NO. 32 DECEMBER 2015
FutureHeights works to inspire and facilitate
collaboration and empowerment to ensure a vibrant
and sustainable future for our community.
From the President
My commitment to the long term success
of FutureHeights is personal. My family arrived in
Cleveland Heights in the early 70’s. I was raised by
a single mother who deeply valued education and
instilled the belief in her children that we could
achieve anything that we set our mind to. She set
a tremendous example by earning an undergradu-
ate degree, immediately followed by a law degree
from CWRU, all while raising three kids alone. is
wouldn’t have been possible without the support of
this great community.
e Heights is a unique place. While growing
up here, I attended CH-UH schools exclusively, and
was nurtured by this diverse community to become
who I am today. is is my sixth year of serving on
the FutureHeights Board of Directors and my rst
year serving as its president.
rough its many programs, FutureHeights
fosters collaboration and empowerment to create a
vibrant and sustainable future for our communities.
In 2015, FutureHeights launched some exciting new
programs to help strengthen our neighborhoods: we
now oer a Community-Building Workshop Series
for Cleveland Heights residents and mini-grants
to help them build on their areas’ assets and create
meaningful change in their own neighborhoods. We
also hired Sruti Basu as our director of community-
building programs. Sruti is a bright and energetic
practitioner of Assets Based Community Develop-
ment, who has the ability to work with a wide vari-
ety of people and help mentor neighborhood groups
as they seek to organize and mobilize resources.
Fourteen residents from a variety of neighbor-
hoods participated in our inaugural Community-
Building Workshop Series last spring, and we
awarded $2,400 to three neighborhood projects in
our rst round of mini-grants. As Sruti gets to know
more residents, we are looking forward to working
with the next group of neighborhood leaders and
seeing those initial projects come to fruition.
FutureHeights is looking forward to making
an impact on our neighborhood-serving commer-
cial districts. As we work with residents from vari-
ous neighborhoods, we notice that they oen share
common concerns about the commercial districts
that border them. It is here that residents from
dierent neighborhoods get together, whether to so-
cialize at our diverse restaurants or patronize shops
for needed goods and services. ey have noticed,
as we have, that many of our storefronts are vacant
and many of our existing businesses are struggling.
FutureHeights had long supported our local
businesses through its Shop Local and Best of the
Heights Programs, and through stories and low-cost
advertising opportunities in the Heights Observer,
but we sensed that our city needed more.
In May, we began meeting with a group of
concerned residents and business owners in the Ce-
dar Lee area. ey were concerned about ongoing
negative perceptions of both their neighborhood
and the city as a whole, including the potential
short-term impact of construction—with the high
school renovation project and the planned Cedar-
Lee streetscape project—and wanted to do more to
address commercial vacancies.
e group met every week, calling itself
the Heights Community Development Alliance
(HCDA), craing a mission and detailing potential
programs. Although the origin of the group was for
Cedar Lee, group members quickly realized that the
issues it outlined applied to all Cleveland Heights
districts and sought to include them.
In November, HCDA became an ocial pro-
gram of FutureHeights. We are looking forward to
supporting this initial groups eorts to strengthen
our commercial districts through data-driven
programs designed to attract and retain storefront
businesses, and innovative ways to temporarily
enliven vacant spaces. We piloted this concept by
partnering with Heights Arts and Artful during the
2015 Heights Music Hop to ll four vacant spaces
on Lee Road with artists during the event.
As we close out an exciting year of growth
through enhanced service of our mission, we are
looking forward to another year of growth in 2016.
ere is much to be done, but the Heights has many
strengths and many assets—not the least of which
are diverse, educated and engaged residents who
volunteer their time in so many ways to make this
community a better place. Together, we can gure
this out. We can create strong neighborhoods and
strong commercial districts that will ensure that
this place remains a vibrant and desirable place to
live and visit, and will continue to nurture its young
ank you for your continued support.
Richard Stewart
FutureHeights Board of Directors
News and Notes
Over the last 18 months, we have accomplished much with a small
staff and many dedicated volunteers:
Empowering the community to tell its own story
Through the Heights Observer, residents tell the story about our
community. They contribute news stories and opinion pieces, and
our local businesses support this hyper-local community news proj-
ect through their paid advertising. In 2014, we published another
12 issues of the print edition and 50 issues of the weekly e-news.
Ninety-three new volunteers signed up in the member center to
write, edit and distribute the paper, which brings the total number
of people engaged through the Heights Observer, to 1,061.
We have published more than 6,228 stories since the beginning
of the project in April 2008. In 2014, the print edition averaged 26
pages and 90 advertisers each month. The e-news, which is pub-
lished on Tuesday, now reaches almost 5,000 people and averages a
29% open rate.
A dedicated team helps Heights residents find their voices and
create a professional-looking publication that is available to all, free
of charge, at our many local businesses. Deanna Bremer Fisher,
executive director of FutureHeights, serves as the Heights Ob-
server’s publisher. Kim Sergio-Inglis is editor-in-chief, assisted by
Andrea C. Turner, e-news editor. Bob Rosenbaum manages our ad
sales, Kathleen Fant manages billing, and Hannah Baldwin oversees
distribution. Members of the Heights Observer graphic design
team are Temma Collins and Diane Roberto. All are assisted by a
committee of advisors, led by co-chairs Bob Rosenbaum and James
Henke, a member of the FutureHeights Board of Directors.
In 2014, prompted by safety concerns in Cleveland Heights,
the Heights Observer began a collaboration with the Cleve-
land Heights Police Department to publish crime statistics on a
quarterly basis. The first report appeared in January 2015. Through
publishing and providing context for the data, we seek to empower
residents to make their own educated judgments about the relative
safety of Cleveland Heights and the effectiveness of city policing.
Educating and empowering neighborhood leaders
After years of planning, we launched a Community Capacity-
Building Program in 2015 to strengthen our neighborhoods by
helping residents leverage their many assets and providing tools to
enable neighborhood leaders to work together on creative solutions
to their challenges. Our program has four components: a series of
workshops to train neighborhood leaders; public forums on specific
issues of importance to the whole community; a small grants
program to enable neighborhood-based projects; and the hiring of
a Community Builder, a new staff position at FutureHeights. Bill
Traynor, the keynote speaker at our annual meeting helped us
introduce the program with his talk about Community Network
In spring 2015, we held our first annual series of community-
building workshops to train participants in effective community-
building and place-making practices. Members of the inaugural class
of 14 community builders came from several Heights neighbor-
hoods. While some had had strong resident organizations for years,
others had more recently formed or formed during the sessions.
Noble Neighbors, a group which represents residents in the
northeast quadrant of Cleveland Heights, began meeting in 2014.
Boulevard Neighbors formed during the workshop series. The Com-
munity Builders met this fall to share some of the successes they
have had. In 2016, we will host another series of workshops. Look
for the application and dates on our website.
We held the first of two planned forums for 2015 on June 9
the topic “Understanding Policing in Cleveland Heights.” CH
Chief Jeffrey Robertson and his staff spoke about the implementa-
tion of new technologies and new efforts in community policing. A
second forum on the topic of “Re-Imagining Severance” took place
Oct. 21. Topics for future forums will be determined by our Civic
Engagement Committee in concert with needs expressed by our
community builders.
In July 2015, we announced the creation of a Neighborhood Mini-
Grants Program to facilitate improvement of the physical and social
environment of neighborhoods. Grants of up to $1,000 are available
to Cleveland Heights neighborhood-based groups for projects that
strengthen their neighborhoods. FutureHeights intends to hold two
grant application rounds, one in the fall and one in the spring.
Applications were due for the first round on Sept. 15. The second
application deadline is Feb. 15.
On Aug. 31, FutureHeights welcomed Sruti Basu as director of
community-building programs. Sruti comes to us with a wealth of
experience in working with community groups. She has a Master
of Public Administration from the Bernard Baruch College at City
University of New York, is a graduate of the National Urban Fel-
lows Program, and holds a Master of Science in Social Administra-
tion from the Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences at Case
Western Reserve University. She has worked for the Greater Hous-
ton Community Foundation, the Cleveland Foundation, Neighbor-
hood Connections and Slavic Village Community Development
Corporation. In this new full-time staff position with FutureHeights,
Sruti will attend neighborhood meetings, identify potential leaders,
work with existing groups and assist in starting new groups.
FutureHeights continues to work with several community-based
groups—acting as fiscal sponsor for Sustainable Heights Network,
Montford Community Garden Association, Spirit Corner, Plant
One Tree and Growing Heights (formerly the Heights Community
Garden Network)—enabling them to seek funding and present
programs that enhance our community.
Strengthening our local economy
The locally owned, independent businesses that comprise our
14 business districts are strong contributors to our local economy
and the unique character of our community. Through “shop local”
programs, such as the Heights Observer’s Holiday Gift Guide,
Online Auction, and Best of the Heights, and low-cost advertising
opportunities in the Heights Observer, we encourage residents to
patronize these businesses and help keep our community vibrant.
We also sponsor and present several special events designed to
showcase our community, bring people together and stimulate the
local economy. We have presented a series of Welcome Home
events, featuring some of the amazing people who make their home
in the Heights. Among them are chefs, foodies and restauranteurs;
authors and poets; and musicians. We are a sponsor of community
events, such as the Cedar Fairmount Special Improvement District’s
Discover Cedar Fairmount Festival and the Cleveland Heights
High School Alumni Foundation’s Pancake Breakfast. We are a
co-presenter of the Cedar Lee Kids Candy Crawl, which brings
hundreds of costumed children and their families to interact with
our local businesses.
Our newest annual event, the Heights Music Hop, is a celebration
of local music that takes place in several venues along Lee Road
and is free to the public. With the help of our many partners and
sponsors, we have been able to increase the number of venues and
hours of music each year since the inaugural event in 2013. In 2015,
we worked with Heights Arts and a new group called ARTFUL to
enliven empty storefronts along Lee Road with pop-up artists. We
are looking forward to continuing to present community-building
events like these in coming years.
Investing in our organization
FutureHeights continues to look for ways to become more ef-
ficient, more effective and more visible in what we do. In March
2014, we moved into shared office space with Reaching Heights, a
nonprofit that supports public education in the Heights. Since then,
we have been working to improve our new office, located at 2843
Washington Blvd. in the former Coventry Elementary School, by
building an entry door to separate our space from the rest of the
building and installing two new workstations. We are continuing
to investigate strategic collaborations to enable us to maximize your
investment in us and fulfill our mission of ensuring a vibrant and
sustainable future for the Heights. Thank you for your support!
Deanna Bremer Fisher
Cleveland Heights resident
for 20 years • Co-authored the
nomination to have her neigh-
borhood listed in the National
Register of Historic Places • Is
very happy to see more indi-
vidual citizens nominating their
Heights neighborhoods for list-
ing in the National Register
Hannah Baldwin
Grew up in Cleveland Heights
• Loves the diversity of the
Heights and its niche neighbor-
Richard Stewart
Owner of Digizoom Media
• Raised in the Heights and
attended Fairfax, Roxboro and
Heights High • Loves his friendly
neighbors on East Fairfax Road
Meet the 2015 FutureHeights Board of Directors
Vince Reddy
Project manager for LAND studio
• Moved to Cleveland Heights in
1996 • Despite the challenges fac-
ing the community, is hopeful for
the future of Cleveland Heights
Mark Chupp
Assistant professor in Community
Practice for Social Change at the
Mandel School at CWRU • Loves
living on a walkable tree-lined
street near Coventry • Bicyclist,
social activist and gardener
Douglas Whipple
Heights resident for 18 years
• Celebrates our trees and the
vitality of our local businesses •
Lawyer at
Daniel Budin
Vice President
Works for Division of Parks and
Recreation of Cleveland Heights
• Lifelong resident of Cleveland
Heights • Loves the walkability of
the Heights
Susan Christopher
Senior Marketing & Communica-
tions Ocer for the Cleveland
Foundation • 13-year Heights
resident • Loves the collabora-
tion, pride and long-time com-
mitment of homeowners in the
Noble neighborhood
Patti Carlyle
Writer, activist and Northeast
Ohio native • University Heights
resident, with daughter in the CH-
UH school district • Loves the
sense of place here in the Heights
Joan Moore
Boomerang resident of Cleveland
Heights • Active participant in the
multifaceted living experience of
Cleveland Heights • Loves being
close to many fabulous bakeries
James Henke
Freelance writer • 17-year Cleve-
land Heights resident • Loves
all the independent stores and
restaurants as well as the city’s
commitment to the arts
Mike Kinsella
Vice President
Instructor of Nonprot Manage-
ment and Economics, Lake Erie
College • 15-year resident of
Cleveland Heights • Drawn to its
active and engaged citizenry
Heights Observer Staff
Publisher: Deanna Bremer Fisher
Editor-In-Chief: Kim Sergio-Inglis
E-News Editor: Andrea C. Turner
Advertising: Bob Rosenbaum
Design and Production: Temma
Collins, Diane Roberto
Distribution: Hannah Baldwin
Kathleen Fant
Appreciates the unique
character and benets of
living in Cleveland Heights •
Committed to preserving and
enhancing our neighborhoods
and businesses for residents of
all ages
Sruti Basu
Loves the parks and areas for
outdoor activities, wonderful
restaurants and coee shops
• Appreciates the caring and
interesting people
David Keller
Owner of the Cleveland Heights
based insurance brokerage, Keller
National • Lifetime Cleveland
Heights resident • Loves the
unique architecture in our walk-
able community
Rebecca Price
Estate Planning & Probate At-
torney, Law Oces of Rebecca
Yingst Price, LLC • 15-year resi-
dent of Cleveland Heights • Loves
the beautiful historic walkable
neighborhoods, and the fantastic
independent restaurants!
Saroya Queen Tabor
Development Director for
Cleveland Kids in Need Resource
Center • Wife and mother of two
true TigerNation kids • NYC
transplant who would live no-
where else in Ohio but Cleveland
Heights . . . really!
Amanda Shaffer
Professional coach at Case
Western Reserve University and
www.sha •
Dedicated to equity, inclusion,
community and social progress
• Living in Cleveland Heights
since 2000 because all those
things are possible here
Kathleen Tark
Architect, urban designer and
owner of Metropolitan Archi-
tecture Studio • Heights resident
since 1996 • Loves the Garden
City history and neighborhood
character of Cleveland Heights!
April Urban
MSSA, CWRU, is a researcher
at the Center on Urban Poverty
and Community Development
• University Heights resident
since 2012 • Loves proximity to
University Circle, Shaker Square,
all Heights commercial districts
and easily bikeable streets
Our thanks to former board
members LLoyd Bell, Greg
Bonanno, Susan Delaney,
Shawn Paul Gustafson, Amy
Roth, Sagree Sharma, Kevin
Smith and Clare Ta for their
dedicated service to the mission
of FutureHeights.
Jessica Cohen
Managing Director, Commu-
nity Relations for the Jewish
Federation of Cleveland • Heights
resident for 5 years • Loves raising
her children in such a tight-knit
Julia Kious Zabell
Coach & Facilitator at
re:Invigorate • Moved back
from San Francisco to live in the
most beautiful and accessible
neighborhood in Cleveland . . .
Cleveland Heights!
2843 Washington Blvd., Suite 105
Cleveland Heights, OH 44118
Join Us
Your tax-deductible membership contribution goes
directly to supporting the community-based programs
and projects of FutureHeights that help strengthen our
wonderful neighborhoods. Join online today at our
secure website,, or by calling
Our Mission
FutureHeights works to inspire and facilitate col-
laboration and empowerment across our commu-
nities to ensure a vibrant and sustainable future
for Cleveland Heights and University Heights.
FutureHeights values:
Diverse, inclusive, active and informed citizen partici-
pation in community decision making
Appreciation for the time, talent and various forms of
support oered to our organization
Innovative ideas in addressing the challenges in our
Open and eective communication and partnerships
among nonprots, schools, local business, city govern-
ment and citizens
riving local business community
Preservation of historic neighborhoods and commer-
cial districts
High quality sustainability in design and architecture
Regional approach to innovation, planning and devel-
NO. 32 DECEMBER 2015
2014 Financial Statement
Unaudited condensed statement of activities
Revenue and Support
Grants $33,983
Memberships 18,844
Annual fund 7,876
Fiscal Agencies 2,235
Other Fundraisers 0
Online Auction 13,521
Earned Income 137,359
Misc. 1,651
Total Revenue and Support 215,469
Program $162,559
General and Administration 57,599
Fiscal Agency Expense 2,793
Fundraising 3,770
Depreciation 380
Total Expenses 227,101
Change in Net Assets (11,632)
Net Assets at Beginning of Year 76,016
Net Assets at End of Year $64,384
The FutureHeights nancial year begins January 1 and ends December 31.
FutureHeights is a 501(c)3 nonprot organization.
Contributions to FutureHeights are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. FutureHeights
participates in GuideStar, the online standard for nonprot accountability. Please visit to
view the organization’s Annual Form 990 and other organizational information.
FutureHeights Executive Director Deanna Bremer Fisher
(middle row, left), and board member Mark Chupp (front
row, 2nd from left), meet with the inaugural
class of com-
munity builders.
2014 FutureHeights Supporters*
Corporate/Foundation Supporters
Cedar Lee SID
CH-UH Public Library
Cuyahoga Arts & Culture
The Cyrus Eaton Foundation
Dewey’s Pizza
Digizoom Media
The GE Foundation
Greater Cleveland Community Shares
Susan Delaney, Howard Hanna
The K Foundation
Keller National
The MLG Philanthropic Fund of the
Jewish Federation of Cleveland
Neighborhood Connections
Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District
The Paintstone Foundation
The Progressive Insurance Foundation
The Robert and Margo Roth Family Phil-
anthropic Fund of the Jewish
The Tavern Company
Western Reserve Chorale
The Wine Spot
The Wolpert Fund of the Cleveland
Zagara’s Marketplace
Annual Fund Supporters
Community Investor
Mr. Arthur V. N. Brooks
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wean
Ms. Andrea Morris
Mr. William Watterson and Ms. Melissa
K. Richmond
Neighborhood Sustainer
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bell
Mr. Gregory Bonanno
Dr. and Mrs. Glenn DeBoer
Mr. William M. Ganger
Jim and Jen Grenwis
Mr. James D. Henke
Mrs. Joan Moore
Marjorie and Bert Moyar
John and Jean Piety
Jim and Connie Roop
Bill and Dallas Schubert
Clare Taft and Jason Smith
Civic Partner
James S. Anderson and
David W. Wittkowsky
Tom and Dorothy Bier
Cassie and Dan Budin
Judge Janet Burnside
Ms. Jane C. Busch
James and Claudia Cull
Deanna and Hugh Fisher
Dr. and Mrs. Steve Gordon
Mr. Arthur Heuer
Damir Janigro and Kim Conklin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Jeffreys
Amy and Phillip Jenkins
Ms. Linda Johnston
Susie Kaeser and Jerry Blake
Mary LaRiccia and Steve Kordalski
Tom and Marilyn McLaughlin
Medalie Family Fund of the Fidelity
Charitable Grant
*This list represents FutureHeights donors from January 1, 2014 through December 31, 2014
Evan Komito and Jewel Moulthrop
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Oldenburg
Dr. and Mrs. Roland Philip
Mr. Alan Rapoport
Roy E. Ritzmann and Joanne Westin
Mr. Alan J. Rocke
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Rosenbaum
Susan M. Staugaitis
Community Booster
Jim and Margie Bashaw
Mrs. Judith L. Beeler
Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Bennett
Ms. Gina M. Cheverine
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Diamond
Mrs. Mary A. Dunbar
Hugh and Wrean Fiebig
Mr. Mark Phillips and Lita Gonzalez
Jim Posch and Joyce Braverman
Kara and John Schellenberg
Dave and Martha Schubert
Ms. Rebecca Stolzman
Good Neighbor
Anonymous (6)
Mr. and Mrs. William Alcorn
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Andrews
Cathy and Bill Annable
Ms. Dorothy J. Broz
Patricia Carlyle
Dr. Elizabeth K. Dreben and Dr. Hillel J.
Ms. Kari Elsila
Ms. Belinda L. Farrow
Mr. and Mrs. George Fitzpatrick
Ms. Elizabeth J. Fleming
Tom and Carol Gibson
Ms. Carol Gill
Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Goldberg
Dr. Alfred D. Heggie
Ms. Judy Henderson
Ms. Beth Holbein
Ms. Ursula Korneitchouk
Ms. Helen Liggett
Sue and Howard Maier
Jean Martin
Don and Sandra McPherson
Dick and Marilyn Meadows
Fred and Bonnie Mills
Mr. and Mrs. David Perelman
Ms. Donalene S. Poduska
Marlene Rink
Cary Seidman
Jeff and Anne Smith
Strauss and Wozniak
Anonymous (2)
Ms. Esther Bockhoff
Althea Cheatham
Ms. Nadine Davis
Ms. Nancy L. Dudwick
Ms. Andrea Freeman
Ms. Jan Giles
Julie Evans
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Jamieson
Ms. Naomi Klarreich
Richard Lightbody M.D.
Ms. Linda Logan
Mrs. Ilene B. Saginor
Mr. Brian Schriefer
Mrs. Susan K. Sering Hughley
Ms. Carol A. Staiger
Ms. Janet Sweeton
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Volpe
Mr. George Witherspoon
Membership Supporters
Mr. and Mrs. Rob Namy
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wean
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bell
Douglas P. Whipple and Susan Tuck-
Squeaky Wheel
Ms. Eileen M. Burkhart
The Cowell Family Fund at the Cleve-
land Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Tom Hagesfeld
Dr. and Mrs. A. Gus Kious
Mr. Michael Lyford and Ms. Sonia Rajki
Ms. Andrea Morris
Tawny Ratner Philanthropic Fund of the
Jewish Federation of Cleveland
Dr. Beth Sersig and Dr. Christopher
The David P. and Elizabeth A. Shriver
Fund at the Cleveland Foundation
Clare Taft and Jason Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Volpe
Citizen Activist
Dr. and Mrs. William L. Annable
Ms. Bonnie M. Baker
Geoffrey and Maryann Barnes
Mr. Gregory Bonanno
Mr. Arthur V. Brooks
Bill and Carol Bruml
Cassie and Dan Budin
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Buss, II
Ruth Anna Carlson and Albert Leonetti
Mrs. Patti Carlyle
Mr. Greg DeGulis
Ms. Susan T. Delaney
Mr. Daniel Dempsey
John and Kathleen Fant
Deanna and Hugh Fisher
The Reverend Alan M. Gates
Wayne Hatcher and Eustacia Netzel-
Mr. James D. Henke
Mr. Robert Hexter
Amy and Phillip Jenkins
Mr. Malcolm E. Kenney
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas S. Kerr
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas C. McLaughlin
Mr. Michael Montlack
Mrs. Joan Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Bert W. Moyar
Ms. Vikki Nowak
Mrs. Louisa Oliver
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Parke
Linda Tobin and Dr. Stephen Pepper
Dr. Terri Perelman-Hall
Rebecca and Patrick Price
Alan Rapoport
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Roop
Robert and Margo Roth Family Philan-
thropic Fund of the Jewish Federation
of Cleveland
John and Barbara Schubert
Mr. Larry Shaw
Mr. Kevin P. Smith
Lloyd Snyder and Margaret Terry
Mr. Dermot Somerville and Ms. Ulle
Rebecca Stolzman and Patrick Duffy
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wellman
Anne and Glenn Billington
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Binnig
Mr. Henry R. Bloom
Ms. Barbara Brennan
Daniel J. Brustein and Joan E. Trey
George and Peggy Burke
Judge Janet Burnside
Ms. Jane C. Busch
Mrs. Marie Calabrese
Mr. Mark Salling and Ms. Cindie Carroll-
Carolyn and Vince Cheverine
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Chilcote
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Collins
Joyce Collins
Mr. Jeff Coryell
Mr. James Crisp
Ms. Jean Cross
James and Claudia Cull
Mr. Charles B. Cushwa
Walter Lambrecht and Greta De Meyer
Florence D’Emilia and Robert Quartell
Mr. and Mrs. Mike DeMinico
Dan and Laura Dempsey
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Diamond
Nancy Dietrich
Rosa and Jacob Dijkstra
Bernard and Helen Doherty
Mr. William C. DuGar and Dulcie A.
The Andrew and Leigh Fabens Chari-
table Fund at Schwab Charitable Fund
Mark and Judy Feingold
Mr. and Mrs. Rob Fischer
Eric & Jana Friess
Patricia Frost-Brooks
Mark and Krissy Dietrich Gallagher
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gathercole
Mike and Lisa Gaynier
Mr. Thomas A. Gilbride
Will and Jessica Goldstein
Steve and Jeanne Gordon
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Gross
Ms. Margaret A. Gudbranson
Ms. Erin Gyomber
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hanger
Mr. Arthur Heuer
Ms. Deborah Hillyer
Brian and Kim Hoover
Mr. Steve Hronek
Dan Jaffe and Beth Hellerstein
Mr. Damir Janigro
Ms. Gabrielle Jarrett
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Jeffreys
Ms. Linda Johnston
Charlie and Lindsay Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jones
Steven Kanner and Karly Whitaker
Dr. David Kazdan and Ms. Laura Gooch
Ms. Ann C. Kent
Ms. Dorothy Klemm
Ms. Kelly Kosek
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Kuenzel
Mr. and Mrs. William Kurtz
Steve Kordalski and Mary LaRiccia
Brian Larson and Laurie Albright
Ms. Elizabeth Lehtola
Ms. Nancy Levin
Hester Lewellen and Glending Olson
Ms. Malia R. Lewis
Ms. Helen Liggett
Norton and Joni London
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Lustic
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Lynn
Sue and Howard Maier
Mark and Beth Majewski
Mr. and Mrs. Jay A. Mann, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John Martin
William Finn and Rachel Martinez-Finn
Ms. Martha and Mr. Patrick McGraw
Mr. and Mrs. John A. McMahon, III
Mr. Jeffrey Donnelly and Mrs. Eve
Mrs. Edith Miller
Fred and Bonnie Mills
Marge and Dan Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Moulthrop
Jewel Moulthrop and Evan Komito
Shari Nacson and Ben Nichols
Lisa and Derek Navracruz
Mr. and Mrs. David Olszewski
Ms. Leslie Organ
Hunter and Sara Peckham
David and Judie Perelman
George and Missy Perlic
Ms. Katherine Petrey
Mr. Mark Phillips and Lita Gonzalez
John and Jean Piety
Ms. Joanne Poderis
Ms. Donalene S. Poduska
Pavia Lewis and Andrew Pollis
Mr. David P. Porter and Ms. Margaret K.
Mr. Lester Potash
Elaine Price and Gordon Landefeld
Ms. Kaye Price
Ms. Evelyn Prince
Mr. and Mrs. Quentin Quereau
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Resseger
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Rosenbaum
Sandra Russ
Mr. Brian Schaner
Mrs. Kara Schellenberg
Mr. Peter Schoeld
Mrs. Viktor Schreckengost
Tom and Jackie Shantz
Mr. and Mrs. John Sheridan
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Shockey
Dean and Judith Sieck
Mr. Peter Hochberg and Ms. Maxine
Susan and Tom Skove
Jeff and Anne Smith
Brian Smith and Marji Edguer
Ms. Peggy Spaeth
Ms. Susan Staugaitis
Donald and Carmine Stewart
Ms. Sandy Stone
Ms. Susan B. Strauss
Ms. Sandra Strickland Wilson
Beth Szpak
Mr. P. L. Taylor and Mrs. Sarah L. Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Titchenal
Ms. Amy Wagar Cinch
Mr. Steve Warner
Ms. Johnetta Wiley
Mr. R Allen Wilkinson
Dr. and Mrs. Howard Willen
Mr. Tim Wojnar
Ms. Susan Wolpert
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Zahler
Anonymous (3)
Mrs. Johnna Balasko-Hicks
Ms. Hannah Baldwin
Ken Barcus
Ms. Ellen Barrett
Ms. Judith L. Beeler
Ms. Cynthia Boncella - In memory of Jim
Arnold and Susan Dahm
Ms. Jan M. Devereaux
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Eagan
Marilyn Eppich
Anne Finnegan
Mr. and Mrs. George Fitzpatrick
Ms. Elizabeth J. Fleming
John and Pam Gibbon
Erin Gisel
Dr. Alfred D. Heggie
Ms. Greta Jackson
Ms. Evelyn D. Jones
Ms. Melissa Jones
Sue Kenney
Ms. Kathryn Lad
Mrs. Julie Langan
Richard Lightbody, MD
Ms. Nan Little
Mr. and Mrs. Donald McPherson
Dick and Marilyn Meadows
Mr. James J. Posch, Jr.
Bob and Marlene Rink
Mary Rossi
Paul Ruhland
Anthony Rupcic
Ms. Rita Schlemmer
B.F. St. Angelo
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Sumner
Ms. Jody Taslitz
Ms. Josephine Weber
Ms. Paula Woods
Anonymous (10)
Mrs. Stephanie Ash
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Austin
Ms. Pamela Barr
Steven D. Bennett
Rolf and Marty Bergman
Esther I. Bockhoff
Ms. Dorothy J. Broz
David and Doris Budin
Ms. Delores L. Burt
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Williams
Bill and Annette Cappaert
Mr. Laurence Channing
Erica and Harry Cikanek
Ms. Roslyn S. Collins
Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Csoltko
Pat Dillard
Ms. Nancy L. Dudwick
Ms. Mary F. Elder
Ms. Belinda L. Farrow
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Fiebig
Ms. Hardy Flickinger
Barbara S. Framke
Ms. Andrea Freeman
Rachel Giesey
Carol Gill
Dr. Jane Glaubinger
Ms. Deborah Glosserman
Ms. Riki Hanley
Mrs. Gloria M. Hanson
Ms. Judith Henderson
Mrs. Ann T. Herbruck
Ms. Stephanie Hiedemann
Mrs. Laurel Hopwood
Judith Isaacs
Mr. William Jones
David and Katherine Jorgensen
Ms. Maria Kaiser
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kinsella
Mrs. Sue Klein
Richard and Virginia Labus
Marilyn and Chris Langmack
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lichtenstein
Ms. Linda Martin
Ms. Betty A. Nelson
Mr. Timothy O’Donnell
Ms. Karstin Olofsson
Ms. Nancy E. Olton
Renee Psiakis
Mrs. Jane Reynolds
Ms. Carolyn A. Robb
Mrs. Ilene B. Saginor
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley N. Sanders
Ms. Margaret Schroeder
Mr. J. G. Seewald
Mrs. Susan K. Sering Hughley
Heart & Sole
Heights Arts
Heights Frame and Art
Heights Hardware
Heights Libraries
Heights Mini Storage
Heights Rockefeller Building
Heights Youth Theatre
James Henke
Houde School of Acting
Mark Inglis
Intercontinental Hotel Cleveland
Judith Eugene Designs
Keep it Local Cleveland
Keller National
Lake View Cemetery
Lisa Lansing
Christine Link
Donna Lipson, LMT
Long Road
Sandy J. Love, Fairmount School of
Loving Hands Group
Loving Hands Yoga and Reiki
Luna Bakery Cafe
Mac’s Backs-Books on Coventry
Mama Joyce’s Soulfood Cafe
Melt Bar & Grilled
John Milgram
Mister Brisket
Russ Mitchell
Mitchell’s Fine Chocolates
MJM Landscape Design and Construction
MOTOPHOTO Cedar Center
Motorcars Group of Cleveland Heights
Marcey Mougey
Jewel Moulthrop
Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District
Organizing 4 U, LLC
Pacic East Restaurant
Patrick Paoletta
Passport to Peru
Phoenix Coffee
Rebecca Price, Esq.
Rainbow Veterinary Clinic - Dr. Linda
Revati Wellness - Thomas J. Morledge, M.D.
Revive Fair Trade Boutique
Revolution Books
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum
Rockefeller’s Restaurant
Scoperta Importing
Barbara Seidel
Shawn Paul Salon
Simply Charming - Baubles, Bijoux &
Sing and Swing
Soho Kitchen & Bar
Spynga Flows
St. Paul’s Men’s Council
Strategic Pricing Associates - David
Rebecca Stolzman
David Taf t
Laura and Barney Taxel
Studio Taylor
Sun Luck Garden
Sunshine Too
Susan Delaney - Howard Hanna
Sweetie Fry
T2 Children’s Illustrators
Ten Thousand Villages
The City Club of Cleveland
The Cleveland Botanical Garden
Nancy Sherwin
Lucy Simm
Mrs. Carolyn Snyder-Kelly
Ms. Patricia C. Solomon
Ben and Sonja Taeusch
Ms. Gillian Todd
Mrs. Margaret N. Trevis
Lara Troyer and Jeff Dyck
Sara S. Tucker
Ms. Judith Van Kleef
Ms. Cecelia M. Vidmar
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Wachter
Mariel Wallace
Mr. John E. Waltz
Carolyn G. Warner
Ms. Barbara Wherley
Theodore R. Wilson
Catherine and Edward Yandek
Mrs. Adele H. Zucker
Special Events Supporters
A Better Pet, LLC
A Cut Above
Aharon Denton Photography
Ardmore Tree Service
Atma Center
Attenson’s Antiques & Books
Avalon Exchange
Big Fun Toy Store
Bike Cleveland
Blush Boutique
Bremec on the Heights Garden Center
Regina Brett
Buffalo Wild Wings
Cain Park
Cedar Lee Special Improvement District
Cellar Door Cleveland
City of Cleveland Heights, Division of
Parks and Recreation
Cleveland Beer Week
Cleveland Cinemas
Cleveland City Dance and City Ballet of
Cleveland Council on World Affairs
Cleveland Heights Historical Society
Cleveland International Film Festival
Cleveland Montessori
Cleveland Play House
Cleveland Potters Co-Op
Cleveland Rocks and Beads
Jeff Coryell
Communion of Saints Parish
Coventry Cats
Cozy at Home Pet Sitting
Critical Hit Games
Curves University Heights
Cuyahoga Arts & Culture
Sheela Das
Kathy Dawson - Relationship Coach
Dewey’s Pizza
Diamond’s Flowers
Digizoom Media
Dobama Theatre
Eddys Barbershop
Edible Cleveland
Ensemble Theatre
Family Connections
FarmShare Ohio
Deanna and Hugh Fisher
Four and Twenty Mercantile
Friends of Cain Park
Friends of Heights Libraries
Funny Times
Gray & Company, Publishers
Green Tara Yoga and Healing Arts
Guys Pizza
Hanna Perkins Center for Child Development
Chris Hanson
Ms. Angela Wilder
Diana M. Woodbridge
Civic Champion
Anonymous (2)
Eddie and Euclid Alix
Rachel Bernstein
Tom and Dorothy Bier
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Cahen
Mr. Darin Croft
Mr. John Davies
Rachel and Peter DeGolia
Dr. Hillel J. Chiel and Dr. Elizabeth K.
Jeffrey R. Dross and Michele J.
Ketti Finneran and Rick Brown
Barbara and Roger French
Mr. William M. Ganger
Mr. Joseph Geiger, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Goldfarb
Mrs. John A. Hadden
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Hatch
Bruce Hennes
Ms. Helen Hertz
Louis & Sylvia Rosenblum Memorial
Philanthropic Fund of the Jewish
Federation of Cleveland
Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Johnson
Dr. and Mrs. Donald Junglas
Don and Joan Kimmel
Mrs. Ellen Kloppman
Ms. Ursula Korneitchouk
Ms. Donna Lalewicz
Ms. Betsy Mahlke
Ms. Kay L. Martin
Claudia Metz and Tom Woodworth
Ms. Diane Mogren
Ms. Kathleen Mooney
Mr. Joseph J. Morford
Mr. James Nabti and Ms. Jennifer Roeder
Mr. Bob Oldenburg
Ms. Donna Pacchioni
Vivian Pospisil
Steve and Joyce Rajki
Mr. Lee Reis
Ms. Gretchen Reynolds
Roy Ritzmann and Joanne Westin
Mr. Alan J. Rocke
Marcia and Arthur Rosenbaum
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Rothenberger
Katherine and Robert Ruhl
Robert and Barbara Sabo
Ian Verschuren and Julie Schlemmer
Ms. Katherine Solender
Mr. Lawrence Sollisch
Ms. Susan Spector
Ms. Sara Stashower
Mr. Richard Stewart
William Busta and Joan Tomkins
Anne Unverzagt and Richard Goddard
Mr. and Mrs. James Vail
Ms. Lisa Lehman and Ms. Wendy
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Zipkin
Mr. David Zordan
Anonymous (7)
Mr. Tom Adams
Stanley and Hope Adelstein
Mr. and Mrs. William Alcorn
Karen Allen, Ed Becker
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Andrews
Joanne and Michael Bailis
Mr. Russell Z. Baron
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bauer
Mr. David Bergholz and Ms. Eleanor Mallet
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bier
Simon’s Automotive
Simply Charming
Skettle Electric
Sleep Source
St. Alban Episcopal Church
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
State Farm-Betsy Warner
Susan Delaney-Howard Hanna
Sweetie Fry
Ten Thousand Villages
The Alcazar
The Cleveland Museum of Natural History
The Fairmount
The Mad Greek
The Music Settlement
The Stone Oven Bakery and Cafe
The Tavern Company
The Wine Spot
Thomas Zafro Attorney
Tommy’s Restaurant
Tom Olson
Unleashed Potential Dog Training
Uston Roof Restoration
Verne & Ellsworth Hann, Inc.
VJ Excavating
Walters DDS
Washington & Lee Service
Washington Insurance
Watterstone Company
Weeks Automotive
Wohl Tax & Financial Services
Wood Trader
First Ladies of Choice
Forest Hill Church
Forest Hill Swim Club
Friends of Heights Libraries
Funny Times
Geauga Rescue Village
Geraci’s Pizza
Green Tara Yoga
Grandpa’s Here
Groundworks Dance Theater
Harvey & Friends Bookstore
Heights Arts
Heights Community Congress
Heights Family Foundation
Heights Frame & Art
Heights Handyman
Heights Hardware
Heights Music Hop
Heights Youth Club
Herb’s Plumbing
Holden Arboetum
Home Repair Resource Center
Hospice of the Western Reserve
Insight Clinical Trials
Joey’s Bistro Bar
Judson Park
Keller National
La Pizzeria
Larchmere Porchfest
Laura’s Piano Service
Law Ofce of Michael Dylan Brennan
Lawn Lad
Locker Room Barber Shop
Loving Hands Group
Mac’s Backs-Books on Coventry
Maycourt Apartments
Michelle’s Therapy
Mitchell’s Fine Chocolates
MJM Landscape Design & Construction
MJM Window Restoration
Montessori High School
Montgomery Tree
Montlack Realty
Neat & Trim Painting
Neff Landscaping
Neubert Painting
New Heights Grill
No. 1 Roong
North Union Farmers Market
Nuisance Animal Trapping
Ofcer Jason D. West Memorial
Ohio Window
Pacic East
PC Handyman
Perennials Preferred
Perry Auto Center
Phoenix Coffee
Q the Tailor
Quintana & Son
Quintana’s Barber & Dream Spa
Reilly Painting & Contracting
Ripley ENT Tree Service
Rufng Montessori School
Sally Kish
Scott Haigh-Howard Hannah
Sean Malone for County Council
Selective Homes LLC
Sew What!
Shen Yun
Shore Carpet
The Cleveland Museum of Natural His
The Cleveland Orchestra
The College Club of Cleveland
The Greenhouse Tavern
The Grog Shop
The Katz Club Diner
The Mad Greek
The Market Farm
The Music Settlement
The Stone Oven Bakery and Cafe
The Studio Cleveland
The Swedish Solution
The Tavern Company
Weeks Automotive
WEWS NewsChannel 5
Douglas Whipple
Dennis Wilcox
The Wine Spot
WJCU 88.7 FM
Tommy’s Restaurant
White Cloud Studios
Wigs by CC
Wood Trader Framing
Yoga Roots, LLC
Zagara’s Marketplace
Heights Observer Advertisers
We appreciate the support of our Heights
Observer advertisers who make the publica-
tion of the newspaper possible.
Affordable Maintenance
Alex’s Tree Service
Anatolia Cafe
Antiques at Michaels
Apple Construction
Appletree Books
Ardmore Tree Service
Art Therapy Studio
Atma Center
Avant Garde Shows
Bachman Insurance
Barle Soup & Sandwich
Beachwood Arts Council
Beaumont School
Big Fun Toy Store
Bolt & Spool
Bremec on the Heights
Brennan’s Colony
Buffalo Wild Wings
Cain Park
Cavotta’s Garden Center
Cedar Center Hardware
Cedar Fairmount SID
Cedar Lee SID
Centers for Families and Children
CHHS Alumni Foundation
CH-UH City School District
Church of the Covenant
Church of the Saviour
Class 1 Pavers & Remodelers
Cleveland Chamber Music Society
Cleveland Institute of Art
Cleveland International Film Festival
Coit Road Farmers Market
College Club of Cleveland
Coventry Village SID
Cube Workspace
David Lavelle
Disciples Christian Church
Dobama Theatre
Dwight Hollins Agency
East Side Fast Appraisals
Edward Kelley
Edwards Painting
Eileen McKeon-Howard Hanna
Eve’s Painting & Home Repair
Fairmount School of Music
First Baptist Church
First Church of Christ Scientist