1-Page Wedding Plan
A simple way to create your best day.
Use the attached guide to complete the 1-Page Wedding Plan for an easy, down-to-earth overview of planning your wedding.
Couples that use the 1-Page Wedding Plan are empowered to celebrate their love in unique, personal ways without breaking the bank.
Next Big Goal
What’s your next big goal
after your wedding?
Post-Wedding Savings:
Starting Budget
Savings Plan
Wedding Budget
Check the guide for helpful details!
Wedding Size
Wedding Budget
Est. Services Budget
Est. Cost Per Guest
Est. # of Guests
Use a Honeyfund Wedding Fund to
organize contributions
Cost per guest on average may be
between $130-300 depending on
the size and scale of your event
Wedding Plan
Time of Year
Sights, Smells, Details
Venue & Date
Ceremony Venue Fee
Reception Venue Fee
Per Guest Fee (if any)
Wedding Date
Find unique vendors in Honeyfund’s Vendor Directory!
Services + Vendors
Fixed Costs
________ Attire
________ DJ/Musicians
________ Florist
________ Ofciant
________ Photographer
________ Planner
________ Stylist
________ Videographer
________ Other
Per-Person Costs
________ Cake
________ Catering
________ Favors
________ Guest Rooms
________ Invitations
________ Rentals
________ Transportation
________ Other
Per-Person Rate
Guest List
Wedding Budget
Actual Per-Person Costs
Per-Person Rate
Actual # of Guests
Actual Fixed Costs
Invites & Registry
____/____/______ Save the Dates
____/____/______ Register for Gifts
____/____/______ Order Invitations
____/____/______ Send Invitations
Thank You
Print Honeymoon Photos
Mail Thank You Cards
Cash is exible. Register at
Check your budget one more time
before making your guest list!
Copyright Honeyfund.com, Inc. 2021. All rights reserved.
Est. Min. Fixed Costs
1-Page Wedding Plan
The Next Big Goal
Step one of our plan starts with a peek into your life beyond
the wedding day. Why? Because a good plan always begins
with the end in mind. Many couples make the mistake of
thinking that the result of all this time, effort and money is a
wedding. That’s wrong. The result is your marriage. That’s the
end that you should have in mind. More specically, imagine
the next big goal that you have as a couple. Is it buying a new
house? Starting a family? Finishing a graduate program or
paying off loans?
Whatever it is, it probably requires you to have some savings
on Day 1 of your marriage. So, take a moment to write down
your next big goal on the 1-Page Wedding Plan. How much
money would you like to have in the bank when you wake up
the morning after your wedding? You may not need the whole
budget for your next big goal on day one. If that’s the case,
just write down the amount you’d like to start with.
You’re embarking on the greatest adventure of your life:
marriage. And it all starts with one special day. In your
wedding planning journey, you’ll discover you’re up against
some pretty intense forces pushing you toward a bigger,
more expensive wedding. We know there are some amazing
vendors out there committed to making your day special. But
those forces can result in some serious fear of screwing up
the most important moment of your life. This plan is foolproof
against that kind of pressure.
The 1-Page Wedding Plan was created to help you make
your wedding day the best day of your life.
You see, Honeyfund was created by a real couple—like
you! —to solve a wedding budget problem. Over the past
15 years, we’ve learned a thing or two about making
extraordinary things happen on a realistic budget. And we
know something doesn’t have to be big to be great. And
neither does your wedding. In fact, when you focus more
on making the wedding authentic to you two, it becomes
something bigger than the cookie-cutter event with a
$35,000 price tag. Your wedding becomes something better
than you could have ever imagined. This plan will get you
there. Ready? Let’s go.
Not the BIG day, the BEST day.
Creating a wedding budget is simple. You’ll just use the
formula from the 1-Page Wedding Plan.
Wait, this plan makes you calculate formulas?
Don’t worry. We’ll help you do this simple math. All you need
are our calculators on the next page.
Starting Budget
+ Savings Plan
+ Contributions
= Wedding Budget
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1-Page Wedding Plan
Savings Plan
Tip: We advise not to pick a wedding date before working
on the budget so you can create a timeline that works for your
savings plan. When friends and family ask you when you’re
getting married, you can respond, “We’re still working out the
details, but we’re shooting for a year (18 months, two years)
from now.
Monthly Savings
Write in how much you can save each month.
Months Until the Wedding
How many months are there until your wedding?
Savings Plan Calculator
Contributions Calculator
Family & Friend Contributions
Starting Budget
Emergency savings is how much you’ll need to cover three
months of living expenses. That includes your rent or housing
payment, food, utilities and anything else you need to live
month-to-month. Now that you’re getting married, you have a
responsibility to protect your family in case of the unexpected.
Your emergency savings is how you do that.
Total Savings
Write in how much you have combined, today,
in cash or liquid assets
Next Big Goal
Write the number from your Next Big Goal box.
Emergency Savings
Write in your monthly expenses multiplied by 3
Starting Budget Calculator
The rst number is your Starting Budget. Think of it like all the
money you have available today, minus what you need to
have left over after the wedding. Use our calculator at right to
tally it up.
If your Starting Budget is negative or very small, don’t
worry! This plan will help you come up with a workable
wedding budget anyway. All we need to do is add
some money.
Calculate the formula with different numbers of months
to see how that changes the total Savings Plan.
The rst way to add money to your wedding budget is with
monthly savings. How many months will you save? The
typical engagement period is 12-24 months.
How much can you each afford to save during your
engagement period leading up to your wedding day? There
are plenty of ways to nd additional funds in your monthly
income. Try taking on a side hustle, adjusting your paychecks
tax withholdings or asking for a raise. It’s hard for an employer
to say no when you tell them you’re getting married.
Use the Savings Plan calculator at right to see how much you
can add to your wedding budget.
Next, you’ll calculate Friends and Family Contributions.
Parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles often want to
contribute nancially or donate food, desserts, drinks or
owers. If you have no idea what this number might be,
one easy way to nd out is to set up a wedding fund in your
Honeyfund account. List the common costs associated with
a wedding and share the page with your closest friends and
family. They can donate the money right there or peruse the
list and let you know their intentions. Heres an example of
what that could look like.
The other option is to simply call them up and ask. It will feel
awkward, but it’s a conversation each bride and groom need
to have. Use the Contributions Calculator at right to total up
the contribution.
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1-Page Wedding Plan
By now, you should have a good sense of the size of the
wedding you’ll be able to pull off with your budget. With this
number in mind, it’s time to close your eyes and start to picture
your best day.
Do you have wedding guests watching? Or are you alone on a
mountaintop, jumping out of an airplane or in a Vegas chapel?
(Yes, people get married this way! For more “alternative”
wedding ideas, visit the Honeyfund blog.) Are you at your
favorite travel destination? Which country, state and city are
you in? What time of year is it? Are you in the church or other
house of worship? Are you outside in a wooded area, near the
ocean, or at a park? Do you have a wedding party? Whose
faces do you see? Look out at your wedding guests. Who are
the people smiling back at you from the rst two rows?
Try to imagine the SIGHTS, SMELLS, SOUNDS, COLORS, and
FEELINGS you are having. Now complete the Vision box on
the 1-Page Wedding Plan.
You may want to do this visioning exercise separately,
then discuss until you have a combined vision. When
you do, write it into the plan.
Wedding Size (Skip for Elopements)
There’s one more simple calculation to do, and then we’re
done with the math for now. This box will help you get
a rough estimate of how many guests your budget can
accommodate. If you think of a wedding’s xed cost as the
bare minimum you need to actually get married, that’s usually
somewhere between $500 and $2,000. That would cover
the cost of things like a marriage license, an ofciant, and a
To estimate your wedding size in terms of the number of
guests, write your wedding budget into the box. Subtract your
estimated xed costs and enter the new total. This is how
much you can afford to spend on everything else, including
the per-person fees, like cake, food, drinks, owers and favors.
If you want a more elaborate wedding—the large
wedding cake, a plated meal, open bar and expensive
favors—divide your per guest budget by $200 or $300.
You can have a fancier event, but it will impact your
number of guests. See how that works?
Can’t afford to pay costs per guest?
Consider eloping, getting married in a standup ceremony, or
other ideas from our “Weddings For Every Budget” series on
the Honeyfund blog. We’ve got guides for $5000 weddings,
$1000 weddings, and even $500 weddings.
Let’s say the “per head” price for all these things is $130,
which is on the low end of the range (it can easily be $300 per
guest or more). You’ll divide your remaining budget by $130.
The result is the number of guests you can afford to host.
Congratulations! With these gures, you’re ready to calculate
your WEDDING BUDGET on your 1-Page Wedding Plan.
Write in the nal gures from your calculators on the Budget
box of the 1-Page Wedding Plan. Got it? Great!
Important: Think of your wedding budget, no matter the
number, as an aspect of your unique personalities.
Fun, jaw-dropping and surprising weddings can happen on
any budget. Pop-up weddings, ash weddings, backyard
weddings, park weddings, and potlucks have unique
character and charm because they are infused with YOUR
love and vision for your future together. You will have a great
wedding because this budget and the authentic day you
create represent the two of you at this moment in your lives.
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1-Page Wedding Plan
Finalize Guest List
It’s time to make your nal guest list. You might be thinking,
“But wait, aren’t couples told to make the guest list rst? Why
did we do all these other exercises before that?” Because your
budget should be the guiding factor in your wedding guest list
size. Most of us only have a handful of truly close friends and
family who we must include. Our wider circle of family, friends
and coworkers will support us even if they don’t attend the
wedding. And if they don’t, aren’t you glad you didn’t blow
your budget to include them? It’s also a great excuse when
If you absolutely must include everyone, you’ll have to
reduce the per guest price, do some things yourself,
and/or cut some services. Find DIY and cost-cutting
resources at honeyfund.com/TopResources.
your parents and friends start asking for additional guests to
invite. “I’m sorry, our budget only allows for a certain number
of guests. Wed love to plan a get-together with those friends
after the wedding.
Brainstorm about the services you plan to have for your
wedding. If you’re eloping or having another alternative type
of wedding, it won’t be many! Even for a traditional wedding,
you certainly don’t have to choose them all. Once you know
who you need to hire, start to research costs and choose a
vendor in each category.
Shop around to get the price that ts your budget. Remember,
if you need to make adjustments, you can always reduce the
guest list to t the budget. You haven’t invited anyone yet!
Need help asking the right questions? Check out “How to Ask
Venues, Vendors and Friends for Anything for Your Wedding”
on the Honeyfund blog.
Looking for nontraditional wedding resources that won’t break
the bank? Read up on our “Weddings For Every Budget” series
or check out the unique services in the Honeyfund Wedding
Vendor Directory.
Ok, this is exciting. You are getting really close to setting a
date! But rst, you have to settle on the venue. Many couples
nd that the venue they fall in love with isn’t available on their
dream date, so they change the date or get a new venue. But
you won’t have that problem.
At least 9-12 months in advance, start shopping for a venue.
With your vision already done, narrow down the venues
you are going to consider. Are you looking for a church, a
restaurant, a resort, a community center, a friend or family
member’s home, or a public park? Are you eloping to a favorite
destination or seeking another alternative wedding? Find
unique wedding venues at honeyfund.com/TopResources. Or
nd a local directory of traditional wedding venues, circle the
venues that t your style and wedding size, and call them up.
Once you’ve seen several venues and chosen one, nd out
their availability and book a date.
Ask if they can accommodate your budget before you
visit! Don’t worry if you get a lot of nos. There are plenty
of yeses out there.
Be sure to choose a date that coincides with the
number of months you’ve committed to saving up.
You now have your wedding date! Write down your wedding
date on the 1-Page Wedding Plan. You can also write in the
essential venue-related fees here. Total these numbers and
subtract them from your overall budget. This is how much you
have left to book services and vendors.
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1-Page Wedding Plan
What About the Honeymoon?
Honeyfund has been helping couples plan and pay for the
honeymoon of their dreams for 15 years. All you need is a free
Honeyfund account at honeyfund.com/signup. We’ll walk you
through the rest.
Need help deciding how to register?
Whether you’re dreaming of Vegas, Fiji, Italy, or another
amazing destination, we’ve curated starter registries you can
browse as inspiration for your romantic getaway!
Thank You Cards
Congratulations, you made it to your big day. You’re married!
Now make some time to write Thank You cards. Pick an
evening you’ll be together and write that date on the plan.
Handwritten cards are a lovely touch and inexpensive. Include
a picture of you both enjoying your honeymoon experience or
other gifts you received from your guests.
You can even send faux-handwritten cards from a
service that prints and mails them for you. Find all our
recommendations at honeyfund.com/TopResources.
Invites and Registry
A great way to save on the cost of your wedding is to keep
communication with guests simple. The rst step: e-mail or
text Save the Dates. You save money, and your guests can
easily reply when you ask for their addresses. Boom! Mailing
list done.
Create a Save the Date image in your Honeyfund
account under “Share.” Write the date you’ll send your
Save the Dates into the plan. Do this as soon as you
nalize your guest list.
We have a ton of DIY invitation ideas on our website at
About six months before your wedding date and before
you send invitations, register for gifts. Write that date in the
plan. Dreading the registry? Don’t worry. You can set up a
cash-based Honeyfund page in your pajamas. The best
part: Guests prefer shopping for experiences over dishes and
towels. How do we know? Honeyfund was started by a real
wedding couple to solve a real problem: no budget left for
the honeymoon. Since then, more than a million couples have
done the same, and guests always RAVE about the idea.
With your Honeyfund account, you can register for all the fun
experiences you’ll have on your honeymoon.
Got the honeymoon covered? Use your Honeyfund for a home
down payment or your Next Big Goal. It’s totally customizable.
Guest contributions end up as cash in your bank account,
giving you the ultimate exibility. Bonus: You can register for
nearly 200 popular gift card brands, too.
Check out some of our popular starter registries:
Starter Honeymoon Registry
Starter Home Registry
Fun! Registry
Anything Registry
About four months before the wedding, you’ll need to be ready
to mail your invitations. Write that date into the plan. If you are
ordering invitations, give yourself about two months before
the mailing date. Don’t forget to print invitation inserts from
your Honeyfund account. They include a link to your page.
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1-Page Wedding Plan
Questions or Feedback?
Wed love to hear from you. Visit honeyfund.com/ContactUs.
Check Out These Resources
$500 Weddings
$1000 Weddings
$5000 Weddings
Anything Registry
Fun! Registry
Starter Home Registry
Starter Honeymoon Registry
Wedding Fund
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