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MONDAY SEPTEMBER 21, 2020 AT 4:30 P.M.
Board Members Present:
Scott Briere/ Chair; Phil Marquette; David Gallup
Town Officials Present:
Amanda Carlson / Town Administrator
David Barlow / Town Treasurer
Martha Sylvester / Planning Commission Member
Deb Tanguay / Town Clerk
Dan Rondeau / Planning Commission Chair
Stephanie Rondeau / Administrative Assistant
Dori Wolfe / Wolfe Energy; Sue Harkey; Dale Perron; Chris Whiting
This meeting was offered to the public via Zoom video conference.
1.Chair Scott Briere called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m.
2.Allow for public comment.
Chair Scott Briere introduced Stephanie Rondeau as the new part-time Administrative Assistant to the
Select Board Office.
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3.Presentation of the Solar Energy Feasibility Study by Wolfe Energy
Dori Wolfe of Wolfe Energy reviewed the Solar Feasibility Study presented to the Planning Commission
in March 2020.
The plans would include a solar array construction in the former gravel pit which is deemed a preferred
site for such projects.
Dori included information on ways it could be funded and the energy use division between the Town
and the School.
The Board unanimously agreed to authorize Treasurer David Barlow to work with Dori Wolfe to better
understand the overall financial impact to the Town to construct the project and what the long-term
savings would mean.
Planning Commission Chair Dan Rondeau reminded the Board that everyone should not only consider
the overall economic impact but also the environmental considerations and participation in renewable
energy goals.
4.Town Clerks Office update and review of possible grant funding for digitizing permanent records.
Clerk Deb Tanguay departed the meeting early and was not present for discussion.
The Board reviewed the grant information provided and posed several questions relating to the ongoing
maintenance costs associated with posting the land records online with NERMC after the digitizing was
The Board asked Town Administrator Amanda Carlson to speak with Town Clerk Deb Tanguy for more
information before approving any anticipated expenses.
The Board reviewed a written summary from the Town Clerk relating to the office for the last several
months. No action taken by the Board.
5.Treasurers Report of financials for preceding month.
Treasurer David Barlow reviewed the financial report for August 2020 noting some changes in the way
some items were reported.
The Board did not note any concerns or questions and no action was taken.
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6.Other Business
Dale Perron stated he was no longer serving on the Board of the Coventry Town Foundation but as a
resident questioned the Select Board on their intentions towards the voter approved appropriation of
$250,000 that was due to be paid in October 2020.
The Board explained that when the Town Foundation asked for the funds early they had requested some
supporting documentation on completed audits and copies of the internal policies as the Foundation
was a separate entity.
Dale Perron argued that this appropriation was approved by the voters and the Board should be
providing the money without question.
Scott Briere stated that it was a considerable amount of money and could not understand why the Town
Foundation would not provide internal policies or completed audit. Scott stated he believed in the Town
Foundation and wanted to work with them; however he also has an obligation as a Select Board member
to understand how the Towns money was expended and to ensure the Board is being fiscally responsible
towards all outside entities.
Dale Perron stated that the Town Foundation consulted an Attorney who has reviewed the internal
policies and urged the Board to attend Town Foundation meetings to understand how funds were spent.
Scott stated that if policies were in place then why could they not be shared; and also, that due to COVID
and remote meetings there was no information distributed to the public to know how to attend Town
Foundation meetings.
Dale Perron questioned the recent approval for paving and stated that he did not want paved roads and
wanted to maintain the gravel roads especially on Lawson Ridge and Maple Ridge Road.
Road Commissioner David Gallup stated that the paving projects were discussed in public meetings and
then approved when the Board saw a considerable drop in pricing.
David stated that since Maple Ridge and Lawson Ridge Road were isolated dirt roads off of the paved
Alderbrook Road, that the Town would save approximately $40,000 over a ten-year period not having
to send two different trucks out during each snowstorm.
The Board stated that there has been discussion on additional paving if the prices remain low; however,
no decisions or commitments have been made.
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Scott Briere made a motion to accept the quote from J.B. Carpentry for reconstruction of shelving in the
storage room behind the gym at a total cost of $3,889. Seconded by David Gallup and unanimously
approved by the Board.
Phil Marquette made a motion to name the road off of Rte. 105 on Walker Pond to Terrapin Dr as
suggested by the landowners sharing the private drive. Seconded by Scott Briere and unanimously
approved by the Board.
E911 Coordinator Phil Marquette stated that there was one additional trail off of Handcock Hill Road
that required a road name, and he would reach out to the landowners for suggestions.
David Gallup stated that he would like to discuss legal aspects of land acquisition.
The Board unanimously agreed in the findings that premature public knowledge of the items for
discussion would put the Town at a disadvantage.
Scott Briere made a motion to enter into executive session in accordance with 1 V..S.A 313 (f) for legal
discussion to include the Board and the Town Administrator. Seconded by Phil Marquette and
unanimously approved by the Board.
The Board entered into executive session at 6:05 p.m.
The Board exited executive session at 6:14 p.m.
Scott Briere made a motion to allow Town Administrator Amanda Carlson to work with the Town
Attorney to obtain information on possible land acquisition. Seconded by Phil Marquette and
unanimously approved by the Board.
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Scott Briere made a motion to enter into executive session in accordance with 1 V..S.A 313 (f) (3) for
discussions on personnel to include the Board and the Town Administrator. Seconded by Phil Marquette
and unanimously approved by the Board.
The Board entered into executive session at 6:15 p.m.
The Board exited executive session at 6:41 p.m.
No decisions made by the Board.
The Board unanimously agreed to continue discussions on the Town Administrators office at the next
7.Sign Orders
See attached
Meeting adjourned at 7:17 p.m.
The next Select Board meeting will be held on Monday October 5th, 2020 at 4:30 p.m.
Scott Briere / Chairman David Gallup
Phil Marquette Amanda Carlson / Town Administrator