How to move your
Mobile Banking App into
micro frontend?
The information shared in this whitepaper does not provide exhaustive data on the
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For online publications, please include a reference link to the original whitepaper. 2
How to move your Mobile Banking App into micro frontend?
Table of Contents
Introduction 4
What are micro frontends and why do banks need them? 6
1. What are micro frontends? 6
2. Why is micro frontends/plugin architecture the technology of choice for the banks? 6
3. Why implementing micro frontends concept in mobile applications is a dicult task? 6
How to move your mobile banking app into micro frontend-
based application? 8
1. What approach does Qulix Systems use to migrate mobile applications to micro
frontends? 8
2. Plugin Architecture. General overview 8
3. Drawbacks of Micro frontends/Plugin Architecture 10
4. How to migrate to micro frontends: A step-by-step roadmap 1 1
5. Special points to consider 16
How to build a micro frontend team? 19
1. Monolith vs Micro frontend team structure. Feature teams 19
2. Service teams 20
Conclusion 23
About Qulix 25
How to move your Mobile Banking App into micro frontend?
Table of Contents
Microservices have been gaining a huge momentum recently in the banking sector. It comes
as no surprise in 2021 when a well-established bank decides to migrate its application to an
architecture like the one below: 4
iOS Web
API Gateway
(MOM) Kafka
Service Service
Kafka connect
However, in an ideal situation the frontend should be decoupled, too. Thus, the above
architecture can be revised to include micro frontends (see below):
How to move your Mobile Banking App into micro frontend?
frontend 1
Service 1
frontend 2
Service 2
frontend N
Service N
Core Services
UX UI Services
Host App 5
If building micro frontend-based web applications is a tough, yet a doable project, a mobile
app with a micro frontend architecture is way more dicult to build.
In this whitepaper we will tell you how to implement a micro frontend approach in your
mobile banking application.
N.B. Mind please, that the notion of micro frontends refers mostly to web development (client
applications). With mobile applications, we use plugin/modular architecture implying what in web
development is known as micro frontends. This is due to the implementation dierences, while
the concept (both in micro frontends and plugin/modular architecture) is the same - the monolith
is decoupled into a set of autonomous parts and the application is delivered by a number of
independent feature-teams.
This whitepaper addresses the following issues that you might face during your micro
frontend project:
1. Why should banks move to the micro frontend architecture? Is it the right solution for
2. What is the best approach for a seamless migration to micro frontends?
3. What steps should the Banks IT team take to migrate from a monolithic to micro frontend
4. What IT team composition will suit better for the migration needs?
Thus, we highlight all the typical questions of a Bank willing to migrate to a new, modular
architecture, with both backend and frontend sides decoupled.
How to move your Mobile Banking App into micro frontend?
What are micro frontends and why do
banks need them?
This Section provides an overview of the topic. It contains basic denitions, problem statement and a
high-level description of the solution.
1. What are micro frontends?
2. Why is micro frontends/plugin architecture the technology of choice for the
3. Why implementing micro frontends concept in mobile applications is a di-
cult task?
The term microservices has been known for over a decade by now. Its widely used in server-
side development nowadays. For frontend development, micro frontends are the alternative
to the old-school monolithic architecture.
Martin Fowler gives the following high-level denition of micro frontends:
An architectural style where independently deliverable frontend applications are
composed into a greater wholeю.
Thus, similarly to microservices, in micro frontends
1. Application is delivered by a number of autonomous teams
2. Small and relatively independent chunks of work make up a single whole.
Simply put, micro frontend-based application means that a number of independent teams
are working on it, each delivering its own piece of application separately.
Web banking applications as well as mobile banking applications comprise a huge variety of
sections and functionalities. New sections appear, while the old ones go through dramatic
upgrades. Oftentimes each section is the area of responsibility of an autonomous team.
This is why its crucial that such autonomous teams should be able to develop, test and
deploy their chunk of work independently, under their own schedule.
First and foremost, mobile applications are monoliths by nature. So micro-anything (be it
services or front-ends) simply dont t in when it comes to mobile development. 6
How to move your Mobile Banking App into micro frontend?
What are micro frontends and why do banks need them? 7
In a web application, as a contrast to a mobile one, various sections and functionalities can
be easily deployed separately. On the contrary, a mobile application is always deployed as a
single le which includes all the functionality. It cannot download part by part or be installed
partially. When an update is available, a user has to download the whole application once
again to get access to the new functionality.
So, given this, how at all the notion of decoupling can be applied to mobile development?
As weve already mentioned, a mobile application is deployed as a monolith. Yet, it can be
developed as a multi-section entity. Thus, when we talk about micro frontends (aka plugin
architecture) in mobile development, we mean the process of development, not deployment.
Due to the changes in the development process, the micro frontend benets become
available to us. This is the key business objective behind the transition, although mobile
applications still continue to be deployed as monoliths.
How to move your Mobile Banking App into micro frontend?
What are micro frontends and why do banks need them? 8
How to move your mobile banking app
into micro frontend-based application?
This Section briey describes the migration approach that Qulix follows in its micro fronted projects.
Here we also share with you our step-by-step roadmap for a smooth system migration to a new
modular architecture.
1. What approach does Qulix use to migrate mobile applications
to micro frontends?
2. Plugin Architecture. General overview
Mobile development cannot duplicate the schema of delivery that is used in web
development due to various implementation dierences. However, the key principles can
very well be shared. Thus Modular or Plugin Architecture was born.
Plugin Architecture is an approach to mobile application development where a
monolithic application is decoupled into a host application and several autonomous
modules (or plugins).
Hence, this is one of the approaches through which the concept of micro frontends is
realized in mobile applications and the one that Qulix uses in its projects.
Lets enumerate some of the key benets that plugin architecture brings to the project:
1. smaller codebases that are easier to develop and maintain
2. autonomous teams
3. higher scalability due to higher autonomy of the scalable elements
4. shorter time-to-market.
Likewise any technology, plugin architecture has its drawbacks, which include overhead
and complexity. Well consider them in more detail in the next paragraph.
Plugin Architecture implies that a mobile application contains a host application and several
independent modules (plugins).
A host application is a frame application which incorporates other modules. A mobile
application that users download from the markets is basically a host application after all the
modules (a module per functionality) are ready and deployed as a single whole.
How to move your Mobile Banking App into micro frontend?
How to move your mobile banking app into micro frontend-based application? 9
See the picture below for example.
This application can be viewed as an example of the micro frontends concept implementation.
Each plugin component is an autonomous module that plugs into the host application.
When a feature team (for instance, Payments team) is ready to release its module, the
module is incorporated into the host application. The corresponding dependency is added
and after the application is deployed, the user sees the new Payments section in its newly
downloaded application.
How to move your Mobile Banking App into micro frontend?
How to move your mobile banking app into micro frontend-based application? 10
As you see, the application is no longer developed as a monolith, which is a great advantage.
At the same time, new/updated functionality is not deployed independently. Each new
piece should go through all the SDLC stages, similarly to the monolith development:
1. Develop and test a new module
2. Incorporate/update the module in the host-application
3. Build and deploy the host application
4. Download a new version of the host application to the market
5. Download the application and install it on a user’s device.
N.B. To update the user on new application versions, use push-notications. The push-notications
are sent from the server according to your mailing list.
Example of a push-notication:
A new update is available for your banking application. Download a new version of the application now?
However, this great approach comes at a cost. Lets see whats on the ipside of micro
3. Drawbacks of Micro frontends/Plugin Architecture
A. Complexity
Prior to the project start a micro frontend team has to answer to a pretty impressive list of
questions, which include:
Organizational issues (workows);
How to move your Mobile Banking App into micro frontend?
How to move your mobile banking app into micro frontend-based application? 11
Look at some questions below that your team should discuss before the project start as an
How will the host application function and connect to the plugin modules?
Will the plugin modules communicate with each other and how, if so? What will be the
communication contract?
How each separate application (plugin) is going to be built (environments, conguration,
Which core components will be developed separately (by the core team)? Is there going
to be a core team on the project at all?
Is there going to be a system design team?
All in all, the complexity of the micro frontends architecture has nothing to do with the
development. Rather, it is the processes and settings that should make a multicomponent
micro frontends machine work as a single whole. A monolithic application often results to
be much easier to build and deploy.
B. Overhead
Implementing micro frontends architecture implies parallel work of several teams.
In general, your micro frontend team will include 3-5 independent feature-teams and 2-3
service teams. Overhead is compensated by the speed of development and generally can
be viewed more as a specics, not as a disadvantage of the micro frontend architecture.
See Section III How to build a Micro frontend team? for more details.
4. How to migrate to micro frontends: A step-by-step roadmap
In this Section, we will share with you our step-by-step roadmap for a seamless migration
from a monolithic mobile banking application to micro frontends.
N.B. Assumptions
Qulix recommends you the following roadmap assuming that:
Your system architecture follows microservices design principles
The system is developed by several independent, vertically divided full-stack teams
Each team may produce full-stack feature modules: frontend and backend (see Section III for
more on team structure).
How to move your Mobile Banking App into micro frontend?
How to move your mobile banking app into micro frontend-based application? 12
Step 1. System audit
To start with, conduct a detailed system audit. You can hire a vendor to do it for you or carry
out the audit by yourself.
Feel free to contact us for auditing or consulting services. Well be happy to get your system
ready for a dramatic update.
As a result of the system audit, you should be able to distinguish specic components
within your system that will pertain to:
Core-services *
Design system (a library of UI-components, style system) **
Feature Plugins
Apple Pay
Style System
Core Services Design System
*Each feature team uses a specic set of services (server service, database service, etc.). Oftentimes, those
services overlap in dierent teams. Thus, the core team develops the modules (or libraries) that all the teams
can use.
** The design system team is in charge of the style integrity throughout all the application modules (buttons,
text elds, other components). In essence, it does the same job as the core team - develops the modules/
libraries that other teams will use to enable integrity and avoid duplication.
Check out Section III for more on micro frontend teams.
How to move your Mobile Banking App into micro frontend?
How to move your mobile banking app into micro frontend-based application? 13
Step 2. Interconnection architecture design
Reect the host-application and all the necessary plugins and services on the diagram.
Design the API for plugins and services that will enable their interaction with the host-
application or other plugins/services.
Build a dependency graph encompassing all the system components.
Dene the mount points for the plugins.
Design System
Style System
Transport Service
Authorization Service
Apple Service
Feature-1 API
Transport Service API
Authorization Service
Apple Pay Service API
Transport Service
Authorization Service
Apple Pay Service
Feature-2 API
Feature-3 API
How to move your Mobile Banking App into micro frontend?
How to move your mobile banking app into micro frontend-based application? 14
Step 3. Infrastructure and CI/CD processes
Set-up the infrastructure for conguration management in the host-application and
Plan and design the frames for feature-plugins and core-services. In future, all the teams
engaged on the project will be able to use those frames for an easy development start.
Integrate CI/CD processes for plugins and services to enable smooth build, start testing
and artifacts publishing.
Integrate CI/CD for the host-application to start testing, enable dependencies/plugins
installation, build and upload the ultimate application to the market.
How to move your Mobile Banking App into micro frontend?
How to move your mobile banking app into micro frontend-based application?
Microfrontend Microfrontend
Microfrontend Microfrontend
Screens Widget
Widget area
Design System
Style System
Step 4. Get to the target micro frontend-based architecture
How to move your Mobile Banking App into micro frontend?
How to move your mobile banking app into micro frontend-based application?
Main app Microfrontend
Common services
Core UI
Metadata UI
Plugin support
Event handlers
Plugin API
Container API
Other services
components 16
Each feature team follows their own development cycle and release schedule
At release time, the feature team publishes artifacts to the companys Maven repository
(Nexus, Artifactory, etc.)
Feature release event triggers application assembly stage using latest versions of features.
Application is published internally and later may be uploaded to markets
With this approach you can achieve independent feature delivery without independent
deployment. We believe that this is a good compromise given the mobile platform vendors
N.B. What are mount points?
In the picture above you have seen one of the crucial terms of the micro frontends concept, which is
mount points. The term ‘mount point’ means a place in an application where micro frontends may
be attached.
What can serve as a mount point?
Main menu (or similar UI entity) with dynamic entry list.
Each list entry activates a particular micro frontend capability (open screen, produce event, etc.)
Widget hosting views (dashboard, etc.).
Microfrontend may provide widgets, users may place it on the dashboard.
Custom business entity actions.
For example dynamic credit card action list based on micro frontends abilities to handle such events.
5. Special points to consider
System testing
During the development stage, feature teams cover the system with unit tests.
Prior to deploying the micro frontend-based system, it also goes through exhaustive testing
procedures including functional, load-testing, and integration testing. During the testing
phase, the environment is created that replicates the real-life environment to the fullest
extent possible.
To create such an environment at Qulix we use stub systems - server emulators that generate
test data.
How to move your Mobile Banking App into micro frontend?
How to move your mobile banking app into micro frontend-based application? 17
Thus, the application goes through the testing stage at two levels - at the feature team level
and at the project level. Regardless of how thoroughly the testing was done at the feature-
team level, the tests are duplicated at the project level (host-application level).
N.B. Core modules testing
At the testing phase, give especial attention to the core components of your micro frontend
application (if such a separate module exists in your project). The core components are those that all
the project teams will use heavily, so make sure they undergo the most stringent checkings.
Automation is crucial for correct conguration and infrastructure settings, and those two are
crucial for seamless build and deploy of a micro frontend-based application.
If in case of a server side applications Docker is a solution #1 for trouble-free conguration,
it is of no help for mobile applications.
At Qulix, to enable conguration automation for mobile applications we have developed our
own solution.
All the conguration data are stored in a Common Source of Knowledge (CSK). Thus, the
CSK congures the whole product module all at once. The CSK holds all the proper settings
for all the features within such a product module. In such a way we minimize manual settings
relying on automation, wherever possible.
Ideally, with the CSK in place, the feature build is performed according to the following
How to move your Mobile Banking App into micro frontend?
How to move your mobile banking app into micro frontend-based application?
CI/CD Build
Host Application
serverURL (Feature-1)
serverURL (Feature-2)
serverURL (Feature-1)
serverURL (Feature-2)
serverURL (Feature-1)
serverURL (Feature-2)
serverURL (Feature-3)
Ideally, with the CSK in place, the feature build is performed according to the following
start of a command -> conguration checking -> conguration update -> feature build
How to move your Mobile Banking App into micro frontend?
How to move your mobile banking app into micro frontend-based application? 18
An interface representing microfrontend plugin.
public interface Plugin {
The main plugin initializer.
Plugin initializer needs а conguration and а dependency container.
If the required conguration / dependency was not found during initial-
ization, an exception will be thrown.
- Parameters:
- conguration: key-value conguration.
- container: dependency container.
- Throws: PluginInitializationException and its subclasses.
init(conguration: PluginConguration, container: InjectionContainer)
Returns plugin entry points structure.
func getEntryPoint() -> PluginEntryPoint
How to build a micro frontend team?
This Section provides a micro frontend team denition and monolith vs micro frontend team comparison.
It also contains highlights on project team structure and segregation of duties within it.
1. Monolith vs Micro frontend team structure. Feature teams
To implement micro frontends requires a dierent approach to team building.
In a conservative monolithic team, for example, 20 experts are engaged in delivering one
common project (horizontal teams). In micro frontend-based applications, the structure
of a team includes several autonomous vertical feature-teams, each in charge of its own
Monolith Team Micro Frontend Team
A feature team is a full-stack team in charge of all the SDLC for a specic feature. Thus, it
includes a backend developer, front-end (iOS, Android), BA, PM, and a QA. The team may
also include a product owner, although he/she generally works on the customers side.
A Product owner develops a business concept, provides a functionality overview, and
elaborates on UX/UI details with the UX/UI designer. Both the Product owner and UX/
UI designers communicate directly with a the BA. The BA translates the POs and UI/UX
designers vision into the software development requirements. 19
How to move your Mobile Banking App into micro frontend?
How to build a Micro frontend team? 20
Micro frontend
Team 1
Styling Styling Styling
Forms Forms Forms
Validation Validation Validation
Micro frontend
Team 2
Micro frontend
Team 3
N.B. Micro frontend team competencies
Similarly to the microservices, micro frontend architecture requires higher qualications from a team
because of the systems complexity. However, you may very well hire regular junior developers/
junior QAs. For these two positions special skills are optional (development according to specications,
heavy components usage).
For a Team lead/Platform lead micro frontend skills are a must. Those include:
modular application architecture, APIs, communication protocols
Communication issues in a multi-component app require top eorts from the team and advanced
skills, as a result.
advanced testing skills
This is crucial for adequate unit testing of separate plugins and creation of a testing environment that
generates test data correctly.
Contact us for additional information on micro frontend team qualications. Well share with you
our talents’ CV templates and discuss their key skills and abilities.
2. Service teams
Moreover, in micro frontend-based architecture, its important to incorporate a few other
teams that will make the development process smooth and seamless.
How to move your Mobile Banking App into micro frontend?
How to build a Micro frontend team?
These are:
Core team
System design team
Platform team
Lets have a closer look at their duties.
a. Core team
The core team develops common modules that are used by all the feature teams (server
service, database service, etc.). In some projects the core team also prepares UI components,
although generally those are developed by the System design team.
b. System design team
System design team is responsible for the style integrity throughout the whole application
(buttons, text elds, headers and footers, etc.).
Likewise in the case of a core team, the System design team creates the shared components
so that feature teams can freely use them, if needed.
For UX/UI purposes on a micro frontend project a components showcase is created. A
components showcase is a list of all the existing components for each platform. It looks and
feels like a real showcase, so a developer can open this section/screen, scroll down and
nd the component he/she needs. Alongside the visuals, this section contains the names
and the examples of code that demonstrate how these components can be integrated into
the project. Thus, every developer on a project adds the System design module to his/her
list of libraries and uses them, as necessary. 21
How to move your Mobile Banking App into micro frontend?
How to build a Micro frontend team?
UI components
SystemKit CommonKit ProductKit
c. Platform team
The platform team is in charge of the healthy platform (Android, iOS) operation (correct
modules connection and seamless builds, settings, appropriate functioning of the platform
infrastructure, etc.).
Thus, a micro frontend team is an operational unit comprising several vertical feature-
teams (full-stack teams delivering the whole module - from backend to frontend) and
several service teams - core team, platform team, system design team, etc.
Every company may have its own unique set of teams for micro frontend projects. However,
at Qulix we have come to these four teams that work ne for us: feature teams, platform
team, core team, system design team.
N.B. Knowledge sharing
Although in a micro frontend application several vertical teams are running autonomously, knowledge
sharing is paramount for smooth project delivery. This is especially important for BAs, PMs, and UI/
UX designers.
In case a component (validation module, for example) has been used, it should be added to the
Design system. A BA, in his/her turn, should also indicate it in the specications and promote its
usage among other teams. 22
How to move your Mobile Banking App into micro frontend?
How to build a Micro frontend team?
Feature Team
Module 1
Host App
Core Team
Core Services
UX UI Team
UI Components
Feature Team
Module 2
Feature Team
Module N 23
A quick summary on the topic, nal thoughts and strategic recommendations before you go.
In this whitepaper, we shared with you our insights on the monolith migration to the micro
frontend architecture. There are several highlights from this whitepaper that we would like
to give special focus before you go.
Why should banks migrate to micro frontends?
Advantages of this new architecture for the banks include short time-to-market, easy
system development and maintenance and higher scalability. A great combination for the
large entities willing to become more market and user friendly.
If your business is struggling with a bulky large-scale application where dependencies are
unclear and system upgrades are painful and take ages to perform, micro frontends are an
option for you.
What migration approach to choose?
At the moment, several approaches exist. At Qulix we use the Plugin Architecture and
recommend it to our customers. Our step-by-step roadmap described herein is based on
the plugin approach.
Do I have to change my approach to team building to launch a micro frontend project?
Most probably, yes. A micro frontend team comprises several vertical feature-teams (full-
stack teams delivering the whole module - from backend to frontend) and several service
teams - core team, platform team, system design team, etc. So, if you are following the
monolithic practices, a shift to micro frontends will require a new team building approach.
How to move your Mobile Banking App into micro frontend?
Conclusion 24
Do micro frontends make the ‘plug and play’ concept real for mobile development?
No, but they imitate the concept in a very realistic manner.
By now, there is no approach in mobile development that allows using the ‘plug and
play concept. A new/updated feature can be introduced to the user only after the whole
application was downloaded repeatedly and installed on the users device. Nevertheless, it
can be developed as a multi-section entity. Due to the changes in the development process,
the micro frontend benets become available to us, although mobile applications still
continue to be deployed as monoliths.
This new approach opens up a whole lot of benets that businesses will perceive in a
relatively short time perspective. We recommend micro frontends to our banking and
nance clients willing to become more exible and client-oriented.
Mind that this architecture will impose higher qualication requirements mainly for the
project leaders (tech leads, architects, senior developers). Additionally, despite running
autonomously, the teams should cooperate as a single whole, which will require certain
delivery workow modications.
Thus, a to-do list before the project start will include:
Comprehensive system audit
Is your application going to grow fast soon? What are your scalability requirements?
Team revision
Check out which skills your team has and which ones should be replenished.
Workow modication
Revise your workows and make necessary modications to enable autonomous teams
running. At the same time, pay attention to the teams communication and knowledge
Micro frontends are a new promising movement in the mobile development industry. Despite
the implementation diculties, its benets make it a great option for the market players that
seek ultimate exibility. If you are among them, dont hesitate to give micro frontends a try.
How to move your Mobile Banking App into micro frontend?
tel: +44 151 528 8015 email: [email protected]om
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Wrocław, Poland 25
For any further questions, please contact us. Well be happy to share with you our
insights on the topic to help your business grow.
About Qulix
Qulix is an international custom software development company delivering high-quality
software solutions. Since 2000, we have been rendering top-notch development and QA
services to our 200+ clients from all over the world. Our expertise covers all the stages
of SDLC, which includes concept design, architecture design, code development, quality
assurance, support and more.
Qulix delivers turn-key and custom software projects for banking, nance, insurance,
multimedia, IoT and other areas. The list of the services that we oer includes backend and
web apps development, mobile and cloud apps development, QA services, UI/UX design,
and DevOps.
Find more of our best practices by visiting our blog or website.
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How to move your Mobile Banking App into micro frontend?
About Qulix