U.S. Department of Justice
Federal Bureau of Investigation
FY 2022 President’s Budget
May 2021
Table of Contents
Page No.
I. Overview........................................................................................................................................1-1
II. Summary of Program Changes...................................................................................................2-1
III. Appropriations Language and Analysis of Appropriations Language...................................3-1
IV. Program Activity Justification....................................................................................................4-1
A. Intelligence Decision Unit...........................................................................................................4-1
1. Program Description
2. Performance Tables
3. Performance, Resources, and Strategies
B. Counterterrorism/Counterintelligence Decision Unit................................................................4-13
1. Program Description
2. Performance Tables
3. Performance, Resources, and Strategies
C. Criminal Enterprises and Federal Crimes Decision Unit..........................................................4-29
1. Program Description
2. Performance Tables
3. Performance, Resources, and Strategies
D. Criminal Justice Services Decision Unit...................................................................................4-37
1. Program Description
2. Performance Tables
3. Performance, Resources, and Strategies
V. Program Increases by Item.........................................................................................................5-1
1. Countering Domestic Terrorism
2. McGirt Resources
3. Cyber
4. Counterintelligence
5. Task Force Officer Body Worn Cameras
6. Cybersecurity
VI. Exhibits
A. Organizational Chart
B. Summary of Requirements
C. FY 2022 Program Increases/Offsets by Decision Unit
D. Resources by DOJ Strategic Goal/Objective
E. Justification for Technical and Base
F. Crosswalk of 2020 Availability
G. Crosswalk of 2021 Availability Summary of Reimbursable Positions
H. Detail of Permanent Positions by Category
I. Financial Analysis of Program Changes
J. Summary of Requirements by Object Class
K. Status of Congressionally Requested Studies, Reports, and Evaluations
L. Senior Executive Service Reporting
M. Modular Costs for New Positions
N. Information on Overseas Staffing (Not Required)
O. IT Investment Questionnaire (Not Required)
P. Non-SES Awards
VII. Construction..................................................................................................................................7-1
VIII. Glossary.........................................................................................................................................8-1
A. Introduction
Budget Request Summary: The Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI’s) Fiscal Year (FY) 2022
budget request proposes a total of $10,275,753,000 in direct budget authority, of which
$10,213,858,000 is for Salaries and Expenses (S&E) and $61,895,000 is for Construction.
The S&E request includes a total of 36,149 direct positions and 34,619 direct full-time
equivalents (FTE); the positions include:
13,414 Special Agents (SAs)
3,216 Intelligence Analysts (IAs)
19,519 Professional Staff (PS)
The S&E program increases total $150,730,000; 384 positions (139 SAs, 104 IAs, and 141 PS),
and 193 FTE, for the following:
$40,000,000 for Cyber investigative capabilities
$45,000,000 to countering Domestic Terrorism
$18,792,000 for Counterintelligence matters
$25,500,000 for McGirt resources
$6,208,000 for Task Force Officer (TFO) Body Worn Cameras (BWCs)
$15,230,000 for Cybersecurity
The request includes $215,442,000 in technical adjustments and adjustments to base (ATBs) for
continued support of the FBI’s base resources.
The $61,895,000 requested in the Construction account will maintain the Secure Work
Environment (SWE) program and provide:
$10,000,000 in increases for safety and strategic improvements at Quantico
The FBI continues to strategically assess current and prospective operations to ensure it meets
mission requirements at the lowest possible cost to the United States (U.S.) taxpayer. The FY
2022 budget request is a product of these assessments and provides the resources to aggressively
carry the effective execution of the FBI’s strategic vision into the future.
Electronic copies of the Department of Justice’s (DOJ’s) Congressional budget submissions can
be viewed or downloaded from the Internet at: http://www.justice.gov/doj/budget-and-
The FBI’s Mission: To protect the American people and uphold the Constitution.
The FBI Vision: Ahead of the threat.
DOJ Strategic Goals: The FBI contributes to the achievement of the following DOJ strategic
Strategic Goal 1: Enhance national security and counter the threat of terrorism
Strategic Goal 3: Reduce violent crime and promote public safety
Strategic Goal 4: Promote rule of law, integrity, and good government
The FBI Strategy: To focus strategic efforts across the enterprise, the FBI has eight mission
priorities and 13 enterprise objectives, organized by four guiding principles (people,
partnerships, process, and innovation).
FBI Priorities:
1. Protect the U.S. from terrorist attack
2. Protect the U.S. against foreign intelligence, espionage, and cyber operations
3. Combat significant criminal cyber activity
4. Combat public corruption at all levels
5. Protect civil rights
6. Combat transnational criminal enterprises
7. Combat significant white-collar crime
8. Combat significant violent crime
Enterprise Objectives:
Promote a culture of development and resilience
Assemble diverse teams
Cultivate leadership and mentorship
Recruit for the future
Integrate meaningful partnerships
Improve information sharing
Increase community engagement
Strengthen confidence and trust
Enhance rigor and accountability
Align resources to priorities
Foster innovation and creativity
Enhance data capabilities and digital expertise
Promote user-driven technology
The FBI’s branches and divisions align their strategies to the FBI Strategy, via the enterprise
strategy process, by cascading selected enterprise objectives and executing strategic initiatives or
measures within their branch or division’s strategy. This vertical alignment within the
organization ensures the FBI enterprise is strategically focused on the same objectives and
working collectively toward the FBI mission and vision. Strategy review meetings are held with
the Director and each branch and division to discuss progress toward the enterprise objectives
throughout the fiscal year, and FBI executives routinely evaluates the organization’s progress.
The FBI tracks the execution of its mission priorities via national threat strategies across
headquarters (HQ) operational and intelligence programs, field offices (FO), and legal attaché
(legat) offices through the Integrated Program Management (IPM) and Threat Review and
Prioritization (TRP) processes. These processes enable threat issues to be identified across the
organization with accompanying threat strategies. Every two years, headquarters operational
divisions prioritize national threats, determine FBI National Threat Priorities (NTPs), and
develop national threat strategies and guidance for threat mitigation. The 56 field offices and 64
legat offices use this national guidance to formulate a field office and legat threat prioritization
and complete strategies specific to their areas of responsibility. These threat and program
strategies undergo mid-year and end-of-year evaluations, and the field and legat offices are held
accountable to their performance targets. FBI executives and program managers hold regular
meetings to review and evaluate field office and legat office effectiveness throughout the fiscal
The FBI’s budget strategy and future resource requirements and requests are designed to enable
the FBI to address the current range of threats while also focusing on the future needs of the FBI.
An increasing number of the FBI's programs and initiatives are multi-year and require phased
development, deployment, and operations or maintenance funding. This budget request is
designed to promote capabilities and strategies agile enough to meet ongoing, emerging, and
unknown national security, cyber, and criminal threats.
Organization of the FBI: The FBI operates FOs in 56 major U.S. cities and approximately 350
resident agencies (RAs) throughout the country. RAs are satellite offices, typically staffed with
fewer than 20 people, that support the larger field offices and enable the FBI to maintain a
presence in and serve a greater number of communities. FBI employees assigned to FOs and
RAs perform most of the investigative and intelligence work for the FBI. Special Agents in
Charge (SACs) and Assistant Directors in Charge (ADICs) of FBI field offices report directly to
the Director and Deputy Director.
The FBI also operates 63 legat offices and 29 sub-offices in more than 70 countries around the
world. These offices are typically staffed with fewer than 10 people who enable the FBI’s
presence in these countries and liaise with foreign counterparts and partners. These numbers
fluctuate based on the global threat environment.
FBI Headquarters, located in Washington, D.C., provides centralized operational, policy, and
administrative support to FBI investigations and programs. Under the direction of the FBI
Director and Deputy Director, this support is provided by:
The National Security Branch (NSB), which includes the Counterterrorism Division
(CTD), the Counterintelligence Division (CD), and the Weapons of Mass Destruction
Directorate (WMDD).
The Intelligence Branch (IB), which includes the Directorate of Intelligence (DI), the
Office of Partner Engagement (OPE), and the Office of Private Sector (OPS).
The Criminal, Cyber, Response, and Services Branch (CCRSB), which includes the
Criminal Investigative Division (CID), the Cyber Division (CyD), the Critical Incident
Response Group (CIRG), the International Operations Division (IOD), and the Victim
Services Division (VSD).
The Science and Technology Branch (STB), which includes the Criminal Justice
Information Services (CJIS) Division, the Laboratory Division (LD), and the Operational
Technology Division (OTD).
Several other headquarters offices also provide FBI-wide mission support:
The Information and Technology Branch (ITB) oversees the IT Enterprise Services
Division (ITESD), the IT Applications and Data Division (ITADD), and the IT
Infrastructure Division (ITID).
The Human Resources Branch (HRB) includes the Human Resources Division (HRD), the
Training Division (TD), and the Security Division (SecD).
Administrative and financial management support is provided by the Finance and Facilities
Division (FFD), the Information Management Division (IMD), the Resource Planning
Office (RPO), and the Inspection Division (INSD).
Specialized support is provided directly to the Director and Deputy Director through a
number of staff offices, including the Insider Threat Office (InTO), the Office of the Chief
Information Officer (OCIO), the Office of Public Affairs (OPA), the Office of
Congressional Affairs (OCA), the Office of the General Counsel (OGC), the Office of
Equal Employment Opportunity Affairs (OEEOA), the Office of the Ombudsman, the
Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR), the Office of the Ombudsman, and the Office
of Integrity and Compliance (OIC).
Budget Structure: The FBI’s S&E funding is appropriated to four decision units (DU) that are
reflective of the FBI’s key mission areas:
1. Intelligence
2. Counterterrorism/Counterintelligence (CT/CI)
3. Criminal Enterprises and Federal Crimes (CEFC)
4. Criminal Justice Services (CJS)
Resources are allocated to these four decision units in one of three ways:
Based on core mission function: Certain FBI divisions support one mission area
exclusively, and thus are allocated entirely to the corresponding DU. For example, all the
resources of the DI are allocated to the Intelligence DU (IDU), while all the resources of
the CJIS Division are allocated to the CJS DU.
Based on workload: Critical investigative enablers, such as LD, IOD, and OTD, are
allocated to the DUs based on workload. For example, 21 percent of the LD’s workload
is in support of CT investigations and, accordingly, 21 percent of the LD’s resources are
allocated to the CT/CI DU. These percentage assignments may be revised upon review of
Pro-rated across all DUs: Administrative enablers, such as ITB, FFD, and HRD, are pro-
rated across all four DUs since these divisions support the entire organization. This pro-
rata spread is based on the allocation of operational divisions and critical investigative
The FBI’s Construction funding is a separate appropriation.
B. Threats to the U.S. and its Interests
To better address all aspects of the FBI’s mission requirements, the FBI formulates and
structures its budget according to the threats that the FBI works to detect, deter, disrupt, and
dismantle. The FBI identifies and aligns resources to the top priority threats through the IPM and
the TRP processes.
Domestic Terrorism (DT): For more than a century, the FBI has occupied a critical role in
protecting the U.S. from threats to American public safety, borders, economy, and way of life.
Domestic terrorists who are motivated by a range of ideologies and galvanized by recent political
and societal events in the United States pose an elevated threat to the Homeland in 2022.
Enduring DT motivations pertaining to biases against minority populations and perceived
government overreach will almost certainly continue to drive DT radicalization and mobilization
to violence. Newer sociopolitical developmentssuch as narratives of fraud in the recent general
election, the emboldening impact of the violent breach of the US Capitol, conditions related to
the COVID-19 pandemic, and conspiracy theories promoting violencewill almost certainly
spur some domestic terrorists to try to engage in violence this year.
Domestic terrorists exploit a variety of popular social media platforms, smaller websites with
targeted audiences, and encrypted chat applications to recruit new adherents, plan and rally
support for in-person actions, and disseminate materials that contribute to radicalization and
mobilization to violence.
Several factors could increase the likelihood or lethality of DT attacks in 2022 and beyond,
including escalating support from persons in the United States or abroad, growing perceptions of
government overreach related to legal or policy changes and disruptions, and high-profile attacks
spurring follow-on attacks and innovations in targeting and attack tactics.
DT lone offenders will continue to pose significant detection and disruption challenges because
of their capacity for independent radicalization to violence, ability to mobilize discretely, and
access to firearms.
International Terrorism: The FBI continues to work to identify individuals who seek to join the
ranks of foreign fighters traveling in support of the Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham (ISIS), as
well as homegrown violent extremists (HVE) who may aspire to attack the U.S. from within.
These terrorism threats remain among the highest priorities for the FBI and the U.S. Intelligence
Community (USIC).
The conflicts in Syria and Iraq have served as the most attractive overseas theaters for Western
extremists who want to engage in violence. More than 35,000 people from approximately 120
countries have traveled to join the fighting in Syria and Iraq, the large majority of which traveled
to join ISIS. ISIS and other terrorist organizations in the region have used these travelers to
facilitate terrorist activity beyond Iraq and Syria, particularly in their home countries, because
returning foreign fighters can radicalize members of the communities that they originally came
ISIS has aggressively promoted its hateful message attracting like-minded extremists,
including Westerners and has persistently used the Internet to communicate. ISIS blends
traditional media platforms, glossy photos, in-depth articles, and social media campaigns that can
go viral in a matter of seconds. No matter the format, the message of radicalization now spreads
faster than thought possible just a few years ago through all forms of technology.
ISIS remains a highly agile, resilient, and adaptive adversary. ISIS which currently operates in
at least 20 countries continues to pose a threat to U.S. interests, both domestically and abroad,
through the group’s ability to drive attacks, provision of tactical guidance, and contribution to the
radicalization and mobilization of U.S. persons, primarily through its official and unofficial
online propaganda. ISIS continues to call on its worldwide members and supporters to launch
attacks, where they are located using any means available, and virtual networks of ISIS members
and supporters continue to collaborate and share tactics in efforts to promote attacks around the
As a communication medium, social media is a critical tool exploited by terror groups. One
recent example includes an individual arrested for providing material support to ISIS by
facilitating an associate’s travel to Syria to join ISIS. The arrested individual had multiple
connections via a social networking site with other like-minded individuals.
HVEs aspire to carry out attacks in the U.S. or travel overseas to participate in terrorist activity.
Countering the HVE threat is especially challenging for law enforcement (LE) because HVEs
often act with little to no warning. The FBI has HVE cases that span all 56 FBI field offices
across all 50 states.
Foreign Intelligence:  The foreign intelligence threat to the U.S. continues to increase as foreign
powers seek to establish economic, military, and political preeminence and to position
themselves to compete with the U.S. in economic and diplomatic arenas. The most desirable U.S.
targets are political and military plans, technology, and economic institutions, both governmental
and non-governmental. Foreign intelligence services continue to target and recruit U.S. travelers
abroad to acquire intelligence and information. Foreign adversaries are increasingly employing
non-traditional collectors for example, students and visiting scientists, scholars, and business
executives as well as cyber-based tools to target, penetrate, and influence U.S. institutions.
Notable successes include espionage convictions of three former USIC officers in cases
demonstrating the threat posed by Chinese intelligence services targeting former U.S. security
clearance holders for recruitment. In March 2019, former Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)
officer and retired U.S. Army warrant officer Ron Rockwell Hansen pleaded guilty to attempted
espionage, admitting he regularly met with Chinese intelligence officers in China and received
hundreds of thousands of dollars in compensation for information he illegally provided. In May
2019, former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) officer Jerry Chun Shing Lee pleaded guilty to
conspiring to commit espionage, admitting he created documents detailing intelligence provided
by CIA assets, including true names of assets, operational meeting locations, and phone
numbers, and information about covert facilities in response to taskings from Chinese
intelligence officers, who paid him hundreds of thousands of dollars and offered to take care of
him “for life” in exchange for his cooperation. Also, in May 2019, former CIA case officer and
DIA intelligence officer Kevin P. Mallory was sentenced to 20 years in prison after a federal jury
convicted him of conspiring to transmit national defense information including unique
identifiers for confidential human sources (CHS) who had helped the United States Government
(USG) to a Chinese intelligence officer.
Cyber: The U.S. faces increasingly sophisticated cyber operations that succeed by undermining
trust in the things Americans rely on, such as software updates, medical research, school
networks, and emergency services. By infiltrating and impersonating those trusted parties, both
criminals and a growing number of nation-states are undermining the credibility, integrity, and
availability of information and networks, with serious consequences for both national security
and public safety.
In FY 2021, the SolarWinds hacks and Microsoft Exchange zero-day vulnerabilities
demonstrated that the U.S.’s adversaries are investing significant resources to plan and conceal
their malicious operations. Nation-state actors also are collaborating with profit-motivated
hackers to form a blended threat against the U.S.—one that the FBI’s blend of criminal and
intelligence authorities is uniquely positioned to address.
The FBI’s strategy to impose risk and consequences on cyber adversaries focuses on disrupting
threats not only through our own actions but also by sharing information and conducting joint,
sequenced operations with partners.
As part of this strategy, and consistent with recommendations from the U.S. Cyberspace
Solarium Commission, the FBI elevated the leadership, engagement, and coordination assets of
the FBI-led multiagency National Cyber Investigative Joint Task Force (NCIJTF), creating new
mission centers based on key cyber threat areas. These mission centers, led by senior executives
from partner agencies, integrate operations and intelligence across agency lines to sequence
actions for maximum impact against cyber adversaries.
The coordinated disruption of the infrastructure of a highly destructive malware known as
Emotet is a successful example of these joint operations. In January 2021, the FBI applied
lessons learned from past disruptions and led an unprecedented number of international partners
in disabling multiple layers of the malware’s infrastructure, making it more difficult for the
actors to reconstitute. This operation leveraged the FBI’s sophisticated techniques, unique
authorities, and worldwide partnerships to disrupt malware that had infected over a million
computers and caused millions of dollars in damage worldwide.
White Collar Crime: The White-Collar Crime (WCC) program addresses public corruption,
border corruption, corporate fraud, securities/commodities fraud, mortgage fraud and other
financial institution fraud, health care fraud, other complex financial crimes (insurance,
bankruptcy, and mass marketing fraud), and intellectual property rights.
Public corruption is the FBI’s highest criminal investigative priority and involves the corruption
of local, state, and federally elected, appointed, or contracted officials who undermine
democratic institutions and threaten public safety and national security. U.S. public officials and
employees are vulnerable to exploitation from individual actors, businesses, corporations,
foreign actors, and criminal organizations who seek to use the official’s access and influence
over government spending, policies, and processes. Government fraud can severely damage and
impede U.S. border security, electoral processes, neighborhood safety, judicial integrity, and
public infrastructure quality (such as schools and roads). To counter this threat, the FBI
cooperates and coordinates with its state, local, and tribal LE partners.
The FBI’s Public Corruption program also focuses on border corruption. The documented
presence of corrupt border officials facilitates a wide range of illegal activities along both the
northern and southern borders. Resource-rich cartels and criminal enterprises employ a variety of
methods to target and recruit U.S. Border Patrol agents, Customs and Border Protection officers,
and local police officers who can use their positions to assist with criminal activity. Corrupt
officials assist these entities by providing intelligence and help move contraband across the
borders. To help address this threat, the FBI established the National Border Corruption Task
Force Initiative, which has developed a threat-tiered methodology targeting border corruption at
all land, air, and seaports to mitigate the threat posed to national security.
The FBI has investigated election-related crimes, which are also covered under the Public
Corruption program, for over three decades. These frauds and schemes run the gamut and can
have a devastating effect on elections, as well as the public’s faith in our electoral process.
Election crimes include ballot fraud, election or polling place abuses, false voter registration,
violations of campaign finance laws, and bribes of public officials. Similarly, the FBI
investigates voter intimidation and suppression, which can be deemed civil rights violations and
investigated under the FBI’s Civil Rights program (explained further in the “Civil Rights”
portion of this document). The FBI is focused on preventing and stopping these crimes and has
election crimes coordinators in all 56 FOs, who regularly receive specialized training on election
crimes and voter fraud. The FBI is committed to uncovering and investigating money laundering
facilitators (MLF) and organizations who mask the source of criminally-derived proceeds so the
proceeds appear legitimate or promote illegal conduct. These facilitators and organizations may
also mask the source of assets used to promote illegal conduct. Money laundering generally
involves three steps: (1) placing illicit proceeds, which often includes virtual assets and
currencies, into legitimate financial systems; (2) layering, or the separation of the criminal
proceeds from their origin; and (3) integration, or the use of apparently legitimate transactions to
disguise the illicit proceeds. Once criminal funds have entered legitimate financial systems, the
layering and integration phases make it difficult to trace the proceeds. The FBI combats these
illicit activities by working with the financial industry, private sector, and LE partners to identify
asset sources, flows, and launderers. Specifically, the FBI targets professional money laundering
gatekeepers and controllers, such as attorneys and financial institutions, since addressing these
enablers has a larger disruption and dismantlement effect on criminal activities than focusing
exclusively on the underlying unlawful activity.
The FBI also identifies and pursues investigations against the most egregious offenders involved
in health care fraud and abuse, including criminal enterprises and other crime groups,
corporations, companies, and providers whose schemes affect public safety. Besides federal
health benefit programs such as Medicare and Medicaid, private insurance programs also lose
billions of dollars each year to fraud schemes in every sector of the industry. The FBI actively
investigates crimes targeting and disproportionately affecting senior citizens, in support of the
Elder Abuse Prevention and Prosecution Act. Many of these crimes are linked to health care but
can include a host of other scams. To counter these threats, the FBI is actively engaged with LE
partners to build Health Care Fraud Task Forces in FOs throughout the U.S.
Corporate fraud encompasses numerous schemes, including falsifying financial information with
bogus accounting; fraudulent trades that inflate profit or hide loss; illicit transactions to evade
regulatory oversight; self-dealing and embezzlement by corporate insiders; misuse of corporate
property for personal gain; and the solicitation, offer, receipt, or provision of kickbacks for
corrupt corporate activity. Fabricating financial documents to obscure or elevate the perception
of a corporation threatens the integrity of regulatory processes, investment activities, and long-
term corporate viability. The FBI has worked with numerous organizations in private industry to
increase public awareness about combatting corporate fraud and formed partnerships with
various agencies, most notably the Securities and Exchange Commission, to increase expertise in
this area, facilitate case referrals, and foster technical assistance. In addition, the FBI coordinates
with its LE partners to investigate insider trading (the purchase or sale of securities based on
material, non-public information).
To enforce intellectual property rights, the FBI disrupts and dismantles international and
domestic criminal organizations that manufacture or traffic in counterfeit and pirated goods
and/or steal, distribute, or otherwise profit from the theft of intellectual property and trade
secrets. The FBI works to combat these types of crimes by collaborating with the public and
private sectors, to include third-party entities like online marketplaces, payment service
providers, and advertisers to obtain intelligence, gather leads, and identify and disrupt criminal
As the COVID-19 pandemic spread across the U.S. and public and private relief funds became
available for potential exploitation, the FBI has also observed schemes related to investment
fraud, identity theft, healthcare, financial institution related fraud, unemployment insurance
fraud, intellectual property, fraud against the government, and hoarding/price gouging. The FBI
is responsible for investigating most of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security
(CARES) Act fraud and formed a Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Fraud Working Group in
coordination with the DOJ’s Fraud Section and the Small Business Administration Office of
Inspector General to ensure the FBI stays abreast of the latest fraud intelligence and trends,
shares information, deconflicts, and establishes operational plans. Furthermore, the FBI also
serves on an unemployment insurance fraud multi-agency working group, has published several
Public Service Announcements, and works closely with federal and state partners to address and
mitigate CARES Act and COVID-19-related threats.
Transnational Criminal Organizations (TCOs): In the past, organized crime was characterized
by hierarchical organizations, or families, that exerted influence over criminal activities in
neighborhoods, cities, or states. But organized crime has changed dramatically. Today,
international criminal enterprises run multi-national, multi-billion-dollar schemes from start to
finish. Modern-day criminal enterprises are flat, fluid networks with global reach. While still
engaged in many of the “traditional” organized crime activities of loansharking, extortion, and
murder, modern criminal enterprises target stock market fraud and manipulation, cyber-
facilitated bank fraud and embezzlement, drug trafficking, identity theft, human trafficking,
money laundering, alien smuggling, public corruption, weapons trafficking, kidnapping, and
other illegal activities. TCOs exploit legitimate institutions for critical financial and business
services to store or transfer illicit proceeds.
Some of the most sophisticated TCOs increasingly rely upon encrypted, hardened device
platforms. These platforms provide a secure communications network for TCOs to conduct
criminal activity through highly modified mobile devices, rendering traditional collection
methods (e.g., wiretaps) obsolete. These devices use private messaging apps to send text and
picture messages to other trusted users, often without the ability to make voice phone calls. The
devices also contain other security mechanisms, such as remote data destruction or “burn”
features, which allow phone data to be erased remotely by the user. Often, these devices can
operate via Wi-Fi signal, rather than cellular networks. Features such as the camera, microphone
and GPS are often disabled for added security. To address TCO use of encrypted, hardened
device platforms, the FBI established the Mobile Encrypted Networks and Communications
Exploitation (MENACE) initiative. The mission of MENACE is to enhance investigations and
coordinate intelligence, technology, and operations to drive the migration of criminal actors to
encrypted platforms in which the FBI has exploitation capabilities. The FBI’s CID is working
closely with OTD to develop unclassified tools and techniques to exploit these encrypted
communication platforms.
Preventing and combatting transnational organized crime (TOC) demands a concentrated effort
by the FBI and federal, state, local, tribal, and international partners. In FY 2020, the FBI led
over 100 organized crime and major theft task forces, targeting TCO networks based in the
Eastern and Western Hemispheres. The FBI has also focused on improving and expanding
domestic and international partnerships and optimizing intelligence and operations collaboration
through assistant legats and overseas vetted teams or task forces to support efforts against
transnational criminal organizations abroad.
Illicit drug trafficking continues to be a growing threat. Large amounts of high-quality, low-cost
heroin and illicit fentanyl are contributing to record numbers of overdose deaths and life-
threatening addictions nationwide. The accessibility and convenience of the online drug trade
contributes to the opioid epidemic in the U.S. TCOs introduce synthetic opioids to the country’s
market, including fentanyl and fentanyl analogues. The FBI has established a multi-faceted
operational plan to address this evolving threat.
For example, in January 2018, DOJ’s Office of the Deputy Attorney General directed the FBI
and other federal LE partners to develop a strategic plan to disrupt and dismantle marketplaces
facilitating fentanyl and opioid distribution. In response to the directive, the FBI established the
Joint Criminal Opioid Darknet Enforcement (JCODE) Initiative, which brings together agents,
analysts, and professional staff with expertise in drugs, gangs, health care fraud, and more, with
federal, state, and local LE partners from across the USG. JCODE utilizes a whole of
government approach by co-locating eleven federal agencies in a task force environment to
leverage technical resources and capabilities to target the largest Darknet marketplaces and
vendors. JCODE maintains a comprehensive, multi-pronged criminal enterprise strategy to target
fentanyl and opioid trafficking on Darknet and Clearnet. This strategy focuses on identifying and
infiltrating the marketplace administrative team, analyzing financial information, identifying and
exploiting marketplace infrastructure, targeting vendors and buyers, and enabling the
investigation and prosecution of these marketplaces. Additionally, JCODE has provided Darknet
and cryptocurrency training to over 1,000 domestic and international LE agents and analysts.
FBI offices across the country are replicating JCODE’s framework and building JCODE
operational teams, comprised of multi-agency partners and support investigations developed by
JCODE. As a direct result of JCODE efforts, the FBI alone has opened hundreds of new
JCODE also collaborates extensively with international LE partners to include the European
Union Agency for Law Enforcement (EUROPOL) to address the borderless Darknet
environment. The subsequent global efforts of JCODE, to include Operation SaboTor (2019) and
Operation DisrupTor (2020), respectively, resulted in the arrest of 230 Darknet criminal actors.
Seizures included more than $13.5 million in cryptocurrency, cash, gold, over 150 firearms, and
over 800 kilograms of opioids and other drugs in nine countries, including the U.S.
Violent Crime and Gangs: Violent crime and gang activities exact a high toll on individuals and
communities. Many of today’s violent actors and gangs are sophisticated and well organized.
They use violence to control neighborhoods and boost illegal money-making activities, including
robbery, drug and gun trafficking, fraud, extortion, and prostitution. These violent actors do not
limit their illegal activities to single communities. The FBI works across jurisdictions, which is
vital to the fight against violent crime in big cities and small towns across the nation. FBI agents
work in daily partnership with federal, state, local, and tribal officers and deputies on joint task
forces and individual investigations.
FBI-led Violent Crime and Safe Streets Gang Task Forces (VGSSTFs) identify and target major
groups operating as criminal enterprises. In FY 2020, the FBI led 173 VGSSTFs and 52 Violent
Crime Task Forces. Much of the FBI’s criminal intelligence is derived from state, local, and
tribal LE partners with in-depth community knowledge. Joint task forces benefit from FBI
investigative expertise, surveillance, technical, and intelligence resources, while FBI confidential
sources track gangs and violent actors to identify emerging trends. Through multi-subject and
multi-jurisdictional investigations, the FBI concentrates efforts on high-level groups and
criminals engaged in patterns of racketeering. This investigative model enables the FBI to target
senior gang leadership and develop enterprise-based prosecutions.
The FBI has dedicated specific resources to combat the threat of violence posed by MS-13. The
atypical nature of this gang has required a multi-pronged approach, leveraging U.S. task forces,
while simultaneously gathering intelligence and aiding international LE partners through the
FBI’s Transnational Anti-Gang Task Forces (TAGs). Initially established in El Salvador in 2007,
there are now TAGs in El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras. Each TAG is a fully operational
unit responsible for investigating MS-13 operating in the Northern Triangle of Central America
and threatening the U.S. This program has achieved numerous successes by combining the
expertise, resources, and jurisdiction of participating agencies involved in investigating and
countering transnational criminal gang activity.
Crimes Against Children and Human Trafficking: The FBI has several programs to target
child predators and recover missing and endangered children, including the Child Abduction
Rapid Deployment (CARD) Team, the Child Sex Tourism (CST) Initiative, the Innocence Lost
National Initiative (ILNI), the Innocent Images National Initiative (IINI), 85 Child Exploitation
and Human Trafficking Task Forces, and 69 international violent crimes against children task
force officers. The FBI has nationwide capacity to:
Provide rapid, proactive, intelligence-driven investigative response to sexual
victimization of children, other crimes against children, and human trafficking.
Identify and recover victims of child exploitation and human trafficking.
Reduce the vulnerability of children and adults to sexual exploitation and abuse.
Reduce the negative impact of domestic and international parental rights disputes.
Strengthen federal, state, local, tribal, and international LE agencies through training,
intelligence-sharing, technical support, and investigative assistance.
In 2005, the FBI created the CARD Team to provide a nationwide resource to support
investigations of child abductions and critically missing children. CARD is composed of agents
and intelligence analysts who provide investigative and technical resources to LE agencies
following a child abduction. CARD members attend specialized training on child abduction
investigative search techniques and technology and develop best practices through operational
experience. CARD is supported by the FBI’s Behavioral Analysis Unit, which assists with
offender characteristics, victimology, and investigative interview and media strategies. CARD is
a nationwide resource to LE at no cost to the requesting agency. The CARD priority is to provide
timely response to recover abducted children and arrest abductors. Deployed 181 times since its
inception, CARD has aided in rescuing 88 live children, as well as arresting numerous offenders.
The CST Initiative is a collaborative effort with multiple foreign partners that identifies and
prosecutes Americans who travel overseas to engage in sexual activity with minors or who cause
the sexual abuse of a child located overseas and rescues the child victims. CST has successfully
organized and participated in capacity-building for foreign LE, prosecutors, and non-government
organizations to better address this threat.
In June 2003, the FBI, with support from DOJ and technical assistance from the National Center
for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC), implemented the ILNI to help children recruited
into commercial sex by sex traffickers. Under the ILNI, the FBI conducts nationwide operations
to recover children from sex traffickers and coordinates victim services for identified victims. In
coordination with federal, state, local, and tribal LE partners, the FBI uses sophisticated
investigative techniques in an intelligence-driven approach to dismantle sex trafficking
Indian Country (IC) Crimes: Due to jurisdictional issues and the remote nature of many
reservations, the FBI is the primary LE entity in IC. The Bureau of Indian Affairs has a limited
number of investigators, and they are not present on every reservation. Additionally, tribal
authorities can generally only prosecute misdemeanor violations involving native subjects, and
state and local LE generally do not have jurisdiction within reservation boundaries. In FY 2020,
there were 935 arrests; 882 indictments, informations and/or complaints; and 545 convictions in
The IC and Special Jurisdiction Unit (ICSJU) has developed and implemented strategies to
address the most egregious crime problems in IC, pursuant to the FBI’s jurisdiction. These
matters generally focus on death investigations, child sexual assault and physical abuse, assault
resulting in serious bodily injury, gang/criminal enterprise investigations, and financial crimes.
ICSJU supports joint investigative efforts with the Bureau of Indian Affairs and tribal LE
agencies and manages and conducts essential investigative training for 24 Safe Trails Task
Forces, as well as approximately 150 FBI agents and LE partners focused on IC
crimes. Although IC cases are generally reactive, many are cross-programmatic in nature,
including Indian gaming, public corruption, and complex financial fraud.
On July 9, 2020, the Supreme Court's ruling in McGirt v. Oklahoma determined the territorial
boundaries of the Muscogee Creek Nation (MCN) fall under federal IC jurisdiction, effectively
making the FBI the responsible LE agency under the MCA for offenses committed by or
victimizing a tribal member. The territorial boundaries of the MCN now under FBI jurisdiction
encompass most of the city of Tulsa and approximately one million residents, including
approximately 60,000 MCN tribal members.
The principles of the McGirt decision also apply to the status of the Cherokee, Chickasaw,
Choctaw and Seminole tribal territories. The Cherokee and Chickasaw reservations were
reaffirmed as falling under federal jurisdiction on March 11, 2021 and the Choctaw and
Seminole reservations were reaffirmed on April 1, 2021. Combined, all five reservation
territories encompass approximately 32,000 square miles, or 45 percent of the state of Oklahoma.
The total population within the combined borders is roughly 1.9 million, of which approximately
420,000 are enrolled tribal members.
Civil Rights: The FBI has primary responsibility to investigate all alleged violations of federal
civil rights laws that protect all citizens and persons within the U.S., including hate crimes, color
of law (COL) violations, and Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrance (FACE) Act violations. As
previously mentioned, the FBI is also the lead investigative agency responsible for investigating
election fraud and voter suppression.
A hate crime is a traditional criminal offense, such as murder, arson, or vandalism, motivated
wholly or in part by an offender’s bias against a victim’s actual or perceived race, religion,
national origin, disability, gender, gender identity, or sexual orientation. Investigating hate
crimes is the leading priority of the FBI’s Civil Rights Program, due to the devastating physical,
emotional, and psychological toll these crimes take on individuals, families, and communities.
Through training, public outreach, LE support, and investigations, the FBI takes a multi-faceted
approach to detect, deter, and investigate hate crimes.
Preventing abuses of those acting with government: COL violations are actions taken by any
person using the authority necessary to protect the health of American democracy. It is a federal
crime for anyone acting under “color of law” to willfully deprive or conspire to deprive a person
of a right protected by the Constitution or U.S. laws. COL applies to LE officers, as well as any
public official or person conspiring with a public official operating with power given by a
governmental agency, such as prosecutors, judges, or correctional officers. The FBI has
investigative responsibility for federal COL matters involving local and state LE and concurrent
responsibility with the Office of Inspectors General for other federal agencies. To mitigate these
types of crimes, the FBI focuses on training and educating state, local, and federal partners as to
COL statutes and elements of the crime to promote constitutional policing and the FBI’s
investigative process to promote cooperation.
Under the FACE Act, it is a federal crime for a person to use force, threat of force, or physical
obstruction to intentionally injure, intimidate, or interfere with a person (or attempt to do so)
because the person is or has been obtaining or providing reproductive health care services. It is
also unlawful for a person to intentionally damage or destroy the property of a facility because it
provides reproductive health services. It is also illegal to use force, threat of force, or physical
obstruction to intentionally injure, intimidate, or interfere with a person (or attempt to do so)
seeking to exercise their religious freedom a place of worship. The number of FACE Act
violations remains relatively low, with occasional spikes during dates marking significant events
in the pro-choice and pro-life movement. Regardless, the FBI prioritizes investigating these
crimes, and the Civil Rights program works in conjunction with its domestic terrorism (DT)
counterparts to do so.
The Civil Rights program also investigates voter suppression, as it is a civil rights violation to
unlawfully deter voters from voting or to unduly influence them to vote a certain way. The FBI
investigates any tactics designed to prevent qualified voters from effectively voting by deceiving
them as to the time, place, or manner of an election.
The FBI’s International Human Rights (IHR) program employs investigative expertise,
techniques, and legal authorities to identify, locate, investigate, and prosecute perpetrators of
serious human rights or humanitarian law violations. These violations include genocide, torture,
war crimes, recruitment or use of child soldiers, female genital mutilation, and providing
material support to serious human rights offenses. The goal of the IHR program is to hold
perpetrators of mass atrocities and serious human rights violators accountable to the rule of law
in a U.S. or foreign country’s judicial system and to prevent the U.S. from serving as a “safe
haven” to those human rights violators. The International Human Rights Unit (IHRU) conducts
this mission in close collaboration with the DOJ’s Human Rights and Special Prosecutions
Section, Immigration and Customs Enforcement/Homeland Security Investigations at the Human
Rights Violators and War Crimes Center (HRVWCC), the Department of State Office of Global
Criminal Justice, and the USIC.
Additionally, the IHR program seeks to increase the FBI’s intelligence collection on human
rights violations with a nexus to the U.S. perpetrated throughout the world. This leads to
additional international human rights investigations, expands and strengthens the public’s
understanding of the FBI’s mission in addressing human rights violations, and enhances the
FBI’s preventative response to human rights violators entering the U.S. through IHRU’s
partnership with the HRVWCC.
C. Intelligence-Driven Operations
The FBI’s IB serves as the strategic leader of the FBI’s intelligence program, driving the
integration of intelligence and operations, and proactively engaging in information sharing with
partners in federal, state, and local LE, the U.S. intelligence and private sector communities, as
well as international partnerships. The IB oversees the intelligence program implementation of
its six areas of focus: Workforce success, culture and mindset, technology capabilities,
information sharing, collection, and exploitation and analysis.
The Executive Assistant Directors (EADs) for the IB, NSB, CCRSB, and STB work closely to
manage all the FBI’s intelligence and national security operational components, including CD,
CTD, CyD, DI, the High-Value Detainee Interrogation Group (HIG), the Terrorist Screening
Center (TSC), LD, CJIS, OTD, and WMDD. Additionally, the IB coordinates the management
of the FBI’s National Intelligence Program (NIP)-scored resources, supporting engagement with
FBI partners as well as intelligence-related training, technology, and secure work environments.
The IB EAD heads the FBI intelligence program, ensuring the national security and LE
intelligence functions of collection, targeting, domain, and threat analysis, and corresponding
intelligence production, are consistent with national priorities and adhere to tradecraft standards,
policies, and processes. The EAD is the primary point of contact (POC) for the FBI’s
engagement with the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) on NIP matters,
provides oversight of the FBI intelligence workforce, serves as Executive Agent for the National
Virtual Translation Center (NVTC), and is responsible for the FBI’s foreign language program
The FBI uses intelligence to understand criminal and national security threats and to conduct
operations to dismantle or disrupt those threats with the following methods:
The FBI uses a standardized model for field intelligence that can adapt to the size and
complexity of small, medium, and large offices. There are 56 intelligence programs, with
one in each FBI FO.
Fusion cells are intelligence teams in operational divisions designed to integrate all
aspects of the intelligence cycle for a unique threat. Fusion cells integrate intelligence and
operations and collaborate across work roles to ensure intelligence drives and supports
operations. Fusion cells consist of intelligence analysts who perform the targeting,
collection, domain, and threat analysis intelligence functions, primarily at the strategic, or
national level. The structure and process of the fusion cells are designed to streamline
intelligence support and more directly collaborate with operational personnel.
Item Name
1 Salaries and Expenses Enhancements
Countering Domestic
With the requested resources,
the FBI will be able to better
address national security
threats by detecting and
disrupting domestic terrorism
activities, increasing
information sharing with LE
partners, and expanding the
capacity to handle incoming
tips from the public.
McGirt Resources
The requested resources will
allow the FBI to effectively
address the increased
operational need in the state
of Oklahoma following the
Supreme Court decision on
McGirt v. Oklahoma while
Federal, State, and tribal
authorities work on longer
term solutions. This ruling
significantly expanded
federal jurisdiction for crimes
committed on tribal lands.
Specifically, the requested
resources will be used to
enhance the FBI’s capacity to
address the increased
investigations now falling
under FBI jurisdiction.
The requested resources will increase
the FBI’s capacity for unilateral, joint,
and enabled operations with other
federal, state, local and international
partners. The request focuses on the
development of three critical areas:
Cyber threat identification, analysis,
and attribution; synchronized
interagency operations; and cyber
workforce development.
This request is classified.
Task Force Officer
Body Worn Camera
With the requested resource, FBI will
be able to provide software and video
storage to store data and video from
the body worn cameras (BWCs) of
Federally deputized Task Force
Officers (TFOs). This funding will
allow the FBI to support storage of
BWC video for TFOs whose parent
agency mandates the use of BWCs
while they serve on Federal task
The requested funding will
allow the FBI to increase its
cybersecurity posture and
enable the FBI to proactively
address cybersecurity
vulnerabilities and the
growing cyber threats posed
by internal and external
Total, Salaries and Expenses Enhancements
Construction Enhancements
Safety and Strategic
Improvements to the
Quantico Campus
This request supports the replacement
of critical operational support
facilities that will increase the safety
of students, employees and visitors on
the FBI’s Quantico Campus.
Total, Construction Enhancements
Appropriations Language for Salaries and Expenses
For necessary expenses of the Federal Bureau of Investigation for detection,
investigation, and prosecution of crimes against the United States, $10,213,858,000 of which not
to exceed $216,900,000 shall remain available until expended: Provided, that not to exceed
$284,000 shall be available for official reception and representation expenses.
Analysis of Appropriations Language
No substantive change.
A. Intelligence Decision Unit
Intelligence Decision Unit Total
Direct Pos.
2020 Enacted
2021 Enacted
Adjustments to Base and Technical Adjustments
2022 Current Services
2022 Program Increases
2022 Request
Total Change 2021-2022
1. Program Description
The FBI’s IDU is comprised of the entirety of the IB, including the Strategic Intelligence Issues
Group (SIIG), DI, OPE, and OPS; the intelligence functions within CTD, CD, CyD, CID, and
WMDD; field office intelligence programs, the TSC, infrastructure and technology (e.g.,
Sensitive Compartmented Information Facilities, or SCIFs, and the Sensitive Compartmented
Information Network, or SCINet), and intelligence training. The IDU also includes a portion of
CIRG, LD, and IOD based on the work that those divisions complete in support of intelligence
activities. Additionally, to capture all resources that support these programs, a prorated share of
resources from the FBI's operational support divisions (including TD, LD, and SecD; the
administrative and information technology divisions; and staff offices) are calculated and scored
to this DU.
Intelligence Branch
As the leader of the FBI’s intelligence program, IB drives collaboration to achieve the full
integration of intelligence and operations throughout the FBI. The branch has centralized
authority and responsibility for all FBI intelligence strategy, resources, policy, and functions for
actively engaging with the FBI’s partners across the intelligence, LE, and private sector
communities. The FBI’s Intelligence Program Strategy guides IB direction and oversight of all
aspects of the FBI’s intelligence work.
The SIIG provides FBI leaders with a consolidated, integrated perspective on threats while
helping to integrate and balance the FBI’s priorities with those of the broader USIC and USG.
Led by a Deputy Assistant Director, the SIIG is made up of Senior National Intelligence Officers
with subject-matter expertise on geographic and functional programs who help integrate the
FBI’s understanding of priority threat issues. The SIIG also houses the Bureau Control Office,
which manages the FBI’s sensitive compartmented information program.
Directorate of Intelligence
DI is the FBI’s dedicated national intelligence workforce, with clear authority and responsibility
for all FBI intelligence functions. DI’s mission is to provide strategic support, direction, and
oversight to the FBI’s intelligence program, and its vision is to drive the complete integration of
intelligence and operations within the FBI. DI carries out these functions through embedded
intelligence elements at HQ and in each FO.
Intelligence Analysts
The work performed by IAs is essential to the FBI's ability to understand national security and
criminal threats, and to develop a deeper understanding of potential threats. To safeguard
national security, the FBI must focus collection and analytic resources to analyze threats,
determine potential courses of action, and place analysis in the context of ongoing intelligence
and investigative operations.
The FBI’s IA cadre performs the following functions:
Understanding emerging threat streams to enhance domain knowledge and exploit
collection opportunities;
Enhancing collection capabilities through the deployment of collection strategies;
Reporting raw intelligence in a timely manner;
Identifying human and technical source collection opportunities;
Performing domain analysis in the field to articulate the existence of a threat in a FO area
of responsibility;
Performing strategic analysis at HQ to ascertain the ability to collect against a national
Serving as a bridge between intelligence and operations;
Performing confidential human source validation; and,
Recommending collection exploitation opportunities at all levels.
The products generated by intelligence analysis ensure FBI investigative and operational
strategies are based on an enterprise-wide understanding of the current and future threat
environments. FBI intelligence products also serve to inform the FBI’s partners about ongoing
and emerging threats.
Foreign Language Program
The FLP provides quality language solutions, analysis, and cultural expertise to the FBI and its
partners. The FBI’s success at protecting the U.S. from future terrorist attacks, countering
foreign intelligence operations and espionage, and dismantling transnational criminal enterprises
is increasingly dependent upon maximizing the use and deployment of its linguist workforce,
language tools, and technology. The FBI workforce has qualified capabilities in 142 languages
and dialects, spanning approximately 100 FBI domestic and overseas locations. The FLP
promulgates policies and compliance requirements to ensure integrity of intelligence products.
Additionally, the FLP develops the foreign language skills of the FBI employees through
ongoing language testing, assessments, and multi-tiered training strategies designed to build and
sustain a high performing intelligence workforce.
Language Analysis
Nearly every major FBI investigation has a foreign language component, and the demand for
highly qualified linguists and foreign language and culture training continues to increase.
Language Analysts and English Monitoring Analysts are a critical component of the FBI’s effort
to acquire and accurately process real-time, actionable intelligence to detect and prevent terrorist
attacks against the nation. The FBI’s Language Analysts address the highest priority foreign
language collection and processing requirements in the FBI’s counterterrorism, cyber,
counterintelligence, and criminal investigative missions.
National Virtual Translation Center
The NVTC provides timely and accurate translation services to support national intelligence
priorities and protect the nation and its interests. NVTC was established under Section 907 of the
USA Patriot Act (2001) and designated a USIC service of common concern in 2014. Since its
inception, NVTC has complemented USIC elements’ foreign language translation capabilities by
supporting tasks ranging from high-volume surges to immediate translation requirements in 142
languages and dialects. NVTC operates within a virtual model that connects NVTC program
staff, translators, field offices, and customers globally via a common web-based workflow
management system.
Intelligence Training
Ensuring the FBI’s intelligence workforce is prepared with the necessary specialized skills and
expertise is crucial to the FBI’s ability to successfully fulfill its mission. The FBI’s extensive
intelligence training program leverages expertise within the organization and its partners in the
intelligence and academic communities and private industry to ensure the best educational
opportunities are available to the FBI’s workforce. The FBI’s training program identifies and
coordinates the certification of adjunct faculty, communicates educational and developmental
opportunities outside the FBI, and facilitates opportunities for research related to intelligence
analysis. Moreover, the FBI uses an integrated approach to training bringing employees together
at the beginning of their careers to help them understand the importance and impact of an
integrated intelligence and operational methodology a model that continues across the FBI’s
intermediate and advanced courses of instruction.
Office of Partner Engagement
OPE implements initiatives and strategies that support engagement, communication,
coordination, and cooperation efforts with federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial (SLTT) LE,
and intelligence information sharing in an ongoing effort to enhance the FBI's capabilities in the
Domestic Information-Sharing Architecture. OPE accomplishes this mission by establishing and
maintaining key partner relationships, methods, and practices to enhance engagement,
coordination, and information sharing with the IC and SLTT LE. OPE leads the FBI's approach
to intelligence supporting the Domestic Information-Sharing Architecture, providing program
management for the FBI's engagement with state and local fusion centers, and proactively
reviewing and disseminating relevant and appropriate threat information to FBI, federal, and
SLTT partners.
Office of Private Sector
The primary mission of OPS is to protect the nation’s economy and national security by
strengthening the FBI’s relationships with the U.S. private sector partners. OPS builds, supports,
facilitates, and enhances strategic relationships between the FBI, private industry, and academia.
OPS also develops tools to support those relationships, and facilitates information sharing, while
maintaining an enterprise focus of the FBI’s engagement efforts. OPS enhances understanding of
the private sector, to include academia and associations, increasing collaboration and
information-sharing to mitigate risk and remain ahead of the threat. OPS works toward the
following objectives: Facilitating one “FBI voice” by providing a consistent contact for the
private sector; focusing on meaningful dialogue with private sector partners to build trust
between the FBI and the private sector; and assisting companies whose innovative technologies
may be targeted. OPS focusses on engaging the private sector on priorities including insider
threat, emerging technologies, foreign influence, and lawful access. In addition to its main office
at FBI HQ, OPS is represented in each FBI FO by at least one Private Sector Coordinator (PSC)
to develop and maintain private sector partnerships in each FO’s Area of Responsibility (AOR).
OPS also manages two private sector information-sharing programs: The Domestic Security
Alliance Council (DSAC) and InfraGard, promoting effective information exchanges through
public-private partnerships.
Foreign Terrorist Tracking Task Force
The Foreign Terrorist Tracking Task Force (FTTTF) exploits intelligence intended to prevent
travelers and their supporters, who are identified as potential threats, from entering the U.S.
FTTTF leverages this information, when appropriate, to facilitate these individuals’ location,
detention, prosecution, removal, or other appropriate action. FTTTF uses specialized analytical
techniques, technologies, and data analysis to enhance terrorist identification, tracking, and risk
Terrorist Screening Center
TSC consolidates and coordinates the USG’s approach to threat screening and facilitates the
sharing of information to protect the nation and its foreign partners. This effort provides direct
support for the FBI, DOJ, Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Department of State, the
ODNI, the IC, and other major federal LE, screening, and regulatory agencies. The TSC
accomplishes this mission through a unique, interagency business model that incorporates
information technology (IT) and information sharing, as well as operational and analytical
expertise from its interagency specialists.
Infrastructure and Technology
The FBI’s information technology infrastructure and technology help to manage, process, share,
and protect classified and unclassified information critical to national security. Taken together,
these efforts form a comprehensive system of security and efficiency. The classified part of the
comprehensive system includes secure workspaces, or SCIFs, and a secure information sharing
capability through the SCINet. It also includes the FBI enterprise network for processing,
transmitting, storing, and sharing information at the Top Secret (TS)/Sensitive Compartmented
Information (SCI) level, enabling FBI analysts to connect with the IC through a connection to the
Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communication System (JWICS) and use powerful applications to
extract and analyze intelligence data in an efficient and timely manner.
The unclassified part of the comprehensive system includes the FBI’s ability to share
unclassified information with other federal, state, and local governments and other partners
through the CJIS’ Law Enforcement Enterprise Portal (LEEP) system and its Unclassified
Network (UNet), the FBI’s unclassified network which includes connection to the public
Secure Work Environment
SWE includes two main components - SCIFs and SCINet. A SCIF is an accredited room, group
of rooms, floors, or buildings where national security professionals collect, process, exploit,
analyze, disseminate, and/or store SCI. SCIFs are outfitted with IT, telecommunications, and
requisite infrastructure to process unclassified through TS information. SCIFs are equipped with
intrusion detection and access control systems to prevent the entry of unauthorized personnel.
SCINet is a compartmented network for TS information, which is administered by employing
increased security measures, enforcing user accountability, and enhancing information assurance
2. Performance and Resource Tables
Decision Unit: Intelligence
Requested (Total)
FY 2020
FY 2020
FY 2021
Adjustments &
FY 2022
FY 2022 Request
Total Costs and FTE
Strategy Performance
Median velocity of
Confidential Human Source
(CHS)-derived Intelligence
Information Reports (IIRs)
25 days
or less
25 days
or less
25 days
or less
25 days
or less
20 days
or less
20 days
or less
Percent of FBI Intelligence
Information Reports (IIRs)
used in the development of
United States Intelligence
Community (USIC)
Intelligence Products
Percent of FBI Intelligence
Information Reports (IIRs)
citing National Intelligence
Priorities Framework (NIPF)
Priority 1 & 2 Requirements
Number of Intelligence
Training Courses Offered to
State, Local, Territorial, and
Tribal (SLTT) Partners
Percent of net analyst-edits
rejected by National
Counterterrorism Center
(NCTC) for inaccuracy
Percent of Terrorist
Screening Data Base (TSDB)
addition and deletion
nominations processed
within 24 hours of receipt
3. Resources and Strategies
Directorate of Intelligence
a. Performance Plan and Report for Outcomes
DI’s vision is to “create a more secure nation through an integrated, agile, and innovative
Intelligence Program that drives the FBI’s ability to address current and emerging threats.” All
three performance measures identified for reporting in FY 2022 directly support this vision
statement and will demonstrate work towards DI’s vision. The performance measures ensure a
drive for high quality intelligence while also mitigating risk. As the premier producer of valuable
and actionable intelligence, DI will drive the complete integration of Intelligence and Operations
through improving its collection and dissemination of intelligence that enables the FBI to
identify and mitigate current and emerging threats.
Performance Measure: Median velocity of CHS-derived IIRs
FY19 Target: 25 days or less
FY19 Actual: 22.4 days
FY20 Target: 25 days or less
FY20 Actual: 23 Days
FY21 Target: 20 days or less
FY22 Target: 20 days or less
Performance Measure: Percentage of FBI IIRs used in the development of USIC Intelligence
FY19 Target: 12%
FY19 Actual: 15%
FY20 Target: 15%
FY20 Actual: 16%
FY21 Target: 15%
FY22 Target: 15%
Performance Measure: Percentage of FBI IIRs citing NIPF Priority 1 & 2 Requirements
FY19 Target: 80%
FY19 Actual: 82%
FY20 Target: 80%
FY20 Actual: 74%
FY21 Target: 80%
FY22 Target: 80%
Median velocity of CHS-derived IIRs: The intent of this measure is to assess the speed with
which FBI IIRs are disseminated to LE and USIC partners from the day of acquisition of
Percentage of FBI IIRs used in the development of USIC intelligence products: The intent of
this measure is to assess the level of the USIC’s usage of FBI IIRs in the development of USIC
intelligence products.
Percentage of FBI IIRs citing NIPF Priority 1 & 2 requirements: The intent of this measure is to
demonstrate the correlation between FBI’s Priority Threats and USIC intelligence requirements.
FBI tagging to National Intelligence Priorities Framework (NIPF) priority 1 and 2 decreased
45% from Q1. IIR production decreased almost 20% from Q1. This measure fell under the
performance target by six percentage points in FY20. The factors associated with COVID-19
pandemic may have contributed to this decline.
b. Strategies to Accomplish Outcomes
DI supports IB’s Intelligence Program Five-Year Strategy, which outlines the strategic direction
for moving forward in an ever-changing threat environment. The mission statement is to
“provide insightful, timely, and actionable intelligence and support to uphold the Constitution
and protect the American people. The vision statement is to “create a more secure nation
through an integrated, agile and innovative Intelligence Program that drives the FBI’s ability to
address current and emerging threats.” These performance measures identified for FY 2022
directly support the Intelligence Program Strategy and DOJ’s Strategic Objective 1.1 by
emphasizing the importance of incorporating intelligence in all that we do and the importance of
building and maintaining partnerships with LE and USIC partners to identify and mitigate
threats, including the FBI’s mission priority: protect the U.S. from terrorist attack.
Office of Partner Engagement
a. Performance Plan and Report for Outcomes
OPE currently offers three intelligence training courses for Fusion Center and state and local LE
partners, to include Intelligence for Supervisors (IntelSup), Analytic Writing for Fusion Centers
(AWFC), and Introduction to Intelligence (IntroTel). These courses provide immediate and
ongoing support to the integration of intelligence into traditionally operational units, teams, and
departments. OPE will develop three additional Intelligence Leadership courses in conjunction
with the training division to offer leadership training for Intelligence Commanders in the Field
and within OPE’s cadre of state and local LE partners agencies.
Operations supported by actionable, relative intelligence helps the FBI and its state and local LE
partners mitigate both current and future threats, thus enhancing national security and protecting
the U.S. domestic terrorism, mass casualty attacks, and other significant crimes against the
American people. OPE’s ability to continually meet the demand for these intelligence training
courses for LE partners will be directly influenced by budget allocations and any necessary
enhancements, if and when supported by DOJ.
Performance Measure: Number of Intelligence Training Courses Offered to SLTT Partners
FY19 Target: 15
FY19 Actual: 15
FY20 Target: 20
FY20 Actual: 2
FY21 Target: 30
FY22 Target: 40
OPE manages the intelligence training for Fusion Center personnel and SLTT LE partner agency
Intel Commanders. The training is a set of intelligence-centric courses, designed by OPE, to
educate LE intelligence commanders and personnel on a common set of practices and production
methods in writing, producing, and disseminating intelligence products within their respective
departments and communities. To bolster the intelligence production, OPE will complement the
training with an intelligence leadership training to provide leadership skills to up-and-coming
Intel Commanders and intelligence professionals. Additionally, the trainings provide a venue to
teach common intelligence practice and lexicon constructs between federal, state, and local LE,
and to create a more common operating language when it comes to intelligence practices.
b. Strategies to Accomplish Outcomes
OPE’s strategy for intelligence and leadership training helps the FBI strengthen its relationships
with TFOs and state and local LE intelligence personnel while enhancing collaboration with
these key partners. The goal of this strategy is to bring federal, state, and local LE agencies
together in methodologies, practices, and lexicon to achieve commonalities in procedural
execution of critical intelligence support to operational investigations. Unifying intelligence
collection, production, and dissemination practices will render a more communicative,
collaborative, and agile intelligence sharing LE environment. OPE’s efforts will enhance the
ability of the FBI and its partners to identify threats and share intelligence analysis faster with
more actionable collection methods. Appropriated funding directly supports these training
courses and, without it, OPE could not offer these opportunities to strengthen partnerships for
protecting the American people. In FY 2022 OPE will ensure current training classes are
maintained and will continue to meet the increasing needs of our LE partners.
The FBI missed its FY 2020 target Number of Intelligence Training Courses Offered to
SLTT Partners by 18 courses. Eight (8) courses scheduled for FY 2020 were set to commence in
March and run through September. Due to COVID-19 challenges, all eight courses required
cancellation. In response to these challenges, OPE developed and transitioned the in-person
Introduction to Intelligence for Law Enforcement Analysts course to a blended online format
entitled Introduction to Intelligence for Partners (FSLTT). This course runs for 10 weeks and is
comprised of online instruction and offline assignments. Two courses were offered in FY 2020,
with great success.
Terrorist Screening Center
a. Performance Plan and Report for Outcomes
TSC is dedicated to ensuring watchlisting and screening activities are conducted in a manner
consistent with protecting privacy and civil liberties by tracking strategic measures pertaining to
both the accuracy and efficiency of TSC’s work. The measures provided are an indicator of the
TSC's commitment to maintaining the highest level of quality while ensuring the most up-to-date
Known or Suspected Terrorist (KST) identity information is provided to its partners. TSC will
continue to use these measures as a tool to improve organizational agility and refine information
sharing processes for watchlisting, screening, encounter management, and identity resolution.
These stringent measures reflect TSC’s resolve to disseminate up-to-date KST identity
information to our partners and highlight TSC’s commitment to being the USG’s authority in
watchlisting and identity resolution. By quickly and accurately processing nominations, TSC is
able to rapidly forward this vital data downstream to our partners, ensuring that any new threats
are mitigated upon encounter.
Performance Measure: Percent of net analyst-edits rejected by NCTC for inaccuracy
FY19 Target: 7%
FY19 Actual: 1.4%
FY20 Target: 5%
FY20 Actual: 0.9%
FY21 Target: 5%
FY22 Target: 5%
Performance Measure: Percent of TSDB addition and deletion nominations processed within 24
hours of receipt
FY19 Target: 95%
FY19 Actual: 99%
FY20 Target: 97%
FY20 Actual: 99.6%
FY21 Target: 97%
FY22 Target: 98%
TSC receives nominations for international KSTs from the USIC via the NCTC and nominations
for domestic terrorists directly from the FBI. To provide the most accurate and up-to-date
information possible to its partners, TSC analysts strive to process all nominations for addition or
removal from the TSDB within 24 hours of receipt. In addition, if edits are made to the
nominations submitted to the TSC by NCTC, those records are referred to NCTC for verification
and concurrence. NCTC's review of TSC analyst edits represents a quality control mechanism
that helps ensure the thoroughness and accuracy of the information contained in the TSDB. The
TSC will strive to ensure that 5% or less of these edits submitted to NCTC are rejected, as an
indicator of TSC's commitment to maintaining the highest level of quality while balancing its
complex watchlisting mission.
b. Strategies to Accomplish Outcomes
The TSC will stay ahead of the threat by advancing strategic objectives, intiatives, and measures.
One of the TSC’s strategic measures includes regularly conducting comprehensive and case-
specific quality assurance reviews of data in the Terrorist Screening DatabaseSDB to ensure the
U.S. Government’s substantive criteria for watchlisting is met and to ensure the records
maintained in the watchlist are current, accurate, and thorough. Monitoring the timeliness and
quality of additions, deletions, and edits to the TSDB through a monthly dashboard allows TSC
management to maintain situational awareness and respond quickly to changes. TSC
management is then able to reallocate resources as appropriate and determine when procedural or
policy changes are necessary to ensure the accuracy and thoroughness of the TSDB. By
maintaining situational awareness of the measures as well as the flexibility to reallocate
resources as necessary, TSC management will be able to ensure its ability to refine information
sharing operations to improve organizational agility in support of the FBI as well as the broader
B. Counterterrorism/Counterintelligence Decision Unit
Decision Unit Total
Direct Pos.
2020 Enacted
2021 Enacted
Adjustments to Base and Technical Adjustments
2022 Current Services
2022 Program Increases
2022 Request
Total Change 2021-2022
1. Program Description
The FBI’s Counterterrorism/Counterintelligence (CT/CI) Decision Unit comprises the
counterterrorism (CT) program, the WMDD, the counterintelligence (CI) program, a portion of
the computer intrusion (cyber) program (CIP), a portion of the CIRG, and the portion of the legat
program that supports the FBI’s CT and CI missions. Additionally, to capture all resources that
support these programs, a prorated share of resources from the FBI's operational support
divisions (including the Training, Laboratory, and Security Divisions; the administrative and
information technology divisions; and staff offices) are calculated and scored to the decision
Counterterrorism Program
The mission of the FBI’s CT program is to lead LE and domestic intelligence efforts to:
Prevent, disrupt, and defeat terrorist operations before they occur,
Pursue the appropriate sanctions for those who have conducted, aided, and abetted those
engaged in terrorist acts, and
Provide crisis management following acts of terrorism against the U.S. and its interests.
The FBI aims to eliminate the risk of international and domestic terrorism. The FBI
accomplishes this by gathering intelligence from all sources and using analysis to enhance
preventive efforts and exploit links between terrorist groups and their support networks. Threat
information is shared with all affected agencies and personnel to create and maintain efficient
threat mitigation response procedures and provide timely and accurate analysis to the USIC and
senior policy makers.
The FBI is committed to stopping terrorism at any stage, from thwarting those intending to
conduct an act of terrorism, to investigating those who provide financial or other support to
terrorist operations. FBI Headquarters maintains oversight of all CT investigations, thereby
employing and enhancing a national perspective that focuses on the CT strategy of creating an
inhospitable terrorist environment.
The FBI aims to protect the U.S. from terrorist attacks by disrupting terrorists’ ability to
perpetrate harm. Training, finances, recruiting, logistical support, pre-attack planning, and
preparation are all required components of terrorist operations. These requirements create
vulnerabilities, and the FBI focuses on building a comprehensive intelligence base to exploit
these vulnerabilities.
The FBI has a multi-year CT strategic plan with the following areas of focus:
Rigorous program management to ensure standardization of the FBI’s policies and
procedures related to countering terrorism.
Development of technical tools to collect and exploit data, in order to enhance targeting
and overcome barriers to intelligence gathering.
Provision of training opportunities to ensure the workforce can successfully mitigate
national security threats in a dynamic operational environment.
Evaluation of human intelligence (HUMINT) to effect disruptions and help anticipate
adversaries’ future intentions.
Development of intelligence products to inform both strategic and tactical operational
decisions and ensure the FBI remains agile in its mitigation efforts against threats to the
homeland and U.S. interests abroad.
The CT strategy puts the FBI in a position to achieve long-term agility and flexibility to meet the
changing needs of the CT mission space and larger FBI priorities.
The FBI has divided CT operations geographically and by threat, with each program focusing on
different aspects of terrorism threats. These components are staffed with agents, analysts, and
subject matter experts (SME) who work closely with investigators in the field and integrate
intelligence across multiple organizations. This integration allows for real-time responses to
threat information and quick communication with decision-makers and the field.
The FBI has established strong working relationships with other members of the USIC. Through
daily meetings with other USIC executives, the regular exchange of personnel among agencies,
joint efforts in specific investigations and in the NCTC, the TSC, other multi-agency entities, and
the collocation of personnel at Liberty Crossing, the FBI and its partners in the USIC are
integrated at every level of operations.
With terrorists international reach, coordination with foreign partners is crucial. The FBI has
increased its overseas presence and now routinely deploys agents and crime scene experts to
assist in the investigation of overseas attacks. Their work has played a major role in successful
international operations.
Weapons of Mass Destruction Directorate
The WMDD’s mission is to lead USG LE and domestic intelligence efforts to prevent and
neutralize weapons of mass destruction (WMD) threats against the homeland and support
interests abroad. The WMDD unifies LE authorities, intelligence analysis capabilities, and
technical subject matter expertise into an effective national approach to preventing and
responding to WMD threats.
Preparing, assessing, and responding to WMD threats and incidents is challenging because
WMD events and its responses are unique. To accomplish its mission, the WMDD integrates the
necessary counterterrorism, intelligence, counterintelligence, and scientific and technological
components in direct WMD cases and in support of its partners (CTD, CD, DI, CID, and CyD).
The WMDD coordinates the FBI’s WMD program through a multifaceted approach that
addresses all areas of the WMD incident spectrum, from prevention through response. This
approach includes:
The WMDD incorporates the development of comprehensive plans and
policies into its preparedness activities. The WMDD implements
planning, training, and practice exercises to ensure that the FBI and its
USG partners are ready to respond to WMD threats in a highly
cohesive and efficient manner.
The WMDD takes proactive measures to actively and passively
prevent, prepare, and mitigate chemical, biological, radiological,
nuclear, and explosive WMD-related threats. WMDD works with its
partners via outreach activities and establishes tripwires to address
“existing” threats and collaboratively develops specialized
countermeasures to address “over the horizon” threats. The
implementation of each countermeasure reduces the ability of bad
actors to obtain, create, and use a WMD.
Investigations and
The WMDD investigates the threatened, attempted, and actual use of a
WMD, as well as the attempted or actual transfer of materials,
knowledge, and technology needed to create a WMD. The WMDD
coordinates the FBI’s efforts to ensure a robust capability that can
collect evidence in contaminated areas, disarm hazardous devices, and
provide direct command and control (C2) support in on-scene
The WMDD proactively leverages timely, relevant, and actionable
intelligence to collaborate with key stakeholders other FBI divisions,
and USIC, LE, foreign, and private sector partners to identify,
understand, and mitigate priority current and emerging WMD threats
and vulnerabilities.
The FBI combined the operational activities of the CD's counterproliferation (CP) programs with
the subject matter expertise of the WMDD, and the analytical capabilities of the DI, to create
specialized counterproliferation (CP) units to detect, deter, and defeat the threat posed by state-
sponsored groups, individuals, and/or organizations as they attempt to obtain WMD or other
sensitive technologies. The hybrid nature of CP operations incorporates aggressive
counterintelligence and criminal investigative techniques, to prevent the acquisition of WMDs
and dismantle the transfer of the most sensitive technologies. The FBI's CP program works
closely with the National Counterproliferation Center (NCPC) to manage these high impact
investigations and collection platforms, which if not fully mitigated, pose the highest threat to
US national security.
Since the transfer of bomb-related matters to the WMDD in FY 2017, WMDD disrupted 30
WMD incidents and made 143 arrests, 84 indictments, 67 convictions, and 57 sentencings, which
is on pace with prior-year activity. Despite profound disruptions experienced throughout the
country as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, WMDD has not experienced a decrease in cases
within its purview when compared to previous fiscal years.
Counterintelligence Program
Executive Order (EO) 12333 assigns to the Director of the FBI, under the Attorney General,
oversight and supervision responsibility for conducting and coordinating CI activities within the
U.S. The FBI’s CI mission is to defeat hostile intelligence activities targeting the U.S. The FBI
works to identify and understand threats while protecting vital U.S. entities in particular, state
secrets, intellectual property, and democratic values through a culture of sharing, collaboration,
and integration with private, public, and international partners.
The domestic CI environment is more complex than ever, posing a continuous threat to U.S.
national security and its economy by targeting strategic technologies, industries, sectors, and
critical infrastructures. Historically, asymmetric CI threats involved foreign intelligence service
officers seeking USG and USIC information. The FBI has observed foreign adversaries
employing a wide range of nontraditional collection techniques, including the use of human
collectors not affiliated with intelligence services, foreign investment in critical U.S. sectors, and
infiltration of U.S. supply chains. The FBI continues to adjust its CI priorities and posture to
address the evolving and multifaceted threat.
Computer Intrusion Program (Cyber)
Malicious cyber activity threatens the US public health and safety, national security, and
economic security. The FBI adopted a new cyber strategy in FY 2020 to change the costbenefit
for criminals and foreign states who attempt to compromise U.S. networks, steal U.S. financial
and intellectual property, and hold U.S. critical infrastructure at risk.
The FBI uses its role as the lead federal agency with LE and intelligence responsibilities to
pursue its own actions against cyber adversaries, but also to help partners to defend networks,
attribute malicious activity, punish bad behavior, and counter adversaries overseas. The FBI
operationalizes the team approach through unique hubs where government, industry, and
academia can work alongside each other in long-term trusted relationships to combine efforts
against cyber threats.
Within the government, that hub is the National Cyber Investigative Joint Task Force (NCIJTF),
which the FBI leads with more than 30 co-located USIC and LE agencies. The NCIJTF is
organized around new mission centers based on key cyber threat areas and led by senior
executives from partner agencies. Through these mission centers, operations and intelligence are
integrated to sequence unilateral, joint, and enabled operations for maximum impact against our
The FBI also leads the National Defense Cyber Alliance, where experts from the government
and cleared defense contractors share threat intelligence in real time, and is co-located with
partners in industry, academia, and the financial sector as part of the National Cyber-Forensics
and Training Alliance in Pittsburgh and New York City.
Critical Incident Response Program
CIRG facilitates the FBI's rapid response to, and management of, crisis incidents and special
events integrating tactical response and resolution, negotiations, behavioral analysis and
assessments, surveillance, bomb technician and render safe programs, operations centers, and
crisis management resources. CIRG personnel are on call around the clock to respond to crisis
incidents requiring an immediate LE response and to support FBI planning and coordination of
special events. CIRG also furnishes distinctive training to FBI field personnel, as well as state,
local, federal, tribal, and international LE partners in support of this mission. This includes
Hazardous Device School (HDS) certification and recertification, as well as advanced training to
all U.S. public safety bomb technicians and accreditation of all U.S. public safety bomb squads.
CIRG encompasses the Hostage Rescue Team (HRT), a full-time national tactical
counterterrorism team, and manages the SWAT program in all FBI field offices. CIRG also
manages the FBI’s mobile surveillance programs – the Special Operations Group (SOG) and the
Special Surveillance Group (SSG) and its aviation surveillance program, including the
unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) program. SOGs are comprised of armed agents who perform
surveillances of targets that might have the propensity for violence; SSGs are comprised of
unarmed investigative specialists who perform surveillances of targets who are unlikely to be
violent. SOGs, SSGs, and aviation surveillance provide critical support to all programs. CIRG is
responsible for managing the FBI’s counter-unmanned aircraft systems (C-UAS) program,
performing both detect, track, locate, and identify (DTLI) and mitigation missions. CIRG
operates the Strategic Information and Operations Center (SIOC) to maintain 24/7/365
enterprise-wide situational awareness. In addition, CIRG oversees the National Center for the
Analysis of Violent Crime (NCAVC) Program and provides behavioral analysis and assessments
for complex and time-sensitive investigations across multiple programs.
CIRG’s readiness posture provides the USG with deployment capabilities to counter a myriad of
CT/CI and criminal threats from incidents involving WMDs to a mass hostage taking. The
FBI's crisis response protocols are built upon lessons learned from past incidents, resulting in a
tiered response, streamlined command and control, standardized training, equipment, and
operating procedures, and collaboration and coordination with other partners. To counter the
range of potential crises, an integrated response package that brings command and control,
aviation, and technical and tactical assets under a unified structure is essential, and CIRG
encompasses all of these elements.
Legal Attaché Program
Legats are the forward element of the FBI's international LE effort and often provide the first
response to crimes against the U.S. and its citizens that have an international nexus. The
counterterrorism component of the legat program is comprised of agents stationed overseas who
work closely with their foreign counterparts to prevent terrorism from reaching into the U.S.,
help solve crimes, and assist with the apprehension of international terrorists who violate U.S.
2. Performance and Resource Tables
Decision Unit: Counterterrorism/Counterintelligence
Requested (Total)
FY 2020
FY 2020
FY 2021
Current Services
Adjustments &
FY 2022 Program
FY 2022 Request
Total Costs
and FTE
Strategy Performance
Number of terrorism
disruptions (effected
Number of computer
intrusion program
deters, detects,
disruptions, and
Percent of private
sector losses
recovered by the
FBI’s Internet Crime
Complaint Center
Number of National
Insider Threat Task
Force (NITTF)
Insider Threat HUB
Operations Courses
Percentage of FBI’s
Annual Insider
Threat Training
Number of CI
program disruptions
and dismantlements
Number of Counter
Unmanned Aircraft
Systems (C-UAS)
3. Resources and Strategies
Counterterrorism Division (CTD)
a. Performance Plan and Report for Outcomes
The FBI’s CTD focuses its strategic efforts on defeating terrorism by advancing multiple
strategic objectives through strategic initiatives and measures such as the number of terrorism
disruptions the FBI accomplishes as evidence of the FBI’s capability in achieving DOJ
strategic objective 1.1 “disrupting and defeating terrorist operations.” Disrupting terrorist
operations is a core objective of the FBI in preserving national security and protecting the U.S.
from terrorist attacks. The FBI’s ability to continually meet this performance goal demonstrates
the successful alignment of strategy to budget requests by accomplishing this DOJ objective and
Performance Measure: Number of terrorism disruptions (effected through investigations)
FY19 Target: 250
FY19 Actual: 518
FY20 Target: 400
FY20 Actual: 561
FY21 Target: 400
FY22 Target: 500
A disruption is defined as interrupting or inhibiting a threat actor from engaging in criminal or
national security related activity. A disruption is the result of direct actions and may include, but
is not limited to, the arrest, seizure of assets, or impairing the operational capabilities of threat
b. Strategies to Accomplish Outcomes
The CTD will advance its strategic objectives for partnerships and information-sharing as well as
maximize the FBI’s impact on the threat and its ability to achieve terrorism disruptions. As an
example of strengthening partnerships, the FBI established the Domestic Terrorism-Hate Crimes
Fusion Cell in FY 2019 to ensure seamless coordination across the CID and the CTD, and to
advance both domestic terrorism and hate crimes investigations. The formation of this cell
enabled the FBI to arrest an individual in November 2019, before bombing a synagogue. The
CTD will remain committed to strengthening partnerships with partners such as private sector
companies and faith-based leaders to improve the FBI’s ability to share and receive information.
To increase reporting by the public, which can lead to disruptions of actors before they commit
violence, the FBI regularly updates its Homegrown Violent Extremist Mobilization Indicator
booklet, published jointly with the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC) and the
Department of Homeland Security (DHS). In September 2020 the FBI was able to arrest two
individuals for providing support to ISIS. Their disruption took place on the internet through
online recruitment/radicalizations, posting ISIS propaganda, and sharing bomb instructions.
During March of 2020, the FBI disrupted the plan of a Domestic Terrorist, who tried bombing a
Missouri hospital. Recently, The FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF), stopped a domestic
terrorist cell in October of 2020, who plotted to kidnap the Michigan Governor. Additionally,
the CTD will continue to pursue opportunities in data science, analytics, and building
capabilities. The FBI’s FY 2022 budget request will enable the CTD to better achieve these
outcomes, especially in the domestic terrorism program.
Cyber Division (CyD)
a. Performance Plan and Report for Outcomes
The CyD’s strategic efforts will focus on imposing risk and consequences on cyber adversaries
through the FBI’s unique authorities, world-class capabilities, and enduring partnerships. The
computer intrusion program (CIP) is a top priority of the FBI. The mission of the CIP is to
identify, assess, and neutralize computer intrusion threats emanating from terrorist organizations,
state-sponsored threat actors, and criminal groups targeting the national information
infrastructure. The CIP is characterized by an “all tools” approach, leveraging the FBI’s dual LE
and national security authorities. The CyD anticipates the number of detects, deters, disruptions,
and dismantlements will continually be claimed in FY 2022 due to significant emphasis placed
on FBI field offices to achieve judicial, operational, and preventative outcomes through the
annual Field Office Strategic Plan (FOSP) creation and evaluations processes.
The Recovery Asset Team (RAT) was established in February 2018 by the CyD’s Internet Crime
Complaint Center (IC3). The RAT streamlines communication between field offices and
financial institutions in an effort to recover assets for victims of any crime type that transfers
funds to fraudulent domestic accounts. Recognizing that private sector partners are indispensable
to successfully mitigating cyber threats, the CyD continues its efforts to establish and maintain
partnerships with the private sector to ensure timely sharing of information. The CyD’s ongoing
relationships with private sector entities, including banking institutions, have aided in the CyD’s
ability to provide robust asset recovery numbers. For example, the CyD is able to maintain a
platform of data sharing that is beneficial to both parties and thus, beneficial to victims, by
continuing to make contact with new financial institutions, as well as fostering relationships
established with current partners.
Performance Measure: Number of computer intrusion program deters, detections, disruptions,
and dismantlement's conducted
FY19 Target: 8,000
FY19 Actual: 15,987
FY20 Target: 8,000
FY20 Actual: 15,427
FY21 Target: 10,000
FY22 Target: 10,000
Performance Measure: Percent of private sector losses recovered by the FBI’s Internet Crime
Complaint Center (IC3)
FY19 Target: 76%
FY19 Actual: 78%
FY20 Target: 77%
FY20 Actual: 85%
FY21 Target: 78%
FY22 Target: 79%
Detect is the FBI identification of a threat actor, criminal, or national security-related activity.
The detect should be claimed by the FBI case agent when known or suspected personnel, assets,
front company/cover organizations, funding, operations, objectives, or tradecraft are detected or
Deter is the FBI prevention of a threat actor from engaging in criminal or national security
related activity through defensive countermeasures which are implemented by the FBI or
implemented by strategic partners due to FBI engagement. The deterrence should be claimed by
an agent when the agent’s defensive countermeasures were implemented by the FBI or
implemented by strategic partners due to FBI engagement.
Disruption is interrupting or inhibiting a threat actor from engaging in criminal or national
security related activity. A disruption is the result of direct actions and may include, but is not
limited to, the arrest, seizure of assets, or impairment of the operational capabilities of key threat
actors. A disruption should be claimed in conjunction with an affirmative LE action (e.g., arrest,
indictment, conviction, seizure) and/or regulatory action that impedes the normal and effective
operation of the targeted criminal enterprise as indicated by changes in the organizational
leadership or methods of operation (e.g., financing, trafficking partners, communications, drug
production). An affirmative LE action resulting in multiple arrests, seizures, indictments, or
convictions of an organization’s members should be reported as one disruption of that
organization. An organization, generally speaking, cannot be disrupted more than once on the
same day.
A dismantlement occurs when the targeted organization's leadership, financial base, and supply
network has been destroyed, such that the organization is incapable of operating and/or
reconstituting itself. An organization can only be dismantled once. However, in the case of large
organizations, several individual identifiable cells or subgroups may be present. Each of these
cells or subgroups maintains and provides a distinct function supporting the entire organization.
If properly documented, multiple dismantlement statistical accomplishments can be claimed as
they pertain to identifiable cells or subgroups. A dismantlement should be claimed by the case
agent who had the greatest role in contributing to the dismantlement when the leadership of the
organization has been eliminated and/or the criminal enterprise is no longer able to sustain itself,
and the last subject/primary target of the organization, cell, or subgroup has been convicted. The
point in which a dismantlement will be claimed is only at the time of conviction of the last
subject in the organization and/or the conviction of the primary target of the
organization/identifiable cell or subgroups.
The RAT defines a “loss” as funds diverted from a victim’s account to a fraudulent recipient
account via deception techniques employed by fraud actors. A “recovered loss” is defined as
funds frozen, or held, at the recipient financial institution and unable to be retrieved by the bad
b. Strategies to Accomplish Outcomes
In order to achieve DOJ strategic objective 1.2 “combat cyber-based threats and attacks, as well
as the FBI’s strategic and operational objectives, the CyD’s strategy addresses the growing
criminal and national security threat of unauthorized computer intrusions by conducting
investigations, collecting intelligence, and engaging victims, all in pursuit of attribution to
unmask the adversary. Imposing risk and consequences on cyber adversaries ultimately leads to
disruptions, deterrence, and defeat. Each fiscal year, the CyD communicates cyber threat-level
guidance to all FBI field offices in order to direct efforts and drive progress toward achieving
these outcomes.
The CyD will continue outreach to the private sector to educate victims on reporting incidents to
IC3 in a complete and timely manner, as domestic transfers are quickly dispersed and thus
difficult to recover. The CyD will also continue to partner with financial institutions to ensure
streamlining of efforts to recover victim funds and will partner with regulators to monitor the
effects of legal guidance that influence how the financial sector conducts the recovery of
fraudulent funds.
Insider Threat Office (InTO)
a. Performance Plan and Report for Outcomes
In order for the FBI to adequately secure its holdings, it trains its workforce to identify and
combat existing internal and external threats. Along with creating hardened targets by
maintaining robust physical security and information systems (IS), effective personnel security
measures can significantly contribute to the safety of the FBI’s integrity and the prevention of
insider threats. To achieve this objective for combatting insider threats, the FBI’s Insider Threat
Office (InTO) will continue to use National Insider Threat Task Force’s (NITTF) Insider Threat
Hub Operations courses to advance the education and training of its employees. The Hub
Operations course is designed for employees who support an executive branch agency insider
threat program. Additionally, InTO will continue developing and requiring annual insider threat
training to all personnel who have been granted access to FBI systems. The FBI’s annual insider
threat training is a mandatory training for all personnel with FBI system access. The training
contains an assessment to measure the individual’s grasp of the material. A score of 80% is
required to successfully pass the course.
Performance Measure: Number of National Insider Threat Task Force Threat Hub Operations
courses conducted
FY19 Target: 6
FY19 Actual: 8
FY20 Target: 6
FY20 Actual: 3
FY21 Target: 6
FY22 Target: 6
Performance Measure: Percentage of FBI’s annual insider threat training compliance
FY19 Target: 95%
FY19 Actual: 96%
FY20 Target: 95%
FY20 Actual: 96%
FY21 Target: 95%
FY22 Target: 95%
The Hub Operations training is a collaborative effort between the FBI and the National
Counterintelligence and Security Center (NCSC) conducted through the NITTF. Attendees from
across the Executive Branch have completed the course. By teaching program staff from the
Department of Defense (DOD), the USIC, and NT-50 agencies, the course facilitates the
development of professional networks between insider threat programs, which strengthen
collaboration and coordination in addressing insider threats, information sharing, and problem
solving. This course provides further awareness to insider threat activities to better prepare
programs to deter, detect, and mitigate insider threats.
The FBI’s annual insider threat training is in accordance with E.O. 12968 and E.O. 13587, an
annual training requirement for all personnel with access to FBI systems. This course contains a
post-test which requires a score of 80% or higher. The training incorporates insider risk detection
and mitigation. The purpose of this course is to familiarize personnel with the appropriate actions
to take in relation to possible insider threats. Upon completion of this course, personnel are able
to recognize insider threat concerns and the appropriate actions to take when faced with signs of
a possible insider threat. The training is available on both the classified and unclassified
b. Strategies to Accomplish Outcomes
The FBI’s InTO strategy focuses on protecting U.S. information by detecting and deterring
insider threat actors, as well as mitigating risks associated with insider threats. InTO advances
DOJ strategic objective 1.3 by strengthening systems and educating the workforce against
internal and external threats.
The InTO will continue supporting the Hub Operations courses via formal classroom settings,
practical exercises, forums, working groups, and conferences. In support of the Hub Operations
courses, InTO will develop additional methods of course delivery and expand its accessibility.
During the National Emergency, the Hub Operations course expanded its training platform to a
virtual setting.
The InTO will continue requiring and tracking completion of the web-based, annual training to
ensure all personnel with access to FBI systems receive insider threat awareness training. In
order to complete the course, employees must have a successfully passed assessment. The InTO
will also perform internal reviews of the course material to ensure appropriate updates and
changes are incorporated.
The FBI missed its FY 2020 Number of National Insider Threat Task Force Threat Hub
Operations courses conducted by three courses. A workforce trained in internal and external
threats is better able to secure its information, effective personnel security measures can deter
and prevent insider threats and robust information systems and physical security can create a
hardened target for external actors. Therefore, the FBI’s Insider Threat Office (InTO) continues
to ensure a well-trained workforce by supporting iterations of the National Insider Threat Task
Force’s (NITTF) Insider Threat Hub Operations courses. Due to COVID-19, the Hub Operations
courses were not conducted in the third and fourth quarter of the fiscal year. In September 2020,
the NITTF published a Virtual Hub Operations Course schedule took place in a virtual
environment through the remainder of calendar year 2020. Additionally, the InTO continues
developing and requiring annual Insider Threat training to all personnel who have been granted
access to FBI systems. The FBI’s annual Insider Threat training is a mandatory training for all
personnel with FBI system access. The training contains an assessment to measure the
individual’s grasp of the material. A score of 80% is required to successfully pass the course.
InTO assigned a Training Coordinator to track and report compliance details to managers. InTO
exceeded the target for FY20 at 96% compliance.
Counterintelligence Division (CD)
a. Performance Plan and Report for Outcomes
The CD uses the performance measure number of counterintelligence program disruptions and
dismantlement's to count the counterintelligence operational outcomes with the greatest impact
on threat actors during the fiscal year. Disruptions and dismantlement's are high-impact, low-
frequency accomplishments demonstrating the FBI’s capacity to interrupt adverse operations and
impede threat actors from conducting future operations. This metric directly measures the impact
of FBI actions to achieve DOJ strategic goal 1 “enhance national security and counter the threat
of terrorism via DOJ strategic objective 1.3 “combat unauthorized disclosures, insider threats,
and hostile intelligence activities. As a direct measure of effectiveness, this performance
measure provides an ideal justification for the annual budget, demonstrating the operational
outcomes that rely on appropriate resourcing. This performance measure is a key indicator as to
how well the federal government is mitigating the negative risks of the insider threat, intellectual
property theft, and information access, as well as leveraging the opportunities of globalization
and private sector engagement as part of that risk mitigation strategy. Each disruption or
dismantlement is the outcome of investigative and analytical efforts by the FBI through a whole-
of-government approach, often alongside local, private sector, and foreign partners, to disrupt a
hostile intelligence scheme or unauthorized disclosure that would otherwise have harmed U.S.
national or economic security.
Performance Measure: Number of counterintelligence program disruptions and dismantlements
FY19 Target: 400
FY19 Actual: 529
FY20 Target: 400
FY20 Actual: 365
FY21 Target: 400
FY22 Target: 400
This measure uses the combined score of two types of statistical accomplishments disruptions
and dismantlement's as documented by the FBI in the counterintelligence program case files of
its official, classified recordkeeping system. Disruption is interrupting or inhibiting a threat
actor from engaging in national security-related activity. A dismantlement occurs when the
targeted organization’s leadership, financial base, and supply network has been destroyed, such
that the organization or active cell is incapable of operating and/or reconstituting itself. FBI
personnel claim statistical accomplishments for various types of operational activities so the
number of occurrences of these activities can be tracked for oversight purposes. By this
definition, dismantlement's are relatively rare. Disruptions are the primary accomplishment that
demonstrates how the FBI has stopped or mitigated threat activities against U.S. targets, and
disruptions vary in size of impact. The target remains stable so that investigators can focus on
impact to the threat actor rather than the total number of disruptions each year.
b. Strategies to Accomplish Outcomes
The FBI’s counterintelligence strategy focuses on protecting U.S. information, items, and other
assets by disrupting hostile foreign actors and by dismantling organizations that further the
hostile activities. Preventing the loss of assets and proactively disrupting threat actors are
essential parts of a counterintelligence strategy; once a hostile foreign nation has acquired U.S.
assets, the damage cannot be undone. In FY 2020, the CD activated a new threat mission center
approach to put direct emphasis on combatting the highest priority threats as determined through
FBI and USIC analysis and strategic vision. The mission centers leverage the broadest set of
lawful tools, including non-prosecutorial methods, and the broadest set of allies, including other
U.S. agencies at all levels of government, the private sector, and friendly foreign partners,
against the most damaging sponsors of hostile foreign intelligence activity. The FBI has
increased coordination with that set of allies through the National Counterintelligence Task
Force (NCITF), providing nationwide coordination with federal LE and USIC partners on the
model of successful drug and counterterrorism joint task forces. The NCITF supports CI task
forces in all 56 field offices, allowing the FBI to leverage additional federal, state, and local LE
personnel to bring additional resources to bear on the broad-based counterintelligence threat.
The FBI missed its FY 2020 Number of counterintelligence program disruptions and
dismantlements conducted by 35. The public health response to the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic
demanded creative ways to achieve the FBI counterintelligence mission while maintaining the
safety of all employees, witnesses, victims, and suspects. The FBI Counterintelligence Division
met this challenge, continuing to produce high quality outcomes through the height of the
pandemic. While the total number of disruptions and dismantlements lagged behind the annual
target, the numbers show this was a direct result of COVID-19 protection strategies in quarters 3
and 4. Throughout FY20, the FBI Counterintelligence Division continued its focus on
identifying, understanding, and combating foreign activities in order to deter, defeat, and
aggressively respond to counterintelligence threats against U.S. national and economic security.
Key accomplishments include the August arrests of Alexander Yuk Ching Ma and Peter Rafael
Dzibinski Debbins on charges that they provided national security information to the
governments of China and Russia, respectively; the July forfeiture filings to seize the ill-gotten
gains from North Korean and Iranian violators of international sanctions on their governments;
and the February indictment of Chinese technology firm Huawei with conspiracy to violate the
Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO), marking a novel use of this legal
strategy to complete a counterintelligence investigation. In addition, Henry Kyle Frese was
sentenced to 30 months in prison for leaking national defense information to journalists in 2018
and 2019, and the Department of Justice achieved the successful extradition of accused
international sanctions violators in the custody of Georgia and the United Kingdom. Despite the
pandemic, the FBI made historic strides in combatting unauthorized disclosure, insider threat,
and hostile intelligence activities.
Critical Incident Response Group (CIRG)
a. Performance Plan and Report for Outcomes
The FBI’s counter-unmanned aircraft systems (C-UAS) program remains a priority strategic
initiative for the organization in order to better protect the American people and stay ahead of
emerging threats. Program management responsibilities have transitioned from the OTD to the
CIRG, and the CIRG will continue to enhance the FBI’s capabilities in the C-UAS mission space
by delivering technology-based C-UAS solutions to enable and enhance the FBI’s intelligence,
national security, and LE operations.
Performance Measure: Number of C-UAS deployments
FY19 Target: 15
FY19 Actual: 20
FY20 Target: 20
FY20 Actual: 20
FY21 Target: 20
FY22 Target: 20
C-UAS measure: Within the past few years, UAS experienced rapid advancements in
technology and market growth resulting in highly capable, simple-to-use aircraft which are easily
accessible to the general public. As UAS continue to become more complex and integrated into
everyday life, so will the exploitation of UAS by individuals with nefarious intent. Recent events
involving UAS in the Middle East, the United Kingdom, and in the U.S. have highlighted serious
security gaps and emphasized the need for C-UAS capabilities. The FBI established itself as one
of the experts on C-UAS matters among its international and domestic LE partners. The C-UAS
program has experienced drastic increases in requests to provide both operational support to the
field, as well as institutional knowledge to its partners. In order to mitigate the ever-growing
threat posed by UAS, the CIRG’s C-UAS program is exploring means to expand research and
development capabilities, as well as operational capacity.
b. Strategies to Accomplish Outcomes
CIRG’s strategy to protect the American people, stay ahead of the threat, and lead in the mission
space for the FBI’s C-UAS program is a defensive one where the CIRG actively deploys C-UAS
technology in support of National Special Security Events (NSSEs) and Special Event
Assessment Rating (SEAR) events, as well as for investigative purposes. Current defensive
capabilities include detection, tracking, locating, and identification of small UAS devices
utilizing an array of technologies to include: radio frequency (RF) direction finding, RF decoding
and demodulation, radar, and infrared/electro-optical camera systems. The CIRG’s C-UAS
program has various mission profiles which are dependent on field office requests, the level of
field office support, and specialized legal authorities. The C-UAS program’s core mission is to
identify, track, and locate UAS operating within the airspace surrounding an event or location.
The C-UAS program provides UAS operator location information to response personnel who
will attempt to intercept and educate the UAS operator. If mitigation authority has been obtained
for the event, the C-UAS program will deploy and utilize technologies capable of mitigating a
UAS while in flight. UAS mitigation capabilities are categorized as (from least to most
destructive) either cyber, RF jamming, or kinetic. Cyber-based mitigation involves a man-in-the-
middle style attack, essentially, hijacking the UAS command and control (C2) signal this
allows for the C-UAS operator to take control of the UAS, providing several options. RF
jamming overwhelms the UAS command and control link within a given environment. This
technique may or may not lead to a predictable outcome. Kinetic mitigation is any method that
makes physical contact with the UAS while in operation. The FBI’s C-UAS program currently
has limited UAS mitigation capabilities and is working to acquire, develop, and integrate
additional CONUS appropriate mitigation technologies.
In addition to traditional RF-based tracking capabilities, the CIRG’s C-UAS program is
exploring means to support research and develop new technological methods which would
identify, track, and locate UAS that utilize cellular and/or satellite communication for command
and control (C2). The FBI currently utilizes equipment capable of detecting and tracking
traditional UAS C2 technologies, which are limited in range and to line-of-site communication.
Recent technological developments have provided industry and hobbyists with commercially
available and inexpensive equipment which allow for UAS C2 over cellular and satellite
communications networks. This advancement is very likely to be adopted by industry and
hobbyists in the near future, in part, because it eliminates the range and line-of-site restrictions of
traditional UAS C2. Although current cellular based tracking technology is very capable, it is not
able to identify and/or distinguish the difference between cellular-based UAS C2 and standard
cellular communications traffic.
C. Criminal Enterprises and Federal Crimes Decision Unit
Criminal Enterprises and Federal Crimes
Decision Unit Total
Direct Pos.
2020 Enacted
2021 Enacted
Adjustments to Base and Technical Adjustments
2022 Current Services
2022 Program Increases
2022 Request
Total Change 2021-2022
1. Program Description
The Criminal Enterprises and Federal Crimes (CEFC) Decision Unit comprises all headquarters
and field programs that support the FBI's criminal investigative missions, which are managed by
CID. The DU includes:
The FBI’s organized crime, gang/criminal enterprise, and criminal intelligence programs;
The financial crime, integrity in government/civil rights, and violent crime programs;
The public corruption and government fraud programs, and part of the financial crimes
program, which investigate state, local, and federal government acts of impropriety,
including federal and state legislative corruption;
The criminal investigative components of the CyD's programs, including criminal
computer intrusions, the IC3, and a share of the FBI's legat program.
Additionally, to capture all resources that support these programs, a prorated share of resources
from the FBI's operational support divisions (including the Training, Laboratory, and Security
Divisions; the administrative and information technology divisions; and staff offices) are
calculated and scored to the decision unit.
The structure of the FBI’s criminal intelligence program maximizes the effectiveness of
resources; improves investigation and intelligence gathering processes; focuses on threats from
criminal enterprises; and promotes the collection, exchange, and dissemination of intelligence
throughout the FBI and other authorized agencies.
Financial Crimes
The WCC program addresses threats including public corruption (e.g., government fraud and
border corruption), corporate fraud, securities and commodities fraud, mortgage fraud, financial
institution fraud, health care fraud, money laundering, and other complex financial crimes.
Violent Crime and Gang Threats
The FBI’s violent crime and gang program aims to combat violent criminal threats and to disrupt
and dismantle local, regional, national, and transnational cells of criminal enterprises that pose
the greatest threat to the economic and national security of the U.S.
The violent crime component combats the most significant violent crime offenders and threats
falling within the FBI's investigative jurisdiction. Violent crime continues to threaten
communities within the U.S. and its citizens. Major violent crime incidents such as mass killings,
school shootings, serial killings, and violent fugitives can paralyze whole communities and
stretch state and local LE resources to their limits. Particular emphasis is directed toward matters
involving serial violent offenders and significant violence, including bank robberies, armored car
robberies, fugitives, kidnappings for ransom, extortions, police killings, and assault on federal
Cyber Program
Included under the purview of the cyber program within the CEFC DU are criminal computer
intrusion investigations conducted by the CyD and IC3.
Legal Attaché Program
Crime-fighting in an era of increasing globalization and interconnectivity is a truly international
effort, and the people who make up the IOD and legat program work together to lead and direct
the FBI’s growing number of operations around the globe.
The FBI’s legats and their staffs work hard to combat crime and strengthen the bonds between
LE personnel throughout the world. Agents working in the IOD use their unique skill sets and
knowledge to coordinate investigations large and small. Legats partner with the FBI’s criminal
and intelligence divisions, foreign LE, and U.S. and foreign intelligence and security services.
The IOD and legat program also includes a major training component, which includes efforts
such as supporting international LE academies and teaching LE partners about proper
investigation techniques at crime scenes or crisis management.
2. Performance and Resource Tables
Decision Unit: Criminal Enterprises and Federal Crimes
Requested (Total)
FY 2020
FY 2020
FY 2021
Current Services
Adjustments &
FY 2022
FY 2022 Request
Total Costs
and FTE
Strategy Performance
Percentage increase
of gang/criminal
priority organized
target (CPOT)) from
prior FY*
Number of Criminal
Engaging in White-
Collar Crimes
CPOT-linked drug-
(DTOs) disrupted
CPOT-linked DTOs
Number of
opened on Elder
3. Resources and Strategies
Criminal Investigative Division (CID)
a. Performance Plan and Report for Outcomes
The FBI’s CID addresses numerous criminal threats, to include violent crimes, violent gangs,
transnational organized crime, violent crimes against children, Indian Country crimes, human
trafficking, complex financial crimes, fraud, money laundering, public corruption, and civil rights.
CID’s measures, as identified by DOJ and FBI strategic priorities, provide a snapshot of the FBI’s work
within the criminal program. As such, the measures cannot adequately demonstrate all of the work
performed within the CID’s budget or resources, which is allocated across all criminal threats, not just
those posed by gangs, criminal enterprises/organizations, and drug trafficking organizations. However,
gangs, criminal enterprises, criminal organizations engaging in white-collar crime and money
laundering, and drug-trafficking organizations are some of the highest priority threats, as identified by
DOJ and FBI. As disruptions and dismantlements of these criminal groups hinders or eliminates their
ability to commit crimes, these performance measures demonstrate the most impactful work performed
by the FBI against these threats.
DOJ maintains a national list of the most prolific major international drug trafficking and money
laundering organizations threatening the U.S. known as the Consolidated Priority Organization Target
(CPOT) list, which reflects the most significant international narcotic manufacturers, poly-drug
traffickers, suppliers, transporters, and money laundering organizations.
The intent of the performance measures are as follows:
CPOT-linked drug trafficking organizations (DTOs) disrupted:
Increase the number of CPOT-linked cases, thereby leading to increased disruptions linked to CPOTs.
CPOT-linked DTOs dismantled:
Increase the number of CPOT-linked cases, thereby leading to increased dismantlements linked to
Percentage of gang/criminal enterprise dismantlements (non-CPOT):
Increase the percentage of gang/criminal enterprise dismantlements (non-CPOT).
Number of criminal organizations engaging in white collar crimes dismantled:
Increase the number of criminal enterprises engaging in white-collar crimes dismantled.
Number of investigations opened on elder fraud:
Count the number of investigations targeting elder fraud, a priority for DOJ prosecution.
CID is committed to vigorous enforcement efforts against these violent transnational criminal
organizations and gangs, and uses all available tools, to include developing relationships with foreign
LE partners and targeting the most egregious criminal acts, to disrupt and dismantle the most violent
gangs and criminal organizations. CID is also committed to vigorous enforcement of the wide range of
financial criminal violations within its purview. Major areas of focus include money laundering, health
care fraud, corporate fraud, securities and commodities fraud, fraud targeting the elderly, and intellectual
property rights crimes (e.g., theft of trade secrets and counterfeiting). To combat those crimes, the FBI
focuses heavily on maintaining and enhancing relationships with foreign, state, local, and private
industry partners; developing advanced analytical capabilities to identify criminal activity; and targeting
the most egregious criminal actors to disrupt and dismantle schemes and organizations.
CID anticipates the number of disruptions, dismantlements, and case initiations will continually be
claimed in FY 2022 because of emphasis to achieve judicial and preventative outcomes. These
quantitative outcomes will largely reflect the work performed and progress toward meeting and
exceeding the relevant performance measure, targets, or goals. Leveraging future resources and focusing
efforts against addressing the outlined DOJ/FBI objectives can ultimately ensure increased public safety.
Performance Measure: Percentage increase of gang/criminal enterprise dismantlement's (non-CPOT)
from prior FY
FY19 Target: 15% (198)
FY19 Actual: 16% (217)
FY20 Target: 15% (227)
FY20 Actual: -6.6% (185)
FY21 Target: 15% (261)
FY22 Target: 15% (300)
Performance Measure: Number of criminal organizations engaging in white collar crimes dismantled
FY19 Target: 400
FY19 Actual: 388
FY20 Target: 400
FY20 Actual: 205
FY21 Target: 400
FY22 Target: 400
Performance Measure: CPOT-linked DTOs disrupted
FY19 Target: 50
FY19 Actual: 58
FY20 Target: 50
FY20 Actual: 76
FY21 Target: 50
FY22 Target: 50
Performance Measure: CPOT-linked DTOs dismantled
FY19 Target: 20
FY19 Actual: 14
FY20 Target: 20
FY20 Actual: 11
FY21 Target: 20
FY22 Target: 20
Performance Measure: Number of investigations opened on Elder Fraud
FY19 Target: 60
FY19 Actual: 96
FY20 Target: 90
FY20 Actual: 176
FY21 Target: 90
FY22 Target: 90
A dismantlement occurs when the targeted organization's leadership, financial base, and supply
network has been destroyed, such that the organization is incapable of operating and/or reconstituting
itself. By definition, an organization can only be dismantled once. However, in the case of large
organizations, a number of individual identifiable cells or subgroups may be present. Each of these cells
or subgroups maintains and provides a distinct function supporting the entire organization. The point in
which a dismantlement will be claimed is only at the time of the conviction of the last subject in the
organization and/or the conviction of the primary target of the organization/identifiable cell or
subgroups. For violent criminal threat matters, an organization is a group of three or more individuals
knowingly involved in a criminal activity.
A disruption is interrupting or inhibiting a threat actor from engaging in criminal or national security-
related activity. A disruption is the result of direct actions and may include, but is not limited to, the
arrest, seizure of assets, or impairment of the operational capabilities of key threat actors. A disruption
should be claimed in conjunction with an affirmative LE action (e.g., arrest, indictment, conviction,
seizure) and/or regulatory action that impedes the normal and effective operation of the targeted criminal
enterprise as indicated by changes in the organizational leadership or methods of operation (e.g.,
financing, trafficking patterns, communications, or drug production). An affirmative LE action resulting
in multiple arrests, seizures, indictments, or convictions of an organization’s members should be
reported as one disruption of that organization.
b. Strategies to Accomplish Outcomes
The CID’s strategy focuses on strategic objectives and efforts to fulfill the FBI’s vision to stay ahead of
the threat. CID has developed, implemented, and prioritized strategies as part of DOJ’s strategic goal 3
“reduce violent crime and promote public safety, objectives 3.1 “combat violent crime, promote safe
communities, and uphold the rights of victims of crime,” and 3.2 “disrupt and dismantle drug trafficking
organizations to curb opioid and other illicit drug use in our nation,” and DOJ’s goal 4 “promote
integrity, good government, and the rule of law,” objective 4.1 “uphold the rule of law and integrity in
the proper administration of justice.”
The FBI uses the Enterprise Theory of Investigation (ETI), which focuses on disrupting and dismantling
the entire criminal organization through intelligence-based targeting and execution of coordinated
investigations against the high value subjects.
The FBI has developed a holistic strategy to investigate and prosecute illegal drug traffickers and
distributors, reduce drug-related crime and violence, provide assistance to other LE agencies, and
strengthen international cooperation. The FBI’s strategy focuses on the FBI's counter-drug resources on
identified CPOT organizations with the most adverse impact on U.S. national interests. The FBI also
prioritizes efforts to combat the nationwide opioid epidemic, including addressing traditional criminal
enterprises and dark web vendors importing, distributing, and selling fentanyl and illegal opioids, as
well as sources of illegitimate prescription opioids. The Prescription Drug Initiative targets health care
providers and pharmaceutical companies involved with illegal marketing and distribution practices, as
well as fraudulent prescriptions. The FBI and DOJ are partnered together on the Appalachian Regional
Prescription Opioid Strike Force, which has dedicated investigators and prosecutors to address the
problem in the region.
The FBI also uses ETI to reduce the threat of violent crime and promote safe neighborhoods and is
committed to vigorous enforcement efforts against violent transnational criminal organizations and
gangs. The FBI will continue to strive for the goals set forth of non-CPOT gangs and criminal enterprise
dismantlements in order to be accountable and committed to reduce violent crime through partnerships.
As part of overall efforts to reduce criminal activity, the FBI is engaged with DOJ priority initiatives,
such as the growing threat of fraud targeting elderly victims. DOJ and the FBI initiated the
Transnational Elder Fraud Strike Force to investigate and prosecute these cases across the country, and
the FBI increased resources, intelligence gathering, and investigations to facilitate prosecution in
cooperation with DOJ.
To advance strategic objectives for the rule of law, the FBI’s white collar crime program will integrate
intelligence analysis with its investigations of criminal activities such as public corruption, money
laundering, corporate fraud, securities and commodities fraud, mortgage fraud, financial institution
fraud, bank fraud and embezzlement, fraud against the government, election law violations, mass
marketing fraud, and health care fraud. The FBI generally focuses on complex investigations often
with a nexus to organized crime activities that are international, national, or regional in scope and
where the FBI can bring to bear unique expertise or capabilities that increase the likelihood of successful
CID will work closely with partner LE and regulatory agencies such as the Securities and Exchange
Commission, the Internal Revenue Service, the U.S. Postal Inspection Service, the Commodity Futures
Trading Commission, and the Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, among
others, targeting sophisticated, multi-layered fraud cases that harm the American people and the U.S.
The FBI missed its FY 2020 Percentage increase of gang/criminal enterprise dismantlement's (non-
CPOT) from prior FY by 6.6 percentage points. During the FY20 reporting period, the FBI had
significant gang/non-CPOT dismantlements, including Operation Only Family. The Operation Only
Family investigation was initiated by the FBI Chicago Field Office (CG) to target The Black Disciples
(BD), a violent gang operating in the Greater Chicago area. The BDs were involved in the distribution of
street level and wholesale amounts of narcotics, gang-related homicides, credit card fraud, assaults,
armed robberies, and aggravated batteries. The investigation progressed to a large-scale, multi-state
endeavor involving federal, state, and local law enforcement partners. CG’s CHS operations, 16 Title III
intercepts, and multiple search warrants led to CG’s arrest of 27 individuals and seizure of 20 firearms,
over 14 kilograms of cocaine, and 2.5 kilograms of heroin in July 2020. In a spin-off case, FBI
Milwaukee initiated an investigation into the BD based on intelligence gained from the CG operation.
Gang members were subsequently indicted on narcotics and firearms violations. These investigations
and dismantlements had a significant impact on the operations of the Black Disciples in the Mid-West.
The FBI missed its FY 2020 Number of criminal organizations engaging in white collar crimes
dismantled by 195. The FBI's CID operational challenges were compounded by other COVID-19
challenges, such as FBI personnel exposures/quarantines, the inability to conduct sensitive case analysis
from remote environments (“telework”), and the lack of private industry responsiveness (specifically to
federal grand jury (FGJ) subpoenas for business records). Additionally, there was an increase in
COVID-19 crime, specifically in schemes/complaints related to Price Gouging/Hoarding, Procurement
Fraud, Investment Fraud, Counterfeit Public Health Products, and Unemployment Insurance. The FBI
needed to reallocate investigative resources to mitigate the financial losses from these crimes.
The FBI missed its FY 2020 Number of CPOT-linked DTOs dismantled by nine. The COVID-19
Pandemic affected all target measures and severely impacted investigative accomplishments for FY
2020. Numerous planned operations did not occur and were postponed until FY 2021. The widespread
shutdown also affected the U.S. Attorney’s Offices and courts (including FGJ procedures), which are
responsible for the prosecution, trial, and sentencing of subjects. The FBI defines a dismantlement as
when a criminal organization (e.g., leadership, financial infrastructure) is incapable of operating or
reconstituting itself, so the FBI does not claim these statistics until the last subject in the organization is
sentenced. This extended period in which there were limited court proceedings (e.g., indictments, trials,
proffers) greatly affected the FBI’s ability to fully dismantle criminal enterprises and claim statistics
under DOJ strategic objectives 3.1 and 3.2.
D. Criminal Justice Services Decision Unit
Criminal Justice Services Decision Unit Total
2020 Enacted
2021 Enacted
Adjustments to Base and Technical Adjustments
2022 Current Services
2022 Program Increases
2022 Request
Total Change 2021-2022
1. Program Description
The Criminal Justice Services (CJS) Decision Unit comprises the following:
All programs of the CJIS Division
The portion of the LD that provides criminal justice information and forensic services to
the FBI's state and local LE partners, as well as the state and local training programs of
International training program of IOD
A prorated share of resources from the FBI's operational support divisions (including TD,
LD, SecD, the administrative and IT divisions, and other)
Criminal Justice Information Services Division
The mission of CJIS is to equip LE, national security, and intelligence community (IC) partners
with the criminal justice information needed to protect the U.S. while preserving civil liberties.
CJIS includes several major program activities that support this mission, all of which are
described below.
Next Generation Identification (NGI): NGI provides timely and accurate identification services
in a paperless environment 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The NGI system, which expanded and
significantly enhanced the FBI’s biometric identification capabilities, became fully operational in
September 2014, providing the criminal justice community with the world’s largest and most
efficient electronic repository of biometric and identity history information.
The NGI services connectivity for 106,981 federal, state, local, and tribal LE customers. These
customers have existing statutory authorization to conduct background checks using the NGI
system; however only about one third, 38,108, of those regularly do so.
The NGI also improved major features such as system flexibility, storage capacity, accuracy, and
timeliness of responses, as well as the interoperability with the biometric matching systems of
DHS and the DOD.
The NGI system’s operating efficiency is an assessment of the overall availability, accuracy, and
its robustness. The NGI’s operating efficiency has increased along with its overall biometric
Availability The NGI system continues to operate at a high-performance level and exceeds all
availability and accuracy performance goals. The NGI had a 100 percent availability rate in two
of the 10 months through July of FY 2020, while the remaining eight months averaged a 99.72
percent availability rate. The overall system availability for the first 10 months of FY 2020 was
99.77 percent. This is a 0.13 percent decrease from FY 2019.
Accuracy The NGI system is still very similar to when it was deployed. From a tenprint
perspective, the NGI system algorithm, when combined with human examiners, continues to
satisfy the 99.999 percent accuracy rate. The latent match system continues to exceed the
required 85 percent accuracy rate requirement, and facial recognition searches continue to meet
the 85 percent accuracy rate requirement. A new facial recognition algorithm is in the final
stages of acceptance, which is expected to increase accuracy to 99.1 percent.
The following is a snapshot of the contents of the NGI:
Tenprint Fingerprint - The NGI system contains over 198 million unique fingerprint identity
records, and fingerprint responses continue to exceed customer expectations. During an average
day in FY 2020, Ten Print Rap Sheet (TPRS) submissions are processed within six seconds.
Criminal Answer Required (CAR) submissions are processed within six minutes, and civil
submissions are processed within 18 minutes.
The total number of fingerprint submissions processed by the NGI system were 76,769,505 in
FY 2017, 70,074,260 in FY 2018, 69,232,790in FY 2019, and 45,734,030 for all of FY 2020.
The reduction in volume seen during FY 2018 and FY 2019 is the result of several factors
including, but not limited to, the adaption of the “best seven of 10 fingerprint solutions” to allow
the sytem to raise the image quality score by removing up to three of the lowest quality
fingerprints. This was implemented during FY 2017 to reduce rejects and retain more fingerprint
submissions. Since CJIS is rejecting less back to customers, a subsequent secondary submission
is not needed. Additionally, the addition of Rap Back Services (RBS) and legislative changes
have reduced the number of subsequent checks. The drastic reduction in volume experienced
between FY 2019 and the first 11 months of FY 2020 was the direct result of the COVID-19
global pandemic.
Latent Fingerprint - In May 2013, the FBI enhanced legacy latent investigative services within
the Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System (IAFIS) and deployed new
investigative tools within the NGI system to provide LE and national security partners with the
ability to search latent prints obtained from crime scene evidence against a national repository of
retained criminal and civil biometric identities, as well as unidentified latent prints to produce
new leads within criminal, terrorism, and cold case/unknown deceased investigations.
The NGI system also expanded cascade or reverse search services to include newly submitted
criminal, select civil, and other investigative biometric events to produce new investigative leads
after initial search and retention of latent prints within the Unsolved Latent File (ULF). The ULF
contains latent finger and palm prints from criminal and terrorist subjects that have searched
against the legacy IAFIS and/or the NGI system but remain unidentified. As of July 31, 2020, the
ULF consisted of 945,031 unidentified latent prints contributed by local, state, federal, and
international LE agencies, as well as LD and members of the USIC from evidence within both
criminal and terrorism investigations.
National Palm Print System (NPPS) and Interstate Photo System (IPS) - In FY 2013, NGI added
the NPPS, containing over 20 million biometric images, and the IPS, as well as new services,
such as rapid mobile searches, facial recognition, and Rap Back, a service which is designed to
assist federal, state, and local agencies in the continuous vetting of individuals in a position of
trust. The IPS, through facial recognition, now provides a method to search over 43 million
booking photos of criminals data the FBI has collected for decades and generates a list of
ranked candidates to be used as potential investigative leads by authorized agencies, adding
another way biometrics can be used as an investigative tool.
RBS - In September 2014, the NGI RBS were deployed with the implementation of the
“Increment 4” enhancement. There are two domains within the NGI RBS: Non-Criminal Justice
(NCJ) and Criminal Justice (CJ).
The NGI NCJ RBS is designed to assist local, state, and federal agencies in the continuous
vetting of individuals in positions of trust. Once the initial fingerprint is retained in the NGI
system and a Rap Back subscription is set on the NGI Identity, any activity on the identity
history for that individual subscribed will immediately be released to the subscriber. This service
alleviates the re-fingerprinting of an individual for the same position over a period of time.
The NGI CJ RBS is designed to provide immediate notifications to LE on an NGI Identity of
subscribed individuals currently under an active criminal investigation, active probation, or
parole (custody and supervision).
Currently, three of the largest submitting agencies include the State of Utah, the State of Texas,
and the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). Utah has enrolled 337,720 active Rap
Back subscriptions, and Texas has enrolled 2,249,873 Rap Back subscriptions, to include
teachers, nurses, and EMS workers. The TSA has enrolled 625,195 Rap Back subscriptions from
numerous airports and airlines throughout the U.S.
IRIS Services - The NGI system was designed to allow the addition of future biometric
modalities. A pilot has been completed, and a nationwide iris identification system will be
operational in the future.
Interstate Identification Index (III or “Triple I”) The III is an integral part of the NGI system
and coordinates the exchange of Criminal History Record Information (CHRI). The III can be
accessed after positive identification has been made via fingerprint identification or by name-
based direct queries of the index. The name based (QH) query will determine whether the III
contains a record matching the descriptive information provided. A positive result will return a
unique identifying number referred to as a Universal Control Number (UCN). A Quoted UCN or
State Identification Number (SID) (QR) query can be made with a UCN or a SID to request the
CHRI of a specific individual.
The following is a snapshot of the activity related to the III for FY 2020:
Name Based Queries (QH) 275,101,769
Quoted UCN or SID Queries - (QR) 46,132,649
Total number of incoming III transactions 321,234,418
Electronic Departmental Order (eDO) The NGI eDO system is utilized by private citizens to
1) request a DO (copy of their identity history summary, or proof that one does not exist), 2)
challenge the information on their identity history summary, 3) request the reason for their
firearm-related denial, and 4) challenge/appeal the reason for their firearm-related denial. The
eDO system allows for less than a 24-hour response time.
National Crime Information Center (NCIC): The NCIC is a computerized database of
documented criminal justice information available to LE agencies nationwide, 24 hours a day,
365 days a year, with an average up-time of 99.67 percent in the last 12 months. Providing
essential information to LE officers, investigators, judges, prosecutors, correction officers, court
administrators, and other LE and criminal justice agency officials in the execution of their day-
to-day operations, the NCIC contains over 16.6 million active records and processes an average
of 8.8 million transactions a day.
The NCIC became operational on January 27, 1967, with the goal of assisting LE in
apprehending fugitives and locating stolen property. With data organized into 21 files (14 person
files and seven property files), the NCIC system contains information on wanted
persons, missing persons and sex offenders.
NCIC is a valuable tool that aids LE officers, investigators, judges, prosecutors, correction
officers, court administrators, and other LE and criminal justice agency officials in the execution
of their day-to-day operations. The NCIC contains over 15.4 million active records and processes
an average of 10.6 million transactions a day.
The last major upgrade to NCIC occurred in July 1999, with the NCIC 2000 project. To meet the
needs of the criminal justice community, the FBI has implemented many system/technical
enhancements since July 1999. However, as the lifecycle of the current technology deployed in
NCIC 2000 nears its end, the FBI is preparing for the next major upgrade to the NCIC, known as
NCIC 3rd Generation (N3G).
The goal of N3G is to improve, modernize, and expand the existing NCIC system so it will
continue to provide real-time, accurate, and complete criminal justice information to support the
LE and criminal justice communities.
National Instant Criminal Background Check System: The NICS is a national system established
to enforce the provisions of the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act of 1993. Federal
Firearms Licensees (FFL) utilize the NICS to determine whether receipt of a firearm by a
prospective purchaser would violate state or federal law. The system ensures the timely transfer
of firearms to individuals who are not specifically prohibited and denies transfer to prohibited
The Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act of 1993 created a very time-sensitive component
to the NICS. It gives the FBI three business days to make a determination on a person’s
eligibility to purchase a firearm. After the close of the third business day, the FFL may legally
transfer the firearm at their discretion without a response from the NICS. The NICS Section’s
mission is to complete as many checks as possible prior to the third business day.
Firearm background checks may be conducted by either the CJIS NICS Section or a state or local
LE agency serving as an intermediary between an FFL and the NICS Section. These
intermediaries are referred to as POCs. The NICS Section provides full service to the FFLs in 30
states, five U.S. territories, and the District of Columbia. The NICS provides partial service to
seven states. The remaining 13 states perform their own checks through the NICS.
NICS checks can be initiated in two ways: 1) via the NICS contracted call center, or 2) via the
NICS E-Check, which is a web-based automated option. When an FFL initiates a NICS
background check through the FBI or designated agency in a POC state, a prospective firearm
transferee’s name and descriptive information (as provided on ATF (Bureau of Alcohol,
Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives) Form 4473) is searched against the records maintained in
three national databases, which may reveal state and federal records prohibiting receipt or
possession of firearms. The ATF Form 4473, or Firearm Transaction Record, is a form that FFLs
must utilize and maintain as documentation of the firearm transfer from their inventory.
The NICS is customarily available by phone 17 hours a day, seven days a week, including
holidays (except Christmas). Calls may be monitored and recorded for any authorized purpose.
The NICS E-Check is available 24/7.
During FY 2020, the NICS experienced its highest transaction volume to date. In FY 2020, the
NICS processed over 34,000,000 total transactions compared to 27,487,818 in FY 2019, a 24
percent increase.
Uniform Crime Reporting: The FBI’s UCR program has served as the national clearinghouse for
the collection of data regarding crimes reported to LE since 1930. The FBI collects, analyzes,
reviews, and publishes the data collected from participating federal SLTT. The UCR program
has two types of collections SRS and the NIBRS. The transition to a NIBRS-only collection
began on January 1, 2021. Information derived from the data collected within the UCR Program
is the basis for the annual publications: Crime in the United States, Law Enforcement Officers
Killed and Assaulted, Hate Crime Statistics, National Incident-Based Reporting System, and the
National Use-of-Force Data Collection publication. The publications provide statistical
compilations of crimes such as murder, forcible rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary,
larceny-theft, motor vehicle theft, and arson; officers killed and assaulted in the line of duty; hate
crime statistics; and use-of-force incidents. These publications also fulfill the FBI’s obligations
under Title 28, U.S. Code, Section 534.
The FBI Crime Data Explorer serves as the digital front door for the UCR data. This interactive
online tool enables LE and the general public to easily access, use, and understand the massive
amounts of UCR data currently collected. With it, users can view charts and agency-level data
without having to mine through data tables.
The UCR program initiated the Beyond 2021 project, which will engage the broader stakeholder
community (LE, general public, media, research, intelligence, and policy) through a targeted
UCR Subcommittee Task Force to include SME groups to ensure value is realized by all
consumers of UCR data. This task force and these SME groups will develop recommendations
for data publication and the application of imputed and estimated data, changes for the data
collected, data utilization use cases, and alignment of data definitions throughout all UCR
Law Enforcement Enterprise Portal: The FBI’s LEEP is a gateway for thousands of users in the
criminal justice, intelligence, and military communities to gain access to critical data protected at
the Controlled Unclassified Information level in one centralized location. With one click, users
can securely access national security, public safety, and terrorism information contained within
dozens of federal information systems. Consistent with the National Strategy for Information
Sharing and Safeguarding, LEEP also connects users to other federations serving the USIC, the
criminal intelligence community, and the homeland security community. LEEP gives users the
ability to transfer and use information efficiently and effectively in a consistent manner across
multiple organizations and systems to accomplish operational goals.
National Data Exchange: The FBI’s N-DEx System is an unclassified national strategic
investigative information-sharing system, which enables criminal justice agencies to search, link,
analyze, and share local, state, tribal, and federal records across jurisdictional boundaries. The N-
DEx System contains incident, arrest, and booking reports; pretrial investigations; supervised
release reports; calls for service; photos; and field contact/identification records.
By using the N-DEx System as a pointer system and for data discovery, users can uncover
relationships between people, crime characteristics, property, and locations; generate integrated
biographies of subjects; eliminate information gaps by linking information across jurisdictions;
discover relationships between non-obvious and seemingly unrelated data; and obtain
collaboration among agencies by allowing its users to coordinate efforts in a secure online
The N-DEx System connects many regional and local information-sharing systems and leverages
their collective power to provide access to millions of records. The N-DEx System complements
existing state and regional systems and is positioned to fill in gaps in the many areas of the
country where no information sharing system or program currently exists. The N-DEx System
contains over 538 million searchable records from over 7,500 criminal justice agencies and
provides access to an additional 336 million records from DHS, the Interstate Identification
Index, NCIC, and INTERPOL.
National Threat Operations Center: NTOC serves as the FBI’s central intake point for the general
public and other government agencies to provide information about potential or ongoing crimes,
threats-to-life (TTL), and national security threats. NTOC centralizes the flow of information
from the public to the FBI by handling calls from all FBI field offices, the Major Case Contact
Center, the IC3, the WMD tip line, and all FBI electronic information submissions (E-Tips). The
NTOC’s threat intake examiners (TIEs) receive threat information from individuals around the
globe, completing preliminary research and analysis on the information received and
documenting all relevant information in the Threat Intake Processing Systems (TIPS) database.
The TIEs make a determination on the threat level associated with the information provided,
determine if the information needs immediate action (such as TTLs), and refer the information to
the appropriate FBI entity or other appropriate LE agency for action. NTOC works 24/7/365 to
provide reliable, actionable, and high-value information to the field and other partner agencies.
Additionally, NTOC is a key component in the FBI’s initiative to provide timely and direct
notification of every TTL complaint received by NTOC to the appropriate field office operations
center. NTOC also provides direct communication to state, local, and tribal partners on emergent
TTL matters to ensure a timely response. The TIEs receive, analyze, and disseminate information
pertaining to potential and actual emergencies and national security situations using probing
questions to determine the existence of a threat or crime. The TIEs are supervised by supervisory
special agents (SSAs), who are trained to handle the triage of national security and emergency
situations such as cyber threats, bomb threats, active shooter incidents, and hostage situations;
take appropriate actions; and carry out established procedures to ensure timely responses.
From October 1, 2019, through August 31, 2020, NTOC processed 944,722 tips, resulting in
37,313 Guardian entries (referrals to a field office for further action). Of these tips, 89 percent
were criminal, five percent were counterterrorism, and approximately six percent were
counterintelligence, weapons of mass destruction, or cyber referrals. Of the 37,313 Guardians
generated, 77 percent were referred to other LE agencies, 12 percent were used to open new FBI
cases, and 11 percent added information to existing FBI cases.
In addition, NTOC holdings are made available to all FBI FOs via “read-only” access through
the LEEP. This unprecedented access allows field office more opportunities to enhance ongoing
investigations/assessments and provide better situational awareness in individual field office area
of responsibility. NTOC also provides a routine weekly report via email regarding Domain
Awareness information submissions in each area of responsibility.
Laboratory Division
The FBI Laboratory is a full-service civilian federal forensic laboratory that applies scientific
capabilities and technical services to the collection, processing, and exploitation of evidence to
support the FBI, other duly constituted LE and intelligence agencies, and some foreign LE
agencies unable to perform the examinations on their own in support of investigative and
intelligence priorities.
Training Division
In addition to training FBI agents, the FBI provides instruction for state and local LE
partners, both at the FBI Academy and throughout the U.S. at state, regional, and
local training facilities; the principal course for state and local LE officers is the 10-
week multi-disciplinary course at the FBI National Academy. These training sessions
cover the full range of LE training topics, such as hostage negotiation, computer-
related crimes, and arson.
Due to the ongoing pandemic, Training Division has not held a National Academy session in
FY21. The next session of NA is currently scheduled to begin in September of 2021, comprised
of 100 students (no foreign nationals due to travel restrictions). TD is watching closely and will
revise the start date if necessary, to accommodate ongoing pandemic concerns.
International Operations Division
Due to the increasingly global nature of many of the FBI's investigative initiatives, the FBI has in
recent years emphasized the need to train its foreign LE partners through the international
training and assistance program.
2. Performance and Resources Tables
Decision Unit: Criminal Justice Services
Requested (Total)
FY 2020
FY 2020
FY 2021
Adjustments &
FY 2022
FY 2022 Request
Total Costs and FTE
Strategy Performance
FY 22
Percent of Next Generation
Identification (NGI) system
Percent of National Crime
Information Center (NCIC)
system availability
Percent of National Instant
Criminal Background
Check System (NICS)
system availability for any
user of the NICS
Number of DNA profiles in
profiles in the National
DNA Index System (NDIS)
Percent of multi-band
radios distributed
supporting multi-agency
3. Resources and Strategies
Criminal Justice Information Services
a. Performance Plan and Report for Outcomes
CJIS division will improve information technology management, infrastructure, and services by
deploying innovative solutions in collaboration with the STB, the ITB, and the OCIO. CJIS will
architect, engineer, develop, deliver, operate, and maintain secure networks and computing
environments which enable the efficient delivery and hosting of information and technical services to
protect the American people and LE partners. The following measures will be utilized to drive toward a
high degree of system availability to ensure CJIS continues to progress towards achieving DOJ strategic
objective 4.4.
CJIS intends to provide percentages quarterly to demonstrate system availability for NGI. The outcome
for this measure is 99.5 percent system availability to ensure operational efficiencies.
CJIS intends to provide target percentages quarterly to demonstrate system availability for the NCIC.
The outcome for this measure is 99.5 percent system availability to ensure operations efficiencies.
CJIS intends to provide target percentages quarterly to demonstrate system availability for the National
Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS). The outcome for this measure is 98 percent system
availability to ensure operations efficiencies.
Performance Measure: Percent of NGI system availability
FY19 Target: 99.5%
FY19 Actual: 99.90%
FY20 Target: 99.5%
FY20 Actual: 99.81%
FY21 Target: 99.5%
FY22 Target: 99.5%
Performance Measure: Percent of NCIC system availability
FY19 Target: 99.5%
FY19 Actual: 99.82%
FY20 Target: 99.5%
FY20 Actual: 99.71%
FY21 Target: 99.5%
FY22 Target: 99.5%
Performance Measure: Percent of NICS system availability for any user of the NICS
FY19 Target: 98%
FY19 Actual: 99.80%
FY20 Target: 98%
FY20 Actual: 99.81%
FY21 Target: 98%
FY22 Target: 98%
NGI (99.5%) - Provide exemplary system availability to ensure the most complete and up-to-date
records possible for criminal and noncriminal justice purposes.
NCIC (99.5%) - Provide real-time, accurate, and complete criminal justice information to support LE
and criminal justice communities.
NICS (98%) - Provide reliable availability of the NICS to save lives and protect people from harm by
ensuring the timely transfer of firearms or firearm and explosive-related permits to eligible persons.
The system availability for NGI, NCIC, and NICS measures the probability that these major information
sharing systems are functioning when needed, under normal operating conditions.
b. Strategies to Accomplish Outcomes
CJIS will collect daily statistics for the three system availabilities during the quarter and report outcomes
as necessary. The daily updates will ensure consistent management of the systems to ensure
achievement of the measure targets set forth for FY 2022. Additionally, STB will monitor and manage
quarterly strategic goals and objectives set by branch executive management to maintain oversight
management of the CJIS systems. STB’s fiscal, strategic, and intelligence program managers will work
collaboratively with CJIS counterparts and CJIS systems subject matter experts in meeting DOJ strategic
objective 4.4 “achieve management excellence” and the FBI’s strategic objective “improve information
Laboratory Division
a. Performance Plan and Report for Outcomes
LD will measure the change in the number of profiles in the National DNA Index System (NDIS) with
the aim of demonstrating the overall impact of the National DNA Database. DNA profiles in NDIS
support the exchange and comparison of forensic DNA evidence from violent crime investigations.
NDIS submissions, the highest level of the Combined DNA Index System (CODIS) hierarchy, enable
the exchange and comparison of DNA profiles on a national level from partner laboratories. An increase
in the volume of profiles provides insight into the potential for providing aid to investigations and
obtaining hits. An increase in this number impacts LD budget and resourcing requirements.
DNA legislation has had two recent legislation updates, which involve federal DNA collection agencies
submitting samples to the FBI Laboratory for analysis and commercially available Rapid DNA
equipment being connected to the national DNA database. Successfully meeting these requirements in
DNA processing will lead to significant benefits to public safety by increasing the size of the national
DNA database and leveraging the latest technology to enhance the speed of DNA analysis.
Performance Measure: Number of DNA profiles in the NDIS changed
FY19 Target: 950,000
FY19 Actual: 1,024,489
FY20 Target: 950,000
FY20 Actual: 833,140
FY21 Target: 700,000
FY22 Target: 700,000
The greater the number of DNA profiles in NDIS, the greater the ability to obtain forensic and offender
hits, which link two or more cases or link a forensic sample to a sample that falls under the “offender”
category of profiles in NDIS, as well as aid investigations by adding value to the investigative process in
a case.
b. Strategies to Accomplish Outcomes
LD strategy will introduce novel techniques that can be applied to laboratory services to better serve its
stakeholders and customers. LD will enhance forensic capabilities by ensuring research is relevant, well-
managed, and aligned to DOJ and FBI gaps and strategic priorities. LD will support this strategic
direction through communication and collaboration with CODIS partners and stakeholders (conferences,
Advisory Policy Board (APB) working groups, etc.), implementation of Rapid DNA capability and
booking stations, and the processing of DNA samples from federal arrestees and convicted offenders by
entering the samples into CODIS. LD will also participate in the development of relevant policies that
impact the submission of DNA samples.
The FBI missed its FY 2020 target number of DNA profiles in the NDIS changed by 116,860. NDIS is a
system of DNA profile records input by criminal justice agencies, including state and local law
enforcement agencies beyond the FBI. Many of these state and local agencies experienced the effects of
COVID-19 related restrictions (such as less frequent sample collection and reduced staffing),
contributing to fewer DNA profiled uploaded to NDIS during FY 2020. Additionally, several NDIS-
participating laboratories were unable to submit CODIS metric updates or were only able to submit
limited information, negatively affecting the change in the number of DNA profiles in NDIS for
FY 2020.
Operational Technology Division
a. Performance Plan and Report for Outcomes
The intent of the OTD’s strategy and strategic measure is for the OTD to deploy innovative solutions in
a consistently changing communications environment where there is still a serious need for federal
secure radio communications. By replacing single-band radios with multi-band radios, the FBI will be
able to inter-operate more regularly and with more fluidity amongst federal, state, and local partners.
The FBI relies on radio communications to conduct a vast array of investigations to include those that
support DOJ’s strategic objectives of disrupting terrorist planning and hostile intelligence activities in
the U.S. Additionally, the FBI is currently supporting DOJ objectives along the southwest border of the
U.S. Multi-band radios are a necessity for FBI agents, as the radios allow them to use relevant, current,
and secure radio technological advancements to communicate on a vast array of networks, which are
required to uphold the task force model present in field offices around the country.
Performance Measure: Percent of multi-band radios distributed supporting multi-agency
FY19 Target: 8%
FY19 Actual: 10%
FY20 Target: 8%
FY20 Actual: 10.6%
FY21 Target: 9%
FY22 Target: 9%
An OTD strategic goal is to deploy innovative solutions in a consistently changing communications
environment and this is being met by replacing single band radios with multi-band radios.
b. Strategies to Accomplish Outcomes
OTD’s strategy is to use yearly allocated funding to gradually refresh approximately 30 percent of the
FBI’s aging fleet of radios utilizing a regional approach. The OTD will continue to strive to meet its
goals and support the needs of agents in the field. Increasing the number of multi-band radios in the FBI
will enhance the agency’s ability to communicate with other DOJ components and with other federal,
state, and local LE partners to support DOJ objectives.
Item Name: Countering Domestic Terrorism
Strategic Goals: 1, 3, 4
Strategic Objectives: 1.1, 3.1, 3.2, 4.1
Organizational Programs: Criminal Justice Information Services, Counterterrorism, Terrorist
Screening Center, Information Technology
Program Increase: Positions 179 Agt 80 FTE 90 Dollars $45,000,000 ($8,968,000 non-personnel)
Description of Item
The FBI requests 179 positions (80 Special Agents) and $45,000,000 ($8,968,000 non-personnel) to
effectively counter terrorism and the increasing acts of domestic terrorism occurring across the United
States. The FBI must be able to identify, assess, and respond to potential threats. Specifically, the
requested resources will be used to enhance the following areas:
Combating Domestic Terrorism: The FBI requests 147 positions (80 Special Agents) and
$39,650,000 ($6,363,000 non-personnel) to detect and disrupt domestic terrorism (DT) threats
National Security Threat Program: The FBI requests 7 positions and $2,025,000 ($1,105,000
non-personnel) to maintain public safety and effectively address the emerging requirements
associated with the National Security Threat Program (NSTP).
The National Threat Operations Center: The FBI requests 25 positions and $1,825,000 (all
personnel) to increase capacity to support the receipt, prioritization, and processing of actionable
tips in support of threat intake, operational requirements, and resilience.
Enterprise Voice over Internet Protocol: The FBI requests $1,500,000 (all non-personnel) to
enhance Enterprise Voice over Internet Protocol (EVoIP) capabilities in support of threat intake,
operational requirements, and resiliency.
For more than a century, the FBI has occupied a critical role in protecting the U.S. from threats to
American public safety, borders, economy, and way of life. To do so, the FBI has developed advanced
methods to detect, prevent, and disrupt threats using human resources, information, and technology.
Investment in these methods is critical to address emerging threats. Investing in NTOC and domestic
terrorism personnel will help mission-critical information reach investigators, analysts and partners and
allow them to complete holistic strategic analysis and take action to prevent acts of violence and terror.
Combating Domestic Terrorism (DT): 147 positions (80 Special Agents) and $39,650,000
($6,363,000 non-personnel)
Large-scale DT incidents have increased significantly over the last year. Civil unrest and riots are
specifically addressed by the DT program within the FBI and do not have coverage or investigative
responsibility by any other U.S. Government (USG) entity. Most notably, the siege on the U.S. Capitol
on January 6, 2021 was determined to be a DT incident and has resulted in a two-fold increase in DT
cases across the FBI. Every FBI field office has been impacted by this singular incident and has had to
divert resources from other programs to effectively address increased case load. Other examples of DTs
utilizing civil unrest and riots over the last year are highlighted by events in Minneapolis, MN; Portland,
OR; Kenosha, WI; Louisville, KY and various other U.S. cities in 2020 and 2021. Each of these
incidents required a surge in resources to address the DT threat as well as the deployment of FBIHQ
assets to assist in the management of these incidents. The tactics, techniques and procedures used by
DTs in these incidents have proven to be effective and similar activities will likely continue in the
future, requiring significant FBI resources to address DT threats.
DT shootings throughout the U.S., including those occurring in Poway and Gilroy, California; El Paso,
Texas; and Jersey City, New Jersey have also increased significantly in the past few years. 2019 saw
more DT activity in the U.S. than the previous 24 years since the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing
combined. Analysis of these incidents has revealed new trends such as DTs traveling overseas, increased
DT prevalence in the military, and an increase in involuntary celibate actors. The emergence of DT has
been recognized at the highest levels of the USG, as evidenced by the inclusion of DT threats for the
first time in the October 2018 National Strategy for Counterterrorism and the April 2020 designation of
the Russian Imperial Movement, which promotes racially motivated domestic terrorist (RMDT)
ideology as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist Group.
To mitigate violent criminal activity, the FBI's DT program took tangible actions over the past year,
such as branding RMVE as a National Threat Priority, expanding the use of advanced investigative
techniques, and collaborating more consistently with partners (e.g., state/local LE, the National
Counterterrorism Center, and DHS). These measures directly contributed to key disruptions of RMVEs
associated with Neo-Nazi groups (The Base and Atomwaffen Division) and of individuals who sought to
commit violence in furtherance of their anti-government/anti-authority extremist ideology. The
additional 147 positions (80 Special Agents) will enhance the FBI’s ability to effectively manage and
combat domestic terrorism threats, including investigations, targeting, threat analysis, and source
reporting. The 147 additional positions will be split between Headquarters (HQ) and the Field Offices
(FOs). A current example of that collaboration was evident during the 2020 WOLVERINE
WATCHMEN investigation into the plot against the Governor of Michigan, as it was another resource
intensive endeavor that involved multiple subjects across multiple Field Offices.
In FY 2020, the FBI's DT program has had to employ more advanced investigative techniques than in
years past, including more long-running undercover operations and online exploitation efforts due to the
increased sophistication of actors and their advanced use of technology. Additionally, given the constant
virulence of the DT threat, the DT program has been forced to increase its surveillance coverage of
subjects. In the past, only a small portion of DT actors may have had a high propensity for imminent
violence. The FBI is now seeing a more widespread predisposition to violent criminal activity, which
necessitates more extensive surveillance coverage. As such, the FBI seeks to enhance domestic terrorism
efforts by requesting $4,478,000 in non-personnel resources for case and other operational expenses,
training, and information technology maintenance and enhancement.
As a result of the attack on the U.S. Capitol the FBI is also requesting $1,885,000 to address the increase
in data collection volume and complexity necessitates for data storage, analysis, and sharing. Handling
large amounts of data is common to many prosecutions and is critical for meeting discovery obligations
and this funding will help facilitate that process.
NSTP All Threats Screening: 7 positions and $2,025,000 ($1,105,000 non-personnel)
The FBI requests 7 positions and $2,025,000 ($1,105,000 non-personnel) to effectively address the
emerging requirements associated with the NSTP to maintain public safety.
The Terrorist Screening Center (TSC) must have technical tools and personnel in place to address grave
threats to national and public safety, from initial information or tip intake, through analysis, sharing, and
investigation. With enhanced capabilities, the TSC and FBI will be able to better address national
security threats in part by reducing its response time to partners, completing mandated checks in the
required time, illuminating trends, identifying new targets, and increasing information sharing. The TSC
will also be able to expand the infrastructure within the USIC’s I2 cloud architecture to address
intelligence gaps and provide a common operating picture of how threats converge.
NTOC: 25 positions and $1,825,000 (all personnel)
NTOC operates 24/7/365, providing the public with an effective avenue to submit tips to the FBI
concerning suspected criminal and terrorist activity. NTOC is responsible for processing all telephonic
and E-Tips from the public and currently serves all FBI field offices. After evaluating information
received, NTOC provides the information to the field offices and headquarters entities as appropriate.
NTOC also operates the Major Case Contact Center, which fields calls for high-profile investigations
and initiatives. NTOC examiners are supervised by support supervisors and supervisory special agents
(SSAs) trained to respond to national security and emergency situations such as bomb threats, active
shooter incidents, hostage situations, threats to life (TTL), and cyber threats. NTOC has helped reduce
the administrative burden on the FBI’s 56 field offices by creating a central intake point for the FBI.
This has also allowed for incoming information to be tracked and analyzed more efficiently.
NTOC has been successful in bringing fugitives to justice. Below are a few examples:
November 2019: An anonymous individual submitted an E-Tip to NTOC to report an
unidentified YouTube user who posted a video depicting himself in a hotel room with large
amounts of ammunition and several weapons. The NTOC examiner processed the tip and
information was provided to the FBI’s San Diego Field Office, which opened a preliminary
investigation. The individual was arrested by the FBI and the San Diego Joint Terrorism Task
Force for possession of an assault weapon, possession of a high-capacity magazine, and child
April 2020: NTOC received a call from a Bank Secrecy Act Office Senior Vice President (SVP)
for Stifel Bank and Trust in St. Louis, Missouri. The SVP informed the NTOC examiner of a
fraudulent $300,000 wire transfer to a bank in Canada. The NTOC examiner forwarded the
information to the St. Louis field office, and the entire $300,000 was recovered as a result of a
multiple-day effort between the FBI, Stifel Bank and Trust, and individuals at other banks.
December 2020: NTOC received a call from the former girlfriend of Anthony Quinn Warner, the
individual responsible for the Christmas Day 2020 recreational vehicle (RV) bombing in
Nashville, Tennessee, which damaged 41 downtown buildings and crippled telecommunication
systems throughout the Southeast. The threat intake examiner (TIE) gathered enough information
from the caller to create a Guardian lead and forwarded it to the Memphis Field Office. The TIE
continued to gather information from the caller and other sources to confirm Warner’s
address. The next day, members of the FBI’s Laboratory Division, using DNA samples,
confirmed Warner’s death in the explosion. The Guardian lead and the vital information the
TIE forwarded to special agents in the Memphis Field Office was crucial to the investigation.
In January 2020, NTOC experienced unprecedented call volumes resulting from the U.S. Capitol
unrest. NTOC witnessed nine out of the top ten record breaking days for tips/calls in the Center’s
history. To mitigate the volumes, several resources were surged to NTOC to meet the increased demand
and mandatory overtime was implemented.
Despite successes, NTOC has identified gaps in providing this mission-critical service. The volume of
calls and E-Tips exceeds NTOC’s capacity to properly respond to each submission. The inability to
properly address each submission results in long wait times and contribute to a 28 percent abandoned
call rate. Abandoned calls that go unanswered, or delays processing of E-Tips could result in a TTL and
information loss.
The NTOC experienced an increase of 98 percent (388,995) as of January 31, 2021 over the same time
in FY 2020. This increase was primarily the result of the U.S. Capitol unrest which occurred on January
6, 2021. NTOC anticipates an overall increase in calls of about 459 per day, increasing the average daily
submissions to 6,224. Peak times, crises, events, and major cases result in more tips, leading to more
dropped calls due to wait times, and delays processing E-Tips. In addition, NTOC also experienced an
increase in Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) and social media tip submissions in FY 2021, up to
20,709 per day.
In mitigation, the FBI is executing the strategies listed below.
Using an operations center to monitor incoming work and handle call spikes by moving TIEs
from working E-Tips to the phone lines.
Requiring all non-operational personnel assigned to NTOC to take E-Tip training to handle
incoming information during periods of high volume.
Requiring mandatory overtime for all National Threat Operations Section (NTOS) staff.
Requiring non-NTOS Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) Division staff to maintain
NTOC proficiency standards to assist during times of high volumes, pulling them from their
home team functions.
Establishing a program Assisting NTOC to Help Operational Resources (ANCHOR) for
volunteers across the Division to support during times of crisis.
Using contractor staff to assist with E-Tip processing.
Establishing efficiencies such as a screening tool that diverts callers who have made numerous
non-value reports.
Using algorithm technology that minimizes a TIE’s time devoted to non-serious or non-valuable
online tips, identifies important or high-risk tips, and prioritizes tip for action.
Developing a social media bucket which allows for efficient and expedient processing of low
scoring social media threats.
Developing the SSA Triage bucket for SSAs to review all complaints to ensure significant
threats are immediately processed.
The additional positions are requested to ensure that the FBI effectively handles all incoming tips,
especially those containing critical TTL tips.
EVoIP: $1,500,000 (all non-personnel)
The FBI requests an additional $1,500,000 of non-personnel funding to enhance EVoIP capabilities in
support of threat intake, operational requirements, and resiliency. This funding will provide the FBI with
enhanced capabilities in terms of call accounting and call trace capabilities. The new architecture
(EVoIP) will provide the ability to fully trace calls coming into the FBI from any point to the
destination. The FBI will also transition circuits to SIP (Session Initiation Protocol), which will provide
the FBI with detailed information about the calls it receives.
The FBI intends to upgrade its standalone telecommunications infrastructure into a dual-core, geo-
redundant, centralized, and private cloud-based solution that will support operations, improve resiliency,
and establish an additional method of communication during a crisis event. Currently, the FBI has
isolated, locally managed telecommunication systems which are nearing obsolescence and fail often.
The FBI is establishing a western telecommunication enterprise core at its Pocatello Datacenter. This
enhancement will establish a permanent eastern core at the FBI’s Clarksburg Data center providing geo-
redundancy for centralized telecommunication voice services, such as call recording, accounting,
voicemail services, active domain, and systems management.
Impact on Performance
The FBI considers the attack on the U.S. Capitol Building on January 6, 2021 to be a “DT event” and
therefore is managed by the Domestic Terrorism Operations Section (DTOS). As such, DTOS tracked
an increase in investigations of approximately 57 percent from January 2021 to April 2021. It is
estimated that approximately 2000 individuals are believed to have been involved with the siege and
nearly all field offices have an active investigation stemming from this DT event. Given the
complexities of this singular event, the increase in funding and personnel is crucial to the success of the
FBI to provide appropriate oversight in these investigations to ensure consistency, compliance, and
appropriate use of resources.
The FBI must have technical tools and personnel in place to address grave threats to national and public
safety, from initial information or tip intake, through analysis, sharing, and investigation. With these
enhanced capabilities, the FBI will be able to better address national security threats in part by
eliminating backlogs, reducing its response time to partners, illuminating trends, identifying new targets,
and increasing information sharing.
Base Funding
FY 2020 Enacted
FY 2021 Enacted
FY 2022 Current Services
Personnel Increase Cost Summary
Type of Position/Series
Annual Costs per Position
FY 2022
1st Year
2nd Year
3rd Year
Full Cost
FY 2023 (net
change from
FY 2024
(net change
from 2023)
Special Agent, Field
Intelligence Analyst
Professional Support
Staff Operations Specialists
Total Personnel
Non-Personnel Increase/Reduction Cost Summary
Non-Personnel Item
FY 2022
Unit Cost
FY 2023
(net change
from 2022)
FY 2024
(net change
from 2023)
IT Service
Total Non-Personnel
Justification for Non-Personnel Annualizations
The FBI will recur $6,825,000 annually to support IT services, telecommunication, training, travel, and
contractor support to address emerging threats to national and public safety. Outyear expenditures for
equipment and supplies will be reduced after the initial investment.
Total Request for this Item
Amount Requested
FY 2023
(net change
from 2022)
FY 2024
(net change
from 2023)
Current Services
Grand Total
Item Name: McGirt Resources
Strategic Goals: 3, 4
Strategic Objectives: 3.1, 3.2, 4.1
Budget Decision Unit: Counterintelligence and Criminal Enterprise/Federal Crimes
Organizational Programs: Support for Indian Country
Program Increase: Positions 0 Agt 0 FTE 0 Dollars $25,500,000 ($13,597,000 non-personnel)
Description of Item
The FBI requests $25,500,000 ($13,597,000 non-personnel) to effectively address the increased
operational need in the state of Oklahoma following the Supreme Court decision in McGirt v.
Oklahoma. This ruling significantly expanded federal jurisdiction for crimes committed on the tribal
lands of five Native American reservations in Oklahoma. Specifically, the requested resources will be
used to temporarily enhance the FBI’s capacity to address the significantly increased number of
investigations now falling under FBI jurisdiction in Oklahoma while Federal, state, and tribal authorities
identify a longer term solution.
The Major Crimes Act (MCA) and the General Crimes Act (GCA) combine to provide federal
jurisdiction over most serious criminal acts committed by or victimizing a Native American in Indian
Country (IC) territory. These acts establish the FBI as having primary jurisdiction over a wide range of
criminal acts in IC which typically fall under state or local jurisdiction.
On July 9, 2020, the Supreme Court's ruling in McGirt v. Oklahoma determined the territorial
boundaries of the Muscogee Creek Nation (MCN) fall under federal IC jurisdiction, making the FBI the
responsible LE agency under the MCA for offenses committed by or victimizing a tribal member. The
territorial boundaries of the MCN now under FBI jurisdiction encompass most of the city of Tulsa and
approximately one million residents, including approximately 60,000 MCN tribal members.
The principles of the McGirt decision also apply to the status of the Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw and
Seminole tribal territories. The Cherokee and Chickasaw reservations were reaffirmed as falling under
federal jurisdiction on March 11, 2021 and the Choctaw and Seminole reservations were reaffirmed on
April 1, 2021. Combined, all five reservation territories encompass approximately 32,000 square miles,
or 45 percent of the state of Oklahoma. The total population within the combined borders is roughly 1.9
million, of which approximately 420,000 are enrolled tribal members.
This drastic increase in FBI jurisdiction poses significant and long-term operational and public safety
risks given the challenges associated with the increased number of violent criminal cases now under
federal jurisdiction within Oklahoma’s IC territory. Since this decision, the FBI’s Oklahoma City Field
Office (OC) now has the FBI’s largest IC investigative responsibility. FBI OC has seen a drastic
increase in the total number of IC investigations. From July 9, 2020 to March 23, 2021, FBI OC opened
nearly 1,000 IC investigations, prioritizing cases involving the most violent offenders who pose the most
serious risk to the public. As a point of comparison, the FBI’s other 55 Field Offices opened a combined
total of 1,255 IC investigations during the same period, with FBI Minneapolis, the next largest IC office
behind FBI OC, opening over 300 cases.
The FBI’s workload data described above primarily represents the cases from the MCN reservation
alone. Workloads are expected to increase substantially given the additions of the Cherokee and
Chickasaw reservations in mid-March and the Choctaw and Seminole reservations in April. As all five
tribal territories were reaffirmed as being under federal jurisdiction, current projections indicate FBI OC
could open over 7,500 IC investigations over the course of one year. Approximately 2,500 of these
cases would be new and approximately 5,000 would be adopted from cases previously adjudicated in
Oklahoma state courts which were overturned by the McGirt decision. Without an increase in
investigative personnel, the permanently allocated Special Agents working IC matters in FBI OC would
be opening two new cases and four adopted cases per week, nearly eight times the national average of
FBI agent caseloads across all investigative areas.
The vast majority of FBI OC IC cases are death investigations and investigations of child sexual abuse,
violent assaults, and domestic violence. These investigations are key components of DOJ’s strategic
goal to Reduce Violent Crime and Promote Public Safety and objective to Combat violent crime,
promote safe communities, and uphold the rights of victims of crime, as well as meeting the goals of
Operation Lady Justice, the Presidential Task Force on Missing and Murdered American Indians and
Alaska Natives established by Executive Order 13898 in November 2019. FBI OC’s new area of IC
responsibility presents unique investigative challenges which hinder the ability to achieve these
objectives, including a large metropolitan area with high-population density, overwhelmed tribal police
departments, and the FBI’s unique responsibility to investigate crimes perpetrated by non-tribal
members on tribal members, regardless of the crime.
To effectively conduct these investigations, the FBI has conducted temporary duty (TDY) rotations of
an approximate total of 140 Special Agents to the Muskogee and Tulsa RAs, the offices most impacted
by the decision. Additionally, Investigative Analysts, Victim Specialists, and other professional staff
from FBI Field Offices and other FBI OC programs and locations were provided. FBI OC has also
expanded state, local, and tribal participation on task forces to 230 Task Force Officers from 32 agencies
to assist with initial response and investigative efforts. As of March 19, 2021, the U.S. Attorney’s
Offices in the Eastern District of Oklahoma and the Northern District of Oklahoma also increased its
staffing. In order to support the U.S. Attorney’s effective prosecution of these crimes, the FBI must have
the capability to sustain an enhanced presence in FBI OC.
Based on the increased operation needs created by the McGirt decision as described above, the FBI
requests funding in the amount of $11,903,000 to account for a portion of the personnel expenses
incurred by the FBI’s staffing increase in FBI OC. This includes compensation and benefits for FBI
Special Agents and Professional Staff temporarily re-assigned to work IC matters within FBI OC as well
as TDY personnel to FBI OC from other field offices. In addition to the surge in personnel, the FBI
requires non-personnel funding, including approximately $1,699,000 in transfer costs and relocation
incentives and approximately $6,080,000 in travel expenses for TDY personnel. To accommodate this
increase in staffing, the FBI requires approximately $4,885,000 in additional funding for physical space
(e.g., rent, construction, furniture), IT infrastructure (e.g., network equipment, computers), vehicles, and
other equipment/supplies. Lastly, to adequately address the significant increase in investigations, the
FBI is requesting approximately $933,000 in training and case funds.
Impact on Performance
The FBI’s current footprint in Oklahoma draws personnel from other Field Offices and from programs
within FBI OC, effectively reducing resources available to investigate other criminal activity, both
within Oklahoma and across the nation. Furthermore, reducing violence and protecting American
communities through vigorous investigation of violent crimes is a key DOJ priority, as is DOJ’s
commitment to enhance the operation of the criminal justice system to address the concerns of tribal
communities. To keep Oklahoman’s safe, and to fully respond to these priority missions while
maintaining operational posture against other threats, the FBI requires an additional $25.5 million
allocated to FBI OC and the Indian Country program while Federal, state, and tribal authorities identify
a longer-term solution.
Base Funding
FY 2020 Enacted
FY 2021 Enacted
FY 2022 Current Services
*The base funding for McGirt Resources was based off previous fiscal years, Indian Country figures.
Personnel Increase Cost Summary
Type of Position/Series
Annual Costs per Position
FY 2022
1st Year
2nd Year
3rd Year
Full Cost
FY 2023
(net change
from 2022)
FY 2024
(net change
from 2023)
Special Agent, Field
Intelligence Analyst
Computer Scientist
Data Analyst
Digital Operations Specialist
Staff Operations Specialist
Total Personnel
Non-Personnel Increase/Reduction Cost Summary
Non-Personnel Item
FY 2022
Unit Cost
FY 2023
(net change
from 2022)
FY 2024
(net change
from 2023)
Space Rental-Non GSA
IT Hardware
Case Funds
Total Non-Personnel
Justification for Non-Personnel Annualizations
FBI is not recurring this program enhancement.
Total Request for this Item
Amount Requested
FY 2023
(net change
from 2022)
FY 2024
(net change
from 2023)
Current Services
Grand Total
Item Name: Cyber
Strategic Goal: 1
Strategic Objective: 1.2
Budget Decision Units: Counterterrorism/Counterintelligence and Criminal Enterprises/Federal
Organizational Program: Cyber
Program Increase: Positions 155 Agt 52 FTE 78 Dollars $40,000,000 ($7,103,000 non-personnel)
Description of Item
The FBI requests 155 positions (52 Special Agents) and $40,000,000 ($7,103,000 non-personnel) to
address the rapidly evolving cyber threats facing the nation.
The requested resources will strengthen the foundation the FBI needs to remain the world’s premier
cyber investigative agency equipped to work with United States allies and partners to impose risk and
consequences on cyber adversaries through joint, enabled, and sequenced operations. This request
focuses on the development of three critical areas:
Cyber threat identification, analysis, and attribution;
Synchronized interagency operations; and
Cyber workforce development.
A principal component of the FBI’s cyber strategy, announced by the FBI Director in September 2020,
is to impose risk and consequences on cyber adversaries using the FBI’s capabilities to further its
operations and those of its partners. The FBI leverages its authorities as a LE agency and as the lead for
domestic intelligence collection to conduct investigations, collect intelligence, and engage with victims
in pursuit of attribution. Attribution allows the United States Government (USG) to deter and respond
to malicious cyber activity through such actions as infrastructure disruptions, indictments, arrests,
demarches, sanctions, and operations coordinated and sequenced with foreign and domestic partners.
As a member of the LE community and the IC, the FBI uses an array of tools and supports partners
responsible for the spectrum of network defense and offensive operations. More specifically, the FBI
uses industry partnerships, criminal legal process, and national security tools to:
Warn of adversary plans and intentions;
Obtain unique insight into adversary activity on domestic infrastructure and victim networks;
Engage foreign partners to obtain evidence stored overseas; and
Share information to inform network defense, attribution, and response.
This request is for resources to position the FBI to meet threats from criminal and nation-state cyber
actors and continue the critical support the FBI provides to public, private, and government partners.
Recent legislation, independent studies, and Presidential directives underscore the need to resource the
FBI to deter and combat cyber threats.
The 2020 Cyberspace Solarium Commission report recommends strengthening the FBI’s cyber program,
noting that “understanding the cyber threat requires domestic intelligence gathering, evidence collection,
technical and human operations, and the cooperation of victims and third-party providers to support
investigative efforts,” which the FBI is uniquely positioned to provide. It also recommends
strengthening the National Cyber Investigative Joint Task Force (NCIJTF) to coordinate whole-of-
government counter-threat campaigns and enable other agencies’ missions in support of National
Strategic Objectives.
The 2018 National Cyber Strategy asserts that LE actions to combat malicious cyber actors serve as an
instrument of national power by deterring malicious cyber activity.
Presidential Policy Directive-41 designated the FBI as the USG’s lead agency for threat response to
significant cyber incidents.
Executive Order (EO) 13870 on America’s Cybersecurity Workforce directs departments and agencies
to grow, strengthen, and develop their cyber workforces. The FBI must have a workforce trained and
equipped to meet the next generation of cyber threats.
Cyber Threat Identification, Analysis, and Attribution: 10 Positions and $7,657,000 ($5,937,000
Intelligence Gathering and Analysis: 10 Positions and $1,720,000 (all personnel)
Timely action on cyber threats requires the FBI to analyze and assess disparate data and act on its
findings, but current and projected growth in the volume, speed, and complexity of malicious cyber
activity and its associated data outstrips the FBI’s current capacity to address the cyber threat.
The requested enhancement will support the following:
- Increase capacity to identify and analyze cyber activity by known actors with intent and capability to
harm the United States;
- Create a new capability to attribute malicious cyber activity to individuals or state actors;
- Increase capacity to share unique information from FBI collections and public-private partnerships
through Intelligence Information Reports (IIRs);
- Increase capacity to share intelligence with and from foreign partners by placing cyber intelligence
analysts in key FBI legal attaches.
Cyber Threat Actor Program (CTAP): $3,750,000 (all non-personnel)
The CTAP, established in the FBI in FY 2020, is required to fulfill DOJ’s commitments outlined in
National Security Presidential Memorandum (NSPM)-7. Those commitments include strengthening the
ability of the USG to effectively integrate, correlate, analyze, evaluate, and share information
concerning National Security Threat Actors (NSTAs) and their networks, and using that information in
support of national security missions and activities as an essential component of United States national
security. NSTA information comprises identity attributes and associated information about individuals,
organizations, groups, or networks assessed to be a threat to the safety, security, or national interests of
the United States that fall into one or more of five NSTA defined categories in NSPM-7: Cyber, foreign
intelligence, military, transnational criminal, and weapons proliferators.
To meet the requirements of NSPM-7, the NCIJTF formed an interagency governance model
encouraging agencies to identify and contribute cyber threat actor information from within their
holdings. It also created the Malicious Cyber Actor System (MCAS) to curate, exchange, and enrich this
information flow between stakeholder agencies.
This request will provide the FBI with the hardware, software, development services, and facilities
needed to adhere to its NSPM-7 executive agent responsibilities for cyber threat actors. It will also
provide the FBI with additional capabilities to:
Gather and maintain the first USG collection of evaluated cyber threat actor identity intelligence
- Enable interoperability with agencies’ existing holdings;
- Improve efficiencies for sharing knowledge between agencies; and
- Increase opportunities for detecting, attributing, interdicting, disrupting, and deterring cyber threats.
CyNERGY: $2,187,000 (all non-personnel)
EO 13636 on "Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity" directed the Attorney General and
Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), in coordination with the Director of National
Intelligence, to establish a system for tracking the production, dissemination, disposition, and sharing of
unclassified threat reports to entities targeted by malicious cyber activity.
The FBI developed CyNERGY to be this system. CyNERGY enables rapid, transparent, and
coordinated contact by the FBI and Sector Risk Management Agencies against specific incidents,
addressing a key request from private industry for coordinated engagement by the federal government.
As cyber criminals and nation-state actors increasingly target US critical infrastructure networks and
other private sector entities, these funds will enable CyNERGY’s development and maintenance to
evolve to meet the volume of targeted entities as well as interagency partner requirements.
Synchronized Interagency Operations: 145 Positions (52 Special Agents) and $31,177,000 (all
Model Field Office Cyber Squad: 145 Positions (52 Special Agents) and $31,177,000 (all personnel)
Frequent, significant, and complex cyber threats from criminals and nation-state actors require response
through synchronized offensive and defensive actions by multiple USG agencies. The FBI’s cyber
operational resources have remained relatively flat as the IC, Department of Defense (DOD), and DHS
have continued to grow their cyber capabilities and capacities. These partner agencies’ missions depend
on the FBI, requiring the FBI’s cyber program to be sufficiently resourced. The FBI has internally
reprioritized resources to cover these requirements, but additional resources are needed to address the
significant current and projected nation-state and criminal threats.
This request will ensure each FBI field office is equipped at the minimum necessary investigative,
analytical, technical, and administrative level to address cyber threats under a model field office cyber
squad. These resources will enhance cyber investigations, cyber intelligence production, and cyber-
related engagement targeting Russian, Chinese, North Korean, Iranian, and criminal cyber threats, and
increase the FBI’s capacity for joint, enabled, and sequenced operations.
Cyber Workforce Development: $1,166,000 (all non-personnel)
Accelerated Cyber Training Program (ACTP): $1,166,000 (all non-personnel)
The ACTP will help ensure the FBI continues to be the world’s premier cyber investigative agency by
pairing world-class training facilities with a world-class training program, strengthened by Huntsville’s
proximity to government and academic partners.
The FBI’s expansion to Huntsville will bolster its technology, training, talent, and analytics and includes
construction of a state-of-the-art Innovation Center. This facility will include advanced cyber training
elements, including advanced classroom space, a kinetic cyber range, and a virtual reality range. To
complement the state-of-the-art training facility and ensure the FBI cyber workforce keeps pace with the
threat, the FBI seeks to enhance the capabilities of its cyber training programs. As new positions are
added to the FBI’s cyber intrusion program, the FBI must be able to rapidly develop students’ skills
through the ACTP, which includes topics such as cyber investigative techniques, technical training,
cybersecurity, cyber incident response, and Industrial Control Systems/Supervisory Control and Data
Acquisition (ICS/SCADA) basics.
The accelerated nature of the program requires significant initial investment to reduce typical baseline
training times. The ACTP will address skill shortages and allow the FBI to build a workforce capable of
combating emerging cyber threats while ensuring the best cyber talent is deployed against the most
significant threats.
Impact on Performance
The investments in the FBI’s cyber program will help position the FBI to meet the increasing demands
of the cyber threat and the synchronized, innovative, interagency operations needed to impose a real and
lasting impact on United States adversaries.
With additional resources for cyber threat identification, analysis, and attribution, the FBI will more
quickly organize and analyze data to identify and act on adversary activity, enabling quicker responses
throughout the USG.
Investing in synchronized interagency operations will extend the capabilities of the FBI’s computer
intrusion program nationwide by equipping every FBI field office with at least one model cyber squad.
This will increase the FBI’s capacity for joint, enabled, and sequenced operations with other federal
agencies, international partners, and state and local partners through FBI cyber task forces, as well as the
FBI’s local engagement with private sector targets of malicious activity.
Investments in accelerated cyber training undergird all the FBI’s efforts to change the cost-benefit
calculus of cyber adversaries. The requested resources will help create a highly capable FBI cyber
workforce trained in the latest technical tools and adversary techniques.
Base Funding
FY 2020 Enacted
FY 2021 Enacted
FY 2022 Current Services
Personnel Increase Cost Summary
Type of Position/Series
Annual Costs per Position
FY 2022
1st Year
2nd Year
3rd Year
Full Cost
FY 2023
(net change
from 2022)
FY 2024
(net change
from 2023)
Special Agent, Field
Intelligence Analyst
Computer Scientist
Data Analyst
Staff Operations Specialist
Total Personnel
Non-Personnel Increase/Reduction Cost Summary
Non-Personnel Item
FY 2022
Unit Cost
FY 2023
(net change
from 2022)
FY 2024
(net change
from 2023)
Contract Services
Cloud Services
IT Hardware
IT Software
IT Maintenance
GSA Space Rental
Total Non-Personnel
Justification for Non-Personnel Annualizations
The FBI will maintain the effort at current or increased levels in the outyears. Contract and cloud
services will be sustained to continue mission support. Specifically, the FBI anticipates maintaining 19
contract FTE to support the continued development and O&M of these systems. MCAS and other tools
will require routine IT support through the use of systems administrators, log analysis specialists, and
technical writers to provide reliable systems operations, ad-hoc reporting, change management,
documentation, performance monitoring, contingency planning, user management and user support
throughout the life of the MCAS system. The FBI anticipates using virtual interfaces to maintain travel
and training costs at FY 2022 levels. Software and hardware funding are fully recurred to leverage
emerging technologies in the outyears. Annualizations are requested pursuant to the FBI’s outyear
mission requirements.
Total Request for this Item
Amount Requested
FY 2023
(net change
from 2022)
FY 2024
(net change
from 2023)
Current Services
Grand Total
Item Name: Counterintelligence
Strategic Goals: 1, 3, 4
Strategic Objectives: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 3.1, 4.1, 4.2
Budget Decision Units: All
Organizational Programs: Counterintelligence, Operational Technology
Program Increase: Positions 28 Agt 0 FTE 14 Dollars $18,792,000 ($12,369,000 non-personnel)
Description of Item
Please refer to the classified addendum for details on this request.
Item Name: TFO Body Worn Cameras (BWC)
Strategic Goals: 3
Strategic Objectives: 3.1, 4.1
Budget Decision Unit: Criminal Enterprise/Federal Crimes
Organizational Programs: TFO Body Worn Cameras (BWC)
Program Increase: Positions 0 Agt 0 FTE 0 Dollars $6,208,000 (all non-personnel)
Description of Item
The FBI requests $6,208,000 annually to provide software and video storage to store data and video
from the body worn cameras (BWCs) of Federally deputized Task Force Officers (TFOs). This funding
will allow the FBI to support storage of BWC video for TFOs whose parent agency mandates the use of
BWCs while they serve on Federal task forces.
The Department announced in October 2020 that DOJ “will permit state, local, territorial, and tribal task
force officers to use body worn cameras on Federal task forces around the nation. The Department’s
policy will permit Federally-deputized officers to activate a body worn camera while serving arrest
warrants, or during other planned arrest operations, and during the execution of search warrants.” The
policy is the result of a pilot program launched by the Department in October 2019 and applies to the
extent that a TFO’s parent agency requires BWC use by its officers during Federal task force operations.
Funding will allow the FBI to support the TFO and the TFO’s parent agency by providing data and
video storage software and capacity for some of the TFO’s BWC video while the TFO is serving on a
Federal task force directed by the FBI. Video storage is one of the costliest aspects of a BWC program,
and Federal support for these storage requirements will allow the FBI to maintain and increase partner
agency participation in the Department’s task forces.
The Department’s policy on Use of Body Worn Cameras by Federally Deputized Task Force Officers
applies to the extent that a TFO’s parent agency requires BWC use by its officers during Federal task
force operations. This funding will not be used to purchase camera hardware, as the hardware will be
provided by the parent agency.
As outlined in the Department’s policy, “all TFO BWC recordings made during Federal task force
operations, including such recordings retained by the TFO’s parent agency and/or in the possession of
any third party engaged by the parent agency to store or process BWC recordings, shall be deemed
Federal records of the Department and the Federal agency sponsoring the task force pursuant to the
Federal Records Act.” Furthermore, the policy directs that “TFO BWC recordings are controlled by,
and the property of, the Department and will be retained and managed by the Federal agency sponsoring
the task force. The Federal agency sponsoring the task force is responsible for considering requests to
release TFO BWC recordings.”
Data storage as it relates to the retention of BWC video for FBI TFO operations requires infrastructure
improvements to meet mission needs and legal requirements. The FBI intends to use the enhancement
improvements to accommodate technical and contractor support.
The FBI will use the funding enhancement on the following items:
Cloud Storage: The FBI requests $1,760,000 for Cloud Storage. The cost for cloud storage is divided
into four elements that include hot storage, archive storage, compute, and bandwidth to support
immediate and long-term requirements.
Software: The FBI requests $953,000 for the purchase of software to accommodate the tracking of
service tickets for those involved in the TFO pilot program, audio/video enhancing software to respond
to discovery and FOIA requests, compliance, cybersecurity and licenses to integrate with FBI enterprise
Field Bandwidth Enhancement: The FBI requests $270,000 to support increased bandwidth to field
office sites participating in the TFO BWC pilot program.
Contractor Labor Costs: The FBI requests $3,225,000 for contractor support to achieve accreditation
for the storage of BWC footage. The FBI will rely on contractor labor support providing Information
System Security Officer expertise. Additionally, the FBI will utilize funding for multiple software
developers, system administrators, and forensic audio/visual personnel to manage the storage
environment, integration into FBI enterprise systems and redaction services.
Impact on Performance
The FBI maintains over 750 task forces across its criminal, counterterrorism, counterintelligence, and
cyber programs, composed of federal, state, local, and tribal partners. These partners provide critical
intelligence and serve as an operational force-multiplier in support of the FBI’s highest investigative
priorities keeping the American public safe. The FBI’s criminal task forces (e.g., Safe Streets, Child
Exploitation, Public Corruption, Organized Crime) alone account for over 550 task forces, comprised of
over 3,200 full-time TFOs and nearly 1,200 task force participants from over 1,400 state, local, and
tribal agencies. As more state and local jurisdictions implemented legislative requirements for their LE
agencies to use BWCs, FBI TFOs were placed in a difficult position in which they could be out of
compliance with their home agency policies by not wearing BWCs when conducting federal operations.
The FBI successfully participated in the Department’s pilot program launched in October 2019 and
continues to work with state and local partners to fully implement the Department’s formal TFO BWC
policy issued in October 2020. The Department’s TFO BWC policy allows the flexibility to
accommodate partners and ensure participation, regardless of current or future state and local mandates.
Development of storage and software for TFO BWC footage will assist the FBI in implementing the
Department’s TFO BWC policy and ensure proper management of and access to data collected.
Furthermore, the Department has provided numerous grants and support for state and local LE agency
use of BWCs as part of the Department’s Strategic Goal 4: Uphold the rule of law and integrity in the
proper administration of justice. This additional funding for storage of BWC footage will enable the FBI
to better implement the Department’s TFO BWC policy; maintain flexibility with state, local, and tribal
partners, and assist partners with consistent application of BWC policies. The FBI is committed to
supporting our state, local, and tribal partners to increase transparency and accountability of LE in their
local communities.
Base Funding
FY 2020 Enacted
FY 2021 Enacted
FY 2022 Current Services
Personnel Increase Cost Summary
Type of Position/Series
Annual Costs per Position
FY 2022
1st Year
2nd Year
3rd Year
Full Cost
FY 2023
(net change
from 2022)
FY 2024
(net change
from 2023)
Special Agent, Field
Intelligence Analyst
Computer Scientist
Data Analyst
Digital Operations Specialist
Staff Operations Specialist
Total Personnel
Non-Personnel Increase/Reduction Cost Summary
Non-Personnel Item
FY 2022
Unit Cost
FY 2023
(net change
from 2022)
FY 2024
(net change
from 2023)
Cloud Storage
Field Enhancement
Contract Support
Total Non-Personnel
Justification for Non-Personnel Annualizations
The organization maintains funding levels to preserve operational readiness and support emergent
initiatives. Infrastructure requirements to implement and maintain a Body Worn Camera (BWC)
program will continue. As such, the FBI’s $6,208,000 non-personnel increases for IT software, services,
and network bandwidth improvements are expected to recur in FY 2023 and FY 2024. These services
will be essential to retain BWC video, manage the service ticket system, comply with discovery and
FOIA requests, and ensure appropriate security, accreditation, and functionality to support the BWC
program. Recurred funding also will ensure the FBI can leverage emerging technologies.
Total Request for this Item
Amount Requested
FY 2023
(net change
from 2022)
FY 2024
(net change
from 2023)
Current Services
Grand Total
Item Name: Cybersecurity
Strategic Goals: 1, 3, 4
Strategic Objectives: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 3.1, 3.2, 4.1, 4.2
Budget Decision Units: All
Organizational Programs: Information Technology
Program Increase: Positions 22 Agt 0 FTE 11 Dollars $15,230,000 ($12,832,000 non-personnel)
Description of Item
The President’s FY 2022 discretionary request identified a cyber reserve of $750 million. The FY 2022
President’s Budget allocates these resources to nine agencies that were significantly impacted by the
SolarWinds incident, one of which is the Department of Justice. The purpose of the funding is to address
immediate response needs and does not focus on wholesale replacement of IT systems at this time. The
funding request targets critical cybersecurity needs at these nine agencies which prioritizes basic
cybersecurity enhancements, including: cloud security, Security Operations Center (SOC)
enhancements, encryption, Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), increased logging functions, and
enhanced monitoring tools. Each agency’s maturation levels were reviewed in these areas to determine
the most critical gaps that require additional funding.
The FBI requests 22 positions and $15,230,000 ($12,832,000 non-personnel) to enhance its
cybersecurity posture and cybersecurity threat assessment program. FBI data, including national security
data, is vulnerable to external cyber and insider threat attacks. Current tools are not capable of fully
monitoring the FBI’s numerous enterprise systems, and are not prepared for the ever-changing
technological landscape, including increased use of cloud computing and mobile platforms. The FBI
must invest in people and tools to enhance its cybersecurity posture to meet federal mandates for a
secure IT enterprise.
The requested resources will be used to enhance the following areas:
Cybersecurity Posture: The FBI requests 20 positions and $14,012,000 ($11,832,000 non-
personnel) to ensure robust cybersecurity through targeted investments in engineering,
operations, risk management, and modernization.
Cybersecurity Threat Assessment Program: The FBI requests two positions and $1,218,000
($1,000,000 non-personnel) to proactively address cybersecurity vulnerabilities and the growing
cyber threat posed by groups exploiting technology to breach the FBI’s technical systems and
networks, with the intent to cause harm to the FBI mission and reputation.
Threat Summary: To keep pace with today’s emerging threats, the FBI must make cybersecurity
improvements to ensure a more secure infrastructure and limit vulnerabilities posing a threat to the FBI
Asset Management: Industry reports that 60 percent of breaches in 2019 involved unpatched
vulnerabilities. The FBI maintains over 800 systems with a vast number of interconnections and
interdependencies and such breaches constitute a high risk to the FBI’s cybersecurity posture. The FBI
must use reporting and server ownership information to identify, communicate and address non-
compliance for remediation. The FBI assesses, based on its current cybersecurity posture, that it must
invest additional resources in efforts to combat potential breaches and vulnerabilities.
Security & Compliance: There are currently more than 75 FBI IT systems requiring security
assessments. The FBI has over 115 cloud services that require security review to ensure they are
configured in accordance with cloud service providers best security practices. Without an automated
means of validating these settings and services, the FBI risks possible data compromise as it migrates IT
systems into cloud environments.
Agility: With the number of cyber-attacks against the FBI increasing every year, sophisticated
identification and prevention are required to differentiate threats from benign network noise. Cyber
threats constantly evolve, and the FBI’s cybersecurity defense must evolve with it. The FBI must keep
up with the new technologies threatening its IT infrastructure and must deploy new defensive tools to
keep pace with innovation and technological advances in the cyber environment.
Cybersecurity Posture: 20 positions and $14,012,000 ($11,832,000 non-personnel)
The FBI is requesting enhancements to protect IT assets from cyberattacks and insider threats. The cyber
defense landscape is constantly changing, and new threat technologies and techniques are constantly
emerging. Better systems are required to address the current gaps in monitoring, incident response, and
vulnerability mitigation. The FBI is requesting 20 positions to monitor, develop, and create compliance
Engineering: $6,332,000 (all non-personnel)
The FBI requests $6,332,000 (all non-personnel) to address foundational IT infrastructure re-
engineering requirements to keep pace with cybersecurity technologies. This IT engineering program
will deploy technologies across enterprise computer networks and mobile device platforms to defend
against cyber and insider threats. It will also provide technologies for the FBI’s cyber defenders to
prevent and respond to attacks against the FBI’s infrastructure. Additionally, this funding will support
the FBI's patching program to prevent the exploitation of outdated systems.
Specifically, the requested resources will be used to enhance the following areas:
$4,332,000 for expanded monitoring of FBI IT assets to deploy technologies to support increased
visibility into the FBI’s existing information technology assets and emerging technologies such
as cloud and mobility platforms.
$2,000,000 for an asset management system to provide expanded insight into, accountability
over, and centralized vulnerability management coverage over FBI IT assets.
Information Security Workforce: 13 positions and $1,417,000 (all personnel)
The FBI requests 13 Information Security professional positions to effectively address the FBI’s
growing inability to effectively respond to critical Information System (IS) security incidents. The
creation of government Information Security positions will be cost-effective and will create a
consolidated and streamlined information systems program management framework to support FBI
The IS professionals will serve in three primary functional areas:
Information Systems Security Operations (ISSO): The FBI requests four positions to ensure
the day-to-day implementation, oversight, continuous monitoring, and maintenance of the
security configuration, practices, and procedures for each IS. The staff will ensure that selected
security controls are implemented and operating as intended during all phases of the IS lifecycle,
conduct required IS vulnerability scans according to risk assessment parameters and develop
Plans of Actions and Milestones (POA&Ms) in response to reported security vulnerabilities.
Information Systems Security Management (ISSM): The FBI requests five positions to
ensure that FBI ISs are operated, maintained, and disposed of in accordance with the internal
security policies and practices outlined in the approved Security Assessment and Authorization
(SAA) package, and provide baseline security controls to system owners. The staff will initiate,
coordinate, and recommend (to the FBI Authorizing Official) all Interconnection Security
Agreements (ISAs), Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs), and Memoranda of Agreement
(MOAs) that permit the interconnection of an FBI IS with any non-FBI or joint-use IS.
Information System Security Engineering (ISSE): The FBI requests four positions to enhance
the organization’s ability to identify information protection needs for an IS and Network
Environment, develop and implement security designs for new or existing network systems,
ensure the design of hardware and operating systems are appropriate, develop and implement
security designs for new or existing network system(s) and software applications, and adequately
address cybersecurity requirements for the IS and Network Environment. The staff will provide
the expertise to ensure that network systems design supports the incorporation of FBI directed
cybersecurity vulnerability solutions.
Cybersecurity Incident Response Program Management: 4 positions and $1,436,000 ($1,000,000 non-
The FBI requests four positions and $1,436,000 ($1,000,000 non-personnel) to enhance the FBI’s
program management over its incident response functions under the FBI’s Chief Information Security
Officer (CISO). While the FBI’s Enterprise Security Operations Center (ESOC) is primarily responsible
for cybersecurity incident response, the FBI’s CISO is responsible for managing that function and
reporting the FBI’s compliance with reporting requirements from the US Department of Justice and the
Office of the Director of National Intelligence. The enhancement will strengthen the FBI’s ability to
manage its cybersecurity program without having to remove ESOC personnel from their core critical
incident response mission.
Operations and Forensic Analysis: 3 positions and $2,827,000 ($2,500,000 non-personnel)
The FBI requests three positions and $2,827,000 ($2,500,000 non-personnel) to enhance the ESOC.
ESOC is required to protect FBI IS by monitoring for, detecting, responding to, mitigating, and
reporting on cybersecurity threats that could potentially compromise FBI IS, data, and personnel.
Cybersecurity threats are evolving and growing therefore tools are needed to ensure FBI systems are
protected from external, internal, and foreign threats. The enhancement would allow ESOC to address
mission-critical gaps to protect FBI systems and data. This request will provide substantial
improvements to all areas of the FBI’s cybersecurity posture.
This will support mission-critical workflows by providing ESOC with support to meet federally
mandated objectives, namely the government employee oversight over ESOC’s enhanced operations and
digital forensic analysis teams. The FBI requests 3 Information Technology (IT) Specialists to fulfill this
The FBI requests $2,500,000 (all non-personnel) to provide additional support for ESOC’s daily
operations and post-incident digital forensic analysis functions and modern tools for both ESOC
operations and endpoint detection.
EDR and SOC Tool Modernization: $2,000,000 (all non-personnel)
The FBI requests $2,000,000 (all non-personnel) to provide industry standard hardware and services
needed to protect FBI endpoints (including mobile devices used by FBI personnel), perform remote
analysis, collect data from potentially compromised systems, process and analyze investigative data,
disassemble potentially compromised systems and transfer the unit's mobile activity data into a
Cybersecurity Threat Assessment Program: 2 positions and $1,218,000 ($1,000,000 non-
Cybersecurity technical operations are designed to proactively address enterprise vulnerability and asset
discovery requirements while having the flexibility to conduct advanced security assessments based
on the realities of continuously evolving adversary threats, tactics, and techniques. The Cybersecurity
Threat Assessment program objectives are aligned to support the Digital Risk Director’s Priority
Initiative and focus on transforming the FBI’s approach to security by ensuring systems are securely
built, the enterprise is continuously monitored for insider threats and external intrusions, and FBI
stakeholders are prepared to respond to cyber threats.
The program is comprised of two teams that serve different functions to collaboratively address
enterprise vulnerabilities.
Advanced Security Assessment Team: The FBI requests two Information Technology Specialists
(ITS) positions and $1,218,000 ($1,000,000 non-personnel) to continuously assess and enhance the
security posture of the FBI through threat-driven, cybersecurity technical operations based on
adversarial tools, techniques, and procedures (TTP) that are realistic, relevant, and identify true risk to
FBI missions.
The primary purpose of the Advanced Security Assessment Team (Blue and Red) is to
proactively assess the overall information security and cybersecurity management of an organization or
system beyond vulnerability scans. The Blue Team assessments focus on a collaborative approach
intended to determine the overall effectiveness of the personnel and processes used to secure
information technology assets, while the Red Team operations focus on an approach based
on employing potential tools, techniques, and processes used by adversaries to identify the risks to the
organization’s most mission-critical and mission-essential elements. This request will provide
substantial improvements to all areas of the FBI’s cybersecurity posture.
Collectively, the above teams enable the FBI to continuously assess and enhance the enterprise security
posture through threat-driven cybersecurity technical operations and enterprise security services that are
realistic, relevant, and identify true risk to FBI mission sets.
Impact on Performance
With this enhancement to its cybersecurity program, the FBI will gain a clearer view of the current state
of its cybersecurity, increasing its understanding of cyber risk and allowing for the prioritization of
mitigation efforts, while also validating the effectiveness of current security controls. Investing in
transformative technologies will allow the FBI to identify high-risk vulnerabilities and gaps in security
that may otherwise go unidentified using less advanced methods. Further, the FBI will be able to
proactively identify a compromise from insider threats or external adversaries in coordination with the
ESOC and the Insider Threat Office.
Without the necessary enhancements to address engineering requirements for the many assets that the
FBI maintains, monitoring and analysis to maintain and protect sensitive data on all FBI asset inventory
will be limited. Further, for the FBI to adhere to the federally mandated Federal Information Security
Modernization Act (FISMA) security requirements for its assets, it must automate and standardize the
full lifecycle development process for systems and applications by migrating towards a mature Security
Development Operations (SecDevOPS) model and employing state of the art tools, such as IRM and
Mobile Application Security Vetting, to support the Security Assessment and Authorization process.
Base Funding
FY 2020 Enacted
FY 2021 Enacted
FY 2022 Current Services
Personnel Increase Cost Summary
Type of Position/Series
Annual Costs per Position
FY 2022
1st Year
2nd Year
3rd Year
Full Cost
FY 2023
(net change
from 2022)
FY 2024
(net change
from 2023)
Information Technology
Total Personnel
Non-Personnel Increase/Reduction Cost Summary
Non-Personnel Item
FY 2022
Unit Cost
FY 2023
(net change
from 2022)
FY 2024
(net change
from 2023)
Cybersecurity Posture
Cybersecurity Threat
Assessment Program
Total Non-Personnel
Justification for Non-Personnel Annualizations
The FBI will recur $11,832,000 annually to support IT software, contract services, and IT maintenance
to meet federal mandates for a secure IT enterprise. Contract services, software, and IT maintenance
costs will be maintained to continue mission support. Initial hardware investments will not be repeated
in the outyears, reducing the annualized costs by $1,000,000.
Total Request for this Item
Amount Requested
FY 2023
(net change
from 2022)
FY 2024
(net change
from 2023)
Current Services
Grand Total
VI. Exhibits
A. Organizational Chart
K. Status of Congressionally Requested Studies, Reports, and Evaluations
Status of Congressionally Requested Studies, Reports, and Evaluations
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Salaries and Expenses
1. The FY 2021 Conference Report directs the FBI to submit a report on field offices' capacity to
investigate all crimes of slavery and human trafficking in their jurisdiction. The report should
further detail any additional resources that have been provided to those field offices for these
2. The FY 2021 Conference Report directs the FBI to report on efforts to investigate and support
DOJ criminal prosecution of serious human rights crimes, including genocide, torture, use or
recruitment of child soldiers, war crimes, and other crimes committed by serious human rights
violators, and continue to comply with direction in the explanatory statement accompanying
Public Law 116-93, regarding the International Human Rights Unit, the Human Rights Violators
and War Crimes Center, and FBI field office training.
3. The FY 2021 Conference Report directs the FBI to prepare an updated report on security
advisory opinion (SAO) processing, as required by the explanatory statement accompanying
Public Law 116-93, to include any classified data.
4. The FY 2021 Conference Report directs the FBI to provide a report on which databases,
including N-DEx, are used for point-of-contact (POC) initiated firearm background checks; what
barriers, if any, prevent incorporating N-DEx into POC background check processes, and how to
overcome them; and how to raise State and local awareness of N-DEx.
5. The FY 2021 Conference Report directs the FBI to describing how the FBI is addressing each
recommendation in the OIG report "Audit of the Handling of Firearms Purchase Denials
Through the National Instant Criminal Background Check System" (Audit Division 16-32). If
the FBI is not implementing a recommendation, the report shall indicate whether the FBI intends
to do so, and if not, the justification for not pursuing the recommended course of action. The
report shall also identify any changes made to the Standard Operating Procedures to better
process NICS inquiries within the three-day time period. All unclassified data shall be publicly
released by the FBI.
6. The FY 2021 House Senate Report directs the FBI to report on efforts to work with LE
agencies in the five U.S. territories to provide training, technical assistance, and NIBRS subject
matter expertise to ensure it can collect and publish crime statistics from these jurisdictions.
7. The FY 2021 House Report directs the FBI to report on efforts to train all Field Offices on
how to detect and investigate crimes committed by serious human rights violators, and to report
on efforts to increase the number of human rights investigations.
8. The FY 2021 Conference Report directs the FBI to report on the number of racially-motivated
violent extremist incidents in fiscal years 2016 through 2020 that required surveillance,
investigation, and prosecution of white supremacist activity or racially motivated domestic
terrorism associated with white supremacist ideology, and include, if available, incidents in
which the FBI deferred to State or local authorities.
9. The FY 2021 Senate Report directs the FBI to provide a report describing its methods for
collecting National Use of Force data, suggestions for increasing participation by LE agencies,
and any associated resources needs.
10. The FY 2021 Senate Report directs the FBI to report on efforts of the Human Rights Unit,
participation in the Human Rights Violators and War Crimes Center, and training to all field
11. The FY 2021 Senate Report directs the FBI to update the FY 2020 report on Security
Advisory Opinion (SAO) processing, including the publication of unclassified data.
12. The FY 2021 Senate Report directs the FBI to provide a report, with detailed explanations, of
how the FBI is addressing each of the recommendations included in the OIG report entitled
‘Audit of the Handling of Firearms Purchase Denials Through the National Instant Criminal
Background Check System’’ (Audit Division 16–32). If the FBI is not implementing a specific
recommendation from the report, the FBI shall explain whether it intends to implement the
specific recommendation, and if not, the justification for not pursuing the recommended course
of action. The report shall also identify any changes to the Standard Operating Procedures the
FBI has made to better process NICS inquiries within the three-day time period.
13. The FY 2021 Senate Report directs the FBI to develop plans for and report on a pilot CUAS
training program for State and local LE personnel from both urban and rural areas.
L. Senior Executive Service Reporting
Staffing (as of 12/31/20)
Awards (as of 12/31/20)
SES Removals (as of 12/31/20)
Number of
Amount of
Less Than
Reduction in
$131,239 -
NOTE: Note: OPM no longer sets basic rates of pay for members of the SES. Basic SES pay for an agency with a
certified performance management system, which DOJ has, is between $131,239 and $197,300 for 2020.
3 Overview: The FBI utilizes Construction funding for costs related to the planning, design, construction,
modification, or acquisition of buildings and for the operation and maintenance of SWE facilities and
secure networking capabilities. Construction funding supports both the national security and LE
missions of the FBI.
The FBI requests $61,895,000 in the Construction account for the SWE program and safety and strategic
improvements to the Quantico Campus. The FBI and DOJ also look forward to working with OMB and
Congress to secure the funding required for a new FBI Headquarters building.
SWE: SWE funds are used to apply USIC SWE standards to FBI facilities both their physical (e.g.,
SCIFs) and IT infrastructure (e.g., SCINet). They are also used for SCIF construction and renovation, as
well as the installation and maintenance of Top Secret networks.
FBI Redstone Arsenal: The FBI has maintained a presence
at Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, Alabama, for over 50 years,
and the FBI is expanding its footprint across the base,
positioned among some of the nation’s top defense, LE, and
technology organizations. These new facilities will drive a new
era of innovation in a city deemed the “Silicon Valley of the
South,” where the lower cost of living and modern amenities
are among the many highlights for FBI personnel whose roles
are relocated to Huntsville.
By spring 2022, the FBI’s presence on the North Campus will feature 300,000-square-foot
operations building designed to accommodate approximately 1,350 personnel across 12 different
operational and administrative FBI divisions. A nearby 87,000-square-foot technology building will
house approximately 330 personnel to monitor the FBI’s network 24/7/365, providing network
monitoring and insider threat detection essential to the protection of sensitive intelligence and
information for the entire organization.
The South Campus provides tremendous growth opportunities for the FBI and its LE partners. The
recently constructed Ballistics Research Facility (BRF) is the world’s only LE ammunition testing
facility. The BRF evaluates weapon systems and body armor and shares this intelligence with FBI
partners, including providing expert testimony in state and local LE criminal proceedings.
The current and future FBI Redstone facilities covered here reflect just a few of the innovative projects
designed to ensure FBI agents and operational support personnel have state-of-the-art equipment and
training to combat increasingly complex global threats.
FBI Quantico: The journey for every FBI employee starts at
the FBI Academy in Quantico, Virginia. The campus hosts
world-class Special Agent, Intelligence Analyst, and
Professional Staff trainings, equipping these positions with the
skills to investigate the nation’s most critical threats. But the
Academy does not only train FBI employees it is also hosts
the best and brightest LE personnel from around the world for
10 weeks at the National Academy and two weeks at the Law
Enforcement Executive Development Seminar, as well as
critical private sector partners. Quantico has become a premier learning and research center, a model for
best practices throughout the global criminal justice community, and most importantly a place where
lasting partnerships are forged among LE and intelligence professionals worldwide.
FBI Pocatello: Maintained for more than 30 years, the
FBI’s campus in Pocatello, Idaho, supports several
missions and is home to a state of the art data center. The
completion of this data center is a significant milestone in
the organization’s broader information technology
transformation initiative and will provide DOJ agencies
with both classified and unclassified data processing
capabilities for the foreseeable future.
The facility has evolved from an FBI continuity of
operations (COOP) facility with a single data center into
a consolidated campus of nine buildings (more than 245,000 square feet) serving about 330 employees.
As part of the DOJ-wide data center consolidation project, the facility along with a handful of data
centers, including the data center in the CJIS facility in Clarksburg, West Virginia consolidates leased
data centers across the DOJ in Northern Virginia, Texas, Maryland, and other locations.
FBI Clarksburg: The FBI Clarksburg campus encompasses
nearly 1,000 acres in Clarksburg, West Virginia, and is home
to the CJIS Division. CJIS serves as a high-tech hub providing
state-of-the-art tools and services to LE, national security, and
intelligence partners and to the public. Additionally, the
campus hosts staff from other government agencies, including
the ATF, DHS, and DOD. The campus, built on land acquired
by the FBI, was completed in 1995. It houses over 3,700 staff
and consists of two primary buildings: CJIS Main, a 528,000-square-foot office building, and the
Biometric Technology Center (BTC), a 470,000-square-foot building dedicated to the analysis and
advancement of biometrics and human characteristics to aid identification. The campus also includes a
central utility plant, a shipping and receiving facility, a visitor’s center, and related support facilities.
FBI Winchester: The FBI's new Central Records Complex
(CRC) in Winchester, Virginia, will house more than two
billion pages of records by 2022. The 256,000-square-foot
facility uses robots to help manage the storage of truckloads
of archived records now housed at each of the FBI’s 56
field offices and other sites. Construction of the facility
began in late 2017 and was completed in August
2020, when employees loaded the first records into custom-
designed bins to be shuttled away by robots into darkened, climate-controlled confines for safe keeping
and easy retrieval.
Built for nearly 500 employees, the facility also includes an office support building and visitor screening
facility. The CRC houses an automated storage and retrieval system used to store and retrieve records
quickly and efficiently, leveraging innovative technologies never before used in the federal government.
The system manages more than 361,000 records storage bins (specifically designed for this system)
using an overhead grid of frameworks, allowing robots to retrieve the desired records.
FBI Headquarters: Built in 1975 to support 2,000 personnel, the FBI HQ
infrastructure, including mechanical, electrical, and life safety systems, require critical repairs or
replacement to safely support the current capacity of 5,500 FBI personnel. The FBI continues to plan
and innovate within the J. Edgar Hoover (JEH) Building to find efficiencies that sustain its critical
operations despite the building’s failing infrastructure as the FBI awaits further discussion on the
potential for a new HQ location.
Appropriations Language and Analysis of Appropriations Language
Appropriations Language for Construction
For necessary expenses, to include the cost of equipment, furniture, and information technology
requirements, related to construction or acquisition of buildings, facilities, and sites by purchase, or as
otherwise authorized by law; conversion, modification, and extension of federally owned buildings;
preliminary planning and design of projects; and operation and maintenance of secure work environment
facilities and secure networking capabilities; $61,895,000 to remain available until expended.
Analysis of Appropriations Language
No substantive change.
Item Name: Safety and Strategic Improvements to the Quantico Campus
Strategic Goals: 1, 3, 4
Strategic Objectives: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 3.1, 4.4
Budget Decision Units: All
Organizational Program: Facilities and Logistics Services
Program Increase: Positions 0 Agt 0 FTE 0 Dollars $10,000,000 (all non-personnel)
Description of Item
The FBI requests $10,000,000 (all non-personnel) for strategic construction at its Quantico campus in
support of the FBI’s evolving mission and the resulting training needs. This request supports the
replacement of critical operational support facilities that will increase the safety of students and
employees and will be used to support FBI operations and those of its LE partners now and into the
The FBI’s 49-year-old Quantico campus is home to five major FBI Headquarters divisions
encompassing 78 facilities across approximately 2,500,000 square feet of administrative, laboratory,
training, industrial, and support facilities. Over the years, the Quantico campus has grown from
supporting a single FBI entity and mission the Training Division to a multi-tenant/multi-mission
venue. In addition to housing the FBI Academy and serving as a national training asset, Quantico also
houses key operational entities, including the Hostage Rescue Team, the FBI Laboratory Division, and
the FBI’s operational technology program. Today, the Quantico campus supports approximately 3,200
personnel and accommodates about 13,500 students and 20,000 visitors annually.
As the mission and work of the FBI have evolved to keep up with new technologies and shifts in
domestic and international criminal and terrorist activities, its approach to training and mission support
has followed. The FBI’s foremost training offering, the Basic Field Training Course (BFTC) for new
agents and intelligence analysts, was expanded to allow for an increase in the training of new personnel,
placing a strain on Quantico’s aging facilities. For Quantico to remain the crown jewel of LE training,
the FBI must revitalize aging and failing infrastructure, and make continual and sustained investments in
master-planned capital improvements.
Safety and Maintenance Improvements to Critical Mission Support Space: $10,000,000 (all non-
The FBI requests $10,000,000 of recurring construction funds to replace numerous dilapidated facilities
that have exceeded their useful life.
As the FBI has expanded its footprint at Quantico, many temporary structures have been incorporated
into the FBI’s campus master plan to provide critical mission support space for expanding operations.
These temporary buildings were constructed with materials and support equipment that typically have a
lifespan of 10 to 20 years, and many of these buildings are now over 30 years old. Several modular
trailers are falling apart, some do not have fire systems, and some do not possess adequate fresh air to
inhibit mold and mildew growth. This creates an unhealthy and unsafe work and training environment
that is not conducive to maintaining a world-class training academy.
The FBI requests recurring funding of $10,000,000 to address ongoing, phased permanent replacement
of numerous worn-out facilities. The facilities to be replaced are modular trailers, large fabric “tent”
buildings, and relocatable masonry buildings put in place from the 1980s to the 2000s to quickly support
the FBI’s expanding operational requirements, and that have remained well past their useful (and safe)
lives. For example, the cost to replace the air conditioning in one of these temporary buildings exceeds
the value of the building itself. As a result, when failures occur, high-cost emergency system
replacements that cause major interruptions to FBI operations are required.
By having an additional dedicated $10,000,000 to replace numerous antiquated Quantico facilities, the
FBI will not be limited to the existing $2,000,000 in the construction account. The current funding level
discourages preventative planning and can result in interrupted operations when critical failures
inevitably occur. With additional funding, the FBI can deploy a long-term plan for Quantico end-of-life
facility replacements.
HRT Modular Trailer: Deteriorated classroom Modular Trailer: Rotting from the floor up
Precast Concrete Building: Structural Failure Effects of Degradation: Moisture penetration and Black Mold
Impact on Performance
Quantico is the world’s premier LE research and learning center and as such requires an investment of
resources for its sustainment and enhancement. Without this investment, Quantico will not be able to
adequately host training classes and other scenarios that prepare FBI agents, analysts, and global
partners to counter the evolving criminal and national security threats of the 21st century, while keeping
students and workers safe.
The FBI’s Quantico complex has an immediate and urgent need for projects that require security-related
improvements such as relocating the central shipping and receiving facility from the middle of new
agent training to outside the security perimeter of the FBI Quantico complex. Other projects include life
and safety improvements that would move a firearms range support (gunsmithing) function from below
the cafeteria to the firearms ranges. The replacement of temporary buildings with permanent facilities
will ensure the required safety systems and mission support amenities will be available to support
operational requirements and ensures the FBI remains in compliance with current building code.
Base Funding
FY 2020 Enacted
FY 2021 Enacted
FY 2022 Current Services
Non-Personnel Increase/Reduction Cost Summary
Non-Personnel Item
FY 2022
Unit Cost
FY 2023
(net change
from 2022)
FY 2024
(net change
from 2023)
Total Non-Personnel
Justification for Non-Personnel Annualizations
The $10,000,000 will recur annually to address the ongoing, phased permanent replacement of numerous worn-
out facilities on the FBI’s Quantico campus.
Total Request for this Item
Amount Requested
FY 2023
(net change
from 2022)
FY 2024
(net change
from 2023)
Current Services
Grand Total
Accelerated Cyber Training Program
Assistant Director in Charge
Special Agent
Area of Responsibility
Advisory Policy Board
Adjustments to Base
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
Analytic Writing for Fusion Centers
Ballistics Research Facility
Biometric Technology Center
Body Worn Camera
Command and Control
Criminal Answer Required
Child Abduction Rapid Deployment Team
Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act
Criminal, Cyber, Response, and Services Branch
Counterintelligence Division
Criminal Enterprises and Federal Crimes
Criminal History Record Information
Confidential Human Source
Central Intelligence Agency
Criminal Investigative Division
Computer Intrusion Program
Critical Incident Response Group
Chief Information Security Officer
Criminal Justice
Criminal Justice Information Services
Criminal Justice Services
Combined DNA Index System
Color of Law
Continental United States
Continuity of Operations
Consolidated Priority Organization Target
Central Records Complex
Child Sex Tourism
Cyber Threat Actor Program
Counterterrorism Division
Counter-Unmanned Aircraft Systems
Cyber Division
Department of Homeland Security
Directorate of Intelligence
Defense Intelligence Agency
Deoxyribonucleic Acid
Department of Defense
Department of Justice
Domestic Security Alliance Council
Domestic Terrorism
Detect, Track, Locate, and Identify
Drug-trafficking Organizations
Domestic Terrorism Operations Section
Decision Unit
Executive Assistant Director
Electronic Departmental Order
Executive Order
Enterprise Security Operations Center
Enterprise Theory of Investigation
Electronic Tips
European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation
Enterprise Voice over Internet Protocol
Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrance
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Facilities and Finance Division
Federal Firearms Licensee
Foreign Language Program
Field Office
Field Office Strategic Plan
Full-time Equivalent
Foreign Terrorist Tracking Task Force
Fiscal Year
General Crimes Act
Global Positioning System
Hazardous Devices School
High-Value Detainee Interrogation Group
Human Resources Branch
Human Resources Division
Hostage Rescue Team
Human Rights Violators and War Crimes Center
Human Intelligence
Homegrown Violent Extremists
Intelligence Analyst
Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System
Intelligence Branch
Indian Country
Intelligence Community
Internet Crime Complaint Center
Industrial Control Systems
Indian Country and Special Jurisdiction Unit
Intelligence Decision Unit
International Human Rights
International Human Rights Unit
III/Triple I
Interstate Identification Index
Intelligence Information Reports
Innocent Images National Initiative
Innocence Lost National Initiative
Information Management Division
Inspection Division
Intelligence for Supervisors
Insider Threat Office
Introduction to Intelligence
International Operations Division
Integrated Program Management
Interstate Photo System
Information System
Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham
Information Systems Security Engineering
Information Systems Security Management
Information Systems Security Operation
Information Technology
IT Applications and Data Division
Information and Technology Branch
IT Enterprise Services Division
IT Infrastructure Division
Joint Criminal Opioid and Darknet Enforcement
J. Edgar Hoover Building
Joint Terrorism Task Force
Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communication System
Known or Suspected Terrorist
Laboratory Division
Law Enforcement
Law Enforcement Enterprise Portal
Major Crimes Act
Malicious Cyber Actor System
Muscogee Creek Nation
Mobile Encrypted Networks and Communications Exploitation
Money Laundering Facilitator
National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime
National Crime Information Center
National Cyber Investigative Joint Task Force
National Counterintelligence Task Force
Non-Criminal Justice
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
National Counterproliferation Center
National Counterintelligence and Security Center
National Counterterrorism Center
National Data Exchange
National DNA Index System
Next Generation Identification
National Incident-Based Reporting System
National Instant Criminal Background Check System
National Intelligence Program
National Intelligence Priorities Framework
National Insider Threat Task Force
National Palm Print System
National Security Branch
National Security Presidential Memorandum
National Special Security Event
National Security Threat Actor
National Security Threat Program
National Threat Operations Center
National Threat Operations Section
National Threat Priority
National Virtual Translation Center
Oklahoma City
Office of Congressional Affairs
Office of the Chief Information Officer
Office of the Director of National Intelligence
Office of Equal Employment Opportunity Affairs
Office of the General Counsel
Office of Integrity and Compliance
Office of Management and Budget
Office of Public Affairs
Office of Partner Engagement
Office of Professional Responsibility
Office of Private Sector
Operational Technology Division
Point of Contact
Paycheck Protection Program
Professional Staff
Private Sector Coordinator
Resident Agency
Recovery Asset Team
Rap Back Services
Radio Frequency
Racially Motivated Domestic Terrorism
Resource Planning Office
Recreational Vehicle
Salaries and Expenses
Special Agent
Special Agent in Charge
Security Advisory Opinion
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
Sensitive Compartmented Information
Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility
Sensitive Compartmented Information Network
Special Event Assessment Rating
Security Division
Security Development Operations
State Identification Number
Strategic Intelligence Issues Group
Strategic Information Operations Center
Session Initiation Protocol
State, Local, Tribal, and Territorial
Subject Matter Expert
Special Operations Group
Summary Reporting System
Supervisory Special Agent
Special Surveillance Group
Science and Technology Branch
Senior Vice President
Secure Work Environment
Transnational Anti-Gang Task Force
Transnational Criminal Organization
Training Division
Technology and Data Innovation
Temporary Duty
Terrorist Explosive Device Analytical Center
Task Force Operator
Threat Intake Examiner
Threat Intake Processing System
Transnational Organized Crime
Threat Review and Prioritization
Ten Print Rap Sheet
Top Secret
Transportation Security Administration
Terrorist Screening Center
Terrorist Screening Data Base
Threat to Life
Unmanned Aircraft System
Undercover Employee
Universal Control Number
Uniform Crime Reporting
Unsolved Latent File
Unclassified Network
United States
United States Government
United States Intelligence Community
Violent Crime and Safe Streets Gang Task Forces
Victim Services Division
White Collar Crime
Weapons of Mass Destruction
Weapons of Mass Destruction Directorate