Loss mitigation/mortgage modification affects case administration, property of the estate and the
Debtor’s payment obligations/distributions to creditors. Therefore, individuals in bankruptcy cases
assigned to Judge Waites,
including joint debtors, who seek consensual modifications of mortgage
loans or other types of loss mitigation during the bankruptcy case shall submit such modifications for
court consideration and approval as follows:
1. General Responsibilities in all Cases.
a. Debtor’s counsel shall review the requirements of these Guidelines with each Debtor
considering loss mitigation/mortgage modification during the bankruptcy case.
b. The Debtor, Debtor’s Counsel, Trustee & affected Mortgage Creditor shall have an
affirmative duty to immediately advise the Court by correspondence (filed on the
Court’s docket) of all loss mitigation/mortgage modification efforts during the case,
which shall include the date of commencement, participating parties and agents, ongoing
status and ultimate completion/results.
c. The Debtor, through counsel, shall seek approval by the Court of the terms of any Trial
Period Plan utilizing Exhibit L.
d. The Debtor, through counsel, and affected Mortgage Creditor shall seek approval by the
Court of the terms of any final loss mitigation/mortgage modification agreement
according to paragraph 6 below.
e. The Debtor, through counsel, shall report to the Court unsuccessful results of loss
mitigation/mortgage modification efforts utilizing Exhibit J.
2. Loss Mitigation/Mortgage Modification Portal. The Portal provides a mechanism for secure,
real time, transparent communication with reasonable time deadlines and Court oversight, and
allows for consideration of continuances of hearings and other proceedings related to the subject
property. The Portal described herein is the preferred method for seeking loss
mitigation/mortgage modification in bankruptcy cases before Judge Waites.
a. Required Use of Portal. Absent an order otherwise, if loss mitigation or mortgage
modification efforts will affect or delay case proceedings (including, but not limited to,
hearings on confirmation, relief from stay, objections to claim or petitions to dismiss), the
Portal is required as the exclusive method allowed by Judge Waites in his cases. The
Portal is also required if loss mitigation or mortgage modification is requested after any
of the following:
i. The Debtor has failed to make any payment to the Trustee or Mortgage Creditor
after confirmation of a plan.
References herein to the Court shall mean Judge Waites only.
The term “loss mitigation” is intended to describe the full range of solutions that may avert the loss of a
debtor’s home to foreclosure, promote communication between parties, and reduce costs; for example, loan
modification or refinance, forbearance, short sale or surrender of property in satisfaction of debt.
ii. A motion for § 362 relief from stay has been filed by the Mortgage Creditor.
iii. Plan feasibility depends upon the Debtor’s prosecution of an objection to the
amount of the claim of the Mortgage Creditor.
iv. The Trustee or Mortgage Creditor has filed a motion to dismiss based upon a lack
of feasibility due to the claim of the Mortgage Creditor.
Debtor’s Counsel shall have an affirmative duty to report the status of all loss
mitigation/mortgage modification efforts, if any, when requesting a continuance or delay
in any case proceedings.
b. Responsibilities of Debtor’s Counsel. Absent approval by the Court, the Debtor’s
participation in all loss mitigation/mortgage modification efforts through the Portal
(including the submission of documents, communication and negotiation) shall be
through counsel. Counsel filing the Debtor’s case shall be presumed the counsel for
these efforts unless separate special counsel is employed as indicated by the filing of
Exhibit K or the Court approves otherwise.
3. Portal Procedures. The procedures for participation in the Loss Mitigation/Mortgage
Modification through the Portal are as follows:
a. Prior to the filing of the Notice and Motion for Loss Mitigation/Mortgage Modification
(attached as Exhibit H) by the Debtor, if seeking mortgage modification, Debtor’s Counsel
1. Determine that mortgage modification is feasiblewith the Debtor typically required to
devote 31% of his gross monthly income to repayment of the mortgage (which would
include principal + interest + taxes + insurance + assessments) or such different amount
designated by the applicable Mortgage Creditor
2. Use the Court's approved online document preparation program (the “Document
Preparation Program”) to prepare the standard loan modification/loss mitigation forms
(the "Debtor's Prepared Package") to expedite the exchange of information between the
Debtor and the Mortgage Creditor and ensure greater accuracy in the preparation of the
required documentation.
The Debtor’s Prepared Package is completed through
b. Chapter 13 cases: Once the steps described above are complete, Debtor’s Counsel shall
serve on the Mortgage Creditor, co-borrowers or obligors on the applicable loan, and their
The online document preparation systems and portal described herein are provided by Default Mitigation
Management, LLC (“DMM”). DMM is identified for use due to its experience and reasonable cost ($40 for each
Debtor’s Prepared Package and $40 for the portal submission by each party). Free training on the use of the portal
provided by DMM is available to attorneys licensed for practice in this Court and all Mortgage Creditors.
Registration for portal use can be completed online at https://www.dclmwp.com
or by contacting DMM at 1-800-
481-1013. The Court may, upon application and review, approve other service providers in which even such
providers shall be listed on the Court’s website.
Enter scbkdocs40 for the $40.00 rate.
counsel, if known, and file with the Court, a Notice and Motion for Loss
Mitigation/Mortgage Modification according to the form attached as Exhibit H.
For pre-confirmation motions, the notice and motion should be served no later than 14 days
after the filing of a Chapter 13 plan unless extended by the Court. If the Loss
Mitigation/Mortgage Modification process is not likely to conclude before the confirmation
hearing, the Debtor should also consider the use of the plan language in paragraph no. 2
For post confirmation motions, there is no deadline for the filing of the Notice and Motion.
However, the Notice and Motion must indicate whether there have been any previous loss
mitigation/mortgage modification efforts during the course of the bankruptcy case or a prior
bankruptcy case and should be filed in time to allow completion of the procedures before
case closing.
c. Chapter 7 or 11 Cases: The Notice and Motion for Loss Mitigation/Mortgage Modification
should be filed before discharge of the Debtor and in time to allow completion of the
procedures before case closing.
d. The applicable Mortgage Creditor, co-borrowers, and other obligors shall have 14 days from
the date of service of the Notice and Motion to object. In the absence of an objection, the
Court may grant, without a hearing, an Order Requiring Loss Mitigation/Mortgage
Modification (hereinafter, “the Order”). Any objection must state specific reasons verified as
accurate by counsel for the objecting party. Upon timely objection, a hearing shall be held on
the date identified in the notice and all applicable parties and counsel shall attend.
e. Debtor’s Counsel shall timely serve the Order on affected parties and file a Certificate of
Service. Once the Order is issued, all communication between the parties regarding the loss
mitigation review should be sent through a secure portal for document exchange. DMM
provides a secure portal at https://www.dclmwp.com
(“Portal”). Following entry of an Order
Requiring Loss Mitigation/Mortgage Modification, Debtor’s Counsel shall immediately
register on the Portal.
f. Within 7 days after entry of the Order, the Mortgage Creditor (if not previously registered on
the Portal) shall register to use the Portal and ensure that the Portal provider has been
provided with any and all application forms and documentation requirements necessary for
consideration of all available types of Loss Mitigation. Debtor’s Counsel shall report any
failure to timely register to use the Portal to the Court.
g. Within the later of 14 days after the entry of the Order or 7 days after the Mortgage Creditor
has registered on the Portal, Debtor’s Counsel shall:
1. Upload the Debtor’s Prepared Package as well any other forms required by the Mortgage
Creditor to the Portal; and
2. Remit any required fees to DMM or other portal provider.
The Court may order use of the Loss Mitigation/Mortgage Modification Portal sua sponte or upon the
parties’ agreement in order to benefit case administration.
Failure to timely register or other unexcused delay by any party or counsel will result in a hearing being
scheduled to consider sanctions, including attorney’s fees.
h. The Mortgage Creditor shall, within 7 days after Debtor’s Counsel has submitted the
Debtor’s Prepared Package and any additional required documentation to the Portal:
1. Acknowledge receipt of the information on the Portal;
2. Provide on the Portal all contact information of the representative in charge of the
Debtor’s account
3. Assign to the Portal the Mortgage Creditor’s designated counsel;
4. Notify Debtor’s Counsel of any additional or updated information required to process the
i. The Mortgage Creditor shall have a total of 120 days from entry of the Order to respond to
the Loss Mitigation request by advising on all means of Loss Mitigation, including mortgage
modification, or verify a denial.
j. If necessary, any party may request, or the Court may direct, the ex parte appointment of a
mediator to facilitate discussions and resolve disputes raised by the parties. In such instance,
the no look fee discussed in paragraph m below may be increased. Costs for a mediator shall
not, without Court order, exceed $300.00 per 1 hour session, and shall be equally divided and
paid in advance of the session by the parties. In the event a mediator is appointed, the
mediator shall have 7 days to register to the Portal at no cost. Once registered, Debtor’s
Counsel shall assign said mediator to the account on the Portal so that said mediator may
review the file and have access to the account on the Portal. Each mediation session shall be
conducted via telephone on a conference call established by Debtor’s Counsel, and last no
longer than one hour. Debtor’s Counsel shall publish the phone number to the Portal not
later than 3 days before the scheduled mediation. An expedited hearing may be requested by
any party on issues not resolved by mediation.
k. The Mortgage Creditor is obligated to inform the Court, the Debtor, Debtor’s Counsel, and
any participating co-borrower or obligor within 7 days if the loan is sold or securitized to
another company during the Loss Mitigation/Mortgage Modification process. The transferee
or servicer of the loan shall be advised of these requirements by the original Mortgage
Creditor and shall be bound by all prior orders, agreements, forms, and documentation. The
transferee or servicer shall register for the Portal within 7 days and the Mortgage Creditor
shall transfer the Portal account to the transferee so that transferee may review all previously
submitted transmissions and continue with the process.
l. Upon acceptance of the Debtor in a Trial Period Plan, Debtor’s Counsel shall timely submit a
proposed order according to Exhibit L for consideration and approval by the Court.
m. Counsel assisting the Debtor with the Loss Mitigation/Mortgage Modification Program shall
be permitted to charge an attorney’s fee for services provided under the Loss
Mitigation/Mortgage Modification Program. In Chapter 13 cases, a $1500 no-look fee shall
be allowed in addition to the no-look fee established under the Guidelines for compensation
for professionals, with $1000 of that fee allowed to be distributed in the initial distribution by
the Trustee or paid directly by the Debtor from post petition income. Alternatively, an
The Mortgage Creditor’s designated counsel shall be the attorney who files a notice of appearance in the
case or any motion, objection or other document on behalf of the Mortgage Creditor to ensure timely responses to
inquiries from the Court.
application seeking additional compensation may also be submitted for expedited
consideration. The fee provides additional compensation for all services through the
completion of the Loss Mitigation/Mortgage Modification process and includes:
a. Assembling and submitting Debtor’s Prepared Package;
b. Filing of the Motion for Loss Mitigation/Mortgage Modification and proposed Order;
c. Filing of other required pleadings and preparation of proposed orders, as applicable;
d. Communicating with the Mortgage Creditor, co-borrower or obligor, and the
e. Filing of the proposed Interim Order Granting Approval of Trial Period Plan, Consent
Order Allowing Mortgage Loan Modification, or a Mortgage Loan Modification/Loss
Mitigation Report.
The fee may be charged upon the filing of an Attorney Fee Disclosure Statement. Upon
submission of an Order Approving Trial Period Plan (attached as Exhibit L) or Mortgage
Loan Modification/Loss Mitigation Report (attached as Exhibit J) indicating the final
disposition of loss mitigation efforts, Debtor’s counsel certifies that the aforesaid listed
services were or will be performed and therefore the fee is justified.
Special counsel with expertise in the Loss Mitigation/Mortgage Modification Program may
be employed by the Debtor with notice to the Court using the form attached as Exhibit K.
In such event, the allowed initial distribution amount to that counsel shall be $1000.
4. Within a Chapter 13 plan: In order to avoid delay in confirmation and distribution to
creditors, the use of the Loss Mitigation/Mortgage Modification Program may also be
evidenced by a Chapter 13 Plan, subject to objection, by including the following language:
a. Option One (The Debtor is capable of making regular contract payments)
No less than 7 days before the confirmation hearing, the Debtor, acting through Debtor’s
Counsel, will submit a complete application to [Mortgage Creditor] seeking loss
mitigation or a consensual modification of the Debtor’s mortgage loan through an
applicable program, such as the Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP). The
subject mortgage loan is secured by real property located at:
[Real Property Description]
Beginning on [date], the Debtor will pay regular contract payments directly to [Mortgage
Creditor]. The Debtor will also be responsible for payment of any arrearage directly to
[Mortgage Creditor] if not cured through a loss mitigation or loan modification process.
No payment will be made by the Trustee on this secured claim.
Upon motion, the Court may approve a no look fee in a lesser amount if counsel is not used to submit
documents or to communicate with the Mortgage Creditor.
In the event that the no-look fee for Loss Mitigation/Mortgage Modification purposes is to be paid to
separate counsel from the attorney representing the Debtor in the filing and administration of the bankruptcy case,
the attorneys’ fees shall be paid in equal amounts in each distribution from the Trustee, unless otherwise agreed by
Upon acceptance of the Debtor in a Trial Period Plan, Debtor’s Counsel shall submit a
proposed Order Approving Trial Period Agreement (using Form attached as Exhibit L).
Upon completion of the Trial Period Plan or to seek final approval of the loss
mitigation/mortgage modification, Debtor’s Counsel shall submit a proposed Consent
Order Allowing Mortgage Modification. If the loss mitigation or loan modification
request is denied, Debtor’s Counsel shall timely file a Mortgage Loan Modification/Loss
Mitigation Report indicating that denial with the Court.
b. Option Two (The Debtor is unable to make regular contract payments)
The Debtor is unable to resume regular contract payments to [Mortgage Creditor] at this
time, and therefore, the Debtor’s plan relies upon loss mitigation or a consensual
mortgage loan modification.
No less than 7 days before the confirmation hearing, the Debtor, acting through Debtor’s
Counsel, will submit a complete application to [Mortgage Creditor] seeking loss
mitigation or a consensual modification of the Debtor’s mortgage loan through an
applicable program, such as the Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP). The
subject mortgage loan is secured by real property located at:
[Real Property Description]
Upon acceptance of the Debtor in a Trial Period Plan, Debtor’s Counsel shall submit a
proposed Order Approving Trial Period Plan (using form attached as Exhibit L), and the
Debtor will commence payments directly to [Mortgage Creditor] in an amount equal to
the payment called for under the Trial Period Plan of the applicable modification
If the mortgage loan modification is approved, the Debtor shall directly pay [Mortgage
Creditor]’s allowed mortgage claim, including any prepetition and post petition amounts.
No payment will be made by the Trustee on the secured claim. Upon completion of the
Trial Period Plan or to seek final approval of the loss mitigation/mortgage modification,
Debtor’s Counsel shall submit a proposed Consent Order Allowing Mortgage
Modification. If the loss mitigation or loan modification request is denied, Debtor’s
Counsel shall timely file a Mortgage Loan Modification/Loss Mitigation Report
indicating that denial with the Court.
In the event that (1) the request for mortgage loan modification (and any necessary
documentation) is not submitted or is denied or (2) the Debtor fails to timely make the
above referenced Trial Period Plan Payments, the Mortgage Creditor may, after 10 days’
written notice to the Debtor, Debtor’s Counsel, and the Trustee, submit an affidavit and
proposed order seeking relief from the stay. However, the Mortgage Creditor may not
obtain relief until its final consideration of loss mitigation or mortgage modification is
5. Order Approving Trial Period Plan. Upon acceptance of the Debtor in a Trial Period Plan, an
Order for Approval shall be submitted to the Court using the form attached as Exhibit L.
6. Consent Order Required for Final Approval of Loss Mitigation/Mortgage Modification:
a. Since Loss Mitigation/Mortgage Modification affects case administration, property of the
estate and the Debtor’s payment obligation under an applicable plan, any final agreement
for loss mitigation or a mortgage modification shall be submitted for approval by the
Court by way of a proposed Consent Order Allowing Mortgage Loan Modification,
which specifies the terms of the loss mitigation or modification agreement and includes
in its provisions:
1. That there will be no extension of additional funds beyond what is already owed;
2. That payments to other lien holders under the Plan will not be affected;
3. That the proposed modification has no detrimental effect on other creditors and is
believed to be in the best interest of the debtor(s) and the estate;
4. Whether any payments from the Chapter 13 Trustee to the Mortgage Creditor
whose loan is to be modified will continue or terminate upon entry of the order;
5. Relief from the automatic stay has not been previously granted to any secured
creditor on the property affected by the Loss Mitigation/Mortgage Modification;
6. A statement setting forth or attaching a short summary of the specific benefits
received as a result of Loss Mitigation or mortgage modification, including
deferral or forgiveness of arrearage/debt or change in interest rate, term, or
payment amount; and
7. The Debtor certifies that the costs of DMM and the attorney’s fees specifically
attributable to services required in the use of the Loss Mitigation/Mortgage
Modification Portal have been previously paid by the Debtor or through the
Trustee’s distributions.
b. If the modification to the mortgage involves an extension of new funds or credit, a
motion to incur debt or obtain credit should also be filed and properly noticed to all
creditors and parties in interest.
c. Dismissal of the bankruptcy case or relief from the automatic stay as to the affected
property may not be a condition of loss mitigation, including modification of mortgage
loan, unless ordered by the Court after consideration at an actual hearing.
Reporting and Events
Reports required by any of the above procedures shall be reported by filing the document attached as
Exhibit J, using the CM/ECF event, Mortgage Loan Modification Report. The Notice and Motion
for Loss Mitigation/Mortgage Modification should be filed using the Loss Mitigation/Mediation
event. A proposed Consent Order Allowing Mortgage Loan Modification shall be submitted under
the CM/ECF event, Proposed Consent Order Modifying Mortgage (no motion filed).
If a final agreement is subject to the Debtor’s successful completion of the Trial Period Plan, an order in the
form of Exhibit L should be separately submitted.
[Debtor Name],
C/A No. ___________
Chapter ____
To: _________________ (“Mortgage Creditor”) and Parties in Interest
The Debtor, through counsel, hereby moves the Court for an Order Requiring Loss Mitigation/Mortgage
Modification with respect to the following property:
[Identify the Property]
[Loan Number]
[Mortgage Creditor’s Name and Address]
The Debtor requests an order directing the parties to participate in the Loss Mitigation/Mortgage
Modification Portal Program as set forth in Judge Waites’ Chambers Guidelines, available at
http://www.scb.circ4.dcn/ChambersJW.htm, and requiring the parties and counsel to use the mortgage
modification portal operated by Default Mitigation Management, LLC while participating in Program.
Prior to filing this Motion, Debtor’s Counsel completed the Debtor’s Prepared Package and collected all
of the required supporting documentation as required by the Document Preparation Software and is
prepared to submit the supporting documentation along with the modification forms to the Portal.
Prior to filing this Motion, Debtor’s Counsel has also determined that:
which the Mortgage Creditor may post on the Portal within 7 days after entry of the Order.
Creditor to register with the Portal within 7 days after entry of the Order. Debtor’s Counsel will
The Debtor has or has not previously sought loss mitigation/mortgage modification through any
procedure/process during this or a prior bankruptcy case. List case number(s):____________________
If a previous attempt at loss mitigation/mortgage modification was made or is ongoing, briefly describe it
and any change of circumstances which makes this attempt more likely to succeed:
TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that any response, return and/or objection to this Motion should be filed with
the Court no later than 14 days from service of the Motion and a copy simultaneously served on all parties
in interest.
TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that no hearing will be held on this Motion, except as required by the Judge,
unless a response, return and/or objection is timely filed and served, in which case, the Court will conduct
a hearing on _____________, ____ at ____ a.m./p.m. at ______________, ___________________, South
Carolina. No further notice of this hearing will be given.
Attorney Name & Fed. ID #
[Debtor Name],
C/A No. __________
Chapter ___
A Motion for Loss Mitigation/Mortgage Modification was filed by [Debtor Name] (“Debtor”) on
[Date] _____________, 2014 and the parties have had notice and an opportunity to object. It appearing
that no objections were filed or that any objections filed have been withdrawn or otherwise ruled upon, it
is hereby
ORDERED that the Debtor, acting through counsel, and ________________(“Mortgage
Creditor”) [and additional parties, if any] are directed to participate in the Loss Mitigation/Mortgage
Modification Portal Program; it is further
ORDERED that the Debtor, Debtor’s counsel, the Mortgage Creditor and its counsel, and any
participating co-borrower or obligor shall comply with the Loss Mitigation/Mortgage Modification
Procedures set forth in Judge Waites’ Chambers Guidelines (available at
www.scb.uscourts.gov/ChambersJW.htm) and engage in the Loss Mitigation/Mortgage Modification
process in good faith, and that failure to do so may result in the scheduling of a hearing to consider
sanctions or other relief; and it is further
ORDERED that the Debtor, Debtor’s Counsel, and the Mortgage Creditor and its counsel shall
observe the following deadlines:
(1) Debtor’s Counsel shall immediately serve this Order on the applicable parties and register on the
(2) If not previously registered, the Mortgage Creditor and its designated counsel shall, within seven
(7) days, register for the Portal
and ensure that it has provided to the approved Portal provider all
application forms and documentation requirements necessary for consideration of all types of
Loss Mitigation, including mortgage modification.
(3) Debtor’s Counsel shall upload the prepared mortgage modification package described in
Chambers Guidelines to the Portal within the later of fourteen (14) days after the entry of this
Order or 7 days after the Mortgage Creditor registers to the Portal. Debtor’s counsel shall timely
report to the Court any failure to register.
The Portal is available at https://www.dclmwp.com.
(4) Once the Order has issued, all communication between the parties regarding the loss mitigation
review should be sent through the Portal. Communication and negotiation by the Debtor shall be
through Debtor’s Counsel.
(5) Within seven (7) days after the Debtor’s submission to the Mortgage Creditor on the portal, the
Mortgage Creditor shall take the following actions on the Portal:
a. Acknowledge receipt of the Debtor’s package;
b. Provide the Debtor and Debtor’s Counsel with notice of any additional or updated
documentation necessary for consideration of Loss Mitigation, including mortgage
c. Assign its designated counsel to the account on the Portal; and
d. Provide the name, address and direct telephone number of the person responsible for the
review on the Portal.
(6) A mortgage modification or other form of loss mitigation shall be agreed to or denied within 120
days of the entry of this Order unless extended by this Court.
(7) Other requirements set forth in Chambers Guidelines, which may include additional
required steps and deadlines, are incorporated herein and shall be effective. Failure to
adhere to the Order and Chambers Guidelines may subject parties and counsel to sanctions
or other relief.
It is further ORDERED that the parties must submit and seek Court approval of participation in
any Trial Period Plan and, separately, any final agreement providing for any loss mitigation/mortgage
modification using forms and procedures outlined in Judge Waites’ Chambers Guidelines referenced
above. Loss Mitigation, including modification of the mortgage loan, may not be conditioned upon
dismissal of the bankruptcy case or relief from the automatic stay, unless allowed by the Court after an
actual hearing; and it is further
ORDERED that, absent entry of a Consent Order Allowing Mortgage Loan Modification, a final
report must be submitted within thirty (30) days of the expiration of the Loss Mitigation efforts and no
later than 180 days after the entry of this Order.
[Debtor Name],
C/A No. __________
Chapter ___
Name of Mortgage Creditor:_________________________________________________
Property Address: ______________________________________________________________
Last Four Digits of Account Number of Loan: ______________
Date of Entry of Order Requiring Loss Mitigation/Mortgage Modification: _______________________
Date of Entry of Consent Order Allowing Mortgage Loan Modification (if any): ___________________
State the result/status of the parties’ efforts to negotiate mortgage loan modification/loss mitigation
(please check the appropriate box below):
Loan modification.
Loan refinance.
Trial Period Plan
Short sale.
Surrender of property.
No agreement has been reached.
State the specific benefit, if any, received as a result of the loss mitigation:
Payments reduced from $____________ to $_______________.
Interest reduced from ____% to $____%.
Principal reduced from $____________ to $_______________.
Term of repayment extended by _____ years.
Other _________________________________________________________________________
No benefit.
Dated: Signature: _________________________________
[Debtor Name],
C/A No. __________
Chapter ___
The undersigned attorney files this Limited Notice of Appearance on behalf of [Debtor Name]
(“Debtor”) in this case for the sole purpose of seeking Loss Mitigation/Mortgage Modification for Debtor.
The undersigned further states that s/he will receive $______ compensation for this limited appearance to
be paid through the Chapter 13 Trustee’s distribution or through direct payment by Debtor from post
petition income. An attorney fee disclosure statement shall be filed upon the earning of the fee according
to Chambers Guidelines.
Attorney Name & Fed. ID #
The above signing attorney certifies that on [date of service], a copy of the foregoing Limited
Notice of Appearance, Request for Notice, and Disclosure of Compensation was served on the Debtor, the
Chapter 13 Trustee and any affected creditor by first class U.S. Mail at the following addresses:
[Debtor Name],
C/A No. __________
Chapter ___
This case came before the Court upon the Debtor(s)’ Request to Approve Trial Period Plan with
_____________________ (“the Mortgage Creditor”), and this Court having considered the matter
1. The request is granted.
2. The Trial Period Plan with the Mortgage Creditor is hereby approved and the parties
are ordered to comply with the terms of the Trial Period Plan:
The Trial Period Plan is described in the attachments hereto or
The terms are as follows:
i. The Trial Period Plan Payments are in the amount of $___________,
representing principal, interest, taxes and insurance beginning
________________, 20____.
ii. The payments will be sent to: [insert address]
3. Debtor’s counsel shall timely submit for Court approval any final loss mitigation or
mortgage modification agreement after the Trial Period Plan Payments are made.
Attorney Name & Fed. ID #