A Tradition of Innovative Thinking Since 1868
F A L L / W I N T E R 2 0 1 0 U N I V E R S I T Y O F I L L I N O I S A T U R B A N A - C H A M P A I G N
Chemistry News
Arctic sunset captured by Chemistry alumnus Mark Patsavas.
Read more on page 6.
Inside this Issue
Dispatches From
the Arctic
A Moment With
Martin Gruebele
Letter from the Department
U.S. News & World Report
Ranks Chemistry #6
2009-2010 Faculty Awards
Commencement 2010
Dispatches From the Arctic
Ralph Cicerone Delivers
Inaugural Charles David
Keeling Lecture
Alumni Profile:
Charles David Keeling
Gieseking Scholarship
Provides Valuable Research
McCall Research Group
Brings Astrochemistry
to Illinois
New Faces:
Professor So Hirata
A Moment With
Martin Gruebele
Faculty and Alumni Elected
Fellows of ACS
Alumni Notes
Chemistry at Illinois’
Oldest Alumnus:
Charles “Hap” Fisher
Buhrke’s Research in X-ray
Florescence Garners
Birks Award
Richard Heckert
Stanley Smith
In Memoriam
Department Head
T D  C  I   
      
U.S. NewS & world
eport     . e
rankings represent a composite of a number of factors, includ-
ing peer assessment, student selectivity, faculty and nancial
resources, graduation and retention rates, and alumni giv-
ing rates. e ranking reects our dedication to excellence and
achievement. Only UC Berkeley, Cal Tech, MIT, Harvard, and
Stanford are ranked higher.
As maligned as such rankings are,” noted Department Head
Steve Zimmerman, “departments live and die by them. Students
and potential faculty pay attention to the rankings as do the
administrators that set our budget.
e rankings reect the considerable forward momentum Chem-
istry at Illinois has achieved recently. In the last year alone, the
department has had 16 patents listing chemistry faculty inven-
tors, four faculty and eight alumni elected ACS fellows, and a
number of other faculty and student awards. We also welcomed
Professor So Hirata, a world-renowned theoretical chemist from
the University of Florida. Read more about Dr. Hirata on page 12.
e rise in rankings also reects our insistence on attracting
some of the best and brightest graduate and undergraduate stu-
dents. On this and the broader successes of the department, Tom
Rauchfuss, former director of the School of Chemical Sciences,
pointed out: “Without a doubt, one can trace back the success of
our department to our very loyal alumni who have impacted our
programs immeasurably.” is is a point quickly picked up by
Zimmerman, who added, “ese rankings are absolutely a direct
result of the extraordinary partnership that we have built with our
successful alumni.
e best-known American college and university rankings have
been compiled since 1983 by the magazine U.S. News & World
Report and are based upon data which U.S. News collects from
each educational institution either from an annual survey sent to
schools or from the institutions’ websites. It is also based upon
opinion surveys of university faculty and administrators who do
not belong to the school.
U.S. News & World Report
Ranks Chemistry #6
A I     ,     A tAle of
wo CitieS   : “I     ,   
  …” Of course, the state of Illinois budget woes helped
to make it one of the most challenging times in recent memory. Sta
reductions were managed entirely in our administrative oce with
three of ve positions remaining unlled for a good portion of the
year as hiring was frozen; two of those three were permanently elimi-
nated. As a result, correspondence with our donors and supporters was
delayed, and the patience of many of our graduate students and faculty
was strained with slow responses on a broad range of services. We also
worked to manage a mid-year budget rescission and a cut in our teach-
ing assistant budget.
I sincerely thank everyone who stepped up and worked extra hours
under dicult circumstances to help us through this period. As always,
we have some outstanding sta working in the Department of Chem-
istry. With their considerable extra eort and creativity, I am happy
to say that for the most part we have weathered the storm. We have
reorganized and retrained some of the sta, hired a Stewardship and
Advancement Coordinator using non-state funds, and found new ways
to deliver instruction that do not compromise the high standards our
students deserve and have come to expect.
Challenges certainly remain with the state economy. And our out-
standing faculty continue to be courted by other universities. But good
news is abundant. As described in detail on page 12, we hired a bright
young theoretician, Professor So Hirata, from the University of Florida.
Our alumni and faculty continue to receive many awards, a sampling
of which can be found on page 3. With their extraordinary 2007 gift
toward a student support program, Dr. Robert C. and Carolyn Spring-
born have allowed us to attract some extraordinary graduate students
to Illinois. Indeed, Bob (B.S. 1951, Marvel) and Connie made their
annual trip back to campus a few weeks ago to meet the 17 remarkable
students known as Springborn Graduate Fellows.
In other anticipated news, the 2010 U.S. News and World Report rank-
ings, largely based on reputation, had the Department of Chemistry
at Illinois rising to sixth place. Even more impressive, the National
Research Council (NRC) nally released their data-driven ranking of
more than 5,000 doctoral programs in 62 elds at 212 universities in
the U.S. Rather than providing a single ranking, the NRC gave a range
with a 90% condence limit. Taking the mean of the range for the
overall ranking, our Department is well positioned in second place, tied
with Harvard University. Only UC Berkeley ranked higher. Keep an
eye out for the spring newsletter, which will feature an article about the
NRC rankings and what they mean for the Department of Chemistry.
Beyond educating students, research remains the central component
of our enterprise, and you will read in this issue how Illinois chemists
have changed our view of the Earth and the universe through pio-
neering research on the atmosphere, oceans, and outer space. Page 7
describes the inaugural Charles David Keeling Lecture series. Dave
Keeling (B.S. 1948) made the most accurate measurements of carbon
dioxide in the atmosphere, which has led to the current concern about
climate change. Related work is being carried out today by Mark Pat-
savas (B.S. 2006, Lauterbur). As part of his Ph.D. thesis he is measur-
ing carbon dioxide in seawater in the Arctic Ocean and has sent some
beautiful photographs (see page 8). Finally, page 11 oers an overview
of Professor Ben McCalls pioneering work in astrochemistry.
I hope you nd this newsletter both interesting and informative. As
always, please share your ideas and stories with me (sczimmer@illinois.
edu) and best wishes for the upcoming holiday season!
Sincerely yours,
Steve C. Zimmerman
Head and Roger Adams Professor
Department of Chemistry
Letter from the
Martin D. Burke will receive a 2011 Arthur C. Cope Scholar
Award from the ACS. e award, which consists of $5,000, a cer-
ticate, and a $40,000 unrestricted research grant, encourages and
recognizes excellence in organic chemistry. Ten Arthur C. Cope
Scholars are named annually: four between the ages of 36 and
49, four age 50 or older, and two age 35 and younger. Burke will
deliver an address at the 242
ACS National Meeting in Denver in
August of 2011.
om H. Dunning, Jr. has been awarded the 2011 ACS Award
for Computers in Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research. Since
1984, this award has annually recognized outstanding individual
achievement for the use of computers in education, product devel-
opment, or research in the chemical and biological sciences. Given
annually, it recognizes outstanding contributions to the advance-
ment of the use of computers in the chemical and biological sci-
ences, and consists of a cash prize and certicate. e monetary
award is $5,000, plus a $1,000 travel allowance to attend the meet-
ing at which the award will be presented.
Wilfred van der Donk will accept the 2010 Jeremy Knowles
Award from the Royal Society of Chemistry for his interdisciplin-
ary work on the discovery and development of new antibiotics, the
mechanism of fatty acid oxidation by cyclooxygenase and lipoxy-
genases, and the development of new biocatalysts for use in the
pharmaceutical industry. e award itself consists of 2,000 BP and
a medal, which was presented at the award lecture on September
17 at the RSC conference “Directing Biosynthesis 2010: Discovery,
Evolution, Function” in Durham, UK. As part of the award, van
der Donk will also be delivering a lectureship at UK universities
in March of 2011. is award is an especially tting one because
Knowles served as a visiting instructor in the Department of
Chemistry in 1962 well before he joined the Harvard faculty. His
extended time here as well as at Yale is cited as a major reason for
his wanting to work in an American chemistry department.
Faculty Awards
2  |       Depar tment of Chemistry News  |  Fall/Winter 2010 University of Illinois Department of Chemistry       |  3
Commencement 2010:
Chemistry Grads Look to the Future
Dr. Elaine Fuchs (in orange) poses with Mary Macmanus Ramsbottom, School of Chemical Sciences Head Andrew Gewirth
and Chemistry Head Steven C. Zimmerman
Bachelor of Science in Chemistry
Stevia Angesty
Jordan Cole Axelson *#&†
Mary Patricia Choules
Megan Cisemsia †
Joseph Daniel Gomez
Ashley R. Gupta
Charles Ho
Ada Huang
Gretchen S. Karcher
Robert Y. Lee
omas Joseph Mazzacano
Anthony Mazzotti #&†
Eugenio Mendoza
Tripta Pradeep Mishra
Lauren Moore
Jason Olejniczak
James omas Payne
Robyn J. Reuter
George Sang
Courtnay Shaner
Phillip Taylor †
omas Andrew Tiojanco
Aaron White
Henny Wong
Bachelor of Science in Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Favin Babu ≠†
Sukjin Bae
Christopher Beyer
Alyssa C. Bradley
Gretchen L. Bromann #†
Jenna Lyn Cameli
Brian Cho
Constance Hyojin Cho
Brian S. Choe
Michael John Choe*
Carlos de la Cruz Concepcion†
Delores Michelle Confer
Breanne Cornwell
Eric Christian Elleby
Kimberlee Fiala
Kourtney Kay Fox
Kimberly Ann Fricke
Yurica T. Fultz
Emily Ganschinietz
Matthew Ryan Gerber†≠
Nathan L. Haas†
Jeanne Marie Hankett
Ryan D. Harrington
Spencer omas Hart≠
John R. Holmstrom
Steven Huang
Christophe I. Jang
Gregory M. Jenkins
Jinwoo Jeong
Julee Jung
Jenier Hyunjin
Kelly Kinder
Youneun Koh
Jeanne M. Knuth
Paul G. Kornbluh
Sarah C. Kwon*†
Brittney Larsen
Hyun Min Lee
Joong Hyo Lee
Jung Wook Lee
Rebecca I. Lee
Ian Matthew Ludwig
Jacob V. Ludwig
Adam Marek
Marissa Jamie Marszalek
Oluwafemi Masha
Brian Maynard
Sonya Mohan
Ji Whan Moon
Melanie Nhu-Quynh Nyguyen
Jennifer L. Osiol≠
Beth A. Papanek
Jay June Park
Krystal Monique Preston
Anupama K. Puppala≠
Feng Que
Jared Reynolds
Emilie C. Robinson≠
James Rogers
Abasin Sa
Stuart Schelkopf *&†
Leonid A. Serebryannyy≠
Pooja Shrivastav
Jaclyn Christine Sievers
Stephanie J. Sterling≠
Robert F. Stewart
Kyle A. Sundell
Issac Christian Tan≠
omas A. Tiojanco
Paul R. Tredrea≠
Janelle Turner
Emily Underwood
Ashok Venugopal
Francis A. Villar
Julie J. Weber
Valerie Jean Wersching
James Nolan Winters
Jung Hee Woo†
Bachelor of Science in the
Teaching of Chemistry
Gerald Joseph Brady
Michael S. Frazier
Kimberly A. Fricke≠
Megan Livingston&
Jacob L. Marcotte
Daniel Rudnick
Mark Schadel
Patrick Sweeney
Master of Science in Chemistry
Rachel Kristina Campbell
Kyle B. Ford
Johnny Giles
Clara H. Jeong
Brandon S. Lange
Aaron Lozano
Jahed Momand
Richard W. Pierce
David Shellhamer
Praveen Sundaradevan
Christopher David Taylor
Haylee Michelle omas
Heath Cameron Timmons
Doctor of Philosophy in
Alaadin M. Alkilany
Stephen Michael Anthony
Alfred Baca
Rachel Lynn Behrens
John M. Boettcher
Michael Scott Bultman
Stefanie B. Bumpus
Andrew Scott Campbell
William Collins
Scott R. Daly
Jared H. Delcamp
Praveen Chowdary Duggirala
Hung Tuan Duong
Yan Fan
Jillian Rebecca Gunther
Daniel Heller
Richard Helmich
Mirth Tucker Hoyt
Leigh Anne Furgerson Ihnken
Philip A. Janowicz
Travis L. King
Richard Kohman
eodore E. Lapainis
Jin-Hee Lee
Charity Flener Lovitt
Jack Hung-Chang Liu
Stephen Todd Meyer
Michael Jonathan Motala
Christopher J. Musto
Nandini Nagraj
Amy L. Nicely
Mitchell T. Ong
Zakiah Naché Pierre
Alexis Anne Black Pyrkosz
Sreenivasa Rao Ramisetty
Matthew Aaron Rigsby
Jason D. Rodriguez
Patrick Neal Sisco
Lucas Benjamin ompson
Tu anh Truong
Benjamin Joel Tucker
Douglas Mwangi Warui
Curtis Whaley
John T. Whitteck
Rebekah C. Wilson
Fang Xie
Min Xie
Huabin Zhang
Doctor of Philosophy in
Chemical Physics
Jonathan Chen
Brian Alan Tom
*Bronze Tablet Recipient
& Phi Beta Kappa
# Chancellor’s Scholar
≠ Double Major/Dual Degree
† James Scholar recipient
Triple Major
O M ,   D  C  
     . Family,
friends, and faculty joined in the celebration, which took place at the
Tyron Festival eater at the Krannert Center for the Performing Arts
with a reception that followed on the grounds of Noyes Laboratory.
e Aduro Brass Quintet performed at the ceremony, which included
remarks by Department Head Steve Zimmerman, Associate Dean of
the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Mary Macmanus Ramsbot-
tom, and Commencement Speaker Dr. Elaine Fuchs.
Fuchs (B.S. 1972, Hon. 2006), the Rebecca C. Lanceeld Profes-
sor in Mammalian Cell Biology and Development, and a Rockefeller
University and Investigator at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute,
delivered an inspirational commencement address that reected on
how her own training at the Illinois in physical chemistry enabled her
to ultimately study the biology of human skin. She advised students to
see their education as a beginning, not an end, noting that, “Although
I never took biology at the University of Illinois, I credit my educa-
tion here for teaching me to pursue my passion, rather than what I was
trained to do.
In addition to recognizing each individual graduate for receiving their
degree, ve awards were given out to undergraduates who had distin-
guished themselves during their tenure at Illinois:
John C. Bailar Award for Outstanding Undergraduate esis
Carlos Concepcion
John David Barnwell Memorial Award for Academic
Achievement and personal Ethics and Scholarship
Paul Kornbluh
Reynold C. Fuson Awards for Academic Excellence
Eric Elleby and Jason Olejniczak
Peter C. and Gretchen Miller Markunas Scholarships
for Academic Achievement
Megan Cisemesia and Stuart Schelkopf
C.S. Marvel Award for Excellence in Undergraduate
esis Research
Jordan Axelson
After the ceremony, the graduates, faculty, family and guests gathered
on the lawn of Noyes Laboratory for a reception. A large tent pitched
on the Quad next to Noyes kept everyone dry as a light drizzle soon
gave way to sunshine that suited the joyful celebration.
2010 Department of Chemistry Graduates
4  |       Depar tment of Chemistry News  |  Fall/Winter 2010 University of Illinois Department of Chemistry       |  5
helicopterying in between) mapping the ocean oor and determin-
ing seismic proles of the sediment, which will be used by the U.N. to
dene the mineral rights.
Perhaps it’s a good idea to mention more about what observing
ocean acidication in the Arctic Ocean means. e world’s oceans
act as a source or sink of atmospheric CO
. Because solubility of
gasses increases with decreasing temperatures, polar oceans have
the tendency to store more atmospheric CO
and act as a sink of
atmospheric CO
. e Arctic ice sheets are melting at a rapid rate,
which uncovers more ocean surface area and allows for more air-sea
gas exchange. Our research involves high precision spectrophoto-
metric methods to measure parameters of the carbon system, which
include: pH, CO
fugacity, total carbon, total alkalinity, dissolved
inorganic carbon, and carbonate ion concentration in seawater.
We also measured partial pressure of CO
in the atmosphere. is
cruise is unique because it is possibly the rst time that the carbon-
ate ion concentration has been directly measured in situ. Usually,
two of the parameters listed before are directly measured, and the
others are calculated using thermodynamic equilibria principles of
the marine carbon system. On this cruise, we were able to directly
MP(B.S. , L)   -
  P.D.   U
 S F    -
  A O. Below is an account
of his time on the Coast Guard Cutter Healy performing research
related to carbon systems measurements—a eld pioneered by
Charles David Keeling.
I am writing you from the Arctic Ocean aboard the Coast Guard Cut-
ter Healy, the U.S. Coast Guard’s largest diesel powered icebreaker. My
work here involves carbon system measurements (pH, CO
of the water, pCO
of the air, total carbon), and I am performing the
worldsrst in-situ high precision measurements of carbonate ion in
seawater. Its a simple method of adding lead chloride to seawater and
observing the ratio of the free lead peak vs. the complexed lead carbon-
ate peak in the ultraviolet spectrum (Byrne and Yao 2008). Our overall
goal in the Arctic is to make baseline measurements of these parame-
ters, so in the future we can observe ocean acidication (due to anthro-
pogenic CO
dissolution in the upper ocean). e cruise as a whole
exists because Canada and the U.S. are battling for mineral rights in
this area—so we have two icebreakers (one U.S., one Canadian, and a
Dispatches From the Arctic
By Mark Patsavas
measure carbonate, and cross check our calculations of the other
parameters, so we added more condence to our data set with
internal consistency.
With this information, we can compare the dierence of the par-
tial pressure of CO
in the atmosphere with its tendency to dis-
solve into the ocean (fugacity). In areas where there is no ice, the
dierence in pressure is smaller than areas where there is still ice
cover. is makes sense because the areas of ocean without ice are
approaching gas exchange equilibrium with the atmosphere. e
areas of ocean covered with ice show greater potential to store
more atmospheric CO
. As the ice melts, this potential air-sea gas
exchange will occur. is is good news for atmospheric carbon
sequestration because the atmospheric CO
will dissolve into the
ocean, possibly reducing the greenhouse gas eect of CO
, but this
is bad news for ocean acidication. As the atmospheric CO
solves into the ocean, a series of equilibrium reactions with water
occurs and protons are released, lowering the pH of the seawater
(the basis of ocean acidication). e exact implications of ocean
acidication are not yet well understood, but most of lifes reactions
are pH dependent, especially the formation of calcium carbonate
shells or tests (the foundation of many organisms in the marine
food web). e important idea to understand is that we humans
are performing a very rapid acid titration in the earths oceans, and
we dont know when we will reach the endpoint, nor do we fully
understand the possible eects of such a grand experiment.
e cruise itself was an adventure. We left out of Dutch Harbor,
Alaska, where the TV show “Deadliest Catch” is lmed. Life on
a ship is very dierent, and working in a research lab that has no
windows and is constantly vibrating when the ship is breaking ice
is not easy. e scenery was beautiful and ever-changing. e sun
barely set every night so the coloration of the sky in the twilight
was magnicent, especially against the unique ice formations. We
were visited by a few polar bears, along with whales, seals, and arc-
tic birds.
We had to ship our instrumentation and personal gear to Seward,
Alaska, in April, even though the cruise started August 1
. Because
of this I sent most of my old clothing in advance, so everything I
am wearing on the research cruise says ILLINOIS on it, and subse-
quently all of the pictures taken demonstrate my true Illini spirit.
6  |       Depar tment of Chemistry News  |  Fall/Winter 2010 University of Illinois Department of Chemistry       |  7
O S , , N A S
P, C  N R C, 
I  D. R J. C 
 C D K L. In his lecture,
entitled “CO
, Energy, and Climate: en and Now,” Cicerone
spoke of Keeling’s life and groundbreaking research, how scientists
today are adapting and expanding the subject, possible implications
of the data, and the role of scientists in the global discourse on car-
bon dioxide emissions and climate change. e lecture, which was
the brainchild of Professor Benjamin McCall, was attended by two
of Keeling’s children, Eric Keeling and Emily Keeling Takahashi,
and was co-sponsored by the Department of Atmospheric Sciences.
roughout his speech Cicerone traced many facets of the global
climate change conversation back to Keeling and his highly detailed
data sets. “e world only needed one Dave Keeling,” joked Cice-
rone, who told anecdotes of Keelings extreme attention to detail
and preparations, including measuring gas levels in parts per mil-
lion, something that was cutting edge for the time and made for a
highly valuable data set. It is because of his precision and accuracy,
which Cicerone referred to as “really good chemistry… beyond
question,” that Keeling’s data is so important today.
Keeling inspired many to take up the cause of carbon cycle data
collection and understand its implications in the world today.
Cicerone displayed a number of graphs with data either begun or
inspired by Keeling, noting that former Vice President Al Gore car-
ried around a copy of the “Keeling Curve” and, at least for a time,
it was rumored that the chart was the only scientic graph in the
White House.
Cicerone closed his speech by noting the implications of Keeling
and his successors’ data and the role of scientists in the public dis-
cussion on climate change. Keeling saw himself as a scientist, not a
politician, and actually resisted the label of “climate change” until
the late 1990s when he felt that the data made it “crystal clear.
Cicerone himself expressed hesitation over scientists’ involvement
in setting energy standards, saying, “I’m not sure that scientists
should decide what’s dangerous… that might be for the public
to decide.” However, he did stress that no matter what is gleaned
from the data, smart energy decisions are necessary and that energy
policy and technology must take into consideration security, costs,
and climate change data.
Cicerones own research has focused on atmospheric chemistry,
the radiative forcing of climate change due to trace gases, and the
sources of atmospheric methane, nitrous oxide and methyl halide
gases. He has served as founding chair of the Department of Earth
System Science at University of California, Irvine, and the presi-
dent of the American Geophysical Union. For his outstanding
research contributions to the understanding of Earths atmospheric
processes, biogeochemical cycles, and other key elements of the
climate system, Cicerone has won numerous awards, including the
Albert Einstein World Award in Science, the Bower Award and
Prize for Achievement in Science, and the Roger Revelle Medal.
In addition to the National Academy of Sciences, he is a mem-
ber of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the American
Philosophical Society, the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, the Rus-
sian Academy of Sciences, and the Korean Academy of Science and
Ralph Cicerone Delivers
Inaugural Charles David Keeling Lecture
Dr. Cicerone (center) with Eric Keeling
and Emily Keeling Takahashi, children
of the late Charles David Keeling
A 1948 alumnus of the University of Illinois Department of Chem-
istry, Keeling was born in Scranton, Pennsylvania, and earned a
Ph.D. in chemistry from Northwestern University in 1954. He
served as a postdoctoral fellow in geochemistry at the Califor-
nia Institute of Technology until he was recruited by preeminent
oceanographer Roger Revelle to the Scripps Institution of Ocean-
ography in 1956, where stayed throughout his career and where his
son Ralph currently serves as a professor.
It was at Cal Tech that Keeling developed the rst instrument to
measure carbon dioxide in atmospheric samples. A lifelong out-
doorsman, he camped at Big Sur, where he rst used his new device
to measure the level of carbon dioxide and found that it had risen
since the 19
In 1958, Keeling started collecting carbon dioxide samples at the
International Geophysical Year (IGY) base in Mauna Loa, two miles
above sea level. Within two years, he had collected data to establish
strong seasonal variations in CO
levels that peaked in the late north-
ern hemisphere each winter, with a reduction in carbon dioxide that
followed during spring and early summer as plant growth increased
in the land-rich northern hemisphere. In 1961, Keeling produced
data showing that carbon dioxide levels were rising steadily. e plot
of his data, painstakingly collected with incomparable accuracy, is
now widely known as the “Keeling Curve.
e data collection started by Keeling and continued at Mauna
Loa is the longest continuous record of atmospheric carbon dioxide
Alumni Profile:
Charles David Keeling
T D  C  
      
    ,   
 CD
K, whose research at the Mauna Loa
Observatory in Hawaii directly contributed to
today’s worldwide discussion of the eect of
carbon dioxide on the Earths environment.
Continued next page
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Alumni Profile:
Charles David Keeling
continued from previous page
E,  D  C-
 
 . In addition to private and
industrial fellowships for graduate students, the department oers
a variety of undergraduate scholarship opportunities for students.
is summer, the John E. Gieseking Scholarship provided research
opportunities for 11 undergraduate students.
Created seven years ago to provide aid to undergraduate chemistry
majors, the Gieseking Scholarship stands as a testament to John E.
Giesekings legacy and dedication to the University of Illinois and
the Department of Chemistry. e former Illinois professor, who
passed away in 2003, was a crop scientist and consulting chemist
who recognized the need to support undergraduate students in pur-
suing their academic interests.
Research opportunities for undergrads are often transformative,
leading many students to explore career paths in chemistry. Clare
Kane, 2010 Gieseking recipient, said of the experience, “e schol-
arship is important not just because it looks good on a resume, but
it provides an opportunity to explore areas of chemistry that might
otherwise not be available. Doing research this past summer has
taught me an enormous amount of chemistry that I would have
never learned in any lecture. A hands-on approach is really key to
understanding a complex subject such as chemistry.
e Gieseking scholarship also gave students direct experience with
unscripted laboratory work, which employers and graduate schools
seek. By preparing students for the public presentations and collab-
orative work that are standard in the eld, they are far more con-
dent and eective scientists. Gieseking recipient Arabella Lazar said
of the experience, “Receiving the Gieseking scholarship was impor-
tant because it gave me a chance to experience what grad school
would be like. It gave me a better understanding of the research I
am doing and how to articulate that to others.
As a part of the scholarship, each student was an integral member
of a research group, performing a variety of tasks and assisting grad-
uate students. is summer’s projects included: developing grafted
polymers for cell surface display, detecting RNA splicing using a
biarsenical tetracysteine system, developing analytical applications
of gold nanoparticles, and using hematoxylin and eosin staining to
identify cancerous tissues.
Receiving the Gieseking scholarship allowed students to stay on
campus for the summer and devote time to research and their stud-
ies, rather than returning home or taking a less career-focused job.
A scholarship is an honor,said Alexandra Rutz, a 2010 Gieseking
recipient, “but also a monetary award that allows the recipient to do
the work. e scholarship is important because otherwise, a student
may have to return home for the summer and take an ordinary job.
e scholarship provides the means to cover the expenses of living
away from home, thus facilitating an outstanding work experience.
Gieseking Scholarship
Provides Valuable Research Experience
BACK ROW: Kathryn Filson, Joel Johnson, Alexandra Rutz, Clare Kane
FRONT ROW: Caryn Doner, Stephanie Lucas, Arabella Lazar
NOT PICTURED: Stephanie Lucas, Rebecca Weiner, Madeline Michael, Emily Allen,
Sarah Kwon
2010 Gieseking Scholarship Recipients and Faculty Sponsors
Emily Allen (Scott Silverman)
Caryn Doner (Catherine Murphy)
Kathryn Filson (Kenneth Suslick)
Joel Johnson (Steven C. Zimmerman)
Clare Kane (Alexander Scheeline)
Sarah Kwon (Scott Silverman)
Arabella Lazar (Paul Hergenrother)
Stephanie Lucas (Anne Baranger)
Madeline Michael (Ryan Bailey)
Alexandra Rutz (Steven C. Zimmerman)
Rebecca Weiner (Catherine Murphy)
in the world and is considered a reliable indicator
of the global trend in the mid-level troposphere.
Keeling’s research shows that the atmospheric con-
centration of carbon dioxide has grown from 315
parts per million (ppm) in 1958 to 380 ppm in
2005—which correlates with an increase in fossil
fuel emissions.
“Dave Keeling showed that atmospheric carbon
dioxide amounts have grown worldwide. His mea-
surements were done with great accuracy, from
1957 until now,” said Ralph Cicerone, President of
the National Academy of Sciences and the inau-
gural lecturer for the Department of Chemistry’s
Charles David Keeling Lecture. “e extremely
high quality of his research was traceable to the
amount of thought, integrity, and care that he
invested in it. His results were well known, used,
and respected around the world. During the early
1990s it was said that the only scientic data on
display in the White House was one of his graphs; I
think that story was true.
Keeling won many awards during his career, includ-
ing the Second Half Century Award of the Ameri-
can Meteorological Society (1981), the Maurice
Ewing Medal of the American Geophysical Union
(1991), the Blue Planet Prize from the Science
Council of Japan and the Asahi Foundation (1993),
the National Medal of Science —the highest U.S.
Keeling Curve showing the variation of atmospheric carbon dioxide since 1958.
Image source: Wikimedia commons
award for scientic research lifetime achievement (2002), and the Tyler Prize for
Environmental Achievement, considered to be the world’s most distinguished
award in environmental science (2005).
In addition to his numerous awards, Keeling was a fellow of the American Academy
of Arts and Sciences, the American Geophysical Union, and the American Associa-
tion for the Advancement of Science, and a member of the National Academy of
Sciences. He served as a member of the Commission on Global Pollution of the
International Association of Meteorology, and as scientic director of the Central
Calibration Laboratory of the World Meteorological Organisation. He was
also the author of nearly 100 research articles.
10  |       Depar tment of Chemistry News  |  Fall/Winter 2010 University of Illinois Department of Chemistry       |  11
by the entire chemistry community. Today, they are increasingly
focusing their eorts on accurate methods for understanding sol-
ids, potentially leading to new and advanced materials. e Hirata
Research Group will benet from Illinois’ commitment to cutting-
edge computer technology and development. Hirata said, “Illinois
oers literally the best computing resources and the brightest minds
among colleagues in chemistry, physics, materials science, and com-
puter science for this type of research.
In searching for a leading theoretician, the Department of Chem-
istry consulted with the top practitioners throughout the world,
noted Steve Zimmerman. “e consensus was that So Hirata was
the leading gure in his age group, an incomparable scholar whose
creativity, breadth, and depth were simply outstanding. Naturally,
we are delighted he chose to join our community of scholars.
e recipient of numerous awards, including Camille Drey-
fus Teacher-Scholar (2009-14), National Science Foundation
CAREER Award (2009-14), Hewlett-Packard Outstanding Junior
Faculty Award (2008), and the Japan Society for the Promotion of
Science Fellowship for Young Scientists (1996-99), Hirata consid-
ers the Medal of the International Academy of Quantum Molecular
Sciences as his most honored prize. In 2008, he won for his work
on theory and algorithm developments in electron correlated meth-
ods for molecules and extended systems. e award, presented to a
young member of the scientic community who has distinguished
themselves by a pioneering and important contribution, was also
bestowed upon Professor Nancy Makri in 1995.
T D  C     P-
 S H   U  I. Hirata received
his B.S and M.S. from the University of Tokyo and his Ph.D.
from the Graduate University for Advanced Studies (Institute for
Molecular Science) in Japan. After completing his graduate work,
he served as a visiting scholar at University of California, Berkeley
and a postdoctoral research associate at University of Florida. He
was a senior research scientist from 2001 to 2004 at Pacic North-
west National Laboratory prior to serving as assistant professor at
University of Florida, where he was promoted to associate profes-
sor in 2009. Hirata joined the Illinois faculty in August 2010 as full
professor and alumni research scholar as well as a faculty member
of the Institute for Advanced Computing Applications and Tech-
nologies (IACAT).
Chemistry rst attracted Hirata during his undergraduate stud-
ies. “As an undergraduate student at the University of Tokyo, I was
given two years to decide on a major,” said Hirata. “Of the vari-
ous subjects I studied during the rst two years, I was most deeply
impressed by the exquisite beauty of quantum mechanics and sta-
tistical thermodynamics as applied to chemistry—namely, by how
properties and transformations of molecules as individuals or as
innumerable sums can be infallibly described by these mathemati-
cal theories.
He rst visited campus as a seminar speaker and was drawn to
Illinois for a variety of reasons. “I liked every aspect of the Univer-
sity,” he said, “from its unmatched record of excellence to how the
campus looked… I knew that joining the department would be the
best thing that could happen to my career.
Hirata is a computational chemist who seeks to quantitatively
interpret and even predict the properties and transformations of
molecules, polymers, and solids. He and his coworkers develop new
mathematical methods and algorithms to make the fundamental
equations of motion of chemistry, which are high-dimensional par-
tial dierential equations, tractable for numerical solutions. ey
make the resulting computer software available for application
New Faces:
Professor So Hirata
The Department of Chemistry also welcomes…
Martha Awles, Career Counseling and Placement Services Secretary
Kristin Lang, Stewardship and Advancement Coordinator
Nicholas Llewellyn, Lecturer
Todd Spinner, Undergraduate Advisor (School of Chemical Sciences)
Alex Ibarra, Instructional Technology Specialist
e Milky Way galaxy contains roughly 10
molecules; some
16 orders of magnitude more than are present on Earth. Simple
diatomic molecules such as CH and CN were detected in interstel-
lar clouds in the late 1930s, but now the known chemical inventory
of these clouds includes roughly 150 species identied by high-res-
olution spectroscopy. Chemical models suggest there are hundreds,
if not thousands, more species that must be present but have not
yet been detected. ere are also hundreds of molecular transi-
tions (e.g., the Diuse Interstellar Bands, or DIBs) that have been
observed but not yet assigned to individual molecules. is rich
chemical inventory is not just a curiosity —these molecules play key
roles in the process of star formation, in seeding young planets such
as Earth with water and other pre-biotic compounds, and as power-
ful indirect probes of the temperatures, densities, radiation elds,
and velocities of interstellar clouds.
Understanding how these molecules are formed and destroyed in
such hostile environments is truly a grand challenge for the chemi-
cal sciences. Although the young eld of “astrochemistry” has made
impressive progress, there is a great deal left to be understood. As
illustrated in the gure below, the major areas of investigation that
feed into astrochemistry can be broadly classied into four topics:
molecular structure and spectroscopy; chemical reaction kinetics
and dynamics; astronomical spectroscopy; and astrochemical and
astrophysical modeling.
At Illinois, Professor Ben McCall leads a team of chemists, physi-
cists, and astronomers with expertise in all four of these areas. In
terms of molecular structure and spectroscopy, his group is building
innovative laser spectrometers to acquire the high-resolution, gas-
phase spectra of astrophysically important molecular ions (includ-
ing CH
, C
, C
, C
, etc.) as well as the large, highly
stable neutral molecule C
. He also actively collaborates with theo-
rists to perform state-of-the-art calculations of these and other mol-
ecules to guide his groups laboratory and astronomical work. His
group is also active in measuring (and, with collaborators, calculat-
ing) the rates and branching ratios of key chemical reactions, espe-
cially those involving H
, the centerpiece of interstellar chemistry.
Most of McCall’s spectroscopic targets are also of great fundamen-
tal chemical interest, in that they exhibit non-classical bonding and
uxional dynamics (e.g., CH
, C
) or possess very high sym-
metry (C
). Some are also prototypical reactive intermediates in
organic chemical reactions, such as electrophilic aromatic substi-
tution (C
). e detailed understanding of the structure and
intramolecular dynamics (e.g., tunneling motions) of these ions
may ultimately lead to new insights into organic reactivity from a
quantum mechanical perspective.
On the astronomical side, McCall is actively engaged in astronomi-
cal observations as well as analytical modeling. His group is best
known for its work on interstellar H
, and using its abundance to
infer the ux of interstellar cosmic rays. He is also involved in milli-
meter-wave searches for more complex molecules, such as urea, and
in the study of the DIBs in the optical. e close synergy of labora-
tory, observational, and theoretical work makes his group rather
McCall is also committed to educating the next generation of astro-
chemists. He has developed an entirely new undergraduate lecture
and laboratory course. e latter has made use of the University
of Illinois campus observatory. Steve Zimmerman, Head of the
Department of Chemistry, ttingly noted, “Ben is a rising superstar
who is pioneering this new and exciting area of chemistry. He is a
gifted lecturer and a sought-after research advisor. We are delighted
to have him here at Illinois.
McCall Research Group Brings
Astrochemistry to Illinois
12  |       Depar tment of Chemistry News  |  Fall/Winter 2010 University of Illinois Department of Chemistry       |  13
Is there anyone in particular that inspires you as a chemist?
My academic great-great grandfather Linus Pauling, who I was
lucky enough to still know in person, and his great-grandfather
Justus von Liebig. Von Liebig was one of the first biological chem-
ists, and the first to realize (before Woehler’s famous synthesis
of urea) that organic and inorganic matter are fundamentally
made from the same elements, and organic matter can be
synthesized. At the same time, he was very practical, inventing
everything from the basic laboratory condenser to the cubes of
meat extract still used to flavor soups today. Pauling is perhaps
the most brilliant physical chemist ever. He introduced quantum
mechanics into chemistry and frankly, his general chemistry text is
still better than anything around today. He worked on everything
and anything, from protein secondary structure to quasi-crystals,
to hybrid orbitals, to transition state theory of enzymes.
In April, you were named a fellow of the American Academy of Arts
and Sciences. How does it feel to join such a prestigious group?
It’s great! I hope Francis Ford Coppola shows up (also elected this
year), so I can meet the creator of “Godfather, Apocalypse Now, and
Patton in theesh and blood. It is an Academy of ARTS and Sciences!
Your groundbreaking research on protein folding within cells
has the potential to revolutionize the study of biological pro-
cesses in diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Huntington’s. What
drew you to this area of study?
Frustration. We had been trying to study proteins in artificial
crowded environments in the test tube. Although we were slowly
getting results, it was very difficult because proteins would ag-
gregate under these conditions [speaking of Alzheimer’s and
Huntington’s, which are aggregation-related diseases]. At one
point I thought, “It can’t be any harder to just do this in a real cell!”
Dr. Martin Gruebele, the James R. Eiszner Endowed Chair in
Chemistry, has been with the Department of Chemistry since 1992
and over the last 18 years has garnered a number of prestigious
awards for his innovative research, including a recent selection as
a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
The Gruebele Group is engaged in experiments and computa-
tional modeling to study a broad range of fundamental problems
in chemical and biological physics. A common theme in these
experiments is the implementation of state-of-the-art laser tech-
niques to interrogate and manipulate complex molecular sys-
tems, coupled with quantum or classical simulations. The results
of these efforts are contributing to a deeper understanding of the
way that proteins fold into functional 3-dimensional molecules,
the details of how chemical bonds are broken by vibrational mo-
tion and how this can be controlled, and the switching of energy
flow in large molecular structures on surfaces.
We caught up with Gruebele to discuss his latest research and
how his family and childhood led to his career as a chemist.
How did you decide to pursue an education and career in
In the 1970s in Austria, it was rather easy for children to buy chem-
icals and glassware, at least if you sounded like you knew what
you were talking about. So I had a fully stocked lab at home. My
parents wanted something more ‘practical’ than chemistry, but
after a pre-med semester as a biochemistry major, I switched over
to chemistry, synthesizing co-crystallization agents for Ken Sauer
at the Melvin Calvin Lab, and later doing gas phase spectros-
copy on ions of interest in interstellar chemistry with Rich Saykally
(at University of California, Berkeley).
A Moment with
Martin Gruebele
Graduate student Apratim Dhar started to set up a microscope
that could “jump” cells to induce a protein in them to fold or
unfold, and he was soon joined by Simon Ebbinghaus, who I was
lucky to get as a postdoc from Germany. Professor MacDonald
provided his microscope and came up with some crafty optical
tricks, and voila: proteins folded and unfolded in cells without
aggregating. In hindsight, cells have a few billion years of evolu-
tion behind them to make sure proteins don’t aggregate inside
of them under crowded conditions. We have yet to figure out in
detail how crowding within cells is physically different from the
simplified crowding models in test tubes.
You attended UC Berkeley for your undergraduate and gradu-
ate coursework and worked at the California Institute of Tech-
nology as a postdoctoral fellow. What made you decide to
move to the Midwest and pursue a career at Illinois?
Our group is very heavy on new instrumentation design. The
School of Chemical Sciences simply has the best shops and
facilities in the U.S. Period. The only serious competition was a
C4 position I had been offered in Germany. It also didn’t do any
harm that my then-girlfriend Nancy Makri had just gotten a job
here. So I said good-bye to the tenured professor offer in Germany,
and went to Illinois instead.
What is your favorite aspect of working at Illinois?
The students. I think this would be true anywhere. Students and
postdocs are like a great amplifier that makes possible what a
single person could never come close to doing. Over the last 10
years we have seen an even further extension of this to interdis-
ciplinary collaboration creating very large ‘effective group sizes.
Interdisciplinary interactions are easy and many on campus, and
I’ve co-authored papers with many other faculty. The interdisciplin-
ary system has its pitfalls (committee-ism), but also, as ‘Big Physics’
discovered over 70 years ago, its advantages.
If you could give advice to a student interested in pursuing a
career in chemistry, what would it be?
Find out where your greatest strengths are, and pursue them. Do
the rest as a hobby.
Is there anything else you would like to add?
I’ve been here for well over a decade. I look forward to the
14  |       Depar tment of Chemistry News  |  Fall/Winter 2010 University of Illinois Department of Chemistry       |  15
F       D  C-
        
F   A C S (ACS) at the Fall
National Meeting in Boston. Unlike other ACS national awards, this
honor is bestowed upon scientists who have made outstanding contri-
butions to both chemistry and the ACS. e group includes scientists
from a wide range of disciplines and geographic locations, including 33
technical divisions and 79 local sections. e 2010 class also includes
distinguished scientists and engineers from industry, academia, and
Professor Peter Beak, the James R. Eiszner Endowed Emeritus Chair
in Chemistry—a leader in physical organic chemistry—has advanced
the characterization and understanding of organic reactions. He has
made signicant contributions to stereochemistry through his study of
reaction geometry at nonstereogenic atoms. He also is a member of the
National Academy of Sciences and a fellow of the American Academy
of Arts and Sciences.
Professor eodore Brown, an emeritus professor of chemistry, was
the founding director of the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science
and Technology at Illinois. He has been an active leader and adviser
within the scientic community, including service on the ACS Gov-
erning Board for publishing and co-chairing a National Academy
committee on interdisciplinary research. He is a pioneer in the area
of organometallic chemistry. He has written books on philosophical,
social, and cognitive aspects of science and co-wrote a best-selling gen-
eral chemistry text.
Professor Jerey Moore, the Murchison-Mallory Professor of Chem-
istry, is an alumnus of Illinois who returned to join the faculty. His
research focuses on large organic molecules and polymers in three main
areas: macromolecule construction, self-healing polymers, and materi-
als for energy storage. He has a joint appointment in the Department
of Materials Science and Engineering, is a member of the Beckman
Institute for Advanced Science and Technology, and is a fellow of the
American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
Professor Kenneth Suslick, the Marvin T. Schmidt Professor of
Chemistry, has pioneered the study of the chemical eects of ultra-
sound and its applications to nano-materials synthesis and sonolumi-
nescence, as well as exploring plasma formation in imploding bubbles.
His team also is at the forefront of chemical sensing, and developed
an articial “nose” capable of molecular recognition. He holds a joint
appointment in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering
and is a member of the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and
Chris Cramer (Ph.D. 1988, Denmark) is currently the Distinguished
McKnight and University Teaching Professor and holds the Elmore H.
Northey Chair in the Chemistry Department at the University of Min-
nesota, where he began his academic career in 1988. He also served as
an active duty ocer in the United States Army. His research interests
encompass the development and application of models that include
condensed-phase eects on structure and reactivity, the character-
ization of the electronic structures of organic and inorganic systems
having frontier-orbital near degeneracies, and the application of com-
putational methods for both catalyst and materials design, with special
interest in water splitting and oxygen activation. He is the recipient of
numerous professional awards and serves as the editor of eoretical
Chemistry Accounts and as the North American editor for the Journal of
Physical Organic Chemistry.
George Inglett (B.S. 1949), who worked as an undergraduate for
Professor G. Frederick Smith, has traveled to and lectured in about
60 countries in his career. He has published more than 300 articles,
books, chapters and patents and made about 270 presentations. He
has worked in private industry as well as the public sector, including
40 years at the USDA-ARS National Center for Agricultural Utiliza-
tion Research, where he created TRIM TECHNOLOGIES. Inglett
has been recognized many times for his expertise in the eld of food
science, including the prestigious Lincoln Award, the highest award for
achievement by the state of Illinois, in 2005. Said Inglett, “I have con-
tributed to many scientic discoveries and seen most of the world since
my undergrad days, but those Illinois days will never be forgotten.
American Chemical Society
Faculty and Alumni Elected Fellows of the
Leonard Interrante (Ph.D. 1964. Bailar) is currently professor of
chemistry and chemical biology at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Insti-
tute. Interrante was an NSF Postdoctoral Fellow in London at Uni-
versity College. His rst teaching assignment came as an assistant
professor at the University of California, Berkeley, where he contin-
ued for four years. Before coming to Rensselaer in 1985, Interrante
spent 17 years at the General Electric Research and Development
Center in Schenectady. He is the founding and current editor-in-
chief of the ACS journal Chemistry of Materials.
Paul Jones (Ph.D. 1956, Fuson) is currently a visiting scholar at the
University of Michigan and professor emeritus of chemistry at the
University of New Hampshire, where he has been a faculty member
since completing his Ph.D. in 1956. In addition to his academic
positions, Jones has been the recipient of numerous research and
faculty fellow positions, including two Fulbright fellowships. He is
active in the American Chemical Society, serving as ACS Councilor,
Huron Valley Section from 2003-2009 and as a member of the
ACS Publications Committee from 2006-2010.
C. Gordon McCarty (Ph.D. 1963, Curtin) is currently adjunct
professor at University of South Carolina Beaufort. He had previ-
ously worked for Bayer Corporation in Pittsburg. In addition to his
industrial and academic careers, McCarty has been dedicated to the
ACS, serving on its board of directors.
Tim Minton (B.S. 1980) traces his scientic career back to his year
working with Professor Willis Flygare. After receiving his Ph.D.
from the University of California, Berkeley, Minton returned to
Illinois to do post-doctoral research with Doug McDonald. After
ve years at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Minton left to pursue an
academic career in the Chemistry and Biochemistry Department
at Montana State University, where he has worked for 15 years.
His research focuses on reaction dynamics, with special emphasis
on hyperthermal gas-phase and gas-surface reactions and their rele-
vance to environmental eects on space vehicles in low Earth orbit.
John Verkade (B.S. 1956, Ph.D. 1960, Piper) is active in research and
teaching at Iowa State University, where he began immediately after
graduating from Illinois as Stan Piper’s rst Ph.D. student. Over his
half-century at Iowa State, his research in organophosphorus chem-
istry has resulted in more than 400 publications, eight books, and
20 patents. His service to the ACS has included posts as chair of the
Society Committee on Publications, the C&EN Editorial Board and
the Chemical Abstracts Services Committee as well as Region V Direc-
tory on the ACS Board of Directors. Piper inspired Verkade to pursue
an academic career by encouraging him to conduct his research on the
coordination chemistry of a new cage-like organophosphite ligand.
Verkade also said that he has Elias (E.J.) Corey and Reynold Fuson to
thank for teaching him the elegance of organic chemistry.
Christopher Welch (B.S. 1982, Ph.D. 1992, Pirkle) is a Distinguished
Senior Investigator at Merck Research Laboratories, where he has
been employed for 11 years. He worked with Professor Pirkle during
his undergraduate and graduate tenure at Illinois and noted that his
undergraduate research experience solidied his decision to become a
working chemist. Since receiving his Ph.D., he published more than
175 articles and is now viewed as an expert in the eld of chiral chro-
matography. Welch said, “At Illinois we were always reminded that in
addition to pursuing personal research objectives, it was also impor-
tant to support the infrastructure of chemistry. I have tried to follow
that guidance, and have been an active member of the ACS, where I
currently serve as a Councilor for the Division of Organic Chemistry
(ORGN). I’m thrilled to be one of the nine U of I graduates inducted
in the 2010 class of ACS fellows!”
Inaugurated in 2009, the fellows program recognizes a select group
among the 161,000 ACS members who have made exceptional
achievements in both science and society. e ACS is the world’s larg-
est professional society and we are delighted that so many Illinois
alumni have been selected as fellows.
Reprinted in part from an article by the University of Illinois News Bureau.
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Alumni Notes
Tony Barnes (Ph.D. 1984,
Nieman) is currently Senior
Vice President of Clinical
Diagnostics at Rules Based
Medicine in Austin, Texas, as
well as a Special Professor at
the University of Nottingham
and a fellow at the Institute for
Advancing Medical Innovation
at Kansas University. Previous
to his position at Rules Based
Medicine, Barnes started a
company with Professor John
Robertson of Nottingham
University with the goal of
using the early detection of
autoantibodies to cancer
specific antigens to save
cancer patients. The company
raised more than $45 million
in support and developed a
product which has recently
been shown to detect lung
cancer early and with good
Theodore W. Gray (B.S. 1986)
one of the founders of Wolfram
Research and currently Wolfram’s
Director of User Interface
Technology, has received the
James T. Grady-James H. Stack
Award for Interpreting Chemistry
for the Public sponsored by the
American Chemical Society.
The purpose of the award is
to recognize, encourage, and
stimulate outstanding reporting
directly to the public, increasing
the public’s knowledge and
understanding of chemistry,
chemical engineering, and
related fields.
Philip Horwitz (M.S. 1955, Ph.D.
1957, Moeller) a Senior Scientist
for NorthStar Engineering
Technologies, was part of
a team that recently won a
2010 R&D Award. The awards,
widely recognized as the
“Oscars of Innovation, identify
and celebrate the top high
technology products of the
year. The R&D 100 Awards
spans industry, academia,
and government sponsored
research: sophisticated
testing equipment, innovative
new materials, chemistry
breakthroughs, biomedical
products, consumer items,
and high-energy physics.
Horowitz is also the holder of
countless technology patents
on the subject of chemical
separations and the winner of
numerous awards, including
the 1984 Glenn T. Seaborg
Actinide Separations Award,
the 2000 American Chemical
Society Award in Separation
Science and Technology,
and in 2004, the prestigious
Becquerel Medal Award
presented by the Royal Society
of Chemistry in London.
Steven Thorn (M.S. 2000) is the
founder of Thorn & Associates
LLC. His practice covers all
aspects of federal and state
environmental law. Prior
to founding the firm, Thorn
was an Associate Regional
Counsel at U.S. EPA, Region 5
(handling matters in Illinois,
Indiana, Ohio, Minnesota,
Wisconsin and Michigan) and
an environmental attorney at
a large Chicago-based law
firm. During this time, he was
involved in several hundred
enforcement matters that
spanned the spectrum of
environmental statutes. In
addition to winning numerous
awards for his work, he was
designated a Leadership in
Energy and Environmental
Design Accredited Professional
AP) by the United States
Green Building Council.
To submit an alumni update and
receive the most current and news,
check out the alumni page on the
Department of Chemistry website:
Chemistry at Illinois’
Oldest Alumnus:
Charles “Hap” Fisher
T D  C    
  C“HF,
our oldest
known living alumnus, who celebrated his 104
on November 20, 2010.
Fisher was Professor R.C. Fusons rst U.S. graduate student,
receiving his M.S. and Ph.D. in 1929 and 1932. After com-
pleting his doctoral work during the Great Depression, he
received a three-year teaching appointment at Harvard Uni-
versity. Fisher has said his goal in life was to “make peoples
lives better through science,” and he had a successful and pro-
lic career after leaving Harvard to work for the U.S. govern-
ment in several research capacities, with the bulk of his time
spent at the Southern Regional Research Center (SRRC) in
New Orleans, Louisiana. During his tenure at SRRC, Fisher
appeared as inventor or co-inventor on 72 patents, includ-
ing popular products such as ame resistant cotton, fro-
zen orange juice, wash-wear and durable press cottons. In
addition to the numerous products he worked on, he also
authored more than 200 scientic articles.
He later returned to academia after his retirement from gov-
ernment work, teaching chemistry at Roanoke College, his
undergraduate alma mater. Despite his retirement, Fisher
actively taught and was instrumental in growing the chem-
istry department, suggesting programs such as guest speaker
seminars and student research initiatives. It wasnt until his
birthday that he retired, again. Today, the Organic
Chemistry Lab at Roanoke College bears his name to recog-
nize his eorts and contributions.
Fisher and his work have garnered numerous awards and
recognition throughout his career, including the Presidential
Citation of Merit from the American Institute of Chemists
and being named a “Chemical Pioneer,” a program that he
was instrumental in initiating.
Happy 104
, Hap!
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T D  C    
D. V B (B.S. , M.S. , P.D. ) 
   B A
for his work in X-ray u-
orescence (XRF). e award was presented in August at the Den-
ver X-ray Conference, a meeting that attracts approximately 500
scientists from around the world. e award was established in
1986 to recognize outstanding contributions to the eld of X-ray
spectrometry, and was named in honor of L.S. (Verne) Birks for
his many contributions to the X-ray analysis eld.
e Birks Award is Burkhes second award from the Denver
X-ray Conference. In 2005, he received the Jenkins Award for
lifetime achievement in the advancement of the use of X-rays for
materials analysis.
Receiving both awards is an extraordinary accomplishment, an
honor shared only by Buhrke and his friend Dr. John Gilfrich.
ese awards stand as a testament to Buhkre’s ve-decade long
career and his outstanding contributions to the eld, includ-
ing writing the seminal text on specimen preparation, which has
enabled scientists worldwide to increase the accuracy of their
XRF and X-ray diraction (XRD) analysis.
About the honor, Buhrke said, “Receiving the Birks Award
is a very exciting event in my life. Birks and Jenkins are both
deceased. ey were very dear friends of mine and I hope they
are both looking down to see me smiling.
roughout his career, Buhrke has remained involved in the
activities of Illinois and the Department of Chemistry. In 2007,
a generous bequest from Buhrke and his wife Janet led to the
renovation and dedication of 100 Noyes as “G.L. Clark Hall,
named in honor of their friend and mentor Professor G.L.
Clark., an expert and innovator in X-ray applications, and who
mentored Gene Bertin, another recipient of the Birks Award
and friend of Buhrke and the Department.
Buhrke’s Research in X-ray
Florescence Garners
Birks Award
18  |       Depar tment of Chemistry News  |  Fall/Winter 2010 University of Illinois Department of Chemistry       |  19
R E. H, I , ,  
CEO  DP,   J , ,    
P     .
He will be remembered for his kind-
ness, generosity, and dedication to Illinois chemistry, its students, and
its mission.
Heckert was born on January 13, 1924, in Oxford, Ohio. He gradu-
ated in 1944 from Miami University in Oxford with a B.A. in chemistry.
From 1944 to 1946, he served in the United States Army, working on
the top-secret Manhattan Project at the Oak Ridge, TN, atomic energy
facility. Following his discharge, he received an M.A. (1947) and a Ph.D.
(1949) in organic chemistry from Illinois under Harold Snyder.
Beginning in 1949, Heckert spent his entire career at the DuPont
Company, holding a number of positions and eventually rising to
CEO in 1986. Described by Fortune magazine as “gregarious, relaxed
and unappable… a 6-foot-3, friendly bear of a boss,” Heckert was
committed to research and safety. He lobbied extensively for fair treat-
ment of the chemical industry in Washington, DC, while working
hard to ensure that DuPont plants and products were safe for employ-
ees and their environs. He engineered the withdrawal of DuPont from
the Savannah River Plant, a nuclear facility DuPont managed for the
government. When it was determined that chlorouorocarbons were
detrimental to the ozone layer, he acted quickly to phase out CFCs by
the end of the century.
In addition to his work at DuPont, Heckert was also an advisory director
of Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., as well as a director of Rem-
ington Arms Company, Inc. and RACI Holding, Inc. He was chairman
of both the National Association of Manufacturers and of the Society of
Chemical Industry as well as a member of the American Chemical Soci-
ety and National Board for Professional Teaching Standards.
roughout his career, Heckert remained dedicated to the University
of Illinois and Department of Chemistry, receiving an Alumni Achieve-
ment Award in 2004. His commitment to excellence at Illinois and
his generosity allowed for the creation of both the Snyder Graduate
Fellowship, named in honor of his mentor at Illinois, and the Richard
E. Heckert Endowed Chair in Chemistry, currently held by Professor
Wilfred A. van der Donk.
Richard Heckert
“It is a truly great honor to occupy the Heckert chair,” said van der
Donk. “Although I only had the pleasure to get to know him during a
period of about two years, I always tremendously enjoyed my conver-
sations with Dick. He had very diverse interests and such an open and
inquisitive mind. It was fun to talk about his days at Illinois and how
much things had changed. But at the same time, his recollections illus-
trated how in many ways Illinois chemistry has remained the same: a
highly interactive and collegial environment. And obviously, he had
fantastic stories from his illustrious career. I was particularly pleased
and honored that Dick was here for the investiture of the chair and
that my students got to meet him and hear him speak about chemistry
at Illinois and about his career.
Always modest and unpretentious, at rst Heckert did not wish to
have the Chair named after himself, but instead merely wished to pro-
vide the funding to allow a Chair in chemistry to be created. Only at
the request of the department and the University of Illinois Founda-
tion would Heckert agree to allow the Richard E. Heckert Chair to be
named as it was. Now, it provides prestige and support to its holders
and stands as a tribute to one of chemistry’s distinguished alumni.
Richard is survived by his wife, Joanna, and two children from his rst
marriage, Alex Y. Heckert and Andra Heckert Rudershausen. An avid
outdoorsman, Heckert served the environment by chairing e Nature
Conservancy from 1989 to 1995. He enjoyed y-shing, ocean sh-
ing, hunting, as well as shooting trap and skeet. A six-handicap golfer
in his prime, he had memberships at Pine Valley and Augusta National
golf clubs. Heckert also served as president of the Bear River Club near
Brigham City, Utah, from 2001-2009. He was an avid vegetable gar-
dener, growing a truck-size garden at his home in Pennsylvania, and
also enjoyed the challenge of managing the shorter growing season in
his Wyoming garden.
“What an extraordinary person and amazing life,” noted Steve Zim-
merman. “Dick will be greatly missed here at Illinois. His humility in
attributing his success to Illinois and particularly Harold Snyder was
inspirational. I will always remember how when we walked through
Roger Adams Laboratory he would greet each student we passed with
a commanding, yet gregarious, Hello, how is it going? He clearly felt a
part of our family and we are fortunate to be able to count him as one
of Illinois’ greats.
S G. S,  , ,   
 D  C,    J , , -
  -   .
Smith joined the faculty at Illinois in 1960 after receiving his B.S. from
the University of California, Berkley and his M.S. and Ph.D. from
UCLA. Within three years he had published three single authored
papers including his rst on what would become a seminal study on
the mechanism of Grignard, organolithium, and lithium aluminum
hydride addition to carbonyl compounds. is was made possible by
his development of a scanning, infrared, stopped-ow spectrometer. He
and his group subsequently carried out some of the earliest mechanis-
tic studies on the addition of copper reagents to unsaturated ketones.
Smith was widely regarded as one of the brightest young practitio-
ners in the area of physical organic chemistry, and his studies included
mechanistic work on solvolyses, alkylation, photochemical, rearrange-
ment, and elimination reactions.
In 1968 Smith began researching the use of computers in chemical
education, and in 1970 published in the Journal of Chemical Education
a groundbreaking paper entitled, “Use of Computers in the Teaching of
Organic Chemistry.” is began a 40-year period where his leadership
led to the widespread integration of computer-based technologies into
instruction in general and organic chemistry. Milestones during that
period included extending the PLATO-based instructional programs to
microcomputers in 1979, incorporating videodisc technology in 1984,
which enabled the integration of videos into learning programs, and
preparation of one of the rst instructional CDs.
Smith applied his research on computer-based chemical education in
the creation of the Chemistry Learning Center in 1972 as a way to
teach basic chemistry concepts through drill-based tutorials. Cut-
ting-edge in technology and philosophy, Smiths vision was to allow
students to work through tutorials at their own pace and order of
choosing. In addition, he created a suite of tutorials in a broad range of
topics in chemistry. He was widely acknowledged as a leader in com-
puter-assisted learning in chemistry, with his programs widely adopted
by universities, colleges, and secondary schools.
Today, the Chemistry Learning Center continues Smiths vision of pro-
viding technology and a high level of support to chemistry students.
Open six days a week and evenings to accommodate students’ busy
schedules, the CLC provides a variety of tutoring options, 70 com-
puter workstations, and study space. Smith had said of the space, “e
barriers to learning become lower. With the software it’s easier now to
imagine chemical structures, you can balance equations visually, not
rely solely on your imagination. Learning chemistry becomes concep-
tually easier.
Over the years, he was widely recognized for his work with numerous
awards, including the EDUCOM/ENCRIPTAL Best Tutorial Soft-
ware Award and Best Chemistry Software Award (1987), the Chemical
Manufacturing Association Catalyst Award (1987), the Best Integrated
and Best Chemistry Software in 1989, the IBM/EDUCOM Robin-
son Award for Instructional Computing in 1992, and the George C.
Pimentel Award from the American Chemical Society in 1998. He was
a fellow of the Association for the Development of Computer-Based
Instruction and the Sloan Foundation. In 1990 Smith was appointed
Jubilee Professor in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and in
1995 was appointed as the rst Murchison-Mallory Chair in Chemis-
try, a title he held for more than a decade.
In addition to his innovation in computer-assisted learning and his pres-
tigious research career, Smith will be remembered as a great colleague,
advisor and friend. “Stan was an unfailing source of support and encour-
agement,” said Bob McMahon (B.S. 1980). ”I relied upon his wise coun-
sel and dispassionate advice throughout my professional career.
Professor Peter Beak noted that Smith was instrumental in starting the
service facilities, now a vital resource provided by the School of Chemi-
cal Sciences. He wrote, “Stan was a truly remarkable colleague. Much
of my early work was forged by discussions with him. In that, as well as
in our later research, he was always willing to go out of his way to pro-
vide ideas, analysis, and helpful criticism.
Stanley Smith
20  |       Depar tment of Chemistry News  |  Fall/Winter 2010 University of Illinois Department of Chemistry       |  21
In Memoriam
William Banick, Jr. (Ph.D. 1957)
passed away November 11,
2009. He was born in Dunmore,
PA, and received his under-
graduate degree from Kings
College before receiving his
Ph.D. from the University of Illinois.
He worked for American Cyan-
amid for 40 years before retiring
in 1997, and was a member of
the American Chemical Society.
Banick is survived by his wife of
53 years, Elizabeth, two daugh-
ters, a son, and siblings, as well
as many grandchildren, nieces,
and nephews.
Homer J. Birch (M.S. 1949,
Ph.D. 1952) born June 1, 1918,
passed away April 18, 2010.
After working as a chemist and
supervisor during World War II,
Birch completed his M.S. and
Ph.D. at Illinois while working
as a teaching assistant and a
research chemist doing instru-
mental work for other students.
He also assisted in the early
development of carbonless
copy paper for National Cash
Register. He returned to the
Belle Works of DuPont where he
performed advanced analyses
in polymer development and
catalyst research. Birch has
been a resident of the township
of Marshall since 1957. He came
to Pennsylvania in 1956 to work
at Callery Chemical Company
in Evans City as a chemical
laboratory supervisor in the
development of high-energy
fuels for the U.S. Department of
the Navy. In 1959, he worked at
the Applied Research Labora-
tory at U.S. Steel as an associate
research consultant, where he
performed analytical work in the
development of plated steels,
cements, and various polymers.
Birch is survived by his wife of
66 years, Edith Mielow, and his
children Norman James Birch
(Aileen), and Emily Kristine Birch
(Barbara Jones), his brother
Paul Birch of Struthers, OH, and
numerous cousins, nieces, and
nephews. He was preceded in
death by his brother Clifford and
his sister Mary Louise.
Fred Easterday Boettner (Ph.D.
1947) passed away February
3, 20 10. Bor n in Murp hys-
boro, IL, Boettner received his
undergraduate degree from
Carthage College and his
master’s degree from Tulane
University before attending the
University of Illinois. His career
spanned ve decades, and he
was well known in the chem-
ical field, accumulating more
than 25 U.S. patents and 228
foreign patents. His work with
the National Cancer Institute
was especially acclaimed due
to his participation in the devel-
opment of Taxol, an anti-cancer
drug. Boettner was a member
of the American Chemical
Society for more than fifty years.
An accomplished woodcarver,
he is survived by three children,
his grandchildren, and a great
Paul L. Cook (M.S. 1952, Ph.D.
1954) passed away February 2,
2010. He was born March 2, 1925 in
Holland, MI, to Peter and Adriana
(Breen) Cook. He graduated from
Holland Christian High School in
1943, then served his country in
the U.S. Army during World War II
in the 102nd Infantry from June
1943-September 1945, stationed
in France, Belgium, Holland, and
Germany. Cook received the
Bronze Star for Bravery. He gradu-
ated from Hope College in 1950
and received a master’s degree
and Ph.D. degree in organic
chemistry from the University of
Illinois. After graduate school he
began his teaching career at
Albion College. He taught chem-
istry for 36 years, served on many
faculty committees, and passed
on his love for chemistry and
education to students who went
on to graduate school or medical
school. He was a member of
the American Chemical Society,
Sigma XI, The University of Illi-
nois Alumni Association, Albion
Exchange Club, and the Lansing
American Legion. In addition to
his wife, Alice, of 58 years, he is
survived by four daughters, ten
grandchildren, and one brother.
He was preceded in death by
his parents, a sister, and brother-
Philip Nickerson James (Ph.D.
1957) born August 15, 1932, died
peacefully of natural causes in
Sun City, AZ, on June 28, 2010.
James was a graduate of MIT
and held a Ph.D. in organic
chemistry from the University of
Illinois. He married the love of
his life, Barbara Fagan James,
in 1954. After working as an
executive leader in academia,
industry, and government for
more than 40 years, James
and his wife retired and toured
America in their motor home. He
is survived by his sons, Greg and
Larry, and his grandchildren,
Chris and Jill.
Edwin G. Krebs (B.S. 1940, Hon.
1995) born in Lansing, IA, on
June 6, 1918, passed away
December 21, 2009, in Seattle.
Krebs was a member of the
National Academy of Sciences
and received a number of major
prizes, most notably a shared
1992 Nobel Prize for discovering
a crucial bodily process that
helps govern the movement of
muscles, the shape and divi-
sion of cells, and even learning
and memory. The process he
discovered in the 1950s with
Edmond H. Fischer, a colleague
at the University of Washington,
activates proteins that can
change the entire character of
cell functions, thus regulating
them. Among other actions, the
process can trigger the release
of hormones that govern bodily
functions. Krebs, who continued
his teaching and research after
receiving the Nobel Prize at
age 74, taught for much of his
career at the University of Wash-
ington, including returning from
UC Irvine in 1977 as chair of the
Department of Pharmacology.
He was also an investigator for
the Howard Hughes Medical
Institute. Krebs is survived by his
wife of 64 years, Virginia “Deedy”;
three children, Sally Herman,
Rober t Kre bs, and Mar tha
Abrego, and their spouses, Dan
Herman and Phil Abrego; four
grandchildren; and six great-
Harriet NevilleMiMi Limper
(B.S. 1944) of Baton Rouge, LA,
and formerly of Millstadt, IL, was
born November 28, 1924, and
passed July 15, 2010, at her
home. Limper graduated from
the University of Illinois with a
degree in chemistry. She was a
retired technical writer for Ethyl
Corp and an avid reader who
loved to sew and do crossword
puzzles. She was preceded in
death by her husband, Arthur
F. Limper; parents, Harry C. and
Florence Neville neé Devere; a
brother, Howard Neville; and a
sister, Genevieve Saupe. She
is survived by her son, Arthur
(Terri) Limper Jr.; daughter, Anne
Limper Burke; sister, Charlotte
Crowe; brother, Donald Neville;
son-in-law, Stephen Burke; seven
grandchildren, Travis Limper,
Laure Limper, Megan Pettit,
Brandee Hart, Ryan Burke, Mack-
enzie Burke, and Caitlin Burke;
four great-grandchildren, Forrest
Moore, Trey Simms, Zeke Limper,
and Arabella Limper.
Dr. Pierre J Marteney (Ph.D.
1961) of Manchester, CT, died
January 18, 2010, at Hartford
Hospital of a massive stroke.
Born on New Year’s Day, 1932, in
Ridley Park, PA, he was the older
son of Reverend (Col.) C. Walton
Marteney and Lorene Rathje
Marteney. He met his wife, Judith
Carolyn Gates, at the University
of Illinois while earning a Ph.D.
in physical chemistry. He spent
his career as a research scientist
at the United Aircraft Research
Laboratories (now the United
Technology Research Center)
where he specialized in catalytic
combustion and fuel. Marteney
was author and co-author of
many scientific papers and
reports, and a member of the
American Chemical Society.
In addition to his career as a
research scientist, Pierre had
a lifelong love of music and
stage, and was honored to
be the recipient of the Third
Annual Hall of Fame Awards for
Arts in Manchester. Marteney is
survived by his wife, Judith Gates
Marteney; his daughter, Susan
Marteney, and her daughter
Ly d i a M a r t e n e y ; M a r t h a
Marteney and her husband,
Robert Nelson; his sister-in-law
Arline Franquiz Marteney; and
one aunt, Annabelle Marteney
Cruise of Huntington, WV, several
nieces, nephews, and cousins.
John Thomas (Jack) Marvel
(A.B. 1959) born September 14,
1938, in Champaign, IL, died on
February 27, 2010, in Tucson, AZ.
The son of Carl “Speed” Marvel,
he earned his Ph.D. in chemistry
from Massachusetts Institute of
Technology in 1964, and was
an assistant professor of chem-
istry and biochemistry at the
University of Arizona until 1968.
He left academia for the corpo-
rate world joining Monsantos
Agricultural Products Company,
attended the Stanford Executive
Program in the Graduate School
of Business in 1977, and from
1985 to 1987 was Monsantos
General Manager of Science
a n d Te ch n ol o g y E uro p e/
Africa, headquartered in Brus-
sels, Belgium. In 1988 he joined
Ethyl Corp. in Baton Rouge, LA,
as Corporate Vice President for
Research and Development
until taking early retirement and
moving to Tucson in 1995. Marvel
served on the Secretary of Agri-
cultures User Advisory Board,
Advent Europe Technical Advi-
sory Board, EEC’s Biotechnology
Group, as well as consulting for
corporations and working with
the American Chemical Society.
Paula S. Moffett (M.S. 1977)
died May 10, 2010, along with
her companion Mark Yellen in
Tuscaloosa, AL. Moffett was an
anesthesiologist for Medical
Anesthesia Group. Previously,
she was the director of the Divi-
sion of Pulmonary and Critical
Care Medicine and the Intensive
Care Unit at St. Jude Children’s
Research Hospital. She was a
proponent of the arts, serving on
the board of the contemporary
art venue, Power House. Moffett
was an avid traveler and partici-
pated in a number of medical
mission trips to Peru organized
by Dr. Coyle Shea. She is survived
by her daughter, Lesley Bozeman
(Morgan Mar tin) of Tusca-
loosa, AL, son, Daniel Bozeman
of Memphis, her father and
mother, Dan and Judy Moffett
of Memphis, her sister, Dana
Moffett (Chris Durban) of Wash-
ington, D.C., and her brother, Pat
Moffett (Sue) of Atlanta.
22  |       Depar tment of Chemistry News  |  Fall/Winter 2010 University of Illinois Department of Chemistry       |  23
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