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Design Matters: Development and Validation of the Online Course Design Matters: Development and Validation of the Online Course
Design Elements (OCDE) Instrument Design Elements (OCDE) Instrument
Florence Martin
Doris U. Bolliger
Old Dominion University
Claudia Flowers
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Martin, F., Bolliger, D. U., & Flowers, C. (2021). Design matters: Development and validation of the online
course design elements (OCDE) instrument.
The International Review of Research in Open & Distance
(2), 46-71. https://doi.org/10.19173/irrodl.v22i2.5187
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International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning
Volume 22, Number 2
May 2021
Design Matters: Development and Validation of the
Online Course Design Elements (OCDE) Instrument
Florence Martin, PhD
, Doris U. Bolliger, EdD
, and Claudia Flowers, PhD
University of North Carolina Charlotte,
Old Dominion University, Virginia
Course design is critical to online student engagement and retention. This study focused on the
development and validation of an online course design elements (OCDE) instrument with 38 Likert-type
scale items in five subscales: (a) overview, (b) content presentation, (c) interaction and communication, (d)
assessment and evaluation, and (e) learner support. The validation process included implementation with
222 online instructors and instructional designers in higher education. Three models were evaluated which
included a one-factor model, five-factor model, and higher-order model. The five-factor and higher-order
models aligned with the development of the OCDE. The frequency of use of OCDE items was rated above
the mean 4.0 except for two items on collaboration and self-assessment. The overall OCDE score was related
to self-reported levels of expertise but not with years of experience. The findings have implications for the
use of this instrument with online instructors and instructional designers in the design of online courses.
Keywords: online course design, design elements, instrument validation, confirmatory factor analysis,
structural equation model
Design Matters: Development and Validation of the Online Course Design Elements (OCDE) Instrument
Martin, Bolliger, and Flowers
Higher education campus enrollment has decreased; however, the number of online courses and online
enrollment has continued to increase (Allen & Seaman, 2017). Though online enrollment has increased,
online student dropout and lack of engagement in distance education are still issues of concern. Dropout
can be prevented through well-designed online courses (Dietz-Uhler et al., 2007). It is clear that high-
quality course design is critical to the success of online courses. Several researchers have examined online
course design in online learning. Jaggars and Xu (2016) examined the relationships among online course
design features, course organization and presentation, learning objectives and assessment, and
interpersonal interaction and technology. They found that design features influenced student performance,
and interaction affected student grades. Swan (2001) found clarity of design, interaction with instructors,
and active discussion influenced students perceived learning and satisfaction. Laurillard et al. (2013)
recommended effective pedagogy to foster individual and social processes and outcomes, promote active
engagement, and support learning with a needs assessment.
Some higher education institutions have developed or adopted rubrics to not only provide guidance for
instructors’ course design efforts, but also to evaluate the design in online courses. Baldwin et al. (2018)
reviewed six rubrics commonly used to evaluate the design of online courses. They identified 22 design
standards that were included in several of the rubrics. We reviewed the research on five categories of design
standards, namely (a) overview, (b) content presentation, (c) interaction and communication, (d)
assessment and evaluation, and (e) learner support, and examined their impact on online learning.
Figure 1
Online Course Design Elements Framework
Assessment and
Interaction and
Design Matters: Development and Validation of the Online Course Design Elements (OCDE) Instrument
Martin, Bolliger, and Flowers
At the beginning of a course, it is critical to provide an overview or information for learners to get started
in the online course (Bozarth et al., 2004; Jones, 2013). An overview or getting started module can include
elements such as (a) a course orientation, (b) instructor contact information and instructor expectations,
(c) course goals and objectives, and (d) course policies. An orientation must be designed to introduce the
learners to the course intentionally and to guide them to the various aspects of the course. Bozarth et al.
(2004) examined challenges faced by novice students in an online course and recommended creating an
orientation to address these challenges. For example, they recommended clarifying the time commitment
required in online courses. Jones (2013) found students felt better prepared for online learning after
completing an orientation. At the beginning of the course, it is also essential to provide expectations
regarding the quality of communication and participation in the online course (Stavredes & Herder, 2014).
Price et al. (2016) suggested that providing instructor contact information, with different ways to contact
the instructor, is important in the online course; contact could be via e-mail, phone, or synchronous online
communication tools. Instructor information can be presented as text or in an instructors introduction
video so that the students can get to know the instructor better (Martin et al., 2018). It is also important for
the instructor to provide standard response times, specifically for questions via e-mail or in discussion
forum, in addition to feedback on submitted assignments. Most instructional design models and rubrics
have emphasized the importance of measurable course goals and objectives (Chen, 2007; Czerkawski &
Lyman, 2016). In online courses it is also important to include these goals and objectives in an area where
online students can easily locate them. Finally, it is critical to state course policies for behavior expectations.
Policies pertaining to netiquette, academic integrity, and late work need to be provided to all learners. In
addition, Waterhouse and Rogers (2004) listed specific policies for privacy, e-mail, discussions, software
standards, assignments, and technical help.
Content Presentation
Online learning offers advantages in that content can be presented in various modalities. Some of the
elements of content presentation include (a) providing a variety of instructional materials, (b) chunking
content into manageable segments, (c) providing clear instructions, (d) aligning course content and
activities with objectives, and (e) adapting content for learners with disabilities. Digital material can include
(a) textbook readings, (b) instructor-created recorded video lectures, (c) content from experts in the form
of audio or video, (d) Web resources, (e) animations or interactive games and simulations, and (f) scholarly
articles (Stavredes & Herder, 2014). Learning management systems provide the functionality for
embedding these varied instructional elements into the online course (Vai & Sosulski, 2016).
Ko and Rossen (2017) emphasized the importance of chunking content into manageable segments such as
modules or units. Young (2006) found that students preferred courses that were structured and well
organized. Instructions must be clearly written with sufficient detail. A critical aspect of content
presentation includes instructional alignmentaligning instructional elements to both objectives and
assessments. Czerkawski and Lyman (2016) emphasized the importance of aligning course content and
activities in order to achieve objectives. In addition, it is imperative to include accommodations for learners
with disabilities, such as providing (a) transcripts or closed captioning, (b) alternative text to accompany
Design Matters: Development and Validation of the Online Course Design Elements (OCDE) Instrument
Martin, Bolliger, and Flowers
images, and (c) header information for tables. Dell et al. (2015) highlighted the importance of including
information about the accessibility of all course technologies in the course.
Interaction and Communication
Interaction and communication are critical in online courses. Some of the strategies to enhance interaction
and communication include (a) providing opportunities for student-to-student interaction, (b) using
activities to build community, (c) including collaborative activities to support active learning, and (d) using
technology in such a way as to promote learner engagement and facilitate learning. Moore (1989) proposed
an interaction framework, and listed student-student interaction as essential for online courses, in addition
to student-content and student-instructor interaction. Moore stated that adult learners might be self-
motivated to interact with peers, whereas younger learners might need some stimulation and motivation.
Luo et al. (2017) highlighted that interaction assists in building a sense of community. These authors
describe a sense of community as values students obtain from interactions” with the online community (p.
154). Hence it is essential to intentionally design activities that build and maintain community in online
courses. Strategies to build community include humanizing online courses by using videos and designing
collaborative assignments that provide learners with opportunities to interact with peers (Liu et al., 2007).
Shackelford and Maxwell (2012) found using introductions, collaborative group projects, whole-class
discussions, as well as sharing personal experiences and resources predicted a sense of community. Online
collaboration supports active learning as it involves lateral thinking, social empathy, and extensive ideation
(Rennstich, 2019). Salmon (2013) described the importance of designing e-tivities for online participation
and providing learners with scaffolding to achieve learning outcomes. A variety of technology systems and
tools have been used to promote online learner engagement. Some of these technologies are e-mail, learning
management systems, wikis, blogs, videos, social media, and mobile technologies (Anderson, 2017;
Fathema et al., 2015; Pimmer et al., 2016).
Assessment and Evaluation
Assessment and evaluation are essential in an online course to measure students’ learning outcomes and
determine overall course effectiveness. Some of the strategies for well-designed assessment and evaluation
include (a) aligning assessments with learning objectives, (b) providing several assessments throughout the
course, (c) including grading rubrics for each assessment, (d) providing self-assessment opportunities for
learners, and (e) giving students opportunities to provide feedback for course improvement. Dick (1996)
emphasized the importance of aligned assessments in the instructional design process. Instructional design
models recommend that assessments be aligned with learning objectives and instructional events. In
addition, Quality Matters (2020) considered alignment between objectives, materials, activities,
technologies, and assessments in online courses as essential because it helps students to understand the
purpose of activities and assessments in relation to the objectives and instructional material.
Researchers have pointed out the importance of administering a variety of assessments throughout the
course so that students can gauge their learning progress (Gaytan & McEwen, 2007). Martin et al. (2019)
reported that award-winning online instructors recommend using rubrics for all types of assessments.
Rubrics not only save time in the grading process, but they can assist instructors in providing effective
feedback and supporting student learning (Stevens & Levi, 2013). Self-assessments help learners identify
their progress towards the course outcomes.
Design Matters: Development and Validation of the Online Course Design Elements (OCDE) Instrument
Martin, Bolliger, and Flowers
Evaluation is an important element in course improvement. Kumar et al. (2019) found that expert
instructors used mid- and end-semester surveys and student evaluations. They also use data from learning
management systems and institutional course evaluations to improve courses. These practices illustrate the
importance of providing learners with opportunities to give feedback to instructors.
Learner Support
Support is essential for online learners to be successful. Some of the strategies for providing support to the
online learner include providing (a) intuitive and consistent course navigation, (b) media that can be easily
accessed and viewed, (c) details for minimum technology requirements, and (d) resources for accessing
technology and institutional support services. Support can be offered at the course, program, and college
or institution level. At the course level, it is essential to provide learner support for easy and consistent
navigation (Graf et al., 2010); otherwise, students can become easily frustrated and dissatisfied. Because
online learners come from different backgrounds and have access to different resources, they may use
various devices and platforms to access courses. Therefore, it is important to specify technology
requirements and to design the course with media and files that can be easily viewed and accessed with
mobile devices (Han & Shin, 2016; Ssekakubo et al., 2013). Additionally, it is important for the institution
to provide a variety of support services (e.g., academic, technical).
Experience and Expertise
Individuals with many years of experience in designing online courses tend to have a high level of expertise.
Award-winning faculty who had designed and taught online courses were interviewed to identify important
course design elements. These faculty members mentioned that they followed a systematic process. They
chunked course content, aligned course elements using a backwards design approach, provided
opportunities for learner interaction, and addressed the needs of diverse learners (Martin et al., 2019).
Expert designers have “a rich and well-organized knowledge base in instructional design” (Le Maistre, 1998,
p. 33). In general, compared to novice designers, they are more knowledgeable regarding design principles
and are able to access a variety of resources (Perez et al., 1995).
Research Purpose
The purpose of this study was to develop the Online Course Design Elements (OCDE) instrument and
establish its reliability and construct validity. Baldwin et a. (2018) reviewed some of the few rubrics focus
on online course design, most of these instruments have not been validated. Some of these rubrics were
created by universities or at the state level.
Building on design elements from across the six rubrics examined in Baldwin et al. (2018), the OCDE
captured the most common design elements from these various rubrics. This instrument filled the gap by
designing a valid and reliable instrument that instructors and designers of online courses may use at no
cost for developing or maintaining online courses. In addition to designing the instrument, we also
examined whether years of experience or expertise was related to instructors’ and instructional designers
use of design elements.
More specifically, the objectives of this study were to (a) develop an instrument to identify design elements
frequently used in online courses, (b) validate the instrument by verifying its factor structure, and (c)
Design Matters: Development and Validation of the Online Course Design Elements (OCDE) Instrument
Martin, Bolliger, and Flowers
examine the relationships of the latent variables to years of experience and self-reported level of expertise.
While the instrument was validated in higher education, it can also be adapted and used by researchers and
practitioners to other instructional contexts including K-12 and corporate.
This research was carried out in two phases. The first phase focused on the development of the OCDE
instrument, and the second phase focused on validating the instrument. During the first phase, the research
team developed the instrument, and the instrument was then reviewed by a panel who were experts in
designing online courses and surveys. In the second phase, statistical analysis of reliability and validity of
the instrument was conducted through a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and a multiple indicator
multiple cause (MIMIC) model. CFA was used to test the conceptual measurement model implied in the
design of the OCDE. The MIMIC was used to examine the relationships of the OCDE to participants’ years
of experience and self-reported levels of expertise.
Phase 1: Development of the OCDE Instrument
Development of the OCDE instrument was based on Baldwin et al. (2018) and their analysis of six online
course rubrics: (a) Blackboard Exemplary Course Program Rubric (Blackboard, 2012); (b) Course Design
Rubric (California Community Colleges Online Education Initiative, 2016); (c) QOLT Evaluation
Instrument (California State University, 2015); (d) Quality Online Course Initiative (QOCI) Rubric (Illinois
Online Network, 2015); (e) OSCQR Course Design Review (Online Learning Consortium, 2016); and (f)
Specific Review Standards from the QM Higher Education Rubric (Quality Matters, 2020). Five of these
rubrics are publicly available online, while one rubric is only available on a subscription basis or with
permission. Baldwin et al. (2018) identified 22 standard online design components used in four of the six
rubrics they analyzed.
After seeking the authors’ permission (Baldwin et al., 2018) to build on the results of their study, the 22
elements were used as the foundation of the OCDE instrument. We added critical elements to the
instrument based on existing research (Jones, 2013; Luo et al., 2017; Stavredes & Herder, 2014). These
included (a) a course orientation, (b) a variety of instructional materials, (c) student-to-instructor
interaction, and (d) consistent course structure. The instrument that was reviewed by experts for face
validity had 37 items in five categories. All items prompted respondents to indicate how frequently they
used the design elements on a Likert scale ranging from 1 (Never) to 5 (Always).
Four experts were provided with a digital copy of the instrument and instructions to evaluate the clarity and
fit of all items, make changes, and add or delete relevant items. Once their review was completed, the
experts returned the instrument with feedback by e-mail to the lead researcher. Experts were selected based
on their expertise and experience in online or blended teaching in higher education and their expertise in
survey research methodology. Two experts were research methodologists with expertise in teaching online,
and two experts were online learning experts. The researchers discussed the expert feedback, and several
items were revised based on the reviewers’ feedback. Some of the changes recommended by the experts
were to (a) provide examples for the items in parenthesis, (b) add an item regarding major course goals, (c)
Design Matters: Development and Validation of the Online Course Design Elements (OCDE) Instrument
Martin, Bolliger, and Flowers
delete additional items on course objectives, and (d) modify the wording of some items. The final version
of the instrument included 38 items with Likert scale responses (Table 1).
Table 1
Design Categories and Number of Items
Category Number of items
Baldwin et al. (2018) Current study
Overview 5 11
Content presentation 3 6
Interaction and communication 4 7
Assessment and evaluation 6 7
Learner support 4 7
Total 22 38
Phase 2: Validation of the OCDE Instrument
Procedure and Data Collection
Data were collected in the Spring 2020 semester with the use of an online Qualtrics survey that was housed
on a protected server. All subscribers to e-mail distribution lists of two professional associations received
an invitation to participate in the study. Members of these organizations work with information or
instructional technologies in industry or higher education as instructors, instructional designers, or in
different areas of instructional support. Therefore, these individuals have varied experience in designing
and supporting online courses. Additionally, invitations to participate in the study were posted to groups of
these organizations on one social networking site. In order to increase the response rate, one reminder was
sent or posted after two weeks. All responses were voluntary and anonymous, and no incentives were
provided to participants.
A total of 222 respondents completed the survey including 101 online instructors and 121 instructional
designers who were involved with online course design. Most of the respondents identified as female (n =
158; 71%). The average age of respondents was 48 years (SD = 10.74) and the average years of experience
was 10.54 (SD = 6.93). Nearly half of respondents (n = 107; 48%) rated their level of expertise as expert,
29% identified as proficient, 15% as competent, and 5% identified as advanced beginner. Only one
individual was a novice.
Design Matters: Development and Validation of the Online Course Design Elements (OCDE) Instrument
Martin, Bolliger, and Flowers
Data Analysis
Descriptive statistics were reported at both the item level and the category level. After the data collection,
three models were evaluated: (a) Model 1, a one-factor model; (b) Model 2, a five-factor model; and (c)
Model 3, a five-factor higher-order model. The five-factor and higher-order models align with the
development of the OCDE. Model 1 specified a unidimensional construct and endorsed the use of a total
score instead of subscales. This model was examined to determine if the covariance among items was due
to a single common factor. Model 2 specified a correlated five-factor model with eleven items loading on
the overview factor (items 11), six items loading on the content presentation factor (items 1318), seven
items loading on the remaining factors of interaction and communication (items 2026), assessment and
evaluation (items 2834), and learner support (items 3642). Model 3 specified the same factor structure
as Model 2 but included a second-order factor of OCDE. Correlated error variances were used to modify the
model if the re-specification agreed with theory. In order to determine the best model, both statistical
criteria and information about the parameter estimates were used. Because the models are not nested and
statistical tests of differences between models were not available using weighted least square mean and
variance adjusted (WLSMV) estimations (e.g., DIFFTEST or Akaike’s Information Criterion), no statistical
tests of differences were conducted.
All models were tested with Mplus 7.11 (Muthén & Muthén, 2012) using WLSMV estimator, which was
designed for ordinal data (Li, 2016), and a polychoric correlation matrix.
The pattern coefficient for the first indicator of each latent variable was fixed to 1.00. Indices of model-data
fit considered were chi-square test, root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA), standardized root
mean squared residual (SRMR), and comparative fit index (CFI). For RMSEA, Browne and Cudeck (1992)
suggested that values greater than .10 might indicate a lack of fit. CFI values greater than .90, which
indicates that the proposed model is greater than 90% of than that of the baseline model, will serve as an
indicator of adequate fit (Kline, 2016). Perfect model fit is indicated by SRMR = 0, and values greater than
.10 may indicate poor fit (Kline, 2016). All models are overidentified indicating there is more than enough
information in the data to estimate the model parameters.
After determining the best fitting model, a multiple indicators multiple cause model (MIMIC) was
conducted to examine the a priori hypothesis that years of experience and level of expertise would have
positive relationships with the latent variables of the OCDE. Specifically, we hypothesized years of
experience and level of expertise to have a positive relationship to the latent variables.
In this section we review the data screening process, the descriptive statistics from the OCDE
implementation, the validation of OCDE, and examination of the relationship between OCDE and variables
of years of experience and level of expertise.
Design Matters: Development and Validation of the Online Course Design Elements (OCDE) Instrument
Martin, Bolliger, and Flowers
Data Screening
Initially, 238 individuals responded to the survey invitation; however, 16 cases had one-third or more data
missing, and these 16 cases were deleted from the data set. Missing values for all variables did not exceed
1.4% (i.e., three respondents). Little’s (1988) Missing Completely at Random (MCAR) test was not
statistically significant, χ
= 113.76, df = 142, p = .961, suggesting that values could be treated as missing
completely at random. These missing values were estimated using expectation-maximization algorithm
(EM). All values were within range and no univariate or multivariate outliers were detected. Because the
data were ordinal in nature, WLSMV estimations were used to estimate all parameters of the model.
WLSMV is specifically designed for ordinal data (e.g., Likert-type data) and makes no distributional
assumptions about the observed variables (Li, 2016). The variance inflation factor for all items were below
5.0, suggesting multicollinearity was not problematic.
Descriptive Statistics
The means and standard deviations for all items are reported in Table 2. All means exceeded 4.0 (on a 5-
point scale; 1 = Never, 2 = Rarely, 3 = Sometimes, 4 = Often, and 5 = Always) except for two items.
Reliability coefficients, as estimated using Cronbach’s alpha, were (a) .91 for all 38 items; (b) .82 for
overview; (c) .66 for content presentation; (d) .83 for interaction and communication; (e) .73 for assessment
and evaluation; and (f) .76 for learner support. Reliability coefficients greater than .70 are generally
acceptable, values greater than .80 are adequate, and values greater than .90 are good (Kline, 2016;
Nunnally & Bernstein, 1994). Given the values of the reliability coefficients, making inferences about
individual respondents’ performance on the subdomains was not recommended. The correlation
coefficients among the items ranged from .05 to .62. The correlation matrix for the items can be made
available upon request.
Table 2
Means and Standard Deviations for Survey Items
Category and item M SD
Overview (Cronbach’s alpha = .82)
1. A student orientation (e.g., video overview of course elements) 4.22 1.125
2. Major course goals 4.82 0.579
3. Expectations regarding the quality of students’ communication (e.g.,
4.50 0.886
4. Expectations regarding student participation (e.g., timing, frequency) 4.64 0.822
5. Expectations about the quality of students’ assignments (e.g., good
4.22 0.994
6. The instructor’s contact information 4.86 0.573
Design Matters: Development and Validation of the Online Course Design Elements (OCDE) Instrument
Martin, Bolliger, and Flowers
7. The instructor’s availability for office hours 4.50 1.084
8. A biography of the instructor 4.23 1.140
9. The instructor’s response time to e-mails and/or phone calls 4.31 1.145
10. The instructor’s turn-around time on feedback to submitted assignments 4.15 1.207
11. Policies about general expectations of students (e.g., late assignments,
academic honesty)
4.77 0.697
Mean for overview category 4.47 0.582
Content presentation (Cronbach’s alpha = .66)
13. A variety of instructional materials (e.g., textbook readings, video recorded
lectures, web resources)
4.68 0.524
14. Accommodations for learners with disabilities (e.g., transcripts, closed
4.22 1.096
15. Course information that is chunked into modules or units 4.84 0.527
16. Clearly written instructions 4.81 0.485
17. Course activities that promote achievement of objectives 4.77 0.589
18. Course objectives that are clearly defined (e.g., measurable) 4.73 0.650
Mean for content presentation category 4.67 0.413
Interaction and communication (Cronbach’s alpha = .83)
20. Opportunities for students to interact with the instructor 4.55 0.728
21. Required student-to-student interaction (e.g., graded activities) 4.15 0.981
22. Frequently occurring student-to-student interactions (e.g., weekly) 4.04 0.988
23. Activities that are used to build community (e.g., icebreaker activities,
introduction activities)
4.08 1.024
24. Collaborative activities that support student learning (e.g., small group
3.73 1.025
25. Technology that is used to promote learner engagement (e.g., synchronous
tools, discussion forums)
4.53 0.747
26. Technologies that facilitate active learning (e.g., student-created artifacts) 4.42 0.856
Design Matters: Development and Validation of the Online Course Design Elements (OCDE) Instrument
Martin, Bolliger, and Flowers
Mean for interaction and communication category 4.21 0.640
Assessment and evaluation (Cronbach’s alpha = .73)
28. Assessments that align with learning objectives 4.82 0.527
29. Formative assessments to provide feedback on learner progress (e.g.,
discussions, practice activities)
4.61 0.675
30. Summative assessments to measure student learning (e.g., final exam,
final project)
4.64 0.690
31. Assessments occurring throughout the course 4.65 0.647
32. Rubrics for graded assignments 4.45 0.853
33. Self-assessment options for learners (e.g., self-check quizzes) 3.55 1.048
34. Opportunity for learners to give feedback on course improvement 4.37 0.867
Mean for assessment and evaluation category 4.44 0.480
Learner support (Cronbach’s alpha = .76)
36. Easy course navigation (e.g., menus) 4.77 0.589
37. Consistent course structure (e.g., design, look) 4.78 0.555
38. Easily viewable media (e.g., streamed videos, optimized graphics) 4.63 0.675
39. Media files accessible on different platforms and devices (e.g., tablets,
4.27 0.920
40. Minimum technology requirements (e.g., operating systems) 4.25 1.148
41. Resources for accessing technology (e.g., guides, tutorials) 4.27 0.906
42. Links to institutional support services (e.g., help desk, library, tutors) 4.59 0.811
Mean for learner support category 4.51 0.545
*Note. Q12, Q19, Q27, and Q35 were open-ended questions and were not included in Table 2.
Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA)
The results of the CFA are shown in Table 3. In all the of the analyses, the chi-square goodness-of-fit
statistics were statistically significant. This suggest that none of the models fit perfectly. The other
goodness-of-fit statistics suggested a reasonable fit for the models, except for Model 1. For Model 1, the
Comparative Fit Index - CFI (.815), Tucker-Lewis Index -TLI (.815), Root Mean Square Error of
Approximation - RMSEA (.082), and Standardized Root Mean Square Residual - SRMR (.129) exceeded
Design Matters: Development and Validation of the Online Course Design Elements (OCDE) Instrument
Martin, Bolliger, and Flowers
the criteria, which suggest a one-factor model is not supported by the data. While Models 2 and 3 had
reasonable fit, examinations of the residual correlation matrix suggested there was some local misfit, and
both Models 2 and 3 were modified to improve the fit.
Models 2 and 3 modifications allowed for four correlated error variances between observed variables.
Specifically, all of the correlated error variables were between items in the same factor. For the overview
factor, the error variance for item 9 (instructor’s response time to e-mails and/or phone calls) was allowed
to correlate with item 10 (instructor’s turnaround time for feedback on submitted assignments). The error
variance for item 8 (a biography of the instructor) was correlated with item 9 (instructor’s response time to
e-mails and/or phone calls). The two items in the interaction and communication factor with correlated
error variances were item 21 (required student-to-student interaction, such as graded activities) and item
22 (frequently occurring student-to-student interactions, such as weekly). In the learner support factor, the
error variance for item 36 (easy course navigation, such as menus) correlated with item 37 (consistent
course structure, such as design and look). The goodness-of-fit statistics are reported in Table 3. For both
modified models, the chi-square goodness-of-fit statistics were statistically significant, but the other fit
statistics suggested an acceptable fit of the observed covariance to the model-implied covariance.
Table 3
Goodness-of-Fit Statistics
Model 1 1667.37 665 .825 .815 .082 [.077, .087] .129
Model 2 1150.18 655 .914 .907 .058 [.053, .064] .106
Model 3 1135.84 660 .917 .911 .057 [.051, .063] .106
Model 2-mod 1012.11 651 .940 .930 .050 [.044, .056] .097
Model 3-mod 1002.85 656 .939 .935 .049 [.043, .055] .098
*Note. Model 1 = one factor; Model 2 = five factors; Model 3 = higher order factor; Model 2-mod = five factors with
correlated error variances (items 8 with 9, 9 with 10, 21 with 22, and 36 with 37); Model 3-mod = Higher order with
correlated error variances (items 8 with 9, 9 with 10, 21 with 22, and 36 with 37).
Modified Models
The correlation between the five factors (reported in Table 4) ranged between .48 to .85. This suggests
shared variance among the factors. Given the size of the correlation coefficients and large degree of overlap
among the factors, the modified Model 3 appears to be the best model and is discussed in greater detail.
Design Matters: Development and Validation of the Online Course Design Elements (OCDE) Instrument
Martin, Bolliger, and Flowers
Table 4
Correlation Coefficients Among the Five Factors of the OCDE
Factor 1 2 3 4
1. Overview
2. Content presentation .81
3. Interaction and communication .68 .68
4. Assessment and evaluation .85 .65 .65
5. Learner support .60 .68 .48 .60
The unstandardized and standardized pattern coefficients for Model 3 modified are reported in Table 5. All
coefficients are statistically significant (p < .001). Several of the standardized coefficients fell below .70,
indicating that over half of the variance is unaccounted for in the model. The path coefficients between the
factors and the second order factor ranged from .67 to .93 and were statistically significant. The
recommended model is shown in Figure 2. Note that the covariances among the factors are not included in
the figure.
Table 5
Unstandardized, Standardized Pattern Coefficients, and Standard Error (SE) for the Higher-Order Model
Factor Item/Factor Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficient SE
Overview Q1 1.00 .00
Q2 1.75 .28
Q3 1.60 .21
Q4 1.65 .22
Q5 1.29 .23
Q6 1.93 .29
Q7 1.34 .24
Q8 1.23 .20
Q9 1.45 .24
Q10 1.35 .22
Q11 1.78 .27
Content presentation Q13 1.00 .00
Design Matters: Development and Validation of the Online Course Design Elements (OCDE) Instrument
Martin, Bolliger, and Flowers
Q14 .88 .16
Q15 1.32 .18
Q16 1.47 .21
Q17 1.84 .27
Q18 1.62 .23
Interaction and
communication Q20 1.00 .00
Q21 .95 .07
Q22 .75 .07
Q23 1.03 .08
Q24 .75 .09
Q25 .95 .08
Q26 .84 .08
Assessment and
evaluation Q28 1.00 .00
Q29 .72 .06
Q30 .75 .06
Q31 .86 .06
Q32 .72 .05
Q33 .40 .06
Q34 .53 .07
Learner support Q36 1.00 .00
Q37 .78 .09
Q38 .97 .09
Q39 .77 .08
Q40 .86 .08
Q41 .78 .09
Q42 1.00 .10
OCDE higher-order OVER 1.00 .00
CONT 1.12 .20
INTE 1.35 .20
ASSE 2.06 .29
SUPP 1.34 .19
Design Matters: Development and Validation of the Online Course Design Elements (OCDE) Instrument
Martin, Bolliger, and Flowers
*Note. OVER = overview, CONT = content presentation, INTE = interaction and communication, ASSE = assessment
and evaluation, and SUPP = learner support.
Figure 2
Best Fitting Higher-Order Model
Design Matters: Development and Validation of the Online Course Design Elements (OCDE) Instrument
Martin, Bolliger, and Flowers
Experience and Expertise on Design Strategies
A MIMIC model was conducted to examine the relationship between OCDE higher-order latent factor and
the predictor variables of years of experience and level of expertise. The results suggested that level of
expertise was a statistically significant predictor of OCDE (unstandardized coefficient = .09, SE = .04,
standardized coefficient = .23), but years of experience was not statistically significant (unstandardized
coefficient < .01, SE < .01, standardized coefficient <.01). This suggested for a one unit increase in the self-
report level of expertise, there was about a .23 standard deviation increase in OCDE score.
In this section, we discuss instructors’ and instructional designers’ frequency of use of the design elements,
validation of the OCDE instrument, and the significance of expertise but not experience in course design.
Frequency of Use
In this implementation with 222 respondents, except for two items, the frequency of use of OCDE items
was rated above a Mean of 4.0. With 36 items rated above 4.0, the various design elements in the OCDE
are those frequently used in online courses. The two items that were rated below 4.0 were collaborative
activities that support student learning (M = 3.73) and self-assessment options for learners (M = 3.55). This
demonstrates that collaborative activities and self-assessment options may not be included as often in the
online courses as compared to the rest of the items in the OCDE instrument. Based on research and existing
literature, these items are important in student learning. Martin and Bolliger (2018) pointed out the
importance of collaboration using online communication tools to engage learners in online learning
environments. Capdeferro and Romero (2012) recognized that online learners were frustrated with
collaborative learning experiences and provided a list of recommendations for distance education
stakeholders in order to improve learners’ experiences in computer-supported collaborative learning
environments. Castle and McGuire (2010) discussed student-self assessment in online, blended, and face-
to-face courses. Perhaps additional guidance or professional development needs to be provided for
instructors on how to include these two aspects in the effective design and development of good quality
online courses.
Validity of the OCDE Instrument
Evidence from Models 2 and 3 in this study supports inferences from OCDE. The total score demonstrates
good reliability and factor structure. However, due to low reliability coefficients especially in the content
presentation subscale where the reliability coefficient was at .66, caution needs to be taken if the factors or
subscales are used individually. High correlation was found among the subscales, especially between
overview and content presentation (.81), and overview and assessment and evaluation (.85). The OCDE
instrument is recommended to be used as a whole, but due to low reliability coefficients, caution is advised
if using individual subscales of overview, content presentation, interaction and communication,
assessment, and evaluation and learner support.
Design Matters: Development and Validation of the Online Course Design Elements (OCDE) Instrument
Martin, Bolliger, and Flowers
Expertise and Years of Experience in the Design of Online Courses
The overall OCDE score is related to self-reported level of expertise. However, years of experience is not
related to the OCDE. The perceived level of expertise was reported as expert, proficient, competent,
advanced beginner, or novice. The level of expertise in online course design was a statistically significant
predictor of the OCDE score, whereas years of experience was not. Perez et al. (1995) stated that compared
to novice designers, expert designers use more design principles and access a variety of knowledge sources.
A previous study suggested that experts are not just those with wealth of experience from their years
teaching online (Martin et al., 2019) but also those who have the expertise and fluency.
While expertise can be developed with experience over time, this is not the only way to acquire it. Research
on online learning strategies that focus on instructors’ years of experience might help us understand
whether online teaching experience obtained over time makes one an expert instructor. Shanteau (1992)
recommended that instead of focusing on their years of teaching experience, experts should be identified
based on peer recommendations. Some of the characteristics of expert online instructors identified by
Kumar et al. (2019) include (a) possessing a wide range of strategies, (b) knowing how to adapt materials
for an online format, (c) choosing content and activities carefully, (d) monitoring activities continuously,
and (e) tweaking and evaluating a course.
There were some limitations to this study. The elements included in this study are not an exhaustive list for
the design and development of good quality online courses, though the OCDE was developed from the
summary of six instruments, and from research and expert review. The reliability coefficients of some
subscales were below .80, suggesting that rather than make decisions about individual subscales, the results
of the study suggest that the research-based instrument can provide useful aggregated information to
practitioners. As well, since the data are self-reported, social desirability may have been a factor in some of
the participants’ responses. In addition, the OCDE was implemented with a relatively small sample of
instructors and instructional designers most of whom were based in the United States.
The goal of the study was to develop and validate an instrument to address critical elements in online course
design. Results show that the OCDE with its five constructsoverview, content presentation, interaction
and communication, assessment and evaluation, and learner supportis a valid and reliable instrument.
When relationships of the latent variables to years of experiences and self-reported level of expertise were
examined, results indicated that the level of expertise in online course design was a statistically significant
predictor of the OCDE score. The OCDE instrument was implemented in higher education. However,
practitioners and researchers may adapt and use the instrument for design and research in different
Researchers should continue to examine design elements that are not included in the OCDE and implement
them in different settings such as K-12, community colleges, and other instructional settings. This study
may be replicated with a larger sample or with participants who teach or support faculty in a variety of
Design Matters: Development and Validation of the Online Course Design Elements (OCDE) Instrument
Martin, Bolliger, and Flowers
disciplines. Using the instrument in other countries, particularly where online teaching and learning is still
either a novelty or not as established as in the United States would be worthwhile.
The OCDE can be used to support online teaching and design professional development for instructors and
instructional designers, particularly those who are novices or beginners. Instructional designers can offer
training for instructors using the OCDE as a checklist. Instructors who are interested in teaching online
may also use this rubric to guide their course design.
We would like to thank the members of the review panel who generously volunteered their time and
expertise to provide us with valuable feedback that led to the improvement of the OCDE instrument.
Members of the expert panel were: Drs. Lynn Ahlgrim-Delzell, Drew Polly, Xiaoxia Newton, and Enoch
Park at the University of North Carolina–Charlotte.
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Design Matters: Development and Validation of the Online Course Design Elements (OCDE) Instrument
Martin, Bolliger, and Flowers
Online Course Design Elements (OCDE) Instrument
Please indicate the frequency with which you include the following design elements in your online courses.
(Scale: 1 = Never, 2 = Rarely, 3 = Sometimes, 4 = Often, 5 = Always)
1. A student orientation (e.g., video overview of course elements).
2. Major course goals.
3. Expectations regarding the quality of students’ communication (e.g., netiquette).
4. Expectations regarding student participation (e.g., timing, frequency).
5. Expectations about the quality of students’ assignments (e.g., good examples).
6. The instructor’s contact information.
7. The instructor’s availability for office hours.
8. A biography of the instructor.
9. The instructor’s response time to e-mails and/or phone calls.
10. The instructor’s turnaround time for feedback on submitted assignments.
11. Policies about general expectations of students (e.g., late assignments, academic honesty).
12. In your opinion, what are the most important elements in this category? (please type in your
answer). (*)
Content Presentation
1. A variety of instructional materials (e.g., textbook readings, video recorded lectures, Web
2. Accommodations for learners with disabilities (e.g., transcripts, closed captioning).
3. Course information that is chunked into modules or units.
Design Matters: Development and Validation of the Online Course Design Elements (OCDE) Instrument
Martin, Bolliger, and Flowers
4. Clearly written instructions.
5. Course activities that promote achievement of objectives.
6. Course objectives that are clearly defined (e.g., measurable).
7. In your opinion, what are the most important elements in this category? (please type in your
answer). (*)
Interaction and Communication
1. Opportunities for students to interact with the instructor.
2. Required student-to-student interaction (e.g., graded activities).
3. Frequently occurring student-to-student interactions (e.g., weekly).
4. Activities that are used to build community (e.g., icebreaker activities, introduction activities).
5. Collaborative activities that support student learning (e.g., small group assignments).
6. Technology that is used to promote learner engagement (e.g., synchronous tools, discussion
7. Technologies that facilitate active learning (e.g., student created artifacts).
8. In your opinion, what are the most important elements in this category? (please type in your
answer). (*)
Assessment and Evaluation
1. Assessments that align with learning objectives.
2. Formative assessments to provide feedback on learner progress (e.g., discussions, practice
3. Summative assessments to measure student learning (e.g., final exam, final project).
4. Assessments occurring throughout the course.
5. Rubrics for graded assignments.
Design Matters: Development and Validation of the Online Course Design Elements (OCDE) Instrument
Martin, Bolliger, and Flowers
6. Self-assessment options for learners (e.g., self-check quizzes).
7. Opportunity for learners to give feedback on course improvement.
8. In your opinion, what are the most important elements in this category? (please type in your
answer). (*)
Learner Support
1. Easy course navigation (e.g., menus).
2. Consistent course structure (e.g., design, look).
3. Easily viewable media (e.g., streamed videos, optimized graphics).
4. Media files accessible on different platforms and devices (e.g., tablets, smartphones).
5. Minimum technology requirements (e.g., operating systems).
6. Resources for accessing technology (e.g., guides, tutorials).
7. Links to institutional support services (e.g., help desk, library, tutors).
8. In your opinion, what are the most important elements in this category? (please type in your
answer). (*)
1. Are there any other design elements that you think are important and are not included in this
survey? (please type in your answer). (*)