Your Voice Assistant is Mine: How to Abuse Speakers to
Steal Information and Control Your Phone
Wenrui Diao, Xiangyu Liu, Zhe Zhou, and Kehuan Zhang
Department of Information Engineering
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
{dw013, lx012, zz113, khzhang}
Previous research about sensor based attacks on Android platform
focused mainly on accessing or controlling over sensitive compo-
nents, such as camera, microphone and GPS. These approaches
obtain data from sensors directly and need corresponding sensor
invoking permissions.
This paper presents a novel approach (GVS-Attack) to launch
permission bypassing attacks from a zero-permission Android
application (VoicEmployer) through the phone speaker. The idea of
GVS-Attack is to utilize an Android system built-in voice assistant
module – Google Voice Search. With Android Intent mechanism,
VoicEmployer can bring Google Voice Search to foreground, and
then plays prepared audio files (like call number 1234 5678”) in
the background. Google Voice Search can recognize this voice
command and perform corresponding operations. With ingenious
design, our GVS-Attack can forge SMS/Email, access privacy
information, transmit sensitive data and achieve remote control
without any permission. Moreover, we found a vulnerability of
status checking in Google Search app, which can be utilized by
GVS-Attack to dial arbitrary numbers even when the phone is
securely locked with password.
A prototype of VoicEmployer has been implemented to demon-
strate the feasibility of GVS-Attack. In theory, nearly all Android
(4.1+) devices equipped with Google Services Framework can
be affected by GVS-Attack. This study may inspire application
developers and researchers to rethink that zero permission doesn’t
mean safety and the speaker can be treated as a new attack surface.
Categories and Subject Descriptors
D.4.6 [Operating System]: Security and Protection—Invasive
Responsible disclosure: We have reported the vulnerability of
Google Search app and corresponding attack schemes to Google
security team on May 16th 2014.
Demo video can be found on the following website: https://
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation
on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than the
author(s) must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or
republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission
and/or a fee. Request permissions from [email protected].
SPSM’14, November 7, 2014, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA.
Copyright is held by the owner/author(s). Publication rights licensed to ACM.
ACM 978-1-4503-2955-5/14/11 ...$15.00.
General Terms
Android Security; Speaker; Voice Assistant; Permission Bypass-
ing; Zero Permission Attack
In recent years, smartphones are becoming more and more popu-
lar, among which Android OS pushed past 80% market share [32].
One attraction of smartphones is that users can install applications
(apps for short) as their wishes conveniently. But this convenience
also brings serious problems of malicious application, which have
been noticed by both academic and industry fields. According to
Kaspersky’s annual security report [34], Android platform attracted
a whopping 98.05% of known malware in 2013.
Current Android phones are equipped with several kinds of
sensors, such as light sensor, accelerometer, microphone, GPS,
etc. They enhance the user experience and can be used to develop
creative apps. However, these sensors could be utilized as powerful
weapons by mobile malware to steal user privacy as well. Taking
the microphone as an example, a malicious app can record phone
conversations which may contain sensitive business information.
With some special design, even credit card and PIN number can be
extracted from recorded voice [46].
Nearly all previous sensor based attacks [46, 40, 13, 10, 47,
49, 30] only considered using input type of components to per-
form malicious actions, such as accelerometer for device position
analysis and microphone for conversation recording. These attacks
are based on accessing or controlling over sensitive sensors di-
rectly, which means corresponding permissions are required, such
as CAMERA for camera, RECORD_AUDIO for microphone, and
ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION for GPS. As a matter of fact, output
type of permission-free components (e.g. speaker) can also be
utilized to launch attacks, namely an indirect approach.
Consider the following question:
Q: To a zero-permission Android app that only invokes
permission-free sensors, what malicious behaviors can it do?
In general, zero permission means harmlessness and extremely
limited functionality. However, our research results show that:
A: Via the phone speaker, a zero-permission app can make
phone calls, forge SMS/Email, steal personal schedules, obtain
user location, transmit sensitive data, etc.
This paper presents a novel attack approach based on the speaker
and an Android built-in voice assistant module Google Voice
Search (so we call it GVS-Attack). GVS-Attack can be launched
by a zero-permission Android malware (called VoicEmployer
correspondingly). This attack can achieve varied malicious goals
by bypassing several sensitive permissions.
GVS-Attack utilizes system built-in voice assistant functions.
Voice assistant apps are hands-free apps which can accept and
execute voice commands from users. In general, typical voice
commands include dialing (like call Jack”), querying (like what’s
the weather tomorrow”) and so on. Benefited from the develop-
ment of speech recognition and other natural language processing
techniques [16], voice assistant apps can facilitate users’ daily oper-
ations and have become an important selling point of smartphones.
Every mainstream smartphone platform has its own built-in voice
assistant app, such as Siri [8] for iOS and Cortana [36] for Windows
Phone. On Android, this function is provided by Google Voice
(see Figure 1) which has been merged into Google Search
app as a sub-module starting from Android 4.1. Users can start
Google Voice Search through touching the microphone icon of
Google Search app widget, or the shortcut named Voice Search,
(a) Voice Dialer Mode (b) Velvet Mode
Figure 1: Google Voice Search on Android
The basic idea of GVS-Attack is to utilize the capability of
Google Voice Search. Through Android Intent mechanism, VoicEm-
ployer can bring Google Voice Search to foreground, and then plays
an audio file in the background. The content of this audio file could
be a voice command, such as call number 1234 5678”, which
will be recognized by Google Voice Search and the corresponding
operation would be performed. By exploiting a vulnerability of
status checking in Google Search app, zero permission based
VoicEmployer can dial arbitrary malicious numbers even when the
phone is securely locked. With ingenious design, GVS-Attack can
forge SMS/Email, access privacy information, transmit sensitive
data and achieve remote control without any permission. What is
more, context-aware information can be collected and analyzed to
assist GVS-Attack, which makes this attack more practical.
It is difficult to identify the malicious behaviors of VoicEmployer
through current mainstream Android malware analysis techniques.
From the aspect of permission checking [9, 22], VoicEmployer
doesn’t need any permission. From the aspect of app dynamic
Some people confuse Google Now with Google Voice Search. In
fact, Google Voice Search module can work independently when
Google Now is off. See
behavior analysis [21, 53], VoicEmployer doesn’t perform ma-
licious actions directly. The actual executor is Google Voice
Search, a "trusted" system built-in app module. In addition, the
voice commands are outputted from the speaker and captured by
the microphone as input. Such inter-application communication
channel is beyond the control of Android OS. We tested several
famous anti-virus apps (AVG, McAfee, etc.) to monitor the process
of GVS-Attack. None of them can detect GVS-Attack and report
VoicEmployer as malware.
Contributions. We summarize this paper’s contributions here:
New Attack Method and Surface. To the best of our knowl-
edge, GVS-Attack is the first attack method utilizing the
speaker and voice assistant apps on mobile platforms. Be-
sides, this attack can be launched by a totally zero-permission
Android malware that can perform many malicious actions
through sensitive permission bypassing, such as malicious
number dialing, SMS/Email forging and privacy stealing.
New Vulnerability. We found a vulnerability of status check-
ing in Google Search app (over 500 million installations),
which can be utilized by GVS-Attack to dial arbitrary mali-
cious numbers even when the phone is securely locked with
Prototype Implementation and Evaluation. We implemented
a VoicEmployer prototype and carried out related experi-
ments to demonstrate the feasibility of GVS-Attack. In addi-
tion, We designed and tested some attack assisting schemes,
such as context-aware information analysis, sound volume
setting, etc.
Roadmap. The rest sections are organized as follows: Section
2 introduces Google Voice Search related contents, including
backgrounds, vulnerability analysis and the adversary model. The
details of GVS-Attack are described in Section 3, which contains
three different levels of attacks. In Section 4, a VoicEmployer
prototype was implemented and related experiments were carried
out. Section 5 and Section 6 discuss corresponding defense
strategies and some related in-depth topics respectively. Previous
research about sensor based attacks and Android app security
analysis are reviewed in Section 7. Section 8 concludes this paper.
2.1 Backgrounds
Google Services Framework. Google Services Framework
/ Google Mobile Services are pre-installed on nearly all brands
of Android devices. It can be treated as a suit of pre-installed
apps developed by Google, including Google Play, Gmail, Google
Search, etc. [26] These killer apps (Google Search app has over
500 million installations just on Google Play) are so popular
that even customized Android firmwares would keep them. Tak-
ing CyanogenMod
as an example, due to licensing restriction-
s, Google Services Framework cannot come pre-installed with
CyanogenMod, but these apps can still be installed via separate
Google Apps recovery package [17].
Android Intent Mechanism. In Android OS, Intent mechanism
allows an app to start an activity / service in another app by
describing a simple action, like "view map" and "take a picture" [1].
An Intent is a messaging object which declares a recipient (and
contains data). VoicEmployer utilizes this mechanism to invoke
Google Voice Search module of Google Search app. From the view
of Android OS, it only executes a normal operation to invoke a
system built-in app module.
An intent filter is an expression in an app’s manifest file that
specifies the type of intents that the component would like to
receive [1]. For example, the manifest file of Google Search app
defines that hands-free function (voice commands) related compo-
nents can handle two kinds of actions, namely ACTION_VOICE_
2.2 Google Search App Vulnerability Analysis
Google Voice Search is a voice assistant module of Google
Search app. It is designed for hands-free operations and can
accept several kinds of voice commands, such as call Jack and
what’s the weather tomorrow”. Google Voice Search runs in
two modes: Voice Dialer Figure 1(a) and Velvet Figure 1(b).
Voice Dialer mode only accepts voice dialing commands and Velvet
mode is the fully functional mode. Google Voice Search can be
invoked through Android Intent mechanism. First, a third-party
app constructs an Intent based on ACTION_VOICE_COMMAND
or ACTION_VOICE_SEARCH_HANDS_FREE, and then passes it
to startActivity(). Android OS resolves this Intent and
finds Google Search app can handle it. Then this Intent is passed
to Google Search app. According to the current phone status
different modes will be started by Google Search app:
1. If the phone is unlocked and the screen is on, Velvet mode
will be started.
2. If the phone is insecurely locked, namely sliding to unlock
the screen without authentication, Voice Dialer mode will be
3. If the phone is securely locked, such as using password and
pattern password, a voice warning will be played: "please
unlock the device".
Vulnerability in Google Search App. In fact, Voice Dialer
mode can be started even if the phone is securely locked. But
this function is only designed for the Bluetooth headset hands-
free mode. When a user presses the button on his connected
Bluetooth headset for certain time, this event can trigger passing an
ACTION_VOICE_COMMAND based Intent to the OS if the phone is
not in call process. Then Voice Dialer mode will be activated. This
usage scenario is reasonable, because the user must first confirm
the connection (pairing) request of the Bluetooth headset on his
phone, which is a process of authorization, and only after that,
this Bluetooth headset is treated as a trusted device. In Android
source codes, the file defines
and handles related operations [6].
However, we found a vulnerability that Google Search app
doesn’t strictly check whether the phone is connected with a
Bluetooth headset. This vulnerability results in that a third-party
app can pass an ACTION_VOICE_COMMAND based Intent to the
OS and activate Voice Dialer mode of Google Voice Search, even
when the phone is securely locked. Through decompiling the apk
file of Google Search app (version
, released
The code implementations of corresponding status checking
are: KeyguardManager.isKeyguardLocked(),
KeyguardManager.isKeyguardSecure() and
Following versions have been applied code obfuscation tech-
niques, and this vulnerability still exists.
on March 14th 2014), we analyzed related codes and located this
vulnerability. Figure 2 shows the simplified logical flow of Google
Search app handling voice assistant type of Intents. The area
bounded by the dotted line is the location of this vulnerability.
2.3 Adversary Model
GVS-Attack needs to be launched by an Android malware
(called VoicEmployer) which has been installed on the user’s
phone. This malware could disguise as a normal app and contains
attack modules. Since VoicEmployer doesn’t need any permission,
disguising should be quite easy. After VoicEmployer is opened
by the user (namely the victim) once, subsequent attack processes
need no interaction with the victim. The attack scene is when the
victim is not using his phone.
Assumption. The victim’s Android (4.1+) phone should contain
complete Google Services Framework.
The reason is that VoicEmployer needs to invoke Google Voice
Search (and Google speech recognition / synthesis service) to
execute attacks. This assumption is quite weak, because most
smartphone vendors pre-install Google Services Framework on
their products. In order to make GVS-Attack work well, the
victim’s phone should use Android 4.1 or higher versions. Google
Search app running on Android 4.0 or lower versions cannot be
updated to the newest version and lacks many new features of voice
commands. In August 2014, Android 4.1 or upper versions had
more than 75% device share distribution [3].
Secure Lock. The victim’s Android phone could be securely
locked or not. GVS-Attack contains three different levels: Basic
Attack, Extended Attack and Remote Voice Control Attack. The
secure lock status corresponds to Basic Attack and the insecure
lock status corresponds to all levels of attacks.
Basic Attack achieves arbitrary number dialing. In order to
launch Extended Attack and Remote Voice Control Attack, there is
an additional requirement the victim doesn’t enable secure screen
lock functions, such as password and pattern password. Google
Voice Search cannot run in Velvet mode without unlocking the
screen. In fact, for convenience, many users (more than 30%)
would give up secure screen lockers [41].
Zero Permission. GVS-Attack can be launched by VoicEm-
ployer without any permission. Android OS uses a permission
mechanism to enforce restrictions on the specific operations. The
permission abusing problem has been noticed long before. Mali-
cious apps utilize some sensitive permissions (such as CAMERA,
RECORD_AUDIO and READ_CONTACTS) to collect user priva-
cy and achieve other illegal targets. Since this problem is so
widespread, some users will pay attention to unknown or new apps
requiring sensitive permissions [23].
Instead of requesting these permissions explicitly, our attacks
only use the speaker to perform sensitive actions protected by
permissions. According to the current Android permission mecha-
nism, playing audio doesn’t require any permission.
Context-aware Information Collection and Analysis. Since
voice commands played may be heard and interrupted by the
victim, VoicEmployer needs to analyze the current environment in
order to decide whether to launch attacks or not, that is to collect
information through sensors and legal Android API invoking.
On mobile platforms, the feasibility of context-aware information
analysis has been demonstrated in several previous research [25,
35, 46]. As a matter of fact, this target could be achieved without
any permission. For example, light sensor and accelerometer can
be used to analyze the surrounding environment. And the internal
Google Search receives
the Intent
Screen off or device
Device securely
Warning: Device
securely locked...
Google Voice Search
running in Voice Dialer
Google Voice Search
running in Velvet Mode
The system resolves the
received Intent
Figure 2: The Vulnerability of status checking in Google Search app
status of the phone can be checked by analyzing CPU workload,
memory workload, etc.
Typical Attack Scene. Due to job requirements or merely
personal habits, many people don’t turn off their phones when
sleeping [48]. In the early morning (before dawn, such as 3 AM),
the victim is likely to be in deep sleep and the environment is quiet.
The voice commands could be played in a very low volume and
still be recognized by Google Voice Search. According to related
medical research, nocturnal awakenings usually occur with noise
levels greater than 55 dB
[39]. It means voice commands in low
volume will not awaken the victim. This situation provides an ideal
scenario for GVS-Attack launching.
The basic idea behind GVS-Attack is to utilize the capability
of Google Voice Search and bypass Android permission checking
mechanism. There are two highlights in our attacks:
Attack in Any Situation. By exploiting the vulnerability of status
checking in Google Search app, zero-permission VoicEmployer
can dial arbitrary malicious numbers even when the phone is
securely locked.
Remote Data Transmission and Voice Control. Through call
channel, sensitive data can be transmitted without the INTERNET
permission. Also the attacker can control the victim’s Android
phone remotely.
GVS-Attack provides a new inter-application communication
channel for mobile malware attacks. In the process of GVS-
Attack, the input of microphone comes from the output of speaker
(VoicEmployer). This information transmission process is beyond
the control of Android OS, which can be treated as an uncontrolled
physical communication channel or a kind of covert channel.
Figure 3 shows this communication channel. This new attack
channel is totally different from previous research on security of
application communications [33, 15].
In the following subsections, three types of attacks are described
in details. Basic Attack can dial arbitrary numbers. Extended At-
tack can bypass several sensitive permissions. Combined previous
two attacks, the attacker can interact with the phone, which leads
to Remote Voice Control Attack.
Actually the noise-induced nocturnal awakening is affected by
many factors, such as sleep stages, age, gender, smoking, etc. Also
sensitivity to noise may vary greatly from one individual to another.
These topics are beyond the scope of this paper. More details see
the guideline document [31] of World Health Organization (WHO).
Sound Wave
through the Air
Figure 3: Inter-Application Communication Channel of GVS-
3.1 Basic Attack: Malicious Number Dialing
Basic Attack achieves arbitrary malicious number dialing. That
is to say the CALL_PHONE permission is bypassed. The vulnera-
bility of Google Search app makes this attack still valid when the
phone is securely locked. Without unlocking the screen keyguard,
Google Voice Search would run in Voice Dialer mode which only
accepts dialing commands, as Figure 1(a) shows. Before launching
attacks, we answer two questions first: how to invoke Google Voice
Search and how to prepare voice command files.
Google Voice Search Invoking. When both the surrounding en-
vironment and phone internal status reach the predefined threshold,
VoicEmployer will invoke Google Voice Search through Android
Intent mechanism. In fact, VoicEmployer only needs to construct
an Intent based on ACTION_VOICE_COMMAND, and passes it to
Voice Command Files Preparation. After Google Voice Search
starting, VoicEmployer plays an audio file (voice commands) as a
background service. These files could be packaged in VoicEmploy-
er as a part of apk resource, but this method would increase the size
of installation package. A more covert solution is to utilize Google
Text-to-Speech (TTS) [5] service which is a system built-in service
used for translating text contents to speech. TTS service is based on
Internet, but it doesn’t require that the app invoking TTS declares
the INTERNET permission. Therefore VoicEmployer can execute
speech synthesis and save results as an audio file in its own data
folder (internal storage) dynamically.
Attack Launching. In previous preparations, VoicEmployer
synthesizes two audio records like call 1234 5678 and OK”.
1234 5678 could be a malicious number.
When this attack is launched, Voice Dialer mode of Google
Voice Search is activated and VoicEmployer plays the audio record
call 1234 5678”. Then Voice Dialer recognizes this command
and returns a voice feedback do you want to call 1234 5678, say
OK or cancel”. VoicEmployer plays another audio record OK”.
After receiving this confirmation, Voice Dialer makes a call to 1234
5678. Since 1234 5678 is a malicious number, the victim will be
charged with premium-rate service fee. What is more, his phone
number is leaked as well.
3.2 Extended Attack: Sensitive Permission
Extended Attack needs to invoke Velvet mode of Google Voice
Search, as Figure 1(b) shows. Therefore, the precondition is that
the victim doesn’t enable secure screen lock functions (password,
pattern password, etc.). Nonetheless, VoicEmployer must wake the
phone and turn on the screen itself.
In general, an app requires the WAKE_LOCK permission to wake
the phone from sleep status, and then sets flag LayoutParams.
FLAG_DISMISS_KEYGUARD to unlock the screen keyguard.
Because WAKE_LOCK is not a sensitive permission and doesn’t
correlate with user data, so this requirement is not exorbitant.
Actually there is a tricky implementation to bypass this permission.
That is, VoicEmployer invokes Google Voice Search once and does
nothing until it exits for timeout. At this moment, the phone has
been in waked status (the screen is on) and the keyguard has be
dismissed. As a result, VoicEmployer utilizes the WAKE_LOCK
permission of Google Search app to wake the phone indirectly.
User Sensitive Data Collection. Running in Velvet mode,
Google Voice Search can accept more types of voice command-
s [27], not just dialing commands. Different voice commands
cause different information leakages. Action commands lead to
that specific operations are performed, such as sending SMS. Other
querying commands will trigger voice feedbacks, such as what is
the time? will get the time is 9:39 pm”. Typical information
leakages include (sentences in italic are voice commands or voice
Email to [contacts], subject “meeting cancel”, message
“tomorrow’s meeting has been canceled”. This command
results in sending an Email to the contacts with the above
subject and message. It can be used to forge Emails with any
Send SMS to number 1234 5678 “confirm subscribe to
weather forecast service”. This command results in sending
an SMS to number 1234 5678. It can be used to forge SMS
and subscribe to premium-rate services.
What is my next meeting? Your next calendar entry is
tomorrow 10 AM. The tile is “Meet with boss”. The victim’s
calendar schedule is leaked through voice feedback.
What is my IP address? Your public IP address is The victim’s IP address is leaked through
voice feedback.
Where is my location? Here is a map of Brooklyn
District. The victim’s location (district level) is leaked
through voice feedback.
It is equivalent to that VoicEmployer utilizes the capability of
Google Voice Search and bypasses Android permission checking
mechanism. From Android OS’s view, VoicEmployer just passes
an Intent and plays some audio files. Table 1 shows the permissions
which can be bypassed by GVS-Attack. Some voice commands are
not listed, because they need interaction (touching the screen) with
the user, such as “create a calendar event ... and post to Google
plus ...”.
Table 1: Permissions Bypassed by GVS-Attack
Voice Command Bypassed Permission(s)
Listen to voicemail WRITE_SETTINGS,
Browse to Google dot com INTERNET
Email to ... READ_CONTACTS,
Set alarm for ... SET_ALARM
Note to myself ... GET_ACCOUNTS,
What is my next meeting? READ_CALENDAR
Show me pictures of ... INTERNET
What is my IP address? ACCESS_WIFI_STATE,
Where is my location? ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION,
How far from here to ...? ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION,
Remote Data Transmission. GVS-Attack can dial a malicious
number through playing call ...”. When the call is answered by
an auto recorder, the data transmission channel has been built. Any
audio data can be transferred through this channel instead of using
Internet connection.
Google Voice Search running during phone call period. In
Android OS, the audio recording method is synchronized, which
means multiple apps cannot access the microphone at the same time
on API level. However, as an essential system module, the phone
call function of Android is based on hardware-level implemen-
tations instead of invoking MediaRecorder / AudioRecord
class. Android OS simply needs to send control signals and related
hardware (GSM module, microphone, speaker, etc.) will complete
audio data processing functions directly [7]. Therefore during the
phone call period, another app can also access the microphone
through Android API. It means Google Voice Search can still be
brought to the foreground to accept voice commands
As a result, in terms of querying commands, the feedback
voice can be obtained by the attacker through this call channel.
Based on speech recognition techniques, the attacker can obtain
corresponding text information. To be specific, VoicEmployer
Google Voice Search is an Internet based service. With 3G/4G or
Wi-Fi data connection, the phone can make phone call and access
the Internet at the same time. To 2G data connection (GPRS and
EDGE), the two functions are conflicted.
invokes Google Voice Search and then plays voice command “call
number 1234 5678”. After connected, VoicEmployer invokes
Google Voice Search and plays querying commands again, like
where is my location”. The feedback voice here is a map of Sha
Tin district” is transmitted to the attacker through the call channel.
If VoicEmployer could get more permissions, more sensitive
information would be leaked. A natural idea is to play audio
records on external storage directly. These audio records are
recorded by the victim and probably contain sensitive informa-
tion, like a business negotiation. This operation requires the
permission. Both of them allow an app to read all data on
external storage. For text files, they can be converted to audio data
through TTS service. For example, with the READ_CONTACTS
permission, VoicEmployer can get phone contacts of the victim.
Then it utilizes TTS service to convert the text into voice. So the
attacker can obtain a complete copy of the victim’s contacts through
the call channel. Similar risks happen in READ_CALL_LOG,
READ_SMS, etc.
The voice channel is not used for transferring text and voice data
only. Actually, any type of files can be translated to hex coding
format, so any file could be transmitted in the form of audio coding
(or even read hex codes directly) in theory. When the attacker
receives all hex codes of a photo through the call channel, he can
restore it easily. If this photo contains sensitive information, such
as selfie, it will be quite harmful to the victim. In practical attacks,
compression encoding and error checking mechanism should be
3.3 Remote Voice Control Attack: Real World
Case Study
Remote Voice Control Attack combines Basic Attack and Ex-
tended Attack. This attack also needs to invoke Velvet mode of
Google Voice Search.
In Remote Voice Control Attack, after VoicEmployer triggering
a malicious number dialing, the attacker answers this call directly.
During the calling period, VoicEmployer invokes Google Voice
Search periodically. When the attacker speak some voice com-
mands, these commands will be played by the speaker (headset)
of victim’s phone. Then Google Voice Search recognizes the
commands and perform corresponding operations. It means that
the attacker can interact with the victim’s phone through Google
Voice Search, namely remote voice control.
Previous research [55] showed more than 90% of Android mal-
ware would turn the compromised phones into a botnet controlled
through network or short messages. These controls were based on
corresponding communication permissions (such as INTERNET
and SEND_SMS) or even root privilege. But our remote control
method utilizes the capability of Google Voice Search to build the
communication channel and to access sensitive data. These targets
are completed without any permission.
With special design, Remote Voice Control Attack could become
quite powerful. One example of voice interaction is the command
How far from here to Lincoln Memorial by car?”. Google
Voice Search provides a voice feedback like The drive from
your location to Lincoln Memorial is 17.6 kilometers”. Then
the attacker can use the successive approximation method to ask
similar questions of different locations until he gets a feedback like
The drive from your location to White House is 120 meters”. At
this moment, the attacker gets the accurate location of the victim,
which is quite dangerous.
Another example is that the attacker can leave a note to the
victim using the command Note to self: You have been hacked”.
Google Voice Search would make a note (send an Email to the
victim) with the content You have been hacked”. In the morning,
after the victim get up, he will find such a strange note on his
phone. Based on this thought, some complex social engineering
attacks [29] could be designed and launched.
4.1 Overall Structure and Attack Experiments
We implemented a VoicEmployer prototype to demonstrate our
attack schemes. Our implementation contains 5 modules: Main-
Activity, AlarmReceivor, EnvironmentService, WakedActivity and
MainActivity shows the normal starting UI. Its main
functions are registering an alarm and preparing audio files
of voice commands.
AlarmReceivor is used to receive alarm events and start
EnvironmentService is used for context-aware infor-
mation collection and analysis. Range of analysis include
light sensor, accelerometer, /proc/, system workloads,
etc. If the analysis results reach a predefined threshold,
WakedActivity will be started. Related implementation
details are described in Section 4.2.
WakedActivity is used to unlock insecure screen key-
guard through setting LayoutParams.FLAG_DISMISS
_KEYGUARD. This function can only be implemented in
Activity components. Without dismissing screen keyguard,
Velvet mode cannot be started. Note: This module is not
necessary for Basic Attack.
VoiceCommandService is used to invoke Google Voice
Search and play audio files. Playing Voice command will be
delayed a short while in order to wait Google Voice Search
getting ready. In terms of Remote Voice Control Attack,
Google Voice Search will be invoked periodically.
Taking Remote Voice Control Attack as an example, Figure 4
shows the workflow of VoicEmployer implementation. It utilizes
the alarm mechanism to trigger attack related modules to avoid
continuous background services.
Attack Results. The experimental versions of Google Search
app were and, which were
released on March 14th 2014 and May 6th 2014 respectively. We
tested VoicEmployer prototype on Samsung Galaxy S3 GT-I9300,
Meizu MX2 and Motorola A953. GVS-Attack can be launched
on all of them successfully. On Samsung Galaxy S3 with official
firmware, S Voice app [44] (a built-in voice assistant developed by
Samsung) would be started, not Google Voice Search, but attack
processes are similar. This change derives from that Samsung sets
a higher priority in the manifest file of S Voice app to respond
HANDS_FREE. Table 2 summarizes the experiment results.
Speech Recognition Accuracy. We consider Command Success
Rate (CSR) instead of Word Error Rate (WER) [45], because the
executing results are what we only care. Results showed CSR
was nearly 100%. The reasons are as follows:: 1. the attack
happens in a quiet environment without interfering noise; 2. voice
command sentences are simple, which don’t lead to ambiguity;
Figure 4: Workflow of VoicEmployer Implementation
3. VoicEmployer utilizes Google TTS to synthesize the command
speech, which removes accent and pronunciation problems.
Detection by Anti-Virus Apps. We tested the following anti-
virus apps for Android platform: AVG AntiVirus
, McAfee An-
tivirus & Security
, Avira Antivirus Security
, ESET Mobile Secu-
rity & Antivirus
and Norton Mobile Security
. After executing
threat scanning, none of them reported VoicEmployer prototype as
a malware. Also in the attack processes, none of their real-time
monitoring modules can detect GVS-Attack’s malicious behaviors.
4.2 Context-aware Information Collection and
Analysis Experiments
The occasion of GVS-Attack is when the victim is not using his
phone. Especially in the early morning (before dawn, such as 3
AM), the victim is likely to be in deep sleep. To avoid the attack
Table 2: GVS-Attack Experiments
Phone Model Android Version Attack Result
Samsung Galaxy S3
CyanogenMod 4.4.2 success
Samsung Official 4.3 success
Meizu MX2 Meizu official 4.2.1 success
Motolora A953 CyanogenMod 4.1.1 success
being found and interrupted by the victim, VoicEmployer needs
to analyze the current environment (including the surroundings and
phone status) before deciding whether to launch attacks. This target
can be achieved through sensors and legal Android API invoking
without any permission. If the analysis result shows the victim
is using his phone, VoicEmployer will keep inactive. Otherwise,
GVS-Attack could be launched. Range of analysis and criteria
Light sensor. Get the current brightness: if the brightness is
very low (such as less than 5% of max), it means the phone
is probably in pockets / bags or the victim has turned off the
light at night.
Accelerometer. Get the current position information of the
phone: if the result shows the phone is in static status
(namely stable readings), it means the victim is probably not
holding / taking the phone.
Android SDK class - PowerManager. Check the screen is
on or off: if the screen is off, it means the victim is probably
not using the phone.
Android SDK class - SimpleDateFormat. Obtain the
current system time: for example, 3 AM means the victim
is likely to be in deep sleep.
Read /proc/stat and top command. Analyze the cur-
rent CPU workload: if the workload is low (such as less than
50%), it means the victim is probably not using his phone.
Read /proc/meminfo and top command. Analyze the
current RAM usage: if the usage is low (such as less that
50%), it means the victim is probably not using his phone.
Based on above analyses, we designed and carried out context-
aware information analysis experiments using EnvironmentService
module in 3 typical scenes:
1. The user is using his phone to play games (take Angry Birds
as an example) with the light on.
2. The user is walking on the street, while the phone (screen-
off) is in his trouser pocket.
3. [Target Scene] The phone (screen-off) is put on a horizontal
table with the light off.
The experiment was based on Meizu MX2 which has current
mainstream hardware configurations (ARM Cortex-A9 quad-core
1.6 GHz, 2 GB LPDDR2 RAM). Before every scene’s test, the
phone was restarted to cut out distractions of irrelevant factors.
Table 3 shows test results in 30 seconds. We can find that some
item values of Scene 3 (target scene) are significantly different from
those of Scene 1 and Scene 2. It demonstrates that context-aware
information analysis can be used to detect the current environment
and assist GVS-Attack practically.
Table 3: Content-aware Information Analysis
Method / Tool Scene 1 Scene 2 Scene3
Light Sensor
Max 304 1 0
Min 126 0 0
Avg 227.95 0.5 0
X-axis Max 7.78 18.19 0.15
X-axis Min 5.62 -0.06 0.01
X-axis Avg 6.54 8.61 0.10
Y-axis Max -0.50 14.56 0.11
Y-axis Min -1.97 -2.15 -0.10
Y-axis Avg -1.10 4.78 0.01
Z-axis Max 9.46 6.70 10.34
Z-axis Min 5.88 -12.00 10.04
Z-axis Avg 7.60 -0.18 10.22
CPU Workload
Max 59% 43% 40%
Min 32% 22% 18%
Avg 43% 29% 28%
Memory Usage
Max 66.2% 53.4% 52.3%
Min 66.0% 53.2% 52.0%
Avg 66.0% 53.3% 52.0%
Screen Status on off off
4.3 Sound Volume and Sound Pressure Level
One issue we concerned is what the volume (STREAM_MUSIC)
should be set for playing voice commands. The volume level
should be loud enough to be recognized by Google Voice Search
and may not be noticed by the victim. We call it the minimal
available sound volume (MASV for short). In this section, we only
consider the volume setting of the speaker (MODE_NORMAL) in
Extended Attack, not the headset (MODE_IN_CALL). In Remote
Voice Control Attack, the attacker can adjust his own speaking
volume directly.
The hardware design and components are quite different in
different models of Android phones. Mixed with background
white noise, it is impossible to give a fixed sound volume setting.
One solution is using the method of successive approximation to
pretest, which needs the help of Google Speech-to-Text (STT).
STT is a system built-in speech recognition service, which uses the
same engine as Google Voice Search and can be invoked through
ACTION_RECOGNIZE_SPEECH [4]. The key point is the app
using STT service can get the text content of voice input directly.
To be specific, VoicEmployer sets the sound volume to 1 (the
minimum) at first, then invokes SST service and plays a prepared
test audio file (the content could be "This is a test message").
Text results from SST will be returned to VoicEmployer and be
compared with the correct texts. If the two sets of texts are the
same, VoicEmployer sets system volume to 1 and launches GVS-
Attack. If the two sets of texts are different, VoicEmployer adjusts
the volume to 2 and carries out the same test again. This process
will be repeated until MASV is found.
We carried out MASV test experiments in a quiet meeting room
of about 8 m
(see Table 4 as result). The environment background
sound pressure levels (SPL) [51] was about 48 dB. Another
relationship we concerned is SPL vs. distance. In the same
experiment environment, we recorded the transient peak SPL in
different distances (0.5 m, 1 m and 2 m) from the phone using the
above MASV value. Test phones were put on a flat table face up
without shelter. Table 4 shows corresponding experiment results.
We can find that when the distance exceeds 1 m, the SPL is quite
low – only 8 dB higher than the background SPL.
Table 4: Quiet Meeting Room, SPL vs. Distance, unit: dB
Phone Model 0.5 m 1 m 2 m
Samsung Galaxy S3 – volume 6/15 57 56 54
Meizu MX2 – volume 5/15 58 54 53
Motolora A953 – volume 6/15 58 56 54
There exist some possible (but not perfect) schemes to defend
GVS-Attack. The vulnerability of status checking in Google
Search app should be fixed first. When Google Search app receives
an ACTION_VOICE_COMMAND based Intent, if the phone is
securely locked, it must strictly check whether a Bluetooth headset
is connected with the phone. If the connect status is true, Voice
Dialer can be started. Otherwise, a warning should be given, like
please unlock the device first”. Therefore, in the situation of
secure screen lock, GVS-Attack cannot be launched and the phone
is safe.
From the aspect of app development, Google Voice Search must
check the status of speaker in real time, not just at the moment of
initialization. If other apps are accessing the speaker, Google Voice
Search should suspend that app immediately. But this solution may
affect other apps’ user experience. For example, an IM app may
not play its notification sound when new message reach.
From the aspect of Android Intent mechanism, system built-
in apps / services should also add customized permissions in the
manifest file. if a third-party app wants to invoke a system built-in
app / service, it must declare these requirements before installation.
As a result, the user needs to confirm the authorization or cancel the
installation. Nonetheless, this defense method may result in similar
abuse problems like system permissions.
From the aspect of user identification, speaker recognition (or so
called voiceprint recognition) techniques [11] should be deployed
to verify the identity of the speaker. If voiceprint authentication
fails, Google Voice Search will not accept the next voice command-
s. Touchless Control [38] (a variant of Google Voice Search, only
for Motorola phones) has added this function to authenticate the
current user through speaking "OK, Google" [37]. Recently Google
has announced that Android L (5.0) will use voice fingerprinting
for context-based security [43]. Potential problems may be how to
defend voice replay attacks.
Soundless Attack. One potential limitation of GVS-Attack is
that the victim may notice the voice command played by VoicEm-
ployer and interrupt it. So one direct idea is whether soundless
GVS-Attack could be launched. That is, VoicEmployer imports an
audio file to the microphone directly without playing it, like creat-
ing a loopback. But in Android OS, the audio recording method is
synchronized. It means that the microphone cannot support multi-
progress accessing at the same time. So when Google Voice Search
is accessing microphone to accept voice commands, VoicEmployer
cannot access microphone at the same time at least on API level. In
terms of audio files as the input of microphone, this feature needs
the support of kernel / drivers. On Windows and Linux platforms,
there exist such drivers (such as VB-Audio Virtual Cable [50]) to
simulate a virtual microphone device. But on Android platform, an
app cannot modify kernel or install drivers directly. One feasible
solution is to prepare a customized Android version with modified
audio drivers. One recent research [54] has pointed out the security
risks in Android device driver customizations. Android inherits the
driver management methods of Linux and devices are placed under
/dev (or /sys) as files. Zhou et al. found the vulnerability that
certain important devices become unprotected (permission setting)
during a customization. An unauthorized app can get access to
sensitive devices, namely user data. Based on this method, similar
vulnerability may occur on audio drivers (/dev/snd), but we
have not found such a case of unprotected writing privileges on
our test devices.
Another perspective of soundless attacks is high-frequency sound
(such as higher than 20 kHz), which could be played by the phone
and is difficult to hear by humans [42]. Unfortunately (fortunately
for security), Google Voice Search only accepts reasonable human
sound frequency and filters out other ranges, so the idea of high-
frequency sound is not impracticable.
Since Google Voice Search is an Internet based service, we
ever tried to analyze the feasibility of connection hijacking and
data package tampering. After tests, the difficulties lie in that
the connection is TLS protected and transmitted voice data are
compressed by an unclear compression encoding algorithm.
Quiet vs. Noisy. The scene of launching GVS-Attack is a quiet
environment. The volume of voice commands could be very low
and still be recognized by Google Voice Search. Actually we also
tested the performance of attacks in noisy environments, such as
on the subway and in the canteen. The expected result would be
changed, namely the volume of voice commands could be very
loud and still be hidden in the background noisy. But test results
showed the background noisy (especially human voice) affected
the accuracy of speech recognition, to some degree. In addition,
context-aware analysis will become complex and may need the
RECORD_AUDIO permission.
Scope of Attack. Since Google Services Framework is pre-
installed on nearly all brands of Android devices, most Android
devices can be affected by GVS-Attack, especially these equipped
with Android 4.1 or higher versions. To voice assistant apps using
Google Speech-to-Text (STT) service, similar attacks could be
launched. Even these using independent speech recognition en-
gines should also be reviewed carefully, such as Samsung S Voice
app. Furthermore, similar attacks may occur on iOS, Windows
Phone platforms and other smart devices supporting voice control.
However, for the lack of experimental devices, we haven’t tested
them temporarily and left them for future research.
Limitation. We didn’t carry out a user study about the minimum
available sound volume (Section 4.3), because the noise-induced
nocturnal awakening is affected by many other factors, such as
sleep stages, age, gender, smoking, etc [31]. Content-aware
information analysis (Section 4.2) may be affected by hardware
configurations. For example, high memory usage may derive
from small capacity RAM. Light sensors and accelerometers from
different vendors may have different precision. So it is difficult to
create a general detector to handle all cases.
Sensor based Attacks. On mobile platforms, sensor based
attacks have been designed and analyzed in several previous pa-
pers [46, 40, 13, 10, 47, 49, 30]. One typical example is
Soundcomber [46]. Schlegel et al. designed a Trojan with
few and innocuous permissions, that can extract targeted private
information (such as credit card and PIN number) from the audio
sensor of the phone. Besides, it proved that smartphone based
malware can easily achieve targeted, context-aware information
discovery from sound recordings. In another research project,
through completely opportunistic use of the phone’s camera and
other sensors, PlaceRaider [49] can construct three dimensional
models of indoor environments and steal virtual objects.
The work of [40] showed that accelerometer readings are a
powerful side channel which can be used to extract entire sequences
of entered text on a smartphone touchscreen keyboard. In [47],
their side-channel attack utilizes the video camera and microphone
to infer PINs entered on a number-only soft keyboard on a s-
martphone. The microphone is used to detect touch events, while
the camera is used to estimate the smartphone’s orientation, and
correlate it to the position of the digit tapped by the user. The
work of [30] studied environmental sensor-based covert channels
in mobile malware. Out-of-band command and control channels
could be based on acoustic, light, magnetic and vibrational signal-
ing. This research is a bit like our GVS-Attack in the aspect of
voice command transmission. The differences are that, in GVS-
Attack, the command receiver (Google Voice Search) is not a part
of malware (VoicEmployer) and the RECORD_AUDIO permission
is not necessary. So our attack scheme is more insidious.
Beyond that, Sensors could be used for fingerprinting devices. A
mechanism was proposed by [20] that smartphone accelerometers
possess unique fingerprints, which can be utilized for tracking user-
s. Similar fingerprinting methods were designed with microphone
and speaker in [18, 57]. Through playbacking and recording audio
samples, they could uniquely identify an individual device based
on sound feature analysis.
Inter-Application Communication. In [15], Chin et al. focused
on Intent-based attack surfaces. It analyzed unauthorized Intent
receipt can leak user information. Data can be stolen by eaves-
droppers and permissions can be accidentally transferred between
apps. Another attack type is Intent spoofing, that a malicious
app sends an Intent to an exported component. If the victim
app takes some action upon receipt of such an Intent, the attack
can trigger that action. In their following work [33], Kantola
et al. proposed modifications to the Android platform to detect
and protect inter-application messages that should have been intra-
application messages. The target is to automatically reduce attack
surfaces in legacy apps.
Application Analysis Android permission-based security has
been analyzed from many aspects. For example, permission
specification and least-privilege security problems were studied
in [22] and [9]. Both of them designed corresponding static
analysis tools to detect over-privilege problems. Permission esca-
lation and leakage problems are also hot research topics. Related
research include [24, 19, 12, 14, 28]. Permission-based behavioral
footprinting was used to detect known malware in Android market
at large-scale in [56]. The work of [52] noticed the problem of
pre-installed apps. Wu et al. found a lot of those apps were overly
privileged for vendor customizations.
To system code level analysis, dynamic analysis technique is an
efficient solution. TaintDroid [21] is a system-wide dynamic taint
tracking and analysis system capable of simultaneously tracking
multiple sources of sensitive data. It automatically labels (taints)
data from privacy-sensitive sources and transitively applies labels
as sensitive data propagates through program variables, files, and
interprocess messages. DroidScope [53] is an emulation based An-
droid malware analysis engine that can be used to analyze the Java
and native components of Android apps. Unlike current desktop
malware analysis platforms, DroidScope reconstructs both the OS-
level and Java-level semantics simultaneously and seamlessly.
But these analysis methods are useless to our GVS-Attack,
because VoicEmployer doesn’t touch sensitive data and perform
sensitive operations directly. The voice commands are transferred
out of the phone, that is, an uncontrolled physical communication
channel. In addition, the remote data transmission function is
based on the call channel and the transmission media is sound.
These brand-new features break previous checking and protecting
This paper proposes a novel permission bypassing attack method
based on Android system built-in voice assistant module - Google
Voice Search and the phone speaker. The app launching attacks
doesn’t require any permission. But achieved malicious targets
could be quite dangerous and practical, from privacy stealing to
remote voice control. Through utilizing a vulnerability found by
us in Google Search app, this attack can dial arbitrary malicious
numbers even when the phone is securely locked. Besides, related
in-depth topics are discussed, including context-aware analysis,
minimal available sound volume, soundless attack, etc. The
feasibility of our attack schemes has been demonstrated in the
real world. This research may inspire application developers and
researchers to rethink that zero permission doesn’t mean safety and
the speaker can be treated as a new attack surface.
We thank anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments.
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According to Android API Level 19, Google Search app (version declares / possesses the following system
defined permissions:
Non-public permissions: