If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat?
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Answer key
Fiction: Poetry Structure
What do these poems have in common?
They are all about cats.
What is the main idea of the poem “Climbing”?
Cats are climbing a tree.
In the Cat Haiku poem, how many syllables are
in each line?
Line 1; 5
Line 2; 7
Line 3; 5
From what point of view is the poem “Climbing”
being told?
first-person point of view
During which season does “Cat Haiku” likely take
place? Support your answer.
Fall/Autum; The blowing leaf
How is the poem “Climbing” different from
ordinary poems?
No rhyming, no set rhythm, and no set line length.
Determine the meaning of the word precision in
the poem.
accuracy; perfect aim
How are the cats in the poem “Climbing”
different from one another?
The first cat is adventurous, the second is
cautious, the third is not climbing the tree and is
just watching.
What do the details from lines 11-16 in the poem
“Climbing” tell you about mama cat?
She is carefully watching her kittens. She might be
What is the rhyme scheme of the poem “My
How many stanzas are in the poem
“My Cat”?
4 stanzas
Climbing is a free verse poem. How is a free verse
poem different from a poem like My Cat?
A child; they came home from school; they talk
about their mother’s rules.
Which words rhyme in the second stanza?
laws and paws
Based on the poem “My Cat” what kind of
relationship do the cat and narrator have?
The child and the cat care about each other.
Determine the meaning of the word increment in
the poem.
step; move forward
Based on the fourth stanza, how does the narrator
feel about the cat? Support your answer with
evidence from the text.
The narrator loves the cat. “I feel my world is right
when I’m with my friend in fur.”
Week of: March 24-27
Due Date: March 30