CLICCS Data Management
Good scientific practice (GSP)
and DFG
guidelines for safeguarding GSP require that
generated research data be retained for at least 10 years after the end of the project, and that
they are published and reported as openly as possible
. CLICCS data should be retained for this
purpose until at least the end of 2035. This ensures the traceability and connectivity of CLICCS
research as well as the reusability of CLICCS data according to the GSP.
CLICCS uses research data in a wide variety of forms, such as measurement data, images, video
and audio recordings, observation and simulation data, data from surveys, data from
commercial enterprises, and software source code. In principle, CLICCS research data should be
prepared according to the FAIR standard
(Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Re-usable) and
the descriptive metadata should be provided with a CLICCS disclaimer and meaningful
keywords. The long-term storage and verification of the data should take place in an
established subject-specific repository or in the UHH
repository, which are basically designed
for an arbitrarily long retention period. This enables the application of the FAIR principles over
several, possibly successive projects or associated longer durations. The repositories used must
provide an interface to an overarching reporting system in order to gain a CLICCS-wide
overview of the stored data. This applies both to data that is freely accessible (open data) and
in cases where access is restricted to an organizational unit or to a project (closed user group).
The following guidelines are binding for all CLICCS members. They define the handling of all
data used in CLICCS research - hereinafter referred to as CLICCS data for short.
Responsibility and tasks
The responsibility for research data management lies with the project chairs. They take
all measures to ensure the rules of the GSP throughout the entire life cycle of CLICCS
data - planning, acquisition, processing, documentation, publication and long-term
storage. They can define additional rules in their area.
Project chairs appoint respective data officers who perform the associated tasks and, if
necessary, involve the scientists involved in the project.
Third-party data that is already verifiably stored does not have to be stored again.
In cooperation with central institutions
, CLICCS offers support, advice, training and
tools on the topic of research data management.
Data protection, backup
Backups of CLICCS data must be made regularly to prevent data loss. Changes to data
(e.g. corrections) are only made to copies of the original data.
Documentation, data description
CLICCS data are documented according to the GSP. This documentation is based on the
subject-specific metadata standards and contains, among other things, information on
the origin or the context of origin as well as on the tools used, physical units, date,
time, measuring instruments, etc.
Publication and Open Data
CLICCS data are published as openly as possible and in accordance with the FAIR
standard. The decision whether and in what capacity to publish the data, the place of
publication and the compliance with the legal framework (e.g. data protection, ethics,
copyright) are the responsibility of the scientists. The use of a Creative Commons
license (CC) is recommended. Data should be published in a recognized repository, with
a persistent identifier (e.g. DOI), metadata, keywords and a CLICCS disclaimer.
Documentation of data storage
Each project is required to prepare a data management plan (in accordance with DFG
guidelines) that outlines the entire lifecycle of CLICCS data - planning, acquisition,
processing, documentation, publication, and long-term retention. This plan will be
updated every six months until the end of the project. The respective data
management plan is stored in an RDMO instance (Research Data Management
Organizer) of DKRZ or UHH. Both implement a template adapted for CLICCS. The data
management plans are shared internally within CLICCS.
In addition to the proof of scientific publications, CLICCS also uses the Research
Information System (FIS) of the UHH for the proof of published data.
Within the framework of quality assurance, it is checked whether the corresponding
data management plans are available and updated. The FIS is used to produce a regular
report showing which repositories store data and to which CLICCS projects are the data
related. The report will also oversee whether data storage is in accordance with the
FAIR principles, as well as whether these data are publicly published or sustainably
secured within the organization or project.
German Climate Computing Center (www.dkrz.de)
ICDC Integrated Climate Data Center (https://www.cen.uni-hamburg.de/en/icdc.html ) and
ZFDM Center for Sustainable Research Data Management (www.fdm.uni-hamburg.de )
CLICCS Disclaimer, Keywords
The following disclaimer is mandatory for all CLICCS publications, including data
"Funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation)
under Germany's Excellence Strategy - EXC 2037 'CLICCS - Climate, Climatic Change, and
Society' - Project Number: 390683824".
If possible, members of the UHH should add: "contribution to the Center for Earth
System Research and Sustainability (CEN) of Universität Hamburg".
A mandatory keyword list will be provided centrally.
April, 2023