2019 - 2024
Township High School District 214
Arlington Heights, Illinois
The Board of Education of District 214
The District 214 Education Association
Timothy Waters
D214 Education Association
David R. Schuler
June 2019
An Equal Employment and Equal Education Opportunity Agency"
Section Page
3.200 ............................................. Limited Renegotiations 1
3.300 ........................... Cumulative Agreement Document 1
3.310Board of Education and District 214 Education Association
................................ Professional Negotiation Agreement 2-8
3.320 ................. Publication of the Negotiated Agreement 8-9
3.400 ................................................. Grievance Procedure 9-13
3.500 ................................................ Board Policy Manual 13
3.510 ........................................................ School Calendar 13-15
3.512 ............................................................ School Safety 15
3.513 .............................................. Instructional Materials 15
3.515 ............................................... Probationary Program 15-16
3.520 ............................................................ Teacher Load 16-18
3.521 ..................................................... Special Education 18-19
3.524 ................................................. Teacher Work Week 19-23
3.525 Education Association President and Vice President 23
3.526 .................................... Evaluation of Staff Members 23-24
3.535 ....................................................Reduction in Force 24
3.536 ....................................................................... Leaves 24
3.540 ........................................................... Personnel File 24-25
3.545 ......................... Procedure for Leaving the Premises 25
3.600 ...................................... Salary Schedule 2019-2024 25-31
3.610 ................................... Experience Credit Allowance 31
3.611 ............................................ Tuition Reimbursement 31-32
3.612 ............................... Professional Development Fund 32-35
3.613 ....................... Extended Master’s Degree Programs 35
3.650 .......................................How EA members are Paid 35
3.680 ................................................ Co-Curricular Hiring 35-37
3.700 ........................... Co-Curricular Increment Schedule 37-40
3.702Increments for Extra-Administrative and Instructional
......................................................... Related Assignments 41-42
3.705 ............................................................. Mileage Rate 42
3.710 .......... Paid and Non-Paid Supervisory Assignments 42-44
3.714 .................................................................. Job Share 44-46
3.715 .................................. Part-Time Teacher Guidelines 46-47
3.716 ................................. Commuter Teacher Guidelines 47-49
3.722Substitutes for Prof. Growth Activities & Field Trips 49
3.723 ........................................................... Substitute Pay 49
3.749 .....................................Summer School Assignment 50
Section ............................................................................... Page
3.750 ..................................................Summer School Pay 50
3.752 ............................................ Summer Workshop Pay 50
3.753 ........... Credit Recovery/Academic Intervention Pay 50-51
3.754 ...................................... School Year Workshop Pay 51
3.800 ................................................................ Sick Leave 51
3.801 ....................................................... Sick Leave Bank 51-52
3.803 ....................................... Family and Medical Leave 53
3.825 ................................................ Personal Leave Days 53
3.840 ................................. Voluntary Retirement Program 54-58
3.850 ...................................................................Insurance 58-62
3.910 ............................................................. Endorsement 63
Memoranda of Understanding
Teacher Work Week .......................................................... 63
Index .................................................................................. 64-67
Cumulative Agreement between
the Board of Education of District 214
the District 214 Education Association
June, 2019
If, in the judgment of the Board of Education, fundamental changes occur
in the method of financing public education in the State of Illinois which are
reasonably likely to adversely affect the financial condition of the District,
Section 3.510, Section 3.600, item 5.; Section 3.840, item 2.; and Section
3.850, items 2. and 3. shall be subject to renegotiation. To open negotiations
for a subsequent school year, the School Board shall notify the Association
in writing no later than February 1 prior to that school year.
1. The Board of Education and the District 214 Education Association
will work together in the development and maintenance of a single and
cumulative negotiated agreement. The agreement will be subject to
review and negotiation as provided for in Section 3.310 item 4 (1).
Further, this document will become the only written agreement
between the two parties, and it shall contain all acceptable and residual
items from previous agreements. Upon approval of this agreement by
the membership of the District 214 Education Association and the
Board of Education of District 214, all previous agreements become
null and void.
2. We recognize that memos of understanding may be necessary during
the term of this agreement.
Memos that involve a clarification of existing contractual language
shall be ratified by affirmative votes of the Board of Education and by
the Association, as represented by its Board of Representatives.
1. Preamble
(1) The Board of Education, District 214, hereinafter referred to as
the "Board," and the District 214 Education Association,
hereinafter referred to as the "Association," recognize that the
aim of the parties to this agreement is to provide the best
education possible for the youth of this district. Accordingly,
the Board and the Association agree to participate in the
exchange of proposals and views in the context of good faith
collective bargaining negotiations.
(2) It is recognized that teaching is a profession requiring
specialized educational qualifications, and that the success of the
educational program in the district depends upon the maximum
utilization of the abilities of the teachers who are reasonably
well satisfied with the conditions under which their services are
rendered. It is further recognized that teachers have the right to
join, or not to join, any organization for their professional or
economic improvement(s), but membership in any organization
shall not be required as a condition of employment.
(3) The Board and Association recognize that our fundamental
objective is to provide the best possible education and lifelong
learning opportunities for our students. This goal is best
achieved by developing relationships based on cooperation,
coordination, and collaboration. Our vision encourages
partnerships between and among District 214 personnel and
between District 214 personnel and other individuals or groups
within the community. Through partnerships we will pursue our
goal of quality service to each other, to our students, and to our
(4) In the event the Board and/or the EA desires to effectuate a
change, not covered by this Cumulative Agreement, in wages,
hours, or working conditions, the parties shall meet to discuss
and bargain in good faith with respect to the proposed changes.
2. Recognition
(1) The Board recognizes the Association as the sole negotiating
agent for all regularly employed licensed teachers, except for all
(2) The term "District 214 teachers" when used hereinafter shall
refer to all those individuals properly covered under the
description of "sole negotiating agent for" in Section 3.310, item
2 (1).
(3) The Board agrees not to negotiate with any teacher individually
on items pending in negotiations.
3. Responsibilities, Limitations, and Rights
(1) The Board retains and reserves unto itself all powers, rights,
authority, duties, and responsibilities conferred upon and vested
in it by the statutes of the State of Illinois.
(2) The Association and its representatives shall have the privilege,
after reservation of space through the normal school processes,
to use school buildings for Association business meetings
provided that any additional custodial services required be
obtained and paid for in the normal manner.
(3) The Association shall have the privilege to post notices of its
activities on at least one bulletin board in each building as agreed
to by the Principal/Director and Association building
representative of each building, and shall have the privilege to
distribute its information to its members through the normal
mailbox and electronic arrangements.
(4) The Association shall have the privilege to use school equipment
normally used for clerical or instructional functions within the
buildings at times when such equipment is not otherwise in use,
as determined by the Principal/Director. The privilege of the
Association to use this equipment within the property of District
214 shall at no time interfere with or interrupt normal school
The Association will reimburse District 214 for the cost of all
materials consumed when using district equipment.
(5) The Board will provide the President of the Association with all
available public information concerning the district that might
assist the Association to evaluate any item pending in
negotiations or currently involved as an item of negotiation.
Two copies of all Board agendas, Board minutes, and other non-
confidential materials normally sent to the Board of Education
members, shall be delivered to the President of the Association
as soon as they are available. These copies will be sent either
electronically (if available) and/or in paper form as the
Education Association President prefers.
(6) In accordance with the provisions of the Illinois Educational
Labor Relations Act, hereinafter referred to as the "IELRA,"
neither the Board nor the Association will discriminate against
any teacher for participation in any lawful activities of the
Association or for refraining from participation in the activities
of the Association.
(7) Matters referred to the Board by the Association in writing,
which are considered appropriate by the Superintendent for
Board action, will be placed as an early item on the Board
(8) It shall be the responsibility of the Superintendent to inform the
Association when modification of district policy which affects
the Association and/or teachers is under consideration. The
Association may send a representative to any committee or study
group considering such policy modification.
(9) In the event that the Association desires to send representatives
to local, state, or national conferences or on other business
pertinent to Association affairs, these representatives shall be
excused without loss of pay for an aggregate number of school
days not to exceed sixty (60) with not more than ten (10) school
days (or the equivalent) per individual in any school year. This
ten (10) school day limit for an individual may be extended by
special approval of the Superintendent. The Association shall
reimburse the district for the cost of the substitute teachers.
Further, written request for leave for such purposes shall be
submitted through the Association to the Superintendent for
(10) The Association shall not strike, nor disrupt the operation of
any public school or of the administrative offices of the Board
of Education during the term of this contract, or any extension
(11) The Board of Education shall not lock out the members or
similarly disrupt the operation of the schools during the term of
this contract, or any extension thereof.
(12) This agreement shall be subject to such legislation and rules and
regulations thereunder as may be enacted by the General
Assembly of the State of Illinois together with subsequent court
decisions relating to any matter covered by this agreement.
4. Negotiations Procedure
(1) This Cumulative Agreement shall be open to negotiations, if
between November 15 and November 30 of the year preceding
the year of expiration, either the President of the Association or
the President of the Board notifies the other of that intention.
This notification shall be in writing, exchanged through the
Superintendent, and will include the names of the negotiating
team members. The other party will be required to respond with
the names of its negotiating team members no later than
December 7.
(2) Each party shall select its negotiating representatives according
to its own internal provisions, provided there is Board
representation on the Board Team and a minimum of one Board
member in attendance at any negotiations meeting. There shall
be teacher representation on the Association Team and a
minimum of one teacher in attendance at any negotiations
meeting. Each team shall consist of five (5) members.
(3) The Board and the Association shall confer upon their respective
representatives the necessary power and authority to make
proposals, consider the proposals, and make counter proposals
in the course of negotiations, and to reach tentative agreements
which shall be presented to the Board and Association
respectively for approval/ratification.
(4) By the completion of the first full week of December or one
week after the names of the negotiating team members have
been exchanged, whichever is later, the two teams shall meet to
present their concerns in general terms. No specific proposals
of changes, additions, or deletions will be made and nothing
discussed will be binding.
(5) By midnight of the first school day following winter break, five
(5) copies of any changes, additions, or deletions to the
Agreement either party wishes to open for negotiations shall be
submitted to the other party in writing, along with rationale for
the changes. Only these changes, additions, or deletions will be
subject to negotiation unless the ground rules in sub-paragraph
(6) allow otherwise. This information will be exchanged
through the Superintendent who will notify the other party(ies)
of such receipt within 24 hours.
(6) The first negotiations meeting shall be held on or before the end
of the second week of the second semester. The chairperson of
the first negotiations meeting shall be the Association
spokesperson. Thereafter, the chairperson role will alternate.
The date, time, and place for this meeting shall be arranged by
the respective presidents or their designees.
(7) The first negotiations meeting shall conform to, but not be
limited to, the following agenda:
(a) Introduction of team members along with relevant
background information about the members.
(b) Agreement on the ground rules under which the meetings
and teams will operate:
[1] Time, place and frequency of subsequent
[2] Subsequent chairpersonships;
[3] Handling of proposals not currently on the table;
[4] Handling of counter proposals;
[5] Handling of press releases and responses to press
[6] Constitution of a quorum of respective teams;
[7] Handling of privileged information;
[8] Calendar of Phase expiration dates;
[9] These ground rules shall not conflict with written
regulations of the Association or the Board, with
the statutes of the State of Illinois, or with the
current Cumulative Agreement;
[10] Other items as deemed necessary by the teams.
(c) Clarification of each team's proposals.
(d) Other business mutually agreed to by the Board Team and
Association Team.
(8) PHASE I negotiations will continue for 60 calendar days from
the date of the first negotiations meeting unless both parties
mutually agree to extend it to 90 days. The extension can be
proposed by either party at any time during the process.
(9) If tentative approval or ratification/approval has not been
reached during PHASE I, an impasse condition, PHASE II, will
exist. This PHASE II impasse will last for 25 calendar days.
(a) The Board and the Association shall select, within the
first 5 calendar days of PHASE II, their respective
representatives to this impasse resolving committee.
(b) The impasse resolving committee shall consist of three
(3) representatives of the Board, who are presently Board
members or administrators, and three (3) representatives
of the Association, all of whom are presently teaching
staff. The Association's representatives must be from the
EA staff of District 214 and shall include at least one (1)
member of the current Association negotiating team. The
Board's representatives shall include at least one (1)
Board member and two (2) members of the current Board
negotiating team. Two observers for each side will be
allowed provided that they are selected from the PHASE
I team members.
(c) If the impasse is resolved, the committee shall present the
proposed Cumulative Agreement for
(d) By mutual agreement, the length of this impasse PHASE
II condition may be extended.
(10) If either team decides it needs additional direction from its
membership concerning some item(s) involved in negotiations
during PHASE I or PHASE II, it may suspend negotiations for
this purpose for no more than ten (10) calendar days. This
provision may be used only once by each team during the time
periods outlined under PHASE I and PHASE II. A specific
statement as to the item(s) involved in this suspension shall be
submitted prior to the declaration.
(11) If tentative approval or ratification/approval has not been
reached in PHASE II, a MED-ARB PHASE III condition will
(a) Within five (5) business days, the parties will select a
mediator/arbitrator. The expenses of PHASE III shall be
shared equally by the parties.
(b) The mediator/arbitrator will have twenty (20) calendar
days from the selection of his/her name in which to
mediate the unresolved issues.
(c) On the twentieth (20th) day, if any unresolved issue(s)
exists, each team will submit its final offer on those items.
If there is no agreement, the mediator/arbitrator will then
have five (5) business days in which to submit
recommendations for resolving those items. These
recommendations will not be binding on either party.
(d) If all issues are resolved through this process of PHASE
III, the parties will present the proposed Cumulative
Agreement for ratification/approval.
(12) Upon the completion of PHASE III, if agreement as to the
recommendations submitted by the mediator/arbitrator cannot
be reached within five (5) business days, each party is then free
to seek assistance through whatever means are available to it.
(13) When the Association and Board teams arrive at a tentative
agreement for all negotiated items, the exact wording shall be
submitted to the membership of the Association for ratification
and to the Board for approval. Association ratification is not
contingent upon Board approval and vice versa. In the event of
a negative vote by either party, the designated representatives of
the teams will communicate such to the other within 24 hours.
The process will then be picked up, at the exact time frame from
where it left off and will continue from that point.
5. Representative Election
Any labor organization or individuals who desire to decertify the
Association as the exclusive bargaining representative must, in
accordance with the provisions of the IELRA, file a petition with the
IELRB, accompanied by the signatures of at least thirty percent (30%)
of the teachers, between January 15 and March 1 of the last year of this
agreement. Such a petition shall be processed in accordance with the
IELRA and the Rules and Regulations of the IELRB.
6. Duration of Agreement
(1) This Cumulative Agreement shall be in force until June 30,
(2) Should any section, sentence, or clause of the agreement be
declared illegal by a court of competent jurisdiction, or become
illegal as a result of action of the Illinois or United States
legislatures, said section, sentence, or clause shall be
automatically deleted from this arrangement to the extent that it
violated the law, but the remaining sections, sentences, and
clauses shall remain in force.
1. The items included in the current negotiations package shall be printed
and distributed to all District 214 Education Association members by
the Education Association of the District prior to a vote by the
membership of the Association.
2. After approval by the Board of Education and the membership of the
Education Association, the Cumulative Agreement shall be printed and
distributed by the Board of Education. This agreement will be sent
electronically (if available) and/or in paper form to the Education
Association President. The agreement shall contain a written
endorsement by the Board of Education.
1. Definitions
(1) A grievance is any claim by the Association or a teacher that
there has been a violation, misinterpretation, or misapplication
of a district policy, or this Agreement; however, only grievances
alleging a violation, misinterpretation, or misapplication of the
Cumulative Agreement may be processed to arbitration. A
grievance cannot be filed soley on the basis of the
Administration exercising its managerial perogatives without
first consulting the EA. No grievance shall be entertained or
processed unless it is submitted at Step 1 within thirty (30)
school days after the occurrence of the event giving rise to the
grievance or within thirty (30) school days after the aggrieved
teacher, through the use of reasonable diligence, could have
obtained knowledge of the occurrence of the event giving rise
to the
grievance. School days for the purposes of a grievance
procedure shall mean teacher attendance days.
(2) All time limits consist of school days, except that when a
grievance is submitted less than ten (10) school days before the
close of the current school term, time limits shall consist of
business days in order that the matters may be resolved before
the close of the current school term, or as soon thereafter as
(3) The Board shall recognize the Association Welfare and Ethics
Committee as the Association Grievance Committee. The
Association shall notify the Superintendent at the earliest
possible date, as to who the committee members are, and who is
the designated chairperson.
2. Procedure
The parties hereto acknowledge that it is usually most desirable for a
teacher and his/her immediately involved supervisor to resolve
problems through free and informal communications. When requested
by the aggrieved teacher, a representative of the Association may
accompany the teacher to assist in the informal resolution of the
grievance. The Association Welfare and Ethics chairperson shall also
contact the Associate Superintendent for Human Resources to see if
assistance may be given to resolve the grievance at the informal level.
If, however, such informal processes fail to satisfy the aggrieved or the
Association, if the aggrieved has notified the Association, a grievance
may be processed as follows:
(1) Step 1
The teacher or the Association may present a grievance in
writing to the Association Welfare and Ethics Committee. The
Welfare and Ethics Committee will arrange for a meeting to take
place within ten (10) school days after receipt of the grievance.
The Association's representative, the aggrieved teacher, and the
immediately involved supervisor and/or Principal/Director shall
be present for the meeting. If the grievance is resolved at this
meeting, the supervisor and/or an Association Welfare and
Ethics Committee representative shall provide a written answer
to the aggrieved teacher and the Association within ten (10)
school days after the meeting. The answer shall include the
reasons for the decision.
(2) Step 2
If the grievance is not resolved at Step No. 1, to the satisfaction
of the party initiating the grievance, the Association shall refer
the grievance to the Superintendent or designee within five (5)
school days after receipt of the Step No. 1 answer or within ten
(10) school days after the Step No. 1 meeting, whichever is later.
The Superintendent shall arrange for a meeting with the
aggrieved individuals and the representatives of the Association
Welfare and Ethics Committee to take place within five (5)
school days of his/her receipt of the appeal. Each party shall
have the right to include in its representation such witnesses and
counselors as it deems necessary to develop facts pertinent to
the grievance. Upon conclusion of the hearing, the
Superintendent shall have five (5) school days in which to
provide a written decision, with reasons, to the Association and
the grievant(s).
The decision of the Association Welfare and Ethics Committee
to continue or terminate a specific grievance at the end of Step
No. 2 does not deter the right of the party initiating the grievance
as an individual to refer the grievance to the Board of Education
through the President of the Board for a hearing concerning the
original situation, as long as this action does not violate the
terms of Section 3.310, item 2 (3) of this agreement.
(3) Step 3
If the grievance is not resolved, at Step No. 2, to the satisfaction
of the Association Welfare and Ethics Committee, the
Association may refer the grievance to the Board of Education
through the President of the Board, within ten (10) school days
of his/her receipt of the written decision of the Superintendent.
The President of the Board shall arrange for a meeting to take
place with representatives of the Association Welfare and Ethics
Committee within ten (10) school days of his/her receipt of the
appeal. Each party shall have the right to include in its
representation such witnesses and counselors as it deems
necessary to develop pertinent facts to the grievance. Upon
conclusion of the hearing, the Board shall have ten (10) school
days in which to provide a signed written decision, with reasons,
to the grievant(s) and the Association.
(4) Step 4
(a) If the grievance is not settled in Step No. 3 and the
Association wishes to appeal the grievance from Step No.
3 of the grievance procedure, the Association may
refer the grievance to arbitration, as described below,
within ten (10) school days of receipt of the Board's
written answer, as provided to the Association at Step No.
[1] The parties shall attempt to agree upon an
arbitrator within five (5) school days after receipt
of the notice of referral. In the event the parties
are unable to agree upon the arbitrator within said
five (5) school day period, the parties shall jointly
request the American Arbitration Association
(AAA) to submit a panel of seven (7) arbitrators,
pursuant to its Voluntary Labor Arbitration Rules.
[2] Upon receipt of the AAA list, the Association
shall strike a name first, followed by the Board,
the Association, and so forth until one name
[3] The arbitrator shall be notified of his/her selection
and shall be requested to set a time and place for
the hearing, subject to the availability of
Association and Board representatives.
[4] The Board and the Association shall have the right
to request the arbitrator to require the presence of
witnesses or documents. The Board and the
Association retain the right to employ legal
[5] The arbitrator shall submit a decision in writing
within thirty (30) calendar days following the
close of the hearing or the submission of briefs by
the parties, whichever is later.
[6] More than one grievance may be submitted to the
same arbitrator if both parties mutually agree in
[7] The fees and expenses of the arbitrator, if any,
shall be divided equally between the Board and
the Association, provided however, that each
party shall be responsible for compensating its
own representatives and witnesses. If both
parties order a transcript, the cost will be divided
equally. If only one party orders a transcript, that
party will bear the full cost.
(b) Limitations on Authority of Arbitrator
The arbitrator shall have no right to amend, modify,
nullify, ignore, add to, or subtract from the provisions of
this Cumulative Agreement. The arbitrator shall be
empowered to determine the issue raised by the grievance
as submitted in writing at Step No. 3. Any decision or
award of the arbitrator rendered within the limitations of
this Section D shall be final and binding upon the Board,
the Association, and the teachers covered by this
Cumulative Agreement.
3. General Provisions
(1) If a grievance is not presented by the employee or the
Association within the time limits set forth above, it shall be
considered "waived" and may not be further pursued by the
teacher or the Association. If a grievance is not appealed to the
next step within the specified time limit or any agreed extension
thereof, it shall be considered settled on the basis of the Board's
last answer. If the Board does not answer a grievance or an
appeal thereof within the specified time limits, the aggrieved
teacher and/or the Association may elect to treat the grievance
as denied at that step and immediately appeal the grievance to
the next step.
(2) If the Association and the Superintendent agree, Step No. 1
and/or Step No. 2 of the grievance procedure may be bypassed
and the grievance brought directly to the next step.
(3) Class grievances involving one or more teachers or one or more
supervisors and grievances involving an administrator at
the district level may be initially filed by the Association at Step
No. 2.
(4) The Board and the administration shall cooperate with the
Association in its investigation of any grievance, and further,
they shall furnish the Association with such non-confidential
information requested for the processing of any grievance.
(5) No reprisals of any kind shall be taken by the Board or the
administration against a teacher because of his/her participation
in this grievance procedure.
(6) Should the attendance at a meeting involving any grievance
require that a teacher or an Association representative be
released from his/her regular assignment, he/she shall be
released without loss of pay or benefits.
(7) A grievance may be withdrawn at any level without prejudice.
The Board will provide one (1) paper copy and one (1) electronic copy of
the Board Policy Manual and updates thereof, to the Association President.
The Board Policy Manual will be available to all Association members
All Board Policy and Procedural changes will be made available to the
Association President within 30 days of the approved change and the
electronic copy will be updated within 30 days of the approved change.
The school year calendar shall consist of 185 days, with the maximum
number of consecutive school days to be taken as needed from weekdays
at the end of August and at the beginning of June (institute or student
attendance) not to exceed seventeen. To the greatest extent that is practical
to do so, the first day of each school year shall be a Monday in August. The
exceptions to the 185 days are addressed in the Probationary Program,
section 3.515.
The school calendar will include three (3) Institute Days and two (2) In-
service days each year. Two In-Service Days each year will be dedicated
to teacher work and shall take place on the day before the first day of student
attendance at the beginning of each semester. Administrative meetings on
the two In-Service Days will not exceed two hours each day.
A Calendar Committee will be co-led by the Superintendent (or his/her
designee) and the EA Negotiations Chairperson (or his/her designee). The
Calendar Committee will meet periodically to review the school calendar
and school bell schedule. The EA President will receive a copy of the notes
from each of the Calendar Committee meetings. The following parameters
will be in effect unless changes are made by mutual consent of the EA and
the Board/Administration upon recommendations by the Calendar
1. Thursday mornings will remain reserved for Professional
Learning Community (PLC) activities. No morning co-
curricular practices or Zero-hour classes will be held on
Thursdays without the approval of the Superintendent or
his/her designee. Principals will have the option of holding six
(6) before school professional development meetings per
semester for all EA staff in addition in addition to Thursday
morning PLC meetings. Those additional meetings must be on
a Tuesday or Wednesday at the Principal’s discretion. Those
staff approved for a zero-hour class or before school co-
curricular practice may be excused from that professional
development day with pre-approval from the Principal. The
administration may also call and facilitate additional meetings
to address any emergency situations that may arise. An
emergency might involve safety/security concerns that could
affect the school or community, or any issue that may prompt
the response of the School Crisis Team.
2. On Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday full-time EA
staff members will have the time between the contractual
report time and the start of period/block one classes designated
as “unassigned time”. During this time EA staff may not be
assigned specific duties to be performed. Exceptions may be
made for zero-hour teachers.
3. The first ten minutes of each workweek at Buffalo Grove, Elk
Grove, Prospect, and John Hersey will be designated as “duty
free time” to maintain a consistent number of minutes with
current practice for full-time staff.
The Board and the Association agree that providing a safe environment for
students and staff is a mutual concern.
(1) Guidelines and training in school safety will be provided to all
employees in managing sensitive situations they may face in
their jobs.
(2) If a physical altercation should arise, it will be reported to the
administration and the Association President in a timely manner.
(3) In the event an employee is in an altercation during the
performance of District 214 duties, the Board shall reimburse
the employee for replacement of any personal property that is
damaged or destroyed during such altercation. Reimbursement
will be up to $500 per incident, with a $60,000 district-wide
limit per year, upon approval of building administration after the
employee submits a receipt.
(4) The Association will be represented on each Building Safety
Committee. The Association President or his/her designee will
be a member of the annual district safety committee.
Instructional materials relevant to students’ academic needs will be provided
to teachers through a collaborative process that includes input from teachers
and administrators. This collaborative process will inform the timely
development or acquisition of materials that are up-to-date and aligned with
learning standards consistent with the “guaranteed curriculum” for each
academic program (the definition of “guaranteed curriculum” along with
procedures and guidelines related to this topic, can be found in Board Policy
All full-time full-term probationary EA staff employed after January 1,
1999, shall be required to fulfill the requirements listed below in addition
to statutory requirements to receive consideration for tenured status. The
requirements in Items 1 and 2 change Section 3.510 for the probationary
teacher’s work year to 188 days and five hours in the first year. The earliest
teacher attendance day for staff members specified herein would be one
week before the earliest attendance day for tenured staff.
1. Probationary EA staff shall be required to attend three (3) days of staff
development activities prior to the start of the first year of probationary
employment. These three days are in addition to any other calendar
specifications contained in this contract. Full-time, full-term
probationary EA staff will be paid for the hours of work as stated in this
item at the summer workshop rate.
2. Probationary EA staff shall be required to participate in six (6) hours of
additional staff development activities during the first school year of
probationary employment. Full-time, full-term probationary EA staff
will be paid for the hours of work as stated in this item at the summer
workshop rate.
3. In addition, all first year probationary EA staff will be released during the
regular school year for up to three (3) days of staff development
The District Staff Development Committee should be involved in the
annual planning of this program. The district will share agendas and plans
for this program with the Association on a yearly basis before the start of
each school year.
It is agreed that the term “Maximum Teacher Loads,” as used in this Policy,
refers to the number of students for whom grade and credit are awarded.
The following maximum teacher loads reflect the Board of Education’s
belief that a sound educational environment can be provided by classroom
assignments leading to daily loads within the limits shown.
Teaching Areas Maximum Teacher Loads
Art 140 per day
Business Education 145 per day
English 140 per day
World Languages 140 per day
Health 145 per day
Life Studies 140 per day
Math 140 per day
Physical Education 210 per day
Science 140 per day
Social Science 140 per day
Technology Education 140 per day
Music No Maximum*
*If an individual full-time music teacher (1.0 FTE) has more than 175
students assigned to him/her during a given semester, a conversation will
occur between the instructor and the administration to discuss the situation
and determine how best to support the instructor and the students in the
The Board recognizes that individual cases may arise where it is desirable
to exceed the above limits. Such cases will require the mutual consent of the
teacher and the principal/director and the concurrence of the Associate
Superintendent for Teaching & Leaning.
Special Education Caseload Parameters:
No special education case management caseload shall exceed sixteen (16)
Transition Program Caseload Parameters:
Teacher caseloads in the Career Life Skills (CLS) program, The Academy at
Forest View, and the District Transition Program (LIFE) will not exceed
eleven (11) students.
Laboratory Class Parameters:
No laboratory class (including keyboarding/word processing) shall exceed
the number of laboratory stations available.
Counseling Staff Parameters:
The aggregate ratio for counseling staffs shall not exceed 285 students per
counselor. This means that the total enrollment of a school divided by the
total number of counselors on a counseling staff excluding the college-
career counselor shall not exceed 285:1.
The intention of this ratio is not to raise the load to 285 students per
counselor, but rather to establish general parameters in recognizing that the
counseling staff in each school functions as a team with different loads per
counselor, depending on the nature of the responsibilities for each team
member. If the aggregate ratio (discounting the college-career counselor)
exceeds 285:1, the “overage” will be assigned to the college-career
counselor, with a maximum case load of 85 students.
Assisting 8th-grade students (i.e. rising ninth-graders) with course selection
and enrollment will continue to be part of the school counselor’s regular
responsibilities and does not affect the aforementioned aggregate ratio of
285:1. The point person for 8th-grade inquiries to the counseling office will
be an administrator, who may assign the requests for assistance to specific
staff members as needed.
Social Worker and School Psychologist Parameters:
The combined number of social workers and school psychologists will be
four per school, as long as building enrollment remains between 1,600
2,400 students. Should a school principal consider employing fewer than
four social workers and school psychologists combined per building, a
conversation between the EA President, the Associate Superintendent for
Human Resources, and the Principal will occur to evaluate the decision.
Co-Taught Class Parameters:
Students in co-taught classes will be counted toward an individual teacher’s
load in one of two ways:
1. In a class in which two regular-education instructors are teaching
combined content (e.g. American Studies) half the students will be
counted toward each teacher’s load for each period that class meets. In
other words, if there are 50 students being co-taught over two periods,
each teacher will count 25 students each period for a total of 50 students
for the double-period course.
2. In a class in which a regular-education instructor is co-teaching with
a special-education instructor, all students will count toward both the
special education teacher and the regular teachers’ loads.
District 214 will adhere to all portions of Illinois Administrative Code that
pertain to special education classes.
1. The EA and the District Administration will work collaboratively to achieve
greater consistency and balance between the schools and programs in the
district relative to special education caseloads, teacher loads, course content
areas, and the number of preps per teacher to create the best possible
educational environment for students and teachers in order to provide a full
continuum of services for students with disabilities, ages 14-21 within an
appropriate individual program for each student in the least restrictive
2. Nurses will work with special education teams to develop specialized
healthcare plans.
3. Whenever possible, special education teachers must be notified of and receive
a copy of the IEP a minimum of 24 hours before assignment to the teacher’s
4. Special Education teachers will not be assigned a student/program support
assignment beyond case-management responsibilities.
1. The work week of each 1.0 F.T.E. classroom teacher shall consist of 40
hours* including the following:
(1) (a) up to 1500 minutes of direct instruction and/or student/
program support;
(b) at Wheeling High School, as long as the current schedule
variance remains in place, up to 1350 of direct instruction with
no student/program support assignnment:
(2) not more than five classroom teaching assignments within the
1500 minutes of direct instruction and/or student/program support;
(3) 500 minutes of professional discretion time:
250 minutes of which must be duty free allowing for a
minimum of 30 minutes duty-free lunch each day. Duty-
free lunch cannot include lunch and learns, training
sessions, mentoring and evaluation conferences, or any
other meetings or duties, and
250 minutes allowing for unassigned teaching
responsibilities. Such time shall be spent on the school
premises with opportunity for attending to related school
business off site through sign-out arrangements;
(4) continuous time throughout the work day.
2. Any teacher asked to teach an additional credit bearing class will be
compensated at the teacher’s current rate of pay. If a teacher is asked
to teach an additional class, there will be no consequences or judgment
of the teacher if he/she doesn’t agree.
3. The work week of each 1.0 F.T.E. counselor, social worker,
psychologist, nurse, speech therapist, and librarian shall consist of 40
hours* including the following:
(1) 250 minutes of duty free time, allowing for a minimum of 30
minutes duty-free lunch each day. Duty-free lunch cannot
include lunch and learns, training sessions, mentoring and
evaluation conferences, or any other meetings or duties, and
(2) up to 250 minutes of program support for a counselor.
4. The work week of each 1.0 F.T.E. adaptive P.E. teacher shall consist
of 40 hours* including the following:
(1) up to 1500 minutes of direct instruction and/or student program
(2) 500 minutes of professional discretion time:
250 minutes of which must be duty free allowing for a
minimum of 30 minutes duty-free lunch each day. Duty-
free lunch cannot include lunch and learns, training
sessions, mentoring and evaluation conferences, or any
other meetings or duties, and
250 minutes allowing for unassigned teaching
responsibilities. Such time shall be spent on the school
premises with opportunity for attending to related school
business off site through sign-out arrangements.
5. School requests for variations of time use within the teacher work week
or work day to support a change in instructional practice and school
schedule will be allowed upon a three-fifths vote of approval by the
Association members of the school seeking the variance and upon
approval by the Board of Education.
6. Part-time teaching assignments will be prorated based upon the F.T.E.
percentage of the individual contract.
7. Assigned teacher preparations:
Teachers will normally be assigned no more than three numbered
course preparations per semester except where a teacher has unique
qualifications unavailable in other staff members and for curricular
needs which cannot be accommodated by other means. Teachers with
four or more preparations (each course number shall be considered a
preparation), will be given additional discretionary time of 250 minutes
per week in lieu of a program support assignment. Special Education
Teachers assigned more than three (3) preparations shall be
compensated for each additional prep on a pro-rated basis at their rate
of pay.
A preparation is further defined as a specific section of a course
(typically taught or co-taught by a teacher who holds a specialized
licensure and/or endorsement) that requires specialized planning,
materials, pacing, and whole-class modification in order to meet the
needs of the students enrolled in the course. Examples of courses that
share the same course number, yet may be considered as separate preps,
include but are not limited to, sheltered EL classes and Instructional
special education classes. Should a course seem to warrant designation
as a distinct prep, the teacher and/or EA representative will initiate a
conversation with the building administration to determine whether or
not to count it as an additional prep. Courses with common essential
outcomes in which several levels are stacked, where the same general
planning and instruction is delivered to the entire class, will not count
as separate preparations. Examples include, but are not limited to,
Yearbook, Acting 1-4, and Senior P.E. leaders being assigned to
another PE class.
8. Activity Period:
The principal/director has the option of permitting the teacher to spend
the activity period time before or after the academic day.
9. Flex Time:
Student services staff members shall be eligible for flex time,which
will be governed by the following guidelines:
(1) Flex time will only be earned for school-related evening or
weekend activities pre-approved by the administrator as expected
in the position of student services staff, or in an emergency with
approval provided by the administrator;
(2) The designated administrator will manage and maintain records of
flex time earned and used;
(3) No more than 12 hours of flex time may be earned and used each
(4) Flex time may not be carried over to subsequent years;
(5) Student services personnel shall complete and submit a staff leave
request form to his/her supervisor for approval;
(6) Use of flex time will follow the same guidelines as personal leaves.
10. Student/Program Support:
Sixth assignments include both curricular and non-student contact
responsibilities. Assignments for all teachers may include two
semesters of curricular/student contact responsibilities. Sixth
assignments will not require lesson plans or assigning student grades.
Sixth assignments will be assigned on a rotating basis, with teacher
preference for assignments being considered in an equitable manner by
the assigning administrator. Appropriate non-student contact
responsibilities include maintenance of laboratories and related
equipment, supervision of hallways (including periodic washroom
checks), stairways and foyers, school publicity, and academic study to
qualify for another teaching area. Appropriate student contact
responsibilities include study hall supervision, resource room
supervision, student-tutoring assignments, and lunchroom supervision.
The number of students in a study hall supervised by an EA staff
member shall not exceed a teacher-to-student ratio of 1:45.
11. Rolling Meadows Variance: Consistent with Section 3.524, item 7, the
following variance has been approved by the faculty of Rolling
Meadows High School and the Board of Education of District 214:
Teachers with four or more preparations at Rolling Meadows High
School will have a 45 minute obligation in seminar block with the
remaining 45 minutes being teacher discretionary time.
Wheeling Variance: By mutual consent between the Administration
and the teacher, the work week assignment of a 1.0 F.T.E. classroom
teacher at Wheeling High School may consist of one 90-minute block
class per day and four 45-minute skinny period classes per day with no
program support assignment or two 90-minute block classes per day
and two 45-minute skinny period classes per day with no program
support assignment. If either of these two assignments would have one
less 45-minute skinny period class per day, then the assignment could
include a 45-minute skinny program support assignment per day.
As long as the schedule variance at Wheeling high School remains in
place, teaching loads at Wheeling will be capped accordingly:
teachers with three blocks will teach a maximum of 78 students
per day;
teachers with two blocks and one skinny will teach a maximum of
84 students per day;
teachers with one block/three skinnies or two blocks/two skinnies
or one block/four skinnies will teach a maximum of 110 students
per day.
12. Whenever possible, teachers in a co-teaching assignment will have a
common planning period that is not their duty-free lunch.
13. All professional development and training activities will be conducted
during the professional-development portion of the contract day. This
includes Thursday morning PLC time, PDD mornings, and Institute
days. This does not include duty-free lunch, planning periods, or
activity periods.
14. EA members cannot be required to participate in any committee or
attend any training sessions that meet outside of the contract day.
* The 40 hours will normally be assigned in 5 eight-hour week days.
However, by mutual agreement between the teacher and the
Principal/Director, the 40 hours could be configured in alternative
arrangements, not to exceed 600 minutes in any one day.
The President of the Education Association may be a full-time position, and
the Vice President of the Education Association may be a part-time
position. The Education Association will reimburse the Board of Education
for the time excused at the rate of their actual base salaries and will
contribute the pro-rated cost less the teacher's premium of the District's
hospital and major medical and life insurance.
Each teacher shall be formally evaluated in accordance with the
requirements of the Illinois School Code using “The District 214
Licensed Staff Individual Professional Development and Evaluation
“The District 214 Licensed Staff Individual Professional Development
and Evaluation Program” was developed collaboratively and adopted
by the Education Association, the Administration, and the Board of
Education in compliance with the Performance Evaluation Reform Act
of 2010. It was first approved under the title “District 214 EA Staff
Individual Professional Development and Evaluation Program.” The
evaluation program is reviewed annually by the Joint Committee,
consisting of the EA President, the EA Vice President, the
Superintendent, and the Associate Superintendent for Human
Resources. The Joint Committee may recommend revisions to the
evaluation program annually and present those recommendations to the
Board for approval.
Reduction in force and recall procedures shall be conducted pursuant
to the Illinois School Code.
With respect to the sequence of dismissal process, seniority status for
teachers is district-wide and EA members with multiple licenses or
endorsements will have seniority in each category in which they are
legally qualified. Seniority considerations do not apply to probationary
3.536 LEAVES
Leaves for full-time approved graduate study, medical leave, Education
Association Presidency and Education Association Vice Presidency,
and assignment as an administrator, will be considered as full-time
continuous service and as creditable service. Other approved leaves
will be counted as full-time continuous service. However, they will not
be counted toward creditable service unless the leave is part-time. In
this case the teacher will be granted creditable service on a prorated
basis for the time the teacher is actually employed.
All statements regarding seniority, creditable service, and continuous
service deal with the regular school term.
1. In accordance with the Illinois Personnel Records Review Act, each
employee shall have the right, upon filing a signed written request to
the Associate Superintendent for Human Resources, to review the
contents of his/her official personnel file, which includes any records
in digital format that belong in the personnel file. An employee may,
by filing a written release to the district, request an Association
representative to examine his/her personnel file. Staff members shall
receive a copy of any document added to their personnel file within ten
work days of placement in the file. In all cases, the file shall not be
taken out of the human resources office. The Superintendent, members
of the superintendency, administrators within the building in which the
employee is assigned, and members of the human resources department
may view the contents of an employee’s file at any time. All other
administrators, upon approval from the Superintendent or Associate
Superintendent for Human Resources, may view the contents of an
employee’s personnel file. In all cases, a record will be maintained in
the human resources office containing the names of anyone who has
viewed a personnel file.
2. The personnel file shall contain an official transcript(s) designating the
degree(s) granted from each college or university attended and
descriptive or evaluative records of the teacher's performance and any
other relevant materials while the teacher is employed in District 214.
The file shall be made available for the teacher's observation at his/her
request but shall not be removed from the human resources office.
Any teacher leaving the premises during a non-lunch period is required to
sign out in the stipulated office.
3.600 SALARY SCHEDULES 2019-2020 through 2023-2024
1. As teachers qualify for different steps based on experience and lane
qualifications, their salaries shall be adjusted at regular adjustment
times (the beginning of each semester) in accordance with the salary
schedules. Course work must be completed before the first day of the
first semester for advancement first semester and by the first day of the
second semester for advancement second semester. Confirmation of
completed work must be received in the human resources office by
the last day of the first quarter for advancement first semester and by
the last day of the third quarter for advancement second semester.
2. A teacher working less than full-time will receive a pro-rated salary. A
2/5, but less than 4/5, assignment for the entire school year shall qualify
the teacher for a 1/2 step advancement on the salary schedule. A 4/5
assignment for the entire year shall qualify as a full step on the
3. Evidence of Professional Advancement and Evaluation
A teacher's yearly vertical step advancement may be denied for either
of the following reasons:
(1) A vertical step may be denied a tenured teacher if he/she does
not present a program of at least three (3) semester hours of
college credit or its equivalent, related to his/her teaching field
to the building Principal or Director at least one week prior to
the end of the school year in which the teacher is in the sixth,
eleventh, fifteenth, ninteenth, and twenty-third salary step. The
decision as to what constitutes "equivalent credit" or "related to
the teacher's teaching field" shall be the Principal's or Director's.
A step will still be denied even though a proper program was
submitted, if evidence of successful completion of the program
is not presented to the Principal or Director during the first
quarter of the school year following the sixth, eleventh,
fifteenth, ninteenth, and twenty-third salary step.
If a step advance is denied, the teacher may, by submitting
proper verification of credit during the third quarter, be
advanced one step on the salary schedule for the 2nd semester.
The Building Principal/Director or his/her designee, shall notify
all teachers eligible for advancement to the sixth, eleventh,
fifteenth, nineteenth, and twenty-third step by August 15 of the
year prior to the teacher’s advancement and explain the
requirement involved.
(2) A tenured teacher may also be denied a vertical advancement on
the salary schedule on the basis of performance if all of the
following conditions are met:
Step 1
(a) There must be a written notice (memo) to the teacher
from the Division Head/Supervisor stating that the
teacher is not meeting minimal expectations.
(b) The Division Head/Supervisor and the teacher will confer
at the earliest possible date to discuss the matter.
(c) The Division Head/Supervisor will supply the teacher in
both (a) and (b) above information about specific areas of
deficiency as well as suggestions for improvement.
(d) A follow-up evaluation will be conducted by the Division
Head/Supervisor after allowing sufficient time for
corrective action to take place.
(e) The Division Head/Supervisor will then report back to
the teacher as to his/her observation. The Division Head
may [1]state that successful corrective action has taken
place; [2] repeat Step 1 (b) (c) (d) (e) or; [3] move to Step
2 of the procedure.
(f) The teacher may respond orally or in writing at any time
during the process.
Step 2
(a) Step 2 will be initiated by a written notice of
unsatisfactory performance supplied to the teacher stating
that the process has moved into Step 2 of the procedure.
(b) Prior to December 1, the teacher will receive from the
Division Head/Supervisor a specific notice which
indicates that performance is not meeting expectations.
Such notice shall be initiated by the Division
Head/Supervisor and transmitted as a formal resolution
of remediation to the Board by the Associate
Superintendent for Human Resources and shall specify
the areas of deficiency and state suggestions for
remediation. The resolution shall be signed by the
Secretary of the Board.
(c) A remediation team will be established for each
individual receiving such notice. This team shall consist
of the Building Principal/Director, the Division Head,
the Association President, and any other teacher of the
individual's choosing.
(d) The teacher shall receive monthly written notification
from the remediation team indicating progress toward
remediation of the areas cited in the first notice of
deficiency. This notice shall be signed by the
Principal/Director and the Superintendent.
(e) By April 1, a final evaluation report of the remediation
team shall be written and submitted to the Board of
Education. The report may include a minority opinion.
If the evaluation report indicates that sufficient
improvement in performance has not taken place, the
teacher will be notified no later than thirty (30) calendar
days prior to the end of the school year. If there is no
majority opinion (i.e., a tie vote) in the final evaluation
report, a mutually acceptable fifth person will evaluate
the remediation of the teacher and cast the tie breaking
(f) A teacher who does not receive a vertical advancement
will receive the full value of the step to which he or she
is entitled, including any negotiated change in the value
of that step. (Exception: A teacher at the top of the salary
schedule will be frozen at his/her current salary.)
(g) The teacher may request a hearing before the Board of
Education on the matter by sending a formal request to
the Board of Education President no later than ten (10)
calendar days after receiving the notice. The teacher may
use the services of counsel of his/her choice at this
(h) This advancement denial is a one-year denial, and
subsequent denials must follow the same sequence.
(i) The teacher held on the step could be advanced at the end
of this first semester upon recommendation of the
Principal/Director and the Superintendent.
The Board shall pay as employer contributions, the full member
contribution portion of each teacher's salary to the Illinois State
Teachers' Retirement System. The word "salary" here shall include
monies received from the salary schedules for 2019-20, 2020-2021,
2021-2022, 2022-2023, and 2023-2024, as well as for any additional
duties or responsibilities for which retirement contributions are made
If, at any later date, it is determined that personal income tax is due
upon the member contributions, this obligation shall be the teacher's,
not the school district's.
5. SALARY SCHEDULE 2019-2020 through 2023-2024
The table below illustrates a 25-step salary schedule that will be adjusted
annually according to the following terms:
Should pension “cost shift” occur during the time frame of this
Cumulative Agreement, the total salary increase will be offset by the
percent shift each year to absorb the financial impact of pension costs
shifting from the State to the District. The effect of cost shift will be
limited by a minimum/maximum of 1%/4%.
In the event of a tax freeze that adversely affects the financial condition
of the District, all raisesother than scheduled step increaseswill be
reduced by 50% with a minimum annual raise of 1%, and the
Board/Administration and EA will meet to discuss implications for the
remainder of the Agreement, as per Section 3.200.
2019-2020: Increase base by 2.0%.
2020-2021: Increase base by 2.0%.
2021-2022: Increase base by 1.75%
2022-2023: Increase base by 1.5%.
2023-2024: Increase base by 1.5%.
All TRS covered salaries and increments listed in this document include
the full TRS member contributions which are paid by the Board to the
Teachers' Retirement System.
Top of
During the 2019-2020, 2020-2021, 2021-2022, 2022-2023, and 2023-
2024 school years, employees with 25 years of experience or greater,
and in the M+30 lane will receive a longevity payment of $750 each
year. Employees with 25 years of experience or greater, and in the
M+60 lane will receive a longevity payment of $1500 for each year.
These payments will be made with the December 15 paycheck each of
those years.
Candidates with prior kindergarten through twelfth grade teaching
experience shall normally be credited with a maximum of six (6) years
previous teaching experience on the salary schedule. When in the best
interest of the district, the Superintendent may grant additional years of
Tuition incentives will be provided for EA staff for taking courses which
match district priorities for growth and change.
Program Guidelines:
1. Eligibility: Licensed, full-time EA staff members and one of the
a) said staff member in his/her first year of teaching and is a first year
staff member of District 214 will be eligible for tuition support
starting the first summer after he/she has completed one year as a
staff member of District 214 and has been given a second-year
probationary contract.
b) or said staff member is in his/her first year of teaching at District 214
and he/she has at least one year of full-time teaching prior to being a
District 214 staff member will be eligible for tuition support during
his/her second semester of his/her first year as a staff member with
District 214. However, reimbursement payment will be made only
if the said staff member is given a second-year probationary contract.
c) or tenured staff and probationary teachers in their third or fourth
years shall be eligible for tuition reimbursement.
d) tenured staff who are on Board approved part-time leave of absence
must be .8 FTE or greater for tuition reimbursement eligibility.
2. Tuition support will be provided for up to six (6) semester hours of
credit per semester and up to twelve (12) semester hours in the summer
which are taken at fully accredited colleges or universities.
3. Tuition support will be contingent upon successful completion of the
A Professional Development Committee will be responsible for the
administration of all professional development functions and appropriation
of professional development funds.
The District will provide a total of $850,000 for distribution at the building
and district levels for the duration of this Agreement. If the full $850,000 is
not paid out in a given year, the overage will be added to the next year’s
allocation and made available for disbursement. Part of the annual
allocation $850,000 will be dedicated to each building’s PDF team in the
amount of $300 per FTE annually, with the balance of the money to be
allocated at the district level.
District Level
The District level money will be distributed by the PDF Committee based
on the following priorities and in the order listed:
Coursework toward a Master’s degree in content areas;
Graduate level courses in content areas
National Board Certification;
Coursework toward a Doctoral degree;
Coursework toward a Master’s degree in areas other than content;
Graduate level courses in non-content areas;
Undergraduate courses for additional endorsement purposes.
Reimbursement will be allocated as listed below. Teachers will be required
to secure pre-approval of their plans in accordance with district procedures.
All coursework to be applied for credit on the salary schedule must be
approved in accordance with the District’s Policies and Procedures for
Professional Growth.
Master’s Degree in Content Areas
Tuition reimbursement rate will be 75% of tuition up to a maximum
of $800 per credit hour;
$1,000 bonus upon successful completion of the Master’s program.
Graduate Level Courses in Content Areas
Tuition reimbursement rate will be 75% of tuition up to a maximum
of $800 per credit hour. (Includes current teaching assignments as
well as other licensures and endorsements and ELL/ESL, Reading,
and Special Education.)
After Education Association members have completed a minimum
of 30 hours for a Master’s in their content area, a Curriculum and
Instruction Program approved by the Education Association and
administration will be reimbursed at the 75% rate with a maximum
of $800 per credit.
National Board Certification
District will allow two (2) days per year of professional
development leave for teacher enrolled in the program for work
directly related to the completion of the requirements necessary to
successfully complete the program;
$1,000 bonus upon successful completion of and eligibility for the
District will reimburse for the cost of recertification for National
Board Certification at 75% of the cost.
Doctoral Degree
Tuition reimbursement rate will be 50% of tuition up to a maximum
of $600 per credit hour;
$2,000 bonus upon successful completion of a pre-approved
doctoral program.
Master’s Degree in Areas Other Than Content
Tuition reimbursement rate will be 50% of tuition up to a
maximum of $600 per credit hour.
Graduate Level Courses
Tuition reimbursement rate will be 33% of tuition up to a maximum
of $450 per credit hour.
Undergraduate Courses for Additional Licensure Purposes
Tuition reimbursement rate will be 33% of tuition up to a maximum
of $450 per credit hour.
No reimbursement will be provided for undergraduate classes other than
those listed above, practicums, internships, dissertation study or thesis hours
unless university credit and grades are provided for such experiences.
Reimbursement will only be provided within the funding limits as identified
in the FUNDING section above.
Staff may be reimbursed at 100% for courses in a curricular area that is
deemed of high demand by the Administration or as part of an initiative that
supports Board/District goals. Reimbursement at 100% for the
aforementioned reasons must be pre-approved by the building principal and
director of professional learning. High-demand areas will be determined
annually by the Director of Professional Learning and the Associate
Superintendent for Teaching and Learning.
If staff are enrolled in a program leading to a specific credential, credits
earned in the program cannot be applied to lane advancement until the staff
member completes and passes the required test for the credential. If enrolled
in a program leading to either an endorsement or a qualification, lane
advancement will be contingent on the staff member obtaining the
endorsement of qualification.
Teachers can request an exception for reimbursement. That request must be
submitted to the District Professional Development Committee in writing
with a detailed rationale for the exception.
Building Level
The building level teams will be responsible for the distribution of the
building allocations. The funds will be allocated based on the following
priorities and in the order listed:
Building initiatives and goals;
District initiatives and goals;
Curriculum development;
Content areas;
District Level
The District Professional Development Funds will be administered by a
committee made up of the following representatives:
Director of Prof. Learning & Student Services;
Associate Superintendent for Teaching & Learning;
One building administrator assigned by the Superintendent or
Three tenured teachers from different buildings and subject areas
selected by the Educational Association.
Building Level
The building teams comprised of both administrative and teacher
representatives will determine the allocation of funds in their respective
buildings based on the priority list designated above.
EA members in Master's degree programs requiring more than thirty-eight
but less than sixty hours, may apply the additional hours toward an M+30
or M+60 program. For example, in a Master's program of 40 hours (two
hours more than thirty-eight), two hours may be applied in the M+30 or
M+60 program. This provision is not retroactive but will apply to those
currently enrolled in a program (not completed) or beginning such a
program as of August 21, 2000. An EA member holding a master's degree
which required 60 or more semester hours shall be placed on the M+30
salary track. The EA member must provide verification that the 60 hours
are a requirement of the degree.
1. Salaries for EA members are distributed on the 15th and 30th of each
month over a period of twelve months. The first paycheck will be
issued on August 30, and the last issued on August 15 of the following
year. Where such dates fall on weekends, the checks shall be
distributed on the last business day preceding the weekend.
2. Deductions shall be made on the following basis:
Authorized deductions shall normally be divided equally
between the 15th and 30th checks for the twelve month period
from August 30 through August 15. Exceptions are made for
court ordered payments, community contributions, and
Association dues.
Both the Education Association (EA) and the administration recognize the
importance and necessity of identifying skills, qualities and expertise
specific to the needs of a position and/or activity. When positions are
posted, it is agreed that the administration will include specific
qualifications in the posting. In determining qualifications for co-curricular
positions, the administration agrees not to structure those to deliberately
prevent a specific person or persons from qualifying or not to limit
qualifications so only one specific person could qualify. Fair consideration
also will be given to qualified entry-level candidates.
District 214 Education Association members, herein referred to as internal
candidates, include all current EA members and those whom the district will
employ as an EA member in the current or next school year. External
candidates include all non-EA members.
1. Head coaching positions will be simultaneously posted internally and
externally. Qualified internal candidates will be given priority
2. Assistant coaching positions, activity positions, and fine arts positions
will be posted internally first. If there are no qualified internal
candidates, external candidates will be considered.
3. Every co-curricular position will be posted internally for five (5)
4. It is understood that any co-curricular position is a one-year position.
However, the EA and the Board recognize the value of maintaining
continuity within the co-curricular program and support the continued
employment of any individual hired according to mutually agreed upon
district procedures, assuming that he or she is performing effectively.
5. Any staff member who leaves District 214 through retirement or
resignation will be released from all co-curricular responsibilities.
These individuals will be considered external candidates for any future
6. Stipends are paid for work to be completed outside of stated contract
7. At the beginning of each season, all coaches and sponsors working
during that season will attend a general meeting run by the
administration to address procedural matters, clarify logistical details,
receive updates, etc. These meetings may be held during “unassigned”
time within the school day. In the event of an emergency or serious
matter that requires immediate intervention, coaches and sponsors may
be expected to attend other meetings with the Administration as a
condition of employment.
8. The Administration reserves the right not to hire all or any of the
coach/sponsor positions identified in Section 3.700, should an advisory
board consisting of the APSAs, one Athletic Director from each
building, an EA Representative from each building, the District Fine
Arts Coordinator, and the District administrator overseeing athletics and
activities, deem participation in a particular sport/program insufficient
to warrant the full allocation of stipends. The advisory board will meet
at least once a school year to make recommendations for the following
school year. While this Cumulative Agreement encumbers resources to
support the athletics/activities listed, the stipends delineated in 3.700
constitute maximum allocations, not minimum obligations that must be
met regardless of student interest.
Step 1 Those teachers with no previous experience as a coach or
Step 2 All teachers paid or assigned as a coach or director with one
year's previous experience in an activity requiring similar
knowledge and skills.
Step 3 All teachers paid or assigned as a coach or director with two
years previous experience in an activity requiring similar
knowledge and skills.
Step 4 All teachers paid or assigned as a coach or director with three
years previous experience in an activity requiring similar
knowledge and skills.
Step 5 All teachers paid or assigned as a coach or director with four
years previous experience in an activity requiring similar
knowledge and skills.
Step 6 All teachers paid or assigned as a coach or director with five or
more years previous experience in an activity requiring similar
knowledge and skills.
(Exception: A coach practicing with two teams at different times shall
receive regular increment plus appropriate step of Lane E.)
Those entering from outside of the district will receive a maximum Step 2
placement. Those new to the activity will receive a maximum Step 2
placement. In exceptional circumstances, as determined by the Associate
Superintendent for Human Resources, additional steps may be granted, if in
the best interest of the district.
The dollar value of each step shall be determined by multiplying the index
values here by the dollar value of the B.A. Step 1, base salary in Section
Co-curricular Index Schedule 2019-2020
Lanes AA A B C D E F
Step 1 0.1519 0.1365 0.1190 0.1043 0.0868 0.0630 0.0350
Step 2 0.1649 0.1482 0.1292 0.1132 0.0942 0.0684 0.0380
Step 3 0.1779 0.1599 0.1394 0.1222 0.1017 0.0738 0.0410
Step 4 0.1910 0.1716 0.1496 0.1311 0.1091 0.0792 0.0440
Step 5 0.2040 0.1833 0.1598 0.1401 0.1166 0.0846 0.0470
Step 6 0.2170 0.1950 0.1700 0.1490 0.1240 0.0900 0.0500
Co-curricular Increment Schedule 2019-2020
Step 1 $8,644 $7,767 $6,771 $5,935 $4,939 $3,585 $1,992
Step 2 $9,383 $8,433 $7,352 $6,441 $5,360 $3,892 $2,162
Step 3 $10.123 $9,099 $7,932 $6,954 $5,787 $4,199 $2,333
Step 4 $10,868 $9,765 $8,513 $7,460 $6,208 $4,507 $2,504
Step 5 $11,608 $10,430 $9,093 $7,972 $6,635 $4,814 $2,674
Step 6 $12,348 $11,096 $9,674 $8,479 $7,056 $5,121 $2,845
Lane placements for co-curricular increment schedule are not a part of negotiations.
They are determined by a district council, and the Education Assocation will be
notified of any changes.
Lane "AA" Increments (7) Lane “C” Increments (38)
Boys' Athletic Director AD Boys’ Baseball Asst. Coach (4)
Boys’ Football Head Coach Boys’ Golf Head Coach
Boys’ Basketball Head Coach Boys’ Soccer Asst. Coach (5)
Boys’ Track Head Coach Boys’ Swimming Asst. Coach (2)
Girls’ Athletic Director AD Boys’ Tennis Asst. Coach
Girls’ Track Head Coach Boys’ Volleyball Asst. Coach (2)
Girls' Basketball Head Coach Boys' Water Polo Head Coach (1)
Girls’ Bowling Head Coach
Lane “A” Increments (14) Girls’ Golf Head Coach
Boys’ Baseball Head Coach Girls’ Soccer Asst. Coach (4)
Boys’ Gymnastics Head Coach Girls’ Softball Asst. Coach (3)
Boys' Soccer Head Coach Girls’ Swimming Asst. Coach (3)
Boys' Swimming Head Coach Girls’ Tennis Asst. Coach (2)
Boys' Volleyball Head Coach Girls’ Volleyball Asst. Coach (4)
Boys’ Wrestling Head Coach Girls' Water Polo Head Coach
Girls’ Gymnastics Head Coach Trainer (1 per season) Assistant (3)*
Girls’ Soccer Head Coach
Girls’ Softball Head Coach Lane "D" Increments (12)
Girls’ Swimming Head Coach Boys' Cross Country Asst. Coach
Girls’ Volleyball Head Coach Boys' Golf Asst. Coach
Trainer (1 per season) Head Boys' Water Polo Asst. Coach
Girls' Badminton Asst. Coach (2)
Lane “B” Increments (37) Girls' Bowling Asst. Coach (2)
Boys’ Basketball Asst. Coach (4) Girls' Cross Country Asst. Coach
Boys’ Cross Country Head Coach Girls' Golf Asst. Coach
Boys’ Football Asst. Coach (9) Girls' Water Polo Asst. Coach
Boys’ Gymnastics Asst. Coach (2) Competitive Cheering Asst. Coach
Boys’ Tennis Head Coach Comp. Dance/Poms Asst. Coach
Boys’ Track Asst. Coach (3)
Boys’ Wrestling Asst. Coach (3)
Girls’ Badminton Head Coach *Schools that do not have an
Girls’ Basketball Asst. Coach (4) Athletic-Trainer Supervisor will
Girls’ Cross Country Head Coach receive two additional Lane C
Girls’ Gymnastics Asst. Coach (2) stipends for training purposes.
Girls' Tennis Head Coach
Girls’ Track Asst. Coach (3)
Competitive Cheering Head Coach
Competitive Dance/Poms Head Coach
Lane "AA" Increments (1) Lane “E” Increments (32)
Band Director* Academic Bowl Sponsor (2)
*Contingent on directing a competitive Sideline Cheer. Sponsor (2)
marching band program; otherwise band Chess Club Sponsor
director will receive a B lane stipend. Class Sponsor Sponsor (4)
Concessions Director
Lane “A” Increments (4) Drill Team (Fall) Sponsor
Debate/Student Congress Head Coach Drama Asst.Dir. (2)
Fine & Performing Arts Coordinator Drama - All shows House Manager
Individual Events-Speech Head Coach Drama-Musical Asst.Director (3)
Student Council Coordinator Multi-Cultural Club Sponsor
Non-Specified Various (12)
Student Council Asst.Coordin.
Variety Show Director
Lane “B” Increments (7)
Chorus Director
Forensics (Debate/Speech) Asst. Coach (3)*
*Assigned by administration based on participation
Orchesis Sponsor
Orchestra Director
Special Olympics (for District) Head Coach (1)
Lane “C” Increments (5) Lane “F” Increments (31)
Drama-Musical Director Boys' Event Superv. Event Super. (3)
Drama-Musical-Tech. Director Drill Team (Winter) Sponsor
Music Assistant Assistant Girls' Event Superv. Event Super.(3)
Newspaper Sponsor Graduation Sponsor
Yearbook Sponsor Math Team Coach (4)
National Honor Soc. Sponsor
Non-Specified Various (12)
Orchesis Assistant
Orchesis/Variety Director
Lane “D” Increments (6) Science Olympiad Sponsor (2)
Drama Director (2) Showcase 214/ Sponsor
Drama-Technical Director (2) Arts Unlimited
Special Olympics (for District) Asst. Coach (2) Sideline Poms Sponsor (1)
*Any head varsity coach or head activity sponsor whose team or athletes/participants
travel to IHSA events beyond the sectional level or qualify for state quarter-final
competition shall receive a one-time per annum bonus of $50.
Librarians/media specialists will receive ten days of additional pay over the
summer, paid at .005 per day of their base salary, provided they meet in
advance, prior to the end of the school year, with their building principal or
his/her designee and agree on the work to be done. The following categories
of teachers, if agreed to by the administration to extend their work year, will
be paid .005 per day, of their base salary, with a ten-day maximum,
technology learning facilitators, instructional coaches, Practical
Construction teachers, and the Young Adult Coordinator. Other EA staff
may be approved to work additional days at the authorization of the
Associate Superintendent for Human Resources. The staff member and
his/her Principal/Director must agree in advance on the specific dates and
number of days that the staff member may work, as well as the nature of the
work to be completed, or else compensation will not be awarded for any
work done outside the regular school year.
Resource Teachers positions in each division will be assigned annually by
the supervising administrator. Each Resource Teacher may perform
different duties as determined by the Administration relative to the
respective needs of each division, but the Administration and the EA
Leadership will confer annually to review resource-teacher assignments and
to assess parity between them. Resource Teacher stipends will be allocated
based upon total FTE in a division. In Special Education and EL, the
number of staff counted will include district teachers and aides only. The
dollar value of each assignment shall be determined by multiplying the
index shown here by dollar value of B.A., Step 1, for the current year, as
indicated in Section 3.600
Assignment Index Base
Resource Teacher (7-10) 0.0540 $3,073
Resource Teacher (11-20) 0.0810 $4,609
If there are more than 20 teachers in a division, an additional increment shall
be allocated to the division as follows:
Resource Teacher (21+) 0.0270 $1,536
This additional allocation must be assigned to another teacher.
Professional Learning Community (PLC) shall have EA staff as PLC
Leaders. PLC Leaders will have autonomy in creating and implementing
PLC agendas that align with the instructional goals of the building and
district. PLC Leaders will be awarded comp time if they meet with their
PLC at least twice per month, share agendas and follow-up notes with their
division head/administrator, and meet regularly with their division
head/administrator to update him/her on the progress of the PLC.
Compensatory time will be granted as a “professional leave based on the
amount of time spent facilitating the PLC up to a maximum of 16 hours a
year, with notification of an approval by the division head/administrator.
Definition of a Professional Learning Community (PLC): Course-alike
teams, program-alike teams, or specialized instructional teams of teachers
who meet on designated PLC days with the specific purpose to share
expertise, discuss best practices, review/revise the implementation of
curriculum, and evaluate student performance in alignment with building
and district instructional goals and initiatives.
1. The mileage rate reflects reimbursement for use of private vehicles by
district employees. Reimbursement is for business mileage only.
Mileage from one's residence to a meeting site is not reimbursable.
Reimbursable mileage begins at the place of employment.
2. The mileage reimbursement rate shall be the maximum nationally
established Internal Revenue Service rate.
1. Each supervisory assignment shall be adjusted annually by the percent
change in the B.A. Step 1, Base Salary.
2. The following supervisory assignments shall be paid:
(1) Outdoor: $87.78
Outdoor ticket sellers, ticket takers, crowd or bus supervisors,
announcers, photographers, scorers, timers, and starters. (5-07)
(2) Indoor 2019-2020
Indoor ticket sellers, ticket takers, crowd or bus supervisors,
announcers, photographers, scorers, timers, and starters.
(3) Upon pre-approval by the Principal/Director, non-paid sponsors
of clubs and organizations will be reimbursed for special
activities of these groups conducted on non-school time, on the
following basis:
(a) One-half day $96.58
(b) All day $193.13
(4) Non-paid supervisory assignments for the activity and athletic
programs will be made in each building by a committee
consisting of two EA members from that building and two
members selected by the Principal. This committee will
determine the list of events and activities requiring non-paid
supervision, the number of supervisors required for each event,
and the method for making assignments.
(5) Each EA staff member will be required to provide non-paid
supervision during the school year as follows:
(a) One activity or event scheduled for Saturday, Sunday, the
day preceding or following a school holiday or a non-
attendance day designated in the school calendar, or
vacation period, or located off-campus; or
(b) Two activities or events scheduled for week nights
(Monday through Friday) at the school site, except those
days preceding or following school holidays, or non-
attendance days designated in the school calendar, or
(6) Teacher-Parent Night (TPN)
Each EA staff member is expected to participate in up to two
Teacher Parent Nights per year, not to exceed a total of eight
hours. Each TPN will include a minimum twenty-minute break.
Every effort will be made to schedule these TPN’s on the day
before a late arrival, non-attendance day, or on an institute day.
If the TPN occurs before a late arrival day, the first hour of the
late arrival morning will be unassigned.
Job Sharing
Township High School District 214 will consider teacher requests for job
sharing on an individual basis under the terms and conditions outlined
Job sharing is defined as a voluntary program that will allow two full-time
tenured teachers the opportunity to request the sharing of one full-time
position in the District.
Requests for Job Sharing
Requests for job sharing shall be submitted in writing to the Associate
Superintendent for Human Resources with a copy of the request to the
President of the Education Association. Requests shall be submitted no later
than February 1 of the year prior to the beginning of the year for which the
request is made. Requests must clearly indicate:
The names, licensure and endorsements of the two applicants;
A description of the job to be shared;
The teaching arrangement desired;
The percent of time each participant will work;
Any special provisions different from the normal full-time contract.
All job share assignments will be limited to one full year duration. Requests
for renewal must be submitted annually to the Associate Superintendent for
Human Resources by February 1. An employee will be allowed to
participate in a job share for no more than six (6) consecutive years. After
the sixth consecutive year the teachers will be assigned by administration to
open full-time positions in the District and must serve in those positions at
least one year before becoming eligible to apply for another job share
Approval Process
Each job share will be evaluated by the administration and recommendations
will be submitted to the School Board. The Board of Education will make
the final decision on all renewals. The Board’s decision to approve or deny
the job share request shall be final and will not be subject to the grievance
and arbitration provisions of this Agreement.
The Board’s decision will be communicated to both teachers and the
Education Association in writing within five (5) days of the date of the
decision. If the request is approved the applicants will be notified of the
conditions and terms of the approval. Such notice shall include a description
of the job to be shared, the percentage of time each participant will work,
provisions controlling salary and benefits, and any unique or unusual
conditions. Each request will be considered by the Board on its individual
merits. Job sharing requests will be considered for the following reasons:
Health (personal or family member);
Continuance of education.
The number of job shares in the District shall not exceed two (2) in each
building in any one year. Additional requests may be considered at the
discretion of the administration.
The following conditions will apply to all participants in District 214 job
Each teacher shall return to full-time status in the year following
the job sharing year unless an application for renewal is approved;
o The teacher will be assigned by the administration to a
full-time open teaching assignment in the district for
which he/she has the proper license and endorsements to
the two teachers participating in the job share must have the
licensure and endorsements necessary to teach any of the classes
both teachers are assigned to teach;
the two teachers participating in the job share must be from the
same building;
if one of the participants leaves during the school year for any
reason, the other participant in the job share will assume the full-
time position for the balance of the school year;
if one of the participants is absent for more than one week, the other
participant, whenever possible, will teach the full day;
each teacher participating in a job sharing agreement will be
expected to attend all district/building staff development sessions,
building meetings, open houses, and parent/teacher conferences;
both applicants must be full-time tenured teachers at the time their
request is submitted;
supervisory assignments will be pro-rated based.
Benefits and Salaries
Teachers participating in job sharing shall be paid on a pro-rata basis.
In addition, contributions to the Teachers’ Retirement System shall
also be provided pro-rata. Participants will not be eligible for insurance
benefits. It is also understood that all participating teachers understand
that they will not be eligible for unemployment benefits.
1. Definition
An EA staff member who has an assignment of fewer than five periods
per day is considered on part-time status. There are currently two
categories of part-time EA staff members:
(1) the person who has a part-time contract and is hired on a year-to-
year basis;
(2) the tenured person who is on part-time leave.
Category (1) part-time EA staff members will be granted semester
contracts with fringe benefits allocated on a semester basis. Category
(2) part-time EA staff members will be granted fringe benefits allocated
on a full-year basis if the full-year assignment average is 4/5 or more.
Otherwise, category (2) part-time EA staff members will be granted
fringe benefits allocated on a semester basis. Any change in part-time
assignment (F.T.E.) may result in employee retroactive payment of
insurance premiums or loss of coverage.
2. Guidelines
(1) Part-time EA staff members are paid on a prorated basis with a
one period assignment per semester being given the value of 10
percent of the step and lane for which the individual would be
eligible on the EA salary schedule.
(2) A 4/5 assignment is eligible for the full fringe benefit package
of medical, dental, and life insurance.
(3) All part-time teachers are eligible for a pro rata allocation of sick
(4) All part-time teachers are eligible for a pro rata allocation of
personal leave days.
(5) A 2/5, but less than 4/5 assignment shall qualify the part-time
teacher for one-half step advancement on the salary schedule. A
4/5 assignment qualifies for a full step on the salary schedule.
(6) Program Support Assignments:
(a) A person on a 4/5 assignment will serve a full program
support assignment.
(b) A 2/5 and 3/5 assignment will serve one-half of the
program support assignment of the full-time teacher.
(c) A 1/5 assignment will not be required to serve a program
support assignment.
(7) All EA staff on part-time leaves are required to participate for
the entirety of all institute days. All other part-time EA
employees are required to participate on a pro rata basis, but are
encouraged to participate fully as well.
(8) Professional expenses shall be allocated on a pro rata basis.
(9) Part-time EA staff will participate in all parent-teacher
conferences/open houses in their entirety.
Each year High School District 214 has a number of teachers who commute
from school to school. The district values the services these teachers offer
as well as their flexibility and adaptability in adjusting to more than one
school to best meet the academic needs of students. When
teachers do commute, the administration in each school affected will work
with those teachers to help them become acclimated to the schools in the
most efficient manner. The administration will make appropriate
accommodations for the commuting teachers, as needed. The following
guidelines are intended to guide the work of administrators and commuter
teachers throughout the school year.
1. Administrative Guidelines
(1) Each principal/director who has a new commuting teacher will
provide an opportunity for the teacher to visit the school and to
meet with the division head once the teacher's assignment has
been formalized. This orientation session should occur as soon
as assignments have been completed.
(2) At the beginning of each school year, principals/directors will
designate the home school for the commuting teacher based on
the number of classes taught in each school.
(3) Commuting teachers will have a preparation period and a duty
free lunch period.
(4) Each school in which the commuting teacher has teaching
responsibilities will provide the teacher with use of a desk and
with space available in a file cabinet.
(5) Professional expense reimbursement shall be allocated by the
home school.
(6) During the August Institute, the principal/director should
introduce the new commuting teacher to the staff, recognizing
the contribution that the commuting teacher makes to the overall
educational program of the building and to the district.
(7) Evening activity supervision for the commuting teacher is to be
assigned by the home school. The assignment will be
coordinated by the Assistant Principal for Student Activities
utilizing the same building process which is in place for all EA
staff members.
(8) Commuting teachers will not have a program support
(9) The division head in the home school will prepare the
commuting teacher's evaluation with input from the division
head in the commuting teacher's other school(s).
(10) To assure ease of entry and exit in the parking lot, schools should
make available parking spaces for commuting teachers.
(11) When the commuting teacher is delayed due to inclement
weather or conflicting schedules, the division head is
responsible for coverage of classes until the commuting
teacher's arrival at school.
2. Commuting Teacher Guidelines
(1) The commuting teacher is required to attend one Teacher Parent
Night of the year in each school in which he/she has teaching
responsibilities. Teacher Parent Night is defined as Open House
or Parent Teacher Conference Night.
(2) The commuting teacher should attend home school division
meetings. In the event of an absence, he/she should meet with
the division head to review meeting agenda items and
(3) The commuting teacher will attend late arrival sessions in the
school where he/she begins the day. He/she will arrange
coverage of classes in the other school with that division head
as needed.
(4) The commuting teacher will have opportunities to attend
building institutes in any of the schools in which he/she has
teaching responsibilities. These arrangements must be worked
out in advance with division heads in each school.
(5) The commuting teacher who attends a Teacher-Parent meeting
at more than one school will be reimbursed for mileage between
schools when those meetings are held on the same night.
3. Reporting Procedures
(1) The commuting teacher will submit an Expense Reimbursement
Form monthly to the home school principal/director for
approval. He/She will be reimbursed for mileage from the first
school to the second school utilizing the mileage rate in Section
3.705 of the Cumulative Agreement. Since the fastest route may
not be the shortest, this mileage may exceed the district's
(2) When it is necessary for the commuting teacher to make more
than one trip between assigned schools in a given day, the
teacher will be reimbursed for these expenses.
4. Qualifications for Additional Pay
A full-time, full-term classroom teaching commuting teacher in his/her
fourth year of commuting for District 214 will receive additional base
pay per year of $1,000. For this item, full-time commuting years need
not be consecutive.
Substitutes shall be provided for teachers excused for staff development
activities and field trips.
Teachers who elect to substitute for another teacher during his/her
preparation time or lunch hour shall be paid an hourly rate based on .0009
of the B.A., Step 1 base salary for the current school year. This rate applies
to teachers employed at least half time for the semester in which the
substitute assignment occurs. Part-time teachers employed less than half
time in the given semester will be paid the standard rate of pay for external
subs. The amount for internal subs will be calculated based on the actual
time worked.
2019 - 2020 $51.21 hr.
District 214 teachers and teaching administrators will be given first
preference for summer school assignments.
1. Teachers shall be paid .00114 of the B.A., Step 1 base salary from the
preceding school year per hour.
Summer 2020 $64.87
2. Summer school assignments shall be voluntary and beyond the 185 day
regular school schedule.
3. Summer Student Services pay shall be .00114 of the B.A., Step 1, base
salary from the preceding school year, per hour, with a maximum of
six hours per day.
Summer 2020 $64.87
Summer workshops shall be voluntary and not involve instruction of
students. Summer workshop participants shall be paid .00067 of the BA,
Step 1, base salary from the preceding school year per hour.
Summer 2020 $38.13
Teachers who are approved by adminstrators to provide credit-recovery
and/or academic intervention instruction during the school year will be paid
an hourly rate based on .0009 of the B.A., Step 1 base salary for the current
school year for instructional time spent with students outside of the
contractual day. This work does not include the creation or development of
new or additional curriculum and is independent of summer workshop
activity or summer school responsibilities.
Credit recovery is defined as a means to access a course to earn lost credit
when the student has failed to meet graduation requirements. A course could
be a repeat of the same course, a portion of the same course, or a different
course that meets the graduation requirement. Credit Recovery will occur
after the official grades for the semester in which the student received either
a grade of I or F have been recorded, but other academic interventions may
be implemented before final grades are issued.
The .0009 pay rate will apply to academic interventions occurring outside
the contractual school day, such as tutoring, that are proactive and
preventative and may be offered to students throughout the course of a
semester, with prior administrative approval, while students are still enrolled
in their courses and prior to students earning grades in their courses.
School year workshops shall be voluntary and not involve instruction of
students. School year workshop participants shall be paid .00067 of the
BA, Step 1, base salary per hour.
2019-2020 $38.13
1. The annual sick leave shall be 14 days per year with the unused days
to be accumulated.
2. Sick leave shall be interpreted to mean personal illness, quarantine at
home, or serious illness or death in the immediate or extended family
or household, or birth, adoption or placement for adoption. Use of sick
leave for quarantine at home or serious illness or death in the immediate
or extended family or household other than spouse, children, qualified
domestic partners, or foster children shall be limited to a maximum of
thirty (30) days per year. Under special circumstances the
superintendent may approve exceptions to this policy.
3. When the schools are officially closed by the Superintendent, no sick,
or personal days previously arranged by a teacher, shall be deducted
for any days that schools are closed.
4. If a teacher is unable to start the school year due to illness, the teacher
will be granted the annual allotted sick days as if the teacher has started
the school year.
1. The Board of Education in cooperation with the District 214 Education
Association will establish a sick leave bank. The sick leave bank will
be subject to the following guidelines:
(1) All EA staff as defined in Section 3.310, item 2, who have
completed one full year of service, will participate in the sick
leave bank. Summer employment shall be excluded from this
plan, but EA staff employed beyond the end of the school term
as a continuation of their school term employment shall continue
to participate in the plan during such extended employment.
(2) The Board of Representatives of the District 214 Education
Association, in consultation with the Superintendent, will act as
an Advisory Board in all matters that concern the policies and
the administration of the sick leave bank.
(3) The Board of Education will place 1,000 days in the bank at the
beginning of the 1971-72 school year and then add an additional
1,000 days per year until a maximum of 3,000 days is
established. Each year thereafter the Board of Education will
add the lesser of 1,000 days or a sufficient number of days to
bring the reserve to the previous 3,000.
(4) No one will be able to withdraw days from the bank until after
his/her own accrued sick leave days have been depleted, he/she
has presented a doctor's written verification of his/her condition,
and the request has been approved by the Board of
Representatives of the Association and the Board of Education
or its designee.
(5) Each EA member will be eligible for a maximum of two times
the amount of his/her accumulated sick leave from the sick leave
bank at the beginning of each school year. The EA member's
entitlement in the bank shall not be reduced unless actually used.
However, in no case shall the accumulated days in the sick leave
bank exceed 240.
(6) If a prolonged illness or hospitalization for any EA member
continues from one school year to another, the EA member will
be entitled to no more and no less than the total number of days
accrued from the accumulated sick leave and the sick leave bank
as calculated at the beginning of the illness when disability was
first caused.
(7) The intent of this plan is to provide extended sick leave to those
EA staff members who themselves incur a period of prolonged
illness or hospitalization.
2. Under special circumstances the Superintendent may approve
exceptions to this policy for family members (as defined by School
The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) was enacted in 1993 to help
employees balance the demands of work requirements and family
obligations, and to care for their own and their families’ medical problems
without risking their jobs. The District adheres to the FMLA rules and
regulations, and questions about FMLA should be directed to the HR
In the situation where an eligible employee takes Family and Medical Leave
due to the birth and care of a newborn, the employee’s recovery period from
childbirth would be Family and Medical Leave time that is paid, assuming
the employee has accrued paid benefits. The standard recovery period for a
vaginal birth is 6 weeks and the standard recovery period for a cesarean
section is 8 weeks. The remaining weeks of the Family and Medical Leave
are unpaid bonding time. Recovery from childbirth does include weekends,
holidays, and breaks (i.e. winter vacation), as recovery is a continuous
1. Each teacher is entitled to up to four (4) personal leave days per year.
Request for use of personal leave shall be submitted in writing to the
Principal/Director. Written notification shall be submitted prior to the
leave unless circumstances necessitate a verbal request to the Building
Principal/Director. These days will not accumulate; however, any
unused personal days at the end of a school year will be added to the
individual teacher's accumulated sick leave. Personal leave may not be
used on the first or last days of each semester or on the days
immediately preceding or following holidays, and non-attendance days
designated in the school calendar. Deductions will be made from the
individual teacher's salary for such absences. Under special
circumstances, when the event cannot be scheduled at any other time,
the Principal/Director may approve exceptions to these limitations.
2. Personal leave days shall not be used for employment for which
remuneration is received. Any stipend received by an individual
teacher while on personal leave shall be surrendered to the Board. If
the remuneration is greater than the teacher's daily salary, the
individual teacher shall have the option of retaining the stipend and
taking a salary deduct for the day.
1. Eligibility Requirements
To be eligible, staff must meet the following requirements:
(1) Be eligible to retire under the provisions of the Teachers'
Retirement System of the State of Illinois within six months of
date of retirement;
(2) Have completed at least 5 years of full-time employment (.8 or
greater employment in any given year is equivalent to full-time)
in District 214;
(3) Retire on the last day of the employee's contract year in May or
June of the Board approved school year, only if Section 3.840,
item 3, entitled Procedure, sub-item (2) is followed.
2. Provisions
Under the agreement, the Board of Education will provide the
(1) A retirement incentive pool will be established for the teacher.
The total retirement incentive pool shall equal the dollar
amount calculated by subtracting A from B, where A and B have
the following values:
A equals the teacher’s base salary in the year before the letter of
intent to retire is approved by the Board, multiplied by the
number of school years the teacher participates in the Voluntary
Retirement Program.
B equals the teacher’s base salary in the year before the letter of
intent to retire is approved by the Board, but increased by 3%
for each school year the teacher participates in the Voluntary
Retirement Program.
When the teacher submits his/her intent to retire he/she is taken
off of the salary schedule and the retirement incentive pool shall
become due and payable to the teacher as provided below.
Employees must declare their intent to retire five years in
advance by April 1 of the fifth year before retirement. Using
the teacher’s current salary and longevity, if applicable, the
teacher will receive a bonus of $500 for each year in District
214 added to his/her TRS creditable earnings in the same
year. This retirement incentive will be paid by June 15 in the
same year. As a voluntary retirement benefit for qualifying
teachers, the Board agrees to increase the teacher’s TRS
creditable earnings on salary, longevity and retirement
bonus, by three percent (3%) over the preceding year
meaning the fifth year prior to retirement. This adjusted
amount, paid in the fourth year prior to retirement, constitutes
the new “base salary” for those in the retirement pipeline and
excludes stipends, workshop pay, substitute pay, etc. The
teacher will then receive 3% raises each year on top of the
previous year’s “base salary” for his/her three (3) final years of
employment, in lieu of any other raise, step, or other creditable-
earnings increase to which the teacher may otherwise have been
entitled. If a teacher declares for retirement less than five years
before the intended retirement date, he/she will be eligible for a
3% increase for each year preceding the retirement date, but
will not be eligible for the “retirement bonus” that teachers will
receive if they declare five years in advance. All requests must
be received by the Human Resources office before April 1 of
the current year. Once the request is received and the
Board approves the request, the teacher will have an increase in
his/her base salary of 3% for each of the years remaining in
his/her career, not to exceed 4 years.
Under no circumstances may a teacher participating in this
program receive a creditable earnings increase which exceeds
the TRS maximum-salary-increase threshold.
If a teacher performs any new or different activities that would
cause the teacher to incur an earnings increase in excess of the
TRS maximum-salary-increase threshold, the teacher shall
have the choice of not performing the activity or accepting a
reduced retirement incentive that would not cause his/her
earnings to exceed the TRS maximum-salary-increase
threshold. If a teacher ceases to perform prior activities, the
earnings for the year will be adjusted to account for the
reduction in work.
The difference between the base salary the teacher received in
the year before his/her letter of intent to retire was approved by
the Board, and the modified base salary that the teacher actually
receives shall be deducted from his/her retirement incentive
pool each year. If any amount remains in the retirement
incentive pool which has not been paid at the time of retirement,
the remainder shall be due and payable to the teacher as a lump
sum retirement incentive within 45 days after the teacher’s final
paycheck for regular earnings and after the teacher’s retirement
from TRS.
(2) EA members who retire after June 30, 2012, are responsible for
100% of the annuitant’s premium for the TRS Health and
Prescription Drug Insurance Plan.
(3) EA members who retire after June 30, 2012, are responsible for
100% of the annuitant’s Medicare Supplement monthly
premium for the TRS Health and Prescription Drug Insurance
(4) By April 1, five (5) years prior to the retirement date, an
employee shall be eligible for additional sick days that the
district shall grant to the employee. The maximum number of
additional days shall be granted within the extent of the
provisions of the Teacher Retirement System of the State of
Illinois or as revised by the State Legislature. In order to be
eligible for the granting of sick days, the employee must have
accumulated at the time of the request, 70 days of sick leave, or
at the time of the request, experienced a serious, life threatening
or terminal illness within the previous six (6) years that required
the teacher to apply and qualify for FMLA and be absent from
work for a prolonged period of time. If the employee meets the
eligibility requirements for the granting of sick days, one of the
following options shall apply.
a. If an employee gives the district notice by declaring her/his
intent to retire by April 1, five years prior to his/her retirement
date, the member, upon his/her request, will be granted a
maximum amount of 270 days that would bring her/his total
accumulated sick leave to 340 days. Those days will be
deposited into his/her account no more than 10 school days after
Board approval of the retirement request. If the employee’s
accumulated sick leave is below 70 days at the time of the
request because of a prolonged absence that meets the exception
defined above, the employee is eligible for the amount of days
that would bring his/her total to 340 days.
b. If an employee does not give the district his/her intent to retire
by April 1, five years prior to his/her retirement date, but does
give notice no later than April 1 two years prior to his/her
retirement date, the member, upon his/her request, will be
granted within the extent of the provisions of the Teacher
Retirement System of the State of Illinois a maximum amount
of 270 days that would bring his/her total accumulated sick
leave to 340 days. Those days will be deposited into his/her
account no more than 10 school days after Board approval of the
retirement request.
(5) Eligibility total from the Sick Bank will be determined by the
accumulated number of sick days a member had before
additional sick days were granted following her/his declaration
of intent to retire.
(6) A teacher who as of October 1, 2011, is eligible for retirement
but has not yet submitted a letter of intent will, upon submission
of intent to retire will, upon his/her request, receive the
maximum number of additional days allowed within the extent
of the provisions of the Teacher Retirement System of the State
of Illinois and will be responsible for 90% of the employee
TRS/ERO penalties. Those days will be deposited into his/her
account no more than 10 school days after Board approval of the
retirement request.
3. Procedure
Eligible staff who intend to participate in the Voluntary Retirement Program
must provide the following:
(1) Submit written notification of intent to retire under the
provisions of this program to the Associate Superintendent for
Human Resources by February 1 of the year of retirement to be
eligible for Section 3.840, item 2, entitled Provisions, sub-items
#2, #3; or
(2) Submit written notification of intent to retire under the
provisions of this program to the Associate Superintendent for
Human Resources by April 1 one school year prior to the year
of retirement to be eligible for Section 3.840, item 2, entitled
Provisions, sub-items #1 (only paragraphs 2 & 3), #2, #3, and
#4; or
(3) Submit written notification of intent to retire under the
provisions of this program to the Associate Superintendent of
Human Resources by April 1 two school years prior to the year
of retirement to be eligible for Section 3.840, item 2, entitled
Provisions, sub-items #1 (only paragraphs 2 and 3), #2, #3, and
#4; or
(4) Submit written notification of intent to retire under the
provisions of this program to the Associate Superintendent of
Human Resources by April 1 three school years prior to the year
of retirement to be eligible for Section 3.840, item 2, entitled
Provisions, sub-items #1 (only paragraphs 2 and 3), #2, #3, and
#4; or
(5) Submit written notification of intent to retire under the
provisions of this program to the Associate Superintendent of
Human Resources by April 1 four school years prior to the
school year of retirement to be eligible for Section 3.840, item
2, entitled Provisions, sub-items #1, #2, #3, and #4 (sub-item
a or b, whichever applies).
4. Severe Medical Exception to Voluntary Retirement Program
A staff member may request to have his/her retirement request
withdrawn if a severe medical condition results in the loss of
accumulated sick leave below 340 days at a time when those days would
not be recoverable. Requests must be submitted to the Superintendent
and subsequently approved by both the Superintendent and Board.
Severe medical condition is defined as a serious, life threatening or
terminal illness of the teacher that requires the teacher to apply and
qualify for FMLA and be absent from work for a prolonged period of
Should this situation occur, the employee’s retirement and salary
incentive shall not exceed the TRS/ERO cap limit, and there will be no
redundancy in the retirement incentive.
1. The details of the insurance program are available online, and the terms
cannot be changed except through negotiations or a memo of
understanding or in accordance with item 7 below.
2. Employee Medical/Dental Coverage
EA staff who elect employee medical/dental coverage will pay a
premium and deductible. (See chart)
3. Three health insurance options will be offered to EA staff:
1. a High Deductible Health Plan with a Health Savings Account
contribution (HDHP w/HSA);
2. a PPO with increasing deductibles and premiums over time;
3 an HMO
The details of all three plans are delineated on the following chart
(note: this chart respresents terms effective July 1, 2019, and are subject
to modification that may be necessary to maintain compliance with IRS
code or as a result of the process detailed in item 7 below):
Single /
% of Premium
Single /
% of Premium
Non Preferred Generics
Preferred Formulary
Non Preferred Formulary
4. Medical/Dental Program
A committee representing all employees covered by the
Medical/Dental Program, the administration, and Board of Education
will confer to develop recommendations for coverage, cost
containment, and premium changes. Such recommendations will
require approval by the Education Association and the Board of
5. Section 125 Plan
A Section 125 Plan is offered and includes four options. The first
involves pre-tax payment of dependent medical/dental premiums. The
second involves pre-tax payment of medical/dental expenses which are
not reimbursed by insurance. The third involves pre-tax payment of
dependent care expenses. The fourth involves the cost of over-the
counter drugs, supplies, and dietary supplements used to treat an
illness, injury, or condition. Participation in each option will be
voluntary. The terms and conditions for participation will be specified
in a plan document which will be prepared by the Board to comply with
provisions of the Internal Revenue Code.
6. Domestic Partner Insurance
Beginning July 1, 2010, qualified domestic partners of Education
Association members shall be entitled to the same benefits as are
available throughout this agreement to spouses. If the qualified
domestic partnership ends and the non-employee qualified domestic
partner has been receiving such benefits, the employee must send
written notification of termination to the District’s benefits office
within (30) calendar days of the end of the qualified domestic
partnership, with a copy of that notification to the former non-
employee qualified domestic partner.
In order for an employee to enroll a domestic partner in the district’s
Qualified Domestic Partnership coverage, the employee must be
eligible for and participating in the district’s insurance program. In
addition, the Education Association member must complete and file
with the Associate Superintendent for Human Resources an affidavit
of a qualified domestic partnership in which all of the following criteria
are met:
(1) They are each other’s sole qualified domestic partner,
responsible for each other’s common welfare;
(2) Neither party is legally married to another individual or legally
(3) The partners are not parent, child, sibling, grandparent, or
another blood relative that would bar marriage under the laws of
the State of Illinois;
(4) Each partner is of the same sex and resides at the same residence
continuously for at least the past 12 months;
(5) They are not legally allowed to marry under the current laws of
the State of Illinois, but, in the event of a change in the law, will
marry or establish a legally recognized qualified domestic
partnership if it were available to them under the laws of the
State of Illinois.
(6) They are both at least eighteen (18) years of age and legally
(7) Two of the following four conditions exist for the partners:
a. The partners have common or joint ownership of a
b. The partners have a lease for a residence identifying
both qualified domestic partners as tenants;
c. The partners have at least two (2) of the following:
Joint ownership of a motor vehicle
A joint credit account
A joint checking account
d. The Education Association member declares that the
qualified domestic partner is identified as a primary
beneficiary in the bargaining unit member’s will.
(8) The employee qualified domestic partner must attach to the
affidavit of qualified domestic partnership copies of
documentation proving the existence of these two conditions.
(9) The Board will determine eligibility for coverage based on
whether the employee and his or her domestic partner meet these
The District 214 Insurance Committee, representing the Board of
Education, the administration, and all employees covered by the
medical/dental program, will meet monthly during the school year or as
determined by the committee, to confer and review recommendations
and changes to the program regarding coverage and cost-containment
strategies. If program costs increase by more than 3% in any given
year, it will trigger a review of the situation by the Insurance
Committee, which will consider if money is available in the budget
elsewhere (relative to the Education Fund Balance target) to offset the
overage in a given year. If the overage cannot be offset, and the
Insurance Committee deems it necessary to take action, the Insurance
Committee will implement measures to contain costs within the 3%
The Board reserves the right to make changes, if necessary, to any of the
insurance carrier
insurance broker
plan benefits
procedures for premiums
benefit costs and utilization rates
potential savings.
The Insurance Committee may elect, through the process described herein,
to make changes to the following:
cost sharing of premiums
medical co-pays
out of pocket maximums
co-insurance rates
prescription co-pays
other aspects of the plan as recommended.
The Education Association will be represented by two members on this
committee (each of the other employee groups, along with the
administration, and the Board, will have one voting member), and the EA
representatives will have the authority to vote on behalf of the Association
on any proposed changes to the health insurance plans. After proposed
changes are presented and discussed at a meeting, there will be a minimum
two-week interval (to allow for communication and consideration of the
proposed change(s) by the respective governing boards of the employee
associations, followed by a second meeting at which the seven voting
representatives on the Insurance Committee would approve or reject the
change(s). Five votes of approval (5/7) will constitute a passing vote.
Making changes to the health insurance plans in this manner will not
constitute “opening up the contract,” as the process for modifying the
medical/dental program is hereby allowed “by contract,” if the terms set
forth in this section are met.
The preceding document is endorsed as representing the official and total agreement
between the District 214 Education Association and the Board of Education. It has
been developed through direct negotiations by representatives of the Association and
a Board/Administrative team.
Ratified by a vote of the Education Association membership on May 24, 2019, and
by a vote of the Board of Education on June 13, 2019.
It was the intention of the Teacher Work Day Task Force (1994-1995) to translate
the extent of teacher responsibilities from the existing daily basis to a weekly basis.
In so doing, it was not the intention of the Task Force to reduce the time or
responsibilities for which teachers were accountable at the time the Agreement was
revised (May, 1995). Therefore, the Association will not regard a school to be in
violation of the Agreement if the time to which teachers are committed to the
supervision of students includes an additional 5 minutes per day for morning
announcements beyond the 1,500 minutes per week specified in section 3.524.
Absence from building ........................................................................................... 25
Activity period ........................................................................................................ 21
Adaptive Physical Education teacher, work week .................................................. 20
Advancement on salary schedule ............................................................................ 25-26
Agreement - see Cumulative Agreement
Aim of public school .............................................................................................. 2
Appropriation of Professional Development funds ................................................. 32-35
responsibilities, limitations, rights .............................................................. 3-5
Athletic trainer......................................................................................................... 39
Attendance dates .................................................................................................... 15-16
Board of Education ................................................................................................. 2-8
Board Policy Manual .............................................................................................. 13
Calendar, school ..................................................................................................... 13-15
Class size ................................................................................................................ 16-18
Clubs, non-paid supervisors of ............................................................................... 43
Co-curricular hiring ................................................................................................. 36-38
external candidates .................................................................................. 36
internal candidates ................................................................................... 36
retirement ................................................................................................ 36
Co-curricular increment schedule ............................................................................ 37-40
Commuter teachers ................................................................................................. 47-49
Content Areas ......................................................................................................... 32-34
summer ....................................................................................................... 50
work week .................................................................................................. 20
Credit Recovery/Academic Intervention ................................................................. 50-51
Cumulative Agreement
deletion of causes in .............................................................................. 5
duration of .................................................................................................. 8
endorsement of ........................................................................................... 63
extension of ................................................................................................. 4
publication of .............................................................................................. 8-9
Dismissal (EA staff), notification of ....................................................................... 24
Dues, Association ................................................................................................... 35
Duty free time ........................................................................................................ 20
Education Association - see Association
Evaluations ....................................................................................................... 23-24
Evening, weekend activities ................................................................................... 21
Experience credit allowance ................................................................................... 31
Extra administrative and instructional assignments ................................................ 41-42
Family and Medical Leave ...................................................................................... 53
Flex time ............................................................................................................. 21
Grievance procedure ...................................................................................................... 9-13
Head librarian ................................................................................................................... 41
Illinois Teachers' Retirement System .......................................................................... 28-29
Increment, extra administrative and instructional related assignments ......................... 42-43
Increment schedule(s) ....................................................................................................... 38
Insurance program ........................................................................................................ 58-62
domestic qualified partners .................................................................................... 60
employee coverage table ....................................................................................... 59
family coverage table ............................................................................................ 59
premiums ............................................................................................................... 59
Job Share .................................................................................................................. 44-46
approved ............................................................................................................... 24
creditable service ................................................................................................... 24
family and medical ................................................................................................ 53
personal ................................................................................................................ 53
sick ....................................................................................................................... 51
Leaving the building, procedure for ................................................................................. 25
Librarian(s) - see also Head librarian
weeks extra ........................................................................................................... 41
work week ............................................................................................................ 20
Limited Renegotiations ....................................................................................................... 1
Load, teacher ................................................................................................................ 16-21
Longevity ....................................................................................................................... 31
Master’s Degree – content area ......................................................................................... 32
Master's Degree program, extended ................................................................................. 35
Maximum Teaching Load, WHS .................................................................................. 22-23
Medical leave - see Sick leave
Memoranda of Understanding ..............................................................................................
Teacher Work Week
Mileage Reimbursement rate ............................................................................................. 42
National Board Certification ............................................................................................. 33
Negotiations, limited ........................................................................................................... 1
procedure for ...................................................................................................... 5-8
Non-tenured teachers
and RIF ........................................................................................................... 24
evaluation of .................................................................................................... 23-24
probationary program ....................................................................................... 15-16
Nurse(s) - work week ....................................................................................................... 20
Paid supervisory assignments ...................................................................................... 42-44
Part-time teachers ........................................................................................................ 46-47
Parent-teacher conferences ........................................................................................... 43-44
Performance rating (State required).............................................................................. 23-24
Personal leave ................................................................................................................... 53
Personnel file ............................................................................................................... 24-25
Practical architectural construction teacher(s) .................................................................. 40
Preparation period see Professional discretion time
President & Vice President, Education Association ......................................................... 23
Probationary teachers - see Non-tenured teachers
Professional discretion time ........................................................................................ 19-20
Professional Development Fund ................................................................................... 32-35
administration of funds ..................................................................................... 34-35
committee ......................................................................................................... 34-35
distribution of funds ......................................................................................... 33-35
Professional Learning Community (PLC) ......................................................................... 42
Psychologist(s) - work week ............................................................................................ 20
Reduction in force (RIF) .................................................................................................. 24
Remediation ................................................................................................................ 27-28
Renegotiations, limited ........................................................................................................ 1
Representative election ........................................................................................................ 8
Resource teacher(s), increment for ................................................................................... 41
Retirement contribution .................................................................................................... 28
Retirement-severe medical exception ................................................................................ 58
Retirement, voluntary .................................................................................................. 54-58
Rolling Meadows High School variance ........................................................................... 22
chart .................................................................................................................... 30
deductions on ...................................................................................................... 35
payment of .......................................................................................................... 35
summer school .................................................................................................... 50
Salary schedule
2019-2020 ............................................................................................................ 30
advancement on ............................................................................................. 25-28
part-time teachers ........................................................................................... 46-47
Salary schedule(s) ....................................................................................................... 25-31
extra administrative and instructional related ................................................. 41-42
co-curricular ........................................................................................................ 38
supervisory assignments ................................................................................. 42-43
School calendar ........................................................................................................... 13-15
School safety ..................................................................................................................... 15
Section 125 plan ............................................................................................................... 59
Seniority ........................................................................................................................ 24
Sick days - additional ........................................................................................................ 56
Sick leave ........................................................................................................................ 51
Sick leave bank............................................................................................................. 51-52
Signing out of building ..................................................................................................... 25
Sixth assignment - see Student/Program support
Social worker(s) - work week ........................................................................................... 20
Speech therapist(s) - work week ....................................................................................... 20
State required performance rating ............................................................................... 23-24
Strike clause ....................................................................................................................... 4
Student services - see Counselor(s)
Student services, summer pay ........................................................................................... 50
Student/Program support .................................................................................................. 22
Substitute pay ................................................................................................................... 49
Summer school ................................................................................................................. 50
Summer school pay ........................................................................................................... 50
Summer workshop pay ..................................................................................................... 50
Supervisory period - see Student/Program support
Supervisory assignments
non-paid (voluntary) ...................................................................................... 43-44
paid ................................................................................................................ 42-43
Teacher-parent night .................................................................................................... 43-44
commuting ..................................................................................................... 47-49
evaluation of ................................................................................................... 23-24
load ................................................................................................................ 16-18
part-time ......................................................................................................... 46-47
preparations .................................................................................................... 20-21
recall of ............................................................................................................... 24
reduction of ......................................................................................................... 24
resource ........................................................................................................... 41-42
student/program support ...................................................................................... 22
work week ...................................................................................................... 19-23
work year ...................................................................................................... 15-16
Tuition reimbursement ................................................................................................ 31-32
Variance .................................................................................................................. 20-23
teaching load Wheeling High School ................................................................ 22
work week Rolling Meadows High School ....................................................... 22
work week Wheeling High School .................................................................... 22
Voluntary retirement program ..................................................................................... 54-58
severe medical exception ..................................................................................... 58
Weekend, evening activities .............................................................................................. 21
Work week .................................................................................................................. 19-23
variance Rolling Meadows High School ........................................................... 22
Work year .................................................................................................................. 15-16
Workshop (school year) pay ............................................................................................. 51
Workshop (summer) pay .................................................................................................. 50
Young adult teachers ........................................................................................................ 41