Finance and Economics Discussion Series
Divisions of Research & Statistics and Monetary Affairs
Federal Reserve Board, Washington, D.C.
The Effects of Mortgage Credit Availability: Evidence from
Minimum Credit Score Lending Rules
Steven Laufer and Andrew Paciorek
Please cite this pap er as:
Laufer, Steven, and Andrew Paciorek (2016). “The Effects of Mortgage Credit Availabil-
ity: Evidence from Minimum Credit Score Lending Rules,” Finance and Economics Dis-
cussion Series 2016-098. Washington: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System,
NOTE: Staff working pap e rs in the Finance and Economics Discussion Series (FEDS) are preliminary
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The Effects of Mortgage Credit Availability:
Evidence from Minimum Credit Score Lending Rules
Steven Laufer
and Andrew Paciorek
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
December 8, 2016
Since the housing bust and financial crisis, mortgage lenders have introduced progres-
sively higher minimum thresholds for acceptable credit scores. Using loan-level data,
we document the introduction of these thresholds, as well as their effects on the distri-
bution of newly originated mortgages. We then use the timing and nonlinearity of these
supply-side changes to credibly identify their short- and medium-run effects on various
individual outcomes. Using a large panel of consumer credit data, we show that the
credit score thresholds have very large negative effects on borrowing in the short run,
and that these effects attenuate over time but remain sizable up to four years later. The
effects are particularly concentrated among younger adults and those living in middle-
income or moderately black census tracts. In aggregate, we estimate that lenders’ use
of minimum credit scores reduced the total number of newly originated mortgages by
about 2 percent in the years following the financial crisis. We also find that, among
individuals who already had mortgages, retaining access to mortgage credit reduced
delinquency on both mortgage and non-mortgage debt and increased their propensity
to take out auto loans, but had little effect on migration across metropolitan areas.
All errors are our own. We thank Elliot Anenberg, Neil Bhutta, Paul Calem and participants at the AEI-
BoI-BGFRS-TAU-UCLA Conference on Housing Affordability for helpful comments. The views we express
herein are not necessarily those of the Board of Governors or others within the Federal Reserve System.
E-mail: stev[email protected]
1 Introduction
Since the housing bust and subsequent financial crisis, US mortgage lenders have significantly
tightened their lending standards. These tight lending conditions have likely contributed
to the steep decline in the homeownership rate as well as the slow recovery in residential
construction. In addition, tight mortgage credit may pose a problem for housing affordability,
as the historically low interest rates over the past few years mean that mortgage-financed
owner occupied housing would be less expensive than rental housing for many people. More
broadly, there is considerable evidence connecting the availability of household credit to
overall consumer demand (Guerrieri and Lorenzoni, 2011; DiMaggio and Kermani, 2015;
Mondragon, 2016).
While the evidence that mortgage credit conditions have tightened is fairly strong, it is
difficult to quantify the magnitude of the tightening or to disentangle the effects of tight
mortgage supply from low mortgage demand. Factors that prevent households from qual-
ifying for a mortgage—such as low credit scores, high debt balances, and a lack of liquid
assets—also reduce demand for owner-occupied housing. For example, the decline in mort-
gage originations to less credit-worthy borrowers over the past few years (see Bhutta (2015))
likely reflects more stringent lender standards, but it also likely reflects relatively weak labor
market conditions among such borrowers, as well as reluctance by more financially vulnerable
households to assume housing market risk following a period of extreme volatility.
In this paper, we address this identification challenge by focusing on lenders’ requirements
that borrowers must meet a sharply defined minimum credit score threshold in order to
qualify for a loan. In some cases, these thresholds may be imposed to allow the lenders to
securitize the mortgages through government programs that specify minimum credit scores.
In other cases, they may simply reflect a rule-of-thumb about which mortgages are too risky
to underwrite. Importantly for our work, lenders’ use of these minimum credit scores has
varied over time in response to concerns that are likely unrelated to changes in demand from
marginal borrowers.
Focusing on the most recent time period, we show that lenders progressively tightened
their standards in the years following the financial crisis of 2008. Much of this tightening
occurred for loans guaranteed by the Federal Housing Administration (FHA), which domi-
nated lending to borrowers with low credit scores during this time period. In particular, we
document the effects of several large lenders imposing minimum credit scores of 620 on FHA
loans in the first quarter of 2009, and then raising this threshold to 640 (on some loans) in the
second half of 2010. In the data, these minimum score thresholds manifest as discontinuities
in the distribution of credit scores on newly originated mortgages, with substantially fewer
loans made to borrowers with credit scores just below the thresholds.
We use the size of
these discontinuities as a measure of how important the thresholds are during each period.
Our empirical analysis is based on a difference-in-differences approach in which we com-
pare borrowers above and below the credit thresholds in periods where the thresholds were
more and less important in lenders’ underwriting decisions. More specifically, we calculate a
single measure of credit availability that captures the effects of the changes in the thresholds
on borrowers with different credit scores. Crucially, the nonlinear relationship between our
credit availability measure and borrowers’ credit scores allows us to separately identify its
effect while still controlling for variation in mortgage demand that is also correlated with
borrowers’ credit scores. Equally important, we are able to control for this difference in
mortgage demand between high and low score borrowers even as it varies over time. In other
words, our approach lets us separate out mortgage demand from mortgage supply even as
both are simultaneously changing during our sample period.
We calculate our credit availability measure for individuals in the FRBNY Consumer
Credit Panel (CCP) and estimate its impact on various outcomes.
Starting with mortgage
attainment, we find that for borrowers with scores below the relevant thresholds, the tighten-
ing that occurred between 2008 and 2011 reduced their probability of obtaining a mortgage
in the subsequent quarter by 0.5 percentage points, compared to an average probability of
taking out a mortgage of just under 1 percent. When we look over longer horizons of up to
16 quarters, the effects shrink in magnitude relative to the average probabilities but remain
very large, indicating that credit availability (or the lack thereof) has persistent consequences
for individual borrowing behavior.
In aggregate, we estimate that lenders’ use of minimum credit scores reduced the total
number of newly originated mortgages by about 2 percent, with much larger effects among
prospective borrowers with scores near the thresholds. Furthermore, we show that the effects
of this tightening are largest in areas with moderate income, which feature a combination of
relatively low credit scores and relatively high housing demand. Similarly, we find that the
effects are largest for borrowers aged 34-45 and for borrowers living in census tracts with
moderate shares of black residents.
We plot this distribution for several different years in figure 1.
The Equifax Risk Score included in the CCP is distinct from the FICO scores typically used by mortgage
lenders. We spend considerable effort addressing this challenge in our analysis.
Working with data from the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) that contains information on
the race of individual borrowers, Bhutta and Ringo (2016) find that tight credit conditions have had a
disproportionate effect on credit access for minorities.
The fact that our approach produces any substantial estimates of the effect of these
thresholds on mortgage attainment results establishes two non-trivial facts about the credit
scores in consumer credit data. First, these scores are in fact a meaningful measure of access
to mortgage credit, even though, as we discuss below, they are not the actual credit score
used for mortgage underwriting. Second, these scores are sufficiently stable that a single
observation taken at the end of the quarter does reflect the individual’s ability to borrow
over the following three months. Establishing these facts is particularly important given the
wide range of studies that use these scores as a measure of individuals’ access to credit.
Our study of the effects of these credit score thresholds on mortgage attainment falls
within a larger literature that has tried to identify the effects of mortgage credit availabil-
ity on homeownership. Early work in this literature includes Barakova et al. (2003) and
Rosenthal (2002) who constructed measures of mortgage credit access from responses to the
Federal Reserve’s Survey of Consumer Finances (SCF). More recently, Barakova et al. (2014)
constructed a measure of mortgage credit access from the National Longitudinal Survey of
Youth and Acolin et al. (2016) use more recent waves of the SCF. Among the few papers
that have explicitly considered the effect of credit score, Chomsisengphet and Elul (2006) use
credit scores merged with mortgage data to shed light on the effect of personal bankruptcy
exemptions on secured lending. We conduct our analysis on a far larger data set with many
more observable outcomes and also, crucially, while controlling for the variation in demand
that is correlated with access to credit. However, like other studies based on consumer credit
data, we are unable to see income or assets and therefore unable to account for the impact
of those factors on individuals’ ability to borrow.
We also examine the implications of mortgage credit availability for other outcomes.
First, we find that credit availability has relatively little effect on mortgage or other loan
delinquency among new mortgage borrowers, but that it dramatically lowers delinquency
of both types among individuals who already had a mortgage, suggesting that the ability
to refinance a mortgage is an important financial cushion. While Keys et al. (2014) show
that lower costs of mortgage credit, in the form of ARM rate resets, lead to fewer mortgage
defaults and lower delinquent card balances, we are not aware of previous work showing
that increased access to mortgage credit reduces borrowers’ delinquency rates. In contrast,
Skiba and Tobacman (2015) show that increased access to payday lending leads to higher
bankruptcy rates, but the settings of our respective analyses are quite different.
Next, we study the impact of credit availability on moving and migration behavior,
finding mixed effects depending on the horizon and whether an individual already had a
mortgage. Perhaps most notably, our results on cross-metropolitan migration suggest that
lacking access to new mortgage credit did not “lock in” prior borrowers to their current city.
This part of our paper contributes to the discussion of whether fall-out from the housing
crisis might have hampered the economic recovery by preventing workers from relocating to
stronger labor markets. Previous research has asked whether underwater homeowners were
locked into their homes because they were unable to pay off their mortgages by selling their
homes (Schulhofer-Wohl, 2011; Ferreira et al., 2011; Farber, 2012). Our approach allows us
to answer a slightly different question, which is whether low-score homeowners who could
no longer qualify for a new mortgage would remain in their home rather than relocate to a
new area where they would be forced to rent. We find that this is not the case. Current
homeowners without access to mortgage credit are as likely to move as homeowners with
access to credit.
In our final set of results, we show that mortgage credit availability seems to affect auto
borrowing, positively in the case of individuals who were prior mortgage borrowers—again
pointing to the importance of refinancing—and negatively in the case of prior non-borrowers,
perhaps because of substitution from houses to cars when mortgages are not available. This
last result contrasts somewhat with the conclusions of Gropp et al. (2014), who document a
reduction of consumer debt for renters in areas with larger house price declines and interpret
this finding as a response to cutbacks in the provision of mortgage credit in those areas. Our
finding relies on a different and potentially sharper identification of credit constraints.
More broadly, our paper is related to a growing literature that has used a variety of
identification strategies to isolate the effects of mortgage credit availability during the recent
housing cycle. Anenberg et al. (2016) characterize mortgage credit availability as the largest
mortgage that a borrower can obtain given his credit score, income and ability to make a
down payment, assuming this maximum size is determined by mortgage supply rather than
demand. The authors show that tighter credit conditions depress both house prices and
new residential construction. Gete and Reher (2016) identify local variations in mortgage
credit tightness based on the share of mortgage lending by the largest banks in different
areas prior the crisis. They argue that these banks tightened credit more in response to new
financial regulations and use the variation in their lending share to show that tight credit
helps explains higher residential rents. Finally, Favara and Imbs (2015) use heterogeneity in
US bank deregulation to look at the effects of mortgage credit supply on house prices, while
DiMaggio and Kermani (2015) use heterogeneity in the effect of predatory lending laws to
measure the effect of credit supply on lending, house prices, and employment. Our paper
presents yet another way of identifying the effects of mortgage credit availability by focusing
explicitly on the variation in lenders’ use of minimum credit scores. Unlike all of these other
studies, our approach us allows us to measure the effects on individuals rather than just local
In using credit score thresholds, our study is also related to work by Keys et al. (2009,
2010, 2012), who argue that, before the crisis, the greater ease of securitizing mortgages made
to borrowers with credit scores above 620 led to lax screening by originators because of moral
hazard. Bubb and Kaufman (2014) instead argue that the use of 620 as a threshold arose as
a lender response to a fixed cost of screening potential borrowers. During the more recent
period we study, lenders’ reliance on minimum credit scores clearly does not reflect their
difficulty in securitizing these loans. As we describe below, most securitized loans issued
around the thresholds since the financial crisis have been guaranteed by the FHA, whose
explicit credit score minimums were substantially lower than the thresholds we study. In
any case, we are less concerned with the origin of lenders’ decision to apply minimum credit
scores and more concerned with the effect of these rules on individuals’ ability to obtain
mortgage credit.
The rest of the paper proceeds as follows: Section 2 describes lenders’ use of minimum
credit scores, how we observe the effects of these rules in the data, and the construction of
our credit availability measure. We present our empirical results on mortgage borrowing and
other outcomes in section 3. In section 4 we examine heterogeneity in the effects of credit
availability on mortgage borrowing across different demographic and socioeconomic groups,
while in section 5 we calculate the cumulative effects of the credit restrictions over various
horizons. Finally, section 6 concludes the paper and offers thoughts on directions for future
2 Data Sources and the Credit Availability Measure
2.1 A Recent History of Credit Score Thresholds
As noted in the introduction, since the financial crisis, there have been significant disconti-
nuities in the distribution of credit scores on newly originated mortgages. In figure 1, we plot
the density and cumulative distribution of credit scores for mortgages originated in 2005,
2008, 2010, and 2012.
At certain key scores, there are fewer loans originated to borrowers
The data, which come from Black Knight, are described more fully in section 2.2.
with credit scores just below those thresholds. By 2010 (the blue lines), there were very few
loans made to borrowers with credit scores below 620. By 2012 (the green lines), the most
significant threshold score was 640.
These discontinuities are largely explained by lenders’ changing policies on issuing mort-
gages guaranteed by the Federal Housing Administration (FHA), which has dominated the
market for low-score mortgages since the crisis. In the early 2000s, the FHA’s market share
fell sharply because of competition from sub-prime lenders who offered comparable mort-
gages at lower prices. However, by 2008, most of those lenders had disappeared from the
market, leaving the FHA program as a last resort for borrowers with low scores. Around
the same time, the Economic Stimulus Act of 2008 raised the maximum loan size on FHA
mortgages in a further effort to increase the scope of FHA lending and thereby help stabilize
the mortgage market.
As house prices continued to decline, losses on the book of mortgages insured by the
FHA rose substantially. By the end of 2008, the 90-day delinquency rate on FHA loans
reached 6.8 percent and although payments to the owners of these loans were guaranteed
by the US government, lenders also bore some risk from these loans. These risks included
the increased cost of servicing the delinquent mortgages if they had retained the servicing
rights, as well as reputational risks in a market increasingly sensitive to the dangers of risky
mortgage lending. In February 2009, two of the nation’s largest lenders, Wells Fargo and
Taylor, Bean & Whitaker (TBW), announced that they would require credit scores of at
least 620 for newly originated loans guaranteed by the FHA and the Department of Veterans
Affairs. A Wells Fargo spokesman stated, “This change is a reflection of our commitment
to do business with brokers and correspondents who manage to the economics and risks of
the mortgage industry” (Inside FHA/VA Lending, 2009b). Over the next six months, the
average FICO score on FHA loans climbed 30 points, from 663 in February to 692 in August
(Inside FHA/VA Lending, 2009a).
In January 2010, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announced
its own tightening of FHA standards, including an increase in upfront and ongoing mortgage
insurance premiums, a minimum credit score of 500 on all FHA loans, and a minimum score
of 580 for borrowers seeking to make down-payments below 10 percent.
This introduction
of minimum credit scores on FHA mortgages had little impact because lenders were already
making very few loans to borrowers with such low scores. More importantly for FHA lenders,
HUD also proposed lowering the percentage of the sale price that sellers were allowed to put towards
closing costs or renovations (“seller concessions”) from 6 percent to 3 percent.
HUD announced two changes regarding its practice of terminating lenders’ eligibility to origi-
nate FHA loans. First, HUD announced that it would systematically review the performance
of each lender’s FHA mortgages and revoke the lender’s eligibility as FHA lenders if the over-
all default rate exceeded a specified threshold. Second, HUD announced that lenders would
now also be evaluated based on the performance of the loans made through third-party cor-
respondent lenders whereas previously, only mortgages originated by the lenders themselves
were used in these reviews. Both policy changes were phased in gradually over 2010.
In response to the new FHA rules, many lenders tightened their FHA lending, including
by imposing new minimum credit scores on the FHA mortgages they were willing to originate
themselves, and especially on those originated through third-party correspondents. Two of
the largest lenders, Wells Fargo and Bank of America, stopped buying FHA loans made
to borrowers with credit scores below 640, though both continued to originate loans to
lower-score borrowers through their retail channels (Bloomberg News, 2010). Other lenders
reportedly established minimum credit score thresholds as high as 660 (Inside FHA/VA
Lending, 2010).
The impact of these changes in lenders’ policies around FHA lending is apparent in the
distribution of credit scores for newly originated mortgages in figure 2, where the blue lines
in the four panels show the distribution of FICO sores for FHA mortgages in 2005, 2008,
2010 and 2012, respectively. In figure 2A, we see the low share of FHA mortgages prior
to 2008. Then figure 2B shows the dominance of FHA lending among low-FICO borrowers
during 2008 and the absence of any large discontinuities in the distribution, reflecting the
limited use of minimum FICO scores by lenders during this period. The announcements
by Wells Fargo and TBW in January 2009 that they would stop originating loans below
620 are apparent in figure 2C, which shows a dramatic reduction in the fraction of FHA
mortgages to borrowers with scores below 620 in 2010. The size of this reduction suggests
that many other lenders also adopted a similar practice. Finally, figure 2D shows that, by
2012, few FHA mortgages—or mortgages of any other type—were made to borrowers with
scores below 640, a situation that has remained essentially unchanged since then.
2.2 Measuring Credit Availability
Our analysis uses the discontinuities in the distribution of mortgages at particular credit
scores as indications that lenders are using these scores in their underwriting decisions and
are exhibiting some reluctance to lend to borrowers with credit scores that fall below this
value. Intuitively, if borrowers with credit scores just above the threshold have a similar
demand for mortgages compared to borrowers just below the threshold, then the difference
in the number of mortgages originated to these two groups must reflect pure differences in
the supply of mortgage credit. We can use these differences to identify the effects of credit
supply on borrowers. From the distribution of newly originated mortgages, there appear to
be many scores that exhibit discontinuities in the number of mortgages originated. However,
in the period since the financial crisis, the two most prominent discontinuities occur at 620
and 640 and we focus on these thresholds.
Our credit availability measure is constructed to capture the difference in the ability of
borrowers above those thresholds to obtain mortgages compared to borrowers below them.
In practice, computing this measure requires two steps. First, we need to estimate the
impact of falling above or below the threshold at each point in time. Second, we need to
determine how likely it is that each individual would fall below the threshold if she applied
for a mortgage.
2.2.1 Credit Score Thresholds in Originated Mortgages
In order to identify the use of the thresholds, we look at the distribution of credit scores
on loans originated each quarter, as captured in a data set of mortgages provided by Black
Knight Financial Services, formerly known as “LPS” and “McDash”. For each mortgage,
Black Knight reports detailed information that includes the origination date, the loan-to-
value ratio, the debt-to-income ratio, and the borrower’s credit score. Importantly for our
purposes, the credit score reported in the data is the FICO score used in the lender’s mortgage
underwriting decision, a point we return to below. As discussed above, figure 1 plots the
density and cumulative distribution of FICO scores for mortgages in the Black Knight data
originated in 2005, 2008, 2010, and 2012.
We quantify the size of the 620 and 640 thresholds by calculating the ratio of the number
of mortgages originated within five points below the threshold compared to the number
of mortgages originated within five points above the threshold. Assuming that these two
groups of borrowers have similar demand for mortgage credit, differences in the number of
new mortgages originations should reflect differences in lenders’ willingness to provide credit
above and below the threshold. Looking at the black line in figure 1, lenders appear to have
used 620 as a relevant threshold in their lending decisions even before the crisis.
In 2005,
for example, only 70 percent as many mortgages were originated to borrowers just below the
As discussed in the introduction, Keys et al. (2010) argue that the discontinuity existed because loans
with credit scores above 620 were easier to securitize, while Bubb and Kaufman (2014) dispute this conclusion.
thresholds compared to those just above. In contrast, the ratio around 640 was about 90
percent, suggesting that 640 was not a particularly important score in underwriting decisions
during that time period. These ratios were similar in 2008 (the red line).
By 2010 (the blue line), however, the ratio at 620 had plummeted to just 20 percent,
suggesting a dramatic tightening of mortgage credit for borrowers with credit scores under
620. By 2012 (the green line), the ratio at 640 had also fallen sharply, to about 45 percent.
These ratios have changed relatively little since 2012.
The discontinuities around these credit score thresholds could in theory emerge from
several different kinds of restrictions by lenders. First, it may be that some lenders simply
refuse to lend at all to borrowers with credit scores below the threshold values. Low-score
borrowers who would have approached these lenders because of their geographic proximity or
other reasons would therefore not be able to get a mortgage from their preferred lender and
may face search costs that prevent them from turning to other lenders. Alternatively, it may
be that lenders impose other restrictions—on loan-to-value (LTV) or debt-to-income (DTI)
ratios, e.g.—on borrowers with credit scores below the threshold and these other restrictions
limit the demand from these less credit-worthy borrowers. This second explanation would
imply that loans originated to borrowers with scores just below the threshold should appear
less risky based on other observable characteristics. Indeed, we do find some evidence of
this behavior. For example, DTI ratios and LTV ratios are both slightly lower on mortgages
originated just below the thresholds compared to mortgages originated just above. In the
end, the precise form of the restriction is not important for our analysis as long as the
discontinuity reflects differences in the supply of mortgage credit to borrowers above and
below the threshold rather than differences in demand.
One additional complication in studying mortgage underwriting decisions during this
period is lenders’ participation in the FHA’s streamline refinance program, which allows
borrowers to refinance FHA-guaranteed mortgages into new FHA mortgages without going
through the full underwriting process.
For example, it may be that there are actually
many low-credit score borrowers getting mortgages through this program who appear in the
data with missing FICO scores. While we can’t observe in the data which mortgages are
As the number of mortgages to borrowers with credit scores between 620 and 640 fell between 2010
and 2012, the ratio at 620 actually rose back to 40 percent, a mechanical response to the decrease in loans
to borrowers with scores just above 620, the denominator. A combined measure of the two discontinuities,
which calculates the ratio of mortgages just above 640 to the number of mortgages just below 620, shows a
clear overall tightening during this period.
In theory, the program allowed FHA mortgages to be refinanced with no underwriting at all, though in
practice, many lenders did impose restrictions on which loans they would refinance.
originated through the streamline refinance program, we can study the pool of mortgages
with characteristics that would make them likely to part of this program: refinance mortgages
guaranteed by the FHA that do not involve any equity extraction.
Reassuringly, the fraction of mortgages in this category with missing FICO scores is only
slightly higher than the overall fraction of mortgages in the data with missing scores (14
percent compared to 12 percent overall), making it unlikely that there are a large number
of low-score borrowers obtaining mortgages through the program and appearing in the data
with missing scores. In contrast, FHA refinances just below the 620 threshold do exhibit
other risky characteristics that suggest they were underwritten less stringently, likely because
they were disproportionately originated through the streamline program. In particular, FHA
refinances with credit scores just below the threshold have higher DTIs and are more likely
to lack full documentation of the borrower’s income. Again, however, these are supply-driven
differences that do not invalidate our identification strategy.
2.2.2 Using Credit Scores in the Consumer Credit Panel
The second, less obvious step in computing our mortgage credit availability measure is iden-
tifying whether each individual in the population has a credit score that falls above or below
the relevant threshold. In principle, all we would need to do this is to observe the individual’s
FICO score at a given point in time. In practice, there are two complications.
First, a FICO score is the output of a proprietary scoring model, which has changed
over time, applied to data reported by any one of the three credit bureaus. As a result,
there is no single “FICO score” for an individual at any given point in time. Moreover,
scores change almost continuously as new information is reported to the credit bureaus. The
scores reported in the Black Knight data, which we used to construct figure 1, are the results
of the particular scoring model and credit bureau data used by the lender at the time of
underwriting. For both these reasons, even if we observed some FICO score from around
the same time that a mortgage was originated, it would not necessarily match exactly to the
score reported in the Black Knight data. The empirical relevance of the observed 620 and
640 thresholds in a different data set is thus something that we need to test, not something
that we can assume.
The second complication is that we do not observe any FICO scores in our main data set
for this project, which is the Equifax Consumer Credit Panel from the Federal Reserve Bank
of New York. Instead, the CCP contains an “Equifax Risk Score”, which is a similar credit
score intended to capture the probability that individual will default on any loan. In order
to relate the Risk Score in the CCP to a FICO score, we use a linked monthly panel data set
that contains both types of credit scores. Using the joint distribution of Equifax Risk Scores
and FICO scores, we predict the probability that an individual with a given Risk Score in
the CCP would have a FICO score (using the particular model and credit bureau data in the
linked data set) that exceeded the a given threshold value.
To characterize the relationship
between the Equifax Risk Score and the probability that a FICO score exceeds a threshold
we estimate logit models using data six months prior to origination. The models allow the
relationship between the two scores to vary across years.
2.3 Identification Strategy
Our identification strategy combines these two steps into a specification designed to measure
the effect of having a credit score above the threshold in a period when lenders are using that
threshold to make lending decisions. To identify this effect, we use a difference-in-difference
approach, comparing borrowers above and below the threshold in periods where the threshold
is more or less important. For ease of exposition, we begin with a case where there is only
one credit score threshold at 620. First, as described in section 2.2.1, our measure of the
importance of the threshold in quarter t is given by the ratio of the number of mortgages
originated to borrowers just below 620 compared to the number just above:
(Loan Count|F ICO 615, F ICO < 620)
(Loan Count|F ICO 620, F ICO < 625)
Second, as described in section 2.2.2, our measure of whether a borrower in the consumer
credit panel has a FICO score above 620 is based on their Equifax Risk Score, P r(F ICO
, with the relationship allowed to vary by year (a(t)).
This approach yields an estimating equation of the form
= αP r(F ICO 620|riskscore
+ βP r(F ICO 620|riskscore
× (1 r
+ δ
+ η
+ ε
The linked data contain information only on mortgage borrowers, which is why we cannot use them for
our main estimates.
Throughout the paper we calculate the probability of exceeding a FICO threshold using the Risk Score
with which an individual enters quarter t, so that the score cannot have already directly responded to the
outcome variable. Equifax captures the information in the CCP on the last day of a quarter.
where y
is an outcome variable.
The parameter of interest is β, the coefficient on the
interaction between one minus the importance of the 620 threshold and the probability that
the individual’s FICO score is 620 or greater. A similar logic applies for the 640 threshold.
Equation 1 also shows the primary controls that we include in the empirical work be-
low, including 1) quarter fixed effects (η
), 2) the Equifax Risk Score of the individual
interacted with quarter dummies to allow the coefficient (δ
) to vary over time, and 3) the
(un-interacted) probability that the individual’s FICO score is 620 or greater.
As we note
in the introduction, these controls allow us to identify the effects of credit availability using
the timing and nonlinearity of the interaction term (or, in practice, our combined credit avail-
ability measure). Formally, we require that the interaction term be uncorrelated with any
other factors affecting an outcome variable, conditional on the controls. Thus our identifica-
tion is secure against any confounding factors that 1) vary only in the time series dimension,
2) are correlated with credit score in a linear fashion, even if that linear relationship with
credit score shifts over time, or 3) are correlated with the threshold probabilities—which are
nonlinear functions of the Risk Scores—but do not shift over time. In particular, our view
is that credit demand could be correlated over time with the level and slope of many of our
outcomes but that it is unlikely to have an effect on those outcomes that happens to shift
at the precise times and in the nonlinear ways that the interaction term above does.
2.4 Combined Credit Availability Measure
To help understand how to evaluate mortgage credit availability in periods in which lenders
used both the 620 and 640 thresholds in their lending decisions, we introduce a very simple
structural model. This model also gives a structural interpretation to the ratio of mortgage
originations above around the relevant threshold scores.
To start, we imagine a mortgage market with a large number of lenders, each of whom
makes lending decisions based on based on the FICO score of a perspective borrower. All
lenders are willing to make loans to borrowers with scores of 640 or greater. A fraction ρ
are willing to make loans to borrowers with scores below 640 and a fraction ρ
of these
lenders (i.e., a fraction ρ
× ρ
of all lenders) are willing to make loans to borrowers with
scores below 620. Assume the FICO scores of individuals who would like to purchase a home
are uniformly distributed with mass M in each 5-point FICO bin. Each borrower approaches
In practice, many of our outcome variables are binary or counts, so we estimate logistic or negative
binomial regressions, rather than linear models.
Note that the quarter fixed effects subsume the un-interacted ratios.
a single lender, drawn at random from the distribution of lenders, and applies for a loan.
Now consider a borrower whose credit score we do not observe but for whom we can
calculate P r(F ICO 620) and P r(F ICO 640). The probability that she will be given a
loan when she approaches a random lender is
P = P r(F ICO 640)+P r(640 > F ICO 620)×ρ
+P r(F ICO < 620)×ρ
Next, we discuss how we can estimate ρ
and ρ
from the data. For borrowers with
scores between 615 and 619, a fraction ρ
× ρ
of lenders they approach will make them
loans and the total number of loans to borrowers in this range will be ρ
× ρ
× M.
Similarly, the total number of loans originated to borrowers with scores between 620 and
624, and also between 635 and 639, is ρ
× M . Finally, all applicants with scores above 640
will be approved so the total number of loans originated to borrowers with scores between
640 and 644 is M. Therefore we can identify estimators for ρ
and ρ
(Loan Count|F ICO 635, F ICO < 640)
(Loan Count|F ICO 640, F ICO < 645)
× M
= ˆρ
(Loan Count|F ICO 615, F ICO < 620)
(Loan Count|F ICO 620, F ICO < 625)
× ˆρ
× M
× M
= ˆρ
This derivation shows that ratio of the number of mortgages just below the threshold to the
number just above it can be interpreted as the fraction of lenders who are willing to lend to
borrowers with credit scores below that threshold.
That is, r
= ˆρ
and r
= ˆρ
To operationalize equation 2 and define our credit availability measure for a given in-
dividual, we make two simple substitutions. First, we replace ρ
and ρ
in equation 2
with our estimates r
and r
. Second, we replace the notional P r(F ICO 640) with
the P r(F ICO 640|riskscore
that we estimate from the linked data described above.
These substitutions yield
= P r(F ICO 640|riskscore
+ P r(640 > F ICO 620|riskscore
× r
+ P r(F ICO < 620|riskscore
× r
× r
A more realistic model could relate the ratio to the number of lenders willing to lend but also the size of
those lenders and the cost to borrowers of seeking them out. A small rural lender willing to lend to borrowers
with FICO scores below 620 is not likely to be able or willing to draw enough customers to significantly
affect the measured ratio or credit supply.
or equivalently,
= P r(F ICO 640|riskscore
+ P r(F ICO < 640|riskscore
× r
+ P r(F ICO < 620|riskscore
× (r
1) × r
To connect this derivation to the difference-in-difference approach described above, it is
instructive to consider two special cases. If ρ
= 1 and we estimate r
= 1—no lenders
use 640 as a minimum score—then 620 is the only relevant threshold and
= 1) = credavail
P r(F ICO 620|riskscore
+ (1 P r(F ICO 620|riskscore
) × r
+ P r(F ICO 620|riskscore
) × (1 r
Similarly, if ρ
= 1—no lenders use 620 as a minimum score—then 640 is the only relevant
threshold and
= 1) = credavail
P r(F ICO 640|riskscore
+ (1 P r(F ICO 640|riskscore
) × r
+ P r(F ICO 640|riskscore
) × (1 r
Focusing on the last line of the definition of credavail
, we observe that it is precisely
the same as the interaction term from equation 1, our difference-in-difference specification,
except that it includes the additional un-interacted r
term. This un-interacted term is
already absorbed into our quarter fixed effects. As a result, if we replaced the interaction
term in equation 1 with this credit availability measure, the estimated coefficient would be
the same. In other words, when only the 620 threshold is active, we can think of this credit
availability measure as simply the interaction term from the standard difference-in-difference
specification. The same holds for the 640 threshold.
This derivation shows that our combined credit availability measure has both theoretical
motivations and effectively reduces to the standard interaction term from our difference-in-
difference specification when only one credit score threshold is active. Our final specification
(for a continuous outcome variable) is then
P r(F ICO 620|riskscore
+ α
P r(F ICO 640|riskscore
+ βcredavail
+ δ
+ γX
+ η
+ ε
where β is again the parameter of interest, capturing the combined effect of the 620 and 640
thresholds. The specification includes our predicted probabilities of having a FICO score
over 620 and 640, to strip out nonlinear, non-time-varying effects of credit score on the
outcomes. It also includes the linear effect of the Risk Score, which is allowed to vary over
time. Finally, to isolate the effect of current credit availability, we also add as additional
controls the first quarterly lag of credit availability for the individual, the first lag of the
predicted threshold probabilities, and the first lag of credit score interacted with the quarter
dummies, all contained within the vector X
Although it is easy to think of credavail
in a binary context—one either has access to
credit or one does not—in practice it is a continuous variable with outcomes ranging from 0
to 1, both because the link between Equifax Risk Score and FICO threshold is probabilistic
and because our quantification of the importance of the threshold is never actually 0 or 1.
Figure 3 shows the evolution of the credit availability measure. The left panel shows the
time series of average credit availability for individuals with Equifax Risk Scores between
530 and 730, our estimation sample. The timing of the sharp drops in the series correspond
to the narrative provided above and the introduction of the thresholds we identified in the
Black Knight data. The three shaded regions denote periods between 2008 and 2011 in which
availability was roughly stable.
Taking a different slice through the data, the right panel compares average credit availabil-
ity, by 10-point Risk Score bin, across those three stable periods of credit availability between
the changes in the thresholds. As should be expected, our availability measure dropped most
for individuals with low Risk Scores between 2008 (the black line) and 2009:Q2-2010:Q2 (the
red line), as the 620 FICO threshold kicked in. By 2011 (the blue line), with the introduc-
tion of the 640 threshold, availability fell a bit further for the low end of the Risk Score
range plotted here, but also fell noticeably in the middle of the range. Individuals with Risk
Scores above 700 saw essentially no change in either period, because we estimate a very low
probability of these individuals having a FICO score below 640.
A brief discussion of the estimated coefficients on lagged credit availability is presented in section 3.3.
2.5 Estimation Sample
We estimate the effects of our credit availability measure using the Equifax/FRBNY CCP,
which consists of a 5 percent random sample of individuals who have a credit file. For our
main results, we use a random sample containing 50 percent of the individuals in the panel,
or a 2.5 percent sample of the population. We used a disjoint smaller subset of the CCP as a
training sample for the initial data analysis for this paper, in part for ease of computation and
in part to avoid reporting results from the same data as our training sample. This approach
likely helped us avoid reading too much into results that happened to be economically large
or statistically significant in our initial analysis.
We restrict our estimation sample to the years 2008-2011, a period when we can clearly
identify changes in credit availability, as discussed above. Ending our sample in 2011 has
the further advantage that we are able to observe everyone in our sample through 2015, a
full four years after the end of the estimation period, allowing us to estimate longer-term
effects of our credit availability measure.
We also restrict our analysis to borrowers within a relatively narrow range of Risk Scores
around the thresholds at 620 and 640 that we identified above. This restriction has two
motivations. First, borrowers with credit scores far from the threshold values are much less
likely to be affected by lender’s use of these thresholds in making lending decisions. Results
suggesting that such borrowers are significantly affected by these mortgage thresholds are
thus more likely to be spurious. Second, the relationship between credit score and mortgage
demand is likely nonlinear. However, within a narrow band of scores, a linear function of
credit score should be a reasonable control for demand. Our baseline specification uses a
sample of borrowers with scores between 530 and 730, but we perform robustness checks
around the size of the window in section 3.4.
3 Results
Having constructed a measure of mortgage credit availability for each member of the con-
sumer credit panel, we next explore the relationship between this measure and various out-
comes. Depending on the outcome, we use linear regressions, logit models in the case of
probabilities, or negative binomial models in the case of count variables. For each outcome
We drop individuals identified in the CCP as dead, those who are reported to be younger than 16 or older
than 120, and those whose address is reported as something other than a “street address” or “high-rise”.
These restrictions removed less than 10 percent of the observations in the CCP.
variable, we consider horizons of 4, 8, 12, and 16 quarters to assess both the short-term
and longer-term effects of restrictions on mortgage credit. As laid out above, our baseline
specification includes dummy variables for the quarter of observation and also an interaction
of this quarter dummy with Risk Score.
In the table for each specification, we report results using the entire sample and also
separately for those who had a mortgage in the previous quarter and those who did not.
In determining whether someone has a mortgage, we use total outstanding balance on all
mortgages appearing on her credit report and say an individual has a mortgage if the total
is greater than zero. Because our sample is concentrated towards the bottom of the credit
score distribution, the sub-sample of people with no mortgage balance makes up about 85
percent of our estimation sample.
Finally, it is worth noting that the coefficients on our mortgage credit availability measure
capture the differences between a borrower with a credit availability of one, meaning she is
unaffected by minimum credit scores, and a hypothetical borrower with credit availability
of zero, meaning both that she falls below the credit score threshold with certainty and
that we observe no mortgages to borrowers with credit scores just below this threshold. In
practice, we always estimate some positive probability of an individual with a low Risk Score
being above a FICO threshold, and we always see some mortgages issued below the FICO
thresholds in the Black Knight data. As a result, our credit availability measure is never less
than about 0.2. As shown in figure 3B, for borrowers with scores toward the bottom of our
range, credit availability fell from about 0.7 to 0.2 between 2008 and 2011, so the net effect
for the most affected group is about half as large as the reported effect.
3.1 Mortgage Borrowing
Our first set of models is intended in part to confirm that our measure of mortgage credit
availability actually captures borrowers’ ability to obtain a mortgage. In these models,
the dependent variable is whether the person takes out one or more new mortgages within
the specified horizon and we use a logit specification. We use the CCP’s trade-line data on
individual mortgages to determine the date on which the mortgage was opened.
In addition
We also note that we are cautious about using our measure to compare people with very high credit
scores to those with very low credit scores, as our identification comes largely from the curvature in our
measure around the credit score thresholds at 620 and 640.
This is a subtle but important step. Many of the aggregate variables in the CCP only update with a
lag as the information is reported to Equifax. For example, a change in an individual’s reported mortgage
balance will typically occur in the data one or two quarters after they actually take out a mortgage. By
using the dates from the trade lines, we are able to precisely measure the timing of the mortgage origination.
to considering longer horizons, this first set of regressions also includes specifications in which
the outcome variable is whether the individual takes out a mortgage in the current quarter.
We can get a good sense of the data by examining plots of the relationship between
credit score and the probability of taking out a mortgage. Figure 4 shows the contempora-
neous probability of mortgage attainment by credit score, across the three stable periods of
availability in our data. The plot shows that the probability of taking out a new mortgage
declined most sharply for those at the bottom of the credit distribution between the 2008
(the black line) and 2009:Q2-2010:Q2 periods (the red line). After lenders began using the
640 threshold, we see that the 2012 probabilities (the blue line) show evidence of a further
decline in mortgage originations in the middle of our sample. These patterns mirror the
evolution of our credit availability measure, as discussed above and shown in figure 3B.
More formally, our first main result is shown in the first column of panel A of table 1.
Even after including the various controls, we estimate that the average marginal effect of
our credit availability measure on the probability of taking out a new first mortgage in the
current quarter is 1 percentage point, with a standard error of just 0.1 percentage point.
This estimate is also very large compared to the average probability in our sample of taking
out a new mortgage (“Dep. Var. Mean”), which is just 0.9 percent.
This result confirms both the importance of these credit score thresholds in determining
who receives mortgages and also the ability of our credit availability measure to capture
these threshold effects. Although this result may be unsurprising given the patterns in the
Black Knight data, it is not trivial, for at least two reasons. First, the translation from
Equifax Risk Scores to predicted FICO scores could wash out the effect, especially given the
controls we include. Second, there are various behaviors that could imply the patterns we
observe in the loan-level data without implying similar patterns in the individual data. For
example, credit scores could be sufficiently variable from day to day that individuals can
easily get a mortgage tomorrow even if their score falls below the threshold today.
The fact that we do find effects using our credit availability measure suggests neither
concern is valid. Apparently, the Equifax Risk Score is sufficiently correlated with the FICO
scores used in mortgage underwriting that that they are able to capture changes in lenders’
reactions to borrowers’ FICO scores. Also, these scores appear sufficiently stable that a single
observation taken at the end of the quarter does affect the individual’s ability to borrow over
the following three months. As we wrote in the introduction, establishing these facts seems
Our analysis focuses on first mortgages, which made up the vast majority of mortgages during this
period. Nevertheless, all of our results are similar if we include second mortgages as well.
particularly important given the large number of studies that have interpreted these scores
as a meaningful measure of individual’s access to mortgage credit.
Looking at longer horizons, panel A of table 1 shows the cumulative effect of our credit
availability measure on mortgage originations over the subsequent 4, 8, 12 and 16 quarters. In
columns 2 through 5, we see that the coefficient on our credit availability measure increases
in magnitude through columns 2 and 3 (0-3 quarters and 0-7 quarters, respectively) and
then levels off at about 3 to 3.5 percentage points. However, the mean of the dependent
variable increases steadily from left to right, suggesting that our measure of mortgage credit
access becomes less important over time compared to other factors that determine whether
people take out new mortgages. Considering whether people take out any new mortgages
up to three quarters ahead, the average marginal effect of our measure is about 3 percentage
points, while overall, 3.5 percent of people in the sample take out a mortgage within this
period. At a 15-quarter horizon, the average marginal effect of our measure is still about 3
percentage points, but the average probability of taking out a mortgage is 13 percent. While
attenuated in relative terms compared to the short run, these effects are still very large,
suggesting that the effects of credit availability are quite persistent.
In panel B, we repeat our analysis on the sub-sample of people who have no previous
mortgage balance. Because this sub-sample makes up about 85 percent of our estimation
sample, the average marginal effects for this group are similar to the effects for the sample
as a whole, although they are somewhat larger relative to the average probability of taking
out mortgages. For people who already have a mortgage (panel C), the average probability
of taking out a new mortgage is considerably higher. Many of these individuals are likely
refinancing an existing mortgage during this period of falling interest rates. Moreover, al-
ready being homeowners suggests a preference (and financial capacity) for homeownership.
For this group, the estimated marginal effects are also much larger, indicating that credit
availability boosts mortgage originations by more in percentage point terms. However, as a
ratio to their average probabilities, the effects are similar in size those of the entire sample.
In table 2, we consider an alternative measure of new mortgage borrowing, namely the
change in the total mortgage balance on an individual’s credit record, relative to the quarter
prior to that in which we estimate credit availability. Qualitatively, the results are similar to
those in table 1. In panel A of table 2, credit availability increased an individual’s mortgage
balance by about $3,000 over four quarters and $6,600 over 16 quarters, where the average
increases in mortgage debt over the entire sample are close to zero. The effects are noticeably
smaller for those who did not have mortgages previously (panel B) and larger for those who
did (panel C). Interestingly,those who did have mortgages previously had $56,000 less in
mortgage debt after 16 quarters, on average, either through paying it down or discharging
debt through foreclosure or other means. Even if we halve the coefficient on credit availability,
to match the actual change in our credit availability measure for low-score borrowers, this
result suggests that credit availability attenuates the decline in mortgage balance, perhaps
because it allows homeowners to refinance and either take out cash or avoid default.
3.2 Additional Outcomes
Aside from the direct question of whether restrictions on mortgage credit are preventing
individuals from obtaining mortgages and how these effects attenuate over time, we are
also interested in understanding the broader relevance of credit supply. The richness of the
consumer credit panel allows us to explore several additional outcomes.
3.2.1 Mortgage Delinquency
We next consider whether access to mortgage credit can allow individuals to avoid negative
credit events. In table 3, we show the results of logit models in which the dependent variable
is whether individuals have had at least one mortgage delinquency of 60 days or more. For
the full sample in panel A, we find large negative effects: At a horizon of four quarters
(column 1), the average probability of being delinquent in at least one quarter is 4.5 percent,
while having credit available reduces the probability of delinquency by 2.2 percentage points.
The effects are larger at longer horizons, although they are somewhat smaller relative to the
increasing average probabilities.
We get can get a better sense of the mechanism at work by looking at panels B and C.
In panel B, among people with no prior mortgage balance, we see that credit availability
has much more modest effects on delinquency, both in absolute terms and relative to the
(smaller) average probabilities of delinquency in this group. In contrast, for those who
already have a mortgage balance (panel C), we find that continued access to mortgage credit
lowers their probability of being delinquent within four quarters by 7 percentage points, half
of the dependent variable mean. The effect is even larger in percentage point terms at longer
horizons. These results strongly suggest that having access to credit allows homeowners
to avoid delinquency through lowering their mortgage payments by refinancing at a lower
interest rate. Since credit availability was declining during this period, it is likely that
many homeowners became delinquent because they were unable to refinance in the new
In addition to mortgage delinquency, it also interesting to examine whether mortgage
credit availability affects delinquency on other types of loans. Importantly, we do not think
that lenders tightened other forms of credit at the same times and at the same credit score
thresholds, so our credit availability measure should cleanly identify the spillover effects of
having access to mortgage credit specifically. Panel A in table 4 shows that the overall effect
of having access to mortgage credit is zero at a horizon of four quarters. At a horizon of 16
quarters, there is a meaningful negative effect (-3.5 percentage points), on an average delin-
quency probability that reached 52 percent for our sample during this turbulent economic
As in the previous results, we can better understand the mechanism by separately con-
sidering the impact on individuals who did and did not already have a mortgage. Similar to
our results for mortgage delinquency, the effects of credit availability on non-mortgage delin-
quency are uniformly negative for borrowers who already have mortgages (panel C), pointing
to the importance of refinancing in avoiding negative credit events. In partial contrast to
our results for mortgage delinquency, the effects are also clearly negative for borrowers who
did not previously have a mortgage (apart from the short-run effect, which is very close to
zero). This pattern suggests that access to mortgage credit for new borrowers ultimately
helps avoid delinquency on non-mortgage loans, but that the effect takes time to kick in.
This may be because the financial benefits of being a homeowner, such as the ability to
withdraw equity or to borrow more cheaply if rates decline, are only realized some time after
becoming a homeowner.
3.2.2 Moving and Migration
Because we observe the mailing address of an individual in the CCP down to the Census
block, we can also examine the effects of credit availability on moving and migration decisions.
The address data in the CCP tend to be unstable because they reflect the most recent
address reported to Equifax, which can fluctuate back and forth if that person is receiving
bills at more than one address. To try to isolate actual moves, we limit the sample to those
individuals whom we can observe in a single location for at least four quarters before we
measure their credit availability and who appear to remain in a location for four quarters
after the end of whatever horizon we use. As a consequence of this approach, the samples
Although the Home Affordable Refinance Program allowed borrowers, regardless of credit score, to
refinance if their mortgage balance was larger than the value of their home, many lenders reportedly imposed
minimum-score overlays at the 620 or 640 thresholds.
are smaller. Also, we can only show effects out through 12 quarters, because we cannot
establish four-quarter address stability for those who are 16 quarters out from 2011, as our
data end in mid-2016.
Table 5 shows the effects on the individual’s probability of moving across Census blocks.
In panel A, we see small positive effects at short horizons and no effects at longer horizons.
As before, however, these estimates mask heterogeneity between those who do and do not
already have a mortgage balance. For those who do not (panel B), we see somewhat larger
positive effects at shorter horizons. The positive effect for this group is sensible, since non-
homeowners who have credit available to them usually have to move to buy a home, which
we observed them doing in table 1.
For those who do have a mortgage balance (panel C),
the effects start small and grow more negative over time, suggesting that having the option
to refinance leads some of these homeowners to remain in their homes for longer.
The next table (6) looks at the effects on moving across metropolitan areas.
As with
moving, panels A and B indicate that credit availability has positive effects on migration
behavior, both for the full sample and for those without a previous mortgage balance, al-
though the effects attenuate at longer horizons. The effects in column 1 appear small in
percentage point terms, with mortgage credit availability associated with a 1 percent rise in
changing CBSAs. However, these estimates are actually fairly large relative to the average
probabilities of moving across metro areas, which are under 3 percent.
Arguably the most interesting results in table 6 are in panel C, where we find no significant
effects of credit availability on migration among those who did previously have a mortgage,
at least of a size that we can detect given our standard errors. Some articles in the popular
press have suggested that homeowners could have been “locked in” to their current properties
or local areas because they were unable to get a new mortgage, either because they were
under water, or wanted to hold on to their current rate, or had credit scores that were too
Our results suggest that, at least along this last dimension, there is no evidence of
this phenomenon: Among prior homeowners, lack of mortgage credit increases moving and
has no effect on migration. Therefore our analysis provides no support for the hypothesis
that the economic recovery was slowed because frictions from the housing market prevented
Of course, individuals without previous mortgage balances can be homeowners, but most people who
did not have a balance and then took out a mortgage seem likely to be purchasing and moving to a new
Formally, these are known as core-based statistical areas, or CBSAs. We use the 2013 CBSA definitions,
merged into the CCP by county of residence.
See the introduction for citations of the academic literature on the impact on migration of being under-
unemployed workers from relocating to areas with stronger labor markets.
3.2.3 Auto Loans
Finally, we explore whether we can observe interactions between mortgage borrowing and
other kinds of consumer credit. In particular, we consider whether our measure of mortgage
credit availability has implications for consumers’ use of auto loans. Results from this exercise
are shown in table 7, where the dependent variable is the change in the number of auto loans
on the individuals credit record, and table 8, where we use the change in the total auto loan
We have no strong prior as to either the sign or magnitude of the effect. On the one
hand, individuals who cannot buy a house because they are denied mortgage credit could
substitute into cars, while those who get mortgages may substitute away from cars. On
the other hand, auto borrowing could be positively correlated with mortgage borrowing
because of complementarities between driving and purchasing a home, or because refinancing
one’s mortgage lowers interest payments and relieves liquidity constraints. On net, looking
across both tables, the effects among those who did not previously have a mortgage balance
(panel B) are mostly negative, suggesting that the substitution channel dominates. For prior
mortgage borrowers (panel C), the effects are uniformly positive, suggesting that refinancing
enables some homeowners to purchase cars.
3.3 Lagged Credit Availability
In all of the specifications described above, we include among the controls an individual’s
credit availability from the previous quarter. Doing so allows us to isolate the effect of
having credit availability at a particular point in time, given that credit scores (and thus
credit availability) are likely to be highly correlated over time.
The lagged effects may be
of interest in their own right, however, which is why we included them in our tables.
While the magnitudes vary substantially, the signs of the effects on lagged credit avail-
ability are generally the same as on the current measure, likely because credit availability
has persistent effects on some outcomes, as we showed above. In addition, to the extent that
our current measure of credit availability is noisy, the lagged measure may also pick up some
of the effect on the outcome.
The abrupt changes in the credit score thresholds during the 2008-2011 period mean that current and
lagged availability may not have been as correlated as during other periods.
In some cases, however, we see different signs on the two coefficients when we focus the
analysis on people who do not have a mortgage. In particular, those who appeared to have
greater access to mortgage credit in the previous quarter but did not become homeowners
subsequently experience less growth in both mortgage balances and higher growth in auto
debt (as shown in panel B of tables 2 and 7). This may reflect a selection effect, whereby those
who could have obtained a mortgage but chose not to have lower demand for homeownership,
and possibly more demand for cars instead.
More generally, we might have expected those who were excluded from the mortgage
market in the previous period to display an increased demand for mortgages the following
period, reflecting pent-up demand. This effect would have appeared as a negative effect of
lagged credit availability in the specifications with mortgage originations as the dependent
variables. However, this is not what we find, suggesting that if there is pent-up demand of
this form, it is offset by the persistence of the positive effects of availability.
3.4 Robustness Checks
We next examine a series of alternative specifications to some of our main results, to ensure
that they are robust. Table 9 shows different estimates of the effect of credit availability on
the contemporaneous probability of taking out a mortgage, across all borrowers. Column 1
repeats our preferred estimate from column 1 of panel A in table 1. In the second column,
we add linear and quadratic terms for the age of the individual, interacted with quarter.
Age is an attractive control because it is highly correlated with credit score, as we show in
figure 5A (discussed below). Moreover, because age evolves deterministically, it may be a
more stable proxy for current and past credit scores. In any event, including age does not
change the estimated effect of credit availability.
Next we consider the possibility of changing how we control for the past evolution of
credit availability and credit score, via a more direct route than controlling for age. Column
3 shows the result of including the second through fourth lags of credit availability, the
second through fourth lags of the predicted threshold probabilities, as well as the second
through fourth lags of credit score interacted with quarter dummies. The effects of credit
availability and the first lag are nearly unchanged. Similarly, the effect of credit availability
is also unchanged in column 4 when we drop all lags, including the first, from the right-hand
Finally, columns 5 and 6 show the results of changing the credit score window to include
a larger or smaller sample. Our preferred specification in column 1 includes individuals with
scores between 530 and 730. We selected that window because scores above 730 or below
530 are very unlikely to be affected by changes in lenders’ use of a 620 or 640 threshold.
Moreover, we wanted to use a narrow enough window that the linear credit score controls
could plausibly pick up variation in mortgage demand by score, since a wider window makes
it more likely that the relationship between score and demand would be nonlinear.
Column 5 considerably expands the sample by including all individuals with scores be-
tween 500 and 830.
The estimated average marginal effect of credit availability is slightly
smaller in magnitude, but the mean of the dependent variable is larger, because high-score
individuals are so much more likely to take out mortgages. Column 6 does the opposite,
narrowing the window to include only individuals with scores between 580 and 680. In this
case the mean of the dependent variable is about the same, but the average marginal effect
is about half as large as in column 1 and is no longer statistically significantly different than
zero. Intuitively, with a more narrow range of scores, nonlinearities play a smaller role and
the linear credit score interacted with the time dummy picks up most of the variation. In
other words, as the range narrows, it becomes more difficult to separate out the effect of
being more likely to be above the credit score threshold from the effect of simply having a
higher credit score.
In table 10, we apply the same alternative specifications to the longer-run probability of
taking out a mortgage, specifically the model for one to 16 quarters ahead from column 5 of
panel A in table 1. Again, column 1 repeats our main result. The next three columns are
essentially the same as column 1, the same pattern as in table 9. Unlike in table 9, the “wide
range” estimate in column 5 is larger than the baseline, but the “narrow range” estimate
in column 6 is again smaller than the baseline and not statistically significant. We find it
somewhat comforting that the point estimates in the final columns of both tables 10 and 10
remain positive and large in economic terms. Nevertheless, the size of the standard errors
makes clear that we do not have enough power to pin down the magnitude of the effect using
a very narrow Risk Score window, given our large set of controls and the concomitant loss
of identifying variation.
This expanded sample still drops the roughly 5 percent of individuals who have extremely high or low
4 Heterogeneity
Most of this paper focuses on average effects of credit availability among the total population
with Equifax Risk Scores around the 620 and 640 thresholds. However, the importance of
the thresholds should vary across demographic and socioeconomic groups, for two reasons.
First, credit scores are highly correlated with characteristics like age, race, and income. As
a result, some groups—for example, younger adults—are more likely to have scores near the
thresholds than others. Second, the estimated effects of credit availability—the salience of
the thresholds—can also differ across groups. For example, individuals who do not want to
buy a home or cannot afford it should be little affected by the availability of mortgages.
4.1 Heterogeneity by Age
Figure 5 examines heterogeneity in the effects of credit availability by age, focusing on the
sample of individuals with no mortgage balance in the prior quarter. The top left panel
(5A) shows that credit scores are highly correlated with age: Individuals younger than 35
(the two left-most bins) have an average Equifax Risk Score of around 650, while those 75
and older (the right-most bin) have an average score of around 770. The three lines in the
panel, which correspond to the three stable periods of credit availability discussed above, are
essentially on top of each other, indicating that scores in each age group were little changed
over our sample period, on average.
Moving on to the question of how these differences in credit scores translate into mortgage
credit access, the top right panel (5B) shows the average of our credit availability measure
in each age bin, across stable periods. Because of the strong correlation between age and
credit score, this panel looks fairly similar to figure 3B, where we plotted credit availability
against credit score. Credit availability fell dramatically among the younger groups between
the first (black) and second (red) periods, as lenders started using the 620 threshold, and
then fell somewhat further by 2011 (the blue line), as they moved to a 640 threshold.
Next we consider the possibility that, like the average credit availability measure that we
calculate, the salience of credit availability could also differ across age groups. The bottom
left panel (5C) shows the average marginal effects of credit availability on the contempo-
raneous probability of taking out a mortgage, estimated separately for each age bin using
a specification otherwise identical to the pooled estimate in column 1 of panel B in table
1. The solid line in the figure gives the point estimates, while the dotted lines indicate a
range of two standard errors on either side of that estimate. The impact of mortgage credit
availability is low for the youngest group, highest for the 25-34 bin, and thereafter shrinks
monotonically with age. This pattern is fairly intuitive: Relatively younger adults are more
likely to be constrained by mortgage credit availability, but the very youngest are less likely
to want to purchase a home in the first place.
Finally, we combine the information in the previous panels to show how the tightening
of mortgage credit over time has differentially impacted different age groups. To isolate
these effects, we look at the individuals in 2008:Q1, the first quarter of our sample. Holding
constant the credit scores of this group at their 2008:Q1 values, we first recompute how our
credit availability measure would have changed for them as lending conditions changed over
time, as implied by the changes in the ratios around the 620 and 640 thresholds. Then,
holding constant all of the other characteristics and the estimated time fixed effects at their
2008:Q1 values, we use our age bin-specific logit models to predict mortgage attainment for
the sample in each quarter through 2012.
In the bottom right panel (5D), we aggregate these predictions to calculate the expected
mortgage attainment over each of the three periods defined above. The black line shows
the average predicted probabilities given credit availability in 2008, while the red and blue
lines show the averages predicted given credit availability in the later stable periods. Not
surprisingly given the previous panels, we find the largest shift down in predicted mortgage
attainment among younger and middle-aged individuals. Among the oldest adults, the
aggregate effects are small, both because they have higher credit scores and credit availability
contracted less, and because their average marginal effects are smaller. The aggregate effects
are also smaller among the very youngest adults represented in our panel, because while their
access to credit contracted considerably, their estimated marginal effects are smaller than
for somewhat older groups, as noted above.
4.2 Heterogeneity by Local Racial Distribution and Income
While we would like to repeat this exercise to measure heterogeneity by race, we do not
observe race in the credit panel. We do, however, observe mailing addresses, so we break down
the sample into four groups according to the percentage of black residents in an individual’s
Individuals under 25 are not fully represented in the consumer credit panel, because not all of them have
a credit report. This discrepancy between the CCP sample and the population shrinks with age, so there
are few 18-year-olds in the panel, but most 25-year-olds are included. As a result, the point estimate shown
for the youngest bin is likely an overestimate of the true effect for this age group, because individuals who
do not even have a credit card are presumably the least likely to take out mortgages and buy homes.
In a linear model, the bottom right panel could be derived simply by multiplying the marginal effects—
which would be the model coefficients themselves—by the changes in the credit availability measure.
census tract in the 2000 Census.
Results from this exercise are shown in figure 6. The top
left panel (6A) shows that race, like age, is highly correlated with credit score, and that the
relationship changed little during our sample period. Accordingly, the top right panel (6B)
shows that credit availability declined most for those tracts with the largest share of black
As we did for different age groups, we next estimate the average marginal effects of credit
availability on the probability of taking out a mortgage for residents of these four groups of
census tracts. The lower left panel (6C) indicates that the marginal effect is constant across
the first three bins, containing all tracts with less than half black residents, but it is about
half as large in the right-most bin, which contains individuals in tracts with more than half
black residents. As a result, the bottom right panel (6D) indicates that the overall implied
effect of lower credit availability was somewhat larger in the middle two bins than in the
other two. In sum, people living in census tracts with 10 percent or fewer black residents were
affected less because they suffered smaller declines in credit availability, while those in areas
containing half or more black residents were less affected because of their lower marginal
effects, again presumably reflecting a lower demand for homeownership.
Of course, the
severity of the effects of changing credit availability might differ across these bins in other
ways that we do not observe.
A very similar pattern is evident when we group individuals with no prior mortgage
balance by quartiles of tract median income. Figure 7 shows that Equifax Risk Scores are
positively correlated with tract income (7A) and that credit availability declined most for
the lowest income tracts (7B). However, the lowest income tracts have noticeably smaller
marginal effects than the other three quartiles (7C). In the end, panel 7D shows that our mod-
els predict that changes in credit availability had larger net effects on mortgage attainment
for the middle two quartiles than for the top income quartile (for whom credit availability
declined least) and the bottom income quartile (who have smaller marginal effects).
The four groups are tracts with 0-10 percent, 10-20 percent, 20-50 percent, and over 50 percent. We
selected the bins based on a visual inspection of the distribution, which is highly skewed, so the bins do not
contain equal numbers of observations.
In contrast, when we perform a similar analysis for tracts based on their shares of Hispanic residents
(not shown), we find offsetting differences in the marginal effects and the reduction in credit availability
across the four bins. As a result, there is a parallel downward shift across all four bins in the overall implied
effect of lower credit availability over this period.
5 Counterfactual
As a final exercise, we attempt to compute the aggregate direct impact of the 620 and 640
FICO score thresholds on the total number of mortgages originated in the years following
the financial crisis. To perform this calculation, we run a simple counterfactual experiment,
using estimates of the effects of our credit availability measure on the total number of first
mortgages taken out by individuals in the CCP sample. We do so using counts of mort-
gages taken out by each individual, over various horizons, and estimate negative binomial
models to relate these counts to the credit availability measure and our controls. Because
many mortgages are taken out jointly by couples, we estimate separate models for joint and
individual mortgages, so that we can properly aggregate and avoid double-counting. Impor-
tantly, these calculations reflect only the direct effects of the thresholds, and not any other
constraints on mortgage credit availability since the financial crisis.
Table 11 shows the effects of credit availability on joint mortgages, while table 12 shows
them for individual mortgages. We see large positive effects throughout both tables, with
uniformly larger effects for joint mortgages, which have larger average probabilities as well.
Comparing panel C from each table to the other makes clear that individuals who already
have a mortgage balance on their credit record are much more likely to take out joint mort-
gages than individual mortgages, and that the effects of credit availability scale up with the
average probabilities.
Next we use these models to predict the number of mortgages that would have been
originated if the credit availability measure had remained at its level in the first quarter
of 2008. Specifically, we take every individual in our sample and recalculate our credit
availability measure using her actual Risk Score at each point in time and the 620 and 640
threshold ratios from 2008:Q1, holding all else constant. Then, using the specifications in
column 2, panel A, of tables 11 and 12, we predict the number of each type of mortgage
that would have been originated zero to three quarters ahead. We divide the number of joint
mortgages by two, and then add the two predictions together.
Starting from the first quarter of 2011, when the full effect of the 640 threshold had
kicked in, we find that the imposition of the thresholds lowered mortgage originations in
our estimation sample—people with Risk Scores between 530 and 730—by about 260,000 in
2011. Comparing this figure to the 1.65 million mortgages that were actually originated in
our sample, we conclude that mortgage originations would have been about 16 percent higher
without the thresholds. For a broader comparison, we note that first mortgage originations
in 2011 to people of all credit scores totaled 7 million, according to data collected under
the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA). Assuming, somewhat conservatively, that the
thresholds had no effect one people with scores outside of the 530 to 730 range, we conclude
that total mortgage originations would have been about 3.5 percent higher without the
We can take a longer view by doing essentially the same exercise with the specifications
in column 5, panel A, of both tables and predicting the number of joint and individual first
mortgages that would have been originated zero to 15 quarters ahead. Again starting from
the first quarter of 2011, we find that the imposition of the thresholds lowered originations
in our sample by about 580,000 between 2011 and 2014. Comparing this figure to the 8.4
million mortgages actually taken out by individuals in our sample indicates that originations
would have been about 7 percent higher. Comparing the 580,000 figure to 31 million, the
total number of first mortgages originated to all individuals from 2011 to 2014, implies that
there would have been about 2 percent more mortgages originated over this period.
6 Conclusion
The question of how tight mortgage credit should be is an important one that forces policy
makers to balance concerns in both directions. On the one hand, tight mortgage credit
prevents marginal borrowers from realizing the benefits of homeownership and, on a larger
scale, reduces economic activity in the housing sector. On the other hand, the recent financial
crisis demonstrates the risk of mortgage credit that is too loose: Banks’ losses on defaulting
mortgages can cause instability in the financial sector, borrowers may take out loans they
are unable to repay, and an excess supply of credit can potentially contribute to a bubble in
housing prices.
Our paper aims to shed additional light on one of these issues, the effect of mortgage credit
on individual borrowers. Exploiting the timing and nonlinear effects of lenders’ introduction
of minimum credit score thresholds, we find that these thresholds have very large negative
effects on borrowing. In other words, borrowers are not able to avoid the thresholds in
the short run. We also find that borrowers without current access to mortgage credit are
more likely to become delinquent on mortgages they had previously taken out, as well as
on other forms of debt. Although these effects attenuate somewhat over time in relative
terms, we find that they persist for at least several years, suggesting that the impact of these
policies on the welfare of constrained individuals could be quite large. Further research is
necessary to study these effects and the other consequences of tight mortgage credit, in order
to give policy makers a better understanding of the total effects of policies affecting credit
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550 600 650 700
0 1 2 3 4 5
FICO score bin
Panel A. Densities
550 600 650 700
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
FICO score bin
Panel B. Cumulative Distributions
Fig. 1.—Mortgages by FICO Score. This figure plots the densities and cumulative distributions of newly originated first mortgages by
10-point FICO score bin in the Black Knight data set, across four years.
550 600 650 700
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5
FICO score bin
620 640
Conventional (GSE)
Convent. (Non−GSE)
Panel A. 2005
550 600 650 700
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5
FICO score bin
620 640
Conventional (GSE)
Convent. (Non−GSE)
Panel B. 2008
550 600 650 700
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5
FICO score bin
620 640
Conventional (GSE)
Convent. (Non−GSE)
Panel C. 2010
550 600 650 700
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5
FICO score bin
620 640
Conventional (GSE)
Convent. (Non−GSE)
Panel D. 2012
Fig. 2.—Mortgage Densities, across Types. This figure plots the densities of newly orig-
inated first mortgages by 10-point FICO score bin in the Black Knight data set, across
types of loans. Each panel shows the data from a separate year.
2008 2010 2012 2014
0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.95
Credit Availability Measure
Panel A. Time Series
550 600 650 700
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Equifax Risk Score Bin
Credit Availability Measure
Panel B. Cross-Section Across Periods
Fig. 3.—Credit Availability. This figure shows the evolution of the credit availability measure in two different ways. The left panel plots the
time series of average credit availability for all individuals with Equifax Risk Scores between 530 and 730. The three shaded regions denote
periods between 2008 and 2011 in which availability was roughly stable. The right panel compares average credit availability, by 10-point
Equifax Risk Score bin, across the three stable periods of credit availability.
550 600 650 700
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
Equifax Risk Score Bin
Fig. 4.—Contemporaneous Mortgage Origination Probability. This figure compares the probability of taking
out at least one mortgage in the contemporaneous quarter, by 10-point Equifax Risk Score bin, across the
three stable periods of credit availability.
20 30 40 50 60 70 80
640 660 680 700 720 740 760
Age Bin
Risk Score
Panel A. Credit Score
20 30 40 50 60 70 80
0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.95
Age Bin
Credit Availability Measure (0−1)
Panel B. Credit Availability
20 30 40 50 60 70 80
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
Age Bin
Percentage Points
Panel C. Marginal Effects
20 30 40 50 60 70 80
0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8
Age Bin
Panel D. Implied Effects
Fig. 5.—Age Heterogeneity. This figure traces out the effects of credit availability by age,
for individuals with no initial mortgage balance. Bins are 10 years wide and centered on
the bin midpoint, except for 20 and 80, which include all individuals under 25 and over
74, respectively. Panel A shows the average Equifax Risk Score in each bin, across the
three stable periods of credit availability. Panel B shows average credit availability in each
bin, across periods. Panel C shows the estimated marginal effects of credit availability on
the contemporaneous probability of mortgage attainment for each bin (which are assumed
to be constant across periods), plus or minus two standard errors. Panel D shows the
model-derived contemporaneous probability of mortgage attainment for each bin, allowing
credit availability to change over time but holding all else constant at 2008:Q1 levels. See
text for details.
650 660 670 680 690 700
Tract Black Share
Risk Score
0−10 10−20 20−50 50−100
Panel A. Credit Score
0.60 0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90
Tract Black Share
Credit Availability Measure (0−1)
0−10 10−20 20−50 50−100
Panel B. Credit Availability
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5
Tract Black Share
Percentage Points
0−10 10−20 20−50 50−100
Panel C. Marginal Effects
0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4
Tract Black Share
0−10 10−20 20−50 50−100
Panel D. Implied Effects
Fig. 6.—Race Heterogeneity. This figure traces out the effects of credit availability by the
black share of tract population, for individuals with no initial mortgage balance. Panel
A shows the average Equifax Risk Score in each bin, across the three stable periods of
credit availability. Panel B shows average credit availability in each bin, across periods.
Panel C shows the estimated marginal effects of credit availability on the contemporaneous
probability of mortgage attainment for each bin (which are assumed to be constant across
periods), plus or minus two standard errors. Panel D shows the model-derived contem-
poraneous probability of mortgage attainment for each bin, allowing credit availability to
change over time but holding all else constant at 2008:Q1 levels. See text for details.
670 680 690 700 710 720
Tract Median Household Income
Risk Score
1st Quartile 2nd Quartile 3rd Quartile 4th Quartile
Panel A. Credit Score
0.70 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.95
Tract Median Household Income
Credit Availability Measure (0−1)
1st Quartile 2nd Quartile 3rd Quartile 4th Quartile
Panel B. Credit Availability
0.5 1.0 1.5
Tract Median Household Income
Percentage Points
1st Quartile 2nd Quartile 3rd Quartile 4th Quartile
Panel C. Marginal Effects
0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6
Tract Median Household Income
1st Quartile 2nd Quartile 3rd Quartile 4th Quartile
Panel D. Implied Effects
Fig. 7.—Income Heterogeneity. This figure traces out the effects of credit availability by
tract median household income quartiles, for individuals with no initial mortgage balance.
Panel A shows the average Equifax Risk Score in each quartile, across the three stable
periods of credit availability. Panel B shows average credit availability in each quartile,
across periods. Panel C shows the estimated marginal effects of credit availability on the
contemporaneous probability of mortgage attainment for each quartile (which are assumed
to be constant across periods), plus or minus two standard errors. Panel D shows the model-
derived contemporaneous probability of mortgage attainment for each quartile, allowing
credit availability to change over time but holding all else constant at 2008:Q1 levels. See
text for details.
Effects on Probability of Taking Out a First Mortgage
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Horizon in Quarters: 0 0-3 0-7 0-11 0-15
Panel A: Entire Sample
Credit Availability 0.010 0.028 0.035 0.034 0.028
(0.001) (0.003) (0.004) (0.006) (0.007)
Lagged Availability 0.001 0.003 0.007 0.005 0.006
(0.001) (0.003) (0.005) (0.007) (0.009)
Dep. Var. Mean 0.009 0.035 0.068 0.100 0.130
Observations 32,521,878 31,978,664 31,397,303 30,895,003 30,392,255
Panel B: No Initial Mortgage Balance
Credit Availability 0.010 0.026 0.033 0.036 0.034
(0.001) (0.003) (0.004) (0.005) (0.006)
Lagged Availability 0.000 0.003 0.009 0.010 0.009
(0.001) (0.003) (0.005) (0.007) (0.008)
Dep. Var. Mean 0.007 0.027 0.053 0.079 0.100
Observations 27,692,800 27,203,296 26,676,170 26,217,051 25,754,177
Panel C: Positive Initial Mortgage Balance
Credit Availability 0.021 0.080 0.110 0.092 0.072
(0.004) (0.007) (0.010) (0.011) (0.011)
Lagged Availability 0.016 0.041 0.047 0.037 0.039
(0.004) (0.007) (0.010) (0.011) (0.011)
Dep. Var. Mean 0.021 0.079 0.150 0.220 0.280
Observations 4,829,078 4,775,368 4,721,133 4,677,952 4,638,078
Note.—Logit estimates of effect of credit availability on the cumulative probability of taking out a mort-
gage, over various horizons. Average marginal effects, with standard errors clustered at quarter-riskscore
level in parentheses. Models are estimated separately on the whole sample (panel A) and on samples split
by whether the individual has a positive mortgage balance at t=-1 (panels B and C). All models include
predicted probablities of having a score over 620 and 640, lagged predicted probability of having a score
over 620 and 640, quarter fixed effects, quarter fixed effects interacted with linear riskscore term, and
quarter fixed effects interacted with lagged linear riskscore term.
Effects on Change in First Mortgage Balance
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Horizon in Quarters: 4 8 12 16
Panel A: Entire Sample
Credit Availability 3340 5293 6809 6623
(765) (1100) (1318) (1473)
Lagged Availability -589 239 1353 0
(898) (1366) (1676) (1908)
Dep. Var. Mean -31 -564 -737 -522
Observations 32,037,646 31,612,415 31,292,893 31,002,021
Panel B: No Initial Mortgage Balance
Credit Availability 1235 1298 2359 1460
(432) (527) (635) (733)
Lagged Availability -2762 -2428 -2697 -3554
(533) (620) (743) (858)
Dep. Var. Mean 3208 5364 7405 9472
Observations 27,252,549 26,858,940 26,558,765 26,282,176
Panel C: Positive Initial Mortgage Balance
Credit Availability 16973 31038 35237 35188
(2762) (3834) (4364) (4730)
Lagged Availability 16506 24956 28714 26019
(3052) (4510) (5311) (5959)
Dep. Var. Mean -18478 -34057 -46415 -56173
Observations 4,785,097 4,753,475 4,734,128 4,719,845
Note.—Linear regression estimates of effect of credit availability on the change in an in-
dividual’s mortgage balance, over various horizons. Standard errors clustered at quarter-
riskscore level in parentheses. Models are estimated separately on the whole sample (panel
A) and on samples split by whether the individual has a positive mortgage balance at t=-
1 (panels B and C). All models include predicted probablities of having a score over 620
and 640, lagged predicted probability of having a score over 620 and 640, quarter fixed ef-
fects, quarter fixed effects interacted with linear riskscore term, and quarter fixed effects
interacted with lagged linear riskscore term.
Effects on Probability of Having a Delinquent Mortgage
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Horizon in Quarters: 0-3 0-7 0-11 0-15
Panel A: Entire Sample
Credit Availability -0.022 -0.031 -0.036 -0.034
(0.006) (0.008) (0.009) (0.009)
Lagged Availability -0.023 -0.035 -0.039 -0.039
(0.009) (0.012) (0.013) (0.013)
Dep. Var. Mean 0.045 0.068 0.085 0.098
Observations 30,558,656 29,138,671 27,932,190 26,860,384
Panel B: No Initial Mortgage Balance
Credit Availability -0.005 -0.010 -0.012 -0.009
(0.004) (0.005) (0.006) (0.006)
Lagged Availability -0.016 -0.021 -0.022 -0.020
(0.006) (0.007) (0.008) (0.009)
Dep. Var. Mean 0.028 0.041 0.052 0.061
Observations 25,790,250 24,431,303 23,282,082 22,267,892
Panel C: Positive Initial Mortgage Balance
Credit Availability -0.070 -0.089 -0.096 -0.100
(0.010) (0.011) (0.012) (0.012)
Lagged Availability -0.087 -0.120 -0.120 -0.120
(0.013) (0.015) (0.016) (0.016)
Dep. Var. Mean 0.140 0.210 0.250 0.280
Observations 4,768,406 4,707,368 4,650,108 4,592,492
Note.—Logit estimates of effect of credit availability on the cumulative probability of hav-
ing a mortgage delinquent by 60 or more days. Average marginal effects, with standard
errors clustered at quarter-riskscore level in parentheses. Models are estimated separately
on the whole sample (panel A) and on samples split by whether the individual has a posi-
tive mortgage balance at t=-1 (panels B and C). All models include predicted probablities
of having a score over 620 and 640, lagged predicted probability of having a score over 620
and 640, quarter fixed effects, quarter fixed effects interacted with linear riskscore term,
and quarter fixed effects interacted with lagged linear riskscore term.
Effects on Probability of Having a Delinquent Non-Mortgage Loan
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Horizon in Quarters: 0-3 0-7 0-11 0-15
Panel A: Entire Sample
Credit Availability 0.000 -0.034 -0.050 -0.035
(0.009) (0.008) (0.008) (0.008)
Lagged Availability -0.037 -0.035 -0.011 0.002
(0.010) (0.009) (0.009) (0.009)
Dep. Var. Mean 0.31 0.40 0.47 0.52
Observations 31,978,664 31,397,303 30,895,003 30,392,255
Panel B: No Initial Mortgage Balance
Credit Availability 0.006 -0.029 -0.048 -0.033
(0.010) (0.009) (0.009) (0.009)
Lagged Availability -0.024 -0.025 0.001 0.015
(0.012) (0.011) (0.010) (0.011)
Dep. Var. Mean 0.32 0.41 0.48 0.54
Observations 27,203,296 26,676,170 26,217,051 25,754,177
Panel C: Positive Initial Mortgage Balance
Credit Availability -0.033 -0.050 -0.042 -0.026
(0.011) (0.012) (0.012) (0.013)
Lagged Availability -0.092 -0.085 -0.072 -0.062
(0.012) (0.013) (0.014) (0.014)
Dep. Var. Mean 0.24 0.33 0.38 0.43
Observations 4,775,368 4,721,133 4,677,952 4,638,078
Note.—Logit estimates of effect of credit availability on the cumulative probability of
having a non-mortgage loan delinquent by 60 or more days. Average marginal effects, with
standard errors clustered at quarter-riskscore level in parentheses. Models are estimated
separately on the whole sample (panel A) and on samples split by whether the individual
has a positive mortgage balance at t=-1 (panels B and C). All models include predicted
probablities of having a score over 620 and 640, lagged predicted probability of having a
score over 620 and 640, quarter fixed effects, quarter fixed effects interacted with linear
riskscore term, and quarter fixed effects interacted with lagged linear riskscore term.
Effects on Moving to Different Census Block
(1) (2) (3)
Horizon in Quarters: 4 8 12
Panel A: Entire Sample
Credit Availability 0.013 -0.001 0.004
(0.005) (0.006) (0.007)
Lagged Availability 0.002 0.009 0.011
(0.005) (0.007) (0.008)
Dep. Var. Mean 0.10 0.19 0.25
Observations 20,414,501 20,379,761 20,257,793
Panel B: No Init. Mort. Bal.
Credit Availability 0.018 0.003 0.011
(0.006) (0.007) (0.008)
Lagged Availability 0.002 0.009 0.012
(0.007) (0.008) (0.009)
Dep. Var. Mean 0.11 0.20 0.27
Observations 17,003,743 16,962,731 16,842,345
Panel C: Pos. Init. Mort. Bal.
Credit Availability -0.003 -0.016 -0.034
(0.007) (0.009) (0.010)
Lagged Availability -0.009 -0.017 -0.028
(0.007) (0.009) (0.010)
Dep. Var. Mean 0.05 0.10 0.14
Observations 3,410,758 3,417,030 3,415,448
Note.—Logit estimates of effect of credit availability on the probability of
moving to a different census block, at various horizons. Average marginal
effects, with standard errors clustered at quarter-riskscore level in paren-
theses. Models are estimated separately on the whole sample (panel A) and
on samples split by whether the individual has a positive mortgage balance
at t=-1 (panels B and C). All models include predicted probablities of hav-
ing a score over 620 and 640, lagged predicted probability of having a score
over 620 and 640, quarter fixed effects, quarter fixed effects interacted with
linear riskscore term, and quarter fixed effects interacted with lagged linear
riskscore term.
Effects on Moving to Different CBSA
(1) (2) (3)
Horizon in Quarters: 4 8 12
Panel A: Entire Sample
Credit Availability 0.009 0.006 0.003
(0.002) (0.003) (0.003)
Lagged Availability 0.002 0.001 0.005
(0.002) (0.003) (0.004)
Dep. Var. Mean 0.026 0.048 0.067
Observations 24,467,862 24,175,627 23,901,752
Panel B: No Init. Mort. Bal.
Credit Availability 0.010 0.006 0.003
(0.002) (0.003) (0.004)
Lagged Availability 0.001 0.001 0.004
(0.003) (0.004) (0.004)
Dep. Var. Mean 0.029 0.052 0.073
Observations 20,601,775 20,333,093 20,076,915
Panel C: Pos. Init. Mort. Bal.
Credit Availability 0.001 -0.001 -0.007
(0.003) (0.004) (0.005)
Lagged Availability 0.000 -0.004 0.000
(0.003) (0.004) (0.005)
Dep. Var. Mean 0.012 0.023 0.034
Observations 3,866,087 3,842,534 3,824,837
Note.—Logit estimates of effect of credit availability on the probability of
moving to a different core-based statistial area (CBSA), at various horizons.
Average marginal effects, with standard errors clustered at quarter-riskscore
level in parentheses. Models are estimated separately on the whole sample
(panel A) and on samples split by whether the individual has a positive
mortgage balance at t=-1 (panels B and C). All models include predicted
probablities of having a score over 620 and 640, lagged predicted probabil-
ity of having a score over 620 and 640, quarter fixed effects, quarter fixed
effects interacted with linear riskscore term, and quarter fixed effects inter-
acted with lagged linear riskscore term.
Effects on Change in Number of Auto Loans
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Horizon in Quarters: 4 8 12 16
Panel A: Entire Sample
Credit Availability -0.009 -0.021 0.008 0.010
(0.006) (0.009) (0.011) (0.013)
Lagged Availability 0.004 0.024 0.041 0.021
(0.007) (0.010) (0.013) (0.015)
Dep. Var. Mean -0.001 0.000 0.008 0.026
Observations 30,664,032 29,587,609 28,787,215 28,143,066
Panel B: No Initial Mortgage Balance
Credit Availability -0.013 -0.031 -0.004 -0.002
(0.007) (0.009) (0.011) (0.014)
Lagged Availability 0.001 0.020 0.039 0.016
(0.007) (0.010) (0.013) (0.015)
Dep. Var. Mean 0.002 0.007 0.019 0.042
Observations 25,886,884 24,852,642 24,089,800 23,481,558
Panel C: Positive Initial Mortgage Balance
Credit Availability 0.023 0.035 0.056 0.050
(0.013) (0.017) (0.021) (0.022)
Lagged Availability 0.036 0.062 0.066 0.049
(0.013) (0.018) (0.021) (0.023)
Dep. Var. Mean -0.017 -0.037 -0.050 -0.052
Observations 4,777,148 4,734,967 4,697,415 4,661,508
Note.—Linear regression estimates of effect of credit availability on the change in the
number of auto loans on an individual’s credit record, over various horizons. Standard er-
rors clustered at quarter-riskscore level in parentheses. Models are estimated separately on
the whole sample (panel A) and on samples split by whether the individual has a positive
mortgage balance at t=-1 (panels B and C). All models include quarter fixed effects, quar-
ter fixed effects interacted with linear riskscore term, and quarter fixed effects interacted
with lagged linear riskscore term.
Effects on Change in Auto Loan Balance
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Horizon in Quarters: 4 8 12 16
Panel A: Entire Sample
Credit Availability -113 -149 -46 -13
(69) (97) (117) (127)
Lagged Availability 46 -12 -31 -188
(76) (110) (127) (136)
Dep. Var. Mean -28 -21 71 232
Observations 32,037,646 31,612,415 31,292,893 31,002,021
Panel B: No Initial Mortgage Balance
Credit Availability -151 -304 -279 -221
(62) (88) (106) (117)
Lagged Availability -49 -105 -123 -245
(66) (97) (112) (122)
Dep. Var. Mean 10 61 186 371
Observations 27,252,549 26,858,940 26,558,765 26,282,176
Panel C: Positive Initial Mortgage Balance
Credit Availability 317 732 985 645
(213) (288) (328) (359)
Lagged Availability 903 906 695 205
(212) (289) (324) (354)
Dep. Var. Mean -245 -482 -571 -541
Observations 4,785,097 4,753,475 4,734,128 4,719,845
Note.—Linear regression estimates of effect of credit availability on the change in an in-
dividual’s auto loan balance, over various horizons. Standard errors clustered at quarter-
riskscore level in parentheses. Models are estimated separately on the whole sample (panel
A) and on samples split by whether the individual has a positive mortgage balance at t=-1
(panels B and C). All models include quarter fixed effects, quarter fixed effects interacted
with linear riskscore term, and quarter fixed effects interacted with lagged linear riskscore
Robustness Checks: Effects on Contemporaneous Quarter Probability of Taking Out a Mortgage
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Specification: Baseline Age Controls More Lags No Lags Wide Range Narrow Range
Credit Availability 0.010 0.010 0.009 0.010 0.008 0.004
(0.001) (0.001) (0.001) (0.001) (0.002) (0.003)
1Q Lagged Availability 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.006 -0.001
(0.001) (0.001) (0.001) (0.001) (0.004)
Dep. Var. Mean 0.009 0.009 0.009 0.009 0.015 0.008
Score Range 530-730 530-730 530-730 530-730 500-830 580-680
Observations 32,521,878 32,521,878 28,886,923 32,521,878 72,849,732 15,108,112
Note.—Robustness checks for the logit estimate of the effect of credit availability on the cumulative probability of taking out a mort-
gage in the contemporaneous quarter. Average marginal effects, with standard errors clustered at quarter-riskscore level in parenthe-
ses. All models include predicted probablities of having a score over 620 and 640, lagged predicted probability of having a score over
620 and 640, quarter fixed effects, quarter fixed effects interacted with linear riskscore term, and quarter fixed effects interacted with
lagged linear riskscore term. Column 1 (“Baseline”) is the estimate from Panel A of column 5 of table 1. Column 2 (“Age Controls”)
includes linear and quadratic age terms interacted with quarter. Column 3 (“More Lags”) includes the second through fourth lags of
credit availability, the second through fourth lags of probabability of having a score over 620 and 640, as well as the second through
fourth lags of the riskscore interacted with quarter. Column 4 (“No Lags”) includes no lags. Column 5 (“Wide Range”) includes all
observations with riskscores between 500 and 830. Column 6 (“Narrow Range”) includes only observations with current and lagged
riskscores between 580 and 680.
Robustness Checks: Effects on 0-15 Quarter Probability of Taking Out a Mortgage
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Specification: Baseline Age Controls More Lags No Lags Wide Range Narrow Range
Credit Availability 0.028 0.030 0.029 0.031 0.052 0.018
(0.007) (0.007) (0.007) (0.005) (0.011) (0.020)
1Q Lagged Availability 0.006 0.012 -0.011 0.026 -0.027
(0.009) (0.008) (0.011) (0.031) (0.000)
Dep. Var. Mean 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.20 0.12
Score Range 530-730 530-730 530-730 530-730 500-830 580-680
Observations 30,392,255 30,392,255 27,136,860 30,392,255 68,818,853 14,093,101
Note.—Robustness checks for the logit estimate of the effect of credit availability on the cumulative probability of taking out a mort-
gage in the contemporaneous quarter. Average marginal effects, with standard errors clustered at quarter-riskscore level in parenthe-
ses. All models include predicted probablities of having a score over 620 and 640, lagged predicted probability of having a score over
620 and 640, quarter fixed effects, quarter fixed effects interacted with linear riskscore term, and quarter fixed effects interacted with
lagged linear riskscore term. Column 1 (“Baseline”) is the estimate from Panel A of column 5 of table 1. Column 2 (“Age Controls”)
includes linear and quadratic age terms interacted with quarter. Column 3 (“More Lags”) includes the second through fourth lags of
credit availability, the second through fourth lags of probabability of having a score over 620 and 640, as well as the second through
fourth lags of the riskscore interacted with quarter. Column 4 (“No Lags”) includes no lags. Column 5 (“Wide Range”) includes all
observations with current riskscores between 500 and 830. Column 6 (“Narrow Range”) includes only observations with current and
lagged riskscores between 580 and 680.
Effects on Total Number of New Joint First Mortgages
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Horizon in Quarters: 0 0-3 0-7 0-11 0-15
Panel A: Entire Sample
Credit Availability 0.006 0.020 0.028 0.030 0.027
(0.001) (0.002) (0.003) (0.005) (0.006)
Lagged Availability 0.002 0.004 0.007 0.005 0.006
(0.001) (0.002) (0.004) (0.006) (0.008)
Dep. Var. Mean 0.006 0.023 0.046 0.071 0.097
Observations 32,521,878 31,978,664 31,397,303 30,895,003 30,392,255
Panel B: No Initial Mortgage Balance
Credit Availability 0.006 0.017 0.025 0.030 0.033
(0.001) (0.002) (0.003) (0.004) (0.004)
Lagged Availability 0.000 0.003 0.006 0.006 0.005
(0.001) (0.002) (0.003) (0.004) (0.005)
Dep. Var. Mean 0.004 0.014 0.028 0.043 0.060
Observations 27,692,800 27,203,296 26,676,170 26,217,051 25,754,177
Panel C: Positive Initial Mortgage Balance
Credit Availability 0.016 0.078 0.120 0.130 0.120
(0.004) (0.008) (0.012) (0.015) (0.017)
Lagged Availability 0.018 0.045 0.067 0.069 0.086
(0.004) (0.008) (0.011) (0.014) (0.017)
Dep. Var. Mean 0.019 0.074 0.150 0.230 0.300
Observations 4,829,078 4,775,368 4,721,133 4,677,952 4,638,078
Note.—Negative binomial estimates of effect of credit availability on the number of new joint first
mortgages taken out, over various horizons. Average marginal effects, with standard errors clustered at
quarter-risk score level in parentheses. Models are estimated separately on the whole sample (panel A)
and on samples split by whether the individual has a positive mortgage balance at t=-1 (panels B and
C). All models include predicted probablities of having a score over 620 and 640, lagged predicted proba-
bility of having a score over 620 and 640, quarter fixed effects, quarter fixed effects interacted with linear
risk score term, and quarter fixed effects interacted with lagged linear risk score term.
Effects on Total Number of New Individual First Mortgages
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Horizon in Quarters: 0 0-3 0-7 0-11 0-15
Panel A: Entire Sample
Credit Availability 0.005 0.014 0.019 0.020 0.019
(0.001) (0.002) (0.003) (0.004) (0.005)
Lagged Availability 0.000 0.003 0.008 0.012 0.015
(0.001) (0.002) (0.003) (0.004) (0.006)
Dep. Var. Mean 0.004 0.015 0.030 0.045 0.062
Observations 32,521,878 31,978,664 31,397,303 30,895,003 30,392,255
Panel B: No Initial Mortgage Balance
Credit Availability 0.005 0.013 0.017 0.018 0.017
(0.001) (0.002) (0.003) (0.004) (0.005)
Lagged Availability 0.000 0.002 0.006 0.010 0.012
(0.001) (0.002) (0.004) (0.005) (0.007)
Dep. Var. Mean 0.004 0.015 0.031 0.047 0.065
Observations 27,692,800 27,203,296 26,676,170 26,217,051 25,754,177
Panel C: Positive Initial Mortgage Balance
Credit Availability 0.006 0.016 0.025 0.020 0.019
(0.002) (0.003) (0.004) (0.006) (0.007)
Lagged Availability 0.001 0.011 0.016 0.019 0.025
(0.001) (0.003) (0.004) (0.006) (0.007)
Dep. Var. Mean 0.003 0.011 0.022 0.035 0.049
Observations 4,829,078 4,775,368 4,721,133 4,677,952 4,638,078
Note.—Negative binomial estimates of effect of credit availability on the number of new individual (i.e.,
non-joint) first mortgages taken out, over various horizons. Average marginal effects, with standard errors
clustered at quarter-risk score level in parentheses. Models are estimated separately on the whole sample
(panel A) and on samples split by whether the individual has a positive mortgage balance at t=-1 (panels
B and C). All models include predicted probablities of having a score over 620 and 640, lagged predicted
probability of having a score over 620 and 640, quarter fixed effects, quarter fixed effects interacted with
linear risk score term, and quarter fixed effects interacted with lagged linear risk score term.