Super-Fun Reproducible Menus With Skill-Building Worksheets
That Give Kids Practice in Addition, Subtraction,
Money, Fractions, Problem Solving, and More
by Martin Lee & Marcia Miller
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Cover design by Josué Castilleja
Interior design by Holly Grundon
Interior Illustrations by Teresa Anderko
ISBN 0-439-22725-9
Copyright © 2001 by Martin Lee and Marcia Miller
All rights reserved.
Printed in the U.S.A.
To the real Zoe,
who loves vegetables!
Letter to the Teacher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Using This Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Teaching Tips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Menus and Reproducible Worksheets
Just Snacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
Zoe’s Zoo Foods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
Double Dare Diner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
Sloppy Stan’s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23
Mary & Cal’s Mixed-Up Café . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27
Good Morning! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31
Pizza Palace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35
Big Portions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39
Kim & Tony’s Noodle Shop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43
Finicky Fred’s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47
Half & Half Café . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51
Sandy’s Sundaes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55
More Restaurant Reproducibles
Order Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .59
Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60
Placemat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62
Answers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63
Menu Math 3
Dear Teacher,
an you remember how exciting it was when you were a child to go
to a restaurant and select whatever you wanted from a broad menu
of choices? To order something different from what others were
eating, or from what you’d normally eat at home? It’s exciting for children
to make choices, and to imagine that they can select whatever they’d like.
Menu Math offers this—and more.
Menu Math provides a variety of menus
designed to whet children’s appetites for math.
Some of the menus are straightforward, while
others are whimsical, or downright silly!
Each menu affords children the chance to apply
mathematical skills and thinking to a lifelike situation.
As children work with the data presented in the menus,
they will extend mathematical understanding, communicate
mathematically, and develop positive attitudes toward applying
math in the “real” world. Children will fill out order forms.
They will compare and contrast prices, compute with money
amounts, determine change and patterns, look for number relationships, use
reasoning and problem-solving skills, and apply number sense. They
will consider possibilities and combinations. Using
Menu Math can help
children to extend mathematical thinking into the worlds of nutrition,
science, language, social studies, fantasy, and in any other direction their
imaginations—and yours!—can take them.
Menu Math into your math curriculum to support and
enhance basic skills. Use it as a fun-Friday kind of activity, to stimulate
role-playing opportunities and creative play, and as a springboard for
language, research, or cross-curricular projects. However you decide to
use it in your classroom,
bon appétit!
—Marcia Miller and Martin Lee
4 Menu Math
Using This Book
Menu Math 5
Use the menus, questions, teaching tips, and reproducibles
in any way that suits your teaching style, classroom goals,
and students’ skill levels and learning styles.
Here are some suggestions:
Take time to go over the menus with children. Help to familiarize them with the kinds
of information, language, organization, and price structures they will encounter.
Each menu is followed by two sets of sample questions. In general, the second set
is more challenging. Use any or all of these questions as they are, or as starting
points. Make up similar questions or invite children to do so. Children can use play
money to help them solve the problems.
Use the menus as class work, homework, or project work. Invite children to
add items to the menus. Encourage them to create their own menus and sets of
questions, using the menu template on page 60.
For questions with multiple answers, allow students time to share their findings and
solution methods with the class or in groups.
Provide calculators for children to use as “cash registers” to verify totals.
Set up a restaurant area in your classroom, if space permits. Children can mak
placemats (see page 62) or centerpieces to decorate the area. Provide aprons,
napkins, plastic silverware, plates, etc. Duplicate the order form on page 59 so
children can record their orders, or pretend to wait on classmates.
Maintain a menu collection (in a box, in a folder, on a bulletin board) you gather from
local restaurants and take-out places. Invite children to “order in” from time to time,
using play money. Role-play the phone call they would make to place the order.
Take a moment to reinforce appropriate restaurant behavior.
Children of this age may not be able to calculate tax or tips, b
ut you can discuss
their purpose.
o mak
e children’s experience more authentic, you may wish to
provide simple tables or charts they can refer to as they figure total costs.
Using This Book
Using This Book
4 1
Menu Math 31 Scholastic Professional Books
Menu Math
1. How many items on the menu cost at least $4? _________________
What fraction of the items cost at least $4? ____________________
2. How many items on the menu cost less than $4? ________________
What fraction of the items cost less than $4? ___________________
3. What does a cookie cost? ___________________________________
Which soup costs twice that much? ____________________________
4. Which drink costs half as much as coconut custard? ______________
What does the drink cost? ___________________________________
5. How many items cost more than
$1 but less than $2? ________________________________________
What fraction of the items on the menu
cost between $1 and $2? ____________________________________
6. Eat at Mary & Cal’s Café.Order four items.
Spend exactly $10.
Which items do you choose? ________________________________
Egg-stra Good Food to Start Your Day
Making the Menus
o mak
e menus for each child, simply mak
e double-
sided copies of each menu and have children fold in
half. Children can then color and decorate their menus.
Teaching Tips
Teaching Tips
6 Menu Math
Try these teaching ideas and strategies
as you experience each menu!
Teaching Tips
pages 11-12
pages 15-16
Just Snacks
Have children brainstorm a list of their favorite snacks.
Have children design a logo for a street stand, or an apron for
the vendor.
Use measuring cups to determine reasonable sizes for each portion.
Extend by having children add other items and prices to the menu.
Zoe’s Zoo Foods
Have children model each price with play coins. Encourage them to
show the same price using different combinations of coins.
Challenge children to tell how much change they would get back from
one dollar for each purchase of one zoo food.
Help children look through newspaper ads or catalogs to find out actu-
al prices for some of the items sold at Zoe’
s, and compare these prices
with the prices listed for Zoe’s Zoo Foods.
Extend by helping children find out what each animal eats in the wild.
Menu Math 7
pages 23-24
pages 19-20
pages 27-28
Double Dare Diner
Help children see the humor in the menu at Double Dare Diner.
Discuss which items sound like “real” foods and which sound like
Ask additional questions, such as What is the cheapest three-course
meal you can get at Double Dare Diner?
or If you ordered tiny treats
at Double Dare Diner, what would you order? How much would you
Present a total cost, such as $7. Challenge children to list all possible
orders they could make having that total.
Sloppy Stans
Take a class poll to determine which is the most (or least) popular
snack and sweet at Sloppy Stan’s. Present the results in the form of
a table or graph.
Take an imaginary class order and determine the total cost.
Suppose everyone in the class contributed 25¢ toward buying snacks.
How much money would you collect? What snacks could you then
afford at Sloppy Stan’s?
e popcorn together. Measure the uncooked k
ernels. Then
measure the popped corn to compare the volume before and after
popping. Figure out how much it would cost for the whole class
(including you!) to order popcorn from Sloppy Stan’s. Then figure
out the actual cost.
Mary & Cal’s Mixed-Up Café
Talk about ways to reorganize the mixed-up menu. Children might sug-
gest arranging items by food categories, price, or alphabetical order.
ork with children to f
igure out ho
w much it would cost at Mary & Cal’s
Café to order one cupcake for each person in the class—including you!
Clarify some of the menu items that children may not know. For
xample, miso soup is a Japanese item, made from so
y beans. In
children who have tasted some of the less-familiar items to describe
them to classmates.
Challenge children to think up other M and C slog
ans to add to the
menu, or other food items that maintain the M and C theme.
8 Menu Math
Menu Math 31 Scholastic Professional Books
menu cost at least $4? _________________
ms cost at least $4? ____________________
menu cost less than $4? ________________
ms cost less than $4? ___________________
t? ___________________________________
that much? ____________________________
s much as coconut custard? ______________
st? ___________________________________
ore than
ms on the menu
? ____________________________________
afé. Order four items.
Egg-stra Good Food to Start Your Day
pages 31-32
pages 35-36
Good Morning!
Discuss with the class why breakfast is an important meal.
Take a poll of children’s favorite breakfast meals, side dishes, and drinks.
Show the results in a graph or table.
Brainstorm all the different ways children can think of to have eggs.
Then invite children to vote on their favorite style of eggs. Analyze
the results.
Challenge children to figure out how much it would cost to order
French Toast for everyone in the class—including you, of course!
Extend by having children work together to plan a class pancake
breakfast. Help them determine how many pancakes it would take to
feed everyone in the class, and what else would go with the pancakes
to make a complete breakfast. Work together to estimate the total cost,
as well as the cost per child.
Pizza Palace
Have children plan, conduct, and report on pizza-preference surveys
of classmates, family members, and friends.
Plan a field trip to a local pizza parlor to f
ind out how pizza is made.
Have children prepare lists of questions in advance that they can ask
the pizza cooks.
Order pizza for your class from Pizza Palace. Decide how many pies
you need. Choose the toppings you like. Ask:
What will we order?
What will it cost?
Extend by collecting menus from various pizza places in your area.
Have groups of children compare and contrast prices, pizza sizes,
toppings, deli
very charges, and other options.
Menu Math 9
pages 39-40
pages 47-48
pages 43-44
Big Portions
Be sure children know that 1 dozen = 12 items. Brainstorm for things
that customarily come in dozens, such as eggs, donuts, or bagels.
Display various quart containers. Have children pour water from the con-
tainers into paper cups so they can get a feel for how many servings a
quart provides. Then display a bucket and have children guess how many
quarts it holds. Use the containers to confirm the guess by measuring and
pouring water.
Have children model clay “foods” that they can practice dividing into
halves, thirds, or fourths with a paper-clip “knife.
Kim & Tony’s Noodle Shop
Help children do research to find out about the origin of noodles.
Invite children to bring in samples of different shapes of pasta or noo-
dles. Display the various shapes on a table or bulletin board. Encourage
children to sort and classify the shapes in as many different ways as
they can.
Plan a class pasta party. You can make spaghetti with butter and cheese,
or with a simple tomato sauce. Work with children to plan quantities of
pasta, water, sauce, paper plates, napkins, and so on.
Conduct a survey of the children’s favorite kind of pasta or noodles.
Display the results in a graph or table.
Finicky Fred’s
Help children grasp the meaning of the w
. Brainstorm with
children for other words that convey the same meaning, such as
, or c
Have small groups work together to list foods that they will eat only in
particular ways, such as only raw carrots, only white-meat turkey, or
hot dogs only with k
etchup. In
vite groups to share their lists.
Invite children to add other items to the menu, along with suitable prices.
10 Menu Math
pages 51-52
pages 55-56
Half & Half Café
Be sure children understand that the given price for each item covers
the half. Have them use models or pictures to prove what happens
when you double things.
Discuss the ways you might divide various foods into half portions.
Have children use paper or clay “foods” to show how they would
divide them into equal halves. For instance, discuss the fairest way to
cut a wedge-shaped slice of pizza to form two equal servings.
Invite children to revise actual menus from local restaurants to show
the costs of half-portions. Assume that such portions could be made
Extend by having children model adding like fractions to form whole
and mixed numbers. F
or instance, cut oranges into halves. Use the
halves to prove that
or that __
= 1
Sandy’s Sundaes
Take a class survey of favorite ice cream flavors, sundaes, and top-
pings. Display the results in a graph or chart.
Ask children to explain how the toppings are listed (in descending
price order).
Have children rearrange the ice cream flavors by listing them in
alphabetical order, or in order of word length.
Collect actual menus from local ice cream shops. Challenge children
to figure out the cost of sundaes similar to the ones offered at Sandy’s.
4 1
Menu Math page 11 Scholastic Professional Books
Small Amounts in a
Small Restaurant—
Small Prices, Too!
At JUST SNACKS we say,
“There’s no order too small!”
Menu Math page 12 Scholastic Professional Books
Small Snacks
Potato Chips .....................60¢
Bagel Bites ........................6
Teeny Sandwiches ............7
Cup of Soup.......................40¢
Small Sweets
& Drinks
Cookie ................................40¢
Donut Hole.........................2
Ice Cream Bar...................60¢
Sip of Milk...........................10¢
Gulp of Juice ......................15¢
2 3
Menu Math 13
Name: ______________________________________________
1. Which snack costs the most? _______________________________
How much do they cost? __________________________________
2. Which sweet costs the least? ______________________________
How much does it cost? __________________________________
3. Henry spends 50¢ on a snack.
What does he buy? ______________________________________
4. Gina orders a drink. She spends 15¢.
Which drink does she order? ______________________________
5. Dan orders popcorn and a cookie.
How much does he pay? __________________________________
6. Pat buys a cup of soup and a sip of milk.
How much does she spend? _______________________________
14 Menu Math
Name: ______________________________________________
1. What costs more: a cup of soup or potato chips?
How much more? __________________________________________
2. James buys bagel bites and a sip of milk.
How much does he spend? __________________________________
3. Mai buys pretzels and a gulp of juice.
How much does she spend? _________________________________
4. Ed orders teeny sandwiches and a drink. He spends 90¢.
Which drink does he order? _________________________________
5. Sarah spends 80¢. She buys a donut hole and a small snack.
Which small snack does she buy? _____________________________
6. Lisa orders two small sweets. She spends 70¢.
Which two sweets does she order? ___________________________
4 1
Menu Math page 15 Scholastic Professional Books
The Right Foods
for Animals You Love to Feed—
and the Right Amounts,Too!
Zoe says,
“My Zoo Foods will make
you the favorite visitor
of your favorite animals!”
Menu Math page 16 Scholastic Professional Books
Fish for Seals ....................6
Hay for Zebras..................45¢
Bananas for Apes.............3
Peanuts for Elephants ....50¢
Leaves for Giraffes...........25¢
Lettuce for Llamas ..........2
Berries for Bears..............3
Eggs for Foxes ..................3
Fish for Puffins.................40¢
Seeds for Chicks................10¢
Pellets for Parrots.............15¢
Carrots for Bunnies .........2
“Quackers for Ducks......2
Ivy for Lambs ....................3
2 3
Menu Math 17
Name: ______________________________________________
1. How many foods for big
animals does Zoe sell? _______________________________________
2. Which foods for little animals cost more than 20¢?
3. Leon buys hay for zebras and
pellets for parrots.
How much does it cost in all? ________________________________
4. Meg buys food for giraffes and for bears.
How much does she spend in all? _____________________________
5. Anna buys seeds for chicks.
Alan buys ivy for lambs.
Who spends more? ___________________________________________
How much more? ________________________________________
6. Juan buys food for elephants,
llamas, and puffins.
How much does he spend in all? _____________________________
18 Menu Math
Name: ______________________________________________
1. Which two foods for little
animals cost a total of 30¢? ___________________________________
2. Which two little-animal foods
together cost less than 40¢? __________________________________
3. Maude buys food for ducks and for another little animal.
She spends 55¢.
Which other little animal does she buy food for? ________________
4. Elena buys f
oods to f
eed parrots, foxes, and apes.
How much does it cost her in all? _____________________________
5. Will buys peanuts and lettuce. Jill buys ivy and hay.
Who spends more? __________________________________________
How much more? ___________________________________________
6. Luis spends exactly one dollar on food
for two big animals.
What are the two animals? ___________________________________
4 1
Menu Math page 19 Scholastic Professional Books
Go Ahead We Dare You!
Order any item from the menu.
Just call us and we will bring it to your door.
Add $2 to the total amount
of your order for delivery.
Menu Math page 20 Scholastic Professional Books
Our Menu
Surprise Stew......................$5
Mystery Meatballs..............$4
Peculiar Pizza .....................$3
Jumping Bean Chili............$4
Waxy Waffles .......................$3
Shoe Soup............................$3
Blue Bread...........................$4
Old Omelette.......................$4
Bacon Fudge........................$3
Inchworm Ice Cream..........$2
Jellyfish Jell-O....................$2
Sour Soda .............................$1
Muddy Milk .........................$2
Warm Water..........................$1
2 3
Menu Math 21
Name: ______________________________________________
1. Which foods and sweets cost $3? ___________________________
2. How many foods cost more than $3? _______________________
3. What does it cost to buy
Mystery Meatballs and Old Omelette?_______________________
4. What does it cost to buy all three sweets?
5. What does it cost in all to buy the most
expensive food, sweet, and drink?
6. Shawn spends $7.
He buys Blue Bread and a sweet.
Which sweet does he buy? _______________________________
7. Choose a meal you would like.
Pick a food, a sweet, and a drink. ___________________________
What does your meal cost?________________________________
22 Menu Math
Name: ______________________________________________
1. Sasha buys Waxy Waffles,
Shoe Soup and Inchworm Ice Cream.
How much does she spend? ___________________________________
2. Greg buys Surprise Stew and Warm Water. Dana
buys Blue Bread and the most expensive sweet.
Who spends more? ________________________________________
How much more? __________________________________________
3. Kia buys Jumping Bean Chili, Bacon Fudge,
and a drink. She spends $9.
Which drink does she buy? __________________________________
4. Roy spends $10 on a meal.
He buys a food, a sweet, and a drink.
What does he buy? _________________________________________
5. Al buys three foods. Each food costs the same.
He spends $12.
He doesn’t buy Jumping Bean Chili.
Which three foods does he buy
? _______________________________
6. Suki has $4. She wants to buy one sweet and one drink.
Which sweet + drink can she buy for $4? _______________________
What other choice can she make? _______________________________
4 1
Menu Math page 23 Scholastic Professional Books
No Forks! No Spoons!
No Knives! No Kidding!!!
But Lots of FREE Napkins!
Sloppy Stan delivers!
He’ll even mess up your
Menu Math page 24 Scholastic Professional Books
Pretzels & Mustard ............$2.25
Buttery Popcorn .................$3.25
Slice of Pizza.......................$2.50
Crispy Taco ..........................$3.00
Cheese Nachos ...................$3.75
Sloppy Joe...........................$3.75
Barbecue Ribs.....................$4.50
Corn on the Cob...................$1.00
Ice Cream Sandwich ..........$2.25
Chocolate Fudge.................$2.00
Jelly Donut ...........................$1.00
Caramel Apple......................$1.25
Filled Cupcake......................$1.50
Juicy Peach...........................$ .75
Éclair .....................................$2.75
Cotton Candy ......................$2.00
2 3
Menu Math 25
Name: ______________________________________________
1. How many snacks cost $3 or more? __________________________
How many sweets cost less than $2? _________________________
2. You buy a sloppy joe and a filled cupcake.
How much do you spend? ___________________________________
3. Carl buys the most expensive snack and the cheapest sweet.
How much does he spend? _________________________________
4. You buy a slice of pizza and a jelly donut.
You pay with a $5 bill.
What is your change? _____________________________________
5. Hannah buys a crispy taco and a sweet. She spends $5.75.
Which sweet does she buy? ________________________________
6. Tommy buys two corns on the cob and an ice cream
sandwich. He pays with a $5 bill.
How much change should he get? ___________________________
26 Menu Math
Name: ______________________________________________
1. David’s mom buys 3 slices of pizza. She
pays with paper money. Her change is $2.50.
What bill does she pay with? ______________________________
2. Teri buys three caramel apples. Inez buys two pretzels.
Who spends more? _____________________________________
How much more? ________________________________________
3. Pick a snack and a sweet that have the same price.
What do you pay to buy them both? _______________________
4. Kevin buys two of the same sweet. He pays with a $10 bill.
His change is $5.50.
What sweet does he buy? ________________________________
5. Mel and Jane buy a snack to share. Each will have half.
Each pays half, too. Each pays $2.25.
What snack do they share? _______________________________
6. Which snack and sweet would you choose? What would you pay?
Is there another snack + sweet that costs the same? Explain.
4 1
Menu Math page 27 Scholastic Professional Books
Our foods are so good, we can’t
decide how to list them.
But all of our foods start with
either M or C.
Menu Math page 28 Scholastic Professional Books
Corn Dog Platter . . . . . . . . .$4.50
Cabbage Soup . . . . . . . . . . . .$2.50
Milk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1.00
Meat Balls and Spaghetti . .$5.50
Carrot Juice . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1.25
Meatloaf Dinner . . . . . . . . . .$4.75
Cupcake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1.50
Mashed Potatoes . . . . . . . . .$1.50
Catfish Fry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$5.00
Miso Soup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1.50
Milkshake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1.50
Coleslaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1.00
Mud Pie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$2.25
Cookie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1.25
Coconut Custard . . . . . . . . .$2.00
Mango Juice . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1.75
2 3
Cool meals!
Many choices!
Clever menu!
Mighty classy!
Menu Math 29
Name: ______________________________________________
1. How many items start with M? ____________________________
How many items start with C? ____________________________
2. What fraction of the items
on the menu start with C? _______________________________
3. How many items on the menu are drinks? ___________________
Which drink costs the least? _____________________________
4. What fraction of the items
on the menu are drinks
? _________________________________
5. How many items are desserts? ____________________________
Which dessert costs the most? ___________________________
6. What fraction of the items are desserts? ___________________
What fraction of the items are soups? ______________________
30 Menu Math
Name: ______________________________________________
1. How many items on the menu cost at least $4? _________________
What fraction of the items cost at least $4? ____________________
2. How many items on the menu cost less than $4? ________________
What fraction of the items cost less than $4? ___________________
3. What does a cookie cost?___________________________________
Which soup costs twice that much
4. Which drink costs half as much as coconut custard? ______________
What does the drink cost?___________________________________
5. How many items cost more than
$1 but less than $2
? ________________________________________
What fraction of the items on the menu
cost between $1 and $2
? ____________________________________
6. Eat at Mary & Cal’s Café. Order four items.
Spend exactly $10.
Which items do you choose?
4 1
Menu Math page 31 Scholastic Professional Books
Egg-stra Good Food to Start Your Day
2 3
Side Dishes
English Muffin ......................$1.00
Navajo Fry Bread.................$1.50
Home Fries............................$1.50
Grits .......................................$1.00
Bacon or Sausage ..............$2.00
Hot Cocoa ............................$2.00
Juice .....................................$2.00
Hearty Breakfasts
Irish Oatmeal.......................$2.50
Swedish Pancakes ..............$3.50
French Toast........................$3.50
Tortillas and Eggs ..............$4.00
Chinese Breakfast Rice.....$2.00
Eggs Your Way ....................$2.50
Tropical Fruit & Yogurt......$3.00
Menu Math page 32 Scholastic Professional Books
Menu Math 33
Name: ______________________________________________
1. Which hearty breakfast costs the most? ____________________
Which one costs the least
? _______________________________
2. Mary orders French toast and juice.
What does her meal cost? _______________________________
3. Hiram orders Irish oatmeal, a bagel, and juice.
What is the cost of his meal? _____________________________
4. Jack orders tortillas and eggs and hot cocoa. Danielle
orders Chinese breakfast rice, sausage, and milk.
Who spends more? _____________________________________
How much more? ______________________________________
5. Paco orders a hearty breakfast with home fries and
juice. His meal costs $7.50.
Which hearty breakfast does he order?______________________
6. You have $8 to spend at Good Morning!
Order a hearty breakfast, a side dish, and a drink.
What does your whole meal cost? __________________________
What is your change? _____________________________________
34 Menu Math
Name: ______________________________________________
1. Which hearty breakfast costs the most? _______________________
Which hearty breakfast costs the least? _______________________
What is the difference in price
? ______________________________
2. Sam pays $4.50 for tropical fruit & yogurt and a drink.
Which drink does he order? _________________________________
3. Warren orders French toast, bacon, and milk. He has a
coupon for a half-price meal. He uses it.
How much does Warren pay for his meal? ______________________
4. Jasmine is hungry today. She is also thirsty. She orders
Swedish pancakes and Chinese breakfast rice. She orders
grits, too. She orders two juices to drink.
What does her meal cost? ___________________________________
5. Frank takes his two sisters to breakfast. He asks for three
orders of Irish oatmeal and three milks. He pays with a $5
bill and a $10 bill. How much change does he get?_____________
6. You have $6 to spend on a hearty breakfast, a side dish, and a
drink. What do you choose?________________________________
Do you get any change? Explain.______________________________
4 1
Menu Math page 35 Scholastic Professional Books
Where pizza is KING!
We are the tops in toppings!
Open daily from
11 a.m. to midnight.
Menu Math page 36 Scholastic Professional Books
Small Pie (9”)...................$ 7.00
Regular Pie (12”) .............$ 9.00
Large Pie (16”).................$12.00
HUGE Pie (20”) ...............$16.00
onions garlic mushrooms
shrimp broccoli pepperoni
chicken olives sausages
meatballs green peppers
Topping Prices
$1 each on small and regular pies
$2 each on large and HUGE pies
2 3
Menu Math 37
Name: ______________________________________________
1. How much is a small pie with two toppings? _________________
2. How much is a large pie with one topping? ___________________
3. The Klein family buys a regular
pie with four toppings.The Chan family
buys a regular pie with two toppings.
Which family pays more? __________________________________
How much more? ______________________________________
4. Which costs more: a small pie with three
toppings or a HUGE pie with no toppings? __________________
How much more? ______________________________________
5. The Molino family orders a large pie with
mushroom and pepperoni.They ask for home
delivery.They tip the delivery person $2.
How much do they pay in all? _____________________________
6. Choose any size pizza. Pick any number of toppings.
What do you choose? ___________________________________
How much does it cost? _________________________________
38 Menu Math
Name: ______________________________________________
1. Which is cheaper: a small pie with broccoli
or a regular pie with no toppings? ____________________________
How much cheaper? _________________________________________
2. The Kellys order a large pie with mushrooms,
onions, olives, and garlic. What does their
order cost? They pay with a $20 bill.
Do they get change? Explain. _________________________________
3. Mike’s class orders four large pies.Two pies have
no toppings.Two pies have two toppings each.
How much does the order cost? ______________________________
4. The Fuller family is hungrier than usual.
So they order a HUGE pie with everything on it.
How much does their order cost? _____________________________
5. The Smiths get a home delivery.They order two large pies
with three toppings on each one.They give a $2 tip to the
delivery person.They pay with two $20 bills.
How much change do they get? _______________________________
4 1
Menu Math page 39 Scholastic Professional Books
Bring an Appetite!
Bring a Friend! Bring Two!
Happy customers say,
“You’ll need a wagon to
take home your doggie bag!”
Menu Math page 40 Scholastic Professional Books
Overflowing Bowl of Pasta ...........$10.00
Steak as Big as a Cow...................$16.00
Yard-Long Hot Dog on BIG Bun ......$ 9.00
Super-Hero Sandwich.....................$11.00
Jumbo Shrimp (1 dozen!)..............$14.00
Tub of Salad......................................$8.00
Bucket of Soup.................................$6.00
Football-Size Potato........................$3.00
Mountain of Cole Slaw....................$5.00
Pitcher of Lemonade ......................$4.00
Quart of Milk.....................................$5.00
All the Water You Can Drink!
Entire Apple Pie...............................$9.00
Pail of Ice Cream .............................$6.00
Whole Watermelon ..........................$5.00
2 3
Main Courses Drinks
Side Dishes
Name: ______________________________________________
Menu Math 41
1. You share the steak with a friend.
Each of you pays half.
How much does each of you pay? ___________________________
2. Felicia and Clark share a main course and a
side dish.The total comes to $14. Each pays half.
How much does each one pay? _____________________________
3. Lenny and Jenny share shrimp, soup,
and lemonade. Each pays half.
How much does Lenny pay? ________________________________
4. Helen and Art share the cost of pasta
and a side dish. Each pays $7.50.
What side dish do they order? _____________________________
5. You share an entire meal with a hungry friend.
You order a main course, a side dish, a drink,
and a dessert.You pay half, which is $13.
What is the total price of the meal? _________________________
6. Order a meal to share with a friend. Choose a
main course, a side dish, a drink, and a dessert.
What foods and drink do you pick? __________________________
How much does each of you pay? ___________________________
42 Menu Math
Name: ______________________________________________
1. You and two friends share a hot dog. Each of you pays the
same amount.
What is your share of the cost? _______________________________
2. You and a friend share the cost of steak and ice cream.
Each of you gives the server $10.The server frowns at you.
Why does the server frown? __________________________________
3. Order a main course, a side dish, and a drink to share
with a buddy.
What do you pick? _________________________________________
How much does each of you pay? _______________________________
4. Choose the cheapest meal that has a main course, a side dish,
a drink, and a dessert. Share the cost with a friend.
What do you each pay? ______________________________________
5. Dana and Fred order a hero sandwich, cole slaw, and milk.
Each pays half. Pat, Kit, and Nat order the same meal and
share the price equally.
What will Dana pay? ________________________________________
What will Pat pay? ___________________________________________
4 1
Menu Math page 43 Scholastic Professional Books
Noodles Served Your Way–
YOU Decide!
Menu Math page 44 Scholastic Professional Books
spaghetti macaroni
egg bows wagon wheels
shells wide noodles
crispy noodles rice noodles
soba noodles
Small portion.......................$5.00
Large portion......................$8.00
tomato meat cheese
black bean peanut ginger
Just a little sauce ..............$2.50
Lots of sauce ......................$4.00
Lemonade ............................$2.00
Bubbly Water........................$1.50
2 3
Menu Math 45
Name: ______________________________________________
1. How many different kinds of noodles
can you get here? ___________________________________________
How many different sauces can you get? ____________________
2. What is the price for a small portion
of shells with a little tomato sauce? ________________________
3. What does a large portion of macaroni
served with lots of tomato sauce cost? _____________________
4. What does a large portion of wagon
wheels with a little meat sauce cost? _______________________
5. Deb orders a small portion of
egg bows with lots of cheese sauce.
Miguel orders a large portion of crispy
noodles with just a little ginger sauce.
How much do Deb and Miguel pay in all? ___________________
6. Andre orders a large portion of
soba noodles with just a little sauce.
He also orders lemonade.
How much does Andre pay in all? ___________________________
46 Menu Math
Name: ______________________________________________
1. How much is a large order of soba
noodles with lots of peanut sauce? ____________________________
2. Li wants a small portion of shells with just a little cheese
sauce. Carmen orders a large portion of rice noodles with
lots of black bean sauce.
How much do the girls pay in all? _____________________________
3. What costs more: a large portion of noodles with a little
sauce or a small portion of noodles with a lot of sauce?
How much more? ___________________________________________
4. Yoshi orders a small portion of wide noodles with just a
little peanut sauce. Maureen chooses a large portion of wide
noodles with lots of peanut sauce.
Who pays more? ___________________________________________
How much more? __________________________________________
5. You order a small portion of egg bows with lots of cheese sauce.
You also order bubbly water. You pay with three $5 bills.
What is your change? _______________________________________
6. Winona pays $10.50 for noodles in a sauce. Describe a meal she
might get. __________________________________________________
4 1
Menu Math page 47 Scholastic Professional Books
Parents love us. They say:
“My kids won’t eat
at any other restaurant!”
“This place is just plain gr
“I didn’t know that
my Carla liked chicken!”
Menu Math page 48 Scholastic Professional Books
Pasta (plain) ...........................$4.29
Chicken Nuggets
(no spices)..$3.89
(no ketchup or mustard) ...$2.79
Hot Dog
(no mustard or relish) ...$2.39
(no gravy) ....................$4.00
(not too hot) .....................$1.49
(no dressing) ....................$1.99
(no salsa) ........................$1.50
Cheese Sticks
(no sauce) ........$1.39
Water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .free
(no ice) . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1.00
(very cold) . . . . . . . . . . . .$1.29
Iced Tea
no lemon
. . . . . . . .$ .99
Plain Vanilla Ice Cream ......$1.25
Plain Chocolate Pudding....$1.25
Graham Crackers .................$ .79
Boring Cookies......................$1.19
2 3
Menu Math 49
Name: ______________________________________________
1. What is the most you can pay for a first course? _____________
What is the least you can pay? ____________________________
2. What is the price for a hot dog and iced tea? ________________
3. Marco orders chips, a hot dog, water, and ice cream.
What does he pay for his meal? ___________________________
4. Will orders soup and a burger.
Hallie orders salad, turkey, and water.
How much do they pay in all? _____________________________
5. Tina orders pasta, iced tea, and cookies for dessert.
Noah orders chips, chicken nuggets, and juice.
He does not order dessert.
Who pays more? _______________________________________
How much more? ______________________________________
6. Order one item from each part
of the menu. Pay with a $20 bill.
What do you order? ____________________________________
What is your change? ___________________________________
50 Menu Math
Name: ______________________________________________
1. All Andy wants is salad.
So he orders three servings of it.
Will he pay more or less than $6? _______________________________
Tell how you know. _________________________________________
2. You order a first, a main course,
a drink, and a dessert.
What is the most your meal can cost? _________________________
3. Krista has a coupon for $2.00 off any main course.
She orders cheese sticks, turkey, milk, and pudding.
What does her meal cost? ___________________________________
4. Eddie orders a first and a main course.
His order comes to just a little more than $6.
What foods has he ordered? _________________________________
5. Daria orders a burger, iced tea, and graham crackers.
She says that the order will come to less than $5.
How does she know this? Explain. ___________________________
6. Order one item from each part of the menu.
What do you order? ________________________________________
Oops! You have only $4. How much more money do you need?
4 1
Menu Math page 51 Scholastic Professional Books
Half-Size Portions
for the Not-So-Hungry!
If you are really hungry,
talk to your server.
You can get a full portion—
just double the price!
Menu Math page 52 Scholastic Professional Books
1/2 hot dog.........................$1.50
1/2 tuna sandwich.............$1.25
1/2 pizza slice....................$1.00
1/2 taco..............................$ .50
1/2 bowl pasta ..................$2.25
1/2 glass milk....................$ .35
1/2 cup tea ........................$ .40
1/2 glass juice...................$ .50
1/2 milkshake....................$ .95
1/2 glass lemonade..........$ .60
1/2 baked potato .............$1.00
1/2 salad............................$1.25
1/2 pickle..........................$ .25
1/2 scoop ice cream.......$ .65
1/2 cupcake.....................$ .80
1/2 apple ..........................$ .45
2 3
Menu Math 53
Name: ______________________________________________
1. Which item on the menu costs the most? ___________________
Which one costs the least? _________________________________
2. How much is half a taco
and half a glass of lemonade? ______________________________
3. How much do you pay for half a
pizza slice, half a glass of juice,
and half a cupcake? __________________________________________
4. Norman orders half a tuna sandwich and two sides.
He pays $2.75. Which two sides does he order?
5. Amy is hungrier than she thought. She doubles her order
of half a hot dog, half a salad, and half an apple. She has $5.
Is that enough money? Explain.
6. Ollie is half as hungry as he thought. So he shares a
meal with Julie.They share half a bowl of pasta, half a
lemonade, half a salad, and half a cupcake.
How much does each pay? _________________________________
54 Menu Math
Name: ______________________________________________
1. The prices at Half & Half are cheap.
How many items on the menu cost less than a dollar? ____________
What fraction of all items cost less than a dollar? ________________
2. Suppose the owners of Half & Half double their prices.
What would the most expensive item on the menu cost? _________
What would the cheapest item cost? __________________________
3. Kent orders half a bowl of pasta and half a salad.
Nick orders half a taco, half a pickle, half a glass of milk,
and half a cupcake.
Whose order costs more? ___________________________________
How much more? __________________________________________
4. Tony has a sweet tooth. He orders each of the desserts.
He pays with a $5 bill.
What is his change? ___________________
5. Liz orders half a hot dog, half a milkshake, half a baked
potato, and half a cupcake. She knows that $5 is enough
money for her order. Explain how she knows this.
6. Order an item from each part of the menu.
How much change do you get if you pay with a $10 bill?
4 1
Menu Math page 55 Scholastic Professional Books
Make your
own sundaes
at Sandy’s.
Menu Math page 56 Scholastic Professional Books
Mint Chip
Fudge Ripple
Berry Swirl
Maple Pecan
Peanut Butter
Ice Cream Prices
One Scoop . . . . . . . . . . . .$2.00
Two Scoops . . . . . . . . . . .$3.50
Three Scoops . . . . . . . . .$5.00
Four Scoops (Really?) . .$6.50
2 3
Toppings, Etc.
Hot Fudge . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1.50
Whipped Cream . . . . . . . .$1.25
Strawberries . . . . . . . . . .$1.00
Caramel Sauce . . . . . . . . .$1.00
Marshmallow . . . . . . . . . .$1.00
Bananas . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1.00
Nuts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ .75
Sprinkles . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ .50
Menu Math 57
Name: ______________________________________________
1. How many different flavors does Sandy sell? _________________
How many different toppings? _____________________________
2. What does a sundae that has
one scoop of ice cream
with bananas on top cost? _________________________________
3. What is the price of a sundae that
has two scoops of ice cream,
hot fudge, and sprinkles? _________________________________
4. Sid orders a sundae that has a scoop of vanilla ice cream
and a scoop of peach ice cream. It has caramel sauce and
whipped cream.
How much does Sid pay for his sundae? ______________________
5. Ivan gets a three-scoop sundae with marshmallow and
sprinkles.Vera gets a sundae with two scoops of ice
cream, strawberries, hot fudge, and nuts.
Whose sundae costs less? _________________________________
How much less? ________________________________________
6. Describe a sundae you would order.
How much does it cost
? _________________________________
58 Menu Math
Name: ______________________________________________
1. Rita orders a sundae with one scoop of vanilla ice cream
and one topping. Her sundae costs $3.25.
What topping does she choose? _______________________________
2. Angelo orders a sundae that costs $4.
It has only sprinkles on top.
How many scoops of ice cream does it have? ____________________
3. Ben’s sundae has two scoops of ice cream and
two toppings. It costs $6.25.
What are the two toppings?
4. Meg will spend exactly $3 on a sundae with cherry ice cream.
List the sundaes she might choose.
5. Tonya wants a sundae with two scoops of peach ice cream
and one topping. She doesn’t want a topping with fruit.
List the sundaes she might make with $14.50.
6. Omar will pay $6 for a sundae with vanilla ice cream and one
topping. List the all the sundaes he can make.
Menu Math 59
Waiter _______________________ Number of Customers _____________
Menu Math page 60 Scholastic Professional Books
Main Dishes
Side Dishes
2 3
4 1
Menu Math page 61 Scholastic Professional Books
Name of Restaurant
Menu Math 63
Just Snacks
Set 1
1. Teeny Sandwiches; 75¢
2. Donut Hole; 25¢
3. Peanuts
4. Gulp of Juice
5. 95¢ 6. 50¢
Set 2
1. Potato Chips; 20¢ more
2. 75¢
3. 60¢
4. Gulp of Juice
5. Popcorn
6. Cookie and Raisins
Zoes Zoo Foods
Set 1
1. 7
2. Eggs for Foxes,
Fish for Puffins,
Quackers for Ducks,
Ivy for Lambs
3. 60¢
4. 55¢
5. Alan; 25¢
6. $1.10
Set 2
1. Seeds for Chicks + Carrots
for Bunnies
2. Seeds for Chicks +
Pellets for Parrots;
Seeds for Chicks +
Carrots for Bunnies;
Seeds for Chicks +
Quackers for Ducks;
Pellets for Parrots +
Carrots for Bunnies
3. Foxes
4. 80¢
5. Jill; 10¢
6. Seals and Apes
Double Dare Diner
Set 1
1. Peculiar Pizza,
Waxy Waffles, Shoe Soup,
Bacon Fudge
2. 5
3. $8
4. $7
5. $10
6. Bacon Fudge
7. Answers will vary.
Set 2
1. $8
2. Dana; $1
3. Muddy Milk
4. Surprise Stew, Bacon Fudge,
Muddy Milk
5. Mystery Meatballs, Blue
Bread, Old Omelette
6. Answers will vary.
Sloppy Stans
Set 1
1. 5; 4
2. $5.25
3. $5.25
4. $1.50
5. Eclair
6. 75¢
Set 2
1. $10 bill
2. Inez; 75¢ more
3. Corn on the Cob +
Jelly Donut or Pretzels +
Ice Cream Sandwich;
$2.00 or $4.50
4. Ice Cream Sandwiches
5. Barbecue Ribs
6. Answers will vary.
Mary & Cal’s
Mixed-Up Café
Set 1
1. 8; 8
2. 8/16 or 1/2
3. 4; milk
4. 4/16 or 1/4
5. 4; Mud Pie
6. 4/16 or 1/4
Set 2
1. 4; 4/16 or 1/4
2. 12; 12/16 or 3/4
3. $1.25; Cabbage Soup
4. Milk; $1.00
5. 7; 7/16
6. Answers will vary.
Good Morning!
Set 1
1. Tortillas and Eggs;
Chinese Breakfast Rice
2. $5.50
3. $6.00
4. Jack; 50¢ more
5. Tortillas and Eggs
6. Answers will vary.
Set 2
1. Tortillas and Eggs; Chinese
Breakfast Rice; $2.00
2. Milk
3. $3.50
4. $10.50
5. $3
6. Answers will vary.
64 Menu Math
Pizza Palace
Set 1
1. $9
2. $14
3. Klein; $2
4. Huge pie with no toppings;
5. $18
6. Answers will vary.
Set 2
1. Small pie with broccoli; $1
2. $20; they get no change
3. $56
4. $38
5. $2
Big Portions
Set 1
1. $8
2. $7
3. $12
4. Cole Slaw
5. $26
6. Answers will vary.
Set 2
1. $4.50
2. The total is $22,
so you are $2 short.
Answers will vary
4. $8.50
5. $10.50; $7
Kim & Tony’s
Noodle Shop
Set 1
1. 9; 6
2. $7.50
3. $12.00
4. $10.50
5. $19.50
6. $12.50
Set 2
1. $12.00
2. $19.50
3. large portion with a little
sauce; $1.50
4. Maureen; $4.50 more
5. $4.50
6. Accept any answers
with a large portion of
noodles and just a little
Finicky Fred’s
Set 1
1. $1.99; $1.39
2. $3.38
3. $5.14
4. $10.27
5. Tina; 8¢ more
6. Answers will vary.
Set 2
1. less, because one order of
salad is less than $2.
2. $8.82
3. $5.93
4. pasta and salad
5. If you round each price to
the nearest dollar, you get $3
+ $1 + $1 = $5; since all the
prices are less than the
rounded amount, the total
will be less than $5.
6. Answers will vary.
Half & Half Café
Set 1
1. 1/2 bowl pasta; 1/2 pickle
2. $1.10
3. $2.30
4. 1/2 salad and 1/2 pickle
5. No; the total is $6.40,
so she is $1.40 short
6. $2.45
Set 2
1. 10; 10/16, or 5/8
2. $4.50; 50¢
3. Kent’s order costs more;
4. $3.10
5. If you round each price up
to the nearest dollar, the
total would be $5; but each
item (except for the hot dog)
costs less than the rounded
amount, so $5 will be
6. Answers will vary.
Sandy’s Sundaes
Set 1
1. 12; 8
2. $3.00
3. $5.50
4. $5.75
5. Ivan’s; 25¢
6. Answers will vary.
Set 2
1. Whipped Cream
2. 2
3. Hot Fudge and Whipped
4. Ice cream + strawberries or
caramel or marshmallow or
banana or two servings of
5. Answers will vary.
6. Sample answers: 3 scoops
of vanilla + strawberries or
caramel or marshmallow
or banana; or 2 scoops of
vanilla + hot fudge +