Migration Process from Monolithic to Micro
Frontend Architecture in Mobile Applications
Quentin Capdepon
, Nicolas Hlad
, Abdelhak-djamel Seriai
Moustapha Derras
Berger-Levrault, Toulouse, France
LIRMM, University of Montpellier, France
Today mobile applications are often monolithic architecture that are complex to maintain, especially
when they reach an industrial scale. Micro FrontEnd (MFE) architecture oers an opportunity to re-
architecture systems into smaller units. However this re-architecturing is often manual and as yet to be
adapted on mobile application developpement. This paper introduces early ideas and plan to migrate
monolithic mobile architecture to MFEs using the model-driven engineering (MDE). Our approach is
tailor to work for mobile Flutter application and uses a Dart meta-model based on Famix. Alongside our
process description, we expose the MFE identication challenges, limitations, and future work needed
to achieve it. If implemented, this migration would have the potential to leverage MFE’s advantages to
mobile applications, leading to improvement in the development practices at an industrial scale.
Micro frontends Architecture, Architecture migration, Model Driven Engineering, Moose Famix
1. Introduction
Mobile applications are an essential part of our daily lives, with 225 billion downloads globally
in 2022
. However, industrial mobile applications become more complex. For instance, our
industrial partner Carl Software/Berger-Levrault commercializes a GMAO Flutter mobile appli-
cation of over 400k lines of code. Its developers reported maintainability and scalability issues,
which they attributed to the monolithic architecture of their application.
Flutter is a multi-platform SDK developed by Google [
]. It allows the creation of natively
compiled mobile, web, and desktop apps from a single code base developed in Dart
. Unfortu-
nately, Flutter applications tend to have a monolithic architecture, a design notorious for its
complexity in being maintained and evolved over time [2].
In our work, we look at ways to modularize the initial monolithic architecture by utilizing
IWST 2023: International Workshop on Smalltalk Technologies. Lyon, France; August 29th-31st, 2023
Corresponding author.
[email protected] (Q. Capdepon); nicolas.hlad@berger-levrault.com (N. Hlad); Ab[email protected]
(A. Seriai); mustapha.derras@berger-levrault.com (M. Derras)
{ https://www.lirmm.fr/~seriai (A. Seriai); https://www.research-bl.com (M. Derras)
0000-0003-4989-2508 (N. Hlad); 0000-0003-1961-1410 (A. Seriai)
© 2023 Copyright for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
ISSN 1613-0073
CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org)
https://www.statista.com/topics/1002/ mobile-app-usage/
ISSN 1613-0073
micro frontend (MFE) architecture. This architecture is particularly suited to our needs : i) MFE
modularizes frontend applications, which corresponds to the nature of mobile applications [
ii) MFE are loose modules, which contributes to their development autonomy, thus facilitating
their maintainability [
]; iii) MFE can be composed to form a global application and have a
reusability potential in dierent apps. However, using MFE presents two problems : a) Today,
MFE architecture is mainly used in the industry for web applications; b) In the domain of mobile
applications, the scientic literature lacks signicant contributions addressing the migration
from monolithic architecture to MFE architecture.
As part of our initial work, we developed an MFE shell for mobile called MicroFrontendShell
with our industrial partner Berger-Levraut. The shell is a key component of the MFE architecture.
It is a container application that provides the framework for loading and managing multiple
MFEs within one front-end application. The Shell manages a consistent user experience across
all micro frontends, managing routing and page transitions, and facilitating communication
between dierent micro frontends
. Thus, our goal is to design a migration process that will
target an MFE architecture compatible with the shell.
Our migration approach is a work-in-progress concept and this paper only presents a plan to
achieve it using existing Pharo tools. We focus on the identication steps, the transformation
and generating Dart source code from the obtained model is out of the scope of this paper.
In this early work contribution, we propose : i) a general description of a migration process
based on a model-driven engineering (MDE) approach using Moose
; ii) implementation details
regarding the technologies best suited for the MFE identication step; and iii) a discussion on
the challenges regarding the feasibility of our migration process and the feasibility of MFE on
mobile in general.
Our paper is structured as follows: section 2 provides a background on the monolith and
microarchitectures concepts; section 3 gives an overview of our migration approach and its
steps; section 4 discusses the identication steps and its challenges; Finally, section 5 examines
the limitations of our process, and section 6 presents the related works to our paper.
2. Background
In this section, we provide background on micro frontend and monolithic architectures.
Monolithic Architecture.
Monolithic architecture has historically been present in most
programming languages and applications [
]. The entire application presenting itself as a
single, cohesive unit. While its easy implementation is advantageous in the early stages of a
software application’s life, it can pose signicant challenges in evolution and maintenance for
larger applications. The presence of legacy code from years of iterative development makes it
dicult to maintain and evolve the monolith. Thus, monolithic architecture is often identied
as the cause of slower development cycles, a higher risk of errors, and diculties in scaling the
application [2, 5].
Figure 1: Core concept of micro frontend by M.Geers [3]
Micro frontend.
Micro frontend architectures are a way of building front-end applications
as a collection of loosely coupled, standalone modules, each called micro frontend. Each MFE is
a discrete feature or business capability of an application that is designed, tested, implemented,
and maintained independently of other modules. This architectural approach is recognized
for improving the agility as well as the scalability of front-end development, increasing team
autonomy by allowing each MFE to be owned and managed by a separate team [
]. Micro
frontend being directly linked to the frontend, they are easier to consider as
(i.e. an entire
Single Page Application) or
a widget that composed a page) [
]. MFEs are not
limited to the UI page or UI fragment: their perimeter includes all the stacks that start from the
UI to the database. This allows each team responsible for the MFE to fully own their stack, thus
being independent.
To integrate the micro frontends into a unied user interface, a MFE architecture typically uses
three core concepts:
, and
. These concepts are illustrated in
Figure 1. Routing refers to the mechanism by which the user navigates between micro frontends.
Each MFE typically has its routing conguration, dynamically or statically loaded depending
on application requirements. Composition refers to the act of combining multiple MFE to
form a UI page. On one hand, we talk about
server-side composition
when the composition is
made on the server before it is sent to the client. On the other hand, a
client-side composition
is when a shell is required to collect and assemble all the MFEs by executing a script on the
client side. Finally, communication refers to how MFEs exchange data and events with each
other. This communication can be direct, with MFEs communicating with each other without
any intermediary, or indirect, with MFEs going through a remote backend or a local shell to
exchange their messages [3].
3. Migration Process Overview
Our migration process is illustrated in Figure 2. It is composed of the following steps.
Step 1: Analysis.
The rst step takes the monolithic Dart source code as input and outputs
an instantiated DartFamix model from it. Pre-requirements for this step are the creation of a
Dart parser, the denition of a Dart metamodel (based on Famix), and the implementation of a
Famix Dart
importer (to instantiate the Famix Dart metamodel). Figure 2 illustrates this step
by analyzing the dart code of a class
and turning it into a Famix Dart model. This model
captures the dependencies of the entities following the Famix Meta model [6].
Step 2: Identication.
The identication step requires as input the Famix Dart model
instantiated from the monolith and outputs the clustering of the model’s entities to create a
MFE architecture. Visualizations are essential in our migration process for informing developers
about the impact of changes on the architecture. This step’s pre-requirements are the creation
of visualizations, the denition of clustering metrics, and the ability to label model entities
according to the clustering. The identication process includes the detection of dependencies,
points of interest for grouping, the detection of possible clustering, the creation of visualiza-
tions, and the computation of cohesion metrics [
], all of them are hinted at in section 4. It
also detects inter-group dependencies which are seen as
and are resolved by the
transformation step. As in Figure 2, the identication clusters the model entities here based
on their proximities with class
. Thus, in this example, creating two micro frontend
. Here a violation appears from the invocation that remains from
M1 to M2. Re-architecturing the monolith imply to transforming this invocation inside the new
MFE architecture.
Step 3: Transformation.
The third step, transformation, takes as input the clusters of
entities from the identication and outputs a refactored model for the MFE which resolves
the violations. This step requires the denition of rules for inter-grouping violations and their
resolution. The transformation involves reordering the model entities according to each cluster.
Our interest is to nd automated ways to resolve most of the violations. However, it is likely
that some will involve the developer’s input [
]. In our example, we see that there is still a
dependency between
. The transformation goal is to resolve this violation by,
for instance, redirecting the dependencies through our MicroFrontendShell. Once resolved, a
code source exporter will generate the MFEs code, ready to be deployed.
The migration from a monolithic architecture to micro frontends introduces various challenges
that must be addressed to ensure a successful transition. Since this paper focuses on early work,
it only covers the identication step and leaves the transformation for future works
4. Identification
This section discusses ideas and challenges related to the identication phases within our
migration process. This step constitutes the core of our future work and involves the scientic
challenges we strive to address. We also assume that we have a tool that parses Dart code and
produces a Famix model for Dart, as shown in section 3.
To migrate monolithic Dart code to MFE, we need to tackle the challenges depicted in Figure 2,
which are part of the identication step: i) Creating visualizers of our Dart model; ii) Clustering
the model entities to identify potential MFE.
The identication step is a semi-automatic process involving automated techniques and
expert validation. The main objective is to propose a rearrangement of the entities within
the model, aiming to create clusters of entities to modularize the initial architecture into an
MFE architecture. The validation based on the expert’s approval is essential since architectural
migration is a risky process [
]. Thus, supports like visualizations help experts in their decision-
Figure 2: Migration overview illustrated on a basic example
4.1. Clustering
With this step, we aim to propose a clustering approach that maximizes key principles of MFE
architecture. We translate these principles into three criteria, dened as followed :
, ensures that each MFE encapsulates its functionality, user interface, and assets.
Within an MFE architecture, features represent self-contained units of functionality. We aim
to use the import declaration within a Dart le to determine which les are required to run a
particular feature, thus forming an initial grouping of MFEs candidates. Expert validation is
required to evaluate the feasibility and the cohesiveness of the MFEs candidates.
, implies the creation of loosely coupled modules through clustering. To
get modular MFEs candidates, we need to visualize the violation between all the dierent
MFEs candidates and resolve them, which may involve decoupling business code, duplicating
existing code, establishing communication protocols for data sharing, and generating code. By
employing this technique, we want to address the MFE principle of independent development
and deployment of individual front-end modules.
, is centered around maximizing the reusability of the candidate MFE. This
principle emphasizes that an MFE should be self-contained and capable of independent use
and development. The objective is to develop MFEs that can be utilized both individually and
in collaboration with other MFEs across various projects, including those originating from
dierent monolithic architectures. To achieve this, we want to analyze the Dart code to identify
fragments that indicate the presence of user screens, mains, and data sharing. This fragment will
help us to build a complete and feasible MFEs cluster. Expert validation is necessary to evaluate
the potential for reusing the proposed clusters and ensuring their autonomy and compatibility
for integration into various contexts.
This joint eort enables us to improve and rene our yet-to-be-determined metrics. However,
it is important to note that interaction and adjustments made by experts (with the help of our
visualization) can introduce new violations.
4.2. Roassal visualizer
Our rst challenge concerns the creation of interactive visualization that helps expert validation
of the MFE architecture during the identication. We need to investigate diverse approaches for
representing the structure and dependencies within the Dart model. To do so, we must be able
to represent the monolith from dierent points of view to allow them to make the best decisions
about the MFEs to be created. Among these views, our work will focus on views that expose
the fundamental principles of MFE (routing, communication, composition). We can mention a
view highlighting the navigation between the monolith’s screens and a second highlighting
the relationship between the monolith’s code and the developers’ work. Here we present two
possible visualizations for the identication: one focuses on the frontend navigation; and one
on the git contribution. Potential visualizations for the identication process could include
navigation and a git contribution representation.
4.2.1. Navigation Graph.
This visualization represents the navigation ow within an application. This visualization can
show how dierent screens or components are accessed and navigated, providing insights into
the overall structure of the application and potential boundaries for MFE separation. Though,
designing a navigation ow graph for a Dart application in Flutter poses challenges due to the
widget composition employed in Flutter. Getting information about widget types is essential, but
it is only available in a widget tree, which is constructed at compilation time. Thus, a dynamic
analysis of the runtime application is required to extract the widget tree. Here, the challenge
is to combine the Dart model obtain by static analysis, with the navigation model obtained
by dynamic analysis. It requires eciently merging the information of these two analyses to
capture how the model entities are grouped and accessed during navigation.
The concept of this visualization is represented in Figure 3. Inside we see a basic music player
application concept with three screens: a list of albums, a list of songs within an album, and a
media player. The
lateral navigation
indicates that the application provides a way to navigate
freely between the green and the blue screens (e.g. using a bottom navigation bar). While the
Figure 3: A concept for the Navigation visualization
forward navigation
indicates that
album screen
is only accessible after selecting an album inside
artist screen
. In this clustering example,
Album and Artist
screen is associated with MFE1, while
media player
is associated with MFE2. We see the navigation represented as an arrow. In
this concept, we represent the navigation between the two MFEs as a violation (in red) since
it creates direct dependencies between the two MFEs. Thus, experts can discuss the initial
clustering and decide if media player should belong within artist and album screen MFE.
4.2.2. Git Contribution Analysis
This visualization can leverage data from version control systems like Git to analyze developer
contributions to specic les. This visualization provides insights into which developers have
worked on dierent parts of the codebase. Additionally, it helps identify potential boundaries
for the MFE division. Separating the team that works on dierent parts of the monolith
becomes essential in achieving one of the key principles of MFE architecture. To successfully
implement an MFE architecture, each MFE will require a dedicated team of developers who have
previously worked on the corresponding codebase. This ensures that the team possesses the
necessary expertise and knowledge to eectively maintain and enhance their respective MFE.
This promotes independent development and the overall success of the architectural approach.
Our future works focus on implementing these two visualizations using Roassal. Roassal al-
lows the creation of interactive visualizations within Pharo and links them to a model. Therefore,
we can propose expert interaction and translate these interactions to our model using Roassal.
As for any work on software visualization, the challenge is to ne-tune our visualization so that
it oers meaningful information for the experts. Thus, we need to conduct an evaluation of our
work with real-life developers and industrial projects, which is often the most challenging part
of software engineering research.
5. Limitations
Our migration approach has limitations that we anticipate and will need to address. These
limitations can be classied into three categories related to dierent stages of the migration
Firstly, there is a risk of frequent changes in the Dart grammar and the Flutter framework,
which can make some of the features on which the identication is based obsolete
. The cre-
ation and maintainability of a parser and meta-model for Dart is in itself a challenge considering
the rapid evolution of this language. Let alone that Flutter is also evolving. This limitation
could be addressed by regularly updating the identication tool to ensure compatibility with
the latest versions of the Dart language and Flutter framework.
Secondly, the non-autonomous deployment of MFE is a signicant limitation of the approach.
All MFEs are natively integrated into the deployed app, which contradicts the "autonomous
deployment" aspect of a micro frontend. However, this constraint is intrinsic to the native
mobile platforms of today (iOS and Android) and cannot be bypassed. A potential solution path
could be to use a platform such as Shorebird
that seems to allow Dart code injection within an
already deployed app.
Thirdly, when performing a static analysis only on the Dart part, we are not able to analyze
Flutter platform-specic code and conguration les. The platform-specic code, written in
languages like Kotlin, Java, Objective-C, or Swift, and the conguration le (pubspec.yaml)
provide important insights into the application’s behavior and dependencies. Analyzing only
the Dart code would provide a partial understanding of the codebase, potentially missing issues
or behaviors specic to the platform or conguration. Therefore, the restricted analysis scope
of Flutter’s static analysis tools limits the comprehensive assessment of the application’s overall
code quality and behavior.
6. Related Works
Peltonen and al.[
] conduct a literature review on the adoption of MFE in the industry. They
show that most teams adopt MFE to reduce the maintenance complexity of their frontend
application. In his book, Geers oers an extended denition of MFE based on his extensive
industrial experience [
]. We took inspiration from his work and we work on adapting its
denition for mobile using Flutter. In papers and keynotes, Mezzalira et al. share their experience
on anti-patterns in MFE [
]. We plan to study these anti-patterns since they may help us
identify violation rules during our migration process. Unfortunately, we have yet to nd studies
or reports that cover MFE on mobile.
We found two industrial frameworks for MFE on mobile. The rst one by Braz, is an open-
source Flutter package to organize a Flutter project as a set of MFE, called micro apps [
The second is an extension of the MFE framework of
] where MFEs are embedded for
mobile applications. However, both frameworks only focus on mobile MFEs built from scratch,
whereas our goal is to build them from our migration process. In future works, we will look at
the implementation of Braz and study how our micro app deployment target diers from his
Finally, our migration process takes inspiration from works on migrating monolith to mi-
croservice [
]. Noticeably, we adapt to mobile MFE the work of Zaragoza in
], who presents a similar migration approach for microservices from the identication to the
7. Conclusion
Our article presents a novel approach for migrating monolithic mobile Flutter applications
to micro apps using MDE. The migration consists of three steps: analysis, identication, and
transformation. We describe several challenges, such as developing new visualization and
clustering. Our goal is to develop this migration approach for the next three years, with
a release of the Dart Famix meta-model by the end of 2023. After that, we plan to focus on
clustering methods and study anti-patterns in MFE to detect violation rules during the migration
process. Once we reach the deployment step, we intend to study the impact of micro frontends
on mobile app development. We especially, want to investigate the impact of MFE architecture
on performance, user experience, and developer productivity. With this research, we aim to
provide a practical and eective solution for migrating monolithic mobile applications to micro
apps using MDE.
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