Russian Student Visa Application Guide
Russian Student Visa Application Guide
The following instructions will assist you in completing successfully your Russian Student Visa Application Form.
Tips for Completing Your Russia Student Visa Application Form.
Allow approximately 30-45 minutes to complete the application
It is recommended that you examine this guide in its entirety before beginning the Russia Student Visa Application Form. Ensure
that you possess the information and documents required to complete the application
It is recommended that you click the “SAVE DRAFT” button before moving on to each new screen during your application
You will be able to save and to edit your application if you do not complete it in one sitting or if you make an error:
o To return to or to edit a saved application you will need your numeric Application ID and the passport you set up at
the onset of the process, your date of birth and the first five letters of your surname.
o To retrieve or to edit a saved application return to the main Russia Visa Application website,, and click the button:
When you have completed the Russian Student Visa Application Form, you will send to us:
The final printed Russian Visa Application, including your original signature and the date, with the required documents listed in
our Application Kit. Photocopies of your signature will not be accepted
The printed copy of the Application ID screen. Write on this paper the password you used. This information is essential if
changes are required to complete your application. Changes are very common. Be aware that we will be required to call you
should you forget to include this information resulting in a slower application process.
There are a number of steps to completing your Russia Student Visa Application Form
1. Visit the website
The Russian Visa Application form can be found at
2. Application ID
a. Your first step will result in your receipt of an Application ID number. You must print this screen and send a copy of
this page to us with your application and passport. You will be asked to provide a password. Write this down on
paper. If we do not receive this information your application could be delayed if corrections or amendments are required.
Changes are very common.
Select “UNITED
STATES” from the first
drop down list, then
select your choice of
language from the
next drop-down list.
b. Accept the terms of service by checking the appropriate box
Click this box to begin your new Russian visa
Choose a password and
record your answer.
Russian Student Visa Application Guide
Click “Print application ID” and write on this page
your password. Send a copy of this page with
your completed application and passport.
3. Visa Details
Select Study as the Purpose of Visit, and
Common Educationalas the Visa category and type.
Select “STUDY
Enter number of entries. This
should match your Russia
Enter date of entry and date
of exit. Drop down are in
Day/Month/Year order.
Russian Student Visa Application Guide
4. Personal Details
All provided information should match exactly the information in your passport. Your ‘surname’ is your last name. Please fill
in each section which is marked with a red asterisk. If you are married, you will need to provide details of your spouse including your
spouse’s full name, date and place of birth.
Ensure that the names you
enter in your Russia Student
Visa Application match exactly
the information in your
5. Passport Details
Standard blue US Passports are known as ordinary passports for the purpose of this form. Selectordinary for your passport type;
even if the purpose of your trip is Study. Complete the rest of the questions using your passport information. Remember, to enter
your passport dates as Day/Month/Year. “Date of Expiry” means Date of Expiration.
Russian Student Visa Application Guide
6. Visit Details
This screen collects information on your Russian Invitation and your destinations within Russia.
Please refer to your invitation for this information.
Should be left blank unless you have received approval directly from
Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) in Moscow.
List all destinations to be visited while in Russia. The
cities selected must match those selected on the
invitation. Destinations will appear as you begin to
type. Click “Add” to include more destinations.
a. List all the hotels or individuals with whom you will be staying.
7. Additional Information
Provide answers to the numerous mandatory ‘yes or no’ questions on this screen.
8. Education and Previous Employment
If you have attended higher education, please provide details on the school attended. Provide, name of the school, address,
phone number, education focus or degree, dates of admission. If you have not attended higher education, move onto the
section below (previous employers).
If you have two previous employers to provide, please provide on this screen. If you have no previous employment, you may
simply click “Next” to move on to the next screen. (If you are applying in New York and you elect not to complete this section
then you must provide a letter explaining why you have left the field blank).
Russian St
udent Visa Application Guide
9. Last Visit Details
If the answer isyes,” select
the country name, fill in the visit
date and then press ‘Add’ to
add another country
10. Miscellaneous Information
Complete the questions on this screen. Though not required, you should provide your email address and phone number.
If you are retired are applying in New York then indicate “Yes” for “Do you work” and enter “Retired” and your home address.
11. Appointment Details
The Visa Issuing Office must match the city
where you will submit your documents and
where your telex has been sent. Refer to the
CIBT company’s Visa Application Kit Checklist for
this city. It is city in which our office is located.
For Washington DC, select:
“Visa Application Center VFS (Washington)”.
For other cities, select the appropriate Visa
Application Center VFS provided on the drop-
down list.
n Student Visa Application Guide
12. Visa Details
Confirm that your answers to the listed questions are accurate and examine the document for misspellings. If
you need to edit a field, press the “edit” button and you will be taken to the page where you can correct your
answer. To
return to the Visa Details
page you will need to press “Next” through the pages that follow the page
you corrected.
When you are satisfied that your application is complete and accurate, press “Save” to proceed to print your
13. Printing Instructions
Follow the printing instructions only if you are not
able to print your completed application using the
“Print Letter” button. Most users will successfully
print using the “Print Letter” button.
14. Final Steps:
After printing your application, sign and date the form. Then send it to us with all other documents as requested on the Visa
Application Kit checklist. We will attach your photograph to the application on your behalf.
Remember to include the printed copy of the Application ID page.. Write on this paper the security question that you chose as
well as your answer. This information is essential if changes are required to complete your application. Changes are very
common. Be aware that we will be required to call you should you forget to include this information resulting in a slower
application process.