10:12 TO 11:55 AM
PRESIDENT: John, sit down, sit down.
DEAN: Good morning.
PRESIDENT: Well, what is the Dean summary of the day
DEAN: John caught me on the way out and asked me
about why Gray was holding back on
information, if that was under instructions
from us. And it, uh, it was and it wasn't.
Uh, it was instructions proposed by the
Attorney General, consistent with your press
conference statement that no further raw
data was to be turned over to the...
PRESIDENT: Full committee.
DEAN: ...full committee.
DEAN: And that was the extent of it. And Gray,
himself, is the one who reached the
conclusion that no more information be
turned over; he'd turned over enough. Uh,
so this is again Pat Gray making decisions
on his own as to how to handle his hearings.
He has been totally unwilling all along to
take any guidance, any instruction. We
don't know what he is going to do. He is
not going to talk about it. He won't review
it, uh, and I don't think...
MARCH 21, 1973, FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 2
DEAN: ...he does it to harm you in any way, sir.
PRESIDENT: He's just quite stubborn and -- he's quite
stubborn; also he isn't very smart. You
know he and I--
DEAN: He's bullheaded.
PRESIDENT: He's smart in his own way, but...
DEAN: Yeah.
PRESIDENT: ...but he's got that typical, "Well, by God,
this is right and they're not going to do
DEAN: That's why he thinks he'll be confirmed,
because he thinks he's being, he's being his
own man He's being forthright, honest. He's
feels he has turned over too much and so
it's a conscious decision that he is harming
the Bureau by doing this and so he's not
going to--
PRESIDENT: (Sighs) I hope to God that we can get off
(unintelligible) though today, this is
because the White House told him to do this
and that other thing. And also, I told
Ehrlichman, I don't see why our little boys
can't make something out of the fact that,
God darn it, this is the, this is the, the
only responsible decision you could possibly
make. The FBI cannot turn over raw files.
Has anybody made that point? I've tried...
MARCH 21, 1973 -FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 3
DEAN: Sam Ervin has made that point himself.
DEAN: Uh, in fact, in reading the transcript of
Gray's hearings, Ervin tried to hold Gray
back from doing what he was doing at the
time he did it. Uh, I thought it was very
unwise. I don't think that anyone is
PRESIDENT: Well, let's say --
DEAN: ... your position on it.
PRESIDENT: Let's make the point, let's make the point
that the raw files cannot be turned over.
Well, I think that point should be made.
DEAN: That, that--
PRESIDENT: (Background noises) We are standing for the
rights of innocent individuals. The
American Civil Liberty Union is against it.
We're against it. (Unintelligible)
tradition, and it will continue to be the
tradition that all files are -- I'd like to
turn them (Unintelligible) let them see what
is in one.
DEAN: How damaging--
PRESIDENT: Any further word on, on Sullivan? Is he
MARCH 21, 1973, FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 4
DEAN: Yeah, he's, he's going to be over to see me
today, this morning, hopefully, some-time.
PRESIDENT: As soon as you get that, I'll be available
to talk to you this afternoon.
DEAN: All right, sir.
PRESIDENT: I'll be busy until about one o'clock; after
that we can contact. Anytime you're through
I would like to see whatever thing he has.
Well, he' 5 got something, but I'd like-to
just see what it is.
DEAN: Uh, the reason I thought we ought to talk
this morning is because in, in our
conversations, uh, uh, I have, I have the
impression that you don't know everything I
PRESIDENT: That's right.
DEAN: ...and it makes it very difficult for you to
make judgments that, uh, that only you can
PRESIDENT: That's right.
DEAN: ... on some of these things and I thought
PRESIDENT: You've got, in other words, I've got to know
why you feel that, uh, that something...
DEAN: Well, let me...
PRESIDENT: ...that, that we shouldn't unravel
MARCH 21, 1973, FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 5
DEAN: ...let me give you my overall first.
PRESIDENT: In other words, you, your judgment as to
where it stands, and where we go now---
DEAN: I think, I think that, uh, there's no doubt
about the seriousness of the problem we're,
we've got. We have a cancer--within, close
to the Presidency, that's growing. It's
growing daily. It's compounding, it grows
geometrically now because it compounds
itself. Uh, that'll be clear as I explain
you know, some of the details, uh, of why it
is, and it basically is because (1) we're
being blackmailed; (2) uh, people are going
to start perjuring themself very quickly
that have not had to perjure themselves to
protect other people and the like. And that
is just--and there is no assurance--
PRESIDENT: That it won't bust.
DEAN: That, that won't bust.
DEAN: So, let me give you the sort of basic facts'
talking first about the Watergate; and then
about Segretti; and then about some of the
peripheral items that, uh, have come up.
First of all, on, on the Watergate: How did
it all start, where did it start? It
started with an instruction to me from Bob
Haldeman to see if we couldn't set up a
perfectly legitimate campaign intelligence
operation over at the Re-election Committee.
MARCH 21, 1973, FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 6
DEAN: Not being in this business, I turned to
somebody who had been in this business, Jack
Caulfield, who is, I don't know if you
remember Jack or not. He was your original
bodyguard before
DEAN: ...they had...
DEAN: ...candidate, candidate...
DEAN:, an old New York City
PRESIDENT: Right, I know, I know him.
DEAN: Uh, Jack had worked for John and then was
transferred to my office. I said, "Jack,
come up with a plan that, you know, is a
normal infiltration, I mean, you know,
buying informa- tion from secretaries and
all that sort of thing." He did, he put
together a plan. It was kicked around, and,
uh, I went to Ehrlichman with it. I went to
Mitchell with it, and the consensus was that
Caulfield wasn't the man to do this. Uh, in
retrospect, that might have been a bad call,
'cause he is an incredibly cautious person
and, and wouldn't have put the situation to
where it is today.
MARCH 21, 1973, FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 7
DEAN: All right, after rejecting that, they said,
"We still need something," so I was told to
look around for somebody that could go over
to 1701 and do this. And that's when I came
up with Gordon Liddy, who-- they needed a
lawyer. Gordon had an intelligence back-
ground from his FBI service. I was aware of
the fact that he had done some extremely
sensitive things for the White House while
he'd been at the White House, and he had
apparently done them well. Uh, going out
into Ellsberg's doctor's office...
PRESIDENT: Oh, yeah.
DEAN: ... and things like this. He'd worked with
leaks. He'd, you know, tracked these things
down. Uh, and (coughs) so the report that I
got from Krogh was that he was a hell of a
good man and, and not only that, a good
lawyer, uh, and could set up a proper
operation. So we talked to Liddy. Liddy
was interested in doing it. Took, uh, Liddy
over to meet Mitchell. Mitchell thought
highly of him because, apparently, Mitchell
was partially involved in his ev--coming to
the White House to work for, for Krogh. Uh,
Liddy had been at Treasury before that.
Then Liddy was told to put together his
plan, you know, how he would run an
intelligence operation. And this was after
he was hired over there at the, uh, the
Committee. Magruder called me in January
and said, "I'd like to have you come over
and see Liddy's plan."
MARCH 21, 1973 FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 8
PRESIDENT: January of '72?
DEAN: January of '72. (Background noises) Like,
"You come over to Mitchell's office and sit
in on a meeting where Liddy is going to lay
his plan out." I said, "Well, I don't really
know as I'm the man, but if you want me
there I'll be happy to." (Clears throat) So,
I came over and Liddy laid out a million
dollar plan that was the most incredible
thing I have ever laid my eyes on. All in
codes, and involved black bag operations,
kidnapping, providing prostitutes, uh, to
weaken the opposition, bugging, uh, mugging
teams. It was just an incredible thing.
(Clears throat)
PRESIDENT: But, uh...
DEAN: And--
PRESIDENT: ...that was, that was not, uh...
PRESIDENT: ...discussed with...
PRESIDENT: ...other persons.
DEAN: No, not at all. And--
PRESIDENT: (Unintelligible)
DEAN: Uh, Mitchell, Mitchell just virtually sat
there puffing and laughing. I could tell
'cause after he--after Liddy left the office
MARCH 21, 1973, FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 9
I said, "That's the most incredible thing
I've ever seen." He said, " I agree." And so
then he was told to go back to the draw-ing
boards and come up with something realistic.
So there was a second meeting. Uh, they
asked me to come over to that. I came into
the tail end of the meeting. I wasn't there
for the first part. I don't know how long
the meeting lasted. Uh, at this point, they
were discussing again bugging, kidnapping
and the like. And at this point I said,
right in front of everybody, very clearly, I
said, "These are not the sort of things (1)
that are ever to be discussed in the office
of the Attorney General of the United
States"--where he still was--"and I am
personally incensed." I was trying to get
Mitchell off the hook, uh, 'cause--
DEAN: He's a, he's a nice person, doesn't like to
say no under--when people he's going to have
to work with.
PRESIDENT: That's right.
DEAN: So, I let, I let it be known. I said, "You
all pack that stuff up and get it the hell
out of here 'cause we just, you just can't
talk this way in this office and you
shouldn't, you shouldn't, you should re-
examine your whole thinking." Came back--
PRESIDENT: Who else was present? Be-, besides you--
MARCH 21, 1973, FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 10
DEAN: It was Magruder, Magruder--
PRESIDENT: Magruder.
DEAN: Uh, Mitchell, Liddy and myself. I came back
right after the meeting and told Bob, I
said, "Bob, we've got a growing disaster on
our hands if they're thinking this way.' and
I said, "The Unite House has got to stay out
of this and I, frankly, am not going to be
involved in it." He said, "I agree John."
And, I thought, at that point the thing was
turned off. That's the last I heard of it,
when I thought it was turned off, because it
was an absurd proposal.
DEAN: Liddy-I did have dealings with him
afterwards. We never talked about it. Now
that would be hard to believe for some
people, but, uh, we never did. Just the
fact of the matter.
PRESIDENT: Well, you were talking about other things.
DEAN: Other things. We had so many other things.
PRESIDENT: He had some legal problems at one time.
DEAN: Now (coughs)--
PRESIDENT: But you were his advisor, and I, I
understand how you could have some, uh, what
cam--what are they campaign laws--I knew
that was you, you have--Haldeman told me
you, that you were heading all of that up
for us. Go ahead.
MARCH 21, 1973 FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 11
DEAN: Now. (Clears Throat). So, Liddy went back
after that and it was over, over at, uh,
1701, the Committee, and I, this is where I
come into having put the pieces together
after the fact as to what I can put together
what happened. Liddy sat over there and
tried to come up with another plan that he
could sell. (1) They were talking, saying
to him he was asking for too much money, and
I don't think they were discounting the, the
illegal points at this, after--you know.
Jeb is not a lawyer and he didn't know
whether this was the way the game was played
or not, and what it was all about. They
came up with, apparently, another plan, uh,
but they couldn't get it approved by anybody
over there. So, Liddy and Hunt apparently
came to see Chuck Colson, and Chuck Colson
picked up the telephone and called Magruder
and said, "You all either fish or cut bait.
Uh, this is absurd to have these guys over
there and not using them, and if you're not
going to use them, I may use them." Things
of this nature.
PRESIDENT: When was this?
DEAN: This was apparently in February of '72.
PRESIDENT: That could be. Colson know what they were
talking about?
DEAN: I can only assume, because of his close
relation-ship with...
MARCH 21, 1973 FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A M. 12
DEAN: ...Hunt, he had a damn good idea of what
they were talking about, a damn good idea.
He would probably deny it, deny it today and
probably get away with denying it. But I,
uh, I still--
PRESIDENT: Unless Hunt--
DEAN: Unless Hunt, uh, blows on him--
PRESIDENT: But then Hunt isn't enough. I takes two
doesn't it?
DEAN: Probably. Probably. But Liddy was there
also and if, if Liddy were to blow--
PRESIDENT: Then you've got a problem--I was thinking
(unintelligible}the criminal liability goes.
DEAN: Yeah.
DEAN: I'll go back over that, and tell (noise) you
where I think the, the soft spots are.
PRESIDENT: Colson then, then Colson then, do you think
was the, uh, was the person who...
DEAN: I think he...
PRESIDENT: ...pushed?
MARCH 21 1973, FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 13
DEAN: I think he helped to get the push, get the
thing off the dime. Now something else
occurred, though --
PRESIDENT: Did Colson--did he talk to anybody here?
DEAN: No. I think this was an independent ...
PRESIDENT: Did he talk to Haldeman?
DEAN: No. I don't think so. Now, but here's the
other thing, where the next thing comes in
the chain: I think that Bob was assuming
that they had something that was proper over
there, some intelligence gathering operation
that Liddy was operating. And through
Strachan, uh, who was his tickler, uh, he
started pushing them
PRESIDENT: (Sighs) yeah.
DEAN: get something, to get some information
and they took that as a signal--Magruder
took that as a signal to probably go to
Mitchell and say, "They're pushing us like
crazy for this from the White House." And so
Mitchell probably puffed on his pipe and
said, "Go ahead." And never really reflected
on what it was all about. So, they had some
plan that obviously had, I gather, different
targets they were going to go after. They
were going to infiltrate, and bug, and do
all this sort of thing to a lot of these
targets. This is knowledge I have after the
fact.(coughs) And,
MARCH 21 1973, FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 14
apparently, they, uh, they, they had, they
had after they had initially broken in and
bugged the Democratic National Committee
they were getting information. The
information was coming over here to
Strachan. Some of it was given to Haldeman.
Uh, there is no doubt about it. Uh--
PRESIDENT: Did he know what it was coming from?
DEAN: I don't really know if he was, sir.
PRESIDENT: Not necessarily.
DEAN: Not necessarily. That -- not necessarily.
PRESIDENT: Strachan knew what it was from.
DEAN: Strachan knew what it was from. No doubt
about it, and whether Strachan--I've never
wanted to press these people on these points
because it...
DEAN: hurts them to, to give up that next
inch. So I had to piece things together.
All right, so, Strachan was aware of
receiving information, reporting to Bob. At
one point Bob even gave instructions to
change their capabilities from Muskie to
McGovern, and had passed this back through
Strachan to Magruder and, and apparently to
Liddy, and Liddy was starting to make
arrangements to go in and bug the uh, uh,
McGovern operation. They had done prelim-
MARCH 21, 1973, FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 15
PRESIDENT: They had never bugged Muskie, though, did
DEAN: No, they hadn't but they had a, they had,
uh, they'd...
PRESIDENT: (Unintelligible).
DEAN: ...infiltrated it by a, a, they had...
PRESIDENT: A secretary.
DEAN: ...a secretary and a chauffeur. Nothing
illegal about that.
PRESIDENT: I suppose you're--
DEAN: Now, so the information was coming over here
and then, uh, I finally, after --the next
point in time where I became aware of
anything was on June 17th, when I got word
that there had been this break-in at the
Democratic National Committee and somebody
from the Committee had been caught, uh, from
our Committee had been caught in the DNC.
And I said, "Oh, my God, that, I can only",
you know, if, instantly putting the pieces
PRESIDENT: You knew what it was.
DEAN: I knew what it was. So I called Liddy, uh,
on that Monday morning, and I said, "Gordon"
- I said, "first, I want to know if anybody-
in the White House was involved in this."
And he said, "No." And they weren't. I
MARCH 21, 1973 FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 16
"Well, I want to know how in God's name-this
happened." And he said, "Well, I was pushed
without mercy by Magruder to get in there,
get more information--that the information,
it was not satisfactory. Magruder said,
'The White House is not happy with what
we're getting."'
PRESIDENT: The White House?
DEAN: The White House. Yeah, Uh--
PRESIDENT: Who do you think was pushing him?
DEAN: Well, I think it was probably Strachan
thinking that Bob wanted things,(cough) and
because because I have seen that happen on
other occasions where things have been said
to be Of very prime importance when they
really weren't.
PRESIDENT: Why (unintelligible) I wonder? I'm just
try-ing to think as to why then. We'd just
finished the Moscow trip. I mean, we were--
DEAN: That's right.
PRESIDENT: The Democrats had just nominated Mc G-, Mc
Govern. I mean, for Christ's sakes, I mean,
what the hell were we--I mean, I can see
doing it earlier but I mean, now let me say,
I can see the pressure, but I don't see why
all the pressure would have been one then.
MARCH 21, 1973, FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 17
DEAN: I don't know, other than the fact that, uh,
they might have been looking for information
PRESIDENT: The convention.
DEAN: ...the conventions.
PRESIDENT: Well, that's right.
DEAN: Because, I understand, also after the fact,
that there was a plan to bug Larry O'Brien's
suite down in Florida.
DEAN: Uh, so, uh, Liddy told me, that uh, you
know, this is what had happened and, and
this is why it had happened.
PRESIDENT: Liddy told you he was planning--where'd you
learn there was such a plan--from whom?
DEAN: Beg your pardon.
PRESIDENT: Where did you learn of the plans to bug
Larry O'Brien's suite?
DEAN: From Magruder, after the, long after the
PRESIDENT: Oh, Magruder, he knows.
DEAN: Yeah. Magruder is totally knowledgeable on
the whole thing.
MARCH 21, 1973, FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 18
DEAN: All right, now, we've gone through the
trial. We've--I don't know if Mitchell has
perjured himself in the Grand Jury or not.
I've never--
DEAN: Mitchell. I don't know how much knowledge
he actually had. I know that Magruder has
perjured himself in the Grand Jury. I know
that Porter has perjured himself, uh, in the
Grand Jury.
PRESIDENT: Porter (Unintelligible).
DEAN: He's one of Magruder's deputies.
DEAN: Uh, that they set up this scenario which
they ran by me. They said, "How about
this?" I said, "Well, I don't knot. I, you
know, if, if this is that you're going to
hang on, fine." Uh, that they--
PRESIDENT: What did they say before the Grand Jury?
DEAN: They said, they said, as they said before
the trial and the Grand Jury, that, that,
uh, Liddy had come over as, as a counsel and
we knell he had these capacities to, you
knoll, to do legitimate intelligence. We
had no idea what he was doing. He was given
an authorization of 250,000 dollars..
MARCH 21, 1973, FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 19
DEAN: collect information, because our
surrogates were out on the road. They had
no protection. We had information that
there were going to be demonstrations
against them, that, uh, uh, we had to have a
plan to get information as to what
liabilities they were going to be confronted
DEAN: ...and Liddy was charged with doing this.
We had no knowledge that he was going to bug
the ARC. Uh--
PRESIDENT: Well, the point is, that's untrue.
DEAN: That's right.
PRESIDENT: Magruder did know that-- -
DEAN: Magruder was specifically instructed him to
go back in the DNC.
DEAN: Yes.
PRESIDENT: You know that? Yeah, I see. Okay.
DEAN: Uh, (pause)- I honestly believe that noose
over here knew that. I know, uh, as God is
my maker, I had no knowledge that they were
going to do this.
MARCH 21, 1973, FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 20
PRESIDENT: Bob didn't either (unintelligible).
DEAN: Oh, but, you know, Unintelligible)
PRESIDENT: (unintelligible) Bob, Bob-- he wouldn't--
DEAN: Bob I don't believe specifically knew they
were going in there.
PRESIDENT: I don't think so.
DEAN: I don't think he did. I think he knew there
was a capacity to do this, but he wouldn't,
wasn't giving it specific direction.
PRESIDENT: Strachan, did he know?
DEAN: I think Strachan did know.
PRESIDENT: They were going back into the DNC? Hunt
never entered DNC.
DEAN: All right, so--uh, those people are in
trouble as a result of the Grand Jury and
the trial. Mitchell, of course, was never
called during the trial. Now --
PRESIDENT: Mitchell has given a sworn statement?
DEAN: Yes, sir.
PRESIDENT: To the Bureau?
DEAN: To the Grand Jury --
MARCH 21, 1973, FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 21
PRESIDENT: Did he go before the Grand Jury?
DEAN: He had, we had a, an arrangement whereby he
went down to, with several of the -- because
it was, you know, the heat of this thing and
the implications on the election' we made an
arrangement where they could quietly go into
the Department of Justice and have one of
The Assistant U.S. Attorneys come over and
take their testimony and then read it before
the Grand Jury. Uh--
PRESIDENT: That was (unintelligible).
DEAN: Although I--that's right. Mitchell \la5
actually called before the Grand Jury. Tile
Grand Jury would not settle for less. The
Jurors wanted him.
PRESIDENT: And he went.
DEAN: And he went.
DEAN: Uh, I don't know what he said. Uh, so I've
never seen a transcript of the Grand Jury.
Now (sighs) what, what has happened post-
June 17? Well, it was, I was under pretty
clear instructions (laughs) not to really
investigate this, that this was something
that just could have been disastrous on the
election if it had--all hell had broken
loose, and I worked on a theory of
MARCH 21, 1973, FROM 10:12 TO 10:55 A.M. 22
DEAN: try to hold it right where it was.
DEAN: There's no doubt, I, I, uh, that, uh, I was
totally aware what the Bureau was doing at
all times. I was totally aware of what the
Grand Jury was doing.
PRESIDENT: You mean--
DEAN: I knew what witnesses were going to be
called. I knew what they were going to be
asked, and I had to. There just--
PRESIDENT: Why did Petersen play the, play the game so
straight with us?
DEAN: Because Petersen is a soldier. He played--
he kept me informed. He told me when we had
problems, where we had problems, and the
like Uh, he believes in, in, in you. He
believes in this Administration. This
Administration has made him. Uh, I don't
thinly he's done anything improper, but he
did make sure the investigation was narrowed
dozen to the very, very...
DEAN: ...fine...
MARCH 21, 1973, FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 23
DEAN: ...criminal things, which was a break for
us. There's no doubt about it.
PRESIDENT: He honestly feels that he did an adequate
DEAN: He, uh, they ran that investigation out to
the fullest extent they could follow a lead
(coughs) and that was it.
PRESIDENT: But the point is, where I suppose he could
be criticized for not-doing an adequate job
is why didn't he call Haldeman? Thy didn't
he get a statement from Colson? Or they did
get Colson?
DEAN: That's right. But see, the thing is, is
based on their FBI interviews, there was no
reason to follow up. There were no leads
there. Colson said, "I have no knowledge of
this" to the FBI. Uh, Strachan said, "I
have no knowledge of--" you know. They
didn't ask Strachan any Watergate questions.
They asked him about Segretti. Uh, they
said, "What's your connection with Liddy?"
and he just said, "Well, I, you know I just,
met him over there," and they never really
pressed him. They didn't you know, they--
look, Strachan appeared, uh, as a result of
some coaching, he could be the dumbest paper
pusher in the bowels of the, the White
House. All right, now, post-June 17th,
these guys immediately--it is very, very
(laughs) interesting --Liddy, for example,
the Friday
MARCH 21, 1973 FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 24
before--uh, on I guess it was the, uh on the
15th, uh, 16th, uh, of, uh, June--had been
in Henry Petersen's office with another
member of my staff on campaign compliance
(laughs) problems, uh, joking. After the
incident, he went, he ran, uh, Kleindienst
doom at Burning Tree Country Club and told
(laughs) him that "You've got to get my men
out of jail," which was kind of a--
Kleindienst said, "Now, you get the hell out
of here, kid, uh, uh, whatever you've got to
say, just say to somebody else. Don't
bother me," and-- but this has never come
DEAN: Uh, Liddy said, said that, you know -- they
all got counsel instantly and said that, you
know' "she'll, we'll ride this thing out."
All right, then they started waking demands;
We've got to have attorneys' fees. Uh, we
don’t have any money ourselves, and if-you
are asking us to take this through the
election." All right, so arrangements were
made through Mitchell, uh, initiating it, in
discussions that--I was present-that these
guys had to be taken care of. Their
attorneys' fees had to be done. Kalmbach
alas brought in. Uh, Kalmbach raised some
cash. Uh, they were, uh, you know--
PRESIDENT: They put that under the cover of a Cuban
Committee or (unintelligible).
MARCH 21, 1973, FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 25
DEAN: Yeah, they, they had a Cuban Committee and
they had--some of it was given to Hunt's
lawyer, who in turn passed it out. This,
you know, when Hunt’s wife was flying to
Chicago with ten thousand, she was actually,
I understand after the fact now, was going
to pass that money to, uh, one of the
Cubans, to meet him in Chicago and pass it
to somebody there.
PRESIDENT: Why didn't she (unintelligible) maybe--well,
whether it's maybe too late to-do anything
about it, but I would certainly keep that,
(laughs) that cover for whatever it's worth.
DEAN: I'll...
PRESIDENT: Keep the Committee.
DEAN Af-, after, well, that, that; that's the
most troublesome post-thing, uh, because (1)
Bob is involved in that; John is involved in
that; I'm involved in that; Mitchell is
involved in that. And that's an obstruction
of justice.
PRESIDENT: In other words the fact that uh, that you're
you're, you're taking care Of the witnesses.
DEAN: That's right, uh--
PRESIDENT: How was Bob involved?
DEAN: Well, th-, they ran out of money over there.
Bob had three hundred and fifty thousand
dollars in a safe over here that was really
set aside for polling purposes. ills and
there was no other source of money, so they
came over here and said, "You all've got to
give us some money."
MARCH 21, 1973 FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 26
DEAN: I had to go to Bob and say, "Bob, you know,
you've got to have some--they need some
money over there." He said "What for?" And
so I had to tell him what it was for 'cause
he wasn't about to just send money over
there willy-nilly. And, uh, Jolly was
involved in those discussions, and we
decided, you know, that, you know, that
there was no price too high to pay to let
this thing blow up in front of the election.
PRESIDENT: I think you - should handle that one pretty
DEAN: Oh, I think--
PRESIDENT: That issue, I mean.
DEAN: I think we can.
PRESIDENT: So that the three-fifty went back ov-, over
DEAN: That's alright. I think we can too.
PRESIDENT: Who else is?
DEAN: But, now, here, here's what's happening
right now.
MARCH 21, 1973, FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 27
DEAN: What sort of brings matters to the--this is
(1) this-is going to be continual black-
mail operation by Hunt and Liddy and the
Cubans. No doubt about it. And McCord...
DEAN: who is, who is another one involved. McCord
has asked for nothing. Uh, McCord did ask
to meet with somebody, and it was Jack
Caulfield, who is his old friend, who'd
gotten him hired over the-ret And, when,
when, when Caulfield had him hired, he was a
perfectly legitimate security man. And he
wanted to know, well, you know, (coughs) he
wanted to talk about commutation, and things
like that. And as you know Colson has
talked to, indirectly to Hunt about
commutation. (Clears throat). All these
things are bad, in, in, in that they are
problems, they are promises, they are
commitments. They are the very sort of
thing that the Senate is going to be looking
most for. I don't think they can find them,
PRESIDENT: Pretty hard.
DEAN: Pretty hard. Damn hard. It's all cash.
PRESIDENT: Lowell, I mean, pretty hard as far as the
witnesses are concerned.
MARCH 21, 1973, FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 28
DEAN: That's right. Now, The blackmail is
continuing. Hunt called one of the lawyers
from the Re-election Committee on last
Friday to meet with him on--over the
weekend. The guy came in to me, to see me
to get a message directly from Hunt to me,
for the first time.
PRESIDENT: Is Hunt out on bail?
DEAN: Pardon?
PRESIDENT: Is Hunt on bail?
DEAN: Hunt is on bail. Correct. Uh, Hunt now is
demanding another seventy-to thousand
dollars for his own personal expenses;
another fifty thousand dollars to pay his
attorneys' fees; a hundred and twenty some
thousand dollars. Wants it, wanted it by
the close of business yesterday. 'Cause he
says, "I'm going to be sentenced on Friday,
and I've got to be able to get my financial
affairs in order." I told this fellow
O'Brien, "You came--all right, you came to
the wrong man, fellow. I'm not involved in
the money. Uh, I don't know a thing about
it, can't help you." Said, "You better
scramble around elsewhere." Now, O'Brien is,
O'Brien. is, is a ball player. He's been,
he carried tremendous water for us. Uh--
PRESIDENT: He isn't Hunt's lawyer, is he?
DEAN: No, he is, he is our-lawyer at the Re-
election Committee.
MARCH 21, 1973, FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 29
PRESIDENT: I see, good.
DEAN: So he's safe. There's no problem there.
But it raises the whole question of Hunt now
has made a direct threat against Ehrlichman,
as a result of this. This is his blackmail.
He says, "I will bring John Ehrlichman down
to his knees and put him in jail. Uh, I
have done enough seamy things for he and
Krogh, uh, that they'll never survive it."
PRESIDENT: What's that, on Ellsberg? -
DEAN: Ellsberg, and apparently some other things.
I don't know the full extent of it. Uh--
PRESIDENT: I don't know about anything else.
DEAN: I don't know either, and I (laughs) hate to
learn some of these things. So that's, that
's that situation. Now, we're at the soft
points. How many people know about this?
Hell, uh, well, let me go one step further
in this, this whole thing. The Cubans that
were used in the Watergate were also the
same Cubans that Hunt and Liddy used for
this California Ellsberg thing, for the
break-in out there.
DEAN: So they're, they're aware of that. How high
their knowledge is, is something else. Hunt
and Liddy, of course, are totally aware of,
of, of it, and the fact that, uh, it was
rift out of the White House.
MARCH 21, 1973 FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 30
PRESIDENT: I don't know what the hell we did that for.
DEAN: I don't either.
PRESIDENT: What in the name of God did that--
DEAN: Mr. President, there have been a couple of
things around here that I have gotten wind
of. Uh, there was at one time a desire to
do a second-story job on the Brookings
Institute where they had the Pentagon
Papers. Now I flew to California because I
was told that John had instructed it and he
said, "I really hadn't. It's- a
misimpression, that for Christ's sake, turn
it off." And I did. I came back and turned
it off. Because, you know the, when you,
you know, if the risk is minimal and the,
and the gain is fantastic, it's something
else. But with a low risk and uh, no gain,
uh, hey, it's just, uh, it's not worth it.
Well--who knows about this all now? All
right, you've got (clears throat) the
Cubans' lawyer's' a man by the name of
Rothblatt, who is a no-good, publicity-
seeking, son-of-a-bitch, to be very frank
about it. He has had to be turned down and
tuned off. He was canned by his own people
cause they didn't trust him. They were
trying to run a different route than he
wanted to run. He didn't want them to plead
guilty. He wants to represent them before
the Senate. So, F. Lee Bailey, who was the
partner of one of the, one of the men
representing McCord; uh, got in and, and
cooled Rothblatt down. So, F. Lee B-,
Bailey's got knowledge. Uh, Hunt's lawyer,
a man by the name of Bittman, who's an
excellent criminal lawyer from the
Democratic era of Bobby Kennedy, he's got
knowledge. Uh--
MARCH 21, 1973, FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 31
PRESIDENT: Do you think, do you think, that he's got
some How much?
DEAN: Well, everybody-not only, all the, all the
direct knowledge that Hunt and Liddy have,
as well as all the hearsay they have.
PRESIDENT: I (unintelligible).
DEAR: Uh, you've got the trio lawyers over at the
Re-election Committee who did an
investigation to find out the facts.
Slowly, they got the whole picture.
They're, uh, they're solid, but they're--
PRESIDENT: But they know.
DEAN: But they know. Uh, you've got, then, an
awful lot of--all the principals involved
know. Uh, Hunt--some people's wives know.
DEAN: Uh, there's no doubt about that. Mrs. Hunt
was the savviest woman in the world. She
had the whole picture together.
DEAN: Yeah, it, uh--apparently, she was the pillar
of strength in that family before the death,
and, uh--
MARCH 21, 1973, FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 32
PRESIDENT: Great sadness. The basis, as Smatter of
fact (clears throat) there was some
discussion (unintelligible) uh, Hunt's
problems after his wife died and I said, of
course, commutation could be considered on
the basis of his wife, and that is the only
discussion I ever had in that light.
DEAN: Right. Uh, so that's, that's it. That's
the, the extent of the knowledge. Now,
where, where are the soft spots on this?
Well, first of all, there's the, there's the
problem of the continued blackmail
DEAN: ...which will not only go on now, it'll goon
when these people are in prison, and it will
compound the obstruction of justice
situation. It'll cost money. It's
dangerous. Nobody, nothing--people around
here are not pros at this sort of thing.
This is the sort of thing Mafia people can
do: washing money, getting clean money, and
things like that, uh--we're--we just don't
know about those (noise) things, because
we're-not used to, you know--we are not
criminals and not used to dealing in that
business. It's, uh, it's, uh--
PRESIDENT: That's right.
DEAN: It's tough thing to know how to do.
PRESIDENT: Maybe we can't even do that.
MARCH 21, 1973, FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 33
DEAN: That's right. It's a real problem as to
whether we could even do it. Plus there's a
real problem in raising money. Uh, Mitchell
has been working on raising some money. Uh,
feeling he's got, you know, he's got one,
he's one of the ones with the most to lose.
Uh, but there's no denying the fact that the
White House, and uh, Ehrlichman, Haldeman,
Dean are involved in some of the early money
PRESIDENT: How much money do you need?
DEAN: I would say these people are going to cost,
uh, a million dollars over the next, uh, -
two years. (Pause)
PRESIDENT: We could get that.
DEAN: Uh, huh.
PRESIDENT: You, on the money, if you need the money, I
mean, uh' you could get the money. Let's
DEAN: Well, I think that we're going--
PRESIDENT: What I mean is, you could, you could get a
million dollars. And you could get it in
cash. I, I know where it could be gotten.
DEAN: Uh, huh.
MARCH 21, 1973 FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 34
PRESIDENT: I mean it's not easy, but it could be acne.
But, uh, the question is who the hell would
handle it?
DEAN: That's right, uh--
PRESIDENT: Any ideas on that?
DEAN: Well, I would think that would be something
that Mitchell ought to be charged with.
PRESIDENT: I would think so, too.
DEAN: And get some, get some pros to help him.
PRESIDENT: Let me say, there shouldn't be a lot of
people running around getting money. We
should set up a little--
DEAN: Well, he's got one person doing it who I'm
not sure is--
PRESIDENT: Who is that?
DEAN: He's got Fred LaRue, uh, doing it. Now Fred
started out going cut trying to...
DEAN: ...solicit money from all kinds of people.
Now, I learned about that, and I said, "My
DEAN: ..."It's just awful. Don't do it."
MARCH 21, 1973 FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 35
DEAN: Uh, people are going to ask what the money
is for. He's working-- apparently he talked
to Tom Pappas.
DEAN: And Pappas has, uh, agreed to come up wit1 a
sizeable amount, I gather, from,
DEAN: ...Mitchell.
PRESIDENT: Yeah, well, what do you need, then? You
need, uh, you don't need a million right
away, but you need a million. Is that
DEAN: That's right.
PRESIDENT: You need a million in cash, don't you? If
you want to put that through, would you put
that through, uh--this is thinking out loud
here for a moment--would you put that
through the Cuban Committee?
DEAN: Umm, no,
PRESIDENT: Or would you just do this through a
(unintelligible) that it's going to be, uh,
well, it's cash money, and so forth. How,
if that ever comes out, are you going to
handle it? Is the Cuban Committee an
obstruction of justice, if they want to
MARCH 21, 1973 FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 36
DEAN: Well, they've got a pr-, they've got
priests, and they--
PRESIDENT: Would you like to put, I mean, would that,
would that give a little bit of a cover, for
DEAN: That would give some for the Cubans and
possibly Hunt.
DEAN: Uh, then you've got Liddy and--McCord is
not, not accepting any money. So he's, he
is not a bought man right now. (Pause)
DEAN: All right. Let, let me, uh
PRESIDENT: Go ahead.
DEAN: ...continue a little bit here now. The, uh,
I, when I say this is a a growing cancer,
uh, I say it for reasons like this. Bud
Krogh in his testimony before the Grand
Jury, was forced to perjure himself. Uh, he
is haunted by it. Uh, Bud said, "I haven't
had a pleasant day on the job."
PRESIDENT: Huh, said what?
MARCH 21, 1973, FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 37
DEAN: He said, "I have not had a pleasant day on
my job." Uh, he's talked, apparently, he
said to me, "I told my wife all about this,"
he said. "The, uh, the curtain may ring
down one of these days, and' uh, I may have
to face the music, which I'm perfectly
willing to do." Uh--
PRESIDENT: What did he perjure himself on, John?
DEAN: His, did, uh, did he know the Cubans? He
did. Uh--
PRESIDENT: He said he didn't?
DEAN: That's right. They didn't press him hard,
or that he--
PRESIDENT: He might be able to--I'm just trying to
think. Perjury is an awful hard rap to
prove. He could say that I (pause) hem,
well, go-ahead.
DEAN: (Coughs) Well, so that's, that's the first,
that's one perjury. Now, Mitchell and, and,
uh, Magruder are potential perjuries. There
is always the possibility of any one of
these individuals blowing. Hunt, Liddy.
Liddy's in jail right now; he's serving his-
-trying to get good time right now. I think
Liddy is probably, in his, in his own
bizarre way, the strongest of all of them.
Uh, so there's, there is that possibility.
MARCH 21, 1973, FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 38
PRESIDENT: Well, your, your major, your major guy keep
under control is Hunt.
DEAN: That's right.
PRESIDENT: I think. Because he knows...
DEAN: He knows so much.
PRESIDENT: ...about a lot of other things.
DEAN: He knows so much. Right. Uh, he could sink
Chuck Colson. Apparently, apparently, he is
quite distressed with Colson. He thinks
Colson has abandoned him. Uh, Colson was to
meet with him when he was out there, after,
now he had left the White House. He met
with him through his lawyer. Hunt raised
the question he wanted money. Colson's
lawyer told him that Colson wasn't doing
anything smith money, and Hunt took offense
with that immediately, that, uh, uh, that
Colson had abandoned him. Uh--
PRESIDENT: Don't you, just looking at the immediate
problem, don't you have to have--handle
Hunt's financial situation
DEAN: I, I think that's--
PRESIDENT: ...damn soon?
DEAN: That is, uh, I talked to Mitchell about that
last night--
MARCH 21, 1973, FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 39
PRESIDENT: (Unintelligible)
DEAN: And, and, uh, I told--
PRESIDENT: (Unintelligible) may--after all, You've got
to keep the cap on the bottle that much...
DEAN: That's right; that's right.
PRESIDENT: order to have any options.
DEAN: That's right.
PRESIDENT: Either that or let it all blow right now.
DEAN: Well, that, you know' that's the, that's the
question. Uh--
PRESIDENT: Now, go ahead. The others. You've got
Hunt... -
DEAN: All right, now we've got--
PRESIDENT:'ve got Krogh, and you've got--
DEAN: Now we've got Kalmbach (coughs).
PRESIDENT: Yeah, that's a tough one.
DEAN: Kalmbach received...
PRESIDENT: (unintelligible)
MARCH 21, 1973 FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 40
DEAN: the close of the, of the, uh, '68
campaign, in January of '69, he got a
million seven dollars, uh, a million seven
hundred thousand dollars to be custodian
for. That cane down from New York. It was
placed in safe deposit boxes here. Uh, some
other people were on the boxes, and
ultimately, the money was taken out to
California. All right, there is knowledge
of the fact that he did start with a million
seven. Several people know this. Now,
since '69, he's spent a good deal of this
money and, and, uh, accounting for it is
going to be very difficult for Herb. For
example, he's spent--oh-close to five
hundred thousand dollars on private polling.
Now that just opens up a whole new thing.
It's not illegal, but, uh, it's more of the
same sort of thing.
PRESIDENT: I don't think that poses a hell of a
problem, does it?
DEAN: No, I don't think so. Uh--
PRESIDENT: Practically everybody does polling.
DEAN: That's right, uh, it's not, there's nothing
criminal about it. It was private polls.:
It was...
PRES IDEAL: Nothing--
DEAN: ...uh, proper money.
MARCH 21, 1973 FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 41
PRESIDENT: The law didn't, the law didn't
DEAN: (Coughs )
PRESIDENT: ... polled all through the years.
DEAN: That’s right-. Uh, he sent four hundred
thousand dollars, as he's described to me,
somewhere in the South or another candidate.
I assume this was four hundred, uh, that
DEAN: Wallace. Right. Uh; he has
maintained, uh, a, a man, who I only I know
by the name of "Tony", who is the fellow]
who did the, the Chappaquidick study and...
PRESIDENT: I heard about that.
DEAN: ...other, other odd jobs like that. Nothing illegal...
DEAN: ...uh, but closer. Uh, I don't know of
anything that Herb has done that is illegal,
other than the fact that he doesn't want to
blow the whistle on a lot of people, and may
find himself in a perjury situation.
PRESIDENT: Well, if he, uh, he could--because he will
be asked about that money.
MARCH 21, 1973 FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 42
DEAN: He will. What'll happen is, when they call
him up there--and he of course has no
immunity, uh, they'll say, "How did you
happen--how did you pay Mr. Segretti?"
"Well, I had cash on hand" "Well, how much
cash did you have on hand?"
DEAN: Uh, where does he go from there? "Where did
you get the cash?"
DEAN: A full series of questions. His bank
records indicate he had cash on hand,
because some of these were set up in trustee
PRESIDENT: How would you handle him, then, John? For
example, would you just have him put the
whole thing out?
DEAN: (Draws breath)
PRESIDENT: I don't think so. I mean I don't mind the
five hundred thousand dollars and I don't
mind the four hundred thousand dollars...
DEAN: No, that--
PRESIDENT: ...for activities (unintelligible).
DEAN: That, that, uh, that doesn't bother me
either. There's--as I say, Herb's problems
MARCH 21, 1973, FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 43
PRESIDENT: There's a surplus--
DEAN: ...politically embarrassing, but not as, not
PRESIDENT: Well, they're embarrassing, sure--he, he
just handled matters that were between the
campaigns, before anything was done. There
were surveys, et cetera, et cetera, et
cetera, et cetera, There is no need to
account for that. No law requires him to
account for that.
DEAN: Right. Uh, now--
PRESIDENT: The source of the money, there's no
illegality in having a surplus, is there, in
cash afterwards?
DEAN: No, the money-it has always been argued by
Stans--came from pre-convention.
PRESIDENT: Pre-convention.
DEAN: For the--and pre-primary for the, for the,
PRESIDENT: That's right.
DEAN: ...'68 race.
PRESIDENT: That's right.
DEAN: It was just set aside.
PRESIDENT: That's right.
DEAN: Uh, that, that all can be explained. I
think that the--
MARCH 21, l973, FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 44
PRESIDENT: All right. How do your other
vulnerabilities go together?
DEAN: The other vulnerabilities: We've got a, uh,
runaway Grand Jury up in the Southern
PRESIDENT: Yeah, I heard.
DEAN: They're after Mitchell and Stans on some
sort of bribe or influence peddling...
DEAN: ...with Vesco.
DEAN: Uh, they're also going to try to drag
Ehrlichman into that. Apparent' y,
Ehrlichman had some meetings with Vesco,
also. Uh, Don Nixon, Jr., came in to see
John a couple of times, uh, about the
PRESIDENT: Not about the Complaint.
DEAN: That, there's uh--the fact of the matter is-
PRESIDENT: He came about a job.
DEAN: That's right. And, and, and, uh, I-
MARCH 21, 1973, FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 45
PRESIDENT: We're, it's--Ehrlichman's totally to blame
on that.
DEAN: Yeah. Well, I think...
PRESIDENT: No White House (unintelligible).
DEAN: No one has done anything for...
PRESIDENT: ...Vesco.
DEAN: ...Vesco.
PRESIDENT: ...matter of--not for the prosecutor.
DEAN: No. (Coughs) The, uh--
PRESIDENT: Would Ehrlichman, incidentally, have to
appear there?
DEAN: Before that Grand Jury? Yes. He could very
PRESIDENT: Uh, we couldn't presume immunity there?
DEAN: Not really. Uh, criminal charge--
PRESIDENT: Criminal charge--yeah. (Unintelligible) the
charge is, mind you. Go ahead.
DEAN: Right. That's a little different. (Clears
throat) I think that would be dynamite to
defend, uh...
DEAN: ...against that.
MARCH 21, 1973 FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 46
PRESIDENT: Also, he, he distinguishes it. He says,
"It's criminal charge; I'll be glad to go
up." Use the Flanigan... -
DEAN: Right.
PRESIDENT: ...analogy.
DEAN: Right, uh, (clears throat) well, that's,
that's pretty much the overall picture and
probably the most troublesome thing--well,
the Segretti thing. Let's get down to that.
I think Bob has indicated to me he told you
a lot of, of it, that he, indeed, did
authorize it. He didn't authorize anything
like ultimately evolved.
DEAN: He was aware of it. He was aware that
Chapin and Strachan were looking for
DEAN: Again, this is one that, uh, it is potential
that Dwight Cha-, Chapin could have a felony
charge against him in this, because he's--
DEAN: Felony. Because he has to, he has to
disprove a negative. The negative is that
he didn't control and direct Segretti.
MARCH 21, 1973 FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 47
PRESIDENT: Would the felony be in perjury again? Or--
DEAN: Uh, no. The felony this, in this instance
being a potential use of the, one of the
civil rights statutes, for anybody who
interferes with a candidate for, uh,
national office--not in, interferes with
their campaign in any way.
PRESIDENT: shy isn't (unintelligible) civil rights
statute be used to pick up any of these
clowns that were demonstrating against us,
DEAN: Well, I have, I've, I've argued that they
use that for that very purpose. Uh--
DEAN: Yes, I have. And, uh--
PRESIDENT: We were, those were, uh, that was
interfering with the campaign. -
DEAN: That's exactly right. That's exactly right.
But they--
PRESIDENT: The Segretti one, I think, uh, I'm not as
con-cerned about that because it's so bad
the way it's been put out on the PR side,
then I think it will eventually end up on
the PR side very confused. And it'll fool;
bad when that's attributed, but I don't, I
can't see the criminal thing, (clears
throat) but I just may be wrong.
MARCH 21, 1973 FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 48
DEAN: Well, here, what really, what really bothers
me is that this, this growing situation--as
I say it is growing because of the, the
continued need to-provide support for the...
DEAN: ...Watergate people who are going to
DEAN: ...hold us up for everything they've got
PRESIDENT: That's right.
DEAN: ...and the need for some people to perjure
themselves as they go down the road here.
Uh, if this thing ever blows, and we're in a
cover-up situation, I think it'd be
extremely damaging to you, uh, and uh, the,
DEAN: Uh--
PRESIDENT: The whole concept of Administration justice.
DEAN: That's right, uh--
PRESIDENT: We cannot have--
DEAN: That's what really troubles me. For
example, what happens if it starts breaking,
and they do find a criminal case against a
Haldeman, a Dean, a Mitchell, an Ehrlichman?
Uh, that is--
MARCH 21, 1973 FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 49
PRESIDENT: Well, if it really comes down to that, we
cannot, maybe--we'd have to shed it in order
to contain it again.
DEALN: (Clears throat) That's right. I'm coming
down to the--what I really think is that,
that, Bob and John and John Mitchell and I
should sit down and spend a day, or however
long, to figure out (1) how this can be
carved away from you, so it does not damage
you or the Presidency. 'Cause it just
can't. And it's not something, it, you're
not involved in it and it's something you
PRESIDENT: That is true.
DEAN: I know, sir, it is. Well, I can just tell
from our conversations that, you know, them
are things that you have no knowledge of.
PRESIDENT: The absurdity of the whole damned thing...
DEAN: But it--
PRESIDENT: bugging and so on. Well, let me say I am
keenly aware of the fact that, uh, Colson,
et al, and so forth were doing their best to
get information and so forth and so on. But
they all knew very well they were supposed
to comply with the law.
DEAN: That's right.
MARCH 21, 1973 FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 50
PRESIDENT: No question.
DEAN: Uh--
PRESIDENT: (Unintelligible) you think--you feel that
really the man, the triggerman was Colson on
this end?
DEAN: Well, no. He was one of se-, he was just in
the chain. He was, he helped push the
PRESIDENT: Called him up and said, "we've got a, we've
got (unintelligible)" I don't know what the
Christ he would be doing. Oh, I'll bet you,
I know why. That was at the time of ITT.
He was trying to get something going there
because ITT--they were bugging us, I mean
they were
DEAN: Right.
PRESIDENT: us hell.
DEAN: Well, I know, I know he used, uh--
PRESIDENT: Hunt to go out there?
DEAN: Hunt.
PRESIDENT: I knew about that.
DEAN: Yeah.
MARCH 21, 1973 FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 51
PRESIDENT: I did know about it at the time. I knew
that there was, there was something going on
DEAN: Right.
PRESIDENT: ...but I didn't know it was Hunt.
DEAN: Right. Uh, that's what re, what really
troubles me is, you know, (1) will this
thing not break some day and...
DEAN: ...the whole thing--domino situation.
DEAN: You know, they just, I think if it starts
crumbling, fingers will be pointing, and--
PRESIDENT: That's right.
DEAN: Uh--
PRESIDENT: That's right.
DEAN: Bob will be accused of things he has never
heard of...
DEAN: ...and then he'll have to disprove it, and
it'll just get nasty and it'll be a real,
uh, real bad situation. And the person who
will be hurt by it most will be you and...
MARCH 21, 1973 FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 52
PRESIDENT: Of course.
DEAN: ...the Presidency, and I just don't think--
PRESIDENT: First, because I'm expected to know this,
and I'm supposed to, supposed to check these
things. And so forth...
DEAN: That's right.
PRESIDENT: and so on. But let's, let's, let's come
back and go further. Sure. Yes, indeed.
But what are your feelings, yourself, John?
You know pretty well what they'll all say.
What are your feelings toward the options?
DEAN: I am not confident that, uh, we can ride
through this. I think there are, I think
there are soft spots.
PRESIDENT: You used to feel comfortable.
DEAN: Well, I feel, I felt, I felt comfortable for
this reason. I've noticed of recent since
the publicity has increased on, on this
thing again, with the Gray hearings, that
everybody is now starting to watch out for
their own behind. Uh--
PRESIDENT: That's right.
DEAN: Everyone's pulling in. They're getting
their own counsel. More counsel are
MARCH 21, 1973 FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 53
DEAN: ...involved.
DEAN: Uh, you know, "How do I protect my ass?"
PRESIDENT: Well, they're scared.
DEAN: They're scared and that's just, you know,
that's bad. We were able to hold it for a
long time.
PRESIDENT: Yeah, I know.
DEAN: Uh, another thing is, you know, my facility
now to deal with the multitude of people I
have been dealing with has been hampered
because of Gray blowing me up into the front
PRESIDENT: Your cover's broken.
DEAN: That's right and it's with, it was--
PRESIDENT: (unintelligible) cover. All right. Now.
So on. So, so, what you really come dozen
to is, what in the hell, in the hell will
you do? Let's, let us suppose that you and
Haldeman and Ehrlichman and Mitchell say,
uh, "We can't hold this". What, what then
are you going to say? Are you going to put
out a complete disclosure? Isn't that the
best plan?
MARCH 21, 1973 FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 54
DEAN: Well, one way to do it is to--
PRESIDENT: That'd by my view on it.
DEAN: One way to do it is for you to in-, tell the
Attorney General that you can finally, you
know, really, this is the first time you're
getting all the pieces together.
MARCH 21, 1973 FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 55
DEAN: Uh--
PRESIDENT: Ask for another grand jury?
DEAN: Ask for another grand jury. The way it
should be done though, is a way that-- for
example: I think that we could avoid, uh,
criminal liability for countless people and
the ones that did get it, it could be
minimal. REEL 1 ENDS
DEAN: Well, I think by just thinking it all
through first, as to how some people could
be granted immunity, uh...
PRESIDENT: Like Magruder?
DEAN: Yeah--to come forward. Uh, but some people
are going to have to go to jail. That's the
long and short of it, also.
PRESIDENT: Who? Let's talk about that.
DEAN: All right. Uh, I think I could, for one.
PRESIDENT: You go to jail?
DEAN: That's right.
PRESIDENT: Oh, hell no. I can't see how you can. But,
DEAN: Well, because...
PRESIDENT: I can't see how, that--let me say I can't
see how a legal case could be made against
you, J-, uh, John.
DEAN: It'd be, it'd be tough, but you know, uh...
MARCH 21, 1973 FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 56
DEAN: I can see people pointing fingers, you know,
to get it out of their own--put me in the
impossible position, disproving too many
PRESIDENT: Oh, no. Uh, let me say I--not because
you're here--but Just looking at it from a
cold legal standpoint: You are a lawyer, you
were a counsel--you were doing what you were
doing as a counsel, and you were not, uh,...
DEAN: (Clears throat)
PRESIDENT: doing anything like that. You mean--hat
would you go to jail on (unintelligible)?
DEAN: The obstruc-, the obstruction of justice.
PRESIDENT: The obstruction of justice?
DEAN: That's the only one that bothers me.
PRESIDENT: Well, I don't know. I think that one, I
think that, I feel could be cut off at the
pass. Maybe the obstruction of Justice...
DEAN: It could be a -- you know how -- one of the
-- that's, that's why -- (sighs)
PRESIDENT: Sometimes it's well to give them...
DEAN: (Sighs)
PRESIDENT: something, and then they don't want the
bigger fish then.
DEAN: That's right. I think that, uh, I think
that with proper coordination with the
Department of Justice, Henry Petersen is the
only man I know bright enough and
knowledgeable enough in the criminal laws
and the process that could really tell us
hot this could De put together so it did the
maximum to carve it away with a minimum
damage to individuals involved.
MARCH 21, 1973 FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 57
PRESIDENT: Petersen doesn't know the whole story?
DEAN: No, I know he doesn't now. I know he
doesn't now. I am talking about somebody
who I have over the years grown to have
faith in. (Banging noises in background)
(Clears throat) It is possible that he'd
have to, he'd have to, uh -- put him in a
very difficult situation as the Head of the
Criminal Division of the United States
Department of Justice, and the oath of
PRESIDENT: Tell me -- talking about your obstruction of
justice role' I don't see it. I can't see
it. You're...
DEAN: Well, I've been a con-, I have been a
conduit for information on, on taking care
of people out there who are guilty of
PRESIDENT: Oh, you mean like the, uh, oh--the
DEAN: The blackmail right.
PRESIDENT: Well, I wonder if that part of it can't be,
(pause)I wonder if that doesn't--let me put
it frankly: I wonder if that doesn't have to
be continued?
DEAN: (Clears throat)
PRESIDENT: Let me cut it this way, let us suppose that
you get, you, you get the million bucks and
you get the proper way to handle it, and you
could hold that side.
DEAN: Um huh.
PRESIDENT: It would seem to me that would be
DEAN: (Clears throat)
PRESIDENT: Now we have...
MARCH 21, 1973 FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 58
DEAN: Well, that's, yeah that's...
PRESIDENT: One problem; you've got a problem here. You
have the problem of Hunt and uh, his, uh,
his clemency.
DEAN: That's right. And you're going to have the
clemency problem for the others. They all
would expect to be out and that may put you
in a position that's Just...
DEAN: untenable at some point. You know, the
Watergate Hearings just over, Hunt now
demanding clemency or he is going to blow.
And politically it'd be impossible for, you
know, you to do it. You know, after
PRESIDENT: That's right.
DEAN: I am not sure that you will ever be able to
deliver on the clemency. It may be just too
PRESIDENT: You can't do it till after the '74
elections, that's for sure. But even
DEAN: (Clears throat)
PRESIDENT: your point is that even then you couldn't do
DEAN: That's right. It may further involve you in
a way you shouldn't be involved in this.
PRESIDENT: No it's wrong, that's for sure.
DEAN: Well, whatever, you know, I, there've been
some bad Judgments made. There've been some
necessary Judgments made. Uh...
MARCH 21, 1973 FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 59
PRESIDENT: Before the election.
DEAN: Before the election and, in a way, the
necessary ones, you know, before the
election. There, you know we've, this was
to me there was no way
DEAN: that uh...
DEAN: But to burden this second Administration
PRESIDENT: We're all in on it.
DEAN: was something that, it's something that is
not going to go away.
PRESIDENT: No it isn't.
DEAN: It is not going to go away, sir.
PRESIDENT: Not going to go away, it is, the idea that,
uh, that, uh, well, that uh, that people are
going to get tired of it and all that sort
of thing...
DEAN: Anything will spark it back into life. It's
got to be, uh, it's got to be...
PRESIDENT: Well, it's too much to the partisan interest
of others to spark it back into life.
DEAN: And it seems to me the only way that...
PRESIDENT: Who else, though? Let's, let's leave you
and I don't, I don't think on the, on, uh,
on the obstruction of Justice thing, I think
that one we can handle. I, I don't know why
I feel that way, but I...
DEAN: Well, it is possible that I...
MARCH 21, 1973 FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 60
PRESIDENT: I, I think you may be overplaying, but who
else, uh, who else, who else do you think,
has, uh
DEAN: Potential criminal liability?
DEAN: I think Ehrlichman does. I think that, uh,
I think...
PRESIDENT: Why Ehrlichman? What 'd he do?
DEAN: Because this conspiracy to burglarize the,
uh, uh, Ellsberg office.
PRESIDENT: You mean, that, that is provided Hunt
DEAN: Well, uh, the, the funny, let me say
something interesting about that. Within
the files...
PRESIDENT: Oh, I saw that. The picture.
DEAN: Yeah, the picture. That, see, that's not
all that buried. And, while we can, we've
got, I think we've got it buried, there is
no telling when it's going to pop up. Uh,
the Cubans, uh, could start this whole
thing. Uh, when the Ervin Committee starts
running down why this mysterious telephone
was here at the White House, uh, listed in
the name of a secretary, one of these, some
of these secretaries have a little idea
about this, and they can be broken down
DEAN: so fast. That's another thing I missed,
missed in the cycle, in the circle. Uh,
Liddy's secretary for example, is
knowledgeable. Magruder's secretary is
MARCH 21, 1973 FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 61
DEAN: Uh...
PRESIDENT: So Ehrlichman on the, uh...
DEAN: But what I am coming to you today with is I
don't have a plan of how to solve it right
now, but I think it's at the Juncture that
we should begin to think in terms of, of how
to cut the losses; how to minimize the
further growth of this thing; rather than
further compound it by, you know, ultimately
paying these guys forever.
DEAN: I think we've got to look...
PRESIDENT: But at the moment, don't you agree that
you'd better get the Hunt thing? I mean,
that's worth it, at the moment.
DEAN: That, that's worth buying time on, right
PRESIDENT: And that's buying time on, I agree.
DEAN: Uh, the, the Grand Jury is going to
reconvene next week after Sirica sentences.
Uh, but that's why I think that, you know,
that John and Bob have met with me. They've
never met with Mitchell on this. We've
never had a real doom and out with
everybody, that, uh, has the most to lose.
And the most, and it is the most danger for
you to have them have criminal liability. I
think Bob has a potential criminal
liability, frankly, I think, in other words,
a lot of these people could be indicted.
They might never...
DEAN: might never, uh, be convicted; but just the
thought of
MARCH 21, 1973 FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 62
PRESIDENT: Suppose...
PRESIDENT: Suppose that they are indicted in this.
DEAN: I think that would be devastating.
PRESIDENT: Suppose the worst, that Bob is indicted and
Ehrlichman is indicted. And I must say,
maybe we just better then try to tough it
through. You get my point.
DEAN: That's right. That...
PRESIDENT: If, if, if, for example, our, uh, our -- say
well, let's cut our losses and you say we're
going to go down the road, see if we can cut
our losses, and no more blackmail and all
the rest, and the thing blows and they
indict Bob and the rest. Jesus, you'd never
recover from that, John.
DEAN: That's right.
PRESIDENT: It's better to fight it out instead. You
see, that's the other thing, the other
thing. It's better Just to fight it out,
and not let people testify, so forth and so
on. Now, on the other hand, we realize that
we have these weaknesses-- that, uh, (pause)
we've got this weakness in terms of-(pause)
DEAN: It's what, if we, you know, there, there are
two routes, you know: One is to figure out
how to cut the losses and, and, and minimize
the, the human impact and get you up and out
and away from it, in any way, uh, in, in a
way that would never come back to haunt.
Uh, that is one, one general alternative.
The other is to go (cough) down the road,
Just hunker doom, fight it at every corner,
every turn, uh, don't let people testify,
cover it up is what we're
MARCH 21, 1973 FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 63
really talking about. Just keep it buried,
and Just hope that we can do it, hope that
we make good decisions at the right time,
and keep our heads cool, uh, Ire make the
right moves, uh...
PRESIDENT: And just take the heat.
DEAN: And just take the heat.
PRESIDENT: Now, with the second line of attack. You
discussed this though I do want you to still
consider my scheme of having y--, you brief
the Cabinet, Just in very general terms
(unintelligible}in very general terms, and
maybe some, some very general statement with
regard to my-investigation. Answer
questions, and to, and to basically on the
question of what they told you, not what you
DEAN: Right.
PRESIDENT: Haldeman is not involved. Ehrlichman...
DEAN: Oh, I can, you know., if, if we go that
route, sir, I can, I can give a show that,
you know, there's uh, we can sell, you know,
Just about like we were selling Wheaties on
our position. There's no...
PRESIDENT: The problem that you have are these, uh,
mine fields down the road. I think the most
difficult problem is the, are the, are the,
are the guys that are going to Jail. I
think you're right about that. I agree.
Now. And also the fact that we're not going
to be able to give them clemency.
DEAN: That's right. How long will they take? How
long will they sit there? I don't know. We
don't know, what they’ll be sentenced to.
There's always a chance...
PRESIDENT: Thirty years, isn't it? Maximum?
MARCH 21, 1973 FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 64
DEAN: It could be. You know, they haven't
announced yet, but it, uh...
PRESIDENT: Isn't that what the potential is?
DEAN: Uh, it's even higher than that. It's about
fifty years, with all the...
PRESIDENT: So ridiculous.
DEAN: Oh well, you know, what's so incredible is,
the, these fellows who, who, sh...
PRESIDENT: People break and enter, and so forth, and
get two years.
DEAN: Well, the other thing...
PRESIDENT: No, no weapons. No results. What the hell
are they talking about?
DEAN: The, the individuals who are charged with
shooting John Stennis are on the street.
They were given, you know, uh, one was put
on his personal recognizance rather than
bond. They've got these fellows all stuck
with hundred thousand dollar bonds. The
same Judge -- Sirica -- let one guy, who,
who's (laughs) charged with shooting a
United States Senator, out on the street.
PRESIDENT: Sirica did?
DEAN: Yeah. It's just, it's phenomenal.
PRESIDENT: I thought he was a hardliner Judge.
DEAN: He's a, he's is Just a, a peculiar animal,
and uh, he set, set the bond for one of the
others -- I don't have all the facts, but he
set the bond for one of the others --
somewhere around fifty or sixty thousand
dollars. But still, that guy is in, but
didn't make bond, but you know, sixty
thousand dollars as opposed to a hundred
thousand dollars for these guys is
MARCH 21, 1973 FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 65
PRESIDENT: When could you have this meeting Judith
these fellows, as I think that time is of
the essence, in my opinion.
DEAN: (Clears throat)
PRESIDENT: Could you do it this afternoon?
DEAN: Well, Mitchell isn't here, and...
PRESIDENT: Tomorrow?
DEAN: It might be, might be worth it to have him
come down. And, now, I think that Bob and
John did not want to talk to, to John about
this, John Mitchell. And I don't believe
they've had any conversations with him about
(Loud noises on desk)
DEAN: Bob and I have talked about just what we're
talking about this morning. I told him I
thought that you should have the facts, and
he agrees. Cause we've got some tough calls
down the road if we...
PRESIDENT: Let me say, though that Hunt
(unintelligible) (dragging noise on desk)
hard line, and that a convicted felon is
goings to go out and squeal (unintelligible)
(dragging noise on desk) as we about this
(unintelligible) decision (unintelligible)
turns on that.
DEAN: Well, we can always, you know, on the other
side, ore can always charge them with black-
mailing us, and it's. you know, this is
absurd stuff they're saying and... (Pause)
PRESIDENT: That's right. You see, even the way you put
it out here, of course if it all came out,
it may never, it may not never, never get
(Haldeman enters the room)
MARCH 21, 1973 FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 66
(Loud noises on desk)
PRESIDENT: I was talking to John about this, uh, this
whole situation, and I think we, uh, so that
we can get away from the bits and pieces
that have broken out. He is right in having
in, in, uh, recommending that, that, uh,
that there be a meet' no at the very first
possible time. Ehrlichman, and now
Ehrlichman's gone on to California but, uh,
is today, uh, is tomorrow Thursday?
HALDEMAN: Uh, he John doesn't go until Friday.
DEAN: Friday...
PRESIDENT: Well, in any event, could we do it.
Thursday? This meeting: This meeting you
can't do it today, can you?
DEAN: I don't think so. I was suggesting a
meeting with Mitchell...
PRESIDENT: Mitchell, Ehrlichman, yourself and Bob'
that's all. Now, Mitchell has to be there
because, uh, uh, he is seriously involved
and, uh, we're trying to keep, uh, we've got
to see how we, uh, hole we handle it from
here on. We are in the process of having to
determine which way to go and, uh, John has
thought it through, as well as he can. I
do, I don't want Moore there on this
PRESIDENT: You haven't told Moore all of this, have
DEAN: Moore's got, uh, by being with me, has more
bits and pieces. I've had to give him
DEAN: because he is making
MARCH 21, 1973 FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 67
DEAN: judgments that, uh...
PRESIDENT: Well, the point is, once you get down to the
PR, once you decide what you're going to do,
then we can let him know, and so forth and
so on. But it is the kind of thing, I think
what really has to happen is for you to sit
down with those three and for you to tell
them exactly what you told me.
DEAN: Um huh.
PRESIDENT: It may take him about thirty-five or forty-
five minutes. In other words he knows,
John, uh, uh, knows about everything and
also what all the, uh, what all the
potential criminal liabilities are, you
know, whether it's, uh, what's it like that
thing, what about, uh obstruction ,
DEAN: Obstruction of justice. Right.
PRESIDENT: So forth and so on. And, uh, the uh, I
think, I think that's...Then we've go to,
uh, see what the line is. Whether the line
is one of continuing to, uh, run a, try to
run a total stonewall, and take the heat
from that, uh, having in mind the fact that,
uh, there are vulnerable points there; the
vulnerable points being that, well, the
first vulnerable points would be obvious.
In other words, it would be, if, uh, uh, one
of the, uh, defendants, particularly Hunt,
of course, who is the most vulnerable my
opinion, might, uh, blow the whistle, and
he, he and his price is pretty high, but at
least, uh, we should, we should buy the time
on that, uh, as I as I pointed out to John.
Apparently...Who, who is dealing with Hunt
at the moment now that
Colson's(unintelligible) -
DEAN: Well, uh, Mitchell's lawyer and, uh...
MARCH 21, 1973 FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 68
PRESIDENT: Colson's lawyer (unintelligible)
DEAN: Colson's lawyer, both.
PRESIDENT: familiar with him. Hunt has at least got to
know before he is sentenced that he's...
HALDEMAN: Who's Colson's lawyer? (Characterization
deleted) in his firm?
DEAN: Shapiro. Right. Who lied to the, you know,
who just...The other day, he came up and...
HALDEMAN: Colson's told him everything, hasn't he?
DEAN: Yup, I gather he has. Uh, the other thing
that bothered me about that is that he's,
uh, a chatter. He came up to Fred Fielding,
of my office, at Colson's going away party.
I didn't go over there. It was over at the
Blair House the other night. And he said
to, uh, Fred, he said, "Well, Chuck has had
some mighty serious words, with, uh, his,
his friend Howard and had some mighty
serious messages back." Now, you know,
what's a lawyer how does he know what
Fielding knows? Cause Fielding knows
virtually nothing. (Laughs)
PRESIDENT: Well, anyway.
HALDEMAN: That's, that's where your dangers lie, is in
all these stupid human errors developing.
PRESIDENT: That's very...
DEAN: That's...that's...
PRESIDENT: Well, the point is, Bob, let's face it, the
secretaries know, the assistants know.
There's a lot of the, many of the damn
principals may be hard as a rock, but you
never know when they're going to crack.
But, so, we'll see, we'll see. First you've
got the Hunt problem. That ought to be
MARCH 21, 1973 FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 69
DEAN: Yeah.
PRESIDENT: Uh, incidentally, I do not think Colson
should sit in this meeting. Do you agree?
DEAN: No. I would agree.
PRESIDENT: Okay. Uh, how then...who does sit and talk
to Colson? Because somebody has to,
shouldn't we talk to...
DEAN: Chuck, uh...
PRESIDENT: talks too much.
DEAN: (Sighs) I, I, you know, I like Chuck
(laughs) but, uh, I don't want Chuck, to
know anything that I'm doing frankly.
PRESIDENT: All right.
HALDEMAN: I think that's right. I, I think you want
to be careful not to give Chuck any more
knowledge than he's already got.
DEAN: That's right.
PRESIDENT: Sure. Well...
DEAN: I wouldn't want Chuck to even know of the
meeting, frankly.
PRESIDENT: Fortunately, fortunately, with Chuck, it is
very, I, I talk to him about many, many
political things, but I never talk about
this sort of thing 'cause he's, uh, he's
very harmful, I mean I don't think... he
must be damn sure I don't know anything.
And I don't. In fact, I'm rather surprised
at what you told me today. From what you
said, I gathered the impression, and of
course, your, your, your analysis does not
for sure, uh, indicate that Chuck knew that
it was a bugging operation for certain.
MARCH 21, 1973 FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 70
DEAN: That's correct. 1 don't have...
PRESIDENT: On the other hand, on the other hand that,
DEAN: Chuck, Chuck denies that...
PRESIDENT: on the other hand, the other side of that is
that Hunt had conversations with Chuck, and
it may be that Hunt told Chuck that it was
bugging, and so forth and so on.
DEAN: Um huh.
PRESINENT: Is that correct?
DEAN: Um hum. They were very close. They, they
talked too much, uh, about too many things.
DEAN: They were intimate on this sort of (coughs)
HALDEMAN: Well then Chuck...
PRESIDENT: There's another thing you can't...
HALDEMAN: Chuck has a problem. Chuck loves,
HALDEMAN he loves what he does.
HALDEMAN: He likes to talk about it.
PRESIDENT: He also is a name dropper. Chuck might have
gone around and talked to Hunt and said
"Well, I was talking to the President, and
the President feels we ought to get
information about this, or that or the other
thing," and so forth and so on.
DEAN: Well, Liddy is the same way, and...
MARCH 21, 1973 FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 71
PRESIDENT: I have talked to, I have talked to...this
and that and the other thing. I, I have
never talked to anybody, but I have talked
to Chuck and John and the rest and I am sure
that Chuck may have, Chuck might have even
talked to Hunt along those lines.
HALDEMAN: I would...well, anything could happen. I
would doubt that.
DEAN: I would doubt that too.
HALDEMAN: I don't think he would. Uh, Chuck is a name
dropper in one sense, but not in that sense.
PRESIDENT: Well, then do you think...
HALDEMAN: I think he very carefully keeps the
President out of things. (Noise)
HALDEMAN: Except when he's doing it, when he's very
intentionally bringing the President in for,
for the President's purposes.
PRESIDENT: He had the impression though, apparently,
that he, he was the, as it turns out, really
is, the trigger man. Uh, may of damn well
have been the trigger man where he just
called up and said, "Now look here Jeb, go
ahead and get that information. And
(unintelligible) got to be a decision on it
at that time. This is February.
DEAN: Yes sir, I figure it was some other...
PRESIDENT: It must be must have been
DEAN: This was the call to Magruder from Colson
saying “Fish or cut bait.” Hunt and Liddy
were in his office.
HALDEMAN: In Colson's office?
MARCH 21, 1973 FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 72
DEAN: In Colson's office. And he called Magruder
and said, "Let's fish or cut bait on this
operation. Let's get it going.”
HALDEMAN: Oh, really?
DEAN: Yeah. This is...Magruder tells me this.
HALDEMAN: Of course. That...
PRESIDENT: Well, on the other hand...
HALDEMAN: Now wait, Magruder testified
(Several voices unintelligible)
DEAN: Chuck, Chuck, also told me that, uh, Hunt
and Liddy were in his office and he made a
HALDEMAN: Oh, okay.
DEAN: So it did, it was corroborated by the, the
HALDEMAN: Hunt-and Liddy haven't told you that,
HALDEMAN: You haven't talked to Hunt and Liddy?
DEAN: I talked to Liddy once, right after the
PRESIDENT: I'm sorry about that. All right, the point
is, the point is this, that uh, it's now
time, though, to, uh, that Mitchell has got
to sit down, and know where the hell all
this thing stands too. You see, John is
concerned, as you know, Bob, about, uh,
Ehrlichman, which, uh, worries me a great
deal because it's a. uh, uh, a-, and this
is why the Hunt problem is so serious, uh,
because, uh, it-had nothing to do with the
MARCH 21, 1973 FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 73
DEAN: Right, it, uh...
PRESIDENT: Properly, it has to do with the Ellsberg
thing. I don't know what the hell, uh...
HALDEMAN: But why...
PRESIDENT: Yeah. Why...I don't know.
HALDEMAN: What I was going to say is...
PRESIDENT: What is the answer on that? How do you keep
that out? I don't know. Well, we can't
keep it out if see the point
is, it is irrevelant. Once it has gotten to
this point...
DEAN: You might, you might put it on a national
security ground basis, which it really, it
HALDEMAN: It absolutely was.
DEAN: And just say that, uh...
DEAN: that this is not, you know, this was...
PRESIDENT: Not paid with CIA funds
DEAN: Uh...
PRESIDENT: No, seriously, National security. We had to
get information for national security
DEAN: Well, then the question is, why didn't the
CIA do it or why didn't the FBI do it?
PRESIDENT: Because they were...we had to do it, we had
to do it, on a confidential basis.
HALDEMAN: Because we were checking them?
MARCH 21, 1973 FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 74
PRESIDENT: Neither could be trusted
HALDEMAN: Well, I think...
PRESIDENT: That's the way I view it.
HALDEMAN: That has never been proven. There was
reason to question their
HALDEMAN: Position
PRESIDENT: You see really, with the bombing thing and
everything coming out, the whole thing was
national security.
DEAN I think we can probably get, get by on that.
PRESIDENT: I think on that one, I think you'd simply
say this was a national security
investigation that was conducted. And the
same with the drug field with Krogh. Krogh
could say I...if Krogh were to
if(unintelligible) he feels that-he
perjured(unintelligible) it was a national
security matter. That's why...
DEAN: That's the way Bud rests easy, because he's,
he's, he's convinced that he was doing
it...he said there was treason about the
country, and it could have threatened the
way the war was handled. Uh, and by God...
PRESIDENT: Bud, Bud said this?
PRESIDENT: Well, Bud could say that and say this, it
does was a national security
and I was not in a position to divulge it.
Well anyway, let's don't go beyond that.
We're...forget...but I do think now we, uh,
I mean, there is, there is a time, now when
you don't want to talk to Mitchell. He
MARCH 21, 1973 FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 75
CONT: doesn't want to talk, and the rest. But
John is right. There must be a, must be a
four way talk here of the particular ones
that we can trust here. Uh, we've got to
get a decision on it. It's not something see you got two ways, basically.
There are really only two ways you could go.
You either decide the whole God damned thing
is so full of problems with potential
criminal liability which is what concerns
me. I don't give a damn about the
publicity. We could, we could rock that
through, if we had to let the whole thing
hang out. It would be a lousy story for a
month. But I can take it. But the point
is, I don't want any criminal liability.
That's the thing that I am concerned about
for members of the White House staff and I
would trust for members of the Committee.
And that means Magruder.
PRESIDENT: Let's face it. He's the one that's, uh...
I think Magruder is the major guy over
DEAN: I think he's got the most serious problem.
HALDEMAN: Well, then we talked about yesterday,
got a, you got a question where your cut off
point is. There is a possibility of cutting it at Liddy,
HALDEMAN: But to accomplish that requires:
PRESIDENT: Requires what?
HALDEMAN: Requires continued perjury by Magruder.
MARCH 21, 1973 FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 76
PRESIDENT: Yeah. And it requires total...
DEAN: commitment...
PRESIDENT: Control, got total, got total control over
all of the defendants, other
words (unintelligible)
DEAN: The basic position...
HALDEMAN: They don't know anything, beyond Liddy.
DEAN: Uh, no. Other than the fact, other 'hen the
fact that Liddy, they have hearsay, uh...
HALDEMAN: But we don't know about Hunt. Maybe Hunt
has it tied in to Colson. We don't know
that, though really.
PRESIDENT: I think Hunt knows a hell of a lot more.
DEAN: Yeah, I do too. And now what McCord...
HALDEMAN: You think he does? I am afraid you're
right, but, uh, we don't know that.
PRESIDENT: I think we better assume it. I think Colson
DEAN: And he's playing hard ball, and he wouldn't
play hard...
DEAN: Yeah. He wouldn't play hard ball unless he
were pretty confident that he could cause an
awful lot of grief.
DEAN: Yeah.
MARCH 21, 1973 FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 77
PRESIDENT: He is playing hard boiled ball with regard
to Ehrlichman, for example, and that sort of
thing. He knows what he's got.
HALDEMAN: What's he planning on, money?
DEAN: Yeah, money and...
DEAN: Oh, yeah. He's uh...
PRESIDENT: It's a hundred and twenty thousand dollars.
It's about what, about how much, which is
easy. I mean, it's not easy to deliver, but
it is easy to get. Uh, now, uh (nine
seconds of silence) If that, if what, if
that, if that is the case, if it's Just that
way, then the thing to do is, if, if, the
thing all, uh, cracks out...if, if for, if,
for example, you say look we're not, we're
not going to continue to try to, let's state
it frankly...cut our losses...that's just
one way you could go...on the assumption
that we're, we, by continuing to cut our
losses, we're not going to win. That in the
end, we are going to be bled to death, and
it's all going to come out anyway, and then
you get the worst of both worlds. We are
going to lose and people are going to...
HALDEMAN: And look (unintelligible)
PRESIDENT: And we're going to look like we covered up.
So that we can't do. Now. The other, the
other, uh, the other line, however, uh, if
you, if you take that line, that we're not
going to continue to cut our losses, that
means then `;e have to look square in the
eye as to what the hell those losses are,
and see which people we can avoid
criminal liability. Right?
DEAN: That's right.
MARCH 21, 1973 FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 78
PRESIDENT: And that means, we got to, we've got to keep
it off of you, uh, which I, which I
(unintelligible) obstruction of Justice
thing. We've got to keep it off Ehrlichman.
We've got to keep it, naturally, off of Bob,
off Chapin, if possible, and Strachan.
DEAN: Um hum.
PRESIDENT: And Mitchell. Right?
DEAN: Um hum.
HALDEMAN: And Magruder, if you can. But that's the
one you pretty much have to give up.
PRESIDENT: But, but Magruder, Magruder, uh, uh, John's,
Dean's point is that if Magruder goes doyen,
he'll pull everybody with him.
HALDEMAN: That's my view.
HALDEMAN: Yup. I think Jeb, I don't think he wants
to. And I think he even would try not to,
but I don't think he is able not to.
DEAN: I don't think he is strong enough, when it
HALDEMAN: Well, not that' not that...
PRESIDENT: Well, another way, another way to do it then
Bob is to...and John realizes to,
Pause) uh, continue to try to cut our
losses. w we have to look at that course of
action. First, it is going to require
approximately a million dollars to take care
of the jackasses that are in jail. That
could be, that could be arranged.
MARCH 21, 1973 FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 79
DEAN: Yeah.
PRESIDENT: That could be arranged. But you realize
that after we're gone. I mean, assuming
these (unintelligible) are, they're going to
crack, you know what I mean? And that'll be
an unseemly story. Eventually, all the
people aren't going to care that much.
DEAN: That's right. It's...
PRESIDENT: People aren't going to care.
DEAN: So much history will pass between then and
PRESIDENT: In other words, what we're talking about it
no question. But the second thing is we're
not going to be able to deliver on, on any
kind of a, of a clemency thing. You know
Colson has gone around on this clemency
thing with Hunt and the rest.
DEAN: Hunt, Hunt is now talking in terms of being
out by Christmas.
HALDEMAN: This year?
DEAN: This year. Uh, he was told by O'Brien, who
is my conveyor of doom back and forth...
DEAN: uh, that, uh, hell, he'd be lucky if he were
out a year from now, after the Ervin
hearings were, uh, you know, over. He said,
"How in the Lord's name could you be
commuted that quickly?" He said, "Well,
that's my commitment from Colson."
HALDEMAN: By Christmas of this year?
DEAN: Yeah.
MARCH 21, 1973 FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 80
HALDEMAN: See, that, that really, that's very
believeable cause Colson
PRESIDENT: Do you think Colson could have told him
HALDEMAN: Colson is an, is an that's, that's your
fatal flaw, really, in Chuck, is he is an
operator in expediency, and he will pay at
the time and where he is whatever he has to,
to accomplish what he's there to do. And
that's...I, I would believe that he has made
that commitment if Hunt says he has. I
would believe he is capable of saying that.
PRESIDENT: The only thing you could do with him would
be to parole him for a period of time
because of his family situation. But you
couldn't provide clemency.
DEAN: No, I...uh, Kleindienst has now got control
of the parole board, and he said that now we
can, we can pull paroles off now where we
couldn't before. So...
PRESIDENT: Well, parole...
HALDEMAN: Yeah, but Kleindienst always tells you that,
and then never delivers.
PRESIDENT: Parole, parole. Let's talk candidly about
that. Parole (unintelligible) in human
terms, and so forth, is something that I
think in Hunt's case you could do Hunt, but
you couldn't do the others. You understand?
DEAN: Well, so much depends upon hoist Sirica
sentences. He can sentence, sentence in a
way that, uh, makes parole even impossible.
PRESIDENT: Oh, he can?
DEAN: Sure. He can do all kinds of permanent
sentences. Yeah. He can be a, just a son-
of-a-bitch, uh, as far, as the whole thing.
MARCH 21, 1973 FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 81
HALDEMAN: Of course, can't you appeal on a, on an
unjust sentence, as well as on an unjust
DEAN: You've got sixty days to ask the Judge to
review it. There is no appellate review of
HALDEMAN: There isn't?
DEAN: Not that I...
PRESIDENT: The judge can review it, yeah.
HALDEMAN: Only the sentencing judge can review his own
PRESIDENT: Coming back, though, to this. So you got
that...the, uh, hanging over. Now. If, uh,
you see if you let it hang there, the point
is you could let all or only part...The
point is, your feeling is that we just can't
continue to, to pay the blackmail of these
DEAN: I think that's our greatest jeopardy.
PRESIDENT: Now, let me tell you, it's
DEAN: 'Cause that is...
PRESIDENT: no problem, we could, we could get the
money. There is no problem in that. We
can't provide the clemency. The money can
be provided. Mitchell could provide the way
to deliver it. That could be done. See
what I mean?
HALDEMAN: But, Mitchell says he can't, doesn't he?
MARCH 21, 1973 FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 82
DEAN: Mitchell says that, uh...well,
Mitch...that's, it's, you know, there has
been an interesting thing, uh, phenomena all
the way along on this, is that there have
been a lot of people having to pull oars and
not everybody pulls them all the same time,
the same way, because their developed self-
HALDEMAN: What John is saying is that everybody smiles
at Dean and says, "Well, you better get
something done about it."
DEAN: That's right
PRESIDENT: (Unintelligible)
HALDEMAN: And Mitch..., Mitchell is leaving Dean
hanging out on a...None of us, well maybe
we're doing the same thing to you.
DEAN: That's right.
HALDEMAN: But I...let me say that, that I don't see
how there's any way that you can have the
White House, or anybody presently in the
White House, involved in trying to gin out
of this money.
DEAN: We are already deeply enough in that.
That's the problem, Bob.
PRESIDENT: I thought you said you could handle the
DEAN: Well, in fact, that, uh, when...
PRESIDENT: Kalmbach?
DEAN: Well, Kalmbach, uh, was a...
HALDEMAN: He's not the one
DEAN: No, but when they ran out of that money, as
you know, they came after the three-fifty
that was over here.
MARCH 21, 1973 FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 83
PRESIDENT: And they used that, right?
DEAN: And I had to explain what it was (laughs)
for, uh, before I could get the money.
PRESIDENT: Well, you said...
DEAN: Now,, that...they...
HALDEMAN: That was put, that was, that the
first place, that was put back to LaRue.
DEAN: That's right.
HALDEMAN: where it belonged. It wasn't all returned
in a lump sum. It was put back in pieces.
DEAN: That's right.
PRESIDENT: And then LaRue used it for this other
DEAN: That's right.
PRESIDENT: Well, I think they can get that.
HALDEMAN: And the balance was all returned to LaRue.
DEAN: That's right.
HALDEMAN: The problem is we don't have any receipt for
that, do we. We have no way of proving
PRESIDENT: I (unintelligible)
DEAN: And I think, I think that was because, you
know, of self-interest over there. Mitchell
HALDEMAN: Mitchell told LaRue not to take it at all.
DEAN: That's right.
MARCH 21, 1973 FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 84
HALDEMAN: This is what you told me.
DEAN: That's right. And then you don't give them
a receipt.
PRESIDENT: Well, then, but what happened? LaRue tool
it, and then what?
DEAN: Well, it was sent back to him because we
Just couldn't continue piecemeal giving, you
know, I ask it...Every time I asked for it,
I had to tell Bob I needed some, or
something like that...
DEAN: and he had to get Gordon Strachan to go up
to his safe and take it out and take it over
to LaRue.
DEAN: This was just a forever operation.
PRESIDENT: Then what? Why didn't they take it all to
DEAN: I think it's sent over with him.
HALDEMAN: Well, we had been trying to get a way to get
that money back out of here anyway.
HALDEMAN: And what this was supposed to be was loans.
This was...
HALDEMAN: immediate cash needs that was going to be
re..., replenished. And Mitchell was
arguing "You can't take the three-fifty back
till it's all replenished." Isn't that
DEAN: That' s right. Well--in the, uh...
MARCH 21, 1973 FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 85
HALDEMAN: And then they never replenished it, so we
just gave it all back anyway.
PRENT: I have a feeling we could handle this one.
DEAN: Well, first of all, they'd have a hell of a
time proving it. Uh, that's one thing.
PRESIDENT: Yeah, yeah...I just have a feeling on it.
But let's now come back to the money, a
million dollars, and so forth and so on.
Let me say that I think you could get that
in cash, and I know money is hard, but there
are ways. That could be (unintelligible).
But the point is, uh, what would you do on
that...Let's, let's look at the hard facts.
DEAN: I mean, that's been very interesting. That
has been, thus far, the most difficult
DEAN: They have been that's why these fellows have
been on or off the reservation all the way
PRESIDENT: So the hard place is this. Your, your
feeling at the present time is the hell with
the million dollars. In other words, you
say to these fellows, "I am sorry, it is all
off," and let them talk. Right?
DEAN: Well...
PRESIDENT: That, that's the way to do it, isn't it?
DEAN: That...
PRESIDENT: If you want to do it clean (unintelligible)
MARCH 21, 1973 FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 86
HALDEMAN: See, then when you do it, it's a way you can
live with. Because the problem with the
blackmail, and that's the thing we kept
raising with you `'hen you said there's a
money problem, when are need twenty thousand
or a hundred thousand or something, was
yeah, that's what you need today. But what
do you need tomorrow and next year and five
years from now'
PRESIDEMT: How long?
DEAN: Well, that was just to get us through
November seventh, though.
HALDEMAN: I recognize that's what we had to give
DEAN: Right.
HALDEMAN: to November seventh. There's no question.
DEAN: Except they could have sold...these fellows
could have sold out to the Democrats for a
fantastic amount.
PRESIDENT: Yeah, these fellows but of course, you know,
these fellows, though, as far as that plan
was concerned.
HALDEMAN: But what is there?
PRESIDENT: As far as what happened up to this time, our
cover there is just going to be the Cuban
Committee did this for them up through the
DEAN: Well, yeah. We can put that together, That
isn't, of course, quite the way it happened,
but, uh...
PRESIDENT: I know, but it's the way it's going to have
to happen.
DEAN: It's going to have to happen.
MARCH 21, 1973 FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 87
PRESIDENT: That's right. Finally, though, so you let
it go. So what happens is then they go out
and, uh, and they'll start blowing the
whistle on everybody else. Isn't that what
it really gets down to?
DEAN: Um hum.
PRESIDENT: So that, that would be the, the clean way,
DEAN: Uh,...
PRESIDENT: Is that really you', you really go so
far as to recommend that?
DEAN:, I wouldn't. I don't think, I
don't think necessarily that's the cleanest
way. One of the..I think that's what we all
need to discuss; is there some way that we
can get our story before a grand jury, and
so, that they can have, have really
investigated the White House on this...I
mean, and I must, I must be perfectly
honest, I haven't really thought through
that alternative. We've been, you know,
been so busy. (Background noise)
DEAN: on the other containment situation
PRESIDENT: John Ehrlichman, of course, has raised the
point of another grand jury. I just don't
know how you're going to do it. On what
basis. I, I could call for it, but I...
DEAN: That would be, I would think, uh...
PRESIDENT: The President takes the leadership and says,
"Now, in view of all this, uh, stripped land
and so forth, I understand this, but I, I
think I want another grand jury proceeding
and, and we'll have the White House appear
before them." Is that right John?
MARCH 21, 1973 FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 89
DEAN: Uh huh.
PRESIDENT: That's the point you see. That would make
the difference. (Noise banging on desk) I
want everybody in the White House called.
And that, that gives you the, a reason not
to have to go up before the (unintelligible)
Committee. It puts it in a, in an executive
session in a sense.
DEAN: Uh, well...
HALDEMAN: And there'd be some rules of evidence.
aren't there?
DEAN: There are rules of evidence.
PRESIDENT: Both evidence and you have lawyers a
HALDEMAN: So you are in a hell of a lot better
position than you are up there.
DEAN: No, you can't have a lawyer before a grand
PRESIDENT: Oh, no. That's right.
DEAN: You can't have a lawyer before a grand Jury.
HALDEMAN: Okay, but you, but you, you do have rules of
evidence. You can refuse to talk.
DEAN: You can take the Fifth Amendment.
PRESIDENT: That's right. That's right.
HALDEMAN: You can say you forgot, too, can't you?
DEAN: Sure. -
PRESIDENT: That's right.
MARCH 21, 1973 FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 89
DEAN: But you can''re...very high risk in
perjury situation.
PRESIDENT: That's right. Just be damned sure you say I
PRESIDENT: remember; I can't recall, I can't give any
honest, an answer to that that I can recall.
But that's it.
HALDEMAN: You have the same perjury thing on the Hill,
don't you?
DEAN: That’s right.
PRESIDENT: Oh hell, yes.
HALDEMAN: And, and they'll be doing things on
PRESIDENT: My point is, though...
HALDEMAN: which is a hell of a lot worse to deal with.
DEAN: That's right.
PRESIDENT: The grand jury thing has its, uh, uh, uh
view of this they might, uh. Suppose we
have a grand jury proceeding. Would that,
would that, what would that do to the Ervin
thing? Would it go right ahead any way?
DEAN: Probably.
HALDEMAN: If you do it in executive...
PRESIDENT: But then on that score, though, we
have...let me Just, uh, run by that, do that on a grand jury, we could
then have a much better cause in terms of
saying "Look this is a grand jury, in which,
uh, the prosecutor..." How about a special
prosecutor? We could use Peterson, or use
another one. You see he is probably
suspect. Would you call...
MARCH 21, 1973 FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 90
PRESIDENT: in another prosecutor?
DEAN: I'd like to have Petersen on our side,
advising us (laughs) frankly.
PRESIDENT: Frankly, well, Petersen is honest. Is
anybody about to be, question him, are they?
DEAN: No, no, but he'll get a barrage when, uh,
these Watergate hearings start.
PRESIDENT: Yes, but he can go up and say that he's he's
been told to go further in the Grand Jury
and go into this and that, and the other
thing. Call everybody in the White House.
I want them to come. I leant the, uh, uh,
to go to the Grand Jury.
DEAN: This may result...this may happen even
without our calling for it, when, uh, when
these, uh...
DEAN: No. Well, that's one possibility. But
also, when these people go back before the
Grand Jury, here, they are going to pull all
these criminal defendants back in before the
Grand Jury and immunize them
PRESIDENT: And immunize them: Why? Who? Are you going
to...on what?
DEAN: Uh, the U. S. Attorney's Office will.
PRESIDENT: To do what?
DEAN: To talk about anything further they want to
talk about.
PRESIDENT: Yeah. What do they gain out of it?
DEAN: Nothing.
MARCH 21, 1973 FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 91
PRESIDENT: To hell with then.
DEAN: They, they're going to stonewall it, uh, as
it now stands. Except for Hunt. That's
why, that's the leverage in his threat.
HALDEMAN: This is Hunt's opportunity.
DEAN: This is Hunt's opportunity.
PRESIDENT: That's why, that's why...
HALDEMAN: God, if he can lay this...
PRESIDENT: that's why your, for your immediate thing
you've got no choice with Hunt but the
hundred and twenty or whatever it is.
DEAN: That's right.
PRESIDENT: Would you agree that that's a buy time
thing, you better damn well get that done,
but fast?
DEAN: I think he ought to be given some signal
anyway, to, to...
DEAN: know.
PRESIDENT: Well, for Christ's sakes, get it fir, a, in
a way that, uh (pause) who's, who's going to
talk to him? Colson? He's the one who's
supposed to know him.
DEAN: Well, Colson doesn't have any money though.
That's the thing. That's been our, one of
the real problems. They have, uh, been
unable to raise any money. A million
dollars in cash, or, or the like, has been
Just a very difficult problem as we've
discussed before. Apparently, Mitchell has
talked to Pappas, and I called him
MARCH 21, 1973 FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 92
last...John asked me to call him last night
after our discussion and after you'd met
with John to see where that was. And I, I
said, "Have you talked to, to Pappas?" He
was at home, and Martha picked up the phone
so it was all in, in code. "Did you talk to
the Greek?" And he said, uh, "Yes, I have."
And I said, "Is the Greek bearing gifts?" He
said, "'tell, I `'ant to call you tomorrow
on that."
PRESIDENT: Well, look, uh, what is it that you need on
that, uh, when, uh, uh? Now look
(unintelligible) I am, uh unfamiliar with
the money situation.
DEAN: Well that, you know it, it sounds easy to
do, apparently, until, uh, everyone is out
there doing it and that's where our
breakdown has, has come every time.
PRESIDENT: Well, if you had it, where would you, how
would you get it to somebody?
DEAN: Well, I, uh, I gather LaRue just leaves it
in mail boxes and things like that, and
tells Hunt to go pick it up. Someone phones
Hunt and tells him to pick it up. As I say'
we're a bunch of amateurs in that business.
HALDEMAN: That was the thing that we thought Mitchell
ought to be able to know holy to find some-
body who could do all that sort of thing,
because none of us know how to.
DEAN: That's right. You got to wash money and all
that sort, you know, if you get a hundred
thousand out of a bank, and it all comes in
serialized bills, and...
PRESIDENT: Oh, I understand.
DEAN: And that means you have to go to Vegas with
it or a bookmaker in 'few York City, and
I've learned all these things after the
fact, it's (laughs) great shape for the next
time around.
MARCH 21, 1973 FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 93
HALDEMAN: Jesus. .
PRESIDENT: Well, the main point now is, the people who
will need the money (unintelligible) well of
course, you've got the surplus from the
campaign. That we have to -account for.
But if there's any other money hanging
HALDEMAN: Well, but what about all the, what about the
money we moved back out of
DEAN: Apparently, there's some there. That might
be what they can use. Uh, I don't know how
much is left.
PRESIDENT: Kalmbach must have some, doesn't he?
DEAN: Kalmbach doesn't have a cent.
PRESIDENT: He doesn't?
DEAN: See the new law...
HALDEMAN: No, see that three-fifty that we moved out
was all we saved. Because they were afraid
to because of this...that's what I mean;
that's the trouble. We are so God damned
square that (laughs) we'd get caught on
PRESIDENT: Well, could I suggest that this though, uh,
now, let me, let, let me go back around
(unintelligible) They will then,
HALDEMAN: Be careful...
PRESIDENT: The, uh (pause) the grand jury thing has
appeal. Ouestion is,, it at least
says that we are cooperating
DEAN: Well...
PRESIDENT: with the Grand Jury.
MARCH 21, 1973 FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 94
DEAN: Once we, once we start doom any route that
involves the criminal justice system...
DEAN: you, you've got to have full appreciation of
there is really no control over that.
DEAN: Uh, while we did, uh, we had a, an amazing
job of...
PRESIDENT: Yeah, I know.
DEAN: keeping the thing on the track before...
PRESIDENT: Straight.
DEAN: while the FBI was out there, all that...and
that was, uh, only because...
DEAN: I had a (unintelligible) of where they were
PRESIDENT: (unintelligible) Right. Right. But you
haven't got that now because everybody else
is going to have a lawyer. Let's take the
new Grand Jury. Uh, the nest Grand Jury
would call Magruder again, wouldn't it?
DEAN: But, based on what information it would?
For example, what hangers if Dean goes in
and gives a story, you know, that here is
the way it all came about. It eras supposed
to be a legitimate operation and it
obviously got off the track. I heard of
these horribles, told Haldeman that we
shouldn't be involved in it. Then
Magruder's going to have to be called in and
questioned about all those meetings again
and the like. And it begins to... again
he'll begin to change his story as to what
he told the Grand Jury the last time.
MARCH 21, 1973 FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 95
DEAN: That way, he's in a perjury situation.
HALDEMAN: Except, that's the best leverage you've got
on that he's got to keep his story
straight or he's in real trouble.
DEAN: That's right.
HALDEMAN: Unless they get smart and give him immunity.
If they, immunize .Jeb, then you haste an
interesting problem (pause)
(Tapping on desk)
PRESIDENT: He wouldn't
DEAN: Well, I think we have...
HALDEMAN: (Unintelligible) immunity
DEAN: we have control, we have control over who
gets immunized.
DEAN: Yeah, I think they wouldn't do that without
PRESIDENT: But you see, the Grand Jury proceeding
(unintelligible) sort of thing, you can go
down that road and then...if...if they
had...I'm just thinking of now how the
President looks. We would be cooperating.
We would be cooperating through the Grand
Jury. Everybody would be behind us. That's
the proper way to do this. It should be
done through a grand jury, not up there in
the kleig lights of the Committee, or...
DEAN: That's right.
MARCH 21, 1973 FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 96
PRESIDENT: Nobody's questioning if it's a grand jury,
and so forth. So, and then we would insist
on executive privilege before the Committee,
flat out say, "No we won't do that. We’re
not going to do it. Matter before a grand
jury” and that's that. You see...
HALDEMAN: All right, then you go to the next step.
Would we then...the Grand Ju.., the Grand
Jury meet in executive session?
DEAN: Yes sir, they're...
PRESIDENT: Always...
DEAN: secret sessions, they're secret.
HALDEMAN: Secret session...
PRESIDENT: Secret...
HALDEMAN: All right, then would we agree to release
our statement, our Grand Jury transcripts?
DEAN: That's not, that's not for our...we don't,
have the authority to do that. That's up to
the Court and the Court, thus far, has not
released the ones from the last Grand Jury.
PRESIDENT: They usually are not.
DEAN: It would be highly unusual for a grand fury
to come out. What should happen is...
HALDEMAN: But a lot of the stuff from the Grand Jury
came out.
PRESIDENT: Leaks. Well...
DEAN: It came out of the U. S. Attorney's
MARCH 21, 1973 FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 97
DEAN: more than the, the Grand Jury. We don't
know. Some of the Grand Jurors may have
PRESIDENT: Right, right.
DEAN: it, but they were...
PRESIDENT: Bob, it's not so bad. It's just not the
bad...or the worst place. But...
HALDEMAN: Well, what I was. I was going the other way
there. I was going might be to our
interest to get it out.
PRESIDENT: Well, we, we could easily do that. Leak out
certain stuff. We could pretty much control
that. We’ve got much more control there.
Now the other possibility is not to go to
the Grand Jury. Then you've got three
things. (1) You Just say, "The hell with
it, we can't raise the money, sorry Hunt,
you can say what you want." And so Hunt
blows the whistle. Right?
DEAN: Right.
PRESIDENT: All right, if that happens, then that raises
some possibilities of other
criminal...because he is likely to say a
hell of a lot of things and he's certain to
get Magruder on it.
DEAN: It'll get Magruder. It'll start the whole
FBI investigation going again.
PRESIDENT: Yeah. So, uh, what'll get
Magruder, it could possibly get Colson.
He's in that danger. .
DEAN: That's right. Could get, uh...
PRESIDENT: Could get Mitchell. Maybe. No.
HALDEMAN: Hunt can't get Mitchell.
MARCH 21, 1973 FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 98
DEAN: I don't think Hunt can get Mitchell. Hunt's
got a lot of hearsay.
PRESIDENT: Ehrlichman? He could on the other
thing...except Ehrlichman (unintelligible)
DEAN: Krogh, Krogh could go down in smoke. Uh...
PRESIDENT: Because Krogh, uh...where could anybody
...but on the other hand, Krogh, just says
he, uh, uh, Krogh says this is a national
security matter. Is that what he says?
Yeah, he said that.
DEAN: Yeah, but that won't sell, ultimately, in a
criminal situation. It may be mitigating on
sentences but it won't, uh, in the main
HALDEMAN: Well, then that...
PRESIDENT: That's right. Try to look around the track.
We have no choice on Hunt but to try to keep
DEAN: Right now, we have no choice.
PRESIDENT: But, but my point is, do you ever have any
choice on Hunt? That's the point.
DEAN: (Sighs)
PRESIDENT: No matter what we do here now, John...
DEAN: Well. if we...
PRESIDENT: Hunt eventually, if he isn't going to get
commuted and so forth, he's going to bloat
the whistle.
DEAN: What I have been trying to conceive of is
how we could lay out everything we know
(sighs) in a way that, you knows we've told
the Grand Jury or somebody else, so that if
a Hunt blows...
MARCH 21, 1973 FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 99
DEAN so what's new? You know, it's already been
told to a grand Jury, and they found no
criminal liability, and they investigated it
in full. We're sorry fellow...
PRESIDENT: That's right.
DEAN: Uh, we don't, it doesn't...
PRESIDENT: Including Ehrlichman's use of Hunt on the
other deal?
DEAN: That's right.
PRESIDENT: You'd throw that out?
DEAN: Uh, well, Hunt will go to jail for that
too...he's got to understand that.
PRESIDENT: That's the point too. I don't think that
...I wouldn't throw that out. I think I
would limit it to...I don't think you need
to go into every God damned thing Hunt has
PRESIDENT: He's done some things in the national
security area. Yes, true.
HALDEMAN: We've already said that. Anyway, I mean,
we've laid the ground work for that.
DEAN: Uh huh.
PRESIDENT: But here is the point, John: So you go
that...let's go to the other extreme, the
other, the other angle is to decide on,
well, if you open up the Grand Jury, first,
it won't do any good; it won't be believed.
And then you'll have two things going: The
Grand Jury and you have the other thing. At
least the Grand Jury appeals to
MARCH 21, 1973 FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 100
me from the standpoint, it's the President
makes the move. "Since all these charges
have been bandied about, and so forth, the
best thing to do is to...I have ordered, or
I have asked the Grand Jury to look into any
further charges. All charges have been
raised." That's the place to do it and not
before a committee of the Congress. Right?
DEAN: Um hum.
PRESIDENT: Then, however, we may say, Mitchell, et al.,
God we can't risk that, I mean, uh, all
sorts of shit'll break loose there. Then
that leaves you to your third thing. The
third thing is just to continue to...
DEAN: Hunker down and fight it.
PRESIDENT: All right. If you hunker down and fight it,
fight it and what happens?
DEAN: Your...
PRESIDENT: Your view is that, that is, is not really a
viable option.
DEAN: It's a veryit's a high risk. A very high risk.
PRESIDENT: A high risk, because your view is that what
will happen out of that is that it's going
to come out.
Somebody's...Hunt...something's going to
break loose...
DEAN: Something is going to break and...
PRESIDENT: When it breaks it'll look like the President
DEAN: covering up...
MARCH 21, 1973 FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 101
DEAN: Your...
PRESIDENT: Your view is that that is, is not really a
viable option.
DEAN: In fact, it's a high risk. A very high
PRESIDENT: A high risk, because your view is that what
will happen out of that is that it's going
to come out.
Somebody's...Hunt...something's going to
break loose...
DEAN: Something is going to break and...
PRESIDENT: When it breaks it'll look like the
DEAN: covering up...
PRESIDENT: is, has covered up a huge, uh, uh, this -
DEAN That's correct.
HALDEMAN: But you can't contain the charge.
PRESIDENT: That's not...
DEAN: I just don't...
PRESIDENT: You're, you're
DEAN: I don't think it's...
PRESIDENT: You now have, uh, moved away from the hunker
DEAN: Well, I've moved to the point that we've
certainly got to take a, a harder look at
the other alternative, which we haven't
MARCH 21, 1973 FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 102
PRESIDENT: The other alternatives.
DEAN: The other alternatives. Right
PRESIDENT: Three other choices, wouldn't you say? As a
matter of fact, your m-, middle ground of
Grand Jury. And then there's finally the on
ground of -- No, I suppose there's a middle
DEAN: And I would -
PRESIDENT: or the middle grounds of a public statement,
without a Grand Jury.
DEAN: What we need also, sir -
PRESIDENT: And also -
HALDEMAN: But John's view is if we make the public
HALDEMAN: that we talked - I raised that this morning,
the, the thing we talked about last night.
HALDEMAN: If each of us
HALDEMAN: make moves,
HALDEMAN: He says that will immediately lead to a
Grand Jury.
PRESIDENT: Fine - all right, fine.
MARCH 21, 1973 FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 103
HALDEMAN: As soon as we make that statement, they'll
have to call a Grand Jury.
PRESIDENT: Then maybe we make the public statement
before the Grand Jury, in order to -
HALDEMAN: So it looks like we are trying to do it
DEAN: All right, say all right, say here are
public statements, and we want, we want, uh,
DEAN: full Grand Jury investigation
DEAN: by the U. S. Attorney's Office
PRESIDENT: Curious to see whether this statement's,
then, that’s right. That I, but - And that
we’ve said that the reason that we had
delayed this is until after the sentencing.
You see, the point is, the reason that time
is of the essence, we can't play around with
this, is that they're going to sentence on
Friday. We're going to move the God damned
thing pretty fast. See what I mean?
DEAN: That's right.
PRESIDENT: So we've got to act, we really haven't time
to (unintelligible)
DEAN: The other, the other thing is that the
Attorney General could call Sirica, and say
that. "The Government has some major
developments that it's considering. Would
you hold sentencing for two weeks?" If we
set ourself on a course of action.
MARCH 21, 1973 FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 104
PRESIDENT: Yep, yep.
DEAN: Say, that "The sentencing may be in the
wrong perspective right now. I don't know
for certain, but I just think there are some
things that ? uh, I am not at liberty to
discuss with you, that I want to ask that
the, the court withhold two weeks
HALDEMAN: So then the story is out: "Sirica Delays
Sentencing Watergate For --"
DEAN: I think, I think that could be handled in a
way between Sirica and Kleindienst that it
would not get out.
DEAN: Sirica tells me, I mean Kleindienst
apparently does-have good rapport with
Sirica. He's never talked to him since this
case has developed,
DEAN: but, uh -
PRESIDENT: That's helpful. Kleindienst could say that
he's, uh, he's working on something and
would like, like, like to have a week. I
wouldn't take two weeks. I would take a
DEAN: I'll tell you the person that I would, you
know, I feel that, uh, we' we could use his
counsel on this, because he understands the
criminal process better than anybody over
here does,
MARCH 21, 1973 FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 105
PRESIDENT: Petersen?
DEAN: is Petersen. It, it's awkward for Petersen.
He's the head of the Criminal Division. But to discuss s
related to this case, you will have no relation." Uh, and
proved," or so on and so forth. We almost
need him out of there to take his counsel. That would, u
PRESIDENT: How could you get him out?
DEAN: I think an appeal directly to Henry, uh,
that uh
PRESIDENT: Why doesn't the President - could, could the
President call him in as Special Counsel to
the White - to the, to the White House for the purpose of
DEAN: I have thought of that. I have thought of
PRESIDENT: have him as Special Counsel to represent to
the Grand Jury and the rest.
DEAN: That is one possibility.
HALDEMAN: On the basis that Dean has now become a
principal rather than a Special Counsel.
DEAN: Uh huh.
CH 21, 1973 FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 106
PRESIDENT: That's right.
DEAN: Uh huh.
PRESIDENT: And that he's a --
DEAN: And I, and I could recommend that to you.
PRESIDENT: He could recommend it, you could recommend
it, and Petersen would come over and be the,
uh - and I'd say, "Now --"
HALDEMAN: Petersen's planning to leave, anyway.
PRESIDENT: And I'd say, "Now,"
DEAN: Is he?
PRESIDENT: "I want you to get - we want you to (1) -"
We'd say to Petersen, "We want you to get to
the bottom of the God damned thing, Call
another Grand Jury or anything else."
Correct? Well, now you've got to follow up
to see whether Kleindienst can get Sirica to
put off - Right? If that is, if we -
Second, you've got to get Mitchell down
here. You and Ehrlichman and Mitchell and
let's - an - by tomorrow.
HALDEMAN: Why don't we do that tonight?
PRESIDENT: I don't think you can get him that soon, can
PRESIDENT: It would be helpful if you could.
DEAN: I think it would be.
PRESIDENT: You need --
MARCH 21, 1973 FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 107
DEAN: Get him to cone down this afternoon.
PRESIDENT: It would be very helpful to, to get it
going. And, uh, uh, you know, and, uh, and
then, uh - Actually, uh, I'm perfectly
willing to meet with the group, or I don't
know whether -
HALDEMAN: Do you think you want to?
PRESIDENT: Maybe have Dean report to me at the end, as
to what are, as to what conclusions, et
cetera what you want to do. I thing I
should stay away from the Mitchell side of
it at this point.
DEAN: Ih huh.
PRESIDENT: Do you agree?
DEAN: Uh huh.
PRESIDENT: and, uh -
DEAN: And I think, unless we see, you know, some
sort of a reluctant dragon there --
HALDEMAN: You might try to meet with the rest of us,
I, I'm, I'm not sure you'd want to meet with
John in a group of us. (Noise) (Pause)
Okay, let me see if I can get it done.
PRESIDENT: All right. Fine. That's it, my point is
that' uh, we can, uh, you may well come - I
think it is good (noise) frankly, to
outsider these various options. And then,
once you, once you decide on the plan - John
- and you had the right plan, let me say, I
have no doubts about the right plan before
the election. And you handled it just
right. You contained it. - Now after the
election we've got to have another plan,
because we can't have, for four years,
MARCH 21, 1973 FROM 10:12 TO 11:55 A.M. 108
Cont: we can't have this thing - you're going to
be eaten away. We can't do it
DEAN: -Well, there's been a change-in the mood
HALDEMAN: John's point is exactly right, that the
erosion here now is going to you, and that
is the thing that we've got to turn off, at
whatever the cost and we've got to figure
out where to turn it off at the lowest cost
we can, but at whatever cost it takes.
DEAN: That's what, that's what we have to do.
PRESIDENT: Well, the erosion is inevitably going to
come here, apart from anything, you know,
people saying that, uh' well, the Watergate
isn't a major concern. It isn't. But it
would, but it will be. It's bound to be.
DEAN: We cannot let you be tarnished by that
PRESIDENT: Well, I (unintelligible) also because I
Although Ron Ziegler has to go out -They
blame the (unintelligible) on the White
House (unintelligible)
DEAN: That's right.
PRESIDENT: We don't, uh, uh, I say that the White House
can't do it. Right?
DEAN: Yes. sir.