Undergraduate Housing License Agreement AY 2022-2023
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FALL 2022 – SPRING 2023
This Housing License and Dining Plan Agreement (“Agreement”) is made between the George Washington University as Licensor,
hereinafter referred to as the “University” or “GW", and the individual named below as Licensee, hereinafter referred to as the Student"
or the “Resident.” The University and the Student hereby agree that the University will license a housing assignment to the Student subject
to the following, including, without limitation, the requirement that the Student participate in the GW Dining Plan.
This Agreement includes the Terms and Conditions of the Undergraduate Housing License and Dining Plan Agreement (“Terms and
Conditions”) set forth below, and the Code of Student Conduct (“Code”) for the GW academic year FALL 2022 - SPRING 2023. The Terms
and Conditions may be revised periodically; the most current version will be available on the GW Campus Living and Residential Education
website. Student acknowledges that they have read, understand, and agree to abide by the Terms and Conditions and the Code. If a
revision is made to these materials, Student will be notified via email.
GW Dining Plan. In accordance with Section 50 of the Terms and Conditions, Student agrees that they will participate in the University’s
dining program. GW Dining Plan charges will appear on Student’s statement of account.
Parking. In accordance with Section 51 of the Terms and Conditions, Student agrees that they have read, understand and agree to abide
by the University’s On-Campus Parking Restrictions Policy that First- and Second-Year students are prohibited from bringing cars to the
Foggy Bottom Campus, except in exceptional circumstances. More information on this policy can be found on the GW University Policies
Academic Year – FALL 2022 – SPRING 2023
Pursuant to these Terms and Conditions, the University will license a housing assignment (“licensed space”) to an undergraduate Student,
who: (1) is a degree seeking, matriculating student; (2) is registered for a minimum of 12 credit hours; (3) does not owe the University for
any prior balance in excess of $1000; and (4) is not otherwise prohibited from campus housing within the GW Campus Living and
Residential Education (CLRE) residential system. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Student may enter into this license agreement despite
not meeting the requirements specified in the foregoing sentence if otherwise permitted by the Student Accounts Office or the University
Registrar. Upon consideration of the above-mentioned, Student agrees:
Electronic Signature
1. Upon electronic submission of a housing application through GW CLRE e-Services, Student agrees to these Terms and Conditions
of the Housing License Agreement. The electronic submission of the application and the authentication procedures used by GW
CLRE e-Services (identical to that of the GWeb Information Systems) serve as Student’s electronic signature. The assignment of
housing by the University in response to Student’s application enters the Student and University into a legally binding agreement
governed by these Terms and Conditions, and Student will be fully responsible for all fees and charges due, pursuant to this
Agreement. Electronic submission of the housing application by Student does not guarantee Student will receive a housing
License Agreement Dates
2. The term of this Agreement are pursuant to the type of application Student has completed (e.g. Fall Only, Spring Only, Academic
Year) (the “Term”). The Move-In/Move-Out Schedule for the 2022-2023 Academic Year is published on the CLRE website. Student
agrees to vacate the licensed space twenty-four (24) hours after Student’s last examination of the final semester of the Term for their
GW housing during the 2022-2023 Academic Year. Both parties agree that no month-to-month occupancy will occur after the
termination date of this Agreement.
3. Student understands that they should not enter into any binding contract or lease with a third party for alternative housing
accommodations for any period concurrent with the term of this Agreement. If Student does so, any alternative accommodation will
not be a basis for terminating or seeking a release from this Agreement. Student will be responsible for all payments due, whether
or not they occupy their assigned licensed space at any time during the Academic Year. Given the unique nature of the residential
system, the University has no legal obligation to attempt to re-assign the licensed space in the event Student fails to take occupancy.
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4. Student is responsible for ensuring that they are properly checked in to and out of the licensed space. Until Student is properly
checked out of the licensed space, Student will, in accordance with Section 44 of these Terms and Conditions, continue to be
responsible for any damage to the licensed space, or any part thereof. This responsibility can include damage, tampering, or
disappearance of any equipment, fixtures, or furnishings or any part thereof, even if the Student has moved out early or before
roommates have vacated the licensed space.
5. Student will vacate the licensed space within 24 hours after Student’s last examination during the final semester of the Term or on the
end date of the Term as provided on the CLRE website, whichever occurs first, unless otherwise terminated as may be permitted in
accordance with the terms of this Agreement. Except in unusual circumstances and pursuant to arrangements approved in advance
by GW CLRE staff, Student and Student’s personal property must be removed from the licensed space when Student is required to
vacate the licensed space. Notwithstanding the foregoing, graduating students attending GW Commencement activities in person
may remain in their licensed space until noon of the day following Commencement exercises. This Agreement will terminate once
Student has successfully checked out of the licensed space in accordance with check out procedures.
Early Termination of License Agreement
6. Unless otherwise permitted by the Student Accounts Office or the University Registrar (as appropriate), at any time during the Term
of this Agreement should Student: (a) owe the University an amount in excess of one thousand dollars ($1000.00), (b) fail to
register for or maintain a minimum of 12 credits (or a minimum of 3 credits when enrolled in their last semester prior to graduation),
or (c) carry any other encumbrances or overdue balance, Student may become ineligible to maintain their assignment to a licensed
space, and may be directed to vacate said licensed space without refund of housing fees or charges on Student’s account.
7. If Student, after entering into this Agreement, chooses to register for fewer than 12 credits, they will not be released from the financial
obligations of this Agreement without prior written approval from GW CLRE. Failure to register as a full-time student will not affect
Student’s financial obligation for housing costs for the period of Student’s Agreement. If Student fails to register for classes by the
deadline for Fall 2021 semester or for Spring 2022 semester (as appropriate), Student may be subject to reassignment and/or an
administrative termination of this Agreement at the sole discretion of the University. Student may petition GW CLRE to request to
remain in residence as a degree-seeking student enrolled in fewer than the requisite 12 credits of academic work during each of the
Fall and Spring semesters.
8. The University may terminate this Agreement and take immediate possession of the licensed space occupied by Student at any time
during the Term in its sole discretion due to the violation of the Terms and Conditions of this Agreement, including, without
limitation, default on housing payments when they become due; violation of any law, violation of any health ordinance or regulation of
the District of Columbia; University regulation, directive or policy; or should Student cease to be registered at the University. The
University may also terminate this Agreement where the University determines it to be in the best interest of the health and safety of
the University community. Housing charges will be subject to change based on Section 11 of these Terms and Conditions. If
Student fails to vacate the licensed space upon termination of this Agreement, they may be subject to student conduct or legal
action. In such cases, Student will be deemed a trespasser, escorted from the licensed space, and all personal items will be
removed by the University and discarded at the student’s expense. If this Agreement is terminated as provided by this Section 8,
Student will be prohibited from requesting a future housing assignment with GW CLRE, from staying overnight in any University
residential facility, and required to forfeit any previously made housing and GW Dining Plan payments.
First, Second and Third-Year Residency Requirement
9. Pursuant to an order of the DC Zoning Commission, the University is required to house all first- and second-year students in on-
campus housing, subject to the exceptions set forth on the CLRE website. Per GW policy, all third-year students are also required to
reside in on-campus housing, subject to the exceptions set forth on the CLRE website. Exemptions to this residency requirement
may be requested by electronically completing the Residency Exemption Request form and submitting proper documentation to GW
CLRE via GW CLRE e-Services. Student must request an exemption to live off-campus prior to entering in to a Housing and Dining
Plan License Agreement. In the event Student experiences a change of circumstances during the Term of License Agreement,
Student may pursue an exemption request by appeal.
Cancellation of License Agreement
10. This Agreement is a legally binding contract and may not be terminated or suspended by Student for any reason including, but not
limited to: financial aid need, desire to commute from home, medical reasons (other than as required by law), delay in receiving a
housing assignment, lack of understanding that this Agreement is binding, changing circumstances or opinions about housing, the
GW Dining Plan, or a special licensed space or room type request. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event Student experiences
a change in circumstances and Student seeks to request termination of this Agreement pursuant to a housing exception set forth on
the CLRE website, the Student may request cancellation of this Agreement in accordance with requirements set forth on the CLRE
website. To be considered for cancellation, Student must notify GW CLRE in writing by completing the Housing Cancellation Request
form via GW CLRE e-Services. Be advised that Student may be charged a cancellation fee. If Student cancels their License
Agreement prior to or during the Fall semester, Student’s housing assignment shall also be terminated for the Spring semester.
11. Without exception or demand by the University, Student shall be responsible the full payment of housing charges as required by this
Agreement through the Student Accounts Office at the times stated by the University. Should Student voluntarily vacate housing
without approved cancellation, but remain enrolled at the University, payment will continue be due for the full Term of License
Agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, should the University no longer be able to provide housing to Student, Student may be
eligible for a partial refund of their housing payment pursuant to the published prorated daily refund rate for housing.
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Occupancy and Use of Licensed Space
12. Student agrees that they will not allow other person(s) to occupy the licensed space, sublet the licensed space, or assign this
Agreement to other person(s). This Agreement cannot be extended beyond the stated term of this license agreement.
13. This Agreement provides a license for licensed space only, and does not guarantee assignment to a particular campus, residential
facility, suite or room for any particular time nor does it guarantee assignment with a specific roommate(s). The University cannot
guarantee Student an assignment to a particular residential facility, room type, or with a specific roommate(s). Assignments are made
in accordance with established priorities and based on available housing inventory. Because many residential facilities were
apartment buildings and hotels before their conversion, the University acknowledges that there may be variations in overall size and
shape between like units occupying the same number of residents. No additional charge or credit will be assessed to Student’s account
to accommodate for this variation. Housing rates are determined by the overall amenities each residential facility offers, the specific
amenities within a unit, and the overall number of residents assigned to a unit.
14. As a rule, room/residential licensed space swaps and changes requested by Student will be considered based on a timeline published
by GW CLRE. Outside of the designated timeframe, changes can be made only under special circumstances, if the alternative space
desired is determined to be vacant, and if approved by GW CLRE. GW CLRE shall oversee the room swap and change processes
for all residential facilities. Unauthorized moves, unauthorized use, possession, duplication or transfer of access cards, and/or GWorld
cards may result in conduct action, a return to the original room, and/or possible loss of future participation in housing assignment
processes. In as much as possible, Student will be given forty-eight (48) hours’ notice prior to receiving a new roommate, except in
cases where immediate relocation is necessary. The University may suspend consideration of requests for licensed space swaps or
changes at any time, in its sole discretion, including but not limited to for reasons related to the health and safety and the university
15. Room/residential facility changes made by GW CLRE after the beginning of the semester shall be based on the date of the request
and/or priority of request as determined by GW CLRE staff. All students are eligible to participate, but changes are made only as
spaces become available and are allocated by GW CLRE. Approved room changes made between the Fall and Spring semesters
must be completed before departure for winter vacation unless otherwise specified by CLRE staff. The licensed space being vacated
must be completely vacated in order to permit assignment of a new student entering the space for the second semester. When
applicable, if Student fails to move before vacation, or fails to move out of their licensed space to allow space for incoming student(s),
Student will be charged for occupying the licensed space as well as the labor and time expended by staff and housekeeping personnel
to clear licensed space, as well as possible packing, storage and/or transportation costs. The University will assume no responsibility
for loss or damage of Student’s personal property in the accomplishment of this action.
16. Student acknowledges and understands that the University shall have the right at any time to transfer or administratively move
Student to another room or residential facility on a temporary or permanent basis, and that the occupancy of the new housing
assignment shall be subject to all Terms and Conditions herein, with the exception that the financial room charge assessed will be
adjusted where appropriate.
17. Student acknowledges and understands that to maximize efficient use of residential facilities, if Student’s licensed space is in a
partially filled room, the University may reassign Student to another room, to consolidate space. The University has the exclusive
right to consolidate rooms in order to maintain occupancy and accommodate additional students in the residential facilities. Where
vacancies exist, Student may be asked to relocate to a similar room within the residential facilities. Consolidation may occur within
the same residential facility or between residential facilities.
18. If Student leaves the residential facility due to a medical emergency and the University becomes aware of the emergency, the Student
may be connected with the appropriate university personnel prior to returning to the residential facility for a discussion regarding
safety measures and resources.
19. If Student’s behavior or actions disturb the peace of the residential facility, or require excessive or continuing intervention from the
CLRE and/or other University staff, this license may be terminated or Student may be moved or relocated to another licensed space
and residential facility, and may be charged and sanctioned in accordance with university policies.
20. The use of residential facilities and the licensed space are limited to residential student housing use, and are not to be used for any
business or commercial use. This includes conducting business using an online service provided by the University over the Internet
from a licensed space in accordance with university policy. Fundraising activities by any individual, student groups, or organizations
may be authorized within specific guidelines approved by the Dean of Students or designee, and enforced by CLRE.
21. The University shall not be liable or financially responsible for any delay or failure to perform any terms or conditions of this Agreement
due to a force majeure. For purposes of this Agreement, the term “force majeure” means Acts of God or Nature, extreme weather,
earthquake, fire, flood, natural disaster, strikes, work stoppages or other labor disturbances, utility malfunctions, loss of electricity or
power, riots or civil commotions, litigation, war or other act of a foreign nation, plague, epidemic, pandemic, power of government or
governmental agency, or any other causes like or unlike any cause mentioned above, which is beyond the control of authority of the
Service Interruptions and Break Periods
22. The University has the right to close any residential facility, licensed space or food service venue for any stated period due to health
and safety concerns or other emergency. If a residential facility is closed during the semester, the University may provide alternative
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housing, as appropriate.
23. The University may in its discretion designate specific residential facilities to remain open during the Winter Break period between
the Fall 2022 and Spring 2023 semesters, under such additional or different terms and conditions as may be adopted. If available,
a student permanently assigned to these facilities who formally requests Winter Break Housing and is approved, may take advantage
of the Winter Break Housing option; and a Student not permanently assigned to these facilities may request Winter Break Housing
within one of these facilities, which may be granted at the sole discretion of the University. An additional charge may be billed to
Student’s account for such Winter Break Housing. Student who completes a Fall Only or Spring Only License Agreement is not
eligible for Winter Break Housing.
24. During planned and unplanned break periods, there will be a reduction in university services that may affect mail distribution and
other administrative services. The George Washington University Police Department (GWPD) will be available 24 hours a day in
case of emergencies. The student Dining Plan program may also be reduced or unavailable during planned and unplanned break
25. The Terms and Conditions of this Agreement continue in force during service interruption break periods within and between the Fall
2022 and Spring 2023 semesters for students with an Academic Year Term.
Community Rights and Responsibilities
26. Student agrees to observe and be bound by all the rules and regulations of the University and of GW CLRE including those stipulated
in the Code of Student Conduct, as well as any other documents or notices issued by and made available through the University,
CLRE, the Office of Student Rights & Responsibilities, Fraternity and Sorority Life, and the Division for Student Affairs, and all rules
or modifications of rules that shall be subsequently made. This includes following directives of university personnel including those
made in the interest of the health and safety of the community. Student acknowledges that they have access to, and understands the
existing rules and regulations referred to in this Section 26. In the event the University adopts a new policy or guidance that conflicts
with any term or conditions herein, the new policy or guidance will supersede and control. A list of resources, including some policies
and other guidance, is included at the end of these terms and conditions.
27. The University expects Student will welcome other student(s) assigned (or considering re-assignment) to their shared licensed space
with the utmost courtesy and consideration. Student may view current roommate information for their shared licensed space at any
time, by visiting the GW CLRE e-Services website. If Student has a vacancy in their licensed space, Student should anticipate having
a roommate(s) assigned to the vacant space(s) at some point during the academic year. If Student inhibits or dissuades other
students from moving into the shared licensed space, and/or physically occupies the vacant space within the shared licensed space,
Student is in violation of the terms of this Agreement and may be subject to administrative, financial, and/or conduct action.
28. George Washington University is a smoke free campus. Smoking is prohibited in and around all University owned and operated
facilities, including residential facilities. Student is prohibited from smoking or inhaling any tobacco or other smoking product, by any
method, including but not limited to, cigarettes, cigars, pipes, e-cigarettes, and hookahs inside or around a licensed space or a
residential facility.
29. Student is a part of a community that includes fellow students, staff and visitors (when permitted), and is expected to act in a manner
that demonstrates respect and consideration for those around them, including respect and consideration for the health and safety of
all community members. Student is expected to demonstrate respect and consideration for the facilities and premises that they
reside. Should the actions of Student create a health or safety hazard for the community, the University may request or require
Student to vacate their licensed space.
30. At any time, the University may direct Student to isolate or quarantine, should it be in the best interest of the health and safety of the
University and members of the University community. Not all residence halls are appropriate for self-isolation or self-quarantine. In
the event that the University determines that Student should be isolated or quarantined for public health reasons, Student shall follow
University directions to isolate or quarantine in their Licensed Space or shall be administratively moved to another Licensed Space
and building for isolation or quarantine purposes. If Student elects to isolate or quarantine in housing not provided by the University,
such housing and the transportation to such alternative housing shall be at Student’s expense. In the instance of any public health
emergency on campus or within the District of Columbia and metropolitan area, the University will follow University and local
emergency protocols. A request or requirement to isolate or quarantine does not constitute termination of this Agreement.
31. Licensee agrees to review and abide by University policies related to Covid-19 safety precautions, generally described in
https://coronavirus.gwu.edu/campus-commitment-policy. Specifically, Licensee agrees to follow all University safety directives,
including but not limited to those related to testing, wearing of masks, social distancing and vaccinations. Any failure to follow such
directives will be considered a breach of this License Agreement and the Code of Student Conduct and will subject the Licensee to
the penalties set forth in Section 8, above, including but not limited to termination of this agreement.
Visitation Policy
32. Student will be held responsible for the behavior of their visitors and for their visitors’ adherence to University and residential facility
regulations/policies and federal and/or local law. Visitors include non-residents of a room or suite, including, but not limited to, other
GW students as well as individuals not enrolled in the University, including family members. At any time, the University may limit or
prohibit individuals not residing in Student’s residence hall, including family members and other GW students, from entering
residential facilities due to the health and safety interests of the community. Visitors found to be in violation of the University’s policies
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or the law may be subject to arrest, administrative and/or student conduct action by the University or may be escorted from the
licensed space and barred from further entry into any and all residential and/or University facilities, dependent upon the persons
affiliations with the University. If an individual is barred or Persona Non Grata from further entry into residential or University facilities,
their re-entry into these facilities may subject them to conduct action by the University and/or criminal prosecution for unauthorized
33. Student must escort their non-resident visitors, including, but not limited to, other GW students, at all times. The University reserves
the right for authorized representatives of the University to require proof of identity from any individual and may remove or bar any
unescorted non-resident from residential or University facilities absent any other criminal acts or violations of University policies.
34. A primary obligation of GW CLRE is to ensure adequate study and sleep conditions for all residents. Visitation must not interfere with
the reasonable safety, study, or sleep of roommates, suitemates, and neighbors. These priorities take precedence over residents’
social activities. Student must be considerate of the rights and feelings of others and must respect the privacy of roommates and
suitemates. Under typical circumstances, there are no restrictions governing hours when authorized visitors may be admitted to
residential facilities. However, visitation policies for overnight visitors may be set out in a community meetings, by the professional
staff member of the residence hall, or in other University directions, rules or regulations, in which case these policies must be followed.
35. Visitors and non-resident guests may not be issued access cards by staff, or given access cards or GWorld cards by any resident.
Student may not have overnight visitors for more than eight (8) nights per month. Visitation is limited to no more than two
(2) overnight visitors per student in each licensed space and the visitor’s stay must be approved by all roommates or suitemates prior
to the visitor’s arrival. Overnight visitors may stay for no more than four (4) consecutive nights in any two (2) week period. No overnight
visitors will be permitted during reading and examination periods, or during vacation periods. Additional limitations may be placed on
the number of visitors Student may have at any one time and hours of visitation. A residential facility may be closed to non-residents
at any time in order to ensure the safety and welfare of the resident population.
36. Cohabitation is not allowed in the residence halls. Cohabitation is defined as a person using a residence hall room/suite as if that
person were living in the room/suite but not actually being assigned as a resident of that room/suite.
37. Private and/or intimate behavior that creates a hostile environment is not acceptable.
Room Care and Condition
38. Student is responsible for the care and condition of their licensed space and any common areas. This includes regular cleaning and
disinfection of surfaces and fixtures within the licensed space and shared common areas as directed by University officials. A room
or suite that creates health hazards will be ordered to be cleaned by Student or by specific assignment of housekeeping personnel,
if necessary. In the event Student fails to adequately complete the cleaning as ordered or fails to complete it within the time
established by the University, the University reserves the right to complete the cleaning and to charge Student for all associated
costs. Student may also be subject to administrative and/or conduct action.
39. Student is responsible for damage beyond normal wear and tear to University property. At move-in, Student will receive an electronic
Room Condition Report (RCR). This RCR is to be completed, listing the furnishings and describing the condition of the licensed
space. At move-out, the RCR will be used by a staff member, sometimes in the company of Student, to assess the condition of the
licensed space. Any discrepancies not attributable to normal use will be charged to Student. If Student fails to check-out and fails
to leave the room surfaces, furnishings, fixtures, and appliances clean and clear of debris, Student will be assessed a fee, in addition
to the cost of damages or losses attributed to them. The RCR and damage assessment process is managed by GW Facilities
Services and CLRE. If damage should occur in the licensed space or common-use areas, Student may not make repairs or hire
outside contractors or vendors to perform repairs.
40. Student, individually and collectively, is responsible for maintaining the condition of their licensed space and common areas within
the residential facility and furnishings therein and submitting Fix-It requests if there are maintenance concerns. If Student litters,
defaces, or damages common areas and areas surrounding the residential facility, Student will be charged for the cost of increased
cleaning services required, or repairs and replacements as necessary. Student may also be subject to administrative and/or conduct
action for damages caused. Charges for damage to common areas may be assessed and billed equally to all students of the
residential facility where the damage occurred.
41. Student shall neither make nor permit any alterations, modifications, or obstructions of, or upon, any part of the licensed space without
the prior written approval of the University including, but not limited to painting, disassembling, or altering any item or fixture.
Additionally, Student shall neither commit nor permit any action that could create or constitute a fire hazard or other hazard. Student
will be financially responsible for any costs required to restore the licensed space. This provision is intended to address fire/life safety
and structural alterations, not decorative, faith/religious, or symbolic ones. Decorative, symbolic, and/or religious symbols will be
permitted so long as they do not cause damage or violate other policies at the University No object or material may be placed in, on,
or hung from, in front of, or behind windows, which block transparency or alters the appearance of the windows or the exterior of the
building. In addition, no object (e.g., signs, banners, aluminum foil, towels, sheets, ropes, wires, posters, lights, lit signs or the like,
etc.) may be placed on the exterior of the building or on the inside of a window.
42. Student will take reasonable action to protect the licensed space at all times, including prompt notification of defects by submission
of Fix-It requests and assisting the University in identifying individuals responsible for damage, theft, or loss. Doors, windows, window
screens, window restrictors, and life safety devices including smoke detectors and sprinkler heads may not be removed, altered or
tampered with in any way. All individuals are prohibited from accessing the roofs of the University’s residential facilities, unless
otherwise posted or approved in writing by authorized representatives of the University.
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University Property
43. Room furniture shall not be stored on balconies, roofs, or patios. Public area furniture shall not to be moved into student rooms or
other non-designated areas. Any waterbeds, hot tubs, spas, (and the like) are prohibited. No loft, platform, or partitions of any kind,
door installation or removal, or any other construction of any kind are permitted. In addition, furniture arranged by the University in
order to facilitate social distancing within residence halls shall be maintained by the Student. If prohibited furniture is found or
alteration to furniture or to its arrangement is made without permission, the University reserves the right to require removal of such
furniture or restoration of the previous condition, as appropriate, at the cost of the Student, including for any damage sustained by
the University. The placement of food, plants, or other items on outside windowsills is prohibited. Violations of these terms may result
in administrative and/or conduct action.
44. Student shall be liable and promptly pay for the cost of correcting any violation of the terms of Sections 38 through 43 above and any
damage to the licensed space, or any part thereof, or the damage, tampering, or disappearance of any equipment, fixtures, or
furnishings in any part thereof, whether caused by Student and/or a non-resident visitor(s) in whole or in part, including costs
associated with the removal of any refuse or personal property left by Student in the licensed space after vacating or termination of
this Agreement. Damage assessments are made by GW Facilities Planning, Construction, and Management (FPCM), are charged
to Student’s account by GW CLRE, and are due at the times stated by the University, without any deduction whatsoever and without
demand by the University. Sections 38 through 44 shall survive termination of this Agreement with respect to any damage that
occurred prior to such termination.
45. Student agrees that, whether or not due to the negligence of the University, the University shall not be responsible for any of Student’s
property or the property of their visitor(s), which may be lost, damaged, or stolen due to theft, fire, the elements, including water
damage, or any other cause. A Student or their visitor(s) property shall be within the licensed space at Student’s or their visitor(s)
own risk. Student acknowledges responsibility to obtain whatever insurance may be required to cover any loss or damage arising
out of occupancy of the licensed space. If Student does not already have coverage, the University encourages Student to visit the
GW CLRE website to learn more about GW’s Personal Property Insurance vendor, available coverage options and to obtain coverage.
46. Upon termination of the Agreement, the Student must remove all personal property from the licensed space immediately. If it is not
possible to do so or if the Student is otherwise directed by the University due to concerns with the health and safety of the community,
the Student shall work with the University to arrange for subsequent removal of personal property within a time frame designated by
the University (the “Removal Period”). All expenses related to removal, packing, storing, shipping, and/or disposal of items are the
responsibility of the Student. There is no obligation on the University to pack, store, or ship any items left in the licensed space
following termination of this Agreement, nor to reimburse the Student for any loss or damage. The University reserves the right,
however, to dispose of perishable items left in the licensed space. The Student acknowledges that all items left in the licensed space
after termination of this Agreement and the close of any applicable Removal Period will be considered abandoned and may be
disposed of by the University and the University shall not be responsible for any Student loss from such disposal. Upon vacating the
licensed space or termination of the Agreement, Student must leave the room and any furnishings, fixtures, and appliances clean,
with reasonable wear and tear accepted. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Section 46, the University reserves the
right, in its sole discretion to pack, store and/or ship items left in the licensed space. Student may be charged for such additional
Authorized Room and/or Building Access
47. The University reserves the right for authorized University representatives to enter the licensed space at any time for any
administrative purpose, including but not limited to the repair and maintenance or inspection of the space in accordance with
University rules and regulations. The University further reserves the right for authorized University representatives to enter and
inspect/search the licensed space and its contents at any time for violations of law and/or violations of University or residence hall
policies, including, but not limited to: possessing illegal substances or items believed by staff to be illegal or prohibited, or conducting
activities that could endanger the life, safety, order or welfare of self or other members of the University community. Any items found
during the inspections that have the purpose of facilitating or enabling illegal or prohibited activity will be immediately disabled,
confiscated and/or disposed of without compensation.
48. The University shall have the right, but not the obligation, to conduct random health and safety inspections in all rooms within a
licensed space. Prohibited items are determined by the Division of Safety & Facilities. Any Prohibited Item found during the
inspections will be immediately disabled, confiscated, and/or disposed of without compensation. By entering into this Agreement,
Student acknowledges and agrees to confiscation and disposal of such prohibited items without compensation. Administrative or
conduct action may result from health and safety violations. It is the responsibility of Student and Student’s visitor(s) to comply with
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the University’s health and safety regulations. The health and safety inspections are not intended to be a substitute for such
49. The Vice President and Dean of Students or designee may authorize a thorough inspection or administrative search of a licensed
space, and its contents for health and safety reasons and/or when there is reason to believe a violation of law or University policy, rule
or regulation may have occurred. An inspection or search of the licensed space and its contents may also include a search of all
personal effects of all residents of the licensed space and their visitors, including an inspection and review of the contents of any
safe, found therein when the University has a reasonable basis to believe it may contain evidence of a violation of law or University
or residence hall policies. The Vice President and Dean of Students or a designee will conduct an inspection or administrative search.
Any “prohibited items” found during the search may be immediately disabled, confiscated, and/or disposed of without compensation.
The George Washington University Police Department (GWPD) may be contacted for items found that pose a substantial threat to
person, property, or are prohibited by the University, which include, but are not limited to, illegal drugs, weapons, explosives, etc.
Campus Dining
50. Any student who resides on campus is required to participate in the published base GW Dining Plan based on rules and factors
associated with their class year and or room type. Students will have the option to select a larger dining plan amount. Student agrees
to be bound by and abide by all policies with respect to the use of Student’s GWorld card, and Dining Cash. Student also
acknowledges and agrees that Student waives all rights to a refund of any unused Dining Cash while Student is enrolled at the
University. Student acknowledges and waives any and all rights to a refund of any unused Dining Cash because of special dietary
needs, medical reasons, religious requirements, conflicting academic and/or work schedules, or University activities. The GW Dining
Plan is managed by GW Dining.
Campus Parking Policy
51. The University On-Campus Parking Restrictions Policy can be found at the GW University Policies website. Under the On-Campus
Parking Restrictions Policy, all students are discouraged from bringing a vehicle to the Foggy Bottom or Mount Vernon Campuses.
By entering into this Agreement, Student confirms that they have read and understand the On-Campus Parking Restriction Policy,
regardless of whether Student drives to the University or is eligible to have a car on campus.
A. Foggy Bottom Campus: In accordance with this policy and pursuant to DC Zoning Commission Order 06-11/06-
12, all First-Year and Second-Year students are specifically prohibited from bringing vehicles and parking them in
the Foggy Bottom/West End Area, except in exceptional circumstances. The Foggy Bottom/West End Area is
bounded by 19th Street NW to the east, Constitution Avenue NW to the south, Rock Creek Park to the west, and N
Street NW to the north. Exceptional circumstances may include, for example, transportation needs related to a
disability or health condition of Student or member of his/her family. A First-Year or Second-Year Student seeking
an exception due to exceptional circumstances must submit the request to GW Transportation and Parking Services
by completing the Parking Requirement Exemption Request form. Any exemptions granted by GW Transportation
and Parking Services will be done in consultation with the Division of Operations. If an exception is granted, the
vehicle must be parked in a University parking facility.
B. Mount Vernon Campus: In accordance with this policy and pursuant to DC Zoning Commission Summary Order
No. 09-19 regarding the Mount Vernon Campus, dated April 26, 2010, students, faculty and staff are prohibited from
parking on the streets adjacent to and surrounding the Mount Vernon campus. Student who brings a vehicle to the
Mount Vernon Campus is required to park on the campus itself.
Updates and Modifications to the Agreement
The University reserves the right to update and modify any of the Terms and Conditions of this Agreement, at any time and in its sole
discretion, by posting a change notice or a new Agreement on the GW Campus Living and Residential Education website.
Appeals to Campus Living and Residential Education
If Student wishes to appeal any on-campus housing policy decision or charge, they must do so in writing. Letters of appeal are to be
addressed to the Assistant Dean of Students for Campus Living and Residential Education. Appeal letters must be submitted by Student,
written and include Student’s name and GWID. Students are required to also submit any official documentation necessary to support their
request of an appeal. The merits of any appeal will be based on the written letter, the supporting documentation provided, and the records
maintained by GW CLRE and the University. Appeal decisions will be communicated to Student in writing.
Links to Important Documents and GW Websites
CLRE website: https://living.gwu.edu/
CLRE e-Services: https://my.gwu.edu/login/?tourl=/mod/rms/index.cfm
CLRE Housing License Agreement: http://living.gwu.edu/housing-license-agreement
Code of Student Conduct: https://studentconduct.gwu.edu/code-student-conduct
Undergraduate Housing License Agreement AY 2022-2023
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University Policies: http://compliance.gwu.edu/find-policy
Parking Policy: http://my.gwu.edu/files/policies/ParkingRestrictionsFINAL.pdf
Parking Requirement Exemption Request form: https://transportation.gwu.edu/sites/g/files/zaxdzs2146/f/downloads/OPER-
Prohibited Items List: https://safety.gwu.edu/prohibited-items-list
GW Dining: http://dining.gwu.edu
Acceptable Use for Computing Systems and Services: http://my.gwu.edu/files/policies/Acceptable_Use%20FINAL.pdf
Fix-It Website: https://my.gwu.edu/mod/fixit/login.cfm
Personal Property Insurance: https://living.gwu.edu/insurance
Covid-19 Safety Precautions: https://coronavirus.gwu.edu/campus-commitment-policy.