California Energy Commission
April 12, 2023 Business Meeting
Backup Materials for Agenda Item No 13:
GC Green, Incorporated
The following backup materials for the above-referenced agenda item are available in
this PDF packet as listed below:
1. Proposed Resolution.
2. Grant Request Form.
3. Scope of Work.
RESOLUTION NO: 23-0412-13
RESOLUTION: GC Green, Incorporated
RESOLVED, that the State Energy Resources Conservation and Development
Commission (CEC) adopts the staff CEQA findings contained in the Agreement or
Amendment Request Form (as applicable); and
RESOLVED, that the CEC approves Agreement ZVI-22-033 for a $500,000 grant to
install two public direct current fast chargers, one public Level 2 charger, and on-site
solar with battery storage at Tule River Eagle Feather Trading Post #1 to increase
electric vehicle (EV) charging access and enable greater plug-in EV adoption by the
Tule River Indian Tribe of the Tule River Reservation; and
FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED, that the Executive Director or their designee shall
execute the same on behalf of the CEC.
The undersigned Secretariat to the CEC does hereby certify that the foregoing is a full,
true, and correct copy of a resolution duly and regularly adopted at a meeting of the
CEC held on April 12, 2023.
Liza Lopez
CEC-270 (Revised 10/2022)
A. New Agreement Number
IMPORTANT: New Agreement # to be completed by Contracts, Grants, and Loans Office.
New Agreement Number: ZVI-22-033
B. Division Information
1. Division Name: Fuels and Transportation
2. Agreement Manager: Tiffany Hoang
3. MS-:06
4. Phone Number: (916) 237-2557
C. Recipient’s Information
1. Recipient’s Legal Name: GC Green, Incorporated
2. Federal ID Number: 27-3429785
D. Title of Project
Title of project: Demonstrating Resilient and Net-Zero EV Fast Charging Development in
California Indian Country
E. Term and Amount
1. Start Date: 4/12/2023
2. End Date: 5/31/2025
3. Amount: $500,000
F. Business Meeting Information
1. Are the ARFVTP agreements $75K and under delegated to Executive Director? No
2. The Proposed Business Meeting Date: 04/12/2023
3. Consent or Discussion? Consent
4. Business Meeting Presenter Name: Tiffany Hoang
5. Time Needed for Business Meeting: 0 minutes.
6. The email subscription topic is: Altfuels (AB118-ARFVTP)
Agenda Item Subject and Description:
GC Green, Incorporated. Proposed resolution approving Agreement ZVI-22-033 with GC Green
Incorporated for a $500,000 grant to install 2 public DC fast chargers, 1 public Level 2 charger,
and on-site solar with battery storage at Tule River Eagle Feather Trading Post #1, and
adopting staff’s determination that this action is exempt from CEQA. (General Fund Funding)
Contact: Tiffany Hoang (Staff Presentation: 5 Minutes)
G. California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Compliance
1. Is Agreement considered a “Project” under CEQA?
If yes, skip to question 2.
If no, complete the following (PRC 21065 and 14 CCR 15378) and explain why
Agreement is not considered a “Project:
CEC-270 (Revised 10/2022)
2. If Agreement is considered a “Project” under CEQA answer the following
a) Agreement IS exempt?
The project in this Agreement is not subject to CEQA due to being on land that is under
the jurisdiction of the Tribe. However, any impacts to non-tribal land as a result of the
project would be categorically exempt from CEQA, as explained below.
Statutory Exemption?
Not Applicable
If yes, list PRC and/or CCR section number(s) and separate each with a comma. If
no, enter “None” and go to the next question.
PRC section number: None
CCR section number: None
Categorical Exemption?
Not Applicable
If yes, list CCR section number(s) and separate each with a comma. If no, enter
“None” and go to the next question.
CCR section number: 14 CCR 15301 exempts from CEQA the minor alteration of
existing structures and facilities. This project involves the installation of three electric
vehicle chargers and supporting solar and energy storage systems at an existing gas
station. The chargers will be installed on existing pavement and will involve negligible
or no expansion of use. Therefore, this project, were it subject to CEQA, would have
no significant effect on the environment and would be exempt per section 15301.
Common Sense Exemption? 14 CCR 15061 (b) (3)
If yes, explain reason why Agreement is exempt under the above section. If no,
enter “Not applicable” and go to the next section.
Not Applicable
b) Agreement IS NOT exempt.
IMPORTANT: consult with the legal office to determine next steps.
If yes, answer yes or no to all that applies. If no, list all as “no” and “None” as “yes”.
Additional Documents
Initial Study
Negative Declaration
Mitigated Negative Declaration
Environmental Impact Report
Statement of Overriding Considerations
H. Subcontractors
CEC-270 (Revised 10/2022)
List all Subcontractors listed in the Budget (s) (major and minor). Insert additional rows if
needed. If no subcontractors to report, enter “No subcontractors to report” and “0” to funds.
Delete any unused rows from the table
Subcontractor Legal Company Name
CEC Funds
Match Funds
$ 56,555
$ 94,240
I. Vendors and Sellers for Equipment and Materials/Miscellaneous
List all Vendors and Sellers listed in Budget(s) for Equipment and Materials/Miscellaneous.
Insert additional rows if needed. If no vendors or sellers to report, enter “No vendors or sellers
to report” and “0” to funds. Delete any unused rows from the table.
Vendor/Seller Legal Company Name
CEC Funds
Match Funds
Native Star Foundation
Tule River Economic Development Corporation Foundation
J. Key Partners
List all key partner(s). Insert additional rows if needed. If no key partners to report, enter “No
key partners to report.” Delete any unused rows from the table.
K. Budget Information
Include all budget information. Insert additional rows if needed. If no budget information to
report, enter “N/Afor “Not Applicable” and “0” to Amount. Delete any unused rows from the
Funding Source
Funding Year of
Budget List
ZVI (General Funds)
FY 21/22
BL# 601.129ZEV
TOTAL Amount: $500,000
R&D Program Area: Not Applicable
Explanation for “Other” selection Not Applicable
Reimbursement Contract #: Not Applicable
Federal Agreement #: Not Applicable
L. Recipient’s Contact Information
1. Recipient’s Administrator/Officer
Name: Rick Halperin
CEC-270 (Revised 10/2022)
Address: 3919 30th St
City, State, Zip: San Diego, CA, 92104
Phone: (707) 271-2769
2. Recipient’s Project Manager
Name: Elizabeth Perez
Address: 3919 30th St
City, State, Zip: San Diego, CA, 92104
Phone: (760) 271-2769
M. Selection Process Used
There are three types of selection process. List the one used for this GRF.
Selection Process
Additional Information
Competitive Solicitation # GFO-21-604
First Come First Served
Solicitation #
Not Applicable
Other Not Applicable
N. Attached Items
1. List all items that should be attached to this GRF by entering “Yes” or “No”.
Item Name
1 Exhibit A, Scope of Work/Schedule Yes
2 Exhibit B, Budget Detail Yes
3 CEC 105, Questionnaire for Identifying Conflicts Yes
4 Recipient Resolution No
5 Awardee CEQA Documentation No
Approved By
Individuals who approve this form must enter their full name and approval date in the MS Word
Agreement Manager: Tiffany Hoang
CEC-270 (Revised 10/2022)
Approval Date: 1-12-2023
Office Manager: Mark Wenzel
Approval Date: 1-16-2023
Deputy Director: Melanie Vail
Approval Date: 1/26/2023
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Scope of Work
GC Green, Incorporated
Exhibit A
Task # CPR Task Name
Project Design and Engineering
Equipment Procurement, Site Construction, and Commissioning
Operations and Maintenance
Data Collection and Analysis
7 Project Fact Sheet
Task # Key Personnel Key Vendors(s) Key Partner(s)
Rick Halperin (GC
Green, Incorporated)
Jason Davis (Xnergy) Xnergy
3 Jason Davis (Xnergy) Xnergy
Elizabeth Perez (GC
Green, Incorporated)
Native Star
Foundation / Tule River
Economic Development Center
Rick Halperin (GC
Green, Incorporated)
6 Rick Halperin (GC
Green, Incorporated)
7 Rick Halperin (GC
Green, Incorporated)
Specific terms and acronyms used throughout this scope of work are defined as follows:
A Native American Tribe located in California that is on the contact list
maintained by the Native American Heritage Commission for the purposes of
Chapter 905 of the Statutes of 2004.
California Tribal
A corporation, association, or group controlled, sanctioned, or chartered by a
California Native American tribe that is subject to its laws, the laws of the
State of California, or the laws of the United States.
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Scope of Work
GC Green, Incorporated
CAM Commission Agreement Manager
CAO Commission Agreement Officer
CEC California Energy Commission
CPR Critical Project Review
CTP Clean Transportation Program
EVSE Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment
FTD Fuels and Transportation Division
Recipient GC Green, Incorporated
A group of people living within reservation or allotment boundaries, living on land
that otherwise falls under the ownership or jurisdiction of a California Native
American Tribe, or that is served by a California Native American tr
ibe or other
California Tribal Organization, regardless of whether or not those people are
tribal members of one or another tribe or are not tribal members
The Budget Act of 2021 (Assembly Bill (AB) 128, Ting, Chapter 21, Statutes of 2021, as
amended by Senate Bill (SB) 129, Skinner, Chapter 69, Statutes of 2021 and SB 170, Skinner,
Chapter 240, Statutes of 2021) appropriated $785,000,000 from the General Fund to support
infrastructure deployments and manufacturing projects for zero-emission light-duty and
medium- and heavy-duty vehicles.
On December 14, 2021, the California Energy Commission (CEC) released a Grant Funding
Opportunity (GFO) entitled “Clean Transportation Program Rural Electric Vehicle (REV)
Charging.” This competitive grant solicitation was to demonstrate replicable and scalable
business and technology models for deployment of electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure
capable of maximizing access and EV travel for rural residents. In response to GFO-21-604, the
Recipient submitted application #24 which was proposed for funding in the CEC’s Notice of Proposed
Awards on June 24, 2022. GFO-21-604 and Recipient’s application are hereby incorporated by
reference into this Agreement in their entirety.
In the event of any conflict or inconsistency between the terms of the Solicitation and the terms
of the Recipient’s Application, the Solicitation shall control. In the event of any conflict or
inconsistency between the Recipient’s Application and the terms of CEC’s Award, CEC’s Award
shall control. Similarly, in the event of any conflict or inconsistency between the terms of this
Agreement and the Recipient’s Application, the terms of this Agreement shall control.
Problem Statement:
California rural tribes have had low rates of EV adoption, in part because these tribal rural areas
lack EV charging infrastructure. Barriers to establishing EV charging infrastructure, especially
direct current fast charging equipment, results from lack of technology awareness and business
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Scope of Work
GC Green, Incorporated
models, cash flow challenges, and tribal project development and project financing capacity.
There is also general lack of awareness of the benefits of integrating solar and battery storage to
establish a more economical and resilient EV charging infrastructure approach.
Goals of the Agreement:
The goal of this Agreement is to increase EV charging access for, and enable greater plug-in EV
adoption by, rural tribal community residents. The project will demonstrate a replicable and scalable
business and technology model for EV charging deployment capable of maximizing access and EV
travel for rural tribal communities through:
Reliable and replicable charging installations with safe and convenient public access.
Engagement, education, and outreach to rural tribal community residents. Through an
outreach campaign, the Recipient will raise awareness on the benefits that EVs offer to
drivers while also reducing harmful tailpipe emissions that can cause problems for
people with respiratory diseases like asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease, which are often more common in Indigenous Peoples.
Engage rural tribal communities and businesses to increase EV charger awareness and
promote EV adoption and investment in EV transit vehicles to transport tribal members to
medical or other appointments both within and outside of the reservation.
Promote clean energy jobs and training in and specialized for rural tribal communities.
Support tribal enterprises and economic development by encouraging EV travel and
charging in reservations.
Objectives of the Agreement:
The objectives of this Agreement are to:
Install two 120 kW direct current fast chargers and one Level 2 charger at the Tule River
Eagle Feather Trading Post #1 to support EV travel to and through the area and
promote EV fleet adoption, including first responder vehicles.
Integrate solar and energy storage systems to allow power at charging stations to not
be dependent on the electric power grid. The integrated model is expected to lower
overall operating costs.
Provide EV charging access for Tule River Indian Tribe of California, which has about
1,000 tribal citizens living on the Reservation.
Ensure that the chargers installed in the project are operational at least 97 percent of a
charging site’s standard hours of operation for five years after commissioning.
Task 1.1 Attend Kick-off Meeting
The goal of this task is to establish the lines of communication and procedures for
implementing this Agreement. The Commission Agreement Manager (CAM) shall
designate the date and location of this meeting and provide an agenda to the
Recipient prior to the meeting.
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Scope of Work
GC Green, Incorporated
The Recipient shall:
Attend a “Kick-Off” meeting with the CAM, the Commission Agreement Officer (CAO),
and a representative of the CEC Accounting Office. The Recipient shall bring their
Project Manager, Agreement Administrator, Accounting Officer, and any others
determined necessary by the Recipient or specifically requested by the CAM to this
Provide a written statement of project activities that have occurred after the notice of
proposed awards but prior to the execution of the agreement using match funds. If
none, provide a statement that no work has been completed using match funds prior to
the execution of the agreement. All pre-execution match expenditures must conform to
the requirements in the Terms and Conditions of this Agreement.
Discuss the following administrative and technical aspects of this Agreement:
o Agreement Terms and Conditions
o Critical Project Review (Task 1.2)
o Match fund documentation (Task 1.7) No reimbursable work may be done until
this documentation is in place.
o Permit documentation (Task 1.8)
o Subawards needed to carry out project (Task 1.9)
o The CAM’s expectations for accomplishing tasks described in the Scope of
o An updated Schedule of Products and Due Dates
o Monthly Calls (Task 1.4)
o Quarterly Progress Reports (Task 1.5)
o Technical Products (Product Guidelines located in Section 5 of the Terms and
o Final Report (Task 1.6)
Recipient Products:
Updated Schedule of Products
Updated List of Match Funds
Updated List of Permits
Written Statement of Match Share Activities
Commission Agreement Manager Product:
Kick-Off Meeting Agenda
Task 1.2 Critical Project Review (CPR) Meetings
CPRs provide the opportunity for frank discussions between the CEC and the Recipient. The goal of
this task is to determine if the project should continue to receive CEC funding to complete this
Agreement and to identify any needed modifications to the tasks, products, schedule or budget.
The CAM may schedule CPR meetings as necessary, and meeting costs will be borne by the
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GC Green, Incorporated
Meeting participants include the CAM and the Recipient and may include the CAO, the Fuels and
Transportation Division (FTD) program lead, other CEC staff and Management as well as other
individuals selected by the CAM to provide support to the CEC.
The CAM shall:
Determine the location, date, and time of each CPR meeting with the Recipient. These
meetings generally take place at the CEC, but they may take place at another location
or remotely.
Send the Recipient the agenda and a list of expected participants in advance of each
CPR. If applicable, the agenda shall include a discussion on both match funding and
Conduct and make a record of each CPR meeting. Prepare a schedule for providing
the written determination described below.
Determine whether to continue the project, and if continuing, whether or not
modifications are needed to the tasks, schedule, products, and/or budget for the
remainder of the Agreement. Modifications to the Agreement may require a formal
amendment (please see section 8 of the Terms and Conditions). If the CAM concludes
that satisfactory progress is not being made, this conclusion will be referred to the
Lead Commissioner for Transportation for his or her concurrence.
Provide the Recipient with a written determination in accordance with the schedule.
The written response may include a requirement for the Recipient to revise one or
more product(s) that were included in the CPR.
The Recipient shall:
Prepare a CPR Report for each CPR that discusses the progress of the Agreement
toward achieving its goals and objectives. This report shall include recommendations
and conclusions regarding continued work of the projects. This report shall be
submitted along with any other products identified in this scope of work. The Recipient
shall submit these documents to the CAM and any other designated reviewers at least
15 working days in advance of each CPR meeting.
Present the required information at each CPR meeting and participate in a discussion
about the Agreement.
CAM Products:
Agenda and a list of expected participants
Schedule for written determination
Written determination
Recipient Product:
CPR Report(s)
Task 1.3 Final Meeting
The goal of this task is to closeout this Agreement.
The Recipient shall:
Meet with CEC staff to present the findings, conclusions, and recommendations. The
final meeting must be completed during the closeout of this Agreement.
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GC Green, Incorporated
This meeting will be attended by, at a minimum, the Recipient and the CAM. The
technical and administrative aspects of Agreement closeout will be discussed at the
meeting, which may be two separate meetings at the discretion of the CAM.
The technical portion of the meeting shall present an assessment of the degree to
which project and task goals and objectives were achieved, findings, conclusions,
recommended next steps (if any) for the Agreement, and recommendations for
improvements. The CAM will determine the appropriate meeting participants.
The administrative portion of the meeting shall be a discussion with the CAM about the
following Agreement closeout items:
o What to do with any equipment purchased with CEC funds (Options)
o CEC request for specific “generated” data (not already provided in Agreement
o Need to document Recipient’s disclosure of “subject inventions” developed
under the Agreement
o “Surviving” Agreement provisions
o Final invoicing and release of retention
Prepare a schedule for completing the closeout activities for this Agreement.
Written documentation of meeting agreements
Schedule for completing closeout activities
Task 1.4 Monthly Calls
The goal of this task is to have calls at least monthly between CAM and Recipient to verify that
satisfactory and continued progress is made towards achieving the objectives of this Agreement on
time and within budget.
The objectives of this task are to verbally summarize activities performed during the reporting period,
to identify activities planned for the next reporting period, to identify issues that may affect
performance and expenditures, to verify match funds are being proportionally spent concurrently or in
advance of CEC funds or are being spent in accordance with an approved Match Funding Spending
Plan, to form the basis for determining whether invoices are consistent with work performed, and to
answer any other questions from the CAM. Monthly calls might not be held on those months when a
quarterly progress report is submitted, or the CAM determines that a monthly call is unnecessary.
The CAM shall:
Schedule monthly calls.
Provide questions to the Recipient prior to the monthly call.
Provide call summary notes to Recipient of items discussed during call.
The Recipient shall:
Review the questions provided by CAM prior to the monthly call
Provide verbal answers to the CAM during the call.
Email to CAM concurring with call summary notes.
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GC Green, Incorporated
Task 1.5 Quarterly Progress Reports
The goal of this task is to periodically verify that satisfactory and continued progress is made towards
achieving the objectives of this Agreement on time and within budget.
The objectives of this task are to summarize activities performed during the reporting period, to
identify activities planned for the next reporting period, to identify issues that may affect performance
and expenditures, and to form the basis for determining whether invoices are consistent with work
The Recipient shall:
Prepare a Quarterly Progress Report which summarizes all Agreement activities
conducted by the Recipient for the reporting period, including an assessment of the
ability to complete the Agreement within the current budget and any anticipated cost
overruns. Progress reports are due to the CAM the 10
day of each January, April,
July, and October. The Quarterly Progress Report template can be found on the
ECAMS Resources webpage available at
Quarterly Progress Reports
Task 1.6 Final Report
The goal of the Final Report is to assess the project’s success in achieving the Agreement’s goals
and objectives, advancing science and technology, and providing energy-related and other benefits to
The objectives of the Final Report are to clearly and completely describe the project’s purpose,
approach, activities performed, results, and advancements in science and technology; to present a
public assessment of the success of the project as measured by the degree to which goals and
objectives were achieved; to make insightful observations based on results obtained; to draw
conclusions; and to make recommendations for further projects and improvements to the FTD project
management processes.
The Final Report shall be a public document and is limited to 25-pages. If the Recipient has obtained
confidential status from the CEC and will be preparing a confidential version of the Final Report as
well, the Recipient shall perform the following activities for both the public and confidential versions of
the Final Report.
In addition to any other applicable requirements, the Final Report must comply with the Americans
with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 (42 U.S.C. 12101 et seq.), which prohibits discrimination on the
basis of disability; all applicable regulations and guidelines issued pursuant to the ADA; Cal. Gov.
Code sects. 7405 and 11135; and Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0, or a subsequent version,
as published by the Web Accessibility Initiative of the World Wide Web Consortium at a minimum
Level AA success criteria.
The Recipient shall:
Prepare an Outline of the Final Report, if requested by the CAM.
Prepare a Final Report complying with ADA requirements and following the latest
version of the Final Report guidelines which will be provided by the CAM. The CAM
shall provide written comments on the Draft Final Report within fifteen (15) working
days of receipt. The Final Report must be completed at least 60 days before the end of
the Agreement Term.
Submit Final Report in Microsoft Word format or similar electronic format as approved
by the CAM.
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GC Green, Incorporated
Outline of the Final Report, if requested
Draft Final Report
Final Report
Task 1.7 Identify and Obtain Matching Funds
The goal of this task is to ensure that the match funds planned for this Agreement are obtained for
and applied to this Agreement during the term of this Agreement.
The costs to obtain and document match fund commitments are not reimbursable through this
Agreement. Although the CEC budget for this task will be zero dollars, the Recipient may utilize match
funds for this task. Match funds must be identified in writing and the associated commitments
obtained before the Recipient can incur any costs for which the Recipient will request reimbursement.
The Recipient shall:
Prepare a letter documenting the match funding committed to this Agreement and
submit it to the CAM at least 2 working days prior to the kick-off meeting. If no match
funds were part of the proposal that led to the CEC awarding this Agreement and none
have been identified at the time this Agreement starts, then state such in the letter. If
match funds were a part of the proposal that led to the CEC awarding this Agreement,
then provide in the letter a list of the match funds that identifies the:
o Amount of each cash match fund, its source, including a contact name,
address and telephone number and the task(s) to which the match
funds will be applied.
o Amount of each in-kind contribution, a description, documented market
or book value, and its source, including a contact name, address and
telephone number and the task(s) to which the match funds will be
applied. If the in-kind contribution is equipment or other tangible or real
property, the Recipient shall identify its owner and provide a contact
name, address and telephone number, and the address where the
property is located.
Provide a copy of the letter of commitment from an authorized representative of each
source of cash match funding or in-kind contributions that these funds or contributions
have been secured. For match funds provided by a grant a copy of the executed grant
shall be submitted in place of a letter of commitment.
Discuss match funds and the implications to the Agreement if they are reduced or not
obtained as committed, at the kick-off meeting. If applicable, match funds will be
included as a line item in the progress reports and will be a topic at CPR meetings.
Provide the appropriate information to the CAM if during the course of the Agreement
additional match funds are received.
Notify the CAM within 10 days if during the course of the Agreement existing match
funds are reduced. Reduction in match funds must be approved through a formal
amendment to the Agreement and may trigger an additional CPR meeting.
A letter regarding match funds or stating that no match funds are provided
Copy(ies) of each match fund commitment letter(s) (if applicable)
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GC Green, Incorporated
Letter(s) for new match funds (if applicable)
Letter that match funds were reduced (if applicable)
Task 1.8 Identify and Obtain Required Permits
The goal of this task is to obtain all permits required for work completed under this Agreement in
advance of the date they are needed to keep the Agreement schedule on track.
Permit costs and the expenses associated with obtaining permits are not reimbursable under this
Agreement. Although the CEC budget for this task will be zero dollars, the Recipient may budget
match funds for any expected expenditures associated with obtaining permits. Permits must be
identified in writing and obtained before the Recipient can make any expenditure for which a permit is
The Recipient shall:
Prepare a letter documenting the permits required to conduct this Agreement and
submit it to the CAM at least 2 working days prior to the kick-off meeting. If there are
no permits required at the start of this Agreement, then state such in the letter. If it is
known at the beginning of the Agreement that permits will be required during the
course of the Agreement, provide in the letter:
o A list of the permits that identifies the:
Type of permit
Name, address and telephone number of the permitting jurisdictions or
lead agencies
o The schedule the Recipient will follow in applying for and obtaining these
Discuss the list of permits and the schedule for obtaining them at the kick-off meeting
and develop a timetable for submitting the updated list, schedule and the copies of the
permits. The implications to the Agreement if the permits are not obtained in a timely
fashion or are denied will also be discussed. If applicable, permits will be included as a
line item in the Progress Reports and will be a topic at CPR meetings.
If during the course of the Agreement additional permits become necessary, provide
the appropriate information on each permit and an updated schedule to the CAM.
As permits are obtained, send a copy of each approved permit to the CAM.
If during the course of the Agreement permits are not obtained on time or are denied,
notify the CAM within 5 working days. Either of these events may trigger an additional
Letter documenting the permits or stating that no permits are required
A copy of each approved permit (if applicable)
Updated list of permits as they change during the term of the Agreement (if applicable)
Updated schedule for acquiring permits as changes occur during the term of the
Agreement (if applicable)
A copy of each final approved permit (if applicable)
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GC Green, Incorporated
Task 1.9 Obtain and Execute Subawards
The goal of this task is to ensure quality products and to procure subrecipients required to carry out
the tasks under this Agreement consistent with the Agreement Terms and Conditions and the
Recipient’s own procurement policies and procedures.
The Recipient shall:
Manage and coordinate subrecipient activities.
If requested by the CAM, submit a draft of each subaward required to conduct the work
under this Agreement to the CAM for review.
If requested by the CAM, submit a final copy of the executed subaward.
If Recipient intends to add new subrecipients or change subrecipients, then the
Recipient shall notify the CAM.
Letter describing the subawards needed, or stating that no subawards are required
Draft subcontracts (if requested)
Final subcontracts (if requested)
Task 2.1 Finalize Agreement Between Tule River Indian Health Center and GC Green,
The goal of this task is to finalize the agreement between the owner of the project site and GC Green,
Incorporated and obtain the executed contract for the site. Tule River Eagle Feather Trading Post #1’s
site owner has agreed to act as the site host for the electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE). GC
Green, Incorporated will own, operate, maintain and collect data from the EVSE, energy storage
system, and PV solar system.
The Recipient shall:
Draft a contract defining the relationship between the site host and GC Green, Incorporated
Meet with the site host and review the contract term
Revise the contract as needed for the project site and obtain a signed contract from the site
Copy of the final, executed contract for the project site
Task 2.2 Finalize Engineering and Design Plans
The goal of this task is to complete the civil and electrical engineering design for Tule River
Eagle Feather Trading Post #1. This includes verifying the site layout details with the Tule
River Eagle Feather Trading Post #1 site host, finalizing the site plan, identifying details
including signage and specifications under a licensed professional engineer, and final plans
and specifications.
The Recipient shall:
Create a Preliminary Site Plan and verify that the layout meets the needs of
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GC Green, Incorporated
the Tule River Eagle Feather Trading Post #1 site host. Submit preliminary
site plan to the CAM.
Conduct an Aerial, Topographic, and Boundary Site Survey for the solar PV
system. Submit survey to the CAM.
Prepare Final Engineering Plans (stamped structural, mechanical, and
electrical engineering plans, equipment specifications, drawings, and cost
estimates for the installations) and submit to the CAM.
Prepare Utility Interconnection Specifications and Drawings and submit to CAM.
Obtain the Notice to Proceed and interconnection design approval from the utility company
and submit to the CAM.
Prepare Additional Documentation (drawings, information, and other materials as
needed or as requested) for internal Tribal review. No local permitting is required on
native sovereign lands.
Preliminary site plan
Aerial, topographic, and boundary site survey
Final Engineering Plans (stamped engineering and design structural, mechanical, and
electrical engineering plans, equipment specifications, drawings, and cost estimates for
the installations).
Utility interconnection specifications and drawings
Notice to Proceed from utility company with documentation of interconnection design
approval from the utility company.
Additional Documentation (drawings, information, and other materials as needed or as
requested) for internal Tribal review.
Task 3.1 Equipment Procurement
The goal of this task is to select the manufacturer and model of the EVSE, PV solar, and battery
energy storage to be procured and installed under the project.
The Recipient shall:
Develop an Equipment Procurement Plan for the site that includes but is not
limited to the bidding process for equipment, finalized list of equipment
needed for the project site, and schedule for procuring equipment. Submit
the plan to the CAM.
Procure equipment and submit copies of all Equipment Purchase Orders to
the CAM.
Equipment Procurement Plan
Equipment Purchase Orders
[CPR WILL BE HELD IN THIS TASK. See Task 1.2 for details]
The goal of this task is to prepare and complete site construction of the 3 EVSEs, battery energy
storage system, and PV solar system.
The Recipient shall:
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Prepare project site for construction
Complete site grading and trenching at the project site
Place signage at the project site
Install at least two direct current fast chargers with a charging rate of 120 kW each, at
least one Level 2 charger, 175 kW battery energy storage system, and 66 kW solar PV
system at the project site
Develop an Installation Report and submit to the CAM that includes but is not limited to:
Summary of steps to complete site construction
Photos of signage installed at the project site
Photos of project site complete with installation of the 3 EVSEs, battery energy
storage system, and PV solar system.
Submit an AB 841 Certification to the CAM that certifies the project has complied with
all AB 841 (2020) requirements specified in the Agreement Terms and Conditions. The
certification shall be signed by Recipient’s authorized representative.
Submit EVITP Certification Numbers of each Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Training
Program certified electrician that installed electric vehicle charging infrastructure or
equipment to the CAM. EVITP Certification Numbers are not required to be submitted if AB
841 requirements do not apply to the project.
Installation Report
AB 841 Certification
EVITP Certification Numbers for each EVITP certified electrician
The goal of this task is to perform commissioning of equipment and publish site availability.
The Recipient shall:
Commission all chargers.
Complete onsite test for the project site to ensure the stations, ancillary equipment,
battery energy storage system, and solar PV system are all operating properly.
Add project sites to websites including but not limited to the Alternative Fuels Data
Center (AFDC), PlugShare, and Google Maps.
Prepare and submit a Commissioning Report, which shall include confirmation that all
project components are operational and meet code compliance, a summary of testing,
and site availability on various websites. Submit the report to the CAM.
Commissioning Report
[CPR WILL BE HELD IN THIS TASK. See Task 1.2 for details]
The goal of this task is to create and launch a community/tribal-wide EV engagement program
to support installation of the integrated EV project and its potential for replication at other rural
tribal locations.
The Recipient shall:
Coordinate with Tule River Economic Development Center (TREDC) and Native
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Star Foundation.
Develop and install signage, banners, poster, and A-frames at the Eagle Feather
Trading Post (EFTP) site
Post project updates, including blogs, pictures, and videos to social media outlets,
including the EFTP Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
Develop flyers containing information on the chargers and grand opening event. A
minimum of 200 copies of flyers will be in Native and Spanish languages to be
distributed to the local community and other tribal communities.
Host two EV ride-and-drive pop-up events with the Porterville Chamber of
Hold a tribal youth-based seminar on EVs and infrastructure.
Hold a stakeholder meeting with key community and tribal leaders on topics
including workforce development and EV charging development.
Host a grand opening event with TREDC targeting attendees including city
officials, Tule River tribal leaders, neighboring tribes, local EV drivers, and local
EV dealerships.
Develop and submit an Outreach and Engagement Strategy, which shall include, but
is not limited to the following:
Purpose and goals of various outreach efforts and activities
Summary of proposed and final materials for various outreach efforts and
activities, including content for any posters, flyers, or surveys; agendas
and sign-in sheets; and identification of existing content to utilize and new
materials to be created
Stakeholder list
Summary of outreach and engagement barriers and lessons learned
Outreach and Engagement Strategy
The goal of this task is to ensure that the chargers installed in the project are operational at least 97
percent of a charging site’s standard hours of operation for five years after commissioning.
Task 5.1 Operations
The Recipient shall:
Operate the installed charging stations during the term of this agreement.
Ensure that the chargers installed in the project are operational at least 97 percent of a
charging site’s standard hours of operation for five years after commissioning. Without
limitation to other rights and remedies which the CEC may have, including but not limited to
survival provisions specified in the Terms and Conditions of this agreement, this requirement
to ensure operationality for five years after commissioning shall survive the completion or
termination date of this agreement. In addition to other requirements in the Terms and
Conditions of this agreement, all CEC-reimbursable expenditures must be incurred within the
agreement term.
Task 5.2 Maintenance
The Recipient shall:
Perform regular preventive maintenance, including visual inspection, performance testing,
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functional validation, and reporting.
Monitor network performance.
Dispatch maintenance technicians in a timely manner and address malfunctions and repairs
within 48 hours of initial notice.
Provide charging station users with 24/7 call center service that will assist users with any
technical issues encountered at the stations.
Prepare a Stations Operations Report for each project site sent quarterly to the CAM after
station commissioning through the term of this agreement. The report will include a summary
of uptime measures, calculation of uptime, and number of dispatch events needed during the
Stations Operations Reports delivered with the Quarterly Progress Reports described in Task
Task 5.3 Recordkeeping and Reporting
The Recipient shall:
Keep and maintain a Record of the Standard Hours of Operation for the site, including any
changes over the operational period.
Keep and maintain detailed Records of Maintenance and Repairs. Records shall include:
o Whether the maintenance was scheduled preventive maintenance or response to an
identified issue
o Date and time the need for corrective maintenance was reported, if applicable
o Date and time maintenance began
o Date and time maintenance was completed
o Narrative describing nature of maintenance required
o Any component failures / replacements
Keep and maintain a Record of the Operative Status of Each Connector from the time the
equipment is commissioned until the end of the operational period defined by this agreement.
o The record shall include any time the Recipient knows or is notified that a connector is
incapable of delivering a charge, for example by observation, by receipt of a service call,
by notice of power outage or telecommunications outage, or other means.
o For any networked chargers, Recipient shall record the time and the operative status of
each connector every 15 minutes.
For example, a central system using OCPP 1.6 could send TriggerMessage.req,
‘requestedMessage’ = ‘StatusNotification’ and record both the TriggerMessage.conf
and StatusNotification.req sent by the charge point in response.
o Excluded downtime shall be recorded, including any supporting documentation from an
independent party, e.g., notice from an electric utility of a power outage or police report of
vandalism. The record shall include an explanation of the cause of the downtime, why it
should be considered excluded downtime, and the efforts made to minimize the
Make these records available, in a standard electronic format of the CEC’s choosing, to the
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CEC within 10 business days of a written request by the CEC.
Without limitation to other rights and remedies which the CEC may have, including but not
limited to survival provisions specified in the Terms and Conditions of this agreement, the
requirements for recordkeeping and reporting under this Task shall remain in effect for five
years after commissioning and shall survive the completion or termination date of this
agreement. In addition to other requirements in the Terms and Conditions of this agreement,
all CEC-reimbursable expenditures must be incurred within the agreement term.
The requirements for recordkeeping and reporting under this Task are in addition to
requirements specified in this Agreement’s Terms and Conditions, section 18.b, Retention of
Records, and any other applicable Terms and Conditions.
Record of standard hours of operation
Record of the operative status of each connector
Records of maintenance and repairs
Task 5.4 Definitions
a. Central System: The central system that communicates with one or more chargers, for
example, to authorize users, monitor charger status, and/or collect, transmit, record, and
manage other information.
b. Connector: A connector is what is plugged into a vehicle to charge it.
c. Charging Site: A physical location with one or more chargers.
d. Charger: A device that safely supplies electrical power to an electric vehicle through
connectors. Where a device has multiple connectors or can serve multiple parking spaces, the
number of chargers is equal to the number of vehicles that can be simultaneously charged.
e. Downtime: Any period of time within the standard hours of operation in which a charger is not
For networked chargers, a period in which the charge point’s response to the central system’s request
for notification of operative status indicates that the connector or charge point is in an inoperative
state is downtime.
For example, in OCPP 1.6 intervals when StatusNotification.req protocol data unit
Status Field = ‘Unavailable’ or ‘Faulted’ OR errorCode Field = ‘ConnectorLockFailure’,
‘GroundFailure’, ‘HighTemperature’, ‘InternalError’, ‘OverCurrentFailure’, ‘OverVoltage’,
‘PowerMeterFailure’, ‘PowerSwitchFailure’, ‘ReaderFailure’, ‘ResetFailure’, or
‘UnderVoltage’ are “downtime.”
f. Excluded downtime: A period of downtime, within the standard hours of operation, caused by
any of the following:
Electric Grid Power Loss: Power supplied by the electric utility for a site is not supplied
at levels required to for minimum function of chargers / station. This may include, but is not
limited to, service outages due to utility equipment malfunction or public safety power shut-
Accident, Vandalism or Theft: Physical damage to the charger for events such as
vehicle collision with a charger, theft of charging cables, damage to connectors from
mishandling, and damage to screens. Excluded downtime is limited to a maximum of 5
days for each event.
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Telecommunication Network Outages: Loss of communication between a charger and a
central system due to cellular or internet service provider system outages that are beyond
the control of the Recipient.
Planned Outage for Maintenance or Upgrade: Any planned maintenance indicated in
the funding Recipient’s Operations and Maintenance Plan, submitted with application for
funding, or an updated Plan approved by the CAM in advance of the planned outage.
Extraordinary Events: Unforeseeable events that would have been impossible to plan for
using commercially reasonable methods.
g. Operational: A charging port is considered operational when its hardware and software are
both online and available for use, or in use, and the charging port successfully dispenses
electricity as expected.
h. Uptime: Uptime is calculated as:
Uptime =
Total Standard Hours of OperationDowntime + Excluded Downtime
Total Standard Hours of Operation
The goal of this task is to collect operational data from the project and to analyze that data for
economic and environmental impacts.
The Recipient shall:
For all electric vehicle chargers and charging stations installed on or after January 1,
Comply with recordkeeping and reporting standards as described in CEC’s
regulations. These requirements are not applicable to those electric vehicle
chargers and charging stations installed at residential real property containing
four or fewer dwelling units.
Comply with all industry best practices and charger technology capabilities
that are demonstrated to increase reliability, as described in CEC’s
Without limitation to other requirements in this grant agreement, Recipient
shall comply with any other regulatory requirements, including but not limited
to uptime requirements and operation and maintenance requirements. Such
regulatory requirements may, but will not necessarily, be enacted after
execution of this grant agreement. Once regulations are final, they will apply
to work under this grant agreement irrespective of when finalized. Any
updates to regulations may also be applicable to work under this grant
If the Recipient is an electric vehicle service provider or other third-party entity
that is not the site host, the electric vehicle service provider or third-party
entity shall provide a disclosure to the site host about the site host’s right to
designate the service provider or third-party as the entity to report the data on
behalf of the site host. The Recipient shall verify receipt by signing the
Perform Collect and provide the following Data on Charger Installations and
Charging Events, and submit this data quarterly to the CAM, as part of the Quarterly
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Number, type, date, and location of chargers installed.
Nameplate capacity of the installed equipment, in kW for chargers.
Number and type of outlets per charger.
Location type, such as street, parking lot, hotel, restaurant, or multi- unit
Total cost per charger, the subsidy from the CEC per charger,
federal subsidy per charger, utility subsidy per charger, and
privately funded share per charger.
Collect and provide 12 months of Throughput, Usage, and Operations Data
from the project including, but not limited to:
Number of charging sessions
Average charger downtime
Peak power delivered (kW)
Duration of active charging, hourly
Duration of charging session, hourly (e.g., vehicle parked but not
actively charging)
Average session duration
Energy delivered (kWh)
Average kWh dispensed
Types of vehicles using the charging equipment
Applicable price for charging, including but not limited to: electric
utility tariff, electric vehicle service provider (EVSP) service contract,
or public charger price.
Payment method for public charging
Energy delivered back to grid or facility if a bidirectional charging use
case (kWh)
Normal operating hours, uptime, downtime, and explanations of
Gallons of gasoline and/or diesel fuel displaced (with associated
mileage information)
Expected air emissions reduction, for example:
Non-methane hydrocarbons
Oxides of nitrogen
Particulate Matter
Identify barriers involved in project design and engineering and discuss the
steps taken to overcome those barriers.
Identify any current and planned use of renewable energy.
Describe any energy efficiency measures used that may exceed Title 24
standards in Part 6 of the California Code of Regulations.
Provide data on potential job creation, economic development, and increased state
revenue as a result of the project and any expected future expansion.
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Provide a quantified estimate of the project’s carbon intensity values for life-cycle
greenhouse gas emissions.
Compare any project performance and expectations provided in the proposal to
CEC with actual project performance and accomplishments.
Submit the data described above electronically in a quarterly progress report
throughout the duration of the agreement.
Create a Report Detailing all the Collected Data, Information, and Analysis
described above and provide the report to CAM.
Data on charger installations and charging events will be submitted
electronically in Quarterly Progress Reports.
Throughput, Usage, and Operations Data (12 months’ worth, as described
Report detailing data collection information and analysis.
The goal of this task is to develop an initial and final project fact sheet that describes the CEC-
funded project and the benefits resulting from the project for the public and key decision
The Recipient shall:
Prepare an Initial Project Fact Sheet at start of the project that describes the
project and the expected benefits. Use the format provided by the CAM.
Prepare a Final Project Fact Sheet at the project’s conclusion that describes
the project, the actual benefits resulting from the project, and lessons learned
from implementing the project. Use the format provided by the CAM.
Provide at least (6) six High Quality Digital Photographs (minimum resolution
of 1300x500 pixels in landscape ratio) of pre and post technology installation
at the project sites or related project photographs.
Initial Project Fact Sheet
Final Project Fact Sheet
High Quality Digital Photographs