The Cricut Cake™ Personal Electronic Cutter is specically designed
for decorating professional-looking cakes, cupcakes, cookies, and
confections in no time at all. Just choose a shape, a size, and press cut.
Decorating like a professional has never been faster or easier. Bon Appetit!
Welcome to Cricut Cake
The Cricut Cake™ is the latest addition to the revolutionary Cricut
system. This cartridge-based system does not require a personal computer and
allows you to cut thousands of intricate and detailed characters as small as 1.5" (3.81
cm) and as large as 23.5" (59.69 cm) with just the touch of a button. Cricut Cake works
with material up to 12" x 12" (30.48 cm x 30.48 cm) and 12" x 24" (30.48 cm x 60.96 cm),
signicantly expanding your creative capabilities. This impressive machine is also
compatible with all of the existing Cricut cartridges. Creative Features built into every
cartridge allow you to add special effects to characters. There are literally
thousands of custom combinations you can use to make each project uniquely
your own.
Trademarks: Any trademarks, indicated or otherwise, are used only in an editorial
fashion and to the benet of the trademark owner, with no intention of infringement
of the trademark.
Before activating your 30 days of free customer service, we recommend that you
spend at least an hour getting acquainted with your Cricut Cake™ cutting system. The
Cricut Cake™ User Manual has been prepared to help you become familiar with the
Cricut Cake™ machine and answer most questions you may have. For the most up-to-
date information, FAQs, and tips, visit
License Agreement .............................................................................................................. 5
Unpack Your Box ................................................................................................................... 7
The Cricut Cake™ 24" Personal Electronic Cutter™ ....................................................... 8
Installing the Cutting Blade Assembly ............................................................ 9
Positioning Your Cricut Cake™ Machine ........................................................ 9
What Your Cricut Cake™ Machine Can Cut ................................................ 10
Basic Operations ................................................................................................................. 10
Setup ................................................................................................................... 10
Loading Material ................................................................................................11
Place Material on Cutting Mat .......................................................................11
Load Cutting Mat into Machine .................................................................... 12
Choosing Your Characters .............................................................................. 12
Basic Keys and Buttons You Should Know .................................................... 12
STOP .................................................................................................................... 12
CUT ...................................................................................................................... 12
Blade Navigation Buttons ............................................................................... 12
Shift ..................................................................................................................... 12
Shift Lock ............................................................................................................ 12
Space ................................................................................................................. 13
Back Space ....................................................................................................... 13
Clear Display ..................................................................................................... 13
Reset All .............................................................................................................. 13
Repeat Last ........................................................................................................ 13
Sound On/Off .................................................................................................... 13
Load Mat ............................................................................................................ 13
Unload Mat ........................................................................................................ 13
Set Cut Area ...................................................................................................... 13
Load Last ............................................................................................................ 13
Material Saver ................................................................................................... 13
Cutting Characters ........................................................................................... 14
Size Dial .............................................................................................................. 14
Cutting Your Selections ................................................................................... 14
Removing Your Characters from the Cutting Mat ...................................... 14
Advanced Operations ....................................................................................................... 15
Creative Feature Keys ...................................................................................... 15
Shadow Feature ............................................................................................... 15
Advanced Keys and Buttons ........................................................................... 15
Blade Navigation Buttons ............................................................................... 15
Left and Right Arrow Buttons .......................................................................... 15
OK Button ........................................................................................................... 15
Modes on the Cricut Cake
Machine ........................................................... 16
Portrait ................................................................................................................ 16
Mix ’n Match ...................................................................................................... 16
Quantity ............................................................................................................. 17
Fit to Page .......................................................................................................... 17
Fit to Length ....................................................................................................... 17
Auto Fill ............................................................................................................... 18
Functions on the Cricut Cake
Machine ...................................................... 18
Multi Cut ............................................................................................................. 18
Center Point ....................................................................................................... 18
Line Return ......................................................................................................... 19
Flip ....................................................................................................................... 19
Settings ............................................................................................................... 19
Mat Size ..............................................................................................................20
Xtra Buttons ........................................................................................................ 20
Sizing ................................................................................................................... 20
Real Dial Size ..................................................................................................... 20
Cutting on Lightweight or Heavyweight Materials ..................................... 20
Speed Dial ......................................................................................................... 21
Pressure Dial ...................................................................................................... 21
Basic Care ............................................................................................................................ 21
Blade Life ............................................................................................................ 21
Replacing the Cutting Blade .......................................................................... 21
Caring for the Cutting Mat ..............................................................................22
Cleaning Your Cricut Cake™ Machine .........................................................22
Frequently Asked Questions ............................................................................................. 23
Troubleshooting ................................................................................................................... 24
Cricut Cake™ 24" Personal Electronic Cutter™
End User License Agreement
1. DEFINITIONS. “Software” means any machine readable materials (including, but
not limited to, source code, compiled code, algorithms, libraries, source les, header
les, and data les), any updates or error corrections provided by PROVO CRAFT
, and
any user or owner manuals, programming guides, and other documentation provided
to you by PROVO CRAFT under this AGREEMENT. “Firmware” means any encoded
information provided on any chip or microprocessor of CRICUT CAKE including, but
not limited to, source code, compiled code, algorithms, libraries, source les, header
les, and data les, and any updates or error corrections provided by PROVO CRAFT.
“Hardware” means any physical component that is part of or sold with CRICUT CAKE,
including but not limited to Cricut
cartridges used with CRICUT CAKE that contain
images or fonts. “Documentation” means any documents provided with CRICUT CAKE
when purchased, including but not limited to the User Manual.
2. LICENSE TO USE. Subject to the terms and conditions of this AGREEMENT, PROVO
CRAFT grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited license without license fees
to use CRICUT CAKE and any associated software, rmware, and hardware.
3. RESTRICTIONS. Software and rmware are condential and copyrighted. Title to
software, rmware, and hardware and all associated intellectual property rights is re-
tained by PROVO CRAFT. Unless enforcement is prohibited by applicable law, you may
not modify, decompile, disassemble, reverse engineer, distribute, or copy software,
rmware, or hardware. You may not, whether for your own use or benet or for the use
or benet of another, except as expressly provided herein, reproduce, copy, or pub-
lish, or permit the reproduction, copying, or publication of, any physical, mechanical,
electrical, or electronic medium that is associated with the CRICUT CAKE, including
any rmware, software, and documentation, except as expressly provided herein.
No right, title, or interest in or to any trademark, service mark, logo, or trade name of
PROVO CRAFT or its licensors is granted under this AGREEMENT.
4. TRANSFER. You may permanently transfer all of your rights under this AGREEMENT only
as part of a sale or transfer of the CRICUT CAKE, provided you retain no copies of any
part or component of the CRICUT CAKE, you transfer all of the CRICUT CAKE (including
all component parts, hardware, software and upgrades thereof, and documentation),
and the recipient agrees to the terms of this AGREEMENT.
5. LIMITED WARRANTIES. This AGREEMENT is subject to and hereby incorporates the CRI-
CUT CAKE™ 24" Personal Electronic Cutter Statement of Limited Warranty and Cricut
Font and/or Shape Cartridge Statement of Limited Warranty.
6. TERMINATION. This AGREEMENT is effective until terminated. This AGREEMENT will termi-
nate immediately without notice from PROVO CRAFT if you fail to comply with any provi-
sion of this AGREEMENT. Either party may terminate this AGREEMENT immediately should
any of the software, rmware, or hardware become, or in either party’s opinion be likely
to become, the subject of a claim of infringement of any intellectual property right.
7. EXPORT REGULATIONS. All software, rmware, and technical data delivered under
this AGREEMENT are subject to U.S. export control laws and may be subject to export
or import regulations in other countries. You agree to comply strictly with all such laws
and regulations and acknowledge that you have the responsibility to obtain such
licenses to export, re-export, or import as may be required after delivery to you.
8. TRADEMARKS AND LOGOS. You acknowledge and agree as between you and PRO-
and all CRICUT CAKE and PROVO CRAFT-related trademarks, service marks, logos,
and other brand designations (“PROVO CRAFT marks”). You shall not use the PROVO
CRAFT marks for any purpose without the express written consent of PROVO CRAFT.
Any such authorized use of the PROVO CRAFT marks inures to PROVO CRAFT’s benet.
9. U.S. GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS. If software is being acquired by or on behalf
of the U.S. government or by a U.S. government prime contractor or subcontractor (at
any tier), then the government’s rights in software and accompanying documentation
will be only as set forth in this AGREEMENT; this is in accordance with 48 CFR 227.7201
through 227.7202-4 (for Department of Defense [DOD] acquisitions) and with 48 CFR
2.101 and 12.212 (for non-DOD acquisitions).
10. GOVERNING LAW. Any action related to this AGREEMENT will be governed by Utah
law and controlling U.S. federal law. No choice of law rules of any jurisdiction will apply.
11. SEVERABILITY. If any provision of this AGREEMENT is held to be unenforceable, this
AGREEMENT will remain in effect with the provision omitted, unless omission would
frustrate the intent of the parties, in which case this AGREEMENT will immediately
12. INTEGRATION. This AGREEMENT is the entire AGREEMENT between you and PROVO
CRAFT relating to its subject matter. It supersedes all prior or contemporaneous oral or
written communications, proposals, representations, and warranties, and prevails over
any conicting or additional terms of any quote, order, acknowledgment, or other
communication between the parties relating to its subject matter during the term of
this AGREEMENT. No modication of this AGREEMENT will be binding, unless in writing
and signed by an authorized representative of each party.
Unpack Your Box
Your box should contain the following:
1. Cricut Cake™ machine
2. User Manual
3. Blade assembly
4. Cake Basics cartridge, cartridge
binder, keypad overlay,
and handbook
5. 12" x 12" (30.48 cm x 30.48 cm)
foodsafe cutting mat
6. Quick Start Guide
7. Power adapter
8. Cleaning guide
9. Cartridge plug
10. Cartridge Skirt
11. Blade cleaning basket
12. Cleaning brush
13. Keypad protector
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8
The Cricut Cake™ 24" Personal Electronic Cutter™
The illustration below will help you become familiar with your Cricut Cake™
machine. All the buttons, keys, and components shown will be described in more
detail later on.
WARNING! Disconnect electrical power before servicing or cleaning. DO NOT place
your ngers or other objects in the Cricut Cake™ machine while connected to electri-
cal power, powered on, or during cutting operations. Rapid movements of the cutting
carriage during operation may cause bodily injury and/or damage to the Cricut
Cake™ machine.
Display Screen
CUT Button
On Button
Blade Navigation
Keypad Protector
Speed Dial
Pressure Dial
Roller Bar
Size Dial
Cartridge Skirt
STOP Button
Installing the Cutting Blade Assembly
Please note that the Cricut Cake™ machine’s cutting blade assembly is
located in the bottom of your box, separate from the machine. Before you turn the
machine on, you will need to insert the blade assembly. To do this, follow these
simple instructions:
1. Open the doors on the Cricut Cake
machine and remove the cardboard inserts
from either side of the carriage.
2. Remove the cutting blade assembly from its
bag. Place silicone gasket on blade assembly.
Make sure that the cutting blade is inserted into
the assembly with the sharp end pointing down.
3. The blade assembly ts into the black cradle
to the left of the carriage. Locate the silver
screw and turn it counter-clockwise until it
loosens enough that you can swing the screw to
the right. Be careful not to loosen the screw too
much, or it will fall out.
4. Open the left arm of the black cradle and
position the cutting blade assembly inside as
shown. Align ribs with slots to properly t in blade
housing. Close the cradle, swing the screw back
to the left, and tighten it by turning it clockwise.
Plug the machine in and press the On button to
place the blade assembly in cutting position.
Positioning Your Cricut Cake™ Machine
Place your Cricut Cake™ machine at least 12" (30.48 cm) from the edge of your table
to prevent it from tipping and causing possible injury.
Depending on the cutting mat used,
allow 12" (30.48 cm) or 24" (60.96 cm) in the
back of the Cricut Cake machine for
mat movement.
24" (60.96 cm)
12" (30.48 cm)
When positioning your Cricut Cake machine, choose a location that is
• inaccessible to children. The Cricut Cake machine is not a toy and contains
components, including a sharp blade, that could be hazardous to children.
• stable, at, and hard-surfaced, within 6 feet (1.83 meters) of a grounded electrical
outlet, and that has a minimum clearance of 2 feet (60.96 cm) behind the Cricut
Cake machine for paper movement.
• indoors or in a dry location where the Cricut
cartridges are not directly exposed to
the effects of the weather.
• away from direct exposure to sunlight or extreme temperatures such as in parked
cars, storage sheds, sunrooms, etc.
WARNING! Your Cricut Cake™ machine should never be left or stored outside, in
unheated or un-air conditioned locations, or in environments where the machine or
cartridges can come in contact with water.
What Your Cricut Cake™ Machine Can Cut
The Cricut Cake™ cutting system can cut a wide range of thin food materials, from
gum paste to frosting sheets.
Basic Operations
Plug your Cricut Cake ™ machine into a grounded electrical outlet.
Place the keypad overlay on top of the
machine’s keypad.
Place keypad protector on top.
TIP: Make sure the title on the keypad is the same as the title on the cartridge.
Loading Material
TIP: The Cricut Cake machine can cut materials as large as 12" x 24" (30.48 cm x 60.96
cm). The machine cannot cut materials smaller than 3" x 3" (7.62 cm x 7.62 cm).
Cricut Cake™ products are recommended for best results.
Place Material on Cutting Mat:
Insert a Cricut
cartridge with cartridge skirt into
the cartridge slot located in the front of your
Cricut Cake machine.
Turn it on by pressing the On button near the
CUT button.
1. Apply a generous amount of shortening
to the mat.
2. Align material with lower left corner of the
cutting mat.
3. Press and smooth from the center of the ma-
terial to the edges of the cutting mat to remove
all bubbles. Your material is ready to be cut. To
use other sizes, see “Basic Keys and Buttons You
Should Know” on page 12.
TIP: Depending on the cutting mat used, allow 12" (30.48 cm) or 24" (60.96 cm) in the
back of the Cricut Cake machine for mat movement.
TIP: For best results, begin cutting about ½" (1.27 cm) from edges.
Choosing Your Characters
Select the character(s) you want to cut from the keypad overlay. Your selection will be
displayed in the display screen.
TIP: Letters will be cut as single characters.
Basic Keys and Buttons You Should Know
1. Once the material has been placed on the
mat, insert the mat into the machine with the
arrow pointing toward the machine.
2. Hold the cutting mat rmly between the roller
bar and the deck and gently push the leading
edge of the mat into the rollers. Then press the
Load Mat key on the keypad overlay. The Cricut
Cake machine will then load the mat and mate-
rial. If the mat does not load, press the Unload
Mat key and try again.
Load Cutting Mat into Machine:
If you want to stop the Cricut Cake™ machine from cutting before
it is nished, simply press the STOP button located adjacent to the
CUT button. This will suspend any operation in progress.
Press the CUT button to begin cutting the character selections on
the display screen. The Blade Navigation Buttons (discussed in
detail on page 15) offer eight-way directional blade movement,
moving the cutting blade to any location on the paper.
The Shift key allows you to select the character in the upper right
corner of a key. The Shift key will be backlit in green when active.
TIP: To select a character from the upper right corner of a key, press
the Shift key once (you do not need to hold it down) and make
your selection.
The Shift Lock key allows repeated selections of characters in the
upper right corners of keys. The Shift Lock key will be backlit in
green when active.
The Space key functions just like the space bar on a computer or
typewriter. It inserts one space after the last character entered
every time the Space key is pressed.
The Back Space key functions just like the backspace key on a
computer or typewriter. It deletes character(s), starting from the last
one entered, every time it is pressed.
The Clear Display key clears the contents of the Cricut Cake ma-
chine’s display when pressed.
The Reset All key clears the contents of the Cricut Cake machine’s
display and returns all settings to their defaults. No key should be
backlit in green after you press Reset All.
The Repeat Last key inserts the last selections that were cut onto
the display. Once the character(s) appears on the screen, you can
press CUT again or you can change any settings (features, dial size,
speed, pressure, etc.) and then press CUT.
The Sound On/Off key turns the chirp on or off. This key will not turn
off any system warning beeps.
The Load Mat key pulls the cutting mat and material into
the machine.
The Unload Mat key ejects the cutting mat and material from
the machine.
The Set Cut Area key is used when you are using a material smaller
than 12" x 12" (30.48 cm x 30.48 cm) or 12" x 24" (30.48 cm x 60.96
cm), depending on the mat size selected. Place the material on
the cutting mat, aligning it in the lower left corner of the mat as
indicated (even if cutting in the Portrait mode). Once the material
has been placed on the mat, insert the mat arrow rst into the ma-
chine, holding it rmly between the roller bar and the deck. Then
press Load Mat. Move the cutting blade to the upper right corner
of the material using the Blade Navigation Buttons, and then push
the Set Cut Area key. The size of your material will appear on the
display. You can now begin entering your project information.
Use the Load Last key instead of the Load Mat key when you’ve
temporarily unloaded the mat and you want the blade to start cut-
ting at the point on the material where the previous cut ended.
The Material Saver key automatically rearranges your selections to
take up the least amount of space possible on your material. If you
turn the Material Saver function on, that will become your default
setting. The Material Saver key will be backlit when active.
TIP: You probably won’t need the Space key if you are cutting one word at a time. Use
it when you specically want negative space in your cuts.
TIP: If you turn the sound key off, that will become your default setting. The next time
you turn the Cricut Cake machine on, the sound will still be off.
Cutting Characters
TIP: All letters in a font set are cut in proportion to the Key Height Character. This is
usually the tallest character in a set. Refer to the handbook of each font cartridge
to determine the Key Height Character. For other character sizing, see “Advanced
Operations” on page 15.
Cutting Your Selections:
TIP: For best results, begin cutting about ½" (1.27 cm) from edges.
Removing Your Characters from the
Cutting Mat:
Size Dial:
Using the Size Dial, choose one of the size
settings ranging from 1.5" (3.81 cm) to 23.5"
(59.69 cm). This will determine the height of your
nished cut. The selected size will be displayed
on the display screen next to the keypad
overlay. Although the full size range is available
no matter the size of the cutting mat, be sure to
select a size that will t on the material you are
using (a warning message will display on the
display if your size is too large). The Cricut Cake
machine includes four units of measurement:
Inches—1/4ths, Inches—1/10ths, cm, and mm.
Select the desired unit of measurement from
the Settings menu (learn more on page 19).
Press the CUT button.
The STOP button, located adjacent to the CUT
button, will stop any operation in progress.
When the Cricut Cake machine is nished
cutting, press the Unload Mat key on the key-
pad to eject the cutting mat and material from
the machine.
Gently remove images from the cutting mat. If it
is difcult to remove the characters, use a spat-
ula or the Cricut Cake™ Tools (sold separately)
to carefully lift the images. Once all characters
are removed, clean off any small scraps of
material remaining on the cutting mat. This will
improve cutting mat performance in the future.
Wash mat with warm soapy water.
Advanced Operations
Your Cricut Cake machine has a variety of advanced operations designed to en-
hance your creativity. We recommend you become familiar with basic operations
before moving onto the advanced operations described in this section.
Creative Feature Keys
TIP: Due to the sizes and shapes of characters, a feature may not work with all
characters. Please refer to the handbook included with each cartridge for Creative
Feature details.
Shadow Feature:
The Shadow feature is the most common Creative Feature offered on Cricut
and shape cartridges. When selected, this feature creates a proportionately larger
shadow image of every character that is selected. When the Shadow feature is active,
the Shadow key will be backlit in green.
TIP: Using just the Shadow feature by itself creates a chunky version of the original font.
TIP: When sizing a shadow to t a character, use the same dial size that was selected
on the base image or original character. Example: If you’ve cut a 2" (5.08 cm) letter A
and you now want a shadow of it, keep the Size Dial set at 2".
Advanced Keys and Buttons
Creative Features are found within the six gray keys in the upper
left corner of the keypad. Creative Features vary from cartridge
to cartridge and provide a multitude of creative options. Refer
to a Cricut cartridge’s handbook for a full review of the Creative
Features that are available on that particular cartridge.
When a feature key is selected, it will be backlit in green. A
feature can be selected before or after a character(s) has been
selected, but before the CUT button is pressed (unless using the
Mix ’n Match mode). Once pressed, a feature key will remain lit
until it is turned off in one of the following ways: the feature key is
pressed a second time or the Reset All key is pressed. The Mix ’n
Match mode offers multiple Creative Features to be applied to
different characters in the same cut (learn more on page 16).
The Blade Navigation Buttons are the eight directional buttons
marked with arrows and arranged around the CUT button. They
allow you to move the cutting blade so you can easily position
it exactly where you want to start a cut. When repositioning, the
display tells you the cutting blade’s location on the cutting mat.
The Left and Right Arrow Buttons (the plus and minus arrows)
below the display allow you to move between different
selections on the display.
The OK button next to the Left and Right Arrow Buttons conrms
selections made on the display. It also will display any calcula-
tions pertaining to the Auto Fill, Quantity, Fit to Page, or Fit to
Length modes.
The Portrait mode changes the cutting
direction from Landscape mode, the default
setting, to Portrait mode. Landscape cuts
characters from top to bottom on the cutting
mat (the right side of the cut comes out of the
machine rst). Portrait cuts characters from left
to right on the cutting mat (the bottom side of
the cut comes out of the machine rst).
The Portrait mode will start with the cutting
blade in the top left corner instead of the top
right corner in the Landscape mode. To cut in
Portrait mode, you will need to press the
Portrait button so that the display reads
“Portrait mode” and the button is backlit in
green. Press Load Mat to load the material and
cutting mat, wait for the blade to move to the
top left corner, and make your cutting selec-
tion. Press the Portrait button again to return
to Landscape mode. You will need to load the
paper and cutting mat again.
The Mix ’n Match mode allows multiple
Creative Features or the Flip function to be
applied to only certain characters selected
on the display. To use the Mix ’n Match mode,
press the Mix ’n Match button so that the dis-
play reads “Mix ’n Match on” and the button is
backlit in green. Make your cutting selection,
selecting different Creative Features from the
keypad overlay for each character if desired.
Be sure to select the character rst and then
select the desired Creative Feature. Use the
Left and Right Arrow Buttons below the display
to select the different characters and alter
features as needed.
Modes on the Cricut Cake™ machine
TIP: If you are using both the Mix ’n Match mode and the Quantity mode, the Left and
Right Arrow Buttons will control the quantity of cuts. You will not be able to use the
arrow buttons to select the different characters and alter the features.
TIP: To cut two proportionate characters (such as a base character and its shadow)
using the Fit to Page mode, select the Fit to Page mode with the larger character
(shadow) selected rst. Press the OK button to see the calculated size of the charac-
ter and press CUT. Note this size. Unload and remove that cut and load in your next
cutting mat and material. Then turn off the Fit to Page mode and select the noted
calculated size for the smaller (base) character. These two cuts (the shadow and the
base) will now be in perfect proportion to each other.
TIP: After making your cutting selection, press the OK button to see the calculated size
of the cut.
TIP: The length in this mode is dependent upon the currently selected unit of measurement
(Inches—1/4ths, Inches—1/10ths, cm, or mm). The Fit to Length measurement will adjust to
the nearest increment, so it will not create proportions between characters that are per-
fect to the dial size. If you want to be more exact, use mm as your unit of measurement.
The Quantity mode allows you to choose the
number of cuts you want of those selected on
the display. To use the Quantity mode, press
the Quantity button until the button is backlit
in green and the display reads “Quantity on”
and offers instructions. Then use the plus and
minus arrows (the Left and Right Arrow Buttons)
to indicate the quantity of cuts desired. Then
make your cutting selection and press CUT. The
display will show a running total of how many
cuts from the selected quantity have been cut.
If the quantity selected exceeds the amount
of available material, you can unload the mat
and load more. The machine will keep track of
the number of cuts made.
The Fit to Page mode maximizes the size of the
character on the page, overriding the size set
with the Size Dial. To use the Fit to Page mode,
press the Fit to Page button any time before
pressing the CUT button. The mode will be on
when the button is backlit in green. After
pressing CUT, the display will preview the cut
height and length before the machine begins
to cut.
The Fit to Length mode allows you to set the size
of the length of a designated cut. This mode
is only available in the Landscape mode. This
mode takes out the guesswork of setting the
height of each cut with the Size Dial and
hoping to make a cut a certain length. To use
the Fit to Length mode, press the Fit to Length
button so that the button is backlit in green.
Then make your cut selection and determine
the length using the Size Dial on the right side
of the front of the machine. Press CUT and the
display will preview the height before the ma-
chine begins to cut. The Fit to Length mode will
apply to all cuts on the display screen.
Pressing the OK button once the quantity count has started will reset the cut tally back to
zero, whether or not you’ve adjusted the quantity using the Left and Right Arrow Buttons.
TIP: After making your cutting selection, press the OK button to see the calculated
number of cuts that will t on the page.
TIP: After making your cutting selection, press the OK button to see the calculated
height of the cut.
TIP: The Auto Fill mode will only allow up to 300 duplicates of the selected character(s).
If you would like to cut more than 300, you can select two (or more) of the same
character(s) and then press the Auto Fill button. This would increase the duplicates to
600 (or more).
TIP: Certain modes can be combined, such as Portrait, Mix ’n Match, and Quantity.
However, the size modes (Fit to Page, Fit to Length, and Auto Fill) cannot be combined.
For example, if you select Fit to Page and then select Auto Fill, the Cricut Cake will
automatically deselect Fit to Page and select Auto Fill.
Functions on the Cricut Cake™ machine
The Auto Fill mode lls the page with as many
of the characters selected on the display as will
t on the page at the size selected. To use the
Auto Fill mode, press the Auto Fill button so that
the button is backlit in green. Then make your
character(s) selection, set the Size Dial, and
press CUT.
The Multi Cut function allows you to cut the cut
lines of a selected character(s) two, three, or
four times on top of the original cut lines. This
allows the machine to cut thicker materials. To
use the Multi Cut function, you must rst deter-
mine the number of multi cuts in the Settings
screen. Press the Settings button and advance
through the settings options until you reach the
Multi Cut menu. Use the plus and minus arrows
to select 2, 3, or 4 and then press OK to select.
Exit the Settings screen and then press the Multi
Cut button until it is backlit in green. Then make
your character selection(s), press CUT, and the
machine will use your Multi Cut setting to cut
the character(s).
The Center Point function cuts a character(s)
centered on a designated point. It is only avail-
able in the Landscape mode. To use the Center
Point function, move the cutting blade using the
Blade Navigation Buttons until the blade is over
the center of the cut. Press the Center Point button
until it is backlit in green. Then make your charac-
ter selection(s), press CUT, and the machine will cut
the character with the blade position you set as
the center of the cut.
TIP: Even with the Center Point function activated, a character will still cut proportion-
ate to the Key Height Character unless Real Dial Size is selected. For example, a lower-
case letter may not cut exactly centered over the center point because it is being cut
proportionate to the Key Height Character. Press Real Dial Size for a centered cut.
TIP: To turn off modes and functions, simply press the specic mode or function button
again until the button is no longer backlit in green.
The Settings screen allows you to change the language, units of measurement, Multi
Cut settings, mat size, and character image display. The Settings screen determines
the machine’s settings that will be the default each time the machine is used. To ac-
cess the Settings screen, press the Settings button until it is backlit in green and the
display shows the rst Settings menu. There are ve Settings menus:
1. The language menu allows you to choose one of four languages (English, French,
Spanish, or German) to be used for the instructions and information on the display
2. The units menu allows you to choose one of four units of measurement (Inches
1/4ths, Inches—1/10ths, cm, or mm).
3. The Multi Cut menu allows you to choose the numbers of cuts (2, 3, or 4) to be used
for the Multi Cut mode.
4. The default mat size menu allows you to choose the mat size (12" x 12" or 12" x 24")
you will be cutting with.
5. The character images menu allows you to choose to show previewed cuts on the
display (Display) or to not show previewed cuts on the display (Don’t Display).
The Left and Right Arrow Buttons can be used to move through the different selec-
tions, and the OK button is used to make selections. Press the OK button to ad-
vance to the next menu and press the SETTINGS button to exit.
The Line Return function allows you to create
line breaks between cuts as if you were using
the return or enter key on a computer key-
board. Select the rst line of characters, press
CUT, select more characters, press the Line
Return button, and then press CUT again.
The Flip function creates a ipped (or mirrored)
image cut of characters. To use the Flip
function, press the Flip button until it is backlit
in green. Then make your character selection,
press CUT, and the machine will cut a ipped
version of the selection on the display. The
Flip function can also be used with the Mix ’n
Match mode.
Mat Size
The Mat Size button is a quick way to set the mat size that you will be using with
the Cricut Cake machine. Load the mat and then press the button to change
to 12" by 12" or 12" by 24". The default mat size can also be changed on the
Settings screen.
Xtra Buttons
The Xtra1 and Xtra2 buttons are placeholders for future functions for the Cricut
Cake™ machine. See all the Cricut Cake updates at
Characters in the Cricut cutting system are measured from the lowest possible point
to the highest possible point. In font sets, and some shape sets, the character shown
in red is the Key Height Character. This is usually the tallest character in any one set. All
other characters will be sized in proportion to the Key Height Character, unless Real
Dial Size is selected. In shape sets, some images are also cut in proportion to other
shapes. See the cartridge handbook to get the details on specic cuts.
Real Dial Size
If Real Dial Size is selected, all characters will be sized according to the selected dial
size, rather than cutting proportionate to the Key Height Character or the base shape.
TIP: Only one dial size can be selected for each cut, and that dial size will be applied
to all characters on the display (even in the Mix ’n Match mode). For example, you
cannot select an A at 1.5" (3.81 cm) and then immediately select a B at 2" (5.08 cm)
in the same cut. We recommend you check the size appearing in the display prior to
pressing the CUT button.
Cutting on Lightweight or Heavyweight Materials
Your Cricut Cake machine can cut a variety of materials. For an optimal cut, you may
need to adjust the speed of the cut, and/or the cut pressure as discussed in the follow-
ing sections.
WARNING! Always unplug your Cricut Cake machine before removing the
cutting blade assembly!
To remove the cutting blade assembly (Figure 1), locate the screw and turn it coun-
terclockwise until it loosens enough that you can swing the screw to the right (Figure
2). Be careful not to loosen the screw too much, or it will fall out. Remove the cutting
blade assembly from the machine.
Figure 1 Figure 2
TIP: If the Cricut Cake produces poor cutting results, always clean it rst before trying
other options.
Speed Dial:
The Speed Dial allows you to control the cutting speed for an optimal cut on a variety
of materials. If you regularly cut on heavyweight materials, you may want to turn the
dial up to increase the cutting speed. For lightweight materials or for smaller, more
detailed cuts, you may want to turn the dial down to decrease the cutting speed.
After each adjustment, we recommend that you test the setting with a scrap piece of
material, readjusting as necessary until you achieve the desired results.
The display will indicate the speed level, ranging from one bar (“Min”) to ve bars
(“Max”). As a general rule, decrease the cutting speed if your cuts are being torn. If
this doesn’t work, change the blade or adjust the pressure.
Pressure Dial:
The Pressure Dial allows you to control how hard the cutting mechanism presses
against the material. For heavyweight materials, you may want to move the dial up
to increase the cut pressure. For lightweight materials, you may want to turn the dial
down to decrease the pressure. After each adjustment, we recommend that you test
the setting with a scrap piece of material, readjusting as necessary until you achieve
the desired results.
The display will indicate the pressure level, ranging from one bar (“Min”) to ve bars
(“Max”). As a general rule, increase the pressure if your selections are not being cut
completely through the material.
Basic Care
Blade Life
You can expect anywhere from 500 to 1500 single cuts from your cutting blade before
it requires replacement. Your actual cutting blade life will vary, depending on the set-
tings you use and the materials you cut. When the quality of your cuts decreases, it is
probably time to replace your cutting blade. For best results, use only genuine Cricut
Cake™ Replacement Cutting Blades, available at participating Cricut retailers.
Replacing the Cutting Blade
WARNING! Always unplug your Cricut Cake™ machine before replacing the
cutting blade.
To change the cutting blade, you must rst remove the cutting blade assembly. Refer
to page 20 in this manual for instructions.
After removing the cutting blade assembly, gently pull the blade away from the mag-
net holding it in place (Figure 1).
To install the new blade, carefully insert the shaft of the blade into the hole in the bot-
tom of the cutting blade assembly. The blade should be “sucked” up inside the shaft
if properly installed (Figure 2). The replacement cutting blade is now installed. Reinstall
the cutting blade assembly into the Cricut Cake machine by reversing the procedure
to remove the cutting blade assembly.
Figure 1 Figure 2
WARNING! Cutting blades are extremely sharp and should be handled with the
utmost care. They are also potential choking hazards; they should be kept away
from children.
Caring for the Cutting Mat
You can expect anywhere from 2540 full mat cuts (expect even more when a cut
is smaller than the full mat) from your Cricut Cake™ cutting mat before it requires
replacement. Your actual cutting mat life will vary, depending on the settings you use
and the materials you cut. Use only genuine Cricut Cake™ replacement cutting mats,
available at retailers everywhere.
TIP: To extend the overall life of each mat, use several mats, rotating them often, and
keep them clean.
Cleaning Your Cricut Cake™ Machine
WARNING! Always unplug your Cricut Cake™ machine before cleaning!
Before First Use
Wipe down all food contact surfaces before using for the rst time. Clean blade and
mat with mild soap and warm water. Be sure to dry all surfaces before using your
Cleaning Machine
Use the provided cleaning brush to lightly brush off any dried food from the machine.
To clean off rollers, hold brush against one roller and push the Load Mat key. Hold
the brush against the other roller and press the Unload Mat key. Brush out any
excess crumbs.
Unplug machine before further cleaning.
Wipe down your machine with a soft, lightly damp cloth. Do not use a dripping cloth.
Water can damage electrical parts.
Remove cartridge and cartridge skirt. Cartridge skirt can be washed with mild soap
and warm water. DO NOT GET YOUR CARTRIDGE WET. The exterior of the cartridge can
be wiped down with a lightly damp cloth, but do not wipe inside. This can damage
the cartridge. Place cartridge plug in cartridge slot for storage. Be careful to keep
food particles and water away from the cartridge slot.
Keypad protector can also be removed and washed with warm water and mild soap.
Make sure to dry completely before placing on Cricut Cake machine.
Wash the mat in warm, soapy water. Dry completely before storing.
To clean blade and housing: Remove blade housing from machine. Grasp blade
with two ngers and pull. Be careful of sharp edge. Squeeze the handle of the blade
cleaning basket to open. Place blade inside the basket and release the handle to
close it. The blade and basket can be placed in the dishwasher on the top rack or
washed by hand. Remove the silicone gasket from the blade housing and wash with
mild soap and warm water. Dry completely. Wipe off housing with a lightly damp
cloth. DO NOT SUBMERGE blade housing in water. This will cause damage. Once
clean, replace silicone gasket and carefully reinsert blade.
Additional Basic Care Tips:
• Keep away from liquids
• Keep in dry, dust-free location
• Avoid excessive heat or cold
• Do not leave in car, where excessive heat may melt or damage plastic components
• Do not expose to direct sunlight for any extended period of time
Frequently Asked Questions
TIP: For our complete list of frequently asked questions, plus the latest updates to the
User Manual, visit
Q: Do I have to hold down the Shift key to use it?
A: No. Just press it once and it will be backlit in green, indicating it is in use.
Q: Are the Creative Feature keys the same for each cartridge?
A: Only the Shadow feature is found on most sets. The other ve Creative Features are
handpicked by the artist and will vary.
Q: How long will the blade last?
A: Anywhere from 500 to 1500 single cuts, depending on what kind of materials you
are cutting. Replacement blades are inexpensive and easy to change. Refer to the
“Replacing the Cutting Blade” section on page 21 in this manual.
Q: How long will a cutting mat last?
A: Each mat will last anywhere from 2540 full mat cuts, depending on the size of cuts
and what kind of materials you are cutting. We recommend that you use several mats,
rotating them often. This will extend the overall life of each mat.
Q: Can I use a smaller material size than the size of the cutting mat?
A: Absolutely! Just align a corner of the material with the bottom left corner of the
mat, even in the Portrait mode. Once the mat is loaded, use the Blade Navigation
Buttons to move the cutting blade down to the upper right corner of the new material.
Then press the Set Cut Area key on the keypad overlay to let the machine know where
to start cutting on the new size of material.
Q: Do I have to nish cutting a full page before unloading the cutting mat?
A: No. You can unload the material and remove just the pieces you need. You can
then reload the material at a later time and navigate the cutting blade to any open
area to resume cutting. If you immediately use the same material for a new cut, press
the Load Last key instead of the Load Mat key. The Load Last key will automatically
return the cutting blade to the place where it stopped cutting.
Q: How does the Material Saver mode work?
A: The Material Saver mode will “pack in” any selected cuts to optimize the space
needed. See page 13 of this manual.
Q: What does Real Dial Size do?
A: By default, your Cricut Cake™ machine will cut characters in proportion to each
other. However, if you want to “break” this proportion and get any character to cut
at the literal dial size, press the Real Dial Size key. For instance, with the Size Dial set at
2", a lowercase a will actually cut out approximately 1" (2.54 cm) to t proportionately
with any other cut letter. With Real Dial Size selected, that same a would cut at a full
2"(5.08 cm).
Q: How is the cut of a character measured?
A: Each character cut is measured from the lowest possible point to the highest
possible point.
TIP: For our complete list of frequently asked questions, plus the latest updates to the
User Manual, visit
Problem: The cutting mat won’t load when I push the Load Mat key.
Solution: Try pushing the cutting mat slightly into the roller bar as you press the Load
Mat key.
Problem: The cutting mat didn’t load when I pushed the Load Mat key. And now, when
I try to push it again, it doesn’t do anything.
Solution: You need to press Unload Matrst. Your Cricut Cake™ machine “thought
that it loaded the mat, even if it didn’t pull it in. The machine needs to be given the
command to unload before another load attempt is made. Pressing the Unload Mat
key will reset the roller bar, allowing for another load attempt.
Problem: The blade is not cutting all the way through the material.
Possible Solution 1: Increase the cut pressure. Do this with the Pressure Dial found on
the left side of the front of the Cricut Cake machine. See page 21.
Possible Solution 2: The cutting blade may dulled by use and need replacement. Refer
to the “Replacing the Cutting Blade” section on page 21.
Problem: The material lifts off the mat as the Cricut Cake machine is cutting.
Possible Solution 1: Make sure you press the material rmly onto the cutting mat when
setting up the cut.
Possible Solution 2: Try using more shortening on the mat.
Problem: I can’t get characters to cut out with the Creative Feature selected.
Solution: Some characters don’t work with all of the Creative Features available on
a font or shape cartridge. Refer to the Icon Gallery in the cartridge handbook to see
which features work with which characters.
Problem: I’ve placed a smaller size of material on the mat and navigated to the upper
right corner of the cutting mat, but when I cut characters, the blade returns and starts
cutting back at the top of the cutting mat.
Solution: After you’ve navigated to the upper right corner using the Blade Navigation
Buttons, and prior to pressing CUT, you need to press the Set Cut Area key. This will tell
the Cricut Cake™ machine that you have selected a smaller paper size. Otherwise,
the machine “thinks” that a full sheet of material (either 12" x 12" [30.48 cm x 30.48 cm]
or 12" x 24" [30.48 cm x 60.96 cm], depending on the cutting mat) is loaded.