Join-In for Grid 3
Google Translate
Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC) & Assistive Technology (AT)
+972 77 2114010 | |
Using Join-In Google Translate
There are two different ways to use Join-In Translate:
1) As a Standalone Application
Open Jo in-In Google Translate on you Grid 3 Grid Explorer.
See Page 3 and the rest of this document for details.
2) As a Tool Inside Other Applications
Click the button when you see Google Translate icon inside anothe r application.
Available in Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Android Messages and TikTok.
Appears in both Read and Write contexts for sending and receiving messages.
See Pages 4-5 only for details.
Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC) & Assistive Technology (AT)
+972 77 2114010 | |
About Join-In Translate
Join-In Google Translate is a standalone application for situations where
translating text is the only thing that you need to do - for exam ple, in a face-to-
face conversation with someone who speaks a different language. The main part
of the app works in the same way as using Join-In Google Translate from wi thin
any other Join-In application. Only the start and end points a re different.
Getting Started
Open Join-In Google Translate from you Grid 3 Grid Explorer page.
Type the message you want to translate on the keyboard.
Translate the circled button above will copy the text in the message window
onto the cl ipboard then open the Google Translate site .
Back go to the Join -In Google Translate start pa ge. You can exit to Grid Explorer
from here.
Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC) & Assistive Technology (AT)
+972 77 2114010 | |
Google Translate Main Page
Paste Text When the Google Translate site loads you will see a popup me ssage
at the top of the screen prompting you to click Paste Text. This pastes the text you
selected for translation into the source language input field.
Select Source Language select the language of the text you wrote . The default is
auto-detected language.
Select Target Language sele ct the language you want the text translated into.
Swap Languages swap the source and target languages.
Read Translation read the translation aloud. Reading aloud is done by Google
Translate (not by Grid 3) and will work only for languages where Google Translate
supports reading aloud.
Up / Down in cases where Google Translate offers more than one translation,
use the arrows to browse the different options.
Finish (shown when translating in Read mode) return to the application you
were using. If you are in Write mode, the translated text will be copied to the
keyboard page you return to, where you can read it aloud or send it as a message
- depending on which app you are using.
Cancel return to application without saving the translation.
Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC) & Assistive Technology (AT)
+972 77 2114010 | |
Select Language
When you first click Select Sour ce Language or Select Target Language, you will
see only the three most recently used lang uages appear as options to choose
from. If you want another language click See All to see the full list as shown in the
image above.
The buttons you see on this page and the way that you select an option from the
table depends on which control meth od (Eye Gaze, Switch, Tou ch, Mouse Dwell)
the Gridset you are using is optimized for. Please refer to the Join-In for Grid 3
Getting Started guide for information on how to downloa d the Gridsets that are
best for you.
Back / More these buttons in the table take you to the previous / next page of
available languages.
Back the back button in the Gridset closes the table and takes you back to the
main page.
Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC) & Assistive Technology (AT)
+972 77 2114010 | |
Redirect Messages
If you are using the Eye Gaze, Touch or Mouse Dwell optimized versions of Join-In
Translate, you will see a popup Redirect Message appear at the top of the page after
completing a selection.
When you see t his message, click the Redi rect Button (Go Back After Selection) to go
back to the main controls.