Attorney advertising materials – © 2021 Winston & Strawn LLP
Biden Administrations Tax Plans
On April 28, 2021, the Biden White House released
a fact sheet describing the “American Families
Plan,” which seeks to raise $1.5 trillion in revenue
from wealthy taxpayers to cover new subsidies
for families and workers. The tax proposals in the
American Families Plan are laid out below.
Current Law The highest personal income tax rate
is 37%, which was enacted as part of 2017’s Tax
Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA). Pre-TCJA, the highest
personal income tax was 39.6%.
Taxpayers falling within the current top rate of 37%
in 2021:
• Single filers with taxable income over $523,600
• Joint filers with taxable income over $628,300
• Married couples filing separate (MFS) returns with
taxable income over $314,150
• Head-of-household filers with taxable income
over $523,600
Biden Administration Proposal The American
Families Plan would reverse the TCJA’s rate change
and bring the top rate back up to 39.6%.
President Biden has said he will not raise taxes on
anyone making less than $400,000 per year, so it
is not clear (given the MFS current top-rate gate
above) whether the proposal will raise rates for
taxpayers who are married and filing separately
earning between $314,150 and $400,000.
$1,000,000 OR MORE
Current Law Rates applicable to long-term capital
gains, i.e., gains from the sale of stocks, mutual
funds, and other capital assets held for at least
one year, are taxed at a 0%, 15%, or 20% rate,
depending on the amount of the taxpayer’s taxable
income. The 20% rate applies to single filers with
taxable income over $445,850, head-of-household
filers with taxable income over $473,750, and
married couples filing a joint return with taxable
income over $501,600. Short-term capital gains are
taxed at the same rate as ordinary taxable income.
Biden Administration Proposal Taxpayers with
taxable income over $1,000,000 would pay tax at
the ordinary income rate of 39.6% on their long-
term capital gains, thus eliminating the reduction
in tax for capital gains. This rate increase is almost
double the current top rate on long-term capital
Those taxpayers with over $1,000,000 in taxable
income would also see an application of the
3.8% Medicare tax on net investment income
(NII) in Section 1411, bringing the top rate for such
taxpayers’ long-term capital gains to 43.4%.
© 2021 Winston & Strawn LLP Biden Administration’s Tax Plans \\ 2
With the addition of state and local capital-gains
taxes, taxpayers with over $1,000,000 in taxable
income could be paying long-term capital-gains
taxes at a combined rate of over 58%, depending
on where they live.
Current Law Taxpayers receive a basis step-up to
fair market value on stock, real estate, and other
capital assets inherited from an estate. In essence,
this basis step-up allows the imbedded increase in
fair market value to avoid capital-gains tax.
Biden Administration Proposal Calls for the
nullification of the basis step-up eects for gains
of $1,000,000 or more ($2,000,000 or more for
married couples filing a joint return).
The specifics for how this would be accomplished
are not entirely clear, but it appears the property
would carry a tax obligation in the amount of
embedded gain at time of death, with the tax
liability falling on the estate. A previous proposal
to limit the stepped-up basis, the Sensible Taxation
and Equity Promotion (STEP) Act of 2021, gave
families up to 15 years to pay the taxes owed on
certain assets.
Exceptions would be carved out for property
donated to charity and certain family-owned
businesses and farms that heirs continue to
Current Law Under certain circumstances, an
investment fund manager can treat “carried
interest,” which is essentially earned income from
fund management, as long-term capital gain.
This treatment allows the income to be taxed at
long-term capital-gains rates, which are currently
considerably lower than ordinary income rates.
Biden Administration Proposal Eliminate the
carried-interest rules. If the fund manager’s taxable
income is over the threshold for the top income tax
rate, the tax on the fund manager’s carried-interest
income could go from a rate of 23.8% (20% capital
gain rate + 3.8% surtax on NII) to 43.4% (39.6%
ordinary tax rate + 3.8% surtax on NII).
Current Law Tax gain or loss can be deferred
on exchanges of real property used for business
or held as an investment for “like-kind” property.
Properties are of like kind if they are of the same
character. This is the case regardless of whether
the properties dier in size or value.
Biden Administration Proposal Eliminate like-
kind exchange treatment for gains greater than
$500,000. This change would apply regardless of a
taxpayer’s taxable income.
Current Law Under the TCJA (Section 461(l)),
individuals operating a trade or business and filing
a Schedule C cannot deduct losses in excess of
$250,000 ($500,000 for joint filers). Excess losses
may be carried forward to future tax years. This
loss-limitation rule is currently set to expire in 2027.
Biden Administration Proposal Make permanent
the business loss-limitation rule.
© 2021 Winston & Strawn LLP Biden Administration’s Tax Plans \\ 3
Biden Administration Proposal “[I]ncrease
investment in the IRS, while ensuring that the
additional resources go toward enforcement
against those with the highest incomes, rather than
Americans with actual income less than $400,000.
The IRS would also focus resources on large
corporations, other businesses, and estates.
To assist in these enforcement eorts, the plan calls
for financial institutions to “report information on
account flows so that earnings from investments
and business activity are subject to reporting
more like wages already are.” The specifics of
the reporting requirements are apparently not
yet developed, but presumably the purpose is to
identify unreported taxable income. The American
Families Plan suggests that these increased tax-
enforcement eorts would raise $700 billion in tax
revenue over a 10-year period.
On March 31, 2021, the Biden White House
released a fact sheet describing the “American
Jobs Plan,” which contains a $2.3 trillion proposal
for infrastructure spending that also contains certain
tax credits outlined below.
• Point of sale rebates and tax incentives to buy
American-made electric vehicles.
• Tax credits for low- and middle-income
families and small businesses to invest in
disaster resilience.
• Targeted investment tax credit for construction
of at least 20 gigawatts of high-voltage capacity
power lines.
Extension and expansion of direct-pay investment
tax credit and production tax credit for clean
energy generation and clean energy storage.
• Reform and expansion of section 45Q tax credit,
which provides a tax credit on a per-ton basis
for CO2 that is sequestered by new equipment
placed into service. Proposal to make the credit
direct-pay and easier to use for certain industrial
applications, air recapture, and retrofits of existing
power plants.
Targeted tax credits to expand aordable housing
rental opportunities in underserved communities.
• Passage of the Neighborhood Homes Investment
Act, which includes tax credits (proposed to be
$20 billion over five years) to build or rehabilitate
500,000 homes.
• Expansion of home and commercial eciency
tax credits under the Weatherization
Assistance Program.
• Expansion of tax credits (50% of the first $1 million
in construction costs per facility) to encourage the
building of childcare facilities at places of work.
• Extension of the section 48C tax-credit
program, which would be aimed to build-out
U.S. manufacturing capacity to supply clean
energy projects with American-made parts
and equipment.
© 2021 Winston & Strawn LLP Biden Administration’s Tax Plans \\ 4
On March 31, 2021, the Biden White House
released a fact sheet describing the “Made in
America Tax Plan,” which is a tax proposal that
would generate revenue for the American Jobs
Plan spending. It is estimated that the Made in
America Tax Plan will raise $2 trillion in tax revenue
over the next 15 years. The Made in American Tax
Plan proposals are laid out below.
Current Law The TCJA lowered the corporate
income tax rate to 21% for tax years beginning on
or after January 1, 2018. From 1994–2017, the top
eective corporate income tax rate was 35%.
Biden Administration Proposal Increase the
corporate income tax rate to 28%.
Current Law Background: The TCJA identified
a new type of income, Global Intangible Low-
Taxed Income (GILTI), which is an approximation
of a taxpayer’s (a U.S. shareholder) allocable
share of amounts earned by a controlled foreign
corporations (CFC) outside the U.S. in excess of
routine returns on tangible property.
A deduction equal to 50% of its GILTI inclusions is
aorded taxpayers to achieve an eective tax rate
on GILTI of 10.5% (13.125% in tax years after 2025,
achieved by reducing the deduction to 37.5% of
GILTI inclusions).
The tax on GILTI inclusions may be reduced by
80% of any foreign tax credits (FTCs) for foreign
income taxes imposed on the foreign earnings. A
CFC’s U.S. shareholder (the taxpayer) with GILTI
subject to 13.125% foreign income tax would be
allowed 80% of those foreign income taxes as
FTCs. The 13.125% of FTCs would entirely oset the
10.5% federal income tax on GILTI inclusions.
Biden Administration Proposal Raise the eective
GILTI federal tax rate to 21%. The rate increase is
achieved by reducing the GILTI deduction to 25%
of a U.S. shareholder’s GILTI inclusions.
For a taxpayer to have a full oset of the 21%
federal income tax on its GILTI inclusions from
FTCs, its CFC(s) would need to have GILTI subject
to 26.25% foreign income tax.
Current Law In calculating its GILTI, a taxpayer
is allowed a reduction in GILTI inclusions by an
imputed return of 10% on its foreign subsidiaries’
depreciable tangible assets (qualified business
asset investment or QBAI).
Biden Administration Proposal Repeal the QBAI
exemption. The repeal of the QBAI exemption
would have the result of increasing a taxpayer’s
GILTI inclusions.
Current Law GILTI is determined on a blended-
country basis. This method has been criticized by
the Biden administration, as well as academics,
as allowing a taxpayer to avoid the GILTI tax
with respect to its CFCs operating in low tax-rate
countries by “blending” the low rate with income
from CFCs operating in high tax-rate countries.
Biden Administration Proposal Require GILTI
be determined on a country-by-country basis.
Eectively, eliminating the tax rate blending
Current Law Background: As a “carrot” to the
stick” that is the tax on GILTI, the TCJA enacted a
© 2021 Winston & Strawn LLP Biden Administration’s Tax Plans \\ 5
deduction to reduce the eective federal income
tax rate for a domestic corporate taxpayer’s
Foreign-Derived Intangible Income (FDII). Examples
of FDII include income from export sales and
licensing royalties paid by foreign entities.
Taxpayers are permitted a deduction of 37.5% of
their FDII to achieve an eective tax rate of 13.125%
(16.406% for tax years beginning in 2026, achieved
by reducing the deduction to 21.875% of FDII).
Biden Administration Proposal Repeal the FDII
deduction. The Biden administration has labeled
the FDII deduction as giving “corporations a tax
break for shifting assets abroad and is ineective at
encouraging corporations to invest in R&D.
Current Law The TCJA enacted the Base
Erosion Anti-Abuse Tax (BEAT), which generally
imposes a 10% minimum tax (5% in 2018) on a
taxpayer’s income determined without regard to
tax deductions arising from base erosion payments
(including the portions of a taxpayer’s net operating
loss (NOL) deduction treated as related to base
erosion payments), which generally cannot be
reduced by credits other than, through 2025, the
research credit under section 41(a) and 80% of
other credits.
Biden Administration Proposal Replacing BEAT
with the Stopping Harmful Inversions and Ending
Low-tax Developments (SHIELD), which would deny
tax deductions by reference to payments made
by taxpayers to related parties that are subject to
a “low eective rate of tax.” The low eective rate
of tax is yet to be determined, but Treasury has
announced that until such announcement, “the
default rate trigger would be the tax rate on the
GILTI income [sic], as modified by the [Made in
America Tax] plan.
Biden Administration Proposal Impose a 15%
minimum tax on “large, profitable corporations
based on “book income.” For this purpose, book
income appears to refer to GAAP income.
Biden Administration Proposal Initiative to
prevent U.S. corporations from merging with foreign
corporations and reducing their federal income tax
(by replacing the U.S. parent with a foreign parent,
with the U.S. parent becoming a subsidiary of the
foreign parent, thereby moving its tax residence to
such foreign country) while retaining management
and operations in the U.S.
About Winston & Strawn
Winston & Strawn LLP is an international law firm with 950+ attorneys across 15 oces in Brussels, Charlotte, Chicago, Dallas,
Hong Kong, Houston, London, Los Angeles, Moscow, New York, Paris, San Francisco, Shanghai, Silicon Valley, and Washington,
D.C. Additionally, the firm has significant resources devoted to clients and matters in Africa, the Middle East, and Latin America.
The exceptional depth and geographic reach of our resources enable Winston & Strawn to manage virtually every type of
business-related legal issue. We serve the needs of enterprises of all types and sizes, in both the private and the public sector. We
understand that clients are looking for value beyond just legal talent. With this in mind, we work hard to understand the level of
involvement our clients want from us. We take time to learn about our clients’ organizations and their business objectives. And, we
place significant emphasis on technology and teamwork in an eort to respond quickly and eectively to our clients’ needs.
Visit if you would like more information about our legal services, our experience, or the industries we serve.
Attorney advertising materials. Winston & Strawn is a global law firm operating through various separate and distinct legal entities.
On March 11, 2021, President Biden signed into
law the “American Rescue Plan Act,” a $1.9 trillion
legislation containing, among other provisions,
$1,400 Economic Impact Payments to qualifying US
taxpayers. The tax aspects of the American Rescue
Plan Act are laid out below.
• For 2021, the child tax credit is $3,600 per child
under the age of 6 and $3,000 per child that is
6 through 17 years old, which is fully refundable
and payable in advance. The credit revers to
$2,000 per child under the age of 17 for 2022.
• For 2021, the maximum child and independent
care tax credit for one individual is $4,000 and
$8,000 for two or more qualifying individuals. The
credit is refundable for some taxpayers.
• Extension of the earned income credit (EITC)
to workers under age 25. Individuals as young
as age 19 are eligible for 2021, as well as being
entitled to apply the credit to more earned
income with the added benefit of a higher phase-
out level. There is no longer a maximum age
for eligibility.
• Premium reductions for Aordable Care Act
(ACA) health insurance coverage through the
application of premium tax credits eective for
two years.
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About Winston & Strawn
Winston & Strawn LLP is an international law firm with 950+ attorneys across 15 oces in Brussels, Charlotte, Chicago, Dallas,
Hong Kong, Houston, London, Los Angeles, Moscow, New York, Paris, San Francisco, Shanghai, Silicon Valley, and Washington,
D.C. Additionally, the firm has significant resources devoted to clients and matters in Africa, the Middle East, and Latin America.
The exceptional depth and geographic reach of our resources enable Winston & Strawn to manage virtually every type of
business-related legal issue. We serve the needs of enterprises of all types and sizes, in both the private and the public sector. We
understand that clients are looking for value beyond just legal talent. With this in mind, we work hard to understand the level of
involvement our clients want from us. We take time to learn about our clients’ organizations and their business objectives. And, we
place significant emphasis on technology and teamwork in an eort to respond quickly and eectively to our clients’ needs.
Visit if you would like more information about our legal services, our experience, or the industries we serve.
Attorney advertising materials. Winston & Strawn is a global law firm operating through various separate and distinct legal entities.
About Winston & Strawn
Winston & Strawn LLP is an international law firm with 950+ attorneys across 15 oces in Brussels, Charlotte, Chicago, Dallas,
Hong Kong, Houston, London, Los Angeles, Moscow, New York, Paris, San Francisco, Shanghai, Silicon Valley, and Washington,
D.C. Additionally, the firm has significant resources devoted to clients and matters in Africa, the Middle East, and Latin America.
The exceptional depth and geographic reach of our resources enable Winston & Strawn to manage virtually every type of
business-related legal issue. We serve the needs of enterprises of all types and sizes, in both the private and the public sector. We
understand that clients are looking for value beyond just legal talent. With this in mind, we work hard to understand the level of
involvement our clients want from us. We take time to learn about our clients’ organizations and their business objectives. And, we
place significant emphasis on technology and teamwork in an eort to respond quickly and eectively to our clients’ needs.
Visit if you would like more information about our legal services, our experience, or the industries we serve.
Attorney advertising materials. Winston & Strawn is a global law firm operating through various separate and distinct legal entities.