Information Technology Advanced Digital Media and Web Design
Syllabus for Mrs. Tracy Adrian, Hastings St. Cecilia
Students will create, design and produce digital media programs including sound, video, graphics, text, animation and motion graphics. Emphasis will be
placed on effective use of tools for interactive multimedia production including storyboarding, visual development, project management and web
processes. Students will demonstrate knowledge of web design and languages, including HTML, and utilize web design software to develop web pages.
Students will apply principles and elements of design using images, hyperlinks, tables, forms, and cascading style sheets. Students may also maintain a
school website.
This class is open to students in grades 11-12. Students may earn three (3) Tech Prep credit hours in INFO 1500 if they
earn an "A" or "B.”
1. Orientation & Class Tools
2. MM Basics Graphics
a. Creating
b. Importing & Exporting
c. Modifying
d. Adding Text
e. Creating Special Effects
3. MM Basics Sound, Animation & Video
a. Creating Animations
b. Enhancing Animations
c. Publishing Animations
d. Working with Video
e. Enhancing a Video
f. Publishing Video
4. Desktop Publishing
a. Working with Documents
b. Working with Text
c. Formatting Pages
d. Working with Objects
e. Enhancing Publications
f. Publishing a Document
5. MM Basics Web Site Design Overview
(structural tags only)
a. Creating a Basic HTML Page
b. Linking Pages
c. Adding Graphics
d. Working in a Web Site Design Program
e. Polishing and Publishing a Web Site
6. Getting Started with Web Design
a. Understanding Web Standards
b. Working in a Web Site Design Program
(Expression Web)
c. Thinking Like a Designer
d. Code and Design Views
e. Saving/Closing
7. Creating a Web site
a. Organizing your site
b. Page Layouts & Templates
c. Creating a Web page, title, CSS
Options, keywords.
d. Managing Web Pages - Understanding
Web Site Addresses, folders, etc.
8. Adding Text and Links
a. Ways to add text and symbols
b. Text-based navigation
c. Checking Spelling
d. Creating links (internal, external,
email, bookmarks)
e. Maintaining links
f. Good link text
9. Structuring and Styling Text
a. Structuring content with HTML
b. Paragraphs and breaks
c. Headings
d. XHTML introduction
e. Lists for navigation
f. Understanding CSS
g. Creating rules element and class
h. Style sheets
10. Working with Pictures
a. Understanding Web Graphics
b. Alt text
c. Resizing and Resampling
d. Editing
e. Wrapping and Margins
f. Working with Thumbnails
11. Enhancing Design with CSS
a. Understanding CSS Layouts
b. Background Images
c. Borders, Margins, & Padding
d. Div IDs
e. Font Families
f. Styling Headings
12. Designing Site Navigation
a. Understanding Effective Navigation
b. Interactive Buttons
c. Navigation Bars
d. Link Styles
13. Publishing Your Web Site
a. Verifying Hyperlinks
b. Accessibility
c. Web Servers
d. Home page
e. Publishing
14. Unit I: Working with Tables
a. Creating Tables, properties
b. Merging, Splitting, Resizing Cells
c. Cell and Table Styles
d. CSS Vs Tables for layout
15. Creating Forms
a. Adding a Form
b. Grouping and Tab Order
c. Form Controls textbox, radio buttons,
checkboxes, drop-down, text area,
16. Working with JavaScript Behaviors
a. Adding behaviors
b. Popups, status message, jump menu
c. Image swap
17. Creating a Layout with CSS
a. Divs and IDs
b. ID-based styles
c. Container Div
d. Floating Columns
e. Browser Testing
f. Floats
18. Unit O: Designing Like a Pro
a. Reusing Style Sheets
b. Faux Columns
c. List-based Navigation
d. CSS-based Rollover
e. Scrolling Sidebar
f. Attached image
g. Print style sheet
Evaluation of students:
Journal Activities 20%
Class Activities 40%
Evaluations and Projects 40%