euRobotics aisbl
euRobotics 80, Bd. A. Reyers B-1030 Brussels tel: +32 2 706 81 98 mail: web:
European Robotics Forum 202X
THIS EVENT MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT is made on XX XX 202X hereinafter referred to
as “EMAD” as an acronym for Event Management Agreement Date.
(1) euRobotics aisbl, hereinafter referred to as the “Principal”, of BluePoint Brussels,
Boulevard A. Reyers 80, 1030 Brussels, Belgium, and
(2) XXX hereafter referred as the “Local Organizer”, ADDRESS
hereinafter individually or collectively also referred to as “Party” or “Parties”,
- The Principal is an organization that annually initiates the organization of the so
called European Robotic Forum together with a local organizer chosen by the
- The Local Organizer was chosen as local organizer for the year XXXX;
Have agreed as follows:
Clause 1. Services
1.1. euRobotics aisbl serves as the Principal of the organization of the conference
European Robotics Forum 202X, hereinafter referred to as “ERF”, ERF202Xor
the “Event”, to be held DATE, LOCATION.
1.2. The Principal engages the Local Organizer, and the Local Organizer agrees to
provide in cooperation with the Principal the services for organizing ERF202X,
set out in Clause 2 and ANNEX 2, and on the terms and conditions set out in this
Clause 2. Services
2.1 The Local Organizer is responsible for the total and complete local organization
necessary to bring about the European Robotics Forum
2.2. In providing the Services to the Principal, the Local Organizer:
2.1.1. shall exercise reasonable skill, care and diligence and shall apply the highest
professional standards;
2.1.2. shall do nothing which is likely to bring the Principal into disrepute or which
is materially contrary to the interests of the Principal;
2.1.3. may apply his own method of work and shall comply with the reasonable
requests of the Principal’s Representative or the Principal’s Contact named in
ANNEX 1 as to the effective performance of the Services;
2.1.4. shall correct any errors of his own doing at the Local Organiser’s own
expense, unless otherwise agreed;
2.3. The Local Organizer shall cooperate with the appropriate staff of the Principal’s
Contact to establish action item deadlines to meet key milestones as summarized
in ANNEX 5 Timeline; it schedules conference calls and physical meetings in
consultation with the Principal on a period basis.
2.4. All euRobotics and ERF-branded, end-user facing, materials (including, but not
limited to, websites, logo’s print collateral, and promotional items) must adhere
to the guidelines established by the Principal. These guidelines are to be sent by
email to the Local Organizer and are made available for download. The Local
euRobotics aisbl
euRobotics 80, Bd. A. Reyers B-1030 Brussels tel: +32 2 706 81 98 mail: web:
Organizer may use all such materials, and may also design a logo for the specific
edition of the ERF;
2.5 The Local Organizer is responsible for (thematic) completion of the ERF’s
program alongside the contents of the workshop program which is taken care of
by the Program Committee (See ANNEX 2, 3.1). Indicative Structure of the
program should be proposed by the Local Organiser to the Principal who needs
to react within a maximum of two weeks from the sending of the proposal by
approval of the ExT of euRobotics. No response will automatically be considered
as approval of the proposal.
2.6 The Local Organizer provides a number of free admission tickets to the Principal
at a value of 25.000,- in total, in exchange to the right to organize the Event. The
price per ticket shall be estimated locally and will be dependent on parameters
such as location of the conference. Thus the total number of tickets made
available to the Principal cannot be established in advance. If the Principal needs
more tickets to distribute to its members, it will pay a price to the Local Organizer
agreed upon between the Parties;
2.7 The Local Organizer shall enter into adequate insurance policies for the ERF as
far as possible and desirable and funded by the ERF budget. At least a third party
liability insurance shall be arranged for the Event;
2.8 The Local Organizer is the main responsible party for all finances, including all
revenues and costs, of the Event
2.9 The Local Organizer shall be enabled to make use of documentation of prior
editions of ERF, to be provided by the Principal and the previous Local Organizer.
2.10 An extensive list of tasks, roles, and responsibilities between Principal and Local
Organizer is added in ANNEX 2.
Clause 3. Term
3. This Agreement shall be deemed to commence on the date of signature and shall
continue ultimately until 31 December of the year of the planned event, being the
end of the financial year, or as long as necessary until all financial obligations of
organizing ERF under national and international regulations are fulfilled.
Clause 4. Remuneration, Expenses and Consultation
4. Both Principal and Local Organizer shall act in accordance with the financial
arrangements set out in ANNEX 3 Finances and the Budget in ANNEX 4.
4.1. The Local Organizer shall put in best effort to secure the best possible rates for
all products and services described in this Agreement to minimize overall costs.
The Local Organizer is responsible for adhering to the limits of the budget when
executing its responsibilities under this Agreement.
4.2. Both the Principal and Local Organizer shall cover all expenses of their own
personnel (corresponding to their respective efforts as laid in ANNEX 2) in full.
The Local Organizer has the option to fund all personnel expenses through the
Event budget after approval by euRobotics ExT, which will need to take place in
no longer than 2 weeks from a written request of confirmation. No reaction within
two weeks from the date of approval requesting will be considered approval.
4.3. The Parties shall be wholly and each separately responsible for all taxes excluding
euRobotics aisbl
euRobotics 80, Bd. A. Reyers B-1030 Brussels tel: +32 2 706 81 98 mail: web:
V.A.T., hereinafter referred to as “Taxes”, which may be payable out of or because
of the receipt of any fees or other monies paid or payable by the Local Organizer
under this Agreement. If not recoverable, such taxes shall be considered costs of
the organization of the event,
4.4. Unless agreed otherwise with the Principal the Local Organizer agrees to use and
pay from the Event budget the following suppliers:
(a) The euRobotics event app CrowdCompass by Cvent, to be integrated with
AIM International (eventsair) software;
(b) The graphic design, video and photography services of Corina Radu (official
supplier of euRobotics);
(c) The financial controller, Ecovis, through its branch office, to check and
produce the final set of accounts of the Event,
(d) Steve Doswell, communication consultant, for interviews, MC services, charity
run and other communication services that might be required.
4.5 Parties agree that they equally bear the risks and consequences of not, not
timely or not adequately performance or delivery of any third party needed for
the organization of the Event up to the amount as specified in ANNEX 3 (C).
4.6 The Local Organiser and the Principal consult each other weekly on the
progress of the organization of the event.
Clause 5. Intellectual Property
Any intellectual property rights (including without limitation copyright and design
rights) conferred in materials created by the Local Organizer while performing the
Services, or exclusively for performing the Services, shall vest in the Local Organizer
upon creation. Where, in connection with the provision of the Services, the Local
Organizer uses any materials in which the copyright is owned by the Local Organizer,
the Local Organizer shall grant to the Principal a perpetual, non-exclusive, royalty-
free license to use, have used, maintain and support such materials within the
framework of any next ERF. This provision shall survive any termination of this
The Local Organizer will use all reasonable endeavors to obtain all necessary licenses
and permits to use third party materials which he wishes to use or make available in
the course of performing the Services and the Local Organizer shall use all
reasonable endeavors to procure that any licenses for third party materials are
perpetual and contain terms that will allow the Principal on termination of this
Agreement to continue to use, maintain and support such third party materials on a
royalty-free basis.
Clause 6. Confidentiality
6.1 Except in so far as such matters are properly in, or come into, the public domain,
the Parties agree to keep secret and confidential any classified information they
receive from each other within the scope of this Agreement, hereinafter referred
to as Confidential Information”. Confidential information required to be held in
confidence hereunder, may include, by way of example, but without limitation,
data, know-how, models, reports, studies, photographs, findings, ideas, business
plans, marketing information, customer lists, pricing information, and software.
Information required to be held in confidence hereunder will be provided in
documentary or tangible form, clearly marked “Confidential”, “Proprietary”, or
with words of similar import and will be exchanged between both Parties either
in writing or via e-mail with confirmation of receipt by the receiving Party,
hereinafter referred to as Receiving Party”. Any information disclosed
electronically, orally or visually shall be confirmed as confidential in writing or via
e-mail to the Receiving Party within thirty (30) days from the date of disclosure
referencing the fact and nature of the Confidential Information disclosed. Any
Receiving Party has a continuing obligation to maintain the confidentiality of a
disclosing Party’s disclosed Confidential Information for a period of five (5) years
euRobotics aisbl
euRobotics 80, Bd. A. Reyers B-1030 Brussels tel: +32 2 706 81 98 mail: web:
upon the expiration date of this Agreement, a disclosing Party, hereinafter
referred to as Disclosing Party”. A Receiving Party’s obligations hereunder will
not apply, or shall cease to apply, to that Confidential Information which such
Receiving Party can establish:
a) was rightfully known to the Receiving Party, as evidenced in writing, prior to
disclosure hereunder to Receiving Party;
b) was known to the public, or generally available to the public, prior to
disclosure hereunder to the Receiving Party;
c) becomes known to the public, or generally available to the public, other than
by act of the Receiving Party, subsequent to disclosure hereunder to
Receiving Party;
d) is received by Receiving Party without an obligation to hold the same in
confidence from a third party who has a bona fide right to disclose or make
available the same to the Receiving Party;
e) is independently developed by employees of Receiving Party who at the time
of such independent development had no access to the Confidential
Information disclosed hereunder; or
f) is disclosed by the Receiving Party pursuant to judicial action or
governmental regulation or requirement, provided that the Receiving Party
shall notify the Disclosing Party of any order or request to disclose
information to allow the Disclosing Party reasonable time to contest such
disclosure and/or obtain a protective order or other similar protection.
6.2. With respect to the Confidential Information disclosed, a Disclosing Party
provides information “as is” and makes no representation or warranty, express or
implied, to the Receiving Party as to its condition, satisfactory quality, design,
operation or fitness for a particular purpose or use. The Disclosing Party further
warrants that it has the right to disclose the Confidential Information to the
Receiving Party and therefore has granted the Receiving Party lawful access to
the Confidential Information for the limited purposes so stated.
6.3. Additionally, each Party shall in particular:
a. protect and keep strictly confidential any part of/or the whole of any
Confidential Information and shall treat and use the Confidential Information
with the same degree of care as it applies to its own proprietary information,
but in no case with less than reasonable care;
b. protect any part of/or the whole of the Confidential Information from
disclosure to anyone other than its employees, agents and/or affiliates who
have a need to know and inform them of the confidentiality attached to such
Information. In case of disclosing Confidential Information to agents and/or
affiliates, the Receiving Party will need written authorization from the
Disclosing Party and commits to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement with the
said agents and/or affiliates containing the same confidential obligations set
in this Agreement.
c. not disclose to third parties the Confidential Information without the prior
written consent of the Disclosing Party.
d. not copy, nor reproduce totally or partially, unless extremely necessary for
the purpose so stated, the Confidential Information without the prior written
consent of the Disclosing Party.
6.3. Use of the Confidential Information by the Receiving Party shall be strictly limited
to the purpose of this Agreement.
6.4. The Receiving Party shall upon written demand by the Disclosing Party, and in
any case, at the date of termination of this Agreement, return all Information,
except one copy for archival purposes, (including the financial data) in its
possession in whatever form it may be or destroy or procure the destruction of
any copies or reproductions of any materials and things embodying Information
and of any notes, analyses and work product derived from or containing any
Confidential Information including the destruction or erasure thereof from any
memory device or medium.
euRobotics aisbl
euRobotics 80, Bd. A. Reyers B-1030 Brussels tel: +32 2 706 81 98 mail: web:
Clause 7. Relationship between the parties
7.1 At no time shall a Party represent himself or hold himself out as an agent of the
other Party.
7.2 A Party is not entitled to the benefit of any employment contract rights granted
to employees of the other Party.
7.3 Save as expressly specified in writing, a Party shall not hold himself out as an
agent of the other Party and shall not have any authority to act on behalf of the
other Party, to conclude any contracts or incur any obligation or liability on behalf
of or binding upon the other Party, or to sign any document on the other Party’s
7.4 The Principal shall at all times be entitled to have the bookkeeping on the
organisation of the Event checked within work hours by an independent certified
auditor and at its own expense. The Local Organizer will address questions of the
auditor concerned with a cooperative attitude.
7.5 Except as otherwise stated in this Agreement, neither Party shall be liable for
indirect, incidental or consequential damages whether such damages are alleged
as a result of tortuous conduct or breach of contract or otherwise, even if the
other Party has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Such excluded
damages shall include but shall not be limited to cost of removal and reinstallation
of goods, loss of goodwill, loss of profits, loss of use or loss of data, interruption
of business or other economic loss.
Clause 8. Assignment of interest
The Local Organizer may not sub-contract, assign, transfer or mortgage this
Agreement or any of its rights, duties or obligations under this Agreement without
prior written consent from the Principal.
Clause 9. Termination
9.1. A Party may terminate this Agreement by giving the other Party at least 7 days'
prior written notice without establishing any breach of contract. The terminating
Party, hereinafter referred to as “Terminating Party”, shall pay the other Party all
non-cancellable payments which relate to work properly and necessarily carried
out and properly documented with invoices up until expiry of the notice.
9.2. On the expiry or termination of this Agreement (however arising), the Local
Organizer shall, subject to the provisions of Section 9.4 hereof, deliver up to the
Principal all documents (including financial status), formulae, papers, drawings,
software, data, specifications, reports, notes, programs, portfolios, equipment,
materials of any sort, which were furnished by the Principal to the Local Organizer,
or which were prepared by or on behalf of the Local Organizer for the Principal in
the course of providing Services under this Agreement.
9.3 Prior to the last date of October of the year previous to the Event Parties taking
into account the current Corona pandemic or possible other circumstances, which
might jeopardize a successful organization of ERF202X, shall consult each other
and decide whether to terminate this Agreement or not (go-no-go). If Parties
decide not to terminate this Agreement, Parties shall be equally liable for any
negative financial consequences of manifested risks within the scope of this
Agreement, that cannot be attributed to a Party due to its negligence or other
breach of this Agreement, subject to the provisions of ANNEX 3 (C). If Parties fail
to decide in good consultation to continue this Agreement ultimately 30 October
of the year previous to the Event, this Agreement shall automatically terminate
on such date without detriment to any other provision of this Agreement. The
Local Organizer shall enter into an insurance to cover, wherever possible, all major
force majeure risks such as e.g. the Corona pandemic.
euRobotics aisbl
euRobotics 80, Bd. A. Reyers B-1030 Brussels tel: +32 2 706 81 98 mail: web:
9.5. The obligations of the Parties under Clauses 4, 5, 6 shall survive the expiry or
termination of this Agreement (for whatever reason).
Clause 10. Miscellaneous
10.1 This Agreement, together with its Annexes, constitutes the entire agreement
between the Parties and cancels and is in substitution for all previous letters and
oral and written agreements relating to the subject-matter of this Agreement
between the Principal or any of its officers and the Local Organizer.
10.2. If any provision of this Agreement shall be held void or unenforceable in whole or
part by any court or other competent authority, the remaining provisions, and the
remainder of the provisions affected, shall remain in full force and effect.
10.3. This Agreement is governed and to be construed in accordance with the laws of
Belgium. In a matter of dispute, the Belgian law shall prevail. Each party agrees to
submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Belgian courts about any claim or
matter arising out of this Agreement.
AGREED by the Parties through their authorised signatories:
For and on behalf of the Principle
Dr. Reinhard Lafrenz
Secretary General
For and on behalf of the Local Organizer
euRobotics aisbl
euRobotics 80, Bd. A. Reyers B-1030 Brussels tel: +32 2 706 81 98 mail: web:
ANNEX 1 General contact information
Principal Representative
NAME: Reinhard Lafrenz
TITLE: Secretary General
ADDRESS: Boulevard A. Reyers 80, BluePoint Brussels
PHONE: +32 2 706 81 87
Principal’s Contact
TITLE: PR/ Marketing Manager
ADDRESS: Boulevard A. Reyers 80, BluePoint Brussels
CITY, CODE: Brussels 1030
PHONE: +32 2 706 83 69
Local Organizer’s Contacts
ANNEX 2 Responsibilities of the Principal and the Local Organizer
ANNEX 3 Finances
ANNEX 4 Budget
ANNEX 5 Timeline
euRobotics aisbl
euRobotics 80, Bd. A. Reyers B-1030 Brussels tel: +32 2 706 81 98 mail: web:
ANNEX 2 Responsibilities of the Principal and the Local Organizer
A. Main responsibilities of the Principal:
1. Overall coordination
1.1. The Principal sets-up special meetings such as the euRobotics Board Meetings, or
General Assembly, during the time the Event is held, potentially with the logistical
support of the Local Organizer if requested. The Principal is responsible for all
organizational aspects, actions and costs involved with these events during the
1.2. The Principle approves the registration mode for the Event.
2. Attendees / Free admissions
2.1. The Principal decides together with the Local Organizer on: free or discounted
tickets (for all participants’ categories), early bird fees, late fees, on-site fees, etc.
consistent with the agreed Event budget in Annex 4.
2.2. The Principal invites euRobotics’ members to register to the Event and answers
members’ queries in relation to members’ free codes together with the
registration agency.
3. Program
3.1. The Principal organizes a Program Committee. The Principal decides on the
members of the Program Committee who oversee the workshop program design
and advise on the contents of the workshops, take care of the call for the
workshops and communicate with workshop coordinators. The Local Organizer’s
representative(s) will be included in the Program Committee.
3.2. The Principal invites European personalities and VIPs to the Opening Ceremony
together with the Local Organizer and the Programme Committee.
3.3. The Principal drafts the Awards Ceremony scenario together with the Local
3.4. The Principal coordinates euRobotics awards-related activities.
4. Exhibition, Hospitality Suites and Sponsoring
4.1. The Principal approves together with the Local Organizer the sponsoring,
hospitality suites and exhibitors’ packages (number of free tickets, exposure,
rates, etc.) consistent with the agreed Event budget in Annex 4 and any
subsequent variations.
4.2. The Principal approves the Sponsors and Exhibitors Handbook in agreement with
the Local Organizer.
6. Communication
6.1. The Principal contributes to and reviews communication materials.
6.2 The Principal communicates ERF related news from the Local Organizer to its
members, as to comply with European Privacy Regulations.
6.3 The Principal supervises the integration and usage of the euRobotics Event app.
6.4 The Principal decides in agreement with the Local Organizer on photography and
video suppliers and work, including live/ online streaming (if appropriate),
respecting law requirements as advised by the Local Organizer.
6.5 Safeguards the usage of the euRobotics and ERF branding on all communication
euRobotics aisbl
euRobotics 80, Bd. A. Reyers B-1030 Brussels tel: +32 2 706 81 98 mail: web:
7. Finance
7.1. The Principal approves the proposed budget in agreement with the Local
7.2. The Principal appoints the independent financial consultancy in agreement with
the Local Organizer, e.g. Ecovis Netherlands, to audit the Event accounts (and the
associated costs which are part of the Event budget).
B. Main responsibilities of the Local Organizer:
8. Overall organization
8.1. The Local Organizer manages all relations with the venues regarding all the
necessary logistics (rooms, signage, furniture, audio-visual, screens and displays,
outdoor branding, exhibition booth set-up, etc.), before, during and after the
8.2. The Local Organizer selects the required subcontractors (general Event manager,
Event staff, exhibition manager, hostesses, etc.),
8.3. The Local Organizer is responsible together with the venues for the onsite
management of the Event (including access to the venues outside regular
working hours for organizing team and exhibitors).
8.4. The Local Organizer acquires an appropriate extended Event insurance
(terrorism, natural catastrophes, extreme weather, accidents, cancelations etc.) in
accordance with the country regulations, which is part of the Event budget.
9. Program
9.1. The Local Organizer is responsible for the overall time schedule and program of
9.2 The Local Organizer plays a supporting role in the Program Committee (workshop
program shaping, total number of workshop slots available, workshop selection,
plenary program, room assignment, plenary speaker invitations).
9.2. The Local Organizer plays the leading role and is responsible for the organization
of other ERF activities such as the Welcome Reception and the Networking
Dinner, and any other special activities and programs such as B2B sessions, speed
dating, social activities program, health sessions, etc. etc..
9.3 The Local Organizer proposes local personalities and VIPs to attend the Opening
Ceremony and the Plenary Sessions, in agreement with the Program Committee.
9.4. The Local Organizer oversees all the logistics (room set-up, audio-visual,
materials) of the workshop proposals to ensure an appropriate and smooth
running of the workshops and follows up with the venue in this respect.
10. Exhibition and sponsors
10.1. The Local Organizer uses all reasonable endeavors to prospect the local and
international market for exhibitors and sponsors. The Local Organizer is actively
supported in this endeavor by the network and contacts of the Principal
euRobotics aisbl
euRobotics 80, Bd. A. Reyers B-1030 Brussels tel: +32 2 706 81 98 mail: web:
10.2. The Local Organizer sells and makes the invoices/contracts for the exhibition
space and sponsoring packages.
10.3. The Local Organizer together with the venue, organizes the exhibition (such as
contracts, exhibitors manual, invoicing for additional materials, storage, set-up,
dismantling, etc.).
11. Venues and suppliers
11.1. The Local Organizer manages local suppliers: venues for social events, lab visits,
hotels, printing companies, catering, audio-visual etc. in line with the Event
12. Communication
12.1. The Local Organizer develops and updates the event website using the general
ERF branding.
12.2. The Local Organizer proposes a local PR manager to manage the media relations
with the international and local media.
12.3. The Local Organizer together with the local PR Manager and the Principal,
produces all the Event materials in Dutch and English and distributes the press
releases to the Dutch and European media.
13. Finance & Liability
13.1. The Local Organizer opens a bank account dedicated to the Event, to collect all
income (exhibition, sponsoring, registrations) and makes all Event-related
13.2. The Local Organizer provides regular financial overview to the Principal.
13.3. The Local Organizer provides a summary financial statement and results to be
presented 4 months the latest after the Event.
13.4. The Local Organizer provides the final set of financial accounts ideally before 31
October 2022 and no later than the end of the 2022 financial year.
14. Attendees
14.1. The Local Organizer answers local questions of attendees and supports them with
information about accommodation, travel, transport.
14.2. The Local Organizer attracts attendees from local and regional companies,
universities, and public authorities to join
euRobotics aisbl
euRobotics 80, Bd. A. Reyers B-1030 Brussels tel: +32 2 706 81 98 mail: web:
ANNEX 3 Finances
A. Finances Handling
1. All payments should be performed by the Local Organizer.
2. The Principal will receive a number of entrée tickets to ERF with the value of
25.000 to distribute free tickets provided to members. Extra Tickets can be
granted by the Principal to its members at its own cost and account.
3. All payments of expenses will be handled by the Local Organizer through the
dedicated bank account.
4. All payments and collection of exhibition and sponsoring fees will be handled by
the Local Organizer.
5. The granting of any discount on any fee related to any payment is to the sole
discretion of the Local Organizer, with the exception of the standard euRobotics
membership fees and discounts which are an integral part of the Event Budget.
6. All collection and invoicing of participants fees may be performed by a
registration system on behalf of the Local Organizer.
B. Additional services
Any additional services exceeding 5% of the overall event budget, will be agreed by
the Local Organizer with the Principal on a case by case basis.
C. Balance
1. Both parties hold the responsibility of avoiding financial loss.
2. After having settled all associated and agreed payments and debts to be
substantiated with invoices or other documents, should the balance lead to a
surplus, the surplus should be distributed the following way between the
Principal and the Local Organizer: 50% for the Principal, 50% for the Local
Should the result lead to a negative balance (including cancellation of the Event
not covered by insurance or by cancellation policies on registration, exhibition
and sponsor fees), the remaining costs should be distributed the following way
between the Principal and Local Organizer: 50% to be paid by the Principal, 50%
by the Local Organizer, up to the maximum of 50.000 per Party.
Any surplus loss of the Event exceeding the 100.000 limit shall be covered by
an Event Insurance.
euRobotics aisbl
euRobotics 80, Bd. A. Reyers B-1030 Brussels tel: +32 2 706 81 98 mail: web:
ANNEX 4 Budget (articles costs without VAT) NEEDS 2022 UPDATE
Unit price
For 600
For 700
For 800
For 900
Venue (room rental, AV, internet)
Catering (conference days)
International Marketing material, media and
National marketing material and PR media
Registration (AIM international)
Student assistants
Local transportation (cargo/personnel)
Exhibition management, building, dismantling,
Design & video and print
Bags, badges, T-shirts etc.
Excursions and diner transport
Event app
Management personnel
Opening session programme
Banquet Diner - 450 participants (catering &
Banquet entertainment
Reception (catering & AV)
Fiscal consulting (Ecovis)
Other costs (e.g. VIP speakers)
VAT 21%
VAT 10%
Total costs
euRobotics aisbl
euRobotics 80, Bd. A. Reyers B-1030 Brussels tel: +32 2 706 81 98 mail: web:
Budget chapter
Price 2022
For 600
For 700
For 800
For 900
Company Exhibition
Free free tickets (press,
euRobotics, EC, local)
Free tickets (EuRobotics
Award nominees
Super Early Bird
EuRobotics members early bird
EuRobotics members normal
EuRobotics members on-site
EuRobotics non-members early
EuRobotics non-members
EuRobotics non-members on-
Day-tickets members
Day-tickets non-members
Day-tickets students
Day-tickets award nominees
Banquet early bird
Banquet normal
Banquet on-site
euRobotics aisbl
euRobotics 80, Bd. A. Reyers B-1030 Brussels tel: +32 2 706 81 98 mail: web:
Banquet non-members
Total income
euRobotics aisbl
euRobotics 80, Bd. A. Reyers B-1030 Brussels tel: +32 2 706 81 98 mail: web:
For 600
For 700
For 800
For 900
VAT high
rate (XX%)
VAT low rate
Total, inc.
euRobotics aisbl
euRobotics 80, Bd. A. Reyers B-1030 Brussels tel: +32 2 706 81 98 mail: web:
ANNEX 5 Timeline NEEDS TO BE adjusted to the actual event
In the following, Year will mean the year of the Event.
(Year-1)-06-30Contract with venues/ suppliers signed by the Local Organizer
(Year-1)-08-31 website with main attendee information, sponsoring/ exhibitors information
(Year-1)-08-31 Sponsoring and Exhibition packages defined by Principal and Local
Organizer and first draft sponsors and exhibition booklet ready
(Year-1)-10-01 Programme (first draft) published
(Year-1)-11-30 go-no go decision of the Parties with regard to a possible termination of the
Event (e.g. due to the Corona pandemic)
(Year-1)-11-30 ERF announcement during the European Robotics Week by Local Organizer
(Year-1)-11-30 Online registration started (all information available, including e.g. lab visits)
Year-02-01 Event app integrated and running
Year-01-31 Early-bird registration closed
Year 1-2 weeks before the event: Online registration closed and final number of
participants communicated to catering in agreement with the Coordinator