Denise Jäckel
Humboldt-Universität zu
Berlin, DE
data management plan;
research data management;
Jäckel, D and Lehmann, A.
2023. Benefits and Challenges:
Data Management Plans in
Two Collaborative Projects.
Data Science Journal, 22:
25, pp. 1–7. DOI: https://doi.
Benefits and Challenges:
Data Management Plans in
Two Collaborative Projects
The data-driven shift in the science research leads to a wider range of research data. To
manage this data in a sustainable and adequate way, data management plans (DMPs)
were established as a method. However, some researchers still do not create DMPs
due to lack of time, resources and understanding of the needs. Furthermore, most of
the existing templates and tools are largely unknown. In this article, we investigated
the benefits and challenges of DMPs in two joint research projects of several academic
institutions. For this, we described the process during the DMP creation, potential
challenges and benefits experienced. We showed that a DMP with completely uniform
content among the partner institutions was not possible due to individual and subject
differences (e.g., in storage and policies). Instead, individual texts had to be formulated
in some cases to overcome the diversity. This complexity could not be handled with
the existing tools. Therefore, both projects created an own adapted template with
some generic contents. Existing guidelines and internal project policies helped during
the generation. We experienced that fewer people work more efficiently on a DMP than
many and that all researchers within the project can profit from every individual DMP.
Although we were not required to produce one, we recognised the associated benefits
as a guide during the research process in joint projects.
*Author affiliations can be found in the back matter of this article
2Jäckel and Lehmann
Data Science Journal
DOI: 10.5334/dsj-2023-
Science depends on data. To address research questions, data need to be collected, interpreted
and analysed. As their collection is time and resource consuming, funding organisations
increasingly demand their sustainability and free accessibility. While scientific results are often
publicly available, the underlying research data mostly remain private by the researchers or
their organisation (Trippel & Zinn 2022). This prevents good scientific practices, where results
can be replicated and new research can be built on existing data for similar scientific questions,
contrastive studies or meta-analysis (DFG 2015) in the sense of FAIR data principles (Michener
2015). FAIR data are findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable (Wilkinson et al. 2016)
and a valuable resource to support information equity, accelerate science and enhance
research impact (Vision 2010). Thus, secure and efficient data sharing is essential to support
and advance science; it allows researchers to save (funding) money and effort for redundant
data production if comparable data already exist (Gonzales, Carson & Holmes 2022). Therefore,
adequate research data management (RDM) became a prerequisite for research funding when
applying for research grants (Patterton, Bothma & Van Deventer 2018). RDM is a task that
includes planning, collection, storage, analysis, documentation, archiving and publication of
research data (Higgins 2018; Neuroth, Putnings & Neumann 2021).
Increasingly, more funders request researchers to specify how their generated data will be
managed. This task can be addressed in different ways, such as research data policies, data
managements plans (DMPs) or even within a cooperation agreement (Schmiederer & Kuberek
2022). A policy contains a framework for action and orientation to create transparency and
clarity in the handling of research data. Policies address ethical-legal and organisational-
technical principles and framework conditions in terms of RDM (Hiemenz & Kuberek 2019). DMPs
are text-based documents that orientate on policy guidelines. A DMP describes the handling of
research data, how they are collected, processed, documented, analysed, stored and archived
throughout as well as after the research project (Kitchener et al. 2017). The structure of a DMP
thus includes project planning and data management, handling of existing and new research
data, metadata to document the data and the context of its creation and their organisation,
long-term archiving and access (Hobohm & Müller 2011).
In the past, DMPs were not mandatory. In recent years, several funding agencies have required
a detailed DMP to be submitted in grant applications to support good data practices and to
promote data sharing as well as reuse (Holdren 2013). The European Framework Programme
for Research and Innovation, Horizon Europe,
has made their creation obligatory for funding.
The National Institutes of Health
is in the process of establishing a data management and
sharing (DMS) policy. The specific requirements vary between funding organisations in length,
detail and extent of review (Whitmire et al. 2015). This has led to an increasing need for
support, guidance and appropriate tools for researchers for DMP preparation (Mannheimer
2018). Therefore, most service-providing departments in German research institutions offer
various tools on how to handle research data (Dreyer, Lehmann & Odebrecht 2022).
Thus, a DMP should not be a burden but an easy-to-follow road map or guide with the
opportunity for it to become an integral part of research processes and good scientific practices.
This impacts and benefits everyone from researchers and publishers to funders which makes
it worth the effort (Gonzales, Carson & Holmes 2022). Persistent identifiers, standardisation
(metadata, vocabularies) and security (legal issues, archiving) make the research process easier
and science FAIR (Blumesberger 2020). DMPs are also not fixed but evolving, living documents
for all project phases, which should be started early and reviewed and revised regularly to
reflect the status quo of the project and to react on needs or changes (Trippel & Zinn 2022).
They likewise enable continuity in the event of staff changes, prevent double work, promote
collaboration and increase the visibility and impact of research (Jones 2011).
However, there are benefits and challenges in every project, which can increase when several
institutions are involved. In the following, we will describe the experiences of two projects with
four to six project partners based on the process to a final DMP, with focus on the complexity,
potential challenges and advantages that occurred (Table 1).
In the FDNext
research project funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), six
universities from Berlin and Brandenburg are working together to evolve tools and services
for a sustainable institutional RDM. In the three-year funding phase, various tools and
concepts for departments, trainings for specific target groups, legal advice, policies and service
management will be compiled and finally evaluated with stakeholders from the nationwide
RDM community (FDNext 2020). To address those questions in a suitable manner, different
methods to generate research data are used: for example, expert interviews, questionnaires,
surveys and data analysis. In order to handle these data even beyond the funding phase, the
FDNext project members decided to develop a project-wide DMP with a research-specific focus,
although there was no formal need from the funder.
Due to the project structure, meaning different researchers from different institutions each
working on small pieces of the puzzle to address the overall research questions, we decided
to give everyone in the project the maximum freedom on how to handle their own research
data (in the limits of FAIR and the funding directives). This means every researcher had the
ability to write their own DMP. In order to still gain a project-wide narrative, a template was
formulated. To meet all the requirements from the funder (DFG), we based our template on the
‘code for good scientific practice’ (DFG 2015). In addition, we oriented our template to a model
plan on DMP (Helbig 2016) as well as a DMP template especially created for students of the
Institute for Library and Information Science of the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (IBI 2022).
As a result, our template contains the main metadata regarding FDNext, such as project name,
ID, short description and research focus within the project, including names and contacts of the
scientists working on this task and also the main questions regarding new or reused data. Since
FDNext is a very diverse joint project, every associated researcher had a slightly different vision
on how to work with the (generated or existing) research data. Luckily, the questions regarding
handling data could be categorised in four different sections: data strategy, data design, data
transition and data storage.
Table 1 Differences between
DMPs in general (left), in the
FDNext project (middle) and
BUA-FDM (right) with regard to
seven aspects (vertical).
Goal Creating FAIR research data for a joint
research project
Creating FAIR research data for a joint
research project
Creating FAIR research data for a joint
research project
Project partners Few to many 6 4
Guidelines • Code for good scientific practice • Code for good scientific practice
• Project policy
• Code for good scientific practice
• Institutional research data policy
Collaborative work Sustainability and free accessibility of
data, challenging lack of time, resources
and understanding of the needs
Creating, reviewing, commenting
and discussing the project-wide DMP
Collaborative text work using Overleaf,
commenting and discussing the
different aspects of the DMP
Content • Collecting
• Processing
• Documenting
• Analysing
• Storing and archiving data including
persistent identifiers
• Standardizations
• Security
• Metadata of the project
• Data strategy
• Data design
• Data transition
• Data storage
• Administrative information
• Data description
• Documentation and data quality
• Storage and technical backup
• Legal obligations
• Data exchange and accessibility
• Responsibilities
Document Living document based on policy
guidelines and a text-based document
Living document based on a self-
created questionnaire, not published
Living document based on a
personalized questionnaire, published
Advantages Enable continuity in the event of staff
changes, prevent double work, promote
collaborations and increase visibility
and impact of research
Continuity even though the joint project
faced staff changes and clarify the
structure of the project findings
Identify and clarify open questions
regarding data handling, prevented
redundant work, promoted cooperation
and the visibility of the project results
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Data Science Journal
DOI: 10.5334/dsj-2023-
The [1] data strategy on how to handle research data within FDNext is regulated in the
project policy (Schmiederer et al. 2022). If necessary, there are subject-specific concepts and
measures for quality assurance, which can be described separately in the first sections of the
FDNext DMP template. The [2] data design deals with the form of research data used in the
project. This includes a description of the file formats and file types as well as file naming.
Third-party rights can also be described in this section if the handling exceeds the provisions
set out in the project policy. As long as there are no legal restrictions (e.g., third-party rights)
on the [3] data transition and publication of research data, they should be published as quickly
as possible. It is important that the data are made available in a form (e.g., file type) that is
useful for subsequent users. If research data is released by a publisher, it must be determined
how access to the data is nevertheless maintained for scientists from other fields as well as
an interested public. The rules of good scientific practice regarding [4] data storage stipulate
that research data must be archived for at least 10 years. This must be guaranteed in relevant,
supra-regional infrastructures which will be described in the fourth and last section of the
FDNext DMP template.
Once the template was reviewed, commented and revised by all project members, it was
shared as a plain document in a collaborative cloud. This way every associated researcher
could elaborate their own DMP regarding the special needs of their research focus within the
project. Furthermore, there was a deadline for every researcher to finish their sketch of the DMP.
From the day of this deadline on, we once more reviewed, commented and revised all DMPs
and also seized the opportunity to gain a wider understanding of how our colleagues address
our overall research questions. Due to the fact that a DMP is a living document and as thus it
wont be finished before the project ends we decided to not publish our texts. In conclusion, the
process is still ongoing, supporting the idea of a living document. Nevertheless, the discussion
about the project-wide DMP template as well as the exchange concerning the individual DMPs
helped to reach a common understanding not just of how research is to be done in FDNext but
also on how we want to successfully answer our research questions. In that way, the additional
work of creating, reviewing, commenting and discussing our DMPs was perfectly worth it.
The Concept Development for Collaborative Research Data Management Services (short BUA-
) project, funded by the Berlin University Alliance (BUA), aims to establish and strengthen
sustainable RDM services and infrastructures. In order to closely align support, training,
communication and services based on researchers’ requirements, these were determined in
the course of a survey. This enquiry also captured the researchers’ needs for DMPs (Ariza de
Schellenberger et al. 2022a) regarding support (e.g., in the form of tools) or reasons against
their production (Jäckel, Helbig & Odebrecht 2022a; Jäckel, Helbig & Odebrecht 2022b).
Furthermore, to handle the project data, a DMP was generated, although it was not requested
by the funder.
As everyone had been working on the same datasets in the project, we chose a coordinated
approach for a uniform DMP. Various suitable tools were available, such as Research Data
Management Organiser (RDMO
), DMPTool,
with varying advantages
and disadvantages. We decided for a freely available template called RDMOkurz.
RDMO is an
open-source software and web application developed by a DFG project and was mentioned in
our survey as a potential solution for missing technical tools regarding DMPs. It is already very
well established in Germany, used or offered by various scientific institutions and within the
National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI
). The RDMO template was easily implemented
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into the German information RDM portal
for a collaborative work.
Filling out the questionnaire was intuitively feasible in a short time. However, it turned out
that the questions were not suitable for us, as some only allowed yes or no answers, but the
complexity of our project required a detailed description. Subsequently, the templates from
Freie Universität Berlin
and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
were compared. The BUA-FDM
team chose the first one and combined it with the one from RDMO. Not all questions were
used, and a selection was made with regard to relevant issues, leading to an individual project
template that summarised information in a continuous text and from one question group,
rather than many individual answers.
Our template contained [1] administrative information on the project name and description,
funding code and agency, principle investigators, participating institutions and relevant policies.
In the [2] data description, we stated that we did not reuse any data but collected them ourselves
through a self-evaluation with RISE-DE (Hartmann, Jacob & Weiß 2019) and the mentioned
survey. We described the software as well as tools used for data collection and evaluation, the
resulting datasets with their (open) formats and access rights. The [3] documentation and data
quality section described the publication of the data, additional helpful information (code book,
read-me file), selected metadata schema, DOI assignment and file naming. The [4] storage
and technical backup during the course of the project differed depending on the institution
and was presented individually. The [5] legal obligations and framework conditions included
information on cross-institutional data storage and information security. [6] Data exchange
and permanent accessibility described where (the open repository Zenodo
) and how (open
access) the data will be published. [7] Responsibilities and resources were divided according to
the project leaders and the project staff.
For an easier collaborative work with all project members, we transferred our created template
to the software Overleaf.
Since the project had been ongoing for a while, most questions
could easily be answered directly without any problems. Others (e.g., legal uncertainty) needed
to be discussed. Uniform information from all institutions was combined and standardised,
and differences were clearly indicated. In addition, we implemented a preliminary description
with information about the institution-specific requirements (e.g., for storage or their policies).
During this process, the document was kept up to date and revised as necessary. The final
version was published in December 2022 (Ariza de Schellenberger et al. 2022b) and can be
continuously updated as new versions in the future if required in the sense of a living DMP.
Since the project members of BUA-FDM worked constantly on and with the DMP throughout the
project, its preparation helped to identify and clarify open questions. The early creation of the
DMP prevented us from doing redundant work and promoted cooperation; it will promote the
visibility of the project results in the future.
The reasons against DMPs (e.g., lack of time, resources, necessity) mentioned by the researchers
in the BUA-FDM survey were only partly evident in our projects. Both projects lacked suitable
tools and templates and therefore created a questionnaire themselves. We understand why
researchers suggested RDMO as a suitable tool for DMPs, as it is very simple, intuitive and fast
to use, although it was unfortunately not sufficient enough for the BUA-FDM project. To capture
the complexity of the collaboration of different institutions, more detailed DMPs are needed
than the current existing templates allow. It should be clear that institutions differ in their work
with (generated) research data, which means that not all contents of the DMPs can be written
in a uniform way. Therefore, it was a big help in the FDNext project to categorise all questions
regarding handling of research data circulating in the RDM community. In this way, we have
been able to point out our research focus while still including all aspects on modern RDM.
Since the processing of the consistent answers took a lot of time in the BUA-FDM project, we
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DOI: 10.5334/dsj-2023-
made the whole DMP with its generic preliminary information about the respective institutions
and their specifics (e.g., storage, policies) available for future projects. This can be used for
subsequent DMPs, if required, to save time and resources.
In order to save personnel resources, tasks and responsibilities for the DMP should be precisely
defined and delegated. Here, less is more. The great advantage of the project FDNext is and
was the defined role of a coordinator. Thus, only one or two people were working on the
plain template, and therefore double work could be prevented. Through the opportunity of
internal reviews, everybody within the project was still able to adjust the DMP template for their
needs and in the meaning of subject-specific requirements. In contrast, the BUA-FDM project
experienced long processing during the development (e.g., through legal uncertainties and the
long consultations with all project members). This first aspect should be better supported in
the future to adequately assist researchers. For example, guidelines such as the DFG’s code for
Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice about data accessibility should be considered as a help
during the DMP generation. Similar, the FDNext project policy (Schmiederer et al. 2022) worked
as a (also legal) framework that enabled us to freely describe our way of handling data.
DMPs have existed for years but have only recently become increasingly obligatory for research
funding. Even though DMPs are not mandatory by all funding agencies, they should be
prepared, as they are a road map during the research process and facilitate the work. A DMP
should be generated at an early stage of a research project and be constantly updated as a
living document. In addition, it should be reused as much as possible for subsequent projects.
Thus, we were not able to confirm an asserted lack of relevance or benefit, as stated by several
researchers from the BUA-FDM survey. Since we constantly worked on our DMPs throughout the
projects, its preparation helped us to identify and clarify open questions. Thus, the elaboration
of DMPs, even if not required from the funders, was a welcome support and helpful guide for
our projects.
The authors have no competing interests to declare.
Denise Jäckel
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, DE
Anna Lehmann
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, DE
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Jäckel, D and Lehmann, A.
2023. Benefits and Challenges:
Data Management Plans in
Two Collaborative Projects.
Data Science Journal, 22:
25, pp. 1–7. DOI: https://doi.
Submitted: 14 December 2022
Accepted: 25 May 2023
Published: 25 August 2023
© 2023 The Author(s). This is an
open-access article distributed
under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0
International License (CC-BY
4.0), which permits unrestricted
use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium,
provided the original author
and source are credited. See
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reviewed open access journal
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