Exit Interview Policy
Printed copies must not be considered the definitive version
Policy Group
Workforce Directorate
Lorraine Laing
Version no.
Lorraine Laing
Julie Stewart
Liz Shannon
Gail Meier
Janice Walker
Graham Walker
Jean Wilson
Adjoa Forson
Mary Watson
Next review date
Approved by
Area Partnership
June 2014
Last review date:
Title: Exit Interview
Date: April 2014
Version: 4
Author: Lorraine Laing
Contents: Page:
1. Policy and Scope 3
2. Document Aims 3
3. Responsibilities and Organisational Arrangements 3
4. Procedure 3-4
5. Training and Support 4
6. Monitoring, Review Evaluation 5
7. Equality and Diversity 5
8. Document Control Sheet 6
Appendix 1 Sample Letter from Manager 7-9
and Exit Interview Questions
Appendix 2Exit Interview Form 10-13
Title: Exit Interview
Date: April 2014
Version: 4
Author: Lorraine Laing
1 Purpose and Scope
It is recognized by NHS Dumfries and Galloway that occasionally staff will leave the
organisation for other employment opportunities, or for other reasons.
The purpose of this document is to provide managers and employees with guidance to
carry out an exit interview. The purpose of the exit interview is to gather information from
employees leaving the organisation to inform and advise future recruitment and retention
of employees.
The information gathered will be used respectfully by Managers to explore working
practices and the working environment within their departments with a view to adjusting
and improving the work experience of employees.
2. Document Aims
The main aim of this policy is to help NHS Dumfries & Galloway maintain a high-quality
working environment by giving managers an insight into their departmental workings.
This, in turn, will help towards improving staff retention and help to highlight issues of
discrimination. It is recognised that, on some occasions, the benefit to the Organisation is
greater than that of the individual being interviewed.
3. Responsibilities and Organisational Arrangements
The exit interview will provide Managers and the Human Resources Department with vital
information that will allow them to:
Gain a greater understanding of employees’ reasons for leaving, and their
willingness to return;
Establish what steps can be taken to prevent further loss of employees if the
termination was voluntary;
Alert management to any possible discrimination issues; and
Identify the strengths and weaknesses of the Department and the
We want to strike a balance between confidentiality and making use of the information
provided. To do this, we will keep to the law on Data Protection, this means that we will
only use the information for the purpose for which it was collected and it will be stored
4. Procedure
Employee participation in the exit interview is voluntary. If an employee agrees to an
interview, the manager should make it an integral part of the employment termination
procedure. An exit interview should, wherever possible, take place within the last 2 weeks
before employment ends, giving adequate notice of the exit interview meeting date.
Title: Exit Interview
Date: April 2014
Version: 4
Author: Lorraine Laing
An exit interview should be conducted for all voluntary leavers and dismissals as a result
of the termination of a fixed term contract at the end of the pre-determined period. Exit
interviews are not conducted for any other dismissals as a result of e.g. disciplinary
and./or capability action.
The employee is entitled to be accompanied by a friend, relative or Trade Union
representative if they would find this helpful, the employee will agree the format and/or
venue with their line-manager this may be in a location of their choice or by means of a
Pre-arrangement will allow both parties to take steps to ensure that the interview can take
place in private and without interruptions. The line-manager will forward a letter to the
employee confirming the arrangements, the letter also includes a list of the questions that
will be asked at the meeting; this will allow the employee to prepare their thoughts.
The form that is used at the exit interview is designed to act as a guide for the interviewer
in what should be a semi-structured interview; sections for handwritten comments are
incorporated and additional information can be added on a separate sheet of paper where
Ideally the exit interview will be conducted by the line-manager. However, in exceptional
circumstances, a Human Resources representative may conduct the interview if it is
considered necessary by either the employee or the manager.
The exit interview form will be retained by the Line Manager, with a copy sent to Human
Resources Department. The Exit Interview Form (Appendix 2), will be available on the
intranet and managers will be able to input the information directly onto the system.
Managers will still need to complete the staff termination forms which also list exit
interview questions.
If the employee chooses not to participate in an Exit Interview but still wishes to give the
organisation information about their reasons for leaving, the exit interview form can be
completed in writing or electronically and forwarded to their Line Manager and/or Human
5. Training and support
It is essential that all staff should know about, and understand, this policy. Employees and
Managers have access to this policy and How To Guide through the intranet or request a
copy from Human Resources. The Policy and How To Guide will:
Describe the steps which all managers should follow in conducting an Exit Interview;
Include the paperwork needed for this process.
Human Resource staff are always available to help with any aspect of the policy or
Title: Exit Interview
Date: April 2014
Version: 4
Author: Lorraine Laing
6. Monitoring, Review and Evaluation
This policy will be monitored, reviewed and evaluated every 2 years taking into
consideration legislative changes and developments in good practice to ensure it meets
the needs of all employees and the organisation.
7. Equality and Diversity
NHS Dumfries & Galloway is committed to equality and diversity in respect of the 9
Protected Characteristics; these are, age disability, gender, race, religion/belief gender
reassignment, pregnancy and maternity related and marriage and civil partnership. An
Equality and Diversity Impact Assessment has been carried out on this Policy.
Title: Exit Interview
Date: April 2014
Version: 4
Author: Lorraine Laing
1. Document Status
Exit Interview Policy
Lorraine Laing
Document reference
Version number
Version Number 4 ( April 2014)
2 Document Amendment History
Reason for update
Approved April 2007
All Sections of the Policy re-named and re-numbered in
accordance with the new policy layout document.
1, 4, 5, 6, 7
Significant changes to Section 1, additions to Sections 4
and 5. Sections 6 and 7 and Document Control Sheet
added. Amendments in Red.
Exit Interview Form amended to reflect the questions in
the EESS system. This system is not operational until
2015 amending the Exit Interview Form now will allow
consistent data to be gathered from the date of this policy
April 14
How To Guide
Amendments noted in red.
3. Distribution
Version number
Board Secretary
Place on policy register
Included within the APF
Workforce Directorate
Include Paragraph in the
Workforce Directorate Monthly
Lorraine Laing
Management Team
Teams/Workforce Managers
4. Associated documents
There is no current legislation in relation to Exit Interviews. ACAS advise Exit Interviews as an
appropriate method for organisations to gather information when employees leave. Guidance
from the National EESS system and local EESS team was used to create the Exit Interview Form.
5. Action Plan for Implementation
Lead Officer
Amendments documented in
the Workforce Directorate
Paper and Distributed to
Management Teams
Lorraine Laing
May 2015
New Policy made available
Lorraine Laing
May 2015
Training needs identified by
Managers addressed as they
HR Team
Title: Exit Interview
Date: April 2014
Version: 4
Author: Lorraine Laing
Appendix 1
Sample letter to employee from Manager
Re: Exit Interview
I am aware that your current employment with NHS Dumfries & Galloway is due to end.
In order that we can monitor staffing and working conditions within the organization it is
our policy to offer an exit interview. There is no obligation to participate in this exit
interview however it is an opportunity for you to tell us about your experience within NHS
Dumfries & Galloway. This can be held either within an informal setting, or at a meeting,
to which you are entitled to be accompanied by a friend, relative or Trade Union
representative. This is up to you, but you need to make arrangements should you choose
to be accompanied. I would appreciate if you would contact me on receipt of this letter in
order that arrangements can be made.
A copy of the policy can be obtained on the Intranet. Please contact me if you wish a
copy of this or alternatively you can request a copy from the Human Resources
In preparation for the exit interview I have attached a list of questions that we can explore
at the meeting. These questions are a guide, please don’t hesitate to discuss any
additional information you think may be of use. We will note your answers to the
questions and record any additional information on the form for future reference.
If you would like to discuss this further please do not hesitate to contact me or alternatively
a member of the Human Resources Department.
Yours sincerely
Enc: Questions for the Exit Interview
Title: Exit Interview
Date: April 2014
Version: 4
Author: Lorraine Laing
Appendix 1
1. What did you most like about your job and why?
2. What did you least like about your job and why?
3. Were your duties clearly described to you when you took on the role?
4. Have your duties changed since you took on the role?
5. Does the current job description accurately describe the job?
6. Do you have any suggestions as to how the job could be improved?
7. Did you feel valued in your role?
8. Did you feel you had an acceptable workload, or were you under or overworked?
9. How would you describe the physical working conditions in your department?
10. How do you think department working conditions could be improved?
11. How would you describe morale in your department?
12. How would you describe your working relationship with your colleagues?
13. How would you describe your working relationship with your line manager?
14. How did you feel about the level of communication within your team/department?
15. Do you feel you were kept well informed about the organisation as a whole?
16. Do you have any suggestions as to how to improve communication at different
17. Do you feel that you were given an effective induction into the organisation?
18. Do you feel that you received adequate training/coaching to perform your role?
19. What do you think of career development opportunities within the organisation?
20. How do you feel about your work-life balance while working for the organisation?
21. How do you think work-life balance within the organisation could be improved?
22. How would you rate Work Equipment within the organisation?
23. How would you rate IT systems within the organisation?
Title: Exit Interview
Date: April 2014
Version: 4
Author: Lorraine Laing
24. How would you rate HR services within the organisation?
25. How would you rate Dining Facilities within the organisation?
26. How would you rate Security within the organisation?
27. Do you think that the organisation has a reputation as a good employer?
28. Would you recommend the organisation as an employer to others?
29. Do you think that the organisation is perceived as being run on ethical lines?
30. Why are you leaving the organisation?
The questions above follow the template laid out in EESS the new Support System which will replace
Title: Exit Interview
Date: April 2014
Version: 4
Author: Lorraine Laing
Appendix 2
Exit Interview Form
Section 1 Personal Details
Name: _________________________________________________________
Post Held: ______________________________________________________
Department: ____________________________________________________
Start Date: _______________________ End Date: ______________________
Destination on Leaving (see termination form): __________________________
Section 2 Exit Interview Details
Exit Interview Offered: __________________________________(date of letter)
Exit Interview Date and Time: _______________________________________
Exit Interview Declined Document agreed action i.e. interview by phone/fill in form
electronically (if any):
Section 3 – Interview Details
1. What did you most like about your job and why?
2. What did you least like about your job and why?
3. Were your duties clearly described to you when you took on the role?
4. Have your duties changed since you took on the role?
5. Does the current job description accurately describe the job?
6. Do you have any suggestions as to how the job could be improved?
Title: Exit Interview
Date: April 2014
Version: 4
Author: Lorraine Laing
7. Did you feel valued in your role?
8. Did you feel you had an acceptable workload, or were you under or overworked?
9. How would you describe the physical working conditions in your department?
10. How do you think department working conditions could be improved?
11. How would you describe morale in your department?
12. How would you describe your working relationship with your colleagues?
13. How would you describe your working relationship with your line manager?
14. How did you feel about the level of communication within your team/department?
15. Do you feel you were kept well informed about the organisation as a whole?
16. Do you have any suggestions as to how to improve communication at different
17. Do you feel that you were given an effective induction into the organisation?
18. Do you feel that you received adequate training/coaching to perform your role?
Title: Exit Interview
Date: April 2014
Version: 4
Author: Lorraine Laing
19. What do you think of career development opportunities within the organisation?
20. How do you feel about your work-life balance while working for the organisation?
21. How do you think work-life balance within the organisation could be improved?
22. How would you rate Work Equipment within the organisation?
23. How would you rate IT systems within the organisation?
24. How would you rate HR services within the organisation?
25. How would you rate Dining Facilities within the organisation?
26. How would you rate Security within the organisation?
27. Do you think that the organisation has a reputation as a good employer?
28. Would you recommend the organisation as an employer to others?
29. Do you think that the organisation is perceived as being run on ethical lines?
30. Why are you leaving the organisation?
Title: Exit Interview
Date: April 2014
Version: 4
Author: Lorraine Laing
Section 5 Confirmation
It is agreed that the above is a true and accurate account of the exit interview:
Signed (interviewer):_______________________________________ Date: __________
Signed (employee): ________________________________________ Date:__________
Signed (Representative if applicable): ________________________ Date: __________
Title: Exit Interview
Date: April 2014
Version: 4
Author: Lorraine Laing