Broadcom Brocade-SW-Support-RM121
July 31, 2024
Software Release Support and Posting Matrices
Reference Manual
Version 2.19
Brocade Software Reference Manual Software Release Support and Posting Matrices
Broadcom Brocade-SW-Support-RM121
Copyright © 20192024 Broadcom. All Rights Reserved. The term “Broadcom” refers to Broadcom Inc. and/or its
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referenced herein belong to their respective companies.
Broadcom reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products or data herein to improve reliability,
function, or design. Information furnished by Broadcom is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, Broadcom does
not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of this information, nor the application or use of any product or
circuit described herein, neither does it convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others.
The product described by this document may contain open source software covered by the GNU General Public License
or other open source license agreements. To find out which open source software is included in Brocade products or to
view the licensing terms applicable to the open source software, please download the open source attribution disclosure
document in the Broadcom Support Portal. If you do not have a support account or are unable to log in, please contact
your support provider for this information.
Brocade Software Reference Manual Software Release Support and Posting Matrices
Broadcom Brocade-SW-Support-RM121
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 4
Chapter 2: Legends ............................................................................................................................ 5
Chapter 3: Definitions ......................................................................................................................... 6
Chapter 4: FOS Release Support and Posting Status Matrices .................................................... 7
Chapter 5: SANnav Release Support and Posting Status Matrices ............................................. 10
Chapter 6: ASC-G Release Support and Posting Status Matrices ................................................ 11
Appendix A: Target Path .................................................................................................................. 12
Revision History ................................................................................................................................ 13
Brocade Software Reference Manual Software Release Support and Posting Matrices
Broadcom Brocade-SW-Support-RM121
Chapter 1: Introduction
The contents of this document specify the support status, posting state, FICON qualification status, and Target Path
recommendations for all releases of the Brocade
Fabric OS
(FOS) and SANnav™ software products. Posting and support
status for ASC-G software releases is also included. This document is updated whenever there are substantial changes in
support, qualification, Target Path designation, or posting status of releases or when major new releases are available.
Updates are also made when Broadcom has posted notification of or has transitioned to End-of-Availability (EOA) for a
software release. The latest version of this document can be found on the End of Life (EOL) page:
Brocade Software Reference Manual Software Release Support and Posting Matrices
Broadcom Brocade-SW-Support-RM121
Chapter 2: Legends
The heading row for each table in this document has a background color that indicates the current support status for the
releases listed in the table. The color coding is defined as follows.
Latest, Established, or Minimum Major Version Level
All releases in this table are SUPPORTED.
Established or Minimum Major Version Level
All releases in this table are currently SUPPORTED but are transitioning to UNSUPPORTED at the EOA date.
Legacy Support and Availability (LSA) Major/Maintenance Version Level
Releases listed in this table are supported and available for select legacy platforms or capabilities only.
Various Version Levels and Releases
All releases or version levels listed in this table are UNSUPPORTED.
Within the tables in this document, the color used for a cell denotes the support status and/or special designations or
qualifications for the release as follows.
Target Path version.
FICON qualified version.
Supported and posted but not Target Path or FICON qualified.
Supported but not posted; migrating to a newer or alternative posted release is recommended.
Supported only on noted platforms or for specific feature support.
Currently supported but in the Release EOS transition period and within 6 months of being unsupported.
Brocade Software Reference Manual Software Release Support and Posting Matrices
Broadcom Brocade-SW-Support-RM121
Chapter 3: Definitions
Supported SoftwareSupported software is defined as any version of Brocade software that has not reached End-of-Support
(EOS) status. For these versions of software, Broadcom provides full assistance to find the root cause of reported issues up to and
including providing any patches to said software.
Unsupported SoftwareUnsupported software is defined as any version of Brocade software that has reached End-of-Support
(EOS) status. For these versions of software, as long as the user has valid entitlement, Broadcom will take a support call and
provide limited assistance in determining the root case; Broadcom will not provide engineering assistance or patches, and the user
will be asked to upgrade to a supported version of software.
End-of-Support (EOS)The date that the specified software release or version level is no longer supported or available from
Broadcom. Releases that are currently supported but are transitioning to unsupported are highlighted in this document ahead of the
EOS date to provide time to schedule upgrades as necessary.
General Availability (GA)The date that a software release was first posted and made available with support to entitled
Broadcom customers.
Major ReleaseThe second integer of the three-digit software version release number that typically advances when major new
software functional changes are included for new features and/or platform support. For example, the 2 in
FOS v7.2.5b represents the Major Release version.
Latest Major Version – The newest Major Release version level of firmware or software, also referred to as the Current Release
Established Major VersionThe previous Major Release version level of firmware or software, sometimes referred to as One
Release Level Back.
Minimum Major Version – The oldest Major Release version level of FOS firmware that is classified as Supported Software,
sometimes referred to as Two Release Levels Back. SANnav software does not have a designated Minimum Major Version.
Legacy Support and Availability (LSA) Version – An older Major Release version of FOS firmware that continues to be classified
as Supported Software in order to support older hardware platforms that are not capable of upgrading to the Minimum Major
Version or later. LSA versions are supported only for select designated platforms. Note that the published LSA dates for FOS in this
document are across all legacy platforms, but availability of new releases on a FOS version that has reached LSA depends on the
EOL timeline for each individual hardware platform. New releases at the LSA version level may not be made available for a
platform that has reached its FOS EOA date. Refer to individual hardware product EOL notifications for additional details and
FICON Qualified – A firmware or software release that has been specifically tested and certified for use in FICON environments. A
release that was once designated as FICON Qualified but has newer versions that are FICON Qualified on the same code stream
is referred to as Retired FICON Qualified.
Target Path – A recommended version of software that is intended for general use in Brocade Fibre Channel storage area
networks. A specified release of software is identified as Target Path only after it meets well-defined criteria for quality. A version of
software that was once designated as Target Path but has since been replaced by newer versions of Target Path on the same
code stream is referred to as Retired Target Path. For additional information on Target Path software, refer to Appendix A.
Posting StatusThe state of availability of a software release on the Broadcom sites. A Posted status means that the software is
available from Broadcom or Broadcom partners for users with valid entitlement. A Not Posted status indicates that the software is
no longer available from Broadcom or Broadcom partners. A Not Posted status does not necessarily indicate that the software
release is no longer supported. If the Posting Status includes (LW), then the release is also posted separately for Lifetime Warranty
platforms for those users who cannot access the standard FOS release for the LW product platform. Not all posted releases are
available for Lifetime Warranty. A posted release that is approaching a date when it will no longer be available for download will
indicate the date it will be removed from Broadcom and Broadcom partner sites.
Platform Specific Download (PSD)FOS PSD releases are versions of a full FOS release image that can be loaded only on a
single hardware platform, consisting of a single switch model or group of switch models. Unlike traditional FOS release images that
can be installed on any supported Brocade switch and director, FOS PSD images must be downloaded separately for each
platform that the FOS release will be used on. The full list of unique FOS PSD images available for a release and the models that
each PSD image supports are noted in the FOS release notes. Any FOS release listed in this document as Posted is available only
in PSD image form.
Brocade Software Reference Manual Software Release Support and Posting Matrices
Broadcom Brocade-SW-Support-RM121
Chapter 4: FOS Release Support and Posting Status Matrices
Note: For recommended upgrade or migration paths between FOS releases, refer to Knowledge Base (KB) article
ID 14365 for Open Systems environments and KB article ID 14366 for FICON environments.
Latest Major Version (Supported):
FOS v9.2.X
GA Date
Target Path
FOS v9.2.1a March 1, 2024
Yes Posted
FOS v9.2.1 December 20, 2023
FOS v9.2.0b1
June 27, 2024 Yes Yes Posted (LW
FOS v9.2.0b February 21, 2024 Yes Posted
FOS v9.2.0a
June 21, 2023
FOS v9.2.0
April 28, 2023
Established Major Version (Supported):
FOS v9.1.X
GA Date
Target Path
January 11, 2024
Posted (LW
FOS v9.1.1d1 is available with a critical security
vulnerability fix.
FOS v9.1.1d2 is available with additional fixes
including security vulnerability fixes also included
in FOS v9.2.x.
FOS v9.1.1c
June 23, 2023
FOS v9.1.1b
January 20, 2023 Retired Yes Not Posted
FOS v9.1.1a November 17, 2022
Not Posted FOS v9.1.1a is not recommended for Gen 7
products recommend using v9.1.1b or later.
FOS v9.1.1/_01 July 6, 2022
Retired Not Posted FOS v9.1.1 is not recommended for Gen 7
products recommend using v9.1.1b or later.
FOS v9.1.1_01 is available with a critical security
vulnerability fix.
FOS v9.1.0b March 16, 2022
Retired Not Posted
FOS v9.1.0a N/A
Not Posted Internal qualification release only.
FOS v9.1.0 December 15, 2021
Not Posted Supported but not available for download.
LW designates a release posted for Lifetime Warranty platforms. A release that is posted but does not have this designation is not available as a PSD for
Lifetime Warranty platforms.
Brocade Software Reference Manual Software Release Support and Posting Matrices
Broadcom Brocade-SW-Support-RM121
Minimum Major Version (Supported):
FOS v9.0.X
GA Date
Target Path
FOS v9.0.1e/e1
August 19, 2022 Yes Yes Posted (LW
) FOS v9.0.1e1 is available with a critical security
vulnerability fix.
FOS v9.0.1d
March 16, 2022
FOS v9.0.1c
September 24, 2021
Not Posted
FOS 9.0.1b4
September 30, 2021
Not Posted
FOS v9.0.1b4 is considered to be FICON qualified
as it contains minimal specific changes on the
FICON qualified release.
FOS v9.0.1b
April 30, 2021
Not Posted
FOS v9.0.1b is considered Target Path with the
caveat of Defect FOS-831875/
TSB-2021-279-A and Defect FOS-832100/
TSB-2021-280-A. Both issues are resolved in
v9.0.1b4 and later releases.
FOS v9.0.1a2
July 26, 2021
Not Posted
FOS v9.0.1a2 is considered to be FICON qualified
as it contains minimal specific changes on the
FICON qualified release.
FOS v9.0.1a March 10, 2021
Retired Not Posted
FOS v9.0.1 N/A
Not Posted For internal and partner qualification use only.
FOS v9.0.0b September 2, 2020
Retired Not Posted
FOS v9.0.0a June 24, 2020
Not Posted
FOS v9.0.0 April 30, 2020
Not Posted
LW designates a release posted for Lifetime Warranty platforms. A release that is posted but does not have this designation is not available as a PSD for
Lifetime Warranty platforms.
Denotes that the posted version has been rebuilt with obsolete and immaterial third-party components removed. No qualification is needed as this is not a
new software release and the rebuilt version will not change the functioning of the OS or the switch. Contact Broadcom with any questions.
Legacy Support and Availability Version (Supported Only as Specified):
FOS v8.2.X
GA Date
Target Path
FOS v8.2.3e/e1
April 17, 2024
Available for supported Gen 5 platforms only.
FOS v8.2.3e1 is available with a critical fix.
FOS v8.2.3d
April 14, 2023
Available and supported for Gen 5 platforms only.
FICON qualified for Brocade 7840 only.
FOS v8.2.3c/c1
July 19, 2022
Not Posted
FOS v8.2.3c1 is available with a critical security
vulnerability fix.
FOS v8.2.3b
December 14, 2021
Not Posted
FOS v8.2.3a1 July 23, 2021 Retired Retired Not Posted
FOS v8.2.3a1 is considered to be FICON qualified
as it contains minimal specific changes on the
FICON qualified release.
FOS v8.2.3a
June 26, 2021
Retired See
Not Posted
FOS v8.2.3a is considered Target Path with the
caveat of Defect FOS-831875/TSB-2021-279-A
(SNMP applications lose connection during MIB
FOS v8.2.3_03
February 25, 2021
Not Posted
FOS v8.2.0a2
March 6, 2018
Not Posted
For BSI only
Brocade Software Reference Manual Software Release Support and Posting Matrices
Broadcom Brocade-SW-Support-RM121
Note: Effective October 2024, upgrades from FOS v7.x to FOS v8.2.x will only be supported by migrating through FOS
v8.0.x. This is a disruptive upgrade migration path.
Legacy Support and Availability (LSA) Version (Supported Only as Specified):
FOS v7.4.X
GA Date
EOA Date
Target Path
FOS v7.4.2j/j1
July 14, 2022
Supported on Gen 4 (8G) 7800
platform only.
FOS v7.4.2j1 is available with a
critical security vulnerability fix.
FOS v7.4.2h July 13, 2021 N/A Retired
Not Posted Supported on Gen 4 (8G) 7800
platform only.
FOS v7.4.2g
August 10, 2020
Not Posted
Supported on Gen 4 (8G) 7800
platform only.
FOS v7.4.2f February 3, 2020 N/A Retired
Not Posted Supported on Gen 4 (8G) 7800
platform only.
FOS v7.4.2e
September 19, 2019
Not Posted
Supported on Gen 4 (8G) 7800
platform only.
FOS v7.4.2d October 11, 2018 N/A Retired
Not Posted Supported on Gen 4 (8G) 7800
platform only.
FOS v7.4.2c February 2, 2018 N/A Retired
Not Posted Supported on Gen 4 (8G) 7800
platform only.
FOS v7.4.2a
Jun 30, 2017
November 14, 2019
Not Posted
Supported on Gen 4 (8G) 7800
platform only.
FOS v7.4.2 April 4, 2017 March 30, 2019
Not Posted Supported on Gen 4 (8G) 7800
platform only.
FOS v7.4.1d July 15, 2016 N/A
Retired Not Posted Supported on the 7800 FICON
platform only, until 10/31/24.
Unsupported and Pending Unsupported (EOS) Versions
GA Date
EOS Date
Posting Status
FOS v8.2.X November 30, 2017
July 28, 2023 Not Posted All patches and releases are unsupported per policy
except for noted FOS v8.2.X LSA releases.
FOS v8.1.X
March 15, 2022
Not Posted
All patches and releases are unsupported per policy.
FOS v8.0.X
July 30, 2020
Not Posted
All patches and releases are unsupported per policy.
FOS v7.4.2x
November 14, 2019
Not Posted
All patches and releases are unsupported per policy
except for noted FOS v7.4.X LSA releases.
FOS v7.4.1x
March 30, 2019
Not Posted
All patches and releases are unsupported per policy.
FOS v7.4.0x
March 30, 2019
Not Posted
All patches and releases are unsupported per policy.
FOS v7.4.2b
December 7, 2017
February 2, 2018
Not Posted
Unsupported and should not be installed.
FOS v7.3.X
March 14, 2017
Not Posted
All patches and releases are unsupported per policy.
FOS v7.2.X
March 16, 2016
Not Posted
All patches and releases are unsupported per policy.
FOS v7.1.X
October 15, 2015
Not Posted
All patches and releases are unsupported per policy.
FOS v7.0.X N/A September 27, 2014 Not Posted All patches and releases are unsupported per policy.
FOS v6.4.X
July 23, 2014
Not Posted
All patches and releases are unsupported per policy.
All Older Versions N/A N/A Not Posted All patches and releases are unsupported per policy.
Brocade Software Reference Manual Software Release Support and Posting Matrices
Broadcom Brocade-SW-Support-RM121
Chapter 5: SANnav Release Support and Posting Status
Latest Major Version (Supported):
SANnav v2.3.X
GA Date
SANnav v2.3.1a April 26, 2024 Yes Posted
SANnav v2.3.1 December 20, 2023
SANnav v2.3.0a March 22, 2024 Yes Posted
SANnav v2.3.0 April 28, 2023 Yes Posted
Established Major Version (Supported):
SANnav v2.2.X
GA Date
SANnav v2.2.2a
July 13, 2023
SANnav v2.2.2.1
December 16, 2022
Not Posted
Refer to Release Notes for information on defect fixes included
in this CSI patch.
CSI patch is available for SANnav Management Portal only.
Target Path for SANnav Global View is 2.2.2
SANnav v2.2.2 October 5, 2022
Not Posted
SANnav v2.2.1 June 22, 2022
Not Posted
SANnav v2.2.0.2
April 25, 2022
Not Posted Security updates including Log4j CVE mitigation. Broadcom
recommends that any environment using SANnav v2.2.0 apply
the CSI patch (or later, if available).
SANnav v2.2.0
December 15, 2021
Not Posted
Denotes a Critical Specific Issue (CSI) patch. These patches are not complete releases of SANnav and must be applied on top of the installed base
version of SANnav MP or GV. Unless otherwise noted, CSI patches are cumulative, with any fixes contained in previous patches also included in the
latest patch. Only the latest CSI patch on a maintenance release is listed and available for download.
Unsupported and Pending Unsupported (EOS) Versions
GA Date
SANnav v2.1.x
April 30, 2020
July 28, 2023
Not Posted
Only available/supported for AMP support after EOS
SANnav v2.0.0a
October 15, 2019
March 15, 2022
Not Posted
Restricted availability patch for AMP support only.
SANnav v2.0.0
September 26, 2019
March 15, 2022
Not Posted
All patches and releases are unsupported per policy.
All Older Versions
Not Posted
All patches and releases are unsupported per policy.
Brocade Software Reference Manual Software Release Support and Posting Matrices
Broadcom Brocade-SW-Support-RM121
Chapter 6: ASC-G Release Support and Posting Status
Active Support Connectivity Gateway (ASC-G) is a software utility that enables advanced Brocade Support Link (BSL)
functionality for customers with Brocade Direct Support. For more information on BSL, visit the Brocade Global Support
Supported Versions
GA Date
Posting Status
ASC-G v3.0.0a
May 23, 2024
ASC-G v3.0.0
November 2, 2023
Not Posted
ASC-G v2.1.1_01
March 17, 2023
ASC-G v2.1.0a
September 26, 2022
Not Posted
ASC-G v2.1.0
May 5, 2022
Not Posted
Unsupported Versions
GA Date
Posting Status
ASC-G v2.0.0 October 22, 2021 Not Posted
ASC-G v1.3.0a June 16, 2021 Not Posted
ASC-G v1.3.0 April 13, 2021 Not Posted
ASC-G v1.2.0
September 17, 2020
Not Posted
ASC-G v1.1.0
April 30, 2020
Not Posted
ASC-G v1.0.0
January 30, 2020
Not Posted
Brocade Software Reference Manual Software Release Support and Posting Matrices
Broadcom Brocade-SW-Support-RM121
Appendix A: Target Path
Target Path is defined as a Broadcom-recommended firmware or software release that is intended for general use in
Brocade Fibre Channel storage area networks. A specified release of firmware or software is identified as Target Path
only after it meets the following criteria:
The selected release was created primarily for stability and reliability and not for the introduction of new features. This
release may contain Reliability, Availability, and Serviceability (RAS) improvements and enhancements, but it will not
introduce major new features or hardware support. Major releases of SANnav that meet the necessary quality criteria
may be considered for Target Path designation.
The selected release has been qualified and is supported by multiple OEMs. This broad qualification makes it an ideal
option for environments in which customers procure products from more than one vendor.
The selected release has been deployed in a number of end-user production environments for a period of time
sufficient to evaluate the release as being high quality. The release must have no reported known pervasive or
impacting issues, no critical defects, and no issues identified as critical or service-impacting by a Technical Service
Bulletin (TSB).
Check with your OEM for their recommended Target Path version.
The Target Path guidelines are used to establish a release that meets a standard level of quality, which then can be used
to identify a general recommendation for customers. Always refer to the product release notes and carefully review the
Important Notes and Known Defectsinformation and listen to any guidance from your service provider before selecting
and installing any version of firmware or software since every environment might have unique requirements.
The Target Path release designation in no way implies or guarantees that a release will be free of defects or will not contain
behavioral issues that could cause an impact in a production environment. However, following the Target Path release
recommendations produces the most trouble-free environments for data center storage area networks (SANs) that use
Brocade switching platforms.
Once a specific Brocade firmware or software version is identified as a Target Path release, all released patches (that is,
releases that are identified with a different letter appended to the release number) that are released on the same code
stream can also be considered recommended Target Path releases. Fixes and code changes released via patches are
carefully managed to maintain the Target Path designation. Whenever more significant code changes are required, the
version number will be increased to indicate that the Target Path designation could not be maintained.
When selecting a Target Path version, it is recommended to always select the latest patch on the Target Path release
stream. These newer patch releases may be considered Target Path releases after a very short exposure time because
patch releases typically contain minimal changes from their predecessors. Since the stability of the major code level
release has already been verified, it is unnecessary to wait for additional field exposure. These newer patches will contain
the latest fixes and updates to maintain and provide the highest quality firmware or software version available.
Versions of FOS that are identified as Target Path can also be Retired over time. As new Target Path patches on the
same code stream are released, FOS versions identified as Target Path that are over 18 months old may be identified as
Retired Target Path releases if there are two or more newer Target Path releases available on the same code stream with
at least one that has been available for a minimum of one year. Customers who are planning upgrades should select from
the latest patches on the Target Path code stream; the Target Path designation will be noted as Retired for these older
code versions to help guide users to the latest and highest quality patches available.
Brocade Software Reference Manual Software Release Support and Posting Matrices
Broadcom Brocade-SW-Support-RM121
Revision History
Version 2.19; Brocade-SW-Support-RM121; July 31, 2024
Added FOS v9.2.0b1 with Target Path designation and availability for LW platforms.
Added FOS v9.1.1d2 and v8.2.3e1.
Added SANnav v2.3.1a Target Path designation.
Miscellaneous cleanup and changes to Retired Target Path designations.
Version 2.18; Brocade-SW-Support-RM120; June 21, 2024
Added SANnav v2.3.0a and v2.3.1a releases with Target Path information.
Added FOS v9.1.1d1 and v8.2.3e releases.
Added pending FOS v9.2.0b Target Path information.
Removed Brocade 300 as it is not supported with FOS v7.x.
Version 2.17; Brocade-SW-Support-RM119; March 4, 2024
Added new FOS v9.1.1d, v9.2.0b, and v9.2.1a releases.
Version 2.16; Brocade-SW-Support-RM118; December 20, 2023
Added new FOS v9.2.1 and SANnav v2.3.1 releases.
New SANnav Target Path designation (v2.3.0).
Version 2.15; Brocade-SW-Support-RM117; November 3, 2023
Updated LW release designations for FOS v9.1.1x releases.
Updated SANnav Target Path designation (v2.2.2a).
Added new ASC-G v3.0.0 release.
Version 2.14; Brocade-SW-Support-RM116; July 28, 2023
Added new FOS and SANnav releases.
Updated various release Target Path and posting status.
Transitioned releases to EOS and LSA status.
Version 2.13; Brocade-SW-Support-RM115; April 28, 2023
Added new FOS, SANnav, and ASC-G releases.
Added new Target Path designation for FOS.
Clarified SANnav Management Portal versus Global View releases.
Version 2.12; Brocade-SW-Support-RM114; March 15, 2023
Added new FOS and upcoming ASC-G releases.
Updated the posting status, FICON Qualified status, and pending EOA for FOS releases.
Added pending EOA and new Target Path designation for SANnav releases.
Version 2.11; Brocade-SW-Support-RM113; December 20, 2022
Added new FOS and SANnav releases.
Updated the posting status for FOS releases.
Brocade Software Reference Manual Software Release Support and Posting Matrices
Broadcom Brocade-SW-Support-RM121
Version 2.10; Brocade-SW-Support-RM112; October 31, 2022
Added new FOS and SANnav releases.
Updated the Target Path and FICON Qualified status for various FOS releases.
Added a new section with ASC-G software release information.
Version 2.9; Brocade-SW-Support-RM111; July 6, 2022
Added new FOS and SANnav releases.
Removed obsolete FICON Qualified information for SANnav.
Made minor miscellaneous posting stats and other updates.
Version 2.8; Brocade-SW-Support-RM110; March 18, 2022
Added new FOS and SANnav releases.
Updated information on Retired Target Path.
Moved several FOS Target Path releases to Retired status.
Removed BNA information following the transition to EOS.
Transitioned FOS v8.1.X and SANnav v2.0.X to unsupported status.
Added information on FOS Posting Status for Lifetime Warranty (LW) platforms.
Version 2.7; Brocade-SW-Support-RM109; December 20, 2021
Added new FOS v9.1.0 and SANnav v2.2.0 releases.
Updated Pending Unsupported information for FOS and SANnav.
Made Target Path and FICON Qualified updates for FOS releases.
Clarified FOS CCE release information and caveats.
Version 2.6; Brocade-SW-Support-RM108; September 29, 2021
Added new FOS v9.0.1c and v9.0.1b4 releases.
Version 2.5; Brocade-SW-Support-RM107; September 8, 2021
Updated for FOS Target Path.
Version 2.4; Brocade-SW-Support-RM106; July 26, 2021
Updated with new posted FOS and SANnav releases.
Updated with the FOS Target Path designation for the G620 and G630.
Version 2.3; Brocade-SW-Support-RM105; July 2, 2021
Updated with new posted FOS versions.
Consolidated “Not Posted” status.
Version 2.2; Brocade-SW-Support-RM104; June 26, 2021
Added SANnav Target Path information.
Updated posting status for FOS releases.
Added FOS v8.2.3a and SANnav
Added information on FOS Platform Specific Downloads (PSDs) and releases available as FOS PSD images.
Added new release posting status color coding (orange) for posted code.
Brocade Software Reference Manual Software Release Support and Posting Matrices
Broadcom Brocade-SW-Support-RM121
Version 2.1; Brocade-SW-Support-RM103; April 23, 2021
Added information on “Retired Target Path” (RTP) and designated RTP releases.
Added new FOS releases and a new SANnav release.
Version 2.0; Brocade-SW-Support-RM102; October 20, 2020
Added the “Definitions” section.
Incorporated Target Path information.
Added FOS v9.0.0b and v8.2.2d.
Transitioned FOS v8.0.X to unsupported status.
Updated for SANnav 2.1.0a.
Version 1.4; Brocade-SW-Support-RM101; July 24, 2020
Updated for FOS v9.0.0a, v8.2.2c, v8.2.1e, and v8.1.2k.
Added FICON qualified status for SANnav 2.1.0.
Updated language on providing unsupported releases for migration.
Noted removal date for posted releases nearing EOA.
Version 1.3; Brocade-SW-Support-RM100; May 11, 2020
Updated for FOS v9.0.0 and SANnav 2.1.0.
Updated the FOS v8.2.1d and v8.1.2j Target Path status.
Updated the FOS v8.0.2b and v7.4.1d status.
Updated the document layout and format.
Version 1.2; March 20, 2020
Updated for FOS v8.2.2b.
Designated BNA 14.4.5 as a Target Path; transitioned the 14.4.x releases to Not Posted.
Version 1.1; January 31, 2020
EOA notification and transition period for FOS v8.0.x and SANnav 1.1.x.
Updated FOS v7.4.x legacy releases for corrections and change in support status.
Added new releases (FOS v8.2.1d, FOS v7.4.2f, BNA 14.4.5).
Other miscellaneous minor updates.
Version 1.0; December 20, 2019
Initial document release.