Ver1.1 (December 10, 2021)
Japanʼs Vaccination Certificate of COVID-19 for international travel
1. Overview
Since July 26, 2021, the Japanese Government has been issuing vaccination certificates of COVID-
19 without 2D barcode to those who need the certificate for international travel. Starting from
December 20
, 2021, the government issues vaccination certificates with 2D barcode, for
international travel as well as for domestic use in Japan. The certificate is issued as an official proof
of COVID-19 vaccination to those who are vaccinated at each municipality under the Japanese
Vaccination Law.
2. Form of the vaccination certificates
The vaccination certificates are available in the following forms:
Form of certificate
Type of document Issuance period
1 Digital certificate Yes via mobile phone App (iOS/Android) Dec 20, 2021-
2 Paper certificate Yes normal paper Dec 20, 2021-
3 Paper certificate N/A anti-counterfeit paper Jul 26, 2021
-Dec 19, 2021
*Samples of certificates are shown in attachments (A) through (C).
While it is expected that most international travelers will use the certificate with 2D barcode after
December 20
, there will be some travelers who use the paper certificate without 2D barcode
during the transition period. Please note that the certificate issued in former formats remains valid
as an official proof of vaccination.
3. Specification of 2D barcode
After December 20
, 2021, the Japanese Vaccination Certificate will be issued with 2 types of 2D
barcodes. The barcodes are generated based on the following international standards:
(A) for international travel:
ICAO VDS-NC standard
(B) for domestic use in Japan & international travel:
SMART® Health Cards standard
Ver1.1 (December 10, 2021)
*ICAO VDS-NC (Visible Digital Seal Non-Constraints) is a standard for digital health certificates
used for cross-border air travel, specified by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). It
utilizes ICAOʼs trust framework (such as Public Key Infrastructure), which is used for e-Passports
around the world today.
*SMART® Health Cards is a standard for digital health certificates specified by the Vaccine
Credential Initiative (VCI). For people who provide passport information, the certificate shows the
passport holderʼs name in English as well as in Japanese, so that it can be also used outside Japan,
wherever SMART® Health Cards is accepted.
Currently, SMART® Health Cards are accepted in
Canada, North Macedonia, and in much of the United States.
[Data elements of the certificate]
*Data set which is included in 2D barcode of the vaccination certificate is defined in charts (D) and
(E) of this document. It is consistent with the requirements specified by ICAO VDS-NC and SMART®
Health Cards.
for international travel for domestic use in Japan &
international travel
Specification ICAO VDS-NC (ver1.1) SMART® Health Cards
Data elements on
paper certificate
Name (in English/Japanese)
Date of birth
Passport number
Date of vaccination
Vaccine type
Product Name
Lot number
Country of vaccination
Certificate issuer
Certificate identifier
Issue date
As shown on the left
Data elements in
2D barcode
Issuing Country
Name (in English)
Date of birth
Passport number
Certificate identifier
Vaccine or prophylaxis
Vaccine brand
Date of vaccination
Dose number
Country of vaccination
Administering centre
Vaccine batch number
Name (in Japanese/English)
Date of birth
Vaccine code (Vaccine name &
Vaccine brand)
Date of Vaccination
Vaccination Authority
Vaccine lot number
Ver1.1 (December 10, 2021)
4. Authentication of the vaccination certificate
Authenticate the vaccination certificate for ICAO VDS-NC:
The barcode signer certificate included in the 2D barcode itself can be used for authentication
purposes. The barcode signer certificate can be fully verified using the Country Signing
Certificate Authority (CSCA) certificate, which can be shared through the ICAO Public Key
Directory (PKD).
Authenticate the vaccination certificate for SMART® Health Cards:
Because SMART® Health Cards are based on an open standard and can be issued by anyone,
it is important to know who issued a given SMART® Health Card. In order to verify that the
certificate is issued by a trusted issuer, the verifier can use the CommonTrust Network* or the
VCI Directory.
*The CommonTrust Network is managed by the Commons Project Foundation. The inclusion criteria for
SMART® Health Card Issuers and Health Data Sources in the CommonTrust Network are defined in
coordination with the VCI Steering Committee with broad community input. To confirm that a SMART®
Health Card is valid and the issuer is part of the CommonTrust Network, you may also use the free SMART®
Health Card Verifier App as well as the free App provided by the Japanese government.
5. COVID-19 Vaccination Certificate Application
A free App called COVID-19 Vaccination Certificate Applicationis provided by the Japanese
government to download and/or present the Japanese Vaccination Certificate as well as to verify a
2D barcode on the certificate. The app is available for free for iOS and Android.
[System Requirements for Japanʼs COVID-19 Vaccination Certificate Application”]
Smartphone with NFC (Type B) chip
iOS 13.7 or later
Android 8.0 or later
Other Apps which are compatible with ICAO VDS-NC or SMART® Health Cards (e.g. Smart® Health
Card Verifier) may be used to verify the vaccination certificate.
Ver1.1 (December 10, 2021)
6. Frequently asked questions
Q1) Are there any differences between the certificate for international travel and the
certificate for domestic use in Japan?
Both certificates basically provide identical vaccination records of the certificate holder. The 2D
barcode for international travel (ICAO VDS-NC) contains the holderʼs passport number and
their name only in English. The 2D barcode for domestic use (SMART® Health Cards) does
NOT contain the passport number, but if passport information is provided at the timing of
application, the barcode contains the holderʼs name in English as well as in Japanese.
Q2) Is the certificate valid in both paper and digital form?
Yes, the certificate is available in paper form as well as in digital form on the app, and both
certificates are valid as a proof of vaccination.
Q3) Can a person have multiple vaccination certificates?
A person can have multiple certificates without any limitation. For those who are vaccinated
at a different site for each dose, they are expected to have multiple certificates issued by each
municipality or authority.
Q4) How can I tell if the certificate holder is fully vaccinated?
Japanʼs Vaccination Certificate simply presents the holderʼs vaccination history. The
determination of whether a certificate holder is fully vaccinated is up to the decision of each
state where the holder is travelling.
Q5) Is there any expiration date to the certificate?
Japanʼs Vaccination Certificate itself has no expiration date
because it simply shows the records
of the holderʼs vaccination history.
Q6) How can I verify authenticity of the certificate?
The certificate is signed with a digital signature using a private key. Authenticity of the
certificate can be verified by a public key, contained in the barcode itself or provided by the
Q7) Where do I find verifier apps to scan the barcode?
A mobile app called COVID-19 Vaccination Certificate Applicationthat can read and
authenticate Japanʼs Vaccination Certificate will be available for free for iOS and Android.
Other apps compatible with VDS-NC or SMART® Health Cards may be uses for verification.
Ver1.1 (December 10, 2021)
(A) Sample of paper certificate with 2D barcode (issued from December 20
, 2021)
Ver1.1 (December 10, 2021)
(B) Sample of digital certificate with 2D barcode (issued on or after December 20
, 2021)
[Certificate Details]
*Certificate for
*Certificate for
domestic use
in Japan
Ver1.1 (December 10, 2021)
(C) Sample of paper certificate without 2D barcode
(from July 26, 2021) (from Dec 1, 2021)
Ver1.1 (December 10, 2021)
(D) Data set of ICAO VDS-NC specification
# Element
Required MaxSize
Content Example
1 "data"
Data Zone
2 "hdr"
Header Zone
3 "t" Type(t)
Type is set to "icao.vacc" "icao.vacc"
"v" Version(v) integer
Version number of PoV (Proof of Vaccination) 1
5 "is"
IssuingCountry(is) Three letter code identifying the issuing state
6 "msg" Message Zone
"uvci" UVCI(uvci)
12 Unique Vaccination Identifier "6U5RSWMBASG2"
8 "pid" PersonIdentification(pid) Object
Person Identification
9 "n" Name(n) 39
Family name_First name "MIYAKE SHOTA"
10 "dob" Date of birth(dob)
10 YYYY-MM-DD "1991-02-18"
11 "i" UniqueIdentifier(i)
11 Passport number "TK0000000"
12 "ai" AdditionalIdentifer(ai) 24 Any other document number at discretion of issuer "JPN00000120210801000001"
13 "ve" VaccinationEvent(ve) Array Vaccinaiton Event
14 "des" Vaccine or Prophylaxis(des) 6
Vaccine or vaccine sub-type:
ICD-11 Extension codes
Pfizer/BioNTech, Moderna: ”XM0GQ8"
AstraZeneca: "XM9QW8"
15 "nam" Vaccine brand (nam) Medical product name
Pfizer/BioNTech: "COMIRNATY"
Moderna: "COVID-19 Vaccine Moderna"
AstraZeneca: "Vaxzevria"
16 "vd" VaccinationDetails(vd)
Array Vaccination Details
17 "dvc" Date of vaccination(dvc) 10
YYYY-MM-DD "2021-03-01"
18 "seq" Dose number (seq)
2 Vaccine dose number "1"
19 "ctr" Country of vaccination(ctr)
Three letter code of the state where the holder is
20 "adm" Administering centre(adm)
20 The name of the vaccination authority "MHLW_Gov_of_JAPAN"
21 "lot" Vaccine batch number (lot) 20 Vaccine Lot Number "1234-5678"
22 "sig" Signature Zone
23 "alg" SignatureAlgo(alg) Signature Algorithm: ECDSA with SHA256 "ES256"
24 "cer" Certificate(cer) Signer certificate(base64url
25 "sigvl" SignatureValue(sigvl) Signature value signed over the data
Ver1.1 (December 10, 2021)
(E) Data set of SMAR Health Cards specification
# Required MaxSize Content Example
1 "iss" Issuer
2 "nbf" Timestamp issue (Not before) 1623928550.92200
3 "vc"
4 "type"
5 "credentialSubject"
6 "fhirVersion" Version of FHIR "4.0.1"
7 "fhirBundle"
8 "resourceType" "Bundle" "Bundle"
9 "type" "collection" "collection"
10 "entry" Array
11 "fullUrl" "resource:0" "resource:0"
12 "resource"
13 "resourceType" "Patient" information "Patient"
14 "name" Array Name
15 "use"
Name type
"usual": Japanese name
"official": English name as in Passort
16 "text" Full name
17 "family" Family name (UTF-8)
"三宅" or "MIYAKE"
18 "given" Array Given name (UTF-8)
"翔太" or "SHOTA"
19 "birthDate" Date of birth: "YYYY-MM-DD" "1991-02-18"
20 "fullUrl" "resource:1" "resource:1"
21 "resource"
22 "resourceType" Vaccination record "Immunization"
23 "status" Status
24 "vaccineCode" Vaccine code
25 "coding" Array
26 "system" "" ""
27 "code"
Vaccine Product
28 patient
29 "reference" "fullUrl" pf "Patient" information "resource:0"
30 "occurrenceDateTime" Date of vaccination: "YYYY-MM-DD" "2021-03-01"
31 "performer" Array
32 "actor"
33 "display" Vaccination authority "MHLW_Gov_of_JAPAN"
34 "lotNumber" Vaccine lot number "1234-5678"