Elastic Hypercube
Driving performance and scalability
with Workday Adaptive Planning.
Table of Contents
Introduction 03
The Power of Elastic Hypercube Technology 04
Measures of Scalability 05
Plan Without Limits 10
Elastic Hypercube Technology | 3
Organizations, especially large ones, need a planning
platform that can handle big, complex models without
compromising user experience. A platform that can
support changing business conditions while remaining
powerful enough to take on complex models.
Elastic Hypercube Technology (EHT) is the next-generation,
in-memory engine for planning—and it does just that.
In this eBook, we explore how Workday brings business
agility to the enterprise with Workday Adaptive Planning,
powered by the patent-pending Elastic Hypercube
Elastic Hypercube Technology | 4
The power of Elastic Hypercube Technology.
Power and scale when you need it.
Elastic Hypercube Technology efficiently calculates complex models and
elastically adds memory and compute power when needed to calculate
model elements in parallel. That’s dynamic, automatic scaling. It means
you can compare as many scenarios as you want, at the same time,
without sacrificing performance.
Real-time rollups, reporting,
and what-if analysis.
Unlimited scenarios; seamless
reports and analysis across
any dimensions.
Custom-model virtually any
kind of functional use.
Model workforce capacity,
marketing demand generation,
and project-based planning.
Self-service integration
management and open APIs.
Seamlessly integrate across
ERP, CRM, G/L, and HCM.
Federated Planning
Functional, divisional planning
and an integrated corporate plan.
Model own aspects of the
business at needed levels
of detail and cadences.
Modeling, Reporting,
and Analytics
Multidimensional modeling for
large-scale, complex plans.
Planning and granularity
according to the needs of
the business or functions.
Elastic Hypercube Technology | 5
Measures of scalability.
More than ever, a planning platform needs to support the
agile needs of the business. This includes enabling any
department—finance, HR, sales, operations—to plan for its
part of the business. But too often, the limitations of software
inhibit the ability to do just that. Too many calculations, too
many complex models, too many manual errors—and the
system breaks. A slow and cumbersome planning system
narrows the view of the business and derails any attempt
to be strategic and forward thinking. Worse yet, when each
department plans for its own line of business, the departments
essentially don’t “talk” to each other, dissolving the opportunity
for collaboration.
Lets take a deeper look into how our customers are leveraging
the power of EHT across these seven measures of scalability.
Cost Centers
Dimension Members Employees
Elastic Hypercube Technology | 6
EHT can support hundreds of users, so planning can extend beyond the office
of finance. With an easy-to-use interface, anyone—not just power users—can
participate in the planning process. And because the underlying models
are interconnected, finance doesn’t have to spend time gathering and
fact-checking data.
Customer spotlight:
Top 50 customers average 900 users*
60+ customers have >400 users*
World’s largest multinational consulting firm has
upwards of 3,000 users*
Were using Workday Adaptive Planning in many
ways at Fletcher Jones, not just financial reporting
and not just through our controllers at our stores,
but to engage our general managers and get them
involved in the culture of planning.
Fletcher Jones Auto Group
*User is defined as a configured user in production system.
EHT gives you the flexibility to model unlimited versions without the extra
cost. You can easily change assumptions and run countless what-if scenarios,
and course correct as needed.
Customer spotlight:
40 customers have 400+ versions
800 customers have 100+ versions
Renewable energy provider has upwards of 900 versions
Workday Adaptive Planning allows us to
confidently run scenarios and make more
strategic, course-altering decisions much quicker.
Elastic Hypercube Technology | 7
With EHT, you can manage as many accounts as you need, without the
headache. The hierarchical account and dimension structures automatically
aggregate data from plans and actuals, so no detail falls through the cracks.
Customer spotlight:
50 customers have 10,000+ accounts
~250 customers have 5,000+ accounts
Wealth management firm has more than 70,000 accounts
As a plastics manufacturer, the sales forecasting
instance includes a multidimensional cube sheet
for planning and analysis across some 3 billion
dimension combinations.
Porex Corporation
Cost Centers
A flexible architecture and a powerful modeling engine in EHT can handle
large and complex hierarchy structures while allowing business users to
make the changes they need.
Customer spotlight:
~1,000 customers have 1,000+ cost centers
~300 customers have 3,000+ cost centers
Fifth-largest food and beverage company has more than
60,000 cost centers
It became challenging maintaining the budget in
Hyperion. Each time a business condition changed
or a product was added or removed, we had to
rely on technical coders in the IT organization to
customize Hyperion and re-run scripts.
Boston Scientific
Elastic Hypercube Technology | 8
Unlike many ERP and planning systems that limit dimensionality, Workday
Adaptive Planning allows you to segment data, filter formula references, and
slice reports across an unlimited number of dimensions. So you can get a
complete understanding of your business.
Customer spotlight:
Customers average 30+ dimensions
500 customers average 100+ dimensions
Multinational bakery product manufacturer has upwards
of 500 dimensions
Without Workday Adaptive Planning, we wouldn’t
be able to run a gigantic project and make
decisions in real time.
Dimension Members
Analyze and report on what matters most. With Workday Adaptive Planning,
you can segment and filter your data by region, entity, channel, product,
customer, and more so you can monitor and measure performance with a
customized view.
Customer spotlight:
~700 customers have a dimension with 5,000+ members*
300 customers have a dimension with 14,000+ members*
Major public university has a dimension with more than
130,000 projects
The many different custom dimensions and
attributes make it easy to slice and dice the data
to your liking.
*Members represent the unique endpoints within a dimension,
tantamount to “nodes.”
Elastic Hypercube Technology | 9
Reliable driver-based calculations allow for different assumptions
across dimensions, such as project labor category, headcount, and
multiple geographies. Workday Adaptive Planning delivers just that.
Customer spotlight:
200 customers have a modeled sheet with 40,000+ rows*
Nearly 100 customers have more than 40,000 employees
Multinational professional services company has more than
500,000 employees
We’ve now been able to build a full headcount list
for our group, building in all the different tax rates
across various different locations, and also building
in attrition has enabled us to have a more accurate
headcount forecast.
Kindred Group
*Model sheets are commonly used to model list elements—personnel rosters,
contracts, equipment, opportunities, and so on. The number of rows reflects
the discrete elements; the columns reflect attributes about them.
Measures of Scalability
Enterprises across many industries rely on EHT to deliver robust modeling
and unlimited what-if scenarios at virtually any scale and complexity, without
sacrificing performance or slowing down the system. Lets look at the model
profiles of some of our large enterprise customers.
Large Enterprise Model Profiles
Users: ~130
Use Case:
Financial Planning
Workforce Planning
Revenue, Expense, Headcount
Levels: 3K
Dimensions: 19
Accounts: 2,700
Users: 1,300
Use Case:
Financial Planning
Expense Budgeting
Headcount Planning
Levels: >6,500
Dimensions: >490
Accounts: >17K
Users: 300
Use Case:
Financial Planning, Expenses
Corporate and Retail Personnel,
CAPEX, Management Reporting
Levels: ~43K
Dimensions: 22
Accounts: >2K
Elastic Hypercube Technology | 10
Plan without limits.
Workday Adaptive Planning built Elastic Hypercube Technology to speed
results, elastically and automatically adding memory and computing
power when you need it. With our fine-grained understanding of
model dependencies, EHT delivers results for even the largest and
most complex models. And it calculates changes only when required.
Compare as many scenarios as you want, at the same time, without ever
Learn more at workday.com/planning.
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