Jonathan G. Koomey*, Deborah E. Schechter
, and Deborah Gordon
*Staff Scientist
Energy Analysis Program
Energy and Environment Division
Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Building 90-4000
University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720
Research Associate and
Senior Transportation Analyst
Union of Concerned Scientists
2397 Shattuck Ave, Suite 203
Berkeley, CA 94704
May 1993
The work for this paper was completed on Jon Koomey's personal time. The time of Deborah Schechter
and Deborah Gordon was paid for under the Union of Concerned Scientists' Transportation Policy Program.
The views expressed here do not necessarily represent the views of the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory.
A summary of this report has been accepted for publication by the National Research Council's
Transportation Research Board (TRB), Committee on Energy Conservation and Transportation Demand
(Presented at the 72nd Annual meeting of the TRB in Washington DC, January 10-14, 1993)
This report has been granted the Fred Burggraf Award by the TRB. This prize "recognizes excellence in
transportation research by researchers 35 years of age or younger".
Jonathan G. Koomey*, Deborah Schechter
, and Deborah Gordon
*Energy Analysis Program, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
Union of Concerned Scientists
Since the early 1980s, U.S. auto makers and policy makers have resisted policies to
increase automobile fuel economy, arguing in part that such increases were neither
technically feasible nor economically justified. This paper analyzes such assertions for the
1992 Honda Civic hatchbacks. These new Hondas are virtually identical to the previous
year's models in size, vehicle amenity, engine power, and performance, but they offer
substantially increased fuel economy and improved safety. We assess the cost of
improving fuel economy using actual retail prices, after correcting for differences in
cosmetic features.
Our calculations show that the efficiency of the 1991 Civic DX was improved by 56% from
1991 to 1992, at a cost per conserved gallon of gasoline that is $0.77/gallon, or 30% less
than the levelized gasoline price without externalities or taxes. In addition, a comparison of
two other Civic models reveals that fuel economy was improved in the 1992 version at no
additional cost. Virtually all of the efficiency increases described here were achieved
through measures that do not affect safety or vehicle size, such as engine modifications,
transmission alterations, and drag reduction.
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Jonathan G. Koomey*, Deborah E. Schechter
, and Deborah Gordon
*Energy Analysis Program, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
Union of Concerned Scientists
Since the early 1980s, U.S. auto makers and some analysts (Shin 1989) have argued that
policies to increase automobile fuel economy were neither technically feasible nor
economically justified. This paper applies Kenneth Boulding's first law ("Anything that
exists is possible") to analyze such assertions in the case of the 1992 Honda Civic
hatchbacks. These new Hondas are virtually identical to the previous year's models in
size, vehicle amenity, engine power, and performance, but they offer substantially
increased fuel economy and improved safety.
This paper first describes the characteristics of the 1991 and 1992 Honda Civics and
demonstrates their equivalence in vehicle amenity. Second, it presents the fuel economy
technologies Honda used to improve the efficiency of the Civic by more than 50%. Third,
it describes the methodology for estimating the Cost of Conserved Energy (CCE) for these
efficiency improvements. Fourth, the paper presents the results of our CCE calculations.
The paper concludes by discussing the potential impact of gasoline taxes and "feebate"
policies on both consumer and manufacturer behavior related to energy efficiency choices
for these vehicles.
General Description
The 1992 model year Honda Civics represent a "new generation" of Civics. Honda
completely redesigned the engine, body style, suspension, aerodynamics, and other major
features of this model, but kept total interior space constant while improving performance.
In addition, Honda added a new hatchback, the VX, to its Civic line. The VX is similar to
the mid-cost Civic DX hatchback, except that the VX is optimized for fuel economy.
Table 1 presents specifications and features of the 1991 and 1992 Civic DX and VX
hatchbacks (Honda 1990, Honda 1991, Leestma 1992, USAA 1991a, USAA 1991b).
The major difference among the 1991 Civic DX, the 1992 DX, and the 1992 VX is the
improved fuel economy of the 1992 vehicles. The 1992 DX is about 13% more fuel
efficient than the 1991 model, while the 1992 VX has 56% higher efficiency.
For a similar but less detailed comparison of the 1991 2-door base-model Civic hatchback and the 1992
Civic CX hatchback, see Appendix B.
The latter estimate is for the "49-State" VX sold in all states but California. The stricter emissions
requirements in that state made Honda abandon the lean burn technology for VXs sold there, though the
Page 2
The 1992 DX and VX are slightly larger than the 1991 DX, as shown by the interior and
exterior dimensions listed in Table 1.
Additionally, the 1992 models are equipped with a
driver-side airbag, resulting in improved safety over the 1991 DX. It is also noteworthy
that the fuel tank of the VX is nearly two gallons, or 16%, smaller than those of the 1991
and 1992 DX. However, the improved fuel economy of the VX means that a VX owner
would still have to refuel less often than an identical DX owner.
Other than fuel economy differences, operational and performance variations among the
three cars are minimal. The 1992 VX and the 1991 DX are both rated at 92 horsepower.
However, maximum horsepower is achieved at 5500 rpm in the VX and at 6000 rpm in
the 1991 DX. Thus, the VX engine provides slightly more power at engine speeds up to
5500 rpm, which is the range in which most drivers operate. The 1992 DX reaches a
maximum horsepower of 102 at 5900 rpm. However, in comparison to the VX, the
horsepower difference is likely to go unnoticed unless one drives at engine speeds greater
than 5500 rpm (which few drivers ever do). The time required to go from 0 to 100
kilometers per hour (kph), or 62 mph, is also related to horsepower. There is little
difference between the 1992 DX and the 1992 VX in this area: the 1992 DX takes 10.2
seconds to reach 100 kph while the 1992 VX takes 10.5 seconds.
Another important indicator of vehicle performance is torque. High torque allows quicker
acceleration at low engine rpm (e.g., when accelerating from a stoplight). The 1992 DX
and the VX both provide slight torque improvements over the 1991 DX. The 1992 DX
supplies 98 ft-lbs at 5000 rpm, while the 1991 DX supplies 89 ft-lbs at 4500 rpm. The VX
is likely to have the best "pickup" at engine speeds comparable to those commonly
encountered in everyday driving, as it attains 97 ft-lbs of torque at only 4500 rpm (Keebler
The comparison of features and specifications has focused on the differences between the
three vehicles on paper. However, before one can conclude that the Civic hatchbacks are
identical in terms of the service they provide, one must also evaluate the cars on the road.
A series of drivers who test-drove the VX found that, in general, it handled well and
performance was impressive. Some drivers found that they had to adjust their driving
styles to take advantage of the taller gearing of the VX (Maio 1992b, Passino 1992). Taller
gearing results in lower engine speeds than those typically experienced in a given gear and
is reflected in the gear ratios listed in Table 1 (see Appendix A for more detailed
information on gearing changes). Some drivers also noted occasional engine "stumble", or
hesitation, during quick acceleration in lean burn operation (Keebler 1992b). This
hesitation occurs as the engine adjusts to a lower air/fuel ratio. All but one Automotive
News reviewer believed that this effect would not adversely influence the average driver's
perception of the vehicle's performance, and the reviewer who found the stumble
unacceptable was a driver who admittedly preferred high performance vehicles (Keebler
California VX still uses the basic VTEC-E engine and the other efficiency technologies found in the 49
state VX. This compromise reduced the efficiency improvement of the California VX to about 51% relative
to the 1991 DX, or to 46.9 mpg composite.
The exception is cargo volume which is 3.3 cubic feet less in the 1992 models. However, passenger
volume was increased by more than 4 cubic feet in the 1992 Civic hatchbacks. Thus, the total interior
volume is nearly equal in the 1991 and 1992 models we evaluate.
Page 3
1992a). For typical Civic drivers (who probably do not seek high power), we can
conclude from these reviews that the performance and driveability of the VX is equivalent
to that of the 1991 and 1992 DX.
Comfort and Amenities
Although the primary specifications and performance of the Civic models are essentially
identical, minor differences exist in the cosmetic features of the DX and VX hatchbacks.
These features and their estimated costs are shown in Table 2 (Honda 1990, Honda 1991,
Maio 1992a, Maio 1992b). The 1991 and 1992 DX models are both equipped with an
adjustable steering column, rear cargo cover, rear windshield wiper, and bodyside
molding, while the VX lacks these features but has a tachometer and lightweight alloy
wheels. The cargo area cover adds utility to the DX models because it hides any cargo and
makes it appear that the vehicle has a trunk. The lightweight alloy wheels on the VX are
cosmetic in that they look "sportier", but they also affect fuel economy due to their lighter
The safety of the 1992 Civic models was improved significantly by the addition of a
driver's side airbag in both the DX and VX. The 1991 DX does not have a driver's side
airbag. The added safety provided by the airbag is reflected in reduced insurance
premiums. For example, the United Services Automobile Association (USAA) Casualty
Insurance Company reduces the premium for Medical Payments Coverage (MPC) by 60%
relative to the 1991 DX for owners of either the 1992 DX or VX (Blackstone 1992). There
is no difference in the premium for MPC for the 1992 DX and VX, which indicates that
professional risk assessors of at least one major insurance company believe that the slight
difference in weight of these two vehicles has a negligible affect on safety. Further,
because the VX is lighter than the DX, its use imposes less risk on other vehicles. There
are currently no crash test data with which to further compare the safety of these vehicles.
In addition to comparing the fuel economy, performance, and features of the DX and VX
models, it is useful to analyze pollutant emission levels. Emissions are a particular concern
in evaluating the VX because lean burn engines have been associated with higher emissions
of nitrogen oxides (NO
) than traditional engines due to the inability of 3-way catalysts to
control NO
at high air/fuel ratios.
Table 3 presents data on emissions of hydrocarbons (HC), carbon monoxide (CO), and
for the 1991 DX, 1992 DX and 1992 VX models (US EPA 1991a, US EPA 1991b,
US EPA 1992a, US EPA 1992b). The 4,000 mile certification results represent stabilized
emission levels for new motor vehicles.
Changes in emissions caused by vehicle use are
approximated based on testing of prototype vehicles which are driven for 50,000 miles.
This testing results in "deterioration factors", which describe the amount that emissions
increased during the tests as a result of catalyst degradation over time. The 50,000 mile
The new vehicles are driven for 4,000 miles in order to "break them in", as emission levels for brand new,
never-driven vehicles may be highly variable.
Page 4
values provided in Table 3 were obtained by multiplying the 4,000 mile data by the
deterioration factors provided by EPA.
All vehicles easily meet emission standards.
However, there are some noteworthy
variations in emission factors. The VX has significantly higher direct HC emissions than
either the 1991 and 1992 DX models. However, the improved fuel economy of the VX
will result in reduced "upstream" HC emissions from the production and handling of crude
oil and products, as total fuel throughput will be reduced by reducing vehicle fuel
consumption (Deluchi et al. 1992). Thus, the total amount of hydrocarbons emitted from
each of the three cars is similar. The California version of the 1992 DX has higher CO
emissions per mile than either the 1991 DX or the 1992 VX, which are comparable to each
other in this respect.
emissions for the 1992 DX are 24% lower than those of the 1991 DX. NO
emissions are higher for the 49-State VX than either DX model, as expected. However,
the California VX achieves a 43% fuel economy improvement over the 1991 DX while
maintaining NO
emissions that are lower than the 1991 and 1992 DX. This demonstrates
that, given a regulatory mandate, NO
emissions can be reduced. However, the higher
levels for the 49-State VX may indicate a limitation of the present applicability of lean
burn technology.
Though not shown in the table, CO
emissions vary in direct proportion to the amount of
fuel used. This relationship implies that CO
emissions are somewhat lower for the 1992
DX and significantly lower for the 1992 VX than for the 1991 DX.
In summary, emissions from the 49-State version of the VX are comparable to those from
the 1991 and 1992 DX with the exception of NO
, which is higher in the 49-State VX, and
carbon dioxide, which is lower in the more efficient vehicles. All of these automobiles meet
current standards in the states in which they are sold.
Examination of the specifications of these vehicles and actual test drives reveal that fuel
economy gains were achieved with negligible impact on performance, driveability, and
comfort. We can conclude from the results of this section that the cars deliver equivalent
consumer utility.
As discussed above, the 1992 VX provides a 56% improvement in efficiency over the 1991
DX. This is achieved by the use of technological improvements that increase the efficiency
of converting fuel energy to usable work and reduce the amount of work required to move
the vehicle.
This method was used because we were unable to obtain durability testing data from cars with the same
features as those used for 4,000 mile testing.
Federal light-duty vehicle standards for 1992 (in grams per mile) are as follows: HC: 0.41; CO: 3.4;
: 1.0. The California standard for NO
-- 0.4 g/mi -- is more stringent.
Page 5
The technological differences responsible for the improved fuel economy in the VX
• lean-burn VTEC-E engine
• changes in axle and gear ratios
• multi-point fuel injection
• decreased vehicle weight
• improved aerodynamic characteristics
• low rolling resistance tires
• reduced idle speed
• shift indicator light
Table 4 summarizes these fuel economy technologies and presents estimated contributions
to fuel efficiency and costs (in 1992$) associated with each approach (Greene and Duleep
1992, Harrington 1992, National Research Council 1992, SRI International 1991). The
primary technological improvements are described in detail in Appendix A. More details on
particular technologies are available in Bleviss (1988).
The largest percentage improvements come from transmission/gearing and engine
modifications. This fact is noteworthy because changing engine and transmission
characteristics (keeping horsepower and torque roughly constant) does not affect safety or
vehicle size. Weight reduction may have an effect on safety, depending on from where the
weight is removed, but the weight changes in the VX are quite small (3-4%). While it is
possible that the use of certain types of low rolling resistance tires might affect braking and
cornering capabilities, we know of no "on-road" reviews of the Civic VX that compare the
performance of the particular tires used on this vehicle to those used in the 1991 Civic DX.
Capital Costs of Fuel Economy Improvements
The costs of the technologies listed above are not readily available and vary widely
depending on the source of the estimate. Cost estimates are further complicated by the fact
that several of the technologies may overlap. For example, the variable valve feature of the
VTEC-E engine permits the use of lean burn technology and changes in drive ratio. Thus,
an estimate of the cost of variable valve timing may also include the cost of lean burn
technology and drive ratio changes.
Despite these complications, we provide estimated
costs of fuel economy technologies in Table 4. The total estimated costs of these
technologies range from $448 to $1084.
Applicability of Civic VX Improvements to Other Vehicles
Not all technologies used to improve the efficiency of the Civic can currently be transferred
to other new cars. We focus in particular on the applicability of the lean-burn engine. For
VTEC and lean-burn are separable. Honda also uses the VTEC engine in the 1992 Civic Si, but not for
lean burn. Instead, it provides a significant increase in horsepower in conjunction with a modest
improvement in efficiency.
For this reason, we have estimated the cost of lean burn technology to be $100 to $500.
This range neglects axle and gear ratio improvement costs which were unavailable. In principle, the
capital cost of axle and gear assemblies should not vary significantly as gear ratios change.
Page 6
details on how other efficiency options might apply to different portions of the U.S.
automobile fleet, see Ledbetter and Ross (1990).
Keebler (1992b) reports that "heavy vehicles have poor driveability when calibrated with
lean-burn fuel strategies", which implies that this strategy, as currently implemented, may
not be directly transferable to the larger cars in the U.S. fleet. Because of increasingly
strict NO
emissions standards, lean-burn technology may not be viable in some vehicles
until improved NO
catalysts are developed. According to Sanger (1991), Honda
engineers believe it will be "several years . . . before they can transfer the technology to
larger, less efficient engines". However, it has been reported that Honda plans to employ
lean-burn technology on its larger Accord model as early as the 1994 model year (Johnson
1992). Research on this issue is proceeding elsewhere as well. Recently, a company in
Massachusetts announced the development of a new lean-burn engine that combines high
efficiency and low NO
emissions, for an additional cost of $100 to $200 per car (Cutter
Information Corp. 1992).
This Section describes the methodology and assumptions used for the cost-effectiveness
calculations contained in Section V (below). We use actual retail prices to estimate the cost
of improving fuel economy and projections of motor gasoline prices to estimate the
levelized fuel price.
Definition of Cost Effectiveness
By cost effective, we mean that the costs of investing in automobile efficiency are lower
than the costs avoided by this investment. The cost of an efficiency improvement is usually
assessed by calculating the Cost of Conserved Energy (CCE). The costs avoided by the
efficiency investment include the direct cost of the unused fuel, and whatever social or
external costs are associated with the consumption of gasoline that are not included in the
gasoline price. Whenever the CCE is lower than the avoided direct costs plus external
costs ($/gallon), we can say that an efficiency investment is cost effective.
Cost Perspective
We adopt the perspective of the buyer of a new car who will use the vehicle over its entire
lifetime. This simplifying assumption is also roughly comparable to the societal
perspective without externalities (assuming that the discount rate used reflects social and
not individual preferences).
Cost of Conserved Energy
The Cost of Conserved Energy or CCE ($/gallon) is calculated using Equation (1)
CCE ($/gallon) =
Capital Cost ($) x
Annual Energy Savings (gallons)
For more details on such calculations, see Meier et al. (1983) or Koomey et al. (1991).
Page 7
where d is the discount rate, n is the lifetime of the automobile, and
is equal to
the Capital Recovery Factor. The numerator in the right hand side of Equation 1 is the
annualized cost of the conservation or efficiency investment. Dividing annualized cost by
annual energy savings yields the CCE, which is independent of, but can be compared to,
the levelized price of fuel (in $/gallon).
Consumer Choice Models
There is some controversy over the procedure that consumers actually use to choose the
efficiency level of the automobiles they purchase. Greene (1983), in a review of such
decision algorithms, summarizes this controversy. The main issue of contention surrounds
the multifaceted nature of the purchase decision. Usually, the choice between vehicles is
based on many different decision criteria, most of which are unrelated to the efficiency of
the vehicle. The use of a Cost of Conserved Energy model (or equivalently, a life-cycle
cost model
) to describe such choices is problematic in that it is a simple measure that does
not address the complexity of the purchase decision.
While this issue is an important one when assessing consumer choices over a broad range
of vehicle types, it does not significantly affect our analysis. We have, to a first
approximation, created a comparison between vehicles that have different fuel economy but
that are otherwise equivalent in terms of size, features, performance, and safety. For this
reason, we believe it is appropriate to discuss choices between these vehicles as if
consumers were actually using a discount rate in a CCE calculation.
Discount Rate
The discount rate in our calculations is 7% real. This value roughly corresponds to the
current cost of capital for consumers seeking an auto loan (11% to 12% with inflation).
We also perform a sensitivity analysis using real discount rates of 3%, 10%, and 30%.
Miles Driven
We use an estimate of 10,200 miles traveled per year for a typical U.S. automobile in
1988, taken from Davis and Morris (1992). The source cited by Davis and Morris is the
U.S. Department of Energy's Residential Transportation Energy Consumption Survey.
Rebound Effect
Greene (1992) suggests, after reviewing the literature, that consumers will increase their
vehicle miles traveled by 0.05% to 0.15% in response to a 1% decrease in the fuel cost per
mile of their vehicle. We omit this factor in calculating the CCE, because if consumers use
their vehicles more, the increased mobility must be worth more to them than the increased
expenditure on gasoline. Therefore, our per-unit cost-effectiveness calculation is
unaffected by such rebound.
A life-cycle cost model is one in which future costs are discounted back to the present using some
discount rate and are added to the capital cost of a given device. The same calculation is performed for
different devices delivering the same service, and the device with the lowest life-cycle cost is chosen as the
optimal one. The issue usually relevant to automobile choices is that the level of service is rarely constant
between automobiles.
Page 8
If one is interested in calculating total energy savings from a given policy affecting many
such vehicles, then this correction factor must be included. We do not make such a
calculation here. In any case, the correction is a small one.
Vehicle Lifetime
We use an estimate of automobile lifetime of 13.3 years derived from a retirement curve for
vehicles presented in Davis and Morris (1992). This curve applies to vehicles purchased
between 1987 and 1989. We assume that the fuel economy improvement technologies
used in the VX will not affect the vehicle lifetime.
Rated Fuel Economy
Fuel economy estimates based on the EPA test procedure have been found to diverge from
actual performance. This divergence was significant enough to induce EPA to reduce the
sticker fuel economy relative to the test procedure values to better account for real-world
driving conditions. Beginning in 1985, EPA reduced the city fuel economy estimates from
the test procedure by 10% and reduced the highway estimates by 22% to calculate the fuel
economy rating on the sticker.
This correction is important because if actual miles per
gallon (mpg) is lower than the rated mpg, then using the rated mpg to calculate gasoline
savings will underestimate those savings in absolute terms.
We use the city and highway fuel economy as listed on the EPA sticker for each car, which
includes the above correction factors. We weight the city and highway fuel economy
sticker values to estimate composite fuel economy for our cost effectiveness calculations.
This weighting assumes that 55% of driving is city driving and 45% is highway driving, as
specified in the Energy Policy and Conservation Act passed in 1975 (EPCA 1975).
Consistency of Comparison
All fuel prices and capital costs are in 1992 dollars. We use a real discount rate (without
inflation) to levelize the prices, and use the same real discount rate to calculate the Cost of
Conserved Energy. The comparison between the initial capital expense and the levelized
fuel price is therefore a consistent one.
Fuel Prices
Average motor gasoline prices are taken from the Annual Energy Outlook (US DOE 1992),
and are levelized using a 7% real discount rate (using the method from Kahn (1988)).
According to the forecast, the retail price of motor gasoline will be $1.27/gallon in 1992
There is some controversy over whether these corrections are sufficient to account for real-world
conditions, with some analysts arguing that even higher reductions in composite mpg (20% to 30%) are
justified because congestion is increasing. There is also uncertainty about whether the corrections used by
EPA, which represent an average over all vehicles, give an accurate picture for the particular cars of interest
in this paper. We do not address either of these issues here, but note that the first would increase the
relative cost effectiveness of the cars under consideration, while the second would have an unknown effect
on cost effectiveness.
Page 9
and $1.61 in 2005.
Levelized over this period (which corresponds to the lifetime of our
Honda Civic purchased in 1992), the price of gasoline is $1.40/gallon.
This price includes roughly $0.25-0.30 per gallon of state and federal gasoline taxes,
which are used primarily to fund highway construction and maintenance.
Society does
not avoid the construction and upkeep of roads if automobiles are more efficient, so a
societal cost comparison should not include these costs in the avoided cost of fuel. This
price also does not include the external costs associated with gasoline combustion, many of
which are reduced by a more fuel efficient car.
We show comparisons with the levelized fuel price with and without taxes. The case with
taxes provides an understandable reference point, and represents the situation in which
avoidable external costs roughly equal the level of state and federal taxes. The case without
taxes represents the situation in which external costs are assumed to be equal to zero.
Operation and Maintenance Costs
We assume that operation and maintenance (O&M) costs for the VX are unaffected by the
technologies used to achieve improved fuel economy. Thus, we assume lifetime O&M
costs for the 1991 and 1992 DX models and for the 1992 VX are identical.
Invoice Cost vs. Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price
Invoice cost is also known as "Dealer cost". It is the average price charged to the dealer by
the auto manufacturer. Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price (MSRP) is also known as
"Sticker Price", and is supposed to represent the price of the car to the consumer. In this
analysis, we choose to rely on MSRP as an "official" price, but also show the invoice cost
in our tables. The invoice cost and MSRP are taken from USAA (1991a, 1991b) and
documents from a local Honda dealer. The invoice cost and MSRP for the 1991 DX have
been adjusted to 1992 dollars, assuming 4% inflation.
The MSRP is somewhat arbitrary. Good bargainers have been known to purchase autos at
or below the invoice cost. Auto manufacturers also give "volume incentives" to dealers that
sell more than a target number of cars. Therefore, invoice cost and MSRP based on the
sale of a single car may not actually reflect the true cost to the dealer.
Does Retail Price Reflect True Cost?
Automobile pricing is a complicated process and the market price of a vehicle may have
little to do with actual production costs. For example, anti-lock braking systems provided
as an option on many cars are currently under priced on the vehicle "sticker" in order to
encourage the purchase of these safety-enhancing mechanisms (Rinek 1992). Some of the
redesign costs for the new Civics are probably included in the MSRP, as are any savings
from the redesign. Without detailed manufacturer data, we cannot determine the extent to
The Annual Energy outlook reports fuel prices in 1990 dollars, which we have adjusted to 1992 dollars
by assuming 4% inflation in each of the two intervening years.
Of the current 14.1 cents/gallon federal gasoline tax, 10.1 cents are used for highways, 1.5 cents fund
transit services, and 2.5 cents are devoted to budget deficit reduction per the Budget Reconciliation Act of
1990, which extends through 1995. State taxes in California are roughly 16 cents/gallon, and are
comparable to those of other states.
Page 10
which such cost changes are related to fuel economy improvements alone. We also cannot
know whether Honda is taking a loss on the VX because it wants to gain experience with
new technology in anticipation of growing demand for efficiency in a more environmentally
conscious world.
We do not have access to Honda's cost data, and we cannot determine the manufacturer
cost for improving the fuel economy in the Honda Civic hatchbacks. Nevertheless, we
believe that the MSRP offers an approximate representation of the actual cost of improving
auto fuel economy in these vehicles.
The 1992 Civics both have airbags, while the 1991 DX does not. Except for a minor
weight penalty, airbags are unrelated to fuel economy, and their cost should not be included
in our assessment of the incremental cost associated with improving the efficiency of the
1991 DX. According to Maio (1992b), the MSRP cost of an airbag is $800 in a new
Honda Civic, and $1200 to replace an airbag that has been "blown" in a collision. We
subtract $800 from the MSRP cost of the 1992 DX and VX to correct for this added cost.
Correction for Cosmetic Differences
The cargo cover is available as an option on the VX for $159. Costs for the other cosmetic
differences shown in Table 2 can only be roughly estimated based on estimates by the parts
department of a local Honda dealer.
We add the average cost of hatch cover, body side molding, and rear wiper/washer to the
cost of the VX (no correction is made for the cost of the adjustable steering column, since
the cost to replace the steering columns in the DX and the VX are the same). We add the
midrange cost of the tachometer and half of the cost of the alloy wheels
to the price of the
1991 and 1992 DX.
These cosmetic differences result in an additional MSRP cost of $365 on both DX models,
and $614 on the VX. By correcting for cosmetic differences and for the airbag, we have
created a consistent comparison and can draw conclusions about the actual cost to improve
the efficiency of the 1991 DX to the level of the 1992 VX. These corrections result in what
we refer to as our "Full Correction Case", which represents our best estimate for the retail
price of the fuel economy improvements in the VX as compared to the DX.
Although these cost corrections make the comparison a more consistent one, they should be
viewed as approximate for three reasons:
1) Actual costs for these options are speculative, since the features available on the
VX are not available on the DX, and vice-versa.
The invoice cost for the airbag is calculated by multiplying the MSRP of the airbag times the ratio of
the invoice and MSRP for the entire car. The MSRP markup thus calculated is 17%.
Only half the cost of the alloy wheels is added to the DX price because some fraction of their cost is
attributable to their lower weight and the rest is attributable to their "sporty" appearance. We choose half
arbitrarily, since we had no way to separate these two attributes of the wheels.
Page 11
2) Actual production costs for standard features may be quite different from the
costs for installing such features as options after the car is manufactured.
3) Separating the cost of the alloy wheels attributable to cosmetic differences from
that attributable to fuel economy is problematic.
To account for the fact that some options are not available on specific models in the
showroom, we also show a comparison between the 1992 DX and the 1992 VX that only
corrects for the feature that is actually an option -- the hatch cover. We refer to this case as
the "As Available" comparison.
Comparison of Estimated Technology Costs with Retail Cost Difference
When we compare the estimated costs of fuel economy technologies (Table 4) to the retail
cost difference calculated after making the corrections described above, we see that the
results are similar. The mean of the engineering cost estimates for the VX efficiency
improvements (Table 4) is $766, while the cost difference between the 1991 DX and the
1992 VX in Table 5 (based on the "Full Correction" case) is $726. In view of the rather
large range of error to be expected in such a comparison, we can conclude that the
engineering costs and our retail cost calculation give roughly the same result, which gives
us confidence that our calculations are of the correct approximate magnitude.
Cost of Improving 1991 DX Efficiency to 1992 DX and VX Levels
In this calculation, we estimate the cost of improving fuel economy of the 1991 Honda
Civic DX to the levels of the 1992 Civic DX and VX. This information can be used to
determine whether the fuel economy of a particular vehicle can be improved substantially at
a cost less than the cost of fuel, while keeping vehicle amenity constant and without
reducing safety.
Table 5 shows the results of this calculation. The MSRP cost of an airbag ($800) has been
subtracted from the cost of the 1992 Civics, which makes the 13% efficiency improvement
for the 1992 DX achievable at negative net cost.
Engine torque also increased relative to
the 1991 DX in this case. This result implies that Honda improved the fuel economy and
power of this vehicle while reducing its initial cost.
After subtracting the cost of the airbag, the additional incremental cost for the VX over the
1991 DX is $477. The correction for cosmetic differences increases the incremental cost of
moving from the 1991 DX to the 1992 VX by $249, giving a total incremental cost for the
VX of $726. This $726 cost translates to a Cost of Conserved Energy of $0.77 per
conserved gallon, which is about 45% less than the levelized price of gasoline with taxes
and 30% less than the price without taxes. This CCE corresponds to a simple payback time
of about 4.6 years using MSRP and including taxes in the gasoline price, and 5.9 years
when taxes are omitted.
For another such calculation that shows a similar result, see the comparison of the 1991 2 door base-
model Civic hatchback with the 1992 CX hatchback in Appendix B.
Page 12
Cost of the Consumer's Choice: 1992 DX vs. 1992 VX
We also investigate the actual efficiency choice available to consumers on the showroom
floor (1992 DX vs. 1992 VX). We show two cases: (1) the "As Available" case, which
corrects only for the cost of the hatch cover in the VX, and (2) the "Full Correction" case,
which uses the cost estimates for all the cosmetic differences from Table 2. Table 5 shows
the results of this calculation, which indicates that the Cost of Conserved Energy relative to
the 1992 DX (based on MSRP) is comparable to the levelized price of gasoline with taxes
and roughly 25% to 30% higher than the levelized price of gasoline without taxes.
CCE corresponds to a simple payback time of about 8 to 11 years depending on the
treatment of taxes and cosmetic differences. These paybacks are long enough to make
consumers think twice about spending the extra money for the VX.
Sensitivity of Results to Discount Rate
Table 6 summarizes the effect of using 3%, 7%, and 10% real discount rates on the cost to
society of employing the technologies in the 1992 VX relative to the 1991 DX. This range
corresponds to that typically used in cost-benefit analyses. As expected, the Cost of
Conserved Energy goes down in the 3% case and up in the 10% case relative to the case
using the 7% real discount rate. Note also that the levelized gasoline price also changes
(the levelization procedure is a type of present-valued average, which depends on the
discount rate). With these discount rates, the CCE of the VX relative to the 1991 DX never
exceeds the levelized gasoline price (with or without taxes), which indicates that our
finding of cost-effectiveness for the VX compared to the 1991 DX is robust with respect to
assumed discount rates. Only when the 30% real discount rate (roughly corresponding to a
three-year simple payback) is applied does the CCE exceed the levelized price of fuel.
In assessing the consumer choice between the 1992 DX and the 1992 VX, we find that the
10% real discount rate pushes the CCE over the levelized fuel price with taxes by roughly
20-30%. The 3% real case produces a CCE that is roughly 10-20% lower than the
levelized fuel price with taxes. The CCE ranges from 15% to 70% higher than the fuel
price without taxes in the 3% real and 10% real cases, respectively. When the 30% real
discount rate is applied, the CCE jumps to 2 to 3 times the price of fuel, which illustrates
why consumers, many of whom do not use such paybacks in making investment choices
for energy-using equipment, might not find the VX an attractive investment.
Limitations of Cost Effectiveness Calculations
These calculations were done without accounting for external societal costs. External costs
include all costs to society that are not included in the market price of gasoline, such as:
increased health costs, costs arising from damage to agriculture, and costs resulting from
damage to physical structures due to air pollution from automobiles; increased national
security costs from consumption of imported oil; and increased environmental damage from
acid rain, carbon dioxide emissions, and other pollutants. In practice, exact numerical
Different consumer preferences about the worth of various accessories could change this assessment. If
the consumer finds body side molding to be a frill, or is not interested in the rear wiper, this could make the
VX more attractive. If the consumer finds the tachometer to be a frill and doesn't care about the sportier
look of the alloy wheels, this assessment would make the 1992 DX relatively more attractive.
Page 13
values for these externalities are difficult to calculate.
Many authors have attempted to
assess these costs in monetary terms, and in general, they find that such costs are probably
substantial (Bohi and Montgomery 1982, Broadman 1986, Cannon 1990, DeLuchi et al.
1987, Hall 1992, MacKenzie et al. 1992). We do not estimate these costs here, but simply
note that accounting for them would improve the relative cost effectiveness of efficiency
improvements compared to the consumption of gasoline alone.
The range of issues surrounding policies designed to affect vehicle efficiency choices are
too complex to describe in detail here, and are described elsewhere (Gordon 1991, Griffin
and Steele 1986). Our purpose in this section is to describe the most important policy-
related conclusions emerging from our work, and to illustrate in this specific example the
potential effects of gas taxes and feebates on the consumer's choice between the 1992 DX
and VX models.
Implications for Society
We have shown that improving the fuel economy of a particular vehicle (the 1991 Civic
DX) was not only possible, it was cost-effective from society's perspective. The efficiency
improvements in the 1992 Civic VX were achieved at a Cost of Conserved Energy that is
about 45% less than the levelized cost of gasoline with taxes, and 30% less than the
levelized cost of gasoline without taxes (relative to the 1991 DX). This empirical evidence
indicates that, at least for small cars similar to the Civic, improvements in fuel economy can
be achieved at attractive costs.
Implications for Consumers
The 1992 Civic DX and VX deliver comparable performance, but the VX delivers higher
fuel economy at a Cost of Conserved Energy that is comparable to the avoided cost of fuel.
A consumer deciding between these two vehicles will have little, if any, direct economic
incentive to choose the VX, although the U.S. as a whole might prefer the lower carbon
dioxide emissions and reduced use of imported oil of the more efficient vehicle. According
to estimates from Honda Corporation, about 5% of '92 Civic sales were VXs (Pollack
Effects of Increased Gas Taxes and Feebates
In this section we investigate the effect of commonly discussed policy measures on the
consumer's choice between the 1992 DX and VX models. We discuss only the effect of
gas taxes and feebates on the life-cycle cost of the 1992 DX and VX models, and do not
address the rationale for such policies. It is important to note that these policy tools have a
different focus: gas taxes affect the cost of operating the car over its lifetime while feebates
alter the initial cost to the consumer of purchasing the vehicle.
Gas taxes: Gas taxes in the range of $1 to $4 per gallon are common in Europe and Japan.
Taxes that are only a fraction the size of the European taxes (e.g., an additional $0.50 per
gallon) would tip the balance of cost effectiveness in favor of the VX relative to the 1992
DX for consumers who use discount rates of 3% to 10% real. Consumers who use simple
See Koomey (1990) for a discussion of the pitfalls of estimating monetary values for externalities.
Page 14
payback times of about 3 years, corresponding to real discount rates of roughly 30%,
would require gasoline taxes of $2 to $3 per gallon to make the VX cost competitive with
the 1992 DX.
Feebates: This policy mechanism puts fees on inefficient cars, gives rebates to efficient
cars, and uses the fees to pay for the rebates (Griffin and Steele 1986, Koomey and
Rosenfeld 1990). We examine the financial impact of two currently proposed feebate
strategies on the consumer's choice between the 1992 DX and VX:
(1) The California legislature is considering a feebate program called DRIVE+,
which would offer a rebate based on vehicle carbon dioxide emissions (a measure
of fuel efficiency) on the order of $0.20 per gallon of gasoline or $21 per metric
tonne of carbon dioxide.
If adopted in a state other than California, consumers
buying a Civic VX would be eligible for a $160 greater rebate than the DX due to
its higher fuel efficiency rating.
. The rebate difference within California would
be lower because of the lower efficiency of the California VX.
(2) The State of Maryland recently enacted feebate legislation that would adjust the
vehicle titling tax based on a vehicle's fuel economy .
Other states are interested
in adopting similar legislation. The Maryland program limits feebates to one
percent of the new car sales price ($100 for the DX and $110 for the VX).
However, other states are considering feebate legislation that calculates feebates
based on fuel efficiency levels without limitation.
If we estimate the size of feebates using the calculation methods detailed in the
Maryland legislation, but without restricting their size, we find that those
purchasing a new Civic VX would be eligible for an $800 rebate while a DX buyer
would only receive a $200 rebate. This $600 difference in rebates is over 85% of
the difference in the MSRPs of these models.
Either gas taxes or feebates may persuade consumers (and therefore manufacturers) to
purchase (and produce) more efficient vehicles such as the Civic VX.
DRIVE+, as currently conceived, would also offer feebates on vehicle emissions of air pollutants. A fee
or rebate depending of the car's emissions rating ("low-emission vehicle", "ultra-low-emission vehicle, etc.)
in accordance with 1994 emission specifications would be added to the carbon dioxide feebate detailed above
to arrive at the financial incentive or disincentive offered to the consumer. The 1993 Civic VX has been
certified to meet California's transitional-low-emission vehicle standards and would be subject to a rebate
based on lower emissions as well as a rebate for high efficiency (Automotive News 1992). Senator Gary
Hart (D-Santa Barbara) is the sponsor of this feebate legislation–SB 431.
We only considered the CO
feebate in this calculation because the emission feebate component depends
on the model's emission status starting in 1994 which has not yet been determined.
The State of Maryland's fuel efficiency feebate policy was passed by the legislature and signed into law
by the governor in 1992. However, the federal government is currently challenging the state law based on
preemption language in the federal fuel economy statute. Maryland's Attorney General maintains that the
state has the right to enact the law. Further action is expected to break this deadlock in 1993.
Page 15
Honda increased efficiency by 13% in the 1992 DX and by 56% in the 1992 Civic VX
(relative to the 1991 Civic DX), with negligible impacts on performance, driveability, and
comfort. The efficiency improvements in the 1992 DX (based on actual retail/MSRP
prices) were captured at negative net costs. The Cost of Conserved Energy for the
efficiency improvements in the 1992 Civic VX was significantly lower than the levelized
price of fuel (45% less than the cost of the saved gasoline with taxes, and 30% less than the
cost of the saved gasoline without taxes). These results suggest that the difficulty and cost
of improving fuel economy in new compact and subcompact automobiles may be less than
has been suggested by U.S. auto makers.
Review comments and valuable advice were provided by Chris Calwell (NRDC); Lee
Schipper, Rich Howarth, Evan Mills, and Alan Sanstad (LBL); Amory Lovins (E-Source);
and Marc Ross (University of Michigan and Argonne National Laboratory). Jack Keebler
of Automotive News provided insight into the performance and driveability of the 1992
VX. Toni Harrington of Honda North America gave us detailed information on fuel
economy improvement technologies. Finally, thanks are due to Jim Doten's Honda of
Berkeley, CA for allowing us to test drive the 1992 Civics on more than one occasion and
for providing information on consumer response and option costs.
Page 16
Automotive News. 1992. "Cleaner Civic OK in California". Automotive News. (19
October). p. 8.
Blackstone, Vicki. 1992. Personal Communication: "Discussion of costs of medical
payments coverage for owners of Honda Civics with Jonathan Koomey (LBL)".
Policy agent for United Services Automobile Association (USAA) Casualty
Insurance Company. (August 21).
Bleviss, Deborah Lynn. 1988. The New Oil Crisis and Fuel Economy Technologies. New
York, NY: Quorom Books.
Bohi, Douglas and W. David Montgomery. 1982. Oil Prices, Energy Security, and Import
Policy. Washington, D.C.: Resources for the Future.
Broadman, H. G. 1986. "The Social Cost of Importing Oil." Energy Policy. vol. 14, no.
3. p. 242.
Cannon, James S. 1990. The Health Costs of Air Pollution, Third Edition 1984-1989.
American Lung Association. (January).
Cutter Information Corp. 1992. "Lean burn takes a step forward". Global Environmental
Change Report. (23 October 1992). p. 7.
Davis, Stacey C. and Melissa D. Morris. 1992. Transportation Data Book: Edition 12.
Oak Ridge National Laboratory. (March).
Deluchi, Mark, Quanlu Wang and David L. Greene. 1992. Motor Vehicle Fuel Economy,
the Forgotten HC Control Strategy? Oak Ridge National Laboratory. ORNL-6715.
DeLuchi, Mark A., Daniel Sperling and Robert A. Johnston. 1987. A Comparative
Analysis of Future Transportation Fuels. Institute of Transportation Studies,
University of California, Berkeley. UCB-ITS-RR-87-13. (October).
EPCA. 1975. Energy Policy and Conservation Act. Section 503. (December 22).
Gillis, Jack. 1991. The Car Book: 1991 Edition. New York: Harper Collins.
Gordon, Deborah. 1991. Steering a New Course: Transportation, Energy, and the
Environment. Washington, DC: Island Press.
Greene, David L. 1983. "A Note on Implicit Consumer Discounting of Automobile Fuel
Economy: Reviewing the Available Evidence." Transportation Research. vol.
17B, no. 6. p. 491.
Greene, David L. 1992. "Vehicle Use and Fuel Economy: How Big is the "Rebound"
Effect?" The Energy Journal. vol. 13, no. 1. p. 117.
Greene, David. L. and K.G. Duleep. 1992. Costs and Benefits of Automotive Fuel
Economy Improvement: A Partial Analysis. Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
ORNL-6704. (March).
Griffin, James M. and Harry B. Steele. 1986. Energy Economics and Policy. 2nd
Orlando, FL: Academic Press College Division.
Page 17
Hall, Darwin C. 1992. "Oil and National Security." Energy Policy. vol. 20, no. 11. p.
Harrington, Toni. 1992. Personal Communication: "Discussion of Honda VX
performance and technology with Deborah Schechter, UCS". Assistant Vice
President, Honda North America, Washington, DC. (July).
Honda. 1990. 1991 Civic Specifications and Features. American Honda Motor Co., Inc.
Honda. 1991. 1992 Civic Specifications and Features. American Honda Motor Co., Inc.
Honda Motor Co. Ltd. 1991. VTEC Engine. Honda Public Relations Division. (July 31).
Johnson, Richard. 1992. "Next Accord May Offer New Engine". Automotive News.
(October 19).
Kahn, Edward. 1988. Electric Utility Planning and Regulation. Washington, DC:
American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy.
Keebler, Jack. 1992a. Personal Communication: "Discussion of Honda VX performance
with Deborah Schechter, UCS". Engineering Editor, Automotive News, Detroit.
Keebler, Jack. 1992b. "Honda Civic VX: Experiment in clean,fuel-efficient motoring pays
off–almost". Automotive News. (June 29). p. 20.
Koomey, Jonathan. 1990. Comparative Analysis of Monetary Estimates of External
Environmental Costs Associated with Combustion of Fossil Fuels. Lawrence
Berkeley Laboratory. LBL-28313. (July).
Koomey, Jonathan, Celina Atkinson, Alan Meier, James E. McMahon, Stan Boghosian,
Barbara Atkinson, Isaac Turiel, Mark D. Levine, Bruce Nordman and Peter Chan.
1991. The Potential for Electricity Efficiency Improvements in the U.S. Residential
Sector. Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. LBL-30477. (July).
Koomey, Jonathan and Arthur H. Rosenfeld. 1990. "Revenue-Neutral Incentives to
Promote Efficiency and Environmental Quality." Contemporary Policy Issues. vol.
VIII, no. 3. p. 142.
Ledbetter, Marc and Marc Ross. 1990. Supply Curves of Conserved Energy for
Automobiles. Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. (March).
Leestma, Jeff. 1992. Personal Communication: "Discussion of Honda VX performance
with Deborah Schechter, UCS". Honda North America, Public Relations Division,
Detroit. (July).
MacKenzie, James J., Roger C. Dower and Donald T. Chen. 1992. The Going Rate:
What it Really Costs to Drive. World Resources Institute, Washington, DC.
Maio, Ron. 1992a. Personal Communication: "Discussion of cost of steering column for
Honda DX and VX with Jonathan Koomey (LBL)". Jim Doten's Honda,
Berkeley, CA. (August 20).
Page 18
Maio, Ron. 1992b. Personal Communication: "Discussion of Honda DX and VX
performance and accessory costs with Deborah Schechter (UCS)". Jim Doten's
Honda, Berkeley, CA. (June 4 and 9).
Meier, Alan, Jan Wright and Arthur H. Rosenfeld. 1983. Supplying Energy Through
Greater Efficiency. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.
National Research Council. 1992. Automotive Fuel Economy: How Far Should We Go?
National Academy Press.
OTA, Office of Technology Assessment. 1991. Improving Automobile Fuel Economy:
New Standards, New Approaches. U.S. Government Printing Office. OTA-E-
504. (October).
Passino, Karen. 1992. Personal Communication: "Discussion of performance of Honda
DX and VX with Deborah Schechter (UCS)". Automotive News, Detroit. (July).
Pollack, Andrew. 1992. "Running Half-Engine to Save Fuel". NY Times, 18 November,
p. C16.
Rinek, Larry. 1992. Personal Communication: "Discussion of cost of anti-lock braking
mechanisms with Deborah Schechter, UCS". SRI International. Menlo Park, CA.
Sanger, David E. 1991. "Fuel Efficiency: New Japan Coup?". New York Times, July 31,
p. C1.
Shin, David. 1989. The Costs of Federally Mandated Policies to Promote Energy
Conservation: The Case of the Automobile Efficiency Standard. American
Petroleum Institute. Draft Working Paper. (June).
SRI International. 1991. Potential for Improved Fuel Economy in Passenger Cars and
Light Trucks. Prepared for Motor Vehicle Manufacturers Association, Menlo Park,
CA. (July).
US DOE, U.S. Department of Energy. 1992. Annual Energy Outlook, with Projections to
2010. Energy Information Administration. DOE/EIA-0383(92). (January).
US EPA, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1991a. 1991 Test Car List -- Passenger
US EPA, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1991b. Federal Certification Test
Results for 1991 Model Year.
US EPA, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1992a. 1992 Test Car List -- Passenger
US EPA, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1992b. Federal Certification Test
Results for 1992 Model Year.
USAA, United States Automobile Association. 1991a. USAA Auto Pricing Plus: 1991
Honda Civic. Compiled by Intellichoice, Inc. San Jose, CA.
USAA, United States Automobile Association. 1991b. USAA Auto Pricing Plus: 1992
Honda Civic Hatchback. Compiled by Intellichoice, Inc. San Jose, CA.
Page 19
This section describes in detail each of the fuel economy technologies used in the Civic
VTEC-E Engine
The Honda Variable Valve Timing and Lift Electronically Controlled (VTEC-E) engine is a
4-valve per cylinder, variable valve engine optimized for fuel economy. It is a completely
different engine than that found in the 1991 and 1992 Civic DX hatchbacks. The VTEC-E
engine has variable valve timing and uses lean burn technology. Additional modifications
to reduce engine friction contribute further to the improved fuel economy of the VTEC-E
Variable valve timing: Conventional engines use fixed valve timing and lift (height of
intake valve) at all engine speeds. At light loads when lower power is required, fixed valve
timing results in pumping losses, or efficiency losses due to the use of energy to pump air
and fuel into the cylinder and push out the products of combustion. Pumping losses occur
because, in order to reduce power, air and fuel input must be decreased using a throttle that
produces a pressure differential between intake and exhaust valves on the engine cylinder,
resulting in a loss of efficiency. Thus, closing the intake valve at light loads would reduce
the pressure differential and decrease pumping losses. This is the principle on which
variable valve timing operates. In the VTEC-E engine, the valve cycles are electronically
controlled to promote more complete combustion at lower engine speeds, thus reducing
fuel requirements. At low rpm, one of the two intake valves in each cylinder of the VTEC-
E engine is nearly closed. This creates a swirling motion in the combustion chamber. The
mixing and turbulence caused by this motion, combined with central placement of the spark
plug, shorten combustion time and assure more complete combustion. Combustion time is
also lessened by reducing the surface to volume ratio of the combustion chamber. The use
of variable valve timing also enhances low speed torque, allowing gearing modifications
(see below). At higher rpm, when more power output is required, both intake valves are
activated simultaneously with full lift to provide power comparable to engines without
variable valve timing (Honda Motor Co. Ltd 1991). Honda estimates that this feature
produces a 2.5% increase in fuel economy (Harrington 1992).
Lean burn technology: A lean burn engine is operated with air in excess of that required for
complete combustion (a high air/fuel ratio). Fuel economy increases with the addition of
excess air to the combustion chamber, as more air results in more complete combustion of
fuel, improves the efficiency of converting fuel energy into usable work (thermodynamic
efficiency), and decreases pumping losses. The use of variable valve timing and electronic
control enabled Honda to incorporate lean burn technology in the 1992 Civic VX. At low
engine speeds, the VTEC-E engine can operate at air/fuel ratios as high as 25:1, compared
to the stoichiometric ratio of 14.7:1 at which there is just enough air to theoretically achieve
complete combustion. At low rpm, the swirl motion, discussed above, creates turbulence
and results in the formation of a rich mixture (lower air/fuel ratio) that is maintained in a
vortex near the spark plug, while the total air/fuel ratio in the combustion chamber remains
lean. At higher speeds, the ratio decreases to approximately stoichiometric via electronic
control. This return to stoichiometric conditions at high rpm resolves a problem common
to lean burn systems where wide open throttle power decreases because less fuel is burned.
Another problem associated with lean burn is an increase in nitrogen oxide (NO
emissions due to inability of the 3-way catalysts to control NO
at high air/fuel ratios. In
order to meet more stringent NO
emission standards in California, Honda modified the
VX to use exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) instead of excess air to dilute a stoichiometric
Page 20
air/fuel ratio. Using EGR, exhaust gases are recirculated into the combustion chamber to
reduce NO
emissions by lowering combustion temperature. EGR also improves fuel
economy by using energy from the waste stream. However, lean burn is more efficient
than EGR. The lean burn characteristic of the VTEC engine has been estimated to account
for a five to ten percent improvement in fuel economy over the 1992 DX (Harrington
1992). Although the lean burn technology is used successfully in the Civic VX, it had
been largely dismissed by researchers as "speculative" prior to the release of the Civic VX
and was not considered viable in larger cars due to uncertainty about the performance of
nitrogen oxide catalyst technology in such applications (OTA 1991).
Reduced engine friction: Useful energy is lost due to friction between engine components
including pistons and rings, valve train, and crankshaft. Engine friction has been reduced
in the VTEC-E engine by the use of coated pistons and special low-friction piston rings.
Honda estimates that reduced engine friction in the VX contributes to a 1.5% fuel economy
improvement (Harrington 1992).
Roller cam followers: Intake and exhaust valves are operated by a camshaft in contact with
a cam follower. The VTEC-E engine uses roller cam followers that reduce valve train
friction by replacing the sliding contact between the roller cam and camshaft with a rolling
contact. According to Honda, they increase fuel economy by approximately one percent in
the VX (Harrington 1992).
Changes in Axle or Drive Ratio
Axle or drive ratio is defined as the ratio of revolutions of the drive shaft, or transaxle, to
the revolutions of the wheels. Generally, a low ratio means less engine wear and better
fuel economy than a higher ratio. However, a lower ratio will also result in slower
acceleration and decreased performance. The VTEC-E engine's variable valve timing
enhances low-speed torque, meaning that torque is higher at lower rpm than in the standard
Civic engine. This advantage allows a reduction in drive ratio without compromising
performance (Honda Motor Co. Ltd 1991). The drive ratio of the VX is 16% lower than
that of the 1991 DX and 20% lower than that of the 1992 DX. In general, a 10% decrease
in the axle ratio can improve fuel economy by 4% (Gillis 1991).
Changes in Gear Ratio
Automotive transmissions vary the ratio of engine speed to vehicle speed, allowing the
engine to operate in the optimal speed range and the automobile to operate over a wider
range of speeds. The wider, or taller, the ratio range of the gears in the transmission, the
more the engine can operate over a wide range of speeds and loads without sacrificing
performance. The VX operates at wider gear ratios and, thus, lower engine speeds than the
1991 and 1992 DX. This is made possible by the enhanced low-end torque resulting from
the use of variable-valve timing. The combination of axle and gear ratio changes accounts
for a 21% improvement in fuel economy (Harrington 1992).
Multi-point Fuel Injection
Fuel injection systems provide more control over addition of fuel and more complete fuel
atomization than carburetors. Such systems result in improved fuel economy, lower
emissions, and increased power. The 1991 Civic DX is equipped with a dual-point fuel
injection system using two injectors to inject fuel at essentially the same place as from a
carburetor. This system has been replaced by multi-point fuel injection in the 1992 Civics.
One injector is used for each cylinder (four cylinders in the case of the Civic hatchbacks)
Page 21
and fuel is injected upstream of the intake valves. Multi-point fuel injection allows control
of the air/fuel ratio at each cylinder and results in improvements in power, fuel economy,
and emissions. It is estimated to provide a 1.5% improvement in fuel economy over dual-
point fuel injection (Harrington 1992).
Weight Reduction
Lighter vehicles require less energy to overcome inertial forces. The 1992 Civic VX is
about 84 pounds (4%) lighter than the 1992 DX and 64 pounds (3%) lighter than the 1991
DX due to the use of lightweight alloy wheels, a lighter engine block, and other minor
modifications (Honda Motor Co. Ltd 1991). This weight reduction results in a 2.5%
increase in fuel economy relative to the 1991 DX (Harrington 1992).
Aerodynamic Improvements
Aerodynamic drag is due to the resistance of air to the movement of the vehicle. The
aerodynamic characteristic of a vehicle is generally expressed as the coefficient of drag, or
. The lower the C
, the less energy is required to overcome air resistance. The C
the 1992 DX is 0.32, compared with 0.33 for the 1991 DX, while the VX has a drag
coefficient of 0.31. This reduction in drag coefficient is estimated to produce a 1.5%
increase in fuel economy in the VX relative to the 1991 DX (Harrington 1992).
Low Rolling Resistance Tires
Rolling resistance results from heat generated and lost by tires as they flex. The 1992 VX
is equipped with tires that have reduced surface area in contact with the road and increased
stiffness, thus decreasing rolling resistance. Low rolling resistance tires improve fuel
economy by an estimated 1% (Harrington 1992). We have no data on braking or cornering
characteristics of these new tires compared to those used on the 1991 Civic VX.
Reduced Idle Speed
An engine that idles at higher than average rpm will generally consume more fuel than one
that idles at lower rpm. Honda has reduced idle fuel consumption by decreasing the speed
at which the VTEC-E engine idles, thus improving fuel economy by 3% (Harrington
Shift Indicator Light
Honda estimates that the shift indicator light, which alerts the driver to shift gears at the
most efficient shift point, will result in a 5% fuel economy improvement. The 49-State
Civic VX is equipped with a shift indicator light, while the California VX is not
(Harrington 1992).
Page 22
This Appendix compares the 1992 Honda Civic CX 2-door hatchback with the 1991
Honda Civic 2-door hatchback. As shown in Table B.1, these two cars are functionally
identical, with the exception of an airbag and a shift indicator light in the 1992 CX, but
have efficiencies that differ by 28%. The efficiency difference is mainly caused by the shift
to a 5-speed transmission from a 4-speed transmission and improved aerodynamics. Table
B.2 presents the estimated direct emissions for these models.
After subtracting the cost of the airbag and correcting for 4% inflation (same assumptions
as Table 5 above), we find that these efficiency improvements are accomplished at
approximately zero cost. The efficiency of this Civic hatchback has been improved at low
or zero cost to society, while actually improving safety. This comparison adds weight to
the previous calculations for the DX and VX.
Table 1: Specifications/Features of Honda Civic Models
Specifications/Features 1991 DX 1992 DX 1992 VX
Fuel Economy
Unadjusted miles per gallon (city/hwy) 34/39 39/44 53/61
Adjusted miles per gallon (city/hwy) 31/35 35/40 48/55
Adjusted miles per gallon (composite) 32.7 37.1 50.9
Engine, Drive Train
Horsepower (@ rpm) 92 @ 6000 102 @ 5900 92 @ 5500
Torque (lb-ft @ rpm) 89 @ 4500 98 @ 5000 97 @ 4500
Valve train SOHC, 16-valve SOHC, 16-valve VTEC-E
Fuel induction Dual-point Fuel Injection Multi-point Fuel Injection Multi-point Fuel Injection
Drive-train type Front-wheel Drive Front-wheel Drive Front-wheel Drive
Transmission 5-Speed Manual 5-Speed Manual 5-Speed Manual
Final drive train ratio 3.89 4.06 3.25
Exterior Dimensions
Wheelbase (in) 98.4 101.3 101.3
Overall Length (in) 157.1 160.2 160.2
Overall Width (in) 66.3 66.9 66.9
Curb weight (lbs) 2158 2178 2094
Coefficient of drag 0.33 0.32 0.31
Interior Dimensions
Headroom front/rear (in) 38.2/36.6 38.6/36.6 38.6/36.6
Legroom front/rear (in) 38.6/36.6 42.5/30.5 42.5/30.5
Cargo volume (cu. ft) 16.9 13.3 13.3
Passenger volume (cu. ft) 73 77.2 77.2
Fuel capacity (gal) 11.9 11.9 10
Power features
Steering no no no
Windows no no no
Safety features
Driver airbag not available standard standard
Cost (1992 $)
Invoice/dealer cost 8171 8663 9258
Manufacturers suggested retail price (MSRP) 9563 10140 10840
Seconds to go from 0 to 100 kph NA 10.2 10.5
(1) Sources: Honda 1990, 1991; Leestma 1992; USAA 1991a, 1991b
(2) 1991 costs adjusted to 1992 $ assuming 4% inflation.
(3) Fuel economy is listed for the 49-State version of the 1992 VX. The California version has the following fuel economy:
unadjusted: 49/57; adjusted: 44/51; composite: 46.9. The California version of the 1991 and 1992 DX has the same
fuel economy as the 49-State versions of these cars.
(4) Unadjusted mpg is used for CAFE compliance purposes and does not include real-world corrections to the EPA test
procedure. To calculate adjusted mpg that reflects real-world driving, unadjusted mpg for city driving is reduced by 10% and fo
highway driving is reduced 22%. Composite mpg assumes 55% of driving is urban and 45% of driving is on the highway.
(5) Gear ratios for the 1992 DX and VX are as follows (this data was unavailable for the 1991 DX):
Gear number 1 2 3 4 5 R
Ratio 92 DX 3.25 1.761 1.172 0.909 0.702 3.153
Ratio 92 VX 3.25 1.761 1.066 0.852 0.702 3.153
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Table 2: Cosmetic Differences and Associated Costs
Cost to add feature
1991 DX 1992 DX 1992 VX (1992$) (2)
Rear wiper/washer yes yes no 300
Body side molding yes yes no 150-160
Tachometer no no yes 150-300
Adjustable steering column yes yes no 0 (3)
Cargo area cover yes yes no 159
Wheel type steel covers center caps lightweight alloy 240-320 (4)
MSRP correction added to DX (5) 365
MSRP correction added to VX (5) 614
(1) Sources: American Honda Motor Co., Inc. 1990, 1991; Maio 1992.
(2) Figures represent estimated MSRP costs of adding the specified features. Estimates are in some cases crude because
these particular items are not available as actual options (with the exception of the cargo area cover, which is available
as an option on the VX).
(3) Cost to replace steering column (as a repair) = $272 for both DX and VX, according to Maio 1992b.
The incremental cost therefore is 0 for tilt steering column in the DX, since there is no difference in cost to
replace the column between DX and VX.
(4) Indicates cost of lightweight alloy wheels (4) above that of steel covers or center caps.
(5) To correct for differences in costs of cosmetic features, the mean cost of each option that exists on the 1991
and 1992 DX but not on the VX has been added to the cost of the VX, and the mean cost of each option that
exists on the VX but not on the DX has been added to the cost of the DX. The only exception to this rule is that only
half the cost of the alloy wheels has been added to the cost of the DX, because part of their benefit is to increase fuel
economy, and part is cosmetic. These MSRP costs are adjusted to reflect the standard 17% markup when estimating
invoice costs. See Table 5 for details on how these numbers are used in the CCE calculations.
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Table 3: Estimated direct emissions for Honda Civic hatchbacks
Pollutant (g/mi)
Vehicle Applicability HC CO NOx Comments
1991 DX 4k mile certification data 0.091 0.90 0.34 50 State
1992 DX 4k mile certification data 0.100 0.96 0.20 49 State
4k mile certification data 0.130 1.60 0.20 CA
1992 VX 4k mile certification data 0.152 0.70 0.54 49 State
4k mile certification data 0.155 0.95 0.60 49 State w/SIL (1)
4k mile certification data 0.140 0.90 0.20 CA
1991 DX Deterioration factors 1.247 1.260 1.129
1992 DX Deterioration factors 1.243 1.292 1.453
1992 VX Deterioration factors 1.205 1.268 1.000
1991 DX Estimated 50k mile emissions (2) 0.11 1.1 0.38 50 State
1992 DX Estimated 50k mile emissions 0.12 1.2 0.29 49 State
Estimated 50k mile emissions 0.16 2.1 0.29 CA
1992 VX Estimated 50k mile emissions 0.18 0.89 0.54 49 State
Estimated 50k mile emissions 0.19 1.2 0.60 49 State w/SIL
Estimated 50k mile emissions 0.17 1.1 0.20 CA
(1) SIL= shift indicator light
(2) Deterioration factors are multiplied by 4k mile emissions to calculate 50k mile emissions.
Deterioration factors are derived from testing of prototype vehicles by EPA.
(4) Emissions represent direct tailpipe emissions and do not include indirect emissions from the extraction,
processing, and transport of fuel.
(5) Sources: American Honda Motor Co, Inc., Certification Department, 1991 EPA Test Car List, US EPA
Federal Certification Test Results for 1991 Model Year, and US EPA Federal Certification Test Results
for 1992 Model Year.
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Table 4: Technologies Used to Increase Fuel Economy in 1992 VX
Fuel Economy
Improvement (%) Cost
Technology '91 DX to '92 VX (1992 $/car) (2,3)
Multi-point fuel injection 1.5 56-162
Low rolling resistance tires 1 21-22
VTEC-E engine
variable valve timing 2.5 108 -164
lean burn 5 -10 150 - 500
reduced friction 1.5 35-65
roller cam followers 1 19-54
Weight reduction 2.5 37 - 78 (4)
Aerodynamic improvements 1.5 22 - 39 (5)
Gearing and drive ratio changes 21 N/A (6)
Reduced idle speed/rpm 3 N/A (6)
Shift indicator light 5 N/A (6)
Total 45.5 - 50.5 (7) 448 - 1084
(1) Sources: Greene and Duleep. 1992, Harrington 1992, National Research Council 1992,
SRI International 1991.
(2) All costs taken from SRI International (1991) and Greene and Duleep (1992). They represent retail
costs to the consumer. Greene and Duleep provide the low end of the range and SRI provides the
high end estimate for all technologies with the exception of variable valve timing. Both sources
used a variety of information including cost figures from vehicle manufacturers and component
suppliers, and information on cost components such as production costs, fixed costs, and
markups for overheads, taxes, and dealer profit.
(3) Most cost estimates adjusted from 1988 and 1990 $ based on 4.1% implicit price deflator
for GNP for 1989 and assumed 4% annual deflator for 1990 to 1992.
(4) Cost estimate from Greene and Duleep based on $0.50/lb reduced (1988$). Estimate from
SRI based on 5% weight reduction.
(5) Cost based on 10% aerodynamic improvement.
(6) N/A = not available.
(7) Totals based on simple addition do not add to 56% due to synergistic effects of fuel
economy technologies (e.g., variable valve timing allows gearing changes and use of lean burn).
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Table 5: Cost of Conserved Gasoline for 1992 Honda Civic DX and VX Hatchbacks
Changes in mpg, fuel use, and capital costs
Costs Costs Costs Costs
Fully Corrected Fully Corrected As Available Fully Corrected
91 DX 92 DX 92 VX 91DX to 92DX 91DX to 92VX 92DX to 92VX 92DX to 92VX
EPA mpg estimates
Adjusted miles/gallon (city) 31 35 48 13% 55% 37% 37%
Adjusted miles/gallon (highway) 35 40 55 14% 57% 38% 38%
Adjusted miles/gallon (EPA composite) 32.7 37.1 50.9 13% 56% 37% 37%
Fuel used (gallons/year) 312 275 200 -37 -112 -75 -75
Invoice cost (IC, in 92$) 8171 8663 9258 492 1087 595 595
MSRP cost (92$) 9563 10140 10840 577 1277 700 700
IC adjusted for airbag+cosmetic difs (92$) 8474 8282 9084 -192 610 727 802
MSRP adjusted for airbag+cosmetic difs (92$) 9928 9705 10654 -223 726 859 949
Annualized incremental invoice cost ($/year) 999 976 1071 -23 72 86 94
Annualized incremental MSRP cost ($/year) 1170 1144 1256 -26 86 101 112
CCE based on invoice cost (92 $/gallon) < 0 0.64 1.15 1.26
CCE based on MSRP cost (92 $/gallon) < 0 0.77 1.36 1.50
SPT (in years)-MSRP & gas price w/tax < 0 4.6 8.2 9.0
SPT (in years)-MSRP & gas price w/o tax < 0 5.9 10.4 11.5
Other parameters
Real discount rate 7%
Auto lifetime (years) 13.3
Capital recovery factor 11.8%
City driving percentage 55%
Highway driving percentage 45%
Miles driven/year 10200
Invoice cost of airbag (1992 $) 683
MSRP cost of airbag (1992 $) 800
Levelized cost of gasoline w/taxes (92$/gal) 1.40
Levelized cost of gasoline w/o taxes (92$/gal) 1.10
(1) 1991 DX costs adjusted to 1992$ assuming 4% inflation.
(2) Source of invoice and MSRP costs: USAA 1991a, 1991b.
(3) Automobile lifetime derived from retirement curve in Davis and Morris (1992).
(4) Composite mpg calculated assuming city and highway percentages are 55% and 45%, respectively (EPCA 1975).
(5) Annual auto mileage from Davis and Morris (1992).
(6) MSRP airbag cost from Maio 1992. Invoice cost of airbag calculated from MSRP using average markup of 17% (from total Civic costs).
(7) Levelized cost of gasoline calculated using a 7% real discount rate and the fuel price forecast contained in U.S. DOE 1992 over the
period 1992-2005, based on the method from Kahn 1988. This price includes roughly $0.30/gallon of state and federal taxes.
(8) Cost of airbag subtracted from 1992 DX and VX models.
(9) Mean cost of hatch cover, body side moulding, adjustable steering column, and rear wiper/washer added to cost of VX in Full
Correction case. Mean cost of tachometer and 1/2 of cost of alloy wheels added to cost of 1991 and 1992 DX. Invoice cost for options
calculated from MSRP costs in Table 2 using same markup as for airbag (see note 6). In the As Available case, only the cost of
the hatch cover is added to the VX, because that is the only option that can actually be purchased by a new car buyer.
(10) no rebound effect is included in cost-effectiveness calculations. See text for details
(11) SPT = simple payback time (in years), defined as incremental capital cost divided by annual energy cost savings
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Table 6: Sensitivity of Cost of Conserved Energy to Choice of Real Discount Rate
Levelized Fully Corrected As Available Fully Corrected
Real gasoline CCE CCE CCE
discount price 1992 $/gallon 1992 $/gallon 1992 $/gallon
rate 1992$/gal 91 DX vs 92 VX 92 DX vs 92 VX 92 DX vs 92 VX
CCE based on invoice cost (1992 $/gallon) 3% 1.411 0.50 0.90 0.99
CCE based on MSRP cost (1992 $/gallon) 3% 0.60 1.06 1.17
CCE based on invoice cost (1992 $/gallon) 7% 1.404 0.64 1.15 1.26
CCE based on MSRP cost (1992 $/gallon) 7% 0.77 1.36 1.50
CCE based on invoice cost (1992 $/gallon) 10% 1.398 0.76 1.35 1.49
CCE based on MSRP cost (1992 $/gallon) 10% 0.90 1.60 1.77
CCE based on invoice cost (1992 $/gallon) 30% 1.364 1.69 3.01 3.32
CCE based on MSRP cost (1992 $/gallon) 30% 2.01 3.56 3.93
(1) Assumptions for auto lifetime, mileage travelled, and other parameters are the same as in Table 5.
(2) Levelized cost of gasoline calculated using appropriate real discount rates and the fuel price forecast contained
in U.S. DOE 1992 over the period 1992-2005, based on the method from Kahn 1988.
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Table B.1: Cost of Conserved Gasoline for 1992 Honda Civic CX Hatchbacks
1991 2 door hatchback 1992 CX hatchback 1991 to 1992CX
EPA mpg estimates
Adjusted miles/gallon (city) 33 42 27%
Adjusted miles/gallon (highway) 37 48 30%
Adjusted miles/gallon (EPA composite) 34.7 44.5 28%
Fuel used (gallons/year) 294 229 -65
Characteristics 1992 CX rel. to 1991
Horsepower 70.0 70.0 same
Transmission 4 speed manual 5 speed manual +
Airbag No Yes +
Engine 4 cylinder, 1.5 liter 4 cylinder, 1.5 liter same
Shift indicator light No Yes
Curb weight 2127.0 2094.0 -
Overall length 157.1" 160.2" +
HC emissions (g/mi) 0.208 0.112 -
CO emissions (g/mi) 1.73 1.52 -
NOx emissions (g/mi) 0.49 0.28 -
Invoice cost (IC, in 92 $) 6641 7290 649
MSRP cost (92 $) 7379 8100 721
Invoice cost adjusted for airbag (92 $) 6641 6570 -71
MSRP cost adjusted for airbag (92 $) 7379 7300 -79
Annualized incremental invoice cost ($/year) 783 774 -8
Annualized incremental MSRP cost ($/year) 870 860 -9
CCE based on invoice cost (92 $/gallon) < 0
CCE based on MSRP cost (92 $/gallon) < 0
Simple payback time-MSRP & gas price w/tax < 0
Simple payback time-MSRP & gas price w/o tax < 0
Other parameters
Real discount rate 7%
Auto lifetime (years) 13.3
Capital recovery factor 11.8%
City driving percentage 55%
Highway driving percentage 45%
Miles driven/year 10200
Invoice cost of airbag (1992 $) 720
MSRP cost of airbag (1992 $) 800
Levelized cost of gasoline w/taxes (92$/gal) 1.40
Levelized cost of gasoline w/o taxes (92$/gal) 1.10
(1) Assumptions are the same as for Table 5, with the addition that there are no cosmetic differences between the 1991
hatchback and the 1992 CX hatchback.
(2) Emissions factors are estimated 50k mile values, calculated using method described in Table 3.
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Table B.2: Estimated emissions for 1991 base model Honda Civic
hatchback and 1992 CX (1)
Pollutant (g/mi)
Vehicle Applicability HC CO NOx Comments
1991 Base Htchbk 4k mile certification data 0.208 1.73 0.49 50-State
1992 CX 4k mile certification data 0.112 1.52 0.28 50-State w/ SIL (2)
4k mile certification data 0.078 0.85 0.32 50-State
1992 CX Deterioration factors 1.184 1.295 1.129
1992 CX Estimated 50k mile emissions (3) 0.13 2.0 0.30 50-State w/SIL
0.092 1.1 0.34 50-State
(1) Emissions represent direct tailpipe emissions and do not include indirect emissions from the
extraction, processing, and transport of fuel.
(2) SIL= shift indicator light
(3) Deterioration factors are multiplied by 4k mile emissions to calculate 50k mile emissions.
Deterioration factors are derived from testing of prototype vehicles by EPA.
(4) Sources: American Honda Motor Co., Inc., Certification Department; 1991 EPA Test Car List;
US EPA Federal Certification Test Results for 1991 Model Year; and US EPA Federal Certification
Test Results for 1992 Model Year.
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