Data Analysis & Graphing in Excel
Goal: In this lab, you will learn how to enter and manipulate data in Excel and you will
learn how to make the graphs you will need for your lab write-ups. You should take
copious notes as we demonstrate each of the following topics so you can repeat each
task on your own with actual data collected during lab experiments this semester.
1. How to Enter Data in Excel.
a. Label columns appropriately.
b. Select proper cell format
2. How to Calculate Summary Statistics in Excel
a. Two ways to calculate a measure of central tendency and dispersion using
Excel (data analysis tools; type in the formula).
3. How to Generate Comparative Statistics in Excel
a. Paired t-test
4. How to Create Graphs in Excel
How to Enter Data in Excel
1. Open an excel worksheet
2. In the first row, label column A as “Before”, column B as “After”, and column C as
3. Enter raw data into the Before and After columns (see image below)
4. In the “Difference” column, enter a function (aka an equation or formula) to tell
Excel to subtract the before values from the after values.
a. Always start a formula with a “=” symbol, then select the cell from column B,
then type a “-“ symbol, then select the cell from column A, then hit enter.
b. The result will be displayed when you hit the enter key (see “-2” and-4”
shown in cells C2 and C3 below). The formula is shown in cell C4.
c. Once you type in the formula, you can copy and paste that formula into the
remaining cells of column C.
d. If you want to calculate a paired t-test by hand, you will need these difference
values. Otherwise, you will not use them to make your graphs or analyses.
How to Calculate Summary Statistics in Excel: Two Methods
1. Use the data analysis tools.
a. Open the worksheet with your data. Select the “Data” tab , then “Data
Analysis” , then from the list choose “Descriptive Statistics” and select
“OK” .
b. From here, with your cursor in the Input Range , select your data in column
A. Then put your cursor in the Output Range block and select an empty
cell in your work sheet. Click the box labeled “Summary Statistics” so a
check mark appears, then select “OK” .
c. Excel will now show you the summary statistics. I have added highlights to
show the mean, standard deviation, standard error, and sample size which
are the summary statistics that you will most commonly use for your write-ups
in our labs.
2. Type in the formulas. For any formula, you can then copy/paste into cells for
adjacent columns (be sure to check that excel is using the correct cells to calculate
the values)
a. Mean: the formula to tell Excel to calculate a mean is “=average(select cells
here)” . Type this formula into the appropriate cell and then hit enter.
b. Standard Deviation: the formula to tell Excel to calculate a standard deviation
is “=stdev(select cells here)” . Type this formula into the appropriate cell and
then hit enter.
c. Sample size: the formula to tell Excel to calculate your sample size is
“=count(select cells here)” . Type this formula into the appropriate cell and
then hit enter.
d. Standard Error: The standard error is the standard deviation divided by the
square root of the sample size. Therefore, the formula to tell Excel to
calculate a standard error is “=[select the cell for standard deviation]/sqrt([cell
for sample size]) . Type this formula into the appropriate cell and then hit
How to Generate Comparative Statistics in Excel
1. Use the data analysis tools.
a. Open the worksheet with your data. Select the “Data” tab , then “Data
Analysis” , then choose “t-test: Paired Two Sample for Means” and
select “OK” .
b. Next, you need to tell Excel which data to compare. To do this, click in the
empty “Variable 1 Range” box and then click>hold>drag your Before data .
Repeat this process with your “After” data for the “Variable 2 Range” . Then
click the “Output Range” option , and then select an empty cell where excel
will begin to put your statistical output (NOTE: select a cell where the
output will not overwrite existing data in your spreadsheet). Click “OK” .
c. Notice that the output from Excel includes a lot of information (note that the
mean is shown again here). For our purposes, you only need to include three
pieces of information when you report your paired t-test results.
i. You should include your degrees of freedom (for a paired T-test, this is
the sample size minus one) .
ii. You should include your t statistic .
iii. You should include your two-tailed P-value . NOTE: If a P-value is
less than 0.05, then you know that your two groups that you compared
are significantly different from each other. If the P-value is greater than
or equal to 0.05, then the two groups are not different from each other.
iv. Example of a sentence to be written in your results section
“Average heart rate decreased after frog hearts were exposed to
pilocarpine (t = 2.98, df = 9, P = 0.016; Figure 1)”, where Figure one
would show your descriptive statistics (mean and error bars that are
some measure of dispersion).
d. Hint: there is some information that you should NOT include in your
ii. DO NOT copy and paste the output shown above from Excel into your
lab write-up.
should be in your paper as either a table or graph.
How to Create Graphs in Excel
1. Plot the means.
a. In this example, you will
plot frog heart rate before
and after treatment with
two drugs (epinephrine,
nicotine). First, calculate
your descriptive statistics
by one of the methods
shown above and
organize your results
below the columns of data
as shown .
b. Holding the CTRL button
on your keyboard, select
the “Before” value for
epinephrine and then
for nicotine .
c. Select the “Insert” tab ,
then Column , then
Under 2D columns, select
the first option. When
you click this option,
you will see the image below.
d. Note that “Series 1” is your “Before” values (we’ll re-name this in a minute).
e. Now we need to add the “After” values in a second “series”. To do this, be
sure to click the chart which will activate the “Chart Tools” area. In this area,
select the “Design” tab, then “Select Data” , then “Add” .
f. For series name, type “After” . Note that a nonsense character
automatically occurs for the Series values . Delete this. With your cursor in
this box, hold the CTRL key and then select the after values for Heart Rate
for Epinephrine (cell C24) and Nicotine (cell G24). Click “OK” here and on
the next screen.
g. We usually want the y-axis to go to zero when presenting data. To do this,
right click on your y-axis and select “Format Axis”. Select “Axis
Options”>“Minimum”>“Fixed” and then enter a “0”. Click “Close”.
h. Now you will see the basic graph (image not shown). Next, you can fix the
2. Label the graph
a. First, let’s fix the series 1 name and the names of the components of the
b. Click on the graph to bring up the Chart Tools tab. Select Design>Select
Data>Series 1>Edit (on the Legend Entries side of the box). Then type in
“Before” for the series name and click “OK”.
c. Click on the graph to bring up the Chart Tools tab. Select Design>Select
Data>Series 1>Edit (on the Horizontal Axes Legend side of the box). Then
type in “Epinephrine,Nicotine”, with the labels separated by a comma and no
space after the comma (otherwise your label will be moved over a space
when placed on your axis). Click “OK”, then click “OK” again. Now your graph
has the data labeled correctly and you need only to add labels to your axes.
d. To label the x-axis, click on the graph to bring up the Chart Tools tab. Select
Layout >Axis Titles >Primary Horizontal Axis>Title Below Axis. Now a
title will appear at the x-axis on your graph; click in the text box and type your
title (e.g. Drug Treatment ). Do the same for the y-axis, except choose
“Primary Vertical Axis”>“Rotated Title” to orient the text as shown below (be
sure to include units of measure in parentheses) .
3. Add the error bars. Do not use any of the default settings for error bars in Excel
as they are incorrect. You must calculate either standard error or standard deviation
and use these values to plot error bars on your graph. For this example, you will
plot ± 1 standard error for each error bar.
a. Click on the graph to bring up the Chart Tools tab. Select Layout>Error
Bars>More Error Bars options (the last choice on the drop down menu). To
place error bars for the before values, click on “Before” and then “OK”.
b. From this menu, choose “Custom” and “Specify Value” . For the
Positive Error Value , delete the nonsense characters. Hold the CTRL key
and then select the “Before” standard error value of heart rate for Epinephrine
and then for Nicotine. Repeat this process for the Negative Error Value .
Select “OK” , then “Close”. Now the error bars are plotted for the Before
values. Repeat this process for the After values.
4. Your graph is complete. Now that you know the basics, you can click on various
options and change colors, remove the grid lines, change font size, line thickness
graph style etc.