Mathematics: made to measure
Messages from inspection evidence
This report is based predominantly on evidence from inspections of mathematics
between January 2008 and July 2011 in maintained schools in England. Inspectors
visited 160 primary and 160 secondary schools and observed more than 470 primary
and 1,200 secondary mathematics lessons. The report is also informed by good
practice visits to 11 primary schools, one secondary school and two sixth-form
colleges, but the evidence from these visits is not included in the proportions quoted
in the report.
The report draws attention to serious inequalities in pupils’ experiences and
achievements. It includes examples of best practice that help avoid or overcome the
inequalities and weaker practice that exacerbates them.
This report builds on the inspection findings and case studies of ‘prime practice’ and
‘weaker factors’ of the 2008 report,
Mathematics: understanding the score.
It is also
informed by the evidence underpinning the report
Good practice in primary
, which was published in 2011.
Age group: 318
Published: May 2012
Reference no: 110159
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No. 110159
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Foreword from Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector 4
Executive summary 6
Key findings 8
Recommendations 9
Part A: Mathematics in primary and secondary schools 11
Overall effectiveness 11
Achievement: the national picture 12
Achievement: the picture from the survey 17
Teaching 20
Curriculum 45
Leadership and management 50
Part B: Unequal learning journeys through the mathematics curriculum 60
Variables in learning mathematics: age and ability 60
Links between attainment and the curriculum: made for measuring? 68
Planning and teaching for progression: for tomorrow as well as today 71
Intervention: better diagnosis, no cure 81
Notes 87
Further information 88
Publications by Ofsted 88
Other sources 89
Annex A: Schools visited 93
Mathematics: made to measure
May 2012, No. 110159
Foreword from Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector
Mathematics is essential for everyday life and understanding our world. It is also
essential to science, technology and engineering, and the advances in these fields on
which our economic future depends. It is therefore fundamentally important to
ensure that all pupils have the best possible mathematics education. They need to
understand the mathematics they learn so that they can be creative in solving
problems, as well as being confident and fluent in developing and using the
mathematical skills so valued by the world of industry and higher education.
We’ve seen some improvements during the last three years: higher attainment in the
Early Years Foundation Stage and continued rises in GCSE and A-level results. The
increase in the take-up of A-level mathematics and further mathematics has been
dramatic. But our report clearly highlights three worrying problems which need to be
First, too many of our able pupils do not fulfil their potential. The extensive use of
early GCSE entry puts too much emphasis on attaining a grade C at the expense of
adequate understanding and mastery of mathematics necessary to succeed at A level
and beyond. More than 37,000 pupils who had attained Level 5 at primary school
gained no better than grade C at GCSE in 2011. Our failure to stretch some of our
most able pupils threatens the future supply of well-qualified mathematicians,
scientists and engineers.
Second, too many pupils who have a poor start or fall behind early in their
mathematics education never catch up. The 10% who do not reach the expected
standard at age 7 doubles to 20% by age 11, and nearly doubles again by 16.
Schools must focus on equipping all pupils, particularly those who fall behind or who
find mathematics difficult, with the essential knowledge and skills they need to
succeed in the next stage of their mathematics education.
Third, the mathematics teaching and curriculum experienced by pupils vary too
much. We regularly saw outstanding and satisfactory teaching, and sometimes
inadequate too, within an individual school. Secondary pupils in the lowest sets
received the weakest teaching but other groups are also disadvantaged.
This report calls on schools to take action to ensure that all pupils experience
consistently good mathematics teaching. They must pinpoint and tackle the
inconsistencies and weaknesses. We also urge the Department for Education to raise
national mathematical ambition and take action to improve pupils’ mathematical
knowledge and understanding. But I want Ofsted to play its part too. I want to
support senior and subject leaders to learn from the best schools: those which have
the best teaching and assessment, combined with a well organised, mathematically
rich curriculum.
Mathematics: made to measure
May 2012, No. 110159
So, this is what Ofsted will do.
First, we will produce support materials to help schools identify and remedy
weaknesses in mathematics.
Then, we will raise ambition for the mathematics education of all pupils by placing
greater emphasis in school inspection on:
how effectively schools tackle inconsistency in the quality of mathematics
how well teaching fosters understanding
pupils’ skills in solving problems
challenging extensive use of early and repeated entry to GCSE examinations.
We know it can be done: over half of the schools visited in the survey were judged
to be good or outstanding in mathematics although even in these schools, some
inconsistencies in the quality of teaching need to be tackled. We must all play our
part to ensure that all of our pupils receive the best possible mathematics education.
Sir Michael Wilshaw
Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector
Mathematics: made to measure
May 2012, No. 110159
Executive summary
The responsibility of mathematics education is to enable all pupils to develop
conceptual understanding of the mathematics they learn, its structures and
relationships, and fluent recall of mathematical knowledge and skills to equip them to
solve familiar problems as well as tackling creatively the more complex and
unfamiliar ones that lie ahead.
That responsibility is not being met for all pupils. Pupils of different ages, needs and
abilities receive significantly unequal curricular opportunities, as well as teaching of
widely varying quality, even within the same year group and school. The quality of
teaching, assessment and the curriculum that pupils experience varies unacceptably.
The disparity in children’s pre-school knowledge of mathematics grows so that by the
time they leave compulsory education at 16 years, the gap between the
mathematical outcomes of the highest and lowest attainers is vast. The 10% not
reaching the expected level at age 7 becomes 20% by age 11 and, in 2011, 36% did
not gain grade C at GCSE. Pupils known to be eligible for free school meals achieve
markedly less well than their peers and increasingly so as they move through their
schooling. Key differences and inequalities extend beyond the teaching: they are
rooted in the curriculum and the ways in which schools promote or hamper
progression in the learning of mathematics.
For most of the period under review, considerable resources were deployed through
the National Strategies to improve teaching and learning in mathematics through
better assessment, curriculum planning and leadership and management. Teachers’
use of assessment to promote learning has improved since the previous survey, but
the quality of teaching and curriculum planning was much the same. Leadership and
management of mathematics in secondary schools have strengthened, driven at least
in part by the increased emphasis on mathematics in the data used to measure
schools’ performance. Schools have adopted a wide range of strategies to improve
pupils’ attainment, particularly at GCSE. However, the impact has been mixed.
Schools’ work in mathematics was judged to be outstanding in 11% of the schools
visited in the survey, good in 43%, and satisfactory in 42%. It was inadequate in
two primary and nine secondary schools. This profile is very similar to the figures
presented in the previous report,
Mathematics: understanding the score
many of the findings of that report still hold true today.
Attainment has risen in the Early Years Foundation Stage, stagnated in Key Stage 1,
and shown only slow improvement in the proportions of pupils reaching the expected
levels in Key Stages 2 and 3. GCSE and A-level results continue to rise, as a
consequence of the high priority accorded to them by teachers and leaders in
secondary schools, but without corresponding evidence of pupils better
understanding of mathematics to equip them for the next stages of their education
Mathematics; understanding the score
(070063), Ofsted, 2008;
Mathematics: made to measure
May 2012, No. 110159
and future lives. More-able pupils in Key Stages 1 to 4 were not consistently
challenged. More than 37,000 pupils who had attained Level 5 at primary school
gained no better than grade C at GCSE in 2011. Nevertheless, one clear success has
been the dramatic increase in the take-up of AS/A level mathematics and further
mathematics against a background of changes to the secondary curriculum and
examination specifications.
The most common strategies to raise attainment focused the use of assessment data
to track pupils’ progress in order to intervene to support pupils at risk of
underachievement, and in secondary schools to exploit early entry and resit
opportunities on modular courses. Leaders monitored the quality of teaching more
frequently than previously and through a wider range of activities such as learning
walks and scrutiny of pupils’ books. While weak performance was generally
challenged robustly, attention to the mathematical detail, so crucial in improving
teachers’ expertise, was lacking. Moreover, information gleaned from monitoring and
data analysis was rarely used to secure better quality provision, usually because
analysis was linked to intervention and revision and monitoring focused on generic
characteristics rather than pinpointing the subject-specific weaknesses or
inconsistencies that impeded better teaching and greater coherence of learning.
Inspection evidence showed very strongly that the 35 schools whose mathematics
work was outstanding had a consistently higher standard of teaching, better
assessment and a well-organised, mathematically rich curriculum. They used a
variety of strategies to improve all pupils’ learning of mathematics, such as revising
schemes of work, helping staff to enhance their subject expertise, and extending
intervention programmes to all pupils who were in need of support, not just those at
key borderlines or about to take national assessments. The schools focused on
building pupils’ fluency with, and understanding of, mathematics. Pupils of all ages
and abilities tackled varied questions and problems, showing a preparedness to
grapple with challenges, and explaining their reasoning with confidence.
This experience contrasts sharply with the satisfactory teaching that enabled pupils
to pass tests and examinations but presented mathematics as sets of disconnected
facts and methods that pupils needed to memorise and replicate. Too many pupils
who start behind their peers receive such teaching and do not, therefore, catch up.
Improving the consistency and quality of teaching within a school is crucial if all
pupils, rather than some, are to make sustained good progress. It is important to
have clear guidance, understood by all staff, on approaches to secure conceptual
understanding and progression in lessons. This is especially important to support less
experienced, temporary and non-specialist teachers.
Being made to measure’ might describe schools’ perceptions of, and reaction to, the
pressures to raise standards. However, the aim for all schools should be to secure
high calibre, ‘made-to-measure’ mathematics provision to optimise every pupil’s
chance of the best mathematics education.
Mathematics: made to measure
May 2012, No. 110159
Key findings
Children’s varying pre-school experiences of mathematics mean they start
school with different levels of knowledge of number and shape. For too many
pupils, this gap is never overcome: their attainment at 16 years can largely be
predicted by their attainment at age 11, and this can be tracked back to the
knowledge and skills they have acquired by age 7. Low attainment too often
becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Pupils known to be eligible for free school
meals fare particularly badly.
The best schools tackled mathematical disadvantage with expert insight and
ambitious determination, with policies and approaches understood and
implemented consistently by all staff to the benefit of all pupils. Developing
such expertise should be the goal for all schools.
Despite the wide variation in outcomes, too many able pupils across the 316
age range are underachieving. Many more pupils could gain the highest grades
at GCSE and be better prepared to continue to A level. Without this, the future
supply of mathematicians and the national challenge of meeting the diverse
mathematical needs of our technologically advanced world and our economic
well-being are threatened.
Attainment in GCSE and AS/A-level examinations in mathematics has risen. At
the same time, however, successive changes in GCSE and A-level specifications
and structure have reduced the demand of the examinations for many pupils.
Those pupils attaining the highest grades at GCSE are increasingly opting to
study AS and/or A-level mathematics, leading to a rapid growth in uptake.
Attainment in national Key Stage 2 mathematics tests has shown incremental
rises in the proportions of pupils attaining the expected Level 4 and the higher
Level 5. Improvements have also been made in children’s knowledge and skills
in the Early Years Foundation Stage. Teacher assessments at the end of Key
Stage 1, however, indicate that attainment has plateaued and the downward
trend in the proportion reaching the higher Level 3 shows no sign of being
Schools have implemented a wide variety of strategies to improve performance
in mathematics. The most common strategy has been better monitoring of
pupils’ attainment and progress coupled with greater use of intervention
programmes. In most primary schools, intervention has become more focused
and timely in helping pupils overcome difficulties and close gaps. It remained
centred on examination performance in the majority of secondary schools,
linked to widespread use of early GCSE entry and repeated sitting of units. This
has encouraged short-termism in teaching and learning and has led to
underachievement at GCSE, particularly for able pupils, as well as a lack of
attention to the attainment of the least able. In the better schools, high-
attaining pupils’ needs are met through depth of GCSE study and additional
Despite these strategies, the percentage of pupils not reaching the expected
level or grade for their age increases as pupils progress through their
Mathematics: made to measure
May 2012, No. 110159
mathematical education, and is more marked for some groups than others.
This suggests, strongly, that attaining a key threshold does not represent
adequate mastery of skills and sufficient depth of conceptual understanding to
prepare pupils for the next stage of mathematics education.
The quality of teaching varied by key stage, leading to uneven learning and
progress as pupils moved through their mathematics education. In each phase,
those pupils nearest to external assessments received better teaching. Less
experienced, temporary and non-specialist teachers were more likely to teach
lower sets or younger pupils. Learning and progress were good or outstanding
in nearly two thirds of lessons in Key Stage 4 higher sets, double the
proportion observed in lower sets where around one in seven lessons was
Teaching was strongest in the Early Years Foundation Stage and upper Key
Stage 2 and markedly weakest in Key Stage 3. Teaching in the sixth form was
slightly stronger than at GCSE. Year 1 was the weak spot in primary teaching.
While the best teaching developed pupils’ conceptual understanding alongside
their fluent recall of knowledge, and confidence in problem solving, too much
teaching concentrated on the acquisition of disparate skills that enabled pupils
to pass tests and examinations but did not equip them for the next stage of
education, work and life. Teachers’ use of assessment in lessons has improved
although it remained a weak aspect of teaching. Monitoring of each pupil’s
understanding was not strong enough to ensure that pupils learnt and
progressed as well as they could.
Very few schools provided curricular guidance for staff, underpinned by
professional development that focused on enhancing subject knowledge and
expertise in the teaching of mathematics, to ensure consistent implementation
of approaches and policies.
Schools were more aware than at the time of the previous survey of the need
to improve pupils’ problem-solving and investigative skills, but such activities
were rarely integral to learning except in the best schools where they were at
the heart of learning mathematics. Many teachers continued to struggle to
develop skills of using and applying mathematics systematically.
The Department for Education should:
ensure end-of-key-stage assessments, and GCSE and AS/A-level
examinations require pupils to solve familiar and unfamiliar problems and
demonstrate fluency and accuracy in recalling and using essential
knowledge and mathematical methods
raise ambition for more-able pupils, in particular expecting those pupils who
attained Level 5 at Key Stage 2 to gain A* or A grades at GCSE
promote enhancement of subject knowledge and subject-specific teaching
skills in all routes through primary initial teacher education
Mathematics: made to measure
May 2012, No. 110159
research the uptake, retention and success rates in AS and A-level
mathematics and further mathematics by pupils attending schools with and
without sixth-form provision.
Schools should:
tackle in-school inconsistency of teaching, making more good or
outstanding, so that every pupil receives a good mathematics education
increase the emphasis on problem solving across the mathematics
develop the expertise of staff:
in choosing teaching approaches and activities that foster pupils’ deeper
understanding, including through the use of practical resources, visual
images and information and communication technology
in checking and probing pupils’ understanding during the lesson, and
adapting teaching accordingly
in understanding the progression in strands of mathematics over time, so
that they know the key knowledge and skills that underpin each stage of
ensuring policies and guidance are backed up by professional
development for staff to aid consistency and effective implementation
sharpen the mathematical focus of monitoring and data analysis by senior
and subject leaders and use the information gathered to improve teaching
and the curriculum.
In addition, primary schools should:
refocus attention on:
improving pupils’ progress from the Early Years Foundation Stage
through to Year 2 to increase the attainment of the most able
acting early to secure the essential knowledge and skills of the least able.
In addition, secondary schools should:
ensure examination and curricular policies meet all pupils’ best interests,
stopping reliance on the use of resit examinations, and securing good depth
and breadth of study at the higher tier GCSE.
Mathematics: made to measure
May 2012, No. 110159
Part A: Mathematics in primary and secondary schools
Overall effectiveness
1. Schools’ work in mathematics has shown little improvement over the last three
years. The profile of judgements for overall effectiveness was very similar to
that for the previous survey, which covered a different sample of 192 schools
visited in the period April 2005 to December 2007. In neither survey did the
sample include schools whose overall effectiveness had been judged to be
inadequate in their last whole-school inspections.
2. The overall effectiveness of schools’ work in mathematics was judged good or
outstanding in 57% of the primary schools and 52% of the secondary schools.
In most cases, the judgements for achievement, teaching, and leadership and
management matched the overall effectiveness grades. In around a fifth of
schools, the curriculum and/or use of assessment were relatively weak. In
September 2010, Ofsted published supplementary guidance on judging each of
these aspects.
Figure 1: Overall effectiveness of mathematics in the schools surveyed
(percentages of schools)
Percentages are rounded and do not always add exactly to 100.
3. Thirty-five schools, 18 secondary and 17 primary, were judged to be
outstanding overall for their work in mathematics. In these schools pupils made
exceptional progress in mathematics as a result of consistently good and often
outstanding provision. The teaching was good or outstanding in most of the
lessons, occasionally satisfactory, and never inadequate. These schools
benefited from excellent leadership and management.
4. At the other end of the continuum, nine of the secondary schools and two
primary schools were judged as inadequate, usually because important
weaknesses in teaching, assessment, and/or the curriculum meant that pupils
made inadequate progress in mathematics.
The guidance was updated in January 2012. It is available at
Primary schools
Mathematics: made to measure
May 2012, No. 110159
Achievement: the national picture
5. This section of the report evaluates pupils’ performance in national tests,
assessments and examinations and their progress over time. National data and
evidence from the survey confirm serious inequalities in pupils’ achievement. In
particular, in secondary schools pupils in the lowest sets typically learned less
well and made less progress than other pupils.
Pupils’ performance in national tests, assessments and examinations
6. The table below shows the proportion of pupils reaching the expected
attainment thresholds for each key stage in 2011 compared with 2005 and
2008. It also shows the proportions reaching the higher levels at Key Stages 1
and 2 and grades A*/A at GCSE. An upward trend is clear at GCSE. The picture
is of slow improvement elsewhere except Key Stage 1.
Table 1: Percentages of pupils reaching the expected attainment thresholds in
mathematics for each key stage in 2005, 2008 and 2011
Early Years
Working securely within/above the
Early Learning Goals for problem
solving, reasoning and numeracy
Key Stage 1
Level 2+
Level 3+
Key Stage 2
Level 4+
Level 5+
Key Stage 3
Level 5+
Level 6+
Key Stage 4
Grade A*-C
Grade A*/A
Figures for the EYFS profile and Key Stage 1 in 2008 and 2011 are based on teacher assessments.
Key Stage 3 figures are based on teacher assessments in 2011.
GCSE figures are based on the whole cohort rather than the entry. The proportion of the cohort that
entered GCSE in 2005, 2008 and 2011 was 95.5%, 97.2%, and 96.5%, respectively. Of the entry in
2011, 66.6% attained grade A* to C.
7. Teacher assessments of children’s mathematical development in the Early Years
Foundation Stage (EYFS) show a rise between 2008 and 2011 in the proportion
working securely within the mathematics early learning goals. This refers to
children scoring six or more points in all three aspects: numbers as labels for
counting; calculating; and shape, space and measures. Children in the EYFS are
best at counting and weakest at calculating, though the latter skill has shown
the most improvement. Girls consistently outperform boys, by around five
percentage points on each aspect.
Mathematics: made to measure
May 2012, No. 110159
8. At Key Stage 1, the proportion of pupils attaining the higher Level 3 has
declined from its peak of 31% in 2002. National tests were replaced by teacher
assessments in 2005. At the same time, the proportion at Level 1 or below has
remained steady. While more rigorous assessment and moderation of teacher
assessments have contributed to the decline in the proportion attaining Level 3,
the more-able pupils were too often not sufficiently challenged in lessons to
make good or better progress.
9. At Key Stage 2, the proportion of pupils reaching the expected Level 4 or better
nudged up to 80% in 2008, and has hardly changed since. The proportion
achieving the higher Level 5 increased steadily to 35% in 2011.
10. At Key Stage 3, teacher assessments show very little change in attainment over
the last three years. As reported previously, schools rarely made a separate
assessment of pupils’ attainment in the key process skills or ‘using and applying
mathematics’. Since 2009, national data on pupils’ attainment have been based
on teacher assessments, which are frequently derived from schools’ internally
administered tests of a similar nature to the former national tests, but which
are not sampled or moderated nationally. Less weight was generally given to
longer investigative or problem-solving tasks.
11. At Key Stage 4, attainment in GCSE examinations continues to improve,
influenced by the emphasis on mathematics and English in measures of school
performance. Although the largest increases have been in the proportion of
pupils gaining A* to C grades, the average performance and the proportion
gaining A*/A grades have risen too. The proportion of pupils taking GCSE
mathematics had been steadily increasing, but fell back by 1.2 percentage
points in 2011 to 95.5%.
12. While the upward trend in GCSE results is encouraging, the figures need to be
treated with caution because GCSE examinations have undergone a number of
changes in recent years. Many more schools now use unit (or modular)
examinations and pupils can retake units to improve their grades. Also, the
change from three tiers of entry to two in 2008 means that the higher tier
examinations now have relatively fewer questions on A and A* grade material,
making them less demanding for the most able pupils, but more suitable for
pupils who would previously have taken the intermediate tier. The new
foundation tier includes questions up to grade C, but most of the paper covers
grades D to G. A further change to GCSE mathematics has been the removal of
a coursework component. Pupils typically therefore have no experience of
tackling extended mathematical tasks in this key stage.
13. The most recent GCSE specifications, with first accreditation in summer 2012,
emphasise problem solving more strongly and are generally considered to be
more demanding. Teachers and subject leaders often commented that pupils
find solving problems more difficult than answering examination questions that
test individual techniques. However, they did not always recognise the
implications for a shift in teaching methodology to ensure the best grounding
Mathematics: made to measure
May 2012, No. 110159
for success with the new specifications. A few schools visited in 2010/11 have
planned that their 2011/12 Year 11 cohort will complete the old specification
early, in the belief that this will lead to better results than sitting the new
examination. One awarding body even introduced an extra resit window in the
late spring for the old specification.
14. Another contributory factor to the improvement seen in the A* to C pass rate
since the last survey has been the increased use of retakes. This has taken two
forms: resitting individual units to improve the final GCSE grade and entering
the GCSE qualification more than once.
15. The number of pupils taking GCSE statistics has decreased since 2008. It was
offered as an option choice in some of the schools visited but a more common
pattern was for the specification to be covered in regular mathematics lessons.
Prior to the removal of the coursework component from mathematics GCSE,
awarding body regulations permitted the extended statistics task to serve as
coursework for both qualifications. An extra GCSE could therefore be gained
with little additional teaching required.
16. Participation in AS and A-level mathematics by pupils aged 16 to 18 years in
schools and colleges continues to grow rapidly, and has more than recovered
from the sharp fall in 2002. Compared with the 2008 figures, A-level entries in
2011 are up by 31% in mathematics and by 35% in further mathematics. The
corresponding figures for AS are 58% and 120%, respectively. The previous
government’s target of 56,000 A-level entries by 2014 was reached in 2008 and
a new target of 80,000 was subsequently set.
17. As participation in A-level mathematics has increased, pass rates have been
maintained and attainment has shown a slight upward trend.
However, the
changes to A-level specifications during this period have reduced the demand
and breadth of content studied. Some pure mathematics topics previously
studied in A-level mathematics are now part of the further mathematics course,
for instance, complex numbers and solution of some types of differential
equations. Application units such as statistics and mechanics have been
reduced in content and the weighting given to them within the qualification.
18. While unitisation of courses has led to lower failure rates at A level, too many
pupils fail AS: consistently nearly 20% in AS mathematics and close to 10% in
AS further mathematics. Given that the large majority of pupils embark upon AS
having gained an A* or A grade at GCSE and rarely a C grade, these failure
rates are a concern and raise questions about pupils’ readiness for successful
study of advanced-level mathematics.
The proportion of pupils achieving the higher grades (A* to B) in mathematics and in further
mathematics leapt by 10 percentage points at the first award of the new specification in 2002 and the
proportion has increased by a further 10 percentage points for A-level mathematics in the subsequent
period, so that 67% of entries in 2011 gained A* to B grades.
Mathematics: made to measure
May 2012, No. 110159
Pupils’ progress over time
19. Although variation from school to school is considerable, national data suggest
that, on average, pupils make one National Curriculum level of progress every
two years from the end of Key Stage 1 to the end of Key Stage 3. This figure
has been steady for the last four national cohorts to 2011.
20. In 2011, 82% of Year 6 pupils had made at least the expected two levels of
progress during Key Stage 2, rising from 78% in 2008.
While this overall
improvement in pupils’ progress is welcomed, two issues have emerged. First,
the decline in the proportion of pupils reaching Level 3 by the end of Key
Stage 1 reflects underachievement of the most able but this is masked by the
expected two levels of progress measure in Key Stage 2. If, for instance, an
able Year 2 pupil was not sufficiently challenged and reached Level 2a instead
of Level 3, her/his progress to Level 4 by Year 6 would be considered to be in
line with expected progress, whereas in reality Level 4 would represent
underachievement for that pupil. Crucially, expectations of the same pupil five
years later would be grade C GCSE, yet that pupil perhaps should have been on
track to reach Level 5 at Key Stage 2, then an A*/A grade at GCSE, leaving
her/him appropriately equipped to pursue the subject at A level or beyond.
21. A further question arises from the analysis of the progress of those pupils
working at Level 2c at the end of Key Stage 1. They are much less likely to
reach Level 4 four years later than their peers who attain Level 2b (58%
compared with 86%). A similar pattern exists for those pupils reaching Levels
4c and 4b at age 11: 48% and 70% respectively of these pupils gained at least
a GCSE grade C. While it is reasonable to anticipate that those who only just
reach a particular level or grade might do less well subsequently than their
peers who performed a little more strongly, the differences in progression rates
are substantial. This raises important questions about how well teaching and
intervention to secure threshold levels prepare pupils for the next stage of their
education. A research project by the Primary National Strategy showed that a
distinguishing weakness evident at Level 2c at age 7, but not at higher levels,
was pupils’ understanding of place value.
22. Attaining a key threshold should ideally represent adequate mastery of skills
and sufficient depth of conceptual understanding to give preparedness for the
next stage of mathematics education but, as discussed above, national progress
data suggest strongly that this is not so. Part of the problem is that external
assessment in mathematics at all ages is generally based on a compensatory
model: success with some questions in a test or examination compensates for
poor performance on others, irrespective of the relative importance of the topic
A step of two National Curriculum levels of progress is expected between the ends of Years 2 and 6;
for example, Level 2 to Level 4.
Research project: children who get ‘stuck’ at level 2C in mathematics
; The National
Strategies/Primary 2010;
Mathematics: made to measure
May 2012, No. 110159
being assessed. This is particularly pertinent at higher tier GCSE where, for
example, pupils can attain grade A having mastered little in the way of algebra.
23. At a national level, progress in mathematics between the end of Key Stages 2
and 4 shows an improving trend, largely driven by better GCSE results. To
make ‘expected progress’ from age 11 to 16, pupils who attained Levels 2, 3, 4
and 5 at the end of Key Stage 2 would have to achieve GCSE grades E, D, C
and B, respectively. The proportion doing so rose from 56% in 2008 to 64% in
2011. However, variation in the progress of different groups of pupils is
Measuring the gaps: attainment and progress
24. Assessments at the end of each key stage show that some groups of pupils
perform much more strongly than others. These gaps are persistent: they were
generally as wide in 2011 as they were in 2008. Moreover, the gaps increase as
pupils move through primary and secondary education.
25. To a large extent, pupils’ prospects of gaining a grade A* to C in GCSE
mathematics are determined by their attainment in primary school. In 2011,
this standard was achieved by the vast majority of pupils who had attained
Level 5 at the end of Key Stage 2 and two thirds of those who had reached
Level 4. Among pupils who had attained Level 3 or below, around one eighth
achieved grade C. Analysis of national data for 2011 leads to the shocking
statistic that only 30% of low-attaining pupils made the expected ‘three levels
of progress’ during their five secondary years. This explains why so few reached
grade C at GCSE. The exacerbating factors include weaknesses in the quality of
teaching received by lower-attaining sets. Schools’ strategies to raise the
proportions attaining grade C vary in their emphasis on low-attainers.
26. Pupils who are known to be eligible for free school meals (FSM) fare badly in
comparison with their non-FSM peers and this position has not improved during
the last three years. By the age of 7, approximately 20% of these pupils do not
reach the expected Level 2 in comparison with 8% of their classmates. At
Levels 2b and 2a, the gap in attainment is larger at around 20 percentage
points and it is 14 percentage points at the higher Level 3.
27. Because the progress made by FSM pupils is significantly weaker than that of
their peers, the gap widens. In 2011, 75% of FSM pupils made expected
progress through Key Stage 2 in comparison with 84% of their peers. The
proportions reaching the expected Level 4 were 67% and 83%, respectively, a
slightly narrower gap than in the previous two years. However, this means that
a third of FSM pupils enter secondary education below the expected level and
their chances of progression to grade C or better at GCSE are slim. They also
lag well behind at the higher Level 5, the figures being 19% and 38%,
respectively, in 2011, with very similar data for the previous three years.
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28. By the end of Key Stage 4, the gap in the rates of progress had more than
doubled: only 45% of FSM pupils made expected progress in 2011, compared
with 67% of their peers, leading to only 42% of FSM pupils gaining GCSE
grades A* to C in 2011, in stark contrast with 68% of their peers. At the
highest A*/A grades, the successful 7% of FSM pupils is much lower than the
21% of their peers. This has serious implications for FSM pupils’ opportunities
and chances for success in mathematics at A level. The decrease in the
proportion of pupils not entering GCSE mathematics in 2011 is also a concern.
Overall, 9% of FSM pupils either failed or did not enter GCSE mathematics, in
contrast with 4% of non-FSM pupils.
29. Other differences in the performance of groups of pupils are not as marked as
those above. Since 2008, boys have outperformed girls in Key Stages 1 and 2
by around five percentage points at the higher Levels 3 and 5, respectively.
However, by GCSE, there is no gender difference at grades A*/A. The gender
difference at AS/A level relates to participation, with the ratio of boys to girls
being around 3:2 for mathematics in 2011 and roughly twice as many boys as
girls took further mathematics.
30. The attainment of pupils from different minority ethnic groups shows some
variation at GCSE but none of these groups attains significantly less well than
FSM pupils except for Traveller of Irish heritage and Romany or Gypsy. Some
groups, most notably Indian and Chinese pupils, made stronger progress in
mathematics than White British pupils throughout primary and secondary
school. The 2011 data show that 95% of Chinese pupils had made expected
progress by ages 11 and 16. This compares with 89% and 84%, respectively,
of Indian pupils, which in turn is much higher than the comparative figures of
82% and 63% for White British pupils.
31. Interpretation of data for pupils who have special educational needs is not
straightforward due to their widely differing needs and variation in schools’
practice in identifying those needs as school action, school action plus, and
formal statements of special educational need. Overall, pupils who have special
educational needs make slower progress than their peers, but better progress
overall than low attainers.
Achievement: the picture from the survey
32. Inspectors judge how well pupils have achieved in mathematics by analysing
their attainment in relation to their varied starting points, taking into account
their progress in lessons and over time. Achievement was judged to be good or
outstanding in 56% of the schools visited during the period of this survey. It
was inadequate in two primary and eight secondary schools.
33. Learning and progress show considerable variation across the key stages,
including within individual schools. In the sixth form, learning and progress
were stronger than previously in Year 12, although still lagging behind Year 13,
and too many pupils do not complete AS successfully. Compared with the
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previous survey, learning and progress declined in Key Stages 1 and 3, with
Year 7 seeing the biggest drop. Worryingly, learning and progress were judged
inadequate in 10% of the secondary lessons.
Figure 2: Learning and progress in mathematics lessons in the schools
surveyed (percentages of lessons)
Percentages are rounded and do not always add exactly to 100.
34. A key aspect of good learning is that pupils are developing their mathematical
understanding. Despite the improving attainment at GCSE, there was no
evidence of an increase in the proportion of lessons that were helping pupils to
gain a better understanding of mathematics. Other factors, including schools’
examination strategies, intervention and revision and a strong focus in teaching
to the next examination generally accounted for the difference.
35. Learning and progress were strongest in the EYFS and Years 5 and 6 with
around three quarters of lessons good or outstanding. They were least effective
in Key Stage 3, where only 38% of lessons were good or better and 12% were
inadequate. Compared with the previous survey, learning and progress in Key
Stage 1 were less strong at just under one half of lessons good or outstanding,
and they were weaker in Year 1 than Year 2.
36. In primary schools, no marked difference in learning and progress was noted
between mixed-age and single-age classes. Outstanding learning and progress
occurred more often in mixed-ability primary classes than in those set by ability.
However, the most able pupils in nearly a quarter of primary schools were
insufficiently challenged, often because they were set very similar work to their
middle-attaining peers before moving to extension tasks.
37. The same issue arose in the secondary schools visited. All the pupils in a class
often tackled the same work, continuing to practise beyond what was necessary
rather than moving on swiftly to more complex or unusual questions that
stretch and deepen pupils’ thinking. Particular issues around the achievement of
able pupils at GCSE are discussed later in this report.
38. Placing pupils in sets based on their prior attainment is common practice in
mathematics in secondary schools. Any mixed-ability teaching is normally
confined to Year 7. In Key Stage 4, learning and progress varied widely across
the sets. They were good or outstanding in nearly two thirds of lessons in
higher sets, in nearly half of middle sets, but in less than a third of lower sets.
In Key Stage 3, learning and progress were weaker overall but with less
variation between different sets. While the mixed-ability lessons accounted for
Primary schools
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less than 5% of lessons observed in the survey, learning and progress were
inadequate in nearly a quarter of them and good or better in little more than a
quarter. These inequalities align with those discussed earlier regarding national
data on attainment and progress. For instance, pupils in the lowest sets
typically learn less well, make less progress and attain low grades.
39. Nearly all the secondary schools had set themselves targets for increased
proportions of pupils to pass five or more GCSEs at grade A* to C, including
English and mathematics. Consequently, they were keen for more pupils to
attain grade C or better in mathematics. Quick-fix approaches were particularly
popular. Aggressive intervention programmes, regular practice of examination-
style questions and extra provision, such as revision sessions and subscription
to revision websites, allowed pupils to perform better in examinations than their
progress in lessons alone might suggest.
40. These tactics account for the rise in attainment at GCSE; this is not matched by
better teaching, learning and progress in lessons, or by pupils’ deeper
understanding of mathematics. In almost every mathematics inspection,
inspectors recommended improvements in teaching or curriculum planning, in
most cases linked to improving pupils’ understanding of mathematics or their
ability to use and apply mathematics.
41. Relatively few schools sought pupils’ views on what makes learning
mathematics successful. One effective primary school explored Key Stage 1
pupils’ views on how they liked to learn in mathematics lessons. The staff
adopted the pupils’ suggestions and found that independent learning had
subsequently improved.
42. It remains a concern that secondary pupils seemed so readily to accept the
view that learning mathematics is important but dull. They frequently told
inspectors that in other subjects they enjoyed regular collaboration on tasks in
pairs or groups and discussion of their ideas, yet they often did not do so in
their mathematics lessons, or even expect to do so. Frequently, their comments
showed appreciation of their teachers’ efforts to support them as they
approached examinations, but also exposed recognition that their
understanding of mathematics was insecure. An able pupil summed this up:
You need to understand and not just do it. You think you know how to do
it but you get to an exam and you can’t. You realise that nobody’s told
you why it works and why you do what you do, so you can’t remember it.’
Another pupil added,
‘The harder it gets the more I dread it.’
43. Lower-attaining Year 11 pupils’ experiences were different:
Teachers give different explanations which is confusing.
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‘Teaching assistants don’t always know the maths. Sometimes they do the
work for you.
It would be good to have more practice tests then you would know what
your weakest topic was.
I thought I was doing well until I got an E for my module.
44. This section of the report draws attention to serious inequalities in the quality
of teaching experienced by different groups of pupils, the underdeveloped use
of information and communication technology (ICT) to enhance learning, and
weaknesses in the range and depth of strategies to promote pupils’ problem-
solving skills. It also highlights variations in the effective use of teaching
assistants to support learning, and evaluates the quality of assessment and
teachers’ marking. As in other sections of the report, examples of prime and
weaker practice are provided to support school improvement.
The quality of teaching: pluses, minuses and inequalities
45. The profile of judgements on the overall quality of teaching in schools was
similar to that seen in the last survey. Teaching was good or outstanding in
48% of the secondary lessons and 61% of the primary lessons.
Figure 3: Teaching in mathematics lessons in the schools surveyed
(percentages of lessons)
Percentages are rounded and do not always add exactly to 100.
46. The quality of teaching varied widely between key stages and different sets,
leading to unevenness in pupils’ learning and progress. Of particular concern
was the inequality in Key Stage 4 with high sets receiving twice as much good
teaching as low sets. Teaching was strongest in the EYFS and Years 5 and 6
with around three quarters of lessons good or outstanding. It was weakest in
Key Stage 3, where only 38% of lessons were good or better and 12% were
inadequate, and weaker in Key Stage 1 than Key Stage 2.
47. The quality of teaching varied considerably within individual schools. In general,
those pupils nearest to external assessments received the better teaching. In
the secondary schools visited, younger and less-able pupils received weaker
teaching than their older and more-able peers. This was partly a matter of
deployment, with less experienced, temporary and non-specialist teachers more
likely to teach lower sets or younger pupils. In the case of non-specialists, this
Primary schools
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is a matter of necessity, since the mathematics covered in higher Key Stage 4
sets is often outside their expertise to teach.
48. The differences noted above were not restricted to the schools judged
satisfactory or inadequate for their work in mathematics. Few schools had
teaching that was consistently at least good or consistently no better than
satisfactory. Most had a mixture of stronger and weaker teaching, with the
more effective schools having twice as many well-taught lessons on average
than the weaker. Despite this variability, it was rare to find a school that had a
systematic approach to raising the quality of teaching in mathematics across
the school.
Weaker factor: variation in quality of teaching within a school
The inspector observed four Year 9 lessons involving a ‘newspaper
comparison’ task of seeking statistical ways of distinguishing newspapers,
for instance by considering the average word or sentence length and
hence reading demand. One lesson was taught well, two satisfactorily but
with some important weaknesses and one inadequately. The good lesson
was with a high set, the satisfactory lessons were with middle and low
sets, and the inadequate lesson was with another low set.
In the best lesson, the teacher gave the pupils enough direction that they
all collected data systematically to support some analysis. They had data
from contrasting texts, and were expected to choose how to illustrate the
results, for example with a bar chart or a pie chart.
In one of the satisfactory lessons, pupils spent time talking about what
data they might look at, rather than focusing on an aspect that would
allow analysis. They would have benefited from more guidance during this
phase of the lesson. Pupils were encouraged to form a hypothesis before
all had understood the task fully. The teacher’s suggestion that the more-
able pupils would need to look at Spearman’s rank correlation was bizarre,
given that the task did not lend itself to the generation of bivariate data,
raising a question about the teacher’s subject knowledge.
In the second satisfactory lesson, the teacher and the teaching assistant
were circulating as pupils worked but they did not spot some pupils’ lack
of understanding that their method for collating the data was inefficient
and less reliable than some other methods. The teacher told pupils to use
tally marks, but several were counting the number of occurrences of each
word length and then making that number of tally marks, rather than just
writing the number counted. Neither these pupils, nor the teacher seemed
to realise that their method obviated the need for tally marks. Some pupils
spent time recounting their tally marks to make sure that they agreed with
the number of words that they had already counted.
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In the inadequate lesson, the teacher told the pupils that they could
choose how to collect their samples. Some pupils decided to look at the
first 100 words for each newspaper, which is an appropriate starting point.
Other pupils picked 100 words ‘at random’ but neither they nor the
teacher appeared to understand that this approach was likely to produce a
biased sample, with few short words being included in the so-called
‘random samples’. This reflected the teacher’s insecure knowledge of
statistical sampling. The teacher chose not tackle this issue, even after it
was brought to his attention.
How might it be improved?
The teachers could have worked together to discuss the task, and the
opportunities it offered for different groups of pupils to use their statistical
knowledge and skills. This would allow any gaps in teachers’ subject
knowledge to be identified and rectified as well as enabling the teachers
to benefit from the stronger practice in guiding pupils appropriately as
they went about the task.
49. To eradicate inconsistency in teaching by improving the quality is a key priority
for all but the very best schools. These schools, by their very nature, did not
rest on their laurels but sought continuously to develop teachers’ expertise
50. Of the secondary schools visited during the survey (excluding a few small
schools where fewer than four lessons were observed), only 18 had good or
better teaching in at least four fifths of the lessons observed and nearly half
had some inadequate teaching. This variation in the quality of teaching needs
to be tackled vigorously, especially given that the lower attaining and
vulnerable pupils are more likely to be in the classes receiving the weaker
teaching. Less than half of the schools had a majority of lessons judged as
good or outstanding and just less than one third had effective teaching in only
a small minority of lessons. Similar analysis is not included for primary schools
because fewer lessons were observed during each inspection.
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Distribution of teaching grades in secondary school lessons
Each bar represents a different school
Number of lessons at each grade
51. In the very best schools, all lessons had a clear focus on thinking and
understanding, for example, developing primary pupils’ grasp of place value
and the effect of multiplying or dividing by 10 as part of their ongoing
conceptual understanding of structure and relationships in number. Whole-class
teaching was dynamic with pupils collaborating extensively with each other. It
challenged them to think for themselves, for instance by suggesting how to
tackle a new problem or comparing alternative approaches. Teachers’
explanations were kept suitably brief and focused on the underlying concepts,
how the work linked with previous learning and other topics and, where
appropriate, an efficient standard method. Their questions were designed to
encourage pupils to give reasoned answers.
52. Critically, pupils were directly engaged in mathematics for a substantial portion
of each lesson. As a result, they had time to develop a high degree of
competence and to tackle challenging, varied questions and problems that
helped to deepen their understanding. Pupils worked on a mix of group tasks,
exploratory activities in which they tried to devise their own methods, and
exercises completed individually. The exercises allowed pupils to progress from
routine practice of skills to two-step questions, where the method was not
immediately apparent, and questions with unusual twists that required some
adaptation to the standard method.
53. A further benefit of pupils working for sustained periods on suitably demanding
exercises is that the teacher can devote more time to moving around the
classroom, assessing each pupil’s progress and understanding. The most skilful
teachers were able to adapt their lessons on the basis of the information they
gathered. Sometimes this involved giving specific support to pupils who were
struggling, or an extra challenge to those finding the work easy. On other
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occasions, it involved bringing the whole class together to deal with a common
difficulty or to allow pupils to share their ideas. Wrong answers were welcomed
as an opportunity to explore how a misconception had arisen. Pupils did not
fear making mistakes as they too recognised how unravelling an error helped
their understanding.
54. A common feature of the satisfactory teaching observed was the use of
examples followed by practice with many similar questions. This allowed
consolidation of a skill or technique but did not develop problem-solving skills or
understanding of concepts.
The teachers typically demonstrated a standard
method, giving tips to pupils on how to avoid making mistakes and, sometimes,
‘rules’ and mnemonics to help them commit the methods to memory. Many of
their questions concerned factual recall so that pupils’ ‘explanations’ often
consisted of restating the method rather than justifying their answers.
55. Pupils often spent a substantial part of such lessons listening to the teacher
and, in secondary lessons, copying down worked examples. What was intended
to be whole-class teaching typically engaged a small minority, who answered
most of the teacher’s questions, leaving the majority as spectators. These
lessons lacked a close tailoring of support and challenge that would enable
individual pupils to achieve their best.
56. Time was not used consistently well in lessons, for instance in introducing
lesson objectives. Typically, pupils copied them down at the start of the lesson
but the teachers varied in how well they explained them. A good approach
adopted by one primary school was to print the objectives for each group of
pupils on sticky labels and stick them into their books before the lesson. The
teachers then spent time discussing the objectives with a good focus on what
they meant, emphasising new and key vocabulary. Occasionally, teachers
deliberately did not reveal the objectives until later in the lesson at which point
they challenged the pupils to articulate for themselves what they had learnt.
57. Better use of lesson time, which also led to stronger learning, included some
simple steps such as selecting a sub-set of questions from an exercise to give
variety and make pupils think more carefully. Occasionally, teachers allowed
pupils to choose when to move more quickly away from routine exercises to
problems that challenged and helped deepen their understanding and
application of mathematics. The expectation that pupils should take
responsibility for their learning in this way was a strength of secondary practice
in Finnish schools.
58. A key issue for the majority of schools was to improve pupils’ understanding of
mathematics by focusing more on concepts and the development of insight,
Characteristics of good and satisfactory teaching were published as an annex to
understanding the score
(070063), Ofsted, 2008;
Finnish pupils’ success in mathematics
; (100105), Ofsted, 2010;
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and by relying less on teaching ‘rules’. The following case study illustrates the
problem and suggests how the teaching might have been improved.
Weaker factor: teaching procedural rules rather than developing
In this first lesson on indices for a Year 8 top set, pupils were taught to
apply the rules of indices in a variety of routine questions.
The teacher presented the rules for multiplying and dividing powers as
facts when they could easily have been deduced. Negative indices were
introduced as the result of division of powers, but pupils did not know how
to interpret them as reciprocals.
By the end of the lesson, pupils could use the addition and subtraction
rules, a
x a
= a
and a
÷ a
= a
, to answer straightforward
questions on indices, such as a
x a
= a
and a
÷ a
= a
However, the lesson did not promote understanding, since pupils were not
given any chance to work from first principles. They also did not
appreciate that a
is the reciprocal of a
, written 1
How might it be improved?
The lesson could have been improved by drawing on pupils’ existing
knowledge to establish the general rules, for instance by starting with
several examples similar to:
x a
= (a x a x a x a) x (a x a x a)
= a x a x a x a x a x a x a
= a
and developing the idea to establish the general case, a
x a
= a
A corresponding exploration of the division of powers would lead to the
generalisation a
÷ a
= a
Using examples similar to a
÷ a
and working from first principles would
lead naturally into negative indices and their meaning as reciprocals. For
÷ a
= a x a x a = 1 = 1
a x a x a x a x a x a x a a x a x a x a a
Applying the rule gives a
÷ a
= a
Hence a
59. Most schools had some effective teachers who promoted understanding
through a variety of teaching styles and strategies and, often, other teachers
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who aspired to teach in such a way, but who lacked the necessary experience
or subject expertise. However, pupils regularly experienced lessons where the
sense behind the mathematics was not explained to them or developed
collaboratively with them. This was not an issue about particular teaching
styles, but about the mathematical correctness and coherence of the teaching
within individual lessons, through sequences of lessons, and over time.
60. A feature of much of the satisfactory teaching was that teachers tended to talk
for too long. Sometimes they were too quick to prompt or to answer their own
questions. For example, in a bingo game based on percentages, the teacher
asked 25% of 108? but then followed her question immediately with ‘What
fraction is 25%?’ rather than leaving time for pupils to work out the first step
for themselves. Similarly she followed ‘20% of 240?’ with ‘Find 10% first.’
61. At other times, as illustrated in the example below, teachers missed
opportunities to make teaching points out of pupils’ responses.
Weaker factors: a missed opportunity to build on a pupil’s
response and inaccurate modelling leading to misunderstanding.
In this lesson, a high-attaining Year 10 set were simplifying surd-form
expressions by rationalising the denominator.
Having explained the method, the teacher moved on to the second
worked example, 1/12, and asked ‘what do we do first?’ A boy answered
1/(23), (which is equivalent to 1/12 because 12 = 4x3 = 23), and
is therefore a possible first step. However, the teacher ignored the boy’s
response. After another pupil had offered the response she sought, which
was to ‘multiply top and bottom by 12’, she worked the question
through. The boy then politely explained that he had got the same answer
through a different method. The teacher then looked at his work and
could see his method was correct but she did not use this as a teaching
point for the rest of the class.
Although the teacher spoke about the method of multiplying the
numerator and denominator by 12, her presentation was imprecise. As
the first step, she wrote
1 x 12
Strictly, this means that only the numerator is multiplied by 12. This
inaccurate notation confused another pupil who followed the
demonstrated first step closely and consequently couldn’t see where her
answers were going wrong.
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How might it be improved?
The teacher did not immediately spot what the boy had done as his first
step. She could have asked him to explain how he got 1/(23). His
response should not have been ignored. At the very least, she should
have discussed his answer with him once the class was working.
Having looked at his work, she could have shown both methods to the
pupils to allow comparison, thus:
1 = 1x12 = 23 = 3 and 1 = 1 = 1 x 3 = 3 = 3
12 12x12 12 6 12 23 23 x 3 2x3 6
In discussion with the teacher after the lesson, it emerged that her
careless notation did not represent a gap in her subject knowledge. She
recognised the importance of modelling mathematical language and
conventional notation accurately.
Underexploited information and communication technology and practical
62. Carefully chosen practical activities and resources, including computer software,
have two principal benefits: they aid conceptual understanding and make
learning more interesting. Too few of the schools used these resources well.
63. The schools visited during the primary good practice survey drew on a wide
range of practical resources in developing fluency through plenty of hands-on
experience in the EYFS and Key Stage 1. They returned to them when
developing new ideas in Key Stage 2. For instance, the schools recognised the
common obstacle in vertical addition and subtraction of ‘exchange’, for example
45 + 27 or 45 27, and used resources like place-value cards and base 10
equipment (such as Cuisenaire rods and Dienes blocks) to support pupils’
understanding. Use of practical equipment or visual images helped pupils to link
the recorded method with the physical operation.
A pupil using Dienes equipment
to support three-digit addition.
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64. Practical resources were particularly underexploited in the secondary schools
surveyed but were used well in the following example.
Prime practice: good use of practical resources and ICT
Hands-on resources and visual images enabled low-attaining Year 10
pupils to gain a good understanding of nets of boxes in a meaningful
problem-solving situation. This was the third lesson on nets and solids
with a small set of eight pupils, five of whom had statements of special
educational need. Except two pupils, who were following an entry-level
course, all had gained Level 3 at Key Stage 3 and were studying GCSE.
The lesson objective was to design a box in the shape of a cube or cuboid
to hold an item of each pupil’s choice.
The main part of the lesson started with an animation on the interactive
whiteboard, of a box unfolding into a net and folding back into a box,
rotating to show different views. The pupils showed their understanding of
the two-dimensional and three-dimensional images in discussing them and
the various cereal and other boxes provided by the teacher, some of
which had been cut along their edges to make nets. The pupils’ comments
and questions showed they could envisage a cuboid and knew which
lengths in a cuboid were equal.
Moving on to the design of their own boxes, skilled questioning by the
teacher helped the pupils to realise that a ‘good box’ needed to be
measured so that the object fitted well. The objects were irregular in
shape and of interest to individual pupils, such as a toy ambulance for one
boy. The pupils selected from a range of practical apparatus, including
measuring equipment, plain and squared paper, card, and plastic shapes
that clicked together to make two- and three-dimensional shapes.
The teacher and teaching assistants circulated as pupils grappled with the
task. With support, the two lowest attainers managed to make a net of a
cube. The other two groups struggled to make cuboid nets but persevered
very well, returning to the cut-up boxes at intervals to help their thinking.
The good quality of dialogue between pupils and with the adults enabled
the pupils to find their own way through this challenging task. The pupils
worked enthusiastically together to complete their boxes, and insisted on
finding the inspector to show them to her at break time.
65. More generally, the potential of ICT to enhance learning in mathematics
continues to be underdeveloped. The principal uses of ICT in the lessons
observed were for presentation of material by teachers in whole-class teaching
and by pupils for revision, practice and homework. The examples given below,
from three different schools, show ICT being used well as an integral part of
young pupils’ learning and to aid the conceptual understanding of older pupils.
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Prime practice: three examples of good use of ICT
At the start of the day at a primary school, pupils registered on arrival at
their classes using the interactive whiteboards. Year 2 pupils, for instance,
placed their name in the correct quarter of a Caroll diagram, indicating
whether they were a girl or not, and were having school dinners or not.
In a Year 6 class, pairs of pupils used computers to draw acute and
obtuse angles. The software allowed them to draw an estimate for a given
angle, for example, 170°, after which it told them what angle they had
created, and allowed further improved angles to be drawn. This aided
pupils’ conceptualisation of angles of different sizes.
The teacher of a Year 7 class used ICT effectively to show the rotation of
a shape around a point on coordinate axes. The movement of the original
shape to its new position modelled the transformation clearly. The teacher
also demonstrated rotation of the shape about different points including a
vertex, a point within the shape and about the origin. This led into a good
discussion about the relationship between images after different rotations.
66. In other lessons, ICT could have enhanced pupils’ conceptual understanding,
particularly in providing clear visual images.
Weaker factor: a missed opportunity to use ICT to enhance
pupils understanding of time and the reading of clocks
Year 2 pupils were learning about time. The hands of the clock that the
teacher used for her demonstration did not have a proper winding
mechanism so that the movements of the hour and minute hands were
not synchronised. When she read times at half past, quarter past, and
quarter to the hour, the teacher placed the minute hand in the correct
position but not the hour hand. As she demonstrated and talked about the
passage of time her explanation that, when the minute hand passes 12,
the hour jumps to the next number’ was not helpful.
How might it be improved?
The teacher could have used a clock with a proper winding mechanism so
that the hour hand moved incrementally around with the minute hand.
Some schools have sets of small clocks with winding mechanisms which
enable pupils to gain experience of moving the hands for themselves.
The use of software to demonstrate an analogue clock and the
simultaneous movement of the minute and hour hands to show the
passage of time would have provided a clear visual image to aid
conceptual understanding of telling the time, calculating later and earlier
times, and working out time intervals. Some such programs are available
as free resources on the internet.
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67. ICT was rarely used for
mathematical modelling. In
this example, Year 10 pupils
had thrown a basketball in
the sports hall,
photographed the ball’s
path, and used software to
fit a parabola over the path
that was traced out.
The problem of too little problem solving
68. The emphasis almost all of the schools in the good practice survey placed on
pupils using and applying their arithmetic skills to solving a wide range of
problems was striking. Diverse opportunities were provided within mathematics,
including measures and data handling, and through thematic and cross-
curricular work. Pupils’ extensive experience of solving problems deepened their
understanding and increased their fluency and sense of number. Many relevant
problems involved using money in real-life contexts, such as calculating best
value for different supermarket offers, or pricing new equipment for the
school’s playground from alternative suppliers who offered different discounts,
while keeping within the given budget. The illustrations below show Year 5/6
pupils measuring sections of the school’s playground and preparing an estimate
for the cost of resurfacing.
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69. More commonly in the schools visited during the last three years, problem
solving tended to be an activity that occurred towards the end of a topic; for
instance several problems, all of which required the use of long multiplication.
While this provided some useful practice, it did not place pupils in the position
of thinking deeply about how to solve the problem or alternative methods.
Some schools used acronyms such as RUCSAC (read, understand/underline,
choose, solve, answer, check) so routinely that pupils did not stand back and
think about the problem. Sometimes, pupils were taught to associate words
with particular operations, for example, ‘more’, ‘altogether’ and ‘sum’ were
linked to addition, but that was not always helpful. For instance, the question
‘How many more apples has Dan than Suzi?’ is likely to require subtraction not
70. Similarly, in most of the secondary schools visited, problem solving typically
followed the acquisition of a new skill. For instance, having practised many
routine questions on calculating missing lengths in given right-angled triangles
using Pythagoras’ Theorem, pupils eventually move on to solving problems for
example about ladders leaning against walls, before perhaps tackling a two-
step problem such as calculating the area of an equilateral triangle of given side
length. A distinguishing feature of the good teaching was that all the pupils in
the class tackled a wide variety of problems.
71. In a few good and outstanding lessons, pupils were given substantial problems
to solve that required them to think hard about the problem, draw on their
previous knowledge, and grapple with applying it in a new, unusual or complex
context. In the following example, a group of sixth-form further mathematics
pupils persevered with a problem for a whole lesson.
Prime practice: a substantial problem that linked new and
previous learning
The problem was on a new topic, to find an area enclosed by two curves
expressed in polar coordinates (as illustrated). The problem had multiple
steps but was not broken down for the pupils by the teacher. The pupils
thought out and discussed their ideas, realising that to solve the problem
they had to sketch the curves, find where they intersected, figure out how
to find the area, and then calculate it.
At each stage of the problem the pupils’ prior learning, though sometimes
rusty, was brought into play, but for a purpose. Learning in this lesson
made good links with new and earlier learning and the pupils had to think
very hard for themselves.
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-1.50 -1.00 -0.50 0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50
r = √3sinθ
r= 1 + cosθ
Teaching assistants: making the most of this resource
72. The role of teaching assistants has developed and extended beyond classroom
support since the previous survey, most markedly in primary schools where
teaching assistants have become more actively involved in teaching small
groups within lessons and in providing intervention sessions. The most effective
were alert to spotting misconceptions and gaps in learning, took responsibility
for assessing pupils in their groups, and helped to identify the next steps and
plan subsequent activities with the class teachers. They participated in
reviewing pupils’ progress and were particularly effective in identifying and
supporting personal problems that presented barriers to learning.
73. Some evolving good practice in primary schools included well-trained teaching
assistants supporting different ability groups within a class so that the teacher
worked with all groups of pupils on a regular basis. This arrangement worked
best where the staff planned the lessons closely together. Some secondary
mathematics departments were benefiting from the regular support of a
teaching assistant whose mathematical expertise was increasing over time
through working closely with the department and, less commonly, where they
were involved in departmental meetings and/or training.
74. More commonly, teaching assistants in the primary and secondary schools were
deployed to support small groups or individual pupils who were low-attaining or
had special educational needs and/or disabilities. Their effectiveness varied
widely. Modified materials and supporting resources were not routinely made
available to the pupils. For example, one activity involved pupils in taking turns
to look for one minute at a poster displaying various sequences and patterns
before returning to their groups and describing and drawing what they could
remember. A visually impaired pupil who was supported by a teaching assistant
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found it difficult to see the detail on the poster, even when the teacher allowed
her a little extra time. No enlarged version was provided for her.
75. The most effective teaching assistants demonstrated initiative in using practical
resources to support learning and help pupils overcome difficulties, for example
by using strings of counting beads to aid early multiplication. They were careful
not to over-direct pupils’ learning, as illustrated in the following example.
Prime practice: effective teaching by a higher level teaching
In a mixed-age Key Stage 1 class, a higher level teaching assistant was
working with a lower-attaining group on a measuring task.
Pupils first matched each of the diverse group of party guests (baby mice
through to a giant) to various balloons. Then they had to measure string
of differing lengths (5cm to 2m) for tying onto the balloons for each
guest. The higher level teaching assistant encouraged good debate
between the pupils around whether the string should be measured and
cut before tying, or tied first and then measured. She did not steer them
towards the other approach when they decided to measure and tie the
string first. The pupils wrestled with measuring the string after tying it to
the balloons which enabled them to appreciate the difficulty of measuring
accurately once the string was attached to the balloon. They also realised
that some of the string was used up in tying it to the balloon. This led to
good discussion around which approach should be taken. The pupils
revised their strategy for the task, which they went on to complete
76. Teaching assistants were not always used well during starter activities; for
example, a girl offered ‘11’ as the next number in the sequence 3, 6, 9, … The
teacher asked her what the pattern was but, when she did not respond, moved
on to another pupil who gave the correct answer, 12. The teaching assistant
could usefully have noted the question and incorrect response, and followed it
up individually later in the lesson, as could the teacher. Because the pupil’s
thinking was not probed, her difficulty was not identified and tackled.
77. Some teaching assistants would benefit from guidance on key questions to use
with pupils. For instance, a temporary teaching assistant was working with low-
attaining pupils in a Reception class. They were playing happily with water,
filling and emptying various jugs and bottles but were making no progress
towards the aim of the activity which was to discover which utensils would hold
more than or less than a one litre jug. In a Nursery class, children were
creating pictures using geometrically shaped stickers, such as circles, squares,
rectangles and triangles. The interaction between the teaching assistant and
individual children did not probe or extend their mathematical understanding.
Questions were limited to the type of shapes used, their colours, and what the
picture was. One girl talked to the inspector about her picture of a rocket. She
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identified two squares, distinguishing the ‘baby square’ from the ‘big square’.
When asked, she counted the eight stickers she had used and was able to work
out that she needed two more to make 10. The teaching assistant did not ask
such questions of the children and therefore was not probing or developing
their knowledge and understanding of shape or number.
78. Some teaching assistants had unidentified gaps in their mathematical
knowledge, as this example illustrates.
Weaker factor: gaps in subject knowledge
A higher level teaching assistant (HLTA) talked to an inspector about how
she works with pupils who have difficulty with area and perimeter of
rectangles. She explained that she highlights the edge of a shape to look
like a perimeter fence, to help with finding the perimeter. She also gets
them to imagine the length and width of a swimming pool to help with the
terminology of the formula, area = length x width. Although a useful aide
memoire for the pupils, the swimming pool image reinforces the
misconception that the length has to be the longer side. More
fundamentally, however, the HLTA had never seen how the formula for
the area of a rectangle can be established by counting rows or columns of
squares (and, similarly, building the volume of a cuboid from rectangular
layers of cubes). Her reaction to this discussion about developing these
formulae was very positive: she said that she would use such approaches
in future work with pupils.
How might it be improved?
Identifying gaps in subject knowledge is not always easy, as one teacher
put it, You don’t know what you don’t know.’ It was possible that some of
the teachers in this school were also unaware how to develop the formula
for area from first principles.
Use of practical equipment such as tiles or blocks and counting
systematically in rows/columns enables pupils to spot that the area can be
obtained by multiplying the number of rows by the number of columns
and thereby generalise to length x width.
Pupils often become confused when working simultaneously on area and
perimeter, particularly when they are unclear as to what each measures.
Schools might consider whether introducing the two concepts at different
stages, perimeter first, could help to avoid such confusion.
Use of assessment in lessons
79. Assessment has improved over the last three years, when compared with the
previous survey’s findings, but it remained a weaker aspect of teaching in the
primary and secondary schools visited. Particular areas for development in
teachers’ use of assessment include: questioning to check and probe
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understanding; identifying and tackling misconceptions; planning to meet
individual needs; and adapting planning in the light of ongoing assessment
during the lesson.
80. The best questioning probed pupils’ knowledge and understanding, with follow-
up questions that helped pupils to explain their thinking in depth and refine
initial ideas.
Prime practice: good questioning skills
Year 4 pupils had previously been working on measures and collecting and
interpreting data. In this lesson they would use Venn diagrams to classify
mathematical objects. The teacher was skilled in asking questions,
encouraging pupils to refine their answers. Pupils suggested sorting the
geometric shapes displayed on the interactive whiteboard. His question
‘What do you mean by shapes?’ pushed the pupils into describing
geometric properties for sorting. The teacher asked many incidental
questions, such as ‘What type of triangle is that?’ Pupils realised that
sorting by numbers of vertices gave the same groups as sorting by
numbers of sides. The teaching assistant was working with low-attaining
pupils using tiles that matched the shapes on the interactive whiteboard
and which the pupils could physically sort into groups.
Having sorted the shapes in different ways, the teacher moved onto one-
and two-digit numbers. When one pupil chose to sort the numbers into
the two- and three-times tables, the teacher asked, ‘Does this leave any
numbers over?’ which it did. This generated considerable discussion
around multiples. After the numbers had been sorted in different ways,
the teacher set each group a different activity: all made good progress.
81. Teachers generally circulated to observe pupils as they worked independently
or in groups. This is an important improvement since the previous survey. It
has become relatively rare to see secondary teachers rooted to the front of the
class or primary teachers remaining entirely with one focus group while the
other groups work on set tasks. The more effective teachers used the
information that they gathered through monitoring pupils’ progress and
understanding to support their learning and to adapt the lesson to meet
emerging needs. Crucially, they made quick sweeps of the class to check on
every pupil before deciding where and how to intervene. Their next steps
depended on the circumstances but included a variety of strategies such as:
using probing questions to pin down the source of a pupil’s difficulty; providing
alternative resources for certain pupils; picking out pupils who had something
interesting to share with the class and following it up in a mini-plenary session.
82. Skilled teachers made good use of starter or introductory activities to establish
how much pupils already knew about a topic, using the information to tailor
their subsequent teaching. In the following example, a newly qualified teacher
wanted to establish how much Year 11 pupils recalled of previous work on
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areas of circles and compound shapes. She did not want simply to re-teach the
Prime practice: good assessment through an interesting
introductory activity
The teacher asked the pupils to calculate the area of these three shapes:
The teacher stopped the lesson after a few minutes having circulated to
observe the pupils at work. She had recognised that their prior knowledge
was insecure. Her questioning tackled errors such as use of incorrect
formulae. She then modelled the solution for the semi-circle clearly,
leaving the answer in terms of (pi), before allowing the pupils time to
complete the other two shapes.
Although the pupils had initial difficulty with this task, the three shapes
selected by the teacher gave suitable variety and made pupils think more
than a routine exercise on calculating the area of circles would have done.
Her effective monitoring of their progress with the task meant that her
intervention was timely.
83. This type of assessment requires a high degree of skill: it was done consistently
well in few of the schools. At a basic level, teachers did not always set pupils
enough independent work to give themselves time to move around the class,
often because too much of the lesson had been spent on the starter and
introductory activities. Creating the opportunity for assessing pupils’ progress
was an important first step, but teachers then varied in how well they
interpreted the clues in pupils’ work and oral responses to pinpoint their
difficulties precisely. At other times, such errors and misconceptions were
missed or not acted upon.
84. Weaknesses in teachers’ subject knowledge were an impediment to effective
assessment because the teachers were not able to anticipate misconceptions or
spot fundamental errors and use them to enhance pupils’ understanding. These
weaknesses also affected the quality of questioning.
12 cm
3.5 cm
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Weaker factor: not anticipating or spotting misconceptions
The starter activity for this lesson was a revision quiz on number patterns.
This Year 11 bottom set contained 11 pupils, nine of whom had special
educational needs. The teacher was not a mathematics specialist.
After the pupils had worked for several minutes on the quiz questions, the
teacher asked individual pupils for their answers. One question was ‘What
is the first number in the sequence 3n+1?’ A pupil correctly answered ‘4’
and the teacher praised him and moved on to the next question.
However, this answer could be derived incorrectly by ignoring the n in the
expression 3n+1 and simply adding 3+1. The teacher did not check that
the pupil knew to substitute 1 for n. Later, the inspector reminded the
pupil about the question and his correct answer of 4 for the first number,
and then asked what the second number in the sequence was. The pupil
replied 5, adding then 6, and 7.
How might it be improved?
The teacher did not know the common difficulties that pupils have with
expressing sequences algebraically. When asked to find the value of an
expression such as 3n+1, pupils who do not understand algebra often
ignore the variable n and just calculate using the numbers, 3+1 in this
case. This means that the correctly calculated answer for the first term is
indistinguishable from the incorrect, as will always be the case for the first
term of such a sequence. Asking the pupil how he worked out the answer,
and going on to check the value of the next few terms would ascertain
whether the pupil understood fully.
Moreover, pupils often write incorrect expressions like n+3 for a linear
sequence that goes up in 3s, for example, 5, 8, 11, 14 … instead of the
correct nth term, 3n+2. They struggle to move from spotting the term-to-
term pattern to writing a general expression for any term in the sequence.
Assessing attainment: one piece of work at a time?
85. Many of the schools had prioritised the improvement of assessment, supported
by materials from the National Strategies on assessment for learning. Typically,
this involved whole-school training and changes to the assessment policy. For
instance, some schools insisted that at regular intervals a piece of marked work
should be assigned a National Curriculum level. However, too few schools
recognised that the policy needed to be tailored to particular subjects. In
mathematics, the nature of the subject content is hierarchical with many
individual topics assigned to discrete levels and each level comprising a range
of topics. Therefore, because levels are largely governed by the topic being
covered, assigning a level to one piece of work is not representative, or even
possible, especially if much of the work is incorrect. For example, work on
circumference and area of circles is generally considered to be a Level 6 topic.
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Incorrect or misunderstood work cannot be called Level 5. Similarly, to improve
a piece of work to achieve a higher level is not always possible in mathematics;
for instance the closest topic to work on circles might be volumes and surface
area of cylinders, but this represents new learning rather than how to improve
existing work. To get around this problem, schools typically set a test and give
a level based on the mark awarded. However, this does not necessarily lead to
an accurate or diagnostic assessment of what pupils can do well or need to
86. The following extracts from pupils’ work illustrate how levels had been assigned
without sufficient (a) depth of coverage of the whole topic and (b) mastery of
the topic.
Weaker factor: thin assessment evidence
(a) The pupil has calculated the circumference of five circles of different
The answer to each calculation is presented as it would be shown on the
calculator when the approximation of 3.142 is used for (pi). The pupil
has not rounded the answer or given the units of measurement, as noted
by the teacher, who adds a prompt about this.
This is a narrow set of questions: the pupil has not found the
circumference when the radius rather than the diameter is given, or
solved a variety of problems involving the circumference, diameter and
radius of a circle. The teacher has assessed this work as Level 6 (written
as L6), but the work does not provide convincing evidence of adequate
depth of knowledge and understanding of the topic.
(b) Neither of the two illustrative extracts below show a sufficiently good
grasp of linear equations to be assessed at Level 6 in the first example
and a low Level 7 in the second. In both cases, the pupils had tackled
several linear equations, with these being the last and most difficult
Teachers comment: L6
Well done! You have been
able to find the
What unit do we measure
the circumference in?
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The solution below to 7(3x 2) = 6 + 7x was correct but was poorly set
out and the answer presented as an unsimplified vulgar fraction, rather
than x = 1
. The teacher’s ‘next step’ comment, ‘algebraic fractions’
appears to point to the next topic rather than the next step for the pupil.
The solution below to 11 2x = 6(5 x) had more errors than the
teacher had identified and the method was not correct. However, the
teacher’s comments are constructive.
How might it be improved?
To use only one piece of assessed work every six weeks or half a term is
not a reliable way to track a pupil’s attainment and progress. A broader
range of evidence, such as homework and classwork, tests and longer
problem solving and investigative work would give a richer assessment.
Some schools make good use of ‘Assessing Pupils’ Progress’ sheets to
capture a more holistic view of what pupils can do and their progress
within each aspect of mathematics.
Assessing Pupils’ Progress is a structured approach to assessment against National Curriculum levels.
Teachers comment: Level 6
next algebraic fractions
Teacher’s comments:
Careful, see previous page.
this number should be 30.
-2x + 6x = +4x
Take care when writing
Level 7
Need more practice.
See mini-tests.
Also you will need to catch
up on ‘brackets’ work.
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87. Almost all the schools gathered such assessment information on a regular basis,
typically termly or half-termly, and used it systematically to track pupils’
progress and identify underachievement. However, if the assessment is not
accurate, the system becomes flawed, and support may not be provided for
those pupils who most need it.
Marking: the importance of getting it right
88. Inconsistency in the quality, frequency and usefulness of teachers’ marking is a
perennial concern. The best marking noted during the survey gave pupils
insight into their errors, distinguishing between slips and misunderstanding, and
pupils took notice of and learnt from the feedback. Where work was all correct,
a further question or challenge was occasionally presented and, in the best
examples, this developed into a dialogue between teacher and pupil.
89. More commonly, comments written in pupils’ books by teachers related either
to the quantity of work completed or its presentation. Too little marking
indicated the way forward or provided useful pointers for improvement. The
weakest practice was generally in secondary schools where cursory ticks on
most pages showed that the work had been seen by the teacher. This was
occasionally in line with a department’s marking policy, but it implied that work
was correct when that was not always the case. In some instances, pupils’
classwork was never marked or checked by the teacher. As a result, pupils can
develop very bad habits of presentation and be unclear about which work is
90. A similar concern emerged around the frequent use of online software which
requires pupils to input answers only. Although teachers were able to keep
track of classwork and homework completed and had information about
stronger and weaker areas of pupils’ work, no attention was given to how well
the work was set out, or whether correct methods and notation were used.
91. Teachers may have 30 or more sets of homework to mark, so looking at the
detail and writing helpful comments or pointers for the way forward is time
consuming. However, the most valuable marking enables pupils to overcome
errors or difficulties, and deepen their understanding. The following two
examples illustrate this point.
Prime practice: helpful marking
Simplifying numbers written as square roots (known as ‘surd form’) is one
of the more demanding higher tier GCSE topics. In the first illustration
below, the pupil did not simplify 80 fully. The teacher demonstrates the
simplification, and the helpful comment ‘always look for the largest square
number’ relates specifically to where the pupil’s solution had fallen down.
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Note also that this teacher is checking work marked already by the pupil
and comments on the quality of the notes made in class by the pupil.
Weaker factor: unhelpful marking
The teacher’s marking and comment, ‘more work is needed on this’, did
not help the pupil to understand the errors that arose when solving the
following two challenging inequalities.
Neither of the pupil’s errors was pinpointed in the marking.
In the first question, an important error occurred when the pupil divided
by (3 53).
Because (3 53) is negative, x should be less than, not greater than,
2/(3 53).
comments: Very
good work and
excellent notes.
Learn rules for
surds. Always look
for the largest
sq. no.
3x 8 > 53x 6
32 5x > 42x 7
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The pupil’s error in the second question is likely to have been a simple
slip. The first number in the numerator, 122, comes from multiplication
of 32 by 42. It should be 24. Otherwise, the method was correct.
How might it be improved?
It is not clear whether the teacher had identified the nature of these two
errors. He/she could consider making model solutions available to pupils
so that they could see for themselves where they went wrong. This would
also encourage their independence and focus subsequent discussion on
any remaining areas of difficulty.
The teacher might have anticipated the first error. The first step in
rearranging the inequality 3x 6 > 53x 4 was likely to lead to the
negative expression, 3x 53x, on the left hand side of the inequality. If
other pupils had made the same error, it would make a good teaching
point for the next lesson.
92. Examples of good annotation of pupils work were observed in some primary
schools, sometimes accompanied by photographs. The example below shows
part of a Year 4 pupil’s table of measurements of the circumference, diameter
and radius of several objects. The teacher has recorded the pupil’s
generalisation from her results, ‘Discussed what all the numbers meant. Katie
thought that if you times the diameter by something between 3 and 5
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93. The following examples represent brief but helpful advice or questions provided
by teachers in marking pupils’ work.
‘Check all reflections with tracing paper especially ones in the diagonal line
Practise adding and subtracting recurring fractions try the A/A* booster
on [online software].
‘Look up bearings as you’ve missed this work. What are the three key points
to remember when using bearings?
‘Try this question again. What type of triangle is it?’ (The pupil had
previously not spotted that the unusually orientated triangle was isosceles,
but redid the question correctly following the teacher’s hint.)
What is 20cm in mm?asked a teacher after praising a pupil’s correct work
on shape. The pupil had written 200 in response. This Year 5 teacher
regularly asked pupils short questions at the end of their work and they
responded. The pupils explained to the inspector that they checked for the
teachers’ comments and questions in their mathematics and English books
during register time at the start of morning school. Such good practice is not
94. Some marking did not distinguish between types of errors and, occasionally,
correct work was marked as wrong. For example, in marking homework on
probabilities of single events, a teacher marked unsimplified fractions as wrong
in exactly the same way as incorrect answers that showed misunderstanding.
For instance, the probability of selecting a heart from a pack of playing cards is
¼ but a pupil’s unsimplified but correct answer of
was marked wrong,
instead of indicating that this fraction was correct but cancels down to ¼. The
same pupil’s incorrect answer of ¼ for the probability of selecting a king from a
pack was similarly marked wrong without any comment. The pupil might have
reasoned, incorrectly, that the probability of selecting one king, knowing that a
pack has four kings, is ¼ but this misunderstanding was not addressed through
the marking. (The correct answer is
which simplifies to
95. At other times, teachers gave insufficient attention to correcting pupils’
mathematical presentation, for instance, when 6 ÷ 54 was written incorrectly
instead of 54 ÷ 6, or the incorrect use of the equals sign in the solution of an
96. Most marking by pupils of their own work was done when the teacher read out
the answers to exercises or took answers from other members of the class.
Sometimes, pupils were expected to check their answers against those in the
back of the text book. In each of these circumstances, attention was rarely paid
to the source of any errors, for example when a pupil made a sign error while
expanding brackets and another omitted to write down the 0 place holder in a
long multiplication calculation. When classwork was not marked by the teacher
or pupil, mistakes were unnoticed. In the example below, the pupil made a
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common, but important, error by not drawing the quotient line correctly in the
formula for solving a quadratic equation. Because the work was not marked,
the error was not corrected and the pupil could continue to make the same
mistake repeatedly in the future.
4x + 2 = 0
x = 4 (16 4x1x2)
x = 4 8
x = 5.4 or 2.6, which are incorrect solutions
The correct first step should have been x = 4 (16 4x1x2)
97. The involvement of pupils in self-assessment was a strong feature of the most
effective assessment practice. For instance, in one school, Year 4 pupils
completed their self-assessments using ‘I can …’ statements and selected their
own curricular targets such as add and subtract two-digit numbers mentally
and solve 1 and 2 step problems. Subsequent work provided opportunities for
pupils to work on these aspects.
98. An unhelpful reliance on self-assessment of learning by pupils was prevalent in
some of the schools. In plenary sessions at the end of lessons, teachers
typically revisited the learning objectives, and asked pupils to assess their own
understanding, often through ‘thumbs’, ‘smiley faces’ or traffic lights. However,
such assessment was often superficial and may be unreliable, as illustrated in
the following case study.
Weaker factor: unreliable self-assessment of understanding
A low-attaining Year 8 class had worked on multiplying and dividing by 10,
100 and 1,000. In the work on multiplying, the pupils had completed a
page of simple multiplications, mostly multiplying whole numbers by
powers of 10, but also including some where they had to multiply a
decimal number. One pupil who had ticked her answers right explained to
the inspector, ‘to multiply by 100, you add two zeros’. She went on to say
that when it was a decimal you had to move the decimal point. She knew
to move the point the same number of places as the number of zeros in
the multiplier, so twice when multiplying by 100. However, she was
unsure in which direction the point moved. In fact, she gave the answer
to 4.6 x 10 as 0.46 but, because she believed that 0.46 was the same as
46, she marked her answer as correct. She thought that she understood
the topic but her understanding was very shaky.
How might it be improved?
When assessing pupils’ understanding at the end of such a lesson, the
teacher might have asked pupils to display their answers on mini-
Mathematics: made to measure
May 2012, No. 110159
whiteboards so that errors would be picked up immediately. Alternatively,
a quick matching task that involved questions and possible wrong and
right answers (say 46, 4.60, 0.46, … for 4.6 x 10) would allow
misconceptions to be revealed.
99. Rather than asking pupils at the end of the lesson to indicate how well they had
met learning objectives, some effective teachers set a problem which would
confirm pupils’ learning if solved correctly or pick up any remaining lack of
understanding. One teacher, having discussed briefly what had been learnt with
the class, gave each pupil a couple of questions on pre-prepared cards. She
took the cards in as the pupils left the room and used their answers to inform
the next day’s lesson planning. Very occasionally, a teacher used the plenary
imaginatively to set a challenging problem with the intention that pupils should
think about it ready for the start of new learning in the next lesson.
100. Important weaknesses in the curriculum remain. Inspectors continue to be
concerned about the lack of emphasis on ‘using and applying mathematics’. In
addition, curriculum plans in many schools did not offer the necessary support
to help teachers’ tailor lessons to meet the needs of different ability groups.
This section draws attention to the negative impact of early entry to GCSE on
many of our pupils.
The curriculum is it good enough?
101. Since the last survey, the secondary National Curriculum, GCSE and AS/A-level
specifications, and the National Strategy frameworks have all been revised.
Most schools have amended their schemes of work, some on more than one
occasion. Despite this, or perhaps because of it, the mathematics curriculum
was judged good or outstanding in less than half of the schools inspected (47).
While it was inadequate in only seven schools, it often had important
shortcomings that impeded pupils’ better progress.
Figure 4: Quality of the curriculum in mathematics in the schools surveyed
(percentages of schools)
Percentages are rounded and do not always add exactly to 100.
102. Day-to-day management of the curriculum is generally stronger than strategic
leadership. Action to bring improvement tends to be reactive rather than
proactive. Lack of robust evaluation of curricular developments and initiatives,
including intervention programmes, and insufficient interrogation of information
from monitoring activities and question-level analyses too often mean searching
Primary schools
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questions are not asked about the effectiveness of the provision and whether
all groups are benefiting equally. In particular, questions like:
What approach was used in the teaching of a topic found difficult by
all/some pupils? Did all teachers use the same approach or approaches that
drew on the same conceptual models? (These have implications for
professional development and guidance for staff.)
How are different pupils affected by decisions made about setting and
examination entry policies? (Some educational research suggests that
setting benefits the higher sets only. Evidence underpinning this report
shows that higher sets receive better teaching. It is not clear that schools’
entry policies always have each individual pupil’s best interests at heart.)
How good is the mathematical progress of the nurture group/intervention
groups/withdrawal groups/disabled pupils and those who have special
educational needs? Are mathematical expectations high enough or are some
pupils working at levels below their prior attainment and potential?
Is the shift in primary schools to teaching some mathematics through
themes and topics aiding pupils’ progress? Is there coherence between
planning for mathematics within themes/topics and discrete mathematics
lessons? In primary and secondary schools, are cross-curricular
opportunities ad hoc?
Still too little using and applying mathematics
103. In the very best schools, using and applying mathematics was integrated into
day-to-day teaching. For example, new topics were introduced by presenting a
suitable problem and inviting pupils to use their existing knowledge in
innovative ways. More generally, the lack of emphasis on using and applying
mathematics remained a weakness that is persistent. Activities identified in
schools’ documentation were too often left to the choice of individual teachers,
so that not all pupils undertook them.
104. These criticisms are not new. Much the same was said in the previous report.
In many secondary schools at that time, pupils’ experience of using and
applying mathematics was largely restricted to GCSE coursework tasks. Since
then, coursework has been abolished in GCSE mathematics, with the result that
the schemes of work in some of the schools gave teachers no guidance at all
on teaching pupils to use and apply mathematics.
105. Using and applying mathematics reappeared in the 2007 secondary National
Curriculum under the title ‘key process skills’ and also as ‘functional
mathematics’, for which a separate qualification was initially intended as a
‘hurdle’ for grade C GCSE mathematics. It remains a compulsory part of
diploma programmes and the key process skills are reflected in the most recent
GCSE specifications. While the change from coursework to examination of these
skills was signposted well in advance, its implementation was dogged with
difficulties and many schools, even the far-sighted, struggled to make adequate
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preparations. Many schools interpreted functional mathematics as problem
solving in real-life situations, and treated it as a bolt-on activity rather than
understanding that the development of these skills is part of behaving and
reasoning mathematically, and therefore pervades good learning of
106. At Key Stage 3, most of the schools had introduced ‘rich tasks’ as a periodic
activity to develop and/or assess pupils’ functional or key process skills. The
most effective schools were moving beyond this first step towards incorporating
problem solving and rich tasks throughout the curriculum.
107. In the primary schools, opportunities to use and apply mathematics were
generally restricted to solving ‘word problems’. Typically pupils were given sets
of word problems, all of which required the same recently learnt operation or
method, for example several problems all solved by using subtraction. Such
practice does not promote good problem-solving skills because pupils do not
have to think the approaches through for themselves.
108. Pupils were rarely given open-ended investigative activities. When they were
used, the skills of using and applying mathematics were not generally specified,
as in the following example.
Weaker factor: a need for guidance on using and applying
The newly qualified Year 5/6 teacher lacked experience in teaching using
and applying mathematics. Nevertheless he set the pupils the ‘pond
borders’ investigation. The learning objective was ‘to be able to apply
addition to solve mathematical problems’.
Two groups were working on square ponds, and one group on rectangular
ponds of dimension n+1 by n. Well into the lesson, pupils were working in
pairs, making the pond borders from tiles and predicting what the number
of tiles for the next pond would be. ‘It is going up in the four times table’
was one pupil’s comment.
The group working on the rectangular pond was being supported by a
teaching assistant who was steering them too strongly towards sums of
the form L + L + W + W + 4 for particular ponds. One boy, working
independently from his peers in the group, justified his solution for a 10 x
11 pond by jotting on his mini-whiteboard:
1 10 1
11 11
1 10 1
He then wrote 10+10+10+10+1 +1+1+1+1+1 = 46.
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How might it be improved?
The teacher’s inexperience meant that the learning objective did not
reflect the skills and language of using and applying mathematics, such as
spotting and describing patterns, making and testing rules and
generalisations, but the pupils were nevertheless investigating. The boy
who justified the 10x11 pond was very close to being able to make his
own generalisation for such a pond, with some skilful questioning.
The teaching assistant was steering the group too much rather than
asking pupils to come up with their own ideas.
The higher attaining group, which had been set a completely different
investigation that proved less demanding, might have been better suited
to the rectangular pond task, possibly extending to n by n+2, or n by m.
109. Reasoning and proof were not well developed in most of the secondary schools
visited. Many high-attaining Year 11 pupils were not familiar with geometric
proofs, for instance of the circle theorems, or using algebraic argument, in spite
of the inclusion of these in current GCSE specifications. A recent GCSE
examination question asked pupils to prove that the sum of the squares of two
consecutive integers is one greater than twice the product of the integers’ and
provided an illustrative example, 9
+ 10
= 181 and 2 x 9 x 10 = 180. The
principal examiner’s report stated that ‘the concepts of algebraic proof were
rarely demonstrated well’. This mirrors the weaknesses and gaps in pupils’
knowledge noted when inspectors scrutinised their books and practice
examination papers and in discussions.
Schemes of work and the elusiveness of guidance for teachers
110. The pace of change is particularly acute in secondary schools, which helps to
explain why problems with the coherence of teaching programmes arose in
more than half of the secondary schools visited in the survey, compared with
less than one third of the primary schools. Rarely did secondary schools’
schemes of work set out a coherent learning journey in mathematics for pupils
as they progress through the school.
111. The better teaching programmes took account of the full range of ability.
Nearly all the secondary mathematics lessons were taught to classes set by
prior attainment. However, some schools did not have a well-defined teaching
programme for each set or tier that gave guidance on how far a topic should be
developed with each class of pupils, creating potential difficulties later in
building subsequent learning, given that many pupils experience changes in
sets and teachers. Instead, in these schools, the teachers used a single scheme
of work which was based on the needs of the average pupil. While this typically
included suggestions for extending high-attaining pupils or supporting low-
attaining pupils, each teacher was free to interpret the guidance in a different
way. This issue was prominent in the previous survey report.
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112. During the period of the survey, an increasing number of schools had begun to
enter pupils for GCSE in Year 10 or early in Year 11. However, not all the
schools visited had done so with sufficient thought. In order to ‘start GCSE in
Year 9’, they ‘cover Key Stage 3 in two years’ but, in effect, pupils move directly
from their Year 8 programme to the former Year 10 programme, the previous
Year 9 programme now being omitted. While this has the accidental benefit in
some cases of removing some of the excessive repetition of Key Stage 3 work
previously seen in Key Stage 4, it does not represent a carefully laid foundation
for, and transition to, study of GCSE mathematics.
113. Perhaps surprisingly, the switch to early entry was common among schools
where many pupils entered Year 7 without having reached the expected level
for their age. In effect, pupils who were already a year or more behind were
asked to complete their GCSE programmes a year early. While the motivational
effect of preparing for an examination worked for some pupils, the negative
impact on the quality of their learning in the longer term cannot be
overemphasised and is discussed in depth in Part B of this report.
114. In a few secondary schools, younger, vulnerable pupils were taught by the
same teacher for several curriculum subjects. This strategy aimed to ease
transition to secondary school by providing curricular experiences closer to
primary classrooms and to nurture pupils’ confidence and self-esteem.
However, teachers’ expectations of pupils’ academic progress were not
consistently high enough, for instance a Year 7 nurture class was working on
Level 2 number work when some pupils had already attained Levels 3 and 4 at
primary school.
115. A few secondary schools provided a ‘competency curriculum’ for the younger
year groups. This aims to develop pupils’ learning skills effectively so that their
academic progress subsequently accelerates. The teachers of this provision
were often English, humanities or primary specialists. Mathematics was not
often included in the group of subjects taught through the programme. The
following example shows the pitfalls of weak curricular planning coupled with
use of non-specialist staff who were inexperienced in teaching mathematics.
Weaker factor: inadequate curriculum planning and guidance
Year 7 pupils were following a newly introduced competency curriculum
which included mathematics. A consultant had conducted learning walks
and was relatively positive about the programme. However, evidence from
the mathematics visit showed that pupils had learnt very little
mathematics in the first term and what they were doing was not coherent.
They had received no mathematics teaching for the first four weeks of the
autumn term while teachers got used to delivering the competency-based
As the term progressed, leaders realised that pupils needed to develop
new mathematical skills and keep others sharp. This led to the use of
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undifferentiated, repetitive numeracy worksheets, resulting in
unsatisfactory teaching and learning. There was no proper scheme of
work, only a list of topics to be covered, and a lack of liaison with the
mathematics department.
Pupils occasionally worked in groups on interesting rich tasks, for instance
deciding where to place a by-pass for a town. The pupils had to
synthesise information about imperial and metric measures, scale
drawings and maps, percentages, using large numbers costs running to
millions of pounds, for example. Because pupils’ solutions showed no
working, it was not possible to determine whether their mathematics was
correct. Even where pupils learnt a new skill through the task, for instance
how to calculate a percentage, the small number of times a percentage
was calculated meant that their understanding of percentages was
unlikely to be secure.
How might it be improved?
There is no quick fix. The development of pupils’ mathematics knowledge,
skills and understanding through thematic or other cross-curricular
approaches requires medium- and short-term planning of the highest
quality. Medium-term plans would need to identify the mathematical
content and skills in using and applying mathematics which could be
taught through each theme. Some aspects would require additional
emphasis to secure pupils’ skills and others might require separate
teaching where the chosen themes do not lend themselves to learning
some of the content or skills.
Short-term planning is needed to support teachers, particularly non-
specialists, in the approaches and activities that best develop pupils’ skills
and understanding. Ideally, these should align with those used within the
mathematics department, and provide a secure progression route to later
discrete teaching of mathematics. Leaders responsible for the thematic
approaches would need to work closely with mathematics leaders.
Leadership and management
116. Changes in school performance measures since the last report have raised the
profile of mathematics in secondary schools. However, the effects have not all
been positive, resulting in inequitable provision for different groups of pupils;
further attention is given to this in Part B.
117. This section of the report also evaluates the impact of in-school monitoring and
evaluation in raising the quality of teaching and the effectiveness of leadership
in ensuring that all pupils receive consistently good teaching
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Overview and ethos
118. Leadership and management of mathematics in primary schools were slightly
weaker than in the previous survey, when 71% was good or better.
contrast, the proportion of good and outstanding leadership and management
in the secondary phase increased, with changes in secondary school
performance measures a key driver.
Figure 5: Quality of leadership and management in mathematics in the schools
surveyed (percentages of schools)
Percentages are rounded and do not always add exactly to 100.
119. Leadership was rarely inadequate in primary schools but, in a minority, it lacked
subject expertise or rigour. Both of these weaknesses impeded leaders’ ability
to get underneath the subject-specific aspects of teaching or the curriculum
which needed improvement. In more than half of the primary schools, many of
which were small, leaders tended to rely on the close working relationships
between staff and informal professional dialogue to maintain or improve the
quality of provision. A similar ethos was common in secondary mathematics
120. The fastest improving schools and departments took nothing for granted. They
monitored provision rigorously and used the outcomes to identify strengths and
weaknesses, evaluated the effectiveness of actions taken, and pinpointed the
next steps in driving improvement. Staff collaborated to learn from and support
each other well.
The influence of performance measures
121. Leaders in the primary and the secondary schools were driven strongly to
improve results in mathematics, clearly influenced by the public profile of their
results and how those results are used. Since the last survey, it has become
increasingly common for teachers’ performance management targets to include
measures of attainment and/or progress for the pupils that they teach. Thus,
accountability has increased.
122. The profile of mathematics in the principal secondary attainment and progress
measures has been raised since the last survey. From 2008, performance has
been measured against the statutory target for the proportion of pupils gaining
In general, when judging the leadership and management of mathematics, inspectors consider the
combined impact of senior staff and subject leader.
Primary schools
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the equivalent of at least five GCSEs at grade C or better, including English and
mathematics. The previous measure did not require English and mathematics to
be included, and some schools that appeared quite successful on the old
measure suddenly found themselves looking much weaker. Moreover, the main
measure of progress was amended in 2009 to give increased emphasis to
English and mathematics. This boosted the attention paid to mathematics by
senior leaders.
123. Given that GCSE pass rates nationally at grades A* to C in mathematics have
consistently been lower than those in English, the priority in many schools was
to improve results in mathematics. Senior leaders have therefore devoted more
resources to the subject and have commonly taken a more direct role in
monitoring pupils’ performance and looking closely at the work of mathematics
124. Many of the secondary schools, especially the low attaining ones, have
concentrated on those pupils likely to gain five or more GCSE A* to C grades
but who are not secure in English or mathematics, represented by the sections
labelled in bold font in the Venn diagram below. Similar diagrams and lists were
often used to record the names of each pupil in a Year 11 cohort, and
sometimes Year 10. The strategies then adopted by the schools generally
depended on which part of the diagram the pupils’ names were located. Not all
groups were treated equally, as discussed further in Part B of this report. Those
placed outside the three circles were the pupils who were expected to gain low
grades in mathematics and English and fewer than five A* to C grades in other
subjects. Overall, these low-attaining pupils were least often the focus of
support in the schools visited.
Figure 6: A representation of schools’ analysis of pupils’ likely performance
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Monitoring: to check or to improve?
125. In all the schools visited, monitoring and evaluation had included lesson
observations undertaken as part of the teachers’ performance management.
Sometimes in the primary schools, the later observations had been of lessons
other than in mathematics. Senior and subject leaders’ evaluation of teaching in
lessons jointly observed with inspectors during the visits was generally
accurate. However, leaders’ judgements did not always match the evidence in
schools’ own observation records. These tended to paint a more positive picture
of teaching principally because they had paid more attention to what the
teacher did in the lesson than to how well the pupils learnt and progressed in
mathematics as a consequence. The shift in leaders’ attention towards the
mathematical elements that promote or hinder good progression is a crucial
next step for schools in raising satisfactory teaching to good and eradicating the
inconsistencies in teaching within a school.
126. Nevertheless, in comparison with the previous survey, schools have got better
at monitoring teaching and learning, often responding promptly to any teaching
that had fallen below an acceptable standard by working closely with the
teachers concerned. For more effective schools, this included satisfactory
teaching. However, it was much less common to find a systematic programme
to improve the quality of teaching across a department or primary school, or to
ensure consistency of approach in the way that particular topics were taught.
Indeed, it was not unusual to find that raising attainment and school
development plans did not include specific actions to improve the quality of
127. Increasingly, subject leaders and senior staff also monitored provision through
‘learning walks’ (where several classes were each visited for a short time).
These have the potential to provide leaders with a quick overview of teaching
and learning and can be used for specific checks such as: adaptation of work to
different sets/groups of pupils; consistency of approach among teachers; use of
talk; and compliance with school and departmental policies, for instance on
methods of calculation. However, schools’ records showed that learning walks
were frequently concerned with checking generic features or policy
requirements such as displaying lesson objectives, having seating plans, and
making ‘next step’ comments in marking. They rarely focused clearly on the
quality and mathematical detail of learning and progress over time; for
instance, how well the activities were leading to the intended learning for all
pupils, and whether the approach/resources promoted understanding and made
links with prior learning.
128. A further positive development has been a broadening of leaders’ monitoring
activities to include features such as scrutiny of pupils’ work; questionnaires or
interviews with staff and pupils; and checks on planning, use of homework,
assessment records and the quality of marking. These activities were
sometimes distributed through the school year or they were concentrated in an
intensive period of review of the subject. While in most of the schools the
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systems and structures were suitable, the lack of attention to mathematical
detail impeded faster improvement. Sometimes a weakness was identified but
then not followed up in the areas for development or linked to professional
development. For senior leaders whose specialism is not mathematics, gaining
an understanding of what the best mathematics education involves presents a
significant challenge.
129. The best leaders inspired and supported teachers in teaching pupils to solve
problems and think for themselves in mathematics. For others, to place a
greater and concerted emphasis on this and other areas for professional
development during observation of lessons, through scrutiny of planning and
pupils’ work, in mathematics meetings, and in developing guidance
collaboratively with staff is necessary for a positive impact on teaching, learning
and outcomes.
130. Arrangements for the leadership of mathematics in primary schools varied but
have increasingly become of a collaborative nature. Sometimes, a senior leader
had responsibility for the subject and, at other times, the subject leader worked
alongside a senior leader, but rarely did a subject leader work entirely on
her/his own. Analysis of data, lesson observations, and meetings to discuss
pupils’ progress were more often carried out by senior leaders, while monitoring
activities such as the scrutiny of pupils’ books were the responsibility of the
subject leader.
131. In the secondary schools, line-management meetings, through which senior
leaders provide support and hold the heads of department to account, were
more frequent and rigorous than during the previous survey. They often
included close and regular scrutiny of data that tracked pupils’ attainment and
progress. Heads of department were increasingly expected to produce subject-
specific analyses, self-evaluations and action plans.
132. However, in the primary and secondary schools, senior and subject leaders too
often concentrated on reacting to what monitoring information and data
analyses showed, by increasing intervention or revision for instance, rather than
unearthing, and then tackling, the causes of the inconsistencies and relative
weaknesses in provision. This lack of mathematically informed strategic insight
remains the main impediment to securing significant improvement in the longer
term for many schools. For example, if the data showed that the pupils had
difficulty with division or ratio, then additional support on those topics would be
provided. However, the missing essential step was to review how the topics
were taught in the first place and how that teaching and/or the curriculum
might be improved so that pupils in the future do not struggle with them.
Developing the mathematical expertise of staff
133. Improving the consistency of teaching within a school by raising the quality of
the weaker teaching is crucially important if all pupils, rather than some or most
of them, are to have the opportunity of sustained good learning and progress.
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One key starting point, rarely seen during the survey, is to develop guidance on
agreed approaches to teaching topics or sequences of related topics. Guidance
should bear in mind pupils’ prior knowledge and progression to future learning,
and the breadth and depth of coverage expected for each class. For instance,
discussing and agreeing an appropriate algebraic method for solving
simultaneous linear equations, including the cases of no and infinitely many
pairs of solutions, and the graphical interpretation and representation of the
equations. A department might also decide that more-able pupils should be
able to solve the equations by elimination and by substitution in readiness for
solving pairs of linear and non-linear equations.
134. The good practice survey found that the maintained schools had:
‘…clear, coherent calculation policies and guidance, which were tailored to
the particular school’s context. They ensure consistent approaches and
use of visual images and models that secure progression in pupils’ skills
and knowledge lesson by lesson and year by year.
… A crucial element is the involvement of all staff in professional
development on aspects of the policy, for instance in developing
progression in subtraction from the early years to Year 6. This means all
the teachers and teaching assistants see how the methods in any year
build on what went before and feed into what is learned later. Moreover,
the policies reflect particular adaptations such as a reduction in emphasis
on or removal of some interim methods, for instance ‘chunking’ as a
method for long division. It was clear from discussions with staff and
scrutiny of pupils’ work that the policies are implemented consistently. In
essence, the policies capture effective whole-school approaches to
developing securely pupils’ calculation skills, mental and written.
Moreover, the schools evaluated and reviewed their policies on a regular
135. A second approach to improving consistency is to share good practice, for
instance through peer observation, discussion and coaching. This approach is
being fostered in primary schools involved in the Mathematics Specialist
Teacher programme,
but the majority of schools are not yet benefiting from this
long-term investment in subject expertise.
The approach is also encouraged
by the National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics.
Fundamental to all of this, though, is accurate information about the precise
nature of the weaknesses and inconsistencies. Not all schools visited had
sufficient insight into the mathematical detail of areas for development, often
because monitoring focused on generic aspects of teaching and learning.
Information about the Mathematics Specialist Teacher Programme is available the National Centre
for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics (NCETM) and includes links to the individual university
providers at
The National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics at
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136. The quality of secondary subject leaders’ teaching showed that many have the
potential to serve as role models for other teachers of mathematics in their
schools. Teaching was good or outstanding in around three quarters of subject
leaders’ lessons, compared with a half overall. They were more likely to take
higher-attaining sets and teach in Key Stage 4 and the sixth form than their
colleagues. In part, this related to the varying levels of subject expertise of the
staff who taught mathematics within the school. However, it was also the case
that the lowest attaining pupils needed to make the most progress and
therefore required the best teaching, but too often did not receive it. This is
why in-school inconsistency in the quality of teaching is such a concern. Much
more needs to be done to enable all staff to teach well, regardless of the ability
of their pupils.
137. In the primary schools surveyed, subject leaders did not teach noticeably better
than other teachers. This relates to changes in the ways that many primary
schools allocate subject leader roles: it is no longer the case that the subject
leader is necessarily the most experienced and skilled teacher of mathematics
within the school. Some subject leaders do not have sufficient depth of subject
knowledge, or lack confidence in and/or experience of mathematics across the
whole primary age range. As recommended in the previous survey report, the
improvement of subject leaders’ expertise in developing the quality of teaching
and the curriculum across the school remains a key priority if pupils’
achievement is to be raised significantly.
138. Some schools were enabling enthusiastic staff to develop their mathematics
expertise through additional qualifications and courses.
Prime practice: support of a non-specialist teacher on the
Mathematics Development Programme
Subject expertise in this 1116 specialist mathematics and computing
college was strong and well deployed. Twelve staff taught mathematics:
eight had degrees in mathematics, science, technology or engineering
subjects and three had higher education qualifications specialising in
mathematics. The remaining teacher, who was regarded as an effective
practitioner in her specialism of physical education, was developing her
mathematics expertise through the Mathematics Development Programme
at a local university.
Mathematics had been her second subject on her
BEd course.
The teacher’s confidence and expertise were being developed carefully.
Initially, she taught a low set in Year 7, planning lessons jointly with the
head of department. She also received support from a local authority
consultant. Lesson observations by the consultant and head of department
At the time of the visit, the Mathematics Development Programme was in its first year of national
roll-out. The programme ceased in July 2011.
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showed that things were going well so her mathematics teaching
commitment was increased to two sets, still low-attaining as she was not
yet confident in her own mathematics ability. The teacher explained ‘I
have lots of discussions with colleagues over approaches to teaching
topics. My teaching is improving all the time.’ This was borne out by the
school’s records. At the time of the visit, she was also sharing the teaching
of a middle-ability Year 9 set, planning jointly with the other teacher.
The teacher explained that she was enjoying the course very much and
that she was much more confident in her understanding of mathematics.
In-school support extended beyond the head of department to include
fortnightly meetings with the initial teacher education mentor with whom
she had carried out peer observations on the topic of angles. Another
teacher helped her with the use of interactive whiteboards.
139. Other examples of schools developing staff’s expertise included two teachers
from an alternative provision setting who were benefiting from a five-day
mathematics development course at a local university. They brought ideas from
their course into their teaching, which increased variety within the lessons and
captured pupils’ interest. A primary school invested in its staff by supporting
three teaching assistants in gaining GCSE mathematics and a nursery teacher in
studying for an Early Years degree.
140. Where a secondary mathematics department is not fully staffed with effective
mathematics specialists, deployment presents problems, as illustrated in this
case study.
Weaker factor: the challenge of staff deployment
Five of the nine teachers were mathematics specialists. Two teachers
were scientists who taught a little mathematics, one was a geographer
who taught mostly mathematics, and one an ICT specialist who was
particularly keen to improve.
The focus on raising the proportion of GCSE A* to C grades, coupled with
an identified need to raise achievement of the most able, led to the
specialists teaching mostly middle and high sets in Years 9 to 11. Non-
specialist and weaker teachers were generally assigned to lower sets.
This accounts for some differences in progress. The school had been
successful in improving the progress of the high-attaining pupils but the
progress of lower attainers and those who had special educational needs
had not similarly accelerated. This is because many were taught by non-
specialist or weaker teachers who secure satisfactory rather than good
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How might it be improved?
Having too few effective specialists is a challenge faced by many
secondary schools. Part of the solution lies in raising the quality of the
weaker teaching through guidance and working alongside staff in
developing their expertise. Subject leaders may require additional time for
this. There is no easy answer, but placing the strongest teachers with the
older and more-able pupils has the danger of perpetuating the slower
progress of younger and lower-attaining pupils.
141. Headteachers in schools facing the same challenge described the strategies
they had adopted successfully which included: recruiting and nurturing newly
qualified staff; developing enthusiastic teaching assistants or learning mentors
into mathematics teachers through a school-based training route; and use of
subject enhancement and development programmes. Some spoke of their
worries over recruitment if challenging robustly the performance of weak
practitioners, including subject leaders, led to vacancies, while others were very
clear that they knew they had to get the right staff’ even if it meant a period of
temporary teaching.
142. In the most effective schools, skilled experienced staff developed the less
experienced and supported the non-specialist, thereby building the
department’s future capacity. However, where departments were stretched and
not fully staffed by specialists, and under pressure to raise GCSE results,
building for the longer-term took second place. The recommendation in the
previous report that mathematics departments have time to plan and work
together had been adopted in only a few of the schools visited.
143. The quality of leadership and management of mathematics was a key factor in
sustaining high achievement, as illustrated in the example below.
Prime practice: sustaining high performance
Close attention to mathematical detail was the hallmark of leadership of
the subject at departmental and senior levels. Insightful monitoring and
evaluation led to well-designed action plans. The thoughtfully designed
curriculum ensured good progression throughout the school, enabling the
majority of pupils to take GCSE at the higher tier. The most able pupils
studied a Free-standing Mathematics Qualification (FSMQ) in additional
mathematics alongside GCSE. As a result, they were well prepared for
further study and subsequently made good progress at A level.
The mathematics department had a good mix of experienced, effective
teachers and less experienced teachers of high potential who were being
nurtured and developed by their colleagues. Thus the departmental ethos
and expertise is sustained over time. Teachers used a mixture of
exploration, demonstration, problem-solving and consolidation exercises.
They taught with the aim of developing pupils' understanding and
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expected pupils to explain their thinking. As is the case with many schools,
however, much of the well-established good practice in teaching is not
144. To bring about long-term improvement in mathematics, schools judged
satisfactory typically needed to improve the day-to-day provision. This can be a
slow process and schools feel the pressure to raise attainment rapidly.
However, concentrating the best teachers and the main intervention
programmes in the priority year groups perpetuated underachievement further
down the school. Where nothing was done to improve provision for younger
pupils, the same ‘emergency’ tactics were required year after year because the
school was continuously building underachievement. The need to get teaching
and learning right first time is crucial.
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Part B: Unequal learning journeys through the
mathematics curriculum
145. A key message of this report is that pupils of different ages, needs and abilities
receive significantly unequal curricular opportunities, as well as teaching of
widely varying quality, even within the same year group and school. Differences
and inequalities extend beyond the teaching: they are rooted in the curriculum
and the ways in which schools promote or hamper progression in the learning
of mathematics.
146. Children start school having had widely different mathematical experiences at
home with family and carers, as well as in any pre-school or childcare provision.
Some three- and four-year-olds can already count and recognise the digits for
the first few numbers. Many are familiar with nursery rhymes and songs that
involve counting up and/or down. Most have met numbers in everyday life, for
instance, the number of the house or flat in which they live, ages of other
members of their family, telephone numbers, and money; but discussion with
family members and other adults about such numbers may have been limited.
In conversation, children may have made simple comparisons using words such
as more, less, taller, older. They might have enjoyed making patterns using
colour and shapes. Other children, by contrast, will have had very limited
mathematical experiences. The gap between what different children know and
can do mathematically is present before they start learning at school.
147. Years later, when pupils leave compulsory education aged 16 years, the gap
between the mathematical outcomes of the highest and lowest attainers is vast.
Too often, pupils’ relative start and end points align, but not always: some
outstanding schools break the cycle of low attainment. The challenge,
nationally, is to raise the achievement of the lower and middle attainers without
suppressing that of the most able, too many of whom are also underachieving.
The aim is to improve progression for all pupils, so that all are mathematically
equipped for their futures. This is not simply about improving the quality of
teaching, although that is a key element.
148. This section of the report explores some aspects of schools’ work that
contribute to this unevenness of pupils’ experience. It draws upon examples of
good practice that help avoid or overcome inequalities and some factors that
exacerbate them.
Variables in learning mathematics: age and ability
The early days
149. In Nursery and Reception classes, children typically learn through a mix of free-
choice play and focused activities with adults. The best provision observed in
the survey was mathematically rich and tailored to the needs of different
groups of children. Adults used mathematical language and questioning
effectively to develop childrens vocabulary and thinking.
Mathematics: made to measure
May 2012, No. 110159
Prime practice: a mathematically rich Reception classroom
The teacher seized every opportunity for children to use mathematics in everyday
activities. Working out daily attendance and absences of boys and girls became a
shared activity, which significantly improved children’s addition and subtraction skills.
Similarly, every opportunity was taken to develop children’s understanding and use
of mathematical language.
Mathematical games proved highly engaging
as children cast dice, played matching card
games, rolled marbles into numbered
compartments and used the computer to
investigate patterns and number sequences.
The stimulating outdoor environment
buzzed with activity as children organised
races on foot and using wheeled vehicles, for
which they receive rosettes to develop a
clear understanding of ordinal numbers
, 2
, 3
…). Other children constructed
stepped walls using building blocks, and
learnt to count forward and back as they
moved soft toys from one step to another.
On special occasions, children are given £1 to spend at the local shop. With help
from adults, they produce simple shopping lists to decide what they want to buy and
what they can afford. This engagement in mathematics develops children's
confidence, understanding and enjoyment of using mathematics in everyday life.
A good understanding of place value is considered to be of paramount importance by
the school. This was supported by a wide range of practical equipment including
base-10 apparatus, 100 squares, bead strings, place-value cards and number lines.
Because pupils also required good instant recall of number facts, such as number
bonds to 10, and, later, multiplication tables, every opportunity was taken to develop
Mathematics: made to measure
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150. Conversely, the weakest provision failed to exploit opportunities for children to
play with numbers, measures, shapes and patterns to develop their numerical
and spatial awareness. The environment lacked exciting activities and displays
that would draw children into mathematical play. Talk between children and
adults lacked mathematical depth, focusing instead on superficial features and
praise for participation. While the most able children’s progress was slowed by
this, the biggest impact was on the middle and lower attainers, especially those
whose home mathematical experiences were limited.
151. Most Nursery and Reception lessons ensured that all children took part in the
focused adult-led activities, but less attention was paid to ensuring that
children's prior knowledge was taken into account. This meant that the most
able were not extending their learning while those with the weakest
mathematical skills were building on shaky ground. For these children, securing
their communication skills and personal, social and emotional development was
often prioritised by the school as a first step towards learning. They were
generally less mature: for instance, they could not maintain concentration and
were reluctant to play or learn alongside other children.
152. By the end of the Reception year, national data show that pupils mathematical
skills vary widely. The most able five-year-olds can count, write, order, and
calculate fluently with numbers to 20, and they can compare and describe
objects and quantities. However, a small minority of children struggle to count
and work confidently with single-digit numbers. Not all are therefore equally
ready mathematically for Key Stage 1.
Jumping from Reception to Key Stage 1
153. Learning in Year 1 is generally quite different to learning in the Reception class.
The usual primary pattern of whole-class teaching for up to an hour at a time is
a sharp contrast to the typical mix of play and focused activities in Reception
classes. However, an important improvement by an increasing number of
schools over the last three years has been the introduction of some whole-class
teaching towards the end of Reception and the retention of some free-flow
provision at the beginning of Year 1. This has helped to promote better
transition by providing greater continuity of learning styles and environment,
although not frequently securing good progress.
154. Less of the teaching in Year 1 was good or outstanding than in the other
primary years. The use of assessment information from the EYFS profile was
inconsistent and did not aid planning as well as it might so that pupils early
learning of mathematics was not securely built upon. In the following example,
a school used this information to help group pupils in Reception and Year 1.
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Prime practice: good use of assessment in the infant years
Reception children were organised into ability groups, based on
observational assessments of their attainment, and they engaged in short,
focused, adult-led activities each day. They also had good opportunities to
develop their reasoning and problem-solving skills through child-initiated
activities, indoors and outside. As a result, less than 10% of children each
year fail to reach at least six points in all areas of mathematics by the end
of Reception (in comparison with 74% nationally in 2011). For those not
reaching this standard on transfer into Year 1, individual plans ensured
that Year 1 teachers focused on aspects of the EYFS curriculum required
to bring their attainment up to the expected level.
155. While the Early Learning Goals and National Curriculum Level 1 do not match
exactly, the knowledge and skills of the most able children at the end of
Reception resonate with aspects of National Curriculum Level 1. These children
were too rarely challenged by the teaching in Year 1. A further factor that
impedes pupils’ progress is that many schools do not realise that their target-
setting systems represent insufficient progress in Key Stage 1 and, in turn, lead
to low expectations, particularly of the more able. Consequently, even where
targets are met, pupils have not done as well as they should.
Primary days: squares, triangles and hexagons which group are you in?
156. In Key Stages 1 and 2, mathematics lessons followed a similar pattern: they
typically began with a starter activity. The teacher then introduced the main
part of the lesson, followed by independent work when pupils of similar
attainment were usually seated together. Pupils were always aware of the
hierarchical nature of these groups and could explain to inspectors which group
found mathematics easy or hard and whether the groups got the same or
different work to do. The class was usually gathered together again for the
closing plenary.
157. The starter activity was often pitched towards the middle-attaining pupils, as
was the introduction to the main learning. Too often, the more-able pupils
waited patiently while the teacher spent time explaining to other pupils when
they were ready to start independent work. Moreover, they were often required
to complete work set for the middle attainers before moving on to extension
work, which sometimes involved more difficult numbers rather than more
complex ideas or contexts for problem solving. Such practice can dull pupils’
enthusiasm for mathematics. Only in the best lessons were the higher attainers
suitably challenged throughout; for example, when pupils were set more
challenging work from the outset.
158. Teachers found difficulty in planning plenary sessions that reviewed the diverse
learning of all groups. Often, pupils spent time listening to other groups
reporting back on their work, which was sometimes too hard for some pupils to
understand and too easy for others. At other times, the pupils’ explanations
Mathematics: made to measure
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were unclear, and when the teacher did not amplify key points, the plenary was
not a helpful learning experience for anyone.
159. Sometimes, teachers’ planning for more-able pupils drew on material for the
year above, but information about this was not routinely recorded and passed
on to the next class teacher and, consequently, accelerated progress was not
built upon systematically. Such strategies tended to grind to a halt in Year 6,
although a few schools liaised with partner secondary schools to provide
additional sessions for these able pupils. Sometimes, teachers provided
challenging problems or investigations for the more-able pupils, which they
enjoyed and found interesting. However, such activities were rarely part of the
mathematical diet of all pupils as they should be.
160. An example of good practice was provision of a different starter activity for the
higher attainers, led in this case by a teaching assistant. Another approach was
to ask differentiated questions. In a mixed-age Key Stage 1 class, pupils
counted in their heads in 1s, 2s, 10s, or 5s, according to their group, as the
teacher pointed to positions on a counting stick, and wrote their answers to her
questions on mini-whiteboards. In a Year 3 class, the main activity was to
create as many calculations as possible with the answer 20. This excited the
pupils and enabled responses at different levels, for instance able pupils
realised that subtracting any pairs of numbers that differed by 20 would work,
and one pair wrote 100,000 99,980. Low-attaining pupils, supported by the
teacher, learnt to use inverse operations to write division calculations; for
example knowing 3 x 20 = 60 led to 60 ÷ 3 = 20.
161. In some classes, pupils who were lower attaining or had special educational
needs and/or disabilities were supported well by teaching assistants in each
phase of the lesson, for instance by providing additional verbal prompts or
practical equipment in starter activities or introductory explanations. In other
classes these pupils struggled to participate in whole-class elements and
subsequently did not get far through the set work unless heavily supported by
the teaching assistant, so their learning remained fragile. Sometimes they were
set independent work that did not relate to the teacher’s explanation to the
whole class.
162. An increasing minority of schools were starting to place Key Stage 2 pupils in
sets for mathematics, particularly in Years 5 and 6. Sometimes an extra teacher
or teaching assistant was employed to teach an additional Year 6 class thereby
making all the Year 6 classes smaller. The rationale behind such setting was to
allow teachers to concentrate on a narrower range of attainment, especially in
the run up to national tests. Rarely, however, were such strategies evaluated in
terms of the gains in progress for different groups of pupils.
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Secondary days: ready, get set, go but how far?
163. A body of research has been conducted on the use of setting by attainment
in secondary mathematics. Some research points to the benefits being
restricted to the more-able pupils, with adverse effects on other pupils’
motivation and self-confidence, including some able girls. Few schools had
explored pupils’ views on learning mathematics including their thoughts on how
they are grouped or placed in sets and the demand of the mathematics they
164. Almost all the secondary schools visited placed pupils in sets for mathematics in
Years 8 to 11. A few had mixed-ability classes in Year 7, but the majority set
early in Year 7, sometimes after testing all the pupils as well as, or instead of,
using information from primary schools coupled with national test and teacher
assessment data. Heads of department frequently bemoaned the slow transfer
of assessment information from primary schools. They also commented about
the number of pupils who, when tested by the secondary school at the start of
Year 7, did not reach the levels they had been awarded in the Key Stage 2 test
and teacher assessments. (Parallel concerns have also been expressed
publically by those institutions admitting A-level and undergraduate pupils.) The
focus on ‘three levels of progress’ had increased the schools attention to pupils’
prior attainment, and they realised that any pupil who had reached Level 4 in
Year 6 would need to gain GCSE grade C to have made the expected three
levels of progress. While a difference in performance might relate, at least in
part, to the summer-holiday break from mathematics, it also raises questions
about how secure aspects of the pupil’s learning were in primary school.
165. To a large extent, the set a pupil is placed in determines the mathematics
he/she will encounter and potentially caps what he/she might attain. In Key
Stage 4, the set is often linked to a particular GCSE tier so, for instance, a
middle-attaining group might be prepared for the foundation tier, grades G to
C. The schools visited had systems to enable pupils to move up, or down, a set.
However, moving up a set becomes increasingly difficult as pupils progress
through the school due to higher sets more extensive mathematical knowledge
and skills. A recent trend has been the wholesale regrouping of Year 11 cohorts
after the results of early GCSE entry to allow different sets to focus on
particular grades or tiers.
166. Other important issues were associated with setting. All secondary schools
would ideally staff all of their mathematics classes with skilful specialist
teachers. Many of the schools visited struggled to do so, and therefore had to
make choices. They often prioritised the staffing of key examination classes and
higher-attaining sets, placing non-specialist and temporary teachers with lower
sets and younger classes. Timetable constraints sometimes resulted in two
teachers sharing a class, again usually of younger or less-able pupils. The
extent of this varied. In one secondary school, for instance, pairs of teachers
shared the teaching of all the Year 7 sets and most of the Year 8 sets. In
general, this does not aid coherent progression or good-quality learning.
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167. Schools rarely articulated their rationale for the deployment of teachers beyond
an emphasis on maximising the performance of those pupils closest to external
examinations and recognition that non-specialist teachers were unlikely to have
the subject knowledge to teach higher-attaining sets. Senior and subject
leaders appeared to realise, perhaps too acceptingly, that ground would need
to be made up in the future if the pace of learning of younger and lower-
attaining pupils was affected by weaker teaching. This is one reason why it is
so important that good-quality guidance and schemes of work are available to
support teachers. When talking with Key Stage 4 pupils, it was noticeable that
higher-attaining pupils generally had been taught by fewer teachers in their
time at the school than lower attainers at the same school. In short, a pupil’s
prior attainment affects the quality of teaching received, and hence the quality
of his/her learning, progress and subsequent attainment.
Qualifications: who chooses what and when?
168. Examples of good reflective policy and practice have begun to emerge, as some
schools realised that not all of their pupils were equally well suited to the focus
on attaining GCSE grade C and, in particular, that some more-able pupils were
underachieving. Indeed, this resonates with the messages in the Department
for Education’s recent publication,
Early entry to GCSE examinations
For the
most able, some schools introduced demanding qualifications such as additional
mathematics or a FSMQ which were taught alongside GCSE mathematics. The
pupils took all the examinations together at the end of Year 11, with their
performance at GCSE having benefited from the additional stretch they had
received through the other courses.
169. A highly successful school was visited in 2011 to look at how it engaged its able
mathematics pupils.
Problem solving and practical activities underpin the
pupils understanding.
Prime practice: inspiring future mathematicians
In solving problems, teachers aimed to foster the attitude that pupils,
even the most able, should expect to struggle and, indeed, to welcome
the challenge. As the head of department explained, ‘Students wouldn’t
give up on a computer game just because they failed to solve it first time.
This persistence is needed with mathematics problems as well.’
Early entry to GCSE examinations
, Department for Education, 2011;
Engaging able mathematics students,
Mathematics: made to measure
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Pupils often solved problems in pairs or
small groups and, after a solution had been
discussed, they sometimes made informal
posters to display their solutions.
The head of department added: ‘Employers
love this approach because pupils learn to
solve problems, becoming more proficient at
working in small teams and at
communicating their ideas. Collaboration
and communication are vital to solving
problems in mathematics.’
170. Crucially, the best schools made decisions about qualifications, course options
and entry policies with the best interests of individual pupils at heart. Early
completion of a mathematics qualification was appropriate for some pupils, for
example those in danger of disaffection or absence. Some schools had
introduced AS courses for able Year 11 pupils who had completed GCSE early,
but subsequent post-16 pathways were not always well thought through; for
instance, whether the pupil, if successful at AS, would be able to continue with
the second year of A-level mathematics in the first year of the sixth form,
particularly if attending a different institution.
171. Moreover, not all of the schools appeared to recognise that a grade B
performance at GCSE did not constitute the best grounding for AS/A-level
mathematics, even where it represented ‘expected progress’ or an ‘aspirational
target’ for the pupil. Demanding algebra topics were too often a casualty of the
limited time for completing GCSE by the end of Year 10, yet essential for
successful advanced-level study. As one sixth-form pupil commented, ‘Hard
GCSE stuff was done at the end. There wasn’t much time for it.’ This is echoed
in principal examiners’ reports from awarding bodies. For example, one on a
recent unit examination stated how poorly the question ‘Solve the equation 5x
+ 14x 24 = 0’ was answered. Typically, pupils learn to solve and practise
easier quadratic equations, such as x
+ 4x + 5 = 0 but have limited experience
of equations with non-unitary coefficients of x
. Moreover the technique
frequently taught for the easier type of equation is not directly transferable to
the harder kind.
172. The policies and practices described above are not in the best interests of the
pupils’ future education and employment, even if they have a motivating effect
in the short term. Taking a further year over GCSE and gaining an A* grade is
much more likely to provide a strong platform for further study of mathematics
in the sixth form and related subjects.
173. In England, unlike the majority of high-performing countries, mathematics is
not a compulsory subject for those pupils undertaking post-16 study. Thus, two
years of further education leads to a different type of gap at 18 one related to
Making posters to
display solutions
Mathematics: made to measure
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whether mathematics has formed part of the pupil’s study. This country needs
more pupils to study more mathematics post-16 and at a higher level. The
report of the Advisory Committee for Mathematics Education,
, estimated that, of those pupils entering higher education each year in
the United Kingdom, 333,000 would benefit from studied mathematics
(including statistics) recently to a level beyond GCSE, but that only 125,000 had
done so.
Links between attainment and the curriculum: made for
174. Mathematics in English schools is defined in statute by the EYFS framework and
the National Curriculum. These comprise a set of curricular documents which
have overlapping mathematical content and skills, intended to allow all pupils
access and entitlement to the mathematics curriculum according to their age
and developmental stage. The documents do not attempt to define a single
coherent mathematical journey from 3 to 19 years. The three documents listed
below, which are currently in operation, were developed and implemented at
different times.
Problem solving, reasoning and numeracy in the 2008 EYFS (EYFS profile
points 19).
The 1999 National Curriculum for Key Stages 1 and 2 (programmes of study
broadly Levels 13 and 35, respectively).
The 2007 National Curriculum in Key Stage 3 (programme of study broadly
Levels 47) and Key Stage 4 (reflected in GCSE specifications for grades
175. One factor that contributes significantly to how the mathematics curriculum is
implemented in English schools is the very strong emphasis on external
assessments and related performance measures. The table below compares
pupils’ performance at the end of each key stage and national expectations for
pupils of that age.
Mathematics: made to measure
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Figure 9: pupils’ performance compared with national expectations at the
end of each key stage.
Curriculum levels
grade A*
Level 8
Level 7
grade C
Level 6
Level 5
Level 4
Level 4
grade G
Level 3
Level 2a, 2b, 2c
Level 2
At level
Level 1
176. The majority of pupils stay within a colour band as they move through the key
stages. Although the illustration suggests that progress through the National
Curriculum levels is smooth, in practice pupils’ learning is uneven. In particular,
the repetition of mathematical content and skills in adjacent programmes of
study, reflected in schools’ schemes of work, textbook series, and examination
specifications, means that low attaining 16-year-olds will often have met, and
struggled with, Level 4 topics in each of Key Stages 2, 3 and 4.
177. The way the programmes of study are defined allows, in theory, teachers to
plan to meet each pupil’s individual needs ‘made-to-measure mathematics’.
However, the heavy focus on maximising the numbers of pupils who meet the
expected standard at the end of each key stage has skewed the experiences of
many pupils likely to meet or close to meeting the expected standard. The
minority of pupils who do not meet the expected standard grows by key stage:
in 2011, 10% of seven-year-olds did not reach Level 2, 20% of 11-year-olds did
not reach Level 4, and 36% of 16-year-olds did not gain at least grade C at
Illustration adapted from table published formerly by the Department for Children, Schools and
Mathematics: made to measure
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GCSE, although only 5% of the whole cohort did not gain a GCSE qualification
at grade G or better.
178. It is not uncommon for measures of achievement to have unintended
consequences. At the time of the previous report,
Mathematics: understanding
the score,
schools’ emphases were on the key threshold measures for
attainment, Level 2, Level 4, and GCSE grade C, too often to the detriment of
pupils well above or below these levels/grade.
These emphases have been
supplemented with attention to all pupils making at least the expected number
of levels of progress. In practice in secondary schools, this often places the
greatest focus on pupils who entered the school at Level 4 and need to reach
grade C GCSE. Historical data show that progression rates vary widely, with
higher-attaining much more likely to make the expected progress than average
or lower-attaining ones. For instance, of the pupils who started secondary
school at Level 3 in 2006, 39% reached grade D or better in 2011; from Level
4, 69% reached grade C or better; and from Level 5, 79% reached grade B or
better. These disparities in progress rates are unacceptably large. In 2011,
increases in progression rates from the starting points of Levels 3 and 4
reflected schools’ emphases on grade C. Progression from Level 5 did not
179. Despite secondary schools’ focus on progress, it is nevertheless of grave
concern that so many able pupils underachieve at GCSE. Too many schools
were content with a grade B for their able pupils, speaking of them as ‘meeting
their target’ and ‘making expected progress’. Of those pupils who attained Level
5 at Key Stage 2 in 2006, more than 37,600 attained no better than grade C at
GCSE in 2011: this represents a waste of potential and should be a cause of
national concern. While some of the reasons behind this are explored in this
report, one immediate implication is the impact on uptake by such able pupils
to advanced-level studies of mathematics, because most pupils who elect to
study and then succeed in mathematics at AS/A level had gained a grade A* or
A at GCSE. A parent might legitimately ask ‘How has my mathematically able
child fallen back into mediocrity?’ In recent years, only half of those pupils who
reached Level 5 at Key Stage 2 went on to gain A/A* grades at GCSE. In order
to raise the expectations of able pupils and to encourage greater uptake of
advanced-level mathematics, a more ambitious measure for ‘expected progress’
for such pupils would be four levels of progress between Key Stages 2 and 4.
180. Pupils working below, but close to, national expectations were often at the
centre of schools’ efforts to raise attainment. They had often been in perpetual
‘catch-up’, subjected to a wide range of intervention and other strategies
throughout their time at school. (See later section on intervention.) Conversely,
those pupils working well below expectations, who are arguably in need of the
most support and the most effective teaching, tended not to be the focus of
Mathematics; understanding the score
(070063), Ofsted, 2008;
Mathematics: made to measure
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such attention. This is also an area of grave concern, because these are the
most likely pupils to leave school without a qualification in mathematics and
therefore not well equipped for their future lives and work.
Planning and teaching for progression: for tomorrow as well as
181. Good-quality lesson planning, teaching and intervention strategies helped to
secure learning and progress within lessons, from lesson to lesson, and to close
gaps. However, few of the schools surveyed successfully planned and taught
for strong mathematical progression over time, reflected in depth of conceptual
understanding and fluency in skills and problem solving for all pupils. This is a
key area for development for any school wishing to improve pupils’
achievement. Informal discussions and sharing of ideas between staff (teachers
and teaching assistants) were useful but insufficient to promote consistency of
approach and better progression.
182. The principal impediment to stronger progression was the lack of coherence in
the way that topics are developed over time. In the primary schools, lesson
planning was usually based on the Primary National Strategy framework, or
textbooks developed in line with the framework. Because teachers often teach
the same year group in successive years, they have become familiar with and
confident in the topics for that class. They were less familiar with how the
topics they teach fit in with the longer-term progression of that strand of
mathematics, and therefore the key ideas that pupils need to understand so
that later learning can be built securely. For example, the early foundations for
multiplication are laid in the infant years, well before any formal methods are
taught. Instant recall of tables and associated number facts, and good
understanding of place value, become increasingly important as pupils move
through primary school and are essential prerequisites to later success in
183. The excellent calculation policy of one primary school, visited as part of the
good practice survey, provided an overview of the development of addition,
subtraction, multiplication, and division from Reception to Year 6. It also
provided detailed information on progression year by year and how to use
practical resources and models to develop understanding at each stage. The
extracts below, taken from part of the guidance for Reception/Year 1, illustrate
the clear, helpful advice provided for teachers.
Mathematics: made to measure
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Prime practice: helpful advice for teachers an extract from a
school’s calculation policy
184. Without such policies to guide primary staff and ensure consistency between
teaching approaches, interim calculation methods grow a life of their own. Too
many pupils were becoming bogged down in them and were not always
progressing to more efficient methods. These weaknesses extended beyond the
primary years. For instance, some low-attaining pupils in the secondary schools
relied on repeated addition to multiply because they had never mastered
multiplication tables or methods or understood place value.
185. In the secondary schools visited, planning at Key Stage 3 was drawn from
various sources but mainly the Secondary National Strategy framework and
textbook schemes. The three-part structure was still evident in lessons although
the starter activities were less varied than at the time of the previous survey.
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Following the cessation of national Key Stage 3 tests, many schools have
started GCSE teaching in Year 9 after completing the scheme for Years 7 and 8.
While avoiding some of the repetition that was frequently evident at the
beginning of Year 10 GCSE courses, this does not reflect careful thought about
a five-year learning journey or an emphasis in Years 7 and 8 on those key
mathematical ideas and techniques that are essential for success at GCSE. This
is a missed opportunity to secure better progression for all pupils. At the same
time, enrichment activities in Year 9 have diminished in many schools, replaced
too often by a relentless march towards early and repeated entry of GCSE
186. At Key Stage 4 and in the sixth form, schemes of work were rarely adapted to
the particular circumstances of the school and its pupils. They were often
simply the schemes provided by awarding bodies or in conjunction with
textbooks. Other schemes of work were little more than a list of topics. Specific
weaknesses included:
lack of agreement among teachers in the same school or guidance in the
schemes of work about the preferred ways of tackling particular topics, or
the depth of treatment expected for different groups
little clarity about how concepts were to be introduced and linked to ensure
the development of understanding
common schemes of work being provided for entire year groups, with no
guidance to teachers about what was expected in each set
few opportunities for pupils to develop their skills in using and applying
mathematics or, where using and applying activities were included in the
scheme, no guidance on how pupils should develop skills progressively over
limited use of ICT to enhance the development of conceptual understanding
and pupils’ enjoyment of learning.
187. Few schools provided guidance for teachers on preferred teaching approaches.
Some published schemes included a teacher’s guide. Teachers in many of the
schools spoke of the informal discussions they had about approaches to
teaching some topics, but such strategies were typically ad hoc. There was little
evidence of schools developing systematic guidance for teachers on a range of
topics. Sometimes, subject leaders believed that consistent approaches were
being used and were surprised and disappointed to find during inspections that
they were not. Scrutiny of pupils’ work had become a common monitoring
activity but it rarely considered consistency and appropriateness of approaches,
or curriculum coverage and depth. Thus opportunities were missed to pick up
weaknesses and inequalities early, and to provide support and challenge for
teachers before fragile or patchy learning turned into underachievement.
188. When the schools had a stable and experienced staff, they frequently did not
see the need to formalise guidance, though they had the capacity to do so.
Mathematics: made to measure
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Unfortunately, as some of the schools had found, the transition from a stable,
experienced staff to one with limited experience and high turnover can be
rapid. Schools with many inexperienced, non-specialist and/or temporary
teachers, which would most benefit from guidance, lacked the capacity to
prepare it. In these circumstances, support tended to be short term, with no
scope to build for longer-term improvement. For instance, in one school less-
experienced teachers received support from colleagues and a National Strategy
mathematics consultant to improve their planning, but considerable variation
remained between classes in the amount of work completed each lesson and in
the depth of treatment of the same topic by different teachers.
189. The schools with outstanding mathematics curricula ensured systematic and
progressive development of pupils’ skills in using and applying mathematics.
Some secondary schools were taking steps in the right direction by linking rich
mathematical activities into each topic to support pupils’ conceptual
development and problem-solving skills, but did not always consider explicitly
which process skills were being developed. Functional skills tasks, often seen as
‘real-life mathematics’, tended to focus on the topic used to solve the problem
rather than the problem-solving approach itself.
190. The following table shows how one school’s well-organised Key Stage 3 scheme
of work was structured to include all the key elements. The resources, including
ICT, and suggested starters helpfully pointed teachers towards particular
approaches, coupled with useful ideas for extension and investigative activities.
The scheme was not, however, supplemented by guidance about progression in
different aspects of mathematics.
Figure 10: Headings used in a school’s Key Stage 3 scheme of work
(title of unit;
and cultural
The scheme included a note about the fortnightly Cognitive Acceleration in
Mathematics Education (CAME) lessons and a range of periodic assessment
tasks. Although the development of pupils’ skills in using and applying
mathematics was not explicit within the scheme’s learning objectives, the
assessment tasks gave all pupils the chance, for instance, to:
solve word problems in a range of contexts (Level 4)
identify the necessary information to solve a problem (Level 5)
break down a complex problem into simpler steps, choosing and using
appropriate and efficient operations and methods (Level 5).
191. The primary schools visited were increasingly seeking to incorporate
mathematics in meaningful ways within themed or topic work. However, the
planning for this was generally ad hoc rather than systematic with new learning
in mathematics rarely introduced through topic or theme work. In one effective
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school, a poster on the staffroom wall showed the next term’s topic in the
centre. Teachers had added suggestions for mathematical elements, creating a
spider diagram. The headteacher explained that, during the next staff training
day, the teachers would develop the mathematical component for each year
group and marry the topic planning with the day-to-day teaching of
mathematics, thereby strengthening pupils’ learning and avoiding unnecessary
192. Many of the schools were careful to ensure that intervention sessions did not
happen at the same time each week for individual pupils, so that they did not
always miss a music lesson, for instance. Schools that intervened promptly to
tackle a misconception, difficulty or gap that was slowing a pupils’ progress
often made use of break and lunch times, form and assembly times. One
primary school, for example, had recently introduced a system of early morning
support by teaching assistants for pupils who had had a difficulty in the
previous day’s lesson, with the aim of overcoming the stumbling block before
the next lesson. Another worked with small groups of pupils who were likely to
find a new concept difficult in advance of the whole-class teaching to review
the essential pre-requisite knowledge and skills. A feature of the stronger
practice was speedy, focused intervention when pupils faltered, to ensure that
misconceptions were overcome; however, a crucial element missing too often
was the reflection on why the pupil had the difficulty in the first place and how
teaching might be improved to secure understanding straight away.
193. The mathematical needs of secondary pupils who attended alternative provision
were not always considered well enough. In one school, for example, the pupils
who attended college were taught in various, but mainly lower, sets for most of
their mathematics lessons. They were then grouped together for a weekly
catch-up lesson to make up for the lesson they missed when attending college.
The catch-up teacher liaised with the pupils’ regular teachers. However, in the
lesson observed, the needs of individual pupils were not met well, particularly
those of a more-able pupil. In the following example from a different school,
the majority of lessons were being missed by a pupil.
Weaker factor: missing mathematics lessons
Three Year 11 pupils at one school were studying diploma courses at
college. One of these pupils received only one of three mathematics
lessons each week in school, and she was struggling. She explained to the
inspector that pupils from other schools who attended her diploma course
did not miss any lessons because their schools had constructed the
timetable to avoid that.
How might it be improved?
Ideally, it would be better if fewer or no lessons were missed but
arranging a whole timetable around a small number of pupils is not likely
to be possible in a large school. The head of department felt that the
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pupil’s needs were being met through one-to-one support. However, in
the observed lesson, the pupil did not understand the topic being taught
and said she had missed earlier work on it by being at college. The timing
of such support was important as it needed to occur before the next
lesson, which could be difficult if the next lesson followed the college day,
but then the pupil could possibly have been taught in advance of the
college day. It would also be important to ensure that the pupil’s work
was organised well to align the one-to-one support work with that from
her usual mathematics lessons.
It is not clear whether the pupil had realised that following the diploma
course would affect her mathematics lessons, and whether she would still
have chosen to study the diploma.
194. Schools generally had informal systems to enable pupils to catch up with work
missed through absence, whether through illness, attending withdrawal groups
or other school activities. When asked about catching up with work after illness,
the majority of pupils said that their teacher usually helped them in the next
lesson once the class was working and that their friends explained the methods
to them. Pupils also said that their teachers were willing to give them extra help
outside lessons if they were still unsure.
GCSE, early entry, and readiness for mathematics post-16
195. Progression through and beyond GCSE is a concern. Despite rises in GCSE and
AS/A-level results, and the increasing numbers studying the subject at AS/A
level, important weaknesses in the quality of teaching and learning remain in
too many schools and these impede pupils’ depth of understanding and
readiness for the next stage of education or work. There is too much short-
term focus on teaching to, and practising of, GCSE examination-style questions.
Attention to understanding is all too often replaced by memorising and
replicating the steps in a method.
196. The use of early GCSE entry is spreading. The report,
Early entry to GCSE
showed that it increased from 5% in 2007 to 25% in 2010 and it
has continued to rise.
However, the full extent of early entry to GCSE
examinations is under-represented by these figures as they relate to those
pupils completing the qualification rather than just entering individual units.
Those figures are much higher because they include all those pupils who resit
units until the end of Year 11, striving to improve their grades or reach grade C,
and who therefore do not count as ‘early entry’. Recently, an additional tactic in
a few schools has been the use of two awarding bodies to give pupils even
more chances of gaining a grade C. Despite scheduling terminal examination
papers in the summer on the same morning/afternoon, schools are able to
Early entry to GCSE examinations,
Department for Education, 2011;
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exploit the flexibility of examination arrangements. This is easier to do than in
the past but increases the examination burden on pupils.
197. In a few schools, pupils had stopped studying mathematics on gaining grade C
in Year 10 or early in Year 11, when not all had attained their potential. Such
practice raises concerns about possible negative implications for uptake and
success in advanced-level studies of mathematics, and whether enough
consideration was always given to each pupil’s aspirations and future pathway,
as illustrated in the following example.
Weaker factor: the negative impact of stopping mathematics in
Year 11
A Year 12 pupil was struggling in his mathematics AS lesson. The class
were working on solving quadratic equations by factorisation. In
discussion with the inspector, the sixth-former explained that he had been
advised to drop mathematics after passing his GCSE early at grade C to
allow him to attend extra English lessons and focus on securing grade C in
his English resit in the summer of Year 11. This meant that he had not
studied very much higher tier GCSE material, particularly algebra. He had
therefore not met factorisation of quadratic equations before, unlike the
rest of the class who had taken the higher tier GCSE. This was impeding
his progress on the pure mathematics units of the AS course. The school’s
GCSE strategy seriously disadvantaged this pupil.
How might it be improved?
The additional support for the pupil’s English GCSE could have taken place
outside his mathematics lesson time. Greater consideration should have
been given to the pupils’ desire to study mathematics A level in the sixth
198. A principal concern is that pupils are not being adequately prepared by their
Key Stage 4 experience. This can lead to poor retention and success rates on
AS mathematics courses. A contributory factor is the reduction in demand on
the higher tier GCSE following the switch from three to two tiers of entry which
has led to less A* and A material being assessed on the papers. Some of the
schools did not cover the full specification for higher level, or covered certain
topics only superficially. They did not invest the time required to develop
conceptual understanding and fluency in topics such as algebra, trigonometry
and graph work, which are so important for sixth-form study. For these
reasons, pupils entered early for GCSE in Year 10 were often ill equipped for A-
level study and, for those who did not gain an A* grade, may have achieved a
grade below their potential. Nationally, very few pupils who attain grade C at
GCSE go on to study and succeed at AS/A level, and the majority of those with
grade B GCSE struggle to reach the higher grades at AS/A level.
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199. Some able pupils in the schools surveyed had taken GCSE early at the
foundation tier, which placed a ceiling of grade C on their achievement, and
then did not progress successfully to the higher tier. A full two-year (or even
three-year) GCSE programme might have led them to achieve higher grades
and provided a better foundation for advanced study of a range of subjects that
draw on mathematics as well as mathematics itself.
200. Particularly unhelpful pathways for those wishing to progress to AS/A-level
study were to take GCSE mathematics in Year 10, followed in Year 11 either by
no mathematics or GCSE statistics alone. This created a gap in learning,
particularly in those topics so fundamental to advanced-level study.
201. When challenged by inspectors about the above practices, leaders sometimes
referred to pupils meeting their target grades or making the expected progress
from Level 4/5 to grade C/B. Occasionally teachers or pupils themselves
explained that they had no interest in continuing with mathematics post-GCSE,
because they were aiming to study other subjects or follow careers that do not
use or require mathematics. They did not always appreciate the importance of
mathematics in some subjects, the humanities and sciences for example.
Occasionally, in the 1116 schools in particular, the quality of advice given to
pupils about options for studying mathematics post-16 was inadequate.
202. In the most effective schools, more-able pupils were prepared well for
progression to advanced study because they were given more challenging work
than was strictly necessary for GCSE. The GCSE specification was covered fully,
and taught in an interconnected way with extra emphasis on key topics for
progression, such as algebra, trigonometry, functions and graph work. Pupils
regularly tackled challenging work that went beyond the routine exercise, for
example in the form of extension questions that involved twists on the standard
approach; harder examination-style questions; material from mathematics
challenges; and opportunities to use and apply mathematics.
203. The transition from Year 9 was smooth, with pupils already highly competent in
number work, basic algebra and geometry, and the beginnings of topics such
as quadratic equations and trigonometry. Older pupils gained appreciation of
the interconnectedness of mathematics, because teachers made regular links
between GCSE topics and future topics that would arise at A level. They were
encouraged to consider A-level mathematics and further mathematics because
the teachers promoted further study in a variety of ways, emphasising the
value of mathematical thinking and the extra benefit of further mathematics.
204. Where satisfactory teaching dominated, pupils often experienced mathematics
as a series of apparently unconnected topics, because teachers missed
opportunities to make links. For example, they learnt to solve simultaneous
linear equations algebraically and later by a graphical method, without any
connection being made, so that pupils did not appreciate that the algebraic
solution was also the point of intersection of the two straight lines. Teachers
typically introduced a new topic by working through one or two straightforward
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examples. Some gave tips on ways of avoiding common errors. Pupils relied on
memorising methods, because teachers emphasised emulating the worked
examples rather than why the methods work. Most of the teacher’s questions
required factual answers only.
205. High-attaining pupils were usually well motivated and prepared to tackle areas
of weakness, but they were not always sure how to do so. Some lacked
confidence in using important skills like algebraic manipulation, handling
fractions, completing trigonometric calculations and plotting graphs, because
they did not get enough practice in working through progressively harder
exercises. Some pupils presented their work idiosyncratically because teachers
did not provide guidance on accurate mathematical presentation. Consequently,
they were ill-prepared for studying mathematics at A level.
206. A common, but less consistently effective entry pattern was to take GCSE in
Year 10 or early in Year 11, and then spend the remainder of Year 11 either
preparing to retake GCSE or to take a FSMQ or AS mathematics. In very high-
attaining schools, where whole classes were involved, taking higher tier
mathematics in Year 10 followed by a FSMQ or additional mathematics in Year
11 worked well. However, taking AS mathematics in Year 11 can cause
problems for the pupils, and for schools and colleges, if progression routes to
the second year of A level are not planned carefully. In a few schools, pupils
who had progressed to degree courses with a significant mathematical content
had reported back that they had found it helpful to have studied further
mathematics, at least to AS level.
207. By contrast, in less effective schools, pupils did not cover the full GCSE
specification, or they tackled some topics in a superficial way. This sometimes
happened because pupils began the course in Years 10 or 9 with a new GCSE
textbook, and worked though it from the beginning, spending time repeating
topics already covered in earlier years. As a result, there was not always
enough time to cover the full specification. More-able pupils typically completed
more exercises than those in lower sets, but the majority of the work was
routine. The emphasis was on passing GCSE, which was often taken in Year 10
or early in Year 11, rather than gaining the highest grades. Pupils were
sometimes offered a FSMQ, a ‘bridging course’, or were ‘accelerated’ to AS even
from B or C grades. Pass and completion rates were variable in the schools
visited and low where progression post-GCSE had not been well enough
thought through.
208. The table below shows comments, typical of the range of views, made by pupils
who were studying AS/A-level mathematics at a sixth-form college about their
Key Stage 4 courses. Most were positive about additional courses, as long as
they were taught well. One pupil noted the drawback of not studying any pure
mathematics (such as algebra) during Year 11 and another commented on the
lack of depth of GCSE study.
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Figure 11: Sixth-form pupils’ reflections on their experience of mathematics
courses studied in Key Stage 4
Pupils who completed GCSE mathematics in Year 10
Course studied in
Year 11
View on preparedness of Key Stage 4 pathway for AS/A level.
Statistics GCSE
Harder in the pure AS maths areas. It made statistics a lot
easier since I had studied it for whole year, but hadn't revised
C1 or C2 (the pure mathematics units) for at least a year before
coming to college ... so quite hard!
FSMQ (Level 3)
The FSMQ rekindled my otherwise dwindling interest in maths. I
have had very little trouble in maintaining my GCSE skills
through to A-level, as most were still necessary for the FSMQ.
FSMQ (Level 3)
I think doing FSMQ additional maths really helped me settle into
AS level maths as I was given an insight to some of the
concepts and was ready for AS level maths after doing it.
It made it harder as I forgot most GCSE things by the time I got
to college and I was fed up with the additional maths which was
taught poorly.
Pupils who completed GCSE mathematics in Year 11
Course studied
alongside GCSE
in Year 11
View on preparedness of Key Stage 4 pathway for AS/A level.
FSMQ (Level 3)
Taking my maths GCSE in June helped me to prepare for AS
maths because I could still remember most of what I'd learnt. I
also did my FSMQ level 3 exam in June which I found was more
beneficial for me for AS level maths than GCSE.
I actually took my last GCSE exam at the end of Year 11. But
was taught additional maths during Year 11. Personally, I feel
having done additional maths helped a huge amount in Year 12
as I already had a basic idea of most of the topics covered.
I think the timing of my GCSE was fine. However we did not
learn the fundamental stuff that would prepare us for AS level in
as much detail. (E.g. quadratics and graphs.)
I think it is the grade of the maths that is achieved at GCSE that
affects the introduction of AS level maths rather than the timing
of the exam.
209. Two large, outstanding sixth-form colleges were visited in spring 2011. They
were very successful for a number of reasons, not all of them easily replicated
in schools’ sixth forms. Both had large departmental teams of experienced,
knowledgeable teachers who typically taught several AS/A-level mathematics
and further mathematics groups each year, building up considerable expertise
in pedagogy and in preparing pupils for the relevant examinations. The majority
of pupils on the courses had gained at least grade A at GCSE and many had
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also studied a FSMQ or additional mathematics. The following case studies
illustrate some of the strengths at each college.
Prime practice: high-quality provision at two sixth-form colleges
At the first college:
The schemes of work provide a clear guide to staff and the department is
well organised for teaching resources, including use of ICT. Teachers have
high expectations, expect pupils to want to understand, and provide
plenty of exercises and problems to ensure that they secure their learning.
The team is well led in a collegiate style, with lots of formal and informal
discussion of teaching and learning among staff. Support for pupils is very
well organised. The department provides a rich learning environment for
mathematics, with good displays and the use of visiting speakers through
the mathematics society.
At the second college:
Pupils learn well through lots of practice, including plenty of homework,
with the expectation that they will seek help from the various mathematics
clinics and the virtual learning environment, in advance of the due date.
Marking is thorough and regular. Pupils tackle regular exam-style
questions during the course so they can test themselves at examination
standard. The college aims to cover the material with plenty of time to
spare for revision and past papers. Provision for e-learning includes a
Moodle site which includes interactive resources and a subscription to
online AS and A-level resources for pupils to access at home or in college.
There are home licences for pupils’ use of graph-plotting software and a
suite of PowerPoint revision sessions.
The college accepts pupils at A level with grade B and even grade C GCSE,
but gives clear guidance about the risks involved, even with the college’s
higher than national progression rates from these grades.
Intervention: better diagnosis, no cure
210. The drive to raise attainment at ages 11 and 16 and to increase progress
between Key Stages 1 and 2, and 2 and 4, has increased the emphasis that
schools place on intervention. The previous survey report,
understanding the score
, noted:
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Evidence suggests that strategies to improve test and examination
performance, including ‘booster’ lessons, revision classes and extensive
intervention, coupled with a heavy emphasis on ‘teaching to the test’,
succeed in preparing pupils to gain the qualifications but are not equipping
them well enough mathematically for their futures.
211. Since the previous survey, intervention and other strategies aimed at raising
attainment in tests and examinations have become more widespread and
increasingly sophisticated. The range of strategies used by schools visited more
recently and those visited at the beginning of the survey showed clear
differences. In 2008, the schools usually provided revision or booster classes for
pupils in Years 6, 9 and 11 and focused particularly on those pupils at risk of
narrowly missing the key threshold targets. In many cases, intervention was in
response to results, and sometimes analysis, of practice tests/examinations.
Systematic tracking of pupils’ progress was evident in some schools at that
212. By 2011, almost every school visited had information systems to record pupils’
attainment on a half-termly or termly basis in most or all of the year groups in
the school. Individual targets set in mathematics were usually based on pupils’
prior attainment and national data on progress rates, sometimes taking
contextual factors into account. The information systems allowed the schools to
monitor each pupil’s progress towards his or her target following regular
collection of assessment data.
Intervention and tracking
213. Intervention based on tracking individual pupils’ progress against their targets
depended on the accuracy of teachers’ assessment of pupils’ attainment and
appropriately challenging targets. Where these were inaccurate, the systems
were flawed, which allowed some pupils to slip through the net.
214. Primary schools often based targets for good progress on two thirds of a
National Curriculum level per year, aligned to a correspondingly ambitious
target for attainment at the end of Key Stage 2. Tracking of pupils’ progress at
Key Stage 1 was less well developed than at Key Stage 2. Expectations for
pupils’ progress were sometimes too low because the model of a half or two
thirds of a National Curriculum level per year does not work in Key Stage 1. A
better rule of thumb would be one whole level per year. The schools did not
commonly base Key Stage 1 targets on the EYFS profile scores, instead
concentrating tracking in Year 2, based on assessments made during Year 1.
However, one outstanding school visited identified targets during Reception for
Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 then revised them in Year 3 if there was the
potential to raise the challenge further. This school started intervention in
Mathematics; understanding the score
(070063), Ofsted, 2008;
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Reception for those below age-related expectations and checked their progress
every half term.
Intervention to improve results
215. A major factor in pupils’ achievement at Key Stage 2 remained the intervention
provided for those who were at risk of not reaching Level 4. Schools monitored
closely the attainment of Year 6 pupils and, increasingly, Year 5 pupils, to
identify those who might need this support. In a minority of schools, the
concentration on this group of pupils led to higher and lower attainers not
reaching their full potential. More generally, the shift towards analysis of each
pupil’s progress has contributed to the slightly higher proportions attaining
Level 5.
216. In a minority of secondary schools, a heavy focus on Key Stage 4 groups meant
that home-grown underachievement was not being tackled in Key Stage 3. This
locked the school into a cycle of extensive intervention, revision and other
strategies that would be unsustainable in the long term.
217. The recommendation from the 2008 report that schools should ‘identify and
tackle underlying weaknesses in teaching that lie at the source of pupils’ gaps
in knowledge or difficulties in learning mathematics, thereby reducing reliance
on short-term intervention strategies’ remains a key step for schools towards
building long-term sustainable improvement.
218. Over the last three years, schools’ systems for setting performance targets and
tracking pupils’ progress have become established features of their work.
Improvements noted during the survey included teachers’ greater involvement
in assessing and tracking each of their pupils’ attainment. Through this, and
question-level analysis of assessments, the primary teachers have become
more precise in identifying the topics for intervention and have increasingly
recognised the importance of pinpointing and overcoming pupils’
misconceptions as soon as possible. The teachers were also identifying
curricular targets for pupils, although these were often not demanding enough
for the higher attainers. In a few exceptional cases, systematic analyses and
evaluation of impact have led to improved provision: through increased focus of
support and intervention, and changes to the way concepts that pupils found
difficult have subsequently been introduced.
219. Similar analyses in secondary schools tended to lead to the identification of
areas for pupils to concentrate on during revision. However, they were rarely
used to raise questions about the quality of teaching of the topic in the first
place. Instead, teachers’ efforts went into supporting intervention and revision
provision, which intensified as each set of examinations approached. As one
head of department observed, ‘We are finding it really hard to support three
cohorts (Years 9, 10 and 11) at the same time with revision classes and
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220. The scope of intervention in the secondary schools varied, with some
intervening with all those at risk of underachievement and others still focusing
mainly on pupils at risk of narrowly missing the Key Stage 4 threshold target of
five or more GCSEs at A* to C including English and mathematics. The most
equitable practice focuses on all pupils who are underachieving.
Prime practice: intervention for all who need it
Intervention and revision contributed significantly to pupils’ success in
examinations. Pupils were divided into key groups: low to middle ability
girls who had underachieved previously; underachieving boys; poor
attenders; those on track to meet the five A*to C threshold; and a group
who were making secure progress whatever their starting points.
All groups received support and encouragement relevant to their needs. In
this school, intervention was about the achievement of individuals rather
than simply those on the C/D borderline.
Weaker factor: inequality in intervention
The school’s leaders credited much of the improvement in A* to C results
in mathematics to improved intervention programmes, such as grade
boosters, extra revision and generous out-of-lesson support offered by
teachers. The main focus of intervention was on the C/D borderline. The
most able were self-motivated to succeed and often exceeded their
targets. However, too many pupils were gaining F grades when they had
the potential for D or E grades. These pupils were the least confident and
How might it be improved?
See the previous example of prime practice!
Intervention to improve learning
221. In contrast with much of the secondary practice observed, the nature of
intervention in primary schools has shown a marked improvement since the
previous survey. Increasingly many schools had shifted substantially away from
concentrating solely on test-focused support for Year 6 pupils at risk of not
achieving Level 4; the focus was now on earlier remediation in pupils’ specific
areas of weakness in all year groups to overcome pupils’ difficulties and prevent
them from falling significantly behind their peers. For example, a Year 4 pupil
who had behavioural and learning difficulties had transferred from another
school. She received daily one-to-one support; in the observed session the
focus was on number bonds and rounding to 10 using a range of resources
including enjoyable ICT games. She had settled quickly and had made good
progress from Level 1b to Level 2a in six months.
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222. The use of targeted intervention to help pupils of all ages has been
accompanied by teachers’ increased use of tracking data and greater
accountability. During regular ‘pupil progress meetings’, for instance, teachers
and senior staff discuss how well each pupil is doing; identify those who are
falling behind; and make decisions about suitable additional support for them in
class as well as through interventions outside lessons.
223. Key Stage 1 pupils at risk of underachieving were receiving more intervention
than seen in the previous survey, particularly those in danger of not reaching
Level 2, but higher attainers were not effectively and consistently challenged.
The schools used tracking better to identify those who needed help and, in the
best practice, were specifying it more precisely. Evaluation of the impact of
intervention has showed a marked improvement in terms of gains made in
National Curriculum sub-levels, but not as effectively or frequently in assessing
the pupils’ degree of understanding or whether misconceptions have been
overcome. Where programmes such as ‘Every Child Counts’ and ‘Numbers
Count’ were used effectively, pupils overcame their misconceptions and the
school used information about its pupils’ misconceptions to adapt teaching for
subsequent cohorts. The funding for one-to-one tuition and use of materials
that assisted teachers in diagnosing pupils’ misconceptions and supporting
individuals, have helped schools to develop a more customised approach to
intervention programmes.
224. Part of the move away from pre-test intervention organised by the Year 6
teachers or senior staff, is the changing role of primary teaching assistants. It is
extending beyond general classroom support to responsibility for delivering
interventions, working with the teacher in planning work, assessing impact and
discussing individuals at half-termly meetings to evaluate every pupil’s
progress. Sometimes teaching assistants receive training to improve their skills
and specialise in specific interventions. There has been a move away from
nationally designed intervention programmes towards support that is more
sharply tailored to individual need. Where the teaching assistant and teacher
arrange support more informally, it is not as systematic.
Prime practice: a well-resourced intervention session with pupils
who had special educational needs and/or disabilities
Three Year 1 pupils who had special educational needs worked with a
teaching assistant on achieving their individual education plan target. The
school has placed increased emphasis on the development of life skills for
these pupils. In this session, they were engaged in buying items up to a
value of 20p using the correct coins. The activity was well resourced.
Pupils chose to buy from a colourful array of priced toys. With sensitive
support from the teaching assistant, pupils were learning to use different
coins to match the price correctly. They were encouraged to check each
other’s calculations, which ensured they were actively involved in the
process all the time. One pupil was anticipating a cost before his turn.
When the teaching assistant asked him to choose a priced item, he
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already had the correct coins set out on the table. The teaching assistant
explained that this pupil had made remarkable progress and would not
require prolonged intervention of this nature.
225. As intervention programmes have become widespread, expertise is being
Prime practice: what works well with small group interventions
in secondary schools?
A former National Strategy consultant worked part-time for a local
authority on intervention with Year 11 pupils in several National Challenge
schools. Each school adopted different models for intervention (for
example, extracting pupils from mathematics lessons or from something
else; grouping pupils according to identified weaknesses or not).
In the observed session, she had clearly developed a relationship of trust
with the group of five pupils, which allowed confidence and enjoyment to
be built and ensured that they were relaxed about sharing work and
misconceptions with each other. She involved all the pupils in identifying
mistakes and teaching each other, thus developing their understanding
and confidence in a secure environment. Her Why?’, How?’, What if?
questions ensured that they thought deeply about what they were
Her observations on this work were as follows.
Group size is key. More than six to eight pupils and the ‘sharing’
possibilities outlined above are lost.
Intervention is at its most powerful when it gives pupils the chance to
explain their thinking, and through this to develop their understanding
Intervention teachers need to be very carefully selected. ‘All singing
and dancing’ teaching is not called for and would have the danger of
undermining the pupils’ usual teacher.
Pupils also need to be carefully selected, so not giving the intervention
teacher a group of for example, 18 pupils; the most disruptive pupils;
eight pupils while their peers are enjoying their ‘maths computer
lesson’; or pupils of widely varying mathematical needs.
Crucially, the process needs to be driven by senior management,
especially in relation to the choice of pupils. They have a right to
understand why they have been selected and to see the process as a
positive one not that they are ‘thick’.
226. In some instances, intervention teachers and teaching assistants did not receive
sufficient information about the particular areas of a pupil’s difficulty. In the
example below, the quality of one-to-one provision had not been checked by
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Weaker factor: a mismatch between need and provision
At Key Stage 3, one-to-one sessions ran for 10 weeks. An observed
session with a teacher and a Year 8 girl involved a timed multiplication
tables test followed by practice on multiplication and division of decimals
by 10, 100, … However, the target identified by the girls usual
mathematics teacher was to work on ‘worded questions especially long
multiplication and long division’. The next target area was to be algebra.
The intervention teacher explained that she liked to check pupils Year 6
number work as she has found that some Year 7 pupils were weak on it.
This did not explain why she was doing number work with the Year 8
How might it be improved?
The intervention teacher should have worked with the girl on the type of
problems clearly identified by her usual teacher. The next target area,
algebra, was vaguely specified, and a discussion between the girl’s usual
teacher and the intervention teacher about the particular topic and
difficulties could have helped to ensure that this teaching resource was
used effectively. Monitoring of this provision should have quickly picked up
such a mismatch and set clear expectations for future sessions.
This report is based predominantly on evidence from inspections of mathematics
between January 2008 and July 2011 in a range of maintained schools in England.
The sample of 320 schools was selected from a cross-section of schools
geographically and by institutional type, including academies and specialist
mathematics and computing colleges. No school judged inadequate in its last whole-
school inspection was included in the sample.
Inspectors visited 160 primary schools for a day each and 160 secondary schools for
two days. Between them, they observed more than 470 lessons in primary schools
and 1,200 in secondary schools. Ofsted’s framework for inspection changed in
September 2009. Prior to that date, judgements made during lesson observations
placed learning with teaching, and progress with attainment. Since then, learning
and progress have been judged together, with separate judgements on teaching and
attainment. For the purpose of analysing the grades from lessons for this report, the
changes made little difference in practice as the grades for teaching, learning and
progress were almost always the same. This is because the most important element
for judging teaching is its impact on learning and progress.
During the visits, inspectors gathered evidence through activities including:
observations of lessons and intervention sessions
scrutiny of pupils’ work and discussions with groups of pupils
Mathematics: made to measure
May 2012, No. 110159
discussions with senior and subject leaders, with teachers whose lessons were
observed, with teaching assistants and other support staff, and occasionally
with others such as local authority staff, consultants and governors.
analysis of documentation such as assessment information, schemes of work,
policies and other management documentation, information about intervention
strategies and the professional development of staff in mathematics.
The report is also informed by evidence gathered during good practice visits to 10
primary schools during May and June 2011 as part of a separate survey which
focused on effective practice in the teaching of early arithmetic. Further good
practice visits were conducted to one primary and one secondary school, a sixth-
form college and a college of further education. No judgements on lessons observed
or other aspects of provision from any of the good practice visits are included in the
proportions quoted throughout the report.
The report also draws on evidence related to mathematics from whole-school
inspections during the same period. Further sources of evidence include the Annual
Reports of Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector and other reports published by Ofsted
Finnish pupils’ success in mathematics;
Tackling the challenge of low
numeracy skills in young people and adults
, and the previous mathematics survey
Mathematics: understanding the score
Details of these publications are given
in the Further information section below. The evidence was also informed by
discussions with those involved in mathematics education, including teachers and
pupils, subject leaders and senior staff in schools, academics, policy makers and
others within the wider mathematics community.
The attainment and progress data cited in this report are drawn principally from
validated RAISEonline reports and from statistical first releases, which are published
by the Department for Education. Maintained schools have access to their individual
RAISEonline reports and comparative national data at
Statistical first releases can be found at
Further information
Publications by Ofsted
Mathematics: understanding the score
(070063), Ofsted, 2008;
Finnish pupils success in mathematics
(100105), Ofsted, 2010;
Good practice in primary mathematics: evidence from 20 successful schools
(110140), Ofsted, 2011;
Tackling the challenge of low numeracy skills in young people and adults
Ofsted, 2011;
Mathematics: made to measure
May 2012, No. 110159
Other sources
Advisory Committee on Mathematics Education (ACME)
ACME’s purpose is to enable an effective and constructive partnership between
government and the mathematics community. It aims to provide an authoritative,
credible, balanced and coherent position, which inevitably does not always represent
the diverse views that might exist across the mathematics education community.
ACME’s latest project is to provide advice on the development of a course for pupils
who do not currently take A-level mathematics but will, in the future, need to
continue with mathematics post-16. The link below is to the reports from ACME’s
project on mathematical needs:
Cognitive Acceleration in Mathematics Education (CAME)
CAME draws on the research of Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky and focuses on
questioning, collaborative work, problem solving, independent learning and
challenge. It uses a selection of challenging classroom tasks which emphasise ‘big
ideas’ or conceptual strands in mathematics.
Department for Education (DfE)
The department’s website provides links to information on many aspects of
mathematics education, for instance on the current National Curriculum and its
Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS)
BIS aims to support sustained growth and higher skills across the economy. Its
website includes links to the science, technology, engineering and mathematics
network (STEMNET) whose aim is to ensure that all schools and colleges have access
to information about STEM subjects and career opportunities. It runs a STEM
Ambassadors programme through which volunteers with a STEM background work
with schools, teachers and pupils to stimulate and inspire their interest in these
Mathematics: made to measure
May 2012, No. 110159
Further Mathematics Support Programme
The Further Mathematics Network provides support for teachers and pupils of
advanced-level mathematics and further mathematics, providing tuition in further
mathematics for those pupils who would benefit from studying it but would not
otherwise have the opportunity to do so.
Mathematical careers
This recently established website provides information for young people of all ages,
from Key Stage 3 to graduate level, who are interested in finding out about careers
and opportunities that an education in mathematics can present. It covers a range of
queries and careers including mathematics, statistics, engineering, medicine, finance,
computer graphics and forensic science. It also contains information for teachers,
parents, careers advisers and employers.
Mathematics Specialist Teacher programme
Information about this programme is available from the National Centre for
Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics (NCETM) and on the websites of
individual university providers.
The programme stemmed from a recommendation in the Independent review of
mathematics teaching in early years settings and primary schools, DCSF, 2008;
National Association of Mathematics Advisers (NAMA)
Membership of NAMA is open to advisers, inspectors, consultants, and providers of
advice, inspection and guidance within the field of mathematics education. The
association is dedicated to promoting high-quality mathematical education in the
United Kingdom.
National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics (NCETM)
The NCETM was launched in June 2006. It is responsible for enhancing professional
development across mathematics teaching in all settings and with learners of every
age and promotes collaboration between teachers. The web portal is the gateway to
the breadth of the centre’s national activity. A wide range of information and links is
Mathematics: made to measure
May 2012, No. 110159
provided, for example to online courses, self-evaluation tools, support for subject
leaders, publications and details of forthcoming events.
Nuffield Foundation
The Nuffield Foundation aims to influence education policy and practice, ensuring
that all young people develop the understanding and skills required to play an
informed role in society. It supports research and its translation into policy and
practice. The Nuffield Foundation’s mathematics teaching and learning projects
provide free resources for teachers. Recent research reports on international
perspectives of school mathematics include:
Values and variables: Mathematics education in high-performing countries
, Nuffield
Foundation, 2010;
Is the UK an outlier in upper secondary maths education?,
Nuffield Foundation,
Key understandings in mathematics learning,
Nuffield Foundation, 2009;
Primary and secondary National Strategies
Following the end of the National Strategies’ contract on 31 March 2011, a number
of key and popular teaching and learning resources were updated and adapted to
enable users to access the content archived by the National Archives. Note that the
interactive functionality and features previously available on the National Strategies
website are not available on the archived versions. The links below are to the
primary and secondary mathematics sections of the archived materials.
Qualifications and Curriculum Development Authority (QCDA)
QCDA closed on 31 March 2012 as part of the government’s wider education
reforms. The National Curriculum assessments function is now performed by the
Standards and Testing Agency. Archived materials can be found on the DfE’s
Office of the Qualifications and Examinations Regulator (Ofqual)
Mathematics: made to measure
May 2012, No. 110159
Ofqual is responsible for maintaining standards, improving confidence and
distributing information about qualifications and examinations. It regulates general
and vocational qualifications in England. Information about changes to modular GCSE
examinations is available at:
Royal Society
Science and mathematics education 514
Royal Society, 2010;
The Royal Society, the national academy of science of the UK and the
Commonwealth, established ACME in 2002 with support from the Joint Mathematical
Council and funding from the Gatsby Foundation. The Royal Society’s 2010 report,
Science and mathematics education 514
, raises concerns about the lack of
mathematics specialists in primary and early secondary mathematics teaching.
Subject associations
There are many subject associations in mathematics, some of which are listed on the
NCETM’s portal at These include the Association of Teachers of
Mathematics (ATM) and The Mathematical Association (MA);
Teaching Agency (TA)
The Teaching Agency, formerly the Training and Development Agency, is responsible
for initial teacher training in England. The website provides information on the
different options for training.
United Kingdom Mathematics Trust (UKMT)
This registered charity organises mathematics challenges and enrichment activities
for schools and colleges.
Mathematics: made to measure
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Annex A: Schools visited
Primary schools
Local authority
Abbey Park Junior, Infant and Nursery School
Albert Village Community Primary School
Alderman Bolton Community Primary School
Ashfield Primary School
Astmoor Primary School
Audley Junior School
Blackburn with Darwen
Balgowan Primary School*
Batley Parish Church of England Voluntary Aided Junior
Infant and Nursery School
Bedonwell Junior School
Beechcroft Infant School
Blackboys Church of England Primary School
East Sussex
Blurton Primary School
Broadwater Primary School
Bromley Heath Infant School
South Gloucestershire
Broomwood Primary School
Brownlow Fold Primary School
Brumby Junior School
North Lincolnshire
Burraton Community Primary School
Calton Junior School
Calveley Primary School
Cheshire East
Cannon Lane Junior School
Castlefort Junior Mixed and Infant School
Charborough Road Primary School
South Gloucestershire
Cheetham CofE Community School*
Chiseldon Primary School
Clifton Primary School
Colwich CofE (C) Primary School
Coombe Hill Junior School
Kingston upon Thames
Corpus Christi Catholic Primary School
Crane Park Primary School
Curry Mallet Church of England Primary School
Mathematics: made to measure
May 2012, No. 110159
Dairy Meadow Primary School
Dean Field Community Primary School
Deighton Gates Primary School
Dorchester St Birinus Church of England School
Dr Radcliffe’s Church of England School
Dry Sandford Primary School
East Harptree Church of England VC Primary School
Bath and North East Somerset
Eastlands Junior School
Edwards Hall Primary School
English Martyrs’ Catholic Primary School
Garboldisham Church Primary School
Gaskell Community Primary School
Gastrells Community Primary School
Glenfrome Primary School
Bristol, City of
Great Chesterford Church of England Voluntary Aided
Primary School*
Great Sankey Primary School
Green Lane Primary and Nursery School
Greenleaf Primary School
Waltham Forest
Harden Primary School
Harlyn Primary School
Harpur Mount Primary School
Helme Church of England Voluntary Aided Junior and
Infant School
Hemingbrough Community Primary School
North Yorkshire
Hermitage Primary School
Cheshire East
Hever Church of England Voluntary Aided Primary
Heybrook Primary School
Highworth Combined School and Nursery
Holme Slack Community Primary School
Holy Rood Catholic Primary School
Holy Trinity CofE Primary School, Sunningdale
Windsor and Maidenhead
Holy Trinity CofE Primary School
Horrabridge Community Primary School
Huntley Church of England Primary School
Mathematics: made to measure
May 2012, No. 110159
Kings Court Primary School*
South Gloucestershire
King’s Ford Junior School
Kirkland and Catterall St Helen’s Church of England
Voluntary Aided Primary School
Langtree Community School and Nursery Unit
Laygate Community School
South Tyneside
Leeds and Broomfield Church of England Primary School
Leftwich Community Primary School
Cheshire West and Chester
Leigh Westleigh Methodist Primary School
Longridge St Wilfrid’s Roman Catholic Primary School
Lostock Hall Primary School
Cheshire East
Lyminster Primary School
West Sussex
Mapplewell Primary School
Meadow Primary School
Meadowbrook Primary School
South Gloucestershire
Meadows Primary School
Middle Barton School
Moss Hall Infant School
Nazeing Primary School
Nether Alderley Primary School
Cheshire East
Newbridge Junior School
Newtown Church of England Voluntary Controlled
Primary School
Norcot Early Years Centre
Northern Primary School
Old Bank Junior Infant and Nursery School
Oreston Community Primary School*
Our Lady of Lourdes RC School
Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Primary School, Bristol
Bristol City of
Over Kellet Wilson’s Endowed Church of England
Primary School
Overleigh St Mary’s CofE Primary School
Cheshire West and Chester
Park Brow Community Primary School
Park Junior School
Parrett and Axe Church of England Voluntary Aided
Primary School
Pennine Way Primary School
Mathematics: made to measure
May 2012, No. 110159
Redcliffe Early Years Centre
Bristol City of
Reeth Community and Gunnerside Methodist Primary
North Yorkshire
Rose Green Infant School
West Sussex
Sacred Heart RC Primary School
Saint Charles’ Catholic Primary School, Measham
Sandling Primary School
Scotts Park Primary School
Seaford Primary School
East Sussex
Sessay Church of England Voluntary Controlled Primary
North Yorkshire
Seven Fields Primary School
Seymour Road Primary School
Shakespeare Junior School
Snowsfields Primary School
Southville Primary School
Bristol, City of
Spaxton CofE Primary School
Spring Grove Junior Infant and Nursery School
SS Peter and Paul Catholic Primary School, Mawdesley
St Aldhelm’s Church of England Primary School
St Anne’s and St Joseph’s Roman Catholic Primary
School, Accrington
St Benedict’s Church of England Voluntary Aided Junior
St George Church of England Primary School
Bristol, City of
St Giles CofE (Aided) Primary School
St John’s Church of England (VA) Combined School,
Lacey Green
St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School
St Joseph’s Stockport Catholic Primary School
St Keyna Primary School
Bath and North East Somerset
St Mary’s Church of England Primary School
St Mary’s Roman Catholic Primary School, Radcliffe
St Nicholas’s Catholic Primary School
St Peters Church of England Combined School, Burnham
St Peter’s CofE (C) Primary School
St Philips Marsh Nursery School
Bristol City of
Mathematics: made to measure
May 2012, No. 110159
St Richard’s RC Primary School
St Saviour’s Church of England Junior School
St Thomas More Roman Catholic Primary School
St Thomas of Canterbury Catholic Primary School
St. Helens
St Winifred’s Roman Catholic Primary School, Stockport
Stanhope Primary School
Stanley Primary School
Tattingstone Church of England Voluntary Controlled
Primary School
Temple Guiting Church of England School
Thames View Junior School
The Leys Primary School
Barking and Dagenham
The Priory Primary School
The Skegness Seathorne Primary School
The William de Yaxley CofE Aided Junior School
Thomas Hickman School
Thornhill Primary School
Tredworth Infant School
Tunstead Primary School
Urmston Junior School
Utkinton St Paul’s CofE Primary School
Cheshire West and Chester
Watchetts Junior School
Waycroft Primary School*
Bristol, City of
Wharncliffe Side Primary School
Whitfield and Aspen School
Willaston CofE Primary School
Cheshire West and Chester
William Byrd School
Woodlea Junior School
Wrekin View Primary School
Telford and Wrekin
Yeading Junior School
Yeo Moor Infant School*
North Somerset
York Road Junior School and Language Unit
Secondary schools
Local authority
Abbot Beyne School
Alderbrook Leading Edge School and Arts College*
Mathematics: made to measure
May 2012, No. 110159
Aldworth Science College
Alperton Community School
Alumwell Business and Enterprise College
Anthony Gell School
Archbishop Temple School, A Church of England
Specialist College
Arden School*
Bartholomew School
Bishop Heber High School
Cheshire West and Chester
Blackminster Middle School
Broadland High School
Broadwater School
Broomfield School
Burlington Danes Academy
Hammersmith and Fulham
Calthorpe Park School
Cardinal Griffin Catholic High School
Cardinal Hume Catholic School*
Carnforth High School
Carr Manor High School
Castle View School
Chailey School
East Sussex
Charles Burrell High School*
Chelmsford County High School for Girls*
Chesterton Community College*
Christs Church of England Comprehensive Secondary
Richmond upon Thames
Church Stretton School
Copleston High School*
Cottenham Village College*
Cranbourne Business and Enterprise College
Cullompton Community College
Dame Alice Owen’s School*
Darrick Wood School*
De Ferrers Specialist Technology College*
Denbigh School*
Milton Keynes
Droitwich Spa High School and Sixth Form College
Mathematics: made to measure
May 2012, No. 110159
Elthorne Park High School
Enfield Grammar School*
Fairfield High School*
Faringdon Community College
Fernwood School*
City of Nottingham
Fortismere School
Framwellgate School Durham*
Friern Barnet School
Garstang High School : A Community Technology
Gaynes School Language College*
Glebelands School
Glyn Technology School
Greendown Community School*
Grey Court School
Richmond upon Thames
Guru Nanak Sikh Voluntary Aided Secondary School*
Hazelwick School
West Sussex
Hebburn Comprehensive School
South Tyneside
Hedingham School and Sixth Form
Helsby High School
Cheshire West and Chester
Heston Community School
Highams Park School*
Waltham Forest
Highcliffe School*
Highworth Grammar School for Girls*
Hillcrest School A Specialist Maths and Computing
College and Sixth Form Centre*
Holly Hall Maths and Computing College*
Holy Family Catholic High School, Carlton
North Yorkshire
Honley High School
Hornby High School*
Huntington School
Idsall School
Impact Alternative Provision
Isleworth and Syon School for Boys
John Taylor High School*
King Edward VI Camp Hill School for Boys*
Mathematics: made to measure
May 2012, No. 110159
King Edward VI School*
Kingsbrook Business and Enterprise School*
Kingsford Community School
Kingsmead Community School*
Ladymead Community School*
Lammas School and Sports College
Waltham Forest
Lea Valley High School
Light Hall School Specialist Mathematics and Computing
Little Ilford School
Loreto High School Chorlton
Manchester Mesivta School
Manshead CofE VA Upper School
Central Bedfordshire
Methwold High School*
Mexborough School
Midhurst Grammar School*
West Sussex
Monk’s Walk School
Mount Carmel Roman Catholic High School, Hyndburn
Mount St Joseph: Business and Enterprise College
Nicholas Chamberlaine Technology College
Ninestiles School*
Our Lady’s Convent Roman Catholic High School
Park High School*
Parkside Community School
Paulet High School
Pewsey Vale School*
Pleckgate High School Mathematics and Computing
Blackburn with Darwen
Purbrook Park School
Quarrydale School*
Queensbury Upper School
Central Bedfordshire
Ridgewood High School
Rock Ferry High School*
Rodillian School
Roundwood Park School*
Royton and Crompton School
Mathematics: made to measure
May 2012, No. 110159
Saint Cecilia’s, Wandsworth Church of England School
Saint Joan of Arc Catholic School
Samuel Whitbread Community College
Central Bedfordshire
Sandhurst School
Bracknell Forest
Sedgehill School
Shenley Brook End School*
Milton Keynes
Simon Langton Girls’ Grammar School
Sir William Ramsay School*
Slough Grammar School*
St Bede’s Catholic School
North Lincolnshire
St Benedict’s Catholic High School
St Bernard’s Catholic Grammar School
St Bernard’s Catholic High School
St Columbas Catholic Boys’ School
St John Fisher Catholic Comprehensive School
St Mary’s Catholic College
St Mary’s Catholic High School
St Olave’s and St Saviour’s Grammar School
St Paul’s Catholic School
Milton Keynes
St Thomas More Catholic High School, A Specialist
School for Maths & ICT
Cheshire East
Stokesley School
North Yorkshire
Stratford School*
Tabor Science College
Test Valley School
The Brooksbank School*
The Castle School
South Gloucestershire
The City Academy Bristol
Bristol City of
The Commonweal School*
The Cooper School
The Deanery Church of England High School and Sixth
Form College
The Derby High School
The Douay Martyrs Catholic School
The Ecclesbourne School*
The Gartree Community School
Mathematics: made to measure
May 2012, No. 110159
The Harvey Grammar School
The Howard School
The King Alfred School
The Kingsway School
The Marlborough Church of England School
The Mountfitchet Mathematics and Computing College
The Neville Lovett Community School and Continuing
Education Centre
The Nottingham Emmanuel School
The Sholing Technology College
The Sydney Russell School
Barking and Dagenham
The West Somerset Community College*
Thirsk School & Sixth Form College
North Yorkshire
Tudor Grange School*
Tweedmouth Community Middle School
Wallasey School
Wallingford School*
Watford Grammar School for Boys*
Westfield Middle School
Whitmore High School
William Beamont Community High School
Wisewood School and Community Sports College*
Wrockwardine Wood Arts College
Telford & Wrekin
Focused good practice visits
Greenhead College
Hills Road Sixth Form College
Woodside Primary School
* The provider has closed or converted to an academy since the time of the visit.
Schools visited for the survey,
Good practice in primary mathematics
Independent schools
Dragon School
Froebel House Preparatory School
Ranby House School
Mathematics: made to measure
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St Joseph’s School
St Olave’s School and Clifton Pre-Preparatory School
Terra Nova School
Holmes Chapel
The Cedars School
The Manchester Grammar School (Junior Dept)
Town Close House Preparatory School
Winterfold House School
Maintained schools
Ark Academy
Coxhoe Primary School
Grafton Primary School
Heversham St Peter’s CofE Primary School
Lanesfield Primary School
Lyminge Church of England Primary School
Mead Vale Community Primary School
St Bernadette’s Catholic Primary School
St Margaret Ward Catholic Primary School
St Thomas More Roman Catholic Primary School