Markvision Enterprise Release Notes (1.6)
Support Statements
System Requirements
Operating Systems
Firebird (included)
Microsoft SQL Server (not included)
Supported Models (oldest to newest)
New and Noteworthy
Known Issues
Upgrading to 1.6
Upgrading to 1.6 from versions prior to 1.2 (LDAP)
Error#:2032 when accessing MVE client
Setting color print permissions
Support Statements
System Requirements
Minimum: 1 physical 2GHz (Hyper-Threaded/Dual Core)
Suggested: 1+ physical 3+ GHz (Hyper-Threaded/Dual Core+)
Minimum: 1 GB
Suggested: 2GB+
Single network interface card
Storage space: 60 GB
Screen resolution: 1024x768 or greater
Operating Systems
It is expected the Operating System will have the latest patches/updates installed.
Windows XP
Windows XP via VMWare ESX 3.5 U5
Windows XP via VMWare vSphere 4 U1
Windows Server 2003 R2
Windows Server 2003 R2 via VMWare ESX 3.5 U5
Windows Server 2003 R2 via VMWare vSphere 4 U1
Windows 7
Windows 7 via VMWare ESX 3.5 U5
Windows 7 via VMWare vSphere 4 U1
Windows XP
Windows XP via VMWare ESX 3.5 U5
Windows XP via VMWare vSphere 4 U1
Windows Server 2003 R2
Windows Server 2003 R2 via VMWare ESX 3.5 U5
Windows Server 2003 R2 via VMWare vSphere 4 U1
Windows 7
Windows 7 via VMWare ESX 3.5 U5
Windows 7 via VMWare vSphere 4 U1
Windows Server 2008 R2 (aka Windows 7 Server)
Windows Server 2008 R2 (aka Windows 7 Server) via VMWare ESX 3.5
Windows Server 2008 R2 (aka Windows 7 Server) via VMWare vSphere
4 U1
It is expected the Browser will have the latest patches/updates installed. It must also have the
latest version of both Adobe Flash Player (to run the client) and Adobe Reader (to view reports).
Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.x
Microsoft Internet Explorer 8.x
Microsoft Internet Explorer 9.x
Mozilla FireFox 3.6.x
Apple Safari 4.x
Apple Safari 5.0 (all platforms)
Apple Safari 5.1 (Mac only)
Firebird (included)
Microsoft SQL Server (not included)
It is expected the database will have the latest patches/updates installed.
1. English
2. French
3. Italian
4. German
5. Spanish
6. Brazilian Portuguese
7. Simplified Chinese
Supported Models (oldest to newest)
The following table lists the models supported by MarkVision Enterprise. The second column
indicates models that support the Security Policy. The third column indicates models that
support a limited number of security settings. These devices do not support :
• The Access Controls, Security Templates, and Miscellaneous Settings sections of the
security policy settings
• The Embedded Web Server Remote Management access control
• The user name, realm, password and PIN communication credentials
Model Security Policy Limited Security
T642/T644 with 4600 MFP X
T640/T642/T644 X
W840 X
C520/C522/C524 X
C920 X
X850/X852/X854 X
X642 X
C770/C772 X
C772 with 4600 MFP X
C530/C532/C534 X
C780/C782 X
C930/C935 X
X940/X945 X
C780/C782 with 4600 MFP X
T650/T652/T654 X
C734/C736 X
X658 X
X734/X736/X738 X
E460/E462 X
X463/X464/X466 X
C792 X
X654/X656 X
X651/X652 X
W850 X
X860/X862/X864 X
X792 X
T656 X
C925 X
X925 X
Forms Printer 2580/2581/2590/2591
C950 X
X950/X952/X954 X
6500e X
X548 X
Pro5500 Series X
Pro710 Series X
Pro910 Series X
Pro4000 Series X
X746/X748 X
C746 X
C748 X
MS810 Ln/MS811Mn /MS812 Hn
MS 810 Lne/ MS812 Hne X
CS510 X
MS610 X
New and Noteworthy
Added support for :
MS810 Ln/MS811Mn /MS812
Upgraded Java Runtime Environment to version 7
Updates to the User’s Guide
Installation program has been updated. Do not install an older version over the
newer version.
New installer resolves an issue where the installer would stop responding on
Windows 7 at times. (DE3869)
C746 security policy fully supported.
Known Issues
Upgrading to 1.6
Policies out of conformance will be marked as having an unknown conformance state
after upgrading. Users will need to execute policy conformance operations for these
Unresolved active alert conditions will be removed during the upgrade. As a result,
devices with active alerts prior to the upgrade will no longer be in an active alert state
after the upgrade.
Upgrading to 1.6 from versions prior to 1.2 (LDAP)
LDAP configuration will be lost due to a major overhaul of the feature.
Error#:2032 when accessing MVE client
The MVE client is an Adobe Flash application. Adobe requires internet access for
the first execution of an Adobe Flash application. Workstations or networks without
internet access will not be able to run the MVE client. If internet access can be granted
temporarily, the MVE client can be executed successfully the first time and will then
execute properly thereafter without further internet access.
If you can allow temporary internet access to the client:
Add “*.local” to the exception list in the Proxy Server settings of the browser, to
give temporary internet access to load http://localhost:9788/mve.
If you are unable to give temporary internet access to the client:
Adobe Flash Player (whether web installer or offline installer), needs internet
connection the first time you run the client after an installation. It will not work in
an intranet-only environment.
Asset Manager
Re-discovery of an offline printer is not changing the state to MISSING
The state of the printer does not change when Hostname is changed
Event Manager
Scheduled Conformance Checks & Enforcements do not always show up in the
Active Tasks (DE911)
When prerequisites for SQL Server aren't met, the installer still installs without
any error messages (DE926)
Cloning or enforcing a policy on an unrestricted printer that is
subsequently restricted, via the EWS, can result in a communications
failure. MVE will cache the LST session token that is negotiated with an
unrestricted device. When that device is then restricted, via the EWS, the
device will honor LST communications using the cached LST session
token but will not allow reading or writing of settings. This situation will not
occur if the device is restricted by MVE. (DE1449)
Device communication credentials were designed to be set only when
the security policy is successfully enforced. However, when any type of
policy is successfully enforced, the credentials will be set. (DE6489)
Service Desk
Collect Current Status
A manual refresh must be done in order to see results of Collect Current
The supplies table for the Lexmark 6500e in the Service Desk summary displays
null for the supply name. This is a firmware issue. A future firmware update will
be made available that corrects this. (DE6121)
Lexmark X950/X952/X954 will show duplicate Maintenance Kit entries in the
supply status. A future firmware update will be made available that corrects this.
If you export log file in CSV format junk characters may be displayed. Excel
seems to expect csv files to be ANSI encoded. To resolve this problem use the
following work around :
Open the exported log file in NotePad
Save it as ANSI encoding - when you click File > 'Save As' look at the
bottom of the dialog and click ANSI in the drop down.The new file will
display correctly in Excel.
If a Task is dealing with a large number of printers, it might take longer than
expected to stop it, if the user chooses to do so. (DE923)
2032 Error when attempting to connect to the MarkVision server from the server
machine. If the PC where MVE is running has access to the intranet, but does
not have access to the internet, this error will occur. To correct the problem
add “*.local” to the exception list in the Proxy Server settings in your browser.
There are known limitations to running MVE and MarkVision Professional (MVP)
11.0+, simultaneously, on the same machine. When MVP is communicating
securely, via Lexmark Secure Transport (LST), there is a port conflict with the
LST being used by MVE. If MVP is already installed on the machine make sure it
is stopped before installing and using MVE. Once both are installed, only one can
be used at a time.
There are known limitations to running MVE and Lexmark Document Solution
Suite (LDSS) 4.x, simultaneously, on the same machine; due to the same LST
limitation mentioned in the preceeding note.
Uninstalling Markvision Enterprise (MVE) that has been configured to use MS
SQL Server will not drop created tables or databases. Administrators should
manually drop the MS SQL Server databases created (named FRAMEWORK,
MONITOR, and QUARTZ) after the uninstall.
Asset Manager
Device Statistics
"install dates" are showing in the locale of the MVE server instead
of the locale of the printer (DE914)
Due to limitations in Lexmark device firmware, in order for MVE to be able to
send files to a printer (Generic File Download & Firmware updates), the Firmware
Function Access Control must not be set (for PR models).
Due to limitations in Lexmark device firmware, in order for MVE to be able
to enforce policies on a printer, the NPA Network Adapter Setting Changes
Function Access Control must not be set.
Service Desk
Picture of Printer
The Lexmark X264 does not support the “Tray Open/Close” events.
The Lexmark X464 does not support the “Tray Open/Close” events.
Supply status level percentages for a supply nearing end-of-life becomes less
accurate. The percentages retrieved from each device and each supply for that
device are dependent on how that device handles low supplies.
Example: When toner gets below a certain threshold on one device, that
device may simply return 1% remaining, while on a different device it may
return percentages that are below that threshold.
Lexmark C746 does not support the remote operator panel.
Event Manager
Perceived duplicate alert emails. Depending on how the email body is set up
in MVE, the email could be seen as a duplicate. Email body can contain any
messages, including the printer's and alert's variables. If the variable(s) that
differentiate between alerts are omitted, then the email body will be the same.
This become more apparent with active conditions that triggers multiple alerts.
Users will see that one active condition has become active, but two emails are
Example: waste toner bottle: nearly full. This condition will generate
two alerts. If user create the email body containing all the variables but
missing the alert.type, then the email body will be identical.
(DE976/PTR389550) A Lexmark C935 can send multiple alerts, seemingly for
the same, condition. For example, when registered for a 'Supply Low' alert
with 'On Active and Clear' option & the device enters a 'Black_Toner_Low'
condition, it issues four alerts, which are received by MVE:
Nov 15, 2010 5:38:29 PM ${configurationItem.ame}
Lexmark C930 Supply Low Black Toner Active Warning
Nov 15, 2010 5:38:34 PM ${configurationItem.ame}
Lexmark C930 Supply Low Black Toner Active InterventionRequired
Nov 15, 2010 5:38:41 PM ${configurationItem.ame}
Lexmark C930 Supply Low Black Toner Cleared Warning
Nov 15, 2010 5:38:41 PM ${configurationItem.ame}
Lexmark C930 Supply Low Black Toner Cleared InterventionRequired
MVE processes them correctly and separately.
(PTR389667) A Lexmark C935 will not issue a 'Close Door' alert.
(DE983/PTR389664/PTR389667) A Lexmark X792 will not issue a ‘Cover Open’
alert when the ADF cover is opened and closed.
Due to enhanced security restrictions in Windows Server 2003 & Windows
Server 2008, instances of Event Manager's Command Destination may fail. By
default the Lexmark MarkVision Enterprise Windows Service runs as the Local
System account. This seems to be the problem, as the OS returns a code of 128
(ERROR_WAIT_NO_CHILDREN). To remedy the situation, the Service must be
allowed to run as an Administrator; to do so, follow these steps:
Navigate to Control Panel->Administrative Tools->Services
Stop the 'Lexmark MarkVision Enterprise' service
Right click on 'Lexmark MarkVision Enterprise' service and click
on 'Properties'
Go to 'Log On' tab and enable 'This account:' radio button and enter
appropriate Administrator-level user credentials
Start the 'Lexmark MarkVision Enterprise' service
If CSV output format is selected for report generation and the resulting CSV file
is imported into Excel or Open Office Calc, leading zeros and/or spaces may
be trimmed. This is a known issue with any CSV file import into a spreadsheet
application. For any all numeric field that contains leading zeros, Excel will trim
the zeros unless the field is prefixed with an equals sign prior to the double
quotation OR the user changes the type of the field during the import process.
However, if equals signs are prepended to fields, MVE will be violating accepted
CSV format conventions and may lose interoperability with other applications
using CSV data.
Due to the way Firefox 3.x, Internet Explorer 8 and possibly other browsers load
flash applications, it is not possible to force the initial focus to be on the password
textfield; the user has to click on the application to give it focus and have the
caret appear in the password field. This was not a problem with Internet Explorer
Due to the way Internet Explorer 7 and possibly other browsers handle shortcuts,
special care must be taken to use them within MVE. IE will not pass shortcut
key combinations it defines for itself (e.g. CTRL+A) on to Flash applications
running within it. To work around this, add the ALT key to the combination (e.g.
ALT+CTRL+A). IE does not define this combination so it is passed on to the
Flash application.
Importing from MVP
In order to assign events to devices imported from MVP, you must run an Audit or
Collect Current Status in MVE on the devices prior to assigning the event. This will
allow MVE to collect enough information about the device to succesfully make the
Device Support
Due to firmware/hardware issues with the Forms 2580/2581/2590/2591
printers, if they boot up in the Not Ready state, MVE will be unable to
communicate with them. The problem being, the NIC cannot talk to the
printer when it's Not Ready so it cannot retrieve the Serial Number,
which MVE needs in order to successfully discover it. Once the NIC
can communicate with the printer, it will cache the Serial Number so
subsequent Not Ready states will not be an issue (until the next reboot).
The printer can come up in the Not Ready state for multiple reasons,
including if it is out of paper. Pressing the Ready button should remedy
the situation.
Due to a a firmware issue, across multiple models, MVE cannot discover
a printer whose SNMP Read Community Name contains a space. To
remedy this, make sure the latest firmware is being used. If it still does
not work, then the latest firmware does not contain this particular fix;
contact Lexmark.
Due to manufacturer restrictions, the Canon Color imageRUNNER C3200
does not make it's Controller Version (i.e. Firmware Revision), Marking
Technology, or Color Capability generally available in it's public MIB.
Due to a firmware issue with the HP Color LaserJet 2550 series, it is not
possible to retrieve any Options data. Also, the device incorrectly reports
itself as being monochrome instead of color.
MVE will display Memory in both Capabilities and Options section for HP
models as the printer's HOST_RESOURCES MIB is being queried as part
of the Options setting during the audit. This MIB will give all the resources
(including RAM).
The Xerox Phaser 3200MFP did not properly report its tray capacity in the
SNMP MIB for the one printer we tested against. The Xerox's SNMP MIB
reported that the capacity for the fixed input tray was 550 when the actual
capacity is 250.
Setting color print permissions
Markvision lets you restrict color printing for specific users on supported color printers on a
network. You can also closely monitor color printing usage and save color printing resources by
restricting color printing access.
Control user access to color printing by way of the following settings:
Hosts Table—Controls print permissions on a specific host computer, allowing you to override
user-level permissions on a specific host computer.
Users Table—Displays and controls access to color printing by User ID.
To restrict color printing for specific users or host computers, do this:
1. Create a new Print policy. For information about creating a policy, see the User's Guide.
2. From the Settings section, do the following:
· To control color print permissions on a host computer, select Color Print Permissions:
Hosts Table, and then click View.
a. Click +, and then in the Host Name field, type the host computer name.
b. Specify whether the host computer can print in color.
c. Specify whether the host computer can override user-level permissions.
d. Click Save & Add to continue adding other host computers, or click Save to return to the
Host Table settings.
· To control color print permissions by User ID, select Color Print Permissions: Users
Table, and then click View.
a. Click +, and then in the User Name field, type the user name.
b. Specify whether the user can print in color.
c. Click Save & Add to continue adding other host computers, or click Save to return to the
Users Table settings.
3. Save or cancel your new settings.
Note: The following tables illustrate some print permission setting scenarios.
User table settings examples
User ID Color Result
Mary On Mary can print color on any selected printer.
Bob Off Bob cannot print color on any selected printer.
Hosts table settings examples
Color Over-
MARYSPC On On A user logged on to Mary’s computer can print color
on any selected printer, regardless of the user print
BOBSPC Off On A user logged on to Bob’s computer cannot print
color on any selected printer, regardless of the user
print permissions.
ANNSPC On Off A user logged on to Ann’s computer can print color
on any selected printer, unless that user’s User ID
is not granted color printing permissions in the User
JOHNSPC Off Off A user logged on to John’s computer will not be
able to print color jobs unless that user's User ID
is granted color printing permissions in the User