Company Tax Return
to form CT600 (2008) Version 2
HMRC 01/15
CT600 Guide
Page 2
What's included in this guide
About this guide 3
What is a Company Tax Return and who needs to deliver one? 3
When you must deliver a Company Tax Return 3
The return declaration 3
Delivering your return to HMRC 4
What happens next? 4
Paying Corporation Tax and ring fence profits 4
Computations 4
CT600 Company Tax Return form 5
Note about tax law rewrite 5
Company information Company name 5
About this return 5
Company tax calculation 6
Turnover 6
Income 6
Chargeable gains 8
Profits before other deductions and reliefs 9
Deductions and reliefs 9
Profits chargeable to Corporation Tax 11
Tax calculation 11
Reliefs and reductions in terms of tax 12
Calculation of tax outstanding or overpaid 13
Tax reconciliation 14
Indicators 15
Information about enhanced expenditure 15
Research and development or films enhanced expenditure 16
Land remediation enhanced expenditure 16
Information about capital allowances and balancing charges 16
Charges and allowances included in calculation of trading profits or losses 16
Charges and allowances not included in calculation of trading profits or losses 17
Qualifying expenditure 18
Losses, deficits and excess amounts 18
Arising 18
Maximum available for surrender as group relief 19
Overpayments and repayments 19
Small repayments 20
Repayments for the period covered by this return 20
Tax refunds surrendered by the company boxes 145 to 148 20
Bank details (for person to whom the repayment is to be made) 21
Payments to a person other than the company 21
Supplementary pages 21
Important points about all supplementary pages 22
CT600A Loans to participators by close companies 23
CT600B Controlled Foreign Companies (and Bank Levy) 26
CT600C Group and consortium 28
CT600D Insurance 30
CT600E Charities and Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASCs) 31
CT600F Tonnage Tax 33
CT600G Corporate Venturing Scheme 35
CT600H Cross-border royalties 37
CT600I Supplementary charge in respect of ring fence trades 38
CT600J Disclosure of Tax Avoidance Schemes 41
CT600 Guide
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What is a Company
Tax Return and who
needs to deliver one?
When you must deliver
a Company Tax Return
The return declaration
About this guide
This guide will help you prepare your Company Tax Return.
It tells you how to complete the Company Tax Return form CT600 and what other
information you need to include in your return, but it is not a guide to the Corporation
Tax Acts. You will find links to further HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) guidance about
specific provisions. You may need to ask a professional tax adviser if there are any points
you are unsure of.
Also, you can find out about any changes announced by the Chancellor in his Budget on
the HMRC website.
Read more about Budget changes to tax legislation and rates.
A Company Tax Return is not just form CT600. It also includes any supplementary pages,
the company’s accounts and tax computations. Follow the link below to find out what's
included in a Company Tax Return.
More on what’s included in a Company Tax Return.
For details of the supplementary pages you may need to complete please see page 21
of this guide.
If HMRC has sent a company a ‘Notice to deliver a Company Tax Return’ (form CT603)
then the company must, by law, deliver a Company Tax Return. For this purpose, a
company includes members' clubs, associations, societies and other unincorporated bodies.
More on what's a company for Corporation Tax purposes.
You have to make a Company Tax Return for the company’s accounting period (AP) that
is the same as or ends in the period specified in form CT603. If the company’s accounting
period is not the same as the period specified in form CT603, please see the Company
Taxation Manual (CTM) at CTM93020 for details of the period or periods for which the
company must make a Company Tax Return.
Read an overview of Corporation Tax accounting periods.
Detailed guidance on Corporation Tax accounting periods in CTM93020.
A Company Tax Return usually has to be delivered no later than 12 months after the end
of the accounting period. If the company delivers its Company Tax Return late it may be
subject to a penalty.
An overview of deadlines for filing your Company Tax Return.
Detailed guidance on return deadlines in CTM93030.
Read about late filing penalties.
The return must include a declaration by the person making it that it is correct and
complete to the best of their knowledge and belief.
Please note that giving false information in the return or concealing any part of the
company's profits or tax payable can lead to both the company and yourself
being prosecuted.
HMRC can also charge a penalty if the return is inaccurate.
Read more about penalties for inaccurate returns.
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If the company is sending in its own return then the declaration must be completed by the
person making it on behalf of the company.
If a tax agent or adviser (an ‘agent’) is making the return on behalf of the company, the
declaration must be completed by that agent.
If an agent is just sending on the return for the company then the declaration must be
made by the proper officer or other person authorised to act on behalf of the company.
Before the return is sent, the agent must make a copy of the information and receive
confirmation from the proper officer or other person authorised to act for the
company that the information is correct and complete to the best of that
person's knowledge and belief.
Delivering your return
From 1 April 2011 onwards, all companies must deliver their Company Tax Return online for
any accounting period ending after 31 March 2010.
The computations, and generally the accounts, must be in Inline eXtensible Business
Reporting Language (iXBRL).
Find out more about online filing and iXBRL.
To find out about the very limited exemptions from online filing please follow the link below.
Exemptions from online filing.
If exceptionally you need a paper copy of the Company Tax Return form or supplementary pages
you can download them from the HMRC website or phone or fax the HMRC orderline on:
Phone: 0300 200 3411
Fax: 0300 200 3419
What happens next?
When you submit your online return to HMRC you will receive an acknowledgment of
receipt. The acknowledgment does not mean that HMRC has agreed the figures in the
return. HMRC can amend the return to correct obvious errors or omissions or anything else
that they have reason to believe is incorrect in the light of information available to them.
HMRC can also enquire into the return.
Once you have delivered a Company Tax Return you can, subject to certain time limits,
amend the return.
Find out how to amend a Company Tax Return you've already filed.
If you discover an error in a return after you have submitted it to HMRC please tell HMRC
promptly, otherwise you may be charged a penalty.
Find out more about penalties.
Paying Corporation Tax
and ring fence profits
Corporation Tax and any related amounts must be paid electronically. The deadline for
paying Corporation Tax is before the deadline for filing the Company Tax Return.
Find out more about paying Corporation Tax.
There are special rules for large companies and companies with ring fence profits and
adjusted ring fence profits and for Bank Levy. Follow the links below to find out more.
Instalment payments of Corporation Tax
Oil Taxation Manual
Bank Levy and paying Corporation Tax
All references, in this guide and the CT600 form, to ring fence trade or profits are in relation
to a production ring fence under Part 8 of CTA2010. Boxes 161, 166 and 169 or
supplementary page CT600I should not be completed for a contactor ring fence under
Part 8A of CTA2010.
As part of your return, you must include computations to show how the figures in the
Company Tax Return form have been derived from the figures in the company’s accounts.
All the information you consider necessary to explain the derivation of the figures in the
Company Tax Return form should be included within the single iXBRL computations file.
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CT600 Company Tax Return form
Note about tax
law rewrite
Company information
Company name
About this return
The Corporation Tax Act 2009 took effect for accounting periods ending on or after
1 April 2009 and the Corporation Tax Act 2010 for accounting periods ending on or after
1 April 2010. The two acts will eventually require amendments to the Company Tax Return
form CT600 (including changes to the statutory references) but HMRC has not made those
changes yet. So please continue to complete the form as if there were no amalgamation of
UK and foreign source income and, where relevant, as if the statutory references were to the
corresponding provisions of Corporation Tax Act 2009 and Corporation Tax Act 2010.
Enter the registered name of the company. If the company is not registered, enter the name
given in the company's constitution or rules.
If the company's name is very long enter the abbreviated name you have agreed
with HMRC.
Company registration number
If the company is registered at Companies House, enter its company registration number (CRN).
Tax Reference as shown on the CT603
Enter the company's ten-digit Unique Taxpayer Reference (UTR).
Type of company
Make an entry if the company falls into one of the following categories, otherwise
leave blank:
1 Unit trust or open-ended investment company (please see CTM48000). Type 1 should
not be entered by non-exempt unauthorised unit trusts (NEUUTs) that come within the
charge to CT from April 2014.
2 Close investment-holding company (please see CTM60700).
3 Company in liquidation which is chargeable at the main rate following the first
period after liquidation (please see CTM60780).
4 No longer used.
5 Insurance (policyholders' share of profits charged at a rate equivalent to the basic rate
of Income Tax under S88 Finance Act (FA) 1989).
6 Members' club or voluntary association (please see CTM40105 and CTM41305 and
the Business Income Manual (BIM) at BIM24200).
7 Property management company (please see BIM24782).
8 Charity or owned by a charity (please see CTM40050).
9 Real Estate Investment Trust C residual company (please see the Guidance on Real Estate
Investment Trusts (GREIT) at GREIT01040).
10 Real Estate Investment Trust C tax-exempt company (please see GREIT01040).
Registered office address
Do not complete this box if the correct registered office address is shown on form CT603.
If the address has changed and you have not told HMRC already then enter the new
registered office (or Treasurer's address if not registered). Do not enter the trading
office address.
Period of the return
Enter the beginning and end dates of the period for which you are making the return.
Repayments this period
Put an 'X' in this box if you think a repayment is due for this period.
Repayments earlier period
Put an ‘X’ in this box if you are making a claim in your return that reduces your Corporation
Tax liability for an earlier period.
Making more than one return now
Put an 'X' in this box if you are making more than one return for this company at the
same time.
Estimated figures
Put an 'X' in this box if you have used estimates. To find out more about estimated figures
please see CTM93280.
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Company tax
CT600 Guide
Company part of a group that is not small
Put an 'X' in this box if the company is a member of a group that is not small.
To find out more about groups that are not small please see the Enquiry Manual at EM1510.
Disclosure of tax avoidance schemes
Put an 'X' in this box if the company needs to disclose that it has used or is using
avoidance schemes and where the company has been notified by an HMRC Monitored
Promoter, or client of that monitored promoter, of a promoter reference number (PRN).
Find out more about the disclosure regime.
Transfer pricing Compensating adjustment claimed
Transfer pricing Company qualifies for SME exemption
There are rules which potentially affect the taxation of transactions, including loans or loan
guarantees, between connected businesses known as transfer pricing and thin
capitalisation rules.
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) do not have to apply these rules when they
calculate their ‘self assessment’ of tax payable, except in relation to transactions with
connected businesses in certain territories with whom we have no treaty.
In this context an SME is a group of businesses employing fewer than 250 people
worldwide, with a global turnover of less than 50m (£34m) and/or a balance sheet total
less than 43m (£29m).
HMRC is asking businesses qualifying for this exemption to confirm their eligibility by
putting an 'X' in the SME exemption box.
Other businesses, those outside the SME definition, are required to apply transfer pricing
and thin capitalisation rules in relation to all transactions with connected businesses which
create a UK tax advantage, including those entirely within the UK.
Where a business is required to make an uplift in its profits or restriction of its losses due
to a transfer pricing adjustment for a UK-to-UK transaction with a connected business,
then that other business will be able to make a claim to assess its profits and losses on
a consistent basis, by making a compensating adjustment. HMRC is asking companies
affected to put an 'X' in the 'Compensating adjustment claimed' box.
Accounts and computations
Put an 'X' in the appropriate box to show whether you are sending accounts for the period
to which the return relates or for a different period.
If you are not sending accounts or computations provide a reason in the space provided.
Supplementary pages
Put an 'X' in the appropriate box or boxes to show which supplementary pages have been
completed and are included as part of the Company Tax Return.
To find out more about what supplementary pages you need to complete please see
page 21 of this guide.
1 Total turnover from trade or profession
Enter the total trading turnover from any source, the profits of which would be reported
in box 3. Financial concerns that do not have a recognised turnover do not need to
complete box 1.
2 Banks, building societies, insurance companies and other financial concerns
Put an 'X' in box 2 if the company is a financial concern that does not have a recognised
turnover figure.
Do not complete box 1 or box 2 if the company is an investment company or a unit trust.
3 Trading and professional profits
This box is for trade profits in Part 3 Corporation Tax Act (CTA) 2009, less any income
arising from trades carried on wholly outside the UK (previously assessed under Case V).
Enter the total of all the profits in box 3 (including any share of partnership profit
and taking into account any Patent Box deductions).
Enter the total of all losses in box 122 (taking into account any Patent Box deductions).
Your computations should include a detailed calculation of this figure.
Please include a separate calculation of the profit or loss of each trade, showing any
adjustments made to the figures in the accounts to arrive at the amount of profit or loss,
and any capital allowances or balancing charges included in the calculation of the profit or loss.
Where relevant, please also include a calculation of the Patent Box deduction
(S357A CTA 2010). Find out more about the Patent Box
Page 7
4 Trading losses brought forward claimed against profits
You should complete box 4 if there are profits in box 3 and the company has unrelieved
trading losses from earlier periods available to set against profits of the same trade.
Where the losses brought forward are more than the profits of the trade entered in box 3
only enter sufficient losses to cover the trading profit.
Your computations should include a full explanation of the figure you enter.
Where the company carries on more than one trade you should provide a calculation
of the profit of each trade and the amount of loss set off against each.
Find out more about carrying a trading loss forward.
If the accounts are drawn up in a foreign currency please see the Corporate Finance Manual
(CFM) at CFM64300.
5 Net trading and professional profits
This equals box 3 minus box 4.
Leave this blank if you did not put a figure in box 3. Enter '0' if the entry in box 4 equals
the entry in box 3.
6 Bank, building society or other interest, and profits and gains from non-trading
loan relationships
Enter here the non-trading profits which a company has in respect of its loan relationships
(trading credits and debits should be brought into account in calculating the profits of
the trade).
This box includes:
Loan relationships Part 5 CTA 2009
Relationships treated as loan relationships Part 6 CTA 2009
Derivative contracts Part 7 CTA 2009
Combine all the company's non-trading credits and debits into a single figure of profit or
deficit. Enter the profit net of any deficit carried back from a later accounting period under
S459(1)(b) CTA 2009.
Your computations should include a detailed calculation of this figure.
If the company has a non-trading deficit from loan relationships for the period enter the
deficit in box 125.
To find out more about non-trading loan relationships please see CFM32030.
7 Net of carrying back a deficit
Put an 'X' in this box if the figure in box 6 is net of a deficit carried back from a later
accounting period. You should show the period from which the deficit has been carried back
in your computations.
To find out more about carrying back a deficit please see CFM32070.
8 Annuities, annual payments and discounts not arising from loan relationships
and from which Income Tax has not been deducted
Enter here the amount of annual payments not otherwise charged to Corporation Tax
(Chapter 7 Part 10 CTA 2009) and from which Income Tax has not been deducted.
Your computations should include a detailed calculation of this figure.
9 Overseas income within Schedule D Case V
This box is for income arising outside the UK. This was previously Case V income but is now
dealt with as income within Part 3 (trading income), Part 4 (property income), Part 5
(investment income), Part 9A (company distributions) and Part 10 (miscellaneous income)
CTA 2009. Include here any non-exempt dividends or distributions of a company not
resident in the UK.
Your computations should include a detailed calculation of this figure.
CT600 Guide
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CT600 Guide
10 Income from which Income Tax has been deducted
Enter the gross amount before tax and exclude any amount included in box 6.
Your computations should include a detailed calculation of this figure.
To find out more about income from which tax has been deducted please see CTM01170.
11 Income from UK land and buildings
Enter here income within Part 4 CTA 2009 other than income from land and buildings
outside the UK (previously Case V income) which falls within box 9. Your computations
should show the adjustments made to the figures in the company's accounts to arrive at the
amount of income and any capital allowances or balancing charges included in the
calculation of the income. Property income distributions (S548 CTA 2010) should generally
be included here unless they should be included in calculating trading profits.
Your computations should include a detailed calculation of this figure.
12 Non-trading gains on intangible fixed assets
Enter here the non-trading gain on intangible fixed assets (where the intangible assets are
held for the purpose of a trade or a property business include the credits and debits in
calculating the profits of the trade or property business). If there is a non-trading loss you
may need to make entries in boxes 29, 132 and 133.
Your computations should include a detailed calculation of this figure.
To find out more about the computational rules for intangible fixed assets (in Part 8
CTA 2009) please see the Corporate Intangibles Research and Development Manual
(CIRD) at CIRD13500.
13 Tonnage Tax profits
Enter here the figure from box F10 on the supplementary page CT600F Tonnage Tax.
14 Annual profits and gains not falling under any other heading
This box is for profits or gains that have not been included under any other heading. It will
include miscellaneous charges listed in S1173 CTA 2010 except for non-trading gains on
intangible fixed assets. Also include here non-exempt dividends or distributions of a
company resident in the UK.
Your computations should include a detailed calculation of this figure.
15 Income within Schedule D Case VI
This is the total of boxes 12 to 14.
Chargeable gains
16 Gross chargeable gains
Enter the total gains in this period.
If there were no gains, leave this box and boxes 17 and 18 blank. Enter the details of any
allowable losses in the period in box 131.
If you make an entry in box 16, 17 or 131 you should attach calculations of each chargeable
gain and allowable loss to show how your entries have been arrived at. Include full details
and any claims or elections.
To find out more about the chargeable gains (and allowable losses) of companies
please see Chargeable gains and Corporation Tax.
17 Allowable losses including losses brought forward
Only enter a figure if you have an entry in box 16. The figure you enter in box 17 must not
be greater than the figure in box 16.
If you make an entry in box 16, 17 or 131 you should attach calculations of each chargeable
gain and allowable loss to show how your entries have been arrived at. Include full details
and any claims or elections.
To find out more about allowable losses please see Capital losses.
Page 9
18 Net chargeable gains
This equals box 16 minus box 17. If boxes 16 and 17 are equal enter '0'.
Profits before other deductions and reliefs
19 Losses brought forward against certain investment income
Enter the figure of losses brought forward allowed against certain investment income which
would otherwise have been treated as trading income (S46 CTA 2010).
Your computations should include a detailed calculation of this figure.
To find out more about the losses that can be included in this box please see CTM04250.
20 Non-trade deficits on loan relationships (including interest), and derivative
contracts (financial instruments) brought forward
Enter the amount of deficit carried forward from earlier periods and set off against the
non-trading profits of this period. The amount entered in this box cannot exceed the total
of boxes 6, 9, 10, 11, 15 and 18.
Your computations should include a detailed calculation of this figure.
To find out more about carrying forward a deficit please see CFM32040.
If the accounts are drawn up in a foreign currency please see CFM64300.
21 Profits before other deductions and reliefs
This equals the sum of boxes 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 15 and 18 minus the sum of
boxes 19 and 20.
Find out more about Profits before other deductions and reliefs from taxable profits.
Deductions and reliefs
22 CVS loss relief and losses on unquoted shares under S573 ICTA 1988
Enter here any losses under the Corporate Venturing Scheme (CVS), or Share Loss Relief
under S68 CTA 2010.
Your computations should include a detailed calculation of this figure.
Find out more about the Corporate Venturing Scheme.
To find out more about Share Loss Relief please see the Venture Capital Schemes Manual
at VCM70000.
23 CVS loss relief indicator
Put an 'X' in box 23 if the entry in box 22 includes CVS loss relief. Complete the
supplementary page CT600G Corporate Venturing Scheme.
The CVS applies to shares issued on or after 1 April 2000 but before 1 April 2010.
24 Management expenses under S75 ICTA 1988
This section is rewritten in Chapter 2 Part 16 CTA 2009.
Your computations should include a detailed calculation of this figure.
To find out more about management expenses please see CTM08000.
25 Interest distributions under S468L ICTA 1988
S468L Income and Corporation Taxes Act (ICTA) 1988 ceased to have effect for accounting
periods beginning on or after 1 April 2006 and for distributions made on or after
1 April 2006.
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CT600 Guide
26 Schedule A losses for this or previous accounting period under S392A ICTA 1988
Show here losses of a UK property business (defined in Chapter 2 Part 4 CTA 2009) and for
which relief is given under S62 CTA 2010.
Your computations should include a detailed calculation of this figure.
Find out more about the losses of a UK property business.
27 Capital allowances for the purposes of management of the business
These are capital allowances for the purposes of management of the business (under S253
Capital Allowances Act (CAA) 2001) and apply to investment companies only.
Your computations should include a detailed calculation of this figure.
To find out more about how plant and machinery allowances are given to investment
companies please see the Capital Allowances Manual (CA) at CA29320.
28 Non-trade deficits for this accounting period from loan relationships and derivative
contracts (financial instruments)
Enter the amount of the non-trading loan relationship deficit set against the profits of the
same accounting period.
Your computations should include a detailed calculation of this figure.
To find out more about setting off a deficit against profits of the same period please
see CFM32060.
29 Non-trading losses on intangible fixed assets
Enter the amount you are claiming under S753 CTA 2009.
Your computations should include a detailed calculation of this figure.
To find out more about non-trading losses on intangible fixed assets please see CIRD13540.
30 Trading losses of this or a later accounting period under S393A ICTA 1988
Enter the total trading losses that you are claiming to set against total profits under
S37 CTA 2010.
Your computations should include a detailed calculation of this figure.
If the company carries on more than one trade, identify in the computations the trade
giving rise to the loss.
To find out more about trading losses.
31 Amounts carried back from later AP indicator box
Put an 'X' in box 31 if box 30 includes amounts carried back from a later accounting period.
No carry back claim can be made until the return for the period loss has been delivered.
Identify in the computations the accounting period or periods from which the losses are
carried back.
To find out more about carrying a trading loss back.
32 Non-trade capital allowances
These are excess non-trade capital allowances under S260(3) CAA 2001.
Your computations should include a detailed calculation of this figure.
To find out more about non-trade capital allowances please see CA29450.
33 Total of deductions and reliefs
This equals the sum of boxes 22, 24 to 30 and 32. The total cannot exceed
the figure in box 21.
Page 11
34 Profits before charges and group relief
This equals box 21 minus box 33.
35 Charges paid
This box is for relief on donations to charities and Community Amateur Sports Clubs
(CASCs). Enter the amount of qualifying donations made by the company in the period,
but do not enter a figure greater than that in box 34.
Do not include payments that are otherwise deductible in calculating profits.
Your computations should include a detailed calculation of this figure.
The company should show in its computations separate totals for qualifying charitable
donations made to charities established in the UK and to organisations eligible for UK
charitable tax reliefs established in the European Union (EU), Norway or Iceland.
Find out more about gifts to charity and CASCs made by companies.
36 Group relief
Enter the amount of group relief claimed. The figure you enter should not exceed box 34
minus box 35.
If the company is claiming group relief please complete the supplementary page
CT600C Group and consortium. Box 36 should equal box C1.
Find out more about group relief.
Profits chargeable to Corporation Tax
37 Profits chargeable to Corporation Tax
This equals box 34 minus the sum of boxes 35 and 36.
This is the company's taxable total profits (S4 CTA 2010).
169 Ring fence profits included
Enter the amount of production ring fence profits under Part 8 of CTA2010 that are included
in box 37.
Your computations should include a detailed calculation of this figure.
To find out more about ring fence profits please see the Oil Taxation Manual at OT21000.
Tax calculation
38 Franked investment income
Enter the amount of franked investment income received by the company during the
accounting period.
Franked investment income is the total of the amount of distribution in respect of which
the company is entitled to a tax credit and the amount of the tax credit (S1126 CTA 2010).
Your computations should include a detailed calculation of this figure.
Exclude distributions made by certain other companies in the same group or by certain
consortia company (S32(2) CTA 2010).
39 Number of associated companies in this period
Enter the number of companies associated with the company for any part of the
accounting period. Provide this information if the company is chargeable at the small profits
rate on any part of its profits, or is entitled to Marginal Relief. Please also see the note to
boxes 40 and 41.
To find out more about associated companies please see CTM03580.
40 and 41 Associated companies in first and second financial years
Make entries in boxes 40 and 41 instead of box 39 if the accounting period straddles
two financial years, the upper or lower limit has changed and the number of associated
companies was different in each of the financial years.
42 Starting or small companies' rate indicator
Put an 'X' in this box if the company is chargeable at small profits rate or entitled to
Marginal Relief.
To find out more about the small profits rate and Marginal Relief please see CTM03505.
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CT600 Guide
Boxes 43 to 62
For each financial year enter the amount of profit chargeable at each rate of tax and
the amount of tax.
To find out more about this calculation please see Gross Corporation Tax payable before
deductions and reliefs from tax payable and Corporation Tax rates.
63 Corporation Tax
This equals the sum of boxes 46, 49, 52, 56, 59 and 62.
64 Marginal rate relief
Enter the amount of Marginal Relief. To find out more about Marginal Relief please see
Marginal Relief for Corporation Tax.
HMRC provides a Marginal Relief calculator.
65 Corporation Tax net of marginal rate relief
This equals box 63 minus box 64.
Boxes 66 to 69
These boxes do not apply if the accounting period begins on or after 1 April 2006.
70 Corporation Tax chargeable
If the accounting period begins on or after 1 April 2006 this equals box 63 less box 64.
Reliefs and reductions in terms of tax
71 CVS investment relief
Enter here the figure from box G1 on the supplementary page CT600G Corporate
Venturing Scheme.
72 Community investment relief
Enter the amount of Community Investment Tax Relief. Find out more about
Community Investment Tax Relief.
Your computations should include a detailed calculation of this figure.
73 Double Taxation Relief
Enter any Double Taxation Relief claimed here but exclude any amount included in box 81.
Your computations should include a detailed calculation of this figure including details of any
underlying tax relief claims.
If the claim includes eligible unrelieved foreign tax surrendered to the company, complete
the supplementary page CT600C Group and Consortium. Include the figure from box C3
in box 73.
Also include any entry in box F8 on the supplementary page CT600F Tonnage Tax.
To find out more about Double Taxation Relief please see INTM167000.
74 Underlying rate relief claim indicator
Put an 'X' in box 74 if the entry in box 73 includes an underlying tax relief claim.
To find out more about underlying tax please see INTM164010.
75 Double Taxation Relief amount carried back indicator
Put an 'X' in box 75 if the entry in box 73 includes any amount of Double Taxation Relief
carried back from a later period. Identify in the computations the period or periods from
which the relief has been carried back.
To find out more about carrying back Double Taxation Relief please see INTM164310.
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76 Advance Corporation Tax
Enter the amount of advance Corporation Tax set off.
Your computations should include a detailed calculation of this figure.
To find out more about the set-off of advance Corporation Tax for accounting periods
beginning on or after 6 April 1999 please see CTM18250.
77 Total reliefs and deductions in terms of tax
This equals the sum of boxes 71, 72, 73 and 76. The figure can't exceed the figure
in box 70.
Calculation of tax outstanding or overpaid
78 Net Corporation Tax liability
This equals 70 minus box 77.
79 Tax payable under S419 ICTA 1988
S419 ICTA 1988 is now S455 CTA 2010.
Enter the figure from box A13 on the supplementary page CT600A Loans to participators
by close companies.
80 Form CT600A box A11 completion indicator
Put an 'X' in this box if you have completed box A11 in supplementary page
CT600A Loans to participators by close companies.
81 Tax payable under S747 ICTA 1988
This box covers tax in respect of Controlled Foreign Companies and Bank Levy.
Enter the total of column J plus the amount in box K on the supplementary page
CT600B Controlled Foreign Companies (and Bank Levy).
82 Tax payable under S501A ICTA 1988
S501A ICTA 1988 is now S330 CTA 2010.
Use this box to record the amount of supplementary charge for a production ring fence
under Part 8 of CTA2010.
Enter the figure from box I 8 on the supplementary page CT600I Supplementary charge
in respect of ring fence trades.
83 Tax chargeable
This equals the sum of boxes 78, 79, 81 and 82.
84 Income Tax deducted from gross income included in profits
Enter the amount of Income Tax suffered by the company on investment income which it
has received net of tax.
Your computations should include a detailed calculation of this figure.
To find out more about the set-off of Income Tax please see CTM35250.
Do not include deductions on account of tax from contract payments under
the Construction Industry Scheme. To find out more about the repayment of deductions
that the company has not been able to set off against its PAYE liabilities please see
Construction Industry Scheme.
85 Income Tax repayable to the company
This equals box 84 minus box 83. If box 84 does not exceed box 83 leave blank.
86 Tax payable this is your self assessment of tax payable
This equals box 83 minus box 84. If box 84 exceeds box 83 enter '0.00'.
This is the amount of the company's self assessment.
CT600 Guide
Page 14
CT600 Guide
Tax reconciliation
87 Research and Development tax credit, including any vaccines tax credit, or
film tax credit
Enter the amount of the research and development (R&D) tax credit, Above the Line (ATL)
R&D tax credit, vaccines tax credit, television tax credit, video games tax credit, theatre tax
credit or film tax credit claimed. Your computations should include a detailed calculation
of this figure.
Any ATL R&D tax credit you enter should include:
ATL credit arising in this AP S104M CTA2009
Any amount treated as R&D expenditure credit for this accounting period under
S104N (2) Step 3 (b) CTA2009
Any amount deducted under S104O CTA2009 for a previous AP that has not been
surrendered under S104O (3) CTA2009, and/or
already used to discharge Corporation Tax liability.
To find out more about R&D tax credits please see Research and Development (R&D)
Relief for Corporation Tax.
To find out more about vaccines tax credit please see CIRD75600.
To find out more about film tax credit please see Film Tax Relief.
To find out more about the high-end television tax credit, animation tax credit
and video games tax credit please see Creative sector tax reliefs.
88 Land remediation or life assurance company tax credit
Enter the amount of land remediation tax credit claimed.
Your computations should include a detailed calculation of this figure.
To find out more about land remediation tax credit please see CIRD68000.
To find out more about the special provisions that apply to companies carrying on a life
assurance business please see the Life Assurance Manual at LAM4A.123, LAM6.111 and
Also include any amount of tax treated as paid on a non-trading loan relationship credit
from a related transaction on an investment life insurance contract, restricted so that it
does not exceed box 86. To find out more please see the Insurance Policyholders Taxation
Manual at IPTM3900.
170 Capital allowances first-year tax credit
Enter the amount of first-year tax credit claimed.
Your computations should include a detailed calculation of this figure.
To find out more about first-year tax credit please see CA23175.
89 Research and Development tax credit payable, including any vaccines tax credit,
or film tax credit payable
Enter box 87 minus box 86. If the result is negative please enter '0' (zero).
90 Land remediation or life assurance tax credit payable
Enter the sum of boxes 87 and 88 minus the sum of boxes 86 and 89.
This cannot exceed box 88.
Your computations should include a detailed calculation of this figure.
171 Capital allowances first-year tax credit payable
Enter the sum of boxes 87, 88 and 170 minus the sum of boxes 86, 89 and 90.
This cannot exceed box 170.
Your computations should include a detailed calculation of this figure.
Information about
enhanced expenditure
Page 15
161 and 166 Ring fence Corporation Tax and S501A supplementary charge included
S501A is now S330 CTA 2010.
Use these boxes to record the amount of included corporation tax and supplementary
charge for a production ring fence under Part 8 of CTA2010.
Enter the figures from boxes I 10 and I 11 on the supplementary page. Ensure that the
amount of ring fence profits are entered in box 169
CT600I Supplementary charge in respect of ring fence trades respectively.
91 Tax already paid (and not already repaid)
Enter the amount of Corporation Tax paid by the company for the accounting period and
not repaid by HMRC. Your computations should include a detailed calculation of this figure.
92 Tax outstanding
This equals the sum of box 86 minus the sum of boxes 87, 88, 170 and 91.
Do not enter a negative figure.
93 Tax overpaid
This equals the sum of boxes 87, 88, 170 and 91 minus box 86. Do not enter
a negative figure.
Repayments of Corporation Tax are made quickly and securely by direct credit (Bacs)
to a bank or building society account. Please complete boxes 149 to 153 to give HMRC
the bank details of the person to whom any repayment is to be made.
94 Tax refunds surrendered to the company
Please enter the amount surrendered to you by another group company under S963 of
CTA 2010 or Regulation 9 of the Corporation Tax (Instalment Payments) Regulations 1998.
95 Instalment payments indicator
Put an 'X' in this box if the company was a large company for the purposes of
quarterly instalments.
To find out more about large companies please see CTM92520 and in the Bank Levy Manual
at BLM451000.
If you put an 'X' in this box it would be helpful if you also entered the number of associated
companies in box 39.
96 Group Payment Arrangement indicator
Put an 'X' in this box if the company is a participating company in a Group
Payment Arrangement.
Find out more about Group Payment Arrangements for Corporation Tax.
97 Written down or sold intangible assets
Put an 'X' if the company has written down or sold intangible assets.
This applies to any intangible assets – whether held for the purpose of a trade or property
business, or for non-trading purposes.
98 Cross-border royalty payment indicator
Put an 'X' in this box if the company has made any royalty payment overseas.
Please also see the notes for the supplementary page CT600H Cross-border royalties
in this guide.
Put an 'X' in box 98 whether or not the company paid the royalty without deduction of tax
or at the rate specified by a Double Taxation Treaty (because it reasonably believed that
the recipient would be entitled to treaty relief) or without deduction of tax (because it
reasonably believed the recipient would be exempt from UK Income Tax following
the implementation of the Interest and Royalties Directive).
To find out more about this section please see:
R&D: Research and Development (R&D) Relief for Corporation Tax
Vaccines Research Relief: CIRD75000
Film Tax Relief: Film Tax Relief
Land Remediation Relief: CIRD60000
Land Remediation Relief (special provisions for life assurance companies):
Life Assurance Manual.
CT600 Guide
Page 16
Information about
capital allowances and
balancing charges
Research and development (R&D) or films enhanced expenditure
167 Film Tax Relief claim
Put an 'X' in this box if the company is making a claim for film, television, animation,
video games or theatre expenditure.
99 R&D claim made by a SME
Put an 'X' in this box if the claim for R&D enhanced expenditure is made by a SME,
including an SME subcontractor to a large company.
100 R&D claim made by a large company
Put an 'X' in this box if the claim for R&D enhanced expenditure is made by
a large company.
101 R&D or films enhanced expenditure
Enter the amount of the enhanced expenditure. Your computations should include a
detailed calculation of this figure. Include claims for film, television, animation, video
games or theatre expenditure in this box.
102 R&D enhanced expenditure of a SME on work sub-contracted to it by
a large company
Enter the amount of enhanced expenditure (currently 130%) of a SME on work
sub-contracted to it by a company that is not a SME.
Your computations should include a detailed calculation of this figure.
103 Vaccines research expenditure
Enter the additional deduction (40% for a large company) under S1089(2) or S1091(3)
CTA 2009. Relief for a SME was withdrawn from 1 April 2012.
Land remediation enhanced expenditure
104 Land remediation enhanced expenditure
Enter an amount equal to 150% of the qualifying land remediation expenditure.
Your computations should include a calculation of the qualifying expenditure.
Include claims under the special provisions for life assurance companies in this box.
Complete the following boxes if the company is:
claiming capital allowances
liable to any balancing charges.
Enter information about capital allowances and balancing charges included in the calculation
of trading profits or losses in box 172, boxes 105 to 114 and boxes 162 and 163.
Enter information about capital allowances and balancing charges not included in the
calculation of trading profits or losses in box 173, boxes 164 and 165 and boxes 115 to
Show how you have calculated the capital allowances and balancing charges in
the computation.
To find out more about capital allowances please see Capital allowances.
Charges and allowances included in calculation of trading
profits or losses
172 Annual Investment Allowance
Enter the amount of Annual Investment Allowance included in the calculation of trading
profits or losses. To find out more about Annual Investment Allowance please see
Annual Investment Allowance.
CT600 Guide
Page 17
105 and 106 Machinery and plant special rate pool
Enter the total allowances including any Annual Investment Allowance claimed, in respect
of the special rate pool in box 105. Enter any balancing charges in respect of the special
rate pool in box 106. To find out more about the special rate pool please see
Types of plant and machinery allowances.
107 and 108 Machinery and plant main pool
Enter the total allowances including any Annual Investment Allowance claimed, in respect
of the main pool in box 107. Enter any balancing charges in respect of the main pool in
box 108.
To find out more about the main pool please see Types of plant and machinery allowances.
109 and 110 Cars
Enter the total allowances in respect of expenditure on cars incurred before 1 April 2009 and
not included elsewhere in box 109 and any balancing charges in box 110. To find out more
about capital allowances on cars please see Capital allowances on cars.
111 and 112 Industrial building and structures
Enter the total allowances in respect of industrial buildings in box 111 and any balancing
charges in box 112. These provisions were repealed with effect from 1 April 2011 for
Corporation Tax purposes. To find out more about industrial buildings allowance please see
Industrial buildings allowance.
162 and 163 Business premises renovation
Enter the total Business Premises Renovation Allowance (BPRA) in box 162 and any
balancing charges in box 163. To find out more about BPRA please see
Renovating business premises.
113 and 114 Other charges and allowances
Enter the total of other allowances included in the calculation of trading profits or losses
of a trade but not included in the boxes above in box 113 and any other balancing charges
in box 114.
Charges and allowances not included in calculation
of trading profits or losses
173 Annual Investment Allowance
Enter the amount of Annual Investment Allowance not included in the calculation of trading
profits or losses. Please also see the note for box 172.
164 and 165 Business premises renovation
Enter the total BPRA in box 164 and any balancing charges in box 165. Please also see
the note for boxes 162 and 163.
115 and 116 Other non-trading capital allowances and charges
Enter the total allowances, including any Annual Investment Allowance claimed, not
included in the calculation of the profits or loss of a trade in box 115. Enter any balancing
charges not included in the calculation of the profit or loss of any trade in box 116. Exclude
from boxes 115 and 116 any amounts for BPRA.
117 Flat conversion allowance indicator
Put an 'X' in box 117 if the entry in box 115 includes flat conversion allowances.
To find out more about flat conversion allowances please see
Flat conversions above commercial premises.
CT600 Guide
Page 18
Losses, deficits and
excess amounts
CT600 Guide
Qualifying expenditure
Enter information about qualifying expenditure in box 118, box 174 and boxes 120 and 121.
118 Machinery and plant on which first-year allowance is claimed
Enter here the total expenditure incurred in the accounting period on which first-year
allowances are claimed.
If you have claimed 100% first-year allowances on zero-emission goods vehicles you must
show the total of those first-year allowances in your computations.
To find out more about first-year allowances please see First-year allowances.
174 Designated environmentally friendly machinery and plant
Enter the total expenditure incurred on qualifying energy-saving investments and
environmentally beneficial plant and machinery, meeting the listed conditions on the
Energy or Water Technology Criteria or Product Lists. The lists are available on the
Enhanced Capital Allowances website.
The total you enter here will also be included in the figure you enter in box 118.
120 Machinery and plant on long-life assets and integral features
Enter the total expenditure on long-life assets or integral features, but exclude any amount
entered in box 118 (expenditure on which first-year allowance is claimed). To find out more
about integral features please see Capital allowances relating to buildings and renovation.
121 Other machinery and plant
Enter the total expenditure on machinery and plant that is not a long-life asset
or integral feature, but exclude any amount entered in box 118 (expenditure on which
first-year allowance is claimed). The amount entered in this box should include any Annual
Investment Allowance claimed.
Your computations should include a detailed calculation of losses, deficits and
excess amounts.
In the following boxes enter the losses, deficits and excess amounts arising.
122 Trading losses Case I
Enter the losses of trades carried on wholly or partly in the UK (previously Case I of
Schedule D), profits of which would fall within Part 3 CTA 2009.
To find out about trade losses please see Trading losses.
124 Trading losses Case V
Enter the losses of trades carried on wholly outside the UK (previously Case V of
Schedule D), profits of which would fall within Part 3 CTA 2009.
125 Non-trade deficits on loan relationships and derivative contracts
Enter the non-trade deficit from loan relationships and derivative contracts arising,
as calculated under S301 CTA 2009.
Please also see the note for box 6.
127 Schedule A losses
Enter the losses of a UK property business (defined in Chapter 2 Part 4 CTA 2009).
To find out more about the losses of a UK property business please see
Losses on property income.
Overpayments and
Page 19
129 Overseas property business losses Case V
Enter the losses of an overseas property business (defined in Chapter 2 Part 4 CTA 2009).
130 Losses Case VI
Enter losses within S91 CTA 2010.
131 Capital losses
Enter capital losses arising, calculated under S16 Taxation of Chargeable Gains Act
(TCGA) 1992.
If you make an entry in boxes 16, 17 or 131 you should attach calculations of each
chargeable gain and allowable loss to show how your entries have been arrived at. Include
full details and any claims or elections.
To find out more about capital losses please see Capital losses.
132 Non-trading losses on intangible fixed assets
Enter non-trading losses arising on intangible fixed assets, calculated under Part 8 CTA 2009.
136 Excess management expenses
Enter the amount calculated under Part 16 CTA 2009.
138 Excess interest distributions
This box does not apply for accounting periods beginning on or after 1 April 2006.
Maximum available for surrender as group relief
In the following boxes enter the maximum amount available for surrender by way of
group relief.
To find out more about group relief please see CTM80100.
You also need to complete supplementary pages CT600C Group and consortium
if the company is surrendering any amount by way of group relief.
123 Trading losses Case I
Enter the amount of trading loss (see S100 CTA 2010).
126 Non-trade deficits on loan relationships and derivative contracts
Enter the deficit within Chapter 16 Part 5 CTA 2009 (non-trading deficit on
loan relationship).
128 Schedule A losses
Enter the UK property business loss (see S102 CTA 2010 subject to S105 CTA 2010).
133 Non-trade losses on intangible fixed assets
Enter the non-trading loss on intangible fixed assets (see S104 subject to S105 CTA 2010).
134 Excess non-trade capital allowances
Enter the capital allowance excess (see S101 CTA 2010).
135 Excess charges
Enter the qualifying charitable donations (see Part 6 CTA 2010 subject to S105 CTA 2010).
137 Excess management expenses
Enter the management expenses (see S103 subject to S105 CTA 2010).
Please complete the small repayment details and give the company (or nominee) bank or
building society details on every return you complete, whether or not you think there may
be a repayment at present.
You must also complete this section, to make your wishes clear, if you believe there
is a repayment due for an earlier period as a result of events in the period covered by this
return. Make sure you put an 'X' in the appropriate repayment box to alert HMRC that
a repayment may be due.
CT600 Guide
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CT600 Guide
Small repayments
139 Do not repay £20 or less
140 Do not repay any other amount you specify, or less
If you do not want HMRC to make small repayments please either put an 'X' in box 139 or
complete box 140.
'Repayments' here include tax, payable credits, interest, and late-filing penalties or any
combination of them.
You must renew or change any authority you give each time you complete a Company Tax
Return form, even if you are delivering two returns at the same time. This authority overrides
any previous authority given, so if you leave boxes 139 and 140 blank HMRC will make any
repayment arising subsequently, however small.
If you complete either of these boxes HMRC will not make any repayment to the company
or any authorised nominee unless it is more than the limit you have chosen. Any amounts
below the limit will be allocated against any other Corporation Tax liabilities, or if there are
none, to a later accounting period.
If you want to surrender a tax refund under S963 CTA 2010 to another group company do
not complete this authority but complete boxes 145 to 148.
Repayments for the period covered by this return
Put an 'X' in the appropriate repayment box (please see the notes on page 7 of this guide)
to alert HMRC that a repayment may be due and enter the appropriate figure in boxes 141
to 144, 168 and 175.
Repayment, or payment of:
141 Corporation Tax
Enter the amount of corporation tax repayable. Do not include any repayments of income
tax or payable tax credit.
142 Income Tax
Equals box 85.
143 Payable Research & Development Tax Credit
Enter the amount of payable tax credit including the amount of ATL R&D tax credit
calculated under Step 7 of S104N (2) CTA2009. Your computations should include
a detailed calculation of this figure.
168 Film tax credit
Enter the amount of payable film, television, animation, video games or theatre tax credit.
Your computations should include a detailed calculation of this figure. The amount must
not exceed box 89.
144 Land remediation or life assurance company tax credit
Equals box 90.
175 Payable capital allowances first-year tax credit
Equals box 171.
Tax refunds surrendered by the company boxes 145 to 148
Complete the following boxes if the company is surrendering a tax refund under S963
CTA 2010. Also put an 'X' in the appropriate repayment box (please see the notes on page 5
of this guide) to alert HMRC that a repayment may be due.
To find out more about surrenders of tax refunds please see CTM92440.
145 Amount surrendered under S102 Finance Act 1989
Enter the amount being surrendered by the company under S963 CTA 2010 (include
surrenders under Regulation 9 of the Instalment Payments Regulations).
146 Joint notice is attached
Put an 'X' in box 146 if the joint notice is attached. For a surrender under Regulation 9
of the Instalment Payments Regulations, supply a schedule of the amount(s) and date(s)
of each instalment surrendered.
Supplementar y pages
Page 21
147 Joint notice to follow
Put an 'X' in box 147 if the joint notice is to follow.
148 Please stop repayment of the following amount until I send you the notice
If the notice is not attached you must tell HMRC the amount of repayment you want to stop
until you send them the notice. Enter the amount in pounds (£) and pence (p).
Bank details (for person to whom the repayment is to be made)
HMRC makes repayments direct to the company's bank or building society account it is
quick and safe.
HMRC needs you to give them the account details every time you complete a return form.
If you are sending in more than one return at the same time, the details must be on both.
It is best to do this whether or not you think there may be a repayment at present.
Complete boxes 149 to 153 with the details of the company's (or its nominee's) bank
or building society account.
149 Name of bank or building society
Enter the name of the bank or building society of the person to whom the repayment is to
be made.
150 Branch sort code
Enter the six-digit branch sort code number of the person to whom the repayment is
to be made.
151 Account number
Enter the account number of the person to whom the repayment is to be made.
152 Name of account
Enter the name of the account of the person to whom the repayment is to be made.
153 Building society reference
Enter the reference for the building society of the person to whom the repayment is to be
made (if applicable).
Payments to a person other than the company
If you want any repayment to go to someone other than the company you must give the
nominee's details in boxes 156 to 158, and authorise the nomination by completing boxes
154, 155, 159 and 160 every time you complete a Company Tax Return form. Where you
authorise a nominee, the bank or building society account details you give must be those
of the nominee.
What supplementary pages do I need to complete and include as part of the
Company Tax Return?
CT600A Loans to participators by close companies
Use these supplementary pages if the company is close and made a loan to a participator
which has not been repaid within the period.
See page 23 of this guide for more guidance.
CT600B Controlled Foreign Companies (and Bank Levy)
Use these supplementary pages if your company held an interest of 25% or more
in a foreign company controlled from the UK and for reporting Bank Levy.
See page 26 of this guide for more guidance.
CT600C Group and consortium
Use these supplementary pages if you are claiming or surrendering relief under group
or consortium or unrelieved foreign tax provisions.
See page 28 of this guide for more guidance.
CT600 Guide
Page 22
CT600D Insurance
Use these supplementary pages if your company has been involved in overseas life assurance
business (OLAB).
See page 30 of this guide for more guidance.
Important points about
all supplementary pages
CT600E Charities and Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASCs)
Use these supplementary pages if your charity or CASC claims exemption from tax on all or
any part of its income and gains.
See page 31 of this guide for more guidance.
CT600F Tonnage Tax
Use these supplementary pages if your company operates ships and is a party to a Tonnage
Tax election.
See page 33 of this guide for more guidance.
CT600G Corporate Venturing Scheme
Use these supplementary pages if your company is claiming relief under the CVS.
See page 35 of this guide for more guidance.
CT600H Cross-border royalties
Use these supplementary pages if the company is a UK company and made cross-border
royalty payments after 1 October 2002.
See page 37 of this guide for more guidance.
CT600I Supplementary charge in respect of ring fence trades
Use these supplementary pages if your company carried on a production ring fence trade
(generally, oil extraction or exploitation of rights in the UK or UK Continental Shelf), for any
period beginning (or deemed to have begun) on 17 April 2002.
See page 38 of this guide for more guidance.
CT600J Disclosure of Tax Avoidance Schemes
Use these supplementary pages if you are party to any notifiable arrangements under S308,
309, 310 FA 2004 and you have received a reference number.
See page 40 of this guide for more guidance.
Supplementary pages, when completed, form part of the company's return.
Supplementary pages set out the information HMRC needs and provides
a standard format.
Complete the boxes with whole figures only, except where pence or decimals
are indicated.
Supplementary pages are covered by the declaration (see notes on page 3 of this guide).
The warning about prosecution, and the advice about late and incorrect returns,
and late payment of tax also apply to the supplementary pages.
The following notes will help you to understand any terms that have a special meaning and
will help with the completion of the supplementary pages.
CT600 Guide
Page 23
CT600A Loans to participators by close companies
You need to complete these supplementary pages if the company is close, and in this period
has made a loan (or loans) which has not been repaid within the period to
an individual participator, or associate of a participator, or
any partnership in which at least one of the partners is an individual who is such a
participator or associate; or
trustee of a settlement, one or more of the trustees or beneficiaries of which is a
participator or their associate.
tax is due under S455 CTA 2010 (previously S419 ICTA 1988), or
has been party to tax avoidance arrangements under which a benefit is conferred on an
individual who is a participator, or an associate of a participator, in this period and no
return payment has been made to the company within the period.
tax is due under S464A CTA 2010.
What to do when you have completed these supplementary pages
Copy the figure from box A13 in part 5 to box 79 of the form CT600.
Put an 'X' in box 80 of the form CT600 if you have completed box A11 in part 3
of these pages.
Finance Act 2013 introduced changes to the loans to participators rules. The changes
apply in relation to relevant loans, arrangements and repayments made on or after
20 March 2013.
A 'close company' is one which is under the control of five or fewer participators, or of any
number of participators who are directors (S439 CTA 2010, previously S414 ICTA 1988).
A 'loan' within S455 CTA 2010 includes the situation where a participator incurs a debt to
the close company (S455(4)(a) CTA 2010, previously S419(2)(a) ICTA 1988), for example,
by overdrawing a current or loan account.
There are two exceptions where S455 CTA 2010 does not apply.
A debt incurred for the supply by the close company of goods or services in the ordinary
course of its trade or business, unless the credit given exceeds six months, or is longer
than that normally given to the company's customers (S456(2), previously S420(1)
ICTA 1988).
Certain loans made to full-time working directors or employees who do not have a material
interest in the close company (S456(3) CTA 2010, previously S420(2) ICTA 1988).
A loan is not ‘repaid’ where S464C CTA 2010 applies. If that section applies to any
payment/repayment/return repayment, then the amount of loan or benefit conferred which
is deemed to be outstanding should be included in this return.
A 'participator' is a person having a share or interest in the capital or income of the
company and includes any loan creditor of the company (S454 CTA 2010, previously
S417(1) ICTA 1988).
An 'associate' of a participator includes any relative or partner of the participator and the
trustees of any settlement of which the participator or their relative is, or was, a settlor
(S448 CTA 2010, previously S417(3)(a) and (b) ICTA 1988).
Methods by which a loan can be 'repaid' include depositing money into the company's bank
account, crediting the participator's current or loan account with a dividend, director's
remuneration or bonus, or book entry.
The term 'release' refers to a formal procedure that normally takes place under seal for
a consideration, whereas 'write off' is a wider term that does not necessarily require formal
arrangements and could include acceptance by the company that the loan will not be
recovered and has given up attempts to recover it.
1 Loans or arrangements made during the return period
You must complete part 1 if the company is close and, in this period,
has made a loan (or loans) to:
an individual participator, associate of a paticipator, or
any partnership in which at least one of the partners is such a participator or
associate, or
CT600 Guide
Page 24
CT600 Guide
trustees of a settlement, one or more of the trustees or beneficiaries of which is a
participator or their associate.
and the loan(s) have not been repaid within the period; or
has been party to tax avoidance arrangements under which a benefit is conferred on an
individual who is a participator, or an associate of a participator, in this period and no return
payment has been made to the company within the period.
Enter in the table details of any outstanding loans or details of any benefit conferred under
arrangements within S464A CTA 2010 made to a participator or associate of a participator
during the return period. If the participator or associate has a current or loan account with
the company, enter details of each participator's or associate's account. The amount you
enter in column 2 of the table is the total of all debit entries on the account, less any credit
entries and less any credit balance brought forward from the previous return period. In arriv-
ing at this figure you must exclude any credit entries that represent repayment, release or
write-off of loans made in earlier return periods.
Put an 'X' in this box if any/all loans made during the period have been released or written
off before the end of the period.
Enter the total of:
all loans within S455 CTA 2010 made during the accounting period which have not been
repaid, released or written off before the end of the period; plus
any benefit conferred under arrangements chargeable by S464A during the
accounting period for which no return payment has been made before the end of the
accounting period
loans/benefits conferred which are deemed to be outstanding by the operation of
S464A CTA 2010.
This equals box A2 multiplied by 25%.
2 Relief for return payments made or amounts repaid, released or written off after the
end of the period but earlier than nine months and one day after the end of the
period for loans made and benefit conferred under arrangements during the
accounting period.
Complete part 2 to obtain relief for amounts included in box A2 that were repaid, released
or written off if:
the return is for the period in which the loans were made or the benefit conferred
the loan was repaid, released or written off (or a return payment made for the value of
the benefit) after the end of the period but earlier than nine months and one day after
the end of the accounting period in which the loan was made.
Enter in the table details for each participator or associate. If there have been a number of
repayments or return payments on an account, enter only the total repayments and return
payments for that account and give the date of the last repayment.
A separate entry must be made for each loan or part loan that has been released or
written off.
A company makes a loan during the accounting period ended 31 December 2004 and it is
all repaid to the company on 30 June 2005. The company's tax return for the accounting
period ended 31 December 2004 is sent to HMRC on 1 November 2005. Part 2 should be
completed because the loan was repaid after the end of the accounting period but earlier
than nine months and one day after it.
Enter the total amount of repayments and return payments made after the end of
the accounting period but earlier than nine months and one day after the end of the
accounting period.
Enter the total amount released or written off after the end of the accounting period but
earlier than nine months and one day after the end of the accounting period.
Page 25
This equals the sum of boxes A4 and A5.
This equals box A6 multiplied by 25%.
3 Relief for loans made/benefit conferred under arrangements during the return
period repaid, released or written off (or return payments made of benefit conferred)
more than nine months after the end of the period and where relief is due now
Most companies will not need to complete part 3.
Only complete part 3 if all of the following conditions apply.
Where the loan was made or benefit conferred under arrangements during the
return period.
Where repayment, release or write off, or return payment was more than nine months
after the end of the period in which the loan was made.
The return is submitted after the date on which relief is due (if the return is sent in
very late, at least 21 months after the end of the return period).
If you are unsure whether or not to complete part 3, please use the boxes in the top part
of page 3 of the supplementary pages to help you decide.
Complete part 3 only if loans made/benefit conferred under arrangements during the return
period, that have not been included in part 2, have been repaid, released or written off
(or a return payment made against benefit conferred) and where relief is due now.
Example 1
A company makes a loan during the accounting period ended 31 December 2004 and
it is all repaid on 30 November 2005. The company's return for the accounting period
ended 31 December 2004 is sent to HMRC on 1 December 2005. Part 3 of this form
should not be completed because, although the loan was repaid more than nine months
after the end of the return period, the return is sent earlier than nine months after the end
of the return period in which the loan was repaid. Relief for the repayment can't be given
until the due date of the accounting period in which the repayment was made, in this case
1 October 2006 (S458(4),(5) and (6) CTA 2010, previously S419(4A) and (4B) ICTA 1988).
The company must make a separate claim for relief.
Example 2
Same as previous example except that the return is not sent in until 3 December 2006.
Relief for the repayment is due on or after 1 October 2006. In this case part 3 can be
completed because the repayment was made more than nine months after the end of the
accounting period in which the loan was made, and the relief is due at the time the return
is sent in.
Enter the total amount repaid/return payments made more than nine months after the end
of the accounting period where relief is due now.
Enter the total amount released or written off more than nine months after the end of the
accounting period where relief is due now.
This is the sum of boxes A8 and A9.
This equals box A10 multiplied by 25%.
If you have made an entry in box A11 put an 'X' in box 80 on the form CT600.
4 Other information
Enter the total of all loans outstanding and value of benefit conferred under arrangements
(for the purposes of S464A CTA 2010) for which no return has been made at the end of the
accounting period – including those which were made in this period and earlier periods and
those deemed to be outstanding by S464C CTA 2010.
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5 What S455 and S464A CTA 2010 tax is payable?
This equals box A3 less the sum of boxes A7 and A11.
Copy the figure from box A13 to box 79 on the form CT600.
More information
To find out more about loans to participators please see
Directors' loan accounts and Corporation Tax explained.
CT600B Controlled Foreign Companies (and Bank Levy)
You need to complete these supplementary pages if at any time in this period the company
held a relevant interest of 25% or more in a foreign company which is controlled from
the UK. There are some exceptions to this reporting requirement and the exceptions are
different for Controlled Foreign Companies (CFCs) with an accounting period beginning
on or after 1 January 2013.
CFC with accounting period beginning before 1 January 2013 (current CFC rules)
No Controlled Foreign Company (CFC) with an accounting period beginning before
1 January 2013 need be included on these pages where it satisfies the excluded countries
regulations. A UK company may also include companies which may not be CFCs but which
would satisfy one of the exemptions if they were. This applies to foreign companies which
may not be subject to a lower level of tax, or may not be controlled from the UK. It also
applies where the UK company's relevant interest in the foreign company may be less than
25%. The purpose of this is to save UK companies the cost of working out whether a foreign
company is in principle a CFC in cases where it is clear that one of the exemptions would
be passed if it were.
CFC with accounting period beginning on or after 1 January 2013 (new CFC rules)
The CFC legislation has now been amended and new rules will apply to accounting periods
of CFCs beginning on or after 1 January 2013. You will need to complete the supplementary
pages for these CFCs if the company held a relevant interest of 25% in a CFC at any time in
this accounting period and the accounting period of the CFC either ended at the same time
as the company’s accounting period or it ended within the company’s accounting period.
Any CFC that satisfies the Tax Exemption, the Excluded Territories Exemption or the Low
Profit Margin Exemption does not need to be included on the return pages.
You also need to complete these pages if the company is chargeable to the Bank Levy.
What to do when you have completed these supplementary pages
Copy the figure (if any) from the summary box J13 on these pages to box 81 of form CT600.
The following information is required:
A Name of the CFC
Enter the full name of the CFC.
B Territory of residence
Current CFC rules Where a CFC has an accounting period beginning before 1 January 2013
and a residence election is made this should be noted. If a company is conclusively
presumed to be resident in a territory in which it is subject to a lower level of tax, then this
should be indicated by the entry ‘S749(5) ICTA 1988’.
New CFC rules For an accounting period of a CFC beginning on or after 1 January 2013
the territory of residence of the CFC as determined under Chapter 20 Part 9A TIOPA 2010,
should be entered under column B on page 2 of the supplementary pages.
C Exemption due
Current CFC rules Where a CFC has an accounting period beginning before
1 January 2013 a company should indicate which exemption(s) a CFC satisfies. Only one
exemption need be noted, and not including an exemption will not prejudice whether it
applies. If an exemption applies there is no need to complete page 3 of the supplementary
return for the CFC.
Page 27
New CFC rules For an accounting period of a CFC beginning on or after 1 January 2013,
a company that is a chargeable company (as defined in S371BD TIOPA) needs to
indicate where:
profits of the CFC have been excluded from charge because none of Chapters 4 to 8
apply (by noting ‘Gateway Chapter 3’ in column C)
profits of the CFC have been excluded from charge because, although one or more of
Chapters 4 to 8 needs to be considered, no chargeable profits arise (by noting the
relevant chapter number from 4 to 8 in column C )
profits from qualifying loan relationships are fully exempt under Chapter 9 (by noting
‘Chapter 9’ in column C) or
the CFC is exempted by the Exempt Period Exemption or the Low Profits Exemption by
noting the relevant exemption in column C.
If there will be no CFC charge by virtue of Chapters 3 to 8 or an exemption applies,
there is no need to complete page 3 of the supplementary return for the CFC.
D Percentage measure for apportionment
This will usually be the percentage of ordinary share capital held directly or indirectly by the
UK company (but not by associated or connected persons). In all other circumstances the
appropriate percentage should be calculated on a just and reasonable basis.
E Chargeable profits
Current CFC rules Where a CFC has an accounting period beginning before
1 January 2013 these are the chargeable profits of the CFC (after reliefs available under
Schedule 24 ICTA 1988) apportioned to the UK company.
New CFC rules For a CFC whose accounting period begins on or after 1 January 2013,
these are the profits that pass through the CFC charge gateway in Chapters 3 to 8
calculated in accordance with S371BA TIOPA 2010. Profits subject to charge under
Chapter 5 may be wholly or partially exempted by Chapter 9 on the making of a claim
on the tax return.
F Tax on chargeable profits
Current CFC rules Where a CFC has an accounting period beginning before
1 January 2013, this is the amount of tax charged on the company's share of chargeable
profits before reliefs are given under Schedule 26 ICTA 1988.
New CFC rules For a CFC whose accounting period begins on or after 1 January 2013, this
is the amount of tax (the CFC charge) due in respect of the chargeable company’s share of
the CFC’s chargeable profits before relief is given under S371UD TIOPA 2010.
G Creditable Tax
This broadly represents tax already paid on the chargeable profits and is deductible.
H Reliefs in terms of tax
Current CFC rules Where a CFC has an accounting period beginning before
1 January 2013, any reliefs available under Schedule 26 should be shown at the appropriate
rate of Corporation Tax.
New CFC rules For a CFC whose accounting period begins on or after 1 January 2013 any
reliefs available under S371UD TIOPA 2010 should be shown at the appropriate rate of
Corporation Tax.
I ACT as restricted
Unrelieved surplus Advance Corporation Tax (ACT) to the extent not restricted, should be
shown here.
J S747 tax chargeable (and Bank Levy)
Current CFC rules Where CFCs have accounting periods beginning before 1 January 2013,
enter in box J13 the total of the S747 tax chargeable in column J (the sum of the figures in
column F less the sum of the figures in columns G to I) plus the amount of Bank Levy in
box K. (See the note for box 81).
New CFC rules For CFCs whose accounting periods begins on or after 1 January 2013,
please enter in box J13 the total of the CFC charge due in column J plus the amount of
Bank Levy in box K (if the amount of Bank Levy has not already been added in relation to
CFCs with accounting periods beginning before 1 January 2013).
K Bank Levy
Enter the amount of Bank Levy in box K and also include it in box J13.
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More information
To find out more about CFCs, please see INTM200000.
To find out more about Bank Levy, please see the Bank Levy Manual.
CT600C Group and consortium
You need to complete these supplementary pages if:
you are claiming or surrendering any amounts under the group and/or consortium
relief provisions
you are claiming or surrendering eligible unrelieved foreign tax (for accounting periods
ending on or after 31 March 2001).
What to do when you have completed these supplementary pages
Copy any figure from box C1 in part 1 to box 36 of the form CT600.
Include any figure from box C3 in part 3 in box 73 of the form CT600.
1 Claims to group relief
You need to complete this part if you are claiming group relief in your calculation of
Corporation Tax payable. Attach a copy of each surrendering company's notice of consent
to the claim. Include claims made under the consortium provisions and attach a copy
of the notice of consent of each member of the consortium.
Enter the total amount for group relief claimed.
Copy the figure from box C1 to box 36 on the form CT600.
Put an 'X' in this box if a group relief claim involves losses of a trade carried on in the UK
through a permanent establishment by a non-resident company.
Put an 'X' in this box if a group relief claim involves losses of a non-resident company other
than those covered by box C1B.
A claim 'involves' a non-resident if the claimant, the surrendering company or any other
company by reference to which their group relationship is established, is non-resident.
Claim authorisation
If a simplified arrangement is in force the claim may be authorised here.
Complete this section if simplified arrangements apply and copies of consent are
not supplied.
2 Amounts surrendered as group relief
You need to complete this part if the company is surrendering any amount under the group
(or consortium) provisions.
Unless a simplified arrangement is in force:
a notice of consent to each claim is needed
this part is acceptable as a notice of consent, if the surrendering company details
are entered and it is signed by an authorised person in the space below
send a copy of the notice of consent to the HMRC office dealing with the claimant
company's return before or at the same time as the claimant company submits its return
claiming the group relief
the consent of all the other consortium members is needed for consortium relief.
Enter the total amount surrendered.
Authorised person
Except where a liquidator or administrator has been appointed, any person who is
authorised to do so may sign on behalf of the company.
Eligible unrelieved foreign tax
You need to complete part 3 if you are claiming eligible unrelieved foreign tax (EUFT) in
your calculation of Corporation Tax payable, or part 4 if the company is surrendering any
amount of EUFT under the Double Taxation Relief (Surrender of Relievable Tax within a
Group) Regulations. These regulations apply to income arising on or after 31 March 2001.
Page 29
You must attach a copy of each surrendering company's notice of consent to the claim.
Claims to EUFT do not apply to consortium companies and, unlike the claims to and
surrenders as group relief covered by parts 1 and 2 of this form, there can be no simplified
arrangement for EUFT.
3 Claims to EUFT
You need to complete this part if you are claiming EUFT in your calculation of Corporation
Tax payable.
Enter the total amount claimed.
Include this figure in the amount entered in box 73 of the form CT600.
4 Amounts of EUFT surrendered
You should complete this part if the company is surrendering any amount of EUFT under
the Double Taxation Relief (Surrender of Relievable Tax Within a Group) Regulations.
A notice of consent to each claim is needed.
This part is acceptable as a notice of consent, if the surrendering company details are
entered and it is signed by an authorised person in the space below.
Send a copy of the notice of consent to the HMRC office dealing with the claimant
company's return before or at the same time as the claimant company submits its return
claiming the EUFT.
Enter the total amount surrendered.
Authorised person
Except where a liquidator or administrator has been appointed, any person who is
authorised to do so may sign on behalf of the company.
More information
To find out more about group relief please see CTM80100.
The legislation relating to EUFT was repealed for distributions paid on or after 1 July 2009.
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CT600D Insurance
You need to complete these supplementary pages if the insurance company, including a
friendly society, has either entered into policies or contracts in the accounting period which
it has treated as relating to Overseas Life Assurance Business (OLAB) in the accounting period
or has made claims under Schedule 19AB ICTA 1988, to repayments or notional repayments
for return periods ending within the accounting period.
1 Overseas Life Assurance Business
Put an 'X' in the box if the company has obtained or completed all the certificates,
documents, undertakings and declarations required by Regulations 4 to 11 of the Insurance
Companies (Overseas Life Assurance Business) (Compliance) Regulations 1995 that relate to
the policies and contracts it has entered into in the accounting period which it has treated as
being an OLAB in this return.
Companies that write policies and contracts which fall to be treated as an OLAB must, in
most cases, complete certain certificates and obtain declarations and other documents from
policyholders or cedant companies. The business should only be treated as an OLAB (which
gives certain tax advantages) in the return and accompanying explanations and calculations
if the various documents have been created or obtained within the time limits laid down in
the regulations. If the company is unable to certify this by placing an 'X' in the box above,
the return must be made on the basis that the relevant business is not an OLAB.
2 Schedule 19AB ICTA 1988 repayments
Schedule 19AB ICTA 1988 ceased to apply in relation to Income Tax deducted from
payments received after 30 September 2001.
Schedule 19AB was deemed to continue to apply in relation to pension business of insurance
companies for the purposes of the following provisions (as they apply in relation to
tax credits).
S121 FA 1993 and any regulations under that section (application of Schedule 19AB
to tax exempt business of friendly societies).
Any regulations under S333B ICTA 1988 (individual savings account business, etc.
of insurance companies and friendly societies).
Schedule 19AB ceased to apply in relation to tax credits in respect of distributions made
on or after 6 April 2004.
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CT600E Charities and Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASCs)
You need to complete these supplementary pages if the charity/CASC claims exemption
from tax on all or any part of its income and gains.
These supplementary pages will form the charity's/CASC's claim to exemption from tax on the
basis that its income and gains have been applied for charitable or qualifying purposes only.
How often you are asked to make a return will depend on the extent and nature of
your activities.
Claims to exemption
Put an 'X' in the relevant box if during the period covered by these supplementary pages.
The company was a charity/CASC and is claiming exemption from all tax on all or part
of its income and gains.
All income and gains are exempt from tax and have been, or will be, applied for
charitable or qualifying purposes only.
Some of the income and gains may not be exempt or have not been applied for
charitable or qualifying purposes only, and you have completed the form CT600.
See the note on restrictions of relief for non-qualifying expenditure.
If the company was a charity/CASC but had no income or gains in the period, then put
an 'X' in the first box 'claiming exemption from all tax'.
Except where a liquidator or administrator has been appointed, any person who is authorised
to do so may sign on behalf of the company. For CASCs the treasurer should sign.
Repayments boxes E1/E1a, E2/E2b and E1a to E4d
Transitional relief only applies on qualifying distributions made on or after 6 April 1999
and before 6 April 2004. The time limit for claims is two years after the end of the charity's
accounting period in which the distribution was made.
In boxes E1/E1a:
enter the amount of Income Tax and transitional relief claimed on forms R68 (2000)
or R68 (CASC) for the period covered by these pages
this should relate only to income arising in the period
do not include amounts claimed for earlier periods.
In box E2/E2b enter the total amount due for income received in the period on which
a charity/CASC can claim. CASCs should leave boxes E1a to E4d blank.
Trading income box E5
Enter details of the turnover of trades, the profits of which will be exempted by either:
S505(1)(e) ICTA 1988, S46 FA 2000 or ESC C4 (for charities)
Schedule 18, Paragraph 4 FA 2002 (for CASCs).
If the charity/CASC has carried on a trade during the return period which falls outside
the exemption, complete the Company Tax Calculation on the form CT600. Do not include
in the calculation sources of income which are otherwise exempt from tax. Also, complete
the 'About this return' section on page 1 and declaration on the form CT600.
Gifts boxes E11 and E12
Include in box E11 the value of any gifts of shares or securities received under
S587B ICTA 1988.
Include in box E12 the value of any gifts of real property received under
S587B/S587C ICTA 1988.
Other sources box E13
Enter details in box E13 of income received from sources other than those included in the
boxes above where the income is exempt from tax in the hands of a charity/CASC. This will
include Case VI income exempted by S505(1)(c)(iic) ICTA 1988.
Investments and loans within Schedule 20 ICTA 1988 box E26 charities only
Qualifying investments and loans, for the purposes of S506 ICTA 1988, are specified
in Parts I and II of Schedule 20 ICTA 1988.
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Charities can make claims to HMRC for any loan or other investment not specified
in Schedule 20 but made for the benefit of the charity and not for avoidance of tax,
to be accepted as qualifying.
Put an 'X' in box E26 only if all investments and loans are qualifying investments
and loans either:
automatically, because they are specified in Schedule 20, or
because the charity has either claimed (with this return or separately) that they are
under Paragraphs 9 or 10 of Schedule 20 ICTA 1988, or is prepared to do so on request.
For a claim for qualifying status to succeed, the loan or investment must be made for the
benefit of the charity and not for the avoidance of tax (whether by the charity or any other
person). Claims should be in writing and specify:
the nature of the item (for example loans or shares)
the amount
the period
whether the claim is under Paragraph 9 or 10.
It is helpful if a claim includes full details, for example the terms of a loan.
Investments and loans made outside Schedule 20 ICTA 1988 box E27 charities only
If the charity has made any investments or loans which do not fall within Schedule 20
ICTA 1988, and no claim is being made with this return, enter the total of such loans or
investments in box E27.
Restrictions of relief for non-qualifying expenditure
Relief under S505(1) ICTA 1988 and S256 TCGA 1992 may not be available to
some charities.
The charity should attach a calculation of restriction of relief under S505(3) ICTA 1988 and
send it with this return. If you need help with this calculation please phone the HMRC
helpline on 0300 123 1073 or email [email protected].uk
Where a CASC has incurred non-qualifying expenditure its exemptions from tax may need to
be restricted. The CASC should include a calculation of the restriction of relief under
Schedule 18, Paragraph 8 FA 2002 with this return. If you need help with this calculation
please phone the HMRC helpline on 0300 123 1073 or email [email protected].uk
To find out more about reliefs available to charities and CASCs please see
Charities and Community Amateur Sports Clubs.
Repayments (boxes E1 to E4d)
Enter details of repayments of Income Tax/payments of transitional relief for income arising
during the period covered by these supplementary pages.
Information required (boxes E5 to E28)
Enter details of any income received from the following sources, claimed as exempt from tax
in the hands of the charity/CASC. Enter the figure included in the charity's/CASC's accounts
for the period covered by this return.
Do not include amounts which are not taxable. Non-exempt amounts should be entered
on the form CT600 in the appropriate boxes.
Type of expenditure (boxes E14 to E19)
Enter details of expenditure as shown in the charity's/CASC's accounts for the period covered
by these supplementary pages.
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CT600F Tonnage Tax
You need to complete these supplementary pages if the company operates ships and is a
party to a Tonnage Tax election.
What to do when you have completed these supplementary pages
Copy the figure from box F10 to box 13 of the form CT600.
Include any figure from box F8 in box 73 of the form CT600.
F1 Tonnage Tax group election
A Tonnage Tax group election must be made jointly by all qualifying companies in
the group.
F2 and F3 Tonnage Tax group and representative company
The qualifying companies in a group may nominate one group company to deal with those
matters concerning Tonnage Tax that are more conveniently dealt with on a group-wide
basis, including the 75% limit on chartered-in tonnage.
Where a group wishes to make such an arrangement, all qualifying companies should jointly
sign a letter nominating one of the companies as the representative company and specifying
the matters that it will handle on behalf of the whole group.
F4 Training commitment
A company or group electing into Tonnage Tax (or renewing its election) must have a
current certificate from the Department of Environment, Transport and the Regions
confirming approval of its initial or annual training commitment.
F5 and F6 Chartering-in limit
Not more than 75% of the net tonnage of the company's qualifying vessels should relate to
ships that are chartered in, other than on bareboat terms.
For groups, the 75% limit relates to the net tonnage of qualifying ships in the group,
ignoring chartering between group members.
As ships will often be operated for less than a full accounting period, the percentage will
need to be computed by reference to the aggregate daily net tonnage for the company
or group.
See Paragraphs 37-40 of Schedule 22 FA 2000 for more information on the 75% limit.
F7 Offshore activities
These activities cover the exploration or exploitation of the seabed, subsoil, or natural
resources in the UK sector of the continental shelf. They do not apply to offshore supply
vessels, tugs, anchor-handling vessels, and tankers (other than dedicated to a particular oil
field), or where the company's ships are engaged on offshore activities for a period that does
not exceed 30 days in total. Part XI of Schedule 22 FA 2000 applies only to companies that
have vessels engaged in offshore activities in the UK sector of the continental shelf and
which are not excluded under Paragraph 105 of Schedule 22.
F8 and 9 Training Allowance (Offshore)
A company that falls within Part XI of Schedule 22 FA 2000 is allowed to offset the cash
equivalent of training or any payments in lieu of training against its Corporation Tax liability
on its profits from offshore activities.
The cash equivalent is based on the current rate of payments in lieu of training (PILOT).
The deduction is the sum of the cash equivalent amounts of training undertaken and any
PILOTs made, relating to days on which each ship was engaged in offshore activities in the
UK sector.
F10 Qualifying ships
A qualifying ship must be a seagoing ship of 100 gross tons or more used for the carriage of
passengers or cargo, towage, salvage or other marine assistance, or transport in connection
with other services of a kind necessarily provided at sea.
Specifically excluded are fishing vessels or factory ships, pleasure craft, harbour or river
ferries, offshore installations, tankers dedicated to a particular oil field and dredgers.
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F11 Operation of a ship
A qualifying ship is operated by a company when it is owned by or chartered to that
company. It is not regarded as operated where it is bareboat chartered-out, unless to a
fellow group member, or to the Crown, or where there is short-term over-capacity and the
charter does not exceed three years.
F12 Computation of profits
Profits are calculated by multiplying the daily profit for each ship by the number of days
that each was operated during the accounting period. The daily profit is calculated for every
100 net tons, as in the following example:
Ship of 30,099 net tons:
Tons × Rate Total
Up to 1000 10 x £0.60 = £6.00
1,001 to 10,000 90 x £0.45 = £40.50
10,001 to 25,000 150 x £0.30 = £45.00
above 25,000 50 x £0.15 = £7.50
Daily Profit = £99.00
No relief, deduction or set-off can be used to reduce the Tonnage Tax profits.
F13 Relevant shipping profits
Tonnage Tax profits replace relevant shipping profits. Broadly, these are the relevant shipping
income from Tonnage Tax activities, including distributions from overseas shipping
companies, plus chargeable gains on Tonnage Tax assets.
Tonnage Tax activities include core qualifying activities, qualifying secondary activities, and
qualifying incidental activities. For more details and guidance see:
Part VI of Schedule 22 FA 2000
Tonnage Tax Regulations 2000 (S100/2303)
HMRC Statement of Practice on Tonnage Tax (SP4/2000).
1 Tonnage Tax information for this period
2 Offshore training allowance
F8 Include the figure in box F8 in box 73 of the form CT600.
3 Computation of Tonnage Tax profits
You must enter details of all qualifying ships.
F10 Total Tonnage Tax profits
Copy the figure from this box to box 13 on the form CT600.
4 Relevant shipping profits – optional section
Please provide information about relevant shipping profits.
More information
To find out more about Tonnage Tax please see the Tonnage Tax Manual.
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CT600G Corporate Venturing Scheme
You need to complete these supplementary pages if for shares issued on or after
1 April 2000 but before 1 April 2010 the company is claiming under the CVS:
Investment Relief on the amount subscribed for shares
relief against income for losses on certain disposals of shares, whether effect is to be
given to the claim in this period or an earlier period
postponement of certain chargeable gains where the gains are reinvested in shares
under the CVS.
You are advised to read the relevant notes before you complete these pages.
What to do when you have completed these supplementary pages
Copy the figure from box G1 to box 71 on the form CT600.
A company making a claim in its Company Tax Return must do so using these
supplementary pages.
If a company makes a claim later, but within the time limit for amending its return, it should
make the claim on an amended return, giving the same details as are required by forms
CT600 and CT600G (for instance this could be the case if the form CVS 3 to support
a Deferral Relief claim is not received until after the return has been delivered). No specific
form is provided for an amended return, but as long as it is signed by a person authorised
to do so and includes a declaration that the information is correct and complete to the best
of his or her knowledge and belief, it will be accepted as an amended return.
If the time for amending a return has passed, but the claim is still in time, the company
should again give the same details as are required by forms CT600 and CT600G. The claim
should be signed by a person authorised to do so and include a declaration that the
information is correct and complete to the best of his or her knowledge and belief.
These notes do not provide a full explanation of the CVS.
Find out more about Corporate Venture Schemes.
Investment Relief
A company must not claim the relief on any investment unless it has received a compliance
certificate on form CVS 3. You may be asked to produce the certificate relating to that
investment. Investment Relief takes the form of a reduction in the investing company's
Corporation Tax liability for the accounting period in which the shares were issued.
Except as mentioned below, the amount of that reduction is 20% of the amount of any
subscriptions (excluding any associated costs) or, if that would exceed the Corporation Tax
liability, such an amount as will reduce that liability to nil. The amount subscribed will be
shown on form CVS 3. Where the investing company (or any person connected with it)
has received value from the issuing company (or from any person connected with that
company) so that Paragraph 47 Schedule 15 FA 2000 applies, the amount of relief is
The amount of the reduction is usually 20% of the amount of value received, but it will be
less where Paragraph 51 or 52 Schedule 15 FA 2000 applies. Any amount of value received
by the investing company from the issuing company (or any connected person) that was
known to the issuing company at the time the form CVS 3 was issued, should be shown
on that form.
Loss Relief
A claim to set an allowable loss on a share disposal against income may be made under
the CVS only if:
Investment Relief was attributable to the shares disposed of at the time of the disposal
the Investment Relief is not withdrawn in full as a result of the disposal
the shares were held continuously from the date the shares were issued until disposal
the disposal is either
a disposal by way of a bargain at arm's length for full consideration
by way of a distribution in the course of dissolving or winding up the issuing company
a disposal within S24(1) TCGA 1992
a deemed disposal following a claim under S24(2) TCGA 1992
— the disposal does not occur in consequence of any company reconstruction or
amalgamation for the purposes of tax avoidance.
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CVS Loss Relief may be claimed against income of the accounting period in which the loss
arises. Any loss not so relieved may be claimed against income of accounting periods ending
in the previous 12 months, subject to the apportionment provision in Paragraph 69(2)
Schedule 15 FA 2000. To the extent that the loss is not set off against income it may be
deducted from chargeable gains in the usual way. The amount of an allowable loss is
calculated according to the rules in TCGA 1992, as modified by Paragraph 94 Schedule 15
FA 2000.
Deferral Relief
A claim may be made to postpone if either:
a chargeable gain accruing on a disposal of shares to which Investment Relief was
attributable immediately before the disposal, provided that the shares were held
continuously from the date they were issued until the disposal
a chargeable gain previously postponed under the CVS in respect of an investment
in shares which is revived because of a 'chargeable event' (that is a disposal or an event
other than a disposal which causes any Investment Relief attributable to the shares to be
reduced or withdrawn).
To be eligible for the relief the company must have subscribed – during the period starting
one year before and ending three years after the date on which the gain accrued for shares
to which Investment Relief is attributable. Before Deferral Relief can be claimed a form CVS 3
must be held in respect of those shares. If those shares were issued before the gain accrued,
the company must have held the shares continuously from the date they were issued
until the gain accrued and Investment Relief must be attributable to them at the time the
gain accrued.
However, Deferral Relief is not available where the gain to be deferred accrues on a disposal
of shares and the shares subscribed for are in the same company or in any member of its
group. Similarly, Deferral Relief is not available where the gain to be deferred has been
revived because of a chargeable event and the shares subscribed for are in the company
whose shares were involved in that event, or in any member of its group.
1 Investment Relief
For each issue of shares in respect of which Investment Relief is claimed, enter the details
in the table.
All this information, except the actual amount of Investment Relief claimed, is on the form
CVS 3 that the issuing company sent to the investing company.
Copy the figure from this box to box 71 of the form CT600.
2 Relief for losses on disposals of shares
For each disposal for which a claim is being made enter details in the table.
3 Deferral relief
For claims to postpone chargeable gains or parts of gains, enter the details in the table.
Use a separate line for each gain or part of a gain.
More information
Find out more about Corporate Venture Schemes.
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CT600H Cross-border royalties
You need to complete these supplementary pages if:
The company is a UK company and made cross-border royalty payments after
1 October 2002, and reasonably believed that the recipient of the royalties would be
entitled to treaty relief on any tax deducted. The company is entitled to make such
payments without deduction of tax or at the rate specified by reference to the Double
Taxation Treaty appropriate to the country of residence of the payee. For more information
about countries or territories that have Double Taxation Agreements please see Tax Treaties.
The company is a UK company or UK permanent establishment of an EU company, and
made royalty payments to an associated company in another Member State of the EU on or
after 1 January 2004 (1 May 2004 for states joining the EU on that date) and reasonably
believed that the beneficial owner of the royalties is exempt from UK Income Tax on those
payments following the implementation of the Interest and Royalties Directive. Such
payments should be made without deduction of tax.
In this context 'permanent establishment' is a fixed place of business situated in a Member
State through which the business of a company of another Member State is wholly or partly
carried on.
Important point
There are additional penalty provisions for failure to observe the law regarding royalty
payments. Details are contained in S349E(1)(7) ICTA 1988, S98(4D) Taxes Management Act
(TMA) 1970 and S98(4DA) TMA 1970 and there is provision for a Direction to be issued
under S349E(1)(3) ICTA 1988 or S96(3) FA 2004, as appropriate.
What to do when you have completed these supplementary pages
Put an 'X' in box 98 of the form CT600.
CT600 Guide
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CT600 Guide
CT600I Supplementary charge in respect of ring fence trades
You need to complete these supplementary pages if for any period beginning (or deemed
to have begun) on or after 17 April 2002 the company carried on a production ring fence
trade under Part 8 of CTA2010.
You must complete these supplementary pages and form CT600.
The notes that follow will help you complete the calculation.
I 1 Supplementary charge in respect of ring fence profits
A ring fence trade is defined at S277 and S274 CTA 2010 and covers oil extraction activities
and any activities consisting of the acquisition, enjoyment or exploitation of oil rights in the
UK or a designated area. In practice this means all such onshore and offshore activities to the
outer edge of the UK Continental Shelf. The supplementary charge is applied to all adjusted
ring fence profits arising on or after 17 April 2002. You need to enter the figure of ring fence
profit or loss of the accounting period after any group relief surrendered to the company
and set against ring fence profits of the period, but before losses brought forward or carried
back from other periods.
Enter ‘0’ in Box I 1 if no supplementary charge would have arisen on ring fence profits of the
period, except for any adjustment for decommissioning expenditure.
I 2, I 3 and I 4 Disallowing financing costs
To arrive at the adjusted ring fence profits, the financing costs within the ring fence profits
or losses are left out of the account. Financing costs are the costs of debt finance and
costs giving rise to debits for debtor relationships of the company under Chapter 2 Part 4
FA 1996
exchange gains or losses within the meaning of Chapter 2 Part 4 FA 1996 in relation to
debt finance
credits or debits from derivative contracts in relation to debt finance under Schedule 26
FA 2002
financing costs implicit in a payment under a finance lease
any other costs arising from financing transactions.
The financing costs you need to enter are those for this accounting period. Do not enter any
finance costs in boxes I 2 and I 3 if decommissioning expenditure has been taken into
account in reducing or eliminating profits for the accounting period, and a loss arises after
the ring fence profits or losses have been adjusted for disallowed financing costs.
If exceptionally net financing costs are negative and need to be subtracted from ring fence
profits, the adjustment should be entered in box I 6.
For expenditure incurred in connection with decommissioning carried out on or after
21 March 2012, S330A CTA 2010 restricts tax relief available for decommissioning
expenditure for supplementary charge purposes to 20%. It does so by increasing the profits
liable to the supplementary charge where decommissioning expenditure is taken into
account in reducing or eliminating those profits. The decommissioning expenditure may be
so taken into account by being expenditure of the current accounting period or by
being included in losses brought forward, carried back or surrendered to the company.
Enter the amount of the increase in box I 2 and/or I 3. If disallowed finance costs need to be
entered in box I 2 and/or I 3 then the decommissioning adjustment(s) should be added to
these figures.
I 5 What figure do I enter in box I 5?
Adjust the profits or losses shown in box I 1 for the disallowed financing costs totalled at
box I 4, adding back the figure in I 4 to profits or reducing losses. If the result is a loss
enter '0' in box I 5.
I 6 Losses brought forward or from later accounting period
If the company has set losses brought forward from earlier periods or back from later periods
against its profits of the period for Corporation Tax, those losses need to be reduced for
calculating the supplementary charge to remove financing costs. Losses brought forward will
be the accumulated losses as calculated using the assumption contained in S330(3)
CTA 2010 removing financing costs from ring fence profits arising on or after 17 April 2002.
Losses of a later period under S37 CTA 2010 will be as calculated using the assumption in
S330(3) CTA 2010. Where decommissioning expenditure is included in losses brought
forward or carried back, increase the adjusted ring fence profits of the accounting period by
the appropriate fraction of the decommissioning expenditure taken into account in reducing
profits of the accounting period.
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Where decommissioning expenditure reduces the amount of Petroleum Revenue Tax (PRT)
chargeable, S330B CTA 2010 provides a reduction from profits liable to the supplementary
charge where the profits resulting from the reduction in PRT would be subject to
supplementary charge at a rate of more than 20%. Enter the amount of this reduction in
box I 6. If losses need to be entered in box I 6 then the decommissioning adjustment should
be added to this figure. The total entered cannot exceed the amount you entered in box I 5.
I 12 Field Allowance
Enter the amount of Field Allowance. Include any claim for onshore allowance in respect of
capital expenditure incurred on and after 5 December 2013. Do not enter an amount
greater than that needed to reduce I 7 to nil.
Include any claim for high pressure high temperature cluster area allowance or onshore oil
and gas allowance in this box. Follow the links below to find out more
High pressure high temperature cluster area allowance
Onshore oil and gas allowance
I 8 Tax at supplementary charge rate
For accounting periods beginning on or after 1 January 2006 and ending before
24 March 2011 the supplementary charge is 20%.
For accounting periods beginning on or after 24 March 2011 the supplementary charge
is 32%.
In calculating the amount of supplementary charge for an accounting period beginning
before 24 March 2011 and ending on or after that date, treat the period falling before
24 March 2011 and the period falling on or after that date as separate accounting periods.
Apportion the profits between those separate accounting periods in proportion to the
number of days in those periods. However, if time apportionment gives a result that is unjust
or unreasonable, the company can elect for a basis that is just and reasonable and specified
in the election to be adopted.
For accounting periods beginning on or after 1 January 2015 the supplementary charge
is 30%.
In calculating the amount of supplementary charge for an accounting period beginning
before 1 January 2015 and ending on or after that date, treat the period falling before
1 January 2015 and the period falling on or after that date as separate accounting periods.
Apportion the profits between those separate accounting periods in proportion to the
number of days in those periods. However, if time apportionment gives a result that is unjust
or unreasonable, the company can elect for a basis that is just and reasonable and specified
in the election to be adopted.
Copy the figure from box I 8 to box 82 on the form CT600.
I 9 What figure do I enter in box I9?
This should be the ring fence trade loss of the company in the period as calculated using
the assumption in S501A(3) ICTA 1988.
I 10 and I 11 Net ring fence tax
For accounting periods ending on or after 1 July 2005 liability to Corporation Tax and
supplementary charge in respect of ring fence profits of a large company is payable in a
maximum of three instalments. Tax on other profits remains payable in a maximum of
four instalments.
The supplementary charge on adjusted ring fence profits was increased from 20% to 32%
from 24 March 2011.
There are transitional calculation and instalment payment rules for an accounting period
beginning before 24 March 2011 and ending on or after that date. For instalment purposes
the supplementary charge arising in this straddling period from the increase in rate is treated
as if it arose in a separate accounting period beginning on 24 March 2011.
CT600 Guide
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The supplementary charge on adjusted ring fence profits was reduced from 32% to 30%
from 1 January 2015.
There are transitional calculation rules for an accounting period beginning before
1 January 2015 and ending on or after that date.
Enter in the relevant box the figure you have calculated for ring fence Corporation Tax and
the supplementary charge under S330 CTA 2010 (previously S501A(3) ICTA 1988) after any
further deduction in terms of tax. This further deduction can only refer to deductions shown
on the form CT600 after box 83 on that form. For instance, you may wish to reduce the
figure of either the ring fence Corporation Tax or the supplementary charge by the Income
Tax deducted from gross income included in other profits. Copy the figures you enter
in boxes I 10 and I 11 to boxes 161 and 166 on the form CT600.
More information
Find more information in the Oil Taxation Manual.
CT600 Guide
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CT600 Guide
CT600J Disclosure of Tax Avoidance Schemes
You need to complete these supplementary pages if:
you are a party to any notifiable arrangements under S308, 309, 310 FA 2004
you have received an eight-digit Scheme Reference Number (SRN)
you have entered into a transaction which is part of those arrangements either in this
or a previous accounting period, and expect to receive a tax advantage from those
arrangements in this or any future accounting period
you have been notified by an HMRC monitored promoter, or client of that monitored
promoter, of a promoter reference number (PRN).
Under S313(1) FA 2004 you are required to provide HMRC with any reference number
notified to you in the accounting period covered by this return, and the time when you
obtain or expect to obtain a tax advantage from the notifiable arrangements whether
in the accounting period covered by this return or in a period covered by a future return.
Under S253 FA 2014 you are required to provide HMRC with any promoter reference
number notified to you by an HMRC monitored promoter, or client of that promoter, if you
expect to gain a tax advantage (whether in relation to the tax to which this return relates or
another tax) from relevant arrangements in relation to which the monitored promoter to
whom the reference number relates, in the accounting period covered by this return.
You should not use this form if:
you are an employer and the notifiable arrangements concerned are arrangements
connected with employment. An SRN for employment products should be notified
separately using form AAG4
you are a party to any notifiable arrangements in the accounting period covered by
this return that have not otherwise been notified to HMRC. You should do so now by
completing form AAG3
you were given the promoter reference number (PRN) by an HMRC monitored promoter
in relation to a scheme involving Inheritance tax, Petroleum Revenue tax, Stamp Duty
Land tax or Stamp Duty Reserve tax, you must report these separately AAG4PRN.
Forms AAG3 and AAG4 are available on our website at
or from the orderline by phoning 0300 200 3411.
Disclosable tax avoidance schemes
Scheme Reference Number (SRN)
Enter the reference number given to you by the promoter or by HMRC (as appropriate)
for each notifiable proposal or notifiable arrangement if you have either:
implemented the arrangement in the accounting period affected by this return
and expect Corporation Tax advantage in this or a later period
previously implemented the scheme and expect a Corporation Tax advantage in this
or a later accounting period.
You should enter the reference number even if you have already entered the number
on a return covering an earlier period, unless you no longer expect any tax advantage
to arise from the notifiable arrangements either in this accounting period or in any later
accounting period.
Accounting period in which the expected advantage arises
You should enter the last day of the accounting period in which you currently expect any
tax advantage resulting from the notifiable arrangements to arise, using the format
dd/mm/yyyy. If you expect the tax advantage to cover more than one accounting period,
enter the earliest.
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If the company fails to provide any reference number given to it by the promoter or by
HMRC for any notifiable proposal or arrangement, or to report the last day of the
accounting period in which you first expect any tax advantage to arise, as required by
S313(1) FA 2004, the company may be liable to a penalty under S98C(3) TMA 1970.
The amount of the penalty is £100 for each scheme to which the failure relates unless either
of the following apply.
£500 for each scheme where the company has previously failed to comply on one and
only one occasion during the period of 36 months ending with the date of the current
failure, whether or not the failure relates to the same scheme.
£1,000 for each scheme where the company has previously failed to comply on two
or more occasions during the period of 36 months ending with the date of the current
failure, whether or not the failure relates to the same scheme.
Tax advantage here means:
relief or increased relief from, or repayment or increased repayment of Corporation Tax,
or the avoidance or reduction of a charge to that tax, or an assessment to that tax,
or the avoidance of a possible assessment to that tax
the deferral of any payment of tax or the advancement of any repayment of tax
the avoidance of any obligation to deduct or account for any tax.
Arrangements connected with employment means any notifiable proposal or
arrangements which are disclosable under S308, 309, or 310 FA 2004 by virtue of
Regulation 8(10) The Tax Avoidance Schemes (Information) Regulations 2004
(SI2004/1864). A copy of the regulations giving the prescribed descriptions of arrangements
can be seen at
Notifiable proposal and notifiable arrangements have the meanings given in S306
FA 2004.
Reference number in relation to the notifiable arrangements, has the meaning given by
S311(3) FA 2004.
More information
Find out more about the disclosure regime.
CT600 Guide