The First Forty Years
David Fischer
A fortieth anniversary publication
Also available:
International Atomic Energy Agency: Personal Reflections
24 cm; 311 pp.)
The reflections are written by a group of distinguished scientists
and diplomats who were involved in the establishment or
subsequent work of the IAEA. It represents a collection of
‘essays’ which offer a complementary and personal view on
some of the topics considered in the full history.
ISBN 92–0–102397–9
IAEA_History.qxd 10.01.2003 11:01 Uhr Seite 1
The ‘temporary’
headquarters of
the IAEA in
the Grand Hotel, on
the Ringstrasse in
central Vienna.
The Agency remained
there for some
twenty years, until 1979.
In 1979, the Austrian
Government and
the City of Vienna
completed construction
of the Vienna
International Centre
(VIC), next to the
Donaupark, which
became the permanent
home of the IAEA and
other UN organizations.
Austria generously made
the buildings and
facilities at the VIC
available at
the ‘peppercorn’ rent
of one Austrian Schilling
a year.
IAEA_History.qxd 10.01.2003 11:01 Uhr Seite 2
The ‘temporary’
headquarters of
the IAEA in
the Grand Hotel, on
the Ringstrasse in
central Vienna.
The Agency remained
there for some
twenty years, until 1979.
In 1979, the Austrian
Government and
the City of Vienna
completed construction
of the Vienna
International Centre
(VIC), next to the
Donaupark, which
became the permanent
home of the IAEA and
other UN organizations.
Austria generously made
the buildings and
facilities at the VIC
available at
the ‘peppercorn’ rent
of one Austrian Schilling
a year.
IAEA_History.qxd 10.01.2003 11:01 Uhr Seite 2
The First Forty Years
The First Forty Years
David Fischer
VIC Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
Fischer, David.
History of the International Atomic Energy Agency : the first forty
years / by David Fischer. — Vienna : The Agency, 1997.
p. ; 24 cm.
“A Fortieth Anniversary Publication.”
ISBN 92–0–102397–9
Includes bibliographical references.
1. International Atomic Energy Agency—History. I. International
Atomic Energy Agency.
VICL 92-00172
© IAEA 1997
Permission to reproduce or translate the information contained in
this publication may be obtained by writing to:
Division of Publications
International Atomic Energy Agency
Wagramerstrasse 5
P.O. Box 100
A-1400 Vienna
ISBN 92–0–102397–9
Printed by the IAEA in Austria
September 1997
by the Director General of the IAEA
here is a rich literature about the United Nations which includes analyses
of the Charter and different phases and aspects of the organization’s
work. There are also many personal recollections by individuals which
add to the general store of knowledge on the UN. Less has been written about
the specialized organizations in the UN family. Yet many innovations in inter-
national co-operation first emerged in such organizations and a close study of
their statutes and records is often rewarding for the student of international
affairs. However, official documents do not tell the whole story. Accounts by
persons closely connected with such organizations help us to understand
better how they function. Lawrence Scheinman’s The International Atomic
Energy Agency and World Nuclear Order has so far been the only systematic
study of the IAEA. It was therefore felt that it would be a valuable and inter-
esting contribution to the celebration of the fortieth anniversary of the
Agency to publish a history of the organization as seen by someone who was
“present at the creation” and has been involved in much of its life. Professor
William Potter, the Director of the Center for Nonproliferation Studies at the
Monterey Institute of International Studies, kindly agreed that the Institute
would join the IAEA in sponsoring the project and sharing its cost.
The Institute commissioned Mr. David Fischer, who has been associated
with the IAEA for more than forty years, to write the history of the Agency.
David Fischer took part in the negotiation of the IAEA’s Statute in 1954–1956
and served on the IAEA’s Preparatory Commission. From 1957 until 1981 he
was the Agency’s Director and subsequently Assistant Director General for
External Relations. In 1981 and 1982 he was Special Adviser to Director
General Eklund and to myself. Since then he has served as a consultant to the
IAEA on many occasions.
David Fischer was greatly helped by an Editorial Advisory Committee
comprising Mr. Munir Ahmed Khan (formerly Chairman of the Pakistan
Atomic Energy Commission and Chairman of the IAEA Board of Governors
in 1986–1987), Professor Lawrence Scheinman (of the Monterey Institute of
International Studies and formerly Deputy Director of the US Arms Control
and Disarmament Agency) and Dr. Tadeusz Wojcik (Chairman of the Polish
Nuclear Society and former chef de cabinet of the Director General of the
IAEA). All three are closely related professionally, in different fields, to the
IAEA and served on the Advisory Committee in their personal capacities.
Ambassador Roland Timerbaev, for a long time Resident Representative of
the USSR to the IAEA, also read the draft manuscript of the History and pro-
vided many invaluable insights.
However, this book does not purport to express the views of the
Advisory Committee or of the IAEA or its Member States. The responsibility
for all statements is that of the author alone.
The philosopher George Santayana once wrote that “those who cannot
remember the past are condemned to repeat it”. That risk is particularly high
in an international organization with a rapid turnover of staff and of the
representatives of the States that frame its policies. To understand the present
character of the IAEA and its future potential, it is essential to know how and
why the IAEA has become what it is today. The dry terms of the IAEA’s
Statute and its records are not enough; the Agency has also been formed by
experience, practice, style and tradition. It is hoped therefore that this book
together with its companion piece — the reflections of persons who played a
prominent part in the creation and development of the IAEA — will help to
provide the needed historical perspective.
I would like to thank most warmly all those who have contributed the
time and effort put into commemorating the Agency’s fortieth birthday. I would
particularly like to thank Mr. Munir Khan, who first suggested the idea of the
History and the collection of essays.
Hans Blix
Introduction 1
Chapter 1: Eisenhower Proposes a New Agency 9
Chapter 2: 1939–1953: The Dual Challenge of Nuclear Energy 15
Chapter 3: 1954–1956: Negotiation of the IAEA’s Statute 29
Chapter 4: 1957 — The Preparatory Commission and 57
the First General Conference
Chapter 5: A Changing Political and Technical Environment 71
Chapter 6: The IAEA and Nuclear Power 143
Chapter 7: Nuclear Safety and the Management 183
of Nuclear Waste
Chapter 8: Nuclear Safeguards 243
Chapter 9: The Transfer of Nuclear Technology to 325
the Developing World
Chapter 10: The IAEA and the Applications of 373
Nuclear Techniques
(Radioisotopes and Radiation)
Chapter 11: The Exchange of Nuclear Information 401
Chapter 12: Issues 411
Chapter 13: Conclusions 451
Annex 1 — Statute of the International Atomic Energy Agency 471
Annex 2 — Atoms for Peace 493
Annex 3 — Selected Statistical Data, 1958–1995 497
Glossary 503
Bibliography 513
Index 529
he IAEA is unlike any other specialized organization of the United
Nations family. Most of those agencies set out to achieve a broad eco-
nomic or social aim: better health, better education, more and better
food, economic progress and stability, preservation and enhancement of our
natural and cultural heritage, safer travel and transport by sea or air.
IAEA’s fortunes are uniquely geared to those of a single, relatively new and
controversial technology that can be used either as a weapon or as a practical
and useful tool, that has almost infinite capacity to inflict harm but that also
has an almost infinite potential to generate the energy on which the world
will increasingly depend in the coming centuries to improve the conditions of
life of its growing population. The IAEA was created in response to the deep
fears and great expectations resulting from the discovery of nuclear energy,
fears and expectations that have changed profoundly since 1945 and continue
to fluctuate. As a result, what the IAEA is asked to do about nuclear energy,
and indeed, what it can do and does, are much affected by the vicissitudes of
national moods, international politics and technological change.
The IAEA’s history illustrates these points. Its genesis was President
Eisenhower’s address to the General Assembly of the United Nations on
8 December 1953, though many of the ideas he presented had earlier roots.
Diplomats and lawyers, advised by scientists, and drawing on the precedents
set by other organizations, developed these ideas into a charter of an interna-
tional agency, the IAEA Statute, which 81 nations unanimously approved in
October 1956.
In the years following Eisenhower’s speech and the approval of the
IAEA’s Statute the political and technical climate had changed so much that
by 1958 it had become politically impracticable for the IAEA to begin work on
some of the main tasks foreseen in its Statute. But in the aftermath of the 1962
Cuban missile crisis, the USA and the USSR began seeking common ground
in nuclear arms control.
As more countries mastered nuclear technology,
concern deepened that they would sooner or later acquire nuclear weapons,
particularly since two additional nations had recently ‘joined the club’, France
in 1960 and China in 1964. The safeguards prescribed in the IAEA’s Statute,
designed chiefly to cover individual nuclear plants or supplies of fuel, were
clearly inadequate to deter proliferation. There was growing support for
international, legally binding, commitments and comprehensive safeguards
to stop the further spread of nuclear weapons and to work towards their
eventual elimination. This found regional expression in 1967 in the Treaty for
the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America (the Tlatelolco Treaty)
and global expression, in 1968, in the approval of the Treaty on the Non-
Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), a treaty that Ireland had been the
first nation formally to propose some ten years earlier.
The 1970s showed that the NPT would be accepted by almost all of the
key industrial countries and by the vast majority of developing countries. At
the same time the prospects for nuclear power improved dramatically. The
technology had matured and was commercially available, and the oil crisis of
1973 enhanced the attraction of the nuclear energy option. The IAEA’s func-
tions became distinctly more important. But the pendulum was soon to swing
back. The first surge of worldwide enthusiasm for nuclear power lasted barely
two decades. By the early 1980s, the demand for new nuclear power plants
had declined sharply in most Western countries, and it shrank nearly to zero
in these countries after the 1986 Chernobyl accident.
Paradoxically, when all was well with nuclear energy, the governments of
countries that had advanced nuclear industries tended to keep the IAEA at a dis-
tance; when matters went badly they were ready to agree to a more extensive
role for the organization. This was true on the two occasions when it became
clear that IAEA safeguards had been violated and also after the two major acci-
dents that have taken place in nuclear power plants. In 1991, the discovery of
Iraq’s clandestine weapon programme sowed doubts about the adequacy of
IAEA safeguards, but also led to steps to strengthen them, some of which were
put to the test when the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) became
the second country that was discovered violating its NPT safeguards agreement.
The Three Mile Island accident and especially the Chernobyl disaster persuaded
governments to strengthen the IAEA’s role in enhancing nuclear safety.
In the early 1990s, the end of the Cold War and the consequent improve-
ment in international security virtually eliminated the danger of a global
nuclear conflict. Broad adherence to regional treaties underscored the nuclear
weapon free status of Latin America, Africa and South East Asia, as well as
the South Pacific. The threat of proliferation in some successor States of the
former Soviet Union was averted; in Iraq and the DPRK the threat was con-
tained. In 1995, the NPT was made permanent and in 1996 the UN General
Assembly approved and opened for signature a comprehensive test ban
treaty. While military nuclear activities were beyond the IAEA’s statutory
scope, it was now accepted that the Agency might properly deal with some
of the problems bequeathed by the nuclear arms race — verification of the
peaceful use or storage of nuclear material from dismantled weapons and
surplus military stocks of fissile material, determining the risks posed by the
nuclear wastes of nuclear warships dumped in the Arctic, and verifying the
safety of former nuclear test sites in Central Asia and the Pacific.
The world now has the best opportunity since 1945 not only of halting
the spread of nuclear weapons, but also of drawing down and eventually
eliminating nuclear arsenals. In other words, it now has the best prospects
since the Second World War of realizing what were to become the two main
aims of the NPT and of achieving the chief objectives implicit in Eisenhower’s
Approach and structure
The focus of this book is on the history of the IAEA as an organization.
This is inevitably linked with the evolution of nuclear technology.
Accordingly, the book sketches the fortunes of nuclear power since 1957, the
main events that have affected confidence in nuclear safety and the evolution
of nuclear arms control, insofar as this has affected IAEA safeguards.
The development of three of the Agency’s main programmes, nuclear
power, nuclear safety and safeguards, has been largely shaped by events
beyond the IAEA’s control, but their impact on the Agency has been deter-
mined, to a considerable degree, by the ways in which the Board of Governors
and the Director General of the Agency have responded to them. Hence the
effectiveness of the Board and the personality of the Director General have had
a significant impact on the authority and effectiveness of the organization.
Another major part of the IAEA’s work has been to help transfer the prac-
tical applications of nuclear science to the developing world. In a relatively few
cases this has involved nuclear power technology; far more commonly it has
consisted of the transfer of the numerous and varied uses of radioisotopes and
radiation — a broad stream of diverse and relatively small technical assistance
projects, an activity seldom affected by turns in international politics, swings in
national moods, a major nuclear accident or technological developments or
fashions. The volume of such assistance has, however, been influenced by the
flow of funds and the absorptive capacity of the receiving countries.
The book concludes with a brief discussion of some questions that the
IAEA may have to answer before it turns fifty. The selection of these questions
and the conclusions reached are the author’s own.
A note of thanks
On a personal note the author would like to thank the many members
of the IAEA Secretariat as well as the Editorial Advisory Committee who
helped him to write this History. He is especially indebted to Paulo Barretto,
Murdoch Baxter, Alfredo Cuaron, Pier Danesi, James Dargie, Michael Davies,
Stein Deron, Alexandra Diesner-Küpfer, Steven Flitton, Nadine Flouret, Klaus
Fröhlich, William C. Gerken, Ingrid Holzberger, Rich Hooper, John Hyland,
Odette Jankowitsch, Gertrud Leitner, Gopinathan Nair, Gertrude Nemeth,
Robert Parr, Bruno Pellaud, Dimitri Perricos, Jihui Qian, John Rames,
Ghandikota V. Ramesh, Laura Rockwood, Ursula Schneider, Boris Semenov,
Kelly Stephens and Claudio Todeschini. Special mention must be made of the
invaluable detailed comments on the various drafts by Mohamed ElBaradei,
Ray Kelleher, David Kyd, Muttusamy Sanmuganathan, John Tilemann and
Maurizio Zifferero. Finally, thanks to Hans Blix himself, who took a personal
interest in the undertaking, and to Bill Potter, Tariq Rauf and Chris Fitz of the
Monterey Institute of International Studies who cast a benevolent eye on it
from afar. The author is also greatly indebted to Paul Szasz, who reviewed the
entire manuscript, to Allan Labowitz, who reviewed and edited most of it, to
Myron Kratzer for his trenchant comments on IAEA safeguards and to Astrid
Forland of the Bergen Center for the Study of the Sciences and Humanities for
her knowledge of the early history of the IAEA. The errors and omissions are
the author’s own.
The safety functions of ICAO (the International Civil Aviation Organization) and
IMO (the International Maritime Organization) are comparable to those of the IAEA
but, unlike the latter, they are not confined to an activity based on a single form of
They first found such common ground in the Limited Test Ban Treaty of 1963.
In a resolution submitted to the General Assembly on 17 October 1958.
The diminishing threat of nuclear weapons since the dark days of the Cold War has
been well summed up by the American author Richard Rhodes: “The world will not
soon be free of nuclear weapons, because they serve so many purposes. But as instru-
ments of destruction, they have long been obsolete.” RHODES, R., Dark Sun: The
Making of the Hydrogen Bomb, Simon and Schuster, New York (1995) 588.
A more profound impact than that which is usually left by the chief administrative
officer in a national ministry. This is equally true of other agencies of the United
Nations and, in particular, the United Nations itself, where the personality of
the Secretary General has played a crucial role in promoting the organization’s
successes and in causing its failures.
Chapter 1
n 8 December 1953, the President of the United States of America,
Dwight D. Eisenhower, proposed at the General Assembly of the
United Nations the creation of an organization to promote the peace-
ful use of nuclear energy and to seek to ensure that nuclear energy would not
serve any military purpose.
Eisenhower’s proposals led to the creation of the
IAEA and helped to shape international co-operation in the civilian use of
nuclear energy up to 1978, when a far reaching change in American nuclear
law signalled the end of Eisenhower’s programme of “Atoms for Peace”.
Eisenhower began with a bleak warning. Hydrogen weapons were
several hundred times more powerful than the bombs that had destroyed
Hiroshima and Nagasaki “but the dread secret [of making the (atom) bomb]
is not ours alone.” The secret was shared by the United Kingdom, Canada
and the Soviet Union and would eventually be shared by others. He tried to
reassure the Soviet Union: “We hope that this coming [four power] conference
may initiate a relationship with the Soviet Union which will eventually bring
about a free intermingling of the peoples of the East and of the West...”
he went on to declare that “the peaceful power of atomic energy is no dream
of the future”; its benefits were already at hand.
The centrepiece of Eisenhower’s proposal was the creation of an inter-
national atomic energy agency “to which the governments principally
involved would make joint contributions” from their stockpiles of fissile
material and natural uranium. The USA would seek more than the mere
reduction or elimination of atomic materials for military purposes. “It is not
enough to take this weapon out of the hands of the soldiers. It must be put
into the hands of those who will know [...] how to adapt it to the arts of
peace.” The proposed agency would be responsible for the impounding,
storage and protection of this bank of fissile and other materials. It would
devise methods whereby nuclear materials “could be allocated to serve the
peaceful purposes of mankind.” Eisenhower made it clear that he wanted the
new agency to avoid the fate of the ambitious Baruch Plan of 1946 that had
foundered on the shoals of the Cold War. His proposal, he said, “had the great
virtue that it can be undertaken without the irritations and mutual suspicions
incident to any attempt to set up a completely acceptable system for worldwide
inspection and control.” Nonetheless his aim was nuclear disarmament, to
banish the fear that “...the two atomic colossi... [would be] ...doomed male-
volently to eye each other indefinitely across a trembling world...” He
stressed that the nuclear disarmament his plan would bring about would be
very gradual; in his bleaker moments he thought that the USA might have to
retain its military might for forty years.
Eisenhower’s vision has been warmly praised and sharply criticized.
The central element of his plan came to nothing — the concept that the IAEA
would serve as a bank of nuclear materials drawing down US and Soviet
stocks below the level where either could launch a knock-out blow against
the other. For nearly forty years after its birth in 1957 the IAEA remained
essentially irrelevant to the nuclear arms race. But the end of the Cold War
has revived the idea of placing military stocks of fissile materials, including
material from dismantled nuclear weapons, under the IAEA’s surveillance,
thus creating confidence that it will not revert to military use.
Eisenhower gave a powerful impetus to the change that was beginning
to take place in American and global nuclear policies; the change from a policy
of secrecy and denial to one of openness — transparency — and to inter-
national co-operation in developing and applying nuclear technology for
peaceful purposes, i.e. “Atoms for Peace”.
It is precisely this concept that has attracted the most criticism. A well
known British observer wrote in 1966 that “only a social psychologist could
hope to explain why the possessors of the most terrible weapons in history
should have sought to spread the necessary industry to produce them in the
belief that this could make the world safer.”
The late Gerard Smith wrote that
Molotov’s first reactions were similarly sceptical.
And opponents of nuclear
power have been even more critical of the underlying rationale of “Atoms for
But the failure of previous attempts to prevent the spread of nuclear tech-
nology — indeed the history of science and of military invention — had already
shown that, while the spread of the new nuclear technology might be slowed
down, it could not be stopped. The issue was whether the USA should try to
plug the now leaky dyke that had been built hastily by the US Congress in the
McMahon Act of 1946, or whether it would take the lead in ensuring that the
inevitable spread of nuclear technology would be subject to controls to ensure
that it was used for peaceful purposes only, and as safely as possible. Apart
from the USA, no other nation showed any interest in taking this lead, in fact
for several years many nations in Europe and elsewhere resisted international
controls and some were more interested in getting hold of the bomb than in
preventing its dissemination.
In the long run, neither US attempts to preserve the nuclear monopoly,
nor the controls that the supplying nations placed (much later) on their
nuclear exports, would be decisive in determining whether nations used
nuclear energy for military in addition to peaceful ends. The determining fac-
tor would be the security needs and perceptions of the growing number of
nations that became technically equipped to make that choice. For most, the
eventual choice was confirmed in the 1995 decision to extend indefinitely, in
other words to make permanent, the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear
Weapons (NPT).
A more practical charge can be laid against the idea that nuclear disar-
mament could be achieved by siphoning off stocks of fissile material. The
concept was essentially a ‘technical fix’. Until the USA and USSR had taken a
conscious political decision to shrink their nuclear arsenals, no technical fix
could compel them to do so. No inducement would persuade the Soviet Union
to make a significant cut in its still scarce and precious stock of fissile material.
This was soon demonstrated by the wildly asymmetrical commitments that
the three nuclear weapon States made to place fissile material at the disposal
of the IAEA. The USA pledged 5000 kg of contained uranium-235 and what-
ever amount would be needed to match the other States’ contributions; the
United Kingdom pledged 20 kg of uranium-235 and the USSR 50 kg.
within a decade, scarcity of high enriched uranium would cease to be a major
factor in constraining the nuclear arms race.
The world would have to wait until the end of the Cold War for the first
decision to shrink nuclear arsenals. In the meantime the reverse was happening.
Under Eisenhower’s Presidency the US nuclear arsenal grew from 1200 war-
heads in 1952 to 18 700 in 1960; the Soviet arsenal grew from 50 to 1700. And
in 1953–1954, Secretary of State John Foster Dulles enunciated the policy of
“massive retaliation”, in other words the USA would use its growing nuclear
arsenal to counter any attack on its allies as well as the USA itself, even an
attack by ‘conventional’ weapons.
Eisenhower was also unduly optimistic about the imminent use of
nuclear power and consequently about the civilian demand for fissile material.
He maintained that: “The United States knows that peaceful power from
atomic energy is no dream of the future. That capability, already proved, is
here-now-today.” In fact, the realization of “that capability” had to wait until
the 1960s. Eisenhower was equally if not more sanguine about the prospects for
other applications of nuclear technology. At the Centennial Commencement of
Pennsylvania State University on 11 June 1955, he said: “Many engineers and
scientists believe that radiation and radioactive isotopes may provide even
greater peacetime benefits [than nuclear power].”
But in another way Eisenhower’s initiative led to one of his principal
In the early 1960s stopping the spread of nuclear weapons
became a common cause of the USA and the USSR. The two leading powers
forged bonds of mutual interest that remained undamaged by subsequent
crises and that may have played a part in restoring relations between them as
the Cold War neared its end. After 1963, US–Soviet co-operation succeeded in
keeping the hostile rhetoric and sterile disputes of the Cold War out of the
meeting rooms of the IAEA and enhanced the effectiveness of its Board of
Governors and Secretariat.
The text of Eisenhower’s address is given in Public Papers of the Presidents,
Eisenhower (1953) 813–822; and in Atoms for Peace: An Analysis After Thirty Years
(PILAT, J.F., PENDLEY, R.E., EBINGER, C.K., Eds), Westview Press, Boulder, CO
(1985) Appendix C, pp. 283–291.
The “coming conference” appears to be a reference to a forthcoming meeting
between the USA, the United Kingdom, France and the USSR.
SOKOLSKI, H., “Eisenhower’s original Atoms for Peace plan: The arms control
connection”, presented on 6 July 1983 at a seminar sponsored by the Woodrow
Wilson Center’s International Security Studies Program, Washington, DC, and pub-
lished by the Center as Occasional Paper No. 52, p. 18.
The USA has begun to place some fissile material surplus to its military needs
under IAEA supervision to verify that it does not revert to nuclear weapon use and
Russia has agreed eventually to do the same.
BEATON, L., Must the Bomb Spread?, Penguin Books, Baltimore (1966) 88–89.
FISCHER, D.A.V., Stopping the Spread of Nuclear Weapons, Routledge, London and
New York (1993) 41; and STOESSINGER, J.G., Atoms for Peace: The International
Atomic Energy Agency”, Organizing for Peace in the Nuclear Age, Report of the
Commission to Study the Organization of Peace, New York University Press, New
York (1959) 120.
The USA did not specify the level of enrichment of the uranium but it was assumed
that most of it would be in low enriched form. However, in certain cases the USA
was to supply high enriched uranium; for instance, the fuel it supplied to South
Africa for the SAFARI materials testing reactor was 90% enriched. The Soviet Union
supplied its clients with only low enriched uranium.
HEWLETT, R.G., HOLL, J.M., Atoms for Peace and War: 1953–1961, Eisenhower and the
Atomic Energy Commission, University of California Press, Berkeley, CA (1989) 272.
EISENHOWER, D.D., Public Papers of the Presidents, 121, p. 594.
SCHLESINGER, J.R., “Atoms for peace revisited”, PILAT, J.F., et al., Eds, Atoms for
Peace: An Analysis After Thirty Years, p. 7.
Chapter 2
The invention and use of the bomb
rom the very beginning, the development of nuclear energy in all its
facets has been truly international, emerging from widely scattered
research laboratories, as the ideas and work of scientists in one country
stimulated and fertilized the minds of their colleagues in others.
In the 1920s and 1930s the leading physicists and chemists of Europe
and the USA were gradually unravelling the structure of the elements and the
dynamics of their nuclei and of subatomic particles. On 6 January 1939, the
German chemists Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassman reported in the journal
Naturwissenschaften that they had bombarded and split the uranium atom into
two or more lighter elements. They had discovered a new type of nuclear
reaction — fission.
Their Austrian colleague, the physicist Lise Meitner, had
noted that fission of the uranium nucleus would release energy — the energy
that binds the nucleus together — potentially on a vast scale and she and her
nephew, Otto Frisch, soon confirmed this experimentally.
A few weeks later
the Hungarian physicist Leo Szilard, working in New York, showed that in
the uranium fission process “about two” neutrons were emitted whenever a
neutron released by this process collided with the nucleus of another uranium
(uranium-235) atom. A self-sustaining fission reaction was possible.
In May
1939, Jean and Irène Joliot-Curie, the Austro-Hungarian scientist Hans Halban
and the Polish scientist Leo Kowarski, refugees in France, repeated Szilard’s
experiment and took out patents for the production of nuclear energy as well
as nuclear explosives.
Both the potential applications of nuclear energy, mili-
tary and civilian, were beginning to unfold at the same time.
Colleagues who heard the news of the splitting of the uranium atom and
the energy it released were quick to grasp its implications for peace — and
especially for war if Nazi Germany were able to master these processes and
deploy a nuclear weapon. Like many other Jewish scientists, Albert Einstein
had emigrated to the USA to escape Hitler’s clutches. On 2 August 1939, at the
urging of Szilard and his fellow Hungarian Edward Teller, Einstein wrote to
warn President Roosevelt that Germany was trying to produce enriched
uranium, and urged him to make sure that the USA could arm itself with
nuclear weapons before Nazi Germany did so.
Roosevelt took heed. He set
in motion what eventually became the Manhattan Project,
the vast US under-
taking that led to the making of the atomic bomb. British scientists, helped by
refugees from Hitler, had been ahead of the USA on the path to the bomb in
1940 and 1941, and they made a decisive contribution to an enterprise that
changed the world.
Another element, plutonium, was to prove as vastly powerful as enriched
uranium when used as a nuclear explosive or a source of energy (in fact more
powerful, weight for weight). Except as a man-made element, plutonium
essentially does not exist on earth. In late 1940, Glenn Seaborg and his
colleagues at the University of California produced a trace of one of its isotopic
forms. Seaborg named the new element after the sun’s outermost planet, Pluto,
the ancient Greek God of the underworld, but also the Greek God of wealth.
On 2 December 1942, two years after Glenn Seaborg’s discovery, the
Italian physicist Enrico Fermi achieved criticality in the world’s first nuclear
‘pile’ or reactor which his team had built beneath the football stadium of the
University of Chicago. Fermi was a refugee from the other European Fascist
dictator, Mussolini. Fermi’s success marked the first man-made self-sustain-
ing fission reaction and the first artificial production of a significant amount
of plutonium. After Fermi had finished his experiment his colleague, Arthur
Compton, telephoned James Conant, the President of Harvard University:
“Jim...the Italian navigator has just landed in the new world.”
The first
glimpse that the Old World saw of this new world was in August 1945 when
the bombs fell on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
On 3 July 1944, Niels Bohr sent a memorandum to the ailing President
Roosevelt urging that the USA and the United Kingdom should take the
USSR into their confidence about the progress they were making towards the
manufacture of a nuclear weapon. The idea was rejected, particularly sharply
by Winston Churchill, who recommended that steps be taken to ensure that
Bohr passed no information on to Moscow.
In June 1945, with Germany defeated, a group of prominent physicists
from the Manhattan Project appealed in vain for an international demonstra-
tion of the power of the bomb before it was used as a weapon (against Japan)
and pressed for an international agreement or agency to prevent its further
use. The alternative would be “an unlimited armaments race”. The group was
chaired by James Franck, yet another refugee from Hitler, and it included
Szilard and Seaborg.
The United Nations Charter, signed in San Francisco on 26 June 1945, was
the last great international treaty whose negotiators, except perhaps for a select
few, were totally ignorant about the nuclear threat just below the horizon. Less
than three weeks later, at Alamogordo, New Mexico, on 16 July 1945, Robert
Oppenheimer and his team looked on in awe at the first man-made nuclear
explosion. The news from Alamogordo reached US President Truman during
the Potsdam summit meeting with Stalin and British Prime Minister Clement
Attlee. Truman told Stalin that the USA now had a new weapon of unusual
destructive force. Stalin appeared unimpressed. One report maintains that he
made no comment, another that he said he was glad to hear the news and hoped
the USA “would make good use of it against the Japanese.” However, when he
heard about the destruction of Hiroshima he is reported to have been greatly
shaken, and on 20 August 1945 appointed Lavrenti Beria (chief of the NKVD —
the Soviet secret police) to take charge of the Soviet bomb programme and
spurred his own team of nuclear scientists to catch up with the USAat all costs.
On 6 August 1945, six weeks after the Charter was signed, the world
heard the news of the bombing of Hiroshima. In a violent flash ‘Little Boy’
released the equivalent of 10 000 tons (10 kilotons) of TNT and obliterated the
city; 140 000 of its citizens died by year’s end and 200 000 within five years.
The bomb used high enriched uranium as its explosive charge and was of the
gun-barrel or gun-assembly type. Its designers were so confident that it
would work “first time” that it had not been tested before its use.
Three days later a second bomb was dropped on Nagasaki; 70 000 of the
inhabitants of what became known as the ‘city of the dead’ were killed in the
blast or died before the year ended, and 70 000 more died in the next five
The bomb used plutonium as its charge, and its design was based on
the device tested at Alamogordo.
More than three months earlier, on 25 April 1945, Secretary of War
Henry Stimson had briefed a still unwitting President Truman about the
Manhattan Project. Stimson wrote that the control of the atomic bomb “will
undoubtedly be a matter of the greatest difficulty and would involve such
thoroughgoing rights of inspection and internal controls as we have never
heretofore contemplated” and that “the question of sharing it with other
nations...becomes a primary question of our foreign relations.”
On 12 September 1945, Stimson recommended to President Truman that
the USA directly approach the USSR to conclude a covenant “to control and
limit the use of the atomic bomb as an instrument of war and...to direct and
encourage the development of atomic power for peaceful and humanitarian
purposes...” US relations with the Soviet Union “may be perhaps irretriev-
ably embittered by the way in which we approach the solution of the bomb
with Russia. For if we fail to approach them now and merely continue to
negotiate with them, having this weapon rather ostentatiously on our hip,
their suspicions and their distrust of our purposes and motives will increase.”
Such an approach to the Soviets might be backed by the United Kingdom, but
it should be “peculiarly the proposal of the United States. Action by any inter-
national group of nations...would not, in my opinion, be taken seriously by
the Soviets.” Unless such an approach was made there would “...in effect be
a secret armament race of a rather desperate character.”
Stimson’s advice, repeated on the day he left office (21 September 1945),
was not taken.
For the third time what might have been an opportunity to
avoid a post-war nuclear arms race was missed. But one may question
whether the inveterately suspicious Stalin would have grasped the hand that
Bohr, Franck and Stimson wanted the USA to extend to him.
On 15 November 1945, President Truman and Prime Ministers Attlee of
the United Kingdom and Mackenzie King of Canada, meeting in Washington,
issued a “Three Nation Agreed Declaration on Atomic Energy” in which they
said that they would be willing “to proceed with the exchange of fundamental
scientific literature for peaceful ends with any nation that will fully reciprocate”
but only when “it is possible to devise effective reciprocal and enforceable safe-
guards acceptable to all nations” against its use for destructive purposes.
They suggested that the new-born United Nations should promptly tackle the
nuclear issue. Soon afterwards, on 27 December 1945, at a meeting in Moscow
of the Council of Foreign Ministers, the USA and the United Kingdom pro-
posed and the USSR agreed that a United Nations Atomic Energy Commission
(UNAEC) should be created “to consider problems arising from the discovery
of atomic energy and related matters.”
The Soviets made it clear that the work
of the UNAEC must be subject to the direction of the Security Council, with its
veto rights, and the USA and the United Kingdom accepted this condition.
The search for effective controls
In January 1946, by the first resolution of the first session of the General
Assembly, the UNAEC was launched on its brief and barren career.
1945 until 1948, when the UNAEC concluded that its work had ceased to be
the proclaimed aim of the USA and the USSR and their allies
was not to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons but to do away with them
At the turn of the year Secretary of State James Byrnes had appointed a
committee under the chairmanship of Dean Acheson and David Lilienthal to
draw up proposals for the abolition of nuclear weapons and for controlling
the peaceful uses of nuclear energy.
The report, published in March 1946,
examined virtually every problem that would arise in applying such control.
One of its most radical conclusions — which was in conflict with what was
later to be a fundamental premise of the NPT — was that “a system of inspec-
tion superimposed on an otherwise uncontrolled exploitation of atomic energy by
national governments will not be an adequate safeguard” (emphasis in original).
Hence an international authority should be created to own or “control and
operate” all nuclear activities that lead to the production of fissile material,
including all reactors except those that are “non-dangerous”.
The authority
would license and inspect all other nuclear activities and foster beneficial
nuclear uses and research. When the authority was operating effectively the
USA would stop making nuclear weapons, destroy those it had and give the
authority full information about the production of nuclear energy.
On 13 June 1946, Bernard Baruch presented to the UNAEC the plan that
bears his name.
It proposed the creation of an International Atomic
Development Authority (IADA) that would be entrusted with “managerial
control or ownership of all atomic energy activities potentially dangerous to
world security.” One of its first tasks would be “to obtain and maintain com-
plete and accurate information on world sources of uranium and thorium and
to bring them under its dominion.”
Baruch made an important addition to the conclusions of Acheson and
Lilienthal. He was particularly concerned about the problem of enforcing
IADA’s decisions, the problem of “penalization” as he put it, and he insisted
that IADA should be able to impose sanctions or “condign punishments” and
that its decisions should not be subject to the veto of any power.
The Baruch Plan would thus have entailed a massive transfer of power
to an international body, a transfer that Stalin and, indeed, the rulers of many
other countries would never have accepted. The proposed elimination of the
veto right was particularly objectionable. In Soviet eyes great power consen-
sus — agreement between the “four policemen”
who were henceforth sup-
posed to keep order in the world — was imperative. But in any case the Soviet
Government was doing its utmost to get its own nuclear arsenal as quickly as
A few days after the US bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki,
Stalin formally decided to launch his own Manhattan Project. He had no inten-
tion of abandoning the field and allowing the USA to keep its weapons pending
the effective operation of an agency that would be radically different in scope
and authority from any international body yet dreamt of by the most visionary
political thinkers and in which the West would probably have the leading role.
On the US side there were also some, including Robert Oppenheimer, who
were deeply distrustful of Baruch and his proposals, which they considered
On 19 June 1946, Andrei Gromyko gave the Soviet reaction. Instead of the
Baruch approach of ‘control before disarmament’ the Soviets proposed the
reverse sequence — first the conclusion of an international convention, binding
on all nations, that would outlaw the use and manufacture of nuclear weapons
and require that all those in existence be destroyed within three months of the
convention’s entry into force. Only then should the UNAEC turn to the orga-
nization of controls to prevent the production of nuclear weapons.
On 11 June 1947, the Soviet Union proposed a system of reporting and
inspection of national nuclear programmes not unlike that accepted 20 years
later in the NPT — with the important exception that the Soviet proposal
would have applied to the nuclear activities of the USA and the USSR.
USA and its allies found the proposed controls inadequate and rejected the
After 200 sessions and more than two years of sterile debate, UNAEC
concluded its work at the end of 1949.
The alternative — preserve
the US monopoly
Access to uranium would determine whether or not a nation could
acquire nuclear weapons. Known uranium deposits were still few and limited,
and the element was in extremely short supply. In October 1946, a US delegate
at the UNAEC talks suggested to Secretary of State Byrnes that “the US and its
allies form a group that will control atomic energy through the possession of
such an overwhelming proportion of the raw materials that those nations left
without the circle must pay the price of admission“
— i.e. they must renounce
nuclear weapons. The group was formed — the Joint Development Agency
comprising the USA, the United Kingdom and Canada — and it sought to
corner the market by arranging to buy all the uranium that Belgium was
producing in the Congo and all that South Africa and Australia would later
produce, as well as US and Canadian production.
For several years the
agency succeeded in buying almost all the uranium mined outside the Soviet
Bloc, but in 1963 South Africa broke ranks and angered Washington by
concluding a multi-year contract with France on the same conditions as its
sales to the other two nuclear weapon States (i.e. without safeguards) for an
amount of yellow cake equal to two thirds of France’s annual production at
that time and at a third of the price quoted by Canada during an earlier
negotiation — aborted because Canada insisted on safeguards.
At the end of July 1946, the US Congress adopted the McMahon Act
(AEA/46) after six months of spirited debate. A version had already been
approved in early June before Baruch presented his plan to the UNAEC. The
Act was designed to maintain the US monopoly by stipulating, for instance,
that until there were effective safeguards “there shall be no exchange of infor-
mation with other nations with respect to the use of atomic energy for indus-
trial [i.e. peaceful] purposes.”
It has been pointed out that by this action,
even while the UNAEC was debating the Baruch Plan, the US Congress was
thus making “...virtually impossible any early surrender of atomic weapons
to international control without further legislation.”
In 1945 only one country had the massive industrial infrastructure, the
wealth, the material and the concentration of scientific expertise from Europe
as well as the USA that would be needed to make nuclear weapons. North
America was also beyond the reach of enemy bombers and safe from inva-
sion. These unique advantages were bound to erode with time and other
nations soon began to move into the nuclear era.
In September 1949, the Soviets carried out their first nuclear test.
timing came as a shock to many US officials, including General Leslie R.
Groves, the driving force behind the Manhattan Project. They had assumed
that it would take as much as 20 years for the Soviets to become the world’s
second nuclear armed State.
The United Kingdom became the third in October 1952.
Once the main scientific and technical breakthrough to a nuclear device
had been made and had become public property, replicating such a device
would be largely a matter of engineering. Hence, technical fixes to prevent
proliferation would not work in the long term. Today, the technical ability to
make a simple nuclear device is within the reach of 40 to 50 nations and the
number of technically capable nations is bound to grow. The considerations
that persuade most of these States to forego nuclear weapons are political, not
technical; some of these States are, for instance, protected by alliances that
extend nuclear umbrellas (though the need for these has diminished with the
end of the Cold War) and for some of them it might be more dangerous to
acquire than to renounce nuclear weapons.
The end of the US nuclear monopoly, the hardening deadlock at the
and the growing tensions of the Cold War gradually extinguished all
hope of a world free of nuclear weapons — if not forever, then at least for the
remainder of this century.
The sign that marks the entrance to Dante’s
Inferno, “lasciate ogni speranza, voi che entrate“ seemed increasingly appro-
priate for an ingenious species of primate opening the gate to a nuclear arms
race. Yet, Eisenhower was determined to offer a way out of this apparently
hopeless situation.
In January 1953, Eisenhower had succeeded Truman and on 5 March 1953
Stalin died. By now the US monopoly in the civilian as well as the military use
of nuclear technology was eroding and US corporations were beginning to
fear the loss of markets to the British and the Canadians.
US policy makers
and their allies had also concluded that it was idle to continue to talk about
nuclear disarmament. They had come up against the wall of secrecy surround-
ing all Soviet military matters and, in particular, its nuclear activities (and had
sought, though in the end unsuccessfully, to build an equally impenetrable wall
of their own in the draconian McMahon Act of August 1946). It now seemed too
late to verify with adequate assurance that neither the USA nor the Soviet Union
had accumulated a secret stock of nuclear weapons or of fissile material. In
short, it was clear that neither the visionary approach of the Acheson–Lilienthal
plan nor the McMahon policy of denial was going to work. However, there were
now new men at the helm in both nations, and Eisenhower wanted to find a way
out of the nuclear deadlock. To the newly appointed Chairman of the US Atomic
Energy Commission, Lewis Strauss, he said: “My chief concern...is to find some
new approach to the disarming of atomic energy... The world simply must not
go on living in the fear of the terrible consequences of nuclear war.”
In April 1952, Secretary of State Acheson had appointed a ‘Panel of
Consultants on Disarmament’ under the chairmanship of Robert Oppen-
heimer to make recommendations about US nuclear policy; in particular,
what the US Government should tell the country and the world at large about
the incipient nuclear arms race and the dangers it would bring. The panel’s
recommendations became known as the ‘Candor Report’ or ‘Operation
Candor’. The report dwelt at length on the fear that the USSR might soon have
enough nuclear weapons and bombers to destroy 100 key urban industrial
targets — the US industrial base — and thus win World War III. These fears
mounted after 12 August 1953 when the USSR detonated what the USA
believed to be a hydrogen bomb.
All that the USA could do to fend off
disaster would be to threaten retaliation.
The panel urged the President to take the American people fully into his
confidence. He should disclose US fissile material production and assess-
ments of Soviet strength so that neither side would misjudge the situation
and be tempted to launch a preventive war. The two powers should agree to
limit their arsenals and bomber fleets so that neither need “fear a sudden
knockout blow from the other.”
Eisenhower charged his chief speech writer,
C.D. Jackson, to present the gist of the panel’s report but Jackson’s first drafts
offered only a bleak picture of the Soviet nuclear threat and of atomic cata-
strophe. It seemed essential to hold out a more hopeful prospect.
It was not only growing fear of the Soviet nuclear arsenal and of nuclear
war that changed US nuclear policy. Within the USA itself there was now a
vigorous debate about the merits of private versus public ownership, of the
need for freedom of research and communications between scientists, and
also of ‘small’ versus ‘big’ government. The move towards privatization of
the civilian uses of nuclear energy, eventually enshrined in the 1954 Atomic
Energy Act, was gaining momentum.
It appears that in September 1953 Eisenhower came upon the idea that
was to become the kernel of the 8 December speech, that of drawing the fis-
sile materials of the nuclear weapon States into a common pool to be used by
all nations for peaceful purposes.
As the ‘pool’ (or ‘bank’) idea evolved
during the next weeks it was seen as a new and evolutionary approach to
nuclear arms control, as a means of building East–West confidence, and as the
road to an international agency that would promote the civilian applications
of nuclear energy.
At the beginning of December 1953, Eisenhower met Churchill in
Bermuda and showed him the draft of the speech, which Churchill warmly
On 8 December Eisenhower presented the speech to the General
Assembly, which greeted his ideas with applause. A year later, on 4 December
1954, it unanimously endorsed the creation of the new agency.
RHODES, R., The Making of the Atomic Bomb, Simon and Schuster, New York (1986)
251–262; and HEWLETT, R.G., ANDERSON, O.E., The New World: A History of the
United States Atomic Energy Commission, Vol. 1, Pennsylvania State University Press,
University Park, PA (1962) 10.
RHODES, R., The Making of the Atomic Bomb, pp. 262–264 and HEWLETT, R.G,
ANDERSON, O.E., The New World: A History of the United States Atomic Energy
Commission, p. 11.
RHODES, R., The Making of the Atomic Bomb, p. 291.
GOLDSCHMIDT, B., Le Complexe Atomique, Fayard, Paris (1980) 39.
RHODES, R., The Making of the Atomic Bomb, pp. 303–314; ALLARDICE, C., TRAP-
NELL, E.R., The Atomic Energy Commission, Praeger, New York (1974) 3.
Introducing a speech by Dr. Teller at a Navy League dinner on 25 April 1996 in
Monterey, California, Dr. Paul M. Hoffman, President of the Monterey Peninsula
Council, outlined the preliminary steps taken towards the Manhattan Project. First
came an “Advisory Committee on Uranium”. Then President Roosevelt urged
scientists to “accept the challenge as their duty to find a way to separate U-235
(fissionable uranium) from U-238 (normal — i.e. natural uranium).” On
6 December 1941 (the day before Pearl Harbour), the Office of Scientific Research
and Development launched the Manhattan Project. On the British team’s composi-
tion (the team included brilliant French and Hungarian refugees, amongst others),
see LAURENCE, W., Men and Atoms, Simon and Schuster, New York (1959) 59.
Laurence, who was science editor of The New York Times in the late 1950s, insists that
the British were “miles ahead” and that progress in the USA was painfully slow
until M.L.E. Oliphant, arriving from the United Kingdom, told the US scientific
community about the British programme and offered full British co-operation. (See
also HEWLETT, R.G., ANDERSON, O.E., The New World: A History of the United
States Atomic Energy Commission, pp. 19, 42–44, 50–52.)
Hence, no doubt, Plutocrat!
RHODES, R., The Making of the Atomic Bomb, p. 442.
RHODES, R., The Making of the Atomic Bomb, p. 537.
An extract from the ‘Franck Report’ is given in PORRO, J. (Ed.), The Nuclear Age
Reader, Alfred A. Knopf, New York (1989) 11–13.
RHODES, R., Dark Sun: The Making of the Hydrogen Bomb, Simon and Schuster, New
York (1995) 176–178. Ambassador Roland Timerbaev, long time Resident
Representative of the USSR to the IAEA, reports that there were many versions of
Stalin’s reactions.
In this design a subcritical mass is fired into another subcritical mass, e.g. a plug of
high enriched uranium (HEU) is fired into a cylindrical channel or set of rings of
HEU. In the collision, a critical mass is formed and an uncontrolled fission reaction
begins. In a later design two or more subcritical masses were fired at each other, pre-
sumably to reduce the size of the warhead (RHODES, R., The Making of the Atomic
Bomb, p. 702 and SPECTOR, L., The Undeclared Bomb, Ballinger, Cambridge, MA
(1988) 453–454). The gun assembly design is no longer used by the nuclear weapon
States, but South Africa used it for its six subsequently dismantled nuclear devices.
The Nagasaki bomb was a sphere of plutonium with a small neutron source at its
centre, surrounded by a tamper of uranium. The sphere was imploded into a much
smaller supercritical mass by simultaneously detonating shaped charges (‘lenses’)
of high explosive at numerous points of the periphery of the tamper (RHODES, R.,
The Making of the Atomic Bomb, pp. 575–576).
The estimates of the dead of Hiroshima and Nagasaki are taken from RHODES, R.,
The Making of the Atomic Bomb, pp. 734 and 740–741. Rhodes writes that in both
cities the death rate was about the same — 54%.
In assessing these appalling statistics one must not forget that conventional
weapons had already caused comparable holocausts: 83 000 men, women and chil-
dren were burnt to death in Tokyo in a single night. Similar or even greater num-
bers had perished as a result of the bombing of Dresden.
STIMSON, H.L., BUNDY, M., On Active Service in Peace and War, Harper and
Brothers, New York (1947) 635.
Ibid., pp. 643–645.
BECHHOEFER, B.G., Postwar Negotiations for Arms Control, The Brookings
Institution, Washington, DC (1961) 33.
BECHHOEFER, B.G., Postwar Negotiations for Arms Control, p. 34.
BECKMAN, R.L., Nuclear Nonproliferation, Congress and the Control of Peaceful
Nuclear Activities, Westview Press, Boulder, CO (1985) 30. Ambassador Timerbaev
affirms that the USA and the United Kingdom at that time accepted the Soviet
Union’s insistence that the work of the UNAEC be subject to the direction of the
Security Council and the vetoes of its five permanent members.
The resolution creating UNAEC invited it to present proposals:
(a) For extending between all nations the exchange of basic scientific information
for peaceful ends;
(b) For the control of atomic energy to the extent necessary to ensure its use only
for peaceful purposes;
(c) For the elimination from national armaments of atomic weapons and of all
other major weapons adaptable to mass destruction;
(d) For effective safeguards by way of inspection and other means to protect
complying States against the hazards of violations and evasions.
BECHHOEFER, B.G., Postwar Negotiations for Arms Control, p. 34.
BECHHOEFER, B.G., ibid., p. 129.
Acheson was Assistant Secretary of State and later succeeded Byrnes as Secretary of
State. Amongst Lilienthal’s achievements was the launching of the Tennessee Valley
Authority, the most ambitious and spectacular civil engineering project of Roosevelt’s
New Deal.
The International Control of Atomic Energy, Publication 2498, US Govt Printing Office,
Washington, DC (16 March 1946). See also HEWLETT, R.G., ANDERSON, O.E., The
New World: A History of the United States Atomic Energy Commission, pp. 538–554.
CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, Nuclear Proliferation Factbook, Congressional
Research Service, US Govt Printing Office, Washington, DC (1985) 21.
SIMPSON, J., HOWLETT, D., The Baruch Plan, PPNN Briefing Book, Volume II
(Treaties, Agreements and other Relevant Documents, 2nd edn), The Mountbatten
Centre for International Studies, Department of Politics, University of Southampton,
Southampton (1993) N-1 to N-5.
BECHHOEFER, B.G., Postwar Negotiations for Arms Control, pp. 55–60.
The ”four policemen” were the USA, the USSR, the United Kingdom and China.
France later became the fifth. (BECHHOEFER, B.G., Postwar Negotiations for Arms
Control, pp. 16–19.)
HOLLOWAY, D., Stalin and the Bomb: The Soviet Union and Atomic Energy, 1939–56,
Yale University Press, New Haven, CT (1994) 129. This outstanding work contains
much more than its title suggests and is, in fact, a history of the international and not
only of the Russian development of nuclear weapons until after Stalin’s death.
BECKMAN, R.L., Nuclear Nonproliferation, Congress and the Control of Peaceful Nuclear
Activities, p. 30; and RHODES, R., “The day Jimmy Byrnes appointed Bernard Baruch
was the day I gave up hope”, Dark Sun: The Making of the Hydrogen Bomb, p. 240.
BECHHOEFER, B.G., Postwar Negotiations for Arms Control, pp. 44–45.
GOLDSCHMIDT, B., “A forerunner of the NPT? The Soviet proposals of 1947”,
IAEA Bulletin 28 1 (1986) 58–64.
BECKMAN, R.L., Nuclear Nonproliferation, Congress and the Control of Peaceful
Nuclear Activities, p. 34, quoting a memorandum to Byrnes from Fred Scarles, Jr., in
US DEPARTMENT OF STATE, Foreign Relations of the United States, 1946, Vol. 1, US
Govt Printing Office, Washington, DC (1972) 964, 966.
Sweden has large deposits of shale containing low grade uranium. In July 1945 the
USA asked Sweden to ban all exports of its uranium. Sweden refused, but it is doubt-
ful whether Sweden ever exported uranium (Bo Aler’s article in Personal Reflections).
GOLDSCHMIDT, B., Le Complexe Atomique, pp. 302–303.
CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, The Atomic Energy Act of 1946, Section 10(a)(1),
Atomic Energy Legislation through 88th Congress, 2nd Session, Joint Committee
on Atomic Energy, US Govt Printing Office, Washington, DC (1984) 226.
BECKMAN, R.L., Nuclear Nonproliferation, Congress and the Control of Peaceful
Nuclear Activities, p. 35.
NOGEE, J.L., Soviet Policy Towards the International Control of Atomic Energy,
University of Notre Dame Press, South Bend, IN (1961) 150.
STIMSON, H.L., BUNDY, M., On Active Service in Peace and War, p. 643.
In autumn 1951, the General Assembly abolished the UNAEC and established in its
place the United Nations Disarmament Commission: BECHHOEFER, B.G., Postwar
Negotiations for Arms Control, p. 136.
GOLDSCHMIDT, B., Le Complexe Atomique, p. 94.
By the end of 1952 there were already three declared nuclear weapon States and
one or two others in the offing. The Soviet Union and the United Kingdom were
starting work on their first nuclear power plants at Obninsk (5 MW(e)) and Calder
Hall (50 MW(e)): Nuclear Power Reactors in the World, April 1987 Edition, Reference
Data Series No. 2, IAEA, Vienna (1987), pp. 28 and 32. Canada was operating a large
research reactor, while the Netherlands and Norway, neither of which had taken any
part in the Manhattan Project, were jointly building a reactor and showing they could
produce plutonium, the ‘Jeep’ reactor at Kjeller which came into operation in 1951. It
used 7 tons of Norwegian heavy water as a moderator and coolant. (CONGRESS OF
THE UNITED STATES, Background Material for the Review of the International Atomic
Policies and Programs of the United States, Report to the Joint Committee on Atomic
Energy, Vol. 3, US Govt Printing Office, Washington, DC (1960) 620.)
BECKMAN, R.L., Nuclear Nonproliferation, Congress and the Control of Peaceful Nuclear
Activities, p. 61, quoting STRAUSS, L.L., Men and Decisions, Doubleday, New York
(1962) 336–337.
The object tested is now known to have been a boosted fission device. The first true
Soviet hydrogen bomb was tested only in November 1955 (HOLLOWAY, D., The
Soviet Union and the Arms Race, Yale University Press, New Haven, CT (1983) 24).
SOKOLSKI, H., “The arms control connection”, Atoms for Peace: An Analysis After
Thirty Years (PILAT, J.F., PENDLEY, R.E., EBINGER, C.K., Eds), Westview Press,
Boulder, CO (1985) 40.
BARLOW, A., The History of the International Atomic Energy Agency (unpublished
thesis). The author of the book is an official in the Foreign and Commonwealth
Office of the United Kingdom. Quoting EISENHOWER, D.D., Mandate for Change,
1953–1963, Heinemann, London (1963). See also SOKOLSKI, H., in PILAT, J.F., et al.
(Eds), Atoms for Peace: An Analysis After Thirty Years, p. 41, concerning the idea of an
international pool of fissile material — the idea that was to become the kernel of the
8 December speech. BECKMAN, R.L., Nuclear Nonproliferation, Congress and the
Control of Peaceful Nuclear Activities, p. 62, quotes Eisenhower’s own words in
Mandate for Change. The USA [and the USSR] should make “actual physical dona-
tions of isotopes [sic] from our then unequaled stockpile to a common fund for
peaceful purposes.”
BARLOW, A., The History of the International Atomic Energy Agency. The source he
cites is DONOVAN, R.J., Eisenhower: The Inside Story, Harper, New York (1956) 185.
The full text of Eisenhower’s speech is reproduced in PILAT, J.F., et al. (Eds), Atoms for
Peace: An Analysis After Thirty Years, Annex C, pp. 283–291. Ayear later, on 4 December
1954, the General Assembly unanimously endorsed Eisenhower’s proposal for the
creation of the new agency. First Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the General
Conference Covering the Period from 23 October 1957 to 30 June 1958, GC(II)/39, IAEA,
Vienna (1958) 43.
Chapter 3
The bilateral path
ven before Eisenhower launched “Atoms for Peace” the US Government
had negotiated agreements for nuclear assistance or sales to the United
Kingdom, Belgium and Canada. The agreement with the United
Kingdom was a natural continuation of wartime co-operation,
while Belgium
and Canada had played a critical role in supplying uranium for US nuclear
In 1954, the US Congress provided the legal basis for “Atoms for Peace”
by enacting the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (AEA/54) which drastically
amended the McMahon Act. The USA, its hands now free, and the Soviet
Union began to compete in offering nuclear research reactors to strengthen
ties with friends and allies and to gain favour with the developing countries.
In May 1955, the USA and Turkey concluded the first agreement for co-oper-
ation in the peaceful uses of atomic energy under AEA/54. By the end of 1959,
the USA had concluded agreements with 42 countries.
Senator John Pastore,
an eloquent proponent of nuclear energy, summed up the purpose of this
competition: “If the Soviet Union should seize the initiative in bringing to
those power-starved nations [of Asia] the great benefits of atomic energy we
shall have lost the battle.”
By 1968, the Soviet Union had narrowed the gap,
having concluded nuclear co-operation agreements with 26 countries.
Most of these agreements foresaw that responsibility for the safeguards to
be applied by the USA under the bilateral agreement would eventually be
turned over to the IAEA. The Soviet Union did not require either bilateral safe-
guards or safeguards under the new agency, but recipients of Soviet aid had to
pledge to use it for peaceful purposes only and to return used fuel to the USSR.
Multilateral negotiations
The first Soviet reactions to Eisenhower’s proposals were dismissive.
On 19 March 1954, the US State Department handed Soviet Ambassador
Georgy Zaroubin an outline of the statute for the proposed agency based on
President Eisenhower’s proposal and during the following months five simi-
lar memoranda followed. They contained many of the features of the Statute
approved two years later by 81 countries including the Soviet Union, but in
1954 the idea of an ’atoms for peace’ agency was still unacceptable to the
Moscow had doubts about the wisdom of the underlying concept and
insisted that priority be given to the Soviet Union’s proposal for the total and
immediate renunciation of nuclear weapons.
Gerard Smith, the leader of the
US delegation that negotiated the SALT I Treaty, and a participant in many
other disarmament negotiations, wrote that: “when Molotov protested to a
dubious John Foster Dulles that the atoms for peace proposal would result in
the spread worldwide of stockpiles of weapon grade material, I had to explain
to Dulles that Molotov had been better informed technically than he.
Subsequently, the Soviets asked how we proposed to stop this spread. The
best we could reply was that ‘ways could be found’.”
The USA kept the United Kingdom, France and Canada informed about
its unpromising discussions with the Soviet representatives. On 1 May 1954,
the USA told the USSR that it would go ahead with the creation of the agency
whether or not the Soviet Union took part. In September the USA informed
the UN General Assembly of its plans to create the agency and to call an inter-
national scientific conference on all peaceful aspects of atomic energy.
the Soviet Union’s participation could not be counted on, the US concept of
the agency was beginning to change. On 5 November 1954, Ambassador
Henry Cabot Lodge informed the Assembly that in view of the Soviet rejection
of the US proposal “...it might be preferable that the agency act as a clearing-
house for requests rather than take custody of fissile material.”
The concept
of a ‘clearing house’ for nuclear transactions thus emerged as an alternative
to that of an international pool or bank of nuclear material.
In December 1954, the United Kingdom presented the US State
Department with the first text of a draft statute for the new agency. The USA
soon responded with a revised draft of its own.
In early 1955, the USA,
together with the United Kingdom, France, Canada, Australia, South Africa,
Belgium and later Portugal, began negotiations in Washington on the basis of
the US/UK draft. The last five members of the Eight-Nation Negotiating Group
had been brought into the negotiations as producers of uranium; an indication
of the political importance that the element still had in American eyes. The aim
of the group was to reach agreement on the text of the statute, to go ahead and
establish the agency and only then invite other States to join it.
The structure that the eight-nation group foresaw for the IAEA and
several other provisions of the draft that emerged from its discussions were
quite close to those of the final (1957) text of the IAEA’s Statute. Unlike most
intergovernmental bodies created after the war, the IAEA would operate in
some respects like a trading organization, buying and reselling nuclear plant
and fuel — in a way an international reincarnation of the US Atomic Energy
Commission (USAEC). The IAEA’s chief executive would be a ‘General
Manager’ who would be responsible to a 16-nation board of directing States
— a relatively small body by present international standards. The sole legal
obligation that a State would assume by joining the IAEA would be to pay its
assessed share of the cost of the IAEA’s operations. Unless it received assis-
tance from the IAEA, no Member State, nor any other nation, would be
required to accept IAEA safeguards or safety standards,
nor to apply them
to its exports and there would be no requirement to use the IAEA as a channel
for nuclear supplies. In these respects the Statute is the same today, forty
years later. But it was expected that the IAEA would flourish, that Member
States would eagerly compete for a seat on its Board and would turn to the
IAEA for the supply of scarce and precious uranium and for access to the latest
products of nuclear technology. And “the functions of the Agency...[would]
permit full assumption of responsibility [by the IAEA] for universal safe-
guards if and when the Great Powers agree.”
The “Great Powers” (no longer
the same as they were in 1955) are still a long way from such a consensus.
Nonetheless, the Soviet Union’s agreement in July 1955 to join the IAEA nego-
tiations and the eventual agreement between the USA and the Soviet Union to
create a new international agency in a vital and sensitive field would have been
inconceivable during the last years of Stalin.
Together with progress in other
negotiations, the agreement on the IAEA marked the first major thaw in the
post-war relations between Moscow and Washington.
The agreement was particularly significant at a time when so many
benefits were expected from the ‘peaceful atom’. The prevailing euphoria was
greatly boosted by the international conference on the peaceful uses of atomic
energy that the USA had proposed in late 1954 and the General Assembly had
agreed to hold. With worldwide encouragement, the United Nations now
convened what became known as ‘The First Geneva Conference’ from 8 to
20 August 1955. It turned into the largest gathering of scientists and engineers
the world had ever seen, with some 1500 delegates and more than 1000 scienti-
fic papers.
The Conference was indeed a landmark in the history of science,
the first intergovernmental conference ever held to illuminate progress on a
new technology.
It confirmed to the world that countless uses of nuclear
energy, in particular the generation of electricity, were now feasible. In so
doing it persuaded many nations to launch nuclear research and develop-
ment programmes and sharpened their interest in the proposed IAEA.
The Conference also lifted the blanket of secrecy that had descended on
nuclear research in the dark days of 1939, and did much to restore the inter-
national character of science. For the first time since the war Soviet scientists
were able to attend a scientific meeting outside the USSR and meet their Western
colleagues. In a heady atmosphere of competitive declassification (and, doubt-
less, to put pressure on the USA) France went so far as to publish the technolo-
gy of reprocessing spent nuclear fuel to recover plutonium, until then a closely
guarded secret. The only nuclear technology, other than the construction of the
bomb itself, that remained under wraps was that of enriching uranium.
The prevailing optimism was typified by Admiral Lewis Strauss, the
Chairman of the USAEC, who predicted that: “It is not too much to expect that
our children will enjoy electrical energy too cheap to meter...will travel effort-
lessly over the seas and under them and through the air with a minimum of
danger and at great speeds.”
Others foresaw that nuclear energy would
propel trains and cars and that nuclear desalting of the oceans would turn the
deserts green. The President of the Conference, the eminent Indian physicist
Homi Bhabha, predicted that “during the next two decades” scientists would
have found a way of “liberating [thermonuclear] fusion energy in a controlled
manner... When that happens the energy problems of the world will truly have
been solved for ever...”
For Bhabha and his colleagues in the developing
world, nuclear energy would provide a short cut to the prosperity that the
industrialized countries were now beginning to enjoy. Churchill summed it up:
atomic energy would be “a perennial fountain of world prosperity.”
It is hard-
ly surprising that the services of the IAEA were expected to be in great demand.
The USSR comes on board and
the USA confronts the risks
A few weeks before the Geneva Conference, the Soviet Union had taken
a step that was to transform the prospects for international nuclear co-opera-
tion and the nature and scope of the future IAEA. On 18 July 1955, it agreed to
join the Statute negotiations in Washington and, as a token of its participation,
to make available 50 kg of uranium-235 in low enriched form (i.e. below 20%
uranium-235) to the new agency and to join a study of the safeguards that the
agency would need.
On 29 July 1955, the USA sent the Soviet Government the
eight-nation draft of the statute and on 22 August circulated the draft to all the
States that were then members of the United Nations or of any specialized
After the Geneva Conference experts from the USA, USSR, United
Kingdom, France, Canada and Czechoslovakia met to consider the technical
questions that would arise in drawing up a system of safeguards. This was the
first serious discussion of nuclear controls since the early days of the UNAEC.
Neither the USA nor the USSR was yet ready to put forward concrete proposals
for the IAEA system, but the USSR was now prepared to commit itself to a
strong system, at least in principle. Soviet support of rigorous safeguards was,
however, much less evident 15 months later at the Conference on the Statute.
It was in preparation for this meeting that the US negotiators and their
scientific colleagues for the first time seriously confronted the dilemma of
‘promotion versus control’.
The Suez crisis in October 1956 had spurred
European effort to develop nuclear energy as an alternative to oil, thus
bolstering, in Western eyes, the need for the “Atoms for Peace” policy. The
policy was also serving the aim of strengthening economic and technical
bonds between Europe and the USA. But the spread of nuclear technology
“would increase the possibilities that the technology could be used for mili-
tary purposes.” As the third volume of the official history of the USAEC put
it, “the problem was that international promotion and control of atomic energy
were contradictory; the success of the one tended to hurt the cause of the
Moreover, there were grave doubts at that time whether it would be
technically possible to develop effective safeguards; there was much discus-
sion of ‘tagging’ or ‘spiking’ nuclear materials, for instance with gamma ray
emitters that would make them easier to monitor, and astronomically high
estimates were made of the number of inspectors that the IAEA would
require to monitor a single nuclear plant.
And without effective safeguards
it was doubtful whether the USA should join the IAEA or ”...support the con-
struction of any nuclear power plants abroad on a bilateral basis.”
John Hall, then Director of the USAEC Division of International
Activities, put the question squarely: ”In these circumstances, should the US
withdraw from its announced intention of furthering atoms for peace through-
out the world?” The answer he gave was “No”.
Abandoning “Atoms for
Peace” would not only involve a serious loss of face for President Eisenhower
and the US Government, it would not avert the risk of proliferation, but, as the
USA saw it, merely leave the field open to other suppliers that were less con-
cerned about the dangers of diversion. The problem was not how to abandon
the policy but how to achieve its goals in a way “that minimized the prolifer-
ation of nuclear weapons throughout the world.”
Nuclear broker or clearing house versus
nuclear ‘pool’ or ‘bank’
The views of the USA about the fundamental role of the future agency
depended to a great extent on whether or not the USSR would take part in the
negotiations and contribute fissile material to the IAEA. If the USSR were to
become an active member of the agency, then Eisenhower’s concept of the
IAEA serving as a pool or bank siphoning off nuclear materials from the
stockpiles of the nuclear weapon States, and of thus slowly achieving nuclear
disarmament, might become a reality. If, however, the USSR continued to
remain aloof there would be no point in placing US and possibly some UK
nuclear material under the physical control of the IAEA. This was clear from
Ambassador Lodge’s statement to the General Assembly referred to above.
Now that the USSR had agreed to join the negotiations and had pledged
some fissile material, the USA swung back at least partly to the concept of the
IAEA as a pool or bank and, as will be seen, the Statute reflects this concept,
especially in Articles IX and XII.B. However, as we shall also see, the IAEA
was not to become a pool or bank or, to any significant extent, a clearing
house. In the late 1950s, one of the chief reasons was that many members of
Congress preferred to supply direct to partners in bilateral agreements and
thus bypass the IAEA and apply US safeguards to the transaction. Through
such bilateral arrangements Congress could determine who would receive
US nuclear material and make sure that it did not end up in hands that many
members of Congress distrusted, such as those of the Soviet Union and its allies.
The Statute takes final shape
At the General Assembly in the autumn of 1955 it was agreed that the
eight-nation group would be expanded to twelve (as the Soviet Union had pro-
posed), that a revised version of the draft Statute would be circulated to all mem-
bers of the UN and its specialized agencies and that a conference would be held
at UN Headquarters in late 1956 to review and give final approval to the Statute.
On 27 February 1956, the USSR, Czechoslovakia, Brazil and India joined
the Washington group — two ‘Socialist’ and two developing countries. For
the first time developing countries could now exert some influence on the
contents of the Statute. They sought to link the Agency more closely to the
United Nations, to make the IAEA more like a UN specialized agency
(symbolically, the ‘General Manager’ of the Agency became the ‘Director
General’, a title customarily used in the specialized agencies) and India, with
some support from the Soviet Union, sought to blunt the edge of safeguards.
The USA had reviewed its position on the IAEA and had concluded that
since the Soviet Union was now participating, the question of the IAEA’s cus-
tody of nuclear material would once again be a central issue. The other main
issues that arose during the meetings of the twelve-nation group were the
safeguards to be incorporated in the Statute
and the composition of the
future Board of Governors.
During eight weeks — from 27 February until 18 April 1956 — the
twelve-nation group elaborated the Statute in much the same form and
content that it has today.
The group can therefore be regarded as the main
collective architect of the IAEA, but in most cases it built upon the founda-
tions laid by the eight-nation draft. It made no structural changes to that draft
and maintained the IAEA’s central function as a receiver, distributor, broker
and safeguarder of nuclear materials.
In the following summary of the results of the twelve-nation group’s
work, the references given are to the articles of the Statute as they were
numbered when the Statute was finally approved in October 1956 and as they
are still numbered today.
The IAEA’s objectives and functions
The twelve-nation group reaffirmed the dual aim of the IAEA set by the
eight-nation group; the IAEA’s purpose would be to promote the peaceful
uses of nuclear energy and seek to ensure that it was not used “to further any
military purpose” (Article II).
The IAEA’s authorized functions were to be extremely broad. In summary
the IAEA was empowered to:
Take any action needed to promote research on, development of, and
practical applications of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes
(Article III.A.1);
Provide materials, services, equipment and facilities for such research
and development, and for practical applications of atomic energy “with
due consideration for the needs of the under-developed areas of the
world” (Article III.A.2);
— Foster the exchange of scientific and technical information (Article III.A.3);
Establish and apply safeguards to ensure that any nuclear assistance
or supplies with which the IAEA was associated should not be
used to further any military purposes — and apply such safeguards,
if so requested, to any bilateral or multilateral arrangement
(Article III.A.5);
Establish or adopt nuclear safety standards (Article III.A.6).
The Statute does not explicitly mention what was to become one of the
main functions of the IAEA, namely the provision of ‘technical assistance’
(now ‘technical co-operation’). However, the Statute underlined the special
importance of helping the developing countries to make use of nuclear
energy. This was implicit in Article II, which enjoined the IAEA to seek “to
accelerate and enlarge the contribution of atomic energy to peace, health and
prosperity throughout the world” and explicit in Article III.A.2, which requires
the Agency to give “due consideration for the needs of the under-developed
areas of the world.” It was also explicit in the clause that the Conference on
the Statute added to Article III on the proposal of Poland, which authorized
the IAEA “to encourage the exchange and training of scientists and experts in
the field of the peaceful uses of atomic energy” (Article III.A.4).
The first
General Conference in 1957 called for priority to be given to the Agency’s
work of benefit to the developing countries and in 1959 the IAEA launched a
fully fledged technical assistance programme under which it organized train-
ing courses and provided the services of experts and specialized equipment
as well as fellowships. By the mid-1990s, the programme was valued at some
$60 million a year.
Another significant clause required the IAEA to “conduct its activities in
accordance with the purposes and principles of the United Nations to promote
peace and international co-operation and in conformity with the policies of
the United Nations furthering the establishment of safeguarded world-wide
disarmament and...any international agreements entered into pursuant to
such policies” (Article III.B.1).
Since it was foreseen that the IAEA’s work would have a political as well
as economic character, the twelve-nation group prescribed that the IAEA’s
main reporting link would be to the General Assembly of the United Nations
rather than to the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) to which the
United Nations specialized agencies report (Article III.B.4). Moreover, it was
conceivable that the application of safeguards might raise issues of inter-
national security. Accordingly, on the proposal of the Soviet Union, the
Statute also required the IAEA to submit reports to the Security Council if, in
connection with the IAEA’s work, “there should arise questions that are with-
in the competence of the Security Council...as the organ bearing the main
responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security”
(Article III.B.4). This provision would also enable the Soviet Union to exercise
its veto in the Council if its interests so required (precisely what the Baruch
plan had sought to avoid).
The relative powers of
the General Conference,
the Board of Governors and
the Director General
The twelve-nation group also maintained the earlier draft’s remark-
able concentration of executive power in the Board of Governors rather than
in the annual General Conference in which all Member States have the right
to take part. The Board was to “have authority to carry out the functions of
the Agency in accordance with this Statute” and subject to its responsibili-
ties to the General Conference (Article VI). In practice this meant, inter alia,
that the Board would exercise exclusive power in most safeguards matters:
it would draw up and approve safeguards systems, appoint inspectors,
approve safeguards agreements and, if doubts arose about the nuclear
activities of a State in the context of IAEA safeguards, the Board would
judge whether the State was complying with its safeguards obligations. If
the Board found against the State it would report the non-compliance
directly to the Security Council and the General Assembly (Article XII.C
and, as noted, Article III.B.4).
The Board would also prepare the IAEA’s programme and budget and
submit the budget to the General Conference for approval; if the General
Conference did not like the Board’s proposals it could not change them, but
could only return them with its recommendations to the Board, for eventual
resubmission to the Conference (Articles V.E.5 and XIV.A).
In certain cases, however, the General Conference was to have the last
word. Its concurrence would be needed for:
The approval of new Member States of the IAEA (Articles V.E.1 and IV);
The suspension of a Member that had persistently violated the Statute
or any agreement made with that Member pursuant to the Statute
(Articles V.E.2 and XIX);
The approval of reports required by the IAEA’s relationship agreement
with the United Nations (except reports on the violation of safeguards
agreements which, as noted, were to go directly from the Board to the
Security Council and General Assembly) (Articles V.E.6 and XII.C);
The approval of agreements between the IAEA and other organizations
(Articles V.E.7 and XVI);
The approval of the appointment of the Director General (Article VII.A).
Even in these cases the General Conference could only act upon a
recommendation by the Board. It could not alter a proposed agreement with
another organization; as in the case of the budget it could only return the text
of the draft agreement, together with its own recommendations to the Board,
for resubmission to it. In practice the General Conference has never returned
a proposed budget nor a proposed agreement to the Board and it does not
formally approve the IAEA’s annual reports to the United Nations.
The authority of the Director General (the ‘General Manager’ in the
eight-nation draft) was also to be circumscribed, at least on paper. He was to
be the “chief administrative officer of the Agency”, to be appointed by the
Board with the approval of the General Conference (Article VII.A), and he
was to “...perform his duties in accordance with regulations adopted by the
Board” (Article VII.B).
In prescribing this unique division of power amongst the two Governing
Bodies and the chief executive, the eight-nation and twelve-nation groups dif-
ferentiated the IAEA from most of the specialized agencies of the United
In these organizations ultimate authority is usually vested in the
periodical conference of all Member States. The chief executive officer submits
the proposed budget direct to that conference (with the observations of the
executive body) and the conference may make whatever changes it wishes.
When the Conference on the Statute reviewed the twelve-nation draft in
October 1995, it left largely untouched the unprecedented concentration of
power in the hands of the Board of Governors.
The composition of
the Board of Governors
It seemed likely that the Board’s decisions could vitally affect the
expanding nuclear programmes of many Member States. Hence it became
important for them to secure a permanent seat on the Board.
The eight-nation version of the Statute assigned ‘quasi-permanent’ seats
(that is, permanent as long as they retained their leading status) to the five
leading contributors of technical assistance and fissile materials. The eight
chief producers and contributors of source materials (chiefly natural uranium)
would have shared five seats.
Since some uranium production statistics were
still secret and since some States had to be included to achieve an acceptable
political balance it was necessary to name the eight States concerned. Six
further members of the Board were to be elected by the General Conference.
In the twelve-nation group the Indian delegation came up with a complex
but ingenious formula that has stood the test of time. In the form in which it
was eventually approved the Indian formula divided the world into eight
regions: North America, Latin America, Western Europe, Eastern Europe,
Africa and the Middle East, South Asia, South East Asia and the Pacific, and
the Far East.
Without naming the countries concerned, the Indian formula provided
that the five Member States “most advanced in the technology of atomic
energy including the production of source materials” would hold quasi-
permanent seats on the Board. The five were understood to be the USA,
USSR, France, the United Kingdom and Canada.
Similarly, quasi-permanent
seats were to be held by the Member States considered to be the “most
advanced in the technology of atomic energy including the production of
source materials” but not located in the same areas as the top five. In 1956,
five of the specified regions were not covered by the top five members: Latin
America, Africa and the Middle East, South Asia, South East Asia and the
Pacific, and the Far East.
It was understood that Brazil would hold the seat in Latin America, India
in South Asia, South Africa in Africa and the Middle East, Japan in the Far East
and Australia in South East Asia and the Pacific. The formula also assigned an
alternating seat to the pair Belgium and Portugal and another to the pair
Czechoslovakia and Poland (as producers of source material, i.e. natural
uranium) and one other seat to a member to be selected by the Board as a
supplier of technical assistance (it was tacitly understood that this seat would
rotate amongst four Scandinavian countries — Denmark, Finland, Norway
and Sweden).
The twelve-nation group thus sought to ensure that nine of its
members would have quasi-permanent seats on the Board and three would
serve every other year. One nation not participating in meetings of the group,
Japan, would have a quasi-permanent seat
and one other, Poland, would
have an alternating seat.
A further ten members were to be elected for two-year terms by the
General Conference “with due regard to equitable representation on the
Board as a whole, of the members in the [eight] areas,” one each from seven
of the specified areas (North America being excluded since it was expected
that the two members in this region, Canada and the USA, would be among
the top five and hold designated seats). The remaining three elected members
could come from any of the specified areas.
Although the membership of the Board has since grown to 35 States,
the top five have become the top ten and include China, and the Middle
East has been joined with the South Asian region, the original Indian for-
mula is still the organizing principle of the Board (Articles VI.A to VI.C of
the Statute). Moreover, with one exception, all those States that in 1956 were
assured permanent or, at least, continuous seats on the Board have retained
them. The exception was South Africa, which lost its seat in 1977 and
regained it in 1995.
Nuclear materials
Reflecting Eisenhower’s idea that the principal aim of the IAEA would
be to reduce the stockpiles of fissile materials in the hands of the nuclear
weapon States, the Agency would have no right to refuse any such material
made available to it. The IAEA would merely be empowered to specify the
place and method of delivery of nuclear material “which it has requested a
member to deliver from the amounts which that member has notified the
Agency it is prepared to make available.” The IAEA would also be required
to accept responsibility for storing and protecting the materials in its posses-
sion and “as soon as practicable [to] establish or acquire the plant, equipment
and facilities for the receipt, storage and issue of materials.”
On the other hand the Board would determine how much source mate-
rial the IAEA would accept.
‘Agency projects’
It was foreseen that the normal arrangement by which the IAEA would
provide or would arrange for a Member State to provide nuclear materials,
equipment or services would be an ‘Agency project’ as defined in Article XI
of the Statute. On the proposal of Brazil, the IAEA was authorized to help its
members to secure finances “from outside sources” to carry out such projects.
But the IAEA would not assume any financial responsibility for the project
(Article XI.B).
Before approving an ‘Agency project’ the Board would examine the pro-
ject’s usefulness and feasibility, the adequacy of the resources available for its
effective execution, the adequacy of health and safety standards and other
relevant aspects including “the special needs of the under-developed areas of
the world” (Article XI.E). A formal agreement would be concluded between
the Agency (in effect, the Board) and the requesting State. This would specify
the items to be transferred, the conditions for ensuring the safety of the
shipment and the charges to be made. It would include undertakings by the
State that the assistance provided would not be used in such a way as to
further any military purpose and would specify the safeguards to be applied
(Article XI.F).
In the years since 1957, the IAEA has approved many ‘Agency projects’,
but few of them involved significant nuclear plants or quantities of nuclear
materials. Consequently, contrary to the original expectations, these projects
did not become the normal means of giving assistance to a developing country
nor of triggering safeguards. In the 1960s, IAEA safeguards were usually
brought into action by a request from the parties to a bilateral agreement, ask-
ing the Agency to apply the safeguards prescribed in that agreement.
1970 onwards the most common initiator of safeguards took the form of an
agreement concluded between a non-nuclear-weapon State party to the NPT
and the IAEA.
The most frequently used channel for providing the services of experts,
training and equipment became the IAEA’s technical assistance programme,
later renamed the technical co-operation programme. The agreements under
which such technical assistance was provided were soon deemed not to be
‘Agency projects’ within the statutory meaning of the term and thus not to
require formal case-by-case evaluation and approval by the Board or the
application of safeguards. The Secretariat also granted (and continues to grant)
fellowships, arranges training courses and sends out scientific and technical
experts from its staff without individual authorizations by the Board. In 1968,
the Board also authorized the Director General to supply small quantities of
nuclear materials for research purposes without explicit Board approval.
As time passed ‘Agency projects’ were limited to formal — and increas-
ingly infrequent — undertakings for the supply of a research reactor or
reactor fuel, and in two cases, Mexico and Yugoslavia, for the supply of a
power reactor and its fuel.
In both these cases the recipient government
wished to distance itself on paper, for political reasons, from the actual
supplier. In practice the research and power reactors and the reactor fuel went
directly from the manufacturer or fabricator (nearly always a US company)
and the IAEA’s involvement was purely pro forma. As noted elsewhere,
except in cases where, for political reasons, the purchasing nation wished to
distance itself from the real supplier, importing countries generally found it
simpler and no more expensive to enter into a commercial agreement with
the manufacturer of the nuclear power plant.
The text of the draft Statute prepared by the eight-nation group had
stipulated in Article II that the IAEA should ensure that the materials it
supplied should be used only for peaceful purposes. The group drafted
provisions, couched in general terms, for inspections and other verification
When the twelve-nation group met, the USA put forward much
more detailed proposals. The safeguards procedures it proposed were modelled
on the safeguards prescribed in the numerous nuclear co-operation agree-
ments that the USA was now concluding.
These safeguards were to become
the substance of Article XII of the Statute as it was finally approved.
With US encouragement, similar inspection provisions were later
included in the Treaty of Rome which established EURATOM, and in the 1957
Convention of the OECD under which the OECD’s European Nuclear Energy
Agency applied safeguards to its own joint enterprises.
As a result, the
IAEA Statute, the Rome Treaty and the OECD systems use identical or very
similar language to describe their safeguards, inspection rights and regimes.
For instance, IAEA, EURATOM and OECD inspectors “...shall at all times
have access to all places and data and to any person[s] who by reason of his
[their] occupation deal[s] with materials, equipment, or facilities” subject to
On the basis of the US proposals the twelve-nation group decided that
the IAEA would be authorized to:
Examine and approve the design of nuclear plants (but solely in order
to verify that they would not further any military purpose, would comply
with safety standards and would permit the application of safeguards)
(Article XII.A.1).
Require the keeping of operating records (Article XII.A.3).
Call for and receive reports (Article XII.A.4).
Approve the means used for reprocessing spent fuel — but solely to
ensure that reprocessing did not lend itself to diversion and complied
with applicable safety standards — and require the deposit with the IAEA
of “special fissionable material” (i.e. plutonium) surplus to that which the
State concerned needed for reactors it was operating or constructing
(Article XII.A.5).
Send inspectors to the “recipient” State or States, designated by the
IAEA in consultation with the State(s). As noted, the inspectors “shall
have access at all times to all places and data and to any person” deal-
ing with nuclear items required to be safeguarded. The inspectors’ tasks
would be to account for all nuclear material covered by the IAEA’s
agreement with the State, and verify compliance with the State’s under-
taking against “furtherance of any military purpose” and with any other
conditions prescribed in the agreement with the State (Article XII.A 6).
The IAEA would also have authority to require the observance of
nuclear safety measures (Article XII.A.2). Its inspectors were also to verify
that in the IAEA’s own operations it was complying with it own safeguards
and safety measures (Article XII.B).
The inspectors would be required to report to the Director General any
non-compliance (by a State) that their work might disclose. The Director
General was required, in turn, to report the matter to the Board. If the Board
confirmed that the State was not complying with its safeguards agreement it
could call upon the State to comply forthwith. The Board would also be
required to report the non-compliance to all Member States of the IAEA and
to the Security Council and General Assembly of the United Nations. The
IAEA would also have the right to impose specified sanctions (Article XII.C).
The Indian delegation soon made clear that it was firmly opposed to
extensive safeguards. It sought to defer discussion of safeguards until the IAEA
was in operation and was about to conclude agreements with individual
governments, at which stage the matter should be treated on a case-by-case
basis. India also opposed the application of safeguards to source material, in
particular to natural uranium (which it planned to use in its CIRUS reactor).
India had some support from France, which likewise opposed safeguards on
source materials. French lack of enthusiasm for safeguards reflected their
resentment of US efforts during the late 1940s and 1950s to prevent France
from getting the bomb.
The USSR also generally sought to limit the IAEA’s responsibilities and
the size of the IAEA’s budget and to assert the rights of States over those of
the IAEA.
The USA, supported by the majority of members of the group and, in
particular, by the United Kingdom and Canada, successfully resisted most of
the attempts to weaken IAEA safeguards, but India was able to introduce a
phrase limiting the IAEA’s safeguards rights and responsibilities solely to
those “relevant to the project or arrangement”.
The twelve-nation group agreed to divide the Agency’s expenses into
two categories:
“Administrative expenses” to be met by assessed (i.e. compulsory) con-
tributions by all members (Articles XIV.B.I and XIV.D). These expenses
were to include the salaries of the Secretariat and the costs of meetings,
preparing ‘Agency projects’, distributing scientific and technical infor-
mation, and safeguards (less any amounts that might be recoverable
under the agreement with the State concerned).
‘Other expenses’, i.e. the cost of materials, facilities, plant and equip-
ment acquired by the IAEA or provided by it under agreements with
Member States. The cost of items provided by the IAEA to Member
States were to be covered by a scale of charges to be set by the Board
(Articles XIV.B.2 and XIV.F). Any profits made by the IAEA as a result
of its nuclear purchases and sales and any voluntary contributions it
received were to be placed in a General Fund which the Board could
use as it saw fit, subject to the approval of the General Conference
(Article XIV.F).
As will be seen later, much of this complex machinery was never acti-
vated, but voluntary contributions to the General Fund became the main
source of finance for the IAEA’s technical assistance programme.
Relations with the United Nations
Reflecting their national interests, the West, the Soviet Union and the
developing countries had widely different views on the desirable relation-
ship between the United Nations and the IAEA. Generally, the West and
especially the United Kingdom, USA, France, Belgium, Portugal and the
‘Old Commonwealth’ countries (Australia, South Africa, and to a lesser
extent Canada) wanted as much autonomy as possible for the IAEA so as to
insulate it from the political issues — the drive against the colonial powers
and against the racist policies of South Africa — that then figured so promi-
nently on the agenda of the General Assembly. This group also wished to
prevent the developing countries from using their voting power in the
General Conference to expand unduly the IAEA’s technical aid. The Soviet
Union would have preferred an agency directly responsible to the Security
Council, thus enabling it to use its veto power if the West tried to use its
predominance in the IAEA for anti-Soviet actions. The developing countries
preferred an agency closely tied to the UN and responsible to the General
Assembly. This was also the preference of senior UN officials including
Secretary General Dag Hammarskjöld, who was thought to regard atomic
energy, and even its peaceful use, as too important to be left to an auto-
nomous body. In October 1955, Hammarskjöld established a special atomic
energy subcommittee of the inter-agency Administrative Committee on
Co-ordination to keep under review the future activities of the IAEA as well
as those of several specialized agencies already interested in specific appli-
cations of nuclear science and nuclear energy.
The compromise reflected in Article XVI of the Statute and subsequently
in the relationship agreement between the IAEA and the UN was to require
the IAEA to report annually to the General Assembly, to the Security Council
whenever the IAEA activities involved questions of international peace and
security (including infractions of safeguards agreements) and optionally to
ECOSOC and other UN organs on matters within their competence. The
Statute also requires the IAEA to consider any resolution addressed to it by
any council of the UN and to report, if so requested, on the action that the
IAEA or its members had taken “in accordance with this Statute as a result of
such consideration.”
In 1954, seeking to deflect an Indian proposal calling for an immediate
end to all nuclear explosions, the USA proposed and the General Assembly
unanimously approved a resolution asking the United Nations to establish a
committee to study the effects of radiation on human health.
In March 1956, while the 12-nations were meeting in Washington,
Secretary General Hammarskjöld took the step called for by the General
Assembly resolution and set up the United Nations Scientific Committee on
the Effects of Atomic Radiation, or UNSCEAR.
This would ensure that the
United Nations — and not the IAEA — would play the role of watchdog in
regard to an important matter of nuclear safety. The decision to create
UNSCEAR was a reaction to fallout from military activities and thus, in the
view of the West at the time, not a subject to be dealt with by the IAEA. But
in time UNSCEAR was also to become the official international authority on
the effects of radiation produced by peaceful as well as military activities and
on the effects of natural as well as man-made radiation.
When most atmospheric testing ceased after 1963, natural and civilian
emissions became the main and in time almost the sole sources of radiation
affecting humans and their environment. And since the end of the Cold War,
Western nations appear to have become less reluctant to see the IAEA
involved in monitoring the effects of radiation arising from military activities,
for instance at Semipalatinsk (now in Kazakstan), in the Kara Sea, from
sunken submarines in the North Atlantic or from nuclear testing in the South
Pacific (the Marshall Islands and Mururoa Atoll).
The Conference on the Statute
In April 1956, the USA circulated the revised version of the Statute on
behalf of the twelve-nation group to all the States that at that time were mem-
bers of the UN or any of its specialized agencies and invited them to send
delegations to New York in September to finalize and approve the Statute.
The USA also circulated the draft rules of procedure of the conference agreed
upon by the twelve-nation group. These were unsurprisingly weighted in
favour of the twelve-nation draft; any amendment would require the
approval of two thirds of the participating States
and the time allowed for
proposing amendments was kept short.
One question left open was the representation of China. The USSR,
supported by Czechoslovakia and India, vigorously but unsuccessfully main-
tained that only the People’s Republic of China had the right to represent the
Chinese nation. This issue was to be a source of considerable friction in the
IAEA’s Governing Bodies for the next 15 years. The Soviet Union and its allies
pressed their argument for the admission of the People’s Republic and the
ejection of the ‘Republic of China’ on every occasion when the question of
Chinese credentials arose, in other words at every session of the General
Conference and at every occasion when the Republic of China was elected to
the Board. On every such occasion the USA was able to muster sufficient
votes to block the Soviet proposal. This went on until 1971 when the Board,
following the lead given by the UN General Assembly, accepted that only the
People’s Republic could legitimately represent that nation. But it was not
until 1983 that China decided to join the IAEA.
On 20 September 1956, the Conference on the Statute opened at the
United Nations Headquarters in New York. Eighty-two States took part.
While the United Nations provided services and the venue, the Conference
was an ad hoc meeting of the States concerned and not of the United Nations
The Conference elected Ambassador J.C. Muniz of Brazil as its
President. The 12 nations of the Washington Group generally rallied to the
defence of their draft and warned against attempts to upset the ‘delicate’
balance that had been achieved in, for instance, the allocation of seats on the
future Board of Governors and the division of power between the Board and
the General Conference. While the Conference approved many clarifying
amendments to the Statute, the final version of the Statute was essentially the
same as the twelve-nation draft, with a slight shift in the balance of power
towards the General Conference and a provision for a review of the Statute at
the sixth General Conference in 1962 if a majority of the Member States so
desired (in the event, they did not). The USSR made an unsuccessful attempt
to require that the IAEA’s budget be approved by at least three quarters
instead of two thirds of the delegations attending the Board and the General
Apart from the issue of Chinese representation, the only major disagree-
ments related to the proposals in the twelve-nation draft for the IAEA’s safe-
guards, which several developing countries likened to neo-colonialism. A
special bone of contention was a clause in the draft Statute authorizing the
IAEA to require the deposit with it of fissile material (i.e. plutonium) recov-
ered as a result of reprocessing that exceeded the amount needed for reactors
in operation or under construction in the country concerned. The Indian
delegate (Homi Bhabha) argued that this would enable the IAEA Board of
Governors (“23 gentlemen in Vienna”) to dominate the States that received
IAEA assistance. The French and Swiss delegations eventually devised an
acceptable compromise.
India also opposed safeguards on natural uranium on the grounds that
this would unfairly favour countries that had their own uranium reserves —
and also opposed the principle implicit in the twelve-nation draft that safe-
guards should apply to succeeding generations of nuclear material, arguing
that if a country like India turned to the IAEA for help in starting its nuclear
programme this principle would ensure that it would never be free of
With one notable addition the safeguards provisions in the Statute
remained very much as they had been drafted in Washington. The addition
related to the Washington version of Article III.A.5. This authorized the IAEA
to apply safeguards to its own projects and, “at the request of the parties, to
any bilateral or multilateral arrangement.” Thailand, obviously inspired by
the USA, proposed adding the words: “or at the request of a State to any of
that State’s activities in the field of atomic energy.” The more cynical delega-
tions dismissed the proposal as naive — what government in its senses would
inflict safeguards on itself? But the Conference accepted the proposal. One of
the tasks of the Conference’s co-ordinating committee was to ensure consis-
tency between revised articles of the draft and the remainder of the Statute.
In a late night session the committee decided not to bother about devising an
additional clause in Article XIV (“Finance”) that would provide a mechanism
for recovering the cost of applying such implausible safeguards.
History was to prove the cynics wrong. The clause proposed by
Thailand was to become a legal basis for the IAEA to apply safeguards in the
non-nuclear-weapon States party to the NPT, in the five nuclear weapon
States after they had offered to place at least some civilian nuclear activities
under safeguards, in the parties to the Tlatelolco Treaty and to fissile material
released from military stocks in nuclear weapon States.
At the end of the Conference the USA announced that it was prepared
to provide the IAEA with the equivalent of 5000 kg of contained uranium-235
and to match all contributions made by other countries before 1 July 1960.
The choice of the IAEA’s headquarters
There were already four candidates for the permanent headquarters of
the IAEA: Vienna, Geneva, Copenhagen and Rio de Janeiro. The Austrian
Government had especially strong grounds for pressing its case. Choosing
Vienna as the IAEA’s seat would underline Austria’s neutral status and mark
its re-entry into the international community after the ignominious years of
‘Anschluss’ and after the end of the four-power occupation. Vienna, on the
frontier between Western and Soviet spheres of influence, was acceptable to
both Washington and Moscow. The fact that the IAEA was expected to handle
and store large amounts of fissile material also pointed to a neutral site on the
East/West frontier. The Austrian delegation carried the day. While the
Conference formally left it to the Prepcom to make a final recommendation to
the first meetings of the General Conference and Board of Governors, it pre-
judged the issue by adopting a resolution in favour of Vienna.
Ratification of the Statute
On 23 October 1956, after a little more than five weeks, the Conference
approved the complete text of the revised Statute. During the following three
months, the 81 nations that had taken part in the Conference signed the
Statute. The ratification process began as soon as the Conference had come to
an end. The Statute entered into force nine months later on 29 July 1957, when
26 States (including those whose ratification was specifically required) had
deposited their instruments of ratification.
The Suez crisis and
its nuclear consequences
Soon after the conclusion of the Conference, and without warning, two
major international crises erupted. On 29 October 1956, Israel, and subsequently
the United Kingdom and France, invaded Egypt in an attempt (ending after
a week in ignominious failure) to regain control of the Suez Canal. At the
same time the Soviet Union intervened in Hungary to topple the Government
of Imre Nagy and suppress the uprising of the Hungarian people. Neither
event had a direct bearing on the negotiation of the IAEA’s Statute. However,
after France’s withdrawal from Egypt, the French Prime Minister, Guy Mollet,
who had hitherto firmly opposed a French nuclear weapon, decided to press
ahead with the French nuclear weapon programme.
A French observer main-
tains that on the night of 5–6 November 1956 Mollet and the French Chief of the
General Staff agreed that France must provide Israel with the means to acquire
the bomb.
France’s decision to provide Israel with the Dimona reactor and
reprocessing technology dates from that time, and in this way the Suez debacle
precipitated the emergence of two new nuclear weapon States.
US officials had put a stop to this co-operation at least once during the war and it
had been broken off after Roosevelt’s death but was subsequently restored (GOLD-
SCHMIDT, B., Les Rivalités Atomiques, Fayard, Paris (1967) 70–84 and 124–125).
CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, Background Material for the Review of the
International Atomic Policies and Programs of the United States, Report to the Joint
Committee on Atomic Energy, Vol. 3, US Govt Printing Office, Washington, DC
(1960) 897.
BECKMANN, R.L., Nuclear Non-Proliferation, Congress and the Control of Peaceful
Nuclear Activities, Westview Press, Boulder, CO (1985) 70, quoting the legislative
history of AEA/54, p. 850.
TIMERBAEV, R.M., Peaceful Atom on the International Arena, International Relations
Publishers, Moscow (1969) 129 (in Russian).
Stoessinger quotes another sceptical statement by Molotov: “The level of science
and technique which has been reached at the present time makes it possible for the
very application of atomic energy for peaceful purposes to be utilized for increas-
ing the production of atomic weapons.” STOESSINGER, J.G., “Atoms for Peace:
The International Atomic Energy Agency”, Organizing for Peace in the Nuclear Age,
Report of the Commission to Study the Organization of Peace, New York University
Press, New York (1959) 120.
CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, Review of the International Atomic Policies and
Programs of the United States, pp. 723–725.
SMITH, G., “Nuclear commerce and non-proliferation in the 1980s — Some
thoughts”, address to the US Atomic Industrial Forum, 29 April 1982. See also
HEWLETT, R.G., HOLL, J.M., Atoms for Peace and War: 1953–1961, Eisenhower and
the Atomic Energy Commission, University of California Press, Berkeley, CA (1989)
221–222; PILAT, J.R., PENDLEY, R.E., EBINGER, C.K. (Eds), Atoms for Peace: An
Analysis After Thirty Years, Westview Press, Boulder, CO (1985) 29; and SZASZ, P.C.,
The Law and Practices of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Legal Series No. 7,
IAEA, Vienna (1970) 24. Szasz quotes the Soviet Union’s note to the USA dated
30 January 1954 charging that “...since even peaceful nuclear activities could lead
to the production of materials usable for bombs, the proposed stimulation of such
activities throughout the world could actually lead to an intensification of the arms
CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, Review of the International Atomic Policies and
Programs of the United States, p. 726.
SZASZ, P.C., The Law and Practices of the International Atomic Energy Agency, p. 28.
BECHHOEFER, B.G., STEIN, E., “Atoms for Peace, The New International Atomic
Energy Agency”, Michigan Law Review (April 1957) 761.
BECHHOEFER, B.G., STEIN, E., ibid., p. 774.
BECHHOEFER, B.G., “Negotiating the Statute of the International Atomic Energy
Agency”, International Organization (1959) 38.
GOLDSCHMIDT, B., Le Complexe Atomique, Fayard, Paris (1980) 271.
In fact, nuclear energy is the only technology whose progress has been marked by
a series of intergovernmental conferences.
US Atomic Energy Commission press release, remarks prepared for Founders’ Day
Dinner, National Association of Science Writers, 16 September 1954, p. 9, quoted in:
HILGARTNER, S., BELL, R.C., O’CONNOR, R., Nukespeak, Penguin Books, New
York (1982) 44. General David Sarnoff, head of the Radio Corporation of America,
went even further, unwisely predicting that “it can be taken for granted that before
1980, ships, aircrafts, locomotives and even automobiles will be atomically fuelled”
and “I do not hesitate to forecast that atomic batteries will be commonplace before
1980” (SCHLESINGER, J.R., “Atoms for Peace revisited”, in PILAT, J.F., et al. (Eds),
Atoms for Peace: An Analysis After Thirty Years, pp. 10–11).
UNITED NATIONS, Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy (Proc. Int. Conf. Geneva, 1955),
Vol. 16, UN, New York (1956) 35. Today, 41 years later, scientists are still several
years away from being able to “liberate fusion energy” in a usable manner, and at
least several decades away from the generation of electricity at a competitive price
by fusion energy.
BECKMANN, R.L., Nuclear Non-Proliferation, Congress and the Control of Peaceful
Nuclear Activities, p. 70.
CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, Review of the International Atomic Policies
and Programs of the United States, pp. 729 and 844.
This formula was commonly used by the USA to exclude the People’s Republic of
China and the German Democratic Republic.
CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, Review of the International Atomic Policies and
Programs of the United States, pp. 844–845.
HEWLETT, R.G., HOLL, J.M., Atoms for Peace and War, pp. 306–320.
HEWLETT, R.G., HOLL, J.M., ibid, p. 307.
‘Spiking’ proved to be impracticable. A task force concluded that to monitor a
moderate sized chemical plant [presumably a reprocessing plant] a full-time force
of 40 inspectors would be needed. HEWLETT, R.G., HOLL, J.M., ibid.,
pp. 316–317.
HEWLETT, R.G., HOLL, J.M., ibid, p. 315.
HEWLETT, R.G., HOLL, J.M., ibid, p. 317.
HEWLETT, R.G., HOLL, J.M., ibid, p. 318.
CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, Review of the International Atomic Policies and
Programs of the United States, p. 731.
Some of the outstanding personalities of the eight- and twelve-nation groups were
Ambassador Gerry Wadsworth and Ronald Spiers of the US delegation (Spiers,
subsequently US Ambassador in Egypt, did most of the drafting), Georgy
Zaroubin, Soviet Ambassador in Washington, Homi Bhabha and Arthur Lall of the
Indian delegation, Maurice Couve de Murville, later French Foreign Minister, and
Bertrand Goldschmidt of France, ‘Mike’ Michaels of the United Kingdom, Bill
Barton of Canada, Sir Percy Spender of Australia and Donald Sole of South Africa.
BECHHOEFER, B.G., STEIN, E., “Atoms for Peace, The New International Atomic
Energy Agency”, p. 757.
Article VI of the IAEA Statute requires the Board to make an annual report to the
General Conference “concerning the affairs of the Agency and any projects
approved by the Agency [i.e. by the Board].” This report is drafted by the
Secretariat and normally submitted to the Board in June each year for its approval.
In the early years this report was brought up to date after the autumn session of the
General Conference and then submitted as the IAEA’s Annual Report to the
General Assembly, as required by Article III.B.4 of the Statute. A separate report
was also prepared for ECOSOC. Since 1975, the annual report approved by the
Board has become the sole official annual report of the IAEA and serves as the
report to the General Conference and the General Assembly.
Under Articles 57 and 63 of the United Nations Charter, the specialized agencies are
intergovernmental organizations “having wide international responsibilities...in eco-
nomic, social, cultural, educational, health and related fields” that are brought into
relationship with the United Nations by agreements concluded with ECOSOC. They
report on their activities annually to ECOSOC. The IAEA, however, was brought into
relationship with the UN by means of an agreement approved by the General
Assembly and its main links are with that body, to which it reports annually, and with
the Security Council, to which it reports on issues within the Council’s competence
(essentially compliance or non-compliance with safeguards agreements). This reflects
the fact that, unlike the specialized agencies, whose work is almost entirely in eco-
nomic and social fields, the IAEA is required by its Statute to deal with issues of secu-
rity. Until the late 1960s, when the IAEA’s safeguards began to cover more nuclear
plants and the entire nuclear fuel cycle of certain countries, there was little to differ-
entiate the IAEA from a specialized agency of the United Nations. As the IAEA’s safe-
guards operations expanded, and especially after the entry into force of the NPT, the
IAEA’s relations with the UN began to change. The First (Political) Committee of the
General Assembly began to make a detailed examination of the IAEA’s annual report.
And in 1981 the IAEA made its first report to the Security Council.
BECHHOEFER, B.G., STEIN, E., “Atoms for Peace, The New International Atomic
Energy Agency”, p. 754, footnote 35, and SZASZ, P.C., The Law and Practices of the
International Atomic Energy Agency, pp. 139–140, para.
Japan and the Federal Republic of Germany were still far behind the United
Kingdom, France and Canada in the use of nuclear energy. So was the People’s
Republic of China (which joined the IAEA only in 1984).
SZASZ, P.C., The Law and Practices of the International Atomic Energy Agency,
pp. 150–151, para.
It is noteworthy that the uranium producing countries were able to ensure that ‘the
production of source material’ rather than, for instance, the number of reactors in a
particular State, would be explicitly mentioned as a factor to be taken into account in
designating States for permanent seats on the Board, an aspect of relevance today to
Australia, which has consistently been designated as the State most advanced in the
technology of atomic energy including the production of source materials in the
region of South East Asia and the Pacific. This is in spite of the fact that it has no
nuclear power plants, only one nuclear research reactor and no other significant
nuclear facilities but remains an important producer of uranium. In the relatively near
future, Australia’s right to the seat may nevertheless be challenged by Indonesia,
which has three research reactors and is debating a programme for the construction
of several large power reactors.
It is also noteworthy that the formula refers to States “advanced in the technology
of atomic energy” rather than States advanced in the technology of the peaceful
uses of atomic energy. In theory, at least, a State that had no civilian but did have
a significant military nuclear programme could qualify for a permanent seat.
Unless it were displaced by the People’s Republic of China, but this was a distant
prospect and was later solved by including both nations in the top category.
SZASZ, P.C., The Law and Practices of the International Atomic Energy Agency,
pp. 140–141, para.
SZASZ, PC.., ibid., p.151, para.
IAEA Statute, Articles IX.G, H and I.
Ibid., Articles IX.A and B and BECHHOEFER, B.G., “Negotiating the Statute of the
International Atomic Energy Agency”, p. 51.
The agreement might require that safeguards be applied to a particular plant or
supply of fuel — or to all nuclear shipments between the two countries concerned.
Or the recipient country might wish to maintain the fiction that the request for safe-
guards flowed from its own entirely voluntary and ‘unilateral’ decision. In practice
it was a condition set by the supplying country.
RAINER, R.H, SZASZ, P.C., The Law and Practices of the International Atomic Energy
Agency: 1970–1980, Supplement to the 1970 Edition of Legal Series No. 7, Legal Series
No. 7-S1, IAEA, Vienna (1973) 198.
In a third case the IAEA supplied enriched uranium for ‘booster rods’ for a power
reactor, the Kanupp reactor in Pakistan. The USA was the source of the enriched
uranium (see INFCIRC/116 of 6 September 1968). A simultaneously concluded pro-
ject agreement relating to this transaction had the effect of bringing the enriched
uranium and the reactor under safeguards. The IAEA was not originally involved in
the supply of the reactor itself or its initial natural uranium fuel, but some
15 months later Pakistan formally placed the reactor, its fuel and its heavy water
under IAEA safeguards (see INFCIRC/135 of 13 November 1969).
CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, Review of the International Atomic Policies and
Programs of the United States, p. 730.
BECHHOEFER, B.G., STEIN, E., “Atoms for Peace”, p. 764.
Treaty Establishing the European Atomic Energy Community, Articles 77–81 and
Convention on the Establishment of a Security Control in the Field of Nuclear
Energy, Articles 3–5. MARKS, S.H. (Ed.), Progress in Nuclear Energy, Series X, Law
and Administration, Pergamon Press, London (1959), 852–853 and 910. Also
CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, Review of the International Atomic Policies and
Programs of the United States, p. 793. The “European Nuclear Energy Agency” of the
Organization for European Economic Co-operation (OEEC) came into existence on
1 January 1958. The name of the OEEC was changed to ‘Organisation for Economic
Co-operation and Development’ (OECD) and as the ENEA expanded to include, as
noted above, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, the USA and Canada, it became the
‘Nuclear Energy Agency’ (NEA) of the OECD. Since the NEA’s joint enterprise in
Belgium (EUROCHEMIC) would automatically be under EURATOM safeguards,
the two organizations concluded an agreement under which the NEA suspended
the application of its safeguards on the plant in question.
IAEA Statute, Article XII.A.6 and Rome Treaty, Article 81. Similarly, both organizations
have the right to call for the deposit with them of fissile material surplus to the imme-
diate needs of the operator (IAEA Statute, Article XII.A.5, and Rome Treaty, Article 80).
For instance, in the case of a power reactor, the plant manager would keep records
of the fuel loading and refuelling of the plant, its electrical output and changes in
nuclear material and all untoward events at the plant. The manager would have to
keep many of these records for safety purposes and for the economic operation of
the plant.
These reports would cover all movements of and changes in nuclear material at the
plant in question and any unusual event.
CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, Review of the International Atomic Policies and
Programs of the United States, p. 733.
Ibid., p. 763.
IAEA Statute, Articles III.B.4-5 and XVI.B.2. See also STOESSINGER, J.G., “The
International Atomic Energy Agency: The first phase”, International Organization 13 3
(1959) 402.
HEWLETT, R.G., HOLL, J.M., Atoms for Peace and War, p. 303.
CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, Review of the International Atomic Policies and
Programs of the United States, p. 768.
Rule 24 of the Rules of Procedure of the Conference.
All proposals for amendment had to be submitted by the end of the eighth work-
ing day, i.e. by midnight on 2 October 1956.
Article XIV.H of the Statute provides that the decisions of the General Conference
on all financial matters will require approval by two thirds of those present and
voting. The same majority is required for the decisions of the Board on the Agency’s
BARLOW, A., The History of the International Atomic Energy Agency (unpublished
thesis), citing GOLDSCHMIDT, B., “The origins of the IAEA”, IAEA Bulletin 19 4
(1977) 12–19.
It may be argued that the preceding clause (“to apply safeguards, at the request of
the parties, to any bilateral or multilateral arrangement...”) would give sufficient
authority for the IAEA to apply safeguards to non-nuclear-weapon States party to
the NPT. But the clause was designed rather to apply safeguards to bilateral or
multilateral supply agreements such as those between the USA and Japan or the
USA and EURATOM. It would not provide authority for the IAEA to apply safe-
guards pursuant to the unilateral voluntary offers of the nuclear weapon States.
Much later, at a private luncheon in Vienna, Dr. Heinz Haymerle, then head of the
political department in the Austrian Foreign Ministry, gave his reasons why Austria
had been so intent on having the IAEA in Vienna. In 1937, he said, Austria had dis-
appeared from the map and no one except Mexico (which refused to recognize the
‘Anschluss’) had noticed its disappearance. This time, by having an international
organization in Vienna, the Austrian Government wanted to ensure that any repe-
tition of its disappearance would be noticed!
GOLDSCHMIDT, B., “La France...abandonnée par l’Angleterre, freinée par
l’O.T.A.N., contrecarrée par les Etats-Unis et menacée par l’Union sovietique...se
retrouvait terriblement seule...[et] le gouvernement Mollet...son hostilité à l’arme-
ment atomique...se transforma du jour au lendemain en un intêret certain”, Les
Rivalités Atomiques, pp. 221–222.
Pierre Pean quotes Mollet as saying twice “Je leur dois la bombe” and the Chief of
the General Staff, Ely, as agreeing “Il faut leur donner cette contrepartie pour assurer
leur sécurite. C’est vital” (PEAN, P., Les Deux Bombes, Fayard, Paris (1982) 84). In an
interview with the London Sunday Times on 12 October 1986, Francis Perrin, High
Commissioner of the French Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique from 1951 to 1970,
is quoted as saying “We wanted to help Israel... We knew the plutonium could be
used for a bomb, but we considered also that it could be used for peaceful purposes.”
The Sunday Times report was summarized in Nucleonics Week, 16 October 1986.
For Guy Mollet’s decision to go ahead with the French nuclear weapon programme
see Goldschmidt, B., Les Rivalités Atomiques, pp. 215–222.
Le Monde writes that the Suez crisis not only accelerated the French programme, but
that it also led to a secret agreement with Franz Josef Strauss of the Federal
Republic of Germany and subsequently with Italy — for Germany and Italy as well
as France to become nuclear weapon powers. Strauss was the second most impor-
tant figure at that time in Chancellor Konrad Adenauer’s cabinet and subsequently
Premier of Bavaria and a vigorous opponent of the NPT. (“En Automne 1956, vers
l’Europe nucléaire, échaudée par la crise de Suez, la France envisagea très sérieuse-
ment, il y a quarante ans, de se doter avec l’Allemagne et l’Italie d’une ‘arme
nouvelle’ ”, Le Monde, 27–28 October 1996.)
Chapter 4
n Annex to the Statute provided that a Preparatory Commission
(Prepcom) would come into existence on the day the Statute was
opened for signature and it laid down the Prepcom’s composition and
terms of reference. The Prepcom consisted of the representatives of 18 nations:
the 12 nations that had met in the Washington group and 6 other States elected
by the Statute Conference, a notable addition amongst the latter being Japan.
The Prepcom remained in existence until the convening of the first session of
the IAEA’s General Conference and the selection (by designation and elec-
tion) of the first Board of Governors.
The Executive Director of the Prepcom
was an exceptionally able and energetic Swiss diplomat, Paul Jolles, who later
rose to one of the highest posts in his country’s government.
The Prepcom’s main tasks were to:
Prepare for the first session of the General Conference, propose its draft
agenda and rules of procedure;
Designate the non-elected members of the first Board (13 States at that
the IAEA’s ‘Initial Programme’ and budget (specifically for 1958) and
the structure of its permanent establishment,
the location of the IAEA’s permanent headquarters,
the draft of the agreement establishing the IAEA’s legal relationship
with its host government,
the financing of the IAEA.
Negotiate a relationship agreement between the IAEA and the United
Recommend the contents of the IAEA’s relationship agreements with
the specialized agencies of the United Nations and other international
organizations that had programmes relating to nuclear energy.
The Prepcom’s tasks were thus formidable, its staff worked until the
small hours seven days a week. For many of its recommendations the staff
could draw upon precedents set by the UN and its specialized agencies, such
as the scale of contributions by Member States to be used to finance the
IAEA’s operations, the provisions of the Headquarters Agreement with the
Government of Austria, the rules of procedure for the Board and General
Conference, the IAEA’s relationship with the UN and other international
organizations, and its staff and financial regulations. For the Prepcom’s most
difficult task, drawing up the Initial Programme, what little guidance there
was lay in the broadly worded authority given in the Statute itself.
Formally, the Initial Programme was limited to the first full year of the
IAEA’s work, i.e. 1958, but in practice it provided guidance for several years
The programme document opened with an eloquent and far-sighted
introduction by Brian Urquhart, later to become one of the most influential
and highly regarded officials of the United Nations.
In broad terms the
Programme recommended that the IAEA should begin by helping its
Member States to determine their needs for nuclear research and for using
nuclear techniques and technologies.
It laid stress on the need to train per-
sonnel of the developing countries in the use of nuclear techniques.
More specifically, the IAEA should:
(As noted) encourage a special programme of reactor construction to
help Member States train staff, begin research and gain experience in
reactor development.
However, the Initial Programme was fairly
realistic about the prospects for nuclear power and assumed that the
applications of nuclear science in agriculture, medicine, etc., would at
first be the mainstay of the IAEA’s technical work.
Establish internationally accepted standards of nuclear “health and
safety”, in particular for the safe transport of nuclear materials.
Promote the exchange of scientific and technical information by a series
of scientific conferences, the publication of a bulletin and the creation of
a technical library.
Arrange with Member States for the supply of nuclear materials and
prepare for the receipt, storage and distribution of such materials and
make similar preparations in regard to services, equipment and facilities
made available to the Agency.
— Advise Member States about their training programmes, survey available
training facilities, determine the needs of developing countries for
trained personnel and help them meet those needs (for instance by
providing fellowships), consider taking part in the United Nations
Expanded Programme of Technical Assistance and study the need for
regional centres and help to establish such centres.
Prepare to carry out its statutory responsibilities for nuclear safeguards,
and acquire staff, including inspectors, for this purpose.
Set a 1958 target of $250 000 in voluntary contributions for launching a
modest fellowship programme.
Set a “regular”, i.e. assessed budget, of $3 465 000 for 1958.
Study the needs for a laboratory;
this was the only specific reference to
the possibility of the IAEA acquiring physical assets.
The FAO and WHO had already established units dealing with the use
of nuclear techniques in food and agriculture and medicine, WHO and ILO
were concerned about nuclear safety and from 9 to 20 September 1957, just
before the first General Conference of the IAEA, UNESCO held the first
international conference on the use of radioisotopes.
Hence, the Initial
Programme’s stress on non-power applications of nuclear science and on
various aspects of nuclear safety was bound to lead to disputes with some of
the specialized agencies.
It had been the understanding of many delegations that the first Director
General of the IAEA would be a scientist from a neutral country and the name
of Harry Brynielsson, Managing Director of the Swedish Atomic Energy
Company (Aktiebolaget Atomenergi), had been widely mentioned.
In August
1957, however, an article appeared in The New York Times announcing that the
USA would propose the appointment of Sterling Cole, Republican
Congressman from Painted Post, upper New York State, and influential
Chairman of the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy of the US Congress (which
had to approve US participation in the IAEA).
In July and August 1957, the Prepcom’s staff and national representa-
tives moved to Vienna. The former were given temporary offices in the
Musikakademie and worked to the sound of music as students and members
of the orchestra practised their notes in adjoining rooms.
The first General Conference
The first session of the IAEA’s General Conference took place in the
halls of the Konzerthaus from 1 to 23 October 1957. The prevailing mood was
a good deal more sombre than four years previously when Eisenhower had
launched the idea of an agency. The Hungarian and Suez crises still cast their
shadows. There was less assurance about the early use of nuclear energy.
insistence on an American Director General presaged East/West strains and
conflicts. Soon after the Conference opened, the Soviet delegate, Professor
Vassily Emelyanov, startled the delegates and disconcerted NATO members
by announcing the first flight in outer space around the earth — on 4 October
1957 — of a satellite, Sputnik-I or the ‘travelling companion’. Sputnik-II
followed a month later with a live dog, Laika, on board.
As a gesture to the host country, the Conference invited Austrian
President Adolf Schärf to address its opening session and former Austrian
Foreign Minister Karl Gruber to preside over it.
After sorting out an unfore-
seen procedural problem,
the Conference proceeded to approve all the
documents that had been prepared by the Prepcom and endorsed by the
Board and to approve Finland’s application for membership. The Conference
recommended that the Board give priority to nuclear activities of benefit to
the developing countries. The Conference also approved the selection of
Vienna as the seat of the IAEA, the Agency’s relationship agreement with the
United Nations
and the appointment of Sterling Cole, the Soviets placing on
record their preference for a neutral Director General but not insisting on a
vote. It appears that in return for expected Soviet concurrence in Cole’s
appointment, Ambassador Pavel Winkler of Czechoslovakia had been elected
as the first Chairman of the Board.
When the Conference opened the IAEA had 54 Member States, of which
52 sent delegations to Vienna. By the Conference’s close membership had
grown to 59.
The emergence of regional nuclear bodies in
Western Europe
The European Atomic Energy Community
While the IAEA Statute was gathering the ratifications needed to bring it
into force, two new regional nuclear agencies, EURATOM and the European
Nuclear Energy Agency (ENEA), were emerging in Western Europe. In some
crucial respects they were likely to compete with the IAEA and with each other.
In July 1952, France, the Federal Republic of Germany, Italy and the three
Benelux countries — often referred to as ‘the six’ — established the European
Coal and Steel Community (ECSC). On 16 November 1956, at the height of the
Suez crisis, the Foreign Ministers of ‘the six’ decided to appoint ‘three wise men’
under the chairmanship of Louis Armand (who was later to serve as first
President of the EURATOM Commission) to set a target for the ECSC’s produc-
tion of nuclear electricity. Their report, published in May 1957, recommended a
target for ‘the six’ of 15 000 MW(e) of installed nuclear power by 1967.
On 25 March 1957, ‘the six‘ signed the ‘Rome treaties’ establishing
EURATOM and the European Economic Community or ‘Common Market’.
The treaties entered into force on 1 January 1958. In August 1958, the US
Congress approved an ambitious US/EURATOM programme for building
nuclear power plants in ‘the six’ under which the USA would supply
enriched fuel, guarantee fuel fabrication and ‘fuel life’ and provide a market
for plutonium.
During this period ‘the six ‘and EURATOM also negotiated
an agreement for nuclear co-operation with the USA under which EURATOM
would apply its safeguards to nuclear material and equipment supplied by
the USA. Amongst its other consequences the US/EURATOM agreement
would have the effect of severely limiting the potential scope of IAEA
The European Nuclear Energy Agency
The Organization for European Economic Co-operation (OEEC) was
established on 16 April 1948. Its chief purpose was to channel US aid under
the Marshall Plan to the 16 Western European nations that had indicated their
willingness to take part in a programme of common action to bring about eco-
nomic recovery.
The OEEC was a much looser and larger association of
Western European nations than the Common Market, which it predated by
some eight years.
In 1955, the OEEC agreed to establish a Commission for Energy and to
explore the possibilities of co-operation in nuclear energy. On 18 July 1956,
the Council of Ministers of the OEEC decided to set up a Steering Committee
for Nuclear Energy to study the possibility of launching joint undertakings
for the production and use of nuclear energy and to draw up an internation-
al security control (i.e. safeguards) system, chiefly to ensure that such joint
undertakings “shall not further any military purpose”.
On 20 December 1956, and on the recommendation of the Steering
Committee, the Ministerial Council approved the creation of a:
European Nuclear Energy Agency (ENEA),
Security control system,
European reprocessing plant (EUROCHEMIC) as a joint undertaking.
The Council also approved preliminary ENEA activities in third party liabili-
ty and, in particular, nuclear safety.
In June 1950, the USA and Canada had accepted an invitation “to asso-
ciate themselves informally with the OEEC” and to attend its meetings.
the years that followed, the USA gave its full support to the initiatives taken
by the OEEC including those in the field of nuclear energy and subsequently
the USA and Canada became full members of the organization. As its mem-
bership thus expanded to include non-European nations the OEEC changed
its name to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Construction of EUROCHEMIC was completed (at Mol in Belgium) in
1960 and the EUROCHEMIC company operated until 1990.
provided much help in the design and construction of the plant, including
technical reports, long term secondment of US experts and visits of European
scientists to US reprocessing plants.
In 1958 and 1959, ENEA launched two further joint undertakings, a
boiling heavy water research reactor at Halden in Norway (which reached
criticality in June 1959) and the Dragon high temperature gas cooled reactor
at Winfrith Heath in the United Kingdom.
Despite considerable effort to reach agreement on projects to build a
nuclear powered merchant ship and a high flux reactor, ENEA was unable to
launch any further joint undertakings. It was more successful in preparing a
‘Convention on Third Party Liability’, on which it began work in 1958.
Programmes of work were also begun on nuclear safety, radiation protection
and the economic aspects of nuclear power. In 1960, it moved into a new field
by establishing a study group on food irradiation. The question of the IAEA’s
relationship with the ENEA was raised in the Board almost immediately after
the ENEA came legally into being on 1 January 1957, but the Board gave
precedence to addressing relations with those specialized agencies that were
already at work on the applications of nuclear energy that they considered to
be within their terms of reference.
Soviet suspicion of EURATOM ensured that the relationship between
the IAEA and EURATOM would for many years be cool and distant, and it
remained so until after the entry into force of the NPT and the start of nego-
tiations of a safeguards agreement between the two organizations and
EURATOM’s non-nuclear-weapon States. It was clear, on the other hand, that
many of the programmes of the ENEA would overlap with those of the IAEA
in Europe unless the two agencies could quickly agree on close co-operation
and a sensible division of labour. The IAEA and ENEA soon developed good
working relations, jointly sponsoring activities where their work overlapped. A
formal agreement for mutual co-operation was negotiated and entered into
force on 30 September 1960.
The membership of the ENEA, like that of its parent the OEEC, even-
tually expanded to include nations outside Europe and similarly required it
to drop ‘European’ from its name and become simply the ‘Nuclear Energy
Agency (NEA) of the OECD’.
Agreements with
other intergovernmental organizations
Optimism about the future of nuclear energy, the need to ensure nuclear
safety as well as various political influences led to a proliferation of other
regional nuclear energy bodies in the 1950s and 1960s. In Eastern Europe, the
Council for Mutual Economic Assistance, better known in the West as
COMECON, set up a nuclear unit chiefly in order to ensure uniformity in
nuclear safety standards in its member countries.
The Organization of American States similarly established an Inter-
American Nuclear Energy Commission (IANEC) with which the IAEA
concluded a relationship agreement in 1960.
The two agencies occasionally
held a joint scientific meeting but IANEC was perennially short of funds and
the opportunities for co-operation were few and far between.
In 1964, at a conference in Tokyo, the Chairman of the Pakistan Atomic
Energy Commission launched the idea of creating ASIATOM. The only
concrete result at that time was that in 1964 the Director General of the IAEA
appointed, on an experimental basis, a regional officer based at the head-
quarters of the UN Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East, in
The IAEA also concluded co-operation agreements with the Organization
for African Unity and the League of Arab States.
The IAEA Statute, Annex I, para. A, names the 12 States (Australia, Belgium, Brazil,
Canada, Czechoslovakia, France, India, Portugal, Union of South Africa, the USSR,
the United Kingdom and the USA). The Prepcom came into existence on the day
that the Statute was opened for signature, i.e. 26 October 1956, and remained in
existence until 3 October 1957.
IAEA Statute.
IAEA Statute, Annex I, para. C.
The Prepcom designated as members of the first Board the ‘top five’ (Canada,
France, the USSR, the United Kingdom and the USA), five States from other regions
leading in nuclear technology (Australia, Brazil, India, Japan and South Africa),
two producers of uranium (Czechoslovakia and Portugal) and one purveyor of
technical assistance (Sweden). (First Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the
General Conference Covering the Period from 23 October 1957 to 30 June 1958, GC(II)/39,
IAEA, Vienna (1958), p. 9, para. 38.)
Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the General Conference Covering the Period
from 1 July 1958 to 30 June 1959, GC(III)/73, IAEA, Vienna (1959), p. 1, para. 2.
Report of the Preparatory Commission of the International Atomic Energy Agency, New
York, 1957, document GC/1/1, pp. 3–6.
Ibid., pp. 9–10, paras 26–30.
Ibid., p. 14, para. 51.
Ibid., pp. 11–12, paras 37–41.
Ibid., pp. 22–25, paras 95–100.
Ibid., pp. 18–19, paras 66–68.
Ibid., p. 15, paras 55–56.
Ibid., pp. 20–21, paras 75–79.
Ibid., p. 22, paras 84–85.
Ibid., p. 54.
Ibid., p. 51, and CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, Background Material for the
Review of the International Atomic Policies and Programs of the United States, Report to
the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, Vol. 3, US Govt Printing Office, Washington,
DC (1960) 739–740.
Report of the Preparatory Commission of the International Atomic Energy Agency, p. 26,
para. 104.
CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, Review of the International Atomic Policies
and Programs of the United States, p. 776.
ALLARDICE, C., TRAPNELL, E.R., The Atomic Energy Commission, Praeger, New
York (1974) 204.
The USA had formally raised the issue of Cole’s appointment with Emelyanov
in June 1957, but there had been some haggling with the USSR about the posts
that it would get in the IAEA in return for agreeing to a US Director General
(HEWLETT, R.G., HOLL, J.M., Atoms for Peace and War: 1953–1961, Eisenhower and the
Atomic Energy Commission, University of California Press, Berkeley, CA (1989) 437).
HEWLETT, R.G., HOLL, J.M., ibid., p. 435.
HEWLETT, R.G., HOLL, J.M., ibid., p. 464.
The delegations and the Secretariat were overwhelmed by the generous hospitality
of the Austrian Government and the City of Vienna. This included a ball at the
Schönbrunn Palace and a special performance of the ‘Marriage of Figaro’ at the
Redoutensaal (with a cast that included Elizabeth Schwartzkopf and Lisa della Casa)
offered by the Government and a ball at the Rathaus offered by the City of Vienna.
In preparing for the Conference, the Secretariat had faced an unforeseen procedural
problem. As noted, the Statute prescribes that the Board of Governors must draw
up and submit the IAEA’s budget to the General Conference for its approval and
that similar procedures must be followed in regard to the relationship agreement
with the United Nations, the appointment of the Director General and applications
for membership. But according to the Statute there could be no Board of Governors
until the General Conference, meeting in a regular annual session, had chosen the
Board’s elected members (under the Annex to the Statute the designated members of
the first Board had been appointed by the Prepcom). The only procedure consistent
with the Statute was, therefore, to hold a brief ‘regular session’ of the General
Conference to elect the missing members of the Board, convene the Board itself to
endorse the budget, approve the relationship agreement with the United Nations
and other documents prepared by the Prepcom, recommend Finland for member-
ship and then reconvene the General Conference in ‘special session’ to take action
on the recommendations of the Board. The IAEA/United Nations relationship
agreement entered into force on 17 November 1957.
For these and other actions of the Conference, see First Annual Report of the Board of
Governors to the General Conference Covering the Period from 23 October 1957 to 30 June
1958, pp. 2 and 43. On the initiative of the USA the second General Conference
approved a resolution calling upon the IAEA to submit an annual report to
ECOSOC as well as to the General Assembly (Annual Report of the Board of Governors to
the General Conference Covering the Period from 1 July 1958 to 30 June 1959, p. 9, para. 41).
CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, Review of the International Atomic Policies
and Programs of the United States, p. 809.
As will be seen in Chapter 8, the safeguards of EURATOM embodied in the “Treaty
Establishing the European Atomic Energy Community”, Articles 77–81, closely
resembled those in the IAEA Statute and in the OEEC Security Control Convention.
This was chiefly for the simple reason that to obtain nuclear supplies from the USA,
European safeguards had to be compatible with and closely resemble those that the
USA was applying under its bilateral agreements for co-operation in the peaceful
uses of atomic energy.
CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, Review of the International Atomic Policies
and Programs of the United States, pp. 788–793.
ENEA’s safeguards are set forth in Articles 3–5 of the ‘Convention on the
Establishment of a Security Control in the Field of Nuclear Energy’. For the full text
of the Convention, see MARKS, H.S. (Ed.), Progress in Nuclear Energy, Series X, Law
and Administration, Pergamon Press, London (1959) 909–914. See also CONGRESS
OF THE UNITED STATES, Review of the International Atomic Policies and Programs of
the United States, p. 793.
The “European Nuclear Energy Agency of the Organization for European
Economic Cooperation” (OEEC) came into existence on 1 January 1958;
CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, Review of the International Atomic Policies
and Programs of the United States, p. 788.
Ibid., p. 788.
Company 1956–1990, OECD, Paris (1996), reviewed in Enerpresse No. 6729 (24
December 1996).
CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, Review of the International Atomic Policies
and Programs of the United States, p. 794.
Ibid., p. 795.
Agreements Registered with the International Atomic Energy Agency, 11th edn, Legal
Series No. 3, IAEA, Vienna (1994) 11.
The USA and Canada became associate and subsequently full members of the
ENEA. Japan, Australia, the Republic of Korea and Mexico eventually joined the
NEA. In 1996, the first countries from the former Warsaw Pact, the Czech Republic
and Hungary, were approved for membership. (See NEA Communiqués of 26 May
1994 and NEA/COM (96)12 of 27 June 1996.)
Agreements Registered with the International Atomic Energy Agency, p. 12.
Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the General Conference 1 July 1963–30 June
1964, GC(VIII)/270, IAEA, Vienna (1964), p. 34, para. 158. As Tadeusz Wojcik
mentions in his essay in Personal Reflections, the experiment was not a success and
the appointment was terminated in 1971. However, in 1996 the Philippines raised
the idea again at conferences in Tokyo and at the Third ASEAN Regional Forum in
Jakarta (letter of 2 August 1996 from Ambassador Zaide of the Philippines in
Vienna to Director General Hans Blix).
The agreement with the League of Arab States came into force on 15 December 1971
(Agreements Registered with the International Atomic Energy Agency, p. 111).
Chapter 5
1957–1961: A difficult start
fter the first General Conference had closed its doors, the Agency
began to tackle the task of establishing a new international organiza-
tion in a city that still bore the scars of war and of its ten year occu-
pation by the four Allied powers (France, the USSR, the United Kingdom and
the USA). It was said that in 1945 Hitler had ordered a last stand in Vienna
against the advancing Red Army. Many buildings along the Danube Canal,
the last barrier before the heart of the city, were in ruins. Allied air raids had
brought down the roofs of St. Stephan’s Cathedral and of the Opera, but one
of the first acts of the Austrian Government after the war was to restore both
buildings to their pre-war splendour. Elsewhere, vacant lots showed where
heavily damaged buildings had been demolished. Rubble still blocked parts
of the city’s main street (Kärntnerstrasse). Unlike New York and Geneva,
untouched by the war, where all municipal facilities were fully functional,
Vienna was just emerging from its tribulations. Except for its extensive but
slow and noisy tram car network, communications were poor. Most buildings
were badly heated and dimly lit. Many Viennese were still poor and shabby,
motorcars were few and far between, electric goods and other ‘luxuries’ even
scarcer. Austria, and particularly its eastern parts, had been isolated by war
and occupation, few Viennese had travelled abroad for business or pleasure
since 1939 and there was a sense of intellectual isolation. There was also some
resentment against the new colony of rich foreigners, enjoying their duty-free
commissary and extensive diplomatic privileges, relatively few of whom
could speak German; a colony that was seen by some Viennese as a successor
to the Allied occupation.
In ‘The Third Man’, Orson Welles had depicted the more seamy aspects
of Vienna at the end of the 1940s. By the time the Prepcom arrived the black
market of the early post-war years had largely disappeared — gone with the
occupation — but Vienna remained a useful base for espionage for both
NATO and the Warsaw Pact, and the IAEA Secretariat and delegations to the
Agency were believed to harbour several secret service agents.
The IAEA‘s first tasks were to recruit qualified staff for the posts fore-
seen in the 1958 programme, and find a building to house the Secretariat and
provide a meeting room for the Board of Governors. The Austrian
Government offered several choices as temporary headquarters for the
Secretariat until such time as the IAEA would build its permanent home. The
temporary offers included a former hospital (Spital der Kaufmannschaft), a
half-ruined castle (Schloss Kobenzl or Kobenzlhof) in the Vienna Woods
above Grinzing, various government and private buildings,
and the empty
Grand Hotel, a splendid example of ‘Ring style’ (‘Gründer’ style) late
Victorian architecture which had been used by the Red Army until the end of
the four power occupation in 1955. All except the Grand Hotel were too small
or too remote from the centre of Vienna. On behalf of the IAEA, Paul Jolles
chose the hotel, conveniently situated on the Ring and providing ample
accommodation, including an area that could later be converted into the
meeting room for the Board.
United Nations rates of pay were very attractive and there was no diffi-
culty in recruiting local staff. Dr. Karl Gruber, the President of the first session
of the General Conference, was attached to the Director General’s office with
the task of helping the IAEA to fit into Austria, or, as the wits had it, helping
Austria to fit into the IAEA.
Many Member States maintained continuity with the past by appoint-
ing as Governors on the Board or Resident Representatives the persons who
had represented them at the Washington talks and the Statute Conference and
on the Prepcom. Their familiarity with the evolution of the IAEA and the
issues before it enabled them to play a leading role during the early years of
the Agency and in some cases even for a decade or two later. By far the most
influential, until he retired in the late 1970s, was the Governor from France,
Bertrand Goldschmidt, Director of External Relations at the Commissariat à
l’Energie Atomique. Goldschmidt had worked with the Curies before the war
and with the British team in Canada on the fringes of the Manhattan Project,
and on his return to France he helped to launch and direct the French nuclear
energy programme. At the end of Sterling Cole’s term, Goldschmidt worked
hard to secure the appointment of Sigvard Eklund of Sweden as the second
Director General, and during his 20 years in office Eklund frequently turned to
Goldschmidt for advice. When Goldschmidt’s retirement was in sight at the
end of the 1970s the Board of Governors waived its informal rule that no
representative of a nuclear weapon State could serve as its chairman and
unanimously elected him to that post.
Others who played a prominent role included Vassily Emelyanov of the
USSR, who skilfully defended many difficult briefs, Pavel Winkler,
Czechoslovak representative at the Washington talks, the Statute Conference
and the Prepcom and the formidably skilful first Chairman of the Board,
Michael Michaels of the United Kingdom, hard headed and caustic
spokesman for the main Western policies, the forceful and gifted Homi Bhabha
of India, Donald Sole of South Africa, whose good sense and intellectual acuity
led to his election as third Chairman of the Board despite his nationality,
Ismael Fahmy of the United Arab Republic — now Egypt — whose determi-
nation persuaded reluctant Western Governors to agree to establish the first
IAEA sponsored regional centre in Cairo, and ‘Biggy’ Keenan, the Resident
Representative of Israel who, though not a Governor, seemed to know better
than anyone else what was going on in the IAEA and skilfully defended
Israel’s interests.
Nearly all the Governors had taken part in the Washington talks and the
New York Conference on the Statute. The USA broke ranks by appointing as
Governor Robert McKinney, a publisher from New Mexico who had had no
prior association with the IAEA but who was known as a strong supporter of
nuclear power and who had served as chairman of a Congressional panel on
the impact of the peaceful uses of atomic energy.
McKinney’s successor in
1959 was Paul F. Foster, former General Manager of the US Atomic Energy
Commission (USAEC) and before that a distinguished Admiral, twice winner
of the Congressional Medal of Honor, the highest American award for brav-
ery, who seemed more accustomed, as Jolles once said, to giving commands
than to negotiating compromises.
The news media usually ignored the existence of the IAEA. However,
one appointment to the Agency caught their attention for a brief period,
namely that of Vyacheslav Molotov as Soviet Ambassador and Resident
Representative to the Agency. Molotov had been Stalin’s Foreign Minister
who subsequently appointed him Prime Minister of the Soviet Union.
Molotov arrived in Vienna in 1960 and returned to Moscow some
18 months later. He had served for three years as Ambassador to Outer
Mongolia and had asked Khrushchev for a transfer to a European capital.
Khrushchev, who did not want Molotov back in Moscow, readily agreed. The
Soviet Foreign Ministry had informally proposed to the Netherlands that
Molotov be appointed Ambassador in The Hague, but the Netherlands
Government had refused to give their agrément; hence the posting to the
IAEA, where no agrément had to be sought.
The Board and the Director General at odds
From February 1955 until October 1957 there had been noteworthy
co-operation between leading governments in creating the Agency and draw-
ing up its Initial Programme — in the eight- and then in the twelve-nation
negotiating group, in the Statute Conference and in the Prepcom. Wide
differences of perception of the Agency’s mandate now began to emerge, and
they were exacerbated by renewed and growing East/West tensions. It was
soon obvious that the path of the Board would not be smooth. Ralph Bunche,
the well known and highly regarded Under Secretary General of the United
Nations, who represented the UN at the IAEA on a number of occasions,
remarked that the Cold War raged more violently in the IAEA Board than in
the UN itself.
One reason was the US decision to impose an American Director
General on the IAEA despite Soviet objections, and Soviet concern that the
IAEA would be run as an instrument of US policy. Cole’s own idiosyncrasies
did not make his task any easier. Given the authority he had possessed as
Chairman of the Joint Committee of the US Congress on Atomic Energy, it
was perhaps natural that he should regard himself as a leader rather than a
servant of the IAEA’s Member States. He had little direct experience in
administration or diplomacy, he was impatient of protocol and diplomatic
conventions, a trait that did not always endear him to the ambassadors with
whom he had to deal, and he sometimes had difficulty in selecting the right
issues on which to make a stand. He was not popular with economy minded
Western European delegations, who were annoyed by US insistence that he
should receive a salary and perquisites second only to those of the Secretary
General of the United Nations and were alarmed by his penchant for launch-
ing, or trying to launch, what they regarded as costly projects that had little
to do with the mandate of the IAEA.
The heads or representatives of European
nuclear energy agencies also held against him his ignorance of nuclear science.
Nonetheless, Cole’s many years in Congress as Chairman of the powerful
Joint Committee had given him considerable insight into the international
politics of nuclear energy. Moreover, no other appointment “could provide so
much assurance of Congressional support during the first critical years of the
And he was not in the least a tool of Washington. For instance, he
was highly critical of the numerous agreements that the USA concluded in the
late 1950s for providing bilateral nuclear aid to friendly countries and there-
by undercutting what was supposed to be one of the IAEA’s chief functions,
and he demanded a change in US policy.
His nickname, ‘Stub’ (believed to
stand for stubborn), suggested a determined and aggressive character and he
showed his indifference to the policies of his own Republican Administration
by inviting Robert Oppenheimer to visit the IAEA, despite the fact that the
USAEC, influenced by Senator McCarthy and the prevailing virulent anti-
communism, had suspended Oppenheimer’s security clearance. To Cole’s
credit he also succeeded in building up the IAEA’s establishment, surmount-
ing resistance by Western and Eastern European members of the Board. He
tried hard to bring IAEA safeguards into operation and he fought with the US
Administration (and lost) on the issue of IAEA versus EURATOM safeguards
described in Chapter 8.
Cole was unlucky in his timing. The unanimous agreement on the
IAEA’s Statute on 23 October 1956 was one of the many products of the rela-
tive international calm that had followed the death of Stalin and the armistice
in Korea. A few days later, the invasions of Suez and Hungary shattered this
calm. In late 1957, the launching of Sputnik led many in the USA to fear that
the Soviet Union was winning the battle of advanced technology (in fact the
USSR remained essentially defenceless against a US air attack until the end of
the 1950s
). In 1958–1959, the Berlin crisis erupted and in May 1960 the
Soviet Union shot down the U-2 ‘spy plane’. In April 1961, the USA suffered
a humiliating fiasco at the Bay of Pigs in Cuba, and in August 1961 another
crisis erupted when East Germany began building the Berlin Wall. These
events reflected deteriorating East/West relations and cast their shadow on
the proceedings of the IAEA’s Governing Bodies.
It was also becoming abundantly clear that the idea of the IAEA serving
as a nuclear material ‘bank’ or ‘pool’ for the supply of such materials would
not work.
Under Articles IX.C and F of the Statute, each Member State was
to notify the IAEA in a timely manner of the nuclear materials it was prepared
to make available. At the request of the IAEA the State would, without delay,
deliver specified material to another member or to the IAEA. As soon as it
could do so the Secretariat diligently asked all Member States known to be
producers of fissile or source material about the amount and composition of
the materials they would put at the IAEA’s disposal. As noted above, the USA
had already declared that it would make available 5000 kg of contained
uranium-235 and would match the amounts that other States made available
before 1 July 1960, the USSR had pledged up to 50 kg and the United
Kingdom 20 kg. Some other States (Canada, India, Portugal, South Africa and
Sri Lanka) responded with offers of source material.
But with some minute
exceptions none of this material was physically transferred to Vienna, the
IAEA never felt the need to acquire facilities for storing nuclear material, and
no guards were recruited.
When, from time to time, a Member State would ask the IAEA to
arrange for the supply of a research reactor and its fuel, or several years later,
when, as we have noted, Mexico and Yugoslavia asked the IAEA for the same
service in procuring power reactors, the IAEA played the role of broker
between governments rather than that of the primary supplier foreseen in the
Statute. But even the IAEA’s brokering role came to little. In part, this was
because nuclear power took off much more slowly than expected,
but also
because it was simpler, quicker and no more costly for the importer to deal
directly with the supplier. In the Mexican and Yugoslav cases the States pre-
ferred, probably for political reasons, not to buy direct from a superpower,
but rather to resort to the legal fiction of obtaining US made plants from the
Under Article XIV.F, any profits (“excess of revenues”) the IAEA made
from its role of nuclear supplier or broker and any voluntary contributions it
received were to be placed in a “General Fund”. This was to be used as the
Board and General Conference decided (Articles XIV.E and F). There was,
however, no occasion for the IAEA to levy charges for nuclear services, and
the IAEA failed to earn any excess revenues from this source. Hence the IAEA
made no attempt to prepare the scale of charges that it was enjoined to draw
up. But the General Fund was established and voluntary contributions were
sought, firstly to meet the cost of the fellowships that the Prepcom had
included in the 1958 budget. Such voluntary contributions were to become the
main continuing source of cash for the IAEA’s technical assistance programme.
However, in the late 1950s and early 1960s it was not the failure of the
IAEA’s functions as a ‘pool’ or ‘bank’ or supplier of nuclear material that
inflicted the most serious blow on the organization, on its safeguards opera-
tion and eventually on Cole himself. For a variety of reasons, the Agency’s
chief patron, the USA, chose to arrange nuclear supplies bilaterally rather
than through the IAEA. One reason was that the IAEA had been unable to
develop an effective safeguards system. Another was that in a bilateral
arrangement it was the US Administration, under the watchful eyes of
Congress, that chose the bilateral partner rather than leaving the choice to an
international organization that would have to respond to the needs of any
Member State whatever its political system, persuasion or alliance. But the
most serious setback came in 1958 when, for overriding political reasons, the
USA chose the bilateral route in accepting the safeguards of EURATOM as
equivalent to — in other words as an acceptable substitute for — those of the
IAEA. The far-reaching implications of this decision will be explored later.
When Cole arrived in Vienna on 4 December 1956 to take up his four
year appointment, Paul Jolles still controlled virtually all the Secretariat. He
continued to be in charge of all non-technical operations until his departure
in 1961
and he also kept his hand firmly on the most rapidly growing pro-
gramme of the Agency, namely, technical assistance.
It was probably
inevitable that relations between the former master of the IAEA, still on the
bridge, and the new captain would not be easy, but the strain in their relations
was sharpened by differences in temperament. Jolles was a cool-headed,
experienced and polyglot diplomat, enjoying the respect and confidence of
his colleagues, while Cole was a blunt, no-nonsense, monolingual politician.
Sensing the strain, Brian Urquhart, who had been Jolles’ second in command
in the Prepcom secretariat, decided to return to New York.
It was also soon obvious that certain members of the Board of Governors
and, indeed, the Chairman himself wanted to keep the American Director
General on a very short leash and to remind him that he was “under the
authority of and subject to the control of the Board of Governors” (Article
VII.B of the IAEA Statute). For instance, in June 1958 the Board decided that
the Director General should submit a written report every two months “on all
major developments in the Agency’s work” (in effect, in the Secretariat’s
work), an uncongenial task since there was still very little to report.
delegations of Czechoslovakia, India, Egypt and some other members of the
Board, referring to another phrase in Article VII.B of the Statute requiring the
Director General to “perform his duties in accordance with regulations adopted
by the Board,” proposed that the Board should set about drafting a com-
pendium of such regulations. After prolonged discussions the majority of
Governors concluded that what the Statute had in mind were the staff regu-
lations, financial and other standing regulations of the Agency and not a set
of rules uniquely designed to govern the conduct of Mr. Cole!
During the first few years hardly any matter could be discussed without
provoking lengthy, ideologically tinged, arguments. On the proposal of several
Western delegations, but against the spirited opposition of India and the
Soviet Union and its allies, it was decided that the Board should normally
meet in private and that its records should be classified. The minority argued
that this lack of what would now be called transparency, was undemocratic
and contrary to the practice of the United Nations and most of its agencies.
On the second point they were certainly correct. On the other hand, meeting
behind closed doors eventually helped the Board to shorten its sessions and
to develop into an effective executive body in which decisions were taken rea-
sonably promptly without too many ‘grandstanding’ statements designed to
win public support rather than to contribute to a serious debate.
Another apparently innocuous issue was the granting of ‘consultative
status’ to non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Such status would give
these organizations the right to be represented at certain meetings of the
Agency and bring their views to the IAEA’s attention. The United Nations
Economic and Social Council had drawn up complex rules to govern the
grant of such status to NGOs interested in its work. In response to a US pro-
posal at the first General Conference, the Secretariat drew up a simpler
scheme to enable it to tap the expertise of bodies such as the International
Commission on Radiological Protection, the first body to set internationally
accepted limits to radiation exposure, while keeping out organizations with
only a politically partisan axe to grind. The Board approved the rules and
granted consultative status to 19 organizations, including the International
Confederation of Free Trade Unions and the International Federation of
Christian Trade Unions, both of which proclaimed an interest in protecting
workers against radiation exposure.
Trouble began in early 1959 when the Board received an application by
another international labour organization, the World Federation of Scientific
Workers (WFSW), a body that the USA and some other Western countries
regarded as a mouthpiece of the extreme Left. It was said that the WFSW had
accused the USA of dropping poisoned flies on North Korea during the
Korean War (a charge first levelled by Yakov Malik, Soviet delegate at the
United Nations Disarmament Commission in March 1952).
After the major-
ity of Governors had rejected the application by the WFSW, the Soviet Union
and other Warsaw Pact countries successfully blocked all further grants of
consultative status. After nearly two years of argument the impasse was
eventually solved by a tacit agreement to abandon the entire procedure for
granting such status.
A heated discussion also flared up on the issue of whether to invite
EURATOM to send an observer to the second General Conference, the Soviet
Union contending that “ ...no argument could cancel the military character of
EURATOM...” By a vote of 15 to 3 the Board decided to issue the invitation.
And although the creation of the Division of Safeguards had been approved
by the General Conference when it adopted the Agency’s ‘Initial Programme’,
the Board held no less than 25 meetings on the issue of whether to recruit the
first staff for the Division. When one reads the records of the first Board,
Cole’s impatience with the way in which it sought to micromanage the IAEA
becomes more understandable. The continuing and often barren polemics in
the Board caused it to hold 84 meetings between October 1957 and the end of
June 1958 and 72 during the next 12 months.
Nonetheless, a good deal was achieved. By early summer 1958, the
IAEA had appointed all its key staff. To help the Agency get down to work
the USA offered the services of 20–30 consultants, $125 000 towards a fellow-
ship fund, a radioisotope laboratory as well as two mobile laboratories and a
small reactor (the latter offer was not taken up).
In 1958, 13 Member States
offered a total of 140 subsidized or fully paid fellowships.
By September
1958, when the second session of the General Conference opened, almost all
technical programmes were at least nominally under way and co-operation
agreements were in force or awaiting formal approval with the FAO, WHO,
UNESCO, WMO and ILO and the UN Expanded Programme of Technical
Assistance (EPTA).
From 1 to 13 September 1958 the United Nations convened a second and
much larger ‘Geneva Conference’. As noted in Chapter 6, Sigvard Eklund, the
future Director General of the IAEA, served as its Secretary General. The
IAEA’s contribution was very modest: two technical papers and some scien-
tific staff.
The ice had been broken in 1955 and by the time of the second
Geneva Conference there was less to disclose and not much left to declassify;
the USA and the United Kingdom published for the first time all the results
of their research on thermonuclear fusion, a field that had first been brought
to the public’s attention by the eminent Soviet physicist Igor Kurchatov in a
lecture at Harwell two years earlier. In general, the Conference showed that
the optimism of the early 1950s about the prospects for cheap nuclear power
was beginning to flag.
At the end of 1958, the IAEA established a standing Scientific Advisory
Committee (SAC) identical in composition with that appointed by Dag
Hammarskjöld to oversee the scientific organization of the 1955 and 1958
Geneva Conferences. SAC was destined to play a large role in running the
IAEA’s technical programmes until 1988, when it made way for more focused
guidance on specific programmes by small specialist advisory groups.
Amongst the leading scientists who were members of SAC and thus exercised
a powerful influence on the IAEA’s earlier programmes were its long-time
chairman, W.B. Lewis of Canada, well known for his part in developing the
CANDU reactor, Sir John Cockcroft of the United Kingdom, Isidor Rabi of the
USA (Nobel Prize winner in physics and one of the architects of the Manhattan
Project), as well as three Governors whose names have already been mentioned
— Homi Bhabha of India, Bertrand Goldschmidt of France and Vassily
Emelyanov of the Soviet Union, and the energetic and creative Secretary, Henry
Seligman (the IAEA’s Deputy Director General for Research and Isotopes).
In September 1958, the General Conference decided, despite the hesita-
tions of some Western Europeans and the strong opposition of the USSR, that
the IAEA should construct a ‘functional’ laboratory in Austria. The Board
approved the plans for the laboratory in April 1959. It was to be located at
Seibersdorf, 33 km southeast of Vienna, and adjacent to the Austrian nation-
al nuclear research centre operated by the Studiengesellschaft für
Atomenergie which put the laboratory site at the IAEA’s disposal for a nom-
inal fee. The USA donated $600 000, thus matching the amounts set aside in
the IAEA’s 1959 and 1960 budgets to build and equip the laboratory.
headquarters laboratory and its successor at Seibersdorf also received numer-
ous gifts of equipment from other Member States.
The tasks that the laboratory undertook in its early years included:
Analyses of samples contaminated by radioactive fallout from the test-
ing of nuclear weapons,
Preparation of international radioactive standards,
Calibration of equipment for measuring radioactivity,
Quality control of special materials used in nuclear technology,
Measurements and analyses in support of the IAEA’s health and safety
and safeguards work,
Services to Member States using the facilities installed to carry out the
foregoing tasks.
The Seibersdorf laboratory came into operation in 1961 and in January
1962 it distributed its first set of radioactive samples to other laboratories and
to hospitals and clinics in Member States to enable them to calibrate their
radiation measuring instruments.
The IAEA and the banning of nuclear tests
During the late 1950s there was mounting pressure by the general public
and by many scientists for a total stop to nuclear testing. Concern focused
especially on the bone seeking radioisotope strontium-90, which nuclear tests
injected into the atmosphere and which eventually found its way into the
food chain. Since strontium-90 partially replaces calcium in milk, it was seen
as a potential cause of childhood cancers.
The tragic fate of the crew of the
Japanese fishing boat Lucky Dragon, victims of fallout from the ‘Bravo’ test of
a hydrogen bomb on 1 March 1954 on Bikini Atoll, was perceived as a dra-
matic demonstration of the dangers of continued testing.
Later that year, at
the tenth session of the United Nations General Assembly, India called for an
immediate suspension of all nuclear tests.
Throughout the mid-1950s, testing
remained a subject of sharp international debate and a political issue in the
USA itself which, after much internal discussion, declared an unlimited mora-
torium on nuclear tests on 31 October 1958 (the Soviet Union had already
announced a moratorium more than half a year earlier, in March 1958).
In July 1958, in one of the most important developments in post-war
arms control, the Soviet Union and the West undertook the task of drawing
up a treaty banning all tests. From 1 July 1958 to 21 August 1958, a conference
of experts from eight nations met in Geneva to discuss the feasibility of
detecting underground tests.
In a precursor of discussions that were to take
place nearly forty years later they proposed an extensive land and ship based
monitoring system and the use of weather reconnaissance aircraft to sample
the air for radioactivity. They also proposed the creation of an ‘international
control organ’ as one of the steps needed to launch and support the system.
It appeared that the IAEA was the logical organization to verify a com-
mitment to stop testing — “to assume the inspection function. It was the only
global atomic authority in existence.” Its Statute endorsed the principle of
international inspection. It had safeguards personnel ready to go into action.
The developing countries would “welcome an opportunity to subject the
nuclear powers to a form of reciprocal control” and “the cost of setting up an
entirely new organ would involve a great deal of wasteful duplication.”
However, it was not to be. In the 1960s, the Western nations and partic-
ularly the USA were insistent that the IAEA should concern itself only with
peaceful nuclear activities and verification of a ban on testing was not, in their
view, a peaceful activity.
For reasons that have not been very well articulated but are obviously
not the same as those put forward by the West in 1958, the negotiators of the
Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) approved by the United Nations
General Assembly in 1996 decided not to entrust the IAEA with the task of
verifying the Treaty.
However, the Treaty does enjoin close co-operation
between the organization to be set up to oversee the execution of the Treaty
(the CTBTO) and thus holds out the possibility of a close IAEA/CTBTO
working relationship.
The first safeguards
Despite the resistance of the Soviet Union and several developing coun-
tries, led by India, the Western members of the Board were able in 1959 to get
the IAEA’s safeguards operation under way on a small and hesitant scale —
the application of safeguards to the three tons of natural uranium that Canada
had supplied to Japan. In 1961, after much debate, the Board approved the first
rudimentary safeguards system for research reactors, i.e. reactors not larger
than 100 MW(th). The evolution of the system is discussed in greater detail in
Chapter 8.
Policy formation
We have seen that under the IAEA’s Statute, most major political and
administrative decisions are to be taken by the Board or jointly by the Board
and the General Conference. In 1959, the Board established standing commit-
tees on the budget and programme and on technical assistance, and short
lived ad hoc committees on subjects such as nuclear supplies, negotiations
with the specialized agencies, permanent headquarters and non-governmental
organizations. Since 1959, the Board has not established any new standing
committees to provide it with expert advice.
Member States, especially the major powers, exert a decisive influence
over the IAEA’s policies and actions, especially where politics are concerned.
They do this collectively at the meetings of the Board and the General
Conference and their committees and even more effectively in daily individual
contacts with the Director General and his staff. Ironically, there is no area in
which this was done more persistently than in the one that the Statute explic-
itly stipulates as the exclusive preserve of the Director General, namely the
appointment of staff. Almost from his first day in office Cole was put under
pressure by Member States to appoint their own citizens and by developing
Member States to increase the proportion of staff, especially senior staff, from
their own group of countries. For all senior appointments (Deputy and
Assistant Directors General and Directors of Divisions) the Board required
the Director General to consult it before making a formal appointment.
As the Statute requires, the Board submits the IAEA’s budget and annual
report to the General Conference, but in practice it does so on the basis of
drafts prepared by the Secretariat, normally in informal consultations with
the members of the Board, who indicate what scope of activities and expen-
ditures the Board will accept (almost invariably less than those originally
proposed by the Secretariat).
The ‘Initial Report’ of the Prepcom formed the basis of the IAEA’s
first technical programmes, but a pattern soon emerged for their further
development. The Secretariat would prepare proposals for a particular
technical activity or project, such as a set of international safety codes. The
Director General, on the advice of the technical Department or Division
concerned, would appoint a group of experts, usually after consulting the
Member States from which the experts were to be drawn, to study and
discuss the Secretariat’s proposals. The results of this process would be
incorporated in the programme and budget that the Director General
would submit to the Board. SAC would also review annually the scientific
programme of each Department and, in particular, proposals for scientific
meetings and for the support of research. In due course the Director
General appointed standing technical committees to monitor particular
aspects of the programme (e.g. safety standards, guides and manuals,
nuclear waste management, safeguards and technical co-operation).
Eventually, as we have noted, these specialist groups and ad hoc meetings
of senior experts replaced SAC itself when the appointments of its mem-
bers expired in September 1988.
In this way the Secretariat came to take the initiative for most of the
IAEA’s technical work. But Member States frequently came forward with
their own proposals, during the meetings of the Board or the General
Conference, in technical committees or in discussions with the Secretariat.
Although most committees are nominally advisory to the Director General, the
reality is that they were chosen by him with the object of securing recom-
mendations that were likely to influence the views of governments rather
than his own views. The Board also established special committees of repre-
sentatives of Member States to draw up major policy documents such as the
safeguards systems of the 1960s and of 1970–1971 (for the NPT).
While, according to the Statute, the Director General is “under the
authority of and subject to the control of the Board” he has become not only
the IAEA’s “chief administrative officer” as the Statute puts it, but in effect the
IAEA’s chief executive.
An able Director General has great power to influence the course
steered by an international body like the IAEA. His ability to guide policy
decisions usually increases with length of service; delegates come and go, he
usually stays. The Director General can be most effective when determining
the organization’s response to an emergency and least influential where a
group of leading countries decides on a hard and inflexible line, for instance
when the leading donor countries collectively decide that there will be no
growth in the organization’s budget.
The election of a new Director General
By the time Cole’s term of office neared its end the IAEA was helping
several developing countries to use isotope and radiation techniques and was
doing useful work on nuclear safety and in promoting the exchange of nuclear
information. But, partly because of the USA’s own actions, none of the three
main functions (nuclear supplier, guardian of the peaceful use of nuclear
energy, nuclear power promoter) that Eisenhower had foreseen for the IAEA
had borne fruit. By vigorously promoting numerous bilateral co-operation
agreements, the USA had bypassed the organization that it had done so much
to create, and by accepting EURATOM safeguards it had excluded the IAEA
from the region of the world where, other than in the USA itself, nuclear
power seemed most likely to flourish. Even the IAEA’s role as the inter-
national clearing house for nuclear information was partly pre-empted by the
United Nations when, on the proposal of the USA, it convened the first and
second Geneva Conferences.
To some observers the IAEA seemed to have become little more than a
means of meeting certain rather low priority needs of the more technically
sophisticated developing countries, and even here it faced competition from
established United Nations agencies. It was asked whether it had really been
sensible to set up an elaborate new international body chiefly to provide
services that existing agencies were capable of offering and, in some cases,
had already begun to provide. The only faint sign that better days might be
in store was that the IAEA now had a rudimentary safeguards and inspection
system, that one State, Japan, had brought IAEA safeguards into operation,
and that one or two others might soon follow suit.
In June 1961, the main item on the Board’s agenda was the appointment
of the Director General. As an American, Cole could hardly expect Soviet sup-
port, as a former Republican congressman he could not expect political support
from the Kennedy Administration, nor was he popular with the Western
Europeans. Jolles, highly regarded by all political groups, might have been a
non-contentious choice as Cole’s successor, but he had accepted a senior
position in the Swiss Government.
The USA decided that this time it would be best to follow the plan that
had been informally agreed and then abandoned in 1957 and select a neutral
scientist as Director General. With strong support from the West the USA
pressed for the appointment of Sigvard Eklund, who was highly regarded by
the European nuclear establishment and who had served with distinction as
Secretary General of the Second Geneva Conference.
But having acquiesced to an American in 1957, the Soviet Union
considered that it was now time for a Socialist Director General. At first, it
pressed the idea of a ‘Troika’ (under a Bulgarian Director General), much
like the troika it was proposing to the United Nations in the search for a
successor to Dag Hammarskjöld. When that failed the Soviet Union joined
a group of African and Asian States in support of the candidacy of the
Indonesian Ambassador (Indonesia, under Sukarno, having close ties with
Socialist governments). The matter eventually came to a vote in the
General Conference, which confirmed the Board’s choice of Eklund by a
vote of 46 to 16 with 5 abstentions. Emelyanov then walked out of the
conference hall, announced that the Soviet Union would have no contact
with Eklund, and that he personally would neither speak to him nor
answer his letters.
What was the key to this behaviour? By now the Soviets were describing
safeguards, the IAEA programme of prime importance to the West, as a
spider’s web designed by the capitalists to throttle the nuclear progress of the
developing countries. It seemed as though the Soviet Union had concluded
that the IAEA was of little use to it, except as a political stage on which it could
side with the more radical developing countries. Soviet relations with the USA
were also reaching their nadir, the worst storm of the Cold War was brewing
in the Caribbean, and in this charged atmosphere there was no incentive for
the Soviets to support a candidate who enjoyed the favour of the USA.
Whatever the reason for Emelyanov’s attack on Eklund, Soviet hostility
quickly vanished and in due course the Soviet Union came to value Eklund
highly. He had full Soviet support when he was reappointed in 1965 and
again in 1969, 1973 and 1977, and the Soviet Union might have backed him
for a further term if he had made his services available in 1981 when he
retired to become Director General Emeritus of the IAEA.
1961–1981: The IAEA comes of age
During the years 1961 to 1981, all the main programmes of the IAEA
reached maturity. At the same time orders for nuclear power plants rose
rapidly and then, in the West, began to level off; the nuclear non-proliferation
regime was firmly established and began to play an important role in inter-
national politics and the flow of assistance to enable developing countries to
use nuclear techniques grew from $2 286 000 in 1961 to $24 449 000 in 1981.
The same period saw a substantial growth in the IAEA’s work relating to
nuclear safety.
The appointment of Eklund marked the beginning of a climate change
in the affairs and fortunes of the IAEA, but the definitive alteration of course
had to wait until 1963, when the Soviet Union spectacularly revised its atti-
tude to IAEA safeguards, a development examined in greater detail in
Chapter 8. From the start, safeguards had been one of the main, if not the
principal, tasks of the IAEA in the eyes of the USA and of some other Western
States. The signal in 1963 that the other superpower, the Soviet Union, had
now come to share this perception foreshadowed a major realignment in the
policies of the industrialized world as a whole and in the way in which the
affairs of the IAEA would be conducted. This led to changes in the pattern of
co-operation in other activities of the Agency and helped it to evolve into one
of the most effective international organizations. Moreover, for most of the
next two decades the lead would be given by Washington and Moscow acting
in concert.
In the 1960s, concern grew that nuclear weapons would spread around
the world. There were several grounds for apprehension: the Cuban missile
crisis; the addition in 1960 and 1964 of two States to the nuclear weapon club;
the proposals in NATO for a multilateral nuclear armed force; the half-secret
discussions between French, German and Italian politicians suggesting that
Germany and Italy might also acquire the bomb,
and rumours that Israel
was about to do so. President Kennedy spoke of the possibility of 15–25 nuclear
weapon States by the mid-1970s, and think-tanks and serious authors, con-
cerned about the fate of mankind, painted similar or even darker pictures.
The reaction was a growing determination to halt the spread of nuclear
weapons and some confidence that it could be done. It became clear that
IAEA safeguards could be a significant part of this effort.
The 1970s also saw a sudden upturn in the prospects for nuclear power
characterized by a stream of orders for nuclear power plants, first in North
America, then in Europe and then, more tentatively, in the developing world.
In 1964, construction of the first nuclear power reactors in a developing
country began at Tarapur and in Rajasthan in India. The improvement in the
prospects for nuclear power also brought new opportunities and more work
for those units in the IAEA dealing with the major uses of nuclear energy and
safety, but it also deepened concern in certain countries about the likelihood
of nuclear proliferation.
The 1970s confirmed the role of the IAEA as the chief international
instrument for verifying non-proliferation. But several issues had first to be
resolved. Would the USA and the USSR and other members of the Eighteen-
Nation Disarmament Committee (ENDC) be able to bridge their differences
on the need for and the content of a non-proliferation treaty? If so, would the
treaty gain enough international support to bring it into force? Would the
IAEA be able to agree on a standard safeguards agreement and could it do so
in time to enable the parties to comply with the strict timetable set by the
treaty? And if so, would the leading industrial non-nuclear-weapon States
ratify the treaty and accept these safeguards? Eventually, the answer to all
these questions was ‘yes’.
But in the meantime there had been some severe
shocks to the non-proliferation regime.
Eklund changes the IAEAs course
In May 1996, Sigvard Eklund was the keynote speaker at a symposium
celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
Alvin Weinberg, for many years the Director of the Laboratory, summed up
Eklund’s contribution to the IAEA: He was the man who took over the
Agency when it was still an experiment of uncertain outcome and turned it
into a major force for international security.
Eklund began his long stewardship by changing the Agency’s course.
Reflecting his personal and professional inclinations, he sought to stress the
scientific and technical character of the IAEA’s work. He was soon helped
in this by U Thant, the new United Nations Secretary General, who did not
share his predecessor’s interest in nuclear energy and who agreed that the
IAEA should have responsibility for the scientific aspects of the 1964 (third)
Geneva Conference. In 1964, the Board of Governors also accepted Eklund’s
proposal to establish a centre for theoretical physics in Trieste
and to set
up a joint Division with the FAO to promote the use of nuclear techniques
in food and agriculture. Other scientific landmarks of Eklund’s early years
at the IAEA were an agreement with Monaco to extend the duration and
scope of the IAEA’s laboratory in the Principality, which was studying the
effects of radioactivity on life in the sea,
and the expansion of the IAEA’s
laboratory at Seibersdorf. Several able IAEA scientists helped to persuade a
hesitant Board to approve these novel international projects, but their
success owed much to Eklund’s reputation as a prudent and effective
When the occasional political storm blew up or when wide differences
emerged about the IAEA’s policies and practices, Eklund was often content,
at least at first, to leave the issue to be settled by the USA and the USSR, and
the political structure of the IAEA in the later 1960s was likened to a super-
power condominium. With time and increasing political experience, Eklund’s
understanding of international politics deepened, his sense of confidence and
his command of the IAEA became stronger and the leading members of the
Board increasingly sought his advice or mediation.
Eklund also put an end to some wasteful practices that had crept into
the IAEA’s working habits. He eliminated unnecessary paper, cut down staff
travel and attendance at conferences outside Vienna and persuaded the Board
to dispense with three of the four annual reports that the Secretariat had been
required to prepare and the Board to approve, including the burdensome
bimonthly report to the Board and the special annual reports to ECOSOC and
the General Assembly.
By 1962–1963 the atmosphere in the Board of Governors had begun to
improve. Debates became markedly less confrontational and within a few
years the heads of national nuclear energy commissions, instead of diplomats
accredited to the Austrian Government, formed the majority of Governors.
The annual number of the Board’s meetings shrank to two, of two or three
days each, and half-day sessions before and after the General Conference. The
Board had become a reasonably effective executive body, wasting little time
on speeches. Eklund deliberately sought to avoid controversy and established
the tradition of extensive consultations with missions before each Board
meeting so as to secure compromises that would avoid the need for votes and
tiresome explanations of votes.
In 1974, the General Conference accepted the Secretariat’s proposal
that it should abolish one of its two main committees and fit all its work into
one week, usually from Monday to Friday, instead of the best part of two
weeks. This was an almost unprecedented self-denying ordinance in the UN
The spirit of Vienna
In the mid-1960s, it became customary to refer to a ‘spirit of Vienna’ —
a benevolent genie that presided invisibly over the Board, the delegations to
the IAEA and the Secretariat.
There is little doubt that the atmosphere in the IAEA was unique, at
least in those years. Personal relations between delegations and the
Secretariat were as a rule very warm and informal. Russians and Americans,
Arabs and Israelis, Indians and South Africans built up friendships the likes
of which were hard to find in New York, Geneva or other cities that were
home to UN agencies. One of the reasons was that many of those involved
had known each other for many years, in some cases since the Washington
negotiations, and had come to have confidence in and to respect one another.
The heads of national nuclear authorities understood each other well as
fellow scientists grappling with similar problems. They met regularly but
informally in groups like the European Nuclear Society. The IAEA was also
the only intergovernmental organization in the city and was still quite small.
The Austrian Government, the Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and
Vienna itself, emerging from its post-war shadows, contributed their share of
goodwill and ‘Gemütlichkeit’. The spirit of Vienna began to fade a little after
the 1976 General Conference in Brazil, which tended to deepen the dividing
line between the G-77 and the industrialized countries, and it faded a little
more after the IAEA ceased to be ‘the only show in town’ and then moved out
of the old city and into the modern and more impersonal surroundings of the
Vienna International Centre (VIC) — a move that was vainly resisted by some
senior members of the Secretariat. But the spirit of Vienna lingered on into the
1980s, as Ambassadors Keblúˇsek and Kirk point out in their essays in the
companion book to this history, Personal Reflections, and at least some traces
of it were left in the early 1990s.
In 1965, the General Conference was held abroad for the first time — in
Tokyo. Japan had once again become a major international power and had
done the IAEA an invaluable service by setting in motion the IAEA’s safe-
guards. Japan’s invitation to the IAEA also marked, more grimly, the twentieth
anniversary of the bomb on Hiroshima.
By the end of the 1970s, the Austrian Government and the City of
Vienna had completed the construction of the VIC, which they had offered as
the permanent home for the IAEA and other United Nations agencies in
Vienna. In 1979, the IAEA moved out of the ‘temporary’ headquarters in the
Grand Hotel where it had been housed for some twenty years. Austria
generously made the buildings and facilities at the VIC available at the
‘peppercorn’ rent of one Austrian Schilling a year.
A changing Board of Governors
By 1960 the number and proportion of African and Middle Eastern
members of the IAEA had grown considerably but the 1957 Statute allotted
Africa and the Middle East only one elective seat on the Board. To show
solidarity with other Africans and to preserve its designation on the Board as
the African member “most advanced in the technology of atomic energy
including the production of source materials,” South Africa proposed increas-
ing by two the number of seats assigned to the region. In 1961, the Board and
the General Conference approved an amendment to the Statute adding two
more elective seats to the region and also confirming an informal under-
standing that Latin America would have three elective seats.
By the late 1960s, the proportion of developing Member States in the
total membership had much increased and the Conference of Non-Nuclear-
Weapon States held in Geneva in 1968 was highly critical of the ‘unrepresen-
tative composition’ of the Board. In 1968, the General Conference asked the
Board to review the relevant article of the Statute (Article VI) and early in
1969 the Board set up a committee to do so.
Since it was also clear that the NPT would soon come into force, the
Federal Republic of Germany and Italy foresaw that they might soon be
pressed to place their entire nuclear industries under IAEA safeguards. They
would thus become two of the four States that would bear the brunt of NPT
inspection, the others being Japan and Canada. The Federal Republic of
Germany and Italy each contended that this should justify their having a
permanent seat on the Board instead of serving only intermittently as in the
past (Japan and Canada had enjoyed what were, in effect, permanent seats
since the days of the Prepcom).
Ambassador Roberto Ducci of Italy spearheaded the campaign, propos-
ing a Statute amendment under which the seats allotted to the States “most
advanced [in the world] in the technology of atomic energy including the
production of source materials” (the criterion for designation) would be
increased from five to nine so as to make room for two more ‘permanent’
Western Europeans.
The amendment eventually approved accepted Italy’s
proposal to increase the top category from five to nine, reduced the regional
leaders from five to three and increased the elective seats from 12 to 22 — a total
of 34. The areas covered by two of the eight regions — into which the world
was divided for the purpose of constituting the Board — would be changed:
the Middle East would be detached from Africa and attached to South Asia
(‘Africa and the Middle East’ would become ‘Africa’, and ‘South Asia’ would
become ‘the Middle East and South Asia’).
The Committee, the Board and subsequently the General Conference
considered several other proposals but could not reach a consensus. Finally,
in 1970 after much hard discussion, the General Conference approved by a
majority vote the gist of the Italian proposal.
The only significant opposition to the Italian proposal came from the
Soviet Union and its allies and from South Africa. The Soviet Union was not
yet ready to accept the Federal Republic of Germany as a permanent member
of the Board, at least not until the Federal Republic had ratified the NPT and
accepted IAEA safeguards. Ambassador Georgy Arkadiev, who had now
become the Resident Representative of the Soviet Union to the IAEA and
whose jovial sense of humour endeared him even to his ideological adver-
saries, argued stoutly but in vain against the Italian proposal. For its part,
South Africa saw the Italian proposal as the writing on the wall for its
permanent seat. As long as the Middle East and Africa formed a single region,
the only credible alternative to designating South Africa as the regional
Member State “most advanced in the technology of atomic energy...” was to
designate Israel. This would be unacceptable to the Arab members of the
IAEA and to their supporters. However, once the Middle East was detached
from the African region, the way would be open to designate another African
as an alternative to South Africa, which is what happened in 1977 when the
Board designated Egypt to the African seat.
Italy’s success was relatively short lived. The amendment to the Statute
entered into force in 1973. In the early 1980s, the Western Europeans that were
not in the top category reached a gentleman’s agreement that the designated
seat ‘permanently’ occupied by Italy would henceforth rotate amongst
Belgium, Italy, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland. In 1983, Italy was replaced by
Belgium as a designated member of the Board.
Deciding which State was the most advanced nuclear nation in a particu-
lar region was not always an easy matter. When, for the third time, Argentina
challenged the designation of Brazil as the most advanced Member State in
Latin America in 1962, the Board set up a panel of three experts to weigh the
evidence and the committee called on both governments to substantiate their
claims with factual information. The committee came to the Solomonic con-
clusion that there was “not sufficient basis for stating that either Argentina or
Brazil is the country ‘most advanced’...” In the meantime the two nations had
agreed to take turns on the Latin American designated seat on the under-
standing that when either of the two was not occupying the designated seat,
it would hold one of the elective seats assigned to the region. This compro-
mise would commit other Latin Americans to carry out the elective part of the
bargain and apparently most of them had concurred in it.
Despite some
objections from Mexico this arrangement has been maintained ever since.
When Egypt challenged the designation of South Africa in 1977 the
Board indulged in no such quasi-judicial procedures to determine which of
the two nations was “the most advanced in the technology of atomic energy”
but took a patently political decision in favour of Egypt — and continued to
do so each year until the apartheid government disappeared.
After Chernobyl, Italy abandoned nuclear power and decommissioned
its nuclear power plants. The Western Europeans that were most vigorous in
contesting the Italian seat in the early 1980s have since either stopped work
on the nuclear plants that they were constructing (Spain), or have a de facto
or de jure moratorium on any further construction (Belgium, Switzerland) or
have decided to phase out those plants they now operate (Sweden). It might
be thought that, having turned against nuclear power, the nations concerned
would find it embarrassing to be designated to a seat on the IAEA’s Board of
Governors as a leading nuclear State. They show few signs of embarrassment.
But it may be argued that the moratoria and the Swedish ‘phasing out’ reflect
the political conclusions of the moment rather than final decisions to abandon
nuclear power — in reality, they are decisions to ‘wait and see’.
As already noted, the issue of the representation of China had arisen at
every session of the IAEA’s General Conference; the Soviet Union and its
allies as well as many non-aligned countries pressing vigorously for the rejec-
tion of the credentials of ‘Nationalist’ China and admission of the People’s
Republic. This issue was becoming increasingly divisive as a growing
number of Western countries as well as all Socialist countries recognized the
People’s Republic as the legitimate government of China.
The USSR also consistently pressed for admission to the IAEA of the
German Democratic Republic, the People’s Republic of Viet Nam, the
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK, North Korea) and Mongolia,
but for several reasons the issue of representation of these countries was less
divisive than that of China.
On 25 October 1971, the United Nations General Assembly decided that
the Government of the People’s Republic was the only authority entitled to
represent China at the United Nations and expelled “ ...the representatives of
Chiang Kai-shek from the place they unlawfully occupy in the United
Nations and in all the organizations related to it.” The Assembly had the legal
right to expel the unwanted representatives only from the United Nations
itself and not from other United Nations agencies, but the Assembly’s deci-
sion was considered to be a recommendation to those agencies.
On 9 December 1971, the Board of Governors took the recommended
action in regard to the representation of China at the IAEA. The People’s
Republic itself did not formally react to the Board’s decision until 1983, when
it applied and was promptly approved for membership of the IAEA.
1972, the IAEA discontinued all technical co-operation projects and support
of research in Taiwan, but with the tacit assent of Beijing continued to apply
safeguards to all nuclear material and plant on the island.
The Group of 77 flexes its muscles
On 1 June 1973, the second amendment of the IAEA’s Statute came into
force. The Board membership rose from 25 to 34, developing Member States
now having a slim majority.
In September 1976, the General Conference met in Rio de Janeiro for its
third session away from IAEA Headquarters.
For the first time the Group
of 77 (G-77) made its weight felt in the IAEA, asking the Board of Governors
to review its customary designation of South Africa as the member of the
Board from Africa and, despite strenuous US opposition, deciding to grant
observer status to the Palestine Liberation Organization. In June 1977, the
Board decided by a vote of 19 to 13, with one abstention, to uphold the
Chairman’s nomination of Egypt as the Member State in Africa “most
advanced in nuclear technology including the production of source materi-
Egypt’s nuclear programme was very modest and it produced no
source materials (i.e. uranium) but worldwide revulsion against apartheid
made it politically inevitable that the South African Government would soon-
er or later lose its seat on the Board. This revulsion also led to the rejection of
the credentials of the South African delegation when the General Conference
met in New Delhi in September 1979. After a democratic government had
taken power in Pretoria, South Africa, with Egypt’s concurrence, regained its
seat on the Board in 1995.
After Kennedy became President in 1961, the US Government set up an
advisory committee under the chairmanship of Henry D. Smyth to recommend
ways of strengthening the IAEA and the policies the USA should follow
towards it.
The main conclusion was that the USA should play a more active
and positive role in the IAEA and should persuade States receiving US nuclear
assistance to accept IAEA instead of US safeguards. The new policy was under-
lined by the appointment of Smyth as US Governor.
By 1963 the international environment had improved. After narrowly
avoiding nuclear war over Cuba in October (or so it seemed at the time) the
USA and the USSR drew back into détente. An early product of their less
hostile relationship was agreement to connect a ‘hot line’ between Moscow
and Washington. More important by far was the conclusion in 1963 of the
Limited Test Ban Treaty, co-sponsored by the USA, the USSR and the United
Since October 1958, Ireland had been eloquently recommending to the
United Nations General Assembly the early conclusion of a treaty to prevent
the “wider dissemination of nuclear weapons”. In January 1964, the USA and
the USSR each proposed an agenda for the ENDC in Geneva. Their proposals
had four subjects in common, one of them being a nuclear non-proliferation
treaty. By 1965, the USA and the USSR agreed that attention in Geneva should
first be focused on this issue and both presented widely different drafts of
such a treaty. The US draft included a reference to “International Atomic
Energy Agency or equivalent international safeguards.” By “equivalent inter-
national safeguards” the USA clearly meant the safeguards of EURATOM.
This was unacceptable to the Soviet Union, which maintained that EURATOM
safeguards amounted to self-inspection by a small group of NATO powers.
Eventually, and after many consultations between the USA and the
EURATOM nations, the USA and the Soviet Union agreed that the treaty
should place an obligation on all non-nuclear-weapon States to accept the
safeguards of the IAEA, but that the EURATOM non-nuclear-weapon States
should have the right jointly to conclude the relevant agreement with the
In the ENDC itself the non-nuclear-weapon States also insisted that the
treaty should impose obligations on the nuclear weapon States to end the
nuclear arms race and to reduce, and eventually eliminate, their nuclear arse-
nals and should explicitly recall the commitment of the nuclear weapon
States to seek to ban all nuclear tests.
The leading industrial non-nuclear-weapon States, in particular the
Federal Republic of Germany, Japan and Italy, pressed for formal undertak-
ings that the treaty would not impede economic development, international
nuclear co-operation or nuclear trade, nor block their access to advanced
nuclear technologies such as enrichment and reprocessing. The developing
countries sought assurances that their needs for nuclear technology would be
addressed and that they would be able to enjoy whatever benefits might be
derived from the peaceful uses of nuclear explosions.
There were clear indications, as the treaty began to take shape, that the
IAEA would at last begin to play a role in strengthening international security.
In September 1967, the President of the 11th General Conference and head of the
Czechoslovak nuclear energy authority, Dr. Jan Neumann, formally affirmed, on
behalf of the members of the IAEA, the Agency’s readiness to accept the safe-
guards responsibilities that the NPT assigned to it — responsibility for verifying
that non-nuclear-weapon States party to the treaty were complying with their
undertakings not to divert nuclear material to nuclear weapons.
By mid-1968, the demands of the non-nuclear-weapon States had been
largely accepted by modifications to and expansion of the draft proposed by
the USSR and the USA. After approval by the ENDC and commendation by
the General Assembly, the treaty was opened for signature on 1 July of that
On 5 March 1970, the requisite number of nations had ratified the treaty
and it entered into force. In the words of a keen and sympathetic observer of
the IAEA, Professor Lawrence Scheinman, Deputy Director of the US Arms
Control and Disarmament Agency in the mid-1990s, this event “gave the
IAEA a tremendous boost, making it the keystone of the non-proliferation
regime, and catapulting it from the periphery to the centre of the international
political system...”
The IAEA’s subsequent success in drawing up a radically new safe-
guards system and model agreement by consensus and in a remarkably short
time (April 1970 to March 1971) ensured that the Agency would promptly be
able to conclude the agreement with each non-nuclear-weapon State required
by the treaty.
To soften the discriminatory aspect of a treaty that imposed very different
obligations on the nuclear and on the non-nuclear-weapon States, and to
encourage widespread adherence, the USA and the United Kingdom offered
to place all their civilian nuclear plants under safeguards when such safe-
guards were put into effect in the non-nuclear-weapon States.
Since there
was no prospect that the IAEA would have the staff or money needed to safe-
guard the entire large and still growing civilian fuel cycle of the USA or the
substantial fuel cycle of the United Kingdom, it was necessary to devise some
criteria by which the IAEA would select particular plants in each country
from the long list of those that would become ‘eligible’ for safeguards. This
was done on the margins of the meetings of the safeguards committee. The
rules for selection were proposed by the Australian Governor, Maurice Timbs.
The Federal Republic of Germany and the other leading industrialized non-
nuclear-weapon States let it be known that they endorsed the Timbs criteria
under which the IAEA would choose those US and British plants that embodied
the most advanced technology or were particularly important for inter-
national nuclear trade. The selection should change from time to time so as
not to discriminate between competing plants. It was expected that a significant
proportion of the plants offered would be selected for full safeguards. In
practice the IAEA’s resources never permitted it to select more than a few
plants in each nuclear weapon State.
On 14 February 1967, even before the conclusion of the NPT, the Latin
American nations opened for signature the Treaty of Tlatelolco designed to
create a nuclear weapon free zone in that region.
As the decade drew to a close an unusual event — the 1968 Conference
of Non-Nuclear-Weapon States — showed the growing interest amongst the
developing nations in the imminent entry into force of the NPT and their
understandable wish to have credible assurances about their immunity from
nuclear threat if they were to forego the right to possess nuclear weapons. The
chief sponsors of the conference were Pakistan and Yugoslavia and their deci-
sion to hold it in Geneva reflected their wish to keep a distance from the
IAEA, which was thought to be too much influenced by the two superpowers.
The first shock to the newly created ‘nuclear non-proliferation regime’
came on 18 May 1974, when India carried out an underground nuclear explo-
sion at Pokharan in Rajasthan. India declared that the aim of the explosion
was “with a view to the possible uses of nuclear explosives in mining and earth
moving operations.”
A large research reactor supplied by Canada (known as
the CIRUS reactor) had been the source of plutonium for the explosion. This
was the first (and so far the only) nuclear test that had used fissile material
produced by a reactor designed and supplied for use only in ‘peaceful’
research. The Canadians were not mollified by the Indian explanation that the
plutonium had been used for a “peaceful nuclear explosion.”
Pakistan raised the matter at the Board’s meetings in June 1974, sug-
gesting that the explosion might have an impact on the IAEA’s technical
assistance programme.
All the Governors who spoke, with the exception of
the Governor from India, expressed concern about the explosion, but there
was no suggestion that the Board should condemn it. The Governor from
India emphasized that his country had not violated any treaty or agreement,
but Canada demurred; in its view the test was a breach of the agreement
under which Ottawa had supplied the reactor. The Governor from India also
maintained that the explosion was an integral part of the Indian Govern-
ment’s policy of applying nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. India, he said,
was opposed to nuclear weapons and nuclear proliferation and the Indian
Government had categorically declared that it did not intend to manufacture
nuclear weapons.
At first other reactions abroad were restrained, except in Canada, but
eventually the explosion had widespread repercussions. Although India was
not a party to the NPT and the CIRUS reactor was not operating under IAEA
safeguards, the explosion was seen by some as a challenge to the Treaty and
a demonstration that IAEA safeguards were ineffective. It also cast doubt,
especially in the USA, on the efficacy of the export controls required by
Article III.2 of the NPT, and it was an important factor in the US decision
largely to abandon Eisenhower’s “Atoms for Peace” policy and replace it
with the 1978 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Act and to launch the exercise
known as the ‘International Nuclear Fuel Cycle Evaluation’. The Pokharan
explosion also strengthened the growing opposition to nuclear power in
several Western countries, where anti-nuclear circles argued that it had shown
that the military and civilian uses of nuclear energy were inseparable. These
developments eventually affected the work of the IAEA, leading some indus-
trialized nations such as the USA and a few Western Europeans to place
greater emphasis on safeguards and less on the promotion of nuclear power.
Two other events sharpened doubts, especially in the USA, about the
efficacy of the regime and especially about existing nuclear export controls.
After the Yom Kippur war, the Arab oil boycott and the steep increase in the
price of oil persuaded influential American policy makers that nuclear power,
now seen by many developing nations as a reliable and cheaper substitute for
oil, would spread rapidly around the world. This, it was thought, would
inevitably lead to a proliferation of reprocessing and enrichment plants and a
worldwide plutonium economy. Reports that France and the Federal
Republic of Germany were about to sell reprocessing and enrichment tech-
nology to non-nuclear-weapon States not party to the NPT seemed to confirm
these fears.
In consequence, the USA and the Soviet Union agreed in Moscow in late
1974 to establish a Nuclear Suppliers’ Group (NSG) of governments that
were, or were expected to become, exporters of nuclear materials or equipment.
Some fifteen governments first met in London in 1975 and soon became known
as ‘the London Club’.
The NSG published its first set of recommendations for
more stringent export controls on 21 September 1977 (INFCIRC/254). France,
though not a party to the NPT, had agreed to take part in its meetings, pro-
vided that they were held behind closed doors, a procedure that deepened
the suspicions of several importing countries about the work of the group.
Two of the main NSG Guidelines of 1977 were that exporters should
require the application of IAEA safeguards to plants built in non-nuclear-
weapon States on the basis of transferred technology, and that exporters
should exercise restraint in transferring reprocessing and enrichment tech-
nology and sensitive materials. In practice, at least until recently, the latter
Guideline has resulted in a complete halt to the authorized export of these
technologies (but it did not prevent smuggling abroad of enrichment plant
components, as the disclosures about the Iraqi nuclear programme in 1991
and earlier reports on the Pakistani programme were to show). The Guidelines
also enjoined exporters to insist on adequate measures for the physical pro-
tection of nuclear materials in the importing country and to require that
re-exports be made only with the consent of the original exporter.
The NSG Guidelines did not differentiate between non-nuclear-weapon
States party to the NPT and non-parties. Some of the former held that the
Guidelines were incompatible with “the right [of all parties] to participate in
the fullest possible exchange of equipment, materials, and scientific and
technological information for the peaceful uses of nuclear energy” embodied
in Article IV.2 of the NPT. This led to many complaints at the second NPT
Review Conference in 1980.
In 1991 it became clear that Iraq’s clandestine nuclear weapon pro-
gramme had relied heavily on imports of components for enrichment plants
and of equipment that could be used to make such components. It was also
clear that most of these imports came from members of the NSG. The NSG
agreed that the Guidelines should be made much more watertight. In particular,
they agreed that nuclear exports should be made only to non-nuclear-weapon
States that had accepted comprehensive safeguards and that export controls
should also be imposed on items of equipment that could have nuclear as
well as non-nuclear uses — the so-called ‘dual-use’ items.
But this was much later. In 1977, Jimmy Carter took office as President
of the USA. Although he had once served as an engineer in a US nuclear sub-
marine, he had not become enamoured of nuclear power and once referred to
it as the energy source of the last resort. He was particularly opposed to the
use of plutonium for civilian purposes which, he feared, would lead to a
worldwide plutonium economy and rampant proliferation of nuclear
weapons. The majority in the US Congress shared the President’s concerns,
and Congress enacted the Non-Proliferation Act of 1978 (P.L. 242) that reflected
those concerns and went even further along the path of denial, as its critics
called it. In effect, the law sought to use the influence of the USA, as the
world’s major supplier of nuclear plant and enriched fuel, to limit and even-
tually put an end to the separation of plutonium and production of high
enriched uranium (HEU) for civilian purposes. The policy could hardly avoid
being discriminatory since the nuclear weapon States would still need and
separate plutonium for their warheads and HEU for their submarines.
Nearly all US nuclear co-operation agreements then in force included a
clause requiring the recipient to obtain the prior consent of Washington
before reprocessing any spent fuel of US origin or enriching uranium (above
a certain level of enrichment), or re-exporting any nuclear item that the USA
had supplied. The 1978 Act added new export conditions; for instance:
As a general rule, there would be no US nuclear exports to a non-
nuclear-weapon State unless it accepted IAEA safeguards on all its
nuclear material — as non-nuclear-weapon States party to the Treaty
were already required to do;
In the case of new US supplies, IAEA safeguards must be permanent;
No nuclear material, equipment or sensitive nuclear technology could
be exported to any non-nuclear-weapon State that had terminated IAEA
Prior consent of the USA must also be sought before the reprocessing,
enrichment or re-export of any nuclear material produced by the use of US
In effect, the Act called for the renegotiation of almost all existing US
nuclear co-operation agreements.
The Act was taken to mean that applications for prior US consent to
reprocessing would be examined on a stringent case-by-case basis and that
the USA would no longer give any other country a general or automatic
authorization to reprocess fuel of US origin.
On 19 October 1977, President Carter convened an international confer-
ence in Washington to launch the ‘International Nuclear Fuel Cycle Evaluation’
(INFCE). The heads of national nuclear energy agencies and other senior offi-
cials from some forty nations took part. The President hoped to temper the
strong opposition that the new US policy had aroused in other countries that
had advanced nuclear power programmes; INFCE would demonstrate, he
hoped, that the ‘once-through’ fuel cycle (in which spent fuel is not
reprocessed to extract the uranium remaining in the fuel and the plutonium
that has been produced in it, but is disposed of as nuclear waste) was the
cycle less likely to lead to proliferation, and they would therefore be
persuaded to accept the US approach and follow similar policies. The US case
was somewhat weakened by the revelation that a Pakistani scientist working
in a Dutch firm subcontracted to the gas centrifuge enrichment plant at
Almelo had returned to his country with the plans of the plant and a list of
possible suppliers of crucial components. The implication, confirmed later in
Iraq and by the disclosure of the South African programme, was that enrich-
ment rather than reprocessing might be the preferred path to nuclear weapons.
INFCE took place in Vienna from November 1978 and ended in a final
plenary meeting on 25–27 February 1980. It was a massive operation. Sixty-
six countries took part in at least some of INFCE’s 133 meetings and the
Agency provided a great deal of administrative and technical support, but
INFCE was a US and not an IAEA operation. It was chaired by Professor Abe
Chayes of Harvard University who, despite his strong support for the policy
of the Carter Administration, was impeccably impartial and also a very able
chairman. INFCE produced a vast amount of documentation but many of its
conclusions or assumptions were soon overtaken by events. For instance,
INFCE’s expectations of a rapid expansion of nuclear power, a shortage of
uranium and a rise in its price, and the likely early use of the breeder reactor
all turned out to be false.
Despite President Carter’s expectations (and, one may add, despite the
obvious fact that reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel can directly lead to the
acquisition of weapon usable material, while the ‘once-through’ fuel cycle
cannot), INFCE conspicuously refrained from identifying any particular fuel
cycle as being more ‘proliferation-prone’ than another. INFCE’s fundamental
and sensible conclusion was that a national decision to acquire nuclear
weapons is essentially political and not dependent on the choice of a particular
fuel cycle. But to a considerable extent the US Congress, in the 1978 Non-
Proliferation Act, had pre-empted the conclusions of INFCE.
INFCE also recommended international co-operation in the storage of
plutonium to ensure against its misuse, similar co-operation for the long term
storage of spent fuel, and long term assurances of nuclear supply linked,
however, with effective safeguards against proliferation. INFCE thus led
directly to an IAEA study of international plutonium storage, another of long
term international spent fuel storage and to the creation of the IAEA Board of
Governors’ Committee on Assurances of Supply.
Regrettably, the net result of these efforts was very modest. It proved
impossible to set up an international plutonium storage system,
no nation
showed an interest in providing storage for other nations’ spent fuel
and the
Board’s Committee on Assurances of Supply has little to show for its pains.
In fact, by 1995 some of the problems it set out to solve had changed or dis-
appeared. Nuclear energy had become a buyers’ market, for most countries
there was no problem in getting supplies of nuclear fuel or nuclear power
plants — on condition, however, that if the importer were in a non-nuclear-
weapon State, its government must accept comprehensive IAEA safeguards.
All but three importers (India, Israel and Pakistan) and all but one major
exporter (China) had accepted that condition.
The results of the March 1987 ‘United Nations Conference for the
Promotion of International Co-operation in the Peaceful Uses of Nuclear
Energy’, which traced its origins to INFCE, were similarly meagre.
On 28 March 1979, the first serious accident at a nuclear power plant —
Three Mile Island in Pennsylvania — made headlines throughout the world.
The accident and its consequences are discussed in Chapter 8.
In 1980, the parties to the NPT met in Geneva for the second NPT
Review Conference. Two issues dominated the meeting: nuclear supplies and
the conclusion of a treaty banning all nuclear tests. The NSG Guidelines and
the US Non-Proliferation Act of 1978 attracted sharp criticism from many
developing countries and from at least one industrialized country,
Switzerland, which was having difficulty in getting US consent to the repro-
cessing of US-origin spent fuel. Nonetheless, delegates in the committee deal-
ing with the civilian use of nuclear energy were able to cobble together the
draft of a consensus report. But no consensus could be reached in the com-
mittee dealing with nuclear arms control and disarmament. The non-nuclear-
weapon States pressed for the prompt negotiation of a comprehensive test
ban treaty; the USA and the United Kingdom resisted, and the opposition of
two out of the three nuclear weapon States then party to the NPT amounted,
in effect, to a veto. The conference ended without a final declaration and amid
forebodings about the future of the NPT.
In June 1980, the IAEA’s Committee on Assurances of Supply began
discussing how nuclear supplies and services could “be assured on a more pre-
dictable and long term basis in accordance with mutually acceptable consider-
ations of non-proliferation” and what the IAEA’s role should be in this context.
The main suppliers sought relatively strict export controls; at a minimum, cus-
tomer nations should be required to accept IAEA safeguards on all their nuclear
imports from those suppliers and on the nuclear material produced as a result
of such imports. The USA, Canada, Australia and the Scandinavian countries
went further, requiring comprehensive safeguards as a condition of supply to
non-nuclear-weapon States, in other words, safeguards on all nuclear activities
in the importing country, whether or not the activities were import dependent.
The importing nations not party to the NPT sought the minimum of restrictions
on exports, and some would have been happy to dispense entirely with IAEA
safeguards. Even amongst NPT parties there was lingering resentment against
the 1978 Non-Proliferation Act, which several saw as an arbitrary demand by
the USA for changes in agreed supply contracts and a threat to rupture those
agreements if the US conditions were not met.
In September 1979 there was also much concern about what appeared to
be a signal indicating a nuclear explosion high over the South Atlantic near
South Africa. A panel set up by President Carter to evaluate the incident con-
cluded that the signal was probably not caused by a nuclear explosion, but
some US and British writers still think otherwise.
1961–1981: A summing up
The scope and range of many of the IAEA’s programmes were clearly
defined by the end of 1981 and would not undergo any radical changes during
the next 15 years. There would be an almost fourfold increase in the funds
available for nuclear assistance (from $16 475 000 to $60 300 000), but the
technical range of projects in that programme, and the countries in which it
operated, would remain much the same.
Severe shocks were in store, however, for the safeguards and nuclear
safety programmes. While the NPT had transformed the role the IAEA would
play on the international stage, the safeguards system was still focusing
almost exclusively on meticulous accounting for nuclear material in plants
that non-nuclear-weapon States party to comprehensive safeguards agree-
ments had declared to the IAEA, and that was therefore under safeguards. As
noted, this focus led inevitably to the most intense inspection of those coun-
tries where most of the nuclear material was located — the Federal Republic
of Germany and other European Union States, Japan and Canada. The dis-
closure in the early 1990s that Iraq had long been operating undeclared
nuclear plants showed that there were serious defects in the system.
The industrialized countries, especially those that had large nuclear pro-
grammes, still tended to see the IAEA’s work on nuclear safety as principally
of benefit to developing countries. It would take the worst accident in the
history of nuclear technology to change their minds and to accept that nuclear
safety was a vital international as well as a national responsibility and to use
the IAEA as an instrument for enhancing nuclear safety in the industrialized
as well as in the developing world.
1981–1997: Years of
challenge and achievement
The most recent period in the Agency’s history saw the end of euphoria
about the prospects for nuclear power — euphoria on which the worst acci-
dent at a nuclear power plant seemed to set a tombstone — the first violations
of IAEA safeguards and the IAEA’s reactions to those challenges, and, most
fundamentally, a sea change in the international political environment in
which the Agency operates, and, partly as a consequence, confirmation that
the NPT and comprehensive IAEA safeguards will remain permanent
features of that environment and play a significant role in underpinning
international security.
Israel bombs the Tamuz reactor
The year 1981 began well. On 26 February, Egypt, a signatory of the NPT
since 1 July 1968, ratified the Treaty. It has been speculated that Egypt withheld
its ratification for so many years because of numerous indications that Israel
was building up a nuclear arsenal and that it ratified the NPT in the expecta-
tion that, under US pressure, Israel would do likewise and dismantle its
nuclear weapons. But this is surmise and implies a degree of naiveté in Cairo
that is hard to credit. In any event, the fact that the leading country in the
Arab world — and in a region of great political tension — had become an
NPT party was good news for the Treaty’s supporters.
But the good news did not last. On Sunday 7 June 1981, Israeli aircraft
attacked and destroyed Tamuz 1, the 40 MW(th) materials testing reactor that
France had built for Iraq at the Tuwaitha research centre south of Baghdad.
Israel had apparently long suspected that the Iraqi Government planned to use
the reactor to produce material for nuclear weapons, and had made several
attempts to dissuade France from supplying it. It was widely believed that
Israeli agents were responsible for blowing up the core of the reactor while it
was still in Toulon, awaiting shipment to Iraq, and might have been respon-
sible for the death in Paris of one of the engineers in charge of the project.
The international reaction to the bombing raid was harshly critical of
Israel. It was the first armed attack on a civilian nuclear plant (under IAEA
safeguards) and was seen as a breach of a long standing taboo and as an omi-
nous precedent. The Director General and the Board of Governors also inter-
preted the attack as an assault on IAEA safeguards. On 8 June 1981, the
United Nations Security Council strongly condemned the attack and called
upon Israel to pay compensation to Iraq for the damage inflicted and to
urgently place all its nuclear activities under IAEA safeguards. The Board,
meeting from 9 to 12 June,
likewise strongly condemned the Israeli action
and asked the General Conference to consider suspending Israel from the
exercise of its rights and privileges of membership in the IAEA.
In September 1981, the IAEA General Conference voted to suspend all
technical assistance to Israel and decided that at its next session, i.e. in
September 1982, if Israel had not yet complied with the Security Council’s
resolution, the General Conference would consider suspending Israel’s rights
and privileges of membership. In practice, this would amount to the exclu-
sion of Israel from the Agency.
The appointment of a new Director General,
Dr. Hans Blix
Much of the Board’s time in 1981 was spent, however, debating a com-
pletely different subject; the choice of a new Director General to succeed
Sigvard Eklund, who was coming to the end of his fifth term or 20 years in
that post.
Eklund had not made himself available for a sixth term; had he
done so there is little doubt that he would have had the support of the USSR
and many other Member States.
Half a dozen names were put forward as candidates,
but, after
numerous ballots, the choice became a duel between State Secretary Hans
Haunschild, permanent head of the Federal Ministry for Research and
Technology of the Federal Republic of Germany, who soon had the support
of Western delegations, and Domingo Siazon, Ambassador of the
Philippines in Austria and Governor and Resident Representative to the
IAEA, who had the support of most developing countries. But the USSR
did not want either. When the issue came to a vote, as it did frequently in
the absence of a consensus, the USSR and its allies were able to prevent
either candidate from getting the two thirds majority required for appoint-
ment. Eventually, as the General Conference came near, the USA sounded
the Swedish Government and the latter put forward the name of State
Secretary Hans Blix, who was well known and highly regarded in inter-
national circles, not only as an eminent international lawyer but also as a
skilled and experienced diplomat.
Blix had also served as Foreign
Minister of Sweden under a previous government and as a defender of
nuclear power in a Swedish referendum in 1980. Haunschild now with-
drew, but Siazon remained in the ring for another few rounds of voting.
Finally, on the evening of Saturday 26 September, the closing day of the
1981 session of the General Conference and the last day on which the
Conference could take up the matter, Blix obtained the two-thirds majority
required. At about eight o’clock on that evening, and on the proposal of
Siazon, the Board appointed Blix by acclamation.
In the early hours of
Sunday morning the General Conference approved the Board’s decision,
also by acclamation.
The appointment of citizens of the industrialized countries as the first
three Directors General of the IAEA did not escape some sharp criticism by
the developing countries. Various undertakings were given to increase the
proportion of their citizens in the senior ranks of the IAEA Secretariat and to
give favourable consideration to their candidates when Blix completed his
first term of service as Director General.
On the proposal of the delegate of India, Homi Sethna, the General
Conference conferred on Eklund, by acclamation, the title of Director General
Emeritus of the International Atomic Energy Agency.
The aftermath of the Israeli attack
Within a year the tension caused by the Israeli attack on the Iraqi reactor
was to put the diplomatic skill of Hans Blix to a severe test. Compliance with
the Security Council’s resolution would have required Israel promptly to
dismantle the nuclear arsenal that it was widely assumed to possess. By
September 1982, when the General Conference met for its regular annual
session, it was clear that Israel had no intention of doing so. In the meantime,
the 1982 Israeli occupation of southern Lebanon had further sharpened anti-
Israeli sentiment in the Arab States. On the other hand, both Houses of the US
Congress had adopted a resolution calling for a boycott of any UN body that
suspended Israel or rejected its credentials and requiring that the regular con-
tribution of the USA to that body be withheld until it reversed its action. The
stage was set for a confrontation.
As the General Conference opened, the Arab States began canvassing a
draft resolution condemning the attack and calling upon the Conference to
suspend Israel’s rights and privileges of membership. It soon became clear,
however, that such a resolution would not get the two thirds majority that the
Statute required for such a decision.
At the last moment, the Arab delega-
tions changed their tactics and began instead to press for the rejection of
Israel’s credentials, a decision that required only a simple majority. The Arab
proposal took the form of an Iraqi amendment to the draft resolution on
credentials recommended by the Conference’s General Committee approving
the credentials of all delegations, including those of the delegation of Israel.
In a roll call vote, the votes on the Iraqi amendment were evenly divided.
The President (Ambassador Siazon of the Philippines) accordingly announced
that the amendment had not been carried. At the request of the delegate of
Iraq and on the instructions of the President, the Secretary of the Conference
read out the list of countries that had taken part in the vote and the votes that
they had cast. At that point the delegate of Madagascar, whose country’s
name was not on the list read out, declared that he had been present at the
time of the vote and wished to have his vote in favour of the Iraqi amendment
After a statement by the IAEA’s chief legal officer to the effect that
Madagascar had the right to have its position taken into account, the
President ruled that the vote of the delegation of Madagascar was valid. The
US delegate immediately appealed against the President’s ruling and asked
for a roll call vote on his appeal. The appeal was rejected by a majority of
three votes. The Iraqi proposal was then adopted by a majority of one. In a
further roll call vote the amended resolution, now rejecting the Israeli cre-
dentials, was adopted by a majority of two. Thereupon the delegations of the
United Kingdom and the USA walked out of the conference hall, followed
closely by most other Western delegations. Before withdrawing from the
General Conference, the US delegate announced that his Government “would
reassess its policy regarding United States support for and participation in
the IAEA and its activities.”
The USA was (and still is) by far the main supporter of most of the
IAEA’s programmes as well as the largest contributor to its regular budget
and technical assistance programme. Its withdrawal from the IAEA would
have been the most severe blow that any Member State could inflict on the
The legal advice that had been given to the President of the Conference
was certainly questionable, and the substance and timing of the President’s
decision and its consequences, in Washington’s view, could hardly have been
worse. For instance, the rejection of Israel’s credentials could have served as
a precedent for similar action at the UN General Assembly which was about
to open.
Nonetheless, in 1981 Iraq was a party to the NPT in good standing, the
reactor was under IAEA safeguards and the Israeli attack was the first mili-
tary strike ever made against a nuclear plant. It had been launched at a time
when, in practice if not in law, Israel and Iraq were at peace with each other.
The attack had been condemned by the USA as well as by almost all of the
other members of the United Nations. The USA had done more than any
other nation to create and sustain the IAEA and it attached great importance
to IAEA safeguards. Its willingness to withdraw from the Agency was a
measure of the influence of Israel on US foreign policy.
The US withdrawal may well have been intended as a warning to the
Arab States not to try to reject the credentials of Israel’s delegations in the UN
and elsewhere.
Paradoxically, however, the Israeli credentials, now rejected,
had been issued only for the 1982 General Conference. Once the Conference
was over, an hour or less after the USA and other Western delegations had
walked out, Israel could operate as usual in the IAEA. The USA, by contrast,
withdrew from all participation. Since this was in October, the immediate
practical effect was much less than it would have been early in the year. But
it was, nevertheless, urgent to get the USA back into the Agency.
With the help of the Chairman of the Board (Ambassador Emil Keblúšek
of Czechoslovakia) and the US, Soviet and many other delegations, the
Director General made strenuous and eventually successful efforts to per-
suade the US Government to review its decision. The negotiations focused on
a statement that Blix would read at the February 1983 meetings of the
On 14 October 1982, Blix sent a letter to all Governors concerning
“the factual and legal situation” in which he affirmed that Israel remained a
fully participating member of the IAEA. This apparently succeeded in
reassuring Washington and, at the February 1983 session of the Board, after
referring to his letter of 14 October, Blix was able to express gratification that
the USA had decided to resume its participation in the Agency’s activities.
In the early hours of 26 April 1986, Unit 4 of the four power reactors at
Chernobyl in Ukraine blew up. The explosion hurled a plume of highly
radioactive steam, smoke and dust high into the atmosphere. The pressure
tubes of the reactor had ruptured under intense heat and pressure, the
graphite moderator in the plant had burst into flames, and hydrogen released
by the water–graphite reaction may have caused a second explosion. With the
utmost heroism local firemen attempted to extinguish the flames. The
radioactive cloud spread first over northern and central Europe, then over
western and southern Europe and Turkey, and gradually over all the northern
hemisphere, its radioactivity diffusing and decaying as it moved.
In August 1986, the IAEA and the Soviet Union convened an inter-
national post-accident review meeting and in September the Director
General’s International Nuclear Safety Advisory Group (INSAG) analysed its
proceedings and results. The meeting had been a breakthrough for glasnost,
noteworthy for some of the frank and comprehensive reports given by the
Soviet participants and for the free and open discussions that had followed.
A good deal more information about the accident emerged in the next few
years and INSAG reviewed its findings in 1992.
The cause and consequences of the accident and the actions that the
IAEA took in response to it are examined in greater detail in Chapter 7, which
deals with the IAEA’s work on nuclear safety, and later in this chapter there
is a brief reference to the conference, ‘One Decade after Chernobyl’, which the
IAEA, the European Union and WHO convened in 1996 to review the acci-
dent. It will suffice to note here that Chernobyl had a profound political and
economic effect, helped to discredit the Soviet system, and had a disastrous
impact on the local environment and on the mental health of much of the
population living in nearby regions of Belarus, Ukraine and European Russia.
It was by far the worst blow ever inflicted on nuclear power; it put an end to
nuclear power programmes in several countries and left a deep sense of
unease amongst the population, even in many of those countries that con-
tinued to build new nuclear power plants. It also led to an immediate surge
of support for a major extension of the IAEA’s work relating to nuclear safety,
including the prompt negotiation and conclusion of conventions on early noti-
fication of a nuclear accident and assistance in the event of such an accident.
The Convention on Nuclear Safety
Since the late 1960s, the IAEA Secretariat had from time to time sought
— in vain — to persuade the nuclear industry of the utility of an international
convention on the safety of nuclear power as a means of establishing uniform
global standards, allaying public mistrust and promoting nuclear commerce.
As we have seen, Chernobyl led to a more receptive attitude towards proposals
for expanding the IAEA’s role in nuclear safety.
In 1992, largely as a result of an initiative taken by Klaus Töpfer, the
German Minister for the Environment, and the support of Director General
Blix, the Secretariat began work on an international convention on nuclear
safety and by 1995 the convention was opened for signature. The evolution
and main features of the convention are examined in Chapter 7.
S outh Africa
In December 1982, the United Nations General Assembly called upon
South Africa to stop developing its ability to make nuclear weapons and to
place all its nuclear activities under IAEA safeguards. It also requested the
IAEA to refrain from helping South Africa’s nuclear activities and to exclude
South Africa from all IAEA technical working groups. This was to become an
annual exhortation by the General Assembly to the Agency and to the nations
that were thought to be helping South Africa’s nuclear programmes.
From 1987 until 1990, the Board of Governors and the General
Conference debated whether to suspend South Africa from exercising its
privileges and rights of membership in the Agency — a decision that would
in practice have put an end to South African participation in the IAEA.
Understandably, the pressure for suspension came chiefly from other African
States. It was resisted by many Western governments, some of which were
pressing Pretoria to join the NPT, and they argued that suspension of South
Africa would undermine their efforts. There were also numerous meetings
between representatives of South Africa and of the three NPT depositary
governments at which South Africa was urged to accede to the NPT without
further delay.
In June 1987, the Board, overriding Western objections, decided first that
the suspension of South Africa’s rights and privileges could be decided by the
votes of a simple majority of the members of the Board, and then, by a vote
of 22 to 12, with 1 abstention, recommended that the General Conference
should proceed with such a suspension.
However, in September 1987, when
the time came for the General Conference to take action, there were hints that
South Africa might be changing its policies and might now accede to the NPT.
Accordingly, the General Conference decided to defer its decision for a year.
After further indications that South Africa was considering adherence to the
NPT, the Conference again deferred a decision in 1989 and 1990.
After South Africa had acceded to the NPT on 10 July 1991 and con-
cluded its NPT safeguards agreement with the Agency on 16 September 1991,
the General Conference asked the Director General to verify the completeness
of the ‘Initial Report’ that South Africa had submitted to the IAEA in accor-
dance with its safeguards agreement, and in which it was required to list all
its nuclear plants and nuclear material. The Secretariat was thus faced with
the considerable task of verifying, with as much precision as possible, how
much enriched uranium South Africa had produced during the previous
16 years, i.e. since the mid-1970s. The task was made easier by the co-oper-
ation of the South African nuclear authorities, who provided the IAEA with
access and data beyond those required by its NPT safeguards agreement,
including all the operating records of South Africa’s previously unsafe-
guarded enrichment plant, and permitted the IAEA inspectors “to go any
place, any time”. In 1992, the Director General reported that the IAEA had
found no evidence that the Initial Report submitted by South Africa was
In 1993, the President of South Africa, F.W. de Klerk, disclosed that,
since 1979, South Africa had constructed six nuclear warheads and that it had
dismantled all six in 1989. The disclosure confirmed the earlier suspicions of
other African countries — which many Western countries had tended to
question — that South Africa had been secretly making nuclear weapons. But
South Africa had also become the first, and was so far the only, nuclear
weapon State to scrap its nuclear arsenal. After de Klerk’s statement, the
South African Government invited the IAEA to verify that it had indeed
terminated the weapon programme and had dismantled the six nuclear war-
heads and placed their fissile material — HEU — under IAEA safeguards.
The South African authorities arranged access to all the facilities that had
been used in the nuclear weapon programme, including unused test sites and
the plant in which the warheads had been assembled. The IAEA team found
“substantial evidence of the destruction of non-nuclear material components
used in nuclear weapons and...no indication to suggest” that substantial
amounts of depleted or natural uranium used in the programme were miss-
At the NPT Review and Extension Conference in 1995, a reformed
South Africa played a crucial part in securing the decision of the conference
to extend the NPT indefinitely.
On 5 September 1983, almost 12 years after the expulsion from the IAEA
of the representatives of the Taiwanese authorities, the People’s Republic of
China applied for membership in the IAEA. On 11 October 1983, the General
Conference unanimously approved the application. China became a member
on 1 January 1984, when it deposited its instrument of ratification of the
IAEA’s Statute. All States that had significant nuclear activities were now
members of the Agency.
In order to provide a seat for China on the Board of Governors without
displacing any other Member State, the Board and the General Conference, in
June and September 1984, unanimously approved an amendment to the IAEA
Statute. The amendment raised from nine to ten the number of seats on the
Board that are assigned to the Member States “...most advanced in the technol-
ogy of atomic energy...”
Without waiting for the amendment to the Statute to
enter into force (which it did on 28 December 1989), the Board, in June 1984,
designated China as a member in the “most advanced” category.
In 1989, China concluded an agreement permitting the IAEA to apply
safeguards to nuclear material in any Chinese plants on a list that it would
submit to the Agency.
All five acknowledged nuclear weapon States had
thus offered to accept IAEA safeguards on all their civilian nuclear plants,
in the case of the USA and the United Kingdom, or on specified plants, in
the case of France, the USSR and China.
However, the IAEA’s limited
funds permitted it to apply safeguards in only a handful of the offered
The preamble to China’s 1989 agreement with the IAEA referred to
China’s intention to require safeguards on all its nuclear exports.
nuclear export policy now resembled that followed by several Western and
Eastern European countries before 1990. China had pledged to require safe-
guards on any nuclear equipment or material that it exported, but it would
not make export to non-nuclear-weapon States conditional upon the applica-
tion of safeguards on all nuclear activities in the importing State. In other
words, it would not insist on the comprehensive safeguards required, since
the late 1970s, by the USA, Australia and Canada and some other ‘Northern’
countries as a condition of nuclear supply, and which were now required by
all other major nuclear exporters.
In 1992, China acceded to the NPT.
On 3 October 1990, Germany was formally reunified. The next day,
Bonn informed the IAEA that, following the accession of the German
Democratic Republic to the Federal Republic of Germany, the rights and
obligations arising from all agreements to which the Federal Republic of
Germany was party and that were relevant to the IAEA would also relate to
the territory of the former German Democratic Republic.
The chief nuclear
agreement in this category was that between the IAEA, EURATOM and its
non-nuclear-weapon States, which would henceforth supplant the safeguards
agreement between the IAEA and the former German Democratic Republic.
In the same year —1990 — at the fourth NPT review conference, Hans
Dietrich Genscher, Vice Chancellor and Foreign Minister of the Federal
Republic of Germany, took many of his Western European colleagues by
surprise by announcing that the Federal Republic would make comprehen-
sive safeguards a condition of new nuclear supplies to any non-nuclear-
weapon State. Within the next two or three years all members of the European
Union and Switzerland agreed to follow the same policy. The NSG adopted it
as a rule governing future nuclear exports, and it was endorsed by the NPT
Review and Extension Conference in 1995.
In the early 1990s, Germany also contributed significantly to the general
tightening of national nuclear export controls. To some extent, this was a reac-
tion to disclosures about the active role that certain German engineers and
companies had played in helping Iraq’s clandestine nuclear programme and
in other questionable nuclear exports, but Germany was by no means alone
in this regard. Germany was also active in the early 1990s in proposing mea-
sures to strengthen IAEA safeguards, such as the universal reporting system.
Nuclear weapon free zones
In the 1980s, three of the leading countries in Latin America — Argentina,
Brazil and Chile — radically changed their policies concerning non-prolifera-
tion and IAEA safeguards. One of the factors that may have helped to cause the
change was the advent of democracy and civilian governments in Buenos
Aires, Brazilia and Santiago, but the change had already begun under the
former military rulers. Whatever its cause, the change transformed the
prospects for fully implementing the Tlatelolco Treaty and thus making Latin
America and the Caribbean countries and their surrounding seas forever free
of nuclear weapons and nuclear explosives of any kind.
On 28 November 1990, at Foz do Iguaçú in Brazil, the Presidents of
Argentina and Brazil signed a ‘Declaration on Common Nuclear Policy’ in
which they agreed jointly to apply comprehensive bilateral safeguards that
would also be subject to international verification. They underlined the
symbolic importance of their action by inviting the Director General of the
IAEA to the ceremony attending the signing of the Declaration. In July 1991,
the two Presidents signed an agreement
establishing a common system
and a joint agency for the accounting for and control of nuclear materials —
the Brazilian–Argentine Agency for Accounting and Control of Nuclear
Materials, or ABACC. The two nations and ABACC then negotiated a
safeguards agreement with the IAEA similar in many respects to that
between the IAEA and EURATOM and its non-nuclear-weapon States. The
agreement provided for the application of IAEA as well as bilateral safe-
guards on all nuclear material in all Argentine and Brazilian nuclear activities
and on all relevant nuclear exports. The Presidents of Argentina and Brazil
came to the IAEA in December 1991 to sign the agreement and subsequently
addressed the Board on its significance.
The agreement entered into force
in March 1994.
The evolution of the ABACC agreement and the subsequent safeguards
agreement with the IAEA suggests that, where two nations have long dis-
trusted one another’s nuclear activities, there must first be a thaw in their
political relations before any progress can be made with safeguards of any
kind. It may then be necessary for them to reach agreement on intrusive
‘adversarial’ mutual inspections before they are ready to accept international
safeguards. This may apply to South Asia and the Middle East as well as to
Argentina and Brazil.
On 18 January 1994, Chile became party to the Treaty of Tlatelolco; its
comprehensive safeguards agreement with the IAEA required by that Treaty
came into force in April 1995.
Chile subsequently acceded to the NPT on
25 May 1995.
Cuba also made known its intention of joining the Treaty and signed it
in 1995.
When Cuba ratifies the Treaty and concludes a comprehensive
safeguards agreement with the IAEA, the Treaty will come into force for the
entire region of Latin America and the Caribbean, including its adjacent
oceans, so that it will extend to the eastern and northern borders of the zones
covered by the Rarotonga and Antarctic Treaties.
After South Africa had joined the NPT and dismantled its nuclear arsenal
the door was opened to a nuclear weapon free zone in Africa. In 1995, as
noted later, the African nations, meeting in South Africa, reached agreement
on the text of the Pelindaba Treaty, as it was called, and in April 1996 this
treaty was opened for signature in Cairo.
In 1995, France completed a series of nuclear tests that had aroused
sharp criticism amongst the nations of the Pacific and in some parts of
Western Europe. France then announced that it would carry out no more tests
and that it would dismantle its testing facilities on Mururoa Atoll in the South
Pacific. France, the United Kingdom and the USA then signed the Protocol to
the Rarotonga Treaty in which they undertook to respect the nuclear weapon
free status of the region. The Rarotonga Treaty had been designed as much, if
not more, to put an end to nuclear testing in the region as it was to keep
nuclear weapons out of the hands of the South Pacific nations, none of which
has shown any inclination in recent years to acquire them.
With the entry
into force of the Protocols to the Treaty it became an effective instrument for
achieving both aims.
In December 1995, the ten nations of South East Asia reached agreement
on and opened for signature the Bangkok Treaty establishing a nuclear
weapon free zone in that region.
In 1985, only a single regional treaty banning all nuclear weapons and
all nuclear testing was effectively in force: the Antarctic Treaty of 1959. By the
end of 1996, five regional treaties were in force or in the process of ratification
(the Antarctic, Tlatelolco, Rarotonga, Pelindaba and Bangkok Treaties). The
Southern Hemisphere and the lower latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere
were on the way to becoming a vast nuclear weapon free zone. A promising
approach was in hand for the step-by-step elimination of nuclear weapons.
This may have encouraged initiatives to establish similar zones in Central
Asia, North East Asia and Eastern Europe. But proposals to establish such
zones had made little progress in the Middle East and South Asia — the
regions that, since the end of the Cold War, had become those in most urgent
need of the elimination of the nuclear threat.
Iraq’s clandestine nuclear weapon programme
In 1991, after the end of the Gulf War, the Security Council requested the
IAEA to verify the elimination of Iraq’s ability to acquire nuclear weapons.
IAEA inspectors gradually unveiled the full extent of Iraq’s large clandestine
nuclear weapon programme and its repeated violations of the comprehensive
safeguards agreement that, as a party to the NPT, it had concluded with the
IAEA. The fact that Iraq’s nuclear weapon programme had been under way
for several years, perhaps a decade, without being detected by the IAEA, led
to sharp criticism of the Agency and posed the most serious threat to the
credibility of its safeguards since they had first been applied some 30 years
earlier. Critics compared the IAEA’s safeguards unfavourably with what they
claimed to be the much bolder and more aggressive operations of the special
United Nations commission, UNSCOM, that the Security Council created to
monitor the elimination of Iraq’s potential for waging chemical and biological
warfare and of its arsenal of longer range missiles. There were proposals in
one or two academic journals in the USA to take some or all of the safeguards
operation out of the hands of the Agency and transfer it to another inter-
national authority such as the Security Council.
The IAEA’s safeguards had been able effectively to monitor all the
declared programmes of the many States that had accepted them. The IAEA
reacted vigorously to the challenge posed by Iraq by instituting reforms that
made it far better equipped to detect any clandestine nuclear activities that
might exist in States having comprehensive safeguards agreements. The
IAEA’s determined and decisive performance in the case of the DPRK put a
damper on the criticism of the Agency and, together with the passage of time,
seems to have put an end to most proposals for transferring its safeguards
responsibilities elsewhere. This question is also discussed in Chapter 12.
Since 1994, the IAEA has kept its inspectors continuously in Iraq
it has completed arrangements for the ongoing monitoring of Iraq’s compli-
ance with the relevant Security Council resolutions.
Chapter 8 contains a detailed examination of the Iraqi programme and the
steps the IAEA has taken to meet future challenges to it safeguards operations.
The violations by the DPRK of its
safeguards agreement
In 1992, after lengthy negotiations and under growing international
pressure, the DPRK brought into force its NPT safeguards agreement with the
IAEA. However, the IAEA was unable to verify that the Initial Report sub-
mitted by the DPRK covered — as it was required to do — all nuclear mater-
ial in that country. In February 1993, the IAEA requested a special inspection
of two locations that appeared to be nuclear waste stores and that the DPRK
had not listed in its Initial Report. After the DPRK had rejected the request,
the Board concluded that the DPRK had violated its safeguards agreement
and reported the violation to the Security Council, whereupon the DPRK
gave notice of its withdrawal from the NPT. The USA interceded, and the
DPRK suspended its notice of withdrawal but continued to hamper the appli-
cation of safeguards. In 1994, a major international crisis seemed imminent.
Former US President Carter stepped in and secured the outline of a possible
settlement. After President Kim Il Sung’s death, the USA and the DPRK
reached agreement on a scheme that would freeze and eventually dismantle
the DPRK’s nuclear programme in return (chiefly) for the supply of two large
power reactors of US design.
The DPRK’s dispute with the IAEA, which became a challenge to its
membership as a whole and to the Security Council, and the steps taken to
defuse the ensuing crisis, are examined in detail in Chapter 8.
Other developments affecting IAEA safeguards
Two other developments of particular importance to IAEA safeguards
should also be mentioned. In 1992, China and France acceded to the NPT. All
five nations recognized as nuclear weapon States under the NPT had thus
become party to the Treaty. In the same year, the IAEA and EURATOM agreed
to a ‘partnership approach’ in an effort to eliminate unnecessary duplication
in the application of safeguards under the 1977 agreement (INFCIRC/193). It
was expected that the new approach would eventually reduce by as much as
two thirds the routine inspections that the IAEA carries out in the 13 non-
nuclear-weapon States of the European Union.
‘Sustainable development’ and climate change
During the 1980s, concern continued to deepen about mankind’s ability
to sustain economic development without further injury to the planet’s
natural environment and depletion of its finite natural resources. An inter-
national mark of this concern was the decision to hold the United Nations
Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro in June 1992.
In 1988, in preparation for the Rio Conference, the General Conference
asked the Director General to prepare a report for the Board for submission
to the United Nations General Assembly on the Agency’s contribution to
“environmentally sound and sustainable development.”
During the Rio Conference two treaties were opened for signature, one
of direct interest to the IAEA being a ‘United Nations Framework Convention
on Climate Change’. The Conference also adopted ‘Agenda 21’ — a docu-
ment described as “a global consensus on environment and development
issues [of the 21st century] and a political commitment at the highest level to
international co-operation.”
In 1993, the General Assembly established a
53-nation Commission on Sustainable Development and the United Nations
Secretary General set up a parallel interagency committee to co-ordinate the
approach of the various organizations in the United Nations system. This
interagency committee appointed the IAEA as ‘task manager’ on radioactive
wastes, one of the 40 chapters covered by Agenda 21.
In September 1995, the Secretariat provided the Board with a detailed
survey of the IAEA’s work contributing to sustainable development.
of this work is described in Chapters 7, 9 and 10 of this book. The IAEA pro-
grammes that have made the largest direct contribution are those dealing
with the management of nuclear waste and with nuclear safety and radiation
protection. Many of the FAO/IAEA activities in, for instance, conservation
and the use of plant and animal genetic resources (helping to maintain bio-
diversity) and more effective conservation and use of water have clearly been
relevant. So too has been the IAEA’s work in human health, in monitoring
pollutants, in controlling insect pests and, in particular, the work of the
IAEA’s Marine Environment Laboratory in Monaco on radioactive and non-
radioactive pollution
of the oceans and the Caspian Sea.
It is now a truism that the burning of fossil fuels is a major potential
threat to the environment. The industrialized countries have hardly made
any progress in reducing the emission of greenhouse gases, in particular
carbon dioxide, the leading cause of global warming. Moreover, there are
rapidly rising emissions in the developing countries for whom fossil fuels are
the most readily available energy source.
In October 1995, the IAEA jointly with the European Union, the World
Bank, the World Meteorological Organization and five other international
and regional agencies held a conference in Vienna entitled ‘Electricity, Health
and the Environment’ as a follow-up to a similar 1991 IAEA symposium in
Helsinki. The 1995 conference noted that much more information and better
computer tools had become available since the Helsinki meeting, that nuclear
power already played an important role in reducing carbon dioxide and other
pollutants emitted in the generation of electricity, and that there was still
significant uncertainty about the risks caused by the emission of carbon diox-
ide and its effect on average global temperatures. However, if greenhouse
effects were included in an overall assessment of the environmental impact of
electricity generation, then hydro-power and nuclear power were the only
available large scale energy sources that had relatively low ‘external’ costs
(i.e. indirect costs besides capital, operating and maintenance costs). The
conference also noted that positive messages were not getting through to
decision makers and the public or leading to more support for nuclear
‘Zero [real] growth’ and financial crises
In 1984, the main contributors to the IAEA’s regular budget decided
that they would not accept real growth in that budget. Since then the
amount available to the Agency for its programmes other than technical co-
operation has, with one or two exceptions, remained the same in real terms.
The exceptions were a moderate increase (after Chernobyl) in the funds
available for the nuclear safety programme and various ‘tied’ grants that
Member States have made to programmes of particular interest to them,
especially safeguards.
The ‘zero-growth’ strait-jacket eventually caused the IAEA, and partic-
ularly its expanding safeguards operation, a good deal of financial strain. The
amount of nuclear material that had to be safeguarded increased constantly
as new plants came into operation, as the amount of spent fuel built up and
as the entire nuclear programmes of South Africa, Argentina, Brazil, Ukraine
and other republics of the Commonwealth of Independent States and the
Baltic States came under safeguards. The number of plants using particularly
sensitive material (e.g. reactors using mixed oxides of plutonium and uranium
— MOX — fuel) and hence requiring more frequent inspection, also continued
to grow.
This growing demand was partly but by no means fully offset by the
agreement between the IAEA and EURATOM on a partnership approach to
their safeguards operations or by cancellations of previous orders for nuclear
plants, particularly in Germany, where the construction of a large reprocess-
ing plant at Wackersdorf had been abandoned and where the Siemens com-
pany decided not to start up the MOX fuel fabrication plant it had built at
In 1991, when Russia was unable to pay its assessed contribution, the
amount available for regular budget programmes fell by about 4%. The IAEA
had to defer the purchase of equipment for safeguards and data processing
systems, and the conclusion of several research contracts.
In 1992, an even
deeper cut of 13% had to be made in the budgets of all IAEA Departments.
In 1993, Russia was able to resume payment of its assessed share of the
budget but the requirement for ‘zero growth’ remained in place.
this constraint, the IAEA has been able to expand many of its core pro-
grammes; chiefly because of the special ‘extrabudgetary’ contributions that
governments made to activities of particular interest to them. While these
contributions were welcomed by the Agency, they tended to take the direc-
tion of the IAEA’s work partly out of the hands of its Governing Bodies and
its Secretariat and into those of the donor countries.
Did zero growth and the financial tribulations of 1991 and 1992 elimi-
nate all waste — ‘press all the water’ — out of the IAEA’s budget? They may
have eliminated some projects of marginal interest and induced greater effi-
ciency, but they also forced the IAEA to curtail certain important activities.
For instance, as an independent, authoritative and hard-headed source, the
US General Accounting Office, put it in 1993: “...the Department [of
Safeguards] had to defer or cancel inspections, equipment purchases, and
other activities. Because of its financial difficulties, IAEA has been unable to
maintain its equipment inventory or fully meet certain inspection goals.”
The situation probably became more critical after the General Accounting
Office came to those conclusions in 1993.
In the case of nuclear safety the same report drew attention to the fact
that “in the absence of adequate budgets the IAEA had come to rely on cost-
free experts, for instance to staff operational safety review missions, and there
was concern that these sources were uncertain and may not always be avail-
able for future activities.”
Nuclear trafficking
The dissolution of the USSR left Russia and most other successor States
with inadequate legal and technical systems for preventing the theft of
nuclear material and the smuggling of such material out of the country. From
1992 onwards the IAEA carried out special programmes to help the successor
States of the Soviet Union to apply effective preventive measures. It also
encouraged them to ratify and apply the 1987 Convention on the Physical
Protection of Nuclear Material as well as the IAEA’s guidelines on physical
Since many Russian nuclear scientists had lost their former compara-
tively privileged positions and had seen their salaries reduced to a pittance it
was also feared that at least some of them might be tempted to sell on the
black market whatever fissile material they could lay their hands on or sell
their services to terrorists or dubious governments. Although this particular
fear has so far proved to be largely unfounded, the number of smuggling inci-
dents rose rapidly from 1991 to 1994.
In that year there were the first detected attempts at smuggling
weapon usable material (plutonium and HEU) — three in Germany and one
in the Czech Republic. In all cases the amounts of material involved were at
least an order of magnitude smaller than the ‘significant quantity’ that the
IAEA has estimated a beginner country would need for its first atom
The largest amount of fissile material intercepted was 2.73 kg of
HEU (87.7% enriched) that the Czech police seized in Prague on
14 December 1994. In the German cases the largest amount of fissile material
intercepted was approximately 363 g of plutonium intercepted at Munich
airport on 10 August 1994.
According to information available to the IAEA, national and inter-
national police authorities had been unable (at least by the end of 1996) to dis-
cover any organized gang or ‘mafia’ behind these operations or any plausible
customers for the smuggled material. Nonetheless, the matter was disturbing
and in many countries public opinion became increasingly alarmed. In
September 1994, the General Conference called upon Member States to make
every effort to prevent trafficking in nuclear materials.
The Conference
recognized that States themselves had the main responsibility for preventing
trafficking — crime must be addressed at its source — but stressed that close
co-operation between States was also essential and the IAEA should support
its Member States in their efforts by:
Helping them to prevent trafficking (for instance, helping them to draft
laws and regulations, helping them to apply effective measures of physi-
cal protection and of the accounting and control of nuclear material, and
effective export and import controls);
Helping them to respond quickly and effectively to any incident that
occurs, for instance, by rapid and accurate analysis of confiscated mate-
Providing training in prevention and response;
Promoting the exchange of information.
In 1992, the IAEA had begun the systematic collection of reports in the
media on incidents of trafficking in radioactive materials so as to ensure that
the organization itself was fully aware of such incidents.
In December
1994, the Board approved a number of proposals to enhance the services the
IAEA could offer in helping Member States to improve the protection of
nuclear material and to detect and suppress trafficking. In 1995, the func-
tions of the 1992 database were expanded so as to enable the IAEA to pro-
vide its Member States and the public with authoritative information about
reported smuggling attempts. The database became fully operational in
respect of media reports in August 1995, and in late 1995 the IAEA began
seeking information directly from the authorities of the States concerned.
Governments agreed to provide information on the date and place of any
incident and a brief description of the material involved, and they may
volunteer confidential information about the composition and origin of the
material, its packaging and the persons involved. If the IAEA did not hear
from the government about an incident mentioned in the media and media
reports persisted, the IAEA would take the matter up with the government
In 1995, the IAEA also held a number of meetings with Member States,
the UN, EURATOM and international police organizations such as INTER-
POL to assess the extent of the trafficking problem and to recommend further
action, for instance systematic sharing of information, improved detection of
smuggled material at frontier crossings, fuller use of the database and prompt
notification of incidents. By the end of 1995, 25 nations had informed the
IAEA that they were prepared to take part in the sharing of information, and
it was expected that the number would rapidly increase.
The main diffi-
culty in some cases was internal: deciding which national authority should be
the point of contact with the IAEA.
According to the IAEA’s database the number of confirmed — and
intercepted — attempts to smuggle in nuclear material went up from 43 in
1993 to 44 in 1994 and down to 27 in 1995 and 17 in 1996. The cause of the
decline between 1994 and 1996 was not clear, nor was there any indication
whether it was temporary or that the existence of a market for such material
might be questionable — in other words, that nuclear smuggling is a danger-
ous and unremunerative exercise.
A cursory analysis of the IAEA database shows that in the four years
1993–1996, 132 incidents were confirmed: 54 in Germany, 22 in the Baltic
States and 10 in Poland. The remainder were scattered as far afield as India,
Ecuador and Kazakstan, but most were in Eastern Europe and the Balkans.
What was perhaps more to the point were the quantities and nature of the
materials: 82 of the cases involved natural, depleted or low enriched uranium,
mostly in gram quantities, but in three cases in amounts of several kilograms.
The largest amount was 149.8 kg of 3.3% enriched uranium — typical low
enriched reactor fuel — in Kazakstan. Six of the cases involved gram or
milligram quantities of plutonium.
In short, during these four years no confirmed case involved an amount
or type of nuclear material that could be considered significant from the point
of view of diversion or explosive use.
In fact, the only persons put at risk
by this trafficking were the traffickers themselves who, in a few cases,
exposed their persons to highly radioactive substances such as cobalt-60 and
strontium-90. Of course, this does not mean that all cases of trafficking were
detected, nor that this relatively innocuous pattern will continue, nor that
controls and monitoring of contraband material can be relaxed. On the con-
trary, the fact that the spotlight has been turned on this criminally dangerous
trade and that the national and international organizations concerned are
increasingly alert to it may help to account for the decline in the number of
confirmed incidents.
The IAEAs membership and finances
at the end of 1996
By the middle of 1997, the IAEA’s membership had risen from the
54 that had joined it when the first General Conference opened in October
1957 to a total of 124. For more than one quarter of its history the IAEA had
been operating under zero growth in its regular budget. Under the 1996
regular budget the resources available to it amounted to $249 million (down
from $251 million in 1995), plus $63.3 million (compared with $63.5 million in
1995) for technical co-operation activities. The apparent increase in the
regular budget, shown in Table I in Annex 3, was due entirely to changes in
the rate of exchange and inflation; there was no increase in real terms.
1981–1997: Summing up
It is now a truism that the 17 years from 1981 to 1997 and especially those
around the turn of the decade brought about the most far-reaching changes in
the world’s political scene since 1945: the end of the Cold War and of the fear
of a nuclear Armageddon, the beginning of major nuclear disarmament in
Russia and the USA, widespread disenchantment with Marxist and statist eco-
nomics and conversion to market philosophies, the dissolution of the Soviet
Union and the Warsaw Pact and the end of Communist party rule in Eastern
Europe, Russia and other successor States of the USSR, a widespread move-
ment towards democracy in Latin America, the end of white rule and
apartheid in southern Africa, rapid economic progress in China and in the
‘tigers’ of North East and South East Asia, and progress towards a European
Union. Some issues did not change; for instance, political mistrust persisted
between the leading nations in South Asia (but there had been no war between
them for more than 20 years). Despite the Oslo accords the Middle East
remained volatile, though perhaps less so than in the previous two decades.
Many of these changes had an impact on the IAEA’s programmes, par-
ticularly those relating to safeguards, which will be examined in Chapter 8.
The period also saw the worst nuclear accident and the gravest set-back to
nuclear power since it first came into use in the 1950s, a challenge to the credi-
bility of the non-proliferation regime in Iraq and the DPRK, and the IAEA’s
responses to these challenges, and for the IAEA as a whole, a financial crisis,
mitigated to some extent by special contributions by several Member States.
As the period drew near to a close there were several other crucial
developments. In April 1996, the Agency, the European Commission and
WHO convened a major conference to sum up the consequences of the
Chernobyl accident, as they could now be perceived ten years after it had
happened. All the interested UN and regional agencies worked together to
ensure that the findings of the Conference were of the highest scientific order
and authority and that they would be as widely disseminated as possible.
The Conference attracted more than 800 experts from some 70 countries. It
findings are examined in more detail in Chapter 7.
Another important development affecting nuclear safety was the entry
into force on 24 October 1996 of the ‘Convention on Nuclear Safety’ (also
examined in more detail in Chapter 7). By 30 June 1997, 37 countries had
become party to the Convention and they included most nations operating
nuclear power reactors (though not yet the USA). By that date, the drafting of
a joint convention on the management of spent fuel and radioactive waste
had been completed.
The crucial event affecting IAEA safeguards was the decision of the
parties to the NPT to extend the treaty indefinitely and thereby also to extend
indefinitely the duration of safeguards agreements concluded in accordance
with the Treaty between the IAEA and non-nuclear-weapon States. The parties
took this decision (without a formal vote) at the Review and Extension
Conference held at UN Headquarters in New York in May 1995. At the same
time, the parties approved a document setting out the principles and objec-
tives in the light of which the implementation of the Treaty will be assessed,
and also approved arrangements for strengthening the review process itself.
The decisions of the parties implied “a renewed and collective commitment...
to the exclusively peaceful use of nuclear energy,” and a commitment by the
weapon States to nuclear disarmament.
The Agency’s role as the central
point for nuclear co-operation was confirmed, and “the Agency was expressly
recognized as the competent authority responsible for verifying compliance
with safeguards agreements.”
The Conference also “urged support for
Agency efforts to strengthen safeguards and to develop its capability to detect
possible undeclared nuclear activities.”
It also recommended that “nuclear
material released from military use be placed under Agency safeguards as
soon as practicable”
and called for the early conclusion of a cut-off con-
vention and for the creation of additional nuclear weapon free zones. The
Conference stressed the importance of concluding a comprehensive nuclear
test ban treaty not later than the end of 1996.
Progress has been made in achieving a number of these aims. In 1995,
the Board of Governors had authorized the Secretariat to put into effect those
elements of the ‘Programme 93 + 2’ that did not require additional legal
authority. In May 1997, the Board approved a protocol to existing compre-
hensive safeguards agreements that will provide the legal authority for
several safeguards measures that go beyond the existing system, for instance,
access by the IAEA to more information about a State’s nuclear activities,
more intensive inspections, including access beyond previously agreed
‘strategic points’ in a safeguarded plant, access to any installation within the
perimeter of a nuclear site, and access to plants engaged in nuclear related
activities such as those manufacturing components of enrichment plants. The
changes foreseen in the protocol are also designed to make safeguards under
comprehensive agreements more cost efficient.
As already noted, in April 1996 the States concerned signed and opened
for signature in Cairo the Pelindaba Treaty establishing a nuclear weapon free
zone in Africa,
and in December 1995 a treaty creating such a zone in South
East Asia was signed in Bangkok. When these treaties enter into force and
when the remaining steps are taken to bring the Tlatelolco Treaty fully into
effect, the following regions of the world will be free of nuclear weapons
under international law: Antarctica; Latin America and the Caribbean; the
South Pacific; Africa; South East Asia.
By the end of 1996, the IAEA was already verifying that certain nuclear
material (HEU and plutonium) declared by the USA to be surplus to its mili-
tary needs remains removed from the military programme. In September
1996, the Russian Minister for Atomic Energy, Viktor Mikhailov, the US
Secretary of Energy, Hazel O’Leary, and Director General Hans Blix agreed to
explore the technical, legal and financial issues relating to the verification of
nuclear material withdrawn from military use.
Also in September 1996, the UN General Assembly approved and
opened for signature a Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty.
In short, since 1990 there has been a consolidation and extension of the
NPT regime to a point where universality is closer than appeared possible
even a few years ago. Some 45 States acceded to the NPT between 1990 and
1996, including the last two nuclear weapon States, China and France, as well
as Argentina and South Africa. Five nuclear weapon free zones each requiring
IAEA verification are in force or in gestation. IAEA safeguards or verification
have been extended, for the first time, to cover former nuclear weapon
material in the USA and South Africa. Finally, much strengthened IAEA safe-
guards have been approved by the Board of Governors.
At the end of 1996, Hans Blix informed the Board that he would not seek
to extend his appointment beyond the current term. His 16 years of service as
Director General of the IAEA would thus come to an end in December 1997.
During those 16 years Blix had guided the IAEA through several crises
and under his direction the Agency has accomplished much to enhance its
authority and role in international affairs. The crises included the temporary
withdrawal of the USA from the IAEA at the end of 1982, the Chernobyl dis-
aster, and violations of their safeguards agreements by Iraq and the DPRK.
The IAEA’s accomplishments, under Blix’s direction, included prompt and
effective reaction to Chernobyl, its authoritative analyses of the causes and
effects of that accident, the two conventions on early notification and mutual
emergency assistance negotiated (exceptionally swiftly) in 1986, the entry
into force of the Nuclear Safety Convention in 1996 and the completion of
work on the draft of a convention on the management of nuclear waste. Blix
had responded with similar effectiveness to the revelation of Iraq’s clandes-
tine nuclear weapon programme and the DPRK’s breach of its safeguards
agreement. His analysis of the lessons of Iraq provided the framework for
‘Programme 93 + 2’ approved by the Board in May 1997 — the most impor-
tant development in international nuclear safeguards since the establishment
of the NPT safeguards system in 1971. The growing efficacy and impartial
application of IAEA safeguards were undoubtedly factors in the 1995 deci-
sion of the parties to make the Treaty permanent.
In June 1997, by a unanimous decision, the Board appointed
Dr. Mohamed ElBaradei as successor to Dr. Blix. Dr. ElBaradei is a distin-
guished international lawyer and diplomat and author of numerous publica-
tions on the United Nations, the IAEA and international law. He has served
the IAEA since 1984 in several senior capacities, most recently (since 1993) as
Assistant Director General for External Relations. He carries the rank of
Ambassador in the Egyptian Foreign Service. It is expected that at its autumn
session the General Conference will approve Dr. ElBaradei’s appointment.
Also the Musikakademie itself, where the IAEA was temporarily housed, the
Venediger Au near the Prater, the ‘Gutman’ building on Schwarzenbergplatz near
the Konzerthaus, the Biberstein building and the Gartenbaugrund, the Coburg
Palace and the Stadtschulrat in the First District (i.e. the inner city). A partial list-
ing is given in document GOV/68 of 18 December 1957. Later there was some dis-
cussion of a castle at Laxenburg (now housing the International Institute for
Applied Systems Analysis) as a possible permanent headquarters for the Agency.
Until new meeting rooms were built, the Board met in a suitably refurbished
chamber in the Hofburg palace. For reasons that remain obscure, the IAEA’s
Director of Finance occupied the honeymoon suite in the Grand Hotel and sat
below a suitably unclad mural of Venus.
After the IAEA moved to its newly built headquarters in the Donaupark, the
Grand Hotel was first refitted as a bank and since then has reverted partly to its
original role of a luxury hotel and has also been transformed into an upmarket
shopping centre. Until the 1980s, when the Austrian Government built a new con-
ference centre at the Donaupark, the General Conference held its annual session in
the halls of the Hofburg Palace.
The Board elected Goldschmidt as its chairman on 11 December 1979 (document
GOV/OR.541 of April 1980). Goldschmidt was the author of several illuminating
books about the wartime and post-war development of nuclear energy and about
nuclear relations between the Allied governments. The best known is Le Complexe
Atomique (Fayard, Paris (1980)), subsequently translated into English by the
American Nuclear Society.
The panel had concluded that nuclear power could well be the key to the economic
future of the USA and had recommended the expeditious development of nuclear
power including, if necessary, the “construction of one ‘demonstration’ plant of
each major reactor size and type with public funds.” HEWLETT, R.G., HOLL, J.M.,
Atoms for Peace and War: 1953–1961, Eisenhower and the Atomic Energy Commission,
University of California Press, Berkeley, CA (1990) pp. 205 and 327–328.
Personal communication from Ambassador Roland Timerbaev, for many years
Soviet and later Russian Resident Representative to the IAEA. Molotov’s appoint-
ment filled the air with rumours. It was reported — correctly — that Stalin had
kept Molotov’s wife, Paulina Semenovna Zhemchuzhina, in prison in the late
1940s. She was Jewish and was suspected by Stalin and Beria of supporting the
Zionist cause. It was also said that Molotov’s staff, who obviously disliked him,
fed him incorrect information so as to make him look foolish when he spoke in the
Board or General Conference. What was undeniable was that he was deliberately
humiliated by being listed as the fourth ranking member of the Soviet delegation
at the General Conference.
See HEWLETT, R.G., HOLL, J.M., Atoms for Peace and War, p. 437, on Cole’s salary.
Cole also unnecessarily exposed himself to some ridicule by producing his own
bizarre design for a special flag for the IAEA — in place of the UN flag — and
trying to persuade a hilarious Board to approve it. A somewhat harebrained
proposal by a senior IAEA scientist, unwisely endorsed by Cole, was that the
IAEA should buy tens of thousands of cattle, pigs and other mammals, possibly
transport them to a Mediterranean island and irradiate them over a period of
15–20 years to study the genetic and somatic effects of a diet containing
strontium-90. Inevitably, the proposal became known in the Secretariat as the “cow
project”; it was unanimously rejected by the Board. (See STOESSINGER, J.G.,
“Atoms for Peace: The International Atomic Energy Agency”, Organizing for Peace
in the Nuclear Age, Report of a Commission to Study the Organization of Peace,
New York University Press, New York (1959) 168.) But Cole was kind and loyal to
those whom he liked and he made many friends.
Lewis Strauss to John Foster Dulles (HEWLETT, R.G., HOLL, J.M., Atoms for Peace
and War, p. 437). See also STOESSINGER, J.G., “The International Atomic Energy
Agency: The first phase”, International Organization 13 3 (1959) 404.
STOESSINGER, J.G., “The International Atomic Energy Agency: The first phase”,
p. 404. By the end of 1958, 68 bilateral agreements for nuclear assistance had been
concluded, 45 by the USA, 12 by the United Kingdom, 9 by the Soviet Union and
2 by Canada, ibid., p. 405.
Very briefly, the issue was whether the USA would accept EURATOM safeguards
as a substitute for those of the IAEA as the pro-Western European diplomats at the
State Department and the Secretary of State, John Foster Dulles, urged. Despite the
opposition of Cole and Lewis Strauss, the Chairman of the USAEC, Eisenhower
accepted the State Department’s recommendation.
“However formidable on the ground, from the air the Soviets were naked unto
their enemies.” Until 1960 the Soviet Union was “defenceless against [US] strategic
bombing.” RHODES, R., Dark Sun: The Making of the Hydrogen Bomb, Simon and
Schuster, New York (1995) pp. 349 and 348.
As a consequence, several articles of the IAEA’s Statute were doomed to be dead
letters. In particular, Articles IX, X and XIII dealing with the supply to the IAEA of
nuclear hardware and services and payment for such supplies; Article XIV.E
enjoining the IAEA to draw up a scale of charges for hardware and services it
supplied; and Article VII.G implicitly providing for the recruitment of guards.
Under Article IX.A, the materials were to be stored by the member or “in the
Agency’s depots”. Under Article IX.H, the IAEA was to be responsible for storing
and protecting materials in its possession (for instance, against forcible seizure)
and for ensuring their “geographical distribution of these materials in such a
way”...as to avoid concentrating them in any one country or region. Under Article
IX.I, the IAEA was to acquire all the facilities needed for “for the receipt, storage
and issue” and “control laboratories for the analysis and...verification of [nuclear]
materials received” as well as “housing and administrative facilities for any staff
required...” The Agency had no occasion to take action under any of these
First Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the General Conference Covering the
Period from 23 October 1957 to 30 June 1958, GC(II)/39, IAEA, Vienna (1958), p. 39,
para. 177.
The exceptions were gram quantities of fissile material that the USA provided
(much later) to the IAEA’s laboratory. Member States also submitted requests for
small amounts of nuclear and other radioactive material for use in their laborato-
ries. After a request had been approved by the Board, the USA or one or two other
suppliers sent the material direct to Member States. In due course the Board
delegated to the Director General the authority to approve such transfers.
As the 1958–1959 Annual Report of the Board put it: “the cost of nuclear power
production...has not yet been reduced sufficiently to make it economically attrac-
tive” except in special circumstances. (Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the
General Conference Covering the Period from 1 July 1958 to 30 June 1959, GC(III)/73,
IAEA, Vienna (1959), p. 3, para. 8.)
Document GOV/OR/254, para. 75.
The administration of fellowships had been assigned to one Department in the
Secretariat. The administration of other types of technical assistance (for which funds
became available in 1959), namely the services of experts and the scientific equip-
ment, was somewhat illogically assigned to another Department. So Jolles appointed,
in his own extensive ‘Department of Administration, Liaison and Secretariat’, a
‘co-ordinator’ for technical assistance. By this appointment three Departments in the
Secretariat became responsible for administering technical assistance.
“Duties of the Director General”, Rule 8 (a), Board of Governors, Provisional Rules of
Procedure, GOV/INF/5, IAEA, Vienna (1958) 5.
BECHHOEFER, B.G., Postwar Negotiations for Arms Control, The Brookings
Institution, Washington DC (1961) 11.
SZASZ, P.C., The Law and Practices of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Legal
Series No. 7, IAEA, Vienna (1970) 313–314. There has been no grant of consultative
status since then, but by the 1970s the issue had ceased to be divisive. In 1975, the
General Conference asked the Board to invite every year appropriate NGOs to
attend its future regular sessions, that is NGOs concerned with developing the
peaceful uses of nuclear energy or research in the nuclear sciences.
Document GOV/OR.74, para. 45.
First Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the General Conference Covering the
Period from 23 October 1957 to 30 June 1958, p. 9, para. 40; and Annual Report of the
Board of Governors to the General Conference Covering the Period from 1 July 1958 to
30 June 1959, Annex I.C, p. 56.
CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, Background Material for the Review of the
International Atomic Policies and Programs of the United States, Report to the Joint
Committee on Atomic Energy, Vol. 3, US Govt. Printing Office, Washington, DC
(1960) 740–741.
First Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the General Conference Covering the
Period from 23 October 1957 to 30 June 1958, p. 30, para. 131.
EPTA was one of the two precursors of the present United Nations Development
Programme — the other precursor, then still in gestation, was the United Nations
Special Fund, which was designed to focus on larger projects.
Document GOV/OR.98, paras 12–18 (Sterling Cole’s report to the Board on the
conference) and CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, Review of the International
Atomic Policies and Programmes of the United States, p. 773. Before the conference,
Cole tried but failed to persuade the Austrian Foreign Ministry that it should use
its influence with the UN to have the venue of the conference transferred to
Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the General Conference Covering the Period
from 1 July 1958 to 30 June 1959, pp. 48–49, paras 227–228.
Ibid, p. 49, para. 229, and material provided by the Director of the laboratory.
Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the General Conference 1 July 1961 to 30 June
1962, GC(VI)/195, IAEA, Vienna (1962), p. 1, para. 2 and p. 11, para. 70.
HEWLETT, R.G., HOLL, J.M., Atoms for Peace and War, pp. 265 and 473.
HEWLETT, R.G., HOLL, J.M., ibid., pp. 175–178.
HEWLETT, R.G., HOLL, J.M., ibid., p. 303.
BECHHOEFER, B.G., Postwar Negotiations for Arms Control, pp. 490–491.
STOESSINGER, J.G., “The International Atomic Energy Agency: The first phase”,
p. 409.
The Conference on Disarmament (CD), which meets in Geneva, negotiated the
draft of a comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty in the course of 1994–1996. India
found the draft unacceptable. Hence the CD, which takes decisions by consensus
on issues of substance, was unable to approve the draft text, whereupon Australia
took the initiative and submitted the draft text to the UN General Assembly
together with a resolution approving it. Numerous delegations co-sponsored the
Australian resolution, which was adopted on 19 September 1996 by a large majority
of members of the United Nations (158 voted in favour of the resolution, three
against and five abstained).
If and when the CTBT enters into force the parties will establish an agency in
Vienna which will operate its own monitoring system. In the meantime the
prospective parties have agreed to establish a Preparatory Commission in Vienna.
Article II.A.8 of the CTBT.
From 1957 to 1959, the Board also established temporary committees on subjects
such as the negotiation of agreements between the IAEA and the specialized
agencies, the selection of the IAEA’s permanent headquarters and the rules to gov-
ern the IAEA’s acceptance of contributions and gifts. Since then the Board has set
up ad hoc committees to advise it on numerous topics. They include the Board’s
own size and composition, the financing of technical co-operation and of safe-
guards, the contents of safeguards systems, assurances of nuclear supplies, the
texts of various conventions and, most recently, means of making safeguards more
effective and efficient.
The IAEA’s own funds plus EPTA/Special Fund (later UNDP), plus the estimated
value of contributions in kind. A good deal of this growth was offset by inflation,
but even so it was very substantial.
VERNET, D., “Vers l’Europe nucléaire, échaudée par la crise de Suez, la France
envisagea très sérieusement, il y a quarante ans, de se doter avec l’Allemagne et
l’Italie d’une ‘arme nouvelle’ ”, Le Monde, 27 October 1996.
Some States had difficulty in complying with the timetable. A State that was party
to the NPT when the Treaty entered into force was required to begin the negotia-
tion of its safeguards agreement with the IAEA within 180 days of the date of the
NPT’s entry into force, and to bring the safeguards agreement into force within
18 months after the negotiation began. A State that acceded later was required to
begin safeguards negotiations on or before its date of accession and (likewise) to
bring the safeguards agreement into force within 18 months after the negotiation
began. The five non-nuclear-weapon States of EURATOM began their negotiation
of the safeguards agreement in 1971 and signed it in 1973, but only brought it into
force on 21 February 1977, five years after negotiations began. Even under the
more generous interpretation that the States concerned could not be bound by the
Treaty’s timetable before they had acceded to the Treaty (which they did on 2 May
1975) they were still more than three months late in bringing the safeguards agree-
ment into force! But this sin of omission pales before the delays that attended the
entry into force of numerous other agreements — see Chapter 8.
The Oak Ridge Laboratory was actually built in 1943 and the calutrons in its Y-12
plant produced the HEU for the Hiroshima bomb. One of the main purposes of the
symposium was to ‘consecrate’, in a non-religious sense, a large Japanese bronze
bell, with scenes of Japan and Tennessee on its panels, designed to keep alive the
memory of the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and to help ensure that
nuclear weapons were never used again.
Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the General Conference 1 July 1963 to 30 June
1964, GC(VIII)/270, IAEA, Vienna (1964); p. 12, para. 69; and Annual Report of the
Board of Governors to the General Conference 1 July 1964 to 30 June 1965, GC(IX)/299,
p. 35, para. 150. As early as 1960, Abdus Salam, the eminent Pakistani physicist, had
made the case to the IAEA’s General Conference for the creation of a theoretical
physics centre. He argued that the IAEA was looking for useful things to do, but
did not have much money, and that all you needed for work in theoretical physics
was a pencil and paper — unlike the large and costly machines essential for work
in experimental physics. Salam mobilized support from a number of leading
physicists including Richard Feynman, Paul Dirac, Robert Oppenheimer, Henry
Smyth and physicists in the USSR.
As a follow-up of the research agreement concluded by Sterling Cole on 10 March
The outstanding figures were Henry Seligman, the Head of the Department of
Radioisotopes and Radiation, and Carlo Salvetti, Head of the Division of Research
and Laboratories. Seligman had been Director of the Isotope Division at Harwell
in the UK, and Salvetti had been Director of the Nuclear Research Centre at Ispra
in Italy. Both were dissatisfied with the direction their establishments were taking
and sought scientific refuge in the IAEA. There were many other pioneers: Mac
Fried, the first director of the Joint FAO/IAEA Division; Brian Payne, who
launched the IAEA’s — and the world’s — first international nuclear hydrology
programme; Hugh Belcher, who helped build up the IAEA’s work in nuclear
medicine; Jacques Servant, who launched the IAEA’s nuclear safety work; Dragan
Popovic and Allan McKnight, who helped establish the IAEA’s role in safeguards;
and Munir Kahn and Bob Skjöldebrand, who were the driving force of the IAEA’s
programme in nuclear power. Upendra Goswami, the first Director and later Head
of the Department of Technical Assistance, was largely responsible for what was
then the most important of the IAEA’s programmes and remains so in the eyes of
many of the IAEA’s Member States. On the non-technical side credit must be given
to John Hall, who succeeded Jolles as the Head of Administration; Algie Wells,
who replaced Hall in this post for several years; Carol Kraczkiewicz, the first
Director of Personnel; and Paddy Bolton, for many years Secretary of the Board
and the General Conference.
RAINER, R.H., SZASZ, P.C., The Law and Practices of the International Atomic Energy
Agency: 1970–1980, Supplement 1 to the 1970 Edition of Legal Series No. 7, Legal Series
No. 7-S1, IAEA, Vienna (1993) 28–29.
SZASZ, P.C., The Law and Practices of the International Atomic Energy Agency, p. 141.
The amendment came into force on 23 January 1963.
This would have the result of reducing the number of regional nuclear leaders by two
as they (India and Japan) graduated into the top nine. In other words, the number of
States to be designated as leading nuclear States within regions not represented by the
‘nine world leaders’ would be reduced from five to three, namely, the States most
advanced in the technology of atomic energy, including the production of source
materials, in Africa, Latin America and South East Asia and the Pacific. Two States
previously in this category, India and Japan, would move up into the top nine.
SZASZ, P.C., The Law and Practices of the International Atomic Energy Agency,
pp. 142–143; and RAINER, R.H., SZASZ, P.C., The Law and Practices of the
International Atomic Energy Agency: 1970–1980, pp. 52–53.
SZASZ, P.C., The Law and Practices of the International Atomic Energy Agency, p. 147.
RAINER, R.H., SZASZ, P.C., The Law and Practices of the International Atomic Energy
Agency: 1970–1980, pp. 14–15.
Director General Blix and a senior Japanese member of the IAEA’s staff as well as
the Government of Pakistan did much, in informal contacts with senior Chinese
officials in Beijing and Vienna, to persuade the Government of the People’s
Republic that China should join the IAEA.
As a result of the Board’s decision China could have taken its seat in the Agency
at any time it found convenient and did not need to submit a formal application
for membership. If Beijing had taken this course, however, it would have recog-
nized implicitly the legality of the action taken by the authorities in Taiwan when
they signed and ratified the Statute of the IAEA in 1957. This would have been con-
trary to the policy of the People’s Republic, which apparently was not to recognize
the legality of any action taken by Taiwan after 1949 when the Taiwanese authori-
ties fled from the mainland.
Taiwan had ratified the NPT on 27 January 1970 and its ratification had been
recognized by the USA until it broke off diplomatic relations with the ‘Republic of
China’. When the Board took its decision, the Secretariat had perforce to break off
the negotiation of an NPT safeguards agreement, but it was by no means in the
interest of the IAEA, or of the People’s Republic or of the other parties to the NPT
to withdraw the IAEA’s inspectors. Accordingly, the IAEA continued to apply
safeguards on the basis of an informal understanding that a previous agreement
between the USA, the ‘Republic of China’ and the IAEA would in practice remain
in force and that all nuclear plant and material in Taiwan would brought under
that agreement. (See also RAINER, R.H., SZASZ, P.C., The Law and Practices of the
International Atomic Energy Agency: 1970–1980, pp. 16–17.)
The second was in Mexico City in 1972. The opening was the scene of a bizarre
diplomatic encounter. Mexico did not recognize the Government of General
Franco and the Spanish Republic still maintained diplomatic representation in
Mexico City, and, in accordance with the custom of the General Conference, had to
be invited, together with all other diplomatic missions, to the opening of the
Conference. The official Spanish delegation was very unhappy and there were
fears of a public protest, but the opening passed off without any visible incident.
Document GOV/OR.501, para. 93.
Author of the ‘Smyth Report’ on the Manhattan Project, which was written in 1946
to account to Congress for the vast sums spent on the Project. According to Bertrand
Goldschmidt (Le Complexe Atomique, p. 80), the Smyth Report helped France, and
probably the USSR, to avoid blind alleys on the path to their first nuclear weapons.
Smyth was a distinguished scientist and a man of great personal charm and integrity.
When charges were made that Robert Oppenheimer was a security risk Smyth was
the only member of the panel set up to pass judgement on Oppenheimer who
opposed the suspension of Oppenheimer’s security clearance.
BARLOW, A., The History of the International Atomic Energy Agency (unpublished
thesis), quoting ALLARDICE, C., TRAPNELL, E.R., The Atomic Energy Commission,
Praeger, New York (1974) 205–208.
The Soviet/US and US/EURATOM compromises on IAEA safeguards are reflected
in Article III of the NPT.
“...to pursue negotiations in good faith for the cessation of the nuclear arms race at
an early date” and “on a treaty on general and complete disarmament under strict
and effective international controls” in the language of Article VI of the NPT. The
commitment to a comprehensive test ban treaty is contained in the eleventh pre-
ambular paragraph of the NPT.
Articles IV and V of the NPT.
Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the General Conference 1 July 1967 to 30 June
1968, GC(XII)/380, IAEA, Vienna (1968), p. 1, para. 2.
SCHEINMAN, L., The International Atomic Energy Agency and World Nuclear Order,
Resources for the Future, Washington, DC (1988) 37–38.
The US offer related to all nuclear activities, except those having security signifi-
cance. The formula of the United Kingdom was different but meant much the same.
The IAEA’s NPT safeguards system and the Treaty of Tlatelolco are examined
more fully in Chapter 8.
It is estimated that the explosion, which took place 100 metres underground, had
a yield of the order of 10–15 kilotons; in other words, it was in the same range as
the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. GOLDBLAT, J., “The Indian
nuclear test and the NPT”, NPT: Paradoxes and Problems (MARKS, A.W. (Ed.)),
Arms Control Association, Washington, DC (1975) 31.
The CIRUS reactor, as it is called, uses natural uranium as its fuel and heavy water
as its coolant and moderator and is an excellent machine for producing weapon
grade plutonium (after the Suez crisis of 1956 France supplied a similar reactor to
Israel). The original model was built in Canada after the war, and Canada later
supplied a similar machine to Taiwan. The relevant agreement between Canada
and India specified that as long as the reactor used Canadian fuel, Canadian safe-
guards would apply. When India was able to substitute its own natural uranium
for the Canadian fuel, the residual Indian commitment was to use the reactor and
its products for peaceful purposes only; hence the Indian statement that the
Pokharan test was a “peaceful nuclear explosion”.
Document GOV/OR.469.
Communication from Ambassador Roland Timerbaev, who took part in the Moscow
consultations and was present when the agreement on the NSG’s Guidelines was
In the case of existing agreements, the importing non-nuclear-weapon State had a
two-year grace period to come into compliance with the Act. New agreements and
renegotiated agreements would only be concluded with non-nuclear-weapon
States that already placed all nuclear material under safeguards. The Act also
required physical protection of nuclear items supplied by the USA, US consent on
re-exports, and several other conditions of supply.
In view of the President’s and Congress’s antipathy to reprocessing, the customers
of the USA concluded that only in exceptional cases would the USA give its prior
consent. The US/EURATOM Agreement of 1958 did not require prior US consent
for the reprocessing or enrichment of nuclear material of US origin. EURATOM
refused to renegotiate, and to avoid an interruption of current and future US
supplies the President had to resort to a clause empowering him to waive the rene-
gotiation requirement if he deemed that it was in the US national interest to do so.
Until 1995, when the US/EURATOM agreement expired, successive US Presidents
annually waived the renegotiation requirement. Thus, in practice, EURATOM and
Japan were given ‘programmatic’ consent for reprocessing — in other words long
term advance consent to reprocessing. The USA and EURATOM have since negoti-
ated a new agreement that has resolved this problem.
The main plutonium producing and using countries have, however, met in recent
years and agreed to publish reports on the amount of plutonium they hold in
storage and on their production and use of plutonium. The European Union also
laid down strict rules to govern the export of plutonium so as to ensure that it
remains under IAEA safeguards, and to guard against the stockpiling of civilian
plutonium, an aim implicit in Article XII.A.5 of the IAEA’s Statute.
In the 1980s, there were reports that China had offered to accept and store nuclear
waste from the Federal Republic of Germany and Brazil, but at a high price.
Apparently no agreement was reached.
Annual Report for 1987, GC (XXXII)/835, IAEA, Vienna (1988), p. 14, para. 32. The
Conference was held at the Palais des Nations (the United Nations centre) in
For example, HERSH, S.M., The Samson Option, Random House, New York (1991)
271–283; MOORE, J.D.L., South Africa and Nuclear Proliferation, Macmillan Press,
London (1987) 116.
According to a possibly apocryphal tale by Goldschmidt, the Iraqi authorities at
first asked for a replica of the 480 MW(e) Vandellós I reactor that the French
Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique had built in Spain. This gas cooled graphite
moderated reactor was of the type that had been used to produce substantial
quantities of weapon grade plutonium in the United Kingdom, France and else-
where. When President Valéry Giscard d’Estaing heard about the Iraqi request, his
reaction was that they should be told that France did not make that type of reactor
any longer, but that they should be offered the most expensive French research
reactor, thereby recouping some of the money that France was spending on Iraqi
oil. Accordingly, the French provided what was, in effect, a copy of the OSIRIS
reactor, a 70 MW(th) materials testing plant that uses HEU as its fuel and is named
after the ancient Egyptian god personifying the power of good and sunlight, and
re-christened it ‘OSIRAQ’.
Documents GOV.OR.564–567.
See the essay by Ambassador Roger Kirk in Personal Reflections. Ambassador Kirk
was the Resident Representative of the USA to the IAEA from 1978 until 1983.
Part or all of 14 meetings of the Board were spent on this subject (GOV/OR.568–570
and GOV/OR.572–579 and 583–585).
Eibenschutz, Mexico; Haunschild, Germany; Imai, Japan; Korhonen, Finland;
Siazon, Philippines; Wilson, Australia; Zangger, Switzerland.
Blix had been legal adviser in the Foreign Ministry from 1963 to 1976 and Under
Secretary of State in charge of international development co-operation from 1976
to 1978. He was appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs in 1978. He had served in
New York and Geneva on the Swedish delegations to the General Assembly and
to the Conference on Disarmament. In the 1980 referendum on nuclear power he
had headed the Liberal Party Campaign Committee in favour of retaining the
Swedish nuclear energy programme.
Document GOV/OR.585.
GC(XXV)/OR.237, para. 127. The General Conference would normally have fin-
ished its session on the previous Friday, but its agenda in 1981 was unusually
heavy. Besides the appointment of a new Director General it had to: address the
Israeli attack on the Tamuz reactor; demand that technical co-operation be
financed in a more certain and predictable manner; pressure for the expansion of
the Board; and deal with demands that more persons from the developing coun-
tries be appointed to senior positions in the IAEA.
A resolution proposed by the Board and adopted by the General Conference
recommended that the Board “give particular consideration to candidates from
developing areas who meet the requirements for that high office in appointing the
Director General after the expiration of the above mentioned term of Mr. Blix.”
The term referred to in the resolution was from 1 December 1981 to 30 November
1985. In fact, Dr. Blix’s tenure was renewed for three further terms until
30 November 1997. (GC(XXV)/658.)
Document GC(XXV)/OR.237, paras 40–41.
IAEA Statute, Article XIX.B.
The Iraqi amendment would simply have added to the draft resolution the words
“with the exception of the credentials of the delegation of Israel”, GC(XXVI)/OR.246,
p. 5, para. 19.
Some delegates maintained that the Madagascar delegate was not present when
the vote was taken.
Document GC(XXVI)/OR.246, paras 19–62.
A senior member of the US mission to the IAEA, about to return to the USA,
subsequently told the author that the original instructions to the US delegation did
not call for US withdrawal if Israel’s credentials were successfully challenged.
When the members of the Israeli delegation learnt this — on the last morning of
the conference — they expressed strong dissatisfaction and said they would con-
tact the Israeli Embassy in Washington. Within a few hours the instructions to the
US delegation were changed. See also KIRK, R., in Personal Reflections.
In most UN forums, as in the IAEA General Conference, only a simple majority of
votes would be needed to secure the rejection of any delegation’s credentials.
The Austrian Government provided facilities for the negotiations at a well known
Alpine resort, but the parties had little time for skiing!
Document GOV/OR.600.
Annual Report for 1982, GC(XXVII)/684, IAEA, Vienna (1983), p. 16, para. 63. This
theme was also taken up by the NPT review conferences, which called upon South
Africa to renounce nuclear weapons and to accede to the Treaty.
Annual Report for 1987, p. 15, para. 41.
Documents GOV/OR.677 and GOV/2311. The Statute (Article XIX.B.) prescribes
that the suspension by the General Conference of the rights and privileges of a
Member State requires the votes of a two thirds majority of the members present
and voting. The only matter which requires the approval of two thirds of the
members of the Board is the amount of the Agency’s budget (Article VI.E), but the
Board may by a simple majority decide that decisions on other questions or
categories of questions shall require the votes of a two thirds majority of its
Annual Report for 1987, p. 15, para. 41; Annual Report for 1988, GC(XXXIII)/873,
IAEA, Vienna (1989), p. 10, para. 39; and Annual Report for 1989, GC(XXXIV)/915,
IAEA, Vienna (1990), p. 7.
Annual Report for 1992, GC(XXXVII)/1060, IAEA, Vienna (1993), pp. 4–5.
Annual Report for 1993, GC(XXXVIII)/2, IAEA, Vienna (1994), p. 157.
Annual Report for 1983, GC(XXVIII)/713, IAEA, Vienna (1984), p. 7, para. 2.
See Article VI.A of the IAEA Statute and the Annual Report for 1984, p. 7, paras 1–2.
Document INFCIRC/369.
Annual Report for 1989, p. 103.
The second paragraph of the preamble to the 1989 safeguards agreement
(INFCIRC/369) reads as follows:
“Whereas China has declared that in its exports of nuclear material and equip-
ment, it will require the recipient countries to accept safeguards by the
International Atomic Energy Agency...and that nuclear material and equipment
imported to China will only be used for peaceful purposes.”
Annual Report for 1990, GC(XXXV)/953, IAEA, Vienna (1991) 140.
By the end of 1995, the NSG included all nuclear exporters amongst the industrial
States and Argentina, South Africa and the Republic of Korea. But China was not a
With one significant exception, however. The Tlatelolco Treaty, like other regional
treaties creating nuclear weapon free zones, does not derogate from the right of
innocent passage of naval vessels carrying nuclear warheads.
Agreement on the “Exclusively Peaceful Utilization of Nuclear Energy”.
Document GOV/OR.772.
Annual Report for 1994, GC(39)/3, IAEA, Vienna (1995), p. 3.
FISCHER, D., The Regional Track for the Last Three NPT Holdouts — Israel, India and
Pakistan, Programme for Promoting Nuclear Non-Proliferation, Issue Review No. 5,
Mountbatten Centre for International Studies, Department of Politics, University
of Southampton, Southampton (May 1995).
Annual Report for 1995, GC(40)/8, IAEA, Vienna (1996) 70.
Ibid., p. 64.
Annual Report for 1995, p. 71, footnote a.
Professor Baxter, the first head of the Australian Atomic Energy Commission, was
known to be a proponent of a nuclear Australia, and at least one of his colleagues
shared his views. Since the 1960s, Australia has become one of the strongest pro-
ponents of non-proliferation, strict safeguards and nuclear export controls.
Annual Report for 1995, p. 45.
The General Conference’s request was made in its resolution GC(XXXII)RES/494,
see Annual Report for 1988, p. 9, para. 37.
Document GOV/INF/773, p. 1, para. 2.
Document GOV/INF/773.
In studying non-radioactive pollution, the Marine Environment Laboratory makes
use of the techniques developed by nuclear science.
Annual Report for 1995, pp. 4–5 and Box 3.
Annual Report for 1991, GC(XXXVI)/1004, IAEA, Vienna (1992) 1.
Annual Report for 1992, p. 1.
Zero growth continued to be enjoined in 1996.
Safety, Challenges Facing the International Atomic Energy Agency, Report to the
Chairman, Committee on Governmental Affairs, US Senate, GAO/NSIAD/
RCED-93-284 (September 1993) 6.
Ibid., pp. 65–66.
The guidelines are set out in document INFCIRC/225/Rev. 3.
As noted elsewhere, this is 8 kg of plutonium, or 25 kg of HEU, or its equivalent.
It is well known that countries that have long standing nuclear weapon
programmes use only a half or less than half of these quantities for their nuclear
weapons and that a country advanced in the use of nuclear energy would need
much less, but these are not likely to be the target customers of nuclear
Summary Listing of Incidents Involving Illicit Trafficking in Nuclear Materials and Other
Radioactive Sources — 4th Quarter 1996, attached to the IAEA’s letter of 29 January
1997, Reference N4.11.42.
The following material is based chiefly on “Combating illicit trafficking of nuclear
material and other radioactive sources”, IAEA Yearbook 1996, IAEA, Vienna (1996)
E17–E27 and on “Security of material”, Annual Report for 1995, p. 49.
Document GOV/2773 of 24 November 1994, Attachment, para. 1.7. In this docu-
ment the Director General gave a report to the Board on what the IAEA had done
and could do to help governments prevent or take action in response to trafficking
and sought the Board’s approval of additional IAEA activities.
In October 1996, the IAEA distributed its first periodic authoritative listing of inci-
dents involving trafficking — in other words, incidents verified and confirmed by
the State concerned.
Annual Report for 1995, p. 49. By the end of 1996, the number of participating coun-
tries had risen to 47 and it included almost all nations with a programme in
nuclear energy or producing nuclear materials.
This is, of course, a controversial question. In the author’s view the more sensa-
tionalist media tend to exaggerate the gravity of these incidents and the danger
that a group of terrorists would be technically able to make a nuclear weapon. The
reports that the governments of so-called ‘rogue’ States are anxious to obtain
smuggled material are unsubstantiated and not very convincing. For any
government the political consequences of being caught dealing in a nuclear black
market would be very grave. Moreover, until now all States that have launched
nuclear weapon programmes have been interested in acquiring the ability to make
nuclear warheads in series, rather than the material needed for one or two bombs.
The same pattern continued on a reduced scale in 1996.
For a more extensive discussion of the incidents that have been reported, see
HIBBS, M., “No plutonium smuggling cases confirmed by IAEA since Munich”,
Nucleonics Week (6 March 1997).
The conference was jointly sponsored by the European Commission, the IAEA and
WHO and was held in co-operation with the UN, UNESCO, UNEP, UNSCEAR, FAO
and OECD/NEA. The President of the conference was Angela Merkel, German
Minister for the Environment.
Amongst the findings of the Conference were the following:
237 persons were admitted to hospital and in 134 cases acute radiation syn-
drome was diagnosed. Within three months 30 members of the plant’s staff and
the firemen had died, 28 persons died of acute radiation injuries and two more
from injuries unrelated to radiation. (One Decade After Chernobyl, Summing up
the Consequences of the Accident, Summary of the Conference Results, IAEA, Vienna
(1996), p. 6, para. 12.).
The “only clear evidence to date of a public health impact of radiation expo-
sure”, was “a highly significant increase in the incidence of thyroid cancer”
amongst persons who were still children in 1986. By April 1996, three had died
(One Decade After Chernobyl, pp. 7 and 8, paras 15 and 21; and the Annual Report
for 1996, GC(41)/8, IAEA, Vienna (1997), p. 3, Box 3).
Amongst the longer term health effects, “leukaemia, a rare disease, is a major
concern after radiation exposure” and among “the 7.1 million residents of the
‘contaminated’ territories and ‘strict control zone’, the number of fatal cancers
is calculated...to be of the order of 6600 over the next 85 years against a spon-
taneous number of 870 000 deaths due to cancer.” (One Decade After Chernobyl,
p. 9, paras 25–26). There had been no increase in the incidence of other cancers
or hereditary effects that could be attributed to the accident.
There were numerous psychological disorders amongst the affected popula-
tion, but it was difficult to distinguish such disorders from the effects of
economic and social hardship in the region; no sustained severe impact on
ecosystems had so far been observed, though continuing attention must be
given to the ‘sarcophagus’ around the destroyed reactor.
Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive
Waste Management”, IAEA document GOV/2916.
Annual Report for 1995, p. 2.
In recognition of the assistance provided by the IAEA in drafting the Treaty, Blix
and the IAEA’s Assistant Director General for External Relations, Mohamed
ElBaradei, were invited to attend the signing ceremony.
Annual Report for 1996, p. 5.
In 1997, the Preparatory Commission of the CTBT Organization, which will verify
compliance with the Treaty, set up office at the Vienna International Centre.
Chapter 6
The first steps
t the beginning of 1944, one year after the world’s first reactor went
critical, Enrico Fermi and his colleagues began to work on a small test
facility to demonstrate the validity of the breeding principle. On
20 December 1951, nuclear heat was transformed into electrical energy for the
first time in a small (1.1 MW(th)) experimental breeder reactor, EBR-1, in
Idaho in the USA. But the development of nuclear power began in earnest
only after the world’s first nuclear power plant was brought into commercial
operation in Obninsk in the USSR in 1954 (powered by a light water cooled,
graphite moderated 5 MW(e) reactor), when the first British gas cooled,
graphite moderated power reactor at Calder Hall (50 MW(e)) went critical in
May 1956 and the first US pressurized water cooled and moderated power
reactor at Shippingport (90 MW(e)) went critical in December 1957.
Launching of the Agency’s programme
As noted in Chapter 4, the Preparatory Commission (Prepcom) of the
Agency, which functioned from November 1956 until October 1957, had made
a considerably more sober judgement of the prospects for nuclear power than
the optimistic assessment of Eisenhower when he launched the concept of an
international atomic energy agency in December 1953 and the even more
euphoric forecasts of the first Geneva Conference in summer 1955.
In fact the Prepcom was at somewhat of a loss as to know what it should
recommend on this subject in the IAEA’s Initial Programme. Obviously the
IAEA would not command the investment capital needed to promote the use
of nuclear power in the industrialized nations by building demonstration
power reactors as some national nuclear energy authorities were doing. In the
end the Prepcom recommended that the Agency encourage the exchange of
scientific and technical information on reactor technology, provide advice,
promote training, evaluate reactor projects and carry out feasibility studies. It
might also launch a special programme for the construction of a limited number
of reactors at locations to be decided by the Board of Governors for purposes
of training, research, materials testing and the production of electricity. The
IAEA could not itself finance such a programme but would need to look to
outside sources.
Nothing came of this proposal.
From 1958 onwards, one of the main aims of the IAEA’s nuclear power
programme was to encourage the development of smaller nuclear power
reactors suitable for use in developing countries. At that time ‘small’ reactors
were taken to mean those generating up to 50 MW(e) (the industrialized
countries were beginning to build reactors two or three times that size). The
search for the elusive ‘small’ or ‘medium sized’ power reactor was to continue
up to the present time,
but the reactors called ‘small’ and ‘medium’ were to
keep on growing in size.
In September 1958, the second session of the IAEA General Conference
specifically asked the Secretariat to study the power requirements of the
developing countries and the technology and costs of smaller reactors and
help train developing country personnel in the use of nuclear power.
By the
end of 1959, 20 Member States, many of them ‘developing’, had asked the
IAEA to advise them on the possible use of nuclear power.
In 1958, the IAEA embarked in a modest way on its statutory role of
broker for the supply of nuclear reactor fuel. On 23 September of that year
Japan requested the IAEA to provide three tons of natural uranium in metallic
form for the Japanese 10 MW(th) research reactor, JRR-3. The Board invited
those States that had offered nuclear materials to submit tenders for the fuel.
Canada offered, in effect, to donate the fuel to the IAEA; the offer was accepted
and the Board approved the first supply and project agreements between the
IAEA and a Member State.
This transaction set a pattern for the future — the
IAEA was the nominal supplier but the uranium was sent directly from
Canada to Japan. As noted in Chapter 8, this transaction also triggered the
first application of IAEA safeguards. The fact that natural uranium was readily
available on the open market and the amount requested was only half the fuel
that the reactor required, and the various statements by Japanese spokesmen
all made it clear that the purpose of the request was to set in motion the IAEA
procedures for approving Agency projects, for exercising its supply function
and for applying safeguards.
Subsequently, Finland requested the IAEA to help it acquire a small
research reactor (a TRIGA Mark II) and to arrange for supplies of enriched
fuel for the reactor and for a critical assembly. Austria made a similar request
for fuel for ‘ASTRA’, its 10 MW(th) research reactor.
In 1961–1963, the IAEA Secretariat made its first studies of national
nuclear power projects in the Philippines (for which a feasibility study was
subsequently approved by the United Nations Special Fund),
in Yugoslavia
for a ‘demonstration’ power reactor, and in Pakistan, the Republic of Korea
and Thailand for nuclear power plants. Of these States, the Republic of Korea,
Pakistan and the former Yugoslavia have since built and operated power
The Geneva Conferences
As we have noted, the United Nations convened a ground breaking
international conference in Geneva in 1955 on the peaceful uses of atomic
energy. That conference heard the Soviet Union’s report on operating experi-
ence with the first prototype nuclear reactor (the Obninsk reactor referred to
previously) as well as reports on various prototype power reactors under
construction in several industrialized countries. In September 1958, Dag
Hammarskjöld convened a second and much larger ‘Geneva Conference’.
Sigvard Eklund, the future Director General of the IAEA, served as its
Secretary General. About 5000 delegates took part and over 2150 papers were
submitted. The Conference confirmed that the optimism of the early 1950s
about the prospects for cheap nuclear power was beginning to flag. In report-
ing on the results of the Conference to the Board, Sterling Cole said that no
“exceptionally novel communications” were submitted. Bertrand Goldschmidt
commented on the “excessive increase” in the number of participants and
recommended that the agenda of any future large conference be limited to the
“problems of atomic energy” and that the IAEA should begin convening
smaller conferences on specialized nuclear topics.
Both recommendations
became IAEA policy and from the 1958 Conference the Agency learned a
good deal about how to run a scientific meeting.
The timing of the 1958 Conference was unfortunate from the point of view
of the IAEA. It did not yet have “a Secretariat capable of plausibly asserting,
against the strong opposition of the Secretary General, its ability to assist the
conference significantly.”
In other words, the Conference showed that the
IAEA did not yet have a commanding position in nuclear energy matters with-
in the UN system and that a major project could be carried out without its help.
U Thant, the Burmese diplomat who succeeded Hammarskjöld as
Secretary General after the latter’s death in an air crash (in what was then
Northern Rhodesia) was less interested than his predecessor in maintaining
the role of the United Nations in the development of the civilian uses of nuclear
energy. In August–September 1964, U Thant convened the third Conference in
this series, appointed the Soviet representative on the IAEA’s Board of
Governors, Vassily Emelyanov, as President of the Conference and entrusted
responsibility for the scientific aspects of the meeting to Eklund, who had
now been Director General of the IAEA since 1961. In all, 3600 members of
delegations and observers took part in the meeting, substantially fewer than
in 1958.
Unlike the first two Geneva Conferences, the third focused on a
single topic, nuclear power, and it signalled the start of a new international
race towards nuclear power.
The Conference also marked the acceptance by the United Nations of
the IAEA’s primary role amongst UN agencies in the civilian use of nuclear
energy; as we have seen, this was a role that Hammarskjöld had been reluctant
to concede when Sterling Cole headed the Agency. The meeting demonstrated
that the IAEA had also been accepted by governments and industry as the
leading international body for promoting nuclear energy and nuclear safety,
and it thus gave a new thrust to the IAEA’s work in these fields.
From 6 to 16 September 1971, the fourth and last Geneva Conference
focused on the commercialization of nuclear power and the practical prob-
lems of integrating nuclear power into national economies but also, signifi-
cantly, on the impact of nuclear power on the environment.
from developing countries “confirmed considerable interest in small and
medium sized reactors that would best fit into their electrical grids.”
Conference was jointly sponsored by the United Nations and the IAEA, with
the latter publishing its proceedings. Dr. Glenn Seaborg, the US scientist
who was the first person to produce and identify plutonium and who gave
it its name, served as President of the Conference, which attracted over
4000 participants.
1960 to the early 1970s:
The boom in nuclear power
By the early 1960s, demonstration power reactors were in operation in
all the leading industrial countries, although the economic competitiveness of
nuclear energy was still in question.
But in December 1963, the General
Electric Company of the USA put in a bid for the construction of a nuclear
power plant at Oyster Creek, New Jersey, at a price that would clearly make
it competitive with any coal or oil fired plant.
This striking offer came as a surprise to the electrical and nuclear indus-
tries, launched a wave of optimism about the future of nuclear power and set
the tone for the third Geneva Conference in 1964. On the basis of reports given
to the Conference it was foreseen that by the turn of the century “more than
half the electric power requirements of some large industrial countries will be
met by nuclear electricity.”
It was also expected that by 1980, 167 000 MW(e)
of nuclear generating capacity would be installed (within a year this estimate
had risen to 200 000 MW(e)).
By 1967, US utilities alone had ordered more
than 50 power reactors, with an aggregate capacity larger than that of all
orders in the USA for coal and oil fired plants.
Although estimates of the amount of nuclear power that would be
installed by 1980 continued to rise,
in many ways the 1964 Geneva
Conference marked the high tide of optimism about the future use of major
nuclear technologies, not only for generating electricity but also for seawater
desalination and for propelling merchant ships. There were more modest
expectations about the share of total installed nuclear capacity that would fall
to nations ‘outside the main industrial countries’: it would be less than 5% by
1980 according to the IAEA’s Annual Report for 1968–1969.
At first, the 1970s witnessed a steady rise in orders for nuclear power
plants. The Arab–Israeli war of 1973 led to an oil boycott by the Arab States
and this, in turn, caused a fourfold increase in the price of oil and provoked
a record spate of orders.
However, by 1975 the curve of orders had already
passed its peak. From 1974 to 1975 the volume of orders dropped abruptly
from 75 000 MW(e) to 28 000 MW(e).
The IAEA’s Annual Report for 1975
called the decline temporary, attributing it to economic recession, rising
capital and fuel costs and environmental concerns.
Nonetheless, in 1975
the IAEA was still forecasting that the world’s installed nuclear capacity
would reach 1.0–1.3 million MW(e) by 1990 and 3.6–5.3 million MW(e) by
In fact, by the end of 1995, the world’s total capacity stood at only
344 422 MW(e),
or less than one tenth of the 1974–1975 lower estimate for
the year 2000. It was also clear that the growth in capacity between 1995 and
2000 would be modest.
It should be pointed out that the IAEA was not alone in overstating the
prospects for nuclear power growth. The independent forecasts of other inter-
national bodies such as the International Institute for Applied Systems
Analysis and the OECD’s (E)NEA were equally wide of the mark.
Uranium and thorium reserves
and consumption
In 1965, the IAEA joined the ENEA in compiling periodic surveys of the
known reserves of uranium and estimated current and future consumption.
The surveys did not cover Eastern Europe, the USSR or China, for which no
public statistics of reserves or consumption were available. The two agencies
published their first joint report in December 1967.
Concern that the world might run short of uranium also stimulated
some interest in the other naturally occurring element that could provide a
source of nuclear power, namely thorium.
This is ten times more common
in the earth’s crust than uranium and there are particularly large thorium
deposits in India and Brazil. By 1965, three thorium based reactors were in
operation in the USA and in June that year an IAEA panel reviewed the use
of thorium as a reactor fuel.
But despite the expectations of the 1960s and
thorium’s relative abundance and its attractive technical and economic fea-
tures, it failed to emerge as a significant nuclear fuel and is still not used today
in any nuclear power reactor in operation or under construction. One obvious
reason is that with the continuing surplus of uranium and sharp fall in its
price the incentive to develop a new nuclear fuel and fuel cycle remained
very low during the 1980s and early 1990s. Already by 1981 it was clear that
the market for uranium was beginning to go into glut. Its price had dropped
from about $40/lb U
at the beginning of 1980 to $23.5–$25.0/lb in 1981
and many uranium workings had been cut back or stopped.
This trend con-
tinued throughout the rest of the period covered by this history.
The primacy of the light water reactor
The 1970s also witnessed the growing preference in many countries for
the light water nuclear power reactor, using low enriched uranium as its fuel
and ordinary water as its coolant and moderator. The light water reactor was
built originally to a US design in Western countries (in the USA as part of a
propulsion unit for nuclear warships) and to a similar Soviet design in the
USSR and Eastern European countries.
Almost from the start of their nuclear power programmes, the light
water reactor was the preferred choice of the Federal Republic of Germany,
Spain, Sweden and subsequently Japan. France and the United Kingdom,
however, originally chose a different concept, the gas graphite reactor using
natural (unenriched) uranium as its fuel, moderated by graphite and cooled
by carbon dioxide. The reasons for the French and British choices were three-
fold. It was not clear at first that the light water reactor would be the cheap-
est nuclear source of electricity. Indeed, when the United Kingdom commis-
sioned the Calder Hall plant, the British nuclear authorities believed they had
stolen a march on their US colleagues and potential competitors. Secondly, in
the late 1950s and early 1960s, neither France nor the United Kingdom had its
own enrichment plant and choosing the light water reactor would have made
them dependent on the USA for fuel. Thirdly, the earlier gas graphite reactors
were also good sources of weapon grade plutonium and both countries used
it for this purpose. In the case of the United Kingdom, some early reactors of
this type were dual purpose, producing both electricity and military plutonium.
(A French gas graphite research reactor also became the source of unsafe-
guarded plutonium at Dimona in Israel.)
In the late 1960s, at the urging of France’s State owned generating
corporation, Electricité de France, the French authorities abandoned the gas
graphite cycle and turned to light water power reactors, building them at first
under licence from Westinghouse. In the late 1980s, the United Kingdom
followed suit with its first order for a light water reactor. In the meantime the
United Kingdom (alone) had built a number of ‘advanced gas cooled reactors’
and had experimented with other designs.
The Soviet Union built two types of power reactor, light water reactors
in the WWER series of Soviet design, but similar in basic concept to the US
Westinghouse reactor, and the RBMK, the type made conspicuous by
Chernobyl. The Soviet Union exported only the WWER light water power
reactors and then only to its allies in the Warsaw Pact and to Finland and
Cuba. The construction of the Cuban reactor was eventually suspended, but
may now be renewed.
One country, Canada, successfully marketed a quite different nuclear
power reactor, the CANDU (Canada deuterium–uranium), using natural
uranium (as a rule) as its fuel and heavy water as its coolant and moderator.
The CANDU reactor had its origin in research reactors built in 1944 and 1945,
when Canada was a partner with the USA and the United Kingdom in the
development of nuclear weapons.
The CANDUs owed much of their
success to W.B. Lewis, the British born Vice-President for Research and
Development of Atomic Energy of Canada Limited in the 1960s,
long time
chairman of the IAEA’s Scientific Advisory Committee and indefatigable
proponent of the heavy water reactor. Canada built some 20 CANDUs to
generate much of its own electricity and sold CANDUs to India, Pakistan,
Argentina, Romania, China and the Republic of Korea, as well as NRX type
research reactors (a prototype of the CANDU) to India and Taiwan, the former
being the source of the plutonium for the Indian nuclear explosion of 1974. The
fuel of light water reactors is changed at intervals of up to 15 months or more,
while the CANDUs (and gas graphite and RBMK) reactors are continuously
fuelled (‘on-load’ or ‘on-line’ fuelling).
The IAEA does not influence the choice that countries make between
reactors of various designs, but the decisions sometimes had implications for
the IAEA’s safety programme. For instance, the Soviet Union’s acceptance of
the RBMK design, and its failure — despite the warning given by the Three
Mile Island accident — to correct certain identified design defects, was one of
the main causes of Chernobyl and led to a major setback for nuclear power.
The choice of reactor also has implications for IAEA safeguards. An on-line
refuelled safeguarded reactor requires more intensive inspection than does a
reactor in which the fuel is changed at intervals of a year or more. Large
‘research’ or dual purpose or ‘dedicated’ reactors fuelled with natural uranium
and moderated by graphite or heavy water have been the source of most of
the plutonium used in nuclear test explosions and warheads. The acquisition
of a research reactor of this type may thus be the precursor of a military
programme, as it was in Israel and may have been in India.
It was thus also significant that the Democratic People’s Republic of
Korea (DPRK) chose the natural uranium gas graphite design for its main
research reactor and its prototype power reactors, and that one of the chief
objects of the “Agreed Framework” accepted by the DPRK in 1994 (see
Chapter 8) was to put an end to the operation of the existing reactor and to
stop further construction by the DPRK of gas graphite reactors, replacing
them, in effect, by two large light water power reactors.
The peaceful uses of nuclear explosions:
A discredited technology?
In the 1960s and early 1970s, the USA and the Soviet Union constantly
extolled the benefits to be derived from the peaceful uses of nuclear explo-
sions, the so-called ‘PNEs’.
It has been suggested that, at least in the case of
the USA, and perhaps in the case of the Soviet Union and the United
Kingdom, exaggerating the potential value of PNEs was a stratagem used by
the weapon laboratories to defend the need for nuclear testing, which Kennedy,
Khrushchev and Macmillan wanted to discontinue. Similar suspicions arose in
1995–1996 about attempts to preserve the right to carry out PNEs under a com-
prehensive test ban treaty, but the enthusiasm of the 1960s for this technology
may equally have had its roots in the nuclear euphoria of the time.
Whether or not ulterior motives played a part, the US and Soviet boosting
of PNEs made them a major issue at the 1968 Conference of Non-Nuclear-
Weapon States and in the drafting of the Tlatelolco and Non-Proliferation
Treaties. The NPT devotes one of its longest and most detailed articles
(Article V) to the peaceful uses of nuclear explosions. Argentina’s and Brazil’s
proclaimed right under the Tlatelolco Treaty to carry out PNEs became a
major impediment to the conclusion of the comprehensive safeguards agree-
ments with the IAEA that are called for by that Treaty.
In the 1970s, India
and South Africa used the supposed benefits to be derived from PNEs as a
justification for developing nuclear explosive technology, which is basically
the same whether the explosive is used in a weapon or to dig a canal.
The IAEA’s work on PNEs began in 1968 when the General Conference
called for a report on the Agency’s responsibilities to provide services in con-
nection with nuclear explosions for peaceful purposes.
Under the NPT only
the five recognized nuclear weapon States have the right to carry out a PNE.
The IAEA and the United Nations General Assembly agreed that the IAEA
was the “appropriate international body” referred to but not named in Article V
of the NPT through which the supposed benefits would be obtained. It was
also agreed that the IAEA was the organization — again not named in Article V
— that should ensure that PNEs were “appropriately” observed. It turned out
that the chief purpose of such observation was to ensure that there was no
transfer of nuclear explosive technology from the nuclear weapon State
carrying out the explosion.
In late 1970, the Board of Governors convened a
working group which prepared a set of guidelines for such observation,
which the Board subsequently approved.
The chief reason for not naming the IAEA in Article V of the NPT when
the Treaty was being drafted in 1965–1968 was that the developing countries
on the ENDC
suspected that the Agency was unduly compliant with the
wishes of the superpowers and they wanted to keep the door open for the
creation of a new organization more responsive to the needs of developing
countries. In retrospect, it is remarkable that serious consideration should
have been given to creating another agency for the purpose of promoting
what turned out to be a failed technology. Perhaps one reason was that the
two superpowers themselves had done so much to boost this idea.
Throughout the 1970s, many nations maintained a lively interest in the
civilian uses of nuclear explosions and they eventually accepted that the IAEA
should play a leading role in the international application of the technology.
In December 1972, the United Nations General Assembly commended the
IAEA for its work on this subject and asked it to set up a service to arrange
for such explosions under international control.
In 1975, Director General
Eklund established a unit in the Secretariat (consisting, however, of a single
official) to deal with requests for PNE services such as information, and
feasibility, safety and economic studies. In June 1975, the Board set up an
advisory group, open to all Member States, to recommend procedures for
dealing with Member State requests, to propose the structure and content of
the agreements to be concluded with States supplying and receiving such
services and to address any other question within the IAEA’s competence
such as safety, the economics of PNEs and comparisons between PNEs and
conventional alternatives.
Although a few States sought information or advice from the Secretariat
about the possibility of using PNEs,
no formal request for a PNE was
confirmed and no need ever arose for either “appropriate international obser-
vation” or for a PNE service. In due course the PNE unit in the IAEA was
quietly disbanded.
In the end, only the USA and the USSR, and conceivably India, carried
out any PNEs.
The 1963 Limited Test Ban Treaty had already marked the
end of any explosions that would disperse substantial fallout (as would
building a canal or harbour). The USA abandoned its programme in the late
1970s and the Soviet Union carried out its last PNE in the late 1980s.
The campaign against reprocessing
In May 1977, the IAEA celebrated its twentieth birthday by holding a
conference in Salzburg on nuclear power and its fuel cycle, about which there
was still much optimism. In a sense this meeting, in which more than
2000 persons took part, was a successor, in fact the only successor, to the four
Geneva Conferences. There was a consensus at Salzburg that more uranium
resource efficient reactors — in other words fast breeder reactors — would
eventually be needed and with them more reprocessing plants.
This view was not shared by the science and technology spokesman for
US President Carter in Salzburg, Joseph Nye.
One of the highlights of the
conference was a luncheon talk in which Professor Nye informed a somewhat
shaken audience of heads of national nuclear energy commissions about the
new nuclear power policy of the Carter Administration. As noted, this was to
abandon the fast breeder reactor as the goal of nuclear (fission) power pro-
grammes, and to put a stop to reprocessing and the separation of plutonium.
Instead, the USA would favour the ‘once-through’ fuel cycle: spent nuclear
fuel would be stored and eventually permanently disposed of in unre-
processed form. Nye’s luncheon talk foreshadowed the end of the Clinch
River fast breeder reactor and the Barnwell reprocessing plant, both then
under construction in the USA.
The new policy was fated to bring the USA into protracted disagree-
ment with its allies in Western Europe and with Japan. Like Director General
Eklund himself, most heads of national nuclear energy authorities still saw
reprocessing and breeder reactors as the only way of making full use of the
energy content of natural uranium and of ensuring an almost inexhaustible
source of energy for electricity production.
They also argued that as the
radioactivity of spent fuel stores declined, such stores would become ‘pluto-
nium mines’: in other words, relatively accessible sources of plutonium for
nuclear weapons, becoming steadily more accessible as time passed.
Small and medium sized power reactors
We have noted the encouragement that the first General Conference in
1957 gave to the development of small and medium sized power reactors. In the
late 1960s, it was becoming clear that for reasons of economy the trend was
towards ever larger nuclear power plants. If developing countries were to make
full use of nuclear power, it would be necessary to persuade manufacturers to
offer plants in the range of 100–500 MW(e) and preferably closer to 100 MW(e).
To encourage manufacturers to do so, the IAEA carried out a survey in
1968–1969 of what the potential market in the developing countries would be
by 1975–1980 for smaller plants in the 100–500 MW(e) range and of the capital
investment that the developing countries would need to build these plants.
The survey concluded that the developing countries expected to install 20 000 to
25 000 MW(e) of nuclear plants between 1970 and 1980 and a further 25 000 to
35 000 MW(e) between 1980 and 1985.
Despite the fact that the definition of
‘smaller’ had grown fourfold or more since the pursuit of these elusive reactors
began in 1958, these projections proved to be badly wrong. Depending on the
definition of ‘developing country’, the total combined nuclear capacity of Latin
American, South and East Asian and African developing countries was less
than 10 000 MW(e) by 1985 — including the Republic of Korea (2720 MW(e))
South Africa (1840 MW(e)) and Taiwan (4918 MW(e)). If the Republic of Korea
and Taiwan are left out, the total in 1985 amounted to less than 5000 MW(e).
It was also clear that there were wide variations between the estimates
of the capital cost of a nuclear plant in the country of manufacture and a simi-
lar plant in an importing country. Moreover, the noticeable trend towards
higher capital and lower fuel costs for both conventional and nuclear plants
worked in favour of fossil fuel. This made it more difficult to offset the signifi-
cantly higher capital cost of a nuclear power plant by its lower fuel cost.
In 1972, the IAEA launched another attempt to help developing coun-
tries assess the potential of nuclear power, once again in the form of a survey
of the developing country market for smaller plants. (The survey made use
for the first time of a computer package — the ‘WASP’ package referred to
The Secretariat presented the results of the survey to the General
Conference in September 1973; it concluded that in the 14 countries surveyed,
there could be a market for about 100 nuclear power plants in the size of
600 MW(e) or larger.
A 1974 article in the IAEA Bulletin went much further;
it maintained that if the price of oil remained at $6–7 per barrel or higher,
nuclear plants of 100 MW(e) would become economically competitive and
the potential number of plant orders would be over 205 in 44 developing
countries, including three plants in Uganda and two in Liberia.
However, nuclear manufacturers, flooded with orders for larger plants,
showed little enthusiasm for smaller ones. Those developing countries that
were in the market for nuclear power — Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, South
Africa, Iran, the Philippines, the Republic of Korea and Taiwan — had suffi-
ciently large grids or electrical networks to accommodate nuclear plants of
standard sizes — about 500–1000 MW(e). There was one notable exception —
India — which, in line with its policy of self-sufficiency, went on building
replicas of the two relatively small (220 MW(e)) natural uranium heavy water
reactors it had bought from Canada in the 1960s.
In 1984, the Secretariat launched a new survey to determine the avail-
ability of and market for smaller plants. Sixteen manufacturers provided data
on 24 designs that could be offered commercially at that time or within the
next ten years and 15 developing countries provided information about their
In June 1985, Director General Hans Blix informed the Board
of Governors that the first phase of the survey had been completed; the finding
was that while in the past practically no smaller reactors had been commer-
cially available, 26 designs of plants smaller than 600 MW(e) were now on offer,
several technically mature and proven. In fact, a number of power reactors in
this range had been in successful operation in the Soviet Union.
But “buyer
countries in the developing world were hesitating because they required clear
evidence that these reactors would be economical in their individual circum-
In 1987, an updated report of the project concluded that further progress
in introducing smaller power reactors could only come as a result of country
specific studies involving potential customers, suppliers and the IAEA, but
no country had shown any interest in such studies and the IAEA had not
been able to obtain reliable data on the cost of such plants from potential
Since then the only new smaller reactor design that developing coun-
tries have ordered or are themselves building is the Chinese pressurized light
water reactor rated at 300 MW(e), one built at Qinshan in China and one
under construction at Chashma in Pakistan (it is understood that the Chinese
reactor is a prototype of a 600 MW(e) design).
Developing countries continue to be interested in the use of smaller
units but, according to the IAEA’s Annual Report for 1995, interest is turning
to uses other than electricity production, such as the use of very small reactors
for desalting sea water (see below) and district heating. Some industrialized
countries have considered the construction of small reactors as prototypes for
the more effective recovery of oil, for gasifying coal and producing
China is reported to be building 200 MW(th) nuclear units for
district heating. However, it may take much time and work to overcome
public resistance and to show whether nuclear energy can be used more
cheaply and effectively than other technologies for such purposes. Strong pub-
lic resistance compelled the Russian nuclear authorities to stop or suspend the
construction of reactors for district heating in Gorki and Novovoronezh.
Today, more than forty years after the IAEA began seeking it, the small
nuclear power plant has still not materialized — except in the form of the
200–220 MW(e) reactors that India, and India alone, has built since the late
1960s, a few other reactors that survive from the 1960s and a variety of smaller
Soviet reactors including those of the WWER-440 MW(e) type.
the latter were not widely known and appreciated outside the Soviet Union
and a few other, chiefly Eastern European, countries. The Soviet Union was
not active or successful in putting these achievements to commercial use in
more countries.
The ‘small or medium sized’ plant had grown from less than 50 MW(e)
in the late 1950s to as high as 600 MW(e) in 1984–1985. The top of that range
is not much smaller than the lower range of the nuclear power plants under
construction today, namely, 700–1500 MW(e).
The regions of the world
where nuclear power is slowly expanding, Eastern and South East Asia and,
to some extent, Central Europe, are not likely to need small plants.
Nuclear desalting and
the ‘agro-industrial complex’
During the 1960s and early 1970s, there was a strong surge of interest
in the use of nuclear power for desalting sea water, using the fresh water to
grow irrigated crops and simultaneously using the reactor’s heat to generate
electricity (in a so-called ‘agro-industrial complex’). The prospect of turning
the deserts green has universal appeal and the potential use of nuclear energy
for this purpose fired the public’s imagination. Both Presidents Kennedy and
Johnson were personally interested in nuclear desalting technology and in
1964 President Johnson highlighted the technology in a so-called ‘Water for
Peace’ programme. In March 1963, a group of consultants mapped out for the
Agency a programme of work on nuclear desalting
and Chile, Greece,
Mexico, Peru, Taiwan, Tunisia and Turkey subsequently turned to the IAEA
for advice on this subject.
In 1964, at the third Geneva Conference, the USA announced that it had
started an “aggressive and imaginative programme to advance progress in
large scale desalting of sea water.” The USSR and USA concluded an agreement
in November 1964 for co-operation in nuclear desalting and undertook to keep
the IAEA fully briefed on the progress they made.
Experts from the IAEA staff took part in US consultations with the
United Arab Republic (Egypt), Israel and Tunisia about the construction of
dual purpose generating/desalting plants. US technologists and diplomats put
forward the idea of a ‘Middle East Nuclear Desalination’ (MEND) plant that
would supply Egypt and Israel with plentiful fresh water and provide a
framework for peaceful co-operation between two hostile countries. The USA
and Mexico planned to build a large dual purpose plant near the head of the
Gulf of California to provide 190 000 cubic metres of fresh water a day and
generate 1600 MW(e). The Soviets actually built a smaller dual purpose plant
incorporating a fast breeder reactor on the Caspian Sea at Shevchenko, (now
Aktau, Kazakstan — see also the section of this chapter dealing with breeder
In October 1965, the IAEA convened the first international symposium
on nuclear desalting. US experts now injected a note of realism into the dis-
cussions. They reported that the study of the plant that the USA and Mexico
had planned to build had shown that, even on favourable assumptions, the
cost of desalting would work out at about six US cents per cubic metre of
fresh water. For large scale agricultural use the cost of water should be of the
order of one to two cents. The US experts concluded that nuclear desalting
could become economically attractive “...only if the nuclear fuel cycle costs
and the capital cost of reactors [as well as other associated costs] are substan-
tially lowered.”
Faced with discouraging economics, interest in nuclear desalting began
to flag and large projects for the use of the technology were quietly shelved.
Except for the Soviet/Kazak plant, none left the drawing board. As the cost
of nuclear power went up in the 1980s and the real cost of oil and natural gas
went down, the prospects for large scale nuclear desalting seemed to recede
still further.
However, in recent years interest in this use of nuclear energy has
revived, but more realistically, as a possible means of producing potable
(drinkable) water, and not the large quantities of very cheap water that would
be needed for farming or industry. In 1988, on the initiative of a number of
North African and other Arab countries, the General Conference again took
up this question in the form of a resolution entitled ‘Plan for the Production
of Low Cost Potable Water’.
In 1992, the Secretariat produced a report that
concluded that the best option was “large nuclear plants integrated into the
[national electric] grid and supplying electricity to separately located desali-
nation plants using reverse osmosis [as the technology for producing drink-
able water].”
The General Conference discussed the matter again in 1993
and 1994 and called for further studies and more donations of funds by inter-
ested governments.
An IAEA regional study of the feasibility of nuclear desalting in North
Africa, completed in 1995, concluded that the use of nuclear energy for the
production of potable water “is technically feasible and the costs are
competitive with those of fossil fuelled plants in the region.”
The renewed
interest in nuclear desalting shown by the countries of North Africa, the
Maghreb and the Middle East is understandable in view of their acute need
for more fresh water for growing urban populations.
Shrinking nuclear programmes in the West
One of the reasons why the IAEA’s projections of future nuclear power
growth were so wide of the mark was that they consisted largely of aggrega-
tions of the over-optimistic forecasts by national authorities. With time, the
IAEA’s projections became more realistic. Today both the IAEA and national
authorities follow the more cautious practice of giving not only widely
differing upper and lower figures for a date some 20 years ahead, but also of
stressing that the figures do not purport to be predictive and of describing the
major causes of uncertainty.
Towards the end of the 1970s the shrinking flow of nuclear power orders
in the USA dried up completely, and it has not revived. The most obvious
cause was the Three Mile Island accident in March 1979 — despite the fact
that the accident caused no loss of life or injury to human health.
that year, 1979, earlier orders for 14 power reactors were cancelled and, in the
following years, US utilities continued to cancel orders they had already
placed. By 1980, the IAEA’s Annual Report noted that “if present trends are not
reversed, a general slow-down in nuclear power programmes must be
expected after 1990.”
The Annual Report for 1983 was even more pessimistic,
warning of the possibility of “severe difficulties for the nuclear industry in
the second half of this decade.”
Nonetheless, until the Chernobyl accident in 1986, politicians in the West
and elsewhere continued to affirm their confidence in nuclear power. At the
July 1981 summit in Ottawa the leaders of the G-7 nations — the world’s seven
leading industrial nations — proclaimed that “...we intend in each of our
countries to encourage greater acceptance of nuclear energy...” In the same
year the Prime Minister of India informed the United Nations Conference on
New and Renewable Sources of Energy in Nairobi that “nuclear energy is the
only power source able to meet India’s demands and, unless we have some-
thing positive to take its place, we cannot talk of replacing it.”
Several milestones of a sort were passed during the 1980s. As noted
below, the first commercial sized fast breeder reactor went on line in 1980; the
second, with more than double the power of the first, went on line in 1986.
But several other fast breeder reactor projects were cancelled. In 1989, Germany
stopped the construction of its first large reprocessing plant at Wackersdorf in
Bavaria. It was to have been the third major plant in Western Europe for repro-
cessing spent fuel from light water reactors, the other two being at La Hague in
France and Sellafield in the United Kingdom. In the same year the USSR sus-
pended the construction of a large reprocessing plant in Siberia.
The number
of new power reactor construction starts in the world declined from 18 in 1985
to four in 1986 — the year of Chernobyl — and hovered between six and one
until 1995 when no ‘construction starts’ were recorded. In 1996, work began on
building two plants in China and one in Japan.
East Asia: A somewhat different picture
East and South East Asia offered a contrast to Western Europe and
North America. At the end of 1985, 33 nuclear power plants with a total
capacity of 23 665 MW(e) were in operation in Japan. Ten years later, the
figures had risen to 51 plants totalling 39 893 MW(e) in operation and a fur-
ther three under construction. During these ten years, 1985–1995, opposition
to nuclear power did increase in Japan and it was becoming difficult to
persuade local authorities to approve new sites for nuclear plants, but the
majority of the members of the Diet and the central Government remained
firmly and sometimes outspokenly in favour of more nuclear power, partly
because they saw no alternative except growing dependence on imported oil.
Japan also still seemed firmly committed to building a large reprocessing
plant and a large fast breeder reactor. In December 1995, the leak of two to
three tonnes of sodium at the Monju 280 MW(e) fast breeder reactor (which
has put the reactor out of operation since that date) and a number of other
incidents, in which the authorities deliberately suppressed or distorted infor-
mation, has cast a pallor over the further spread of nuclear energy, and, in
particular, over the prospects for the reprocessing/fast breeder reactor fuel
cycle in Japan.
Some of these incidents resulted in the exposure of workers
to low doses of radiation, but no resulting health effects have been reported.
In 1997, it was still too early to assess the long term effects of these events on
Japanese nuclear policies, but there is little doubt that at least for the present
they have come under a cloud.
The growth of nuclear power was even more striking in the Republic
of Korea than in Japan, from three power reactors with a total capacity of
2720 MW(e) in operation at the end of 1985 to 11 with a total capacity of
9120 MW(e) in operation at the end of 1995 and a further five under
construction. In 1994, China brought its first three nuclear power plants into
commercial operation and it was planning several more, Indonesia was plan-
ning to build as many as eight nuclear power plants and Thailand and Viet
Nam were showing interest in nuclear power.
Except for OSART
missions to Japan in 1988 and 1995 (and, of course,
the extensive application of safeguards), the IAEA’s involvement in the
Japanese nuclear power programme was minimal. However, from 1985 to
1995 the IAEA organized numerous training courses, seminars and work-
shops in China, Indonesia, the Republic of Korea and Thailand, advised
Indonesia on the planning of its nuclear programme and sent several safety
and siting missions to the countries in the region.
Nuclear fusion is the energy source of the sun and all other stars. The
scientific and technological challenge of nuclear fusion research is to create
controlled miniature suns on earth (in other words, fusion power plants) to
produce heat and electricity. To achieve a fusion reaction it is necessary to
confine a high density plasma consisting of the nuclei of two isotopes of
hydrogen (deuterium (D)) and (tritium (T)) at a temperature comparable to
that of the interior of the sun and other stars, and the confinement must even-
tually be continuous in order to sustain the reaction. The plasma is held in
place — and away from the walls of the reactor — by extremely powerful
magnetic fields, hence the term ‘magnetic confinement.’
Deuterium is relatively easily extracted from sea water, and tritium can
be bred from lithium, which is so abundant in the earth’s crust that fusion can
be regarded as an inexhaustible source of energy.
The primary fuels and the
end product of fusion (the inert gas helium) are neither toxic nor radioactive,
nor do they contribute to the greenhouse effect. Criticality accidents are
impossible. However, deuterium–tritium fusion reactors contain some radio-
active substances in the form of tritium, or radioactive materials produced by
the irradiation of parts of the reactor structure.
Fusion research was declassified at the 1958 United Nations Conference
on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy (see Chapter 5) and this opened the
way to the regular exchange of information amongst fusion researchers.
October 1960, the IAEA published the first issue of the quarterly journal
Nuclear Fusion
and in January 1978, the journal became a monthly publica-
The first international conference on ‘Plasma Physics and Controlled
Nuclear Fusion Research’ was convened by the IAEA at Salzburg in
September 1961,
the second at Culham (in the United Kingdom) in
September 1965, the third at Novosibirsk in 1968 and the fourth in Madison,
Wisconsin, in 1971. The fifth conference was held in Tokyo in 1974 and from
that time on conferences were held at two-yearly intervals.
The 16th confer-
ence, in which some 600 researchers took part, was held in Montreal in
October 1996 and the next is scheduled for 1998 in Yokohama.
In the late 1960s, interest grew in magnetic confinement, especially in the
configuration known as the ‘tokamak’ (from its acronym in Russian) and many
tokamak machines were built. The results of the research carried out using
these machines were both complementary and directly comparable, and led
to formal agreements for international co-operation.
In 1970, the IAEA created an advisory body, the International Fusion
Research Council (IFRC), which has since met annually, and in 1978 launched
a series of workshops to assess the design of a large, ‘next generation’ tokamak,
the INTOR (International Tokamak Reactor).
The workshop then began
assessing the data needed for a tokamak fusion reactor and in 1981 developed
a conceptual design of an INTOR. The design was updated in 1983 and 1985.
The last projects of the workshop, from 1985 to 1987, included a definition of
the database for fusion, a study on possible innovations for a tokamak reactor
and a comparison of various national concepts for a next generation tokamak.
On the basis of discussions at the summit between Presidents Reagan
and Gorbachev in November 1985, it was recommended that international co-
operation in fusion research be expanded.
In April 1988, this political mark
of encouragement helped to lead to the initiative of the four leaders in fusion
(the European Union — which was still known as the European Community
at that time — Japan, the USSR and the USA) to launch the ITER (International
Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor) project, in other words to draw up the
conceptual design of a thermonuclear reactor, the natural successor of the
INTOR concept.
The aim of ITER is to confirm the scientific feasibility and
address the technical feasibility of fusion as a potentially safe and environ-
mentally acceptable and practically inexhaustible source of energy. ITER was
to be carried out as a collaboration of the four fusion leaders (the European
Community included in its contribution Switzerland and Canada) under the
auspices of the IAEA. The ITER conceptual design was successfully completed
in December 1990,
and in July 1992 the ITER parties proceeded to the engi-
neering design of the projected reactor, again under the auspices of the IAEA.
This phase is expected to last for six years.
Other confinement systems that show potential advantages over the
tokamak are being investigated, thus ensuring sufficient breadth to the inter-
national effort to develop the full potential of fusion. Besides supporting this
effort by publishing the Nuclear Fusion journal and sponsoring biennial fusion
energy conferences, the IAEA has convened many specialist meetings,
organized Co-ordinated Research Programmes, and assisted the work on
fusion in developing countries.
It is obvious that scientists and engineers will still have to surmount
major technical hurdles before being able to demonstrate that a controlled
nuclear fusion reactor is technically feasible, and that the commercial use of
that technology lies in an even farther future, namely around the middle of
the 21st century.
Up to now there is no formal commitment by the parties of
the ITER project to build the machine and there is some doubt about the
continuation of adequate financial support. Nonetheless, if the technical and
economic barriers can be overcome, fusion technology holds out the prospect
of generating electricity with a much smaller emission of radiation to the
environment than the small quantity released by existing fission power plants
during normal operation, on the basis of a virtually unlimited supply of
feedstock — namely water.
Information on nuclear power
Since it began work in 1958, the IAEA has published data on civilian
nuclear reactors in Member States. The publications started with a ten
volume Directory of Nuclear Reactors, the first of which was published in 1959
and the last in 1976. In 1971, the IAEA also began to issue an annual report on
operating experience with nuclear reactors. In 1980, the earlier data were
computerized and the IAEA launched the ‘Power Reactor Information System’
(PRIS), which has provided design and general information on all civilian
power reactors in operation, under construction or shut down, throughout
the world, as well as power reactor operating experience and historic data on
shutdown reactors. Since 1980, PRIS has been updated several times and it
has become the world’s most authoritative databank on nuclear power
Since 1981, the PRIS database has been used to compile the IAEA’s
annual publication Nuclear Power Reactors in the World, frequently referred
to in this book. In 1989, PRIS was made available on-line to Member States
and in 1995 it was also made available through the Internet. By 1997, 76
users in 33 Member States had on-line access to PRIS. Since 1991, the IAEA
has also offered PRIS data on diskette in a form that standard personal
computers can use — the ‘MicroPRIS’. By 1997, it was being used by more
than 200 organizations in more than 50 Member States and 9 international
Beginning in 1992, the IAEA also created a database containing country
profiles of the economic, energy and electricity characteristics and of the
industrial structure and organizational framework for nuclear power in
various Member States; so far 30 of the 32 States having or building nuclear
power plants have contributed information for these profiles.
Helping Member States to plan
their energy systems
Since the early 1970s, the IAEA has devised ways of helping Member
States to use computer technology in planning their energy and electricity
systems. The computer tools that the IAEA has devised take account of all
potential sources of energy and give due consideration to the possible role of
nuclear power.
As concern about the environment became a major factor, the IAEA,
in co-operation with eight other international organizations, developed a
methodology, software and databases to enable Member States to make
comparative assessments of various means of generating electricity and to
draw up their plans for the generation of electricity in a manner consistent
with the objectives of ‘sustainable development’. These assessments were
designed to take account of all relevant factors (technical, economic,
environmental and human health) of the various steps in the energy chain
of each option for generating electricity — for instance from mining or
other forms of resource extraction to the disposal of waste and the
decommissioning of the plant. The computer tools that the IAEA devel-
oped with the help of some Member States, in particular the USA, are the
The Tennessee Valley Authority and the Oak Ridge National Laboratory
in the USA developed the ‘Wien Automatic System Planning’ (WASP) package
in 1972 to enable the IAEA to assess the economic competitiveness and the
potential role of nuclear power in electricity supply systems. In 1972–1973,
the IAEA used WASP to carry out a market survey of the prospects for
nuclear power in developing countries and used it subsequently for planning
studies of electricity systems in individual countries. In the light of the expe-
rience gained, the IAEA produced improved versions of the program in 1979,
1994 and 1996, and it has become one of the most widely used tools in the
planning of the growing electricity systems of many Member States.
The IAEA developed the ‘Model for Analysis of Energy Demand’ (MAED)
package in 1981 to help determine the demand for energy and electricity in
various countries, and thus provide better forecasts to be used in WASP studies.
Both MAED and WASP have been used to carry out many projects under the
IAEA’s technical co-operation programme.
Argonne National Laboratory developed the ‘Energy and Power
Evaluation Program’ (ENPEP) package in 1985 and transferred it to the IAEA
for use by Member States in energy, electricity and nuclear power planning
studies. ENPEP is a set of personal computer based tools and includes personal
computer versions of WASP and MAED as well as seven other systems. It has
been used in several studies as a comprehensive framework for analysis and
decision making, taking into account energy, economic and environmental
The ‘VALORAGUA’ model was developed for planning Portugal’s
power generating system. In 1992, the IAEA and Electricidade de Portugal
developed a personal computer version of VALORAGUA. This model
enables WASP studies to take full account of the contribution of hydro
generated electricity and the combined application of VALORAGUA and
WASP enables the energy planner to determine the optimal expansion of elec-
tricity supply systems using both thermal (conventional and nuclear) power
and hydro power.
In 1985, the IAEA developed the ‘BIDEVAL’ computer program to help
Member States evaluate bids for nuclear power plants. The IAEA has organized
regional and national training courses to train experts from developing coun-
tries in the use of this tool.
‘DECADES’ is short for an interagency program of ‘Databases and
Methodologies for Comparative Assessment of Different Energy Sources for
Electricity Generation’. This is a tool introduced in 1993 and used to evaluate
the trade-offs between technological, economic and environmental aspects of
various systems for generating electric power. It consists of databases and
analytical software. The two types of databases are:
A ‘Reference Technology Database’ covering about 300 typical facilities
associated with the full energy chains of electricity generating plants
using fossil fuels, nuclear power and renewable energy; and
A country specific database covering about 25 countries and including
site specific data on more than 2500 facilities that form the full energy
chains of different electricity generating plants.
The analytical software used by DECADES provides access to informa-
tion in the technology databases and permits the analysis and comparison of
costs and environmental impacts of power plants and their full energy chains
as well as entire energy systems.
Standing international working groups
Almost since it began work the IAEA has made use of standing inter-
national (expert) working groups (IWGs). In recent years they have played an
increasingly important role, especially in efforts to improve the safety and
reliability and reduce the costs of nuclear power. The working groups typi-
cally consist of about 25 leading nuclear specialists from those Member States
that have a direct interest in the subject with which the IWG deals. The IWGs
meet at intervals of one to two years to review the present status of their
subjects by exchanging information and by studying reports on the progress
made in national programmes. They discuss the operating experience that
has been gained with the facilities or equipment concerned with their
technology (for example, instrumentation and control, or design and devel-
opment of advanced reactors), identify promising areas for international
co-operation and advise the IAEA on its nuclear power and related
As a rule, the IWG is the sole worldwide forum for discussing and
disseminating specialized information on national programmes dealing with
a particular type of reactor or a particular technology related to nuclear
reactors (for instance, the impact of age on reactors of various types and on
their components). The main tangible products of the working groups are the
publications resulting from their Co-ordinated Research Programmes, their
technical meetings and other publications such as status reports on various
national programmes for the development of reactors.
All IWGs devote attention both to the performance of existing power
reactors and to improvements in nuclear reactor technology, but four are con-
cerned with questions relating to all or most types of power reactors and four
are specifically concerned with particular types of reactors.
IWGs dealing with general issues
The names of the working groups identify the topics with which they
deal. The IWG on ‘Life Management of Nuclear Power Plants’ is a successor
to an IWG on the ‘Reliability of Reactor Pressure Vessel Components’ set up
in 1975, which in turn had its origins in an IWG on ‘Engineering Aspects of
Irradiation Embrittlement of Reactor Pressure Vessel Steels’ established in
1969. It is particularly concerned with the impact of ageing on nuclear power
plants and their components and on those factors that limit the lifetime of
plants, and with technical means of extending plant lifetime. One of the most
useful products of this IWG and its predecessors has been a 25 year long study
dealing with the behaviour of reactor materials under neutron irradiation. This
has provided much better understanding of and comprehensive information
about the radiation induced changes that take place in such materials during
reactor operation.
The IWG dealing with power plant instrumentation and control was
established in 1970. The group focuses on the use of computers and other infor-
mation technologies, the engineering aspects of the interface between operators
and machines (the ‘human–machine interface’) and on simulators for training
purposes as well as on the development of instruments and controls.
The IWG dealing with the training and qualification of nuclear power
plant personnel was established recently (1994) in recognition of the fact that
the safety and reliability of nuclear power plants depend as much (if not
more) on the competence of plant personnel as on the quality of equipment
and instruments. Besides advising the IAEA on its own programmes, the
IWG aims to identify areas where the IAEA can help Member States to
increase their ability to train personnel for the safe, reliable and economic
operation of nuclear power plants. The IWG also helps to ensure that IAEA
standards are implemented and serves as a source of advice for the IAEA’s
technical co-operation programmes.
The IWG on ‘Water Reactor Fuel Performance and Technology’ was set
up in 1976 and focuses on the design and performance of nuclear fuel, fuel
assemblies and components such as control rods and on the processes and
phenomena that occur in water reactors.
Advanced reactors
Nuclear power was first developed chiefly by national nuclear energy
establishments working more or less independently of each other. An early
exception was the high temperature gas cooled reactor (HTGCR). In the
1950s, certain member countries of the OECD’s ENEA pooled their resources
in the 20 MW(th) Dragon project in the United Kingdom, which went critical
in 1964.
However, for the development of fast breeder reactors the nations
concerned initially chose the national path. In the 1950s and 1960s, France, the
Federal Republic of Germany, Japan, the USSR, the United Kingdom and the
USA each began to build prototype fast breeder reactors of roughly similar
size and having many features in common. Subsequently, as national financing
of advanced reactor programmes began to shrink, international co-operation
through the IAEA and other organizations became increasingly important,
providing a forum in which nuclear establishments could exchange informa-
tion and seek means of co-ordinating their work to help meet the high costs
of development, and to focus on key issues that hindered such development.
Over time the IAEA has established four IWGs to co-ordinate its activi-
ties relating to advanced reactor technologies, namely those on light water
cooled, gas cooled, heavy water cooled and liquid metal cooled (i.e. fast
breeder) reactors. Smaller specialist meetings were convened in selected areas
of technology as well as larger, more broadly based technical committees,
workshops and symposia. Advanced reactor designs include, as a rule, concepts
that will enhance their safety such as features that give operators longer grace
periods (for instance, more time to respond to a signal), and that protect more
effectively against the release of radioactivity to the environment. Advanced
designs may incorporate built-in ‘passive’ safety features that depend on
natural forces such as gravity and convection to ensure the flow of coolant in
an emergency and make safety functions less dependent on pumps and other
active systems and components that would have to be started up at short
From 1987 until 1996, the IAEA’s work on both light and heavy water
reactors was carried out chiefly by an IWG on ‘Advanced Technologies for
Water Cooled Reactors’. In 1997, the operation was, in effect, divided between
two IWGs, dealing respectively with light and heavy water reactors.
Water cooled reactors have long since become the world’s predominant
nuclear power reactor: 396 of the 437 power reactors in operation at the begin-
ning of 1996 were water cooled and their leading place in installed nuclear
capacity was even more obvious; it was rated at 330 100 MW(e) out of a world
total of 344 400 MW(e), representing about 96% of the world’s total. Amongst
them, the light water cooled reactors generated 297 100 MW(e), or 78% of the
total amount of electricity produced by nuclear power.
By the mid-1990s, very large water cooled reactors of advanced design
with outputs well above 1000 MW(e) were coming into operation in the Far
East, Europe and North America. In 1996, for instance, a 1130 MW(e)
pressurized water power reactor and two 1315 MW(e) advanced boiling water
reactors were started up in Japan, the first 1445 MW(e) pressurized water reac-
tor in France and a 1165 MW(e) pressurized water reactor in the USA. A large
650 MW(e) heavy water reactor came into operation in Romania. While
changes to a proven design are kept as small as possible, there is nonetheless
a wide range of design improvements to increase reliability, make designs
more user friendly, improve economics and enhance safety.
The IAEA’s IWG on ‘Gas Cooled Reactors’ was established in 1978 and
currently includes 12 Member States, the European Union and the
The fast breeder reactor
The fast breeder reactor represents an advanced technology that merits
special attention not only because it offers a potentially almost unlimited
source of electric power and heat, but also because of all advanced nuclear
reactor types (except those that are essentially improvements in the design of
the existing generation of light water reactors) it has so far received the most
technical support and attention.
As the prospects for nuclear power improved in the 1970s there was
mounting concern whether known uranium reserves would be able to meet
the growing demand for nuclear fuel. As noted at the beginning of this chap-
ter, the first electricity generated by nuclear energy had its origin in an exper-
imental breeder reactor. This, in the long run, spurred interest in the devel-
opment of commercial breeder reactors. In principle, use of the breeder
would make it possible to extract sixty times more energy from a given
amount of uranium than could the current generation of reactors. This would
thus make it economic to exploit lower grades of uranium ore, perhaps even
the very small concentration of uranium in sea water. Accordingly, the breeder
would, it was argued, present humanity with an almost inexhaustible source
of electric and thermal energy. In the early days of the IAEA there seemed to
be a race between the proponents of breeder reactors and the fusion enthusiasts;
who would be the first to achieve a commercially viable machine?
At the third Geneva Conference it was predicted that “full-sized fast
breeder power stations will probably be commissioned in the early 1970s.”
The Conference also noted that “virtually all countries with major nuclear
power programmes now devote considerable efforts to developing fast reactor
systems, the economic breeder reactor being the ultimate goal.”
The IAEA soon began to take an active interest in the development of
breeder reactor technology. A meeting of experts in December 1964 helped it
to prepare a programme for monitoring progress in the development of the
; in 1967 the Agency established an IWG on fast reactors and in
1970 an IAEA symposium in Monaco reviewed the evolution of fast breeder
As far back as 1963 the USA had completed the Fermi fast breeder reac-
tor, producing 61 MW(e) of electricity.
Ten years later, in 1973, the USSR
brought into operation the first medium sized prototype fast breeder reactor,
the BN-350, at Shevchenko (now Aktau in Kazakstan). This reactor, with an
equivalent capacity of 350 MW(e), is still producing both electricity and
desalted water for Aktau city and neighbouring industries. In the 1980s, two
more fast breeder reactors were commissioned, a prototype medium sized
reactor, the Phénix (250 MW(e)), in France and the commercial sized BN-600
(600 MW(e)) in the USSR. In 1994, Japan commissioned the 280 MW(e) Monju
fast breeder reactor (which, as noted, following a sodium leak, has been out
of action since December 1995), and Russia plans to resume building two
800 MW(e) fast breeder reactors in the South Urals.
In 1986, the first fast
breeder reactor of a fully commercial size, the Superphénix at Creys-Malville,
rated at 1242 MW(e), was connected to the French grid.
The USA has long since brought its fast breeder reactor programme to a
halt and, despite the initiatives taken in the 1980s, Western Europe appears to
be following suit. In 1991, Germany stopped construction of a 327 MW(e)
prototype fast breeder reactor at Kalkar
and in 1994 the United Kingdom
closed down its 250 MW(e) prototype fast breeder reactor at Dounreay.
Superphénix itself has had several operating problems and was shut down
for some two years in the early 1990s.
Chiefly because of the large capital
cost incurred in building Superphénix,
Electricité de France appears to
have abandoned plans to build a series of fast breeder reactors. Superphénix
is being converted into a plutonium burner and will be used for research
instead of breeding plutonium. The expectations that lasted until the early
1980s (and in some quarters the fears) of a worldwide boom in breeder reactors
have faded, at least for the next decade or two.
It should be stressed that though the fast breeder reactor is still far from
being economically competitive, its technology is proven. Twenty fast breed-
er reactors have been built and operated, five of which were prototypes or of
commercial size. Fast breeder reactors have accumulated 280 reactor-years of
experience, more than 85 of which resulted from the operation of the five
larger reactors mentioned earlier. Fast breeder reactors continue to offer an
indefinitely sustainable source of energy as well as the technical means of
reducing the space and storage time needed for high level waste (the fast
breeder reactor can be used to transmute long lived actinides
). They also
offer the means of reducing the stocks of plutonium resulting from the dis-
mantling of nuclear weapons and recovered from the spent fuel of present
thermal reactors — in other words, the plutonium separated in civilian repro-
cessing plants like La Hague in France and Sellafield in the United Kingdom.
If other sources of energy become scarce and expensive, the fast breeder
reactor, despite recent setbacks, offers a technically tested alternative. In the
meantime, it seems sound policy to maintain and improve fast breeder
reactor technology, enhance its safety and reduce its costs — objectives to
which the IAEA has been seeking to contribute.
The prospects for nuclear power
in the early 1990s
In 1988, the world’s installed nuclear power capacity passed 300 000 MW(e).
As noted, at the end of 1996 it stood at 350 964 MW(e) (in 442 plants), and
35 plants totalling a further 26 728 MW(e) were under construction.
In September 1994, the IAEA held an international conference entitled
‘The Nuclear Power Option’. The consensus of the conference was that
nuclear power will continue to provide about the same proportion of world
electricity as it does at present (about 17%) and that a mix of energy sources
helps to assure a stable supply and price.
But it is clear that the future of
nuclear power and of the IAEA’s programmes dealing with it will depend
largely on five factors:
The future demand for electricity (especially in Asia, where growth in
demand seems likely to be strongest, and where the prospects for
nuclear power are better than in other regions).
The relative cost of generating electricity by burning fossil and nuclear
fuels. (Recent trends in most countries of North America and Western
Europe have not been favourable to nuclear energy, coal or oil. In most
of these countries the only rapidly expanding source of energy for elec-
tricity generation is natural gas.)
Maintaining a superior safety record for nuclear energy to offset the lin-
gering memories of Chernobyl. (As Director General Blix put it in 1991:
“The future of nuclear power depends essentially on two factors: how
well and how safely it actually performs and how well and how safely
it is perceived to perform.” Blix included under ‘safety’ the safe disposal
of nuclear waste.)
Persuading the public that nuclear waste can be disposed of without
endangering the health of future generations (the technology is avail-
able, public confidence is lacking).
In the longer run, how seriously the world takes the threat of global
warming, which stems largely from the ‘greenhouse gases’ emitted by
fossil fuels. (This applies particularly to North America and Western
Europe where, except in France, nuclear energy programmes do not
seem likely to flourish unless drastic steps are taken to curb the use of
fossil fuel for electricity generation. It also applies to the two countries
in Asia where energy consumption and the burning of coal seem bound
to grow massively in the next century, namely China and India.)
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is the main
international body assessing the impact of greenhouse gases on the world’s
climate. The IAEA provided a considerable amount of material to the Panel, but
in 1994 the IAEA went on record as stating that the draft assessments the Panel
made in that year did not “adequately reflect the potential contribution that
nuclear energy could make to meeting energy demands while reducing carbon
dioxide emissions.”
Subsequently, the head of the OECD’s International
Energy Agency noted in a statement to a UN meeting that “nuclear energy
accounted for the greater part of the lowering of carbon density of the energy
economies of the OECD countries over the last 25 years.”
Nonetheless, the
past years have shown how difficult a task it will be to persuade energy
authorities and governments, in the countries concerned and particularly in
developing countries like India and China, to pay the cost of reducing carbon
dioxide emissions and to persuade the public that nuclear energy is one of the
viable solutions to the problem of global warming. The reluctance of the IPCC
to recognize the potentially benign role of nuclear energy was another pointer
in this direction.
This chapter has charted the varying prospects for nuclear power from
the euphoria of 1955 to the mild disappointments of the late 1950s and early
1960s to the boom of the 1970s and to the slump in much of the West and in
several developing countries in the 1980s and early 1990s. It is difficult for later
generations to capture the sense of achievement that marked the operation of
the first reactors and the construction and startup of the first nuclear power
plants. Here, at last, the ingenuity of mankind — in the work of brilliant
scientists — had unlocked a potentially inexhaustible source of energy that
did not depend on the muscles of tamed animals or the vagaries of wind and
weather or the burning of coal or oil that had been laid down 60 million years
ago, but which, instead, released the binding energy of the atom itself. In the
1980s and early 1990s, many of a younger generation seemed, rather, to
triumph when a nuclear power plant was shut down or a windmill was put
up or a gas burning power plant was opened. We cannot know what the
future holds, but it is certain that we have not seen the end of the story.
Perhaps another generation will see in nuclear power not only a source of
abundant energy but also the main hope for avoiding the problems that will
follow if the temperature of our atmosphere is allowed to go on rising.
Report of the Preparatory Commission of the International Atomic Energy Agency, doc-
ument GC.1/1, GOV/1, pp. 13–14, paras 48–51.
See, for instance, the Annual Report for 1995, GC(40)/8, IAEA, Vienna (1996) 10.
Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the General Conference Covering the Period
from 1 July 1958 to 30 June 1959, GC(III)/73, IAEA, Vienna (1959), p. 4, para. 10; and
IAEA General Conference Resolution GC(II)/RES/27.
Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the General Conference Covering the Period from
1 July 1958 to 30 June 1959, pp. 45–46. paras 215–216. In his essay in Personal Reflections,
Ambassador Bill Barton writes that Canada offered to sell the fuel for $1.00!
SZASZ, P.C., The Law and Practices of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Legal
Series No. 7, IAEA, Vienna (1970) 420–421. The Board subsequently cancelled the
application of safeguards and safety measures that had been applied under this
project since the quantity of uranium was below the exemption limit established
by the first safeguards system and did not represent substantial assistance to the
operation of the JRR-3 reactor.
Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the General Conference 1 July 1959–30 June
1960, GC(IV)/114, IAEA, Vienna (1960), p. 37, paras 224–226.
The United Nations ‘Special Fund’ and its ‘Expanded Programme for Technical
Assistance’ were the precursors of the present United Nations Development
Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the General Conference 1 July 1961–30 June
1962, GC(VI)/195, IAEA, Vienna (1962), p. 7, para. 45; Annual Report of the Board of
Governors to the General Conference 1 July 1962–30 June 1963, GC(VII)/228, IAEA,
Vienna (1963), p. 7, paras 41 and 43; Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the
General Conference 1 July 1963–30 June 1964, GC(VIII)/270, IAEA, Vienna (1964),
p. 20, para. 77. The plant that Yugoslavia eventually built at Krško, now in Slovenia,
is not the demonstration reactor studied in the early 1960s. The Philippines
completed the construction of a nuclear power plant, but when Corazon Aquino
succeeded President Marcos it was decided not to start up the reactor, chiefly
because the plant was believed to be in an earthquake zone.
Document GOV/OR.98.
SZASZ, P.C., The Law and Practices of the International Atomic Energy Agency,
pp. 281–282.
Indeed, as noted in Chapter 5, the IAEA’s contribution was very modest: two
technical papers and a few members of the Conference’s scientific staff.
Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the General Conference 1 July 1964–30 June
1965, GC(IX)/299, IAEA, Vienna (1965), p. 4, paras 10–17. The Conference took
place from 31 August to 9 September 1964.
Annual Report 1 July 1971–30 June 1972, GC(XVI)/480, IAEA, Vienna (1972), p. 37,
para. 114.
Ibid., p. 37, para 116.
In Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the USSR, Sweden, the United
Kingdom and the USA. All, with the exception of the Obninsk reactor in Russia,
have since been closed down.
Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the General Conference 1 July 1963–30 June
1964, p. 19, para. 74.
This has proved to be correct of only one large industrial country, France, and of
Sweden, Belgium and Lithuania, and almost true of Bulgaria. In Belgium and
Sweden, more than half the electricity produced is now generated by nuclear
power, but in Belgium there is now a de facto moratorium on new orders for
nuclear power plants and Sweden still remains committed, at least on paper, to
phase out nuclear power by the year 2010.
Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the General Conference 1 July 1964–30 June
1965, p. 5, para. 20; and Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the General
Conference 1 July 1965–30 June 1966, GC(X)/330, IAEA, Vienna (1966), p. 15.
The following orders were placed worldwide for new power reactors:
Year Total capacity (MW(e))
1966 23 000
1967 30 000
1968 34 000
1969 19 000
1970 25 000
It rose in 1968 to 300 000 MW(e), in 1969 to 300 000–350 000 MW(e) and in 1971 to
340 000 MW(e).
In the same year (1971), the estimate for 1985 was 710 000 MW(e) with a 30% mar-
gin of error (Annual Report 1 July 1970–30 June 1971, GC(XV)/455, IAEA, Vienna
(1971), p. 30, para. 73). In 1995, the global installed nuclear capacity amounted to
344 422 MW(e). (Nuclear Power Reactors in the World, April 1966 Edition, Reference
Data Series No. 2, IAEA, Vienna (1996) 11.)
Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the General Conference 1 July 1968–30 June
1969, GC(XIII)/404, IAEA, Vienna (1969), p. 20, para. 64.
Since the mid-1970s, the real price of oil has fallen steeply and today it is no higher
in real terms than it was before the 1973 Arab–Israeli war.
Annual Report for 1975, GC(XX)/565, IAEA, Vienna (1976), p. 30, para. 89.
Ibid., p. 30, paras 89–90.
Annual Report 1 July 1974–30 June 1975, GC(XIX)/544, IAEA, Vienna (1975), p. 32,
para. 100.
Nuclear Power Reactors in the World, April 1996 Edition, p. 11.
Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the General Conference 1 July 1967–30 June
1968, GC(XII)/380, IAEA, Vienna (19), p. 11, para 34.
Thorium cannot be directly used as a source of heat to produce steam for a turbo-
generator. However, when bombarded with neutrons, thorium is transmuted into
uranium-233, a fissile isotope of uranium.
Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the General Conference 1 July 1964–30 June
1965, p. 11, para. 31.
Annual Report for 1980, GC(XXV)/642, IAEA, Vienna (1981), p. 23, para 73; and
Annual Report for 1981, GC(XXVI)/664, IAEA, Vienna (1982), p. 36, para. 101.
CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, Background Material for the Review of the
International Atomic Policies and Programs of the United States, Report to the Joint
Committee on Atomic Energy, Vol. 3, US Govt Printing Office, Washington, DC
(1960) 507.
Ibid., p. 502.
The term PNE is a misnomer, since there is no such thing as an intrinsically
‘peaceful’ nuclear explosive or explosion. The NPT itself is careful to refer to the
“potential benefits of any peaceful applications of nuclear explosions.”
See DOKOS, T.P., Negotiations for a CTBT 1958–1994, University Press of America,
Lanham, MD (1995) 20.
In 1979–1980, Argentina discussed with the IAEA Secretariat the contents of an
agreement that would place all nuclear material in that country under safe-
guards and thereby enable Argentina to comply with the Tlatelolco Treaty
which, according to Admiral Costa Madera, the Argentine Governor, his
Government planned to ratify. The author, who led the IAEA team, explained
that the IAEA Board would not approve a safeguards agreement under which
nuclear material could be withdrawn from safeguards to be used in a PNE. The
Admiral insisted that this was Argentina’s right under the Tlatelolco Treaty.
Despite strenuous efforts to find a compromise, no agreement could be reached
and the discussions petered out.
See Resolution GC(XII)/RES/245, Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the
General Conference 1 July 1968–30 June 1969, p. 24, para. 81. The report on PNEs was
issued as document GC(XII)/410. See also Annual Report of the Board of Governors to
the General Conference 1 July 1969–30 June 1970, GC(XIV)/430, IAEA, Vienna (1970),
pp. 27–28, para. 69.
Annual Report 1 July 1971–30 June 1972, p. 30., para. 89.
Document INFCIRC/169.
The Eighteen-Nation Disarmament Committee which drafted the NPT. In practice,
only 17 nations took part in the ENDC’s work; the French chair remained empty.
United Nations General Assembly Resolution 2829 (XXVI).
Annual Report 1 July 1974–30 June 1975, p. 9, paras 24–25.
For instance, to excavate a harbour in Western Australia, to build a canal through
the Krai Peninsula in Thailand, to remove a sand bank blocking a harbour in
Madagascar, to link the Qattara Depression in Egypt with the Mediterranean, and
to build a sea level canal across the Isthmus of Panama. The Malagasy enquiry was
formal but, after a change of government, it was not pressed.
As noted, India maintained that the test it carried out at Pokharan in 1974 was a
peaceful nuclear explosion.
Professor Nye was then Deputy Undersecretary of State for Security Assistance in
the Carter Administration.
In principle, the closed fuel cycle involving the reprocessing of spent fuel and the
use of the recovered plutonium in a breeder reactor can produce 60 times more
energy from a given amount of uranium than the once-through cycle.
The engineer’s rule of thumb is that no single plant should produce more than
about one fifth of the total output of the grid or network; otherwise there is a
danger of a system blackout if the oversized plant falls out. Hence the smaller the
network, the smaller should be the largest plant in that network. As networks
grow it becomes possible to accommodate larger plants.
Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the General Conference 1 July 1968–30 June
1969, p. 23, para. 76.
Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the General Conference 1 July 1969–30 June
1970, p. 27, para. 66.
Ten years later, in 1995, the total installed nuclear capacity of the developing
countries (including China and South Africa, but excluding Taiwan and the
Republic of Korea) amounted to only about 8500 MW(e). The figures given in this
section are based on Nuclear Power Reactors in the World, April 1986 and April 1996
Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the General Conference 1 July 1969–30 June
1970, p. 27, para. 64.
Annual Report 1 July 1971– 30 June 1972, p. 27, para. 78.
In fact, only 4 of the 14 countries covered by the survey have built nuclear power
plants — Argentina, the Republic of Korea, Mexico and Pakistan.
LANE, J., “The impact of oil price increases on the market for nuclear power in
developing countries”, IAEA Bulletin No. 1/2 (1974) 66. Of the 44 countries listed
in the article, three have built or are building nuclear power plants — Pakistan,
Iran and Cuba.
Unlike those two plants the new reactors were not placed under IAEA safeguards,
but India was not under any legal obligation to do so.
Annual Report for 1984, GC(XXIX)/748, IAEA, Vienna (1985), p. 29, para. 91.
They included four power reactors of 12.5 MW(e) in Bilibino producing both
electricity and district heat, a number of reactors in nuclear icebreakers, and
district heating reactors of 500 MW(th) under construction in Gorki and
Novovoronezh (construction of which has, however, been stopped or suspended).
A fast breeder reactor at Shevchenko (now Aktau in Kazakstan) was producing
electricity and desalted water for an isolated industrial region. In fact, more that a
dozen of the now ‘famous’ WWER-440 reactors were built in the USSR and a num-
ber of former Socialist countries and are still in commercial operation.
Document GOV/OR.635, para. 11.
Annual Report for 1987, GC(XXXII)/835, IAEA, Vienna (1988), p. 26, para. 72.
Annual Report for 1995, p. 10. There is also some interest in Japan in using reactors
of advanced design — high temperature reactors — as a source of industrial heat
for gasifying coal, producing methanol and for the more effective recovery of oil.
Apart from the Indian heavy water reactors, the smallest nuclear power plants that
are now under construction are Chinese 325 MW(e) plants (in China and Pakistan
and, possibly, in Iran) and some older 430 MW(e) Soviet WWER plants in Slovakia.
It is reported that the next Chinese built plants will be of the order of 600 MW(e),
the few plants in prospect in the former Soviet Union in the WWER series will be
of the order of 1000 MW(e).
Of the 37 nuclear power reactors listed in Nuclear Power Reactors in the World, April
1996 Edition, as under construction at the end of 1995, more than a third (13) were
under 700 MW(e), including plants in Argentina, India, the Republic of Korea,
Pakistan, Romania and Slovakia.
However, the concept is still alive. Some very large reactors — with a capacity of
some 1500 MW(e) — are now being commissioned. Each represents a very large
capital investment and if for any reason the plant has to be taken out of operation
the consequence is a major loss of electric power. A utility has more flexibility of
operation if it has a park of smaller plants. Studies are being made of the possi-
bility of upgrading submarine reactors to approximately 300 MW(e), while manu-
facturers in the USA and Canada are looking at plants of 600 MW(e). In the USA,
the Nuclear Regulatory Commission has cleared the design of compact Westinghouse
plants of 300 and 600 MW(e). (Information provided by Dr. Munir Khan.)
Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the General Conference 1 July 1963–30 June
1964, p. 22, paras 95–96.
Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the General Conference 1 July 1966–30 June
1967, GC(XI)/355, IAEA, Vienna (1967), p. 15, para. 36.
See the following: Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the General Conference
1 July 1964–30 June 1965, p. 13, para. 46, p. 14, para. 49, p. 15, para. 51; 1 July 1965–30
June 1966, p. 21, para. 69; 1 July 1966–30 June 1967, p. 15, paras 35–37; 1 July 1967–
30 June 1968, pp. 12–13, paras 39–40; 1 July 1968–30 June 1969, pp. 23–24, paras 78–80;
1 July 1969–30 June 1970, p. 27, para. 68; 1 July 1970–30 June 1971, p. 31, paras 80–81.
Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the General Conference 1 July 1965–30 June
1966, p. 23, paras 79 and 80.
Annual Report for 1989, GC(XXXIV)/915, IAEA, Vienna (1990) 7.
Annual Report for 1992, GC(XXXVII)/1060, IAEA, Vienna (1993) 19.
Annual Report for 1993, GC(XXXVIII)/2, IAEA, Vienna (1994) 19; Annual Report for
1994, GC(39)/3, IAEA, Vienna (1995) 30.
Annual Report for 1995, p. 5.
The latest figures (March 1996) give a range of between 375 000 MW(e) and
535 000 MW(e) for the year 2015. The latter is about one tenth of the 1975 upper
projection for the year 2000!
The Presidential Commission set up to review the causes and results of the acci-
dent concluded that the radiation exposure which it caused would “lead to no
additional cancer deaths or, if there were any, they would be so few that they could
not be detected” amongst the more than two million people living within a 50 mile
radius of the plant. In the same population, about 325 000 cancer deaths must be
expected from other causes. (Annual Report for 1980, p. 3, para. 4.) New nuclear
power plant orders had begun to decline in the USA some years before the acci-
dent, but Three Mile Island was the coup de grâce.
In fact, during 1995 no country anywhere began the construction of a new nuclear
power plant (Nuclear Power Reactors in the World, April 1996 Edition, p. 13). No new
orders were placed in the USA during 1996 and most observers foresaw an indef-
inite halt to any new US orders.
Annual Report for 1980, GC(XXV)/642, IAEA, Vienna (1980), p. 22, para. 67.
Annual Report for 1983, GC(XXVIII)/713, IAEA, Vienna (1984), p. 25, para. 70.
Annual Report for 1981, p. 8, para. 10.
Annual Report for 1989, p. 6.
Nuclear Power Reactors in the World, April 1996 Edition, pp. 13 and 50; and IAEA
Press Release, PR/97/6 (24 April 1997).
YOSHIKAWA, M., “Japan: Review shows Japan nuclear agenda on the ropes”,
Reuters News Service, 7 May 1997.
Operational Safety Review Team — see Chapter 7.
For instance, the IAEA held five workshops in Thailand in 1993, chiefly for persons
who would be deciding whether or not the country should proceed with a nuclear
power programme and to provide for the training of nuclear power plant operators
(Annual Report for 1993, p. 13). The IAEA held six training courses in Indonesia in
1994 (Annual Report for 1994, p. 18). It helped China to assess the economics of
nuclear power in 1993 and 1994 and held an ASSET (Assessment of Safety
Significant Events Team) training seminar in China in 1992, sent an OSART
mission to assess the safety of China’s first nuclear power plant at Guangdong and
an expert mission on the management of nuclear accidents to China in 1993
(Annual Report for 1993, pp. 125 and 128). OSARTs visited the Republic of Korea in
1986 and 1989 and there was an ASSET mission in 1991.
Fusion is the opposite of the nuclear fission process that takes place in today’s
nuclear power plants. In fission, the nuclei of heavy elements, such as uranium,
split apart forming lighter elements. In fusion, the nuclei of light elements, such as
hydrogen, combine to form heavier elements. In both cases, the reactions release a
large quantity of energy.
Status Report on Controlled Thermonuclear Fusion, Executive Summary and General
Overview, International Fusion Research Council, IAEA, Vienna (1990) 3.
Ibid., p. 26.
Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the General Conference 1 July 1960 to 30 June
1961, GC(V)/154, IAEA, Vienna (1961), p. 33, para. 205; Nuclear Fusion 1 1 (1960).
Nuclear Fusion 18 1 (1978).
Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the General Conference 1 July 1961 to 30 June
1962, p. 8, para. 52.
Subsequent conferences were held in Berchtesgaden, Innsbruck, Brussels,
Baltimore, London, Kyoto, Nice, Washington, Würzburg and Seville. See
“Foreword”, Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research (Proc. 6th Int.
Conf. Berchtesgaden, 1976), Vol. 1, IAEA, Vienna (1977).
Status Report on Controlled Thermonuclear Fusion, Executive Summary and General
Overview, p. 27.
STACEY, W.M., “INTOR Workshop: Design, concept, critical issues, innovations,
database assessment, summary”, Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion
Research 1988 (Proc. 12th Int. Conf. Nice, 1988), Vol. 3, IAEA, Vienna (1989) 199.
International Tokamak Reactor: Phase Two A, Part III (Report Workshop Vienna,
1985–1987), Vols 1 and 2, IAEA, Vienna (1988).
CLARKE, J.F., in Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research 1986 (Proc.
11th Int. Conf. Kyoto, 1986), Vol. 1, IAEA, Vienna (1987) 5.
MAISONNIER, C., in Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research 1988
(Proc. 12th Int. Conf. Nice, 1989), Vol. 1, IAEA, Vienna (1989) 3.
Foreword, ITER Interim Design Report Package and Relevant Documents, IAEA,
Vienna (1996).
Status Report on Controlled Thermonuclear Fusion, Executive Summary and General
Overview, p. 9.
FLAKUS, F.N., CLEVELAND, C.C., DOLAN, T.J., “Nuclear fusion: Targeting safety
and environmental goals”, IAEA Bulletin 4 (1995) 24. The authors suggest that ITER
“could begin significant DT operation (fusion of deuterium and tritium) around
2005–2010...A demonstration fusion power plant could then begin operation about
two decades later.”
Vol. 5, IAEA, Vienna (1964) 277–282. The Dragon was fuelled with high (93%)
enriched uranium and thorium, graphite moderated and helium cooled.
Three other Member States not members of the IWG take part in the gas cooled
reactor programme.
Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the General Conference 1 July 1964–30 June
1965, p. 5, para. 19.
Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the General Conference 1 July 1963–30 June
1964, p. 22, para. 94.
Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the General Conference 1 July 1967–30 June
1968, p. 10, para. 33; and Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the General
Conference 1 July 1969–30 June 1970, p. 25, para. 58.
The Fermi was shut down in 1972 (Nuclear Power Reactors in the World, April 1996
Edition, p. 49).
Following an accidental discharge of between 700 and 3000 kg of its sodium
coolant, the Monju was taken out of operation for extensive repairs at the begin-
ning of 1996. (“Phoenix in der Asche”, Der Spiegel 6 (1977) 166.)
The data given in this and the next paragraph are chiefly drawn from Nuclear
Power Reactors in the World, April 1996 Edition.
After spending some $6 billion on it according to a German magazine (notably
critical of nuclear power). (“Phoenix in der Asche”, Der Spiegel, p. 167.)
Nuclear Power Reactors in the World, April 1996 Edition, p. 48.
Superphénix was restarted in 1996 and was operating at full power towards the
end of the year.
Estimated by the same German magazine at $5–6 billion and eventually twice that
sum (“Phoenix in der Asche”, Der Spiegel, p. 168).
Most of the technical and economic problems that the fast breeder reactor has run
into have derived from the reactor’s use of liquid metal as a coolant. The small size
of the fast reactor core results in high specific heat. The coolants used by thermal
(current generation) reactors — namely water or a gas such as carbon dioxide —
could not carry away this heat rapidly enough to the fast breeder reactor’s heat
exchanger. Moreover, the use of water as a coolant would slow down (moderate) the
fast neutrons that are crucial to the functioning of a fast breeder reactor. Hence the
use of a liquid metal, usually sodium, for this purpose. Sodium, however, is not only
highly corrosive, but also bursts into an intensely hot fire if it comes into contact with
air or water. Severe physical damage can thus be caused by a sodium leak, necessi-
tating measures to prevent or protect against such leaks, several of which have
occurred in the past. These measures helped to push up the capital cost of the fast
breeder reactor. However, while sodium leaks can lead to a fierce fire, they have not
resulted in any loss of life or severe injury to plant operators.
Defined as heavy radioactive metallic elements.
Annual Report for 1994, pp. 4–5.
A generating plant using natural gas costs as little as one fifth as a nuclear power
plant of the same size, and it can be quickly added to the grid in the form of a rela-
tively small unit. It thus allows a utility to respond flexibly to fluctuations in
demand. On the other hand, operating costs per unit of electricity produced in a gas
fired power station are higher than in a modern nuclear plant, and natural gas is a
wasting asset. (“...at current levels of use exploitable oil and gas will run out with-
in fifty years”, BLIX, H., “The global need for nuclear power”, keynote address to
the Second Philippine Nuclear Congress, Manila, 10 December 1996.) Burning
natural gas also produces greenhouse gases — less carbon dioxide than coal or oil
but much more (in the form of leaked methane) than a coal or oil fired plant.
The enthusiasm of the 1970s for unconventional and renewable sources of energy,
chiefly wind power and solar energy, has generally given way to a more realistic
appreciation of their potential. Their contribution will expand, but except for the
use of solar energy as a source of heat for domestic water supply, and wind, solar
and geothermal in special situations — e.g. certain windy coasts, remote locations,
presence of geothermal sources — their overall impact is likely to remain marginal
to total demand. Solar, wind, and biomass now jointly provide 0.1% of the total
commercial energy the world uses (see BLIX, H., “The global need for nuclear
Annual Report for 1994, p. 5.
BLIX, H., “The global need for nuclear power”, quoting from a speech given by the
Executive Director of the OECD International Energy Agency (IEA) to the Second
Session of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. (The IEA — not to
be confused with the IAEA or the NEA! — was established by the OECD after the
oil crisis of 1974 with a view to helping the OECD States deal with any repetition
of that crisis.)
Chapter 7
n a narrow sense nuclear safety means dealing effectively with the risks
associated with the nuclear fuel cycle, and radiation safety means dealing
with risks arising from the uses of ionizing radiation, including the use of
radioisotopes and radiation in medicine, industry and various branches of
research. Waste management similarly relates to risks arising from radio-
active waste and includes the disposal of such wastes. In this chapter the term
‘nuclear safety’ is used, when convenient, as an umbrella to cover all such
From the start, the IAEA’s work relating to nuclear and radiation
safety and the management of nuclear and other radioactive wastes has, in
accordance with its Statute, fallen into the following broad categories:
Supporting research (for instance, on radiation effects and on the behav-
iour of radionuclides in the environment);
Promoting the exchange of information, for instance, by scientific meet-
ings, and by specialized publications;
Establishing a comprehensive range of standards, regulations, codes of
practice, guides, etc., dealing with most aspects of the civilian nuclear
fuel cycle and with radioactive waste;
Helping Member States, especially developing countries, to strengthen
the national infrastructure for dealing with nuclear safety, radiation
safety and radioactive waste management and providing advice on
specific questions or problems;
Promoting binding international conventions on nuclear safety, early
notification of a nuclear accident, mutual assistance in case of radio-
logical emergencies, management of radioactive waste, liability in the
case of accidents, liability of operation of nuclear ships, and physical
protection of nuclear material against criminal acts.
Nuclear safety
The approach
The Statute foresaw that in any project or other arrangement to which
the IAEA was requested to apply safeguards it should have the right “to
require the observance of any health and safety measures prescribed by the
Agency” and that the IAEA’s inspectors would have the responsibility of
determining whether “there is compliance with” those health and safety mea-
The requirement to observe the IAEA’s health and safety standards
was to apply, in the first place, to the IAEA’s own operations which, it was
assumed, would involve the transport and storage of large amounts of
nuclear material. It was also tacitly assumed that the conclusion of Agency
project agreements, which would require the project to be subject to safe-
guards — including those relating to nuclear safety — would lead to the
widespread application of mandatory IAEA safety standards.
The Prepcom accordingly foresaw the recruitment of safety inspectors.
The first ‘health and safety measures’, including ‘safety standards’ approved
by the Board on 31 March 1960, authorized the Agency to carry out not more
than two safety inspections a year of an assisted operation.
In practice, the cases where the IAEA has required a State to apply IAEA
safety measures have been limited to ‘Agency projects’ and to technical
co-operation projects (even though the latter do not normally provide for the
application of safeguards).
As noted in Chapter 8, the Board of Governors in 1959 and 1960 took
decisions that ensured that the function of safeguards inspection should
henceforth be kept separate from the application of safety measures. No safety
inspectors were ever formally appointed. A few safety inspections carried out
by the IAEA in the early 1960s were apparently undertaken by ad hoc inspec-
tors from the then existing Division of Health, Safety and Waste Management.
In February 1976, the Board approved a revision of the 1960 The
Agency’s Health and Safety Measures. The revised document replaced the
concept of carrying out routine inspections to verify compliance with the
Agency’s health and safety measures by that of advisory safety missions to
be carried out with the agreement of the State. In effect, the IAEA “waived
its statutory right of carrying out routine verification of Agency assisted
operations through health and safety inspections...” and replaced it with a
voluntary system.
We shall revert to this matter at the end of this chapter.
In 1958, the IAEA began collecting information about the nuclear safety
and waste management practices and regulations of Member States and on
the work of other international bodies in these fields. This provided the
Agency with background information it would need to draw up its own
international recommendations. The Agency also began work on a manual of
safe practices for isotope users.
For most of the early 1960s, the IAEA’s work on nuclear safety, radiation
protection and nuclear waste management consisted of drawing up inter-
national recommendations, guides and standards. In other words the IAEA
was beginning to lay the basis for national regulations and legislation in
countries that had not yet introduced their own nuclear safety standards. This
work was carried out chiefly at IAEA Headquarters rather than in the field.
In the latter part of the decade the emphasis was increasingly placed on help-
ing developing countries to apply its recommendations.
In 1960, the Board approved The Agency’s Health and Safety Measures
referred to above, to be applied when the Agency carried out projects in its
Member States.
By the end of 1961, the IAEA had issued eight sets of recommendations
on nuclear safety covering a wide range of topics, including safe operation of
research reactors, safe use of radioisotopes and radioactive waste disposal in
the sea. Another important early safety standard dealt with the safe transport
of nuclear materials. The Board approved these transport regulations in
September 1960 (they were published in 1961) and recommended them to
Member States and other international bodies concerned with various modes
of carriage.
During the first half of the 1960s, the Agency helped them to
incorporate the IAEA’s recommendations into their own regulations.
In June 1962, the Board approved the IAEA’s Basic Safety Standards for
Radiation Protection.
These were derived essentially from the recommenda-
tions of the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP),
which is generally regarded as the impartial and authoritative international
body in this field. The basic standards were revised in 1967 and again in the
early 1980s
to take into account the increasingly rigorous recommendations
of the ICRP. The standards were to be revised again ten years later.
The IAEA’s direct involvement in reactor safety began with an analysis
of a fatal accident at the Vinča reactor in Yugoslavia in October 1958 and with
a safety analysis of the Japanese JRR-3 project.
The Vinča analysis led to an
IAEA publication containing studies of all unclassified reactor accidents.
1960, the IAEA arranged for an international evaluation of the safety of the
DIORIT research reactor in Switzerland. This was the first of many such eval-
uations that the Agency was to arrange in the years ahead.
On 10 March 1961, the IAEA signed an agreement with the Principality
of Monaco and the Oceanographic Institute in Monaco (whose Director was
Jacques Cousteau) for co-operation in research on the effects of radiation in
the sea.
Subsequently, the parties extended the agreement until 1974 and, in
the process, the project was transformed into the International Laboratory of
Marine Radioactivity (ILMR) and again later into the IAEA Marine
Environment Laboratory, or IAEA-MEL (see Chapter 10).
In June 1963, the Board approved the first international agreement for
the provision of assistance in the event of a nuclear accident. The agreement
(between the IAEA, Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden) was signed in
October 1963.
In the early days of the IAEA, the nuclear safety staff would extol the
safety and environmental advantages of nuclear power. It entailed no risk of
disastrous dam breaks like the one at Malpasset in the south of France in 1950
which caused 412 deaths,
no major mining accidents, no smelly chimneys
belching smoke and soot. Moreover, until the Three Mile Island accident the
industry had an excellent safety record. In fact, there were no serious radiation
induced casualties at any civilian nuclear power plant until the Chernobyl dis-
aster. Despite nuclear energy’s horrific entry onto the world stage in 1945,
there was certainly no animus against the civilian use of nuclear power in the
1950s and early 1960s.
Towards the end of the 1960s, growing public concern about nuclear
safety and the prospect of the 1972 Stockholm Conference on the Human
Environment began to affect the IAEA’s programme. In the IAEA’s 1970–1971
Annual Report, there is the first mention in a formal IAEA document of the
“continuing public debate about the impact of nuclear energy on the envi-
ronment” and on the role of the IAEA in the Stockholm Conference.
Agency also began to direct more attention to problems of nuclear waste
In August 1970, the IAEA and the US Atomic Energy Commission held a
large symposium in New York on the environmental aspects of nuclear power
stations. The conference concluded that “nuclear power stations contribute far
less to environmental pollution than other forms of thermal power” not only
because they do not discharge smoke, soot or particles but also “because of the
care that the nuclear industry has taken in designing its installations to contain
radioactivity safely, as a result of which the radioactive ‘dose’ released to the
public is trivial in comparison with natural radioactivity.”
This conclusion
may have been factually correct at the time but it reflected a complacency that
was to be severely jolted nine years later by Three Mile Island and shattered
in due course by Chernobyl.
An interesting aspect of the environmental debate, which was to grow
louder and louder during the next two decades, was that until quite recently
it focused almost exclusively on civilian nuclear power and largely ignored
the fact that the number of nuclear reactors in naval vessels was comparable
to the total number of civilian power reactors. It is true that submarine reactors
are much smaller than today’s nuclear power plants but, as has become obvious
since the end of the Cold War, submarines are by no means exempt from
accident or mismanagement and the ultimate disposal of naval reactors,
including those that have already sunk or been scuttled, is now seen as a
major and very difficult environmental problem.
If one needed an example of selective concern one could choose the
citizens of Copenhagen, who have firmly rejected nuclear power, have made
numerous complaints about the Barsebäck reactor 20 kilometres away in
but do not seem to have been perturbed by the repeated passage of
nuclear submarines within a couple of kilometres of Copenhagen’s doorstep.
Ironically, at the same time that the Soviet navy was quietly dumping
high level nuclear waste in the form of used naval reactors and their spent
fuel off the coast of Novaya Zemlya, the delegation of the Soviet Union
frequently and forcefully insisted in the IAEA Board of Governors that there
should be a complete prohibition of the Western European practice of dump-
ing low level nuclear wastes at sea.
Even before the Three Mile Island accident and the Chernobyl disaster,
public attitudes towards nuclear power began to change, especially in the
USA, but also in much of Western Europe. This is not the place to examine the
causes of the change; one may merely note that it soon became a historical
fact, and that it had a marked effect on the emphasis, balance and scope of the
IAEA’s work.
Following the June 1972 United Nations environment conference in
Stockholm, the members of the UN agreed in 1973 to establish an agency in
Nairobi to tackle international environmental problems, the United Nations
Environment Programme (UNEP). The IAEA also obtained special funding to
expand its safety work in 1973, and sought UNEP help in carrying out several
recommendations of the Stockholm Conference.
The Nuclear Safety Standards programme
In 1974, the IAEA launched the major new Nuclear Safety Standards
(NUSS) programme. This was a comprehensive series of Codes and Safety
Guides intended to ensure the safe design, siting and operation of the current
generation of nuclear power reactors and enhance their reliability. Some safety
experts from Western Europe initially resisted the Secretariat’s proposal to
create the NUSS series; there were even some unfounded suspicions that NUSS
was a disguised attempt to constrain the burgeoning nuclear industry of France
and Germany by imposing US standards.
The IAEA planned eventually to extend NUSS to fast breeder reactors
and other plants in the nuclear fuel cycle. By the time of the Three Mile Island
accident the IAEA had published five Codes and ten Safety Guides in the
NUSS series and a further 39 had been or were being prepared.
As Tadeusz Wojcik points out in his essay in Personal Reflections, NUSS
was launched at a time when nuclear power was booming, orders for new
plants were coming in at the rate of 25–35 a year, many of the orders were for
the first nuclear power plant in the country concerned and the IAEA was being
called upon to assess the safety of projects at different levels of completion. The
choice before the IAEA was to form a standing team of experts, backed up by
an advisory committee, to examine each of the projects submitted to it, or alter-
natively to reach international agreement on the technical principles on which
to base safety and reliability criteria for designing, constructing and operating
nuclear power plants. Subsequently, the IAEA would draw up guides and
manuals prescribing how to meet the established safety and reliability criteria.
The IAEA decided on the second solution and agreed that a series of five NUSS
Codes and 47 Safety Guides should be prepared between 1975 and 1980.
In 1974, the Board discussed whether the forthcoming NUSS documents
should have the status of recommendations or should be legally binding, and
decided on the former — NUSS documents would be recommendations. The
debate was reopened in the 1980s, after the NUSS series had been completed,
but, once more, any mandatory prescriptions were rejected. However, in
1987, replies to an IAEA questionnaire from 47 Member States showed that
the basic concepts, purposes and functions of their nuclear regulatory bodies
generally conformed to the relevant NUSS recommendations.
The issue arose again in 1992 when the IAEA began work on a nuclear
safety convention. The group drafting the convention decided not to incor-
porate any reference to the NUSS codes because of concern about setting in
stone, in other words ‘petrification’, of standards that were likely to be subject
to many changes over time.
Three Mile Island
On 28 March 1979, the core of one of the two nuclear reactors at the
Three Mile Island nuclear power station in Pennsylvania overheated and
partially melted down. There was no significant release of radiation beyond
the containment structure of the plant and no one was physically injured. But
this was the first major accident at a civilian nuclear power station and the
psychological effect on the population in the neighbourhood, and eventually
throughout the Western world, was immense. So was the damage to the plant
itself and to the reputation of the nuclear power industry. In 1979, the total
capacity of nuclear power plants on order worldwide actually decreased by
about 8000 MW(e); eight new plants were ordered but 14 previous orders
were cancelled.
It is of some interest that both the Three Mile Island accident and the far
more disastrous accident at Chernobyl took place in the two nuclear weapon
States that had done more than any other nation to promote the civilian as
well as military use of nuclear energy, but States that had also taken dangerous
short cuts in the early days of the nuclear arms race. These short cuts had no
direct relevance to the Three Mile Island accident, but they seem to have con-
tributed to the poor nuclear safety culture in the Soviet Union, a deficiency
that played a significant role in the Chernobyl accident.
After Three Mile Island, Director General Eklund convened a group of
leading nuclear safety experts to consider what actions the IAEA and its
Member States should take. They recommended that the IAEA should hold
specialized meetings on the lessons of the accident, expand safety research
and the exchange of information, arrange emergency assistance and provide
technical assistance on nuclear safety. States should publish the results of
their nuclear safety research more quickly and freely, require an adequate
emergency plan before licensing the sale or purchase of a nuclear power
plant, negotiate bilateral, multilateral and regional agreements for mutual
assistance in the case of an accident, periodically test their plans for dealing
with emergencies and ask the IAEA routinely to check the safety work of
Member States.
Brazil, the Federal Republic of Germany and Sweden wrote to Eklund
proposing that the IAEA’s nuclear safety programme be promptly reviewed
and new initiatives undertaken.
The Federal Republic of Germany pro-
posed that international co-operation should focus on evaluating safety con-
cepts, exchanging views on the future of such concepts and comparing basic
safety requirements, and that States should intensify nuclear safety research
and engineering. Sweden stressed the importance of harmonizing national
nuclear safety rules and offered to host an international meeting on nuclear
At the first meeting of the Board after the Three Mile Island accident,
Governors were unanimous in welcoming the three-nation proposals as well
as those of the Director General for expanding the IAEA’s programme —
provided that, in 1979, the expansion was financed by additional voluntary
contributions (which was what Eklund had recommended). The Board was
more guarded about Eklund’s recommendation that a number of posts
should be added to the Professional staff of the Division of Nuclear Safety
and that the regular budget should be increased to finance an expanded safety
programme in 1980. France, the Federal Republic of Germany, Canada and
the United Kingdom stressed, as they had often done in the past, that national
authorities bear ultimate responsibility in matters of nuclear safety.
The accident showed that a State lacking the nuclear experience and
resources of the USA would have grave difficulty in coping with an accident
on the scale of Three Mile Island and would urgently need international assis-
tance. With the help of leading national experts, the IAEA Secretariat pre-
pared recommendations for prompt notification of a nuclear accident and for
mutual assistance in the case of an accident.
Eklund’s recommendations
that both matters should be the subject of international conventions were
turned down; in the view of the Board clear guidelines would suffice.
Tadeusz Wojcik notes in Personal Reflections, the fact that it took two days
before the world knew about Chernobyl showed that ‘clear guidelines’ did
not suffice to avoid a reprehensible delay before the public was told about a
major accident, and that a binding convention was indeed needed.
The Board did agree on the importance of sharing internationally the
lessons learnt from Three Mile Island. In fact, it was clear that the views of
governments were beginning to be more broad-minded about the IAEA’s role
in nuclear safety. But the rate of change was slow. It would take another far
more serious accident to bring about a drastic revision of national attitudes
towards the IAEA’s proper responsibilities in nuclear safety.
An immediate consequence of the Three Mile Island accident was the
expansion of the NUSS programme that the group of experts and Eklund had
recommended. The IAEA also accepted the Swedish offer to serve as host for
a nuclear safety meeting and decided to hold a conference in Stockholm in
October 1980 focusing on “current nuclear power plant safety issues.” The
Stockholm conference attracted wide interest, bringing together about
700 nuclear specialists and energy policy makers. It came to the reassuring
conclusion that there were “no factors related to safety that limit the use and
development of nuclear power” (emphasis in the original),
but identified
the “machine–man interaction” — i.e. the way in which the operators interact
with and control their plants — as an area of weakness and recommended
better training of the operators of nuclear power plants and better and more
user friendly control instruments. Chernobyl was at first also blamed chiefly
on those in control of the plant, but later analyses laid more blame on defects
in the design of the Chernobyl type (RBMK) reactor.
In November 1979, the Director General reported to the Board that all
Member States had been informed of the Agency’s willingness to help them
incorporate its Codes and Safety Guides into their domestic legislation. He
also reported that the Secretariat was making a study of what a government
would need in the way of experts, equipment and services to deal with a
nuclear emergency and that it was compiling a roster of national experts
who would be available to help out in the event of another serious nuclear
Three Mile Island served notice on the nuclear authorities in many
countries that a major nuclear accident at a large nuclear power plant was not
simply a remote contingency suitable for theoretical studies but a real possi-
bility that nuclear authorities must do everything in their power to avoid, and
for which preparations had to be made in case a serious accident nonetheless
took place. It certainly gave much impetus to the IAEA’s work relating to
nuclear emergencies.
The nuclear establishments of North America, Western, Central and
Northern Europe, as well as those of Japan, the Republic of Korea and the
developing countries, generally took the lessons of the accident to heart in the
knowledge that an accident of similar magnitude on their territories would
inflict a massive and possibly lethal blow to their nuclear industries. In the
USA, the nuclear industry set up a national organization (INPO, the Institute
of Nuclear Power Operations) to improve operating safety, for instance by
collecting, evaluating and exchanging reports on all nuclear ‘incidents’ at their
plants so as to prevent a repetition of Three Mile Island.
The accident also
hastened the transfer of responsibility for nuclear safety, in certain countries,
from the national nuclear energy agency to an independent regulatory
authority. It is notable that in the 18 years that have passed since Three Mile
Island, the OECD and developing countries that have nuclear power plants
have been free of any serious nuclear accident. There have been a number of
leaks of reactor coolants which have attracted extensive attention in the
media, but no human life has been threatened and no grave damage has been
done to any nuclear plant outside the former Soviet Union.
The Soviet Union’s nuclear industry seemed to learn little from Three
Mile Island. There appears to have been no attempt to apply its lessons. Part
of the explanation is perhaps that the Soviet Union was still a closed society
operating a command economy in which the experience of other countries
could only be internalized and translated into practical action if it had been
understood and acted upon by those who gave the commands.
Incident Reporting System
The IAEA had long been trying to set up a global system of reporting on
all nuclear accidents and incidents at nuclear power plants (with analyses of
cause and recommendations about means of reducing the chances of future
accidents), but had run into resistance, apparently on the grounds that the
information in question was confidential or proprietary. If the system showed
that a particular design of plant or a particular nuclear power station was
accident-prone, it could reflect badly on the manufacturer or operator.
In 1978, the OECD’s Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) went ahead and took
the first steps to set up its own Incident Reporting System (IRS). In March 1979,
the Three Mile Island accident gave additional impetus to the efforts of both
agencies and in January 1980 the IRS began operating on a two year trial. At the
end of 1981, the NEA member countries formally approved the operation of the
system and in 1983 the IAEA extended the IRS to all its interested Member
The aim of the system is to bring ‘safety significant’ incidents to the
attention of operators, regulators, constructors and designers of nuclear power
plants to enable them to analyse the causes of the incidents and make improve-
ments to avoid the recurrence of a similar incident.
In 1986, the United Kingdom, Canada and Yugoslavia joined the IRS
and today virtually all States operating nuclear power plants are in the
Since 1982, the total number of reports that the IRS has received
each year has ranged from 231 in 1985 to 87 in 1984 — on average between
150 and 160 a year. Since 1996, the NEA and IAEA have jointly operated the
IRS. By 1997, 31 States were selecting events to be reported to the IRS. In April
1997, the computerized database established by the IRS (the Advanced
Incident Reporting System, or AIRS) contained 2522 reports.
The annual nuclear safety review
In 1982, after review by the Board, the IAEA published its first annual
nuclear safety review covering 1980–1981 and outlining worldwide trends in
nuclear safety and related IAEA work.
The review summarized the conclu-
sions that could be drawn from Three Mile Island. One was that the safety
systems of a nuclear power plant (at least of the type in operation at Three
Mile Island) could operate correctly even in extreme accident conditions. The
review also listed design improvements that the accident had shown to be
desirable. It highlighted the need to make reactors more user friendly
through better instrumentation in the control room as well as the need for
better training of operators and the need to pay more attention to emergency
The first and second safety reviews also featured the new dose limita-
tion system recommended by the ICRP — essentially there should be no
increase in radiation exposures unless in practice they produced a positive
net benefit outweighing possible negative effects, doses should be kept ‘as
low as reasonably achievable’ and there should be absolute dose limits above
which no one should be exposed.
The ICRP recommendations were incorporated into the revised Basic
Safety Standards for Radiation Protection issued by the IAEA in 1982 on behalf
of the ILO, NEA and WHO, as well as the Agency.
The reviews published in 1983, 1984 and 1985 focused on natural
sources of radiation, the creation of the International Nuclear Safety Advisory
Group (INSAG), the launching of OSARTs (discussed later), technical safety
issues and safety analyses of specific nuclear plants under construction such
as Sizewell B in the United Kingdom, the Superphénix fast breeder reactor in
France, the fast breeder reactor at Kalkar in Germany, as well as an advanced
pressurized water reactor in Japan and a high temperature gas cooled reactor
in Germany.
From 1986 to 1988, the contents of the annual reviews were naturally
dominated by Chernobyl. From 1989 onwards the review was incorporated
into the IAEA Yearbook.
If the Pokharan nuclear test was the major nuclear event of the 1970s,
the Chernobyl accident on 26 April 1986 had similarly far-reaching repercus-
sions for nuclear energy and the IAEA. We shall look at three aspects of the
accident: its causes, its national and international consequences and its
impact on the IAEA.
First, the causes. The Governments of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, and
the IAEA, jointly with other international organizations and with a great deal
of help from other nations, have carried out several thorough and detailed
analyses of what went wrong on 25 and 26 April 1986 and why. As noted in
Chapter 5 and below, the IAEA and the Soviet Union convened a crucial inter-
national post-accident meeting in August 1986. The proceedings and results
of that meeting were analysed by INSAG in September of that year and
revised by INSAG in 1992. The two other major projects arranged by the
IAEA and other international bodies concerned were the ‘International
Chernobyl Project’ (1990–1991) and an international conference, ‘One Decade
After Chernobyl’, in 1996.
The sequence of events described below is based
on, and the passages quoted are taken from, the revised INSAG report of 1992.
At first there was a tendency to put most blame on the operators for
carrying out a dangerous experiment and for reckless disregard of safety
More recent analyses tend to attribute the disaster also to fun-
damental defects in the design of the plant. But at a deeper level the Soviet
system itself must also be held responsible. The lack of elementary concern
about nuclear safety has become clear in numerous operations and incidents,
e.g. the Kyshtym accident in the 1950s as a result of which a large region around
a reprocessing plant and several rivers were heavily contaminated, or the reck-
less disposal of nuclear waste and obsolete naval reactors and occasionally
their spent fuel in the Kara and Barents Seas, as well as in leaky or overfilled
storage facilities on the Kola Peninsula and around Nachodka in the Russian
Far East. The lack of a ‘safety culture’ was also obvious from the fact that the
Soviet nuclear authorities were aware of the design defects of the RBMK reac-
tor and did little or nothing to rectify them despite the fact that two earlier acci-
dents (Leningrad Unit 1 in 1975 and Chernobyl Unit 1 in 1982) “had already
indicated major weaknesses in the characteristics and operation of RBMK
and the lack of a clear cut and responsive national chain of command
and delineation of responsibilities for nuclear safety. This state of affairs may
partly be attributed to the nuclear arms race itself and the corners that were
cut in the middle and late 1940s and the 1950s, when the Soviet Union was
striving desperately to catch up with the USA and get one jump ahead in the
design and production of nuclear warheads and their means of delivery.
There seems little doubt that the USA also cut corners; and partly as a conse-
quence it now faces an astronomical cleanup bill.
The following paragraphs contain a simplified outline of what happened
on 25 and 26 April 1986.
Nuclear power reactors need a stand-by source of electric power to keep
instruments, controls and pumps functioning if, in an emergency, the reactor
has to be shut down or shuts itself down and if the electricity supply from the
national or regional grid is lost. The aim of the test at Unit 4 that led to the acci-
dent was to assess the ability of one of the turbogenerators to provide enough
power for an adequate length of time while the reactor, and consequently the
turbogenerator, were being run down and the stand-by diesel generators had
not yet sprung into operation. For this purpose it was planned firstly to bring
down the power of the reactor from its rated output of 1000 MW(e) to
700 MW(th) (about 210 MW(e)) and to start the test by switching off steam
from one of the turbogenerators. (The safe course would have been to bring
the output of the reactor down to zero, but this would have ruled out the
possibility of a second test —which the operators wanted to retain in case the
first test was not successful.) The test began just after one o’clock in the morn-
ing (01:06) on 25 April and the explosion occurred at 01:24 on the morning of
26 April — slightly more than 24 hours later.
During the test the operators — trying to maintain the decreasing power
level and keep alive the possibility of a second test — deliberately and in
violation of their operating rules withdrew most of the control and safety rods
from the reactor core and switched off some important safety systems that were
making it difficult to safely control the power of the reactor. At one stage (at
12:20 on 26 April) the operators were no longer able to maintain the output of
the reactor and it dropped to 30 MW(th) or less, but by 01:03 the output had been
brought back to 200 MW(th) — again by violating a number of safety regulations.
“It is not known for certain what started the power excursion that
destroyed the Chernobyl reactor.”
It was chiefly due to defects in the design
of this type of reactor, but “the human factor has still to be considered as a
major element.”
At a critical point in the experiment the power output of
the reactor began to surge. The operators tried to stop the chain reaction
manually by dropping the control and safety rods. It is likely that under the
prevailing physical conditions of the reactor core and because of the “faulty
design of the rods, the nature of which had been discovered” at another
RBMK reactor (Ignalina in Lithuania) in 1983,
this last desperate action was
a “decisive contributory factor.” Within a few seconds power surged to a level
estimated at one hundred times the nominal power of the reactor. The fuel
ruptured and a steam explosion ensued, the 1000 tonne cover plate of the
reactor lifted and cut all cooling channels. After two or three seconds there
was a second explosion, possibly of hydrogen formed in a gas–steam reaction
as the graphite burst into flames.
At a more general level: “The accident can be said to have flowed from
deficient safety culture, not only at the Chernobyl plant, but throughout the
Soviet design, operating and regulatory organizations for nuclear power that
existed at the time.”
The European Commission, the IAEA and the WHO held a major con-
ference — ‘One Decade After Chernobyl’ — in Vienna from 8 to12 April 1996
to sum up the consequences of the accident. As noted in Chapter 5, all the
interested UN and regional agencies concerned co-operated to ensure that the
findings of the conference were of the highest scientific order and authority
and were as widely disseminated as possible.
The following paragraphs
detail some of its conclusions (the quotations are from the summary of the
conference results).
In 1986, about 116 000 people were evacuated and an exclusion zone of
4300 square kilometres was established in Ukraine, Belarus and Russia.
Since 1990, a further 210 000 persons had been evacuated and resettled, caus-
ing hardship and social problems, a fall in the birth rate and migration to
‘clean’ areas, a drop in incomes, and dislocation of industry and farming.
Enforced changes in lifestyle “make everyday life difficult and depressing.”
In addition, 200 000 ‘liquidators’ (e.g. firemen and military personnel) who
helped to put out the fire at Unit 4 and to contain the effects of the accident
had since dispersed. The accident, the measures taken in response, and the
political economic and social changes of the past years had all led to a wors-
ening in the quality of life and public health, further complicated by incom-
plete and inaccurate public information.
A total of 237 persons were admitted to hospital with clinical symptoms
attributable to radiation exposure. Of these, 134 suffered from acute radiation
syndrome; 28 of them died within the first three months. Two more died at
Unit 4 from other injuries. Fourteen of the 134 had since died, but their deaths
did not correlate with the severity of their original radiation sickness and
might therefore not be “directly attributable to radiation exposure.”
The only public health impact discovered so far was “a highly signifi-
cant increase” in thyroid cancer in those exposed as children; about 800 cases
since 1986. So far three children had died of the disease The increase was
confined to children born or conceived before the accident. The incidence of
thyroid cancer “drops dramatically” in children born more than six months
after the accident. However, an increase in thyroid cancer “will most probably
continue for several decades.”
There had been “significant health disorders and symptoms amongst
the population affected by the Chernobyl accident such as anxiety, depression
and various psychosomatic disorders attributable to mental distress” and
psychosocial effects such as a feeling of helplessness and despair. Symptoms
associated with mental stress “may be among the major legacies of the
“Among the 7.1 million residents of the ‘contaminated’ territories and
‘strict control zones’, the number of fatal cancers due to the accident is
calculated...to be of the order of 6600 over the next 85 years, against a spon-
taneous number of 870 000 deaths due to cancer.”
Except for thyroid cancer,
future increases of cancer due the accident “would be difficult to discern.”
”While it is not possible to predict with certainty, ...the estimated number of
thyroid cancers to be expected among those who were children in 1986 is of
the order of a few thousand. The number of fatalities should be much lower
than this if cancer is diagnosed in the early stage and if appropriate treatment
is given.”
But “any estimates of the total number of fatal and non-fatal cancers
attributable to the accident should be interpreted with caution in view of the
uncertainties associated with the assumptions on which they must be
In many contaminated areas “in view of the low risk associated with
present radiation levels...the benefits of future efforts to reduce doses...would
be outweighed by the negative psychological and economic impacts.”
The clinical impact on populations outside the former USSR had been
assessed by the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic
Radiation (UNSCEAR), and it was small. UNSCEAR calculated that the highest
European “regional average committed dose” over the 70 years to 2056 will
be 1.2 mSv (millisieverts, the unit used for measuring radiation dose to the
human body).
By comparison, natural background radiation results in an
annual average dose of 2.4 mSv around the world — or over a lifetime of
70 years, about 170 mSv.
There had been no “sustained severe impacts on [non-human] popula-
tions or ecosystems,” but “the possibility of long term genetic impacts and
their significance remains to be studied.”
Some key foodstuffs (milk and green vegetables) originally had unaccept-
ably high contamination rates, but in 1996 food produced by collective farms
was below the maximum radiation level permitted by the FAO/WHO index.
But game, berries and mushrooms “will continue to show levels of caesium-137
that exceed the Codex Alimentarius levels — in some cases greatly — over the
next decades and are likely to be a major source of internal doses...”
Action taken since 1986 has “essentially remedied the design deficien-
cies that contributed to the accident and “a repetition of the same accident
scenario seems no longer practically possible,” but requirements for elimi-
nating design deficiencies not directly related to the Chernobyl accident “are
lagging behind what is needed” because of the economic problems of the
nations concerned.
If the sarcophagus built around the ruin of the reactor were to collapse
(and “in the long term...its stability and the quality of its confinement are in
doubt”) there could be “exposure to radiation of the personnel employed at
the site.” However, “even in the worst case, widespread effects (beyond
30 km away), would not be expected.”
Any assessment of the political impact of the accident must be specula-
tive. It is conceivable that it weakened the Soviet system by aggravating the
existing distrust of authority, helping to fuel the fires of nationalism and anti-
Russian feeling in the non-Russian republics most affected by the accident. It
appears to have led to a demand for greater openness — glasnost — and it
surely thrust a grievous load on an economy that was already overstrained by
the arms race and suffering from sclerosis.
Paradoxically, while the accident led some other countries promptly to
put a stop to any expansion of nuclear power and even to dismantle existing
nuclear power plants, it did not have the same impact in Russia, Ukraine,
Belarus or other republics of the Commonwealth of Independent States.
Certainly public confidence in nuclear power suffered a severe blow. But the
Russian and Ukrainian programmes for building nuclear power plants are
continuing, though at a much reduced pace; Armenia has reopened one of its
two nuclear power reactors shut down in 1989 after a severe earthquake.
Belarus is considering whether to build its first nuclear power plant
Kazakstan may order several new plants, though no firm decision has been
There was particular public concern about radioactive contamination of
food by fallout from the accident. This was aggravated by the very different
rules that governments laid down about acceptable levels of radioactivity in
various foodstuffs. “Strawberries which could be safely eaten in one country
could be rejected in another...”
It was clear that the international and regional
authorities concerned should seek agreement on common standards (‘inter-
vention criteria’) for prohibiting or permitting the sale of food that might
contain dangerous radioisotopes, and this they did in the next few years.
The accident did not put a stop to the Czech and Slovak nuclear power
programmes, nor does it seem significantly to have affected the French
programme. In fact, France has become an important exporter of nuclear
generated electricity to most of its neighbours: to Italy which dismantled its
four nuclear power plants, to Germany, Spain and Switzerland where formal
or informal moratoriums on new plant orders are in force and to the United
Kingdom which recently commissioned a large new plant but where no new
orders are in sight. The USA has long since stopped ordering new plants and
Canada has none on order.
The reactions of the Agency to the Chernobyl accident were prompt and
helpful. In early May, upon his own initiative and at the invitation of the
Government of the USSR, Director General Blix, accompanied by two senior
IAEA officials, went to Moscow to discuss how the IAEA could obtain more
comprehensive information about the nuclear accident, what the IAEA might
do to enable governments and nuclear authorities to learn from the accident
and how to get a discussion going on the nuclear safety measures required.
Blix was the first non-Soviet individual to inspect (from the air) the site of the
disaster. The IAEA also promptly made contact with national radiation
protection authorities in most European countries to obtain a more complete
picture of the accident and its immediate consequences. It arranged
with other international organizations (WHO, WMO and UNSCEAR) for a
systematic collection of data.
In May and June 1986, the Board of Governors approved the
Secretariat’s proposals for:
A meeting of nuclear experts from the USSR and the rest of the inter-
national nuclear community to review the accident, its causes and the
measures that should be undertaken in response to it;
The preparation of two international conventions on early notification
of nuclear accidents and on assistance in the case of a nuclear accident;
A special meeting of the General Conference to consider how to
strengthen international co-operation in nuclear safety and radiological
A meeting of experts from Member States to review the IAEA’s safety
In July and August 1986, experts from Member States met in Vienna and
with the help of the Secretariat drew up the texts of both conventions. At its
special meeting in September (immediately before its regular session) the
General Conference approved both conventions, thus setting a speed record
for the preparation and approval of intergovernmental agreements. The
Conference also agreed by consensus that “nuclear energy will continue to be
an important source of energy...” and that “each country is responsible for
ensuring the highest level of safety in its nuclear energy activities; that there
is further scope for international co-operation in nuclear safety; and that the
Agency has a central role in encouraging and facilitating such co-operation.”
In late August 1986, the meeting of experts from the Soviet Union and
other national nuclear authorities reviewed the causes and course of the dis-
aster and the steps that should be taken to enhance the safety of other RBMK
reactors. INSAG prepared a report on the results of the review and on actions
to be taken.
The meeting was remarkable in many ways. It showed that
there had been a dramatic change in the attitude of Soviet authorities who
were quite free and frank about most (if not all) of the defects in the design of
the reactor, in operating procedures and the grave deficiencies in the Soviet
nuclear safety culture. As noted, there was still a tendency to blame the oper-
ators for the accident rather than the system in which they worked but there
was no sense that the Soviet participants were attempting to hold back or
distort information.
The ‘Convention on Early Notification of a Nuclear Accident’, to give it
its official title, entered into force on 27 October 1986 and the ‘Convention on
Assistance in the Case of a Nuclear Accident or Radiological Emergency’
entered into force on 26 February 1987. In 1987, Brazil made the first request
for help under the latter Convention.
In November an expert working group reviewed the Secretariat’s pro-
posals for expanding its work on nuclear power plant safety and in December
the Board approved an expanded programme.
The IAEA as well as WHO, FAO, UNSCEAR and the NEA individually
and jointly addressed the problem of international standardization of
intervention levels. In 1993, the IAEA published an interim report on the
After circulation for comments to the Member States and interest-
ed international organizations, the IAEA issued the revised document in
In the meantime (in 1989) the FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius recom-
mended international standards for radionuclide contamination of food moving
in international trade.
The FAO and IAEA jointly recommended plans to protect farming areas
after a nuclear accident — in other words how to minimize the radiological
doses that people, land and crops and livestock received from Chernobyl. The
recommendations or guidelines were based partly on a Co-ordinated Research
Programme of the IAEA and the European Union. The IAEA technical
co-operation programme also launched projects in Belarus and Ukraine to
reduce the uptake of dangerous radioisotopes by people and livestock. Farm
land in Belarus, Ukraine and western Russia was reploughed and reseeded.
Lime and potassium fertilizers were then applied to reduce the uptake of
caesium-137 and strontium-90. Prussian Blue was fed to domestic animals
and game as a means of lowering the levels of caesium-137. In Belarus and
Ukraine farmers were encouraged to grow cash crops such as rape seed (of
which the oil may be used as a lubricant) on ‘contaminated’ land.
Special programmes
As for the surviving Chernobyl and other RBMK type reactors, the
European Union, the World Association of Nuclear Operators (WANO), and
the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), as well as
the IAEA launched programmes or provided funds to improve the safety of
particular plants or of all reactors of this type. Canada, France, Germany,
Japan, Italy, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the USA
launched similar bilateral programmes and Sweden took a particular interest
in improving the safety of the Ignalina RBMK across the Baltic in Lithuania.
The IAEA’s role was to consolidate the results of these various programmes
and to secure an international consensus on the improvements needed. The
IAEA provided a basis for technical and financial decisions.
As late as autumn 1996 the general conclusion was that international
help had “increased confidence that the major shortcomings and the required
safety improvements of RBMK reactors have been identified.” However, the
extent to which the recommended improvements had been made varied
considerably and much more had to be done to analyse the problems of spe-
cific plants.
It was clear that much more money would be needed, particularly from
Western governments and institutions, to put the recommendations into effect
but it was by no means clear that the needed funds would be forthcoming.
The ‘International Chernobyl Project’
The initiatives undertaken by the IAEA in 1986 greatly helped to deepen
international understanding of what went wrong at Chernobyl and what
should be done at the international level in order to prevent a recurrence of
the disaster — and to react effectively to any major nuclear accident that
might happen in the future. Blix’s readiness to provide prompt and decisive
leadership greatly enhanced his standing. His voice now carried considerable
weight in Moscow and Bonn as well as in Washington and many other
It is relevant at this point to consider the subsequent follow-up to
Chernobyl. In October 1989, the Government of the Soviet Union asked the
IAEA to arrange for international experts to assess the concept that the USSR
had evolved “to enable the population to live safely in areas affected by
radioactive contamination” as a result of the accident and to evaluate “the
effectiveness of the steps taken to safeguard the health of the population.”
The IAEA brought together a multinational team of experts from the
three affected Soviet republics and from the Commission of the European
Communities (now the European Union), FAO, ILO, UNSCEAR, WHO and
WMO to form an International Advisory Committee in order to plan and
monitor the ‘International Chernobyl Project’. The Chairman of the Committee
was Professor Itsuzo Shigematsu, Head of the Radiation Effects Research
Foundation of Hiroshima. In February 1990, a meeting in Moscow formally
approved the Project. The International Advisory Committee presented its
report to an international conference in Vienna in May 1991.
The conclusions in the Project’s report are for the most part similar to
those of the 1996 conference ‘One Decade After Chernobyl’, some of the main
conclusions of which have been listed earlier. By 1991, the abnormal inci-
dence of childhood thyroid cancer had not yet become apparent but the
Project report foresaw that in view of the doses reportedly received, “there
may be a statistically detectable increase in the incidence of thyroid tumours
in the future.” As for other health impacts, the Project report noted that “the
official data examined did not indicate a marked increase in the incidence of
leukemia or other cancers.” Critics complained that the Project did not examine
the consequences of Chernobyl for the ‘liquidators’. It was not asked to do so,
and, if it had been, the task might have been very difficult since many of the
persons concerned had long since dispersed to other parts of the Soviet
Support of research
In the area of nuclear safety, the IAEA has supported research on:
Radiation protection of workers, including development of techniques
for the assessment of occupational exposure;
Radiation protection of the public, including environmental radiation
monitoring and studies on the behaviour of radionuclides in the envi-
Protection of the patient in radiodiagnosis and radiotherapy, including
methods for reduction of doses in diagnostic radiology;
Biological and medical techniques for the diagnosis and treatment of
overexposed individuals;
Engineering safety, including the performance of safety related equip-
ment at nuclear power plants, fire protection and seismic safety;
Operational safety, including maintenance of safety related equipment
at nuclear power plants;
Methods for incident and accident analysis;
Safety assessment methods and techniques;
— Safe transport of radioactive materials, including the testing of transport
In September 1990, the IAEA, USSR, Ukraine and Belarus signed an
agreement, sponsored by the Soviet Union, to establish a Chernobyl Centre
for International Research on Post-Accident Conditions.
New safety programmes and services
Well before Chernobyl, in fact for nearly thirty years, the IAEA’s nuclear
safety programmes had been achieving useful results. But Chernobyl radically
changed the way in which Member States looked at the question of nuclear
safety — at the pressing need for closer international co-operation, and hence
at the Agency’s work and its potential for raising safety standards and avoid-
ing future accidents or mitigating their effects. Chernobyl also greatly
increased interest in several existing safety programmes and demands for
safety services, especially those that had been launched or substantially
expanded after the Three Mile Island accident, and prompted the launching
of new safety programmes and projects.
In the 1960s and 1970s, the IAEA helped its Member States, when so
requested, to deal with practical problems of radiation protection and nuclear
safety, including the safe handling of nuclear waste, but the bulk of its work
lay, quite logically in those early days, in the preparation of internationally
accepted standards which provided guidance for Member States and for the
IAEA’s own work.
The IAEA continued to set and revise standards throughout the 1980s
and early 1990s, but after the Three Mile Island accident, and especially after
Chernobyl, it focused increasingly on raising consciousness in Member States
of the overriding importance of nuclear safety, and on practical steps to raise
the levels of safety and radiation protection, both nationally and at particular
nuclear plants. It did not wait for new problems to arise, but tried to antici-
pate them and took practical steps to avoid or minimize them.
Specifically, the IAEA sought to ensure that:
Effective national safety legislation, regulations and codes of practice
were in force and took full account of recently approved basic safety
National regulatory bodies were in operation and functioning effectively;
Radiation dosimetry services were being provided;
— Programmes and procedures for coping with emergencies were in place;
Radiation sources were registered and licensed to ensure safe design
and use;
Adequate programmes were in place for protecting workers, the public
and the environment against radiation;
— The Member States concerned could deal effectively with all issues arising
in the design, construction and operation of nuclear plants (e.g. selec-
tion of safe and appropriate sites, management of severe accidents, fire
To achieve these aims the IAEA focused its technical co-operation pro-
gramme increasingly upon nuclear safety and radiation protection. It granted
several hundred fellowships and organized numerous regional and inter-
regional training courses and seminars. From 1990 onwards the IAEA carried
out extensive programmes to help the countries of Eastern Europe and the
former Soviet Union to improve the safety of the nuclear power plants of
various designs, starting with the first generation ‘water–water energy
reactors — 440 MW(e)/230s’ (WWER-440/230s).
In 1985, after extensive consultations with non-governmental bodies
dealing with the civilian use of nuclear energy, the Director General estab-
lished a new nuclear safety ‘think tank’, the International Nuclear Safety
Advisory Group, or INSAG, to which we have already referred. INSAG
consisted of 14 internationally renowned experts drawn from the nuclear
industry, nuclear research and nuclear regulatory bodies. Its tasks were to
advise the Director General on the principles on which to base safety standards
and measures, provide a forum for exchanging information on general safety
issues of international significance, identify and review important current
safety issues and advise on those issues that require additional study and
exchange of information.
From 1982 onwards the IAEA also methodically devised a growing range
of specialized services or missions to help the authorities responsible for nuclear
and radiation safety in Member States and the managers of nuclear plants.
It should be stressed that the services of these missions, like other com-
ponents of the Agency’s work in nuclear safety and waste management, are
advisory and their conclusions have the status of recommendations to the
Member State or institution concerned. However, if the report of the mission
shows that there are glaring deficiencies in nuclear safety, the IAEA writes to
the government concerned and strongly urges it to take the measures needed
to remedy the deficiency. In short, although the missions are not regulatory
they are as a rule influential and effective.
Underpinning the work of these missions was the growing body of
IAEA sponsored international standards and safety criteria as well as the
specialist advisory groups that kept these standards and criteria under
review. These groups included the ICRP and the International Commission
on Radiation Units and Measurements (ICRU), which are independent non-
governmental organizations established before the Second World War.
The existing and new IAEA missions and their services are discussed
Operational Safety Review Teams — OSARTs — were started in 1982.
They do not assess overall plant safety or compare the safety of different
plants but rather review management, organization, operations, mainte-
nance, technical support, radiation protection, chemistry and emergency
planning. They draw on the best international safety standards and practices
for plant operation and on INSAG’s report on ‘safety culture’ (see below) as
well as on the experience of the individual members of the team.
An OSART is typically composed of five or six nuclear safety experts
from various countries and two or three from the staff of the IAEA itself. It
spends about three weeks at the nuclear power plant and makes an in-depth
review of the way in which the plant is being operated. The team sends the
government concerned a report on its findings and its recommendations for
improving safety at the plant.
In 1983, the first OSART went to the Republic of Korea,
in 1984
OSARTs went to Yugoslavia and the Philippines and in 1985 to Brazil, France,
Pakistan and to the Philippines for a second visit.
Chernobyl brought about a sharp increase in the number of requests for
IAEA missions, now increasingly from the industrialized countries. In 1986,
there were six requests for OSARTs, four by industrialized countries (the
Federal Republic of Germany, Finland, the Netherlands and Sweden; the
other two by Mexico and the Republic of Korea). The number of OSART
missions grew from 6 in 1986 to 11 in 1989 and then settled down to 5 to 7 a
year from 1990 to 1995. By the end of 1995, 79 OSARTs and 31 follow-up
missions had reviewed safety at 69 nuclear power plants in 28 countries. All
but three Member States of the IAEA that have nuclear power reactors in
operation (i.e. all but Belgium, India and Kazakstan) had received OSART
Assessment of Safety Significant Events Teams — ASSETs — screen and
analyse events related to nuclear safety that result from failures during the
operation of nuclear power plants, and deficiencies discovered during
routine surveillance and testing. Their aim is to help prevent or mitigate future
accidents by learning the root causes of events of less safety importance.
ASSETs may also be used to train plant personnel.
In 1986, the IAEA sent out its first ASSET.
By mid-1995, 19 Member States
had requested 61 ASSETs for the analysis of safety related events (17 requested
by Russia and 12 by Ukraine) and 28 States had asked for 66 ‘training’ ASSETs
(11 by Russia and 8 by Ukraine).
Engineering Safety Review Services — ESRS — provide advice on the
engineering safety of operating or planned nuclear power reactors, for
instance on an appropriate and safe choice of the site of the plant, protection
against external hazards such as earthquakes, the management of accidents
and the impact of ageing. Since few nuclear power plants are being built
today, most ESRS have assessed or re-assessed the safety of existing plants,
especially WWERs.
One fact that emerged from these assessments was that Soviet designed
power reactors (WWER-440/230s, WWER-440/213s and RBMKs) are not
designed to have a structural resistance to earthquakes. While those power
plant components that come under pressure, such as the reactor vessel, are
designed to withstand extreme loads, the superstructure housing the reactor,
the turbines and emergency diesels, are designed as ordinary industrial
buildings with little cross-bracing to resist earthquake induced stress. Hence
about two thirds of the 99 ESRS that the IAEA sent to 24 countries from
February 1989 to mid-1995 assessed seismic hazards at nuclear power plants
in the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. Subsequently, a number of
governments decided to strengthen the structures, systems and components
of their nuclear power plants so as better to withstand seismic stress, namely
Bulgaria (Kozloduy), Slovakia (Bohunice and Mochovce), Hungary (Paks)
and Armenia (Medzamor). Pakistan arranged for a seismic review of the
Chasnupp power reactor sold to it by China and under construction at
Chashma since 1993. The mission also made a summary inspection of the
Kanupp power reactor.
The International Peer Review Service for Probabilistic Safety
Assessment — IPERS-PSA — was started in 1988. This service arranges for
international teams of experts to carry out independent reviews of the ‘prob-
abilistic safety assessments’ that Member States are making or have made of
their nuclear power plants. By mid-1995, 35 such reviews had been made.
They had focused increasingly on WWER reactors in Eastern Europe and in
the former Soviet Union, but peer reviews had also been made in the
Netherlands, the Republic of Korea, Sweden, Switzerland and China.
Integrated Safety Assessments of Research Reactors — INSARRs — as
their name implies, assess the safety of research reactors. The IAEA began
making such assessments in 1972, chiefly because they were required by a pro-
ject or supply agreement, usually with a developing country, but several
INSARRs have also been sent upon the explicit request of a Member State.
INSARR missions examine the safety analysis reports drawn up for these
agreements and check whether they are up to date. They also assess whether
the reactor is being operated in conformity with IAEA guidelines, the way in
which the reactor is being maintained, the training and qualification of plant
personnel, and the way in which radiation protection is ensured. The missions
observe the operation of the plant, if possible during startup and shutdown.
In 1987, INSARR missions visited research reactors in industrialized
countries — Finland and Norway — for the first time.
By mid-1995, the
IAEA had made 123 assessments in 37 Member States, with no charge if the
beneficiary was a developing country. The peak years for assessments were
1982–1985 and 1987–1993 in response to explicit requests by Member States.
The chief weak points detected included poor or out-of-date safety documents,
lack of, or poor quality assurance programmes, and incomplete written
procedures for maintenance, testing and inspection. As noted, if the IAEA
discovers major deficiencies, for instance that the safety system is not work-
ing properly, it requests in writing that the INSARR’s recommendations be
implemented and INSARR checks that this is done.
In 1994, the IAEA began drawing up recommendations for safe prac-
tices based on the lessons learnt from previous accidents, as well as an
inventory of large gamma irradiators, a list of safety issues to be checked by
the regulatory authorities and plant managers and a worldwide survey of
the safety of such plants, especially those provided by the IAEA. The IAEA
also launched an international reporting system on accidents and unusual
Assessment of Safety Culture in Organizations Teams — ASCOTs — are
designed to help Member States assess and improve their own nuclear ‘safety
culture’. Most of the 24 ASCOT services provided by early 1995 took the form
of seminars explaining the concept of safety culture and indicating the best
methods of assessing it. By that date there had been three IAEA reviews at
nuclear power plants in the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and South
Africa. The deficiencies noted during these reviews included inadequate
statements of policy, especially failure to emphasize the overriding impor-
tance of safety, failure to ensure that all personnel were aware of the state-
ments of policy, failure to include safety culture in training programmes,
failure to appreciate good ‘safety performance’, infrequent checks by super-
visors, absence of a questioning attitude amongst personnel, failure to
encourage and reward the identification of safety problems and acceptance of
superficial explanations of safety related events.
Finally, International Regulatory Review Teams — IRRTs — review the
adequacy of national nuclear safety regulations and of the national system for
applying them and assessing and enforcing their observance. The first IRRT
visited Brazil in 1988.
The creation of WANO
In 1988–1989, the managers of nuclear power plants throughout the
world formed an association in order to improve the operational safety of
their plants by strengthening the links and the exchange of information
between them. The World Association of Nuclear Operators chose London for
its headquarters but held its first meeting in Moscow in May 1989. The first
head of WANO was the late Lord Walter Marshall of Goring, an outstanding
figure in the development of energy policy in the United Kingdom — as chief
of the UKAEA and subsequently of the Central Electricity Generating Board
— and a much respected member of the IAEA’s Scientific Advisory
Special help to Russia, Ukraine and
other Eastern European countries
Chernobyl cast doubt not only on the safety of the RBMK reactor but also
on that of certain other earlier Soviet reactors, in particular the WWER-440/230
power reactor. This is the older model of the standard Soviet 440 MW(e) light
water nuclear power plant.
On 21 September 1990, the General Conference approved a comprehen-
sive resolution on nuclear safety.
It welcomed the Board’s intention to
convene in 1991 “a high level international conference on nuclear safety...to
define the nuclear safety agenda for the decade,” noted the consensus that the
revised NUSS codes were suitable for use by or provided useful guidance to
Member States in drafting or revising their own laws, recommended that
Member States make full use of OSARTs and ASSETs, welcomed the Agency’s
International Nuclear Event Scale and endorsed the project for a comprehensive
assessment of the radiological consequences of Chernobyl described earlier. It
also endorsed “the proposed project for international assistance in assessing,
following the request of several Member States, the safety of some of their
nuclear reactors” — in other words, to assess the safety of the WWER-440/230
plants operating in the USSR and Eastern Europe (the design of the WWER-440
reactor is quite different from that of the Chernobyl (RBMK) type and resembles
that of the US Westinghouse pressurized water reactor and similar power
reactors in France, Germany and Japan, but the original WWERs lacked
several of the safety features required in the West).
In the same year (1990), the IAEA sent missions to investigate problems
with WWER-440 plants at Greifswald in the German Democratic Republic,
Bohunice in Czechoslovakia (now Slovakia) and Kozloduy in Bulgaria.
after reunification, the German Government decided to dismantle the five
WWER-440/230 plants at Greifswald.
In 1992, the IAEA extended the safety programme to cover RBMK
and in 1993 to cover the more modern WWER-440/213 and the
larger (1000 MW(e)) WWER-1000 plants.
Thus by that year IAEA safety
assessments were covering all Russian and Eastern European nuclear
power plants. The IAEA co-ordinated its work with that of the G-24 nations
— the Western countries — offering help to Russia, Ukraine and other
countries in Eastern Europe to improve the safety of reactors of Soviet
More recent work of INSAG
As noted above, in 1986 INSAG compiled a summary report (INSAG-1)
on the 1986 meeting that the IAEA and the Soviet Union had held after the
Chernobyl accident — the meeting at which Soviet participants had given
such open reports on the accident. After 1986 a large body of new information
emerged about the causes and course of the accident. This required a review
of some of the conclusions reached in 1986. INSAG accordingly set to work
on a new report, updating INSAG-1. It was published in 1992 as INSAG-7.
In 1988, INSAG completed a pioneering work on Basic Safety Principles
for Nuclear Power Plants (INSAG-3), of which more than 8000 copies were
distributed. Nuclear Safety Fundamentals,
based on INSAG-3, served as a start-
ing point for the ‘Convention on Nuclear Safety’ completed in 1994.
By the end of 1996, INSAG had completed ten independent and useful
reports containing recommendations to the IAEA and to the scientific, tech-
nical and regulatory community (INSAG’s recommendations are addressed to
and are not by the IAEA).
Completion of NUSS
In 1986, the IAEA completed the NUSS programme which it had begun
in 1974. Under this programme the IAEA prepared 5 Codes and 55 Safety
Guides for nuclear power plants.
The Guides provided advice on govern-
mental organization for ensuring safety at such plants, on their siting, their
design, their operation and quality assurance. The completion of NUSS
marked the IAEA’s continuing shift away from drafting guides relating to the
safety of nuclear power plants to helping States to put them into effect.
However, much work still had to be done in drafting guides on other matters
such as radiation safety and the safety of radioactive wastes.
Safety problems of ageing reactors
By the end of the 1990s, more than 200 nuclear power plants will have
been in operation for 20 or more years. An IAEA symposium in 1987 showed
the growing interest of nuclear safety authorities in exchanging information
about the problems that might be caused by the ageing of such plants. The
problems of ageing also affect research reactors. In 1995, more than 40% of
those operating around the world were more than 30 years old. Since 1972
and by the end of 1995, the IAEA had sent out 123 missions in 37 countries to
assess the safety of research reactors.
Basic safety standards and
the linear dose–effect assumption
As already noted, the IAEA’s basic safety standards for protecting work-
ers and the public against excessive radiation are based chiefly on the recom-
mendations of an independent scientific organization, the ICRP.
first issued the standards in 1962, revised them in 1967 and again in
In 1990, the ICRP published a new set of recommendations and
in 1991 a joint secretariat of the international and regional agencies concerned,
WHO, ILO, FAO, NEA and the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)
as well as the IAEA, began the revision of the IAEA’s standards of 1982. One
of the main changes introduced was a reduction in “occupational dose limits”
— the maximum radiation dose to which it would be permissible to expose
workers in nuclear occupations during one year.
The Board approved the revised basic safety standards in 1994. They
were subsequently endorsed or adopted by the Governing Bodies of all five
co-sponsoring agencies (PAHO, FAO, WHO, ILO and the NEA). The adoption
of the new basic standards made it necessary to review all IAEA documents in
its ‘Safety Series’ to ensure that they were consistent with the new standards.
A fundamental assumption reflected in the standards is that at low doses
the probability of harm to humans is in direct proportion to the radiation dose
that the person receives. In other words it is assumed that there is no threshold
dose below which no significant damage is done. Part of the reason for the lin-
ear dose–effect assumption is that no experimental evidence exists of the results
of low exposures; in fact the main data available are from the survivors of
Hiroshima and Nagasaki, who received high doses. These are then extrapolated
down in a straight line on the premise of a linear dose–effect relationship. In the
absence of evidence to the contrary this is regarded as a prudent assumption.
Recent fundamental research in molecular genetics and cellular biology
and new epidemiological evidence has led to much debate on the effects of low
doses and on the adequate control of such doses. This may have an effect on
radiation protection standards, an issue of significance to the IAEA, WHO and
other organizations that translate the ICRP’s recommendations into these stan-
dards, and to the nuclear industry which must ensure that its workers and the
public do not receive excessive radiation doses from their operations. The IAEA
and WHO, in co-operation with UNSCEAR, will hold an international confer-
ence on the matter in Seville in November 1997.
Perhaps some more light will
also be shed on the issue by the joint US–Russian research now being under-
taken on the effects of lengthy exposures (over a wide range of lower doses) of
workers and the public in the Mayak nuclear weapon complex in the Southern
Urals (a nuclear weapon manufacturing centre in the former Soviet Union).
The International Nuclear Event Scale
The IAEA’s International Nuclear Event Scale (INES) classifies incidents
and accidents at reactors on a scale that ranges from the most minor (Level 1)
to the most severe (Level 7). Levels 1–3 are termed ‘incidents’, Levels 4–7 are
‘accidents’; Chernobyl would have been a Level 7 accident. The scale was
designed by an international group of experts convened jointly by the IAEA
and NEA as an objective means of quantifying the severity of the conse-
quences of a nuclear event and putting such events into proper perspective in
order to establish a common understanding between nuclear experts, the
media and the public.
INES is based on concepts first devised in France and Japan. In 1990,
INES was accepted for a trial period. By the year’s end 25 States had informed
the IAEA that they were using the scale and undertook to inform the IAEA
(for worldwide dissemination of their report) within 24 hours of any events
of Level 2 or above on the INES scale. By mid-1997, 59 Member States were
using INES.
Technical co-operation in nuclear safety
In the 1960s and 1970s, technical assistance in nuclear safety and waste
management played only a relatively minor part in the Agency’s technical
co-operation programme. Thus, immediately after the Three Mile Island acci-
dent, nuclear safety accounted for only about 8% of the total programme
while nuclear power accounted for nearly a third. In the years following
Three Mile Island, the share of nuclear power began to decline while that of
safety steadily increased to more than a quarter of the total. By 1995, the pro-
gramme involved more than 150 national, regional and interregional projects.
In 1995, out of the 90 or so countries that were receiving assistance under
the technical co-operation programme, 18 were operating nuclear power plants
and the IAEA had substantially helped to improve their safety infrastructure
and practices. For example, between 1980 and 1995 over 5000 persons were
trained in nuclear safety.
The repercussions of Chernobyl and of the breakup of the Soviet Union
gave the technical co-operation programme fresh impetus as the IAEA sought
to help the States of Central and Eastern Europe deal with their nuclear safety
and waste management problems. Many of them depended and still depend
on nuclear power for a significant proportion of their electricity. The extreme
case is Lithuania (83.44% — the highest proportion of nuclear generated elec-
tricity in the world). Others with substantial shares are Slovakia (44.53%),
Bulgaria (42.24%), Hungary (42.30%), Slovenia (37.87% ), Ukraine (37.8%) and
the Czech Republic (20.1%).
Shutting down even older plants was thus likely
to cause painful consequences for the economy and for the well being of the
population, particularly in winter.
Technical assistance was given to Armenia, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic,
Lithuania, Russia, Slovenia, Slovakia and Ukraine to upgrade the safety of
WWER plants.
After Russia discontinued the former Soviet policy of requir-
ing that all spent fuel should be returned to it, the problem of waste manage-
ment in several of the countries became pressing.
With support from the European Union and through the technical
co-operation programme, the IAEA also helped Croatia, Hungary, Romania,
Slovakia and Ukraine to prepare legislation covering nuclear safety and
waste management and to establish effective regulatory bodies.
In 1994, the
IAEA prepared a basic national and regional programme of assistance for
Belarus, Estonia, Kazakstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova and Uzbekistan,
covering the infrastructure needed for radiation protection, nuclear safety
and waste management.
The costs of upgrading the civilian nuclear infra-
structure in the Soviet Union’s successor States are far beyond the Agency’s
means. However, the Agency’s work relating to RBMK and other Soviet reactors
eventually attracted the attention of the G-7, G-24 and other donors.
The IAEA also worked with the European Union in sending out missions
to several Eastern European countries, including Romania which was just
about to start up its first nuclear power reactor.
Under what is known as a
‘Model Project’, the IAEA helped Slovakia to establish a nuclear regulatory
body and gave similar help to Ukraine to apply international standards of radi-
ation protection, nuclear safety and waste management.
The IAEA, together
with the European Union, Japan, Spain and the USA, helped Bulgaria to
improve the ability of two nuclear power plants at Kozloduy to withstand
It also helped Hungary to train staff and improve safety at the
Paks nuclear power plant (see next paragraph) and Ukraine to reduce radioiso-
topes in the food of persons — particularly children — affected by Chernobyl.
A novel example of a model technical co-operation project was begun by
the IAEA in Hungary in 1994.
The Hungarian Atomic Energy Commission
decided to set up a training centre to improve the nuclear safety culture at
Hungary’s Paks nuclear power plant (which supplies more than 40% of
Hungary’s electricity). The centre was also expected to serve the training
needs of seven other countries, including Finland, operating WWER-440/230,
440/213 or 1000 type nuclear power reactors. For this purpose it was decided
to build a mock nuclear reactor from the unused parts of abandoned WWER
power plants. The dummy has all the key components of a WWER-440/213
reactor, including the pressure vessel, steam generator, circulation pumps and
piping which the IAEA bought after the German and Polish Governments
took out of operation or cancelled plans to complete all nuclear power reactors
of Soviet design.
In view of the number and diversity of the States and organizations
involved in improving nuclear safety in Eastern Europe and in the successor
States of the Soviet Union it was important to avoid duplication of work and
gaps in assistance activities. To this end, in 1992 donor and recipient countries
agreed to participate in a ‘Nuclear Safety Assistance Co-ordination’ body or
NUSAC, established by the G-24 countries. The IAEA has acted as NUSAC’s
technical adviser.
Other recent technical co-operation projects may be briefly described. In
1994, the IAEA completed three significant interregional projects for technical
co-operation to strengthen radiation safety by securing acceptance of the
IAEA’s basic safety standards, to improve procedures for management of
nuclear waste and to provide advice on the handling of emergencies and
reduction of radiation exposures.
The first was an 11-year undertaking that assessed the status of radiation
safety in 64 developing countries and recommended a number of improve-
ments. Radiation Protection Advisory Teams (RAPATs) were the main vehicle
used in this project. It was followed by a project designed to help all Member
States to fully apply in due course the IAEA’s basic safety standards.
The second interregional project involved the work of the IAEA Waste
Management Advisory Programme (WAMAP). Over a period of eight years
WAMAP missions advised 42 countries on the management of radioactive
waste resulting from power and research reactors, uranium mining and
milling and the use of radioisotopes.
The third project was to help developing countries deal with nuclear
emergencies and to improve radiation protection in medical practice.
A new hierarchy of safety standards and
new advisory bodies
In 1989, following the substantial growth in the IAEA’s safety related
work, the Secretariat introduced a new structure for publications in the IAEA
Safety Series. They were divided into four categories, the first and second to
be submitted to the Board for approval and the third and fourth to be issued
under the authority of the Director General.
Safety Fundamentals: These are the ‘primary texts’ for other publications
in the Safety Series. They state “the basic objectives, concepts and princi-
ples involved” but do not “...provide technical details and generally do
not discuss the application of principles.“ Three Safety Fundamentals
were issued from 1993 to 1996, namely, The Safety of Nuclear Installations
(Safety Series No. 110, 1993), The Principles of Radioactive Waste Management
(Safety Series No. 111-F, 1995) and Radiation Protection and the Safety of
Radiation Sources (Safety Series No. 120, 1996) jointly sponsored by FAO,
As noted, the first document (The Safety of Nuclear Installations) provided
the basis for the ‘Convention on Nuclear Safety’, which is more fully
examined later.
Safety Standards: These specify the basic requirements for ensuring the
safety of particular activities or areas of application. They are mandatory
for the IAEA’s own operations and the operations it assists. The best
known example is the Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive
Material (Safety Series No. 6).
Safety Guides: These represent essentially recommended measures to
ensure the observance of Safety Standards.
Safety Practices: These give examples of methods that can be used to
implement Standards and Guides.
In recent years, the Safety Series has been replaced by the ‘Safety
Standards Series’ (with ‘Fundamentals’, ‘Requirements’ and ‘Guides’) and a
more general ‘Safety Reports Series’.
The Secretariat has recently created the following bodies to help prepare
and review all documents:
Advisory Commission for Safety Standards (ACSS). The top advisory
body, consisting of senior government officials responsible nationally for
establishing standards and regulations on nuclear safety, waste manage-
ment and the transport of radioactive materials. It advises the Director
General on the Safety Standards programme, ensures consistency and
coherence, resolves issues referred to it by any of the other advisory
committees and endorses the texts of Safety Fundamentals documents.
Nuclear Safety Standards Advisory Committee (NUSSAC). Comprises
senior officials technically expert in nuclear safety. It advises the Secretariat
on, for instance, NUSS documents and seeks agreement on the texts of
Safety Standards relating to nuclear power reactors.
Radiation Safety Standards Advisory Committee (RASSAC). Performs
similar functions in regard to radiation safety.
Waste Safety Standards Advisory Committee (WASSAC). Performs
similar functions in regard to the safety of nuclear waste.
Transport Safety Standards Advisory Committee (TRANSSAC). Performs
similar functions in regard to the transport of radioactive materials.
The ‘Convention on Nuclear Safety’ and progress
towards a convention on nuclear waste
As noted in Chapter 5, the Secretariat had sought since the 1960s to
persuade nuclear regulatory authorities and the nuclear industry, as well as
members of the Board, of the need for an international convention on the safety
of nuclear power. The Secretariat argued that such a convention would help
to set minimum uniform and global standards for an activity that lay at the
centre of the civilian uses of nuclear energy. It would also help to create public
confidence, allay some of the widespread distrust and promote international
commerce in nuclear power. It was surely an anomaly that the IAEA had been
able to launch conventions dealing with physical protection, civil liability for
nuclear damage and the liability of operators of nuclear ships, but had not
attempted to draw up a convention dealing with the core issue.
For many years, the Secretariat’s arguments fell on deaf ears. But, as we
have seen, Three Mile Island and Chernobyl eventually led to a more recep-
tive attitude towards proposals for expanding the IAEA’s safety role.
From 2 to 6 September 1991, acting on a proposal by the European
Union, the Agency convened an international conference on the safety of
nuclear power. The conference reviewed nuclear power safety issues on
which an international consensus was considered to be necessary and made
recommendations for future national and international actions to this end.
The conference’s conclusions became part of the IAEA’s contribution to the
UN Conference on Environment and Development at Rio de Janeiro in
During the conference the German Minister for the Environment,
Klaus Töpfer, put forward the idea of an international convention on nuclear
safety, an idea that Hans Blix vigorously supported.
In the same month (September 1991), the General Conference asked that
a start be made on drafting the convention, and in December 1991 the
Director General convened a group of experts to advise on the structure and
content of such a convention.
Work on the document began in 1992
in June 1994 the IAEA convened a diplomatic conference to consider and
approve the draft. In September 1994, the Convention was opened for signa-
ture and it entered into force on 24 October 1996.
The ‘Convention on Nuclear Safety’ is the first international document
that legally binds its parties to ensure the safety of land based civilian nuclear
power reactors (it does not apply to military or marine power reactors). The
fundamental principle of the Convention is that “...responsibility for nuclear
safety rests with the State having jurisdiction over a nuclear installation.”
The parties accept three categories of obligations. Each party must
establish a legislative framework and independent regulary body, separate
from any other body concerned with promoting and using nuclear energy
(Articles 7 and 8). Safety must be ensured by a system of licensing, inspection
and enforcement (Article 7). Each party must ensure fulfilment of the technical
requirements for safe siting, design, construction and operation of the plant
concerned throughout its lifetime (Articles 17–19).
Each party must also arrange for a review of the safety of all the nuclear
installations on its territory as soon as possible after the Convention enters
into force for that party. If improvements are necessary to upgrade the safety
of an installation the government is required to introduce them as a matter of
urgency and if the upgrading is not possible the government must shut the
plant down “as soon as is practically possible” (Article 6).
The parties must hold review meetings at intervals of not more than
three years (Article 21.3), the first review meeting to take place within
30 months of the Convention’s entry into force (Article 21. 2). Each party must
submit to every review meeting a report on the measures it has taken to
implement each of the obligations under the Convention (Article 5). The IAEA
will provide the secretariat for the review meetings (Article 28).
As noted by Ambassador van Gorkom in his article in Personal
Reflections, the nuclear safety convention, together with the two 1986 conven-
tions on notification of nuclear accidents and on assistance to be given in the
event of an accident, “...is an important step towards a comprehensive inter-
national safety regime.” The next step, endorsed by the General Conference
in September 1994, was the preparation of a convention on the safety of
nuclear waste management.
By 18 April 1997, the ‘Convention on Nuclear Safety’ had been ratified
by 37 States. The States operating nuclear power reactors that had not ratified
the Convention by that date were Armenia, India, Kazakstan, Pakistan,
Ukraine and the USA, but most of them were expected to complete the
process of ratification before the first review meeting of the parties to the
Convention in April 1999.
Historical changes in the IAEAs approach
to nuclear safety
We have noted that:
The Statute’s approaches to safeguards and to nuclear safety standards
were very similar in that:
Both were to apply to the Agency’s own operations,
Both were to apply to any “materials, services, equipment, facilities,
and information made available by the Agency or at its request or
under its control or supervision” and, if so requested, “to any bilat-
eral or multilateral arrangement” or to any of a “...State’s activities in
the field of atomic energy”.
Both were to be propagated by ‘Agency projects’ which would
require the beneficiary State to undertake to accept safeguards which
included “observance of health and safety measures prescribed by
the Agency.”
Compliance with both was to be verified by IAEA inspectors.
As noted in Chapter 4, it was expected that the IAEA would become the
source to which States would normally turn for nuclear supplies.
Agency projects, prescribing the application of mandatory IAEA health
and safety standards and monitored by IAEA health and safety inspec-
tors would thus become the norm for international transactions relating
to the peaceful use of nuclear energy.
Had this happened the IAEA’s
safety standards would have become legally binding in much of the
industrial as well as the developing world.
It was therefore natural for the Prepcom to suggest in 1957 that “where
possible, it would be convenient in practice to associate inspection
under the safeguards functions, with inspections under the health and
safety functions of the Agency.”
In 1961, the Board decided to separate entirely the use of inspections to
verify compliance with safeguards from those designed to verify com-
pliance with safety standards.
In 1976, the Board dropped the concept of health and safety inspections.
It defined the Agency’s “principal objective” to be that of providing
“practical guidance and effective assistance.” A State could “be allowed
considerable latitude in applying its own system of safety standards
and measures after the Agency has established that the system is ade-
quate,” and “the Agency may, in agreement with the State, send safety
missions for the purpose of providing advice and assistance...”
By 1995, the role of the IAEA was a far cry from that of the early 1960s,
when the main IAEA activity was to study, compare and find common ground
— or seek compromises — between the national regulations and the leading
nuclear nations, and on that basis to draft international recommendations. This
useful but somewhat passive approach came in for criticism that the IAEA
was not doing enough to ensure that its recommendations were being adopted
and applied by nuclear authorities in developing countries.
After Three Mile Island, and particularly after Chernobyl, the IAEA
became proactive in nuclear safety, in launching binding international con-
ventions and in providing a very broad range of services and assistance to
help Member States maintain and enhance the safety of their nuclear activi-
ties. The IAEA was also actively engaged in helping States to establish and
maintain an effective legal framework of nuclear safety, in helping them to
improve nuclear safety at individual power and research reactors and in
assessing the shortcomings — from the point of view of safety — of particular
designs of nuclear plants.
Although, as Tadeusz Wojcik has pointed out in his essay in Personal
Reflections, the group drafting the ‘Convention on Nuclear Safety’ declined to
incorporate and make mandatory the standards of NUSS, the Convention
does mark a step away from the prevalent concept of the 1960s and 1970s that
international activities relating to nuclear safety must be purely advisory.
Waste management and disposal:
A growing IAEA activity
The management and disposal of nuclear and other radioactive wastes
have become a pressing international concern and the subject of a major pro-
gramme of the IAEA. The sources and causes of such waste illustrate the
extent of the work to be undertaken. Nuclear waste is generated by:
The nuclear fuel cycle (mining and milling of ore, conversion into
yellow cake and uranium oxide, enrichment, fuel fabrication, operation
of reactors, spent fuel storage, spent fuel reprocessing, disposal of waste
and decommissioning of plants);
The use of radiation and radioisotopes in medicine, industry and various
branches of research;
Production and testing of nuclear weapons;
Accidents involving nuclear materials.
One of the main reasons why the use of nuclear power has caused
widespread public concern is the fear that the nuclear waste it generates will
eventually enter the human food chain or contaminate humanity in some
other way. In 1982, the IAEA published a collection of excerpts from technical
reports that authoritative national and international organizations had issued
from 1975 to 1981. The reports were written by organizations that were
nationally or internationally concerned with public health, science and the
environment as well as those that might be regarded as being committed to
nuclear energy.
All pointed to a similar conclusion — the means are avail-
able and have already been tested for solving the safety problems of dispos-
ing of radioactive waste from civilian nuclear activities. Public fears, inflated
out of proportion by reports in the media, are a political and psychological
problem to be solved by politicians and their advisors.
The IAEA cannot directly counter the public’s concerns, but it has the
authority to develop standards for the safe management and disposal of
radioactive waste and it is able to help individual countries to deal with some
of their waste management problems.
When the Agency began operating in 1958, nuclear waste still seemed in
most countries a relatively distant problem. Low level waste from Western
Europe was dumped in the depths of the Atlantic. The nuclear weapon States
dealt, more or less in secret, with the waste that arose from their nuclear military
industries. As noted elsewhere, in the 1960s and 1970s France and the United
Kingdom used gas graphite reactors to produce their nuclear power. The
spent fuel from these reactors was reprocessed in those countries (reprocess-
ing was deemed necessary to avoid corrosion and leakage of radioactive
materials). The high level waste produced by the reprocessing plants was
stored at those plants. In the 1970s, France began building light water reactors.
The spent fuel from these reactors was subsequently reprocessed at the La
Hague plant which came into operation in 1976 and the resulting high level
waste was stored in special facilities.
In the late 1970s, under pressure from the Carter Administration, the US
nuclear industry abandoned plans for reprocessing the spent fuel from its
light water reactors. For many years their spent fuel has been stored at the
reactors themselves or at special away-from-reactor storage facilities, pending
a political solution to the controversial problem of finding permanent waste
disposal sites.
The IAEA had little if any direct involvement in these waste manage-
ment operations of the major industrial countries. Storage of spent fuel,
reprocessing, waste management and disposal were undertaken or super-
vised by national authorities and ocean dumping was organized by the NEA
until the practice was tacitly abandoned in 1982. Most of the IAEA’s own
work consisted of promoting research such as studying the effects of radio-
activity in the sea, the exchange of information and helping countries —
particularly but not only in the developing world — to deal with their nuclear
waste problems. Marine studies were chiefly the work of the IAEA’s Marine
Environment Laboratory at Monaco (see Chapter 9), while at IAEA
Headquarters radioactive waste management and disposal were for many
years dealt with by the Divisions of Human Health and of Nuclear Safety. The
ultimate aim of much of this work was to secure international consensus on
the management of radioactive waste and to embody such consensus in
recommended standards and codes of practice and eventually in legally bind-
ing instruments (conventions).
In the early days a technical problem that the IAEA faced in drawing up
generally applicable standards for managing radioactive wastes was that the
issues to be solved differed greatly from site to site, and often from country to
country, depending on local geology, climate, population density, industrial
infrastructure and communications, as well as national attitudes. A nation
with large areas at its disposal, relatively empty of human occupation and
having geological structures and other features that lent themselves to under-
ground disposal (such as salt domes or extensive granite formations), obvi-
ously had an easier task than a small, highly populated nation whose geology
was unsuitable. As a result, the process of setting internationally acceptable
and uniform standards in this field has been more difficult and slower that
that of setting standards for the safety of nuclear plants.
The Agency’s numerous international conferences, symposia and semi-
nars on waste management and related topics began in November 1959 with
a landmark conference in Monaco on the ‘Disposal of Radioactive Waste’. The
conference, which was co-sponsored by UNESCO, helped to open the way to
the establishment of the IAEA’s laboratory in Monaco. The proceedings of the
conference were the subject of the first IAEA publication on waste manage-
ment and disposal (Safety Series No. 5). The next significant international
meeting was a symposium in Vienna in October 1962 on the ‘Treatment and
Storage of High Level Radioactive Wastes’.
During the remainder of the 1960s and in the subsequent decades, the
IAEA convened conferences, symposia and seminars almost every year,
covering virtually all aspects of the management of waste from civilian nuclear
and radiological activities. In 1975, the IAEA held three symposia on environ-
mental problems — on the combined effect of radioactive and non-radioactive
releases, on the effects of releases from nuclear plants into seas, rivers and the
other aquatic systems, and on the effects of the releases of plutonium and
other transuranic elements into the environment. This pattern continued dur-
ing the remainder of the 1970s and early 1980s.
In 1983, the IAEA convened in Seattle the first Agency conference to
cover the entire range of issues arising in waste management: technological,
environmental, regulatory, institutional, legal, economic and social as well as
policy issues. The conference attracted wide interest and attracted over
500 participants. In the same year the IAEA convened a technical committee
on decontamination technology.
The IAEAs role under the sea dumping convention
As already noted, in 1972 a conference in London adopted the
‘Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes
and Other Matter’ and the Convention referred to the IAEA as the competent
body to define high level wastes that should not be dumped at sea. In 1975,
the Board of Governors approved the definition of such wastes proposed by
the Secretariat; the definition was revised in 1978 and again in 1986. In 1983,
the parties agreed to a moratorium on all forms of sea dumping of radioactive
wastes and in 1993 such dumping was formally prohibited. The ban entered
into force in 1994.
In 1987, the IAEA established the Waste Management Advisory
Programme (WAMAP) to help developing countries to set up their own systems
for dealing with nuclear waste, and began sending out WAMAP missions.
In 1989, the IAEA set up an 18-nation expert committee (the International
Radioactive Waste Advisory Committee, or INWAC) to advise it about its
own programme and to oversee the preparation of internationally agreed
basic standards for waste management (Radioactive Waste Safety Standards,
or RADWASS). RADWASS was designed to cover the planning of waste
management operations, preliminary disposal of waste, near surface disposal,
geological (deep) disposal, treatment of waste from mining and milling and
decommissioning of waste treatment plants.
In 1990, the Board approved
the preparation of a series of RADWASS standards and the publication of a
safety standard on Safety Principles and Technical Criteria for Underground Disposal
of High Level Radioactive Waste. This document embodied the first international
consensus on underground disposal. In September 1990, the General
Conference adopted the Code of Practice on the International Transboundary
Movement of Radioactive Waste and asked the Director General to monitor its
In 1994, the IAEA began a review of all its technical documents relating to
waste management and disposal and prepared two basic documents, one a
Safety Fundamentals on internationally approved principles of radioactive
waste disposal and the second a Safety Standard on establishing a national pro-
gramme for nuclear waste management.
Both documents were published in
In 1994, the IAEA began to help Member States systematically improve
their waste management programmes. For this purpose the IAEA set out
criteria in a document entitled Minimum Acceptable Waste Infrastructure to be
used by developing States to evaluate such programmes.
In 1989, building on the experience gained in earlier advisory pro-
grammes, the IAEA launched a service for the ‘peer review’ of national waste
management projects — the Waste Management Assessment and Technical
Review Programme, or WATRP. The WATRP teams consisted of four or five
waste management experts from different Member States who reviewed all
relevant information and reported their findings to the State. Before the formal
establishment of WATRP in 1989 the first (four) reviews had been carried out
in Sweden from 1978 to 1987 and one in the United Kingdom in 1988 and they
provided useful guidance for the formal launching of the service. The review
in Sweden focused on research being done in that country on the handling
and disposal of high level waste and spent fuel. The review in the United
Kingdom focused on the NIREX programme for a deep level repository and
specifically on safety and site assessment.
Since then WATRP missions have carried out reviews in the Republic of
Korea in 1991 (criteria for a low and intermediate level disposal site), Finland
in 1992 (overall nuclear waste management programme), the Czech Republic
in 1993 (deep geological disposal), Slovakia in 1993 (a near surface disposal
facility at the Mochovce power reactor), and Norway in 1994 (a combined
storage and disposal facility for low and intermediate level waste).
In 1996, the Agency arranged the review of a programme for the manage-
ment of short lived waste at the Centre de l’Aube in France.
In a related activity, at the request of the Nordic Council of Ministers
and with the co-operation of Russia, the Agency held a seminar in May 1995
on nuclear waste management in the Russian Federation. The States
concerned established a forum known as a Contact Expert Group under the
auspices of the IAEA to promote co-operation in waste management.
Other field activities
In the 1980s, the IAEA began to help Member States to clean up sites that
had been contaminated by radioactivity, for instance by extensive mining oper-
ations. It also began assisting Member States in the safe decommissioning of
nuclear reactors, and more recently in setting up centralized storage facilities
for radium sources taken out of use (radium has almost entirely been replaced
as a source of radiation in cancer therapy by the less dangerous caesium-137).
International convention on the
safety of radioactive waste management
As previously noted, in 1994 the General Conference asked the Board
and the Director General to begin preparing an international convention on
safe nuclear waste management.
It was expected that the two basic docu-
ments already mentioned (the Safety Fundamentals and the Safety Standard)
would provide source material for the convention.
The groups of experts appointed to prepare the convention completed
their task in April 1997 and on 28 April the Director General submitted a
report to the Board enclosing the draft text of a ‘Joint Convention on the
Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste
Management’. The Director General recommended that a diplomatic confer-
ence be convened on 1 September 1997 to adopt the convention and that it be
opened for signature at the 29 September to 3 October 1997 (41st) session of
the General Conference.
Technical co-operation
Since the late 1950s and early 1960s, the IAEA has provided substantial
technical assistance to help its Member States establish the governmental
institutions needed to deal with their waste management problems, enact and
apply adequate safety standards and train the required personnel.
For instance, between 1991 and 1995 the IAEA held more than 20 training
courses on various aspects of waste management.
The most recent inter-
regional courses were on the methodology for the safety assessment of facili-
ties for the near surface disposal of waste (USA, 1994) and on the manage-
ment of radioactive waste from nuclear power plants (France, 1996). Between
1994 and 1996, regional courses were held in Africa (Egypt, 1994 and 1996,
and South Africa, 1995), Latin America (Argentina, 1994, and Chile, 1996),
South East Asia (Philippines, 1994) and Europe (Spain, 1995, Finland and the
United Kingdom, 1996).
In recent years, there has been a substantial increase in the scope of the
IAEA’s technical co-operation projects relating to waste management in the
former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. For example, there is a design
defect in many of the 45 operating light water (WWER-440) nuclear power
plants of Soviet design — in addition to the design defects already mentioned
in the section dealing with nuclear safety — that causes them to generate
more nuclear waste than other comparable plants. Some of the 45 are nearing
the end of their foreseen working life (five have already been decommis-
sioned). In 1995, the IAEA completed a four year technical co-operation
project on minimizing waste from these plants, and began another four year
study of the decommissioning of WWER-440s.
Co-operation between States
in setting up waste disposal sites
To enhance safety, reduce costs and discourage nuclear proliferation it
would be preferable to minimize the number of locations of high level nuclear
waste and unreprocessed spent fuel. One obvious way of doing this would be
to establish regional or multinational storage facilities. However, very few, if
any, countries are prepared today to accept permanently another country’s
nuclear waste or spent fuel. There have been some exceptions; the Soviet
Union required that spent fuel from any reactor that it had supplied be
returned to it in order to ensure that the customer country did not extract the
plutonium from the spent fuel and use it to make nuclear weapons. For similar
reasons, this appears to have been US policy in regard to spent fuel originating
from high enriched fuel of US origin.
In the late 1970s, the IAEA was invited by the governments concerned to
arrange for the disposal in Egypt of high level waste that would originate in the
Zwentendorf nuclear power plant then under construction in Austria and that
no province in Austria would accept. The attempt had to be hastily abandoned
when the Egyptian media heard about it and raised a public outcry. This expe-
rience shattered any illusion that poorer countries might be more willing to
serve as depositories for nuclear waste if they were adequately paid for their
A special problem is faced by countries that use nuclear techniques only
in research, medicine, agriculture and industry and lack adequate facilities
for managing the resulting low and intermediate level waste. In 1994, the
Agency began to look into the feasibility of a regional arrangement for dealing
with spent radium sources in Africa.
If such a project could be launched it
would set a useful precedent and hopefully open the way to other arrange-
ments for regional co-operation.
The legacy of nuclear weapon programmes
Chiefly as a result of the nuclear arms race — and the end of the Cold
War — it has been disclosed that the world’s most serious nuclear waste prob-
lems are in the former Soviet Union and the USA. They arise largely from the
practices that the two nations followed and the risks they took in forging
ahead with their nuclear weapon programmes. In the Soviet Union, for
instance, nuclear waste was discharged into rivers and oceans and directly
into the ground, the navy scuttled obsolete nuclear warships or dumped
unwanted nuclear reactors in the Kara Sea and Western Pacific, large areas
were polluted by the mining and milling of uranium, nuclear explosive
devices used in engineering projects left behind contaminated soil and water,
and liquid waste from marine reactors was stored in rusting and overfilled
tanks or dumps.
The problems of the USA appear to be concentrated
chiefly in the plants used for producing fissile material and manufacturing
nuclear weapons, associated waste storage sites and the local and regional
environment. The costs of cleaning up the US sites and disposing of their
nuclear wastes have been estimated at as much as $189 to $265 billion over
70 years, and probably more.
In 1993–1995, at the request of the Government of Kazakstan, the IAEA
surveyed the extent of radioactive contamination of 19 000 square kilometres
of land at Semipalatinsk where the USSR tested nuclear weapons for 40 years
from 1949 until 1989, including atmospheric and surface tests until 1962. Five
of the warheads misfired and instead of exploding, scattered plutonium
around the test site. The preliminary conclusions of the survey were that the
dose to local populations in adjoining settlements was, nonetheless, very low
and that there was no need for concern, but that sites with high dose rates
should not be reoccupied.
From 1993 to 1996, the IAEA carried out a comprehensive study of the
impact of extensive dumping of radioactive waste in the Arctic, the ‘Inter-
national Arctic Seas Assessment Project’. The main conclusions of the study
were that “the current radiological risks presented by the dumped wastes are
negligible, and that the future risks to population groups most likely to be
exposed are also small. No justification was found on radiological grounds
for instituting a programme of remedial action.” However, a reassessment of
the situation was recommended if current military restrictions over the fjords
of Novaya Zemlya, where much of the waste was dumped, are removed.
In 1994 and 1995 the IAEA also participated in the Japan–Republic of
Korea–Russian Federation expeditions to dump sites in the Far Eastern
The final report of the study is to be issued in 1997.
In 1995, France asked the IAEA to assess the radiological effects of
nuclear weapon tests France had carried out on the atolls of Mururoa and
Fangataufa in the South Pacific.
In mid-1996, the IAEA arranged, as a first
step, for the monitoring of the marine and terrestrial environments, in other
words the seas and sea-bed around the atolls and the atolls themselves.
This brief description illustrates the extent to which the IAEA’s activities
in radioactive waste management have grown from their very modest begin-
nings in the late 1950s and early 1960s. The importance and scope of this work
is likely to increase as more waste is generated by nuclear power plants
throughout the world, more installations are decommissioned and if the
IAEA continues to be called upon to assist in dealing with the legacy of
discontinued military programmes.
Summing up
The overwhelming weight of independent professional opinion is that
we have the technical means to isolate radioactive wastes for as long as may
be necessary to ensure that they have no harmful impact on humans or their
environment. This conclusion is based on nearly 50 years of dealing with
radioactive wastes, on decades of careful analysis and scientific discussion, as
well as on the great amount of work done by national and international orga-
nizations, including the IAEA. Several of the organizations that share this
conclusion have no institutional interest in promoting the use of nuclear energy.
Nonetheless, such is the general and deep seated fear of radiation that the
man or woman in the street remains unconvinced and apprehensive. One
result is that in most countries having civilian or military nuclear activities it
has not yet been possible to reach agreement on disposal sites, let alone on a
regional site that would serve a group of countries.
From a narrow technical point of view the absence of final decisions on
underground disposal sites has certain advantages. Most of the radioactive
isotopes in waste decay very rapidly and there are arguments in favour of
keeping the waste in surface storage as long as possible. However, storage
sites at reactors are steadily filling up and finding away-from-reactor sites is
not always easy. Sooner or later the nettle must be grasped — permanent
solutions must be found not only for waste originating in civilian activities
but for the more formidable problem of disposing of the wastes left behind by
more than five decades of producing nuclear weapons.
The physical protection of
nuclear material
From the start of what used to be called the atomic age, nuclear scien-
tists and nuclear establishments have been aware of the danger that nuclear
material might fall into the wrong hands and be used by criminals as a threat
to inspire terror, or even as a weapon (although for a variety of reasons the
latter is highly unlikely). However, governments at first tended to take the
view that this was a problem of criminal justice to be dealt with by national
authorities responsible for internal security, and not by international agree-
ment. The issue did not arise during the eight- and twelve-nation negotiations
in Washington in 1955–1956 and it was not addressed while drafting the
Statute, or by the Statute Conference, or the Prepcom.
As the IAEA’s safeguards programme expanded in the late 1960s, the
Secretariat began to ask what role the IAEA might usefully play in this context.
When the Safeguards Committee (1970) agreed on the contents of the standard
NPT safeguards agreement it prescribed that each non-nuclear-weapon State
should “establish and maintain a system of accounting for and control of all
nuclear material subject to safeguards under the Agreement.”
responsibility for establishing the State’s system of accounting and control lay
with the governments concerned, it seemed appropriate for the IAEA to give
guidance on the minimum requirements to be met for the physical control of
nuclear materials. The first reaction of some Western European delegations to
the Secretariat’s soundings was negative; this was not a matter for the IAEA,
but in 1972 the Director General was able to issue a set of internationally
agreed recommendations.
The IAEA’s original recommendations were
revised in 1977, more extensively in 1989 and again in 1993.
The standard NPT safeguards agreement does not refer directly to phys-
ical protection, but in negotiations with a number of States not party to the
NPT during the 1970s the Secretariat was able to include a requirement that
the State concerned should, at a minimum, apply the IAEA’s recommenda-
tions in its own nuclear activities. The Nuclear Suppliers’ Group Guidelines
published in 1978 also recommended that the supplier States should require
their customers to apply, at a minimum, the recommendations of the IAEA.
In 1974, the Secretariat began studying the need for a binding international
convention on physical protection. The concept attracted broad support at the
first NPT review conference in 1975. In 1977, an Advisory Group set up by the
Director General concluded that there was a need for a convention and that it
should cover the protection of nuclear material during international transport.
In the same year (1977) the USA provided the IAEA with a draft text of such a
convention and in 1978 and 1979 meetings of governmental representatives and
subsequently of a drafting committee completed work on the draft. One of the
two main problems that arose during the discussion of the draft was whether
the convention should cover nuclear material during international transport
only or whether it should also relate to the domestic use of nuclear material. It
was agreed that the most urgent need was to ensure that nuclear material was
adequately protected when it was being transported across national frontiers,
but that the provisions of the convention requiring the parties to co-operate in
protecting and recovering material, and in extraditing and punishing offenders,
should also apply to material in domestic use, storage and transport. The other
main problem related to the participation of EURATOM and allocation of
responsibilities between EURATOM and its member states.
Accordingly, the ‘Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear
Material’ is explicitly designed to protect such material against criminal acts
while it is in international transport, but it also requires its parties to make such
acts punishable under national law, whether they involve nuclear material in
international transport or in domestic use, storage or transport.
The Convention was opened for signature on 3 March 1980. However,
almost seven years elapsed before it acquired the 21 ratifications needed to
bring it into force — on 8 February 1987. By 28 February 1997, 57 States had
brought the Convention into force.
They included all members of the
European Union and other European States, the USA, the Russian Federation,
Japan, China and most other producers and suppliers of nuclear material.
The parties met in September 1992 to review the implementation of the
Convention and its adequacy. Since the breakup of the Soviet Union there had
been growing concern about the smuggling of nuclear and other radioactive
materials out of its successor States. At the review conference the parties
affirmed their full support for the Convention as it stood, noting that it continued
to provide a sound basis for protecting nuclear material in international trans-
port as well as an appropriate framework for States to co-operate in such pro-
tection, in recovering and securing the return of stolen nuclear material and in
penalizing persons who commit criminal acts involving nuclear material.
Liability for nuclear accidents
In the late 1950s and 1960s, the OECD’s ENEA sponsored a ‘Convention
on Third Party Liability in the Field of Nuclear Energy’ which was opened for
signature in Paris on 29 July 1960. The Convention was designed to regulate
and harmonize the laws in force in ENEA member countries concerning third
party liability and insurance against atomic risks, for instance who should be
held liable in the event of a nuclear accident and what should be the limits to
his or her liability. The Convention embodied the principle that the operator
should bear sole responsibility for the financial consequences of a nuclear
accident, thus averting complex litigation if an accident should occur.
At about the same time that the ENEA began work on its Convention, and
following ENEA’s example, the IAEA promoted the conclusion of a funda-
mentally similar international convention for the IAEA’s Member States, but it
took a good deal longer to reach agreement in Vienna than in Paris. The IAEA
convention also embodied the concept of absolute operator liability. ENEA’s
convention was open to members of the OECD, the IAEA’s was open to all
members of the Agency, the United Nations and the UN specialized agencies,
including those States that were also members of ENEA. Both conventions
dealt only with land based civilian plants, including related transport of nuclear
substances. In April–May 1963, an international conference approved the
‘Vienna Convention on Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage’, and it was
opened for signature on 21 May 1963.
This was an instance of quite unnecessary duplication between the
IAEA and ENEA, partly due to Sterling Cole’s annoyance with the ENEA for
having taken the lead in a matter in which he had a special interest, but ENEA
must also take responsibility for sponsoring a Convention that was original-
ly open only to Western European nations. There were several differences of
detail and some of substance between the two Conventions and for many
years legal officers from both agencies would meet in Paris or Vienna to seek
uniformity in interpretation. This was an exercise of little practical value
since, for a number of years, none of the States having a significant nuclear
power programme had acceded to the Vienna Convention.
Despite the similarities between the Paris and Vienna Conventions, until
recently they operated in isolation from each other. In 1988, a diplomatic con-
ference convened by the IAEA and the NEA adopted a Joint Protocol which
combined the two Conventions into one extended liability regime.
In the early 1960s, the International Maritime Committee and the IAEA
elaborated a ‘Convention on the Liability of Operators of Nuclear Ships’, which
was adopted at the 11th session of the ‘Diplomatic Conference on Maritime Law’
sponsored by the Belgian Government with the assistance of the Agency. The
Convention was opened for signature on 25 May 1962. In November–December
1971, the IAEA together with the NEA and the Intergovernmental Maritime
Consultative Organization (IMCO, now the International Maritime Organi-
zation) convened a conference to draw up a similar convention on civil liability
in relation to the maritime carriage of nuclear material. The convention embod-
ied the same principle as the earlier conventions, namely that the plant operator
should bear sole responsibility for the consequences of an accident, thus making
carriers less reluctant to accept nuclear material.
Now reclassified as ‘Fundamentals’, ‘Requirements’, ‘Guides’ and ‘Safety Reports’.
The IAEA also:
Provided nuclear safety training.
Carried out nuclear safety reviews.
Designed tests of the safety of packages, casks and containers transporting
nuclear material. It subsequently developed internationally accepted
standardized casks, e.g. for transporting irradiated fuel.
Sought to ensure accurate measurements of doses administered to patients
receiving radiation therapy.
Sponsored regional and international co-operation and agreements on emer-
gency assistance.
Set up a health and safety and waste management advisory service (with ILO
and FAO) and helped Member States to set up their own protection and moni-
toring services.
Set up another advisory service to review the safety of proposed movements of
irradiated fuel.
Helped Member States measure radioactive contamination of the atmosphere.
IAEA Statute, Articles XII.A.2, XII.A.5 and XII.C.
Document INFCIRC/18, p. 7, para. 31.
SZASZ, P.C., The Law and Practices of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Legal
Series No. 7, IAEA, Vienna (1970) 695.
RAINER, R. H., SZASZ, P.C., The Law and Practices of the International Atomic Energy
Agency: 1970–1980, Supplement 1 to the 1970 Edition of Legal Series No. 7, Legal Series
No. 7-S1, IAEA, Vienna (1993) 411.
To prepare a manual or set of safety recommendations or standards, the Secretariat
would usually write the first draft, possibly with the help of consultants. It would
then circulate the draft to authorities or experts in Member States for their com-
ments, convene a panel of experts to review the draft and the comments made by
national authorities, and prepare a final draft, which might again be circulated for
final comments or issued as an IAEA recommendation. The most important
recommendations might require formal approval by the Board.
Document INFCIRC/18. These measures were revised in 1976 and issued as docu-
ment INFCIRC/18/Rev. 1. See also document GC(40)INF/5, Attachment, Part B.
Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the General Conference 1 July 1960–30 June
1961, GC(V)/154, IAEA, Vienna (1961), p. 25, paras 167–168. The Transport
Regulations have been comprehensively revised five times, in 1964, 1967, 1973,
1985 and 1995 (see GC(40)INF/5, Attachment, Part B, p. 1).
Amongst those who did so were the UN authorities responsible for preparing
international regulations on the transport of dangerous goods, the European
Agreements on the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road and by
Inland Waterways, the International Convention on Transport of Goods by Rail,
and the International Air Transport Association (Annual Report of the Board of
Governors to the General Conference 1 July 1961–30 June 1962, GC(VI)/195, IAEA,
Vienna (1962), p. 14, para. 87; Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the General
Conference 1 July 1964–30 June 1965, GC(IX)/299, IAEA, Vienna (1965), p. 37,
para. 158).
Basic Safety Standards for Radiation Protection 1982 Edition, Safety Series No. 9,
IAEA, Vienna (1982).
Annual Report for 1982, GC(XXVII)/684, IAEA, Vienna (1983), p. 40, para. 158.
The revision was sponsored by the IAEA jointly with several other UN and regional
agencies (FAO, ILO, OECD/NEA, PAHO, WHO) — see GC(40)/INF/5, Attach-
ment, Part B, pp. 1–2.
COLE, S., “The work of the International Atomic Energy Agency”, Nuclear Power 5
45 (1960) 78.
Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the General Conference Covering the Period
from 1 July 1958 to 30 June 1959, GC(III)/73, IAEA, Vienna (1959), p. 44, para. 206.
Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the General Conference 1 July 1959–30 June
1960, GC(IV)/114, IAEA, Vienna (1960), p. 5, para. 15(e).
The agreement was published as document INFCIRC/27.
Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the General Conference 1 July 1963–30 June
1964, GC(VIII)/270, IAEA, Vienna (1964), p. 26, para. 125.
FISCHER, D.A.V., Stopping the Spread of Nuclear Weapons: The Past and the Prospects,
Routledge, London (1992) 262. In 1979, a dam break at Morvi in India reportedly
killed some 12 000 people.
Annual Report 1 July 1970–30 June 1971, GC(XV)/455, IAEA, Vienna (1971), p. 8,
para. 13. In this context the IAEA and WHO began studying the feasibility of a
register of significant disposals of radioactive waste into the environment.
However, it was not until 1991 that the IAEA began to publish inventories of dis-
posals of solid radioactive wastes into the marine and terrestrial environments.
Annual Report 1 July 1970–30 June 1971, p. 40, para. 102(a).
Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the General Conference 1 July 1961–30 June
1962, p. 15, para. 91; and Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the General
Conference 1 July 1962–30 June 1963, GC(VII)/228, IAEA, Vienna (1963), p. 13, para. 97.
See the statement by the Governor for Denmark, GOV/OR.649, para. 100.
Annual Report 1 July 1972– 30 June 1973, GC(XVII)/500, IAEA, Vienna (1973), p. 2,
paras 9–11. A conference in London in November 1972 drew up a ‘Convention on
the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter’. This
designated the IAEA as the competent international body for defining the high
level nuclear waste that must not be dumped at sea.
Annual Report for 1979, GC(XXIV)/627, IAEA, Vienna (1980), p. 22, para. 78.
This summary of the evolution of NUSS is based on Tadeusz Wojcik’s article in
Personal Reflections.
Annual Report for 1979, p. 3, paras 2–3. The cause of the accident was a faulty valve
and a series of misunderstandings by the plant operators.
The main findings of the experts are given in Annex III to document GOV/1948 of
20 June 1979.
The texts of the letters from these States are reproduced in document
INFCIRC/270 of June 1979.
Annual Report for 1979, p. 22, paras 75–78. The experts also recommended that the
IAEA should: hold and take part in specialized meetings on the consequences of
the accident; expand the NUSS programme; expand technical assistance in nuclear
safety; increase its own ability to provide emergency help; and that Member States
should: promote a freer and fuller exchange of the results of safety research; permit
the sale/purchase of a nuclear power plant only if an accident emergency plan
existed; periodically test their own emergency plans; invite the IAEA to review
their safety activities and follow up the Agency’s recommendations.
The USA expressed strong reservations about the need for “...international agree-
ments on nuclear safety” because of its belief that nuclear safety and regulatory
matters were primarily national responsibilities (GOV/OR.532).
WOJCIK, T., in Personal Reflections.
Annual Report for 1980, GC(XXV)/642, IAEA, Vienna (1981), p. 4, para. 6.
Document GOV/OR.539, para. 11.
INPO subsequently served as the model for the World Association of Nuclear
Operators with its headquarters in London.
Annual Report for 1984, GC(XXIX)/748, IAEA, Vienna (1985), p. 36, para. 166.
In other words, 24 of the 25 Member States that were operating nuclear power
reactors had joined the IRS.
Information provided by the IAEA, Division of Nuclear Installation Safety,
Department of Nuclear Safety.
Annual Report for 1982, p. 9, para. 18.
The official titles of these projects or the reports on them are:
Summary Report on the Post-Accident Review Meeting on the Chernobyl Accident,
Safety Series No. 75-INSAG-1, IAEA, Vienna (1986).
The Chernobyl Accident: Updating of INSAG-1, Safety Series No. 75-INSAG-7,
IAEA, Vienna (1992).
The International Chernobyl Project: An Overview, Report by an International
Advisory Committee, IAEA, Vienna (1991).
One Decade After Chernobyl: Summing up the Consequences of the Accident (Proc.
EC/IAEA/WHO Int. Conf. Vienna, 1996), IAEA, Vienna (1996).
“In 1986...the Soviet view presented at the Vienna meeting...laid blame almost
entirely on the actions of the operating staff” (The Chernobyl Accident, Safety Series
No. 75-INSAG-7, p. 24, para. 6).
Ibid., p. 23, para. 3.
However, for about 11 hours during this period the reactor was retained at 51% of
its power output so as to provide electric power requested by the regional grid —
in other words, the experiment was effectively suspended for 11 hours.
The Chernobyl Accident, Safety Series No. 75-INSAG-7, p. 23, para. 4.
Ibid., p. 24, para. 6.
No steps had, however, been taken to correct these faults and information about
them had not been disseminated, ibid., p. 23, para. 4.
Ibid., p. 23–24, para. 5.
One Decade After Chernobyl. The Conference was jointly sponsored by the European
Commission, the IAEA and WHO and was held in co-operation with the UN,
UNESCO, UNEP, UNSCEAR, FAO and NEA. The President of the Conference was
Angela Merkel, German Minister for the Environment.
The quotations are taken from One Decade After Chernobyl, Summary of the
Conference Results.
Ibid., p. 4, para. 4.
Ibid., p. 12, paras 39–42.
Ibid., p. 13, para. 44.
Ibid., p. 6, para. 12.
Ibid., pp. 7–8, paras 15–22.
Ibid., p. 10, para. 29; and p. 17, para. 66.
Ibid., p. 9, para. 26.
Ibid., p. 16, para. 62.
Ibid., p. 16, para. 60.
Ibid., p. 17, para. 67.
Ibid., p. 6, para. 11.
Ibid., p. 11, para. 33.
Ibid., p. 12, para. 37.
Ibid., pp. 13–14, paras 48 and 50.
Ibid., pp. 14–15, para. 54.
GRUSHA, N., “Belarus pinpoints potential N-plant sites”, NucNet, No. 38 (23 January
“Kazakhstan: Government to consider nuclear power development programme”,
Interfax News Agency (19:59 GMT, 22 January 1997), BBC Monitoring Summary of
World Broadcasts, 31 January 1997.
Opening address by Hans Blix, One Decade After Chernobyl, p. 22.
Summary Report on the Post-Accident Review Meeting on the Chernobyl Accident,
Safety Series No. 75-INSAG- 1.
In the town of Goiânia, a series of events brought the remnants of the source of a
caesium-137 teletherapy unit (for treating cancer) into the hands of a junk dealer.
He noticed that the source material, which was in the form of a highly soluble salt,
caesium chloride, glowed blue in the dark and he distributed fragments of the
source to the families of fascinated friends and relations. They were thus exposed
to heavy, and in four cases lethal, doses of radiation and there was also widespread
contamination of the environment. The authorities considered it necessary to mon-
itor 112 000 persons, of whom 249 were found to be contaminated internally or
externally. The IAEA and several countries provided emergency aid to Brazil.
These and other actions that the IAEA took in 1986 immediately after the
Chernobyl accident are described in the Annual Report for 1986, GC(XXXI)/800,
IAEA, Vienna (1987), p. 9, paras 6–15.
RICHARDS, J.I., et al., “The FAO response”, in One Decade After Chernobyl, pp. 132
and 141.
INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, Intervention Criteria in a Nuclear
or Radiation Emergency, Safety Series No. 109, IAEA, Vienna (1994).
WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION, “Guideline levels for radionuclides in foods
following accidental nuclear contamination”, Codex Alimentarius, General Requirements,
Section 6.1, Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme, Rome (1989).
RICHARDS, J.I., et al., in One Decade After Chernobyl, pp. 133–141.
LEDERMAN, L., “Nuclear safety aspects: Special report on Chernobyl”, IAEA
Bulletin 38 3 (1996) 44–47.
Annual Report for 1989, GC(XXXIV)/915, IAEA, Vienna (1990) 4.
Most of the contents of this section are based on an informative document issued by
the Director General to the General Conference on 4 September 1995, “Measures to
Strengthen International Co-operation in Nuclear Safety, Radiological Protection
and Radioactive Waste Management”, GC(39)INF/8.
Annual Report for 1983, GC(XXVIII)/713, IAEA, Vienna (1984), p. 37, para. 160.
Lord Marshall also served for many years as a member of the IAEA’s Scientific
Advisory Committee, where he was much respected for his forthrightness, and
was very popular for his sharp sense of humour.
Annual Report for 1986, p. 27, para. 180. The team tested the methodology of the
ASSET programme at the Krško nuclear power plant in Yugoslavia (Krško is now
in Slovenia).
Annual Report for 1987, GC(XXXII)/835, IAEA, Vienna (1988), p. 40, para. 179.
The design defects of the WWER 440/230 reactor included: embrittlement of the
reactor pressure vessel; limited capability for cooling the reactor core in an emer-
gency; insufficient redundancy of safety features; deficient instruments and controls;
insufficient protection against internal and external hazards; and lack of contain-
ment in the event of a severe accident. (HOLBERTSON, S., “But really how safe is
safe?”, Financial Times (22 December 1996).) One problem found to be common to all
WWER plants was inadequate fire protection and inadequate capacity to fight fires
(Annual Report for 1995, GC(40)/8, IAEA, Vienna (1996) 42).
Document GC(XXXIV)/RES/529.
There had been particular concern in neighbouring countries about the safety of
the WWER-440/230 plants at Bohunice and Kozloduy. Since a referendum in
which Austrian voters decided by a very narrow majority — 51 to 49% — not to
start up Austria’s only nuclear power plant (at Zwentendorf in Lower Austria), the
Austrian media and public had become more outspokenly opposed to nuclear
power than almost any other country in Europe and on one occasion the Austrian
Minister for the Environment proposed (apparently without consulting her
Government) that the IAEA should leave Austria unless all reference to the pro-
motion of nuclear energy was deleted from its Statute. Concern about nuclear safe-
ty has affected Austrian relations with the Czech Republic and Slovakia, which
operate nuclear plants of Soviet design.
Annual Report for 1992, GC(XXXVII)/1060, IAEA, Vienna (1993) 117.
Annual Report for 1993, GC(XXXVIII)/2, IAEA, Vienna (1994) 136–137.
The assistance that the G-24 nations offer is channelled through their Nuclear
Safety Assistance Co-ordination Secretariat with which the IAEA co-ordinates its
own relevant programmes.
As explained later, these documents are the primary texts for other publications in
the IAEA’s Safety Series.
The Agency has since revised the five Codes and some of the Safety Guides.
Annual Report for 1995, pp. 41–42.
The international basis of the standards is “advice provided by the International
Nuclear Safety Advisory Group (INSAG)...estimates made by the United Nations
Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation...and the recommenda-
tions made by a number of international bodies — principally the International
Commission on Radiological Protection” (GC(40)INF/5, Attachment, Part B, p. 2,
para. 7).
Annual Report for 1981, GC(XXVI)/664, IAEA, Vienna (1982), p. 42, para. 135;
Annual Report for 1982, p. 40, para. 158.
Annual Report for 1991, GC(XXXVI)/1004, IAEA, Vienna (1992) 85.
IAEA document IAEA-CN-67 (First Announcement of the Conference).
Speech by NRC Commissioner Greta Joy Dicus, Joint American–Russian Radiation
Health Effects Research, Joint Meeting of the American Nuclear Society,
Washington, DC Section and the Health Physics Society, Baltimore–Washington
Chapter, 16 January 1997.
IAEA Bulletin 39 1 (1997) 44.
Technical Co-operation Report for 1995, GC(40)/INF/3, IAEA, Vienna (1996), p. 25,
para. 97.
The Agency’s Technical Co-operation Activities in 1992, GC(XXXVII)/INF/3, IAEA,
Vienna (1993), pp. 21–22, para. 85.
Technical Co-operation Report for 1995, p. 25, paras 98–102.
The Agency’s Technical Co-operation Activities in 1994, GC(39)/INF/3, IAEA, Vienna
(1995), p. 34, para. 115.
Technical Co-operation Report for 1995, p. 25, para. 99.
Ibid., p. 25–26, paras 100–102.
Ibid., p. 26, para. 103.
The Agency‘s Technical Co-operation Activities in 1994, p. 31, para. 105.
Technical Co-operation Report for 1995, Supplement, p. 144.
“International safety conference: Strategy for the future,” IAEA Yearbook 1992,
IAEA, Vienna (1992) D45.
Convention on Nuclear Safety, Legal Series No. 16, IAEA, Vienna (1994) 102.
Annual Report for 1991, p. 96.
Annual Report for 1992, p. 117; and Annual Report for 1993, p. 118.
Parties must establish a regulatory body which must be functionally separate from
any body that is concerned with the promotion or utilization of nuclear energy.
Prime responsibility for safety must rest with the holder of the licence for a nuclear
plant. Parties must ensure that adequate financial resources and qualified staff are
available for each nuclear plant throughout its life and for carrying out all safety
related activities. Parties must also ensure “that the capabilities and limitations of
human performance” are taken into account and quality assurance programmes
are established and implemented. Comprehensive safety assessments must be
carried out before the construction and commissioning of a nuclear plant and
throughout its life. Radiation exposures must be kept “as low as reasonably
achievable” and never above the national dose limits. There must be routinely
tested emergency plans for each plant.
Annual Report for 1994, GC(39)/3, IAEA, Vienna (1995) 47.
IAEA Statute, Articles III.A.5 and III.A.6.
IAEA Statute, Articles XI.F.4 and XII.A.2.
IAEA Statute, Article XII.A.6.
The Project Agreement to be concluded under Article XI of the Statute would
include an undertaking by the State that “the project shall be subject to the safe-
guards provided for in Article XII”, which, as noted, includes health and safety
Document GC(I)/1, p. 22, para. 85.
Document INFCIRC/18/Rev. 1, paras 2.2, 2.3 and 5.1. The Agency’s health and
safety standards did remain obligatory for any ‘assisted operation’ or other oper-
ation to which the IAEA was requested to apply them, but no provisions were
made for verifying compliance.
Until the end of 1995, nuclear power, nuclear fuel cycle and waste management,
nuclear safety, and scientific and technical information were handled by four
Divisions in the same Department of Nuclear Energy and Safety. In a subsequent
reorganization, responsibility for nuclear installation safety and radiation and
waste safety was allotted to two Divisions in the new Department of Nuclear
Safety. The new organization, besides being more rational, underlines the increas-
ing importance of nuclear safety.
“Radioactive waste storage and disposal”, excerpts from Major Technical Reports by
National and International Organizations, 1975–1981, document IAEA/PI/B.3E,
IAEA, Vienna (1982). The following are a few of the 24 excerpts: At the IAEA
‘International Symposium on the Underground Disposal of Nuclear Waste’, held
in Helsinki in July 1979, the Canadian participants noted that “The key to the
acceptance of the disposal concept by regulatory and licensing authorities and by
the public is proof of the safety of the system... The general conclusion at this time
is that the multiple barriers can provide sufficient protection for man and the envi-
ronment.” INFCE recorded a similar conclusion in February 1980 and the
European Regional Office of WHO stated in 1981 that: “Methods for the manage-
ment and interim storage of high-level radioactive wastes are operational and well
proven.” Similar conclusions were reached by many other scientifically authorita-
tive organizations, including the relevant committees and study groups of the US
Nuclear Regulatory Commission, the US National Academy of Sciences, the
American Physical Society and Judge B. Flowers (Chairman of the UK Royal
Commission on Environmental Pollution), as well as German, Swedish and
Danish technical bodies dealing with nuclear safety.
The United Kingdom’s first light water reactor and plant for the reprocessing of
light water spent fuel came into operation in 1994.
Annual Report for 1993, p. 40.
Annual Report for 1987, p. 10, para. 13.
Annual Report for 1989, p. 29.
Annual Report for 1994, p. 7.
Annual Report for 1995, p. 17.
Annual Report for 1994, p. 48.
Annual Report for 1993, p. 43; and Annual Report for 1995, p. 17.
Annual Report for 1996, GC(41)/8, IAEA, Vienna (1997) 15.
Annual Report for 1995, p. 4.
Annual Report for 1994, p. 47.
Annual Report for 1995, p. 17.
Annual Report for 1996, p. 13.
Annual Report for 1995, p. 16.
Annual Report for 1994, pp. 49–53.
Ibid., p. 7.
A British assessment comments that Murmansk “is the site of one of the world’s
most unstable nuclear facilities. Lying in shallow waters nearby are about
100 decommissioned nuclear powered submarines and icebreakers with their
burnt-up fuel and highly radioactive, obsolete reactors still intact. At sea, the
Soviets had dumped 20 reactors, seven of them still containing spent nuclear fuel.”
LAND, T., Russia: Arctic Nuclear Clean-up Action, Insurance/Investment, Lloyd’s
List 2/4/97.
RENNER, R., “U.S. nuclear cleanup shows signs of progress”, Environmental
Science and Technology/News 31 3 (1997) 135–137A.
Annual Report for 1995, p. 37.
Annual Report for 1996, p. 14. The quotation appears to be from the text of the
Ibid., pp. 14–15.
Ibid., p. 15.
Document INFCIRC/153, para. 7.
Document INFCIRC/225.
The 1989 revision reflected mainly “the international consensus established in
respect of the Physical Protection Convention; the experience gained since 1977;
and a wish to give equal treatment to protection against theft of nuclear materials
and protection against sabotage of nuclear facilities” (preface to INFCIRC/225/
Rev. 2). The changes made in 1993 were chiefly of a technical character (preface to
INFCIRC/225/Rev. 3).
The evolution of the Convention is described in RAINER, R.H., SZASZ, P.C., The
Law and Practices of the International Atomic Energy Agency: 1970–1980, pp. 448-456.
The text of the Convention is reproduced in document INFCIRC/274/Rev. 1.
Document INFCIRC/274/Rev. 1/Add. 6.
Communication of 12 February 1997 to the author from John Rames, Deputy
Director of the IAEA Legal Division.
Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the General Conference 1 July 1962–30 June
1963, p. 13, para. 97.
Chapter 8
Safeguards in Western Europe:
What role for the IAEA?
Despite the importance that the negotiators of the Statute had assigned
to the IAEA’s safeguards, the 1957 Initial Programme of the Preparatory
Commission (Prepcom) contained, as we have seen, only a rather perfunctory
reference to this crucial aspect of the IAEA’s work.
The chief reason for the
Prepcom’s sparse treatment of the subject was the wide gap between the
views of the West, the Soviet Union and several leading developing countries
about the proper role, scope and coverage of IAEA safeguards. Hence the
difficulty of forecasting with any degree of assurance what safeguards tasks
the IAEA would have to undertake during its first years and what resources
it would need. There was also relatively little discussion of safeguards at the
first General Conference in October 1957 or during the first few meetings of
the Board.
In the late 1950s, and indeed for many years afterwards, there were no
serious proposals for applying IAEA safeguards in the three nuclear weapon
States of the time, or in Eastern Europe.
Hence, the main open question was
what the scope of IAEA safeguards would be in Japan and the developing
countries and, above all, in Western Europe, which was the only region out-
side North America and the Soviet Union in which plans were being laid for
the large scale use of nuclear energy.
Sterling Cole was a vigorous supporter of IAEA safeguards. The first
major issue he had to address was what role they would play in the six coun-
tries of the European Communities, as the European Union was then called.
Since the USA was the world’s leading country in all aspects of nuclear energy
and the main political and economic support of Western Europe, it was
bound to have a decisive influence in determining the answer to this ques-
tion, and Cole would do his utmost to persuade Washington to support the
IAEA’s cause.
On 29 May and 12 June 1958, EURATOM and the USA initialled a
memorandum of understanding and two agreements relating to their joint
nuclear power programme.
The “Agreement for Cooperation”
set a target
for the construction by the end of 1963 of nuclear power plants having an
aggregate capacity of 1000 MW(e). EURATOM undertook to establish and
apply a safeguards and control system to ensure the exclusively peaceful use
of nuclear material, equipment and devices transferred by the USA to the
European Commission States and of any nuclear material derived from the
use of transferred items.
Article XII of the “Agreement for Cooperation” made two references
to IAEA safeguards. The first provided that “...in establishing and imple-
menting...[EURATOM safeguards]...the Community is prepared to consult
with and exchange experiences with the International Atomic Energy
Agency with the objective of establishing a system of safeguards and con-
trol, reasonably compatible with that of the International Atomic Energy
The principles that would govern the EURATOM system were
set out in an annex. This followed closely the wording of Article IX of the
IAEA Statute and included a commitment by EURATOM to “establish and
require the deposit” in EURATOM’s facilities of any surplus fissile material
(cf. IAEA Statute, Article XII.A.5). The annex explicitly provided that these
principles were “compatible with and based on” Article XII of the IAEA
The second reference provided that “in recognition of the importance of
the International Atomic Energy Agency” the USA and the European
Commission “will consult with each other from time to time to determine
whether there are any areas of responsibility with regard to safeguards and
control and matters relating to health and safety in which the International
Atomic Energy Agency might be asked to assist.”
The US–EURATOM “Agreement for Cooperation” had been in gestation
since the appointment of the ‘three wise men’ in November 1956. As Chairman
of the US Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, Cole must have been aware of
the US negotiations with EURATOM and he understood the far reaching
implications that the Agreement would have for the IAEA. On 12 May 1958,
he sent off an angry telegram to the Chairman of the US Atomic Energy
Commission, Admiral Lewis Strauss, expressing his dismay at the way the
negotiations were going, and on 18 May he followed up with a telegram to
President Eisenhower. The US Governor, Robert McKinney, was even more
forthright, telegraphing Secretary of State Christian Herter that unless a com-
promise was reached between the Agency and EURATOM “we might just as
well consider the IAEA finished and its basic purpose destroyed, along with
the entire Atoms for Peace Program which we initiated in 1953.”
Battle was joined at a hastily arranged meeting in Washington on 6 June
1958. Strauss supported Cole. EURATOM should not be given the right of
self-inspection; other regions might be encouraged to form their own atomic
organizations as a means of evading international inspection.
But it was all to no avail. In the deepening shadows of the Cold War the
State Department and the President believed that the USA had an overriding
interest in strengthening Western European institutions. NATO would be the
atomic shield behind which Western Europe, poor in coal and still totally
dependent on imported oil, “could establish nuclear powered self sufficiency
through EURATOM.”
Moreover, EURATOM had already developed and
was applying a comprehensive safeguards system while the IAEA still had no
system and was not applying safeguards anywhere. Perhaps the most impor-
tant consideration for the USA, however, was that US support for EURATOM
and for European integration would help to bind a peaceful and democratic
Germany into Western Europe, to set a term to the ancient enmity between
Germany and France, and to underpin a stable Western Europe whose divi-
sions had led to two world wars during this century.
The US–EURATOM “Agreement for Cooperation” was signed on
8 November 1958 and entered into force on 12 February 1959.
It had the
immediate effect of excluding the application of IAEA safeguards from most
of Western Europe and they remained excluded until 1978.
Eastern Europe
and the USSR would also exclude the IAEA’s inspectors — in fact any interna-
tional inspectors.
But the most serious consequence of the US–EURATOM
Agreement, at least for IAEA safeguards, was that the Soviet Union would now
be denied all oversight of the nuclear industry of the nation it distrusted the
most, the Federal Republic of Germany. The Soviet Union would thus have no
incentive to help in the development of the IAEA’s safeguards system. Instead,
the Soviet Union found it in its interest to side with the opponents and critics
of safeguards in the developing countries, especially India.
IAEA safeguards:
The first small steps
On 27 June 1958, after much debate, the Board of Governors rejected by
a vote of 17 to 6 an Indian proposal backed by the Soviet Union, its allies, and
Egypt and Indonesia “to decide against establishing a Division of Safeguards
for the present.”
In the next month Sterling Cole appointed a Canadian
physicist, Roger Smith, as the first member and Director of the IAEA’s
Safeguards Division.
Japan was soon to be the first nation in which the IAEA would apply safe-
guards — to the Japanese JRR-3 research reactor and to its fuel of natural urani-
um that Canada had, in effect, donated.
The Canadian and Japanese aim was
to breathe life into the safeguards provisions of the Statute and break out of the
impasse in the Board. In January 1959, after several days of discussion and
despite the vigorous opposition of some Governors, the Board approved by a
vote of 16 to 2 with 4 abstentions a set of ad hoc safeguards for the JRR-3 reactor.
It was clear that if ad hoc safeguards had to be devised for each future
transfer, the conclusion of even minor agreements would be time consuming
and controversial.
Hence, in May 1959, on the proposal of a number of
Governors, the Secretariat presented the Board with a set of general safe-
guards principles entitled ‘The Relevancy and Method of Application of
Agency Safeguards’ and another of detailed ‘Draft Regulations for the
Application of Safeguards’. Both documents dealt with the role of safeguards
and inspection in ensuring nuclear safety as well as in seeking to prevent the
diversion of nuclear plant and material to military use.
Although the Statute had dealt with both the IAEA’s roles in the same
the Board soon decided that they should be addressed separately.
On 26 September 1959, after several revisions of the Secretariat’s proposals
and the redrafting of the relevant document by an ad hoc committee of the
Board, the Board provisionally approved a set of principles relating only to
safeguards against military use. The principles defined the types of equip-
ment that could be safeguarded, the types of Agency assistance that would
trigger safeguards, the amounts of nuclear material that could be supplied
without invoking safeguards, as well as general principles and objectives for
implementing safeguards.
On the basis of these principles the Secretariat
then prepared a set of ‘Procedures for the Attachment and Application of
Agency Safeguards against Diversion’.
In January 1960, the Board discussed procedures for applying safeguards
to reactors smaller than 100 MW(th) (in other words, chiefly research and exper-
imental reactors) and referred the matter, together with the provisionally
approved principles and the set of ‘Procedures’ drafted by the Secretariat, to a
committee of experts meeting under the chairmanship of Dr. Gunnar Randers,
Director of the Norwegian Atomic Energy Institute (Institutt for Atomenergi).
The Board directed the ‘Randers Committee’ to combine the two documents and
to clarify and simplify them.
The Board provisionally approved the Randers Committee’s proposals on
7 April 1960 and submitted them to the General Conference by an ambiguous
decision that left open the question whether the Conference was being asked to
approve them or simply to discuss and comment on them. After a heated debate
the General Conference voted 43 to 19 with 2 abstentions to take note of the
Board’s text and invited it, before giving effect to the text, to take into account
views expressed in the Conference.
Following these convoluted procedures
and despite Indian and Soviet opposition and lukewarm French support, the
Board approved, on 31 January 1961, the principles and procedures for apply-
ing safeguards to reactors up to 100 MW(th).
Thus, after much labour and amid much controversy, the first IAEA safe-
guards system finally saw the light of day. The system was complex. For instance,
it distinguished between items to which safeguards were permanently attached
e.g. a reactor placed under safeguards — and an item to which safeguards were
temporarily applied — e.g. a plant that temporarily contained safeguarded fuel.
In June 1961, after 18 months of discussion and several reviews, the Board
also approved the ‘Inspectors’ Document’, which laid down the procedures to
be followed in designating inspectors and the rules that should govern their
conduct when carrying out inspections.
The document required that the des-
ignation of an inspector to serve in any State must be approved by the govern-
ment of that State, which would have the right to withdraw its approval at any
time. If the State repeatedly rejected an inspector proposed by the Director
General, he might refer the matter to the Board. Except in the case of an inci-
dent requiring a ‘special inspection’, at least one week’s notice was to be given
of each inspection; the notice must include the name(s) of the inspector(s), the
place and time of arrival in the State concerned, and the items to be inspected.
The State might require that the inspector be accompanied by its own officials,
but this must not cause undue delay. Inspectors must enter and leave the State
at points and follow routes designated by the State, the State must be informed
of the results of each inspection and, if it disagreed with the inspector’s find-
ings, it might raise the matter in the Board.
The lengthy prior notice that had to be given before an inspection and
the constraints placed on the inspector’s freedom of movement during an
inspection reflected the hesitations of many Board members. It was clear that
many governments were taken aback, even shocked, by the idea that foreign
inspectors, working for an international agency, must be allowed to intrude
into their territories. What was more, governments were being asked to allow
foreigners to inspect what were, at that time, the most advanced and sensitive
research and industrial activities. Every precaution must be taken against dis-
ruption of those activities and industrial and military espionage! National
concerns were sharpened by the fact that the nuclear weapon States of the
time (France, USSR, the United Kingdom and the USA) and other leading
industrialized nations, e.g. the European Community, as well as the allies of
the Soviet Union in Eastern Europe, would be exempt from IAEA inspection.
The Inspectors’ Document applied to inspections carried out under the
IAEA’s first and second safeguards systems (INFCIRC/26 of 1961 and
INFCIRC/66/Rev. 1 and Rev. 2 of 1965–1968). For States that accepted
comprehensive (‘full-scope’) safeguards, that is to say, for parties to the NPT
or to regional treaties that require such safeguards, the Inspectors’ Document
was superseded by the somewhat less constraining inspection procedures
(but even more restrictive access within nuclear plants) set forth in the NPT
safeguards document (INFCIRC/153 of 1971).
The Board also decided that all IAEA inspectors must be full time officials
of the IAEA (not, for instance, national officials temporarily seconded to the
IAEA by Member States) and that the Director General should appoint a mem-
ber of the staff of the IAEA as an inspector only after the appointment had been
approved by the Board. In practice the Board has invariably concurred in the
Director General’s nominations, but Governors have frequently complained
about the geographical balance of the inspectorate and urged that more nation-
als from developing countries should be appointed as inspectors.
In 1961, the IAEA received further signs that its safeguards function was
at last being taken seriously. As far back as September 1958, at the second
General Conference, Japan had proposed that the programmes being carried
out under the USA–Japan nuclear co-operation agreement be placed under
IAEA safeguards. The USA had agreed to the Japanese proposal “when the
Agency is prepared to undertake this service.”
In 1961, the USA, Canada
and Japan proposed consultations about substituting the IAEA for bilateral
safeguards under the USA–Japan and Canada–Japan agreements.
In 1962, the IAEA made its first safeguards inspection, verifying the
design of a zero power research reactor in Norway. In the same year the IAEA
concluded agreements to apply safeguards to research reactors in Pakistan
and Yugoslavia, and in what was then called ‘the Congo, Leopoldville’, later
Zaire and now the Democratic Republic of the Congo. At the invitation of the
US Government, the IAEA also arranged to apply safeguards to three US
research reactors and one power reactor so as to test its procedures on plants
of different design and function.
The first extensive safeguards system:
INFCIRC/66 and its ‘revisions’
In February 1963, the Board was able to agree, without a dissenting
vote, that the existing safeguards system (INFCIRC/26) — applicable to
reactors rated at less than 100 MW(th) — should be extended to cover reac-
tors of any size. This would enable the IAEA to apply safeguards to the
power reactors that Canada and the USA were selling to India and that the
United Kingdom was selling to Japan.
This may explain why India, despite
its earlier sharp criticism of INFCIRC/26, did not object to its extension to
larger reactors.
As has been noted in Chapter 5, June 1963 brought a breakthrough of
major importance. The Soviet Union joined the other members of the IAEA
Board in approving (provisionally) the revised version of INFCIRC/26 and,
at the same time, in calling for a general review of the safeguards system. In
explaining his vote, Ambassador Vassily Emelyanov informed a startled
audience that, as the Governors knew, the Soviet Union had always regarded
the application of safeguards as the most important task of the Agency.
dramatic change may have taken the Board by surprise but it was very
welcome to the IAEA Secretariat and to the governments that had supported
IAEA safeguards from the start.
The Board referred the revised version of INFCIRC/26 (covering reactors
of any size) to the General Conference, which adopted a resolution endorsing
it by 57 votes in favour, 4 against and 6 abstentions. In February 1964, the
Board gave its final approval to the extension (issued as document
INFCIRC/26, Add. 1) and set up a working group, again under the chair-
manship of Gunnar Randers, to carry out the review of the system.
The polemics that had dominated the initial discussion of INFCIRC/26
had resulted in “one of the most convoluted pieces of verbal expression in
history” which “few people could comprehend, except in long discussion
with the handful that did.”
In contrast, the working group now undertook
a business-like revision of INFCIRC/26, studying how the system could be
made to work most effectively and how its provisions could be most simply
The new system that emerged (INFCIRC/66) was completed
within a year and provisionally approved by the Board in February 1965 by a
vote of 22 in favour, none against and 2 abstentions
and unanimously
endorsed by the General Conference in September 1965. The Board promptly
gave its final approval, also unanimously.
During the next four years, and largely as a result of the new Soviet atti-
tude, it became possible to draw up a safeguards system that would apply
not only to all sizes of nuclear reactors (INFCIRC/66 of June 1965), but also
to reprocessing plants (INFCIRC/66/Rev. 1 of 1966) and to fuel fabrication
plants (INFCIRC/66/Rev. 2 of June 1968). Unanimity was also achieved when
the Board approved the two new documents. The Board referred both exten-
sions of the system to the General Conference, but for the latter’s information
rather than its endorsement.
With a nearly complete safeguards system in prospect and a steady
expansion of the IAEA’s ability to apply effective safeguards, the USA (with
the United Kingdom following suit) decided that it would henceforth insist
on IAEA safeguards on all nuclear plants and material covered by new or
amended bilateral co-operation agreements, except those with EURATOM.
Every bilateral partner of the USA, except Japan, at first objected strenuously
to the application of IAEA in place of US safeguards, apparently preferring
the US inspectors, with whom they were on friendly terms, to the unknown
officials of the IAEA who might be nationals of a State with which their rela-
tions were strained or hostile.
However, many co-operation agreements
were coming up for amendment and this, together with the fact that the partner
nations still depended on the USA for nuclear supplies, provided the USA
with enough leverage to induce them, however reluctantly, to accept the new
US policy.
The first significant result came soon after June 1963, when the Soviet
Union had reversed its attitude to IAEA safeguards. On 23 September 1963,
the USA, Japan and the IAEA signed an agreement placing under IAEA safe-
guards all nuclear plants and fuel of US origin in Japan. The list included two
large reactors (one a demonstration power reactor) and 11 smaller reactors
and critical facilities. In the same month the United Kingdom and Japan
informed the IAEA that they would follow suit with plants and fuel of British
origin in Japan. This would bring under IAEA safeguards the Tokai-1
585 MW(th) power plant, due to come into operation in 1965.
The experience gained in applying INFCIRC/66 safeguards did much
to equip the IAEA for the challenging task that lay ahead, namely to verify the
obligation accepted by non-nuclear-weapon States under the NPT to place
virtually all their nuclear material under IAEA safeguards.
Seven years later, when the Board approved the NPT safeguards system
(INFCIRC/153), all non-nuclear-weapon States party to the NPT were required
to negotiate safeguards agreements based on that system.
The safeguards
required by agreements they had concluded under INFCIRC/66 and its revi-
sions were placed in suspense — after obtaining the consent of the nuclear
supplier if it was party to the agreement.
INFCIRC/66 safeguards contin-
ued to apply to plant and material in States that did not adhere to the NPT or
to the regional treaties that required comprehensive safeguards. At the end of
1995, INFCIRC/66 safeguards still applied to certain nuclear plants in four
States not party to the NPT or the Tlatelolco Treaty (India, Israel, Pakistan and
Cuba) and in one other non-nuclear-weapon State party to the NPT that had
not yet concluded a full-scope safeguards agreement (Algeria).
The change in the Soviet attitude did not only clear the way to a prompt
extension of the range and coverage of INFCIRC/66/Rev. 2 safeguards. With
both superpowers squarely behind IAEA safeguards, the system gained in
authority and legitimacy. By 30 June 1964,
the IAEA had concluded safeguards
agreements with 11 States covering 36 nuclear reactors. By 30 June 1970, the
Board had approved agreements with 32 States covering 68 research reactors,
10 power reactors, 2 pilot reprocessing plants and 2 other fuel cycle plants.
safeguards budget rose from $354 000 in 1965 to $1 272 000 in 1970.
There has been much speculation as to what lay behind the Soviet change
of attitude in 1963. Bertrand Goldschmidt ascribed it chiefly to the détente
between the USSR and the USA that followed the 1962 Cuban missile crisis and
that bore fruit in the conclusion of the Limited Test Ban Treaty of 1963.
contributing factor may have been the fact that the Soviet Union had burned its
fingers in China. In describing the Soviet contribution to Chinese nuclear
weapons, first tested in 1964, Khrushchev (not always a reliable witness) wrote
that: “Before the rupture in our relations, we’d given them almost everything
they asked for. We kept no secrets from them. Our nuclear experts co-operated
with their engineers and designers who were busy building an atomic bomb. We
trained their scientists in our own laboratories.” He added that a prototype
bomb had already been packed and was awaiting transport to China. The ship-
ment was cancelled only at the last moment.
When Sino–Soviet relations
turned from friendship to hostility the Soviet Union must have become bitterly
aware of the fact that it had helped China to acquire a nuclear arsenal, part of
which would now be targeted on the Soviet Union itself. But while the improve-
ment in US–Soviet relations and the Soviet Union’s sobering experience in
China may have contributed to its changed attitude to IAEA safeguards, there is
no doubt that the underlying cause of the change was Soviet concern about the
Federal Republic of Germany and its emerging nuclear programme. It had
become clear that stronger international safeguards would serve the interests
of the Soviet Union, even though it was by no means certain in 1963 that IAEA
safeguards would one day be applied in the Federal Republic of Germany.
Other developments of safeguards interest during the 1960s included
the following:
Joint notifications to the IAEA were made by Israel and South Africa of
deliveries to Israel of uranium oxide amounting to ten tonnes. The noti-
fications were made in 1962 and 1963. The material was not placed
under safeguards but was supplied under a commitment that it would
be used solely for peaceful purposes.
In August 1965, the IAEA convened the first international symposium
on the management of nuclear materials.
In the mid-1960s, the IAEA launched a new programme of research
support designed to improve the efficacy and cost effectiveness of safe-
guards. By 1970, the contribution of the IAEA to such research contracts
exceeded $100 000,
but by far the larger share of the costs was borne
by the handful of Member States in which the research was carried out,
including the USA, Japan, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Soviet
Union, Spain, Belgium and the United Kingdom.
In August and September 1967, the IAEA carried out its first inspection
at a reprocessing plant and its first use of ‘resident inspection’. The fuel
being safeguarded was ten tons of irradiated low enriched uranium
from the Yankee power plant and the reprocessing plant was at West
Valley in New York State. Ten inspectors took part in the exercise, which
was designed to test the procedures for accounting for all declared
nuclear material. The proportion of nuclear material unaccounted for
was less than 0.3% of total throughput.
In 1969, the IAEA held the first training course for its inspectors.
Safeguards under the NPT
At the 1966 General Conference, Poland and Czechoslovakia offered to
accept comprehensive IAEA safeguards if the Federal Republic of Germany
would do the same.
Norway went further, proposing that all States not
already possessing nuclear weapons should place their entire programmes
under safeguards. These were echoes of the discussions going on in Geneva
about the NPT, and were harbingers of a new safeguards regime.
As the NPT drew closer, the IAEA began to prepare for the impact it
would have on the Agency’s safeguards. In 1969, the Agency established a
second Division in the Safeguards Department, devoted exclusively to safe-
guards research and development. The Director General also appointed a
Secretariat working group to prepare the draft texts of articles of the compre-
hensive safeguards agreement that, by Article III.1 of the NPT, non-nuclear-
weapon States would be required to conclude with the Agency. The group
drew up a complete draft agreement which subsequently provided the basis
for a ‘dry run’ negotiation with Finland.
From 1967 until 1969 the IAEA drew on the services of numerous
experts to analyse systems for safeguarding the fuel cycle of a State having a
sophisticated nuclear industry.
From this work the concept of a ‘material
balance area’ (MBA) emerged as fundamental for accounting for nuclear
material. For instance, the MBA would be used to help determine:
What information on the design of a nuclear plant was needed for a
review for safeguards purposes,
What records and reporting system were needed for safeguards,
What inspection procedures should be followed and what should be the
relationship between inspections, records and reports.
The experts also helped to translate the concept of material accountancy
into detailed guidelines for quantifying the results of inspections and to
address crucial safeguards issues such as ‘material unaccounted for’,
desirable frequency of physical inventories (taking stock of nuclear material
in each MBA) and for safeguarding scrap and discarded material.
It was clear that the main technical problem that safeguards would have
to face would be the accurate measurement of nuclear material when it was
being processed in bulk form (e.g. as a liquid, gas or powder). Highly accu-
rate measurement of plutonium would be particularly difficult when spent
nuclear fuel was being reprocessed, fresh fuel containing plutonium was
being fabricated, or separated plutonium was in storage. The Federal Republic
of Germany, the USA, the USSR and the United Kingdom studied and carried
out experiments to help determine how to apply safeguards effectively in
reprocessing plants.
In 1970, the IAEA convened a symposium on safeguards techniques at
the Nuclear Research Centre in Karlsruhe, Federal Republic of Germany.
Many of the safeguards concepts embodied in the Preamble to the NPT, and
eventually in the NPT safeguards system (INFCIRC/153), were attributed to
the work of the leaders of the Karlsruhe Centre, Professors Wolf Haefele and
Karl Wirtz.
The ‘Safeguards Committee (1970)’
On 6 April 1970, a little over four weeks after the NPT entered into force,
and after some vigorous controversy, the Board established a committee open
to all the Member States of the Agency to advise it, as a matter of urgency, on
the safeguards agreement that each non-nuclear-weapon State party to the
NPT must conclude with the IAEA.
All Member States were invited to sub-
mit their views; 31 did so and 48 took part in the committee’s work. The
urgency of the committee’s task stemmed from the tight timetable that the
NPT had set for the negotiation and entry into force of such agreements. The
non-nuclear-weapon States had already ratified the NPT when it entered
into force on 5 March 1970 were required by the Treaty to begin the negoti-
ation of their safeguards agreements within 180 days after that date, i.e. by
1 September 1970, and to conclude the agreements within 18 months after the
day on which their negotiations began.
On 11 March the Director General sent a circular letter to Member
inviting comments on a draft of a model NPT safeguards agreement
that the Secretariat had prepared after exploratory discussions with a Finnish
delegation (Finland was eager to conclude its safeguards agreement as soon
as possible). The Secretariat’s draft was based on the existing safeguards
system (INFCIRC/66/Rev. 2) but modified to take account of the require-
ments of the NPT as the Secretariat understood them.
The 31 replies to the Director General’s letter showed that a number of
new safeguards concepts would have to be introduced to take account of the
provisions of the NPT, in particular the principle enunciated in the Preamble
to the Treaty “of safeguarding the flow of source and special fissionable mate-
rial by the use of instruments and other techniques at certain strategic points.”
Subsequently, at the request of the Board, the Director General submitted a
document to the Safeguards Committee outlining the possible two part frame-
work of a standard safeguards agreement, a framework that the Committee
subsequently approved. The first part would specify the fundamental rights
and obligations of the parties and the second, the technical principles and pro-
cedures to be applied. The Director General’s paper highlighted some impor-
tant points.
Amongst them were that each non-nuclear-weapon State should
maintain a national system to account for and control safeguarded nuclear
material, that it would be necessary to specify procedures for withdrawing
nuclear material from peaceful uses to military activities not prohibited by the
Treaty (such as nuclear powered naval vessels) and that processes that merely
changed the chemical or isotopic composition of nuclear material (reprocessing
and enrichment) were not intrinsically military and hence were subject to safe-
guards. The affirmation that reprocessing and enrichment were not intrinsically
military meant that a non-nuclear-weapon State party to the NPT could not
have a complete unsafeguarded military fuel cycle, while the specification of
detailed formal procedures for withdrawal of nuclear material meant that the
State could not withdraw material from safeguards simply by making a decla-
ration that it intended to use the material in a ‘permitted’ military use.
The Committee met for the first time on 12 June 1970, under the chair-
manship of Kurt Waldheim, subsequently Secretary General of the UN and
President of Austria. Dr. Waldheim soon left for his new post as Austria’s
Permanent Representative to the United Nations and passed the chair to one
of the two vice-chairmen, Dr. Bruno Straub of Hungary, who did an out-
standing job and confounded the misgivings of some NATO States about the
wisdom of appointing a scientist from a Socialist country to such a sensitive
post. The other vice-chairman, Dr. Joe Quartey of Ghana, ably stood in for
Dr. Straub when the latter had to return to Budapest.
Despite a wide divergence of approach amongst its participants and the
complexity of the task before it, the Committee completed its work in eight
months — by 10 March 1971.
Two of the three nuclear weapon States then party to the Treaty (the USA
and the USSR) as well as Canada and most Eastern European States generally
pressed for rigorous safeguards and, accordingly, for extensive rights of
access for the IAEA and its inspectors and, in particular, for the Agency’s
right independently to verify that no diversion of nuclear material was taking
The leading industrial non-nuclear-weapon States pressed success-
fully for a more systematic and detailed statement than in INFCIRC/66 of the
technical approach to be followed in applying safeguards — an approach that
drew upon a systems analysis prepared by the Karlsruhe Centre and upon
the language of the NPT itself.
It was obvious that since NPT safeguards would apply to the entire fuel
cycle of the States concerned, the new system should be able to verify the flow
of nuclear material through that cycle in a way that had hitherto been
impossible when safeguards applied only to individual nuclear plants or to
shipments of fuel.
This would permit the IAEA to reduce the use of inspec-
tors and maximize the use of instruments.
The EURATOM delegations succeeded in sustaining the principle,
implicit in the NPT, that safeguards should be applied only to nuclear mate-
rial (and not, as provided in INFCIRC/66, also to plant and equipment) and
in limiting the access of inspectors, during routine inspections, to previously
agreed ‘strategic points’. In simple language, this meant that IAEA inspectors
would normally — i.e. during routine inspections — verify only nuclear
material at locations that had been declared by the State
and would do so
by access that would be limited to pre-defined strategic points in the plant
concerned — but the strategic points would be so defined as [all] the points
necessary for the Agency to accomplish its task of applying safeguards to all
nuclear material in the State. (The concepts of verifying the flow of nuclear
material and of focusing on ‘strategic points’ were already reflected in the
Preamble of the NPT itself, but in non-binding language and in terms of
furthering the application of this concept.)
The EURATOM delegations accepted, however, that there would be no
limit on the IAEA’s access rights if the Board considered that a ‘special inspec-
tion’ was needed, and the State gave its agreement, or if the Board decided
that a special inspection was urgent and essential to verify non-diversion.
Similarly, the IAEA would, in effect, have free access when it carried out
so-called ad hoc inspections (chiefly to verify the State’s Initial Report on its
holdings of nuclear material).
The Committee agreed on the principle, already accepted during the
negotiation of the NPT, and again proposed by the Director General, that each
non-nuclear-weapon State party to the NPT must establish and maintain a
national (or in the case of EURATOM a regional) system of accounting for and
control of nuclear material required to be placed under safeguards.
It was
also agreed that the IAEA’s safeguards be applied so as to verify “findings of
the State’s system” (Japan first proposed, unsuccessfully, that the IAEA
should only verify “the implementation of the control of nuclear materials by
the State”, and not the findings of the State’s system) and that the IAEA
should take due account of the technical effectiveness of that system.
However, Japan and the EURATOM non-nuclear-weapon States accepted
that the IAEA’s verification should also include, amongst other activities, its
own “independent measurements and observations” (and should not be
limited to verifying the findings of the State’s system), a principle upon
which the USA, USSR and others successfully insisted. The IAEA would thus
have the right to verify, independently, by means of its own choice, that there
had been no diversion of nuclear material.
The exporters of uranium succeeded in exempting uranium concen-
trates from inspections; but the Committee agreed that exports and imports,
even of uranium ore, should be notified to the IAEA, and that such notifica-
tion was itself a form of safeguards.
In March 1971, the ‘Safeguards Committee (1970)’ forwarded to the
Board a 116 paragraph outline of a comprehensive safeguards agreement. The
Board promptly approved it as a basis for negotiations (INFCIRC/153), with
dissent only on one issue, a French reservation subsequently withdrawn,
relating to the apportionment of the costs of safeguards. On a related issue the
Board accepted the Committee’s recommendation that the cost of safeguards
should continue to be met from the regular (i.e. assessed) budget, but that the
method of assessing contributions should be revised to limit the share of safe-
guards costs to be borne by poorer countries.
NPT safeguards agreements with
EURATOM and Japan
The non-nuclear-weapon States party to the NPT now began the nego-
tiation, usually in Vienna, of the safeguards agreements required by the
Treaty. The Agency’s Annual Report covering the 12 months up to 30 June 1971
noted that, by that date, 29 agreements were already under negotiation.
However, the main challenges lay ahead, namely reaching agreement with
EURATOM and its five non-nuclear-weapon States on the safeguards to be
applied in those States, and then reaching agreement with Japan. The five
EURATOM States and Japan had made it clear that they would not ratify the
NPT until they knew precisely what obligations they would be required to
accept under their agreements. The implication of this stance was obvious:
they were not prepared to accept an agreement under which the IAEA would
simply apply in their territories the safeguards approved by the Board in
document INFCIRC/153.
The EURATOM States had apparently agreed to a joint directive for
their negotiators (a ‘mandate’) under which they would propose that respon-
sibility for applying the safeguards required by the NPT be assigned to
EURATOM itself, while the IAEA would merely verify by ‘spot checks’
(‘Stichproben’) that EURATOM was applying effective safeguards.
fearing that it would be discriminated against, was intent on obtaining an
agreement virtually identical to that with EURATOM. The IAEA’s negotiators
were aware of Japan’s negotiating position, which Japanese officials had hinted
at on a number of occasions. However, when the negotiations with EURATOM
began, the IAEA team was not aware of the somewhat curious mandate that the
EURATOM ministers had agreed upon. The proposition that EURATOM would
be responsible for applying safeguards pursuant to the NPT had no basis in the
Treaty and was, of course, unacceptable to the IAEA.
After lengthy and difficult negotiations the two agencies were able to
conclude an agreement in terms of which each would apply its own safe-
guards (based on INFCIRC/153 in the case of the IAEA and, in practice,
based largely on the same document in the case of EURATOM). In all cases
the number of person-days to be spent by EURATOM inspectors at a
particular nuclear plant would exceed the number spent by IAEA inspec-
tors. The core of the agreement based on INFCIRC/153 would be amplified
by a protocol that would mesh together the two safeguards operations and
seek to avoid unnecessary duplication. The agreement that the IAEA even-
tually negotiated with Japan resembled that with EURATOM with the
significant difference, however, that the implementation of the Protocol to
the agreement with Japan would be contingent upon Japan devising and
operating a national system as technically effective and functionally inde-
pendent as that of EURATOM. The Japanese were satisfied with this
contingent commitment, interpreting it as an assurance that they would not
be discriminated against, and the door was thus opened for the Diet’s
ratification of the NPT.
The IAEA negotiators maintained that the special safeguards arrange-
ments with EURATOM and Japan were based solely on technical and organi-
zational grounds. This was a convenient fiction; in fact, the arrangements
were necessary to secure EURATOM (and particularly German) and Japanese
ratification of the NPT.
Negotiation of the safeguards agreement with EURATOM and its five
non-nuclear-weapon States came to a formal end when the Director General
and the representatives of EURATOM and its five non-nuclear-weapon States
signed the agreement on 5 April 1973. The five States simultaneously ratified
the NPT on 2 May 1975. However, at least some of them still had to pass
enabling legislation or take other legal action before IAEA inspectors could
enter their nuclear plants for inspection purposes. Hence, the safeguards
agreement came into force only on 21 February 1977. And it was not until
March 1979 that certain outstanding problems about important ‘facility
attachments’ were resolved and the Governor from France, speaking on
behalf of the European Community, could welcome “the happy outcome of
the negotiations,” and that the Board could now turn its full attention to other
Japan ratified the NPT on 8 June 1976, and its safeguards agreement
came into force on 2 December 1977.
One of the understandings associated with Japan’s negotiation of its
safeguards agreement was that the IAEA would set up a senior committee to
advise the Director General on safeguards matters. The Director General
informed the Board on 21 May 1975 that he was appointing the members of a
‘Standing Advisory Group on Safeguards Implementation’ (SAGSI).
group would deal with questions that he or the Board or the group’s own
members submitted to it. The members of SAGSI would serve in their per-
sonal capacity, but the Director General would consult their governments
before appointing them. In practice, SAGSI’s recommendations have reflected
the collective views and policies of the nations that are most concerned with
the application of safeguards.
One of SAGSI’s first tasks was to propose the framework for an annual
report to the Board, the Safeguards Implementation Report (SIR), in which the
Secretariat would analyse each year the results obtained in applying safe-
guards and the problems encountered.
The circulation of the SIR was and is
officially restricted to Member States and the Secretariat, but it has often been
‘leaked’ and critics have selectively used its analyses as a weapon to discredit
IAEA safeguards.
Until 1975, the safeguards agreements that the IAEA concluded with
countries that were not parties to the NPT required the country concerned to
undertake not to use any safeguarded item in such a way as to further any
military purpose. This was the formula used in the IAEA’s Statute.
As early
as 1955 there had been debates as to what not furthering a military purpose
meant in practice. During the Washington discussions on the Statute,
Bertrand Goldschmidt had asked facetiously whether it meant that the
electricity from a nuclear power plant should not be supplied to a barracks
housing female soldiers. The growing interest in the use of nuclear explosions
for peaceful purposes further muddied the waters. Why should a non-
nuclear-weapon State be barred from manufacturing and detonating a ‘peace-
ful’ nuclear device?
The text of the NPT was unambiguous in this respect. It did not prohibit
the use of nuclear energy for military purposes such as the propulsion of
warships, but it did prohibit non-nuclear-weapons States from acquiring
nuclear weapons or any other nuclear explosive devices. The reason for prohibiting
all nuclear explosive devices was — and still is — that there is no significant
technological difference between a nuclear device used for a military or a
civilian purpose. In fact in a number of cases the prototype of a plutonium
bomb has been a nuclear explosive device such as that used at Alamogordo
in the 1945 ‘Trinity’ test or the device that India used at Pokharan.
In 1974, after India had declared that the Pokharan explosion was for
‘peaceful’ purposes, and since Argentina and Brazil were contending that,
under the Tlatelolco Treaty, they were permitted to make and detonate
‘peaceful’ nuclear explosives, it was clearly necessary to ensure that there was
no such ambiguity in any IAEA safeguards agreement concluded with a non-
nuclear-weapon State that was not party to the NPT or that had not renounced
the acquisition of any nuclear explosive devices in another legally binding
manner. In 1975, the IAEA was negotiating a safeguards agreement with
Spain, which had not yet acceded to the NPT.
The IAEA Secretariat pro-
posed that the agreement should explicitly preclude the use of the safe-
guarded material not only in a nuclear weapon, but also in any other form of
nuclear explosive device (as well as for any other military purpose). The
Spanish negotiators were reluctant to be the first to depart from the formula
used until then in all safeguards agreements (an undertaking that the items
covered by the agreement would not be used to further “any military pur-
pose”). It was eventually agreed that the old formula would be retained in the
text of the agreement, but that the text would be amplified by an exchange of
letters which would be brought to the attention of the Board of Governors. In
this exchange of letters Spain would agree in writing that the old formula
meant that the nuclear material covered by the agreement might not be used
in any form of nuclear explosive device (as well as that it might not be used
for any other military purpose). The Board approved the agreement and the
Director General announced that in future the commitment not to use safe-
guarded material in any form of nuclear explosive would be made explicit in
the agreement itself rather than in an exchange of letters.
Accordingly, all subsequent safeguards agreements with non-nuclear-
weapon States not party to the NPT are — like those with parties to the Treaty
— quite unambiguous on this point. As will be seen in Chapter 9, this issue
spilled over into the Board’s discussion of a revision of the ‘Guiding
Principles and General Operating Rules’ governing the provision of technical
assistance by the Agency.
Unique agreements with Brazil, Pakistan
and the Republic of Korea:
The Nuclear Suppliers’ Group Guidelines
In the mid-1970s, when the main nuclear suppliers, meeting in London,
were standardizing and tightening their export rules, the IAEA concluded
safeguards agreements that, for the first time, were specifically designed to
cover the transfer of nuclear technology. The agreements were designed to
safeguard the reprocessing plants that France was selling to the Republic of
Korea and to Pakistan, and the nuclear power plants and the enrichment and
reprocessing technology that the Federal Republic of Germany was selling to
The agreements contained many novel features designed to ensure
that the transfer of technology foreseen by the agreements would not help the
importing country to acquire nuclear weapons.
But Brazil and Pakistan had not joined the NPT and seemed unlikely to
do so; in other words, neither nation had formally renounced nuclear
weapons and, at that time, neither seemed likely to do so. The Republic of
Korea was a party to the NPT, but as subsequent events were to show, it was
located in a region of the world where the political incentive to acquire
nuclear weapons was strong.
The sales seemed to confirm the worst fears of the Carter
Administration. The President despatched Vice-President Walter Mondale to
Bonn to persuade Chancellor Helmut Schmidt to abandon the German–
Brazilian agreement, Deputy Secretary of State Warren Christopher to Brazilia
to persuade the Brazilian Government to do likewise, and Henry Kissinger to
Seoul and Paris to persuade President Valéry Giscard d’Estaing to cancel the
impending French sales.
Mondale and Christopher travelled in vain. The Brazilian sale was the
nuclear deal of the century for the Federal Republic of Germany. It called for
the construction of eight large German designed nuclear power reactors and
for the transfer of reprocessing technology, as well as of the so-called ‘jet
nozzle’ enrichment technology developed by the German scientist, Dr. Erwin
W. Becker. The Brazilians were equally committed to the contract and the
prestige of the Brazilian Government was at stake.
Kissinger was more successful. Under powerful US pressure, the
Republic of Korea soon cancelled its contract with France — the French,
naturally, did not actively help to secure the cancellation, but did not object,
and this was very helpful.
President Giscard d’Estaing was persuaded to
cancel the French contract with Pakistan, but not before the blueprints of the
reprocessing plant had been handed over to the Pakistanis. The cancellation
cost the French Government dear in compensation to French firms whose
contracts had to be broken.
In the end the German–Brazilian deal turned out to be equally, if not
more, disappointing to the two governments and to the exporting companies.
The Becker enrichment process proved to be uneconomic and the Brazilians
eventually abandoned it. The German reprocessing technology was trans-
ferred to Brazil, but not put to use. The German and Brazilian construction
companies, Siemens and NUCLEBRAS, started work in 1976 on one of the
eight nuclear power reactors envisaged under the agreement. It will be the
only one to see the light of day, but will not be completed until 1999, 23 years
after construction started, and then only at vast expense: recent estimates range
from $7 billion to $10 billion.
And the uranium that Brazil was expected to
supply to the Federal Republic of Germany did not materialize. A wag at the
IAEA described the agreement as an undertaking to supply a nuclear technol-
ogy that did not quite work in return for uranium that did not quite exist.
The three safeguards agreements incorporated the new requirement of
the London guidelines that ‘sensitive’ nuclear technology as well as sensitive
nuclear hardware should be subject to IAEA safeguards when it was exported
to a non-nuclear-weapon State.
In other words, if an importing country
replicated the technology that was embodied in imported ‘sensitive’ hard-
ware, that country would be legally obliged to place the plant incorporating
the replicated technology under IAEA safeguards. The same requirement
would apply if the importing country bought the blueprint for a ‘sensitive’
plant, built it under IAEA safeguards, and then replicated it at a later date.
Even if the importing country did not use the originally imported design but
simply built a plant using “the same or an essentially similar physical or
chemical process” within a set period of time after the transfer of the original
design (20 years in the case of the Brazilian–German agreement), it would have
to inform the IAEA and put the plant under safeguards. This concept seems
far fetched, and it has never been tested. Obviously its effectiveness would
and will depend largely on the good faith of the importing country in reporting
to the IAEA any plant that it replicated (or, perhaps, on the results of intelli-
gence provided to the IAEA).
But even if the importing country acts in good faith, the indirect benefits
it will derive from acquiring and operating an imported sensitive plant may
help it to plan and carry out a parallel unsafeguarded military programme.
For instance, the feedstock for most enrichment processes is a highly corrosive
gas, uranium hexafluoride. Engineers trained in using the Becker ‘jet nozzle’
process would gain valuable knowledge and experience in producing and using
uranium hexafluoride as the feedstock for the quite different gas centrifuge
enrichment process in a parallel unsafeguarded programme. It has been report-
ed that this was precisely what happened in Brazil before it renounced plans for
making nuclear weapons and concluded the ABACC agreement (see below).
As noted, the 1978 Non-Proliferation Act required the US Government
to seek to renegotiate almost all its agreements for peaceful nuclear co-oper-
ation with other nations. It will be recalled that the IAEA was the nominal
supplier to Yugoslavia of a US (Westinghouse) power reactor at Krško (now
in Slovenia) and its fuel. When the USA informed the Yugoslav Government
that the existing agreement would have to be renegotiated the Yugoslavs
decided to appeal to the IAEA for support in resisting US demands. A
Yugoslav delegation of five or six federal ministers and ambassadors
descended on the IAEA and angrily denounced both the US Government and
the Nuclear Suppliers’ Group (NSG) Guidelines. Director General Eklund
subsequently took up the matter with Vice-President Mondale who was
visiting Vienna on other US business, but to no avail; the Vice-President could
not change the requirements of the US Non-Proliferation Act. The incident
was an uncomfortable illustration of the risk that the IAEA ran if it was pre-
sented (on paper) as the legal supplier of nuclear plant and fuel when, in fact,
the true supplier held all the cards.
Regional fuel cycle centres
Another promising safeguards concept that came in for much attention
in the mid-1970s was the multinational or regional fuel cycle centre. Like so
many other non-proliferation initiatives at that time, the idea was first pro-
moted by Washington — perhaps encouraged by the success of a European
model of such a centre in the OECD’s ENEA-sponsored multinational (Western
European) EUROCHEMIC reprocessing plant. The object would be to induce
governments to build and operate multinational or regional rather than
national reprocessing or enrichment plants. It was assumed that in such
plants the misuse or diversion of nuclear material would be improbable; the
participating nations and the members of the multinational staff would keep
an eye on each other and collusion could be ruled out.
After wide ranging consultations, the IAEA published a comprehensive
study of the way in which such centres could be set up and the benefits they
could offer.
But there were no takers. The problems to be overcome in estab-
lishing and running a multinational commercial reprocessing enterprise were
perceived to be overwhelming. Above all, the political will to set up such
enterprises was lacking. Pierre Huet was the first Director General of the
ENEA and under his direction the organization succeeded in launching three
multinational nuclear enterprises. At his farewell dinner in the early 1970s,
Huet analysed the factors that determined success or failure in such ventures.
Chief amongst them were the political will driving the project, its intrinsic
scientific or technical interest and the extent to which it was still far from
being a commercial undertaking. EUROCHEMIC had succeeded in getting
the support of governments because it was a pilot, not a commercial plant. If,
however, there was a prospect of early profit, governments would go for a
purely national investment. This, he implied, was why NEA’s recent sound-
ings about the possibility of a joint Western European fast breeder reactor and
a joint nuclear merchant ship had failed. Instead, each of the leading nuclear
nations was building its own prototype breeder and the Germans were build-
ing the NS Otto Hahn. The golden years for joint European ventures in nuclear
R&D were past and it was time for Huet to leave. History appears to lend Huet
support; in a shrinking market and with shrinking funds available for research
there have been mergers between existing nuclear corporations, but the only
major new joint enterprise, struggling to get aloft — the International
Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) project — is still very far from
being a commercial undertaking.
Reporting of nuclear exports
All safeguards agreements concluded under the 1965–1968 system
(INFCIRC/66/Rev. 2) required the States concerned to notify the IAEA of
exports or imports of nuclear material required to be safeguarded under the
agreement, but in other cases such notifications were not necessarily made to
the IAEA, for instance under the US–EURATOM agreement and under other
bilateral agreements.
In April 1965, the USA voluntarily undertook to inform the IAEA of all
its transfers of nuclear material and the Director General subsequently
consulted other principal suppliers about setting up an international transfer
register. In 1966 and 1967, Canada and Norway agreed to notify the IAEA of
all their transfers of nuclear material.
In July 1974, three of the five nuclear weapon States, namely the United
Kingdom, the USSR and the USA, undertook to notify the IAEA in advance
of their transfers of nuclear material to any non-nuclear-weapon State if the
amount to be exported exceeded one effective kilogram. France followed suit
in 1984 and China in 1991.
The notification to the IAEA would include the name of the organization
or company in the nuclear weapon State that would prepare the material for
export, a description of the material, and, where possible, the quantity and
composition of the material and its destination State and organization or
company. The notification would be promptly confirmed after the export
took place and the confirmation would indicate the actual quantity and
composition of the material and the date of shipment.
The five nuclear weapon States also undertook to provide similar noti-
fications about their imports of nuclear material if the material had been
under IAEA safeguards in the country of origin before it was imported.
Notifications of imports would identify the originating State and organiza-
tion, describe the material being imported and be sent to the IAEA as soon as
possible after the receipt of the material.
After 1970, when a non-nuclear-weapon State adhered to the NPT, its
standard NPT safeguards agreement required it to give the IAEA advance
notifications of all such transfers.
On becoming party to the Treaty, a nuclear
weapon State also accepted the obligation not to export nuclear material and
specified nuclear equipment unless the nuclear material or equipment would
be placed under IAEA safeguards; this obligation applied only to exports to
non-nuclear-weapon States.
In the aftermath of the Gulf War and the disclosure of the Iraqi
Government’s clandestine procurement of nuclear and dual-use equipment
and material, the IAEA, acting on a proposal of the European Union, estab-
lished a ‘universal reporting system’
under which participating nations
would voluntarily agree to notify the IAEA of all transfers of specified
nuclear equipment and non-nuclear as well as nuclear material. ‘Programme
93 + 2’, discussed later in this chapter, would impose a legally binding oblig-
ation (in the form of a protocol to existing comprehensive safeguards agree-
ments) to make such reports. The Board approved the protocol in May 1997.
After the Gulf War, the NSG Guidelines were amended to enjoin mem-
bers of the NSG to require comprehensive safeguards as a condition of their
nuclear supplies to non-nuclear-weapon States. As of the end of 1995, the
States whose imports would be affected by this recommendation were India,
Israel and Pakistan since all other non-nuclear-weapon States likely to import
nuclear plant or material from members of the Group were parties to the NPT
or to the Tlatelolco Treaty.
The Tlatelolco Treaty
After the 1962 Cuban missile crisis the leading Latin American countries,
with Mexico in the van, were resolved to ensure that the region would remain
permanently free from the threat of nuclear war and to prevent a second
deployment of nuclear weapons in Latin America.
On 14 February 1967, the delegates of 21 Latin American countries,
meeting in Mexico City, opened for signature the ‘Treaty for the Prohibition
of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America’, or the ‘Tlatelolco Treaty’, so named
after the part of Mexico City where the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is located
and where the negotiation of the Treaty had taken place.
In June 1968, the Board of Governors approved a comprehensive safe-
guards agreement with Mexico, the first such agreement to be concluded under
the Tlatelolco Treaty, and also the first to apply safeguards to the entire nuclear
fuel cycle of any nation outside the European Union. The agreement was neces-
sarily based on INFCIRC/66/Rev. 2. It entered into force on 6 September 1968
and its application was suspended in 1973 after Mexico joined the NPT and
concluded a safeguards agreement pursuant to both the NPT and the
Tlatelolco Treaty.
The experience gained in drawing up the Tlatelolco Treaty was helpful
to the negotiators of the NPT and of other treaties creating other nuclear
weapon free zones. To give an example, the Tlatelolco Treaty requires its par-
ties to conclude agreements for the application of IAEA safeguards on all
their nuclear activities and sets time limits for concluding those agreements,
requirements that are repeated in the NPT and in later regional treaties.
However, the Tlatelolco Treaty also contains ambiguities that the nego-
tiators of the NPT were careful to avoid. For instance, the Tlatelolco Treaty
could be interpreted as permitting its parties to acquire and use nuclear explo-
sives for peaceful purposes or, alternatively, of prohibiting them from doing
so. Article II of the NPT and corresponding clauses in most other regional
treaties explicitly prohibit non-nuclear-weapon States from acquiring any type
of nuclear explosive device and Article V of the NPT stipulates that peaceful
nuclear explosions may only be made and used by the five recognized
nuclear weapon States (but that a non-nuclear-weapon State party to the NPT
should have equal access to the ‘benefits’ of such explosions — by arranging
with a nuclear weapon State to carry out a nuclear explosion on behalf of the
non-nuclear-weapon party).
Nearly all other Latin American States shared Mexico’s view that the
Tlatelolco Treaty did not permit its parties to acquire or use any form of
nuclear explosive device. Most of their comprehensive safeguards agree-
ments with the IAEA were designed to satisfy their obligations under both
the Tlatelolco Treaty and the NPT and the agreements explicitly prohibit the
acquisition of any form of nuclear explosive device. But the two States that
had the most advanced nuclear programmes in Latin America, Argentina and
Brazil, took the opposite view, at least until the late 1980s. For more than
20 years Brazil refrained from bringing the Tlatelolco Treaty fully into force,
Argentina and Chile refused to ratify it and Cuba to sign it. Finally, after
major changes in nuclear policy, Argentina, Brazil and Chile became parties
to the Tlatelolco Treaty in 1994 and Cuba signed it in 1995.
The Rarotonga Treaty of 1986 creating a nuclear weapon free zone in the
South Pacific, the Pelindaba Treaty creating such a zone in Africa and opened
for signature in Cairo in 1996, and the Bangkok Treaty creating a similar zone
in South East Asia and opened for signature at the end of 1995, explicitly pro-
scribe all forms of nuclear explosives and assign chiefly to the IAEA the task
of verifying compliance with this prohibition.
The bombing of the Tamuz reactor in Iraq:
The implications for IAEA safeguards
On Sunday 7 June 1981, Israeli aircraft destroyed Tamuz 1, the 40 MW(th)
materials testing reactor that France had built for Iraq at the Tuwaitha
research centre south of Baghdad and which the French had originally named
‘OSIRAQ’. The reactor was not yet in operation. France had delivered only
12.3 kg of 93% enriched uranium, half the first load of fuel assemblies. The
fuel was stored separately from the reactor in the pond of another facility —
Tamuz 2 — a low power (500 kW(th)) French built research reactor used for
Tamuz 1 core configuration experiments, which was located in the building
immediately adjoining the Tamuz 1 complex. The Israeli air raid destroyed
Tamuz 1, but Tamuz 2 and the enriched uranium it contained were left
unscathed. Before the attack, the Tamuz 1 fuel assemblies had been used to
fuel Tamuz 2 for a short period and had consequently become radioactive.
This had rendered the 12.3 kg high enriched uranium contained in the fuel
assemblies hazardous to handle in the absence of a dedicated reprocessing
Uranium enriched to 93% can be used directly in a nuclear weapon.
However, SAGSI, the IAEA’s safeguards advisory group, estimated in 1977
that a ‘beginner’ country would need about twice the amount France had
delivered, or 25 kg of uranium enriched to about 90% or more, to make its
first bomb.
Reactors fuelled with high enriched uranium produce an insignificant
amount of plutonium in the reactor fuel itself. To justify the attack Israel con-
tended that Iraq nevertheless planned to use the reactor to make an arsenal of
plutonium weapons. Israeli spokesmen also argued that it was crucially
important to strike before the reactor went critical, since if its contents were
blown apart later, radioactive debris might fall on Baghdad. They circulated
an informal paper depicting the elaborate plan that they claimed the Iraqis
would follow to produce the plutonium. The Israelis alleged that between the
visits of IAEA inspectors the Iraqi operators would surround the core of the
reactor with a blanket of natural uranium. The blanket would be put in place
as soon as the inspectors had left and removed just before they returned for
the next inspection. While the blanket was in place the reactor would be run
at full capacity, building up plutonium in the blanket.
When sufficient
plutonium had accumulated in the blanket the Iraqis would remove and
reprocess it to separate the plutonium.
The Israelis had learned that the IAEA was inspecting the reactor only
twice a year. This inspection frequency was considered adequate by the IAEA
as long as only half the fuel had been delivered to the reactor. But once France
had delivered the full 25 kg of 93% enriched uranium to Tamuz 1 it would
have become theoretically possible for Iraq to make a bomb (and to do so
relatively quickly). The IAEA would then inspect the reactor more frequently
and indeed envisaged doing so every two weeks.
According to Professor Hans Gruemm, the head of the IAEA’s Depart-
ment of Safeguards at that time, the Israeli scenario was seriously flawed, and
not only in its assumption that the IAEA would continue to inspect the reactor
only twice a year. Surrounding the core with a natural uranium blanket
would have required the installation of conspicuous hardware easily visible
to the IAEA’s inspectors. The Israeli scenario would also have required the
Iraqi operators to make numerous movements of the components of the blanket
that would have been detected by IAEA inspectors and by the automatic
surveillance cameras which were to be installed at the reactor. To produce
enough plutonium for one or two bombs a year, France would have had to
supply several cores of new fuel a year. Moreover, the French authorities dis-
closed (after the Israeli attack) that their agreement with Iraq provided for a
joint French–Iraqi committee to direct a ten-year research programme for the
reactor and for French engineers to remain at the reactor for several years.
In the author’s view, despite the Israeli scenario, any Iraqi attempt to
produce a significant quantity of plutonium would have been detected, not
only because, according to Professor Gruemm, the IAEA planned a substan-
tial increase in inspection frequency, but also because of the French–Iraqi joint
research programme. However, with hindsight, it is obvious that the Iraqi
Government did plan to make the bomb. Israeli suspicions of Iraqi intentions
may have been further sharpened by the fact that Iraq had imported large
quantities of yellow cake which could have been processed to provide the
natural uranium for the blanket that, according to the Israeli scenario, was to
be placed around the reactor core, and by the fact that Iraq had bought hot
cells from Italy (which it later used for the clandestine separation of small
quantities of plutonium). It is obvious that the French authorities were also
suspicious of Iraq’s intentions; hence the precautions that the French took to
make it difficult for the Iraqi operators to tamper with the fuel for Tamuz 1
(irradiation of the first half of Tamuz 1’s fuel, to be inserted into the reactor
before the second half arrived, and the joint French–Iraqi research pro-
A critical observer would also question the wisdom of providing
such a powerful and sophisticated reactor to a country that had virtually no
civilian use for it. This was not, however, a question that the IAEA Secretariat
had the authority to raise.
The inspectors that the IAEA had chosen for Iraq and that Iraq had
accepted under the procedure for designating inspectors
may have only
worked by the book, but even if they had been much more curious it is doubt-
ful whether they would have been much the wiser about what was going on
at the Tuwaitha centre. The site was very large, the reactors and the associated
facilities under safeguards as well as the entrance to the reactor site, were at
one end of the centre and much of the rest of the centre, where important
parts of the Iraqi nuclear weapon programme were carried out, was hidden
by a large berm — a high earthen dike — which was an internal extension of
the berm that surrounded the entire centre. Only by flying over the site at a
low altitude would it have been possible to obtain a picture of the extensive
operations under way.
The IAEA Secretariat’s deployment of its limited number of inspectors
was perhaps defensible before Tamuz 1 came into operation. Taking into
account the highly enriched fuel that the USSR had supplied for a small
Soviet research reactor, Iraq had enough material in 1980 and 1981 for a single
weapon, i.e. enough to permit 4–12 inspections a year (or even 26, according
to Professor Gruemm’s article, while the fuel was not irradiated) and not the
two that were being made. However, the IAEA calculated the frequency of its
inspections in Iraq on the basis of the amount of nuclear material in each reac-
tor rather than the total amount and characteristics of nuclear material in that
country. To an observer, this did not make sense politically — a country wish-
ing to make a nuclear weapon as quickly as it could would use all the fissile
material available to it, irrespective whether it was in one reactor or divided
amongst two or more reactors or stores. Such an ‘abrupt’ diversion of all high
enriched uranium in the State would, of course, have been detected at the
next inspection.
In fact, according to reports that emerged 14 years later (in 1995), this is
precisely what the Iraqi Government had planned to do in the form of a ‘crash
programme’ when it was under duress during the 1991 Gulf War.
Immediately after the IAEA had carried out one of its twice a year inspections
the Iraqi Government had apparently planned to divert and re-enrich the
Soviet supplied uranium (which was somewhat less highly enriched than the
French), then meld it with the French uranium and make a single nuclear
warhead or explosive device. For a number of reasons the scenario was
implausible, but it did underline the desirability of taking account of all fissile
material in a State when determining the frequency of IAEA inspections. This
issue is re-examined in the section ‘The challenge of Iraq’.
1981: Strengthening safeguards
at nuclear power plants
in Pakistan and India
In September 1981, the Director General was obliged, for the first time,
to inform the Board of Governors that the IAEA was unable to verify that
nuclear fuel was not being diverted from safeguarded nuclear plants.
plants were identified as a CANDU reactor in India and the Kanupp (Karachi
Nuclear Power Plant) reactor in Pakistan, both under IAEA safeguards.
For the first few years of its operation Kanupp used Canadian fuel
which had come under IAEA safeguards before it left Canada. The IAEA
therefore knew at that time precisely how much uranium was being shipped
from Canada to be loaded into Kanupp.
However, Pakistan was now able
to provide its own fuel and, unless additional safeguards measures were
applied, the IAEA would not be able independently to verify — to know with
a reasonable degree of assurance — how much fuel was being loaded into
and irradiated in Kanupp. Pakistan objected, however, to the additional safe-
guards measures proposed by the IAEA on the grounds that they were not
foreseen in the safeguards agreement covering the Kanupp reactor.
In his
statement to the Board concerning Pakistan’s unwillingness to accept addi-
tional safeguards, the Director General stressed that he was not reporting a
breach of a safeguards agreement. Nonetheless, his report caused a stir and
brought pressure on Islamabad, and on India where a similar problem had
arisen. In due course both governments reached agreement with the IAEA
Secretariat on additional safeguards and in June 1982, nine months after the
Director General had first raised the matter in the Board, he was able to inform
the Board that: “In these two cases there has been significant progress since the
end of 1982 and the technical safeguards measures implemented at the plants in
question now enable the Agency once more to perform effective verification.”
Safeguards in nuclear weapon States:
Breakthroughs in the USSR and China
In June 1982, at the United Nations Second Special Session on Disarma-
ment (UNSSOD), Andrei Gromyko, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the
USSR, announced that the Soviet Union was ready to place certain nuclear
plants under IAEA safeguards.
This signalled the beginning of an impor-
tant change in Soviet policy. Until then the Soviet Union had usually rejected
any proposal that would have permitted foreign inspectors into its territories,
claiming that they would simply serve as a cloak for Western espionage or, in
the case of IAEA inspectors, that applying safeguards in a nuclear weapon
State made no contribution to non-proliferation. There had been some excep-
tions. The Soviet Union’s counterproposal to the Baruch Plan had implied
some willingness to accept international inspection but, like the Baruch Plan
itself, the Soviet proposals were submerged by the Cold War. During the dis-
cussions of a comprehensive test ban treaty in the 1970s, the Soviet Union had
been prepared to accept a limited number of inspections per year, but after
President Reagan’s election victory in November 1980, President Carter had
suspended US participation in these discussions, and in 1982 Reagan had
formally terminated US involvement. Now, in the same year, the Soviet
Union was volunteering for the first time to accept IAEA safeguards, in other
words, to accept regular on-site inspection of Soviet nuclear plants by
non-Soviet citizens. This was the first harbinger of an eventual movement
towards a number of disarmament initiatives including the Intermediate-
Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, the Strategic Arms Reduction Talks and the
Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty. In May 1983, the IAEA began negotiation of
the safeguards agreement with the USSR and on 10 June 1985, the
IAEA–USSR agreement entered into force.
As noted, in 1988 China also concluded an agreement to implement its
offer to place certain of its nuclear plants under IAEA safeguards; the agree-
ment entered into force on 18 September 1989.
Nuclear submarines
In the 1960s, when the NPT was being negotiated, it was reported that
Italy was planning to build a nuclear powered naval tender and that the
Dutch navy was interested in building nuclear submarines. Since the IAEA
would not be allowed to inspect warships (and it was doubtful whether it had
the authority do so under its Statute) it was agreed that safeguards in NPT
non-nuclear-weapon States would apply only to nuclear material ‘in peaceful
nuclear activities’. These States were prohibited from acquiring or seeking to
acquire nuclear explosive devices of any kind but, as we have noted, they
could use nuclear material for non-explosive military purposes such as the
engines of warships.
It was generally recognized that this was a serious loophole in the safe-
guards prescribed by the Treaty. A State might simply refuse access to IAEA
inspectors, claiming that the material they wanted to inspect was destined for
a naval reactor, or that the reactor they wanted to look at was the prototype
of a submarine engine. The Director General had drawn the attention of the
Safeguards Committee (1970) to the problem. The Secretariat had done its
best to block the loophole by proposing several conditions to the Committee
(which it accepted and incorporated into INFCIRC/153) that the State con-
cerned would have to comply with before withdrawing nuclear material from
safeguards for non-explosive military use.
For nearly 20 years nothing more
was heard of the Italian and Dutch plans, nor of any other proposals by non-
nuclear-weapon States to build nuclear propelled naval vessels. It appeared
that the loophole in the NPT was becoming a dead letter. In 1987, however,
the Canadian Government made the surprising announcement that it planned
to acquire a flotilla of nuclear submarines and to spend several billion dollars
in doing so. The announcement was all the more surprising coming from a
strong supporter of the NPT, of IAEA safeguards and of non-proliferation in
general. In fact, Canada was the only nation, in the late 1940s and 1950s, that
had access to the technology and the material needed to obtain plutonium for
a nuclear weapon and had deliberately refrained from doing so.
Seeing the possibility of very lucrative contracts, the United Kingdom,
France and the USA appeared to be ready to overlook the repercussions that
the first use of the loophole in the NPT might have on the credibility of IAEA
safeguards, and appeared eager to provide Canada with its nuclear flotilla or
the reactors and fuel it would need. However, in 1989 the Canadian Govern-
ment had second thoughts and abandoned the project.
Since then, and indeed before then, there have been reports, from time
to time, that Brazil and India, neither of which was party to the NPT, were
planning to build nuclear submarines. In the 1980s, the Brazilian navy is said
to have operated an unsafeguarded enrichment plant, while the Soviet Union
leased an old nuclear submarine to India, reportedly to train an Indian sub-
marine crew. It appears that these plans have not made significant progress
since then. All nuclear material in Brazil has been placed under IAEA safe-
guards in accordance with the safeguards agreement concluded between
Argentina, Brazil, ABACC and the IAEA, but that agreement still leaves the
‘submarine loophole’ open.
The challenge of Iraq
In 1990, when Iraq invaded Kuwait, Iraqi scientists had been operating
a small (5 MW(th)) research reactor that the Soviet Union had supplied in the
The reactor’s high enriched uranium fuel had been under IAEA
safeguards since February 1972 when Iraq’s NPT safeguards agreement came
into force.
Another stock of high enriched uranium was also under IAEA
safeguards, namely the fuel supplied by France for the large (40 MW(th))
‘OSIRAQ’ reactor that Israel destroyed in 1981. There were certain other
nuclear materials under safeguards at the Tuwaitha nuclear centre near
Baghdad, including depleted uranium supplied by Germany and some 30%
enriched and low enriched uranium.
Before the Gulf War there were reports that Iraq had also obtained from
abroad (chiefly Germany) several components of a plant to manufacture gas
centrifuges to enrich uranium for nuclear weapons, and components of the
centrifuges themselves. It was widely assumed that Iraq would take several
years to master gas centrifugation, a very demanding technology. In the early
months of 1991, however, a defecting Iraqi scientist made the seemingly
incredible claim that Iraq was clandestinely developing another technology
for enriching uranium; namely, electromagnetic isotope separation, a tech-
nology the USA had initially used during the Second World War but had sub-
sequently abandoned in favour of the more efficient and economical gaseous
diffusion process.
The invasion of Kuwait and its consequences
On 2 August 1990, Iraq invaded and began the annexation of Kuwait.
This act of aggression was the culmination of a territorial dispute whose
origins lay in the history of the Ottoman Empire, in Kuwait’s semi-
autonomous status in that Empire, and the creation of Iraq after the First
World War. The United Nations Security Council promptly condemned the
invasion and during the months that followed the Council adopted two key
Resolution 661 of 6 August 1990, which imposed sanctions on Iraq;
Resolution 678 of 29 November 1990, which authorized “all necessary
means” to evict Iraq from Kuwait.
Under US leadership a ‘United Nations Coalition’ was rapidly estab-
lished to confront the Iraqi aggression. After building up its forces and allow-
ing for last minute diplomatic efforts to defuse the crisis, the Coalition began
aerial bombardment of Kuwait and Iraq on 16 January 1991 and launched a
ground offensive on 24 February 1991. The Coalition suspended offensive
combat operations on 27 February 1991, having successfully evicted Iraqi
forces from Kuwait.
In the immediate aftermath of the conflict, the Security Council passed
three further key resolutions:
Resolution 687 of 3 April 1991, which defined the post-Gulf-War mis-
sion that the IAEA was invited to undertake in relation to Iraq’s nuclear
activities and potential. At the same time the Council established the
United Nations Special Commission — UNSCOM — with a similar
mandate in relation to Iraq’s chemical and biological weapons and
missiles above a specified range and throw weight;
Resolution 707 of 15 August 1991, which demanded that Iraq comply
with the obligations it undertook when it accepted Resolution 687 on
6 April 1991, and that it make a “full, final and complete disclosure” of
all aspects of its nuclear programme;
Resolution 715 of 11 October 1991, by which the Council accepted the
IAEA’s plan for future continuous monitoring and verification in Iraq.
The IAEAs missions under Resolution 687
Resolution 687 assigned to the IAEA several missions in Iraq:
To carry out “immediate on-site inspection of Iraq’s nuclear capabilities”;
To develop a plan “for the destruction, removal, or rendering harmless”
of Iraq’s “nuclear weapons or nuclear-weapon-usable materials or any
subsystems or components or any research, development, support or
manufacturing facilities related to...” either the weapons or the nuclear
weapon usable materials. In addition, the resolution invited the Agency
to take Iraq’s nuclear weapon usable materials into custody for eventual
removal. The IAEA was also asked to confirm that all nuclear material
and nuclear activities in Iraq had been brought under its safeguards to
develop a plan for “future ongoing monitoring and verification of its
[Iraq’s] compliance” with its undertakings not to use, develop, construct
or acquire any of the proscribed items.
The IAEAs privileges and immunities in Iraq
In May 1991, in an exchange of letters with Rolf Ekeus, the Executive
Chairman of UNSCOM, Iraq agreed that the IAEA’s inspectors would have
the rights set forth in the relevant conventions of the United Nations and the
specialized agencies. They would also have a unique and far-reaching series
of additional rights; for instance, they would have:
Unrestricted freedom of entry into and exit from Iraq and unrestricted
freedom of movement in Iraq, without prior notification to the Iraqi
Unrestricted access to Iraqi facilities;
Authority to request, receive, examine and copy or remove records,
data, information and photographs;
— Authority to designate any site for observation, inspection or monitoring;
Authority to take samples, to photograph and to videotape.
These privileges and immunities proved to be essential for the fulfil-
ment of the IAEA’s missions in Iraq.
The IAEAs Action Team
Director General Blix immediately established an ‘Action Team’ to carry
out the IAEA’s mission under his direction, and appointed Maurizio
Zifferero, a former IAEA Deputy Director General, to lead the Team.
Action Team was not incorporated into the IAEA’s Department of Safe-
guards, but reported directly to Blix, and the work that the IAEA undertook
in Iraq was not regarded as the application of safeguards under Iraq’s NPT
agreement with the IAEA, but as a special operation carried out under the
authority of the Security Council’s resolutions.
The Action Team carried out 32 inspections in Iraq from 15 May 1991 until
1996, namely eight in 1991, and eight again in 1992, six in 1993, six in 1994, two
in 1995, and two in 1996. In August 1994, the Action Team established a per-
manent presence in Iraq, namely the ‘Nuclear Monitoring Group’. This enabled
the IAEA to decrease the number of inspection missions sent from Vienna and
increase local inspection and make it more pervasive and methodical.
The Team carried out its work according to an IAEA plan which the
Security Council approved on 11 October 1991 in Resolution 715. In accor-
dance with this plan the IAEA’s task would be:
To discover all forbidden elements of the Iraqi programme. The IAEA
was to ascertain the full extent of Iraq’s past nuclear programme and, in
so doing, verify the accuracy and completeness of the “full, final, and
complete disclosure” of that programme that Iraq was required to make.
To destroy or remove or render harmless all the forbidden elements
of Iraq’s programme. This involved, for instance, destroying facilities
built for forbidden purposes, shipping all nuclear weapon usable
material out of Iraq and placing all critically important machine tools
under IAEA seals.
To arrange for the continued monitoring and verification of Iraq’s
activities. This included continuing inspection of sites declared by
Iraq to have been associated with the former programme, interviews
with Iraqi engineers and scientists to verify their current employ-
ment, and taking and analysing environmental samples for evidence
of nuclear activities.
No term was set for the completion of the IAEA’s mission in Iraq.
Unveiling Iraq’s clandestine
nuclear weapon programme
Relations between Iraq and the IAEA passed through four phases. Until
September 1991, Iraq consistently attempted to deny access to IAEA inspectors.
From then until November 1993, Iraq generally did not physically impede
inspections, but failed to provide accurate accounts of its prohibited pro-
grammes and refused to accept “on-going monitoring and verification”.
From November 1993 until August 1995, Iraq co-operated in establishing the
mechanisms for ongoing monitoring but still failed to disclose fully the extent
of its prohibited programmes. The fourth phase began in August 1995 with
the defection of General Hussein Kamel to Jordan and Iraq’s disclosure of a
vast cache of documents that Kamel had purportedly stored at the ‘Haidar
House Farm’. The Iraqi authorities turned the documents over to the IAEA.
In June 1991, when IAEA inspectors arrived at previously designated
sites, the Iraqi authorities denied them access. However, the inspectors
observed that the Iraqis were loading lorries with components of electro-
magnetic isotope separation devices and carrying them off. (The Action Team
subsequently recovered these components.) This inspection thus confirmed
that Iraq had engaged in an extensive uranium enrichment programme. The
inspectors also discovered a small quantity of separated plutonium. Neither
the enrichment programme nor the plutonium had been referred to in the
supposedly “full, final and complete” declaration that Iraq had made about
its programme on 18 April 1991.
In September 1991, Iraq confiscated a number of documents that had
been seized by an IAEA inspection team led by David Kay, the Agency’s chief
inspector for the sixth mission in Iraq. When the inspectors refused to turn
over other documents, they were compelled to stay in a parking lot for four
days. The documents seized during this inspection provided a much fuller
picture of the Iraqi nuclear programme and demonstrated once again that
Iraq’s “full disclosure” had been neither full nor complete.
The seven inspections that the IAEA had carried out by the end of
October 1991 revealed that Iraq had undertaken three separate clandestine
programmes to enrich uranium using chemical exchange and a gas centrifuge
as well as electromagnetic isotope separation techniques. The inspections also
provided conclusive evidence of a programme designed to produce implosion-
type nuclear weapons. It was also clearly linked with work on surface to surface
missiles. In Ekeus’ first report to the Security Council he estimated that within
as little as 12–18 months Iraq could have had sufficient fissile material for a
nuclear device, and noted the “failure of Iraq, particularly in the nuclear field, to
adopt the candid and open approach to the disclosure of its capabilities.”
On 12 March 1992, Iraq provided Blix with a revision of its “full, final
and complete disclosure” and provided yet another version on 5 June 1992,
but the IAEA found both documents inadequate.
In August, September and November 1992, the Action Team carried out
a radiometric/hydrological survey of Iraq’s main bodies of fresh water
(rivers, lakes and canals) which provided a baseline for twice yearly sampling
of the water bodies, designed to detect isotopic evidence of the existence of
any undeclared nuclear facility. By the end of 1996, no such evidence had
been found.
By mid-June 1993, the IAEA had inspected 75 sites. These confirmed the
picture that the Action Team had perceived in 1991 of broad based
programmes for enriching uranium and for producing nuclear weapons.
However, it still remained doubtful whether the picture was complete.
By September 1994, the IAEA had carried out 26 inspections in Iraq
totalling more than 2500 inspector-days and comprising 634 visits to 151 sites.
The inspectors and support staff had come from 35 nations. The results
achieved were significant:
The IAEA had pieced together a reasonably complete picture of Iraq’s
vast clandestine nuclear programme which, apparently, had begun in
The second task assigned to the IAEA by Resolution 687 was also well
in hand. The Action Team had supervised the systematic destruction of
forbidden facilities, technical buildings and equipment, including over
1900 individual items, 600 tonnes of special alloys and buildings with a
surface area of some 32 500 square metres. Iraq could no longer produce
material for use in nuclear weapons nor the weapons themselves. The
nuclear weapon usable materials under IAEA safeguards in Iraq before
the Gulf War had been found untouched and had been removed from
Iraq. In addition, the fissile material clandestinely produced by Iraq,
including a few grams of separated plutonium, had been shipped
By the end of 1996, the IAEA’s “ongoing monitoring and verification”
included periodic radiometric surveys of Iraq’s main surface water bodies,
routine no-notice inspections of relevant industrial plants, the use of
video equipment for the surveillance of critical dual use equipment and
a significant permanent presence in Iraq.
Analysis of the documents seized in 1991 and those handed over to the
IAEA in August 1995 increased confidence in the accuracy of the IAEA’s
assessment of the clandestine programme, and provided the means to verify
independently many of Iraq’s declarations. They provided a wealth of infor-
mation regarding the following areas:
Iraq’s use of electromagnetic isotope separation to produce enriched
Chemical enrichment by liquid–liquid extraction and solid–liquid ion
Gaseous diffusion enrichment;
Research aimed at lithium-6 production;
Design of facilities to handle large amounts of tritium;
Weaponization (knowledge, techniques, technologies and engineering
activities required to construct a nuclear explosive device capable of
being delivered to a target and achieving a nuclear yield, assuming that
the needed fissile material is available);
Organizational structure of ‘Petrochemical Project 3’ (PC3) — the front
organization in charge of Iraq’s covert programme;
Identification of eight specific sites associated with PC3 activities;
Procurement and foreign suppliers;
Details of the ‘crash programme’ in which Iraq had planned to use the
enriched fuel of the Soviet and French reactors to make a single nuclear
explosive device;
Details of the centrifuge enrichment effort, including the activities at the
Engineering Design Centre, details of the centrifuge enrichment pro-
ject’s procurement network and foreign assistance.
By the end of 1996, most of the Action Team’s work consisted of ongoing
monitoring and of increasing the effectiveness of such monitoring, thus
enabling the IAEA to detect any indication that Iraq was reviving its nuclear
programme. The IAEA was also still assessing the accuracy of Iraq’s “full,
final and complete declaration”.
Disposal of nuclear material
The Agency recognized that nuclear weapon usable material could not
be destroyed or rendered harmless in Iraq and its first priority was to account
for and ship such material out of the country. All unirradiated fuel was
shipped out by the end of November 1992. The approximately six grams of
plutonium discovered by the inspectors in 1991 were removed from Iraq by
the end of November of that year.
By mid-June 1993, all the nuclear materials under safeguards before the
Gulf War had been accounted for. The only known nuclear weapon usable
material remaining in Iraq was the high enriched uranium in irradiated reactor
fuel assemblies, which were under IAEA seal until they could be removed
from the country.
By the end of February 1994, all known remaining high enriched urani-
um fuel had been shipped to Russia, where it would be reprocessed.
nuclear material remaining in Iraq consisted of depleted, natural and low
enriched uranium in sealed storage under IAEA control.
However, it had
not been possible to confirm that the Iraqi declarations of unsafeguarded
nuclear material were complete.
Violation of the IAEA–Iraq safeguards agreement:
The findings of the Board
Iraq’s clandestine programme was clearly a massive violation of its
obligations under the NPT and under its safeguards agreement, which called
upon it to accept IAEA safeguards “on all source or special fissionable mate-
rial...within its territory, under its jurisdiction or carried out under its control
According to French and other estimates, the programme
involved many thousands of people and, if it had been carried out in an
industrialized country, it would have cost more than ten billion dollars.
On 18 July 1991, a special meeting of the IAEA Board of Governors
declared that Iraq had violated its safeguards agreement with the IAEA. The
Board’s resolution was sponsored by 17 States, including the five permanent
members of the Security Council, and was opposed only by the Iraqi delega-
tion (Iraq happened to be serving on the Board). This was the first finding of
a violation of an agreement since the IAEA began applying safeguards in
1959. As required by the IAEA’s Statute, the Board reported its finding to the
Security Council and General Assembly, as well as to all Member States of the
As noted, IAEA inspectors also discovered that Iraq had clandestinely
separated a small amount of plutonium. In the light of this revelation, the
IAEA’s Board concluded on 11 September 1991 that Iraq was guilty of a
second breach of its safeguards agreement.
On 20 September 1991, the IAEA General Conference adopted a resolu-
tion strongly condemning Iraq’s non-compliance with its non-proliferation
obligations, including those contained in its safeguards agreement with the
IAEA. The resolution was adopted by 71 votes to 1 (Iraq). There were seven
abstentions (Algeria, Cuba, Jordan, Libya, Morocco, Namibia and Sudan).
It has been noted earlier that, after Hussein Kamel’s defection to Jordan
in August 1995, the Iraqi authorities disclosed that their Government had
planned a ‘crash programme’ to assemble a single nuclear explosive device.
This constituted yet another violation of the safeguards agreement. Iraq’s
delay in disclosing these plans and turning over all documents and materials
relating to its covert activities also violated its obligations under the relevant
resolutions of the Security Council.
A further chilling finding was that Iraq
had separated a small amount of lithium-6, which is used in the manufacture
of hydrogen weapons.
The formal finding of the Security Council
It was not for the IAEA to decide whether Iraq had violated its obliga-
tions as a party to the NPT. This, however, was the finding of the Security
Council on 15 August 1991. Acting under Chapter VII of the United Nations
Charter, the Council found that Iraq had acted in violation of its obligations
under the NPT and that its breach of the Treaty constituted a threat to peace
and international security.
The decision also created a precedent, namely of
the Security Council serving as the international body to determine whether
a party had violated the NPT. In a sense the Council thus became the
guardian of the Treaty, but, as we shall see, it was more hesitant in fulfilling
this role two years later in the case of the Democratic People’s Republic of
Korea (DPRK, or North Korea).
The implications for IAEA safeguards
of Iraq’s covert programme
In July 1991, Dr. Blix, referring to the IAEA’s experience in Iraq, told the
IAEA Board of Governors:
“...I conclude that the lesson to be learnt from the present case
is that a high degree of assurance can be obtained that the Agency
can uncover clandestine nuclear activities if three major conditions
are fulfilled: first that access is provided to information obtained,
inter alia through national technical means, regarding sites that
may require inspection; second, that access to any such sites, even
at short notice, is an unequivocal right of the Agency; and third,
that access to the Security Council is available for backing and
support that may be necessary to perform the inspection.”
The background to Blix’s conclusion that “...access to any such [suspect]
sites, even at short notice, is an unequivocal right of the Agency” was that, in
Iraq, the safeguards that the IAEA had applied during routine inspections had
been adequate to verify that there had been no significant diversion of
nuclear material from the declared Iraqi programme.
However, routine
inspections of declared material and plants did not and could not detect Iraq’s
clandestine programmes, which had made no use of nuclear material that
Iraq had declared to the Agency under its safeguards agreement.
A hitherto unused set of provisions permitting unrestricted access,
included in all comprehensive NPT safeguards agreements, gave authority to
the IAEA to carry out special inspections at additional locations in the State con-
if the IAEA considered that the information provided by the State
was “...not adequate for the Agency to fulfil its responsibilities under the
— for instance if the IAEA believed that the State was hiding
material that should be placed under safeguards, and the IAEA could there-
fore not fulfil its obligation under paragraph 2 of the standard agreement
“...to ensure that safeguards will be applied...on all source or special fission-
able material...within the territory of the State, under its jurisdiction, or
carried out under its control anywhere...” The agreements set no limits to the
IAEA’s access when it carried out such special inspections; in such circum-
stances the inspectors would have access to any place in the State concerned. In
effect, this reflected Article XII.A.6 of the IAEA Statute under which IAEA
inspectors “...have access at all times to all places and data...”
Before it carried out a special inspection at an additional location, the
IAEA would have to get the agreement of the State concerned. However, if
the State refused, the Board could order the State to admit the inspectors
If the State again refused the Board could and, in all probability,
would report to the Security Council, the General Assembly and all the IAEA
Member States that “...the Agency is not able to verify that there has been no
Until the Gulf War the IAEA had no occasion to make special inspec-
tions at ‘additional’ locations. If the IAEA were to make use of such inspec-
tions in the future, they could enable it to detect the presence of undeclared
material (or undeclared plants for which no design information had been
submitted to the IAEA). Or, if the State refused the inspection, it would ipso
facto incriminate itself. This was what was soon to happen in the DPRK.
Even the widest powers of inspection would be of little avail unless the
IAEA knew where to look. But a UN agency cannot operate like a secret service.
How could the IAEA be put on the track of a suspect activity? Improving the
flow of unclassified data to the IAEA and of the IAEA’s own processing and
analysis of such data, would be useful, but the IAEA should also have access
to relevant data gathered by ‘national technical means’, including satellites.
Until 1991, governments had been loath to provide intelligence data to
any international organization for fear of disclosing sources or of revealing
the detection capability of their satellites. In the case of Iraq, the USA accepted
this risk when it told the UN Commission and the IAEA where to look for
suspect plants. It was to do so again in the case of the DPRK.
In Chapter 3 it was noted that, in the mid-1950s, the negotiators of the
Statute foresaw that in applying its safeguards the IAEA might need direct
access to the Security Council, and that negotiators had put in place the legal
basis for such access.
The relevant clauses of the Statute were activated for
the first time (in both directions) by the Gulf War. Whether the Council would
give its backing and support to future special inspections to locations not
declared by the State concerned would depend chiefly on whether the five
permanent members of the Council could maintain the cohesion they forged
in dealing with Iraqi aggression. This cohesion was later put to the test in the
case of the DPRK.
How long would Iraq have needed to make
nuclear weapons?
Did the Gulf War prevent the emergence of another nuclear weapon
State? Rolf Ekeus estimated in 1991 that within as little as 12–18 months Iraq
could have had sufficient fissile material for a nuclear device. However, any
such estimate is subject to a wide range of uncertainties, each of which
could be a factor for delay. The uncertainties include, for instance, whether
the two electromagnetic isotope separation plants that Iraq was completing,
and their numerous auxiliary facilities, would have been able to operate at
full planned capacity and without breakdown from the first day of opera-
tion, whether there would have been adequate feedstock and other materi-
als needed by the plants, and whether the electricity supply would have
been adequate and reliable. Related questions were whether during those
12–18 months, Iraq would have mastered the technology of making nuclear
explosives and the means of manufacturing and detonating them at their
designed yield, and would have acquired effective means of delivery. Being
able to produce fissile material would have been crucial for Iraq’s progress
towards a nuclear arsenal, but not, by itself, enough to make it a de facto
nuclear weapon State.
A group of nuclear weapon designers from the USA, Russia, the United
Kingdom and France met at IAEA Headquarters in April 1992 to examine the
documents that, by that date, IAEA inspectors had collected in Iraq.
According to a press report, the weapon experts concluded that the Iraqi
Government “...faced such significant bottlenecks that [it] was at least three
years and possibly more from acquiring [its] first crude nuclear weapon.”
There was, however, no escaping the fact that the first breach of an
IAEA safeguards agreement had been by the use of unsuspected and
unwatched clandestine plants, and not by diverting declared material and
cheating the IAEA’s material accountancy. The IAEA was seen by many as
having failed its (presumably) first diversion detection test; it had patently
been unable to detect a large and longstanding undeclared programme.
Without the Gulf War, the IAEA might not have discovered the programme
until the Iraqi Government openly demonstrated that it had acquired the
While this judgement would have been unduly harsh — the
Director General, his staff, the Action Team and the Board of Governors acted
swiftly and decisively and dealt effectively with a new and unforeseen
challenge — there was no doubt that a fundamental review and redirection of
the existing IAEA safeguards system was essential. It is to the credit of the
IAEA that this review was promptly undertaken and first applied in the case
of the DPRK. The Iraqi experience also led eventually to the redirection of
IAEA safeguards undertaken from 1993 to 1997 in ‘Programme 93 + 2’.
Other lessons from the Gulf War and its aftermath
It has been noted that the IAEA safeguards guidelines assume that a
‘beginner’ State would require 25 kilograms of uranium (enriched to more
than 90% in uranium-235) or 8 kilograms of plutonium (plutonium-239) to
make its first nuclear weapon. These are defined as a ‘significant quantity’,
the absence of which safeguards should have ‘a high probability’ of detect-
Iraq’s total holdings of high enriched uranium were more than 25 kilo-
grams, but they were distributed between two separate reactors. However, as
already noted, the frequency of the IAEA’s inspections was geared to the
quantity of material in a particular plant and did not take account of the total
amount in the country or even in a particular nuclear centre. The amount of
material in each of the two reactors at the Tuwaitha centre was less than a sig-
nificant quantity, and in each case some or all of the fuel had been irradiated.
Presumably this explains why there were only two inspections each year in
Iraq, although the reactors were in the same centre and their fuel could have
been amalgamated to provide enough fissile material for a nuclear weapon —
as the Iraqi authorities planned to do in the crash programme whose exis-
tence came to light only in 1995. It should be noted, however, that the distri-
bution of fissile material that occurred in Iraq in the 1980s was or is found in
only a few other centres and the IAEA has increased inspection frequency in
these cases.
If the total amount of safeguarded material in a country, or at least in
one of its research centres, amounts to a significant quantity — in other
words, is enough to make a bomb — should not this determine the minimum
number of inspections in that country? This would have meant at least four
inspections a year in Iraq in the years before the Gulf War.
This might not
have enabled the IAEA to detect undeclared activities, but it would have
enabled the IAEA to detect, within three months instead of six, any Iraqi
attempt to carry out the planned crash programme.
Another way of increasing inspection frequency would be to substan-
tially reduce the amount of high enriched uranium and plutonium defined
as a ‘significant quantity’. The present values are derived from a UN study
of the mid-1960s and it is widely believed that, today, nations with a moder-
ately sophisticated nuclear programme could produce smaller nuclear
explosive devices with smaller amounts of plutonium or high enriched ura-
Reducing the significant quantities might have increased the
inspection frequency in countries such as Iraq from twice a year to as much
as once a month. Changing the definition would, of course, have effects
throughout the safeguards operations in all countries in which safeguards
are applied and it would also have significant budgetary consequences. It
would also make it more difficult for the IAEA to attain its technical goal of
being able to detect in a timely fashion the diversion of a significant quantity
of nuclear material.
There are, no doubt, still more lessons of the Gulf War that have to be
studied. One is already clear. The problems that the IAEA and the NPT
regime faced in Iraq were not unique to nuclear non-proliferation. Any other
global arms control or disarmament treaty, for instance the Chemical Weapons
Convention, the Biological Weapons Convention and the Comprehensive Test
Ban Treaty, could run into similar problems.
The Iraqi case showed that a determined and authoritarian State with
very large financial resources and a skilled and dedicated nuclear establish-
ment could defy its obligations under the NPT and evade detection for many
years. This evasion may have been helped by the fact that, during the
Iran–Iraq war, Western governments tended to tilt towards Iraq, which also
received support from the Soviet Union. Whether the clandestine programme
would have remained undetected, once the large electromagnetic isotope
separation plants went into full production, is an open question. So, too, is the
question of the uniqueness of Iraq’s circumstances — its internal political
structure, its technical and financial resources and its regional and inter-
national political environment. What is not open to question is that, even if
the physical aspects of the Iraqi programme have been completely eliminated,
it nevertheless left Iraqi scientists and engineers with an invaluable store of
practical knowledge about the production and processing of fissile material
and the construction of a nuclear warhead.
The world is unlikely ever to have a completely effective non-prolifera-
tion regime or safeguards that are completely foolproof. That is, of course, no
reason for taking safeguards out of the hands of the IAEA as some suggested
after the Gulf War; rather it underlines the continuing need to strengthen the
regime and to enhance the efficacy of the IAEA’s operation, as the IAEA has
sought to do in its ‘Programme 93 + 2’ which will shortly be described.
The 1992 IAEA–EURATOM partnership
In carrying out the 1973 IAEA–EURATOM safeguards agreement
(INFCIRC/193), there had been much friction between the two agencies and
unnecessary duplication of work. In 1977, the two agencies agreed to use
‘joint teams’ of IAEA and EURATOM inspectors to inspect plants handling
sensitive nuclear materials in bulk form such as liquids, gases and powders
in the expectation that this would obviate unnecessary duplication of work,
but this had not been the result. One of the tenets of the 1973 agreement was
that the IAEA would inspect a plant in a EURATOM non-nuclear-weapon
State substantially less frequently than a similar plant in a non-EURATOM
non-nuclear-weapon State.
In practice the opposite had often happened.
For instance, at an informal safeguards meeting convened by Director
General Blix in the early 1990s, it was disclosed that the amount and fre-
quency of inspection at a particular fuel fabrication plant in the European
Union was at least three times that at a similar plant in Japan.
In some cases — though not in this particular instance — this waste of
effort was due to the ‘theological’ attachment of both agencies to certain safe-
guards doctrines, for instance that there must be no delegation of responsi-
bility by one agency to the other, which meant that each must have its own
inspectors present at each task undertaken during an inspection.
In 1992, the IAEA Director General and the Commissioner responsible for
nuclear energy in the European Union signed an agreement for a ‘new part-
nership approach’
in implementing the 1973 agreement. The new approach
set aside both the previously agreed ‘principle of observation’
and the con-
cept of ‘joint teams’. These were replaced by new co-operative arrangements,
one of which was the rule of ‘one job, one person’ — if the verification of a
particular activity required the presence of two inspectors, one person from
each agency would do the job, provided that each organization would still be
able to draw its own independent conclusion (as to whether all nuclear mate-
rial remained under safeguards or was satisfactorily accounted for).
The two agencies also agreed to co-operate in research and training, to
make use of each other’s laboratories and other resources, and to make more
use of techniques that do not require the physical presence of inspectors. The
IAEA expected that the new agreement would enable it to reduce the amount
of routine inspection in the non-nuclear-weapon States of the European
Union by one half to two thirds.
There has, in fact, been a substantial reduction in the amount of IAEA
inspection in the States concerned. From 1991 to 1995, the total number of
person-days that inspectors spent in these countries declined from about
3000 to 1200, of which about 700, according to estimates provided by the
Secretariat, were, however, attributable to the closing of some large nuclear
Even before the agreement on the partnership approach, the 1989
decision to abandon the construction of its large reprocessing plant at
Wackersdorf in Bavaria may have caused much regret in the German nuclear
industry, but it substantially reduced forecasts of the amount of IAEA inspec-
tion in the EURATOM non-nuclear-weapon States. In the mid-1990s, the
abandonment of plans to produce MOX fuel at Hanau presumably had a
similar effect.
The DPRK’s violation of its
NPT safeguards agreement with the IAEA
On 12 December 1985, the DPRK acceded to the NPT. It has been widely
reported that the USSR made such accession a condition for the supply of the
Soviet power reactors that the DPRK was anxious to obtain as a first step in a
nuclear power programme. (The Soviet power reactors did not materialize.)
Article III.4 of the NPT stipulates that a non-nuclear-weapon State
acceding to the Treaty must bring into force a comprehensive safeguards
agreement with the IAEA not later than 18 months after its accession. Despite
mounting criticism, especially at the 1990 conference on the review of the
NPT, but also at meetings of the IAEA, the DPRK took no action to fulfil this
requirement — on the contrary it attempted to set a number of political
conditions before it would conclude the agreement. Finally, on 10 April 1992,
nearly five years overdue, the DPRK brought its safeguards agreement into
The agreement required the DPRK to send the IAEA an ‘Initial Report’
on all nuclear material to be subject to safeguards in the country.
submitted its report on 4 May 1992. It contained some surprises. Until then
the IAEA had only been officially aware of the existence of a single Soviet
supplied research reactor (5 MW(th)) and a critical assembly which the DPRK
had placed under IAEA safeguards in July 1977. Besides this small plant, the
Initial Report listed a 5 MW(e) graphite moderated Magnox type reactor, a
fuel fabrication plant, a ‘radiochemical laboratory’ (in reality, a reprocessing
plant) and two much larger Magnox reactors of 50 MW(e) and 200 MW(e)
under construction. The three Magnox reactors had been or were being built
by the DPRK itself. They were essentially similar to the reactors that the
United Kingdom had used in the 1950s to produce the plutonium for its first
warheads and to generate its first nuclear electricity. The 50 MW(e) reactor
was due for completion in 1995. It would have been able to produce as much
as 40–50 kilograms of plutonium a year, enough for five to ten nuclear
The DPRK authorities also showed the IAEA a small amount of plutoni-
um (less than 100 grams) which, they said, had been extracted from damaged
fuel rods discharged from the 5 MW(e) reactor. They maintained that this
plutonium was all that they had separated, and that they had conducted only
a single reprocessing operation, or ‘campaign’, in 1990. The IAEA’s analyses
showed, however, that there had been several reprocessing campaigns.
implied that the DPRK had separated more plutonium than it had stated in its
Initial Report. Whether the undeclared plutonium amounted to grams or kilo-
grams could only be ascertained after further and more probing investiga-
tions. Analysis of the waste that the DPRK provided to the IAEA showed a
mismatch between it and the plutonium the DPRK had presented.
At the same time the USA provided the IAEA with satellite images
showing two structures that had not been listed in the DPRK’s Initial Report.
Both were the type of facility in which nuclear waste is customarily stored. It
was clear that the DPRK authorities had attempted to disguise the function of
the two facilities by planting trees and using other camouflage.
If the IAEA was able to measure and analyse any nuclear waste that
might be in these facilities, the analysis could shed more light on the question
of how much plutonium the DPRK had actually separated. Accordingly, the
IAEA asked to visit the two facilities; the DPRK refused on the grounds that
the buildings were military installations. Director General Blix then formally
demanded a ‘special inspection’, a demand that was promptly rejected.
25 February 1993, the Board formally endorsed Blix’s request and set a term
of three months for the DPRK to comply. On 12 March 1993, the DPRK
responded, giving notice that it intended to withdraw from the NPT. On
1 April 1993, the Board found that the DPRK was in breach of its safeguards
agreement and reported the breach to the Security Council which, on 11 May,
by a vote of 13 in favour, none against and two abstentions (China and
Pakistan) decided “to invite” the DPRK to fulfil its obligations under its safe-
guards agreement.
On 11 June 1993, one day before its notice of withdrawal from the NPT
was due to take effect, the USA persuaded the DPRK to suspend the ‘effectu-
ation’ of its withdrawal and to accept normal IAEA inspection of the seven
sites it had declared in the Initial Report. But during the remainder of 1993
and the first half of 1994 the DPRK continued to frustrate and harass IAEA
In 1994, the IAEA proposed that when the irradiated fuel from
the 5 MW(e) reactor was discharged it should be done in a way that would
permit the IAEA to verify the history of the reactor core and thereby help
solve the question whether the DPRK had separated more plutonium than it
had declared. In May 1994, the DPRK rejected the IAEA’s proposal and hastily
discharged the fuel in such an unstructured way as to make any historical
analysis of the core virtually impossible.
On 10 June 1994, the IAEA Board of Governors decided to suspend all
IAEA technical assistance to the DPRK. The latter responded on 13 June by
giving notice of its withdrawal from the Agency. On 16 June 1994, the USA
proposed that the Security Council should impose a series of increasingly
onerous sanctions on the DPRK. The DPRK repeated an earlier warning that
sanctions would mean war. The USA declared that it would not be deterred
by threats. Tension mounted.
At this stage — on 17 June 1994 — former President Jimmy Carter
stepped in and went to Pyongyang to discuss the crisis with Kim Il Sung him-
self. Carter came back with conciliatory messages. If the USA was prepared
to meet the DPRK on certain points (e.g. diplomatic recognition, an assurance
that the USA would not attack the DPRK and access to US nuclear power
technology), the DPRK would be prepared to refrain from refuelling the oper-
ating reactor and to refrain from reprocessing the spent fuel, perhaps stop the
construction of the larger reactors, and allow the IAEA to keep its inspectors
in the DPRK. Hardly had the USA responded to this overture by resuming
high level discussions with the Government of the DPRK when the latter
announced that Kim Il Sung was dead.
On 5 August 1994, ‘high level talks’ reopened in Geneva and on
18 October the two delegations announced that they had been able to concur
in a so-called “Agreed Framework”, which they signed three days later. On
4 November 1994, the Security Council asked the IAEA to carry out the tasks
assigned to it in the “Agreed Framework” and on 11 November 1994, the
IAEA Board authorized the Director General to do so.
Under the “Agreed Framework”:
The DPRK would freeze its existing nuclear programme and accept
international verification of all existing plants;
The IAEA would verify compliance with the freeze and would continue
to inspect ‘unfrozen’ activities;
The DPRK would eventually dismantle all the ‘frozen’ plants;
The two governments would seek methods of storing the fuel from the
5 MW(e) reactor and disposing of it in a way that “does not involve
reprocessing” in the DPRK;
The USA would put together an international consortium to arrange
financing ($4 billion) for and the supply of two 1000 MW(e) light water
Dismantling of the DPRK’s plants would be completed “when the LWR
project is completed” (target date: 2003);
The USA would arrange for the supply of heavy oil to “offset the energy
foregone due to the freeze” of the DPRK’s graphite moderated reactors;
Both nations would ease trade restrictions and move toward establish-
ing diplomatic relations;
The USA would provide formal assurances to the DPRK “against the
threat of use of nuclear weapons by the USA”;
The DPRK would “consistently take steps” to implement the North–
South Korean agreement on denuclearizing the peninsula;
The DPRK would remain party to the NPT and “would allow imple-
mentation of its safeguards agreement under the Treaty”;
When a significant portion of the light water reactor project was
completed, but “before delivery of key nuclear components”, the DPRK
“will come into full compliance with its safeguards agreement...including
taking all steps that may be deemed necessary by the IAEA, following
consultations with the Agency with regard to verifying the accuracy and
completeness of [the DPRK‘s] Initial Report on all nuclear material in [the
It should also be noted there was no mention in the “Agreed Framework” of
the DPRK rejoining the IAEA.
The framework stipulated that a US-led consortium would finance the
light water reactors. It was later reported that more than $2 billion of the esti-
mated $4 billion cost of the reactors would be borne by the Republic of Korea,
which would also provide the plants. Most of the remaining costs would be
borne by Japan and the USA; other Western States would contribute minor
It will be noted that full implementation of the “Agreed Framework”
would require at least ten years. Inspection of the two suspect waste storage
facilities and full DPRK compliance with its safeguards agreement would not
take place until a significant portion of the light water reactor project had
been completed. This was interpreted as meaning that, in practice, at least
five to seven years would elapse before the IAEA could have access to the
waste stores, as well as to any other location or information needed for veri-
fying the completeness and correctness of the DPRK’s initial declaration.
In most of the world the “Agreed Framework” was greeted with a sigh
of relief. The danger of a second Korean war had been averted. The Republic
of Korea and the DPRK would establish technical co-operation at all levels,
opening up the reclusive North to engineers and technicians from abroad.
Supporters of the Framework maintained that it was not based in any way on
trust; that it would be most strictly verified and that if the DPRK were to devi-
ate in any way from its terms all commitments for the supply of nuclear tech-
nology and fuel oil and the establishment of diplomatic relations would
immediately lapse. The light water reactors would also make the DPRK
dependent on supplies of foreign (low enriched) nuclear fuel for a large part
of its electricity production.
There was, however, some sharp criticism in the USA. Critics alleged
that the DPRK had negotiated by far the better deal, including 2000 MW(e) of
modern nuclear power reactors, a substantial quantity of fuel oil and progress
towards diplomatic recognition in return for stopping to do something that it
should not have done in the first place and scrapping some obsolete nuclear
plant, and that it would encourage other States to follow the DPRK’s example.
But no one seemed able to come forward with a credible alternative and, in
the end, most of the critics seemed reluctantly to accept it.
The IAEA itself was clearly not happy that there would be a delay of at
least five years before it could be assured of full implementation of the
DPRK’s safeguards agreement and, in particular, before it could inspect the
two suspect sites and fully verify the DPRK’s Initial Report. The main cause of
the lengthy and frustrating dispute had been the IAEA’s first attempt to exer-
cise its right to carry out a ‘special inspection’ at an undeclared location and the
DPRK’s prompt rejection of the IAEA’s request. The IAEA’s rights of inspection
had hardly been strengthened by the “Agreed Framework”. And what was the
IAEA likely to find in 1999 when it is finally allowed to inspect the two facilities?
But if the “Agreed Framework” had, in fact, persuaded the DPRK to
abandon a nuclear weapon programme, and if the concessions made had
averted a proliferation chain reaction in North East Asia, the price seemed
worth those concessions.
The IAEA had come in for much criticism for its failure to detect
Saddam Hussein’s secret nuclear weapon programme. It had since re-examined
its safeguards system and by mid-1997 introduced a series of major changes. In
the DPRK, several of the IAEA’s new approaches had been successfully put to
the test:
Using sophisticated analytical techniques, the IAEA had detected a mis-
match between the plutonium that the DPRK presented to it as products
or in waste. This led the IAEA to conclude that the DPRK had under-
stated the amount of plutonium it had separated.
The IAEA’s Board of Governors had formally reaffirmed the IAEA’s
right, in the context of comprehensive safeguards agreements, to carry
out special inspections at undeclared locations. The DPRK’s rejection of
such inspections deepened suspicions of its programme (but so far the
DPRK had successfully resisted any special inspection of an undeclared
site — or such a special inspection at any site).
The IAEA had been provided with satellite images of sufficiently high
quality to convince its Board of the probable existence of undeclared
nuclear waste stores. This also established a useful precedent for IAEA
access to national intelligence.
— The Board had shown that it was able to take prompt and decisive action,
confirming within four days the Director General’s demand for a special
inspection and thrice finding that the DPRK had been in breach of its
safeguards agreement and reporting the breach to the Security Council.
For the first time (except in the abnormal circumstances of Iraq) the
Board had made use of the IAEA’s direct line to the Security Council to
draw the Council’s attention to a deliberate and significant violation of
a safeguards agreement.
At the end of 1995, however, the IAEA was still not able to verify the
completeness of the DPRK’s Initial Report, and the DPRK was still in formal
breach of its safeguards agreement, as the General Conference noted in
September 1995. Moreover, the ‘special inspection’ procedure had been
shown to be very confrontational.
These are serious issues. Perhaps even more serious was the demon-
stration that, so far at least, the Security Council has been reluctant to fulfil
the commitment implicit in its 31 January 1992 declaration that its members
considered the proliferation of all weapons of mass destruction to constitute
a threat to international peace and security, and that its members “will take
appropriate measures in the case of any violations notified to them by the
Agency.” While it might be difficult to maintain that the DPRK had ‘prolifer-
ated’, there was no doubt that it had violated its safeguards agreement and
Article III of the NPT. If the DPRK had been able to continue its previous
course with relative impunity, it would have called into question not only the
effectiveness of IAEA safeguards in deterring proliferation, but also the
enforcement authority of the Council itself. More broadly, there could have
been doubts about the ability of the international community effectively to
require or enforce compliance with any multilateral arms control treaty —
such as the Chemical Weapons Convention — as well as with the NPT.
For US policy makers the choice was to accept that the DPRK would
continue both its reactor construction programme and the separation of more
plutonium at the reprocessing plant, or pay the price needed to put a stop to
and eventually reverse these programmes. In effect, the USA decided that it
could live with the uncertainty about how much plutonium the DPRK had
separated — how much more than the amount it had declared — but that it
could not accept the continued separation of plutonium, even if it were made
legal by being fully declared and placed under safeguards. Thus, in effect, the
USA paid the price for the cessation of the plutonium separation programme.
But as long as the reprocessing plant remained in place, the DPRK retained
some residual leverage.
‘Programme 93 + 2’
In 1991 and 1992, Director General Blix secured three of the measures that
he deemed essential if the IAEA were to be able to detect another attempt to run
a clandestine nuclear weapon programme by a State subject to comprehensive
safeguards; in other words, if another State tried to follow the example of
The Board reaffirmed the IAEA’s right to carry out a special inspection
anywhere in a State that had accepted comprehensive safeguards if this
were necessary to confirm that all nuclear material that should be under
safeguards had been reported to the IAEA. The Board added that it expect-
ed such special inspections to be infrequent. (This reaffirmation was made
before and independently of the IAEA’s dispute with the DPRK.)
As Blix put it, the IAEA could not scour the territories of the numerous
non-nuclear-weapon States party to the NPT (now more than 180) “in a
blind search” for undeclared nuclear plants or material. The right to
carry out special inspections would not be of much practical value
unless the IAEA knew where to look. The Board concurred in a series of
proposals to ensure that the Agency would have more extensive infor-
mation about the nuclear activities and plans of the States concerned,
including access to the results of national intelligence operations.
The third essential measure was to secure the backing of the Security
Council if a nation blocked effective verification of its safeguards agree-
ment with the IAEA. As noted, on 31 January 1992 the President of the
Council declared — on behalf of its members, represented at the meet-
ing in question by their heads of State or government — that the Council
considered the proliferation of all weapons of mass destruction to be a
threat to international peace and security and that its members would
take appropriate measures in the case of any violation reported by the
IAEA. However, the Council did not recast the President’s statement
into a more formal and binding commitment.
Environmental sampling
In Iraq the IAEA had tried out a promising new and highly sensitive
analytical technique using ‘environmental samples’ of various materials. This
can be very useful in detecting whether undeclared nuclear material exists or
undeclared activities (in particular, reprocessing of spent fuel) have taken
In the DPRK, sensitive analyses of samples taken by IAEA inspectors
were used to detect the existence of nuclear material that the authorities had
not declared to the IAEA; as noted, they had not told the IAEA the truth about
the amount of plutonium they had separated.
More extensive reporting
Non-nuclear-weapon States party to the NPT were already required by
their comprehensive safeguards agreements to notify the IAEA of all their
exports of nuclear material.
The nuclear weapon States had made a similar
commitment in regard to exports of nuclear material that should be placed
under safeguards in the importing State.
In February 1993, acting on a proposal made by the European Union,
the IAEA established a more extensive reporting system under which States
would notify the IAEA of all exports and imports of nuclear material and
exports of specified equipment and non-nuclear material. The first aim was
to provide the IAEA with complete information regarding the non-nuclear-
weapon State’s holdings of nuclear material. The second aim was to identify
nuclear activities planned or carried out by a State for which it would need
certain specialized equipment or non-nuclear material, such as heavy water.
Participation in the reporting scheme was voluntary.
The European
Union States provided the additional information on exports of nuclear mate-
rial via EURATOM, but they reported individually and direct to the Agency
on exports of specified equipment and non-nuclear material.
Verification of the completeness of State declarations
It will be recalled that in verifying compliance with comprehensive safe-
guards agreements IAEA inspectors had essentially confined their focus, dur-
ing routine inspections, to the nuclear material at locations that had been declared
by the State (but the agreement required the State to notify all material in
peaceful uses). The IAEA’s inspectors would verify the State’s reports on its
stocks of nuclear material and changes in those stocks (“inventory change
reports”) chiefly by access limited to a number of pre-defined strategic points
in the plant concerned.
The 1971 system was thus largely one of auditing the State’s nuclear
material accounts, and it had worked well in regard to locations and nuclear
material that had been reported to the IAEA.
The IAEA’s experience in Iraq
and the DPRK had shown, however, that it was essential that the Agency
should go beyond auditing the State’s nuclear accounts. The Agency must be
able to assure itself that the State’s declarations were also complete — that the
State had reported all its nuclear material. For this purpose the IAEA would
need access to more information and routine access to additional locations.
The IAEA had gained valuable experience from its first comprehensive
assessment of the completeness of a State’s declaration — namely that made
in South Africa after it had acceded to the NPT in 1991.
Progress has been made in achieving a number of these aims. In 1995,
the Board authorized the Secretariat to put into effect those elements of the
‘Programme 93 + 2’ that did not require additional legal authority. In May 1997,
the Board approved a protocol, to be added to existing comprehensive safe-
guards agreements, which will provide the legal authority for several safe-
guards measures that go beyond the existing system, for instance, access by
the IAEA to more information about a State’s nuclear activities, more inten-
sive inspections, including access beyond previously agreed ‘strategic points’
in a safeguarded plant, access to any installation within the perimeter of a
nuclear site, and access to plants engaged in nuclear related activities such as
those manufacturing components of enrichment plants. The changes foreseen
in the protocol are also designed to make safeguards under comprehensive
agreements more cost efficient.
In 1993, the Director General decided to codify the results of the IAEA’s
negative experiences in Iraq and the DPRK and its positive experience in
South Africa. The task would also take into account the limitations placed on
the IAEA’s budget by the ‘zero growth’ rule, and its purpose would also be to
strengthen and improve the cost efficiency of the safeguards system. It was
expected that the Secretariat would present its proposals to the Board in 1995,
hence the project’s name, ‘Programme 93 + 2’.
Some of its main proposals
for greater access, and the rationale for proposing them, are given below.
(1) Additional access in declared plants. The IAEA’s experience had shown
that it might need to carry out inspections in a declared plant at locations
other than those defined beforehand as ‘strategic points’. As has been noted,
there was no limitation on access when the IAEA carried out a ‘special inspec-
tion’, but experience with the DPRK had also shown that demanding a special
inspection could lead to a highly charged political confrontation. If the IAEA
needed to go beyond strategic points it should have the right to do so in the
course of a routine inspection.
(2) Additional access at a nuclear site. The nuclear research centre at Tuwaitha
in Iraq contained more than 80 structures besides the two safeguarded
research reactors, their fuel stores and a pilot fuel fabrication plant. Under the
rules of the 1971 system (INFCIRC/153), these structures were not accessible
to IAEA inspectors carrying out routine inspections since they had not been
identified as nuclear facilities or as containing nuclear material subject to
safeguards. It subsequently emerged that some of these structures had
housed activities central to the clandestine Iraqi nuclear weapon programme.
To avoid a repetition of the Iraqi experience, the IAEA Secretariat felt it essen-
tial to have information about the declared functions of all buildings within
the perimeter of a nuclear site as well as a right of access to verify their
declared functions. If necessary, access to such structures might be ‘managed’
to permit the plant operator to protect commercially sensitive information.
(3) Access to certain types of plant not containing nuclear material. It would
also be essential for the IAEA to have information about, and a limited right
of access to, plants in the State that were engaged in activities related to the
nuclear fuel cycle, but that did not contain any nuclear material, such as
plants that manufactured — or could manufacture — the components of an
enrichment facility. An undeclared plant of this type could clearly imply a
clandestine nuclear programme.
(4) Cost efficient safeguards. ‘Programme 93 + 2’ was designed to be more
cost efficient and not only to make the IAEA better able to detect diversion at
declared facilities (i.e. to strengthen ‘classic’ safeguards) and detect clandes-
tine programmes. Economy of operation was essential in view of the IAEA’s
severely limited budget and steadily expanding safeguards responsibilities.
By giving safeguards sharper teeth and focusing them on those plants where
it might be easier to divert fissile material, the IAEA, it was hoped, could
reduce inspection in run-of-the-mill plants, such as light water power reactors.
(5) Board approval and implementation. The Board formally endorsed the
launching of ‘Programme 93 + 2’ in December 1993 and reviewed the pro-
gramme as it evolved throughout 1994. These efforts were directly supported
by SAGSI and by a number of Member States that worked with the Secretariat
to test the measures proposed in the programme. In March 1995, the Board
endorsed the general direction of the programme and reaffirmed that the
safeguards systems should be so designed as to provide assurances regarding
both the correctness and the completeness of the declarations that States were
required to make about their nuclear materials.
In May 1995, the NPT
Review and Extension Conference similarly gave its general blessing to the
The Secretariat considered that the Board’s approval could best be obtained
by putting the programme to the Board in two parts. The first, which the Board
approved in June 1995, described those measures to strengthen safeguards that
could be taken without additional legal authority. The second part would set
forth those measures that would require amplification of such authority and
were to be incorporated in a protocol to be added to existing comprehensive
safeguards agreements. The second part was submitted to the Board in
December 1995, and in June 1996 the Board set up a special open ended com-
mittee to draft the protocol. After 55 meetings the Committee completed its
work on 4 April 1997 and the Board approved the protocol on 15 May 1997.
During the negotiation of the protocol a number of European Union
countries contended that some of the Secretariat’s proposals would lead to a
very intrusive system, entailing risks to proprietary information, that granting
inspection access to buildings which did not contain nuclear material might
cause them legal and even constitutional problems, that only more ‘responsible’
States would accept the new obligations, and that the changes would be
discriminatory, putting an additional burden on non-nuclear-weapon States,
while the nuclear weapon States would go free.
Some of these issues had arisen in 1970–1971 when the IAEA was nego-
tiating the NPT system and, subsequently, the safeguards agreement with
EURATOM. Part of the underlying problem was — and is — that the IAEA
must have the same range of inspection authority in all States that have com-
prehensive safeguards agreements, and a right that may appear to be intru-
sive in one situation is essential in another. Another, perhaps even more fun-
damental, problem is that the NPT does discriminate between non-nuclear-
weapon and nuclear weapon States. But that is a political reality that the par-
ties to the Treaty have accepted, at least until the aims of Article VI of the
Treaty have been achieved. In the meantime the conclusion of a fissile material
cut-off treaty coupled with acceptance of ‘Programme 93 + 2’ by the nuclear
weapon States, at least in respect of the nuclear plants they have volunteered to
place under safeguards, would do much to eliminate this discrimination.
Growing demands on IAEA safeguards
The dissolution of the Soviet Union and progress towards a universal
non-proliferation regime have required the IAEA to apply safeguards, for the
first time, in Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakstan, Armenia, in other non-Russian
Republics of the Commonwealth of Independent States and in the Baltic
States, and to apply additional safeguards in Argentina, Brazil and South
The dismantling of nuclear warheads is releasing large quantities of
plutonium and high enriched uranium and, as noted, the USA has begun
placing some of this material under IAEA safeguards. On 11 May 1995, the
NPT Review and Extension Conference decided to extend the NPT indefi-
nitely, in other words to make it permanent. By that action, all IAEA safe-
guards agreements with non-nuclear-weapon States party to the NPT also
automatically became permanent.
By the end of 1995, the amounts of material under IAEA safeguards
45.1 tonnes of separated plutonium. 11.0 tonnes of this separated plutoni-
um, or some 1300 ‘significant quantities’ (SQs) (i.e. roughly the equivalent
of some 1300 warheads), were in non-nuclear-weapon States and were
safeguarded under comprehensive agreements.
4408.5 tonnes of plutonium in irradiated fuel.
4 tonnes of recycled plutonium in fuel elements.
20.4 tonnes of high enriched uranium, amounting to 608 SQs. 10.0 tonnes
of this uranium or, presumably, about 300 SQs, were in non-nuclear-
weapon States and safeguarded under comprehensive agreements.
47 260 tonnes of low enriched uranium.
104 395 tonnes of source material (natural or depleted uranium and
Since only separated plutonium and high enriched uranium can be
directly used in nuclear weapons, the more significant figures, if the possibil-
ity of diversion is assumed, were the 11.1 tonnes of separated plutonium and
the 10.4 tonnes of high enriched uranium that are held by the non-nuclear-
weapon States. Nonetheless, all the material referred to is under safeguards
and must be inspected and accounted for.
As noted, the proposed fissile material cut-off convention would put an
end to the production of fissile material for nuclear weapons. If the conven-
tion is concluded, the nuclear weapon States and the three remaining non-
nuclear-weapon States that are operating unsafeguarded nuclear plants,
India, Israel and Pakistan, may be required, if they join the convention, to
place under IAEA safeguards all their reprocessing and enrichment plants,
and all the plutonium and high enriched uranium produced by those plants
that continue to operate, as well as any other plants using such material.
Laboratory support of the
IAEA’s safeguards
When the IAEA began to apply safeguards in the early 1960s, its labo-
ratory had the task of analysing uranium and plutonium samples taken rou-
tinely at nuclear plants — essentially research reactors — to which safeguards
are applied. After the entry into force of the NPT in 1970, nuclear material in
many nuclear plants of all types came under IAEA safeguards and the number
of samples to be analysed grew rapidly. This growth was particularly marked
when all nuclear material in Canada came under safeguards in 1972 and
towards the end of the 1970s when comprehensive safeguards agreements
with EURATOM and its non-nuclear-weapon States and Japan came into
In the early 1970s, the IAEA decided to build a special Safeguards Ana-
lytical Laboratory (SAL) as part of the Seibersdorf complex, and construction
was completed in 1975.
However, it was not expected that SAL should
analyse all the samples that the IAEA inspectors would take each year. The
IAEA and the governments concerned planned to establish a Network of
Analytical Laboratories (NWAL) in Member States of which SAL was to
become a part. It was foreseen that regular intercomparisons between the lab-
oratories in the network would ensure the high quality and uniformity of
their analyses.
In 1972–1973, SAL and eight other laboratories in the network carried
out a successful test of the system by analysing typical plutonium products
supplied by a reprocessing plant and a fuel fabrication plant in Germany.
In a second experiment in 1974–1975, 12 laboratories analysed input
solutions supplied by the EUROCHEMIC reprocessing plant at Mol in
NWAL came into operation in 1975, analysing about 480 samples that
year, chiefly at SAL. In 1976, SAL began the regular analysis of uranium
and spent fuel and, in 1979, of plutonium. During the 1980s, SAL itself
analysed more than 1000 samples each year and by the mid-1990s the
number had grown to about 1500 a year.
Much of this work was in
support of the IAEA’s operations in Iraq or in the development of
‘Programme 93 + 2’.
In 1991, the IAEA began to use environmental monitoring in Iraq. To
make the most effective use of this technique the Agency completed the
building of a ‘clean room’ as part of SAL in 1995.
Delays in concluding
safeguards agreements
As already noted, the NPT requires each non-nuclear-weapon State to con-
clude a comprehensive safeguards agreement with the IAEA within 18 months
of its accession to the Treaty. At the end of 1996, 63 non-nuclear-weapon States
party to the NPT had not yet concluded their safeguards agreements. In over 50
of the cases more than 18 months had elapsed since the State had acceded and
in several cases the agreements were 20 to 25 years overdue!
In practice this situation was less serious than these statistics might
suggest. In many cases, such as Burundi or Cambodia, there were extenu-
ating circumstances, and nearly all the States whose agreements were
overdue were small developing countries in Africa or Central America
having no significant nuclear activities. Only five of the States whose
agreements were overdue had any nuclear material or plant that would
require the application of safeguards; in three of them all nuclear material
was already covered by other comprehensive safeguards agreements
pursuant to the Tlatelolco Treaty or a special agreement (Argentina,
Colombia, Ukraine). In one of the remaining two (Algeria) all nuclear
activities were covered by safeguards based on the pre-NPT system
(INFCIRC/66/Rev. 2) and in the other (Georgia) negotiation of a safe-
guards agreement was under way.
Nonetheless, the conclusion of the safeguards agreement is a require-
ment of the NPT. To say the least, it was unfortunate that a third of the parties
to the treaty that underpins the international non-proliferation regime were
formally in non-compliance with one of its quite important provisions. Such
non-compliance also provides States that have ‘safeguardable’ nuclear plants
and material with a precedent or pretext for delaying the conclusion of their
safeguards agreements — as the DPRK did for almost five years.
Perhaps the fault lies in the NPT itself. It might have provided an
alternative requirement — that States that have more than a predetermined
amount of nuclear material or a ‘safeguardable’ nuclear plant must conclude
its safeguards agreement with the IAEA within 18 months of acceding to the
NPT, but that the State that has neither might, on accession, formally notify
the IAEA accordingly, and undertake to conclude a safeguards agreement if
and when it acquires plant or material that should be placed under safe-
guards. Perhaps it is not too late to apply such a procedure; it might be
recommended as an interim measure by a future review conference.
The financing of safeguards
In the early years the budget for IAEA safeguards was an integral
part of the Agency’s regular budget. The argument advanced in favour of
this approach was that safeguards, like several other IAEA activities, were
of benefit to all members and all should pay according to the standard
In 1971, following the entry into force of the NPT and in expectation
that a probable sharp rise in safeguards costs would be resisted by most
developing countries, the Board and General Conference approved
special arrangements for financing safeguards. These arrangements sub-
stantially reduced the shares of the safeguards budget to be paid from
1972 onwards by Member States having relatively low per capita incomes
which were henceforth known as ‘shielded’ countries or contributors.
The shielded countries were those whose per capita national income was
less than one third of the average per capita income of the ten largest con-
tributors. In 1976, in a further attempt to make rising safeguards costs
more acceptable to the G-77, the amounts of the ‘shielded’ contributions
were frozen.
In 1978, the application of the 1971 arrangements brought the USSR
into the category of low per capita income countries, but only for one year.
In 1980, the ten Member States making the largest contributions to the
budget were made ineligible for ‘shielding’ and the threshold for being
shielded was lowered to include only those countries with per capita
incomes of less that one third of the 15 (instead of 10) highest per capita
income countries.
In 1989, the Board recommended and the General Conference approved
a new system that took into account the effect of price increases on the safe-
guards budget. In effect this ‘unfroze’ the contributions of ‘shielded’ coun-
tries by permitting their contributions to be raised to take account of price
increases. This system was extended in 1992 and applied to the IAEA’s
budgets for 1993, 1994 and 1995.
In response to the General Conference’s request, the Board came for-
ward in 1995 with a complex revision of the 1971 and 1979 systems. Under
this revision, poorer Member States would, as a rule, eventually contribute
half as much to the safeguards budget as they would have paid under the
standard IAEA scale of assessment.
The Board would review the new
arrangements in or before the year 2000.
Global production, use and
stocks of plutonium
It will be recalled that in the wake of the International Nuclear Fuel
Cycle Evaluation in the late 1970s and early 1980s, the IAEA Secretariat tried
but was unable to obtain international agreement on a system that would
implement Article XII.A.5 of the Statute which gives the IAEA the right to call
for the “deposit with it” of any surplus civilian plutonium — in other words
to establish an international plutonium storage scheme. In the early 1990s, the
Secretariat returned to the issue, but it was clear that the political will to create
such a storage facility was still lacking.
Nonetheless, the nuclear weapon States and the other main producers
and consumers of separated plutonium were coming under pressure to pro-
vide more information about their production and stocks of fissile material —
to be more ‘transparent’ as the saying goes. Accordingly, the nine States con-
cerned (the five nuclear weapon States as well as Germany, Japan, Belgium
and Switzerland) and the IAEA began meeting informally to agree on means
of increasing transparency.
In the early 1990s, as the pace of nuclear disarmament picked up and as
new reprocessing plants came into operation, there was growing interest and,
in some quarters, concern about the large amounts of high enriched uranium,
and in particular about the separated plutonium becoming available from
dismantled nuclear weapons and from civilian reprocessing. The high
enriched uranium, could be ‘blended down’, in other words mixed with
natural or depleted uranium, and used as low enriched nuclear fuel in light
water reactors (the most common power reactor). In low enriched form the
uranium could not be used as a nuclear explosive. The plutonium, on the
other hand, and particularly the plutonium recovered from dismantled
nuclear warheads, would retain its potency as a nuclear explosive.
(Plutonium recovered from the spent fuel of light water reactors, if it has been
heavily irradiated in the reactor as it should be for most economical use,
would contain plutonium isotopes that would make it unsuitable, though not
entirely unusable, in a nuclear warhead.)
Many ideas have emerged for dealing with surplus plutonium from dis-
mantled nuclear warheads. It appeared that the two most promising were to
mix plutonium oxide with uranium oxide and burn the resulting mixed
oxide, or ‘MOX’, fuel in nuclear power plants, or to mix the plutonium with
the highly radioactive fission products that are a by-product of reprocessing,
vitrify the mixture and dispose of it deep underground. It has been contended
that it would be very difficult and expensive to reverse the process and to try
to recover weapon grade plutonium from the MOX fuel or the vitrified
In response to the interest and concern about growing stocks of sepa-
rated plutonium the IAEA began in 1993 to create a database on the amounts
of separated plutonium in civilian nuclear programmes and to identify addi-
tional confidence building measures relating to the safe handling, storage and
disposal of plutonium.
The results, in the form of short reports on the
production, use and stocks of plutonium, were published in the IAEA
Yearbook for 1995 and 1996.
The reports in the Yearbooks indicated that because of French, British
and Japanese commitments to build new or expand existing reprocessing
plants and the deferral of almost all plans to build fast breeder reactors, there
was a mismatch between the supply of and demand for civilian plutonium
that was likely to last until the year 2001. By then the use of plutonium in
MOX fuel might start reducing the surplus stock, which was likely to peak at
about 220 tonnes in or around the year 2001. These estimates were, however,
sensitive to factors that might slow the growth of demand for MOX fuel or,
conversely, delay the full use of civilian reprocessing plants. The matter was
further complicated by uncertainties about the fate of more than 100 tonnes
of plutonium that might be recovered from dismantled nuclear warheads and
might become available as an additional source of MOX fuel.
Safeguards: The situation today
The end of the Cold War and other events since the late 1980s trans-
formed the environment in which IAEA safeguards operated and the scope of
their operations. We have noted the expansion of safeguards to the successor
States of the former Soviet Union. But that was only one aspect of the trans-
formed picture. Had the Cold War not ended it is at least questionable
whether the Security Council would have reached agreement on measures for
eliminating Iraq’s nuclear weapon potential or on putting some pressure on
the DPRK to comply with its safeguards agreement and to negotiate the
“Agreed Framework”. Or that the Council would have been able to agree unan-
imously on its January 1992 declaration regarding the threat to international
peace and security posed by the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.
In the case of South Africa, according to President F.W. de Klerk’s state-
ments, the changed international security situation made it counter-produc-
tive for South Africa to retain its nuclear armaments. South Africa’s decision
to scrap its nuclear warheads and join the NPT removed the main obstacle to
an African nuclear weapon free zone and may have encouraged the negotia-
tion of similar zones in other regions.
Even more fundamentally, the end of the Cold War opened the way to
major nuclear disarmament by the Russian Federation and the USA. Without
such disarmament there might have been little prospect in 1995 of making the
NPT permanent and, with it, making permanent all safeguards agreements
concluded pursuant to the Treaty.
The IAEA and its safeguards have thus been major beneficiaries of the
end of the Cold War. By providing a bridge between the superpowers from
the early 1960s (and, in a sense, since 1955, when the Soviet Union joined the
Washington talks) until the termination of the Cold War in the late 1980s, and
by pioneering the use of institutionalized on-site inspections, they helped in
a modest way to bring about that termination.
The safeguards programme drawn up in the Initial Report of the Prepcom (docu-
ment GC.I/1, GOV/1) was vague and general — it amounted to recommending
that the IAEA should study ways of implementing the relevant articles of its
Statute. In doing so it should keep pace with the development of the Agency’s
work. Safeguards procedures “should be adapted to the specific character of each
individual project and the degree of potential risk of material diversion.” There
was no suggestion that the IAEA should draw up a detailed safeguards system.
The programme did, however, provide for the creation of a Division of Safeguards
with a Professional staff of eight and an Inspection Unit with a Professional staff
of four, the latter “to plan for the implementation of safeguards and health and
safety standards” (GC.I/1, GOV/1, paras 84–85, 141–143 and 124–125). Despite the
General Conference’s approval of these recommendations, the first Director
General was to run into strong opposition in 1958 when he sought to appoint the
first staff members of the safeguards Division.
Except for the reactors that the USA and United Kingdom temporarily placed
under safeguards in the mid-1960s in order to help the IAEA test its system and
procedures and for proposals by certain eastern European States in 1966 (in the
run-up to the NPT) for full-scope safeguards in central Europe.
CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, Background Material for the Review of the
International Atomic Policies and Programs of the United States, Report to the Joint
Committee on Atomic Energy, Vol. 3, US Govt. Printing Office, Washington, DC
(1960) 808, 827–839.
“Agreement for Cooperation between the Government of the United States of
America and the European Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM) Concerning
Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy”.
CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, Review of the International Atomic Policies
and Programs of the United States, p. 837 (Article XII.A of the US–EURATOM
Ibid., p. 839.
Ibid., p. 837 (Article XII.D of the US–EURATOM Agreement).
HEWLETT, R.G., HOLL, J.M., Atoms for Peace and War: 1963–1961, Eisenhower and
the Atomic Energy Commission, University of California Press, Berkeley, CA (1989)
HEWLETT, R.G., HOLL, J.M., ibid., p. 430.
CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, Review of the International Atomic Policies
and Programs of the United States, p. 809.
The IAEA/EURATOM/Five Nation agreement (INFCIRC/193) was approved by
the Council of Ministers of the European Community in 1973, but it was not until
1977 that arrangements could be made to put it into operation in the plants of the
EURATOM non-nuclear-weapon States. However, at the invitation of the United
Kingdom, the IAEA had applied safeguards (chiefly for the purpose of familiariz-
ing IAEA inspectors with the requirements for applying safeguards to MAGNOX-
type plants) at the Bradwell power reactor until 1970 and, before and after that
date, to small quantities of nuclear material subject to safeguards agreements con-
cluded before the United Kingdom joined the Common Market.
The only non-nuclear-weapon States in which the IAEA was able to apply safe-
guards during the 1950s and the 1960s were Japan, the European States that were
not then members of the European Community or the Warsaw Pact, Australia and
a number of developing countries. Of the plants under IAEA safeguards in 1970,
substantially the largest number were in Japan. Other than Bradwell — see end-
note 11 — the only European plants under IAEA safeguards on 30 June 1970 were
two power reactors in Spain and research reactors in Austria, Denmark, Finland,
Greece, Portugal, Spain, Turkey and Yugoslavia almost all supplied by the USA,
and a fast critical assembly in the United Kingdom. (Annual Report of the Board of
Governors to the General Conference 1 July 1969–30 June 1970, GC(XIV)/430, IAEA,
Vienna (1970) 40–42.)
This was immediately clear to some delegations in Vienna. Hewlett and Holl write
of the “...consternation of other Western nations, which...agreed that the Soviet
bloc would never permit the establishment of effective international controls
under the Agency if EURATOM were allowed to establish its own system”
(HEWLETT, R.H., HOLL, J.M., Atoms for Peace and War, p. 442).
Document GOV/OR.83, paras 35 and 60.
STOESSINGER, J.G., “Atoms for Peace: The International Atomic Energy Agency”,
Organizing for Peace in the Nuclear Age, Report of the Commission to Study the
Organization of Peace, New York University Press, New York (1959) 182.
Canada set a peppercorn price of $1.00 for the three tons of uranium. See the article
by Ambassador William Barton in Personal Reflections.
McKNIGHT, A., Atomic Safeguards: A Study in International Verification, UNITAR,
New York (1971) 46–47. The USSR, India, Indonesia and the United Arab Republic
(Egypt) were amongst the critics of the agreement and its accompanying letter
which specified the safeguards to be applied pending the approval of “general reg-
ulations”. The critics claimed that the safeguards proposed were excessive and
unnecessary. (Document GOV/OR.117.)
SZASZ, P.C., The Law and Practices of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Legal
Series No. 7, IAEA, Vienna (1970) 551.
IAEA Statute, Article XII (“Agency safeguards”).
CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, Review of the International Atomic Policies
and Programs of the United States, p. 758.
SZASZ, P.C., The Law and Practices of the International Atomic Energy Agency, p. 552.
Officially known as The Agency’s Safeguards System (1961), document
The Inspectors’ Document, GC(V)/INF/39, Annex. See SZASZ, P.C., The Law and
Practices of the International Atomic Energy Agency, pp. 560–561, 599, 607–615.
CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, Review of the International Atomic Policies
and Programs of the United States, p. 743.
Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the General Conference 1 July 1960–30 June
1961, GC(V)/154, IAEA, Vienna (1961), p. 37, paras 228–229.
Ibid., and Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the General Conference 1 July
1961–30 June 1962, GC(VI)/195, IAEA, Vienna (1962), p. 21, paras 114, 115 and 118.
McKNIGHT, A., Atomic Safeguards, pp. 53–55. Three members of the Board abstained
from the decision, which also committed the Board to review the 1961 system. The
power reactors being sold to India were Tarapur-1 and 2 supplied by US General
Electric (construction started in October 1964) and Rajasthan-1 supplied by Atomic
Energy of Canada Limited (construction started in August 1965). Construction of
Rajasthan-2 began in April 1968. The plant the United Kingdom sold to Japan was
Tokai-1, the construction of which had already begun in March 1961. (Nuclear Power
Reactors in the World, April 1996 Edition, Reference Data Series No. 2, IAEA, Vienna
(1996) 27–28 and 30.)
GOLDSCHMIDT, B., Le Complexe Atomique, Fayard (1980) 404.
McKNIGHT, A., Atomic Safeguards, pp. 55–56. One explanation given for this was
that the subject of safeguards was so contentious that once passage had been
agreed no one dared to suggest even minor editorial changes, for fear of reopening
the debate.
SZASZ, P.C., The Law and Practices of the International Atomic Energy Agency,
pp. 553–554.
The abstainers were South Africa and Switzerland (document GOV/OR.357,
para. 48).
McKNIGHT, A., Atomic Safeguards, p. 55.
SZASZ, P.C., The Law and Practices of the International Atomic Energy Agency
pp. 554–555; and McKNIGHT, A., Atomic Safeguards, pp. 56–58.
The United Kingdom adopted the same policy and turned over to the IAEA
responsibility for applying the safeguards prescribed in its bilateral agreements.
Paul Jolles told the author that the Swiss, too, preferred to have US inspection.
Swiss relations with the USA were cordial and US inspectors were usually friendly
and easy going, while IAEA inspectors were an unknown quantity.
Information provided by Myron Kratzer, leader of the US delegation at the
Safeguards Committee (1970).
Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the General Conference 1 July 1963–30 June
1964,” GC(VIII)/270, IAEA, Vienna (1964), p. 28, paras 130 and 132. The text of the
USA–IAEA agreement is given in document INFCIRC/47.
“Virtually all their nuclear material”, since the NPT does permit non-nuclear-
weapon States to withdraw nuclear material from safeguards if the material is to
be used for non-explosive military purposes such as propulsion of submarines.
This question is examined later in this chapter.
Published as document INFCIRC/153.
In such cases the prohibition against any military use of the supplied items
remained in force.
That is, the closing date of the last IAEA Annual Report before the approval of
INFCIRC/66. In 1975, the Board accepted Director General Eklund’s proposal that
henceforth the IAEA should publish only a single annual report (thus eliminating
the special annual reports to the General Assembly and ECOSOC) and that the
report should cover the calendar year instead of, as previously, the period from
1 July of a given year to 30 June of the next.
Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the General Conference 1 July 1969–30 June
1970, pp. 35–36 and 38–42, paras 99, and 115 (Table 22).
GOLDSCHMIDT, B., Le Complexe Atomique, p. 176.
LEWIS, J.L., LITAI, X., China Builds the Bomb, Stanford University Press, Stanford,
CA (1988) 60–61.
Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the General Conference 1 July 1962–30 June
1963, GC(VII)/228, IAEA, Vienna (1963), p. 18, para. 114; and Annual Report of the
Board of Governors to the General Conference 1 July 1963–30 June 1964, p. 29, para. 133.
Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the General Conference 1 July 1965–30 June
1966, GC(X)/330, IAEA, Vienna (1966), p. 47, para. 208.
Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the General Conference 1 July 1969–30 June
1970, p. 38, para. 115.
Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the General Conference 1 July 1967–30 June
1968, GC(XII)/380, IAEA, Vienna (1968), pp. 30–31, paras 120–121 and 126.
Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the General Conference 1 July 1968–30 June
1969, GC(XIII)/404, IAEA, Vienna (1969), p. 34, para. 124.
GOLDSCHMIDT, B., Les Rivalités Atomiques, Fayard, Paris (1967) 289.
Finland was the second non-nuclear-weapon State to ratify the NPT — on 5 February
1969. (Ireland was the first.) Finland wished to be the first party to conclude a safe-
guards agreement with the IAEA, an ambition that it achieved on 9 February 1972.
A description of the work done in preparing for the application of safeguards
under the NPT is given in ROMETSCH, R., “Development of the IAEA safeguards
system for NPT”, Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy (Proc. 4th Int. Conf. Geneva, 1971),
Vol. 9, UN, Geneva (1971) 386–396.
Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the General Conference 1 July 1969–30 June
1970, p. 37, para. 109.
Namely, the difference between the amount of nuclear material in an MBA calcu-
lated on the basis of reports by the plant manager, and the amount of material
actually found to be present when stock is taken.
Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the General Conference 1 July 1969–30 June
1970, p. 37, para. 109.
The issues addressed included studies of the problems of measuring the amounts of
nuclear material (‘inventories’) in various parts of reprocessing plants when they are
in continuous operation, the rapid measurement of quantities of plutonium and
uranium in the liquid wastes of such plants and on monitoring the movement of
spent fuel (Annual Report 1 July 1970–30 June 1971, GC(XV)/455, IAEA, Vienna (1971),
p. 7, para. 2, and p. 45, para. 117). The resolution of the Board of Governors (largely a
British draft, co-sponsored by Italy and the USA) asked the committee to advise the
Board “on the Agency’s responsibilities in relation to safeguards in connection with
the Treaty, and in particular on the content of the agreements which will be required
in connection with the Treaty” (document GOV/INF/222). The leading Western
members of the Board envisaged that the Committee would first draft the model to
be followed in agreements with individual States and then prepare a model for the
agreement to be concluded with groups of States — in practice this meant
EURATOM. It soon became clear that it would be politically feasible to draft only a
single model agreement and that this model (i.e. INFCIRC/153) would have to serve
as the basis for negotiations with EURATOM as well as individual States.
Since the agreements to be concluded pursuant to Article III.1 of the NPT are to ver-
ify that the non-nuclear-weapon State is not diverting nuclear material in that State
or under that State’s jurisdiction or control, and since the NPT already contained an
article calling for safeguards on nuclear exports (Article III.2), the Committee and
the model agreement did not address the question of what safeguards should be
applied to nuclear exports after they had left the non-nuclear-weapon State con-
cerned. (INFCIRC/153 only requires that a non-nuclear-weapon State must notify
the IAEA of all exports of nuclear material to other non-nuclear-weapon States.
What safeguards are to be applied when nuclear material or equipment reaches the
importing State are prescribed in general terms in Article III.2 of the NPT.) See
FISCHER, D.A.V., Towards 1995: The Prospects for Ending the Proliferation of Nuclear
Weapons, UNIDIR, Dartmouth Publishing, Aldershot (1993), Chapter 5, “Safeguards”,
and Chapter 6, “Export Conditions and Controls”).
NPT, Article III.4.
Document SAF/112.
Document GOV/COM.22/3.
RAINER, R.H., SZASZ, P.C., The Law and Practices of the International Atomic Energy
Agency: 1970–1980, Supplement 1 to the 1970 Edition of Legal Series No. 7, Legal Series
No. 7-S1, IAEA, Vienna (1993) 289–291.
The broad outline of the agreements to be concluded with non-nuclear-weapon
States and the timetable for the negotiation of the agreements are set forth in
Articles III.1 and III.4 of the NPT.
On many issues the United Kingdom, then on the verge of joining the Common
Market, tended to side with the non-nuclear-weapon States of EURATOM and may
have been the proponent of the limits on “inspection effort” that were incorporated
in the Safeguards Committee’s recommendations. However these limits are far above
the effort actually deployed by the IAEA and thus had little practical significance.
(Information provided by Myron Kratzer.)
In particular, the sixth paragraph of the Preamble and Article III.1 of the NPT.
In fact, most if not all nuclear plants and fuel in Japan were already subject to
INFCIRC/66/Rev. 22 safeguards agreements.
The Committee agreed, however, that the obligation to accept safeguards (and
hence to declare nuclear material) extended to all nuclear material that was required
to be safeguarded under the agreement, i.e. all material in the State or under its juris-
diction or control anywhere — except material in a permitted military use. Failure
to declare material would thus be a breach of the agreement.
For instance, if the information provided by the State was “not adequate for the
Agency to fulfil its responsibilities under the agreement” (INFCIRC/153, para. 73).
These responsibilities include that of ensuring “...that safeguards will be applied, in
accordance with the terms of the [safeguards] Agreement on all source and special
fissionable material...” in all the State’s peaceful nuclear activities. The reference to
“peaceful nuclear activities” reflects the fact that the NPT does not prohibit non-
explosive military activities, such as the use of nuclear power to propel warships,
and that such activities cannot be ‘safeguarded’ by the IAEA. INFCIRC/153 accord-
ingly provides a procedure (para. 14) for withdrawing nuclear material from safe-
guards for such non-peaceful uses. These procedures have never been invoked.
Document INFCIRC/153, subparas 71(a), 71(b) and 76(a).
As noted, the Committee’s remit was limited to the actions to be taken by
non-nuclear-weapon States and by the IAEA in applying safeguards in those
States. The absence of a national system of accounting for and control of nuclear
material in the Russian Federation (which, as a nuclear weapon State, was not
required to have such a system), and of such systems in the non-Russian
members of the CIS when they gained independence partly accounts for current
concerns about trafficking in nuclear material in those States.
By the time the Committee reached paragraph 81 of the 116 paragraphs of the
model agreement it had become clear to the EURATOM countries that there would
be no re-run to prepare recommendations concerning the content of agreements to
be concluded with “groups of States”.
Paragraph 81 of INFCIRC/153 lists the criteria that the IAEA should apply in
determining the number, duration, intensity, etc., of the inspections it will carry out
at a particular nuclear plant. Subparagraph 81(b) includes as one of the criteria “the
effectiveness of the State’s accounting and control system...” This omits one word
from the corresponding formulation in paragraph 7 of the model agreement which
requires that the IAEA “...in its verification, shall take due account of the technical
effectiveness of the State’s system” (emphasis added). During the negotiation of
the IAEA–EURATOM agreement the EURATOM delegation maintained that the
elimination of the word “technical” in subpara. 81(b) had been deliberate and that
it required the IAEA to take account of the political as well as the technical effec-
tiveness of the EURATOM system. The IAEA delegation did not accept this tortu-
ous argument.
The definition of ‘nuclear material’ does not include ore (INFCIRC/153, para. 112).
In effect what had happened was that when the EURATOM parties abandoned
their original plan that the safeguards committee should negotiate two basic
documents, one for individual States and the second for groups of States, they had
tacitly left it to the IAEA Secretariat to negotiate the second document directly with
EURATOM. The original EURATOM mandate is still reflected in the German
name for the agreement, “Das Verifikationsabkommen”.
The IAEA negotiators took the position that there was no provision in INFCIRC/153
that would permit the IAEA to discriminate on political grounds between its
arrangements with EURATOM and those with any other State’s system of account-
ing for and control of nuclear material. Discrimination could only be justified on the
grounds implicit in para. 81(b) of INFCIRC/153 that a particular State’s system was
technically more effective and functionally more independent than another State’s
system. Hence, if any other State established and maintained a SSAC comparable
with that of EURATOM it would be entitled to comparably favourable treatment.
Only Japan decided to follow this path. Australia formally reserved its right to
negotiate an agreement similar to that with Japan but it has not done so, perhaps
because the very modest Australian nuclear programme (apart from uranium min-
ing and export) has hardly changed since 1970.
Document GOV/OR.475, paras 33–38.
Document GOV/1823 of 3 February 1977.
IAEA Statute, Article II.
Spain acceded to the NPT on 5 November 1987 and to the IAEA–EURATOM–
EURATOM non-nuclear-weapon States agreement on 5 April 1989.
Document GOV/OR.474, paras 60–62.
The agreement with France and the Republic of Korea (INFCIRC/233) entered
into force on 22 September 1975, with France and Pakistan (INFCIRC/239) on
18 March 1976 and with the Federal Republic of Germany and Brazil (INFCIRC/237)
on 26 February 1976.
In 1977, when President Carter announced that he intended to withdraw certain
US troops from the Republic of Korea, the South Korean Government responded
by threatening to “go nuclear” — to acquire nuclear weapons. REISS, M., Without
the Bomb: The Politics of Nuclear Nonproliferation, Columbia University Press, New
York (1988) 78–108.
Communication from Myron Kratzer.
Nuclear Power Reactors in the World, April 1996 Edition, p. 43. One nuclear power
plant, Angra-1, completed by Westinghouse in 1984, is operating at the same site,
Angra dos Reis.
According to Nucleonics Week, the Brazilian utility concerned, Furnas, estimated
that by the time the Angra-2 plant was completed in 1999 it would have cost
$7.2 billion. Furnas’ holding company and state electricity monopoly, ELECTRO-
BRAS, put the total cost at $10 billion, the same as the estimate made in 1994 by
Brazil’s federal audit court. Reportedly, the construction company had run into
great depths of soft sand when it tried to lay the foundations of the plant; costs had
also risen because of ‘on-again, off-again’ construction. (“Furnas says Angra-2 will
be ready for June 1999 commercial operation”, Nucleonics Week (23 January 1997) 10.)
The guidelines identified as ‘sensitive’ enrichment and reprocessing plants and
plants for the production of heavy water.
The leader of the project was an outstanding nuclear engineer working in the
IAEA Secretariat, Robert Skjöldebrand.
There are two other important multilateral nuclear ventures, Eurodif and Urenco.
The first is a large gaseous diffusion enrichment plant built and operated by
France, but in which other States (notably Italy and Iran) originally made
substantial capital investments. Urenco is essentially an arrangement between
Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom for marketing the product of
their gas centrifuge plants at Gronau, Almelo and Capenhurst.
Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the General Conference 1 July 1965–30 June
1966, p. 41, para. 201; Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the General
Conference 1 July 1966–30 June 1967, GC(XI)/355, IAEA, Vienna (1967), p. 28, para.
100; and Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the General Conference 1 July
1967–30 June 1968, p. 29, para. 112.
Documents INFCIRC/207, INFCIRC/207/Add. 1 and INFCIRC/207/Add. 2 of 26
July 1974, March 1984 and December 1991. The texts of the notifications from the
five nuclear weapon States are identical.
Document INFCIRC/153, para. 92.
NPT, Article III.2.
The adjective ‘universal’, which appears in the Annual Report for 1991,
GC(XXXVI)/1004, IAEA, Vienna (1992) 143, was subsequently and rightly dropped.
Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the General Conference 1 July 1966–30 June
1967, p. 5, para. 3.
The Annual Report for 1994, GC(39)/3, IAEA, Vienna (1995), p. 187, footnote (e).
Brazil ratified the Treaty but refrained from waiving the four conditions set by the
Treaty for its entry into force.
Annual Report for 1995, GC(40)/8, IAEA, Vienna (1996), p. 70, Table and p. 71, foot-
note (a).
On a number of occasions the IAEA has asked the nuclear weapon States to review
these estimates, most recently, it is understood, in 1996.
Eklund described to the Board the ‘diversion scenarios’ that could theoretically be
possible, and their flaws (Document GOV/OR.571, paras 20–26).
This statement and several of the following points are based on GRUEMM, H.,
“Safeguards and Tamuz, setting the record straight”, IAEA Bulletin 23 4 (December
1981) 10–14. At that time, Professor Gruemm was Deputy Director General in
charge of the Department of Safeguards.
France’s lack of confidence in Iraqi intentions was also implicit in an exchange of
letters of 11 September 1976 between France and Iraq that the French Government
brought to the IAEA’s notice. The letters constitute an agreement that the two
countries would conclude with the Agency a trilateral safeguards agreement (pur-
suant to INFCIRC/66, Rev. 2) if Iraq’s NPT agreement were to lapse, as it would
have done if the NPT itself had lapsed. Furthermore, the two countries agreed that
if the trilateral agreement failed to come into force three months before the lapse
of Iraq’s NPT agreement, the safeguards provisions of the NPT agreement would
continue to be applied so as to ensure fulfilment of the agreement under which France
had supplied the reactor to Iraq. (RAINER, R.H., SZASZ, P.C., The Law and Practices of
the International Atomic Energy Agency: 1970–1980, p. 341.)
Under the NPT safeguards system, as under previous IAEA systems, the Agency
is required “to secure the consent of the State to the designation of Agency
inspectors to that State” (INFCIRC/153, para. 9). This provision enables the State
concerned, if it is acting in bad faith, to reject any inspector that might be too
As later events were to show, Tuwaitha illustrated the vital importance to effective
safeguards of having access to high definition satellite images.
Annual Report for 1981, GC(XXVI)/664, IAEA, Vienna (1982), p. 10, para. 22.
For example, by comparing reports from Canada and Pakistan on shipments and
receipts of the fuel.
The Kanupp reactor was covered by an INFCIRC/66 agreement and hence subject
to “access at all times” by IAEA inspectors. It is not clear why the IAEA Secretariat
did not invoke this provision when Pakistan objected to the additional safeguards
proposed by the IAEA.
Annual Report for 1982, GC(XXVII)/684, IAEA, Vienna (1983), p. 15, footnote (3). In
the Annual Reports for 1981 and 1982, the Secretariat noted, however, that in two
cases (the Pakistani and Indian plants) it had not been able to conclude that all
material under safeguards in 1981 and 1982 had “...remained in peaceful nuclear
activities or was otherwise adequately accounted for,” Annual Report for 1982, p. 15,
para. 54. In other words, in these two cases the Secretariat was unable to provide
the blanket assurance it had given in all previous Annual Reports about the non-
diversion of safeguarded nuclear material.
Annual Report for 1982, p. 15, para. 53. It will be recalled that the USA and the
United Kingdom had offered to place all civilian nuclear plants, and France certain
nuclear plants, under safeguards.
Annual Report for 1983, GC(XXVIII)/713, IAEA, Vienna (1984), p. 13, para. 34; and
Annual Report for 1985, GC(XXX)/775, IAEA, Vienna (1986), p. 12, para. 29.
See document INFCIRC/153, para. 14. For instance, the State would have to
inform the Agency of the activity in which it planned to use the nuclear material it
was withdrawing from safeguards. The State would have to make it clear that such
use was not in conflict with any undertaking the State might have given and in
respect of which IAEA safeguards applied (e.g. if the material had been imported
the State would have to make it clear that the material was not subject to a “peace-
ful use only” undertaking). The State would have to make an arrangement with the
IAEA identifying as far as possible how long and under what circumstances safe-
guards would not apply. As soon as the material was reintroduced into a peaceful
activity (such as reprocessing or re-enrichment), safeguards would again apply.
Nuclear Research Reactors in the World, July 1990 Edition, Reference Data Series No. 3,
IAEA, Vienna (1990) 39.
The core of the reactor contained about 3.2 kg of 80% enriched uranium (ibid., p. 56).
A further 29.7 kg were in storage as fresh or irradiated fuel. (FISCHER, D.A.V.,
Towards 1995: The Prospects for Ending the Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, p. 48.)
Iraq also had several hundred tons of uranium concentrates from Portugal and
Niger. The NPT required Iraq to notify the IAEA of the import of the uranium
concentrates, but such materials are not subject to other safeguards. In other
words, the IAEA did not have the right to inspect them.
The USA used electromagnetic isotope separators to produce high enriched uranium
for the Hiroshima bomb. The machines were also known as ‘calutrons’, after the
University of California where they had been devised by Professor Ernest
Besides the Action Team’s office at IAEA Headquarters, it was provided with
accommodation in Baghdad at the Monitoring and Verification Centre established
by UNSCOM. The team had a staff of 16, including 4 provided by Member States
cost free to the IAEA. The team was established separately from the IAEA
Department of Safeguards but drew upon it (and upon Member States) for expert
None was detected in the first months of 1997.
It consisted of 208 irradiated fuel assemblies from Iraqi research reactors.
1.8 tonnes of low enriched, 6 tonnes of depleted, and 540 tonnes of natural uranium.
Paragraph 1 of INFCIRC/153, the model for the standard NPT safeguards
An unofficial French estimate was that the programme employed about
20 000 workers at more than 30 sites and would have cost about $15 billion if carried
out in an industrialized country (estimate made to the author by Georges Le Guelte,
former Head of External Relations at the Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique).
GC(XXXV)/OR.341, paras 76–78.
The United Nations and the Iraq–Kuwait Conflict, 1991–1996, IAEA Director General’s
Eighth Report to the Security Council on the Implementation of the Agency’s Plan
for Future Ongoing Monitoring and Verification of Iraq’s Compliance with
Paragraph 12 of Resolution 687 (1991), S/1995/844, 6 October 1995, Document 213,
Unnited Nations, New York (1966) 766–768.
BBC World Service, 0400 GMT, 12 August 1991.
IAEA Press Release, PR/91-24 of 18 July 1991.
But, as noted, they did not detect the unreported production of a few grams of plu-
tonium, in violation of the safeguards agreement.
Some clandestine activities were carried out at the Tuwaitha centre, regularly
visited by IAEA inspectors, but inspections were confined to 4 of the 85 structures
within the perimeter of the centre, namely the two research reactors, an away-
from-reactor fresh fuel store and a pilot fuel fabrication plant.
Paragraph 77 of INFCIRC/153 provides that “...in circumstances which may lead
to special inspections...the State and the Agency shall consult forthwith. As a
result...the Agency may make inspections in addition to [its routine inspections]…,
and may obtain access in agreement with the State to information or locations in
addition to the access specified...for ad hoc and routine inspections… In case action
by the State is essential and urgent, paragraph 18 above shall apply.” Before 1991, the
IAEA had apparently carried out one or two special inspections (which it may do if
the State submits a special report indicating that there may have been an unusual
loss of nuclear material or if the containment of a plant had unexpectedly changed
(INFCIRC/153/para. 68), but the IAEA had not carried out a special inspection at an
additional location, i.e. at a location not declared by the State concerned.
Document INFCIRC/153, para. 73.
Document INFCIRC/153, para. 18.
Document INFCIRC/153, para. 19.
IAEA Statute, Articles III.B.4, XII.C, XVI.B.1.
LEWIS, P., “UN bomb experts put back estimate of Iraq’s progress”, International
Herald Tribune, 21 May 1992.
But it has been said that if the large calutron plants had gone into full operation
their presence would have become obvious to satellites by reason of the large ‘heat
sinks’ and the electromagnetic disturbances that they would have created. It is dif-
ficult to believe that the operation of two vast complexes, each containing some
three hundred buildings and other structures and each occupying several square
kilometres, could have remained undetected indefinitely.
IAEA Safeguards Glossary 1987 Edition, IAEA/SG/INF/1 (Rev. 1), IAEA, Vienna
(1997) 23. The ‘significant quantity’ is the approximate quantity of special fissionable
(fissile) material required for a single nuclear explosive device. SAGSI’s approximation
takes into account “unavoidable losses of conversion and manufacturing processes.”
Comment by the IAEA Department of Safeguards.
Under para. 80(a) of INFCIRC/153, the maximum amount of routine inspection of
a reactor or sealed store with a content exceeding five effective kilograms is one
sixth of a person-year, or 50 person-days. However, in determining the actual
number of inspections, the Agency must take account of several factors, including
the accessibility of the nuclear material, which decreases if the material has been
irradiated since it would take longer to process it for use in a nuclear explosive
device. While the IAEA should apply uniform verification standards in fully com-
parable situations, it has some latitude, if it wishes to use it, in determining the
actual number of inspections it will carry out at a plant in this category during each
year. It will be recalled that Professor Gruemm wrote that it was envisaged that the
IAEA would increase the frequency of inspections at Tamuz 1 to twice a month as
soon as the first full fuel load was in place.
It is widely assumed, for instance, that the nuclear weapon States use only some
4 kg of plutonium in their nuclear warheads (and not the 8 kg that the IAEA
defines as a ‘significant quantity’). It is also theoretically possible to reduce much
further the amount required. But IAEA safeguards are designed to detect diversion
in ‘beginner’ States and not in those States that have long and extensive experience
in manufacturing nuclear weapons.
Document INFCIRC/153, para. 28. As noted above (endnote 97), it is understood
that in 1996 the IAEA sent a letter to the nuclear weapon States asking for advice
on changing the values set for ‘significant quantities’.
Another question is suggested by the fact that national intelligence agencies
apparently failed to detect the vast Iraqi programme. If this is correct, how much
confidence can there be that national intelligence would detect smaller clandestine
programmes in other countries? Future technical advances, such as the use of lasers
to enrich uranium or to transform reactor grade into weapon grade plutonium, may
make concealment even easier.
The concept is reflected in Articles 14, 16, 17 and 21 of the protocol to the
IAEA–EURATOM agreement. Briefly, these provide that the IAEA will carry out
routine inspections simultaneously with certain of EURATOM’s inspections, that
the two agencies will agree in advance in which EURATOM inspections the IAEA
will take part, that EURATOM will notify the IAEA in advance of its detailed
inspection plans so that the IAEA can decide at which inspections it will be present
and that the IAEA will get working papers for those inspections at which the IAEA
will be present and inspection reports for all other EURATOM inspections.
The new approach is described in GOV/INF/654 of 13 May 1992 and the Annex.
That is, that in certain types of plant the IAEA would observe the work of EURATOM
inspectors; an ambiguous legacy of the original EURATOM concept that the IAEA
would do no more than verify the efficacy of EURATOM’s safeguards.
To the uninitiated observer this sounds very much like a ‘joint team’!
Document GOV/INF/793, p. 7, para. 19.
Because MOX fuel is a mixture of low enriched uranium and plutonium oxides
and because the plutonium can be directly used to make a nuclear device, plants
producing MOX fuel and MOX fuelled reactors require more frequent inspection
than plants that fabricate low enriched uranium fuel and reactors fuelled with low
enriched uranium.
Reportedly four WWER-440 MW(e) nuclear power reactors.
Its political conditions had, in fact, been largely met. They were, for instance with-
drawal of US tactical nuclear weapons from the Korean peninsula, halting the joint
USA–Republic of Korea annual (‘Team Spirit’) military manoeuvres.
The DPRK was far from alone in missing the deadline for the conclusion of its NPT
safeguards agreement with the IAEA.
Document INFCIRC/153, para. 62. The report should be sent within 30 days after
the end of the month when the agreement entered into force. (It should also spec-
ify the location as well as the amounts and composition of the material.)
As noted elsewhere, the IAEA assumes that a nation embarking on a nuclear
weapon programme will need 8 kg of plutonium for its first nuclear warhead.
However, it is generally believed that with experience this quantity can be reduced
to 4–5 kg, or even less.
The plutonium, the nuclear waste from which it was said to have been separated,
and traces of radioactive material on the surfaces of the radiochemical laboratory,
were analysed in the laboratories of the IAEA and the USA.
As noted above, this procedure is foreseen in paragraphs 73 and 77 of the standard
IAEA safeguards agreement which permits the IAEA to send its inspectors to any
location where it has reason to believe that undeclared nuclear material may exist.
For instance:
In October 1993, after the IAEA’s General Conference had adopted a resolution
declaring that the DPRK “had widened the area of non-compliance by not
accepting ad hoc and routine inspections,” that country suspended all inspec-
On 2 and 3 December 1993, Blix warned the Board that safeguards “cannot be
said at present to provide any meaningful assurance of peaceful use” of the
declared plants.
After further discussions with the USA, the DPRK agreed, in effect, to freeze its
programme and to unload the 5 MW(e) reactor only in the presence of IAEA
inspectors. But — see below — in May 1994, the DPRK violated this agreement.
Once again, on 21 March 1994, the Board of Governors formally declared that
the IAEA was no longer able to verify that the DPRK had not diverted nuclear
material and referred the matter to the Security Council. The Western members
of the Council and Russia pressed for a resolution that would threaten the
DPRK with sanctions, but China objected.
In April 1994, the DPRK authorities asked the IAEA to remove the seals from
the fuel assemblies of the 5 MW(e) reactor so that the fuel could be withdrawn
for reprocessing, which, they maintained (probably correctly), was essential for
safety reasons. The IAEA explained that it would be necessary not only to
observe the withdrawal and subsequent treatment of the fuel, but also to take
samples to determine whether, as the DPRK maintained, the core being
withdrawn was the first core of the reactor. However, the DPRK refused to
allow any sampling.
In May 1994, ignoring fresh warnings by the IAEA and the USA that the 5 MW(e)
reactor should not be unloaded except in the presence of IAEA inspectors, the
DPRK operators broke the seals on the reactor and began to withdraw as
quickly as possible its 8000 fuel rods. This breach of the safeguards agreement
led to further IAEA reports to the Security Council on 19 and 27 May 1994.
On 30 May, the President of the Council issued an agreed statement calling
upon the DPRK forthwith to unload the 5 MW(e) reactor in a way that would
permit the IAEA to do whatever it deemed necessary for effective verification.
On 2 June, the DPRK rejected the Council’s requests.
The substitution of light water reactors for graphite moderated reactors was justi-
fied on the grounds that light water reactors do not normally produce weapon
grade plutonium.
If it did decide to do so it would have to reapply for membership and its applica-
tion would have to be approved by the General Conference of the IAEA.
On one previous occasion the Board did report to the Council undeclared produc-
tion of plutonium — by the Ceauçescu regime — but this was with the agreement
of the new Romanian Government, which had brought the matter to the IAEA’s
notice. The more incisive stance of the IAEA forced the DPRK onto the defensive,
complaining that IAEA inspectors had behaved like policemen searching the
house of a suspect instead of like invited guests!
The distinctive physical properties of nuclear materials make it possible to detect
even minute traces and to correlate specific physical ‘signatures’ with specific
nuclear operations such as reprocessing, enrichment, fuel fabrication and reactor
operation. Samples of air, water or even swabs wiped on the surfaces of nuclear
plants or equipment are analysed for traces of radioactive material. The technique
involves the analysis of very small amounts of nuclear material contained in single
particles. By this method uranium or plutonium can be detected and isotopically
characterized in amounts as small as 10
to 10
Document INFCIRC/153, paras 92–94.
Document INFCIRC/207 and Addenda.
By the end of 1996, more than 50 States had chosen to participate in the expanded
reporting scheme.
The way in which this system operates has often been compared with that of an
auditor: the IAEA audits the nuclear accounts of all NPT non-nuclear-weapon
States. (See HOOPER, R., “Strengthening IAEA safeguards in an era of nuclear
co-operation”, Arms Control Today (November 1995) 15.) As already noted, however,
there would be no limit on the IAEA’s access rights in the case of a special inspection.
Until 1991, the IAEA had no information pointing to an undeclared facility or
material in a State having a comprehensive safeguards agreement. It should be
stressed that the 1971 system was designed to detect any diversion of nuclear
material placed under safeguards (or required to be placed under safeguards). If
the IAEA’s verification disclosed that a significant quantity of material was
unaccounted for, this might point to the existence of an undeclared plant, for
instance an enrichment plant where the material was being processed into nuclear
explosives, or a reprocessing plant that was separating plutonium from spent
fuel. No such diversion has been detected, and it is most unlikely that any has
For a more detailed assessment of ‘Programme 93 + 2’, see PELLAUD, B., Safeguards
and the Nuclear Industry, Core Issues No. 5, The Uranium Institute, London (1996)
and HOOPER, R., “IAEA safeguards ‘Programme 93 + 2’”, prepared for the PPNN
Seminar, 7–8 March 1997, Harriman, NY. Available from the Programme for
Promoting Nuclear Non-Proliferation, Department of Politics, Mountbatten
Centre, University of Southampton, Southampton, 507 1BJ, United Kingdom.
Dr. Pellaud is currently Deputy Director General in charge of the Department of
Safeguards at the IAEA and Hooper is Director of the Division of Concepts and
Planning in that Department.
The Head of the South African Atomic Energy Corporation, Waldo Stumpf, told
the author that when South Africa acceded to the NPT in July 1991, the Security
Council had recently approved the very intrusive inspection measures designed to
uncover the full extent of the Iraqi programme and to eliminate it. The South
Africans feared that they would be faced with a spate of demands for special
inspections, which they expected to be highly confrontational. To avoid this they
had told the Agency that its inspectors could go to any place any time (within
reason) in their country.
For instance, the IAEA might be required to give advance notice if its inspectors
wished to enter such a structure. The occupants might have the right to cover
sensitive equipment, provided that ‘managed access’ should not prevent the IAEA
from meeting its safeguards objectives.
That is, non-nuclear-weapon States party to comprehensive safeguards agree-
ments with the IAEA, concluded pursuant to INFCIRC/153.
On 31 December 1995, there were 181 parties to the NPT, 40 more than in 1990 (on
1 January 1991 there were 141 parties — SIPRI Yearbook 1991, Oxford University
Press, Oxford (1991) 668). The new adherents included global powers and region-
al leaders: China, France, South Africa and Argentina. Brazil, like Argentina, has
accepted comprehensive IAEA safeguards under the Tlatelolco Treaty and the
agreement between ABACC and the IAEA. (By June 1997, the number of parties
had risen to 185.)
Brazil is a party to the Tlatelolco Treaty but not to the NPT. Since the Tlatelolco
Treaty is permanent, the comprehensive safeguards agreement that Brazil has con-
cluded with the IAEA, pursuant to that Treaty, is also permanent.
Annual Report for 1995, p. 77.
Separated plutonium and high enriched uranium are the materials that can most
easily and quickly be used in warheads. However, 34 tonnes out of the 45.1 tonnes
of separated plutonium were in nuclear weapon States, presumably most in the
United Kingdom, which has placed a large quantity of separated plutonium under
The descriptions of SAL, NWAL and their work is based on the IAEA pamphlet,
International Atomic Energy Agency’s Laboratories: Seibersdorf, GEN/PUB/15, IAEA,
Vienna (1989) pp. 79–80.
Annual Report for 1994, p. 194.
Annual Report for 1995, p. 47. For the detection and analysis of samples of materials
containing minute trace amounts of radionuclides, it is essential to have a laboratory
area — a ‘clean room’ — that is as free as possible of any matter (dust, particles,
vapour) that might contaminate the samples and distort the analysis. The Seibers-
dorf Clean Room became operational in 1996.
Annual Report for 1995, p. 45.
The new system was set forth in resolution GC(39)/RES/11, which the General
Conference adopted on 22 September 1995. Its main elements were:
(1) The budget would include a non-safeguards and a safeguards component.
(2) Poorer Member States, i.e. those “having per capita net national product of less
that one third” of the average of the 15 richest members, would constitute a
shielded group. A Member State could voluntarily opt out of the shielded group.
(3) All Member States would contribute to the non-safeguards component accord-
ing to a standard scale derived from the UN scale of assessment
(4) Members of the shielded group would pay only half as much to the safe-
guards component as they would have under the standard scale, but with the
proviso that no member of this group would have to contribute to any
increase in the safeguards budget above the rate of inflation (i.e. above “zero
real growth”).
(5) None of the ten countries making the largest contribution to the Agency’s
regular budget could be a member of the shielded group, even if it would have
qualified under (4).
(6) There would be a five year transitional period during which each shielded
member would gradually move up from its 1995 safeguards contribution to the
amount it would pay under the new system (i.e. the amount it would have to
pay under (4)).
(7) Member States not belonging to the shielded group would make up the deficit in
the safeguards budget caused by the reduced contributions of the shielded group.
This is a very controversial issue. In the early 1960s, the USA successfully tested a
nuclear device fuelled with ‘reactor-grade plutonium’ — plutonium recovered from
spent fuel ‘burned up’ for a relatively lengthy period in a power reactor and there-
fore having more than a prescribed proportion of certain radioisotopes. Testimony
given to the US Congress in the 1980s confirmed that reactor-grade plutonium could
be used as a nuclear explosive, but that because the plutonium would contain very
radioactive isotopes, nuclear warheads made from the material could lead to unde-
sirable radiation exposure of the personnel making the warheads and the military
personnel handling them. There would be some risk of premature fission and the
fuel would continue to generate heat.
Some nuclear authorities in Germany contend that the device tested in 1960 in the
USA used relatively low burnup plutonium and is therefore not comparable with
the very high burnup plutonium recovered today from light water power reactors,
and they imply that the latter is most unsuitable for weapon use. The Russian
Ministry of Atomic Energy goes further, bluntly maintaining that plutonium that
might be recovered from the WWER (high burnup light water) power reactors that
it plans to sell to India cannot be used to make nuclear weapons.
As far as is publicly known, none of the 90 000 or more nuclear warheads manu-
factured since 1945 has used reactor grade plutonium; it is simpler, cheaper, easier
and safer to produce weapon grade plutonium.
Annual Report for 1993, GC(XXXVIII)/2, IAEA, Vienna (1994) 3.
IAEA Yearbook 1995, IAEA, Vienna (1995) C68–C71; and IAEA Yearbook 1996, IAEA,
Vienna (1996) C76–C78.
The parties have the right under Article X.1 to withdraw from the Treaty and thus
terminate their NPT safeguards agreement with the IAEA. Only one State has
sought to do so — the DPRK — but subsequently in effect reversed course. Now
that the NPT is permanent it seems unlikely, though not impossible, that any
nation will withdraw. To do so would be to invite suspicion that the nation con-
cerned intended promptly to acquire nuclear weapons and thus challenge the
norm that has been established against further proliferation.
Chapter 9
Technical co-operation
The technologies transferred
or the great majority of the IAEA’s developing Member States the use of
nuclear energy to generate electricity, or to heat or desalt water was and
remains a distant prospect.
For these developing nations the chief ben-
eficial uses of nuclear energy were and still are the myriad, relatively small
scale, applications of nuclear techniques in agriculture, human health, industry,
environment, hydrology and biological and physical research, as well as the
use of research reactors as educational tools, and for the production of radio-
isotopes, especially for medical use.
The chief beneficiaries
The scientific infrastructure that a developing country needs to make
use of these techniques is far less demanding than what it would need to sup-
port a nuclear power programme. Nonetheless, many even of these smaller
scale uses of nuclear energy were and still are out of the reach of the least
technically advanced countries. At the end of 1996, the Member States of the
IAEA included 20 countries considered in the category of least developed
countries (LDCs) by UNDP.
Accordingly, the bulk of the IAEA’s country pro-
grammes and support of research has tended to flow towards developing
nations that have already made significant technical and scientific progress.
Thus, in 1976 the IAEA noted that: “Of the 98 countries that have received
technical assistance since 1958, only sixteen have received assistance of the
value of more than one million dollars; each is a relatively populous devel-
oping country which is also relatively well advanced in the nuclear field.
Thirty-six developing countries, on the other hand, have received less than
$250 000 of technical assistance from all the resources available to the Agency.”
This pattern continued in the following years; from 1986 to 1996, 20 developing
countries each received more that $6 000 000 worth of technical co-operation
and 31 countries received less than $1 000 000.
Figure 1 demonstrates how prominently 20 of the more technically
advanced amongst the developing countries have figured as recipients of
technical assistance during the ten years from 1986 to 1995.
The leading ben-
eficiaries were seven countries operating nuclear power plants (Brazil,
Bulgaria, China, Hungary, Pakistan, Mexico and Romania), three countries
building or planning nuclear power plants (Cuba, Indonesia and Iran) and
two countries that were planning to build nuclear power plants but had aban-
doned them after Chernobyl (Egypt and Poland). Only two countries charac-
terized by UNDP as ‘least developed’ (Bangladesh and Tanzania) were
amongst the 20.
FIG. 1. The total IAEA technical co-operation programme, 1986–1996
(the 20 countries receiving the most assistance).
Eighteen of the 20 countries were operating or constructing one or more
research reactors, the exceptions being Cuba, which has apparently
suspended its earlier plans to build one, and Tanzania. Notable absentees
from the 20 countries listed are Iraq and Yugoslavia, which were formerly
significant recipients of technical aid, as well as Argentina and India, for
reasons explained later.
But the IAEA has also made special efforts to serve the less advanced
Member States by undertaking projects designed to improve their scientific
infrastructures and by helping to train and educate their scientists and tech-
nicians. Moreover, regional programmes are often of benefit to all the coun-
tries in the region, including those that are not able to play an active role in
carrying them out. For instance, the IAEA and its laboratories have used iso-
tope hydrology techniques to trace and measure the underground water
resources of countries in the Sahel (the arid southern marches of the Sahara),
although some of the nations concerned were not yet able to participate
scientifically in the programme. The IAEA has also used the sterile insect
technique to eliminate insect pests such as the ‘New World Screwworm’, a
grave threat to man and cattle, which invaded Libya in 1988.
All neighbouring
countries and many further afield benefited from this programme (described
more fully in Chapter 10) even if they took no active part in carrying it out.
Scientific support of IAEA technical co-operation
Since the late 1950s, three of the IAEA Secretariat’s technical Divisions in
the Department of Research and Isotopes have dealt chiefly with the applica-
tions of isotopes and radiation and encouraged their use in the developing coun-
The Divisions provide scientific and technical support for the IAEA’s
technical co-operation programme; they launch the IAEA’s Co-ordinated
Research Programmes, promote information exchange and provide laboratory
services and training at the IAEA’s laboratories. Since 1989–1990, two Divisions
in the Department of Technical Co-operation have developed and administered
the programme, one putting together the programme for each developing
country in the regions concerned (Africa, East Asia and the Pacific, West Asia,
Latin America and Europe (East and West)), and the other arranging the deliv-
ery of various services (experts, fellows, equipment and training courses).
The IAEA’s laboratories also assist the technical co-operation pro-
gramme; the Seibersdorf laboratories, for instance, have trained numerous
scientists, chiefly from developing Member States, and helped them to set
up facilities for calibrating nuclear instruments, estimating radiation doses
and analysing environmental samples. The IAEA’s Marine Environment
Laboratory at Monaco (MEL — the only such laboratory in the United
Nations system) has also trained fellows from developing countries.
What is a ‘developing country’?
In September 1984, delegations at the meeting of the Board of Governors
and at the General Conference raised questions about the meaning that the
Secretariat was giving to the term ‘developing country’, in the context of a
recommendation by the General Conference that such countries should be
more fully represented on the staff of the Agency.
Clearly the matter also has
implications for the IAEA’s technical co-operation programme which is
primarily, but not exclusively, intended to benefit developing Member States.
The Director General sought the views of the G-77 on the subject and
summarized them in a statement to the Board on 11 June 1985.
the G-77 dealt with the matter by referring to certain lists of countries attached
to resolutions adopted by the United Nations General Assembly.
The Board’s discussion illustrated the difficulty of finding a precise and
exhaustive definition of the term. In practice, the absence of such a definition
has rarely given rise to problems and the Board clearly thought that any
attempt to reach agreement as to which were and which were not ‘develop-
ing countries’ would be an academic and unrewarding exercise.
As noted earlier, all Member States are, in principle, eligible for the
IAEA’s assistance, unless they have been explicitly debarred from receiving it
by a decision of the General Conference or the Security Council.
In practice,
however, members of the OECD and other richer nations do not normally
seek help financed by the IAEA’s Technical Co-operation Fund.
Why not have a single UN aid programme
for all the UN agencies?
From time to time the question has arisen why the IAEA should have its
own programme, financed directly by contributions to its own Technical
Co-operation Fund. Would it not make sense for governments to channel all
aid through UNDP instead of allotting some of the funds direct to the assistance
programmes of various agencies? The beneficiary governments would then ask
UNDP to provide them with the funds they needed for the development of each
sector of their economy and society. In other words, recipient governments
rather than donors would determine how the totality of available resources
should be divided between competing sectors. If a recipient government
accorded high priority to a nuclear project, and if the IAEA judged the project to
be sound and affordable, it would ask UNDP to finance it — with the IAEA act-
ing as the executing agency for UNDP — as is the case today when governments
turn to UNDP for help in nuclear applications. But there would be no pressure
on governments to draw up and put forward nuclear projects so as to be eligible
for funds that donor governments had explicitly earmarked to the IAEA.
This is a logical argument and the UN family might have taken this
path. In the early days of the IAEA, when UNDP was a major source of fund-
ing for its technical assistance programme, the Agency appeared to be moving
in this direction with some support from donor countries.
However, for a
number of reasons the agencies of the United Nations family have tended to
become more rather than less administratively and financially independent
of the UN and of each other.
One reason is that centralized planning and
administration have not clearly emerged as the most effective way of dealing
with the very diverse needs of a heterogeneous group of more than 150 coun-
tries at almost all levels of development. The most economically successful
developing countries have demonstrated the advantages of a flexible and
entrepreneurial approach to development. For the IAEA, excessive central-
ization would also pose other problems. When governments and planning
commissions consider what assistance they can obtain from UNDP, the big-
ger and more powerful national constituencies, dealing with the traditional
branches of agriculture, health and education, tend to corner the lion’s share
of the funds available.
The IAEA illustrates the trend towards financial autonomy. Instead of
moving towards greater dependence on UNDP, the IAEA’s UNDP-funded
programme now “consists of only a few large scale projects”
and, as indi-
cated in Fig. 2, has shrunk in the last two decades from almost half to only a
few percentage points of the total technical co-operation programme.
Figure 2 also shows a considerable increase in the nominal value of the pro-
gramme until 1989. The sharp drop in 1992 was due to the devaluation of the
currency of a major donor, the rouble.
Political calculations have also played a role in enhancing the impor-
tance of the IAEA’s own funds as a resource for technical co-operation. To
make the growth of the safeguards budget more acceptable to the G-77, the
richer countries have been willing to support an annual increase in the target
of the Technical Co-operation Fund as well as to separate the safeguards budget
from the remainder of the regular budget and to freeze the contributions of
poorer Member States to the cost of safeguards at the level that existed before
the NPT entered into force in 1970.
Many governments have become dissatisfied with the way in which
some agencies of the UN family spend their resources, with the amount of
duplication, the proliferation of committees and floods of paper. The reluc-
tance of the US Congress to settle the large US debt to the UN, US withdrawal
from UNESCO in the 1980s, the more recent withdrawal of the USA from the
United Nations Industrial Development Organization and the withdrawal
threatened by the United Kingdom, Australia and possibly Germany, are
symptoms of this discontent. The IAEA’s reputation for sound management
and the value that the leading donors attach to the IAEA’s safeguards and
nuclear safety missions seem likely to preserve it from the radical surgery that
Millions of dollars
Extrabudgetary donations
IAEA Technical Co-operation Fund
In-kind contributions from IAEA Member States
FIG. 2. Resources available for the IAEA technical co-operation
programme, 1970–1996.
may be forced upon other agencies. The IAEA‘s technical co-operation pro-
gramme may be immune because of its growing emphasis on nuclear safety,
the role it is seen to play in making safeguards more palatable, the perception
that it has brought concrete economic and social benefits, and the effective
use it has made of the funds available to it.
The evolution of the technical assistance
(technical co-operation) programme
Chapters 5, 6 and 8 underline that from the outset there was little
demand for the nuclear material put at the IAEA’s disposal, that the IAEA
faced grave initial difficulties and delays in launching safeguards and that
nuclear power also took off much more slowly that had been expected ten
years earlier. As the IAEA programmes in these fields failed to gain momentum,
technical assistance rapidly emerged as the IAEA’s major programme and
maintained its lead until the late 1960s. As noted, the programme consisted
chiefly of helping developing countries to make use of radioisotope and
radiation techniques.
The IAEA’s first step was to draw attention to the benefits that devel-
oping Member States could derive from these techniques. In 1958, the IAEA
began to send out multidisciplinary ‘Preliminary Assistance Missions’
(PAMs). The missions consisted of staff members who were expert in the use
of these techniques in medicine, agriculture and hydrology, in nuclear power,
in prospecting for and mining nuclear materials and in the use of research
reactors. By the end of 1959, PAMs had surveyed the potential uses of nuclear
science and nuclear energy in 40 developing Member States and by the time
the missions came to an end more than 50 countries had been visited.
The Prepcom had noted that the main factor limiting the use of nuclear
techniques in many developing countries was the lack of trained personnel.
Hence, from the early years until today the programme has given priority to
the award of fellowships and the organizing of training courses. As noted, the
first General Conference set a 1958 target of $250 000 for voluntary contribu-
tions to launch a fellowship programme. By the end of the year the
programme had made a quick start with the award of 218 fellowships.
By the
mid-1990s, the programme was awarding about 1000 fellowships every year
and paying for the participation of approximately 1800 persons in its training
Although the Statute enjoins the IAEA, in allocating its resources, to
bear “in mind the special needs of the underdeveloped areas of the world,” it
is also “based on the principle of the sovereign equality of all its members...”
Accordingly, from its inception, the IAEA has taken the position that all
Member States are eligible for technical assistance under the IAEA’s own pro-
This was of much benefit to nuclear science in Eastern European
countries since the citizens of the countries concerned were thus eligible for
coveted IAEA fellowships. Given Cold War restrictions on travel, these fellow-
ships were also highly prized by their hosts in the West who had lost touch
with their Eastern colleagues for nearly twenty years.
The USA took a parental interest in the Agency and did its best to help
it through its teething troubles. To launch the assistance programme it offered
the services of 20–30 consultants as well as the entire cost of the 1958 fellow-
ship programme, a radioisotope laboratory, two mobile isotope laboratories
and a small reactor (the last offer was not taken up).
The first mobile laboratory arrived in Vienna in October 1958. The IAEA
used it in Austria, Greece, Yugoslavia and Germany and then shipped it to
East Asia. The second, handed over in December 1959, was used in Mexico
and Argentina.
These novel vehicles attracted attention to the IAEA and its
work and provided valuable training to local scientists.
The 1958 programme consisted solely of selecting and placing fellows.
In 1959, it was broadened to include the provision of expert services, scientific
equipment that the experts might need, arrangements for ‘visiting professors’
and training courses.
After much debate, the first Board recommended and the 1958 General
Conference agreed that the IAEA should seek participation in the UN
Expanded Programme of Technical Assistance (EPTA). Some of the arguments
advanced against participation were not without force. It was maintained that
the established specialized agencies would continue to receive an unduly large
share of EPTA’s resources, that governments would only direct a small share of
their requests to the very novel activities that the IAEA would wish to help and,
more fancifully, that participation in EPTA would lead to the assimilation of the
IAEA into the specialized agencies at some cost to its special status in the UN
In 1963, the Board decided that fellowships paid for out of IAEA
funds should be reserved for students from Member States that were currently
receiving assistance from EPTA’s country programmes.
In 1960, in order to regulate and harmonize the conditions for providing
technical assistance, the Board approved the ‘Guiding Principles and General
Operating Rules’ to be applied in carrying out the programme. These
Principles were subsequently embodied in a ‘Supplementary Agreement’ that
each State receiving assistance was required to sign.
Until 1977 the technical assistance projects financed from the IAEA’s
own funds consisted of “a collection of relatively small projects involving at
a maximum twelve man-months of expert services and some equipment.”
Larger multi-year projects were funded by UNDP. In 1978, the IAEA, follow-
ing the advice of a group of experts, introduced multi-year projects into its
own programme. The expert group also recommended closer monitoring of
the execution of technical assistance projects.
In 1976 and 1977, the Board debated the extent to which safeguards
should be applied to the technical assistance operation. As usual at that time
Governors expressed sharply conflicting views on this and on any other issue
involving the application of safeguards. In September 1977, the Board decided
that safeguards would normally be applied to a technical assistance project if
it made a “substantial contribution” to a “sensitive technological area” — in
other words, an activity involving enrichment, reprocessing, production of
heavy water, handling of plutonium or the manufacture of MOX fuel.
imprints of the London Club and the NSG’s Guidelines (see Chapter 8) were
apparent in this decision and it was sharply criticized by the Governors from
countries not party to the NPT. In practice, at least since 1977, the IAEA has
given no technical assistance that would help a national nuclear programme
in a ‘sensitive technological area’.
In 1979, after four years of study in the Secretariat, the Board approved a
revised version of the ‘Guiding Principles and General Operating Rules’ for the
provision of technical assistance. This was preceded by an unusually heated
debate and a roll-call vote on the new version. At the heart of the debate was the
question of how the prohibition of diversion or misuse of the IAEA’s technical
assistance should be worded.
The 1960 version of the rules had required the
receiving country to undertake not to use IAEA assistance in such a way as to
“further any military purpose”. This was essentially the proscription used in
Articles II and XI of the IAEA Statute and in safeguards agreements concluded
before 1975. After India had carried out what it termed a ‘peaceful’ nuclear
explosion in 1974, the text of safeguards agreements was changed so as to pro-
hibit the use of safeguarded items to make nuclear weapons or other explosive
devices or for any other military purpose. This change reflected the formula used
in the NPT, prohibiting non-nuclear-weapon States from manufacturing or
otherwise acquiring nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices.
The revised version of the Guiding Principles and General Operating
Rules submitted by the Secretariat now contained a prohibition similar to that
used by the NPT and in recent safeguards agreements.
A handful of
Governors representing developing States that were not party to the NPT
objected strenuously to this change, maintaining that it was neither required
by nor in conformity with the IAEA Statute, and that NPT type commitments
should not be forced upon States that had not joined the Treaty. But a sub-
stantial majority of the members of the Board was in favour of the revised
version. The vote was 22 for, 3 against (Argentina, Brazil and India) and
4 abstaining (Guatemala, the Republic of Korea, Tanzania and Venezuela).
The revised principles and rules were then incorporated in a ‘Revised Supple-
mentary Agreement’.
The Indian Governor announced that India was “no longer interested in
receiving technical assistance from the Agency since it could not give its consent
to an undertaking which contravened the Statute.”
Argentina followed suit
and withdrew from the technical co-operation programme. Brazil and Pakistan
were prepared to accept the new conditions in the Revised Supplementary
Agreement, but only on a case by case basis, and did not sign the Agreement
until 1991 and 1994, respectively. Argentina returned to participate in the
technical co-operation programme in 1991. India maintained its refusal to sign
the Revised Supplementary Agreement and has not participated in the techni-
cal co-operation programme (except for some training courses) since 1979.
The issue that caused so much argument in the Board was one of principle
rather than of any practical importance. It was difficult to imagine how IAEA
technical assistance in, for instance, agriculture, medicine or hydrology could
be used to develop a nuclear weapon or other explosive device, or indeed to
further any military purpose. But it was conceivable that an engineer who
received IAEA training in certain aspects of nuclear technology, for example
in radiochemistry, might put his or her expertise to work in a nuclear weapon
programme, or that uranium ore found or mined with the IAEA’s help might,
after processing and enrichment, wind up in a nuclear weapon.
In the same year (1979) many Governors welcomed the introduction of
large scale multi-year projects into the technical assistance programme, but
the Federal Republic of Germany still maintained that such projects should be
financed by UNDP rather than by the IAEA.
In 1983, the Board undertook its first review of technical co-operation
policies. It directed the Secretariat to help developing Member States in estab-
lishing priorities in drawing up requests for assistance.
In the same year the
Agency began to evaluate systematically what impact IAEA technical co-oper-
ation projects were having in the beneficiary countries. The Board approved the
creation in the Department of Technical Co-operation of a special unit for this
purpose. In 1987, evaluation of 63 projects concluded that the Secretariat had
“responded effectively” to the challenge of a rapidly growing programme and
that the projects were contributing to the transfer of technology. The evalua-
tion also showed that the two most common problems faced by technical co-
operation projects were those of arranging for adequate training of personnel
selected to carry out the projects and shortages of national counterpart staff.
In November 1986, the Technical Assistance and Co-operation
Committee recommended to the Board an experimental change from a one to
two year cycle for the entire programme. This experiment was successful,
giving more time to prepare and technically appraise projects. In 1991, the
Board confirmed that the two year cycle would henceforth be the norm.
The conceptual evolution of the programme
For the dozen or so developing countries that were preparing to intro-
duce nuclear power, the role of the IAEA was often indispensable. To those
for whom nuclear power was a distant prospect, the IAEA transferred, as we
have seen, nuclear techniques for use in industry, human health, agriculture,
management of water resources, etc. The latter projects were usually small,
involving a single instrument or technique, a training course and a fellowship
or two, and a few months of the services of an expert. Nonetheless, their
cumulative effect on the ability of the recipient country to undertake projects
in nuclear science and technology was significant. The basic principle was
that in the absence of technical foundations on which to build — manpower,
skills and other resources — development cannot succeed. Another crucial
role of technical co-operation was to help create the regulatory framework for
the safe use of nuclear energy and radioactive materials, for the safe disposal
of nuclear waste and for the provision of essential services such as radiation
In March 1995, the Board endorsed the Director General’s proposal for
a ‘Standing Advisory Group on Technical Assistance and Co-operation’
(SAGTAC), consisting of 12 members from developing and industrialized
Member States to advise him on the IAEA’s technical co-operation activities,
particularly on policy and strategy matters, and to recommend measures for
increasing the effectiveness of the programme.
The achievement of many of the main original objectives of the
technical co-operation programme, the impact of Chernobyl and the con-
sequences of the breakup of the Soviet Union have led to a fundamental
evolution in the programme’s aims, direction, modus operandi and
content. During the first 30 years, the principal objective of the IAEA’s
assistance was to help developing Member States to create the institutions
and facilities that would enable them to introduce and enlarge the role of
nuclear technology or apply nuclear techniques and to do so safely and
effectively. An illustration of its achievements was that by the end of 1996
the IAEA had helped train more than 19 000 scientists, engineers and
technicians under its fellowship programmes. From 1980 to 1996 it had
held 1558 training courses.
By the end of the 1980s, this phase of institution building was largely
completed and the time was ripe to concentrate the programme on the devel-
opment process itself — in other words to seek to ensure that the programme
would have a cost efficient, direct and measurable impact on the high priority
economic or social needs of the country being assisted, an impact well
beyond the institute through which the activity was carried out. In this way
the Agency and the beneficiary country would become partners in develop-
ment, strengthening the ability of national institutions to define, organize and
manage applications of nuclear technology. To give a concrete example, the
programme should assist projects that would put new varieties of crops or
better practices for dealing with pests in the hands of the farmer rather than
lead to a new scientific publication by an institute of higher learning.
To achieve these goals the Secretariat identified three concepts. The first
was the ‘Model Project’; the criteria that a Model Project had to meet were
that it had to respond to a well assessed need of the country, produce a
significant economic or social achievement by the end-user (who, together
with the recipient institute, must be involved from the start), use nuclear tech-
nology only if it had a distinct advantage over other technologies and was
demonstrably sustainable because of a strong commitment by the govern-
ment concerned. The IAEA would also closely monitor and evaluate progress
in carrying out the Model Project. In 1993, the Board approved the first
12 such projects, followed by 11 more in 1994.
The second concept was the ‘Country Programme Framework’. The
IAEA and the government should identify and agree upon a few priority
areas for technical co-operation that can produce significant impacts. The
process would, of course, have to take into account the technical capacity of
the country concerned. The Country Programme Framework would point to
opportunities for Model Projects.
The third concept was that of thematic or sectoral planning. The thematic
plan should provide evidence that, when compared with non-nuclear alter-
natives, a particular nuclear technique would offer the most efficient way of
reaching a development objective in a particular sector. It should indicate in
which regions or countries the application of particular nuclear techniques
would be most relevant and identify those countries that have the capacity to
use the technique. It would be for the country concerned to decide whether
to include in its Country Programme Framework the project or opportunity
identified by thematic planning.
The primacy of safety
Since meeting basic safety standards is a precondition for all activities
involving ionizing radiation, the first thematic plan to become operational
was in radiation protection. Other priority themes would be waste manage-
ment and the safety of nuclear power plants.
Chernobyl had already brought about a greater emphasis on nuclear
safety and waste disposal in the technical co-operation programme. The end
of the Cold War and the breakup of the Soviet Union also brought into the
Agency several new Member States with pressing needs in nuclear safety.
Except in Romania, all the nuclear power reactors operating or under
construction in Eastern Europe and in the Soviet Union’s successor States had
been designed and operated according to Soviet safety standards which, in
some respects, were inferior to or incompatible with international standards.
A conspicuous example was the absence of the containment dome which is
the most visible feature of power reactors built to international standards.
Chapter 7, on nuclear safety and waste management, provides exam-
ples of the actions and projects that the IAEA undertook to help the countries
concerned bring up their nuclear plants, in particular their WWER power
reactors, to international safety standards.
Help to developing countries with
dynamic nuclear power programmes
A limited number of developing countries are introducing nuclear
power. In such cases the technical co-operation programme has helped the
governments concerned to plan their programmes and to focus on nuclear
plant safety. Thus, in the late 1970s and early 1980s, the programme helped
the Republic of (South) Korea establish a framework for the dynamic nuclear
power programme it was launching and, in particular, to establish the safety
infrastructure of the programme. The IAEA had played a similar role in the
early days of the Spanish programme.
In introducing nuclear power, China needed special help to bring its
safety standards and practices up to international levels. The Chinese authori-
ties simply took over the entire body of the Nuclear Safety Standards (NUSS),
translated them into Chinese and adopted them by national legislation.
OSARTs from the IAEA also helped to evaluate the safety of the Chinese
designed Qinshan reactor, the first nuclear power reactor to be built on Chinese
soil. An OSART mission concluded that the safety of the reactor fully met inter-
national standards. The IAEA also helped train large numbers of Chinese
nuclear engineers and safety experts.
The programme’s resources
Since it began work in 1958, the IAEA has depended on the following
funds/sources for the transfer of nuclear technology to developing countries:
The Technical Co-operation Fund (TCF),
financed by the voluntary
financial contributions of Member States. This has become by far the
largest source of funds at the disposal of the IAEA for the transfer of
nuclear technology.
Extrabudgetary funds. These consist chiefly of two groups:
Those available to all organizations of the UN family and adminis-
tered by special United Nations bodies (such as UNDP — and its
precursor, EPTA, which was subsequently complemented by the
Special Fund).
Numerous earmarked ‘research contributions’ by Member States,
such as the Italian contribution to the Trieste Centre, and the so-called
‘footnote a/’ projects.
‘Contributions in kind’, i.e. gifts of the services of experts and fellow-
ships or other opportunities for training offered at no cost or limited
cost to the IAEA, and equipment similarly provided by Member States.
— The regular budget, i.e. assessed contributions which Member States are
required by the Statute to pay to the IAEA. In principle, under the
Statute, regular budget funds are not available for assistance to individual
Member States. In practice, however, the regular budget bears:
The cost of administering all Agency activities, including those of the
safeguards and technical co-operation programmes funded by the
TCF and extrabudgetary donations from Member States.
The costs incurred by the Agency when members of the Secretariat
serve as technical officers for individual projects and provide scien-
tific and technical services.
The IAEA’s share of the cost of contracts awarded under Co-ordinated
Research Programmes. As pointed out elsewhere, in principle these
contracts are designed to procure scientific services that the IAEA
itself requires in support of its programmes. In practice, the contracts
are normally of direct benefit to the country in which they are carried
out as well as to the IAEA’s programmes.
Over time the relative importance of each source has varied widely. In
the early years the contributions of various United Nations funds and ‘con-
tributions in kind’ were comparable in magnitude to the funds provided by
the IAEA itself via what is now called the TCF. However, the TCF now
dwarfs all other sources (see Fig. 2). The IAEA Secretariat suggests several
reasons why the role of UNDP in funding the IAEA’s programme has
declined so sharply since the early years. The central planners in the govern-
ments of developing countries, who have a crucial role in submitting
requests to UNDP, are often unaware of the contribution that nuclear tech-
niques could make to their national development and may prefer to give
help to more traditional activities. The influence of nuclear energy authori-
ties in the governments concerned, never very strong, has been declining.
Many of the larger UN agencies have their own country representatives who
push their own projects; the IAEA relies on UNDP representatives who are
often unfamiliar with nuclear techniques.
Funding the technical co-operation programme
The target for voluntary contributions to the technical assistance pro-
gramme (since 1982, the technical co-operation programme) rose sharply from
$125 000 in 1958 to $1 500 000 in 1959. But there were no further significant
increases for several years; indeed, from 1962 until 1970 the target remained
fixed at $2 000 000. One reason was that from 1959 onwards, the IAEA encoun-
tered a problem that continues to dog it today — a widening gap between the
target set each year and the amount that States were willing to pledge and, less
frequently in recent years, a further gap between the amounts pledged and actu-
al payments. For example, in 1959 the amount pledged towards the $1 500 000
target was only $1 183 044
and the amount paid was $875 000.
Five years
later, in 1963, the target had risen to $2 000 000 but by June 1964 the amount
pledged was $1 437 394 and payments amounted to only $1 192 797.
Recurrent shortfalls of this magnitude stimulated numerous proposals
for placing the financing of technical assistance on a firmer basis. For
instance, it has often been proposed that the Statute be amended so as to
incorporate the funds for technical assistance in the regular budget which, as
noted, is financed by assessed and not by voluntary contributions. The
proponents of such an amendment saw this as the only practical way of
ensuring a secure and predictable source of funds.
A further problem was that while contributions to the regular budget must
be made in a convertible currency, voluntary contributions to the TCF may be
made in whatever currency the donor chooses. The IAEA Secretariat ran into
difficulty in disposing of stacks of non-convertible currencies, in persuading
experts sent to certain countries to be paid in part in national currencies and in
convincing scientists from the developing countries to accept some of the train-
ing opportunities offered by countries that were not particularly renowned for
their expertise in nuclear science or technology.
In 1961 and 1962, the General Conference appealed to each Member State
to contribute an amount to the General Fund (i.e. for technical assistance) equal
to or greater than its percentage of the regular budget.
Many States have met
this appeal. However, as Fig. 3 shows, the problem of shortfalls remains critical
— though the causes of the shortfall naturally vary with changes in the eco-
nomic circumstances of the main donors and their policies towards UN family
programmes. Figure 3 also shows that, since 1984, the main problem has been
the widening gap between the annual target and the contributions pledged
towards that target rather than the gap between pledges and payments.
Targets, pledges and payments to the TCF
In the 1970s, the IAEA’s assistance programme began to forge ahead. As
noted in Chapter 6, the funds and contributions from all sources increased
eightfold in nominal value from 1960 to 1980 (from $2 526 000 to $20 947 000).
The growth of the TCF or its precursors was even more marked, from $1 008 000
in 1960 to approximately $13 301 000 in 1980.
Despite the inroads of infla-
tion this was indeed a large increase. Member States also made pledges that
came close to the targets set each year, in 1974 the total amount pledged
actually exceeded the target by 2.8%
and the payments were even higher
than the pledges (Fig. 3).
As the programme expanded the problem of making good use of con-
tributions to the TCF in the form of non-convertible currencies grew steadily
more difficult. Thus, in 1978, when the funds available for the TCF stood at
approximately $10 million, there was a deficit of $2.1 million in the amount
available for approved projects for which only convertible currencies could
be used and a corresponding surplus of $2.1 million in non-convertible funds.
With the help of the main contributors of non-convertible currencies the
situation improved in 1979,
and by 1980 the surplus of non-convertible
currencies had declined to $542 000.
Per cent of target
Target = 100%
FIG. 3. Patterns of pledges and income for the IAEA’s Technical
Co-operation Fund.
As requests for assistance began greatly to exceed the financial
resources available, the Secretariat began in 1976 to identify technically sound
requests for assistance that could not be funded, so as to encourage potential
donors to step in and provide the IAEA with the funds to carry out these
— what were called ‘footnote a
/’ projects. In effect, this was a means
whereby donor countries could, if they so wished, selectively help develop-
ing countries that had joined the NPT. (The IAEA could not discriminate in
its own programmes between States that were or were not party to the
The total value of projects financed this way has grown from about
$400 000 in 1976 to $7 079 880 in 1996.
In March 1980, Egypt, supported by India and several other developing
countries, renewed the proposal to incorporate the financing of technical
co-operation in the IAEA’s regular (assessed) budget and pressed the Board
to set up a committee to study the problem. The Board subsequently estab-
lished an open-ended working group for this purpose. The Soviet Union as
well as the USA, the Western Europeans, Australia and Japan strongly resisted
the Egyptian proposal. The informal working group began its meetings at the
end of April 1980 but was unable to reach agreement.
Several further
attempts were made in the following years, but equally without success.
The target and the resources available for technical co-operation continued
to rise until 1989 when the total amounted to about $50 088 000. The TCF
accounted for $44 687 000 of this amount, more than three times the 1980
figure ($13 301 000). It was agreed that there would be an annual increase of
$3.5 million in the target for the TCF but the inability of the USSR/Russia and
other successor States to contribute significantly to the programme caused a
decline in resources in 1990 and 1992 (particularly sharp in the latter year).
Despite this discouraging drop, the IAEA was able to include “over 80% of
the requests received” in the 1993–1994 biennial programme.
In 1993, as the
1995 NPT Review and Extension Conference approached, the upward trend
resumed and in 1995 the total funds available for technical co-operation
amounted to around $63 352 000, of which the TCF accounted for $60 300 000.
The wide fluctuations in the amount of money available for technical
assistance could lead to uncertainty whether approved projects would in fact
be carried out and thus reduce the cost effectiveness of the operation for
beneficiary governments, as well as for the IAEA. This uncertainty would
have been particularly disconcerting at a time when the planning of the pro-
gramme was increasingly long term and it consisted of larger projects
designed to have a significant social or economic impact. This was one of the
concerns that led many developing countries to press for assured and pre-
dictable funding of the programme. The Secretariat avoided disruption of the
programme by making very careful and precise estimates of expected income
and by monthly monitoring of income and disbursements. Largely as a con-
sequence of this cautious approach, the IAEA has never had to cancel or defer
an approved technical co-operation project because of insufficient funds.
In 1990, the General Conference asked the Board to take steps to ensure
that technical assistance was funded by “predictable and assured resources”,
and in 1992 the Board again established an informal working group on the
financing of technical assistance.
The working group was unable to reach a
consensus on any specific proposals, but in 1995 the Board encouraged the
Secretariat to seek financial support for technical co-operation projects from
national development agencies administrating ‘bilateral funds’ and from
international financial bodies. Experience with the recently instituted Model
Projects had shown that more funds could be obtained if the projects were of
sufficiently high quality and if the beneficiary country was also prepared to
seek bilateral funding.
Changes in the distribution of
resources among technical programmes
From the early days until the mid-1980s (i.e. until Chernobyl), an amount
equal to 15–20% of the disbursements under the programme went to each of
four groups of projects, namely those relating to the use of nuclear techniques
in: food and agriculture; medicine; physical and chemical sciences
; and
radiation protection and nuclear safety. Applications in industry and earth
sciences (e.g. hydrology and geology) also accounted for more than 10%.
In the late 1960s and 1970s, the proportion of funds spent on projects
directly related to nuclear power rose markedly, but fell again in the
succeeding years. As noted in Chapter 7, in the 1980s, and particularly after
Chernobyl, governments and the IAEA gave increasing attention to nuclear
safety and safety related activities.
In 1994, ‘nuclear safety’ overtook all other components, accounting for
22.9% of the programme. Food and agriculture came second with 22.4%.
Other significant components were physical and chemical sciences (17.3%),
human health (13.1%), and industry and earth sciences including hydrology
Interest in receiving assistance for nuclear power programmes in coun-
tries engaged in or contemplating such programmes decreased dramatically
after the 1979 Three Mile Island accident. A small recovery in 1984–1985 was
followed by another and continuing decline after 1986 (Chernobyl).
Although the IAEA has helped to carry out numerous assessments of
the pros and cons of introducing nuclear power and a number of surveys of
particular nuclear power projects, has trained many nuclear engineers and
has served as nominal supplier of nuclear power plants and their fuel in
Mexico and Yugoslavia, the Agency’s technical assistance programme has not
been directly involved in the building of any nuclear power plant or other
major fuel cycle plant.
Changes in the forms of
technical help provided
Table I shows changes in the shares of the main components of the tech-
nical co-operation programme: services of experts, equipment, fellowships
and training courses. It does not cover the 55 or so regional or interregional
training courses that the IAEA has been holding in recent years, which account
for about 10–15% of the cost of the technical co-operation programme.
In recent years the IAEA has been sending out about 2000 experts each
year, dealing with the roughly 150 scientific subjects covered by the technical
co-operation programme.
Since 1971, the cost of equipment provided has been kept at about 40%
of the total programme, although for States that have difficulty in finding the
means of buying imported equipment it may constitute the largest share of
the value of assistance provided. This applies particularly to the least devel-
oped countries in Africa and Asia.
Of the three main components of technical assistance, fellowship train-
ing is often the most difficult to provide and takes the longest time to arrange.
This is partly because the IAEA is required to arrange the acceptance and
placing of fellows through governmental channels. Delays of 18 months in
the processing of requests are not uncommon. Placing fellows of certain
nationalities can be very difficult even if the training sought for them is in
agricultural, medical or environmental applications of nuclear science where
the techniques involved are remote from any conceivable military, let alone
nuclear explosive, use.
Servicing the programme
In the late 1950s, three specialized units in three different Departments
were set up to manage the technical assistance programme: a Division dealing
with fellowships, another servicing all forms of technical assistance except
fellowships, and a co-ordinating Division. In the early 1960s, Sigvard Eklund
put an end to this irrational arrangement by creating a Department to man-
age all technical assistance and by scrapping the co-ordination Division and
eventually replacing it with a co-ordination Section in the office of the Head
of the Department.
Nonetheless, the Department of Technical Assistance remained largely
reactive, and its approach was fragmented. Delegations would come to the
Year programme
Experts Equipment and other Others
(million $)
(%) (%) training (%)
1970 4.6 27.5 25.0 47.5
1971–1980 NA 30.3 39.4 30.3
1980 21.7 24.6 43.5 31.9
1990 62.6 28.0 37.7 30.9
1995 83.3 27.0 39.4 30.9
Annual Report 1 July 1970–30 June 1971, GC(XV)/455, IAEA, Vienna (1971), pp. 11–12, paras
24–25. The report does not give the percentage of the programme taken by fellowships but
notes that experts and equipment accounted for 52% of the aid requested in this form and that
the share of resources allocated to equipment in 1970 amounted to 25%.
In 1990 and 1995, training courses were listed as a separate component. It is presumed that in
1980 and earlier years they were included in the fellowships component. In 1990, fellowships
accounted for 15.5% of funds spent and training courses for 15.4%. The corresponding shares
for 1995 were fellowships 18.5% and training courses 12.4%.
NA: Not available.
annual General Conference with a shopping list of often unrelated requests
which the IAEA would evaluate for technical soundness and to which it
would parcel out available funds. The fact that assistance came from so many
different sources was conducive to such a fragmentation. As time went on the
IAEA encouraged applicant States to draw up better integrated and longer
term country programmes. As noted, in 1982 the Agency introduced a two
year programming cycle and in 1992 introduced the concept of Model
Projects that were designed to surmount significant technical barriers to
development in the countries concerned rather than to build up infrastruc-
tures in particular research institutions.
Regional co-operation under the IAEA
One of the first essays that the IAEA made in the domain of technical
assistance was a mission to Latin America in May 1958 in response to a pro-
posal by Brazil to study the need for and the means of establishing one or
more regional training centres.
Unfortunately, the countries concerned were
unable to reach agreement on the project.
After a visit by an IAEA mission to eight African and Middle Eastern
Member States to evaluate proposals for regional radioisotope training cen-
tres, the Board of Governors decided in 1960 to endorse the request of the
United Arab Republic (Egypt) to establish the centre in Cairo for the Arab
countries. The Board also endorsed the Secretariat’s proposal that before the
centre was established the Director General should arrange in Cairo as a ‘test’
a series of training courses and report to the Board on the results. After two
such courses the centre was inaugurated on 18 March 1963.
In 1972, the IAEA launched its first agreement for standing regional
co-operation in the nuclear field, the Regional Co-operative Agreement for
Research, Development and Training Related to Nuclear Science and Technol-
ogy (RCA) — for Asia. The experiment was politically as well as technically
successful. As a result, researchers from India and Pakistan — as well as from
other nations in the region — began working together in fields as diverse as
the optimum use of research reactors and the application of nuclear science
techniques in breeding new varieties of food crops. By bringing together
scientists from the region who are working in the same field, the RCA’s peri-
odic and specialized meetings provided a forum for exchanging information,
comparing problems and results and avoiding unnecessary duplication.
The RCA subsequently attracted the support of industrialized nations in the
region, Japan, Australia and New Zealand, which have funded certain
Co-ordinated Research Programmes as well as technical co-operation projects
within the framework of the RCA. The agreement, which is reviewed every
five years, has been extended several times.
In the light of this encouraging experience the Agency promoted similar
agreements in Latin America (ARCAL — Regional Co-operative Arrange-
ments for the Promotion of Nuclear Science and Technology in Latin America,
which entered into force in 1982) and in Africa (AFRA — African Co-operative
Agreement for Research, Development and Training Related to Nuclear
Science and Technology, which entered into force in 1990).
are intergovernmental undertakings and ARCAL is an arrangement between
The three regional agreements aim to promote:
Technical co-operation between the developing countries themselves,
Sharing of resources, including facilities, equipment and manpower,
Pooling of knowledge and closer communication and collaboration
between scientists in the region.
By the end of 1996, 17 nations were members of the RCA, 19 of ARCAL and
21 of AFRA.
EPTA, the Special Fund and UNDP
In 1958, the Economic and Social Council approved the IAEA’s partici-
pation in the United Nations Expanded Programme of Technical Assistance
(EPTA) and the UN Special Fund. The IAEA subsequently concluded an
agreement with EPTA setting the terms under which any government eligible
to participate in EPTA could make use of help given by the Agency whether
or not it was an IAEA Member State. It will be seen from Table I in Annex 3
that EPTA soon began to finance a considerable share of the IAEA’s technical
assistance programme, its contribution rising from $304 000 in 1959, to
$633 000 in 1960 and to $1 317 000 in 1965 more in fact than the contribution
from the IAEA’s own funds that year ($1 200 000). Throughout the 1960s,
EPTA and the Special Fund remained a source of funds comparable to (and in
1965, outstripping slightly) the IAEA’s own programme.
After that, however, the IAEA’s share began to rise, reaching more than
double the EPTA/UNDP contribution by the mid-1970s (for instance, in 1976
the share of the IAEA was $6 221 000 and that of UNDP was $3 002 000). By
1985, UNDP’s share was less than one tenth of that of the IAEA (IAEA
$30 681 000 and UNDP $2 654 000). By 1995, the IAEA’s input had risen to
$60 300 000 million and UNDP’s had fallen to $1 355 000 million.
Contributions in kind
Contributions in the form of fellowships, expert services and equipment
were also an important source for technical assistance operations in the
IAEA’s early years. Assessment of the monetary value of such gifts is always
somewhat arbitrary, but during most of the 1960s they were estimated to be
comparable with those of contributions in cash. They fluctuated around
much the same level until 1977, while the level of monetary contributions
rose rapidly.
As a result, by 1980 the value of contributions in kind was only
about one fifth of the IAEA TCF input ($2 628 000 compared with $13 301 000)
and by 1995 only 3.5% ($1 877 000 compared with $60 300 000).
Balance between ‘promotional’ and
‘regulatory’ activities
After the entry into force of the NPT in 1970, the target for voluntary
contributions, after remaining relatively unchanged for several years, began
to climb again. As already noted, it is likely that the major donor countries
agreed to raise the target as a means of encouraging support for safeguards
and the NPT. For the same reasons they agreed in 1971 to establish a separate
scale of contributions to the budget for safeguards. Since then, these measures
have put an effective brake on any significant increase in the contributions of
the poorer countries to the safeguards budget (see Chapter 8).
The 1973 Arab–Israeli war and the 1973–1974 oil price rise led many
developing countries to begin planning nuclear power programmes, and
hence to seek help in training their engineers and to request other forms of
assistance they would need in carrying out these programmes. This naturally
led the developing countries to press for more resources for technical assis-
tance, and they began to call for a balance between the budgets for the IAEA’s
‘regulatory’ and ‘promotional’ activities. In other words, as the budgets for
IAEA safeguards and for nuclear and radiation safety increased, so too
should the target for contributions to the TCF.
The representative of Egypt succinctly put the case for such a balance in
a statement to the Board on 5 March 1980: “...the IAEA could retain the
confidence of all Member States only by maintaining a fair balance between
technical assistance and its regulatory activities.”
One of the issues that the
concept of ‘a balance’ raises is discussed in the final chapter of this book.
Suffice it to say here that since 1980, the unforeseen and indirect effect of seek-
ing a balance between ‘regulatory’ and ‘promotional’ activities, coupled with
zero growth in the IAEA’s regular budget, has been to cap the safeguards
budget in real terms, while the total contributions to the TCF have continued
to rise, except in 1990 and 1992 when the precipitous devaluation of the
rouble caused a sharp fall in the real value of the Russian contribution. The
effects since 1980 of zero growth in the regular budget, coupled with increas-
ing targets for the TCF, are shown in Table II. The tables in Annex 3 provide
a more detailed statistical analysis of the growth of and fluctuations in the
technical co-operation programme from 1957 to 1995.
Year 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995
Regular budget for Agency programmes
7 938 00 12 250 000 32 175 000 78 935 000 91 611 000 158 348 000 205 517 000
Target for voluntary contributions to TCF or precursor
2 000 000 2 000 000 4 500 000 10 500 000 26 000 000 45 500 000 61 500 000
Budget for safeguards
354 000 1 272 000 4 802 000 19 396 000 32 574 000 54 486 000 72 745 000
Research support
In 1958, the IAEA began concluding research contracts with laboratories
and other scientific institutes in Member States. This was a novel activity for
any United Nations agency. The successful launching of the programme
owed much to the efforts of Henry Seligman, formerly Director of the Isotope
Laboratory at Harwell in the United Kingdom and from 1958 the first Head
of the IAEA’s Department of Research and Isotopes.
In theory, at least, the contracts were designed to produce data or other
results of direct value to the IAEA’s own programmes, and they were presented
as a means of procuring services needed by the IAEA and not as technical assis-
tance given to the Member State that housed the institute carrying out the
In practice, the proposals for research contracts usually came from an
interested institute and not from the IAEA, and in many cases the contracts were
a disguised form of technical assistance to the institute and State concerned.
In recent years the IAEA has indicated which fields of research it wishes
to promote; in other words, in which areas it would welcome research pro-
posals. This did and does not, however, apply to research contracts awarded
in support of the safeguards programme and certain other technical contracts
where the IAEA itself took the initiative.
The isolated and frequently uncoordinated contracts of the early days
have evolved into Co-ordinated Research Programmes, in which a group of
laboratories or institutes in developing and selected industrialized countries
focus their research on a topic of common interest. Annual or biennial meetings
of the contract holders have provided an excellent opportunity for sharing
experience. In many cases the successful results of a Co-ordinated Research
Programme have led to a proposal for a technical co-operation project. By
bringing together laboratories in developing and industrialized countries the
IAEA also introduced a form of ‘twinning’, in which the scientists in the devel-
oping country benefit from the sophisticated techniques and extensive
resources available to their colleagues in the ‘advanced’ laboratory. The United
Nations has a ‘Joint Inspection Unit’ which monitors the performance of the
various United Nations agencies. In 1991, an evaluation carried out by the Unit
assessed the IAEA’s Co-ordinated Research Programme as “perhaps the most
important co-operative effort in the [United Nations] system.”
The total cost of research contracts awarded annually — other than those
in support of safeguards — remained fairly constant at between $750 000 and
$850 000 from 1961 until 1970. Because of the effects of inflation, this reflected
a decline in the relative importance of the programme and a decline in real terms
of the money spent on it. After 1975, however, the total cost of research contracts
began rising quite substantially. Figure 4 shows its growth from 1970 to 1995.
In the earlier years the dominant subjects of research were radiobiology,
radiation protection and waste management. Subsequently, the use of nuclear
techniques in agriculture and in medicine gradually emerged as the main
topics, reflecting a trend towards subsidizing research on practical questions
of more direct interest to the developing countries.
The supply of nuclear materials
Although the Agency failed to become a significant source of supplies of
nuclear power plants and their fuel, it served quite frequently in the early years
as a broker for the supply of small quantities of nuclear materials for laboratory
research. In September 1968, the Board delegated authority to the Director
General to approve transfers of amounts up to 1 kg of natural uranium or its
equivalent in plutonium and enriched uranium, i.e. amounts that qualified for
1970 19951990198519801975
Millions of dollars
FIG. 4. Growth of the IAEA research contract programme,
exemption from safeguards under the INFCIRC/66 system.
The USA origi-
nally made available up to $50 000 each year to cover such supplies. By 1970, the
IAEA had arranged such supplies to some 30 Member States.
In the early 1980s,
arrangements for such supply of small quantities became increasingly rare.
By 1970, the IAEA had also brokered the supply of subcritical assem-
blies or research reactors and/or their fuel or major components to Argentina,
Chile, the Congo (Leopoldville, i.e. Zaire), Finland, Indonesia, Iran, Israel,
Japan (the first), Mexico, Norway, Pakistan, Philippines, Spain, Uruguay, Viet
Nam and Yugoslavia.
In the next decade the recipients of research reactors
and/or their fuel included Greece, Malaysia, Romania, Turkey and
Venezuela. During this period the IAEA also brokered for the first — and last
— time the supply of power reactors and their fuel, namely to Mexico and
Yugoslavia, and booster rods for a power reactor in Pakistan (Kanupp). More
recently, the Agency assisted with the transfer of fuel for two miniature
neutron source reactors of Chinese origin to Syria (1992) and Ghana (1994).
In the 17 years from 1981 to 1997, the list of new recipients of research
reactors and/or their nuclear fuel under project agreements with the IAEA
comprised Ghana, Jamaica, Morocco, Peru, Syria and Thailand.
It is clear from the record that while the developing Member States of
the IAEA have very rarely turned to it as the supplier of nuclear power plants
and their fuel, they have customarily asked it to arrange for the provision of
a research reactor. One reason for this was probably that the nuclear authority
of the developing country that would normally operate the research reactor
had a relatively close relationship with the IAEA, but that this would not
necessarily be true of the electric power utility or authority. Nonetheless, the
number of requests for the IAEA’s help in obtaining research reactors
declined after the 1960s, probably because most developing countries that
wished to obtain a research reactor had already done so by 1970.
The International Centre for
Theoretical Physics in Trieste and the
Agency’s laboratories
The Trieste Centre
In 1963, thanks largely to the leadership and drive of the eminent
Pakistani physicist and Nobel Prize winner Professor Abdus Salam,
the IAEA
established a unique institution, the International Centre for Theoretical
Physics (ICTP).
In the late 1950s, it was obvious that some of the IAEA’s main pro-
grammes were off to a slow start. New ideas were needed, particularly ideas
that would promote East/West co-operation. An international centre for
theoretical physics was just such an idea. It need not be costly, it would not
involve the investment in expensive equipment that would be essential for a
centre for experimental physics like CERN in Geneva — all that the theoretical
physicist would need was a pencil and paper, or chalk and a blackboard.
Interested Member States proposed the creation of the ICTP at the fourth
session of the General Conference in 1960, which adopted a resolution calling
for a study of the proposal.
In June 1963, the Board, accepting an offer by the
Government of Italy, approved the establishment of the Centre in Trieste.
The ICTP began its work in October 1964 with a four week seminar on
plasma physics. It has since provided to physicists from all over the world,
and especially from the developing countries, a facility that enables them to
maintain contact with their colleagues and to keep abreast of developments
in many branches of pure and applied physics and related disciplines. It served
as host to numerous conferences, seminars, workshops and training courses.
By the 1990s, the ICTP was receiving some 4000 scientists from all regions of the
world every year, and more than 40 Nobel Prize winners had taken part in its
activities. Under Professor Salam’s direction the Centre invented ingenious
forms of association to enable scientists from the developing countries to main-
tain contact with their colleagues, for instance by becoming associate members
and visiting the centre three times over a period of six years for stays of six
weeks to three months. Another scheme enabled institutes federated with the
ICTP to send young scientists to Trieste for 40–120 days a year. By 1995, there
were some 300 Federation Agreements.
From the start the ICTP received generous support from the Italian
Government and the city of Trieste. In 1970, UNESCO became a joint sponsor
of the Centre.
Professor Salam remained the Director of the Centre until
1993, when he retired from that post, but was appointed President of the
Centre. In June 1995, Professor Miguel Virasoro from Argentina succeeded
Professor Salam.
In 1994, to celebrate the thirtieth anniversary of the ICTP, the Inter-
national Foundation Trieste published a tribute to Abdus Salam. It included
a message from Hans Blix in which he wrote that: “The extraordinary success
of the ICTP as a place for co-operation and as a landmark for physicists and
mathematicians from developing countries is due to the vision, competence
and energy of its creator, Abdus Salam.”
Professor J. Niederle, of the Czech Academy of Sciences, described the
ICTP as “a clearing house for new ideas”, “a crossroad for physicists” and “a
place for doing research” and wrote movingly about his first visit to the
Centre in 1964 from Prague where “the cornerstones of the first
Czechoslovak Republic...democracy, tolerance and humanity...were brutally
oppressed by a totalitarian regime...”; his stay at the Centre “meant for me a
penetration through the iron curtain...to think in global terms as a free
The ICTP has served as a model for other institutions and triggered their
development in the industrialized as well as developing countries, in the
United Kingdom and the USA as well as in Colombia and the Republic of
Korea. UNESCO coined the term ‘Triestino’ “to mean a scientific institution
devoted to international co-operation in science and with modalities
modelled on those of the International Centre for Theoretical Physics.”
Since the Centre’s inception, the Italian Government has met by far the
largest share of its operating costs, the IAEA has contributed a second, much
smaller share and, since 1 January 1970, when it became joint sponsor of the
centre, UNESCO has made the same annual contribution as the IAEA. Several
governments (e.g. of Denmark, Germany, Japan, the Netherlands, Sweden
and the USA), the European Union, OPEC, UNDP and numerous institutes
have also helped to fund some of the Centre’s activities.
At the end of 1995, UNESCO took over administrative responsibility for
the ICTP, but the IAEA decided to remain a partner in the operation of the
Centre and to work with it in subjects directly related to the IAEA’s
The Headquarters and
the Seibersdorf laboratories
In 1958, the IAEA set up a provisional laboratory in the basement of its
headquarters building in the former Grand Hotel. The ‘Headquarters
laboratory’ had small physics and chemistry sections. Its main work was:
To analyse samples of air, milk and vegetation (supplied by UNSCEAR
and Member States) in order to measure environmental contamination
resulting from atmospheric tests of nuclear weapons;
To help set international standards by preparing and distributing con-
trolled samples of radioisotopes to other laboratories in Europe and
North America;
To launch a worldwide programme for the measurement of the concen-
trations of tritium in the atmosphere, for which the atmospheric tests
were chiefly responsible. This programme is more fully described in
Chapter 10.
As noted in Chapter 5, in April 1959 the Board approved plans for a per-
manent laboratory to be built adjacent to the Austrian Nuclear Research
Centre at Seibersdorf, near Vienna. The Agency’s Seibersdorf laboratory went
into operation in October 1961. It was the first full-fledged laboratory of a
truly international character.
The laboratory was designed “especially for
certain types of work that call for comparison and co-ordination on the
widest possible basis.”
In August 1961, Sterling Cole invited all developing
Member States to make known any requirements that might be met by the
laboratory and to suggest activities or projects in which they had a particular
The Seibersdorf laboratory was not intended to be a centre for indepen-
dent nuclear research but rather a means of providing essential support to the
Agency’s technical and scientific programmes. Since 1961, the laboratory has
underpinned the Agency’s work relating to protection of the environment,
medicine, agriculture, hydrology, nuclear safety and safeguards. The scientists
working at the laboratories do, of course, engage in research, but such research
is usually of direct utility to the programmes of the ‘parent’ Divisions and
Departments at IAEA Headquarters.
After the creation of the FAO/IAEA Division of Food and Agriculture in
1964, the laboratory’s work in support of research on agriculture and nutrition
and on applications of radiation began to expand, and in 1965 the FAO and
the IAEA established a plant breeding unit. In 1968, the two agencies set up
an entomology unit and in 1986 they completed the construction of a new
agriculture wing. In 1990, a new training facility, funded by the USA, Austria,
Germany and the FAO, was also constructed. Construction of a new modern
extension to the entomology unit, made possible by a donation from the USA,
was completed in February 1997.
The work of the Seibersdorf laboratories in support of the IAEA’s food
and agriculture, human health and isotope hydrology programmes — chiefly
for the benefit of developing countries — is described in Chapter 10. The main
work of the laboratories that did not fall within these categories was in rela-
tion to nuclear fallout, preparation of standards and analytical quality control.
Measuring nuclear fallout, 1961–1963
From 1961 to 1963, the Seibersdorf laboratory measured radioactivity in
samples of food, milk, etc., resulting from the fallout that was caused by the
nuclear weapon tests that the USA, the USSR, the United Kingdom and
France carried out in the atmosphere and at ground level. This was a contin-
uation of the work begun at the Headquarters laboratory and it came to an
end after the cessation of most atmospheric testing in 1963.
Preparation of tritium
and other standards used in hydrology
Since 1961, the hydrology section of the laboratory has supplied water
standards to tritium laboratories in numerous countries in connection with
the IAEA’s programme for a worldwide survey of hydrogen and oxygen
This too was a continuation of the work begun at the Headquarters
laboratory and, as explained in the next chapter, it established one of the
crucial bases of the IAEA’s hydrology projects.
Analytical quality control services
To give some examples of the usefulness of analytical quality control
services, accurate and precise knowledge of the chemical contents of a given
sample provides the essential data for deciding:
Whether the material sampled is fit for human consumption,
Whether or not the environment is being contaminated,
Whether trace chemical elements essential for good health or responsible
for diseases are present in the human body,
Whether or not the materials or batch of goods from which the sample
is taken meet certain agreed specifications for a commercial transaction.
Thus, accurate chemical analysis may be crucial for human life or
human health, or in determining whether the conditions agreed to in an
important commercial contract or other agreement have been fulfilled. It is also
essential for determining the extent of chemical pollution of the environment
by, for instance, the overuse of fertilizers or pesticides, or resulting from a
major accident such as Chernobyl.
In the early 1960s, the Seibersdorf laboratory began providing a broad
range of analytical quality controls. This started with the collection of data on
low level radionuclide pollution resulting chiefly from the atmospheric tests
of nuclear weapons referred to above. UNSCEAR, responsible for assessing
the effects of the tests, noticed alarming discrepancies in the data supplied by
national laboratories and asked the IAEA to assist it in ensuring the
comparability of results. The IAEA arranged intercomparisons between
co-operating laboratories and provided the reference materials against which
the laboratories could test their own results.
The results of some preliminary intercomparisons in the mid-1960s
were ‘impressively bad’: even some of the results received from old and well
established laboratories showed wide deviations from the norm. The IAEA
organized a succession of meetings to resolve these problems and arranged
further intercomparisons. By 1974, the laboratory was able to offer a compre-
hensive analytical quality control service to Member States.
In the 1970s and 1980s, the IAEA also gradually extended the range of
material that it analysed, and for which it provided reference materials, to
include sea water, sediments and marine life (biota) — analysed by the
IAEA’s Monaco Laboratory for radionuclide, pesticide and trace element
content — and hydrological materials to determine their isotopic composition
(the ratios of hydrogen and oxygen isotopes).
Other sources of reference materials included the Commissariat à
l’Energie Atomique in France, the European Union’s Central Bureau of
Nuclear Measurements in Geel, Belgium, and the New Brunswick Laboratory
in the USA. At the same time, progress in electronics, chemical instrumenta-
tion, microprocessing and computing permitted the simultaneous or nearly
simultaneous analysis of many different elements, and eventually of the
detection and measurement of more and more minute traces. In this way the
IAEA was able to provide reference materials for the analysis of a constantly
growing range of trace elements.
A very wide and increasing range of customers has required reference
materials to enable them to make accurate and precise analyses of samples
containing minute quantities of elements and compounds. They have included
research institutions and laboratories, almost every organization concerned with
setting standards and ensuring safety such as regulatory and environmental
authorities, and industrial corporations. By 1995, the IAEA was able to pro-
vide a catalogue of approximately 1600 reference materials.
After the Chernobyl accident, the analytical services of the Seibersdorf
laboratories were used by several Member States and by the International
Chernobyl Project to study the environmental impact of the accident.
Training of scientists from developing countries
In 1963, the Seibersdorf laboratory held its first international training
course. The subject was how to determine the radionuclide content of food.
Since then the laboratory has conducted three to four international training
courses each year. They have covered various agricultural disciplines, the use
of isotopes in hydrology studies, the maintenance and repair of nuclear
instrumentation and radiochemical analyses. The laboratory also plays host
each year to many scientists from developing countries who receive hands-on
training in the application of specific nuclear techniques to the solution of
practical problems.
The Monaco Laboratory
In 1958, the United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea adopted
a resolution recommending that the IAEA should pursue whatever studies
and take whatever action were necessary to assist States in controlling the dis-
charge of radioactive materials into the sea.
An IAEA panel, meeting in 1958
and 1959, proposed limits on such disposals and in November 1959 the IAEA
convened in Monaco the first international conference on the disposal of
radioactive wastes at sea.
In 1961, the IAEA, the Government of Monaco and the Musée
Océanographique (directed by Jacques Cousteau) began a three year research
programme on the effects of radioactivity in the sea. As noted in Chapter 5,
this opened the way to the establishment of the IAEA’s International
Laboratory of Marine Radioactivity (ILMR). The Laboratory began work in
the 1960s by analysing the distribution of radionuclides in the sea, the com-
position of marine organisms, the way in which these organisms incorporate
radionuclides and the impact of radiation on marine life.
The Laboratory also served as an ‘umbrella’ institute, providing samples
of sea water, sediments and marine life containing measured quantities of
radioisotopes to many national laboratories in order to help them standardize
and calibrate their measurement techniques, and to ensure that the results of
their analyses were comparable with each other. For instance, in 1975, 110 lab-
oratories in 27 Member States of the IAEA took part in an intercalibration
It is obvious that one of the main political rationales for the Laboratory
was concern in the late 1950s about the dumping of low level waste at sea.
Low level waste included slightly radioactive laboratory equipment
overalls and waste from the radiology units of hospitals. The USA had
terminated its earlier dumping activities, but several Western European
nations were continuing to send a ship into the North Atlantic each year
to dump barrels filled with concrete as well as waste thousands of feet
down in ocean trenches. The practice aroused much criticism and strong
objections by Cousteau, amongst others. As noted elsewhere, the Soviet
Union was amongst the fiercest critics, but kept silent about the massive
amounts of high level waste it was dumping in the Arctic seas and the Far
Eastern seas.
The year 1974 marked a turning point for the Laboratory. One of the
main projects of the recently established United Nations Environment
Programme (UNEP) was to undertake an accurate assessment of the levels of
pollution in the principal seas, beginning with the Mediterranean and the
Persian Gulf and later extending to all the world’s oceans. The rising level of
non-radioactive pollution of these seas by industry, farming, shipping,
drilling for oil and tourism was a far more pressing and formidable problem
than that caused by the dumping of low level waste in the depths of the
Atlantic. In 1974, the Laboratory’s functions were accordingly broadened to
cover non-nuclear contamination. It became, in effect, a service laboratory for
much of the UNEP programme as well as the leading international centre for
assessing the effects of radioactivity in the sea. It also provided training
(about a dozen specialist training courses a year) and analytical quality assur-
ance services.
Thus, in 1974, UNEP joined the IAEA and the Government of Monaco
as the principal funders of the Laboratory. It also received funds, equipment
and other forms of support from UNDP, the Intergovernmental
Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO and from many governments and
other intergovernmental or non-governmental bodies, including France,
Germany, Japan, Sweden, the USA and the European Union.
In 1986, the IAEA created a Marine Environmental Studies Laboratory
within ILMR to co-ordinate studies on non-radioactive marine pollution.
To reflect more accurately the broader scope of the Laboratory’s work on
behalf of Member States and several UN agencies, the Laboratory’s name was
changed in 1991 to the IAEA Marine Environment Laboratory (IAEA-MEL).
As the only such laboratory in the United Nations system, it was now at the
forefront of international efforts to understand, preserve and protect the
marine environment.
Since 1974, the Laboratory has assessed and helped to mitigate many
grave challenges to the marine environment. Its more recent work has included:
A study of the impact of the 1991 Gulf War on the Persian Gulf; in other
words, the extent and effects of the pollution caused by the release of oil
into the Gulf and by the burning of some 67 million tonnes of oil when
Iraqi troops set fire to the Kuwaiti oil wells (since 1980 the Laboratory
had already been helping UNEP and the Gulf countries to set up a
regional marine monitoring and research programme).
A Co-ordinated Research Programme on the condition of the Black Sea.
The IAEA began this programme in 1992. Public concern about the con-
sequences of Chernobyl and about releases from some nuclear plants in
the region induced the countries concerned to give high priority to
research on radioactive pollution of the Black Sea.
A major study of radioactive pollution of the Arctic and Far Eastern seas
(see also the section on radioactive waste management in Chapter 7). In
1993, the IAEA began work on an ‘International Arctic Seas Assessment
Project’. The aim was to determine the potential hazards to humans and
the marine environment resulting from the dumping of nuclear waste,
spent nuclear fuel and nuclear propulsion reactors in the shallow waters
of the Kara and Barents Seas, and to predict the dispersion of any radio-
active material that may leak in the future.
The Laboratory took part
in five expeditions to the region. Measurements made in two of the bays
in which waste was dumped have shown that in 1994 there has been
some contamination by the objects dumped “...but at radiologically
insignificant levels.”
“Sediment contamination is limited to the
immediate vicinity of the [dumped] containers.”
At the end of 1996,
the IAEA presented a report on the results of the study to the parties to
the London ‘Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by
Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter’.
— An analysis of samples of sea water and sediments taken by a joint Japan–
Republic of Korea–Russian Federation expedition to the Far Eastern seas,
which was also the scene of large scale dumping. Analysis of the
samples “did not show any effects from the dump sites.”
(See also
Chapter 7.)
An analysis of the consequences of weapon tests in the Pacific.
Specifically, a study of the effects of France’s nuclear tests on and above
Mururoa Atoll in the South Pacific. In 1991, the analysis of the first
samples showed that “radioactivity concentrations around Mururoa are
extremely low, close to detection limits and generally at global fallout
A study of the role of the oceans in mitigating global warming.
Studies on the impacts on the marine ecosystem of industrial pollution
and the runoff of fertilizers and other agricultural chemicals.
A survey of nuclear and other industrial pollution of the Danube River
basin. This study, which the Cousteau Foundation and the IAEA began
in 1992, assessed the impact of fossil fuel power stations, phosphate and
other industrial chemical plants as well as of nuclear sites in Hungary,
Romania and Bulgaria.
The survey “showed that the Danube River
and catchment are radiologically clean... The only man-made radio-
activity consistently observed is from fallout from the Chernobyl acci-
dent and the levels are relatively low...”
A study of the contamination of the northern Adriatic Sea by, for
instance, PCBs and mercury.
The European Union has funded the
project, which was aimed at improving understanding of the causes of
eutrophication of the sea. Isotopic methods have been used to help
define the rates of the most relevant marine processes.
In 1995, the Laboratory began studies of the causes of the dramatically
rising levels of the Caspian Sea. Isotopic techniques have been used to study
the water table of the Caspian region and the IAEA’s hydrology laboratory is
taking part in the project.
In support of its work the Monaco Laboratory has created a ‘Global
Marine Radioactivity Database’ (GLOMARD) to provide governments with
radioactivity baseline data on sea water, sediments and biota — in other
words, data on the amounts of radioactivity in various locations of the seas,
their sediments and marine life.
In 1994, the Principality of Monaco completed new and permanent
premises for the Laboratory. It is expected that by 1998 new construction will
more than double the floor space of the Laboratory.
A changed assessment
of the usefulness of the laboratories
In the early 1960s, several members of the Board were sceptical about
the value of and the need for the IAEA’s laboratories and the ICTP at Trieste;
many Governors, including those representing the USSR, France and the
United Kingdom, argued that they would simply duplicate work that could
be done better and more cheaply by national laboratories and institutes.
Experience has shown that this scepticism was ill-founded. The laboratories
and ICTP, as well as the Divisions with which the laboratories most closely
work, have earned a fine reputation in the world of science and have provided
valuable services to the IAEA’s Member States. It is noteworthy that Russia
and France, which in the early days were particularly dubious about the
potential value of Trieste, Seibersdorf and Monaco, have found them most
useful in determining the environmental impact of their own previous or
recently discontinued military nuclear operations.
The number of developing Member States seriously involved in nuclear power —
operating, building or about to order nuclear power plants — has remained at
about a dozen since the 1960s, after having peaked at 15 or more in the 1970s. The
States that have abandoned incipient nuclear power programmes include Egypt,
Israel, the Philippines and Yugoslavia.
The chief techniques are the uses of radioisotopes as tools in agricultural, medical,
environmental and biological research, or in field studies (e.g. tracing the course of
underground aquifers, measuring the rate of recharge of underground reservoirs),
and the use of radiation in medicine and in various industries such as food preser-
vation, sterilization of medical supplies and improving plastics.
Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Ethiopia, Haiti, Liberia, Madagascar, Mali,
Myanmar, Namibia, Nicaragua, Niger, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Uganda,
Tanzania, Yemen, Zaire and Zambia.
Annual Report for 1976, GC(XXI)/580, IAEA, Vienna (1977) p. 18, para. 39.
The countries are: Bangladesh, Brazil, Bulgaria, China, Cuba, Egypt, Hungary,
Indonesia, Iran, Malaysia, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Poland,
Romania, Tanzania, Thailand, Republic of Korea and Viet Nam. (Information pro-
vided by the IAEA’s Department of Technical Co-operation.)
LACHANCE, L.E., KLASSEN, W., “Applying the sterile insect technique to the
control of insect pests”, IAEA Yearbook 1991, IAEA, Vienna (1991) B23. At a special
facility, e.g. at the IAEA’s entomology laboratory at Seibersdorf, specialists breed
large numbers of the target insect pests and sterilize them by radiation. These
insects are released in an infected area, usually at a time when the wild population
is naturally low or has been reduced by the use of chemicals. If the insect only
mates once the entire population may be eliminated by infertile matings.
The Joint FAO/IAEA Division of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture and
the Divisions of Human Health and of Physical and Chemical Sciences.
Annual Report for 1989, GC(XXXIV)/915, IAEA, Vienna (1990) 136. The IAEA
now has 15 technical Divisions, including the two responsible for the technical
assistance programme. Six of the technical Divisions are in the Department of
Resolution GC(XXV)/RES/386.
See GOV/OR.635, paras 31–32, and GOV/OR.639, pp. 14–17, paras 49–67.
The G-77 referred to “lists A and C” in an annex to United Nations General
Assembly Resolution 1995 (XIX) and related resolutions subsequently adopted by
the Assembly.
“Moreover, there is no statutory limitation on the eligibility of Member States to
receive technical assistance, and a number of them are both donors and recipients
of such assistance” (GOV/INF/467 of 5 February 1985, para. 3).
In fact, some tentative steps were taken to incorporate the entire budgets of FAO
and UNESCO into the budget of the UN itself and, pending such incorporation, to
have the FAO and UNESCO budgets reviewed by the General Assembly
(GOODRICH, L.M., HAMBRO, E., SIMONS, A.P., Charter of the United Nations,
Commentary and Documents, Columbia University Press, New York (1969) 424).
One might have gone even further towards centralization. It would have been
administratively logical to put the UN and all the agencies in one place where they
could have shared a single administrative and financial infrastructure. In the
relationship agreements with some specialized agencies, including those with
FAO and ILO, there is “a qualified commitment to establish headquarters of the
agency at United Nations headquarters, or at least to consult before a final deci-
sion is taken” [about the location of the headquarters of the two agencies].
(GOODRICH, L.M., et al., Charter of the United Nations, Commentary and Documents,
p. 423.)
And ECOSOC has been quite unable to play the programmatic co-ordinating role
foreseen for it; for many observers it has become little more than a talking shop.
Annual Report for 1991, GC(XXXVI)/1004, IAEA, Vienna (1992) 148.
BARRETTO, P.M.C., “Activities of the International Atomic Energy Agency rele-
vant to Article IV of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons,”
NPT/CONF.1995/PC.IV/8 (1995).
CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, Background Material for the Review of the
International Atomic Policies and Programs of the United States, Report to the Joint
Committee on Atomic Energy, Vol. 3, US Govt Printing Office, Washington, DC
(1960) 752; and Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the General Conference 1 July
1959–30 June 1960, GC(IV)/114, IAEA, Vienna (1960), p. 4, para. 15 (b); Annual
Report of the Board of Governors to the General Conference 1 July 1960–30 June 1961,
GC(V)/154, IAEA, Vienna (1961), p. 28, paras 185–186.
Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the General Conference Covering the Period
from 1 July 1958 to 30 June 1959, GC(III)/73, IAEA, Vienna (1959), p. 31, para. 131.
IAEA Statute, Articles III.B.3 and IV.C.
Document INFCIRC/267, part B, para. 2 (‘The Revised Guiding Principles and
General Operating Rules to Govern the Provision of Technical Assistance by the
Agency’, March 1979); and SZASZ, P.C., The Law and Practices of the International
Atomic Energy Agency, Legal Series No. 7, IAEA, Vienna (1970) 455. INFCIRC/267,
part B, para. 2, provides that “each Member State…shall be eligible for technical
assistance provided from the Agency’s own resources”, but this is subject to the
Guiding Principle that these resources “shall be allocated primarily to meet the
needs of developing countries.”
Little did one know that four decades later even Russia itself might receive assis-
tance from programmes designed chiefly for the ‘developing countries’ (The
Agency’s Technical Co-operation Activities in 1994, GC(39)/INF/8, IAEA, Vienna
(1995), p. 35, para. 123). Russian experts were invited to take part in several regional
technical co-operation activities and interregional training courses. Russian
experts were also awarded fellowships. Recently, ‘footnote a
/’ projects (described
later in this chapter) in Russia have also been included in the technical co-opera-
tion programme.
CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, Review of the International Atomic Policies
and Programs of the United States, p. 740-741; and First Annual Report of the Board of
Governors to the General Conference Covering the Period from 23 October 1957 to 30 June
1958, GC(II)/39, IAEA, Vienna (1958), p. 30, para. 131.
CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, Review of the International Atomic Policies
and Programs of the United States, p. 740; and Annual Report of the Board of Governors
to the General Conference 1 July 1959–30 June 1960, p. 41, paras 257–258.
The first training course was held jointly with FAO at Cornell University in the
USA. Other training courses in 1960 and 1961 were held in Argentina (use of
radioisotopes in agriculture and medicine), India (radioisotopes in agricultural
research, and on reactors), Netherlands (agricultural research) and Israel (radio-
biology) (Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the General Conference Covering
the Period from 1 July 1958–30 June 1959, p. 33, paras 144 and 145; Annual Report of
the Board of Governors to the General Conference 1 July 1959–30 June 1960, p. 25,
paras 133 and 135).
SZASZ, P.C., The Law and Practices of the International Atomic Energy Agency, p. 459.
SZASZ, P.C., ibid, p. 479.
Annual Report for 1976, p. 18, para. 40.
Annual Report for 1978, GC(XXIII)/610, IAEA, Vienna (1977), p. 15, para. 42.
RAINER, R.H., SZASZ, P.C., The Law and Practices of the International Atomic Energy
Agency: 1970–1980, Supplement 1 to the 1970 Edition of Legal Series No. 7, Legal Series
No. 7-S1, IAEA, Vienna (1993) 218–219.
RAINER, R.H. SZASZ, P.C., ibid., pp. 220–221.
The formula used in the revised document (INFCIRC/267, para 1.(I)) was that
“Technical assistance shall be provided only for peaceful uses of atomic energy. For the
purposes of the technical assistance programme, peaceful uses of atomic energy shall
exclude nuclear weapons manufacture, the furtherance of any military purpose and
uses which could contribute to the proliferation of nuclear weapons, such as research
on, development of, testing of, or manufacture of a nuclear explosive device.”
Document GOV/OR.529, paras 14 and 17.
Annual Report for 1983, GC(XXVIII)/713, IAEA, Vienna (1984), pp. 20–21, paras
Annual Report for 1987, GC(XXXII)/835, IAEA, Vienna (1988), p. 17, paras 46–47.
Annual Report for 1991, p. 1.
Annual Report for 1995, GC(40)/8, IAEA, Vienna (1996) 6.
The statistics for IAEA training courses before 1980 are not readily available.
In 1996, the Board approved a further 35 Model Projects.
Finland has been successfully operating Soviet plants of the WWER type for nearly
20 years. It addressed this deficiency by building containment domes around the
reactors and by installing more advanced Western reactor control instruments.
The information in this paragraph was provided by Jihui Qian, Deputy Director
General in charge of the IAEA‘s Department of Technical Co-operation. Before
joining the IAEA, Mr. Qian was closely associated with the Chinese nuclear power
This is, in effect, an offspring of what the IAEA Statute refers to as the “General
Fund”. In the Annual Report for 1995, p. 54, it is referred to as the “Technical
Co-operation Fund”.
Projects that the Secretariat has found to be technically sound but for which the
Agency does not have enough funds in the TCF to carry out. In the document that the
Secretariat submits to the Technical Co-operation Committee of the Board, these are
identified by a footnote a
/. Donor States select those that they are prepared to finance.
In the case of projects funded by UNDP or by other development funding organi-
zations, the funding body makes a contribution to the IAEA to enable it to meet
overhead costs.
For a discussion of this issue, see SZASZ, P.C., The Law and Practices of the
International Atomic Energy Agency, pp. 501–502.
Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the General Conference 1 July 1959–30 June
1960, p. 20, paras 98–99.
See Table I, Annex 3.
Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the General Conference 1 July 1963–30 June
1964, GC(VIII)/270, IAEA, Vienna (1964), p. 35, para. 166.
In 1962, the representative of the United Kingdom, Michael Michaels, formally
proposed amending the Statute to incorporate technical assistance funding into
the regular (assessed) budget. Normally, Western countries (and the Soviet Union)
insisted that all contributions to the technical assistance funds must be voluntary.
The United Kingdom’s departure from this position was to some extent a reaction
to the fact that the contributions of the Soviet Union and other Eastern European
countries were invariably in the form of non-convertible currencies, or in kind. In
the Board the Soviet Union (Vassily Emelyanov) and its allies strongly objected to
the proposal, and it was also opposed by Canada and, somewhat surprisingly, by
India. Equally surprising was the support it received from the US Governor
(Henry Smythe). It was also supported by the Federal Republic of Germany and
by most of the other Governors from developing countries who took part in the
debate (see GOV/OR.300 and 301).
The Board referred the issue to the General Conference, which asked the Board for
a further report on the matter. When the Board’s discussions were resumed in
1963, the USA put forward a somewhat different package, which included financ-
ing technical assistance out of the regular budget but set upper limits to the value
of any equipment component of any technical assistance project. The Board was
divided on much the same lines as in 1962, and the US proposal was approved by
a vote of 12 to 5 and transmitted to the General Conference (GOV/OR.323). The
General Conference decided not to act on the Board’s recommendation and asked
it to continue its examination of the issue, but by then it was obvious that no con-
sensus could be reached, and the discussion came to an inconclusive end.
General Conference resolutions GC(V)RES/100 and GC(VI)RES/126.
Table I, Annex 3.
Annual Report 1 July 1974–30 June 1975, GC(XIX)/544, IAEA, Vienna (1976), p. 23,
Table III.
Annual Report for 1979, GC(XXIV)/627, IAEA, Vienna (1980), p. 11, para. 46.
Annual Report for 1980, GC(XXV)/641, IAEA, Vienna (1981), p. 11, para. 56.
Annual Report for 1976, p. 11, para. 23.
For instance, such discrimination is incompatible with Article IV.C of the IAEA’s
Technical Co-operation Report for 1996, GC(41)/INF/4, IAEA, Vienna (1997), p. 42,
para. 143. The total assessed cost of footnote a
/ projects amounted to $17.9 million,
of which 39.5%, or $7.1 million, was made operational by donor countries or by
funds that became available from the TCF.
For Soviet, Western and other opposition and for Indian and other developing
country support of an amendment of the Statute, see GOV/OR.543 and
GOV/OR.544 of May 1980.
Annual Report for 1992, GC(XXXVII)/1060, IAEA, Vienna (1993) 176.
Ibid., p. 1
Annual Report for 1995, p. 52.
The heading ‘physical and chemical sciences’ covers, for instance, projects relating
to the operation of research reactors, the production of radioisotopes and the main-
tenance of nuclear instruments.
First Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the General Conference Covering the
Period from 23 October 1957 to 30 June 1958, p. 31, paras 133–135; and Annual Report
of the Board of Governors to the General Conference Covering the Period from 1 July 1958
to 30 June 1959, p. 32, para. 139.
Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the General Conference 1 July 1959–30 June
1960, pp. 24–25, para. 132; and Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the General
Conference 1 July 1962–30 June 1963, GC(VII)/228, IAEA, Vienna (1963), p. 1,
para. 5. It is understood that the centre is still operating and has asked the FAO to
fund a number of training lectures (Information provided by James D. Dargie,
Director of the Joint FAO/IAEA Division of Nuclear Techniques in Food and
The RCA’s meetings have been particularly useful for those responsible for plan-
ning the use of research reactors in various countries in the region. These reactors,
supplied chiefly by the USA and former USSR, represent relatively large and costly
investments of foreign exchange and scarce scientific manpower. In at least one
case (in Venezuela in the 1970s), lack of available scientists forced the closing of the
reactor for several years.
Annual Report for 1990, GC(XXXV)/953, IAEA, Vienna (1991) 142.
See Table I, Annex 3.
Annual Report for 1980, p. 9, Table I.
See Table I, Annex 3.
Document GOV/OR. 543.
The first two contracts were awarded to institutes in Vienna for research on the
effects of radiation and on factors determining the distribution of fission products
in the biosphere.
If the research contracts had been regarded as a form of technical assistance to the
institute, it would have been legally necessary under Article XIV.B.2 of the Statute
to charge them against the scarce and coveted funds available for technical assis-
tance (technical co-operation) and not against the regular budget. To maintain the
fiction that the contracts were designed to secure services or information needed
by the Agency, they were concluded directly between the Secretariat and the labo-
ratory or institute, and not through official Agency-to-State channels. Initially, the
only contracts charged against the regular budget were those relating to explicit
statutory functions such as health and safety and safeguards. In 1967, the Board
decided to charge all research contracts against the regular budget. Previously
more economy-minded Governors had sought to maintain a distinction between
those contracts that should be financed by the regular budget and those that
should be regarded as a form of technical assistance, but this distinction vanished
with the 1967 decision (SZASZ, P.C., The Law and Practices of the International Atomic
Energy Agency, pp. 502–503).
Annual Report for 1991, p. 2.
RAINER, R.H., SZASZ P.C., The Law and Practices of the International Atomic Energy
Agency: 1970–1980, p. 198.
The recipients included Algeria, Argentina, Austria, Brazil, Bulgaria, Burma
(Myanmar), Ceylon (Sri Lanka), Chile, Congo (Zaire), Finland, Greece, Hungary,
India, Iran, Indonesia, Mexico, Pakistan, Philippines, Poland, Romania, Singapore,
Spain, Turkey, United Arab Republic (Egypt), Uruguay, Viet Nam, Yugoslavia and
the IAEA itself. After the NPT came into force in 1970 the States that requested
such supplies were required to undertake not to use them for any purpose pro-
hibited by the Treaty.
SZASZ, P.C., The Law and Practices of the International Atomic Energy Agency,
pp. 422–431.
Salam was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in October 1979 (GOV/OR.540).
Resolution GC(IV)/RES 76. Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the General
Conference 1 July 1960–30 June 1961, p. 34, para. 214.
Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the General Conference 1 July 1962–30 June
1963, p. 8, para. 52.
The agreement between the IAEA and UNESCO for the joint operation of the
Centre came into force on 1 January 1970 (Annual Report of the Board of Governors to
the General Conference 1 July 1969–30 June 1970, GC(XIV)/430, IAEA, Vienna (1970),
p. 46, para. 120).
HAMENDE, A.M. (Ed.), From a Vision to a System: The International Centre for
Theoretical Physics of Trieste (1964–1994), International Foundation Trieste for the
Progress and the Freedom of Sciences, Trieste (1996) 10.
NIEDERLE, J., “The ICTP in a thirty year perspective”, ibid., p. 237.
BERTOCCHI, L., “The ICTP: Historical developments and present status”, ibid.,
p. 57.
See, for instance, the Annual Report for 1981, GC(XXVI)/664, IAEA, Vienna (1982),
p. 56, para. 226.
Annual Report for 1995, p. 7.
There was still much fear of the effects of fallout, especially of the bone-seeking
radioisotope strontium-90 in milk as a potential cause of childhood leukaemia. An
incident in 1954 vividly demonstrated how dangerous fallout could be when fall-
out from a hydrogen bomb test at Bikini Atoll killed two members of the crew of
a Japanese fishing boat, the Lucky Dragon, and seriously injured the others.
(GOLDSCHMIDT, B., Le Complexe Atomique, Fayard, Paris (1980) 125.) Public con-
cern helped to induce the three nuclear weapon States of the time to put an end in
1963 to testing in the atmosphere and under the sea. It will be recalled that the
same concern was the chief reason why the United Nations established UNSCEAR
in 1956.
Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the General Conference 1 July 1959–30 June
1960, p. 40, para. 254; Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the General
Conference 1 July 1960–30 June 1961, p. 20, para. 128.
“Das neue Laboratoriengebäude der Internationalen Atombehörde”, Neues Öster-
reich (21 October 1961). EURATOM was already operating a number of large
specialized regional laboratories.
“An International Atomic Energy Laboratory”, Nature (London) No. 4814 (1962)
France and China were not parties to the Limited Test Ban Treaty of 1963 and for
a few years after 1963 they continued atmospheric testing (China carried out its
first test in 1964).
As noted, the hydrogen isotopes deuterium and tritium also resulted chiefly from
tests in the atmosphere of hydrogen bombs (i.e. thermonuclear explosions).
This section is largely based on SUSCHNY, O., DANESI, P.R., “Controlling the
accuracy of chemical analysis”, IAEA Yearbook 1991, pp. B35–B52.
In 1996, the IAEA laboratories’ radioanalytical expertise was used in support of an
international study funded by France to analyse the consequences of the French
nuclear weapon tests on Mururoa and Fangataufa Atolls.
First Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the General Conference Covering the
Period from 23 October 1957 to 30 June 1958, p. 35, para. 158.
Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the General Conference Covering the Period
from 1 July 1958 to 30 June 1959, p. 39, paras 181 and 183. The panel was chaired by
Harry Brynielsson of Sweden, Managing Director of the Swedish Atomic Energy
Company (Aktiebolaget Atomenergi) and mentioned previously as the favoured
candidate for the post of IAEA Director General until the US Government decided
to propose Sterling Cole. The Monaco conference was co-sponsored by UNESCO.
IAEA Laboratory Activities, Technical Reports Series No. 41, IAEA, Vienna (1965) 73.
Annual Report for 1976, p. 37, para. 148(b).
Annual Report for 1986, GC(XXXI)/800, IAEA, Vienna (1987), p. 40, para. 367.
Annual Report for 1991, p. 32.
FOWLER, S.W., “Pollution in the Gulf: Monitoring the marine environment”,
IAEA Bulletin 35 (June 1993).
Annual Report for 1992, p. 42.
In May 1993, Russia officially confirmed that it had dumped seven submarine or
ice breaker reactors still containing fuel and ten reactors without fuel (but highly
radioactive), as well as large quantities of liquid and solid wastes, in the shallow
bays and troughs of Novaya Zemlya and in the open sea. Waste had also been
dumped in the northwest Pacific, chiefly in the Sea of Japan (IAEA Yearbook 1993,
IAEA, Vienna (1993) C87–C88).
Annual Report for 1994, GC(39)/3, IAEA, Vienna (1995) 54.
Annual Report for 1995, p. 17.
Ibid., p. 16; Annual Report for 1993, GC(XXXVIII)/2, IAEA, Vienna (1994) 40–41;
and Annual Report for 1996, GC(41)/8, IAEA, Vienna (1997) 14.
Annual Report for 1994, p. 54; and Annual Report for 1995, p. 17.
Annual Report for 1991, p. 33; and Annual Report for 1995, p. 17. After the end of
France’s series of tests in 1995–1996, the French Government invited the IAEA to
take part in a thorough analysis of the consequences of several decades of nuclear
weapon testing on the Mururoa and Fangataufa Atolls.
Annual Report for 1991, p. 34.
Annual Report for 1992, p. 42.
Annual Report for 1995, p. 17. “The findings were instrumental in establishing the
pollution histories of important environmental contaminants, such as PCBs and
Annual Report for 1995, p. 31.
Chapter 10
n Chapter 9 it was emphasized that the IAEA’s programmes of the greatest
benefit to the developing countries have been those relating to the use of
isotopes and radiation. The industrialized countries have also profited
from these uses, but they have done so without much involvement of the
IAEA except in the international exchange of information.
This chapter focuses on the work that has been done by the IAEA and
jointly by the FAO and the IAEA to promote the use of these techniques in the
developing countries. It has been carried out mainly by the Departments of
Research and Isotopes and Technical Co-operation and by the relevant units of
the Agency’s Laboratories at Seibersdorf. The IAEA has relied on Co-ordinated
Research Programmes to develop and test isotope and radiation techniques
and has made increasing use of laboratories in the developing countries them-
selves as well as of its own laboratories. The IAEA has used its technical
co-operation programme as the chief means for transferring these techniques.
Many of the IAEA’s programmes described have been of value to the
IAEA’s membership as a whole and to the general advancement of science as
well as to their principal target, the developing countries. A good example is
the programme now known as GNIP, or the ‘Global Network for Isotopes in
Precipitation’, which is described later in this chapter under the Agency’s
programmes in the earth sciences.
The GNIP programme is clearly of interest to science and to all coun-
tries, but it provides data that are also used to determine how quickly water
can be safely extracted from a particular underground reservoir. Information
about the rate at which rainfall recharges underground reservoirs is especially
valuable to the many developing countries in arid regions and to cities
suffering from shortages of clean water.
FAO/IAEA programmes
By the time the IAEA began its work FAO had already established an
Atomic Energy Branch. In 1959, the IAEA set up a unit of agriculture in
the Division of Life Sciences to promote the use of nuclear techniques in
research on food and agriculture. In September 1961, the IAEA opened its
laboratory at Seibersdorf, which was soon providing services to the agricul-
tural unit.
With two international organizations working independently but pur-
suing similar objectives, overlapping and jurisdictional disputes were
inevitable. As noted in Chapters 5 and 12, the Directors General of the two
agencies therefore decided to pool their resources in a joint division. The
essay by Björn Sigurbjörnsson in the companion volume, Personal Reflections,
vividly describes the turbulent early years that eventually led to the very
successful work of what has become the Joint FAO/IAEA Division of Nuclear
Techniques in Food and Agriculture.
After more than 30 years of collaboration between FAO and the IAEA,
the following programmes dealing with the use of isotopes and radiation are
well established. Their goal is:
Improving the production of milk and meat and other products of ani-
mal husbandry;
Eradicating or controlling insect pests;
— Reducing losses of food by extending shelf life and suppressing sprouting,
and improving food safety by reducing contamination by micro-
Optimizing the use of fertilizers and water and maximizing fixation by
crops of biological nitrogen;
— Inducing mutations in plants so as to obtain the desired varieties of agri-
cultural crops;
Studying the pathway of pesticides and agricultural chemicals in the
environment and in the food chain and determining contaminants in food.
Animal production and health
In recent years the FAO/IAEA programme relating to ‘animal produc-
tion and health’ has chiefly aimed at:
Testing the results of vaccination campaigns;
Developing new sources of protein for livestock, such as leguminous
trees, poultry manure and urea–molasses blocks;
Testing the results of programmes to eliminate insect pests.
An example of the work that the IAEA and FAO have done to improve
animal production and health is their contribution to the campaign to elimi-
nate rinderpest, chiefly by testing the results of vaccination campaigns.
Rinderpest is a deadly viral disease in cattle related to measles in humans.
When it reached Africa a century ago it killed more than 90% of the conti-
nent’s cattle. The rinderpest virus cannot survive if 85% or more of the cattle
are effectively vaccinated. The Organization of African Unity recognized that
vaccination on this scale would require substantial strengthening of veteri-
nary services in Africa and it embarked on what has been described as the
largest ever programme for the eradication of an animal disease, the Pan-
African Rinderpest Campaign.
The programme is funded chiefly by the European Union, but a consor-
tium of other international and bilateral organizations and 34 countries have
participated in the campaign. Today rinderpest, previously widespread, is
under control in all but two African countries. Its eradication will not only
help to avoid the disastrous cattle losses of the past in Africa, but will also
promote trade in livestock and livestock products.
Rinderpest is not confined to Africa. Eleven countries in the Middle
East are taking part in a Model Project to provide national laboratories
with the equipment, training and expertise needed to ensure effective
Since 1986, the IAEA and FAO have worked together to help African
nations control and eradicate the disease,
chiefly by promoting the use of a
simple, cheap and reliable kit that enables laboratories to monitor progress in
their vaccination campaigns and by helping to establish a regional laboratory
network to monitor the disease.
The work of the two agencies included the equipping and training of
laboratory staff, applied research to validate the test and, ultimately, the routine
use of the test in national vaccination programmes and assessment of the
results. The campaign has resulted in such a high level of immunity from
rinderpest that it is now possible to stop mass vaccination, thus saving several
hundred million dollars each year. It is expected that a formal international
declaration will be made that herds in most countries in Africa and Asia are free
from this disease, but national veterinary laboratories will have to continue
surveillance and stamp out remaining pockets where the virus has survived.
The project has therefore concentrated on removing the remaining pockets of
infection, and on surveillance using technologies that rapidly identify the exis-
tence of the disease or confirm its elimination.
Insect and pest control
The principal technique used by FAO and the IAEA in the control and
elimination of insect pests is the sterile insect technique (SIT). Essentially, SIT
is a novel form of insect birth control. It is specific to the target species,
exploiting the behaviour of the insect when it seeks its mate. Insects are mass
reared in ‘factories’ and sterilized by gamma rays emitted by a cobalt-60
source. The sterile insects are then released in a controlled manner into
nature. Matings between the released, sterile insects and native or ‘wild’
insects are infertile. If enough matings take place the pest population falls and
it may eventually be controlled and in some cases eradicated.
The main limitations to the technique are that the requirements for its
success are extremely demanding and that the mass rearing of certain insect
pests, such as moths and certain varieties of butterfly, is very difficult.
In the 1960s, the Seibersdorf Laboratory began to test techniques for the
small scale rearing of sterilized insect pests. Since 1983, the FAO/IAEA ento-
mology unit of the Agency’s Laboratories has developed means for the mass
rearing of pests that cause vast losses, especially in developing countries.
They include the Mediterranean fruit fly (medfly), which attacks more than
200 varieties of fruit and vegetables, and the tsetse fly (the vector of sleeping
sickness in animals and people).
The entomology unit has also made studies of the processes of radiation
sterilization and the computer modelling of insect populations, and provides
sterile insects for use in the field and by other institutions. Chemical pesti-
cides or other technique are often used to bring down the insect population
before the sterile insects are released. SIT accomplishes what conventional
techniques cannot, namely the total eradication of the insect pest in the region
where SIT is applied.
In 1988, the ‘New World Screwworm’, until then a stranger to Africa,
made its appearance in Libya. The insect lays its eggs under the skin of live-
stock where they hatch, breed and cause festering sores that lead to infection,
debility (a disease known as myiasis) and eventually death. Unchecked, the
pest would have threatened to spread throughout Africa and perhaps the
Middle East and further afield.
Under a project launched by FAO in 1989 and financed by a consortium
of donors, UNDP, the IAEA and FAO, millions of sterile flies were brought by
air from the rearing facility in Mexico and released in Libya to swamp and elimi-
nate the invader. The cost of the project had been estimated at $80–90 million.
On 22 June 1992, the Libyan Government declared that the New World
Screwworm had been eradicated.
In the same year the IAEA and FAO
reported that the pest had been eradicated at less than half the expected cost
(less than $40 million) a year ahead of schedule.
The Mediterranean fruit fly was first introduced into Chile in 1963.
Consumer countries placed restrictions on the import of fruit from Chile
where the medfly was still present in its northern provinces. The restrictions
caused substantial losses to Chile’s multi-billion dollar fresh fruit export
industry. After ten years of unsuccessful attempts to eradicate the fly by the
use of insecticides, Chile decided to try SIT. With the help of FAO and the
IAEA, which provided training to professional staff, the services of experts
and specialized equipment as well as the design of a medfly mass rearing
plant, a facility with a production capacity of about 60 million sterile flies a
week was completed in 1993, when sterile insects were first released. No wild
medflies have been detected in Chile since early 1995. The eradication of the
pest from the country was corroborated by plant protection inspectors from
Japan and the USA, thus concluding a 32-year campaign against the insect.
This was officially announced in December 1995. The ‘fly-free’ status has given
the country’s fruit industry access to previously closed export markets. The
benefits to the Chilean economy have been estimated at $500 million a year.
A Model Project was approved at the end of 1993 for the use of SIT in
Argentina to eradicate the medfly from large areas of the country. By the end
of 1995, the medfly had been brought under control in 250 000 hectares of
Mendoza province.
The FAO/IAEA laboratories have developed a strain of the medfly that
permits the separation of the sexes by the colour of their pupae. This develop-
ment, which is being put to use in Argentina, will greatly increase the efficacy
of the technique.
The laboratories have also recently developed a female
strain of the medfly which makes it lethally sensitive to changes in tempera-
ture; this is expected to reduce the cost of rearing and releasing the insect by
about 40% and to make the technique much more effective.
The tsetse fly is the vector of sleeping sickness (trypanosomiasis) in man
and nagana in cattle. Its hosts are the antelope and other game and it makes
large regions of Africa unusable for most breeds of cattle.
Recently, the
IAEA, with support from the USA, the United Kingdom, Belgium and other
donors, began an SIT campaign to eliminate the tsetse fly from the island of
Zanzibar. The largest colony of sterile tsetse flies in the world has been estab-
lished in insectaries at Tanga (on the mainland of Tanzania, opposite Zanzibar)
with almost one million breeding flies. It was reported that “the last wild fly
[in Zanzibar] was captured in September (1996) with no detections since
then” and that “trypanosomiasis declined rapidly reaching the lowest levels
over recorded…” In the meantime the Government is encouraging farmers to
establish livestock on tsetse-free land by offering low interest loans.
Not all attempts to use nuclear methods to control insect pests have
been successful. The first major project had to be aborted because of public
fears and lack of understanding about the use of radiation. In June 1965, the
governing body of the UN Special Fund approved a proposal drawn up by
the IAEA and the Turkish Government for a pilot plant using a cobalt-60
source to kill insect pests in stored grain.
Rumours about the purpose of the
plant began to circulate and the local Turkish press launched a campaign
against the project, which a newspaper described as a plot to sterilize the local
population with radioactive food. Eventually public feeling was so aroused
that the project had to be abandoned — an early example of a successful anti-
nuclear campaign! The IAEA had already procured the cobalt source but was
later able to divert it to be used by Argentina in another technical co-opera-
tion project.
A second undertaking in the early days ran into a more technical problem.
The object was to eliminate the olive fly from an area in Greece by the use of
what was then called the sterile male technique. The project was eventually
abandoned because of difficulties in finding acceptable food on which to rear
the insect artificially.
An unfortunate fate was also in store for an SIT project to eliminate the
medfly in Egypt. In October 1982, the IAEA and Egypt, supported by Austria
and Italy, launched a four-year project at an estimated cost of $19.3 million to
eliminate this pest from the Nile Valley using the technique that had been
successfully employed in Mexico.
In 1986, the Government of Egypt decided
to postpone the implementation of the project
and it was subsequently
terminated by mutual agreement between Egypt, the IAEA and Italy (the major
potential donor country) without ever becoming operational. Apparently there
were intractable differences between the Agency and the authorities who would
have been responsible for carrying out Egypt’s tasks under the project.
Food irradiation
The use of ionizing radiation to preserve food has had to overcome for-
midable obstacles from the first years of the Agency’s involvement in the
process. Many such obstacles still exist today, for instance widespread fear that
irradiation causes harmful changes in the treated food,
and the consequent
reluctance of the food industry to invest in the process, despite the fact that it
knows that irradiation causes no such deleterious effects. Largely because of
concern about public reactions, governments still limit the use of the process to
a few food items. Irradiation also faces competition from other methods of pre-
serving food which may be cheaper when large stocks of food are processed.
So far, the commercial use of irradiation has been largely confined to
expensive or perishable foods, especially spices, onions and fresh fruit, but it
has also been used to preserve poultry, seafood and even wine. It is interest-
ing to note that two countries that are world renowned for their cuisines,
France and China, are amongst those that make use of food irradiation, as
does the food conscious USA, while the United Kingdom is not yet amongst
the 39 countries that permit large scale irradiation of food products.
Despite these obstacles, food irradiation has been making progress in the
last decade. Chemical fumigants are demonstrably carcinogenic and their use is
increasingly prohibited. The most widely used refrigerants, chlorofluorocarbons
or CFCs, are also increasingly proscribed because of the damage they do to the
ozone layer (although other harmless chemical refrigerants are being substitut-
ed for CFCs). The number of cases of salmonella poisoning has grown signifi-
cantly as a result of the consumption of infected chickens that have been mass
reared, slaughtered and dressed by automated techniques. The irradiation of
poultry could greatly reduce or eliminate the risk of salmonella infection.
The quantity of irradiated spices provides an example of the growing
use of the technique: about 6000–7000 tonnes in 1987; nearly 20 000 tonnes in
1991 and more than 45 000 tonnes in 1995.
One of the main aims of the FAO/IAEA programme has been to inves-
tigate whether foodstuffs that had been irradiated underwent any physical or
chemical changes that could reduce their wholesomeness. In January 1965,
the IAEA, FAO, ENEA in Italy and the Austrian Atomic Energy Society joint-
ly started work on a project for the irradiation of fruit and fruit juice at the
Austrian Nuclear Research Centre at Seibersdorf. The project lasted three
years and confirmed the safety of the process, but Austria has still not
approved the use of radiation for preserving any foodstuff.
On 1 January 1971, the IAEA, FAO and WHO launched the first large inter-
national test of the wholesomeness of irradiated food at Karlsruhe in Germany.
A committee of the three agencies had given a provisional five-year clearance to
irradiated potatoes, wheat and wheat products. The clearance would only be
confirmed, however, if the foodstuffs could pass a large scale, five-year test to
ascertain whether irradiation induced any unwanted somatic or genetic effects
and whether it affected the palatability of the food.
The test required the feed-
ing on irradiated food of a large number of various species of laboratory animals
during the five years of the test, and the eventual post-mortem examination of
the animals. More than 23 countries took part in the project, which was sub-
sequently extended until 1978. Another committee of the three agencies
reviewed the results of the test. It showed that there had been no harmful effects.
The three agencies also drew up a standard for irradiated foods which
was subsequently accepted by the WHO/FAO commission responsible for
the international Codex Alimentarius.
An expert committee also reported to
the commission that the irradiation of any food up to an average dose of
10 kilogray presented no toxicological hazard, required no further testing and
introduced no special nutritional or microbiological problems. The agencies
also published a code of practice for operating food irradiation plants.
In 1984, the three agencies established an international consultative
group on food irradiation to advise them on subjects such as ensuring the
safety of food irradiation, appropriate legislation to permit the marketing of
irradiated food, the economic feasibility of the process and the international
trade in irradiated food. In 1988, an international conference entitled
‘Acceptance, Control of and Trade in Irradiated Food’ adopted a guide on
principles for the acceptance of irradiated food. By 1994, 44 countries had
joined the group and its mandate was extended until 1999.
Summing up, over the last 40 years more than adequate scientific data
have become available to show that food irradiation is safe and effective in pre-
serving a growing range of foodstuffs with no significant side effects. The main
obstacles to the wider use of the technique is its cost and public acceptance
problems, but this is offset in the case of higher value foods by the savings that
can be made by reducing spoilage. Because of the prohibition of certain other
hitherto widely used methods of food preservation, irradiation offers an
increasingly attractive alternative.
Soil fertility, irrigation and crop production
The soil, irrigation and crop programme aims chiefly to help farmers
make more economical and efficient use of water and fertilizers, make greater
use of natural plant nutrients and cultivate poor soils and improve crop
yields with less damage to the environment. Some examples of the crops
being developed are drought resistant varieties of wheat, maize, cotton and
acacia trees, chiefly in Africa and Asia, and crops that can tolerate salt affected
soils. A recent project aims to increase the natural ability of plants to take
nitrogen from the atmosphere (reducing the need for chemical fertilizers) by
encouraging the growth of rhizobium nodules on the roots of plants.
Nuclear techniques have also shown how nitrogen fertilizers can be used
more efficiently by placing the fertilizer in bands instead of broadcasting it.
Plant breeding and genetics
Projects in the plant breeding and genetics programme use radiation to
induce mutants that are better in various ways than the parent plant. For
instance, FAO/IAEA programmes have promoted the use of radiation to breed
rapidly growing and ripening cereals in regions that have short summers or
short ripening seasons (e.g. barley in the altiplano of Peru), higher yield rice
(e.g. in provinces adjoining the Yangtze River in China), and drought and dis-
ease resistant sorghum, rice and cassava (in Central Africa). The agricultural
economies of many other countries have also benefited from mutant varieties:
for instance, cotton in Pakistan and China, rice in Viet Nam and the USA as
well as in China, barley in most of Europe and durum wheat in Italy.
By 1995, nearly 1800 new (mutant) varieties of more than 150 species of
crops had been officially released for planting in 52 countries (most of these
varieties had, of course, been developed by national or other laboratories and
not by the FAO/IAEA laboratories at Seibersdorf). New molecular and in
vitro techniques have accelerated the process and each year the number of
officially released mutants has increased.
Control of pesticides and other agrochemicals
The pesticides and agrochemicals programme has been designed to
monitor and control the effects of using or releasing pesticides and other
potentially contaminating chemical or physical substances. Rape seed oil is
used for making lubricants. A recent project has demonstrated that this oil,
free of the caesium-137 released by the Chernobyl accident, can now be pro-
duced on contaminated land in Belarus. Another recent project has shown
that certain commonly used chemical insecticides have no serious effects on
the environment (e.g. they do not harm the natural enemies of insect pests)
when used in hot, moist tropical conditions.
Human health
When the IAEA’s Division of Life Sciences began work in 1958 it dealt
with the applications of radiation in medicine, dosimetry, the environment
and radiobiology. In 1993, the programme was broadened and renamed
‘Human Health’. Since 1990, the programme has increasingly focused on
solving those health problems of developing countries that can best be tackled
by the use of nuclear techniques, such as the early diagnosis and treatment of
cancer, the assessment of nutritional deficiencies in women and children, the
timely detection of infectious and communicable diseases and the accurate
measurement of radiation doses given to patients.
Treatment of cancer
Radiotherapy is perhaps the most publicized medical application of
radiation. The IAEA’s initial programmes concentrated on research in radia-
tion biology such as chromosome aberrations caused by exposure to radiation
and basic research to determine the lethal doses that must be administered for
bacteriological sterilization. However, in response to the demands of Member
States, the Agency’s programmes relating to cancer have since focused more
on the design and provision of clinical radiation facilities. By 1997, more than
40 long term projects dealing with the radiation treatment of cancer were
under way in Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America.
The IAEA has also helped developing countries to design national strate-
gies for cancer diagnosis and therapy. For instance, the IAEA succeeded in
helping the countries of Latin America to replace the use of radium in the treat-
ment of uterine cancer by the safer and more reliable radioisotope caesium-137.
Developing countries have often needed the help of the IAEA to design
the facilities, select and procure the equipment and train the staff needed to
begin the diagnosis and treatment of cancer, and to arrange visits by experts to
help them begin clinical work. They have also needed IAEA help to improve
existing therapy or introduce new techniques and to provide training in radio-
graphy and specialized nursing as well as in radiology and radiotherapy.
International assistance
in the dosimetry of radiotherapy
The success or failure of radiation treatment depends on the dose deliv-
ered to the tumour, which should not vary by more than a few per cent from
the dose prescribed. If the dose is too small, it will not be effective and will
increase the resistance of the tumour to radiation. If it is too large, it may
cause severe complications and even death. Precise measurement of the dose
(dosimetry) delivered by radiotherapy machines is therefore essential.
In the 1960s, it became clear that patients at many clinics throughout the
world were being irradiated without adequate control of the radiation dose
they were receiving. These observations alarmed the IAEA and WHO and
they agreed to undertake an extensive training programme and enlarge the
existing pilot system for the verification of doses administered in radiotherapy
so as to cover all the main regions of the world.
Since 1962, the Agency has been giving assistance to laboratories,
hospitals and clinics in Member States to calibrate the equipment they used
for measuring radiation doses. In 1963, the Agency acquired the world’s first
portable system for measuring the absorbed radiation dose from high energy
X rays, cobalt-60 and betatron electron beams. From 1963 to 1970, the IAEA
sent it to radiotherapy centres and research laboratories in Belgium,
Czechoslovakia, Germany, Hungary, Switzerland, the USSR and the United
Kingdom. In 1968, the IAEA began providing a service for the accurate
measurement of radiation emitted by cobalt-60 therapy units and medical
accelerators used in cancer treatment.
In 1966, thermoluminescent dosimeters became available for measuring
the radiation dose delivered to patients at radiotherapy centres. The IAEA
began an international postal distribution service and sent out about 300 sets
of dosimeters per year. In 1968, WHO joined this project. The two agencies
agreed to a division of labour under which the Agency’s dosimetry laboratory
would prepare and evaluate the thermoluminescent dosimeters and the
WHO would distribute them by post to hospitals and other institutes in
developing countries.
By the end of 1996, the services provided by the IAEA
had verified 3000 radiotherapy beams. The IAEA provided a similar service
for measuring the cobalt-60 radiation used in plants for radiation processing
(food irradiation, sterilization of medical supplies, etc.).
Following a December 1974 WHO/IAEA meeting in Rio de Janeiro, the
two agencies took an important decision, namely to help member nations set up
a world network of specialized laboratories for dosimetry calibration. The labo-
ratories became known as Secondary Standard Dosimetry Laboratories
The purpose of the network was to ensure that the doses of radiation
that patients receive are measured according to international standards. The
IAEA distributed the equipment and instruments — ionization chambers and
dosimeters — needed for the precise measurement and calibration of therapy
beams. A ‘Working Arrangement’ of 1976 between the IAEA and WHO ensured
that there would be an effective link between the bodies maintaining primary
standards, such as the International Bureau of Weights and Measures, and the
SSDLs responsible for calibrating dosimeters in participating countries. Since
1976, the IAEA has served as the central point in the network, establishing the
link to the international measurement system and, under its technical co-oper-
ation programme, has helped several developing countries to build SSDLs and
to train their staff. In 1979, the IAEA built its own dosimetry laboratory in
Seibersdorf which has served as a model of a medium sized SSDL in develop-
ing countries. The IAEA has provided help to SSDLs to calibrate standards for
measuring radiation used in radiotherapy diagnosis, in radiation protection
and for the measurement of environmental radiation.
By the end of 1995, 69 laboratories and 6 SSDL national organizations in
57 countries were taking part in the network.
The network also included
16 affiliated members such as Primary Standard Dosimetry Laboratories, the
International Bureau of Weights and Measures and the International
Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements.
Nuclear medicine
Nuclear medicine is perhaps the most common application of radiation
in developing as well as industrialized countries. It is based on the use of
minute amounts of radioactive molecules of known biological behaviour to
trace specific biochemical processes and functions. These tracers, or ‘radio-
pharmaceuticals’, can be thought of as guided molecular probes. If they are
administered to the patient in vivo or added to a sample of tissue in a test
tube — in vitro — as they are in radioimmunoassay, these probes search
through the body or the sample until they find ‘recognition sites’ in the
targeted cells where their solubility, charge and shape lead them to be selec-
tively bonded to a cell component.
If labelled with a gamma radiation emitter (emitting very small quantities
of radioactivity), the guided molecular probes can be detected by external
detectors and their emitted radiation can be measured, thus providing func-
tional and biochemical quantitative data of value in diagnosis. This information
is given by a gamma camera in the form of two-dimensional images showing
the spatial distribution of the radiotracer in the body and thus reflecting the
quality and regional distribution of a given biochemical or functional process.
Nuclear medicine also applies physiological concentrations of beta ray
emitting radionuclides that emit enough radioactivity to destroy the targeted
tissue. In this case the molecular probe becomes an actual molecular ‘guided
missile’ of great accuracy. If the binding site — the target — of the radioactive
molecular missile is a cancerous tumour, the aim of the treatment is the specific
and total destruction of malignant tissue with a highly radioactive dose, but
with nearly no effects on the surrounding normal cells.
The IAEA has also played a significant role in introducing and promoting
the progress of nuclear medicine in developing countries. By 1995, more than
95% of the Agency’s developing Member States had established nuclear
medicine services. An IAEA survey showed that 2172 gamma cameras were
installed in 78 developing countries in 1995.
Following the development of the radioimmunoassay technique
in the
late 1960s in the USA and the United Kingdom, the IAEA supported projects
in Singapore (1972) and in Sri Lanka and Kuwait (1974). In 1986, the IAEA
began the first regional project, on the radioimmunoassay of thyroid related
hormones. It involved 123 laboratories in 13 countries in the Asia and Pacific
region. From 1986 to 1995, the Agency supported 51 technical co-operation
projects on radioimmunoassay in 34 Member States as well as 7 regional projects
involving, all in all, over 300 laboratories.
As laboratories in developing countries became more expert, some of
the primary reagents needed were produced locally and after proper testing
began to replace the costly imported articles. Finally, the IAEA helped to
introduce into the developing regions of Asia, Latin America and Africa
external quality assessment schemes as a final arbiter of the reliability of
assays. The assays covered thyroid related hormones.
Between 1986 and 1995, 568 scientists in Latin America, 161 in Asia and
the Pacific and 90 in Africa were trained in various aspects of radio-
immunoassay and related topics. The results were to reduce the costs of radio-
immunoassays, increase the number of such assays that individual medical
personnel could carry out, improve the reliability of assay results and
increase the availability of reagents at the local or regional level. From figures
supplied to the Agency it was clear that two thirds of the laboratories partici-
pating in the regional projects had reduced the costs of processing a sample
for a common hormone to less than 30% of the cost of using an imported com-
mercial kit. In the case of laboratories able to produce more sophisticated
reagents, the cost of a single test came down by 90% or more and clinical work-
loads increased by a factor of two to five. Although by 1995 Agency assistance
had largely ceased, sustainable screening programmes had been established in
Thailand, where 80% of the one million live births each year are now being
screened for hypothyroidism and there are realistic prospects of full coverage
by the year 2000.
In the 1990s, the IAEA extended its programme to cover therapeutic as
well as diagnostic and other uses of open sources of radiation. An IAEA
Co-ordinated Research Programme enabled hospitals in developing countries
to use strontium-89, phosphorus-32 and samarium-153 to treat patients suf-
fering from intractable bone pain as a result of cancer metastases. Iodine-131,
traditionally used as a means of treating hyperthyroidism (goitre), was also
employed to enhance the response of such patients to the treatment.
Nuclear medicine includes the use of radioactive DNA probes or genetic
markers to identify specific bits of DNA present in the genetic material of
cells. These bits can be amplified or multiplied by the ‘polymerase chain
reaction’ (PCR), which produces the amount of material needed from a test
sample containing the minute bit of DNA of a single cell. In the early 1990s,
the IAEA promoted this technique as a means of detecting Chagas’ disease in
Latin America, and malaria in Africa, and also to detect other communicable
diseases prevalent in developing countries such as meningeal tuberculosis,
lepra, schistosomiasis and leishmaniasis. In the 1990s, the IAEA introduced
the use of this technique to detect genetic or hereditary diseases such as cystic
fibrosis, thalassemia and haemophilia.
The Agency’s human health programmes have recently included a
growing amount of work on human nutrition. Isotopic techniques — mainly
those involving stable isotopes — have been used to help identify persons at
risk of malnutrition in micronutrients (in other words, at risk because their
diets contain too little of certain vitamins and trace elements) and help scien-
tists to monitor and enhance the effectiveness of programmes designed to
improve their diets. The IAEA’s programmes have focused on iron, vitamin
A and iodine because deficiencies of these micronutrients are known to occur
commonly in developing countries; it is also known how they should be treated
and the effectiveness of treatment can be measured unambiguously.
Too little iron in the diet causes anaemia, a condition which afflicts
about 50% of small children (under four years old) and 60% of women of
childbearing age in developing countries. One of the reasons for this high
incidence is that the diet of most people in these countries is largely vegetarian,
while easily absorbed iron is present only in meat and other animal tissues.
Nuclear techniques cannot of course substitute for this deficiency, but stable
or, where appropriate, radioactive isotopes provide a means for measuring
iron bioavailability (how much iron the body absorbs and uses from a mea-
sured amount of a particular food). This helps to show what change of diet is
most likely to reduce the incidence of anaemia. Isotopic techniques are also
used to measure iron status (the amount of iron in the body) so as to deter-
mine, for instance, the impact of a particular change in or enrichment of diet.
Severe vitamin A deficiency afflicts about three million of the world’s
children and a milder deficiency threatens the health of some 230 million. The
deficiency can lead to blindness, greater vulnerability to infectious diseases
such as measles, diarrhoea, bronchitis and other respiratory diseases, and
may possibly increase the risk that a mother suffering from AIDS will pass the
disease on to her infant children. The chief cause of the deficiency is lack of the
right foods such as butter, liver, eggs and leafy green and yellow vegetables,
but many factors affect the bioavailability of vitamin A and of other food com-
ponents that are converted in the body to vitamin A. The IAEA’s programmes
that support the use of isotopes to measure the bioavailability and status of
vitamin A and its precursors are similar to those relating to iron deficiency.
Isotope techniques have a number of other practical applications in
studies of human nutrition. These include:
Determining the requirements of undernourished children for protein
and amino acids, and relationships with stunted growth;
Monitoring breast feeding (i.e. breast milk intakes by infants, and the
resulting energy requirements of their mothers);
Monitoring improvements in nutritional status resulting from ‘dietary
intervention programmes’ (i.e. school breakfasts);
Exploring some of the causes of osteoporosis (the loss of bone tissue,
leading to the weakening of bone).
The IAEA has supported work of this kind through a number of Co-ordinated
Research Programmes, as well as by technical co-operation projects.
Other medical uses of radiation
Ionizing radiation is also of great value in the bacteriological steriliza-
tion of medical appliances (surgical dressings, sutures, catheters and
syringes) and tissue for graft implants in humans (bone, nerve, fascia, dura,
chorion dressings for burns and cardiac valves). These items incorporate heat
sensitive materials and cannot be sterilized by steam or dry heat. Sterilization
by ethylene oxide gas or other chemicals leaves undesirable residues that are
hazardous to health. The IAEA has played a key role in establishing radiation
sterilization facilities in several developing Member States in Asia, Latin
America, Africa and Europe.
Health related environmental monitoring and research
Environmental pollution, for instance of the air and of food and water
for human consumption, is a problem of growing concern in almost every
country of the world, including many developing countries. The most impor-
tant pollutants affecting human health have nothing to do with isotopes or
nuclear industries. However, nuclear analytical techniques provide useful
and sensitive tools for research on these pollutants and for monitoring their
levels in the environment.
For many years the Agency has been helping nuclear centres in devel-
oping countries to use their laboratories for research on non-radioactive pol-
lutants such as toxic heavy metals (for instance, mercury and lead) and pesti-
cide residues. Recent Agency supported programmes have focused on urban
air pollution. A particular risk is posed by very small airborne particles in the
size range below 10 microns (thousandths of a millimetre) which can pene-
trate deep into the lungs of people breathing them. This kind of air pollution
is thought to cause the premature deaths of tens of thousands of people each
year in many large cities of the world. The Agency has helped to establish a
unique network of centres in more than 30 countries (mainly developing) all
over the world for collecting and analysing such airborne particles. The aims
of the Agency’s programme in this field have been to support the use of
nuclear and nuclear related techniques for research on and monitoring of air
pollution, to identify major sources of air pollution in each of the countries
taking part in the programme and to obtain comparative data on pollution
levels in areas of high pollution (e.g. a city centre or a populated area down-
wind of large pollution sources) and of low pollution (e.g. rural areas).
Isotope hydrology and the development of
uranium resources
Since 1958, isotope hydrology and the development of uranium
resources have been the main subjects of the IAEA’s work in the ‘earth’ sciences.
However, the importance of the latter has receded since the late 1980s, when
stocks of uranium reached high levels, its price fell and prospecting and pro-
duction declined.
Isotope hydrology
The practical applications of isotopes in assessing, monitoring, devel-
oping and managing resources of fresh water are especially interesting to the
developing world, which contains most of the earth’s arid regions and where
available fresh water is falling far short of the needs of rapidly growing pop-
The practical uses of isotope techniques include:
Measuring the flow of river water and of water in lakes and reservoirs,
Measuring the rate and direction of groundwater flow,
Investigating the sources and pathways of underground water,
Determining the areas of recharge of groundwater,
Estimating the rate at which bodies of groundwater are recharged (this
enables the hydrologist to estimate the age of the water and the rate at
which it can be safely extracted and used without running the risk of
Detecting leakages and locating excessive losses due to seepage from
lakes and reservoirs,
Measuring the transport of sediments.
In the late 1950s, France, the Federal Republic of Germany, Israel, Japan,
the USA and the United Kingdom began using radioactive tracers in studies
relating to water resources. This encouraged the IAEA to enter the field,
which it did in 1958, its first year of operation. Most of the IAEA’s early work
involved the injection of artificially produced radioisotopes to be used as tracers
to monitor the movement of surface water and groundwater. However, as
analytical techniques improved, naturally occurring isotopes, including stable
isotopes of the elements of water, largely replaced radioisotopes in hydrological
In 1961, the Agency took an important step when, together with the
World Meteorological Organization (WMO), it launched a project for the
worldwide measurement of tritium (the heaviest isotope of hydrogen),
oxygen-18 and deuterium. To carry out their global tritium measurement pro-
gramme it was necessary for the IAEA and WMO, working with a number of
other international bodies, to establish a global network for the collection of
isotopic data so as “to decipher this ongoing tracer experiment in the labora-
tory of nature.”
The number of meteorological stations taking part in the global survey
rose from 100, when the survey was launched, to 220 in 1962–1963. In 1963,
most nuclear tests in the atmosphere came to an end with the conclusion of
the Limited Test Ban Treaty.
The amount of tritium in the atmosphere then
began to decline and so did the number of network stations. Tritium is
produced both naturally and by explosions of hydrogen bombs in the atmos-
phere. Atmospheric tritium combined with oxygen to form water vapour and
came down to earth in the form of slightly radioactive rain or other forms of
By monitoring the concentration and movement of tritium and other
isotopes in water molecules, hydrologists were able to determine the rate at
which water moves through the hydrological cycle: from cloud to earth; to
river, underground reservoir, aquifer or glacier; to the ocean; and back again
to cloud. In this way hydrologists could determine the origin of water and its
age, the rate of precipitation and evaporation or infiltration into the ground.
If a body of underground water contained no tritium it must have accumu-
lated before the hydrogen bomb tests of the 1950s and early 1960s.
However, in the 1980s concern about global warming and its impact on
the world’s climate began to mount. One product of this concern was growing
interest in establishing accurate models of the circulation in the atmosphere of
water, water vapour and other greenhouse gases and in ancient climates
(palaeoclimatology) as a potential key to future changes. As a result, several
countries established new national networks.
By serving as a sort of greenhouse, various gases, in particular water
vapour, carbon dioxide and methane, let most of the sun’s rays penetrate the
atmosphere, but block the loss of heat from the earth into outer space. By
determining the proportions of carbon isotopes in atmospheric carbon dioxide
it is possible to identify better some of the sources of these greenhouse gases
some of and consequently to understand better the global atmospheric ‘budget’:
a prerequisite for the prediction of climate change.
Water vapour is the chief ‘greenhouse gas’; it does more than any other
to help maintain the global atmosphere at its present temperature and thus
makes possible life on earth. Hence, accurate information about the manner
and the speed with which water moves through or resides in the global water
cycle has been valuable in the study of global changes in the earth’s climate.
In 1963, the IAEA began holding international symposia on isotope
hydrology, usually at four-year intervals (the ninth symposium was held in
March 1995).
It also trained scientists from developing countries to make
use of isotope hydrology techniques; the fifth isotope hydrology course was
held in 1995.
Since the mid-1980s, the IAEA has supported about 160 projects
and trained more than 500 scientists to help governments make use of isotope
hydrology techniques.
For the foreseeable future the fundamental priority in the development
and use of water resources will be to overcome scarcities and to deliver sufficient
clean water to all people to meet their needs and to provide basic sanitation.
In its first field project, in 1960–1961, the IAEA made a hydrological
study of a region in Greece in support of an irrigation project that the FAO
was carrying out in that country.
In the following years the IAEA carried out
numerous hydrology studies in all continents, often as a subcontractor to
FAO or another UN agency and in the framework of UNDP projects. It also
gave extensive support to research on isotope hydrology, at first awarding
individual research contracts and later arranging Co-ordinated Research
Programmes. In recent years these were extended to cover topics such as
identifying the sources of groundwater pollution, the suitability of particular
locations for the disposal of nuclear waste (where the movement of water
towards the earth’s surface and into the food chain is a critical factor), varia-
tions in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere (to help deter-
mine the circulation of this critical greenhouse gas and the extent to which it
is absorbed in carbon ‘sinks’ in the oceans).
Recent work has included a regional study of groundwater in which
Egypt, Ethiopia, Morocco and Senegal are taking part. The first results in
Morocco have shown that the local groundwater contains much ancient water
(palaeowater), thus disproving an assumption that the groundwater was
recently replenished. The implication is that if consumers continue to use
groundwater at present rates they will exhaust remaining reserves and cause
the water table to sink rapidly.
Another study in the Philippines has shown that the source of the water
that is feeding some of the wells supplying Manila is not seepage from a local
lake (Laguna Lake) — as was assumed — and that it will be necessary to drill
additional wells at new sites going to deeper and more productive under-
ground levels.
The IAEA has been helping the five countries on the shores of the
Caspian Sea to use isotope techniques in order to determine why the level of
the sea is rising and threatening to inundate cities and farmland. The IAEA
has also used isotope techniques to determine the rate at which the ground-
water level in Bangkok is sinking and thereby endangering ancient buildings.
As noted, better knowledge about the changes in climate that have taken
place in the past will enable climatologists to make more accurate predictions
about future climates. By measuring the proportions of various isotopes in
groundwater and lakes, the hydrologist can determine the dates and magni-
tudes of previous changes. For instance, recent studies have shown a fall in
temperature in tropical areas of about 5°C between the Holocene age and the
last maximum glaciation. This challenges the accuracy of previous reconstruc-
tions of temperature changes in tropical and subtropical regions. Other studies
have pointed to large changes in the intensity of Indian monsoons and rainfall
during the Holocene period, confirming the vulnerability of the climate of
South East Asia to relatively small changes in the atmosphere.
Recent hydrological projects
The IAEA has helped El Salvador to use stable isotopes to monitor its
geothermal resources and to understand better the hydrological systems of
two local geothermal reservoirs. This will permit better use of the wells pro-
ducing geothermally heated water and those in which wastewater containing
unwanted chemicals is re-injected underground. In the context of this project
the IAEA also helped to build a laboratory that enables El Salvador and other
countries in the region to analyse stable isotopes (oxygen-18 and deuterium),
develop and manage water resources and monitor hydrological problems of
surface water and groundwater. Eventually the laboratory will be able to pro-
vide analytical services for geothermal studies in other Central American
countries that are planning to make greater use of this source of energy — for
instance Costa Rica, which expects to increase production to 170 MW(e), and
Guatemala, which plans to install 94 MW(e) of geothermal power.
Elsewhere in South America, Caracas, the capital of Venezuela, has been
running short of fresh water at the rate of about 25 million litres per day. The
quality of the water available has also deteriorated. A large proportion of the
water was drawn from wells tapping groundwater reservoirs. Isotopes were
used to help identify regions favourable for drilling new wells to overcome
the water deficit. IAEA and Venezuelan experts using a variety of techniques,
including isotopes, were also able to define the mechanism of recharge of
water in different sectors of the city, the changes in the quality of groundwater
at various depths (i.e. along ‘vertical profiles’), and the zones of the city that are
most vulnerable to pollution, where protective measures were needed. As a
result, 50 new wells were drilled in the Caracas Valley and the water company
was able to monitor the quality of the water it supplies to the city.
The IAEA, together with Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Cuba, Mexico and
Venezuela, recently completed a regional project designed to overcome
problems of water management. Teams of hydrologists and other experts
investigated apparent leakages in a number of reservoirs in the region, three
used for the supply of drinking water, three for irrigation and two for elec-
tricity generation. Stable and artificial isotopes were used to identify the origin
of the water flowing downstream from the dams and to check whether there
was a hidden interconnection between any of the reservoirs. In most cases it
was found that the apparent leakage had its source in groundwater and that
there was little or no contribution from the reservoirs. In a few cases where
the leakage originated in the reservoir, the experts suggested corrective
measures to the national authorities. In no case did the leakage endanger the
structure of a dam. Planned engineering work costing $6 million was shown
to be unnecessary.
IAEA assistance in developing uranium resources
Uranium is present in the earth’s crust in an average concentration of
only two to four grams per tonne of rock, i.e. two to four parts in a million.
Higher concentrations occur in certain geological strata. Uranium can also be
recovered as a by-product of gold mining (e.g. in South Africa) and copper
mining (e.g. in Chile) and from the production of phosphoric acid (e.g. in the
In the 1950s, the demand for uranium slackened and its price fell in free
market countries as the Western nuclear weapon States, in particular the
USA, completed building up sufficient stocks for their military programmes.
When the Agency began working in 1958, demand was beginning to rise
again in anticipation of increasing industrial needs.
After 1959, when the IAEA launched its first uranium development pro-
ject, it broadened its technical assistance to cover geological studies, surface
and aerial radiometric surveys of large areas, identification of promising
deposits, mining of ore, production of concentrates (yellow cake) and pro-
cessing of concentrates for the production of uranium oxide to be used in fuel
In the 1970s, when many countries began to see nuclear energy as their
main source of electric power, the world’s uranium reserves appeared to be
very limited. Accordingly, countries with large nuclear programmes sought
to ensure adequate future supplies, while many developing countries such as
and Niger joined the main producers, Canada, the USA, South Africa
(together with Namibia) and Australia. Similar efforts in Eastern Europe and the
USSR led to discoveries in Czechoslovakia, the German Democratic Republic,
Poland, Kazakstan, Kyrgyzstan and Mongolia. Between 1970 and 1980, over
$600 million were invested each year in geological/geophysical surveys and
drilling and development of mines, an expenditure that was second only to the
nuclear industry’s investment in nuclear power plants. To help Member States,
and especially developing countries, prospect for and develop uranium
resources, the Agency published a growing amount of reference material.
In the 1960s, the IAEA and the OECD’s NEA established a joint special-
ist group whose work resulted in: the acceptance by governments of common
standards for reporting uranium reserves; a publication on uranium explo-
ration techniques; and a joint publication (the ‘Red Book’) which periodically
assessed uranium resources in free market countries. The Red Book was
recently expanded to include data from the former Socialist countries.
After 1980, interest in finding new resources declined as a consequence of
the Three Mile Island and Chernobyl accidents, the discovery of substantial
reserves at Athabasca Lake in Canada and in Australia and the accumulation of
large reserve stocks at nuclear power plants.
The IAEA has recently supported a number of fresh analyses of informa-
tion and samples collected during the 1970s and early 1980s.
The resulting
radiometric data have helped to assess the mineral resources of Iran, Malaysia,
Portugal and Zambia and a number of other countries, and to provide baseline
information for environmental monitoring and related studies.
Industrial uses of isotopes and radiation
When the IAEA began work in 1958, many industries in the technically
advanced countries were already applying radiation techniques in numerous
branches of industry, and the first Geneva Conference in 1955 devoted much
of its time to this subject. As noted in Chapter 5, the subject of the first large
IAEA conference, held in Warsaw in September 1959, was ‘The Application of
Large Radiation Sources in Industry and Especially Chemical Processes’. The
IAEA held a second conference on this subject, in co-operation with
UNESCO, in Copenhagen in September 1960.
Most industrial uses were
already available commercially. This left little scope for IAEA activities other
than promoting the exchange of information at, for instance, the Warsaw and
Copenhagen conferences, and by publishing systematic surveys of the existing
industrial applications. These described procedures for obtaining isotopes
and radiation sources, provided information on important physical data, and
listed suppliers and prices.
By 1969–1970, the growing interest in developing countries led to several
proposals for projects to be financed by the UN Special Fund, for instance a
demonstration project for three Far Eastern States on the use of radiation tech-
niques in the manufacture of wood plastic composites. In 1969, the IAEA held
two meetings on industrial uses. An IAEA symposium in Munich showed
that the use of radiation to process polymers, plastics and textiles (‘non-iron’
fabrics) was becoming routine.
In 1979, the IAEA launched a large UNDP project under the auspices of
the Asian Regional Co-operative Agreement (RCA)
to demonstrate the use
of radioisotopes and radiation in the rubber, plastics, paper, steel making, tin
mining and wood processing industries in the countries of the region. The
project included several training and demonstration courses, the construction
of a cobalt-60 irradiation facility and a vulcanization plant.
By 1990, the scope of the programme had broadened to cover research
on the radiation treatment of sewage sludge, radiation processing of flue
gases in fossil fuelled power stations, nuclear techniques for assessing the
pollutants in coal and coke, as well as traditional uses of nuclear techniques
in mining. The flue gas project has demonstrated that electron beams, gener-
ated by accelerators in the chimney stacks of coal burning power plants, can
eliminate sulphur and nitrogen emissions (the chief causes of acid rain). If
ammonia is added, the potentially polluting flue gases are turned into fertil-
In 1990, the IAEA held seminars on the subject in China, Mexico and
the Philippines and supported a large scale demonstration plant in Poland.
In 1995, the basic irradiation equipment was selected for a full scale electron
beam plant in that country, which is expected to be in operation in 1998.
In a world that depends more and more on telecommunications there is
a growing demand for light and durable polymer covers for cables, amongst
other products, and irradiation of polymers produces precisely such covers.
In another RCA project, the IAEA has helped to make this technique available
to the growing telecommunications industry of South East Asia.
Non-destructive testing
Radiography was one of the first uses of radiation in industry, offering
a unique means for the non-destructive testing of industrial products and
processes. As relatively cheap radiation sources became available from
recently acquired research reactors, the number of the IAEA’s non-destructive
testing projects began to grow, firstly in Latin America and later in other
developing regions. From 1985 until 1995, more than 30 000 specialists took
part in such IAEA projects, chiefly in civil aviation and other areas of trans-
port, in the power and other industries (for instance, to monitor the impact of
ageing on components of power plants) and in inspecting and monitoring the
condition of civil engineering structures.
In 1972, the IAEA helped Argentina establish a National Centre for Non-
Destructive Testing, partly funded by UNDP.
This provided inspection
services to the national atomic energy commission and to industry in general.
It developed national non-destructive testing standards and prescribed the
qualifications needed by workers carrying out non-destructive tests. By 1979,
the Centre had trained some 1300 individuals and its success encouraged the
Latin American region to convene a conference on non-destructive testing in
Buenos Aires in the same year. This in turn led to an IAEA non-destructive
testing regional project in which, by 1985, 18 Latin American countries were
taking part. As a result, by the 1990s tens of thousands of persons were using
non-destructive testing techniques in Latin America. A total of 1680 persons
had taken part in the 85 training courses which the IAEA had organized,
while more than 22 000 had been trained in national programmes that used
the project’s guidelines. The project helped Latin America to draft an
International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standard — specifica-
tion — for the qualification of personnel for non-destructive testing. The
IAEA also drew up a programme for training in the main non-destructive
testing techniques which was recommended as a guideline by the ISO. In
1988, the national non-destructive testing organizations of the region estab-
lished a federation to ensure continuity of non-destructive testing activities.
This project ranks amongst the most effective of those yet undertaken by
the IAEA technical co-operation programme and has helped to make industry
throughout the Latin American region aware of the importance of non-destruc-
tive testing.
Annual Report for 1995, GC(40)/8, IAEA, Vienna (1996), p. 23; and Technical Co-oper-
ation Report for 1995, GC(40)/INF/3, IAEA, Vienna (1996), p. 21, para. 82.
JEGGO, M.H., GEIGER, R., DARGIE, J.D., “Animal health: Supporting Africa’s
campaign against rinderpest,” IAEA Bulletin 3 (1994).
LACHANCE, L.E., KLASSEN, W., “Applying the sterile insect technique to the
control of insect pests”, IAEA Yearbook 1991, IAEA, Vienna (1991) B23.
LACHANCE, L.E., KLASSEN, W., ibid., pp. B29–B33.
The SIT had been used to eliminate the pest from Curaçao, the continental USA and
Mexico and it is planned to eliminate it from all of Central America in the next few
LINDQUIST, D.A., ABUSOWA, M., KLASSEN, W., “Eradication of the New World
Screwworm in the Libyan Arab Jamahariya,” IAEA Yearbook 1992, IAEA, Vienna
(1992) B8–B17.
Annual Report for 1991, GC(XXXVI)/1004, IAEA, Vienna (1992) 2.
Ibid., pp. 22–23.
Annual Report for 1995, p. 23.
The Agency’s Technical Co-operation Activities in 1993, GC(XXXVIII)/INF/3, IAEA,
Vienna (1994), pp. 17–18, para. 76; and Technical Co-operation Report for 1995, p. 12,
paras 48–49.
LACHANCE, L.E., KLASSEN, W., “Applying the sterile insect technique to the
control of insect pests”, IAEA Yearbook 1991, pp. B25–B27.
Annual Report for 1996, GC(41)/8, IAEA, Vienna (1997) 21.
Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the General Conference 1 July 1964 to 30 June
1965, GC(IX)/299, IAEA, Vienna (1965), pp. 28–29, para. 114.
Information provided by M. Mutru of the 1996 Finnish delegation to the IAEA, who
was then a staff member of the IAEA.
Annual Report for 1982, GC(XXVII)/684, IAEA, Vienna (1983), p. 47, para. 202.
Annual Report for 1986, GC(XXXI)/800, IAEA, Vienna (1987), p. 31, para. 240.
No treatment of food has “attracted so much political debate, media attention or
protest”, LOAHARANU, P., LADOMERY, L., AHMED, M., “Food irradiation:
Issues affecting its acceptance by governments, the food industry and consumers”,
IAEA Yearbook 1990, IAEA, Vienna (1990) B11.
MOLINS, R., “New developments in food irradiation,” IAEA Yearbook 1996, IAEA,
Vienna (1996) B12.
Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the General Conference 1 July 1964–30 June
1965, p. 28, para. 113; and Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the General
Conference 1 July 1966–30 June 1967, GC(XI)/355, IAEA, Vienna (1967), p. 20,
para. 51.
Annual Report 1 July 1970–30 June 1971, GC(XV)/455, IAEA, Vienna (1971), p. 20,
para. 41.
Annual Report for 1979, GC(XXIV)/627, IAEA, Vienna (1980), p. 27, para. 112.
Annual Report for 1984, GC(XXIX)/748, IAEA, Vienna (1985), p. 41, para. 221;
Annual Report for 1989, GC(XXXIV)/915, p. 47; and Annual Report for 1994,
GC(39)/3, IAEA, Vienna (1995) 84.
The following is based chiefly on EISENLOHR, H.H., “Standardizing radiation
doses in medicine and industry”, IAEA Yearbook 1989, IAEA, Vienna (1989)
Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the General Conference 1 July 1966–30 June
1967, p. 20, para. 61; and Annual Report 1 July 1971– 30 June 1972, GC(XVI)/480, IAEA,
Vienna (1972), p. 20, para. 49.
Annual Report 1 July 1974–30 June 1975, GC(XIX)/544, IAEA, Vienna (1975), p. 27,
para. 78.
SSDL Newsletter No. 34 (1995) 36–37.
Radioimmunoassay is a microanalytical technique that permits the detection and
measurement of minute amounts of any immunogenic substance (i.e. a substance
producing an immune reaction) in biological fluids, most commonly serum or
plasma. For instance, hormones, enzymes, proteins, and medical and hard drugs,
as well as substances specifically produced and secreted by certain tumours, the
so-called ‘tumour markers’. An ordinary medical laboratory with very simple
instruments can carry out radioimmunoassays, simultaneously processing
hundreds of samples in a few hours.
SCHOTTERER, U., OLDFIELD, F., FROEHLICH, K., Global Network for Isotopes in
Precipitation (GNIP), IAEA/PAGES pamphlet (1996) 13.
The Treaty, which had been negotiated by three of the four nuclear weapon States
of the time (the USSR, the USA and the United Kingdom), prohibited nuclear tests
in the atmosphere, the oceans and outer space.
SCHOTTERER, U., OLDFIELD, F., FROEHLICH, K., Global Network for Isotopes in
Precipitation, pp. 16–17.
Annual Report for 1995, p. 31.
BLIX, H., “The good uses of nuclear energy”, 252nd Memorial Lecture at the Faculty
of Medicine and Surgery, University of Santo Tomas, Manila, 13 December 1996.
Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the General Conference 1 July 1960–30 June
1961, GC(V)/154, IAEA, Vienna (1961), p. 20, para. 128.
Annual Report for 1994, pp. 108–109.
This extensive exploration led to a significant scientific discovery, namely the first
natural chain reaction found on this planet. About two billion years ago a natural
‘reactor’ had been in operation for thousands of years near Oklo, in Gabon. As the
nuclear reaction started and stopped by itself without any artificial containment,
the ‘Oklo Phenomenon’ provided a valuable laboratory to study the migration of
radionuclides in a natural environment, a migration that had been very small
IAEA publications included Radiological and Health and Safety in Uranium Mining
and Milling (1964), The Recovery of Uranium (1971), Formation of Uranium Ore Deposits
(1974), The Oklo Phenomenon (1975), Exploration for Uranium Ore Deposits (1976),
Uranium in the Pine Creek Geosyncline (1980) and Uranium Evaluation and Mining
Techniques (1980).
See TAUCHID, M., “Nuclear raw materials: Developing resources through techni-
cal co-operation,” IAEA Bulletin 3 (1993).
Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the General Conference 1 July 1960–30 June
1961, p. 16, paras 119–121.
Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the General Conference 1 July 1959–30 June
1960, GC(IV)/114, IAEA, Vienna (1960), p. 34, para. 202; and Annual Report of the
Board of Governors to the General Conference 1 July 1961–30 June 1962, GC(VI)/195,
IAEA, Vienna (1962), p. 11, para. 68.
Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the General Conference 1 July 1969–30 June
1970, GC(XIV)/430, IAEA, Vienna (1970), pp. 22–23, paras 48–50.
Annual Report for 1979, p. 30, para. 130. The full title of RCA is the Regional Co-oper-
ative Agreement for Research, Development and Training Related to Nuclear
Science and Technology.
Annual Report for 1983, GC(XXVIII)/713, IAEA, Vienna (1984), p. 49, paras 241
and 245.
BLIX, H., “The good uses of nuclear energy”.
Annual Report for 1990, GC(XXV)/953, IAEA, Vienna (1991) 66.
BLIX, H., “The good uses of nuclear energy”.
BESWICK, K., “Regional non-destructive testing project for Latin America: Final
report,” Non-destructive Testing in Quality Control Programmes, Vols 1 and 2, Project
RLA/8017, IAEA, Vienna (1994).
Chapter 11
he first Geneva Conference demonstrated vividly the extent to which
progress in nuclear science depended on a full and free exchange of
information. Scientists and technologists from 73 countries took part in
the meeting. Led by the USA, they cast off the shackles imposed on the
exchange of nuclear information in the war years out of fear of helping the
enemy, agreed to by President Truman and Prime Ministers Attlee and
MacKenzie King in the ‘Three Nation Agreed [Washington] Declaration on
Atomic Energy’ of 1945, proposed by the Baruch Plan until a global nuclear
authority could be established, and confirmed in 1946 by the McMahon Act.
The Three Nation Declaration had stipulated that “reciprocal and enforceable
safeguards acceptable to all nations” must be in place before proceeding
“with the exchange of fundamental scientific literature for peaceful ends.”
Nevertheless, in 1955 the world proceeded with a massive exchange of such
information, particularly on the design and construction of nuclear reactors,
long before “reciprocal and enforceable safeguards acceptable to all nations”
were in place. No doubt the scientists present at Geneva enjoyed the return to
the free exchange of information that had been the rule before the war. But
competitive declassification was not just a spontaneous outbreak of glasnost.
At least to some extent it was a carefully planned exercise to impress other
participants in the Conference with the achievements of one’s own nuclear
manufacturing industry.
The USA, the United Kingdom and the Soviet
Union believed that the commercial use of nuclear power was around the
corner and Geneva offered an opportunity to show that one’s own power
reactors were the best on the market. The impressive exhibitions of nuclear
plant and equipment that accompanied the Conference made the point that
the meeting was also, in some ways, a trade fair.
For better or worse, and probably inevitably, the curtain that had
surrounded nuclear science and technology since 1939 had now been torn
aside. But there was an inherent tension between the risk that spreading
nuclear information might help the bomb designer and the objective, embodied
later in the IAEA’s Statute, of promoting the peaceful uses of nuclear energy.
This tension would eventually affect the policies of the nuclear suppliers, the
training and education in nuclear technology that they were prepared to offer,
the countries whose scientists and engineers they were prepared to accept,
and even essentially innocuous IAEA activities such as its technical co-oper-
ation programme.
The ‘Initial Programme’ of the Preparatory Commission (Prepcom)
stressed the importance of the Agency’s role in promoting the exchange of
scientific and technical information. It noted that arranging for such an
exchange was a service to its Member States that the IAEA could provide
without delay. The Agency lost little time in doing so.
In March 1959,
Director General Sterling Cole convened a panel of experts to advise the
IAEA on how it could best carry out its functions under Article VIII.C of the
This required the IAEA to ensure access to information on the peace-
ful uses of nuclear energy that Member States had furnished to it, and to
encourage the exchange of such information.
The IAEA’s initial efforts consisted of building up a technical library
(helped by generous gifts from the US Atomic Energy Commission) and by
inviting leading scientists in Member States to write reviews on various
nuclear topics, publishing these reviews, holding scientific meetings and
publishing their proceedings, and publishing manuals on safety and other
In October 1960, the IAEA began the publication of its first scientific
periodical — the quarterly Nuclear Fusion journal.
Scientific meetings
The IAEA’s first scientific conference (‘The Application of Large
Radiation Sources in Industry and Especially Chemical Processes’) was held
in Warsaw in September 1959.
By 1961, the number of larger meetings
(classified as ‘conferences, seminars and symposia’) had risen to about 10–12 a
year and during the 1970s their number remained roughly at that level.
Scientific information was also exchanged at smaller meetings, for instance,
at those held to co-ordinate work among the participants in Co-ordinated
Research Programmes and at other meetings or panels of specialists.
The topics of the larger meetings ranged very broadly covering, for
Small and medium power reactors,
Plasma physics and controlled thermonuclear fusion (the first inter-
national conference on this subject being held in Salzburg in 1961),
Use of nuclear techniques in tropical medicine,
Development of nuclear law,
Use of nuclear techniques in entomology,
Use of nuclear techniques in the study of tropical diseases.
Until 1988, when the terms of its members were not renewed, the IAEA’s
Scientific Advisory Committee selected the topics to be covered each year.
As noted elsewhere, at the request of the United Nations the IAEA
assumed responsibility for the scientific and technical aspects of the third
Geneva Conference in 1964 and co-sponsored with the United Nations the
fourth conference in 1968. In 1977, the IAEA convened a conference in Salzburg
as a follow-up to the four Geneva Conferences.
These very large broad coverage ‘Geneva-type’ meetings were not
repeated after 1977. The number of more specialized conferences and sym-
posia declined to about six to eight a year in the 1980s as other, more rapid and
more regular means of exchanging information came into operation. But meet-
ings of specialists in the same branch of science or technology still provided a
valuable forum for intensive discussions or for a broad based assessment of
the current state of a particular technology. An example of the latter was the
IAEA’s conference in September 1994 entitled ‘The Nuclear Power Option’.
In 1959, the IAEA became a scientific publisher. By the middle of that
year it had issued nine publications, including the first manual in the IAEA’s
Safety Series (Safe Handling of Radioisotopes) and the first volume of a ten
volume Directory of Nuclear Reactors, as well as the first volume of a two
volume International Directory of Radioisotopes and Labelled Compounds.
By 1961, the IAEA was publishing the papers and proceedings of the
dozen larger meetings, as well as the reports of numerous panels of experts,
recommendations in the Safety Series, reviews of special topics, technical reports
(on, for instance, the prospects for nuclear power in a particular Member
State), the Nuclear Fusion journal and the IAEA Bulletin, a semi-technical
As the scope of the IAEA’s activities expanded, it became the
leading international publisher of material relating to virtually every aspect
of nuclear energy. By 1995, the number of IAEA scientific publications had
risen to nearly 150 per year.
The library
By the end of the 1960s, the IAEA’s library had become a valuable
resource, acquiring and distributing information needed in support of various
programmes of the IAEA and its Member States. In 1970, its holdings included
more than 30 000 books and nearly 120 000 technical reports.
In 1979, the IAEA
library was merged with that of the United Nations Industrial Development
Organization and other UN organizations based in Vienna to form the Vienna
International Centre Library. At the end of 1995, the Library had a combined col-
lection of more than 115 000 books, about 1 200 000 documents, 250 000 technical
reports and subscriptions to about 4000 journals, of which more than half specif-
ically supported the work of the IAEA. The Library stores and distributes infor-
mation in electronic as well as conventional form by subscribing to a number of
data files on compact disk and by providing access to external information files.
Nuclear data
In 1963, the IAEA established a specialized unit for the collection and
diffusion of basic nuclear data. The IAEA unit has focused on nuclear cross-
sections and other data of fundamental importance to the understanding of
nuclear fission and fission reactors.
One of its main aims has been to provide
nuclear data to countries and regions such as India and Latin America not
served by existing centres. The unit has collaborated with other major nuclear
data compilation centres in the USA, the USSR (later the Russian Federation)
and the centre operated by the (E)NEA for OECD countries. In this way the
four centres achieved a worldwide exchange of nuclear data.
The International
Nuclear Information System
In the second half of the 1960s, the IAEA launched the International
Nuclear Information System (INIS), a major project to promote the exchange
of information on all aspects of the peaceful uses of nuclear energy. The birth
of the project was not easy. Western members of the Board of Governors had
access to a wide range of nuclear science and technology information in, for
instance, the Nuclear Science Abstracts published by the US Atomic Energy
and in the services provided by the NEA such as its nuclear
data centre. There was, at first, a Cold War reluctance to proceed to a com-
prehensive exchange of nuclear information with the Soviet Union and its
allies. One Governor went so far as to suggest that pieces of information
should be exchanged initially on a one-for-one basis with the USSR! Much of
the credit for overcoming these obstacles must go to the Canadian Director of
the Division of Scientific and Technical Information and his US successor.
As early as 1962, a panel of experts had recommended that the IAEA
should help UNESCO’s efforts to encourage R&D on “mechanizing [the]
storage and retrieval of information, and the broader study of science
abstracting...at the international level.”
In 1965, Soviet and US experts out-
lined a scheme for an international information system to cover the expand-
ing flow of literature on the peaceful uses of nuclear energy and to meet the
information needs of countries at different levels of development and differ-
ent backgrounds and traditions in the techniques of information handling.
The IAEA convened a number of panels of experts to review the con-
sultants’ proposals and to elaborate a detailed design for the system. In 1968,
an international team of experts made a detailed study of the system and
drew up a report to the Board.
The system was designed to provide machine processed data on the
particular nuclear topic that a user selected. It is decentralized in the sense
that each participating State is responsible for preparing and arranging the
input of all literature relating to the peaceful uses of nuclear energy that is
published or becomes available in that State.
The IAEA arranges for the
input of material that it and other international organizations produce. Each
participating State designates a central point to handle all input. A national
INIS Liaison Officer is in charge of the operation. The centre is responsible for
limited processing of the input such as the recording on computer tape of biblio-
graphical descriptions and key words.
The IAEA processes incoming mate-
rial, stores it and distributes it to participating States and individual users.
The products of INIS consist of magnetic tapes or a printed bulletin (INIS
Atomindex) containing bibliographic descriptions and key words, as well as
cumulative indexes and microfiches with abstracts or complete texts.
In February 1969, the Board gave the green light for the establishment of
INIS but imposed restrictions that would enable it to control the growth and
cost of the system. INIS began its output in April/May 1970, distributing INIS
Atomindex, computer tapes and microfiches covering the literature already
reported to it.
In 1972, the Board decided that the scope of INIS should henceforth cover
all nuclear science information. By the mid-1970s, 35 countries had agreed to
take part in INIS, thus ensuring that the system would be able to cover at least
90% of the sources of the world’s nuclear publications.
In 1974–1976, INIS
reached a steady level of operation, processing 60 000–70 000 citations per year.
With the demise of the US Nuclear Science Abstracts in July 1976, INIS became
the world’s only abstracting service on nuclear energy and the only system
with worldwide coverage of nuclear literature. In the late 1970s and 1980s, INIS
began providing a completely computerized information service, offering direct
on-line access to many Member States and organizations. In the early 1990s, the
INIS database began to be available on CD-ROM as well as on-line and in print.
INIS served as a model for other information systems such as UNISIST,
a worldwide science information system developed by UNESCO, and for
AGRIS, a similar system covering food and agriculture, operated by FAO in
co-operation with the IAEA.
By 1995, when INIS celebrated its 25th birthday, 94 States and 17 inter-
national organizations were participating in the system and the INIS database
had grown to over 1.8 million references to nuclear literature, and was
expanding at the rate of about 80 000 references each year. The ‘INIS Clearing-
house’ had microfilmed the full texts of more than 345 000 documents of ‘non-
conventional’ literature such as reports, proceedings of conferences, doctoral
dissertations and laws.
INIS also began the electronic storage of the full
texts of non-conventional literature on CD-ROM.
HEWLETT, R.G., HOLL, J.M., Atoms for Peace and War: 1953–1961, Eisenhower and
the Atomic Energy Commission, University of California Press, Berkeley, CA (1989)
233–235 and 250–251.
This point was also stressed by the hospitality lavished on participants by the com-
panies hoping to sell nuclear power plants. This included night cruises on Lake
Geneva, as well as countless dinners and cocktail parties, which came as a surprise
to many scientists accustomed to a more austere way of spending the evening.
Referring to the IAEA’s role in collecting and disseminating scientific and technical
information, the Prepcom observed that “This function is moreover one which the
IAEA can begin to discharge effectively from the first year.” (Document GOV/1,
GC/1, p. 16, para. 59).
“The Agency shall assemble and make available in an accessible form the informa-
tion made available to it [by its Member States]. It shall take positive steps to
encourage the exchange among its members of information relating to the nature
and peaceful uses of atomic energy and shall serve as an intermediary among its
members for this purpose.”
Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the General Conference 1 July 1959–30 June
1960, GC(IV)/114, IAEA, Vienna (1960) 26–28.
Ibid., p. 34, para. 203.
Currently, the IAEA Bulletin has a circulation of 20 000.
Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the General Conference 1 July 1969–30 June
1970, GC(XIV)/430, IAEA, Vienna (1970), p. 34, para. 98.
Information provided by the VIC Library.
Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the General Conference 1 July 1963–30 June
1964, GC(VIII)/270, IAEA, Vienna (1964), p. 11, paras 65–66; and Annual Report of
the Board of Governors to the General Conference 1 July 1964–30 June 1965, GC(IX)/299,
IAEA, Vienna (1964), p. 33, para. 140.
The USAEC’s Nuclear Science Abstracts and the IAEA ‘successor’ (the International
Nuclear Science Abstracts of INIS) provided an extremely useful service to the world
nuclear community, especially between the 1950s and 1970s.
John Woolston (Director, Division of Scientific and Technical Information,
1967–1970) and Ed Brunenkant (Director, 1972–1978).
Development of INIS: Highlights, pamphlet, IAEA, Vienna (1996).
Presenting INIS, pamphlet, IAEA, Vienna (1995).
Report of the INIS Study Team, PL-308 (1968).
RAINER, R.H., SZASZ, P.C., The Law and Practices of the International Atomic Energy
Agency: 1970–1980, Supplement 1 to the 1970 Edition of Legal Series No. 7, Legal Series
No. 7-S1, IAEA, Vienna (1993) 263–268.
The system made use of a thesaurus of key words provided by EURATOM and
CERN. UNESCO and the ICSU also helped the IAEA Secretariat to develop the sys-
Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the General Conference 1 July 1969–30 June
1970, p. 32, para. 88.
Data provided in December 1996 by the Head of INIS, Claudio Todeschini.
Annual Report for 1995, GC(40)/8, IAEA, Vienna (1996) 53.
Chapter 12
The changing perceptions of
the developing Member States
t was natural that the developing countries should give preference to
IAEA programmes that could bring them practical benefits, and their
interest in technical co-operation became obvious as soon as two of their
number, Brazil and India, joined the 1956 twelve-nation working level meetings
on the Statute and was even more apparent at the October 1956 Conference
on the Statute.
On the other hand, in the early years most developing coun-
tries showed little interest in or, in a few cases, were openly hostile to safe-
guards, while the problems of ensuring the safety of nuclear plants were as
yet seldom of immediate concern to them.
It was noted in Chapter 5 that after 1973, when the membership of the
Board of Governors rose from 25 to 34, the influence of the G-77 on the
Agency’s policies grew stronger and that this became evident at the General
Conference in Rio de Janeiro in 1976 when the first decisive steps were taken
to exclude South Africa from the Board and eventually the General
Conference, and to recognize the PLO. In other words, the G-77 was begin-
ning to shape the policies of an organization which, in the 1950s and the
1960s, had been largely, though by no means entirely, in the hands of the
industrialized countries (although the latter were deeply divided in the IAEA
by the Cold War until 1963).
When, in 1963, the USA and the USSR and their allies began to see
eye-to-eye on the importance of IAEA safeguards, they both sought to ensure
that safeguards would be adequately funded, and for this the safeguards
budget would have to rise quite rapidly, as it did from $1 272 000 in 1970 to
$4 802 000 in 1975. A growing safeguards budget would require the acquies-
cence of the developing countries in the General Conference, where they had
a commanding majority of votes.
But many developing countries still had little interest in safeguards, and
a few of the most influential amongst them continued to decry them as a form
of neocolonialism.
The G-77 would only accept a growing safeguards budget
if there were corresponding increases in the funds available for technical
co-operation (see Chapter 9). The ‘North’ had no option but to accept the
concept of what was now called a balance between the IAEA’s ‘regulatory’
and ‘promotional’ activities — a concept more fully discussed in the next
section. To make it easier for the G-77 to accept the growing safeguards
budget, the industrialized countries accepted its request to separate that
budget from all other expenditures and to freeze the developing countries’
Some interpreted this as recognition by the North that safe-
guards were, indeed, of little interest to the ‘South’, but others viewed it as a
logical consequence of privileged treatment of the nuclear weapon States by
the NPT; as they saw it, privilege had its price.
Yet in the late 1960s and 1970s, the views of many countries within the
G-77 were beginning to evolve on the value of safeguards in their own
regions and on the tactics to be followed to bring under IAEA safeguards the
programmes of countries that they feared or distrusted. The first major step
was the acceptance of safeguards by the countries (all developing) of Latin
America, under the leadership of Mexico, as required by Article 13 of the 1967
Tlatelolco Treaty. The Arab States certainly desired to see the entire Israeli
nuclear programme placed under safeguards and the Africans sought the
same constraints on the South African programme. In some cases they sought
to achieve this by joining the NPT, as most Arab States did; in other cases
(the ‘front line’ States in southern Africa) they tried to bring Western pressure
to bear on South Africa by refusing to join the Treaty — how could the West
expect them to ratify the NPT while it allowed South Africa to continue
its suspect programmes? In practice, neither the Arab nor the African tactic
worked. There would have to be a radical transformation within South
Africa and in its relations with the rest of Africa before it changed its nuclear
policy. Such a change has still to come in relations between the States of the
Middle East.
In more recent years the cohesion which was such a marked feature of
the G-77 in the later 1970s and 1980s has declined, as the world ceased to be
bipolar, non-alignment lost most of its meaning, economic competitiveness
became more important and the economies of some developing countries
surged ahead. The 1994 ABACC agreement between Argentina and Brazil,
the reversal of South Africa’s nuclear weapon programme and the emergence
of several regional nuclear weapon free zones also reflected growing devel-
oping country support of non-proliferation and of effective safeguards. All
the regional treaties require the permanent application of IAEA safeguards
and, with two exceptions, all their members are developing countries.
Between 1990 and 1995, nearly 40 States joined the NPT, the great major-
ity being members of the G-77, and at the end of the period only a handful of
countries still remained outside the Treaty. The few but prominent States in
Latin America that had previously been sceptical of safeguards now fully
accepted them, as did most of the States that emerged from the breakup of the
Soviet Union. Iraq and the DPRK demonstrated how seriously nuclear prolif-
eration could undermine the stability of a developing region. Israeli, Indian
and Pakistani retention of their nuclear arsenals, or of the means of making
nuclear weapons at short notice, had become continuing causes of tension in
the Middle East and South Asia.
The divisions between members of the G-77 in their approach to the
NPT was particularly noticeable at the 1995 NPT Review and Extension
Conference. Latin America, with Argentina in the lead, was in the end, and
without exception, in favour of the indefinite extension of the Treaty.
So too
were the majority of African States; amongst them South Africa played a
major role in securing the extension. The Arab States were at first only pre-
pared to accept extension if Israel placed its programme under safeguards,
and South East Asia was divided on this issue. In the end indefinite extension
was accepted by all without a vote. But the extension was linked to a set of
principles and objectives that prescribed a more rigorous and systematic
process for reviewing the way in which the parties were implementing all
articles of the Treaty and which set a number of aims and targets for assess-
ing the progress made in such implementation.
The loss of G-77 cohesion, so obvious at the NPT Review and Extension
Conference, was much less marked in the Governing Bodies of the IAEA.
Nonetheless, the influence of the G-77 on the policies of the IAEA remained
weaker than in most UN agencies. Many factors contributed to this. The poor-
est members of the IAEA still had only a limited interest in three of the main
programmes of the Agency (safeguards, nuclear power and hence, too, nuclear
safety) and relatively few developing countries had a domestic nuclear con-
stituency strong enough to influence their own government’s policy towards
the IAEA. Even the nuclear science applications (the use of radiation and
radioisotopes) that provide the substance of most of the technical co-opera-
tion programmes were, in 1995, still out of the reach of some of the least
developed countries. And, though these applications of nuclear science were
often of much economic or humanitarian significance, they were chiefly man-
aged by limited or specialist groups in the technically more advanced
amongst the developing countries.
Moreover, by 1995 many in the developing countries felt that the benefits
of the major applications of nuclear energy were more limited than they had
believed before the Three Mile Island and Chernobyl accidents, and before large
overruns in the cost of the power reactors that some developing countries had
incurred, chiefly because construction times were much longer than expected.
Chernobyl had also shown that the consequences of a major nuclear accident
were not confined to the industrialized world and that nuclear safety was of
concern to all countries. This point was later underlined in the reaction of many
developing as well as industrialized countries to the transport by sea of pluto-
nium and nuclear waste from Western Europe to Japan. It was also reflected by
the large number of countries that, in the aftermath of Chernobyl, joined the
‘Convention on Early Notification of a Nuclear Accident’ and ‘Convention on
Assistance in the Case of a Nuclear Accident or Radiological Emergency’.
Changes in the position of the industrialized States
It must also be borne in mind that there had been major political realign-
ments in the industrialized world, especially since the dissolution of the
Soviet Union.
In the 1960s and 1970s, the industrialized States by and large shared the
view of most developing countries that the principal task of the IAEA was to
promote nuclear power and associated nuclear technologies. By 1995, how-
ever, many industrialized countries had become less interested in directly
‘promotional’ nuclear programmes; in fact several of them, including the
IAEA’s host government, had come out publicly against nuclear power.
From the late 1940s until the 1980s, most of Western Europe as well as
Australia and Japan were determined to retain and, if possible, to strengthen
what they regarded as ‘stable nuclear deterrence’ by the NATO/US nuclear
umbrella, for instance by introducing Pershing and cruise missiles into the
European theatre. The end of the Cold War had led many in the West to ques-
tion the continuing need for nuclear arsenals, including several of the generals
and admirals who were once in charge of those arsenals. By 1995, the nuclear
weapon States themselves had come fully to support the chief objective of
four previous NPT review conferences, namely to put a stop to the further
improvement of nuclear arsenals by concluding a comprehensive nuclear test
ban treaty, a treaty for which, as recently as 1990, at least two of the nuclear
weapon States had shown little enthusiasm. Indeed, US policy, as explicitly
stated by President Clinton, is the ultimate elimination of all nuclear weapons,
although the USA and the other nuclear weapon States are not prepared to set
a date or timetable for the achievement of this aim.
In the early days, a number of the industrialized countries, including
France, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Soviet Union, Italy, Japan,
Belgium (and even, on occasion, Australia) were, for a variety of reasons, also
mistrustful of non-proliferation initiatives and of IAEA safeguards. In 1995,
all pressed for the indefinite extension of the NPT and, in varying degrees, all
supported the strengthening of IAEA safeguards (although it must be con-
ceded that subsequent divisions on how far the Agency should go in
strengthening safeguards were chiefly between the industrialized countries,
in other words between the North and North).
By 1997, it was becoming clear that at least in the context of nuclear
arms control, disarmament and the application of safeguards, the lines were
increasingly being drawn between the nuclear and the non-nuclear-weapon
States rather than between alliances or between States at different levels of
economic development.
In short, seeing the IAEA chiefly in terms of a North/South divide
was always an oversimplified view, and by 1995 it had become all but
obsolete. The foci of interest of both groups had changed over the years,
particularly since Chernobyl and the erosion of Cold War tensions and
alliances. Differences had emerged within both the ‘Northern’ and
‘Southern’ groups of countries, and between nuclear and non-nuclear-
weapon States, perceptions and allegiances were changing and many roles
had been reversed.
The IAEA’s ‘promotional’ and
‘regulatory’ roles
In 1958, the US political scientist J.G. Stoessinger, writing about the
recently created IAEA, noted that “From the day of the Agency’s conception
its founding fathers were haunted by a formidable dilemma: how was the
optimum balance to be struck between the Agency’s developmental function
as a ‘contributor’ to peace, health and prosperity throughout the world, on
the one hand, and its restrictive role, as deterrent against atoms-for-war, on
the other?”
Stoessinger also noted that one of the IAEA’s first tasks was to
deflate the excessive optimism about nuclear power engendered by Eisen-
hower’s speech and his statement that atomic energy was “here, now, today”,
and that in doing so the IAEA’s programme was “a bitter disappointment to
the underdeveloped countries.”
This was an early reflection of the apparent
tension between the Agency’s ‘promotional’ and ‘regulatory’ roles. It calls for
several comments.
In the first place the distinction between ‘promotional’ and ‘regulatory’
activities is somewhat artificial. Enhancing nuclear safety is crucial for the
promotion of nuclear power, and today there can be no transfer of nuclear
power plants to a developing or an industrialized non-nuclear-weapon State
without effective safeguards. Moreover, as we have seen, what is commonly
referred to as the ‘promotional’ work of the IAEA has been to promote the
transfer of radioisotope and radiation techniques to the developing countries
rather than to promote the use of nuclear power. There is no conflict of prin-
ciple or interest between helping to eradicate rinderpest and trying to stop
the spread of nuclear weapons.
The fundamentally false dichotomy of promotion versus regulation
also flowed in part from a misconception. The modest programme of the
IAEA’s Division of Nuclear Power had never been comparable in objective
or in scope to the vast investments that the nuclear energy authorities of the
industrialized countries or of developing countries such as India, the
Republic of Korea and Brazil have made in promoting nuclear power tech-
nology and in subsidizing nuclear power programmes. In the boom years of
nuclear power the Division advised several developing countries, at their
request, on the merits or demerits of launching a nuclear power programme.
From the start its advice was cautious; it could usually be summed up as
‘assess your needs, compare the options for meeting them, train the needed
staff, prepare the legal and safety infrastructure, but wait before you
In 1996, the IAEA’s work relating to nuclear power (as reflected in
the actual expenditure under this heading)
accounted for less than 2.6% of
its total expenditures under its ‘regular’ budget. It consisted largely of help-
ing Member States to assess their needs for more electric power using IAEA
computer programs for this purpose, to compare the economic, technical
and environmental advantages and drawbacks of various energy options, to
draw up plans for meeting their needs, to ensure efficient and safe operation
of nuclear plants,
as well as of promoting the exchange of information
between all interested Member States on the status of and progress made in
advanced nuclear systems. Nuclear safety was an increasingly significant
component of the nuclear power programme. All these were manifestly
worthwhile activities.
The apparent conflict of interest between the promotional and regulatory
roles of the IAEA led in the past to several proposals for changing the way in
which the UN system deals with nuclear and energy issues. Such proposals
are now less frequently heard than they were in the immediate aftermath of
the Iraqi disclosures. In the case of the DPRK, the Agency reacted promptly
and vigorously when it was denied access to the locations it needed to visit in
order to verify that the DPRK’s Initial Report was complete, so vigorously
that the authorities in the DPRK complained, as we have noted, that IAEA
inspectors behaved like policemen searching the house of a suspect instead of
like invited guests.
It should be stressed that proposals for restructuring international
responsibility for nuclear energy have never been made by the government of
any Member State. On the contrary, judging by the proceedings of the NPT
Review and Extension Conference and of the IAEA’s General Conference and
the UN General Assembly, Member States are broadly satisfied with the
present allocation of responsibilities and would resist any attempt to change
it. The proponents of radical surgery have chiefly been individual academics
or non-governmental bodies, or occasionally columnists writing in the North
American and Western European media.
And the Secretariat’s proposals for
strengthening safeguards (‘Programme 93 + 2’) have been criticized by some
Western governments, not because they were too gentle with the operators of
nuclear plants, but for being unnecessarily intrusive, ignoring constitutional
rights of privacy and the sanctity of private property, and discriminating in
favour of the nuclear weapon States — in a sense a repetition of the debates
(and misperceptions) of the Safeguards Committee (1970).
Some may still ask whether the IAEA should continue to raise doubts in
some quarters about its impartiality as a regulatory body by appearing to
promote nuclear power. Those who know the IAEA well also know that these
doubts are misplaced. The staff of the IAEA have not tempered their
approach to safety or safeguards because of concern for the interests of the
nuclear industry or because they feared that rigorous safeguards or safety
measures would push up the cost of nuclear power. On the contrary, in the
nuclear industry safe operation is profitable operation and safety is a condi-
tion for the survival of the industry. The constraints on the IAEA’s ‘regulatory’
work were (and continue to be) imposed on a Secretariat that is ready and
able to operate as a much more rigorous and intrusive regulator. The con-
straints were and are imposed by governments seeking to keep the IAEA (and
other UN agencies) on a tight financial and operational leash, and not eager
to have an unduly intensive international inspection of their own nuclear
activities. Shuffling the pack of international responsibilities will not change
Should the IAEA narrow its scope?
For 40 years the IAEA has spanned, sometimes uneasily, four different
nuclear technologies or categories of work, one of which has little in common
today with the other three. The four (with the 1996 regular budget and tech-
nical co-operation expenditures in parentheses
) are:
— Nuclear power and comparative assessment of nuclear power and other
energy sources ($6 209 599 plus $2 059 654). Technical co-operation in
nuclear power ($2 338 000).
Smaller scale applications of nuclear science, i.e. the uses of radio-
isotopes as tracers or sources of radiation and of research reactors as
sources of tracers and radiation and for training purposes ($31 497 710).
Technical co-operation ($38 185 000
Nuclear and radiation safety including the management of nuclear
waste: nuclear safety ($13 573 104) and nuclear waste management
($7 505 404). Technical co-operation ($11 895 000).
Nuclear safeguards ($86 166 813).
The growing importance of regulatory activities
The entry into force of the NPT, the Three Mile Island and Chernobyl
accidents and the breaches of IAEA safeguards agreements by Iraq and the
DPRK increased the importance of the IAEA’s ‘regulatory’ activities, particu-
larly in the eyes of the industrialized countries.
Recent developments have tended to accentuate this trend. The focus of
international politics has moved from containing the threat of nuclear war to
promoting nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation, two separate but
related subjects, both tending to give increasing weight to IAEA verification
and safeguards. The decision to make the NPT permanent also made com-
prehensive NPT safeguards permanent in the non-nuclear-weapon States
party to the NPT. The new nuclear weapon free zones require IAEA safe-
guards. The IAEA has begun to verify that surplus military stocks are not
returned to military use. The prospects for a ‘cut-off’ convention are still
distant, but if it comes about it is expected to bring more nuclear material in
the nuclear weapon and threshold States under safeguards.
Several industrialized Member States have also lost much of their
former interest in the ‘promotion’ of nuclear energy, at least as a source of
Concern about environmentally safer energy is likely to grow if
the greenhouse effect becomes more marked, in turn underlining the impor-
tance of enhancing the safety of nuclear energy as the main alternative to
fossil fuel. The safe decommissioning of older reactors, and disposal of their
components, is also an area of growing interest.
Nuclear science applications
Nuclear science techniques are usually (but not always) one of several
alternative means of achieving a particular technical goal — preserving food,
controlling insect pests, breeding improved varieties of plant, treating cancer,
tracing biological processes, etc.
When the IAEA’s Statute took shape scientists were, of course, aware of
the value of these techniques, but most nuclear authorities cherished much
greater expectations for the future of nuclear power or for the IAEA’s role as
a depository and supplier of nuclear fuel than as a channel for transferring
isotope techniques. There are plenty of references in the IAEA’s Statute to
“special fissionable materials” (enriched uranium and plutonium) and to
“source materials” (natural uranium and thorium), but there is no mention of
radiation or radioisotopes.
However, when the IAEA began work in 1958
the only serious promotional option open to it was that of encouraging the
use and transfer of these applications of nuclear science. They dominated the
IAEA’s programmes for many years, to the annoyance of specialized agencies
that had already set up units to deal with those aspects that directly concerned
them. FAO, for instance, had a unit dealing with atomic energy in agriculture
and WHO a unit covering nuclear medicine. The resulting jurisdictional
disputes were generally solved in favour of the IAEA, partly because sophis-
ticated nuclear science applications were of relatively low priority for the
developing countries whose interests largely determined the programmes of
the agencies concerned, and partly because the new and glamorous IAEA had
stronger political sponsorship.
Nuclear science techniques were state of the art in the mid-1950s. How
significant are they today?
Nuclear medicine is an established discipline and although non-
radioactive techniques have supplanted or complemented some of the earlier
nuclear techniques, medical research, diagnosis and treatment would be
unthinkable without the use of ionizing radiation. The use of these techniques
in the industrialized countries is hardly dependent upon support from the
The same is not true, however, of the developing countries.
The IAEA and FAO have successfully used nuclear techniques in
hydrology and in certain areas of agricultural and food related research. It
must be conceded, however, that after more than 40 years of vigorous pro-
motion, the industrial use of radiation to preserve or disinfect food is still very
limited, often because of the relatively high cost of the process or misplaced
public concern about irradiated food.
Summing up, the range of applications of radioisotopes has not changed
fundamentally since 1957, some new techniques have been developed to the
point of being in normal commercial use, and others have been replaced by
techniques that do not involve the use of ionizing radiation. Many uses of radi-
ation and radioisotopes are still beyond the means or technical expertise of the
least developed countries. The large scale industrial use of radiation has not
materialized to the extent that was foreseen in the 1950s. Some other applica-
tions have made a valuable, and in one or two cases a vital, contribution. The
amount spent on transferring these techniques is very modest and unlikely to
grow significantly.
Should the IAEA now encourage the (re)transfer of responsibility for the
application of nuclear techniques to the agencies concerned?
The question
can be put in another way. As the 21st century approaches should not the
IAEA focus its role more narrowly and effectively to meet the main challenge
facing nuclear energy — at least in the eyes of the industrialized countries —
by helping to verify that no new nuclear arsenals come into being and that
existing nuclear arsenals are irreversibly reduced, and by helping to provide
a safe and environmentally benign source of energy?
There are a number of other arguments in favour of narrowing the
IAEA’s focus. The agencies now in gestation for prohibiting chemical weapons
and nuclear testing have no other roles.
If the IAEA had been established in
the mid-1990s instead of the mid-1950s, it is conceivable that its role would be
limited to that of safeguarding nuclear energy and possibly regulating its safety
One may also ask the more specific question — why should the IAEA
be involved in promoting the use of radioisotopes in non-nuclear fields?
There are several answers. In the case of food and agriculture, the merg-
ing of FAO’s activities and those of the IAEA, where FAO often carries overall
responsibility for a project and the IAEA provides the nuclear tools, is a sen-
sible and practical arrangement. So too are the co-operative arrangements in
isotope hydrology, where national nuclear establishments and the IAEA
pioneered many of the techniques used, where there are at present no effective
alternatives to the nuclear technique and where there is close co-operation
with the World Meteorological Organization on global monitoring of atmos-
pheric radionuclides and with FAO on the use of water resources. But when
we turn to medicine one is almost bound to ask why an international nuclear
agency should be involved in the detection of anaemia — or the improvement
of breast milk. Just because an isotopic or radiation technique is used may seem
a rather weak hook on which to hang a programme of a nuclear organization.
This was precisely the type of question that WHO sometimes asked in the
early days. Perhaps the best answer is that reportedly given by Dr. Marcolino
Gomez Candau, the Brazilian Director General of WHO at that time. He is said
to have told Sigvard Eklund that WHO had higher priorities in the develop-
ing countries than the introduction of nuclear medicine — it must seek to
meet the pressing needs to improve sanitation, provide clean water, combat
infectious disease, etc. If the IAEA had access to funds for introducing sophis-
ticated techniques he would not stand in its way. So, on that pragmatic note
the IAEA became a doctor of medicine! Another practical consideration was
that WHO’s programmes were largely carried out by its regional bodies such
as the regional office for Africa or the Pan American Health Organization,
that had little interest or specialist knowledge of nuclear medicine. Moreover,
the IAEA and WHO work closely together in radiation dosimetry and in
some other aspects of nuclear medicine. WHO co-sponsors the IAEA’s Basic
Safety Standards and other regulatory documents. Finally, as Hans Blix puts
it, what is wrong with the IAEA offering worthwhile programmes to all its
Member States, including those whose only significant use for nuclear energy
today is in its applications to human health.
There are other arguments for maintaining the IAEA’s role as a source
of aid for the transfer of radioisotope and radiation techniques. In the past
40 years a great deal of intellectual as well as financial and physical capital
has been invested to enable the IAEA and FAO to provide the very wide
range of services now available from the two agencies. The variegated and
dedicated work of the scientific Divisions concerned and the Seibersdorf and
Monaco laboratories, and the results they have achieved, show how difficult
it would be to excise them out of the IAEA without gross and perhaps
irreparable disruption.
There is another, more political argument for maintaining the status
quo. While the developing countries appear to have no strong objections to
the safeguards foreseen in the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) or the
Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT), it is clear that many of them look at
the safeguards required by the NPT in a different light. The reason is obvi-
ous. The CWC and CTBT safeguards will apply to all States that join those
treaties, but as long as the nuclear weapon States are legally permitted to
retain their nuclear arsenals, even if those arsenals go on shrinking, nuclear
safeguards will continue to discriminate between the nuclear weapon States
and the non-nuclear-weapon States party to the NPT. Concern about such
discrimination is not, of course, confined to the developing countries; lead-
ing industrialized nations feel at least equally strongly about the way in
which, as they perceive it, the nuclear safeguards regime favours the nuclear
weapon States.
In other words, if the IAEA’s only role were to administer safeguards it
would be regarded chiefly as an instrument that the nuclear weapon States
use to deny other States the possession of nuclear weapons while they keep
their own. Many developing countries would concede that maintaining this
nuclear status quo is also in their interest, or at least that they were prepared
to tolerate it; otherwise the vast majority of them would not have agreed as
they did in 1995 to making the NPT permanent, though the implicit condition
they set for supporting a permanent NPT was the eventual elimination of all
nuclear weapons. That is many years away; in the meantime the assistance
that the IAEA has given to the developing world has softened the image of a
guardian who was strict with the weak but had no concern with the behaviour
of the powerful.
Whether it was sensible 40 years ago to make the IAEA the main source
of radiation and radioisotope assistance would now be largely immaterial
were it not for a by-product of that decision. As noted, the transfer of nuclear
science applications accounts for the bulk of the IAEA’s technical co-opera-
tion programme and many countries have successfully pressed for a balance
between the size of the budget for technical co-operation (financed by volun-
tary contributions) and the budget for the IAEA’s regulatory activities. In
practice, since 1980, the net effect of this ‘balance’ has been a substantial
increase in the target for voluntary contributions (to which the zero growth
rule does not apply), while the size of the IAEA’s regular budget for nuclear
safeguards has been frozen in real terms.
This has made the operation of
safeguards increasingly dependent on earmarked ‘extrabudgetary’ grants by
interested donor countries and on ‘cost-free’ experts seconded to the Agency.
Both tend to detract from the international and independent character of the
IAEA’s safeguards work and staff.
There is no logical connection between the size of the Agency’s budgets
for technical co-operation and for nuclear safety and safeguards; their growth
or stability are or should be determined by quite different processes and
needs. The balance between them is driven solely by political considerations.
However, the IAEA’s fortunes are determined by politics and it could not
ignore the fact that such a balance is the wish of a large majority of its
Member States.
Finally, why should any international organization spend public funds on
radiation and radioisotope projects in the developing countries? Could they
not be left to private enterprise or national governments? In the early years
of the IAEA, Governors would occasionally ask these questions. One reason
for channelling such assistance through the IAEA is that this agency, acting
alone or jointly with other international organizations, has pioneered some
of the most successful applications of isotopes and radiation. For instance,
after taking over some work by British scientists (and recruiting the chief
scientist concerned),
the IAEA pioneered the worldwide use of nuclear
techniques in hydrology. It also promoted novel approaches to uranium
exploration and production. Similarly, by taking over work done by US
scientists and recruiting some of these scientists themselves, the IAEA, jointly
with FAO, has pioneered the use of the sterile insect technique in many
developing countries.
This points to the second main justification for internationally
sponsored activities. Private industry has generally shown limited interest in
scientific work that may be of great benefit to small farmers in the develop-
ing world, but the results of which are inherently uncertain, and may offer
little prospect of early profits. Moreover, scientists from developing countries
can greatly benefit from contacts with their colleagues in other developing
countries. International agencies are usually more able than national govern-
ments to arrange such contacts and co-ordinate geographically scattered
research programmes, thus promoting the objective of technical co-operation
amongst developing countries. But the international agencies should be
ready to move out of such work when private industry shows that it is ready
and able to move in.
The IAEA’s changing constituencies
It has been noted that when Sigvard Eklund was Director General the
Board became somewhat more technical in its composition and more
businesslike in its methods of work as heads of national nuclear energy estab-
lishments — having little time to spare — replaced some of the diplomats
who had initially represented their countries on the Board of Governors. Of
course, nuclear energy is never far from politics and the expulsion of South
Africa and the resolution condemning the Israeli attack on Tamuz 1 were both
in Eklund’s time. But in the 1960s and 1970s, it was the increasingly powerful
nuclear energy authority rather than the foreign ministry that framed nuclear
policy in many leading countries, and it was then of prime importance that
national nuclear establishments should have confidence in the Director
General and in the Board.
Towards the end of Eklund’s tenure, the composition of the Board of
Governors gradually began to change again and the process continued in the
1980s. By the time that the 1995–1996 Board took office, only 10 of the
35 Governors came from national atomic energy authorities, 5 came from
other technical offices such as the ministry of energy or the department of
trade and the remaining 20 were ambassadors.
And if the Governor repre-
sented a technical institution, the alternate was now, in most cases, the coun-
try’s ambassador in Vienna who sat in for the Governor at IAEA meetings
that he or she could not or did not attend.
There were several reasons for this. In many countries the influence of
the national atomic energy authority declined as responsibility for nuclear
power was moved to ministries of energy or industry. At the same time the
influence of national nuclear regulatory authorities had grown.
After the
NPT came into force, the political significance of the IAEA’s work began to
overtake that of most of its technical activities. This trend was accentuated as
nuclear power lost much of its attraction in North America and in most of
Europe and nuclear programmes stagnated or shrank. In many countries
responsibility for national policies towards the IAEA began to move to the
officials concerned with arms control in ministries of foreign affairs or to be
shared by them and other national bodies. As more international organiza-
tions came to Vienna, the governments of smaller countries found that it
made good financial sense to accredit one person, their ambassador to
Austria or a specially appointed ambassador, as resident representative to all
the organizations (the Governors from the leading nuclear States were and
are normally based in their nations’ capitals where they could have greater
influence in shaping nuclear policies).
One consequence was that the IAEA no longer had a single clear-cut
and relatively powerful constituency in its Member States to further the
Agency’s interests or to shape its programmes.
The generation of ambitious
and dynamic chiefs of nuclear energy commissions, having the ear of the
head of State or government, that bestrode the stage in the 1950s and 1960s
and that often made policy on the spot, was succeeded — with a few excep-
tions — by less colourful officials, concerned about safety or non-proliferation
or about keeping the IAEA’s budget in check rather than about nuclear
power, and almost always acting on instructions from their ministries.
This evolution may have been inevitable and in some ways it was for
the better. Some nuclear energy authorities in the industrialized countries
showed less concern in the 1950s and 1960s about the spread of nuclear
weapons and more about selling nuclear technology, including sensitive
plants, to any nation that could afford them or, at least, pay for them.
There is little prospect that the current situation will change. Indeed, if
as seems likely, the IAEA’s safeguards operation becomes relatively more
important and if nuclear power continues to stagnate in North America and
most of Europe, while the problems of decommissioning old reactors and of
dealing with nuclear waste loom ever larger, those departments in ministries
of foreign affairs concerned with arms control and the national nuclear regu-
latory and environmental authorities will acquire an even stronger say in the
IAEA’s affairs.
The role of the Board of Governors
as an executive body
Since the Statute entrusts the Board with the authority “to carry out the
functions of the Agency...subject to its responsibilities to the General
it is obvious that the effectiveness of the IAEA as an instru-
ment for carrying out the policies of its members depends critically on the
collective wisdom, cohesion, incisiveness and authority of the Board.
The consensus rule
For a brief period in 1957 and early 1958, the Board continued to main-
tain the tradition of seeking decisions by consensus that had been established
at the Washington working level meetings, the Conference on the Statute and
the Prepcom. Very soon, however, as we have seen, the Board was riven by
the dissensions of the Cold War. It had difficulty in reaching agreement on
any important matter of policy. At the same time, partly because several
Governors mistrusted Sterling Cole’s judgement, the Board attempted to
micromanage the Agency, for instance by requiring Cole to make a report to
it every two months on the activities of the IAEA,
by rejecting or postpon-
ing action on many of his proposals and by holding 84 meetings between
October 1957 and July 1958 at which it would discuss at length such minutiae
as the promotion of a particular junior officer or the grant of consultative status
to a particular non-governmental organization.
The third Chairman of the Board, Ambassador Donald Sole of South
Africa, had some success in re-establishing the rule that decisions should be
taken by consensus on all but the most politically disruptive questions. And
Eklund helped to transform the Board into an effective executive body that
did its work quickly and, as a rule, harmoniously. He stressed the technical
aspects of the IAEA’s work and downplayed the political, and he insisted that
the Secretariat should put proposals before the Board only after wide ranging
consultations to ensure that they would be acceptable. Eklund’s success in
reducing the number of meetings of the Board and eliminating most polemics
from its discussions was not only a personal achievement but was due to a
great extent to the relatively cordial relationship between the USA and the
USSR that followed the 1962 Cuban missile crisis, as well as to the fact that
the two leading powers were now in full agreement that the chief task of the
IAEA was to apply effective safeguards. Moreover, the States that did not
subscribe to this view were not able effectively to challenge the two ‘super-
powers’ of the time.
But although the Board now seldom abandoned the consensus rule,
there were some issues on which differences ran so deep that a vote could not
be avoided. They included, until the mid- and late 1970s, the representation
of China and the former German Democratic Republic, the incorporation of
an NPT type undertaking in the rules governing technical co-operation, the
designation of South Africa as a member of the Board in 1977, the acceptance
of the credentials of its delegation to the General Conference in 1979 and the
Israeli attack on the Tamuz reactor in 1981.
After that attack, the legally dubious rejection in 1982 of Israel’s
credentials to the General Conference and the subsequent withdrawal of the
USA from most IAEA activities, the consensus rule was once again in jeopardy.
With skill and patience the Chairman of the Board in 1982–1983, Ambassador
Keblúšek of Czechoslovakia, succeeded in restoring it. He also established the
practice of holding informal negotiations between Governors on controversial
issues so as to ensure that they were aware of the positions that their
colleagues would take in the Board and so that they could, if possible, reach
informal agreement on the matter at issue before the Board discussed it.
Despite the growth in the size and diversity of the Board, the
North/South differences of opinion about the capping of the IAEA’s regular
budget, concern about the Israeli nuclear programme and the occasional
intrusion of other political questions, the tradition of seeking consensus had
become so deep rooted that it continued to guide the Board’s proceedings
in the latter part of the 1980s and remained the usual practice when this
book was written. By putting an end to many long-standing East/West con-
troversies, the end of the Cold War helped to sustain the tradition. However,
when the Board was faced with a highly divisive issue such as whether Iraq
and the DPRK had breached their safeguards agreements, a vote could
again not be avoided.
The frequency of the Board’s meetings
One measure of the effectiveness of an executive body is the time it
takes to reach a policy decision and, hence, the number and length of the
meetings it holds during a given year. By the later years of Eklund’s tenure,
the number of Board meetings had declined from the 98 held by the first
Board in 1957–1958 to about 10 to 12 a year (four morning and afternoon
meetings or two days in February/March each year, another four to six meet-
ings in June and a morning or afternoon meeting immediately before and
after the General Conference).
Since then the number of Board meetings has
again increased, although not to the levels of 1958 and 1959. In the 1980s, the
Board decided to hold an additional series of meetings in December so as to
be able to evaluate and approve as early as possible the technical co-operation
programme for the subsequent year. This was a laudable innovation but
gradually — and inevitably — the agenda of this series of meetings grew
longer as the Secretariat found it convenient to add other items for the
Board’s consideration. In time the length of the February/March and June
series doubled or trebled, and in 1995 the Board held 29 meetings — three
times as many as in the mid-1970s. This was partly due to the increase in the
Board’s size in recent decades and to its decisions to give the floor to members
of the Agency not currently serving on the Board, but it also reflected the
IAEA’s growing responsibilities for non-proliferation and nuclear safety.
The size and composition of the Board
Within limits, the smaller an executive body, the more effective it is, and
a group of about 8–15 members is regarded by some as the optimum size. If
it is too small it is unlikely to be representative, if it becomes too large the
more powerful members are likely to establish a smaller core group.
On the
other hand, it can be argued in the IAEA context that the decisions of a Board
representing a large proportion of the Agency’s membership carry more
authority and legitimacy than those of a smaller, more ‘elitist’ Board.
The 1954–1955 draft of the IAEA Statute proposed a Board of 16 members,
but by the time the draft went to the Statute Conference in 1956, the various
bargains struck amongst the twelve-nation negotiating group had pushed the
number up to 23. In 1963, the addition of two seats for Africa raised the mem-
bership to 25.
In 1973, the ‘Italian’ amendment to the Statute raised it to 34.
Finally, in 1989 the amendment to provide a seat to China raised it to 35.
After the substantial expansion of the Board in 1973, the Governors
from Africa and from the Middle East/South Asia frequently complained that
their regions were still under-represented. They quoted figures to show that
the numbers of Member States in their regions having Board seats were pro-
portionately much lower that those of other regions. The matter figured annu-
ally on the agendas of the Board and General Conference. In 1977, the
Governors concerned proposed that their seats be increased by three (Africa)
and two (Middle East/South Asia), but no agreement could be reached.
the end of the 1970s, it appeared that a compromise was in sight under which
one extra elective seat would be awarded to each region, but at the last
moment the negotiations fell through. Other developing regions seemed rel-
atively content with their representation on the Board, but Latin American
Governors made it clear, on occasion, that if extra seats were given to Africa
and to the Middle East/South Asia, they too would press for more seats.
The General Conference and Board repeatedly discussed the matter
throughout the 1980s but could not reach agreement. Broadly, there seemed
to be three schools of thought: those that wanted chiefly to increase the number
of elective seats, those that sought a general revision of the structure and
composition of the Board, and those, chiefly the Governors from Western and
Socialist States, that were opposed to any change.
In the 1960s and 1970s, it was unusual for a Member State not currently
serving on the Board of Governors to address the Board unless it had a special
reason to do so, for instance as representative of the host State on a matter
concerning the headquarters building. In 1988, the Board took several practical
steps to make it easier for non-members to take part in its discussions and
those of its subsidiary bodies. In September 1990, the Board affirmed that all
Member States should have “every opportunity to participate fully” in the
meetings of the Board’s Technical Assistance and Co-operation and the
Administrative and Budgetary Committees, that their views should be
reflected in the reports of those Committees and that the Committees should
strive to reach consensus recommendations, a procedure which also virtually
eliminated the distinction between voting and non-voting participants.
Non-members thus came to enjoy much the same rights in the Board’s main
committees as Governors themselves.
In addition, the Board established a
growing number of informal working groups in which all Member States had
the right to be represented and which also, as a rule, made recommendations
by consensus.
After the breakup of the Soviet Union most of its successor States
joined the IAEA and its membership grew from 110 in 1990 to 125 in
Many of the newcomers had nuclear energy programmes, and a
few included nuclear power plants. The Ukrainian programme was quite
substantial and might be seen as justifying a seat on the Board.
new factor was the rapidly growing nuclear power programme of the
Republic of Korea.
Following a 1994 request by the General Conference, the Board re-estab-
lished the ‘open-ended consultative group’ in December of that year. The
group received two formal proposals and some informal suggestions for
expansion of the Board and one for the retention of the present structure and
Interestingly, the proposals for expansion retained the procedure,
unusual in United Nations organizations, of having a significant proportion
— about one third — of the incoming Board designated by the outgoing
Board, and also retained advancement in nuclear energy as the criterion for
designation. The chair concluded, however, that “none of the specific
proposals enjoyed sufficiently wide support to enable the Group to make a
recommendation...to the General Conference...”
After 1973, several Western governments consistently opposed any
enlargement of the Board (except to provide a place for China), arguing
that such a step would be likely to lengthen the Board’s meetings and
reduce its effectiveness as an executive body and that if additional seats
were given to the two dissatisfied regions it would be difficult to resist
requests from other regions. But there have been signs that Western resis-
tance to a modest increase is diminishing. In April 1997, Ambassador Peter
Walker, the Canadian Chairman of the Board, submitted a proposal for
adding six seats to the Board, four in the designated category and two
The increase in the number of effective members of the Board has been
even larger than that implicit in the formal amendments of the Statute. In the
1960s and 1970s, many of the developing Member States of the IAEA still
had no diplomatic or other official representatives in Vienna. When the
General Conference elected them to serve on the Board they often left their
seat empty. After the United Nations Industrial Development Organization
and other UN bodies had established their headquarters in Vienna, almost
all members or potential members of the Board found it necessary to have
diplomatic missions in the city, and all those elected to serve on the Board
were able, with a few exceptions, to attend all its meetings.
The net effect of increases in the size and number of meetings of the
Board, the changes in the affiliations of Governors and the arrival of other
United Nations bodies in Vienna was to make the IAEA more like the
larger specialized agencies of the United Nations instead of the lean and
laconic body into which it had evolved in the 1970s. Normally this would
have meant that the IAEA, like those agencies, would become chiefly an
instrument for advancing the economic and social interests of the develop-
ing countries. Several factors have curbed such an evolution in the IAEA.
For instance, there is the growing importance of the IAEA’s political role in
non-proliferation and its work in nuclear safety and the facts that nuclear
power is still confined to less than a dozen developing countries (and less
than a score of industrialized countries) and that some of the least
developed countries still have little interest in the applications of nuclear
Despite the growth that has taken place in the size of the Board of
Governors and the number of its meetings, both the Board and the General
Conference are regarded as being amongst the most effective governing
organs of the United Nations and its agencies. The meetings of both organs
are still much shorter than those of most other agencies; they produce less
paper and are still largely, though not entirely, free of the windy oratory that
has given many UN bodies a bad name.
The IAEA’s relations with
other organizations
The United Nations and the IAEA
As noted in Chapter 3 there were, from the start, widely differing views
about the proper relationship between the IAEA and the United Nations. The
USSR wished to see the Agency subordinate to the Security Council, and
therefore subject to a Soviet veto, but also wanted it to be closely linked to the
United Nations as the organization responsible for international peace and
security. The developing countries and the UN Secretariat, and especially
Secretary General Dag Hammarskjöld, believed that the peaceful uses of
nuclear energy were too important to leave in the hands of an autonomous
agency, even if that agency was a member of the UN family. They also
distrusted the small group of countries, distinctly right of centre, that was
drafting the Statute of the IAEA in Washington and they sought a very close
relationship with the UN and particularly with the General Assembly. Most
Western powers, on the other hand, feared the political impact of the General
Assembly on the IAEA’s policies and wanted to maximize the distance
between the two bodies.
In the end, the IAEA was established as a fully autonomous body, its poli-
cies, programmes and budgets being determined by its Board of Governors and
General Conference. Its relationship with the General Assembly consisted essen-
tially of a reporting link and a commitment to consider any resolution adopted
by the General Assembly or any other UN Council and, if so requested, to report
on any action it had taken in response to the resolution.
Although Member States had different views about the closeness of the
relationship between the IAEA and the United Nations, all were agreed that
the IAEA should administratively be part of the ‘Common [UN] System’,
applying the same salary scales and administrative and financial rules, its
Secretariat having rights to the same pensions as the staff of the UN and most
specialized agencies, and the Agency itself being required, at least in principle,
to co-ordinate its activities with those of other UN agencies through the UN
Administrative Committee on Co-ordination (ACC) and the UN Economic
and Social Council (ECOSOC). Parenthetically, it may be noted that the IAEA
has found that direct bilateral negotiations with other agencies have been
more effective in co-ordinating related or overlapping technical programmes
than discussions in multilateral bodies like ECOSOC and the ACC.
Relations with the General Assembly
At first the General Assembly had little impact on the IAEA, but after
the entry into force of the NPT in 1970 the IAEA’s relations with the Assembly
began to change. Until the late 1960s, the IAEA’s Annual Report to the General
Assembly had been discussed only by the Assembly itself in a brief plenary
session which then took note of the report in a tersely worded resolution. As
the IAEA’s safeguards operation expanded, the General Assembly began to
adopt less laconic resolutions which, however, did little more than commend
the IAEA’s various programmes. As time went on the role of the Agency in
applying safeguards, in underpinning non-proliferation and in verifying
nuclear weapon free zones attracted increasing attention.
In the mid-1970s, the Assembly began to influence the way in which the
Agency would deal with certain political issues. In the Annual Report the
Secretariat invariably drew attention to the General Assembly’s resolutions
concerning South Africa and Israel. At its 1976 session, the General
Conference called upon the Board to reconsider the designation of South
The Board’s decision in 1977 to cease designating South Africa was
in part justified by the proponents of the decision by the position taken by the
General Assembly. So too was the pressure that the General Conference vain-
ly brought to bear on Israel to place all its nuclear activities under IAEA safe-
Equally, the General Conference resolution of 1994, in effect calling
upon the Board to renew the designation of South Africa, referred to recent
resolutions of the General Assembly (and the Security Council).
Relations with the Security Council
As noted in Chapter 5, the Board sent a report to the Security Council
after the Israeli bombing of the OSIRAQ reactor in 1981. However, it was the
Gulf War ten years later that brought the IAEA for the first time into direct
consultation with the Council, which adopted resolutions calling upon the
Agency to destroy, remove or render harmless Iraq’s military and most of its
civilian nuclear potential.
Since 1991, the Director General has regularly
reported to the Council on the implementation of those resolutions.
The IAEA has also become the technical instrument for implementing
the Security Council’s resolutions and recommendations relating to the
DPRK’s nuclear activities. Thus, since the beginning of the 1990s the IAEA’s
relations with the Security Council have become of prime importance.
These developments have brought to the fore the role of the Security
Council as the organ for ensuring compliance with IAEA safeguards, which
is implicit in the statement on this issue that the President of the Council
made on 31 January 1992 that “the proliferation of all weapons of mass
destruction constitutes a threat to international peace and security” and that
its members “will take appropriate measures in the case of any violations
notified to them by the Agency.” As noted in Chapter 8, the Council also
emphasized “the integral role in the implementation of [the NPT]...of fully
effective International Atomic Energy Agency safeguards...”
The question thus arises whether the IAEA should formalize the prac-
tice of reporting regularly to the Security Council on the main developments
in its safeguards work. In practice, since 1991 the Director General has done
so, twice a year in the case of Iraq. He has also reported regularly to the
Council about the application of safeguards in the DPRK, has kept the
Council informed about progress in ‘Programme 93 + 2’ and on the steps
taken by the IAEA to help combat nuclear trafficking.
Relations with ECOSOC
Since the Agency is required by its Statute to deal with issues of security
of direct concern to the General Assembly and the Security Council, it was not
constituted as one of the specialized agencies of the United Nations whose
work is almost entirely in economic and social fields and whose main link
with the United Nations is to ECOSOC, to which body the other agencies are
required to report each year.
Nonetheless, until the late 1960s, when safe-
guards became an important part of the IAEA’s activities, there was little to
differentiate the IAEA from most of the specialized agencies. The fact that
most of the IAEA’s early programmes were designed to contribute (in a modest
way) to the economic and social progress of the developing countries, and the
decision of the General Conference in 1958 that the IAEA should submit a
special annual report to ECOSOC as well as to the General Assembly,
enhanced the similarity between the IAEA and the specialized agencies. Like
the heads of other agencies Sterling Cole and subsequently Sigvard Eklund
made an annual speech to ECOSOC at its summer session in Geneva on the
work of the IAEA (other than the application of safeguards).
In time Eklund became unwilling to deliver the IAEA’s report and
delegated the task to a senior member of the staff. Later it was decided to
forego entirely the Director General’s prerogative to address ECOSOC — and
none of the national delegations to ECOSOC or the UN Secretariat seemed to
notice its disappearance! Finally, no one from IAEA Headquarters was sent
from Vienna to take part in the session, and the IAEA delegation shrank to the
Head of the Geneva office, part of the time, and her able secretary for the
The Board’s decision in 1975 that there should henceforth be a single
annual report also implied that the IAEA’s relationship with ECOSOC was
receiving less attention. The Board would approve the single report in June
and it would be issued too late for ECOSOC’s July session when other agencies
presented their reports. It would thus be slightly more than a year old when
it reached ECOSOC at the latter’s subsequent summer session. By the 1990s,
the IAEA’s relations with ECOSOC had thus become of little importance to
either body, except very occasionally when ECOSOC dealt with general
issues of co-ordination such as the activities of all UN agencies relating to
energy, science and technology, or the protection of the environment.
The Joint FAO/IAEA Division and WHO
The creation of the Joint FAO/IAEA Division in 1964 eventually
brought an end to lengthy arguments between the Secretariats of the two
agencies about the role of nuclear energy in food and agriculture and to juris-
dictional disputes between the atomic energy unit that the FAO had set up
before the creation of the IAEA and an agriculture section in the IAEA
Secretariat. It was agreed that the Head of the Joint Division would be an FAO
official (to this end an IAEA official was transferred to the staff of FAO), that
the deputy would be an IAEA official (an unhappy and unwilling FAO official
was transferred to the staff of the IAEA) and that the Division should be located
at IAEA Headquarters. Although it took several years before the effects of pre-
vious disputes wore off (see Bjorn Sigurbjörnsson’s article in Personal Reflections),
the practical and common sense concept reflected in the Joint Division proved
to be a great success. It set an example that the IAEA and UNESCO followed in
the late 1960s when the International Centre for Theoretical Physics at Trieste
became (and remained until recently) a joint venture.
The work of the IAEA and WHO in radiation protection and in the med-
ical uses of radioisotopes and radiation could also lead to duplication or con-
flicting recommendations and some thought was given in the early 1960s to
establishing arrangements similar to those between the IAEA and FAO.
However, the IAEA has explicit statutory responsibilities for establishing or
adopting and applying nuclear safety standards while, as noted, WHO
assigned higher priority to the major health problems of the developing world
than to the medical use of nuclear techniques. Accordingly, the solution to the
jurisdictional problems between the two agencies was sought in the joint
preparation and sponsorship of standards and other activities (in which other
interested UN and regional agencies took part), as well as in co-operation on
problems such as those of internationally standardized radiation doses.
Numerous examples of such co-operation have been given in Chapters 7 and 9
(see also the comment below on the conference ‘One Decade After Chernobyl’).
To ensure close working relationships and to resolve any jurisdictional
problems that might arise, WHO assigned a senior member of its medical
staff as liaison officer to the IAEA until the late 1970s, when the arrangement
was no longer felt to be necessary.
The IAEA’s Geneva office played and
continues to play a similar co-ordinating role.
Relations with regional organizations
The initiative for concluding most of the formal co-operation agree-
ments mentioned in Chapter 4 was taken by the other organizations or regional
bodies concerned rather than by the IAEA. This was not of course the case
with the co-operative regional arrangements such as RCA, ARCAL and AFRA
that the IAEA itself launched and that were designed to promote technical
co-operation between working scientists on common problems of developing
countries, with as little administrative overhead as possible.
In the nuclear field the justification for establishing an autonomous
regional organization has usually been political. The aim of the Tlatelolco
Treaty was to keep Latin America free of nuclear weapons and prevent a
repetition of the Cuban missile crisis. The original stimuli for the Pelindaba
and Rarotonga Treaties were French nuclear tests in Algeria and later in the
South Pacific, and concern about South Africa’s nuclear activities. In the
Middle East, IAEA NPT-type safeguards would hardly be regarded by the
States concerned as adequate unless they were supplemented by a regional
system of safeguards and inspections.
In the case of EURATOM the need for co-operation in introducing nuclear
energy was perceived in the 1950s as the motor that would drive Western
Europe to unite. This perception rested on the economic promise that atomic
power was seen to offer and also on the novelty of this means of generating elec-
tricity. EURATOM safeguards would enable Western Europe to obtain US
nuclear supplies. Moreover, atomic energy was unlike coal or steel, the other
two fields of regional European co-operation, which were the preserve of old
and firmly established national entities that would be loath to accept multi-
national direction. EURATOM safeguards were also a means whereby the other
Western Europeans, especially France, could keep in touch with developments
in the nuclear activities of the Federal Republic of Germany. At the same time
EURATOM, like other European Community organizations, was a means of
binding a peaceful and democratic Germany into the fabric of Western Europe.
EURATOM has since lost most of its significance as a promoter of
nuclear energy in Western Europe but it still maintains its safeguards func-
tion. The 13 European Union non-nuclear-weapon States therefore pay twice
for the verification of their nuclear activities.
The OECD’s Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) also used a political argu-
ment as one of its raisons d’être. In private discussions senior NEA officials
maintained that because the organization’s membership was relatively homo-
geneous and its members had similar political systems it was easier for the
NEA than for the IAEA to launch new nuclear activities or to exchange infor-
mation that its parties regarded as semi-confidential. There was some force in
this while East and West were divided and when the NEA was chiefly a
Western European body, but with the end of the Cold War and the growth in
the NEA’s membership to include several nations from other continents little
is left of the argument today.
As more OECD countries joined EURATOM, some of the justification for
independent NEA nuclear programmes tended to erode but the organization
compensated for this, at least in part, by expanding its membership to include
the USA, Canada, Japan, Australia, the Republic of Korea and, in 1994, Mexico.
In 1996, the first countries from the former Warsaw Pact, the Czech Republic
and Hungary, were approved for NEA membership. With their accession the
membership of NEA has risen to 27 countries, of which 20 are in Europe.
Two of the NEA’s three joint undertakings (the Mol reprocessing plant in
Belgium and the Dragon high temperature gas cooled reactor in the United
Kingdom) were subject to EURATOM safeguards. With the advent of the NPT
the remaining joint undertaking, the Halden reactor in Norway, came under
IAEA safeguards, while the Mol and Dragon plants were decommissioned in
the 1970s. In the late 1970s, NEA decided in effect to wind up its own safeguards
There was a tacit understanding between the IAEA and the NEA that
the latter would leave to the IAEA the principal responsibility for setting
global nuclear safety norms and standards. The NEA would help the IAEA by
addressing detailed technical issues and by promoting individual R&D pro-
jects in its members, for instance in nuclear waste management. It would also
refrain from establishing direct links with IAEA Member States that were not
members of NEA. If, for instance, the NEA wished to secure the participation
of the Soviet Union in a particular meeting it would ask the IAEA to arrange
this, usually by co-sponsoring the meeting. In recent years, however, the NEA
has embarked on a policy of reaching out to non-Member States and estab-
lished direct links with all States of Central Europe (one or two of which have
joined the organization) and also with Russia.
The NEA and IAEA have continued to work closely with each other by
co-sponsoring scientific meetings, in preparing the ‘Red Book’ (the periodic
worldwide survey of uranium reserves, production and demand) and,
particularly, in regard to nuclear safety and waste management, the two
topics on which the NEA has increasingly focused its work.
beyond the frontiers of the former Soviet Union, most of the fallout from
Chernobyl came down on OECD countries. They were also the nations
outside the frontiers of the former Soviet Bloc that were most concerned
about the possible consequences of defects in older model Soviet reactors and
the dumping of high level nuclear waste in the Kara Sea and Sea of Japan.
For similar reasons, the IAEA and the European Union (through the
European Commission) have worked more closely with each other in nuclear
safety and nuclear waste management than they did in earlier years, particu-
larly to enhance the safety of older Soviet reactors and to deal with the
consequences of Chernobyl.
The Agency’s co-operation with EURATOM in the application of safe-
guards is discussed in Chapter 8. After the conclusion in the 1970s of the safe-
guards agreement between the two organizations and the European Union
non-nuclear-weapon States, one might have expected the latter to pare down
EURATOM’s safeguards operation to the minimum compatible with the
Rome Treaty. The opposite happened: EURATOM safeguards grew while
those of the IAEA in the EURATOM non-nuclear-weapon States eventually
shrank after the ‘new partnership approach’ was negotiated.
Why were the Western European nations intent on maintaining and
even expanding EURATOM safeguards? It is conceivable that in the 1970s
and 1980s at least one of the EURATOM nuclear weapon States wished to
keep EURATOM’s safeguards in reserve in case the NPT expired, or in case the
Federal Republic of Germany showed interest in the military applications of
nuclear energy. These considerations have lost whatever force they may have
had, the NPT is now permanent and Germany has become the most reluctant to
be involved in warlike activities amongst the major States of Western Europe!
Relations with the nuclear industry
The IAEA took its first steps towards formalizing its relations with the
nuclear industry when the Board of Governors granted consultative status to
non-governmental organizations established by national or regional nuclear
energy associations. When the procedure of granting consultative status was
discontinued in the early 1960s, the IAEA maintained or established contact
in several other ways, for instance, by involving the associations in the
IAEA’s technical and scientific meetings, by taking part in their meetings, by
regularly exchanging information with them and by inviting them to be
represented at the IAEA’s General Conference. Among those with whom
regular contact was maintained were the European Atomic Energy Forum,
the US Nuclear Energy Institute, the International Union of Producers and
Distributors of Electrical Energy, the Uranium Institute (which is taking a
growing interest in the Agency’s activities) and the World Association of
Nuclear Operators.
The impact of other organizations on
the work of the IAEA
Other bodies external to the IAEA that have had a powerful, though
sometimes indirect, influence on its work include:
The Conference on Disarmament (CD), as, for instance, the progenitor
of the NPT and the CTBT and, potentially, of the fissile material cut-off
convention. When the CD drew up the Chemical Weapons Convention
the IAEA provided it with material and advice. The scope of the IAEA’s
safeguards activities has been profoundly affected by the CD’s decisions
on the NPT and on the CTBT.
The quinquennial Review Conferences of the NPT which have acclaimed
the IAEA’s operations, particularly in safeguards. The IAEA has been
the chief international source of background material for the NPT
Review Conferences and the chief international organization to which it
has addressed its recommendations.
Issues resolved and issues emerging
In the 1950s and early 1960s, the IAEA’s work relating to the applica-
tions of radioisotopes and radiation in agriculture, hydrology, industry and
medicine and its concern with protection against radiation brought it into
contact, and sometimes into competition, with other UN agencies. However,
by the mid-1960s most of the issues between the Agency and the specialized
agencies concerned had been settled by a variety of arrangements and under-
standings. The conference ‘One Decade After Chernobyl’, sponsored jointly
by WHO, the European Commission and the IAEA, and in co-operation with
the UN, UNESCO, UNEP, UNSCEAR, FAO and the NEA, was a striking
example of the degree of co-operation that has been established between the
UN and regional organizations in the crucial issues of radiation protection
and nuclear safety. A regional approach to nuclear waste storage and disposal,
instead of a proliferation of national sites, would make eminently good sense
but has so far been little explored.
The IAEA’s work on nuclear power brought it into contact with the
World Bank, which has a long record of helping its members to meet their
energy needs. But the Bank considered itself ‘a lender of the last resort’ and
during the years of rapid growth of nuclear power it concluded that several
other sources of cheaper capital were available to prospective borrowers.
Since the 1950s, when it helped to finance Italy’s first nuclear power plant, the
Bank has not invested directly in nuclear power.
As its safeguards programme expanded, the issue of the IAEA’s rela-
tions with multinational/regional organizations, and in particular
EURATOM, came into the limelight and was kept there by the establishment
of ABACC, and the new partnership approach. The Board’s approval of
‘Programme 93 + 2’ has raised the question of the respective roles of the IAEA
and EURATOM in applying ‘Programme 93 + 2’ measures in the non-nuclear-
weapon States — and the nuclear weapon States — of the European Union.
One issue suggested by these developments and by the constraints on
the Agency’s budget is whether, and if so how far, responsibility for the rou-
tine application of safeguards to materials and in facilities of little military
significance should devolve upon regional and even national systems of
accounting and control.
In retrospect, it is surprising that the developing countries, who constituted a large
majority of the 81 States represented at the Conference on the Statute, did not use
their voting strength to insert a specific reference to technical assistance in the draft
document before them.
The rules of procedure of both the Board and General Conference require that the
decisions on the following matters shall require the votes of a two thirds majority of
those present and voting: “any financial question” (General Conference, rule 69(a));
“the amount of the Agency’s budget” (Board of Governors, rule 36(a)).
If they had so wished a group of Member States amounting to one third of the mem-
bers of the Board or General Conference (or even less if some abstained or were
absent) could thus have blocked the decision on the amount of the budget allocated to
safeguards or to any other programme. As far as the author can recall, this manoeu-
vre was never resorted to. Instead the amount and breakdown of the IAEA’s budget
was agreed to in a series of compromises. In fact, voting on programmatic or financial
issues has been extremely rare; the issues decided by vote have been chiefly political.
The impression that nuclear safeguards were directed against the developing
world, though incorrect, might have been strengthened by an unforeseen evolu-
tion. In the 1960s, the chief targets of safeguards were the Federal Republic of
Germany (together with the other non-nuclear-weapon States of the European
Union) and Japan. After these States joined the NPT and the Cold War ended —
and several developing countries acquired the technical ability to make nuclear
weapons (and some did so) — the focus of concern shifted towards certain States in
developing regions where political tensions were often acute.
Ambassador Domingo Siazon of the Philippines was largely instrumental in secur-
ing this concession. See ‘Financing of safeguards’ in Chapter 8.
The existing regional treaties creating nuclear weapon free zones are the Antarctic
Treaty, the Tlatelolco Treaty covering Latin America and the Caribbean, the Pelindaba
Treaty covering Africa, the Rarotonga Treaty covering the South Pacific and the
Bangkok Treaty covering South East Asia. Except for the special case of the Antarctic
Treaty, the only industrialized nations party to these Treaties are Australia and New
Zealand. In all cases except the Rarotonga and Antarctic Treaties, the initiative for the
creation of the Treaty was taken by one or more developing countries.
The dozen or so parties to the NPT that wished to make its extension conditional
on further progress in nuclear disarmament are all strong supporters of and parties
or potential parties to the Pelindaba and Bangkok Treaties. This suggests that their
objection to an unconditional extension of the NPT did not stem from reluctance to
accept permanent IAEA safeguards. It was directed against the discriminatory
character of the NPT — in other words, against the privileged position under the
NPT of the nuclear weapon States and their reluctance to accept a binding timetable
for nuclear disarmament.
India and South Africa provide striking examples of changing attitudes in nuclear poli-
cies. India was once not only the leader of the developing nations, but also the world’s
most outspoken opponent of nuclear weapons. Today, powerful interests in that coun-
try proclaim the need to maintain India’s nuclear option and even, by carrying out
another nuclear test, to demonstrate that India is a nuclear weapon State — unless the
nuclear weapon States agree to nuclear disarmament “within a time bound frame-
work”. South Africa pursued a semi-clandestine nuclear weapon programme — with
no significant internal opposition — until 1991, when former President F.W. de Klerk
decided that maintaining a nuclear arsenal was against the national interest or, at least,
against the interests of the government of the day and the arsenal was dismantled.
The delegate of Venezuela originally favoured a 25 year renewable extension, but
his government subsequently backed an indefinite extension. The delegate of
Mexico, Ambassador Marin Bosch, had argued in 1990 in favour of setting condi-
tions in return for an indefinite or lengthy extension of the NPT, such as a commit-
ment to the early conclusion of a comprehensive test ban treaty, but in the end in
1995 he went along with the Conference’s consensus decision. The only parties
favouring a conditional extension were a few African States (led by Egypt) and
South East Asian States (led by Malaysia). The Arab States were reluctant perma-
nently to renounce nuclear arms as long as Israel remained free to retain its nuclear
arsenal. In the end all delegations accepted a consensus declaration proposed by
the President, Ambassador Jayantha Dhanapala of Sri Lanka, that the majority of
the parties to the NPT favoured an indefinite extension of the Treaty.
These included the conclusion of a comprehensive test ban treaty before the end of
1996, the early conclusion of a fissile material cut-off treaty, the “determined pursuit
by the nuclear-weapon states of...efforts to reduce nuclear weapons globally with
the ultimate aim of eliminating those weapons” and of “general and complete dis-
armament under strict and effective control,” as well as progress on other specified
aspects of nuclear arms control and disarmament.
It is thus difficult to persuade central government planners to give high priority to
the applications of radioisotopes and radiation. The IAEA Secretariat suggests that
this is one of the factors that account for the declining role of UNDP in funding
IAEA technical co-operation projects. (See also Chapter 9.)
At a PPNN (Programme for Promoting Nuclear Non-Proliferation) meeting in
Caracas in 1994, a participant from Brazil maintained that the second nuclear power
plant at Angra dos Reis was costing his country as much as the Channel Tunnel!
This emerged during the discussions of ‘Programme 93 + 2’ and at the first (April
1997) Preparatory Commission Meeting for the 2000 NPT Review Conference (see
JOHNSON, R., “Reviewing the NPT: The 1997 Prepcom”, Disarmament Diplomacy
(April 1997) 10).
STOESSINGER, J.G., “Atoms for Peace: The International Atomic Energy Agency”,
Organizing for Peace in the Nuclear Age, Report of the Commission to Study the
Organization of Peace, New York University Press, New York (1959) 136.
STOESSINGER, J.G., ibid., pp. 136-137 and 175.
Somewhat ironically, in one of the rare cases in which the IAEA concluded that the
country was ready for an investment in nuclear power, the Philippines, the
Government concerned went ahead and constructed a nuclear power plant, but its
successor decided not to bring the plant into operation.
Annual Report for 1996, GC(41)/8, IAEA, Vienna (1997), Annex, p. 56, column (3).
The regular budget expenditure on nuclear power in 1996 was $6 209 599 out of a
total regular budget of $243 166 304, or 2.55%.
The IAEA’s nuclear power programme is described as promoting and supporting
“efforts to improve the reliability, economics and safety of current and future nuclear
power plants” (emphasis added). (The Agency’s Programme and Budget for 1995 and
1996, GC(XXXVIII)/5, IAEA, Vienna (1996), p. 15, para. A/1.)
Since 1996, a further change in the internal structure of the IAEA has also helped to
make it clear that there is no significant conflict of interest. Within the Secretariat a
new Department of Nuclear Safety has been established, separate from and inde-
pendent of the Department of Nuclear Energy. The latter now contains two Divisions,
one of them being a relatively small Division of ‘Nuclear Power and the Fuel Cycle’
with a Professional staff of 23 (The Agency’s Programme and Budget for 1995 and 1996,
p. 247). As noted elsewhere, on the initiative of some of its developing Member
States, the IAEA is resuming its 30 year old assessments of the prospects for nuclear
desalination and of small nuclear power reactors.
DEMBINSKI, M., Test Case North Korea, Paper SWP-IP 2865, Stiftung Wissenschaft
und Politik, Ebenhausen, Germany (September 1994).
For example, in August 1995 the House of Delegates of the American Bar Association
approved recommendations made by a section of the Association which strongly sup-
ported the IAEA’s safeguards activities, but which maintained that “ ...it also seems
likely that the Agency’s functions as a promoter of nuclear power tended to interfere
with impulses to take safety really seriously when advising states about the design
of existing or future facilities. Safety (unlike) safeguards can be very expensive, and
may affect the competitiveness of nuclear power in particular situations.” The report
went on to recommend the creation of an International Energy Agency “into which
the IAEA’s nuclear power functions would be folded”, an International Arms Control
Agency to take over safeguards (and the controls of the CWC and the CTBTO) and an
International Nuclear Safety Agency. No facts were given to support the claim that the
Agency’s “...functions as a promoter of nuclear power tended to interfere with impuls-
es to take safety really seriously when advising states about the design of existing or
future facilities” and this claim has, indeed, no foundation in fact. Except in the broad
context of the IAEA’s safety standards, etc. (which the same report notes are “of great
utility”), the IAEA does not advise States on the design of nuclear power plants and
has rarely, if ever, done so in the past. Nuclear power plant design is a matter almost
entirely in the hands of transnational corporations like Westinghouse, Framatome,
Siemens, Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd and their Russian and Chinese counterparts,
most of whom are conscious of the impact that another major nuclear reactor accident
would have on their own economic health. As for operating safety, the statement is
hardly consistent with the broad range of activities the IAEA has undertaken since
1980 to maintain and enhance safety, including most recently the promotion of a
nuclear safety convention and preparation of a similar convention on the management
of nuclear waste, or with the major effort the IAEA made — together with WHO and
the European Union as well as several other UN and regional agencies — to ascertain
and publish the causes and consequences of the Chernobyl accident, or with the
IAEA’s recommendations to shut down one of the Bulgarian power reactors at
Kozloduy, or its recommendations for the upgrading of RBMK and WWER reactors.
The Bar Association’s recommendations for restructuring the international organi-
zation of nuclear energy, safety and safeguards are, at best, unrealistic. They would
require the creation of at least one new international organization as well as root
and branch amendment of the Statutes of the IAEA, of the Organization for the
Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) and the CTBTO as well as the amend-
ment of numerous other conventions and agreements and the NPT itself.
The regular budget figures are taken from the Annual Report for 1996, Annex, p. 56,
column (3). The total expenditure under the regular budget for 1996 was $243 166 304.
Expenditures on the various applications of these techniques supported by the
technical co-operation programme were:
Food and agriculture: $13 247 000,
Human health: $9 036 000,
Industry and earth sciences: $8 352 000,
Physical and chemical sciences: $7 550 000 (ibid., p. 57).
Thereby also deepening the difference — in their perceptions of the role of the
IAEA — between the nations that reject nuclear power, all of which are in the
‘North’, and the ‘promoters’, which are both in the ‘North’ and ‘South’. An extreme
example of this difference would be in the perceptions of the Governments of
Denmark and India. Denmark has long since decided not to go in for nuclear
power, but is greatly concerned about nuclear safety and a strong supporter of
IAEA safeguards and non-proliferation. The Indian Government plans a continued
expansion of its nuclear power programme, is unenthusiastic, to say the least,
about IAEA safeguards, and dismisses the NPT as a licence to the nuclear weapon
States to retain their nuclear weapons.
The definition of source and special fissionable materials in Article XX contains the
only statutory reference to isotopes, namely to the isotopes of uranium. But the
applications of radiation and radioisotopes could be broadly subsumed under “the
contribution of atomic energy to peace, health and prosperity” that, according to
Article II of its Statute, the IAEA must seek “to accelerate and enlarge”.
Much the same is true of most industrial applications of radiation.
As noted in Chapter 7, the banning of chemical fumigants and chlorofluoro-
carbons, and concern about salmonella, may be improving the prospects for food
In a world that relies increasingly on market forces, the prospects are poor for any
significant growth in the funds that governments are willing to provide in order to
subsidize such international R&D. If additional resources do become available to
the IAEA, it is more likely that they will be directed to curbing proliferation, pre-
venting trafficking in nuclear materials, eliminating the danger of nuclear terrorism
(in the author’s view, exaggerated by the media) and enhancing nuclear safety.
The IAEA has transferred operational responsibility for the International Centre for
Theoretical Physics in Trieste to UNESCO, but the example is hardly relevant. The
Centre has operated as an independent unit, engaging in many activities that have
little to do with the practical applications of nuclear energy, and linked only finan-
cially and administratively to the IAEA. The IAEA will remain one of the two main
sponsors of the Centre.
Thus, the OPCW has no responsibility for promoting the chemical industry (or for
that matter, regulating its safety). And far from promoting ‘PNEs’, the organization
for verifying compliance with the CTBT will also verify that nuclear explosives are
not used for any civilian as well as any military purpose!
The target for voluntary contributions increased in monetary terms from
$10 500 000 in 1980 to $61 500 000 in 1995, or about six times, while the safeguards
budget rose from $19 396 000 to $72 745 000, or less than three and a half times
during the same period. However, a quite different picture emerges if one goes
further back and takes 1970, the year of entry into force of the NPT, as the basis
for comparison.
Brian Payne, who worked in the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Agency at
Harwell before joining the IAEA in the late 1950s.
For example, in April 1975, of the 33 Governors (one State had not yet appointed its
Governor), only seven were not heads or senior officials of the authority responsible
for nuclear energy in the country concerned. The seven were Canada, India, the
Republic of Korea, Thailand, Turkey and Venezuela. (Board of Governors and Permanent
Missions of Member States, No. 35, IAEA, Vienna (April 1975).)
The IAEA’s Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) consisted almost entirely of the
heads of the most powerful atomic energy authorities who, in several cases, dou-
bled as their country’s Governors on the Board. If SAC agreed on a specific recom-
mendation to the Board, it was almost sure to be approved. This led Henry
Seligman, the Secretary of SAC and Head of the Department of Research and
Isotopes, to suggest — tongue in cheek — that the Committee should be renamed
the PAC — Political Advisory Committee!
Board of Governors and Permanent Missions of Member States, No. 115, IAEA, Vienna
(June 1996).
In a reversal of the arrangement that was often made in earlier days, some coun-
tries appointed their ambassador as Governor and the head of, or a senior official
from, the nuclear authority as his or her deputy.
In at least one important case — the USA — the nuclear energy authority had been
disbanded. In others (e.g. France and the United Kingdom), responsibility for the
national nuclear power programme had been taken over by the national electricity
authority. Russia was an exception — the Ministry for Nuclear Energy remains very
In a sense, the IAEA began to have multiple constituencies using different channels
between it and the national entities concerned. The IAEA Department dealing with
technical co-operation looked increasingly to national and multinational aid and
development agencies, its Divisions dealing with nuclear safety looked to regula-
tory agencies, its safeguards staff to ministries of foreign affairs and national arms
control organizations, and its staff dealing with nuclear technology to atomic energy
As early as the late 1960s and the 1970s, several heads of nuclear energy commis-
sions in the developing countries lost or gave up their jobs and joined the staff of
the IAEA. But there has also been a significant reverse flow. Both Munir Khan, for
many years Chairman of the Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission and Jaldi
Ahimsa who, until 1997, headed the Indonesian nuclear energy authority, had pre-
viously served in the IAEA Secretariat.
Even if orders for nuclear power plants remain infrequent, much of the interna-
tional ‘nuclear park’ is likely to remain in operation for several decades. As it grows
older, there will be growing concern about its safety. Moreover, the problems of dis-
mantling obsolete plants and disposing of their radioactive components, as well as
other nuclear waste, seem likely to enhance the influence of nuclear regulatory
authorities, nationally as well as internationally.
IAEA Statute, Article VI.F.
Rules of Procedure of the Board, GOV/INF/5, IAEA, Vienna (1958), Rule 8(a). The US
political scientist J.G. Stoessinger remarks that “The office of Director-General — in
comparison with the chief executive posts of other agencies in the United Nations
family — is probably the weakest in its relationship to the governing body.”
(STOESSINGER, J.G., “Atoms for Peace”, p. 164.)
In both cases the Board decided by an overwhelming majority that the agreements
had been violated.
In 1974, the Board held 12 half-day meetings, in 1975 it held 10 (4 in March, 4 in
June and 2 in September) and in 1976, 9. Ten years earlier, in 1965, the Board held
14 half-day meetings.
The Conference on Disarmament, the NPT Review Conferences and the 1995 Review
and Extension Conference provide examples of the formation of core groups. In
several cases, in order to make progress in drafting important documents or reach-
ing policy decisions, the President of the conference has established a group of
‘friends of the President’. The members of the group represent various regions or
blocs of States and take responsibility for persuading other members of their group
to accept compromises put forward by the President. In other cases, the President
of the conference, its Vice Presidents and the Chairmen of the conference’s com-
mittees, have constituted an advisory ‘bureau’. These are often time consuming
procedures, and so far the Board has not made much use of them.
Entry into force on 31 January 1963.
Entry into force on 1 June 1973.
Entry into force on 28 December 1989.
Document GOV/OR.633, p. 24, para. 115. (The Governor from Argentina speaking
on behalf of the Group of 77.)
Ibid., p. 23, para. 112.
Document GOV/OR.736, paras 9, 10 and 78; and GOV/OR. 738, paras 2–8.
Ukraine and Belarus were founding and nominally independent Member States of
the IAEA, just as they were in the United Nations itself. In the context of the NPT,
they were regarded as non-nuclear-weapon States. This meant that, if Ukraine and
Belarus ratified the NPT, they would be required by Article II of the NPT to
renounce nuclear weapons and, by Article III, to accept IAEA safeguards on all
their nuclear activities. These were requirements that Moscow would not have
accepted as long as the two States were, in reality, provinces of the Soviet Union
and played a role in the latter’s nuclear military complex. Moreover, the USSR
could not provide Ukraine and Belarus — as non-nuclear-weapon States — with
unsafeguarded nuclear material without being in breach of Article III.2 of the NPT.
The USSR — and the rest of the world — dealt with this problem by ignoring it.
Belarus became a party to the NPT in 1993 and Ukraine in 1994.
Ukraine had 16 nuclear power plants (including three at Chernobyl) in operation at
the end of 1995 — total installed nuclear capacity was 13 629 MW(e). It was build-
ing four more — total additional capacity reaching 4750 MW(e).
The Republic of Korea had 11 nuclear power plants in operation at the end of 1995
with a total installed nuclear capacity of 9120 MW(e). It was building five more
with a total additional capacity of 3870 MW(e).
The sizes of both the Ukrainian and South Korean ‘nuclear parks’ are already com-
parable with those of States currently designated as being amongst the ten “...most
advanced in the technology of atomic energy ” in the world, such as Germany
(22 017 MW(e)), Canada (14 907 MW(e)) and India (1 695 MW(e)) and well ahead
of any other non-nuclear-weapon State in Europe or elsewhere. Of course, nuclear
electrical capacity is not the only criterion to be used in assessing how advanced a
nation is in nuclear technology, but it has the advantage of being easily measured.
Incidentally, the IAEA Statute requires the designation of States “most advanced in
the technology of atomic energy” and omits any qualification that only peaceful
nuclear activities are to be taken into account. This omission was almost certainly
To reach a consensus, if the Board is to be expanded it would be essential to find a
solution that did not deprive any of the existing “most advanced States” of its seat
on the Board.
One proposal was that the membership of the Agency should be apportioned to
five regions instead of eight, namely ‘Western Europe and Other Countries’ (with
13 seats on the Board), Latin America (7 seats), Eastern Europe (6 seats), Africa
(8 seats) and Asia (11 seats). The outgoing Board would designate 25 States and
20 would be elected by the General Conference. The Board would thus have a total
of 45 seats. A proposal by Morocco (formalized after the Chair of the consultative
group had submitted her report) also foresaw a 45 member Board, 18 designated by
the outgoing Board and 27 elected. If the proposals for expansion were adopted,
about one third or more of the total membership of the IAEA would have seats on
its executive body.
The Chair’s report is contained in an attachment to GOV/2814. Her report also
included, without comment, a set of proposed criteria for ‘Determining Countries
Advanced in Atomic Energy Technology’ prepared by the Philippine Nuclear
Research Institute, and an earlier assessment of the weight that should be given to
various factors in considering the criteria for designation.
Ambassador Walker’s proposal would abolish the category of globally most
advanced States, distribute their seats among the eight statutory areas, and add a
designated seat each for Latin America, Eastern Europe, the Middle East and South
Asia, and the Far East. The additional two elected seats would be shared by Africa,
Eastern Europe, the Middle East and South Asia, Western Europe and South East
Asia/the Pacific. The proposal would make elected members eligible for re-election
and would prescribe criteria for assessing the degree of advancement of a Member
State. It would also define the region to which each Member State belonged and
assign Israel to the Middle East and South Asia.
IAEA Statute, Article XVI.B.
Annual Report for 1976, GC(XXI)/580, IAEA, Vienna (1977), p. 6, para. 18 and
General Conference resolution GC(XX)/RES/336 of 28 September 1976.
The support that the General Assembly gave to the creation of nuclear weapon free
zones in Latin America, the South Pacific, Africa and South East Asia also helped
indirectly to secure the expansion of IAEA safeguards in those regions.
General Conference resolution GC(XXXVIII)/RES/18 of September 1994.
In its Resolution 687, the Security Council asked the Director General of the IAEA
to draw up a plan “for the destruction, removal or rendering harmless of all nuclear
weapons or nuclear weapon usable material or any subsystems or components or
any research, development support or manufacturing facilities” related to nuclear
weapons, etc.
Under Articles 57 and 63 of the United Nations Charter, the specialized agencies are
intergovernmental organizations “having wide international responsibilities...in
economic, social, cultural, educational, health and related fields” that are brought
into relationship with the United Nations by agreements concluded with ECOSOC.
The IAEA, however, was brought into relationship with the United Nations by
means of an agreement approved by the General Assembly and its main links are
with that body, to which it reports annually, and with the Security Council, to
which it reports on issues within the Council’s competence (essentially issues deal-
ing with compliance or non-compliance with safeguards agreements).
In practice, the IAEA was more closely tied to the United Nations than the ‘finan-
cial’ or Bretton Woods specialized agencies located in Washington, the World Bank
and the International Monetary Fund. Neither the Bank nor the Fund is a full member
of the United Nations ‘Common System’ and they fiercely guard the operational
autonomy they enjoy under their constitutions.
The senior staff member was Dr. Georges Meilland. However, in 1995, the Director
General of WHO appointed a Special Representative to the UN system organizations
in Vienna.
In 1965 and 1966, a senior IAEA radiation medicine consultant, Dr. Godofredo
Gómez Crespo, served as IAEA technical liaison officer at WHO. Dr. Gómez Crespo
had previously carried out a novel task for the IAEA, travelling the world with a
plastic dummy named ‘Françoise’, to be used for calibrating and standardizing
radioactive doses administered to patients. The standards were packed in a bomb-
like cylinder and this and the fact that Françoise was slightly radioactive caused
numerous difficulties with suspicious customs officers and aircrews; difficulties
that Françoise’s magnificent torso helped to resolve!
NEA communiques of 26 May 1994 and NEA/COM (96)12 of 27 June 1996. All
members of the NEA except Mexico and Turkey could be classified as affluent, but
the OECD and NEA reject the appellation of ‘rich man’s club’.
In the 1960s, the NEA had standing committees of governmental representatives on
radiation and public health and the safety of nuclear installations. In time the NEA
added committees on, for instance, nuclear regulatory activities and radioactive
waste management, as well as on technical and economic studies on nuclear energy
development. These committees reflect the NEA’s increasing focus on nuclear safety.
In other fields there has probably been less need for close co-ordination between
the IAEA and NEA in recent years, partly because the number of large nuclear
symposia has declined, partly because of the IAEA’s increasing concern with safe-
guards, and partly because the development of nuclear power is of less interest to
most NEA members than it was in the 1960s and 1970s.
Chapter 13
How far has the IAEA fulfilled
its mandate?
A bank to ‘siphon off and supply nuclear materials
ew organizations do precisely what their founding fathers expect of
them, and as we have seen the IAEA is no exception. Even as the
Prepcom began its work it was already clear, for example, that the prin-
cipal concept that Eisenhower put forward in his 1953 address and that was
reflected so extensively in the Statute of the IAEA
was a non-starter — namely,
that the Agency should serve as a bank or pool for the receipt and storage of
fissile materials, and thus as a means of drawing down the fissile material
stocks of the nuclear weapon States.
On a very modest scale, however, we have seen that the nuclear weapon
States are now beginning to use the IAEA to verify that surplus military mate-
rial is permanently removed from their arsenals. There is no suggestion that
the IAEA should take physical possession of the material. This is still a far cry
from Eisenhower’s concept. But if formal nuclear disarmament and if the pro-
posals for a cut-off treaty regain the momentum they seem to have lost, the
IAEA may, at last, have an increasingly useful role to play as the international
monitor of surplus fissile material.
The Statute envisaged that, as a consequence of the IAEA’s role as a
pool or bank for nuclear material, it would become a major supplier of such
materials and of nuclear plants and that its members would turn to it with
proposals for ‘Agency projects’ through which they would acquire mate-
rials and plants under safeguards and be subject to IAEA safety regulations.
As we have seen, this too failed to materialize to any meaningful extent. In
the 1960s and 1970s, both suppliers and customers preferred simpler bilat-
eral channels. By the early 1990s, all international transfers of nuclear plants
had shrunk to a handful of bilateral sales to countries in the Far East and
South Asia in which the IAEA’s role was mostly limited to that of applying
Use of radiation and radioisotopes
The IAEA has helped its members, and particularly the developing
Member States, to make use of nuclear techniques — applications of radiation
and radioisotopes — to a far greater extent than was foreseen in the Statute,
which, as we have seen, does not explicitly mention these applications of
nuclear energy. The IAEA and FAO have pioneered the international use of
isotope hydrology and of certain applications of nuclear science in agriculture
and food processing. The IAEA’s Co-ordinated Research Programmes,
described in Chapter 9, offer a novel way for developing countries to co-operate
with each other and to ‘twin’ with leading laboratories in the industrialized
nations in undertaking research on problems of special interest to the devel-
oping countries. As the only international facility of its kind, the IAEA’s
Marine Environment Laboratory in Monaco has moved beyond its original
aim of studying the effects of radioactivity in the oceans to helping in the
study of serious marine pollution problems that were unknown or little
known in 1953, such as the effects of scuttling nuclear submarines and dump-
ing nuclear waste in the Arctic and the rising level of the Caspian Sea.
Nuclear safety
The Statute foresaw that the IAEA would have a standard setting role in
nuclear safety, in consultation or collaboration with the United Nations and
the relevant specialized agencies.
The standards would be obligatory in the
IAEA’s own operations and in all cases where the IAEA was directly involved
as a supplier, supervisor or controller. If Agency projects had become the
main vehicle for obtaining nuclear supplies, as the negotiators of the Statute
had expected, such projects would have led to the application of mandatory
IAEA safety standards to most of the world’s peaceful nuclear activities out-
side a few supplier States. This did not happen and IAEA safety standards
remained mandatory only in the relatively few Agency projects approved by
the Board of Governors and in a larger number of technical co-operation pro-
jects. As noted in Chapter 7, in 1976 the IAEA dropped entirely the concept of
IAEA verification — by health and safety inspections — of compliance with
these standards.
In another direction, however, the IAEA has gone a good deal further in
promoting nuclear safety than the Statute foresaw, for instance in negotiating
binding conventions on:
Early warning in the event of a nuclear accident,
Availability of emergency assistance,
Safety of land based nuclear power plants,
Safe disposal of nuclear waste,
Protecting nuclear material against criminal acts, and providing for
liability for nuclear damage.
Chapter 7 enumerates the wide range of advisory services that the IAEA
has offered, particularly since Chernobyl, to help its Member States raise the
level of nuclear safety and ensure the safe management of nuclear wastes.
These services, too, go beyond the standard setting function which is pre-
scribed in the IAEA Statute.
Nuclear safeguards
The Statute foresaw that the IAEA would have a unique international
role in establishing and administering nuclear safeguards.
Inspection of
one’s own country by foreigners was not of course unknown before the middle
of the twentieth century, but it had usually been imposed by victorious powers
on the territory of defeated enemies in the wake of war. There had been no
truly international inspections, no inspections by developing countries of the
activities of industrialized countries, and vice versa. Until the nuclear weapon
States accepted IAEA safeguards, there had been no foreign inspectors in the
USA or the Soviet Union, in the United Kingdom, France or China. Now, for
the first time, nation States were voluntarily agreeing, in binding accords, to
accept inspection of what was at the time their most technically advanced and
potentially sensitive research and industrial centres.
Perhaps the IAEA’s chief claim to a place in history will be as the body
that pioneered the practice of international on-site inspection — in the
nuclear weapon as well as the non-nuclear-weapon States. It thus helped to
prepare the way for major advances in disarmament, chemical and conven-
tional as well as nuclear. It was also this form of international co-operation
(and for the most part it has been a co-operative effort) that helped to maintain
US–Soviet links through the rigours of the Cold War.
In this way too the IAEA has served an indirect promotional role, con-
tributing to the safe use of nuclear energy in the broadest sense, helping to
ensure the safety of nuclear material and plants and their wastes, assisting in
preventing the diversion of nuclear plant and material to nuclear weapons
and weapon related activities, and eventually helping to verify the perma-
nent withdrawal of nuclear material from military stocks.
Has the IAEA contributed to
the spread of nuclear weapons?
A nagging question in the minds of some is whether the Agency’s pro-
grammes have inadvertently contributed to nuclear proliferation. Obviously
neither the Governing Bodies of the IAEA nor the Director General and his
staff have ever taken a deliberate decision to help any Member State along
that road. On the contrary, all the IAEA’s relevant programmes have become
increasingly directed to preventing proliferation. It is conceivable that some
scientists may have received training under IAEA auspices that later helped
them to launch programmes for the manufacture of nuclear explosives, but
no such case has been unambiguously identified; in fact, it would be very
difficult to do so. It is also very difficult to draw the line; almost any training
in nuclear science and technology can, in theory, bring knowledge that might
be useful in designing a nuclear explosive, but we cannot close down the
physics and chemistry departments of universities in States that we suspect
of harbouring nuclear weapon aspirations, nor can we ban their youth from
studying nuclear science.
As far as the IAEA is concerned, the most obvious doors have been
closed for many years. No training has ever been available from the IAEA in
the technology of enriching uranium, nor, at least for many years, in the tech-
nology of reprocessing spent fuel, but there may have been borderline cases
where technical assistance or training in the management of nuclear waste
could indirectly have helped a nascent reprocessing programme.
IAEA technical assistance in prospecting for and mining uranium may
also in one or two cases have indirectly helped to provide the raw materials for
a nuclear explosive programme. Such cases are of marginal interest. Almost
any country with a moderate industrial infrastructure can find and process ura-
nium ore; the technically difficult steps towards nuclear weapons come much
later. Reprocessing itself has been in the public domain since 1955, and as Iraq
and the DPRK have shown, every nation with an industrial chemical industry
can separate small amounts of plutonium if it has a nuclear reactor.
As long ago as 1980, Professor Joseph Nye of Harvard University and
Deputy Undersecretary of State for Security Assistance in the Carter
Administration, noted that in the three and a half decades since 1945, “nuclear
technology has spread to more than two score nations” yet “only a small
fraction have chosen to develop nuclear weaponry.”
Today the number that
possess or could speedily acquire the necessary technology is probably closer
to 50. The technical constraints on nuclear proliferation have eroded and are
likely to continue to erode. The challenge is to maintain an effective non-pro-
liferation regime enjoying the widest possible political support and to reduce
the political incentive to acquire the bomb. This raises issues beyond the
scope of this book.
Lessons from the IAEA’s experience
We have noted that the Statute imposes no obligation on Member States
to accept or require IAEA safeguards. Could the negotiators of the Statute in
1954–1956 have taken a different course? For instance, could they have
required that countries joining the IAEA accept comprehensive IAEA safe-
guards — or any IAEA safeguards — on their own programmes? Obviously
not; the three nuclear weapon States, the USA, USSR and the United
Kingdom, and the two aspirant nuclear weapon States, France and China,
would have rejected any such idea out of hand. Mandatory comprehensive
safeguards had to wait until the late 1960s, and then only in non-nuclear-
weapon States as a consequence of adhering to another treaty.
But could not the Statute at least have required that all parties should
ensure that safeguards were applied to their nuclear exports? This too would
have been unacceptable, at least to some of the nuclear weapon States. The
nuclear weapon programme of the United Kingdom was totally dependent,
France and the USA were initially heavily dependent and the USSR somewhat
dependent on imported uranium. They would not have wanted their suppliers,
Belgium, Canada, South Africa, Australia, Gabon, Niger, the German
Democratic Republic, Poland and Czechoslovakia, to make IAEA safeguards
a condition of supply.
One lesson in international verification that can be learned from the
IAEA’s experience is the desirability of spelling out in as much detail as
possible the rights and procedures of the verifying agency in that agency’s
constitution. In the IAEA’s case this could be done only to a limited extent
because of the novelty of international safeguards in 1955–1956 and the con-
cerns and mistrust they provoked. It was difficult enough for those in favour
of effective safeguards to persuade the twelve-nation negotiating group and
the Conference on the Statute to accept the existing statutory provisions. But
partly as a result of the lack of specifics of the relevant clauses of the IAEA’s
Statute, its safeguards suffered from some progressive weakening and dilution.
The prime example lay in the erosion of the rights of access and freedom
of action of the Agency’s inspectors. We have noted that under the 1956
Statute, IAEA inspectors “shall have access at all times to all places and data
and to any person who by reason of his occupation deals with…[safeguarded]
materials, equipment or facilities, as necessary to account for [nuclear] materi-
als supplied and fissionable products…”
But the Statute is not a self-enforcing
document. The precise procedures that the IAEA would be required to follow
and the directives it would be required to observe would have to be articu-
lated in detailed safeguards documents and in agreements with the States
Thus, the 1961 Inspectors’ Document required that the State concerned
would normally be given at least one week’s notice of each routine inspection
(hardly “access at all times”), and that the inspector would be required to
enter and leave the State at points and to follow routes and use modes of travel
designated by the State (hardly “access...to all places”).
Moreover, the IAEA
soon ran into delays — sometimes inordinately long — in applying even
previously agreed safeguards because of difficulties in obtaining acceptance
of, or visas for, inspectors, especially those of ‘unpopular’ nationalities.
Under the 1971 NPT safeguards system (INFCIRC/153) and its standard
subsidiary arrangements, the notice to be given in advance of each routine
inspection was reduced to “at least 24 hours” for larger plants and stores con-
taining plutonium or 5% or more high enriched uranium, and one week in
other cases.
But the routine access of inspectors was further restricted. Except
in the case of a special inspection, the inspector’s access was confined to a
limited number of strategic points in the nuclear plant, explicitly agreed to by
the State, the operator and the IAEA, and listed in the ‘facility attachment’ to
be drawn up for each plant.
Finally, in negotiating these facility attachments, the IAEA was eventually
required to specify how much time, measured in person-days, the inspector
would normally spend each year at the plant — in other words, the IAEA was
required to specify its ‘Actual Routine Inspection Effort’, or ARIE, at the plant.
Again, hardly “access at all times”.
Paul Szasz has pointed to another example of a restrictive interpretation
by the Board of Governors of the IAEA’s statutory rights. Article XII.A.6 of
the Statute authorizes the IAEA to designate inspectors “...after consultation
with the State or States concerned...” In the Inspectors’ Document this was
taken to mean that the IAEA must ascertain whether the State ‘accepts’ the
designation, and the State had the right to withdraw its acceptance at any
time. In either case, if the State objected to the proposed designation, the
Director General “shall propose an alternative designation...” In the 1971 sys-
tem (INFCIRC/153), this requirement is subtly altered; the Agency must
“...secure the consent of the State to the designation of Agency inspectors to
that State.”
In other words, the statutory term “after consultation with...” has
come to mean “with the consent of...”
In practice, it would of course be difficult to secure the entry into a State
of an inspector to whose designation the State had objected. Nonetheless, the
relevant safeguards documents could have provided that if the State did not
object within a specified period to an inspector whose appointment has been
approved by the Board, its consent would be presumed. This is precisely the
procedure that ‘Programme 93 + 2’ now seeks to secure.
The Inspectors’ Document and INFCIRC/153 thus (somewhat vicari-
ously) accord to States the right to reject any individual inspector proposed
by the Director General. In practice the problem turned out to be different,
and considerably more serious. States adopted the practice of rejecting not
simply an individual inspector but of making it clear in advance that they
would not accept entire categories of inspectors if, for instance, the States of
which they were nationals did not themselves accept IAEA safeguards, or
were not a party to the NPT, or even if the inspectors were not fluent in
Spanish. Often the reasons given for rejection (if any were given) cloaked an
unstated political objection, such as the unwillingness of certain NATO States
to accept inspectors from ‘Socialist’ countries, or the unwillingness of the
rejecting State to accept inspectors from a country with which it had poor
diplomatic relations.
In recent years the problem has become somewhat more manageable.
With the expansion of the European Union and the end of the Cold War,
many States no longer require visas for citizens of a broadening range of
nationalities, or they grant visas without as much ado as in the past. Many
governments have responded to Director General Blix’s appeals to accept the
designation of any staff member whose appointment as an inspector has been
approved by the Board, and to waive visa requirements or to grant multiple
entry visas. Nonetheless, the accreditation of inspectors and obtaining entry
for them still present problems in several cases.
In ‘Programme 93 + 2’ the Secretariat has attempted to recover some of
the ground lost during the negotiation of earlier safeguards systems, but it
seems more difficult to restore eroded rights than to establish them unam-
biguously when the statute of a new verifying agency is being negotiated.
The negotiators of the Chemical Weapons Convention have taken
account of the IAEA’s more negative experiences. The Convention spells out
in great detail the procedures that must be followed in verifying compliance
with its provisions. In one important aspect it takes an approach quite differ-
ent from that of the IAEA. States party to the Convention will have the right
to require a ‘challenge inspection’ at any facility in another State party unless
the executive council of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical
Weapons (OPCW) rules by a majority of three quarters of its members that
the request for the inspection is frivolous, abusive or outside the scope of the
The ‘challenge’ procedure, if ever used, is likely to be even
more confrontational than that of the IAEA’s ‘special inspection’, which
would normally be initiated by the Director General rather than by a political
Enforcement of compliance
Deliberate breaches of arms control treaties are rare, but in the case of
the NPT two have occurred and more cannot be entirely ruled out. Ultimately
the assurance provided by an international verification treaty like the NPT
must depend on whether an effective mechanism exists for enforcing verifi-
cation and for penalizing or reversing non-compliance. The IAEA itself has no
mechanism for enforcing compliance with its agreements and only very lim-
ited ability to penalize non-compliance.
But the Board is required to report
any non-compliance to all IAEA Member States and to the Security Council
and General Assembly of the United Nations. The Council is the only organ
in the United Nations system that has the authority to apply economic, political
or military sanctions; hence it is in the Board’s report to the Council and the
consequent action that the Council takes that one must look for effective
enforcement and possible sanctions.
As noted in Chapter 8, during the first 34 years of the Agency there were
two instances when the IAEA was briefly unable to certify that no diversion
had taken place. These resulted from Pakistani and Indian reluctance in
1981 to accept certain specified additional safeguards measures at CANDU
type reactors. These additional safeguards were not specified in the original
safeguards agreement, and neither the Board nor the Director General treated
these cases as breaches of a safeguards agreement; hence the question of
enforcing compliance did not arise and in both cases the problem was soon
The IAEA’s first formal determination of non-compliance with a safe-
guards agreement was made in 1991 when the Board found and reported to the
Security Council that Iraq had breached its NPT safeguards agreement. But the
case was unique. Iraq was already the target of stringent sanctions because of
its invasion of Kuwait, and the rigorous measures that the Council asked the
IAEA to take to eliminate Iraq’s nuclear potential were quite exceptional.
We have noted that on 31 January 1992, the President of the Security
Council, which was then meeting at the level of heads of State or government,
declared on behalf of the Council’s members that “the proliferation of all
weapons of mass destruction constitutes a threat to international peace and
security” and that they would take “appropriate measures in the case of any
violations notified to them by the Agency.” In a sense this commitment was
put to the test on 1 April 1993, when the Board told the Security Council that
the DPRK was in breach of its safeguards agreement. The Council did put
some pressure on the DPRK, but it stopped short of attempting to apply sanc-
tions, probably expecting that China would veto such a step and perhaps
fearing a violent reaction from the DPRK.
In the end, as we have seen, the
issue was laid to rest, at least for the time being, by the conclusion of the 1994
“Agreed Framework” between the USA and the DPRK.
Nonetheless, the
DPRK is still in violation of its safeguards agreement and will remain so until
the IAEA is able to verify the completeness of the DPRK’s Initial Report.
What lessons can be learned from the Iraqi and DPRK cases?
We discuss elsewhere the lessons for IAEA safeguards of Iraq’s ability to
carry out a clandestine nuclear weapon programme without being detected
and what the IAEA has done to apply those lessons, for instance, in
‘Programme 93 + 2’. One of the chief political lessons of the Iraqi case was that
the risk of nuclear proliferation did not lie any longer in the large and complex
nuclear programmes of the industrialized States (the focus of safeguards until
the late 1970s), but in relatively small, clandestine or unsafeguarded pro-
grammes of nations located in regions of political tension. The chief technical
lesson was that safeguards based only on accounting for nuclear materials in
declared plants, and inspection access limited to previously agreed ‘key
measurement points’, were unlikely to detect a clandestine programme and
that it was crucial in such cases for the IAEA to have access to the results of
national intelligence operations.
The IAEA’s inspections, and the difficulties it encountered in carrying
out those inspections, remain crucial in assessing whether Iraq and the
DPRK are in compliance with their nuclear commitments (in the case of
Iraq, under the Security Council’s resolutions; in the case of the DPRK, its
safeguards agreement with the IAEA and the “Agreed Framework”). Both
cases also confirmed the inability of the IAEA, acting on its own, to apply
any significant pressure on a non-compliant State — it would have been
unrealistic to expect otherwise. The IAEA cut off technical assistance to
Iraq at the behest of the Security Council; when it withheld technical
assistance from the DPRK, the latter simply withdrew from membership
in the Agency.
In both cases the sanctions prescribed in the IAEA’s
Statute were largely irrelevant and both cases confirmed, as the negotiators
of the Statute had foreseen, that the IAEA would have to turn to the
Security Council if it was not able to apply effective safeguards. All
international verification agencies (currently the IAEA, the OPCW and the
Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty Organization), as well as the regional
bodies so far established to oversee nuclear weapon free zones, will
also ultimately depend on the Council for effective enforcement of their
The case of the DPRK suggests that it might be desirable for the
members of the Council to state more authoritatively than they did on
31 January 1992, perhaps in a formal resolution of the Council, what action
the latter would take in the event of a breach of a safeguards or verification
agreement and, possibly, to negotiate a legally binding international agree-
ment on this matter. But the prospects for such an agreement are poor.
States are reluctant to specify in advance what they will do in a hypo-
thetical future crisis. This is an inherent deficiency of any security system
created by nation States whose actions reflect changing perceptions of
where their interests lie.
Nuclear safety
There is no obvious reason why the Statute did not require members
to accept IAEA safety standards once they had been established. There was
relatively little discussion of the matter in Washington or at the Conference
on the Statute.
As noted in Chapter 7, it was tacitly assumed that the
conclusion of Agency project agreements would lead to the widespread
application of mandatory IAEA safety standards. The Prepcom foresaw the
recruitment of safety inspectors and the first health and safety measures,
including ‘Safety Standards’ approved by the Board on 31 March 1960, autho-
rized the Agency to carry out no more than two inspections a year of certain
categories of ‘assisted operations’.
In the early 1960s, the nations operating major nuclear programmes
took a different tack, insisting that nuclear safety was primarily a national
responsibility, and often resisting any extension of the IAEA’s role.
governments are responsible for the safety of their citizens in the nuclear as
in other fields is indisputable. However, the contrast between national atti-
tudes to international regulation of the safety of air or sea transport and of
nuclear safety is striking. In the instruments establishing the International
Civil Aviation Organization and the International Maritime Organization, it
was agreed that these organizations should have responsibility for making
binding regulations and drawing up conventions.
There have also been numerous demonstrations — besides Chernobyl
— of the international repercussions on safety and the environment of national
nuclear policies and decisions. From time to time it has been suggested that
nuclear safety would benefit, and public confidence would be enhanced, if the
IAEA were to supervise the application of nuclear safety and waste manage-
ment standards, for instance if governments were required to report to the
IAEA periodically on how they are applying the IAEA’s standards. Some
proposals have gone further — for instance, it has been suggested that IAEA
safety inspectors might verify such reports and monitor the performance of
national regulatory authorities.
The ‘Convention on Nuclear Safety’, which came into effect on
24 October 1996, takes the international verification of adequate nuclear
safety an important step forward by requiring the parties to hold periodic
review meetings to which each party must submit “a report on the mea-
sures it has taken to implement each of the obligations of this convention,”
and by requiring the parties to attend these meetings. Although the nego-
tiators of the Convention rejected proposals to give the IAEA a role in
verifying its application, they did appoint the IAEA as Secretariat of its
meetings. This should enable the IAEA to see how effectively the
Convention is working and may provide the possibility of proposing ways
of achieving its objectives.
Technical co-operation
As noted, technical assistance or co-operation has evolved over the
years from a programme designed chiefly to support the then nascent nuclear
energy establishments of the developing countries to one that has been able
to provide direct and tangible benefits to major sectors of the national economy.
It has moved from a programme of unrelated projects drawn up chiefly by
the recipient government to one that focuses on a more limited number of
projects, often backed up by the IAEA’s support of research and by the work
of the IAEA’s laboratories.
One problem that remains unresolved after 40 years is that of ensuring
that the programme has a more stable and predictable source of finance than
the traditional haggling over the size of the annual target for contributions
and the often unheeded appeal to States to meet the target set. In the current
climate it seems unlikely that the target will continue indefinitely to increase.
The problem may become one of stability in real terms rather than growth.
The Secretariat, the Board of Governors and
the General Conference
The major decisions of the Board and the General Conference on politi-
cal issues, including the appointment of the Director General, are shaped by
forces and events over which the Secretariat has little or no influence. But by
continuing to build up a tradition of professionalism, dependability and
impartiality the Secretariat can influence the decisions of the IAEA’s
Governing Bodies, in particular the extent to which the IAEA is entrusted with
responsibilities relating to safeguards, nuclear arms control and disarmament.
The confidence that the States concerned had gained in the work of the IAEA’s
staff was one of the main reasons why they entrusted it with the task of veri-
fying compliance with crucial obligations that States accept under the NPT.
As the saying goes, each Governing Body is master of its own proceed-
ings. But the Secretariat can give (and has given) the lead in helping to
streamline the procedures of the Governing Body, for instance in reducing the
length of its meetings — in the case of the General Conference to five work-
ing days — and in eliminating unnecessary paper (for instance, scrapping the
provisional records of debates).
It may be heresy to suggest that further
progress could be made towards using English as the sole working language,
at least of the committees of both bodies, as it is of the informal working
groups. Budgetary constraints and the increasing demand by Member States
for savings are leading in that direction. Thus, fewer information documents
are now being translated. The main barrier is concern about prestige. The vast
majority of delegations to both bodies have to use a language — almost
always English — that is not their own, and they do so very effectively, be
they from Pakistan, India, Sweden, Germany, Brazil, Egypt, Zimbabwe or
Japan. The painful example of the European Union, where documents have
to be translated into a dozen languages, might serve as an encouragement to
proceed in the opposite direction and thereby set an example to other inter-
national and regional bodies.
The IAEA’s role in the verification of
arms control agreements
During the Washington talks in 1954–1956, interested US agencies
debated the scope of the IAEA’s future activities and proposals were made to
assign it various roles in direct support of nuclear disarmament. Little came
of those proposals at the time. However, the Statute did incorporate a require-
ment that the IAEA, in carrying out its functions, should “conduct its
activities...in conformity with policies of the United Nations furthering the
establishment of safeguarded worldwide disarmament and in conformity
with any international agreements entered into pursuant to such policies.”
The only universal agreement directly affecting the IAEA that has so far been
concluded is the NPT itself which, in Article VI, calls for the negotiation of
“effective measures relating to cessation of the nuclear arms race at an early
date, and to nuclear disarmament, and on a treaty on general and complete
disarmament under strict and effective international control.” If an inter-
national agreement on further nuclear disarmament is concluded and if it
were to assign a verificatory role to the IAEA, it appears that the above-
quoted provision of the Statute would authorize, and may even require, the
IAEA to discharge that role.
The introduction to this book refers to the change that has taken place
in the position of the nuclear weapon States regarding the IAEA’s involvement
in certain aspects of the military uses of nuclear energy. For many years the
Western nuclear weapon States vigorously opposed any such involvement,
for instance in the monitoring of fallout or in assessing the effects of nuclear
weapon tests on human health, responsibility for which, as noted in Chapter 3,
was given to UNSCEAR. The Western position was to some extent a reflec-
tion of Cold War controversies. The Soviet Union was often prepared to raise
issues relating to the nuclear arms race and nuclear testing in the IAEA’s
Governing Bodies, particularly the General Conference, while Western
Governments insisted that the place to discuss such issues was New York or
In recent years the IAEA’s involvement in assessing the health hazards
of previous military activities, verifying the cessation of military nuclear pro-
grammes and overseeing nuclear material of military origin has become quite
uncontroversial. For instance, at the request of the Government of the
Marshall Islands, the IAEA ascertained whether it would be safe for the people
of Bikini Atoll to return home.
As mentioned elsewhere, assessments of
radiological contamination have been made at the Semipalatinsk nuclear test
site in Kazakstan, of the Kara Sea and of the Mururoa and Fangataufa Atolls
in the South Pacific. IAEA inspectors verified that the South African nuclear
weapon programme had been terminated.
Neither the IAEA nor any other international body has played or plays
any role in the negotiation or verification of the major treaties between what
were termed the ‘superpowers’, and that place a cap on their nuclear arsenals
or require their reduction.
The view of the nuclear weapon States appears
to be that the IAEA’s role in promoting international security is to verify that
there is no further spread of nuclear weapons. More recently, they have
endorsed another role for the IAEA, namely to verify (as it has been doing
since 1991 in South Africa, and since 1996 in the USA, and will be doing in
Russia) that nuclear material withdrawn from military use is permanently
removed from any military activity. When it comes to the dismantling of
nuclear arsenals, however, verification of the actual process is a task that,
until now, has been undertaken jointly by the nuclear weapon States them-
selves, in accordance with bilateral arrangements such as the Intermediate-
Range Nuclear Forces Treaty and Strategic Arms Reduction Talks.
Issues of
national survival were involved, and the stakes for the parties were too high
to entrust the Board of Governors of the IAEA, or the Security Council, or the
executive organ of any other international organization — which at any time
can be distracted by other unrelated issues — to bear the responsibility for
verifying that the parties are not clandestinely violating the treaty.
This is an issue that will have to be faced on a regional level if it becomes
possible to create a nuclear weapon free zone, or a zone free of weapons of
mass destruction in the Middle East and South Asia. A combination of regional
and multilateral verification may have to be devised.
Even if the IAEA cannot be directly involved in the dismantling of
nuclear weapons, it is well within its capacity to verify the peaceful storage
and use (or closure or disposal) of the plants and material that would become
subject to verification as a result of a fissile material cut-off convention.
The fundamental dichotomy
From the start the main problem that the IAEA has had to face has not
resulted from the East/West or the North/South divide, nor the IAEA’s
inability to develop its supply function, nor the decline since the mid-1970s in
the prospects for nuclear power. It has been the inherent difficulty of serving
the interests of both nuclear and non-nuclear-weapon States in a world in
which the former have usually taken the lead.
The Agency had to accommodate this reality. But it meant at first that
the IAEA would become the instrument for applying safeguards to nuclear
plants and material supplied chiefly by nuclear weapon States to non-
nuclear-weapon States. The NPT formalized the discrimination between the
two groups. The sense of discrimination felt by the developing countries may
have increased as the focus of concern about proliferation ceased to be
Germany and Japan and moved to the developing regions. As a consequence,
many of the IAEA’s promotional programmes were seen by both donors and
recipients as a means of making IAEA safeguards more palatable — in other
words, as a means of sugaring the pill, and this impression was strengthened
by the decisions of the mid-1970s to cap (and later to ‘shield’) the financial
contributions of poorer countries to the safeguards budget.
However, as time passed more of the non-nuclear-weapon States in both
the industrialized world and amongst the G-77 have perceived that stopping
the further spread of nuclear weapons was in their own interest and have
acceded to the NPT, despite its discriminatory character. G-77 nations have
also established, perhaps with more enthusiasm, nuclear weapon free zones,
in other words zones in which no State was permitted to possess or test
nuclear weapons. The 1995 decision to make the NPT permanent reflected a
near consensus that all nations benefit from stopping proliferation, but one
may doubt whether this decision would have been taken — or would have
been taken without a dissenting vote — if the Cold War had not ended and if
the nuclear weapon States had not made major reductions in their nuclear
arsenals, promised more, and committed themselves to stop nuclear testing.
Today the risk that nuclear weapons would come into the hands of addi-
tional nations seems smaller than at any time since 1945. The grim warnings
of President Kennedy, H.G. Wells, C.P. Snow, Albert Wohlstetter and many
others about the prospects of runaway proliferation have not been fulfilled.
One US political scientist went so far as to write in 1980 that “…any sugges-
tion that further proliferation can be stopped borders on the absurd.”
1985, the number of nuclear weapon States and nations regarded as ‘thresh-
old States’ has decreased from 11 to 8,
since Argentina, Brazil and South
Africa renounced the bomb. The entire southern hemisphere is on the point
of becoming a nuclear weapon free zone. During the last ten years the num-
ber of effective zones of this kind has grown from one (the Antarctic) to five
(the Tlatelolco, Rarotonga, Pelindaba, Bangkok and Antarctic Treaties).
risk of proliferation in North East Asia (the DPRK) and the Middle East (Iraq)
and in the former USSR has been contained, probably for the indefinite future
in the case of the non-nuclear-weapon States that were formerly parts of the
USSR. The NPT is now permanent and nearly all nations have joined it —
more than 40 since 1990 (though the prospects of bringing in India, Israel and
Pakistan still seem small). The nuclear suppliers’ regime, though unpopular
with many, is more effective than before 1989 and much more effective than
before 1970. IAEA safeguards have proved to be effective in plants that
contain declared nuclear material and are being strengthened to detect unde-
clared plants, material and nuclear activities.
In the 1950s and 1960s it could be said that as soon as a nation could
make the bomb, it did so.
The remarkable progress made since then in halt-
ing and even reversing proliferation has been achieved at a time when
nuclear technology was spreading around the world and when the purely
technical constraints on nuclear proliferation were steadily eroding. For the
most part, the progress was due to changes in political perceptions and to
events on which the IAEA had little direct influence. Nonetheless, IAEA safe-
guards provided the means whereby States that had renounced nuclear
weapons could demonstrate their renunciation and the IAEA’s work has con-
tributed substantially to the international security and confidence that are
indispensable for stopping nuclear proliferation and for nuclear arms control.
In the long term, however, the viability of the regime of which the IAEA
is the chief operational arm will depend not only on the efficacy of measures
of non-proliferation. Its viability will also depend to a far greater extent on
reducing and eventually eliminating the gap between the nuclear ‘haves’ and
the ‘have-nots’; in other words, on proceeding “with all deliberate speed”
down the path of nuclear disarmament. This, above all, was the message of
the 1995 NPT Review and Extension Conference.
For example, Articles III.A.7, III.B.2, IX, X.C, XI.F and XIV.B.2 of the IAEA Statute.
IAEA Statute, Article III.A.6.
IAEA Statute, Articles III.A.5 and XII.
NYE, J., “Maintaining a non-proliferation regime”, in QUESTER, G. (Ed.), Nuclear
Proliferation: Breaking the Chain, University of Wisconsin Press, Madison, WI (1981) 36.
IAEA Statute, Article XII.A.6.
IAEA Statute, Article XI.F.4 relating to Agency projects provides that “the relevant
safeguards [be]...specified in the [project] agreement.”
Document GC(V)INF/39, Annex, paras II.4 and II.5.
Document INFCIRC/153, para. 83(c).
SZASZ, P.C., “IAEA Safeguards for NPT”, RECFIEL 5 3 (September 1996) 241. See
also “The Agency’s Inspectors”, Annex to GC(V)/INF/39, paras I.1. and I.2, and
INFCIRC/153, para. 9.
Document GOV/2914, Article 11.
Under the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT), on-site inspections are likely to
be extremely infrequent, and they would only take place if a State had convincing
reasons to believe that another party had carried out a nuclear test. They would
thus be of a quite different character from the routine inspections of the IAEA and
of the OPCW, which are designed to verify that a prohibited activity is not taking
place rather than to check a suspicious event, and the procedures for triggering
such inspections are complicated. If CTBT inspections do take place they will nor-
mally be at the request of a State party, and hence — as in the case of Chemical
Weapons Convention challenge inspections and the IAEA’s special inspections —
will be highly confrontational. In a sense the inspections foreseen in the CTBT mark
a retrograde step; in the case of the IAEA, inspections are not only frequent and
routine, but are initiated by the Secretariat (which decides, within previously
agreed limits, when and where routine inspections will take place) and not by the
Board of Governors or by a Member State.
The Board may stop all assistance to the non-compliant State, call for the return of
any material or equipment supplied to that State and suspend it from exercising the
privileges and rights of membership. These somewhat nominal sanctions are
unlikely to deter a nation that believes its security will be eroded unless it breaches
the Treaty.
There is little doubt that, behind the scenes, a good deal of pressure was applied,
by Japan as well as China, to persuade the DPRK to freeze and eventually abandon
its suspect programme.
Some have argued that the “Agreed Framework” rewards rather than penalizes the
DPRK for being in breach of IAEA safeguards — see Chapter 8.
In the case of Iraq the IAEA cut off technical assistance at the request of the Security
Council rather than as a sanction under Article XII.A.5 of the Statute.
The negotiators could have attached to such a requirement whatever conditions
were needed to protect their own interests, for instance, the Statute could have
required the establishment within the IAEA of an intergovernmental nuclear safety
committee for setting such standards, on which the States operating significant
nuclear programmes automatically would have been represented.
Document INFCIRC/18, p. 7, para. 31.
In this case the situation is not comparable with nuclear safeguards where the IAEA
has international responsibility for applying effective safeguards, and would be
held accountable if there was a significant diversion of safeguarded material.
Until recently, the summary records of discussions in the Board and General
Conference were first issued in provisional form and later, after delegations had
been given an opportunity to correct them (or to ‘improve’ them), re-issued in final
form. This lengthy and somewhat wasteful procedure has been replaced by a single
final issue of each summary record; any corrections that delegations may make are
circulated separately.
IAEA Statute, Article III.B.1.
The IAEA panel set up for this purpose, which included experts from France,
Russia, the United Kingdom and the USA, as well as Australia, Japan and New
Zealand and a delegation from Bikini Atoll, concluded that if precautions were
taken to reduce radioactivity in local crops, returning to Bikini would be safe.
(Annual Report for 1995, GC(40)/8, IAEA, Vienna (1996), p. 3, Box 2.)
The IAEA inspectors visited the plants where the weapons had been made as well
as the (unused) test site itself. The IAEA has also advised the Estonian Government
on measures for the safe dismantling of a land based naval reactor formerly used
by the USSR for training.
In the case of the NPT, the IAEA was simply assigned a verification role without
being consulted beforehand (and only after the US/Soviet differences about the
safeguards role of EURATOM had been settled).
Although, in the very different circumstances of South Africa, the nuclear arsenal
was dismantled in secrecy by the State itself and the Agency was later invited to
examine what was left behind by an abandoned nuclear weapon programme.
An agreement that the verification of a nuclear weapon free zone in the Middle East
should be undertaken jointly by a regional safeguards authority and by the IAEA
would also set a precedent for monitoring other significant regional or even global
nuclear disarmament agreements.
The matter is to be reviewed before the year 2000.
A commitment more honoured in the breach than in the observance in 1995, but
now, apparently, accepted as binding by the nuclear weapon States.
WELTMAN, J.J., “Nuclear revolution and world order”, World Politics XXXII
(January 1980) 192, quoted in QUESTER, G.H., Nuclear Proliferation: Breaking the
Chain, p. 15, footnote 1.
The five ‘official’ nuclear weapon States, and India, Israel and Pakistan.
The Treaties of Rarotonga and Tlatelolco were in force, or partially in force, in 1985,
but without much real effect since the Western nuclear weapon States refused to
sign the protocols under which they would undertake to respect the nuclear
weapon free status of the South Pacific and to refrain from testing in the region (in
fact, France continued to test), while Argentina, Brazil and Chile were not prepared
to bring the Tlatelolco Treaty into force in their countries. As noted elsewhere, the
situation is now completely different.
With the striking exception of Canada.
Annex 1
The Statute was approved on 23 October 1956 by the Conference on the Statute of the
International Atomic Energy Agency, which was held at the Headquarters of the United
Nations. It came into force on 29 July 1957, upon the fulfilment of the relevant provisions of
paragraph E of Article XXI.
The Statute has been amended three times, by application of the procedure laid down in
paragraphs A and C of Article XVIII. On 31 January 1963 some amendments to the first
sentence of the then paragraph A.3 of Article VI came into force; the Statute as thus amended
was further amended on 1 June 1973 by the coming into force of a number of amendments to
paragraphs A to D of the same Article (involving a renumbering of sub-paragraphs in
paragraph A); and on 28 December 1989 an amendment in the introductory part of paragraph A.1
came into force. All these amendments have been incorporated into the present text.
ARTICLE I Establishment of the Agency
The Parties hereto establish an International Atomic Energy Agency (hereinafter
referred to as “the Agency”) upon the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth.
ARTICLE II Objectives
The Agency shall seek to accelerate and enlarge the contribution of atomic energy to
peace, health and prosperity throughout the world. It shall ensure, so far as it is able,
that assistance provided by it or at its request or under its supervision or control is not
used in such a way as to further any military purpose.
A. The Agency is authorized:
1. To encourage and assist research on, and development and practical applica-
tion of, atomic energy for peaceful uses throughout the world; and, if requested to
do so, to act as an intermediary for the purposes of securing the performance of
services or the supplying of materials, equipment, or facilities by one member of
the Agency for another; and to perform any operation or service useful in research
on, or development or practical application of, atomic energy for peaceful
2. To make provision, in accordance with this Statute, for materials, services,
equipment, and facilities to meet the needs of research on, and development and
practical application of, atomic energy for peaceful purposes, including the
production of electric power, with due consideration for the needs of the under-
developed areas of the world;
3. To foster the exchange of scientific and technical information on peaceful uses
of atomic energy;
4. To encourage the exchange and training of scientists and experts in the field of
peaceful uses of atomic energy;
5. To establish and administer safeguards designed to ensure that special fission-
able and other materials, services, equipment, facilities, and information made
available by the Agency or at its request or under its supervision or control are not
used in such a way as to further any military purpose; and to apply safeguards, at
the request of the parties, to any bilateral or multilateral arrangement, or at the
request of a State, to any of that State’s activities in the field of atomic energy;
6. To establish or adopt, in consultation and, where appropriate, in collaboration
with the competent organs of the United Nations and with the specialized agencies
concerned, standards of safety for protection of health and minimization of danger
to life and property (including such standards for labour conditions), and to pro-
vide for the application of these standards to its own operations as well as to the
operations making use of materials, services, equipment, facilities, and information
made available by the Agency or at its request or under its control or supervision;
and to provide for the application of these standards, at the request of the parties,
to operations under any bilateral or multilateral arrangements, or, at the request of
a State, to any of that State’s activities in the field of atomic energy;
7. To acquire or establish any facilities, plant and equipment useful in carrying
out its authorized functions, whenever the facilities, plant, and equipment
otherwise available to it in the area concerned are inadequate or available only on
terms it deems unsatisfactory.
B. In carrying out its functions, the Agency shall:
1. Conduct its activities in accordance with the purposes and principles of the
United Nations to promote peace and international co-operation, and in conformi-
ty with policies of the United Nations furthering the establishment of safeguarded
worldwide disarmament and in conformity with any international agreements
entered into pursuant to such policies;
2. Establish control over the use of special fissionable materials received by
the Agency, in order to ensure that these materials are used only for peaceful
3. Allocate its resources in such a manner as to secure efficient utilization and the
greatest possible general benefit in all areas of the world, bearing in mind the
special needs of the under-developed areas of the world;
4. Submit reports on its activities annually to the General Assembly of the United
Nations and, when appropriate, to the Security Council: if in connexion with the
activities of the Agency there should arise questions that are within the competence
of the Security Council, the Agency shall notify the Security Council, as the organ
bearing the main responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and
security, and may also take the measures open to it under this Statute, including
those provided in paragraph C of article XII;
5. Submit reports to the Economic and Social Council and other organs of the
United Nations on matters within the competence of these organs.
C. In carrying out its functions, the Agency shall not make assistance to members
subject to any political, economic, military, or other conditions incompatible with
the provisions of this Statute.
D. Subject to the provisions of this Statute and to the terms of agreements concluded
between a State or a group of States and the Agency which shall be in accordance
with the provisions of the Statute, the activities of the Agency shall be carried out
with due observance of the sovereign rights of States.
ARTICLE IV Membership
A. The initial members of the Agency shall be those States Members of the United
Nations or of any of the specialized agencies which shall have signed this Statute
within ninety days after it is opened for signature and shall have deposited an
instrument of ratification.
B. Other members of the Agency shall be those States, whether or not Members of the
United Nations or of any of the specialized agencies, which deposit an instrument
of acceptance of this Statute after their membership has been approved by the
General Conference upon the recommendation of the Board of Governors. In
recommending and approving a State for membership, the Board of Governors and
the General Conference shall determine that the State is able and willing to carry
out the obligations of membership in the Agency, giving due consideration to its
ability and willingness to act in accordance with the purposes and principles of the
Charter of the United Nations.
C. The Agency is based on the principle of the sovereign equality of all its members,
and all members, in order to ensure to all of them the rights and benefits resulting
from membership, shall fulfil in good faith the obligation assumed by them in
accordance with this Statute.
ARTICLE V General Conference
A. A General Conference consisting of representatives of all members shall meet in
regular annual session and in such special sessions as shall be convened by the
Director General at the request of the Board of Governors or of a majority of mem-
bers. The sessions shall take place at the headquarters of the Agency unless other-
wise determined by the General Conference.
B. At such sessions, each member shall be represented by one delegate who may be
accompanied by alternates and by advisers. The cost of attendance of any delega-
tion shall be borne by the member concerned.
C. The General Conference shall elect a President and such other officers as may be
required at the beginning of each session. They shall hold office for the duration of
the session. The General Conference, subject to the provisions of this Statute, shall
adopt its own rules of procedure. Each member shall have one vote. Decisions
pursuant to paragraph H of article XIV, paragraph C of article XVIII and
paragraph B of article XIX shall be made by a two-thirds majority of the members
present and voting. Decisions on other questions, including the determination of
additional questions or categories of questions to be decided by a two-thirds
majority, shall be made by a majority of the members present and voting. A
majority of members shall constitute a quorum.
D. The General Conference may discuss any questions or any matters within the scope
of this Statute or relating to the powers and functions of any organs provided for
in this Statute, and may make recommendations to the membership of the Agency
or to the Board of Governors or to both on any such questions or matters.
E. The General Conference shall:
1. Elect members of the Board of Governors in accordance with article VI;
2. Approve States for membership in accordance with article IV;
3. Suspend a member from the privileges and rights of membership in accor-
dance with article XIX;
4. Consider the annual report of the Board;
5. In accordance with article XIV, approve the budget of the Agency recommended
by the Board or return it with recommendations as to its entirety or parts to the
Board, for resubmission to the General Conference;
6. Approve reports to be submitted to the United Nations as required by the
relationship agreement between the Agency and the United Nations, except reports
referred to in paragraph C of article XII, or return them to the Board with its
7. Approve any agreement or agreements between the Agency and the United
Nations and other organizations as provided in article XVI or return such agree-
ments with its recommendations to the Board, for resubmission to the General
8. Approve rules and limitations regarding the exercise of borrowing powers by
the Board, in accordance with paragraph G of article XIV; approve rules regarding
the acceptance of voluntary contributions to the Agency; and approve, in accor-
dance with paragraph F of article XIV, the manner in which the general fund
referred to in that paragraph may be used;
9. Approve amendments to this Statute in accordance with paragraph C of
article XVIII;
10. Approve the appointment of the Director General in accordance with
paragraph A of article VII.
F. The General Conference shall have the authority:
1. To take decisions on any matter specifically referred to the General Conference
for this purpose by the Board;
2. To propose matters for consideration by the Board and request from the Board
reports on any matter relating to the functions of the Agency.
ARTICLE VI Board of Governors
A. The Board of Governors shall be composed as follows:
1. The outgoing Board of Governors shall designate for membership on the Board
the ten members most advanced in the technology of atomic energy including the
production of source materials, and the member most advanced in the technology
of atomic energy including the production of source materials in each of the
following areas in which none of the aforesaid ten is located:
(1) North America
(2) Latin America
(3) Western Europe
(4) Eastern Europe
(5) Africa
(6) Middle East and South Asia
(7) South East Asia and the Pacific
(8) Far East.
2. The General Conference shall elect to membership of the Board of Governors:
(a) Twenty members, with due regard to equitable representation on the Board as
a whole of the members in the areas listed in sub-paragraph A.1 of this article,
so that the Board shall at all times include in this category five representatives
of the area of Latin America, four representatives of the area of Western Europe,
three representatives of the area of Eastern Europe, four representatives of the
area of Africa, two representatives of the area of the Middle East and South
Asia, one representative of the area of South East Asia and the Pacific, and one
representative of the area of the Far East. No member in this category in any
one term of office will be eligible for re-election in the same category for the
following term of office; and
(b) One further member from among the members in the following areas:
Middle East and South Asia,
South East Asia and the Pacific,
Far East;
(c) One further member from among the members in the following areas:
Middle East and South Asia,
South East Asia and the Pacific.
B. The designations provided for in sub-paragraph A-l of this article shall take place
not less than sixty days before each regular annual session of the General
Conference. The elections provided for in sub-paragraph A-2 of this article shall
take place at regular annual sessions of the General Conference.
C. Members represented on the Board of Governors in accordance with sub-paragraph
A-l of this article shall hold office from the end of the next regular annual session of
the General Conference after their designation until the end of the following regular
annual session of the General Conference.
D. Members represented on the Board of Governors in accordance with sub-paragraph
A-2 of this article shall hold office from the end of the regular annual session of the
General Conference at which they are elected until the end of the second regular
annual session of the General Conference thereafter.
E. Each member of the Board of Governors shall have one vote. Decisions on the amount
of the Agency’s budget shall be made by a two-thirds majority of those present and
voting, as provided in paragraph H of article XIV. Decisions on other questions,
including the determination of additional questions or categories of questions to be
decided by a two-thirds majority, shall be made by a majority of those present and
voting. Two-thirds of all members of the Board shall constitute a quorum.
F. The Board of Governors shall have authority to carry out the functions of the
Agency in accordance with this Statute, subject to its responsibilities to the General
Conference as provided in this Statute.
G. The Board of Governors shall meet at such times as it may determine. The meetings
shall take place at the headquarters of the Agency unless otherwise determined by
the Board.
H. The Board of Governors shall elect a Chairman and other officers from among its
members and, subject to the provisions of this Statute, shall adopt its own rules of
I. The Board of Governors may establish such committees as it deems advisable. The
Board may appoint persons to represent it in its relations with other organizations.
J. The Board of Governors shall prepare an annual report to the General Conference
concerning the affairs of the Agency and any projects approved by the Agency. The
Board shall also prepare for submission to the General Conference such reports as
the Agency is or may be required to make to the United Nations or to any other
organization the work of which is related to that of the Agency. These reports,
along with the annual reports, shall be submitted to members of the Agency at least
one month before the regular annual session of the General Conference.
A. The staff of the Agency shall be headed by a Director General. The Director General
shall be appointed by the Board of Governors with the approval of the General
Conference for a term of four years. He shall be the chief administrative officer of
the Agency.
B. The Director General shall be responsible for the appointment, organization, and
functioning of the staff and shall be under the authority of and subject to the
control of the Board of Governors. He shall perform his duties in accordance with
regulations adopted by the Board.
C. The staff shall include such qualified scientific and technical and other personnel as
may be required to fulfil the objectives and functions of the Agency. The Agency shall
be guided by the principle that its permanent staff shall be kept to a minimum.
D. The paramount consideration in the recruitment and employment of the staff and
in the determination of the conditions of service shall be to secure employees of the
highest standards of efficiency, technical competence, and integrity. Subject to this
consideration, due regard shall be paid to the contributions of members to the
Agency and to the importance of recruiting the staff on as wide a geographical
basis as possible.
E. The terms and conditions on which the staff shall be appointed, remunerated, and
dismissed shall be in accordance with regulations made by the Board of Governors,
subject to the provisions of this Statute and to general rules approved by the
General Conference on the recommendation of the Board.
F. In the performance of their duties, the Director General and the staff shall not seek
or receive instructions from any source external to the Agency. They shall refrain
from any action which might reflect on their position as officials of the Agency;
subject to their responsibilities to the Agency, they shall not disclose any industrial
secret or other confidential information coming to their knowledge by reason of
their official duties for the Agency. Each member undertakes to respect the inter-
national character of the responsibilities of the Director General and the staff and
shall not seek to influence them in the discharge of their duties.
G. In this article the term “staff” includes guards.
ARTICLE VIII Exchange of information
A. Each member should make available such information as would, in the judgement
of the member, be helpful to the Agency .
B. Each member shall make available to the Agency all scientific information devel-
oped as a result of assistance extended by the Agency pursuant to article XI.
C. The Agency shall assemble and make available in an accessible form the information
made available to it under paragraphs A and B of this article. It shall take positive
steps to encourage the exchange among its members of information relating to the
nature and peaceful uses of atomic energy and shall serve as an intermediary among
its members for this purpose.
ARTICLE IX Supplying of materials
A. Members may make available to the Agency such quantities of special fissionable
materials as they deem advisable and on such terms as shall be agreed with the
Agency. The materials made available to the Agency may, at the discretion of the
member making them available, be stored either by the member concerned or, with
the agreement of the Agency, in the Agency’s depots.
B. Members may also make available to the Agency source materials as defined in
article XX and other materials. The Board of Governors shall determine the quan-
tities of such materials which the Agency will accept under agreements provided
for in article XIII.
C. Each member shall notify the Agency of the quantities, form, and composition of
special fissionable materials, source materials, and other materials which that
member is prepared, in conformity with its laws, to make available immediately or
during a period specified by the Board of Governors.
D. On request of the Agency a member shall, from the materials which it has made
available, without delay deliver to another member or group of members such
quantities of such materials as the Agency may specify, and shall without delay
deliver to the Agency itself such quantities of such materials as are really necessary
for operations and scientific research in the facilities of the Agency.
E. The quantities, form and composition of materials made available by any member
may be changed at any time by the member with the approval of the Board of
F. An initial notification in accordance with paragraph C of this article shall be made
within three months of the entry into force of this Statute with respect to the member
concerned. In the absence of a contrary decision of the Board of Governors, the
materials initially made available shall be for the period of the calendar year
succeeding the year when this Statute takes effect with respect to the member
concerned. Subsequent notifications shall likewise, in the absence of a contrary
action by the Board, relate to the period of the calendar year following the notifi-
cation and shall be made no later than the first day of November of each year.
G. The Agency shall specify the place and method of delivery and, where appropriate,
the form and composition, of materials which it has requested a member to deliver
from the amounts which that member has notified the Agency it is prepared to
make available. The Agency shall also verify the quantities of materials delivered
and shall report those quantities periodically to the members.
H. The Agency shall be responsible for storing and protecting materials in its posses-
sion. The Agency shall ensure that these materials shall be safeguarded against
(1) hazards of the weather, (2) unauthorized removal or diversion, (3) damage or
destruction, including sabotage, and (4) forcible seizure. In storing special fissionable
materials in its possession, the Agency shall ensure the geographical distribution of
these materials in such a way as not to allow concentration of large amounts of such
materials in any one country or region of the world.
I. The Agency shall as soon as practicable establish or acquire such of the following
as may be necessary:
1. Plant, equipment, and facilities for the receipt, storage, and issue of materials;
2. Physical safeguards;
3. Adequate health and safety measures;
4. Control laboratories for the analysis and verification of materials received;
5. Housing and administrative facilities for any staff required for the foregoing.
J. The materials made available pursuant to this article shall be used as determined
by the Board of Governors in accordance with the provisions of this Statute. No
member shall have the right to require that the materials it makes available to the
Agency be kept separately by the Agency or to designate the specific project in
which they must be used.
ARTICLE X Services, equipment, and facilities
Members may make available to the Agency services, equipment, and facilities which
may be of assistance in fulfilling the Agency’s objectives and functions.
ARTICLE XI Agency projects
A. Any member or group of members of the Agency desiring to set up any project for
research on, or development or practical application of, atomic energy for peaceful
purposes may request the assistance of the Agency in securing special fissionable
and other materials, services, equipment, and facilities necessary for this purpose.
Any such request shall be accompanied by an explanation of the purpose and
extent of the project and shall be considered by the Board of Governors.
B. Upon request, the Agency may also assist any member or group of members to
make arrangements to secure necessary financing from outside sources to carry out
such projects. In extending this assistance, the Agency will not be required to
provide any guarantees or to assume any financial responsibility for the project.
C. The Agency may arrange for the supplying of any materials, services, equipment,
and facilities necessary for the project by one or more members or may itself under-
take to provide any or all of these directly, taking into consideration the wishes of
the member or members making the request.
D. For the purpose of considering the request, the Agency may send into the territory
of the member or group of members making the request a person or persons quali-
fied to examine the project. For this purpose the Agency may, with the approval of
the member or group of members making the request, use members of its own staff
or employ suitably qualified nationals of any member.
E. Before approving a project under this article, the Board of Governors shall give due
consideration to:
1. The usefulness of the project, including its scientific and technical feasibility;
2. The adequacy of plans, funds, and technical personnel to assure the effective
execution of the project;
3. The adequacy of proposed health and safety standards for handling and stor-
ing materials and for operating facilities;
4. The inability of the member or group of members making the request to secure
the necessary finances, materials, facilities, equipment, and services;
5. The equitable distribution of materials and other resources available to the
6. The special needs of the under-developed areas of the world; and
7. Such other matters as may be relevant.
F. Upon approving a project, the Agency shall enter into an agreement with the
member or group of members submitting the project, which agreement shall:
1. Provide for allocation to the project of any required special fissionable or other
2. Provide for transfer of special fissionable materials from their then place of
custody, whether the materials be in the custody of the Agency or of the member
making them available for use in Agency projects, to the member or group of
members submitting the project, under conditions which ensure the safety of any
shipment required and meet applicable health and safety standards;
3. Set forth the terms and conditions, including charges, on which any materials,
services, equipment, and facilities are to be provided by the Agency itself, and, if
any such materials, services, equipment, and facilities are to be provided by a
member, the terms and conditions as arranged for by the member or group of
members submitting the project and the supplying member;
4. Include undertakings by the member or group of members submitting the
project: (a) that the assistance provided shall not be used in such a way as to further
any military purpose; and (b) that the project shall be subject to the safeguards
provided for in article XII, the relevant safeguards being specified in the agreement;
5. Make appropriate provision regarding the rights and interests of the Agency
and the member or members concerned in any inventions or discoveries, or any
patents therein, arising from the project;
6. Make appropriate provision regarding settlement of disputes;
7. Include such other provisions as may be appropriate.
G. The provisions of this article shall also apply where appropriate to a request for
materials, services, facilities, or equipment in connexion with an existing project.
ARTICLE XII Agency safeguards
A. With respect to any Agency project, or other arrangement where the Agency is
requested by the parties concerned to apply safeguards, the Agency shall have the
following rights and responsibilities to the extent relevant to the project or arrange-
1. To examine the design of specialized equipment and facilities, including
nuclear reactors, and to approve it only from the view-point of assuring that it will
not further any military purpose, that it complies with applicable health and safety
standards, and that it will permit effective application of the safeguards provided
for in this article;
2. To require the observance of any health and safety measures prescribed by the
3. To require the maintenance and production of operating records to assist in
ensuring accountability for source and special fissionable materials used or pro-
duced in the project or arrangement;
4. To call for and receive progress reports;
5. To approve the means to be used for the chemical processing of irradiated
materials solely to ensure that this chemical processing will not lend itself to diver-
sion of materials for military purposes and will comply with applicable health and
safety standards; to require that special fissionable materials recovered or pro-
duced as a by-product be used for peaceful purposes under continuing Agency
safeguards for research or in reactors, existing or under construction, specified by
the member or members concerned; and to require deposit with the Agency of any
excess of any special fissionable materials recovered or produced as a by-product
over what is needed for the above-stated uses in order to prevent stockpiling of
these materials, provided that thereafter at the request of the member or members
concerned special fissionable materials so deposited with the Agency shall be
returned promptly to the member or members concerned for use under the same
provisions as stated above .
6. To send into the territory of the recipient State or States inspectors, designated
by the Agency after consultation with the State or States concerned, who shall have
access at all times to all places and data and to any person who by reason of his
occupation deals with materials, equipment, or facilities which are required by this
Statute to be safeguarded, as necessary to account for source and special fissionable
materials supplied and fissionable products and to determine whether there is
compliance with the undertaking against use in furtherance of any military
purpose referred to in sub-paragraph F-4 of article XI, with the health and safety
measures referred to in sub-paragraph A-2 of this article, and with any other
conditions prescribed in the agreement between the Agency and the State or States
concerned. Inspectors designated by the Agency shall be accompanied by
representatives of the authorities of the State concerned, if that State so requests,
provided that the inspectors shall not thereby be delayed or otherwise impeded in
the exercise of their functions;
7. In the event of non-compliance and failure by the recipient State or States to
take requested corrective steps within a reasonable time, to suspend or terminate
assistance and withdraw any materials and equipment made available by the
Agency or a member in furtherance of the project.
B. The Agency shall, as necessary, establish a staff of inspectors. The Staff of inspec-
tors shall have the responsibility of examining all operations conducted by the
Agency itself to determine whether the Agency is complying with the health and
safety measures prescribed by it for application to projects subject to its approval,
supervision or control, and whether the Agency is taking adequate measures to
prevent the source and special fissionable materials in its custody or used or
produced in its own operations from being used in furtherance of any military
purpose. The Agency shall take remedial action forthwith to correct any non-
compliance or failure to take adequate measures.
C. The staff of inspectors shall also have the responsibility of obtaining and verify-
ing the accounting referred to in sub paragraph A-6 of this article and of deter-
mining whether there is compliance with the undertaking referred to in sub-
paragraph F-4 of article XI, with the measures referred to in sub-paragraph A-2
of this article, and with all other conditions of the project prescribed in the agree-
ment between the Agency and the State or States concerned. The inspectors shall
report any non-compliance to the Director General who shall thereupon transmit
the report to the Board of Governors. The Board shall call upon the recipient State
or States to remedy forthwith any non-compliance which it finds to have
occurred. The Board shall report the non-compliance to all members and to the
Security Council and General Assembly of the United Nations. In the event of
failure of the recipient State or States to take fully corrective action within a
reasonable time, the Board may take one or both of the following measures: direct
curtailment or suspension of assistance being provided by the Agency or by a
member, and call for the return of materials and equipment made available to the
recipient member or group of members. The Agency may also, in accordance
with article XIX, suspend any non-complying member from the exercise of the
privileges and rights of membership.
ARTICLE XIII Reimbursement of members
Unless otherwise agreed upon between the Board of Governors and the member furnish-
ing to the Agency materials, services, equipment, or facilities, the Board shall enter into
an agreement with such member providing for reimbursement for the items furnished.
A. The Board of Governors shall submit to the General Conference the annual budget
estimates for the expenses of the Agency. To facilitate the work of the Board in this
regard, the Director General shall initially prepare the budget estimates. If the
General Conference does not approve the estimates, it shall return them together
with its recommendations to the Board. The Board shall then submit further
estimates to the General Conference for its approval.
B. Expenditures of the Agency shall be classified under the following categories:
1. Administrative expenses: these shall include:
(a) Costs of the staff of the Agency other than the staff employed in connexion with
materials, services, equipment, and facilities referred to in sub-paragraph B-2
below; costs of meetings; and expenditures required for the preparation of
Agency projects and for the distribution of information;
(b) Costs of implementing the safeguards referred to in article XII in relation to
Agency projects or, under sub-paragraph A-5 of article III, in relation to any
bilateral or multilateral arrangement, together with the costs of handling and
storage of special fissionable material by the Agency other than the storage and
handling charges referred to in paragraph E below.
2. Expenses, other than those included in sub-paragraph 1 of this paragraph, in
connexion with any materials, facilities, plant, and equipment acquired or estab-
lished by the Agency in carrying out its authorized functions, and the costs of
materials, services, equipment, and facilities provided by it under agreements with
one or more members.
C. In fixing the expenditures under sub-paragraph B-l (b) above, the Board of Governors
shall deduct such amounts as are recoverable under agreements regarding the
application of safeguards between the Agency and parties to bilateral or multilateral
D. The Board of Governors shall apportion the expenses referred to in sub-paragraph
B-1 above, among members in accordance with a scale to be fixed by the General
Conference. In fixing the scale the General Conference shall be guided by the prin-
ciples adopted by the United Nations in assessing contributions of Member States
to the regular budget of the United Nations.
E. The Board of Governors shall establish periodically a scale of charges, including
reasonable uniform storage and handling charges, for materials, services, equip-
ment, and facilities furnished to members by the Agency. The scale shall be
designed to produce revenues for the Agency adequate to meet the expenses and
costs referred to in sub-paragraph B-2 above, less any voluntary contributions
which the Board of Governors may, in accordance with paragraph F, apply for this
purpose. The proceeds of such charges shall be placed in a separate fund which
shall be used to pay members for any materials, services, equipment, or facilities
furnished by them and to meet other expenses referred to in sub-paragraph B-2
above which may be incurred by the Agency itself.
F. Any excess of revenues referred to in paragraph E over the expenses and costs
there referred to, and any voluntary contributions to the Agency, shall be placed in
a general fund which may be used as the Board of Governors, with the approval of
the General Conference, may determine.
G. Subject to rules and limitations approved by the General Conference, the Board of
Governors shall have the authority to exercise borrowing powers on behalf of the
Agency without, however, imposing on members of the Agency any liability in
respect of loans entered into pursuant to this authority, and to accept voluntary
contributions made to the Agency.
H. Decisions of the General Conference on financial questions and of the Board of
Governors on the amount of the Agency’s budget shall require a two-thirds majority
of those present and voting.
ARTICLE XV Privileges and immunities
A. The Agency shall enjoy in the territory of each member such legal capacity
and such privileges and immunities as are necessary for the exercise of its
B. Delegates of members together with their alternates and advisers, Governors
appointed to the Board together with their alternates and advisers, and the Director
General and the staff of the Agency, shall enjoy such privileges and immunities as
are necessary in the independent exercise of their functions in connexion with the
C. The legal capacity, privileges, and immunities referred to in this article shall be
defined in a separate agreement or agreements between the Agency, represented
for this purpose by the Director General acting under instructions of the Board of
Governors and the members.
ARTICLE XVI Relationship with other organizations
A. The Board of Governors, with the approval of the General Conference, is authorized
to enter into an agreement or agreements establishing an appropriate relationship
between the Agency and the United Nations and any other organizations the work
of which is related to that of the Agency.
B. The agreement or agreements establishing the relationship of the Agency and the
United Nations shall provide for:
1. Submission by the Agency of reports as provided for in sub-paragraphs B-4
and B-5 of article III;
2. Consideration by the Agency of resolutions relating to it adopted by the
General Assembly or any of the Councils of the United Nations and the submission
of reports, when requested, to the appropriate organ of the United Nations on the
action taken by the Agency or by its members in accordance with this Statute as a
result of such consideration.
ARTICLE XVII Settlement of disputes
A. Any question or dispute concerning the interpretation or application of this Statute
which is not settled by negotiation shall be referred to the International Court of
Justice in conformity with the Statute of the Court, unless the parties concerned
agree on another mode of settlement.
B. The General Conference and the Board of Governors are separately empowered,
subject to authorization from the General Assembly of the United Nations, to
request the International Court of Justice to give an advisory opinion on any legal
question arising within the scope of the Agency’s activities.
ARTICLE XVIII Amendments and withdrawals
A. Amendments to this Statute may be proposed by any member. Certified copies of
the text of any amendment proposed shall be prepared by the Director General and
communicated by him to all members at least ninety days in advance of its con-
sideration by the General Conference.
B. At the fifth annual session of the General Conference following the coming into
force of this Statute, the question of a general review of the provisions of this
Statute shall be placed on the agenda of that session. On approval by a majority of
the members present and voting, the review will take place at the following
General Conference. Thereafter, proposals on the question of a general review of
this Statute may be submitted for decision by the General Conference under the
same procedure.
C. Amendments shall come into force for all members when:
(i) Approved by the General Conference by a two-thirds majority of those present
and voting after consideration of observations submitted by the Board of
Governors on each proposed amendment, and
(ii) Accepted by two-thirds of all the members in accordance with their respective
constitutional processes. Acceptance by a member shall be effected by the
deposit of an instrument of acceptance with the depositary Government
referred to in paragraph C of article XXI.
D. At any time after five years from the date when this Statute shall take effect in
accordance with paragraph E of article XXI or whenever a member is unwilling to
accept an amendment to this Statute, it may withdraw from the Agency by notice
in writing to that effect given to the depositary Government referred to in para-
graph C of article XXI, which shall promptly inform the Board of Governors and all
E. Withdrawal by a member from the Agency shall not affect its contractual obliga-
tions entered into pursuant to article XI or its budgetary obligations for the year in
which it withdraws.
ARTICLE XIX Suspension of privileges
A. A member of the Agency which is in arrears in the payment of its financial contri-
butions to the Agency shall have no vote in the Agency if the amount of its arrears
equals or exceeds the amount of the contributions due from it for the preceding two
years. The General Conference may, nevertheless, permit such a member to vote if
it is satisfied that the failure to pay is due to conditions beyond the control of the
B. A member which has persistently violated the provisions of this Statute or of any
agreement entered into by it pursuant to this Statute may be suspended from the
exercise of the privileges and rights of membership by the General Conference
acting by a two-thirds majority of the members present and voting upon recom-
mendation by the Board of Governors.
ARTICLE XX Definitions
As used in this Statute:
1. The term “special fissionable material” means plutonium-239; uranium-233;
uranium enriched in the isotopes 235 or 233; any material containing one or more
of the foregoing; and such other fissionable material as the Board of Governors
shall from time to time determine; but the term “special fissionable material” does
not include source material.
2. The term “uranium enriched in the isotopes 235 or 233” means uranium con-
taining the isotopes 235 or 233 or both in an amount such that the abundance ratio
of the sum of these isotopes to the isotope 238 is greater than the ratio of the isotope
235 to the isotope 238 occurring in nature.
3. The term “source material“ means uranium containing the mixture of isotopes
occurring in nature; uranium depleted in the isotope 235; thorium; any of the
foregoing in the form of metal, alloy, chemical compound, or concentrate; any other
material containing one or more of the foregoing in such concentration as the Board
of Governors shall from time to time determine; and such other material as the
Board of Governors shall from time to time determine.
ARTICLE XXI Signature, acceptance, and entry into force
A. This Statute shall be open for signature on 26 October 1956 by all States Members
of the United Nations or of any of the specialized agencies and shall remain open
for signature by those States for a period of ninety days.
B. The signatory States shall become parties to this Statute by deposit of an instru-
ment of ratification.
C. Instruments of ratification by signatory States and instruments of acceptance by
States whose membership has been approved under paragraph B of article IV of
this Statute shall be deposited with the Government of the United States of
America, hereby designated as depositary Government.
D. Ratification or acceptance of this Statute shall be effected by States in accordance
with their respective constitutional processes.
E. This Statute, apart from the Annex, shall come into force when eighteen States have
deposited instruments of ratification in accordance with paragraph B of this article,
provided that such eighteen States shall include at least three of the following
States: Canada, France, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the United
Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the United States of America.
Instruments of ratification and instruments of acceptance deposited thereafter shall
take effect on the date of their receipt.
F. The depositary Government shall promptly inform all States signatory to this
Statute of the date of each deposit of ratification and the date of entry into force of
the Statute. The depositary Government shall promptly inform all signatories and
members of the dates on which States subsequently become parties thereto.
G. The Annex to this Statute shall come into force on the first day this Statute is open
for signature.
ARTICLE XXII Registration with the United Nations
A. This Statute shall be registered by the depositary Government pursuant to
Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations.
B. Agreements between the Agency and any member or members, agreements
between the Agency and any other organization or organizations, and agreements
between members subject to approval of the Agency, shall be registered with the
Agency. Such agreements shall be registered by the Agency with the United
Nations if registration is required under Article 102 of the Charter of the United
ARTICLE XXIII Authentic texts and certified copies
This Statute, done in the Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish languages,
each being equally authentic, shall be deposited in the archives of the depositary
Government. Duly certified copies of this Statute shall be transmitted by the deposi-
tary Government to the Governments of the other signatory States and to the
Governments of States admitted to membership under paragraph B of article IV.
In witness whereof the undersigned, duly authorized, have signed this Statute.
DONE at the Headquarters of the United Nations, this twenty-sixth day of October,
one thousand nine hundred and fifty-six.
Annex 2
Extract from an Address by Mr. Dwight D. Eisenhower,
President of the United States of America,
to the 470th Plenary Meeting of the United Nations General Assembly
Tuesday, 8 December 1953
“Madam President and Members of the General Assembly;
But the dread secret and the fearful engines of atomic might are not ours
In the first place, the secret is possessed by our friends and allies, the
United Kingdom and Canada, whose scientific genius made a tremendous
contribution to our original discoveries and the designs of atomic bombs.
The secret is also known by the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union has
informed us that, over recent years, it has devoted extensive resources to
atomic weapons. During this period the Soviet Union has exploded a series
of atomic devices, including at least one involving thermo-nuclear reactions.
If at one time the United States possessed what might have been called a
monopoly of atomic power; that monopoly ceased to exist several years ago.
Therefore, although our earlier start has permitted us to accumulate what is
today a great quantitative advantage, the atomic realities of today comprehend
two facts of even greater significance. First, the knowledge now possessed by
several nations will eventually be shared by others, possibly all others.
Second, even a vast superiority in numbers of weapons, and a conse-
quent capability of devastating retaliation, is no preventive, of itself, against
the fearful material damage and toll of human lives that would be inflicted by
surprise aggression.
There is at least one new avenue of peace which has not been well
explored — an avenue now laid out by the General Assembly of the United
In its resolution of 28 November 1953 (resolution 715 (VIII)) this General
Assembly suggested: “that the Disarmament Commission study the desir-
ability of establishing a sub-committee consisting of representatives of the
Powers principally involved, which should seek in private an acceptable
solution and report...on such a solution to the General Assembly and to the
Security Council not later than 1 September 1954.
The United States, heeding the suggestion of the General Assembly of
the United Nations, is instantly prepared to meet privately with such other
countries as may be “principally involved”, to seek “an acceptable solution”
to the atomic armaments race which overshadows not only the peace, but the
very life, of the world.
We shall carry into these private or diplomatic talks a new conception.
The United States would seek more than the mere reduction or elimination of
atomic materials for military purposes. It is not enough to take this weapon
out of the hands of the soldiers. It must be put into the hands of those who
will know how to strip its military casing and adapt it to the arts of peace.
The United States knows that if the fearful trend of atomic military
build-up can be reversed, this greatest of destructive forces can be developed
into a great boon, for the benefit of all mankind. The United States knows that
peaceful power from atomic energy is no dream of the future. The capability,
already proved, is here today. Who can doubt that, if the entire body of the
world’s scientists and engineers had adequate amounts of fissionable mate-
rial with which to test and develop their ideas, this capability would rapidly
be transformed into universal, efficient and economic usage?
To hasten the day when fear of the atom will begin to disappear from
the minds of the people and the governments of the East and West, there are
certain steps that can be taken now.
I therefore make the following proposal.
The governments principally involved, to the extent permitted by ele-
mentary prudence, should begin now and continue to make joint contribu-
tions from their stockpiles of normal uranium and fissionable materials to an
international atomic energy agency. We would expect that such an agency
would be set up under the aegis of the United Nations. The ratios of contri-
butions, the procedures and other details would properly be within the scope
of the “private conversations” I referred to earlier.
The United States is prepared to undertake these explorations in good
faith. Any partner of the United States acting in the same good faith will find
the United States a not unreasonable or ungenerous associate.
Undoubtedly, initial and early contributions to this plan would be small
in quantity. However, the proposal has the great virtue that it can be under-
taken without the irritations and mutual suspicions incident to any attempt to
set up a completely acceptable system of world-wide inspection and control.
The atomic energy agency could be made responsible for the impound-
ing, storage and protection of the contributed fissionable and other materials.
The ingenuity of our scientists will provide special safe conditions under
which such a bank of fissionable material can be made essentially immune to
surprise seizure.
The more important responsibility of this atomic energy agency would
be to devise methods whereby this fissionable material would be allocated to
serve the peaceful pursuits of mankind. Experts would be mobilized to apply
atomic energy to the needs of agriculture, medicine and other peaceful activi-
ties. A special purpose would be to provide abundant electrical energy in the
power-starved areas of the world.
Thus the contributing Powers would be dedicating some of their
strength to serve the needs rather than the fears of mankind.
The United States would be more than willing — it would be proud to
take up with others “principally involved” the development of plans where-
by such peaceful use of atomic energy would be expedited.
Of those “principally involved” the Soviet Union must, of course, be one.
I would be prepared to submit to the Congress of the United States, and
with every expectation of approval, any such plan that would, first, encour-
age world-wide investigation into the most effective peacetime uses of
fissionable material, and with the certainty that the investigators had all the
material needed for the conducting of all experiments that were appropriate;
second, begin to diminish the potential destructive power of the world’s
atomic stockpiles; third, allow all peoples of all nations to see that, in this
enlightened age, the great Powers of the earth, both of the East and of the
West, are interested in human aspirations first rather than in building up the
armaments of war; fourth, open up a new channel for peaceful discussion and
initiative at least a new approach to the many difficult problems that must be
solved in both private and public conversations if the world is to shake off the
inertia imposed by fear and is to make positive progress towards peace.
Against the dark background of the atomic bomb, the United States
does not wish merely to present strength, but also the desire and the hope for
peace. The coming months will be fraught with fateful decisions. In this
Assembly, in the capitals and military headquarters of the world, in the hearts
of men everywhere, be they governed or governors, may they be the deci-
sions which will lead this world out of fear and into peace.
To the making of these fateful decisions, the United States pledges
before you, and therefore before the world, its determination to help solve the
fearful atomic dilemma — to devote its entire heart and mind to finding the
way by which the miraculous inventiveness of man shall not be dedicated to
his death, but consecrated to his life.
Annex 3
(monetary amounts in dollars)
EPTA and Estimated Total Number
Special value of IAEA of
a 1
Fund resources technical Member
(UNDP) in kind assistance States
1958 3 465 000 124 000 390 000 414 000 66
1959 5 225 000 875 000 304 000 531 000 1 710 000 70 424
1960 5 834 000 1 008 000 633 000 885 000 2 526 000 71 465
1965 7 938 000 1 200 000 1 317 000 497 000 3 014 000 91 648
1970 12 250 000 1 810 000 1 469 000 894 000 4 173 000 101 1 081
1971 13 778 000 2 443 000 1 839 000 922 000 5 204 000 101 1 116
1972 16 561 000 2 678 000 2 072 000 779 000 5 529 000 102 1 127
1973 18 127 000 3 376 000 1 964 000 1 039 000 6 379 000 103 1 129
1974 24 264 000 3 717 000 3 082 000 1 078 000 7 877 000 104 1 170
1975 32 175 000 4 645 000 3 942 000 942 000 9 529 000 104 1 280
1976 37 002 000 6 221 000 3 002 000 1 021 000 10 244 000 107 1 407
1977 46 341 000 8 109 000 2 836 000 1 284 000 12 229 000 108 1 585
1978 53 079 000 9 973 000 3 205 000 1 987 000 15 165 000 108 1 563
1979 66 377 000 11 437 000 6 066 000 2 015 000 19 518 000 108 1 531
1980 78 935 000 13 301 000 5 018 000 2 628 000 20 947 000 108 1 597
1981 85 614 000 16 475 000 5 186 000 2 788 000 24 449 000 108 1 624
1982 82 659 000 20 416 000 4 631 000 2 493 000 27 540 000 108 1 718
1983 88 071 000 27 342 000 3 706 000 2 172 000 33 220 000 109 1 756
1984 91 611 000 28 196 000 2 541 000 2 066 000 32 803 000 110 1 861
1985 95 025 000 30 681 000
2 654 000 2 765 000 36 100 000 110 1 942
1986 114 298 000 33 562 000 3 480 000 2 282 000 39 324 000 110 1 994
1987 141 019 000 35 853 000 2 568 000 3 066 000 41 487 000 111 2 026
1988 150 816 000 40 220 000 3 051 000 2 322 000 45 593 000 111 2 079
1989 147 475 000 44 687 000 3 106 000 2 295 000 50 088 000 111 2 171
1990 173 720 000 39 480 000 2 856 000 2 214 000 44 550 000
111 2 175
1991 181 160 000 45 900 000 1 513 000 1 702 000 49 115 000 111 2 193
TABLE I. (cont.)
EPTA and Estimated Total Number
Special value of IAEA of
a 1
Fund resources technical Member
(UNDP) in kind assistance States
1992 201 196 000 38 386 000 620 000 1 302 000 40 308 000
113 2 135
1993 201 503 000
50 204 000 1 059 000 1 642 000 52 905 000 118 2 188
1994 219 536 000 49 637 000 1 367 000 1 752 000 52 756 000 123 2 248
1995 251 159 000 60 300 000 1 355 000 1 877 000 63 532 000 123 2 295
From 1965 onwards the figures given under ‘Voluntary contributions’ include miscellaneous
income, the publications revolving fund, contributions by host States to the costs of meetings
and ‘extrabudgetary contributions’.
Professional and General Service (GS) staff and, from 1966, also Maintenance and Operative
(M&O) staff.
Massive devaluation of the rouble.
EPTA: UN Expanded Programme of Technical Assistance.
See the end of this Annex for an explanation of the numbered footnotes.
1958–1995 (monetary amounts in dollars)
No. of
Estimated training
total value Fellows courses or, No. of
Value of
Year of resources in the from 1965, experts
equip- Visiting
available field number of provided
ment professors
(See Table I) participants
in courses
1958 514 000 161 Nil Nil Nil Nil
1959 1 710 000 296 2
8 74 023 7
1960 2 526 000 385 2 40
360 562 17
1961 2 286 000 344 7
182 790 19
1965 3 014 000 271 184 155 500 600 14
1970 4 173 000 370 249 252 1 055 600 15
1975 9 529 000 439 288 363 3 387 700 38
1980 20 947 000 682 547 457 8 163 600 69
1985 36 100 000 615 926 1 846 16 038 800 188
1989 50 088 000 760 1 331 1 621 19 000 000 360
1990 44 550 000 851 1 399 1 764 23 900 000 423
1991 49 115 000 771 1 473 1 881 19 459 800 329
1992 40 308 000 781 1 251 1 871 21 942 000 301
1995 63 532 000 1 041 1 806 3 327 25 716 800 314
CO-OPERATION FUND (TCF) (in dollars)
Target for
Programme voluntary Amount Per cent Amount
year contributions pledged of target paid
to the TCF
1975 4 500 000 4 220 000 93.7 NA
1980 10 500 000 9 976 000 95.0 9 826 148
1985 26 000 000 23 314 101 89.7 15 696 128
1986 30 000 000 26 732 785 89.1 18 769 181
1987 34 000 000 29 772 162 87.6 29 137 993
1988 38 000 000 32 710 534 86.1 31 833 899
1989 42 000 000 35 732 734 85.1 33 810 873
1990 45 500 000 38 503 592 84.6 36 855 225
1991 49 000 000 37 816 993 77.2 36 703 915
1992 52 500 000 37 452 844 71.3 36 230 629
1993 55 500 000 42 466 893 76.5 41 588 181
1994 58 500 000 42 418 928 72.5 38 251 600
1995 61 500 000 47 680 389 77.5 46 390 600
NA: not available.
Figures in this column include ‘extrabudgetary’ funds, including contributions by
various Member States to specified projects or programmes. (These became signifi-
cant after 1977 with the introduction of the ‘footnote a
/’ system.)
The figures for 1985–1994 in this and in the next three columns are taken from or
based on The Agency’s Technical Co-operation Activities in 1994, GC(39)/INF/8,
IAEA, Vienna (1995), p. 66, Table I.
Subsequently reduced by 12% from 201 503 000 because of an expected shortfall in
Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the General Conference 1 July 1959–30 June
1960, GC(IV)/114, IAEA, Vienna (1960), p. 24, paras 131 and 133.
Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the General Conference 1 July 1960–30 June
1961, GC(V)/154, IAEA, Vienna (1962), pp. 29–32, para. 200.
Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the General Conference 1 July 1961–30 June
1962, GC(VI)/195, IAEA, Vienna (1963), p. 17, para. 103.
Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the General Conference 1 July 1960–30 June
1961, p. 31, para. 200.
Annual Report of the Board of Governors to the General Conference 1 July 1961–30 June
1962, p. 17, para. 102.
ABACC. Brazilian–Argentine Agency for Accounting and Control of Nuclear
ARIE. Actual routine inspection effort — an estimate by the IAEA of the number of
person-days that the IAEA’s inspectors will spend at a particular nuclear plant
or store during one year.
Bulk handling facility (BHF). A plant or store that handles nuclear material in bulk
(e.g. in the form of liquid, gas, powder, pellets, ‘pebbles’, wire or sheets) as dis-
tinct from a plant in which the material is in separate (discrete) and identifiable
components. Typical BHFs are reprocessing and enrichment plants, plants for
fabricating fuel elements and plants for converting uranium oxide into the gas
uranium hexafluoride (UF
) to be fed into an enrichment plant or for converting
uranium oxide into uranium metal.
CANDU. Canada deuterium–uranium (reactor) — the most common heavy water
reactor (HWR), fuelled with natural uranium and cooled and moderated by
heavy water. The large Canadian research reactors (known as the NRX-type) are
also HWRs, but of a somewhat different design.
Chain reaction. The continuing process of nuclear fission in which the neutrons
released by one fission cause at least one other fission. In a nuclear weapon an
extremely rapid, multiplying chain reaction causes the explosive release of energy.
In a reactor the pace of the chain reaction is controlled so as to produce heat or
power or neutrons for research purposes.
Containment and surveillance (C/S). Containment is the use of the physical features
of a plant or store to restrict access to it (e.g. by sealing it off) and thus prevent
the clandestine movement of nuclear material into or out of it. Surveillance
means chiefly the use of instruments to detect any unreported movement of or
tampering with safeguarded items.
Core (reactor core). The central portion of a reactor containing the fuel elements and
usually the moderator.
Depleted uranium. Uranium in which the proportion of the fissile isotope
uranium-235 is lower than the 0.71% normally found in nature. The products of
the enrichment process are enriched and depleted uranium (c.f. cream and
skimmed milk!).
Enriched uranium. Natural uranium contains 0.71% of the fissile isotope urani-
um-235 (
U). The remainder is the fertile (convertible into plutonium) isotope
uranium-238 (
U). By various means such as pumping uranium in the gaseous
form of uranium hexafluoride through the membranes of a gaseous diffusion
plant or by rapidly rotating it in gas centrifuges (‘ultra-centrifuges’), the
proportion of
U to
U can be increased. The proportion of
U is raised to
between 2% and 4% to produce fuel for use in the most common nuclear power
plant — the light water reactor — as well as in the advanced gas cooled reactor
and the Soviet designed RBMK. When the proportion of
U rises to 20% the
material is classified by the IAEA as ‘high enriched uranium’. In practice, how-
ever, the proportion of
U used in a nuclear explosive device or in a nuclear
warhead is usually of the order of 90% or more. High enriched uranium was the
explosive charge of the bomb dropped on Hiroshima. The bomb dropped on
Nagasaki was charged with plutonium. High enriched uranium is also used as
the fuel for certain research reactors and as the fuel for the propulsion units of
most nuclear propelled warships (submarines, aircraft carriers, etc.).
EURATOM. The European Atomic Energy Community established by the Treaty of
Rome in 1957 as the nuclear branch of the European Union. All members of the
European Union are automatically members of EURATOM. In 1971–1972, the
IAEA and EURATOM and its non-nuclear-weapon States concluded an
agreement for co-ordinating the safeguards of the two agencies (document
EURODIF. European Gaseous Diffusion Uranium Enrichment Consortium — a
gaseous diffusion enrichment enterprise launched by France which began oper-
ating in 1979. Besides France, capital was provided by Belgium, Italy and Spain
(and, originally, Iran) to help meet their needs for enriched fuel.
Facility attachment (FA). The detailed plan for safeguarding a particular plant. The
facility attachment defines the material balance areas (MBAs see below) with-
in the plant (the entire plant may constitute a single MBA) and indicates the
strategic points (key measurement points) to which the IAEA’s inspector may
have access during routine inspections and at which safeguards instruments
may be installed. The FA specifies the measures to be used for accounting for
the nuclear material at the plant, including the plant’s records and reports
system, the arrangements for containment and surveillance, and the mode and
scope of the IAEA’s routine inspections of the plant. The FA usually includes an
estimate of the annual routine inspection effort to be carried out at the plant by
the IAEA.
(Fast) breeder reactor (FBR). A nuclear reactor that produces more reactor nuclear
material than it consumes. It normally does this by converting part of a ‘blanket’
of fertile
U into fissile plutonium. In the process it ‘burns up’ less of its pluto-
nium fuel than the plutonium it ‘breeds’ in the blanket.
Fertile material. Material composed of atoms that easily absorb (capture) neutrons
and, in doing so, turns into fissile material.
U and
Th (thorium-232) are the
two naturally occurring fertile materials. By capturing a neutron,
U trans-
mutes into
Pu (plutonium-239 ) and
Th transmutes into
U (uranium-233).
Fissile (fissionable) material. Material composed of atoms that readily fission, such
U and
Pu, when struck by a thermal (slow) neutron.
Fission reaction (nuclear fission). The process in which a neutron strikes the nucleus
of an atom and splits it into fragments. As a result of the collision several
neutrons are emitted at high speed and heat and radiation are released.
Gas centrifuge. In the nuclear context this means a rapidly rotating vessel used to
enrich uranium. The heavier isotopes of the gas uranium hexafluoride concen-
trate at the walls of the rotating centrifuge and are drawn off. A gas centrifuge
enrichment plant may be used to produce weapon grade
U as well as low
enriched uranium for light water reactors (i.e. the most common nuclear power
Gaseous diffusion. As used in the nuclear energy context, this is a method of enrich-
ing uranium based on the fact that atoms or molecules of different mass
(weight) will pass (diffuse) through a porous barrier or membrane at different
rates. The method is thus used to separate
U from
U. As a rule gaseous
diffusion plants are very large and require much electricity. Like a gas centrifuge
plant, a gaseous diffusion plant can be used to produce weapon grade
U as
well as low enriched uranium fuel for light water reactors.
Gigawatt. A thousand megawatts (see below). 1 GW(e) = 1000 MW(e). Multiples of
the unit GW(e) are often used to denote the total electrical generating capacity
of a State or the total capacity of all plants of a certain type — e.g. all nuclear or
all fossil fuelled plants.
G-77. The ‘Group of Seventy-Seven’ — a term used to denote the developing coun-
tries acting as a bloc. The group originally consisted of 77 developing countries;
it now contains many more.
Heavy water (deuterium oxide or D
O). Water composed of molecules of oxygen
and of a heavy isotope of hydrogen (
H) (or deuterium) which has two neutrons
in its nucleus (ordinary hydrogen has only one).
Heavy water reactor. A reactor that uses heavy water as a moderator (other moder-
ators being ordinary (light) water and graphite) and, in some cases, also as a
coolant. The moderator slows down the neutrons emitted by
U, plutonium
or the nuclei of other fissioning atoms. This permits the fertile
U to ‘capture’
the neutrons and thus turn into
Pu. Heavy water (and also graphite) is a
more effective moderator than light water and makes it possible to produce a
self-sustaining chain reaction in natural uranium. With light water it is neces-
sary to use enriched uranium to produce a chain reaction.
High temperature gas cooled reactor (HTGR). An advanced type of reactor which
uses enriched uranium for fuel, graphite as a moderator and helium as a coolant.
Hot cell. A shielded room with remote handling equipment for analysing and exper-
imenting with highly radioactive materials such as spent reactor fuel. A hot cell
can be used to reprocess small amounts of spent fuel and thus separate small
quantities of plutonium, but it is not regarded as a reprocessing plant.
INFCIRC. Information Circular — one of a series of unclassified, general purpose
IAEA circulars used to bring to general notice the contents of an important doc-
ument or an important decision or communication such as the text of a conven-
tion or agreement concluded by the IAEA or under its auspices. Examples are
the text of the ‘Guiding Principles and General Operating Rules Governing the
Provision of Technical Assistance’, the ‘Convention on the Physical Protection of
Nuclear Material’, the IAEA’s Safety Standards as well as the IAEA’s various
safeguards systems, all safeguards agreements, and the contents of the ‘trigger
list’ and the NSG Guidelines.
IPS. International Plutonium Storage — a proposed scheme for storing surplus
separated plutonium under the control of the IAEA so as to prevent govern-
ments from stockpiling it. The IAEA’s Statute authorizes the IAEA to require
deposit, with it of ‘any excess’ of separated plutonium as a safeguards measure
(see Article XII.A.5 of the Statute, reproduced in Annex 1).
Isotopes. Diverse atoms of the same element having the same number of protons in
their nuclei but different numbers of neutrons. The isotopes of any element have
essentially the same chemical characteristics and are very difficult to separate from
each other by a chemical process. Thus the commonly used isotopes of uranium,
U and
U, can, as a rule, only be separated from each other by physical means
such as gaseous diffusion or gas centrifugation. However, the physical properties
of different isotopes of the same element may be very different; for instance, one
isotope may fission readily while another will do so only with the greatest
difficulty. An isotope is specified by its atomic mass number — the total number of
protons and neutrons in its nucleus — as well as by the symbol denoting its
chemical element (e.g.
U or
U, which are the fissile isotopes of uranium).
Light water reactor (LWR). A reactor moderated and cooled by ordinary ‘light’
water (see also ‘heavy water reactor’). The LWR is today the most common type
of power and research reactor).
Material balance area (MBA). An area inside or outside a nuclear plant that is con-
structed or laid out in such a manner as to make it possible to measure, count or
otherwise determine every movement of nuclear material into or out of it, as
well as nuclear material held within it (i.e. the ‘physical inventory’ of nuclear
material). Typical MBAs are the bay in which spent fuel is stored and the core of
a power reactor.
Megawatt. A million watts or a thousand kilowatts. Today a ‘megawatt electric’, or
MW(e), is the unit most frequently used to denote the capacity or normal
maximum operating output — in terms of electricity generated — of a large
electrical power plant (using conventional or nuclear fuel, or a renewable source
such as a hydroelectric station). A megawatt thermal or MW(th) denotes the
amount of heat generated by a plant operating at full capacity. The output of a
research reactor is usually denoted in terms of MW(th). Roughly three
megawatts of heat (MW(th)) are needed to generate one MW(e).
MUF. ‘Material unaccounted for’. In the application of safeguards, MUF is defined as
‘the difference between book inventory and physical inventory’, in other words the
difference between the amount of nuclear material calculated to be in a plant or in
an MBA (see above) — the ‘book inventory’ — and the amount that is actually
there (the ‘physical inventory’). When the operator of a nuclear plant takes stock
(makes a physical inventory) of the material in the plant, the amount of material
found may differ from the amount that has been calculated to be there; any differ-
ence is termed MUF. The calculation of what material should be there is made by
taking the amount found at the previous physical inventory, adding all inputs and
estimated production and deducting shipments, burnup, measured discards, esti-
mated losses, etc. If the difference, i.e. the amount of MUF, is significant, the cause
of the difference must be established.
Non-nuclear-weapon State. The NPT uses this term but does not define it. However,
by inference every State that does not qualify as a nuclear weapon State — in
other words every State that had not manufactured and exploded a nuclear
weapon or other nuclear explosive device before 1 January 1967 is ipso facto a
non-nuclear-weapon State for the purposes of the Treaty, even if that State has
since, like India, exploded such a device or, like South Africa, manufactured
several nuclear weapons or is, like Israel, believed to possess a considerable
number of nuclear weapons.
Non-Proliferation Act of 1978 (NPA). This United States Act substantially amended
(in the direction of much stricter controls on nuclear exports) the Atomic Energy
Act of 1954 which had been the basis for the US “Atoms for Peace“ programme
from 1954 until 1978.
NPT or the Non-Proliferation Treaty. The Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear
Weapons or ‘Non-Proliferation Treaty’. The NPT was the product of negotiations
in the Eighteen-Nation Disarmament Committee in Geneva from 1965 to 1968
which resulted in a US–Soviet agreed draft text in 1967. When all nations taking
part in the negotiations had reached agreement on the complete draft text of the
NPT in 1968, it was submitted to the United Nations General Assembly. The
General Assembly commended it on 12 June 1968 and expressed its hope ‘for
widest adherence’. The Treaty was opened for signature on 1 July 1968 and came
into force on 5 March 1970 when the necessary ratifications had been deposited
with the three depositary governments (the USSR — now the Russian
Federation — the United Kingdom and the USA). The Treaty was extended
indefinitely in May 1995.
Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) of the OECD. The Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) of
the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) was
established in 1958 as the European Nuclear Energy Agency of the Organization
for European Economic Co-operation (OEEC) which had been created after the
Second World War to administer the Marshall Plan (the OECD was the successor
to the OEEC). At the end of 1995, the NEA’s membership included all members of
the European Union as well as Australia, Canada, Japan, the Republic of Korea,
Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, Switzerland, Turkey and the USA, in other
words, all European, Far Eastern and Australasian countries that already had
market economies before 1989, as well as Mexico. In 1996, the Czech Republic
and Hungary joined the NEA.
Nuclear fission (see fission reaction).
Nuclear fuel cycle. The series of chemical and physical operations needed to pre-
pare nuclear material for use in a reactor and to dispose of or recycle the nuclear
material after its use in the reactor. Existing fuel cycles begin with the mining of
uranium ore, which is then processed into uranium concentrate, transformed
into uranium oxide, uranium metal or enriched uranium, fabricated into reactor
fuel, and used in a reactor. After ‘burnup’ in a reactor the ‘spent fuel’ is
removed. After the spent fuel has cooled it may be reprocessed for recovery of
the remaining uranium and produced plutonium for re-use in a reactor (thus
‘closing’ the fuel cycle) or it may be temporarily and eventually permanently
stored as unreprocessed spent fuel (the ‘once-through’ fuel cycle).
Nuclear material. “Source material“ and “special fissionable material“ (i.e. ‘fissile
material’) as defined in the Statute and in the safeguards systems of the IAEA.
For safeguards purposes nuclear material means natural uranium in any form
— uranium concentrate, uranium oxide, uranium metal and other uranium
compounds — as well as the fissile materials
U and
U and the various iso-
topes of plutonium. The definition of “source material” in the IAEA Statute
also covers thorium — except in the form of ore — and various other isotopes
of uranium.
Nuclear reactor. A machine fuelled by fertile or fissile nuclear materials in which a
controlled fission reaction takes place, in the process of which neutrons are emit-
ted and heat is produced. In a nuclear power reactor, the heat is used to produce
steam which drives a turbine, which in turn drives an electric generator. In a
research reactor the neutrons emitted are usually used for experimental
purposes (e.g. to study the effects of radiation), but the reactor may be used for
training, for testing how materials perform under intense radiation and for
producing radioisotopes (radioactive isotopes, chiefly used in medicine and in
various branches of research). A production reactor is used for the large scale
production of weapon grade plutonium (
Pu) or tritium (used in boosted
fission and in hydrogen warheads).
Nuclear Suppliers’ Group (NSG) Guidelines (‘London Guidelines’). A set of
Guidelines that most of the main suppliers of nuclear plants and materials
agreed to in London in 1975–1977 (reproduced in document INFCIRC/254 of
February 1978 and addenda). The Guidelines were revised in 1992 and repro-
duced in document INFCIRC/254/Rev. 1/P.1 and addenda and modifications.
Nuclear weapon State (NWS). Under Article IX.3 of the NPT, a nuclear weapon
State is a State “which has manufactured and exploded a nuclear weapon or
other nuclear explosive device prior to I January 1967”. Five States are covered
by this definition: China, France, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom
and the USA.
Plutonium. An artificial element almost exclusively produced today by the opera-
tion of nuclear reactors. When the nucleus of a uranium-238 atom captures an
extra neutron (usually emitted by the fissioning of another nucleus in a nuclear
chain reaction), the uranium-238 is eventually transmuted into plutonium-239.
Plutonium-240 is produced when a plutonium-239 nucleus captures a neutron
instead of fissioning under the impact of the neutron. The longer low enriched
fuel is irradiated in a nuclear power reactor, in other words, the higher its burnup,
the more plutonium-240 is built up in its fuel. Plutonium-240 complicates the
construction of a nuclear warhead because of its high rate of spontaneous
fission. This can result in unacceptable radiation exposure to persons manu-
facturing or handling the warhead, as well as premature fission. Hence, pluto-
nium-239 is the preferred isotope for making nuclear weapons. But the USA
demonstrated in the 1960s that high enriched uranium containing plutonium-240
(what proportion has not been disclosed) can be used as a nuclear explosive.
Plutonium is also used as a fuel in fast breeder reactors, and plutonium mixed
with uranium oxide is used as ‘MOX’ (mixed oxide) fuel in certain light water
power reactors. Such uses are known as plutonium recycle.
(Plutonium) recycle. Use of plutonium as part of the fuel for a nuclear reactor. The
plutonium may replace or partly replace uranium-235 and thus ‘enrich’ the fuel.
Radioisotope. The radioactive isotope of an element. Radioisotopes are extensively
used in numerous branches of research and clinical medicine. They can be com-
bined in minute quantities with stable isotopes of the same element and, since
they emit radiation, they can be used as ‘tracers’ to follow the course and indicate
the quantity of that element as it moves through living animal or plant tissues,
determine the biological role of the element, indicate the most effective way of
using the element (for instance as a fertilizer) or trace its course through the
global water cycle.
Reprocessing. Chemical treatment of spent fuel so as to separate the plutonium and
the remaining uranium from the unwanted waste products.
SAGSI. The lAEA’s Standing Advisory Group on Safeguards Implementation.
Significant quantity (SQ). The approximate amount of nuclear material that the
IAEA has estimated a State would need to manufacture its first nuclear explo-
sive device. In defining an SQ the IAEA takes into account matters such as the
degree of enrichment of the material as well as any process that may be needed
to convert the material into a nuclear explosive. For material that can be used
directly as an explosive, the SQ is the same as the ‘threshold amount’ (see
Spent fuel. Fuel removed from a reactor after use. It is usually removed when it
contains too little fissile and fertile material and too high a proportion of waste
products (fission by-products) to sustain the economical operation of the reactor.
Thermonuclear fusion. The formation of a nucleus of an atom by the fusion of the
nuclei of two lighter atoms (such as the fusion of the nuclei of two hydrogen
atoms to form the nucleus of a helium atom). In the process ‘binding energy’ is
released, chiefly in the form of heat. Thermonuclear fusion is the process that
provides most of the energy of the sun and other stars. It is also the process that
takes place in the detonation of a hydrogen bomb (i.e. a thermonuclear warhead).
If and when it becomes possible to control this process in a reactor, ‘controlled
thermonuclear fusion’ could provide very large quantities of usable energy.
Threshold amount. The approximate amount of fissile material needed to make a
nuclear explosive device. On the advice of its expert safeguards committee,
SAGSI, the quantities that the IAEA estimates would be needed for this purpose
are based on a United Nations 1967 report, Effects of the Possible Use of Nuclear
Weapons (document A/6858, UN, New York (6 October 1967). The estimates
make allowance for the amount of fissile material that is likely to be lost in
manufacturing the device.
Threshold State. As used in this book, this term denotes a country that is not a nuclear
weapon State in terms of the NPT, but which has not formally renounced the
acquisition of nuclear weapons and is operating unsafeguarded nuclear facilities
that can make nuclear weapon material. In 1990, this term fitted Argentina, Brazil,
India, Israel, Pakistan and South Africa (and, despite their renunciation of nuclear
weapons, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and Iraq). In certain respects,
Ukraine might have qualified. In 1997, the term fitted India, Israel and Pakistan.
Trigger list. A list of nuclear and other materials, plants, components thereof and
equipment whose export to a non-nuclear-weapon State should, according to
the NPT, ‘trigger’ the application of IAEA safeguards. If nuclear material is
exported, safeguards must be applied to that material. If a plant is exported, or a
component thereof, or equipment or non-nuclear material (e.g. heavy water),
safeguards must be applied to the nuclear material which that plant, component,
equipment or non-nuclear material will process, use or produce. The safeguards
trigger list was originally drawn up in 1974 by the ‘Zangger Committee’, a group
of representatives of exporting countries party to the NPT (the Committee took
the name of its Chairman, Claude Zangger of Switzerland). The list is revised
from time to time. It forms part of the NSG Guidelines.
Uranium enrichment. The process of increasing the proportion of atoms of the iso-
tope uranium-235 above the level existing in natural (or depleted) uranium, i.e.
above 0.71%. The methods of enrichment most commonly used are gaseous dif-
fusion and gas centrifugation. Calutrons (electromagnetic isotope separation
machines) were used during the Second World War and again by Iraq until they
were destroyed in 1991. Chemical processes and laser separation have also been
used experimentally to enrich uranium.
URENCO. Uranium Enrichment Company — created in 1970 by the signing of the
Treaty of Almelo by Germany, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands.
Yellow cake. Uranium concentrate (U
). Uranium concentrates are converted into a
gas (uranium hexafluoride or UF
) in preparation for enrichment and use in a light
water reactor, into uranium oxide (UO
) for use in a natural uranium heavy water
(CANDU) reactor and, into uranium tetrafluoride (UF
) and then into uranium
metal for use in a gas cooled, graphite moderated, natural uranium reactor.
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ABACC, 113, 263, 273, 412, 439
accounting for and control of nuclear
material, 121, 229, 254, 439
Acheson, Dean, 19, 22
actinides, 170
Action Team, 276–280, 285
Actual Routine Inspection Effort (ARIE),
acute radiation syndrome, 196
Administrative and Budgetary
Committee, 429
Administrative Committee on Co-ordina-
tion, 45, 431
Adriatic Sea, 361
Advanced Incident Reporting System
(AIRS), 193
advanced reactors, 167, 168
boiling water reactors, 168
gas cooled reactors, 149
International Working Groups on, 167
Advisory Commission for Safety
Standards (ACSS), 216
African Co-operative Agreement for
Research, Development and Training
Related to Nuclear Science and
Technology (AFRA), 347, 435
ageing, of reactors, 166, 207, 211, 396
Agency projects, 41, 42, 44, 144, 184, 185,
219, 451, 452
Agenda 21, 117
“Agreed Framework”, 150, 291–293, 305,
459, 460
Agreement for Cooperation, 61, 243–245
AGRIS, 406
air pollution, 388
Alamogordo, 17, 260
Algeria, 251, 281, 302, 435
Almelo, 100
anaemia, 386, 387, 421
analytical quality control services,
animal production and health, 374, 375
Annual Report, 147, 155, 158, 186, 257,
Antarctic Treaty, 114, 466
Arab–Israeli war, 97, 147, 348
ARCAL, 347, 435
Arctic, 3, 228, 359, 360, 452
Argentina, 91, 92, 113, 114, 118, 125, 150,
151, 154, 226, 260, 267, 273, 300, 302,
327, 332, 334, 352, 353, 377, 378, 396,
412, 413, 466
Argonne National Laboratory, 164
Arkadiev, Georgy, 91
Armand, Louis, 61
Armenia, 198, 207, 213, 218, 299
arms control, 1, 3, 23, 81, 102, 286, 294,
415, 424, 425, 458, 462, 463, 466
Assessment of Safety Culture in
Organizations Teams (ASCOTs), 208
Assessment of Safety Significant Events
Teams (ASSETs), 206, 209
ASTRA, 144
Athabasca Lake, Canada, 394
atmospheric tests, 46, 354–357
This index refers to the main text of the Introduction and Chapters 1 to 13 but not to the Notes
at the end of each Chapter, the Annexes or the Glossary.
Atomic Energy Act, 23, 29
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, 149
Atoms for Peace, 9, 10, 29, 33, 97, 244
Attlee, Clement, 17, 18, 401
Australia, 21, 30, 39, 45, 102, 112, 330,
342, 347, 394, 414, 415, 436, 455
Austria, 49, 58, 71, 72, 80, 90, 105, 144,
226, 227, 255, 332, 355, 378, 379, 424
Austrian Atomic Energy Society, 379
Austrian Nuclear Research Centre, 80,
355, 379
away-from-reactor storage, 221
Bangkok Treaty, 114, 125, 267, 466
Bangladesh, 326
Barents Sea, 194, 360
Barnwell, 153
Barsebäck, 187
Baruch, Bernard, 19–21
Baruch Plan, 9, 19, 21, 271, 401
Basic Safety Standards, 185, 193, 204,
211, 215, 337, 421
Bay of Pigs, 75
Becker, Erwin W., 261
Becker enrichment process, 261–263
Belarus, 109, 194, 196, 198, 201, 203, 213,
299, 381
Belgium, 20, 29, 30, 39, 45, 62, 91, 92,
206, 252, 301, 304, 357, 377, 383, 415,
436, 455
Beria, Lavrenti, 17
Berlin crisis, 75
Bermuda, 23
Bhabha, Homi, 32, 48, 73, 80
Bikini Atoll, 81, 464
Biological Weapons Convention, 286
Black Sea, 360
Blix, Hans, 104–106, 108, 109, 125, 126,
155, 171, 199, 202, 217, 276, 278, 282,
287, 289, 290, 294, 295, 353, 421, 457
BN-350 and BN-600, 169
Board of Governors of IAEA, 3, 12, 35,
37–39, 47–49, 57, 72, 77, 87, 88, 90, 92,
93, 104, 109, 111, 124, 125, 144, 146,
151, 155, 184, 187, 199, 223, 245, 260,
266, 270, 281, 282, 285, 290, 293, 328,
346, 404, 411, 424–431, 438, 452, 457,
462, 464
Bohr, Niels, 16, 18
Bohunice, 207, 210
boiling water reactors, advanced, 168
Bravo test, 81
Brazil, 35, 39, 41, 47, 89, 91, 92, 113, 114,
118, 148, 151, 154, 189, 200, 206, 208,
260–263, 267, 273, 300, 326, 334, 346,
393, 411, 412, 416, 463, 466
Brazilian–Argentine Agency for
Accounting and Control of Nuclear
Materials see ABACC
Brynielsson, Harry, 59
Bulgaria, 207, 210, 213, 214, 326, 361
Bunche, Ralph, 74
Burundi, 302
Byrnes, James, 19, 20
caesium-137, 198, 201, 225, 381, 382
Calder Hall, 143, 149
Cambodia, 302
Canada, 9, 18, 20, 21, 29, 30, 33, 39, 40,
44, 45, 62, 72, 75, 79, 82, 90, 96, 97,
102, 103, 112, 144, 149, 150, 154, 161,
190, 192, 199, 201, 246, 248, 249, 255,
265, 271, 273, 301, 394, 436, 455
cancer, treatment of, 225, 382
Candau, Marcolino Gomez, 421
Candor Report (Operation Candor), 22
CANDU reactors, 80, 149, 150, 271, 459
carbon dioxide emissions, 117, 118, 171,
172, 390, 391
Carter, Jimmy, 99, 100, 102, 116, 153, 221,
261, 272, 290, 454
Caspian Sea, 117, 157, 361, 391, 452
Central Bureau of Nuclear
Measurements, 357
Central Electricity Generating Board,
Centre de l’Aube, 224
CERN, 353
CFCs, 379
Chasnupp, 155, 207
Chayes, Abe, 100
chemical exchange, 278
Chemical Weapons Convention, 286,
294, 422, 438, 458
Chernobyl, 2, 92, 108, 109, 118, 123, 125,
126, 149, 150, 158, 159, 171, 186, 187,
189–191, 193–204, 206, 209, 210,
212–214, 217, 220, 326, 336, 337, 343,
344, 357, 358, 360, 361, 381, 394, 414,
415, 418, 437, 453, 461
Chernobyl Centre for International
Research on Post-Accident
Conditions, 203
Chiang Kai-shek, 93
Chile, 113, 114, 156, 226, 267, 352, 377, 393
China, 1, 40, 47, 92, 93, 101, 111, 112, 116,
123, 125, 148, 150, 155, 159, 160, 171,
172, 207, 231, 251, 265, 271, 272, 290,
326, 338, 379, 381, 395, 426, 428, 429,
453, 455, 459
Christopher, Warren, 261
Churchill, Winston, 16, 23, 32
CIRUS, 44, 96, 97
climate change, 86, 117, 118, 390
Clinch River, 153
Clinton, Bill, 414
coal, 147, 155, 171, 172, 245, 395, 436
cobalt-60, 122, 376, 378, 383, 395
Cockcroft, Sir John, 80
Codex Alimentarius, 198, 201, 380
Cole, Sterling, 59, 60, 72, 74–77, 79, 82,
84, 85, 145, 146, 232, 243–245, 355,
402, 426, 433
Colombia, 302, 354
Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique, 72,
Commission for Energy (OEEC), 61
Commission of the European
Communities, 202
Commission on Sustainable
Development, 117
Committee on Assurances of Supply,
101, 102
Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT),
2, 81, 102, 124, 125, 151, 272, 286, 414,
422, 438
Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty
Organization (CTBTO), 82, 460
Compton, Arthur, 16
Conant, James, 16
Conference of Non-Nuclear-Weapon
States, 90, 96, 151
Conference on Disarmament, 438
Conference on New and Renewable
Sources of Energy, 158
Conference on the Human Environment,
Conference on the Statute, 33, 36, 38, 46,
47, 57, 73, 229, 411, 426, 428, 456, 460
Congo, 21, 248, 352
consensus rule, 425–427
Contact Expert Group, 225
contamination of food, 199, 201
contributions in kind, 338, 339, 348
Convention of the OECD, 42
Convention on Assistance in the Case of
a Nuclear Accident or Radiological
Emergency, 200, 414, 453
Convention on Early Notification of a
Nuclear Accident, 200, 414, 453
Convention on Nuclear Safety, 109, 124,
126, 188, 210, 215–218, 220, 453, 461
Convention on the Liability of
Operators of Nuclear Ships, 217, 232
Convention on the Physical Protection
of Nuclear Material, 120, 217, 230, 453
Convention on the Prevention of Marine
Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and
Other Matter, 223, 360
Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel
Management and on the Safety of
Radioactive Waste Management,
Joint, 218, 225, 453
Convention on Third Party Liability in
the Field of Nuclear Energy, 62, 217,
231, 453
Co-ordinated Research Programmes,
162, 166, 201, 327, 339, 347, 350, 360,
373, 386, 387, 391, 402, 452
Costa Rica, 392, 393
Council for Mutual Economic Assistance
Council of Foreign Ministers, 18
Council of Ministers (OEEC), 61, 62
Country Programme Framework, 336,
Cousteau, Jacques, 186, 358, 359
Cousteau Foundation, 361
Croatia, 213
Cuba, 75, 94, 114, 149, 251, 267, 281, 326,
327, 393
Cuban missile crisis, 1, 86, 266, 426, 435
cut-off, 124, 299, 300, 419, 438, 451, 465
Czech Academy of Sciences, 354
Czech Republic, 120, 213, 224, 436
Czechoslovakia, 33, 35, 39, 47, 60, 77,
107, 210, 252, 383, 394, 427, 455
Danube River, 361
de Klerk, F.W., 110, 306
DECADES, 164, 165
Declaration on Common Nuclear Policy,
decommissioning, 163, 220, 223, 225,
226, 419, 425
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
see DPRK
Democratic Republic of the Congo, 248
see also Congo; Zaire
Denmark, 40, 186, 354
desalting, 32, 147, 155–158
deuterium, 149, 160, 389, 392
‘developing country’, 154, 328
see also G-77 nations; least developed
Dimona, 50, 149
Director General of IAEA, 3, 37, 38, 42,
43, 59, 60, 63, 72, 74, 77, 79, 82–85, 104,
105, 108–110, 113, 117, 125, 145, 146,
152, 153, 155, 171, 189–191, 199, 205,
215–217, 224, 225, 230, 247, 248, 253,
254, 256, 258–260, 263, 264, 270–272,
276, 285, 287, 289, 291, 293, 294, 297,
328, 335, 346, 351, 402, 424, 432, 433,
454, 457–459, 462
district heating, 155
dose limits, 193, 211, 212
dosimetry, 204, 335, 382–384, 421
Dounreay, 169
DPRK, 2, 78, 93, 115, 116, 123, 125, 126,
150, 282–285, 288–297, 302, 305, 413,
417, 418, 427, 432, 433, 454, 459, 460,
Dragon, 62, 81, 167, 436
dual purpose reactors, 149, 150, 156, 157
dual-use equipment, 99, 265
Ducci, Roberto, 90
Dulles, John Foster, 11, 30
dumping of nuclear waste, 187, 221, 223,
228, 359–361, 437, 452
earthquakes, 198, 207, 214
EBR-1, 143
ECOSOC see United Nations Economic
and Social Council
Ecuador, 122
Egypt, 50, 73, 77, 91–94, 103, 156, 226,
245, 326, 342, 346, 349, 378, 391, 463
Eighteen-Nation Disarmament
Committee (ENDC), 87, 94, 95, 151
eight-nation group, 30, 31, 34, 35, 42, 229
Einstein, Albert, 15
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 1, 3, 9–12, 22,
23, 29, 30, 33, 34, 40, 59, 84, 97, 143,
244, 415, 451
Ekeus, Rolf, 275, 278, 284
Eklund, Sigvard, 72, 79, 85–88, 105, 145,
146, 152, 153, 189, 190, 263, 345, 421,
424, 426, 427, 433
El Salvador, 392
ElBaradei, Mohamed, 126
Electricidade de Portugal, 164
Electricité de France, 149, 170
electromagnetic isotope separation, 274,
278, 279, 284, 286
electron beam plant, 395
Emelyanov, Vassily, 60, 73, 80, 85, 146, 249
emergency planning, 193, 206
ENDC see Eighteen-Nation
Disarmament Committee
ENEA, 42, 60–63, 148, 167, 231, 232, 263,
264, 379
see also NEA
Energy and Power Evaluation Program
(ENPEP), 164
energy systems, planning of, 163–165
Engineering Safety Review Services
(ESRS), 206, 207
enriched uranium, 15, 16, 110, 267, 279,
351, 419
see also high enriched uranium; low
enriched uranium
enrichment, 95, 98–100, 110, 125, 149,
220, 255, 261, 263, 273, 277, 279, 280,
297, 298, 300, 333, 334
environmental monitoring, 295, 301, 354,
388, 394
EPTA see Expanded Programme of
Technical Assistance
Estonia, 213
Ethiopia, 391
EURATOM, 42, 60, 61, 63, 75, 77, 78, 84,
94, 112, 113, 116, 119, 121, 230,
243–245, 250, 256–258, 264, 287, 288,
296, 299, 301, 435–437, 439
EUROCHEMIC, 62, 263, 264, 301
European Atomic Energy Community,
European Atomic Energy Forum, 438
European Bank for Reconstruction and
Development (EBRD), 201
European Coal and Steel Community
(ECSC), 61
European Commission, 123, 196, 244,
437, 439
European Communities, 202, 243
European Community, 161, 248, 259, 436
European Economic Community, 61
European Nuclear Energy Agency see
European Nuclear Society, 89
European Union, 103, 108, 112, 116, 118,
123, 161, 168, 201, 202, 213, 214, 217,
231, 243, 265, 266, 287, 288, 296, 299,
354, 357, 359, 361, 375, 436, 437, 439,
457, 463
Expanded Programme of Technical
Assistance (EPTA), 59, 79, 332, 338,
347, 348
Fahmy, Isidor, 73
fallout, 46, 80, 81, 152, 199, 356, 361, 437,
Fangataufa Atoll, 228, 464
FAO, 59, 79, 87, 117, 198, 200–202, 211,
215, 391, 406, 419–421, 423, 434, 439,
FAO/IAEA programmes, 355, 373–381
fast breeder reactors, 152, 153, 157–159,
167–170, 188, 193, 264, 305
Federal Republic of Germany, 61, 90, 91,
95, 96, 98, 103, 105, 112, 148, 167, 189,
190, 206, 245, 251–253, 261, 262, 334,
389, 415, 436, 437
fellowships, 36, 41, 58, 59, 76, 79, 205,
331, 332, 338, 344, 345, 348
Fermi, Enrico, 16, 143
Fermi reactor, 169
fertilizers, 201, 357, 361, 374, 380, 381, 395
finances, 44, 122, 123
financial crises, 118, 119
Finland, 40, 60, 144, 149, 186, 206, 208,
214, 224, 226, 253, 254, 352
fissile material, 3, 9–11, 19, 22, 23, 30, 34,
39, 40, 48, 49, 97, 111, 120, 227, 244,
270, 278, 279, 284–286, 298–300, 304,
438, 451, 465
food and agriculture, 59, 87, 343, 355,
374, 406, 421, 434
food irradiation, 62, 378–380, 383, 420
‘footnote a
/’ projects, 338, 342
fossil fuels, 117, 118, 165, 171
Foster, Paul F., 73
France, 1, 15, 21, 30, 32, 33, 39, 44, 45, 50,
61, 71, 72, 80, 98, 104, 111, 114, 116,
125, 148, 149, 159, 167–171, 186, 188,
190, 193, 199, 201, 206, 209, 212, 221,
224, 226, 228, 245, 248, 259, 261, 265,
267–269, 273, 274, 284, 356, 357, 359,
361, 362, 379, 389, 415, 436, 453, 455
Franck, James, 16, 18
Frisch, Otto, 15
fuel fabrication, 61, 119, 220, 250, 287,
289, 297, 301
fusion, 32, 79, 160–162, 169
G-7 nations, 158, 214
G-24 nations, 210, 214
G-77 nations, 89, 93, 303, 328, 329,
411–413, 465
Gabon, 394, 455
gas centrifuge, 100, 263, 274, 278
gas cooled reactors
advanced, 149
high temperature, 62, 167, 193, 436
gas graphite reactors, 149, 150, 221
gaseous diffusion, 274, 279
General Conference of IAEA, 36–40, 44,
45, 47, 49, 57–60, 71, 72, 76, 78–80, 82,
83, 85, 88–93, 95, 104–107, 109–111,
117, 120, 122, 126, 144, 151, 153, 154,
157, 200, 209, 217, 218, 224, 225, 243,
247–250, 252, 281, 294, 303, 328, 331,
332, 340, 343, 346, 353, 411, 417,
425–433, 438, 462, 464
General Electric Company, 146
General Fund, 44, 45, 76, 340
genetics, 212, 381
Geneva Conferences, 31–33, 79, 84, 85, 87,
143, 145–147, 152, 156, 169, 394, 401, 403
Genscher, Hans Dietrich, 112
Georgia, 302
geothermal resources, 392
German Democratic Republic, 75, 92,
112, 394, 426, 455
Germany, 15, 16, 86, 113, 119, 120, 122,
159, 169, 188, 193, 199, 201, 209, 210,
274, 301, 304, 330, 332, 354, 355, 359,
379, 383, 438, 463, 465
see also Federal Republic of Germany
Ghana, 255, 352
Giscard d’Estaing, Valéry, 261
Global Marine Radioactivity Database
(GLOMARD), 361
Global Network for Isotopes in
Precipitation (GNIP), 373
global warming, 117, 171, 172, 361, 390
Goldschmidt, Bertrand, 72, 80, 145, 251,
Gorbachev, Mikhail, 161
Gorki (reactor), 155
Grand Hotel, Vienna, 72, 90, 354
Greece, 156, 332, 352, 378, 391
greenhouse gases, 117, 171, 390
Greifswald, 210
Gromyko, Andrei, 20, 271
groundwater pollution, 391
Group of 77 see G-77 nations
Groves, Leslie R., 21
Gruber, Karl, 60, 72
Gruemm, Hans, 268–270
Guatemala, 334, 392
Guiding Principles and General
Operating Rules, 260, 333, 334
Gulf War, 115, 265, 270, 274, 279, 280,
283–287, 360, 432
Haefele, Wolf, 254
Hahn, Otto, 15
Halban, Hans, 15
Halden, 62, 436
Hall, John, 33
Hammarskjöld, Dag, 45, 46, 79, 85, 145,
146, 431
Hanau, 119, 288
Harvard University, 16, 100, 454
Harwell, 79, 350
Haunschild, Hans, 105
Headquarters Agreement, 58
Headquarters laboratory, 80, 354, 356
health and safety, 41, 58, 80, 184, 219,
244, 452, 461
heavy water, 296, 333
heavy water reactors, 62, 149, 150, 154,
167, 168
Herter, Christian, 244
high enriched uranium (HEU), 11, 17,
99, 111, 120, 125, 268, 270, 273, 280,
285, 286, 300, 304, 456
high level waste, 170, 187, 221–224, 226,
359, 437
high temperature gas cooled reactors,
62, 167, 193, 436
Hiroshima, 9, 16, 17, 19, 89, 202, 212
Hitler, Adolf, 15, 16, 71
Huet, Pierre, 264
human health, 46, 117, 158, 163, 325, 335,
343, 355, 356, 382–388, 421, 464
Hungarian Atomic Energy Commission,
Hungary, 50, 75, 207, 213, 214, 255, 326,
361, 383, 436
Hussein, Saddam, 293
hydro-power, 118
hyperthyroidism, 386
agreements with other intergovern-
mental organizations, 63
as bank or pool of nuclear materials,
9, 10, 30, 34, 75, 76, 451
as broker of nuclear materials, 34, 35,
76, 144, 351, 352
changing constituencies of, 424, 425
as clearing house, 30, 34, 84
promotional and regulatory roles of,
relations with UN and other organi-
zations, 45, 431–438
role of in verification of arms control
agreements, 463–465
IAEA Bulletin, 58, 154, 403
IAEA Headquarters, 49, 57, 72, 82, 89,
93, 185, 222, 284, 354, 355, 429, 434
IAEA Marine Environment Laboratory
(IAEA-MEL), 117, 186, 222, 328, 360,
see also International Laboratory of
Marine Radioactivity; Monaco
IAEA programme, launching of, 143–145
IAEA safeguards, 2, 3, 31, 37, 41, 44, 75,
84, 86, 90, 91, 97–99, 101–104, 107,
109, 111, 113, 116, 124–126, 144, 150,
243–252, 259, 260, 262, 265–267,
271–273, 279, 281, 282, 284, 285, 289,
294, 299–301, 303, 305, 349, 411, 412,
415, 418, 432, 433, 436, 453, 455, 457,
459, 465, 466
agreements with Brazil, Pakistan and
Republic of Korea, 261–263
agreements with EURATOM and
Japan, 257–260
budget, 251, 303, 329, 330, 348, 349,
411, 465
delays in concluding agreements on,
enforcement of compliance with,
first steps in, 82, 245–248
growing demands on, 299, 300
implications of Iraq’s covert pro-
gramme for, 282–287
laboratory support of, 301
lessons from experience in, 455–458
strengthening of in Pakistan and
India, 270, 271
in USSR and China, 271, 272
see also Programme 93 + 2
IAEA Statute, 1, 30–42, 45–50, 57, 58, 60,
72–77, 81–83, 90, 91, 93, 106, 111, 183,
184, 229, 243, 244, 246, 259, 272, 281,
283, 304, 332–334, 339, 340, 401, 402,
411, 419, 425, 426, 428, 430, 431, 433,
451–453, 455–457, 460, 461, 463
Article II, 35, 36, 42, 333
Article III, 35–37, 48
Article IV, 38
Article V, 37, 38
Article VI, 37, 40, 90, 463
Article VII, 38, 77
Article IX, 34, 75, 244
Article XI, 41, 333
Article XII, 34, 37, 38, 42, 43, 244, 283,
304, 457
Article XIV, 37, 44, 48, 76
Article XVI, 38, 45
Article XIX, 38
IAEA Yearbook, 193, 305
ICRP, 78, 185, 193, 205, 211, 212
Ignalina, 196, 201
ILO, 59, 79, 193, 202, 211, 215
Incident Reporting System (IRS), 192,
India, 35, 39, 44, 47, 48, 73, 75, 77, 80–82,
87, 96, 97, 101, 105, 122, 148, 150–152,
154, 155, 158, 171, 172, 206, 218, 245,
249, 251, 260, 266, 270, 271, 273, 300,
327, 333, 334, 342, 346, 404, 411, 416,
463, 466
Indian formula, 39, 40
Indonesia, 85, 160, 245, 326, 352
industrial uses of isotopes and radiation,
INFCE see International Nuclear Fuel
Cycle Evaluation
INFCIRC/26, 248, 249
INFCIRC/66, 248–252, 254–256, 264, 266,
302, 352
INFCIRC/153, 248, 250, 254, 257, 258,
273, 297, 456, 457
INFCIRC/193, 116, 287
INFCIRC/254, 98
INIS, 404–406
Initial Programme, 57, 58, 74, 78, 143,
243, 402
Initial Report
of DPRK, 116, 289–291, 293, 294, 417,
of Prepcom, 83
of South Africa, 110
of a State, 256
INSAG see International Nuclear Safety
Advisory Group
insect pests, 117, 327, 374, 376–378, 381,
inspection frequency, 268, 269, 285, 286
Inspectors’ Document, 247, 248, 456, 457
Institute of Nuclear Power Operations
(INPO), 191
Integrated Safety Assessments of
Research Reactors (INSARRs), 207
Inter-American Nuclear Energy
Commission (IANEC), 63
Intergovernmental Maritime
Consultative Organization (IMCO),
see also International Maritime
Intergovernmental Oceanographic
Commission, 359
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change (IPCC), 171, 172
Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces
Treaty, 272, 464
International Advisory Committee, 202
International Arctic Seas Assessment
Project, 228, 360
International Atomic Development
Authority (IADA), 19
International Bureau of Weights and
Measures, 384
International Centre for Theoretical
Physics (ICTP), 87, 338, 352–354, 362,
International Chernobyl Project, 194,
202, 203, 358
International Civil Aviation
Organization, 461
International Commission on Radiation
Units and Measurements (ICRU),
205, 384
International Commission on
Radiological Protection see ICRP
International Confederation of Free
Trade Unions, 78
international consultative group on food
irradiation, 380
International Energy Agency of OECD,
International Federation of Christian
Trade Unions, 78
International Foundation Trieste, 353
International Fusion Research Council
(IFRC), 161
International Institute for Applied
Systems Analysis, 147
International Laboratory of Marine
Radioactivity (ILMR), 186, 358, 359
see also IAEA Marine Environment
International Labour Organisation see ILO
International Maritime Organization
(IMO), 232, 461
International Nuclear Event Scale
(INES), 209, 212
International Nuclear Fuel Cycle
Evaluation (INFCE), 97, 100, 101, 304
International Nuclear Information
System see INIS
International Nuclear Safety Advisory
Group (INSAG), 108, 193, 194, 200,
205, 206, 210
International Organization for
Standardization (ISO), 396
International Peer Review Service for
Probabilistic Safety Assessment
(IPERS-PSA), 207
International Radioactive Waste
Advisory Committee (INWAC), 223
International Regulatory Review Teams
(IRRTs), 208
International Thermonuclear
Experimental Reactor see ITER
International Tokamak Reactor see INTOR
international transport, 230, 231, 414
International Union of Producers and
Distributors of Electrical Energy, 438
International Working Groups (IWGs),
intervention levels, 201
INTOR, 161
iodine-131, 386
Iran, Islamic Republic of, 154, 326, 352, 394
Iran–Iraq war, 286
Iraq, 2, 98, 100, 103, 104, 106, 107, 112,
115, 123, 125, 126, 267–270, 273–286,
293, 295–297, 301, 305, 327, 413, 418,
427, 432, 433, 454, 459, 460, 466
Ireland, 2, 94
irrigation, 380, 391, 393
IRS see Incident Reporting System
isotope and radiation techniques see
nuclear techniques
isotope hydrology, 327, 355, 388–393,
421, 452
Israel, 49, 50, 73, 86, 91, 101, 103, 104,
106–108, 149, 150, 156, 251, 252, 266,
268, 274, 300, 352, 389, 413, 426, 432,
Italy, 61, 86, 90–92, 95, 199, 201, 269, 272,
353, 378, 379, 381, 415
ITER, 161, 162, 264
Jackson, C.D., 23
Jamaica, 352
Japan, 16, 39, 40, 57, 82, 84, 89, 90, 95,
103, 144, 148, 153, 159–161, 167–169,
191, 193, 201, 209, 212, 214, 231, 243,
246, 248–250, 252, 256–259, 287, 292,
301, 304, 342, 347, 352, 354, 359, 360,
377, 389, 414, 415, 436, 463, 465
Japan, Sea of, 437
jet nozzle enrichment see Becker enrich-
ment process
Johnson, Lyndon B., 156
Joint Committee on Atomic Energy (US
Congress), 59, 74, 244
Joint Development Agency, 20
Joint Inspection Unit, 350
Joliot-Curie, Irène, 15
Joliot-Curie, Jean, 15
Jolles, Paul, 57, 72, 73, 77, 85
Jordan, 277, 281
JRR-3, 144, 185, 246
Kalkar, 169, 193
Kamel, Hussein, 277, 281
Kanupp, 207, 271, 352
Kara Sea, 46, 194, 227, 360, 437, 464
Karlsruhe Centre see Nuclear Research
Centre, Karlsruhe
Kay, David, 278
Kazakstan, 46, 122, 157, 169, 198, 206,
213, 218, 227, 299, 394, 464
Keblúšek, Emil, 89, 107, 427
Keenan, ‘Biggy’, 73
Kennedy, John F., 85, 86, 94, 151, 156, 466
Khrushchev, Nikita, 73, 151, 251
Kim Il Sung, 116, 290
King, W.L. Mackenzie, 18, 401
Kirk, Roger, 89
Kissinger, Henry, 261
Kola Peninsula, 194
Korea, 75
see also DPRK; Republic of Korea
Korean War, 78
Kowarski, Leo, 15
Kozloduy, 207, 210, 214
Krško, 263
Kurchatov, Igor, 79
Kuwait, 273, 274, 385, 459
Kyrgyzstan, 394
Kyshtym, 194
La Hague, 159, 170, 221
Laguna Lake, Philippines, 391
Latvia, 213
League of Arab States, 63
least developed countries (LDCs), 325,
344, 413, 420
Lebanon, 106
Leningrad (power plant), 194
leukemia, 203
Lewis, W.B., 79, 149
Liberia, 154
Libya (Libyan Arab Jamahiriya), 281,
327, 376
light water reactors, 148–150, 155, 159,
168, 221, 291, 292, 304
Lilienthal, David, 19, 22
Limited Test Ban Treaty, 94, 152, 251, 390
‘liquidators’, 196, 203
lithium, 160
lithium-6, 279, 281
Lithuania, 196, 201, 213
Little Boy, 17
Lodge, Henry Cabot, 30, 34
London Club, 98, 333
low enriched uranium, 122, 148, 252,
274, 280, 300
low and intermediate level waste, 224, 227
low level waste, 187, 359
Lucky Dragon, 81
Macmillan, Harold, 151
Madagascar, 106
Magnox reactors, DPRK, 289
Malaysia, 352, 394
Malik, Yakov, 78
Malpasset, 186
Manhattan Project, 16, 17, 20, 21, 72, 80
marine pollution see IAEA Marine
Environment Laboratory; Monaco
Marshall, Walter, 209
Marshall Islands, 46, 464
Marshall Plan, 61
material balance area, 253
material unaccounted for, 252, 253
Mayak, 212
McCarthy, Joseph, 75
McKinney, Robert, 73, 244
McMahon Act, 10, 21, 22, 29, 401
Mediterranean fruit fly (medfly), 376–378
Mediterranean Sea, 359
Medzamor, 207
Meitner, Lise, 15
mercury, 361, 388
methane, 390
Mexico, 17, 42, 73, 76, 92, 154, 156, 157,
206, 266, 267, 326, 332, 344, 352, 376,
378, 393, 395, 412, 436
Michaels, Michael, 73
Middle East Nuclear Desalination, 156
Mikhailov, Viktor, 125
mining and milling, of uranium ore, 215,
220, 223, 227
Mochovce, 207, 224
Model for Analysis of Energy Demand
(MAED), 164
Model Projects, 214, 336, 337, 343, 346,
375, 377
Mol, 62, 301, 436
Moldova, 213
Mollet, Guy, 50
Molotov, Vyacheslav, 10, 30, 73
Monaco, 88, 117, 169, 186, 222, 328,
358–362, 421, 452
Monaco Laboratory, 357–361
Mondale, Walter, 261, 263
Mongolia, 73, 93, 394
Monju, 159, 169
Morocco, 281, 352, 391
MOX fuel, 119, 288, 304, 305, 333
Muniz, J.C., 47
Mururoa Atoll, 46, 114, 228, 361, 464
Musée Océanographique, 358
Mussolini, Benito, 16
mutations, 374
Nachodka, 194
Nagasaki, 9, 16, 17, 19, 212
Nagy, Imre, 50
Namibia, 281, 394
National Centre for Non-Destructive
Testing, Argentina, 396
NATO, 60, 71, 86, 94, 245, 255, 414, 457
natural background radiation, 197
natural gas, 157, 171
natural uranium, 9, 39, 44, 48, 82, 111, 144,
150, 153, 154, 246, 268, 269, 351, 419
naval vessels, 187, 194, 227, 255, 273
NEA, 63, 147, 168, 192, 193, 200, 211,
212, 215, 221, 232, 264, 394, 404, 405,
436, 437, 439
see also ENEA
near surface disposal, 223, 224, 226
Netherlands, 73, 206–208, 272, 354
Network of Analytical Laboratories
(NWAL), 301
Neumann, Jan, 95
neutron irradiation, 166
New Brunswick Laboratory, 357
New World Screwworm, 327, 376, 377
New Zealand, 347
Niederle, J., 354
Niger, 394, 455
Nile Valley, 378
NIREX, 224
non-destructive testing, 396
non-governmental organizations
(NGOs), 78, 82, 205, 438
Non-Proliferation Act, 97, 99, 101, 102,
Nordic Council of Ministers, 225
Norway, 40, 62, 186, 208, 224, 248, 252,
265, 352, 436
Norwegian Atomic Energy Institute,
Novaya Zemlya, 187, 228
Novovoronezh, 155
NPT, 2, 3, 11, 19, 20, 41, 48, 63, 83, 90, 91,
94–98, 101–104, 107, 110–112, 114–116,
124–126, 151, 230, 248, 250–261,
265–267, 272, 273, 276, 280–282, 286,
288, 290, 291, 294–303, 306, 330, 333,
334, 342, 348, 412–415, 417, 418, 422,
424, 426, 432, 433, 435–438, 456–459,
462, 463, 465, 466
NPT Review and Extension Conference,
111, 112, 124, 298, 300, 342, 413, 417,
NPT Review Conferences, 98, 101, 438
NRX, 150
NS Otto Hahn, 264
NSG see Nuclear Suppliers’ Group
nuclear accidents, 3, 109, 123, 183, 186,
190–192, 199–202, 218, 231, 232, 414,
nuclear arsenals, 3, 11, 19, 23, 95, 104, 106,
110, 114, 251, 413, 414, 420, 422, 464,
Nuclear Energy Agency of OECD see
Nuclear Energy Institute, 438
nuclear exports, 11, 99, 112, 113, 264–266,
nuclear fuel cycle, 157, 183, 188, 220,
266, 298
Nuclear Fusion, 161, 162, 402, 403
nuclear information, exchange of, 21, 84,
121, 160, 183, 189, 205, 209, 222, 373,
395, 401–406, 416
INIS, 404–406
library, 58, 402, 404
nuclear data, 404
publications, 403
scientific meetings, 402, 403
nuclear materials, 9, 33–35, 41, 42, 58, 75,
98, 113, 120, 144, 185, 220, 230, 252,
256, 274, 280, 287, 298, 331, 351, 352,
451, 459
nuclear medicine, 384–387, 420
Nuclear Monitoring Group, 276
nuclear power
boom in, 146, 147
information on, 162, 163
prospects for in early 1990s, 170–172
shrinking of programmes in, 158, 159
Nuclear Research Centre, Karlsruhe,
nuclear safety
IAEA approach to, 184–187, 218–220,
452, 453, 460, 461
IAEA programmes and services in,
support of research in, 203
technical co-operation in, 213–215
Nuclear Safety Assistance Co-ordination
body (NUSAC), 214
Nuclear Safety Convention see
Convention on Nuclear Safety
nuclear safety review, annual, 193
Nuclear Safety Standards (NUSS), 188,
190, 209–211, 216, 220, 338
Nuclear Safety Standards Advisory
Committee (NUSSAC), 216
nuclear ships, 3, 148, 183, 217, 227
nuclear submarines, 46, 99, 187, 272, 273,
Nuclear Suppliers’ Group (NSG), 98,
101, 112, 230, 261, 263, 265
NSG Guidelines, 101, 230, 261–263,
265, 333
nuclear techniques, applications of, 58,
59, 84, 86, 87, 220, 227, 325, 331,
335–337, 339, 343, 351, 358, 403, 413,
419–423, 435, 452
FAO/IAEA programmes, 355, 373–381
animal production and health,
374, 375
food irradiation, 62, 378–380, 383,
insect and pest control, 376–378
pesticides, control of, 357, 381
plant breeding and genetics, 355,
soil fertility, irrigation and crop
production, 380, 381
human health, 382–388
cancer, treatment of, 382
environmental monitoring related
to, 388
nuclear medicine, 384–387, 420
radiotherapy, dosimetry in, 382–384
industrial uses of isotopes and radia-
tion, 394–396
non-destructive testing, 396
isotope hydrology, 327, 355, 388–393,
421, 452
uranium resources, development of,
393, 394
nuclear tests, 46, 80, 81, 95, 101, 114, 151,
220, 361, 390, 420, 435, 464–466
nuclear trafficking, 120–122, 433
nuclear warheads, 110, 111, 195, 300,
nuclear waste, 83, 100, 116, 117, 126, 171,
183, 185–187, 194, 204, 215, 216, 218,
220–227, 289, 293, 335, 360, 391, 414,
418, 425, 437, 439, 452–454
see also high level waste; low and
intermediate level waste; low level
waste; short lived waste;
spent fuel
nuclear weapon free zones, 113–115, 125,
412, 418
nuclear weapon programmes, 50, 98,
111, 115, 126, 227, 269, 277–281, 293,
294, 298, 334, 412, 455, 459, 464
nutritional deficiencies, 382
Nye, Joseph, 153, 454
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 87, 164
Obninsk, 143, 145
occupational exposure, 203
Oceanographic Institute, 186
OECD, 42, 62, 147, 167, 168, 171, 172,
192, 231, 328, 394, 404, 436, 437
OEEC, 61–63
oil crisis, 2, 97, 147, 348
O’Leary, Hazel, 125
‘once-through’ fuel cycle, 100, 153
OPEC, 354
Operational Safety Review Teams
(OSARTs), 160, 193, 205, 206, 209, 338
Oppenheimer, Robert, 17, 20, 22, 75
Organisation for Economic Co-operation
and Development see OECD
Organization for European Economic
Co-operation see OEEC
Organization for the Prohibition of
Chemical Weapons (OPCW), 458, 460
Organization of African Unity, 63, 375
Organization of American States, 63
OSIRAQ, 267, 274, 432
oxygen-18, 389, 392
Oyster Creek, 147
Pakistan, 63, 96–98, 100, 101, 145, 150,
155, 206, 207, 218, 248, 251, 261, 262,
266, 270, 271, 290, 300, 326, 334, 346,
352, 381, 413, 458, 463, 466
Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission, 63
Paks, 207, 214
Palestine Liberation Organization
(PLO), 93, 411
Pan-African Rinderpest Campaign, 375
Pan American Health Organization
(PAHO), 211, 215, 421
Panel of Consultants on Disarmament, 22
Paris Convention see Convention on
Third Party Liability in the Field of
Nuclear Energy
partnership approach, 116, 287, 288
Pastore, John, 29
PCBs, 361
peaceful uses of nuclear explosions
(PNEs), 95, 150–152
Pelindaba Treaty, 114, 125, 267, 435, 466
Pennsylvania State University, 12
People’s Republic of China see China
Persian Gulf, 359, 360
Peru, 156, 352, 381
pesticides, 357, 374, 376, 381
Petrochemical Project 3, 279
Phénix, 169
Philippines, 105, 106, 145, 154, 206, 226,
352, 391, 395
phosphorus-32, 386
physical protection of nuclear material,
98, 120, 121, 183, 217, 229–231
plant breeding, 355, 381
plutonium, 16, 17, 32, 43, 48, 61, 96,
98–101, 118, 120, 122, 125, 146, 149,
150, 153, 170, 223, 226, 227, 253, 260,
268, 269, 273, 277, 279–281, 285, 286,
289, 290, 293–295, 300, 301, 304, 305,
333, 351, 414, 419, 454, 456
storage, 101, 304
plutonium-239, 285
Pokharan, 96, 97, 194, 260
Poland, 36, 39, 40, 122, 252, 326, 394, 395,
pollutants, 117, 118, 388, 395
Portugal, 30, 39, 45, 75, 164, 394
Potsdam, 17
Power Reactor Information System see
Preliminary Assistance Missions
(PAMs), 331
Preparatory Commission (Prepcom), 49,
57–60, 71–74, 76, 77, 83, 90, 143, 184,
219, 229, 243, 331, 402, 426, 451, 461
pressurized water reactors, 143, 168, 193,
Primary Standard Dosimetry
Laboratories (PSDLs), 384
PRIS, 162, 163
Programme 93 + 2, 124, 126, 265, 285,
287, 294–299, 301, 417, 433, 439,
programme and budget, 37, 57, 82, 83
promotional activities, 348, 349, 412,
414–417, 453, 465
Qinshan, 155, 338
quality assurance, 208, 211, 359
see also analytical quality control
Quartey, Joe, 255
Rabi, Isidor, 80
radiation and radioisotopes see nuclear
Radiation Effects Research Foundation,
radiation protection, 62, 117, 185, 204,
206, 208, 212–215, 337, 343, 351, 384,
434, 439
Radiation Protection Advisory Teams
(RAPATs), 215
Radiation Safety Standards Advisory
Committee (RASSAC), 216
Radioactive Waste Safety Standards
(RADWASS), 223
radiobiology, 351, 382
radiography, 396
radioimmunoassay, 384, 385
radiotherapy, 203, 382–384
radium, 225, 227, 382
Rajasthan, 87, 96
Randers, Gunnar, 246, 249
Randers Committee, 246, 247
Rarotonga Treaty, 114, 267, 435, 466
RBMK reactors, 149, 150, 191, 194, 196,
200, 201, 207, 209, 210, 214
Reagan, Ronald, 161, 272
Red Book, 394, 437
reference materials, 357, 358
regional co-operation, 227, 346, 347
Regional Co-operative Agreement for
Research, Development and Training
Related to Nuclear Science and
Technology (RCA), 346, 347, 395, 435
Regional Co-operative Arrangements
for the Promotion of Nuclear Science
and Technology in Latin America
(ARCAL), 347, 435
regional fuel cycle centres, 263, 264
regional training centres, 59
regular budget, 59, 107, 118, 119, 122,
123, 190, 303, 330, 339, 340, 342, 349,
418, 422, 427
regulatory activities, 348, 349, 412,
reprocessing, 32, 43, 48, 50, 62, 95,
98–101, 119, 152, 153, 159, 170, 194,
220, 221, 250–253, 255, 261–264, 268,
288–291, 294, 295, 300, 301, 304, 305,
333, 436, 454
Republic of China, 47, 92
Republic of Korea, 145, 150, 154, 159,
160, 191, 206, 207, 224, 228, 261, 292,
334, 338, 354, 360, 416, 429, 436
research contracts, 119, 252, 350, 351, 391
research reactors, 29, 82, 149, 150, 185,
207, 208, 211, 215, 220, 248, 251, 297,
301, 325, 327, 346, 352, 396, 418
rinderpest, 375, 416
Romania, 150, 168, 213, 214, 326, 337,
352, 361
Rome Treaty, 42, 61, 437
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 15, 16
routine inspections, 116, 184, 256, 282,
296, 298
Russia, 18, 109, 119, 120, 123, 169, 194,
196, 198, 201, 206, 209, 210, 213, 225,
231, 280, 284, 306, 342, 360, 362, 404,
437, 464
SAC see Scientific Advisory Committee
safeguards agreements, 37, 38, 45, 103,
110, 115, 124, 125, 151, 229, 250, 251,
254, 257–267, 282, 293, 296, 297,
299–302, 306, 333, 334, 418, 427
Safeguards Analytical Laboratory (SAL),
Safeguards Committee (1970), 229,
254–257, 272, 417
Safeguards Implementation Report (SIR),
safety culture, 189, 194, 196, 200, 206,
208, 214
safety inspectors, 184, 219, 461
Safety Series, 215, 216, 222, 403
safety standards, 31, 36, 43, 83, 184, 185,
204, 206, 211, 215, 218, 219, 225, 337,
338, 435, 452, 460, 461
Sahel, 327
Salam, Abdus, 352–354
SALT I Treaty, 30
salmonella, 379
samarium-153, 386
Schärf, Adolf, 60
Scheinman, Lawrence, 95
Schmidt, Helmut, 261
Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC),
79, 83, 149, 209, 403
screwworm see New World Screwworm
Seaborg, Glenn, 16, 146
Secondary Standard Dosimetry
Laboratories (SSDLs), 383, 384
Secretariat of IAEA, 12, 41, 44, 71, 72, 75,
77, 78, 83, 88, 89, 105, 109, 110, 117,
119, 124, 144, 145, 152, 154, 157,
188–191, 199, 200, 215–217, 223, 229,
230, 246, 249, 253, 254, 259, 260, 269,
270–272, 288, 297–299, 304, 327, 328,
333–336, 339, 340, 342, 343, 346, 417,
426, 427, 431, 432, 434, 458, 461, 462
Secretary General of United Nations, 46,
74, 87, 117, 145, 255, 431
Seibersdorf Laboratory, 80, 88, 327,
354–358, 362, 373, 374, 376, 381, 421
Seligman, Henry, 80, 350
Sellafield, 159, 170
Semipalatinsk, 46, 227, 464
Senegal, 391
Sethna, Homi, 105
Shevchenko, 157, 169
Shigematsu, Itsuzo, 202
Shippingport, 143
short lived waste, 224
Siazon, Domingo, 105, 106
Siemens, 119, 262
significant quantity, 120, 269, 285, 286,
Sigurbjörnsson, Björn, 374, 434
Singapore, 385
SIT see sterile insect technique
Sizewell B, 193
Slovakia, 207, 210, 213, 214, 224
Slovenia, 213, 263
small and medium sized power reactors,
144, 146, 153–156
Smith, Gerard, 10, 30
Smith, Roger, 246
smuggling of nuclear material, 98, 231
see also nuclear trafficking
Smyth, Henry D., 94
Snow, C.P., 466
soil fertility, 380
Sole, Donald, 73, 426
source materials, 39, 40, 44, 75, 90, 93,
225, 300, 419
South Africa, 21, 30, 39, 40, 45, 73, 75,
90–94, 102, 109–111, 114, 118, 125, 151,
154, 208, 226, 252, 297, 300, 306, 393,
394, 411–413, 424, 426, 432, 455, 464,
South Urals (reactors), 169
Soviet Union see USSR
Spain, 91, 92, 148, 199, 214, 226, 252, 260,
special fissionable materials, 43, 254,
281, 283, 419
Special Fund, 145, 338, 347, 378, 395
special inspections, 116, 247, 256,
282–284, 289, 293–295, 297, 456, 458
spent fuel, 43, 99, 100, 101, 118, 124, 153,
159, 170, 187, 194, 213, 220, 221, 224,
226, 290, 295, 301, 304, 454
spirit of Vienna, 89
Sputnik, 60, 75
Sri Lanka, 75, 385
Stalin, Joseph, 17–20, 22, 31, 75
Standing Advisory Group on Safeguards
Implementation (SAGSI), 259, 268, 298
Standing Advisory Group on Technical
Assistance and Co-operation
(SAGTAC), 335
Statute Conference see Conference on
the Statute
Steering Committee for Nuclear Energy
(OEEC), 61, 62
sterile insect technique (SIT), 327,
376–378, 423
sterilization of medical appliances, 387,
Stimson, Henry, 17, 18
Stoessinger, J.G., 415
Strassman, Fritz, 15
Strategic Arms Reduction Talks, 272, 464
strategic points, 124, 254, 256, 296, 297, 456
Straub, Bruno, 255
Strauss, Lewis, 22, 32, 244, 245
strontium-89, 386
strontium-90, 81, 122, 201
Studiengesellschaft für Atomenergie, 80
Sudan, 281
Suez crisis, 33, 49, 50, 60, 61, 75
Sukarno, 85
Superphénix, 169, 170, 193
sustainable development, 117, 118, 163
Sweden, 40, 72, 91, 92, 105, 148, 186, 187,
189, 190, 201, 206, 207, 224, 354, 359,
Swedish Atomic Energy Company, 59
Switzerland, 91, 92, 101, 112, 161, 186,
199, 201, 207, 304, 383
Syria (Syrian Arab Republic), 352
Szasz, Paul, 457
Szilard, Leo, 15, 16
‘tagging’ or ‘spiking’ of nuclear materi-
als, 33
Taiwan, China, 93, 150, 154, 156
Tamuz, 103, 104, 267–270, 424, 426
Tanzania, United Republic of, 326, 327,
334, 377
Tarapur, 87
Technical Assistance and Co-operation
Committee, 335, 429
technical assistance/co-operation pro-
gramme, 36, 41, 45, 76, 97, 107, 164,
166, 201, 204, 213, 345–349, 373, 384,
396, 402, 413, 422, 427
chief beneficiaries of, 325–327
evolution of, 331–337
forms of help given in, 344
resources of, 328–330, 338–344, 462
scientific support of, 350, 351
technical assistance/co-operation pro-
jects, 3, 93, 184, 214, 226, 333, 335,
343, 347, 350, 378, 385, 452
Technical Co-operation Fund (TCF), 328,
330, 338–342, 348, 349
Teller, Edward, 15
Tennessee Valley Authority, 164
Thailand, 48, 145, 160, 352, 386
Thant, U, 87, 145, 146
thermoluminescent dosimeters, 383
thorium, 19, 148, 300, 419
Three Mile Island, 2, 101, 150, 158,
186–193, 204, 213, 217, 220, 344, 394,
414, 418
Three Nation Agreed Declaration on
Atomic Energy, 18, 401
threshold States, 419, 466
thyroid cancer, 197, 202
Timbs, Maurice, 96
Tlatelolco Treaty, 2, 48, 96, 113, 114, 125,
151, 251, 260, 266, 267, 302, 412, 435,
Tokai-1, 250
tokamak, 161
Töpfer, Klaus, 109, 217
tracers, 384, 389, 418
training, 58, 121, 143, 144, 160, 166, 191,
193, 207, 208, 214, 288, 338, 340, 348,
355, 375, 377, 382, 383, 402, 418,
courses, 36, 41, 164, 205, 226, 252, 327,
331, 332, 334–336, 344, 346, 353, 358,
359, 395, 396
transport regulations, 58, 185
Transport Safety Standards Advisory
Committee (TRANSSAC), 216
Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear
Weapons in Latin America see
Tlatelolco Treaty
Treaty of Rome see Rome Treaty
Trieste Centre see International Centre
for Theoretical Physics
‘Triestino’, 354
TRIGA, 144
Trinity test, 260
tritium, 160, 279, 355, 356, 389, 390
Truman, Harry S., 17, 18, 22, 401
tsetse fly, 376, 377
Tunisia, 156
Turkey, 29, 108, 156, 352
Tuwaitha, 104, 267, 269, 274, 285,
twelve-nation group, 35–40, 42–44,
46–48, 74, 229, 428, 456
‘twinning’ of laboratories, 350
U-2 spy plane, 75
Uganda, 154
UK see United Kingdom
UKAEA, 209
Ukraine, 108, 109, 118, 194, 196, 198, 201,
203, 206, 209, 210, 213, 214, 218, 299,
UNDP, 325, 326, 328, 329, 333, 334, 338,
339, 347, 348, 354, 359, 376, 391, 395, 396
UNEP, 187, 359, 360, 439
UNESCO, 59, 79, 222, 330, 353, 354, 359,
395, 405, 406, 434, 43
United Arab Republic, 73, 156, 346
see also Egypt
United Kingdom, 9, 11, 16, 18, 20, 21, 29,
30, 33, 39, 44, 45, 50, 62, 71, 73, 75, 79,
80, 94, 96, 102, 107, 111, 114, 148, 149,
159, 161, 167, 169, 170, 190, 192, 193,
199, 201, 208, 209, 221, 224, 226,
248–250, 252, 253, 265, 273, 284, 289,
330, 350, 354, 356, 362, 377, 379, 383,
385, 389, 401, 436, 453, 455
United Nations Atomic Energy
Commission (UNAEC), 18–21, 33
United Nations Charter, 17, 281, 282
United Nations Coalition, 274
United Nations Conference for the
Promotion of International Co-opera-
tion in the Peaceful Uses of Nuclear
Energy, 101
United Nations Conference on Environ-
ment and Development, 117, 217
United Nations Conference on the Law
of the Sea, 358
United Nations Conference on the
Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, 160
United Nations Development
Programme see UNDP
United Nations Economic and Social
Council (ECOSOC), 37, 45, 78, 88,
347, 431, 433, 434
United Nations Economic Commission
for Asia and the Far East, 63
United Nations Environment
Programme see UNEP
United Nations Framework Convention
on Climate Change, 117
United Nations General Assembly, 1, 2,
9, 18, 23, 30, 31, 34, 37, 38, 43, 45–47,
81, 88, 93–95, 107, 109, 117, 125, 151,
152, 281, 283, 328, 417, 431–433, 458
United Nations Industrial Development
Organization, 330, 404, 430
United Nations Scientific Committee on
the Effects of Atomic Radiation see
United Nations Second Special Session
on Disarmament (UNSSOD), 271
United Nations Security Council, 18, 37,
38, 43, 45, 104, 115, 116, 274–276, 278,
281–283, 290, 291, 293–295, 305, 328,
431–433, 458–460, 464
Resolution 661, 274
Resolution 678, 274
Resolution 687, 275, 279
Resolution 707, 275
Resolution 715, 275, 276
United Nations Special Commission
(UNSCOM), 115, 275
United Republic of Tanzania see Tanzania
United States of America see USA
universal reporting system, 113, 265
University of California, 16
University of Chicago, 16
UNSCEAR, 46, 197, 199, 200, 202, 212,
354, 357, 439, 464
uranium-235, 11, 15, 32, 33, 49, 75, 285
uranium hexafluoride, 263
Uranium Institute, 438
uranium ore, 169, 257, 334, 454
uranium oxide, 220, 252, 304, 393
uranium resources, 48, 148, 168, 388,
393, 394, 437
Urquhart, Brian, 58, 77
Uruguay, 352
US Arms Control and Disarmament
Agency, 95
US Atomic Energy Commission (USAEC),
22, 31–33, 73, 75, 186, 244, 402, 404
US Congress, 10, 21, 29, 34, 59, 61, 74,
76, 99, 101, 106, 330
US General Accounting Office, 119
US State Department, 29, 30
USA, 1, 9–12, 15–23, 29–35, 39, 40, 42,
44–49, 59, 61, 62, 71, 73–81, 84–88,
94–100, 102, 105–108, 111, 112,
114–116, 123–125, 143, 146–150, 152,
153, 156–158, 161, 163, 164, 167–169,
187, 190, 191, 195, 199, 201, 214, 218,
226, 227, 230, 231, 243–245, 248–253,
255, 256, 263–265, 273, 274, 283, 284,
289–292, 294, 300, 306, 330, 332, 342,
352, 354–357, 359, 377, 379, 381, 385,
389, 393, 394, 401, 404, 411, 415, 426,
436, 453, 455, 459, 464
USSR, 1, 2, 9, 11, 12, 16–18, 20, 22, 23,
29–35, 37, 39, 44, 45, 47, 50, 71, 73, 75,
77, 78, 80–82, 85–88, 91, 92, 94, 95, 98,
105, 108, 111, 120, 123, 143, 145, 148–150,
152, 155, 156, 159, 161, 167, 169, 187,
189, 192, 194, 195, 197, 199, 200, 202,
203, 205, 207, 209, 210, 212–214, 226,
227, 231, 243, 245, 248–253, 255, 256,
265, 270–273, 286, 288, 299, 303, 305,
306, 336, 337, 342, 356, 359, 362, 383,
394, 401, 404, 405, 411, 413–415, 426,
429, 431, 437, 453, 455, 464, 466
Uzbekistan, 213
van Gorkom, Lodewijk, 218
Venezuela, 334, 352, 392, 393
verification of completeness of State
declarations, 296–299
Vienna Convention on Civil Liability for
Nuclear Damage, 231, 232
Vienna International Centre (VIC), 89,
Vienna International Centre Library,
Viet Nam, 92, 160, 352, 381
Vinča, 185
Virasoro, Miguel, 353
voluntary contributions, 44, 45, 59, 76,
190, 331, 339, 340, 348, 422
Wackersdorf, 119, 159, 288
Waldheim, Kurt, 255
Walker, Peter, 430
Warsaw Pact, 71, 78, 123, 149, 436
Washington group, 35, 47, 57
WASP, 154, 164
waste disposal, 185, 220–229, 337
waste management, 83, 183, 185, 186,
205, 213, 214, 216, 218, 220–229, 337,
351, 418, 437, 461
Waste Management Advisory
Programme (WAMAP), 215, 223
Waste Management Assessment and
Technical Review Programme
(WATRP), 224
Waste Safety Standards Advisory
Committee (WASSAC), 216
Water for Peace, 156
weaponization, 279
Weinberg, Alvin, 87
Welles, Orson, 71
Wells, H.G., 466
West Valley, 252
Westinghouse, 149, 209, 263
WHO, 59, 79, 108, 123, 193, 196, 198–202,
211, 212, 215, 379, 380, 383, 384, 419,
421, 434, 435, 439
Wien Automatic System Planning see
Winkler, Pavel, 60, 73
Wirtz, Karl, 254
Wohlstetter, Albert, 466
Wojcik, Tadeusz, 188, 190, 220
World Association of Nuclear Operators
(WANO), 201, 209, 210, 438
World Bank, 118, 439
World Federation of Scientific Workers,
World Meteorological Organization
(WMO), 79, 118, 199, 202, 389, 421
WWER reactors, 149, 207, 213, 337
WWER-440, 155, 226
WWER-440/213, 207, 210, 214
WWER-440/230, 205, 207, 209,
210, 214
WWER-1000, 210, 214
Yangtze River, 381
Yankee (power plant), 252
yellow cake, 21, 220, 269, 393
Yugoslavia, 42, 76, 96, 145, 185, 192, 206,
248, 263, 327, 332, 344, 352
Zaire, 248, 352
Zambia, 394
Zanzibar, 377, 378
Zaroubin, Georgy, 30
zero growth, 118, 119, 122, 297, 349, 422
Zifferero, Maurizio, 276
Zimbabwe, 463
Zwentendorf, 226
The First Forty Years
David Fischer
A fortieth anniversary publication
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International Atomic Energy Agency: Personal Reflections
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