2024 Annual Catholic Appeal
Parish Manual
Together at the table
JAN.  AND JAN. , 
Promotion Templates
Promotion Templates
Homily Resources
Promotion Templates
Homily Resources
In-Pew Process and Presentation
Promotion Templates
Homily Resources
Supply Checklist
2024 Annual Catholic Appeal
Parish Manual
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
We have faced many challenges in our world—from diseases and social
upheavals to climate disasters and economic uncertainty. Still, we hope,
because the Lord has walked with us, and we have walked with each other.
The Lord’s table has sustained us. This year’s Annual Catholic Appeal
echoes these experiences. This year, our theme is Together at the table.
It evokes the Last Supper and the story of the two disciples on the way
to Emmaus who are together at the table with the Lord. In these images,
we know ourselves as gathered together, as fed by the Eucharist, and as
missionary disciples sent into the world. Closely connected to this is Pope
Francis’ call for a synodal Church, that is, a Church “on the road together.
When we are together at the table, the altar of the Lord’s sacrice, we nd
the true means that sustain us on our shared journey homeward.
The Appeal is an occasion and a means for bridging together our eorts to
support parish life, Catholic schools, programs of religious education, and
various archdiocesan initiatives and outreach that include, for example,
respect for life and violence reduction. The Appeal can draw us together in
a unied sense of purpose.
The manual that you have before you can help your planning and
preparation for the ACA. Of course, each community is unique, and you will
need to tailor what is oered here to the circumstances of your people.
Finally, I thank you and your parishioners for the many ways that you have
collaborated to support the mission and ministries of the archdiocese.
Be assured of my support and of the availability of resources through the
archdiocese to help you as you lead this year’s ACA. Again, you have my
gratitude, and you also have my prayers.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Archbishop of Chicago
2024 Annual Catholic Appeal
Parish Manual
These projections are based on anticipated needs and are subject to change. The list below is
meant to summarize the far-reaching impact of the Appeal, and so is not a comprehensive list
of all the archdioceses ministries.
Low-income parishes and
schools 
Support for parishes and schools serving nancially
challenged communities
Parish-based incentives
After a parish reaches goal, donated funds return to the
parish for local use
Archdiocesan ministries
Outreach initiatives for young adults, families, children and
Spiritual renewal eorts
Transforming parishes to share our faith in new and
creative ways
Priest formation
Education and development for seminarians and priests in
the Archdiocese of Chicago
Tuition assistance for disadvantaged Catholic school
Catholic Relief Services
Support for those suering from natural disasters around
the world
Cost of the Appeal
Printing, postage, processing costs for the Appeal
How Your Gift Will Be Used
ost of the Appeal 7%
tholic Relief Services 4%
ships 5%
renewal eorts 8%
-income parishes and schools 31%
arish-based incentives 24%
chdiocesan ministries 15%
riest formation 6%
2024 Annual Catholic Appeal
Parish Manual
How Your Gift Was Used
2022 Annual Catholic Appeal
Our promise to our donors is that no money donated to
the Annual Catholic Appeal has been or will be used to
defray expenses related to misconduct issues.
,, Low-income parishes and
Support for parishes and schools serving nancially
challenged communities
,, Parish-based incentives After a parish reaches goal, donated funds return to the
parish for local use
,, Archdiocesan ministries Outreach initiatives for young adults, families, children
and others
,, Spiritual renewal eorts Transforming parishes to share our faith in new and
creative ways
, Priest formation Education and development for seminarians and priests
in the Archdiocese of Chicago
, Scholarships Tuition assistance for disadvantaged Catholic school
, Catholic Relief Services Support for those suering from natural disasters
around the world
,, Cost of the Appeal Printing, postage, processing costs for the Appeal
,, TOTAL APPEAL
2024 Annual Catholic Appeal
Parish Manual
Parish goals are calculated as a percentage of annual Oertory Income (Sundays, Holy Days,
Christmas and Easter collections).
Parishes serving low-income communities will have a goal of four percent of Oertory Income.
These parishes will be determined using known nancial and demographic information of the
parish community including U.S. Census data.
The remaining parishes carry a goal of seven percent of Oertory Income.
The rst rebate distribution will be made to the parish Archdiocesan Bank account at the end of
October 2024. The nal rebate distribution will be made at the start of March 2025.
The Annual Catholic Appeal pays for itself. Every dollar spent on cost is a dollar not spent at
parishes, schools and ministries. Ten percent of rebates over $10,000 will be used to support
parishes and schools who are suering signicant nancial hardship. For example, for a $12,000
rebate, $200 will go to support low-income parishes and schools.
2024 Annual Catholic Appeal
Parish Manual
Get to Know IZZY!
IZZY is the Archdiocese of Chicagos intranet portal and can be accessed at izzy.archchicago.org
or archchicago.org/izzy. It’s important to become familiar with IZZY, as the archdiocese is using
it to share important documents, les and templates. IZZY provides you with templates for the
2024 Annual Catholic Appeal, including artwork, brochures, a digital version of this manual and
digital les for Cardinal Cupich’s homily. Please note, you will need to have an “archchicago.org”
sta email address to access IZZY. Please use your archdiocese email address to log into Microsoft
when prompted when visiting IZZY if you have not signed in before.
Microsoft Teams
A dedicated Microsoft Teams group will also be created for all parish sta and volunteers to access
the 2024 Annual Catholic Appeal templates. You will receive an invitation to join with
your archdiocese email. If you have volunteers who help with the ACA at your parish and
do not have an archdiocese email, contact the Oce of Stewardship and Development at
archchicago@archchicago.org with the volunteer’s name and email address. They will be invited
to join the Microsoft Teams group and will then have access to the ACA materials.
Attend an ACA Webinar
To ensure that everyone is receiving the same information, we encourage every member of your
ACA leadership team to attend the ACA webinar. The 60-minute webinar is a convenient way for
parishes to obtain vital information about the 2024 ACA.
Gather Volunteers
The ACA is inherently a team eort. No pastor can do it alone! Plenty of volunteers with assigned
roles will ease the process and demonstrate to parishioners how key lay leaders believe in the
initiative. In turn, this will encourage participation among parishioners.
Ensure Quantity and Quality
The ACA team will provide your parish with ACA posters, brochures, envelopes and labels. Please
contact the ACA oce if you require additional materials: 312.534.7959
2024 Annual Catholic Appeal
Parish Manual
Ways to Make ACA Gifts
One-time gifts, pledges, sustaining recurring gifts, as well as gifts made through stock, Donor
Advised Funds and IRA distributions can be made by cash, check or credit card through the
following methods:
Reply form received in the cardinal's direct mailings
Online at annualcatholicappeal.com
In-pew envelopes (pre-addressed)
Telephone — Annual Catholic Appeal — 312.534.7959
Mail to — Annual Catholic Appeal, 835 North Rush Street, Chicago, Illinois 60611-2030
Charitable Gift Funds — Legal Name: The Catholic Bishop of Chicago, Federal tax
ID #36-2170826
Direct Mail Letters
Letters from the cardinal will be mailed by the Annual Catholic Appeal and contain a pre-addressed
return envelope to mail in cash, check or credit card gifts. Materials included in the mailing will
include reference to the Appeal website for online giving. These letters are generally mailed during
the following timeframes, which may change depending on the appeal’s fundraising progress:
Early January 2024 — rst letter from Cardinal Cupich
April/May 2024 — reminder letter from Cardinal Cupich
Early Summer 2024 (exact month TBD) — general donor reminder mailer
Late August 2024 — reminder letter from Cardinal Cupich (pastor letter – optional)
November 2024 — nal direct mail
Because the letter arrives at home, it usually generates most of the appeal revenue; but please
continue to promote the online giving options throughout the campaign.
In-Pew Envelopes
In-pew envelopes will be distributed on Commitment Weekend (February 10–11, 2024) at all
Masses as the pastor leads the congregation in the in-pew process.
In-pew envelopes are already addressed to the Annual Catholic Appeal Gift Processing Center, but
the donor must include their return address on the envelope in the upper lefthand corner.
2024 Annual Catholic Appeal
Parish Manual
Online Giving Form
There is a dedicated annual appeal giving form accessible online at annualcatholicappeal.com.
Pastors are encouraged to share this online giving link in person during homilies, in emails and in
social media posts. This year’s updated online giving form oers various ways to donate:
Donor selects a “Gift Amount” to be charged monthly.
Donor selects “Recurring Gift” (a traditional pledge) as gift type and selects a gift duration (the
number of months they will be charged the gift amount). Example: to pledge $100 paid over
four months, Gift Amount would be $25 and Gift Duration would be four months.
Donors can make their commitments go even further by becoming a Sustaining Donor.
Donor selects a “Gift Amount” and selects “Recurring Gift” as gift type and "Ongoing Monthly"
as the gift duration. Donor will be charged the gift amount chosen each month until they
decide to stop.
Make a One-Time Gift
Donor selects a “Gift Amount” and leaves gift type as “One-Time Gift.
2024 Annual Catholic Appeal
Parish Manual
Dec. 28
The Annual Catholic Appeal mails the cardinal's letter to previous ACA donors and registered
households as provided by the parishes.
Parish Preparation, Jan. 8–26
Appeal materials will be delivered to the parishes from Jan. 9 to 27. Posters, brochures, in-pew
envelopes, procedure manuals and cardinal’s recorded homilies will be included.
Pre-Announcement Weekends, Jan. 20–21, Jan. 2728
Pastors should begin promoting the ACA by
. Including an ACA advertisement in your weekly bulletin
. Preparing altar announcement referencing the bulletin announcement
. Ensuring sucient quantity of materials
. Displaying ACA posters
Test the CDs, DVDs or cassettes you received to assure that they are in working order. If you
need a replacement, contact the ACA oce.
Homily notes for pastors/preachers are included in each section
Homilies are also available digitally through IZZY
Announcement Weekend, Feb. 3–4
Begin sharing ways to give to the ACA by
. Displaying ACA posters if not already complete
. Preparing an electronic or print bulletin announcement
. Preparing altar announcement for services
. Preparing and delivering pastor’s homily
. Including a prayer of the faithful for the Appeal in all Masses
. Displaying ACA brochures in the back of the church
. Sending an email to parishioners
. Sharing giving link on social media
2024 Annual Catholic Appeal
Parish Manual
Commitment Weekend, Feb. 10–11
Continue to promote the ACA by
. Preparing an electronic bulletin announcement
. Including a prayer of the faithful for the Appeal in all Masses
. Displaying ACA brochures in the back of the church
. Sending an email to parishioners
. Sharing giving link on social media
Prepare volunteers for how to conduct the in-pew process
. Each presider should be briefed on Commitment Weekend process
. Arrange for and train volunteers to help with in-pew process at each Mass
. Prepare and distribute in-pew envelopes
Prepare cardinal's recorded homily and pastor's remarks for Massess
. Test the CDs, DVDs or cassettes you received to assure that they are in working order. If you
need a replacement, contact the ACA oce.
. Homilies are also available digitally through IZZY
. Review suggested pastor introduction to the cardinal’s homily and in-pew process script
Follow-Up Weekend, Feb. 17–18
Continue promoting ways to give to the ACA by
. Displaying ACA brochures and giving envelopes in the back of the church for in-person
. Including a prayer of the faithful for the Appeal in all Masses
. Including bulletin announcements
. Sending an email to parishioners
. Sharing giving link on social media
. Preparing and delivering preachers’ homily
 2024 Annual Catholic Appeal
Parish Manual
JAN.  AND JAN. , 
The material provided below is also available on the archdiocesan portal IZZY, as well as on the
ACA Teams page.
Prayer of the Faithful for the Appeal
That the Lord would gather us together at the table and prompt within us a generous spirit to help
our brothers and sisters in need as we support this year’s Annual Catholic Appeal, let us pray to the
Bulletin and Altar Announcements
Please prepare an altar announcement referring to this bulletin announcement, noting that people
will be receiving, or already have received, the mailing from Cardinal Cupich. Ask them to help
share the Gospel message by providing their generous support to the work of the archdiocese.
Please refer to the example announcement below when writing your message. You may also
choose to use any of the available artwork for the ACA which will be accessible on IZZY or the ACA
Teams page.
Please Make Your Gift to the 2024 Annual Catholic Appeal
Together at the table
Many families in our parish will be receiving the Annual Catholic Appeal mailing from
Cardinal Cupich. On behalf of those served by the ministries, parishes, and schools that
receive funding from the Appeal, we thank you for your gifts. Please return your response
as soon as possible. The Annual Catholic Appeal oers a wonderful opportunity to
answer the call “Together at the table.” In addition to providing for ministries and services
throughout the archdiocese, the Appeal also funds services that are of great help here in
our parish. For example, Appeal funds support… [NOTE: It is very important to insert
some of the ministries in your parish that receive training or other forms of support
from the archdiocese]. As we contemplate God’s many gifts to us, we should also reect
on our gratitude. Your nancial support for the work of our parish, our archdiocese, and the
Church throughout the world is one way to express this gratitude. Please give what you can
to the 2024 Annual Catholic Appeal.
2024 Annual Catholic Appeal
Parish Manual
Social Media Posts
If you have a parish social media account, please consider sharing images of the 2024 ACA theme
with the following suggested posts. Artwork for social media and the QR code to make a gift are
available on IZZY and the ACA Teams page:
The 2024 Annual Catholic Appeal will be launching in February. This eort does so much to
help our parish, our community and ministries that are vital to the archdiocese. Please consider
making a gift to support the Annual Catholic Appeal this year and join us in “Together at the
 2024 Annual Catholic Appeal
Parish Manual
The material provided below is also available on the archdiocesan portal IZZY, as well as on the
ACA Teams page.
Prayer of the Faithful for the Appeal
That the Lord would gather us together at the table and prompt within us a generous spirit to help
our brothers and sisters in need as we support this year’s Annual Catholic Appeal, let us pray to the
Bulletin Announcement
Please prepare a bulletin or newsletter announcement, noting that people have received or will be
receiving the mailing from Cardinal Cupich. Ask them to share the Gospel message by generously
supporting the work of the archdiocese. Please refer to the example announcement below when
writing your message. You may also choose to use any of the available artwork for the ACA which
will be accessible on IZZY or the ACA Teams page.
Please Make Your Gift to the 2024 Annual Catholic Appeal
Together at the table
Many families in our parish will be receiving the Annual Catholic Appeal mailing from
Cardinal Cupich. On behalf of those served by the ministries, parishes and schools who
receive funding from the Appeal, we thank you for your gifts. Please return your response
as soon as possible. The Annual Catholic Appeal oers a wonderful opportunity to answer
the call “Together at the table.” We encourage giving at all levels to support this initiative.
In addition to providing for ministries and services throughout the archdiocese, the Annual
Catholic Appeal funds services in our own parish. For example, Appeal funds support
[Insert the name of your parish ministries that receive training or other forms of
support from the archdiocese].
When we nancially support the work of our parish, our archdiocese and the Catholic
Church throughout the world, we experience a feeling of deep gratitude, especially when
we contemplate God’s many gifts to us personally. By sharing our wealth through gifts to
the 2024 Annual Catholic Appeal, we demonstrate our commitment to the Church and
each other.
2024 Annual Catholic Appeal
Parish Manual
Email Template
To reach all your parishioners, please use the email template below as a guide to ensure that
everyone understands all the giving options. Please be sure to personalize it as appropriate for
your parish and your parishioners’ emotional and spiritual needs.
Artwork for the ACA email banner is available on IZZY and the ACA Teams page.
Dear [Name],
I hope this message nds you and your loved ones healthy and well. The Annual Catholic
Appeal will launch next weekend, and I wanted to share with you the impact your gift—no
matter the size—has on this important eort. The work supported by the Appeal is more
important than ever. Gifts to the Annual Catholic Appeal directly support the necessary
work of parishes, Catholic schools and vital ministries throughout the archdiocese. [Please
insert an example of how your parish has benetted from ACA rebate support.]
You can make your gift to the Annual Catholic Appeal online at annualcatholicappeal.com,
or you can choose to send in the response envelope from the Cardinal’s letter you may have
received earlier in January. Thank you for supporting our parish.
Yours in Christ,
[Pastor Name]
Social Media Posts
If you have a parish social media account, please consider sharing images of the 2024 ACA theme
with the following suggested posts. Artwork for social media and the QR code to make a gift are
available on IZZY and the ACA Teams page.
Sample social media posts:
Answer the call to support the Annual Catholic Appeal this year and join us in “Together at the
table.” Let’s show our parish’s vitality by making a gift today! Visit annualcatholicappeal.com to
make a gift online.
The Annual Catholic Appeal begins next weekend—join us in “Together at the table.” Visit
annualcatholicappeal.com to make an online gift.
 2024 Annual Catholic Appeal
Parish Manual
Throughout the February ACA rollout, Cardinal Cupich has asked pastors to preach about the
Annual Catholic Appeal during the homily. Below, Father Louis J. Cameli has written a suggested
ve-minute homily presentation that you may use as you see t:
Next week is Commitment Sunday for the 2024 Annual Catholic Appeal in the Archdiocese
of Chicago. This year’s theme is Together at the table. The theme draws together three
important movements at work in the Church today: the call to synodality or walking
together on the road with Jesus and each other, the call to the national Eucharistic Revival
or coming to the table and altar of the Lord’s sacrice, and—nally—the call to continue
fostering together the spiritual revitalization of our parishes.
The ministry of Jesus and his saving death and resurrection were directed to bringing us
together at the table of his heavenly Father in the Kingdom. That movement of his mission
and ministry is evident in today’s gospel. In this year of Mark’s gospel, today’s passage is
drawn from chapter one and describes in a snapshot a typical day in the life of Jesus. He is
immersed in the lives of broken people who are ill, like Peter’s mother-in-law, people who
were dominated by evil spirits, people who needed a word of hope, the good news. Jesus
cures the sick, casts out demonic spirits, and he proclaims the good news. In all their needs,
the people come together and cluster around Jesus. And he heals them and brings them
together, ultimately, to his table of blessing.
The Annual Catholic Appeal enables us to be together with Jesus and with each other as
we serve the needs of others. The Appeal is one important path to forge a way to bring
people together at the table, people who might otherwise be excluded or remain on the
We are called to oer our nancial support, our prayerful support, and our direct
involvement in the Church’s outreach. In other words, we are called to be generous in
sharing our time, talent, and treasure. Through the Appeal, we can support parishes in
need, Catholic schools, programs of religious education, and Archdiocesan initiatives, for
example, that foster respect for life, that seek to make peace and prevent violence, and that
train leaders for our faith communities.
There are envelopes and brochures available for you in the back of church for you to take
on your way out. Across the next week, reect, pray, and ask yourself how you can help
bring people together at the table by supporting your brothers and sisters who make the
journey with you. Consider as concretely and specically as you can how your contribution
of time, talent, and treasure will help you to do this. Prepare to make a commitment next
The Eucharist we are about to celebrate gathers us together at the Lord’s table, the altar
of his Eucharistic sacrice. It is a foretaste of that heavenly feast when, one day, by God’s
grace will be forever together with the Lord and each other.
2024 Annual Catholic Appeal
Parish Manual
The material provided below is also available on the archdiocesan portal IZZY, as well as on the
ACA Teams page.
Prayer of the Faithful for the Appeal
That the Lord would gather us together at the table and prompt within us a generous spirit to help
our brothers and sisters in need as we support this year’s Annual Catholic Appeal, let us pray to the
Bulletin Announcement
Please prepare a bulletin or newsletter announcement, noting that people have received or will be
receiving the mailing from Cardinal Cupich. Ask them to share the Gospel message by generously
supporting the work of the archdiocese.
Please refer to the example announcement below when writing your message. You may also
choose to use any of the available artwork for the ACA, which will be accessible on IZZY or the
ACA Teams page.
I invite you to spend some time this week reecting on the Annual Catholic Appeal
materials you should have received in your bulletin or in the mail. The Annual Catholic
Appeal is much dierent than a one-time special collection: It is a pledged commitment to
make a gift over time. Your pledge can be made payable in installments.
Each pledge makes a dierence because all parishes participate in the campaign and the
gifts of many enable our archdiocese to deliver needed ministries and services to answer
the call of “Together at the table.
If you received your pledge form in the mail, please complete it and mail it back. This year,
we also encourage our parishioners to make their Annual Catholic Appeal gifts online at
 2024 Annual Catholic Appeal
Parish Manual
Email Template
To reach all your parishioners, please use the email template as a guide to ensure that everyone
understands all the giving options. Please be sure to personalize it as appropriate for your parish
and your parishioners’ emotional and spiritual needs.
Artwork for the ACA email banner is available on IZZY and the ACA Teams page.
Dear [Name],
This year’s theme for the Annual Catholic Appeal is Together at the table. It evokes the Last
Supper and the story of the two disciples on the way to Emmaus who are together at the
table with the Lord. When we are together at the table, the altar of the Lord’s sacrice, we
nd the true means that sustain us on our shared journey homeward.
Supporting the Annual Catholic Appeal unites us as a faith community in demonstrating
love of neighbor through the good works we are able to provide together. The Appeal
drives the holy mission of our archdiocese to teach, to serve and to sanctify, allowing us to
carry out the work of Christ.
If you would like to sign up for monthly parish giving, you can do so online at
annualcatholicappeal.com. You may also mail in your pledge contribution from any of
the materials received at home or at church. Please know of my deepest gratitude for your
Yours in Christ,
[Pastor Name]
Social Media Posts
If you have a parish social media account, please consider sharing images of the 2024 ACA theme
with the following suggested posts. Artwork for social media and the QR code to make a gift are
available on IZZY and the ACA Teams page:
Sample social media posts:
Answer the call to support the Annual Catholic Appeal this year and join us in “Together at the
table.” Let’s show our parish’s vitality by making a gift today! Visit annualcatholicappeal.com to
make a gift online.
Help our parish make our Annual Catholic Appeal goal by making a gift today! Gifts of all sizes can
make a dierence in our archdiocesan community. Visit annualcatholicappeal.com to make a
gift online.
Help us help others—gifts to the Annual Catholic Appeal support parish ministries like food
pantries and soup kitchens. The Appeal also supports Catholic school education for students
who wish to have a faith-lled educational experience. Don’t delay and make your gift online
today: annualcatholicappeal.com.
2024 Annual Catholic Appeal
Parish Manual
The cardinal’s homily is played only on Commitment Weekend (Feb. 10–11). In preparation, pastors
should listen to the cardinal’s homily to become familiar with the message and assure that the
broadcast equipment and recordings are working properly. Below, please nd the script of the
cardinal’s homily and talking points for the pastor’s introduction of the recording after the Gospel
Sample Pastor Introduction to the Cardinal’s Taped Homily
At the end of the reading of the Gospel and before the Cardinal’s taped homily begins the pastor
can make a very brief introduction in these or similar words:
Today is Commitment Sunday for the 2024 Annual Catholic Appeal. Cardinal Cupich will
now speak to us about the readings just now proclaimed and the theme for this year’s
Appeal: Together at the table. Please give him your attention. After his reection, I will help
you to pledge your support for the Appeal..
Immediately following the Cardinal’s homily, the pastor can oer his own personal words of
support for the Annual Catholic Appeal. He should ask his people to join him in making a generous
response to the Appeal. He would then thank in advance all those who are making a pledge. Then,
he would lead the congregation through the pledging process.
Cardinal’s Homily — Commitment Weekend, Feb. 10–11
In today’s Gospel, Jesus cures a leper. As he does so we gain an insight into his mission, a
mission he gives to us. Leprosy is a terrible physical aiction. It is painful and it disgures the
body. But unlike other illnesses, it is a disease that isolates the leper for he must live away
and apart from the community. We know from our recent experience of the pandemic how
loneliness and isolation can bring great suering.
Notice that Jesus heals not only the skin disease, but the whole man, body, soul, and spirit so
that the leper can rejoin the family and the community, including worshipping community,
as he is told to show himself to the priest. Jesus heals in a way that restores the leper’s
humanity, for the leper is once again someone who belongs to others, as he talks, worships,
works, and eats with all in the community. Belonging is what it means to be fully human.
Jesus asks us to do the same on his behalf, to heal in a way that restores the humanity of
others by making room at the table of life for all. Each year we take up this mission with fresh
energy through the Annual Catholic Appeal. This is Commitment Weekend for the Appeal
and in light of the Gospel we have chosen the theme Together at the table. We take up this
mission together but also to make sure that everyone is included. We are true to Christ’s
mission when we reach out to those in need with his healing power, restoring their humanity
and doing all we can to let them know that they belong.
 2024 Annual Catholic Appeal
Parish Manual
Through the Appeal, we as one body reach out to struggling parish communities, schools,
religious education and ministry formation programs, and respect life and peace initiatives in
the Archdiocese. Through Catholic Relief Services, we also reach out to people beyond our
local Church who are suering from illnesses, natural disasters, and the calamities of war.
Together at the table—that is our vision, our mission, and our purpose. As your nancial
circumstances permit, please join me and other Catholics and make a gift to the Annual
Appeal. Once your parish meets its goal, proceeds will return to your parish to support its
mission in your local community.
Belonging means coming together at the table of life in all its forms, but especially at the
Eucharistic table, the altar of the Lord’s sacrice. It is at this table that we are renewed and
become fully human, for it is here that we experience what it means to belong to each other
and to belong to Christ. As you celebrate the Eucharist today and nd healing in experiencing
what it means to be fully human, as someone who belongs to others and to Christ, I pray
that you will join with me in taking up the healing mission of Jesus so that all will nd a place
at the table of life.
Now I invite you to turn your attention to your pastor who will walk you through the
instructions for making a pledge and a contribution to the Appeal.
May the good Lord bless and keep you and all your loved ones in his loving care. Thank you.
Please take some time to pray and reect on what it means for you to carry on the healing
and gathering mission of Jesus, so that we can all be Together at the table and how that
might inspire you to support the Annual Catholic Appeal.
At the end of this video, you will see instructions for making a pledge or gift to support the
Appeal, if you wish. May the good Lord bless and keep you and your loved ones in his loving
care. Thank you.
*A digital version of the cardinal’s homily, along with a recording of the Gospel, will be available on
IZZY with the ACA resources. You will also receive a copy of the homily on a recorded item (DVD,
CD, cassette) in early to mid-January with the other deliveries.
Cardinal’s Homily Follow-Up Speaking Notes
Thank past contributors to the Appeal; remind them of how they have impacted lives.
Remind families of the call to support the gifts of the Church, which includes your parish, all the
Catholic communities of Cook and Lake counties and those around the world. Their gift only
goes to support parishes, schools and ministries, with a small percentage that goes to costs.
Remind families that gifts can be made via the giving envelopes available for pick up in the back;
online at annualcatholicappeal.com.
2024 Annual Catholic Appeal
Parish Manual
Training Volunteers and Informing the Ushers
The parish should recruit volunteers to distribute and collect the pledge envelopes.
You will need one volunteer in every section of your church, depending on how many
parishioners are at Mass. You will need one volunteer in each side aisle to retrieve extra
envelopes from some pews and to provide extra envelopes for pews that do not have enough.
Each parish should hold a practice session for the volunteers, when the pastor reads through the
entire script.
The ushers and/or volunteers will collect the Annual Catholic Appeal envelopes immediately
after the in-pew process. Make sure that the decision on who will do this is made and
communicated well ahead of time.
Pastor’s In-Pew Presentation Notes
Review the envelope beforehand to familiarize yourself with the way it looks.
Walk through each line of the commitment envelope. This increases the likelihood of families
writing down the correct information, thus, easing the process for your parish, the Archdiocese
of Chicago, and our gift processor. Please note that donors must include their return address
on the upper lefthand corner of the reply envelope—this step is critical in matching their gift to
correct parish label.
Pause after each line to give people enough time to complete it.
Feel free to explain the purpose of the line-by-line verbalization of the instructions. Some
pastors talk about stewardship and the importance of correct information; others utilize
comedy and humor. Please customize your approach beforehand, utilizing your Stewardship and
Development partner as a resource.
Stress that people NEED to include phone numbers and email addresses in case there is any
issue with processing their generous gift.
 2024 Annual Catholic Appeal
Parish Manual
Presentation Script to be Used by Pastors on Commitment Weekend
“Good morning. Today we are conducting the annual campaign that asks all parishioners to make a
nancial commitment to the Archdiocese of Chicago’s Annual Catholic Appeal.
As your pastor, I want to thank all of you who have given to this campaign in past years. I can assure
you that the funds you gave are deeply appreciated by the parishes, schools and people served by
the archdiocese.
“Each of us is called to share his or her gifts in support of the Church. We must rst support our
parish and then our archdiocese and the Church throughout the world. The Annual Catholic Appeal
of the Archdiocese of Chicago is a very eective way to support ministry outside of our parish
boundaries, as well as to support the services that the archdiocese provides to our parish.
“So, I ask one member of each household that did not bring your direct mail pledge form with you,
to signal the person distributing the material so that we can give you a pledge envelope and a
pencil. If you have already mailed back the envelope that you received to your address, you do not
need to ll out an in-pew envelope.
(Pause and make sure that everyone has received a pledge envelope and pencil. Once everyone has
an envelope, continue with the script.)
“I am going to guide you through the process in order to minimize the time that it takes. Now, please
see the front of the pledge envelope and remove your pencil.
(Pause and wait until about half of those participating are looking back at you.)
“Please legibly print your rst name, your spouse’s rst name, and your last name on the top line.
(Pause and wait until about half of those participating are looking back at you.)
“On the second line, please print your address, including any unit or apartment number.
(Pause as above.)
“On the third line, please print your city, state, and zip code.
(Pause as above.)
Also, on the third line, please print your telephone number.
(Pause as above.)
“On the fourth line, please print your email address.
(Pause as above.)
“On the next line, please indicate the name of our parish so that we will receive credit for the gift.
If you are a visitor and are a member of another parish in the archdiocese, you may indicate that
2024 Annual Catholic Appeal
Parish Manual
(Pause as above and then stress the following point.)
“I ask everyone else to look at the gift boxes on the right side of the envelope and check the amount
that you wish to give. Your pledge will be billed over six months, or longer if necessary. Also, there
is no need to provide an initial payment today unless you wish.
“If you would like to complete your pledge or gift with a credit card please complete the credit
card information section by providing the cardholder name, the credit card #, the expiration date,
security code, your cell phone #, email address and your signature. After completing the interior
please seal your envelope and do not place the pencil inside the envelope. I will give everyone a few
moments to complete their envelopes.
“Please one more reminder to make sure to include your return address on the upper lefthand
corner outside of the envelope. Please return pencils in the collection basket along with your
completed pledge envelope. The ushers will now collect your pledge envelopes and pencils. You
may also choose to make your gift online at annualcatholicappeal.com or you can take a picture
of the QR code on the brochure to access the online giving form easily. If you prefer to call and
make your gift over the phone, please call 312.534.7959 and someone will be happy to accept your
generous gift.
“On behalf of Cardinal Cupich, all those who benet from the good work of the Annual Catholic
Appeal, and myself, I thank you for your contribution. May God bless you.
Concerns About Privacy
If your parishioners have a serious level of concern about the privacy of their names, addresses,
etc., please include the following prior to paragraph ve in the script:
All information that you provide today will be shared only with the Archdiocese of Chicago and this
parish. No one else will have access to it.
 2024 Annual Catholic Appeal
Parish Manual
The material provided below is also available on the archdiocesan portal IZZY, as well as on the
ACA Teams page.
Prayer of the Faithful for the Appeal
That the Lord would gather us together at the table and prompt within us a generous spirit to help
our brothers and sisters in need as we support this year’s Annual Catholic Appeal, let us pray to the
Bulletin Announcements
Pastors are asked to preach about the Annual Catholic Appeal at each Mass. Please share a bulletin
or newsletter announcement asking people to review the brochures available for pick up and be
prepared to make an Annual Catholic Appeal pledge. An example is given below.
2024 Annual Catholic Appeal
Together at the table
Our parish is conducting our campaign for the Annual Catholic Appeal. Please remember
that the Annual Catholic Appeal is much dierent than a one-time special collection. It is a
pledge campaign where you can make a gift payable in installments.
The new Annual Catholic Appeal theme, “Together at the table,” is an important theme as
we prayerfully consider our support for the Appeal but also important for embracing the
life that the Lord wants us to live. Each pledge makes a dierence! All parish communities
participate in the campaign and the gifts of many enable our parishes, schools and
ministries to deliver needed services. Thank you for your prayerful consideration and
generous response. To make your gift, you can complete the mail-in giving envelope
available at church or make a gift online at annualcatholicappeal.com.
2024 Annual Catholic Appeal
Parish Manual
To reach all your parishioners, please use the email template below as a guide to ensure that
everyone understands all the giving options. Please be sure to personalize it as appropriate for
your parish and your parishioners’ emotional and spiritual needs.
Dear [Name],
Now more than ever, the Church needs your steadfast support. Your participation in our
parish’s weekly oertory and in the Annual Catholic Appeal is essential to maintaining the
nancial well-being of the Church.
Please consider signing up for online giving to the parish oertory and to the Appeal. Just
as we rely on your spiritual support, the Church continues to rely on your nancial support
to continue its work of sanctication and evangelization.
If you would like to sign up for monthly parish giving, you can do so at
annualcatholicappeal.com. Please know of my deepest gratitude for your participation!
Yours in Christ,
[Pastor Name]
Social Media Posts
If you have a parish social media account, please consider sharing images of the 2024 ACA theme
with the following suggested posts. Artwork for social media and the QR code to make a gift are
available on IZZY and the ACA Teams page.
Sample social media posts:
There’s still time to join us in supporting our parish’s vital work through the Annual
Catholic Appeal. Gifts of all sizes make a dierence. Please consider giving today at
 2024 Annual Catholic Appeal
Parish Manual
Suggestion for Homily Notes for Preachers from Father Louis J. Cameli
As a follow-up to last week’s Commitment Weekend for the Annual Catholic Appeal, pastors or
their representatives who are preaching should invite those who were unable to make a pledge the
previous weekend to do so at this Mass. With the recognition that this is the First Sunday of Lent,
an important moment in the worship life of the Church, pastors need to decide how that might be
done in their parishes (before Mass begins, after the homily, at the end of Mass, or in another way).
Primary focus should be on the Word of God given to us this First Sunday of Lent. With that in
mind, here are some notes to help prepare for the homily:
We have entered the holy season of Lent, and it oers us an opportunity to reclaim basic
elements of our discipleship. It is, for example, a time to embrace once again the call to
conversion, to change our lives and attach ourselves more deeply to the Lord. As we hear in
today’s gospel: “Repent and believe in the gospel.” Lent is also a time to enter more deeply into
the Lord’s Paschal Mystery of his death and resurrection that culminates in our celebration of the
Sacred Triduum. Lent is, nally, a time to take up the holy disciplines of prayer, fasting, and works
of charity.
St. Mark’s short account of Jesus’ temptations and how he moved through them to embrace his
heavenly Father’s will becomes a template or model for our own lives. As we move through our
own struggles and challenges, we do so with a condence that the Lord is with us and that, as we
heard in the gospel, angels minister to us. We are not alone. We are together with the Lord and
with each other on the journey.
We make this Lenten journey together, as, indeed, we make our whole life’s journey in the
company of one another. We support each other in our needs—with our prayer, compassion, and
resources. Last Sunday, for example, we began the Annual Catholic Appeal that helps those in
need, individuals and communities. If you did not have a chance to make a commitment then, you
can do so today. (Here, the preacher can specify how this opportunity will unfold.)
The theme of the Annual Appeal but also a refrain of the national Eucharistic Revival is together
at the table. In a short time, we will be together at the table, the Lord’s altar of sacrice and share
in his Eucharist. As we gather there, we are mindful of the gift of this holy season of renewal and
our responsibility to support and care for one another on our holy journey.
2024 Annual Catholic Appeal
Parish Manual
Provides spiritual leadership by encouraging sacricial giving and active participation
Customizes homilies and other communication pieces to accommodate parish audience
Enlists the leadership team for the ACA and delegates tasks to team members
Ensures all ACA steps are executed fully
Parish Administration
Oversees all record keeping, labeling and the transmittal process
Provides an updated parish mailing list to the ACA team
Parish Volunteers
Ensure all Announcement Weekend, Commitment Weekend and Follow-Up Weekend materials
are prepared prior to all Masses
Help coordinate the in-pew process for Commitment Weekend and Follow-Up Weekend
Assist with training and recruiting additional volunteers
 2024 Annual Catholic Appeal
Parish Manual
Gift Processing
All online gifts will be processed by the Annual Catholic Appeal. Any gifts mailed in the giving
envelopes will be processed by Letter Concepts, our gift processing vendor. Any ACA gifts
received in the parish should be forwarded to our gift processing center. Please note the most
important part of this process is our ability to process gifts in a timely manner.
In-Pew Pledge Gifts
Below are tips on how to successfully prepare and submit pledge and/or payment information:
. Apply labels to pledge envelopes
Donor name and ID labels are important! Please place the appropriate donor’s name and ID
label in the left of the pledge envelope below the return address of (sample below). Labeled
envelopes are processed faster as there is no need to search for donors in the database. Make
name and/or address corrections where appropriate. Please note that donors must also
complete the return address eld in the upper left corner of the envelope. This step is
critical to ensure that we correctly match the donor envelope with the appropriate label.
Envelopes with labels: processed within 15 business days of receipt
Envelopes without labels: processed within 45 business days of receipt
2024 Annual Catholic Appeal
Parish Manual
. Complete the ledger to assess how much has been raised.
Using the ledger provided (sample below), keep track of donations, including donation method
(check, cash, credit card), before sending envelopes for processing. If donor or processing
questions arise, we will reach out to parishes for more information.
2024 Annual Catholic Appeal
Parish #: Parish Name:
ID #
Last Name
Name and Address Pledge Amount Paid
 2024 Annual Catholic Appeal
Parish Manual
. Send the pledge envelopes to Letter Concepts.
All donation packets sent to Letter Concepts MUST include a Record of Subscription (ROS)
form. The ROS form includes the name of the donor, address, gift amount, payment method
and any notes required for the processor.
. Contact the ACA oce to ask any remaining questions and provide any helpful feedback.
. Discuss additional steps to achieve parish and participation goals.
. Forward gift envelopes to Letter Concepts for processing weekly. Sending these gifts on a
weekly basis is critical for timely gift processing. Holding gifts delays processing for those who
return their envelopes early.
. If you notice you have labels for people who are no longer with the parish, please attach these to
another sheet with a brief note—“no longer with parish,” “no longer attending,” or “deceased.
Record of Subscription Form (ROS)
Date: Report #: Page of Parish:
Collection Name: Annual Catholic Appeal Prepared by:
Donor Name
(rst, last, spouse)
Pledge Form
(Cash, Check
or CC)
Date Check #
(if no archdiocesan ID) City State ZIP
Grand Total if more than one form:
* If you do not have the Donor ID available, please include the donor address to ensure the correct donor is credited for the gift.
2024 Annual Catholic Appeal
Parish Manual
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What if we haven’t met our parish goal?
A: If you haven’t yet met your goal, the Parish Support Team in the Oce of Stewardship and
Development is available to help parishes by sharing appeal best practices. If you think
your parish would benet from this assistance, please contact your vicariate parish support
team member. Their information can be found in the “Contact Us” section below or at
Q: What happens when a parish exceeds its goal?
A: Payments in excess of a parish goal will be returned to the parish as a rebate. Parishes pay no
archdiocesan assessment on Annual Catholic Appeal rebates.
Q: When does the 2024 ACA ocially end?
A: Technically, ACA activities occur throughout the entire calendar year, so parishioners can make
a gift to the ACA until Jan. 30, 2025.
Q: What is the labeling process?
A: Your parish will receive a set of labels and a ledger. The information on the labels is based on the
updated parish mailing list submitted by your parish.
The labels are critical to crediting the gift to the corresponding donor and ensuring gifts are
processed quickly. The ledger is a resource for the parishes as it serves to track the progress to
goal and is a record of every gift. Please ll in the relevant information in the spaces provided on
the ledger sheet. This ensures that parishes don’t have to wait until the conclusion of processing
to have an idea of your community’s progress to goal.
Please apply the correct label to the pledge envelope. If there is a mistake on the label, please
correct the wrong information directly on the label with black ink.
Q: What if a family doesn’t have a label?
A: New donors are always welcome! Please include the unlabeled envelopes with the shipment of
labeled envelopes.
If the information on the envelope is correct, the parishioners will be credited and receive an
acknowledgment letter for their donation. To increase the likelihood of correct information
completed on the envelope, please follow the exact speaking notes for Commitment Weekend,
paying close attention to the portion in which the parish completes the envelopes together.
 2024 Annual Catholic Appeal
Parish Manual
Q: How do we account for cash donations?
A: If you opened the envelopes and found cash, please place a “C” in the bottom right corner of the
pledge envelope. Deposit all cash donations (anonymous and from pledge envelopes) into the
parish bank account. Then, write a check for the total amount of cash donations, payable
to “Annual Catholic Appeal.” Please double check that the total amount of the check reects the
total cash received from donors and anonymous donors.
On the transmittal form, include the cash donations from known donors in the main total and
use the separate line for anonymous cash donations titled “Total Anonymous Cash” to account
for the anonymous donations in the basket.
Q: I don’t think I can do any labeling until a week after Follow-Up Weekend. What do we do?
A: While we understand how busy parishes can get, it is crucial that every ACA envelope is shipped
to Letter Concepts within a week of receiving the pledge.
The longer it takes for envelopes to be shipped, the longer the processing will take and good
donor stewardship requires prompt processing of gifts.
Please contact the Oce of Stewardship and Development if your parish will require assistance
with the labeling process.
Q: How do we ship our envelopes?
A: Please bundle all the envelopes, the ROS form and any parish checks into an envelope or box. To
assure proper delivery, we recommend you ship packages via UPS or FedEx to ensure tracking
for delivery.
Ship UPS and FedEx packages to:
Letter Concepts
33 Massirio Drive
Kensington, CT 06037
Attention: AOC Processing Manager – Carolyn Drew
Phone: 800.525.4963
Ship packages via Federal Express or UPS to ensure you are able to track your gifts when
sending for processing. If sending packages via USPS, please use a trackable method such as
Express Mail.
If you must send the envelopes via USPS or you have a small batch to send, please send Priority
Mail to ensure it can be tracked.
Ship USPS packages to:
Archdiocese of Chicago
Annual Catholic Appeal
PO Box 7178
Kensington, CT 06037-7178
2024 Annual Catholic Appeal
Parish Manual
Contact Us
Oce of Stewardship and Development
Annual Catholic Appeal
835 North Rush Street Chicago
Illinois 60611-2030
Phone: 312.534.7959
Fax: 312.534.7354
Melissa M. Babcock
Senior Director of Development
Phone: 312.534.8197
Barbara Shea Collins
Director of the Annual Catholic Appeal
Phone: 312.534.7944
Regina Zielinski
Annual Catholic Appeal Coordinator
Phone: 312.534.7615
Cynthia Manzo
Parish Support Manager – Vicariates II, III and V
Phone: 312.534.8182
Marguerite Zappa
Parish Support Manager – Vicariates I, IV and VI
Phone: 312.534.5353
 2024 Annual Catholic Appeal
Parish Manual
Annual Catholic Appeal
A year-long multi-channel fundraising campaign to request funds to support our parishes,
ministries, priests, and schools.
In-Pew Process
Refers to the three weekends when pastors throughout the Archdiocese of Chicago ask
parishioners in-person (in-pew) for support of the Annual Catholic Appeal through annual gifts and
Pre-Announcement Weekends
The weekends leading up to the three weekends of in-person (or in-pew) requests from the pastor
for support of the Annual Catholic Appeal.
Announcement Weekend
February 3–4, 2024 — the rst weekend of the three weekend in-person (in-pew) process for the
Annual Catholic Appeal. The Annual Catholic Appeal for the year is introduced this weekend.
Commitment Weekend
February 10–11, 2024 — the second weekend of the three weekend in-person (in-pew) process for
the Annual Catholic Appeal. This is the weekend where parishioners are asked to make a gift or
pledge a gift to support the Appeal.
Follow-Up Weekend
February 17–18, 2024 — the third weekend of the three weekend in-person (in-pew) process for
the Annual Catholic Appeal. This weekend is intended to follow-up with any parishioners who may
not have been present to make a gift during announcement weekend or commitment weekend.
IZZY is the Archdiocese of Chicagos intranet portal and can be accessed at izzy.archchicago.org or
Pledge Envelope or In-Pew Envelope
This envelope is the vehicle provided to parishioners in Mass on Commitment Weekend for making
a pledge to the Appeal. Parishioners can make a pledge, enclose checks, cash or credit card details
to make a gift to support the Annual Catholic Appeal. This envelope can also be mailed to the gift
processing center. Parishioners can also visit annualcatholicappeal.com to make gifts online.
Record of Subscription (ROS) Form
The Record of Subscription Form (ROS) is a detailed list of gifts that accompany a mailed package
of Annual Catholic Appeal gifts and pledges to the gift processing center. The ROS form includes
the name of the donor, address, gift amount, payment method and any notes required for the
Parish Ledger
A pre-populated parish ledger is provided to parish to help track gifts and pledges to the Annual
Catholic Appeal. This helps the parish track progress toward their individual parish goal for the
Annual Catholic Appeal. The pre-populated contact information is generated from the current
parish mailing list and/or individual donors’ history of giving to the Appeal.
2024 Annual Catholic Appeal
Parish Manual 
Parish Labels
Pre-printed address labels with barcodes are provided to the parishes to apply to pledge envelopes
to expedite gift processing. These labels are generated from the current parish mailing list and/or
individual donors’ history of giving to the Appeal. There are 30 labels per page. There may not be a
label for every household that completes an envelope. Those gifts will be processed manually.
Transmittal Process
The process in which parish Annual Catholic Appeal pledge/gift envelopes are sent to our gift
processing center.
Transmittal Form
The form that accompanies the pledge/gift envelopes mailed to the gift processing center and
includes a total number of envelopes sent.
Once a parish reaches their Annual Catholic Appeal goal for the year, proceeds are returned to
the parish as a rebate. Rebates are issued twice a year — in October and at the end of the Appeal in
March. Funds are electronically deposited into the parish Arch Bank account.
Online Giving Form
Donors may always make a gift online by visiting annualcatholicappeal.com and making a gift on
our online giving form.
Supply Order Form
Order form completed by parishes for Annual Catholic Appeal supplies. This form is completed by
parishes in August and September for the following year Appeal.
Supply Checklist
English/Spanish/Polish Annual Catholic Appeal Posters
English/Spanish/Polish Annual Catholic Appeal Brochures
English/Spanish/Polish Annual Catholic Appeal pledge envelopes
English/Spanish/Polish Annual Catholic Appeal 2024 manuals
Boxes of pencils — 144 pencils per box
English/Spanish CD* — Cardinal’s Homily
English/Spanish cassette* — Cardinal’s Homily
English/Spanish DVD* — Cardinal’s Homily
Transmittal Envelopes
Label Sheets
*Please note that in the future for Annual Catholic Appeal 2025 and going forward, we will
encourage the use of online resources to view recordings and these formats may no longer
be available.
 2024 Annual Catholic Appeal
Parish Manual
In-Pew Envelope
2024 Annual Catholic Appeal
835 North Rush Street
Chicago, Illinois 60611-2030
312.534.7959 annualcatholicappeal.com
To make a gift today please scan this
QR code with your camera app to launch
the secure donation page.
2024 Annual Catholic Appeal
Together at the table
First Name Spouse Last Name
Address Unit/Apt.
City State/ZIP Telephone
Please Credit My Gift To (Parish Name)
Please make your check payable
to the Annual Catholic Appeal.
For Oce Use Only
Check #
Check Date
Suggested 6 Monthly Suggested 6 Monthly
Pledge Payments Pledge Payments
To use your credit card, please see reverse side.
Lumen Cordium – Cardinal’s Circle
$12,000 .................................................$2,000
Lumen Cordium Society Benefactor
$6,000 ....................................................$1,000
Lumen Cordium Society Patron
$3,000 .......................................................$500
$1,500 ......................................................... $250
Please consider a Recurring Monthly Gift via credit card
(Please see reverse side)
Pledge Plans
$900............................................................. $150
$750 ..............................................................$125
$600 ............................................................$100
$450 ................................................................$75
$300 ............................................................... $50
$240 ............................................................... $40
Other $ ..............$
Total Pledged .......... $ Initial Payment ....... $
Credit card
I wish to pay by credit card:
Visa MasterCard Discover AmEx
Credit-card payment plan options:
6 Monthly Payments
Single Payment
Recurring Monthly Gift of:
$10 $25 $50 Other $ _________________________
Until I ask you to stop
Only through December 2024
Contribute online:
Print Name of Cardholder
Credit Card Number
Expiration Date Security Code*
Today’s Date Phone Number
Email Address
Cardholder’s Signature
Credit card information:
*Security Code is 3 non-embossed digits on the back of your card or 4 digits on front of AmEx
2024 Annual Catholic Appeal
Parish Manual
Parish Labels
Parish Ledger
2024 Annual Catholic Appeal Parish #: Parish Name:
ID #
Last Name
Name and Address Pledge Amount Paid
 2024 Annual Catholic Appeal
Parish Manual
Record of Subscription (ROS) Form
Record of Subscription Form (ROS)
Date: Report #: Page of Parish:
Collection Name: Annual Catholic Appeal Prepared by:
Donor Name
(rst, last, spouse)
Pledge Form
(Cash, Check
or CC)
Date Check #
(if no archdiocesan ID) City State ZIP
Grand Total if more than one form:
* If you do not have the Donor ID available, please include the donor address to ensure the correct donor is credited for the gift.
2024 Annual Catholic Appeal
Parish Manual
Transmittal Form
QR Code
2024 Annual Catholic Appeal Transmittal Form
Required for all shipments
Parish Name: Parish Number:
Sent by (Person): Date Sent:
Parish Address: City: ZIP:
Phone: Email:
Total Anonymous Cash: Total Number of Envelopes in Bag:
(included in parish check)
Do not separate the checks from the pledge envelopes. Do not staple.
Please leave each check in its pledge envelope.
To assure proper delivery, we recommend that you ship your packages
via UPS, FedEx or similar shipper.
Ship to:
Letter Concepts, Inc.
33 Massirio Drive
Kensington, CT 06037
Attention: AOC Processing Manager – Carolyn Drew
Phone: 800.525.4963
If you use USPS for small envelopes:
Mail to:
Archdiocese of Chicago
Annual Catholic Appeal
PO Box 7178
Kensington, CT 06037-7178
If you need assistance, please contact:
Krista Cobb
Annual Catholic Appeal
835 North Rush Street
Chicago, IL 60611-2030
Front cover: Last Supper by Jen Norton. JenNortonArtStudio.com. Used with permission.