Edward G. Jones, D.Phil., M.D.
Edward (Ted) G. Jones died unexpectedly
on June 6
2011 while attending a meeting
at U.C.L.A. Medical Center. He was 72
years of age.
Born near Wellington New Zealand in 1939
and raised under very modest
circumstances Ted defied the odds by
attending Medical School at the University of
Otago where he graduated in 1962. He then
worked for a year as a house officer in a
community hospital and begun working
towards an academic medical career at the
University of Otago where he was
increasingly drawn to basic science. He
then obtained a prestigious fellowship to
train in Neuroanatomy at the University of
Oxford with the eminent neuroanatomist
Tom Powell, arriving there in 1965 with his
wife Sue and obtaining his Ph.D. in 1968.
His three-year doctoral training period
produced 23 papers many of which were of
seminal importance. After serving as a
lecturer at Oxford and back in New Zealand
where he was Associate Professor in the
Anatomy Department at Otago Ted moved
to the United States where he joined the
Faculty at Washington University in St. Louis
and through a period of prodigious
productivity rapidly established himself as
one of the leading figures in Neuroanatomy
and the emerging new interdisciplinary field
of Neuroscience. In 1984 he moved to U.C.
Irvine where he took over as Chair of the
Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology.
During his time at Irvine Ted also ran a
laboratory in Japan at the Riken Institute. In
1998 Ted moved to the University of
California at Davis where he became
Director of the Center for Neuroscience, a
position that he held till his retirement in
2010, During this time he presided over an
extraordinary period of growth and
development of the Center, transforming it
from one with a primary cognitive and
systems focus to one that spanned the full
range of approaches from molecular, cellular
and systems to behavioral and cognitive
Ted Jones distinguished himself in many
areas of neuroscience. He was
unquestionably the world authority on the
Thalamus, producing a remarkable two-
volume book filled with his own
photomicrographs and illustrations. He was
a pioneer of the study of cortico-cortical
circuitry and the subpopulations of neurons
that comprise local cortical circuits and of
neuroplasticity in the cortex and thalamus
that helped define the field. It has been said
that during his career he studied every area
of the brain with every important new
technique available to him, with
extraordinary rigor and a conceptual clarity
and sense of perspective that few in the field
have attained. He was a leader of the
Human Brain Project, an NIH funded
neuroinformatics initiative that has led to the
development of accessible databases and
atlases of human and animal brain anatomy.
He was also a pioneer of modern human
post mortem analyses of psychiatric
diseases, conducting the first modern
immunohistochemical studies of post
mortem tissue in schizophrenia and
introducing the use of array technologies to
study gene expression in the post mortem
brains of individuals with schizophrenia and
mood disorders. The modern view of
schizophrenia as a disorder of cortical
microcircuitry evolved out of this work, which
was conducted through his role in the
Pritzker Consortium. He was also an
important historian of neuroscience, having
trained in the traditions of the classic
neuroanatomists and lived through the
emergence of the field in the 1960’s and its
subsequent explosion of knowledge during
the next 40 years.
Ted Jones was a scientist’s scientist, a
discerning, traditional scholar who could
always be found at his microscope, and who
inspired and led his fellow neuroscientists
and recruits by example. He had a very
broad, integrative and inclusive view of
neuroscience that is reflected in the Center
that he built at UC Davis. He authored over
400 papers and over 20 books including 2
editions of his volumes on the Thalamus and
garnered many accolades during his career,
including election to the National Academy
of Sciences, president of the Society of
Neuroscience and the Cajal Club and Fellow
of the ACNP.
Ted was also a loving husband a father of
two, grandfather of three, a collector of
books and art and a farmer and winemaker.
He leaves a remarkable scientific legacy and
impact on all those who had the privilege of
knowing and working with him.
Cameron S. Carter, M.D.
Director, Center for Neuroscience
University of California, Davis
Psychiatry-Imaging Research Center
4701 X Street
Sacramento, CA 95817