VOLUME 6: NO. 3, A106 JULY 2009
Using the Family to Combat Childhood and
Adult Obesity
Suggested citation for this article: Gruber KJ, Haldeman
LA. Using the family to combat childhood and adult obe-
sity. Prev Chronic Dis 2009;6(3):A106. http://www.cdc.
gov/pcd/issues/2009/jul/08_0191.htm. Accessed [date].
The purpose of this article is to emphasize the value of
the family as a source of behavior change, particularly
with respect to attaining achievable goals of weight loss
and regular physical activity for youth and their families.
We present a review of the literature, providing support
for the value of the family in influencing children to form
good diet and exercise behaviors and as a source of support
and motivation for individuals seeking to lose or control
their weight and to start and maintain a physically active
lifestyle. Recognizing the importance of family behavior in
the development of weight control and weight loss activi-
ties is essential. Future work should focus on identifying
measurable parameters of family-level weight control
behaviors and ways to apply those parameters to help cre-
ate new interventions that use the strengths of the family
for achieving weight control goals.
The extensiveness of the obesity issue and the potential
for obesity to affect the quality of life of individuals and
families underscore the urgent need for actions that can
produce safe weight loss and result in effective weight
management (1). The solution seems simple take in
fewer calories than you expend but for most people
this remedy is challenging. Diets and exercise routines
can fail for many reasons. In part, this failure occurs
because achieving weight loss through dieting or exer-
cise requires maintenance of behavior change, which
is difficult to sustain unless people have support (2-4).
Support occurs most readily in a social environment that
facilitates healthy eating and health-promoting exercise.
Many efforts that help people to achieve weight loss fail to
establish the supportive social and interpersonal context
that can reinforce and help maintain weight loss–related
behavior (5). Effective approaches should include these
contextual influences and focus on making changes in
the environment rather than in the individual. The social
context most likely to support making healthy behavior
changes is the family.
Why a Family-Based Approach?
For many people, the family is a major mechanism of
influence in effecting change both in other family members
and in themselves (6). The concept of family has many
connotations. For the purposes of this review we believe
“family” should be defined inclusively rather than exclu-
sively, similar to Medalie and Cole-Kelly’s (7) description
of a family as a complex of configurations representing
census, biologic, household family, and functional family
connections. We add the observation that family includes
a parent-child connection and a sharing of responsibilities
that functions for the welfare of both the individual mem-
bers and the family unit.
The reciprocal nature of the adult-child relationship
merits strong attention as a means of influencing health
behavior of both children and adults (8). Efforts to achieve
and maintain weight loss are more successful with fam-
ily involvement (9). Positive eating behavior changes last
longer if interventions are aimed at family rather than
individuals’ attitudes and habits (10).
The opinions expressed by authors contributing to this journal do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the US Department of Health and Human Services, the
Public Health Service, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or the authors’ affiliated institutions. Use of trade names is for identification only and
does not imply endorsement by any of the groups named above.
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Kenneth J. Gruber, PhD; Lauren A. Haldeman, PhD
JULY 2009
It has been well established that physical, norma-
tive, and social characteristics of the family influence
adoption and maintenance of health-promoting behavior.
Family dynamics including family rules, emotional sup-
port, encouragement, reinforcement from other family
members, and family member participation are important
determinants of the family’s health-behavior patterns (6).
Viewed in this context, the family system is a major deter-
minant of how and whether families engage in health-pro-
moting physical activities (5).
Because most health behaviors are initiated in child-
hood, influencing the health behavior of individuals when
they are children is reasonable and practical (10). It is
well recognized that eating habits developed in childhood
and adolescence may be difficult to change. Consequently,
effecting behavior change when individuals are children is
critical. The family shapes children’s dietary intake and
eating habits (11-13) and their physical activity patterns
(14). Family influences also are present in the develop-
ment and control of weight problems in children and
adults (15-20).
The family is a highly suitable target for health promo-
tion intervention because it provides many options and
opportunities to communicate positive health behavior
messages and change family member attitudes and
behavior. Within the family context, meal planning, food
shopping, meal preparation, eating, snacking, family
recreation, and sedentary behaviors are all opportunities
for intervention (16). The family provides the primary
social learning environment for children and the primary
setting for exposure to food choices, eating habits, and
involvement in opportunities for play and other physical
activity (21). Parental health behavior guides the devel-
opment of health practices in children, and children can
influence these same behaviors of their parents and sib-
lings (10,22-24).
Reciprocal reinforcing relationships among family mem-
bers are important for acquiring and maintaining new
behaviors (25). The family is an ideal mutually reinforcing
environment in which healthy behaviors can be intro-
duced, accepted, and maintained (26). Epstein et al (19)
reported findings from a series of weight loss interventions
targeting adults and their children with different condi-
tions of reinforcement of parents and the children, for the
children only, or for general family participation. Results
revealed that reinforcing weight loss for both the parent
and the child produced the greatest weight loss over a
5-year period. The authors concluded that the relation-
ship between parent and child weight loss can serve as a
reciprocal reinforcer for changes in diet and other weight
loss–related behaviors.
Family-based behavioral obesity treatment programs
are among the most effective for combating pediatric obe-
sity. Wrotniak et al (26) reported that concurrent treat-
ment of children with their obese parents tends to result
in positive change for both, though the effects tend to be
greater and longer lasting for children. This may be the
result of more changes to the eating and activity environ-
ment in the home or to more healthy diet and exercise role
modeling of the parents.
Family as a unit of measurement
Analyzing the family as a unit merits consideration
(5,27-30). Blackwell and Reed (27) argue that a family-
level analysis was more appropriate to accurately test the
concepts and propositions of the power-control theory.
They reasoned that because the family environment
encompasses both shared and nonshared environmental
influences and because of the differential effects of dyadic
relationships within the family unit, analysis at the family
level is appropriate when there is interest in the combina-
tion of effects of these relationships. Blackwell and Reed
concluded that family-level data allowed them “to devise
more methodologically appropriate measures and theo-
retically informative models than can be constructed with
individual-level data(p. 396). They further argued that
family-level data provide control for “potential sources of
‘shared environmental’ characteristics” (p. 397).
Bonomi et al (28) suggested that to avoid over- and
underestimations of health intervention cost effectiveness,
a family-level assessment (eg, family functioning, fam-
ily choices) is more appropriate. Because illness seldom
affects a single individual but often affects the overall
functioning of a family as a unit, determining the well-
being of and costs borne by multiple family members
is likely to represent a more accurate view of resource
allocation. They suggest that a family well-being model,
one that encompasses individuals within a family, rela-
tionships among those individuals, and the aggregation of
the individuals constituting the unit, forms a good basis
for addressing health at the family level. Their model is
derived from systems theory, which posits that relation-
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The opinions expressed by authors contributing to this journal do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the US Department of Health and Human Services, the
Public Health Service, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or the authors’ affiliated institutions. Use of trade names is for identification only and
does not imply endorsement by any of the groups named above.
ships between individuals and their family change over
time in response to input and events that they experience
alone and together (31).
Family as the unit of health promotion intervention
Eating dinner together as a family has been associated
with healthy weight and consumption of healthy foods (32-
35). Gillman et al (33) found that intake patterns among
children and older adolescents when eating dinner with
their parents resulted in consumption of more fruits and
vegetables, less fried food and soda, and less saturated and
trans fat; lower glycemic loads; and more fiber and more
micronutrients from food. Aside from the social context
of the family, health similarities among family members
make the family a good candidate for being the “unit” of
health promotion intervention (36). In addition to the influ-
ence of genetic factors, fitness and health can be linked to
the familial environment. Studies of eating habits (36,37),
exercise routines (38), food and activity preferences (39),
blood pressure levels (40-42), body weight (43,44), body
composition and adiposity (45,46), and physical activity
(47) have found that family members tend to share these
Families as a Support Context
Familial social support has been well demonstrated to be
a key factor for promoting and sustaining health behavior
change (2,48-50). Spousal support has been identified as
an important factor influencing weight reduction among
obese women with type 2 diabetes (18). Familial support
has been reported effective in producing health-promoting
behaviors among patients with cardiovascular disease (51)
and for chronically ill family members achieving physical
activity guidelines and practicing better dietary behaviors
(52). Finally, family support consistently correlates posi-
tively with physical activity levels (49,53,54).
Ethnic and sociocultural considerations in using families
as a source for health promotion
Because of traditional values, social networks, patterns
of inter- and intrafamilial support, food preferences, and
recreational choices, ethnic and sociocultural factors must
be considered. Food habits are deeply rooted in a family’s
culture, which represents both their ethnic and commu-
nity identity (55). Families must contend with outside
influences that affect the availability of preferred foods
and with the introduction of new foods and different ways
of food preparation. As a result, the change in dietary prac-
tices, at least among families with children, often occurs
at the family level; most family members adopt new food
choices and eating habits. This process is evident among
immigrant groups as they assimilate into a new culture.
As families become more acculturated, traditional foods
are consumed less often.
It is widely recognized that ethnic and sociocultural influ-
ences create differences in health behaviors. For example,
research has shown that Hispanics tend to be less knowl-
edgeable about cardiovascular risk factors, prepare more
of their foods by frying, and engage in less physical activity
than whites (56). Members of ethnic groups respond dif-
ferently to health promotion messages and interventions.
Nader et al (57) found that white families reported more
change in their dietary and physical activity habits than
did Mexican American families after an intervention to
reduce cardiovascular risk among school children. The use
of an ecological perspective as a means for understanding
maintenance and change in dietary practices among immi-
grant ethnic groups is also applicable to the family unit.
Hispanic families are strongly family-centric, which
makes the influence of the family both a facilitator and
a barrier for participation in physical activity. For many
Hispanic wives and mothers, both the family and care of
the home comes before self (58). To overcome this barrier,
Hispanic immigrants feel that activities that involve the
family, particularly their children, can provide them the
necessary incentives and opportunities to be physically
active (58). Thus, family-based interventions developed
within the cultural context of the target audience (taking
cultural considerations into account) may result in more
effective dietary and physical activity behavior change.
Family-Based Interventions
Dietary and exercise behaviors are well suited for fam-
ily interventions because meals and recreational activities
often involve the entire family. Lasting change is more like-
ly when it involves the family unit because of the increased
likelihood that family members will take action and sus-
tain behaviors. Interventions that target the family unit
also are likely to have a collective impact on the family.
Cousins et al (54) compared a family-oriented intervention
with a traditional (individualized) weight-loss program
JULY 2009
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The opinions expressed by authors contributing to this journal do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the US Department of Health and Human Services, the
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JULY 2009
and an information-only control group involving obese
Mexican American women. They found that, although the
family-based individualized program was associated with
significantly greater weight loss than the control group,
the family-oriented (total family) intervention produced
the greatest weight loss. The authors noted this occurred
despite the fact that in the total family group other fam-
ily members (primarily the husbands’) attendance was
inconsistent, and changes in meal planning often were not
followed because of the lack of full family participation.
With more consistent family member participation, fam-
ily-oriented interventions could potentially produce more
behavior change.
Family environment and childhood obesity
Although it has been argued that, for successful child
obesity treatment, the primary agent of change should
be the parent (16,21,59), it is clear that the family envi-
ronment plays a critical role in both the development
and reduction of obesity. Parental influence is a critical
determinant of children’s food preferences (60,61). Though
the data are limited, research does suggest that some
food preferences developed in early childhood persist into
adulthood (62). Evidence indicates that direct involvement
of at least 1 parent improves a child’s weight management
(15). Parental support has been reported as a determinant
of children’s involvement in physical activity (63-66). In
addition, parental involvement has been identified as
an important determinant influencing young girls to be
physically active (14,67,68).
Family environment factors, such as parental feed-
ing practices (45,69,70) and family mealtime behaviors
(32,71), have been linked to overweight in children. Birch
and Fisher (45) found in an assessment of parent-to-child
weight status that heavy mothers tend to have heavy
daughters and that daughters’ weight status was affected
by mothers’ feeding practices. Mothers often exert influ-
ence over their daughters’ dietary intake, which has been
shown to negatively impact self-control over energy intake.
Birch and Fisher also reported that among preschool chil-
dren, efforts by mothers to use control and restrictive
feeding practices produced the unintended consequence of
poor self-control over food intake. Parent food purchasing
and mealtime behaviors have also been correlated with
poor dietary intake. Ayala et al (72) found that among
Mexican families, children of parents who purchase foods
seen on television or who purchase fast foods were more
likely to consume more soda and dietary fat. They identi-
fied family support for healthful eating and eating regular
meals together as “two modifiable targets for family-based
Golan and colleagues argue that to effectively combat
child obesity, it is essential to create a family or home envi-
ronment that promotes healthy family habits (16,59,73).
Part of that environment involves the establishment of
effective parenting behavior, which includes parents being
informed about both appropriate nutrition and eating hab-
its and adopting a physically active lifestyle that includes
regular exercise. Epstein (15) reported that, in treating
obese children, involving at least 1 parent as an active
participant in the weight loss process improves short- and
long-term weight regulation of children. He concluded that
improved outcomes occur because factors in the shared
family environment are targeted for change. In a 7-year
follow-up, Golan and Crow (21) reported a significant
mean reduction in percentage of overweight among mem-
bers of the parent-focused group compared with members
of the child-focused group. Robinson (17) notes that one
of the keys to successful treatment of childhood obesity
is improved parenting behavior relating to goal setting,
reward immediacy, use of praise, appropriate modeling,
and limit setting.
The family as a solution to the obesity problem
Although the purpose of this article has been to empha-
size the value of the family as a source of health behavior
change, by no means are we arguing that individual-based
interventions are neither effective nor often the best
practice. We share the perspective of Baranowski and
Nader (74) who suggest that rather than pit an individual
approach and a family-oriented approach against each
other, involving the entire family may be helpful in deter-
mining how to best promote behavior change among all its
members. As Lindsay et al (75) write,
[p]arents play a critical role at home preventing
childhood obesity, with their role changing at dif-
ferent stages of their child’s development. By better
understanding their own role in influencing their
child’s dietary practices, physical activity, seden-
tary behaviors, and ultimately weight status, par-
ents can learn how to create a healthful nutrition
environment in their home, provide opportunities
for physical activity, discourage sedentary behav-
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The opinions expressed by authors contributing to this journal do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the US Department of Health and Human Services, the
Public Health Service, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or the authors’ affiliated institutions. Use of trade names is for identification only and
does not imply endorsement by any of the groups named above.
iors such as TV viewing, and serve as role models
themselves. Obesity-related intervention programs
can use parental involvement as one key to success
in developing an environment that fosters healthy
eating and physical activity among children and
adolescents. (p. 179)
Because parents are often key to the development of a
home environment that fosters healthful eating and par-
ticipation in physical activity, their role is likely critical to
most solutions to combating obesity. They reinforce and
support healthy eating and exercise behaviors and may
be best able to provide the necessary rewards to effect and
maintain positive behavior change (15,75).
Many of the recommendations for addressing child and
individual obesity and obesity-related factors, such as
eating habits and exercise and physical activity patterns,
are family-based. Suggestions include creating safe spaces
to allow families to exercise or be physically active (76),
increasing parental education and awareness (77,78),
instructing parents to try to change children’s eating and
physical activity patterns (79), facilitating supportive fam-
ily environments (80), and promoting positive parental
support and modeling (81).
Most nonclinical interventions involving child and ado-
lescent eating and physical activity patterns are school-
based (82-86) rather than parent-based or family-based
(87-90). Many school-based interventions, however, such
as CATCH (Coordinated Approach to Child Health) (91),
Hip-Hop to Health Jr. (92), and Students and Parents
Actively Involved in Being Fit (93) include a family or par-
ent component.
The family as a barrier to obesity prevention
Because obesity tends to run in families, effective inter-
ventions should involve parents and other family members.
However, this raises the question of how to best intervene
with families. Epstein (15) and others (94-98) suggest that
effective interventions for childhood obesity involve active
participation by 1 or more parents. Parents need to learn
how to talk with their children about exercising and eat-
ing well and how to encourage them to be more active (94).
Many parents refuse to acknowledge that their children
are obese (95,96). Some parents believe that actions that
could help their children lose weight are ill-advised, so
they refuse to support their engaging in strenuous activity
or reducing their food consumption. In other cases cul-
tural or familial factors affect parents’ assessment of their
children’s weight and body image (97,98). As noted earlier,
eating behaviors and physical activity habits must change,
and if parents or children do not support such changes
then weight of those at risk or already obese will likely not
be well controlled (96).
In some cases it is not the intention of the family not to
adopt or maintain healthy behaviors; other factors may
prevent them from doing so. For example, in the case of
a family member who needs to change dietary practices,
family members may object or resist the introduction
of new food choices (99,100). In other instances, fam-
ily responsibilities such as child care responsibilities or
managing the home are barriers to engaging in physical
activity among parents (53). Roos et al (101) reported that
the conflict between work and family life interfered with
a Finnish sample of women and men in achieving recom-
mended food habits or physical activity levels. Perceptions
of environmental factors such as neighborhood safety also
have been noted as barriers to physical activity (32).
Need for a Theory of Family Behavior
Change for Reducing Obesity
A further limitation to families providing the solution is
that no theory involving family has been created to explain
family involvement in promoting health behavior change
(74). Because of the different ways (eg, modeling, support/
encouragement, access to food, physical activity variety) a
family may affect its members’ dietary and exercise habits,
it is difficult to conceive of 1 theory that accounts for fam-
ily influence. As Baranowski and Nader (74) note, simply
accounting for adolescent behavior and matching parental
support influencing the adoption and maintenance of
positive health behaviors is a major challenge. Behavior
considered as positive and supportive in one parental-ado-
lescent relationship may be perceived as controlling and
confrontational in another. Soubhi et al (5) suggest that
determining a family typology might be useful for focus-
ing interventions to achieve behavior change so that the
essential health-related message that is communicated is
compatible with the family’s structure, behavior, values,
and beliefs.
To more effectively advance the notion that family (as
defined by its members) be considered as a central unit
JULY 2009
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The opinions expressed by authors contributing to this journal do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the US Department of Health and Human Services, the
Public Health Service, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or the authors’ affiliated institutions. Use of trade names is for identification only and
does not imply endorsement by any of the groups named above.
JULY 2009
for making behavior changes that support healthy eating
and physical activity habits, recognizing the importance
of family behavior in the development of weight control
and weight loss activities is essential. A major challenge
to determining family activity impact on individual mem-
bersweight management behaviors is the lack of this kind
of framework with which specific activities are related to
individual and family-level change. A framework by which
the collection of individual-level data can be combined to
form family-level aggregation of critical characteristics can
combat this problem. This framework might capture who,
how often, how much, to what extent, for how long, and
how invested family members are as individuals and as
a family unit to specific weight control actions and behav-
iors. A next step is to test the utility of such a framework.
Future work should build on the intricate relation-
ships between diet and exercise and physical activity and
food consumption built around the family environment.
Achievable diet and physical activity goals are likely better
enacted if determined by using the strengths and abilities
of the family to develop and institute a plan agreed on by
all family members. We hope we have described a perspec-
tive worthy of consideration by others who will build on
our thesis and develop better means to convince individu-
als and families that a path to good health is through a
lifestyle of dietary moderation and physical activity to the
point of exhilaration and the desire to keep moving.
Author Information
Corresponding Author: Kenneth J. Gruber, PhD, School
of Human Environmental Sciences, University of North
Carolina at Greensboro, Greensboro, NC 27402-6170.
Telephone: 336-256-0365. E-mail: kjgruber@uncg.edu.
Author Affiliation: Lauren A. Haldeman, University
of North Carolina at Greensboro, Greensboro, North
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