Introduction to
Construction Management
01: Construction Economics By Danny Myers
Chapter: An Introduction to the Basic Concepts
02: Management of Construction Projects By John E.
Schaufelberger, Len Holm
Chapter: Introduction
03: Quantity Surveyor's Pocket Book By Duncan Cartlidge
Chapter: The quantity surveyor and the construction industry
04: Estimating and Tendering for Construction By Martin Brook
Chapter: Introduction
05: Building Measurement By Andrew D. Packer
Chapter: Introduction
06: Total Construction Management By John S. Oakland,
Marton Marosszeky
Chapter: Understanding lean construction
You can discover more of our key construction property
titles on our website here:
Introduction to Construction Management is a FreeBook brought to you
by Routledge, containing a collection of selected chapters from six key
titles published in the last twelve months. The chapters presented
here cover introductions to key topics like project management,
economics, measurement and tendering, all essential for aspiring
construction students and professionals currently studying for their
related qualifications.
We have a wide range of textbooks, references, monographs, and
practical guidebooks to serve the needs of students, instructors, and
established professionals and the contents here represents only a very
small sample of that offering. Courses in construction, quantity
surveying and building surveying will find resources that will be useful
as required texts and supplementary reading. Here is a selection of
representative chapters from just six of our recent publications to give
you an idea of the quality and variety of subject matter addressed in
our portfolio. So, please enjoy this sample from available and new
textbooks, and consider recommending them to your students,
colleagues, and library.
01: Construction Economics
Chapter: An Introduction to the Basic Concepts
This book is written for students from many backgrounds: architecture, surveying,
civil engineering, mechanical engineering, structural engineering, construction,
project or estate management, property development, conservation and, even,
economics. Economics students may find it possible to skip over some of the
standard analysis, but should be forewarned that in many ways construction is
quite distinct from other sectors of the economy. An important aim of this text is to
draw out these distinctions and clarify the unique nature of the industry. In this first
chapter we begin to outline the main characteristics of firms involved in construction
markets, introducing the complexity of the construction process and diversity of
activities. As the chapter develops you will sense that there are a number of possible
ways to describe the construction industry. Table 1.1 identifies a range of activities
that can be included in a broad definition of the industry. By contrast, Table 1.2 (see
page 11) divides the construction process into a number of professional stages and
Table 1.3 (see page 19) outlines a simple classification system that narrowly defines
the industry as firms that just construct and maintain various types of buildings and
The aim of the text is to demonstrate that underlying the construction process,
from conception to demolition, is a lot of useful economics. As suggested in the
preface, economics should not be regarded as solely related to the appraisal of costs.
The subject matter is far broader, and this text introduces a number of branches
of economic theory. These have been selected to provide fresh insights into the
An Introduction to the Basic
Suppliers of basic materials, e.g. sand, cement, aggregate and bricks
Manufacturers of site equipment, such as cranes and bulldozers
Site operatives who bring together components and materials
Project managers and surveyors who co-ordinate the overall assembly
Table 1.1 The construction industry – broadly defined
Manufacturers of building components, e.g. windows, doors, pipes and radiators
Architects and engineers who design new buildings and infrastructure
Facility managers who manage and maintain property
The key actors include:
Property developers who initiate new projects
Providers of complementary services, such as demolition, disposal and clean-up
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Construction Economics: A new approach
performance of construction firms and a greater understanding of the need for a
more holistic approach if the industry is to contribute to an efficient and sustainable
economy in the future. These economic ideas should inform the work of all
professionals concerned with the construction and maintenance of buildings and
infrastructure – and, in particular, the way that they think.
The next section explains some of the key concepts used by economists.
Further clarification is provided in the glossary at the back of the book, where all
the economic terms highlighted in the text and other concepts and ideas relevant to
construction economics are defined.
Construction economics – like pure economics, its mainstream equivalent – is
concerned with the allocation of scarce resources. This is far more complex than it
at first appears. Many of the world’s resources (factors of production such as land,
labour, capital and enterprise) are finite, yet people have infinite wants. We are,
therefore, faced with a two-pronged problem: at any point in time there is a fixed
stock of resources, set against many wants. This problem is formally referred to as
scarcity. In an attempt to reconcile this problem, economists argue that people must
make careful choices – choices about what is made, how it is made and for whom
it is made; or in terms of construction, choices about what investments are made,
how these are constructed and on whose behalf. Indeed, at its very simplest level,
economics is ‘the science of choice’.
When a choice is made, therefore, some other thing that is also desired has to be
forgone. In other words, in a world of scarcity, for every want that is satisfied, some
other want, or wants, remain unsatisfied. Choosing one thing inevitably requires
giving up something else. An opportunity has been missed or forgone. To highlight
this dilemma, economists refer to the concept of opportunity cost. One definition of
opportunity cost is:
the value of the alternative forgone by choosing a particular activity.
Once you have grasped this basic economic concept, you will begin to understand
how economists think – how they think about children allocating their time between
different games; governments determining what their budgets will be spent on; and
construction firms deciding which projects to proceed with. In short, opportunity
costs enable relative values to be placed on all employed resources.
This way of thinking emphasises that whenever an economic decision is made
there is a
trade-off between the use of one resource for one or more alternative
uses. From an economic viewpoint the value of a trade-off is the ‘real cost’ – or
opportunity cost – of the decision. This can be demonstrated by examining the
opportunity cost of reading this book. Let us assume that you have a maximum of
four hours each week to spend studying just two topics – construction economics
and construction technology. The more you study construction economics, the
higher will be your expected grade; the more you study construction technology,
the higher will be your expected grade in that subject. There is a trade-off, between
spending one more hour reading this book and spending that hour studying
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An Introduction to the Basic Concepts
technology. In this example there is fixed trade-off ratio. In practice, however,
some people are better suited to some subjects than others and the same thing can
be applied to resources. As a general rule, therefore, resources are rarely equally
adaptable to alternative projects.
In construction, or any other economic sector, it is rare to experience a constant
opportunity-cost ratio, in which each unit of production can be directly adapted to
an alternative use. It is far more usual in business trade-off decisions to see each
additional unit of production cost more in forgone alternatives than the previously
produced unit. This rule is formally referred to as the law of increasing opportunity
. This can be illustrated with the ‘guns or butter’ argument – this states
that, at any point in time, a nation can have either more military goods (guns) or
civilian goods (butter) – but not in equal proportions. For example, consider the
hypothetical position in which all resources in the first instance are devoted to
making civilian goods, and the production of military goods is zero. If we begin
production of military goods, at first production will increase relatively quickly, as
we might find some engineers who could easily produce military goods and their
productivity might be roughly the same in either sector. Eventually, however, as we
run out of talent, it may become necessary to transfer manual agricultural labour
used to harvesting potatoes to produce military goods – and their talents will be
relatively ill-suited to these new tasks. We may find it necessary to use fifty manual
labourers to obtain the same increment in military goods output that we achieved
when we hired one sophisticated engineer for the first units of military goods. Thus
the opportunity cost of an additional unit of military goods will be higher when we
use resources that are inappropriate to the task. By using poorly suited resources, the
cost increases as we attempt to produce more and more military goods and fewer
and fewer civilian goods.
The law of increasing opportunity costs is easier to explain using a
possibility curve
. Using these curves, it is possible to show the maximum amount
of output that can be produced from a fixed amount of resources. In Figure 1.1
(see page 4) we show a hypothetical trade-off between units of military goods and
civilian goods produced per year. If no civilian goods are produced, all resources
would be used in the production of military goods and, at the other extreme, if no
military goods are produced, all resources would be used to produce civilian goods.
Points A and F in Figure 1.1 represent these two extreme positions. Points B, C,
D and E represent various other combinations that are possible. If these points are
connected with a smooth curve, society’s production possibilities curve is obtained,
and it demonstrates the trade-off between the production of military and civilian
goods. These trade-offs occur on the production possibility curve. The curve is
bowed outwards to reflect the law of increasing opportunity cost. If the trade-off
is equal, unit for unit, the curve would not bow out, it would simply be a straight
line. Other interesting observations arising from the production possibility curve are
shown by points G and H. Point G lies outside the production possibility curve and
is unattainable at the present point in time, but it does represent a target for the
future. Point H, on the other hand, lies inside the production possibility curve and is,
therefore, achievable, but it represents an inefficient use of available resources.
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Construction Economics: A new approach
There are a number of assumptions underlying the production possibility curve.
The first relates to the fact that we are referring to the output possible on a yearly
basis. In other words, we have specified a time period during which production
takes place. Second, we are assuming that resources are fixed throughout this time
period. To understand fully what is meant by a fixed amount of resources, consider
the two lists that follow, showing (a) factors that influence labour hours available
for work and (b) factors that influence productivity, or the output per unit of input.
The number of labour hours available for work depends on the nature of human
resources in society. This is determined by three factors:
• thenumberofeconomicallyactivepeoplethatmakeupthelabourforce–this
depends on the size of the population and its age structure, as children and
retired persons will be economically inactive
• thepercentageofthelabourforcewhothenchoosetowork
• prevailingcustomsandtraditions(suchastypicallengthoftheworkingweek,
number of bank holidays, etc.).
Units of civilian goods per year
Units of military goods per year
Figure 1.1 The trade-off between military goods and civilian goods
Points A to F represent the various combinations of military and civilian goods
that can be achieved. Connecting the points with a smooth line creates the production
possibility curve. Point G lies outside the production possibility curve and is unattainable
at the present time; point H represents an inefficient use of resources at the present
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An Introduction to the Basic Concepts
There are a number of factors influencing the productivity of an economy or sector
of the economy:
• thequantityandqualityofnaturalandman-maderesources
• thequalityandextentoftheeducationandtrainingofthelabourforce
• thelevelsofexpectation,motivationandwellbeing
• thecommitmenttoresearchanddevelopment.
The third and final assumption that is made when we draw the production
possibility curve is that efficient use is being made of all available resources. In other
words, society cannot for the moment be more productive with the present quantity
and quality of its resources. (The concept of efficiency is examined more closely in
Chapters 2, 5, 6, 7 and 8.)
According to several government reports (Egan 1998; NAO 2001, 2005 and
2007; IPA 2016), given the existing level of resources in construction it should
be possible to increase productivity by at least 10 per cent. In other words, a
production possibility curve representing all construction activities could be
pushed out to the right, as shown in Figure 1.2 (see page 6). Several common
sets of problem are identified as the root cause of this inefficiency. First, the
industry demonstrates a poor safety record and an inability to recruit good staff.
Second, there appears to be no real culture of learning from previous projects,
and no organised career structure to develop supervisory and management grades.
Third, concern is expressed about the poor level of investment into research
and development that restricts the industry’s ability to innovate and learn from
best practice. The fourth, and possibly most worrying, problem is the fact that
technology (in the sense of innovation, information modelling and off-site assembly)
is not used widely enough across the construction sector.
Another plausible scenario suggested by the production possibility curve
approach is that the construction industry may at present be working within the
boundary of its production curve (say, point A in Figure 1.2). In which case, an
increase in output could be simply achieved by greater efficiency. Supply constraints
need to be reduced, the problems identified by the government reports resolved,
and the factors generally acknowledged to increase productivity (listed above) must
be addressed to achieve the full potential of the industry. Both these scenarios are
shown in Figure 1.2 and they support the idea that the level of productivity in the
construction industry needs to improve.
In very general terms, therefore, the study of economics is concerned with
making efficient use of limited resources to maximise output and satisfy the greatest
possible number of wants. In short, the basis of the subject rotates around the
concepts of choice, scarcity and opportunity cost.
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Construction Economics: A new approach
In modern society, economics is involved in all activities leading to the production
of goods and services. Consequently a range of specialisms have evolved out of
mainstream economics, such as transport economics, health economics, business
economics, financial economics, agricultural economics, labour economics,
international economics and, even, ecological economics. Hence it is not particularly
surprising that many students in the twenty-first century are expected to read
something called construction economics as part of their degree course. What
is surprising, however, is that other vocationally oriented degrees do not have a
similarly developed economics specialism. For example, students reading for degrees
in catering, sports and leisure, publishing, retailing or computing do not benefit
from a range of specialised literature in economics.
The reasons usually stated for construction warranting its own specialised
economics is accounted for by the sheer size of the industry, its profound
contribution to a nation’s standard of living and its products’ unique characteristics.
Put very simply, the industry has five distinct qualities.
• Thephysicalnatureoftheproductislarge,heavyandexpensive.
• Theconstructionindustryisdominatedbyalargenumberofrelativelysmall
firms, spread over a vast geographical area.
• Demandforactivitywithintheindustryisdirectlydeterminedbythegeneral
state of the economy as a whole.
Buildings 2015 2025
Figure 1.2 Increasing output and the production possibility curve
In this diagram we show two scenarios: (a) improved productivity shifts the entire
production possibility curve outwards over time; (b) output can be achieved more
efficiently by moving to a position of full potential on the actual production possibility
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An Introduction to the Basic Concepts
• Themethodofpricedeterminationisunusuallycomplexduetothetendering
process used at various stages.
• Mostprojectscanbeconsideredasa‘one-off’,asthereisusuallysomedefining
quality that make them in some ways unique.
These qualities alone have justified a number of dedicated academic publications.
The first edition of these was Patricia Hillebrandt’s Economic Theory and
the Construction Industry, published in 1974 (with new editions in 1985 and
2000). Subsequently several other titles followed, in particular the two-part text
co-authored by Ive and Gruneberg (2000) and the edited volume by Gerard de
Valence (2011). In 1982, Construction Management and Economics, a specialist
refereed journal, began to report on research contributing to the new subject
specialism. The journal continues to be published monthly and several papers
have been selected as exemplary readings to consolidate the three sections of this
textbook. Another relevant academic journal is Building Research and Information.
This has an interdisciplinary focus, with linkages made between the built, natural,
social and economic environments. Consequently many of the papers in this journal
contribute to our understanding of how buildings and infrastructure impact on
ecology, resources, climate change and sustainable development; appropriately
several examples are cited as references.
Alongside these academic developments, there has also been a steady stream
of government reports investigating the problems of the construction industry
(for example, see Latham 1994; Egan 1998; National Audit Office 2001;
Fairclough 2002; HM Government 2008; BIS 2013). These reports have highlighted
the inefficiency caused by the sheer scale and complexity of the construction
industry. A recurring recommendation is the need for the construction process to
be viewed in a holistic way by a multidisciplinary team. This reflects the fact that
construction draws knowledge from many areas, and an important but undervalued
area is economics. Indeed, it is commonly observed that far too many projects run
over budget and are delivered late, with a general disrespect for the client. Clearly
it should not be acceptable for construction projects to fail cost-wise, time-wise
or client-wise. A classic study by Professor Flyvbjerg (2003: 16–26) of 258 major
public transport infrastructure projects constructed across Europe, USA, Japan and
developing countries between 1927 and 1998 suggests that on average costs overrun
by approximately 30 per cent, deadlines are missed by as much as ten years and the
expected level of demand fails to meet targets by around 40 per cent. Worryingly,
the cost, time and quality dimensions continue to be problematic right up to the
current day.
Each of the construction economics texts that have been published to date
conveys a slightly different emphasis. For example, Hillebrandt (1974: 3) defines
construction economics as the application of economics to the study of the
construction firm, the construction process and the construction industry. Whereas
the preference of Ive and Gruneberg (2000: xxiii) is for a slightly less orthodox
approach, adapting traditional economic models to capture ‘local’ [construction]
circumstances even if that means losing the ability to generalise about the economy
chapter 1 fourth edition.indd 7 18/08/2016 13:28
Construction Economics: A new approach
at large. As a result, there is no coherent conceptual consensus about what
constitutes the precise nature of construction economics. As George Ofori (1994:
304) bluntly concluded in his seminal review of the subject: ‘Construction economics
cannot be regarded as a bona-fide academic discipline. It lacks a clear indication of
its main concerns and content.’ A situation that reviews by de Valence (2011: 1) and
Chang (2015: 102) suggest is still problematic today.
The purpose of this text is to address this lack of consensus and make the
case for a coherent economic vocabulary. The crux of the argument for this new
approach is the increasing importance of strategies aimed at achieving sustainable
. In other words, there is clear recognition that the construction
industry makes a significant contribution to a country’s economic, social and
environmental wellbeing.
The UK government published its first strategy for sustainable construction,
Building a Better Quality of Life, in April 2000. This document aimed to provide
a catalyst for change in the approach to construction processes. Subsequently it has
been revised and extended, and the Strategy for Sustainable Construction published
in June 2008 states the current UK position. Similar agendas have emerged in
Europe, North America and some developing countries (see Chapter 15 for further
discussion). Sustainable construction can be described in simple terms as comprising:
• efficientuseofresources
• effectiveprotectionoftheenvironment
• economicgrowth
• socialprogressthatmeetstheneedsofeveryone.
Each of these strands is underpinned by economic concepts, which provide the
rationale for this book.
Part A Effective use of resources
This deals with microeconomics, and outlines the various ways of efficiently
allocating resources between competing ends. In this section the prime focus
is concerned with the determinants of demand and supply for infrastructure,
housing, industrial buildings, commercial property, and repair and maintenance.
Part B Protection and enhancement of the environment
This section considers failures of the market system, drawing upon various
environmental economic concepts and tools to encourage future members of the
construction industry to evaluate projects by more than just financial criteria.
Part C Economic growth that meets the needs of everyone
This section incorporates coverage of the broader macroeconomic scene. It
outlines the various government objectives that need to be achieved alongside
sustainable construction. It highlights the difficulty of managing an economy
and the need for professionals working in the construction industry to acquire
an economic vocabulary.
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An Introduction to the Basic Concepts
Key Points 1.1
The construction industry can be described in a number of ways – for
example, review the broad range of activities listed in Table 1.1 (page 1).
Construction has five distinguishing characteristics: (a) each project is
regarded as a unique one-off product; (b) the industry is dominated by a
large number of relatively small firms; (c) the general state of the economy
influences demand; (d) prices are determined by tendering; and (e) projects
are characterised by their ‘lumpiness’ in terms of their scale and expense.
The basis of economics rotates around the concepts of choice, scarcity and
opportunity cost. Hence, economics is the study of how we make choices.
Any use of a resource involves an opportunity cost because an alternative
use is sacrificed.
The graphic representation of the trade-offs that must be made can be
displayed in a production possibility curve.
Sustainable construction is a strategy aimed to encourage the industry
to (a) use resources more efficiently, (b) limit the environmental impact
of its activities, and (c) produce buildings and infrastructure that benefit
The discipline of economics employs its own particular methodology and language.
Consequently for the complete beginner it is necessary at the outset to clarify a few
Resources can be defined as the inputs used in the production of those things that
we desire. Economists tend to refer to these resources as
factors of production to
highlight the fact that only by combining various factors can goods and services
be produced. The factors of production are usually categorised into three general
groups; namely, land, capital and labour – and sometimes the entrepreneur is
specifically identified as a fourth entity. The point is that quantities of each factor
are needed to make any good or service. To construct buildings or infrastructure,
for example, labour is required to develop a plot of land, and plant and equipment,
which may be hired or bought, is required to facilitate the process. To put it another
way, land and labour are always combined with manufactured resources in order to
produce the things that we desire. The manufactured resources are called capital, or
more precisely physical capital, and consist of machines and tools.
The contribution of labour to the production process can be increased.
Whenever potential labourers undergo training and learn new skills, their
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Construction Economics: A new approach
contribution to productive output will increase. When there is this improvement in
human resources, we say that human capital has been improved. A relevant example
is the effect that good trained management can have on the efficiency of a whole
project. Indeed, according to Hillebrandt (2000: 104) management expertise is one
of the scarcest resources of the construction industry throughout the world.
With each new construction project there is a choice to be made about the
materials that will be used and the proportion of labour, plant and equipment
required. In most instances, construction tends to be dominated by input costs
relating to materials, components and labour. The importance, however, of the
entrepreneur should not be overlooked, as without a dedicated resource managing
and co-ordinating the other factors of production, virtually no business organisation
could operate. In other words, an entrepreneur is sometimes regarded as a special
type of human resource associated with the ability to make business decisions, take
risks and foster innovation. In a small construction firm the manager-proprietor
would be the entrepreneur; in a joint stock company the shareholders would take
on that responsibility. (For further discussion about the role of the entrepreneur see
Chapter 7.)
Each factor of production can be regarded as receiving a specific form of
income. A landlord providing the use of land receives rent. Owners of physical
(and monetary) capital are rewarded, directly or indirectly, and earn some form of
interest payment to cover credit arrangements. Workers receive wages (salaries), and
entrepreneurs gain profit. The distribution of these factor rewards (factor incomes)
formed an important point of focus for the classical economists. Ricardo’s work
(1817) suggested that the rewards paid to the agricultural landlord determined
all other payments and this inevitably led to a tension between the interests of the
landlord and those of the consumer and manufacturer. Equally Marx (1844) was
concerned about the inequalities that were rewarded to labour as he claimed that
they were exploited by the owners of capital and land, as he observed: a worker
cannot supplement his income with ground rent or interest on capital. For general
introductory purposes, however, the significance of dividing income payments into
four sets of factor rewards will become evident when we consider the measurement
of national income in Chapter 13.
Market Systems
The concept of the market is rather abstract in the sense that it encompasses the
exchange arrangements of both buyers and sellers for a particular good or service.
Consequently, we can envisage many markets for specific building materials,
housing, professional services, etc. The recurrent feature of any market is the
exchange of information about factors such as price, quality and quantity. The
difference, however, between one market and the next is the degree of formality
in which it functions. The stock market in any Western economy, for example,
provides instant information worldwide about the prices and quantities of shares
being bought and sold during the current trading period. By contrast, construction
markets are less structured and more informal, and they are usually determined by
geographical location.
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An Introduction to the Basic Concepts
The construction industry is concerned with producing and maintaining a
wide variety of durable buildings and structures, and as a consequence, there are
many construction markets. As Drew and Skitmore (1997: 470) concluded in their
analysis of the competitive markets for construction: ‘The construction industry is
highly fragmented, with the dominant firm being the small contractor.’ The type
of construction – particularly in terms of its size and complexity, its geographical
location, and the nature of the client – will define the market in each case.
Let us consider in a little more detail what traditionally happens when a new
project begins. Usually a contractor undertakes to organise, move and assemble
the various inputs, and as such provides a service – a service of preparing the site
before work commences, and assembling and managing the process thereafter.
Subsequently, various subcontractors add their services – such as plumbing,
painting, plastering, glazing, roofing, or whatever the specific job requires. As a
result the typical project process can easily become a series of ‘separate’ operations
undertaken by various parties as set out in Table 1.2.
The level of competition for all this work depends upon the complexity of
the construction (which to some extent will be reflected in the cost per square
metre). The idea of complexity is particularly important in construction markets
as it determines the number of businesses interested in competing for the work.
In most cases, firms will not bid for work beyond their local district as the costs
of transporting materials, plant and labour is relatively expensive. Travelling
is unnecessary when the same type of work is available in the firm’s own
neighbourhood or catchment area. If, however, the construction project is very
complex and/or very large, the costs per square metre are likely to increase and the
relative costs of transport in relation to the total costs will decrease. The market
Parties Involved in Supply
Provide specialist advice concerning structural,
electrical, mechanical and landscape details.
Identify key specifications.
Architects and Designers
Manages project in detail.
Liaises between the client and the
construction team.
Project Manager
Prepares bills of quantities, cost plans, etc.Cost Consultant
Manages work on site.Main Contractor
Supply specialist skills.
Suppliers Provide building materials and components.
Table 1.2 Parties traditionally supplying a construction project
chapter 1 fourth edition.indd 11 18/08/2016 13:28
Construction Economics: A new approach
catchment area for this highly specialised work will broaden. The following formula
may make this clearer:
complexity + large size = competing firms from a wider geographical area
The converse of this rule explains why construction markets are so often dominated
by small local firms subcontracting for work in or near their home towns. Indeed, it
is only the biggest firms that can manage to compete on a national or international
basis. Markets in the construction industry should, therefore, be defined as
comprising those firms that are willing and able to compete for a contract in a
specific geographical area. In other words, the total number of firms interested in
work of a particular type can be referred to as comprising the local market.
In construction the services of one firm are often easy to substitute by
contracting another firm with the same type of expertise. To the extent that prices
in construction markets often find their own level, the theory behind this behaviour
is examined in Chapters 3 to 8. For the moment, it will suffice to understand that
the market for construction refers to a diverse and broad range of activities made
up of many markets. To emphasise this point, consider the flow diagram set out in
Figure 1.3.
Figure 1.3 A complex set of markets for one building project
Construction Markets
Construction Markets
Key: Resources of construction firm Stage or operation
In the flow diagram a building project is represented as a sequence of stages.
Each stage is completed by a number of firms supplying their services.
chapter 1 fourth edition.indd 12 18/08/2016 13:28
An Introduction to the Basic Concepts
In Figure 1.3 we represent a set of markets that could be involved in the
construction of a small commercial building. The construction process from
inception to completion is shown to comprise a number of separate markets. The
completion of each operation, or stage, is the concern of several construction firms
competing to supply materials, components, labour, etc. Figure 1.3 highlights the
number of fragmented activities involved in completing just one small building. Each
independent firm, in effect, is more concerned with its specific contribution than the
project as a whole. In many ways, the next project in a firm’s market sector may
well be competing for its attention while it is still finishing the present project.
We discuss the characteristics of fragmentation and the resulting poor flow
of information in Chapters 6 and 9 respectively. We also identify these issues as a
problem to resolve in Chapter 15, where we analyse loosely connected activities as a
barrier to achieving sustainable construction.
This introductory chapter aims to explain what construction economics is all about.
Apart from identifying the central concepts, we need to consider the methods
employed by economists, as the approach taken to a discipline helps to specify the
nature of the subject. In general terms, economics is a social science and it attempts
to make use of the same kinds of methods as other sciences, such as biology, physics
and chemistry. Like these other sciences, economics uses models or theories.
Economic models are simplified representations of the real world that we use
to understand, explain and predict economic phenomena.
These models may take on various forms such as verbal statements, numerical tables
and graphs – and, at the more advanced level, mathematical equations. For the most
part, the models presented in this text consist of verbal statements and graphs.
A particular challenge faced by students of construction economics is that many
of the processes in the industry do not lend themselves easily to generalisations
and models. First, the construction industry involves a large variety of interests
and parties that makes the process rather complex and plagued with unwarranted
assumptions about what is possible. Second, economic analysis is only one of the
disciplines contributing to the process as a whole. And, third, there is a distinct lack
of vision about the role of construction in society and how it could better serve its
clients. As Professor Duccio Turin poetically observed:
[T]he building process is a world of ‘as if’. It is ‘as if’ the client knew what
he wanted when he commissioned the building from a designer; it is ‘as
if’ the designer was in a position to advise the client on the best value-for-
money he could obtain in the market; it is ‘as if’ contractual procedures
were devised to ensure that the client would get the best possible deal from
the profession and from the market place; it is ‘as if’ the manufacturer of
building materials and components knew in advance what is expected of
him and geared his production to such expectation; it is ‘as if’ the contractor
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Construction Economics: A new approach
knew how his resources were used, was in a position to control them, and
was able to use this experience on his next job.
(Turin 1975: xi)
Although this summary of the industry was expressed over 40 years ago, as the
text unfolds you will realise the striking similarities between then and now. It is
this complex, fragmented and conservative nature that gives the subject matter of
construction economics its appeal – as economists seek to unravel these seemingly
unconnected threads of random behaviour. Economic models seek to identify
the interrelationship between the key variables and simplify what is happening in
the sector. So although some economic models may at first appear abstract, they
do have practical applications. The important point we are trying to clarify is
that an economic model cannot be criticised as unrealistic merely because it does
not represent every last detail of the real world that it is seeking to analyse. If the
model elucidates the central issues being studied, then it is worthwhile. For example,
students may be expected to commence their course by completing an assignment
based on a theoretical economic model of competition in the marketplace. This
provides a simple introduction to the economic framework and the opportunity to
demonstrate how construction deviates from or reflects this reference point. In short,
the model provides a starting point – it enables us to proceed.
Following the recommendations of several government reports (Fairclough
2002: 34; BIS 2013: 18; IPA 2016: 5–11) the construction industry should favour
models that prioritise strategies aimed to improve sustainability, competitiveness,
productivity, value for money and use of technology. In Part A, we present models
of market behaviour that encourage a far better grasp of the meaning and purpose
of efficiency, competition and profit. In Part C, we introduce a model of aggregation
to study the operation of the whole economy that brings a fresh dimension to
productivity by reviewing the total output of construction and reflecting on its
contribution to the total output of an economy. In Part B, we bring the environment
into the traditional model as a key variable for construction and the economy to
consider. When the whole book has been studied, we identify a significant number
of concepts that underpin an understanding of sustainability.
This leaves the precise nature and details of the models to emerge as the book
unfolds and their purpose should become self-evident. Once we have determined
that a model does predict real-world phenomena, then the scientific approach
requires that we consider evidence to test the usefulness of a model. This is why
economics is referred to as an empirical science – empirical meaning that real data is
gathered to confirm that our assumptions are right.
An Example of an Economic Model
Before closing this section on models, we review one specific example to analyse and
explain how income flows around an economy. Economists begin their explanation
by ignoring the government sector, the financial sector and the overseas sector – that
is, the circular flow model represents a simplified, scaled-down economy in which
relationships are assumed to exist only between households and businesses.
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An Introduction to the Basic Concepts
To make the model effective, it is assumed that households sell factors of
production to businesses and in return receive income in the form of wages, interest,
rents and profits. This is shown in the bottom loop in Figure 1.4. The businesses sell
finished goods and services to households in exchange for household expenditure.
This is shown in the top loop in Figure 1.4. These assumptions are reasonably
realistic. Businesses will only make what they can sell. Production will necessitate
buying in land, labour, capital and enterprise, and the monies paid for these factors
of production will generate respective income payments.
Already, without building in any of the complications of the real world, we
begin to sense several insights or starting points. Clearly there is a close relationship
between the income of a nation, its output and the level of expenditure, and we
shall investigate this further in Chapter 13. Also, we can see how money enables
households to ‘vote’ for the goods and services desired, and this will be developed
further in Chapters 2 to 5. The perceptive reader will note that the model fails
to include any reference to the environment and, as we explained above, this
represents the contents of Part B. The model also explicitly excludes reference to the
role of governments, overseas economies and financial institutions and these aspects
are included in Part C. Again we can see how the model enables us to progress into
the subject.
Figure 1.4 The circular flow model: a two sector economy
In this simplified model there are only households and businesses. Goods and services
flow in one direction in return for money. This exchange can be thought of as a
circular flow.
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Construction Economics: A new approach
The importance of the construction industry to the overall wellbeing of the economy
means that most governments are concerned that it becomes a highly efficient sector.
As a consequence, the government’s role as a client, regulator, policy-maker and a
sponsor of change is raised at several points throughout the text. Equally the role of
the financial sector makes a significant contribution to the effective management of
the economy and the funding of construction projects. As indicated in the preface,
any self-respecting text on economics must make some reference to the financial
crisis sparked by the 2007 credit crunch, especially as it continues to trouble
economies around the world. At the start of 2016 the UK construction sector had
still not got back to is pre-recession level of output (see trend in Figure 2.4, page 38).
These themes are discussed throughout Part C of the text.
Effective protection of the environment forms a key part of any text concerning
sustainability. Environmental economics is important for several reasons: first,
because the environment has an intrinsic value that must not be overlooked; second,
because the sustainability agenda extends the time horizon of any analysis to assure
equity between generations; and, third, demands must be viewed on a whole-
life basis and this is particularly important in the context of products that last for
more than 30 years. Any model of analysis that seeks to identify general principles
of sustainable development must include, at the very least, these three dimensions.
We explore these issues and related concepts in Part B and bring them all together
in Chapter 15 where we review the possibility of achieving the government’s
sustainable construction agenda.
Microeconomics and Macroeconomics
Economics is typically divided into two types of analysis: microeconomics and
macroeconomics. Consider the definitions of the two terms.
Microeconomics is the study of individual decision-making by both
individuals and firms.
Macroeconomics is the study of economy-wide phenomena resulting from
group decision-making in entire markets. As such, it deals with the economy
as a whole.
One way to understand the distinction between these two approaches is to consider
some generalised examples. Microeconomics is concerned with determining how
prices emerge and change, and how firms respond. It involves the examination of
the effects of new taxes, the determination of a firm’s profit-maximising level of
production, and so on. It concerns the economic behaviour of individuals – such
as clients, contractors, surveyors and engineers – in various markets. We study this
type of analysis in Part A. In contrast, questions relating to the rate of inflation, the
amount of national unemployment, and the growth rate of the whole economy fall
in the realm of macroeconomic analysis. In other words, macroeconomics deals with
aggregates or totals, and this forms the basis of the chapters in Part C.
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An Introduction to the Basic Concepts
You should be aware, however, of the blending together of microeconomics and
macroeconomics in modern economic theory. Modern economists are increasingly
using microeconomic analysis – the study of decision-making by individuals and by
firms – as the basis for macroeconomic analysis. They do this because, even though
aggregates are being examined in macroeconomic analysis, those aggregates are
made up of the actions of individuals and firms. The study of any specific industry
involves both microeconomic and macroeconomic approaches; particularly when the
industry is multi-product, and has national and international significance.
Throughout this text the interaction between the construction sector and the
other sectors of the economy is a constant reference point. In some texts a sectoral
approach is referred to as mesoeconomics, derived from the Greek word mesos
meaning intermediate. This is done to make it clear that the study of any specific
sector or industry inevitably falls between the conventional microeconomic and
macroeconomic categories. (These two terms are also of Greek derivation: macros
meaning large and micros small.)
Consequently, to gain a comprehensive understanding of construction activity,
it is advisable to embrace three perspectives – a broad macro overview of the
economy, a specific sectoral study of the industry, and a detailed microanalysis of
the individual markets in which construction firms operate. Studying the complete
text, therefore, should provide a greater understanding of winning and completing
projects in an efficient and sustainable manner. Figure 1.5 summarises how these
three elements contribute to a fuller understanding of a project. In many ways, it
models the overall approach of the text.
Figure 1.5 A model for construction economics: a new approach
Sustainable construction issues
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Construction Economics: A new approach
Key Points 1.2
We need to use scarce resources, such as land, labour, capital and
entrepreneurship, to produce any economic good or service.
The exchange of information between buyers and sellers about factors such
as price, quality and quantity happens in a market. Construction is made
up of a diverse range of markets, as the industry comprises a large number
of relatively small firms.
Every economic model, or theory, is based on a set of assumptions. How
realistic these assumptions are is not as important as how effective they
make the model or theory.
Microeconomics involves the study of individual decision-making.
Macroeconomics involves the study of aggregates. Mesoeconomics
combines the territory shared by microeconomics and macroeconomics to
study a specific sector such as construction.
The system of industrial classification used for statistical and government
purposes favours a narrow definition of the construction industry that includes only
firms that are involved with building and civil engineering. This categorisation is
derived from the United Nations International Standard of Industrial Classification
(ISIC). There are also American and European equivalents: the North American
Industry Classification System (NAICS) and the General Industrial Classification of
Economic Activities – otherwise known as NACE. In other words, firms generally
recognised as officially comprising the construction sector tend to embrace a range
of ‘on-site’ activities including those relating to infrastructure, new construction,
repair, maintenance and (eventually) demolition. Table 1.3 shows the type of work
that is classified into these various sectors and Table 1.4 gives some indication of the
monetary value of these different activities in Great Britain.
As Table 1.4 (on page 20) shows, repair and maintenance are of major
importance and comprise nearly 40 per cent of the total annual activity – this
includes all public and private sector work carried out on houses, infrastructure
and commercial buildings. It is also evident that government departments and their
agencies are significant clients of the construction industry. As both Tables 1.3 and
1.4 suggest, official statistics often draw a distinction between public and private
sector activity. The public sector includes everything that is owned and/or funded by
national or local governments such as roads, schools, the National Health Service,
and local council leisure centres. In fact, a close examination of output tables reveals
that approximately 30 per cent of construction industry turnover relates to public
sector clients. Obviously this includes a vast range of contracts, varying in size from
£10,000 for a small flood defence scheme to £14.8 billion for the infrastructure
required for London’s newest railway line, Crossrail.
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An Introduction to the Basic Concepts
The percentage of public sector construction work in the UK has fallen
considerably since 1980, as many of the activities traditionally in the public domain
have been privatised. Utilities and services such as gas, electricity, water supply,
telecommunications and railways were previously ‘pure’ state owned activities;
today they are quasi-public – privately owned but ‘regulated’ and controlled by
specific government agencies. This means that there is a new expanding sector of
‘regulated’ private sector work that is reliant on public sector decisions before it can
be executed. More recently, the private sector has also been given a greater role in
the funding, building and maintenance of public facilities such as hospitals, schools,
prisons and roads. In these public private partnerships, the private sector organises
the funds and manages the risks, while the public sector specifies the level of service
required and ultimately owns the assets – as they are commonly returned to public
ownership after 10, 15 or 25 years. These ‘regulated’ and ‘partnership’ arrangements
are explained further in Chapters 2 and 6 respectively. The important point for our
purposes is that expenditure on the construction of public facilities is increasingly
classified as private sector expenditure in the official data. (Figure 2.4 on page 38
shows the distribution of work across the public and private sector divide over the
last 10 years.)
Areas of Construction
Examples of type of work
Water and sewerage
Gas and electricity
Airports, harbours, railways
Public sector (e.g. housing associations)
Private sector (e.g. new estates)
Schools, colleges, universities
Health facilities
Sports and leisure facilities
Police and fire stations
Public non-residential
Oil refineries
Private industrial
PFI (and similar public private partnerships)
Schools/hospitals (where privately funded)
Restaurants, hotels, bars
Retail (outlets and shops)
Private commercial
Repair and maintenance
Extensions and conversions
Renovations and refurbishment
Planned maintenance
Table 1.3 The construction industry – narrowly defined
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Construction Economics: A new approach
Sources of International Data
A narrow definition of the construction industry confines official statistical data
to the ‘site-based’ activities of firms involved with buildings and infrastructure. As
Table 1.3 shows, this data is typically disaggregated into house building, private
commercial and industrial building (that is, non-residential), infrastructure (civil
engineering), repair and maintenance, so on. Across Europe, therefore, it is possible
to see some common trends. Aggregating figures cross 27 European countries,
28 per cent of construction output is repair and maintenance, 19 per cent is house
building, 21 per cent is infrastructure and 32 per cent is non-residential (FIEC 2015).
An alternative, however, is to widen the statistical definition and go beyond the
narrow boundaries created by the international classification to include the whole
life cycle of construction: design, production, use, facility management, demolition,
etc. This debate was initially triggered by the Pearce Report (2003), which argued
that to fully understand the extent of what is meant by a sustainable industry
required data relating to the broad scope of construction productivity including
its environmental and social impacts. (The new approach adopted in this text
clarifies the contributions that the sector makes to these wider concerns.) Pearce
(2003: 24) argued for a broad definition that includes the mining and quarrying of
raw materials, the manufacture and sale of construction products, and the related
professional services such as those of architects, engineers and facilities managers.
For example, a detailed analysis of current available data in Great Britain indicates
that in addition to the 1,500,000 workers employed in the traditional construction
sector, there are approximately 450,000 engineers, architects, facilities managers
and chartered surveyors supplying professional services relating to construction and
property, about 650,000 employed in the manufacture of building products and
Types of work
Value of Output (£million)
Housing – public
Public non-residential
Private industrial
Private commercial
Repair and maintenance
Table 1.4 Value of construction output in current prices, Great Britain
26,064 23,312
5,293 3,573
8,279 14,204
7,702 12,660
2005 2010
Total (of all work) 109,084 114,430
Source: Construction Statistics Annual (ONS 2011: Table 2.1 and ONS 2015: Table 2.8)
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An Introduction to the Basic Concepts
equipment, 25,000 involved in mining and quarrying construction materials and a
further 100,000 workers selling building materials. In effect this broad approach
increases the significance of construction; the size of the industry virtually doubles
in terms of employment and output. The implications of the contrast between
the narrow and broad definitions will be reviewed further in Chapter 13 and in
Reading 6. In Chapter 13 we explain the measurement of economic industry activity
in more detail, and in Reading 6 we review Squicciarini and Asikainen (2011) paper
that addresses the inability of statistical analyses to capture fully the true scope and
impact of construction.
The broad system approach has been tested in nine countries: Australia,
Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Lithuania, Portugal, Sweden and the United
Kingdom. In each case the statistics confirmed that the construction system as a
whole appears to be roughly twice the size that conventional construction sector
statistics imply (Carassus 2004).
Few academic researchers have made comparisons of broad construction data.
This is largely due to the different institutional arrangements and processes used to
record official statistics in each country. Government sources of construction data
are usually limited to the established narrow definition, as collated and presented by
the European Construction Industry Federation (FIEC). Hence access and symmetry
are lacking when attempts are made to measure the size of the industry using the
broader construction system approach. Inconsistencies would be uncovered if you
follow the links detailed in Table 1.5, as in some instances one series of data cannot
be precisely compared to another across national boundaries.
Table 1.5 Sources of international data
The European Construction Industry Federation (FIEC)
FIEC was created in 1905 to specifically promote the interests of the construction industry
across Europe. The current membership is made up of 29 countries and 33 national
federations. They represent 3 million construction enterprises employing a total of more
than 14 million people. Publications include Construction Activity in Europe.
United Nations Statistical Division
This organisation is committed to the advancement of a global statistical system. It
develops standards and norms designed to strengthen each country’s official statistical
output. It collates data on international trade, national accounts, energy and industry.
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
The OECD comprises 34 member countries sharing a commitment to the market economy
(in some quarters the group is referred to as the rich countries club). Its publications
include The Economic Outlook, and a detailed series of Main Economic Indicators, and
forecasts divided by subject (including construction) and by country.
Eurostat provides the European Union with a high quality statistical information service,
and co-operates closely with other international data organisations (such as the UN and
OECD). The Eurostat Yearbook presents a comprehensive selection of statistical data
covering labour markets, economy, international trade, industry and construction.
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Construction Economics: A new approach
Sources of UK Data
In the UK, economic and construction data is collected and published by the Office
for National Statistics
(commonly referred to as ONS). Its website (
provides a comprehensive range of statistical indicators and it is the starting point
to search for most data relating to UK society, demography and the economy.
The ONS is free from political influence and its role is to provide an evidence base
for policy and decision making. The Bank of England and the Treasury are also
responsible for a significant number of statistical releases relating to finance and the
current economic climate, and this output is often supported by commentary from
government economists. Some sources of data are detailed in Table 1.6.
For specific information relating to construction, a key source in the UK is the
Construction Statistics Annual. A new edition is published each year in August, and
the data tables are available to download from the ONS website. The publication
amalgamates all construction statistics produced by central and local government,
together with data from a monthly survey of private sector construction firms. It
also carries appendices with detailed notes on methodology and definitions to
clarify the data. Overall it provides a comprehensive picture of the UK construction
industry through the last decade. (For example, the references to industry sectors
in Table 1.3 and data on the value of output shown in Table 1.4 are derived from
Construction Statistics Annual.) As with most economic data there is always a
time lag, so the 2015 edition only presents data up until 2014. Consequently, data
quoted in this text can appear out of date before the book even goes to print. It is
important, therefore, that you have the confidence to research data for yourself.
Table 1.6 A brief guide to official sources of UK statistics
This publication is normally referred to simply by the colour of its cover as the Blue Book.
It is published annually in the autumn by the ONS, and is considered to be a most
important source of data for the UK macroeconomy, since it provides a comprehensive
breakdown of GDP. As with other ONS publications, recent editions have become more
user friendly, with a useful explanatory and a glossary of terms.
UK National Accounts
This is a monthly statistical publication produced by HM Treasury providing a summary
of important economic indicators, including housing. It contains data for the UK and
the global economy.
The Pocket Databank
This is published quarterly with the Bank of England’s Quarterly Bulletin. The Inflation
Report serves a dual purpose. First, it provides a comprehensive review of specialised
indices and a detailed commentary. Second, it is the official publication of the minutes
of the monetary policy committee (referred to in Chapter 12).
Bank of England Inflation Report
The Bank of England compiles and publishes a range of financial statistics. These include
domestic banking statistics, external finance statistics and international banking statistics.
An interesting example is the monthly collection informally referred to as ‘Bankstats’.
Financial Statistics
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An Introduction to the Basic Concepts
When using official national statistics, from the Internet, or in hard copy, it is
useful to be aware of the way is collected, calculated and presented. First, some
statistical series do not have sufficiently consistent data to refer to the United
Kingdom as a whole, and only refer to Great Britain or are restricted simply to
England, Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland. For example, official statistics
relating to the size and output of the construction industry tend to be specific
to Great Britain. To highlight the possible confusion, the statistics shown in
Table 1.7 include data published by the Northern Ireland Statistics and Research
Agency (NISRA) to complete a picture for the United Kingdom.
Second, figures relating to money can be expressed in several ways. The most
straightforward is to represent economic activity in ‘face value’ terms; or put more
simply, in the prices used for everyday transactions. Such measurements are referred
to as current prices; an example is shown in Table 1.4. A more sophisticated option,
however, is to adjust figures to allow for monetary inflation or deflation as this
makes comparisons across time more meaningful; these adjustments are referred to
as constant prices or a chained volume measure (CVM). Traditional constant price
data is expressed in terms of a specific base year, so that all prices in the base period
form a reference point of the relative worth of different commodities at that specific
point in time (It is usual to revise – or rebase – the data every five years.) A constant
price estimate provides a measure of value which only varies with changes in the
quantities produced or sold. This is achieved by removing the direct effect of changes
in the prices of commodities over time. A similar but more contemporary approach is
the chained volume measure in which the reference period – the base year – is updated
on an annual basis. This maximises the number of commodities common to both
periods and enables more accurate value comparisons to be made. Both methods are
used to calculate changes in volume over time and they enable economists to analyse
data in ‘real terms’; at the introductory level, this is more important to grasp than the
subtle technical differences between ways of calculating inflation adjusted data. For
an example of chained volume measure data scan forward to Figure 2.4, where levels
of construction activity from 2005 to 2015 are compared without the effects of price
inflation and deflation complicating the analysis.
A further way of presenting data relating to the value of money is to use index
. The starting point (or base year) is given the value of 100, which allows
Table 1.7 Number of businesses classified to construction, 2014
Great Britain 251,647 Great Britain 251,647
Northern Ireland 9,170
United Kingdom 260,817
Source: ONS, 2015: Table 3.1 and NISRA, 2015, Table 1.10
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Construction Economics: A new approach
subsequent percentage changes to be quickly identified. Index numbers and examples of
their use are the subject of Chapter 14.
When reviewing any construction data, it should also be borne in mind that the
construction industry (right across Europe) comprises a very large number of small,
geographically dispersed firms, and this makes it difficult for government agencies
monitoring the industry to compile comprehensive data sets. For example, alongside
any official activities ‘put through the books’ and recorded in national statistics,
there may be unofficial work carried out for ‘cash in hand’. As a consequence, the
data agencies in some countries include an estimated value for ‘unrecorded output’.
The relationship between the size of the official (formal) economy and its unofficial
(informal) equivalent is discussed further in Chapter 13.
To sum up, there are several things to watch out for when researching official
national statistics relating to the economy and the construction industry. The
headings and footnotes associated with each table should draw your attention to
the most important points, so take care to read these most carefully. Official data
can never be more than an estimate but governments do their best to correct any
errors or omissions as soon as possible, and this is often highlighted in the footnotes
where it may be stated that the figures are ‘provisional’ or ‘revised’. It is important
to remember the ultimate goal for statistical agencies is to produce data sets that are
reliable and robust, and it is the user’s responsibility to interpret and understand
them correctly.
Key Points 1.3
The construction industry may be defined in many ways, but its impacts
always cut right across the economy.
A narrow definition of the construction industry includes the erection of
buildings, infrastructure work, repair, maintenance and demolition.
A broad definition of the construction industry adds to the narrow
definition by including the mining and quarrying of raw materials,
the manufacture and sale of construction products, and related
professional services.
The annual value of construction output (expressed in current prices), in
Great Britain, for the decade 2005 to 2014 ranged from £109 billion to
£135 billion.
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What is construction economics?
Perhaps the most basic feature of a discipline
is a clear idea among its practitioners and
researchers about what it entails, its aims
and its boundaries. In this section, adopting
a chronological approach, definitions of
construction economics offered by various
writers are considered.
Drewer (1978) suggests that Turin was
perhaps the first to attempt to impose scien-
tific order on a ‘pre-Newtonian’ situation.
Turin (1975) remarked that ‘...if economics
is concerned with the allocation of scarce
resources, it follows that building economics
should be concerned with scarce building
resources’ (p. ix). Stone (1976) observes that
‘building economics’ embraces ‘those aspects
of design and production, and the related
problems of organisation which affect the
costs of a building’ (p. xi), including forms of
construction, methods of production, organi-
sation of the industry and the impact of new
methods, materials and forms of organisa-
tion and contractual relationships.
Rakhra and Wilson (1982) distinguish
between ‘building economics’ and ‘econom-
ics of building’. They suggest: ‘Building
economics takes an aggregate view of the
building sub-section of the construction
sector’ (p. 51), embracing levels of building
activity, the industry’s contribution to the
economy, impact of changes in govern-
ment’s policies and the nature, structure and
organisation of the industry. ‘Economics of
building’ was an ‘examination at the specific
project level of the resource transformation
that is known as building’ (p. 51), embracing
cost-benefit consequences of design alterna-
tives and choice of building components, life-
cycle costing, effect of various combinations
Reading 1
George Ofori’s review of construction economics has become a standard reference
point for those commencing a study of the subject. In fact, it has been suggested
‘that all students of economics in a construction related field should read it at least
twice – once before they embark on their studies and once when they are about to
complete them’ (Cooke, 1996: 13). The following extract provides an opportunity to
partly meet this recommendation.
Unfortunately, one of Ofori’s main concerns is that there is no real consensus
about the exact definition of construction economics. Yet in the 20 years since this
paper was written, the aim of sustainable construction has gained momentum and
the importance of improving economic efficiency in the industry has been broadly
discussed in various government reports (for example, Egan 1998; HM Government
2008; BIS 2013). This raises two related questions that you might consider now
and as the text unfolds. First, what seems to have been the main hurdles in defining
construction economics and, second, does the development of a sustainability
agenda provide the necessary focus to create a more coherent approach?
The questions that relate to each of the readings are set to stimulate debate and
further exploration. For example, those interested in pursuing the two questions
above should see Chang’s (2015) paper where, across ten pages, he manages to
discuss the history and development of construction economics, or the chapter by
Brochner (2011) that considers the current forces of change within the discipline and
where construction economics appears to be heading.
George Ofori (1994) Establishing Construction Economics as an Academic
Discipline, Construction Management and Economics 12: 295–306
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Construction Economics: A new approach
of labour and plant on site productivity and
analysis of project resource requirements.
Few writers refer to or adopt Rakhra and
Wilson’s (1982) distinction, notable exceptions
being Bowen and Edwards (1985), Ofori
(1990) and Bowen (1993).
Seeley (1983) opted for a very narrow
definition, remarking that ‘…building
economics has been widely used ... to
describe the investigation of factors influenc-
ing building cost, with particular reference to
the interaction of building design variables’
(p. v). Ahuja and Walsh (1983) define cost
engineering, which may be considered a form
of construction economics, as ‘…an active
approach in the design, construction and
commissioning phases of a project, aimed
at extracting the best possible value for
money throughout each activity that has cost
implications’ (p. ix).
Hillebrandt (1985) adopted a broad
perspective, defining construction econom-
ics as ‘the application of the techniques
and expertise of economics to the study
of the construction firm, the construction
process and the construction industry’ (p. 1).
Similarly, this journal defines construction
economics as including design economics,
cost planning, estimating and cost control,
the economic functioning of firms within
the construction sector and the relationship
of the sector to national and international
economics. Ashworth (1988) considers
construction economics as embracing clients’
requirements, impact of a development on
its surrounding areas, relationship between
space and shape, assessment of capital costs,
cost control, life-cycle costing and economics
of the industry in general.
Bon (1989), whose book was ‘to offer
a first step toward a theoretical framework
for building economics’ (p. xiii), suggests that
‘building economics is about economising
the use of scarce resources throughout
the life cycle of a building…’ (p. xiii) and
concerns the ‘application of standard
investment decision criteria to buildings
as a special class of capital assets’ (p. xiii).
Johnson (1990) adopts a similar definition,
suggesting that ‘…knowledge of econom-
ics can provide a basis for making difficult
trade-offs associated with both design and
long-term management of buildings’ (p. 9).
Ruegg and Marshall (1990) promise to
show readers ‘ to apply the concepts
and methods of economics to decisions
about the location, design, engineering,
construction, management, operation, reha-
bilitation and disposition of buildings’
(p. xi). Drake and Hartman’s (1991)
perspective is similarly project oriented,
considering construction economics as being
concerned with ends and scarce means in
the Construction Industry’ (p. 1057) and
listing the, mainly surveying, techniques
it embraces. Raftery (1991) suggests that
‘building economics’ could be said to be
primarily about a combination of technical
skills, informal optimisations, cost account-
ing, cost control, price forecasting and
resource allocation. Finally, Bowen (1993)
describes ‘economics of building’ as focusing
‘on the application of quantitative techniques
using financial criteria for the provision of
financial advice to the design team’ (p. 4).
From the above discussion, a common
definition of construction economics does
not exist. The chronological approach
adopted helps to show that the issue has not
become any clearer over time. For construc-
tion economics to develop into a discipline,
a common definition is required to set the
framework for issues to be considered and
methodological approaches to be adopted.
The definition should relate to the economic
principles of scarcity and choice, refer to
what is being studied (projects, practices,
organisations and enterprises and industry)
and state the overall aim of the discipline.
Two distinct segments of construction
economics emerge from the discussion in
the previous section. The first relates to
construction projects, whereas the second
concerns the industry. Ofori (1990) terms
these ‘construction project economics’ and
‘construction industry economics’, respec-
tively (these terms are used in the rest of
the paper). However, again from the above
definitions, some writers consider one or
the other of the segments to be the entire
field of construction economics or building
economics. For example, Bon’s (1989),
Johnson’s (1990) and Ruegg and Marshall’s
(1990) ‘building economics’ and Drake and
reading 1 fourth edition.indd 26 18/08/2016 15:30
Reading 1
Hartman’s (1991) ‘construction econom-
ics’ relate only to projects and are similar to
Rakhra and Wilson’s (1982) ‘economics of
building’ and Ofori’s (1990) ‘construction
project economics’, respectively. However,
Stone’s (1976) ‘building economics’ and
Hillebrandt’s (1985) ‘construction econom-
ics’ incorporate both segments. The present
author prefers and adopts the title construc-
tion economics as a perspective encompass-
ing both the project and the industry, as this
enables all aspects of the field to be studied.
The project-related segment is basically
about techniques (such as cost planning,
life-cycle costing and value engineering) –
Raftery (1991) likens it to ‘cost accounting
and management’. It is better known, as it
has received greater attention from research-
ers and in course syllabi (Ofori, 1990).
However, even here, there is some confu-
sion. Seeley (1983, p. 1) appears to make
‘cost control’ synonymous with construc-
tion project economics and Kelly (1983),
as well as Ferry and Brandon (1991), seem
to equate ‘cost planning’ with construction
project economics. Male and Kelly (1991)
refer to cost management and define it as ‘a
synthesis of traditional quantity surveying
skills ... with structured cost reduction/cost
substitution procedures using the generation
of ideas by brainstorming ... in a multidis-
ciplinary team’ (p. 25). Finally, Kelly and
Male (1993) have combined cost manage-
ment, which emphasises cost reduction at the
design stage, with value management, which
focuses on clients’ needs prior to design, to
obtain the ‘comprehensive service’ of project
economics, which ‘…seeks to control time,
cost, and quality during design and construc-
tion within the context of project functional-
ity’ (Marshall, 1993, p. 170).
It is necessary to delineate, agree upon
and continuously research into and improve
its segments and construction economics
should be developed as an integrated whole.
Conceptual structure
Cole (1983) distinguishes between the core
of a discipline, the ‘fully evaluated and
universally accepted ideas’ (p. 111) found in
all undergraduate textbooks and the research
frontier which includes all on-going studies,
most of which eventually turn out to be of
little or no significance. Does construction
economics have a core of confirmed and
accepted concepts?
Some key terms
Precise and common definitions are indis-
pensable building blocks in any discipline,
a key base of its conceptual structure.
Authors in construction economics often
find it necessary to define their main terms
(e.g. Batten, 1990; Ive, 1990). Bowen and
Edwards (1985) and Bowen (1993) define
such basic terms as estimating, forecasting,
cost and price. Some construction economics
terms, each of which has a clear definition
in general economics, are considered in this
The industry
There is, as yet, no accepted definition of
the construction industry (Ofori, 1990).
Some writers consider it as involving only
site activity, others include the planning and
design functions and yet others extend it to
cover the manufacturing and supply of mate-
rials and components, finance of projects or
management of existing construction items
(Turin, 1975; Hillebrandt, 1985). This leads
to difficulties. For example, writers’ basic
data and inferences often differ, simply
because they adopted different definitions of
As you will see in Ofori’s search for consensus he
was prepared to include other authors references
to building economics. He regards this as simply
a narrower version of construction economics.
As Ofori (1994: 296) explained at the start of the
paper, ‘of the two commonly used titles, building
economics and construction economics, the latter
embraces the former, covering also civil engineer-
ing and other forms of construction’.
Ahuja, H.N. and Walsh, M.A. (1983)
Successful Cost Engineering, Wiley, New
Ashworth, A. (1988) Cost Studies of
Building, Longman, Harlow.
reading 1 fourth edition.indd 27 18/08/2016 15:30
Construction Economics: A new approach
Batten, D.F. (1990) Built capital, networks
of infrastructure and economic devel-
opment. In Proceedings CIB 90 Joint
Symposium on Building Economics and
Construction Management, Sydney, 14–21
March, 1, pp. 1–15.
Bon, R. (1989) Building as an Economic
Process: An Introduction to Building
Economics, Prentice Hall, Englewood
Cliffs, NJ.
Bowen, P.A. (1993) A communication-
based approach to price modelling and
price forecasting in the design phase of the
traditional building construction process
in South Africa, PhD thesis, University of
Port Elizabeth.
Bowen, P.A. and Edwards, P.J. (1985) Cost
modelling and price forecasting: practice
and theory in perspective. Construction
Management and Economics, 3, 199–215.
Cole, S. (1983) The hierarchy of the
sciences? American Journal of Sociology,
89, 111–39.
Construction Industry Development Board
(1988) Construction Sector in a Developed
Singapore, CIDB, Singapore.
Drake, B.E. and Hartman, M. (1991)
CEEC: The organisation and activities
of European construction economists. In
Management, Quality and Economics in
Building, Bezeiga, A. and Brandon, P.S.
(eds), Spon, London, pp. 1056–69.
Drewer, S. (1978) In search of a paradigm:
notes on the work of D.A. Turin. In
Essays in Memory of Duccio Turin,
Koenigsberger, O.H. and Groak, S. (eds),
Pergamon, Oxford, pp. 47–51.
Ferry, D. and Brandon, P.S. (1991) Cost
Planning of Buildings, Blackwell Scientific
Publications, Oxford.
Hillebrandt, P.M. (1985) Economic Theory
and the Construction industry, 2nd edn,
Macmillan, London.
Ive, G. (1990) Structures and strategies: an
approach towards international compari-
son of industrial structures and corporate
strategies in the construction industries
of advanced capitalist countries. Habitat
International, 14, 45–58.
Johnson, R. (1990) The Economics of
Building: A Practical Guide for the Design
Professional, Wiley, New York.
Kelly, J. (1983) Value analysis in early
building design. In Building Cost
Techniques. New Directions, Brandon,
P.S. (ed.), Spon, London, pp. 116–25.
Kelly, J. and Male, 5. (1993) Value
Management in Design and Construction:
The Economic Management of Projects,
Spon, London.
Male, S. and Kelly, J. (1991) Value manage-
ment and the economic management of
projects. The Building Economist, 29(4),
Marshall, H.E. (1993) Value management
in design and construction: The economic
management of projects. Construction
Management and Economics, 11, 169–71.
Ofori, G. (1990) The Construction
Industry: Aspects of its Economics and
Management, Singapore University Press,
Raftery, J. (1991) Principles of Building
Economics, Blackwell Scientific
Publications, Oxford.
Rakhra, A.S. and Wilson A.J. (1982)
Building economics and the economics
of building. The Building Economist, 21,
Ruegg, R.T. and Marshall, H.E. (1990)
Building Economics: Theory and Practice,
Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York.
Seeley, I.H. (1983) Building Economics:
Appraisal and Control of Building Design
Cost and Efficiency, 3rd edn, Macmillan,
Stone, P.A. (1976) Building Economy:
Design, Production and Organisation –
A Synoptic View, 2nd edn, Pergamon,
Turin, D.A. (1975) Introduction. In Aspects
of the Economics of Construction, Turin,
D.A. (ed.), Godwin, London, pp. viii-xvi.
Extract information: Pages 298–9 of original
plus relevant references from pages 304–6.
reading 1 fourth edition.indd 28 18/08/2016 15:30
02: Management of Construction Projects
Chapter: Introduction
Project management concepts
Project management is the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to the many
activities required to complete a project successfully. In construction, project success generally is
defined in terms of document control, safety, quality, cost, and schedule. These project attributes
can be visualized as depicted in Figure 1.1. The project manager’s challenge is to balance quality,
cost, and schedule within the context of a safe project environment while maintaining control
of the many construction documents. While cost and schedule may be compromised to produce
a quality project, there can be no compromising regarding safety, and proper documentation is
required to ensure compliance with contract requirements.
Document control
Figure 1.1 Critical project attributes
2 Introduction
In this book, we will examine project management from the perspective of the construction
contractor. Other project managers typically are involved in a project representing the owner and
the designer, but our focus is on the knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques needed to be successful
as a project manager for a construction contractor. Our context will be that of a project manager
for a commercial general contractor. The principles and techniques discussed, however, are equally
applicable on residential, specialty, industrial, and infrastructure or heavy construction projects.
The project manager is the leader of the contractor’s project team and is responsible for
identifying project requirements and leading the team in ensuring that all are accomplished safely
and within the desired budget and time frame. To accomplish this challenging task, the project
manager must organize his or her project team, establish a project management system that
monitors project execution, and resolve issues that arise during project execution. In successive
chapters, we will discuss the many tools that a project manager and superintendent should use in
managing a project. Not all may apply to every project, but the project manager and superintendent
must select those that are applicable for each project.
The major phases of a construction project
Project planning: involves evaluation of the risks that are associated with the project, particularly
those related to safety, cost, quality, or schedule. Risk analysis and risk management are critical
skills essential to successful project management. The project manager develops the organizational
structure needed to manage the project and the communications strategy to be used within the
project management organization and with other project stakeholders. Material procurement and
subcontracting strategies also are developed during the planning phase. Topics relating to project
planning are discussed in Chapters 3 through 7.
Project start-up: involves mobilizing the project management team, educating them regarding
the project and associated risks, and conducting team-building activities. The project management
office is established, and project documentation management systems are created. Initial project
submittals are provided to the owner or the owner’s representative. Vender accounts are
established, and materials and subcontract procurement are initiated. Project cost, schedule, and
quality control systems are established to manage project execution. Topics relating to project
start-up are addressed in Chapters 8 and 9.
Project control: involves controlling the project, interfacing with external members of the
project team, anticipating risk by taking measures to mitigate its potential impacts, and adjusting
the project schedule to accommodate changing conditions. The project manager monitors the
document management system, the quality management system, cost control system, and schedule
control system, making adjustments where appropriate. He or she reviews performance reports to
look for variances from expected performance and takes action to minimize their impacts. Topics
relating to project control are addressed in Chapters 10 through 16.
Project close-out: involves completing the physical construction of the project, submitting
all required documentation to the owner, and financially closing out the project. The project
manager must pay close attention to detail and motivate the project team to close out the project
expeditiously to minimize overhead costs. Project close-out is discussed in Chapter 17.
Post-project analysis: involves reviewing all aspects of the project to determine lessons that
can be applied to future projects. Such issues as anticipated cost versus actual cost, anticipated
schedule versus actual schedule, quality control, subcontractor performance, material supplier and
Introduction 3
construction equipment performance, effectiveness of communications systems, and work force
productivity should be analyzed. Many contractors skip this phase, and simply go to the next
project. Those who conduct post-project analyses learn from their experiences and continually
improve their procedures and techniques. Post-project analysis is discussed in Chapter 17.
Project delivery methods
The principal participants in any construction project are the owner or client, the designer
(architect or engineer), and the general contractor. The relationships among these participants are
defined by the project delivery method used for the project. The choice of delivery method is the
owner’s, but it has an impact on the scope of responsibility of the contractor’s project manager.
Owners typically select project delivery methods based on the amount of risk that they are willing
to assume and the size and experience of their own contract management staffs. In this section, we
will examine the seven most common project delivery methods that are used in the United States.
Traditional project delivery method
The traditional project delivery method is illustrated in Figure 1.2. The owner has separate contracts
with both the designer and the general contractor. There is no contractual relationship between the
designer and the general contractor, but they must communicate with each other throughout the
construction of the project. Typically, the design is completed before the contractor is hired in this
delivery method. The contractor’s project manager is responsible for obtaining the project plans
and specifications, developing a cost estimate and project schedule for construction, establishing a
project management system to manage the construction activities, and managing the construction.
Sometimes the project owner has sufficient construction management staff to manage the
construction without benefit of a general contractor and chooses to contract directly with all of
the specialty contractors. This is known as the multiple prime project delivery method and is a
variation on the traditional project delivery method. This approach is illustrated in Figure 1.3. In
this delivery method, the owner’s project manager creates the project schedule and manages the
work of the specialty contractors.
work force
Figure 1.2 Traditional project delivery method
4 Introduction
Agency construction management project delivery method
In the agency construction management project delivery method, the owner has three separate
contracts (one with the designer, one with the general contractor, and one with the construction
manager) as illustrated in Figure 1.4. The construction manager acts as the owner’s agent (also
known as the owner’s representative) and coordinates design and construction issues with the
designer and the general contractor. The construction manager usually is the first contract
awarded, and he or she is involved in hiring both the designer and the general contractor. In
this delivery method, the general contractor usually is not hired until the design is completed.
The general contractor’s project manager has responsibilities in this delivery method similar to
those listed for the traditional project delivery method. The primary difference is that the general
contractor’s project manager interfaces with the construction manager in this delivery method
instead of with the owner, as is the case in the traditional method.
Another form of the agency construction manager project delivery method is shown in Figure
1.5. In this project delivery method, there is no single general contractor. Instead, the project
owner awards separate contracts to multiple specialty contractors and then tasks the construction
Figure 1.3 Traditional project delivery method with multiple prime contractors
work force
Figure 1.4 Agency construction management project delivery method with general contractor
Introduction 5
manager to coordinate their activities. The construction manager has no contractual relationship
with any of the specialty contractors and performs none of the construction tasks nor procures
any materials for the project.
Construction manager-at-risk project delivery method
In the construction manager-at-risk project delivery method, the owner has two contracts (one
with the designer and one with the construction manager) as illustrated in Figure 1.6. In this
delivery method, the designer usually is hired first. The construction manager typically is hired
early in the design development to perform a variety of preconstruction services, such as cost
estimating, constructability analysis, and value engineering studies. Once the design is completed,
the construction manager becomes the general contractor and constructs the project. Some project
owners require the construction manager to subcontract all of the work to specialty contractors
while other owners allow the construction manager to self-perform selected scopes of work. In
some cases, project construction may be initiated before the entire design is completed. This is
known as fast-track or phased construction. The contractor’s project manager interfaces with
Figure 1.5 Agency construction manager project delivery method with multiple prime contractors
work force
Figure 1.6 Construction manager-at-risk project delivery method
6 Introduction
the designer and manages the execution of preconstruction tasks. Once construction starts, the
project manager’s responsibilities are similar to those in the traditional project delivery method.
This is the project delivery method that was used in the project that serves as the case study used
throughout this book.
Design-build project delivery method
In the design-build project delivery method, the owner has a single contract with the design-build
contractor for both the design and construction of the project as illustrated in Figure 1.7. The
design-build contractor may have a design capability within its own organization, may chose to
enter into a joint venture with a design firm, or may contract with a design firm to develop the
design. On some projects, a design firm may sign the contract and hire the construction firm.
Construction may be initiated early in the design process using fast-track procedures or may
wait until the design is completed. In this delivery method, the contractor’s project manager is
responsible for interfacing with the owner and managing both the design and the construction
of the project. A variation to this method is the design-build-operate-maintain (DBOM) project
delivery method in which the contractor operates the facility after construction for a specified
period for an annual fee. This delivery method often is used for utilities projects such as water
treatment or sewage treatment plants.
Bridging project delivery method
The bridging project delivery method is a hybrid of the traditional and the design-build delivery
methods. The owner contracts with a design firm for the preparation of partial design documents.
These documents typically define functional layout and appearance requirements. A design-build
contractor is then selected by the owner to complete the design and construct the project.
work force
Figure 1.7 Design-build project delivery method
Introduction 7
Integrated project delivery method
The design and construction contracts awarded in the other project delivery methods are
transactional contracts, written for the purpose of acquiring design and construction services.
The contract awarded in the integrated project delivery (IPD) method is a relational contract that
creates a collaborative relationship among the owner, designer, and builder as illustrated in Figure
1.8. An example of this type of contract is ConsensusDocs 300, Standard Multi-Party Integrated
Project Delivery Agreement.
Under the contract provisions, the three parties commit to collaborating in the design, construction,
and commissioning of the project and agree to share in the risks and rewards associated with the
project. Typically, there is a target project cost and a risk pool, similar to a contingency, established in
the contract to address project risks and cover unanticipated expenses. When the project is completed,
any funds remaining in the risk pool are equally distributed among the three parties. In this project
delivery method, the project is managed by a management group composed of senior representatives
of the owner, designer, and builder who are empowered to serve as the decision-making body for
delivery of the project, and there is total fiscal transparency among the three representatives.
Public–private partnership project delivery method
Contracts awarded in the public–private partnership (PPP) project delivery method are known as
build-operate-transfer (BOT) contracts. Under these contracts, a private sponsor, usually a consortium
or joint venture, executes a contract with a public agency to finance, design, construct, and operate a
Collaborative Delivery
Figure 1.8 Integrated project delivery method
8 Introduction
project for a specified period of time. At the end of the operating or concession period, ownership of
the project is transferred from the private sponsor to the government agency. In this delivery method,
a government agency identifies project requirements, establishes the concession period for project
operation, solicits proposals, and awards the contract. The project designer and constructor may be
joint venture participants or may be subcontractors to the private sponsor. Funding for the project
may come from equity participation in the sponsoring consortium, loans, or the sale of bonds. During
the concession period, the project sponsor collects revenues from operation of the project to recover
its investment and earn a profit. This delivery method is often used for large infrastructure projects
such as highways that charge tolls for use and power plants that sell generated electricity.
Sustainable construction
The design, construction, and operation of projects have environmental, economic, and social
impacts. Sustainable construction means evaluating these potential impacts and selecting strategies
that emphasize the positive impacts while minimizing the negative impacts. The overall sustainability
of a project is greatly influenced by the design, but the builder can influence the environmental and
social impact of the construction operations. Some contractor sustainable actions include:
• reuse of materials and minimization of construction waste;
• minimization of noise, light, and air pollution during construction;
• protection and restoration of the natural environment;
• elimination of storm water runoff and soil erosion; and
• selection of construction materials with high recycle content.
Buildings that are designed and constructed to achieve sustainability goals are often referred to
as “green” buildings. There are several systems that have been developed to provide a framework
for assessing the achievement of sustainability goals.
The United States Green Building Council (USGBC) ( developed its Leadership
in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) green building rating system to provide a common
standard for the measurement of what constitutes a high-performance green building. The LEED
rating system has been revised several times, but it provides for four levels of certification and
measures compliance with eight categories of standards. The four levels of certification are:
• certified,
• silver,
• gold, and
• platinum.
The eight categories of standards are
• location and transportation,
• sustainable sites,
• water efficiency,
• energy and atmosphere,
Introduction 9
• materials and resources,
• indoor environmental quality,
• innovation, and
• regional priority.
The level of certification achieved by a project depends on the number of credits awarded by a
third-party certification process. This process is described in more detail in Chapter 5.
Another assessment process is known as Green Globes, which is distributed and run by the
Green Building Institute (GBI) ( The Green Globes rating system includes a web-
based self-assessment tool, a rating system for certification of a building, and a guide for enhancing
the sustainability of a project. Its ratings are based on project management; site; energy; water;
resources, building materials, and solid waste; emissions and effluents; and indoor environment.
Based on verification by a third-party, certification can be granted as one to four globes, with
four globes being the highest. Certification levels are based on the percentage of applicable points
achieved by the project.
Building information models
A building information model is an integrated database containing parametric information and design
documents for the entire building or other project. The data are used to create three-dimensional
projections of the building as illustrated in Figure 1.9 or may be used to depict the locations of
underground utility lines or structures. Building information modeling (BIM) involves the process of
designing a building collaboratively using a coherent system of computer models. The architectural,
structural, mechanical, electrical, and plumbing models can be brought together to discover any clashes
or elements of the separate models that occupy the same space. BIM can be used throughout the design
and construction processes to illustrate the designers’ intent, to simulate construction sequences, and to
manage construction activities. It can be used to develop quantity take-offs of building components to
support development of cost estimates, to develop site logistics plans, to create construction schedules,
and to identify opportunities for offsite prefabrication of building components. The use of BIM for
preconstruction planning will be discussed in more detail in Chapter 5.
Lean construction
Lean construction is a continuous process for analyzing the delivery of construction projects to eliminate
waste while meeting or exceeding project owner expectations. The application of lean principles
results in better utilization of resources, especially labor and materials. While lean construction does
not replace the project master schedule, it does utilize better short-interval planning and control that
improve the timely completion of project tasks. The strategy for lean supply is to provide materials
when needed to reduce variation, eliminate waste, improve workflow, and increase coordination
among the trades. The project manager’s responsibility is to create a realistic construction flow that
shows the contractor’s and the subcontractors’ dependency on material suppliers. Material deliveries
are then scheduled so that the materials arrive on site just as they are needed for installation on
the project. Another aspect of lean construction is the expanded use of off-site construction or
10 Introduction
prefabrication of building components. Reduced fabrication on the project site enables workers
to concentrate on component installation rather than construction, saving time, reducing material
waste, enhancing project safety, and enhancing quality. Examples of lean construction techniques
are discussed in more detail in Chapter 5. Accomplishment of lean construction objectives requires a
cultural change in the behavior of the project team including the subcontractors.
Project management organizations
The size and structure of the project management organization depend on the size of the project,
its complexity, and its location with respect to other projects or the contractor’s home office.
The cost of the project management organization is considered project overhead and must be
kept economical to ensure the cost of the contractor’s construction operation is competitive with
that of other contractors. The goal in developing a project management organization is to create
the minimum organization needed to manage the project effectively. If the project is unusually
complex, it may require more technical people than would be required for a simpler project. If
the project is located near other projects or the contractor’s home office, technical personnel can
be shared among projects, or backup support can be provided from the home office. If the project
is located far from other contractor activities, it must be self-sufficient.
General contractors typically organize their project management teams in one of three
organizational structures. In one type of structure, estimating and scheduling are performed
in the contractor’s home office as illustrated in Figure 1.10. In an alternative organizational
structure, estimating and scheduling are the project manager’s responsibilities, as illustrated in
Figure 1.11. Both the project manager and the superintendent may report to the contractor’s chief
of construction operations as illustrated in Figure 1.11. In the third alternative organizational
structure, the superintendent may report to the project manager, as illustrated in Figure 1.12. The
choice of project management organizational structure depends on the contractor’s approach to
Figure 1.9 Building information model
Introduction 11
Project manager Estimating Scheduling Superintendent
Project engineer
Quality control
Cost control
Figure 1.10 Contractor’s project management organization with estimating and scheduling at home ofce
Project manager
Project engineer
Quality controlClerical
Cost control
Figure 1.11 Contractor’s project management organization with estimating and scheduling under project
managing projects. The officer-in-charge (OIC) is the project manager’s supervisor. He or she may
have various titles as described later in this chapter.
Project team development
Once the project management organization is selected for a project, the project manager identifies
the individuals to be assigned to each position. Most people will come from within the contractor’s
12 Introduction
Project manager
Project engineer
Quality controlClerical
Cost control
Figure 1.12 Contractor’s project management organization with superintendent reporting to project manager
organization, but some may be hired externally. Selection of project team members from inside the
construction firm may be made by the project manager or may be made by senior company managers.
If new people are hired, the project manager must prepare a job description for each position and
a list of skills needed to perform the job, recruit and select new employees, and train them on the
contractor’s methods of doing business. These human resource management responsibilities are
explained in more detail in Chapter 18. Once all of the team members have been selected, the
project manager must forge them into a cohesive team. This requires team building, which may be a
significant challenge for the project manager. Team building is discussed in Chapter 5.
Project team member responsibilities
Individual team member responsibilities may vary from company to company and from project to
project, but in general they are as described below. The superintendent is the only position that is
specified in most construction contracts.
The OIC is the principal official within the construction company who is responsible for
construction operations. He or she generally signs the construction contract and is the individual
to whom the owner turns in the event of any problems with the project manager. This individual
often carries the title of vice president for operations, operations manager, district manager, or
may be the owner or chief executive officer (CEO).
Introduction 13
Senior project manager
In some construction companies, senior project managers are appointed to oversee multiple projects.
When they are used, senior project managers are between the OIC and the project managers.
Project manager
The project manager has overall responsibility for completing the project in conformance with
all contract requirements within budget and on time. He or she organizes and manages the
contractor’s project team. Specific responsibilities include:
• coordinating and participating in the development of the project budget and schedule;
• developing a strategy for executing the project in terms of what work to subcontract;
• communicating frequently with the owner and the designer;
• soliciting, issuing contract packages, evaluating, and awarding subcontracts and material
purchase orders;
• negotiating and finalizing contract change orders with the owner and subcontractors;
• implementing project cost and schedule control procedures;
• scheduling and managing project team meetings;
• supervising project office staff;
• submitting monthly progress payment requests to the owner; and
• managing project close-out activities.
General superintendent
In some construction companies, a general superintendent may be appointed for a single large
complex project, with area superintendents selected for major areas within the project. In other
companies, the general superintendent is in charge of all superintendents employed by the
The superintendent is responsible for the direct daily supervision of construction activities on
the project, whether the work is performed by the contractor’s employees or those employed by
subcontractors. Specific responsibilities include:
• planning, scheduling, and coordinating the daily activities of all craft labor working on the site;
• determining the construction building methods and work strategies for work performed by
the contractor’s own work force;
• preparing a 3-week look-ahead schedule and coordinating equipment requirements and
material deliveries;
• preparing daily reports of project activities;
• submitting daily time cards for self-performed work;
• ensuring all work performed conforms to contract requirements; and
• ensuring all construction activities are conducted safely.
14 Introduction
Project engineer or field engineer
The project or field engineer is responsible for resolving any technical issues relating to completion
of the project. On small projects, the project engineer’s responsibilities may be performed by the
project manager. Specific responsibilities include:
• maintaining submittal and request for information logs;
• reviewing submittals and transmitting them to the owner or designer;
• preparing and submitting requests for information;
• preparing contract documents and correspondence and maintaining the contract file; and
• reviewing subcontractor invoices and requests for payment.
In some companies, this position might be called assistant project manager.
Quality control inspector
On some projects, the owner may require or the contractor may choose to assign a quality control
inspector. This individual continually inspects the work under construction to ensure compliance
with contract quality requirements.
Safety inspector
On some projects, the contractor may choose to assign a full-time safety inspector to ensure
that all required safety equipment is worn and all accident prevention measures are taken by all
individuals working on site, whether they are employed by the contractor or anyone else.
General foreman and assistant superintendent
On some projects, the contractor may choose to have general foremen who are responsible for all
the work being performed in selected areas of the project. In a similar manner, some contractors
may assign assistant superintendents to assist the superintendent in the performance of his or her
The foremen are responsible for the direct supervision of the craft labor on the project. The
construction firm will assign foremen for work that is performed by the company’s own
construction crews. Foremen for all subcontracted work will be assigned by each subcontractor.
Specific responsibilities include:
• coordinating the layout and execution of individual trade work on the project site;
• verifying that all required tools, equipment, and materials are available on site;
• ensuring all craft work conforms to contract requirements; and
• preparing daily time sheets for all supervised personnel.
Introduction 15
Project management ethics
A construction company is judged by the integrity that it demonstrates in conducting its business
and in treating its employees. A key component of the company’s reputation is the ethics of
the company leaders and employees. Ethics are the moral standards used by people in making
personal and business decisions. They involve determining what is right in a given situation and
then having the courage to do what is right. Each decision has consequences, often to ourselves
as well as to others. Generally, there are three primary ethical directives: loyalty, honestly, and
responsibility. Loyalty means doing what is in the best interest of the construction company and
the project owner. Honesty is more than truth telling; it involves the correct representation of
ourselves, our actions, and our words. Responsibility involves anticipating the consequences of
our actions and taking responsible measures to prevent harmful occurrences. While laws and
regulations define courses of action with which we must legally comply, ethics are standards of
conduct that help us make the right decisions.
A construction company’s ability to acquire and maintain customers will be greatly influenced
by the potential customer’s perception of the ethics of the construction firm and its project
managers. The project manager establishes the ethical culture for the entire project team and
leads by example. Additional discussion on project leadership is contained in Chapter 19.
Subcontractors, material suppliers, and project owners may choose not to do business with project
managers who have reputations for unethical behavior. The following paragraphs address the
most common ethical challenges to be faced in obtaining a construction contract and performing
the work needed to complete the project.
Bid shopping
Bid shopping occurs when general contractors disclose to prospective subcontractors the price
quotation received from competing subcontractors. The intent is to encourage subcontractors to
lower their quotations. Such practice is considered unethical. The subcontractors are being asked to
submit their best prices for a specific scope of work, and they provide their quotations to the general
contractor with the expectation that they will be kept confidential and not shared with competitors.
Another form of bid shopping that is unethical occurs when a general contractor uses the quotation
from one subcontractor in their bid but selects another subcontractor to perform the work.
Timely payment of subcontractors and suppliers
Subcontracts and purchase orders (supply contracts) often contain a provision that the general
contractor will make payment once they receive the monthly payment from the project owner. It
is unethical for the general contractor to withhold payment to the subcontractors and suppliers for
an extended period of time after receipt of the payment from the owner. While withholding the
payments may assist the general contractor in managing its cash flow, it has a significant adverse
effect on the financial condition of the subcontractors and suppliers. Construction companies
with reputations for late payment of subcontractors and suppliers often have difficulty obtaining
competitive quotations from subcontractors and suppliers.
16 Introduction
Withholding information
Situations may arise on a project that may impact subcontractors. This may include changes in the
construction schedule or differing site conditions. The project manager needs to ensure that all
parties potentially impacted by the information are given timely notice.
The best strategy with respect to ethical behavior on a project is to adhere to the so-called
Golden Rule, which is to treat others as we would wish to be treated.
The contractor’s project manager is the leader of the contractor’s project management team. He
or she is responsible for managing all the activities required to complete the job on time, within
budget, and in conformance with quality requirements specified in the contract. The major phases
of a construction project are: project planning, project start-up, project control, project close-out,
and post-project analysis.
There are seven major project delivery methods used in the United States. The primary
differences among them are the relationships between the project participants. In the traditional
delivery method, the owner has separate contracts with the designer and the general contractor.
There is no contractual relationship between the designer and the general contractor. In the
agency construction management delivery method, the owner has separate contracts with the
construction manager, designer, and the general contractor. The construction manager acts as the
owner’s representative on the project but has no contractual relationship with either the designer
or the general contractor. In the construction management-at-risk delivery method, the owner
has two separate contracts, one with the designer and one with the general contractor who also
acts as the construction manager. In the design-build delivery method, the owner has a single
contract with the design-build contractor who is responsible for both designing and constructing
the project. The bridging delivery method is a hybrid method in which the owner first contracts
with a designer for a partial design and then contracts with a design-build firm to complete the
design and construct the project. In the IPD method, the owner, designer, and builder form a
collaborative relationship to execute the project. In the PPP project delivery method, a private
sponsor finances, designs, constructs, and operates the project.
Sustainable construction involves the design and construction of projects that minimize adverse
environmental and social impacts of construction. Building information models are integrated
databases that can be used to illustrate the designer’s intent, to simulate construction sequences,
and to manage construction activities. Lean construction involves the selection of processes for
delivering construction projects to eliminate waste.
Contractors establish project management organizations to manage construction activities. The
project team typically consists of a project manager, superintendent, project engineer, foremen
for self-performed work, and administrative support personnel depending upon project size and
complexity. Project management ethics are moral standards used by project team members in
making personal and business decisions. The project manager establishes the ethical culture for
the project team and leads by example.
Introduction 17
Review questions
1. What are five critical project attributes that the project manager must integrate?
2. What are the major phases of a construction project, and what occurs during each phase?
3. What is the difference between the traditional and the construction management delivery
4. What is the difference between the construction manager-at-risk and the design-build delivery
5. What is the difference between the design-build delivery method and the IPD method?
6. How do the responsibilities of the project manager differ from those of the project
7. What are the major duties of the project or field engineer?
8. What is bid shopping, and why is it considered to be unethical behavior?
1. Develop an organization chart for a project management organization to manage the
construction of a $20 million office complex that is to be completed within 1 year.
2. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of the project management organization shown in
Figure 1.12 as compared with the organization shown in Figure 1.11.
3. Redraw Figure 1.4 depicting the lines of communication among the project participants.
03: QS Pocket Book
Chapter: The quantity surveyor and the
construction industry
The quantity surveyor and the
construction industry
The UK construction industry is a unique, complex and often fragmented
industry. Nevertheless, in 2015 the total turnover of the industry was close
to £103 billion or the equivalent to 6.5% of the UK gross domestic product,
as shown in Table 1.1, making it an important contributor the wealth of the
The industry employs approximately 250,000 contractors, 2.1 million
people, a high percentage of which are self-employed with a ratio of male
to female of 9:1, with 99% of workers on construction sites being male. The
construction industry is dened in accordance with Division 45 of the 2007
Standard Classication to include the following:
general construction and demolition work: establishments engaged
in building and civil engineering work not specialised to be classied
construction and repair of buildings: establishments engaged in construc-
tion, improvement and repair of both residential and non-residential
buildings, including specialists engaged in sections of construction and
repair work, such as bricklaying and the erection of steel and concrete
civil engineering: construction of roads, railways, airport runways, bridges,
tunnels, pipelines, etc.;
installation of xtures and ttings: establishments engaged in the instal-
lation of xtures and ttings, including gas ttings, plumbing, electrical
xtures and ttings, etc.;
building completion work: establishments engaged in work such as paint-
ing and decorating, plastering, and on-site joinery.
2 Quantity Surveyor’s Pocket Book
Market drivers
Demand for construction and civil engineering work can be divided in broad
terms into the public and private sectors. Public sector work is work for any
public authority such as:
government departments
public utilities
the National Health Service
local authorities.
Private sector work is for a private owner or organisation or for a private
client and includes:
work carried out by rms on their own initiative;
work where the private sector carries out the majority of the risk/gain.
Table 1.1 Construction sector’s contribution to the economy – gross value added
£ billions
(current prices)
£ billions
(2011 prices)
Real %
% of
43 79
47 80
48 81
1.3 5.6
56 82
59 83
66 88
72 92
76 97
5.3 6.8
81 95
86 96
91 98
90 95
81 83
−13.2 6.0
84 90
92 92
89 85
92 86
103 94
(Sources: ONS series KKI3, KKP5, KL9D)
The quantity surveyor and the construction industry 3
Increasingly, the distance between public and private sectors is disappearing
with the introduction of strategies such as public–private partnerships which
are included in Chapter 4.
Demand for construction is inuenced by the following factors:
The industry is vulnerable to economic inuences as witnessed by the
downturn in the UK housing sector in 2008. Figure 1.1 illustrates that the
last 50 years have seen a number of periods of ‘boom and bust’ associated
with the economic performance of the UK as a whole. The construction
industry has regularly been used by government in the recent past as a
method of regulating the general economy, for example by varying inter-
est rates in order to adjust demand for housing.
Almost half of all construction works are commissioned by the public sec-
tor and therefore cutbacks in public sector spending on projects such as
schools, hospitals and roads can have the effect of cooling down an over-
heating economy.
Demand comes from a variety of sources, from mega projects, such as the
£15 billion Crossrail (Elizabeth line) project to a single-story kitchen
A buoyant construction market depends on the availability of reasonable
cost credit.
Further ways in which the government can manipulate demand are with
the use of tax breaks for certain categories of development, e.g. enter-
prise zones were established in various parts of the country in 1982. These
zones offer certain types of development: lucrative tax breaks, rapid plan-
ning approvals and exemption from business rates. Enterprise zones were
reintroduced in England in the 2011 budget, when 21 locations were
named. In addition to the above incentives, high-speed broadband was
added to the enterprise zone package. Subsequently, in November 2015
an additional 18 new enterprise zones where announced and eight exist-
ing enterprise zones were extended. In Scotland four enterprise areas were
announced in April 2012 with a ve-year timescale.
Nearly half the output of the construction industry is repairs and mainte-
nance, often neglected in times of economic downturns.
The supply side of construction is characterised by the following factors:
Its unique structure: statistics produced by the Ofce of National Statistics
indicate that in 2015 there were approximate 250,000 rms working in
construction; however, only 60 of these had more than 1,200 employees,
4 Quantity Surveyor’s Pocket Book
with the greatest majority (approximately 200,000) being small jobbing
builders employing three people or less. This structure makes it difcult to
introduce new initiatives and working practices to increase productivity
and/or efciency. It is generally only the larger organisations that have
the time and resources to try to introduce change. The above pattern is
repeated in civil engineering with only eight rms out of a total of 16,000
employing greater than 1,200 people.
1.5% of construction rms account for approximately 60% of the work-
load. The UK structure is not unique and is replicated, for example, in
Australia and North America.
During the past 30 years or so there has been less reliance on traditional
construction trade skills such as bricklaying and plastering. Instead there
has been a move towards an assembly process, for example, with the
extensive use of timber kits for low- and medium-rise structures – as like
the motor industry, construction becomes more a case of assembly rather
than construction.
The early 1960s witnessed a movement towards the use of industrialised
buildings, buildings that were constructed from mass-produced, factory-
made components that were assembled on site. The object was to reduce
the amount of skilled expensive labour in the construction process,
thereby reducing costs and increasing prots and by 1966 accounted for
25% of all social housing starts. However, industrialised building tends
to be inexible and the Roman Point disaster of 1968, when a high-rise
Figure 1.1 Construction output – percentage change 1965–2016
(Source: Department for Business, Innovation and Skills)
The quantity surveyor and the construction industry 5
block of system-built ats partially collapsed, without warning, turned
public opinion away from this type of approach. Despite the above the
last 20 years have seen increased use of modern methods of construc-
tion (MMC), including off-site prefabrication; perhaps one of the most
notable projects to use MMC being the so-called ‘Cheesegrater’ in the
City of London.
The time lag between the response to supply to increased demand will
nearly always result in a distortion of the market. For example, increased
house building in response to increased demand, triggered by lower inter-
est rates and full employment.
With a standing housing stock of 25 million units, in addition to ofce
buildings, shops, etc., the repair and maintenance is also an important part
of the construction industry.
Industry reports
The Latham (1994) and Egan (1998) reports tried to analyse the workings of
the construction industry and suggest ways in which it could become more
efcient and deliver better value for money. The principal messages from
the reports were that the construction industry needed to concentrate and
invest in:
mass production.
The top industry reports since 1998 are:
‘Achieving Excellence’, Ofce of Government Commerce (OGC) (1999).
‘Modernising Construction’, National Audit Ofce (NAO) (2001).
‘Accelerating Change’, Strategic Forum for Construction (2002).
‘Improving Public Services through Better Construction’, NAO (2005).
‘Be Valuable’, Constructing Excellence (2005).
‘The Callcutt Review of housebuilding delivery’ (2007).
‘Construction Commitments’, Strategic Forum for Construction (2008).
‘Strategy for Sustainable Construction’, Government/Strategic Forum (2008).
‘Construction matters’, Business and Enterprise Select Committee (2008).
‘Equal Partners’, Business Vantage and Construction Clients’ Group (2008).
‘Never Waste A Good Crisis’ (the Wolstenholme Report) Constructing
Excellence, (2009).
6 Quantity Surveyor’s Pocket Book
‘Government Construction Strategy’, Cabinet Ofce (2011).
‘Construction 2025’, Construction Industrial Advisory Council (2013).
In 2009 the Wolstenholme Report benchmarked progress against the key
drivers and appeared to show progress, albeit many on demonstration pro-
jects instead of industry-wide projects, and concluded that at its best UK
construction was excellent, but there was also evidence of processes that were
not so good. The most recent of the reports are as follows.
Government Construction Strategy 2011
The government’s ‘The Plan for Growth’, published alongside its 2011
budget, highlighted the critical importance of an efcient construction
industry to the UK economy. The report focused on public works with
some 40% of construction/civil engineering work being in this sector. This
strategy calls for a profound change in the relationship between public
authorities and the construction industry to ensure the government con-
sistently gets a good deal and the country gets the social and economic
infrastructure it needs for the long term. The report called for a reduction
in costs of 20% by 2015!
A detailed programme of measures called for:
replacement of adversarial cultures with collaborative ones;
cost reduction and innovation within the supply chain to maintain mar-
ket position rather than innovation that is focused on the bidding process,
with a view to establishing a bargaining position for the future.
The proposed model for public sector construction procurement in the UK
is one in which:
clients issue a brief that concentrates on required performance and out-
come, designers and constructors work together to develop an integrated
solution that best meets the required outcome;
contractors engage key members of their supply chain in the design pro-
cess where their contribution creates value;
value for money and competitive tension are maintained by effective price
benchmarking and cost targeting;
by knowing what projects should cost, rather than through lump sum ten-
ders based on inadequate documentation, supply chains are, where the
programme is suited, engaged on a serial order basis of sufcient scale and
The quantity surveyor and the construction industry 7
duration to incentivise research and innovation around a standardised
(or mass-customised) product;
industry is provided with sufcient visibility of the forward programme to
make informed choices (at its own risk) about where to invest in products,
services, technology and skills;
there is an alignment of interest between those who design and construct
a facility and those who subsequently occupy and manage it.
Approaches to help achieve this reduction were outlined:
The use of building information modelling (BIM). The government
required fully collaborative 3D BIM (with all project and asset informa-
tion, documentation and data being electronic) as a minimum by April
2016. A staged plan to be published with mandated milestones showing
measurable progress at the end of each year.
The introduction of soft landings, which aims to ease the transition from
completion to commissioning with the alignment of design/construction
with operation and asset management.
Post-handover defects are a regular feature of construction projects, lead-
ing to the cost of remediation (and frequently the higher cost of resolving
disputes). Even when there are no latent defects, it is still rare to nd that
a built asset performs exactly in accordance with its design criteria (and
particularly in terms of energy efciency, for example).
Integration of the design and construction of an asset with the operation
phase should lead to improved asset performance. This has been demon-
strated in projects which have integrated design and construction with
whole-life operation. The same alignment can be created by requiring
those who design and construct buildings to prove their operational per-
formance for a period of say three to ve years. Proposals for this will be
developed with the Government Property Unit to ensure alignment with
subsequent arrangements for facilities management.
BIM and soft landings will be discussed more fully at the end of this chapter.
Construction 2025
In July 2013 another government report, ‘Construction 2025, hit the book-
stands, this time targeted at both the public and private sectors and which
outlined a vision for the construction industry by 2025. Even more targets
were set as follows:
8 Quantity Surveyor’s Pocket Book
33% reduction in the initial cost of construction and whole-life costs;
50% reduction in overall time from inception to delivery;
50% lower greenhouse emissions;
50% improvements in exports.
In addition to construction rms, architects, surveyors and allied professions
are involved in the concept, design, nance and management of the con-
struction process. Sir Harold Emmerson remarked in the Emmerson Report
in 1964 that: ‘In no other important industry is the responsibility for the
design so far removed from the responsibilities of production.’ What is more,
unlike other major industries, such as car manufacturing or aerospace, con-
struction activity is carried out:
in the open air, exposed to the elements;
at various locations with each project, to some degree being bespoke,
unlike a standard model of car or computer.
These factors have contributed to some of the problems that the industry
has experienced and during the past 50 years or so where the construction
industry has been conned to a mere assembly process, with little input from
the contractor. These characteristics have led to claims that the industry is
inefcient and wasteful and that clients have historically received a bad deal
and poor value for money, with projects being delivered late and over budget.
The construction supply chain
The construction supply chain is the network of organisations involved in
the different processes and activities that produce the materials, components
and services that come together to design, procure and deliver a building.
Figure 1.2 illustrates part of a typical construction supply chain; although
in reality many more subcontractors could be involved. The problems for
process control and improvement that the traditional supply chain approach
produces are related to:
the various organisations which come together for a specic project dis-
band at its completion to form new supply chains;
communicating data, knowledge and design solutions across the organisa-
tions that make up the supply chain;
The quantity surveyor and the construction industry 9
stimulating and accumulating improvement in processes that cross the
organisational borders;
achieving goals and objectives across the supply chain;
stimulating and accumulating improvement inside an organisation that
only exists for the duration of a project.
The role of professional institutions
There are a number of professional institutions for building professionals,
namely, but not in any particular order:
The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors – RICS.
The Royal Institute of British Architects – RIBA.
The Institution of Civil Engineers – ICE.
The Institution of Structural Engineers – IStructE.
Chartered Institute of Building – CIOB.
The Institution of Clerks of Works and Construction Inspectorate of
Great Britain.
The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers – CIBSE.
Each of the above organisations has developed over time to regulate and
further the aims of its members. Corporate membership is generally either
Figure 1.2 Construction supply chain
10 Quantity Surveyor’s Pocket Book
at member or fellow grade and members must pay substantial annual fees in
order to use designatory letters after their names. The main reasons for the
establishment of the professional bodies are to:
safeguard the public, for example, by ensuring that all members working in
private practice have adequate professional indemnity insurance;
enforce codes of conduct;
lobby governments;
train and educate.
Quantity surveyor
Prior to the Napoleonic Wars, Britain, in common with its continental
neighbours, had a construction industry based on separate trades. This system
still exists in France as ‘lots séparés’ and variations of it can be found through-
out Europe, including in Germany. The system works like this: instead of the
multi-traded main contractor that operates in the UK, each trade is tendered
for and subsequently engaged separately under the co-ordination of a project
The Napoleonic Wars, however, brought change and nowhere more so
than in Britain – the only large European state that Napoleon failed to cross
or occupy. The government of the day was obliged to construct barracks to
house the huge garrisons of soldiers that were then being transported across
the English Channel. As the need for the army barracks was so urgent and the
time to prepare drawings, specications, etc. was so short, the contracts were
let on a ‘settlement by fair valuation based on measurement after comple-
tion of the works’. This meant that constructors were given the opportunity
and encouragement to innovate and to problem solve – something that was
progressively withdrawn from them in the years to come. The same need for
haste, coupled with the sheer magnitude of the individual projects, led to
many contracts being let to a single builder or group of tradesmen ‘contract-
ing in gross’, and the general contractor was born. When peace was made
the Ofce of Works and Public Buildings, which had been increasingly con-
cerned with the high cost of measurement and fair value procurement, in
particular in the construction of Buckingham Palace and Windsor Castle,
decided enough was enough. In 1828 separate trades contracting was dis-
continued for public works in England in favour of contracting in gross.
The following years saw contracting in gross (general contracting) rise to
dominate, and with this development the role of the builder as an innova-
tor, problem-solver and design team member was stied to the point where
The quantity surveyor and the construction industry 11
contractors operating in the UK system were reduced to simple executors of
the works and instructions (although in Scotland the separate trades system
survived until the early 1970s).
Then in 1834 architects decided that they wished to divorce themselves
from surveyors and establish the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA),
exclusively for architects. The grounds for this great schism were that archi-
tects wished to distance themselves from surveyors and their perceived
‘obnoxious commercial interest in construction’. The events of 1834 were also
responsible for the birth of another UK phenomenon, the quantity surveyor.
For the next 150 or so years the UK construction industry continued to
develop along the lines outlined above, and consequently by the third quar-
ter of the twentieth century the industry was characterised by:
powerful professions carrying out work on comparatively generous fee
contractors devoid of the capability to analyse and rene design solutions;
forms of contract that made the industry one of the most litigious in Europe;
procurement systems based on competition and selection by lowest price
and not value for money.
Some within the industry had serious concerns about procurement routes and
documentation, the forms of contract in use leading to excess costs, subopti-
mal building quality and time delays, and the adversarial and conict-ridden
relationships between the various parties. A series of government-sponsored
reports (Simon, 1944; Emmerson, 1962; Banwell, 1964) attempted to stimu-
late debate about construction industry practice, but with little effect.
It was not just the UK construction industry that was obsessed with navel-
gazing during the last quarter of the twentieth century; quantity surveyors
had also been busy penning numerous reports into the future prospects for
their profession, all produced either directly by, or on behalf of, The Royal
Institution of Chartered Surveyors – the most notable of which were:
‘The Future Role of the Quantity Surveyor’ (1971) was the product of
a questionnaire sent to all rms in private practice together with a lim-
ited number of public sector organisations. The report paints a picture of
a world where the quantity surveyor was primarily a producer of bills of
quantities; indeed, the report comes to the conclusion that the distinct
competence of the quantity surveyor of the 1970s was measurement – a
view, it should be added, still shared by many today. In addition, competi-
tive single-stage tendering was the norm, as was the practice of receiving
12 Quantity Surveyor’s Pocket Book
most work via the patronage of an architect. It was a profession where
design and construct projects were rare, and quantity surveyors were
discouraged from forming multidisciplinary practices and encouraged to
adhere to the scale of fees charges. The report observes that clients were
becoming more informed, but there was little advice about how quantity
surveyors were to meet this challenge.
‘The Future Role of the Chartered Quantity Surveyor’ (1983).
‘Quantity Surveying 2000: The Future Role of the Chartered Quantity
Surveyor’ (1991).
‘The Challenge for Change: QS Think Tank’ (1998). A mere 25 years
after the original report, the 1998 report was drafted in a business climate
driven by information technology, where quantities generation is a low-
cost activity and the client base is demanding that surveyors demonstrate
added value. In particular, medium-sized quantity surveying rms (i.e.
between 10 and 250 employees) were singled out by this latest report to
be under particular pressure owing to:
competing with large practices’ multiple disciplines and greater specialist
knowledge base;
attracting and retaining a high-quality work force;
achieving a return on the necessary investment in IT;
competing with the small rms with low overheads.
Interestingly, ‘The Challenge for Change’ report also predicts that the
distinction between contracting and professional service organisations
will blur – a quantum leap from the 1960s, when chartered surveyors were
forced to resign from their institution if they worked for contracting organi-
sations! The trend for mergers and acquisitions continues, although it has
to be said not without its problems, with the largest quantity surveying
rms developing into providers of broad business solutions.
RICS Futures
In 2015 the RICS published its latest vision for the industry and the profes-
sion: ‘RICS Futures – Our changing world: let’s be ready’. The report, which
reects global views, starts by outlining social and economic trends and the
changing business landscape, before concentrating on the changing role of
the profession. The debate according to the RICS is where the future indus-
try will demand specialists or generalists. There is strong emphasis on ethical
practice as well as recognition that the profession must embrace new and
emerging technologies such as BIM.
The quantity surveyor and the construction industry 13
As discussed previously, mergers and acquisitions result in signicant
change to traditional quantity surveying rms’ structures and ownership
models. For many professionals including quantity surveyors this means
adapting to more cross-functional teams and new business cultures.
As organisations become larger and provide services to a multitude of
industries, the trend towards interdisciplinary working and the demand
for generalist skills appears to be growing. This it is thought could result
in greater awareness of the work processes of fellow professionals such
as architects and engineers in meeting team goals and client outcomes.
Having said this, it is recognised that many rms still require, and will con-
tinue to demand, specialist technical skill sets such as traditional quantity
surveying competencies. For rms that offer such services, staff with strong
technical knowledge are essential. Larger, more generalist organisations
that do not maintain such knowledge in-house will rely on the expertise of
specialist organisations, a trend that was highlighted in ‘The Challenge for
Change: QS Think Tank’.
The profession
A quantity surveyor may choose to work in any number of different elds;
however, principally these can be divided into:
private practice, now often referred to as project management;
commercial management or contracting surveying.
Private practice
The conventional model for quantity surveying rms in private practice is to
trade as a sole practitioner or as a partnership. A surveyor who is a partner
in a partnership is jointly and severally liable for all debts and liabilities of
the partnership and liable to the full extent of their personal wealth for the
debts of the business. However, in 2001 the Limited Liability Partnership
Act made limited liability partnerships (LLPs) available to any ‘two or more
persons associated for carrying on a lawful business with a view to prot’. This
followed on from the RICS’s decision in 1986 to remove the restrictions on
limited liability. The arguments for the introduction of LLPs were:
The general partnership, which had existed since the Partnership Act of
1890, was no longer an appropriate vehicle for modern rms and for their
14 Quantity Surveyor’s Pocket Book
Unlike a partnership, an LLP is a separate legal entity. Although some
LLPs call their members ‘partners’, they are not partners in a partnership;
their legal title is ‘members of an LLP’.
The primary purpose of an LLP is to provide additional protection for the
members through limited liability; a member will not be personally liable
for acts and defaults of a fellow member, however, he or she may still be
personally liable for his or her own negligence.
The recession of 20082012 triggered a round of quantity surveying
practice mergers and acquisitions with long-established quantity survey-
ing practices being taken over by large international multidisciplinary
Commercial management
Commercial management is generally meant to be managing the contractual
and commercial aspects of projects for the supply side of the industry. Many
commercial managers are members of the CIOB and the RICS.
The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS)
The RICS was founded in 1868 and today there are approximately 130,000
members operating in over 140 countries of which approximately 35,000 are
quantity surveyors.
The key roles of RICS are to:
regulate and promote the profession;
maintain the highest educational and professional standards;
protect clients and consumers through a strict code of ethics;
provide impartial advice, analysis and guidance.
Training and education
Until the 1960s the principal route to becoming a quantity surveyor was
to follow a course on either a full or part-time basis (some of these courses
were really tests of attrition, involving attending evening classes for three
hours a night, four nights a week, for several years) and then sit the exami-
nations of either the RICS or the Institute of Quantity Surveyors (IQS).
These examinations had a fearsome reputation with approximately only 35%
of all candidates being successful each year. However, during the 1960s the
rst CNAA degree and diploma courses in surveying started to be offered
at universities and other institutions of higher education that granted
The quantity surveyor and the construction industry 15
exemption from the majority of the professional institutes’ examinations. In
1982 the RICS and the IQS merged and the IQS ceased to exist. With the
transition from examinations set by the RICS to degrees and diplomas, the
RICS role changed to one of an accrediting body. In 2001 the RICS radically
revised its accreditation process and introduced a ‘partnership’ scheme for
selected universities etc. The aims of the partnership arrangements are to:
maintain standards;
attract the best entrants to the profession;
to promote research;
develop courses in response to the needs of the profession and industry;
improve education/professional links.
One of the principal routes to becoming a member of the Royal Institution of
Chartered Surveyors is as follows:
The individual obtains a rst degree awarded by an RICS partnership uni-
versity. In the UK there a number of higher education establishments that
offer three-year, or four-year in the case of Scotland, degree courses.
On completion of the rst degree the graduate then typically gains employ-
ment in a private practice or contractor’s organisation with a structured
training framework and after a minimum of two years of work experience
applies to take the Assessment of Professional Competence (APC).
The purpose of the APC is to ensure that those applying for RICS mem-
bership are competent to practise. It is structured to provide a number of
pathways to cover 19 different areas of practice. The APC for quantity
surveyors covers a number of mandatory, core and optional competencies
such as:
commercial management of construction or design economics;
contract practice;
construction technology and environmental services;
procurement and tendering;
project nancial control;
quantication and costing of construction studies.
If successful, the candidate may apply for membership of the RICS
(MRICS). Approximately half of all entrants to the surveying profession
come via this route. Corporate membership is at two levels: members and
fellows. In 2002 the RICS raised the standards for its fellowship award to
reect the career achievements. Now normally only MRICS members with
a minimum of ve years’ service who are major achievers will be considered.
16 Quantity Surveyor’s Pocket Book
In addition to the rst degree route, in recent years a number of other routes
have become very popular. These are:
Cognate and non-cognate degree courses available in full-time, part-time
and distance learning modes. These courses are typically two to three years
in duration and have been developed to attract candidates who already
have a rst degree in a related (cognate) or unrelated (non-cognate) sub-
ject area. These courses are intensive but have proved to be very popular
with almost 50% of all entrants to surveying now coming from this route.
Master’s degrees (MSc). There are a number of second degree courses both
full-time/part-time and distance learning that are recognised by the RICS
for entry to the institution and enrolment to take the APC.
In addition to the above routes for entry to the profession the RICS
encourages entry from non-traditional routes and many higher education
establishments retain a number of places for candidates who do not have
any of the above traditional qualications.
High National Diplomas and Certicates in a cognate area with passes at
a high level are also recognised as an entry qualication to a RICS rst
degree course at advanced level.
For many years the RICS has been promoting a ‘two-tier’ profession, the
lower technical tier being provided by technicians or TechRICS. This clearly
did not capture the imagination of the industry and take-up was always at low
levels and consequently TechRICS was replaced in 2010 by AssocRICS, an
experience- and competency-based route leading to associate membership of
the RICS. AssocRICS is an opportunity for those with relevant experience
and vocational qualications to gain recognition of their skills.
AssocRICS can be a route to full corporate membership of the RICS.
Continuing professional development (CPD)
and Lifelong Learning (LLL)
Since 1984 CPD has been mandatory for all corporate members and is a pro-
cess by which practising surveyors can keep pace with the latest professional
standards and practices while monitoring current levels of knowledge.
CPD can be grouped into four main categories:
1. professional work-based activities
2. personal activities outside work
The quantity surveyor and the construction industry 17
3. courses, seminars and conferences
4. self-directed and informal learning.
Lifelong learning is dened by the RICS as:
a learning activity undertaken through life with the aim of improving
knowledge, skills and competence within a personal and/or employer-
related perspective. It is seen as a key element of CPD and an important
tool in maintaining a person’s employability in a rapidly changing business
Since 2014 the system for recording CPD was formalised by the RICS
with members required to prove 20 hours minimum of CPD per year,
of which 10 hours must be formal structured learning, and to log their
activities online.
The RICS Black Book
The ‘Black Book’ takes the form of a series of separate guidance notes in both
hard copy and electronic format. The guidance notes describe the stand-
ard of work that is expected of a reasonable, competent quantity surveyor
in the subject to which the guidance relates. It describes ‘what good looks
like’. Each guidance note has been written to cover the scope of the relevant
competencies of the RICS Assessment of Professional Competence. Topics
published to date cover:
Construction insurance
Cash ow forecasting
Dening completion
Procurement strategies
Contract selection.
In addition to the quantity surveyor, other professionals are involved in the
design and the delivery of a construction project, and collectively they are
called the design team.
Project manager
The role of the project manager is one that has emerged during the past
40 years or so. Latterly, the term ‘project manager’ has been used to refer to a
18 Quantity Surveyor’s Pocket Book
quantity surveyor working for the client’s side in private practice, and the
term quantity surveyor is used to refer to a quantity surveyor working for
a contracting organisation. This is by no means universal, especially out-
side the UK where the term ‘quantity surveyor’ is more universally used to
describe the quantity surveyor irrespective of where or for whom they work.
In the UK therefore it is possible for a private practice to supply both quan-
tity surveying and project management services for the same project and
client. Project managers may be drawn from all building professionals with
the appropriate training and expertise.
The project manager therefore represents the client’s interests from the
initial inception to the completion and commissioning of a project. For the
client, the main advantage of using a project manager is the establishment
of a single point of contact in the case of queries. The client simply contacts
the project manager instead of having to decide which of the design team has
the answer. Training and qualications for project managers are generally at
postgraduate level, typically MSc.
Traditionally in the UK, the architect has been regarded as the leader of the
design team and the rst person to be appointed by the client at the start of a
new project. So much so, that traditional single-stage tendering is sometimes
still referred to as ‘architect-led tendering’.
Until recently it was usual for the majority of a quantity surveyor’s work
to come via the architect, although this has changed to some extent with
quantity surveyors and other members of the design team winning work in
their own right. Perhaps the most difcult part of the architect’s role is to
interpret a client’s user requirements and transform them into a building.
Architects can also act as contract administrators, although increasingly
this role is being taken over by others. Unlike the rest of Europe, most
architects work within private practice, with few working for contractors
or developer. The UK is home to some of the largest rms of commercial
architects in the world.
The work of architects inuences every aspect of our built environment,
from the design of energy-efcient buildings to the integration of new build-
ings in sensitive contexts. Architects work closely with other members of the
construction industry, including engineers, builders, surveyors, local author-
ity planners and building control ofcers. The Royal Institute of British
Architects and The Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland are the
professional institutes for architects in the UK.
The quantity surveyor and the construction industry 19
Building surveyor
Building surveying in a comparatively new profession, being a branch of the
RICS general practice section until the 1970s when it became a separate
division within the RICS. Key to building surveying is an in-depth knowl-
edge of building pathology and building surveyors can frequently be found
working on historic and conservation projects. For smaller new build con-
tracts, building surveyors can also take on the design role and the contract
Structural engineer
A structural engineer is involved in the design and supervision of the con-
struction of all kinds of structures, such as houses, theatres, sports stadiums,
hospitals, bridges, oil rigs, space satellites and ofce blocks. The central
strength of a building lies in the framework, often hidden, that supports the
shape and design concept produced by the architects and is integral to the
completed project’s function. To the chartered structural engineer, the con-
siderations of strength, shape and function are paramount in their conception
of the framework of a structure. Having chosen appropriate materials, such as
steel, brick, concrete or timber, they have to design the structure and make
all the necessary checks and calculations to ensure that the foundations will
be sound, that the oors and roof will not fall down, and that the construc-
tion as a whole will remain safe and serviceable for the length of its intended
lifetime. The specialist skills of a structural engineer will include calculating
loads and stresses, investigating the strength of foundations and analysing
the behaviour of beams and columns in steel, concrete or other materials to
ensure the structure has the strength required to perform its function safely,
economically and with a shape and appearance that is visually satisfying.
Civil engineer
Civil engineers are involved with the design, development and construc-
tion of a huge range of projects in the built and natural environment. Their
role is central to ensuring the safe, timely and well-resourced completion of
infrastructure projects in many areas, including highways construction, waste
management, coastal development and geotechnical engineering.
Consulting civil engineers liaise with clients to plan, manage, design
and supervise the construction of projects. They work in a number of
different settings and, with experience, can run projects as project man-
ager. Within civil engineering, consulting engineers are the designers;
20 Quantity Surveyor’s Pocket Book
contracting engineers turn their plans into reality. Consulting civil engi-
neers provide a wide range of services to clients. During the early stages
of a career, work will involve taking responsibility for minor projects, but
the size of the projects may increase as experience is gained. Typical work
activities include:
undertaking technical and feasibility studies and site investigations;
developing detailed designs;
assessing the potential risks of specic projects, as well as undertaking risk
management in specialist roles;
supervising tendering procedures and putting together proposals;
managing, supervising and visiting contractors on site and advising on
civil engineering issues;
managing budgets and other project resources;
managing change, as the client may change their mind about the design,
and identifying, formalising and notifying relevant parties of changes in
the project;
scheduling material and equipment purchases and delivery;
attending public meetings and displays to discuss projects, especially in a
senior role;
adopting all relevant requirements around issues such as building permits,
environmental regulations, sanitary design, good manufacturing practices
and safety on all work assignments;
ensuring that a project runs smoothly and that the structure is completed
on time and within budget;
correcting any project deciencies that affect production, quality and
safety requirements prior to nal evaluation and project reviews.
Infrastructure is the thing that supports our daily life: roads and harbours,
railways and airports, hospitals, sports stadiums and schools, access to drink-
ing water and shelter from the weather. Infrastructure adds to our quality
of life, and because it works, we take it for granted. Only when parts of it
fail, or are taken away, do we realise its value. In most countries, a civil
engineer has graduated from a post-secondary school with a degree in civil
engineering, which requires a strong background in mathematics, econom-
ics and the physical sciences; this degree is typically a four-year degree,
though many civil engineers continue on to obtain a Master’s, engineer,
doctoral and postdoctoral degrees. In many countries, civil engineers are
subject to licensure, and often, persons not licensed may not call themselves
‘civil engineers’.
The quantity surveyor and the construction industry 21
Building services engineer
Building services engineers are responsible for ensuring the cost-effective and
environmentally sound and sustainable design and maintenance of energy
using elements in buildings. They have an important role in developing and
maintaining buildings, and their components, to make the most effective use
of natural resources and protect public safety. This includes all equipment
and materials involved with heating, lighting, ventilation, air conditioning,
electrical distribution, water supply, sanitation, public health, re protection,
safety systems, lifts, escalators, facade engineering and even acoustics.
While the role increasingly demands a multidisciplinary approach, build-
ing services engineers tend to specialise in one of the following areas:
electrical engineering
mechanical engineering
public health.
Activities will vary according to the specialist area of work and whether you
are employed by a single organisation or a consultancy, but tasks typically
advising clients and architects on energy use and conservation in a range
of buildings and sites, aiming to minimise the environmental impact and
reduce the carbon footprint;
managing and forecasting spend, using whole-life-cycle costing tech-
niques, ensuring that work is kept to budget;
developing and negotiating project contracts and agreeing these with cli-
ents, if working in consultancy, and putting out tenders;
attending a range of project groups and technical meetings;
working with detailed diagrams, plans and drawings;
using specialist computer-aided design (CAD) software and other
resources to design all the systems required for the project;
designing site-specic equipment as required;
commissioning, organising and assessing the work of contractors;
overseeing and supervising the installation of building systems and speci-
fying maintenance and operating procedures;
monitoring building systems and processes;
facilities management;
ensuring that the design and maintenance of building systems meets legis-
lative and health and safety requirements.
22 Quantity Surveyor’s Pocket Book
The professional institution for building services engineers is the Chartered
Institution of Building Services Engineers. There are a variety of grades of
membership depending on qualications and experience.
BIM manager/co-ordinator
An emerging role with a wider set of responsibilities than with information
management, these being more closely aligned to design. A BIM manager’s
primary function is to manage the process of virtually constructing a building
and accurately documenting the design contract documents. This encom-
passes managing a team of production professionals, designers and technicians
of multiple disciplines. It is also critical for BIM managers to lead model
management and BIM planning, collaboration and co-ordination on projects
they are leading. The BIM manager becomes the go-to person on the project
for modelling, documentation and verifying design.
The BIM manager’s responsibilities include:
design team compliance with the project BIM standards;
managing delivery of the appropriate visuals to team members to support
their work;
creating and capturing evidence of BIM values which inuence the com-
mercial outcomes on the project, and extracting data from the model to
contribute directly to support monthly reporting;
interrogation of the design input of the model to identify clashes and pro-
duce and manage a clash register;
oversee the extraction of key data from the project model to produce
scheduled material quantities/take-offs;
interface with and support the procurement team;
interface with the project planning software to create a virtual build of
the 3D model;
connect BIM to the on-site activities through the site management
optimise the site logistics through the model when planning temporary
build a data set during the design and construction to reect the needs of
the client’s asset manager.
The RICS has developed a BIM manager certication in response to industry
requirements to have a Kitemark that demonstrates the skills and compe-
tence of construction professionals in using BIM.
The quantity surveyor and the construction industry 23
Clerk of works
The clerk of works is the architect’s representative on site and usually a
tradesman with many years of practical experience.
1882 – formed as the Clerk of Works Association.
1903 – renamed the Incorporated Clerks of Works Association of Great
1947 – became the Institute of Clerks of Works Great Britain Incorporated.
The job title ‘clerk of works’ is believed to derive from the thirteenth century
when ‘clerics’ in holy orders were accepted as being more literate than their
fellows, and were left to plan and supervise the ‘works’ associated with the
erection of churches and other religious property. By the nineteenth century
the role had expanded to cover the majority of building works, and the clerk
of works was drawn from experienced tradesmen who had wide knowledge
and understanding of the building process.
The clerk of works, historically as well as now, is a very isolated profession
on site, most easily associated with the idiom ‘poacher turned gamekeeper’.
He or she is the person that must ensure quality of both materials and work-
manship and, to this end, must be absolutely impartial and independent in
their decisions and judgments. They cannot normally, by virtue of the quality
role, be employed by the contractor – only the client, and normally by the
architect on behalf of the client. Their role is not to judge, but simply to
report (through exhaustive and detailed diary notes) all occurrences that are
relevant to the role.
Experience in the many facets of the building trade is essential and, in
general terms, most practitioners will have ‘come from the tools’ in the
rst place. When originally formed the Association was to allow those that
were required to operate in isolation on site a central organisation to look
after the interests of their chosen profession, be it through association with
other professional bodies, educational means or simply through social inter-
course among their own peers and contemporaries. Essential to this, as the
Association developed, was the development of a central body that could
lobby Parliament in relation to their profession, and the quality issues that
it stands for.
Although the means of construction, the training of individuals and the
way in which individuals are employed have changed dramatically over the
past 130 years, the principles for which the Association was originally formed
remain sacrosanct.
24 Quantity Surveyor’s Pocket Book
Site manager/agent
The site manager, often referred to as an agent, is the person in charge of a
building contract and, as such, must be aware and in control of all aspects
of site operations, including the planning of site progress. It is the manager/
agent who has responsibility for both the protability of operations and
adherence to the agreed construction and cost plans.
Site managers/agents are employed by building and construction compa-
nies, civil engineering rms and contractors.
Typical work activities include:
attending regular site meetings with professionals, including quantity
surveyors, building services engineers, foremen, subcontractors, and the
client who has commissioned the building;
maintaining strict quality control procedures – this necessitates regular test-
ing of materials, visual inspections of work, and frequent tours of the site;
conducting regular site safety checks;
ensuring the project runs to schedule and to budget, and nding solutions
to problems that may cause delays, i.e. late arrival of materials.
Recent graduates are unlikely to take on a full site manager/agent role until
the necessary site engineering experience is gained. However, the period of
apprenticeship or training in the role of site manager appears to be shorten-
ing, with rms forced to promote graduates earlier.
Training and education
The Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB) offers a qualications framework
for trainee and practising site managers/agents. Progression is normally to
contracts management or project management. A number of site managers/
agents are self-employed.
UK construction professionals have always been in demand worldwide. With
the establishment of the single European market in 1992 many professionals
began expanding their practices into Europe, with varying degrees of success.
EU Directive 2005/36/EC on the recognition of professional qualications
allows holders of a regulated professional qualication to pursue their pro-
fession in another EU member state. What impact Brexit will have on this
situation is yet to be established.
The quantity surveyor and the construction industry 25
Where and what you can build in the UK is heavily controlled and before
undertaking most building projects, it is rst necessary to obtain planning
permission and building regulations approval.
Planning permission
The main statutes governing planning law are:
Town and Country Planning Act 1990, as amended.
Planning (Listed Building and Conservation Areas) Act 1990.
Planning and Compensation Act 1991.
Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.
Planning Act 2008.
Localism Act 2011.
The purpose of the planning system is to protect the environment as well
as public amenities and facilities. The planning control process is admin-
istered by local authorities and exists to ‘control the development and use
of land and buildings for the best interests of the community’. Planning is
administered at two levels:
1. Local development frameworks.
2. Local development schemes.
There are three main types of planning permission, all of which are subject
to a fee that can range from hundreds to thousands of pounds, depending on
the scale of the proposed project:
1. Outline – this is an application for a development in principle without
detail of construction etc. Generally used for large-scale developments to
get permission in principle.
2. Reserved matters – a follow-up to an outline application stage.
3. Full planning permission – sometimes referred to as detailed planning
permission when a fully detailed application is made. Permission when
granted is valid for six years.
If planning permission is refused then there is an appeals process, although
appeal can only be made on certain matters, as listed below. Appeals are
26 Quantity Surveyor’s Pocket Book
made to the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, the
National Assembly for Wales or the Scottish Executive. Allowable reasons
for appeal are:
properties in conservation areas;
non-compliance with local development plan;
property is subject to a covenant;
planning permission already exists;
infringements of rights of way.
Appeal may not be made on the grounds of:
loss of view;
private issues between neighbours;
loss of privacy;
It is thoroughly recommended that prior to a proposed development the
regional spatial strategies are read and understood. Buildings erected without
planning permission will have a demolition order served on them and the
structure will be taken down and destroyed.
Building regulations
Even when planning permission is not required, most building work is subject
to the requirements of the building regulations. There are exemptions such
as buildings belonging to the Crown, the British Airports Authority and the
Civil Aviation Authority. Building regulations ensure that new and alteration
works are carried out to an agreed standard that protects the health and safety
of people in and around the building. Builders and developers are required
by law to obtain building control approval, which is an independent check
that the building regulations have been complied with. There are two types of
building control providers: the local authority and approved private inspectors.
The documents which set out the regulations are:
The Building Act 1984.
The Building (Scotland) Act 2003.
The Building (Scotland) Regulations 2004.
The Building Regulations 2010 and The Building (Approved Inspectors
etc.) Regulations 2010 for England and Wales, as amended.
The quantity surveyor and the construction industry 27
The Building Regulations 2010, England and Wales, are a series of ‘approved
documents’. Each approved document contains the relevant subject areas
of the building regulations. This is then followed by practical and technical
guidance (that include examples) detailing the regulations. The current set
of approved documents are in 13 parts and include details of areas such as
structural, re safety, electrical safety. In Scotland the approved documents
are replaced with technical handbooks.
Contravention of the building regulations is punishable with a ne or
even a custodial sentence plus, of course, taking down and rebuilding the
works that do not comply with the regulations.
There are two approaches to complying with building regulations:
Full plans application submission, when a set of plans is submitted to
the local authority who checks them and advises whether they comply
or whether amendments are required. The work will also be inspected as
work proceeds.
Building notice application, when work is inspected as the work proceeds
and the applicant is informed when work does not comply with the build-
ing regulations. The work is also inspected as work proceeds.
Once approval is given and a building notice is approved, it is valid for
three years.
Health and safety – CDM regulations
The construction industry is one of the most dangerous in the UK. In the last
25 years, over 2,800 people have died from injuries they received as a result
of construction work. Many more have been injured or made ill.
Efcient site organisation is of vital importance from two aspects:
safety, and
efcient working.
Safety: key statistics
In 2014/15, 35 operatives were killed in construction-related activities.
There were 16,000 over-seven-day injuries to employees (2014/15).
1.7 million working days lost per year due to injury and ill health
(Source: Health and Safety Executive (HSE) )
28 Quantity Surveyor’s Pocket Book
It is clear from the above gures that for a number of reasons the UK
construction sector has a poor record in health and safety matters. In
an attempt to improve the industries attitude to health and safety the
Construction (Design and Management) Regulations were introduced in
1994 in order to comply with EU legislation. CDM 1994 made the duties
on clients and designers explicit by identifying the need to reduce risk
by better co-ordination, management and co-operation. The introduc-
tion of the CDM regulations, without doubt, led to major changes in how
the industry managed health and safety although several years after their
introduction there were concerns from industry and the Health and Safety
Executive (HSE) that the regulations were not delivering the improve-
ments in health and safety that were expected. The principal reasons were
said to be:
slow acceptance, particularly among clients and designers;
effective planning, management, communications and co-ordination was
less than expected;
competence of organisations and individuals slow to improve;
a defensive verication approach adopted by many, led to complexity and
During 2002–2005 extensive consultations were carried out between the
HSE and the construction industry and as a result, in April 2007, CDM 2007
was brought into force, the characteristics of which were to:
simplify the regulations and improve clarity;
maximise their exibility;
focus on planning and management;
strengthen requirements on co-operation and co-ordination and to
encourage better integration;
simplify competence assessment, reduce bureaucracy and raise standards.
In April 2015 the CDM regulations were again revised and a summary of
the roles of the duty holders is shown in Table 1.2. Now virtually everyone
involved in a construction project has legal duties under CDM 2015. The
denition of a client under the regulations is anyone who has construction
work carried out for them. The main duty for clients is to make sure their pro-
ject is suitably managed, ensuring the health and safety of all who might be
affected by the work, including members of the public. CDM 2015 recognises
two types of client: commercial and domestic.
The quantity surveyor and the construction industry 29
Table 1.2 Roles of duty holders
Commercial clients
Organisations or
individuals for whom a
construction project is
carried out that is done as
part of a business.
Make suitable arrangements for managing a project, including
making sure:
other duty holders are appointed as appropriate;
sufcient time and resources are allocated.
Make sure:
relevant information is prepared and provided to other duty
the principal designer and principal contractor carry out
their duties and welfare facilities are provided.
Domestic clients
People who have
construction work carried
out on their own home
(or the home of a family
member) that is not done
as part of a business.
Though in the scope of CDM 2015, their client duties are
normally transferred to:
the contractor for single contractor projects;
the principal contractor for projects with more than one
However, the domestic client can choose instead to have a
written agreement with the principal designer to carry out the
client duties.
Organisations or individuals
who, as part of a business,
prepare or modify designs
for a building, product
or system relating to
construction work.
When preparing or modifying designs, eliminate, reduce or
control foreseeable risks that may arise during:
the maintenance and use of a building once it is built.
Provide information to other members of the project team to
help them full their duties.
Principal designers
Designers appointed by
the client in projects
involving more than one
contractor. They can be
an organisation or an
individual with sufcient
knowledge, experience and
ability to carry out the role.
Plan, manage, monitor and co-ordinate health and safety in the
pre-construction phase of a project. This includes:
identifying, eliminating or controlling foreseeable risks;
ensuring designers carry out their duties.
Prepare and provide relevant information to other duty holders.
Liaise with the principal contractor to help in the
planning, management, monitoring and co-ordination of the
construction phase.
Principal contractors
Contractors appointed by
the client to co-ordinate
the construction phase of
a project where it involves
more than one contractor.
Plan, manage, monitor and co-ordinate health and safety in the
construction phase of a project. This includes:
liaising with the client and principal designer;
preparing the construction phase plan;
organising co-operation between contractors and
co-ordinating their work.
30 Quantity Surveyor’s Pocket Book
Principle contractors
Make sure:
suitable site inductions are provided;
reasonable steps are taken to prevent unauthorised access;
workers are consulted and engaged in securing their health
and safety;
welfare facilities are provided.
Those who carry out the
actual construction work –
contractors can be an
individual or a company.
Plan, manage and monitor construction work under their
control, so it is carried out without risks to health and safety.
For projects involving more than one contractor, co-ordinate
their activities with others in the project team – in particular,
comply with directions given to them by the principal designer
or principal contractor.
For single contractor projects, prepare a construction phase plan.
Those working for or under
the control of contractors
on a construction site.
Workers must:
be consulted about matters which affect their health, safety
and welfare.
(Source: adapted from HSE – the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015)
Notiable construction works under CDM 2015 are those projects with
construction work:
lasting longer than 30 days and which has more than 20 workers working
simultaneously at any one point;
that exceeds 500 person days.
Perhaps the most important inuence on construction and its professions
since the turn of the millennium is the prominence given to sustainable
If this book had been written 20 years ago, then sustainability would not
have been an issue; 15 years ago, sustainability issues were starting to be dis-
cussed, but were considered only to be of interest to ‘tree-hugging’ cranks.
We are now well into the second decade of the twenty-rst century where
sustainability and the need to be badged a green construction organisation is
seen to be vital to maintain market share.
The ‘Stern Review’ (2006) came to the conclusion that: ‘An overwhelm-
ing body of scientic evidence now clearly indicates that climate change is
Table 1.2 (continued)
The quantity surveyor and the construction industry 31
a serious and urgent issue. The Earth’s climate is rapidly changing, mainly
as a result of increases in greenhouse gases caused by human activities.’ As
illustrated in Figure 1.3, buildings account for nearly 50% of UK carbon emis-
sions and it is for this reason that such importance has been given both by
the European Union and the UK governments on the introduction of energy
performance certicates (EPCs) and display energy certicates (DECs). It is
the stated long-term goal in the UK is to reduce carbon emissions by 60%
by 2050.
Legislative background
EU Directive 2002/91/EC, the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive
(EPBD), became law on 4 January 2003 and made it mandatory for EPCs and
DECs to be available for constructed, marketed or rented buildings including
non-dwellings by 4 January 2009, at the latest. The EU Directive was imple-
mented in the UK by means of:
The Housing Act 2004, Section 134.
The Home Information Pack (No. 2) Regulations 2007.
Figure 1.3 UK Carbon emissions (Source: BRE/BRECSU)
32 Quantity Surveyor’s Pocket Book
The Energy Performance of Buildings (Certicates and Inspections)
(England and Wales) Regulations 2007/991.
Similar enabling legislation was introduced for the devolved adminis-
trations of Scotland (The Housing (Scotland) Act 2006) and Northern
In 2010 a recast of the Directive (EPBD2) was agreed, and in 2012 it was
implemented by member states. The key provisions in the recast are:
minimum energy performance requirements to be set for all new and
refurbished buildings and compared against requirements calculated in
accordance with cost-optimal requirements;
energy use of technical building systems to be optimised by setting require-
ments relating to installation, size, etc. Covers heating, hot water, air
conditioning and large ventilation systems;
all new buildings developed after 2020 to be nearly zero-energy buildings,
with an earlier target date of 2018 where the building will be owned and
occupied by a public authority;
property advertisements to include details of EPC rating;
member states to provide details of the scal incentives in place
(if any) which could be used to improve the energy efciency of their
content of EPCs to be improved by making them more specic to a
particular building and including more detailed information on the cost-
effectiveness of recommendations, along with the steps to be taken to
implement those recommendations;
DECs to be issued and displayed in buildings larger than 500m² (cur-
rent threshold is 1000m²) that are occupied by a public authority and
frequently visited by the public. This threshold will fall to 250m² after
ve years;
EPCs to be displayed in commercial premises larger than 500m² that
are frequently visited by the public and where one has previously
been issued;
a statistically signicant percentage of EPCs and air conditioning reports
(ACRs) to be checked by independent experts for quality assurance
Prior to the introduction of EPCs a series of other models were developed
to assess the energy performance of buildings across the UK, namely as
The quantity surveyor and the construction industry 33
BREEAM (Building Research Establishment
Environmental Assessment Method)
BREEAM has been developed to assess the environmental performance of
both new and existing buildings over the following areas:
management – overall management policy, commissioning and procedural
energy use
health and well-being
land use
materials and waste
water, consumption and efciency
BREEAM covers a range of building types, such as ofces, industrial units,
retail units, schools and even leisure centres. BREEAM measures the envi-
ronmental performance of buildings by awarding credits for achieving
levels of performance. The cost of having a BREEAM assessment can be
So what is sustainability? There are many denitions, but in reality it
would appear to mean different things to different people in different parts
of the world, depending on their circumstances. Consequently, there may
never be a consensus view on its exact meaning; however, one way of looking
at sustainability is (from BS ISO 15686–5:2008): ‘The ways in which built
assets are procured and erected, used and operated, maintained and repaired,
modernised and rehabilitated and reused or demolished and recycled consti-
tutes the complete life cycle of sustainable construction activities.’
Why is construction signicant in the sustainability big picture?
Over 90 million tonnes of construction and demolition waste arises annu-
ally in the UK alone.
The construction industry spends over £200 million on landll tax each
13 million tonnes of construction and demolition waste is material that is
delivered to sites but never used!
Over 5 million tonnes of hazardous waste is produced in England and
Wales, 21% of which is produced by construction and demolition.
34 Quantity Surveyor’s Pocket Book
Construction and demolition waste forms nearly 30% of all Environment
Agency recorded y-tipping incidents.
In addition around 40% of total energy consumption and greenhouse gas
emissions are directly attributable to constructing and operating buildings.
Although high, on the face of it, the true cost of waste is generally around 20
times that of the disposal costs due to the:
purchase cost of materials;
cost of storage, transport and disposal of waste;
loss of income from selling salvaged materials.
The so-called waste hierarchy has been described as follows:
eliminate – avoid producing waste in the rst place;
reduce – minimise the amount of waste you produce;
reuse – use items as many times as possible;
recover (recycling, composting, energy) – recycle what you can only after
you have reused it;
dispose – discard of what is left in a responsible way.
The process of achieving the minimum whole-life cost and environmental
impact is complex, as illustrated in Figure 1.4. Each design option will have
associated impacts, costs and trade-offs, e.g. what if the budget demands a
choice between recycled bricks or passive ventilation?
The solution to a complex problem will be iterative.
Generally, attention to the following issues will increase the design costs,
but not the costs of the building itself and will reduce whole-life costs:
short supply chains to reduce transport costs;
exercise waste minimisation and recycling construction;
building orientation;
durability and quality of building components, generally chosen to last for
the appropriate refurbishment or demolition cycle;
local sourcing of materials;
design sensitive to local topological, climatic and community demands;
construction type – prefabrication, wood or concrete structures.
During procurement supply chains should be aware that components should
be chosen selectively to minimise:
The quantity surveyor and the construction industry 35
embodied energy: energy of production and transport;
atmospheric emissions from boilers etc.;
disposal to landll of non-biodegradable waste;
air quality contaminants, e.g. solvents and wood preservatives continue to
emit volatile chemicals long after construction, though in much smaller
quantities, and these have been implicated in ‘sick building syndrome’;
replacement due to poor durability;
use of nite resources, or at least promote the use materials like wood from
forests which are being replenished.
The following courses of action should be considered by the quantity sur-
veyor and the procurement team when developing a procurement strategy:
Reuse existing built assets – consider the need for new build. Is a new
building really the answer to the client’s needs, or is there another strategy
that could deliver a more appropriate solution and add value?
Design for minimum waste – think whole-life costs, involve the supply
chain, specify performance requirements and think about recycled materials.
Figure 1.4 Graph showing the minimum whole-life cost and environmental impact
36 Quantity Surveyor’s Pocket Book
Sustainability in design requires a broad and long-term view of the envi-
ronmental, economic and social impacts of particular decisions. Design
out waste both from the process and the lifespan. As well as the obvious
denition, waste can also include:
the unnecessary consumption of land;
lower than predicted yield from assets.
Consider ‘lean construction’ – in its entirety, this is for many a complex and
nebulous concept; however, the ethos of lean construction with its focus on
the following is worthy of consideration:
continuous improvement
waste elimination
strong user focus
high-quality management of projects and supply chains
improved communications.
Minimise energy in construction and in use
Fully investigate the whole-life cost and life-cycle cost implication of the
materials and systems that are being procured. Draw up environment proles
of components.
Do not pollute
Understand the environmental impacts of construction and have policies to
manage such impacts in a positive manner.
Construction can have a direct and obvious impact on the environment.
Sources of pollution can include:
waste materials
emissions from vehicles
releases into water, ground and atmosphere.
Set targets
Use benchmarking and similar techniques discussed in Chapter 6 to monitor
continuous improvement. UK construction industry key performance indica-
tors (KPIs) are issued in June of each year.
The quantity surveyor and the construction industry 37
Site waste management plans
Clearly, given the above statistics, the construction industry can address sus-
tainability by reducing waste; for example, from 6 April 2008 Site Waste
Management Plans were required for all construction projects with a value of
over £300,000. The responsibility for the production of the site waste man-
agement plan is jointly shared between the client and the contractor and
should contain the following details:
types of waste removed from the site;
identity of the person who removed the waste and their waste carrier
registration number;
a description of the waste;
site that the waste was taken to;
environmental permit or exemption held by the site where the material
is taken.
However, following a comprehensive government review from December
2013 site waste management plans are no longer compulsory for construc-
tion projects in England. The reason cited was an attempt to reduce red tape.
Without doubt, sustainable considerations will continue to be high on the
list of construction industry issues for the foreseeable future.
The RICS New Rules of Measurement (NRM) initiative
By the end of 2014 the RICS had launched three volumes of the New Rules
of Measurement:
NRM1: Order of cost estimating and cost planning for capital building works,
2nd edition (2012).
NRM2: Detailed measurement for capital building works (2012).
NRM3: Order of cost estimating and cost planning for building maintenance
works (2014).
The suite of documents, the result of an initiative of the RICS Quantity
Surveying and Construction UK Professional Group Board that began
in 2003, aimed to more accurately reflect the changes that have taken
place in procurement practice during the past 20 years or so, as well as,
for the first time, to give guidance on the preparation of cost plans and
whole-life costs. The rationale for the introduction of the NRM is that
they provide:
38 Quantity Surveyor’s Pocket Book
a standard set of measurement rules that are understandable by all those
involved in a construction project, including the employer, thereby aiding
communication between the project/design team and the employer;
direction on how to describe and deal with cost allowances not reected
in measurable building work;
a more universal approach which was required as it was thought that the
SMM7 was too UK-centric.
The impact of the launch of the NRM suite will be explained and discussed
more fully in the following chapters.
Ethics is an important topic and particularly so for surveyors who operate in
a sector that is generally perceived to have low ethical standards. Professions
can only survive if the public retains condence in them. Conducting profes-
sional activities in an ethical manner is at the heart professionalism and the
trust that the general public has in professions such as the chartered quantity
surveyor. One of the principal reasons for construction-related institutions
like the RICS is to ensure that their members operate to high ethical stand-
ards, indeed ethical standards was a top priority on the ‘RICS Agenda for
Change’ in 1998. For quantity surveyors, transparency and ethical behaviour
is particularly important as they deal on a day-to-day basis with procurement,
contractual arrangements, payments and valuations and client’s money.
Interestingly in a survey carried out by the Chartered Institute of Building
in 2006, nearly 40% of those questioned regarded the practice of cover pric-
ing either ‘not very corrupt’ or ‘not corrupt at all’, regarding it as the way
that the industry operates! In addition 41% of respondents admitted offering
bribes on one or more occasions. One of the major issues from the CIOB
survey is a clear lack of denition of corruption and corrupt practices. The
industry is one that depends on personal relationships and yet a particular
nebulous area in non-cash gifts that range from pens to free holidays.
Recently the RICS has published a number of guides/documents to help
surveyors nd their way through the ethical maze. These are:
‘Professional ethics guidance note’ (2000).
‘Professional ethics guidance note: case studies’ (2003).
‘RICS Core Values’ (2006).
‘RICS Rules of Conduct for Members’ (2007).
‘RICS Rules of Conduct for Firms’ (2007).
The quantity surveyor and the construction industry 39
‘Fraud in Construction – Follow the money’ (2009).
‘Fraud in Construction – RICS Guidance’ (2010).
In addition to the above the RICS has also published a help sheet titled
‘Maintaining Professional and Ethical Standards’ in which the behaviour
of a chartered surveyor in their professional life is characterised as follows:
1. Act honourably – never put your own gain above the welfare of your
clients or others to whom you have a professional responsibility.
2. Act with integrity – be trustworthy in all that you do, never deliberately
mislead, whether by withholding or distorting information.
3. Be open and transparent in your dealings.
4. Be accountable for all your actions and do not blame others if things
go wrong.
5. Know and act within your limitations and competencies.
6. Be objective at all times – never let sentiments or your own interests
cloud your judgement.
7. Always treat others with respect – never discriminate.
8. Set a good example in both public and private behaviour.
9. Have the courage to make a stand.
10. Comply with relevant laws and regulations.
11. Avoid conicts of interest – declare any potential conicts of personal
or professional interest.
12. Respect condentiality of client’s affairs.
(Source: ‘RICS Ethics Help Sheet’, 2007)
Although the list above appears to be straightforward, things are never quite
that simple in practice when matters such as economic survival and competi-
tion are added into the mix. The position is even more complicated when
operating in countries outside the UK where ideas of ethics may be very dif-
ferent to those expected by the RICS.
Perhaps the big news since the second edition of this pocket book is the
introduction of BIM into the UK construction industry. As discussed
previously, the UK (England, Wales and Northern Ireland) government
remains unconvinced that it is receiving value for money from construc-
tion procurement and therefore as part of the Government Construction
Strategy 2011 announced that from April 2016 all central government
40 Quantity Surveyor’s Pocket Book
funded projects must be BIM enabled to Level 2. In the tradition of UK
government-led construction industry initiatives, the introduction of BIM
was poorly handled to the extent that on deadline day the target had to be
revised to public sponsored projects exceeding £10 million. Scotland will
follow in 2017 for public sector projects over £4.32 million. Interestingly,
the phrase ‘central government funded projects’ has come under scrutiny
as there is uncertainty as to what projects actually fall into the category.
For example, High Speed 2 (HS2) is centrally funded but is not obligated
to apply the BIM mandate because it is a non-departmental government
agency and therefore subject to a different compliance regime. It certainly
does not appear to be the catch-all model envisaged at the time BIM was
rst announced in 2011.
As far as BIM adoption in the EU single market is concerned, the use of
electronic communications with regard to procurement procedures is now
mandatory (unless an exemption applies); however, all 28 member states
have the opportunity to recommend or require the use of BIM on public
projects. The EU Public Procurement Directive (EUPPD) states: ‘For pub-
lic works contracts and design contests, Member States may require the
use of specic electronic tools, such as of building information electronic
modelling tools or similar.’ Clearly the use of BIM will not be mandatory,
but the EUPPD does go some way in encouraging or pushing member states
to recommend or specify the use of BIM; however, the tools and devices
must not restrict access to public procurement. If the tools and devices
proposed are not generally available, the contracting authorities must offer
an alternative means of access. Furthermore, public contracts must com-
ply with the principles of the Treaty of Rome on the Functioning of the
European Union: equal treatment, non-discrimination, proportionality and
Early BIM adoption
As the ‘National Building Specication (NBS) BIM Report 2016’ illustrates,
the construction industry’s appetite for BIM appears to be less than enthu-
siastic. A survey of over a thousand organisations, taken immediately before
the introduction of BIM into public sector procurement, indicated that just
54% of those approached were ‘aware or had used BIM’, with 42% not using
BIM and 4% claiming not to be aware of BIM at all!
In addition early feedback from post-implementation surveys carried
out in 2016 by CIOB/BIM with over 82 organisations appears to indicate
The quantity surveyor and the construction industry 41
60% of respondents reported no increase in margins/fees/prot
from BIM.
24% of respondents reported that BIM saved time during the construction
40% or respondents reported that they have no intention to make BIM a
requirement on their projects.
The problem, as always, is how to get a message across in such a fragmented
industry – not just the top 50 companies, but the remaining 249,950!
What is BIM?
BIM is different things to different people and has been described as:
a risk management tool;
a way to increase the understanding of a project;
an aid to the design team;
an aid to the construction team;
a communication tool.
BIM is the process of bringing together and sharing information in a digital
format among all those involved in a construction project, including archi-
tects, engineers, surveyors and builders. By making information far more
accessible and available to the client and end-user, to support through-life
asset management, BIM is claimed to be a path to greater productivity, risk
management, improved margins and sustainability. BIM envisages virtual
construction of a facility prior to its actual physical construction, in order
to reduce uncertainty, improve safety, work out problems, and simulate and
analyse potential impacts. Subcontractors from every trade can input critical
information into the model before beginning construction, with opportu-
nities to prefabricate or pre-assemble some systems off site. Waste can be
minimised on site and components delivered on a just-in-time basis rather
than stockpiled on site.
A BIM digital representation of a building is structured as follows:
spaces within the building;
systems within the spaces;
products that make up the spaces;
the relationship/constraints between the spaces.
42 Quantity Surveyor’s Pocket Book
The use of digital y-through models is commonplace today; however, with
BIM it is the structured information behind the models that is so important
and enables the project to be built digitally before being built on site. On
site it can be used for the purchase of materials and checking compliance of
systems and specications.
Therefore, to put it simply, BIM is a process, facilitated by software, which
is accessible by all the players in a construction project and is used to enter
and store information on a project. The information need not only apply to
the construction phase but also to the operation and maintenance of the
completed project. In addition the software can produce virtual models of the
complete/proposed project prior to start on site which facilitates:
avoidance of design clashes;
generation of quantities;
the application of alternative solutions including cost estimates;
sharing of information in real time;
important information on running and maintenance regimes for the client;
environmental assessments;
quicker and easier design revisions;
consistency of standards;
more accurate scheduling of information;
more accurate tendering processes;
project planning and resource allocation;
more efcient construction phasing;
links to facilities management systems.
BIM is not a new idea and has been used in other industries since the 1970s.
Facilities such as the NBS National BIM Library are now freely available.
The library contains thousands of generic and manufacturer’s BIM objects in
3D format, created to comply with global standards that can be dragged and
dropped directly into models.
Challenges for BIM
Two major challenges have emerged for early BIM adopters. These are:
1. Legal issues: These issues centre around:
where the design liability lies – if something goes wrong, whose fault
is it?;
ownership – who owns the model and the data within it?;
The quantity surveyor and the construction industry 43
copyright and intellectual property rights;
who pays for the model?
2. Culture change: At a cultural level, communication, sharing of informa-
tion and trust has never been the strong point of the UK construction
process. To many this factor is the major obstacle to the adoption of BIM
by UK plc.
What impact will BIM have on quantity surveying practice?
To some extent the jury is still out regarding this question. One thing is
certain – BIM will not herald the death of the quantity surveyor. According
to the RICS, BIM will ‘enhance rather than damage’ the quantity survey-
ing profession. Others within the profession warn that BIM will not kill the
quantity surveying profession, but rms that do not embrace the changes will
lose relevance. The ability of BIM models to automatically generate cost esti-
mates does not lessen the need for an expert to interpret the vast amounts of
data produced, or to distil it into a form that clients can use to make informed
decisions. Equally, the quality of the data you get out of a BIM model depends
on what data you put into it and quantity surveyors are uniquely qualied to
input and analyse output of data.
The term ‘soft landings’ refers to a strategy adopted to ensure the transition
from construction to occupation is as seamless as possible and that opera-
tional performance is optimised. Crucially, the quantity surveyor should be
aware this transition needs to be considered throughout the development
of a project, not just at the point of handover. The client should commit
to adopting a soft landings strategy in the very early stages in order that
an appropriate budget can be allocated and appointment agreements and
brieng documents can include relevant requirements. This should include
agreement to provide the information required for commissioning, training,
facilities management and so on, and increasingly will include requirements
for BIM. To ensure that a soft landings strategy is implemented properly
from the outset, it may be appropriate to appoint a soft landings champion
to oversee the strategy. Facilities managers should also be involved from the
early stages. Soft landings documentation extends the duties of the team
during handover and the rst three years of occupation. Soft landings or
Government Soft Landings (GSL), is a comparatively new approach and
is focused at the point in a project when the client takes possession of the
44 Quantity Surveyor’s Pocket Book
facility where traditionally the project manager, design team and contractor
walk away, with the exception of contractual obligations relating to the rec-
tication period. Soft landings is a joint initiative between BSRIA (Building
Services Research and Information Association) and UBT (Usable Buildings
Trust) and was devised in the late 1990s. It is an open-source framework
available to use and adapt free of charge from BSRIA.
04: Estimating and Tendering for Construction
Chapter: Introduction
Evolution of estimating and tendering
The role of the estimator in main and specialist contracting has not changed, but aspects of pricing
strategies and methods have. In the early 1980s, estimators began to embrace computers for the
power of building complex price models, with the facility to change inputs, with powerful results.
In the 1990s, estimators were sceptical about using historical data and cost plans as a basis of a bid.
Since the beginning of this millennium, database systems and spreadsheets have competed as the
tools of choice for estimators – sometimes both systems are used. Bespoke computer-aided
estimating systems for handling the bills of quantities and spreadsheets for cost plans, cash ows and
summary reports. We now see fewer estimating assistants in contractors’ oces because estimators
build the estimates themselves.
Batching projects in the public sector has allowed the adoption of cost plans as the route to
tenders. A contractor bidding for a succession of schools, for example, deals with repetitive building
designs which lend themselves to cost plans based on historical data. This works for the superstructure,
but site conditions can introduce signicant variations in cost.
The use of priced risk registers is now the ‘norm’. Estimators record their concerns, and those of
the whole team, at tender stage. Risk workshops provide a forum for the designers to contribute
to the register. Risks and opportunities are managed from the outset of a tender so that the impact
on the tender sum (for the client’s benet) can be reduced to a minimum.
Successful tenderers are no longer selected on price alone. All public contracts must now be
awarded on the basis of the most economically advantageous tender (MEAT). There are now some
elaborate scoring systems adopted to capture, over the life of a building, experience, designs,
quality, sustainability and price.
The building industry has been showered with advisory reports and guidance publications,
mostly aimed at producing integrated teams working eciently and communicating electronically.
New Rules of Measurement (NRM), introduced in 2013, bring a welcome support for order-of-
cost documentation and detailed measurement principles. Also in 2013 came the new RIBA Plan
of Work providing a framework for building design and construction. Perhaps the biggest change
will be Building Information Modelling (BIM) – a catalyst for complete designs in 3D, well-
coordinated and providing data for construction and beyond. BIM is an emerging technology and
its success will depend on the steps people take towards implementation. A BIM culture will
materialize when enthusiastic sta in each discipline push forward with implementation. History
tells us that it will be slow but unavoidable.
Successful estimators are in demand throughout the construction industry in most countries.
Their primary skills are listed in Figure 1.1. In addition, they need a working knowledge of: the
selection plant, alternative materials and systems, environmental issues, soft landings, government
Chapter 1
2 Introduction
• Establishing scope
• Evaluating risk
• Finding alternatives
• Investigating alternatives
• Benchmarking
• Calculating rates
• Sub-contracting
• Negotiating
• Managing risk
• Self-motivation
• Corporate governance
• Submit on time
• Accuracy
• Reliable reporting
What makes a good estimator?
= a winning bid
Figure 1.1 What makes a good estimator?
initiatives, contract responsibilities and negotiation skills. It is said that an estimator who can present
a robust set of numbers in a settlement meeting – with con dence – will inspire management to
take a less cautious stance and often will be more successful in winning bids.
Constituents of a tender price
A tender price is a sum of money required by a bidder to complete a construction project in
accordance with the invitation to tender requirements and commercial setting. The estimator
calculates the cost estimate, and management convert it into a tender, usually at the settlement
meeting, by applying their commercial judgement to cash  ow, risks, opportunities and expected
return – overheads and pro t.
Figure 1.2 shows a simple make-up of a tender. There are no longer nominated sub-contractors
and suppliers; and contractors increasingly engage with sub-contractors for the work, thus
eliminating nearly all of the direct works.
Direct Work Packages On-costs
Labour sub-contractors Preliminaries
Plant sub-cont prelims Bid costs
Materials attendances Design fees
Provisional Sums
Figure 1.2 Constituents of a tender price.
Introduction 3
Estimating cycle
There are three parts to modern estimating, shown in Figure 1.3. Estimating traditionally started
with the receipt of tender documents in the form of drawings, bills of quantities and specications.
Some estimating was based on drawings and specications which required a measurement stage
before seeking market prices. With so many contracts now procured using the design-and-build
system, contractors are involved much earlier and provide cost-planning services. A measurement
exercise will still be needed, now at RIBA Stage 3 and 4.
The traditional approach to estimating is identied in Figure 1.4, and is well documented in both
editions of the CIOB Code of Estimating Practice, published in 1997 and 2009. There are many
references in this book to cost planning conducted in association with estimating, because many
forms of procurement result in a design-and-build form of agreement. In other words, estimators
are called on to advise on costs from inception to the collection of feedback data on completion
– RIBA work stages 1 (preparation of brief) to 6 (handover and close out).
Historical data
Design scope
Target cost
plan within
1. Pipeline of opportunities
2. Tender budget + sign off
1. Feedback
2. Benchmarking
Cost Planning
Market test
Figure 1.3 The estimating cycle.
4 Introduction
Tradional esmang
(see CIOB Code of Esmang Pracce)
Cost-planning and esmang
(in addion to tradional esmang)
Preselecon and decision to tender Collect benchmark data for similar buildings
Receipt of tender documents Understand client’s aordability – produce high-
level cost plan to meet aordability
Tender strategy Set design-to-cost targets in terms of elemental
costs and specicaons
Procurement Work up designs with key sub-contractors. Obtain
market rates and cost plans
Planning and temporary works
Pricing the works Aend design meengs to advise on design
opons. Check oor areas do not exceed targets.
Preliminaries Project team given cost targets to meet
Compleon of esmate Benchmark data must be shown alongside the
esmate gures
Tender selement Check that the design matches the pricing – some
designers add embellishments later
Post-tender acvies Create elemental cost/specicaon sheet for use
on future projects
Figure 1.4 Comparison between traditional and cost-planned tenders.
Top-down and bottom-up estimating
Top-down estimating is all about meeting, and improving on, a client’s target price for a project.
This is based on two assumptions: the client is prepared to state the target price before the design
is developed, and there are reliable historical cost data available to the estimator.
If, for example, a client has a requirement for a hotel at a vacant city centre site, and can provide
the following, a contractor can develop the rst cost plan (Figure 1.5) in an elemental format:
1 a budget, say £31,000,000 excluding development costs, loose furniture and VAT;
2 a brief with a schedule of accommodation;
3 the quality expected – often expressed as a star rating;
4 an outline programme for design and construction;
5 some site survey and ground investigation reports.
Using the diagram in Figure 1.6, and starting with the aordability target, in this case £31,000,000,
the estimator can rst deduct a margin of 5 per cent on turnover. The gure before margin will be
£31,000,000 × 0.95 = £29,450,000. By working through each of the on-cost categories, the
estimator can establish the works cost, shown below in Figure 1.5.
Armed with this table of costs, allowances can be set for each element of the design. It can be
seen that the engineering services portion is £5,947,500, which can be shared with an MEP
(mechanical, electrical and plumbing) sub-contractor – assuming they are on the contractor’s team.
The nal piece of work, at this early stage, is to agree some design statements with the design team.
For example: where plant is to be located either within or on top of the building.
Introduction 5
Cloud Construction Services
Stannet Cole Hotel
Business Hotel 'Top-down' cost plan
9,150 m2
200 Nr
11 nr
Affordability target 31,000,000
4 Target excluding margin 29,450,000 5% on turnover
5 Target 29,450,000 < goal seek to get match
6 Risks and opportunities 1,000,887 4% on prelims + works costs
7 Inflation 1,251,108 5% on prelims + works costs
8 Design fees and surveys 1,958,256 9% on works cost
9 Bid costs 217,584 1% on works cost
10 Preliminaries 3,263,761 15% on works cost
Works cost 21,758,404
Facilitating works + abnormals 1,189,500 130 using knowledge of site
Substructure 732,000 80 design-to-cost target
Superstructure 7,320,000 800 design-to-cost target
Internal finishes 1,830,000 200 design-to-cost target
Fittings, furnishings and equipment 2,470,500 270 design-to-cost target
Services 5,947,500 650 design-to-cost target
External works 915,000 100 design-to-cost target
Design reserve 1,353,904 balancing item
Figure 1.5 Top-down cost plan using a client’s affordability target.
In practice, the top-down cost plan will be produced in an NRM1 format by inserting the client’s
target at the bottom of the sheet.
Bottom-up estimating is characterized by working from a design solution, creating a bill of
quantities and obtaining quotations for work packages. A planning manager will produce a
programme, and preliminaries will be calculated late in the tender period. The estimate is completed
immediately prior to the settlement meeting, which of course creates huge challenges if the design
has to be changed due to cost overruns.
6 Introduction
Affordability Tender
Margin Margin
Risks Opportunities
Inflation Risks
Design fees Contingencies
Bid costs Dayworks
Preliminaries Provisional Sums
civil & struct Inflation
envelope Design fees
fit out Bid costs
mech & elec Preliminaries
Works costs Sub-contractors
civil & struct Materials
envelope Plant
fit out Labour
mech & elec Bill of Quantities
Design to cost
Design to cost
Detailed drawings
Figure 1.6 ‘Top-down’ and ‘Bottom-up’ estimating.
Formats for cost plans
There are two principal formats for cost plans using spreadsheet software: bills of quantities in a
single tab (linear bills) and bills of quantities on separate tabs representing the elements of a building.
Alternative 1: linear bills in cost plan workbook
Figures 1.7 to 1.9 illustrate a linear bill cost plan where all the work items are listed in a single
worksheet. Other worksheets are reports derived from the rst sheet. Here, an elemental summary
has been produced (Figure 1.8) for submission to the client to satisfy the requirement for a contract
sum analysis. Costs for each element are automatically taken from the linear bill, to the summary,
using the ‘sumif’ formula.
The next sheet, Figure 1.9, has been created to list the work packages and their associated costs. This
project comprises three buildings: Block 1, Block 2 and Community building. Package totals have
been allocated to each building. This is achieved using the ‘sumifs’ formula in the Excel workbook.
A cost plan workbook will typically contain the following sheets:
cover sheet
tender settlement summary
tender preparation notes
oor areas broken down by buildings and oors
linear bill of quantities
Introduction 7
1 Hypark ConstruCtion
Oldmills Skills Campus
COST PLAN - STAGE 3 Linear Bill of Quantities
Building NRM Sub Element Description quant unit rate Total
Block 1 1.1 Substructure Substructures Building GIA = 9,025 m2 -
Block 1 1.1 16 Substructure
Site clearance and excavation to reduced level; including disposal on site in temp spoil heaps
4,000 m2 5.00 20,000
Block 1 0.6 16 Abnormals
EO cost for providing 750mm total thickness piling mat; extends 4.0m beyond external wall line. Assume 50% imported and 50% demolition arisings
4,496 m2 14.25 64,068
Block 1 0.6 16 Abnormals
Excavate to remove surface of piling mat 150mm deep and dispose offsite
450 m3 25.00 11,250
Block 1 0.6 32 Abnormals Piling as Earthbank Constr quote 1 Item 134,291.00 134,291
Block 1 0.6 16 Abnormals Allow for disposal pile arisings 638 m3 25.00 15,950
Block 1 0.6 16 Abnormals Allow for machine attendance 3 weeks 1,000.00 3,000
Block 1 0.6 16 Abnormals Pile probing & cut down top of piles 300 Nr 55.00 16,500
Block 1 1.1 16 Substructure RC Pile cap PC1; 2600 x 800 x 900mm 30 Nr 630.00 18,900
Block 1 1.1 16 Substructure RC Pile cap PC2; 4400 x 800 x 900mm 1 Nr 1,010.00 1,010
Block 1 1.1 16 Substructure
RC Pile cap PC3; triangular; 2600 x 2350 x 900mm
16 Nr 1,030.00 16,480
Block 1 1.1 16 Substructure RC Pile cap PC5; 2700 x 2700 x 900mm 8 Nr 1,680.00 13,440
Block 1 1.1 16 Substructure RC Pile cap PC6; 4018 x 2700 x 900mm 10 Nr 2,445.00 24,450
Block 1 1.1 16 Substructure RC Pile cap PC7; 4500 x 2700 x 900mm 1 Nr 2,780.00 2,780
Block 1 1.1 16 Substructure Allow for VE reduced.pile cap sizes 1 Item 2,500.00- 2,500-
Block 1 1.1 16 Substructure RC Ground beam; 800 x 650mm 282 m 100.75 28,412
Block 1 1.1 16 Substructure RC Ground beam; 800 x 650mm 727 m 100.75 73,245
Block 1 1.1 16 Substructure Allow for VE reduced ground beams 1 Item 3,500.00- 3,500-
Block 1 1.1 16 Substructure Ground floor slab; 250mm thick 3,246 m2 102.50 332,715
Lin Bill
Figure 1.7 Linear bill of quantities in cost plan workbook.
1 Hypark ConstruCtion
Oldmills Skills Campus
COST PLAN - STAGE 3 Elements
Project Oldmills Skills Campus - All buildings 12,542 m2
of GIA
Total Cost %
0 Facilitating works [insert summation of all 115 1,442,601 5%
0.6 Abnormals - relating to chosen site 115 1,442,601 5%
1 Substructure 85 1,070,047 4%
1.1 Substructure 85 1,070,047 4%
2 Superstructure 569 7,135,324 27%
2.1 Frame 141 1,765,018 7%
2.2 Upper floors 48 600,663 2%
2.3 Roof 57 709,065 3%
2.4 Stairs and ramps 17 208,584 1%
2.5 External walls 100 1,250,636 5%
2.6 Windows and external doors 69 863,948 3%
2.7 Internal walls and partitions 106 1,331,920 5%
2.8 Internal doors 32 405,491 2%
3 Internal finishes 80 1,000,158 4%
3.1 Wall finishes 13 168,795 1%
3.2 Floor finishes 43 542,864 2%
3.3 Ceiling finishes 23 288,499 1%
… etc
Lin Bill
Figure 1.8 Elemental summary in cost plan workbook (data in column I using formula ‘sumif…’).
8 Introduction
1 Hypark ConstruCtion
Oldmills Skills Campus
COST PLAN - STAGE 3 Packages
Project Oldmills Skills Campus 9,025 3,297 220 12,542
Package totals 13,565,000£ 6,288,115£ 352,866£ 20,205,981£
Block 1 Block 2 Community TOTAL
Aluminium Windows & Doors 533,209
248,457 20,809
2 Brickwork/blockwork/render 121,624
61,335 10,259
3 Bris soleil 23,800
7,350 -
4 BWIC M&E Installation 136,686
69,194 3,462
5 Cladding & Roofing 584,522
194,572 34,000
6 Concrete Frame 307,903
108,771 6,600
7 Demolition 168,673
70,332 -
8 Demoliton, repairs and alterations -
- -
9 External Rendering 140,938
73,905 2,800
10 Fencing/Barriers 83,780
156,310 -
11 Fire Protection 57,313
32,125 2,900
12 Floor & Wall Tiling 7,365
2,720 899
13 Furniture and fittings 1,104,308
354,696 8,800
14 Grilles and Shutters 3,000
15,792 897
15 Groundworks drainage and service trenches 294,735
313,110 -
16 Groundworks sub-structures 927,311
399,618 18,150
17 Groundworks site works 607,588
187,326 -
18 Highway Works 60,480
- -
19 ICT infrastructure structured cabling 569,104
171,627 13,500
… etc
Cover Lin Bill Elements Packages Cashflow Areas
Figure 1.9 Package summary in cost plan workbook (data in columns G to I using formula ‘sumifs…’).
elemental summary
package summary
value-drawdown chart
elemental cost summary for submission to client
benchmarking data
priced risk and opportunities schedule
life-cycle information for a life-cycle manager to understand the likely capital replacement
The linear bill of quantities and preliminaries sheets provide the data for all the other reports.
Alternative 2: cost plan workbook with separate tabs for each element
A cost plan, where bills of quantities are spread across separate tabs, has been a popular format since
spreadsheets became a widespread tool for producing a cost plan. Figure 1.10 is an example of a
cost plan with the internal doors worksheet open. This layout has the benet of simplicity, but
some serious drawbacks, as follows:
1 Each page total has to be linked to the elemental summary.
2 With multiple buildings in a project, there will be a separate workbook le for each building.
Introduction 9
3 It is very dicult to produce a package summary where each building is shown in a ‘side-by-
side’ format (shown in Figure 1.9).
4 In a similar way, it would be dicult to produce other reports such as tender summaries and
cash ow forecasts for the three buildings shown in Figures 1.7 to 1.9.
1 Hypark ConstruCtion
Oldmills Skills Campus
Internal doors
Quant Unit Rate £
1 Carpentry as WYY quote - supply and fix
2 Single classroom doors; incl frame + ironmongery 173 Nr 1,150 198,950
3 Double doors; incl frame + ironmongery 35 Nr 1,650 57,750
4 Riser double doors 17 Nr 1,600 27,200
5 Extra over single door for glazed side panel 64 m2 700 44,800
6 Fire shutter to kitchen servery 7150 x 1200 1 Nr 3,100 3,100
7 Painting to internal woodwork as Doker quote 1 sum 23,500 23,500
8 Allowance for Blackwell locks 1 sum 11,500 11,500
9 Sub-contract preliminaries 12 % 366,800 44,016
Ext walls Windows Int walls Int doors Wall fin Floor fin Ceiling fin FF+E
Figure 1.10 Internal doors sheet in a workbook with elemental cost plan tabs.
The Public Contracts Regulations 2015
New public contracts regulations came into force in 2015 – aligned with EU public sector
procurement directives, they clarify and simplify EU public procurement law.
Competitive procedure with negotiation will be a preferred procurement route where prior
negotiations are necessary due to specic circumstances related to the nature, complexity or risk
prole of the contract. The competitive procedure with negotiation is intended for use when the
open or restricted procedures are unlikely to lead to a satisfactory outcome.
Award criteria (Regulations 67 and 68) says that all public contracts must now be awarded
on the basis of the MEAT. This means that the evaluation of bids must be on the basis of the best
quality/price ratio. However, authorities are permitted to determine MEAT on the basis of price
or cost alone.
Whole-life costs can also be used for the purpose of awarding a contract. An authority wishing
to base their award on whole-life costs must clearly set out the criteria for award in their invitations
to tender. In a recent competition to design, build and operate a major hospital, the client set a
target oor area which was deemed to be the most economical long-term design solution. Any
excess area oered by the tenderers was penalized by a rate of £x/m
per annum for the duration
of the concession. The reason for this criterion was that each square metre of building needs
heating, cleaning and maintenance for a 30-year period.
10 Introduction
Experience of the sta: an authority can include organization, qualications and experience
of sta allocated to a project in the award criteria.
Abnormally low tenders need to be investigated by contracting authorities. The regulations
set a number of elements of a tender that can be assessed by consulting the tenderer. The authority
may reject the abnormally low bid where the evidence supplied does not satisfactorily account for
the low level of price proposed.
Communications and information exchange are to be by electronic means of communication,
although there are a few exceptions listed in the regulations.
Unrestricted and full direct access to procurement documents (Regulation 53) is a
requirement of authorities. They are to oer unrestricted and full direct access to procurement
documents from the date of publication of the OJEU notice (or the date on which an invitation to
conrm interest is sent). Procurement documents are to be available electronically from the date of
the OJEU advertisement. For many contracting authorities, this means starting the preparation of
tender documents at an earlier stage than is currently the case.
Electronic auctions (Regulation 35) are permitted whereby new prices are submitted
electronically (in a live bidding process) with the intention that prices are revised downwards (as
opposed to upwards in a traditional auction). Bidders may also submit prices for elements of the
auction. A set of rules is set out for the conduct of an e-auction.
A standstill period of ten days is required from notication of an award to the signing of a
contract with the successful bidder. This rst became compulsory in the UK in 2005, in order to
allow unsuccessful bidders to challenge the decision before the contract is signed.
05: Building Measurement
Chapter: Introduction
1 Introduction
1.01 Getting started
Before starting we need to establish the purpose and intention of measurement. If you were
asked to measure a building, or the room you are in right now, most people would find a
measuring tape, a clipboard and something to write with. You might sketch out the plan shape
of the building or room and write the individual lengths and widths down as you go along.
TIP: most rooms are a regular shape (rectangular), so you will only need to measure one
width and one length. Older buildings (and some poorly constructed new ones) may be ‘out
of square’, so the above technique may not be appropriate. One way of checking whether a
room is square is to measure both of its diagonals (from one corner of the room to the other).
If the two diagonal dimensions are the same then it is a safe bet that the room is square and
each of the corners is at 90 degrees.
Being able to read and draw to scale is an important part of what quantity surveyors call
1.01 Getting started
1.02 Context and purpose
1.03 General principles
1.04 The classification system
1.05 Traditional tendering
ACTIVITY: If you can, try sketching the plan shape of the room you are in right now.
Get a tape measure and record the principal lengths and widths and annotate your
sketch of the floor layout (plan) by recording the plan dimensions. It doesn’t matter if
you haven’t got a tape measure to hand – you can simply ‘pace the room’. This will
obviously depend on how big your stride is so, for the purposes of getting you started
we will just assume that one of your strides is equivalent to one metre.
Once you know the length, area or volume of the various components that go together to
make up a finished building, you are in a position to allocate costs based on the units that
you have measured. For example, if you were measuring a skirting board and you knew how
much it cost per metre, finding the total cost once you know the internal room dimensions
(perimeter length) is straightforward (Figure 1.1).
Recording dimensions from finished buildings is one way of finding out how much the
building will cost. Once you are able to ‘read’ scale drawings and ‘record dimensions’ it
becomes possible to cost buildings even before they are built. In essence, this is the service
that a quantity surveyor offers to a client.
2 Introduction
Figure 1.1 Dimensioned plan of room.
One of the first things that anyone thinking about commissioning a new building wants to
know is ‘how much?’ By measuring the individual components and then allocating a cost to
these, the likely finished build cost can be established. Simply adding together all of these
individual components will give the total building cost.
OK, so this sounds simple enough but there are some other things to consider, especially
when we are dealing with an idea that was ‘in someone’s head’ and is now in the form of a
drawing rather than a finished building.
With a finished building we can see its quality (or not) both in terms of the materials used
and the workmanship. If we are measuring from a drawing this isn’t going to be so obvious.
This is of course significant when we are applying costs to our measured items. Consider the
skirting we measured earlier around the perimeter of a room. A softwood skirting (pine)
is likely to cost less than a hardwood (oak) equivalent; so we need to have some indication of
the quality of the materials and the standard of workmanship required before we can state
with certainty what things will cost.
So a set of measurements from a scale drawing isn’t enough on its own. In order to cost
a building we need to know two things: how much is there (the quantity) and what quality
of finish/standard is required/expected (the specification).
1.02 Context and purpose
To the uninitiated, the phrase ‘building measurement’ brings to mind the fixed notion of a
tape, a building and some numbers. One thing it probably does not immediately imply is
cost and forecasting. Yet the purpose of measurement in this context is inextricably linked
with providing an assessment of the cost of a building long before work has commenced on
site. Initially, and most importantly, someone requires the provision of a new building.
Normally they are likely to approach an architect so that their ideas and intentions can be
set down on paper. It is very likely, even at this early stage, that they will need to know how
much the building design proposals are going to cost (Figure 1.2a, b).
Armed with a set of drawings, a scale rule and a calculator, measurements can be taken
from these drawings and a document produced. This document identifies in some detail
the component parts of the proposed works, together with their quantity, and will allow
construction costs to be allocated to the appropriate parts of the building. Having costed
each component, a forecast for the scheme can be established (Figure 1.3).
Introduction 3
Figure 1.2 A building is proposed – how much will it cost?
To enable this forecast of cost to be made with any confidence, a number of basic principles
must be in place. It is very important that none of the building operations are overlooked
and that the items which have to be costed are presented in a recognisable form. The
consequence of an error in measurement or ambiguity in a description could result in the
client being ill-advised with regard to the eventual cost of building operations.
1.03 General principles
Having identified the purpose of measuring building work it is necessary to establish the
general principles that will ultimately result in a document which is mutually understood and
conveys the scale and extent of the construction. A consistent approach is necessary both in
terms of presenting this finished document and setting down dimensions so that others are
able to understand our approach (Figure 1.4).
It is not hard to imagine the confusion that would result if everyone adopted their own set
of rules when measuring building work. It was exactly this situation that prompted the
publication in 1922 of the first nationally recognised (UK) set of rules for the measurement
of building work. An indication of the chaotic state of affairs that prevailed prior to this
4 Introduction
Figure 1.3 A forecast of the proposed scheme is prepared.
Figure 1.4 Clearly understood set of documents.
publication can be gleaned from reading the preface of this very first edition. Phrases such
as ‘diversity of practice’ and ‘idiosyncrasies of individual surveyors’ suggest a picture of
confusion and doubt for the hapless early twentieth-century contractor. Almost a century later,
the same set of principles still apply. Now in an eighth edition, the current document NRM2:
Detailed Measurement for Building Works provides the basic principles for the measurement of
building work.
A report commissioned by the RICS Quantity Surveying and Construction Professional
Group (Measurement-based procurement of buildings; 2003) claimed that the (then) current
version of the Standard Method of Measurement (SMM7) was out of date and represented
a time when bills of quantities and tender documents were required to be measured in greater
detail than was warranted by procurement practice. At the same time it reported that the
rise in the use of design and build procurement had encouraged the use of contractors’ bills
of quantities where few documents were prepared in a standard recognised form.
Importantly the report confirmed that some form of measurement remained necessary in
the procurement of buildings, and that any new method of measurement would need to be
flexible enough to accommodate the different ways that measurement was used. So any
replacement document would need to be accessible and functional for a variety of different
clients, contractors, subcontractors and suppliers in the procurement process. In short, it was
time for an overhaul and an update.
Rather than ‘reinventing the wheel’ each time it was necessary to update construction costs,
the new approach would need to allow the measured information and associated cost data to
be passed on to the next stage. Different approaches to measurement and quantification at
different stages in the design would of course remain necessary. However, wherever possible,
any measurement/costs established for early-stage cost advice could be refined to inform
approximate estimates, cost plans, bills of quantities and eventually the maintenance and repair
costs of an operational building. This was the philosophy that underpinned the drafting of a
suite of three interoperable documents – NRM1, NRM2 and NRM3 (Figure 1.5).
NRM1: Order of cost estimating and cost planning for capital building works.
NRM2: Detailed measurement for building works.
NRM3: Order of cost estimating and cost planning for building maintenance works.
Measurement can therefore be identified as the starting point from which construction costs
are established. There is a standard format for the presentation of measured work and a set
Introduction 5
Figure 1.5 Timeline showing the NRM suite of documents with stage of estimating/costing mapped
against RIBA Plan of Work (2013).
01 2 34 5 6 7
Strategic definion Preparaon and brief Concept design Developed design Technical design Construcon Handover and close out In use
NRM1 Order of cost esmang and cost planning
NRM2: Detailed measurement for building works
NRM3: Order of cost esmang and
cost planning for building
maintenance works.
Early stage
cost advice
Cost Plan 1
Cost Plan 2
Cost Plan 3
or work
and post
ion phase
with live
secon or
of rules that are mutually known and accepted. These rules are embodied in a document
called The New Rules of Measurement 2 (NRM2). The New Rules of Measurement 2 is generally
recognised by the acronym NRM2 and further defined by the phrase ‘detailed measurement
for building work’.
In turn, measurement provides the basis for the preparation of a Bill of Quantities (BQ).
This document sets out the quality and quantity of all the component parts necessary for the
construction of the works. It is prepared in a predetermined order which, in normal
circumstances, would follow the same sequence as the work sections presented in NRM2.
Assuming a contract based on traditional tendering, each contractor would receive an
identical set of tender documents including a BQ, architect’s and structural engineer’s
drawings and a specification. Until recently these documents were prepared and provided to
tenderers as hard copy, but more recently they became available electronically. See sections
4.01 and 4.02 for further details of Building Information Modelling (BIM) and e-tendering.
The costing columns of the BQs are completed, extended and totalled independently by
each tendering contractor in order to establish a tender price for the completion of the
construction work. Individual tenders are submitted and compared to the other tenders
received. The client, acting on advice, normally accepts the most suitable tender and enters
into a formal agreement with the selected contractor. The BQs, along with the drawings,
specification and schedules, will eventually become part of the contract documentation to
which both parties are formally contracted. While this costing activity achieves the principal
function of the BQ (and thereby the measurement process), it also provides a valuable insight
into the financial management of the project during, and to some extent after, the construction
process. There are more sophisticated variants of the tender procedure described above but
whichever technique is used, all construction costs will, at some stage, have been prepared
from quantities established by the process of measurement.
The remainder of this text offers an interpretation by description and example of the
techniques that are commonly practised in the preparation of detailed measurement in order
to produce a BQ prepared in accordance with NRM2. Custom and practice will vary
between individual surveyors, and the examples and procedures given here should not be
considered as irrevocable. In spite of the rigours of NRM2, it is not unusual for individual
practice to vary. With this in mind, the reader is advised that the techniques described and
illustrated here should be regarded as recommendation rather than prescription.
1.04 The classification system
In the very first place, someone has to agree a system of classification for the construction
process. It has to be sufficiently robust to embrace the variety of trades employed in the
construction process, detailed enough to allow for technical distinctions and commonly
understood by all those who use it. NRM2 was established to achieve these goals and has been
adopted as the framework with which the detailed measurement of building work should be
drafted. The classification system is loosely based on the pattern of trades employed during
building operations. The order in which these are presented generally reflects the sequence of
events as they are likely to occur on site. While the details might not always be obvious, the
general coverage of each of the TABULATED WORK SECTIONS is clearly recognisable
from the Work Section title. At this point it would be helpful to have a copy of NRM2 to hand
so that the readers can begin to familiarise themselves with the structure and sequence adopted
when preparing detailed measurement for building work. A free pdf download of NRM2 is
6 Introduction
available from the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) – available to members
and student members. In order for detailed measurement to take place it is a condition of NRM2
that sufficient design and production data are available (Figure 1.6)
For the purposes of measurement, NRM2 identifies a ‘trade-specific’ set of rules under
each of the above Work Sections. The rules of measurement for the various trades or work
Introduction 7
Figure 1.6 NRM2 work sections (RICS Publications).
packages are presented in a table using a numerical prefix to distinguish each work section.
The coding/classification system adopted by the NRM suite of documents (NRM1, NRM2
and NRM3) is intended to be interchangeable, allowing measurement and costings to be
mutually interoperable across all documents. Details relating to the application of this coding
system are explained in NRM2 2.15.3.
Specific measurement rules relating to particular trades can be found in NRM2 under each
Work Section (see Figure 1.6). This is supplemented by general measurement rules that pre -
cede this and apply to the measurement of all construction operations. These rules comprise
a uniform basis for measuring, describing and billing building works. To this end they
identify the standard of accuracy necessary for recording quantities (NRM2 3.3 Measurement
Rules for building work), together with definitions and interpretations for written descriptions.
The application of these rules to specific trades forms the basis of Chapters 5 to 15 of this
text. Reference is also made to the way in which the tabulated rules should be implemented.
The following is an extract from NRM2 work section 5 Excavation and filling, and is
included here to illustrate this (Figure 1.7).
Figure 1.7 shows an example of the tabular arrangement for NRM2 Work Section 5
Excavation and Filling. The first set of columns lists descriptive features that are commonly
encountered in building operations, labelled ‘items of work to be measured’ (in this instance,
excavation). The second narrow column is reserved for the appropriate unit of measurement
(in this instance, cubic metres). The third provides sub-groups into which each main group
can be further subdivided (known as level one) and the fourth distinguishes still further
subdivision (known as level two). The fifth column (level three) identifies particular features
unique to certain situations (in this case only one option is offered). Where appropriate, more
than one feature may be selected from this column. The final column provides comments,
definitions and interpretations. Descriptions are generated by selecting an appropriate
descriptive feature from each column working from left to right (see selected text in Figure 1.7).
8 Introduction
Figure 1.7 Building descriptions by selecting pre-defined phraseology from NRM2 Work Sections
(example shows Excavation and Filling) (RICS Publications).
The measurer should observe and maintain the wording available within each set of horizontal
lines when ‘building’ each description.
1.05 Traditional tendering
There are many reasons for requiring building work to be measured but the principal
purpose is to identify cost. In order to give a client some indication of the likely cost for the
proposal, early-stage construction cost estimates can be prepared. These are based on the
client’s anticipated use of floor space. While useful in providing a range of construction cost
(lowest to highest), these are not regarded as reliable since they are frequently prepared on
incomplete detail and limited specification. At best they provide the client with an indication
of the likely cost. As the design progresses, an improved level of detail becomes available and
early-stage cost advice can be refined and improved to reflect this.
Once the design is complete the measurement process can commence and a BQ can be
produced. The BQ forms the basis of the tender process and will be priced by a number of
competing contractors. Each will price the quantities independently to arrive at a total cost
for the work (Figure 1.8).
The pricing process, once completed and totalled, provides the basis for a returned tender.
For the successful contractor (usually the lowest returned tender) the priced BQ is incorporated
with other documents into a formal contract. Both contractor and client are then legally bound
to perform their respective parts of this contract: the contractor to build and the client to pay
the agreed sum upon satisfactory completion of the works.
Introduction 9
10 Introduction
Figure 1.8 BQ page showing completed pricing and page collection total.
06: Total Construction Management
Chapter: Understanding lean construction
Understanding lean
Two major management movements have swept over the construction sector in the past
25 years: first of all, the Quality movement initiated by public sector clients mandating
compliance with ISO 9000 in the early 1990s and more recently the Lean Construction
movement. Currently leading clients for construction services are beginning to require their
suppliers and their supply chains to demonstrate a lean approach to their businesses. Some,
like Highways England and Crossrail, are even supporting the transformation with a
maturity model, performance measures, metrics and resources/training. Both of these
significant transformational philosophies, quality and lean, have taken root in other
industry sectors well before early adopters in construction have recognized their value.
Today we have mature examples of successful lean quality implementation in the construc -
tion sector, though we do have to look around the world to find our examples. This book
presents the lead adopters in the form of a series of case studies of lean quality manage -
ment. The book also postulates that lean and quality are two slightly different lenses
through which we view management excellence and argues that these perspectives are
merging. For example, the 2015 version of the International Standard on Quality Manage -
ment System Requirements ISO 9001 introduced continuous improvement into the quality
framework in a formal sense for the first time.
A case study
We start this book by exploring the unique characteristics of construction and developing
an understanding of the specific challenges faced by design and construction organizations
in implementing lean quality. Let us begin with an interesting vignette. In 1913, the
Commonwealth Bank of Australia, one of Australia’s leading banks at the time, com -
missioned a new building at the corner of Martin Place and Pitt Street in Sydney. The
building was six stories high, had a massive sandstone façade, its footprint was approx -
imately 100 metres square with a light well in the centre for ventilation and natural light.
The drawings for this building, which would cost some $200 million in today’s terms,
consisted of a single A1 sheet with three images on it, a dimensioned plan, an elevation
and a dimensioned cross section, all neatly coloured (Figure 1.1).
The entire contract documentation for the project consisted of:
these three drawings on one sheet;
a handwritten statement on the back of this single sheet stating: I hereby undertake
to build the building described overleaf for $700;
53 pages of scope of work/specification; and
4 pages of contract conditions.
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Photograph of the
Commonwealth Bank of
Australia building at its
opening in 1916
4 The foundations of lean quality
Today such limited documentation is unimaginable (of course, the services in our
buildings are much more complex), we would have many hundreds of drawings and
thousands of pages of contract documentation. What has changed?
When this building was commissioned and built, the architect would have had the
quantity surveyor and design engineers in-house as a part of his team. Similarly, the con -
tractor would have had the major trades in-house, with construction teams led by master
tradesmen. This story tells us a number of things:
There was one way of building and master tradesmen had the skill and knowledge
to build major buildings from simple depictions, and quality was ensured by the high
standard and integrity of the master tradesmen.
The brief contract (4 pages of contract conditions) demonstrates that there was a high
level of trust between the client and contractor for this project. A simple contract such
as this for a project of this size is unimaginable today.
he organizations designing and building were integrated and had control over
their resources. They could plan the workflow in detail as they had control of all of
the resources required to undertake the work.
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Understanding lean construction 5
The construction industry does have a number of unique features which create challenges
for the sector:
projects are uniquely designed or modified to fit a specific site, the needs of a specific
client or client group;
constructed products are large and fixed in location; hence, in contrast to manu -
facturing, here it is the work teams that move past the product progressively adding
value rather than the product moving through a number of work stations;
generally, the work teams are from different subcontracting organizations rather than
from a single organization, creating challenges for coordination and integration of the
product design and the production and assembly process;
the time frame for larger projects is measured in years, and, increasingly, the design
phase and construction are, to some extent, concurrent;
because of the long time frame of projects, the people involved will invariably change
over time;
on larger projects, in particular, the relationship between the parties is mediated by
varying commercial terms and organizational arrangements; this diversity creates
further significant variables which alter organizational structures, risk allocation, and
the responsibilities of the parties from project to project;
the client is often involved both in the design and construction phases, defining needs
and choosing between alternative solutions, hence, influencing function, cost, and risk
while the project design is under development and during construction;
importantly, when the client has an ongoing interaction with the designers and
constructers, the quality of the services will influence relationships and can distort
customer perceptions of product quality: either positively or negatively;
the corollary to this is that clients’ approach to their role and function can significantly
shift the culture and cost of the project: once again, in either a positive or negative
direction; and finally,
quality is considered almost entirely in product terms, yet the creation of a quality
design and construction process, an effective collaboration between numerous
suppliers from the early design stage to completion of construction is the greatest
challenge – this is not owned by any one party; rather, it is achieved through the
negotiations and collaboration of the many players; and it is the industry’s processes
which determine key outcomes.
Recent decades have seen the rapid globalization in all sections of the construction
sector. It started with the emergence of global materials businesses in areas such as cement
production, concrete production, brick, plasterboard, construction chemicals and timber
processing. At the same time, the specialist requirements of major energy and infrastructure
projects led to the development of global EPC (engineering, procurement and construction)
businesses such as Bechtel and Fluor Daniel. Also during this period, global specialist
design, fabricate and install businesses emerged to supply, install and service elevators,
air conditioning, fire systems, electrical and control systems. Most recently, global archi -
tectural and engineering consulting businesses have been created.
In today’s global construction sector, even mid-sized businesses can procure quite
sophisticated products and services globally. Local design teams collaborate with others
around the world creating the opportunity for 24/7 services. Often, back-office services
such as accounting and call centres are relocated to more economical destinations
within the country or internationally. Naturally, geographic diversification brings with it
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special challenges in terms of the seamless, defect-free delivery of complex products and
Among owners today there is a widespread belief that the lowest cost tendered on a project
represents best value. On large complex projects nothing can be further from the truth.
In fact, by adopting this method of procurement, owners have traded-off flexibility and
the ability to collaborate and innovate across the supply chain for the illusion of cost
certainty. We say illusion because large complex projects are almost inevitably time critical;
they are unique; and they run over several years. Therefore, the final scope is rarely the
same as the one priced at the outset.
Nowadays, clients are reluctant to invest in solution generation upfront; they are
generally in a rush to start, and they tend to push decisions and risk down the supply
chain. Under these circumstances, all risks are priced conservatively to cover the suppliers’
risk in the absence of information; and client changes during the project are priced as
variations and usually command a price premium.
Today’s industry is extremely fragmented and specialized; numerous alternative
technologies exist for each part of a building; and, for reasons of managing industrial
relations risk and increased technical specialization, most of today’s large projects are built
by a team of 100 or more (and on extremely large and complex projects, more than 1,000)
different design, fabrication and construction specialist organizations.
This extraordinary fragmentation has brought with it significant challenges to coord -
ination, integration and innovation. Each subcontract organization works on many projects
concurrently; and there are competing demands for resources between different pro -
jects, making it difficult for subcontractors to make reliable commitments to each project.
Subcontractors attempt to manage the widely fluctuating demand on their resources by
adopting a pyramid subcontracting strategy. However, this further challenges the overall
project team’s ability to effectively coordinate work and control critical outcomes such as
safety, quality and productivity.
Coupled with the extreme fragmentation of their supply chains, many contractors in
the sector favour short-term, cost driven relationships with their suppliers. Most head
contractors are more interested in the speed of the job than smoothing out the resource
requirements of their subcontractors because speed is the factor that has the greatest impact
on costs and profits.
While in the past few decades major contractors have narrowed their supply chains,
it is fair to say that their relationships with their suppliers are quite shallow. Almost all
con tractors collaborate with their suppliers only when working together on projects.
Examples of deep, long-term commitment to collaboration with the supply chain are rare.
Within this fragmented delivery model, with low levels of trust between owners,
suppliers and within the supply chain, open collaboration is further limited by the com -
mercial terms of the contracts which tend to push as much of the risk and responsibility
as possible down the supply chain. The outcome is that each party fiercely protects its
margin and ensures that information is not shared openly. The tension between the self-
interest of the parties and the common good of the project has never been higher.
During the tender stage, each subcontractor develops their own price in isolation. The
head contractor chooses the lowest subcontract prices and submits a tender based on
the aggregation of those prices plus a margin and an allowance for contingency. In this
process, there is limited opportunity for collaborative innovation between the parties as
they are all working in isolation. Once contracts are signed, collaboration between
6 The foundations of lean quality
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subcontractors working on the same project is limited as each fights to protect his/her
own margin.
It is this broad scenario that has led the construction sector to stagnant productivity
growth in the last half century while other sectors of the economy have improved their
productivity by up to 200 per cent. Figure 1.2, from the US Department of Commerce,
Bureau of Labor Statistics, plots the trend of construction sector productivity against the
non-farm productivity index between 1964 and 2004.
Productivity improvement in all industries is driven by innovation in technology and
through business process change. In today’s construction industry, with limited
collaboration between the parties in the supply chain, innovation is by and large limited
to technical developments in individual product and service areas, and through advances
in logistics and global procurement.
Given the size and complexity of major projects, it is essential to tap into the creative
opportunities afforded by deep and effective collaboration across the very wide supply
chain. To develop the creative solutions needed to drive improvements in quality, safety,
productivity and client satisfaction, close collaboration between front-end designers and
downstream fabricators and erectors is essential. Such relationships are difficult to achieve
when trust is low, risk is simply pushed down the supply chain and there is little
willingness to invest in solution generation early in the process.
The complexities that are described in the previous section have led to performance
challenges which are remarkably similar the world over.
Construction is one of the most hazardous industries – its accident record is third
behind mining and forestry. New legislation has now made head contractors, designers
and project managers more responsible and potentially liable for injuries incurred by
workers on a site, regardless of who had employed them.
Research has shown that the cost of rectifying quality errors during and after the
contract is of the same order as the profitability of organizations in the sector. Product
quality problems are reflected in leaking buildings and premature deterioration of
external finishes.
On most project sites only about half of the tasks planned one week out are actually
completed according to plan. This means that while overall progress is being made in
terms of a measure such as Value Earned, almost half of the work completed on the
job each week is not what had been planned. Hence, individual contractors within
the supply chain struggle to maintain efficient workflow and resource utilization,
driving them to lose confidence in the planning process and to focus inwards on their
own profitability.
Design often takes longer than anticipated and early budgets are rarely accurate.
This reflects the fact that the gap between design and construction is too wide and the
design decision-making process is out of touch with the real costs and opportunities
of construction. It cannot effectively consider alternate construction methods and
Understanding lean construction 7
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US Construction vs non-farm
productivity 1964–2004
Paul Teicholz, Professor (Emeritus),
Department of CEE, Stanford
8 The foundations of lean quality
materials. Under normal processes, clients are often not afforded the opportunity to
make effective choices.
Value for money
Most clients for constructed products the world over clutch to the belief that the lowest
price in a tender represents the best value. While this may hold true for simple fast
projects, nothing can be further from the truth for complex and uncertain projects. Too
often clients call for tenders on a project providing scant documentation and expecting
suppliers to invest in the problem solution at their own cost and, often, to accept
unrealistic risk. This has created a very real dilemma for the construction sector. Public
sector clients face probity issues, as should any client organization; however, under -
investing in the generation of the request (design and planning), and insisting that the
lowest price represents best value have led to more poor outcomes than good ones.
Under such circumstances clients pay an upfront premium for the risk taken and,
generally with time, almost always pay a premium for the inevitable variations to the
scope of works.
Against this backdrop of complexity and poor performance, contractors and consultants
both claim that their profit margins are very low.
The emergence of very large global organizations has led to rapid restructuring in
some sectors of the industry. As these organizations have grown in size, the major challenge
for them is to remain flexible, adaptive and creative – these are the skills required for the
outstanding collaboration needed to optimize the design, fabrication and assembly of large
complex projects.
Whatever the type of organization – whether it is an engineering or architectural
design practice, a developer, a contractor, a building product manufacturer or a project
manager – competition is intense: for end customers, for employees, for projects and for
funds. This book is about the strategies that world leaders in the construction sector have
deployed to remain at the leading edge of competitiveness.
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Understanding lean construction 9
The ideas of lean production were first introduced to the American automobile industry
in 1980 by Fujio Cho, later to become the president of the Toyota Motor Corporation. At
that time, these ideas were called the Toyota Production System (TPS) or Just-in-Time (JIT)
The term ‘lean production’ was coined by Womack and Jones and their research team
a decade later when they were comparing production in the Japanese automobile industry
to that of their Western competitors. They introduced the term in their ground-breaking
book, The Machine that Changed the World. In every measure, they saw that more was being
done with less: production costs were lower, inventory costs were lower and product
development was faster with fewer resources. While in Western automobile factories, a
third of all cars produced were sitting in a re-work pool at the end of the production line,
waiting for quality errors to be rectified, at the end of Toyota’s production line, there was
not a single car in the re-work pool. Most importantly, customer perceptions were that the
Japanese cars were more reliable.
The traditional definition of lean production is ‘creating value for the customer with
no waste’; waste being anything that does not add value to the customer. The concept
of ‘no waste’ highlights the need for efficiency. A basic precept of a lean organization is
the continuous drive to eliminate non-value-adding processes from all of its activities.
Equally inherent in lean is the focus on quality, in the broadest sense. Giving the customer
what he/she wants explicitly draws attention to customer needs and satisfaction and, as
with the quality movement, this focus is on all customers: the initial customer (owner,
developer), all intermediate customers (all the parties in the supply chain) and the end
user. It is the dual focus on quality and efficiency that underpins competitiveness; hence,
the focus of this book being lean quality (LQ).
JIT is often misunderstood within construction as simply delivering materials and
products to site just as they are required. However, the terms JIT Manufacturing or JIT/TPS
were used to describe the entire system of management that is considered to form a part
of lean production. After the publication of The Machine that Changed the World, the term
JIT/TPS has been gradually replaced by the term lean production.
However, as with many management terms, lean production is often used loosely. To
redefine the term, Jim Womack sent a message to the Lean Enterprise Institute email list
entitled ‘Deconstructing the Tower of Babel’. He described how in 1987, working with a
group of colleagues, they listed the performance attributes of a Toyota-style production
system compared with traditional mass production. The Toyota-style production system:
needed less human effort to design, make and service products;
required less investment for a given amount of production capacity;
created products with fewer delivered defects and fewer in-process turn-backs;
utilized fewer suppliers with higher skills;
went from concept to launch, order to delivery and problem to repair in less time with
less human effort;
could cost-effectively produce products in lower volume with wider variety to sustain
pricing in the market while growing share;
needed less inventory at every step from order to delivery and in the service system;
caused fewer employee injuries, etc.
The group very quickly ascertained that this system needed less of everything to create
a given amount of value, so they called it ‘lean’, hence the term was born. In the intervening
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period, the term has become loosely applied to a great variety of improvement activity
and so to set the record straight, Jim Womack wrote ‘here’s what lean means to me’:
it always begins with the customer;
the customer wants value: the right goods or service at the right time, place
and price with perfect quality;
value in any activity – goods, services or some combination – is always the end
result of a process (design, manufacture and service for external customers, and
business processes for internal customers);
every process consists of a series of steps that need be taken properly in the
proper sequence at the proper time;
to maximize customer value, these steps must be taken with zero waste;
to achieve zero waste, every step in a value-creating process must be valuable,
capable, available, adequate and flexible, and the steps must flow smoothly and
quickly from one to the next at the pull of the downstream customer;
a truly lean process is a perfect process; perfectly satisfying the customer’s
desire for value with zero waste; and
none of us has ever seen a perfect process nor will most of us ever see one; but
lean thinkers still believe in perfection, the never-ending journey towards the
truly lean process.
Note that identifying the steps in the process, getting them to flow, letting the customer
pull, etc. are not the objectives of lean practitioners; these are simply necessary steps
to reach the goal of perfect value with zero waste.
Essentially what Womack defined was simply a focus on the customer, on creating value and
on eliminating waste – the ideal of any production process. The wastes he referred to were
those defined by Engineer Ohno of Toyota:
excess conveyance;
extra processing;
excessive inventory;
unnecessary motion; and
defects requiring rework or scrap.
The elimination of these will:
reduce the proportion of non-value-adding activities;
reduce lead time;
reduce variation;
simplify processes;
increase flexibility; and
increase transparency.
The lean production agenda has an increasing amount in common with TQM, the
main difference being that the lean focus tends to be on production/delivery processes
whereas the TQM focus is on organizations as a whole.
Writing a definition of lean quality for all types of organization is extremely difficult,
because the range of products, services and organization structures lead to different
impressions of the nature and scope of lean quality. Basically lean quality is a programme
directed towards ensuring that the right work is produced at the right quality at the right
10 The foundations of lean quality
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time throughout the entire supply chain without waste. Anyone who perceives it purely
as a material control system, a short-term planning system or a way to reduce overheads
and costs is bound to fail.
Lean quality can also be described as a disciplined series of operating concepts which
allow the smooth and efficient flow of materials and services as they are required with
the minimum amount of resources (facilities, equipment, materials, capital and people).
Furthermore, it also creates a basis for the systematic identification of operational problems
and proposes a set of tools and strategies for correcting them.
In some organizations JIT was introduced as ‘continuous flow production’. This
describes the objective of achieving the efficient conversion of purchased material and
services to delivery very well (from suppliers to the customer). If this extends into the
supplier and customer chains, all operating with lean quality, a perfectly continuous flow
of materials, information and services will be achieved. In the VNGC case study there is
a section on Takt time planning; this is essentially the application of this concept to the
construction planning process.
Lean quality concepts can be used in all parts of all businesses, in administration to
manage payments and invoicing, in design to manage the decision-making process as well
as the design process, to manage off-site fabrication, logistics and the con struction assembly
process on site.
There is a well-established range of lean quality and operations management tech -
niques; these include tools and strategies to monitor and analyse processes and outcomes.
They include:
flowcharting to better understand processes;
process study and analysis to identify potential for improvement;
preventive maintenance to avoid unplanned disruptions;
equipment and materials layout to optimize material flow;
standardized design to reduce process risk;
statistical process control, applicable to the analysis of all data; and
value analysis and value engineering to ensure that the focus is on achieving client
needs in the most efficient manner.
The following ideas which are directly associated with the operation of JIT are also
an important part of the implementation of lean quality:
1 batch or lot size reduction to produce smoother flow of materials and services;
2 flexible workforce to maintain smooth flow and to cope with unanticipated require -
3 visible cards that signal material requirements (Kanban);
4 mistake-proofing to ensure errors cannot happen;
5 pull-scheduling: one completed task pulling the other behind it;
6 set-up time reduction such as minimum crane time for assembly operations on site;
rapid assembly and stripping of formwork; easy alteration to forms at changes in core
configurations; and
7 standardized containers/trolleys for the transport and handling of materials.
In addition to these, joint development programmes with suppliers and customers,
establishing long-term relationships, are beneficial. The closer the collaboration between
customer and supplier and within the supply chain, the greater the capacity for innovation
and the more capable the team is to manage risks in safety, quality and production. These
benefits can only be achieved through close collaboration between capable, complementary
Understanding lean construction 11
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There is clear evidence that companies in all industry sectors, all around the world,
who, together with their supply chains, have successfully leveraged the benefits of lean
quality have made spectacular improvements in their performance. This can be seen in:
increased flexibility;
more reliable quality resulting in less rework and disruption;
more reliable process flow leading to less inventory on site, less damage and less
double handling;
better product and process integration; and
standardization and simplification of products and processes.
Translated into the construction process, lean quality offers similar benefits to those
achieved in manufacturing and service industries. In construction, some of the key areas
to target are:
reliable commitments: all parties (owners, designers, suppliers and contractors) must
deliver on their promises for timely decisions and for task completion;
work handover: all parties must satisfy the needs of the following trade (or designer)
in terms of task completeness and quality, to allow everyone’s work to proceed
smoothly and safely; and
workflow: all parties need to be well coordinated and progress through the project
work (design or construction) at an even completion rate.
The processes of lean construction focus on the planning and management of the
production system as a whole. Lean thinking seeks to shift the focus of individual parties
in the supply chain from their own efficiency to the efficiency of the entire end-to-end
process. For this shift to occur, commercial terms which encourage the seamless collabor -
ation within the supply chain are required.
In construction it is not uncommon for the general contractor to bring a ‘cheap’ sub -
contractor on to a project on the basis that they will manage the risks. Generally, this costs
everyone on the job, as the disruption to the flow of work caused by a less capable team
member has flow-on effects for everyone. Naturally, as far as possible, everyone prices in
the increased risk into their tenders as contingency so this is a zero sum game.
Going on to the field with the best team every time creates confidence and trust among
the team members, increases the team’s capacity for innovation and efficiency and allows
all team members to reduce contingency.
Toyota introduced the concept of Just in Time (JIT): the idea that production should
respond to consumer demand rather than mass production edict, thus improving overall
efficiency by minimizing work in progress and inventory. However, a system with minimal
inventory and work in progress cannot tolerate defective work, and this led to a focus on
waste elimination.
The classical seven wastes in lean production were listed earlier in this chapter; however
because construction is one-of-a-kind, project-based production and, therefore, significantly
different to mass production, the conceptualization of waste has attracted sig ni ficant
attention. Bolviken et al. (2013) propose the following detailed taxonomy of waste. They
conclude that some of these categories may be less useful in practice than others; however,
we include it here to illustrate the broader philosophical thinking about the nature of waste.
12 The foundations of lean quality
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Waste in the transformation of materials
1 Material waste: all materials not used in the final product, including materials that are
damaged and need to be replaced, material waste through handling and re-handling,
and material ordered surplus to requirements;
2 Sub-optimal use of materials: this can be a result of over-design or overly conservative
construction, a relative waste, which will be optimized as technology improves design
and construction safety margins;
3 Sub-optimal use of machinery, energy or labour.
Waste in the flow of work
4 Unnecessary movements by people: looking for, reaching for, stacking parts or tools,
moving too far to get to facilities, location of site office;
5 Unnecessary work: doing things unnecessarily; for example, in design, preparing 2D
documents as well as a 3D model when the latter is sufficient;
6 Inefficient work: doing necessary work in an inefficient manner; for example, working
at height unnecessarily, when by redesigning the work it could be done on the ground,
ergonomic aspects of work;
7 Waiting: lost time because preceding work is incomplete or because information,
approvals, materials or equipment are not available.
Waste in the flow of product
8 Space not being worked in: this waste is specific to construction and can be seen as
an equivalent of idle equipment, it is the unrealized opportunity for work;
9 Excess inventory (materials not being worked on): raw material, work in progress
(WIP) or finished goods are all at risk of damage, they all accrue storage costs as well
as mask production and delivery problems;
10 Unnecessary transport: moving materials or products unnecessarily on site, sending
physical documents rather than transmitting them electronically or returning to the
site office with information rather than transmitting it from the field.
Loss of value in the main product
11 Lack of quality: production of defective trade work on site or delivery of defective
components to site creates rework; the organization of rework; scrap; and inspection,
errors in documentation and design;
12 Lack of intended use or overproduction.
Value loss as a by-product of construction
13 Harmful emissions; and
14 Injuries and work-related sickness.
An additional waste, Making-do, has been suggested by Koskela (2004). This refers to
starting a task before all preconditions are ready. At times, the team on the ground does
not have control over all the preconditions for work to proceed but have to choose between
making do or delaying the project. When a design discipline gets ahead of overall design
resolution resulting in rework, or on fast-tracked projects if foundation construction
commences before the design is fully resolved, some foundations may be incorrect.
Greg Howell has suggested that the contingency that estimators include in the pricing
of new projects is a waste peculiar to construction. The sector has poor data on productivity
Understanding lean construction 13
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14 The foundations of lean quality
and comparative efficiency, and it does not capture the cost of even the simplest forms of
waste which is rework arising from defective work. Cost estimates include contingency
based on previous business as usual, costs which include rework and inefficiency.
While the language of each movement (lean and quality) is somewhat different, and hence,
the emphasis seems different, the conceptual frameworks of quality and lean at the core
level of philosophy and principles have a common goal of meeting or seeking to exceed
client needs and expectations as efficiently as possible.
Projects vary along a spectrum between simple and certain at one end, and complex
and uncertain on the other. As complexity and uncertainty increase, it becomes more
important to build flexibility into the commercial arrangements and organizational struc -
tures and to align the commercial interests of the client and the delivery team. Teams
constructing complex and uncertain projects will inevitably have to deal with variability
in scope and changes in risk profile during the delivery of their project.
As complexity increases, it is also important to effectively link downstream fabricators
and erectors with the design team to ensure that solutions generated during design can
be efficiently constructed. This type of flexibility is best provided through the use of
relational contracts under which risk and reward are shared across the key members of
the delivery team.
Lean construction involves all the parties in the design, fabrication and construction
processes working together to best understand the needs of the customers (end and internal
customers alike) and to jointly strive to eliminate non-value activities (waste) from their
operations. This can only be achieved through the end-to-end collaboration of all parties,
from the initial client to the end user, and everyone in between.
In traditional construction, the dominant approach to managing the delivery of
constructed projects has been through project management, as against production manage -
ment; however, it is increasingly recognized that the two approaches are fundamentally
different, though complementary.
Koskela and Howell argue in their 2010 paper that there are three basic weaknesses
in traditional construction project management:
Planning as supported by sophisticated software products is not closely linked to the
execution of the work but is based on an abstract representation of the project.
There is no systematic approach to managing the execution of the work in the real
Control is limited to taking corrective action after the event rather than as a process
of continuous learning and improvement.
The unique aspects of the delivery of constructed products fundamentally alter the
production process when compared to other industry sectors. The lean construction
community worldwide has over the past two decades developed a three-part framework;
which includes commercial terms, organization and a lean operating system to address
the challenges described above. This is described in the Lean Construction Institute triangle
shown in Figure 1.3.
Often people incorrectly equate lean production with the tools and management
processes; while these are invaluable, lean production embraces all three sides of the
triangle. The tools without appropriate commercial terms and an integrated organization
are limited in what they can accomplish.
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The Lean
Institute triangle
Understanding lean construction 15
Integrated organization
Over the years, construction industry clients have made many attempts to improve project
outcomes, Design Build, Design Build Operate, Alliances and most recently Early
Constrictor Involvement (ECI) and PPPs have sought to better align the interests of the
clients and the supply chain and to encourage end-to-end collaboration in the search for
better design solutions. While each of these strategies has had benefits, they also have had
their limitations.
Northern Californian healthcare provider Sutter Health, in the US, and BA, in the UK,
were among the first major building sector owners to adopt a combination of lean
construction thinking and methods, and Integrated Project Delivery agreements to drive
better performance on its projects. Several major owners, including Intel, Disney and the
University of California in San Francisco have followed in their footsteps.
Sutter with support from its consultants developed the five Big Ideas to encompass the
changes they sought from their project teams, shown in Figure 1.4.
These ideas define the principal objectives required to drive the kind of open, colla -
borative problem-solving and learning environment that is necessary to deliver large,
complex projects effectively and efficiently. They are the guiding principles for how large,
multidisciplinary teams engaged in all necessary activities from feasibility design through
to fabrication, assembly and operations can work together to identify and manage risk,
develop optimum multi-party solutions to complex problems and continuously improve
performance through a creative and productive relationship.
True collaboration
This calls for end-to-end collaboration between front-end designers and tail-end fabricators
and erectors, and everyone in between. Real collaboration maximizes positive iteration in
the design process and reduces wasted effort and rework.
Increase relatedness between all the parties
For the best outcomes, participants must work closely together, be open to each other, jointly
learn from mistakes and continue to improve and innovate in an open, collaborative manner.
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Sutter Health’s five
Big Ideas
16 The foundations of lean quality
Projects are a network of commitments
Projects are built as a result of sound promises made between the actors on a project. The
reliability of these commitments correlates with the reliability of workflow. Collective
striving to improve the reliability of commitments brings personal accountability to the
flow of work. This is in stark contrast to the traditional view that work is completed
through contract and control.
Optimize the project – not the parts
Projects become more uncertain when the parties focus on self-interest at the expense of
the project outcomes. However, the commercial terms have to support the shared focus
on what is best for the project.
Tightly couple action with learning
The traditional construction industry tolerates error repetition to a remarkable degree.
Errors in safety, quality and productivity are repeated on projects daily. Error repetition
can only be eliminated through a focused learning environment.
Aligned commercial interests
To encourage behaviours consistent with the owner’s interests and priorities, a commercial
agreement is required that binds the interests of the parties together in alignment with the
owner’s interests, and rewards the achievement of clearly identified, exceptional outcomes
that benefit the owner and the key stakeholders. This class of agreements is known as
Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) or Integrated Form of Agreements (IFOA).
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Understanding lean construction 17
While infrastructure alliance projects in Australia sought to do this between 1997 and
2012, they did not go far enough to identify benefits that were commercially bankable for
the client. Too often the Key Performance Indicators (KPI) and Key Result Areas (KRA)
frameworks that mediated rewards were not sufficiently commercially focused, and though
they may have been demanding of project teams initially, they became too easy to achieve
with time. With the exception of programme alliances, once the KPI and KRA frameworks
were set, they were not ratcheted up to drive and demonstrate continuous improvement
throughout a project.
Commercially expedient thinking that does not engage with the risks and oppor -
tunities of a project and simply pushes risk and responsibility down the supply chain
generally costs the client more than any alternative strategy. This is in spite of the fact that
the client may tender and accept the lowest price in an open and transparent tender
process. Large constructed projects are complex and the client inevitably benefits from
engagement with the supply chain in a full exploration of the risks and opportunities of
the project.
IPDs, at their simplest, seek to bind the designers and constructors to the objectives
of the owner by creating alignment of the interests of all parties in the project with the
interests of the owner. The selection of project participants is based on technical and
cultural fit rather than price; and, it is accepted that the core members of the supply chain
should be appointed early in the life of a project, creating the possibility for fabricators
and constructors to participate in design decision-making.
Some clients prefer to tie the whole supply chain into the agreement, seeking to work
with a co-operative of equals who collaborate to achieve the owner’s objectives without
the opportunity for any party to bias processes or decisions towards its self-interest. In
these arrangements, clients are involved in weekly discussions about risk and opportunity;
and the leadership team of the supply chain (including the owner) meet weekly to resolve
problems and leverage opportunities for innovation. A key aspect of such arrangements
is that money can move across organization boundaries within the project team in search
of the best project level investments, and efficiency gains made by any single party are
shared by the team.
Under these agreements, there is a commitment to learning and continuous improve -
ment. All of the partners commit to being effective members of the project executive, putting
forward able and empowered leaders to contribute to the team decision-making processes.
Such agreements use terms such as the following to express the intent of the owner:
By forming an Integrated Team, the parties intend to gain the benefit of an open and
creative learning environment, where team members are encouraged to share ideas
freely in an atmosphere of mutual respect and tolerance. Team Members shall work
together and individually to achieve transparent and co-operative exchange of
information in all matters relating to the Project, and to share ideas for improving
Project Delivery as contemplated in the Project Evaluation Criteria. Team members
shall actively promote harmony, collaboration and co-operation among all entities
performing on the Project.
The parties recognize that each of their opportunities to succeed on the Project is
directly tied to the performance of other Project participants. The parties shall therefore
work together in the spirit of co-operation, collaboration and mutual respect for the
benefit of the Project, and within the limits of their professional expertise and abilities.
Throughout the Project, the parties shall use their best efforts to perform the work in
an expeditious and economical manner consistent with the interests of the Project.
(Lichtig, 2005)
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Lean quality management system
The third side of the Lean Construction Institute triangle refers to the management sys -
tems and tools used to drive excellent outcomes and continuous improvement. These apply
to all phases and areas of the work from design to commissioning and, if relevant,
operations as well. An underlying principle is the use of data to drive processes and
During the design phase, the key elements of lean management implementation are
understand clearly the owner’s need and priorities;
use Target Value Design (TVD) to drive the design towards achievement of the owner’s
create genuine collaboration between all the relevant team members to shape design
resolution, linking fabricators, constructors and users with the initial designers to
develop an optimum, holistic design solution (often supported by the use of 3D
develop a Built-In Safety and Quality plan to ensure that safety and quality are
considered from the outset and readily achievable; and
manage the flow of decision and design work during the design phase using the
Last Planner® System (LPS) and Reliable Promising, based on the Linguistic Action
It has been found, around the world, that typically up to 50 per cent of tasks assigned
to a week’s plan on the preceding Friday were not completed as planned. Using lean
thinking and the LPS® the percentage of tasks completed can be increased to 85 per cent.
Other tools and approaches including Built-In Quality and Safety (BIQS) and Value
Stream Mapping (VSM) are commonly used to mistake proof and improve assembly in
construction processes. Traditional tools, such as visual management, 5S, standard work,
BIM and virtual prototyping and value engineering, from lean production and elsewhere
are also used to eliminate waste and improve value, primarily, for the end customer, but
also with a view to the needs of intermediate customers. In fact, lean is not a set of tools;
rather, it is a mindset to use all appropriate tools and techniques combined with the use
of metrics to continuously improve key outcomes.
1 Perea, S., Davis, S., Karin, K. and Marosszeky, M. Enhancing Project Completion (Research Project
reports 1 & 2), ACCI, UNSW, 2003.
2 Email from Jim Womack to the Lean Enterprise Institute list titled ‘Deconstructing the Tower
of Babel’, 7 October 2004.
Abdelhamid, T. Lean Construction Principles, Graduate class offering at Michigan State University,
Bolviken, T., Rooke, J., and Koskela, L. The wastes of production in construction – a TVF based
taxonomy, Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction
(IGLC), Oslo, Norway, 2014.
Koskela, L. Making do: the eighth category of waste, Proceedings of the 12th Annual Conference of the
International Group for Lean Construction (IGLC), Copenhagen, Denmark, 3–5 August 2004.
Koskela, L. and Howell, G. Reforming project management: the role of planning, execution and
controlling, IGLC Proceedings, 2010,
18 The foundations of lean quality
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Lichtig, W. Ten Key Decisions to a Successful Construction Project (Choosing Something New: The
Integrated Agreement for Lean Project Delivery), American Bar Association Forum on the Construc -
tion Industry, Sacramento, California, 2005.
Thomas, R., Marosszeky, M., Karim, K., Davis, S. and McGeorge, D. Enhancing Project Completion,
Australian Centre for Construction Innovation, 2003.
Womack, J., Jones, D. and Roos, D. The Machine that Changed the World, Rawson MacMillan, 1990.
Lean quality in construction
Two major management movements have swept over the construction sector in the
past 25 years: the Quality movement in the early 1990s and more recently the Lean
Construction movement.
Leading clients for construction services are beginning to require their suppliers and
their supply chains to demonstrate a lean quality approach to their businesses.
Lean and quality are two slightly different lenses through which we view management
excellence and these perspectives are merging.
Distinguishing features of construction
Constructed projects are uniquely designed, fitted to a site, and projects are fixed in
location, requiring the resources necessary for construction – materials, products,
people and equipment – to be brought to the site.
Work teams from a myriad of different organizations construct the project in situ, and
while they physically work around each other, the workers on site are employed by
many different companies, each with different values and performance and business
Large projects are undertaken over many years and the members of the design and
construction team change significantly over this period; this requires special attention
to the handover of work between individuals and teams to ensure that the work
continues as smoothly as possible.
When clients are involved in the design and construction process over an extended
period, the quality of the service they receive from their providers influences their
perceptions regarding the quality of products.
Clients have the ability to influence the culture on a project as well as the cost; this
influence can be either positive or negative.
In the last decade the ability of even medium-sized firms to procure both services and
products globally has fundamentally changed the capability of organizations; it has also
posed a new set of risks and hence changed the demands on their management skills.
Today’s industry
There is a confusion among owners between cost and value; many owners drive
towards the lowest cost, without understanding where the value is, nor do they under -
stand their impact on cost.
Owners are reluctant to invest in defining their needs upfront, they seek to get the
supply chain to invest in generating the solution to their needs, paying as little as
possible for it.
Between World War II and the end of the twentieth century contractors moved from
a detailed involvement with construction to a position where they simply bought
services from subcontractors for a fixed price and passed on the risk.
Understanding lean construction 19
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Today’s industry is extremely fragmented and specialized and in general terms, trust
is low. Productivity has been in decline for at least 50 years.
In the last 15 years leading constructors have narrowed their supply chains and some
are starting to deepen their relationships with their suppliers, though they are still
wedded to the idea of simply buying services.
Leading lean contractors have moved back to engaging more closely with the processes
of construction, developing strategies to better manage risk jointly with their suppliers
and are working more closely with them.
Common construction challenges
Construction processes are error prone; construction is one of the most dangerous
industries, the cost of rework due to quality errors during construction costs as much
as the profit margin generated by most businesses in the sector.
The flow of work on construction sites is chronically unreliable, with as much as half
of work, planned one week out, not being completed as planned. This outcome
undermines the confidence of all construction workers and managers in the planning
While clients seek value from money above all else, they are rarely in a position to
make informed decisions that influence value. There is insufficient information about
the cost impact of alternative decisions for them to be practically involved.
The last three decades have seen the rapid emergence of global organizations in every
part of the construction supply chain from design through fabrication and construction.
During the same period the size and complexity of projects has increased rapidly in
every sector of the market.
Lean production
The central ideal of lean production is to give the customer what he/she wants (value)
with no waste. This provides a focus on understanding what customers want and on
understanding what is waste and where it is to be found.
Lean production and TQM have a lot in common; they are different and comple -
mentary lenses through which organizational excellence can be viewed. Lean produc -
tion has tended to have a greater focus at the process level while TQM has had more
of an overall organization focus. Today both frameworks are rapidly converging.
Both lean and TQM are process focused, both are customer focused and both are focused
on continuously improving processes and outcomes. The lean production community
worldwide has developed a set of tools for focusing the attention of workers and their
management on the improvement of processes. Though it is important to recognize that
lean is not just tools-based, it is a holistic philosophy similar to TQM.
Understanding lean quality in construction
In construction areas of focus for lean improvement are the generation of reliable
commitments, satisfying the needs of the immediate customer in all stages of work
handover and the creation of smooth and reliable workflow so resources can be applied
efficiently throughout the supply chain.
The processes of lean construction focus on improving the reliability and quality of
planning, so that work can be executed as planned. There is also a rediscovery of the
need to plan the overall workflow so that all parties can rely on a smooth level of
demand for their resources.
20 The foundations of lean quality
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The concept of waste in construction
The lean manufacturing community has developed a taxonomy of waste; it has been
found that there are several additional wastes that are unique to construction.
Waste can occur in several different stages of the construction process: in the trans -
formation of materials; in the flow of work; in the flow of product; and we can see a
loss of value in the main product; and there can be value loss to external stakeholders
as a by-product of construction.
The lean quality triangle for construction
Projects vary along a spectrum between simple and certain on one end, and complex
and uncertain at the other. As complexity and uncertainty increase, it is important to
build flexibility both into the organization and commercial arrangements to allow for
the inevitability of change.
It is important to connect early stage designers with downstream fabricators and erec -
tors in order to arrive at optimum construction solutions.
Computer-based planning tools have created an illusion of certainty in relation to the
planning of work, while in fact it is only the leaders of work teams who are in a position
to plan work in detail.
For lean construction to be successful, an integrated organization needs to be created,
the commercial interests of the parties need to align around the efficiency of the project
as a whole, and lean tools and management methods should be deployed using the
latest available technologies.
Understanding lean construction 21
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