ANKI for Beginners
(Domino Chinese)
I created this mostly for myself to document my struggles getting ANKI to work properly but,
then I thought “Why not share this with the world” and here we are.
I was very confused, and perhaps I wasn’t paying attention to the original wonderful instructions
by Felix, but whatever the reason I just couldn’t get anything to work.
Here is the ONE MOST IMPORTANT THING I discovered:
Filtered Decks only do what you ask them to do once, and then return their cards back to
the home deck.
Read that again for me….
All the clicking on REBUILD on a filtered deck set to “new” will do nothing at all because the
filtered deck never sees anything as new until you tell it something new is going to happen.
The ONLY deck that ever rebuilds is the one using “IS:DUE” command.
However, let’s not get all confused here either, let’s just start getting this to work.
4 filtered decks -
“Recognition” - Asks you to say aloud the ENGLISH definition of character(s)
“Recall” - Asks you to input by keyboard the character(s) for the ENGLISH definition
“Handwriting” - Asks you to draw the strokes for the characters
“Review” - Shows each day what is due for review
Honestly, I do not have any device on which I can draw at the moment, and I refused to pay $25
for the iPhone version of ANKI, so I do not use ANKI for Handwriting.
The original video on Domino Chinese will get your filtered decks created just fine and I suggest
you start there because I refuse to reinvent the wheel. (As of this revision the search criteria is
incorrect in the video but I corrected it below.)
Once you have them set up, return here for some tweaking.
I am going to make some assumptions at this point. I am going to assume you are at Level 1
Lesson 1. If you are farther I’ll work on that later. (I was at Level 2 already when I started this
ANKI journey making it even more difficult for me)
**If you are just starting Domino Chinese but have already poked around in ANKI, you should
reset your deck or you will see cards you’ve already tried to work out. To do that, click
BROWSE, select Decks in filter, select the Domino deck, select all the cards (ctrl-a), click
CARDS/Reschedule and enter. This will take a minute or two, but will reset your deck to a
beginning state.**
Set your recognition filtered deck to ONLY see this search option:
card:"Recognition" is:new tag:"Level1::Chapter1::Lesson1"
Set your “Recall” filtered deck to:
card:"recall" is:new tag:"Level1::Chapter1::Lesson1"
Your “Handwriting” filtered deck will use the same “Level1::Chapter1::Lesson1” option.
You should have your limit set to 1000 and “older seen first”
**NOTE: Lesson 1 has only 8 vocabulary items so don’t panic, if you see MORE than 8 at
this point you still have some strays.**
(rev note: If you don’t include Chapter number in filter you will get every card that has a tag with
“Level1” and “Lesson 1” anywhere in the tag field. This was originally left out of the filter in the
PDF at Domino Chinese. Your study at Domino Chinese is clearly marked on the website which
Level/Chapter/Lesson you are on and each chapter has 4 lessons.)
Now… here we go… this was the hard part to figure out.
**NOTE: Never use the EASY button when first using ANKI, you will only get frustrated.
Always use the SPACEBAR (GOOD) when you have something right. ONLY use GOOD or
First, click on the Recognition Filtered deck and it should show you 8 items to study now. If not,
click “rebuild”. Click STUDY NOW and do the work. When it shows a character say it to yourself,
then hit the spacebar. It will show you the answer. If you were right just hit the spacebar again to
move to the next card. If you were wrong click “AGAIN” to return the card to the filtered deck
and you will see it again during this study. The first time you hit GOOD it will set a review time of
10 minutes. The next time you hit GOOD without hitting AGAIN, it will set a review time of 1 day.
Second, when finished with Recognition do the same thing with Recall, except this time you will
be typing the answers. Just input the answer (using your Chinese keyboard and pinyin), hit
ENTER, and if you were right the answer will be highlighted GREEN. If so, just hit spacebar to
move on, if wrong hit AGAIN to see it again during this study.
If you have Handwriting set up move to that filtered deck and do the study.
When you are finished with these three filtered decks you are done for today.
Hitting REBUILD over and over and over is going to do nothing more because there are
only 8 things in Lesson1 and you just studied them. They have all been marked with a
DUE date and returned to the original deck. DO NOT GET FRUSTRATED thinking
something is broken. IT IS NOT.
Relax, you did your thing for today, you studied Lesson 1. Nothing more is going to happen until
tomorrow. (Unless you hit EASY for everything, then nothing is going to happen for 4 days!!
Don’t hit EASY.)
Let’s say you got all excited and you did Lesson 2 on Domino Chinese and want to add that
vocabulary to your flashcards. Okay, let’s do that.
Open ANKI, click on the little wheel next to each filtered deck and change OPTIONS from
Lesson1 to Lesson2. You only need to change the 1 to a 2.
Click REBUILD on each deck.
Oh look! It should say you have 13 to study. (Lesson 2 vocab is 13) Go ahead, follow the
same routine as yesterday.
When you are done studying Lesson 2 nothing will happen in these 3 Filtered Decks. The cards
have all been returned to the home deck and clicking REBUILD over and over and over will do
nothing. But, what happened to Lesson1??
Click “Review”
There is what is due from Lesson 1! (Should be 8 but not more) Magic! Do the review, hit space
bar when correct, AGAIN when wrong. When it says you are finished you are finished for the
day. Nothing more is going to happen today. Have some 咖啡.
So now the REVIEW filtered deck has 21 total cards in the rotation (Lesson 1 and Lesson 2) It is
always looking in the MAIN deck for cards marked DUE when you hit REBUILD. You have to
REBUILD each day, it is NOT AUTOMATIC. You can only rebuild once a day, usually 4 hours
after midnight if you haven’t changed the setting. Only the Review deck will rebuild now, the
other filtered decks are empty.
**Everything is happening in the Review Filtered Deck until you study new cards in the
other decks, and you have to change the LESSON number to the next lesson to add new
DAY 3, Lesson 3
Notice I assume you are doing a Lesson a day. Maybe you are, maybe you are not. Regardless,
each time you do a new lesson on Domino Chinese you should change the lesson number in
the 3 filtered decks: Recognition, recall, handwriting. Then, rebuild and study those cards from
that lesson in those 3 decks. After that, do your review in REVIEW deck. Always use space bar
(GOOD) when right or AGAIN when wrong.
Keep an eye on the GOOD button. It tells you when the card will come back up for review.
When it shows a large number of days, say 12d, just go ahead and click EASY, we are
going to use that feature in a few minutes.
The number of cards in each lesson is as follows for Level 1 up to Lesson 5::
8, 13, 28, 26, 33
Total of 108 cards by the time you get to Lesson 5. I personally don’t suggest doing more than 5
lessons at a time.
Now, when you get to Lesson 6 we can start dropping cards from the review. This is why we
started clicking EASY when the cards got to 12 days until next review.
Buckle up…
First we are going to remove some cards from our review because they have become EASY
and we want to keep our reviews a manageable number of cards. (There is another way to
manage your reviews also, I’ll cover that in a few minutes.)
Click BROWSE from the decks list screen. In the SEARCH field type: rated:31:4 hit enter. A list
of cards will show that you have marked EASY in the last month. Select ALL of those cards,
then click CARDS>RESCHEDULE in the menu:
Select OK with the default options:
This will return all cards marked EASY to the queue where they will remain available until used
in future lessons.
Now you can add Lesson 6 by changing the Lesson number in the 3 filtered decks and
rebuilding them and then study. This time, when you do the Review deck, the cards already
marked EASY will not be shown, and the cards ready for review marked GOOD will be shown.
Make sure from now on, as you review, to mark any cards EASY if they show a 12 day review
period on the GOOD button, and before adding the next lesson, SUSPEND the EASY cards.
Why? Because maybe 12 days from now, or 24 days from now, you will forget what
one of the characters means if you don’t see it often. So what if you don’t want to remove cards
from the review? Then change your review daily limit and rebuild more than once a day.
Click the WHEEL next to your Review Filtered Deck, click OPTIONS, and change the Limit from
1000 to 150:
Now you will get only 150 reviews cards with each rebuild. (You may have to rebuild several
times a day to stay current)
Your daily routine from now on will be:
(now you can use rated:1:4 to just find the ones you marked EASY yesterday)
Hope this helps. I will try to get more tips and tricks together as I go along.
Rev 1b 14/11/18