Sample Cover Letter
Sample Proposal for Funding
Uses for Document
¾ Proposals to corporations, civic clubs and
¾ Simple corporate or foundation grants not
requiring specific application form
¾ Solicitation of sponsorships
(Include donor benefits for each level of sponsorship)
¾ Notes for speeches or oral funding requests
Request for Funds – Draft Template
City, State, Zip
Thank you for the opportunity to be considered for support by the
In the five short years since its founding, the ______________________ has
played a major role in the transformation of ____________ from a town with too many
unproductive, unsupervised kids with too much time to get into trouble to one providing
these youth with a valuable structured program. The ____________________ program
uses the First Serve Life Skills Curriculum to “empower young people by providing local
tennis facilities and schools with a life skills program that promotes positive values,
healthy habits, and education through the game of tennis – resulting in real life power,
on and off the court.”
A priority need for the _______________________ program, which operates
summer and after-school programs, is funding for curriculum supplies and part-time
program staff. In the past, we have relied on volunteer or minimally compensated staff.
This has resulted in high turnover, continued difficulty attracting qualified personnel, and
limited continuity for the participants whose success depends on positive role models and
the relationships they build with their instructors.
The __________________________ is requesting $ _____ from the
_____________ to support this program that makes a meaningful difference in the lives
of our youth. A contribution from ______________ will give us the jumpstart we need
while we continue to implement our recently developed fund raising plan.
We believe that the ______________________ program is consistent with the
mission and interest of __________________, and hope that you will find it in your
hearts and budget to support this program. If I can provide additional information to
encourage consideration of our request, please feel free to contact me at ____________.
I would also be happy to personally meet with your committee to present this proposal.
Most sincerely,
Enclosure: Program Funding Proposal
Request for Funds – Draft Template
Request for Funding Proposal
In __(date)___, ______________________________ was established as a 501 (c) 3 not-for-
profit organization with the purpose of providing a safe haven where inner-city youth
participate in a comprehensive program of tennis and academic tutoring that promotes the
physical, educational and life skills necessary to prepare and empower them for leadership in
their communities and success in their personal lives.
It wasn’t too many years ago that the _____________________ earned its reputation as a
tough town with many of the same problems faced by similar mostly urban, minority
neighborhoods. We heard too much about crime, truancy, substance abuse, obesity, teen
pregnancy, and academic failure. But all that is changing, and the _____________________
is playing a big part in the transformation.
Now, instead of seeing throngs of kids hanging out on street corners with nothing to do but
engage in illicit activity, you might see kids enjoying a game of tennis on a warm Florida
afternoon. They hit forehands and backhands while yelling “nice shot” from across the net;
they pride themselves on well-stroked balls; they shake hands cordially at the end of a match.
All this AFTER they have finished their homework with the help of tutors and mentors.
Sound unlikely?
Until _ (date) ___, the scene described above would not have been imaginable in ______,
Florida. __________________, just ____ square miles with a population of ____, boasts of
very little – some churches, one stoplight, a grocery store, a new library and few businesses
to speak of. But, there are two tennis courts thanks to _____________________ program and
the _______________ Parks and Recreation Division. The facility is home base to
________________________________ which operates a First Serve program providing
homework assistance and mentoring that promote life skills and character development
through the game of tennis.
There is a tremendous need, especially for high-risk youth in low-income neighborhoods, for
programs that provide activities and support for children during the after school hours and
throughout the summer. In 1998, the Children’s Defense Fund reported that violent crime by
young people ages 10-17 peaks between 3 and 7 PM; children and teens in poor
neighborhoods are struggling for direction and positive opportunities are needed to keep them
safe and on-track; a great majority of all American fourth graders cannot read or do math at
grade level, including more than five of six black children. In addition, a study published in
Pediatrics magazine found that eighth graders who were left alone after school reported
greater use of cigarettes, marijuana, and alcohol than those in adult-supervised settings.
Current research indicates that supervised after-school and summer programs not only keep
children safe and out of trouble, they also significantly improve their academic achievement.
__________________, Florida, with significantly higher than average incidences of crime,
truancy, teen pregnancy, obesity, and drug use, suffers from a lack of constructive activities
Request for Funds – Draft Template
for its youth. Visionaries saw the potential benefits of a quality after-school and summer
program. To provide a safe haven for the inner-city youth of ______________,
________________________ developed a program patterned after the Ashe-Buchholz
Tennis Center at Moore Park which was built to make tennis available to inner-city youth in
Miami, Florida, and adheres to the First Serve Life Skills Curriculum. In the four years since
its inception, the ________________________ program has gained a positive reputation for
providing constructive activities that contribute to reducing crime and illicit activity,
increasing academic performance, and providing life skills to ensure success in school, in the
community and in life.
Teaching high-risk, inner-city youth the skills to become successful in life is at the core of
the _________________________ program. The four major components of the program are:
Homework assistance through tutoring, mentoring and use of computer labs
Nutrition education to promote healthy lifestyles and combat obesity
Life skills which are integrated throughout all phases of the program
Tennis instruction where participants engage in fun physical fitness, enjoy the
camaraderie of playing in a team tennis format with friends and peers, and learn to
become responsible adolescents and adults
The after school program - serves _____ children in each of the fall and spring sessions. It
includes homework assistance two hours/week and tennis instruction, health and life skills
education three hours/week.
The summer program - serves approximately _____ children and includes academic
tutoring ___ hours/week and tennis instruction, health and life skills education ___
Participants receive tennis instruction in one-on-one and clinic settings, and practice skills in
team format play. They learn about rules of the game, etiquette, sportsmanship, positive
attitudes, fair play, self-esteem, taking responsibility for choices, and management of
emotions. These life skills are integrated throughout the tennis program, and instructors
routinely demonstrate how they apply to situations in all aspects of life.
Nutrition and healthy lifestyles are stressed both in the classroom setting and on the courts.
Healthy snacks are provided.
The _____________________ program is fortunate to have a corps of volunteers who are
dedicated to the program and are available to work with the children on improving their
academic skills. Students from _______________________ (tennis team? Sorority?
Fraternity?) have taken an active role in the homework area, working individually with the
students using current homework assignments. In the computer lab they help the students
improve their keyboarding skills and show them how to use the computer for research. They
read aloud with the students and give quizzes on tapes and videos to improve comprehension.
When the college students are not on campus, parishioners from the_____________Church
assume the role of tutors. Incentives are awarded to the participants based on attendance,
good behavior and general attitude.
Request for Funds – Draft Template
POPULATION SERVED (2005 demographics)
Youth _____ years old;
___% come from single parent families and/or live with a grandparent or other
caregiver. Virtually all participants qualify for the government free lunch program,
and are considered low-income.
___% female, ___% male;
___% African American, __% Caucasian.
At least ___% of participants will complete program as measured by attendance records.
At least ___% of participants will demonstrate academic improvement as measured by
quarterly report cards, teacher progress reports and tutor feedback.
At least ___% of participants’ families will increase the number of hours spent in reading
activities with their children as measured by pre and post screenings and Bonus Bucks
program tracking form.
_________________ strongly believes that the formula for providing effective, cost-efficient
and high quality programs includes collaboration with many community organizations.
___________________________ partners with the following groups:
Boys & Girls Club of _____________ – identifies children for the programs
___________ Library – provides computer lab for homework assistance
________________ Church parishioners - serve as volunteer tutors and mentors
students – serve as volunteer tutors and mentors
_____________ County Parks & Recreation – provides funding for facility and
_____________________School – provides space for tutoring
USTA and USTA Florida - serve as resource for tennis programming; continuing
education and development of volunteer board members
First Serve Inc. – provides curriculum for life skills
To serve eligible youth, virtually all of whom are unable to pay for services, _____________
has developed a fund raising plan which includes initiating an annual fund drive targeted to
individuals; an annual banquet/auction; funding requests to area civic clubs and
organizations; and corporate and foundation grants.
______________ will be pleased to acknowledge your contribution with appropriate signage
at the facility. In addition, we would make mention of your gift in our quarterly newsletter
and submit news releases to local newspapers.
Request for Funds – Draft Template
________________ requests a grant of $______ to initiate and develop the
___________________ Program which will make a meaningful difference in the lives of our
area’s youth and help create a safer community.
Proceeds from this request $________
Other sources of revenue
a. banquet/auction ____
b. clubs & organizations ____
c. corporate/foundation grants ____
TOTAL REVENUES $ ______________
Advertising/promotion ______
Equipment & other capital expenses ______
Printing & publications ______
Postage & shipping ______
Rent & other occupancy costs ______
Salaries ______
Supplies ______
Telephone ______
Travel ______
Utilities ______
Other expenses ______
SURPLUS (DEFICIT) $___________