
........................................................................................... 12
failure to prosecute....................................................................................... 8-43-207(1)(n) .................................................................................. 40
offer lump sum after .................................................................................... 8-43-406(1)....................................................................................... 51
Find what you were looking for?
unclaimed warrant canceled ......................................................................... 8-45-118(1) ....................................................................................... 70
twenty-four months
request Division independent medical examination to determine MMI ....... 8-42-107(8)(b)(II), (III
) .................................................................... 26
one year
manager tabulate earned premiums and losses ............................................. 8-45-112
........................................................................................... 69
recovery of overpayment ............................................................................. 8-42-113.5(1) .................................................................................... 31
request for penalties filed ............................................................................. 8-43-304(5) ....................................................................................... 45
two years
claim barred unless filed within ................................................................... 8-43-103(2)
....................................................................................... 36
death, prima facie not due to injury .............................................................. 8-41-207 ........................................................................................... 12
death benefits, remarriage, no dependents ................................................... 8-42-120 ........................................................................................... 32
reopen after date of last payment ................................................................. 8-43-303(2)(a) .................................................................................. 44
reopen after last medical benefit .................................................................. 8-43-303(2)(b) .................................................................................. 44
three years
accreditation of physicians ........................................................................... 8-42-101(3.6)(f)
................................................................................ 20
fund audited ................................................................................................. 8-45-121(4) ....................................................................................... 71
reasonable excuse or claim barred ............................................................... 8-43-103(2) ....................................................................................... 36
five years
disability conclusively presumed not due to
accident, except radioactive materials ...................................................... 8-41-206
........................................................................................... 12
notice claiming compensation for exposure ................................................. 8-43-103(3) ....................................................................................... 36
six years
director reopen after date of injury ............................................................... 8-43-303(1)
....................................................................................... 44
permanent total death not a proximate result............................................. 8-42-116(1)(a) .................................................................................. 32
termination of right to benefits, death .......................................................... 8-42-120 ........................................................................................... 32
seven years
request for penalty filed ............................................................................... 8-43-203(2)(c)
.................................................................................. 37
retention of division claim records ............................................................... 8-43-203(2)(c) .................................................................................. 37
TIPS ................................................................................................................. 8-40-201(19)(a) .................................................................................. 4
as employer ...................................................................................................... 8-40-302(7)(b) .................................................................................... 9
of government, employee ................................................................................. 8-40-202(1)(a)(III) .............................................................................. 5
TRANSCRIPTS ................................................................................................. 8-43-213(1) ....................................................................................... 42
appeal ............................................................................................................... 8-43-301(2) ....................................................................................... 43
received in evidence when ............................................................................... 8-43-214 ........................................................................................... 42
TREASURER, invest funds................................................................................ 8-45-120(1), 8-46-103(1), 210(1), 308(1) ....................... 70, 74, 76, 77
change of physician
one time change ........................................................................................... 8-43-404(5)(a)(III)
............................................................................ 50
request in writing ......................................................................................... 8-43-404(5)(a)(VI) ........................................................................... 50
communication with employer ......................................................................... 8-43-404(5)(c) .................................................................................. 51
determine maximum medical improvement (MMI) ......................................... 8-42-107(8)(b)(I) .............................................................................. 26
determine medical impairment ......................................................................... 8-42-107(8)(c) .................................................................................. 27
determine no impairment ................................................................................. 8-42-101(3.6)(b), 8-42-107(8)(c) ................................................ 19, 27
dispute maximum medical improvement determination by ............................. 8-42-107(8)(b)(II) ............................................................................. 26
dispute medical impairment determination by ................................................. 8-42-107(8)(c) .................................................................................. 27
dispute non-determination of MMI by ............................................................. 8-42-107(8)(b)(II) ............................................................................. 26
insurer not liable for unauthorized treatment ................................................... 8-43-404(7) ....................................................................................... 51
moves to another facility .................................................................................. 8-43-404(5)(a)(V) ............................................................................. 50
recommend medical benefits after MMI .......................................................... 8-42-107(8)(f) ................................................................................... 28
TRUCK DRIVERS ............................................................................................ 8-41-401(6) ....................................................................................... 16
minor dependents ............................................................................................. 8-42-122
........................................................................................... 33
self-insured pools ............................................................................................. 8-44-205(11) ..................................................................................... 64
set expedited hearing ........................................................................................ 8-43-203(1)(a) .................................................................................. 36
when unpaid compensation threatened ............................................................ 8-47-105(1) ....................................................................................... 78
UNACCRUED COMPENSATION .................................................................. 8-42-116(1), 8-42-117(1)
.................................................................. 32
UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION OFFSET ........................................ 8-42-103(1)(f) ................................................................................... 23
UNINSURED EMPLOYER FUND .................................................................. 8-67-105
........................................................................................... 83
adopted rules .................................................................................................... 8-67-107(1)(f) ................................................................................... 84
application to fund ........................................................................................... 8-67-109(2) ....................................................................................... 84
assigned his or her rights .................................................................................. 8-67-109(1) ....................................................................................... 84
benefit rates ...................................................................................................... 8-67-107(1)(b) .................................................................................. 84
disfigurement ............................................................................................... 8-67-107(1)(b)(VII) ......................................................................... 84\
Find what you were looking for?
death benefits ............................................................................................... 8-67-107(1)(b)(IV) ........................................................................... 84
funeral benefits ............................................................................................ 8-67-107(1)(b)(II) ............................................................................. 84
medical benefits ........................................................................................... 8-67-107(1)(b)(I) .............................................................................. 84
permanent total disability ............................................................................. 8-67-107(1)(b)(V) ............................................................................ 84
temporary disability ..................................................................................... 8-67-107(1)(b)(III) ........................................................................... 84
benefits ............................................................................................................ 8-67-109 ........................................................................................... 84
board ................................................................................................................ 8-67-103(1), 8-67-106 ...................................................................... 83
cooperate with the board .................................................................................. 8-67-109(1)....................................................................................... 84
covered claim ................................................................................................... 8-67-103(2)....................................................................................... 83
creditor in a bankruptcy ................................................................................... 8-67-109(3)....................................................................................... 84
death, payment to ............................................................................................. 8-46-102(1)(a) ................................................................................. 72
definitions ........................................................................................................ 8-67-103 ........................................................................................... 83
deny entry ........................................................................................................ 8-67-107(2)(f) ................................................................................... 84
designate a new authorized treating physician ................................................. 8-67-112(2)....................................................................................... 85
do not include any penalties ............................................................................. 8-67-109(2)....................................................................................... 84
exclusions ........................................................................................................ 8-67-104 ........................................................................................... 82
fraudulent activity ............................................................................................ 8-67-107(2)(f) ................................................................................... 84
funding ............................................................................................................. 8-67-105(2)....................................................................................... 83
individual who is responsible for obtaining ..................................................... 8-67-104(1)(d) .................................................................................. 83
insolvent employer ........................................................................................... 8-67-109(7)....................................................................................... 85
intervene as a party .......................................................................................... 8-67-107(2)(b), 8-67-113(2) ....................................................... 84, 85
multiple employers .......................................................................................... 8-67-111(2)....................................................................................... 85
notification of uninsured claims ....................................................................... 8-67-113(2)....................................................................................... 85
obligation of the employer ............................................................................... 8-67-109(8)....................................................................................... 85
opportunity to join the claim ............................................................................ 8-67-113(3)....................................................................................... 86
powers of the board ......................................................................................... 8-67-107 ........................................................................................... 84
reduction of benefits ........................................................................................ 8-67-111(3), (4) ................................................................................ 85
treated as benefits paid by an insurer or self-insured employer ....................... 8-67-111(1)....................................................................................... 85
Uninsured Employer Act ................................................................................. 8-67-101 ........................................................................................... 83
uninsured employer penalty ............................................................................. 8-43-408(5)....................................................................................... 52
voluntarily rejected .......................................................................................... 8-67-104(1)(e) .................................................................................. 83
administrative law judge give great weight...................................................... 8-43-501(5)....................................................................................... 55
appeal from ...................................................................................................... 8-43-501(5)....................................................................................... 55
committee recommendations ........................................................................... 8-43-501(3)(c)(I) .............................................................................. 55
de novo hearing................................................................................................ 8-43-501(5)....................................................................................... 55
director give great weight ................................................................................ 8-43-501(3)(d) .................................................................................. 55
fees, costs ......................................................................................................... 8-43-501(2)(a) .................................................................................. 54
medical record defined ..................................................................................... 8-43-501(2)(d) .................................................................................. 54
new provider .................................................................................................... 8-43-501(4)....................................................................................... 55
no hearing request until final ........................................................................... 8-43-501(2)(e) .................................................................................. 54
physician accreditation revocation ................................................................... 8-43-501(3)(c)(III)............................................................................ 55
privilege waived............................................................................................... 8-43-404(6)....................................................................................... 51
provider removed for 3 years ........................................................................... 8-43-501(3)(e) .................................................................................. 55
purpose ............................................................................................................ 8-43-501(1), 8-43-503(1) ........................................................... 54, 56
appeal from ...................................................................................................... 8-43-501(5)....................................................................................... 55
appointment to ................................................................................................. 8-43-501(3)(a) .................................................................................. 54
recommendations ............................................................................................. 8-43-501(3)(c)(I) .............................................................................. 55
retroactive denial of payment ........................................................................... 8-43-501(3)(c)(II) ............................................................................. 55
revocation of accreditation ............................................................................... 8-43-501(4), 8-43-503(2) ........................................................... 55, 56
construction work proof of coverage .............................................................. 8-41-404(1)(a)
.................................................................................. 16
defaulting employers........................................................................................ 8-43-409(1)....................................................................................... 52
each day separate offense................................................................................. 8-43-305 ........................................................................................... 45
failure to timely admit or deny liability ........................................................... 8-43-203(2)(a) .................................................................................. 37
failure to timely pay or challenge a medical billing ......................................... 8-43-401(2)(a) .................................................................................. 47
failure to timely pay permanent partial disability benefits ............................... 8-43-401(2)(a) .................................................................................. 47
financial incentives to deny or delay claim ...................................................... 8-43-401.5(1).................................................................................... 47
repeated violation of the act ............................................................................. 8-43-304(1.5).................................................................................... 45
suspension or revocation of license of insurer ................................................ 8-44-106 ........................................................................................... 59
violation where no penalty specifically provided ........................................... 8-43-304(1)....................................................................................... 45
election to waive .............................................................................................. 8-43-407 ........................................................................................... 52
evaluation......................................................................................................... 8-43-404(1)(a), (3)...................................................................... 48, 49
Find what you were looking for?
refuse offer ....................................................................................................... 8-42-111(3) ....................................................................................... 30
report as evidence ............................................................................................ 8-43-210 ........................................................................................... 41
termination ....................................................................................................... 8-42-105(1) ....................................................................................... 24
VOLUNTEER .................................................................................................... 8-40-202(1)(a)(I)(A) ........................................................................... 4
boards ............................................................................................................... 8-40-302(2) ......................................................................................... 8
compensation ................................................................................................... 8-40-202(1)(a)(II) ............................................................................... 5
compensation rate ............................................................................................ 8-40-202(1)(a)(VI)(b) ......................................................................... 6
employee status ................................................................................................ 8-40-202(1)(a)(I)(A) ........................................................................... 4
fire department ................................................................................................. 8-40-202(1)(a)(I)(A) ........................................................................... 4
rescue teams ..................................................................................................... 8-40-202(1)(a)(I)(A) ........................................................................... 4
ski area ............................................................................................................. 8-40-301(4) ......................................................................................... 8
WAITING PERIOD AFTER LEAVING WORK ........................................... 8-42-103(1)(a), (b)
............................................................................ 22
“at the time of injury ...................................................................................... 8-42-102(5)(a)
.................................................................................. 22
average weekly computation ............................................................................ 8-42-102(2) ....................................................................................... 21
assignment, attachment .................................................................................... 8-42-124(1), 8-43-204(4) ............................................................ 33, 38
board and lodging included .............................................................................. 8-40-201(19)(b) .................................................................................. 4
continuation by employer................................................................................. 8-42-124(2)(a), (3), (4), (8).......................................................... 33-34
defined ............................................................................................................. 8-40-201(19)(a) .................................................................................. 4
hourly, computation ......................................................................................... 8-42-102(2)(d) .................................................................................. 21
items excluded ................................................................................................. 8-40-201(19)(b) .................................................................................. 4
included............................................................................................................ 8-40-201(19)(b) .................................................................................. 4
monthly computation ....................................................................................... 8-42-102(2)(a) .................................................................................. 21
payroll deductions ............................................................................................ 8-42-124(7) ....................................................................................... 34
per diem, computation ..................................................................................... 8-42-102(2)(c) .................................................................................. 21
per diem, defined ............................................................................................. 8-40-201(19)(c) .................................................................................. 4
per mile, computation ...................................................................................... 8-42-102(2)(f) ................................................................................... 21
piecework, commission .................................................................................... 8-42-102(2)(e) .................................................................................. 21
used as basis for computation .......................................................................... 8-42-102(1) ....................................................................................... 21
weekly computation ......................................................................................... 8-42-102(2)(b) .................................................................................. 21
other method ................................................................................................ 8-42-102(3) ....................................................................................... 21
minors .......................................................................................................... 8-42-102(4) ....................................................................................... 21
compensation ................................................................................................... 8-41-205 ........................................................................................... 12
doctor-patient privilege .................................................................................... 8-47-203(1) ....................................................................................... 79
medical issues raised by claim ......................................................................... 8-43-404(6) ....................................................................................... 51
release of information ...................................................................................... 8-47-203(1)(e) .................................................................................. 80
WARRANTS, state treasurer .............................................................................. 8-45-118(1) ....................................................................................... 70
WHOLE PERSON IMPAIRMENT ................................................................. 8-42-107(8) ....................................................................................... 26
calculation ........................................................................................................ 8-42-107(8)(d) .................................................................................. 28
WIDOW OR WIDOWER, presumed wholly dependent .................................. 8-41-501(1) ....................................................................................... 17
competency determination ............................................................................... 8-43-207(1)(m)
................................................................................. 40
costs assessed ................................................................................................... 8-43-315(1) ....................................................................................... 46
failure to appear ............................................................................................... 8-43-212 ........................................................................................... 41
mileage ............................................................................................................. 8-43-315(1) ....................................................................................... 46
subpoena .......................................................................................................... 8-43-315(1) ....................................................................................... 46
WORKER’S CLAIM......................................................................................... 8-43-103(1) ....................................................................................... 35
accept monies ................................................................................................... 8-42-101(3.6)(q) ............................................................................... 20
creation ............................................................................................................ 8-44-112(7)(a) .................................................................................. 61
construction work proof of coverage violation ................................................ 8-41-404(3) ....................................................................................... 16
defaulting employers, fines collected ............................................................. 8-43-409(7) ....................................................................................... 53
discretionary apportionment of fines................................................................ 8-43-304(1), 8-43-401(2)(a) ....................................................... 45, 47
repeated violations, fines imposed ................................................................... 8-43-304(1.5)(b) ............................................................................... 45
creation ............................................................................................................ 8-55-101(1) ....................................................................................... 81
expenses ........................................................................................................... 8-55-101(5) ....................................................................................... 81
hearings ............................................................................................................ 8-55-103(1) ....................................................................................... 81
immunity .......................................................................................................... 8-55-101(6) ....................................................................................... 81
notice of appeal procedures .............................................................................. 8-55-102 ........................................................................................... 81
repeal ............................................................................................................... 8-55-105(1) ....................................................................................... 82
review of board decisions ................................................................................ 8-55-104(1) ....................................................................................... 82
secretary, duties ............................................................................................... 8-55-103(4) ....................................................................................... 82
terms ................................................................................................................ 8-55-101(3) ....................................................................................... 81
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vacancy ............................................................................................................ 8-55-101(4)....................................................................................... 81
WORK EXPERIENCE ASSIGNMENT .......................................................... 8-40-202(1)(a)(III) thru (IV) .............................................................. 5
WORKING PARTNER, coverage .................................................................... 8-44-102(1)....................................................................................... 58
WORK PLACE SAFETY STUDY ................................................................... 8-14.5-107.5(1) ................................................................................... 2
WORK STUDY .................................................................................................. 8-40-202(1)(a)(IV) thru (V)................................................................ 5
employer .......................................................................................................... 8-40-302(7)(b) .................................................................................... 9
liability ............................................................................................................. 8-40-302(7)(a) .................................................................................... 8
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