Admissions FAQ in
Response to COVID-19
Are application deadlines being extended?
The VMCAS application window opened in January of this year, providing students with an even longer
window of time to prepare and submit their applications. Therefore, our application deadlines will
remain the same: the VMCAS application is due September 15 and the UC Davis supplemental
application is due October 15.
Can I take online courses or labs?
Yes, we have always accepted online courses and labs.
Can I take a course for pass/fail (or credit/no credit)?
Typically, we only accept prerequisite courses for credit (or pass) when the institution itself provides no
other grading options for courses. Non-prerequisite courses, e.g. psychology, calculus, etc., are not held
to this expectation.
Given the disruption of the pandemic on spring quarter/semester courses, we will accept credit for
prerequisite courses whether taken for a grade or pass/fail. Please note that this exception is currently
only for spring quarter/semester. When given the option to take a course for a letter grade, however,
we encourage students to take the course for a letter grade as this factors more easily into the GPAs.
Having credit for a course instead of a letter grade will not affect how your application is considered or
reflect poorly on you. Credit will be granted, but these just won’t count toward your GPA calculations.
Do I still need to take the GRE?
Yes, we will continue to require the GRE for admissions. Since many testing sites throughout the country
are closed, ETS is offering a test-at-home option. You can learn more about this option on the ETS
What if I’m unable to take the GRE before the August 31 deadline? Can’t this
requirement be waived?
No. Being unable to take the GRE by August 31 would unfortunately mean that you will need to reapply
in the future.
The GRE quantitative score is one of the main metrics used in our application evaluation process. Any
application submitted without a GRE score would be incomplete and not considered for admission.
What if I can’t get official transcripts sent to VMCAS?
As of April 30, 2020, VMCAS has added the following statement to their website:
“Effective immediately, the VMCAS 2021 application will include a “COVID-19 Transcript Hardships”
option that enables applicants to upload unofficial transcripts. This measure has been introduced to
allow applications to move through the verification process without institutional delays that may result
from the pandemic emergency. Students must first reach out to their schools to confirm the availability
of an official transcript. If the school can send an official transcript then the student will not need to
pursue the exception process. If the school is unable to send an official transcript, then the student can
follow the exception process. Once students are able to obtain an official transcript, they should obtain
it and submit it to VMCAS. This option is only in effect during the VMCAS 2021 application cycle.”
We encourage you to review the VMCAS COVID-19 Student and Applicant Information page for the most
up-to-date information
How can I gain veterinary experience hours during this time? What if I can’t find
somewhere to gain experience?
We understand that given the pandemic, gaining hands-on experience may be difficult right now. Animal
clinics/hospitals/shelters are still open as are some zoos, rescues, and animal sanctuaries. There may be
restrictions on the number of individuals allowed to be in one facility at one time, particularly if the
facility is small or indoor only. Therefore, facilities that are larger and/or outdoor may be more likely to
accommodate shadow, volunteer, and/or intern positions.
We are unable to provide specific suggestions on where to gain experience and suggest contacting
clinics, agencies, shelters, etc. in your area to determine who is accepting volunteers. If you are a
current college student, career or pre-health advising centers are excellent resources that may help.
Finally, given the uncertain nature of the pandemic, it may be possible that you are unable to gain
veterinary experience hours in the foreseeable future.
If you intend to apply this cycle and the pandemic has impacted your ability to gain these experiences,
we encourage you to take advantage of the optional explanation essay in the VMCAS application to
explain the pandemic’s impact on your hours. This would be especially beneficial if you are just short of
the 180 hour requirement.
If you are substantially below the 180 hour requirement, however, we encourage you to consider to
apply in the future. Aside from being able to gain experience over an additional year, this may be a great
time to focus on strengthening other areas of your future application, particularly academics. Regardless
of how many hours an applicant has, it’s only with competitive GPAs and a quantitative GRE score that
an application will be thoroughly evaluated for admission.
Can I gain veterinary experience hours through online programs or online courses?
Much of what is learned through veterinary experiences is the intangible (individual mentoring, insights
into practice, partaking in the workflow of a clinic or vivarium) and is likely not to be captured by a video
experience especially one with many attendees. Online group “rounds” or lectures are not likely to
capture the essence of a DVM experience and we will not count these toward veterinary experience
It is worth noting that some companies like Loop Abroad advertise online “abroad” courses that provide
pre-vet students with veterinary experience; these types of experiences will not count for veterinary
experience hours for our DVM program.
I haven’t been able to get as many veterinary experience hours as I was planning. How
will this impact my chances of being admitted?
In order to answer this question, understanding our admissions process, how applications are evaluated,
and how applicants are invited for interviews is required. If you haven’t already looked at our
Application Process & Timeline, please do so in order for our response to make more sense.
The quality and quantity of veterinary experience hours are truly scrutinized in our holistic review
process. It’s only at that point that additional components of the application beyond the metrics of the
GPAs, quantitative GRE, and eLors are taken into consideration. In this scenario, unique and impactful
experience hours could be really beneficial to your application. A holistic review takes everything into
account. So, if other areas of the application were lacking, a large amount of hours may not necessarily
strengthen your application.
To meet the minimum 180 hours is your first priority. Any hours beyond that may potentially strengthen
your application, depending on the other factors.
Will there still be an in-person interview in December?
While we find value in the MMI process and make admissions decisions based on a candidate’s ability to
demonstrate their emotional intelligence during this time, our faculty has approved an online
alternative to in-person interviews because of the pandemic. The exact dates are pending. Once they
are finalized, we will communicate directly with all applicants (who have successfully submitted both
their VMCAS and supplemental applications).
Updated: 9/30/20