Northgate High School is a part of Unity Education Trust which is a charitable company limited by guarantee (Company No. 10591822) registered in England and Wales at Crown Road, Dereham, Norfolk NR20 4AG
Chief Executive Officer: Mr Glyn Hambling, B. Ed. (Hons), M.Sc., N.P.Q.H
Northgate High School
Inspiring excellence, fulfilling potential
Dereham Norfolk NR19 2EU
Telephone: 01362 697033
Heads of Northgate High School, Dereham Sixth Form College and DESA: Mrs Z Galley and Dr D Hone
Dear Parent/Carers,
School uniform update
We are very aware that the cost of living is rising and that things are getting financially tougher
for lots of families. We want to do everything we can to make sure that Northgate High school
eases this burden rather than adds to it. We are therefore writing to inform you that from
September 2022 we will be making some adaptations to the school uniform and policy. This
change will simplify uniform rules and enable parents to have more choice and affordability
whilst still maintaining high standards of appearance and pride in the school. This decision has
been made in line with statutory guidance from the Department for Education.
We do not wish to limit parents’ ability to ‘shop around’ for a low price, or have excessive
amounts of different garments required for school uniform and PE kit.
Therefore, the school will ensure the following:
Some school uniform items will be available from more than one supplier to provide both
competitive pricing and convenience. This will be reviewed every 5 years as minimum, in line
with government guidelines.
Uniform costs and durability are balanced to ensure good value for money
Pre-loved uniform can be purchased from the school (where stock allows) by emailing
The school will help families with financial assistance, where appropriate and as needed,
when cost is a barrier to their child attending school and meeting our uniform expectations.
This can be discussed and agreed on a case-by-case basis. Again, please use the uniform email
address above to ask to discuss this.
The basic school uniform has minimal branding and colour ranges to ensure that suitable
alternatives can be found online or in high street stores whilst still meeting our codes
One uniform is suitable all year round and no summer/winter uniform is required.
However, old ‘winter’ uniform (shirt and tie) may continue to be worn (but not available to
buy from June 2022) if preferred, until it ‘wears out’.
There are no specific requirements for coats or bags other than they are suitable for school
and allow students to carry the necessary items for learning
The uniform is gender neutral
Please see uniform list:
Royal blue polo shirt with *embroidered school logo
Black blazer with *embroidered school logo
Black school trousers
Plain black sensible shoes plain black leather trainers without coloured branding are
Plain black or white socks (unbranded)
A bag to carry PE Kit, books and stationery (can be left in lockers, which are free - fee
payable if the key is lost)
Black skirt or black tailored/bermuda shorts (both no shorter than knee length) with
*embroidered school logo
Black sweatshirt with *embroidered school logo
Tights if worn are to be black
Banned items
Stretch miniskirts / short skirts.
Skirts should not be ‘rolled up’ or tightened at the back with a hairband
Leggings / Jeggings
Tracksuit bottoms
False eyelashes
Coloured or acrylic nails
Excessive makeup
Unnatural hair colour
PE & Games Kit NB: Anyone playing in a school sports team (male and female) will be loaned
appropriate playing shirts as part of the team kit.
PE Polo Shirt with Northgate Logo*
Black shorts
Football socks blue
Trainers (not black soles)
Black sweatshirt with *embroidered school logo
Plain black tracksuit bottoms
Plain black base layer
Black Sports leggings
Shin pads and gum shields (strongly recommended)
Studded boots for football/rugby
NOTE items marked with a star (*) are required to be embroidered or purchased from
Birds. Birds will embroider a Northgate badge on suitable items bought from other retailers
for a charge of £3.50 on a sweatshirt/polo shirt and £5 for the blazer.
Can we kindly remind parents/carers that jewellery wearing is restricted in school. The only
piercings allowed in school are one piercing in each ear - this should be a stud or small hoop.
All other piercings are prohibited in school and will be confiscated if worn following a
verbal warning from staff.
Jewellery of any kind is not permitted to be worn during PE lessons and that any piercings
should be completed during the summer holidays so that items can be removed for school.
In addition, please note that phones and earPods/airpods/headphones are not allowed to be
used on the school site except for Computer Science lessons (3.5mm audio jack and not
wireless) (may be in bags for the journey to and from school). Please see the Attitudes to
Learning policy (available on the website) for more details.
Finally, we would like to say that we are very proud of our school community and know that
the vast majority of our pupils also take great pride in the identity that uniform gives them. It
is for this reason that we have decided to amend and not abolish our uniform we have not
made the decision to ‘streamline’ the uniform lightly. It is very important to us that we support
families in our community however we can, and believe that these measures are sensible and
supportive. We want our pupils to look smart, have a sense of belonging in our community and
wear their uniform with pride.
Please support Northgate High School by ensuring your child is dressed according to the school
expectations. From September we will be routinely checking uniform every lesson, every day.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if we can support you in any way.
Yours sincerely
Mrs Z Galley and Dr D Hone
Heads of Northgate High School, Dereham Sixth Form College and DESA