Provided by StatCrunch Reference Guide
The Academic Center for Excellence 1 March 2023
StatCrunch Reference Guide
StatCrunch is a web-based statistical software that can be used to perform statistical analysis.
This handout includes instructions for performing several different calculations in StatCrunch.
For assistance with navigating StatCrunch, click here to watch a video from the Academic
Center for Excellence. The table of contents below lists the calculations that are covered.
Table of Contents
Sorting Data .................................................................................................................................... 2
Finding Mean, Standard Deviation, and Five Number Summary ................................................... 2
Creating a Frequency Table ............................................................................................................ 2
Finding the Mean and Standard Deviation from a Frequency Table.............................................. 3
Creating a Histogram ...................................................................................................................... 3
Creating a Boxplot (Box and Whisker Plot) ..................................................................................... 3
Finding the Mean and Standard Deviation from a Probability Distribution ................................... 4
Using Calculators to Find Discrete and Continuous Distributions .................................................. 4
Hypothesis Testing and Confidence Intervals with Data ................................................................ 5
Hypothesis Testing and Confidence Intervals with Summary ........................................................ 6
Linear Regression ............................................................................................................................ 7
Goodness-of-fit ............................................................................................................................... 7
Bootstrapping ................................................................................................................................. 7
Contingency Tables ......................................................................................................................... 8
One Way ANOVA ............................................................................................................................. 8
Provided by StatCrunch Reference Guide
The Academic Center for Excellence 2 March 2023
Sorting Data
Click here to watch a video tutorial.
Open the data set in StatCrunch, or type the data in a column of a blank StatCrunch
Click on Data to open the drop-down menu.
Select Sort.
Choose columns to be sorted by selecting the name of the column from the list on the
left. The selected columns will be highlighted and appear in the list on the right.
Choose how the data should be sorted, either ascending or descending.
Click Compute! The columns will be replaced with the newly sorted data.
Finding Mean, Standard Deviation, and Five Number Summary
Click here to watch a video tutorial from StatCrunch.
Open the data set in StatCrunch, or type the data in a column of a blank StatCrunch
Click on Stat to open the drop-down menu.
Click or hover over Summary Stats to open another drop-down and select Column.
In the new Summary Stats window, select the name of the columns to be used in the
calculation in the “Select column(s)” box. To select multiple columns, hold shift or ctrl
while clicking.
Choose the statistics that need to be calculated in the “Statistics” box. To select multiple
statistics, hold shift or ctrl while clicking. The order in which the statistics are selected is
the order they will be in in the final output table.
Click Compute! A new window will open with the table of selected statistics.
Creating a Frequency Table
Click here to watch a video tutorial from StatCrunch.
Open the data set in StatCrunch, or type the data in a column of a blank StatCrunch
Click on Stat to open the drop-down menu.
Click or hover over Tables. Select Frequency from the second drop-down menu.
Select the names of the columns of data that will be used in the frequency table in the
“Select column(s)” box.
Choose which statistics to include in the frequency table in the “Statistics” box. To select
multiple statistics, hold shift or ctrl while clicking.
To choose the size and starting value of the bins, check the box next to “Bin numerical
values” and enter the starting number and bin width.
Click Compute! A new window will open with the created frequency table. To add the
data directly to the sheet and not in a separate window, check the box next to “Store in
data table” at the bottom of the window before clicking Compute!
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The Academic Center for Excellence 3 March 2023
Finding the Mean and Standard Deviation of a Frequency Table
Click here to watch a video tutorial.
Open the frequency table in StatCrunch, or type the bins/midpoints in one column and
the frequency for each bin in a second column.
Click on Stat to open the drop-down menu.
Click or hover over Summary Stats to open another drop-down and select
Grouped/Binned Data.
Select the column name of the bins under “Bins in” and the frequency column under
“Counts in.”
Choose the statistics that need to be calculated in the “Statistics” box. To select multiple
statistics, hold shift or ctrl while clicking. The order the statistics are selected is the
order they will be in in the final output table.
Click Compute! A new window will open with the table of selected statistics.
Creating a Histogram
Click here to watch a video tutorial from StatCrunch.
Open the data set in StatCrunch, or type the data in a column of a blank StatCrunch
Click Graph to open the drop-down menu.
Select Histogram
Select the column name of the data to be displayed in the histogram in the “Select
column(s)” box. Selecting more than one column of data will add additional histograms
to the output window.
Under “Bins”, type in the desired start value and bin width.
Add title and axis labels under “Graph Properties.”
Click Compute! The histogram will appear in a new StatCrunch window.
Creating a Boxplot
Click here to watch a video tutorial from StatCrunch.
Open the data set in StatCrunch, or type the data in a column of a blank StatCrunch
Click Graph to open the drop-down menu.
Select Boxplot.
Select the column name of the data to be displayed in the boxplot in the “Select
column(s)” box. Selecting more than one column of data will add additional boxplots to
the output window.
Checking theUse fences to identify outliers” box under “Other options” will create a
modified boxplot that separates the outliers from the rest of the boxplot.
If a horizontal boxplot is required, check the box next to “Draw boxes horizontally
under “Other options.
Provided by StatCrunch Reference Guide
The Academic Center for Excellence 4 March 2023
Add title and axis labels under “Graph Properties.”
Click Compute! The boxplot will appear in a new StatCrunch window.
Finding the Mean and Standard Deviation for Probability Distribution
Click here to watch a video tutorial.
Open the probability distribution table in StatCrunch, or type the x values in one column
and the probability, P(x), in a second column.
Click on Stat to open the drop-down menu.
Click or hover over Calculators to open a second drop down. Select the Custom
calculator at the bottom of the list of calculators.
Under “Values in”, select the name of the column with the x values. Under “Weights in”,
select the name of the column with the P(x) values.
Click Compute! The calculator will appear in a new StatCrunch window with the mean
and standard deviation.
Using Calculators to Find Discrete and Continuous Distributions
Discrete Distributions
Click here to watch a video tutorial from StatCrunch.
Binomial Distributions
Click on Stat to open the drop-down menu.
Click or hover over Calculators to open a second drop down. Select the Binomial
Enter the value for n (the number of trials) and p (the probability of success in any
one trial)
Change the sign to match the wording in the problem.
o Greater than: >
o Less than: <
o Equal to: =
o Greater than or equal to: ≥
o Less than or equal to: ≤
Click Compute! The result of the calculation will appear in the same window.
Continuous Distributions
Click here to watch a video tutorial from StatCrunch.
Normal Distributions
Click on Stat to open the drop-down menu.
Click or hover over Calculators to open a second drop down. Select the Normal
Enter values for mean, standard deviation, and probability.
Change the sign to match the wording in the problem.
Provided by StatCrunch Reference Guide
The Academic Center for Excellence 5 March 2023
o Greater than or equal to: ≥
o Less than or equal to: ≤
Click Compute! The result of the calculation will appear in the same window.
T Probability Distributions
Click on Stat to open the drop-down menu.
Click or hover over Calculators to open a second drop down. Select the T calculator.
Enter the value for DF (degrees of freedom) and the reference value or probability.
Change the sign to match the wording in the problem.
o Greater than or equal to: ≥
o Less than or equal to: ≤
Click Compute! The result of the calculation will appear in the same window.
Chi-Square Distributions
Click on Stat to open the drop-down menu.
Click or hover over Calculators to open a second drop-down menu. Select the Chi-
Square calculator.
Enter the values for DF (degrees of freedom) and the reference value or probability.
Change the sign to match the wording in the problem.
o Greater than or equal to: ≥
o Less than or equal to: ≤
Click Compute! The result of the calculation will appear in the same window.
Hypothesis Testing and Confidence Intervals with Data
Click here to watch a video tutorial from StatCrunch.
Hypothesis Testing
Open the data set in StatCrunch, or type the data in a column in a blank StatCrunch
Click on Stat to open the drop-down menu. Click or hover over the appropriate
statistics function. Select One or Two Sample.
Select With Data. Select the column(s) of data that will be used for the confidence
o Z Stats: enter standard deviation if given.
o Proportion Stats: enter success value if given.
Under “Perform,” select Hypothesis Test. Enter value for H
and enter sign and value
Click Compute! The calculator will appear in a new window with the result.
Confidence Intervals
Open the data set in StatCrunch, or type the data in a column in a blank StatCrunch
Provided by StatCrunch Reference Guide
The Academic Center for Excellence 6 March 2023
Click on Stat to open the drop-down menu. Click or hover over the appropriate
statistics function. Select One or Two Sample.
Select With Data. Select the column(s) of data that will be used for the confidence
o Z Stats: enter standard deviation if given.
o Proportion Stats: enter success value if given.
UnderPerform,” select Confidence Interval. Enter given value for confidence
interval as a decimal.
Click Compute! The calculator will appear in a new window with the result.
It is important to note that the standard error value given is not the same as the
value for the margin of error, which requires a separate calculation.
Hypothesis Testing and Confidence Intervals with Summary
Click here to watch a video tutorial from StatCrunch.
Hypothesis Testing
Open a blank StatCrunch sheet.
Click on Stat to open the drop-down menu. Click or hover over the appropriate
statistics function. Select One or Two Sample.
Select With Summary.
o Z Stats and T Stats: enter values for mean, standard deviation, and sample
o Proportion Stats: enter number of successes and observations.
o Variance Stats: enter sample variance and sample size.
o Simple Linear Regression: enter X and Y variables.
Under “Perform,” select Hypothesis Test. Enter value for H
and enter sign for H
Click Compute! The calculator will appear in a new window with the result.
Confidence Intervals
Open a blank StatCrunch sheet.
Click on Stat to open the drop-down menu. Click or hover over the appropriate
statistics function. Select One or Two Sample.
Select With Summary.
o Z Stats and T Stats: enter values for mean, standard deviation, and sample
o Proportion Stats: enter number of successes and observations.
o Variance Stats: enter sample variance and sample size.
o Simple Linear Regression: enter X and Y variables.
Under “Perform,” select Confidence Interval. Enter given value for confidence
interval as a decimal.
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The Academic Center for Excellence 7 March 2023
Click Compute! The calculator will appear in a new window with the result. It is
important to note that the standard error value given is not the same as the value
for the margin of error, which requires a separate calculation.
Linear Regression
Click here to watch a video tutorial from StatCrunch.
Open the data set in StatCrunch, or type the x-values in one column and the y-variables
in a separate column in a blank StatCrunch sheet.
Click on Stat to open the drop-down menu.
Click or hover over Regression to open a second drop-down menu. Select Simple Linear.
Enter X and Y variables under “X-variable” and “Y-variable”.
Enter Prediction of Y if given.
Click Compute! A new window will open with the computed data. The second page will
supply a graph with a fitted line.
Normality Test
Click here to watch a video tutorial.
Open the residuals in StatCrunch, or type the residuals in a blank StatCrunch sheet.
Click on Stat to open the drop-down menu.
Click or hover over Goodness-of-fit. Select Normality.
Select the column(s) containing the residuals to be tested for normality.
Select the test to be performed (Shapiro-Wilk or Anderson-Darling).
Click Compute! A new window will open with the computed data.
Chi Square Test
Click here to watch a video tutorial.
Open the data set in StatCrunch, or type the observed values in one column and
expected values in another column in a blank StatCrunch sheet.
Click on Stat to open the drop-down menu.
Click or hover over Goodness-of-fit. Select Chi-Square Test.
Select column for observed data under “Observed.”
Under “Expected,” select column or all cells in equal proportion.
Click Compute! A new window will open with the computed data.
Click here to watch a video tutorial.
Open the data set in StatCrunch, or type the data to be resampled in a blank StatCrunch
Click on Stat to open the drop-down menu.
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The Academic Center for Excellence 8 March 2023
Click on or hover over Resample. Click on or hover over Applets. Then select Bootstrap
a Sample.
Select column to be resampled under “Samples in.”
Select statistic to be calculated under “Statistic.”
Under “Seeding for random data,” select fixed seed.
Click Compute! The bootstrapping data will appear in a new window.
At the top of the new window, tabs displaying “1 time,” “5 times,” and “1000 times” will
appear. Click the corresponding tab until the desired number of resamples has been
taken. The box labeled “n” will display the number of resamples taken with each click.
The bootstrap distribution will change automatically.
Contingency Tables
Click here to watch a video tutorial from StatCrunch.
Open data set in StatCrunch, or type the contingency table data into a blank StatCrunch
sheet. The row labels should be in the first column (var1) of the data sheet.
Click on Stat to open the drop-down menu.
Click on or hover over Tables to open a second drop-down menu. Select Contingency.
Then select With Summary.
In the “Select column(s)” section, select the column(s) containing the data for the table.
Under “Row label,” select row labels.
UnderColumn label,” select the desired label.
Select options for display.
Under “Perform,” select options for hypothesis test or confidence interval.
Click Compute! A new window will open with the computed data. The second page will
supply a heatmap of selected data if the heatmap box is checked.
Click here to watch a video tutorial from StatCrunch.
Open the data set in StatCrunch, or type the data into a blank StatCrunch sheet.
Click on Stat to open the drop-down menu. Select ANOVA. Then select One Way.
Select the columns to be compared, or select the “Values in a single column” box to
select individual responses and factors.
Click Compute! A new window will open with the column statistics on top and the
ANOVA table on the bottom.