University Studies Global Arts,
Planning, Design, & Construction
What is University Studies -
Global Arts, Planning, Design &
Construction (USAR-GPD)?
Howdy! My name is Michael Clement
-I am one of the University Studies Architecture
(USAR) advisors
-I started out in the College of Architecture
-In the end, I received my Bachelors in Tourism
-I then went on to earn a Masters in Tourism
Howdy! My name is Michael White
-I am also one of the University Studies
Architecture (USAR) advisors
-I began my undergrad at Baylor University
-Transferred to Texas A&M, but then took
some time off
-Worked four years at the Registrar’s
-Finally finished my degree in the Spring of
Your turn!
Please stand and share your name and what you want to do
What is University
- University Studies Degree options at
Texas A&M University are offered by each
of the colleges, including the College of
- The University Studies Degree format
provides students flexibility to create
individualized degree plans that aligns their
educational objectives with their
professional objectives.
The degree consists of:
Core Curriculum (42 Credit Hours)
- Concentration (25 Credit Hours)
- 2 Minors (~ 30-36 Credit Hours)
- Free Electives (~ 17-26 Credit Hours)
- Minors + Electives = 53 hours
How is this different?
The other degree plans are very prescriptive and have a
limited amount of flexibility and deviation.
Accredited programs have specific requirements that
preclude deviation
Opens up avenues for students that have unique career
interest to develop a customized educational experience
The diploma is a Bachelor of Science in University Studies
from the College of Architecture
USAR GPD Curriculum
College of Architecture Concentration
In the Global Arts, Planning, Design & Construction
Concentration, students learn about:
- architectural theory
- design
- construction
- landscape architecture
- urban and regional planning
Your Concentration courses provide you with a broad
base understanding of the field with architecture.
The combination of minors you choose is up to you and
your desired career path.
- The only restriction with minors is that at least one
minor must be outside the College of Architecture
(both can be outside of CARC).
Texas A&M University offers a wide variety of minors some of the most
popular are:
- Business
- Leadership in the Design and Construction Process
- Facility Management
- Art and Architectural History
- Art
- Creative Studies
- Computer Science
- Urban Planning
One of the minors must be outside the College of Architecture
Common Combinations with Minors
For those who wish to become a Graphic Designer:
- Art
- Business
- Communication
For those who wish to become an Architect*:
- Art
- Art & Architectural History
- Urban & Regional Planning
- Business
- Digital Fabrication and Design
*to become a licensed Architect, student must attend graduate school
For those who wish to become a Game Designer or
an Animator:
- Art
- Computer Science
- Film Studies
For those who wish to become a Landscape
- Urban & Regional Planning
- Business
- Horticulture
- Environmental Soil Science
- Forestry
- Rangeland Ecology and Management
- Park and Natural Resources
*to become a licensed Landscape Architect, student must attend graduate
For those who wish to become a Construction
Project Manager:
- Business
- Urban Planning
- Communication
- Leadership in Design and Construction
- Facility Management
Study Abroad Requirement
USAR-GPD students are required to participate in a faculty-led
study abroad program.
Students are only required to go abroad for 1 summer session.
Locations have included:
- Barcelona, Spain
- Bonn, Germany
- London, UK
- Taiwan/China
Currently, 5 week study abroad programs cost from $9,000 to $12,000
depending on the program and the location. Start budgeting for the
program early!
Graduates of USAR-GPD
Graduates can pursue careers in
architecture, planning, design and
construction related fields such as:
- Construction
- Urban Planning
- Graphic Design
- Surveying and Mapping
- Geography
- Environmental Science
- Land Development
- Real Estate
Graduates are also prepared to
enter graduate school to obtain a
professional degree in the fields of:
- Architecture
- Landscape Architecture
- Urban Planning
- Construction Management
- Land & Property Development
- Environmental Engineering
What is University Studies Architecture?
- This degree is interdisciplinary in nature
- Instead of 60+ hours dedicated to a specific subject, those
hours are divided between a diversified Architecture
Concentration and two minors of the student’s choosing
- Minors should be selected based on YOUR professional
- The only rule is that one has to be a minor offered by a
department outside the College of Architecture
What is University Studies Architecture?
- 42 hours of Core Curriculum classes
See for acceptable options
Specific Core Courses may be required depending on
YOUR professional goals
- 25 Hours of Architecture Concentration classes
These courses provide you with a broad foundation of
coursework relating to the built and virtual environment
What is University Studies Architecture?
- 53 hours of Elective Courses
-This includes your two minors!
- The required number of hours for each minor varies,
which means the number of General Electives varies
also. Minors may have additional prerequisites or
- You MUST complete additional paperwork to officially
declare minors
Why University Studies Architecture?
Allows a student to focus on a specific career path
- If the degree a student wants is not offered, or if the student is
interested in a very specific field of study, this can be a good
Allows a student to customize their degree plan toward a specific
graduate program
- Past students have gone on to graduate programs such as
Construction Management, Career Change Masters of Architecture,
Visualization, Urban Planning, Land & Property Development,
Landscape Architecture, etc.
Academic Understanding
College of Architecture is a NO PROBATION college
- A student’s overall GPA cannot fall below a 2.0
- Students cannot have two consecutive semesters with a semester GPA below a 2.0
Per Student Rule 61.2.3, students are required to check their TAMU email address on a
frequent basis
- It is recommended you check your email at least once per day
Keep your local and permanent address and phone number updated
You are REQUIRED to study abroad
What do we do as your advisors?
- We help you develop a plan to reach your career goal
- We work with you to help you stay on track
- We work with you to ensure that you are able to make
informed choices
- We do what we can to help you get where you want to
What should you do as a student?
- Plan in advance. Failure to plan will put yourself at a disadvantage that
we as advisors may not be able to mitigate
- If you need help, get help! The sooner, the better
- Keep track of your progress, your degree requirements, and your minor
•These tend to be different for every student
How do you communicate with us?
- Email
- Include your name, UIN, and a detailed description of what you need
or your situation
- Read our entire response before replying
- Remember to follow-up if needed
- Appointments can be scheduled via
- Plan ahead!
- Show up!
Helpful Tips
- Go to Class!
- Keep your grades up!
- College of Architecture is a no probation college
- If your cumulative GPA drops below a 2.0, you will be dismissed
- Check your email!
- Yes, this means read your email
- We have seen students not graduate because they couldn’t be
bothered to check their email
- Don’t be that person!
Helpful Tips
Join the Interdisciplinary Design and Construction Organization!
- This fall will be the first semester for the student organization. This
is the first organization specifically for University Studies
Architecture students.
- Write down important dates and deadlines
- Schedule to meet with your advisors BEFORE registration starts
- Start saving for your study abroad program
- Always have a Plan B and C. You know what, throw in a plan D…
just in case.
Helpful Tips
These websites are your friends:
- Your transcript, the course catalog, your schedule, financial aid,
holds, important info, etc
- Important information, important dates, important forms
- Need help with a course (at no additional cost to you)? Check here
- Important information, important dates, important forms- all specific to
the College of Architecture
Mid-semester Seminar & Resource Fair
- The seminar takes place on October 22
& 23
- We will let you know the times at a later point
- Please notify your employers in advance
- The Resource Fair will take place on October 24
If you do not attend the seminar and resource fair, and/or do
not turn in the mid-semester checklist you will be blocked
from registration
Student Services @ College of Architecture
(979) 845-1144