Recording requested by (name):
When recorded mail to
and mail tax statements to:
Recorder’s Use Only
(Excluded from reappraisal under California Constitution, Article 13A, Section 1, et seq.)
City Trans. Tax: Docu. Trans. Tax: $__________ _________
Computed on full value of property conveyed
Computed on full value less liens and encum
brances assumed
Exempt pursuant to R&T § 11927(a), transferring assets between
spouses pursuant to or in contemplation of a court judgment or order
Other exemption: R&T Code ______________
Explanation: _________________________________________
Unincorporated City of _____________________________
Signature of Declarant or Agent determining tax
Declaration of Exemption From GC § 27388.1 Fee
Transfer is exempt from fee per GC § 27388.1(a)(2):
transfer is subject to Documentary Transfer Tax
transfer of residential dwelling to owner-occupier
Transfer is exempt from fee per GC 27388.1(a)(1):
$225.00 fee cap Not related to real property
Assessor’s Parcel No. (APN):
This is an interspousal transfer and not a change in ownership under Section 63 of the Revenue and Taxation Code.
Grantee has checked the applicable exclusion from reappraisal:
Transfer to a trustee for the beneficial use of a spouse, or the surviving spouse of a deceased transferor, or by a
trustee of such a trust to the spouse of the trustor.
Transfer which takes effect upon the death of a spouse.
Transfer to a spouse or former spouse in connection with a property settlement agreement or decree of dissolution
of a marriage or legal separation.
Creation, transfer, or termination, solely between spouses, of any co-owner's interest.
Distribution of a legal entity's property to a spouse or former spouse in exchange for the interest of such spouse in
the legal entity in connnection with a property settlement agreement or a decree of dissolution of a marriage or legal
Other: _______________________________________________________________________________
Check when creating separate property interest in grantee spouse: It is the express intent of the grantor, being the
spouse of the grantee, to convey all right, title and interest of the grantor, community or otherwise, in and to the herein
described property to the grantee as his/her sole and separate property.
, California , County of
(form of title) the following real property in
the City of _
grant(s) to GRANTEE(S)
GRANTOR(S) ____________________________________________________________
_______________________ ________________________
(insert legal description): ______________________________________________________________________
Date: __________________
(Signature of declarant)
(Print name)
: _____________________________________________ __________________
(Signature of declarant)
(Print name)