Review of Powtoon
The following is my review of Powtoon as an instructional tool.
Below is an example of a short Powtoon that I created as an intro for summer
The Good:
With the paid educational version:
you can upload your own images up to 5MG
you can now add a voiceover or use text to speech
you can now add short recordings of yourself
The Bad:
This platform has a steep learning curve. It looks intuitive on the
surface, but few things work the way you would expect them to.
It now oers converting PowerPoint presentations into Powtoons. This
sounds like a good idea because then you would be able to use your PPT
presentation as a template and then just add the video animation
elements/music/video you want or need after it has been converted.
Unfortunately, I found that the converted PowerPoints are often missing
words or sections.
It is a very time-consuming tool. As they have added more bells and
whistles to the platform, the number of steps required to create or edit a
single Powtoon has gone up exponentially. Creating a 3-5 minute video
can easily take an entire day. The amount of time needed can be
shortened by using one of their templates, but we will discuss this in the
next section.
The Ugly:
I had chosen Powtoon as an instructional technology tool based on my limited
experience with free version the previous year. Between the time that I had
used Powtoon and I received the funds to buy the educational license,
Powtoon had changed its business model and pricing structure. It had also
decided to no longer target educational users. Everything that was previously
oered in the educational license like educational support and specialized
templates was no longer available.
Their current pricing structure is the following:
If you search around, you can still find the educational package, which is
billed at $96 annually.
Unfortunately, the educational content package is essentially no dierent
than the free content package.
What it currently oers:
It currently oers 32 templates that they suggest for educational use by
teachers and faculty. There is no way to sort or filter content by what is
included in the educational license, only by Pro or not. Below are examples
of the templates included in those 32 suggestions:
As you can see, most are not useful to teachers or faculty. Not only that, to
access most of these, you would have to have a Pro license, and not an
“Edu license.
When I spoke to customer support, they were unable to tell me where I could
find educational package content and pointed me to the following four free
As demonstrated below, most characters and scenes are also Pro and
require an upgraded account.
Free props are now what you used to get in PPT in Windows 95.
Everything else requires you to upgrade. To top it all o, if you accidentally go
over the number of allotted slides/time for your type of license, it does not
alert you until after you have completed the entire Powtoon video and then
tells you that you have to upgrade your account to Pro to publish the
Powtoon as is or delete the slides that you created.
For all of the aforementioned reasons, I would not suggest that anyone pay for
the educational license for Powtoon as it is currently oered. Any benefit that
you can get from using the tool can be found in the free version.