American Economic Review: Papers & Proceedings 2009, 99:2, 198204
It has long been observed that hot countries
tend to be poor. A correlation between heat
and poverty was noted as early as Charles de
Montesquieu (1750) and Ellsworth Huntington
(1915), and it has been repeatedly demonstrated
in contemporary data (e.g., William D. Nordhaus
2006). Looking at a cross section of the world in
the year 2000, national income per capita falls
8.5 percent per degree Celsius rise in tempera-
ture (see Table 2 below). In fact, temperature
alone can explain 23 percent of the variation in
cross-country income today.
Despite the strength of this correlation, sub-
stantial debate continues over whether climatic
factors can explain contemporary economic
activity, or whether other correlated variables,
such as a country’s institutions or trade policy,
drive prosperity in contemporary times, leav-
ing no important role for geography (see, e.g.,
Jeffrey Sachs 2003; Daron Acemoglu, Simon
Johnson, and James A. Robinson 2002; Dani
Rodrik, Arvind Subramanian, and Francesco
Trebbi 2004). Given the small number of
countries in the world, and the many ways in
which they vary, conclusively answering these
questions using cross-sectional, cross-country
regressions is challenging.
This paper offers two new insights into the
climate-income relationship. First, we provide
The economic impacTs of climaTe change
Temperature and Income: Reconciling New Cross-Sectional
and Panel Estimates
By M D, B F. J,  B A. O*
novel cross-sectional evidence by considering
the temperature-income relationship, using not
only cross-country data but also subnational
data at the municipal level for 12 countries in the
Americas. Remarkably, we nd that a negative
relationship between income and temperature
exists when looking within countries, and even
when looking within states within countries.
The within-country cross-sectional relation-
ship is substantially weaker than the cross-
country correlation, but it remains statistically
signicant and of an economically important
magnitude, with a 1 degree C rise in tempera-
ture associated with a 1.21.9 percent decline in
municipal per capita income. The fact that the
cross-sectional relationship holds within coun-
tries, as well as between countries, suggests that
omitted country characteristics are not wholly
driving the cross-sectional relationship between
temperature and income.
Second, we provide a theoretical framework for
reconciling these strong cross-sectional effects
of temperature with the even stronger short-run
effects of temperature shown in panel models. In
related work (Dell, Jones, and Olken 2008, hence-
for th DJO), we build a climate and income panel at
the country-year level and examine what happens
to the national growth path when countries have
unusually hot or cold years. The primary nding
in DJO (2008) is that, in poor countries over the
1950–2003 period, a 1 degree Celsius rise in tem-
perature in a given year reduced economic growth
in that year by 1.1 percentage points. Moreover, the
estimated temperature effects over 10- or 15-year
time horizons are similar to the annual panel
estimate, suggesting that these effects represent
David Albouy (2008) similarly nds a negative correla-
tion between temperature and rm productivity within the
United States.
Discussants: Douglas Almond, Columbia University;
Andrew Foster, Brown University; Pete Klenow, Stanford
* Dell: Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Department of Economics, 50 Memorial Drive, Cambridge,
MA 02142, (e-mail: mdell@mit.edu); Jones: Kellogg School
of Management, Northwestern University, 2001 Sheridan
Road, Evanston, IL 60208 (e-mail: bjones@kellogg.north-
western.edu); Olken: Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Department of Economics, 50 Memorial Drive, Cambridge,
MA 02142 (e-mail: bolken@nber.org).
VOL. 99 NO. 2 199
changes to growth rates, rather than level effects
on income. These temperature effects on growth
are sufciently large that, in the absence of offset-
ting forces, they would quickly produce a much
steeper relationship than we actually see between
temperature and income: if an extra 1 degree C
reduces growth by 1.1 percentage points, then it
would take only 8 years of sustained temperature
differences to explain the overall cross-sectional
relationship between temperature and income
observed in the world today.
To reconcile the cross-sectional and panel
results, we consider a simple theory that empha-
sizes two forces, adaptation and convergence,
and shows how the causative estimate of the
temperature-growth effect in DJO (2008) can be
reconciled with the long-run temperature-income
ndings. The estimates suggest that, in the cross-
country context, adaptation offsets about half of
the negative effects of higher temperatures.
I. Cross-Sectional Evidence at the
Subnational Level
A. Data
To examine the temperature-income relation-
ship at the subnational level, we use munici-
pal-level labor income data for 12 countries in
the Western Hemisphere, as constructed from
household surveys by Daron Acemoglu and Dell
To make the data comparable
across municipalities and countries, Acemoglu
and Dell account for regional price dispersion
and adjust each country’s wage data so that they
average to GDP per worker in constant interna-
tional dollars, taken from the 2003 Penn World
We use all countries in the Acemoglu and
Dell dataset where the labor income data can
be geo-referenced to a municipality, and merge
this data with climate and geography data. The
list of countries in the dataset, along with sum-
mary statistics, are shown in Table 1. Climate
data are at 30 arc second resolution (approxi-
mately 1 km) and averaged over the 1950–2000
period, as calculated by Robert J. Hijmans et al.
(2005). Country-level climate variables aggregate
the municipal-level variables, weighting by 2000
Acemoglu and Dell focus on labor income since the
errors in reporting are less severe than for total income.
municipal population. Details can be found in the
online Appendix (available at http://www.aeaweb.
B. Results
Using this data, we estimate the cross- sectional
relationship between climate variables—mean
temperature and mean precipitation levels—and
log income, i.e.,
(1) LOGY
= α
+ β
+ β
+ X
′γ + ε
where LOGY is the mean log labor income, r
represents a region, m represents a municipal-
ity, and X represents other geographic variables.
We estimate equation (1) using OLS. Standard
errors are calculated clustering observations
by state (shown in parentheses) and, alterna-
tively, using corrections for spatial correlation
(Timothy Conley 1999) (shown in brackets).
The results from estimating equation (1) are
presented in Table 2. As a benchmark, we begin
in column 1 of Table 2 with a cross-country
regression for the whole world. Specically, we
use all 134 countries in the DJO (2008) sample,
and calculate LOGY as log GDP per capita from
the Penn World Tables. This regression shows
that each additional 1 degree C is associated
with a statistically signicant reduction of 8.5
percentage points of per capita GDP. In col-
umn 2, we limit the sample to the 12 countries
in our labor income dataset shown in Table 1.
The point estimate for the effect of temperature
remains virtually unchanged at 8.9 percentage
points of per capita GDP per degree C, although
with only 12 data points, the standard errors
increase substantially and the result is no longer
statistically signicant.
In column 3, we switch to our labor income
dataset. Column 3 examines the same set of
countries as column 2 but at the municipality
The Conley covariance matrix is a weighted average
of spatial autocovariances, where the weights are the prod-
uct of Bartlett kernels in two dimensions (North/South and
East/West). They start at one and decline linearly to zero
when a prespecied cut point is reached. We choose the
cutoff in both dimensions to be one degree (approximately
100 kilometers); choosing other cut points produces quali-
tatively similar results.
MAY 2009200
level. We regress mean municipal labor income
on municipal temperature and precipitation, and
add additional geographic controls for eleva-
tion, slope, and the distance from the munici-
pality to the sea. The temperature coefcient is
0.085 log points, which is virtually identical
to the coefcient using country-level data, and is
now statistically signicant with standard errors
either clustered by state or corrected for spa-
tial correlation. Remarkably, the ve explana-
tory variables in this regression—temperature,
precipitation, elevation, slope, and distance to
the seaexplain 61 percent of the variation in
municipal income across these 12 countries.
Columns 4 and 5 examine the relationship
between temperature and income within coun-
tries. In column 4, we add country xed effects.
The point estimate falls substantially to 0.012
but remains statistically signicant; that is, a
1 degree C increase in temperature is associ-
ated with a 1.2 percent decline in labor income.
Remarkably, when we add state xed effects in
column 5, so that we are using only variation in
temperatures within individual states, the point
estimate on temperature remains very similar
to the estimate with country xed effects (at
0.019) and is signicant when using spatial
standard errors.
These results conrm that the
A state is dened as the rst administrative level politi-
cal unit below the central government. In Brazil, Mexico,
cross-sectional relationship between tempera-
ture and income holds within countries, as well
as across countries, though the relationship is
substantially smaller in magnitude within coun-
tries than across countries.
II. Theory: Adaptation and Convergence
In this section we consider means of recon-
ciling the long-run cross-sectional relationships
documented in Section I with the short-run
growth effects of temperature estimated in DJO
(2008). As discussed above, DJO (2008) use
panel data to show that a poor country’s growth
in a given year is 1.1 percentage points lower
when its temperature is 1 degree Celsius higher
that year. Moreover, as discussed in that paper,
the persistent effect of temperature shocks
suggests that temperature affects the growth
rate, not simply the level of income, at least over
10- to 15-year time horizons.
To reconcile these large growth effects of
temperature with the more modest (though
still substantial) long-run cross-sectional rela-
tionship between temperature and income, we
consider two mechanisms: convergence and
adaptation. First, convergence forces may pull
and the United States, the term for these political units
is state, whereas in other countries they are alternatively
called departments or provinces. See the online Appendix
for maps of the state boundaries.
T 1—D S
Income Temperature
Country Source Yea r Observations
municipalities Mean
deviation Mean
Bolivia Encuesta de Hogares 2002 8,166 106 7,256 2,486 14 6.5
Brazil Population Census 2000 3,517,842 1,517 15,462 6,525 20 3.0
El Salvador Encuesta de Propositos Multiples 2006 22,937 64 10,955 3,227 23 1.3
Guatemala Encuesta Nacional de Condiciones
de Vida
2000 11,440 226 10,190 5,683 18 4.5
Honduras Encuesta de Condiciones de Vida 2004 13,236 98 6,121 3,300 22 2.5
Mexico Population Census 2000 2,735,333 2,442 18,628 9,103 16 4.0
Nicaragua Encuesta Nacional de Hogares
sobre Medicion de Nivel de Vida
2005 12,847 136 8,615 4,477 25 1.9
Panama Population Census 2000 94,928 30 19,499 7,522 26 1.3
Paraguay Encuesta Integrada de Hogares 2001 6,867 175 12,237 5,964 21 0.8
Peru Encuesta Nacional de Hogares 2001 22,207 609 11,082 7,363 18 6.4
US Population Census 2000 7,401,157 2,071 67,865 19,143 12 4.7
Venezuela Population Census 2001 677,524 219 14,848 3,141 29 4.0
VOL. 99 NO. 2 201
lagging countries and regions toward the fron-
tier. Convergence effects offset temperature
effects, so that convergence limits the cross-sec-
tional income differences that can be sustained.
If rates of convergence are larger within coun-
tries than across them, then the long-run effect
of climate will be more muted within countries
than across them. While data on within-country
convergence for much of the world is limited,
faster within- than across-country convergence
is consistent with the smaller income variance
within countries and is natural given greater
opportunities for migration, public good pro-
vision, transfers, and idea exchange within
Second, over longer periods, regions may
adapt to their climate. The panel growth esti-
mates reect responses to climate shocks. To
the extent that individuals adjust their behav-
ior to permanent temperature changes, e.g., by
switching to more appropriate crops, industries,
and technologies and by migrating away from
difcult environments altogether, the short-run
Note that within-country studies do not show faster
rates of convergence, though estimates vary substantially
depending on methodology (e.g., see Robert Barro and
Xavier Sala-i-Martin 1995 versus Matthew Higgins, Daniel
Levy, and Andrew Young 2006).
estimates may be larger than the longer-run
To x ideas, imagine that growth in per capita
income proceeds as
= g + γ (T
+ + ρ)
+ φ(logy
(t)) for t 0,
where logy
(t) is the log per capita income in geo-
graphic area i at time t, T
(t) is the temperature
in area i at time t,
is the average temperature
level in area i, and logy
(t) is the relevant frontier
level of income to which the area converges.
The parameter γ captures the causative short-
run effect of temperature shocks on growth, as
would be identied in a panel specication such
as DJO (2008). The parameter ρ captures the
Note that while (2) is a very simple description of
growth, it departs from the usual neoclassical assumption,
where all countries have the same growth rate in total factor
productivity, and convergence drives countries not toward a
distribution of income, but to a common income level. We
model growth in (2) to accommodate the empirical nding
of DJO (2008), where temperature affects the growth rate
(e.g., the ability to invent or absorb new ideas).
T 2T  I
Dependent variable
Log per capita GDP (PWT)
Log labor income
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
0.085 0.089 0.085 0.012 0.019
(0.017) (0.083) (0.007) (0.005) (0.015)
[0.017] [0.072] [0.004] [0.004] [0.009]
Precipitation 0.000 0.019
0.000 0.002
(0.016) (0.041) (0.001) (0.001) (0.001)
[0.015] [0.047] [0.001] [0.001] [0.001]
Elevation, slope, coast No No Yes Yes Yes
Country F.E. No No No Yes Yes
State F.E. No No No No Yes
0.23 0.21 0.61 0.82 0.88
Clusters 260 260 260
Observations 134 12 7,684 7,684 7,684
Notes: The dependent variable in columns 1–2 is the log of GDP per capita in 2000 (Alan Heston, Robert Summers, and
Bettina Aten 2006) and in columns 3 through 5 is the log of mean municipality labor income (Acemoglu and Dell, forthcom-
ing). Columns 3 through 5 are weighted by the number of observations in the municipality. Robust standard errors, clustered
by state in columns 3 through 5, are reported in parentheses, and Conley standard errors are reported in brackets.
MAY 2009202
degree of adaptation over the long-run to aver-
age temperature levels, potentially offsetting
the short-run temperature effects. The param-
eter φ ( 0, 1) captures the rate of convergence.
We further assume that all countries start, in
antiquity at time zero, with the same level of
per capita income, logy
(0) = c for all i. Note
that since equation (2) applies to all countries,
including country *, E[logy
(t)] = c + (g + +
Integrating the differential equation (2) with
the initial condition and taking expectations, we
(3) E[logy
(t)] = E[logy
γ + ρ
)(1 e
(This derivation is shown formally in the online
Appendix.) Therefore, in the long run, as t ,
the cross-sectional relationship between income
and temperature is
γ + ρ
Equation (4) is an equation with four unknowns,
and we have estimates for three of them. The
left-hand side of (4) is the cross-sectional regres-
sion parameter in the regression of income on
temperature, i.e., β = 0.085 in a cross-country
context and β = 0.012 in a within-country
context (see Table 2). As discussed above, the
short-run growth coefcient is approximately γ
= 0.011 (DJO 2008). The convergence param-
eter, much analyzed in the growth literature, is
typically estimated in the cross-country context
in the range φ [0.02, 0.10] (Barro and Sala-
i-Martin 1995; Francesco Caselli, Gerardo
Esquivel, and Fernando Lefort 1996).
A. The Convergence Mechanism
We rst consider turning off the adapta-
tion channel (setting ρ = 0 in (4)) to examine
the implications of convergence alone. In this
setting, reconciling the short-run and long-
run temperature effects is achieved when φ =
γ. In a cross-country context, this requires φ
= 0.129(i.e., 0.011/−0.085), which appears
somewhat high given estimates in the literature.
At a within-country level, we have no panel esti-
mate of the short-run growth effect γ . If one
applies the cross-country estimate of γ , then we
require φ = 0.917 (i.e., 0.011/−0.012). While
it is reasonable that convergence rates might be
substantially higher in a within-country context,
this estimate appears extremely high.
calculations suggest that adaptation is likely to
be important in reconciling the data.
B. The Adaptation Mechanism
Over the long run, areas may adapt to difcult
geographic conditions. Technologies, skills, and
physical capital can all be tailored to a given cli-
matic regime. Moreover, population can react,
either through fertility, death rates, or migra-
tion, thus altering the local per capita intensity
of the factors of production.
We now relax the strong assumption of no
adaptation = 0), and instead estimate ρ using
our ndings for β and γ , and a chosen con-
vergence rate, φ. Rearranging (4) shows that ρ
= βφ γ . In the cross-country context, tak-
ing a middle-of-the-road convergence rate of φ
= 0.06 yields an estimate of ρ = 0.0059. This
suggests that 54 percent of the short-run effect
is offset in the long run, so that the long-run
growth rate effect of being 1 degree C warmer is
γ + ρ = 0.0051, or half of 1 percentage point
per annum.
In the within-country context, there is more
uncertainty, both because the short-run within-
country growth effect has not been estimated
in panel data and because the convergence rate
may be greater. If we apply the country-level
panel estimate of γ = 0.011 and take the
upper-bound cross-country convergence esti-
mate of φ = 0.10 internally, we nd ρ = 0.0098,
so that 89 percent of the short-run growth effect
is offset within countries. Thus, if the short-run
growth estimate were the same within countries
as between countries, there would be an even
larger role for adaptation within countries than
between countries.
For example, in developed countries (United States,
Japan, Europe) Barro and Sala-i-Martin estimate within-
country convergence coefcients of approximately
For example, prices can offset productivity shocks. If
markets are more integrated within than across countries,
the price adaptation mechanism may offset the effects of
temperature differences more completely within countries.
VOL. 99 NO. 2 203
C. The Omitted Variable Interpretation
A typical objection to the cross-country
temperature-income relationship is that it may
be driven by omitted variables. However, the
ndings of DJO (2008) suggest a substantial,
causative effect of temperature on growth for
poor countries, and the analysis above shows
how these growth effects can be reconciled
with the cross-sectional evidence. One may then
ask: is there still no role for omitted variables in
the cross section? In fact, the same framework
above allows one to assess the role of such omit-
ted variables; mathematically, omitted variables
are analogous to the ρ adaptation parameter. To
see this, we can write the growth process as
(5) logy
(t)/dt = g + γ T
(t) + θZ
+ φ(logy
(t) logy
for t 0,
where Z
is a vector of omitted variables that
inuence growth and also happen to be corre-
lated with average temperature,
However, for omitted variables to reconcile
the cross-section and panel estimates without
any role for adaptation, the omitted variables
would need to have strongly positive effects on
growth in high-temperature countries. That is,
very hot countries (such as the Saharan coun-
tries Chad, Mauritania, and Niger) would need to
have characteristics that are making them grow
faster than they otherwise would. Cases where
this omitted variable story seems plausible are
the Persian Gulf states, which are extremely hot
but grow through large oil resources. However,
even if we drop these states, the world cross-sec-
tional coefcient β rises only to 0.097, and the
implied adaptation coefcient ρ is still 0.0036,
so omitted variables would need to be very posi-
tive in other hot countries to reconcile the data
without some adaptation being present.
From the perspective of future climate change,
the omitted variable interpretation of the cross
It is also possible that omitted variables are more sub-
stantial in a cross-country setting than a within-country
setting. This could help reconcile the milder income-
temperature relationship within countries with the sharper
relationship across countries without relying on different
adaptation or convergence rates.
section suggests worse effects of future warm-
ing than the adaptation interpretation of the
cross section. With omitted variables, the long-
run effect of warming on the income distribu-
tion is γ, which is substantially more negative
than the long-run effect under adaptation, which
is + ρ)/φ. DJO (2008) emphasize an adapta-
tion view and thus provide a lower-bound type of
analysis of the future impacts of climate change.
III. Conclusion
This paper provides new evidence on the
relationship between temperature and income.
Using subnational data from 12 countries in
the Americas, we show that the negative cross-
sectional relationship between temperature and
income exists within countries, as well as across
countries. We then provide a theoretical frame-
work for reconciling the substantial, negative
association between temperature and income in
cross section with the even stronger short-run
effects of temperature shown in panel models.
The theoretical framework suggests that half of
the negative short-term effects of temperature
are offset in the long run through adaptation.
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