Steps for Admission to Delaware Tech
Complete this application and review it for accuracy. Any information indicated “for statistical purposes only” will be used solely for
institutional research. Your cooperation in completing this information is appreciated.
Submit the application to the Admissions Oce at the campus where you plan to attend.
Other Steps for Enrollment in Courses
For course placement, participate in the college testing and placement program. Test information and a schedule will be provided.
Visit to view sample test questions. Ocial scores from SAT tests may be submitted to satisfy this requirement.
Applicants who hold a bachelor’s degree, associate degree, or transfer credit from another institution may be excused from part or all of the
placement testing program upon presentation of an ocial college transcript.
If you plan to transfer college credits to Delaware Technical Community College, request that your ocial transcript(s) be sent to the
Admissions Oce; course descriptions may also be required. Note: Unocial transcripts issued to students will not be accepted. Check with
your previous institution(s) for their transcript request procedures. If applicable, submit Advanced Placement test scores from your high
school, Tech Prep verication, or CLEP or DANTES scores.
To qualify for in-state tuition, provide proof of Delaware residency (e.g. driver’s license) at the time of application or prior to rst registration.
Request that your high school send a nal ocial transcript to the Admissions Oce.
For assistance in registering for classes, contact your campus advisement center or your academic advisor.
For full access to college services, complete these steps at least 30 days prior to the rst day of class.
For more information, contact the Admissions Oce or visit us online at
Georgetown Admissions Oce
21179 College Drive (302) 259-6053
Georgetown, DE 19947-0610 Advisement Center
(302) 259-6060
Located in the heart of Sussex County in Georgetown, the
Owens Campus is conveniently situated at the intersection of
U.S. 113 and Route 18/404, Seashore Highway.
Situated outside the city of Wilmington, the suburban Stanton
Campus is located just o Exit 4 of Interstate 95. Its convenient
location allows easy access from all parts of New Castle County.
Stanton Admissions Oce
400 Stanton-Christiana Road (302) 454-3954
Newark, DE 19713-2197 Advisement Center
(302) 454-3912
Wilmington Admissions Oce
300 N. Orange Street (302) 571-5326
Wilmington, DE 19801-2499 Advisement Center
(302) 552-5950
Dover Admissions Oce
100 Campus Drive (302) 857-1020
Dover, DE 19904-1383 Advisement Center
The Terry Campus is located in northern Dover on Scarborough
Road. It is easily accessed by taking the North Dover exit of
U. S. Route 1.
Located in downtown Wilmington, the George Campus can
be reached by taking the Wilmington/Martin Luther King, Jr.
Boulevard exit from Interstate 95.
Application for Admission
Revised 4/11/19
Intended start date: Fall/August Spring/January Summer/May/June
Year Year Year
Please print clearly in ink.
Social Security Number: Date of Birth: ID: Sta Use Only
Name: (Last) (First) (Middle Name)
Other Name(s), including maiden name, under which your academic records may be listed:
Mailing Address: Development/Apartment:
City: State: ZIP Code:
Home Phone: Work Phone: Cell Phone:
E-mail Address: Home E-mail or Work E-mail
Permanent Address: Development/Apartment:
City: State: ZIP Code:
Complete the following information only if dierent from mailing address.
Are you Hispanic/Latino (including Spain)? Yes No
Regardless of your answer to the prior question, please indicate how you identify yourself: (select one or more)
Optional: This information is for statistical purposes only and will not aect the admission decision.
Program of Study
What is your educational goal at Delaware Tech?
(Please check box that applies.)
To earn a(n) associate degree, diploma, or certicate
To take selected courses only: (Please specify one category.)
personal enrichment or professional job enhancement
visiting from another college
current high school student with permission to take college courses
Which campus location do you plan to attend? Dover Georgetown Stanton Wilmington
American Indian or Alaska Native Asian (including Indian subcontinent and Phillipines)
Black or African American (including Africa and Caribbean) Native Hawaiian or Other Pacic Islander
White (including Middle Eastern) Other
Intended program of study
Name City State
High School (beginning with most recent):
Dates attended:
Delaware High School Student ID, if known:
If no high school diploma, have you received a high school equivalency degree or certication? YES NO
Date high school equivalency degree or certication was granted:
Are you submitting ocial scores from SAT test? YES NO
Previous College Background
Have you previously attended Delaware Tech? YES NO If yes, last year attended: ________
Have you attended a college other than Delaware Tech? YES NO (If yes, please list below.)
Previous College(s) (list most recent rst) Dates of Attendance: Completed Program? Degree Earned:
College Name, City and State
Documentation of status will be required by Admissions.
I qualify to pay in-state tuition because of the following reasons and will provide proof.
A. Delaware has been my domicile and continuous residence for at least six (6) months.
B. I have been employed full-time (minimum 30 hours per week) in the state of Delaware for at least six (6) consecutive months.
C. I am active duty military stationed in Delaware OR I am a dependent of a person on active duty military status stationed in Delaware.
D. I am a dependent of my parents or guardians who meet the Delaware residency requirements in (A)
(B) above.
Declaration of Eligibility for In-State Tuition, if applicable. This does not apply to a non-immigrant status.
The ocial residency policy used to determine eligibility for in-state tuition is listed in the College catalog and the student handbook available online at
U.S. Citiz
ens, Permanent Residents or Temporary Resident Alien, Asylees, Refugees and those with Temporary Protected Status are eligible
to be
considered in-state for tuition purposes if they provide documentation that they have had an eligible status for six months AND meet one of the following
conditions immediately prior to registration at Delaware Tech: (Please check all that apply.)
I certify that the responses on this application are true and correct.
Signature of Applicant (Required)
Name City State
Year graduated
or will graduate:
*Other visa categories may be eligible. Refer to ocial College Residency Policy.
Student Certication:
OTHER Specify:
Country of Citizenship
If you are in the U.S., what is your immigration status?
Please indicate your
preferred language(s)
Country of Birth
U.S. Veteran
U.S. military service member
(including National Guard or Reserves)
Veteran/Military Service:
Spouse of U.S. service member who is deceased, disabled, MIA, or a POW
U.S. military dependent using VA educational benets
Preferred Language(s)
Delaware Technical Community College Mission Statement
Delaware Technical Community College is a statewide multi-campus community college committed to providing open admission, post-secondary education at the associate
degree level. The College oers comprehensive educational opportunities that support economic development and are relevant and responsive to the needs of the community
including career, general, developmental, and transfer education; workforce training; professional development; and lifelong learning. The College believes in the practical value
of higher education as a means of economic and personal advancement. The College respects its students as individuals and as members of diverse groups and is committed to
fostering student success.
Middle States Commission on Higher Education
Delaware Technical Community College is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education, 3624 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104, (267) 284-5000.
The Middle States Commission on Higher Education is an institutional accrediting agency recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education and the Council for Higher Education
Proof of Residency veried:
Source Document:
Sta Use Only
Notice of Availability of Annual Security Report
Delaware Technical Community College maintains an annual security report as required by the Clery Act. The College’s annual Clery Act report contains information on campus
security and personal safety, including crime prevention, the law enforcement authority of College public safety ocers, crime reporting policies, certain specic College policies,
and other important matters about security on campus. The report also contains statistics for the three pervious calendar years on crimes that were reported to have occurred on
campus, in certain o-campus buildings or properties owned or controlled by the College, and on public property within or immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campus.
The Colleges annual Clery Act report is available on the Delaware Tech website at A printed report may also be obtained free of charge from the
Oce of Public Safety at each campus upon your request.
An Equal Opportunity Institution
It is the policy of the College that no person shall, on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, sex, family or marital status, pregnancy, national origin, age, disability,
sexual orientation, gender identity, or genetic information be subjected to any discrimination prohibited by the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended; the Age Discrimination in
Employment Act, as amended; Americans with Disabilities Act, as amended; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972;
the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008; Delawares anti-discrimination law and other applicable laws, regulations and Executive Orders.
All persons associated with the college are subject to this policy while on property owned or controlled by the college or while acting in an ocial capacity,
including faculty, sta, ocers, trustees, volunteers, contractors and vendors. In addition, this policy applies to conduct that occurs o college property or is
otherwise unrelated to the persons association with the college if:
1. The conduct was in connection with a college or college-recognized program, activity or event;
2. The conduct is alleged to have created a hostile environment for a member of the college community;
3. The conduct disrupts the normal operations and processes of the college and is oensive to the colleges mission;
4. The continued presence of the individual accused of violating this policy poses a moderate or higher threat to any member of the college community; or
5. The nature of the alleged conduct adversely aects the reputation, mission, image or public perception of the college
This policy applies to recruitment, employment and subsequent placement, training, promotion, compensation, continuation, probation, discharge and other terms
and conditions of employment over which the College has jurisdiction as well as to all educational programs and activities. The College has designated a Civil Rights
Coordinator, who serves as the College’s Title IX Coordinator and the College’s ADA/Section 504 Coordinator, to carry out its commitment to equal opportunity and
nondiscrimination. Inquiries or complaints by students or employees regarding the College’s nondiscrimination policies may be addressed to: Elizabeth Groller, Esq.,
Civil Rights & Title IX Coordinator, Oce of the President, 100 Campus Drive, Dover, DE 19904, (302) 857-1903, [email protected].